#a real jaw dropper
pixipoxi · 8 months
Life was a lot more fun when the moon was following your car
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niobiumao3 · 3 months
So, here's what X-Men 97 did that TBB did not, for its main character death. Obviously, huge X-Men 97 and TBB spoilers.
The death happens at a pivotal moment story wise, but is NOT immediately abandoned for other plot.
Remy (Gambit) dies towards the end of an episode which is in and of itself a real jaw-dropper, much like Plan 99. Out of nowhere a safe haven for mutants is being glassed, and Remy sacrifices himself to put a stop to it, because he's a little crazy but also well aware of what he's capable of and knows it might be their only chance to save SOME of these people who are his fellow mutants. The episode ends with his lover, Rogue--who's finally decided she agrees with Remy on things and is going to choose him and the X-Men over an alternative--holding his lifeless body in her arms.
Tech, on the other hand, dies 1/3 into an episode and vanishes from sight. Our POV character here, Omega, is injured and doesn't witness most of the ensuing escape, so when she wakes up, she demands they go back for him, crying, and we see Wrecker cry and Hunter explain he didn't make it.
...and then the episode keeps going. They're betrayed. A villain tosses Tech's broken goggles at Hunter and threatens them. Omega is captured, the remaining members of the Batch barely escape. For almost twenty minutes of runtime AFTER Tech dies, the story keeps going and has NOTHING to do with him dying (save the dig about the goggles). His death gets maybe, at most, 2 entire minutes of focus between Omega and Wrecker's reactions, Hunter's when Hemlock gives him the goggles, and Echo looking at the empty pilot's chair. That's it; for the bulk of the episode Tech's death has next to ZERO involvement in the story. It's not the climax. it's just A Thing Which Happened, and that massively devalues it from a narrative viewpoint. No one stops for more than a single breath to react to it, thus we as the audience don't.
(If anyone is winding up with 'that's because they can't due to the everything', this is why it's NOT GOOD WRITING. If you want the death to matter to your viewers/audience then you need to MAKE the time for it in your story, somehow. This isn't real life, you DO in fact control the horizontal and the vertical when making your plot.)
In X-Men 97, the death is the immediate focus of the next episode and a character's entire arc of the ensuing episodes. In TBB, it's a footnote.
In the following X-Men 97 episode, Remy has a funeral which Rogue doesn't attend, not because she doesn't care but because she's off raging against the machines, trying to find those responsible and kill them. There's a gorgeous eulogy for Remy, some thinking back on who he was and what he meant to them, a friend angry at Rogue for not being with them. It's so good. We cut to Rogue, absolutely furious with grief and looking to take it out on, well, everyone. She winds up putting herself into a coma as a result.
Literally nothing like this happens for Tech. Nothing close. There's a several month timeskip in S3 eps 1-3 which negates any immediate mourning or revelations to people who wouldn't know (Crosshair, Phee, Shep and Lyana), and we see NONE of Wrecker, Hunter, OR Echo's processing. Just what we saw in Plan 99, which again, is almost nothing. For a main character who as of S2 had the third most screen time of any character.
In X-Men 97, Remy keeps coming up as someone to remind them of what they're fighting for, what he would want for them. Tech is a skillset and a pair of goggles.
Remy is the first thing on Rogue's mind when she wakes up from her coma. She's instantly grieving him all over again, and mentions him numerous times throughout the remaining episodes as someone who wouldn't want this for them, or would have hoped for that. He's a guide for her even though he's gone. The rest of the characters reflect on him off and on--not his skills or abilities, but who he was, his nature. Remy's death completely changes Rogue's behaviors, almost 180 degrees, as well.
Tech is mentioned for what he could do, not what he liked or didn't like, how he felt about things, save for once: when Phee reveals he told her all about Crosshair. This is the only time someone talks about him like people talk about Remy in X-Men 97, and it happens twelve episodes after he died.
No one's actual narrative course changes trajectory in the case of Tech's death either. No one is shown making different decisions based on his loss (just the lack of his skills), no one is bringing him up as a rallying call for themselves, nothing. He is excised from the show in terms of his emotional, character impact. The loss is of someone who can decrypt things or knows stuff, not of a beloved sibling.
Remy's presence remains throughout the rest of X-Men 97, despite him dying in episode 5 of 10. Tech vanishes and becomes an occasional reason they have to do something the hard way and a background prop.
If you want to know how to actually write a main character death and have it MATTER and make it good story telling, watch X-Men 97.
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caitlynskitten · 27 days
Wednesday: I see absolutely no reason why I need to wear this.
Enid: C'mon baby! You'll look really good in it, trust me. And I know for a fact that Yoko will love it.
Wednesday: *sighs* I suppose if you're so sure. She does love red, doesn’t she?
Enid: Yep! And since this your first date with just the two of you, you need to look good! I’m sure Vina’s already found something for Yoko to wear that’ll be a real pantie dropper. So I’m just making sure you’re not the only one dropping your panties!
Wednesday: Your diction is particularly grotesque, but I must admit that I look forward to seeing the vampire’s face when she sees me in this. Fine, I’ll put it on. Would you like to assist me?
Enid: Haha, nice try, babycakes! But we both know that if I help you get dressed, then you’re never making it to your date. Go on! Get that cute butt in the bathroom and dressed. I’ll help you with your hair and makeup once you come out. *smacks Wednesday’s butt*
Wednesday: *grumbles and blushes, but obeys*
*Two hours later*
Yoko: Ugh, where is she? I’m getting nervous now.
Divina: Oh babe, just relax! You two have been on plenty of dates before!
Yoko: Yeah, but never just the two of us! We usually have you or Enid or both as a buffer. What if we have nothing to talk about on our own?
Divina: Look, you and Wednesday are obsessed with each other, everyone can see it. You’re almost as obsessed with each other as you are for me and Enid! You just gotta push through the awkward phase and before you know it, you’ll be screaming your ass off in her bed. Got it?
Yoko: *blushes but nods* Yeah, you’re right. Thank you, baby. You’re a great pep talker!
Divina: I know I am. I worked hard for this. Oh! I think that’s… her. Holy shit…
Yoko and Divina turn around to see Wednesday and Enid approaching. They’re both utterly floored by Wednesday’s outfit and are unable to pick their jaws up for several moments.
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(Wasn’t sure how to close this lol. So I just used the picture pffft)
RED AND THE SUIT LOOKS SO SO GOOD ON HER 😭😭😭😩😩😩 I also love that in both cases for Enid and Bianca, the girls make her wear red! And Wednesday looks hot in it either way 😵‍💫😵‍💫🥰🥰🥰
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sugarbell · 9 months
Batfam X Neglected Batsis Reader
Part 2
It was the day, or night of the fundraiser and you were jittery. With both nerves, and excitement. For starters it was your first time at an event like this by yourself. Usually at least your siblings were there, but being around them was like being alone anyways.
Harry had a package sent to the house two days before and Alfred had brought it up to your bedroom. A note was inside the box on top of a black dress. It wasn’t anything too flashy, but it was definitely a jaw-dropper. It was short, black, and had long sleeves but the sides were ruched and had two strings that tied into loose bows at the sides and dangled down your thighs. He had also sent a pair of black suede heels, and you had never worn any before so you were especially nervous about those, but you had been practicing in your room almost all day when it was sent. There was also a diamond clutch purse, and a matching thin diamond necklace and earrings. You had gasped when you pulled everything out of the gift box. You could tell the diamonds were real.
When Alfred brought it up he seemed a little puzzled, but also had a little knowing smirk on his lips. Probably from the little tag on the gift box that read, “To Miss Lana Lang” with a drawn heart and a kissy face. You had wanted to tell Alfred that it wasn’t what he thought but you decided against it, and simply thanked him for bringing the package up. Immediately you set it on your bed and sighed. You had barely known this boy for longer than ten minutes and he was already embarrassingly flirty. But you couldn’t deny that it made a little smile pull at your own lips, and turned your freckled cheeks a little pink. You hadn’t really been able to stop thinking about him ever since that time on the sidewalk where you met him.
Although you weren’t actually planning to go, even when he sent the dress. You did feel a little pressured, feeling a little bad that he would’ve spent all this money on clearly expensive clothing and accessories, just for you to not even show up. And you had really wanted to see him again. You thought about sending it all back with an apology letter, but when you read the letter inside the box your mind was half changed. What happened with Damian just sealed the deal.
“Lana, I’d really love it if you’d wear this and join me at the fundraiser event in two days. There’s no pressure though, if you aren’t interested. Maybe we could meet up and do something else instead. However if you do decide to come, it would really make my day. 8:00 sharp. Even if you don’t decide to come, keep the outfit. Maybe I could see you in it another time.
P.S., the diamonds are real. You’d look lovely in them, Kitten.”
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After you read that letter, your head was spinning, and your heart was beating ten times faster. You did feel a little relieved that he wasn’t pressuring you to come. And was he asking you out again? If you didn’t want to come? It was too much for you to think about at the time, so you had packed it all up, we’re preparing to write up a letter explaining why you couldn’t come. Probably using some bullshit excuse of having to finish a paper for school or something.
