#and he wasn't in a mindset to enjoy it or accept it
llycaons · 2 years
the similarities between wq and wwx are so indelible and unmistakable and painful...soul siblings or something
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doki-doki-imagines · 3 months
MK1 men react to their fem s/o wearing an MK9 outfit into battle? 🤭
author note: Johnny, Tomas and Kung Lao reaction here. Some guys are together because I think there is a limit to the kind of reactions someone can have to a partner with a skimpy dress LOL. Writing for these many characters is...hard
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Kenshi Takahashi: -He doesn't have a strong opinion on your new suit. -Mostly because he can't see it. Even with the help of Sento, it's not like Kenshi is able to clearly see, he just notices that something is different. -Things change when you press his thick fingers on your naked stomach, making him feel the strings that keep your dress together. -Kenshi is LIVID. -He is going to tell you he is angry because such an attire won't be safe in battle, but Kenshi is just trying to make you cover yourself up. -Yeah, Kenshi is jealous and doesn't mind manipulating you a bit into doing what he wants, mostly because he thinks he is doing it for your own good.
Liu Kang, Raiden, and Kuai Liang: -They would all stand still, their brain trying to load what is going on. -Like, they find you hot, but their brains work harder this time and tell them "It isn't the right time." -Liu Kang won't push you into covering up, and he'll keep an eye on you in battle. Be ready to get the emperor of earful if you get a scratch, tho. -Raiden and Kuai Liang angers bubble up, but while Raiden won't say anything and try to keep his temper at bay. -But don't expect to see him overjoyed at the end of the battle, for sure the dress elicited more worry and anger rather than passion. -Kuai Liang will be snippy the entire time, he didn't enjoy this stunt, not in front of everyone. -He'll ask at the end if you can avoid dressing like that in front of everyone. "Only if you admit that I'm hot." "Hotter than me, touch my arm if you don't believe me." -You won't touch just the arm.
Geras, Shao Khan, Reiko, Syzoth: -#TeamIdc -Geras simply doesn't mind, not growing up with an Earthreal mindset. -Shao Khan finds you hot, and seeing the blood of enemies on your skin is just a plus for him. -Reiko doesn't really mind, but he'd prefer if you wear more armour just in case? Or directly stay at home; he likes your soft skin. -Syzoth like Geras wasn't raised with Earthrealm's mindset, so he doesn't see anything wrong with that. Another one that is just worried you'll get wounded easier.
Bi-Han, Rain, Havik, Quan-Chi: -#Areyouinsane?Theyareworse. -They are jealous and possessive. They won't accept you dressing up like that for battle. -Bi-Han gets insanely possessive even in a normal setting, he absolutely needs to work on that. He thinks that kind of dress is right just if it falls on the floor in the next .25 sec thanks to his deft hands. -Zeffeero usually isn't too strict, he doesn't mind a deep neckline or vent, but this is too much. It looks closer to lingerie rather than a dress and Zeffeero will die before letting you out like that.
-Havik is anger incarnate. He shouts like a madman and his face being corroded makes him look even scarier. -Quan-Chi is a mixture between the two, closer to Zeffero, tho. He won't lash out, but his revenge will slither slowly, hitting you harder than any outburst.
Shang Tsung: -"What a sight for my eyes" He says after whistling. -His voice is deep, caressing your egos with compliments. -Shang Tsung really doesn't mind your attire, if anything you are now a perfect bait in case he needs to escape…
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melanieph321 · 4 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - The Sound Of Your Voice
This picture was the only one I could find where Ruben looked anxious. 😅
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Ruben finds comfort in the sound of Reader's voice ahead of Manchester City vs Copenhagen, as he is a little anxious ahead of the game.
It was ahead of Manchester City's first game during The Champions League knockout phase.
You had always known Ruben to be a confident person, quite sure of himself and his abilities. His self awareness could expose any therapist for an imposter and he wasn't a fool nor a liar when it came to expressing his emotions. However, Ruben had taught you that there was always a time and place for everything. A time to be happy. A time to be upset. A time to be afraid.
Well into your marriage Ruben was always composed in his character, even after you had the kids. Ruben never came across as less than sure of himself. Unlike you, with the instict of any mother, worrying about the well-being of the people you loved was simply impeded within you. This mindset wasn't taught or forced upon you, it was simply engraved in the essence that made up a woman. Therefore it was natural for something to cause a stirr within you when you recived an anonymous call from Ruben, less than an hour before his game.
Silence. However, you could hear someone breathing on the other end.
"Hello? I can hear you breathing, you know?"
"Y/N, it's me."
The way he said your name, it was desperate and alarming.
"Is everything alright? Why aren't you at the game." You could here it from the living room, your kids leaving you no room to join them on the couch.
"I am." He replied. "We are just about to go on to the pitch and warm up."
"Okay, great. Shall I call you after the..."
"No, don't hang up!"
Again, the way he spoke to you was desperate and very alarming.
"What's going on baby, you're scaring me?"
"I'm...sorry. I just thought I'd give you a call beforehand."
"Oh, okay. What for?"
"I don't know?"
"You don't know?"
Your reaction made him chuckle, the sound calming your heart. "I don't know." He said, this time you sensed a smile on his face. "To tell you that I love you, I guess."
"Um, well, I love you to Ruben."
That's when it dawned on you. How you had thought it impossible that someone like Ruben got anxious sometimes. Although he sounded more relaxed now.
"I have to go now, see you at home."
"I'll see you at home baby, goodluck."
"Don't need it. Bye."
Then again, he was built different. This you simply had to accept. It's what you had grown to love the most about him.
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genshinimpactlife · 1 year
If you are still accepting requests can I ask for NSFW headcanons with gorou and tighnari with a wolf!Hybrid reader? Like a tall and stong reader, it sounds so cute. The idea of this two smol babies next to a giant hybrid that could just crush them so easily 🥺🥺 the moment they saw reader they thought "yep, they're mine now"
Wolf Hybrid Reader (SFW & NSFW)
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It was love at first sight for Gorou, especially seeing how you were a hybrid like him.
When Kokomi Introduced him to you as the newest recruit, having come from overseas, he was a wreck.
He couldn't look you in the eyes. Instead, he was blushing and fumbling over his words as he showed you around.
You towered over Gorou, and looking down at this mess of a man made you feel good. You would purposefully bend down when he spoke up, getting close to his face as he spoke, teasing the hell out of him.
Surprisingly enough, Gorou asked you out first after working with him for a few weeks. Of course, you immediately said yes, having been crushing on him for quite a while now.
The two of you hit it off, and you were in a committed relationship before you knew it.
He loves to cuddle with you and always gently plays with or rubs your ears.
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You adored making Gorou feel small. Your favorite thing to do was pin him against the wall with your body.
He just looked so cute as he looked up at you all wide-eyed.
You liked to tease him by picking him up and tossing him over your shoulder, smacking his ass as you carried him to the bedroom.
Gorou is almost always a bottom, and you practically engulfed him when you were on top.
Always calling him sweet pet names while your fucking
"Sweet boy"
"You look so cute like this"
He becomes so brain-dead quickly, a sweet moaning mess for you.
He loves when you tease his tail, especially when you take him from behind.
The few times that Gorou topped, you were still in control. He wasn't able to manhandle you as you could with him.
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Tighnari's first thought when he met you was, "Oh… I need you to be mine"
His second?
"I need them to join the rangers."
You towered over him and were clearly strong; he knew you would make an excellent forest ranger.
He thought it would take some convincing, but you seemed open to joining the rangers. You ended up working alongside Tighnari, and the feelings between you two blossomed.
You asked Tighnari out on a date within a week, and the two of you were together not long after.
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Tighnari was a lot better about keeping his emotions in check than Gorou was
But when you leaned over him to pick up a bottle of medicine off a high shelf for him, his cheeks were so red.
Before the two of you knew it, you were making out against the shelf. The only reason you two broke apart was that anyone could walk in, and you needed to go somewhere secluded.
Tighnari is a switch, and when he's in the more dom mindset, he doesn't have any issue with you being much taller and bigger than him.
Oh, but he gets so intimidated and embarrassed when he's a sub.
100% has a size kink, and he would love it if you crushed him.
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AITA for not telling my partners I'm a system?
To preface this, I don't use Tumblr and I'm using my partner's account, so I would rather ask this anonymously. Forgive any non-tumblr-isms 😅.
This happened a while ago, but to be honest I can't let this go. I feel so horrible about it despite being reassured and I figured Tumblr, who has a lot of systems/people with DID/OSDD, would be able to give me an unbiased (as much as I can give an unbiased account, anyway) answer.
I, (24M), am a system with one headmate, P, (??). (Neither of us are sure how old he is, since it seems to change on the day). I don't want to get into exactly how I got him, but I believe the term for what we are is "traumagenic"? Sorry, again, I'm not really familiar with everything.
Anyway, I've had him since I was 8, and he's been... well, a real pain in the ass, to be frank. I understand now that he's a defender by nature and was trying to protect us, but when you get expelled from middle school for several physical attacks and almost get sent to juvie you start to resent the guy a bit. He's a bit like a sleeping bear, except if the sleeping bear had one eye open and killed you before you could hurt him.
Back when I got out of my abuser's house and went no contact at age 20, I moved in with my current partners, Bonfire (24M) and Greenhouse (25NB) (names changed for privacy, obviously.) At the time I didn't know them, but they were looking for another roommate and I desperately needed somewhere to live.
So I moved in with just the clothes on my back and my wallet (bad move, I know, but I didn't have anything anyway). I didn't care to interact with them all that much, not wanting P to get defensive and attack them for no reason, but they just kept pushing and eventually I relented and hung out with them some.
"Some" turned to "often," and then "often" turned into "sleeping-in-their-bed-and-sharing-our-clothes." At that point I was too far into it and embarrassed to admit I'd been hiding a whole other person from them in my mind. I wasn't sure if they'd even like me after, what with P's history of violence.
...so I never told them. I did my best to forget about anything that ever happened and tried to just enjoy the future I'd always wanted for myself. Bonfire and Greenhouse are lovely people and I was finally, maybe just a little happy. I'd never been a happy person and I was content to bask in it for as long as I was able.
This, of course, backfired immensely. P and I didn't have the best relationship at the time, with both of us wanting to do very extreme things to get away from the other. He wanted to kick me out and be by himself in my body, and I wanted to kill myself to be rid of him. We've since reconciled and made strides in accepting ourself for who we are- it hasn't been easy by any means, but that isn't the point.
I recognize now that he was afraid of being hurt again, not wanting to get out of that survival mindset in case Greenhouse and Bonfire turned out to be super-secret mega abusers taking advantage of our trust, but I also know what he did after was wrong.
He got physical with Bonfire, screaming at him and threatening to kill him if he got any closer. I don't have any memory of this happening, so some details may be incorrect, and I apologize for that. Bonfire, not knowing that P was not, in fact, me, (coupled with the fact that he's a fucking idiot (meant with affection)), he got closer and tried to talk me (him) down. P punched him in the face and broke his nose, after which he ran out of the house and left me to "wake up" a few miles away curled up under a tree.
P left me a note a few days later that said he didn't mean to break his (Bonfire's) nose, but that he was lucky he hadn't done worse. This, in P speak, is probably the most sincere apology I could get at the time.
To try and keep this as short as possible, I'll summarize what happened next. I told Bonfire and Greenhouse about P because at that point the cat was basically out of the bag. They said they'd wished I'd told them sooner, and that they were a little uncomfortable being in the same house as "the lean, mean, stabbing machine" (- Bonfire) but that they were willing to help me manage him if I promised to tell them everything I knew about how he worked.
