#and my taglist keeps growing.... not that I'm complaining
neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roommates (part 9)
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A/N: and i'm back. I'm trying to finish this big moment of the story before going back to molre fluff, smuttyness and calmer stuff. I'll alternate between that. Thanks to everyone who gave me feedbacks, it really helps. Also i'm just shocked how this taglist grows everyday. I see all your comments, i'm sorry if i don't answer all of them, i love ya'll!
WARNINGS: 18+ CONTENT, violence and smexy scenes, bewaree!
You blinked your eyes open. Your head was pounding. The bright lights weren't helping at all. Voices..you could hear voices. You turned your head to take in your surroundings. You were in a hospital room. You could recognize the medical care area. You tried to remember what happened. You were… attacked at the base? Fuck. Your eyes shifted to the voices the whole squad was there. Laswell was here too. Your eyes filled with tears. They came for you. 
You looked at the couch next to the bed. 
"Reaper…" you tried in a rasp. 
Everyone turned to you in a flash. 
That simple word had felt like you were ripping apart your own throat. 
"Fucking hell Y/N!" Simon growled. 
Everyone rushed to your side. 
"Are you alright?" Kate asked, worry clearly tainting her voice. 
You nodded slightly.  
"Let me call the doc." Price said. 
You wanted to roll your eyes. Your eyes shifted to Simon. You smiled at him. 
You came… you mouthed.
"You called." 
The doc walked in, stepping towards you. He checked you up, giving you some medicine for your head and throat as you had tried your best to describe where it hurt and some water. You were fine. The squad had intervened very fast. You had to rest though. You wouldn't be able to speak for a little while. The angry bruises on your neck looked quite bad, but fuck it, you were alive. You had to stay in the hospital for a few days to make sure everything was fine. 
Talking was a no for a little while, probably a few days, so you got creative.
Did you guys catch the guy? You wrote on your phone before showing the screen to the team. 
"Yes." Soap answered seriously. 
"Ghost shot him on sight." Gaz said in the same tone.
You turned to look at him as he stood, arms crossed looking at you. You smiled at him. It could have been a good source of information. But you understood his move. You even found peace in his violence. He didn't hesitate a second to kill for you. 
What are we going to do? You wrote again. 
"Right now you do nothing." Laswell answered. You had never heard such a tone in her voice. 
"You rest. You do nothing. This time squad 141 had been tasked to keep you safe and I won't take no for an answer. It's an order and it's already been acted." 
You looked at Ghost. He was unreadable. But you could still feel how uneasy he was feeling.
You sighed and nodded. You weren't going to complain. 
Soap and gaz left a bit later, going to rest before taking their shift in your room to watch over you. Ghost was staying obviously, he hadn't even sat down yet. 
Laswell and Price hovered over you like hawks. Laswell looked absolutely torned. 
Kate it wasn't your fault. You wrote 
"Y/N. You are under my responsibility. Putting aside the contract, you matter so much to me and I've failed to keep you safe."
You wrote furiously, hating the fact that your voice would burn your throat. 
This isn't the first time, you can't always protect me. 
"I know I can't always protect you. But fuck you are literally on a military base, and someone tried to kill you. Our part of the contract with you is to keep you safe and away from harm as you put yourself on the first line against the worst." She said, her eyes glistening softly. 
You took her hand in yours, smiling at her. You didn't want her to cry. You'd cry too. 
"We were right there. We were supposed to keep you safe too. Everyone's on edge." Price added. 
You looked at him. Something flashed through your mind. Simon. He probably was feeling furious, thinking you disobeyed him and this happened. This time you tried blinking the tears away. You took back your hand, typing something on your phone. Your eyes then searched Simon's ones, and he immediately walked to you. 
You turned the screen towards him, a heartbroken expression on your face, a tear escaping what should have been their prison. 
I'm sorry
He frowned. 
You bit your lip. 
"Don't you dare apologize, you hear me?" He growled. 
"No, Y/N, this isn't your fault…" Kate added. 
You nodded frantically, of course it was. He was after you. You were causing such a mess. 
"No, no hey, you're ok, don't beat yourself up for someone else's actions. You are being hunted down." Price softly said. 
You were fully crying now. You felt so bad and so guilty. Ghost looked absolutely out of himself, you could feel his hands softly shaking on your leg. You caused this. 
"Hey, hey. Look at me. Bunny. I said, Look at me." 
You finally gave in. His hands rose to your face, cupping it softly. You noticed the obvious bruises and blood on his knuckles. 
"It. Is. Not. Your. Fault."
You blinked, letting tears fall again. 
"Do you understand? No one. And I say NO ONE. Is holding you accountable for this situation."
You closed your eyes leaning into his touch. He wrapped his arms around you, you buried your face in his chest, trying to ignore the ache coming from your throat. He softly brushed your hair, calming you down. 
You took a deep breath gaining composure. You separated, wiping your tears away. 
"Rest now. Alright?" 
You nodded. 
"Lieutenant Riley and I will take the first watch." Price said. 
Laswell nodded. Price walked her out of the room. You remained with Simon. You looked up at him as he glanced at you. A hand rose to hover over your jawline, eyes fixated on your bruised throat. You grabbed his hand, rubbing your cheek against it, trying to comfort him. 
"I fucked up. You got hurt while in my care." He said. 
You shook your head softly. 
"Yes. You were."  He took a deep breath. 
"Listen to me now. You are my mission from now on. Do you understand?" 
You frowned. 
"I'm going to keep you safe, even if I have to burn this base down." 
You shivered. 
"But I'm also going to be very professional. Do you understand?" 
You look puzzled. 
"No more bunny. No more Simon… I'm gonna be cold. Tactical. Don't take it personally please." 
You pouted. 
He smirked under the mask. 
"I promise. I'll take care of this, and then we'll enjoy each other." 
You rubbed your cheek against his hand again. 
"Darling… look at me. Do you understand? From now on, it's going to be Ghost. You're gonna have to be a good girl, and obey. Alright?" 
You looked up at him, nodding. 
You grabbed your phone, typing up. 
Can I still wear your hoodie… it comforts me… 
He chuckled.
"Yes. You can wear my hoodies. I'll still be here, I'm not leaving, ever. I'll just… my head's going to be focused on a target." 
You nodded. You were understanding that. You weren't going to fight over this. You still felt absolutely guilty and terrible. You just wanted for this to be over. Usually, when you were the target, you often ended up in almost similar situations, though this time you had been careless. You truly would have been dead if it wasn't for the squad having your back. 
You had let yourself go on the fact that you were on a military base and you thought you were perfectly safe. 
"Come on, rest now. Price and I are here." 
You smiled at him and nodded. You let yourself fall back into your pillow. He brushed a few strands of hair away from your face before turning and walking to the door meeting Laswell and Price outside. 
You looked at the ceiling thinking about the events. You were trying to remember everything that happened during the attack, something that might bring a memory, a piece of information. But the more you thought about it, the heavier your eyes became. You were exhausted. But also frustrated. The ache in your throat was a reminder of what was wrong. Was that guy's darkends? No. He wouldn't have put himself in danger like that.
You had to find darkends. You had to get to him. But how? Especially now that you were being watched constantly by squad 141. 
You closed your eyes. Swallowing felt really painful. You were thankful for the medication who was starting to numb the pain. You tried to stay awake but we're slowly being lulled to sleep. 
Did they walk back in? You were sure you could hear their voices… Did they put Reaper next to you? You could hug something fluffy now. You weren't sure, you were tired. You fell asleep. 
During the night, you woke up, feeling something heavy on you. You blinked looking down. You were absolutely shocked, Simon was cuddling you, his head over your stomach and his legs in between yours. He was hugging your waist. Price was outside, you could see his shadow through the blurred glass window. You smiled, letting your hand fall on Simon's head, softly caressing it through the mask. His grip around your waist tightened. 
"Hush… go to sleep Y/N." 
You smiled. You wanted to ask what happened to being professional? But you couldn't. Though he seemed to read your mind. 
"Let me just stay like this a bit… you're here. I almost fucking lost you-" 
You let your hand go to his cheeks caressing it and the other on his forearm. He sighed. 
You smiled, closing your eyes again. It felt warm. Amazing to have him against you like this. You were falling back asleep, trapped in between the land of dream and reality. The world around you was a blur… 
My little bunny
After a full week you were discharged. Kate had completely refused to let you return to your apartment. Instead, a small space right at the center of the base had been converted into a living space. The small building had been made so the higher sergeant or lieutenant could catch a break and had a small kitchen and a bathroom and two small rooms that were previously offices. The two small rooms had been emptied and a bed, and a few other pieces of furniture were occupying the space. One of the rooms had bunk beds and a single bed so the boys could sleep. 
Soap had nicely brought things from your apartment, though Simon was the only one to touch your clothes… because… underwear. You had some blankets, your laptops, chargers, Reaper obviously, some hygiene products and mostly, Simon had brought you a few of his hoodies. 
You were bored. The boys wouldn't let you do anything on your own except go to the bathroom and shower. 
The doctor had run multiple tests, luckily, the strand of plastic that had wrapped around your neck had mostly cut the flow of air, bruised and burned your skin thanks to the fabric laced around the cable. The boys had very luckily found you fast enough and made sure that you were breathing. The bruises were still very visible, you tried to hide it  but it was pointless. Your voice was slowly coming back but talking was still a challenge so you kept using your phone to talk to the team. 
You wanted to do something, maybe walk around. You kept searching on your laptop, sending any bit of information to the rest of the IT team. Laswell kept nagging you, she wanted you to completely withdraw from the mission. You had refused, after all you were the one being hunted. 
After a few days, they had finally found the identity of the attacker, a soldier from base. He had no particular link to you or the mission, so you asked Laswell to bring his electronics. You spent hours on the small table in the makeshift living room, searching through his phone and laptop. It didn't take long to find evidence. 
Pictures, messages, videos, all from missions he had been on. Missions that turned wrong. All used to mentally blackmail and wash his brain into complying. You froze in place when you read one of the messages sent by darkends. 
And the little bird kept singing to everyone,  and the cat, jealous, made sure it would no longer sing.
That motherfucker. He had completely used that poor guy, just to taunt you? Just to send a message? Fuck, that guy's dead now! You felt incredibly guilty, closing the laptop with a snap, attracting curious looks your way. 
"Is everything ok?" Soap asked. 
Simon eyed you from a corner of the room. 
You grabbed your phone typing something. 
My throat hurts, I want to speak and I can't. I'm very frustrated. 
You lied. You tried to write something they would accept. 
"Oh, would you like tea?" He offered with a smile. 
You softened your features playing pretend and you nodded, mouthing thank you. 
You, on the other hand, grabbed your own laptop and immediately got to work. You had to secure the team. Their files were confidential, but you wouldn't put it past darkends to manage that exploit. You knew the boys wouldn't betray you, but you'd be damned if they were thrown into a fire you were causing. 
It took a few minutes to get into the protected system and find the files. You knew by now the IT team had been alerted by a breach of security because you weren't being careful. You wanted to encrypt the files until no one, no, one, could open them. You had very little time before someone came rushing through your door, probably Laswell, scolding you. 
You had managed to encrypt everything, living your signature imprint. Soap had given you a warm tea with honey in it and you smiled, this time a true one as you felt relieved. Little over a minute after, the door swung open, startling Price and Soap. 
"What the fuck?!" Laswell yelled. 
You were expecting it. You took a sip of your team, the warmth of it making you feel good and in slight pain. 
"What happened? " Price asked, following her glare straight to you. 
"You hacked the military?! What for??" She was slightly furious. Slightly. 
You opened the soldier's laptop, opening the message wide. You turned the screen to her. Everyone walked to it, reading it. You took this time to write on your phone. 
He's using people against me. I'm not letting him use my friends. 
She read your phone, the boys taking a glance too. 
"Damn right we're friends!" Soap cheered, earning a 'shut up' from Ghost.
"You protected their files?" She finally understood. 
You nodded typing again. 
Sorry I didn't ask, I wanted to do it fast.
She sighed. 
"That's going to be a lot of paperwork…" 
You smiled apologetically.
"You know, we'd never hurt you." Soap said, looking at you. 
You frowned sadly. 
"I know… he'd hurt you…" you tried with a low, shaky voice. It still burnt your throat to speak. But you felt like you needed to say it out loud. You needed to tell them you trusted them with your life. He smiled, running to hug you. You smiled too. There wasn't a doubt in your head, these men would protect you with their lives. You would be fucking damned if you wouldn't protect them at all costs. 
It had been almost three weeks now you were stuck in this little house. Sure, it was fun to spend time with the boys, playing poker or the switch. Unfortunately, as Simon had warned, he was cold. He was very professional and wouldn't participate in the games. It made you sad. You wanted to be in his arms. And in all honesty, you were slightly annoyed, and pouting. One hug. It wouldn't kill him! 
You could feel his eyes on you sometimes. Ghost really had seemed to be taking full control. His gaze was darker. It was thrilling. And you played with it. Especially now that you were bored and annoyed. You wore a tank top, sometimes without bras, your nipples showing through the fabric. He would look absolutely furious. The poor boys were the one paying for your taunts as he threw murderous glances to everyone. You had given up, taking pity on the boys. You'd talk back, you'd be a brat. But he kept it professional. Much to your dismay. 
It had been extremely peaceful. Your bruises were almost faded, but your voice was still shaky. You'd speak a bit more often. But no yelling, no laughing out loud. At least you didn't have to type anymore. 
Nothing had happened. Nothing. Darkends had been silent. You were even wondering if he hadn't given up. It was, however, calm before the storm.
Laswell walked in, three soldiers behind her. Everyone turned to the newcomers, attention on them. 
"We have a problem." 
Price stood from the small couch. 
"Your apartment has been trashed." She continued.
This time she was talking to you. You jumped from the chair. 
"No. No. You are not coming." She warned.
"What..?" You hated how weak your voice was. 
"Ghost, Soap and price, you're coming with me, Sparrow you'll be staying with these recruits for the next few hours. Gaz and Konig will also join them soon." 
You frowned. That was ridiculous! You were going to say it out loud before Ghost spoke. 
"No. Stay." 
You looked at him. You wanted to scream but you just looked angrily at him. 
"Get mad if you want. Wouldn't change shit." He fumed. 
You gasped, shocked. 
You flipped him the bird, earning a terrifying glance from him and a laugh from Soap. You ran to your room, locking the door behind you. God! Your blood was boiling. They wanted to protect you, sure. But it was your mission. You wanted to be part of it. 
You heard them as they left. You needed to do something. You needed to go there with them. It was your house! Your home. Your eyes stopped on the window. This was a long shot. A very long one. But fuck you needed to try it. You opened it, taking a look outside. You could see the cars not too far. The gears in your mind were turning. Was there any way you could run and hide in the trunk? 
Fuck. It was either staying in your room, or giving it a try. The worst that could happen is Ghost finding you and… who knows. 
You slipped through the window, thanking whatever you could that the ground wasn't too far from your feet. Walking to the corner of the building you took a peek. Laswell was having some kind of pep talk. You looked at the car in front of you. You had to run, hide behind it, open the trunk as discreetly as possible and hide in it. 
You took a deep breath, hunching down and making a run for it. 
You couldn't believe it. It worked. You were behind the jeep. Now was not the time to get cold feet, you had to act fast. You slowly unlocked it, cringing at the lock's noise. You opened it slightly just enough to roll your body inside. Now closing it was the hardest part. And then there it was. Price and Laswell barking orders loudly. Loud enough to cover the sound of the trunk closing. So you did, not wasting this chance.
You exhaled. God. You couldn't believe this. The car shook as the doors opened. You froze, eyes widening. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
People got in. By the voices, Soap, Ghost Price and someone else. 
The way the car rolled out of parking, you knew Ghost was driving. It was going to be a long ride. 
And it had been. You were sure to have a few bruises when you'd get out. When the car finally stopped you almost thanked the skies for it. The guys got out. Now you had to get out. An idea popped in your head. You took your phone out texting Soap. 
Soap. Trunk. Don't tell Ghost. 
You waited. It was long. What was he doing?! 
And suddenly the trunk opened. Soap looked absolutely horrified. You would have laughed.  But also looked horrified when he closed the trunk right back. What the…?! 
You knocked on the trunk repeatedly to make him open again. And he did, still wide eyed and now looking around to see if anyone was looking. 
"What are you doing here?!" He said in the loudest hushed whisper ever. 
"I'm going to see my apartment!" You answered in the same tone, glad to be talking in a low voice. You rolled and jumped out of the trunk. 
"Nonononononono…." He whispered-yelled again. 
"Yes. Yes. Yes." You claimed looking straight at him. 
"LT is going to kill us! You for disobeying and me for hiding you from him!" He hushed again. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"You're fine!" You whispered-yelled too. 
You passed right by him heading straight to your building. 
"Sparrow! No!! Fuck!" 
You kept heading up, now fully visible to everyone Soap running up to you. He looked visibly unwell. You promised yourself to take the fall for him. You were climbing the stairs, every soldier now noticing you and looking a mix of shock and terror as you passed by. It made you uneasy. You started to worry about Ghost's reaction too. But now was no time to worry. You were here, you were going to investigate. 
Finally reaching your apartment door you stepped inside. The first one to see you was price. And the first thing you noticed, was that the place wasn't trashed at all. 
"Y/N!" Price reprimanded. 
You stopped. Fuck. He could have said anything. A 'why are you here', or 'what the fuck' or anything else. But your name? It attracted him. He almost came running from the hallway. When your eyes locked, the only thing you wanted to do was run. He immediately rushed to you picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder. 
"No!" You tried.
You pounded on his back, though he clearly didn't seem to care. He started heading towards the door. In a last attempt you grabbed someone's arm. Laswell. 
He stopped. You closed your eyes, sighing with relief.
"Please put her down." 
He took a second, his breathing had quickened, but he put you down, not softly, you had to get your balance back. 
You frowned at him. A staring match starting. 
"Sparrow." Laswell reasoned. 
You looked at her. 
"Why are you here? How did you even?" She asked. 
"It's. My. Mission. My house Kate." You explained. Your voice kept at a normal level, even though rage coursed through your mind. 
She opened her mouth but your cut her off. 
"It's my life on the line." She looked taken aback. "Don't keep me out of this." 
She seemed to think for a second. Finally, she nodded slightly. You relaxed your shoulders, turning to look at Ghost. He truly looked furious. But so were you. You stuck your tongue out at him. 
"You little-" 
You turned your back on him turning to Laswell. 
"The place was supposed to be trashed." You noted. 
