#also heart broke cuz he was still just there
educatedsimps · 2 days
Heyo! Quick request here because my FYP wants to make me suffer with all the Bokuto angst I’ve been seeing related to different fics (like in another life, ect). WHY DO FANFIC AUTHORS KEEP KILLING HIM OFF??? ITS DRIVING ME NUTS 😭😭 Anyway, I’d like to request some fluff with Bokuto to counteract the angst I’ve been seeing. Maybe the reader wakes up from a nightmare similar to what’s been going on in these fics and he cheers her up by being his normal happy self? Take that my FYP hahaha
(I love your writing btw! I literally pause whatever I’m doing to read anything you’ve posted! You’re my fav author on this website <3)
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bokuto kōtarō x f!reader
a/n: nah bro in another life fucking broke me 🥲 i read it in like 2021 (i think??) and that angst still haunts me to this very day 😀 anyway ofc bae i literally had a fic with this nightmare/comfort idea in my google keep drafts for the LONGEST time so it's time to finally put it out there lol. ALSO I'M SO GLAD U LIKE OUR WORKS omg "favourite author"??? MY HEART ✋😭 TY FOR READING ANON ILYSM 😭💕 hope u enjoy this bae and thanku for requesting, it was truly a joy writing this!
cw: idk man just bokuto fluff and comfort typa thing cuz he’s bokuto and the B in bokuto stands for best boyfriend (b)ever
"so he’s killed in the straight aus and sent back to be with akaashi cause we will nvr recover from in another life" -yves 2024
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Jolting awake, you felt fresh tears rolling past your cheeks and staining your pillow. Eyes wide, you scanned your surroundings. Same room, same bed, same pyjamas...
Was that all a dream? But... It had felt so terrifyingly real that you had woken up in a cold sweat with ugly tears streaming down your face. Heart palpitating, you tried to regulate your breathing and convinced yourself that it was just a dream.
Feeling a warm breath brush the back of your neck, you turned to see your boyfriend, Bokuto Kōtarō, sleeping soundly next to you. His breaths were slow and deep, and you watched as his bare chest rose and fell. With a beefy arm slung over your waist, he held you close to him throughout the night, keeping you warm. The dim moonlight from your window illuminated his features and his face looked so peaceful (and beautiful) you couldn't help but stare.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you soaked up the warmth radiating from his body. Not wanting to wake him, you furiously wiped the tears from your cheeks and tried to quiet your sobs.
Unfortunately for you, Bokuto's hearing was as sharp as an owl's, and he stirred with a groggy "Y/n?"
A sniffle.
He jerked his head up to look at you clearly. Your head was buried in his chest. "Y/n?"
Another sniffle. He was starting to panic.
"Babe! Babe, what happened?" He asked softly, placing a hand under your chin and tilting your head up. He swore he heard his heart go crack when he saw your tears. You responded by burying your face in his neck again.
Realising you probably weren't ready to talk just yet, he decided to distract you first. Pulling your trembling body to his, he gently rubbed circles on your back and pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
He hummed, "You know, I was thinking the other day. Maybe we could install a small spinning light thingy in the corner of our room so it's not so dark at night. I know you don't really like it when it's pitch black in the room sooo I figured maybe that could help! I was scrolling online and saw some designs I thought you'd like, but I forgot to copy the link to send it to you but I can look for it again and show it to you later-"
He paused abruptly when you raised your head, sitting up and looking at him with a half-smile on your face.
"You okay?" He asked, concern taking over his features. He shifted so that you both were half sitting with your legs still tangled under the blanket. "Wanna talk about it?"
With yet another sniffle, you nodded. As you recounted your nightmare, Bokuto continued rubbing your arm soothingly, occasionally wiping away your tears with his thumb. His head was tilted to the side in the most adorable fashion and his eyes were fully focused on you as you spoke.
"And... and then you died," You whispered, voice hoarse and shaky. Looking into his bright amber eyes, you continued. "It was so scary, Kō..."
"But I’m right here, aren’t I?" He asked almost immediately. Bending down to your eye level, he looked at you with such a pure and genuine smile. Your heart beat faster under his gaze.
"And I’m gonna be right here forever. I’ll be here when you wake up from bad dreams and good dreams, and I’ll be here on the nights you can’t fall asleep. I’ll be your protector, Y/n!” He continued, beaming. He swiftly placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll protect you from all the nightmares, I promise! And see? I’m totally fine! Those killers ain't got nothing on us. I won’t let ‘em touch my baby.”
He concluded his little cheer-up speech with a sweet kiss on your lips. His hand brushed your jaw, pulling you closer. If you weren’t seated firmly on the bed, your knees probably would’ve given out from how sweet the kiss was. Either that or you would’ve gotten severe cavities before the kiss ended.
Pulling away, he wrapped you up in his arms and you felt your lips pull into a smile. His cheery mood really was contagious.
Gently pushing you into a lying position, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over your bodies, essentially bundling the two of you together.
“Time to get some sleep, babe. I’ll be right here, ‘kay?” He said, now hugging you under the covers. You hummed, feeling safe and content.
“Oh yeah, we should definitely get a spinning light thingy. It might help with the nightmares ‘cause it won’t be as dark,” you piped up. Chuckling, Bokuto agreed.
“I love you,” he whispered, closing his eyes.
“I love you more,” you yawned.
“I love you the most-est!”
You felt another kiss on the crown of your head before you drifted off to sleep.
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a/n: UMMM i hope this was nightmarish/comfort/cheery enough?? IDK IM SORRY IF IT DIDNT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS 😭 but still, tysm for requesting and thanku for reading too!! hope u liked it :,) (feel free to request another part if you’re not satisfied)
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarise any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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I miss you bud
You were not the best, but you tried. And you did love your family. Even if you were shit at it.
You do seem to be falling back onto bad habits by not wanting to see Sun tho. That'll just hurt him more.
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depressedzelda · 5 months
u know when u overthink shit and ur convinced something is destined to spiral into a fuckshow but you have no control over it or leaving said situation. Feeling that with this job
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spideysatan · 10 months
im so // lucky // my life was such a mess that i confused confort with falling in love
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
I have been binging your work!
I don't know if this breaks your trauma rule or not, but (with the guys of your choosing as long as Ratio is there) how would the guys react to losing reader (they haven't confessed feelings yet) during a mission and thinking they died. Then, the reader reappears a week later bandaged up, but alive. Maybe spouts their confession first? ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
I adore your writing. Thank you!
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This is way too fucking long, so be warned. It’s like I rammed 4 mini stories in one but got lost at some point cuz I left this ask to collect dust. Also thanks for enjoying my writing it’s much appreciated. :) 🦦🐿️
The moment he got news that you’ve been assumed dead in the aftermath of a dangerous mission, he looses composure really quickly.
Loosing Robin was one thing but loosing you on top of that was the straw that broke the camels back.
He originally doesn’t believe that you were gone, he refuses to as he practically tears his office to shreds in a fit of anger and grief before forcing himself to regain composure and clean up after his outburst. He needed to in order to keep up the illusion that he was the levelheaded leader The Family needed in these moments of chaos and mistrust.
Even if he himself was breaking down internally alongside everyone else, hellbent on finding the culprit for your death and punishing them so severely that they’d beg for death. He’d avenge you in anyway he could, even if it meant sending out the bloodhound family on a wild goose chase that only ends in dead ends, he would get you justice no matter how it may come.
His heart had died alongside you that day.
So when a week passes and he finally has you back in his arms, all the while being carful with your wounds as his eyes searched you over in a way you weren’t use to.
‘You’re alive.’ He breathes out in relief as he then begins to laugh and rest his head against yours, breathing you in deeply as he relishes in this long awaited moment. ‘Of course you’re alive.’ He mutters.
‘Sunday,’ you began but Sunday was quite to cut you off.
‘Do you know how I felt thinking you were dead? Driving myself insane to prove that you were still alive anyway I could as not to bear the idea of walking through this life without the one person I love so dearly.’ Sunday takes a brief pauses in his monologue, feeling out of breath after having put everything out into the open before continuing. ‘I thought my heart had stopped beating that day and now I have you bad in my arms.’ Sunday then chuckles darkly as he gripped you tighter. ‘I’ll ensure that I’d never have to revisit that part of my life ever again.’
‘Shhh.’ Sunday cuts you off once more, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he holds you close to his chest, rubbing your back soothingly. ‘Just know that what I do after this, I do out of my love for you.’ He says against your forehead before pressing another kiss there for good measure.
Jing yuan:
Loss wasn’t new to Jing Yuan.
He has experienced it in multiple forms throughout his life, but that didn’t made the news of your death any less painful for the General.
While his mind might’ve made peace with the fact that you were gone, his heart however did not as he would find himself in the places that you often vacated to in moments of stress, or to just be left alone for a while with your thoughts. So to no longer see you in any of those hidden spots -waiting for him to find you like you usually did- only worsened the grief he felt in his heart as he sat himself down and allowed the memories to pass over him in waves.
You were both so happy together and felt a sense of fulfilment that could only be achieved when you were within the other’s presence; A feeling that was uniquely yours and yours alone that could never be replicated, ever. For no one could ever come close to replacing you, nor the companionship you and he had for each other that many assumed would blossom into something more; Jing Yuan also shared the same sentiments as they did, but just as he built the courage to push that boundary between the two of you, you were taken from him before he could utter a single word.
So when a week passes and Jing Yuan found your battered and beaten form in one of your secret spots, back resting against a tree with your eyes closed.
‘Y/n?’ He called out and your eyes opened upon hearing his voice and looking at him with a weak smile. ‘Hey General, miss me?’ You said as you struggled to get up to your feet, only to stumble forward and into Jing Yuan’s chest as his strong yet gentle hands hold you in place.
‘More than you could ever hope to know.’ Jing yuan said as he focused on how you felt beneath his hands, warm and alive.
‘I’m sorry I kept you waiting.’ You muttered against his chest as his warmth made you realised just how tired you were from everything you’ve experienced this last week alone. ‘I never meant to keep you waiting in fear that you’d forget about me if I don’t stay in your life long enough.’ You admit and Jing Yuan instinctively presses a soft kiss to the top of your head, holding you protectively.
‘I could never forget about you my beloved.’ Jing Yuan reassured you as he looked you deep into your eyes. ‘You’ve managed to carve your place within my heart and soul, so much that there isn’t a day where you aren’t all I think about, regardless of whether or not your by my side or far away.’ He finished by pressing a gentle kiss to the gauze on your cheek, chuckling upon seeing your cute attempts of burrowing your face into his chest.
‘How long have you’ve been waiting to say this.’ You asked, thankful that he was the one to admit his feelings first, as you would’ve had a hard time articulating your words as fluidly as he could.
‘For a very long time.’ Jing Yuan replied with a small smile as he then proceeded to lift you into his arms, cuasing you to squeal in surprise, as he made sure to be carful of your wounds and began walking to the nearest medics to make sure your wounds weren’t going to be trouble later on.
He didn’t know what to think when you were pronounced dead, all Aventurine could feel in that moment was an overwhelming numbness that encased him entirely.
The only light left in his life had been snuffed out, plummeting him into utter and total darkness he had once been well acquainted with until you came along, giving him a reason to keep looking forward despite everything.
You were no longer here to hold onto his left hand before he could even think of hiding it behind his back out of habit, you were no longer here to be his reason, his comfort, his safe place. You were taken away from him unfairly and once again Aventurine found himself asking the same question he has been asking himself for a long time; why everyone was born into this life just to die.
So when a week passes and Aventurine finds himself sat on a bench somewhere, still not dealing well then than he was the week of your assumed passing, lost in his own thoughts when someone took a seat next to him. Aventurine was just about ready to tell them to go away, when he saw just who was sitting next to him; you.
‘I know, I look like shit but you don’t have to look at me like that.’ You spoke upon feeling his eyes gaze upon the gauze on your cheek, then towards the array of bandages that littered the rest of your body.
‘I thought you died.’ He hissed, emotion was heavy in his voice as his eyes became bleary with unshed tears as he felt his breathing become heavy with the reality that you were alive. He didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t in that moment as his mind raced. And it wasn’t until you reached out to grasp his left hand and intertwine your fingers together, squeezing, did everything finally became clear to him.
‘I thought I was too at one point but there was something that kept me from journeying over to the afterlife.’ You admit, looking over at him and smiling sweetly, wanting nothing then to calm his thoughts and reassure him that this wasn’t a dream.
‘And what was that?’ He laughs humourlessly as he stares back at you, wanting to hear what excuses you could come up with for faking being dead for a week. ‘Willpower? Determination?’
‘You Kakavasha.’ You replied straightforwardly and his breath hitched in his throat. You rarely used his actual name unless it was absolutely serious. ‘You were all I thought about as I pushed through my injuries.’ You told him as you continued. ‘Kakavasha is waiting for me was just about all I could think about for a week straight.’ You finished as though you didn’t just confess that he was your soul motivator in staying alive.
