#alternative universe - canon divergence
elletromil · 11 months
The Way of the House Husband
For @honey-bee-britt
Some crack we talked about years ago set in the Come Back (Home)
The Way of the House Husband
Harry would like it noted that, for once, he didn’t start it.
He had been doing his best to completely ignore the men that had been following after him for the better part of the day.
He even sent a text to Merlin about them, trusting that Kingsman would deal with whatever that was about in the next few days. It’s not anyone’s fault that the henchmen had proven themselves to be complete amateurs by deciding to act a mere hours after starting to stalk him.
Of course, Harry knows that he looks rather unassuming now, out of his suit, with his beard and his eye-patch. But had their roles been reversed, he would have waited at least a few days to properly establish his mark’s routine before attempting anything.
And if he walked into a deserted alley that isn’t part of his usual itinerary, it is simply because the men following him had already been closing in on him and he hadn’t want to accidentally involve any innocent bystanders in whatever was going to happen.
He had not been goading them into action. Not at all.
One of the men suddenly grabs him by the elbow to stop him and Harry sighs inwardly as he dubs that man ‘Amateur #1’. If he had had an ounce of intelligence, he would have waited for the rest of his group to properly block all of his target possible escape route before making his move. The alley Harry lured them into isn’t quite so narrow that at least one of them couldn’t have made it in front of him
But no, the five of them are all still behind him. A good push on Amateur #1 and a short run towards the nearest busy street would be all Harry needs to escape them.
If he had felt like he was in any actual danger at all.
So instead, he turns around to face the men, easily slipping out of the grip on his arm in a way that feels entirely coincidental, offering his most polite smile. “May I help you gentlemen?”
It’s Amateur #2 who answers, which might mean he’s a a leader of some sort for this group of thugs, but since he seems as much of an idiot as the others, Harry doesn’t bother relabelling him as such in his mind.
“You’d better follow us quietly gramps.”
A couple of them smile in a manner that is probably meant to be menacing, but Harry has seen fiercer expression from Daisy the last time they played pirates. He does take offence at the ‘gramps’ however.
He knows his hair is more grey than brown now, but surely he doesn’t look that old, does he?
He’ll have to ask Merlin next time he sees him. Or maybe Roxy. Eggsy, no matter how much he loves him, cannot be trusted on this.
“And why should I?”
He’s still going for hapless innocence, but judging from the worried look Amateur #5 throws over his shoulder, the mask is probably starting to slip. Or maybe that man has better survival instincts than the others and can subconsciously feel that they ’re the ones currently facing a predator.
“Let’s just say it would be better for your health. It’s your boy toy we want.”
He can feel his eye twitch lightly at what the man just insinuated about Eggsy. It wouldn’t be the first time people make an assumption about them after seeing them together, but that doesn’t mean Harry’s blood will ever stop boiling over such comments.
“Yeah gramps,” Amateur #3 continues, without noticing how Harry’s smile has hardened into something that is definitely less polite, “just don’t make a fuss. We don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh well, that’s a relief. Unfortunately for you, I have no such reluctance.”
His smile is all teeth now and before any of the men can process what he just said, he swings the grocery bag in his left hand at Amateur #1’s face.
The fight is over quickly, leaving five unconscious men laying on the ground and Harry barely out of breath.
Either he’s kept in a better shape than he expected since retiring or whoever hired those men truly scrape them from the bottom of the barrel.
What a waste of his time.
He sends a new text to update Merlin on the situation and ignores his friend’s attempt at calling him. He’s already too late to start on the lasagna he had planned for dinner tonight and if wants a chance to finish plan B before Eggsy’s return, he can’t allow himself any further delays.
Whatever Harry is cooking tonight, it smells delicious, not that there’s any surprised there.
Eggsy deftly avoids stepping on the dogs trying to jump on his legs as he beelines to where Harry is standing at the oven in his apron, pressing his face between his shoulders and wrapping his arms around his waist. Harry, as always perfectly aware of his surroundings, relaxes into the embrace for a moment before his attention is taken back to the pans in front of him.
After the day he’s had, Eggsy doesn’t mind and just lets himself follow whatever movement Harry is making, basking in the silent domesticity of it all.
When he finally steps back after a quick kiss under Harry’s jaw, he notices the bags full of grocery sitting on the counter.
“Busy day on your end too luv?” He asks as he starts putting away the items.
“Hmm. No, not really. About the same as usual, I’d say. Tell me about yours instead.”
Eggsy knows a deflection when he hears one and usually he wouldn’t insist. Whatever it is Harry doesn’t want to say, either he’ll resolve it on his own or he’ll come to Eggsy when he’s ready to talk about it.
But then he gets to the cans and, considering how Harry has been doing most of the shopping since his return to London because he has much higher standards over quality than Eggsy does, seeing the state they’re in is kind of worrying.
“Harry? Why are these cans so dented?”
Most people wouldn’t notice the way Harry grows slightly tense at the question, but Eggsy isn’t a Kingsman spy for nothing.
“Let’s just say I had a little incident today.”
Unimpressed, Eggsy raises an eyebrow in Harry’s direction, even if the other man is still keeping his back to him. Given the fact it’s a habit he’s picked up from Merlin whenever the handler is reacting to Harry’s bullshit, there is no way Harry doesn’t know what expression he’s making right now.
“Does that ‘little incident’ have anything to do with Merlin asking me to tell you to stop ignoring his calls and also that you owe him a whole batch of baklava?”
He hadn’t worried when Merlin contacted him via his glasses when he was making his way home, mostly because the handler had only sounded exasperated, but maybe he should have. With their decades of spy work, even taking Harry’s few years of retirement into consideration, sometimes the two men have a rather skewed judgment.
Harry has the decency to turn away from the stove at that point and offer him a sheepish smile.
They look at each other for a moment, until Eggsy decides that if Harry isn’t telling, then he doesn’t really need to know. If Merlin hasn’t gone into the details with him earlier, the issue has probably been dealt with already. And as long as Harry isn’t hurt, which he doesn’t seem to be, Eggsy is finding it hard to muster the energy to care.
Until he gets to the last bag, that is.
“The fuck you did to those carrots Harry?”