For a second hey eyes faltered. You immediately understood. Your room. You headed down the hall, stepping inside your bedroom. You weren't prepared for what you saw. The tags on the walls, the room completely trashed. Your belongings everywhere, on the floor, broken or ripped apart. You didn't even have to guess. The words 'you're mine birdie' had been spray painted all over the walls. You looked to the floor, kicking the head of one of your stuffed animals that seemed to be missing his body. 
"Are you alright?" Kate asked, showing up next to you. 
You shrugged. 
"It's just some objects. I'm fine. It's going to take forever to fix it though." 
You walked to your built PC, completely broken. 
"This, however, breaks my heart." 
She chuckled. 
"We'll pay for a new one. I promise." 
You smiled at her. You checked the broken components. Your hard drive was still there. Nothing had been stolen. This was just for show. 
"Anything?" She asked. 
"Nothing. Nothing's been stolen. This was on purpose, to send a message." You said. 
She sighed. 
"The question now is, was it him or did he have another puppet?" She wondered.
Ghost walked in. For some reason. You knew you were fucked. And not in a good way. 
"May I take her now? I'd like to have a chat with her in the bathroom" He asked. 
You looked panicked, looking at Kate for help. She grinned. 
"Absolutely. She's all yours lieutenant." 
"What?" You said, voice barely above normal. You tried not to force your voice and you hated it.
"What? You thought we'd leave you unpunished?" She asked. 
"What the fu-" 
You didn't have time to finish, in two steps he crossed the space in between you two grabbing your wrist and dragging you with him. Kate pretended to look away at something much more interesting.
"Traitor!" You threw as you exited the room.
Your heart beat rose as you approached the bathroom. You felt everyone's gaze as you were shoved inside, Ghost behind you. You turned around to look at him, mouth gasping as you saw him lock the door.
When his eyes met yours you shivered. You didn't exactly know if it was fear or anticipation.  He crossed his arms over his chest. He had rolled up his sleeves, his muscles flexing. 
"You don't fucking listen." 
You gazed back into his eyes. 
"For the past week, you've been bratting non-stop." He stepped forward, now inches from you. 
You frowned, trying to have some kind of composure in front of him. 
"What's wrong bunny? Cat got your tongue?" 
God you felt yourself melt. Bunny… the last time he called you like that was in the hospital. 
"I'm sure I saw it moments ago in the living room though. Such a big mouth yet very little action. Once it's only the two of us, you melt down"  
That motherf-
"Fuck you Ghost." You spat, mouth running faster than your brain.
He chuckled. A very dark one. He grabbed your wrists, made your arms fold behind your back and twisted you so you were back to him, staring into the bathroom mirror. He was right behind you staring right back at you. Your cheeks burned. Fuck… 
"You want my attention. That's what you fucking want." He spoke in a low grunt, right next to your ear. You closed your eyes. 
"Eyes on me." He ordered. 
You opened them looking at him in the mirror.
"Good girl." He praised. "If you want attention, now you have it. You have my whole attention." He growled. 
He held your wrist with one hand only. Fuck he was so big compared to you. His other hand rose to your mouth. 
"Bite it. Take off my glove." 
You frowned. 
"If I have to repeat myself, you're going to regret it." He warned. 
You opened your mouth slowly. His clothed fingers touching your lips. You grabbed the fabric in between your teeth and he wiggled his hand out. He grabbed it as you let it drop. 
"See. You can be such a good girl. But no. All you wanted was my attention. You couldn't fucking handle seeing me right there not touching you." 
The more he spoke the warmer you felt. What was he doing? What was happening… 
"S-simon…" you let out. 
"Wrong. Try again."
"Ghost…" you whined. 
"Yes. Ghost. I told you it was going to be like this. That I was going to be professional." He explained.
His naked fingers reached your lips again. 
You blushed, eyes widening a bit. 
"Bunny." He warned. 
Your lips parted slowly. 
"Stick your tongue out. Go on. You seem to like doing it in front of everyone, so do it for me." 
You obeyed. Two of his fingers touched your tongue, softly applying pressure. The rest of his hand enveloping your chin.
You whined. 
"I told you. I warned you. And yet you walk around half fucking naked in front of my men just to rile me up." He hissed. 
His hand lingered there. The more your mouth was open, the harder it was to swallow, his fingers getting wetter by the second. 
"My mind is fucking stuck in killing mode. And you rile me up bunny? Congratulations, you might be the only one to manage to fucking turn on Ghost." 
You couldn't believe it. You had turned him on. You had been torturing him. Fuck, the way he looked at you. 
"Do you know how many times I wanted to bend you over the table and fuck you in front of everyone? Just to fucking show them who you belong to?" 
You bent your back, trying to grind unto him, his little confession having much more effect on you than you wanted. However he didn't allow it, backing off without letting you go. 
"Oh no little bunny. Do you like that thought?" He chuckled again. 
You were obviously drooling all over his hand. Not that it seemed to bother him. 
"Fuck… look at you little one. So fucking pretty for me. So obedient. The only reason I'm not deep throating you with my fingers, that I'm not wrapping my hand around your pretty neck, it's that it's too soon. I don't want to hurt my little doll." 
Ok. Now you were wet. That asshole was torturing you just like you did to him. You closed your eyes, whining again. 
"Look. At. Me." He ordered again. 
You obeyed. You looked at him, pleading. You didn't even know what you were pleading for.
"Are you going to be a good girl now? Are you going to behave for me?" He asked in a vanilla voice that contrasted a lot with the way he was holding you. 
You whined again, trying to nod your head. 
"Fuck. Look what mess you made of my hand… go on. Suck on my fingers." 
You looked a bit shocked again but he held your gaze. Your lips wrapped around him as you retracted your tongue. You sucked softly, using your tongue to lick your saliva off his fingers. 
"Fuck bunny… such a good girl." 
The way he praised you, his own voice laced with desire. This situation had escalated quickly.
He took back his finger, wiping your chin. He sighed. His now free hand traveled to your waist, his arm now wrapping around it. The other let go of your wrists, letting you bring your arms back to your chest. He hugged you tightly from behind, hiding his face in your neck. 
"I-I'm sorry…" 
You blinked. Did you really hear that? 
"I'm sorry… I… got off track." 
You smiled. 
"It's ok… it was… nice" you tried. 
He looked back up at the mirror. 
"Really. I trust you. You… can do those things to me…" you looked away. You couldn't hold his gaze anymore. What the hell were you saying? 
"Don't say shit like that bunny… I'm gonna loose my fucking mind with you. I'm on mission fuck." 
His embrace tightened, his hands traveling a bit closer to places you craved. You had been wanting this. His arms. Being in his hold. This was even more than you had wished for. 
Your phone buzzed. You couldn't see the screen but he did. And whatever he read there, brought him back to reality. 
"God fucking damn it!" He cursed. 
That woke you up too. He let go of you and headed out of the door. You blinked. You took your phone in your hand. 
Hi birdie, I'm coming.
What the? You opened the message log. How? How did he get so close now? Another message showed. 
The little bird, no longer singing, was sad. The wolf took pity and swore to protect the birdie. The cat, growing even more jealous, swore that he'd take her from him. 
You shivered. You had to be honest. That guy was frightening. A complete psycho. And he just ruined your moment so fuck him. You walked out, everyone was already running everywhere. 
"Sparrow, you're going back to base right now." Price announced. 
You nodded, not wanting to discuss this. You choose your battles and this wasn't one you wanted to win. Laswell walked to you, hand forward asking for your phone. You gave it to her for her to read the message that clearly Ghost had already told everyone about. She cursed loudly. 
"Hansen, Soap take her back to base." 
Hansen? Peter was here? You looked at him smiling a bit as he clearly looked anxious. 
"Wait. I'll take her." Ghost interrupted. 
"No. I need you somewhere else lieutenant. They can perfectly bring her to safety." She refused. 
Ghost looked annoyed, his hands turning into fists. 
"I'll be with her LT. I'm keeping her safe." Soap said. 
It warmed your heart. Peter simply nodded, still looking on the verge of having a panic attack. 
"Good. Now go!" Laswell ordered. 
You smiled at Ghost as you followed Soap and Peter out. 
You headed down the stairs to the parking lot, the two men closely watching you and your surroundings. 
"We can take my car" Peter offered. 
Soap frowned but nodded. Peter unlocked his car, opening the backdoor for you. You hopped in as he closed the door. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. You wanted this to end. You needed your calm, boring life back. You wanted to enjoy Simon and continue whatever was happening between the both of you. You also wanted to finally sit down with him and ask him what he truly wanted from you, hoping that he wanted you to be his officially. You needed to hear him say it. 
You opened your eyes back as the car shook a bit. Peter had sat in the driver's seat, turning the car on. 
"Where's Soap?" You asked. 
"The lieutenant called him back." Peter said. 
Really? That was weird… Ghost wouldn't have let you alone with Peter. 
The car moved as you started to head out of the parking spot. You turned in your seat watching through the back window. You felt your heart fall into an abyss when you saw Soap lying on the ground. 
"What the fuck?!" You yelled, too loud for your sore throat. 
You turned back to Peter. He looked different. A new confidence in him that was unfamiliar. 
"Don't worry. He's not dead. Just napping." 
You were confused and suddenly terrified. Did darkends also blackmail Peter ?
"Peter, whatever that guy is blackmailing you with, I can help you. Please." You tried to reason him. 
He laughed. 
"You're adorable. Really. I can't wait to have you all to myself birdie." 
And it clicked. The puzzle pieces finally fit together. How was this even possible? Simon was right. You didn't recognize your own voice as you stated the obvious.
"You're darkends."
A/N: my foreshadowing is shit, and ya'll are too smart
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causeilikelix · 6 months
Rose Garden - Part One - Lee Know Smut
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↳Pairing: Prince!Lee Know x Maid!afab reader
↳Words: 7,800
↳Warnings: SMUT 18+ only!!!!! Minors DNI!!!!!, Lee Know has a dirty mouth, unprotected sex (we all know the drill), inexperienced virgin!reader, Lee Know also might be a virgin but idk, pretty vanilla stuff, power dynamics, creampie, multiple orgasms, multiple (2) positions, semi-public sex, they almost get caught but aren't, angst, a mention of throwing up but no one does
↳Summery:  You are a maid for one of the ladies eligible for a chance to see if they are the prince's soulmate. You join your lady and attend the tea party but you grow bored and wander off. After a while, you stumble across a beautiful rose garden and an even more beautiful man- though he's not very nice.
TAGLIST: @ohmy-moonlightx , @junebug032 , @giyusatorou , @skzfelixlove , @kittkat44 , @nap-of-a-starr, @ventitto , @blankdyean , @lethallyprotected , @poisonivy21 , @nobody3210 , @chuuswifereal , @hisokasimp1
(Strikethrough means unable to tag)
↳Notes: Long story short, I work a lot and I'm tired but I'm trying to get these written!!!
↳Ready on my AO3: Here
Part One
“MOTHER!”  JOY COMPLAINED loudly, “Do I really have to go to this ridiculous ball?” 
“Yes, darling,” Joy’s mother, Mrs. Park, flitted around the room and checked each of the offerings of the maids, “Tonight is vital.  You must catch the eye of the Prince!”
“What if he's not my soulmate, though?”  Joy pouted, which you caught through her vanity mirror as you carefully curled her hair. 
“Darling, when you’re this high up in society you can’t be concerned about all of that soulmate dribble!  You are a lady!  You are out in society and your position matters!”  Mrs Park insisted.  She made her way over to the vanity and gestured for you to move aside. 
Wordlessly and obediently, you stepped aside to let Joy’s mother take over your task of doing Joy’s hair.  You backed away to stand with the other maids who were holding various jewelry options for this afternoon’s tea party.  
Joy looked absolutely stunning, which was truly no surprise.  As one of the higher ladies of the court, she had to be.  Whenever she went to these tea parties or balls, it was part of your job to make sure she looked her best.  You did her hair, helped her into whichever gown was chosen for the event, and applied the perfect amount of rouge to her cheeks.  As her dedicated ladies maid, you also had to cater to her every whim.  
Technically, you weren’t allowed to be friends with the lady you served but you and Joy had gotten rid of that ages ago.  As her mother rambled on about the importance of holding the family’s position in society, Joy locked eyes with you through the vanity mirror and rolled her eyes.  You had to stifle your giggle into your hand and pretend it was a sneeze in order for the other maids to ignore you. 
“Mother, the prince does absolutely nothing for me.  We would be an awful match!”  Joy whined. 
“Joy, I won’t keep telling you why you have to attend this event.  This is your last chance to catch the Queen’s eye.  If you don’t then they will choose a bride for him this evening at the ball.”
“But every eligible girl in society will also be peacocking around!  There’s no way I could ever stand out.”
“Joy!”  Mrs Park scolded with a light smack to her shoulder.  She moved away and gestured for you to continue your task.  “Ms. Y/N, please do your best work.  You are serving the potential future princess of our fine country!”
“Mother!”  Joy screeched, but Mrs Park made her way out of the room before Joy could whine much more.  “Y/N, you’d better make me look like a monster!”  
“Ma’am, I’ve heard that the Prince is a fine young man!”  You chimed in as you went back to putting small crystals into Joy’s dramatic updo.
“Oh, come on, please don’t call me that when mother isn’t around.  It makes me feel like an old maid.”  Joy pouted. 
“Of course.  Which jewelry set do you want to go with your dress?”  You waved over the other maids, who hurried over to present their offerings.  Joy perused them for a moment before pointing at a silver and blue set to complement the rich navy she had on.
“I don’t know why mother insists on jewel tones.”  Joy sighed, “She knows I prefer pastels.  All the other girls will be wearing pastels to tea!”
“Or maybe they won’t!  This is the last chance to impress the Queen before she makes the decision for him.”
“I hope she’s decided already.  I think I’d hate being married to a prince.  What if he’s dull?”  Joy sighed.
“Honestly, they probably chose his intended ages ago and they’re doing all this for the sake of some social events and entertainment,” You suggested innocently.  
Joy gasped in horror and turned to look at you.
“How dare you insult the royal family!”  She exclaimed.  Her eyebrows furrowed and your heart dropped into your stomach.  You hadn’t meant to-
Joy cracked a smile.  She giggled openly, which helped your muscles relax.  She was just joking.
“Don’t frighten me so!”
“I will never reprimand you for voicing your opinions, even about the royal family.  I believe we are well past that, don’t you?”  Joy turned back to the mirror and you got back to work on her hair. 
You were able to breathe a little better. 
Once Joy had her hair done and her jewels put on, she got up and started towards the door.  You bowed as she left and mentally ran through the list of duties you had to attend to once she left.  Tidy the closet, dust the shelves, make her bed, wash her pillow cases and-
“Oh,” Joy sighed, her hand on the doorknob, “I do wish you could come with me.  You make much better company than any of the other ladies.”
“I wish I could go too, Miss.”  The formality slipped out, but she allowed it. 
“Maybe you could go.”  Joy mused, “I could demand you accompany me in case I have a fainting spell or something.  I suddenly feel one coming on.”
She shot you a mischievous grin.  
“You just want to paint all afternoon."
For almost ten years she’d been faking fainting spells in order to either get out of an event or get you to go with her.  You were surprised that she hadn’t faked one today.  Despite the dramatic navy gown and the sparkly jewelry, Joy preferred to spend her days with you in the greenhouse painting away.  Each year for your birthday she gifted you a blank sketchbook and some pencils and often invited you to paint with her.  You weren’t nearly as good as her, but it allowed for you to have something to do together.  An even playing field.  No titles. 
“You caught me.  What can I say?  I prefer painting with my best and only friend in the ton over mingling and pretending to hope for the Queen’s approval.”  Joy mused for a few long moments.  Then, terrifyingly, her eyes lit up.  She opened the door and called out into the house.  “Mother! Y/N is joining us to the ball today!  I shall require her assistance changing into my other gown for the ball.”
“What?”  You gawked.
Joy closed the door and turned to you triumphantly.
“Crystal,”  Joy turned to one of the other maids, “Please prepare my pink and blue gown with the flowers and sapphires on the bodice for the palace with the fullest underskirt you can find.  Oh, and the pink set of jewelry that Papa gave me for Christmas!  Y/N, go prepare your best dress!  You’re going to the royal ball!”
Joy’s scheming got you right where she wanted you.  If you had the chance, you definitely would have stayed home but you were in no position to refuse her.  Joy’s mother wasn’t thrilled that you were there but at this point she knew that there were some battles you just don’t win.  
It wasn’t as if there was much for you to do at this party anyway.  Joy made you change into your event uniform, which was really just a cleaner black-and-white version of what you normally wore.  Today you wore a long black dress with a white lace apron layered over the skirt, with a white collar and cuffs.  
All well and good if the tea party wasn’t outdoors.
By all means, the temperature outside was quite pleasant unless you had to stand off to the side with the other ladies maids in direct sunlight.  All of you had delicate sheens of sweat along the backs of your necks as you waited to be summoned by your respective ladies.  Some of the maids you’d seen before and had decent friendships with.  The great part about being a maid is that almost all of them were into gossip, as if they were reading a dramatic-real life romance novel. 
“Ryujin, you’ll never believe it!”  Yuna exclaimed, “Mr Lee proposed to Lady Shim last week!  They had a few moments together in the garden and he got down on one knee and he had a ring prepared and everything!”
“How romantic!”  Ryujin squealed, “Did she accept?”
“Honestly, I’m in disbelief!  She didn’t refuse him but she said she needed time to think.  It’s possible that she’s hoping to be chosen by the Queen but she can’t be selected if she’s betrothed.”
“Have any of you actually seen Prince Minho?”  Ryujin sighed, “I mean, Mr Lee is a catch.  Why would she turn him down?”
“I saw the prince once!”  Lia, another maid into all the gossip, chimed in eagerly, “He is unbelievably handsome.”
“Oh, shove it.  You only saw the back of his head once.” Yuna rolled her eyes, “I saw him once a few weeks ago.  He is, without a doubt, one of the most handsome men I’ve ever set my eyes on!”
“What about you, Y/N, have you seen the prince?”  Ryujin turned the attention onto you.
“No, I’ve only heard about him from Lady Joy.  She has no interest in him.”
“Well, I think he actually plans on attending this event alongside the Queen, so hopefully we should get a glimpse of him soon!”
“Why aren’t they searching for his soulmate?  I heard that a soulmate match makes for more successful breeding.”  You asked.
“That was the purpose of these parties all month!  They’ve been bringing in all the ladies and the princesses of neighboring countries to each try their hand at being his soulmate but no one suitable has been found,” Ryujin explained, “If he doesn’t find his soulmate tonight then the Queen will choose one of the offers submitted by various other royal or noble families.”
“This is all so dull,” you sighed, “Who cares about soulmates and politics.  All we can do is watch!  At this rate I’ll die an old maid.”