‘Really?’ Aventurine said softly, finding it impossible that he could possibly be your reason for anything. ‘Why?’
‘Yes really.’ You chuckled, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you rested your head against his shoulder. ‘As for why, it’s because I like you more then did let myself admit, but i just wanted you to know incase anything truly bad were to ever happen to me-‘
‘No.’ Aventurine cut you off suddenly, squeezing your hand as though he were afraid. ‘Nothing is going to happen to you, not now. not ever. I just got you back.’ He adds resting his head against your own in a desperate attempt of feeling more of your against him. ‘Just stay with me…please.’ He begs you in a whisper as he nuzzled further into you. ‘and don’t go anywhere I can’t follow. I don’t think I can bear the thought of loosing you again.’
You smiled softly as you just whispered back against the skin of his neck. ‘As long as you don’t go anywhere I can’t follow. I like my crush to be alive and close by even if he can be a pain in my ass sometimes.’
Aventurine chuckles, his heart becoming whole again as he made you cuddle into his side, kissing your head once more as you took this moment to familiarise yourselves with each other. ‘At least I’m a pleasurable pain in the ass.’ He teased and you pinch his side, causing him to flinch, but his smile remained and this time his smile was genuine.
His light has came home.
Fully believed that he’d see you when the mission ended, knowing just how talented and dedicated to the craft you were, and having faith that this would be a measly walk in a park for you.
Only to receive word that you were one of the many who were assumed dead when you weren’t found amongst the living nor the dead.
Veritas tries to remain as levelheaded and logical as possible during this time and continue life as normal. However found himself retracting from everyone else and going none contact, more so specifically with the people you were once associated with, and instead focused heavily on his studies and academics to an unhealthy extent.
A week passes and Veritas feels as though he’s seen a ghost the moment he saw you in his peripheral vision, bandaged and dressed in ripped clothing but still somehow finding it in you to smile.
‘You idiotic Buffon!’ He exclaims as he walks towards you.
‘Well that’s a nice way to greet someone you care about.’ You replied as you readied yourself for a massive rant about how stupid you were and so on, but instead you were held against his chest as he burrows his head into your neck.
‘I thought you died.’ He says in a whisper as he breathed you in. This went against all logic but in that rare moment Veritas didn’t care, you were alive but he still couldn’t let go of the fact that you didn’t tell anyone you were still alive. ‘Why didn’t you tell anyone that you were alive, send a signal, anything.’
You shrugged as you made yourself comfortable in his strong arms. ‘All communications were badly damaged or completely cut off.’ You told him. ‘I was on my own for a long while before finding my way back to you.’
‘Me?’ Veritas asked, pulling away from you. ‘Why not a medial facility for a proper treatment of your wounds? Have you hit your head so hard that common sense had been left on the back burner when making that decision?’
‘I wanted to see you first you dickhead!’ You exclaimed, shutting Veritas up rather quickly with your confession but you didn’t care. ‘is it so wrong of me to let the man I love know that I’m okay? So go ahead and call me an idiot all you like but that won’t change the fact that I felt more fear about not telling you how I truly feel then dying on some stupid mission.’ You finished your rant.
‘You’re insufferable.’ Veritas said after a moment of silence and you couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed at this that you didn’t notice that Veritas has began to close in the distance between the two of you.
You scoffed. ‘Oh sure call me insufferable as if you-‘ Veritas cuts you off by cupping your cheeks and planting a sweet short lived kiss against your lips before pulling away with a smirk.
‘Glad to know that the feelings are reciprocated.’ He says, taking enjoyment of rendering you speechless as he gently guided you to medical, and remaining by your side for the remainder of the day.
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Mi pequeña ingeniero (My Little Engineer)
Pairing: Sergio Perez x Engineer!Reader
Rating: R
Warnings: Smut, Crash, Angst, Fluff, protective Sergio, daddy kink (leave me alone), disgusting media, age gap (about 10 years), supportive Red Bull, relationship insecurities
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Hi!!! I absolutely adored the lance one and I was wondering if you could write smth similar with checo where the reader is the head mechanical engineer at red bull and Hannah’s (their strategy engineer) friend? You can choose if it is pure fluff or smth fluffy with a hint of smut :)) but basically just checo being a proud boyfriend™️ and everyone loving them after being a bit suspicious cuz like reader is super smart and loyal and kind and that’s abt it💓 (p.s. could you make reader abt 19-22? I wanna see some drama in the headlines 🤭) I just wanted to add that I love your writing and I will definitely be requesting more young!fem!engineer!reader because you just capture my ideas really well (and feed my delulu’s) 🫶🏻
Words: 3.8K
A/N: Thank you so much to the anon who let me bug them with messages about what’d they’d like and if I did something a certain way! I hope you love it
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"Hannah...Why was I hired?" The question was interesting, but the head strategic engineer could understand it. 
You were the youngest on the team. At 20, you were on your way to being the head engineer of Red Bull, even putting Newey at risk for his job. Christian was one of your biggest supporters. Even if he sometimes stuck his foot in his mouth about females in F1, you were the future of Red Bull, and everyone could see it. When news broke of you joining the team at just 17, you were a high achiever who wanted to prove yourself to the world and your family. 
The news ran that you would work for Max, but you put your foot down. You'd work with both drivers and would treat them equally. Watching multiple drivers in the 2nd seater was stressful for you. Having to continually change the drivers, Red Bull finally found their second driver, Sergio Perez. 
The Mexican was, at first, weary of you as he, too, heard you only worked with Max, but after spending 3 whole damn days with you, that opinion changed fast. Sergio respected you and didn't look down on you for your age; it amazed him that you have achieved so much at 20. Max and Sergio worked well together, there was the normal fighting between teammates, and you enjoyed seeing Sergio give Max a run for his money. 
"You're the best at what you do. Besides, you're the only one Checo really listens to." Hannah shrugs as Sergio only makes things easy for the baby engineer. 
You huff at the accusation because he did not make things easy for you. There have been plenty of arguments and yelling between you over the car and what needs to be fixed. Sergio was one to make you work for it, but it also wasn't too hard, but recently, he's been making your life hell. 
"Whatever, I've got to go, Hannah. I'll see you later." You pack up your papers and walk away, heading down the quiet hallway to your office. 
Halfway to your office, you feel arms wrap around you, a scream ripped out of your throat, but it's muffled by a hand. Thrashing around, you stop when you feel warm lips on your neck and that familiar Spanish accent. 
"It's me, azúcar," Sergio whispers, instantly relaxing in his arms. 
"Fuck, Sergio." You sigh, leaning into him as you try to calm your racing heart as the Mexican chuckles, still leaving soft kisses on your neck. 
"You weren't answering my texts. Is there a reason?" He asks, pulling you deeper into the corner so no one would see you both. 
You think about your answer, trying to remember what you were doing when he texted you. You were with Max, going over new ways to get the full power out of the car. Checking your phone, you realized you couldn't answer Sergio while next to Max, so you ignored it. 
"I was with Max. I couldn't answer my phone." You whisper as someone walks past, unaware of the secret couple hiding. 
Sergio stops kissing your neck, his arms tightening around your stomach, almost wincing at the grip as he hums. 
"Azúcar, aún deberías responder cuando te envíe un mensaje de texto. No me importa quién sabe. Eres mía," (Sugar, you should still answer when I text you. I don't care who knows. You're mine) He growls and you whine learning spainsh but no where near to understand what he just said. 
"Checo, I'm learning Spanish. But I don't understand." You huff, making Sergio's grip soften and turn you around, seeing your pout. 
He chuckles and pulls your chin close by his thumb and forefinger, kissing your pout away. 
You pull away, nervous that someone could see you making Sergio sigh, but he understands your reservations. 
"Not here, Sergio." You whisper, hands trailing down his neck, making the older man shiver before standing straight and kissing your cheek. 
"Are you ashamed? Because I'm older?" He can't help but ask. He wasn't the one to hide the relationship. He wanted to show you off for a while, but you deemed it inappropriate. 
"Ser-" You sigh and step away from him, getting your thoughts together before answering. 
"You're a Red Bull driver, Mexico's famed F1 driver, and you're older than me. People would disapprove of me dating you." Sergio wants to laugh, but he understands. The media wouldn't be kind to you. He's seen what fans have done to Kika and Pierre and refused to put you in that position. 
"A la mierda lo que piensa la gente, tú eres quien quiero." (Fuck what people think, you're who I want) He spits, and you understand that one dropping your head and pulling away from his hold, completely already missing his warmth. 
"I have to go. I have a meeting." You pull yourself together and go to leave, but Sergio pulls you into him again and kisses you deeply. You can't help but lose yourself in the kiss, dropping your files as you tug him closer by his hair. 
Kissing him was an addiction. Taking your breath away and leaving you spinning whenever you pull away from him. He was a drug and an addictive one at that. Pulling away, he pulls your bottom lip with his teeth and sucks on it slightly, and let's go. He can't help the low chuckle as he watches your dazed face and how you blink, trying to bring yourself to reality. 
"Cheating." You whisper as Sergio walks past before slapping your ass, making the fog in your brain clear, almost hitting his back. 
He rushes off, leaving you all hot and bothered, knowing you'd be thinking about the kiss for the entire meeting. It was true. You sat there thinking about him for the rest of the day. Thankfully you could go home early after the meeting. Except you don't go home, you go straight to his place. 
You knew he'd be home late, but you still wanted to fix him something to eat, maybe leave right after so he wouldn't have to be worried about setting something after such a long day. You slide the key into the door, walk into his apartment, slide your shoes off, and paddle into the kitchen. Sergio had been homesick recently, and you have been learning more and more about his culture and came across a recipe from Guadalajara called torta ahogada and settled on fixing that for him.
Pulling into his parking spot, he rubs his eyes before looking next to him and seeing your car in the place next to his. The slight smile on his face grows, feeling new energy at you being here. He makes his way quickly up to his place and slowly enters but stops smelling the familiar food of home. 
Seeing you in the kitchen, he drops his bag, but you jump, almost slicing your finger with the knife. Turning, you see Sergio staring at you in awe. You usually didn't cook for him as you tended to get home late. 
"You're cooking?" He asks, taking off his baseball hat and setting it on the counter. 
"Yes. I thought you'd be back later. I was going to leave it here for you." Putting the knife down, you were just finishing having plated the meal. 
"You weren't going to stay? Just make food and then leave?" Anger bubbling in his chest at the fact you refused to stay the night to worry that people would find out. 
"Yes..." You whisper, watching Sergio approach and cage you between him and the counter. 
He reaches down, hands grab your ass, lifts you onto the counter, and squeezes your hips. 
"This is your place too. I want you here when I come home. Your paperwork spread out everywhere, lotions and anything else you want plastered around my place. But, what I want more than anything is being able to spread you wide and bury myself in you." Sergio whispers, peppering kisses over your chest, hands slipping down your pants. 
"Checo....you need to eat." You gasp at the cold tile on your skin as he slowly works your pants off, staring at you. 
"I am about to eat." He whispers, breaking the last of your strength as you lunge forward, capturing him in a heated kiss, having you moan into him. 
Sergio pulls the rest of your pants down and off before hooking his thumbs in the sides of your panties. 
"Can I?" He asks, making you blush at how he always asks permission before touching you. 
"Yes." You nod, too, making him smile and getting down on his knees, pressing open-mouth kisses on your thighs. 
Sergio looks up at you, face flushed and skin warm as your hips arch whenever Sergio moves closer. He smiles, knowing you have no idea that you did it without thinking. Hands gripping the counter when Sergio's hands grab your waist and yank you forward, kissing at the arch of your hips right next to your pussy. 
"Sergio....please." You whimper, hating that he wasn't touching you where you craved him most. 
"Why should I?" He asks, nose brushing you, making your hips jerk up, wanting some friction, but you get nothing as his hands grip you tight, making sure you barely move.
"You like to hide us, but I'm tired of it. No more hiding." He growls, licking his lips, trying to control himself from making a mess of you. 
"I could lose my job, Sergio. I could lose you." The last sentence is barely a whisper, but it has the man stopping and looking up at you. The vulnerability is crystal clear in those gorgeous eyes of yours. The ones that have his heart stop when they land on him. 
"You won't lose me, baby. Never." He whispers, watching his words sink in, your body relaxing and legs spread wider, feeling more at ease. 
Sergio leans forward and licks a strip up you, head falling back, your fingers tangle in his hair just to play with his hair as he ate you. He moves his tongue slowly but attaches his lips to your clit, sucking it before putting your legs on his shoulders and hands on your ass, pulling you into him. 
Taking his time was his favorite thing; he loved how he'd bring you to the brink of your orgasm slowly and how you'd fall apart on his tongue in such a calm and gentle way. His nose rests right against your clit, so whenever you move, his nose sends pleasure through you. 
"Checo." You whisper, looking down at him as his eyes bore into your own; he pulls away, lips shiny. 
