#alastor 'mad-eye' moody
prospering-orchid · 2 years
Can someone please write a muggle AU fic where Remus is an archaeologist and some treasure gets stolen and they call Detective Moody and Tonks instead of the police because Moody is like the Sherlock and has more chance to find it than police.
What am I doing I should be studying not thinking fic ideas somebody help😭
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fic-ive-read · 2 years
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Link To The Fic
Currently halfway through, it's interesting so far but slightly hard to follow along. The adults seem to be trying to do their job and be The Adults, but there's something going on inside Hogwarts itself (cause duh, it's 4th year lol)
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hxuse-xf-black · 1 year
Mad-Eye: Lucius Malfoy, you have the right to remain- Tonks, interrupting: A loser! Mad-Eye: Nice. But legally, I have to start over now.
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kitgeometri · 8 months
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Dumbledore and lovely animals
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We'll heal together: Chapter Five
I Will Wait Mumford & Sons
Sirius Black x Reader (Past) / Remus Lupin x Reader (Ambiguous-Past)
Summary: Reader is still having dreams of her past, while McGonagall convinces Dumbledore to remove the curse on her.
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, Mean Remus, Jealous/Jerk Sirius, Fights, mentions of death and murder, minor character death (please reach out if I missed something}
Wc- 4364
A/n: Starting a taglist! Comment to Dm to be added!
You stayed in Moody’s comfort for what felt like hours. You could have stayed for days more, but eventually the strain to your still throbbing limbs and aching body was doing you in.
Moody practically herded you to the couch, allowing you to sit down, and after some push back with him trying to get you to lay down, he eventually gave in and allowed you to sit across from him. Pillows propping up your sides, a horrible tasting healing potion, a cup of tea for a chaser, and a blanket rested on your lap later, you two figured starting from day one was the best course of action.
“October 29th, 1981. What happened?” Moody asked in a careful but stern tone. You weren't used to him being so gentle with you, you guessed twelve years apart could do that to a person. You gave a sigh and set the teacup aside, relaxing back into the makeshift throne and looked at the ceiling, eyes closing as the pain began to disappear. 
“It was a botched mission. Someone sold us out.” You explained slowly.
“With Mad-Eye out of commission sick, we need someone to go in his place.” Gideon told you, having knocked on your door late at night with Fabian at your gate keeping watch. Gideon took the paper that etched out your address, Lupin’s handwriting scribbled on the crumbled paper, as the elder twin set it in your outstretched hand. With the Fidelius charm that protected your home ever since Voldemort marked you for death, you made an impulsive decision to make Lupin your secret keeper.
You hadn't spoken to Sirius in months after your argument and subsequently, your break up. Peter and you were already the Potter’s secret keepers, the last logical step would be Remus. Especially after what happened to Marlene and Dorcus just a few months prior. He was hesitant at first, but when you pushed he caved. He always made it easy for you.
(“You weren't suspicious?” Mad-Eye demanded and you quickly shook your head. “No, if Lupin had to write my address down it meant something. He refused to do it every time he'd been asked, said it was too easily given to others.”)
You snapped your fingers, and the paper burned to ash at your feet. “I didn't know Moody could get sick.” You tried to joke, and Gideon gave you a grimace and Fabian looked back at you two. Your lips twitched. The twins aren't joking? That's slightly nerve wracking. 
“So? What do you say?” Gideon implored, and you nodded, biting your lip. 
“Let me get dressed.”
“They came to your house at midnight to recruit you for a mission?” Moody asked in a shocked and angry tone. “One you weren't briefed on? My mission?” He implored and you gave a small nervous smile, to keep the peace.
“It wasn't the first time if it makes you feel better.”
“Far worse.” Moody practically shouted and you winced. He huffed and lowered his voice, arms crossing and leaning back in his seat. “So what next?”
“Well, I got ready and we left to get to the rendezvous point. It should have been simple, just ambushing a few dark wizards couldn't have been much harder then what we had been doing. The tip said there should be three, two already there and one coming later with what we assumed to be supplies we could garnish.”
“I don't see anyone.” Fabian announced as you three sat among the trees. His wand was to his throat, so even with him across the clearing his voice was transported to your ear, where the weird snake ear clip they gave you relayed his voice. The twins had always been making trinkets and inventions, ever since you first met them, that was one of their defining traits. That and they were absolute children, who tested them on you any chance they got.
“Shouldn't there be people here by now?” You asked, pressing your wand to your jugular, and you heard shuffling before Gideon spoke up. “Maybe we're early?”
(“If you felt it was off you should have left.”
“Would you have?”)
Suddenly there was a loud sound of apparition behind you. You snapped your head around and went silent. Fuck.
There before you were five death eaters and they didn't seem ready for a simple trade off. Fully decked out in battle gear, they began to walk around the clearing and muttered things between themselves.
Then, a voice boomed through the forest. “Alastor Moody!” He called into the clearing. You knew that voice immediately, your stomach dropped. Antonin Dolohovs. “Moody, come out my old friend!” 
You looked to your sides and peaked at Fabian who tightened his grip on his wand, then to your right and saw Gideon already looking at you. He gestured down hill, as if telling you to run, and you refused. Shaking your head you looked back at your left and the other Prewett twin seemed to have the same idea. You pressed your wand to your neck and lowered your voice, as Antonin went on a manic rant. 
“We need more men. One of us has to get someone.” You implored before you quickly hitched your breath as one of the five Death Eaters got too close to your hiding spot.
“Gideon, you do it.” You heard Fabian command and Gideon gave a huff.
“We should send the kid.” He hissed back. “We can stand our own.”
“Send {L/N}? The girl who is supposed to be in hiding straight to the rat infested Ministry? No chance.”