I did, and it's been years since then, and now P and I are, as stated before, closer than ever. I recently asked my partners whether or not they were still upset with me for not telling them, and they just said that they weren't entitled to my medical history and trauma (which, yeah, but he did break Bonfire's nose) and that they didn't care because, "hey, we basically got a free dog out of it" (- Bonfire), and "we made a promise to love you, including all the less-than-savory parts." (- Greenhouse).
TL;DR: I didn't tell my partners about my headmate that's prone to violence and he did violence on them and I feel bad.
(P says hi, by the way, and he also wants me to tell you that he isn't like this anymore and much prefers soft blankets and eating fruit to breaking his family's noses.)
What are these acronyms?
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lesbianphan · 2 months
I know this is gonna be mushy and overly emotional and I'm sorry for oversharing a bit, but I feel like it's necessary to put into words what rewatching We're All Doomed means to me personally. I watched the kiswe premiere event live and it was one of the most fun nights I've had in a while, even though my life felt extremely hopeless at the time.
And, look, here's the thing: when the WAD premiere dropped, I had completely given up on improving things. In fact, I was very much in the 'doomed' mentality. I had long accepted that there was no way my life would get better. So Dan's message really resonated with me: it's easy to settle for being at rock bottom and thinking that's all there is for me. I was happy to see Dan doing better, but deep down I didn't truly believe his words either, not really. I did want to, but I wasn't quite there. And I don't believe them all the time, as he himself said he doesn't, and doing the show many times hammers the point home into his head.
After experiencing it, I thought maybe, just maybe, I could stop only embracing the void, but start having the courage to exist as well. Putting myself out there more, trying to make a world for myself in which I'm not the :/ emoji all the time. So I applied for the jobs, I wrote what I wanted, I unapologetically embraced the nerdy things and the fandoms I enjoyed. I decided I can choose happiness in the smallest of ways, even when it sounds silly and unimportant. Because it isn't unimportant really if it means something to me.
Rewatching the show last night showed me how much it changed my life and the big leaps it helped me take in life. I have so much more to learn, but I keep telling myself to be brave (lmao sorry had to sneak the Phil reference) and have the courage to exist. Really truly exist out in the world, not hidden inside my room. And sure, some days are harder than the others, some days I really don't like myself at all. Even in those days, though, I tell myself: all I have to do is have the courage to exist.
I went in to watch WAD with no expectations, and I feel like the message of appreciating the little moments was so monumental, it truly absolutely had a huge impact in my own life. I have a job now, and some financial stability. To be honest, I never thought I'd get this job, I might not even have applied if I wasn't in this mindset. In so many ways, Dan and Phil have profoundly changed my life, and I think WAD is just one of those big examples.
I doubt the real humans Dan and Phil will ever understand the impact they've had on this world, but I'll forever wish them the best. I'll always support them, because their creations have irrevocably changed me as a person, and as much as I like joking around and stuff, I'm just thankful that we share this existence, and we get to have fun and be forever changed by it.
Thanks @danielhowell, you'll never know how huge the impact of this show was, but I am truly crying writing this and I hope one day I get to tell you in person how much you inspired me to keep going when no one else would.
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abbythewritor · 7 months
"Fairness" One Piece x Saitama reader twelve.
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"Just a Normal girl looking for an everyday life. At least, if you call sailing across the seas with idiots with useless dreams a simple task, then you might wanna see a doctor. Seriously."
Warnings: Blood, gore, mentions of Luekimia, and heaps amount of blood and strength. It might be a little cursing, but not bad, and maybe some flirting in there, but it's mostly clean.
Other things:
-You didn't get bald due to your powers; you got bald to an extreme illness.
-You part of the straw hat crew, but others are interested in you and your power.
-Everyone that is a male is taller than you.
-Monsters from the OPM world will appear in One Piece, and I'll make some new monsters you will fight.
Enjoy the twelfth chapter everyone!!
Man, it's been a while.
Last time we left off, I accepted to join Luffy's crew, and for the past two years, as a captain, he ordered everyone to grow strong, for two years straight.
Including me.
Yep, that's right, he trained his Haki with Rayleigh, and I trained my haki and strength with the Marine hero, Garp.
It's been interesting, as he didn't go as hard as he did with Luffy when he was a kid, but I still worked just as hard.
Every single morning, I start with a prestige workout.
10-kilometer run.
Upper body strength.
Core strength.
Lower body strength.
weight training.
Inner peace activities, Yoga, Stretching, and Balancing.
Then Garp worked on my strategy mindset, along with different defense techniques, attacks, and mind movements with chess, and other Japanese-like games that I wasn't familiar with.
He also taught me different Haki tequniques from himself, and stuff he learned from fighting Roger, who was the last king of the pirates.
At first, I was confused on why he would train a person who would become a pirate, then I realised he knew how important I was to Luffy, and wanted to make me storng so when he comes across me again, he won't hold back his strength, which I wouldn't blame him.
But, things aside, Garp also worked on combat training with me against Koby, who I formed some sort of bond with over the past two years.
The blonde didn't like me because I was a pirate, but I grew on him once the two years were coming to an end.
But, all of the harsh training and sparing, making new friends with some Marines, and people, the two years will soon come to an end, when Tomorrow I meet up with Luffy, and meet my new crew members.
It was a start of a new journey, and Journey of fun, excitement and Adventure, which was something I've been longing for forever.
Oh, and your probably wondering, what about Crocodile, buggy, and the ones who helped me and Luffy at Marineford? Well, let's say I was writing them all letters, and knew that Ivankov was training one of my crewmembers I've yet to meet yet.
All of them are doing quite well, Mister Three Joined buggies crew, while Mister One was working beside Crocodile, as they are trying to rise the ranks, to become something differemt which makes me proud.
Jimbei hasn't written back at all, which is understandable as he is a busy fishman all the time, but it makes me curious on how he is doing.
Luffy has seemed to be doing well, as he wrote back to me all rayleigh has taught him, all the jokes and fun things the two did these past two years, which made me excited to see him more and more.
Ace, however, did some training of his own, which is understandable from the Marineford incident, but he never really told me who trained him.
Either way, I'm glad he's living a fair life right now, as Pop's death is put behind everyone who fought in that war two years ago.
He told me he was doing quite well, finding hobbies to keep him busy, as well as rebuilding the Whitebeard Pirates into something more, which makes me glad his life is taking a turn for the better.
With many thoughts running through my mind, the sunset of this day was showing onto the sea, myself sitting on a grassy hill as the trees and the flowers danced with the sea brease.
You look a little different as well, grown up, as you were still Y/B/T, (Your body type.) but you looked stronger, happier, and more intelegent.
Wigs, the ones you used to wear, you got everything that could cover your bald head out of your life, as you learned that being bald, doesn't mean anything different about a person. You learned hwo to embrace yourself, and your bald head, as it is a symbol of beauty, and it shows a symbol of piece to people, just like Saitama did with his bald head-well, kind of.
As i continued to watch the beauty of the sunset in front of me, I felt a familiar presence behind, as Koby sat in the spot next to me. "It's quite beautiful isn't it?" I nod. "Yeah, I'm sure going ot miss doing this everynight....these past two years have been...." He chuckled. "Hard?" I shook my head with a smile. "No-well, yes, but I've never had to much fun in my entire life....learning new skills, eating different kinds of food that's not from my world, even making new friends." I nudge Koby, as he chuckled. "Never expected this when I was first recruited. Training with a girl who will become apart of a pirate crew who's run by Garps Grandson. Especially a girl from a different world. I say, when a mad man tells me that, I'd think their crazy, but a girl like you, with powers like yours, explaining everything that had happened, how can I not belive it?" I smile more.
"Your lucky I didn't turn on you, 'Admrial.'" He snorted. "Future, Admiral, well, that's still the plan anyway. It just makes me think how far both of us came, and it makes me wonder more how far Luffy proceeded, and how strong he became, guess you'll find out tomorrow, huh?" Sighing, I looked back at the sunset. "Yeah..." Many thoughts ran through my head, as I was quite nervous with meeting his crew, as koby could sense my uneasyness, as his head tilted. "Are you alright, Y/n? You seem to be thinking a lot lately..." I let out another sigh. "Let me ask you a question, before you joined the marines, where you ever nervous?" Koby was silent from my question for a moment, before he ssmiled. "Of course I was, all my life I was scared, but, once Garp trained me, and i've became stronger and knew what being a marine was like overall, all my nerves went away. I knew what my purpose was, to achiev the Marine Admiral title, and I know I can let my nerves get away from my goals." His words struck you in the heart, as you smiled again, your eyes then looking to the ground.
"I see...well, I guess I shouldn't be nervous then huh?" Koby chuckled. "Don't get me wrong, it's ok to be nervous when your entering a new chapter in life, but, trust me when I tell you this, the straw-hat pirates will be the nicest people you ever meet, because I know them too." My eyes widened slightly. "Ah, that's right, you told me you've encountered them a few times." He nodded. "Yes I have, and they are strong too, but now that two years have gone by, I'm curious too see how thye have grown, and how they will think of your strength, I have faith Y/n you'll fit right in, because Luffy asked you to be apart of his crew for a reason." Sighing, Koby was right, as my smily grew a lot more. Luffy didn't just ask me because I was desperate, or on the verge of death, he saw potential in me, he saw my strength physically and mentally, and he sought of it as a perfect fit. Plus he saw my loyalty to him, which a captian needs a loyal crew member in order to survive these treturous seas. "The boys right." Both of us looked to Garp, who held his usual smile, as a cookie was in his hands. Koby's eyes widened with the sight, as he got up. "Sir, are you sure your supposed to be have that?! The doctor said-“
“Bah! Screw what the doctor says; I’m grown up and can have anything I want! Besides, I earned this for training you idiots!” Garp interrupted, laughing while taking a bite of his well-deserved cookie. “Sir, with all due respect, sweets are nice to have oonce in a while, but with how old you are, having too much sugar is not the greatest idea-“ Koby got bonked “I CAN EAT THIS COOKIE IF I WANT TO IS THAT CLEAR?!” “Y-Yer sir!” Giggling from the usual antics, Garp sighed and took the final bite of his cookie while looking at me. “Nerves can be a great obstacle when sailing the seas, but trust me on this: my grandson can take your nerves away in an instant; besides all the training we did, all the battle strategies and studies I’ve shown you both, I have full faith you both will make it in this pirate world. Just remember the important tactics in the future when I’ll be chasing you down, and pray that your God will help you throuth. HAHAHAHA!”
His words made my eyes rolled. "I can achieve anything through Christ who strengthens me, so don't be surprised when I don't hold back." My smirk made him laugh more as he patted my back. "That's the spirit kid! Even if you are a pirate or a marine, a strong will and heart will always be a good power when facing tough opponents; just remember not to gloat about the positive attributes since you always have your crew on your side to back you up. Who am I kidding? I'm a marine, not a pirate. HAHAHAH!" Koby sighed. "I think you had enough cookies.." he took to bag, and Garp paused before slumping, and I giggled more. "Thank you guys…I know I'm going to be ok. I've worked hard for this; now it's time to start a new chapter in my life… I will never be more blessed to be alive right now." Turning to the two, I gave them a huge smile. "Thank you both for the best two years of my life; when we meet again, we won't consider friends or family; we'll be rivals with benefits." Koby nodded, smiling at me. "Right!" Garp put a finger to his chin. "Rivals with Benefits huh? I've never heard that before, but consider me a family Rival. Y/n, keep Luffy in check because he will need much help to get through the seas. Especially now that Ace is saved, just don't do anything reckless, alright? Don't wanna drop you off tomorrow, and something went wrong."