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evanbuckleyrecs · 1 year
Title: i found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Written by: chromatophorica
Rated: T
Warnings: none, author chose not to use
Catagories: m/m
Relationships: Buck/Eddie, Athena/Bobby, Buck & Bobby
Tags: Misunderstandings, Getting Together, Alternative-Universe Canon Divergence, Bobby Nash is Evam Buckley's Parent, Shannon Diaz lives, Pining, First Kiss, First Dates, Family Feels
Words: 12,022
It’s not until the earthquake that Eddie figures it out.
Hen grabs him from the trolley, hauling him to his feet and clambering out into the open, Chimney appears by their sides with a quick yell of, “Where’s Cap?” as more firefighters join them outside, glancing around to check on each other, the fogging from the oxygen tank leaks makes it harder to see into the station right as Buck and Cap stumble out.
Buck is similarly checking Cap out, grabbing at his elbow, where there’s a small streak of blood. “Hen!”
What Eddie’s most surprised by is Buck sticking to Nash’s side, the hand that Nash keeps on Buck’s shoulder, and then it clicks.
He’d be the same if Chris was there; probably a little more overbearing, but Chris is only seven, so he figures that’d be why. But it makes sense, how focused on Buck that Nash is right then, the similar frantic energy that Buck’s got focusing on the Captain. He’s a little surprised that the LAFD allow a father and son pair to work together.
Eddie makes some assumptions when he joins the 118, he'd like the record to show he's not entirely wrong.
My notes: I love fics where someone assumes Bobby is Buck’s dad. I have another one in my bookmarks that I'll make a post for soon. Absolutely love it.
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Merope Gaunt| Hermione Granger/ Gellert Grindewald, Hermione Granger/Gellert Grindelwald, Merope Gant/ Gellert Grindewald, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Past Hermione Granger/ Draco Malfoy Characters: Hermione Granger, Merope Gaunt, Tom Riddle, Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley Summary:
An unknown book and a mysterious goddess send Hermione granger across time and space, to change the very fate of the wizarding world. The only problem, she woke up as Merope Gaunt, mother to Voldemort, about to give birth in a deary orphanage. She’s pretty sure the goddess cursed her, that little bitch.
Yeah I'm shamelessly self promoting my own fic. 
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ghost-bxrd · 11 months
Jason’s return to Gotham as the crime lord Red Hood is significantly hampered when he saves two kids from being trafficked and suddenly finds himself nagging the two to eat their vegetables and do homework on time and, dear lord, your names are Freeman and… Batson? Yeah that’s it, Jason is not waiting this one out until they’re both suddenly dressed in traffic light colors and swinging around the city with an overgrown furry.
Freddy and Billy are a bit confused by the flash adoption via menacing Gotham guy, but it certainly helps that he’s not threatening to send them into the system and that he cooks them meals every day . And also “Billy, I think he might be the new vigilante! That is so cool!” “… do you mean the new crime lord?” “Same thing! Isn’t the helmet awesome!?”
Batman and Robin are… not sure what to make of the new crime lord that, on one hand, keeps antagonizing them to no end, and on the other hand was recently spotted at a meeting with his lieutenants where two masked kids burst into the room to scream about the kitchen being on fire and pointing at each other yelling “It’s all his fault!”
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pixelpubph · 2 months
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To all the Dippers and Mabels in other timelines who had to go home alone that summer
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I need a fic where Arthur knows magic isn’t inherently evil but doesn’t know about Merlin’s magic.
So he sees his new manservant being terrified of anything magical and tries to convince Merlin that magic can be good.
Meanwhile, Merlin thinks that Arthur knows about him so he’s trying to subtly convince Arthur that he should stop bringing it up.
Morgana just cackling in the background.
And it goes on until Ealdor when Arthur is like: “why the hell are you so anti magic if you have it?!”
And Merlin is so confused: “you didn’t know? But you kept trying to reassure me that you weren’t afraid of me.”
And Hunnith is watching all this unfold like: “ah yes, soulmates. Two sides of the same coin but if the coin is anything like their brain cells, it isn’t worth much.”
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c-rose2081 · 3 months
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Withering Beauty & Fractured Reflections
Hi, I have a lot of thoughts. I was just kinda sketching and had some angsty, villain arc Briar on the mind. She’s def giving some hardcore Evanescence vibes here? But I don’t mind. I love that for her.
Honestly I don’t think she’s really evil here either, just bitter, angry and maybe a little cursed. Briar was pushed to this point, after all. She’s not inherently dark. Having the idea of destiny forced on her, and her feelings being constantly neglected by people she thought cared for her? It takes its toll. I think Thronecoming was the final straw. Something snapped. The pressure broke the mirror inside Briar’s mind and warped the way she saw herself. And because destiny is so very specific regarding fairytales, the Sleeping Beauty story became corrupted and actually changed its Princess into something…else. Something dark. Briar was changed into whatever it was she saw in the shattered fractal pattern of her mind.
And, seeing as the last things she did was experience Raven’s evil destiny, it’s safe to say the Storybook of Legends doesn’t end up going down the well after Briar finds it…
Let me know what you think of this or if you have any theories or thoughts. I just wanted to design something tbh so I’m always open to suggestions.
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spicy-apple-pie · 11 months
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What if Talia saved Jason before Joker could kill him?
(Should I do a part 2?)
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adonis-atlas · 22 days
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SO SO PROUD OF THIS DRAWING AHHH (also follow me on my tiktok @heavens_spit pls mwah)
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elystelleven · 2 months
A Pretty Cool AU Concept I Have In Mind:
The Dark Flour War never happened, and the Ancients spend a hundred more years letting their kingdoms flourish and keeping Earthbread as prosperous as ever. Thanks to their efforts, they decide to establish some kind of alliance/union dedicated to improving an area of cookiekind they most excel in (e.g. Dark Cacao in combat and White Lily in knowledge) and are given the opportunity to visit each other and enlighten on whatever problems they have. You know, the typical ancient shenanigans but on a much grander scale!
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Hoooowever, this doesn't entirely mean their world is free of conflict. On the other hand, the St. Pastry Order and dark magic practitioners (that cake monsters happen to be apart of) manage to set aside their differences and join together to form a bigger, more dangerous underground organization with the intention of changing cookiekind in a similar vain to Dark Enchantress's motives and the Order's original belief to "walk with the truth in mind", whatever that means. Their conflict with the Ancients will hold much more nuance since their beliefs clash with one another, not to mention the Order being too good of a group to just be... ignored by the canon for some reason... (devsisters if I catch your hands--)
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Oh and of course, the Beasts will find a way to meddle with these antics and play a much bigger part in the story than we realize.