"That's not my name, gatito." Your blush returns, biting your lip. It was an accident when you first called him it. During the honeymoon phase, either talking or fucking, he'd gotten you to such a point that calling him just slipped out, but it felt like heaven on your tongue and music to his ears when he was buried in you, basking in the Mexican sun. 
"Daddy...please." You whine, Sergio smirking and closing his eyes as he turns you into mush. 
"Fuck..." You groan, his tongue entering you before pulling away and attaching his lisp to your clit. "M...M close Daddy, please...please." Sergio hums making you shiver from the feeling before Sergio hits that sweet spot, and you moan as he watches you fall apart on his mouth. 
Pulling away, he stands up and catches you as you slump forward in his arms, exhausted from the orgasm. 
"Come on, let's take a bath." He whispers, but you nod, not fully aware yet of what's going on. You come too when you feel the warm water on your skin and Sergio sliding in behind you, wrapping his arms around you. 
"I'm not ashamed of you." Sergio hums as you rest your head on his shoulder, turning your head so your lips are right on his jugular. 
"I know that, baby." He mummers wet hand, pushing back your hair. 
"They'll judge you...and say horrible things about you dating someone so much younger. I don't want that." Voicing your fears, Sergio takes them in, thinking about how he should respond. 
"Don't worry. It's my job to protect you, not the other way around." He kisses you gently, but you turn around and straddle him grabbing his face and making him look at you. His eyes raking over your body before settling on your eyes, falling in love with you all over you again. 
"You're my driver. I'm your engineer. It's my job to protect you, so don't tell me it's not my job, Sergio. It is." You tell him, voice stern, in the way you use when you're both at work together. 
A smile spreads across his face making you roll your eyes, pecking his lips, and climb out of the tub, water dripping down your body, his eyes fucking you. 
"Coming to bed, Mr. Perez?" You ask, walking into the bedroom as he ducks under the water and comes back up, his hair slicked back as he walks into the bedroom. Damn happy this was how your first night over was going. 
"Be careful." You whisper, headset resting around your neck, watching Sergio get dressed. 
"Gatita, I'm going to be okay." (Kitten) He smiles, knowing you were worried about them crashing. 
"Yeah, Y/n, we're going to be fine." Max's voice has both of you whipping around to face the Dutchman as he smiles brightly at the two of you. "Hurry up, we're about to start, so kiss, and let's get a move on," Max remarks, and Sergio stands up straight, his face hardening, getting ready to tell Max to shove it. 
"Are you going to tell?" The fear in your voice has both RedBull drivers staring at you, Max's smile slipping away, realizing you were terrified. 
"No, I was just messing with you both; I'm sorry." He reassures you, seeing Sergio calm down when you relax. 
"I've got to go." You step further away from Sergio as he tries to stop you, but his fingers brush your arm as you rush out of the driver's room. 
"God dammit, Max! Can you ever keep your fucking mouth shut?" Sergio snaps at the Dutchman, who nods, walking out so he doesn't anger Sergio anymore. 
"Woah, hey, careful, Y/n." Hannah grabs your arms, stopping you as you take a deep breath to calm yourself. 
"Sorry. Let's go before we're late." You move out of her hold as you hear Sergio call for you and move fast, ducking to the pit wall and sitting on your chair, the cameras panning to you automatically. 
Hannah follows and sits next to you, both of you pulling on your headphones, looking behind you, seeing Sergio staring at you and holding up the rock and roll sign. But you knew better; he told you he loved you in sign language, a way to talk without people knowing. 
Turning around, you watch the cars file out and get started on the track. 5 deep breaths to settle your nerves as you hear the loud ticking and the engines roar to life as they take off. Watching the screens, you see Max has a great start, but Sergio's is slightly off, and you automatically check that everything is okay. 
Everything comes back normal. Hannah talked to Max and then Sergio, giving them what strategy to do and letting her know if they needed to change. The race continues until lap 42, where everything goes to hell. 
You look up seeing Sergio's car collide with Geroge's. They were battling over P2 and slammed into a corner, and you can't help but freeze seeing Sergio's car flip and roll over multiple times and hit the barrier. 
Seezing up, you don't think twice before hitting his button to speak to him. 
"Checo? You okay?" You release the button waiting for the answer, but you get nothing. 
"Checo? Hit a button or something to let me know you're okay?" You watch the screen seeing the camera zoom in, and you see no movement. 
"Sergio, please answer." You beg softly, everyone waiting with batted breath. 
"Cariño!" You cry into the mic, just wanting to hear his voice, a click, anything to tell you he is alive. 
Christian and Hannah share a look and move to pull you off the pit wall, but they know damn well it'd be a fight to remove you. The rest of the cars file on the pit lane as marshals move quick to the car, but you close your eyes, unable to see them drag him out unmoving. 
"Y/n." Hannah gasped, holding your arm, making your eyes fly open and see Sergio climbing out of the car with tense movement. 
"Oh god." Sobbing behind your mouth, you unplug yourself from the pit wall and run to the medics, Hannah behind you.  
The doors fly open as you are about to run into them, pulling Sergio in, the doctors and nurses surrounding him. Max flies right behind you and moves, holding you still as you lunge for him. 
"Let me go." You sob, wanting to hold Sergio, but Max keeps his grip tight. 
"Stop. They're helping him. You'll just get in the way." Max whispers, your voice of reason as Hannah holds you tight, trying to keep you together as you watch Sergio get checked out. 
"He has to go to the hospital, but you can talk to him before he goes." You only let the person finish after bursting into the room. 
"Te amo. I love you." You rush out, leaning over him as he opens his eyes slowly, but winces from the pounding in his head. 
"Te amo." He whispers, feeling the tears hit his face. He wants nothing more than to hold you, but even talking hurts. 
"Y/n, he's got to go, and we have a job," Hannah whispers, pulling you back as you hold his hand kissing it multiple times. 
"Te amo." You whisper one last time as you watch the nurses load Sergio into the ambulance.  
Sergio came home after a week in the hospital with a fractured wrist that was healing nicely, and you shut down Sergio coming back to race just yet, letting Daniel race the next 3 races. 
"My radio was disconnected." You turn around, looking at Sergio lying on the bed, watching the crash, wanting to see what went wrong. 
"I know." You move into the bedroom and climb on the bed, careful so you don't hurt him, still sore from the crash. 
"Your radio calls to me went viral; people know now." You roll your eyes, seeing the goofy smile covering his face, but you are still weary of talking about the absolute terror that took over you that day. 
"I don't care anymore. I'm just glad you're here." Moving, you lay your head on his stomach, his uninjured hand petting your hair as you curl up more into him. 
"Good." You smile as you drift off to Sergio's heartbeat and fingers in your hair. 
Sergio was back to racing, and the media was in full force. Thankfully, you could arrive before the press, but Sergio wouldn't be coming till later, and this was the first time since the wreck that the two of you had been apart. 
Looking over some data, you look at one of the screens and freeze when you see a camera in your face and a reporter walking up to you. 
"Ms. L/N? I'm shocked you still have a job, especially after sleeping with one of the Red Bull drivers." Groaning, you turn to face one of the problematic journalists in the paddock, you wanted to avoid them, but the universe wasn't in your favor today.  
"Go away. You don't even have access to be in the garage." You reply cooly, not wanting to lose your temper in front of a camera. 
"I'm just asking if that's how you got your job. Riding dick?" After several deep breaths, you remind yourself not to respond. 
"It's sad that people work so hard to get where you are, and you're up for that promotion at such a young age. Guess if you're good at sucking di-" The journalist's voice stops when someone grabs them and slams them against the wall. 
The music stops, and no one moves as your eyes widen, seeing a very pissed-off Sergio pinning the person into the wall. 
"The fuck did you just say to her?" Sergio stares at the person wanting to bash his head in but controls his anger slightly. 
"I-" "Actually, don't answer that. How fucking dare you say that shit to her. She didn't get this job; what was it you said? Riding dick? She worked her damn ass off to get where she is, and you want to stir shit by saying she got it that way? I know what the media is saying about me. I'm fucking her to get the better care or strategy or whatever. I could care less what anyone says about me, but it becomes personal when you involve her in those disgusting rumors. Stay the fuck away from her, and keep her name out of your mouth." Sergio pulls the person off the wall and throws them out of the garage. 
"Get back to work!" Sergio snaps the music coming back on as he turns to you and drags you away into a private corner. 
"Sergio." Hearing your voice, he stops and pushes into a wall, gently covering your body with his own. 
"You're terrific, and you got this job on your own. I don't care what they're saying about me, okay? The work you've done here....fuck, it's the reason I love you, how driven and motivated you are to do good for this team. I'll defend to the end, please, please ignore them." He begs as you look away from him, those dark thoughts creeping in, but you know it isn't true, but it still hurts. 
"Hey. Look at me." He lifts your chin, making you look at him. 
"I know that none of it is true, but...." He sighs, putting pressure on you by leaning on you, knowing pressure calmed you down. 
"Kitten, I know. But, I'll defend you till the end. If they say something wrong to you, I'll slap them with a lawsuit." The laugh breaks free from you, making Sergio chuckle at his stupid lawsuit line. 
"Thank you, but I got this job on my own. Though I like doing those things to you, my brain got me here, not giving it." You tease, making Sergio laugh loudly before kissing you. 
"Hey guys, let's go," Hannah yells, the both of you pulling away the whole garage watching, but they're all smiling as you move to the pit wall. You pass Christian and Helmut. 
"Told you. You owe me 30 bucks." Christian smirks, making Helmut groan. 
"Dammit." You laugh but stop seeing the camera on you. You turn around, giving Sergio your sign.
I love you 
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
I saw your other fanfic about hobie and was wondering if you could do a fluff about that one scene were he says “ just for the record I quit “ can u do a fanfic about that
Stay safe drink water 🥰❤️
helloo, anon! 🎐 Hope you like it <3!
Hobie brown x reader
just fluff. drabble.
a/n: Hobie brown my beloved <3 find more here. " Hobie's masterlist"
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You know Miguel is wrong, in fact, you've never seen him so upset in all the time you have known him and you also know that nothing Miles say to him will change his mind.
Miguel is so committed - obsessed - with canon events and that's the main reason you and hobie have to be "secret lovers".
Your train of thought stop when your lover, Hobie, kisses you on the neck as he pull you in, he likes it that way, your body against his.
"we should leave, luv" he whispers against the shell of your ear " we need to finish what we started in the morning" Hobie loves to tease you; he knows you wanna be discreet but it's so hard to keep his hands to himself.
Hobie likes physical contact, a lot.
"Hobie, my sweetheart, I can't" you reply and although Hobie loves it when you call him that, it's not the answer he's expecting.
"You're smarter than this Y/n, you and I know that this bullshit doesn't suit you " each word is pronounced after a soft kiss on your neck, Hobie brown knows how to distract you from such a tense moment.
"Then why are you still here?" His hand holds your jaw and gently turn your head so you can see his pretty eyes. His eyes that looks prettier when he looks only at you.
"Isn't it obvious?" he scoffs as if the answer was so simple.
"Dunno, do you like to bother Miguel?" you tease.
" 'm still here 'cuz I have to take care of my pretty girl" he says before pressing his soft lips against yours, you press closer against his body, making him sigh happily. His tongue slides into your mouth and his hips gently bump against yours.
You know Hobie so well you know if you keep kissing him he'll take you right there and he knows you so well he knows you'd take it.
So you break the kiss.
"Really? I thought I was the one who took care of you"
"Let's just say it's mutual" he murmurs and you hum, giving him another kiss on his soft lips. Your heart melts for all the love he gives you.
"Then take me home, Hobie" you whisper making him kiss you once more.
The kiss broke just as Miles escapes.
"Just for record, we quit" Hobie says before holding onto your waist and disappearing together.
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sincerlycas · 1 year
pretty lady.
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summary: a connie drabble where he has to deal with dating the most prettiest girl.
warnings: mature scenes, slight smut, etc.
commission for: @tojisblondebimbo
don’t forget to dm me for commissions <3
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connie loved you with his hearts content, he loved when you would come up to him squealing because you got a new dress, he loved the way how tight the dress clunged to your body leaving no where for imagination. your ass pocking out the bottom of the dress when you would bend over showing your lacy thong clinging to your mound so tightly.
connie loved the fact you were so damn pretty, you were hard headed and stubborn, but soft and poise. he loved how sometimes your beauty could get you anything. for example, you forgot your purse in the house so you turn to look at connie while pointing at the Chanel bag “pa pleaseee I’ll pay you back!!” shaking his head he agreed to buy it knowing damn well you won’t pay him back. but he knew something was up when you seemed to forget your wallet multiple times. what can you say, why would you spend your own money when your man is right there?
but you being pretty can also cause problems. the amount of times he had to beat niggas asses left and right because they couldn’t keep their hands off you. sometimes he wished you wore a plastic bag over your head when going out. he wished your dresses weren’t so mesh and tight on you showing everyone a preview of what’s up under there. but it’s not really his baby’s fault that she’s so pretty so all he can do is grunt about it and move along while rubbing onto your ass any chance he can.
the times he really loved though was being between your legs sucking with his hearts content. looking up momentarily seeing your bambi watery eyes staring right back at him, your plump lips letting out the softest whines possible. slurping sounds filling the room as you rock back against his face trying to catch your nut. connie’s tongue did wonders that sometimes you had to deprive him from the pussy. like one time he wanted to fuck while you guys were at a family gathering and cupped your pussy with his hand after slipping it through the slit of the skirt “connie !!” “whatt? let’s go in my old room hm?”
