#a red queen take on hades and persephone
dionysianivy · 7 days
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙣 𝙀𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙭 🌾🍎🕯
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What is Mabon?
Mabon, celebrated around September 21 to September 29, marks the autumnal equinox and the second harvest of the year. It’s a time of balance, as the hours of light and dark stand equal, symbolizing the transition between summer and winter. It's a time when witches and practitioners honor the changing seasons, express gratitude for the Earth's abundance, and connect with the energies of balance and transition. The term "Mabon" for this celebration is named after Mabon ap Modron, a character from Welsh mythology. It is often associated with the mythological theme of the abducted and imprisoned child who later becomes a hero, which parallels the changing seasons.
Who is Mabon Ap Modron?
Mabon ap Modron, also known as Maponus, is a character from Welsh mythology. In some versions of the myth, Mabon is portrayed as a divine hero or a child who was abducted from his mother, Modron, and imprisoned. He is rescued after 3 years and plays a significant role in Welsh mythological tales. The name "Mabon" itself means "son" or "young man" in Welsh, and it is connected to the theme of rebirth and the return of the light.
Hades × Persephone and the Autumn Equinox
Legend has it that on the last day of summer, Hades, the god of the Underworld, saw Persephone picking flowers in a field. He immediately fell in love with her and abducted her, wanting to keep her by his side as the queen of the dead. Upon discovering the disappearance of her daughter, Demeter, the goddess of harvest, set out to find her. Unable to locate Persephone, Demeter’s sorrow and despair were so overwhelming that the flowers, trees, and all vegetation withered, bringing all growth on Earth to a halt. The gods of Olympus, who were powerless to ignore the prayers of humans, reached a compromise with Hades regarding Persephone’s return. She would spend only six months each year with Hades in the Underworld. To avenge herself, Demeter decreed that during those six months, nature would mourn, and nothing would grow on Earth until Persephone ascended again from the Underworld.
Magical Correspondences
Planets: Sun, Mercury
Season: Autumn 
Element: Water 
Time of Day: Dusk
Tarot: The Hermit 
Colors: Brown, Maroon, Red, Orange, Purple, Yellow, Gold
Herbs: Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Chamomile, Cedarwood, Juniper, Mugwort, Dried Apple
Fruits: Grapes, Apples, Pears, Plums, Blackberry, Pomegranates
Vegetables: Carrots, Corn, Onions, Pumpkin, Squash
Runes: Dagaz, Inguz, Eihwaz, Jera
Crystals: Amethyst, Agate, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Amber, Yellow Topaz
Trees: Apple, Oak, Aspen, Cedar
Goddesses: Pomona, Demeter, Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Kore, Modron, the Morrigan, Persephone, Banbha, Autumnus, Hestia
Gods: Dionysus, Mabon ap Modron, Hades, Dumuzi, the Green Man, Hermes, Thoth, Cernunnos, Osiris, Freyr
Flowers: Marigold, Chrysanthemum, Aster
Animals: Deer, Dog, Wolf, Blackbird, Squirrel, Salmon, Swan
Magical uses: Abundance, Accomplishment, Agriculture, Balance, Goals, Gratitude, Grounding, Harvest, New Beginnings, Reflection
Activities to do:
🍎 create your own Cornucopia
🍎 make a special Mabon jar
🍎 bake an autumn recipe
🍎 eat apple pie
🍎 harvest your garden
🍎 light a bonfire and dance or tell stories with your loved ones around it
🍎 do a guided meditation to welcome the new season
🍎 clean your garden
🍎 listen to Mabon music on Youtube or Spotify(there are plenty of playlist you can find!)
🍎 spend time with your deity/deities
🍎 grab some autumn flowers and bring them into your home
🍎 rest and relax♡
🍎 read about Mabon
🍎 clean your house to prepare for the season
🍎 take a walk outside to connect with nature and be grateful for the summer that has passed and warmly welcome the beauty of autumn
Food and Drinks:
apple pie, apple cider, wine, grapes, root vegetables, apples, cornbread, baked good made from wheat or grains, cakes with cinnamon or nutmeg, roasted meat, pork chops, mashed potatoes, peach jams, fruit tarts, apples in all forms, pumpkin pie
useful sources: Magie Blanche by Eric Pier Sperandio
gifs credit: Pinterest
Tip jar🍎🌾
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fruitsofbeingafraid · 3 months
rating forgetmenauts couples on ren faire cosplay ability
bigfoot and mothman- 4/10
now they may be ICONIC, but god this would be a pain. either you do it low effort and just look like a regular wedding or do it high effort and then melt bc summer is ren faire season and it will be hot. the slay value is off the charts though. maybe if they're on their honeymoon?
thomas the rhymer & his faerie queen- 9/10
Average Fairytale Man and beautiful ethereal faeire queen is such a dynamic and you wouldn't be too hard-pressed to do either of them! you could even spice it up and do hawker thomas! wouldn't stand out too much at all. 
helena and gerard-8/10
great and wonderful and beautiful. 1872 is SUCH a time period to be replicating the fashions of. absolutely gorgeous. vampires are inherently pretty too. however they have exactly Zero defining features other than vampire so have fun with that.
the rusalka and the shepherd girl- 10/10
this would go SO hard. shepherd girl-esque outfits and humanoid fantasy creatures are both ren fest staples and i am just reiterating how UNNECESSARILY HARD THIS WOULD GO. no complaints. perfect.
persephone and hades- 7/10
i mean. iconic. beautiful for sure. however as we have discussed, summer is ren fest season, and not being together during summer is kinda their whole thing. also they're maybe the least forgetmenauts-y couple on this list bc its a retelling.
the summer king and his husband- 9/10
breathtaking. the summer king music video is so gorgeously beautiful. -1 point because in said music video the summer king does not have legs. if you're a wheelchair user disregard that last segment its an 11/10 for you. 
gay werewolfs- 2/10
if you want to either wear fursuits or do the most low effort unrecognizable cosplay ever these are the fellows for you! they have even less defining features than helena and gerard, i don't even know how you would successfully cosplay them. 
charlatan in red & foxbride- 3/10
i would LOVE to see people's interpretations of the foxbride. however a ren fest is probably not the place for that. i also feel like perhaps drawings would be better than a human for portraying that. the phrase "charlatan in red" evokes a lot of ren fest vibes though so idk! 
zombie promgoers- 5/10
now this may not fully fit the theme of ren fest but i personally would love to do this. get that sunday best into rags and tatters and dirty yourself up. the outfits would be great and it definitely wouldn't be the weirdest things there.
tam lin & lover- 4/10
i may be unsure how you would successfully do this but that won't stop me from thinking its a good idea. another song that has a set time it takes place in that is not summer, not sure how i feel about that. if you went solo as tam lin's captor though????? 10/10gorgeous perfect etc.
james & lover from cottonwood- 1/10
have fun cosplaying High School Boy.
skeletons from interlace of bones- 0/10
theyre skeletons.?
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audreyscribes · 5 months
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is PART 1 of the Persephone Demigod Headcanons. Due to the size limit of Tumblr, I had to split the entire work into two. [LINK TO PART 2 HERE] Hi everyone! It took me a bit to figure it out but here's what everyone has been waiting for! Persephone is just 1 out of the 4 works I have planned and written for, and these works will be categorized as the MISCELLANEOUS GODS due to not the fact these gods are minor or anything, but because I did mention this in an ask before and it's easier to think about due to the canon PJO world building. These works will be a bit more loose since I'm taking a shot in the wild so hopefully you guys like it. Thanks for reading!!
*Disclaimer: mentions of unusual births, life and death*
People have been wondering if Persephone would have a demigod of her own, considering Hades has his own children, but also it’s slightly more believable if people know about the story of Adonis. However, there are very limited ways that the goddess would give birth to a demigod, since she’s very loyal and in love with Hades, and vise-versa.  
How you could’ve been born:
You really could’ve been born normally where Persephone’s eyes fell upon a mortal, when it was during Spring or Summer, or when the autumn and winter months have been delayed. 
Honestly, I can see this going for either gender of mortal: If your mortal parent is male, Hades couldn’t have done much because he knows Persephone’s preferences are strict and the last human she fell in love was Adonis, that Aphrodhite herself loved as well, so, Hades worrying about her being (repeatedly) unfaithful is very rare so your mortal male parent is the exception. So don’t expect any or more demigod siblings of Persephone. Not totally out of Hades’ ire, but given how many demigod children he has, he really doesn’t say anything. If your mortal parent is female, I can see it being this unusual birthing process where some sort of guidance is required: maybe Persephone offered a seed that your female mortal parent swallowed and boom, you were born. 
You’re a cabbage patch baby or a rose baby. or you’re born from a Peach. Turnip baby. Any plant based births. Quite literally. Don’t ask how this exactly works, but it involves the blood, sweat, and tears of your mortal parent planting the seed that Persephone gave/helped and raised you together. 
There’s a story where a woman ate a red and white rose to give birth, and I don't think that's not off the books for Persephone to do. Offering the flowers or something for your mortal parent to eat and boom, here you are-
You were either or an orphan, a completely child/baby that was near earth or had died, and you underwent the same process that (Zagreus)  Dionysus underwent with the weird death-rebirth thing; where you were (SOMEHOW) taken in by Persephone physically then reborn as a child of Perseophone when she gave birth to you. Since you technically died, you lost half of your mortal self because of the whole dying thing, but was replaced with Persephone’s godly portion.
That said, you’re not probably a double demigod if you went through the whole rebirth thing: where before you were a demigod child that died before Persephone gave you a new life. If you are however, oh boy, the Fates have something planned for you and it will not be an easy/happy life for you; doomed or tortured by the narrative. Your happy ending will have to be earned and fought with blood and tears. Afterall, the more powerful the demigod, the less easy it is for them.
 Either way, I don’t really see Hades targeting you on the level Hera does to the children of Zeus; though you still might want to refer to Hades (very) politely as Lord Hades or Godly Step Father. Just good manners, you know.
Regardless, everyone at camp is very confused and looking at you in a mixture of wonder, uncertainty, fear, amongst a few. When you get claimed, it’s like Spring has arrived, even when it’s Autumn or Winter. Nature blooms all around you with such vitality no one has seen before, with flowers, grains, and crops sprouting underneath your feet and all around you. Once the claim is over, if it’s Autumn/Winter, the world reverts back and everyone can see the rot that surrounds them except for you as you walk. 
Everyone expects you to be either a “Flower prince[ss]”, a soft person like Spring, or “A Prince[ss] of the Underworld”, terrifying like your mother. However, while you may lean one than the other, you can be both. Afterall, Persephone may be one to bring growth and fertility to the earth, and everything, she is also just as much as Kore that lends to herself being the Goddess of the Underworld and the dead where destruction follows. On the other hand, it’s a pretty cool thought where you’re wearing a crown of flowers and being all soft looking but switch to something darker with the flower petals falling off, to reveal a crown of thorns with the shadows curling around you to almost seem like your face is a skull, and vise-versa. You do you.
When you walk on the earth, you’ll sprout flowers and plants underneath your feet but as soon as you raise your foot to step away, the plants will wither and die, leaving rot behind. Sort of like the God of the Forest walking in Studio Ghibli’s “Princess Mononoke” .
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aspens-apothecary · 1 year
Mabon Celebration Ideas!