“If you find your soulmate I’m sure your lady will let you marry!”  
“Only if he’s someone of my rank.”  You rolled your eyes, “It looks like Lady Joy is enjoying herself so I think I might go for a walk, care to join me?”
“Goodness, no.  I would get in trouble if I ever left my lady’s sight!”
“Well, tell her I had to find the servant’s quarters if she asks about me.” 
You didn’t know why Joy wanted you along so badly if she was only going to get caught up in the other ladies she was friends with.  You figured a turn around the gardens wouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially since no one was paying any attention to you.  Also, this might be the only chance you ever got to see the royal garden.  
Quietly, you slipped away from the other maids and turned to venture deeper in the gardens.  The party was relatively localized so there were acres of untouched flora to explore.  Maybe, if you were lucky, there would be a pond or a fountain to sit by and watch.  Something about water always fascinated you. 
The sun warmed your skin as you walked through the hedges and trees.  The cobblestone paths crunched delicately beneath your shoes.  Flowers and shrubs lined the path, allowing for a delicate floral scent to fill the air.  You sighed happily when a light breeze helped the aroma into your nose.  
By all means, this was the perfect day for a tea party.  The only thing missing was the tea.  The more you thought about it the more a cup of tea sounded wonderful, but you would have to wait for a cup until you got back to the house and put Joy to bed.
As you walked you occasionally passed by other maids or servants of the palace but they paid you no mind.  Your finer uniform gave the impression that you belonged within the palace walls, but you knew you did not.  Your family was intimately entwined with the Park family.  From birth you were predestined to be Joy’s lady's maid.  You feared that you would never do anything else. 
When you were a little girl you used to dream of entering the palace.  As a child, it was as a woman of nobility who got to wear all of the pretty dresses that Lady Joy got to wear and dance at all the balls.  However, as you got older you figured that the more realistic track would be for you to enter the kitchen and work as a servant.  There was little to no chance of changing rank and now that you were a proper soulmate-seeking adult, you had to accept your reality.  Nothing would ever change for you.
Then the gardens began to change. 
The standard hedges turned into lofty lattice structures.  The wood was painted white and the structures created square arches over the path.  Lattice fences lined the walkway as well.  Vines snaked up the structures and overhead, creating lovely shadows that helped to soothe the sweat pearling at the back of your neck.  The white gravel turned to cobblestones under your feet.
Soon, however, flowers began to appear on the vines.  As you ventured deeper into the garden, roses of every color began to decorate the lattice and the arches.  There were several stripes of color.  Several feet of white roses, then orange, then red, then purple.  The soft aroma of the roses wafted into your nose and you sighed happily.  The occasional iron bench lined the path and you had half a mind to sit down and take a rest for a while. 
“Goddamn it!”  A voice carried from a crevice in the hedges and you jumped.  The exclamation was soon followed by a loud thump and a groan of pain. 
On instinct, you gasped and went to find the source of the noise.  The second groan of pain helped you navigate the maze of lattice fences with roses on them.  The path curved into a generous arch before an opening into the center of the garden appeared.  You dipped through a circular hedge gate until you emerged into probably the most beautiful place you’d ever seen in your life. 
In the center of a generous opening was a stone gazebo with lattice fences lining it.  Those, of course, had large rose bushes wound throughout making the gazebo feel like a proper enclosed building.  A delicate trickling stone fountain of a woman pouring water into a basin sat in front.  A plethora of garden trimming tools like shears and a basket of weeds sat at the stone woman’s feet.  Along the back wall were more fences lined with roses so you supposed you shouldn’t have been surprised to see the man on the ground near them. 
The man wore a pair of brown trousers and a white flowy top that hung off his shoulders and showed off his milky collarbones.  He wore a pair of black boots that went up just below his knees.  You couldn’t see his full face but you knew only from his profile that he would be beautiful.  He groaned and wiped his hands on his pants before standing back up.  He sighed and fixed his cuffs before turning and seeing you at the entrance to the small garden.  Instantly, his face morphed into one of horror and he backed away from you slowly.
“Leave immediately!”  The man commanded in a sweet and melodic voice that was a strong contrast to his barked orders, “And tell no one what you saw!”
“I… I’m sorry!”  You dipped down into a low curtsey, even though you couldn’t tell who he was.  Judging from the dirt on his pants and the trimming shears on the ground by your feet, you had something of an idea. 
“Didn’t I tell you to go?”  He asked again after you hesitated to move. 
“I do apologize but… I appear to have lost my way and-”
“You lost your way?  Isn’t it required of the help to know their way around this oppressive castle?”  The man rolled his handsome cat-like eyes and he tossed a hand through his rich brown locks. 
“I… Well, I am just visiting.”  Your throat closed as you spoke.  He glared at you, making you feel small under his intense gaze. 
“Ah, you’re just visiting then?  For the party?  Well, that makes you forgiven for your presence here.  You shouldn’t be away from your post.”  The man scoffed, making you doubt that he was serious about his words. 
“Sir, I’m truly sorry.  I got lost.  If you could tell me the way out then I will-”
“I will tell you.”  The man sighed in defeat, “but only if you tell no one where you were or what you saw.”
“Sir, no one would believe me anyway.  If you wish to escape then it’s none of my business.”  
“You are just a ladies maid, I suppose.  Fine, if you go back through the arch and turn left then-”  the man paused.  
He finally looked up at you and straight into your eyes.  You were shocked by how strangely warm his eyes were, despite the neverending glare.  The sunlight was hitting them just right and making his eyes a swirling exhibit of chestnut and gold.  The crease between his eyebrows softened after a moment before his entire face relaxed and he sighed.  
“Look, I’m…”  he winced before he forced out the next words, “I’m sorry.  I am under a lot of stress right now and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”
“What kind of stress?”  You blurted out your question before you could stop yourself.  You knew you had to get back to your duties but something about this man kept your feet glued to the ground. 
“Have you ever had a huge obligation?  Like, something that has been planned practically since your birth that you can’t get out of?”  He paused to gauge your reaction.  You shook your head.  “I suppose not.  Anyway, it’s like there’s all this theater to pretend like my life is up to me but I know that it’s not.  I will be the subject of command my entire life and I can’t take it anymore.  I need to get out of here before it’s too late.”
“And you’re trying to climb the rose bushes?”
“Not successfully, I might add.  Those bristles are sharp.  But it’s the only place in the garden that has any sort of structure that can get me out.”
“Do you need some assistance, sir?”  You took a bold step deeper into the garden and towards the beautiful man. 
“Assistance?”  he chuckled, “You mean you would help me try to get over this fence?”
“Well, if you truly don’t want the life that’s been planned for you, why go through with it?  I believe that everyone should have a chance to live the life they want.  Granted, that’s not completely realistic in this society…”  
“It’s not?”  The man blinked at you in surprise, as if he was genuinely learning of hierarchy for the first time.
“Well, no.  Everybody has their master.  There’s no room for dreaming.  So, I think that if you have the opportunity to escape and follow your dream then you should.  What is your dream, if not this?”  You gestured vaguely to the flowers.  
“I want to live a simple life.  I want to be in control of myself and who I love.  I don’t want anyone to decide for me who I’m supposed to be with.  I don’t want anyone looking over my shoulder all the time.”
“Then go!  I’m certainly not stopping you.  It looks like there’s a place to grip the fence up there, if you want me to give you a lift?”  You moved a little closer, tearing your eyes off of the beautiful stranger and up at the lattice fence.  
“You?  Want to give me a lift?  Are you sure you wouldn’t be crushed under my weight?”
“I am a ladies maid, sir, I would sooner be crushed under the laundry I must do after the ball this evening.”  
The man smiled at you.  The first warm gesture since you’d met.  For a moment, the smile almost seemed… endearing.  
You couldn’t deny that being under his gaze made you weak in the knees.  Whoever this escapist gardener was, he was handsome.  You enjoyed the sound of his voice as it wafted through the air.  It sounded sweeter than the scent of the bold blooms surrounding you.  Sunbeams that were cast through the flowers landed on his golden skin, making him practically glow.  Your time together was fleeting… and you wanted more of him.
“Come,”  he gestured with his hand for you to move closer.  You appreciated the contrast from only a few moments ago. 
You followed his command and floated closer to him.  Your feet practically moved on their own, as if you were being drawn to him like a magnet. 
“You’re so obedient when you want to be.”  He complimented.  He turned towards the wall and put his hands on his hips.  He scanned it until he found the patch of white wood that wasn’t covered in the thorny flowers or their leaves.  “I think that will work, like you said.  Why don’t you come stand right here and-”
He turned and suddenly put his hands on your shoulders.  You gasped at the contact but let him move you into position by the wall.  As he dropped his hands from your shoulders, the tips of his fingers grazed against the back of your hand.  The man stopped speaking at the skin-on-skin contact, but he also didn’t stop touching you.  His fingers lingered there for a few seconds before he pulled away entirely. 
“I’m sorry, do forgive me.  I know that was careless but-”  He began but he was cut short by a gasp.  
You both gasped at the same time when the tell-tale arousal ripped up your spine.  It was practically instantaneous how you went from completely normal to, in a matter of seconds, dripping and empty.  You watched as his trousers grew tighter as an erection swelled under the fabric.  Both of you stared at each other for a few horrible seconds.  Of all places to meet your soulmate, why here?  Why now?
Your gaze flickered from his eyes to his mouth and you almost audibly groaned.  His pretty pink lips were parted slightly and they looked shiny with spit.  All you wanted to do was taste him.  From the way his eyes flicked down to your lips, you could only assume he wanted the same.
“You?”  He breathed out. 
“I could go,” you offered, though you could barely recognize the sound of your own voice.  He stared at you for a few long seconds.
“Don’t you dare.”
Then his mouth was on yours.  No ceremony, no build-up, just pure urgency.  His hands circled your waist as he waited for you to respond to his kiss.  Your eyes were open for a second as you contemplated the new situation, but before you knew it your eyes closed and you kissed him back.  He wasted no time in twisting his head and deepening the kiss.  Your inexperience didn’t seem to bother him as he worked his mouth with yours.  
He kissed you as if his life was on the line, as if this was the last time you would ever see each other.  For a moment, you wondered if that was true.  
The thought left your mind the moment his tongue swiped at your lower lip, requesting entrance.  You wasted no time in parting your lips and pushing your tongue against his.  You wondered if he really did taste like honey or if that was the soulmate hormone talking.  Your hands curled into his hair and he moaned at the contact.  Gratefully, you swallowed every noise that came from him.  
“I need to have you now,” he mumbled against your lips, “Please, let me have you.”
“I’m yours for the taking.”  
He wasted no time at all.  
In an instant, he was pushing you into a corner of the rose garden that was just out of sight of the entrance.  There wasn’t a bench or anything to sit on and he didn’t have anything to cushion the ground, but it didn’t really matter to either of you.  The emptiness between your legs was probably going to kill you if you didn’t have him immediately, so you pulled him to the ground and straddled his lithe hips. 
He gasped in surprise when his back hit the ground, but he grinned at your enthusiasm.  The kiss broken, you worked together to get your skirts out of the way and he tugged at your undergarments.  He glared at them like they were offensive to him personally.  He shot you a quick smirk before the sound of tearing fabric met your ears.
“Hey!  I kind of need those.”  You protested.
“I want to see what’s mine.”  
He lifted his head off the ground to gaze at your dripping sex.  You wonder if he could tell how wet you were just by a little kissing.  He moved one of his hands towards your center, shooting you a quick glance as if to ask permission.  The moment you nodded, the tips of his fingers grazed your outer sex and you gasped at the touch.  The mere touch alone tasted sweet.  
His fingers explored further, slipping beneath your lips to prod at your drenched hole.  He sucked in a sharp breath when he pushed his index finger into the first knuckle. 
“Damn, angel, you’re so wet.  This is all for me, hm?”   He pulled his fingers away and you groaned at the lack of contact.  Your eyes widened when he slipped his pointer finger into his mouth and lapped at your essence.  His eyes rolled into the back of his head at your taste before he looked up at you with eyes clouded with lust.  “Angel, I wish we had time for you to sit on my face so I can drink you up but right now I think I’ll die if I’m not inside you soon.” 
Honestly, you shared the sentiment.  You reached for the laces on his britches and tugged at them.  He leaned back and watched you wrestle with his pants for a few minutes.  However, it didn’t take him long to get needy himself and soon his fingers were joining yours. 
Together, you freed the laces and pushed his pants down just enough for his cock to pop out and slap onto his lower belly.  You were thankful that his shirt had ridden up a little in your efforts.  His dick, while being the only real one you’d ever seen, looked perfect.  It was thick and long and the head was a gorgeous shape of pink that matched his kiss swollen lips.  Since turning twenty one and being told about some of what to do, you had an idea of what was about to happen.  
“Have you ever seen one before?”  He grasped his cock with one hand and stroked it a few times.  His other hand gripped your waist and maneuvered you into place above him. 
“No, I’ve only heard about them, sir.”  You gasped when something hot and wet glided through your lower lips.  
“They really don’t teach you girls anything, do they?”  He tsked and pressed the head against your dripping hole.  With how wet you were, it could have slipped right in with no resistance.  “I’m going to put it inside you now.  There might very well be some discomfort, but you’re so wet I think you’ll drown my cock, so I think you’ll be fine.”
“Please, put it in.”  You practically begged, lowering your hips and accepting him into you.
You let out an embarrassingly loud moan when the head breached your entrance and began pushing inside you.  Your swollen walls stretched to accommodate him readily.  Like he said, there was a little discomfort from the initial stretch but there was no pain.  He moved the hand that was on his dick to your waist and used both hands to help you descend onto him.  You squeezed your eyes shut and let it happen.
When your hips were flush with one another, your thighs were shaking with effort.  You dropped your hands to his chest and held on for stability.  You kept your weight off him as much as you could, aside from how your pussy was finally wrapped around his delicious cock.  
“Are you alright?”  His soft voice made your eyes snap open to look at him.  His eyebrows were furrowed in concern and his grip on you tightened.  “You need not hold yourself up.”
“I am quite heavy, sir.  I don't want to crush you.”
“Nonsense.”   He growled, pushing down on your hips hard enough for your legs to give out.  Your full weight descended onto his hips, shoving his cock deeper into you and causing you both to let out groans of satisfaction.  The pressure of him being fully sheathed inside you made you want to cry.  It was as if he’d split you open.
Instantly, he lifted a hand to press it over your mouth.  Effortlessly, he pushed his hips up, held you in the circle of his arms and rolled you so you were on your back.  He shifted his hips a little bit just to be sure he wouldn’t slip out of you while he changed your position.  Once he was over you, dick still lodged within your warm and wet walls, he leaned down to whisper against your ear. 
“We don’t want to get caught, do we?  Stay quiet while I ruin you, yeah?”  
He kept his hand across your mouth as he ground his hips into you.  You groaned against his skin as the friction sent sparks of pleasure up your spine.  All of the discomfort of being filled melted away until all you could feel was absolute pleasure.  His cock massaged your insides perfectly with every single thrust.  He was so deep you could practically feel him in the back of your throat.  
You gazed up at him through your eyelashes, watching his face as he fucked you.  Every time he pushed in, his face contorted into a beautiful picture of pleasure.  Droplets of sweat trickled down his face, giving his skin a glowing sheen.  He gazed right back down at you, locking your eyes together with every grind of his hips.  From this angle, his shirt dipped down and you could see the expanse of his collarbones and chest.  You wished you had a better angle without all these pesky clothes in the way so you could see his cock as it entered you.
You mumbled against his sweaty hand, tasting the addicting salt of him.  
“Can you stay quiet if I take my hand away, my angel?”  He moaned lowly as a particularly deep thrust made you clench around him.  You nodded rapidly and he slowly pulled his hand away.  “What is it?”
“Faster,”  you begged.  You slightly pulled your knees up and your skirts away to give him more room.  “Please, sir, want to feel you.”
“Do you think you can handle it, precious angel?”  He threw two quick, hard thrusts into your heat and you bit back a pitiful moan.  You nodded quickly at his question.
“Please, I want more.”  You parted your knees a little more and it was his turn to moan.  He buried his head in your neck so that he could not be heard outside of your bubble. 
“Since you asked so nicely,”  He groaned and he began to pick up the pace.  Each thrust made an audible noise as your skin collided.  The burn between your legs grew and you reveled in the feeling.  
“S-so good,”  you reached for him to tangle your fingers in his hair, desperate for something to hold onto, “Don’t stop, sir.”
“Never, Angel.  Never.  You feel so fucking good.  So wet and tight for me.   Just wanna be inside you all the time, never wanna pull out.  You’re mine, yeah?  All mine, just mine.”  
His hands were everywhere.  He grabbed at your neck, your chest, reached below your skirts to grab your thighs before circling up towards a distinct target.  You weren’t sure what he was doing until his fingertips were collecting your slick and circling up your slit.  You didn’t think it could get much better until he circled a spot that had you biting his shoulder to keep from moaning loudly.  He grinned and kept his efforts focused on that spot.  
The pleasure began to mount.  Something pulled taut in your stomach and your legs began to shake.  A string in your belly tensed.  Your pussy ached from his constant rough thrusting but it sent sparks of pleasure all the way down to your toes.  
“Sir, please… please it feels-”  You weren’t sure what you were begging for but your soulmate seemed to double his efforts.  He thrust harder and pressed a little more on the swollen bundle of nerves at your center.  
“It’s okay, angel.  Just lay back and feel.  Don’t think of anything else.  Cum for me,”  He peppered kisses on your sweaty neck and collarbones.  
You focused on the pleasure building within you.  The peak approached you quicker than you would have liked, but before you knew it something wondrous washed over you.  Your thighs clenched around him and a choked moan caught in your throat.  You grabbed onto his shoulders and dug your nails into his skin, desperate for something to hold onto as a powerful orgasm washed over you.  
Your soulmate kept pushing his thick cock into you, but he slowed down to help you ride out your orgasm without overwhelming you.  Something sticky slipped out of you and he was sure that you’d left a gorgeous white ring of cum at the base of his cock.  
His angel had given him a halo.
He moved his hand away from your clit and anchored his elbows by your head.  He landed several soft kisses on your cheeks and lips but you were too far gone to respond.  Your ears were ringing and all you could think about was the avalanche of pleasure between your legs.  Waves of your orgasm made your thighs quiver a little.  You stared at the leaves above you and the golden streaks of light that stole in from the gaps.  The world slowly formed around you.  When you met his eyes, he smiled warmly.
“There you are.”  He whispered.
“That was… amazing.”  You sighed, but it turned into a gasp as your soulmate rocked his hips into yours a few times. 
