#and if roy doesn't want to go on a mission with jason. jason says and believes he doesn't care. but then goes and blows up a building
allthegothihopgirls · 4 months
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this is what i mean when i say oblivious jayroy btw
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
I had an AU, that at this point is more of a headcanon for me, that I thought you might enjoy because it's a nice mix of angst, Tim not thinking things are as bad as they very clearly are, and some fluff.
So it's pretty widely accepted that the Bats don't really know anything about Tim's days with Young Justice right? Like they might know one or two small facts, but they don't know that the gang blew up Mount Rushmore, any of the times the DEO tried to arrest them and drag them into Government Labs for experimentation, or that time they went to a Disco Themed Hell with Supergirl. They sure as hell don't know about any of the things that happened with Secret and Harm. Even though Tim would canonically be gone for days at a time (some of his adventures, mainly the one when they were gone for THE ENTIRE WINTER OLYMPICS) with no one noticing. One time they were in space and had enough time to not only go to Darksied's planet but spent WEEKS there and when they got back still not even Batman knows that Tim was even gone.
Anyways, all this to say. If Tim vanished for a month or two and just said he was spending time with Young Justice again while sending in case files and stuff to keep Bruce busy, I don't think anyone would notice. Nor would they notice if he suddenly switched from being Right Handed to being Left Handed and then after months of practice he goes back to being right handed. It's such a small change after all.
So here's the headcanon. On a Young Justice mission, something goes horribly wrong and Tim full on looses his hand. It's simply gone. The reason no one knows or notices is that he got a robotic replacement, a very realistic looking one like Roy Harper has, that he spent a few months learning how to work with and then went to physical therapy for it for years. It's just part of his life now and he thinks everyone knows, after all. How could they miss it? Jason has seen his palm open with a screw driver deep in his wires. Jason thought he was still tripping from fighting Scarecrow a few hours before. Not a single person outside of Cassie, Tim, Kon, Bart, Greta, Anita, Slobo, and Cissie knows that Tim is missing his right arm just below his elbow for almost 5 years.
That is until Tim has been up for 4 days straight and Dick says something about needing a hand with something and in a moment of sleep deprived brilliance, Tim takes off his hand, and throws it at Dick.
Yes! I love this AU/hc. There is a fic that kind of has this situation: "I told you about that... Didn't I?" by weewoow_070603. Jason is the one to find out, though.
I like the details you added in this AU that the fic (as far as I remember) didn't add: Tim being gone is a regular thing, the fear toxin with Jason, the months of physical therapy, etc.
I do think something as vital as this would happen to Tim, and he'd just forget to tell his family. At first, he tries to hide it. He doesn't want to deal with their fretting, the lectures, the scolding, and them getting involved. He has it handled, after all. After a while, he forgets that he should hide it and why he did in the first place. Then someone finds out, and he's confused why they don't know such a common place thing.
I'm also super glad you tied in all those YJ examples that you did. People tend to focus on the space baseball or Santa Clause (which I love those events too), so it was refreshing to see other events as examples.
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sanguineterrain · 11 months
hiii! can i request reader being a vigilante and also jason’s ex? they’re on the same mission/have to work together and reader gets injured or smn?
thank you so much! I love your writing!
thanks for requesting! this turned into a whole ass one shot 😭 hope you like ❤️
jason todd x gn!reader. tw: fighting, exes, physical violence, reader is captured but they're fine, jason is NOT over you (and he doesn't want to be), making up, fluffy ending. 2k words (lol)
The Cave is exactly how you remember. Foolishly, you thought maybe it would've rotted after you broke up with Jason.
That's certainly how you felt.
But no. It's the same, and the other Bats are the same. Dick and Tim are there, probably because you're the most familiar with them... after your ex, of course... and Barbara already pushed the envelope by contacting you.
Still, Gotham is your city too. And if the Bats need an extra set of hands to protect the city, then so be it.
"Hey, glad you could make it," Dick says warmly.
At times, you envy how easygoing he can be. Even though he can have a temper, Dick Grayson, for the most part, shakes hands like a politician. He doesn't burn bridges. He doesn't hold grudges, at least not publicly.
You, on the other hand, are perhaps too much like his younger brother: you absolutely hold grudges, and you don't let go easily.
"Hi, guys," you say, trying to be civil. "What's up?"
The roar of a motorcycle pulling into the Cave cuts Tim off. Quick anger soars through you as Red Hood dismounts the bike. He takes off his helmet.
You haven't seen Jason in a year. Judging by his physique, the breakup did not take a toll on him. If anything, he seems bigger than you remember. Asshole.
You can pinpoint the moment that he finally sees you, and he stops in his tracks.
"Oh, boy," you hear Tim mumble.
Jason is silent. You cross your arms, keeping your face neutral.
"I didn't know you worked with the Bats, Hood. Thought you flew solo."
Jason is quiet for another moment. Then he speaks.
"Things change."
"Anyway!" Dick says, clapping his hands. "Pretty straightforward mission. Drugs, warehouse, bad guys, et cetera. We have to clear out these shipments tomorrow night, or they'll hit the streets, and we'll be too late. Robin and I will take Gotham Heights. Signal, Black Bat, and Red Robin will take downtown. And, um, you two can clear out the Bowery."
"Hood can handle the Bowery himself," you say. "Gimme another section."
Jason scoffs. You glance at him.
"Something funny?" you ask, teeth grit.
"Once again, you're biting off more than you can chew," he says, hands on his waist. "It's stupid and you're gonna get yourself into trouble. Just clear out the Bowery with me. Plenty of room for both of us."
"I don't know if you know this, but I actually do pretty okay on my own. Just because you're one of Batman's special little prodigies doesn't mean the rest of us can't get by."
You glance at the others. "No offense."
"None taken," Tim says. "You're far better adjusted than us, no contest."
Jason rolls his eyes. "C'mon. You don't have anything to prove to us. We know you're capable, but these guys are rough. We team up for safety."
"Oh, now you care about being a part of a team?" you snap. "You didn't give a shit when it was me asking—no, begging you and Roy to help me with the League mission in Sydney."
Jason's jaw tenses. "That was different."
"Guys, I think we should—"
"Why? Because you only get your hands dirty locally?" you ask, shaking with anger.
"Because if I had gotten involved, it would've put a target on your back," Jason says icily. "You would've been killed. You were nowhere near ready to take on the League. I wouldn't have been able to protect you and fight them."
"You know, right there, you sounded just like Bruce. Did you take tips from him?"
Silence. Jason's boiling with anger, you can tell.
"Bruce wouldn't have had the sense to stop you from going," he finally says, tone even. "He's not too good at that."
"Bruce would've cared enough to back me up. And he wouldn't have driven a wedge between me and my team."
It's just words; there's no way to know whether Batman would've actually backed you up. Probably not, considering his history. But it hurts Jason, and you take the moment to whirl around to look at Dick and Tim, who are wildly uncomfortable. Dick looks sad.
"It's better to team up," Dick says gently.
You bristle. "Whatever. I'll see you tomorrow."
You stalk out of the Cave.
Stupid fucking exes. Stupid fucking vigilantes.
"Okay, just to make things clear..."
"In and out. Report at the Cave," you say, tightening your equipment. "I got it, Nightwing. Over and out."
You silence your comm before he can respond. You're tired of their voices.
Thankfully, Jason has taken the hint and is on the opposite end of the Bowery. Which means you can slip away in peace.
You did this as a favor for Barbara, but now you're seriously rethinking getting reinvolved with the Bats. It never ends well.
The warehouses on the East End of Old Gotham are no problem. You clear out five within an hour. You check the comm briefly. It's pretty much silent, so you turn it off and keep going.
The West End, however, is a little harder.
Because you're only one person, someone figures out your pattern. You're clobbered over the head before you can drop in through the roof.
This is the last time you do a favor for anybody in Gotham.
You wake up tied to a chair. Your head pounds, and your lip is bloody. Not good.
"—way the Bat will show. They're a nobody vigilante."
"Tony, you're a fuckin' idiot if you think Batman doesn't know exactly what the fuck goes on in this city. Swear to God, I shoulda left you with Mom in Boise. Nothing but cotton in your head."
"Oh, fuck off, Al, you'd still be droolin' on your couch crying over Marie if I hadn't come back to Jersey."
"You little—"
"Very sorry to interrupt this family spat," you say. "But I'm on a tight schedule here, so if you could just speed things up..."
"Smartass, huh?" Al asks, waving a gun. "I wouldn't be so bold tied to a chair, toots."
"Toots? Are you a hundred years old?"
Tony snickers. Al glares at him and stalks over to you. He doesn't hesitate before whacking you upside the head with his gun. Your ears ring, and you hunch forward.
"Watch your mouth," he growls, and you're in too much pain to come up with a response to that.
Presently, you realize that your earbud is out of your ear. Probably destroyed. You have no other way of sending a distress signal. By the time you miss the report at the Cave, it'll be too late.
You were a failure then, and you're a failure now. Even your ex-boyfriend took pity on you.
Jason. God, look at how you'd left things. How his face had fallen when you'd called him Bruce. He used to love Bruce, and you know exactly what happened that changed that. And you used it against him.
Now you're facing the consequences. This is your own damn fault.
"Load everything into the truck," Al says into a walkie. "Then move out. Tell the others the same."
There's a crackled reply. Then shouting. Then silence.
You look up in surprise. Al curses and points at you.
"Stay here and watch them," he orders Tony.
"But Al, what if Batman comes here?"
"That's what guns are for, you freakin' idiot!"
You snort. As if guns could stop any of them, much less Batman.
But whatever. These guys probably didn't go into selling drugs because of their big IQs.
Tony and five other men stay to guard you. You work on trying to slip out of the handcuffs and rope.