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As some of you know, this Saturday is Mabon, the celebration of the Autumn Equinox. Some also refer to it as the "Pagan Thanksgiving", as you celebrate the bountiful harvest and are thankful for the earth and its many gifts.
Mabon marks the time of equilibrium, where the days and nights are of equal length. During this time, it is good to set intentions that involve decrease, such as ending unhealthy habits, self-destructive behaviors, or bad relationships.
Decorating for Autumn
This a great time to decorate for the coming autumn and spooky seasons leading up to Samhain! I like to open the windows and then cleanse my space(usually a simmer pot and smoke cleanse) and after, i actually physically clean the house.I then close the windows and stir my simmer pot, while setting new intentions for the household until the spring equinox. I then collect the things I want to decorate with(the usual fall decor; pumpkins, pine cones, leaf garlands, gourds and an autumn wreath on the door) and then decorate to my hearts content!
Release and Move Forward
Another thing I usually spend time on is meditation, centering myself, letting go of past baggage from the year and setting new personal goals and intentions until spring.
Find a nice spot outside, where you feel connected to the world around you. Take a journal with you, and meditate. Write down what you want the next few months to bring into your life. Set those intentions in any way you choose.
Have a nice Hearty Meal
Who doesn't love a good meal with great people? You can make a roast, hold a potluck Mabon dinner ect, I usually host a bonfire night and everyone brings their own dishes to feel the group. During covid, I made a pot roast for my fiance and I! You could also do a picnic!
Fall Activities
Apple Picking, Corn Mazes, going to a Pumpkin Patch, all fall activities that are fun for the whole family, as a cute date, or great solo fun!
Honor Persephone and Demeter
If you are one to honor deities/spirits during the holidays, Persephone and Demeter are two that will definitely fall into Mabon.
According to the myth, Autumn is the time where Persephone must leave her beloved mother and travel to Hades, to fulfill her role as the Queen of the Underworld. Each year she lets go of the concerns of the upper world, and willingly descends to guide the souls of the dead over the threshold of Life and Death.
Creating an altar, and leaving offerings for them in honor of their sacrifice is an amazing way to celebrate.
Other things you can do include cleansing ritual baths, Divination for the new few months, hiking, offerings for the local nature spirits, make a gratitude list for the last few months and thank the earth for her gifts
Mabon Symbols:
Cornucopia (horn of plenty), pinecones, seeds
Colors: Orange, red, yellow, brown, copper, dark yellow, dark green
Foods: Corn, beans, squash, apples, pumpkins, cider, root vegetables, pomegranate, wine
Herbs: Yarrow, rosemary, sage, mugwort, rosehips,
Stones: Amber, citrine, cat’s eye, aventurine, sapphire, jasper
Flowers: Sunflowers, thistle, marigolds
Deities: Mabon, Green Man, Demeter, Persephone, Morgan, Pomona, Inanna
Animals: Owl, stag, blackbird, salmon
I hope this gives you a few ideas! Add your own ideas to this list! These are just the ways I like to celebrate!
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lordgrimoire · 2 years
Persephone, Queen of The Dead
Alrighty! I’ve always been a somewhat subscribed person to Persephone being Queen of the Dead, I mean the Persephone folks think got tricked into staying into the Underworld, but due to reading some older sources I rather think she get’s KICKED OUT of the Underworld, to nerf her. So stay with me here. 
Danny, Youngest being to take on the title of High King of the Infinite Realms, gets bound and fucked up by the Observants, because their Dicks [heh]. Now, Danny somehow freed Clockwork and the other Ancients from the Observants control, and upon realizing Danny was too screwed up to participate in this showdown so Clockwork rocks up to Hades and Persephone and just goes, “Son, Daughter in Law/Granddaughter” [Urgh] “I would like you to look after High King Phantom” [Holds up Danny, who is VERY fucked up] “And his Sisters” [Gestures to Jazz and Ellie] “While we deal with the beings who drove me mad enough to trust my Parent’s words in the first place. My advice is that when Persephone returns to the land of the living she take them with her, though not to Olympus.” 
Suffice to say after some clarifications on the BS the Observants have pulled on the World the two agree and Persephone decides to spend some time with Diana because “Why Not?” 
Cue some time in March Persephone turning up to Diana Princes apartment after sending a letter and introducing her Sister/Cousin [Greek Family Trees are WACKY and DC makes it arguably worse]. Smash cut to a JL meeting and Constantine is losing his mind due to the Infinite Realms being in general Mayhem and Persephone, who came with Wonder Woman and brought a young adult and two kids, just goes. “Ah right, So I’ve got a story to tell you about that!” 
Constantine has to be put on Probation, Zatana has to be kept with him since she nearly went alcoholic, and Dr. Fate has been banned outright from saying shit in the presence of ACTUAL GODS. Jazz is having a pleasant time talking to Nightwing and Red Hood, Ellie is having a Blast with some of the younger Heroes, and Danny is just napping his little heart out on a couch in the hallway, next to an equally conked out Red Robin while Superboy takes [BLACKMAIL] Photos, just photos.
Tags for Folks who I think will enjoy this
@stealingyourbones @geraldmariaivo @captain-krow-drozdov @fanfiction-artist-prototype
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This alliance dissolved faster than sugar in hot water. (Persona 5 AU)
Also I know Bigb and Lizzie have similar outfits and themes and Ren is more red than Pearl, who’s codename is literally just another word for “red”. Eh, oh well.
Team B.E.S.T.
The Scottage + Gem
Magic Mountain + Cub
More under the cut!
Lizzie - “Flora” - The Tower Arcana - Carabosse/Persephone
Once the leader of a sorority and with sky-high academics, Lizzie has since fallen from grace after allegations of foul play were revealed. Even if Lizzie didn’t commit such actions, the label stuck and she has since been outcasted from the student body and now spends her days in the shadows, taking care of quite a few stray cats. Despite these setbacks, she still retains her gleam of authority and tries to help lead the phantom thieves, using some of her old connections & IOUs from her days as an honour student. She’s in an active and loving relationship with a certain former delinquent.
Within the metaverse, Lizzie uses Carabosse. Carabosse is more well known as “Maleficent” or the thirteenth fairy from sleeping beauty. As revenge for not being invited to a party, she curses the newborn princess to prick her finger and die, which another fairy changes to simply falling asleep after pricking her finger. I wanted to combine the two aesthetics and themes Lizzie finds herself in; cutesy fairy and supervillain mastermind.
Her Ultimate persona is Persephone. Persephone is the wife of Hades, and queen of the underworld and goddess of spring. Persephone is often equated and conflated with Despoina, who’s real name isn’t revealed to anyone but those who initiate her mysteries. She is noted to be so terrifying, one must never utter her by name out loud unless they want to catch her attention. This is heavily contrasted by the later interpretations of Persephone as a simple spring goddess.
Ren - “King” - The Emperor Arcana - Arthur/Fenrir
Ren is a prodigy actor at a local theatre, with his acting skills being matched by no one in the theatre. He specializes in dramatic characters with flowery speech and theatrical monologues, to the point whenever he’s in the metaverse, he LARPs as an Evil King. He helps hook the Phantom Thieves up with a weapons expert, who for some reason wears a goat mask 24/7. Upbeat and Loud, he and Skizz helps keep morale high in the phantom thieves. He’s very close with Martyn, despite Martyn insisting he’s just using them as pawns. Whether or not this is true or not is yet to be determined.
His persona is Arthur, namely King Arthur. He is a famed king, known for his sword Excalibur and his large entourage of knights. His story lives on through media, be it through simple books to as grand as whole stage plays. He is often portrayed as a well meaning king who defends the land from both human and supernatural threats. Although his legend has changed throughout history, his story is one bedecked by both tragedy and grandeur.
His Ultimate Persona is Fenrir, a key figure in Ragnarok and killer of Odin. A child of Loki, he and his siblings were foretold to bring the end of the universe and in Odin’s attempt to escape this prophecy, he ends up giving them the power and motives needed to enact the tragedy. In Fenrir’s case, he was brought up the wolf in their home where only Tyr had the courage to approach him to give him food, which sparked a friendship between the two. However, due to his rapid growth everyday the gods made three leg cuffs and had Tyr helped trick Fenrir into putting the cuffs on. When he realizes the trick, he bites Tyr’s hand off. In Ragnarok,he breaks free of his chains and swallow Odin whole, killing him.
BigB - “Spectre” - The Temperance Arcana - Winchester/Eshu
A velvet room attendant who is currently abandoning his duties as an Attendant in the first place. Since the new velvet room manifested, he has since been shirking his duties to explore the outside world, never really returning to the Velvet Room. He still speaks in a somewhat strange manner but is polite and charismatic, making him well liked by the people around him. He initially joins the Phantom Thieves to keep Watch of Grian, as he is aware of his true nature, but eventually finds more reasons he desires to stay. He is especially gifted with persuasive speech and helps come up with alibis for the Phantom Thieves whenever they get into shady business. He has an odd habit of exiting rooms through doors that weren’t originally there.
His persona is Winchester, both the person and the mansion. Sarah Winchester was the wife of the inventor of the Winchester rifle. After she was widowed, she was told she would be haunted by those whose lives were stolen by the rifle her husband created. In order to prevent the ghosts from harming her as well as to possibly contact the ghosts of her lost loved ones, she turned her farmhouse into a strange, maze like mansion with doors and windows that lead to nowhere, stairs that end in ceilings, trapdoors, and barred windows.
His Ultimate Persona is Eshu or Èṣù, a Yoruba Orisha who specializes in divination and acts as a messenger between heaven and earth. He was known to have tricked Ifa out of his secrets of divination, and another where he frees Ifa from his imprisonment within a palm tree and casts him as a founder of the Ifa religion.
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that-ari-blogger · 11 months
Persephone Is Stray Gods' Thesis Statement
I mentioned this when I wrote my post on Pan (check it out, I'm rather proud of that), but Persephone is also a weird choice to include. When you think of the Olympians, Persephone is there, but its "Hades and Persephone" or "That time Hades kidnapped Persephone" or "Persephone, wife of Hades." There is a duality to her pop culture appearance, but here, Hades is absent, and Persephone takes a central role. Why?
Let me explain.
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Let's start simple. Who is Persephone? The answer to that is complicated, and thats the point. In the modern understanding, Persephone is the wife of Hades, and that's pretty much it. She's the goddess of spring (although not really). She exists in relationship to her husband and nothing else.
But mythologically, Persephone is terrifying. Her name predates Hades' in terms of archaeological evidence, and she has been equated with the name Kore, meaning "maiden" which, yes, is why that name gets referenced in stray gods. Essentially, Persephone is old, but she had a nickname that people used instead of her actual name.
My theory of this is because you don't want to say the name of a death goddess or she'll notice you, but that is mostly because OSP proposed that idea in their video, and I liked it. Check it out for more detail on Persephone.
The point that I'm going for here is that Persephone is multi faceted in nature but has been whittled down to a 2D archetype in general knowledge. And that's how she is introduced in Stray Gods, she's mean and unpleasant and fits into the "so obviously the killer that she's probably a red herring" archetype. But she gets more complex as a character the closer you look.
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Anyway, let's examine this song.
