#admittedly looking back on this i don't feel too confident but i want to put SOMETHING out there and maybe i'll make something better
ayu-stuff · 6 months
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She's everything you're not. Look at her. No wonder Daddy doesn't look at you the same way since he met her.
She's hot. She's sexy. And she knows it. Look at her: she acts like a bitch because she knows she's gorgeous. You're just ✨cute✨. No tits to drive guys crazy, and almost no curves. Maybe, if you worked out more, or if Daddy let you use her makeup, you'd seem sexier... But that's for grown-ups only, sweetie. The only sport you do is humpy time. Locked in your crib, with messy diapers, there's no way you can feel remotely sexy. When the three of you go grocery shopping, guys turn around to see her ass. If their eyes ever fall on yours, they laugh at the showing waistband of your princess pampies. One day, at the beach, you noticed she's also shaved down there, just like you!! But it hits differently to know Daddy enforces it to make diaper changes easier, whereas, in her case, it's an adult decision a grown-up woman takes about her body. Besides, little babies don't have any nasty hair down there, don't they?
She's confident. For beta little girls like you, almost threatening. She could step on you and you'd thank her. Some girls belong in high heels and some others below them. Again, you're just ✨shy✨. That's why you gave in so easily. The first time she was over, when she made you color a picture of your favorite cartoon character after dinner, you didn't even talk back. You put all your effort into that stupid drawing while she and Daddy made out on the couch. When you showed her the childish Bluey drawing you'd devoted yourself to, she tore it up with the biggest smile. "No, no, nooo... don't cry sweetie. Here, suck on your paci to quiet down. You'll be in time-out for a while. I have something bigger to suck on..." Of course, she had come prepared to put up with you as she would do with any 3-year-old babysitting charge of hers.
She's mature. Admittedly, she's only 19 and you're 25, but both her body and behavior scream adult. She talks with Daddy about politics, economy, literature, and even football as you've never been able to. Even though she's only a freshman in college, she's way smarter than you. Again, you're just ✨dumb✨. You dropped out of college after the first weeks. You got overwhelmed by all the exams, the assignments, and everything the meany teachers wanted you to do... It's more than natural that they force you to prance around with a stupid fluffy onesie while singing along to nursery rhymes instead of letting you read the adult books they talk for hours about. "You wouldn't understand them anyway, sweetie... You're too little to know how to read". You hate how she talks down to you. You're 6 years older, for God's sake. Since she's half Italian, she has even threatened to send you to an Italian daycare so you finally learn some words. Anytime she wants to piss you off, she laughs condescendingly at you and asks cheerfully:
"Come stai, piccolina? Tuo papà mi ha detto che bisogna cambiarti il pannolino. Vuoi che mammina ti cambii il pannolinoo?? Sicuramente è già tutto sporco HAHAHA"
You never get anything of whatever she says, but it feels utterly degrading to know you're just a baby to her.
✨A cute, shy, dumb little baby for Mommy✨
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rad-batson · 1 year
(skip to the bottom if you just want silly headcanons about her :D)
Hello! So first, I want to thank everyone who read the Wayne pilot I made :) I appreciate your feedback, and I love you all.
As I'm preparing to post it on AO3, I decided to make a few (admittedly small) changes to the script, primarily around Cassandra Cain, because I haven't quite fleshed her out yet.
I don't have much experience with writing Cass, so I decided to do a bit of research on her yesterday, and wouldn't you know? I fell in love. 10/10. She didn't play a huge part in the pilot, but she will have a bigger one in the second episode, and there are a few things I think can or should be added so she doesn't feel too one-note.
There wasn't anyone who told me this, by the way. (In fact, I actually got some nice comments about her so thank you.) I just had it in the back of my mind while writing, and now that Cass is getting more screen time, I'm finding that my lack of knowledge might lead to mischaracterization.
Is this overkill? Probably Think of it as a silly headcanon list for my version of her. And I'm posting it here because I want your feedback before it's set in stone. (I know Cass isn't written well a lot, so this is my attempt to right these horrid wrongs.)
If you're going to give criticism, please be constructive. Tell me what you like or don't like. I'm all ears. Have fun :)
Writing Cass
(Btw I still gotta read Cass’s first Batgirl run by Kelley Puckett)
Has some sass, has a lot actually
Used to be awkward in social settings. she’s better at it when she’s with people so she can match their energy but she still prefers to just dip
Speaks in short-ish sentences, trying her best tho
Mostly just relies on body language though
also yes i know her using ASL isn't canon, it just works best for the scene, it would have been written the same whether she was in it or not, it is still a cute nod to fanon tho
Messy, low-key gross. Bad-ish hygiene but she’s good at looking put-together so only those close know this about her (this is just my headcanon)
Often forgets bigger words so she occasionally uses the wrong one, she ALSO mixes up proverbs but no one corrects her because 1: it’s cute and 2: they don’t want to discourage her from speaking with them more casually (also my headcanon)
Cass: So I pulled the door off its…*makes motion with hand*…metal books. Steph: Do you mean hinge— Cass: Metal books.
Dick: Well that was a surprise. I didn’t know The Penguin would be here. Cass, nodding: Well life gives you grapes Dick: Wut Cass: You make grape juice. Get on the same book, Nightwing
Is a cinnamon bun AND a little shit, it’s a balancing act
Production: She’s Wayne’s darling Princess Cass: *will break your fingers*
She does appear behind the camera crew to scare them on purpose, she thinks it’s funny, she likes seeing them freak out
She is super competitive, but she's always like "Oh I'm not that competitive" *proceeds to be very competitive*
Because she isn't super confident in her writing or speaking (or just uncomfortable communicating without seeing the other person's body language) she prefers to Facetime or simply reply to texts with selfies of her reaction. It is a thing now. when you need an honest opinion about an outfit, text a photo to Cass. She will either give back a photo of a thumbs up or a photo of a grimace and some not-so-flattering emojis
Her princess persona is her public cover persona in this show, parallel to Bruce’s “Brucie” and Dick’s “born for the cameras” thing
Is surprisingly vocal (and sometimes snippy) about her distaste with things but she mostly gets a pass because her morals align best with Bruce’s
Is most snippy when her family uses methods other than violence when violence is clearly the faster option, god they're such pacifists
Tim: *trying carefully to pick a lock* Cass: Just break through the wall? Tim: We can’t do that. We’re trying not to be noticed. Cass: Wimp
Bruce: Cass, why did you have to dislocate that man’s shoulder? Cass: I put it back. Bruce: That’s not the point. Cass: Fine, I’ll dislocate it again.
Is the best fighter, none of this “oh she’s the best fighter so when people do win against her, it makes them look cooler” thing, shut tf up, she could break their bones (not important to the show ofc but I need to add this because it is important in general)
Horrible at drawing, wretched (again a headcanon but I did see someone else mention it somewhere)
Also bad at writing, refuses to study to improve out of principle (i.e. she told Babs she doesn’t need to and now she refuses to admit Babs was right)
(AND SIDE-HEADCANON IF SHE IS HORRIBLE AT WRITING AND ACTIVELY HATED STUDYING HER ALPHABET THEN WHAT IF LIKE ONE DAY SOMEONE SAYS “hey can you grab me one of these files from last week’s case, it’s under M” SHE’S LIKE “fuck you, how could you do this to me” WHILE SEARCHING FOR M OR MORE SIMPLY *throws something at them*)
That's all I have right now. If you'd like to give me any recommendations, please do. I can't promise I'll add in every single one because this show is still about the whole Batfam, not just her, but I want to do her justice, and that definitely involves more fine-tuning on my part
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angeledeggs · 1 year
Would you write something about MC being railed by the Courtiers in their demon form (and how we convince them to rail us in the first place) Thank Chu!!
I would 😂 thanks for the request! <3
Probs a bit concerned for you at first, I mean... You're really into that?
Well, he's not shaming. After all, he is a bit charmed by the fact that you're attracted to him at all, even in his demon form.
If he ever realizes you want to get railed in his demon form (or if you tell him), he'll probably have to think about it for awhile.
After all, he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you with his claws or teeth or anything. And he is a bit self conscious of his demon form, anyways.
But he does, admittedly, get more confident when he finally notices the way you look at him in his demon form one day. He gets very.. confident, so to speak. Maybe a bit too confident.
Maybe just confident enough to push you onto the counter and bust your back out.
Or not. Who knows. He probably just keeps drinking his wine and chilling, like always. But if you keep looking at him like that-- he is going to go insane.
After a few more moments of you just looking at him in such a way, he dosent need convincing in the slightest. He would kill to get you under him at this point.
And that's exactly what he does.
Probably extremely oblivious about it and will stay that way unless you come out and say it. And when you do (or if he figures it out on his own, then in that case, props to him.) he is absolutely SHOOK.
I mean, he's just giving you his dead stare and is like, "pardon me?". He already doesn't think of himself as quite desirable even in his human form cause of his age but like him in--
,,his demon form??
He doesn't know whether to be horrified or aroused.
Probably a bit of both, really.
He keeps trying to confirm it, like, "are you sure, my love?? you've seen me in my demon form, yes? I literally get covered in slime and grow a few feet taller---"
And when it finally sinks in that, oh, you really are into it, he gets much too confident about it. It's like a switch has been flipped or something, cuz he's immediately teasing you and getting you worked up just cause he knows now that you're into it.
Like Valerius, he dosent need much convincing to completely wreck you until the sun falls and rises, I mean, if you want it so bad, who is he to deny you?
They're practically always in their demon form (or at least pretty close to it) so don't think that they don't happen to notice the way your gaze lingers on them.
Of course they'd love to get the chance to give you what you need, but they don't want to make it that easy for you.
After all, what good is a reward without a little work?
But you don't really say anything about it. But Valdemar knows that you want them. And so they finally decide to take matters into their own hands.
They put you to work in their dungeons for hours, knowing you'll do it for them. They feel a bit bad when it's dark and you're just finishing up, so they grab you by the shoulders and lead you away from the work.
They savor the silence before they speak, their body shaking slightly before they lean down and whisper to you. "May I?"
In the end, they don't need much convincing when you're there in front of them, looking so easy to make a delicious mess out of.
Like Vlastomil, she's probably going to not even notice that you're attracted to her demon form for a while.
Like, a while.
And then one day, she just realizes it right when you were about to tell her and she is... Shocked, for lack of a better term.
She dosent quite like the way she looks in her demon form. She dosent have much control over it though and while the pain stopped long ago, she knows the bones that snap out of her skin and the melting bits of her flesh might not be that attractive.
But you like it? You think it's hot?
She's... Flattered, really.
Probably doesn't need too much convincing. Like, as long as you reassure her that her sharp bones probably won't poke you and that you don't mind the melty bits of her skin, she is completely down to fuck you.
She kind of thinks you deserve it, anyway, for being so cute.
Knows that you think their demon form is hot, but they won't do a damn thing unless you say it.
After all, they want to hear you say it.
They will definitely act smug when you finally say it. If you're very shy and just insinuate it, they'll take that too. Their endgame is to give you what you want, anyways
They definitely don't need an ego boost with how self confident they are, but it definitely gives them one anyway knowing that you think their demon form is hot.
Oh, but they're not gonna just come out and fuck you without you asking them to.
And even if you do, they'll be all sly about it, like, "ohh, i don't know, should i?" And they'll only stop when they see you getting frustrated.