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your hair messy and all over the place, makeup and lip combo smeared, legs kicking around everywhere, toes curling, back arching off the bed “you taste so good mama~ how come you won’t sit on my face forever huh~? don’t that sound like a good idea pretty lady~?” slapping the side of your thighs with pinching your overstimulated clit. “what you think mama~? tell ‘pa’ what you thinking in the pretty little head of yours~” biting your lip you grabbed his hand making him hover over you. watching your plum lips connie heard “you won’t be able to handle it pa~” did I forget to tell you he loved that slick mouth?
he couldn’t leave you alone even if he tried. you were a little bit toxic. everytime he went to do a deal you would latch onto him telling him if he left you in the house alone for an hour max you would leave. of course knew you were bluffing but he still sighed a stayed with you a while longer knowing if he you guys broke up, you’d find a nigga the same day. ouuu he was just like the song area codes by kali, that one line that said “matter of fact, scratch that imma send you a stack just cuz you fine as hell” and bitch that nigga hand you two racks!! while saying “give me a show and I’ll add an extra hermosa” who were you to decline the offer?
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overall being connie’s pretty girl had many perks it’s a 10/10 experience <3
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xarlenewithanx · 9 months
Consummation of the Marriage
Husband Gojo Satoru x F! reader
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Summary: it has only been a few months since you got married to Satoru Gojo, and the family elders are already getting impatient since you’re not pregnant yet
Content: arranged marriage, use of pet names, reader has fem! anatomy, smut, fluff at the end, mentions of pregnancy, breeding,  
a/n: ‘yes self, prioritize writing this instead of studying for your seven quizzes tomorrow.’ I was listening to Agora Hills by Doja Cat while writing this. also thanks to @disillusionistt for the prompt that turned into a long story. hope you like it!!! (cuz I don't)
wc: 1.7k
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This was the first time since your wedding that you would be alone with Gojo Satoru. No servants, no maids, just purely you and him.
This wouldn’t have happened if the elders from both sides of your family were a little more patient.
     “Did you consummate your marriage yet?” “Do you feel nauseous?” “How many weeks is it?” They bombarded you both with questions; he just stared at you as if it was your responsibility as his wife to answer them.
     “My lord, my lady, we haven’t done our duties yet… Please give us more time,”
The elders scoffed in irritation as they explained how Gojo was made just the night after his parents’ wedding and complained about your incompetence.
     “Think about the bloodline dear! it is your duty!” They warned you like he was going to die tomorrow.
     “How about we stay on one of our estates for a week? Just me and my wife? Would that suffice?” Gojo proposed.
The elders looked at each other as they weighed the pros and cons of his suggestion.
     “Very well. If it takes that long for her to carry your child, then we shall wait patiently for that to happen,” they finally agreed.
And that’s how you got yourself into this situation. You and him, in an estate where the servants’ quarters are quite far from the main house.
You were quiet the whole trip there. Since the wedding, he has never been staying beside you for long hours.
His phone rang in the middle of the ride, to which he answered it.
     “Hello? Suguru? Could you substitute me for teaching the first years? Those walking skeletons kept bugging me with their demands again,”
You chuckled at the word ‘walking skeletons’, which he noticed, he turned to you and you looked at him, the awkward silence filled the car until Suguru broke it through the phone.
     “Ya still there Satoru?” Suguru asked from the other line.
     “Yeah, I was distracted; so, about the substitution, ya’ up for it?”
     “Sure! How hard is it to teach a few kids?”
     “Okay then! I leave it up to you now, bye!”
Throughout the whole conversation, you were looking out the window, looking at the beautiful view of the mountains and rivers.
     “Pretty isn’t it?” He asked.
     “Yes, it does.” You respond.
You see a mansion in the distance. You looked into it in awe as the entire view was mesmerizing.
     “See that over there?” he pointed at the mansion. “That’s where we’ll be staying, the servant’s quarters are quite far, so be sure you’re settled once nighttime sets, it’s a hassle going back and forth just to call them.
You felt his breath just behind your ear. Turning to him, he was so close to you. You flinched as this was the first time he was ever so close to you.
     “You look like you just saw a ghost,” He laughed, “How cute,”
     “You have white hair!” you shout, “anyone would mistake you for a ghost!”
     He placed his hand on his heart and acted as if he had a heart attack.
     “Ouch! Baby that hurts!” he proclaimed.
You had forgotten about his dramatic behavior since graduation. It is at this moment that you are reminded that he has never changed.
     “We’re here!!!” He yelled in excitement.
     He got out of the car and went to your door to open it. He reached out his hand to you.
     “Well? Aren’t you gonna get out?” He teased.
You snapped back. “Yeah, sorry,” you took his hand and got out of the car.
You look at the mansion and behold its beauty, then turn your head to see the servants’ quarters from the distance.
     “Why are the quarters far away from the main house?” You question.
     “This house was used as a honeymoon getaway for newly married couples,” He turned to you and lowered his head just beside your ear. “Don’t wanna traumatize them with noises, do we?” He chuckled.
You breathed deeply as you tried to comprehend the uses of this house.
     “My ancestors, my grandparents, my parents, they did it here, and now, it’s our turn! Isn’t this exciting?” He teased.
     “To you…” You replied.
After you both spent your time exploring parts of the house and enjoying the view from the balconies, it was nearing sunset, and there were only very few servants left since the others walked to their quarters.
By the time the servants had all left, it was just you and him. When you settled in your shared bedroom, he was in the bathroom probably cleaning himself after the exhausting trip. When you try to take off your clothes, you realize there is a zipper at the back.
Well shit…
When he got out of the bathroom, only clothed in a towel on his lower body, he noticed you weren’t in your bathrobe yet.
     “Well? Aren’t you gonna take a bath?” he says.
     “Help… Me…” you plead.
     “What’s it about this time?”
     “Unzip my dress, please”
Gojo went behind you to unzip your dress. He was caught off guard when he saw your bare skin. He felt like a Victorian man seeing a woman’s ankles for the first time during that moment.
His fingers lightly traced your skin before he lowered his head to kiss your shoulders.
You gasp at the feeling of his lips on your skin, tracing down to your arms as he showered you with kisses while his arms wrapped around you. He turned you around as he continued kissing your collarbone- even sucking it- until it left hickeys.
     “Gojo I-“
     “Satoru… Call me Satoru,”
     “Satoru,” you moan.
He finally finished unzipping the dress and it fell to the ground, your naked body, with only your panties on, was left for him to see.
You looked down in embarrassment, but he lifted your chin up to look at him, his blue eyes seemed to have a soft glow in the dark room.
His lips crashed into yours, kissing you aggressively. You fell into the bed but he was still kissing you, one hand gripping your arm as the other fondled your breast.
His kisses went down to your nape, you gasped as this new sensation of pure bliss overwhelmed you.
“Fuck baby… didn’t know this side of ya’”
He was sucking on your nipple as his hand drew circles at the other. You pushed his head deeper into your chest as the feeling was so good.
He traced his hand down to your clothed cunt. He pressed your pussy and felt the soaking wet texture.
You moaned loudly as the feeling of his warm hands pressed your clit.
“All I did was kiss and touch you, and you’re already this wet?” He chuckled. “How adorable,”
He pulled your panties down and he spread your legs apart. His fingers lightly drew circles on your clit, making you moan.
He pushed his finger deep inside your tight entrance, looking for your G-spot. You screamed when his finger touched a part inside you that felt sensitive.
“Found it,”
He inserted two fingers this time, stretching your hole as he curled his fingers on your G-spot, earning him loud moans and whimpers from you.
You tried closing your legs but he just spread you open even wider as he continued playing with your pussy.
You tightly gripped the sheets as he continued fingering you.
You feel your orgasm coming as he doesn’t seem to slow down any further.
“Satoru I’m so close!!!”
“Fuuuuck… you take my fingers so well,” he cooed.
He moved his fingers inside you even faster, your moans got louder and louder until you screamed as you reached your limit.
Your juices were leaking all over the bed, and he was happy to lick your pussy clean.
You clench your thighs around his head as he ate you out like a starved man. He let out a groan as he continued lapping your cunt and gripping your thighs, you not being able to stay still made him go faster.
“Satoru! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
He spat on your clit and licked it clean. You were probably overstimulated at this point.
He gave you orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, and he did it using only his tongue and fingers.
He lifted his head and kissed you, making you taste your own juices.
     “You taste so good love,” he cooed.
You didn’t have the strength to even reply to him. Your throat was sore from all the loud moans and screams you let out.
He untucked his towel, his exposed cock leaking pre-cum. He laid his dick flat on your stomach for you to see how deep he can reach you, almost reaching your navel.
He rubbed his tip on your clit as it leaked pre-cum on your pussy before slowly inserting it into your entrance. You whined as his dick almost reached your cervix.
“Shhh… I’ll go slow… I promise,”
He slowly thrusts inside you, letting you get used to his size. His dick alone already made you so full.
He placed his body on top of you as you dug your nails onto his back.
He started increasing his speed as you got used to his size.
Your moans, along with his have been the only noise heard in the room.
“Shit princess… This pussy’s so tight like it was made f’ me,”
He kissed you as he rammed his dick inside you for quite a while without even taking a break.
You slowly feel his rhythm going unstable.
He’s almost there.
After one last rough thrust, he released his seed inside you- even spilling out of you, to which he gladly shoved it back inside.
“Can’t miss a single drop,”
He grabbed a wet towel to wipe your body before he carried you to the bathroom to give you a warm bath before cuddling him to bed.
     The next morning, you were awoken by the smell of fresh flowers and pancakes. You woke up to find him preparing your breakfast in bed.
“Mornin’! Slept well?” he asks.
“Well, I made you breakfast! Hope you like it!” he exclaimed.
He fed you a spoonful of the pancake before he wiped your mouth, handing you some milk after that.
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liaarxse · 11 months
tr boys when y/n has issues accepting that they actually do love her
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
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Characters: Nahoya Kawata, Manjiro Sano, Kazutora Hanemiya
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of angst in Kazutoras part
A/n: Literally pulled out the biggest smile when I saw this request. Also, yes, Nahoya again. I just love writing for him. idk why (cuz he a crackhead)
P.s: Remember, it was said multiple times that Toman doesn't hurt women, sunshines. Don't think they'd break your precious hearts. They'd be just a bit hard to deal with <3
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Okay, we've all seen that one best/worst boyfriend chart our friend Ken Wakui made.
Personally, I threw a fit when I saw who were the worst.
Then I thought about Nahoya. He seemed a bit like a fuck boy, you get what I mean? Yeah, no.
Then I thought about it again
I examined the post a bit more after I found it in English and read what Takemichi said. If Mikey and Kazutora would be the top worst because they're reckless, Nahoya would obviously be even tamer
So personally, I believe Nahoya is in the top three just because he has a carefree type of living way. Like, he isn't scared of fighting, killing, and all. I mean, he probably IS scared to kill but doesn't show it.
How's he a red flag again? I don't believe them.
But for one, he'd never cheat on you. He'll be loyal as hell. Maybe if he wasn't in a relationship in one of the time skips where it showed the top members he'd fuck around with chicks (straight hair grown up Nahoya gives me fuckboy energy), but since the change and he's now working with his brother In their ramen shop? Get that thing out of your head.
Because for him to get in a relationship, he must dearly love and respect you.
Keep in mind that he also has to trust you since, in one way, if you're not to be trusted and/or are somewhat dangerous, he's putting his brother in danger as well.
But that's besides the point.
He loves you.
It's painfully obvious
He protects you, he trusts you, he spoils you in his own ways
He loves you
Maybe it's past relationship trauma that causes you to think it's all a facade
Which brings us to today's scenario
You're in Nahoya's room since his brother is out all day and you didn't bother to fix yours
You were looking around his room while he was testing the new straightener you got him since his broke
Examining the objects around you, your eyes land on a frame right above his toman uniform. It was of you two
You wondered why he would frame such a picture on the wall over his gang uniform. You mostly didn't like it because you hated the way you came out in the picture
Getting off his bed, you walked over to the opposite wall and stared at the picture for a good minute
Nahoya noticed that from the reflection on the mirror in front of him, but his smile just grew a tad bit more and returned to straightening his hair
You pursed your lips together in thought and reached to grab it
"Oi!" He exclaimed with a giggle. "Hands off."