The visuals are phenomenal. Take this shot, for example. Persephone stands raised above everyone else, with her symbol glowing behind her, symbolising how her influence is enormous and that this challenge will be tough. It's also colouring the rest of the room, all of the nameless NPCs are entirely lit in purple, a colour associated very clearly with Persephone. She is in control of this scene. It's also worth noting how small and indistinguishable grace is here, she fades in where Persephone stands out. Grace is weaker here. Thats some cool visual storytelling right there.
Also, The Underworld is a dope as all hell name for a club. (She's queen of the club called the underworld. So, she's queen of the underworld).
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Similarly, this is cool. Its a bridge, symbolising connection, or a crossing. As Grace argues and fights with Persephone, she crosses into Persephone's world and starts to understand her more.
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This shot is just cool, not much else to it. It's confronting Persephone with herself and her emotions about Calliope, cast in the colours of a sunrise as she forces Persephone to mage a choice about what to do in the future.
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"If she had something to say, would you turn her away?" "Please don't do this."
This neatly shows that at this point in the song, Grace has "won". She has succeeded in the challenge, but neither combatant looks particularly happy. The reason for the victory dominates the camera, the connection has been formed because of Calliope.
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"You hear that? Silence"
I am a sucker for the simple things. A blank stage with a single image on it is all you need to win my heart. This shot is my favourite in the song. It's the moment when you finally get through to Persephone, if you do that. (I'm not telling you how to get here, work that out yourself). What do you see when you finally get through all of Persephone's walls and defences? What do you hear?
Persephone stands before you in an enormous ribcage, where the heart should be. It's overgrown, and empty, and the rest of the body has disappeared. There is just enough there to know that there is a hole, a void.
Phantom Pains sets up a metaphor of anatomy. Specifically, anatomy that has been removed or lost. And here that metaphor is again, showing the wounds at the heart of Persephone. This is a character who knows loss and trauma and betrayal, who is trapped by the memory (I wonder who else is like that).
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In one ending, this area is where you get the explanation of Hades' absence. Persephone killed him.
Stray Gods is a story about family, about how, when it goes well, it can be amazing, but when it goes badly, things get dark. Of course, Persephone would be included in that story, she is part of the archetypal dysfunctional family in Greek mythology. But like the myth, this character is more complex than that. Stray Gods is also about moving past trauma, overcoming it, being more than it, and Persephone's characterisation in the entire musical embodies that philosophy.
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galacticnikki · 12 days
A Baby Witch's First Grimoire
Grimoire Entry 21 - Persephone Correspondences
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The Kidnapping of Persephone
Zeus had three sisters. Hera was the goddess of marriage and queen of the gods. Hestia was the goddess of the home and hearth. His third sister, Demeter, was in charge of the harvest. Every god/goddess' job was important. Demeter's work was extremely important however. If she was upset, the crops could die.
Everyone, gods and mortals, worked hard to keep Demeter happy. Her happiness came from spending time with her daughter Persephone. Persephone had matured into a stunning young woman. One day, while collecting flowers in the fields, Hades, the god of the underworld, noticed her. Hades was usually an unhappy person. But Persephone's beauty had mesmerized him. He fell quickly in love. Before anybody could intervene, Hades grabbed Persephone and retreated to the darkest depths of the underworld, carrying her with him.
Persephone sobbed uncontrollably while imprisoned in a room in Hades' Hall. She refused to speak with Hades. She refused to eat. According to legend, if you ate anything in Hades, you would be unable to leave. She wasn't sure if the rumor was true, but she didn't want to take the chance in case someone arrived to save her. Nearly a week had passed. Finally, unable to stand her hunger, Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds. It seemed her fate was sealed. She'd have to live in the Underworld forever.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Zeus was concerned about the crops. People would die if the harvests failed and he needed to do something. Zeus did what he normally did. He dispatched Hermes, his youngest son as his messenger, to make a deal with Hades. When Hermes learned that Persephone had consumed six pomegranate seeds, he had to think quickly. He made a bargain with Hades: if Persephone married him, she would serve as queen of the underworld for six months of the year.
However, Persephone would have to come back every spring to spend the other half of the year on Earth. Hades agreed. Zeus agreed. Persephone agreed. At last, Demeter finally agreed. Demeter promised that each spring all the flowers bloom to greet her daughter, the Queen of the Underworld, upon her return. Demeter cries every autumn as Persephone makes her way back to Hades, allowing all the harvests to perish until April, when the cycle begins anew.
Sheaf of Grain
Seeds of grain
Modern Offerings
Pink Tourmaline
Anything Floral
Food & Drinks
Red Wine
Olive Oil
Herbal or Floral Tea
Dark Chocolate
Tarot Cards
The High Priestess
The Hermit
Images of what she's associated with
Flowers (Real or Fake)
Sheaf of Wheat
Freshly Harvested Fruits
Fake/Decoration Fruits
Bones (Real or Fake)
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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adracat · 1 year
Esoteric+Divine Composite: Suletta
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Suletta's position as an amalgamation/twist on Miranda and Caliban is obvious along with Utena. But what are some of the lesser known? She's a character shaped with symbology ranging from norse and greek myth to alchemy. Fenrisulfr, Hercules, Hermes/Mercury, and the Red King.
I've already broken this down a bit in a previous analysis, and in light of the finale, she finally fulfills the Ragnarok prophecy.
The freed wolf who eclipses the 'sun', heralding an end to the Gods(Benerit and SAL)
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And her method of devouring Odin Miorine is consuming her in holy matrimony as the new cycle of the world is born.
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This one might be a surprise, but it's true. Suletta is undeniably coded with Heracles/Hercules symbolism, beginning with his 12 labors. In the very first episode of GWitch, she slew the invincible Nemean Lion and 'skinned' his coat
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And her final labor is the subjugation of Cerberus, the multi-headed dog of the underworld.
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Take note, before Hercules descends and encounters Cerberus, he's inducted into the cult of Demeter and Persephone. Notrette as Anesidora is revealed to be our Demeter, chthonic goddess of agriculture. And prior to this battle, Suletta speaks with the Persephone of our tale, inducting her within the mysteries.
You can draw other parallels between the various herculean labors and Suletta's duels. Such as the Grassley battles echoing that of the Hydra or Elan/Peil as the man-eating Stymphalian birds.
Suletta's godlike strength suddenly doesn't seem like an accident, does it?
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So why was this done, other than for fun symbolism? The answer all boils down to Hermeticism, as it often seems to. Specifically this painting of Hercules, called Allegory of Wisdom and Strength
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I'm unsure if it's common to interpret this image as another symbol of As Above, So Below but it's clear to me Okouchi has. We have Hercules focused on earthly matters while the greek personification of wisdom, Sophia, is focused heavenward. The light of enlightenment crowns her brow. Both are in frame and not in conflict; As Above, So Below. Coincidentally (or not) Sophia is one possible ciphered translation for Baphomet; a blatant esoteric symbol of perfect unity.
This is of course obvious considering its in her name, but there's one mythological parallel I want to highlight. The tale of Persephone/Kore. It was Hermes who descended into the underworld and retrieved the 'defiled' Persephone, escorting her safely above and reuniting her with her mother
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Suddenly, Shaddiq's dramatic comment about Miorine's defilement doesn't seem so off-color. They were intentionally harking to Persephone Mio who was taken by Hades, Prospera here.
The Red King
I've already discussed this a bit here, but let's recap. Suletta is derived from Soletta. Her signifying colors are Red and Gold as Holder, both key to the Red King. She was 'eaten' by a lion (aqua regia solution) before being reborn, her metaphorical sun blackened with despair (dissolving).
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All of it culminating into a Great Work, banishing gundams, defeating SAL, and saving Eri; her Filius philosophorum (Philosopher's Child) All miracles.
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Oh and finally married her White Queen ofc, though their union was cemented with a tomato by then. In GWitch's version of Theogony Hermes wed Persephone, accomplished the 12 herculean labors, created a philosopher's stone, and completed Ragnarok
Note: Considering the proper name of Fenrir, Fenrisulfr, Okouchi might've been trying to be cute. Sulfur girl indeed
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olympushit · 1 year
Keeping up with the Olympians
Episode 7:
Preview: Olympus and the Underworld are a living hell! Zeus and Hera are back to the fighting scene after the "bitch" incident. Poseidon and Amphitrite are in tge same fate as Zeus and Hera, but a little better. Hades decides to take Persephone on a vacation in the unknown lands of the Underworld. Ares and Aphrodite celebrate their union again once and for all, while Apollo falls in love with Hyacinthus. Many more to follow on this unholy episode!
Scene 1: (Zeus and Hera back on Olympus)
Hera: I can't believe you!
Zeus: You act like you don't know me.
Hera: What do you expect me to do?
Zeus: Get over it!
Hera: Really?
Zeus: Why so aggressive?
Hera: You think that's aggressive? I'll show you aggressive!
Zeus: Hera! No! Not the condoms! I need them!
Hera: For what exactly?
Zeus: Oops!
Hera: I'll kill you with my own hands!
Zeus: Catch the thunder bitch!
Zeus' confessional:
Thanks to my thunderbolts I run away this time! But I don't know for how long I can hide from her! Until she finds me, let's seduce this little mortal girl!
Hera's confessional:
He may have run away, but he doesn't know that I have installed a mini tracker on his wedding ring! Hephaestus darling, you are my favorite son! For today at least!
Scene 2: (Poseidon and Amphitrite)
Poseidon: Babe, let's talk it out!
Amphitrite: Did the wall just talk?
Poseidon: Don't act like that!
Amphitrite: Yeah, definitely the wall is talking.
Poseidon: I'll say whatever I have to say and if you want listen to me! I love you more than everything in this world! You are my queen, my equal, my eternal consort, my other half. Without you a day passes awfully slow, painfully alone! My heart calms around you, my soul is screaming your name! If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have chased you so far away from Greece to get you to notice me when you refused my proposal in the very beginning! Please my queen, forgive me!
Amphitrite ready to cry: You mean it Poseidon? You really love me that much?
Poseidon: If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be here now!
Amphitrite: Ok then, I forgive you, but this is the last chance I give you!
Poseidon: I'm forever grateful honey!
Amphitrite's confessional:
I am really moved by Poseidon's words! I can't believe he loves me that much!
Poseidon's confessional:
Thanks goodness Eros wrote down those sweet words I told her! I owe you one nephew!
Scene 3: (Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes and Dionysus)
Ares: I can't believe I got him out of my plate!
Aphrodite: It was about time!
Ares: So, how are we gonna celebrate our reconciliation?
Aphrodite: Let's burn all Apollo's photos!
Ares: Let's paint the curtains red!
Aphrodite: You mean the town red?
Ares: No! The curtains! He hates red curtains!
Aphrodite: That's diabolical!
Ares: Babe, I'm fucking war!
Aphrodite: I love your fierceness baby!
Hermes on the phone behind the door: Apollo, Ares will paint your curtains red-
Ares: Wait! Did you hear that?
Aphrodite moves to open the door and Hermes falls on the floor forward along with Dionysus.
Ares: You stupid ass bitches! What are you doing in my palace?
Hermes: Apollo hung up, they discovered us!
Dionysus:It's not what it looks like!
Aphrodite: Apollo told you to come and spy on us! Traitors! Hermes, I thought we were friends!
Hermes: No no! Apollo has no idea about it! I swear on Styx!
Dionysus: Wow! You suck at telling the truth!
Hermes: I am a professional liar! What did you expect?