They're giving you what you want in the end when they toss you on the bed and their bones snap into much taller, unnatural forms.
They just needed you to convince them, really.
(or not).
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kp-alice · 1 year
For the event: who would be into riding their partner’s thigh (and that’s the only way for them to get off)? sub!seventeen supremacy lol
Oohh, fun!! Now, I don't think any of the members would have thigh riding as their only way of getting off, but some would come pretty close to it and many others would find it occasionally fun as well.
Also, for anyone who doesn't know, this request is part of an event I'm currently doing. Feel free to join in as well!!
But now, without further ado, let's get into it and, as you said, sub!seventeen supremacy!! <3
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Jun, in my opinion, would come closest to your description.
Now, he wouldn't necessarily need to ride your thigh to get off, but he would absolutely love it anytime he got the chance to. To me, Jun is an interesting mix of being both sensual and reserved at once, and thigh riding would be a great way for him to express that duality. It also doesn't require either of you to get completely naked, which is not only practical and time-saving for Jun, but also, in a way, comforting.
I say this mainly because I feel like Jun could either find himself in a very confident mood, basking in your attention and making the most intense eye contact with you as he gets off on your thigh, or he could be the complete opposite - shy, timid and bashful, but still too needy to wait and get his more assertive mood back.
And so, because of these two unpredictable moods, riding your thigh has become his favorite way of expressing both of them. When he's more confident, he loves to put on a show for you, making sure you're feeling just how much he's feeling it in any way he can. And when he's feeling tamer, he's clinging onto you for support instead, hiding his face in the crook of your neck while he desperately ruts into your thigh. He'd try to suppress his moans and whines, but the second one of your hands wraps around the back of his neck, slowly inching up to tug at his pretty hair, you both know he's done for.
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Joshua and Jeonghan would also find this really fun, but they'd mostly ride your thigh to either tease you or as a form of foreplay. They both seem like the subs who want to give their dom a show, loving the way your gaze is basically eating them up whole while they get deliriously needy just by grinding on your leg. They'd do it with a smile too, giving you the fakest innocent look possible while the most sinful moans leave their lips. It's almost like a game to them, trying to see how far they can push you before you'd eventually snap - because when you do, it's always worth it.
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Now Wonwoo is a bit different, because on one hand, he really wants to try riding your thigh, but on the other hand, he's also really, really shy. It's already a struggle for him to break down his own mental barriers and let himself be more small and vulnerable with you, so this is like a whole other level for him. Maybe that's why he finds it so intriguing, actually. The idea of getting confident enough to present himself to you like this, letting you watch as he gets lost in the pleasure on top of you. He'd love it if you talked dirty to him as well, letting him know just how sinful he looks and how much you love the little display he's putting on for you. But, as I've said, unfortunately, all of these scenarios only exist in Wonwoo's mind for now. Though maybe, just maybe, one day, he will ask you about it - or so he hopes, at least.
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Last but not least - Mingyu. Honestly, I think Mingyu is generally very open to trying new things, so riding your thigh is something he could absolutely get into if you wanted to try it. And while he wouldn't like the actual physical act of it as much, he would come to really enjoy the psychological aspect of it. He loves drowning in your undivided (and, admittedly, kinda mean) attention (something I'll get into more in a future post), so he would love how vulnerable riding your thigh would make him feel and how easy it would be to tease him. He'd feel so helpless on top of you, trying to keep his balance and sanity while you'd boldly feel him up, greedily grabbing at whatever part of him you could get your hands on. He'd especially like it if you grabbed his ass, pushing him even harder down onto your leg while saying the most outrageous things just to watch his whole face burn up. Call him names and make him feel like nothing but your little toy - he's all yours to play with, after all.
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Thank you for reading! And remember, feedback is always appreciated! ♥  
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kohakurin8 · 3 months
Canada Day
An Aziracrow fanfic
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It was July, and a rather warm one at that. Warm, but not too hot; just enough to be pleasant.
At least, that was the weather in Canada.
“I still don't quite get why you wanted to visit Canada, angel,”
Crowley inquired with his hands in his pockets. They were standing on the sidewalk, watching a festive but quaint parade march its way down the street.
At least, that's what Aziraphale was watching happily. Crowley, however, was thankful that his dark glasses hid the little glances he kept stealing.
“Well, what's not to get, dear boy?”
Aziraphale responded, smiling at the floats of cheerful folks followed by a spirited marching band.
“It's fun! Look at all the culture we get to enjoy!— You know, I heard that there's no real standard celebration in Canada for their independence day. Isn't that charming? Why, it's a whole country of people just…happy to celebrate and be themselves, even just for a single day.”
“Well, when you put it like that …”
Crowley made a sort of mocking expression, caught somewhere between wanting to look cool and indifferent but also being completely moved by his angel's words. After all, it was hard to remain unswayed when Aziraphale spoke like that.
His smile was like the gentle sunshine of a spring day.
“Alright, guess we might as well enjoy this Canada Day business. Where to next, angel?”
Aziraphale turned away from the parade to think for a moment, scanning the different stands which had taken over the sidewalks and street a bit farther down.
“Hm, let's see… Do you think they have anywhere that sells books?”
“Mmm, dunno,”
Crowley replied, looking around for himself.
“Looks like it's mostly carnival games, kiddy rides, ‘n confections.”
“Confections, you say?”
The demon immediately knew he'd said the wrong thing when Aziraphale turned to look at him with excitement and eyes as bright as stars.
Crowley's biggest weakness.
Before long, the two had acquired a handful of Canadian sweets to keep them company as they perused the various attractions.
“Oh, these are simply wonderful!”
Aziraphale exclaimed as he bit into a small butter tart. He had an order of about five of the sugary treats in a small bag, with a moderately sized Nanaimo Bar at the bottom saved for later.
“But terribly sweet. So, so sweet.”
“Well, s’long as you like it, angel,”
Crowley replied, taking a lick of his strawberry cheesecake lolly. He never entirely understood how Aziraphale could love nearly every food he came into contact with, but it still always made the demon happy to watch. After all, it was thanks to Crowley that Aziraphale came to love food in the first place, and that was something he was always quite proud of.
“So what do you want to do from here? Anything catch your fancy?”
“Hm? Mm…”
Aziraphale was admittedly half distracted by the sticky-sweet treat, attempting to draw his attention back to the various attractions.
“Oh! Crowley, dear, are you any good at ring toss?”
“Hm, I reckon pretty decent at it,”
That was a lie.
“Want me to win ya something, angel~?”
Crowley smirked, which made Aziraphale start to stumble over his words. That wily serpent…whenever he acted so cool and confident like that, it made the angel feel things he couldn't even attempt to describe.
“Oh! Uhm.. Well, ah… I, I don't suppose you have to. If you… don't want…”
The stammering only made Crowley more confident. He was already sashaying to the ring toss stand with that ridiculously smug smirk, causing Aziraphale to hurriedly trot after him.
However, the game they were met with was … much more challenging than originally planned.
“This isn't bloody ring toss!”
Crowley griped, holding up a plastic “ring” that was actually shaped like a maple leaf.
“You can't just put a hole in anything and call it a ring!”
“My dear boy, calm down!”
Aziraphale attempted to calm Crowley. Though, as he knew that wouldn't go anywhere, he instead turned to the young woman attending the attraction.
“I'm terribly sorry, miss.”
“Oh, don't worry! It's fine, rea—”
“Don't apologize for a shitty game, angel!”
Crowley interjected, even more furious as his twelfth toss had kissed the rim of the pole and skipped away. Under any other circumstances, the demon couldn't have cared less about playing the game, let alone how good he was at it or how much miracled money he wasted on it.
But this was different.
This was for his angel.
And he'd be blessed if he didn't win that silly life-sized plush rabbit for Aziraphale to pull out of a silly magician’s hat, just for Crowley to see the silly smile on his silly angelic face.
Seeing as Crowley was clearly losing his mind over this, Aziraphale couldn't bear it any longer. He sighed, watching his demon begin to smoke (quite literally!) and performed a sly miracle of his own.
Suddenly, all of Crowley’s shots were perfect. Even the ones that seemed impossible.
“Congratulations, sir! Guess the 20th time's the charm, ey?”
The attendant giggled as she presented Crowley with a white rabbit plush, bearing a red maple leaf on each side.
“Yeah, yeah. Come off it. Thanks,”
Crowley took his prize, hiding his giddy bashfulness under layers of swank and swaying hips as he left the attraction. Aziraphale followed him, incapable of keeping his own smug grin to himself.
“See? If you just keep trying—”
“Here, angel,”
The demon interrupted Aziraphale, nonchalantly handing him the rabbit.
“You can...use it for your magic act or something. ‘s real soft.”
Aziraphale looked at Crowley with surprise as he took the plush, as if his heart was touched in the softest way imaginable. Crowley could never tell if the angel was genuinely that dense or if it was all an act, but it still never ceased to give him flutters in his stomach.
“Oh, Crowley… You were doing all that for me? Is that why you were getting so ruffled?”
“Don't think too hard about it, angel. Let's just move on.”
The pair eventually came upon another carnival game during their walk, which made Aziraphale stop and stare for a moment. After walking past him a few paces, Crowley spun around and matched back to his angel's side.
“I say…. What exactly is this game? Whack-a-Beaver?”
“Mm? Looks like…humans are bludgeoning fake beavers… Seems fun enough.”
“Fun? What ever do you think is fun about hurting animals??”
“Ahh, c'mon, angel. They're not real! If you can't understand what's fun about it, then why don't you,” he made a flouncy sort of movement with his hands. “Ehhhhhh, you know. Try it out for yourself.”
“What? Try it out?”
Aziraphale made an expression that was somewhere between indignation, anxiety, and consideration.
“Ohhh, I don't know…”
“C'mon, Aziraphale! It's your turn to play a carny game!”
Unfortunately, Crowley was already shoving him to the stand.
Before he knew it, the angel was standing before a medium box with six holes where squishy, mechanical beavers would pop out and taunt him.
“So, if I'm not mistaken… Whenever a beaver pops out of one of the holes, I'm to give it a whack with this…comical mallet?”
Aziraphale honestly wasn't sure whether to be delighted or disturbed by this game.
“You got it!”
The gentleman manning the game smiled brightly, turning the machine on.
“It's as simple as that. Get ready, here they come!”
Crowley stood to the side and smirked as Aziraphale nearly panicked before the game even started. However, despite the incredibly campy Pop-Goes-The-Weasle tune playing from the game, the angel was able to compose himself. He was even able to whack a couple beavers!
Until it got faster.
“Uh… C-Crowley…? Crowley dear Lord, they're so fast!”
As Aziraphale struggled with his poor celestial brain being in panic-lock, Crowley couldn't help but chuckle.
“Maybe you should channel some of that pent up frustration with Heaven and whatnot? Hitting things is a great way to release anger.”
“Pent up frustration? I don't have any pent up frustration, I—”
Still attempting to whack all the beavers, and failing miserably at it, the angel’s protests were cut short.
“What about when the Gavotte went out of style?”
“Oh, that's just humans. I can't possibly be angry about that—”
“What about when Jack died in Titanic?”
“Well, that's really more sad than mad—”
“How about when Beelzebub tried to melt me in a bath of bloody Holy Water?!”
There it was, the chord which struck Aziraphale’s sore spot. As soon as Crowley mentioned that awful day, he was able to hit the much faster beavers in the head. Suddenly, the concept made sense.