You flinched when he suddenly spoke and turned to him with a raised brow
"What? Why?"
"Because," He turned around to face you. "I know you'll throw the pic away."
You weren't going to lie. If you stared at it for a bit more, you would've made the paper rip itself. You hated how you came out!
"But I look horrible!"
"I know." He laughed, but it quickly died down to a chuckle when he saw you glaring at him. "I'm kidding, babe. You look hella cute!"
You quickly turned around to hide the blush that appeared on your face. Crossing your arms, you were still staring at the picture
Being too caught in the act, you didn't realize when Nahoya finally finished straightening his hair and came up to you. He loosely wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, mockingly copying your slightly frustrated face
You noticed that and rolled your eyes with a soft groan, which earned you some snickering from him. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before nuzzling his own to yours
"Why did you frame this?"
"Because it's special."
"How is it special?" Your voice grew confused. It's just a picture, nothing much
"Reminds me of the main reason I never give up."
Your blood went cold. What?
"What do you mean by that?"
"You're my main priority, babe. You, your safety, your smile." He chuckled at how cheesy he sounded. "That's why I framed us right over my gang uniform. Every time I have to change for a brawl or even just a meeting, I'm reminded of the smile that will greet me in the end and will always be there."
That didn't sound like Nahoya. For a moment, you even thought if that wasn't just some doppelganger
Until he smacked your ass
Yeah that's him
He loves you, and without realizing it, he just made all your problems fade away
Looking at the picture now, maybe, just maybe, it isn't as bad as you thought it was.
+ Your little twin girls found the picture in some box while playing and made fun of how you both looked. It was never to be seen again. It was under your mattress
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So. Second worst boyfriend on the list.
Let's be honest, if your love language is quality time this won't work
Not that he won't want to spend time with you, but Juvenile? Sorry baby, they stole him from you
Kazutora loves you so much. He'd kill for you, and he'll die for you. No questions asked. He once even tried to break out from Juvenile because he couldn't take being far away from you anymore.
You visit him every day for as long as you can, bringing him gifts, telling stories, saying how much you miss him
But sometimes you wondered, does he love you?
"Baby!" A happy Kazutora exclaimed when you finally entered the meeting room and waited for you with a happy smile to sit down, on the opposite side of him, thick glass keeping you both separate.
"Hey, baby." You chuckled, adjusting in your seat.
It wasn't a lie how excited he was every day to see you. Sometimes, like today, he'd make you small diy gifts and show them off to you, explaining every minor detail from the inspiration, materials, hidden message, time taken, everything
And you kept them all on a special separate shelf in your room
"So that's my gift for you today! Do you like it?"
"I love it, 'Tora."
It was a small origami rose, which was actually very well made, considering he had to use his imagination
You both talk for a few moments before the chattering died down. You knew what that meant and quickly wiped the already falling tears
You hated this
You hated how close yet how far he was from you
You just wanted to break the damn glass and embrace him, never letting go
And he damn well knows he wants it too
But he can't, and neither can you
He was recently taken in, 3 years ago
Which means he'll be out in 7 years
Which felt like a lifetime for both of you
His biggest fear was you'd find someone new and leave him
Which he wouldn't even be mad about, considering he just ruined both your lives
But you stay consistent, you visit every single day, and even if you don't manage to, you always send him gifts and make up for it when you see each other.
But people's patience runs out at some point, and that point is today
You never meant to say this
You never meant to question his love for you because you both knew it was there and growing every passing day
So why did you ask? Was it the loneliness you felt every time you stepped out of the room and he wasn't there by your side? Was it the thrust to just be able to hold his hand? Was it the pain you felt every night where, instead of saying goodnight to him, you turned to a frame with a photo of him and said it to it?
You didn't know. He didn't know
The only thing you remember after that was the sound of glass shattering, alarms going off, and Kazutora hugging onto you as if it was your last minute on Earth.
You just cling to him, never wanting to let go again
You felt the tears fall when he kissed you, feeling all his love attack you in that one moment before the guards arrived and took him away
Your little moment lasted around 10 seconds, probably even less, but it felt like eternity to both of you
Visits were banned for a week until they changed the glass into an even more thick and unbreakable one
You dashed to the building the second they opened visiting hours again
And to be fair, even if that cost him 4 more months in juvenile, it was worth it when you finally managed to continue with your lives after his sentence
+ Your younger son thought it was funny while your older daughter cried her eyes out. I think you have 3 kids instead of two.
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Ah, yes. Our favorite dark impulse.
Listen, Mikey has to have FULL trust in you to even think about dating you. We're talking about Draken type of trust, if possible even more.
If Mikey falls for you, he will hit like fucking bedrock
If you don't reciprocate his feelings, he'd be hurt, but if you do, you're stuck for life
Mikey loves hard, and it's been proven so many times
It's the same as Kazutora. He'd kill for you.
Don't make him prove it. Just don't. You know, he knows, and everybody knows Mikey will do anything for you
So why ever question it?
You loved Manjiro, and he loved you. It was way too obvious to the point Emma already planned your whole future together
You knew that, but you always had this 'what it' thought in the back of your head, messing with you and you hated it
It was a normal afternoon. You were out with Mikey, just roaming around the city, eating at restaurants where they don't have flags so you brought your home-made ones, and spending way too much money on things you don't need
It was fun and all, just spending time together until he got a message from Draken which quickly brought him to his senses
He didn't want to leave you, but he had, so with a quick kiss on the lips he was off
You waved him goodbye with a smile and called up Emma and the girl just magically teleported to you in 10 minutes
She just loves you too much
Probably fought with Mikey for your hand at some point
You were having a blast with her until you both finally settled down at a café and talked about, just, anything and everything
You decided to share your thought with Emma and she quickly jumped, reassuring you that Mikey loved you with all his hesrt
She started showing you messages he's sent her about how he felt, what to get you and all sorts of things
But our beautiful Emma had her own 'what if' thought and when Mikey got home she instantly jumped on him
It was like, 1am when you heard his bike's engine roaring from outside your window. You got up and were met with a smiling Mikey and no more sleep for tonight
"Wake up, sleepy head. We need to talk."
The moment you got down to him, you were already zooming through the streets of Tokyo, but not in a racer-fast manner, just enought so you aren't like slugs on the roads
"Emma told me that—"
"I'm sorry, Mikey... I didn't mean to—"
"Please let me finish."
He talked for like, a whole ass hour. About everything that includes you both.
He brought you to tears ngl
His words just hit so deep that the thought immediately disappeared
Maybe it was he words of affirmation he used, the quality time he spend riding all night with you to ease your worries, the gift he gave you when you watched the sunrise and the fact you woke up in your bed later on with a small letter from him and a chibi drawing of both of you at the corner that kept a smile on your face till the end of you days
And you damn well know you lived one long ass life with Manjiro
And I'm kinda surprised to be honest
Not because you could've died while he was in Toman or anything, but because your kid is 3 times worse than Mikey.
+ Your son found his old gang uniform and wore it to school. The next teacher-parent conference was one hell of a trip.
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hxjikonn · 1 year
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(Artist: @/neneko_kone on twtr)
Reacting to GN Broken hearted!Reader
☆Staring☆ : Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, and Sebek Zigvolt
Synopsis: Yuu/MC/Reader gets their heart broken and tells their fellow first years over the phone. (Platonic rs w/ the boys) (the break up ended badly)
(I didn’t proofread this :b it’s too long and I’m lazy ehe)
Ace Trappola
Would first think you we’re kidding around so he teased and mocked you, but when he heard you’re voice crack and sniffles it dawned to him that you were serious.
“Awww such a sad tale” he teased, “Ace…” you called out in a warning tone but the sadness in your voice slipped out. “Wait you’re not kidding” he asks now completely serious, there wasn’t an answer on the other line because you were trying not to break down…
Moments later, the rickety doors of Ramshackle dormitory was kicked down, literally. “YOU’RE SERIOUS?!” Ace’s voice echoed, not in the phone though, in your hallway…in shock you ran out to see him trying to catch his breath looking like he ran a marathon
“BRO YOU BROKE THE FRONT DOOR?!?!” You yelled seeing him step on the door that was now crushed on the wooden floorboards “IRRELEVANT! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED CUZ I CAN ASSURE YOU THIS DOOR ISN’T GONNA BE THE ONLY THING BROKEN” he shouted back…
Later that day you two talked about what happened while fixing your front door…Ace provided comfort by staying at Ramshackle with you to talk shit about your ex.
Deuce Spade
I’m gonna be honest with you, He wasn’t completely present when you told him. You happened to called him while he was studying for your upcoming test, but he picked up your call thinking that you just wanted to chat about something, not grasping the fact that this was a SERIOUS MATTER
“I have to tell you something Deuce…” you started, trying not to let your cries slip through, “Uh huh…” he answered, “It’s about…my partner…” you slowly said still being careful not to break down, inhaling preparing to tell him the bad news you opened your mouth to say something when he said “Wait sorry what was that?” sighing you shut your eyes
“No nevermind… s’fine…” you gave up “I’ll tell you tomorrow, you seem busy…” you were trying so hard to sound unbothered but a sniffle was heard by Deuce from your end of the line, he stopped what he was doing immediately and picked up his phone beside him
“Hey wait! Don’t hang up! Are you okay? Are you crying?” He rushed, now is very concerned, this made you finally broke down in tears. And also made Deuce panic he stood up from his chair and went out of his dorm rushing to get to you
“Hey it’s okay! It’s okay, I’m coming over there right now and you can tell me everything! Okay? Don’t cry!” He comforted you through the phone while running to get to the hall of mirrors. He arrived at your door step panting, hands on his knees trying to not pass out from sprinting all the way there
You let him in, gave him some water and you both sat down and talked about it, the moment he found out about the break up, and how it hurt you, two things were going through his mind One: Be there to comfort you while you’re sad and Two: Call Ace and Grimm so they can hunt down your ex and beat the shit outta him.
Jack Howl
May the great seven have mercy on your ex’s soul because he was prepared to feed your ex to the savannaclaw students. We all know Jack could never ignore his friends when they need him, especially now when you’re hurt…
“Hello?” He answers the phone while he was taking care of his little cactus garden, he wasn’t met with a reply, but he was met by familiar quiet sobs and sniffles, “What happened?” He sternly asks, all his attention is now directed in the phone call
“S’nothing serious…” you tried to defend, your voice betraying you, it was evident to Jack that it was in-fact something but he didn’t want to be pushy, “I’m gonna come over there, and you can tell me when you’re ready…” he said, gentle with his tone “Jack you don’t need t-“ “I’ll bring ice cream” he cut you off with a bribe before you can even protest, “fine” you said in defeat not being able to deny free ice cream
Once he arrived he sat down with you as you ate your ice cream, it’s a rare thing for him to do but this time he even let you play with his tail, while you were talking to him about what happened…
Hearing all of this he felt sad that you had to go through all that, but at the same time he can’t wait to see your ex at school tomorrow so he can give him a “talk” about “stuff”
Epel Felmier
He was in yet another “meeting” with Vil and Rook about something, he didn’t know what he did wrong this time but Vil was yet again scolding him for who knows what, until his phone rang and he said he had to take it. Safe to say he’s gonna have to stay for another extra 2hrs with his dorm leader after that phone call…
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, listen to me okay?” He said, walking back and forth the hallway outside Vil’s room, “They broke your heart, do I need to break their face?” He snapped, angered by you crying because your ex hurt you. He was aware that Vil and Rook probably heard him but that wasn’t his concern at the moment
“Epel it’s fine…” you sniffled, now you’re the one trying to calm him down. “Not it is not! Give me their number, and give me their address, I’ll make sure they know the damage they’ve done-“ he was abruptly cut off by Vil slamming his door open staring epel down with a “dont you dare” look
“please don’t, it’s really okay, I just need someone to talk to…” you said, you’re voice was hoarse, raspy, tired from crying so much, he felt bad. “Okay, okay I wont…But I will come over there though…” he said, Vil cleared his throat looking at Epel arms crossed, “I’ll come over in about 2hrs from now…” he corrected himself knowing what scolding lays ahead…
Even though he was mentally drained from Vil’s lectures, he still kept his promise and went to Ramshackle to comfort you. He was still infuriated with your ex but he’s there to comfort right now, he can be mad at your ex tomorrow…when he’s with the others…probably planning to hunt your ex down…
Sebek Zigvolt
Was suddenly not his usual self when you told him about what happened, the poor thing was so distressed by your crying self he forgot to say goodbye to the portrait of Malleus when he left his room to go to you.