The first gunshot hits one goon in the leg. A second gets hit in the shoulder. Hip. Foot. Opposite leg.
Red Hood steps out of the shadows, then. Tony immediately looks sick.
"H-Hood? This ain't your territory, what're you—"
"You've got something of mine, Tony," Jason says, voice smooth and dangerous.
Tony decides that, fuck his brother, he's getting out of here alive, and runs. Jason doesn't pay him any mind, instead walking to you.
He cuts the ropes first, then picks the handcuffs. Jason roughly rubs your wrists and ankles, pushing blood back into your extremities.
"What're you doing?" you ask. "Go get him. He's meeting his brother downtown."
You can't see Jason's expression through the helmet, but if looks could kill...
"What. The hell. Is wrong with you."
You scowl. "I didn't come here for a fucking lecture."
"Well, you're gonna get one. This wasn't the plan. And you turned off your comm? Are you trying to get yourself killed? You have a death wish or something?"
"It didn't make sense to put both of us in the Bowery—"
"You could've died tonight!" Jason yells.
"And wouldn't you have liked that!" you snap back. "Proves the fact that I'm a failure quite nicely."
Jason tears off his helmet. His eyes are wide with anger and... guilt. Helplessness.
He's afraid.
"Don't you fucking say that," he says lowly. "I'd rather die again than find your body."
"What the fuck do you care?" you snarl. "I'm not your responsibility, remember? What does it matter if I dropped off the face of the earth?"
"Because I still love you!"
All of your anger drains.
Your body buzzes like it wants to feel him again. Traitor.
"That would kill me," Jason finishes quietly. "And I wouldn't come back from that death."
Your mouth feels like you swallowed chalk. And bees.
"You love me?" you whisper.
"You're hard to get over," he says. "Still haven't managed it."
"But... you said our breakup was for the best."
Jason sighs. His anger fades. "It was. I was a jackass. I let my shit with Bruce and the Pit and everything get in the way of what was important. Which is you."
"You were good to me, Jay," you say. "And we were okay. Till... till Sydney."
Jason winces. "I should've handled it better. And I should've treated you better."
"You're a good man, Jason. I don't regret my relationship with you. I regret it ending."
He looks at you. His face is twisted in pain.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," he says. "And you're not a failure. Not even close."
You scoff, your eyes wet. "Aren't I? Couldn't even handle a simple drug bust."
"No, you're not. Nothing about what we do is simple, even if we're gaslit into thinking so. In this life, you need someone to watch your back. Even B doesn't work alone."
You try to stand, suddenly feeling like a raw nerve. You stand up too fast, though, and blood rushes to your head. You might also be mildly concussed.
Jason immediately slips an arm around your waist as you teeter forward and puts you upright.
"Easy, sweetheart," he says, and doesn't let go until you're steady.
You raise a brow. Jason grimaces.
"Sorry. Force a' habit."
You scoff, suddenly shy. "Habit, huh? Still think of me as your sweetheart?"
"Never stopped."
You roll your eyes, but it's fond now. "Anybody ever tell you you don't know how to move on?"
"Mm. I've heard it once or twice."
Your lips tingle. You've missed kissing him.
"I'm sorry I compared you to Bruce," you say. "You're nothing like him."
Jason shrugs. "Some of me is exactly like him. The fact that I didn't put a bullet in anybody's brain even though they kidnapped you isn't me at all. But I forgive you. And I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't know the Sydney mission had festered so much."
"It's okay, Jay. You're right, I wasn't ready to take down the League or kill anybody. I'm grateful you stopped me."
Jason takes a careful step forward, eyes darting to your lips. You smirk.
"Hot for communication, are we?" you ask.
"Oh," he says, suddenly reticent. "Sorry. Too forward. Shit. I've... I've just missed you so much. I thought maybe you—that there was a vibe—but if there isn't, then—"
You take the last step and kiss him, and your lips buzz in satisfaction. Jason kisses back just as eagerly, hands flying to your waist and squeezing. But his hands roam, holding and cupping like he's been starved for the last year.
"I missed you too, Jaybird," you say between kisses.
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spidernuggets · 8 months
Can I request #15 from the lyric list with Jason Todd please? I think it's perfect for angst or hurt/comfort, whatever you want to write really
Jason Todd x Reader
Warning: Slightly suggestive if you squint
"You with the dark curls, you with the water colour eyes"
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"Jesus Christ, how do you expect me not to get upset over something like this, Jason! You're never home anymore! We don't go on dates anymore! Your.. Your friends and family don't even know we're dating!" You yell at him, tears already cascading down your face.
Jason sighs in frustration. It was late in the afternoon when Jason woke up since he was out late on patrol last night. He knew what he was getting into when he started dating you. Dark secrets, little communication. It was selfish of him, but he couldn't help it. The selfish itch in his heart dragged him towards you, not wanting to share you with anyone else.
And together with his other ego of Red Hood, he was out late at night, coming home to you in the early hours of 5am, sleeping in until around 3pm, in which he either has to go to Wayne Manor for training, or go out with Roy for a side mission.
He promised himself not to tell you about his secret life. The less you knew, the safer. Villains wouldn't give to use you as blackmail or kidnap you or hurt you. If any of them did, he wouldn't hesitate to go against Batman's morals and put a bullet through their head, no matter how long it took him to make amends with his adoptive father.
Jason sighed in frustration, pulling his hair back with a firm grip. "They don't need to know!" He says back, slightly raising his voice in attempts to remain as calm as possible. "It's none of their business!"
"How?! Am I not someone you care about?!"
"Of course you are! But they don't need to know that!"
"Why not?!"
"Because I don't want them to!" Jason yells.
You stayed quiet after that. He doesn't want them to know about you? Why?? Was he really ashamed to be dating you? Why the fuck would he date you in the first place then?
Jason's eyes widen. He didn't mean to say it. Not like that, to say the least. He didn't want his friends or family to overwhelm you. He didn't want them to be a variable in what could happen if you'd find out about his other life. And even if you didn't, he especially didn't want the press to be involved when they found out another one of Bruce Wayne's sons has found a lover.
"Doll, I-"
You put your hand out as Jason stepped closer. You spit out a harsh, sarcastic laugh as you dried your tear-stained cheeks. "You know, I thought you wanted to keep this relationship on the down low because I know how much you hate how nosy your family is. But, you know, you could've just said that dating me was that embarrassing. I would've been out of your hair ages ago if you were that ashamed to be seen with me," you snip. You start to walk to your shared bedroom, grabbing your duffel and shoving random clothes into it.
Jason felt paralysed. He couldn't move, and his heart was beating rapidly inside his head. It hurt so much. He just wanted to protect you. He just wanted to keep you safe.
When he was finally abke to manoeuvre his limbs, he rushed towards the bedroom. His head felt like it was about to explode when he saw you zipping up your duffel and throwing it over your shoulder.
"Y/n, please! I didn't-" He tried to call out to you. He tried to reason with you.
"I'll come back for the rest of my stuff next week," you mumble as you walk right past him, refusing to make eye contact with him.
Jason's heart shattered into a million pieces. His mind stopped functioning, and he went into another one of his melancholic episodes. He caved away in your used-to-be shared bedroom for the majority of that week. He clutched your pillow ever so close to him, hoping he was delusional enough to believe it was you. But it wasn't the same. He tried to think of many ways to make it up to you, to grow a pair and try to talk things out. But he's never seen you look so upset.
He wanted to fill his own head with lead. He promised himself never to let you get hurt, and he promised that if anyone did hurt you, he'd kill them. But he was the one who hurt you. And he wanted someone to put him out of his misery.
Bruce then called Jasin near the end of the week, telling him that he had missed too many important missions already and that he needed to get back in the field. Bruce was pissed. But Jason ignored him, as usual.
So, Bruce had no choice but to bring out the big guns. He ordered Alfred to demand Jason to get back to work. Alfred didn't demand, obviously. He just gently laid out that the team couldn't afford any more rest days from Jason, so they all needed Red Hood to get his head in the game. And Jason could never say no to Alfred.
So he put the big, red helmet back on and went out for crime-fighting. Granted, his skills were lacking more than usual, but Dick held Bruce back from making a scene. Dick was the only person to know of yours and Jason's past relationship, and he knew Jason would've been more appreciative and comfortable if he didn't mention it to the others. He eventually found out early in the week that you broke up with Jason and moved out of his apartment, so he understood why he was falling behind on the current mission.
There were a bunch of men who worked for Black Mask roaming the streets. Some were easily tied up already, and some were more skilled than others as there were bullets flying left and right.
Unfortunately, during the same time, you decided it would be a good time to head back to Jason's apartment to grab the rest of your belongings and the Black Man vs. Bats' encounter just so happened to take place on the route.
You were checking your phone and foolishly had your headphones on, too. It wasn't until you were at a witness distance away from the scene and heard a gunshot being fired.
From natural reaction, you screamed. You were at quite far distance, but ome of the men heard you. He called over two other guys with him. They couldn't afford to have a civilian witness.
Just when one was about to throw a knife at you, Red Hood comes swinging in, knocking him out. He disarmed the weapons of the other two, headbutting one, leaving him unconscious, and shot the other in the leg, as if he didn't have any problem fighting two seconds ago.
Your breathing was heavy and you couldn't move from where you were standing.
Red Hood came closer to you, grasping your shoulders, looking around for any wounds or bruises.
"Are you okay??" He asked in complete worry. You knew Red Hood cared about victims and innocent civilians, but he seemed real comfortable right now, but you decided to brush it off.
"Yeah... I think I'm- Watch out!" You tried to warn. The guy who was shot in the leg was able to get up and take a swing at Red Hood's head with a stray metal pole he found near him. Luckily, Red Hood was able to kick the pole out of the man's hand and punch him until he was out cold.