You held your breath as your back nuzzled closer to the tree root you hid in. The closer he got the louder your heart blared in your ears. You took a deep breath as he began to slip past the root and almost spotted you. That was, until Fabian recklessly shot a spell at him. Everything happened in slow motion. 
Gideon raised his wand, mid apparition, watched as Dolohov raised his wand and shouted. “Crucio!” But he couldn't stop, apparating away from the field as his brother wailed.
Fabian fell to the floor, and you covered your mouth. Quickly shooting your hands to your ears and your body shook out in terror at his blood curdling screams.
“I found another one!” One of them shouted and grabbed you by your arm, dragging you out. Tossing you on the ground by your limp friend. You shuttered and quickly stammered to your feet, hurrying to back pedal away from them, before your back fell against Antonin’s chest. Quickly, you tried to rectify your actions, but he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and tucked you closer. You squirmed and hissed, stomping back to try and hit your heel to his shoe.
It worked and he flinched hard enough for you to get out of his grasp. You went for your sleeve but froze when you looked at the manic wizard and saw him holding up your wand. He had snagged it in your tussle. “Fuck...” You whispered and he bellowed a laugh.
“Moody sent you instead, huh? Pretty thing you are, can't possibly have been on your own for longer than a year.” He taunted but you kept your expression mute. The less he knew about you, the better. 
“Wait, sir.” One of his lackeys spoke up and you stifled a wince. “That's {Y/N} {L/N}.” He declared with a shocked laugh. “Voldemort would be ecstatic if we brought her to him.”
Antonin looked you over before he wet his lip and fiddled with your wand. “{L/N}, hm? Your father has done a lot for our cause.” He gave a sickening curl to his lips as he pressed the wand to your neck. “Thank you for your service, darling. Let's get you home.” 
Before you could even formulate a plan, one of his other lackeys pointed their wand to Fabian.
“No!” You screamed, shoving past Antonin and running towards the two, but halfway there and the words already left his lips. Avada Kedavra. Your entire body froze up as your eyes locked with Fabian's, and you watched the light leave them. You stood there, horrified. The men around you didn't even see you as a threat. They allowed you to stand there, talking among themselves. 
You felt pathetic. Without a wand you couldn't do a thing. You found yourself wishing you studied wandless magic, because you were truly as weak as you felt. Just a girl. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. 'What's your last resort?’ You heard Alastor’s words echo in your ears. Run.
So, you ran. Bolted for the tree line. Alastor always told you, if you had no other choice, you were young. ‘Strip your battle gear,’ You heard him as you tore off the blackened leather wrap around your chest, vaulting over an overgrown tree root. Tossing your bulky boots and sharply turning your direction as you heard their shouts after you. ‘Get out of eyesight, go one direction, leave evidence of the contrary.’ 
You stumbled to a small river and looked around. Their voices that were once fading outgrew closer. You were breathing heavily, your socks were stained and one bloodied from a sharp rock cutting your toe, too filled with adrenaline to notice. You looked around before you took the bloodied sock and wet it, chucking it across the body of water before turning sharply on your heel and ran across the tree line to hide behind a moss-covered rock.
You held your breath, closing your eyes tight and remembered his number one rule. ‘Never panic.’ So, you sat there. Their voices and footsteps passed, and eventually you heard splashing as they ran across the river and soon you couldn't hear them at all. You waited a little bit longer before you looked around. You had no wand, no plan, nothing. All you could hope was that Fabian still had his. 
You shakily rose to your feet and began to stalk back. 
You hadn't realized just how far you had gone. When you made it back, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and Gideon was still not back. You kneeled down by Fabian's body and turned him over. You gave a sigh of relief when you saw his wand. You kept your hand on his chest, it was still warm, like it was taunting you. You thinned your lips and raised his wand to the sky. “Expecto Patronum!” You declared. 
You were weak, so was the disobedient wand, struggling to focus on the good in your mind. You waved your hand, and the fox finally appeared. “Take this message to Lupin.” You whispered softly. “Ambushed. Fabian, dead. Gideon, status unknown. May be splinched.” You panted out. “Running. Five looking for me. Antonin Dolohov.” It's all you could muster, quickly dismissing your patronus and looking back to Fabian. “I just... need to rest.” You whispered as you felt yourself slowly fall against his stomach.
You didn't know how long you were out for, but the first thing you heard was Albus’s soothing voice. You stirred. 
“There you are.” 
You turned to look at him and grimaced, slowly lifting yourself off of your friend and shaking to stand. Dumbledore walked over to help support you. You could have sobbed out, letting your body fall against his chest. You didn't even have time to wonder why he was here, not Remus or Gideon. “H-he-”
“I know. I know dear child.” He hushed and ran his hand up and down your back. You shook and sobbed in his arms, and he looked across the field. 
Albus pulled back and you looked up at him threw glossy eyes, arms still outreached and resting on his forearms, looking for any semblance of warmth and comfort. “We found your letters.” He told you carefully. “We know you have been in contact with Regulus Black via concealed letter since you graduated. Before his passing.” 
The heat left your face. What? How did they find those? How did he know? And why was he bringing this up, now?
“Sir, I-”
“Voldemort knows as well.”
You almost fainted. “Is that why?”
“He is after you? Yes. Now, I have a plan to keep you safer than I have. Keep this conversation renewed in your mind, so one day, we will be able to use this connection.” 
“What are you talking about?” You croaked, looking over at Fabian’s body in a daze. This felt like the cruelest form of whiplash. “Professor-”
“This is for the better, {Y/N}.” He muttered against your temples you sniffled. “What is?” You croaked, and he raised his wand to your head. 