I nodded this time. “Of course, Sir. I’ll do my best.” Garp crossed his arms. “Now, you must know a few things when we arrive tomorrow. One, I will give you a 5-minute head start before sending my marines after you. I will give you coordinates to where Luffy’s ship would be, as Rayleigh told me. Find the ship, don’t get caught, and meet your new crew mates, understand?” I nodded again as he continued. “There will be a high chance the Kuma army will be there two, but nothing you can’t handle. Think smartly, not rashly. Therefore, I have nothing else to teach you; now get some rest; we set sail for Sabaody at dawn.” Me and I nodded again. “Yes, sir!” With that, he left, and Koby looked at me. “Are you going to be ok?” Signing, I smiled, looking at him. “Yeah, actually..”
“I have a feeling I’m going to be more than ok…”
“Alright, listen up!” It was the next day, as the marine ship you were on was approaching the destination, as Garp was telling you the plan. I had everything ready, all packed, as my excitement grew more. “Here are the coordinates to Luffy ship; before I give you a five-minute head start, you will run into familiar people, new foes, and some idiot lowlife pirates that boast about themselves. Just focus on getting to the Sunny, with no distractions or errors, understand?” I nodded to Garp. “Yes, sir!” He grinned. “Good, now here is a month's supply of food; since I know how Luffy eats, all of this is needed-“ “DID YOU STEEL THE COOKIES FROM HERE?!” Koby snapped as Garp froze, whipping at the boy. “ONLY ONE LUFFY CAN SURVIVE!!” “YOU DID NOT TAKE ONE SIR YOU TOOK A WHOLE BOX!” “LIKE I SAID, LUFFY WILL SURVIVE NOW. SHUT UP!!” Koby got hit with Garp's fists before handing me the food bag, which I could carry easily. “Now, the coordinates should be easy for you to understand since I wrote the instruction for kindergarteners, so don’t screw up and get lost. Once we dock, immediately hop off the ship, no of that emotional goodbye stuff even though I will miss having a girl to train…” he started to get emotional and turned as Koby approached him. “DON’T CRY THEN!” He snapped as I smiled. “It’s okay; crying isn’t a sign of weakness. I’ll see you both again. The two years was just the beginning.”
Koby smiled at my words as he walked closer to me. "Of course, I'll put up a good fight next time." I smiled at his confidence as he held out a fist, but I ignored it and hugged him, and he froze. His face was red; he was shocked that I was doing this. I was getting emotional when I felt his arms wrap around me. "Be safe. Koby… don't get yourself killed.." I whispered as he hugged me tighter; I could feel his breath on my skin. "Same to you, Y/n.." Pulling away, I wiped my tears before looking to Garp, who was still crying while facing out, as I sighed. "Garp." I knelt to him and smiled. "Thank you for training me and helping me to grow stronger. The techniques you taught me will also come in handy for defense. But sometimes, when good people part ways, it's always good to cry occasionally. But don't worry, I won't think any less of your strength because you are crying. I'll be ok, and keep Luffy safe, I promise." His brows knitted together. "You better; I don't want another brat to worry for when I'm chasing me. Besides, you'll be one hell of a pirate, a strong one at that." I smile. "And it's all thanks to you. Well, I guess I should go, huh? Thank you two again. Be safe!" As my five minutes were starting, I grew excited. I bowed, grabbed my stuff, and hopped off the Marine ship, running straight ahead. As Garp and Koby watched, Bogard walked up to the two and just glanced at Garp. "You're giving her more time, aren't you.." Garp laughed. "Of course I am; she'd be considered lucky since this place is confusing; she should be just fine. EVERYONE GET READY TO PULL TO THE FRONT BAY! WE'LL CUT THEM OFF!!" A bunch of 'Yes sirs' rang through the deck as the ship went out of the dock while you, of course, were looking at the directions as you followed the numbers on the trees.
This place was unique, full of bubbles which is meant for a five year old.
Everything looked plastic, even though it wasn’t, as you took a chance to take in the scenery, grasped the food bag and stuff, and adjusted it on your back.
Many people were here, and it was pretty lively with different people. The more I got closer to town, the more excited I felt.
Continuing to run, I tried my best to avoid many people and not make a big scene, as marines were already around the area, but they were probably not under Garp's command.
Making sure not to be seen, I kept a low profile as my posture was normal, my head was down, and my excitement was high.
It was not just excitement running high through me; it was also nervous because I hadn't seen Luffy in two years, let alone met his whole crew, and I heard rumors that they were just as strong as him.
Garp informed me of their names, as they all sounded unique, and I couldn't wait to meet them.
Roronoa Zoro: The fearsome swordsman.
Nami: Cat Burglar or Navigator
Nico Robin: the famous archeologist.
Chopper: The doctor.
Vinsmoke Sanji: The Cook.
Franky: The Shipwright
Brook: The musician
Usopp: The fearless sniper.
All of their titles seemed unique and different, and it made me even more nervous to meet them, as I didn't know where my strength and title stood against them, but I hope I get along with everyone.
As I kept running and running, I arrived at a green-hilled pasture, as more bubbles from this island were formed, until...I saw him.
That's right. I saw Luffy's big backpack on his back as he was in front of Rayleigh, who had trained him for the past two years.
Behind him were two handsome men: a tall, muscular, green-haired guy with a slash on his left eye and the other male beside him, who was blonde, elegant, and had a black go-tee.
"Huh, those two men must be a part of his crew.." I stated as I continued running that way, but as I was heading to them, the Marines yelled to stop Luffy and the two men as they were about to attack.
My eyes widened, and my teeth gritted as I jumped before the three. When I got close enough, my cloak blew in the wind as my fist went back. "NORMAL SPREAD PUNCH!" I yelled, Slamming my fist on the floor as all the marines that were in front of the three suddenly scattered in a large explosion.
The ground rumbled, and the leftover marines' eyes widened as they couldn't believe how much power suddenly occurred.
Dust arose, the chaos in front of Luffy, and the two men widened their eyes as my Silhouette was shown, making Luffy's lips form a bright smile.
"You're an Idiot, Luffy....for not having your guard up all the time.." I stated, a smile curling on my lips as I was revealed.
The marine's eyes widened more when they saw me, as some of them backed away with fear.
"I-It's Y/n L/N's..! The powerful girl that saved Fire Fist Ace years ago!"
"W-Why is she here?! Rumors said she joined a pirate crew; wait, don't tell me.."
"Stop her from helping the Strawhats escape!!!"
Luffy couldn't stop smiling. "Y/n!!! Is that really you?! Wow!! You look so different! HAHA!" Luffy hugged me, and his laughter brought warmth into my ears as I laughed, too, hugging him back. The blonde Male had hearts in his eyes and was waving his arms. "Wah! A pretty lady!!!" I blushed, flattered by the blonde's comment, as the green-haired male stepped forward, grabbing onto his sword handle. "Luffy, you know this girl?"
Luffy smiled, letting go of me as he began to pat my back repeatedly. "It's Y/n! I forgot you all haven't met her yet! She is a part of our crew!" Both of the men froze, as I smiled nervously, and I waved. "H-Hi...I heard a lot about you both...Garp has told me a lot of information...your Zoro and Sanji right?"
The two's eyes widened as Sanji's eyes turned into hearts, his nose bleeding a little. "She knows my name!!" Zoro stepped forward, a little shocked. "Yeah, those are our names... you said Garp told you information about us..which means you were with the Marines?"
Laughing nervously, I scratched the back of my head. "Well, I wasn't a part of the Marines; I just gotta taste what it was like for the past two years. Garp trained me, actually." Sanji paused his simpering as his and Zoro's eyes widened. "Wait, really, Garp trained you?" Sanji asked. "I'm surprised," Zoro added, then continued. "Being the hero of the Marines, I would expect the least of him to train someone who's part of a pirate crew. Well..it's nice to meet you, Y/n gotta admit, you're strong, but are you worth enough to fight alongside Luffy..?" Zoro's calm question caught me by surprise, but I wasn't hesitant when I firmly nodded my head to him before speaking."Luffy has a strong heart and a great dream. People like him deserve Fairness and to achieve his goals and actions in life. Two years ago, I fought alongside him to Save Ace. I won't stop fighting with him until he becomes pirate King. For the world to know even the lowest of people who are pirates or Marines or even just regular people, all deserve Fairness and to live in a world where they won't be bored but have a sense of fun and adventure." My words struck Zoro somehow, as he could see the determination, loyalty, and Kindness in my eyes. He didn't know who I was or what Luffy had brought to the table, but he knew I was loyal to Luffy, making his lips curl into a small smile as I saw his hand go out to me. "Well then, that settles things...dI like you Y/n.....Welcome to the crew..." My heart fluttered as I looked up at him before smiling, as my hand firmly grasped in his. "Thank you both!"
"You kids better go; I'm sure more Marines will be coming this way." A familiar voice spoke, and we all turned to see Rayleigh as I smiled at him. "Rayleigh!" He smiled down at me calmly, his tall form towering over me. Even though his age had seen better days, his looks never failed him, as he was as handsome as ever. "Hello there, Y/n-san; I must say, Garp trained you well. Did you lose weight?" I smiled more at his question as I nodded. "I did! I've never felt better about myself, and I have your Grandpa to thank for that, Luffy." Luffy laughed, holding his stomach with a smile as Rayleigh chuckled.
"Well, I'm proud of you, Y/n; you look good... perfect. Be who you want to be...don't let anyone else tell you who you are, because if you let them..well.." His hand reached out, gently popping a bubble about to land on my nose as my cheeks rose in color, and his smile continued to show the more he looked at me. "Your life won't be as bright as it is now...you don't want that, do you, Y/n?" My heart continued to beat rapidly; I felt like I was going to explode as my head quickly shook, which made him smile more, his hand going onto my head. "Good girl...because bright people like you deserve fairness, just remember that. I want to keep seeing your Kindness when you rise with Luffy on the Grandline; just don't forget to Visit this Old Geezer occasionally, ok? Can you Promise me that?" Nodding from his question, my eyes met his again. "Of course, I'll visit you, Rayleigh; that is a definite promise, right Luffy?" Luffy nodded also. "Yes! That's right! You are not alone anymore, Rayleigh! Your family to us now!" When Luffy smiled, Rayleigh got emotional as he wiped his eyes. "Family huh? I quite like the sound of that...you all better be careful...the Grandline is even more dangerous than ever, so remember to always keep guard and protect each other...you four better head to the Sunny; I'll take care of the Marines here.." Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and I all nodded with Rayleigh's words, as we turned, and started running, heading to Luffy's ship.
Before the Marines could attack us more, Rayleigh fended them off, serving no match against him.
As the four of us ran, heading in the right direction, Luffy smiled brightly beside me. "We have so much to catch up on!" I nodded to his question. "Indeed we do. Luffy." As Luffy smiled brightly again from my agreement, a large shadow cast over the four of us as we paused to see a Giant bird, which widened my eyes.
But, before we could be hesitant, a familiar voice spoke, and we saw the familiar Doctor, known as Chopper, waving and Yelling to Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy.
"Chopper!" Luffy yelled, smiling more as the bird landed. My eyes sparkled when looking at the Reindeer, as he was so cute when he tackled Luffy into a hug, and Zoro and Sanji, the four of their laughter, warmed my heart.
As Chopper looked at Luffy, he looked at the bird. "Everyone is waiting for you, Luffy, at the Sunny!" Luffy's eyes widened. "Robin, Brook, Nami, Usopp, and Franky are there already?! Well, we can't keep them waiting! Zoro, Sanji, Y/n, let's get on the bird and hurry!"
The three of us nodded, soon getting on the bird, which took off, as Chopper directed it to the right path while it flew high in the sky.
I couldn't help but be in awe with the View of this island, as it was pretty beautiful. It was peaceful, flying so high in the sky as I closed my eyes, enjoying the calm wind hitting my skin. The bird continued to head to the Sunny until Luffy saw his ship in his eyes and smiled again. "There it is! OI! GUYS!! EVERYONE!!" He yelled as I looked down at him, and the other members of his crew smiled more, too, getting up from their spots and running to the edge of the boat, greeting him back with the same amount of kindness.