Ares: So, if Apollo doesn't know about this, then why are you here?
Dionysus: We care about him, and we wanted to see if this was for real!
Ares: Wow! You are unbelievable!
Hermes: I know I am!
Aphrodite: He wasn't complimenting you!
Hermes: Nevermind.
Ares: Get lost from my palace both of you!
Dionysus: Or else?
Ares: Deimos! Phobos! Hermes said you are lame!
Hermes: What?
Dionysus: Ain't no fucking way!
Hermes: Run for your life!
Scene 4: (Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus)
Apollo's confessional:
I don't care about Ares anymore! Hyacinthus is a real sunshine, a real loyal lover!
Hermes: Apollo! Help!
Apollo: What's wrong? And what were you saying on the phone earlier?
Dionysus: That's not important right now! Deimos and Phobos are on their way here!
Apollo: Oh no! What did you do?
Hermes: We were spying on Ares and he unleashed those two little brats to chase us away from his palace!
Apollo: You idiots! Deimos and Phobos went on vacation with their girlfriends a week ago!
Dionysus: Damn! He is right!
Hermes: We are safe!
Apollo: Ok, what's the matter now?
Hermes: Ares wants to paint your curtains red and burn your photos!
Apollo: Who cares about him? Hyacinthus has my heart now!
Dionysus: Did you overcome it so quickly?
Apollo: Love is the solution to everything!
Hermes: Ok then! So what now?
Apollo: I'll enjoy my life with him!
Dionysus: You know him only for one week!
Apollo: I knew Ares for centuries and this id how it turned out!
Hermes: He has a point there.
Apollo: I'll focus on myself more, I'll think positively amd I'll devote myself on everything that makes me feel happy!
Dionysus: I'm happy for you bro!
Hermes: We will always be there for you!
Scene 5: (Persephone and Hades)
Persephone's confessional:
Hades told me we will have splendid vacation after our fight. He said he will show me places I have never seen in my life again. I can't wait!
Hades: Babe! Are you ready?
Persephone: Yep!
Hades: Wait, why 3 suitcases?
Persephone: I didn't know where we are going, so I took summer and winter clothes! Shouldn't have I?
Hades: Actually, never mind! Let's go.
Persephone: I don't like that tone Hades. Is something wrong?
Hades: You shouldn't have packed anything.
Persephone: You are right! All we need is one another!
Hades: That's the spirit babe! Now let's go to Tartarus.
Persephone: Tartarus? What are we gonna do there?
Hades: We will go to Tartarus to see the titans.
Persephone: Excuse me?
Hades: After all these years we are together, I find it strange that you haven't shown interest in meeting our ancestors.
Persephone: Are you serious? Cronos swallowed you when you were a baby! Why would I meet him personally?
Hades: There is no interest to your grandfather?
Persephone: He is a scumbag!
Hades: Persephone! Show some respect to my family!
Persephone: Excuse you, but you weren't respectful to my mother when you abducted me!
Hades: That's besides the point!
Persephone: Really? Is that so?
Hades: What else did you expect?
Persephone: I'm outta here!
Hades: You can't go to your mother!
Persephone: Watch me Hades!
Scene 6: (Demeter, Hestia, Hera and Persephone)
Hera's confessional:
After everything that happened with Zeus, I really need my sisters by my side.
Hera: He called me bitch!
Demeter: Who calls someone like that in a sexy way!
Hera: Exactly.
Hestia: That's disgraceful!
Persephone barges into the room crying
Persephone: Mommy!
Demeter: Baby!
Hug scene
Demeter: Why are you crying? Did your shitty man do something stupid?
Persephone: Yeah, he wanted to take me to meet Cronos!
Persephone: Hey! Tell me something! Why so silent?
Hestia: Well, that's not something weird to me.
Hera: I agree.
Demeter: That's why you are sad?
Persephone: Excuse me, what's wrong with everyone today?
Demeter: He may be a shitty man, but still it is no harm to watch him even from far away. He is our dad afterall.
Persephone: Are you listening to yourself?
Hera: Well, little Persephone, know that all of us have visited our dad over the centuries.
Hestia: He is our dad and thus your grandad. I don't see why not.
Persephone: I'm outta here!
Persephone departs
Hera: Anyways! Where were we?
Hestia: At the bitch topic. But what is to die for was Demeter with Poseidon and Amphitrite fighting!
Hera: Ohhh! What did I lose?
Demeter: I'd rather not talk about it.
Persephone barges again into the room.
Persephone: What happened with Poseidon?
Demeter: Oh dear lord!
Hera: Spit it out sis!
Demeter: We slept together. Amphitrite found out and came here looking for the ankle monitor detector. But Poseidon was also there and we ended up fighting with Hestia swinging your white sheet as a peace flag.
Hera: My white sheet?
Hestia: Did you prefer I took one of Zeus' white underwear instead?
Persephone: What? No! She'll catch gonorrhea!
Hera: What?
Demeter: Darling! That wasn't very nice!
Hera: Run for your miserable life Persephone!
Persephone starts running with Hera following right behind.
Hestia: This week is quite tiring!
Demeter: You tell me!
Scene 7: (Athena, Artemis, Ares)
Athena: Don't tell a single soul, but I stole Ares' shield!
Artemis: Wait! How did you lift it? I thought he was the only one who could lift his shield!
Athena: Nothing escapes my mind!
Artemis: That's why I love you!
Athena: I love you too sis! Now let's take it to Hephaestus!
Artemis: Wait! Why?
Athena: Hephaestus wants to apologize to Ares and we need to help him.
Artemis: I never thought you would help out Ares make up with his brother.
Athena: I'm doing this for Hephaestus, not this hotheaded bitch!
Ares barges in
Ares: You lil bitch! You stole my shield!
Athena: What? Who? Me?
Ares: Yes! You! You are holding it right now!
Athena: Oh! That's a replica one! I told Hephaestus to make tge same one for me!
Ares: You think I am stupid?
Athena: Yes, but that's a conversation for another time.
Ares: Give it back now!
Athena: But it's not yours!
Ares: But it is!
Athena: But it's not!
Ares: But it's not!
Athena: But it is!
Athena: Shit!
Ares: You said it yourself, now give it back you pussy bitch!
Athena: Over my dead body!
Ares: You wanna fight? I'll give you a fight!
Athena: Come on! You'll lose again as always!
Ares: I don't think so this time!
Ares departs.
Artemis: What was that now?
Athena: I don't know!
Artemis: You better sleep with an eye open.
Athena: Pfft! Bitch please! What is he gonna do?
Scene 8: ( Hephaestus and Hermes)
Hephaestus: I can't believe that!
Hermes: Isn't that amazing?
Hephaestus: Definitely!
Hermes: Why do you wanna apologize to Ares?
Hephaestus: Because I know I was on the wrong. He had a relationship with Aphrodite way before. They had children together!
Hermes: Is that all? Then why did you break them apart?
Hephaestus: Because I thought that Aphrodite would ameliorate my status on this unholy mountain, but apparently that was wrong!
Hermes: I'm glad you acknowledge your mistake!
Hephaestus: I am a shitty brother!
Hermes: I think that Ares is gonna appreciate it.
Hephaestus: You think so?
Hermes: Both of you are very misunderstood bro. He is in tge same place as you.
Hephaestus: I hope it ends well this time!
I made it!
I hope you liked that episode, I had fun writting it!
Till episode 8!
3 more episodes and then Keeping up with the Olympians will finally end!
Stay tuned! 💜✌️😀
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synergysilhouette · 6 months
Rewriting some of the Winx Club villains (for fun)
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I actually had a fun time with rewriting the Winx, and it seemed to have gotten positive reception! Thus, I thought I'd do rewrites for some of the Winx Club villains. Just like with my last post, this is NOT a "what would've made them better" post, but just my own interpretation of the characters based on the show (mainly the first 4 seasons as applicable) and some of the comics. And since I never did a post about recasting the villains (I only did so with the Winx and the Specialists), I'll include my dream voice cast here. Enjoy!
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Ancestral Witches--In my rewrite, there's only one ancestral witch; I feel like it fits the primordial vibe more, but this is also because the witches don't have distinct personalities, and the Trix claim descent from all three of them, but this feels like they were moreso their reincarnations than their ancestors (though it could be both). This sole witch would be named Carabosse, named after the wicked fairy the Ancestral Witches are based on. She is created by Darkar as the first evil mortal (albeit with an extended lifespan due to magic, both hers and Darkar's), but she isn't his servant; she's his consort, and they exist as a twisted version of Hades and Persephone from Greek Mythology. Rather than having the same powers as the Trix, Carabosse has the ability of corruption, being the first mortal queen in the magical dimension (and ever, probably), and seen as doing her husband's dream of spreading evil throughout the world. The descendant of the holders of the dragon spark, Oritel, formed the Company of Light to defeat her, but they only managed in destroying her physical body, with her spirit still lingering. She is the first witch, as you may have guessed, and even in death, we are never truly rid of her, due to her divine marriage and long-forgotten magic that makes her influence permeate the most evil parts of the magic dimension.
I'd imagine she dressed in dark blue/black with orange-red gems and patterns, almost like she's made of lava. My ideal voice actor for her would be Colleen Wheeler, who did an AMAZING job of playing Mystique in "X-Men: Evolution."
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The Trix--No need for introduction, the sisters of the Ice Kingdom are the most persistent villains in the series. In my rewrite, their realm wouldn't be known as the Ice Kingdom (since it kinda discards Darcy and Stormy, but Distorsione, Italian for distortion), said to be the base of Queen Carabosse. You'd think that being descended from her would offer the Trix some leverage, but the royal family has much closer ties to her while the Trix are distant relatives. The people there are reserved and standoffish, but not necessarily evil, though the Trix essentially ruin that perception and now it's a demonized location in the magical dimension. It's confirmed that the Trix are triplets and were abandoned by their family for the perceived threat they could pose in the future, and upon discovering this, they vowed to take over the magical dimension and retake what they believe to be their birthright. And it's worth noting that for most of the first season, no one knows who they are when they attack the winx; they have a "Superman" thing going on because of the makeup and clothes change; when in disguise, they dress similarly to their fairy disguises in issue #123 of the comic.
Icy has an on-and-off romance with Darko throughout the series (it's implied that they could've been something positive, but Icy is too focused on power and is willing to mistreat Darko, who, despite having his own issues, cared about Icy but is now mainly just courting her for potential power that he could wield as her consort). She also has a distaste for Bloom, given their powers are polar opposites, as well as the fact that Bloom was automatically revered for her potential while Icy was discarded for it. She also takes particular interest in tormenting Flora and Ariel (my rewritten version of Roxy), since I'd canonize the 4kids statement that she derives power from dead planets, and the fact that she doesn't really have any particular respect for animals and plants. I'd probably base her design on Taylor Swift, particularly during her "Reputation" era. I know the Trix weren't based on celebrities, but I thought it'd be a nice touch. I'd I'd like her to be voiced by Salli Saffioti, since I really liked her performance as Cleo de Nile on Gen 1 and 2 of "Monster High," albeit something a bit less regal. As usual, she wears shades of blue, though I like the idea that she keeps the lighter/brighter tones for her witch look that she does in her civilian clothes.
