#Words of the day
inmyperfectworld · 6 months
To all of the healers, protectors, nurturers, and empaths:
It's NOT your duty to help, save, or heal everyone. Some people just simply can't be helped or saved. Also, remember some people are getting the things that they dished out to others, back to them, meaning they're receiving and facing their consequences. That's something that they have to deal with on their own. 🤍
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typelikeagirl · 2 years
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shotbyshe · 24 days
Words of the Day
A husband or wife, especially the spouse of a monarch.
A companion or partner.
An animal with which another animal, usually of the opposite sex, forms a bond for a temporary period during which the two individuals maintain close proximity and engage in mating or other sexual behavior.
Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; listless.
Slow-moving or weak in force.
Showing little or no vitality or animation.
The specialized language of a trade, profession, or similar group, especially when viewed as difficult to understand by outsiders.
Nonsensical or incoherent language.
A hybrid language or dialect; a pidgin. Not in technical use.
To change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform.
To undergo transmutation.
Opinion, or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.
An opinion, or conclusion, formed on defective or presumptive evidence; probable inference; surmise; guess; suspicion.
Any language deliberately constructed to disguise or distort its actual meaning, often by employing euphemism or ambiguity. Typically used by governments or large institutions.
Any language that pretends to communicate but actually does not.
I find it interesting that the definition of consort went from "spouse", to "gf/bf", to "just some animal you're currently fucking".
There was a lot of conjecture in "The Apothecary Diaries". I really enjoy mystery anime. That series really drew me in. The period-piece setting was also very comforting. I was truly transported. I was languid that week -- I really didn't want to get up and do anything -- "The Apothecary Diaries" was a great temporary escape for me.
There's 'say one thing, mean another' and there's 'say one thing, mean no thing'. The latter is doublespeak. Just STFU please.
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psychopasss4 · 8 months
I think we regular people may have forgotten a basic truth—we don’t really have the right to judge anyone else.
~Kanae Minato
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leoreadss · 5 months
Words of the day:
He's always a double flusher.
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rainsparadiso · 5 months
Tszuj -improving or making fabulous
Wanton -deliberate or unprovoked reaction
Partisan -a strong supporter of a party, cause or person
Shambles -a state of total disorder(informal)
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embervoices · 1 year
Apparently the phrase of the day in my brain is
"Entirely Plausible"
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tiernanmoss · 2 years
things grow in strange places, life persists where you think it wont. along the rusted rail cats and leaves tumble within a tangle of vines and chain-link. raindrops tumble with the sun on the horizon. out of the orange and pink a train approaches, it’s light different, but still welcoming. watching it play through the rain keeps my feet grounded, and I don’t do what I came here to. instead I get on the train and take it home. like I said, life persists where you think it wont. most of the time spite is what keeps me going, but some times it’s simply everyday beauty.
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wraventheblacksmith · 2 years
One for the Sibling
This one is a tribute for a friendship ended.
We used to swim in the park, play with toys after dark, sing each other our favorite songs.
We used to play all summer day, wasting the hours away.
Now I haven't seen you in so long.
I want to call you sometimes, but I don't know what to call you sometimes.
Can't you see it doesn't matter to me?
Your my pal and friend. My one and only you.
Don't tell me "This is the end".
Thoughts and criticisms are very welcome.
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“My therapist asked me to “notice” how I feel around him, and I thought about it on Sunday. I don’t always feel it when I’m with him, it’s when I’m not.
When I know I’m going to see him, I love how giddy I feel. I love the juxtaposition of how elated, and equally how violent I feel when I think of him. I love how one minute I’ll dance a little and then go and kick something, push a chair over. It’s really raw.
And then when we’re together, I feel secure, comfortable. Im excited about the conversations we might have. I love how passionate he gets about films - when he’ll pause a movie to tell me the context of something”
Diary excerpt - 22.11.2022
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inmyperfectworld · 7 months
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channeleven · 2 years
First impressions are everything, and they don’t give a fuck about feelings or the whole of the impressioned.
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shotbyshe · 27 days
Words of the Day
The floor of a fireplace, usually extending into a room and paved with brick, flagstone, or cement.
Family life; the home.
Not bound by chains or shackles.
Not restricted.
A residence; a home.
An abode or mansion.
Of, relating to, or constituting an island.
Living or located on an island.
Suggestive of the isolated life of an island.
To write or publish in serial form.
To convert an object into a sequence of bytes that can later be converted back into an object with equivalent properties.
To write a television program, novel, or other form of entertainment as a sequence of shorter works with a common story.
The quality or state of being senile; old age.
Senescence; the bodily and mental deterioration associated with old age.
The losing of memory and reason due to senescence.
I either heard these in an anime, some Star Wars thing, or regular conversations of mine.
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usefulquotes7 · 4 months
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leoreadss · 5 months
Words of the day:
David: If I throw a stick for you, will you chase it?
Michael: Woof
David: Good boy.
Now go back and read it again but this time David's lines are Aziraphale's and Michael's are Crowley's. Enjoy!
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shisasan · 4 months
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Anaïs Nin, Delta of Venus, originally published: 1977
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