“Human, don’t you know what time it is? Shouldn’t you be asleep instead of calling me? We have classes tomorrow!” he scolded a little loudly when he answered your call of course not trying to disturb his dorm mates “I’m sorry…” you said, you’re voice was weak and tiny…he felt a sudden pang of guilt in his chest when he heard you’re quiet sobs
“….Are you alright human?” He was suddenly very gentle with his tone, worried about you… “I’d be lying if I said I was” you tried to joke around to help you cope with the pain you’re feeling, He didn’t like this, “Please don’t joke about it… Do you need me to be there with you?” His voice was so soft, unlike his usual loud tone, it made you cry, nodding as if he could see you, but that was all he needed to rush out and go to Ramshackle…even forgetting to great his Malleus portrait goodbye..
When he arrived and saw you’re disheveled hair and tear stained cheeks he surprisingly pulled you into a hug, he was sad to see you like this and this is how his father comforted him when he was a child when he was upset… he was also hiding the fact that he too was teary eyed, both of you cried your eyes out while talking about it and went to school looking like bees stung your eye lids…
After that night, He hated humans even more now, with you being an exception of course
A/N: I wanted to add Ortho and Grimm but it was getting too long 😭😭😭 I DID NOT PROOFREAD THIS!! So there may be some errors, wring grammar, misspelled words or missing words.
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burning-omen · 11 months
Birthday Present
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Miguel O’Hara x Male!reader
(A/n: Birthday present for my best homie cuz I love its gay ass- you know who you are. Also this is a day late but shut up)
Summary: You and Miguel celebrate your birthday
Warning⚠️: sub!Miguel, Dom!Male!reader, Miguel being nervous but also extremely submissive and obedient, edging, overstim, dacryphilia, handjob, anal, biting, marking, creampie, pwp, friend to lovers(???), not beta read
You enjoyed portals- which was a statement you would have been severely confused by several months ago. But ever since you joined the ever growing Spider-society, you've become very well acquainted with portals. You spent the majority of your down time in the Spider HQ, usually bothering Miguel until it was time for you to go patrolling again.
Today was different- today, you decided to take a little more time off that usually- the Daredevil of your universe taking over for you as a gift- a birthday gift.
While most people would be spending their birthday with friends and family- you decided to spend it with your fellow spider people.
You watch beeped as you landed- the portal closed behind you the second you were out of it. You ran into various Spider-people along the way, they have you various greeting, some wishing you a happy birthday- others just gave you a curt nod before moving on.
You didn't stick around any of them too long- b lining for Miguel’s office.
When you entered you could see him watching the screens- as always.
“Miguel!” you said with a smile.
His back was facing but you could see his head turn slightly as he glanced at you over his shoulder. In a moment- nearly every visible screen was cleared, a few still displayed the connections between timelines and whatnot- but most were just empty yellow screens.
“Y/n..” he responded, his voice quiet, tapping his claws against the desk. Lyla floated near his shoulder, only for her tiny form to disappear when she turned to you.
You step forward with caution.
“Miguel, are you okay?” you asked, placing a gental hand on his back, sliding it up towards his shoulder in an attempt at reassurance.
A moment passed- very still, and very quiet. You stood there with him for a moment.
After a few seconds, he broke the growing silence.
“I..have something for you.”
His voice was still quiet, his claws ever so slightly digging into his desk as your hand slid from his shoulder to the center of his back- you could feel his heart pounding against your hand, unwavering, but far to quick.
He finally turned to you, his face warm with a red blush- just as quickly as he turned to you, he looked away.
“It's not here..” he muttered, clearing his throat a bit before continuing, “…you can have it later.”
That was all he said about it- at least for the moment. You continued on like any other day- rambling Miguel’s ear off, telling him stories, joking, and flirting as you always did.
It wasn’t until night fell, when HQ was practically empty, that he brought it up again. You’d hardly noticed the how late it was until LYLA abruptly- and rather aggressively, reminded Miguel of his gift.
Miguel, as though a switch had been flipped, reverted back to the unusual flustered state he was in earlier. Despite the change, he thanked LYLA with a glare. Signaling for you to follow him, and you did. The walk from Miguel’s office felt oddly long- and for a moment you felt as though you were walking in circles, but eventually you made it to an exit high enough for the two of your to swing from.
Swinging through Miguel’s universe was always an exhilarating experience- though you’ve only done it a couple of times- you always notice something new about his universe. Not only was it an entirely different universe than yours, but it was decades in the future as well, making it infinitely more interesting.
You didn’t know where you were going, you followed closely behind Miguel, matching every one of his swings with your own until you landed on the high balcony of a large apartment building.
“This is my home..” he said, sliding the balcony door open and stepping inside.
You followed with a bit of hesitation, glancing back at the night sky behind you before entering.
For a reason you couldn’t explain, you didn’t expect his house to be…nice. You knew he had practically thrown his entire soul into being Spider-Man, so seeing that his house was not only fully furnished- but nicely decorated as well was a bit of a surprise.
You wandered through his apartment, hardly even realizing he was gone- nearly fascinated with all the little things he had around.
You didn’t realize he wasn’t with you anymore until you looked away from a rather confusing painting hanging on the wall, trying to ask him what the actual hell it was, only to realize that you were alone.
“Miguel..?” You called.
The lights in the house were dimmed, something you admired about the house, you figured Miguel had the heightened senses that all the other Spider-People, including yourself, had. Making your way through the house, calling out the Miguel every so often, checking each and every room until you found him.
He was again facing away from you, his suit was gone, replaced only by a pair of grey pants that hung dangerously low on his waist.
Just like before, in HQ, you took a few steps forward, placing your hand on his lower back, feeling just how hot his bare skin was beneath your fingers. Before you could ask if he was alright he turned to you, your hand sliding across his skin as he did, resting now on his waist- an action that was only furthered the deep fluster that Miguel felt.
“Y/n, I-“ he started, his eyes looking everywhere but into yours as he tried to find the right words. “I have a gift for you- I just don’t know if you want it.”
And as he moved closer into your space, his breathing ragged, cheeks red, and body hardly clothed -inching closer to yours, you finally got it.
Miguel seemingly took your realization as the green light to go ahead, pressing his body against yours, his hands finding the mask you barely registered wearing and pulling it off, you have no idea where it ended up after because the moment it was gone Miguel’s lips were against yours and the heat from his body was quickly spreading to yours.
One sweet kiss quickly turned to heavy panting, and messy, almost biting kisses- you've never been so aware of his fangs until they caught onto your bottom lip. His hands found their way into your suit resting at your sides as Miguel tried to think of something the do with them. To him you had it all worked out, one hand on his waist while the other stroked his cock through his pants- his mind clouded as his arousal grew- letting out a long whine against your lips.
Leading the man backwards onto the perfectly made bed behind him, laying him on his back, taking a moment to enjoy his mildly disheveled form and the growing tent in his pants.
Loud whimpers and whines filled the room as you continued to prod at Miguel's body, running your hands over his massive pecs, letting the muscles rest in your hand before giving his nipple a tight pinch, making his entire body shudder beneath you. Running your hand down his stomach until you were low enough to hook your fingers in the waistband of his pants- yanking them down with one hard pull.
Exposed and leaking pre-cum from the tip of his cock, Miguel tried to squeeze his legs together in a desperate attempt at modesty. It didn't last long, placing one hand on each thigh, forcing them farther apart than they had been before.
Leaning down, using your arm to support yourself as you whispered in his ear,
“Be a good boy and sit still for me, Miguel.”
He let out a short noise, you took it as a ‘okay’.
He didn't move, letting his leg lay wide open- giving you more than enough space to prep the man.
And despite the fact that he looked so beautiful beneath you, fully submitting to your every will, you were still going to tease him- at least a little bit.
Moving to his thighs, pressing your lips against them, leaving marks and bruises as you worked from one thigh to the next, watching him struggle to keep his hips from bucking up against you- trying so hard to follow orders. Then, as a way to test the waters, your kisses turned to bites. You didn't bite him particularly hard, it was hardly enough to hurt. He gasped hard, his body shook, and you could physically see him resist the urge to snap his legs shut, thighs straining as he forced them to start open.
“You like that? Do you like it when I bite you”
He opened his mouth to respond- but all that came out was a strangled whine- he nodded rapidly.
You kept going, biting his thighs, his chest, all the way up to his neck, all while ignoring his cock. Glancing down you watched as pre-cum beaded at the tip before sliding down his shaft.
When you looked back up at Miguel, he was looking at you, deep red eyes pleading with you as he whined out a small, “please.”
And for a moment you did consider giving him whatever he wanted, he was being perfectly obedient and he was such a beautiful gift. But then again it was your gift- and you could do whatever you wanted with your gift.
Wrapping your hand around his cock, a sigh escaping from him, you stroked his cock ever so gently. Up and down, watching him revel in the stimulation. But as more time passed his contempt turned to desperation as you kept the slow, teasing pace, never speeding up despite his begging and pleading and the tremor in his hips and his hands clawing at the bed in frustration.
“What's wrong, honey?” You asked.
He glared up at you, but his voice didn't match the harsh look he gave you, “Faster, please-” he groaned through gritted teeth.
You seemingly ignored him, still stroking him at the same slow pace.
His frustration grew, even as his orgasm grew closer and closer. Looking up at you with full intent on giving you the harshest, meanest glare he could muster, but the moment his eyes met yours you seemed to finally acknowledge his words from before. Without a moment's warning you sped up- and while he moaned and screamed and spasmed beneath you, you still kept the near-neutral face you had when you'd set the slow, deliberate pace from before.
“I-I’m so close, y/n- pleasepleaseplease-”
His breathing became ragged and his claws dug into the mattress and a stream of thanks and praises left him, then finally-
Your hands were off his body and a short laugh left you as he whined in disapproval. Coming down from his impending high- all that build up for nothing- leaving him far more frustrated and far more desperate.
And he begged, loud and shameless, pleading with you, asking you wky you had stopped, grinding his cock against the open air in a desperate attempt at friction.
Then, as though you had never stopped, you started again, starting at the brutally fast pace as before.
Panting and trying his hardest to convince you to let him cum this time. His words jumbled into a frenzied mess of noise.
He tried to hide when he was close. It had snuck up on him so fast and he hoped he could he could fool you into letting him finish.
But you stopped again- like you were fucking psychic- like you had and 7th sense telling you when he was close. Miguel growled out various swears but didn't try to convince you again, he knew you'd draw this out for as long as you could.
You did it two more times, getting him so close to the edge, then stopping just seconds before he could cum. It was torture, his body was overly sensitive, he felt as though every touch had been amplified by a thousand. Tears streamed down his face as you edged him for what felt like the hundredth time.
He could feel himself getting closer- again. He prepared himself for disappointment- for you to stop and laugh, and coo at him as he came down. But you didn't stop, you sped up, you hand squeezing around his cock. Broken gasps and moan falling from his lips as waves of overly intense pleasure washed over him. His body spawned and shuddered as he came- his hips bucking wildly into your hand as cum shot out from his cock- making a mess of hiss stomach and your hand.
Everything felt so intense, your hand, now unmoving felt overwhelming, and even the dimmed lights of the room felt too bright as he came down.
He didn't speak, he didn't know if he could. His brain fogged and his body was burning hot.
You let him calm down, letting his mind clear at least a little bit- you didn't mind just sitting and admiring him for a moment. He looked so pretty, covered in cum, sweat, and tears, trying to keep his grip on reality and consciousness.
“Y/n-” he whined, his eyelids hanging dangerously low.
“C'mon Miguel, we're not done yet.”
His eyes widened, looking up at you as you finally began taking off your suit. Seeing the massive tent in your pants he couldn't help but get excited. He soon found that massive might have been an understatement when you finally got rid of your pants. He breath hitched in his throat when he saw your cock- and for a moment, he worried about pain- about you having to make yourself fit inside him.
In a moment of clarity mixed with an unprecedented amount of lust- he realized that he wanted that- all the worry he felt about being in pain dissipating and exhilaration taking it's place. He wanted you to make it hurt, and he wanted to be forced to stretch around you, he wanted to be full of you- and even though he felt like his skin was burning with how sensitive he was, he couldn't wait for more.
You prodded his lips with two fingers- you didn't even need to tell him what to do before he opened his mouth, sucking your fingers in and lapping at them with his tongue, tasting himself on your fingers.
“Open.” you said, and he did, letting go of your fingers and looking up at you for more orders.
Lifting his thick thigh up onto your shoulder to give you more access to his hole. Looking back at him, his mouth hanging open as he panted, and whined.
Circling his hole with your fingers, watching him tense up before relaxing a second later.
“You ready?” you asked calmly.
Her barely gotten his response out before you shoved both of you fingers into his hole, pressing in- knuckle deep. Miguel gasped at the slight stretch, but he quickly grew used to it.
Pulling out to just the tip of your fingers then slamming back in, his legs twitched. You spread your fingers apart inside him, he hissed, grinding his hips down against your hand.
You fingered him hastily- it was almost funny how quickly he was coming apart just from two fingers. He whined and moaned out your name, loud enough that you just knew his neighbors could hear him.