“Oh… Oh! I think I've got it now!”
The particularly unhinged look on Aziraphale's face was beyond unnerving for the nice man running the game, but even more attractive to the proud demon watching him.
He was starting to have a rather fun day.
By the time night had descended upon the Canada Day festival, Crowley was lying on his back upon a picnic blanket, admiring the stars above. It was such a clear and beautiful night, but all Crowley could think about was the lovely day he'd had with his angel.
His angel, who was currently reading a book beside him as they waited for the festival’s fireworks show.
“Hey… Aziraphale?”
“Hm? Yes, dear?”
Aziraphale responded without looking up from his novel, instead carefully turning a page before taking a bit of the poutine between them.
“I uh…. I wanted to say, thanks for convincing me to come here. It's been fun.”
“Well, I'm glad you think so! I knew it would be fun. But, you realize it isn't over yet, right? I've heard their little fireworks show is simply magnificent.”
“Yeah, yeah. I'll see for myself in a bit. Couldn't possibly compete with the birth of a nebula.”
Fwoom… POP!
It was already starting! A burst of bright green consumed the sky, catching everyone's attention. Crowley sat up and Aziraphale set aside his book as the rest of the crowd uttered scattered “Oo”s and “Ahh”s. Another burst of color shot into the sky, this time bright orange. More followed, each firework vibrant and beautiful. Some of them erupted into various shapes, while others crackled across the sky.
Crowley was absolutely captivated by the fire in the sky, and when Aziraphale noticed this, he couldn't help but take a moment to admire it. It reminded him of when they'd first met, while Crowley was creating the stars. A lot of things had changed since then, but Crowley…Crowley was still always Crowley.
Aziraphale always loved that about him.
He loved that while everyone else was fooled by those dark glasses, he could still always tell exactly what Crowley was thinking behind them.
He knew what lies behind those glasses.
“Wh— Hey, angel?!”
Crowley was taken aback as Aziraphale suddenly lifted the glasses from his face.
“Dear, you deserve to watch the show with your eyes. Unperturbed.”
Aziraphale’s smile was so bright… Brighter than the fireworks. Brighter than all the stars in the sky.
Shit. He said that out loud.
So soft and low yet so impactful.
Did Aziraphale's heart stop?
It felt like his heart stopped.
Ironically, it felt like Crowley's had too.
“Crowley… I'm going to kiss you…”
“Wait, what—?”
It was like magic.
So perfect… So magical… The way Aziraphale caressed Crowley's chin and tilted it up so their lips could meet. The way the fireworks seemed to burst in time with their heartbeats.
It left Crowley overflowing with passion. With love. Emotions which overflowed into their warm embrace, ignorant of the world which surrounded them.
It was perfect.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could I request a scenario where romantic yandere Spitfire falls in love with pegasus reader who works as a janitor for the Wonderbolts.
Sure! I'll see what I have for this plot! :) I struggled a bit so I'm sorry the story is shorter than I wanted it :(
Cleaning Duty
Yandere! Spitfire Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Employer/Employee dynamic, Unhealthy power dynamic, Manipulation, Implied talking/eavesdropping, Forced relationship, Intimidation, Abuse of power/position, Harassment, Very toxic themes.
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You'd think being so close to the Wonderbolts would be fantastic, right? They're the best aerial acrobatics group in all of Equestria according to most. Cloudsdale is known for them.
Admittedly, you did think they were cool. Although you weren't fanatic about them. To you, they were simply your employers.
You took the job of janitor for the Wonderbolts Academy specifically. However, if an event calls for it, you'd be there to clean up too. It's a bigger job than most would think.
You don't mind it... the pay is okay and you sometimes greet the Wonderbolts themselves. You mostly kept to yourself. It was better to be out of the way anyways.
The Wonderbolts didn't tend to pay you much mind. Most of them, at least. Spitfire, the popular commander and leader of the Wonderbolts, put you on edge.
Of course there's the obvious reason... she was your employer. Spitfire had hired you and expected you to do your job. A job you did well, luckily.
Then there was the staring. The fellow pegasus always looked at you with a strange intrigue in those orange eyes of hers. You tried to ignore it whenever it happened, choosing to focus on your work.
Spitfire intimidated you due to high status in your eyes. Although she always came to give you the money you were owed personally. Each time you took it you tried not to look her in the eyes.
Some of your coworkers would joke that the head pony had a crush on you. To you... it's a cruel joke. A joke that was plausible just enough that it could be true.
You tried to ignore such a thought.
Spitfire? The leader of the Wonderbolts? With a crush on you, a janitor?
Not a chance.
"Have you not seen the way she looks at you?" Another pegasus asks you. "Doesn't it SCREAM crush to you?"
"Not sure what fantasy you're trying to push... but I want nothing to do with it." You sigh, turning away.
"You can't just deny something's up...!" They say, you shake your head.
"Think about how I feel, will you? Just drop the conversation." With that, you trot off.
You never understood why ponies were so invested in you and your employer. You hated to even think of the idea. Spitfire was just... making sure you did your work... must be.
Any sense of denial was purged when Spitfire approaches you out of the blue hours later.
"You look nervous." Spitfire comments when you stop doing your cleaning to turn. You were... but tried to play it off.
"Oh, it's nothing ma'am. Just had a strange conversation with another coworker."
"Were they causing you trouble?" Spitfire asks standing beside you.
"That doesn't sound like a very confident 'no'."
You look away from her... thinking back to the conversation you had hours prior. Spitfire notices your hesitant gaze and moves in front of you.
"You know... we can drop the formalities if it's just us. You just call me Spitfire, and I'll call you (Y/N)."
Your body jolts in nervous surprise at this. Oh, Celestia...
It is true.
"Alright... Spitfire."
She grins at this, having noticed your shock before.
"May I ask what you were talking about with this coworker of yours?"
"... it was nothing."
"Come on... I'm all for a bit of gossip."
That look in her eyes told you she already knew what was up. You don't want to tell her in case you're wrong... in fact, you don't want to be involved.
"It was private, Spitfire."
"... that's fine." Spitfire hums, circling you like some shark. "I already overheard."
Your blood runs cold.
"Hearing you say my name and my name alone is euphoric..." Spitfire chuckles. "Ever wonder if the rumors are true?"
Spitfire steps closer, almost nose to nose with you.
"Ever wonder if maybe I do like you like that?"
"Please... I just want to work-" You turn away, but Spitfire just follows you.
"It's the chance of a life-time." Spitfire teases, confirming the rumors you hated to hear were true. "Not many get to date a Wonderbolt. Much less a janitor...."
"I don't want this, Spitfire-"
Spitfire's silent, coming beside you and looking you over. It's as if she's enjoying this. Spitfire's enjoying the power trip.
"I have so much to offer... I can make you a cadet who trains under me... you have such strong wings..." Spitfire purrs, brushing over your wing. "I'll keep things secret if you wish. The rumors will go away... I'll make sure of it."
You whimper when Spitfire tilts her head to see your reaction.
"I'll even give you a pay raise if you really want it."
You're shaking, slowly and nervously trying to decline her again.
"I'm not looking for anything..."
Spitfire frowns, forcing you to look at her again.
"Then what if I threaten your job... your reputation? No pony would hire you..." Spitfire threats. "I promise your life will be good if you're mine. You could have so much more if you say yes...."
You realize there's no getting out of this, not with Spitfire's persistence....
You had no choice but to give in. You knew this was wrong... yet you were scared. Spitfire could ruin you.
So you complied... you now dated in secret.
Spitfire was amused and pleased when you accepted her offer. Truthfully she was going to have you one way or another. Even if it required clipping your wings.
Luckily she didn't have to do such an act. You accepted her order... she always loved obedience. In exchange, she teaches you tricks, ups your pay...
... and gives you all the affection anypony could ever want.
You no longer had to be on cleaning duty. If anypony asked about your promotion, or even eluded to your relationship, Spitfire kicked them out of the academy.
She did promise there would be no more rumors... no matter how true.
Spitfire would give you all she has to offer and more... because she "loves" you... and you're hers.
"See? You can have everything... as long as you're with me... my newest Wonderbolt."
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daddysfangirls-dc · 7 months
UnTamed Ch.7
Damian Wayne x OC!Female
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Too Pretty.
That's what Astraea thought. As she looked around, the restaurant was very fancy. It was so fancy, in fact, that Damian got her a fancy dress and shoes to go with it and even did her hair. I got her all dolled up and didn't tell her why. He just dragged her until they arrived at the restaurant, then was taken to a private booth with curtains in the back. Money gets you fancy privacy. It was all so fancy and pretty. Even the food was pretty.
"It's too pretty," she whispered as she eyed the plate of food. She felt Damian's nervousness and confusion. " It's too pretty to eat. Looks like those art pieces in those fancy places I'm not allowed in." It was two lamb chops on top of mashed potatoes; it wasn't much, but it was still pretty. More to look at than eat. 
"Try it. You'll like it," Damian encourages her to eat. 
Not one to turn down a free meal, she forwent the proper eating utensils; she just picked up the bone taking a big bite of the lamb. Damian watches as she devours her plates within minutes, the proper table manners not seen or considered. Once the plate was clean, she whispered," I'm still hungry." He waved the waitress over and ordered some desserts.
"Why are we here?" she finally asked 
"I can't take you to a nice place for a nice meal."
"Damian," she spoke his name softly, "what are we doing?"
Honestly, he didn't know. Their relationship had changed, or at least Damian's view of it had. He had grown romantic feelings for her. He didn't know how to go about these feelings, so he sought out help and advice. For Asta to remain a secret, he could not ask his brothers or father for advice. He instead went to two other trustworthy confidants, Jon Kent and Alfred Pennyworth. They provided as much advice as they could with vague and little information.
Jon just told him to ask her to be his girlfriend and give her some flowers. Jon Kent never had a girlfriend.
Alfred advises him to take her out to a nice dinner and talk to her about his feelings and a possible relationship. He advised a slow approach. Damian took his advice and ran with it. 
He got a fancy restaurant, food, and clothes, and the atmosphere was here, but now he couldn't speak, put words together, or find them. He should have gotten advice on how to talk to her. It was a conundrum, but he needed to figure it out and do it. 
"These past few years, I've enjoyed your companionship, our friendship. " Asta smiled as this was the first time he'd ever acknowledged their friendship. " My feelings for you have changed and grown and can no longer be ignored. Astreae, I like you, like you as more than a friend, and I'd like to enter into a possible romantic relationship. If you'd like that as well." Definitely wasn't the best wording. Despite how vast his vocabulary was he was never good at conveying his feelings through words. Honestly, he wasn't good at conveying his feelings, period.
"what does that mean?" Asta asked. " I ... I'd like for us to be in a roman-"
"No, I mean, what does that mean? What does being romantic mean? For us?" 
It was a good concern for Asta to have. The only true exposure she had to 'romantic' relationships was to victims of domestic violence and prostitutes. And she wore less than prostitutes. Love was something people in the alley mostly ran from or used as a tool. How would they change? What would romance look like with them? Would they really be romantic?
" ... I like spending time with you and would like to spend more time outside of our nightly occupation. More dates, perhaps." Admittedly, most of their meetings were at sunset or under the moon. " I'd like to touch you like that. I mean, like holding your hand and a perhaps kiss. I don't want to change what we have; I want more of it."