“And that was the last thing I remembered.” You sighed and grabbed your teacup, holding it to your palm for warmth. Moody seemed to be a little slower as he realized what was happening.
“Albus Obliviated you?” He asked in a breathy way, you slowly nodded. “... and you've been alive, all these years?”
“Would seem so.” You mumbled and picked at the helm of your shirt. There was a silence, it wasn't awkward, but it certainly wasn't comforting. 
“Lily, James, and Harry?” You croaked out and when Moody grimaced, your heart broke. 
“The boy is alive.” Moody offered and you nodded slowly, trying to gather yourself. Your voice cracked as you began to speak. “Sirius took care of him, yeah?”
Moody frowned harder and you narrowed your eyes. “No... he didn't abandon him, did he?” You prayed to whichever of the cruel gods was above you that it was a joke.
“He was, until recently, imprisoned in Azkaban.” He mused and your shoulders fell in shock, eyes wide. 
“I- you- I-” You sputtered out. “Whatever for?” You implored and leaned forward. 
“He sold out the Potters and... killed Peter Pettigrew.” He spoke carefully, knowing how close you two were, slow and delicate. Your eyebrows furrowed and your lips parted slightly. 
“... what? Peter is... is dead?” You whispered in shock before your eyes widened. “Wait- Sirius killed Peter?!” You bellowed and snapped up to your feet. 
Alastor stood up and walked towards you, but you began to pace. 
“Why would he possibly need to kill him? And he would never sell out the Potters! He'd sooner die! How did he even manage to tell Voldemort!?” You practically shouted and Alastor scoffed. “A secret keeper can tell anyone.”
Then, your eyes widened, snapping over to look at Alastor. “Moody- no, Peter and I-” Then it hit you. It hit you like a bludger to the chest. Your air left your lungs. 
“Moody, Peter and I were the Potter’s secret keepers.” You whispered in a shaky voice. Moody's expression stayed blank, but his false eye began to flicker side to side showing he was deep in thought. 
“Peter would never, he wouldn't-” You stopped and had to think about everything you knew about Peter. He was a coward, but he was bold. He was meek and quiet, but he was confident with you. He was always charming and sweet, but you had heard from Mary and Dorcus how they saw him as slimy when he didn't get what he wanted. 
The more you thought about him, the more traits you came up with for him, the more evidence there was for the contrary. Did you ever truly know Peter Pettigrew? Years ago, you would've laid down your life on the fact that Peter was trustworthy, honest, brave and kind. But the more you pondered it, he was always those things to you. Just to you. You covered your face in shame. “No...”
Moody walked up and patted your back as you tried to come to terms with it all. “But he- I- Rem! What of Remus?” 
“The Lycanthrope?” Moody tutted and you glared up at him. “Don't call him that.”
Moody nodded with an eye roll and gestured to the seat for you. 
You walked back over and sat down. Moody beside you. “After your disappearance, Albus called an emergency meeting. We gathered, and Albus told us of you and Fabian's death. That Gideon was leaving the order and going to America. Molly was inconsolable.”
“No! No no no!” Molly sobbed into Authur’s arms, Albus looked down solemnly at his hands.
A scoff came across the table. “That's it? That's all we get?” Sirius snarled and shot to his feet. “Who did it?” He boomed across the table. He was tired of losing people. But losing you, now, that was a new kind of pain. One he didn't want to discover quite yet, so he lashed out in anger. He hadn't felt like this since he heard of Regulus’s death.
 “Who!?” He demanded as Albus kept a solemn and pitiful look. It burned Sirius up inside. 
“Antonin Dolohov.” Remus spoke up from across the table. He was looking down, eyes bloodshot and clearly distressed. He was in his sleep wear, having been woken up late at night by a glowing blue fox. He could hear what she said over and over in his head. When he got there and found Dumbledore, looking down at Fabian. There was blood, and Remus could smell it. Dark magic and you.
“Ambushed. Fabian, dead. Gideon, status unknown. May be splinched. Running. Five looking for me. Antonin Dolohov.”
“How the fuck do you know that?” Sirius sneered and Remus closed his eyes. “She sent me a Patronus.” 
“Of course she did.” He snapped at Remus, slamming his hands on the table. “Of course she'd send it to you, wouldn't she? I bet that makes you feel real special, getting her last words.”
Remus gawked at Sirius in pure shock. It felt like he stupefied him to his chest. “And what's that supposed to mean?” He suddenly snapped back and stood as well. Alice was quick to nudge Frank, both parties standing up to make sure the two didn't jump across the table and shred each other. 
“Do you think I'm daft? Do you think I didn't notice the way you looked at my Fiancé, Remus?” He bellowed across the room and Remus gave a laughing scoff. “This is how you want to have this conversation, Sirius? Now?” He snapped back and Sirius gave an incredulous laugh.
“When else? She's fucking dead, she can't come save you now.” 
“You've gone mental!”
“No one worth being sane for left!”
“Maybe if you hadn't left her, this wouldn't be happening!” Remus shouted and that seemed to physically stun Sirius. “If you hadn't pushed her away until she hit her breaking point, until she had to come to me of all people, you could be at home right now waking up to her! But you didn't, you failed her Sirius.” Remus cut and cut as deep as he could. Sirius was silent for a moment and his mouth grew dry. Suddenly, he picked up a plate and threw it at Remus, the latter just managing to sidestep it before the Black stormed out.
Alice tutted and Remus looked down at her, breathing heavily. Slowly, he noticed the looks of pure horror on everyone's face. He knew he had gone too far. He cleared his throat and muttered an apology, turning to quickly leave.
