#You are wonderful
eonah-w · 8 months
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Tim Laughlin.
Episode 01 - "You Are Wonderful".
Fellow Travelers
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wandoffire · 9 months
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qprconcepts · 3 months
qpp who has low self-esteem x qpp who has low self-esteem (they both think the world of each other)
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octarinecat · 3 months
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Happy birthday, little mouse! @firlionemoontav 💜 You are very hard working mouse and I hope that this farm!Raphael will brighten your day! Here is the fic about Raphael (and his hidden talent) made by @firlionemoontav, EVERYONE PLEASE check it out! But watch out -it have many parts, and all of them are amazing!! Here is the masterlist if you want to read all of them 😊 Whole month of Raphael fics! 💜
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to all those who don’t have their sexualities and/or genders labeled with a cool gradient
@staff do add these it is a requirement <3
if there’s any i missed because my brain is lightly fried, please respond :]
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meandhisjohn · 19 days
September is #SuicideAwarenessMonth and as someone who tried it twice, I ask you, please never be ashamed of asking for help!
Never stop doing the things YOU love.
You are a wonderful fighter who deals with battles others have no idea of.
Being tired of the struggle is nothing to feel bad about, but PLEASE reach out.
Life is worth a second or third try...there is a way back to the colours in life.
In my case, I'm proud to say that a circle of friends, a fandom full of kindness, and two idiots in love keep me going, and I'm grateful for it every single day 💗
You can do it too, because you are not alone.
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clevercloudpoetry · 1 year
Me @ people responsible for DDoS on ao3
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Me @ at the ao3 team
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and-corn · 10 months
Just saw the tags on that one Ask about how you like getting messages so:
Hey there! I hope you're having a good week ❤️ your art is fantastic and it makes a lot of people - me included - very very happy! You provide for us so make sure to provide for yourself too: drink a lil water, stay hydrated, enjoy a lil snacky snack. You're brilliant and I hope you have a nice cosy evening doing your favourite things scheduled for yourself soon. You're the best! 😁
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^ *me soaking in the warmth of your care and kindness*
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fareehaandspaniards · 9 months
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Happy birthday, @jarognieva !!!! I am late, work takes all my time, but in any way!!!
I am happy I know you! Hope that one day I will be able to hug you IRL, but for now I do it mentally 🥺
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ae-cha08 · 4 months
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God reminded me today of His unconditional love! It is very important to begin each day knowing that you are loved! 💙
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moonkissedgirl · 3 months
No man gives up on the woman he really wants. Don't cry over a boy who didn't even try to keep you.
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myroanokenightmare666 · 5 months
Thank you!!! And you and everyone else are wonderful too!!!
@lore-gore @tragedyxremedy @burntmarshmallowqueen @soft-milktea
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mini-shrimp14 · 4 months
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Wish you all a happy Pride Month🌈🌈🌈
I know it looks different but i still looking for my art style ':3 ( i forgot to draw Drop gliches Im sorry =w=`
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I would like to thank everybody who writes (or has written) Jamie and the Second Doctor fanfiction. Everything I've read so far is amazing. I am in awe of the talent of the writers. The writers portray the characters so beautifully too!! Need to go read some more. There's a few that I've read a dozen times already. Oh, so good. 🥰
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sicknsadsicknrad · 1 year
why do I always feel a little, idk, guilty?? whenever I enjoy something?
whenever I allow myself to be, enjoy my hobbies, watch a show that's "meant for children", use my money on something that isn't necessary. it always feels like I'm not supposed to.
but life isn't supposed to be suffering. it's not supposed to be a punishment. being disabled doesn't mean I can't have fun or feel good about something. and I'm trying to remind myself of that.
I am not a waste of space. the things I enjoy are good. and time spent on things that make me happy isn't time wasted.
and to anyone that is feeling the same right now: *you* are not a waste of space. the things *you* enjoy are good. and time spent of things that make *you* happy isn't time wasted.
I hope you can have a little fun today :)
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alightbuthappypen · 2 years
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To celebrate finally finishing up for Christmas, a basically random selection of pieces from 2022.
I really didn't draw that much this year, not in comparison to 2021 and certainly not in comparison to 2020, and I've not always been happy with what I came up with. I did some commissions, events, and went quite hot and heavy with the not-safe-for-tumblr earlier in the year, only one of which is shown in cropped form here.
Most of everything else was...well, see above. The usual.
I'm hopeful for 2023 though; I have a few wips to finish, including a short comic, which is something I've not tried before. So we'll see how that goes.
Links to original posts of the above:
Cloud recesses era kissing
Commission for ballet AU Varied My Velocities
Sleepy kissing
Yet more cloud recesses era kissing
Angst angst angst
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