But after you had that incident in the kitchen with your younger “brother”, you had made up your mind. You were going. You needed a distraction anyway. A break, and you wanted to do something for you for once, instead of constantly trying to please everyone else in the household and tripping yourself up in the process.
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(Present Time)
You were currently getting dressed in your room. You had to wear a black strapless bra because of the sweetheart cut and curved breast line of the dress. You weren’t sure how he knew your size, but he probably took a gamble. It wouldn’t have been hard to figure out that you were an extra small because of your build. It fit perfectly. It hugged your body, you didn’t really have many or any curves for that matter, it it made you look incredibly flattering. You slipped into the black suede heels that also fit very well. After dumping all your necessities into your diamond clutch(, wallet, keys, pads, candies, pepper spray-you never know-) you had fastened the dazzling necklace and earrings on and next was your hair. You let it down and it was already straight, but you used a flat iron to bump it inwards a little at the ends. You painted your lips with a dark-wine colored lipstick. You had bought it a while back but never used it. That was the only makeup you put on as you looked in the mirror.
You were happy with your appearance. “I hope Harry is too.” You thought but instantly, you brushed the intrusive thought away. “You hardly know him, Lana” you told yourself.
Now for the hard part..sneak out the house at 7:50 pm and try not to get noticed by nine people. Piece of cake. It wasn’t necessarily ray you weren’t supposed to go, it was more you didn’t really want to have to explain to anyone why you were dressed for a party, and leaving the house at 8:00 p.m., when all you’ve ever done was stay inside the house shut up in your room. You crept through the house as quietly as you could in nine inch heels. You were down the stairs and now all you had to do was cross the spacious living room to reach the kitchen. And you were almost home free when you heard footsteps. Slow, but sure. Fuck.
You thought you were done for, but when you saw Alfred’s frame round the corner with a neutral look on his face you breathed a sigh of relief. At least maybe you could try talking to him. “Alfred! Um, hi…” you said with a nervous smile on your face. You were a dead giveaway. “Ahem. Going somewhere, young Madame Lang?” He asked. You sighed and shook your head. There was no point in trying to lie or dance around the truth. “I’m going to Harry Osborn’s fundraiser tonight, Alfred.” You said with a sigh.
“Then won’t you be needing this, young madame?” He asked, raising up your phone, with the red superman phone case facing towards you. “Of course! Thank you so much, Alfred!” You grinned jumping into his arms as he handed you the case. “You’re a lifesaver, Alfred!” Alfred smiled down at you before pulling away and patting your back towards the door. “Yes, of course I am, Madame. Now go have fun.” You lean up and kiss his cheek before nodding and leaving as Alfred locked the door behind you.
When you arrived at Harry Osborn’s manor, you were shocked. There were more people than you thought filtering into the house. There were press scattered around inside and outside of the place, but nothing that threw you. You were used to this kind of stuff, being Bruce Wayne’s daughter and all. At least you didn’t appear thrown. On the inside, no matter how many camera shined or flashed in your face you would never get over the anxiety of it, but on the outside, you were always the composed and calm daughter. And that’s how you appeared now as you made your way inside.
You were stunned when you saw his ballroom. It was incredibly large, and again, you had been to tons of places with large, beautiful ballrooms, and none of them ever really compared to Bruce’s at home, that was used for galas, balls, and events at his own home, but his was still pretty and large. There were a few tables set up where mostly older people were sitting down and talking, there was a little bar posted in the far right corner of the large room where adults were also drinking and mingling, and others were standing around the ballroom talking and mingling as well. There was also two large spiral staircases leading down from the top floor to the ballroom area. Bruce had staircases just like that I’m his ballroom too, except it was a bit more grand, but you loved this one just the same. It was much more crowded than you thought it would be.
On shaky legs you made your way over to the bar. These heels looked nice, but they were truly little devils. It was your first time walking in them and you were sure you looked ridiculous, but you were actually doing rather well. You tried not to kill yourself, and cause a scene in the process with each step you took over to the surprisingly large bar.
You had been there for around thirty minutes, and Harry was nowhere to be seen. You felt out of place among all these people. Older people with good jobs, lots of money, established places in society. You weren’t that far off, it’s just that you got a lot of stares from being so young, and you were alone. You took a deep breath, sat down in one of the stools a couple seats down from where a couple was drinking and laughing, and quietly ordered an apple juice in a wine glass. That way you would at least maybe look a little more like you belonged here.
The bartender was a female, around early forties who gave you a small smile as she poured your juice into the cup on the down low. You smiled back at her. She had red hair curled up to her chin, and slight wrinkles along her face. She was plump and a little short. She grinned. “Nice choice.” You crossed one leg over the other on the small stool you sat at. “Thank you,” You replied with a giggle. “It’s one of my favorites.” She was about to say something else to you when she was called over politely by an older male at the other end of the bar.
She walked over to him and took his order, leaving you alone again just like that. You had sighed and looked down, feeling all the nervousness and anxiety rush back again. Where was Harry? He was the one who invited you here in the first place, one of the main reasons why you came, and now he was nowhere to be found? He was thirty-five minutes past being ‘fashionably late.’ Your dark brown eyes scanned the room looking for him, but to no avail. You were becoming increasingly frustrated about it. Maybe this whole thing was a mistake. You swirled the drink in your wine glass around before you topped it back and finished the whole thing in just two gulps.
“Easy there.” You heard a voice say. You turned your head ti the side to see a beautiful, goddess-looking women sitting beside you. She looks to be in her early/mid thirties. Wow…she’s insanely gorgeous. She has long jet black hair curled flawlessly. Her face is soft, but sharp around the edges, showing maturity. Dark eyes, but the way the ceiling chandelier and the little lights installed in the roof of the bar hits them makes them able to be recognized as a dark honey color. Thick eyebrows arched, lips full and defined perfectly, and coated with the perfect shade of bright red. Her skin is tan, and her accent is incredibly hard to place, but her voice is smooth and mature.
At your confused and mildly shocked look she just smiles softly and holds her hand out. Her nails are perfectly manicured red to match her lips, and the knee length red bodycon dress she wore, contrasting your dainty hands with shiny black polish. “Diana Prince, museum curator.” She smiled, as your dainty hand shook hers. You weren’t sure why, but you couldn’t keep your composure, (surprising right?), and you immediately blurred out, “L-Lana Lang, high school senior.” she laughed at the last part of your sentence. “You seem nervous.” She states matter of factly, and the sheer amount of woman confidence and power that radiated off of her made you even more nervous but you admired it.
“I am,” you admitted truthfully. “I was invited here by an…acquaintance, but he’s nowhere to be found, and this isn’t really my kind of scene and…I feel tremendously out of place.” You said, hanging your head with a sigh. “Is it that obvious, though?” You asked, and she smiled reassuringly. “Only if you’ve felt that way yourself before.” She says and you smile back at her, your spirits lifting a little. You sigh exaggeratedly and wipe a drop of fake sweat away from your brow. “Good.” She laughs again, and the nice bartender is back. “I’ll have whatever she’s having.” Diana tells the bartender, and nods her head towards you so she knew what you meant. The bartender laughs a little and nods. “You got it.”
When she hands Diana her drink, she takes a sip and arches an eyebrow at you, giving you a playful look making you snort and laugh a little. “I’m not old enough to drink…and I wanted to feel in place.” Diana smiled but scoffed a little making you give her a questioning look. She shook her head at you. “Why do you do that?” She asked, and you frowned in confusion. “Do what?” She sat a little straighter in her stool, if that wears even possible because you noted from the beginning that her posture was impeccable. “Act so unsure of yourself. I noticed you earlier, and you seemed so nervous and anxious. So uncomfortable in your own skin. You’re beautiful, funny, and you seem kinder and more good-hearted than anybody else here. That alone should be more than enough to make you tremendously confident in yourself. You ought to walk with your head held high.” She said, raising her perfectly arched eyebrow at you again and her words shocked you. She really thought that of you?
You had only just met her a couple minutes ago, and already she was praising your beauty and qualities and you accidentally wondered aloud how she could tell all of that from you already, to which she replied with, “I can feel it.” It perplexed you, but it brought a smile to your face. “I-wow…um, thank you. Nobody’s ever told me anything like that before. I think you’re beautiful too…you’ve got this aura of confidence and it’s…envious.” She smiled at you like she had known you forever. “Don’t be envious. You have it inside of you as well.” She stood up from her seat and grabbed her ‘wine.’ “It was lovely talking to you, Lana, but I must be going. And I think your acquaintance is looking for you. Remember what I said, won’t you?” She shook your hand again, and began walking to a small group on the other side of the room.
You nodded, still a little stunned, and turned to see Harry coming down the stairs and entering the ballroom. He was already looking at you when you turned around and met eyes with him. His eyes seemed to light up when you finally noticed him. He began making his way towards you, but he was stopped by quite a few people on the way. He plastered on a handsome smile and talked with them each until he was finally able to greet you at the bar. You stood up when he reached you.
His voice was smooth, with just a little bit of raspiness. “Hi, kitten. Miss me?” You had no idea how a man you just met was able to make you that weak in the knees with just four words and a smile. At the moment you were caught between your feelings that were at war. The half of you that wanted to schoolgirl and kick your feet and shyly stutter out a response, or the bolder you that wanted to place your hands on your hips, raise an eyebrow, and ask him just what was the point of inviting you here and then making you wait an hour for him to show up to his own ‘party.’ You settled for the latter, after remembering Diana’s words.