There was a moment of relief that was quickly followed by a new nervousness as he waited for her response. He didn't know what he'd do if she rejected him. He probably just ruined his first friendship.
"I'd like to be romantic with you. I want to hold your hand, kiss you, and see you in the light." 
Damian didn't fight the smile that spread across his face. He raised his glass " to the light," and she raised her glass as well (she's never done the toast before)" To the light."
As if realizing the serious conversation was over and had ended well, the waitress finally brought over their desserts. Another fancy plated dish is lemon tarts. 
"Another pretty dish. After this-"
"We'll go get pizza."
Alfred watched as Damian quickly slid the back seat. He notices how giddy and happy his young master is as he settles in. He was glowing with joy. " I presume it went well." 
"Yes" was a single-word response but held many emotions. " Very well," the joy radiated off the boy was just so pure. He had never seen the boy so happy. "And when can I expect to meet this young lady?" Damian didn't say anything, but his face was answered enough, a look he had seen on Bruce many times before when asked about his lovers. 
Bruce rarely, if ever, talked about his lovers, not including the little flings he brought home occasionally. He used to learn about love interests such as Talia Al Ghul and Minhkhoa  Khan through reports and ones like Selina Kyle by wounds they left on his body. He hopes Damian love interest won't fall into that second category. Another hope is that he wouldn't have to wait several years to meet the young lady officially.
"Alfred" His voice was small 
"I'd appreciate it if today's activities stayed between us. I don't want the others-"
"Damian, no one will learn of it from me."
"...Thank you."
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split-spectrum · 11 months
Water and Rock
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Pairing: Obi Wan × FemReader
Warnings: None
Length: 1K (A Short Preview)
Spoilers below the cut...
I wanted to show some appreciation for everyone who's been so kindly and patiently waiting for chapter ten, so here's an (early) WIP Wednesday bit.
This chapter is longer than the others, and I'm admittedly less comfortable with the technical aspects of spacey things so I'm very, very grateful people have been so nice about the long wait while I edit down 9K words, which I initially thought of splitting into two chapters, but eventually realized flows better as one.
I hope to have it posted very soon (this week-ish) and in the meantime, I'd like to share the first 1K in gratitude for those who have stuck through the wait.
Thank you again!
Several years ago, in the gardens of the Jedi temple on Coruscant...
"Please, Master. Be honest."
His eyes seem to snap back into focus when the tone of your voice goes up at the end of the question. He'd been looking at you, you realize, and you don't know for how long. The way he resets his posture before answering, he'd almost seemed... uncomfortable? On edge? You can't quite place it. Perhaps, you think, he senses your uncertainty. Your weakness.
With each second that passes before he responds, your anxiety increases. He shifts on the bench, sliding his gaze to the foliage in front of him, a whisper of a smile on his face.
"Often I am told," he says softly, "that these final days before one's padawan completes the trials are celebratory. Peaceful and reflective..."
You widen your eyes a bit and tilt your head, expectant - knowing he's feeling the tension of you staring at him without needing to look in your direction. But he does, eventually, turn to face you, dropping the act of the put-upon master.
"The council believes you are ready. They would not have asked you otherwise."
"That's not what I asked."
He holds your gaze. "I know you will pass. I have every confidence in your abilities."
You break eye contact. "Thank you. But that's not exactly what I asked, either."
He gives you a wry look. "Then perhaps you could clarify precisely what question I'm answering?"
You're tugging a loose thread at the end of your sleeve, hands in your lap. "Do you truly believe I'm ready?"
He doesn't answer right away. Your fingers still, stopping their fidgeting when you force yourself to look at him again. "Is it not normally the master who approaches the council when a padawan is ready for the trials? Isn't it unusual for the council to make a request like this?"
His brows raise in acknowledgement, and he nods slightly. "It is indeed unusual. But these are unusual times. And you possess a unique gift. The council does not make these decisions lightly."
"You still haven't answered my question."
The corners of his bearded mouth tip up into a melancholy smile. "Whether I believe you will pass or that you are ready may be two different questions, but my answer changes nothing. As Jedi, we have a responsibility to protect life and serve the Republic. You have been called upon, and if you are capable, you must answer." His expression becomes more sincere. "And you are capable."
You try to mirror his smile, but your stomach is upside down. "I understand."
You watch another pair of Jedi as they stroll through the greenery in the distance, seeming to take much more pleasure in their surroundings than you presently are. Silence hangs between the two of you, and it's a kind of silence that's never been there before. You're on the precipice of something, and it's not just the trials. Something about him in this moment is different. It's in the way he's looking at you; the way he hesitates before answering. He's not just thoughtful, or pensive. It's something else.
But then, something has changed in you, too - ever since the council shared those fated words.
You venture another question, your voice even quieter this time.
"Once I'm... no longer your padawan," you begin haltingly, "is it still permitted for me to seek your guidance, if I need it?"
As you tense your shoulders in anticipation of his answer, he just offers another smile. "You have my guidance whenever you are in need of it."
His words might have brought you comfort, if he'd left it at that. But he goes on.
"Even if I were to fall in battle tomorrow, the lessons I have passed on will always remain, as a part of you." He places a hand very gently at the side of your shoulder. "The teachings of generations of Jedi are within you. You need only ask for guidance, and you shall always have it."
He's rarely this affectionate, and it forces the rest of your words to stay wrapped up tightly inside you. It seems ungrateful, now, to ask whether you can still bother him for tea and meditation.
You bite back the question you'd really wanted to ask - the one that had been on your mind ever since your first discussion of the trials: Would you still be a team, even when things were different?
You pull your mouth into a tight smile that lacks the proper strength. All you can do now is nod.
Then, you do as he's always instructed - as you always have - and reach out into the force, releasing your feelings.
"Thank you, Master. You're right. I am ready."
Several years later, approaching the Separatist outpost on Asar-2...
"Are you alright?" Obi Wan asks after your second sigh permeates the silence in the cockpit.
The closer you get, the more reality is setting in, and you're struggling to hide it. Your initial thought is to lie, but it occurs to you that you're both in too far at this point to turn back. You tell the truth.
"I'm nervous."
A beat passes. He flips a couple of switches and you can't be sure whether he's silent in response to your answer, or just because he's concentrating on flying the ship. You squirm, just slightly, but enough for Obi Wan's muscles to stiffen. Yet again you have to remind yourself to stay still, and more words tumble out of you.
"The time pressure, and what's at stake... If we don't..."
"Commander," he interrupts you softly. "You have made your decision. Now you must be at peace with it."
This silences you. He's correct, as he usually is. And after this morning's heated discussion regarding your part in the mission, you can't have expected him to comfort you.
But he does anyway.
"There is no emotion; there is peace," he reminds you, his voice decidedly calm and even.
All at once, everything - the noise in your head, your buzzing nerves, the tense air that surrounds you - all of it begins to fade. The familiar mantra leaves your lips in answer to him. "There is no ignorance; there is knowledge..."
You finish the lines, and he helps you, murmuring the words just behind yours, as he moves a gloved hand here and there to keep the ship on course.
"There is no death," you complete the last line slowly. "Only the force."
There is no death...
"We'll be landing in a moment. Remember, we approach from the West - landing South and coming over that ridge, there." He gestures through the windshield and your eyes follow. "You'll need to deactivate the lateral thrusters for me. I can't reach them with you sitting like this."
He points again, to a switch just above your knee. You lean forward. "Alright. Just tell me when."
His breath is shortened, his voice strained when he answers. "Thirty more seconds."
More to come soon!
Tag List: @cosmicsierra @projectdreamwalker @guacam011y @thriving-n-jiving @reverieisaway @cursedfaechild @honeymoon7770 @hedvighedvig @cool-ontherun-world @ladytano420
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annie-creates · 2 years
Not the proudest moment
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1700
Note: I feel like I've seen a similar request for another author and I don't know if it was you but either way I'm happy to get a request and I hope you'll like it cause lately I feel like my fics aren't doing so good and it's taking my mood down.
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You were the luckiest girl in the world. That might be an exaggeration, but at times you felt like one. Like the moment Lesso first kissed you. When she took you out on a date. When you saw all the love in the world in her beautiful orbs. Some would say you couldn’t be happier. That however improbable it was you’ve found your happy ending in her. Yet lately it didn’t feel like one. Your relationship reached the stage where you’d normally walk around holding hands and move in together, but any time you tried to suggest either of those things, Lesso had any and every reason not to.
“Honey we’ve been over this. You’re an ever, I’m a never. Do you know what it would look like?” the dean rubbed her face.
“So what, you’re ashamed of me?” you frowned.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Lesso tossed her hair.
“Go to hell Leonora.” you sweared at her and left her room, not wanting to argue over this anymore. You’d think that when she trusted you enough to let you know her real name she’d trust you enough to have a real relationship too.
You have avoided your girlfriend after the last argument for about a week now. It wasn’t making you happy, and she was equally miserable without your attention, yet neither of you wanted to back down from your demands. You wanted to show the world how happy and lucky you got with this girl. She was scared to show her weak spots and afraid that it could rub the fate in the wrong way and you’d be taken from her. Evil didn’t get happy endings after all.
Your misunderstandings went out the window however when dangers seeped into the school. Rafal, an old legend that should have been long forgotten, got in and unleashed chaos. He incited your students against each other, resulting in a war and revolt rising in the school, tearing it apart. He indulged in mayhem and anarchy, gaining power from the confusion. The staff met in a hurry once they realized what’s going on, you and Leonora forgetting your reservations for the benefit of coming up with rational unbiased resolution. You split into groups, each one having their own task to deal with.
Lady Lesso, professor Dovey and professor Espada were trying to tear the students from each other’s throats in the main hall while you, Anemone, Sheeks and Castor went to deal with Rafal who nested in the towers. Leonora was confident in you and your abilities, but she also knew all the nasty tricks Rafal was capable of and it worried her. She couldn’t even imagine something bad would ever happen to you and now it was a very real possibility. Even when she had her own work to do right now, part of her mind was occupied with you.
Your group on the other hand was as ready as possible charging at the king of evil. The fight was long and nasty. You all took your portion of injuries, but in the end you defeated Rafal. It took a toll on everyone involved. Castor had problems standing with his ankle being badly twisted and you were pretty sure Sheeks got a serious concussion. But the worst seemed to be the stab would in your tight. You were loosing blood, and you were loosing it quickly.
“I’m gonna get you to the infirmary.” Emma Anemone ordered while trying to get you to stand up.
“You won’t. Don’t you remember the spell we casted? We’re not getting out of here unless someone from the outside unlocks it.” you reminded her sitting up prompted by a column.
With sorry eyes Emma put pressure on your wound with every piece of fabric she had at hand. You were feeling a little dizzy and you couldn’t help but feel scared. You’re gonna die here and the last thing you said to your girlfriend was that she can go to hell. Admittedly not your proudest moment. All you wanted was for her to be the last person you’ll see when you die, but apparently this wish wasn’t to be granted by the destiny.
On the other side of the castle the staff finally got the children to calm down and cooperate. With Rafal’s presence gone from their minds, they sobered up from the haze realizing their mistakes and horrendous actions. Everyone got to repairing what they could immediately, letting the teachers have a breather. And god did they need it. Dovey’s dress was teared, her crown lost somewhere in the crowd. Lesso was heavily leaning on her cane in a desperate need of sitting down, her hair disheveled and her coat unbuttoned. One would say they just escaped the night in the blue forest if they didn’t know better.
