#and please don’t try to make this a ship thing because I don’t care enough about elriel to be sitting here token stanning characters to hate
stargirlfeyre · 5 months
“Don’t get mad at us for Emerie not getting as much attention as Gwyn, get mad at Sjm for it because she’s the one who put more focus on Gwyn than Emerie”
Okay we can be mad at the both of you. Trust there is a lot to say about Sjm’s treatment of her poc characters and how Emerie being a woman of color who is also part of the Lgbtq + community is why she’s an afterthought for both this fandom and it’s author however that does not change that her self proclaimed fans do play a part in her erasure compared to her white counterparts.
I’m not going to deny that Sjm gave Gwyn more focus than Emerie because that literally proves our point. Though Emerie should be on equal standing as Gwyn, she is done a disservice by both “her” fandom and her author. I don’t know if Sarah fell into the “trio curse” when writing Acosf but each member of the Valkyries are not given the same level of importance even though they should be. Emerie should have as many important scenes with Nesta as Gwyn. Emerie should have paragraphs about her beauty the way Nesta or Gwyn do. Emerie should be given so much credit for how strong she’s had to be before she met the Valkyries and after. But for some reason she rarely is and it makes you wonder what is it about her that causes Sjm to do her such a disservice *cough cough*.
And onto the way her fandom treats her. You cannot deny that she is often pushed aside when it comes to the Valkyrie trio and trying to blame Sjm for all of it is crazy. Sarah isn’t the one forcing y’all to give an Illyrian plot that would fit Emerie to her white besties, Sarah isn’t the one forcing y’all to white wash her, Sarah isn’t the one forcing y’all to theorize that she’ll end up with a man simply because you don’t like the woman that she’s shown interest in, Sarah isn’t the one forcing y’all to treat Emerie as an after thought.
Compare how much Valkyrie fans talk about Nesta or Gwyn individually to how much they talk about Emerie individually…now I’m not going to sit here and tell you what to post on your account or that you have to like all the Valkyries equally but I’m also not going to sit here and let y’all play in people’s faces when they say “hmm it’s a little weird that the only woman of color in the group isn’t treated as important as her friends”.
You can sit here and call us “token fans” but all that does is tell everyone that you have no actual argument to justify the blatant Emerie erasure. If anything it’s us “token fans” that are actually concerned with how much she’s pushed aside when it should be you. But no you’re just too busy giving storylines that would fit her to the white women.
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help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Summoning Game Show Part 6
“You had me going for a bit there, but that was pretty good.” Danny admits, clearing the screen away. “How come you know so much about space?”
“Learned some of it in school.” Red replies, hand coming up to rub the back of his head. “I do some work in the sciences now, engineering, and I’ve actually had to go to space a few times for the gig.” The hand lowers as he shrugs. “ Plus, I just like to know things.”
Danny has stars in his eyes now. “You’ve been to space?”
“Oh. Well yeah, I’ve had a few missions. Miss Martian has a ship that the team took.”
Danny’s expression light up even more and Red looks back at his brothers in confusion. “You know a Martian?” It was whispered in awe, Red could barely hear it, but he nods in response. 
They stand there for a minute, Danny just staring at Red in some mix of amazement and awe before he shakes himself out of it. 
“Right! Well, that’s awesome.” Danny nods to himself and then forcibly turns to face the screen and changes the subject. “Last thing then! You get a letter for the puzzle!” 
The puzzle appeared on the screen again with a wave of Danny’s hand.
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“ I would like H, please.” Red Robin states.
“What a fantastic guess, there are three H’s!” Danny is trying to resign himself to the fact that he’ll actually have to deal with being King after this. Red was super smart, he doesn’t think he’s going to get out of it at this point.
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“Alright, that’s all the letters you will be getting. Before you take a guess at the answer, I am required to tell you that it is a Proper Noun. Please decide who among you will be solving the puzzle.
Red turns to face his brothers but they all just wave him off, motioning for him to go for it. “That’s me, I guess.” He shrugs, turning back to Danny.
Danny nods “Okay, all you have to do in order to meet the Ghost King is solve two puzzles! First the word puzzle, you have 30 seconds.”
A timer starts counting down on the top left of the screen. 
Red mouths words to himself for 10 seconds, then asks, “High King Phantom?” 
More confetti appears on the screen as the solved puzzle appears.
Danny makes a weird face. “That’s correct!” 
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There is a lot of clapping and laughing coming from the ghosts in the stands, but it stops when Danny shoots them a glare.
“Alright, last thing.” The podiums disappear and Red steps back towards his family. “The king has been here the whole time, and you will get your meeting with him, as soon as you identify him. You have one guess.” 
Hood, Robin, and Nightwing all turn to each other to start whispering, but Red just tilts his head at Danny.
“Well, It’s you isn’t it?” Red asks and his brothers all turn back to stare at him. Danny tilts his head in response. “Well you were the first one here, so you’re the only one that’s been here the entire time. And you’ve been running the show, everyone has listened to you. Also, your shirt has a P on it, inside the D, but I figure that if the D stands for Danny, then the P would have to be Phantom.” 
Danny just leans back and groans.
When Danny straightens back as his outfit starts to change, he gains a crown and a cape, his ears turn more pointed and he has fangs now. “So what did you want with me? Is it healthcare? Because we do have a doctor that Hood could see.”
“A doctor?” Hood questions.