“Angel, I still need to cum, too.  We can stop if you want but I need to-”
“Yes!  Please, keep going.”  You begged suddenly.  Your walls ached from the exertion but you also craved the feeling of him inside you even more. 
“Yeah?”  He groaned lowly as he pushed into you again.  He moaned into your neck as his pace began to increase more and more.  “Good.  Fuck, angel, I can’t wait to cum inside you.  Please can I cum inside you?”
“Yes, please!”  You begged.  
You knew what could happen if he came in you and you didn’t really want that right now, but the desire and the need to feel his release inside of you overpowered every other thing in the world.  You probably wouldn’t have cared if the prince walked in on you at this point.  
Your soulmate’s thrusts began to pick up speed.  The overstimulation in your pussy stung but you gritted your teeth through it.  His moans got higher in pitch and he panted wetly against your neck.
“I’m getting close, angel.”  He grunted above you.
His thick cock speared into you over and over again.  His heavy balls slapped against your ass and you just knew that he would have a lot of cum to give you. 
Your assumption was proven right only moments later.  He groaned loudly, shoved himself as deep into you as he could go, and his milky release coated your insides.  The pressure and the warmth against your cervix made your skin tingle at the base of your spine and you figured you could probably cum again.  You reached down between your legs and gasped to find your center slick and messy.  You rubbed your fingertips around until you hit your clit.  
It only took a few short rubs before your cunt clamped onto him.  He moaned at the feeling.
He thrusted shallowly into you a few times to ride out his high and every push resulted in another generous spurt of cum inside you.  It was as if your orgasm triggered his to last longer.
Finally, he slumped against you.  He did his best to keep his full weight off you but at this angle it couldn’t be helped.  You didn’t mind.  Despite the warmth of the day and the fact that your skin was sweat slicked, you needed him close.  
Together, you laid on the ground in each other’s arms for a few seconds.  The afterglow began to set in.  You craved his body close.  It must have only been seconds because a loud voice boomed through the garden, startling you both back into the real world. 
“Where is he!  He is going to be late to his own party!  I don’t care what he wants!  He’ll be an embarrassment to the royal family if he doesn’t make an appearance!  Search the grounds, go!  Now!”  A stern voice barked.
“Oh, shit.”  Your soulmate muttered. 
In an instant, he slid out of you, stood up and worked on redoing the laces on his pants.  His nimble fingers got the job done in almost no time.  It left you to quickly gather yourself.  Your undergarments were ripped but you could tie the scraps a little to keep yourself somewhat decent.  You fixed your skirts and started to get up, but your soulmate spoke again.
“Let me.”  His soft voice sounded sweet, like the roses.
He offered you his hand and he helped you rise to your feet and brush off the leaves and petals from your skirt.  When you met his eyes, you were shocked by the grief swimming in them.
“Are you okay?”  You reached out to cup his cheek in your hand but he flinched away from your touch.
“I’m sorry, I must go.”  He turned on his heel and started out of the garden. 
“Wait… what?”  You gasped out and followed him a few steps. 
“I must go.  I’m sorry, I wish I could stay but… I’ve waited too long and duty calls.” 
“But… wait, shouldn’t we talk about this?”  You followed him to the archway that led into the garden.  He stopped abruptly, his back to you for a few seconds.  His breath heaved.  When he turned to face you, his eyebrows were hardset.
“No.  I’m sorry, this shouldn’t have happened.  You can’t be my soulmate.  They would never allow it.  Let’s try to forget this ever happened, okay?  It’s for the best.”  His hard voice sent a shock down your spine.
You stared at him in surprise.  He didn’t give you the time to retort before he was stalking away and disappearing into the green.  You hurried after him but quickly found that you had no idea where you were going.  The turns and the bushes all looked identical.  
Tears welled in your eyes.  The more you searched for him, the more lost you became.  You ran blindly through the garden, your dress swirling at your ankles.  The sun beat down on you and a bead of sweat dripped down your temple.  Was it sweat on your face, or tears?  Was it sweat dripping down your legs, or cum? 
You ran until you bumped into a palace maid.  Both of you cried out in surprise and fell back.  You were unable to stop yourself from crying.  The other maid scolded you for making her drop her washing, but she stopped after a moment when she noticed your hysterical state. 
“Are you alright?”  She asked tentatively. 
“I don’t know… I… my soulmate… the party!  I’m lost!  What if… my mistress… she needs me.”  You wailed, dropping your head into your hands. 
“Are you a ladies maid for one of the ladies at the party?” 
“Yes.  I only stepped away for a moment but I got lost!”
“It’s okay!  It’ll be okay, I promise.”  The maid soothingly rubbed your arm.  “Let’s get you back to the party, okay?  You’re not far.”
The maid led you through the garden.  You followed blindly, not really paying any attention to where you were going.  The garden didn’t hold as much beauty as it did a few minutes ago.  You kept your eyes peeled for the gardener.  Your soulmate.  
Like she said, it wasn’t long before soft music filled the air.  A harp, by the light, airy sound of it.  Then the murmur the guests followed.  Before anyone could come into sight, the maid turned around and stopped you. 
“You look a mess, my dear.  Let’s clean you up first.  You don’t want your lady to see you in this state, do we?”  The palace maid gently wiped away your tears and smoothed your hair.  She pulled a few leaves out of the tangled strands. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?”  You sniffled.  The maid smiled sadly. 
“My soulmate is above my standing, too, love.” 
“What?  No, it’s the gardener… he just ran off and-”
“There.”  The maid smoothed your hair one last time.  “Go on!  You don’t want to keep your lady waiting.”  
Before you could think to ask what she meant, the maid hurried back into the garden, leaving you alone with your thoughts.  
Only moments ago, you were with the person you were meant to be with but now you were alone.  Your body ached and your eyes burned from crying.  You needed a drink.  
Instead, you held your head high and ventured back into the garden where the party was in full swing.  So to speak.  A few women danced in a clearing next to the pavilion where the musicians played.  Mostly, people milled about, sipped on drinks, and snacked on hors d'Oeuvres.  The girls wore various lightly colored pastel dresses that glittered and shimmered in the sunlight.  If you were sweating in your dress, you were certain that the girls in attendance would be feeling faint.  Luckily, there were several open-air tents pitched around the garden where the girls who weren’t partaking in the festivities could rest. 
It came to no surprise to you that Joy had set up underneath one of the tents.  You made your way over to her and she waved at you the second she saw you weaving through the crowd.  You hurried to her side and you curtsied deeply in apology.
“Miss, I apologize for slipping away without saying anything first, I-”
“You what?”  Joy blinked at you in surprise.  “You know what, it’s okay.  It’s no matter.  I called you over because the prince is about to make his entrance!  I wanted you to get a good look at him.  There’s a tiny chance he’ll be my soulmate, afterall.”
“It might be nice to live at the palace.”  You cleared your throat, hoping that she wouldn’t catch on to the fact that tears still brimmed in your eyes. 
“It is quite pretty, isn’t it?  I’m not sure if I could stomach all of the royal duties.  Waving at crowds, kissing babies, the politics within the court.  How exhausting!  Maybe if he’s handsome then this wouldn’t be so bad.”  Joy sighed, “Y/N, how I wish you were a lady.  I would rather sit with you, gossip, and share this food with you.  Maybe I should have dressed you up in one of my gowns and pretended you were my cousin from out of town.”
“I’m afraid I’d be useless at one of these parties.” 
“Nonsense!  Didn’t I teach you to dance when we were teenagers?  You know all the steps.”  Something clicked in Joy’s head and she jumped.  “A-ha!  Y/N!  I had Crystal pack an extra gown and corset in case I spilled tea on this one.  After the party, let’s dress you in that!  You can attend the ball with me!  Not as a maid, but as a friend.”
“Miss!  I don’t think that would be proper.  I am only a maid and-”
“No one will recognize you!  Once you put on a gown, no one will be the wiser.  What do you say?” 
“I’m not sure if that’s wise-”
“ALL RISE.”  A voice boomed over the party. 
The music and the murmur of the crowd lulled and faded out.  A butler stood up a few stairs on a path towards the palace.  He stood tall and held a cone in his hand in order to amplify his voice.  Those who were seated scrambled to their feet, Joy included. 
“I am here to announce the entrance of the Royal Prince Lee Minho!  All bow!”  The butler screamed into the cone.  A few birds squawked and flew out of their nest that was in a tree along the back wall of the garden.
The musicians played a fanfare.  You joined in bowing with all of the guests and maids at the party.  The music swelled and you peeked up to see if you could catch a glimpse of the prince. 
His footsteps echoed on the stone path.  His pants were blindingly white but it was offset by a blood red officer's coat, adorned with a sash and multiple medals of honor.  A golden circlet crown sat atop his head.  His stoic face- wait.
That face. 
That gait. 
His cat-like eyes surveyed the crowd, taking in his subjects.  Prince Minho’s shoulders were set and broad.  There was no happiness in his face and, in fact, his eyes looked a little puffy as if he’d just woken up or if… he’d been crying.  
His face was one you knew well.  You’d know him anywhere.  It would be impossible to forget the man whose cum was currently dripping down your legs. 
Your stomach lurched and you could have sworn that you were going to throw up.  
“Lady Joy?”  You whispered. 
“I’ll take you up on it.  I want to go to the ball.”  
You looked back up at the Prince to find him staring right back at you.  He showed no surprise on his face, only melancholy.  
Horror settled inside you when the realization washed over your senses.  Everything and nothing made sense all at once. 
Prince Minho was your soulmate.
Part Two ->
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strawb3rrystar · 19 days
Hello! Is it ok if you can do a mammon x reader break up stereo like they get into a fight or something? (if you're not taking requests sorry for bugging you bye pookie❤)
Butterfly in the spider's web.
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Pairing: Mammon x GN! Reader
Warnings: Very suggestive, lots of references to sex, implied abuse
Word count: 426
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"What the fuck did you just say?" Mammon slowly turns towards you, his eyes wide. A small amount of fear coursed through your body, but you stood tall with your head held high.
"I'm breaking up with you." You repeat, crossing your arms. This was a long overdue situation that was bound to happen eventually. The sin of Greed was impossible to keep happy and it was eating you to the bone. You finally had enough during the argument this morning. Mammon went on about how you need to put yourself out there more. Or, in more simpler words, he wanted you to make him more money.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! After everything I've done for you!" Mammon yells, curling his fists. His volume makes your ears hurt, but your pissed off expression doesn't waver.
"The only thing you've done for me is make me hate myself." You retort, rolling your eyes. You were sick of him, you were sick of this lifestyle. It wasn't for you, yet Mammon couldn't see that. All he wanted was to get his dick wet.
"Maybe that's what you deserve you whore." The sin spits back, growing more furious by the second. The accusation shocked you. If anything, Mammon was the whore. Constantly asking you to get him off. Most times it was without a 'hello' or 'how was your day?', just shove you down on your knees and stuff your mouth because he never cared about your day.
"Excuse me?" You question, your eyebrow arching. From your understanding, you had never done anything wrong. Arguments always started with him complaining that you never do enough for him. But when you try to do better, he complains about that too!
"Oh please, don't act like you aren't cheating on me." He replies. There was a level of hatred in his words. A level that could never match up to yours. If hate was poisonous, Mammon would be dead seven times over.
"No, you're the one who fucks those two robots! Your dick tastes like fucking metal, Mam! Fucking metal!" You point your finger at him. You were just about ready to storm out of the room, leaving Greed, and forget this part of your life ever existed.
"I'm done, Mam. You've bled me dry and now I'm fucking sick of you. I've been sick of you for months and there is nothing you can say to change my mind." You turn on your heel and storm out of his office, slamming the door behind you.
What a fucking prick...
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Star's notes -> Heyyy, sorry for being gone for a week :[ Been working through some stuff and haven't had time to think about fanfiction.
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @sunshines-bright @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @sweetadonisbutbetter @little-miss-chaoss
@sunr1s3-strab3rr1 @naathanuwu @solicitedfreakiness @samohxt2-0 @astrolovedy | Join the taglist
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zprites · 1 year
June TMNT All 4-1!
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It's time. The man, the myth, the legend... It's Bayverse Raphael! This month's prompt came to me surprisingly quickly as compared to some of the previous months so I'm riding this high!
The lovely hosts: @turtle-babe83, @thelaundrybitch, and @leosgirl82 <3
Prompt I chose: “Well, that didn’t go as planned…”
Bayverse! Raph x Female! Reader - SFW
As always, the turtles and reader are both well into their 20s!
Enjoy! <333
Taglist: @turtle-babe83, @manduse, @morning-sun-brah, @crazysarah-98, @pacoholin, @iamdefinitelytheratking
Summer Loving
If words fail… She'll know what I mean If words fail… She'll just take my hand She sees me like no one else has If words fail… She'll understand When Words Fail - Brian D’Arcy James
"C'mon you slowpoke!" You called back to Raph, your voice reverberating off the  walls of the sewer. 
"You know I can easily catch up to you, right?" Raph said, keeping a modest distance between the two of you. You gathered he was being slow on purpose, probably because he wanted to let you win a race for once, but you weren't having it. 
You knew what would happen if he caught up to you. So you goaded him on.
"I'd like to see you try, old fart!" You hollered before breaking out in a full on sprint, smiling widely as you rounded the corner. 
You heard the telltale sounds of him rapidly approaching you, heavy footsteps breaking through your constant giggles until he was right behind you. He reached out and ran his fingers along your sides, knowing it was one of your ticklish spots, causing you to squeal and try to squirm out of his grasp. 
"Raph! Let me go!" You managed to get out.
He didn't let up. "What was that you called me? An 'old fart'?"
"Okay, okay! You're not an old fart! You're a young one! A baby fart even! Please! I'm gonna pee!!" Tears welled up in your eyes as your cheeks quickly began to grow sore from the enormous grin on your face.
Thankfully he ceased his attack, allowing you to catch your breath. "So I'm a baby fart now?" He raised a brow ridge at you.
You slowly collected yourself before nodding. He let out a chuckle while shaking his head. "Suppose that's better than an old one."
"I don't know, you are kind of old." You teased. 
"I'm only a month older than you. Besides, if I was really old, I wouldn't be about to do this." He promptly picked you up, easily settling you against his chest with a singular muscular arm. 
You rolled your eyes in a playful manner. “Okay show-off. You made your point.”
He gave a breathy laugh as he set out further into the sewers, fully intent on carrying you the rest of the way. 
Not that you were complaining. You planned for this after all, knowing after he caught up with you he would opt to hold you in his arms for the remainder of the walk, like he always did. You used to question it but always got a simple ‘It’s faster this way’, so you’ve learned over the years to just accept it. 
After being away for five months at a time you found yourself wanting him to carry you at every opportunity when you were back home. Like now.
You decided to go out of state for your graduate program, wanting to further your education in data science at a gorgeous university located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Thankfully you only had two more semesters left and with each break you came  back to your hometown, staying with the turtles who graciously opened up their home to you since your family had moved out of the country during your previous semester. You used to live with April but since you began school in Colorado, she moved in with her boyfriend, Casey Jones. 
You didn’t mind. In fact, you were glad you were staying with the brothers who you had come to consider family. You looked back on the night you met them with fondness - April trying to shield their hulking forms in her living room when you raided the kitchen at 2am, squinting at the massive mutants behind her in the dim light, tension filling the air until you asked them, in your sleep-addled stupor, if they wanted some late night nachos. Five plates of nachos later and the rest was history. 
Over the past two weeks you spent as much time as possible catching up with the turtles. Leo joined you in yoga and meditation some mornings, Donnie enthusiastically discussed everything you learned while looking over your notes and textbooks (which you always let him keep), and Mikey was glad to have another person to paint with again. 
And Raph, well anytime you weren’t hanging out with his brothers you could be found by his side. The two of you did everything together, from watching movies to singing along while he played his guitar. However one of your favorite pastimes was when the two of you would lay opposite of each other on his bed, him knitting while you read outloud, your legs resting against his. It was comforting, those moments. 
Which did nothing to help your ever growing crush on the mutant terrapin. Soon after meeting him you were instantly smitten, feeling your heartbeat pick up whenever he glanced your way, or when he smiled at you, or when his hand would sometimes rest on your leg, running his fingers along your calf almost lovingly, causing you to stutter while you tried desperately to focus on the words you were reading to him. 
Yeah, you were fucked…
Raph was your best friend and while the others would text you everyday while you were out of state, he was the one who always wished you a ‘good morning’ when you woke up for classes and a ‘good night’ when you headed to bed. At least once a week he would call you up when he knew you were in bed, talking to you for hours until you both inevitably fell asleep to the sound of each other’s breathing. He made you feel special, as if you were the most important person in his life. 
And you supposed you were, since he told you so earlier when he tried to kiss you.
Okay, in your defense you should have seen this coming, but you figured he wasn't interested in you in a romantic sense, so you kept your feelings to yourself all those years. You told yourself that his wandering gazes and lingering touches were nothing more than what they were, just fixed looks and accidental brushes of skin. Oh how wrong you were.
For not even four hours ago the two of you were cleaning up after dinner, alone in the kitchen. You made a passing joke, one that might have been self-deprecating in nature, but it seemed to have caused something in him to snap since he took you by the shoulders and… 
Well, if you had the tiniest sliver of uncertainty in regards to his feelings for you before, you definitely didn't now.
He confessed everything, from how he was captivated by your laughter and smile from the very beginning to how you occupied his every waking thought. How he missed you when you were gone and always treasured every second he spent with you, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of his life by your side.
If only Mikey chose to barge into the kitchen a few seconds later, not when Raph's lips were only centimeters away from your own. 
You bit your lip as you thought about that moment, remembering the sincerity in his voice, the way his warm breath tickled your face, the feel of his rough skin on your cheek. 
And you were hell bent on getting that kiss tonight, through hell or high water. You had just the activity in mind to set the mood just right for that to happen, and thankfully when you suggested it to him he agreed. 
“We’re here.” 
Raph’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. He had stopped at the ladder that led to the more affluent part of Staten Island, shifting you in his arms as he grabbed the rung closest to him. 
“Better hold on tight, spider monkey.”
Your full-bellied laugh rang through the tunnels as he began his ascent, your arms looping tightly around his neck. Soon the two of you were in the middle of the suburban street. Using the dark of the night to his advantage he kept to the shadows, keeping the two of you out of sight despite it being almost midnight. You pointed out a house to him and he moved towards it. A quick peek over the backyard fence confirmed that this house had what you two were looking for and effortlessly hopped the two of you over the fence with you still in his arms. 
Raph finally put you down and you immediately slid out of your flip-flops, the cool grass beneath your feet felt heavenly as you walked closer to the large in-ground pool. You bent down and tested the water’s temperature with your hand.
“It’s a bit cold, but thankfully it looks like no one is home to hear you bitch.” You teased, standing back up to your full height.