Through all the chaos, no one noticed Peter leave moments later. He was walking down the street. His hands in his pockets and head down. Lost in deep thought, about you. No one truly knew the snake that was Peter Pettigrew. He was a people pleaser, he wanted validation and clung to the biggest bully in the yard like a vise. Originally, that was why he wanted to get to know you. You were James Potter's childhood friend, but you also managed to befriend several of the most influential Slytherins and purebloods of their school years. You were confident, unashamed to be you, the opposite of him. 
The more he got to know you, however, the more he truly cared. He loved his friends, he loved them all, but there was only one he'd fight for. You. Foolish you. You swore to him you would give your life for the Potters, for Sirius and Remus, himself included, but he never wanted it to get this far. When he first found the letters between you and Regulus, he felt hope. That maybe, just maybe, you were like him. Buying yourself time with information.
He hoped that when he brought these letters to Voldemort, he would finally be convinced of your worth to the cause. That he would lend him more time to let him convert you. Then the dark lord sent out a notice for your capture; he knew he had made a mistake. He should have de-charmed and read the letters himself, but it was all he could think of. Your safety, with him, like he always promised.
Last night was a fluke. A fluke that cost him more than he was willing to put on the line. It should have been Moody. That's what he knew, Moody, and the Prewetts. They should have been the ones to die that night. Instead, it was you. You lost your life, as you always promised, for the cause.
The cause? The cause. The cause that sent in children to die like cattle. His dearest friend falling to the hands of a god he placated. You died for the Potters. For Black. For Lupin. You died for him… Anger bubbled under the surface. The charm was broken, he would go to the Potters to repair it tonight. Then, he would be there the next night, with the dark lord by his side. He wanted them to hurt. To hurt like he was, to ensure they had no one else. No one, like him. 
“But that leaves one thing that I do not understand.” Moody challenged and you rolled your tongue. He opened his coat and pulled out a long box, holding it out to you. You narrowed your eyes before he opened it, revealing a wand. Not any wand, your wand. You gasped and reached for it, before he quickly shut it closed. You glared at him, and he flicked the box onto his lap. The box looked worn, like it had been in his pocket for years. It made you feel warm. He has been keeping you close this whole time. You were not forgotten. But clearly, he planned to make you work for it.
“What is it?”
“What was in those letters? And why were you talking to the youngest Black?” He leaned closer, trying to use the same techniques he taught you about interrogation. You rolled your eyes, you can count on one hand the number of times you lied to Moody since you were 16, you didn't plan to keep counting. Four times.
“He was telling me things. Things about Voldemort’s plans, what he had done and who he had done it to. In exchange, I kept him updated on Sirius, I promised to keep him safe. He also kept me up to date on a few Death Eaters I had known in school. I want to tell you, but I feel I should talk to Dumbledore first. I feel I deserve a proper explanation as to why this happened to me.” You muttered bitterly and then your face scrunched up in a pout. “I also have a certain cat to see.”
“Glasses.” You mumbled and Moody shook his head in confusion. Tossing the box on the table and you quickly snatch it, opening it up and pulling out your wand with a sigh of relief.
“Until further notice, you are to be on house arrest.”
“What? That can't be true! Isn't Voldemort gone?” You scoffed, crossing your arms. 
“There are some who believe otherwise. Regardless, you are dead, the minister is still working through a story to tell the world about your reappearance.”
You scoffed and rubbed your temple. “And what of Harry? Who has he been with?” You challenged and Moody frowned.
“His mother’s sister.”
“That monster!? No, Moody, I must see him!” You begged. “I have no idea what they could have done to that boy! He deserves to be with family!” You stood up sharply and Moody scoffed.
“The boy is with family!”
“No, for Merlin’s sake he is not! I am his family! Sirius and Remus! I don't care what anyone has said, Petunia Evans is a wicked monster of a woman! I have heard Lily’s horror stories! I am his Godmother! I demand to see him!” Your voice filled the entire house. Lily had spent most of her school years protecting you from your family, you have left her son for twelve years, unable to protect him from her family. He deserved a home, you don't care what people seem to think, people like her could not change.
“And what a Godmother you will be, your home has no wards protecting it, you have nowhere to take him, and your vaults are locked until your Godson turns 18! You must wait until the minister announces you are safe to resume your life!”
“This is absolute shite!” You snapped and stormed towards the stairs like an emotional teenager. “I am going to my room!”
“And stay in there!” He snapped back as your footsteps stomped up the steps and the sound of a slamming door rang through the house.
Even after that argument, Moody couldn't help but sit down and smile at the fireplace. You were annoying and unruly, and he has missed that spunk.
~~  “Make that five.” You muttered to yourself. You walked over to the radio and turned it on. You muttered a small enchantment on a pillow, and it began to levitate. You pushed it out the window and jumped onto it. It began to fall quickly, before you transformed. The sudden shift in weight slowed the descent significantly. You landed in the grass and hurried out into the field. Making sure no one could see you, being a fox was fox was fine, but being a silver, fox is what raised eyebrows. Sorry Moody, I have to see my Harry.
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dixonsgirl93 · 1 year
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Please see this post before sending requests. Thank you.