I noticed some of them crying, and it made my heart warm when the bird got closer.
But, then suddenly, a pool of blood came out of Sanji's nose as he flew off the ship, and my eyes widened with shock as the chopper yelled for him as he fell into the water.
Zoro wasn't bothered to get him, as it was customary for his nose to bleed like this; I was just concerned for Sanji as the bird was close enough to Sunny, allowing me, Luffy, chopper, and Zoro to hop on, as Chopper thanked the bird.
As the bird flew away, Usopp cried for Chopper to stop Sanji's nose from bleeding, as Zoro simply walked past, and I looked amongst the Chaos, not knowing what to do as Luffy was too busy admiring Franky's new form. "Excuse me." A voice spoke as I turned to Robin, who looked at me curiously as her tallness towered over me.
"Are you the new crewmember Rayleigh spoke of?" My posture was fixed as soon as she asked that, and I nodded. "Y-Yes, my name is Y/n; it's nice to meet you." My answer piqued Nami's interest. "Oh, so your Y/n! You helped Luffy save Ace!! I'm Nami! It's nice to meet you!" She offered me her hand, and I smiled and shook it. "It's nice to meet you, Nami. Luffy told me so much about you." My statement made her sigh. "I'm sorry if Luffy has caused you trouble. He's a good captain but can be a handful sometimes." I giggled at her statement. "Ah, not Luffy is fine, he's not a handful I promise-" I paused when a Skeleton, or Brook, approached me as he bowed like a gentleman.
"Hello there, beautiful Lady! My name is Brook! I do have one question, if you don't mind me asking." I smiled up at him. "Ok, sure, go ahead." He coughed in his handkerchief before he leaned down to me more. "May I see your panties?" My face fumed red before Nami suddenly bonked his head instantly. "STOP ASKING TO SEE WOMANS PANTIES! YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE HER UNCOMFORTABLE!" she snapped; I was shocked by the sudden outburst but then snorted when holding my mouth as this situation was quite funny. "Don't mind, Brook." I turned to look up at Franky, who had a smile on his face.
"He asks that question to every woman, so don't feel a bit embarrassed; the name's Franky and I gotta say, when I heard Luffy asked a girl like you to join our crew, I didn't believe you'd be this cute." His compliment made my face flush more as Nami's head whipped to him. "Don't add gas to the fire, Franky!" Franky shrugged. "What? It's the truth. Besides, I don't think she's too bothered by it, right?" His wink made me giggle as I nodded. "You're right about that. Say, Franky, I think you're pretty cool; I knew of a Cyborg once." His eyes widened. "Really? What was he like? Strong, tall, handsome?" Watching him smirk, I smile. "He was all three of that thing; sadly, he died when fighting a monster, but he still lives in my heart!" Franky's facial expression changed slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that; you have my respect, Y/n. He must have been a true good friend." I don't remember Genos, but he seemed to be a good friend of Saitama as I nodded with Frankie's command. "Yeah, he sure was.." I looked around before my eyes landed on Usopp and Chopper chatting with Luffy. "And you two must be Chopper and Usopp, correct?" The two pauses when turning to me, as Usopp nodded confidentially, his lips forming a grip. "That's right! I'm Usopp the Great, The most feared sniper of Luffy's crew!" My eyes sparkled with curiosity as I smiled. "That's so cool! So you shoot guns and stuff?!" He smiled nervously at my comment. "Well, not just guns; I can shoot lots of stuff and also make throwables to aid me in a fight, I know; hold your applause; it's awesome..." I smiled more, impressed with his Skill, as Nami glared at him. "We all know you are just being greedy now.." She growled as Usopp froze suddenly before laughing nervously. "I'm a pirate; what do you expect, Nami-"
"Oi, everyone heads up," Zoro spoke, as suddenly a Cannonball flew by Sunny, almost hitting it as it alerted everyone else.
Usopp and I ran over to the ship railing, looking more serious as we looked towards the Marine ships. "Oh no! When did they get here?!" Usopp asked as I glanced that way, as there were about three Navy ships. "It seems there are three Navy ships that way," I stated, as more Cannon balls barely missed the Sunny as I turned to Luffy. "Luffy, should we get rid of them?" But, before he could answer, more Cannonballs flew, heading straight for the ship this time, as the crew prepared to deflect them until pink-like arrows took them down, which alerted us to look at a familiar ship, Boa Hancock's ship.
Smiling, Robin walked up beside us; her face was blank. "That's Kuja's logo." Nami turned to her, confused. "Kuja?" "They're strong Amazonian pirates led by a pirate empress, Warlord." Robin's words shocked Usopp. "A Warlord?!!" Robin turned to him. "Her name is Boa Hancock. They say anyone who sees her will be attracted by her beauty." Brook stood on the other side of me, looking through the scope, as his face turned to shock, pink hinting at his bony facial structure. "Oh, too bright! She is dazzling!" He almost stumbled backward, as I giggled while Usopp caught the scope, looking as well as his mouth nearly dropped to the floor. "Wow! She must be a goddess!" His words widened Sanji's eyes as he hopped up from the floor, bolting to Usopp as he looked. "Goddess? Goddess! Let me see, let me see, where is she-" He paused when he saw her, turned into stone, and I Usopps eyes widened. "He turned into stone!" We both shouted with shock as Luffy came up behind us. "Oh, that's Hancock and the others!" He spoke as Usopp looked at him, as well as Brook and Sanji.
Boa turned her head to look at the sunny, as she saw me smiling which warmed her heart before she winked at me, which made my cheeks rise in color as Brook almost had a heart attack when he flung back.
"She helped us," Luffy spoke. "Let's set sail now!" he ordered, as Nami questioned if he knew her, as he nodded. "Yeah, I was sent to Maiden Island and I became friends with them. They helped Y/n too in keeping her in their country to recover her injuries." He stated as Usopp looked back at Boa's ship. " So that's the legendary female-only island, right? They definitely live up to their name." I nodded with his question before Sanji came up behind Luffy, a dark aura behind him. "Luffy..you were friends with the pirate empress?! HEY! WERE YOU REALLY TRAINING HARD?!" Sanji asked, tears of remorse coming from his eyes as Luffy smiled nervously at him. "Yes, Sanji, I really did train." Sanji slumped, going on all fours as he was crying more, I was then beside him, patting his back. "It's ok Sanji-kun, at least theirs other empresses out there in the sea..." He sobbed more, and my eyes widened as I felt like I made it worse as Zoro walked past, with a blank face. "Ignore his cries, he's grown more than an Idiot since two years ago." Sanji whipped to his feet. "SHUT UP MOSS HEAD!"
Nami sighed, as she spoke up before the two started fighting again. "Okay, let's get ready to set sail now!"
Everyone agreed, as no more marines were attacking us or stopping us from leaving, as a Marine ship was in my view, I saw Garp, Bogard, and Koby, and I smiled at them; waving. "GARP!! KOBY!!! BOGARD!!! THANK YOU FOR THE BEST TWO YEARS OF MY LIFE!!!" I yelled, catching the straw hat's attention, as Usopp and Chopper's eyes widened with fear when seeing Garp's ship.
But, Luffy told the crew not to attack, as everyone saw the tears brimming on Garp and Koby, while Bogard just smirked, as they stated their goodbyes, as it was an emotional moment.
Tears brimmed my eyes also, as the thousand Sunny continued to pull out of port, The three marines stayed until the Sunny's ship was out of sight. But, as the Sunny was sailing across the sea, a bubble roof was formed from the stuff coating the ship, as me, and everyone else's eyes widened as Nami spoke up again.
"Listen up everyone." She opened a paper. "A coated ship can reduce any kind of pressure. So once the floating bag at the ship's bottom which keeps it on the surface has been removed, it'll be less buoyant and start to sink."
"I see." Luffy, Zoro, and I spoke as Nami smiled. "Pretty easy to understand, right? Anyway, spread the sail now!"
Everyone nodded with the agreement as the straw hats, and I prepared to set sail.
Garp was right; Luffy and his crew weren't so bad, as from that day forward, I had a pretty good feeling about the future...as I will not stop fighting along side Luffy until.....
He becomes king of the pirates...
Author: You're probably wondering where I went, so I'll tell you! I have been away fixing myself and my mental health. Many things in my personal life have been going on, and I needed a break from activities to help aid myself and refresh my life.
Author: But now, after very long months and days, I'm finally back to writing. I am sorry if this chapter is a bit boring, but I promise there will be more exciting chapters in the future!
Author: Anyways, I am sorry again for being away so long. More chapters of this book will be published before Christmas, and the New Year, so I hope everyone is having a good last month of the year! Happy Holidays, and have a good day, everyone!
Bye lovelies!!!
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fuxuannie · 1 year
╭₊˚ ๑︰𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐬 . . . ♡
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:★: characters : (all seperate) miles morales , al haitham , yoru , diluc
:★: warnings : none, bittersweet soft fluff
:★: a/n : i'm veryvery crazy normal over these characters,,, mostly 4 my own sake hehehe
:★: tags : bittersweet fluff, (some) one sided pining, mutual pining, reader is usually the one not reciprocating, i love gekko so bad, self indulgent
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. . . . ♡
MILES looks at you softly, downcasted eyes as he knows you can't stay with him. "This is it, right?" You say, voice practically a whisper as you looked down at the colors of your dimension radiating from the machine.
"Yeah.. at least it was fun, wasn't it?"
The silence kills both of you, knowing that this was the last time you'd see him.
"I'll see you around, Morales."
You put your hand out for a handshake, smiling sadly as you refused to view it as leaving forever, even if it was.
He firmly grabs your hand, but tugs on your arm to pull you in for a hug. Most likely the first and last one you'll ever have from him. "I really hope so."
YORU hated relationships, he found them to be a waste of time. Why give yourself a weakness for your enemies to abuse? And so when he found himself falling inlove, he was so scared.
He was terrified of the fact he was willing to throw away that whole mindset just for you.
It didn't help that he was softening up to you. A smile not often seen by people was always evident in your presence, his gaze growing mellow when it staring at you. But he didn't want to ever lose you, he was so scared of being with you because of the day you'll leave his life forever.
He wants to be with you, he really does, but that kind of pain is one he's not sure he's ready to face.
AL HAITHAM believed it was important to prioritize his work above all else, not that he was a workaholic - but because he knows he has to.
So imagine the utter frustration hes under because he can't get any work done, his mind clouded with thoughts of his very small interactions with you within the day. How you said good morning, helped him carry his papers to his office and aswell as getting him a cup of coffee this morning.
He knows exactly why he's like this, but refuses to accept it as a fact. He refuses to acknowledge his feelings as something real, mostly because he's accepted that he'd be single until he may eventually pass.. but plans change, right?
DILUC was an intelligent man, smarter than most. So when he sees you seemingly spending more time than usual with a certain Cavalry Captain, it didn't take long to see the signs.
He didn't blame you, nor was he upset his brother, but more to himself. He knows that his Kaeya is much more popular and well-liked, many viewed Diluc as rather boring or too serious for his own good.
So he'll enjoy what time he has with you, after all.. it won't be long till you realize Kaeya feels the same. "Master Diluc?" Adeline calls for him, only to see him asleep on his desk. Hunched over with letters scattered everywhere and every single one signed with your familiar initials.
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 19 days
Ngl if the sigewinne story was more 'Neuvillette instructed the melusines that it's alright gifting people in need gifts despite past prejudice' i would be fine with it. But the fact they wrote it in a way that implies that he instructed them specifically to care for Wriothesley makes me uhhhhhhh
Sir you are aware this child is an orphan and the best you can do is tell the melusines to feed him? What about other orphans? You have the guards at your command to help people??