“Oh geez you don’t even know do you?” Danny starts rubbing his forehead. “Well, you’ve got to get that taken care of, it’s stunting your core development.”
“ Get what taken care of?”
Danny sputters. “The ectoplasm?!” He waves his arms in Hood’s direction. “It's so old and stagnant and worn out and your core isn’t old enough to make its own ectoplasm yet, so you should really supplement until your core finishes.”
Danny can see that none of them know what he’s talking about and he just shakes his head. “I can’t believe you don’t even know. Haven’t there been mood changes, random bursts of emotions, followed by sluggishness? Aren’t you tired?” 
Now everyone is looking at Hood who grumbles. “Well, yeah. But that’s been happening since I died.”
Danny nods as if that makes perfect sense and Dick really would like an explanation. Red and Robin are also just nodding, having noticed the mood swings themselves.
“Relatable, but condolences. Anyways, we could help with that, but I take it that wasn’t why you tried to summon me, so what did you actually want?”
“Nothing that is more important than Hood’s health, if you can help him.” Nightwing interjects.
“Oh. Well, technically you won, so you have the right to an audience to at least ask for whatever else you wanted.” Danny turns and waves in the direction of the stand, motioning someone down. “But If Hood would like to forfeit his right to the audience, he could have a checkup with Frostbite while we meet?”
Hood nods. “I’ll do that. This… Frostbite will be able to explain?” 
“Probably better than I could!” Danny says cheerily as he turns to the Yeti heading towards them. “Frostbite, Hood here needs a checkup, if you could help him correct the malnutrition so his core can grow.” 
Frostbite nods, “You can come with me, Sir.” 
“Bring him back here when you guys are done!” Danny shouts after them as Frostbite leads Hood away. “Now, you guys can come follow me and we’ll sit and talk.”
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I’ve been following this blog ever since your first headcannons and I’m in love with your writing. I’ve been DYING for someone to request this but nobody has so I will! Could I request a Yandere Andrew with a willing fem reader? She’s just pretty chill and doesn’t mind Andrew’s possessive and yandere nature and is even willing to cut ties with people because she loves him and genuinely sees nothing wrong with it?
P.S I just love the Ashley and Gabriel ship! I think it’s adorable! I love Gabriel’s design and the pairing looks adorable together! I’m always looking on Tumblr multiple times a day to see if you’ve posted something new.
If you accept, please take your time and have fun! Thank you!
Anon- you are so sweet. Thanks dog <3
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Yandere!Andrew Graves x Willing Fem!Reader
You can’t remember the last time someone cared about you as much as Andrew did
Someone who would do the things he did just to protect you
Really you couldn’t be luckier
Most women would be terrified to see the dark silhouette of their partner standing outside their window late at night
Not you though, you know he was just making sure you were safe.
You waved to him once, and though it was difficult to see- he waved back
It was endearing how much Andrew cared about your safety
It was sweet how much he noticed about you
Small details that would go overlooked, like the shampoo you used- or the way you held yourself while conveying emotions. He noticed.
Andrew loved you. And you loved him.
“I’m just…worried.” Your friend’s voice felt like the vocal equivalent of chewing cardboard. If it wasn’t for the subject right now, you would’ve tuned her out ages ago. But this concerned you and your life, so you listened, “Like- he’s a stalker Y/N! Straight up stalker! What if he like- wears your skin like a jacket or something.”
“Hm.” You shrugged, “I’m sure he’d sew a lovely jacket then.” A small grin formed on the corners of your mouth as your friend gave an annoyed sigh.
“I’m being serious! He’s obsessed with you!”
“Boyfriends are supposed to be obsessed, aren’t they not?”
“No! Like weirdly obsessed!” You could hear the desperation in her voice, “Y/N, you don’t get it. I’ve been- I’ve been getting letters, voicemails, goddamn post it notes on my desk to stay away from you and they’re all from him. He broke into my house!”
Andrew….did all that?
“Oh my god…” you let out.
“Thank you!”
“Oh my god…he- really must not trust you then.”
“WHAT?!” You had to hold the phone away from your ear as your friend yelled into it.
You slowly brought it back to your ear, “Well- yeah? I mean- clearly he doesn’t trust you.”
“Clearly he’s insane!”
Alright- you had enough.
“Look,” you took a breath, trying to remain calm, “If you have a problem with my boyfriend- that’s fine. But I’m not going to sit here and listen to you insult him.”
“I’m not insulting him I’m—“
“Don’t call me again.” You said flatly, and not a second later hung up the phone.
You should feel awful. You should feel apologetic for what you said. You should consider your friend’s words..
But you didn’t.
It wasn’t like how they thought it was.
That friend, and any others who had something to say could fuck themselves over it
It was hard every time you had to do it
But Andrew- bless his soul- always comforted you
Hell, sometimes he even did it for you cause he knew how difficult they could be
He’s so sweet
Still would make them call, but you slowly blocked out the incessant sound of the phone’s ringing
When one of those conversations would bring you down, Andrew would be right there to lift your spirits
Andrew’s hands cupped your face, his thumbs trying to lift the corner of your mouth into a smile. The more he did it, the more it amused you- causing an actual smile to stay.
“There we go.” His head tilted a little as he gave you a small smile of his own, “Much better.”
“You’re a dork.” You buried your face into his chest, sighing happily as the familiar feeling of his hands stroking your hair.
“I’m your dork.” He hummed, “And I like your smile. So you better keep it, or I’ll carve it on to you.”