Then, just like before, you stopped suddenly- and he didn't think he could do this again, he couldn't go through another hour of relentless teasing-
“I think that's enough, don't you?” you asked, smirking.
He looked up at you, confused.
It took him a moment to get it- but once he saw you lining up your cock with his hole it clicked into place.
“Yes- yes, please- ah- fuck- I need you to-“ He begged, his words broken by moans but you understood him clearly.
Pressing the tip of your cock into his hole, feeling it squeeze around you.
“Fuck-“ he panted, “-fuck me, please- please, Y/n, I-“
You didn’t need to be told twice, thrusting your entire length in one swift motion. His walls tightened around you and you savored the intense pleasure that it brought. His head had fallen back against the bed, eyes screwed shut and and mouth hanging open as a long moan emitted from his throat.
His cock spurred out cum, dribbling down his cock and pooling at his stomach, and still, having just cum again and being stuffed full, he tried to grind against you.
“Miguel-“ you breathed out.
He only whined in response.
You pulled out until only about half your cock rested inside of him before slamming back in. He sobbed as a new wave of tears streamed down his face. You felt so good but it was overwhelming, stinging and burning him from the inside out.
With one hand on his waist and the other on his thigh, you have a few more teasing thrust before setting bruising pace.
Poor Miguel felt like he was breaking, mentally and physically as you slammed into him again and again, hitting his prostate with every thrust. His thoughts were a mess and any possibility of him stringing together a coherent thought was long gone.
Clawing at the bed beneath him, tearing holes in both the sheets and the mattress with his claws, something that he’d be deeply embarrassed by later.
“More-“ he moaned- and you obliged.
His arms wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you down to him, pressing his lips against yours for a moment then burying his face in your neck, he clawed out your back, his claws retracted but his nail still drawing blood. His fangs extremely close to your neck as he panted.
His cock was pressed between both your stomachs, constantly being stimulated as you thrusted into him.
It’s didn’t take long for him to cum again, cum dripping slowly out of his cock- his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He bit down on your shoulder without warning, not to hunt you, or even to silence the onslaught of practically screaming moans coming from him, but to brace himself as a pain filled orgasm washed over him, his nerves screaming with pain at the overwhelming amount of stimulation.
Pressing both hands on your chest, his voice horse, straining as he tried to get out a single sentence.
“Y/n please- I can’t- please slow down-“
And you could here him loud and clear- and you understood, you could hear the pain underlying his tone. But you didn’t stop- instead, you sped up, chasing your release as fast as you physically could. And yes, you were putting him in more pain, but it was faster- and it would be over sooner.
It didn’t take long, between him clawing at you, moaning the way that he does, and his body, tight and quivering around you, you didn’t stand a chance.
You pulled out slowly, watching your own cum flow out of his abused hole.
Looking up a him you could see relief wash over him- he finally relaxed. Going limp against the bed. You brushed a few stray stands of hair out of his face, he hummed in content, letting his heart finally rest at a steady pace.
“You okay?”
“You want some water?”
By the time you navigated to the kitchen and back he was asleep.
He figured you’d be gone when he woke up- he was beyond exhausted and wouldn’t be good company if he was asleep, and you had your own universe to get back to.
He woke up sometime in the after noon, rolling over in his bed, feeling throughly sore. Opening his eyes he saw you looking down at him. You were sitting up against the headboard, having borrowed some of his clothes, phone in hand.
He could see the sun shining dimly through the window.
“You missed your meeting.” You said, moving one hand to run through his hair.
“I figured.” His throat hurt and his voice was a bit horse, but he should have expected that, “what time is it?”
“About 6:30 pm.”
He groaned into his pillow, but didn’t say anything else for a long moment. A few minute passed and he considered drifting back to sleep, instead, he asked,
“Why are you still here?”
You stopped whatever you were doing on you phone, but didn’t look away from it.
“You want me to leave?”
“No- no, I’m just surprised that you stayed.”
You laughed, dropping you phone against you chest, staring down at him.
“Miguel I’ve literally been trying to fuck you since I joined the Spider-Society, do you really think I’m just going to leave after- I’m emotionally invested now.”
“So-“ he groaned as he forced himself to sit up, “what I’m hearing is that you like me.”
You adjusted yourself in the bed.
“Yeah just- don’t say it like that it makes us sound like middle schoolers.”
“Whatever you say..”
(please tell me of y'all see some mistakes I did NOT re-read this lol)
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rayroseu · 7 months
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THE MAJESTIC EXCELLENCY HERSELF 😍😍😍😍💚💚💚💚 also maybe its just me but is it a reach to hope that an ACTUAL Disney villain can cameo in TWST?? 😆 You know like how Mickey randomly appears before us akjdkss
Also i find it interesting how Yuu immediately got up to go to the Maleficent Statue after concluding the dream as "Maleficent is being left out..." She reminded him of One Guy lol 😭 Also Yuu lore crumbs that theyre finally catching up that their dreams is related to the next overblot lol
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ALSO AAAAAHHH SEBEKKKK 💚💚💚✨✨✨ I missed hearing his "human!!" FULLY VOICED✨✨✨ Haruki Ishiya san... thank you 😭💚💚💚
I love his attitude change LMFAO and Silver being the polite person he is insisting Sebek to apologize and Sebek just doesnt lol... SOBS... Also agree with Grim lol Diasomnia literally the most dramatic dorm lol
Also I find it so funny that "Malleus evil smile" expression is his Happiest Expression LMFOAOAOA He's thoroughly AMUSED by Yuu calling him Hornton in front of Sebek (of all people) without hesitance 😭😭
Ohhh Malleus loves chaos alright ✅✅✅💥💥 and his family and friends getting along...😭😭💕💕💕
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Also the part where the npcs talked about him broke my heart aughh...
He's just talking with his classmates and everyone is already whispering how "he shouldn't be in this school he's going to curse everyone" (OKAY maybe theyre going to be right about that in a few more updates butksjdjs) But aaa knowing the fact he has superb hearing skills.... I like to imagine he's hearing these rumors while talking to Yuu and the knights but he's just ignoring the rumors since there's a few peopke who are treating him like a normal person right now 😭😭
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I LOVE HOW THIS IMPLIES LILIA RELIES ON SILVER THE MOST TOO!!! He couldve asked Sebek or Malleus since theyre the people with no sleep problems... but nooo he insisted on Silver waking him up!! AUDGAUHS I thought he's a general who focuses on efficiency... 😭😭 He just wants Silver to wake him up... i know you lilia 🔍🔍🔍🤨🤨
I am in good pain... considering!! in Book 7!! Lilia repeatedly appears to be a reliance for Silver whenever he feels hopeless... I CANT. Lilia is just like more lowkey about how much he actually relies on his son 😭😭💚💚
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Imagine them in the ruins and finally Malleus has someone who is enthusiastic about ""boring facts about Gargoyles and Abandoned Ruins"" but its just... got to be THIS GUY Rook Hunt... who once tried to playfully harm Lilia lol
Malleus and Rook Duo is actually so funny though 😂😂 It still cracks me up that Malleus was once invited on Rooks Bday but he didnt attend cuz he's annoying to him and most notably Rook is not even hostile to him??? He just didnt attend bcs he hates his guts omg😭😭💥💥
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This fact is so weird to me... What do you mean that some teeth just becomes an automatic RADIO under the right conditions????😭 Is this a foreshadow to Zigvolts Dentistry??? 😳⚡💚✨✨✨
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Can a fae teeth play Elvis Presley just by opening their mouths...?? You know like Stitch acting as a phonograph... 😂
But I doubt??? They have radio towers at Briar Valley so it probably doesnt happen????? But It'd be pretty funny if Briar Valley radio just play bardcore music and one poor fae was "cursed" to have "magical radio teeth" playing bardcore everytime lol
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My first thought was "Sebek!!!!✨✨✨" here actually 😭💚 Since he's the only freshman we're missing rn...
But I was surprised Yuu thought of Malleus??? That just further implies Yuu recognizes him as a friend that'll help them too 😭😭😭
Its just precious to think that someone finds Malleus reliable, he'll be so happy to assist Yuu if they're having trouble with anything just like how he enthusiastically offered to explain more about the Thorn Fairy since Yuu is curious about it...😭💖💞💖💗💕 I love them to BITS OMFG...
(I'm sad that Yuu is going home too but I'm ignoring that lol🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ Yuu is a self insert theyre supposed to speak MY language of staying with Mal-)
Its devastating that the freshmen are so hyped up to be working together THEY ARE NOT PROCESSING THE IMPLICATIONS OF YUU GOING HOME... 💔😂 if Yuu truly goes home, theres no reason for them to be gathering like this on the cafeteria anymore... 😭😭💔💔 Making myself sad that they'll buy an extra plate for them during lunch break and not even Grim touches that food... just to honor their friend😭😭😭
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Wait so we know that the first night in "sleepover to discover Mickey" consists of Deuce and Ace as Grim and Yuu's companion...
Maybe the next nights (without Malleus' overblot interupption) consisted of Epel and Jack, and then possibly Ortho and Malleus??? (since Ortho is the one who suggested that therell be a fae)
Oh but Im going to cry if at Book 7's ending consisted of Yuu inviting Malleus for a sleepover at Ramshackle despite what happened... 😭😭😭 and and like the stars aligning appears once again but this time he's not at ruined Ramshackle missing his friend... He's at a peaceful sleepover with a friend group auGh... 😭😭😭💖💕💞💗💞💗
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pro-mammonologist · 9 months
The way you wrote Lucifer melted my heart so much that I thought I was in subspace for a second there 🫣 Do you have any thoughts about Soft!Dom Mammon giving good aftercare to an MC experiencing sub drop?
Okay okay gonna be a bit sillier now
“Hey hey!” He taps your cheek lightly. “Still in there?” You open your eyes and look at the demon above you, he’s ecstatic and a little smug, but also poorly hiding some fatigue.
“Yeah.” You answer him, staring into his eyes.
“You want a bath?” He moves around you and holds your hand tightly.
“No, I’m—“
“Nah Ima start one anyways cuz you’re not gOinG tO wANt To InCOvEniEnCe me.” He mocks you, cackling and making you grin. “I’ll wash ya up don’t worry.” He pulls at your wrists. “Come on, ima carry ya.” You try to protest but he doesn’t give you a choice as he sweeps you up out of bed.
“Mammon, I’m naked and you don’t have a bathroom in here! You didn’t even start the bath!” He looks at you in his arms, seemingly processing what you were saying very slowly.
“Pfft I knew that. I just wanted to carry ya around.” He makes a show of spinning you in a circle as he holds you up, making you laugh. Plopping you back down, he kisses your forehead. “Okay okay I’ll go start the bath and—“ he’s to his closet “here’s my robe, Mc!” Then he runs to his door and turns right back around. “Wait lemme put it on ya for you.”
You start laughing again and as you attempt to put it on yourself, he takes it off just to put it back on you. “Mammon! I can still do things!”
“Nuh uh! I refuse! Your care is in Mammon’s hands! Don’t run away, I’ll be right back.” He finally runs off and returns in a flash. “Since you wanna do things by yourself so bad, I’ll escort you to the bathroom instead.”
You grin up at him and feign a pout. “But you said you wanted to carry me…” His poor little heart just broke hearing your words.
“Listen now—alright, alright. I’ll carry ya.” You outstretch your arms and he sweeps you off right back up into his arms. “Just like a lil’ baby.”
“Mammoney.” You nuzzle into his chest and you feel his hand rub the back of your head. “Mm, thank you Mammoney.”
“Anything for you, treasure.” He kisses your forehead again and then stops at the door. “But can you turn the knob, I got my hands full with a human.”
He’s still pretty stupid. 💛
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hitmewithsomebooks · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic Jan 29 - fancy
Cowboy James au 🤠
1012 words 🙈
This will be a multi-part :)
"Now, I demand that—"
"Whoa there, fancy-pants, what seems t’ be the trouble?" James drawled, placing a hand on the fuming man's chest. He was small, slight, with a head of perfect dark curls and silver eyes, and he shot James a withering look.
"This doesn't concern you." The man snapped, eyeing James before returning to the bartender. "I swear to god, if you don't give it right now, I will knock your fucking lights out—"
"Okay, okay." James intervened again, despite the man's dismissal. Or maybe because of it.
"Now, th’rs no need t’ talk t’ mah friend like that."
The smaller man glared at him.
"Your friend just so happens to be my brother. Who has taken away my fucking phone, because he's a dick." The man spat, directing a glare towards Sirius.
"Well, tha’s not very nice." James admonished, giving him a little pout.
"And who exactly are you?" The man asked James, turning to properly face him, an expression of annoyance and disdain on his face. Here, Sirius cut in.
"Regulus, this is James. My friend. James, this is Regulus, my menace of a little brother." Sirius introduced.
"Regulus." James repeated, grinning, and stuck out a hand. "Lovely t’ meet ya."