I'm alot more fine with the 'Neuvillette cant do anything about the shit law despite being iudex' thing, like I'm okayish chalking it up to he's not human, it wasn't his job / wasn't told to fix the law and shit he is a judge first and foremost. But this story is NOT helping because it implies he HAS the capacity to comprehend SOMETHING is wrong and has the will to fix it and just... does nothing???
Sir this is not helping the collusion allegations
Idk man i'm a wriolette apologist i'm so alright with waving off the shallow plot beats to cater to the shippers thing but they had to make it super obvious huh head in hands
Yippey (running around in circles I love yapping and getting big asks).
Personally with shipping and media enjoyment, I'm very much the guy who is like "these are my OCs now" and I will enjoy things regardless of how I feel about the canon materials. I don't care about 'canon proof' for ships and for most scenarios, I don't think canon should be used to dissuade a person from shipping either. Obviously there's gonna be things that makes me think you're weird, but things like self-insert/canonxoc is cool and that will Never have any basis in canon material anyway. So like. Take the limiters off and reach for the sky.
As for the Neuvillette-and-melusines thing, yeah. I think it's weird that they made it specifically about Wriothesley. In general, how they portrayed Wriothesley always irks me, because they make his entire characterisation around how he 'overcame' his past because he's just a special guy who, instead of complaining about the shit hands he's dealt, accepted his sentence gracefully and pulled himself up by his bootstraps and got to where he is because he's strong and crafty. Wriothesley doesn't actually value these traits (he thinks of himself as just some guy), but everyone around him considers him 'special' because he's able to network and rally people and make a name for himself in Meropide.
That would have made for a more interesting narrative if they actually did something with it and really show some actual conflict between his view of himself and how the public sees him, but now, as it read to me, it just reeks of individual exceptionalism. He's successful because he has that capitalist mindset in him lol. Wriothesley becomes Fontaine's idealised "rags to riches" story. Then, not only is he extraordinary, he also is 'humble' about it. "You don't know you're beautiful/That's what makes you beautiful" moment lmao.
With Neuvillette, had they actually shown that he's ill-equipped to do his job as someone who struggles to relate to his subjects, I would have been like, yippee! Cool! Like I have reworked his story and characterisation to work in my mind to an embarrassing extent, and I whole-heartedly think it can be done with the premise they have set up for him. He could be complacent because he's never actually been allowed to step into the backstreets, because from the moment he stepped foot in Fontaine he's been treated as the upperclass, even when the Melusines were going through their fantasy racism shit. He's never had to fear for his life, or wonder when his next meal is. He gets water imported from all across the world, when people in the Fleuve Cendre/Meropide/Poisson probably struggles to get good plumbing and clean water.
And Focalors kept him there. He's very intentionally isolated so he can serve in her grand plan. It could also be an empathy issue, right, he can see people starve and think, cognitively, that it's just how the world is. That's just how humans are. You can really lean onto the Otherness of Neuvillette and portray him even as a overwhelmingly large, eldritch cryptid, who's trying to keep an ant colony alive simply because he likes ants. But he doesn't understand them, and because of that, he lets them die purely by accident most of the time. And he feels bad for it!
But I think the problem with it is that Genshin can't......... commit, and they can't stay consistent. They can't say he's powerless because Focalors is pulling the strings, or because of his own ineptitude, because they want Focalors to be sympathetic, and they want to say Neuvillette is cool and powerful. Like he has canonically enforced judicial changes. He essentially set up anti-discrimination laws for the Melusines. He's fully capable to. But now, because MHY forgot about that, now it seems like he only makes changes when it affects him and those he cares about, and not the hundreds and thousands of children who died due to poverty and incarceration in his time as Iudex. Then the whole thing with how he's able to pull strings to Get the Traveller into prison, but you tell me he can't... I dunno, fudge the verdict a little every once in a while? When he has to sentence a child to prison???
And obviously, these inconsistencies aren't intentional, because if you try to rationalise them, Neuvillette would end up looking like a weirdo bigot who only cares about one specific species and took a specific liking to one minor for no discernible reason. And he's not meant to be seen as that. The Melusines lore was meant to show that he cares about them. The Wriothesley lore is also meant to show that he cares about this poor starving kid. MHY just forgor there's many other starving kids in Fontaine.
His whole character hinges on the fact that underneath his cold impartiality is a guy who has a bleeding heart, who literally cries all the damn time. That's his Core Concept. MHY just sucked at writing it because........ writing teams aren't talking to each other.
Like, once people realised a lot of characterisation debates in genshin fandom can be answered with "MHY is just shit at their job", half of the complaints would be redirected to the fucking company instead of the characters/shippers lmao. Like, Lanoire. Wriothesley would have never allowed her to keep living like that. Now if you try to rationalise that whole quest, you have to think "maybe Wriothesley doesn't care all that much" or "maybe he doesn't know Meropide as well as he does," both of which contradicts canon facts about him. Because he has eyes everywhere (and even if he doesn't, his guards would 100% just tell him instead of just trying to sneak the kid out, because they canonically get Rewarded for shit like that). And he, canonically, cares about people's quality of life and safety in Meropide. He'd hate to have something like this fall under his nose.
So yeah yippee. I mean, I will keep drawing art and writing wrlt, obviously. I don't gotta explain that to anyone else. I think I know better than MHY /lh
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Hello. I hope you’re doing well ❤️ I had a few questions (and if you’ve already answered any of them then I’ll just continue scrolling down your blog, as I’ve been doing).
Here ya go!
1. What do you think people mainly get wrong about Usopp? Like, what is a common misconception.
2. How would you describe Usopp’s relationship with each of his crewmates, in so few words (if possible)? I feel like people forget that the Strawhats are friends too.
Just wanted to hear your take.
Kind regards,
You sound so polite, I love it 😭💖 Sending you kisses and hugs for being so sweet 🥰 (Sorry I didn't reply sooner! Busy life)
1 - I feel like the most common one I've seen around general audience/most shonen lovers (I like shonen too, but you know what I mean. You know what type of people I'm referring to) is that they take Usopp's character pretty superficially and instead of reading between the lines (very huge, separated, obvious and easy to read lines, though) they just accept what is verbally said... "He's a coward" / "He can't fight" / "He's selfish" / "He's just funny".
Most people have this misconseption about Usopp's fighting style because they assume that, because it is a long range fighting style, he isn't as powerful as others. When it is not true, by the way. They also deem Usopp to be a coward when, actually? He is just an average person? Like I KNOW the whole point is that he works on his "cowardice" but they just took an average boy with no prior experience of fighting and being a pirate to directly... Fight and being a pirate. Everybody would react like that. "He's not strong and he is a coward" first of all, wrong, second of all, you would be like that too.
And saying he is selfish? Or that he doesn't care about the crew or the people around him? I genuinely do not understand how some people can read him that way... Do you all not know how to... Analyse basic characters now? Another thing people get wrong is thinking Usopp isn't hot/wouldn't pull any girls as if he wasn't the only one with a canon girlfriend waiting for him, but alright.
2 - This is such a good question, actually 😭 I love you for this, anon. My favorite thing ever is talking about Usopp,,, I appreciate this.
Luffy: I love his dynamic with Luffy because despite being his captain, it is obvious that they are best friends. They have the same young/playful mindset and it doesn't feel, like... A job at all? Don't get me wrong, they're all a family, but their dynamic feels way more teen-like? More silly? They're stupid together. Usopp being the voice of the reason vs Luffy being extremely chaotic is my favorite thing. They feel very organic. And then there's this layer of jealousy from Usopp's side and the fact that I think Luffy will never be able to fully understand Usopp's insecurities, but somehow they will always find understanding and support on each other. Usopp is loyal to his captain and all but it feels more of a "I follow him because I consciously trust in him" than a "blind devotion" type of thing. And I adore that. Also, Luffy saw potential on Usopp from the very beginning and it melts my heart. Plus! They're both beetle/bugs lovers! The sillies <33
Zoro: They're one of the most hilarious duos because you would expect Zoro to absolutely hate being around somebody like Usopp, and yet he lets the guy do whatever he wants with him?? Zoro might be Luffy's enabler first and foremost but we forget he is even more permissive with Usopp sometimes and it is the funniest thing. I love it when they have tiny little soft scenes together because Zoro genuinely enjoys Usopp's company and I believe Usopp thinks Zoro's cool despite always being done with him being so dramatic and impulsive when fighting. I feel like Usopp feels safe around him but not only physically. I think he knows Zoro can read him like a book and after what happened in Water 7? I believe now even more than they're closer. Sometimes opening up to your captain is hard so maybe the first mate whom you have an intimate but odd relationship works even better.
Nami: My absolute beloveds. They're both on the same page when it comes to being "cowards" because their fighting styles are different from the rest and they're not built different like most of the crew. They feel so organic and genuine too! They just get each other. They're mischivious little shits together. And when they are not on the same page, it's so funny how comfortable they are around each other to just yell at the other. I think Nami gets Usopp when it comes to feeling weak and out of place but not quite, because she is always trying to make a path for herself instead of being afraid to do so? She's used to fighting on her own and standing up for herself even if it's scary but Usopp isn't, and I think she gets it but Usopp doesn't think she does because she is extremely valuable to the crew, obviously, and Usopp doesn't feel like he is. It's a dynamic with constant support and understanding and so so much fun together because they're most of the time on the same page. That's why they work so well!! They're not normal at all but the whole "we're the only normal people here" dynamic is incredible.
Sanji: If I start talking about them I think I will never finish. I think I've left pretty clear that my favorite thing about their dynamic is that, despite arguing all the time because their personalities are very different (something people often forget like. They argue A LOT. And it's SO funny. They're both the softest and the most annoying thing to each other--) they're always there for each other. Their dynamic is easy to summarize in "they joined basically at the same time, right after the romance trio" / "they do what the other can't do". They both have different types of self-hatred and insecurities that bring Sanji to understand Usopp on a deep level that I don't think others are able to share. It is obvious that Sanji has a clear preference for Usopp when it comes to the guys of the crew and he does treat him differently, not because he sees him as weak but because he sees himself in him. Their relationship is something so personal because I truly believe they're the ones that understand each other the most. I am SO angry they barely have scenes together now,,, Or that Usopp wasn't in WCI,,, Waiting for Elbaf to parallel Water 7 so fucking bad. I have more things to say about them but-- My whole blog is literally about that.
Vivi (very necessary to include her): People don't talk at all about their dynamic and it is so offensive to me because they're so funny??? Vivi's little quirk about forgetting to mention dangerous stuff and Usopp being oh so done with her is the funniest thing. Drum island was certainly incredible for these two. I truly wanted to see more of them,,, I think that if Vivi had stayed with them, she would've understood Usopp pretty well. Screaming for help when nobody can hear you? Feeling oh so weak in comparison to the world around you? She would've been on Sanji's team kicking Luffy and trying hard to keep them from saying any stupid things. More of Usopp and Vivi,,, More of Usopp and Vivi,,, I miss them :( They were so cute :(
Chopper: They're so cute and silly together,, But not only that! They support each other so so much!!! Maybe it's because they're both from the "coward trio" but I just adore how they're pretty much always together. Chopper has this whole thing at first about feeling like a monster, but Usopp finds his abilities so awesome and,, It melts my heart whenever we see them interacting. They're not only hilarious and support each other but they're always finding reassurance on the other and I love it. Not to mention the whole Sogeking thing, too! And Chopper believing Usopp's lies! They feel sooo much like brothers, imo, it's adorable. Chopper might be one of Sogeking's biggest fans but Usopp is certainly Chopper's number 1 fan too.