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There's also gonna be lore elements from Witch's Castle too! The story of the Witch of Light and the "First" cookies are just too intriguing and I don't really see them being integrated in fan stories (from what I've seen, at least) so why not sprinkle them here as well?
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howtodrawyourdragon · 1 month
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A late piece for AU-gust 2024's Day 1 "Canon Divergence." A late piece because I really wanted to come up with something for that day and I just could not come up with anything until I had the brilliant idea to genderbend the blorbo of our shows.
Her hair is a mess because she's Hiccup and she just spend some time either flying or wrestling with Toothless, probably.
Is she looking guilty? Worried? Did she get caught with her dragon? Perhaps!
Please do not repost or misuse my art.
AU-gust card and gradient layerless version below.
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elletromil · 1 year
Job Offers
Surprising even myself, here's a new fic after about a year without having written anything :D
This one has been in my drafts for a while, half-finished, and i can't say why exactly i decided to kick my butt into finishing it but I did it!
Set in the Come Back (Home) 'verse after Harry comes back to London but is still retired and has no plan on getting back into Kingsman.
This is based on a discussion I had with @honey-bee-britt
Enjoy my good peeps :D
Job Offers
“-and while I’ll never force a retired agent to come back except if we are in dire straits, you understand why I think it’s a waste that we haven’t retained the previous Galahad’s services in some capacity.”
Merlin nods because that’s what is expected of him. He doesn’t mind their newest Arthur much most of the time, but he knows better than to try and speak him out of his newest crusade.
He knows that no matter what they do, the only way Harry would ever be tempted back into Kingsman is if the ‘dire straits’ Arthur mentioned include Eggsy being in very deep trouble or far worse. And Merlin is doing his damnedest for that to never happen. To Eggsy or any other agents under his care.
“And considering your old friendship with him, I am sure you’ll be just the man to convince him.”
Merlin stares at Arthur for a beat, wondering if this is some kind of joke. Sure, Harry and him are friends, but it’s been at least twenty years since Harry has listened to Merlin. And that’s if Merlin is actually trying to make him see reason.
Arthur is in for one hell of a disappointment.
Still he nods again without saying anything else. At the very least, it will entertain him for some time.
Since Harry’s return, they’ve made a habit of meeting each other for breakfast whenever Eggsy is away on a mission and Merlin isn’t needed at HQ.
It’s been two weeks since Merlin’s talk with Arthur and he hasn’t mentioned any of it to Harry yet. Mostly because retired spy or not, Harry is smart enough to know that Arthur would probably be interested in having him back in some ways. But also because there’s not really been an occasion for it.
“So, R&D is looking for someone,” he says apropos of nothing. He doesn’t phrase it as an offer because he knows what Harry’s answer would be. But he can admit to being curious to what his reaction will be.
Harry doesn’t mind talking shop with him, even if Merlin has had to learn how to be more careful about what he tells him.
“If she wasn’t so young and if Eggsy wouldn’t kill me for it, I’d recommend Daisy for the position.” There’s only good humour in Harry’s eye as he looks up from his poached eggs. “I’ve been helping her with her science project and let me tell you, I’ve been very impressed. Did you know that-”
The rest of breakfast is spent discussing Daisy and the upcoming science fair at her school.
Harry doesn’t say anything when Merlin pushes past him as soon as he answer the door, not waiting for an invitation to get in. After the day he’s had, he seriously has no patience for social niceties.
If Harry minds, he doesn’t say anything, but he does frown when he notices the bottle of scotch Merlin has brought with him.
“We’re eating dinner before we open that.”
Merlin would protest, but that’s about when the smell coming from the kitchen hits him and he decides that if Harry wants to feed him, well, he’d be a fool not to accept.
He lets himself be pushed into the dining room and onto a chair, his first look on Harry’s half-eaten plate enough to convince him he made the right choice by not protesting. It look as amazing as it smells.
Tastes fantastic too, he discovers as he waste no time digging into the warm food once Harry sets a serving in front of him. It’s no wonder Eggsy has been putting on some much needed weight since Harry’s return.
If he had the same to look forward to for lunch, it would be enough to remind Merlin to eat too.
He looks away from his plate to compliment Harry on the food, when he notices the obvious worry of his expression.
That’s something he’s still getting used to since Harry has been back in London, the way he is so much more open than he ever was, at least in the privacy of his own home.
“We just got a new batch of recruits to train,” he says instead of the compliment and watches the worry morphs into an amused sort of understanding.
“My sympathies.” Harry tries for something solemn, but Merlin can see his bloody dimples.
“Fuck off Hart. If you don’t stop taking the piss at my suffering, I won’t share the scotch.”
“I guess I’ll just keep all the baklava I made for dessert to myself then,” Harry threatens right back with a smirk.
“You’re such a bastard,” he grumbles half-heartedly. It’s been a while since he’s treated himself to baklava and if Harry’s taste just half as good as their meal… He really doesn’t want to miss out on them.
Harry graciously inclines his head, as if the insult had been the compliment Merlin had first intended to pay him. Exasperated, Merlin sighs before he focuses back on his plate, but he can’t quite help the smile tugging at his lips.
He might never admit it out loud, but he’s glad Harry is back.
He’s missed his friend.
To say the last thing he ever expected to see at their new HQ was Roxy coming into his office, armed with an enormous basket of various pastries and baked goods would be a lie, but only because Merlin would never have thought it in the realm of possibilities.
“Come on Merlin,” she urges him past his shock, “you get first pick. Or well, second really. I did help myself on the way over.”
He smiles back at her, glad to see the return of the mischievous glint in her eyes. For a long time after miraculously surviving the explosion of the old manor, she had seemed rather apathetic of the world around her even after her physical recovery.
While he knows that the experience will forever leave its mark on her, it hasn’t changed her completely. With how Roxy and Eggsy had not been in the mood to fool around together for various reasons after Poppygeddon, the morale at HQ had been bleaker than in the aftermath of V-Day.
He’s relieved that the atmosphere has been slowly improving, partly thanks to the young Knights’ return to their regular antics.
“Thank you,” he says after selecting a croissant for himself. He’s not particularly hungry yet, but that doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy it. “I didn’t know you baked.” He gestures at the basket as if he needs explaining. It’s obvious that even if it all looks highly appetizing, everything contained in the basket comes from someone’s own oven.