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About Me
Content Guide:
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💚 - Platonic
💋 - Smut
🍒- Contains sexual themes without nudity/smut
🥀 - Angst
🖤 - Contains dark themes/violence etc
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~ Dating Daryl Dixon (ace version) 💕
~ Dating Daryl Dixon (allo version) 🍒
~ 12 ways Daryl Dixon would show affection💕
~ Sex with Daryl Dixon Would Include💋
~ Daryl Dixon finding out you’re pregnant and what he’d be like as a dad💕
~ Little Bunny💕
~ Prettiest girl in the whole world💕
~ Bride-To-Be 💕
~ Stitches🥀💕
~ Untitled cat Drabble💕
~ Daisy💕
~ Bloody Hero (Drabble)🖤💕
~ untitled drabble💕💚
~ Shirt💕🍒
~ Birthday Gift💕
~ Biker💕💚
~ Lollipop🍒
~ Towel🍒
~ Smoke🥀💕
~ How to Survive🥀🖤💕
~ Vengeance (part 1)🖤🥀💕
~ Vengeance (part 2)🖤🥀💕
~ Just a Girl💋💕
~ Claimed🖤💕
~ Locked in with Daryl Dixon💋
~ Flashback🥀💚🖤
~ Midnight Cravings💋
~ I Need You🥀💕
~ Sweet Spot 💋
~ The L Word 💕
~ Right Person, Wrong Time 🥀🖤💕
~ Pocket Watch 💕
~ What Daryl Dixon would be like in a relationship💕🍒
~ Soul Ties💕
~ What Daryl Dixon would be like as a husband💕
~ How Daryl Dixon would propose💕
~ How Daryl Dixon is with you after you’ve suffered a loss🖤🥀
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~ To Win 🍒
~ Sex with Merle Dixon Would Include💋
~ Opposites and Opportunities (x ace fem!reader)💚
~ Pleasure and Pain 💋
~ Corrupt Me (NSFW virgin reader)💋
~ Untitled chat Drabble (fluff)💕
~ Playful Morning 💋💕🍒
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~ Blood Thirsty💋🖤
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~ So Cocky💋
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~ Hiding an injury from Carol💚
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~ Close💕
~ Crush💕
~ Sweet Kiss💕
~ Lonely💕
~ Sex with Mad Eye Moody would include💋
~ Mistletoe💕
~ Hands 💕
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~ Bad Day🥀💚
~ Vaseline💕
~ Mornings with Simon💕
~ Verge🍒💕💚
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Vine banner by: @attxnt
Flower banner by: @plum98
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Rita: Certain personalities are attracted to certain professions.
Dumbledore: Do you know what professions psychopaths disproportionately gravitate to?
Rita: Alchemists, Unspeakables, the staff of Hogwarts...
Dumbledore: Number five on the list is Healers.
Rita: I know the list.
Moody: Well then, you know what number six is.
Rita: Journalists. Know what number seven is, Mad-Eye?
Moody: ...Law enforcement.
Rita: Here we are, a bunch of psychopaths helping each other out.
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 7 - Star
@jegulus-microfic February 7 Word count 743
ok this wasn't meant to be another multi-prompt story but here we are 🤣
CW- someone is tortured but it's not described but you know it's going on.
First part
Sirius had blindfolded him once they’d cleared the building. He could feel Sirius’s face still close to his. 
“We’re going to apparate in a second. Are you going to behave, or do I have to stun you?” Sirius growled into his ear. Regulus tried to twist his head away from his brother.
“Stunning it is.” Sirius sighed before Regulus felt a spell hit him, and then…
“Did you have to do that, Sirius?” James huffed as he rearranged Regulus’s limp body on his shoulders. 
“If he messed around, he would have splinched himself, and you might have as well. This was easier.” Sirius shrugged at James as he explained. “Come on, Mad-Eye will want to question him.” Sirius held his hand out to James, and they disapparated to their designated safe house. 
Regulus’s body felt stiff like he’d fallen asleep sitting up. Slowly, he cracked his eyes open. He was in a dark room, possibly a cellar. He wasn’t sure. If magic was being used, he could be anywhere. 
He tried to move and found he was strapped tightly to a wooden chair. 
“Ah, so you’re finally awake?” A gruff, gravely voice said from the shadows. Alastor Moody moved so he was just visible in the low light. 
Regulus supposed it was meant to be an intimidation tactic, but it wasn’t strong enough to work on him. The Auror clearly hadn’t asked Sirius for input, as he’d know that after dealing with Walburga Black, nothing these silly little men could do would get to him. 
“Hmmm, braver than you look, hey, Black? Let’s see how brave the lionhearted star really is.” He raised his wand, pointing it directly at Regulus’s chest, and all Regulus could think was this man was an idiot. The Regulus star wasn’t lionhearted. It was the heart of the lion, and as it was, his heart belonged to only one lion, a Gryffindor lion. 
He used thoughts of James to get him through the waves of torture Moody was about to perform.
Above them, in the kitchen, James and Sirius paced. Frank Longbottom had his wand on them, and they had been warned that if they tried to get into the cellar, he’d stun the pair without hesitating. So they paced. 
James flinched at every scream, and Sirius ranted and raved about how torture wouldn’t work on him because Walburga had made it her life’s mission to torture her sons until they could endure anything. 
“Just talk to him like I said to. He’s a twat, but he’ll talk more if you don’t piss him off with spells first.” He bellowed at the door.
James couldn’t speak at all. Every cry emitted from Regulus broke a piece of him. If he’d have thought even for a second that the Order would do this to him, he’d have taken him and run. 
Eventually, it went silent, and familiar clunking footsteps pounded up the stairs. The door to the cellar opened, and Mad-Eye walked out, looking tired and not at all satisfied. James and Sirius went to step around him, but he shot his arm out, blocking them. 
“Oh, no, you don’t,” He growled at them. “No one is to go near the prisoner.” 
“What the fuck Mad-Eye?!” Sirius cried as he tried in vain to get around him. 
“He’s not talking yet. But don’t you worry, he will.”
“No, he won’t! I’ve already told you, Moody, you won’t break him like that. All you’ve done is piss him off. He’ll never say a word to you now. Let us try. I know we can get through to him. He’ll talk to James and I. Please let us try.” By the end of his tirade, Sirius was pleading with the older wizard. James was glad Sirius had taken over. He was in no fit state to fight Mad-Eye. 