“Do we have any news from Emma and her group?” Dovey asked princess Uma, hoping they’re also done with their quest.
“Not yet. I don’t really know what’s going on with them, or where exactly they are.” the teacher answered picking up Leonora’s interest. She isn’t patient enough to just sit and wait for bad news about you.
“We need to find them.” she said already heading out of the hall with Dovey and the others closely following. It was probably the first time the other dean didn’t contradict her.
The search for you didn’t take more than thirty minutes. To you however it felt like eternity. You were tired, not only from the fight but also from your injury now. Emma was sitting next to you holding your hand and whispering sweet reassurances to soothe you. All you could think about was how desperately you wanted your lover to be here by your side. You were grateful for you colleagues, but the idea of leaving this world without seeing your girlfriend for one last time terrified you.
Dovey bursted through the door finding your group in similar state they were in after the fight. Lesso’s eyes were desperately looking for the only person she really cared about right now, and the moment they found you she was by your side at the speed of light, surprising everyone present. She bowed over your weak form scanning you for injuries with her eyes.
“Y/n?” she whispered fearfully, hoping her darkest nightmares won’t come true.
“Leonora?” you opened your eyes finally taking a look at her, not being sure if it’s really her or if your intoxicated mind is just playing tricks on you.
“Come on baby you wouldn’t leave me like that, would you?” she joked but her eyes were full of fear.
“I love you.” you smiled and hid your face in her chest too weak to stay up.
The evil dean took your petite body in her hands ignoring her own hurt and discomfort carrying you into the infirmary. She thanked all the lords out there you were such a light weight. Everyone around was shocked to see her reaction but didn’t dare to utter a word. Dovey will most probably come up with some interrogation later anyway. While the rest of the teachers helped each other up, she was already laying you down on the hospital bed demanding immediate attention for you. Everyone knew to obey the dean when she was in such state of fury and rage.
In less than an hour your injuries were taken proper care of and your wound was cleaned, stitched and neatly dressed. You were laying in the bed looking smaller than usual, your face still noticeably pale from the blood loss. Leonora was sitting in an uncomfortable chair right by your side, rubbing her knee and swirling her cane in her hand in thought. You’ll survive, that’s all that mattered. She was allowed to drop her fear now, but still she couldn’t. She won’t feel at ease until you open your eyes and smile at her, ensuring her you’re alright.
“How is she?” Dovey asked placing a hand on Lesso’s shoulder when she came in.
“Asleep.” the dean’s voice lacked any emotion not being in the mood for a talk right now.
“We need to talk about…” the good professor wasn’t able to finish the sentence with Leonora rudely interrupting her with anger.
“Can’t this seriously wait until she wakes up at least!?” she scowled at Clarissa who after a minute of contemplating whether or not to push the other dean left the room without her answers.
So the dean of evil sat by your bed waiting. The sun and moon switched up in the sky twice before you finally opened your eyes, groggily humming in pain. You wriggled around a little, looking around the room and noticing the hunched form in a grey coat toped with a bush of red hair laying on your bed. With a pleased smile you patted her head, loosing your fingers in the orange curls. Leonora got up and rubbed her face, her eyes immediately landing on you after she realized where she is.
“You’re awake!” you’ve probably never seen her so enthusiastic about anything.
“Yeah, morning.” you stretched and painfully squealed making her worry again. It took you a minute to realize why you’re hurting, but you pulled back the duvet revealing your wounded leg.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be as good as new before you get married.” Lesso smiled, making your face light up with happiness too. Or truth be told it was just your face in general whenever you were close to her.
 “Maybe now I can also get a cool cane?” you smirked, already imagining the designs you’d suggest.
“Haha, you wish.” Leonora laughed.
You patted the space next to you on the bed and she didn’t take long to comply, sitting by your side hugging you to her. She couldn’t believe she got you back out of the evil claws of malefice. After that she never hid you. No matter what she was doing, she made sure you’re right by her side where she can see you and protect you from any harm that would dare to come your way. She’d lock you up in a tower if she could, keeping you only to herself. Evil doesn’t share after all.
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beevean · 10 months
Man its just that the average nfcv fan vision of the belmonts is a human centipede. You grab the og belmonts, you kno the good hearted almost superhuman warriors who fought and killed Dracula time and time again, let nfcv turn them into regular vampire hunters that are framed as morally gray bc "muh poor vampires :(", and who are cynical jerks that don't do much of anything. And then you let the fandom bully them into the ground bc haha loser men and muh girlbosses.
And its kinda weird bc its also often making fun of them due to their traumas? Like yea maybe alcoholism due to losing your entire family at a young age isnt a joke you know. Or seeing your mother get killed in front of you as a child. Yes ofc you can make fun of dark stuff i'd be lynched as a hypocrite if i said you cant, but the way its done and how continuous it is... irrespectful? Like they dont respect the serious aspects of the character and legit think they suck for having horrible things happen to them? Im bad at gauging jokes like that but... yea (they just dont know how to bully fictional characters unlike us who throw Isaac off a 10 stories building everyday <3)
In any case, N! Trevor and N! Richter do not deserve that sort of treatment already, and much less their mainline counterparts :/
And regarding girlbosses, they way ppl need to put down their men to show how cool the girls are just, reeks of insecurity to me? Why does having a "loser dumb wife guy" makes her a girlboss? Why would a confident gal need a loser to take care of instead of a good partner were both compliment eachother's strong and weak points? Maybe im being a bit dramatic here, but it carries off a similar mentality to sexist guys that need to put down their gal's accomplishments to feel well Plus, the way how fandoms still revolve around said loser guys and how a lot of the times the writing itself makes the girlboss character a compliment or a motivation for the man without depth for herself makes it all feel performative. Just write a normal character with character traits who happens to be a woman ffs :/
It's incredible. NFCV alone feels like a shitty fanfiction, full of those fanfic tropes that would make me close immediately: flanderization, wimpification of "pretty" male characters, thirsting, juvenile wit, spotlight-stealing OCs, gratuituous sex and SA treated with the finesse of a charging hippo. Then you let the fandom fandomify this shitty fanfic even more, and the result is just a disaster, a kiddie pool of the most baffling misconceptions you could see.
Just to make one example, Trevor in the games is a noble but ruthless hunter, both friendly and fierce, fighting for mankind yet wanting respect yet gladly giving credit to his friends; in the show, he's a washed out Bojack Horseman-esque asshole, who despite his cynicism admittedly attempts to do the right thing when push comes to shove; and according to fandom he's pretty much a funny penis man with two braincells, Sypha and Alucard. the scene where he punches Dracula and he goes "you must be the Belmont" became a meme for a reason :^)
And yeah you're right that the fandom doesn't seem to. like the Belmonts much. But then again, they're acting like the show wants them to :) The writing doesn't take Trevor's alcoholism seriously, so they don't, alcoholism is a funny joke that makes people silly and just a tad pathetic (and it's not a serious addiction and symptom of larger problems no sir). Richter is a goofball who cries in a corny way, so it's easy to laugh at him - and that's when fans don't say that Julia deserved to die for being a "colonizer". Lenore is sexualized to hell and back, so the fans thirst for her and they think that Hector must thirst for her too, and look, wasn't her death so prettly tragic, maybe she was a good person after all!
The way fandoms treat girl characters nowadays is... barely an improvement over the 2000s when Amy would be called a slut for having a backless dress. Now it's all about how stronk and kewl and queens and girlbosses they are. And you can't criticize the writing of a female character because "just say you hate women 🙄", even when the said character is a female victim of abuse who was written by a molester as a smug radfem whose personality never goes beyond "i want to steal from men because men bad" *coughcoughcough*
The show itself is regressive when it comes to its female characters. They're all the damn same. They're either spunky sassy gals who put their men in their place, or evil but hot dommy mommies (Striga and Morana don't fit the mold because they're not characters). Most of them are magic users, even those who in the games were normal women. I will forever stand by my point that Annette did not need to be a metal bender, and if the writers truly cared, they could have fleshed out the skeleton provided by RoB. But they didn't. Because girl power!!! but only if you're conventionally "badass" and have a "strong" attitude.
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auroraescritora · 1 year
Hi, how are you? This is the English version of "NÃO HÁ LUGAR COMO O LAR - PERCY/NICO AU COLEGIAL ". I usually write in Portuguese, but as I saw a lot of people who read in other languages, I decided to write this one in English too. Admittedly, I used Google and corrected what I could. I hope this is an acceptable translation, even if my writing is a bit rusty in English.
Now, for those who don't know what the story is about, here's an improvised summary: Nico is returning from Italy after spending two years there and meets Percy, the best friend he left behind, but who kept in touch in that time away. The rest develops from this reunion, and very quickly! In this story I will try to be more direct.
Thanks for the support! And good reading.
"Look who's back! The Italian boy.” Nico just had time to turn around before he was pressed against broad shoulders and strong arms that hugged him so tightly they lifted him into the air, knocking him out of breath and sending his books and bag tumbling to the floor, the door of his school locker being slammed with a loud bang.
“Perseus Jackson!”
"Only my mother calls me that."
But Percy was laughing, twirling him around in the air as people around him stared at them. Well, there was a good reason. They were right in the middle of the hallway where there were several lockers, leading to the entrance of the classrooms. Nico couldn't resist, he wrapped his arms around Percy's neck and hugged him as tight as Percy had did, burying his face against Percy's neck.
"I missed you.”
"I missed you too." Nico muttered back and pulled away, finally getting to see Percy's face.
Eyes as green as he remembered, nose straight and upturned, thin lips and wide in a pretty smile. What had changed was Percy’s height, nearly seven feet tall, and all those muscles. Where he remembered a shy and a little sad boy had turned into this... this happy and full of life man. Confident. Although he could still see the kindness and friendship that they used to have, this thing between them… having to deal with those feelings so openly still was something new. He couldn't help but compare himself to the past, where he was too young and Percy was... Percy was Percy, opening the door to his home to a sad, lonely little boy.
"Two years, huh? I thought you were never coming back."
"Let me see you better." It wasn't like Percy had never seen him up close or every day for those two years on video calls. Nico had forgotten how intense Percy could be, full of touches and smiles.
Percy brought one of his hands to his face and brushed his hair back, exposing his face completely. And him? Well, Nico just stared back at Percy, as focused on the boy as Percy was on him. The truth is that all the calls and video calls didn't compare to what reality showed him, making him question what had happened to make him run away from Percy, from those gestures that felt so… so affectionate and so attentive. How dare he do this to them? Leaving the person he loved most behind? He was the most cowardly person in the whole world.
"Um... Percy? Put me down, yeah?” Nico did his best to stay serious.
"Don’t you have shame?”
"Have I?
Then, Percy smiled even more and finally put him on the ground to then loosen his grip on his face and waist, not pulling away completely, but leaning a little over him, as if there was something in his face that Percy needed to see more closely.
"How have you been? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back this week?”
"Why? Would you pick me up at the airport?”
“Of course, my friends deserve the best.”
“And what would that be?”
“Me, of course.”
Nico swore he was trying to be serious. The way things were going, Percy wanted something more and at the moment he wasn't ready. But it was no use, Nico grabbed Percy's shoulders and laughed; he thought it was one of the worst lines he had ever heard.
"Hey, don't laugh in my face. I'm a nice guy.”
“And very humble, too.”