To his surprise, Roxy snorts rather gracelessly at that.
“Oh, I don’t bake. I barely know how to boil an egg without burning the water.” She grins, apparently unbothered by her ineptitude in the kitchen. “No, I’m just doing the delivery. Should have been Eggsy, but something came up with Daisy, so Harry enlisted my help instead.”
He nods as if it makes perfect sense.
Which in a way, it kind of does, if one knows Harry won’t even step a food inside the new tailor shop whenever he’s waiting for Eggsy.
Merlin just doesn’t understand what prompted Harry to spend hours at the oven.
“And really,” Roxy continues, probably picking up on his slight confusion like the trained spy that she is, “we should be thanking you. I don’t know what you told him, but apparently, you should expect a basket once a week as a ‘show of appreciation to all the handlers from someone who knows just how hard you work at keeping everyone as safe as they can’. A sentiment I wholly agree with.”
She’s grown more serious now, but she’s still smiling. Merlin isn’t quite sure what to do with the gratitude he sees in her eyes, the gratefulness of Harry’s gesture.
All he had done was complain to Harry that two of his handlers had burned out already this month. And he had only mentioned it after Arthur had commented to him how Harry’s expertise could make quite the difference if he was to come back in such a position. That way, he could honestly say he had made an attempt to bring Harry back into Kingsman.
And if he would be lying if he said he didn’t wish Kingsman had more handlers in its employ, he’s selfishly happy that Harry is completely uninterested in returning to any kind of active duty. His friend has given enough pieces of himself in Kingsman’s service over the past decades. He deserves to live the rest of his life as he pleases.
Especially if what pleases him is apparently fattening the whole of Kingsman with amazing food.
Admittedly, giving the extremely late hour, Merlin should have been sleeping in his bed rather than lying on Harry’s living room floor.
But after four days where power-napping between crisis was his only source of rest, he’s far too keyed up to attempt sleeping. And even if Eggsy’s current mission is in no way related to any of the metaphorical fires he’s had to put out all week, that doesn’t mean Harry is sleeping soundly while he’s away.
Some inane text received while he was on his back from HQ was all it took for Merlin to choose to head to the house he’s sharing with Eggsy rather than his own home.
He scowls at the cup of chamomile tea Harry sets within his reach on the low table, remembering perfectly well that he asked for the good scotch when Harry asked him if he wanted anything.
“Merlin, I can feel your headache from where I’m sitting.”
He turns his glare towards his friend, but it’s not like he’s wrong. His head has been positively pounding for the past few hours. Adding a hangover to that is probably unwise.
He shudders at the thought that Harry Hart has somehow become wiser than him. And bites back a curse when it only worsen the pain in his head.
“Hmm. It’s far.”
“I’m not going to tell you to go to bed, but you should at least take the couch.”
Merlin spares a look to the couch, before wearily staring at the foot or so of empty space that separates him from it.
He doesn’t need to look at him to know Harry is rolling his eyes at him.
He is surprise however when the rustle of fabrics isn’t followed by a pillow hitting him in the chest like he expected but rather by Harry getting up again from the armchair so he can carefully drag Merlin to the couch. Apparently, retirement has made his friend wiser and softer.
Merlin doesn’t thank him, but he does grab his hand and give it a gentle squeeze before Harry moves back to his own seat.
The silence between them is comfortable until Merlin breaks it with the most trivial of their latest crisis.
“Arthur wants to hire a new tailor.” What Arthur really wants is to hire Harry as a new tailor. He might not be an expert, but it has been his cover for a few decades. Like all of the other Knights, he had been required to know enough to get by. He had also hated it with the burning passion of a thousand suns. His words, not Merlin's
“Have you asked Dagonet’s nephew already? What was his name… Joseph?”
“Joshua,” he corrects Harry, “and no we haven’t. But that’s not a bad idea.” The man is a trained tailor unlike Harry. He doesn’t know for sure why Joshua has never been offered a position at the shop as he has never been in charge of anything relating to legitimate tailoring aspect of their organization before, but it can’t hurt to ask.
He closes his eyes, focusing on his breathing and wondering if he’s imagining the lessening intensity of his headache. He’s half asleep when he registers a soft sound he can’t place and his curiosity gets the better of him.
He opens his eyes and looks over to Harry again, still sitting in his armchair, but his hands busy with whatever was making the sound.
“What on earth are you doing?”
“A blanket.”
He raises an unimpressed eyebrow at the answer because Harry knows that’s not what he was asking.
“I’ve picked up crochet,” Harry adds after a while. “Soothes me when I worry at night.”
It’s been months since Harry’s return now, but no matter what, Merlin doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to how honest he’s become on such matters. At least not as long as Merlin himself will continue to work every day with trained spies.
He’s grateful for it however. The candour is kind of refreshing.
“Hmm. Maybe I should pick that up too.”
Harry snorts and this time, does throw a pillow at his chest. “What you really need is sleep. Not another reason to stay awake.”
A jaw-cracking yawn interrupts whatever protest he had intended to make and he decides to close his eyes rather than have to look at Harry’s smug face.
And if he does fall asleep shortly after that?
Well, he’s not too proud to admit Harry can be right.
“You’re sure you don’t want to drive?” Merlin asks as Harry makes to climb into the passenger seat.
For once, his asking has very little to do with Arthur’s needling comments over bringing Harry back into Kingsman in some capacity.
While it is true that they do need new drivers -- hence why h is currently driving the cab himself -- mostly Merlin just loathes driving in London’s traffic. It’s very close to the very top of his list of things he doesn’t want to be doing during a mandatory day off and it’s only because having to deal with the crowd on the tube would be worse that he didn’t suggest public transport to Harry.
“You do know that I’m actually pretty shite at driving, right? I’ve been driven everywhere during most of my tenure as a spy except for car chases. And there hasn’t been a lot of them either.” It’s true. Before Eggsy becoming the new Galahad, being a Kingsman Knight had involved relatively few pursuits of that kind. “You never wondered why I never fight with Eggsy for the wheel?”
“I always assumed it was because the lad has you wrapped around his little finger.”
“Well, there’s that too,” Harry admits with a complete lack of self-consciousness. “But mostly, I don’t feel like adding to London’s traffic problems.”
“How magnanimous of you.”
“I try.”
The click of Harry finally buckling his seat-belt makes Merlin involuntarily grit his teeth and tightens his hold on the wheel.