"Shit," Red Hood hisses. He didn't even realise his helmet cracked open until he turned around to check up on you again.
He was about to ask if you were okay again until he realised the shocked expression on your face. The right side of his mask was busted open, showing the pale colour of his green eyes and a few stray strands of dark locks sticking out.
You know those features. You know them so well.
Suddenly, you were back in your shared apartment with Jason, watching 'The Dead Poets Society' during a Saturday afternoon. He was being cradled in your arms, his head laying on your chest, and every few minutes, he would look up at you with those beautiful eyes, smiling and telling you how much he loves you, while your hand intertwined with the curls of his hair.
Suddenly, you were back in your shared kitchen, Jason huddled in the corner, arms wrapped around his knees as his head was buried within his arms. He was having another panic attack, and you slowly approached him, whispering multiple times that it was just you. It was just you and him, and it will always just be you and him. That's when he let you hold him. Your nose was nuzzled into the crown of his head, his hair tickling your neck. And he looked at you with watering eyes, apologising for putting up with him, but you just shushed him, assuring that you're never putting up with him, and that it was just another way of showing that you adore and love him with your whole heart.
Suddenly, you were back on your shared bed with the sheets tossed on the floor. Your hands were at a firm grip, pulling and tugging on Jason's hair as he made sure to keep reminding you to maintain eye contact with him the whole time while his face was settled comfortably between your thighs.
"Fuck.. You.. You weren't supposed to-" Jason got a report on his comms that the rest of Black Masks' men have been taken out and GCPD will be arriving soon.
"C'mon, let's get you home," Jason mumbles, leading you towards his bike.
"We're going back to your place, Jason," you say behind him, making him stop and turn around to face you. "We're going back to your place, and you're going to tell me everything. You owe me," it wasn't a plead or a beg. It was a demand.
And Jason knew he couldn't be selfish anymore. And he also wanted you back. Back in his apartment, making it your own, too. He wanted you back in his arms. He wanted to be back in your arms. So he nods, taking you to his bike and driving back to his apartment.
He sits you down, asking you once more if you want to know everything in which you just gave him a deadpanned look.
You knew that Jason Todd went missing in some unknown accident. But that was 'Jason Todd', not Robin. So Jason tells you that there was more to his fake death, and you nod giving him the go ahead.
And with that, Jason tells you his story. From him stealing the Batmobile's tires to becoming Robin to getting killed by the Joker to come back to life by the Lazarus Pit, up until this very moment.
You didn't know how to react. You sat there on the couch staring into his eyes. Jason looks away, not wanting to see the look on your face once you've comprehended what he had finally admitted to.
"You've been through so much. And you didn't tell me. Is this why you get those panic attacks? I could've... I could've done more," you mutter. But Jason's eyes widen as he shakes his head, getting on his knees in front of you.
"No. No, Y/n. That isn't your responsibility," he says.
You look at him, annoyed. "My responsibility is to love you, Jason! And being there for you is part of loving you. You could've.. you could've at least told me small parts of your story. You could've told me you were Red Hood, and that would be end of story. I'd still love you.."
He shakes his head once more. "If you knew, you wouldn't be safe. Your safety probably decreased right now, now that you know who I am," he says, almost in a whine. "I just wanted to protect you. Of course, I'd never be embarrassed or ashamed to be seen with you. If I had it my way, if I just lived a normal life, I'd be showing you off to anyone looking our way," he confesses, and you couldn't help but smile.
You hold Jason's face in your hands, holding it so carefully, as if his face was the most delicate thing in the world. "Jay, I know you. I know you can protect me, and your family can protect us. You're so strong. I just know that no harm can come our way," you try to reassure him. He nods in response.
You place a lingering kiss on the crown of his head. "I'll be bringing my stuff back here tomorrow. No more secrets, please, hm?"
"Mhm," he nods. He's tired. And he just wants to be back with you. And you give that to him.
Suddenly, you're back in your shared bedroom on your bed. Your limbs are tangled with Jason's. Your noses are in close proximity. Your eyes are staring back at each other. And your fingers are caressing each strand of hair on his pretty head.
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Starfire defines her relationship with Nightwing
Roy Harper, Koriand'r, Jason Todd and Dick Grayson spend quality time together at the Wayne Manor.
Kori: Jason told us that in 10 years you guys will get married.
Roy glares at Jason who is reading and chuckling.
Roy: Would you stop telling people that!
Jason: I will if either of us get a partner.
Roy slaps the man on the back of the head.
Roy Harper: Changing the subject from my idiot, what is your relationship with him?
He points to Dick Grayson who is reading on his Kindle Paperwhite.
Kori: I am a sexual person at most times and when I go on vacation to my planet or missions with people like you I crave some type of sexual attraction, to keep me going at times, you know? As such, we have agreed on an open relationship, but that doesn't mean we're always sex, sex, sex. I like being around Dickie. He makes me laugh, we can fight criminals together and he's a... himbo at times. Which I like.
Dick: Hey, I'm a himbo who is smart.
Kori (rubbing her nose against her boyfriend's chin): What am I, blue bird?
Dick: An intelligent warrior princess.
Kori (smiling): Monogamy does happen on Tamaran, but it's not like "You must be in a single relationship for your life!" Nah, we are free to have fun and I have fun with Dickie. Surprisingly in more ways than sex.
Jason: Doubt it.
Kori: Shush. We're a couple and are seeing where our love will take us while maintaining our healthy relationship.
Dick: We love and trust each other and we're semi-rational adults. It's honestly freeing to explore myself.
Jason: You don't have to keep talking.
Dick, clears his throat: The sex we have is amazing as well.
Kori: Yes, I enjoy it especially since nobody hits that special spot like my sweet Grayson does.
Jason tosses his book having lost interests from his disgust.
Jason: You had to fucking ask, Roy! I was right in the middle of Lady Macbeth and you ruined it!
Kori: Why must you be grossed out by our love?
Kori rests her head on Grayson's shoulder. He smiles and pats her knee.
Roy: Why couldn't I be this lucky? I got insane assassin as an ex-wife and then this guy who keeps pretending we would make a good couple. Damn it!
Roy gets up and leaves seething.
Jason: See, your yuck has made my life partner, if he says yes to our marriage in 10 years, upset. I got to go comfort him.
Roy: Stay away from me!
Roy runs away, Jason chases after him wanting to mess with him more.
Kori and Grayson stay on the couch.
Kori: I love you, blue bird.
Dick, smiling: I love you too, star.
The two kiss and return to reading a book on Grayson's kindle.
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onnahu · 3 months
Joyfire brainrot
Not long after The Outlaws dealt with Untitled, Cheshire cane to Roy with a suprise. It's a girl!
Roy will of course keep his daughter, but his relationship with Kori and Jason is kinda... idk, loose? Open? Kori is not into labels, and Jason has kinda screwed sense on love and relationships. So he's scared it'll be the end. They surely won't want to get involve in a whole ass child!
But, suprise, they are very much ready. Not as parents - they both have very complex issues with their own family/parents, and won'tcommit as such. But they will stick to Roy. They will help with Lian.
So, The Outlaws newer break. They stick together, and try to get handle on basic parenting and babies caring. The babyproofed the spaceship.
For now, Lian is a tiny little baby, but when she starts to grow, they have to figure out how to socialise her with other children. Where, and with who will they do that?
So. They run away to some far-ass little village. Kinda like Smalville,but with kindergarden and families that live there. They get a house, and they hide the spaceship in their garden.
And then Jason freaks out, because oh shit, he kinda left Gotham, and he bought a house, and he's the second emergency contact for Lian. (Kori's the second. Lian wanted it that way, nobody knows why.)
So he kind of get away on some mission,and Roy and Kori get super worried. Lian is sad too, because she doesn't know when Jay will be back.
Then it is time for Kori to freak out. Because she realises that that thing they had? It was loose, and open, and they never labeled what was between them. She was scared on getting hurt like with Dick. And now it became something real. She's parenting a child, even if they don't call it like that. And she loves Lian, and Jason and Roy. So she gets spooked and is like 'I'll go search for Jason' and promptly dissapear.
And then Roy freaks out. Because yes, Kori and Jason and even him were going on missions from time to time, but he's suddenly alone with Lian, and he's got no idea where his partners are!
Lian, go figure, is the smartest one. She pats Roy on the back and says the will obviously be back, because they obviously love each other. When Jason and Kori are back, slightly more freaked out, she also pats them and is like 'dad loves you, and i love you, you can't dissapear like that. Dad was very sad'.
With that, they have very adult conversation about their feeling, and they kinda say out loud that they're exclusive and together, and they love each other.
Fast forward, let's say a year. The summer break is on, and Lian wants to go to space. And joyfire are suckers for her, so they do go to space. And they get married in space. There is a whole situation around it, bat that's the point.
Lian is very glad to be a Tamaranian princess. Jason secretly is also enjoying being a prince by law.
Kori nad Jason still aren't mom and dad for Lian, but they're her parents, and it's kinda just accepted. Especially now that they're married to Roy.
Meanwhile, Arrows and Bats've got no idea what's going on. Outlaws are kinda popping out all around the world from time to time, but mostly stays silent. When they finally get their shit together and try to repair their relationships with them, they're very suprised.
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002yb · 10 months
While Roy would argue that the leaky faucet in their apartment adds to its ramshackle, rustic charm, Jason doesn't share the sentiment. The persistent dripping is white noise to Roy, but for Jason it's an irritant. It's a reminder of home and a childhood Jason would rather forget - a too small apartment that was rundown and falling apart, all stained surfaces and broken fixtures because no one cared to take care of anything. Jason doesn't want to live like that again. It's why Jason does so much to keep the place up despite Roy's absence because it's not just a safe house - it's their home.