He let out a huff. “I don’t bitch. You’re the one who squeals like a little girl when the water… isn’t…”
He trailed off as he watched you get out of the oversized shirt you wore over your swimsuit, letting it fall to the ground and fully revealing your bikini-clad body to him. You looked at him over your shoulder, a knowing gleam in your eyes.
“When the water isn’t what?”
His mouth opened and closed several times as his eyes raked over your form. If this were anyone else you would have smacked them or at the very least yell at them for ogling you, but this was Raph, and now that you knew how he felt, you felt nothing but flattery for the way he took the sight of you in.
“Hello? Earth to Raph…” 
He blinked and shook his head, as if he was trying to get rid of whatever mental image he had conjured up.
“Just get in the pool.” He grumbled, already taking off his gloves. 
You snickered and took a few steps back from the pool’s edge, knowing getting in the chilly water would be easier if you jumped in. So you did, cannonballing into the pool with a modest sized splash. 
Surprisingly enough your body adjusted to the water temperature rather quickly as you began moving gently across the water’s surface, seeing that Raph was now busy removing his knee pads.
“Any day now.” You taunted.
You couldn’t hear what he said in response because you went underwater, doing a few flips as you waited for him to join you. Finally he lowered himself into the chlorine water, wearing only his shorts. 
As you came up for air you were prompt splashed. Raph chuckled as you sputtered.
You were met with another splash.
“Alright, that’s it!”
The two of you started an all out war, attacking each other with never-ending barrages of water. Soon you had to surrender as there was no way to win against his powerful sprays he produced with ease while you struggled to land any hits on him. He basked in his victory, letting out several whoops while you snuck around behind him, latching onto his shell and pulling back with all your might, effectively sending both of you under the water. 
You broke the surface and giggled as you felt his hands come to your waist before he joined you, his own laughs intermingling with yours in the quiet of the night.
Eventually the amusement of the situation died down. The two of you stayed that way, simply enjoying each other's presence while crickets chirped in the distance. He was crouched in the five-foot deep water so that he was eye level with you, holding you above the surface since he knew your mouth would be submerged if you were to fully stand. Time seemed to slow down as you stared into his golden eyes. 
You decided now was the time to lure him in. 
“Did you really mean what you said?” You asked softly, voice barely above a whisper. 
He seemed confused so you clarified for him. "What you said, back in the kitchen…"
Raph frowned while you felt the hands on your waist tighten their hold. "You think I would joke about something like that?" 
You hummed, your own hands coming to run along his shoulders and upper arms in a repeated motion. "No, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”
His breath hitched as you gave him a gentle smile. It took him a moment before he licked his lips and opened his mouth to speak but no words left him. This continued for a bit until he shook his head and let out a sigh. “Sorry, I’m… Having a hard time thinking right now.”
“That’s okay, take your time.”
Raph took a deep breath. “I just… There’s not much I can say that I haven’t already said.”
One of your hands moved to cup his cheek, running your thumb across the pebbled green skin. 
His gaze never left yours as you felt him nuzzle into your caress. 
“You’re everything to me.” His voice was low, as if he was afraid this was all a dream. “You… You have this way of making me feel like I really am someone; not just a giant mutant turtle, but an actual person. I know I can’t give you a lot, but I can’t keep pretending that I don’t love you. And…”
He trailed off as his eyes glanced down to your lips so quickly that you would have missed it if you blinked. 
“And…?” You breathed out.
“And I really want to kiss you.”
Got him.
"Well, good…" You leaned in a bit closer to him before continuing. "Because I really want you to kiss me."
 His eyes widened at your admission. The seconds ticked by as you allowed him time to gather his nerves. Finally he began to close the distance between you. Your heart pounded in your chest as you closed your eyes once his lips were a hair’s width from yours.
“MOMMY!! There’s a strange lady in the pool!”
The two of you froze.
“And she’s kissing an alien!”
Shit… Guess someone was home after all…
In your periphery you could see a small boy running back inside the home and several lights turn on, most likely from his mother checking to see what all the commotion is about. 
Just as the question left your lips, Raph picked you up once more and hauled the two of you out of the pool.
He gathered up both of your belongings in one arm while he held you with the other, getting the two of you back into the sewers as quickly as possible before being seen again, jumping down into the dark tunnels and replacing the manhole cover with a skill that came with years of practice.
In the dead silence of the sewers the two of you gave one quick look at each other before devolving into fits of laughter. He gently set you down before handing you your sandals and shirt. 
“Well, that didn’t go as planned…” You jested while you tugged your shirt over your head, the hem reaching your knees due to how large it was. Beside you Raph was busy securing his knee pads back on.
He chuckled while you slid on your flip-flops. “No, but that ain’t stopping me anymore.”
“Oh?” You asked, mouth curving into a smile. 
Raph tossed aside his gloves and reached for you, pulling you towards him before he promptly pressed his lips against yours. 
Yeah, definitely worth the wait…
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bigassmoonchild · 9 months
i absolutely adore maple syrup to the point my partner lovingly / jokily deemed it unhealthy { can i be added to the tag list}
your writing style is amazing btw
as a request im curious to how simon would handle someone he likes who has a humor as dark as him { we all know hes a cocky b@stard with a dark humor and dad jokes}
"a man walks into a magic forest and tries to cut down a talking tree," you said. simon could feel his brows furrow, listening to you.
"is that so?" soap responded, and from where simon was set up to snipe he could see the smirk growing on his face. it was weird having someone else who would try and crack jokes over the comms.
"'you can't cut me down!' the tree complains. 'i'm a talking tree!'" soap snorted sharply into the comms and price made a little complaint about all the noise. "the man responds, you may be a talking tree, but you will dialogue," simon snorted sharply, not expecting that. of all things you could do, make dark little dad jokes was the one thing you did?
soap called out a few people walking alone and simon shot them down. "i just got my doctors test results and i'm really upset," simon retorted. you hummed into the comms and he could hear a few silenced gunshots come from your mic. "turns out, i'm not gonna be a doctor," he heard your snort followed by a few coughs.
"y'choking?" soap asked, somehow sounding genuinely worried even through his hand to hand combat. he heard a few louder shouts from your end, another couple of gunshots coming through.
"the lieutenant has jokes, now?" you asked. you were a newcomer, having joined recently to help out on stealth focused missions. this was the first one you had joined, and thus far it was going pretty well for a 141 mission.
he knew you looked good, he knew you were a sweetheart but now you had your own kind of personality coming out. he already was starting to like you more and more by the minute.
as you boarded the flight to return, all of the information you needed (and a few people needed to help 'inform' you on it) was on the flight. as you sat down, soap had sat beside you.
he leaned in close and whispered something and you snorted.
"you know if you give a man a match, he'll be warm for a few hours" you looked him dead in the eye. "set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life," simon had to look away to keep from busting out laughing. if there was anything in this world simon appreciated, it was a good shit joke.
"the sergeant has jokes now?" he called out from across the way and you smirked, shooting him a little wink. simon could feel, ever so weirdly, his insides becoming just a little warm.
maybe he'd need to drown the butterflies, but for now? he'd accept what they were, and who they were caused by. pretty little, shit joke making you.
(p.s. it's a little shorter, but i really like how this came about. you are added to the taglist, btw!)
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jackharloww · 1 year
maybeeee the reader has swollen feet and jack does stuff to help her relax like maybe an at home pedicure w a massage then they order take out n watch a movie or sum idkkk just an idea
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You were on your way home after a business dinner meeting that Jack had. You took off your heels as soon as you got into the car and let out a deep sigh. "Remind me again why I wore these heels?" you complained
"They fit the outfit" Jack imitated you from a few hours before and rolled his eyes as he turned on the car, he looked at you and saw your pout "your words, not mine" he chuckled. You sent him a death glare making him laugh at you.
"I'm sorry bubs, how are you feeling?" he grabbed your hand and glanced at you while driving.
"My feet are so swollen" you whined and threw your head back.
"Are you feeling alright otherwise?" he asked, motioning to your baby bump. You put your free hand over it and rubbed it gently. "I am, baby boy is being nice" you smiled.
"Your mom sent me a picture of Gracie earlier," you said "She and Clay were knocked out on the sofa watching a movie" you laughed and quickly showed him the adorable picture that Maggie had sent you.
"Send that to me" He chuckled and turned his head to the road. You had some small talk on the way and after 30 minutes you arrived home. Jack quickly turned off the car and got out and ran to your side. He opened the door and waited for you to put your heels on again. You groaned when you stood up but didn't have to suffer that much longer as Jack quickly carried you in bridal style, a shriek leaving your lips. "What are you doing" you giggled
"You shouldn't have to walk," he said and walked to the front door. As soon as you arrived he had you unlock the door and only let you down once you threw off your shoes. "Can't you just carry me to bed?" you joked but Jack bent down to do just that.
"I'm kidding" you laughed and stopped him. You both walked to the bedroom and started to get undressed. You felt relieved taking the dress off. "Are you sleepy?" He asked as he helped you with pulling down the zipper to your dress, gently pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
"Not really, why" you shook your head and took off the dress, and reached out for your silk robe.
"You wanna shower and then watch a movie?" he asked softly, reaching out for you and pulling you closer to him. "Only if you join me in the shower" you winked.
"That's what I meant" he chuckled "We gotta save water you know"
"Yeah only because of that huh?" you teased as he sweetly nodded his head. You grabbed his hand and walked to the bathroom. You stepped into the shower and he took off the rest of his clothes before joining you.
"I love that your bump has started to show more now" he put the shower oil over your bump, gently rubbing it. You were 6 months pregnant now and your bump had started to grow more rapidly.
"Baby boy is growing" you giggled, Jack rubbing in the oil over your body making you feel very relaxed. You took turns watching each other, talking about everything and nothing. After stepping out of the shower you both put on your pajamas and walked out to the living room and sunk down on the couch, letting out big sighs. Jack turned on the TV and put on the series you both followed.
He pulled your legs up and rested them over his lap. He circled your knees before reaching down to your feet and started to gently massage them. You immediately let out a satisfied moan, earning a side-eyed glance from Jack.
"Keep those up and we won't be able to finish this episode" he chuckled, making you giggle. The moans did not stop, and you were in fact, not able to finish that episode.
taglist: @hoodharlow , @pianoisland , @harlowcomehome , @itsyagirljaz , @neon-lights-and-glitter , @heavyhitterheaux , @nattinatalia , @harlowsbby
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sparkywrites25 · 2 years
Holder of the Hearts
Summary: You and Levi enjoy your new life with your baby daughter.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Notes: This is for Rei's "Happy Birthday Levi" event.
Taglist: @ladycheesington @levi-supreme
"You have a big mouth, like your mother," Levi remarks as the baby yawns in his arms, reaching up with her fists, her entire face scrunching up.
"Oi, shut up," you play-grumble as you lower yourself onto the couch besides them, your husband and daughter. You place yours and Levi's teacups down on the table and shift backwards to make yourself more comfortable, tucking your legs beneath you as you lean into Levi's side. Smiling down at the baby, you reach to stroke her cheek.
"Where is the lie?" Levi retorts, his voice incredibly quiet and soft. Not something most people would be used to, outside of your family, but ever since he's been reading baby books, he's been trying to use a gentler tone when interacting with the baby. He was the same when she was just a growing bump, especially in the last two months. There must have been something in it, you think with a smile as your daughter's brown eyes open and fix on her father's face, her expression smoothing out at the sound of his soothing tone. You watch Levi as he lets her tiny fist hold his finger. He begins to swing his finger and the baby watches him in adoration. "You're usually the loudest one in an argument. You're even louder than Eren."
You huff in irritation. "That hurts," you fake pout. "Eren's loud like 80% of the time."
"Yeah but when you start, you're even louder."
"I grew up with six brothers, all shouting over each other. Sue me. I had to adapt," you mutter defensively, fighting back a smile.
"I'm quite aware of how loudly your brothers are." Levi remarked, his lips twitching. "Pretty sure poor Heidi didn't get a wink of sleep during their hospital visits," he added, rocking the baby a little. "Nor the other patients for that matter."
You giggle at the memory. Levi had thrown Damian out after he insisted on improvising a song for his new niece. Not only had he woken several other patients up but the song had included some distinctly non-child-friendly lyrics too.
"That's just how they are. They love her so much."
"They should come with a health warning," Levi murmured. "May be hazardous to your eardrums."
You chuckle again, resting your cheek on his shoulder, admiring the way Heidi continues to watch her daddy, eyelids lowering in growing sleepiness. "You've definitely got the knack," you murmur.
"It helps not having a mouth big enough to sink the Titanic."
"Don't get started on that film again." You plead quietly with some exasperation.
To his credit, he doesn't continue down that line of conversation although you suspect that it's because he wants to keep quiet for Heidi to drift off and not because he's sick of pointing out the inaccuracies and complain about various elements of the plot.
"Daddy's so rude to me," you coo to your little princess and you beam as her sleepy eyes flicker to you. "Don't listen to him. He's just jealous because his mouth is so small and adorable."
Levi turns his face to you in incredulity. "How is my mouth adorable?"
You giggle and reach up to rub your index finger over his narrow mouth and plump lips. "It's so petite," you tease, leaning in to kiss his mouth. His mouth moves gently against yours so you smile against him. "So cute." you add, and proceed to give him short kisses.
He grumbles a little but continues to return your kisses. Your noses rub together affectionately and you rub your cheek against his. You withdraw just enough to be able to look into his full face and then take in the baby again too.
Heidi has completely drifted off. Seeing her so content in Levi's arms swells your heart and you bring a hand up to your lips, lightly touching, enough to hold back your emotions just a little so they don't spill over. Affection surges through you for your little family. You understand why people say that family is everything now. Why some people say starting a family is like beginning a new life. This feels that way. Yours and Levi's story continues but Heidi's arrival has been the dawn of a new world.
"Hey," Levi whispers, "you okay?"
"Yeah," you promise as your voice breaks, "I just- I really love us being together like this, together with her."
He rubs his nose against yours and presses his mouth on your lips in a light, tender kiss. "So do I. This, right here," he said as he returned to gazing at Heidi, "is perfect."
Levi carefully adjusts Heidi so that she's secure in his left arm while his right arm surrounds your waist. You nestle onto his shoulder, brushing your lips against his neck while keeping your own focus on the baby, thinking how extraordinary it is that such a tiny little being could have such a strong hold over both your hearts.. Even without doing anything but snoozing away, it's as though your own heart is beating because of her. Like somehow she's tied to your own life, your own heart.
"We should probably sleep soon," Levi murmurs although his eyes show no signs of sleepiness nor does he make any move to get up. "while she sleeps."
"Soon," you agree, equally content, "but not yet. I just want to stay like this a little longer."
You smile as your husband lowers his lips to Heidi's wispy tufts of dark hair and kisses her head. "Her hair's so dark." he remarks quietly.
"It's gonna be like yours," you agree. "Guess she's gonna be a Daddy's girl too."
"At least that gives her a chance at having volume control," Levi comments and you swat his shoulder. "Although," he adds, "you're wrong about one thing, you know?"
"She's already my girl," Levi declares in a whisper. "and she always will be."
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baby-alien11 · 10 months
Return to Riverdale High (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
(this happens before the SAG-AFTRA strike, the WAG strike started during the filming of the last episode of Riverdale)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver @wenvierismycomfort @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo
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Riverdale was ending, that was a fact that was a bit heartbreaking to you because of all the time you spend in there while growing and the bond you made with the cast
So when Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa invited you to go to the last days of filming, and give everyone a surprise you were already doing your luggage and asking Jack if he wanted to go with you, which he accepted
That's how both of you ended up in a flight to Vancouver and on the road to the set
"Look, there's Pop's", you exclaimed pointing at the place through the car window
"It looks better in person", Jack commented
"Just wait until you eat the burgers and the milkshakes", you smiled with excitement at what he intervined your hands
Thanks to knowing that everyone was at their trailers or hair and make up station, the car stopped in the parking lot where Roberto was waiting for your arrival with Mädchen by his side
"My little girl", Mädchen exclaimed hugging you the moment both of you stepped out of the car, "I missed you so much"
"Auntie Mädchen, I missed you too", you responded hugging her, "I'm so happy to see you"
"I needed someone else to to keep the secret, that's why I told her", Roberto explained hugging you next, "We're so happy you're back"
"I'm happy to be back", you smiled separating from the hug, "This is my boyfriend, Jack"
"Hi, nice to meet you", Jack greeted both of the adults with hugs
"Nice to meet you too", Roberto said, "You were awesome in Avatar and Scream"
"Okay, they are going to be in their trailers and eating breakfast for a while, so how about we have a little tour around set?", Roberto proposed
With both of you agreeing and Mädchen returning to her trailer to keep preparing for the filming, the tour started around the sets where you used to spend time that now where done as if they were in the 50's
"Are they going to be stuck in the 50's forever?", you asked while walking around the school set
"Just watch the season", Roberto responded, "I won't say any spoilers"
You were about to complain, but Roberto was called to check some things so he left both of you
"Welcome to Riverdale", you exclaimed resuming the walk, "On the left we have an unsolved murder, on the right the Blackhood, the Gargoyle King likes to hang out in the bathrooms with the Farm, the creepy VHS stalking everyone are in the AV club, the town fortunately is no longer under a criminal mayor, but everyone got powers and ended up in an alternate reality, but returned and a meteorite was about to destroy the town thanks to Percival Pickens but Cheryl saved everyone sending them to the 50's, and we had two crossovers with Sabrina"
"That was the best resume of all the seasons I've ever heard", Jack joked
"And I didn't count all the subplots", you said, "Come on, I'll show you the school"
With your hands intervined, the tour continued, stopping first in the students lounge
"While everyone was filming at the classrooms, I liked to spend my time in here", you spoke leaning against a couch, "If the school gave summer homework or readings, I'll do it here or just take a nap, and grabbing snacks from the machine"
"Wait, can we grab some?", Jack asked with excitement
"Of course we can!", you exclaimed walking to the false machine, "And the best part is that we don't have to spend a single cent"
Finishing the sentence, you openned the utilery machine to start grabbing some snacks from the back in case they film something later in the lounge
While grabbing the snacks, both of you didn't notice the person at entrance of the space
"Don't tell me you only came back to grab free snacks?"