Darcy is the middle triplet, and is quite interesting due to her relationships with others. While Icy is somewhat conflicting with how she feels about others, sometimes abusing them and sometimes praising and adoring them, Darcy cares about others but believes that abusing them is the best way to show it (influenced by her abandonment and the fact that she's been lied to a lot by people who claimed to care about her growing up). She's attracted to danger and doesn't really understand the typical concepts of love and care, which Icy jokes is influenced by her power over darkness, which will prevent her from ever seeing the light. She often takes delight in torturing Stella with darkness and causing friction between Musa and Riven--she even tells Musa that they can share Riven; Darcy takes the evil half and Musa takes the good half, even going as far as to offer splitting them into two separate people, but Musa points out the unethical boundaries of that (duh) and how her love for Riven meant that she loved him in spite of his flaws and wanted to help him improve on his faults, but only if he recognized them as so. This perplexes Darcy, who has a similar corrupting power to Carabossa (albeit much less powerful) and she believes that she must change those who don't like her or think like her. I'd base her appearance on Olivia Rodrigo, and also have her voiced by Tasia Valenza, since I enjoyed her performance as Poison Ivy in the "Batman: Arkham" video game series, and I feel like her deeper voice captures Darcy well (4kids bias).
Stormy, being the baby triplet, is often left the hand-me-downs of her sisters and is the most mysterious, despite sharing her sisters' interest in chaos and power-seeking. Unlike the more composed Trix, Stormy is much more upfront and aggressive, not usually bothering with manipulation unless she thought it could stir up an immediate reaction. She doesn't really have a love interest, but she does note that if things fell apart for Stella and Brandon, she could pick up the pieces and "see which way the storm blows." I'd also see her as the Trix member who's most likely to choose physical violence (in contrast to Icy, who's most likely to rely on her magic), and feels like she has the most to prove, insecure and afraid that she and her sisters were discarded because of her (being the only one who's powers were apparent and uncontrollable from a young age). She also has it out for Aisha and Tecna, as storms know how to stoke an ocean's ire, and can cause blackouts. I'd base her appearance off of Tate Mcrae, with her voicework being done by Selah Victor, AKA Chloe Bourgeois from "Miraculous Ladybug."
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Diaspro--Just to be clear, I'm keeping the "Sky and Brandon swapped identities" subplot, but this lie is revealed BEFORE Bloom and Sky get together. It's also revealed that both Sky and Diaspro are political pawns; they were childhood friends, and when it was revealed that Diaspro was a fairy of gemstones (what's with "the"? Can't there be more fairies like her?), she was betrothed to Sky under the belief that her wealth would enrich Erakylon. While Diaspro submitted to this--being from a poor family and "encouraged" by her relatives to accept the betrothal--she became cruel and callous due to the political games she had to play, as well as never wanting to go back to poverty. She had a crush on Sky, and the betrothal heightened this, but she failed to realize he didn't feel the same, as he became more withdrawn when the betrothal became official. Since he was doing his duty as a prince, he tried to submit to his family's wishes, but rebelled when he developed a crush on Bloom, as well as making friends with the Winx and the Specialists. Diaspro misinterprets this as his friends talking him out of marrying her, and she lashes out at them and tries to tear them apart. Sky is the only one who has sympathy for her at first, and eventually all his friends realize she was dealt a bad hand in life. Until it's revealed Bloom is a princess with the power of the dragon flame (she's originally just said to be a fire fairy to protect her), Sky and Diaspro go through with the illusion that they're engaged. When it breaks off, Diapsro's family has been compensated and rises to the noble ranks, but they still want more. Diapsro informs Sky of their plotting, and she pretends to continue to be villainous to her family and other villains, acting as a double agent for the Winx and the Specialists without turning anyone against her. For her design, I'd base her on Ariana Grande (for obvious reasons), and surprisingly have her voice by Ellen Wong; I think her sweetness as Knives Chau would be great for Diaspro's vulnerability, and it'd be fun to see her act stuck-up. I'd also give her an outfit reminiscent of blue labradorite (you'll recall with my rewrite of Bloom I'd give her a black base with colorful accents reminiscent of the cosmos).
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Darkar--Much the same, the dark dragon that contrasts with the great dragon that created the world. I'd make him a bit more nuanced, with his nature being chaos rather than outright evil. In fact, to make him different from other Winx villains, I'll make him lawful evil--which is the Dungeons & Dragons way of saying he's a bad guy who follows the rules. These "rules" would essentially be the laws of nature, that light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa, but one can reign over the other. With his wife gone, he sees the Trix as his daughters/granddaughters (and they are his descendants) and attempts to teach them his ways--though they are puzzled by his lack of unecessary cruelty and restraint, as well as his respect for those who align with good. He reveals that his wife was not constrained by the rules that governed him, and that is likely why the Trix act they way they do. He's also known as the "shadow phoenix" because he'll always be reborn, and there will be an age of darkness once more, and Bloom's descendants (or another descendant who holds the dragon flame; Bloom's extended family is sizeable) will fall into their grasp. Plus Bloom's witch heritage makes her fall into his distortion, bringing out the duality of the dragon flame, both light and shadow. I'd love for him to have a larger-than-life deity appearance to him, and taking inspiration from X-Men's "Dark Phoenix" arc feels natural--thinking on it now, they may have already done that. For his great voice acting as Trigon, I'd love for Kevin Michael Richardson to play him--though Paul St. Peter is a close second.
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Valtor--He's iconic as-is and the greatest Winx villain (partially because of how involved he is in every episode, in contrast to previous villains), but I'd make a change to his origins; instead of an older being created from the dragon flame and raised by the Ancestral Witches, he's the biological son of Darkus and Carabossa. Similar to Diaspro, he was used as a pawn all his life, and is only slightly older than the Winx and Specialists. He essentially does everything the same in my book, but there is a sympathetic angle; he was designed to bring about the age of chaos Darkus foretold, and thus has been emotionally, psychologically, and physically abused by his caretakers (since his parents weren't physically around to raise him) until he became a beast of darkness. However, due to the fact that light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa, in a similar way to Bloom being made into Dark Bloom, Valtor is capable of love and light, albeit in a very standoffish, aloof way. Bloom recognizes his loneliness, and for a second it makes her reconsider wanting to be reunited with her own family, who she only knows through second-hand sources. With the power of the Winx, Bloom defeats Valtor, but instead of killing him, she uses her divine abilities to take some of the darkness in his heart and accept it into her own, giving him some of her light in return, knowing that he didn't choose to be who he became, though he's still imprisoned with the Trix in the Lightrock Monastery due to his crimes. It's implied for the rest of the series that he's an antihero, though he tries to be discreet due to the legacy he created. For his voice actor, I'd love for him to be voiced by Neil Newbon; the Astarion parallels are too delicious to ignore.
(NGL, Valtor is a great villain, but I did feel bad for the circumstances surrounding his creation, thus my sympathetic take.)
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Tritannus--Due to his repetitive nature in season 5, I'd make Tritannus a supporting villain in season 3, helping to give more focus to Andros as well as keeping his goals streamlined. For a good deal of the season, the merpeople are curropted, with the pandemic eventually reaching King Neptune and Queen Ligea. Nereus also becomes infected, leaving Trittannus to rule the seas. However, when he welches on his promise to help Valtor take over the magical dimension, Valtor pollutes the ocean, transforming Trittanus into a monster. He then helps Valtor in order to regain his original form, as well as having a thing for Icy (who admires his evil tendencies, but his newfound appearance makes this a manipulative relationship only, as she sees a great deal to gain by becoming Queen of the Seas, this being one of her off periods with Darko). His family eventually defeats him, and he is banished to Oblivion, though both his siblings hope to release him from there with time, given his young age and their merciful natures, though Aisha remains skeptical.
I'd probably want him voiced by David Gallagher; I could totally hear Riku's voice when I see him.
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Cassandra and Chimera--Amazing side villains, and pretty underrated winx villains overall, Cassandra is the new wife of King Radius and Chimera is her daughter, and both of them treat Stella cruelly and put a spell on Radius to make her resent her. I'd include them a bit more, and make Cassandra seem a bit kinder than she really is, with Chimera viciously tearing down Stella and Cassandra passive-aggressively trying to cheer her up, only to make her feel worse. I'd also make it less obvious that Radius is under a spell; since Stella argues with him frequently following the divorce and now with his surprise marriage, Stella believes that Radius thinks she's turned against him and wishes to take the throne by force, possibly with her mother. Radius IS under a spell, but it's easy for Stella to buy that after all their arguing, it's affected her father's perception of her, especially since his new wife and stepdaughter appear demure and submissive. They're still vain and spoiled, but they know how to curry the kingdom's favor in order to make themselves likeable, craftily working with Valtor to stain Stella's image as a selfish, entitled princess, and convince the nobles that her behavior could result in a coup that could destroy the sun kingdom, even making them think that Stella has become a puppet to Luna (and that Solaria itself could become a puppet state).
I'd base their appearances on Gwen Stefani and Jenna Ortega respectively, with Cassandra being voiced by Jennifer Hale (using a voice similar to her Bayonetta performance) and Chimera being voiced by Diane Guerroerro (since she has "evil Isabella Madrigal" written all over her).
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Wizards of the Dark Circle--In my rewrite, they wouldn't be present villains (not that I've written the whole thing out, but that's my current headspace), but instead beings of legend, with their own unique backgrounds. Two of them are fairies, so I guess "Lords of the Dark Circle" would be a better title.
Ogron--Nicknamed the Stormy of the Wizards by the Winx and the Specialists, he's moody and quick to anger, but when he is in his element, he's calm and collected. As a child, he was a precocious wizard who surmised that fairies were the most powerful beings in the magical dimension (outside of the dragon creator), and realized that no matter how powerful he'd become, they'd always win, inspiring his quest to destroy all fairies on Earth, becoming so powerful that he became the Wizard of Negation, capable of stripping powerful creatures of their abilities (which varied by creature, of course). Despite his rage against fairies, he seems to have love and care for other beings, including his fellow wizards. He was eventually defeated by non-Earth fairies and sealed in a stone statue in Gardenia, and with his defeat, no more wizards were born on Earth. Similar to the Winx, I'd give the WOTDC celebrity inspirations, mainly celebrities who were (arguably) at their most famous decades ago, but are still widely respected now. For Ogron, I'd base him off of Johnny Depp and have him voiced by Mark Hamill (he gives me Ozai vibes, what can I say?) I'd also change the group's color scheme to be more individualistic, making his a mix of reds and oranges in a sophisticated, upper-class style rather than his punk aesthetic in the OG version.
Anagan--I'd make him the most "likeable" of the lords; he shows respect for others, flirts, and socializes, being known as the life of the party. He is known as the Wizard of Time, which allowed the wizards to stay ageless and find the Earth fairies (he joins this quest because he sees fairies as inferior to wizards, and not deserving of their power). It's implied that he can also time travel, and that the Winx may encounter him one day, or that they may already have. Due to his skill at seducing fairies, it's stated that he's sired many descendants, but due to Ogron's petrification, no magic came of his descendants, wizard or otherwise. While he escaped the fate of his contemporaries, it's said he's lived a lonely life without them, being known as the shoulder they could cry on and an expert secret-keeper who they consulted. His celebrity inspiration would be Usher, and I'd make his clothes trendy and have a stained glass style and multicolored, highlighting his colorful personality and friendliness (just not to fairies). Keith David would be a fun voice actor for him, in my opinion.