Which is why when Roy comes home and is greeted with that steady drip, he grimaces. The leaky faucet is something Roy promised to fix months ago and promptly forgets about between so many other responsibilities, but he resolves himself in that moment: today is the day.
Guilt and shame are strong motivators and Roy feels an ample amount of both if only because the place looks as good as it does. Everything is clean and smells fresh in a way that makes Roy feel at ease and yet here he's left Jason to suffer with a faulty sink.
The old saying of, 'happy wife, happy life,' crosses Roy's mind and while they're not married, Roy resolves that he needs to do better by his partner. If not out of love, then certainly because Roy isn't sure he could withstand being at the forefront of Jason's provoked ire.
It's not a hard task. Challenged as Roy likes to be, he finds enjoyment in the straightforward nature of the problem and the clear steps needed to resolve it. Compared to the other work he does, it's mindless and it's something of a relief.
That he's going to get brownie points with Jason is an added bonus.
Jason, who walks into their apartment that's been empty for months while Roy has been tied up with Justice League missions and bureaucracy to find his partner on his back, crowded into the cabinet beneath their sink finally making right on his promise to fix the damn plumbing. Jason, who sees Roy following through and preens about it because the poor kid is all crossed wires and fucked up associations about the men in his life taking care of shit like this. Jason, who comes home and straddles Roy's hips like he's done so often in the past, casual and alluring - the menace.
It takes all of Roy's willpower not to react. For as often as Jason tries to seduce Roy, Roy has been painstakingly mindful to not take advantage. Making Jason happy and flirting around is one thing; letting him believe he has to pay Roy back for fulfilling a promise Roy made months ago and forgot about is another.
"You gonna help?" Roy asks instead.
"Depends on the plumbing." Jason quips, grinding his ass back against Roy to tease him and-
It feels good until it doesn't. Roy sees stars for too many reasons and all he can think is that this was karma coming to bite his ass for 1) not fixing the sink sooner and 2) being tempted by the vixen that is Jason Todd.
The weight on his pelvis is gone in an instant and Roy groans in disappointment. Just because he won't come on to Jason doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy when Jason tries to seduce him. It's his guilty pleasure, fuck!
"Shit, are you okay?" Jason asks through an incredulous laugh, dragging Roy out from beneath the sink by his calves. Roy goes easy, one hand to the bump on his head from hitting the pipes beneath the sink. Jason looks both embarrassed and sheepish and Roy can't say the kid has ever looked more gorgeous than in that moment, hovering over Roy with cool fingers pressed to the swelling bump just beneath the edge of Roy's hat. "My bad," Jason snickers, knocking his knuckles just shy of the hurt.
Roy makes a face at him and, just to tease, torments him with a lighthearted taunt: "Kiss it better?"
The mood has come and gone though, so all Jason gives Roy is a smirk and a pointed kiss to his own hand before he smacks it over Roy's head.
"Maybe after you finish with the sink." Jason says, gesturing to the broken pipe, courtesy of Roy's forehead. Roy turns his attention to it, lips pursed because wow, fuck. That's another trip to the store.
"Since it's your fault-" Roy says and Jason scoffs. Still, when Roy holds out his hand, Jason hoists him up. Roy smiles at him, easy as anything, "-come get the parts with me."
Roy loves the work he does. He's happy to do it, but he's missed this; he's glad to be home.
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autisticrosewilson · 7 months
Every year Kate holds her own Kane Family Events™️ on the same nights as Bruce has his, a cousin rivalry that's been going on as long as either of them can remember.
Dick occasionally joined the Kane's to spite Bruce the first few years, but eventually settled into his Richy Wayne persona.
Jason attended the first few Wayne galas, and immediately decided he wasn't fond of all the formality. He made a deal with Dick, he'll go to the Kane events and bring back leftovers if Dick does the same at Wayne events.
He ends up having a lot of fun! He's pretty much immediately hoisted over to the kid table, which would be more offensive if 18 year old Bette Kane weren't also there. Eventually someone else joins their little gossip duo, a blonde boy named Joey whose around Dick's age. Apparently his mom is Kate's aunt or something and she runs the New York branch of Kane Corp. He's pretty cool, Jason was a little surprised he couldn't talk but he knows ASL so it wasn't an issue and they have a lot in common!
Flash forward a few months later. There's a new Titan team, and Jason gets to visit them today. He's heard of them all at least, Wally, Kori, and Donna are regular fixtures at the manor, and he's met Roy a few times too. He's NOT expecting to see Cousin Joey lounging on the couch.
"-and this is Jericho, or Joey." Dick introduces, oblivious to Jason's inner turmoil.
"Nice to meet you." He says on autopilot. He opens his mouth to- to? He's not actually sure what he could say but he doesn't get the opportunity either way.
Joey waves back, curt and polite as would be expected of two perfect strangers. There's a secretive little smile quirking his lips, the one he gets after he drops a particularly juicy piece of gossip.
Jason's lips thin, keeping the questions trapped behind his teeth. He nods subtly, and the introductions move on.
It's only at the next gathering, with Bette off at the buffet, the two of them sequestered in the corner, that he makes a realization. "Oh my God auntie Addie is a meta!" He gasps, interrupting the conversation. He'd barely thought it through. He saw Adeline deeply engaged with the annual drinking contest out of the corner of his eye and it fell from his mouth before he could stop it. If Joey is a meta that was born with his powers, he had to get them from somewhere. He's not exactly surprised that Addie is a metahuman, he just hadn't realized.
Joey gives him a weird look, part amused and confused before he seems to follow Jason's train of thought. He shakes his head with a grin, signing father. Like that gives him any context.
Joey doesn't talk about his dad. Whoever he is has never shown up to one of these events as far as Jason could tell. His only clue is the last name Wilson, not one that Joey uses himself, but the one entered in the system at the tower.
He turns that information around in his head, utilizing all of those detective skills to piece the clues together before Joey interrupts him with a gentle nudge.
He's picking me up tonight if you want to meet him, Joey offers, a spark of mischief in his eyes that makes Jason suspicious.
Jason chokes on his own spit as he watches Deathstroke emerge from a Benz, dressed down in jeans and a T-shirt. The man gives Jason a look over, recognizes him, and then ignores him completely. Ushering Joey into the car talking about tickets to some events or other that may or may not be a mission.
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patheticbabie · 1 year
Jason Todd headcanons
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back again with my own jason headcanons. I'll get round to posting for others. Also requests are always open, so don't be shy.
• Jay takes in strays, especially if they're babies. He doesn't mind taking in babies, he's got really good fatherly instincts
• Everyone always makes up an excuse to come over to his place, because they don't wanna admit that they love his cooking
• Has a protective mother hen vibe. He's the mother of every friend group, especially towards Roy and Kyle
• Will always text good morning and good night, doesn't matter where he is. His day isn't complete if he doesn't send a text
• In his free time he likes to game, believe it or not he's got over 100 hours on animal crossing
• Although he's got amazing detective skills, he sucks at murder mystery games and movies
• His fave movie genre are rom coms, he even has a top 10 list with his fave movies. His all time fave is 10 things I hate about you and Romeo + Juliet
• Family game night? He's super competitive. There is no such thing as friendship and family during those nights
• He likes feeling wanted within his family, so if Cass asks him if he can accompany her to ballet lessons, or with her and Steph during shopping trips? He's dropping everything to be there
• Will never admit it, but he does love when Dick calls him little wing and he secretly loves his hugs
• Even though he constantly bullies Tim, he will always come by and give him a new cup of coffee and a snack
• If he comes across a stray puppy in the alley? Best believe he's taking the puppy home, and asking Damian to come over to help out
• Every Saturday, he likes to come over and him and Alfred will spend the day cooking new recipes, and then serving it for dinner
• Will act smug and say "yep, Alfred and I cooked this"
• He loves loves compliments. Go on inflate his ego, he deserves all the compliments
• This man is a downright flirt. You're his s/o patrolling with him or you're a villain? Best believe he'll corner you and do the hands above your head trick and lean in close enough to kiss you
• The type to jam the comms by asking the dumbest questions "what type of cheese is your fave? Because mine is parmesan? You could put that shit on anything"
• Also "who's your top 5 rom com leading ladies, and why?"
• Once Dick heard him giggle while wearing his red hood helmet, and he has never let him live since then
Jay: do you think my helmet makes my head look big?
You: is that serious question? Because the answer I'd give you isn't one you'd like
• He is petty as hell!! Eat the cookie he was saving? He'll mess up your apartment by slowly stealing one item at a time
• His fave thing to do after patrol is to snuggle up next to you, head on your chest as you play with his hair
• He loves when you have your head on his lap while he reads or watches tv
• He wears glasses when he's at home, and it's hard keeping your hands to yourself when he's wearing them
• He has a few tattoos, one on his chest with the R for Robin, and half a sleeve on his upper arm
• Has both ears pierced
• He lives for your massages, especially after taking a beating during patrol. He'll be on the bed, muscles tense as you work his shoulders while kissing his neck
• The type to text "this reminded me of you" if he's away on a mission
• As soon as he comes home from a mission, don't expect to leave the apartment, he's gonna show you how much he missed you
• Loves pet names: baby, babe, darling, sweetheart, love, princess, pretty, petal
• If he's had a hard day, always make sure you have his fave food ready, and hold him close to you
• Jason's love language is touch and words of affirmation. Sometimes he gets in his head and overthinks. Be there to remind him how important he is to you, and why he deserves to be loved
• His fave way to spend weekends is by sleeping in, or waking you up with his head between your thighs, or leaving kisses down your neck asking if you wanted a little morning workout
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byfulcrums · 1 year
Honestly the “JLU Wally is YJ Wally” HC/AU has so much wasted potential. Not only angst but also. Imagine how fucking funny the whole situation could be. Imagine
Wally, against his wishes, goes to an undercover mission with the League. When something inevitably blows up, he gets (reasonably) angry and starts muttering about how “It's a curse, I swear. I am not feeling the aster right now. So not whelmed, man”. Shayera looks at him confused, because what the fuck does aster mean?