"Very.” Percy said and finally released him, leaning against his side in front of the lockers, making Nico sigh in relief and picking up his things from the floor, putting them in the locker.
Sometimes Percy was a little too much for him; that was what Nico had discovered over the years in the thousands of conversations they'd had in that time. He didn't know when Percy had changed from the introverted boy to this bubbly person, but he liked it. And hated it at the same time, making his stomach flutter with anxiousness.
"Now really, how have things been?"
“You know, the same." Nico shrugged and closed the closet, taking out the books he would use that day, putting them in his bag. “Bianca came with me.”
"College?” Percy asked. “And you?”
Nico shrugged once more and leaned back against Percy's side, facing him closely again, looking at him through his lashes, trying not to show how he really felt. He didn't think he'd ever would get used to his friend's good looks, now doubled as the smooth features of adolescence gave way to defined muscles and an angular, strong face, the crooked smile, the intense gaze, the confident attitude... and... well, all of that. And much more.
"What about it?"
"What brings you back?"
“I missed home.” Nico nodded to himself. “For a while I thought it was Verona, but… I kept wondering what’s going on around here.”
"So, you decided to come back?”
“Why not? I'm turning eighteen in a few months. I wanted to use this last year and see the guys again.
Well… he wanted to see a few people again and one of them was right in front of him, looking at him as if he wanted to… as if Percy wanted to see what was inside his mind. And as it used to happen, he was the first to lose in this little game to see who looked away first.
“So… did you miss it and came to stay or…”
“I'm here to stay. Hades will come later.”
"I’m glad.” Percy said, still smiling, something more sincere and cute, like he got tired of flirting. "Maybe we can see each other later. Wanna eat something?”
"Later when?”
"Today. After basketball practice. Want to see me play?”
"Oh no! That's what I was afraid of! The high school cliché!” But he was laughing, and Percy was laughing along with him, reminding him of old times.
“You know, you can't talk about me. You were all cute and shy and you came back looking like you stepped out of an eighty’s movie. Leather jacket, ripped pants and that… is it eyeliner?” Percy approached him once more and gently cupped his chin, just another excuse to touch him, of that Nico was sure; not that he was complaining. Percy could do that and much more. “You're the perfect good boy gone bad.”
“I'm still a good boy.”
That made Percy stop for a moment, still with his hands on Nico's face, and stare at him for a long time only for a crooked smile to appear along with dimples.
"Is that so? How much of a good boy are you?”
"I don't think you'll ever find out."
One more silence and one more look that in the past would send him running for cover faster than a rocket. However, that Nico had been left behind along with his innocence.
“Hm.” Was all Percy said for a few moments, and Nico swore he was moving closer towards his face when the bell rang, interrupting them.
"Right.” Nico cleared his throat, straightening his spine and looking around. “I think I have to go.
“What's your first class?”
" English class. I need to stop by the secretary first.”
" I'll go with you.
Nico didn't even try to deny it, he had missed Percy so much that stretching things a little further wouldn't hurt. He pushed himself away from the locker and, again, something he didn't expect happened. Percy took the backpack from his shoulder, carrying it for him and with the other hand, intertwined their fingers together, pulling him smoothly through the almost empty corridor towards the administration of the school.
It was strange to be there after so long. The cream-colored walls were still the same, there were the same blue benches and black tables, the same wide hallways and the same cafeteria, painted the same pastel color. He even managed to recognize some familiar faces among the younger ones. It was a dejavu, except that now he saw things from above, in a distant, almost displaced perspective, where before his days were permeated by anxiety and uncertainty, now everything seemed easier and colorless, even if a little painful, but unimportant and maybe even comfortable. Maybe it was because Percy was still holding his hand, talking to the same secretary as two years ago, a woman in her fifties, always smiling and helpful.
In the end, it didn't take long for him to get his admissions papers that he would need to show his professors.
“So, English class? Double? I also have it. Let me see your schedule.”
Nico shrugged and took his class schedule out of his bag. He watched Percy take the paper from his hands, frown in concentration and hand the paper back to him, "We have most of our classes together. “Are you in the arts and music clubs? I'm into the music too. Guitar classes.”
“Seemed to be the easiest.”
"I bet.”
"Shut up.” Nico shoved Percy by the shoulders and walked out of the office. Few people knew that he had a knack for creative things and maybe he played something for Percy over the years. Well, that was none of other people's business.
“Nico, the classes have changed! We are using the auditoriums.”
"Of course.” Nico rolled his eyes and this time he wasn't even surprised when Percy reached out and touched his shoulder, his big hands sliding down his back to his waist, gently guiding him in the right direction. In fact, he didn't remember this school having an auditorium, so he let himself be guided by Percy, a warm and comfortable presence at his side.
When they arrived at the auditorium, the class had already started. Professor Johnson wasn't the type to mind being late if the class wasn't disrupted, that’s why Percy stood at the main entrance to the room, away from the teacher's gaze, preferring to watch Nico go down to the podium where the teacher was and deliver the paper for her to sign.
What could Percy say? Nico was a much more interesting sight at that moment, long legs covered by tight jeans, perky ass, small waist, broad shoulders, deep-set black eyes and a small mouth that always seemed to be bitten and reddened, skin tanned, looking so soft that he couldn't resist the urge to touch him as soon as he could, just to test the theory. He admitted it, he was going too fast, but two years was enough time to know if you liked someone, wasn't it? Not counting the seven years before that. Perhaps he should have gone to Italy with Nico when Hades offered, always generous even if absent most of the time.
He was snapped out of his reverie when Nico finished talking to the teacher and walked towards him, carefree and slow, as if he had all the time in the world, parading around in his punk clothes and unpretentious attitude. Why avoid something he knew would happen sooner or later? If Percy could, he would kiss Nico then and there, to end this torture that had gone on for so many years. But he could control himself, if he had waited two years, he could wait a few more days.
"All went well?”
Nico just nodded and took his hand, leading him towards the middle of the auditorium where they could get a good view of the teacher and hear what she was talking about. Percy didn't even have time to appreciate Nico taking the initiative and touching him of his own free will, although he felt he should be more concerned with the reaction of the people around them, the indiscreet stares and murmurs buzzing in his ear; he didn't exactly date boys in public, especially since Annabeth was always around to make everyone think he was with her. It was what it was, he just hoped he didn't have to punch some faces. Because he would, and gladly.
“Per?” He heard someone call him and there was only one person who still called him that. "What chapter are we in?"
"Thanks.” Nico muttered more quietly than before and began to read, completely focused on the book and what the teacher was saying. Percy was left to wonder how anyone could be so cute. So lovely. Watching a small crease appear between Nico's brows, his lips set into a frustrated pout until he seemed to find what he was looking for in the book, relaxing against the seat and settling down to jot down quick notes as the teacher discussed the matter.
Then a noise came from the row of chairs above his, someone tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around and there was Grover, his oldest childhood friend.
"Who's the new kid?"
“That quiet, sad boy Sally had practically adopted?' Your Italian boy? Now I understand the obsession.”
"Dude!” Percy whispered furiously. He wasn't that obsessed…was he? Percy looked to the side, just to make sure Nico hadn't heard, seeing that the boy was still focused on the class and turned back to Grover: “We'll talk later.”
"As you wish, don Juan."
Percy faced forward, leaned over Nico, seeing where they were in the book, and ignored everything else. When Nico pushed the book toward him so the two of them could read, Percy didn't hesitate. He put his arm around Nico's shoulder, put their heads together and began to read. Maybe be if he could concentrate, the little voice in the back of his mind would stop reminding him that this would lead to more trouble than he was willing to deal with.
I hope you liked it. Updates always in Fridays or early if a have the time.
Thanks again!
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alexbkrieger13 · 6 months
Oh no NOT Peter pulling that joke 😅
"I'm just scared - I'll have to try checking a map"
LONDON. Close to 70,000 tickets have been sold for the European Championship qualifier away to England.
At Wembley, the Swedish team wants to take revenge - if they manage to find their way in the giant arena.
- There mustn't be too many catacombs so that you get lost and end up in the cleaning scrubber, jokes union captain Peter Gerhardsson.
Admittedly, there was a loss against Sweden in the World Cup bronze medal match in 2019. However, England undeniably have good memories of the European Championship semi-final two summers ago, which ended 4–0.
Right-back Lucy Bronze, one of the gold medalists from 2022, hopes they can build on the success.
- We have a nice rivalry with Sweden, says Bronze. 
- It is a good, strong team. The fact that we are playing at Wembley is very exciting. Maybe the fans will take that moment with them from the EC.
"A different confidence now"
- Incredibly inspiring. We had a talk with the team and Rasmus (Liljeblad, sports psychologist) on Tuesday. Afterwards, you could feel the adrenaline rising to one's ears. They were ready to go out and play the match then and there, says Eriksson.
Johanna Rytting Kaneryd, who has many English club teammates at Chelsea, also wants to put the miserable semi-final in Sheffield behind her.
- You feel a sick desire for revenge, says Rytting Kaneryd.
Tumblr media
"Into the cleaning scrub..."
Union captain Peter Gerhardsson is only afraid that Wembley Stadium is TOO big a facility.
- I'm probably not that star struck with stadiums, but I like when it's full, says Gerhardsson.
- I'm just afraid... there can't be too many catacombs so that you get lost and go into the cleaning scrub. I have to try to look at a map and try to read myself in!
The fact that Sweden begins the European Championship qualifiers against England in the national arena in front of nearly 70,000 spectators stands in stark contrast to many other premieres for the women's national team over the years.
Experienced Kosovar Asllani knows that, not least.
- So much more fun. You play and live for these matches. It is a top nation you meet. These are the opponents you want, says Asllani.
- You love playing in front of large audiences. I don't like playing in front of four people, it doesn't give the same kick.
In addition to England, France and Ireland are also included in Sweden's group.FACT
This is how the EC qualification works: They go to the EC
The first and second in the groups in the A division are ready for the football European Championship in Switzerland 2025.
The last seven EC places are decided via a playoff which is played as follows.
The threes and fours from the groups in the A division are drawn against group ten and the best group twos in the C division.
The eight winners of these playoff matches, plus the top six nations from the B division, a total of 14 teams, then directly play decisive playoff matches where the seven winners go to the European Championship.
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aceontheline · 19 hours
Romance is Timeless (Main Story): Chapter 3
T//W: Obsessive behavior(s)
Amy starts feeling more comfortable in the relationship with Husk, and even develops a friendship with Alastor... But is it more in Alastor's eyes?
Early one morning, I decide to go for a walk by myself. I put on my standard workout attire and put my hair up. For a moment, I think about cutting it again, thinking back to Niffty's hairstyle and how much I seem to like it. Thinking about it on myself, I just smile softly and store it away to bring it up to Husk later. For now, I have my phone playing my workout playlist, as I walk out of the front doors of the hotel. Admittedly, since Lucifer and the other's remodeling of it, I can't help but stand outside of the hotel for a moment and look at it in awe. Suddenly, I feel a familiar presence walk up to me. He greets me casually, despite his overly formal demeanor. "Hi, Alastor" I say plainly, informing him that I was just about to go for a walk. I see him tilt his head in curiosity, asking me if he can come along, as he's currently a bit restless and bored. I agree to let him tag along, starting on my route. Behind the hotel's building is a rather long and wooded walking trail I like to go on, especially since I get to just enjoy the relaxing sounds as I go. Alastor nods, agreeing with me about the pure serenity of the walking route. We start walking, practically side by side. He looks down to me and then straight ahead.