Hearing that sentence made both of you jump of surprise and look at the entrance to see who talked
"Big brother!", you screamed leaving every item you grab to run towards Cole to hug him
"Hey, lil'sis", Cole smiled hugging you back
The hug lasted a few minutes during which Jack took a small video of the rencounter
"How did you knew we were in here?", you asked when the hug ended
"I didn't, we have to rehearse a scene to film later", Cole responded looking behind you, "The boyfriend"
"That would be me", Jack laughed a little nervous, "Hi, I'm Jack"
"Just hug me, we've been wanting to meet you since we knew about both of you", Cole smiled oppening his arms
Still laughing, Jack aproached him to share a hug that increased your smile even more
"What are you doing here?", Cole asked when the hug ended
"Roberto called me to say that this are the last days of filming and wanted me to come, I invited Jack, and here we are", you explained
"I have an idea, just smile or do something fun", Cole said
Smiling with fun, both of you went to the machine to keep getting some snacks, but this time looking at the camera as Cole took his phone to take a picture, and send it to the groupchat
"Now we wait until they come", Cole said again
During the minutes passed between the photo taken, the three of you sat in the couches to talk, until numerous fast steps were heard from the halls until they stopped at the entrance
"All of you look good in the 50's aesthetic", was the first thing you said standing up from the couch
"My sweet summer baby", Madelaine exclaimed
Almost tackling you, you were engulfed in a group hug between greetings and yellings, while Jack decided to take some photos and videos of the encounter
"Guys, I love you all, but I can't breathe", you spoke in a small voice
Hearing that, all of them were quick to break the hug only to start with individual hugs from everyone
"Let me see the tattoo", Vanessa softly sang at what you responded giving her your left hand
"It's so beautiful", Camila commented
"Did it hurt?", KJ asked
"Dude, you have a bunch of tattoos and asking if this small one hurt?", you joked, "Kinda hurt, but Jack was holding my other hand during the process"
Paying attention to that last phrase, everyone was fast to turn their attention to Jack who was standing next to Cole
"Hi", Jack greeted, "Y/N has told me so many stories about all of you, it's nice to finally meet you all"
At the instant he finished the phrase, everyone was sure that you made the right decision by choosing him and started a conversation with both of you until the production team started to arrive to start filming
"Before we start filming, I'm sure you all already saw our guests, but in the name of all the crew, I'd like to welcome Y/N and Jack to our set", Roberto spoke causing everyone to clap and cheer, "They are going to be with us during this last days of filming, and because of that we would like to ask you both to do a cameo in the last scene of Pop's"
"Yes", you were quick to scream with happiness
"I need to tell my agent first", Jack said
"Okay, we'll start to prepare to film this meanwhile", Roberto nodded
While everyone got into their positions to film, you and Jack walked to behind the cameras to sit in the high chairs, at the time that your boyfriend called his agent to talk about the cameo
"They told me I can", Jack said after a few minutes call
"This is great", you smiled taking his hand
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Earlier that day, specifically after a recess in filming and before both of you went to the cosume design department, a casual home-made dinner in Madelaine apartment was organized to keep up with the lost time
So, while everyone stayed to keep filming, you and Jack decided to go buy the things to make his mom's spaguetti to share with the others, and thanks to be in the same building as the others, the cooking was relaxed and playful
When the spaguetti was done, and everyone was already there, both of you change into comfortable clothes, you put your eras tour beige hoodie and black leggings with black crocs, while Jack put a red hoodie with dark grey sweatpants and adidas slippers and took the spaguetti to start the way towards the apartment
"This is going to be fun", you said while walking
"Do I have to expect an interrogatory?", Jack joked carrying the container with the food
"Maybe, and if they start to tell embarrasing stories about me just ignore it, we've had enough with dad telling the internet that we threw up in our first date"
Laughing because of that memorie at the early stages of your relationship, both of you continued walking until the door of the apartment came into view
"Mads, we are here!", you yelled without knocking the door
"It's open!", Casey yelled in response
Thanks to that answer, you were quick to open the door to see everyone gathered around the kitchen and dinning room preparing everything
"Guys, we told you that you didn't had to bring anything", Drew said the moment he saw the container
"We know, but we didn't wanted to come with empty hands", you replied
"We made my mom's spaguetti", Jack spoke leaving the spaguetti on the table
"Smells amazing", Charles commented
" It tastes even better", you spoke, "Trust me"
Once all the food was setled at the table, everyone took a seat to start eating
"Well, everyone in here knows this, but still isn't public", Casey spoke, "Finishing Riverdale, I'm going to New York, to start rehearsing for a Broadway show, I was chosen to be Christian in Moulin Rouge starting in august"
"Congratulations", you exclaimed with happiness, "That is such an amazing role"
"That is awesome, congratulations", Jack said sitting next to you
"So, Jack, tell us about you", Camila talked while everyone started to grab food
'Not the interrogatory', you though taking a sip of your drink
"Well, I grew up in Virginia with a single mother who encouraged me to start acting, and started in small things, then I auditioned for Avatar, which I'm fortunate to be casted, but before I got a small role in Avengers: Endgame, I was the kid in the bike", Jack responded, "Then I spend two years in LA and another two in New Zealand filming Avatar two, three and a little of the fourth one, then I filmed Retribution with Liam Neeson, then Scream VI, Freaky Tales and recently Everything's gonna be great"
"You have a great resume", KJ said, "As a someone from New Zealand, you're one of us now"
"Thanks, I apreciate that", Jack nodded, "It's a beautiful country"
"How was filming Avatar?", Erin asked
"It was fun and a great experience, I had to learn freediving and scuba diving for the underwater scenes, learn the na'vi language, work hard at the gym, film everything twice, but it was awesome"
"Why twice?", Charles questioned
"Once with the motion capture suit with the cast and another with crew people in blue suits and with a small escenography, the hardest one was when the recoms capture the Sully kids and Spider, and then they scape, but Spider is kinda hit by an explosion and ends up rolling down in a small clif, behind the scenes, I was hit by someone to make it in the most realistic way posible"
"There's a clip of that", you intervined, "It seemed painful"
"Almost as painful to watch Neteyam's dead four times?", Jack joked
"Don't start on that, you know it makes me sad", you replied
"Oh, and I was homeschooled", Jack remembered
"So you didn't experience the epic highs and lows of high school football", KJ said refering to one of his character phrases
"Please tell me you didn't just said that", you begged covering your face with your hands
"I did", KJ nodded with pride
"For context, Archie said that when he was in jail during season three", Cole explained
"And, how did the relation started?", Madelaine asked smiling
"Well, it was at the beggining of the production of Scream VI, in the day that a welcome party to reunite and know each other was done", you started, "Dad and I arrived when everyone was in the terrace, we said a general 'hi' and then he sat in aparently the only seat left leaving me standing, but Melissa said, 'there's a space next to Jack', and I turned around to see this curly haired guy smiling shyly, and I sat next to him"
"Then we started talking and the rest is history", Jack continued, "The night of the Halloween party shooting, which was one of the first parts we filmed, I asked her for a date and in the same weekend we went to an amusment park, and we started dating at the wrap party"
"I remember Skeet, around season one or two, once saying and I quote 'the guy or girl that wants to date my little girl has to be enough for her and I had to aprove them'", Cole remembered, "How did you achieve that?"
"I think it was when I asked him for advice on my ghostface performance", Jack answered, "They told me that I was going to be ghostface were Liana and I saw that we had a new costume fitting scheduled, and that's when they told us and give us the scripts with the third act, so first I told my mom, and then I went to him and literally told him 'I'm ghostface, can you help me to be one?', and he help me to build the ghostface part of Ethan"
"The best part is that I didn't knew anything until I saw the movie in march", you said, "I just went to set one day to film my cameo and never went again"
"Big difference between your time here", Lili joked
"That's because dad didn't let me watch the series until I was fifteen", you laughed
"He didn't let you watch it but he did let you learn the coreographies, help with some make up, do cameos and hang up with us", Vanessa pointed, "That's a lot better"
"Definitely", you nodded
"Don't forget when you almost played Jellybean", Drew reminded
"I did everything, camera and costume testing, hair and make up, chemistry test", you said, "But it was fun, and at the end, Trinity did a great job"
"Speaking of fun, we have a surprise for you", Madelaine sang standing with Vanessa, "Just wait a second"
Smiling in excitement, you stayed in your chair while helping to clear the table a little, until the two girls apeared with a white heart cake surprising you
"This is a gift for your three last birthdays", Madelaine said leaving the cake in front of you
"We literally bought everything after ending filming and prepare it the moment we arrive", Charles explained
"We made it almost exactly the same as the one in the 'Blank Space' video", Vanessa pointed
"This is awesome", you exclaimed, "Thank you so much, thank god that I decided to use my eras tour sweatshirt"
"And our miss americana and heartbreak prince bracelets", Jack reminded
The moment you stand up and the candles were lighten up, everyone started to sing 'happy birthday' and film the moment until they finish singing and you blew the candles
"Now, stab it", Camila said giving you the knife
"This is even better", you smiled taking it in your hands before turning to look at your boyfriend, "Any advice on how to do this?"
"Hold firmly the knife and have fun", Jack responded rolling your sleeves so they don't get any cake on them
Using that advice, you held the knife with one hand while the other was on the table to give the cake the first stab revealing the strawberry jam under the white frosting, stabing it four more times until you stopped feeling some of the straberry jam in your face
"This is fun", you laughed leaving the knife on the table
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The next day, while everyone was filming, you and Jack went to the costume department to get the clothes for the cameo that would be filmed that night before going to hair and make up to prepare
"I know you just end filming an 80's movie, but you should be in a 50's one", you said to Jack while waiting for the team to arrive, "You look so good in that outfit, babe"
"You look even better, gorgeous", Jack responded making you blush, "And with the writers strike starting, we're going to have a lot of free time"
"Honestly, good for them, they're the ones that hold the series or movies, they deserve better payment and laboral conditions", you pointed
A few minutes later, the hair and make up team arrived greeting you both -especially you since they knew you since you were twelve- to start doing the styling to complete the look for the cameo, including covering your tattoo
Once the styling was done about two hours later, they guide both of you to a trailer to let Roberto know that both of you were ready, and wait until someone go get you to film
"We look amazing", you said while looking at the white off shoulder short sleeve top with the mint green skirt and your hair in small waves with a mint colored headband and your make up according to the decade
"I'm really vibing with this outfit", Jack agreed, he was using a white t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans with the Riverdale High letterman jacket, his hair was in his curly state but styled like in the decade
Using the time until filming, both of you decided to take photos with the outfits and also tik toks that were saved in both of your drafts
And noticing that they were going to take a little longer to call you to film, both of you decided to call both of your parents, starting with his mom
"Hey mom", Jack greeted focusing both of your faces
"Hi my love, hi angel", Anna greeted with happiness, "How's it going? Are you having fun?"
"Lots, they are super nice and welcoming", Jack responded
"It's been nice to see almost everyone of them and being on set after three years", you said
"I'm glad to hear that", Anna smiled
"And we're not only making a visit, beacuse we are doing a cameo also", you exclaimed
Positioning the phone against the vanity mirror, both of you walked a few steps to show the costumes
"You look amazing", Anna exclaimed already taking screenshots of the call, "Do some poses, I want to have photos of this"
Listening to her indication, both of you did it with poses that showcased the costumes individually and couple ones
"Are you going to film right now?"
"Yeah, we are waiting until they come to get us", Jack nodded, "We are in the last scene of Pops"
"The best place in Riverdale", you continued making sure your hair was still perfect
"Please take photos of both of you there to add to the album", Anna asked
"We took some since we arrived", you said, "Want me to send them to you?"
"That would be fantastic, thank you angel", Anna thanked you, "By the way, Jack, the other day I was walking Butters and he jumped on a dog four size bigger, both pets are okay, it was just the scare"
After sending her most of the photos and talking a while to her, the call ended, and almost inmediatly, you were calling your dad
"Hi dad", you greeted
"Hello, how's everything in Riverdale?"
"Crazy as always", you joked, "Everyone misses the serpent king leading the gang and protecting the town"
"Good thing the serpent princess and prince are there"
"Did you just call me serpent prince?", Jack asked with surprise
"You earned it, kid", Skeet simplified noticing the styling of the hair of both of you, "You are doing a cameo, don't you?"
"How did you know?", you asked, "Did somebody told you? It was Mädchen?"
"I knew by the way both of you are hairstyled", Skeet laughed, "Let me see you in costumes"
Listening to him, both of you did the same as the previous call taking a few steps back to show the whole outfits
"You look awesome", Skeet complimented, "Kinda wants me to go back there"
"There's still time, tomorrow is the official last day of filming", you said a little sad
"Even if I wanted, I can't because I'm taking care of the orange furr ball", proving his point, he moved the phone to focus on Tatum who was playing with an ikran plushie in her cat tower flower on the living room
"Look at my baby", you exclaimed, "She's so cute"
"Your brother was here yesterday, she scratched him in the arm", Skeet said making both of you laugh a little, "He said he prefers Naiia's cat, Ivy"
"I can just imagine Megan's face when he returned and saw his arm", you laughed, "And Tatum and Ivy are best friends, so he has to love them both"
"Tell him that the next time you see him or spoke to him", Skeet joked, "Hey, I got a convention on Denver by the start of july, it's only saturday and sunday, want to come?"
"Dad, you know I would never decline going to one"
"Okay", Skeet nodded, "Jack?"
"Sure, it sounds fun"
"Perfect, I'll tell the organization that you're coming with me", Skeet nodded, "Hey kids, I've got to go but good luck filming and send me photos of both of you on set, please"
"We will, and I'll send you some of the ones we already have", you nodded
Saying goodbyes to Skeet and hanging up the call, Jack and you looked at each other
"Our cats are unhinged", Jack commented
"Totally", you agreeded
A few moments later, two members of production came to the trailer to led both of you to the set who was empty with only the cameras on place
"Welcome to Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe", you said while walking around the place, "This is the Riverdale icon, numerous people tried to destroy it but they couldn't because there's no Riverdale without Pop's"
"Feels like going back to the fifty's decade", Jack pointed looking around the place, "I feel if they did it in real life it would be a success"
"I always think about that, but without the tragedies", you laughed walking to the booths, "This was my usual spot or the bar when filming, my usual order was a cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate milkshake, even thought this wasn't a real restaurant"
Sensing that you were starting to feel sad and nostalgic, Jack inmediatly aproached to hug you and leave a kiss on your forehead being careful of not ruining the hair, while you circled his waist with your arms
And just like yesterday, both of you didn't notice someone arriving at the place until the click of multiple cameras was heard making both of you turn around to see everyone with their phones -or camera on Cole's case- out to keep the moment
"We're sorry for interrupting, but this was so cute", Camila justified
"That's okay", you sighed, "I was just telling Jack a little about this place"
"So many good memories", Casey nodded, "It's truly the end of an era"
"Where is my unofficial kid? I need to see Y/N and Jack in their costumes", Mädchen exclaimed entering the place stopping when she was in front of both of you, "Oh, I'm going to cry, both of you look incredible"
Waisting no time, Mädchen to hug both of you while the others just watched and took photos of the moment
While the cameras started to be prepared to film, Cole decided to take some photos of everyone with his professional camera
"Guys, it's time to start the blocking for the last scene in Pop's", Roberto anounced causing applauses for everyone, "We'll do a small rehearsal and then we'll start filming"
While everyone started to get in their positions for the scene, Roberto aproached both of you
"Guys, you are going to be sitting in the booth next to KJ, Camila, Lili and Cole", Roberto instructed, "Jack, you enter first because your taller than Y/N", listening to the instruction, Jack was the first to sit and then you in the same side, "Perfect, just like that, when Betty enters the place she's going to meet first with Kevin, Reggie, Fangs, Midge and Pop, then she's walking to this side, mets with Cheryl and Toni, she's going to wave at you before sitting with Archie, Veronica and Jughead, it's easy, we'll bring you a milkshake with two straws in a moment, got it?", in response, both of you nodded, "Good"
Once Roberto leave to make sure everything was good with the cameras, Jack took his phone out to take some photos of both of you and the place
"Y/N, Jack, what's your favorite episode and character of the series?", Camila asked with her phone pointing at both of you
"The Midnight Club and Nana Rose", you responded
"Judgment Night/The Locked Room and Pop Tate", Jack continued
"And I want Choni to be together forever", you added
"Say it louder baby Ulrich", Vanessa yelled before turning to speak to Madelaine in a low voice, "She's going to love the finale"
"And cry a lot", Madelaine nodded
A few moments later, a crew member arrived to leave milkshakes on all the tables for the scene, which you end up with a chocolate one with two straws, and also a comic of Archie
"This looks delicious", Jack commented looking at the glass
"They are, come on, take the first sip"
Trusting in your words, Jack leaned to take a sip of the milkshake surprising himself for the taste
"This is really good", Jack exclaimed, "I can say that this is the best milkshake I've ever tasted"
"I told you so", you smiled, "After this ones, it's hard to find another better, believe me I tried"
"Well, we can try to recreate them when we came back", Jack tried to cheer you up at the same time that he intervined both of your hands above the table at what you rested your head on his shoulder
"Everyone, we start filming in five!", Roberto screamed while hair and make up people continued to end some details, "Remeber to hide your phones and to put them in silent mode, or give them to someone to guard them while we film"
During the next minutes, the filming started following the scene that was described in the script with a few pauses to change camera angles for all the scenes
"And cut!", Roberto anounced, "Ladies and gentleman, that is a wrap for Alvin Sanders, Y/N Ulrich and Jack Champion"
Between applauses, the three of you went to the center of the dinner to hug each other and smile at everyone around
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jackchampion, madelainecwhite, kiernanshipka, lucyhale and 141, 937 more
yn.ulrich dear sweet old Riverdale, I thought saying goodbye to you three years ago was hard, but coming back this time was harder than I expected knowing this was the last time
I can speak for my dad and my siblings, when I say that we are greatful for let us be part of this big, amazing and talented family
Thank you for letting dad bring me to the set, because I had the pleasure of meeting incredible people and grow up there, and discover my love for VFX make up (and having the inspiration for my first tattoo), I arrived with only two siblings and ended up with more older siblings and uncles
Thank you for letting me came back one last time and bring someone special for one last milkshake
Until we meet again, Riverdale...
jackchampion it was amazing being there, even if it was only for a short time, serpent princess
› yn.ulrich i'm glad we had the oportunity to share a last cameo on set, serpent prince
skeetulrich once a serpent, always a serpent
writerras we're glad to have you on set again
user905 my girl is succeeding in everything
› user7201 that's queen
camimendes so happy that we had one last scene
amenahsoares gorgeous words from a gorgeous girl
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hxzxrdous · 2 years
*It's been 84 years*
It's very short 😭 but I hope it was worth the wait <33
The Avengers
Platonic Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x teen!reader
TW: ANGST, mention of abuse, hurt/comfort, don't read if it triggers you!
Summary: You have a heart to heart(s) with Natasha and Wanda, the two women are convincing you to let them help you.