“Awwww, is that a promise?” You tilted your head up to look into his pale green eyes, your chin rested against his chest.
He nodded, “Mhm! Now C’mere.”
He leaned his head down, kissing you softly. You returned the kiss, reaching your arms up and wrapping them around his neck to hold him there. Not like he’d pull away, but as a measure for yourself more than anything.
For all the “warnings”
All the “concern” people gave your relationship with Andrew Graves
You didn’t care
You loved him
You loved his fucked up ways of affection
His twisted form of love
And he loved you back, tenfold
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perseephoneee · 5 months
PLEASE do something super fluffy with kol mikealson
i love ur work sm!!
babe you're making my day. hope this is something akin to what you wanted.
"you're red." "shut up." "like actually vermillion." (kol mikaelson x f!reader)
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warnings: kissing?? also hatred towards bed and breakfasts
a/n: i forgot how much i love writing for kol. sorry for the large writing break...hope this makes up for it?
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist
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You hate Kol Mikaelson. 
He’s cocky, impulsive, and constantly getting you into danger that you would never find for yourself. He also relentlessly flirts with you until you’re warm and deeply frustrated.  He’s complicated enough that you wish he wasn’t a part of your life so it could resume a sense of normalcy. 
Getting caught up in Mikaelson drama was never your plan. You just happened to make the mistake of working as a bartender at Russo’s—where they frequented. Klaus took a liking to you, and the rest is history. Being a human that’s friends with vampires is like poking a bear; not recommended nor convenient. 
This recent conflict was forgettable but proved to be a disruption to your life. One of them annoyed someone, and that someone wanted revenge, and now apparently you were in danger, and so on and so forth. You have repeatedly debated sending an invoice to the Mikaelson compound for restitution. You don’t think Klaus would find it very funny. 
You almost forgot about your life being in danger until you were forced to go on the run with the youngest brother, Kol. Kol, who insisted on driving you nuts. You kept trying to tune him out in the car, listening to the radio or focusing on the trees speeding past your window. Still, he was relentless and wouldn’t leave you alone for a minute. Plus, he was a horribly reckless driver, and you were gripping the door so tightly that you might hurt a muscle any minute. 
“I’ve lived for a very long time, but I’ve never visited Fes,” Kol said, one hand on the wheel as the other tapped on the door. You barely spared him a glance. “Would you visit Fes?”
“Not even sure what Fes is,” you answered through gritted teeth, suppressing a yelp as Kol took a turn obnoxiously fast. 
“City in Morocco considered its cultural capital.”
“You sound like a Google search,” you scoffed, sparing him half a glance. Long enough of a glance for Kol to give you a toothy grin, his canines glinting in the sunlight. 
“I like knowing things,” he states, squinting at you. “I don’t know much about you. Tell me something.”
“Please?” he begged, every bit a kid enjoying picking on the new kid on the playground. You fixed him with a dead stare. 
“I hate your driving.” That caused him to laugh, which made him throw his head back and speed up even more. You clutched the handle and clenched your teeth till you felt your whole body would seize up. Kol eventually took pity on you and slowed down. It was enough for you to relax…slightly. “Where are we going?”
“Nowhere. Anywhere. Haven’t figured it out yet.”
“Brilliant. I’m going to die out here,” you sighed, sinking deeper into the leather seat. 
“Nonsense. Nik would dagger me if I let that happen, and I’m very tired of being daggered.”
“Not because you care about me or want me to live?” you jested, quirking a brow at him. 
“Now, why would I care about you at all?”
You pretended it didn’t sting, even though it felt impossible for you to care about Kol. Still, hearing him say it felt a bit like a slap in the face. You just turned more out the window, ignoring him. You didn’t notice the sharp look he sent you, as if he regretted what he said. 
Instead, you notice a sign advertising a Black Bear Diner. You perk up immediately, tapping the window and looking back at Kol. 
“There. Stop there.”
“That piece of garbage?”
“Yes! Stop the car!” you shouted, regretting your words when Kol slammed on the brakes. “Stop the car slowly, you asswipe.”
“You should’ve clarified that,” he smirked. You jumped out of the car, ran towards the restaurant, and experienced euphoria when the smell of waffles and fresh coffee hit your senses. Kol walked up slowly, hands in his pockets. The sun was obnoxious out here, but there were enough trees in the area to not make it feel like a desert. You could even see the mountain in the background in all its snowcapped glory. 
The inside of the diner was a welcome breeze on your damp skin. It wasn’t very crowded, and you got seated immediately as you happily flipped through your plastic menu. Kol looked slightly uncomfortable sitting in the diner, but you ignored him. You were getting pretty good at ignoring him. 
“I used to go here all the time with my family,” you said, flipping to the drinks page of your menu. “Not this exact location…but this chain. I went to it when I first moved to my hometown.”
“It’s barely gourmet.”
“Fuck gourmet, I want comfort. I want to feel like home,” you laughed, closing your menu. “Don’t you want that?”
“Home?” Kol inquired. “Not sure what that is anymore.”
Your lips turned down in a frown, but you offered nothing else. He didn’t seem like he wanted to talk, and you wouldn’t force him. The waiter came over to take your orders, and you happily ordered a black coffee, orange juice, and a waffle platter. After they left, you started packing your bag with the tiny jams and creamers they had out on the table. Kol just looked at you in disdain. 
“You are pathetic.”