"I must ask, my dear. How did that conversation with Husk go? I'm noticing some changes in his behavior, lately" he states matter of factly. I nod, understanding his concern.
"Well, I told him that we both need to compromise, like you said. I even had a granola bar and some fruit before coming along on this walk. Not exactly a meal, but it's a start. And, yeah, Husk may be a bit testy every now and again... But I agreed to help him, no matter" I say optimistically. Alastor's never-ending smirk only seems to widen.
"Indeed it is. I'm happy that you're at least making an effort. And your unyielding support for our bartender friend is, honestly, refreshing" Alastor replies, his walk becoming a more confident stride.
Alastor and I keep walking along the path, with him questioning my music tastes, since I play my music along the way still. Occasionally, I see him looking down on me, seeming to steal glances of me in my workout attire. The tank top is rather tight on my chest, as I was blessed, yet cursed, in this division. And my shorts do hang off of me a little bit, but I honestly believe this is because I've been pushing myself a little harder with my workout routines after my walks. Alastor asks me what I do for working out, insisting that I don't really need it, as I look decent already. I feel my face flush at the sudden and unexpected compliment, to which he seems to make mental note of that. I insist that I workout still simply because it's a routine for me now, and that it makes me happy to stick to it.
I tell him a summary of my workout routine: A walk to start, followed by push-ups, squats (with weights), deep lunges (with weights), sit-ups, and lateral jumps. I do each of these workouts for 3 reps of 30, each. Steadily increasing the numbers as I want to up the difficulty. Alastor nods, clearly impressed.
"You surely know your stuff, don't you, darling? I'll bet you're starving after all that" he comments.
"Yeah, but I learned it's best to wait at least an hour or two after you're done" I state matter of factly, still walking, steadily increasing my pace. I giggle softly. "Hope you can catch up!" I say in a playful tone as I speed walk.
It's been about a month now. After several talks and moments like these, Alastor accompanying me along my walks had just become rather commonplace. I also noticed that he had become a bit more... Tired, than usual. I thought that I should ask him about it, but I didn't want to appear too invasive. Rather, I was focused on Husk as well. His slow but steady progress is, in fact, impressive. He's been drinking marginally less, down to one bottle. He's taken a liking to juices, water, and lemonade. I even gifted him a water bottle with timestamps on it, to help him keep track of his water consumption. I promised him that if he drank to the end of the bottle every day, he'd get whatever meal he wanted me to make for him. No questions asked.
After a while though, he didn't even really need that incentive. He just drank the water when he needed to, almost completely forgetting the deal we made. Alastor was right though, and Husk had become a bit more "on edge" as it were. I would help him calm down and regulate his emotions during this time frame, trying to get him to do it better on his own as well. Husk is, in fact, making slow progress though. He would say that I was as well, actually accepting meals that he and others had made for me... He was right. I was eating at least two meals a day now, trying to eat more and more of the "Restricted Foods" I had established earlier on. In fact, peanut butter was no longer off the table. So long as it was on bread of some kind (preferably toast).
.... Though, not everything seemed to be all sunshine and rainbows.
Over time, I had noticed that certain things from my room started going missing. I thought nothing of it initially, thinking it was my usual lack of depth perception and that I'd just find the things eventually. But then... My favorite hoodie went missing. It was one that Husk had gifted me, and laced with his signature scent. I would wear it often to bed if Husk wanted his space. And when I went to get it one night, I had noticed it wasn't hanging in it's usual spot in my closet. Practically tearing my room apart to find it, I came up with nothing. I even asked Niffty if she was washing it, and she insisted that she hadn't even seen it before.
Despite all of this, I still wanted to be rather cordial and friendly with those around me. So, I ended up spending more time with Husk and the others that made me happy. Hell, even Alastor and I would hang out more sometimes. I had noticed that he was listening to some of my favorite bands, and was questioning me more and more about my other interests.
One night, Husk and I were out on a lovely dinner date together. He was looking decently put together, in a decent shirt, pants and shoes. I was also looking decent. I got the haircut I wanted, so my hair was freshly short and cutely done. I was wearing a dress that came to just below my knees. We were talking and laughing across the dinner table, when I suddenly got a cheeky idea. While no one was looking, I walk over to Husk and sit next to him. Then, I look up at him, patting his thigh, seeking to sit on his lap. He smirks knowingly, and in a rather impressive feat, he picks me up with little to no effort. I'm now sitting on his lap, rather content.
"Hehe, what is it, doll? Couldn't resist me? Or did you just want a more comfy spot, hm?" Husk asked, planting a kiss to the top of my head.
"You could say that, yeah. I just like sitting here a little better" I reply, a knowing smile on my face.
"I should'a thought. I mean... I've got no problem with it, little one. You comfy?" Husk asks, wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me stable.
I nod my head, letting him rest his head on top of mine. I laugh softly, twirling my hair. "You're so damn cute, baby" Husk whispers to me, kissing my cheek. Suddenly, we both hear a noise. It's rather loud and it sounds like... Distortion. Husk's ears immediately perk up, then go down and I hear a low growl come from him. He seems to immediately recognize the distortion like sound and is rather displeased with hearing it. The fur on his neck and shoulders starts to stand up on end as well. He demands that the unknown figure make itself known. The last person I expected steps out from his hidden view. That same, twisted and never-ending smirk on his face remains, as I see him dressed very similarly to how Husk is at the moment. Down to a T. Same shirt, pants and shoes. Husk looks rather annoyed, if not somewhat disgusted upon seeing him.
"Al. What the fuck are you doing here?" Husk asks, pure venom in his voice. Even I'm a bit confused to Alastor's presence. At first, he refuses to talk, only taking the seat across from us. Alastor looks to Husk briefly, almost entirely dismissing him. He, then, transitions his gaze onto me. His eyes raking over my body in the dress.
"You certainly look rather ravishing tonight, my dear. Then again, that's never changed. What do you say we get out of this place? Go for a nice stroll together? You know, I've got some of your favorite songs nearly memorized front to back!" Alastor offers, extending his hand for me to take. I shake my head.
"A-Alastor, can't you see I'm on a date with Husk? Besides, we're just friends. Right?" I ask, tilting my head curiously.
"Yeah. And I get the feeling that this ain't the first time your unwelcome ass has followed us on a date. How long has this been going?" Husk asks, rather angrily.
Alastor remains silent, tugging his shirt collar rather awkwardly, not wanting to answer. Husk insists, again, rather angrily. After quite a bit of probing back and forth, Alastor finally agrees to answer. He looks rather ashamed of himself, as he leans back against the chair. He explains, in depth, what's been going on.
"So. Amy, I'm sure you've noticed just how much I seem to hover around you. But my dear, you must understand, I'm trying to figure out my feelings for you. Everything seems rather complicated. I want to know everything about you. I want to see you next to me all the time. When you're not around, I get this... Itch. I guess that's why I took some personal belongings of yours-"
"WHAT?! Is that where my thigh highs went?! Or my hoodie?! You took them...? Why?" I probe Alastor, myself being on edge now.
"Al. You're obsessed with her. You need to leave her ALONE. Starting NOW. Doll, if you still want to hang out with him, I need to be in the room with you. Understood?" Husk asks.
I nod in agreement, but Alastor seems to have a different idea. He insists that because I am an adult who can make her own choices, that he shouldn't need Husk to stay in the same room as us if we just want to socialize as friends. Husk gently takes me off his lap, then stands up, slamming his hands down on the table as he looks up at Alastor. He immediately insists that Alastor either stop hanging out with me altogether, or that he needs to be in the same room. Alastor still refuses, only making Husk angrier and angrier. I see his clenched fists, which sends a shiver down my spine. I'm rather afraid at the moment. Husk grabs Alastor by his shirt collar. "I'm not asking you, I'm TELLING you" he states, his voice coming out in a low growl. "Or what?" Alastor asks.
Husk threatens to punch Alastor, his fist making close contact... Making me scream in fear. The two of them suddenly look at me with confusion and concern etched on their faces. Alastor is stunned, while Husk immediately goes in to comfort me. He asks me why I seem so scared and upset. All I can muster is a repeated phrase. "D-Don't hurt him. Don't h-hurt me..."
Husk looks at me with deep concern, hugging me close to him and petting through my hair.
"Amy, I'd never hurt you. I couldn't live with myself if I ever did. You're my everything. My little rose... Remember? That cute blush of yours. Your smile, your laugh. The way your cute little nose twitches when you laugh... Damn it, you're too precious for your own good, you know that, baby?" Husk trails off, making me giggle softly. I kiss his cheek.
"You're just saying that, Husky. And... I-I know you wouldn't hurt me. I-I don't know what came over me" I reply, looking down. Husk shakes his head, a small smirk on his face.
"It's not your fault, doll. It's your PTSD, remember? I'm here for you. To help you" Husk says, kissing my forehead.
I smile softly and kiss his lips softly in return. Alastor, meanwhile, just still looks rather shocked. He, then, says that I should enjoy being hurt if anything, since Husk marks me up all the time. Husk grows increasingly angrier. "The fuck?! Have you been watching us in bed together too?!" he screams in a demanding tone. Alastor just slowly nods, saying that he wanted to gauge what I'm into. Knowing that anger won't solve anything and only make things worse... I choose to confront Alastor with a rather cold and distant form of honesty. Looking into Alastor's steely, distant eyes, I nervously fidget a bit before confronting him like this.
"Alastor. Husk is right. You're not in love or anything. For whatever reason or another, you're obsessed. And while I'm not too happy to hear about this, I know that anger won't do anything, neither will fear. So, I, myself, am imposing that same boundary. If you and I are continue our friendship, you must be willing to accept that Husk will be in the vicinity. Also, I will ask that you return my belongings to me immediately. Is that understood?" I ask sternly, my voice ringing a bit lower than it's normal tone. Alastor sighs, nodding.
"Understood. I'll return your clothing items to you as soon as possible. Preferably tonight" he says, getting up from his spot across the table.
As he's walking away, Alastor doesn't address us or look back. Just keeps on moving. Husk looks at me, seeming rather proud of me for how assertive and calm I was. My body releases all the delayed shaking and fidgeting as soon as Alastor is out of sight. "I'll be real, he scares me-" I say, making Husk laugh. "Us too, doll" he says, making me laugh as he kisses my cheek.
Once we get home from the date, I see that my thigh high socks and my hoodie have been returned. Husk jokingly asks if I would like to have him re-apply his scent to it, knowing it's been sitting in Alastor's room this whole time. Though, I accept this, stating that he's honestly (probably) right. Knowing the stuff Alastor has in his room, the both of us grimace at the thought alone. Husk just takes the hoodie from me, agreeing to re-apply. Though, for tonight, I'm more than welcome to sleep in his room. I more than willingly accept this offer, getting into some cute pajamas for the evening. He and I end up just cuddling together for a majority of the night, talking to each other. Both about Alastor and the oddity of that incident, and just whatever else comes across our minds that night.
As I'm drifting off into sleep, I apparently let out a cute sounding yawn, which makes Husk smile widely. He hugs me closer to him, kissing the top of my head, my cheeks and my forehead.
"You are just too fuckin' precious, you know that?" Husk asks me.
"If I'm 'too precious', then you're 'too handsome' too, hehe" I reply, kissing his lips softly. He smiles softly, a blush forming on his face.