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The next few days were anxious for both Natasha and you. You wanted to talk to you but you were too afraid, she wanted to talk to you but she was afraid. She waited for you to come to her but you didn't, you waited for her to cone to you but she didn't. Anxiety was growing inside you with every passing day towards the weekend.
It was on friday morning when Natasha was pouring herself a cup of Irish coffee... but without the coffee. Weekend is close, which means you are going home again. She dreaded at the thought of going back to that place. The redhead sat down at the table, hands shaking while drinking her booze. Wanda entered the kitchen and noticed the scene. "What's up with you, it's not even noon." She chuckled. Natasha only sighed. "Is it about Y/N?" Wanda got worried. "How did y- Hey, did you just read my- That's private Wanda!" The older woman complained. "Not when it comes to child abuse, Natasha, you should now that. We have to tell Tony and inform the authorities, report the bastard." Wanda was firm and stern. "Fine. But first you'll help me talk to Y/N since someone doesn't know how to keep their nose out of people's business." Natasha gulped down the whiskey and stood up.
"Talk to me about what?" You dragged your feet to the kitchen opening the cabinet. You saw Natasha and Wanda looking at eachother when they both sat down at the table. "Y/N, sit down" the younger woman paused. "Can I at least eat?" you protested. "I know about your dad." Now that got your attention.
Wanda kneeled in front of you. "Please talk to us, let us help you" she held your hands in hers. "Nobody can help me" you whispered. "Yes, yes, we can. All we have to do is inform Tony and he'll help you report your father" Natasha chimed in. "My father is a chief of police" you emphasized the word father. "And my mom... she loves him, and sticks up for him. I tried to tell at school once..." you turned to Natasha. "He bribed the principal and the nurse at school and I got a beating from both mom and dad" you explained looking down, a tear falling off your cheek when Wanda lifted your chin up. "We'll take you to our private hospital. Helen Cho will examine you and gather evidence, we'll be with you every step on the way" Wanda tried to convince you. "You're safe here with us. And... If I'm wrong, I promise you, I'll kill your parents with my bare hands." Natasha chuckled at the younger woman's comment. "I'll help" the older readhead added.
There was a battle going on in your head, anxiety overflowing you, terrible scenarios replaying in your mind. "I'm so afraid" you blinked away your tears. Natasha stood up, walked towards you and hugged you. There was silence... a pause. They were so damn patient and understanding. Wanda looked at you with such warmth in her eyes you almost felt overwhelmed. "Please, Y/N, trust us." the woman holding your hands begged you. "Fine." You gave up and gave a weak smile.
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Sorry for any grammar or/and spelling mistakes. Hope you like it! :)
(If you know who created the gifs lmk so I can give them credit)
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please just tell me what bruce said that made reader laugh in your last blurb, i swear i won't tell anyone 🥺😭😢
This wound up being way longer than I expected, it's from this blurb! I also wrote this on my phone, so no taglist I'm afraid!
Y/N reached out and adjusted Bruce's tie again as they came to a stop just outside the doorway of the room where the boys were getting ready. Damian and Tim were being lectured by Alfred about proper ways to tie a tie as Jason was loudly complaining about having to wear one in the first place. Dick had been quiet all morning, they both knew he was looking forward to the wedding, just a little nervous.
Y/N's hands moved towards Bruce's hair and he caught her wrists in his hands and smiled as she let out a frustrated huff.
"If you keep messing with my hair, everyone is going to think we snuck away for a quickie in the coat closet instead of checking in with the florist."
He smiled as she laughed and gently pulled her hands from his. She leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. His heart fluttered like it had each time since their very first kiss on their wedding day. He would never grow tired of her, never get enough of her, no matter how old they got.
He watched as she walked back into the room and made the rounds, addressing each of the boys before making her way back towards him. He knew she was going to check on Kori and the girls, and he knew he would likely not see her before the ceremony began. So, he caught her wrist in his before she walked out and pressed his lips against her temple. She smiled softly as she retreated down the corridor and he could not help but smile as he watched her go.
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"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 5/18: Oldies on the Radio Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: Teen (for violence in later chapters) Word Count: (1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: Emma picks Killian up for their date. Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence in later chapters, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: DISCLAIMER: I apologize in advance to anyone and everyone who is offended by the two songs I've used as "oldies" in this fic. Thematically, they fit well with the story. I googled the definition of "oldie" and found it to be very much in flux, but at least one source said that music from the eighties count as oldies, and the song from the eighties I've included… works, it works, trust me. I'm not trying to make anyone feel old. Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 The women Killian usually courted appreciated a man in captain's attire- his best vest, long black jacket, extra flask of rum tucked away in his back pocket, just in case. But since that woman, Tamara, would be there tonight, he'd have to settle for something a little more "modern" as Emma put it, and he settled for a dark blue button down with a black vest.
 He smiled at the dashing rapscallion he saw in the mirror in his quarters.
 "Yes, I'm even devilishly handsome by this realm's standards." He winked at his reflection. "Swan doesn't stand a chance." 
 Killian was used to the women he met falling all over him, but Emma held her ground every time she saw him- she was well guarded, walls built up high- but something about that pursuit allured him.
 It wasn't just the chase he loved though- there was something about Emma that was different from the women he'd met over the last few hundred years. She'd bested him on the beanstalk, she'd beaten him at lake Nostos- and yet, at the town line when he'd been hit by one of those mechanical moving contraptions, she'd made sure he made it to the hospital. He could even remember, despite the chaos and rush as they'd brought him into their infirmary, how she'd insisted their medical staff keep him hidden from the Crocodile's fury, and how she'd come to check on him there.
 He grabbed his jacket and threw it on before leaving his cabin and stepping out onto the deck.
 "It's just a pretend date." Killian thought. "Someone like her wouldn't take interest in someone like me otherwise. Those hero types don't tend to go for us villains."
 Killian looked across the portside of the Jolly Roger's stern and saw Emma's yellow car, and Emma coming down the docks where he'd said he'd meet her.
 He was thankful for the cloaking spell Cora'd put on his ship, because it meant Emma couldn't see him as she approached, couldn't see how his jaw dropped when he saw her.
 There was a lot that he had to complain about in this realm, but the acceptable length of a woman's dress- or lack of length thereof- was not one of those things. The pink dress Emma wore fell just below her knees, and her shoulders were bare, and the neckline low.
 "It's just a fake date, just a fake date." He reminded himself. "I could almost say she dressed more for him than for me."
 He bit his lip as he watched her look around the dock for his hidden vessel, then decided he'd kept her waiting long enough.
 "Why, Swan," he smiled as he walked down the gangplank, through the cloaking spell.
 She looked up at him, startled at first, but then almost seeming pleased to see him.
 "You look…"
 "I know." She rolled her eyes. "Let's just get a move on, or we'll be late."
 "As you wish." He said, watching her turn to leave, then following after her.
 "I would've gotten you flowers," Killian said as they walked along, "but your local florist seems to have a vendetta against me."
 "Probably because you shot his daughter."
 Killian nodded. "Yeah, that would do it."
  When they got to the car, he ran ahead to her side to open the door for her, and she seemed a bit surprised by his act of chivalry. He then ran around to his own side and climbed into his seat. He fumbled about with the seatbelt, not very used to using a seatbelt, but not wanting to participate in another dangerous accident. He was also having difficulty manipulating the fake hand, and missed having his hook.
 Emma sighed and took the buckle from him and buckled it.
 "Thank you." He said, his response coming out more sheepish than he'd hoped for.
 "Least I can do." Emma said as she started up the car. "I appreciate you helping me with this."
 "My pleasure." He smiled, trying not to stare at her as she drove them to the restaurant, but finding his eyes fixed on her. When it looked like she was about to turn to look at him, he quickly turned and looked out the window- though he was sure she knew he'd been watching her, that his gaze was almost palpable.
 Killian watched out of the corner of his eye as Emma turned a knob next to the clock, and her car started singing. He looked down at where the music was coming from, fascinated by the beat that felt like sailing with the wind in your favor, with words he'd never heard in a shanty before.
 "Yes, I saw her face, and now I'm a believer."
 "It's called a radio." Emma said. "It plays recorded music."
 "Not a trace of doubt in my mind."
 "Amazing." Killian said.
 "I hope you like oldies." Emma said. "Old music- though probably not too old to you."
 "Yes, I'm a believer, yeah yeah yeah. Yeaaaahhhhh."
 The song faded out, and another song started, one with a beat like electricity, like a ball being thrown back and forth quickly.
 "Looking through the window above, like a story of love-"
 Emma turned the knob and switched stations.
 "Don't like that 'oldie,' love?" Killian asked.
 "Long live the walls we crashed through"
 Emma bit her lip. "Not anymore."
 Killian nodded, pretending to understand.
 "How the kingdom lights shined just for me and for you."
 "This one's not an old one; it's pop, but it's tolerable."
 "I was screaming long live all the magic we made. And bring on all the pretenders- one day we will be remembered."
 Killian smiled toward the end of that line- because he heard Emma singing along.
 "I didn't know you sing." Killian said.
 Emma turned down the radio. "I don't."
 Killian raised an eyebrow. "Sure."
 "Okay, maybe I sing along to the radio sometimes." Emma said. "Is that a problem?"
 "Absolutely not." Killian said. "And if this magic box was set to 'shanties,' I'd be right there singing along with you."
 "Well that's the beauty of pop." Emma said. "You'll pick up on it by the last chorus."
 Sure enough, Swan was right, and by the end of the song they were both singing along.
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could u write something with peter maximoff??
literally anything plz i luv him so much
u don’t have to obvi if ur not up to it
I wrote some friends to lovers fluff because I wanted to write something fluffy and cute, hope you like it <3
Ms. Pacman and Exams (Peter Maximoff x reader)
Warnings: mentions of exams (ew), friends to lovers, fluffy and cute
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It was late spring, and you and Peter had been hanging out in his room together at the academy. He was playing Ms. Pacman while you were studying for an exam.
"Ugh, I hate this! Why did they have to make school so difficult?" You complained as you slammed your book shut and threw it across the room. "So what if the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? Who cares?"
"Aw, look at you! You're learning," Peter teased, not taking his eyes off his game.
"I'm serious. I mean, when would I ever have to use that in everyday life? School is dumb."
"Whoa, don't let the Professor here you say that," he joked. "Not unless you want a surprise pop quiz."
"Don't you ever joke about surprise pop quizzes around me," you warned him. "Seriously, they are the worst."
"I'll bet," he responded, but it was clear he wasn't paying attention.
"Peter," you said.
"What did I just say?"
"Mm, something about pop quizzes and how much they suck." He had his tongue sticking out of his mouth, a sign that usually indicated he was trying his best to concentrate on whatever task he was doing at the moment.
"Well, you're not wrong," you muttered as you went to pick up your textbook off the floor so you could continue studying.
"Hey!" He suddenly exclaimed. "I beat my high score!"
You laughed at his reaction. "You're so cute."
He turned to look at you, his cheeks flushed. "You- you think I'm cute?"
You felt your cheeks grow warm as you realized what you'd said. "Um, did I say that out loud? That was pretty random, sorry about that," you nervously chuckled.
"No, it- it's okay," he said, fiddling with the game's joystick. "I, um, I was just gonna say, I think you're cute too."
"Wait, really? Wow," you said, surprised. "If I had known about that, I would have asked you out way sooner."
"So why didn't you?" He blurted, unable to keep his question in.
"Um, I just didn't want to ruin our friendship I guess," you admitted. "But you know what? I'm honestly glad I'm telling you about it. It's good to get this whole me having a crush on you thing off my chest."
"Huh, interesting."
It was silent for probably two minutes, maybe even less than that, but to you it felt like an eternity. I mean, here you were, having told your best friend about your crush on him, and him doing the exact same thing to you. At that point, you had no idea where this was going to go.
"So, um."
Peter's voice snapped you back to reality. "'So, um,' what?" You joked, hoping to lighten the mood.
"So, since I like you, and you like me, do you wanna, maybe, I don't know, go see a movie or something sometime? As maybe, more than friends?"
"Sure, I'd love to." You didn't want to seem too eager, but it was hard to contain the pure happiness you felt.
"Great! But, until then," he pointed to the book you were still holding, "you'd better study up for that exam or else you're gonna fail."
You groaned, rolling your eyes at him. "God, I hate you."
"No, you love me," he corrected, starting a new game.
"Yeah, you're right," you agreed, smiling to yourself as you went to sit back down. Little did you know he was smiling, too.
Main masterlist | MCU masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @gilmore-angel @xxromanoffxx @your-next-daydream @alexxavicry @elenavampire21  
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hanatiny · 3 years
Cry For Your King
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gif by @barnesbabee​ ♡
a/n: ‘tis finally done, part two of Bow To Your King - read that first if you haven’t yet! hope CFYK lives up to the quality of its predecessor~
pairing: demon king!Hongjoong x f!reader
genre: smut
word count: 2469
warnings: sir kink, pet names, teasing, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), edging/orgasm denial, overstimulation is mentioned, dacryphilia, extremely vaguely implied exhibitionism, implied breeding kink, implied corruption kink, very slight possessive undertones, reader acts like a brat for a solid 0.5 seconds, Joong has piercings & tattoos (the latter are only briefly mentioned), brief mention of unconventional toys, strong language
You officially married Hongjoong and were crowned as the queen of the underworld not too long after the 'incident' in the throne room. That must've been nearly two years ago now, you mused.
In human years, anyway - you were quick to be told that time flowed differently, much slower, in the underworld. And you felt it too, because while two years weren't much, you did notice that days and nights both felt much longer than they used to.
You certainly weren't complaining about it, in any case, because it meant more time to spent with your demon lover, whom you've been trying to find for a good while.
He had adamantly been avoiding you for the past week and if you did run into him outside of your shared bed late at night, he'd be pressing his lips together tightly and making up nonsensical excuses to not kiss you on top of that.
You figured he was just extra busy but you were still fed up, to say the least.
Your husband has been avoiding you and, as his closest confidant next to you, so has Seonghwa, and nobody you asked could give you anything more than a shrug as an answer as to why this was the case.
With a pout on your face, you huffed as you sat down on your large bed.
If Hongjoong wasn't going to spend time with you, a nap seemed like the most logical thing to do considering you didn't really have anything else to occupy yourself with presently.
You rolled over on the mattress, pulling the blanket up to cover your body as you curled up into a ball. You tossed and turned but you weren’t able to catch much rest, especially not once you felt the mattress dip behind you before a calloused hand ghosted over your hip.
You knew who the hand belonged to, body going rigid as you inhaled sharply.
"I know you're awake, darling...~" Your husband's sultry voice whispered near your ear, coaxing a soft whine from you in response.
Your refusal to react, even if you failed in your endeavor, amused him greatly. After all, it was only a matter of time.
Hongjoong knew you better than you knew yourself; he knew which buttons to push to make you break, to make you tremble beneath his touch and moan his name loud enough for everyone in the castle to hear.
He leaned in and allowed his lips to brush over the exposed skin of your shoulder near the demon mark on your collarbone, letting them curve into a grin when he felt you jolt and shiver from the brief contact.
“Easy there, honey. It’s just me~” He purred into your ear and you whined once more, louder this time.
“It’s not just you, Hongjoongie,” you pouted with a huff, his expression softening momentarily at the nickname as he nudged you to turn onto your back, compliance almost immediate, “You’ve been avoiding me for the past week and a half, why-”
Hongjoong hushed you with a finger to your lips, his eyes widening before he regained his composure when you kitten licked at his digit.
“All in due time, love. You shall find out about my motives soon, very soon as a matter of fact~” You could practically hear smugness and sadism both dripping from his voice, and it sent another shiver through your body while he pulled his finger back before replacing it with his lips briefly, but not long enough for you to be able to distinguish the foreign sensation that clung to your husband’s lips.
When he pulled the blanket away from you and let it fall off the bed, he licked his lips and his eyes flashed their signature red as he shifted himself to kneel between your instinctively spread legs.
Suddenly, you understood. You understood why Hongjoong kept avoiding you while he smirked knowingly, pausing his actions to allow you to process
Thanks to the passionate glow of his irises, you were able to clearly see the jewelry surrounding your husband’s mouth.
In hindsight, you mentally chastised yourself for neither seeing nor putting two and two together beforehand - it should’ve been clear to you that the reason you and your lips were being avoided for so long was that Hongjoong had gotten a variety of piercings and was allowing them to heal.
Snake bites, a lip ring as well as a stud decorating his tongue that you spotted when the organ darted out to moisten his lips.
"Like what you see, princess~?" Your surprise must have been palpable, if the gallivant edge in his tone was anything to go by.
“I like what I’m seeing immensely, but I thought my title was queen~?” You teased, although immediate regret settled deep in your gut when Hongjoong tilted his head to the side slightly and gave a crooked smirk.
“Not when you act like a spoiled brat entitled to me and my attention, it isn’t. Now part those pretty legs for me more, like I know you want to...~”
You shuddered, but stubbornly refused to budge.
“Ah, I see how it is. Precious little brat thinks she’s in charge hm~?” He growled savagely, the red hue of his eyes darkening dramatically as he clicked his tongue.
“Stupid mistake... Do you even deserve to get what has been prepared for you specifically? Or would you rather just have me watch you fuck yourself on my sceptre, which I’m aware you’ve been wanting to do when I’m not around~?”
Mouth agape, you were left stunned at Hongjoong's words while his lips curled into a triumphant grin.
From the very first day on you had been told to tread carefully, that he had eyes and ears anywhere even if you weren't aware of them till the moment of truth came, that he'd know your every secret eventually.
You didn't believe in that at the time but you definitely did now and you knew there was no point in denial, so you drew your bottom lip in between your teeth and wordlessly, finally, did as told.
Hongjoong purred in approval, his hands ghosting over the skin of your already trembling thighs. He had one more ace of his sleeve, a literal one at that, but he’d save that for another time.
“So you can follow the orders you’re given... My good little kitten wants only Sir, doesn’t she? Wants him more than anything and anyone else hm~?” His voice sounded taunting and deep near your ear.
You didn’t even realize you had closed your eyes until they shot open moments later in surprise when you felt Hongjoong’s hot breath fanning over your ear. “Well~?”
You nodded frantically with a small whimper, growing needier for him as the seconds ticked by, and you knew he could tell. He always could. “Y-yes! Only want Sir, nothing and noone could satisfy me like him~”
Hongjoong chuckled endearingly, amused by how your voice betrayed you, “Sir’s the only one for you my darling, the only one worthy of having you like this.”
You enjoyed the possessive growl that followed as it sent a shiver down your spine, your husband’s eyes flickering with mischief in response while he shuffled downwards to settle between your legs, his face close to your throbbing core this time.