He gets banned from going to undercover/recon/non-fighting missions
When he figures something that he feels should have been obvious up he says “Hello, Megan!” and facepalms. He does it a lot, and refuses to explain when someone asks him why or what it means
He's the youngest in the team but he's also one of the most experienced
People usually think that the reason why he tends to not tell the league about what his next move is going to be in battle or why he's so uncoordinated when working in a team is because he's arrogant and refuses to listen. It's actually because he's so used to having the mind link to communicate that now he finds it hard to talk out loud with his teammates sometimes. He's working on it
He'll ask someone something and then get frustrated when they don't answer him, only to remember that he never actually said anything out loud
Not having people in his mind all the time feels kind of lonely. Maybe that's why he was so much happier than usual when J'onn was forced to make a temporary mind link for a mission
He gets frustrated because he wants to watch a show he likes but then remembers that the show doesn't exist because it was created in like 2008. It's a pain
He talks to Shayera about his other red-headed sister, ‘Megan’, and gets uncharacteristically sad and quiet when she asks if she could meet her someday
The original JL members started to pick up on some of the stuff he says, so the phrases “Hello, Megan!”, “Get whelmed” or even the word ‘crash’ are commonly heard in the Watchtower
His relationship with Superman is complicated because he's used to holding some resentment for not being patient with Conner when he first met him so sometimes he's too salty with him, but then he remembers that that was another Superman and it gets awkward pretty quickly
If his relationship with Superman is complicated, then imagine how it is with Batman and Zatanna. One is his best friend's dad from another universe and the other is his friend he's known since he was 14 from another universe who is now older than him
And imagine how it'd be with Red Tornado. He's so used to having the guy as some kind of mentor that being his superior feels off. He tried to connect with him but it was just too awkward for him to handle
He. Misses. Barry. And. Iris.
He finds out that the Jason of this universe came back to life and wonders if his Jason came back too. Too bad he's never going to find out
Let him break down a little. Let him live with the knowledge that he's all alone now (pre-JL). Let him be depressed over the fact that his aunt doesn't even know him because both him and Barry are dead in this universe
He thinks about how he was going to propose to Artemis and doesn't show up to league meetings and missions for three weeks
“Why weren't you here?” “I had some stuff to do haha sorry” (he was laying in bed crying)
Certain things, like eating ice cream or going out to see movies, just aren't as appealing as they used to be. Everytime he sees teenagers hanging out, laughing with each other, he can't help but think about how that could (should) be him
He had to quit the team (more like was forced to quit) because his powers were killing him. Now he's back on the field and isn't dying anymore, but he can't help but think that maybe if he was then he wouldn't have cared much
Wally meets the Nightwing of this universe and immediately starts crying
Think about this: Dick doesn't know him, who know what's up with Roy, Artemis is a criminal, Kaldur probably doesn't even exist, Conner also doesn't exist (yet), Zatanna's way older than him and M'gann is dead. Just. Take a moment to think about it
He has to live with the knowledge that he's probably never going to see his friends, his family again. He has to live with the knowledge that he has no one to go to when he has speedster problems. He has to live with the knowledge that he'll never go home
Clark brings his Ma's pie to the Watchtower once and Wally gets so emotional because it smells sm like the pies he used to (try to) make with Iris and Barry (it was apple pie. They always failed so they bought one from a bakery, and Ma's smells sm like those he can't help but remember the good old days lmao. He cries)
I said this once and I'll say it again: he was going to propose to Artemis
He died knowing that he would never be able to make amends with his soulmate best friend
He has to go on a mission where he sees this universe's Artemis (a criminal) and no matter how much he tries to help her and turn her into at least a civilian, he still wasn't able to make her be even close to his Artemis
He has one of those scenes where the hero (Wally ofc) says “You could come with me. I'd help you. You could get away from the people that hurt you and, if you want to, I'd live you alone once you're safe. I can promise that”, and the villain (Arty) is like “Omg really...??” and acts all hopeful and shit but ends up being “Sike no, I'm never going with u wtf”
He finds out Hal exists in this universe too but is in another planet and looses his shit lmaoo
But like srs. The potential this shit has is amazing and ppl should acknowledge it more
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Just for the Weekend 7/10
Summary: Jason and yourself have a quiet morning to get ready.
Reader x Jason Todd
W/C: 2.2k
Warnings: 18+, Fluff, tension, pining, brothers who only call to cause trouble, swearing, Jason is so touch starved.
Part 6
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You wake up feeling like a baby swaddled in a cozy blanket. Is this the Malibu air? You reach to try and stretch only to find that you can't move your arms or legs. Blinking your eyes for just a second you wince at the morning sun before wiggling again.
"Stop moving," a deep voice behind you grumbles, arms tighten around you, holding you close to his chest.
"Jason," your voice still hoarse from sleep, "I gotta pee, let me up,"
"2 more minutes," his lips connect with your neck and you feel a shiver all over your body, "stop squirming,"
"But I gotta pee!" You say louder, shit you need to get away before you fall under whatever sleepy dream spell has him in its clutches.
"Shit, I'm so sorry," he says, finally waking up and letting you go, "I didn't mean to. I didn't-"
"Thank God," you bolt up making a beeline for the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. Your heart rings in your ears, heat all over your body, fucking hell. You didn't want to get up, but 2 more seconds in that bed and you'd never want to leave.
Outside the bathroom Jason is having a similar feeling. He'd woken up long before you, much more used to long nights and existing on minimal sleep. It was a welcome change not to go to bed at sunrise. He’d awoken to you kicking down the pillow wall, soft little snores falling from your lips and your cute ass snuggling into him. He knew he should wake you or at the very least push you away, but he just wanted to enjoy the cuddle. It has been so long since he's had anyone who even wanted to cuddle him, well aside from Roy, but that was always after a mission, followed by the very casual sex they sometimes enjoyed and Roy was always the big spoon. But to just cuddle, with no expectation of more, to have someone so much smaller than him wrapped safely under his arms. To have you here, after such a wonderful day yesterday, he feels like he's won the jackpot and now he worries he might have blown it.
Rolling over he peers at his phone : 1 new message
Dick- if Jonathon tries anything, kill him.
Jason- She hit him in the face.
Dick- what? Wow must've been bad. Where were you? Aren't you supposed to be her date? Is she ok?
Jason- Bathroom, I was gone a minute. She’s fine, just got a sore hand from his head. It’s probably full of rocks. I was impressed at how fast he fell.
Dick- convenient. If she doesn't come home in one piece I'm sending Dami after you.
Jason- why is she wearing my shirt to bed?
Dick- ummm…. She likes it?
Jason- did you steal my shirt?
Dick- are you mad about it? Want to talk through your feelings?
Jason- no.
Dick- you're welcome 😘
"Fucking asshole," he says slamming his phone on side table.
"Talking to Dick?" You ask sitting back against the headboard and checking the time on your phone, making sure you've still got a few hours before you need to start getting ready.
"How could you tell?"
"He brings out that reaction in everyone who loves him,"
"True. Would you like to get some breakfast? Maybe eat outside?"
"Yeah that sounds nice."
Jason carries the tray of food out onto the balcony, the pair of you sitting much closer than you need to as you share the platter of breakfast goodies.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Go for it," you say as you take a sip of your coffee.
"You don't want to tell me what happened with Jonathon, but can you tell me why he's like? I dunno… So mean to you."
You think it over, not really sure where to begin.
"You don't have to, it's just… he really seemed to have it out for you,"
"It's ok. It's just a long story. But the short of it is, I dumped him and he didn't like that."
"And the long story?"
The long story. Should you tell Jason about the worst time of your life? You’ve done all the therapy and managed to move past most of it, cutting out your toxic ass family really did the most help. But does Jason really want to know? Is he going to think you’re just another spoiled little rich girl who threw away every opportunity that her privilege offered? Dick didn’t. The voice in your head reminds you, and something tells you that maybe Jason just wants to get to know you better, understand you just a little more. And when he asks you like that? With a blueberry muffin half shoved in his mouth and crumbs on his chest, how are you supposed to deny him anything?
"You know who my father is right?" you start, putting your coffee down, knowing how animated you can get when you tell this story.
"Some big bank guy?"
"Yeah, so my dad basically set me up with him when I was at MetU,"
"You went to college in Metropolis?"
"Yeah, anyway. So my dad set us up. We were going to be the next big power couple. I wasn’t really sold on the idea, but Jonathan was really nice at the start. Attentive even. But then after a while he started to get more possessive, controlling. Tried telling me that my English degree would be great when I was his little wife," the thought makes you cringe and to your surprise Jason takes your hand, his thumb rubbing gentle reassuring circles on the inside of your palm, "I knew I needed to leave but the ramifications of that… I might lose my dad's money. I’d never supported myself before, I had no idea how I was going to pay for college on my own. How was I going to do anything? So I applied for every scholarship I could get my hands on. Meanwhile Jonathan was getting worse, like he could see I was trying to find a way out. He started spreading rumors, lying to try and trap me with him. So I ran," as the tears begin to fall from your face, Jason surprises you again, moving from his seat, lifting you up and sitting you on his lap.
"Is this better?" his voice is gentle as he wipes some of the tears from your cheek. He knows how hard talking about these kinds of things can be. If it wasn't for the very aggressive hugs that Bruce and Dick used to force on him, he doesn't think he'd ever have had the courage to talk about things with anyone.