Robin: I think if I start talking about them I might end up crying, thanks. But. But. But I adore them. They leave the crew pretty much at the same time and yet Usopp does everything to help them save her and bring her back. I think Robin reads him pretty well and can see so much bravery in him that Usopp can't see... While Usopp, despite being a bit weirded out at first by her, sees how gentle and caring and lovely Robin is. And how cool she is, too! Also, they're both big nerds, and I love that. The fact that he did everything he could for her in Enies Lobby despite having left the crew must've meant the world for her. And it's also the whole thing about her wanting to give up on life? I think Usopp, even if it's not on the same level, can kind of relate to that? It is not Sanji/Robin type of bond (which I fucking adore, by the way) but it is pretty personal. Also, hilarious dynamic because Robin is always telling dark jokes and Usopp gets scared easily and I just adore it.
Franky: They mean so much to me. My beloveds. We don't talk enough about Franky regretting having hurt Usopp when they first met and the guilt still haunting him. We don't talk about it enough. We should. Franky was there for Usopp on his most vulnerable moment and I think Franky's personality and masculinity mixed with his pretty emotional side is SO good for Usopp. Because it teaches him to be braver and stronger and himself, and it lets himself feel freely. They have so many things in common and I am from the "Franky father figure" team because their bond looks so,,, So much like that. Usopp getting excited for every little thing Franky makes and Franky quite obviously showing off because he knows he likes it. I think Franky is the one Usopp goes to when there's any problem in his life and,,, It is just so sweet that they always trust each other SO much. It is not only admiration but a deep, close bond. Still not over Franky wanting to overcompensate for what he did to Usopp, though, but- But they're okay now, I swear.
Brook: The sillies!!!!!!! We don't have THAT much of them in comparison to the other characters but every time they interact it is always so funny. Idk how I would describe their dynamic other than it is hilarious,, But I also think we deserve more scenes of them interacting seriously. Brook spent 50 years on his own and Usopp's fear in Water 7/Enies Lobby of being left alone too is so,,, I think Usopp would want to hear more of Brook and make him feel at home because if just the thought of being alone scares him so much, he can't even imagine what it was like for Brook. Usopp is somebody who seems to want to glue the crew together as much as possible and mostly uses fun/positivity (even if fake) to do so, and Brook does the same with music. Like- The fear of being alone. Idkk. Going insane now, actually.
Jinbe: I feel like everybody's relationship with Jinbe is very gentle and silly because he is adapting to the crew's dynamic and getting used to their shenanigans. So no matter what, it is hilarious and sweet. I actually,,, Want to see Jinbe's reaction to Sogeking,,, A lot,,, It'd be SO funny. Anyway- They haven't had much of a break to be together (please please let them be silly post-egghead) (honestly I'd kill for a silly filler arc, ngl...) but Jinbe is extremely understanding and mature and imo he sees a lot of potential and bravery in Usopp. And I'd say Usopp finds comfort on Jinbe but who wouldn't? I think it'd be funny to see a bit more of teasing/playful interactions with them because I love Usopp being stupid and Jinbe being all confused at first but having fun.
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alittledizzy · 9 months
ok based on a previous ask where you talked about how dnp's youtube era is over and phil is unwilling to change and dan is stuck in 2016 presentations, if you had the unlimited power to decide how their careers and channels progressed, what would you have them do? and also (if you don't mind a second question), what do you think they could potentially do to bring back old fans who have left?
omg okay waited until i had some time to dig back into this.
to the first question:
if i'm answering based on what i think would be good and healthy for them as people then i think they'd both do well with some kind of behind the scenes career. i think dan would love documentary making, getting to script and host, or even working on a series if he actually started at the bottom in a writer's room and learned some on the ground skill before trying to utilize his fame to get his own show right away. (this is dinok slander and i want to make that clear.)
for phil i definitely think he has a fantastic creative mind for off the beaten path projects and i think i'd enjoy seeing him work with indie filmmakers or horror projects, but just like dan i think a total track switch would require him actually getting some genuine experience in the field to be good. his late 00s youtube videos were great... for a university student in his weird era. the dapc videos were fucking hilarious for prank videos on a youtube channel. but for an actual Big Kid horror project he'd need to learn what works for audiences today and audiences that don't go into it loving phil lester like they do the air they breathe. (to be clear: i am the person who would love whatever he did. but i would also want success for him and that needs to mean it's good beyond what the fanbase accepts.)
to the second question:
i think the only thing that would genuinely give them room to bring back old fans would be an actual evolution, which they've avoided so far. they've had personal and professional growth but at no point have dan or phil ever fully just let go and stepped out of their old skins.
i think they'd have to come out as in a relationship, bluntly and blatantly. i think they'd have to embrace some openness that is neither easy nor comfortable for them. i think they'd have to actually learn how to lay to rest the old overaggerated on camera personas that are so easy to lean on when they're still in the mindset that they need to shield their true responses/natural reactions from a camera. phil is much better about this now, he's taken much more strides toward it but still - when you watch a phil video, tell me you can't predict the jokes that will come out of his mouth, and tell me you don't know that's not what he'd say if a camera is off.
but i do want to say again that i think they keep the old patterns for a reason and that i genuinely wouldn't want the above from them if it wasn't something they actually had reached a point of being okay with. i wouldn't want to see them try to force themselves into anything, but i think that's what is holding both of them back right now.
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epickiya722 · 5 months
I'm listening this video on Yuji, and so far I'm enjoying it, and I'm reading the comments and realized... Yuji's selflessness is framed as a flaw, not a strength like other stories tend to do.
Yuji isn't awarded for his selflessness. In fact, anytime he acts on his selflessness something bad happens.
Example, Yuji's fight against Choso.
Recall that during that time Yuji notes he doesn't have to be the one to save Gojo. Keep in mind, Yuji has already accepted his role to die once he consumes all of Sukuna's fingers.
And then what happens?
Not only did Choso nearly kill him, but Yuji is then left in a vulnerable state which allowed Jogo and the Hasaba Twins to force 11 cursed fingers down Yuji's throat. (It felt wrong to type that.)
Sukuna is awakened and then we know the rest.
Yuji's selflessness is a strength given he does play a part into helping people. However, it's his biggest weakness. It allows leads to his selfishness.
I know, I know. Yuji is selfish?!
He is! Just not in the way you think.
Remember what Wasuke told him. He told him to help people so he can be surrounded by people when he dies.
Yuji goes on to do that.
What makes Yuji selfish here is that he views himself only capable of doing something no else can do. The motivation to also be surrounded by people for when he dies. And Yuji accepts death with ease almost. (I'll touch on that later.) As the poster of the video I'm watching said, "other people exist to be saved, which gives him a role in the world".
You know who else had this mindset? Suguru Geto.
There was a time that Suguru believed that as jujutsu sorcerers they exist to help those weaker than them and incapable of protecting themselves. It's both selfless and selfish. He gives himself a role that only he feels he can fulfill. But then this spirals into something worse after the encounter with Toji. After that, Suguru went from helping people with a selfless-selfish attitude to then putting on a face to "help" those same people he hates and feels shouldn't exist.
Back to Yuji, this mindset also evolves into a deeper, more cynical ideal.
After Sukuna demolishes Shibuya, after Mahito kills Nanami and maybe Kugisaki, Yuji goes into this state of self-loathe because he feels he's at fault for these things. Which isn't even so because Yuji is just a teenager who can't control the actions of others. This eventually leads to "something only I can do" to "I'm a cog".
His role as Sukuna's vessel and a Jujutsu sorcerer isn't something he was exactly happy with before, but he went about it with a smile on his face. He was still able to hang with Nobara and Megumi. He was still able to crack jokes and be that sunshine character we know. After Shibuya?
He doesn't even think of himself as human anymore. We barely see Yuji actually have funny moments. He barely smiles.
Then it comes tenfold when Megumi gets possessed by Sukuna. Yuji's role as Sukuna's vessel, a role almost everyone around him sees him as, is now given to someone else. It was something only Yuji believed he can only do.
This what makes his "I'm a Jujutsu sorcerer" like in 247 hit home for me. It's a duty he still has and at this point, it's just something he accepts he is. It's something he feels he can do and only can do because what else is there?
Rewinding back, something else about Yuji's selfishness is that he doesn't think about how others may feel about his death. Again, he accepts being Sukuna's vessel and dying via execution without so much of how that could affect others. Granted, he wasn't close to Megumi or Nobara or even Satoru at this time, but he also had other friends before. What about how Iguchi and Sasaki? What about his teachers? Yuji was known in his hometown and probably well liked because he was friendly and some even saw him as a legend.
Yuji has a habit of throwing himself into situations almost recklessly. Nanami is one person to puts him in check with this, reminding him that he is just a child he (Nanami) is the adult.
That's a moment I like because in other animangas, the child protagonist being pointed out as to being a child in a dangerous situation is either played for laughs or it's for the villain to have some breakdown moment. These protagonists also tend to be self-sacrifical, putting themselves in these situations and the get praised for it.
In JJK? Nope. It's a bad thing and rightfully so.
That's really all I'm saying here, this is more so a ramble on a point I thought was interesting from a video I watched.
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d-dixonimagines · 1 year
Number 2 on the enemies to lovers prompt list?? Please 🥰🥰
Thank you for your request!! I hope you like it!! ^_^
Prompt: "Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you!" This is going to take place a little earlier in the show, like before Hilltop and Alexandria got taken over.
I’m hoping this will post!! I don’t know why it’s not working, but I’m running out of ways to see if it will let me. I hope you like it once I get it posted! I’m sorry if it’s horrible, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything, so I’m a bit rusty.
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You grumbled under your breath as you trudged through the woods. For someone who was an expert tracker, Daryl sure did have a way of getting you lost. Or most likely, it was just his obnoxious way of making you think you were lost. Wandering around aimlessly for seemingly no reason at all.
Whatever the case may be, you were beyond over it. You were annoyed that you got stuck to do the run with him and annoyed at him for... being annoying. He seemed to enjoy getting under your skin, and you knew he enjoyed the fact that he could. He might have been one of those strong silent types, but those were the ones you had to watch out for the most!
Being at Alexandria was very different than what you were used to. After separating from your previous group, you had been on your own for quite a while before you met Aaron and the rest of the community. Right from the start you and Daryl seemed to clash. He was very straightforward and blunt with his thoughts, and if he wasn't giving you some kind of scowl, he was making sure you knew stupid you were being.
Granted, you secretly agreed with him the majority of the time when he called someone out for their stupidity, but still.. he didn't need to be that straightforward with you. Before Alexandria, you had gotten into a cemented mindset that you could do everything on your own. Mostly because you had to. There was no one else around to help you. So it was an adjustment that you were still working on when it came to accepting help from others. It was felt nice being part of something and helping out and doing your part, but when it came to you and others helping you, you had a difficult accepting that.
And thus lies the main reason why you were so annoyed. You had offered to go out and gather supplies and anything you could find and had no problem going on your own, saying that you would be fine and it wouldn't take that long, help wasn't needed. But it was insisted that someone went with you, safety precautions or whatever, and for some reason Daryl was the best option out of 300+ people there. And Daryl made sure you knew how stubborn you were being.
But here you were, following the "leader" of YOUR excursion.
Another groan escaped your mouth, your eyes piercing daggers into the back of Daryl's head. "Are you done with all your moanin'?" Daryl asked, the first time in a while since actual words were spoken. "No, I'm not. Thanks for checking, though." You responded sarcastically. You knew he rolled his eyes at your response, you could hear him huff out a breath.
"Just tryin' to gage how long you intend on griping." This little shit had the audacity.... "I wouldn't have the need to gripe if I was just able to do this on my own. And FYI, I would have been back by now. How long have we been circling these trees for? With what supplies we were able to pick up? This empty bag is absolutely killing my shoulders.." "Quiet." Daryl interrupted you as he stopped a moment. You were too busy staring at him in surprise to notice that he was picking up on something.
"Excuse me?" You were about to rip him a new one when you heard faint sounds of sticks and leaved shuffling around in the distance. It could have been some deer or something, which is what you always hope for, though it was most likely a walker.