“Think Eggsy would mind playing chauffeur for us on his day off?” He asks half-seriously instead of starting the car.
Harry laughs, but he’s already unbuckling.
“I’m sure he’ll be happy to, he was getting antsy when I left.”
When Merlin finally makes it to the pub, Harry takes one look at him before pushing his own pint towards him. And while Guinness isn’t usually his first choice, at the moment Merlin will take whatever he can get.
“You look terrible.”
“It’s been a terrible day… Week even.”
Harry makes a sympathetic sound and gives his hand a gentle pat, before getting up to, hopefully, get them more alcohol.
Merlin sighs as he nurses the rest of the Guinness, trying to relax.
Today might not have been ‘end-of-the-world’ terrible -- hence why he didn’t cancel his meeting with Harry -- but combine enough small annoyances together and one can still get a massive headache.
He musters a grateful smile for his friend when Harry returns with what is probably scotch for Merlin and another pint for himself.
“I took the liberty of ordering us some fish n’ chips too.”
He hums in approval in his glass. “This is why we are still friends.”
Harry rolls his eyes good-naturedly, but doesn’t take the bait.
“Want to talk about it?”
Merlin groans, the semblance of calm he achieved thanks to the scotch he’s sipping completely shattered.
“That bad? Or you can’t talk about it?” Even with Arthur being hell-bent on bringing Harry back to an active Kingsman status, the fact he’s retired means Merlin had been keeping more things from him than he’s ever had to before and they both know it.
Not because he doesn’t trust Harry, but simply because he wants it to be clear that he respects his decision to retire from the spy world.
He’ll still complain about problems that fall more under the office work category than the spy one, but that’s all he allows himself. That and vague updates about Eggsy’s missions when he thinks the situation warrants them.
“No, I can talk about it. It’s just trying to figure out where to start when it’s been everything.”
How about you start from the last thing that happened and work your way from there?”
It’s actually not a bad idea. Better than trying to figure out when and what made everything go to absolute and utter shit. (On a personal level, Merlin is aware that it all can be traced back to his decision to join Kingsman. But for the specific chaos he went through this past week… It probably has the same point of origin to be honest.)
“Paul from the kennel is retiring.”
The thing about it that made his blood pressure rocket through the sky was the pointed look Arthur gave him when he gave him the news.
And to be fair, dogs do have more of a fair chance of convincing Harry to come back, but Arthur forgets the man already has two at home. And regularly dog-sit Roxy’s poodle too.
He’s about to launch into the next annoyance -- Percival’s pyromaniac tendencies -- when he notices Harry’s sheepish expression.
“What did you do?”
Of course, Harry tries for innocence, but that hasn’t worked on Merlin in decades. One unimpressed arches of an eyebrow is all it takes for Harry to give up the pretence.
“Please don’t tell Eggsy before he’s back.”
“Can’t make that promise without knowing what you’ve done,” he replies to that without an ounce of pity.
Harry might be his oldest friend, but that doesn’t mean Merlin will always side with him. Especially not when it can affect Eggsy.
The lad has more than earned his loyalty, especially after the year they both spent keeping each other afloat from their grief when they mistakenly believed Harry was dead. And not after the year after that where Merlin had to watch Eggsy continuously making the hard choice to stay rather than run after Harry as he so obviously wanted to.
There’s a beat of hesitation before Harry caves. “I might have adopted a new dog.”
For a moment there, Merlin can only stare at Harry’s guilty fidgeting. And then, he can’t help it.
He starts laughing.
When even the appearance of their meals isn’t enough to stop his hilarity, Harry starts pouting.
“It’s not that funny.”
And it’s not, not really.
But it has been a while since Merlin has had any reason to laugh, no matter how ridiculous it is.
It’s not like Harry is in any real trouble anyway. The man has more than enough time to take care of another dog. And Merlin is certain Eggsy won’t stay mad for long after he’s subjected to a puppy-eyed look.
Now, whether the look will be from the actual puppy or from Harry, that’s a completely different story.
“Sit your arse back down on that couch Harry.”
He grabs Harry’s elbow before he can take another step in the direction of the front door.
“No Harry.” His voice his firm, but the slight tug he gives Harry’s arm wouldn’t even move a child. “I know you’re worried, but you can’t go.”
“You could sneak me in,” Harry tries weakly.
“I could,” Merlin agrees easily, but only because he knows he’s won already when Harry drops on the cushion next to him. “And I would. If it was in any way serious. But Eggsy’s only being kept in the infirmary as a precaution. Gaius doesn’t he’s got a concussion, but he’d rather be safe than sorry.”
Harry lets out a shaky breath and Merlin drapes an arm around his shoulders in silent comfort.
“You’re not gonna tell me Gaius has been looking for a new nurse?”
Merlin knows that Harry has been perfectly aware that all the mentions of the various Kingsman’s openings have been Merlin’s rather unenthusiastic attempts to bring him back into the fold. Harry might be retired, but he’s still one of the best spy Merlin has ever known.
After all, there is a reason the man got to retire.
But the question stings even if he’s made an accurate guess as to what Arthur told Merlin before he left to let Harry know in person not to expect Eggsy tonight.
“I didn’t know you thought so badly of me that you’d believe I’d take advantage of your current state of mind.”
He feels Harry flinch against him at the words. He’s half-tempted to push him away out of wounded pride, but before he can resolve himself to it, Harry press one of Merlin’s hand between his.
“It’s not you I think badly of. I don’t think I’ve ever said it in so many words, but you’re a great friend Merlin. I am lucky to have you. We all are.” That’s Harry’s newfound honesty and openness in action again and for the first time, Merlin thinks he could learn to get used to it. “It’s Arthur I think rather poorly of.”
Merlin hums in understanding.
Of course, Harry would have guessed what, or rather who, was behind Merlin’s vague job offers.
“He’s not all that bad,” he still feels the need to say. Not out of any particular loyalty towards Arthur, but simply because it’s true. He’s not that bad. At the very least, Merlin truly believe the man won’t ever be swayed by a megalomaniac into mass murdering civilians. “And you’re a great friend too.”
It’s not anything he would usually have admitted to without withstanding some sort of prolonged torture first, but Harry’s openness must have been rubbing off on him these past few months.
And if he’s being honest, it was surprisingly easy to say.
It’s what prompts him to add more. “I’m glad you came back Harry. I missed you.”
Harry only acknowledge the words with a soft press of the hand he’s still holding between his.