“Rent is expensive, groceries are expensive, give me a break,” you snorted, taking a few sugar packets for good measure before you stopped looting. Kol laughed, running a hand through his hair and leaning back in his seat. His leg bounced from anxiety, and his fingers tapped the table in a paradiddle pattern, just left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right over and over again. He looked shockingly young, like the boy before he turned, and not the man he paraded as. For a split second, you could see yourself having a crush on him in high school if he was one of your peers. You erased that thought as soon as it came. “Can I ask a question?” you leaned forward on the table, arms folded in front of you. “Why are you guys always protecting me? I’m definitely a liability.”
“I think my brother just wants to sleep with you,” Kol sighed. You snorted, biting your bottom lip to subvert your laughter. Honestly…you have managed to weasel your way into our family—like a parasite.”
“Aw, your words are so kind,” you rolled your eyes, kicking Kol under the table. He just kicked you right back, wearing a smirk. “And I would never sleep with your brother.”
“Why’s that?” Kol questioned, crossing his arms. 
“His face is weird,” you answered. Kol put his head in his hands in laughter, and you joined him a second later. You weren’t sure if that was the reason, but it was the first thing that came to mind, and you didn’t think to change it. Plus, it made Kol laugh, which kind of made you happy. The arrival of your waffles made you even happier. 
“Bloody hell, you’re going to eat all of that?” Kol looked shocked, eyes flicking between you and your waffles. He had ordered a much smaller plate than yours. Yours likely could’ve been a party platter. 
“Yes, and I will do it with pride.”
You did eat all of it, and enjoyed Kol’s expression the whole time. He looked so disturbed it made up for it. You also drank all your coffee, orange juice, and free water refills. Your plan was to eat enough to enter hibernation. You even think Kol was a little impressed at some point. Kol asked the waiter for the nearest hotel, and they pointed you to a place three miles down the road that would likely have openings. By the time you left the diner, it was starting to get cold as the sun was setting. You could hear crickets; you probably would’ve gotten fireflies if you were more south. Kol drove surprisingly slow towards the hotel, which you attributed to his worry that going fast would cause you to throw up your entire waffle extravaganza. He slowed down even more when you came up to the “hotel”—which was actually just a bed and breakfast. An extremely cutesy bed and breakfast. 
The inside of the building was somehow worse than the outside. 
The outside had small-town charm. The inside was where doilies went to die. 
Both you and Kol exchanged glances as he went up to ring the bell. You counted seven cat portraits before a portly woman came out with a cheeky smile. She wore a linen frock and a floral dress right out of the 1960s. 
“Well, good evening,” she smiled. “What can I do for you?” She had a thick Minnesotan accent, and her smile made her eyes. Overall, she radiated friendliness. 
“We’d like a room?” you inquired, leaning against the counter. 
“Oh, you betcha! Lucky for you, I got the best suite in the house available. It’s perfect for you two lovebirds,” she chirped. Your eyes widened. 
“Oh, uh, we’re not together…,” you coughed. You turned to look at Kol, who just shrugged his shoulders. Completely useless. “Do you have a double?”
“Unfortunately, all our doubles are booked for our birding convention. I might have a futon available to bring to your room?”
“Perfect,” Kol smiled, finally interjecting. “We’ll take that.”
“Splendid! Here are your keys, and I’ll have you sign in there.”
You brought your one bag with you up the stairs and to the right to a room at the end of the hall. The wallpaper was mocking you at every turn, a plethora of orchids and pinks staring at you, along with the eyes of fifty million felines. You were certain Dolores Umbridge was hiding somewhere amongst the foliage. The room was less pink but still reminiscent of something in a senior home. The bed was the nicest part: a large four-poster with mahogany bedposts. The wallpaper was sage color with pictures of ferns. The ensuite bathroom had a clawfoot tub and gold décor. A painting of a young boy eating ice cream was on the wall. You immediately took it off the wall and turned it around so you didn’t have to look at it all night. 
“It’s a little…”
“Cozy?” Kol interjected, closing the door behind you two. 
“I was going to say tight.”
“It is the lovebird suite, darling,” Kol whispered in your ear, a smirk in his voice. A shiver ran down your spine. 
“I’ll take the futon.”
“I doubt you could fit a futon in here,” Kol scoffed. He was right. There was really only room for the bed and bedside tables. Whoever designed this room intended to spend a lot of time in bed. Your cheeks heated at the thought. You tapped your foot in thought before eventually sighing in defeat.
“Just…don’t get too handsy,” you shrugged, glaring at the vampire’s ever-present smirk. 
“Handsy? You must think me a rascal,” Kol cooed, stepping closer into your space. The room was tight, which meant you were backed against the wall. You felt like a rabbit being targeted by a fox, his mischievous grin and wandering eyes taking all of you in. Your eyes were drawn to how he licked his lips, and suddenly, your blood pressure spiked. Heat crawled up your neck, and you knew that Kol noticed. He always managed to notice. 
“Knock it off, Mikaelson,” you hissed, tilting your head up defiantly. 
“You’re actually red,” Kol chuckled, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. 
“…Shut up,” you slapped his hand away, maneuvering your way from his grasp. 