You stood up straight and arched your brow, giving him an unimpressed look. He looked down sheepishly but he still seemed to have such an air of arrogance around him. “Okay, I’m sorry, I got caught up with last minute business stuff and it couldn’t wait.” He said, giving you an award winning smile like that would instantly make you forgive him. And you hated how it did.
You sighed and nodded and he took a step back from you to run his eyes up and down your body, and he whistled before his eyes met yours again. “I knew you’d look incredible in this stuff…” and you hate the way that you blush and avert your gaze like a schoolgirl. He “tsks” and takes your chin in his thumb and forefinger and makes you look into his striking emerald eyes. “Look at me, yeah kitten? Lemme see those eyes.” *and the shocked gasp that come from your throat makes him smirk a little as he releases your chin and praises you when you keep your eyes on him. “Good girl.” He mutters, his eyes trained on your lips.
You were sure that you had serious daddy issues that manifested somewhere during the time you had met Bruce. Not having a great father figure in your life instantly gave you them and they were bad. The way he praised you and how you found yourself practically willing to do anything on the inside to hear more of it, after only knowing him for such a short amount of time confirmed your suspicions.
He wasn’t even that much older than you either, only around twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, maybe it was the idea that he was older even by a little. Maybe it was the idea that he was running his own business and throwing fundraisers and charity events and galas and balls. You weren’t sure but you were hopelessly attracted to it.
Harry had noticed from the first time he met you how adorably shy and weak you got when he called you nicknames, so he took it a step further here, and he was more than please with the results. When he got home from meeting you, the first thing he did was look you up and see if he could get anything on you. You had zero social media presence of your own, but you had a google page and there were countless photos of you with your other siblings at charity events, balls, galas, and fundraisers. Some at different places, and some of you at Wayne Manor. He also looked up all of your siblings to learn what he could about them. He found himself growing more and more infatuated with you since he met you last week.
He couldn’t wait to see you again, and he was pissed when his assistant had apologetically dumped more paperwork on him, telling him it had to be finished before he went downstairs. He wanted so badly to see if you had showed up. And you had, looking ethereal, no less.
He watched your hazy eyes snap back into focus as you remembered where you were and looked around to see if anybody had seen that, but it didn’t look as though anyone had. Everyone too caught up laughing and mingling amongst themselves to notice you with Harry. You took two steps back from him and smiled. “Hi Harry.” “Hi, kitten.” He repeated making you nudge his side harshly. “Shh! My name is Lana—“you didn’t seem to mind when I was calling you that before.” He chuckled with that same mischievous fire dancing in his eyes again. You weren’t sure just how badly you were going to get burned if you got too close, but if he kept being this alluring, you were going to have to find out.
“I’m glad you showed up after all. Wasn’t sure if you were gonna come.” He said as he looked to you. “I decided what the hell. Has nothing else to do, so I figured I’d entertain you for a bit.” You giggled, teasing him, but he just grinned a little. “Oh yeah?” “Mhm. Yeah.” You said, not taking your eyes off of his. He stepped closer to you and you waited for him to get close enough. What he deemed close enough, and suddenly you were grateful you had decided to sit in the back of the bar on the far side, secluded from prying eyes.
His wolfish grin never stopped even as he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close into him. Like he was testing the waters, and giving you time to pull away. You never did. And it made his heart swell, surprisingly so. Nobody had ever made him feel the way you did. And he was obsessed with it.
You braced your hands against his chest. He wore a black three piece suit and tie with a white shirt and the classic black shoes. “He looked good in a suit.” You thought. “How’s your side?” He murmured lowly, his cool breath fanning your face as he spoke. Your eyes still locked onto each others. “It’s fine.” He eyes your own eyes suspiciously. “Yeah?” He asks, still in that low tone and it’s absolutely killing you. “Yeah.” You mumble. He hums, as if in deep thought, his eyes still never leaving yours. “You sure? Cuz I could take you upstairs and we could have a look at it, make sure it isn’t bruised or anything. And then maybe I could give you something as an apology for hitting you. How’s that sound, kitten?” The way he says it is so unabashedly suggestive and in no way subtle and you’re really grateful that you’re in a more secluded spot. You giggled softly. “I thought you said inviting me here was an apology for that?” You asked, and he frowned before nodding like he did remember saying that. “Well, think of this as a second one. So what do you say?”
You stopped and truly considered it for a moment. The offer was so incredibly tempting and sweet, but there were a few factors that came into play regarding your answer.
One, Harry had literally just gotten down here to his own event, and while you didn’t doubt that he had probably ditched more than enough times, considering the way he was so ready to take you upstairs without a second thought, you knew it probably wouldn’t look good.
Two, you didn’t really see how you two could just escape upstairs without anyone seeing you and you didn’t need a headline in the paper, titled, “Bruce Wayne’s adoptive daughter Lana Lang, and Harry Osborn, now head of OsCorp seen going upstairs together at charity event.” Just really wasn’t the kind of attention you wanted to attract.
Three, you weren’t really too sure about Harry. Of course you were embarrassingly wrapped around his finger, but you were very smart and intelligent. You didn’t know Harry well enough to go upstairs with him, and while people had one night stands just like this all the time, you weren’t ready.
Four, related to reason number three, you were also a virgin, and you were positive you weren’t ready for that to change just yet.
You sighed a little and gave Harry a soft smile. He still patiently awaited your answer and had busied himself with taking in deep breaths of the perfume you had decided to wear tonight. A roses and wine scent that you had put on. It was far from what you usually wore which was more milder, softer, sweeter scents, but you wanted something a little more…adult today.
“Maybe another time, tiger.” You said, as he was leaning in probably to begin pressing losses against your neck, but he stopped when he hears your words. He gave you a little smile to let you know that it was no problem. “Alright…alright. God, you make me crazy, you know that?” He asked, like he was trying so hard to restrain himself. He took a step back from you and already you were missing the warmth of his arms wrapped around your waist. “Do I?” He just stared at you like this was basic common knowledge. Like this was something you should already know. He gave you a curt nod and took your hand, placing a kiss on it, as he steered you towards the crowd to mingle.
No matter how much Harry wanted nothing more than to whisk you upstairs and fuck you into his bed until you were seeing stars, he knew he had to take it slow with you. You two had only met a little while ago after all, and you might not be as infatuated with him as he was with you yet. That was okay. He would make sure that you were soon.
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After around two and a half hours of mingling around, talking with people, and raising awareness about the situation. The reason you were there in the first place you were both mentally and physically exhausted. Harry was steering you outside by the small of your back. You two had also gotten closer during the night and he invited you on a coffee date sometime next week, to which you had accepted.
You felt as though you really had made a difference. At the end of the night, a little before Harry had taken you outside, the number of money that would be put into renovating orphanages, and getting better care for the children there was a surprisingly high amount.
You’d had to tell your ‘story’ to lots of people there, explaining what happened to your parents during your childhood and how you ended up with Bruce now. Lots of people were inspired and put in even more money. A lot of them really weren’t as snobby and stuck-up as you expected them to be, however you did run into a couple of assholes like that. One of the people you spoke to regarding your life experience was Diana, and when you told her who your parents were she didn’t seem surprised in the slightest. When you asked her why not she explained that she had known your parents, specifically your mother and they were rather good friends before she passed.
She said that she had worked in your mothers company as her secretary and right hand woman until she got a new job, and that’s when she became a museum curator because she had a love for history and historical art. All this information shocked you very much and you asked her why she hadn’t told you earlier. She explained that she hadn’t truly recognized you until she started talking with you, and she realized you looked familiar but when you said your name, it confirmed her earlier suspicions that you were Eleanor’s daughter. She said she was planning to tell you all this but when she saw Harry looking for you, she decided she’d come find you later before you left. Which she did. She caught you when Harry was without you, talking to someone else.
You were very shocked and you asked her so many questions about your parents. She wasn’t able to answer many about your father, other than what your mother had told her in passing, because she hadn’t ever met your father directly before. But she said that when your mother talked about your father, she was beaming. Like she had been married to her soulmate. Hearing that made your heart melt.
She told you how strong, brave, independent, bold, fiery, and confident your mother was. But how she also had the capacity to be soft, and caring, and kind, and loving and compassionate and gentle. She was beloved by many of the women who worked in her industry and many were saddened when she left. How she lit up any room wherever she went and brought smiles to people’s faces, but how she could also make any who unjustly opposed her cower in fear. She said your mother was very shy, a sweet wallflower before the two met in college and how Diana had helped her grow out of her shell into the girl boss she was up until her death.
Diana explained how she didn’t even know that your mother had a baby. Since you were orphaned when you were a baby, Diana had been living in another part of the world for a short time, excavating something for her new job, and when she returned and heard the news, she was devastated. Diana and your mother kept in contact and frequently spoke just as often as they did before, even with Diana having a new job and moving away for a short period of time.