"Can't say the same for you, given you're so nosy." Regulus sniffed, but shook his hand anyway. James squeezed his hand a little, then let go.
"Well, since ah’m so nosy, ah’m gonna ask why exactly Sirius took your phone. Cuz ah gotta feelin' he might have a good reason." Regulus opened his mouth to protest, but Sirius cut him off.
"He won't stop texting an arsehole who broke his heart and stole his job." James's eyebrows raised.
"Well that just won' do." He frowned, looking down at Regulus. "Why're you still textin' ‘im ?"
Regulus looked, for just a moment, vulnerable. Then, he put his chin up, and a mask with it.
"He has a really big cock." He replied, granting James and Sirius a sharp, self-satisfied grin. Sirius rolled his eyes, and James laughed.
"Good to know whatcha like, sugar." James murmured, and Regulus's eyes widened minutely. Sirius, luckily, had been distracted by another customer, and hadn't heard James's remark.
James had left the bar only a few minutes after they'd met, needing to help out a friend with something. He promised he'd be back later, and Regulus was anticipating it more than he'd like.
"How come you didn't tell me you'd befriended a tall, smooth, hot-as-fuck cowboy??" Regulus asked Sirius, tone incredulous and annoyed.
"Because I knew you'd jump him, and I didn't want him to be your rebound." Sirius answered, giving him a pointed look.
"Oh, please." Regulus scoffed, downing his shot. "That man doesn't seem like he'd be at all phased by a little rebound." Sirius frowned at him.
"He may seem like a confident, smooth-talking cowboy, but he's also quite kind. Considerate. I don't want you breaking him." Sirius answered, and Regulus scowled.
"In case you don't recall, my last relationship ended with me breaking down sobbing in your arms and sleeping on your couch for a month." Regulus said pointedly.
"I do, thank you. But I also remember how you ended it with Will, who was really decent. Bloke texted me for  weeks asking why you'd done it like that. You fucked him up, Reg."
"He's fine. His fragile masculinity will survive." Regulus waved it off, playing with his glass. "But come on, Sirius, did you see James?? He's exactly my type. I mean, the curls, the eyes, and, lord, those thighs in tight fucking jeans? Send me straight to hell because I. Want. To. Sin." Regulus groaned, pleading to Sirius.
"No." His brother replied shortly, before going to tend to another customer.
It was only two hours later when James returned to the bar, but now the place was bustling, as it was 8:30. Music was booming throughout the place, full of happily buzzed people dancing around and on one another. Regulus was sat at the bar, glowering at his phone still in Sirius's back pocket. He didn't even care about Barty anymore, he was just bored. Or so he told himself.
"Hey there, fancy-pants." A voice rumbled in his ear, and Regulus startled. Then, he turned, meeting warm hazel eyes.
"Well hello, nosy." Regulus replied, fondly. He was pleasantly tipsy, just on the edge of drunk, his usual wall-like inhibitions lowered. James flashed him a pleased smile.
"Sirius still got your phone?" James asked, glancing at the busy bartender.
"Yes, the cunt." Regulus groused, his tongue also even sharper when he was tipsy.
"Y'know, fer such a pretty thing, y’ve got a filthy mouth." James commented, but it wasn't an admonishment. A wicked smile played his lips as he said it.
"Yeah? Well, what are you going to do about it, Mr. Morality?" Regular sneered, taking another sip of his drink.
"Ah’m gonna ask you to dance, sugar." James replied, and a pleasant shiver went through Regulus's body at the nickname.
"Sorry, but I don't dance." Regulus hummed, partly to make it harder for the man and partly because he really wasn't too confident in his dance moves.
"Mmm, ah think you do. Jus' has to be with the right person." James smirked. Regulus gave him an amused look.
"And you think that's you, do you?" He asked, swirling his drink around his glass.
“Ah think that you really want that phone back, and if y’ dance with me, I’ll get it for you." James rumbled, and Regulus's eyebrows raised.
"Is that so?"
"Yes sir." James grinned, and Regulus shivered again.
"How will you get it?" He asked, wondering how far he could push this man.
"D'you see him? His attention's on nothin' but the customer's drinks. Ah could easily tell him ah’m slippin' out, pat him on the back, and swipe your phone. He prob'ly wouldn't even hear me." James drawled, and Regulus looked at him contemplatively.
"Okay." He sighed, pulling himself away from the bar. "I'll dance with you."
Next part
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spidernuggets · 6 months
I legit beg of thee please can you do prompt17. "Why the fuck did you have to make me fall in love with you" but like he's infected with some toxin from a mission and is genuinely angry at reader for making him fall in love with her, but like they're not together she's just his oblivious best friend and this is how you find out he's in love with you. I just find this hilarious cuz reader being overjoyed like oh shit he loves me but also like hey dude calm down lol Its also a tinge angsty cuz he's tiny self esteem thinks you could never love him back and thats why he's mad
Jason Todd x Reader
"Why the fuck did you have to make me fall in love with you"
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You love Jason Todd. And for a long while, you believed it was a platonic type of friendship. Because you loved the way he laughed, his smile, his combat skills, his snarky remarks.
And then an oh shit hit you harder than a bomb. Not only did you love Jason Todd, but you were in love with him.
You joined the Titans a couple of months or so after he officially did. He offered you a brew the first time you met, and you politely declined but thanked him for the offer. This is where Jason immediately took interest in you.
When him, you, Rachel, and Gar were doing that blindfold sparring thay Dick recommended, he was even more intrigued at your skill level, but you weren't as skilled as he was, and ultimately lost the sparring match.
You were mesmerised by his advanced ability, asking him if he could teach you some tricks.
Boy, did this boost his ego.
And then the two of you became best friends. You guys trained together, played video games together, and listened to music together. Sometimes, he'd read lines from his favourite novels to you, ranting how dumb one character was or how stragetic another was.
Eventually, Jason took you to the school that he took refuge in during the time he was living on the streets. He told you his story before he got adopted, telling you his mom was a drug addict, his dad was abusive.
You listened, and you comforted him.
Then he told you how he admired the other kids for performing on stage. That's when he became so passionate for literature.
You joked with him, saying that you couldn't believe his biggest secret was being a theatre nerd. He quickly answered back that they were called 'thespians'.
That's probably the exact time you fell in love. Even after all the pain and neglet he's been put through, he still managed to become the strongest person you've ever met.
When you thanked him for showing you his school, that you appreciated how much he trusts you, you swore you saw a glimmer in his eye, even when he tells you it was no big deal.
Jason means so much to you. That's why you'd never tell him you love him. You think you'd break into a million shattered pieces if he left you because of your devoted but selfish feelings towards him. So you kept your feelings tucked away at the back of your heart, concealed from him.
Jason means so much to you that when he arrived back from what yoh heard was a dangerous mission, you instantly ran up to him, pulling him in a tight embrace, mumbling that you thought you lost him.
And it broke you when his response to your worry was a harsh shove.
He didn't say anything and walked straight to his room. He looked horrible. There was a bruise forming around his eye, dried blood under his nose, dark bags under his eyes and a busted lip.
You quickly turned to Dick, who just came in, confused at Jason's glum behaviour.
"Crane ambushed out of nowhere. Cooked up a new toxin. Anger. We gave Jason the antidote for fear toxin, but it doesn't do much. It should wear off after a couple of hours," Dick tries to assure you, but to no avail.
You pace around your room, biting your nails in worry. You look at the clock, and only 15 minutes have passed, and at this point, you feel like pulling your hair out from how stressed you were.
Jason slammed his door so hard when he went into his room that you felt like it could've broke.
Jason hasn't stepped a foot out in those past 15 minutes, and though you might think it hasn't even been that long yet, you couldn't help but stress and worry for your best friend.
So, you went out of your room, heading straight to his, knocking on the door waiting for an answer.
A depressed looking Jason opened the door slightly, and before you can say anything, he slams it shut.
You wanted to cry. He's never done this before. When he has issues, he always talks to you about them. You think that the anger toxin might've been the reason, but still. You aren't taking a toxin for bullshit, so you let yourself into his room, locking the door behind you to ensure no interruptions.
"Jason, what the hell happened? Talk to me!" You pleaded, trying to take both his hands in yours for comfort. In response, he swiftly pulls away from your touch.
"It's none of your goddamn business! Leave me the fuck alone," he says. He doesn't yell at you, but he sounds annoyed. He turns and walks towards his vinyls, pretending to sort them out, but just meaninglessly flipping through them.
"No, it is my goddamn business because you're my best friend! Why are you even pissed at me? It's not like you have a reason to!" you answer back.
"Says fucking who?" He spits as his voice slightly raises. You didn't want it to, but it slightly scares you. Jason has never acted like this towards you before. And if he is pissed at you for something, what was it?
Stealing the last pudding cup? Accidentally dropping his last beer? Winning the last sparring match against him?
"Okay, tough guy, what the fuck did I do to make you so pissed off!" You yelled back.
"For being so fucking annoying!"
He thought you were annoying? Did he not like being friends with you? Did he regret being friends with you? You guess you are a bit too clongy at times. Or maybe you just talk too much.
Possible reasons start flooding your mind. The one person you loved and was your best friend was so angry at you because you were annoying.
"What?" Was all you can say, and it was heard as a tiny, pathetic squeak in your voice.
"You! You wanna know why I'm so angry?? Because you're so goddamn annoying! The way you smiled so brightly when you beat me in sparring, the way your nose scrunches up when you decipher a code wrong, the way you keep notes on everyone's birthdays on your calendar, the way you compliment me when I'm training you! All of it! It pisses me the fuck off!" He yells. You swear you can see tears at the brim of his eyes. "And the most annoying thing is how perfect you are! You- You're so beautiful and so skilled, and you deserve so much! And I can't give you what you deserve!"
But you stand confused. What the hell was he on about?
Jason rubs his forhead in frustration.
"Why the fuck did you have to make me fall in love with you," he says, way more quietly in contrast to his rant. But his voice breaks. And a single tear falls from his eye.
You couldn't believe what he had just told you. He loves you? He's... in love with you??
You were about to smile and admit your reciprocating feelings, but to Jason, your confused look on your face was disgust towards his undying emotions.
He wipes his cheek, face scrunching up, and his anger rises once more.
"No. No, no. I don't- I can't do this right now. You can kick me to the curb later, just- just get out!" He starts yelling again, stepping towards you, pointing to the door.
You attempt to calm him down, but he continues his string of get outs and leave me alones.
You didn't even notice that he unlocked the door and pushed you out before slamming the door in your face once more. You wanted to feel happy that he felt the same towards you. But he just looked so... hurt.
You decided you shouldn't continue to push. You knew he'd come talk to you later once he calmed down, so you go back into your room, waiting for his arrival.
It was late. Last time you checked your phone, it was 2:37am. You don't know how long it's been since then. Jason still hasn't come to see you.
You had your headphones on, writing notes in your journal for future training sessions and abstract plans for upcoming missions that may help Dick during debriefings.
You didn't hear the light knocks on your door, but saw a figure from your peripheral view walking towards you. When you look up, you see a dejected Jason Todd now in front of you.
He sits down on the edge of you bed as you quickly removed your headphones, storing away your jojrnal, ready to listen to him.
Jason couldn't look at you. "I'm sorry," he says. He thinks it's pathetic. Confessing his feelings because of some stupid toxin. Now he has to apologise, and he pressumes after this, you'd look at your friendship differently.
"It was selfish of me to tell you that I... That I lov-" He was quickly interrupted by you. You crawled along the bed to him, kneeling beside him, taking his chin to move his face so you can see those gorgeous green eyes you always adored. They were red and glassy. For the past few hours, he had been crying, even after the toxin had decreased. But you lay your lips ever so gently on his, and he couldn't believe what you were doing.
It took him a second to respond, but he happily kissed back, reaching forward, wanting more as you pulled away.
"You have no idea how much I love you, Jay," you say, barely above a whisper. His eyes widen.
"What? What, but I.." he sat there speechless. Was this real? Or was this the after effects of the toxin? "But.. But I've been dropping so many hints that I was so interested in you and... and you just seemed to have ignored it all," he quietly says. He thinks he whimpering like a kicked puppy.
"Literally, what hints?" You ask, dumbfounded.
"Are you serious? I've- I've called you babe multiple times, hinted at a date, gave you a flower," he lists the many times he had shown a liking to you. "I offered to teach you some combat skills- I keep those skills sacred, I've never taught anyone! Even Gar was yelling at me because I wouldn't teach him!" Jason says unbelievably.
Your hmfave heats up with embarrassment. "Well.. I never really said that observational skills were my strong suit," you weakly say, looking down, avoiding his gaze. And Jason couldn't helo but laugh a bit. He just found you so cute.
He takes hold of your waist, and you squeal as he shifts you so you're sitting on his lap.
"So.. You love me?" He asks, a cheeky grin on his face.
You roll your eyes and scoff. "God, you and your ego," you mutter, holding his face in your hands as you and him share one last kiss for the night.
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