“Go on, Mad-Eye, it won’t hurt to let them have a crack at him.” Frank offered as he tried to defuse the situation and get the head Auror to see reason.
The grizzled wizard grunted something incoherent but nodded before he stomped out of the kitchen. They all understood he meant that James and Sirius could go down to Regulus.  
James stared at the cellar door. He felt sick at the thought that whatever had happened to Regulus was his fault if he hadn’t picked him up. None of this would have happened. 
He put his hand on the doorknob and turned it.    
Next part
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abitchnamedtia · 10 months
Alastor Moody's love languages
To give:
His number one love language is acts of service. Weather is doing the dishes for you, cleaning something, helping with a small task when he can, giving you is coat whenever you're cold... The fact that he'll also give his life to protect you is a part of it. He would kill and die for you. LITTERALY.
To receive:
His favourite love language to receive is words of affirmation. He won't ever admit it, but hearing how much you love him makes him all fuzzy inside. And seeing, hearing, how much you mean it, makes him love you a hundred times more. Sometimes (most of the time) his confidence isn’t on top, but you always manage to change that for the better.
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
Mad-Eye: Can you perform under pressure? Tonks: No but I could take a stab at ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
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nightoftheldead · 1 year
pov luna lovegood enters the dada classroom in her third/fourth year (she looks like her mom)
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moody: I have the sharpest memory, name one time I forgot something.
tonks: you left me in a parking lot like, three weeks ago
moody: that was on purpose, try again
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iamnmbr3 · 7 months
Moody: constant vigilance
Everyone: lol there he goes again being p-
Moody: I was kidnapped and replaced and none of y’all noticed so shut tf up
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letstrythisout4 · 27 days
Mary and Harry Pt. 2
April 1982
Bright green eyes stared into Mary’s deep brown, and Mary could hear Peter in the back of her mind.
He’s very…aware. 
That was what Peter said when he held Harry for the first time. Everyone had laughed at how concerned he sounded and looked, arms held all the way out holding Harry as if bringing him any closer would hurt. 
The comment was the first of many. Everyone loved Harry, more than anything, but he was…different. He just knew things. Remus had refused to baby-talk to Harry, claiming that Harry understood and it seemed that he did. He would babble back at Remus as if speaking, expressions appropriate to every story that Remus laid out.
Mary had never seen these moments herself, always getting the long-winded retelling from James and Sirius. After years of knowing the boys Mary had learned not to believe anything they said unless it could be proven, and it had just felt like another exaggerated story.
But now it made sense, it hadn’t even been a year since they had been together and Mary could see exactly what they meant.
The pair both sat at their small dinner table, Harry staring knowingly at Mary as if he were a proper Legilimens. Then Harry’s hands appeared from where they had rested below the table of his high chair, in his hands were Mary’s keys. 
Mary’s head dropped on to the table and she let out a loud groan.
This baby was going to be the death of her.
Mary stood, reaching across the table to pry the keys out of Harry’s strong baby-hold. “Enough with the keys, Harry.” 
Mary had been told her whole life that she was patient. She didn’t feel very patient as she opened and slammed closed the nearest drawer in their kitchen, keys trapped inside. 
The urge to slam her head into the wall almost took over Mary as she watched Harry’s eyes water. “Don’t start, Harry.” 
He started.
First it was slow, tears silently streamed down his chubby face, his chest rising and falling with the wails that were preparing to escape his lungs. “WAHHHHHHHHH!”
For the most part, Harry was a quiet child. The most sound he made routinely was giggling whenever Mary forgot to tie up her hair, he would laugh and laugh tugging on her curls, finding immense amusement in how Mary would repeatedly say “Ow ow ow ow, stop it, you damn gremlin or I’ll put you up for adoption, do not test me.”
“What do you want now, Harry? And don’t ask for the keys, I’m sick of hearing them chime.” Mary rubbed her forehead, how people could possibly have multiple children was lost on her.
He did the impossible and started crying even harder, “Mama, Papa, Pads, Moo, Pet” and he repeated and repeated, tiny fist wiping his face. 
Mary sighed, “I miss them too.”
Sometimes Harry would just do that, start repeating the broken names that he knew. He wasn’t even two and yet he knew that people were missing in his life. “Come on, we have things to do.”
The pair of them got ready, falling into their short morning routine. Harry was dropped into his play pen, or cage as Mary liked to call it, and played noisily with blocks and sensory fidgets that Mary had bought. Sesame Street was already playing, Big Bird was on an adventure to find a friend, “Alright, I’ll be right back, don’t break anything.”
Harry looked over his shoulder and jutted his thumb towards her to acknowledge he understood. 
Mary didn’t know much about babies but it didn’t feel like he should be able to do all of this.
“Alright, then.” Mary was off, practically running into the bathroom (Harry always found a way to get into something he wasn’t supposed to if she left alone for too long) , pulling off her satin scarf and shaking her curls out. She dressed as quickly as she could, a simple red shirt and dark-washed jeans, and hopped back into the living room, putting her shoes on as she went.  Sneakers now tied, she swooped up Harry and dressed him similarly, though his shirt was blue. The final touch was a tap to Harry’s head, the chill made him shiver and hum disapprovingly at her, his disappointed glare was worth it when his eyes were brown, nose wider and hair curlier; he now looked less like a mini-Potter and more like a mini-MacDonald, it was almost disturbing how much he looked like her cousins.
Her cousins… Merlin, she hadn’t seen them in years. 
A tug and the sound of stomping feet got her to walk. 