“Like actually vermillion,” he laughed, and you gave him an unsavory gesture as you escaped into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. Back against the door, you breathed out, groaning into your hands. You pushed off the door, getting ready for bed in an effort to put this night behind you. You cleaned up, brushed your teeth, and put on pajamas. In hot weather, you usually just wear a T-shirt and shorts to bed. Your t-shirt said, ‘I got lobotomized at Freddy Fazbear’s,’ something idiotic that you couldn’t even fully be ashamed of. When you exited, Kol was lying on top of the covers on his phone, having changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. He looked up when you exited, snorting as he read the shirt. “You have an odd sense of humor.”
“It’s too evolved for you to understand,” you rolled your eyes, getting in on the other side of the bed and leaving space between the two of you. Kol smelled sweet, like vanilla, and it was slowly suffocating you. You both sat in silence for a second before Kol disrupted it. 
“Darling,” he purred, inching closer to you. 
“What, Kol,” you turned to look at him, eyes narrowed. 
“You like me,” he said. It was not a question, just something he exclaimed. You scoffed. 
“I do not.”
“You do. It’s why you blush vermillion when I call you things like darling,” he smiled, propping himself up on his elbow as he lay on his side to stare at you. 
“You’re incorrigible.”
“So, if I kissed you…you wouldn’t care,” Kol inquired, voice soft as he sat up slightly. You felt your heart skip a beat, and Kol’s mouth turned up slightly when he heard it. You knew you just proved his point, but you refused to concede. 
“I wouldn’t care,” you whispered, holding his gaze. 
“So, when I do this,” Kol leaned up, kissing your cheek, his lips burning your skin. He kissed right under your jaw, finally on your pulse point. “…it doesn’t matter?” 
You bit your tongue to stop yourself. “It doesn’t matter,” you choke out, but all you’re doing is spurring Kol on. You’re a hare caught in his trap, and you can’t even find it in yourself to hate it. Kol sucks on your pulse point, nipping lightly and moving down your neck, one hand coming up to tilt your head more to the side for easier access. His touch was shockingly gentle as if he was giving you an out. Your will was thinning by the minute, though, and eventually, you grabbed his hand, causing him to stop. 
“Darling—” he starts, but you cut him off by kissing his lips, soft but passionate. For once, you’ve taken him off guard, and a sense of pride spurs through you as you part, kissing the corner of his mouth and looking at him through thick lashes. 
“Does it matter?” you ask, voice breathy. “For you…” You’re not sure exactly what you’re asking, but you know there’s a line you’ve crossed that you can’t return from. Kol’s thumb brushes your cheek, so gentle from the reckless, hotheaded vampire you are acquainted with. A grin crosses his face. 
“It means everything,” he smiles, kissing you again, fingers tangling in your hair. Your hands find his arms, sighing as he deepens the kiss. You’re on fire, every single part of you, and you’re sure that Kol can feel your racing heart and hot skin. You like kissing him, though, and you realize you like him a lot. 
“Kol?” you breathe. “Don’t sleep on the futon.”
“For you? I would never,” he grins, kissing you again. You make sure to put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door for later. 
It’s the middle of the night when he wakes you up.
“I guess Nik won’t be able to sleep with you now.”
“Because I’ll be the only one sleeping with you.”
“Go to sleep.”
There’s a shuffling of blankets as his arm wraps tighter around you, his breath hot on your neck. 
“You’re going to be stuck with me forever,” he whispers. 
You smile. “I’m okay with that.”
taglist:: @rafecameronswhore
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pedroshotwifey · 7 months
Idk if you still do those nsfw requests... but if you do, can I request Nr 39 and either Din? Because I feel like din would be so taken aback by everything, as he just seems like a virgin at heart (sorry not sorry🥲)
Hi baby!! Don't you know sub/virgin Din is my specialty? 😏 I really enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoy!!
Pairing: Innocent!Din Djarin x GN!reader
Warnings: premature ejaculation, grinding, innocence kink, embarrassment, stuff I'm probably forgetting
Word count: 927
“Din, I really don’t think there’s enough room in that thing for all three of us,” you admit. 
“No, look,” he walks over to the small ship and points at the bubble on top. It appears to be a repurposed droid pit. “Grogu will sit up here.” 
You bite your tongue and nod, not wanting to let him down but knowing you need to explain that it’s just not going to happen. The N1 is a big downgrade from the Crest, but you can’t blame him for trying to make it work. 
“That’s really smart, but look at the cockpit.”
You watch as his helm turns to the small, single seater cockpit. 
“What do you mean?” 
You resist the urge to just stare at him. What does he mean ‘what do you mean’? 
“Din, do you really want to travel for days at a time cramped in that thing with me? I’d practically have to be in your lap.” You ignore the way your cheeks heat as a crude image pops into your head. You’ve been painfully aware of Din’s innocence for as long as you’ve been flying with him, but this is next-level. Does he really not get why this may be a problem? 
“It’ll be fine,” he says. “We can stop more often if we need to.” 
You sigh at him, about to bring up the fact that you’ll be wasting a ton of fuel if you stop every day you’re traveling. 
“Here, I’ll show you.” 
“Din, I–” 
“Just try it, please?” 
He’s already lifting the seal and getting in, settling himself in the pilot’s chair. He shifts his hips and spreads his thighs as he gets comfortable and makes room for you. It makes your mouth go dry. He’s a few years older than you, but absolutely fucking clueless. 
He says your name when you don’t move from the spot you’re standing in. “C’mon,” he motions his hand for you to come take a seat. You chew on your lip for a second but decide to indulge him. You’ll just have to be careful. 