A somewhat peaceful silence falls over them after that, as comfortable as it can be with the undercurrent of worry they feel for Eggsy.
It doesn’t last long before Harry breaks it however.
“I could always replace Arthur.”
“Please no. I’d actually kill if you were my boss.”
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anon-serenade · 2 months
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its been a while that i have been cooking this AU but i will state this here as a masterpost for it.
Welcome to Cookie Run: Rebaked Bainmarine
This AU is mostly focused on rewritte side of Cookie Run while adding in a few twists, of course since I lack a platform to even elaborate on writing, I will share it around here + there will be additional design changes if I find the design too complicated for me to doodle or so.
seriously im not joking that i am not gonna follow the storyline after Silver Kingdom in canon. I will only tackle the beasts once Dark Enchantress is Dealt with.
Bonus Spoiler Design for Elder Faerie Cookie and ███████
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dumb-zombie-girl · 3 months
I'm not good at writing but I wanna try to make an episode 6 fix it fic where before the cat King shows up monty tells Edwin about the trap and they find Charles and crystal and they find a way to stop Esther from killing Monty
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Fandom: Ranma 1/2
Sample Size: 1,133 stories
Source: AO3
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its-in-the-woods · 2 months
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Coyote Head - Part 9 - An Old Bible
master list
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8,
Pairing: Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean 
Includes many other characters from Fallout
Synopsis: More hidden secrets are about to be spilled, as our couple moves closer together.
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning:  Animal/people death, dead animal mutilation, Alternative Universe, Slow Burn, Death, Aging, Family Feuding, Older Man/Younger Woman
Note: that I will not be spoiling any of the reading. So you have been warned. I will keep my tags relevant without spoiling what is happening in the story.
*thank you for waiting patiently, we finally have this mostly written out including how this ends. besides editing and fluffing it out a bit. 😀
Mark, Cooper's brother, was driving them back to the farm. Mark was slenderly built, with spiky black hair, his clothes neatly fitted. He looked shockingly like his brother but moved in more cat-like ways. The man was more than gracious, having brought his wife's, Ashley, SUV for a gentler ride home. He chatters with Cooper about the cattle and seed prices. Lucy was still feeling dazed, her hearing kept ringing, the nurse had assured them both that it should return soon. Lucy was not as sure it would actually come back, it was pulsing almost like a siren. Even the extra pain meds had done little to nothing to help. She rubs at her temples, hoping that sleep and a hot shower will alleviate some of the pressure. 
Despite having been unconscious for the last two days Lucy still felt exhausted. Her body aches and protests at every bump and turn. She desperately wants to sleep, but the thought of closing her eyes in the car made her skin crawl. Memories were trying to crawl back, her Grandpa’s voice, Cooper screaming for her. She pushes those away, instead, she got an extra large coffee and drank it while trying to keep track of the two brother's conversation. 
Mark talked fast and animated, while Cooper listened and added bits and pieces. Cooper was a decade older than Mark, Mark had bought a quarter section with his wife five years ago. The man was passionate and more than eager to get input from his older brother. Cooper, as always, was reassuring and willing to explain what he could to Mark. By the sounds of things, the fields would be dry enough to plant this week. Mark had tried unsuccessfully to convince Cooper that he would be fine tackling seeding alone. The eldest brother had stated that within the week he'd be out there helping. Family always came first, whether that was being picked up at the hospital or seeding fields.
Lucy making sure to offer help as well, she didn’t want to step on toes, but it felt like the right thing to do. Even if the idea of sitting behind the wheel of a tractor with nothing but her thoughts wasn't appealing. She mentally noted that she needed to find some podcasts to listen to. Preferably something not of the paranormal variety. 
“Lucy, have you driven a seeder before?” Mark asks, brown eyes looking in the rearview mirror at her.
“Uh, I drove Tim's old International. But it's been a bit.” Lucy replies, trying to keep the shakiness out of her voice. Cooper's hand reaching behind the seat to pat her knee. “Sure with a little practice, I could learn.” 
“Well if you're up for it we could sure use yah.” Mark continues, unswayed by Cooper’s sigh. “Usually-” The man was quiet for a moment, his eyes getting glassy, “Usually Dad -um- would be out with us. But -ah- I don't think he'll make it.” 
“I would be happy to help,” Lucy replies, hoping to move the conversation away from the sore spot.  “Pretty sure Harris and his kids are covered this year.” 
The rest of the ride home is dotted with talks about different machinery, equipment maintenance, and how expensive everything was. Lucy adding that Dane was excellent on any equipment, Cooper agreed and mentioning that it would be good to have them on board. She felt a little selfish trying to keep Dane nearby, but really if they could have their hands full with work they enjoyed why not offer it? Even if it would only be for this harvest season.
It was getting close to five when they pulled into the Howard home, Lucy spotting Harris’ vehicles sitting in the drive. Her stomach knotted tight, she had briefly texted the man about being free of the hospital's confines. He had only replied that he would see her when she got there. Harris had never been one for texting, but with spotty reception on the highway, phone calls were not ideal. She tries to ease her racing mind, family was a good thing, though she was positive that dinner would be filled with many questions. That Lucy didn’t have answers to, she wasn’t even really sure she wanted to remember what had happened. The thought had her ears ringing again, trying to relax her jaw so she didn't break a tooth.
Cooper helps Lucy out, he isn’t completely on his feet either but between the two of them they manage to hobble towards the house. Whatever had happened was enough for both of them to be sore. Lucy happily leaning into the warmth of Cooper’s body, she wonders briefly if she’d get to share a bed with him tonight. Even if it was just to curl up against him, they were both adults after all.
A ruckus of cries came from the door, nearly sending Lucy toppling to the ground. As Mathias and Janey came running out towards them. The two small children nearly knocking them off their feet as they wrap themselves around Cooper. Lucy held on to make sure that he didn’t topple down. 
“Daddy! Daddy!” Matthias sobs his head buried in the man’s stomach. “I just wanted you home.” 
Cooper lets go of Lucy with a small smile before he drops himself onto the gravel. Mark comes up quickly to help keep Lucy on her feet, she gratefully leans on him. Her legs are threatening to give out with too much pressure. Mark may have been trim, but he was still strong enough to hold Lucy up with ease. 