The duo walked out of the apartment, Harry stood patiently beside Mary as she fought to lock the apartment door, looking very adorable wearing his baby glasses and book bag as big as him. 
That was another thing Mary quickly realized was, James wasn’t lying about ‘Potter terrible eyesight trait’. It wasn’t very noticeable until a few weeks into their new lives and when Mary had been calling for Harry to look at her when she was standing across the kitchen and he couldn’t make eye contact. An immediate red flag because this boy did barely anything other than make eye contact. 
And so big chunky high-powered glass sat on Harry’s nose, not unlike photos Euphemia had proudly shown James’ entire friend group every Christmas, she would say it was a “curse” placed on all Potter men since the dawn of time to have terrible sight, Mary could remember Fleamont’s hearty laugh filling the room whenever the topic came up. 
It never failed to make the patriarch laugh.
There was another tug on Mary’s jeans and she was back in 1982, staring unseeingly at the wall of the hallways of her apartment building and not in 1979 snickering with Lily at baby James’ glass that made him look like a bug.
No, now instead of a photo bug-eyed James below her was bug-eyed Harry looking concerned. as if he knew.
“Come on.” was all she said, one hand taking his hand in hers, the other patting her wand which was concealed in a pocket sewn on her jeans. 
The pair started their walk, through the elevator and lobby, Harry waving to the doorman as he always did, chirping out “Hi!”.
When they had first moved to D.C. Mary had been worried that she wouldn’t be able to find the magical sections of the district, but it was rather easy. Americans weren’t nearly as strict on secrecy as Britan was. Mary had been lucky to find an apartment on the outskirts of the district, a nice historical town, mixed with apartment, townhouses and shops. The best part -other than the safety- was that just down the street was a Magical Emporium, the front half was for muggles who seeked out the services of the witches who ran the stores. Most muggles were skeptical, some were believers, some were just desperate and willing to try anything. The back half was what interested Mary, in the back of the hole in the wall store was an entire shopping village filled with everything a witch could ask for. 
Mary and Harry walked through the store, Mary covered Harry’s ears as a muggle in a suit started begging if there was anything that the counter could do to save his business. With a nod to the witch, they walked to the back through one curtain, then through another to find the village. Witches and wizards were apparating and disapparating in and out, filing in and out of shops and restaurants. On days where Mary missed her Hogsmead days she would bring Harry here, the two of them sitting on a bench watching as people milled around.
But today wasn’t a day for people watching, today they were on a mission. The duo walked to the owlery, Harry stood patiently in line for a total of five minutes before he started repeating “Up! Up!” Mary stood with Harry in her arms.
For a baby, he looked very smug.
“Next in line please.” They approached the wizard's station that had called them, “Owl preference?” a dark-skinned wizard asked, hand hovering over bins of owl treats. 
“An Elf Owl, please.”
“Been here before?”
He smiled, “It’s simple really. Take the treat, extend your hand over the ledge and the owl will come to you. See the treat is charmed to attract whichever owl you ask for, tie the letter as you would any other and they’ll fly off. Whatever you’re sending weighs less than 3 pounds, correct? Traveling domestic or international and if international where?” he asked, handing over the circular treat.
“International, Britain.” Mary stated simply, the less information given the better. 
“Hm well, I am required to tell you that because of the war letters may be intercepted, our owls are top notch but” he shrugged “things happen. And as with all flights we do not do long term stays, meaning the owl will not stay with the recipient. Do you wish to get an owl that will stay  for a total of 10 minutes, allowing for a response?”
“No, no I don’t need a response.” Harry gurgled unhappily at that. 
The wizard raised an eyebrow at her, “He seems to think otherwise.”
Mary pinched Harry lightly, “He just likes to disagree with me.”
Once the payment was finalized they walked to the ledge where several feet in front of them were multiple trees, owls occupying almost every branch. (One of Mary’s favorite aspects of the village was that nobody asked for names unless absolutely necessary, making purchases much simpler for Mary) Mary perched Harry on the ledge before holding out her hand with the treat. A small Elf owl flew to them and Mary tied her letter to his presented talon.
The letter was simple,’I have him, I was right about Dumbledore, stay safe’ was all it read. Mary gently stroked the owl's head, “This goes to Remus Lupin, give it to no one else.” The owl blinked and flew away. 
Mary was proud to call herself a decent chef, at least when she paid attention.
Which wasn’t frequently.
She walked around stirred the pasta she was boiling and allowed herself to get lost in her mind.
Remus Lupin. 
There were some days where Mary regretted not bringing Lupin with them to the states. She typically dismissed the idea quickly, there were plenty of valid reasons to leave Lupin. It wasn’t a secret he Dumbledore was looking for Harry, he and Milicent Bagnold -the current Minister of Magic- were all over the papers, stating that someone had stolen away Harry Potter. They stated that they had “good reason to believe” that the boy was alive and somewhere out there in the world. 
Mary had already been in hiding for a month before the attack on Lily and James, hiding that Dumbledore recommended. 
So when Mary had disappeared it was nothing to worry about, but if Remus disappeared, they might as well have handed over Harry right to Dumbeldore. Remus’ description was too unique. But most importantly, Mary didn’t think he’d have gone willingly.
Dumbledore was very…trusted. Everyone adored him, everyone owed him, so everyone listened to him. So when Mary spoke out against him there had been concerns. 
Mary never really trusted him. He was too… politically correct. He never wavered, always preached love and light and forgiveness, but it never resonated with Mary. 
But everyone else agreed, at least agreed enough. Nobody was quite as starry-eyed but everyone still trusted him. Even as people started dying left and right. 