She seemed to feel so guilty about the fact that you were in such a terrible orphanage for eight years, and trust maybe she could’ve done something about it, having known your mother so well, and been employed under her. You asked Diana why, instead of your parents writing it down that you should go with Bruce, seeing as all your other family was either supposedly dead or unable to take you in, instead of perhaps going with Diana when your mother knew her so much better than she knew Bruce. You had always thought it odd, knowing that your parents were good surface friends with Bruce but not much more than that. You always chalked it up to you having nobody else besides him to go to…but now you knew about Diana. So why didn’t your mother send you with her? Life might’ve been so much less lonely and cold being with her.
Diana told you that her and your mother trusted each other a lot, but if there was one thing your mom was, it was selfless. She was stubborn in that kind of endearing way, Diana had said. She probably viewed it as saddling me with you when you were such a young age and my job allowed me to travel all over the world, but seeing as Bru—Mr. Wayne, (she had corrected herself, which you thought was strange but you brushed it off as her wanting to be polite especially since he was your “father.”) already had kids at the time. She said and it made sense.
However, Diana was quick to assure you that she would’ve loved to have you as her adoptive daughter no matter what. She said, it would’ve been a lively experience for the both of us, I hope. And that was something you truly believed. You and Diana ended up exchanging numbers, and she told you that you could talk to her about anything at all, any time at all. Knowing you had another friend made you happy. Maybe Diana could fill the hole in your heart with stories to your mother and her. Just maybe.
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Anyways, as said before, Harry was steering you outside by the small of your back, but when you shivered against the cool early-spring air he frowned. “You didn’t bring a jacket?,” he asked, “Dammit, I should’ve bought you one as well.” You cut him off by shaking your head and smiling. “It’s fine, I’m fine. I actually had a lot of fun tonight.” Harry have you a genuine smile at that, and then it turned into his signature arrogant smirk. He took off his suit jacket and placed it around your arms. “For the ride home. G’night kitten.” He said, and debated leaning in for a kiss, but decided against it. He just sort of squeezed the small of your waist before heading off back inside.
When you got home that night you were practically breathless. You weren’t really sure if your plan would go as planned in the beginning. If you would actually make a difference, but so many people there seemed so moved by what you had to say, and easily gave three times the moment they would’ve in the beginning just from you talking to them. It felt so good to do some to ing like that at your age. You were already helping people but you felt like you could do more. You thought about what it would be like to be a vigilante like the rest of your family. You had your heart set on that as well, and you were sure going to make that happen. But you did need a plan for that first. You couldn’t well just make a suit and go out fighting crime with no training. You weren’t fighting or killing machines like your siblings were, so you would need to train for a long time before you’d be ready for any of that. But that was later to come.
Right now you were just in bed and fangirling. So incredibly excited about what had happened today. So many new relationships has blossomed. You were surprised that so much could happen in just one night. Raising that much money, making connections with wealthy, powerful people, finding the truth about Diana and your mother, and you and Harry.
Harry. You thought about him a lot lately too. You wondered if what you two had might blossom into more, and maybe even love if you two continued to spend time together. You wanted something like what your parents have. How Diane a spoke about the way your mother talked about your father.
You wanted to be able to talk about someone like that, and in turn they talk about you the same way. You wanted to feel true love so badly that it hurt you. When you were old enough to learn about your parents and why you were with Bruce, you learned also that your parents were found the next day when someone took the w highway and called the police because of the broken rail. You learned that your parents both drowned in the car together, but that they were found holding hands over the glove compartment. They had accepted their fate, but they still loved each other so much, that even in death they were together. You wanted something like that. A relationship like that. You wanted to die for someone and someone who would die for you.
Be careful what you wish for.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hello, Mar!
I saw your requests and may I request one for Robert plus the song "daydreamer"?
I adore Robert 😭❤️. And he deserves more love 🥺❤️.
Gracias! 🥰
My dear Flor 💐 I can’t thank you enough for requesting this song! It’s absolutely beautiful and Rob deserves all the love of the world.
Let me start by saying I listened it over 15 times and as I read the inspiration behind the lyrics, I learned Adele wrote for her former boyfriend, who was bi, so she always was daydreaming about him being the perfect man, but this was just her heart and mind longing for it… so I decided to make reader, a daydreamer. 🪐✨
Word count: Around 2,000
Summary: Y/N daydreams about Robert being the perfect man for her, she sees bits of their relationship or what she wants it to be in other’s people… She is daydreaming because there’s no way she could have that to herself. Or so she thought.
Song: Daydreamer
Robert Fischer x reader
“Good morning Mrs. Fischer.”
“Morning Mr. Saunders.” You greeted him while waiting for the elevator after the Pilates class.
“Would you like me to have the driver for later?”
“Please, nine o’clock.” You gave him a smile, he was always so polite.
Stepping into the elevator mere seconds after, you greeted the young couple that was already on their way up. They were probably newlyweds judging by the secret glances and touches they had towards each other. Just like you and Robert had been all over each other back then, it seemed like a lifetime ago though.
As they got out on floor ten, you kept going to the penthouse.
The loneliness of the spacious and familiar place welcomed you, pressing a button on the remote, the curtains started to open by themselves allowing the sunlight to illuminate every corner. Walking into the open kitchen you prepared your traditional post workout drink taking a moment to check the planner of the day.
You’d stop by the jewelry to check the new pieces you designed for the upcoming season, then you had lunch scheduled with a clothing line director to choose the ideal pieces for a magazine cover.
Rinsing the tumbler you headed to the family room and started the piano, Robert gifted it to you on your second anniversary after forgetting about the special date. Luckily you didn’t need someone to play it, it had several pieces already set up. The sound filled the emptiness of the property and you headed to your master bedroom to take a shower.
Picking a mint sleeveless dress matching with nude pumps you styled your hair in a French twist, you kept your accessories minimalist from your own brand. Taking your bag from the closet and your sunglasses you were ready to go out, but then you took a moment to make sure you had everything you needed in your bag, opening your wallet, memories assaulted you hard as you found the picture you snapped of your husband sitting by the beach during your honeymoon. You could only see his back since he wasn’t aware you shot that but the flashback of Robert contemplating the sunset made you want to go back in time… for a few days he had been so focused on your time together, kissing you, hands longing for your body, freckles all over his chest highlighted by the sun.
Sitting on the sea
Soaking up the sun
Now, you spent most of the day apart, working or at social events, trying to match your agendas seemed like the hardest thing in the world. Everything was pretty much part of your daily routine, you even learned a few things from Robert like taking your breakfast on the way, he was always running from point A to B, and lately so did you, just like now your driver was taking you across the city.
He is a real lover
Touching your wedding band, you couldn’t stop the memories from the day you and Robert got married, he had always been handsome, but that day to you he was something else. You’d choose him over and over.
A jaw dropper
Looks good when he walks
As you were wondering if he thought the same about you, your phone ringing pulled you out of your daydreaming.
“Mrs. Fischer this is Mr. Fischer assistant, just wanted to confirm tonight’s reservation at 7:30.”
“Hello darling, thank you for the reminder.” Greeting the employees of your shop you went straight to your office. “Can you make sure Mr. Fischer leaves his office on time?”
“I’ll try my best ma’am.”
Thanking Robert’s assistant, you started sketching a new bracelet in the corner of your napkin.
“Y/N, I’ve Vogue on the phone, they’re making an article about your jewelry line and want to have an interview.” Your PR poked her head from the door.
“Oh! Sounds like it’s going to be a long phone call.”
She nodded. “Line two.” She added before disappearing.
It was as a matter of fact, a long call. You even managed to end up with a few designs to make a special collection. By the time you finished, you had to hurry to make it on time for lunch, but on your way out you came across a man who was looking at the engagement rings.
“Looking for something special?” You winked at the saleswoman, wanting to attend him by yourself.
“I’m going to propose and I want a design that’s unique.”
“All the pieces are, we only have one of each.” You assured him. “But we’ve exclusive designs made only on sketch if you want to take a look.”
“Her favorite color is yellow… perhaps we can get something?” His eyes sparked and it didn’t go unnoticed by you, your heart melting immediately by the love he was oozing.
“Definitely, your bride will be over the moon, Mr…?”
“Owen.” He extended his hand towards you.
“Lisa could you please show Mr. Owen our yellow diamonds collection?” You smiled at him, pleased with the interaction. “Hope to see you back for the wedding bands.”
Walking to your car you smiled, thinking of that time when Robert proposed. The only time when you’ve seen him nervous, lost for words. He had asked you to see your upcoming collection, picked a ring under an anonymous name and asked it to be shipped to a property you didn’t know he had back then so you wouldn’t find out. Despite his name and his family’s business, he made it very simple; laying in bed together he asked you to marry him.
He would be hard to chase
But good to catch
And it had been one of the happiest days of your life. Three years of loving him with everything you got.
You just wished he could be like that again, he had been working so late the last few months you could hardly wait for him awake. He seemed to be busier.
And he could change the world
With his hands behind his back, oh
Waving the designer goodbye after a successful meeting, you took a moment to greet the owner of the place, a Robert’s friend from long ago.
“It’s so good to see you, Y/N!” He motioned you to follow him to one of the private areas of the restaurant. “How’s Robert?”
“Good thank you, he sends you his bests wishes for the new restaurant in Chicago.”