His fingers carefully pushed up the hem of your nightdress and hooked into the waistband of your panties before pulling them off with ease, his eyes twinkling in amusement as they rose to meet yours.
“So cute how wet you are for me already... This worked up about just a few piercings~”
You whined, feeling caught as your cheeks flushed in half embarassment and half arousal while he let a finger glide smoothly over your slick folds with featherlight touches.
"My darling wants me to make her feel good, doesn't she?" You could essentially hear the taunting grin in his words, your reply coming out more high-pitched than intended.
"I-I do~!"
"'I-I do' what, baby?" His tone was mocking and it felt like your face had figuratively caught on fire.
You had to actively swallow your pride to answer; while it wasn't particularly unusual for you to beg for his touch, Hongjoong hardly ever forced you to do it like this.
"I want Sir to make me feel good, please it's been so long...!"
Although meek and breathy, the way you pleaded appeased Hongjoong. He brushed his thumb over your swollen clit, and you jerked in reaction as he chuckled lowly.
“So sensitive...~”
“Only f-for Sir...~” Came your weak reply, and Hongjoong’s expression softened deceivingly before you felt his plush lips press lightly against your nub, the cold feeling of the metal contrasting the warmth of his skin and sending a shiver rushing down your spine.
Based on your reactions so far he knew you weren’t ready for what was to come, his lips curling into a sadistic grin while he trailed gentle kisses down your slit before stopping right at your entrance.
At times like this you cursed the fact that he let his hair grow out a bit over the years, as it tickled your inner thighs teasingly and it took every ounce of self control you had within you to not squirm violently from how sensitive you were.
You dared to tentatively lift your head to see why Hongjoong appeared to be hesitating, only for it to drop back to where it was onto the pillow underneath as your lips trembled before finally parting in a vulnerable mewl when his tongue slipped inside of your entrance.
It amazed you time and time again how he had become such an expert in pleasuring you with just his tongue or fingers, sometimes with both at the same time.
He lapped at your sex as if he was a starved man, moaning exaggeratedly at your taste for good measure, and it brought you to a sort of bliss you rarely felt so intensely.
Your soft cries grew louder every time his tongue dipped in between your dripping folds, and when he then paused to look at you, right before you could come undone for him, Hongjoong swore he almost came in his pants at the sight.
Your chest heaving with ragged breaths, your lips parted in sinful whines caused by the sudden lack of stimulation and your hair was sprawled out messily around your head. But to Hongjoong, the most beautiful part of it all was the tears that welled up in your hazy eyes. He knew you well enough to know they were tears of pleasure, and knowing that he caused them was enough to make his dick twitch as you begged for him.
His previously innocent, soft-spoken darling had become someone who'd ask for the pleasure he provided for you and the way he filled you up so often he might as well think you were addicted.
Your sobs only served to fuel his thoughts more, "P-please Sir, need to cum so bad! Please~!"
"God..." He groaned, willing his instinct to just go ahead and fuck you into the mattress until your voice became hoarse from screaming to take a backseat in his mind.
"You're so gorgeous, angel. I could do this to you all goddamn night...~" Hongjoong's purr both unsettled and excited you, causing a gasp to sound in your throat as he went back to working on your aching heat.
You didn't know what the foreign sensation was this time until you felt Hongjoong smirk against you and slip his tongue as deep inside of you as he possibly could.
You didn't know how it worked, or where he hid the remote if there even was one, but didn't care in the slightest - his tongue piercing could vibrate.
He proceeded to bring you right to the edge with it, to the point of needing a single touch to hit your orgasm, back down only to build you up again with his expertly technique.
Two or three times, you weren't exactly sure how many times he repeated the process. All you knew was that tears were now streaming down your face unhindered, your body trembling and writhing in pleasure.
"That's right, baby... I want you to cry only for me, cry for your king..~!" Hongjoong's voice sounded so breathy and borderline erotic, it made you believe he was getting off on the sight of your tears alone.
And he did get off on it. So much so in fact that he pulled away from your pulsing core, afraid he would be unable to control himself much longer and wouldn’t be able to cum inside of you like he wanted to.
You whimpered, starting to get fed up with the amount of edging your lover had already done that night. “Sir-”
“Hush, kitten.” He interrupted you with a growl, although you frankly couldn’t say that you minded, “You’ll be allowed to cum soon~ But not on Sir’s tongue...”
You tilted your head at his words as he trailed off, your bottom lip jutting out in a mildly confused pout. He groaned under his breath, muttering about how you’d be the death of him sooner or later while he busied himself with freeing his painfully hard cock from his pants, thankful that your shared bedroom was dark enough for you to not see the black ink peeking out from underneath his sleeve, even with the faint moonlight shining through the window.
It was something for you to get excited about later, he mused, before positioning himself above you and lining his tip up with your entrance. Your hands balled into fists in anticipation, bunching up the sheets in the process.
Before Hongjoong could finally enter you and give both you and himself the relief you so desperately craved, however, the door creaked open. Your husband didn’t have to turn around to know who intruded, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“I’m sorry, I just heard y/n crying and thought-”
“Well I think you should leave, Seonghwa.” Hongjoong bit back, clearly annoyed at the older man’s intrusion of such an intimate moment.
“I told you to get the fuck out if you want to keep your head on your shoulders past tonight...” Afraid he would be in genuine trouble if he didn’t obey, Seonghwa slammed the door shut again.
“Now, where were we-”
You swore you could see Hongjoong’s form shaking with rage at the comment he heard next, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t serve to fuel your arousal even more.
“Oh by the way, he got his dick pierced too.”
You blinked up at your husband with wide eyes while his cheeks flushed, the man once again grateful for the darkness of the room hindering your ability to see.
“You what?!”
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happilykrispypirate · 2 years
Impossible (Ch. 5)
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Pairings: Mattheo Riddle x fem!Soulmate!Potter!reader.
Warnings: Swearing, some angst, mention of death and my shitty writing.
Summary: Mattheo and the reader are made for each other, literally. In a world where soulmates are connected through physical and emotional pain and a tattoo on the back of their left wrist, Mattheo and the reader must struggle to find a way to cope with the fact that their soulmate is on the opposing team.
@abaker74 @evycloudberry
"I can't believe now we have to sit around and just wait for Harry and Dumbledore to get back," Ron complains and throws his head back.
"We're keeping watch, Ronald," I said rolling my eyes.
We were all stuck in Dumbledore's office, waiting for Harry and Dumbledore to come back from fetching one of the Horcruxes.
"You guys can always walk around?" Mattheo said, "Y/n and I will stay up here."
Ron and Hermione left, leaving me and Mattheo alone. I know he wanted to ask about the Prophecy. Dumbledore mentioned it briefly when he went over the plan earlier.
"I know you want to ask me," I spoke up and turned to him.
"What is the Prophecy?" He asked.
"And either must die at the other, for neither can live while the other survives," I sighed.
I thought that he of all people would know it by now. That maybe his father formed a plan or something.
"What does it mean?" He asked.
"One of us, has to die. So either my brother and I have to die or he has to die. Atleast that's what I think," I said, I turned to him and saw that he had tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Oh love," I said making my way over to him and wrapping my arms around him. His arms wrapped around me, afraid to let me go.
"My father is a powerful man, what if he succeeds? You'll be dead, we won't even have gotten married yet or had kids. We won't be able to grow old together like we wanted," He said his voice cracking.
"I cannot promise you anything, but I can promise you that I'll try my hardest to succeed," I said looking up at him and wiping his tears away.
The next few moments happened all too fast. One moment I was still in Mattheo's arms and the next I was standing behind him with Voldemort in front of us.
"What are you doing here? If Dumbledore-"
"Dumbledore's dead," My heart dropped when he said that, "Come now, Mattheo, leave her. She's nothing but a distraction and she will stop you from achieving our goal."
"No, I am not leaving her," Mattheo said.
I expected Voldemort to lash out and be furious, but he was calm, that scared me a lot more, "You will regret this, Mattheo," He said before he aparated away.
Mattheo and I rushed to the courtyard and saw all the student there, standing around Dumbledore's body. Their wands were raised into the air. Mattheo took my hand and together we raised our wands.
"Mattheo, have you decided where you're staying yet?" Theo asked as we all sat in the common room a few days after Dumbledore's death.
We were all still pretty shaken up. After Dumbledore's death, everyone in our friend group got a letter telling them that it was better if they just stayed with other relatives during the summer.
They were all supposed to get their marks during the summer but after their parents found out who they had been hanging out with, they decided that it was best that they stay away, they were worried for their children's lives.
"No, you?" Mattheo asked.
"Nope, I was planning on going to my family in Italy, but they don't want me there," He said.
"Why don't you guys come and stay with me?" I said and they all looked at me like I was crazy.
"Uh love," Mattheo said and I looked at him, "Are you mad? They won't allow us to be there."
"My brother won't, everyone else will. They already know about me and Mattheo, Sirius is super keen to meet him, remember he's my godfather and he is super over protective. I'm not even gonna start on the twins and the rest of Weasleys. Also I have pictures of me and all of you on my wall all the from year 1, so they already know. The only person who didn't know is Hatry because he refused to go into my room," I said and they all looked at each other, waiting for someone to speak up.
"I'll come," Mattheo said, "I just don't know how I'm going to keep myself together when I see your brother. I might finish the job that my father couldn't."
"I'll join you, he'll be dead before he walks off the train," Pansy said and I chuckled.
"I'll come aswell," Theo said.
"Me too," Enzo said.
"We can't," Draco said referring to him and Blaise.
"Right, I forgot you two already got your marks," I said, how could I forget? " Well if things get to much, you two can always come, you're welcome anytime."
During the train ride, I could tell that everyone was nervous. Mattheo was especially nervous, he was going to meet my godfathers, the people who basically raised me.
When the train stopped and we got off, Mattheo grabbed my hand. I gave it a reassuring squeeze before we all started walking to where Sirius and Remus were waiting.
"Sirius," I smiled as I let go of Mattheo's hand and hugged him. I hugged Remus as well before I turned to Mattheo and the rest.
"These are my friends," I said gesturing to Pansy, Enzo and Theo and then I intertwined my fingers with Mattheo's, "This is Mattheo."
Sirius walked over to Mattheo and tried to look intimidating, but Mattheo was taller thsn him.
"Sirius, you're not at all intimidating," Remus said.
"You always have to ruin everything, don't you Remus?" Sirius said rolling his eyes before look at Mattheo holding his hand out, "Pleasure to meet you, Mattheo. I'm Sirius Black, no need for sir or Mr Black. Just Sirius."
"Pleasure to meet you too, Sirius," Mattheo said shaking his hand.
I'm guessing that Dumbledore told Sirius about the Harry incident because when we got home Sirius took Harry into his office and you could hear Sirius yelling at Harry all the way from the other side of the house.
Mattheo was allowed to sleep in my room, Pansy and others all got their own rooms. The place was big so it could happen.
That night Mattheo held me while stroking my hair softly, "I can get used to this," He said causing me to smile.
"Me too," I said, "Just think in a few years we'll be in our own house all alone."
"You're belly is going to be swollen big by then," He said and I chuckled.
"Slow down, we have to get married before that happens," I said.
Mattheo was silent for a few moments before he spoke up again, "Let's get married then," He said and I laughed.
"Matt, I'm only 16, I'm not getting pregnant now," I said still laughing.
"Of course not, but I'm serious," He said and I stopped laughing, "Let's get married."
I sat up looking at him, "You're serious?"
"Love, we don't know what's going to happen," He said, "What if you die? Or me? What if I die?"
"Don't talk like that," I said and he now sat up taking my hands in his.
"I'm serious," Mattheo said, "Let's get married. Do one crazy and reckless thing before something happens and then we'll never get the chance."
I sighed as I looked into his eyes. I can't believe him. Fucking idiot.
"You fucking idiot, what the hell?" I groaned and laid back on the bed, his eyes widened at my words, "Twisting my fucking arm, now I have to get a new dress."
Mattheo sighed in relief before he leaned down and kissed me, "I love you," He said.
"I love you too, you fucking idiot."
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kiyomai · 3 years
Hi hi!! If ur ok with this, could you possibly write atsumu fluff? Maybe how the reader gets along well with his family, I strongly believe that atsumu’s parents are actual sweethearts to his s/o. please and thank you 💗
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Loving Family
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Atsumu x GN!Reader
Word Count: 628
Summary: What do you get when your boyfriend's family loves you a little more than they love him? You get a pouty Atsumu.
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If there's one thing Atsumu Miya doesn't like about you, it's how well you get along with his family.
Don't get him wrong. He's thankful that you all love each other. He loves that you're comfortable enough to enjoy family outings, helping his mom out with preparations, and listening to his father go on about whatever. He loves it even more when you suggest visiting his family on a slow day, wanting to get his mother flowers and keep his father company. It's the best feeling in the world, but what he can't stand is how much more they love you than him.
It's always, "When is Y/N visitin'?" and "How's my Y/N doin'?" and "Consider yerself disowned if ya hurt them." What used to be a package deal suddenly became only you. Atsumu is used to sharing the spotlight with Osamu; growing up as twins taught him how to share (even though he still tries to be the center of attention). But ever since you joined the picture, he's struggled with sharing all the attention.
And you know what you're doing. You know that Atsumu's parents love you just a smidge more than they love him. You're quick to deny his claims, but Atsumu never believes it. And so, here Atsumu is, driving while complaining about the same thing he complains about every time you go and see his parents.
"Tsumu, they don't love me more than you." You're not sure how many times you've said this.
"But they treat ya better," he whines. "The moment they see ya, they're all up on ya." You can only shake your head. Knowing that disagreeing with Atsumu only makes him complain even more. "Even Samu likes you more."
"Samu likes anyone that isn't you," you joke. He pulls up into his parents' driveway and turns away, a sound of disapproval leaving his lips. You're left in shock when Atsumu doesn't come around to open your side of the door, simply walking to the door with you behind.
The door opens before you can reach up to him, and he opens his arms to hug his mom, enveloping her with a crushing grip, basically screaming, "Your son is here, pay attention to me." She reciprocates and hugs him twice as hard, the two of them swaying on the front porch.
When you finally make it into view, Atsumu's mom tries pushing herself off of him, but he doesn't let her. She pats his back multiple times, but still, Atsumu doesn't relent. He even went as far as trapping his dad in the doorway, further preventing his parents from seeing you.
"Alright, Tsumu," his mom says. "Can ya let go for a little? We need to say hello to Y/N."
"Ya can't love them more than me," he protests. "I'm yer son, and I have top priority."
All the while Atsumu has his parents preoccupied, Osamu nudges all three of them out of the way, sneaking his way to greet you. Now Osamu knows how Atsumu gets when the two of you visit, and it brings him nothing but joy when he has an opportunity to upset his brother. So, with pleasure, Osamu shouts, "Why, hello, my dear Y/N." Atsumu turns around at the commotion, and you swear you can see steam coming from out of his head. "Come on in, let that scrub hug his mommy and daddy."
You know what Osamu is doing, and while you usually stay away from the twins' petty rivalry, you decide to play along; payback for Atsumu ditching you. "Oh, ma!" Osamu calls out. "Atsumu didn't open the door fer Y/N on his way over here. I saw it with my own eyes."
Yeah, Atsumu hates how well you get along with his family.
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a/n: anon you are a genius! this was so freaking cute omg i totally agree with you, his parents give off such sweet vibes. mama!miya knows how difficult it is to manage atsumu, but she loves him anyways. i imagine family events with them are so chaotic, but his mom is a calm and collected lady that we respect because she had to take care of two babies at the same time. likes, comments, and reblogs are welcome and appreciated <33
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belovedholland · 3 years
Could you write something with reader being really moody due to her lack of sleep the night before and she takes that on tom by yelling at him in front of the boys when a minor incident happens? And he's like a lost puppy trying to understand what did he do? Happy ending pls 💗
Moody - [TH.]
w/c: 0.5k
warnings: language, only like a few swearwords
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"Good morning m'love." Tom greets you along with a kiss, when you walk into the kitchen. He was in the middle of making some eegs for breakfast. Harry was also there making some tea, 'cause whenever Tom makes it, they boys always complain about it, saying it's terrible, and that Tom never should make tea.
"Morning." You say almost emotionless. You had woken up earlier than usual, since you didn't sleep very well. You had woken up a few times during the night, and had a hard time falling asleep again. So now you had a bit of a headache, due to the lack of sleep you got.
"You okay?" Tom asks, always knowing when you are not quite yourself. You answer with a short 'fine', and that seems to be good enough for Tom, as he goes back to the eegs.
You and Tuwaine - who just woke up - starts setting the table, and find some juice from the fridge. When it is all set, you sit down and start eating, while the boys shouts at Harrison across the house to wake him up.
"You look more tired than usual." Harrison tells you, when he joins the table. It always gets on your nerves when someone tells you that, but you really try holding back, so you didn't yell at him.
"Maybe I am." You say back at him with a tight smile. You wanted to just straight out say 'fuck you Harrison', but that wouldn't have been nice, so you decided against it.
"Love, for today I was thinking, maybe we could watch a movie, before the boys and I go out to golf, and you are more than welcome to join." You just nod along, not giving him your full attention.
He keeps talking, rambling on and on about something, the more he keeps going, the more it just sounds like nothing, just a bunch of noise that wouldn't stop. And that definitely didn't help your growing headache.
"And my mum called, she wants us to come over soon, she says it's been too long since-" Tom keeps talking, but it is too much for you, you need silence.
"Can't you shut the fuck up?!" You finally yell at him, stand up, and leave him and the boys shocked and confused.
"What did I do?" Tom asks them confused, when he didn't find the answer by himself.
"Let her be, you can't make whatever you did better by following her, just give her some time, and you'll be fine." They tell him with a pad on the back, leaving him to think.
He can't find one thing he did wrong. The minutes go by, you are still locked up in your room, while Tom is sitting and wondering over what he did to make you so angry, but he can't find one explanation.
Around lunch time you finally leave the room, and Tom comes crawling to you, pleading for your forgiveness. To his suprice, you gave him a kiss and a hug.
"You did nothing, I just slept really bad, so I'm just a bid moody, and I took that out on you," you explained to him. "I'm so sorry Tom. Don't punish yourself for doing nothing."
The rest of the day was spend more or less like he suggested. Wrapped up in a blanket, cuddling while watching movies, tho Tom wouldn’t leave your side when the others went golfing. He had to make sure you were okay, and that you were.
@ladykxxx08 - @spideyspeaches - @whoeveniskendall - @lovehollandy12 - @hi-hihi-hi - @petprker - @thenoddingbunny-blog - @joselyn001 - @bi-lmg07 - @marajillana - @writesforholland - @spideymix - @sweetpeterparker - @itscaminow - @wildholland
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