The kids piled on top of their Dad with happy tears, Cooper hugging both of his children close to his chest. Janey couldn’t even find words, just wrapping herself around one side of Cooper and crying. Lucy beams at the small family, her heart aching knowing that she could have been the one to lose him. Because of her, their Dad had been gone for two days, because of her his life had been turned upside down. Lucy couldn’t help gritting her teeth, vowing to do her best to keep him out of danger. Not that she could ever stop him from doing something he wanted to do.  
Harris’ big voice echoes across the place as he comes over to give Lucy a near spine-breaking hug. Margie, not too far behind, tears in her eyes as she hugs her niece with her husband. Mark lets go to make his way towards the front entrance. 
“You sure gave us a scare,” Margie cries, her hands cupping Lucy’s face. “Didn’t know what was gonna happen.”
Lucy let her own tears flow, as she held onto her family. Unable to find the words to properly convey how much it meant that she had them, that they were all still here. The reality that she could have lost her life became all that much clearer as she held onto both of them. 
The dinner table was empty, Mark having gone home to his family not long ago. The kids have been tucked into bed for the night. Not without a lot of protests and promises that both Cooper and Lucy would still be there in the morning. Lucy had even stayed in the room long enough for Janey to fall asleep. She’d only known the kids for a short period of time, but the impact she had on both was clear. Now once again Lucy sat surrounded by the other adults of the family, some apple moonshine had been poured. A rare, but delicious treat. The alcohol's effects starting to relax Lucy enough to feel like she was not going to combust in her seat. She really didn’t want to answer questions, but there weren’t many options. 
“Lucy, Cooper, know you’ve both had a wild few days,” Harris starts, happily taking another shallow glass of liquor. “But, I was hopin' maybe you guys might be able to fill in some details, did either of ya rmember much?” 
Lucy shook her head, “I remember the dance, then drivin' home. I remember going inside and seeing the coyote and then hearing Tim.” She swallows, her throat going dry at the memory, “I heard his voice.”
She watches as everyone at the table’s face goes pale, Cooper’s hand covering hers. “T’was the same for me, but I didn’t hear Tim. I heard Barb. But it sounded wrong like it was comin’ outta radio. Then it got loud, so loud.”
A heavy silence falls around them as the others take in what they just heard. Harris looks at Marge, Richard, and Dorthy doing the same. As if they were silently deciding amongst themselves if they should believe them. Lucy looking at Cooper, squeezing his hand. He was doing his best to keep himself stone-faced, but Lucy could see the cracks.  She desperately wanted to comfort him, tell him she was sorry, but knowing here was not the time or place. 
“How did you know to come get us?” Lucy finally asks, not able to sit in the silence any longer. It was one of the few things she’d thought about asking since she woke up. 
Harris swallows as all eyes turn to them, shifting in his seat as he looks at everyone. Margie glaring at him, her lips pursed, arms crossing her chest as she waits for her husband to reply. If looks could wound, she’d have cut him to ribbons. 
“I didn’t know,” Harris states, Margie gets up and walks to the kitchen counter where her bag is. “I went to look for your Granddad’s bible,”
Lucy felt like she might throw up, Cooper’s whole body tensing. Harris continuing to keep secrets from her was a blow, even if it had saved them. She wishes Harris would be more honest about what he was doing. 
“Now before punches are thrown, downright needed ones,” Harris replies putting his hands up, as Margie sits down with a small book in front of her. “I was going to tell you after the dance. At Sunday dinner. But I got this itchin’ feelin’ I needed to go and look for it now.” Cooper’s hand squeezes Lucy’s as his hazel eyes are set on Harris’. “I am glad I did, and I know I should have phoned.”
“Yes, he should have. Stubborn asshole.” Margie grumbles, her fingers tapping on the top of the book. “I gave him hell for ya Lucy. Man can be stupider than a steer some days. He found this, a few days after you had gathered the journals.” 
Margie carefully passes the book, more of a ledge now that Lucy can see it clearly. It’s black, non-descript with worn pages poking out the side, and a silver script says 00-05 on the top right corner. Flipping it open the title page has her Grandfather’s name and phone number in the top left. Underneath it has: gains/losses for 2000-2005 
“Now, it might not seem like much, Lucy,” Harris said quietly, everyone shuffling closer to take a look at the now coveted item. Lucy pushes it forward so more can see it.  “But if you follow the dates, you’ll notice a few thin's. “
Lucy flipped open the page, counts of cows, calves, bulls, and steers listed. Then below the count of who went to slaughter, who stayed, which bulls were kept, and so on. As her eyes sweep lower, the pen color changes. It could almost be overlooked, going from black to a navy blue pen, but Lucy picks it up right away. Her Grandpa, like many of his generation, was a stickler for details. He won’t have switched pens without reason. 
July, sixteenth, two thousand, beside it was a note fox killed four chickens
“The blue,” Lucy said looking up at Harris, her finger resting beside that. Dorothy puts on her reading glasses to take a closer look. “We never lost chickens to foxes.”
Harris nods, Richard's eyebrows scrunching, “I’ve seen Tim’s coops, could barely get in'em as human. Highly doubt a fox got through quarter-inch hardware cloth.”
“Flip to the next month,” Harris states, leaning back against the chair a bit. Lucy not liking that he seemed to have the book memorized by now. Why hadn’t he given her the book to begin with? 
She worries at her lip but does what she asked, finger once again running down to the next off-colored line. Again black and then navy blue.  
August fifteenth two thousand, two rabbits, wild
She flips over to the next page, now easily finding the different color. 
September thirteen two thousands, coyote, attacked calf
Every month there are at least one, sometimes two, lines written in navy blue ink. The writing seemed slightly different, almost shaky. 
“So,” Lucy looks around, unsure exactly what Harris was leaning towards. “What is it?”
“It’s the full moon and solstices,” Dorthoy spoke, her voice wavering slightly. Folding her glasses under her shaky hands. “They are all close to twenty-eight days apart.”
Lucy is flipping open her phone and searching for a full moon calendar. She looks at the website, and then at the ledger. Each date is almost exact. Some off by a day or two, but on or around the full moon.
“I am still lost,” Cooper adds, Lucy, letting him take a look at the book as she watches her Uncle and Aunt closely.
“I think he was bringin the animals to the forest,” Harris says, Margie’s looking like she might be sick. “I can’t be certain, but why else would he have it in a different color on or around the full moon?”
Lucy snorts, maybe it’s the alcohol or the lack of sleep, but the words out of Harris’ mouth seem ridiculous. “Like as a sacrifice? To the forest? Is that really what we are thinking here?”