Gantlos--Originally a wizard of destruction, I'd rewrite him as the fairy of memory, and thus the one responsible for erasing Earth's recollection of magic ever being real. He also is the most protective of the group, throwing himself in danger to keep the others safe and being akin to the Pied Piper of Hamlin due to his mesmerizing flute playing. He was ignored as a male fairy within his family, lacking the ability to progress to different forms (likely because he was sheltered and thus could never overcome his insecurities or make a sacrifice), and took on a dark fairy transformation, giving him a new form, but locking him out of the forms other fairies have. Being raised by a rather strict, traditional family, he doesn't share compassion for animals, making Ariel detest him as she learns more about him. However, he does have affection for the elderly. When trying to wipe the entire world's mind of fairies, he became overwhelmed and it destroyed his mind (and failed, thus why we still have fairy tales), making him the second of the Lords to fall and thus buried in a magical crypt by Ogron and Anagan. I'd base his appearance on Leonardo DiCaprio, and have him voiced by Zahn McClarnon, since I enjoyed him as Olrox in "Castlevania: Nocturne." His fashion sense would be very similar to Dante from the "Devil May Cry" video game, albeit blue.
Duman--Also a fairy in my rewrite, he was a fairy of shifting (which means he could shapeshift). He often downed himself as a loser, not strong as other fairies and eventually fell in with the wrong crowd, making his way into the Wizards of the Dark Circle. He strives to be useful, and due to insecurity, almost never appears as himself unless he's with the other lords. Unlike the other lords, he acknowledges that what he's doing isn't really ethical, but is fine with being bad because he has community. He's quite lonely, and it's mentioned that if he never met the wizards, and thus the lords are like family to him. He has a tendency for gambling, and it's noted that after being tricked by a clever fairy, he was forced to give up his magic power. The lords erased his mind of them, deciding to spare him the pain, and he married a human woman and had a family, which they knew he always wanted. His legacy in the magical world was not forgotten, but the mortal world never knew of him. I'd want his appearance inspired by Brendon Urie, as well as being voiced by Noel Fisher (who I know as Toad in "X-Men: Evolution") would be perfect for this. I'd probably keep his punk aesthetic, though I love him wearing green.
Hope you like these takes. Lemme know what you think, and if you have any questions. Next post for this will be the specialists!
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Protogenoi 5: Echidna; Mother of Monsters
As mentioned in the previous section, The deep and mysterious ocean deities Phorkys and Ceto give birth to Echidna; a half-nymph half-snake creature that lives in a cave and comes to be known as the “mother of monsters.” Echidna mates with another fearsome creature called Typhon, a storm giant with hundreds of snakes heads and fiery eyes. Together they bear many famous beasts:
Orthrus, is a two-headed dog, with serpents for tails, who guards the red cattle of Geryon, a three-bodied warrior giant. Heracles, in one of his 12 labors, defeats Orthus and Geryon, and takes the cattle back to Greece. (*see
Cerberus is the guard dog of the gate to Hades in Underworld. Hesiod describes the dog as having fifty heads, but later depictions portray the dog with three heads. In one myth, Cerberus eats Theseus warrior friend Perithous when they attempt to kidnap Queen Persephone from the Underworld.
Hydra is a nine-headed swamp serpent of Lerna who is raised with spite by Hera for her hate for Heracles. To defeat it, Heracles, with the aid of Iolus and Athena, cauterizes the stumps of the necks before the new heads can grow back.
Chimaera is a three headed beast; near the front a lion, in the middle a fire-breathing goat and a serpent for a tail. The hero Bellerophon, with the aid of the flying horse Pegasus, defeats the Chimaera.
Sphinx is a female creature with the body of a liom head and torso of a woman, eagles wings, and serpent tale. Sphinx is sent to punish Thebes by devouring those who fail to solve her riddle. When the hero Oedipus solves it, she casts herself off a mountain in self destruction.
Nemean lion, is a lion creature raised by Hera and defeated by Heracles in his first labor, and after skinning it, the hero proudly wears the impervious hide ever after. 
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sonics-atelier · 2 months
Just One Look
Summary : Based on this post by @rabbit-hearted-girl, Kaz Brekker braves the underworld to bring Inej back to life, but must resist looking at her to succeed. When his love compels him to turn, he nearly loses her forever, igniting his resolve to defy the gods and reclaim her.
a/n : Hello Soc fandom, its my first time writing for my otp so please let me know your thoughts! Hope you enjoy this 🫶
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The air was thick with the stench of death, and the churning river Styx gurgled ominously as Kaz Brekker approached the gates of the underworld. He was battered, his clothes torn and bloodstained from the journey that had brought him here, but his dark eyes burned with a determination that nothing could extinguish. Inej was dead, taken from him in a cruel twist of fate during a perilous voyage, and Kaz would not rest until he had brought her back.
He stood before the massive iron gates, guarded by the monstrous Cerberus, the three-headed hound of Hades. Kaz’s gloved hands clenched into fists. Fear was a familiar companion, but it had no place here. Not now. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, his voice steady and commanding.
"Hades!" he called, his voice echoing through the cavernous entrance. "Lord of the Underworld, I seek an audience."
The gates creaked open with an eerie groan, and Kaz was led into the shadowy realm by a silent, hooded figure. The underworld was a place of perpetual twilight, its landscape a twisted mirror of the living world, filled with ghostly apparitions and sorrowful wails. Kaz’s heart pounded in his chest as he was brought before the throne of Hades and Persephone.
Hades, the stern and unyielding ruler of the dead, sat upon his throne, his dark eyes gleaming with an ancient wisdom. Beside him, Persephone, the radiant queen of the underworld, exuded an ethereal beauty that contrasted sharply with her grim surroundings. Kaz bowed low, his eyes never leaving theirs.
"Why do you trespass in my realm, mortal?" Hades' voice was a rumble of thunder, his gaze piercing, he and his brother had something in common after all.
Kaz straightened, his expression unyielding. "I have come to beg for the return of Inej Ghafa, taken from the world of the living before her time. I beseech you, great Hades, and you, fair Persephone, to grant her another chance at life."
Persephone’s eyes softened, but Hades remained impassive. "Many have pleaded for their loved ones, but few have succeeded. What makes you think you are different?"
Kaz reached into his coat and pulled out a small, tattered sack. "Because I am willing to do whatever it takes." He emptied the contents onto the ground—an assortment of small objects: coins, pieces of string, and a red ribbon. He began to perform, his hands moving with practiced precision as he executed a series of intricate magic tricks, each one more mesmerizing than the last.
He made coins disappear and reappear, tied and untied impossible knots, and finally, he took the red ribbon and began to weave a story, his voice low and captivating. "This ribbon," he said, "is the thread of fate that binds me to Inej. It is unbreakable, forged by the gods themselves. Our lives are intertwined, and without her, I am incomplete."
As he spoke, he manipulated the ribbon, making it dance and twist in the air, forming shapes and patterns that seemed almost magical. Persephone’s eyes glistened with tears, moved by the sincerity in Kaz’s voice and the beauty of his performance.
Hades frowned, his resolve wavering. "You speak of love, yet love is what brought you to this place of sorrow. What makes you think you can defy the fates?"
Kaz’s hands trembled slightly as he tied the final knot in the ribbon. "Because love is stronger than fate. It is the only force that can bridge the gap between life and death. Inej’s spirit calls to me, and I cannot live without her." It was the truth he had known all along but was a coward to not have uttered it sooner.
There was a moment of silence, the weight of Kaz’s words hanging in the air. Finally, Persephone turned to Hades, her voice gentle but firm. "Let him try, my love. Let him prove the strength of his bond."
Hades sighed, the shadows in his eyes deepening. "Very well. You may lead her from the underworld, but there is one condition. You must not look back at her until you have both crossed the threshold into the living world. If you do, she will be lost to you forever."
Kaz nodded, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and fear. "I understand."
Hades waved his hand, and from the shadows, Inej emerged. She was as beautiful as Kaz remembered, her lithe form draped in a flowing gown that seemed to shimmer with an inner light. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her eyes, deep and soulful, met Kaz’s with a look of longing and love.
Kaz’s breath caught in his throat, but he turned and began to walk, knowing that Inej was following close behind. The journey through the underworld was treacherous, the path winding and filled with obstacles. Kaz’s mind raced with memories of Inej—the way she moved with the grace of a dancer, her sharp wit and quiet strength, the warmth of her touch. He longed to look back, to see her face, to assure himself that she was really there.
But he kept his eyes forward, the weight of Hades' condition pressing down on him. They were nearing the exit now, the faint light of the living world visible in the distance. Kaz’s heart pounded, each step bringing them closer to freedom.
Finally, they reached the threshold. The cool air of the living world beckoned, and Kaz’s resolve wavered. He could hear Inej’s footsteps behind him, light and sure, but the need to see her, to confirm that she was truly there, overwhelmed him. He turned, his eyes searching for her.
In that instant, he saw her—beautiful, radiant, her hair flowing in the wind. Her eyes met his, filled with love and relief. But before she could step into the living world, her form began to disintegrate, the light fading from her eyes.
Kaz’s scream tore through the air, a sound of pure anguish and despair. He reached out, but it was too late. Inej was gone, her spirit pulled back into the depths of the underworld. He fell to his knees, his heart breaking as he watched her disappear.
The world seemed to collapse around him, the weight of his failure crushing him. He had come so close, only to lose her again because of his own weakness. He screamed and screamed until his throat was raw, until the air in his lungs gave out and he felt like he was drowning once again and inej had been the tether keeping him afloat, the thought was too much for his heart to bear.
As the darkness threatened to consume him, he forced himself to stand. He wiped the tears from his eyes, his resolve hardening. He knew that she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn't pull himself together into some semblance of a man for her. That without meaning to, he'd begun to lean on her, to look for her, to need her near.
He had lost her once, but he would not lose her again. He would wage a war worthy of the gods, if that’s what it took. He would bring her back, no matter the cost.
For he was a man of many skills, and would use every one of them to get his girl back. If she would have him, he would never let her go again. And so, at long last, Kaz Brekker was gone, and Dirtyhands had come to see the rough work done.
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- @sonics-atelier 2024 ( do not repost or reuse in any way, shape or form )
Dividers by @strangergraphics 🫶
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hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Rise of Red Rewrite Brainstorming;
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I'm rewriting Rise of Red to make it fit into my version of the disney descendants and am at the brainstorming phase. But I'm stuck on a couple of things and need feedback.
Here are the differences first:
1. So first off, Bridget and Ella didn't go to school at the same time (because I'm trying to make it fit up in the timeline and match the other things we knew previously).
This is because I'm pretty sure it was mentioned the heroes went to school together at some point and if Alice is old enough to have a teenage daughter in the same high school as Ella's oldest son then she's likely around Ella's age. Which means they probably went to school around the time, either together or a few years apart.
(Whether that be college or high school doesn't really matter).
It also fits Bridget having three kids instead of one in my au too.
Right now I'm figuring out if her husband was at school with her and was her only friend in Ella's place or if she was friendless in school, and ended up marrying him so she could obtain the throne.
Either way she'll have her siblings but I'm not sure how they become strained as of yet.
2. Uliana's gang still exists at the same time as Bridget.
Did the math to figure out if this would work and it ended up working.
Peter Pan takes place in 1904 from what I can tell (going off the movie that is).