“I hope to see you both in the big opening.”
You nodded, of course you’d be there. “How’s Flor?”
“Planning our upcoming trip, she likes to call it a second honeymoon.”
“Oh, I’ll need to get a coffee date with her to get the tips and convince Robert to go on a trip.” You joked.
“As a matter of fact, I’ve been working on a new special dessert for this place in her honor… would mind telling me your honest opinion?”
Your heart did a weird thing inside your chest as Alfred went to get the desserts, he was the best chef you knew around, but the fact that a man with a well established restaurants took the time to prepare a special dessert in honor of his wife made you swoon. They’ve been through all kinds of ups and downs and you knew they were one of the best examples that love conquered all.
After trying all, you couldn’t take one more bite. “Why can’t you mix them all?”
“I was hoping you’d help me.” He ran his hand through his prominent beard.
“Look, I’d use a coin to choose, or make people who come vote for one secretly and then… even better, make Flor choose one!” You offered with a smile.
“That’s actually a good idea. Thank you.”
Leaving him to think about it, you then started moving to the nail salon. It was kind of empty compared to other times so a girl quickly asked you about what design you wanted for your nails. As you watched several options, a woman sitting next to you was chatting about her marriage, it wasn’t your intention to listen but she wasn’t exactly whispering.
“So Gorge came home one day and said he was naming his associate VP to cut off on working hours, leaving some departments and decisions to other people, since then we get to have dinner together every single day.” She explained with enthusiasm. “We’re spending the weekend at the country house and my daughters want to come…”
“This is the color you always choose.” Pointed the girl who always did your nails.
“Do you think I should change Anne?” You asked unsure.
“Do you’ve something special coming up?”
You shook your head.
“Red.” Told you the chatty woman.
You looked at her confused. “Excuse me?”
“Men love red nails.” She repeated. The other manicurist nodded. “I’m Sharon.”
“I never used red before, probably once or twice.” You stammered.
“You’re young and beautiful, get the red tone.” She encouraged again.
It was inevitable to blush. “Thanks, I hope you’ve a fabulous time at the country house.”
Unsure if you could regret it, you nodded towards the red. Wondering if Rob would like it, damn would he even notice it? You decided to get a blowout last minute, it added volume to your usual tight ponytail, giving you a bouncy and glossy hairstyle.
Looking at the clock you still had plenty of time, so you asked your driver to stop at a boutique that was on your way to the restaurant. The assistant did a wonderful job finding a beautiful and elegant piece in white, you said yes without even trying it first so you asked her to remove the tags to wear it immediately. Shopping time was shorter than the drive, you still had time until your reservation but after giving your last name you were immediately guided to the table that was usually reserved for your husband.
Taking a sip of water you looked around, noticing a couple a few tables from yours, with a slice of cake and a single candle, a present next to the girl and the boy couldn’t stop the grin from his face. That was love definitely.
When was the last time Rob looked at you that way? When was his last compliment?
With eyes that make you melt
He lends his coat for shelter
Plus he's there for you
Turning to the opposite side of them, you found a man playing the saxophone, the soft music making you smile, making you remember the first dance you shared with your husband. That was the last time you danced, a little bit over three years ago.
A waiter approached to ask if you’d like to order something, but you decline politely. Robert should be here any minute now.
By 8:15 the waiter appeared again, offering an entrée. Still Robert was nowhere to be seen so you accepted it in an attempt to distract yourself with some food and the glass of Chardonnay you ordered. But the little voice inside your head can’t stop asking if he would remember or show up.
You’re fighting the disappointment as your glass is almost empty now, so after paying for the bill you decided to head back home. All your efforts went to the trash can because Robert couldn’t take the time to have dinner with his wife, you know he works so hard, always ahead of the market and the competition, but one diner wouldn’t make him lose a millionaire business. Truth is he had been growing distant and cold towards you lately.
There's no way I
Could describe him
What I've said is
Just what I'm hoping for
Standing up you fight hard against the tears threatening to come out.
“I’m sorry for being late.” His hand wrapped on your elbow.
“Doesn’t matter, I’m going home.” You couldn’t even dare to look him in the eyes.
“But-” he started to say but cut himself as you shook your head.
Thanking the staff, you headed out quietly, knowing he was following your steps, his bodyguard not afar.
“Thought you wanted to have dinner.” He mumbled waiting for the valet parking.
“Over an hour ago, yes.”
Shivering you looked away, not noticing he took off the jacket of his suit until he wrapped it around your shoulders.
“I’m not discussing a private matter in a public place Robert.”
His eyes studied your features, noticing the new hairstyle but deciding to remain quiet. Instead, he instructed your driver to head home by himself while he waited for his vehicle.
He knew you wouldn’t say a word on the drive home when his driver and bodyguard were in the car. But subtly he would shot you a side glance from time to time. Mentally kicking himself for taking longer than he expected.
“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting at the restaurant.” He apologized once in the privacy of your place.
“The message was clear, don’t worry. I know you got caught up with work.” You explained his now tradicional excuse. God those damn shoes were killing you now.
“I know what you’re thinking, Y/N… if you only let me explain.”
Throwing him a knowing look, you walked over the closet to leave your shoes and start undressing.
Leaning on the doorframe, Robert looked down, deciding to share what made him late.
“Today I had my last therapy session.” He could feel your eyes on him, exhaling all the air he was holding he looked up, in your direction. “When you suggested it a while back I wasn’t sure it was what I needed, but after we got married I knew I didn’t want to take out my frustrations on you, so I started afterwork once a week a year ago.”
He looked down again while you gave him the opportunity to explain.
“I’ve talked a lot about you with my therapist, he wants to have a few sessions with the two of us whenever you can… you were right, it helped me a lot.”
“Why did you keep this from me?” You asked shocked after siting on the bench in the middle of the huge walk in closet. “I’m your wife.”
“I had a lot of shit to work on first, I wanted to do it for you and for me.” He dragged his feet to sit next to you.
“Oh, Rob!” You couldn’t stop the tears now. “I’m sorry for assuming you didn’t care.” You sobbed wrapping your arms around his neck.
Slowly his hands came to rest your back. How long had he been longing for an honest embrace like this?
“I’m sorry for not showing a lot of interest, I still need to work on that.” He whispered against your hair.
Feeling his tears on your shoulder, you finally pulled back after several minutes locked in each other’s arms. Holding his face between your hands you looked at this man with the sad eyes starting to show a glimpse of happiness.
“I love you Robert Fischer with everything I have, and I’m coming to therapy with you.” You pulled him in for a kiss.
And he answered with the same devotion. Feeling like a heavy weight was lifted from his shoulders.
Your stomach growling made him chuckle against your lips.
“You owe me dinner.”
“My therapist suggested a cooking lesson but I’m not so sure about that, but we can order from the restaurant downstairs.”
“You don’t want to go over there?”
He shook his head. “Here in bed, you and me… I need to step out of my comfort zone.”
“Does it means we can take a two weeks holiday?”
Robert groaned. “Don’t push me, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes but kissed him anyways. “Fine… let’s start with a weekend getaway.”
You hugged him once more and noticed something else, something that didn’t happen on a daily basis.
“I love to see you smiling.” That took him by surprise and an adorable blush joined the previous smile. “Can I see another one?”
In a fluid and unexpected move, Robert made you straddle him showing a third new feature; the fire in his eyes.
“That’s one of the many changes you can expect from now on.” He explained mere inches from your face as his hands ran up and down your back. “Loved the new look by the way.”
You gasped and held onto his neck as he started walking towards the bed with you hooked around his waist.
“Robert Fischer who’s this man? And I don’t ever want him to go away.” You bit your lower lip as his jaw clenched by the effort of carrying you.
“Oh you’re about to find out.” He winked playfully as another smile started to play around his lips.
You closed your eyes as he started kissing your neck, thinking how it wasn’t a total surprise to see all these new attitudes, the enormous change, because deep down you fell in love with this man knowing exactly what he was capable of.
And he was able finally to give everyone the best version of himself because he had been working on the issues that had kept him in the dark for so long.
Looking at the woman underneath him, Robert knew he couldn’t thank you enough for helping him change his life around, for insisting so many times of going to an specialist to ask for help when you’re carrying burdens that doesn’t belong to you, for opening his eyes to the potential he had been missing, for showing him to ask for help when you feel like you’ve had enough. But most importantly, for showing that you genuinely cared about him.
From now on, you wouldn’t have to daydream about others people showing love and affection because it would be your reality from now on.
Thank you sm for reading! I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a long long time ✨🥰♥️
More Robert Fischer content here
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romancemedia · 7 months
Tonight's episode of Death in Paradise has been full of surprises.
Marlon is leaving and JP made a special appearance. Both were jaw-droppers, but the ending was a real shock too. Neville's ex-girlfriend from back home showed up on the island and is revealed to be "Sunset Chaser", the fan of his blog he's been communicating with for the past several episodes!
One of the best, bittersweet and most surprising episodes of the season by far!