You grab his hand and let him help hoist you up, bringing you to stand between his legs and then lower down. You make sure to shift down a bit so that your ass is on the edge of the seat instead of against his crotch. Of course, though, Din’s hands come to your hips to drag you toward him, getting the two of you flush to each other. 
You can feel heat in the tips of your ears now as you’re pulled over him slightly. You know he’s just trying to make sure you’re comfortable, but his efforts have the opposite effect when you can feel his soft cock pressing against you. Your body stiffens and you bite your lip, sending a prayer up the maker that it stays that way. 
The bulge is fucking impressive, you’re not going to lie. You’ve caught glances of it before—intentional or not—but this is insane. 
You try to subtly move yourself off of him the tiniest bit, more to relieve the pressure to his appendage than anything else. He lets you do so, but not much with his hands still on your hips with nowhere else to go. Then he moves them to your thighs, one resting on each. Okay, maybe they did have somewhere else to go. 
Another image shoves it’s way into your head, this one of his hands further between your legs, no barrier between the two of you as he uses one of them to—
You shake yourself out of it, squirming as you silently scold yourself. 
“See? It’s fi—” 
He chokes on his words as your ass brushes against him, the brief friction something he’s not used to. 
“Fuck, sorry,” you apologize frantically, trying to get up off of him so you don’t make him uncomfortable. You can already feel him stiffening. He moans softly and his hips shift a little as well, causing even more rubbing on parts that do not need to be rubbing. His hands tense on your thighs, holding you to him so you can’t move. You yelp, unsure of how to get out of this predicament without stirring him further. 
“What the fuck? Do that again. I liked it.” 
Your jaw drops. 
“Do that again. What was that?” 
He bucks his hips again, stimulating his now fully hardened cock. 
“Mph, that.” 
“I-Din, I don’t think you unders–” 
But he does it again, and you can feel arousal stirring within you despite yourself. He ruts up, a moan crackling through his modulator. His hands grasp harshly as he starts to grind against you. 
Suddenly, he groans behind you, his body tensing and trembling as your face floods with embarrassment. You can feel his cock twitching and pulsing, a wet spot forming in his flight suit. It goes on for longer than you’ve ever seen before. You throb with want between your legs as you listen to him come down from his orgasm.
The two of you sit in silence, Din panting slightly as you try to process what just happened. 
You swallow. “Yes, Din?” 
“W-what was that?” 
“You just came,” you explain, trying to keep your hoarse voice loud enough for him to hear. 
“Oh,” he says, though you can tell he has no idea what the fuck you just said.
“Can I do it again?” 
You let out a shaky breath and turn your head slightly his way, knowing you’re not getting out of this explanation.
Here’s the link to the prompt list if anyone else would like to request 🫶
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leeneir · 8 months
Look At Me Please 2.0; Possesive Yandere!Iso x Reader
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To those that have given me reqs, I'm terribly sorry for not getting them out yet. My writer's block is such a pain💔 I promise I'm constantly thinking abt them tho and tryna brainstorm but my creative well is nonexistent dibdjs
Anywho, this is a continuation of the last Yandere Iso hc post! Highly recommend that you read the first! :]
Iso didn’t go through with his plans against Yoru that day because he was too happy about going on that date, but that doesn’t mean he forgot. Around a week after your boba date with him, you found Yoru with a serious injury being nursed back to health by Sage, when you asked what happened, he told you to leave. Perhaps a matter of pride?
You bring up the concern with your new boyfriend, Iso. When he responds, he doesn’t sound sympathetic. It wasn’t strange, he barely showed expressive emotion, and he didn’t have the best interactions with Yoru, so you assumed he didn’t really care because they weren’t the greatest friends.
In reality, Iso was fuming that you were concerned about that stupid cocky bastard and how he snapped at you like that. How dare that shit head take your emotions for granted? Sure, he’s the reason Yoru was injured in the first place, but the audacity Yoru had to brush you off. He’ll have to do more damage later.
The day you told Iso you loved him for the first time, something about him changed. He wasn’t shy anymore, he was always initiating intimacy, trying to give you kisses, holding your hand, and overall just a lot more doting and servicing you.
Oh, you’re tired? How could he let this happen! Iso shuts the rest of the world out with both of you in either his or your room, he already put both of your requests for a day off.
Very insistent about sleeping in the same room, you won’t do anything too intimate, he just wants to be with you for the rest of your life night.
At some point, everything becomes a reminder of you. The bare walls of the HQ, the houseplants put around the facility by Skye and Sage, the air that he breaths, he couldn’t get enough of anything.
ALWAYS holding you somewhere. Whether it be on the shoulder while youre talking to someone, the arm, your back, your leg while you're sitting, etc. Iso likes having a hand on you as a way to say “Mine.” to the others.
Every day has a new gift. Your room is starting to get crowded with all of the things he gets for you, Iso has already requested Brimstone to extend your room to make some space.
Man’s is rich and just loves spoiling you. Even if it’s just your favorite snack, or a new piece of clothing, he will literally get anything you want. If you mentioned something you even hinted you’d like, expect to receive it in the following hours to a day. He ordered it with overnight shipping.
Your assigned on a mission and he isn’t sent with you? Oh no!! Someone on the strike team got injured from training, what will we ever do? Everyone else happens to be unavailable for some unknown reasons, except Iso.
During the mission when you request a gun, he’ll immediately get it for you and snap at anyone else who even tries to get it first. Iso kisses you on the forehead before going to his position.