Alice in wonderland takes place sometime in mid to late 1800s.
The little mermaid takes place mod to late 1800s.
And Morgie's mom, Morgana Le Fay is a part fae in some tales. Fae live longer than humans so it's entirely possible for her to have a young child around the same time.
Assuming Maleficent, Hades, and maybe Persephone were de-aged around that time the group can both exist and go to school around the same time as Bridget.
They also all still go to the old version of Merlin Academy (it still exists today, it just split off from Auradon Prep and is now a Camelot exclusive school).
Also Hook is still a pirate, after getting kicked out of his Naval School, and has been to the Neverland but he doesn't have his Hook yet.
This is possible because his mother, as shown in Jake and the Neverland Pirates, was a teacher at Neverland Academy. So he's been to Neverland and is a somewhat feared pirate (not too much so though because he's still a teenager and Peter Pan won't exist for another few years yet).
Also Hook has a brother here because I remember somewhere he had one and I thought it would be fun. He also is friends with the three Smee brothers (one of which isn't a pirate since Smee has a great nephew in Auradon in 'the school of secrets' web series) but isn't as close with them as he is with Uliana's gangs (because they and the few other pirates hanging around are mainly just lackeys to him atm).
3. The girls (and their friends) don't just travel to one time period.
Did this so they could both still see teen Ella even though I have no idea what to do with that plot point just yet.
4. Chad is missing for a few years (cause I started my rewrite idwa with that plot in mind ages before the flim even came out).
5. Glass Hearts is canon (it could be pre Glass Hearts or Glass Hearts happens in the middle or epilogue).
6. The characters are slightly redesigned and they were friends before the QoH's hostile siege of Wonderland.
7. Either Chloe and Red (and friends) are eighteen or Wonderland has been under control of the QoH for only six years timeline wise. Haven't decided.
8. Queen of Hearts was on the isle.
9. Ace and Chester and other Wonderlandian next gen members are mentioned/maybe saved at some point (doesn't affect Glass Hearts outcome at all).
Now. On to the point/points where I'm stuck:
1. I can't decide whether they fix things with one go around of the past or if they have to go back to fix an error they made.
I don't want Bridget never having turned evil to be the permanent outcome because yes, while that seems like a good outcome it really isn't.
For Red anyway.
I don't know how many of you have seen back to the future and I guess even if you had it doesn't really get dwelled on for long but....
Marty remembers changing the past.
He remembers the original timeline only.
His first one, the one he grew up in.
He doesn't remember this new great timeline where his parents never fell out of love, his siblings are successful, Bif is kept in check by Mr. And Mrs. McFly, and everything in his life is great.
Everyone else does except him.
And I think the same would probably be true for Red based on what we saw.
She doesn't remember her mom being loving growing up.
She doesn't remember her mom baking her cupcakes or being nice to the people of wonderland.
She doesn't remember a mother who never transfigured her friends (happened in the book) and who never would stage a coup at her daughter's soon to be school.
She doesn't remember a mother who shows love a healthy way.
She remembers the QoH.
The woman who had strict out of pocket rules and even stricter, harsher punishments like transfiguring people into mindless beings and chopping off their heads.
She remembers the woman who told her _love wasn't it'. That it didn't exist. A woman who, whether she realized it or not, was basically telling her own daughter that she didn't love her or her daughter's other parent.
So while Red now has a loving mother its not everything she imagined. Because Red can't forget her actual mother and all she did, and in this new timeline where her mother didn't do any of that, will never get the apology she so desperately deserved and wanted.
She can't remember this nice woman as her mother. Just as Bridget, the nice girl she went to school with briefly.
She can't remember all the lovely things they supposedly did with the rest of the family.
And it's driving her up the wall.
Red knows it's not fair to be mad at this Bridget for the stuff her real mom did.
She knows it's not fair to lash out at her for what the other her did.
But she's angry and scared and can't remember any of the things she wanted and now has.
And she hates it.
She hates that she finally has what she wanted. She hates that she hates this nice woman for things she didn't do (because Red and Chloe stopped it before she snapped) and she hates her father for being different too.
(I based her dad entirely off the one from the animated movie even though Bridget is the same as in ROR so bare with me).
She hates that her cowardly father who was her favorite parent in the other timeline before she got older and started to resent him is happier and a better dad here.
Hates that this one doesn't cower away from her mother.
That this one is just as happy and perky as the new adult Bridget and that he never stood by while she and her older siblings were worked to the bone, and yelled at and stripped of their joy as their mother became a tyrant.
She hates how he's happier here and louder, and just..
Red hates how unfair it is that this wasn't her life all along and that she can't enjoy it now that it is.
But she's stuck.
Not literally but mentally.
She's stuck on what to do.
She should be happy.
She was never ripped away from her friends or abused here.
And now she has the family she always wanted.
A loving mother who indulges her interests and loves her as a person, and who doesn't yell all the time and hurt their people. A mother who was never hurt and who never turned evil enough to be sent to the isle.
A father who isn't too afraid of her mother to do right by her and her siblings, and their people.
Aunts and uncles who were actually in her life and not against her parents.
And a no longer depressed older sister (named Quinlynn) who, since she's never even been to the isle, isn't depressed over having lost two people she thought were the love of her life and friends she never should have had to outlive so young.
It's only after she realizes that her family is so different from what she remembers that she realizes it isn't complete. Someone is missing.
Her older brother is missing.
It takes one question to her parents for her to realize why he (Hart/Hardy) is missing and why he hasn't been home in the weeks (or less) she and Chloe have been back.
It's because she doesn't have a brother. Not. In. This. Timeline.
Her annoying conflict-avoidant-when-it-came-to- their-mother-only pirate of a brother didn't exist.
Her family didn't know his name.
Uma and her crew didn't know Red (hadn't watched her grow up), and didn't know who she was talking about it.
Why this is, she doesn't know.
Doesn't know whether it's because her parents were happy and off the isle.
Doesn't know if it's because the rumors are true and her brother's REAL other parent is on the either (she heard that he was her mother or father's affair baby but had never believed it before now).
She doesn't know or care why it is. Just that it is.
So now, she's already in a dilemma.
Either she goes back with or without Chloe and allows whatever prank that broke the camel's back to turn her mother evil again and gets her brother back.
Losing this happy, carefree version of her sister and the happy, loving parents (and extended family) she'd always wanted.
Turning her back on teen Bridget, who was so nice and kind and the adult Bridget who thanks to her stayed that way.
Or she turns her back on her brother. Accepting this new loving family and this strange happy version of her sister and life that will never be hers.
Letting go of her mentors (the Badun Detective Agency in my au) and her non-Wonderlandian friends who weren't with her and Chloe and the others when they time traveled.
Accepting a world that isn't truly hers and basically killing her brother.
(Sorry for the ramble).
So either:
1. They only meet Bridget (and no one else) and stop the prank—only to see that she still turned evil due to something that happened after they left.
But they arrived just in time to steal her cards and stop her coup, and the qoh is arrested. Allowing for Red to be placed in her siblings custody and for her to be deemed a hero, ensuring that what would have been a rough time at school had the coup been staged before it could be prevented doesn't happen/isn't as bad.
Fixing the present on one go without any need to go back.
It doesn't solve the problem of Chad's disappearance or allow for Chloe to meet a slightly disillusioned version of her young mom.
It doesn't include the above mentioned angst but includes the angsty idea that nothing could have been done for her mother without removing Uliana's gang from the equation (which, given who exactly is in the gang isn't really an option).
But it's a quick fix with a mostly happy ending. One even better if you figure in that maybe what QoH did to Ace and Chester isn't permanent and can be reversed.
Red will have her friends and siblings back, get taken away from her parents, have an actual social life in school, and get to fall in love with Chloe.
Chloe's saved her parents. Saved Auradon Prep. She doesn't have her brother back but it's maybe starting to heal from his disappearance, and maybe with Red and their friends by her side she can find him.
It's not perfect but it's bittersweet. A mostly happy ending.
2. They met Bridget, stopped the prank, and then met Ella.
Either making her life worse somehow OR intervening a little too early.
Getting Ella out of her abusive home situation and of course, not thinking anything of it because it's the right thing to do. Thinking instead that now the future's gonna be the best because now Chloe's mom has a little less trauma and didn't have to deal with her stepmother's wicked meddling with time this time around.
Only they get to the future.
And Bridget is still nice and loving (which, again brings its own angst that mentioned before) to her (now two instead of three) kids, husband, and siblings as well as her subjects.
Meaning Maddox didn't lose his father to a transfiguration punishment and that his job is now easier.
But things are now worse for almost everyone else who went back in time.
Danny Darling's mom is even more traumatized because somehow something THEY did ended up with one of her brothers dead and doesn't let him or his two older siblings out of her sight.
Shan Deja's father is meaner because Hades and Maleficent, and several others give him a harder time than they did in the original time line on the isle.
Snow White, having now no longer gone to school with Ella and having lost that connection, is more anxious and paranoid than before and stopped her daughter Sophie (Glauco's older sister) from becoming Yen Sid's apprentice. This somehow leading to Glauco getting turned into a tree sooner and not being turned back, unlike the original timeline.
Which means his parents don't recognize his teen self and refuse to believe he isn't pulling some cruel prank on them.
Edith, Hadie's cousin and Eris' daughter,'s mom is now apathetic to her existence when before she was loving because now Hades isn't her friend.
And, as for Hadie and Chloe?
Simple: they, like Red's brother, don't exist in this timeline.
Well, because since Chloe and Red intervened and got Ella away from the Tremaines sooner it changed things.
Like: Drizella and Anastasia never got redeemed, never made up with Ella just to get sent to the isle anyway, and never met their husbands ( a redeemed Hans Westergaard for Drizella and the baker for Anastasia). Which means their children never got to exist even when they got sent to the isle earlier.
Lady Tremaine's reputation was publicly in ruin and the house was seized and held until Ella turned 19.
By then, instead of Ella having met her Fairy Godmother and getting to meet her Prince Charming she instead received her house.
Getting an education and a pseudo family in the form of the baker's family that took her in but never finding love.
Prince Christopher, unwilling to marry someone he doesn't love, ran away never to be seen again. Leaving his father heartbroken and the kingdom in disarray after he dies.
Chad is no longer missing and he still exists but he was never adopted here.
Meaning he never went to Auradon Prep and never met his friends or the vks. Never became a prince, never became disgraced, and never disappeared into the night never to be seen again when Chloe was ten because she didn't exist and he wasn't a Charming.
He wasn't anyone important to anyone.
Because he'd never been adopted and had found the birth parents who didn't want him, and was turned away.
Because he aged out of the orphanage (the one that was no longer named after their mother's story) and now is nothing like the boy Chloe remembers. Any version of him.
He isn't the kind, excitable struggling boy who loved her to death he was before their grandfather died and before her heart condition got worse and their parents got busier fighting for their step-aunts and their children to be released from the isle.
He's not the teenage Chad little Chloe had built up in her head during the times he rarely came home and avoided her like the plague. The cool one who did no wrong who everyone loved and who found and sat with her under the table she'd hidden under after Dragon Maleficent attacked during Ben's coronation when she was eight.
He's not the heartbroken, cries himself to sleep Chad that he was after Audrey broke up with him.