"Yeah," you lean back into him, not quite sure what compelled him to do so. But his huge arms cuddle around, you feel yourself relax a little. This is the past and you're safe now, his touch reminds you. Safe with him. Your heart thumps and you try to squash the thought away, but he’s still looking at you like that, his hand still lingering on your face.
"You can stop if you like,"
"No, it's ok.” you take a sip of coffee to try and distract yourself, “Where was I?”
“Jonathan was being a possessive, condescending asshole,”
“Oh yeah. So I realized that the longer I stayed the more trapped I was going to be. So, I ran. Ran to the one place I knew that he wouldn't look for me. Bludhaven, and instead of hiding I was found.” you recall the dingy hotel you had hidden in that would let you stay for a week while you got a plan in order, it was dirty and small, but it was safe. “He showed up in a suit and tie, with a bag of clothes to tell me that I have received the Wayne foundation scholarship for Gotham university."
"No actually, it was Alfred. He helped me get back on my feet and when I went to the party to celebrate the scholarship winner and that's where I met Dick." you smile at the thought, it was the end of the worst part of your life.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry you went through that," he says, brushing the tears from your eyes, his hand resting in your hair.
You feel your heart flutter at his words, it sounds like he is actually sorry, like if he could he would fix it for you. You're not sure if it's the sun, the delicious breakfast or maybe just that you want to. Tilting your head down your breath starts to mingle, you whisper, "can I kiss you?" your nose brushes his, your lips only seconds away.
"No, Love. Not like this." he holds your face, keeping the trace of distance between you. He hopes you don’t see in his eyes how much he wants to say yes, how the very thought of kissing you is overwhelming him. He’s hardly thought of anything else since he had his lips on your neck this morning. But and it was a big but, he didn’t want your first kiss to be shared after you just spent half an hour crying and telling him about your ex. You deserve more than that and so does he.
"Oh." You move back trying to squirm away to hide your embarrassment. What are you thinking? It was a heat of the moment thing and now he’s going to think you’re an idiot.
"You just told me something very traumatic happened to you. Why don't we just sit here a bit and enjoy the sun?"
"Hmm," you lean back into him. Jason's hand resting on your thigh, yours around his neck as you bask in the light of the morning sun and that gnawing rejection lingers in the back of your head. Fuck, you want to run and hide, but he’s so warm and his arms are so tight around you. You can stomach a bit of embarrassment if this was the consolation prize.
The morning is easy, you both take turns showering, while the other hides out on the balcony and tries their best not to sneak a peek at the other goods. The looming rejection lingers at the back of your mind. Fuck, you're an idiot. Why would he want to kiss you? You just told him how fucking wrecked you are. Idiot.
"You look beautiful," Jason says when you walk out onto the balcony towards him. The long flowy material of your scarlet dress trailing behind you.
"You scrub up alright yourself." You wink,his hair is as perfect as ever, the curls framing his face like he’s in a painting, the light silver lock falling right over the scar on his brow. You love the light weight, short sleeve red button down clings to his biceps, a slutty amount of buttons undone, giving you a full view of his brilliant chest and a tiny scar you can almost see. A pair of dark grey trousers stretch around his thick thighs and you're sure that if he turned they would be molded around his pretty ass. "Can you help me with this though my hand is still a bit sore," you lie, your hand hasn't hurt since you woke up. But you want to feel his hands on you again, want to get a whiff of the cologne you could smell idling in the bathroom when you went in after him.
"Where's the?" He asks looking at the backless part of your dress, "surely there isn't a zip that's completely invisible"
"Here," you point to your hip, "goes up," you direct him to your bare skin on your side, subtly trying to inhale that fresh forest scent.
You peer up at Jason and he looks like he's about to have an aneurysm, "right, because why not put it there." His fingers graze up your side and you try your best to hide the sparks that light up inside you and the shiver that runs straight into your pussy, "There ya go Love, now give me a twirl," he winks and you oblige him.
You spin, your hair thankfully staying in place as you spin, smiling at how far your skirt fans out. You're knocked from your reverie when a hand grabs your waist, pulling you close to him and his lips connect with yours. He’s like fire and hunger and the blazing sunshine on your face as you kiss. His hand stays firmly on your waist as yours wraps around the opening of his shirt. The world keeps spinning but in the moment it feels like it's turning just around you.
"Jason," you breathe when you finally come up for air. His forehead leans into yours, you kiss him again, not wanting to ever stop. You want to ask him why? How? What? But all you can do is stare into those bright blue eyes and ask for more.
"Sweetheart," he whispers, his hand still holding your face close to his, he kisses you again. Fuck, you taste better than he imagined, he doesn't want to stop. But he can see the questions in his eyes and he’s not sure if he’s ready to answer them yet. "the wedding,"
"Shit, right. We better go," his hand releases you but you're only 3 steps out of the apartment before he grabs your arm and pulls you back for another, "my makeup, Jason."
"Looks perfect,"
"No I mean," you reach up rubbing your lipstick from his lips,
"Leave it. Let's go get these kids married so I can get you alone again."
Part 8
@goblinhobo @bubbles-incorrect-yb @hungry-hungarian @megumisbabymomma @ilikw @gone-batty-fics
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velveteenshadow · 2 months
"Throuple in Paris" - By Stilly & Asha
Roy and Jason are on a mission in Paris, trying to track down an elusive bad person
They end up meeting an informant at a club
They, while trying to find the guy, run into this cute blonde guy who's out clubbing with his friends 
Jason, while being Jason, decides to walk up to the guy and strike up a conversation
Because he's cute, and Jay and Roy are both open to the idea so why not
Roy would honestly rather Jay just get the guys number and get back to the mission
One of the club goers is off to the side playing darts and is downright horrible at it
Roy obviously has to fix that
He steps away for five minutes
Five. Minutes. 
“I left them alone for five minutes”
Roy returns to collect his partner in vigilantism only to find Jay kissing Blonde Boy
Which. Fine, but like, dude we're on a mission!
“Start at the beginning and tell me how we got to this.”
Jason, ever the smug one, explains that this is Adrien and Adrien is totally going to come with them.
Roy is 100% against this
“We're not bringing a civilian into this”
“Okay, but I'm not”
Marinette is in the corner glaring about secret identities
So, Roy loses the debate and Adrien joins in
Of course, since Adrien had been out with his friends partying, he's not exactly dressed for success 
“If I tell you how badly these heels hurt, will you carry me?”
Roy, with Jason looking smug, sighs and picks Adrien up bridal style 
They meet up with the informant
The poor informant is vaguely confused as to why two well built men are meeting him dressed down with a third, quite sparkly leaner counterpart
He doesn't question it due to the protective glare of the one with the hair streak
The trio gets their info and moves on, calling it a night and enjoying themselves with Adrien
They leave that night with more than what they came for
Of course, being in Paris for a week meant they could spend more time with Adrien while also working their case
Eventually Roy and Jay find out about Adrien coming from money
Of course, Jay has thoughts about that, despite all three of them coming from money
“I’m not saying that he’s evil, but I am saying that all rich people are trash.”
Lots of cute dates at a patisserie, the park underneath the Eiffel Tower, and seeing their cute new date model
They also spent a lot of time hanging out
Roy's favorite date was at the top of the Eiffel tower
Adrien leans over the edge and Jason hold him titanic style 
“Trust me- I won’t let you fall”
Roy promptly ruins the sweet moment by singing the song from titanic
You know the one.
Their mission comes to an end and Adrien is reluctant to see them go
Roy and Jason don't want to leave him either
Jason begins to explain that they don't want to go but they need to go, and they have to go but they don't want to and-
Adrien cuts him off
“Shut up, I’m trying to tell you how much I like you!”
Adrien gives a parting gift to the two of a mixture his best friend Nino made for them to enjoy until they return to Paris 
“You made us a mixtape?”
Because they will return.
Because Adrien is theirs now
Roy has never been happier that Jason gets distracted on missions
This was a really fun experience doing a collab! I had never done a bullet fic before, and Asha did a lot of the front work while I played clean up man and idea thrower. Definitely will be doing some more in the future! More poly ships from the two of us can totally be found in its discord home of Maribat Menagerie!
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batbigbang · 1 year
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Bat Big Bang: My shattered soul dances around you
Author: @darknesswillfall Artist(s): @eggchayi
Rating: Mature Ao3 Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Lian Harper & Roy Harper & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Original Child Character(s), Jason Todd & Harleen Quinzel Key Characters: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Lian Harper, Original Child(ren) of Jason Todd and Roy Harper, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon Summary: Roy was well aware of the fact that he and Jason weren't actually together. Yeah, they were married, but it was all for the tax benefits and to take better care of Lian. When they get pulled on a mission on the Watchtower and Jason is unable to continue the mission, Roy panics. He doesn't want their life together to be ruined. So he runs, without even learning why Jason can't work. Or - Jason finds out he's eight and a half months along, has some realizations about his relationship and decides that he sure will learn from his past mistakes. Word Count: 51,193
Author’s Notes: I cannot believe that we're here and the fic is published. I low-key love it. I had a lot of fun participating this year and I hope I can do it again someday. Thanks for everybody who helped me write it and for the mods for organizing stuff. It was amazing. <3
Artist’s Notes: Drawing masculine figures is definitely not my forte so drawing these two pieces was a big challenge for me. But!!! I ended up enjoying the process a lot! I definitely learned a lot and I’m happy to say now I feel more confident drawing my favorite DC character, Jason <3! Additionally, going into this project one of my biggest goals was to work on giving my pieces a really strong sense of mood and atmosphere through not only the composition but lighting as well! Shoutout to gradient maps my beloved. The chemistry of Roy and Jason and the sprinkles of angst in this fic are so good I really hope that I was able to do the scenes I drew justice!