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numetaljackdog · 2 months
WILT 8/3/2024
and get this. song notes under cut
Limp Bizkit - No Sex: ahaha the funny bizkit band!!!!! except this song speaks deeply to some Themes 😐<-the seriouser. pretty sure i've talked about this one in past WILTs but it just continues to strike me as unusual to hear fred like this on significant other. it's such a shameful song, definitely with some large doses of deflection and passing the blame to the woman he's addressing in the lyrics, but it connects on a base emotional level that fred rarely operated on at this point in bizkit hiztory, and an emotional level which i operate on every day of my life. this is in my top 3 lb songs
Jerk - I Hate People Like That: whenever i'm listening to this song, it's the best song in the world. i discovered this through the "crazy-ass moments in nu metal history" instagram page and loved the live video (the singer looks so cool!!) but hearing the studio version for the first time was the real jaw-dropper. recommend the whole album, some of the crunchiest, tastiest, most australian industrial i've ever heard
Deftones - Lotion: FINALLY entering my deftones era with lots of around the fur. lotion came on shuffle whilst i was mightily zooted one day and i decided that this was, in fact, the best song ever. the little vocal riff in the chorus? wild. plus ngl i do feel sickened
Fabricoh - Arm the Left: what a cool hardcore band :)
Coal Chamber - Fiend: idrc about coal chamber that much but this shit bumps
Klokwise - Bounce With This: as i believe i mentioned, this is one of my current favorite tracks from a newer nu metal band. hype as fuck, good riff, lots of bouncing. one thing i like best about klokwise is that they have a catchphrase. fucking brilliant way to build a community around your band. people can just say WISE UP and if you're with it then you immediately know what's up
Faith No More - Jizzlobber: speaking of themes and topics. i have been getting more into fnm due to reasons beyond my control and well frankly they are so bangers. "banger" doesn't really cover this one though this is straight up freak shit those vocals are crazyyyy
Cradle Of Thorns - Flesh: before videodrone was videodrone they were a strange little diy industrial outfit that made some independently-released records throughout the 90s. i've much yet to explore from the back catalog but this is a jam that's a combination of sexy and nasty and funny. included in the youtube playlist is footage of ty what's-his-name flailing and screeching like a wet little loser faggot boy
Kendrick Lamar - Not Like Us: i followed the beef from about the midpoint to the conclusion and i'm still marveling at how thoroughly kendrick lamar put that man in the dirt. and made some bangers along the way, this shit is in my head everyday
Faith No More - Digging the Grave: the singing so good. that's all i really have for this one rn, this is the newest addition to the rotation
Boskat - Boiler: honestly rudeboy really deserves most of the credit for this, like yeah boskat came up with a catchy riff but otherwise it's like barely their song. plus i checked out some of their other shit and it's mid as hell. really good nu revival track but seems like a total fluke unforch. plus idk why they shied away from just saying "dick" like grow up
Joey Valence & Brae - Packapunch: been bumping some jvb recently, which is where some of the beastie posting has been coming from. i'm a little cynical about some of their new stuff like ohhhh yeah i bet you want to add nu jazz and breakcore and w/e to your sound yeah i bet your online-as-fuck audience eats that shit up. but then also i'm part of that audience and i kind of do. so i guess they've got me there. plus danny brown! i'm serious about the beastie girls thing btw
Blondie - Rapture: another legitimate claim for the title of first-ever rap rock song! which is crazy bc it comes out of nowhere. like wow this blondie song is good in the way that most blondie songs are g- hey wait what. i love new wave and art punk and other stuff too. plus debbie harry's voice sounds realllll sexy when she sings the song title
P. O. D. - School of Hard Knocks: from little nicky. it's nu memtal
Insane Clown Posse - Hum Drum Boogie: oh goody! anyway me + the crew have been jamming this album recently and this song is so funny. MY BALLS
Charli XCX - Guess featuring Billie Eilish: i like girls :) this track strikes me as like a modern take on the paradigm of older club hits where there's like a male rapper who's the main artist and a female singer who's featured and does the hook and through the lyrics the narrative of performance is that they're gonna fuck down on each other. this is that but instead of pitbull or whoever it's billie eilish. and well that's kind of awesome. becuase of lesbian sex
Natalie Portman - Natalie's Rap: i don't give a fuckkkk about snl but i love when women rap and i love when it's violent on purpose
Chris Korda - Save the Planet, Kill Yourself: i got obsessed with the church of euthanasia recently after reading a bunch about the unabomber and that led me to chris korda's music which admittedly is not something i would give a fuck about if not for everything else going on with her. i would have added "i like to watch" instead of this but for some strange reason that i just can't fathom it doesn't seem to be widely available anywhere. weird!
Insane Clown Posse - I'm Ugly: actually awful song but soooo fucking funny. and then it gets kind of hard at the end and i stand by that
Trapt - These Walls: fuck these guys and their shitty band but also this song is kind of real as fuck....... like yeah man i would trade everything for this. however this was almost certainly purely incidental as all their songs sound like they were made in a lab
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aanoia · 1 year
Remus Lupin x reader words; 1118 song; Daydream by Adele (19 as fics) why did i have such a hard time writing this? if you'd like to request a song, literally any song in the world just use my inbox (tell me who, obvi, the song and who it's by, also obvi, and then if you want a scenario) I suggest reading about what this song is about it SHOCKED me, and then this fic might make more sense too. I can't get the song to link :(
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Sitting on the sea
Soaking up the sun
Remus gently rubbed circles into my hand as he talked about the book he was currently reading. His brows furrowed softly as he began speaking about a part he did not enjoy one bit, talking about how it almost ruined the entire book for him and he was ready to just stop reading it. 
The small waves of the lake crashed gently against the shore, creating a calm aura between the two of you. Never would you think something so unexpected would happen.
He is a real lover
Of making up the past
And feeling up his girl
Like he's never felt a figure before
“Y/n/n, you don’t understand. Nothing ever happened between us.” Remus reassured me as I rubbed my arm nervously.
“Are you sure, Remus? It’d make sense, you two are best friends.”
Remus smiled at me softly and placed his hands on my waist, “I’m very sure, my love.”
A jaw-dropper
Looks good when he walks
Is the subject of their talk
“Look, it’s him!” A first year squealed and I looked up from my book, curious as to who they were talking about. A proud smile crossed my face at the sight of my boyfriend looking around the hallway. I looked back down to my book, tuning into their conversation. 
“And have you seen him with-”
“Hello, love. I finally found you.” Remus said and I smiled up at him.
He would be hard to chase
But good to catch
And he could change the world
With his hands behind his back, oh
“There you go, all patched up.” Remus said, smiling down at the first year boy who scraped his knee pretty bad. The boy sniffled and hugged Remus tightly.
“Thank you, Remus.” The boy mumbled and ran off with his friends.
“You’re such a sweetheart.” I said behind him with a smile. He looked up from his spot on the ground and smiled.
You can find him sitting on your doorstep
Waiting for a surprise
“I’m sorry, what?” I asked James, my eyes teary.
“Y/n, I love you, you’re like a sister to me. I had to tell you, I’m so sorry.” James said, rubbing the back of his neck as Remus and Sirius came down the stairs and into the common room.
“Y/n? Why do you look like you’re about to cry?” Sirius asked, before looking to James with wide eyes. “Prongs, you didn’t…”
James shook his head, “I’m sorry. It wasn’t right. She needed to know.”
And he will feel like he's been there for hours
And you can tell that he'll be there for life
“Y/n/n, please, stop!” Remus yelled after me as I ran out of the castle and into the pouring rain.
“I can’t belie- I can’t believe you!” I screamed back, thunder booming behind me. “You told me nothing had ever happened- nothing ever was going to happen! You liar!” I sobbed, falling to my knees. The slick mud seeped through my pajama pants, sending shivers up my body. 
“Y/n-” Remus breathed, kneeling in front of me as I grabbed onto the wet grass, trying to ground myself.
“You- you cheated on me.” I mumbled, barely audible.
“With Sirius. I mean- I knew- I knew you liked guys and I don’t care, I don’t. I don’t.” I repeated, mostly to myself. “But you cheated on me. With Sirius.” I sat defeatedly on the ground. “No, don’t touch me!” I said, pushing Remus’ arms off me. “Don’t ever talk to me again. Ever.”
With eyes that make you melt
I sighed as I watched Sirius smile lovingly at Remus, who had the same glint in his eye he used to have when he looked at me.
“Oh, Y/n/n.” Lily sighed, hugging my side. “It’ll be okay, love. It’ll be okay.”\
He lends his coat for shelter
Plus, he's there for you
When he shouldn't be
The entire Great Hall watched silently as Sirius and Remus argued, both of their voices raising loudly. Not even the teachers dared to step in between them. Sirius pushed Remus away from him and the room gasped as Remus fell backwards, hitting the ground hard. Nevertheless, as Sirius stormed out Remus jumped up and ran after him, desperately calling out his name.
But he stays all the same
Waits for you
Then sees you through
“Oh my Godric, not again.” I mumbled to myself, and stood up, shoving my book into my bag as the yelling started again. 
“You’re still in love with her, aren’t you, Remus?” Sirius asked and I froze, looking up to meet Remus’ gaze.
There's no way I could describe him
What I've said is just what I'm hoping for
Remus nodded, “I am.” 
I scoffed and shook my head, catching Sirius’ attention who also looked at me.
“And you?” He asked me.