"C'mon, doll... I'm the one who's supposed to be flirting" he jokes, patting my head.
I giggle softly, hugging him closer to me as we cuddle more. I, eventually, get rather tired and fall asleep into his chest fur. Listening to his heartbeat an oddly calming sensation that easily puts me to sleep.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Back to work. There are ingredients to gather.
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Something about this place has a very Trials of the Elder Mist vibe to it. I wonder if the Ovates created him too?
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I said back on Watcher Island that I love light puzzles.
I stand by that. Light puzzles, block puzzles, I'm a sucker for the classics.
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Looks like this will be our key to shattering those blue crystals. I'll need to make a note to go back to the Moorlands with it. Betcha there's a Rainbow Conch behind that wall.
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Huh, Coral Hammer got an upgrade. Now it can do more than make squishy paps against giant bells! It can also shatter gemstones.
Not from its hardness but because of its frequency.
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It kinda looks like those heart cores that Dwellers leave behind when they die. Garl said we're supposed to put it in a bottle?
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Oh. Right. Of course the alchemist knows how to bottle wind.
...but that's not the method Garl had in mind, because he wasn't expecting TIA to help us. I genuinely wonder what he expected Zale to do.
Meanwhile, on Team Serai:
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I shouldn't be surprised that Hortence also knows how to conjure the Ruler of Tides. She knew Stormcaller for centuries.
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It does not look happy to see us again. You think it's mad that we killed its undead bestie?
Its beak looks like a fountain pen. I wonder if it can write with that? Does its body produce ink that it can then press into surfaces to form its own Hydralion language?
I dunno. What i do know is that Bird > Seahorse
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There's something very familiar about the concept of an eagle carpet-bombing an enemy target over a grudge that's really just a pretense for seizing control of a valuable resource. Something... recognizable in terms of symbolism. I can't quite place my finger on it though.
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My charred flesh has been avenged. Thank you, Serai. That was incredibly cathartic.
Fucker will think twice before he starts shit again. ...I mean, we started this shit. But that's how it goes. You and your bros jump the asshole in the parking lot to teach him to not start other shit.
Honestly, I don't know what crawled up his ass and died. We gave him an immaculate pearl and he wanted to fight about it? Seems to me that the Hydralion's just a prick.
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Serai got the most manually intensive job of the lot. Hers has a second step attached to it, plus transporting all of those crops.
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Things are going well with Garl and Malkomud. It's a huge ask, but someone of Malkomud's talents is perfect for the job.
I thought Malkomud was the person whose heart Garl would heal but it turns out it's the Sleeper. But, in a way, it's still also Malkomud. Kind of a one-two punch of healing there, giving Malkomud an incredible project to make him feel valuable by solving his people's greatest ordeal.
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Aww, he has so much faith in me. ^_^
Even after I cost him his eye. ._.
...and got him mortally wounded. T-T
But I suppose it doesn't matter because the task I've been given has nothing to do with my questionable judgment skills! Garl has asked me to do violence. If there is one thing I'm confident in my ability to do, it's violence.
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Who built these staircases? Because their presence here implies sentient civilization once occupied this volcano. Did the lava monster take this place from the Ovates? Is it an Ovate elemental experiment gone wrong?
I wonder if Teaks knows anything about the lava monster?
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Resh'an is probably fine because he's an immortal undead being. No idea how I'm handling the intense convection. Maybe my lunar powers give me super-cooling.
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That is a rock. I'm gonna be so mad if the oh-so-hyped-up lava monster is just a mini-volcano rock spewing magma. I was promised a fight against a living creature, not a geographic feature.
I mean, now that I say it like that, I would be willing to fight the volcano itself if--
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Oh. No. There we go. That's much more of a "lava monster".
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But not by much. Don't know what those Cloud Giants were worried about because this guy didn't have shit. Though, admittedly, it would have been a lot harder without Resh'an having my back.
There you go, Garl. One last spontaneous outburst of overwhelming violence for the road, to see you on your way.
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Apparently Teaks's part of the plan was telling the story of everything that's transpired to the people of Mirth. Garl didn't mention that, but it's correct nonetheless.
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For Garl.
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loser-jpg · 1 year
Leona and Dee drabble bc im sore from workouts and felt like writtin this
4 years after Dees graduation from NRC (i dont feel like doing any other world building other than that lol):
The first thing Leona heard waking up from his nap was the sound of keys outside the door. Normally the sound of the door opening would follow, but as usual it took Dee a solid half a minute to actually figure out which way to turn the key to unlock the door. Leona didn't understand why he insisted on locking the door every time he left, but it was funny to hear the same grumbles of annoyance every time Dee came back from wherever he went.
Their shared apartment wasn't that large, neither of them were actually fond of too big a living space, so Leona only had to shift himself slightly on the couch to be able to see Dee closing the door behind him.
"Ughhh." Leona watched as Dee kicked off his shoes and threw his phone and keys onto the table. His face was more red than normal and his hair had curled up around his face from sweat.
"Everything hurts." Dee face-planted into the chair to the side of the couch, his legs dragging onto the floor.
"What happened to you?" Leona laughed to himself as Dee turned his face to look at him with fake misery.
"You know how I said I should start working out?" Dee let out another fake whine as he turned his face back into the cushion, too lazy to finish his sentence.
"Well at least I won't have to hear you complaining about not being strong anymore."
"Yeah but you'll have to deal with me complaining about endless pain."
"The soreness will go away if you keep with it. Go ice, it'll help."
Dee pulled himself up enough to sit in the chair properly only to throw his head back to complain more "But I don't wanna ice! It takes so long and I gotta position myself uncomfortable to make the bag stay."
"Well at least go shower. You smell like shit."
"Thats the smell of muscle baby~" Dee groaned as he lifted himself up and trudged his way through the apartment. Leona also pulled himself off the couch and toward the fridge in the kitchen area. Dee was going to be starving in about ten minutes and a combination of not wanting to hear more complaining and kinda feeling nice today made Leona decide to make lunch for the two of them.
"Leftovers? Really?" Dee stared at the reheated remnants of the previous nights dinner. The dinner he made.
"You should be happy I even made you anything."
"Oh I am so blessed, you stuck a plate in the microwave for fifteen seconds for me." Despite his sarcasm, Leona watched Dee sit down and start shoveling food in his mouth the second he was done talking.
"It actually took thirty seconds."
"Oh now thats effort." Leona laughed as Dee struggled to talk with a mouth full of food.
"Food first. Then talk." Leona sat down across from Dee and also started to eat. Admittedly almost as fast and messy as his partner, but at least he had the decency to not talk with food in his mouth.
"Don tell me wah ta do." Leona looked up at Dee with a disgusted look, which only made Dee snicker at him. To Leona that stupid grin was recognizable in almost every situation. Food related or not.
Dee dumped his plate in the sink to wash later before walking over to the couch and laying down right where Leona had been earlier.
"Hey- no that's my spot." Leona set his plate in the sink as well and also made his way to the couch.
"Move your feet, lose your seat." Dee smiled that stupid grin again, before turning away from Leona.
"Oh, we'll see about that." Before Dee could protest Leona had grabbed him around the stomach and pushed him off the couch, reclaiming his spot with confidence.
"Hey! You tryna put me in more pain?!" Dee's face shot up from the ground into view, but the rest of him stayed sitting on the ground.
"Suffer." Leona yawned before shifting himself on the couch, planning to resume his nap from before Dee got home.
Suddenly Leona felt a weight on his torso and looked down to see Dee shoving his way into the space between Leona and the back of the couch.
"We share rent, we can share the couch."
"I pay more of the rent than you do."
"I still pay some of it." There it was. Stupid grin again.
"...Fine." Dee snickered as Leona readjusted himself so the two of them could lay comfortably on the couch. Though if he knew this was gonna happen he woulda just moved his nap to the bed.
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flowers-the-sun-witch · 4 months
bmb day 3!
Not featuring anyone else this time, other than some vague descriptions. If you want to think of any of the strangers I talked about here as yourself or someone else, feel free to do so.
Flowers generally doesn't like dancing.
Still, after a little while of aimlessly wandering around the main hall, admiring the decor and watching the other attendees interact amongst themselves, Flowers decides to take a look at the ballroom. There really isn't anything better to do, not until everyone gets tired or hungry or both, and the amount of people in the atrium is rapidly decreasing. Might as well see where they're all going, after all, and a change of scenery might be nice.
It's loud, is the first thing they notice. Dancers chatting and laughing between steps, music playing in the background, heck, even the sound of shoes against the smooth ground, made it all the more difficult to get used to. Flowers stood at the entryway for a minute before continuing into the room. Over to the side, they see one of the other guests trying and failing to dance in time without tripping over anyone or anything. They nearly laugh, but realise that they'd probably end up doing the same thing anyway, so they stop. All humour has left their mind as they see them slink away from the dance floor, obviously embarrassed. They think of moving to comfort them, or at least greet them, but they turn away for half a second and the stranger is gone. Brushing off that issue, Flowers abruptly notices that the song being played has changed, and they take the opportunity to make their way to the floor properly, instead of lurking at the edge of the room awkwardly.
As it turns out, they haven't become any less out of their depth in the time they spent working themself up to actually start. They end up cautiously stepping to the song that has replaced the previous piece, half wishing that they'd gone ahead and asked to be a musician for this event. If that was the case, they wouldn't have to deal with this. In the back of their mind, they do know they don't have to be here, can move to the snack tables or find a friend in the main hall and not have to deal with this madness, but they still feel obliged to try. So, they continue, barely able to keep themself from tripping over their own feet as the song starts to speed up. Spinning around a little and holding the hand of an imaginary partner, they start to gain confidence. Admittedly, their movement is sloppy and stiff, but fight them; they've barely practiced and don't even do this sort of thing normally, leaving it to some of their more graceful friends back home. They falter for a moment. Even if this event makes it more fun than normal— which it is, surprisingly— they'll probably not do this again for a very long time, maybe even ever; at least, not at this scale, not at this big of an event. It's just too tiring.
Speaking of tiring, as soon as the song ends, Flowers makes their way off the dance floor, just to the edge of the ballroom. They might head back after a break, but right now, they really don't want to do that sort of thing, especially not in the outfit they're wearing. As it turns out, long sleeves and boots are not a good combination for spending a long time dancing in, especially when they don't find it enjoyable in the first place. Instead, they started to just observe the many dancers now occupying the room— definitely more than when they had first entered a few minutes ago, that's for sure. Somehow, it's not packed, and Flowers is starting to wonder if the building has some sort of enlargement spell or charm put on it, depending on how many people are there. If there was (which they are really starting to suspect, as somehow more people enter the room), it would be good for the claustrophobic people, at the very least.
They turn their attention to the dancers. A wide range of humanoids, beastfolk and other uncategorised attendees occupy the space, of various sizes and skill levels. As Flowers makes their way along the wall, she avoids stepping on one of the tiniest guests they've seen so far. Over near the other side of the room, a pair clumsily step beside another, gracefully dancing around them. Near the entrance, they think they see someone familiar, and almost call out to them, but realise a moment before that they don't even recall their name, much less know which of the many people they've met over the years that person might be. A little embarrassed, they decide to head back to the atrium, where there is one, less people, and two, they won't feel the need to join in with everyone else.
Flowers doesn't know how to feel about dancing.
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