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: “Hi! I’m her boyfriend. Ever heard of me?”
♡ character: roy harper / arsenal
♡ pronouns used: she/her
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes
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"chug! chug! chug!" Dick and Jason screamed as you stabbed the side of the Red Bull can with your key and shotgunned it. Tim and Damian shook their heads as you popped another one open, "four years of college pays off babes," you said, crushing the two empty cans.
"so that's what father paid for?" Damian asked sarcastically. you rolled your eyes throwing him the can, "I got a degree didn't I? it's all apart of the college experience. am I right?" you asked Dick as he nodded in agreement. "and you will soon learn that too," you informed Tim making him shrug, "as for you Duke, don't listen to anything I'm saying. Tim already has a coffee addiction so he's not worth lecturing. you on the other hand haven't been addicted to coffee or energy drinks so stick to water!"
Bruce had called for everyone to meet at the batcave in order to talk about a few issues that was plaguing the Justice League. you knew Jason was less than impressed to be here meanwhile the rest of you were just happy to be there. you hadn't been to the manor in a few weeks and hadn't seen your adopted siblings in an even longer time span.
while all of you were sent off on patrol, you knew the part of Gotham you had to watch over hardly had any sus going on. not much high collar crimes happening in a suburb full of uppity soccer moms and hardly around dads. you looked over to Jason, giving him a sheepish smile.
"can I patrol with Jason?" you asked Bruce, raising your hand in the process. Jason gave you a look, "why?" he replied, a bit taken back. you shrugged, "because I never get the fun parts of town. you have downtown Gotham which always has some kind of bullshit going on and I want in." Bruce gave you the green light, making you jump on Jason's back, hitting in the process.
Cass giggled as she walked away with Steph. Jason growled, giving you the spare helmet, "great, first you and now Roy is on his way." you gave him an even slier smile, "really? Roy's joining us? that's awesome!" you exclaimed as he gave you a stoned face look, "do not go on flirting with my teammate. that's gross and really weird. especially coming from my sister."
you shook your head knowing exactly how you were going to be around the former Speedy.
the two of you had a bit of history that no one knew about. you had went on a mission with Jason after he called you for extra help and one thing led to another and the two of you landed in bed together. no one besides the two of you knew about that night; however, Kori had a hunch something happened although she never went out of her way to figure out what.
"aww, couldn't take Roy and I together? we could give Lian another sibling," you joked making Jason gag. the two of you continued to bicker the entire way to the meeting location as you saw Roy standing on top of a building. you wondered if Kori was going to make a stop to join but seeing as though Gotham was relatively quiet tonight, you figured she probably wouldn't.
"Harper!" you screamed, startling him. he perked up seeing you, "( last name ), Jay didn't inform me you were joining us or else I would have cleaned up," he said, meeting you on the sidewalk. Jason stared at you as to remember what he said earlier, "I joined Jason last minute. I offered my section of Gotham to Tim so I could see you," you winked as you Jason fuming.
the two of you started laughing, fully knowing that you were going to piss Jason off.
"I would offer to leave but I would never let you be alone with my sister," Jason replied as he pushed you to the other side of him. you sighed, "I was telling Jason earlier that he was too much of a baby when we're together. he doesn't like the idea of me giving Lian a half sibling."
Roy's mouth dropped in shock as Jason glared at you.
"well, I wouldn't be opposed to the idea," he replied as Jason jumped onto him. "that's my sister! don't be a dick!" he yelled as you started howling with laughter. the three of you walked on the sidekick, small conversations being said here and there but nothing much outside of bugging Jason really happened.
you checked your watch, seeing how much longer you had for patrol as you turned in the opposite direction of Jason and Roy.
"I'm gonna check this alley, y'all can check the other if you want!" you exclaimed, patting your weapon to reassure Jason that you'd be okay. you walked off, hearing Roy tell Jason something but you couldn't exactly point out what. "a coffee is really necessary right now," you said, a yawn coming out of you.
the alley was relatively quiet for a quick second before you felt someone wrap their arms around you. you laughed, feeling up Roy's muscled arm.
"ah, so you did manage to get Jason off of you," you whispered. he chuckled, spinning you around, "had too. you saw the way he was going to blow a gasket with the way we were talking," he joked, "plus, you mentioned giving Lian another sibling?" you smacked his shoulder, telling him that you were joking.
"I don't think it's a joke anymore babes," you rolled your eyes, letting yourself become entangled in his arms. you saw the way Roy's hair sopped down as he felt him lean in closer.
your arms snaked around his neck, getting lost in the kiss. in the back of your head, all you could hope for was that Jason didn't find you. you knew Jason wouldn't have mind THAT much if he did but you also knew that he could be very hotheaded and irrational at times. it all depended on his mood.
"damn I missed this," he murmured against your lips.
before you could lean back into it, you heard a scoff and a sound of disbelief. you instantly jumped out of his arms, seeing Dick and Damian staring at you two.
"hey guys," you murmured, scratching your head sheepishly. Roy stood next to you, half scared and half in shock, "you and Harper? come on, I thought you had better standards," you threw rock at Damian, making Roy laugh.
"don't tell Jay," you looked to Dick who whistled as a response. all of you, excluding Roy, got beeps from Bruce to finally head back to the Batcave. you looked to the boys and saw Roy heading towards Jay's direction, making you wonder if he would follow him back too, "we're talking about this later and not in front him him," Dick whispered in your ear.
you groaned, feeling like a child as all of you made your way back to the the manor.
you saw Cass walking inside of the cave with Duke as you wrapped your around their shoulder, "get over here!" Dick said, pulling you towards him and Tim who found out no thanks to him.
they stared you down in confusion.
"since when were you even mildly close with Roy and to that extreme?" Tim practically screamed, making you and Dick sush him; however, Dick couldn't help but agree.
"remember the time Jason invited me out to help him and the Outlaws?" you asked. Dick's eyes widened, connecting the dots, "I remember asking Jason if you got hurt because you were limping the day you came home...ew, that's fucking disgusting," Dick said as the two of them gagged dramatically.
you laughed, hearing Jason and Roy's voice enter the cave. Damian gave you a look, a sly smirk that practically said 'test me'. you smacked him on the head knowing he wouldn't actually give anything up but you knew that Dick would eventually make you tell Jason everything.
"anything of interest that I should know about?" Bruce asked all of you. you shook your head no as Roy bent down, "not that we would know," you stared at Roy, indicating that he should be quiet before Jason heard.
the debriefing went by a lot quicker than you thought as you stood between Dick and Roy. you could see Dick giving the ginger passive aggressive looks every now and then and it reminded you of when you were kids again. you were the middle child who was younger than Dick but older than Jason so he always had that protective nature over you.
"what're your plans after this?" Roy asked after Bruce let all of you go. you shook your head, indicating that you had nothing going on, "why? trying to coming over?" you asked, making sure that Jason didn't hear. Roy nodded enthusiastically, "come on Harper, at least purchase me dinner," you giggled.
before Jason could hear the conversation, you managed to sneak out of the house to avoid confrontation with your brothers. you knew Roy had a difficult life and while you knew he had his struggles, that didn't make him any less of a person. Jason was fine being his friend but you couldn't help but wonder why it was an issue if you ever began to date him.
your apartment was on the nicer part of Gotham no thanks to your dad allowing you to work for him in the clerical area of Wayne Enterprises. it paid more than enough and you were allowed to work from home whenever you didn't feel like coming in and when you did, you had your own office in a semi-private level of the building.
you quickly changed in your car into leggings and a hoodie before anyone actually realized what you were wearing. you waved a hello to the front desk officer before taking the elevator up. you figured Roy was already waiting outside of your door as you saw his sopping ginger hair leaning against the wall by your door.
"what'd you tell my brother in order to get away from him?" you asked, opening the door to your apartment. he showed you the texts as he lied to Jason, claiming he was going to the bar for a nightly thrill. "so, how have you been rent-a-bat?" he asked, plopping down on the couch and kicking his legs up.
"I am not a bat for rent, I am a bat for escort. I cost at least eight grand to be taken out," you replied, making Roy choke on the beer you gave him, "I got you in bed for free?" "you just got a really good discount. you paid for my breakfast after which I have to admit, it was a pretty good pancake deal."
you felt the wave of tired hit you again as Roy saw your head wanting to nod off, "tired?" he asked. you nodded as he grabbed the throw blanket and pulled it over you, "go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up," he murmured in your year. you gave him one more look before sighing, "try not to break anything," you managed to say before feeling the wave of sleep hit you.
Roy was the first to wake up, seeing how gloomy Gotham looked as he saw your phone lighting up with a call. he grabbed it from the glass table, seeing the name 'Jacob' with a purple heart next to it.
"hello?" he asked, his eyebrows fluttering down in slight anger, "who is this?" the Jacob boy asked. Roy gave him a hearty laugh, "I'm her boyfriend. ever heard of me?" he asked, more confidently now.
with Roy's booming voice, it was hard for you not to wake up. you stirred in Roy's arms as you realized that the two of you had landed in your bed. you gave him a confused look as he hung up the phone, not bothering to answer to whatever it was Jacob was trying to say.
"who called?" you asked, "your friend 'Jacob'," he said in an accusatory tone. you giggled, grabbing Roy's phone and doing what he had done to every contact that wasn't your family, "getting toxic, are we?" you murmured, erasing random girls he had in his contact list, "only for you babe."
before he could reply, there was a knock on your door.
"it's Dick. he said he was stopping by for some papers Bruce need. mind getting it?" you asked, slipping Roy's t-shirt on and heading to the bathroom as Roy went towards the door.
he scratched his head lazily, not bothering to check the peep whole.
"Harper, I will kill you."