I shrugged, “I’m not.”
But I will find him sitting' on my doorstep
Waiting for a surprise
“Sophie, c’mon sweetheart, you need to go to be-” I was cut off by a loud knock on the door and the toddler I was trying to coax to sleep shot up from her bed and ran out of the room. I sighed and followed after her, mentally cursing whoever was at the door.
“Hello, mister, what’s your name?” Sophie asked.
“Sophia, how many times must I tell you not to answer the do- Remus?” I froze behind my daughter. Remus looked at me, his bottom lip shaking and tears filling his eyes. “What happened?” I asked quietly, taking Sophia into my arms.
“They’re dead, Y/n.” My heart clenched, I immediately knew who he was talking about. “They’re dead and Sirius killed them and I didn’t know what to do so I came here. I’m sorry, I-”
“No, no. Come in.” I said, stepping aside and he hesitantly walked in.
And he will feel like he's been there for hours
And I can tell that he'll be there for life
“We can’t just kick him out, Alex. He lost his people.” I whispered to my husband who watched hesitantly as Remus played with our daughter.
“Y/n, I-” he sighed. “Okay. He can stay for the night.”
I kissed my husband's cheek, “Thank you, love. It’ll only be for tonight.”
I turned around and paused as I saw Sophia asleep in Remus’ arms, snoring softly. I sighed as I thought about what could have been, but wasn’t. Remus looked up and smiled softly at me and I could just tell. He was thinking the same thing.
And I can tell that he'll be there for life
taglist (if you wanna be added just comment);
@loving-and-dreaming @1lellykins @poetrypirate
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gaphic · 8 months
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a real jaw-dropper in the youtube comments tonight. you were worried about your JOB? WERE YOU WORRIED AT ALL ABOUT YOUR FUCKING 14 YEAR OLD? SPARE A THOUGHT TO IF HE WAS ABUSED, PERHAPS?????
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ca-suffit · 2 months
agree w/ the rest of the anon’s ask re: marketing but this part — “they lean into the romance (with the white man) aspect when marketing it, which explains the ridiculous tone of the loustat reunion as well (which amc insisted on the hopeful/romantic tone instead of a darker one) and it once and for all proves why they wanted dreamstat in this season so much, unlike it was planned” isn’t really fair imo bc a) the marketing leans into the romance because… that’s what the show is about, and b) it’s never been said that they “insisted” on anything for the reunion… it’s clear rolin got what he wanted in the end product. he talked about working on it after the strikes ended with jacob and sam to get it right. it didn’t even have a romantic tone anyway… i feel like criticise the marketing all you want but there’s no real evidence that amc has much creative involvement in the show, from what rolin has said it seems like he’s delighted with how much freedom he has
I think where some of this comes from is that rolin does mention that AMC wouldn't go for the "nihilism" of the original book scene, but also says it's not what he wanted to do anyway (and he never tried to do it either, this is in the text quote below). combining this with feeling hurt by choices whoever is making to keep smoothing over racial topics and centering whiteness in various ways, it makes sense why this lands how it does with some ppl.
here's sources for some direct quotes on this.
at 6:39 rolin talks about the reunion scene here
and here's another quote from rolin about the 2x8 reunion scene (src)
The A.V. Club: The last three episodes of season two were jaw-droppers. When you broke down the season, did you know where you wanted everyone to land and then backwards engineer from there? Because this finale run is quite the feat in terms of structure and double bluffs.
Rolin Jones: It’s so hard to go back to all the permutations because we really were building 15 episodes instead of a regular season. Season two has its own structural issues. I’m trying to think of what was surprising…. The destination for Molloy [Eric Bogosian] I knew at the beginning. I kind of always knew that the first 20 minutes would be a Liam Neeson movie and the structure of the trial.
Before the timeline took over, in my first read, I was like, “What if [Louis and Lestat’s] reunion happens during [Hurricane] Katrina?” Then I was like, “Well, it doesn’t have to be Katrina. It can still be a hurricane. It’s New Orleans.” I thought a little bit about [King] Lear when [Lestat’s] in these rags and there’s a storm out there. It’s so beautifully done in the book, but it’s so wildly different. There was no way I was ever going to be able to sell that level of nihilism to AMC. And also, it’s not the story that we were ultimately telling anyway. And that was the pressure of knowing where [Anne] put those two later on in the books. It’s like, “What’s the event that really needs to happen there?”
AVC: There’s so much vulnerability and truth between Louis and Lestat [Sam Reid] in that moment, especially in their shared grief over Claudia.
RJ: It’s such a hard thing to do to a core audience, to take a year and a half break in the middle of a movie. I’m hoping that people will—now knowing the end—go back and see what we were doing in season one. There’s a lot of evidence to support love. We were never going to be fearful that they were predators and that if you imagine your worst human fight, things can get out of control. [We] had to deal with vampiric rage and vampiric love in all its forms. We fell on the idea, ultimately, that the season and maybe the show so far has been about this journey towards contrition and forgiveness and accountability. It’s not about pointing fingers and [going,] “Who did this to whom?” Now we’re like, “What can you control amongst yourself? What part did you play in that?” And that’s what we were doing with Louis for these first two seasons. Chipping away, chipping away.
I would also say on this show that [Claudia] is not closed. We have not tied a ribbon around that. So that’s actually just beginning, the accountability of that. To think that that will be swept under the rug…I don’t think you can. There’s still a lot there.
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hellsbroadcaster · 6 months
(fearedelight) Alastor volunteered for a bite, then a bite he shall get! Rosie smiled broadly as she grabbed the other Overlord, giving him a spin before going in for the sneak attack; she bites his arm! He gets a little bit more than a nibble, she knows he can handle a real bite. // Rosie jumped at the opportunity to bite her bff ok HA
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                .  . ˚ . ╳ ⊹ ― 𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄'𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐒, he almost forgets just how powerful she is despite her appearance. It shouldn't come as a jaw-dropper after all, she could tear apart the limbs of humans like they were loose leaf paper. Her bite could snap a hand clean off, she was not a miss to be trifled with. It was one of the long list of reasons Alastor loved her so much. 
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                        This bite was more affectionate, she wasn't aiming to tear through his arm though he undoubtedly could have taken a more robust bite if she had wanted to experiment. Alastor admires the bite marks on his arm with pride, as if he had just gotten the gold sticker for the best friend award. ❛ A little deeper next time, Rosie, you know I can take it ~ ❜ he encourages her with a wide grin. 
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eggjaculations · 6 months
crazy that everyone has forgotten that hobby lobby was smuggling illegal artifacts out of the middle east a few years ago and now i randomly get to remind people that hobby lobby was smuggling illegal artifacts out of the middle east a few years ago. real jaw dropper.
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thomasstaples · 4 months
Time to put my dad hat on and tell some dad jokes (None of these are original)
1: Where do sharks go for vacation? Finland! (I know, a real jaws-dropper) 2: How do you know when a computer is full? It tells you it can't take another byte! 3: Why are fish so easy to weigh? They come with their own scales 4: Why bluetooth speaker wasn't working, so I threw it into a lake. Now it's Syncing. 5: I have a pen that writes underwater, it can write other words too. 6: What do the british call a short mother? A minimum. 7: I wrote a book on how to not fall down stairs. It's a step by step guide. Reblog with more if you want
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
The Perfect Man (2005)
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The Perfect Man is a special kind of bad movie. This romantic comedy aimed at teens (or anyone else who is a fan of Hilary Duff, I suppose) didn’t stand a chance. I hate to criticize a premise. Without it, the movie wouldn't happen so you have to suspend your disbelief a little - Otherwise, why even bother hitting "play"?  - but this pictures lives in its own absurd reality. No one could take this jaw-dropper seriously.
Teenager Holly (Hilary Duff) is fed up. Every time her mom Jean (Heather Locklear) breaks up with a man, she severs all ties with him and moves Holly, her younger sister Zoe (Aria Wallace) and their entire lives to a new city. To get her mother to settle down, Holly creates a fake secret admirer to keep her away from any would-be suitors.
This is a 30-minute episode of a bad sitcom stretched to feature-length. It’s about a teenager whose mother is insane. No matter how comfortable Jean is in her career or home, she’s always one bad date away from upheaveling her entire life. This over-the-top reaction would raise all sorts of red flags if she was by herself, but this woman is raising two daughters! You’d think parenting would've driven some sense into her head but this tale is set in some alternate dimension where moving, is just an inconvenience that takes a couple of hours. Finding a job? Never a problem. It makes you wonder what kind of man managed to impregnate Jean twice without being driven away… though there’s nothing to indicates the daughters actually share a father, so who knows. Worst of all, this film's defining trait isn’t even necessary! You could’ve easily had a series of bad dates prompt Holly to create this elaborate charade just to avoid her mom getting heartbroken again. The Perfect Man would still be preposterous, but also more realistic than what we got here.
Directed by Mark Rosman, this rom-com is as predictable as the arms on a clock. For me, this meant it was quite fun to tear apart with friends. You can make jokes at the expense of the contrivances, the scenes of Holly and Jean flirting over email and instant messaging (good thing mom never sent nudes!) and the avalanche of unconvincing lies mom swallows like spoonfulls of chocolate ice cream after a heartbreak. I haven’t even told you that the “Perfect Man” Holly is basing her messages on is a real-life person, her best friend’s uncle (Chris North), whom we’re supposed to believe isn’t single, but come on. Is anyone fooled?