Mary was sixteen when she was attacked by wanna-be Death Eaters in the halls of Hogwarts. She was sixteen when Dumbledore told her that he “couldn’t do anything” about the attack and that “ we are all in a delicate position”. She was sixteen when she officially didn’t trust Dumbledore. She was sixteen when she started whispering her doubts to her friends. She was seventeen when she started noticing that her friends were lying to her. She was seventeen when she and her friends joined the order. She was eighteen when Moody had casually mentioned that he was “impressed” when Dumbledore told him that “she was willing to go on missions alone”, when she had never said that and had thought it was a coincidence. 
She was twenty when Lily had whispered to her about a prophecy that Snape said “no one was to know about”. 
“Who else knows?” Mary whispered, griping Lily’s arms tightly.
Lily shook her head, red hair spilling from her bun, “I don’t know. I haven’t told anyone…” she trailed off and guilty added “not even James.”
Mary’s mouth opened and closed before spitting out, “Why tell me?” 
That was the first time in a long time that Mary had felt one of her friends had been truly honest with her. Ever since the night in the hospital wing years ago, where she whispered to them that she thought Dumbledore was a coward for not punishing Muliciber, honesty was quietly non-existent. Her friends would dance around any details concerning their work for the Order, she would only get vague descriptions. 
They never stopped loving her, no, Sirius’ hugs were still strong and grounding and Marlene never stopped smiling with teeth, but it was different.
It broke Mary's heart to see Lily fold into herself at the question, “I don’t think anyone else will believe me.” Lily gasped, tears flowing.
Peter had said years ago “A fairy loses its wings every time Lily cries.” and it had never felt more true. There was no better way to describe how wrong it was.
All these tears for a letter. Mary hugged Lily tightly, “I believe you.” she whispered and Lily only cried harder. The letter had Snape's cramped spidery handwriting, scribbled out was a prophecy and a warning to “tell no one, no one knows”.
“James and I went,” she sniffled. “We went to my parents' old house and it was there waiting on the kitchen table. I hid it before James could see.”
“I won’t tell anyone.”
The night had ended with many tears and the burning of the letter, neither girl was going to forget the haunting words ever. 
And even now, Mary couldn’t confidently say Remus would believe her. Remus was a practical man, never fond of Divination. And denial…denial was a strong thing. Even Mary struggled to believe all of this came from a flaky form of magic.
Lily hated Divination, nobody hated Divination more than Lily Evans. But desperation too was a strong thing. 
Mary shook her curls, Remus wasn’t here and it was too late to get him, the past was the past. She looked down at the noodles she had been stirring and…they weren’t boiling anymore. 
‘Oh no…” Mary thought to herself, head falling back as Harry began to cry. 
The lights in the apartment flickered, the ice machine started pouring ice out of the fridge, and Harry’s toys started levitating. 
“ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! ENOUGH, I’M COMING!” Mary yelled to Harry as she began searching for the keys that she had once again hidden away. 
Keys in hand, Mary jumped over the couch right into Harry’s playpen all but throwing the keys at the baby. 
Suddenly everything stopped, the faint sound of boiling began again, ice stopped falling on the floor and the lights were consistently on. Harry began waving the keys around, listening to the jingling they made. Mary slumped on the floor beside the one year old, “Aunt aunt aunt” he chanted using his hand without the keys to pat Mary’s curls from where they were in reach.
“All this for a snotty, green, bug-eyed one year old” Mary muttered under her breath before gently pushing Harry over, much to his amusement.
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kitgeometri · 10 months
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dumbledore in muggle clothes: ver.2, ver.3.
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dufferpuffer · 2 months
"Why didn't anyone do anything to help Harry" Alastor Moody did.
Arthur too, bless him - but Mad-Eye doesn't fucking hold back. And he's only known Harry for a few spotty meetings over a year.
“Well — shall we do it, then?” “Yeah, I reckon so, Arthur,” said Moody. ... ... “Good afternoon,” said Mr. Weasley pleasantly to Uncle Vernon, coming to a halt right in front of him. “You might remember me, my name’s Arthur Weasley.” ... ... “We thought we’d just have a few words with you about Harry,” said Mr. Weasley, still smiling. “Yeah,” growled Moody. “About how he’s treated when he’s at your place.” ... ... “I am not aware that it is any of your business what goes on in my house —” “I expect what you’re not aware of would fill several books, Dursley,” growled Moody. “Anyway, that’s not the point,” interjected Tonks, ... ... “The point is, if we find out you’ve been horrible to Harry —” “— and make no mistake, we’ll hear about it,” added Lupin pleasantly. “Yes,” said Mr. Weasley, “even if you won’t let Harry use the fellytone —” “Telephone,” whispered Hermione. “Yeah, if we get any hint that Potter’s been mistreated in any way, you’ll have us to answer to,” said Moody. ... ... “Are you threatening me, sir?” he said, so loudly that passersby actually turned to stare. “Yes, I am,” said Mad-Eye, who seemed rather pleased that Uncle Vernon had grasped this fact so quickly. “And do I look like the kind of man who can be intimidated?” barked Uncle Vernon. “Well . . .” said Moody, pushing back his bowler hat to reveal his sinisterly revolving magical eye. Uncle Vernon leapt backward in horror and collided painfully with a luggage trolley. “Yes, I’d have to say you do, Dursley.” He turned from Uncle Vernon to Harry. “So, Potter... give us a shout if you need us. If we don’t hear from you for three days in a row, we’ll send someone along....”
OotP, Chapter 38 (edited for brevity)
Met this boy a handful of times and says: "The Muggles treat him bad? Nope. I ain't standin' for that." Clunks over, scares the shit out of them - and makes promises he intends to keep as a support network for Harry.
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