Roy's eyes widened, recognizing Jason's voice immediately. you hadn't realized what was going on until you heard a choking sound coming from your living room and ran out of the bathroom. you stood in front of Jason was toppled on top Roy as he had a firm grasp on his neck.
"Jason!" you screamed as he looked up to you. you gave him 'let him go' stare as you tapped your foot patiently, "let Roy go," you threatened as he released Roy from the chokehold but remained on top of him.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
I've seen some kissing practice tweets recently and I wanted to ask for your takes? I feel like everyone would just come up with the dumbest excuse to "teach Tim" how to kiss but really they all just want a taste
I'm trying to figure out who would use what but I can't decide??
one would definitely be like- for the mission!!1!
one day Timmy is talking about a cute boy from school or from the skate park and how he's nervous because the guy's older and might have ~expectations~ and someone just jumps at the opportunity
maybe one day he asks about breathing while kissing and someone takes the chance to make out with him for "the first time" (not Tim's first time that's for sure, not that anyone realizes or pays attention)
he has to hold his breath for some reason and someone uses their mouth to cover his instead of like their hand
they're out undercover and their target takes a brief, cursory glance at the whole room so someone just puts their tongue down Tim's throat for "cover"
lowkey inspired by your recent roy/tim post and the line about teaching Tim what mommies and daddies do when the children aren't looking 😭😭 I'm just thinking about pervy lessons now 😳😳😳
Yes!!! absolutely!!!! this would 10000% be something that happens to tim 😩😩😩!!
the person that comes to mind who starts it is dick! i feel like he wouldn't particularly see anything wrong, maybe because he doesn't actually see himself as an adult and tim as a kid, he sees them as two robins, a former and current. their bond is deeper than normal brothers or friends, they share a name, a mantle and if he'd gotten his head out of his ass faster maybe he and jason could've been closer.
tim tells him things and jason had never done that. tim tells him about his friends, how he's doing in school, his favorite shows, his hobbies, and most importantly-
"there's this....boy." tim is pink like a flushed newborn. his eyes are on the ground and locked on his mud-streaked sneakers. his vanilla soft serve is melting, dripping a white milky mess onto his fingers.
dick makes a noise of interest. rainbow sprinkles stick to his lips and chocolate is already smeared around his mouth. dick's a messy eater when it comes to two things: tator tots and ice cream.
tim scuffs his shoe, fiddling with his ice cream cone as he blushed a deeper red.
"he well...we've been talking." tim glanced up at dick from behind dark lashes. "he teaches me new tricks on my board and well...i think he likes me."
oh, dick wanted to coo at the glisten of tears in tim's eyes. it surprised him how the tough puppyish robin that alfred tells him about can be this blushing little thing near in tears as he confesses to dick about his crush.
"but he's so much older-"
record scratch, hold that plane officer. exactly how much older are they talking about? because dick has dropped tim off at the skatepark a few times and there were very muscular men with tattoos who were grinding rails and frequented the bowl tim liked.
"he's already in highschool-" tim continues, he says the word with so much emphasis and awe like it's some accomplishment. "and he's been asking if maybe...if i'd wanna go and see this movie with him this weekend."
tim flushes to his ears, he smiles dopily at his ice cream briefly before the expression is replaced with one of concern.
"god, he's already dated people, he drives a car, and! and! his last girlfriend said he had a piercing!"
tim suddenly shot furtive glances areound them before cupping his hand and leaning in close to dick so he could whisper-
"she said it was down there."
the fuck kind of teenagers are running around in gotham nowadays?
dick doesn't let his incredulity show on his face and instead raises a brow into what he hopes is an impressed expression.
tim's expression was creased into hopeless uncertainty.
"he's so wordly," tim sighed like a, well like a love sick teenager.
tim shook his head like he was trying to shake the daydreams out of his head. his shoulders slumped and he looked up at dick with pouted lips and melted ice cream on his fingers.
"he'll totally lose interest in me when he finds out i don't even know how to kiss." tim sighed with such lament at this apparent shortcoming in his experience. it was the same sound he made when bruce presented him with a new investigative technique or when dick showed him a new maneuver or when alfred showed him a new undercover trick.
dick felt his sympathy rise and really he wasn't even really thinking when he offered to help tim close the gap on this skill.
tim had leapt at the oppertunity. all his enthusiasm beaming in his expression which shifted to intense focus when dick started explaining his tried and true method.
it was maybe a little advanced for a newbie given the incorporation of tongue but dick knew that tim was a fast learner.
"what you want to do is cup their cheek-" dick demonstrated slowly, letting his fingers curl against the soft flesh of tim's puppy fat lined cheek. they were on a park bench in the middle of a deserted walking path. tim looked too nervous at the prospect of just jumping into the lesson right there on the side walk.
tim was pressed in close, dick could feel the ghost of tim's vanilla sweet breath caressing his nose. dick was nearly going crosseyed trying to meet tim's gaze.
dick went through the silent signals, the indicators that someone was interested: they leaned in close, they met your eyes with an occasional dart down to the lips, their pupils dilated, their breathing got heavier, more eager, a nervous lick of their lips, sweaty palms, a rapid pulse-
dick let his fingers drum against tim's neck, stroking his finger against where he could feel the rabbit fast jolt underneath the skin.
"when you press your mouth to theirs turn your head to the right, most people are right handed so they'll probably do the same and you won't knock your noses or teeth together,"
dick chuckled lowly when tim jumped to follow his suggestion. tim's butter soft lips brushed dick's and he felt a small shiver race down his spine at the warmth.
something filled dick's throat and he swallowed it back so he could continue to talk.
"your tongue..." dick licked his lips, " run it along his top lip, just slightly inside, not deep enough to touch his teeth-"
tim slowly mimed the action, his eyes closed like he always did when he wanted to concentrate. dick watched to movement of his tongue like a hawk.
"that's how he knows you want him to...to let you in."
dick swallowed. there was an odd tension in him he could shake as tim slowly nodded in understanding. he was so lax in dick's hands it was like he was hypnotized and obeying ever word dick was saying.
"once you're in, don't be afraid to explore, touch his tongue with yours," dick stroked his thumb against tim's fat bottom lip. "taste how sweet his saliva is, feel how hot his mouth is, listen to the way he sounds in your ears- that's how you'll know he likes it. do you know what that sound is timmy?" dick'svoice was low, almost a whisper.
tim shook his head and dick leaned in closer, letting his lips brush tim's cheekbone which got a shiver out of him.
"it sounds like 'mmmnn hmmmn mmngh' like when you eat something that tastes so good."
tim let out a little gasp, dick felt the shiver in his body as tim began asking, almost begging dick to let him try, could he see if he could do it.
tim's mouth is sweet. like honey and sugar-crusted tarts. his saliva is thick and he slobbers a little bit in his eagerness. dick's hands are locked on tim's hips, letting tim's soft hands that are slowly developing callouses hold his face still as he licks into him.
it's a bit clumsy, his tongue doesn't have the fine-tuned coordination dick is used to but it's sweet. tim's tongue is nice, not forceful or overpowering, it's small just like the rest of tim and dick lets out occasional encouraging sounds while tim moans happily in his arms.
they pull away with a stringy strand of spit between them, tim's mouth is slightly parted, his tongue visible as he stares at dick with hazy sweet eyes.
the poor baby. he looks so fucked out over just a little bit of kissing.
"oh timmy," dick breathes, licking his lips to savor a bit more of tim's sweetness on his tongue, "you're going to make that boy of yours so happy, baby."
tim smiles, a soft shy thing as he looks up at dick from thick lashes and asks 'you think so?' like the most tender little thing that ever lived.
dick just let a smile bloom on his face and nodded as he pinched tim's chin between two fingers and pressed a quick peck to his parted lips.
"i know so."
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Can I have the pergent daughter version with Jason and Roy but Roy not a yandere please
Yandere Jason x daughter pergent reader x Roy harper
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Mm this is tricky but I would say you fought a lot in life so he very protective of you.
Plus I have a feeling he would have made you with DNA and magic have
your at your dad and mother apartment
Roy washing dishes
(y/n) pa I have something to tell you.
Roy what is it
(you) : you might want to site down
He stop washing the dishes and sit down.
And you tell him.
And you see you mother face in shock and scard
Roy: listen to me my little arow don't tell you father.
He very ... I can't lie anymore.Your father is a yandere he was and still is for me and you he will do anything to keep you safe and in our life.
But I don't think he would let you stay with ( boyfriend name) anymore and hurt the baby.
With that you guys start planning Roy told your boyfriend to be ready for anything and you will be staying there with him at the place you be meeting up.
Jason walk though the door
Jason kiss Roy head
Jason where our arow gun
Roy she at her boyfriend house she will hopefully be here unless there a mission.
10 minutes later
Jason on the couch texting his brothers and talking to dick. But then get ready to send a message for back up when he hears what his husband has ask him.
Roy : Jason tell me if our daughter becomes pregnant would you let her Keep them and her life with her husband.
Jason brow raiseHell no I wouldn't she our baby He jumps up and get ready to grabs his guns
Roy: I thought so I am so sorry my love. But i axpect my place on never being able to leave.
But I can't let that happen to our daughter!
He shot his bow and paralyzing arrow at his lover and know he doesn't have Time.
He quickly runs out and go to meet up with you.
For 3 months your guys have been hiding and when the flash greandson come over to take you to the other world.
He give you money and everything you need for the Time there and who you going to meet.
You guys hug and then you are gone.
But right when he truns around he gets knock out by a staff and a bunt of a sword
Damian : you have a lot to deal with and the pain you cost to our family your lucky I don't kill you.
With that his world go black
With you and your husband you would never forget what you're father said and would help the others
(you) : don't worry daddy I will make sure everyone stays hidden and safe.
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