Within the picture's 96-minute running time, you'll find endless reasons for conversation/laughter. Holly is part of a love plot of her own with her classmate, Adam (Ben Feldman). Jean is pursued by a slob at work - what if they end up dating?! Oh no! There are many cheap moments of phony drama & character development that will make you roll your eyes. More than one decision by characters will leave you wide-eyed with disbelief.
The Perfect Man is an awful film but I enjoyed watching it very much - for all the wrong reasons. (Fullscreen version on DVD, August 25, 2018)
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themculibrary · 1 year
Fics With Titles That Start With J Masterlist
part two
Jailbreak (ao3) - justmattycakes mj/peter T, 3k
Summary: Dr. Michelle Jones knows all about soulbonds, but that doesn't make her a fan. In fact, she wrote the book on how to break them. But will her opinion change once she meets her own soulmate - NYC's favorite superhero?
James Rhodes in 8C (ao3) - what_alchemy rhodey/tony E, 5k
Summary: Tony has always known.
Jaw-Dropper (ao3) - LiquidCaliban steve/natasha E, 3k
Summary: Steve breaks his jaw during a mission and has to 'suffer' through Natasha's idea of being nice so he can heal.
Just a Blast From the Past (ao3) - InNeedOfInspiration steve/natasha N/R, 41k
Summary: Natasha watches Steve die and decides to use a time travel device from Asgard to go back in 1942 and prevent Bucky from turning into the Winter Soldier. Forbidden to meddle with the past because it could affect the future, she changes her appearance and introduces herself under a false identity. But as they grow close, Natasha finds it harder and harder to resist the charm of Steve from 1942.
Just A Memory (ao3) - justmattycakes mj/peter T, 24k
Summary: With Chitauri aliens pouring through the Breach, humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction, pinning its final hopes on Tony Stark's ailing JAEGAR program and his brilliant plan: a washed-up former Jaeger pilot (Michelle Jones) and his own eager protege (Peter Parker). Will Peter and Michelle find love - and each other - in the drift? And can these dumb kids cancel the apocalypse? Tune in to find out!
Just an Asset (ao3) - soniclipstick (veriscence) clint/phil T, 3k
Summary: Coulson is probably just being polite; it’s obvious that he prefers Thor. That’s fine. Clint is just an asset, after all. And Coulson has real friends now, he doesn’t need to waste his time on Clint.
For anonymous tumblr prompt: Phil and Thor are good friends, Clint doesn't understand.
Just Another Guy With A Bow (ao3) - myrmidryad clint/phil, darcy/steve, jane/thor N/R, 94k
Summary: Clint's life is a steady progression from point A to point B, but it's everything that happens between those points that make the story interesting. Things like joining the circus, losing Barney, finding Barney, stumbling into SHIELD, trusting Coulson, making a different call when he's sent to kill the Black Widow, and becoming part of the dysfunctional Avengers team.
Just a Rose on a Star (ao3) - road_of_ruin loki/tony T, 54k
Summary: It wouldn't be the first time Tony Stark flirted with death, but no matter what the others said, reading stories to the quarantined God of Mischief was definitely one of his better ideas.
Just a Touch (ao3) - The_Buzz bruce/tony T, 8k
Summary: When Bruce and Tony are trapped under the debris from a bomb, Bruce can't afford to transform into the Hulk without risking Tony's life. To make matters worse, Bruce is badly hurt and help might not be on the way for a while.
Just Be Me (ao3) - Daiya_Darko bruce/tony E, 8k
Summary: Bruce can’t accept the most intimate parts of himself until Tony does.
just between us (did the love affair maim you too?) (ao3) - dharmainitiative sam/bucky E, 33k
Summary: “So, guess you’re headed back to Wakanda?”
“I might,” Bucky says. “Honestly, I was banking on going back to Brooklyn. Closest thing I’ve got to home, so, just made sense. But seeing as I’m a fugitive…” He glances over at Sam with a wry smile. “Why, what about you?”
“Rhodey found a spot,” Sam says. “Some safe house on the outskirts of the city. Hasn’t been used in a few years, so, gonna head there and stay low till the pardon is official. Or try to, anyway.”
Bucky is quiet for a minute before he turns to Sam and asks, “Want some company?”
Just Come Home (ao3) - Pearl_Unplanned steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: It had been four months since Tony had last seen his Alpha. It was supposed to be a normal mission, infiltrating A.I.M. But something must've gone wrong, because they'd lost all contact with Steve, the day he was supposed to be back. He was going to tell his Alpha the second that he was home that he was going to be a father.
Only, Steve didn't come home.
(Or pregnant Omega Tony is scared when his Alpha goes missing. When they do find Steve, four months later, he isn’t alone, and the Rogers-Stark family will never be the same.)
Just Dance (It's Gonna Be Okay) (ao3) - ficbypen steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: The Avengers get body-swapped for about a month; Tony and Steve maintain their relationship through it.
just friend things (ao3) - flying_snowmen mj/peter M, 5k
Summary: Peter doesn’t bring anything up at dinner even though May is giving him some serious side eye and can’t stop looking at him with that contemplative look of hers. And then, while he’s washing the dishes and handing them to her to dry, she asks, nonchalant as she can manage, “So when did you and Michelle start dating?”
“MJ and I are just friends.”
Or, a story in which Peter and Michelle insist that they are just friends, to the belief of no one around them.
Just Keep Trying 'til You Run Out of Cake (ao3) - K_R_Closson bucky/clint M, 11k
Summary: Clint Barton sometimes has a name on his wrist. Sometimes he has a couple letters. Sometimes he doesn't have anything at all. By the time he's an adult and working for SHIELD, he figures his soulmate is a ghost. Figures he's never going to meet whoever it is.
He's got it half right.
just know you're not alone (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor tony/sam T, 10k
Summary: Tony was settling into his new life being an Avenger. Everything was going fine, great even, and then suddenly a kid was thrown into the picture. Peter Parker becomes Tony’s world, and he’s doing everything he can to keep his son out of the spotlight. Unfortunately, some things don’t always go to plan. But would it really be such a bad thing if his fellow Avengers found out about his son?
Just Me, You, and These Shitty Cigarettes (ao3) - dabblingwithwords steve/bucky, clint/natasha, bucky/brock E, 39k
Summary: Steve Rogers is pretty sure Natasha's new roommate is trying to kill him. Which he wouldn't mind considering he's been helplessly in love with him since they were thirteen.
just say you do (ao3) - biblionerd07 steve/bucky T, 173k
Summary: Steve just wanted a job. He wasn't expecting a marriage proposal. And he certainly wasn't expecting to accept.
just won't do right (ao3) - glittercake sam/bucky G, 7k
Summary: Sam's eyebrows go up, impressed, and he reaches over to squeeze Torres' shoulder, "This is amazing, kid. Thanks, really."
Bucky sits and watches in utter horror as the pink darkens on Torres' cheeks.
Oh, he realizes.
just you and me (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/bucky, past steve/tony, past/bucky/sam T, 1k
Summary: Steve and Bucky are best friends, childhood friends. Somehow, they've both ended up being single parents with daughters and shitty ex-husbands. Steve secretly has a crush on Bucky, and would do anything for him, even if it means watching his kid for the night so Bucky can go out on a date.
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Being human in a world that expects you to be a celebrity
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I would normally not read this sort of book. A fictional biography of a hollywood star is not my genre. Initially, I thought that picking up the book would be a task I would have to set my mind to, something I would not enjoy and wish for to be over. But in the end, I would pick up the book and have trouble putting it down. I expected boredom and I got a gripping and moving life story of a woman who fought for her place in an unforgiving world.
Evelyn Hugo is phenomenal and beautiful and true. She owns up to her mistakes but also taught me that being sorry doesn’t mean that, if you got to do it again, you wouldn’t make the same choices. Because sometimes you have to choose between two goods/evils.
The ending was a real jaw-dropper for me. Evelyn led a secluded life after her biggest heartbreak, the loss of both her best friend and the love of her life. Then she chose a journalist no one knew about. Because Evelyn thought she had talent and wanted her to write her biography. But also because Monique was the daughter of the man she left to die in order to save her best friend. Another example of a situation where both choices would have had a bad outcome. And I think Monique knew that too. That’s why to me it looked like her rage was complex. It wasn’t as simple as being mad at this woman, sitting in front of you, because of what she did to you. There was more than that. And I believe that complexity is what Evelyn had tried to explain to her by telling her life story. Not to redeem herself or come up with an excuse for what she had done. But to show what humanity is.
That’s probably why this book ended up on my shelf of current favorites. Because it has characters that are true. They are human. They are beautiful and flawed. And they try to life their best lives, with all its sorrow and joy. The author doesn’t try to get you to like them. She also doesn’t try to get you to hate them. Even the person you thought would be the villain at first - Don Adler, an abusive husband - ends up trying to be better. The characters are just there. With everything they are, telling their story. And I just think that’s beautiful. 
Rating: 5/5 emerald green dresses
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