Or the healing (becoming less of an asshole) Chad that went to Jane's birthday only to come back a cowering, heartbroken mess that could hardly stand to be around Audrey anymore, falling into depression Chad who Hades dumped water on less than a year later at Bal's wedding (the same night Chad would disappear).
And he certainly wasn't the Chad that Chloe had only gotten to know after her brother had vanished into the night.
He wasn't an asshole or a bully, or a cheater who was slowly becoming a more tolerable person.
No. This Chad was none of those.
No, instead... This Chad was quiet and broken. With no friends, no family. No job and no home.
And Chloe, despite very much still being alive and breathing and not disappearing doesn't exist by any records and can't help him because he doesn't know her, and no one would believe her if she tried to tell them anything.
A problem which Hadie is also having.
Because in this timeline instead of a de-aged Maleficent, Hades, and Persephone all growing up and their poly three turning into just Hades and Persephone when Maleficent grew more power hungry...
Well, instead of that, a de-aged Persephone saw the aftermath of an even CRUELER prank that they were involved with and broke up with both Maleficent and Hades like her mother had always wanted. Cutting out their friend group as well and turning her backs on them, going back to her mother and begging to be aged back to her actual age.
Leaving Hades and Maleficent to never break up, and to only get meaner. Ruling the isle together with their friends and raising Mal.
Mal, who despite having no reason to, still comes out pretty much the same. She still chooses good. She still has the same friends and still marries Ben. Only now, she has two lizard parents who let her down and no little brother.
Because Persephone and Hades never had Hadie.
Sure, they had his three oldest siblings before they got de-aged and sure, Maleficent and Hades still had Mal.
But because Persephone and Hades didn't out last Maleficent and Hades, Hadie wasn't born.
Which of course, means they have to go back and fix both of the things they messed up and live with all of all of that knowledge.
Now after that, I'm not sure if I should end it with them just fixing all of that and nothing else.
Or if I should go into my other idea which I combine with this one.
Which is that after they fix whatever they did to mess up their parents stories, they end up landing somewhere in the past and discovering that...
Chad is somehow there.
A grown up version of Chloe's original brother.
A grown up version of Chloe's brother who should not be in a Wonderland bar, serving drinks and several years older than he should be.
They find out that he disappeared into the past on purpose out of shame and because be didn't wanna ruin their family's good name and maker things harder on Chloe than they already were.
They somehow convince him to come back to the future with them.
Only for their meddling to send them smack dab right in the middle of the Queen of Hearts hostile take over of WONDERLAND (six to eight years in Chloe and Red's past).
A couple of months before their Chad ended up in Wonderland.
There's a battle, someone gets hurt, and after some more meddling with the past, the group ends up in a better future.
Red's friends are all human again.
Red and Chloe are apparently dating.
And so on.
(This is probably headache inducing but I wanted to brainstorm and this was fun).
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adminbryantsaki · 1 month
August 2024
Naga! Hades! Luna! Hizashi Yamada x Omega! Reader
(I do not own Hizashi Yamada/ Present Mic or anything else affiliated with My Hero Academia. It belongs to Horikoshi Kohei. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on. Reader discretion is advised)
(If you don’t know what a Luna is by now or you are new, here it is in a nutshell: A Luna is a sub-dynamic of an Alpha that presents with both sets of genitals and can both impregnate others and get pregnant themselves. Lunas also take on a submissive role when in a relationship with an Alpha)
TW: Omegaverse, Chosen mate, Sudden mate, Oviposition, Hierarchy.
WC: 1,534
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You had your head down, while walking in a line of other young women going into the palace that was the home to the ruler of your land: Hades. You had heard rumors that Hades refused his brother’s offer to marry a young maiden named Persephone. He wanted to marry a woman from his realm. He had finally decided how he would pick his mate by gathering up all the young women from his realm and you were in the recent group of women that had been selected. After being filed into the throne room. You were instructed to keep your head down and to not look up at any time unless instructed by Lord Hades himself. You heard the heavy gold doors open and Hades entered the room. There was a chilling air about him as he slithered past you. You could see the subtle golden winding pattern on the side of his tail that fascinated you. You caught yourself almost turning your eyes upward to look at him, but you immediately looked down. Hades stopped in his tracks and turned before stopping in front of you, putting his hand under your chin, and making you look up at him. “Tell me, young one, what do you find fascinating about me that you needed to look up?” He asked. You were now staring into his deep, red eyes and struggling to find your words. “Go ahead, take your time. These other girls can wait.” He spoke and you swallowed hard, hearing gasps from the other girls in line with you as they now hated you. “I found the winding golden pattern on your tail fascinating, my Lord.” You told him while keeping eye contact with him. “That is good to know. You may keep your head up for now. I don’t want to rush in making my choice just yet.” He spoke and slithered on to the rest of the women he could pick from. You kept your eyes on the wall right in front of you, feeling the daggers of hatred coming from the other women in line since you had been spoken to first. Hades came back to you and gestured for you to step forward. “You seem to be the best choice out of all the ladies here. The rest of you may be dismissed. My guards will show you out.” Hades spoke and offered his arm to you so he could give you a tour of the palace and talk for a moment.
Once the two of you were alone, he relaxed a little. “Tell me, my dear, what is your name?” He asked.
“It’s Y/n, Lord Hades.” You spoke, still using the title you were told to use when addressing one of the gods or goddesses of your world.
“Drop the formalities. Don’t you know what you’ve been summoned here to be selected for?” He asked as he stopped walking and turned to face you with a look of concern on his face. “I know what I’ve been summoned here for. I know what the others were summoned here for as well. We were brought here so you could pick a mate out of all of us.” You told him since you were a little confused at his request. His face softened and a gentle smile spread across his face. “Looks like my search is over as of today.” He told you with a smile then it finally hit you. You had been chosen as his mate, his queen. You had been picked by the Lord of the Underworld to rule by his side for eternity. You had to catch yourself against the hallway table as the weight of the thought finally caught up with you. Hades caught your arm as you leaned against the table. “Are you alright, Y/n?” He asked as some of the maids came to assist them but he shooed them away, telling them that he was more than capable of caring for his new mate. “Yes, I’ll be fine, Hades. I just realized the weight of the situation that I’m in. I didn’t realize that your chosen mate would become the Queen of the Underworld.” You tell him and he pulls you close, guiding you to his private quarters so you can gather your thoughts and process all that happened.
You were seated in an elegant black chair and told to wait as Hades brought you a cup of pomegranate tea in a crystalline cup trimmed with gold. As you were drinking your beverage, you were finally able to get a look at your mate. He had long blonde hair that went just past his shoulders, his red eyes that were watching your every movement, and a small mustache too. He was of a medium build and currently not wearing a shirt as he was leaning in a lounging chair that was from a dark red velvet and the frame was from gold. “What does my job entail? What does Queen of the Underworld do with her king?” You asked as you met his red eyes with your own.
“Your job entails ruling by my side and caring for souls of children that arrive here. You can have a garden, or do whatever your hobbies are. I want you to be happy and enjoy your time here.” He told you. You nodded and kissed him gently, figuring that he would want to claim you as his own right then and there. He pulled you on top of him and kissed you more. “Shall I claim you, my love? Before either of my brothers get any wise ideas?” He asked as he traced his fingers over your collarbone and he caressed your cheek with his hand. You smiled at the thought and nodded slightly in agreement. You had heard of Hades’s brothers, Poseidon and Zeus who would chase after young, unclaimed omegas who caught their eye. Hades sat up with you in his lap and wrapped your legs around his waist, just above where his torso turned into his long, thick snake tail. He carried you to the bed and made out with you before setting you on the bed and slithering onto the bed and hovering above you for a moment before he went to the right side of your neck and bit down on your neck, earning a moan of pleasure from you. 
You gripped the soft and inviting fabric of the blanket below you as you let his tail wrap around you and slide under your body to support your curves as he pulled you closer to him. You buried your face into his neck to take in his scent now that you were able to be close enough to him to smell his scent properly. He smelled like burning cypress wood and pomegranates. His scent calmed you down and helped you relax enough so he could leave his mark on your neck and hooking your legs back around his waist. He kissed and bit all over your neck and collarbone before he slid into you and began to transfer a clutch of eggs into you. Your eyes widened as you felt them plop into your womb and make your abdomen bloat with each egg. He gave you about four eggs before he began to thrust deeper and harder before he released his seed into you and pulled out.   
He maintained eye contact with you and kissed your cheek to help you come back down from your high and hold you close as he stared lovingly at you. You kissed him gently and cupped his cheek with your hand. “Do you want to mark me, Y/n?” He asked. “Am I allowed to? I never thought I could.” You told him. “You can do whatever you want, as long as you stay loyal to me.” He told you and kissed you again before pulling away and tilting his head to the side so you could mark him. You bit on his neck and left your mark on him. “There, now everyone will know that you are mine and I am yours.” He told you and curled up under the covers of the bed.
The next day, you were coronated as Hades’s queen with a crown made of gold, inlaid with rubies, garnets, red and black diamonds, obsidian, and smoky quartz. You were seated on your throne next to Hades and looked out upon your new kingdom with a smile on your face, happy to start your new life with him. The end
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percervall · 2 years
Mar, goddess of all things list-worthy, would you be so kind as to grace us with an f1 drivers/tps as Greek gods / goddesses? 💛
I love it when I get to combine my two loves 🧡 and thank you for the high praise! 🥰
Note: gender is a social construct so please take no offence in me assigning a goddess to your fave
Max - Ares, God of war. It's being a good soldier, but fighting with your heart over your brain and thus losing the battle that truly matters; it's giving your all because it's all you know, all you have and it has to be enough, please let it be enough.
Charles - Poseidon, God of the seas. It's both the calm lapping of soft waves on white sandy beaches and the untamed wild nature of the ocean during a storm. It's being able to see every creature through the crystal clear waters and the deep dark ominous blue that hides and catches off guard, that wreaks destruction.
Carlos - Hestia, Goddess of home and hearth. It's candle lit dinners, a fire to keep your heart warm. It's the heat of terracotta tiles underneath your feet, the melting of dark chocolate on your tongue.
Fernando - Dionysus, God of chaos and ecstasy. It's copious amounts of red wine, it's the wicked eyes, the glint of teeth in the dark as you laugh -cackle at the deviousness of it all.
Seb - Athena, Goddess of wisdom. It's fighting battles using logic, being reasonable when others aren't. It's knowing you're better than them without being cocky.
Daniel - Apollo, God of sun. It's the golden hue to brown hair lightened by the sun, it's a dusting of freckles where it kissed your skin, the languid expanse of skin as a body relaxes, reclines. It's raising your face to let in happiness and healing.
Pierre - Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty and desire. It's being unapologetically yourself, a flirtatious smile, a lingering touch. It's whirlwind romance and heartbreak but you would fall over and over again given the chance.
Lewis - Hera, queen of the gods. It's standing here, head held high despite it all.
Toto - Hades, God of the underworld. It's the knowing that you're being lured in, it's being studied so meticulously that you have no place to hide what you're thinking or feeling, it's being made queen and worshipped as if you were the God and he your mere servant
Mick - Persephone, Queen of the underworld. It's rewriting your narrative, it's being allowed to bloom and become who you were always meant to be.
Horner - Hermes, God of cunning and thieves. It's always having a plan B -even for plan B; having a trick up your sleeve, the feeling of water off a duck's back: nothing sticks to you
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