You had to apologize to Reyna for his behavior, she told you that his heart revealed that he wasn’t the good person you thought he was. Which was strange. How was the admiring and loving Iso not who he appeared to be?
One day, have an argument with Iso about going to training with Gekko and the others. He said that there was no need for you to go with them when the two of you could train together later.
You didn’t understand why Iso was so upset, you were just gonna do a few mock battles with other people, what's so wrong with that? You could train with him later too if he wanted to. You brushed him off anyway, finding his attitude very childish right now. Suddenly, he grabs your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him.
“Don’t look at them.” He ordered.
Before you could get a word out, your eyes met his, and you could see the intensity and possession in his eyes which glowed brighter than they normally did. It was terrifying.
You say his name, and suddenly he snaps out of it, letting you go and apologizing profusely. He starts tearing up a bit and saying that he shouldn’t have done that and keeps apologizing, stepping away from you and not letting himself hold you.
You feel guilty when he looks down at his hands, as if there was fresh blood on them, as if he’d just destroyed something precious. You couldn’t help but pull him in for a hug and apologize too. He tries to pull away, saying that he was a horrible person, but you don’t let that happen. So, he embraces you back, burying his face in your neck.
You could tell he was genuinely upset, and reassured him that he wasn’t bad and that you’ll be with him. He doesn’t need to worry about anything, you’ll put off training with the others for another time and stay with him for the rest of the day. He sniffles, pulling you in closer.
What you couldn’t see since his face was on your shoulder was the malicious expression at his successful attempt at keeping you to himself. Hook, line, and sinker.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
DON'T tell me you too hc Shanks as the shameless pervert??!! Like the type that's very comfortable with sex and very experienced DILF lmao 😭
Corruption kink?? I thought it was obvious 🙄
That guy could talk about the nastiest kink the same way he talks about the groceries 😩 "...and then she nearly passed out! Haha, I think it's cuz she had all her holes-" "SHANKS-!! OMG- YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT-!!" but you low-key love it when he does
A/N: YKW…. if you don’t mind imma use your amazing response to blast Shanks kinks because why not Ahahah
Shanks Kinks/What Turns Him On (NSFW)
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Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: KINKS, It’s Pretty Short General List, I Believe He Has More, But These Scream “Shanks”💀
Corruption Kink: He will swear up and down that he doesn’t have one of you tell him, corruption? Absolutely not he loves women he would never—
Shanks loves seeing a pretty innocent thing like yourself not having a clue in the world how to please a man. He can get off on the thought alone of how embarrassed you’d be learning about taking his cock and not knowing how to handle it and so after one night of partying and charming he starts you off by having you face the mirror in his room, air making your nipples erect and naked on his clothed lap. “There you go…ah ah keep looking in the mirror for me.” He guides your hand to rub your clit teaching you how to touch yourself, “It’s okay you can cum…” You whine and grind your hips on his and your own hand. It won’t be long until he shows you how to properly use your mouth. Knowing he took something so important and sacred is a form of ownership that he gets riled up of feeling.
Exhibitionism: Shanks has little to any care about the consequences of ignorant decisions. He could care less.
He totally doesn’t mind a show as long as said person doesn’t get too close. There are plenty of times Shanks didn’t have time to take a woman back to the ship or the hotel and just did a quickie in a bar hallway or an alleyway. Ironically he still haven’t been caught.
Dirty Talk: If he is feeling sweet he will describe what he is going to do to you, but if he is feeling like a little brat he won’t be above making you describe to him what you want him to do—
“Yeah? And then what?” You’ve been on the edge for what seems hours with his fingers and tongue switching places in your aching cunt. Your legs were embarrassingly spread open because he tied them up at the end of the bed posts. He constantly swirlied the tip of his wet muscle on your clit, driving you mad, you could have just grabbed his head to shove his entire mouth inside you, but you knew better than to disobey Shanks. “Then….I—ah! Want you…” “Want me to what, darling? Hold you? Feed you?—“ “Fuck me, Shanks! I want you to fuck me with you cock please!!”
Breeding: I mean is this even—-hello..he’s a certified dilf.
Ironically he does try to practice safe sex when he used to screw random women on the grand line, but Shanks has no problem with fucking the woman he loves raw. When he is close your body is pulled in even closer, he’ll be damned if any of his seed is wasted. His arm pushes your pelvis higher into his, this is usually when he starts to make more noise grunts and cursing in your ear. He wants you to cum with him because the feeling of how you clench still sucking him and his cum in makes his mind go numb. Sometimes if any does drip out he’ll scoop it and finger it back in you regardless of the painful overstimulation. Because he hates to waste.
What Turns Him On:
Walking around naked: I mean it’s pretty obvious pretty much any man loves to see their woman naked, but when he is greeted with you in nothing, but your ass as you bend over the bed to grab something, he won’t think twice to fuck you right there with his cock out of his pants, too eager to get completely nude.
Teasing Him: He is the master at making you flustered. Even though it’s damn near impossible to make him blush even when he’s drunk, It’s just something about when you feel bold enough to say something back at him or even whisper in his ear how badly you need him that really perks up an honest smile and an honest hard on.
The Way You Moan His Name: He cannot get enough of it. It’s so soft, and breathless sometimes while he is in missionary with you he will groan in your ear “Say my name.” Repeatedly Sometimes you can use it to tease him in public to rile him up. Fair warning though, if he is in a slightly annoyed mood you’ll pay for it later.
