#and i tried to not be ghosted
allthingskenobi · 2 months
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I feel safe. Yes, it feels like that.
@swsource​ star wars week: day 6 – may the 4th be with you!
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amikoroyaiart · 8 months
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Some 22 and 09 angst doodles
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mindie-arts · 3 months
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Fuck it *ponifies your military men✨*
This might be my new obsession-
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bluegiragi · 4 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
more backstory that i wrote up for patreon heh:
Simon and Tommy had a complicated relationship as brothers. 
At a young age, Simon basically wrote himself off as a lost cause, and did the best he could to make sure at least Tommy had a chance to be a functioning human being. After all, Tommy was the gentler brother, the dreamer, the one who looked like their mother (who'd walked out on them years ago to escape their father). But Tommy got bitter, got sick of the one always being protected, being babied. He lost respect for Simon, for the way he wouldn't fight back, and in a twisted way, grew closer to his father as a way to learn how to be powerful, strong. It backfired, and Tommy got wrapped up in some bad business.
Simon's kid brother died while he was deployed. He got the news in the letter, and it broke him in a big way. In the story timeline, it was years and years ago but it still hurts like hell whenever Simon thinks about him. 
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nerdpoe · 11 months
Danny has an Ice Core.
He isn't aware of it, but this does, in fact, greatly influence how his ghost form looks as he grows up.
His appearance starts getting more rugged, eyes a paler, more piercing green, hair a bit more uncontrollable and wild.
He packs muscle easily, even in human form.
When in ghost form, he has an aura of something patient and dangerous, and that sense only grows the older he gets.
Basically, our boy starts to look like a viking.
No matter how goofy and bumbling he really is, his first impression is always a horrifying moment for whoever is meeting him.
And as his ghost form grows with his human form, he outgrows his hazmat outfit. Frostbite and the Far Frozen fashion him some new clothes-which only compliment and play off of the viking aesthetic he's got going on.
And with the height he inherited from his father?
Our man is a very, very intimidating figure to look at. More so than Dan; because while Dan was dangerous and scary, he was all energy and lightning and rage.
Adult Danny comes across as lethal and terrifying, all ice and persistence and that final, terrible silence before you realize you've already died.
Dan felt like the warrior in front of you. Danny feels like the wilderness in winter, vast and unforgiving.
Anyways, when a summoning for Klarion goes horribly wrong and Danny gets called instead, the Justice League has a moment where they're convinced they've summoned something much, much worse than Klarion.
And Danny, standing there completely confused, is not helping by remaining silent and still while staring John Constantine in the eye.
Good news, the bad guys are also very concerned about the weird ghost viking and are actually moving to stand side by side with the Justice League on this.
Bad news, who the fuck is this guy?
"...Fuck," is all Constantine whispers, backing away slowly.
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ohmygraves · 6 months
ghost who eloped with his spouse, who moved into a small house for about a month before he had to fly out on a missions outside of england. hell, the place was pretty bare and he couldn't even manage to put in some nice furniture before price told him to get his arse into a plane to russia for a five month long mission. didn't even get to enjoy some honeymoon before his job fucked him over.
safe to say, he hadn't established a routine at his new home yet ever since he moved out of his barracks room at the base. he was only at home for a little while, it only makes sense that he doesn't know where everything goes sometimes. and of course, he somehow misplaced himself.
at the end of the deployment, he was too tired to even care. his eyes were so heavy and tired that he made his way back to his old barracks room, kicking the door down and throwing his bags to the side (and scaring poor soap who was asleep on the bed, since of course he's the one who took ghost's old room back at the base).
his eyes met the scot, a little confused as to why he sees someone on his bed.
"whit the hell!? lt!? did the missus kick ye out?" soap groaned, scared shitless as he tries to calm his heart.
the question took him off guard, and he stood by the doorway quietly, just processing it.
"... i have a spouse."
"ye eedjit." soap shook his head, telling him to leave soon or else an angry spouse will buzz off his mohawk.
poor ghost, rushed out of the base in the middle of the night trying to get back home. he's got a lot of apologizing to do. hopefully his spouse was asleep and didn't realize that he practically drove twice over the speed limit and possibly ran over someone just to get to his spouse's arms.
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hai-nae · 1 month
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if you want love, you're gonna have to go through the pain,
if you want love, you're gonna have to learn how to change,
if you want trust, you're gonna have to give some away.
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thebrainrotsreal · 4 months
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Random musings about an episode where Spectra disguised herself as a student, rather than a counselor to sow misery within the high school! Spreading gossip, being outright malicious, shattering friendships, and all that jazz! Plus, using that fact she looks like a teen against Danny, since unless cornering her, he couldn't fight her without looking like he's attacking a random student.
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Your Cassidy design gives me life, exactly how I envisioned her.
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I’m so glad y’all liked my Cassidy design!!
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kettlefire · 2 months
Justice League & The Observants
The first time The Observants appeared before the Justice League, they were met with resistance. The JL was more than apprehensive when it came to working with the beings.
A new side of their world was exposed to them. Since the day those things showed up at the watchtower, everywhere the JL turned, there was a new spooky thing to learn about.
The strange beings didn't say much. Appearing in the room through a swirling portal, took a look at the heroes and gave them a mission.
A mission. Like suddenly the Justice League works for them. Something that rubbed all the heroes the wrong way.
Yet, they had to take it. They couldn't let a town get absolutely destroyed and leveled just because they disliked the creatures that told them about it.
It kept happening.
Batman pulls out all the stops to learn more about these so called "Observants". Everything he could find.
It takes him down a rabbit hole. Finding out more and more about the world those beings came from. The Zone.
No one could really complain. The visits from the Observants were always short and to the point. A new problem has arise in the time line and they needed to fix it.
That was until the first time it wasn't one of those things stepping out of the portal.
This time it was a kid. Or something that looked like a kid, and this kid looked pissed.
He demands to know everything that the Observants had asked the league to do. Demands to be filled in.
The anger isn't directed at the JL. No, no. It's directed at the Observants. It seems the league aren't the only ones that despise those all-seeing beings.
He's a king. The kid is a King.
Not what anyone had expected, and it seemed the complication only grew more. The king, Phantom, informs them not to trust the Observants.
The Justice League takes it all in surprising strides. Confirms that they have done nothing wrong, and they haven't. It was simply that the Observants cared more of their own opinions than the betterment of the world.
However, it gets a little harder to keep a straight face when they are introduced to the God of Time.
Made even worse when the God, Clockwork, is a child. If they thought Phantom was a kid, this was a baby.
Except in almost a blink of an eye, Clockwork was an old man.
Things just kept getting more complicating and intriguing.
Before the Justice League knows it. They are essentially thrusted into the Zone's own problems. An inner war was brewing, and Phantom wanted to do everything he could to stop it.
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ramvur · 11 months
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[for people with screen readers u can find the alt text in each image description]
3 times gaz was the rizz master vs 1 time he was the puppy-eyes king
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ignitefangs · 5 months
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I owe you my life for giving me this idea
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(forgive me for my sins)
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epsilonhybrid · 7 months
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water reminder
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foop204 · 11 months
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Got inspired by @applestruda 's art with Pirate!Scar's hats being from the other boatem members and I got inspired :] Here's some cartoony ass ghosts!!
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bluegiragi · 8 months
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guess who's about to learn all about werewolf tail etiquette
early access + nsfw on patreon
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kayleerowena · 3 days
new random haunted house generator just dropped!
tip jar - patreon - rss feed
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