It was seconds later that one came into view. Taking your frustration out was the least you could do to release some tension. Brushing past Daryl, you pulled your blade from its sheath and lunged for it, striking it in the head. You both were about to continue on your way when you felt something grab at your foot, a hand appearing from the brush.
You let out a startled yelp, stumbling backwards and tumbling down a steep embankment. Daryl shot into high alert and wasted no time in following you down the hill to make sure you were ok. You landed roughly at the bottom, taking a moment to get the air back in your lungs before assessing the rest of yourself.
"You ok?" Daryl asked as he got to you. There was a sharp pain in your knee, but you didn't know the extent of it until you turned over. "For the most part, I think." Your hands and arms were cut up and the legs of your jeans ripped and seeping with red. Daryl took it upon himself to get a better look at your knee, the sudden jerking as he tore the fabric caused you to flinch in pain.
"It's already swollen, you won't be able to walk on that." He declared, kneeling back a bit. "Well hold on, you don't know that. I've managed in worse conditions before.." Your brows furrowed, determined to prove him wrong. It wasn't going to be easy getting back, but you were convinced that you would be able to do it.
You just weren't putting into account that besides your bleeding, swollen knee, you also managed to sprain your ankle. You adjusted yourself and attempted to stand up, Daryl keeping his arms steady in case you needed help keeping balance.
Grimacing and fighting through the pain, you finally managed to stand up but was only able to take about half a step before stumbling down again. Daryl catching you and helping you settle. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you wracked your brain on what you were going to do.
"What's your game plan now?" He stared at you with an even expression. You half expected to some kind of hidden proud smirk on his face because he was right about you not being able to walk, but there wasn't. "I don't know. You could go back to Alexandria, bring a cart or something, extra hands." Daryl just shook his head. "That ain't an option." He stated simply. "Why not? You asked."
"No. The sun's going down and it'll be dark before anyone gets back here. It'll be cold, you have no solid way of defending yourself in case walkers come by. So no. Not an option." Look at him calling all the shots! Taking charge and being all cute and bossy!
"If you're worried about the sun going down, why don't you get a head start, then! I just need a minute and then I'll catch up. Last thing I wanna do is slow you down, and there's no way in hell I'm gonna be carried back." You folded your arms across your chest, wincing slightly as the scrapes brushed against your clothing.
"Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you!" He stood up now like he was putting his foot down on the matter. "Whether you believe it or not, I am capable of taking care of myself. I've been on my own a long time before I came to Alexandria, I'm pretty sure I know how to handle myself." "Well, if you weren't so stubborn you'd see that you don't have to do it on your own.. Believe me, I know a thing or two about learning how to accept others' help."
You weren't sure if you should be angry at him for it or if you should feel some other type of way. "What your game plan, then? We don't exactly have anything to help set up camp for the night, I have no idea where we are or if there's any shelters near by... what's your plan?" Daryl shrugged. "I don't know just yet, but we'll figure it out. You may need to trust me a little bit, though. I'm not gonna carry you, but we'll need to hold on to each other so we can at least move somewhere. You think you can manage that?" "Oh I'll try." It was a snippy, sarcastic response on the surface, but you really were appreciative of his effort and willingness to help.
There was a lot of gasping and grimacing and cursing, but finally you were up and steady. You gripped on tightly to his shoulder as he gripped tightly to your waist. "You ready to move?" Taking in a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself and gave a nod and slowly you both set a steady pace back to camp.
"For the record, you're probably just as stubborn as I am, Mr. 'You're not going by yourself'." You looked up at him, a hint of smirk fighting to stay hidden at the corner of your mouth. He just shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Let's keep movin', gimpy, it's a long walk."
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amugoffandoms · 1 year
THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS: A Little Discussion into the Machiavellian Concept and Its Applications to MILGRAM
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Hello there!! Welcome to my discussion into MILGRAM and the Machiavellian concept of the end justifying the means. Apologies in advance if stuff doesn't make sense, I feel like this was a very complicated thing to explain??
enjoy the es headers to divide some of my thoughts lol
I was thinking about something and the phrase "The end justifies the means" popped into my head, especially for Haruka.
Like, I feel like the end (getting his mom's attention) certainly justified the means (murder) in his point of view.
But, such an idea is often frowned upon, as "That snappy justification for everything “sinful and wicked” sounds good on paper at first to some realists, but in practice, it is a slippery slope to despotism and immoral horrors. See Hitler, eugenics, and other horrors like that." (Source)
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However, the Machiavellian concept has more nuance to it.
"Machiavelli in all cases is implying that “the means” matter, and “the ends” don’t magically justify them, yet sometimes it is worth accepting all the ramifications of “unjustifiable means,” and the damage they do to one’s reputation, for the end goal.
In other words the ends don’t cancel out the means in every respect, but they may none-the-less justify to some extent the original less-than-virtuous actions needed to secure the ends. . . .
DO THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS? The ends can sometimes justify the means, and the ends are often more important than the means. Sometimes, one must muster up criminal virtue to ensure an end which brings the “greatest happiness,” but one must understand that we are talking about the “greatest happiness” theory here. Thus, people should consider the philosophy of consequentialism and consider the morality of the means as well as the result of the ends, and not just seek their ends by any means without consideration. Machiavelli as a political thinking, virtuous master, and republican would no doubt apply the same sort of reason to the seeking of a perfect happiness theory. Truly, one could argue, that only a tyrant would consider ends to justify means – period…" (Source)*
*The source is from the same link as above.
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Now, I'm not calling Haruka a tyrant (he's literally 17 and was neglected as a child, of course he'd do what he could.)
However, Haruka believes in the original idea, that his mother's attention justified killing someone. But, here it states that to some extent, these actions can be justified.
So, Haruka can't entirely justify his actions because of just the end. He begs for his INNOCENT verdict despite what he can and says he will do. There are obvious consequences to these actions and it's not fair to take just the ends into account.
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In fact, as I write this, it makes me believe that MILGRAM, underneath all of this, is asking you:
"Does the end justify the means?"
You see this throughout the entire project, either subtly or directly:
Haruka - As aforementioned, does getting his mother's attention justify killing someone?
Yuno - (I'm using the pregnancy entrapment theory here as it's very plausible, but you could use many different theories.) Does getting someone's attention/love justify trapping them in a pregnancy?
Fuuta - (help this one's complicated ^^;;;) Does someone dying justify your mindset of destroying all "evildoers"?
Muu - (See, this one is complicated as well as her murder and why is heavily debated, so I'll go with Muu trying to kill Rei because she wasn't forgiven and also because she wanted the suffering to end. Please let me know if there is a much more nuanced idea.) Does the ending suffering justify killing someone?
Shidou - Does saving a singular person justify all the other people they've killed to save them?
Mahiru - (See, once again, complicated, since we have no idea what her murder is, but I'll try a guess. Once again, please let me know if there is a much more nuanced idea!) Does someone dying justify overwhelming love?
Kazui - Does someone dying justify lying, but telling the truth in the end?
Amane - Does someone dying justify your faith?
Mikoto - Does protecting someone (or in this case, an alter) justify killing someone?
Kotoko - Does serving justice justify possibly killing someone?
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One thing I forget to mention in the original posting (and I'd like to thank @inferablossom for this point! Please take a look at their reblog here!) is the application with Es and MILGRAM itself.
In their words, they say, ". . .the treatment of the guilty prisoners. . . that's an important thing to look at. All the prisoners who were voted Guilty had their thoughts rejected in the fork of hearing lots of voices condemning and judging them, something that's been not unfairly called out as psychological torture. We are being asked to judge these prisoners as forgivable or unforgivable. Some of them, people won't find forgivable, and many have stated an intention to forgive them later, but not now, with an intention to make them 'better' in some way. But can we justify essentially subjecting people to psychological torture to achieve this aim? And on the other side, for Kotoko, many people likely voted her forgivable based on her crime, but she also deemed it as accepting her deal and therefore sanctioning her violence against other prisoners. Can we justify actions that could lead to her harming many people?"
As I stated in my reply, I honestly wasn't looking into MILGRAM because I was so focused on the prisoners, but it's a great point!
I'm basically restating my reply here, but:
Can we justify putting prisoners through "psychological torture" to ensure "betterment"? Can you forgive someone terrible to save someone else?
For example, Haruka and Muu. After Haruka made that threat in his 2nd VD, people must have seriously been considering voting for Muu's innocence to stop him from committing suicide. However, we all automatically went to a guilty verdict.
Voting for Kotoko's innocence caused her to beat up the other prisoners. So, are you able to justify these actions that can lead to more?
As an audience, we must see if the ends justify our means, see if violence can justify forgiveness, and if "betterment" (or in what Alice said in their tags, harm mitigation) can justify psychological torture.
This is very reminiscent of Fuuta's 2nd MV, where he yells at Es for being just like him. Es, and I suppose us as well, justify their actions by saying this is MILGRAM and they must find the truth.
(Can finding the truth behind someone justify psychological and physical suffering?)
It also reminds me of Amane's voting! Everyone wanted her to realize her murder, but it caused her to become more "stuck" with her beliefs. Can betterment justify a guilty verdict, causing psychological torture, to realize one's murder?
If we were to judge ourselves, would it be fair to say we'd give ourselves a GUILTY verdict?
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Quick Side Topic: In voting in MILGRAM, I like to take into a few factors: personality (it is not affected as much, but depending on the situation, it does help), actions, and the crime itself.
I'm not saying anyone who voted certain prisoners the opposite way is wrong to vote that way, but I like to think of these factors to fairly judge, as if I was part of a jury in a trial.
For example, since her voting period ended last month, Muu. I voted her guilty because of her disregard for Haruka's threat and guilty prisoners' wellbeing, saying they deserved it, no? (In my eyes, no one deserves such a fate unless they have done something EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY wrong. I'm not justifying murder, but I'm saying the actions done to them were wrong.) Her personality didn't really swing my vote any way. Her murder, however, did. In my eyes, it seemed like she was trying to get retribution for her bullying (I have this whole theory that one of Rei's friends were being bullied, killed herself, and Rei called her out on this.)
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Back on track...
Once again, there is so much more nuance to each of these characters than DOES THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS? Haruka is certainly more than wanting his mother's attention; Yuno more than trying to get pregnant from someone; Fuuta more than his mindset; Muu more than her suffering; Shidou more than his dead patients; Mahiru more than her boyfriend; Kazui more than his lies; Amane more than her faith; Mikoto more than his DID (Can't recall if this is the right term.); and Kotoko more than serving justice.
But, that's what some of their ideals and murder itself boils down to, can you justify murder? Can you look at why they did it (motive/goal), what happened (murder/means), and your own morality and decide if you can forgive someone?
Can you look into yourself and truly find that there is a justification for murder?
In the words of Es in former English subs for UNDERCOVER, "You get to know them and tie them with their EGO? Can you really judge them? Is it really okay to be done with deciding with just your EGO? Will you be able to forgive them after listening to their sins?"
Can you look past the less-than-virtuous means to justify the end?
In the words of the new English subs, "Shouldn't you look beyond your EGO, before it all ends?"
Can the ends justify murder?
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If you've made it this far, thank you for reading my little discussion into this topic. Once again, I apologize for any confusing parts in this. I myself am still trying to grasp the concept, but my thoughts are now in writing.
I'm not well versed into some of these characters, so I am willing to edit this to fix any mistakes I've made in their little analysis of them! Thank you for your help if you do!
I think the first thought of this concept and how it was comparable to Haruka and it started snowballing.
When I realized I had my thoughts down in a whole essay/discussion, I realized it would probably be best to divide this up into easier to read chunks??
MILGRAM is an amazing music video project and considering the release of I Love You is soon, I'm excited to see what is in store. If I recall correctly, they said this was an intense trial, so oh dear! ^^;;
Here's to more amazing songs to analyze!