More silence, Dorothy taking a deep drink from her glass, Lucy trying to see if anyone else agrees. How was this even possible? Yes, weird stuff was happening, but that didn’t mean her Grandfather should have been in a ward. 
“This can’t be what we are thinking?” Lucy pushes, looking at all the people sitting at the table. Cooper doing the thing, his face lined with worry. 
“Lucy,” Richard speaks up, “You and my son aren't the only ones that have heard voices. I also helped search for your Dad and Uncle. I and many others heard, not just their voices, but the voices of other dead loved ones. Most shrugged it off as the wind or exhaustion. But I saw the look in your Grandfather’s eyes, it was like he knew what it was. He was distraught, spendin more hours out there than anyone. Shirley had to drag him out of there almost every night. He wasn’t right for a long time after that.”
“He’d just lost his sons. Anyone would be unwell.” Lucy throws her hands up. “Doesn’t mean he was killing animals f-for what?” 
“We don’t know,” Margie replies, voice quieting the room. “Why Harris went lookin for the bible. We want answers just as much as you do.”
“Your Grandad had an old bible, really old,” Harris adds, fiddling with his empty glass. “I am wonderin if there is more info in that. Maybe between the ledger, the journals, and the bible, we can figure out what is going on.”
Lucy finishes her drink, still in disbelief, how could any of this be possible? Her ears rung, the image of the dead and desiccated coyote on her bed standing out clear, her body aching. It was real, as real as any of this could be. Whether Lucy believed it or not, it was happening. Cooper’s hand grips hers as she tries to pull herself back into reality. Realizing her eyes have closed, swallowing as she forces herself to look around the table.
“Okay. We'll get it all together. Try to piece out it is, even if this does sound otherworldly.” Lucy sighs, rubbing at her tired eyes, she desperately needed sleep and some time to digest this all. 
“Can we maybe pick this up tomorrow?” Cooper asks, his eyes still fixed on Lucy, his hand holding hers. Lucy wanted to lean against him and let the world drift away. 
“I think that would be wise, it’s been a hard few days for everyone. “ Margie says, patting Harris’ hand. “Why don’t we'll come by tomorrow evening? Will gather our things and see what we can compile.”
“Sounds like a good plan. I know I could use the rest,” Richard gives a forced smile, as everyone begins to move around the room.
Lucy makes it upstairs, just barely, her whole body aches, the last month of terror catching up with her. She leans against the wall once upstairs, Cooper coming over to scoop her up. The way he easily carried her made her heart stutter, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Letting him carry her down to his room, she’d taken to sleeping in the spare room. Cooper wanted to keep things separate until they got to know each other better. 
Tonight was different, something had changed between the two of them. Lucy wasn’t sure what it was, but they were interconnected like they were meant to find the other. It had taken them both being attacked by, well there wasn’t a name for it, to understand that connection. So when Cooper plops her down onto his bed, Lucy doesn’t make a fuss. 
Cooper set about rolling down her socks, his hands are calloused but gentle. He was always so gentle with her, Lucy couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like for him to not be so gentle. Though, that would have to wait for another night when she was more conscious.  Moonshine tended to have that effect on her.
“Do you want me t'sleep in the spare?” Cooper asks, having taken off his socks as well, sitting down beside her. Lucy wraps her arms around his waist, causing Cooper to chuckle. “Would ya mind if I divested some of my clothes, or would ya rather me stay clothed.”
“I don’t mind, it’s your bed, you should be comfortable. I am personally going to remove this constraining bra. As well as my pants,” Lucy chuckles, as she does her best to sit up. The world spinning, Cooper steadies her, his hands working under her shirt. She feels him pause and nods her head, as he carefully unclasps her bra. Lucy sighs as she flings the offending item out from under her shirt. Both giggling at the ridiculous act, as Cooper stands up.
“I am sorry Cooper,” Lucy says, still swaying a bit, the sadness in her stomach still hoovering at the surface. “About Barb. I didn’t know you’d heard her voice.”
Cooper freezes where he is stood, turning to look at her, “It wasn’t her, I wish it was. But I know it in my heart it wasn’t her.” He tapped his fingers over his heart.
Lucy tries to stand, wanting to comfort him, and fails, falling back onto the bed. Maybe it would be best if she just stayed clothed. Cooper comes over crouching between her legs, his hands resting gently on her thighs. 
“I feel like I’ve turned your world upside down.” Lucy sighs, eyes closing, her words feeling meaningless against the tide of pain. “I don’t wish to cause you more pain, Cooper.”
Cooper chuckles, “You do anything but that, Lucy.”  He rests his head against her thigh, Lucy’s fingers naturally running up into his hair.”  
“I seem to be, either too drunk or too tired to remove my pants.” Lucy sighs, covering her face at the ridiculousness of the situation she has found herself in. 
“Do you want’em off?” Cooper asks, Lucy, peeking through her fingers. Cooper kisses the top of her thigh, and the room is very warm all of a sudden. 
“If ya don’t mind helpin'me? No funny business.” Lucy teases, Cooper giving her a soft smile before his hand skillfully had her pants unbuttoned and unzipped. He moves back down so he can take the bottoms and carefully pull them off her legs. Lucy lifted her butt a bit so that they slid off. Slumping into the cool blankets now that she was free of most of her clothes. 
Lucy lays on her side, watching Cooper pull his shirt over his head in one fluid motion. The way his back is shadowed in the late evening light makes her body ache. His pants go next, and Lucy is really regretting drinking as much as she did. The man was like something made out of stone. 
She wiggles herself up and flips the blankets up, crawling in and patting the bed beside her. Cooper crawls in without a fuss, before pulling the blanket up and around them. He wraps his arm around her so that she is snuggled against him. 
“No funny business?” Cooper smirked, his eyes glancing sideways at her, leaning down and kissing her gently. 
Lucy giggles, wiggling herself so she is right next to him, her body pressing up against his. Kissing his collarbone gently as her leg hooked over his thigh. 
“You’re too good to me, Cooper Howard,” Lucy replies, settling herself comfortably as her fingertips trace unknown symbols over his chest. 
Cooper wrapped her up close to him, kissing her forehead, “I could say the same to you, Ms. MacLean.”
@toogaytofunctiondangit , @hiddlebatchedloki, @whatsorceressisthis @dichromaniac @autumncryptids
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