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little-tyrant-gortash · 6 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Desc.: I'm playing a Paladin who let Gortash become the Archduke and immediately after my Paladin's Oath was broken.
My Paladin did not take that well. I just... had to write it. And a manipulative Gortash, too.
Not sure if I should continue or just leave it like this. 🤔
Word count: 2,190
Ao3 here.
Chapter 2.
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Chapter 1.: Portal sherry
She didn't understand why did she accept the invitation. After she let Gortash persuade her to work together and he became the Archduke, Tav broke her Oath of Vengeance, and it put a weight unbearable upon her shoulders.
The others at the camp knew this. Tav was inconsolable for everything she lost that day, and they didn't even attempt to talk about it. They thought it'd be best if they pretended everything was alright.
But this wasn't the same with Gortash. He couldn't help but notice the way she behaved – very differently from when he first met her –, and he didn't miss how bloodshot her eyes were, either. Something must've happened. And if something happened, he was concerned about it, because it was her job to get rid of Orin for both of their sakes. She must be in her best shape for that fight, because as much as he hated to admit it, he needed her. Their alliance wouldn't work unless Orin was dead, and he couldn't make a move directly because his Steel Watch was robust and Orin was a little slippery fish. Tav, though… she showed real promise with her group of vagabonds. She could succeed where he couldn't. She must.
He didn't mention it while they had dinner. He invited her over, purely for business, to treat her to a lavish feast. She must've been living on scraps anyway, and since he offered her he'd share his kingdom with her, he thought it'd be a gesture which would bring them closer to each other.
How annoying to see that she wasn't in the right mindset to talk. But at least she accepted the invitation and she was present, dressed modest, quiet.
After dinner, she excused herself for a few minutes, which he used to relocate himself over his lavish couch. It was positioned right in front of the doors of the balcony, which he kept open. The late summer was warm, and he brought an opened bottle of portal sherry with himself as he watched the dusk fall over his city.
Tav silently walked over to the couch and sat beside him. Their bodies weren't close; their thighs did not touch, and yet, Tav could feel his energy. He had a certain darkness about him, one that strangely pulled her in. Funny… she felt the same about… about…
Her shoulders lowered in utter defeat as her eyes scanned the city. He was out there. Somewhere. Alone.
"You're awfully quiet tonight", Gortash remarked. He couldn't help himself, he didn't invite her over to spend the entire night in silence. She didn't answer; her face morphed into some sort of sad, sombre, grief-like expression. "Is everything alright?"
As he raised his bottle to drink from it – he never really liked portal sherry, he enjoyed wines instead, but tonight, he wanted something different –, Tav looked him straight in the eyes. She looked… utterly lost.
"On the day when I agreed to be your ally", she said, her voice hoarse from not using it much in the past few days, and, from crying day and night, "I broke my Oath of Vengeance."
Gortash raised a brow. That was it? An oath? Was that so important to her that she looked like a beaten puppy because of it? Poor little pet. Perhaps all she needed was a firm hand to guide her. The very hand of Bane's Chosen, perhaps.
"Is that so?" He asked, then offered the bottle for her to take. She stared at it, then at his face, and he half smiled. "Trust me."
She scoffed, but took the bottle, and drank from it. Her mind was immediately snapped out of her misery when the taste hit her tongue.
"Portal sherry?"
Gortash heard the hint of a surprise and glee in her voice as she looked back at him again, offering the bottle back. Nevermind they've shared an indirect kiss; her lips touching the same spot his did. For a brief moment, he toyed with the idea…
"I'm sure we all felt like we've ended up in places we hadn't dreamed of", he half smiled, taking the bottle, then taking another swig.
Tav agreed, glancing out at the city again, but her eyes quickly wandered back on him. By the gods, how did he grow on her? Everything about him – the power he radiated, the intenseness of his gaze, his confidence, his sly smirk –, everything made her want to stay close to him. She never thought of herself as a good leader. Especially not after what happened to Astarion at Cazador's place. Why, why did she let him Ascend? Why didn't she agree to him to make her his spawn – he still would be on her side, and she wouldn't need to wallow in her self pity over her broken oath. She wouldn't feel so alone. She'd have someone who at least cared.
Her lips curved down again as her gaze unfocused, signalling that she was, once again, far away. And Gortash didn't like that. He wanted her to be present. Perhaps he could guide her… twist her fate in a way it'd suit them both. He realised he had to be her anchor; he needed her to take care of Orin, but she needed him to feel whole again. Odd. But, at the moment, he had little choice than to proceed. He had to give some power back in her hands, or everything they've planned would fall to ruin. If Orin killed her… he couldn't even imagine the prospect. If Orin had two stones and him, only one, the balance would shift in Bhaal's favour. Tav's presence and personality was much more… pleasant. For him, it was desirable to have her survive this. She couldn't die on him. Not when he finally found her – someone who was strong enough, clever enough, cunning enough to get rid of the biggest thorn in his side.
"Who knows where will it take us next", he offered her the bottle again.
She looked back in his eyes and he could've sworn he felt a stir within which was not the sherry's work in his system. She was a battle-hardened warrior; a Paladin, at that. Once proud and sure, now visibly beaten down. But she still accepted the bottle when he offered it to her.
"Are you trying to get me drunk, Archduke Gortash?" She arched a brow, and despite her question, she drank.
"Perhaps", Gortash smiled slightly.
"And what's your purpose with that?"
His purpose was clear, it should've been clear to her as well. But she wasn't asking about his plans for their shared future; she was talking about the now. And now… he wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps he wanted to make her relax, to ease her mind, to give her a break from all that happened to her in the brief time since she'd entered Baldur's Gate. Or was there something else…? The moment her lips touched the bottle again, he had a fleeting thought of claiming those lips for himself…
"We can do whatever you want to do", Gortash replied quietly.
He was purposefully giving the illusion of the decision in her hands. Frankly, he could see how she was looking at him, and he knew whatever he proposed would be reciprocated within a short time. Perhaps that'd be best. It'd strengthen their bond, it'd give her a purpose to survive her quest against Orin, it'd solidify her wish not to turn against him. To weaponize her desire… for that to work, he'd need to play along. Pretend, for the sake of his purpose. On his way to his current position… he'd sacrificed so much more than that. It wouldn't cause a problem to him.
But there was more to this. This wasn't just about manipulating her so he'd get what he wanted. He had only felt this drawn to someone else once in his entire life; and he wasn't sure it'd be the best course of action to go down that path again now. He wouldn't tolerate it well if he opened up to someone else again, only to inevitably lose them in such a short time.
Tav won't wound up dead as the Dark Urge did. She can't fall to the same fate. She mustn't. If he played this dangerous game… he'd play it on his own terms. She'd come out of it alive. He won't bury another lover. Never again.
"If I didn't know better", she offered the bottle back to him, "I'd think you're flirting with me, Gortash."
He still had that easy, calm smile on his face as he reached out for the bottle. Before, he was careful not to touch her hand when he took it back from her. Now, he purposefully placed his fingers and palm over hers. A familiar feeling danced up and down his spine from the touch, signalling that he had to watch his own heart, very closely, not to fall for her. It mustn't. He had to remain focused.
"I'll be honest with you", his tone was calm, slower and deeper than usual, "the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted you to be my partner. Whether you want it to be based entirely on business or something more – it's completely up to you." He paused as he drank again, nearly emptying the bottle. "And please. Call me Enver."
Something shifted in her expression again.
"I am an Oathbreaker", Tav whispered. The sherry, combined with her turbulent emotions were not a good mix; her eyes filled with tears. "You surely wouldn't want an Oathbreaker on your side. I am… unreliable."
"Because you made the right choice?" Gortash raised a brow, his tone serious. "Because you knew the moment you met me that we need each other? I assure you, you've done nothing wrong."
"I swore I'd wipe out evil", her tears ran down her cheeks, and she looked away, ashamed. "I've disgraced my people."
 Gortash put the bottle down on the table beside the couch, then turned to her and ever so gently cupped her cheeks. His hands were warm against her face as he stroked her tears away with his thumbs.
"I am not evil", he whispered to her, "and neither are you. Both you and I want the best for the people who turn to us for help. I've told you I wanted to lead Baldur's Gate to glory, and we will do just that."
"But at what price?" Tav didn't pull away, just brought her hands up to touch his arms, still covered with his golden gauntlets.
"If there were any other way, I'd do it." Gortash paused, attempting a lie. "I'd do it – for you. But we're neck deep in my original plan, and we must make the best of it for both of our sakes. I want to rule with you. I want you to survive this, I want you to stay focused." Heart beating in his throat, he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. "I need you. I need you more than anyone else in my life, Tav. Please, don't have regrets about the past, not now. Look forward and take one step at a time, with me, alright?"
Tav remained as she was; only her hands moved to touch his face. Her slender fingers were so gentle that they made a shiver run down his spine. She explored his cheeks, his jawline with her touch; her thumb ever so gently ghosting over his scar on his chin.
"Gods smite you, Enver", she murmured softly, "you got me drunk", making him chuckle quietly.
The tadpole squirmed in her skull and she did her best to ignore it.
What are you doing?
The Emperor's voice rang in her head, as always, when he was concerned about her thoughts and actions. Frankly, she'd done a few stupid things during her journeys, but sharing a private moment with someone who just told her that he needed her, despite the fact what she became – interrupting that was rude.
Stay out of this, she thought.
You do remember he is our enemy, right?
For the last time! Shut up!
Funnily enough, the Emperor's meddling in her affair with the most powerful man of Baldur's Gate gave her the final push. She tilted her head and kissed Gortash, who reciprocated immediately. As if he had been waiting for it. Once he claimed her lips, he quickly dominated the situation; sliding his tongue over hers, making her go weak in his hold with a moan of pleasure.
And as he was kissing her like there were no tomorrow… he realised he was just as doomed as he suspected. Every nerve in his body sung with desire for her. Any plan he had, any scheming, plot, idea was out the window when her fingers ran in his raven locks, pulling him even closer. His hands slid away – down her form to her hips, guiding her in his lap, never stopping his kisses as he stood with her kept close to himself, with his hands on her ass.
His bedroom – thankfully – wasn't far away.
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lollytea · 8 months
Aw now i really wanna read more del and hunter interactions
I've been messing around with the idea that Hunter initially didn't get along with Del. Or, well. The old guy just annoyed him a bit. Del was nothing but kind and patient with him, but Hunter gets easily frustrated with his teaching style. He starts off quite impatient (from the post resurrection mania yknow) and doesn't like how slow paced the carving process is.
Hunter knows that Belos is to blame for a huge chunk of the Isles losing their palismen and his lineage is the reason that the trees were overharvested. I think he'd feel a lot of responsibly on his shoulders to make a change. Additionally, the empty feeling in his chest that Flapjack left behind is not helping matters. He might even have ideas about mass producing palismen for those who had theirs taken away and he plans to craft all of them himself.
But first he needs Del to teach him how. And at the rate Del is going, it's gonna take months, maybe years, to carve as many palismen as Belos destroyed. And that thought is horrifying to Hunter. It makes him lash out at Del a bit.
Anyway, with time, and Del's enduring patience, Hunter confronts some of the many chips on his shoulder. He matures. He develops a more easy going mindset. He settles down. He accepts that it's not on him to fix everything and everyone is just doing the best they can do as they struggle through these difficult times. He also comes to terms with the fact that he's been trying to speedrun through his life, which is ultimately useless when it comes to enjoying all the things in life that he had wanted for himself. He wasn't living the way he had wanted to live. And Flapjack wouldn't have wanted this for him either.
He learns a lot through Del and Del's teachings. I think carving becomes a very therapeutic means for Hunter to sort out his stronger emotions.
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