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artebris · 2 months
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Two in the Boat
Silence. A heavy, hopeless silence after such an innocent proposal. Just a proposal! As it is usual while Ominis is gathering the unpleasant thought in his mind. Getting ready to deny with all his stubbornness.
She’s used to it. This sweet and tough indecision, the frowning eyebrows, cracking voice. At the same time, the fierce desire to act and a thousand thoughts about obstacles on the way are reflected in the blind turquoise mirrors of his eyes, in which she so often sees her own face... He does not trust, does not believe in the good, as always, but he would like to. She knows he would like.
The light silky voice slowly breaks the silence
“I am not sure… This is hopeless, and you are aware of it yourself. Not because of you or me or whatever is happening between us, not in a second. If there was not such danger and hazard for you, I’d… You always knew that it was hopeless, don’t you? We have no future if we do this, we better stay as secret as we are. Whatever we could decide, they shall know. They shall pursue us, and I am afraid of the worst. My family would not touch me, I suppose, not in the way they would do with you, and I have no wish to even imagine… I wish no harm to you, my love, and they would never approve this union in this world.”
His family... Always a pain in the... Arlene doesn't care, she'd make sure no one gets near them, and she knows that with Ominis, the best strategy is patience, no fuss, confidence and the best arguments. And she should have them. And she has them. His “no” never stops her, just because she knows that his “no” comes from fears, traumas and uncertainty, not from unwillingness.
It's all in the intonation, the trembling of the words, when Irving knows for sure, he would like it very much, but... But, but, but. Fears, concerns, traumas, especially when it comes to everything that revolves around the mention of the word Gaunt.
Her hand lazily and calmly pulls the tea cup away. She stands up and stretches her limbs.
“In this world, huh? Then let us go beyond one.”
The bewilderment on his face. He frowns but doesn't stop her. Ominis has known for a long time that this one always has crazy ideas. The one mind that spines clockwise. Like that one clock on the Celestial door. His crazy woman with twisted mind.
The Irish continues softly. Calm, confident, practical to the bone. Nothing to it, that what she always says.
“We shall leave the world. The sea is something different, the stage in between realms… We shall take a ship and leave the shores, nobody ever shall find us there. It is only three days until my captain's initiation and launching of the Silver Siren… And the captain with certain license which I intend to gain in London soon... Can marry anyone on his ship. Including himself or herself.”
A few slow steps to his side. Gaunt does not move, slowly blinking and turning his face to the side of the sounds.
“I know. Not really official, complicated... But the sea has its own law. The waves and sunset would be witnesses. Maybe some dolphins. And the ship's log. Whoever argues with that, they should say it to me.”
She talks too much. Annoying, fast, but somehow sweet. Captain’s tone she is already trained with so well, and that he actually somehow likes. She always try to mend things that are perhaps even not broken. Always thinking ahead, always inventing a different way to get something or get away with something. He hears her stepping forward. Close enough to touch, to grab, to… shut up.
“No, that’s…”
“Please… There should be the way. Until you think I should make it to Admiral with bigger powers, but that shall take me decades and we shall be aged… Or you think they could spot us somewhere in the middle of the deep seas? Insane. Besides, you know that no one matches me on the sea with the fast sailing, and if they try…”
Gaunt smirks and presses his finger to the plump crimson lips that speak so much. Not long way to go and he already perfectly knows the length of his hand he should reach. She is so small… And he knows how does that work. Ah, silence. Small trembling of the tiny trained body he knows so well. His wild Irish may be full of that unstoppable energy, but Ominis is pretty aware of his own powers over this one. One gesture and she’s done.
“No. That is… perfect. “
The waves break peacefully against the white side of a small ship. It has dropped anchor somewhere in the open sea and is now lazily rocking from side to side, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A little more and night will come, billions of stars scattered across the dark canvas, like a perfect blueprint.
On the deck of a ship, two people stand, their faces directed in the same direction. Nothing fancy. A simple white outfit on the young woman, made of the soft fabric, and a dark green formal suit on the young man. No special decorations, no noisy guests, no fireworks, no flowers, no even best friends.
Two runaways. Homeless, no roots. Denied families, left homes, forgotten names. Two flowing green rivers, blending in one. Two lonely souls, rushing through the space, hand in hand from now on. No one would know where did they go. Perhaps, they would not ever come back to the lands they’ve left again…
Just the sea, the sunset and the wind.
And the Promise.
“In every world, in every shadow of existence.
In this one and another one, in life and death, in happiness and sorrows.
In joy, in pain, in light and dark. In inlness and the health.
In this life and beyond, in each and every realm we enter, shall we always meet again…
Blind and seeing, mad and sane, in love or hate,
In any form of being, in any state of mind, I swear to love you, to protect you and to care for you.”
“I shall always be with you.”
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I know it is not June, but this post is inspired by: @tamayula-hl
With her post https://www.tumblr.com/tamayula-hl/753003051986616320/june-bride
Soft used: Procreate.
Ominis Gaunt x MC (Arlene Irving) wedding theme.
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spechblend · 1 year
My Guide to Patch/Crust DIY Pants That No One Asked For:
(If you see this guide go through changes, you’re not crazy, I update it all the time)
I’ve noticed that my DIY pants had been noticed on here, so I’d thought I make a guide for new punks getting into the scene 💖
I’ve been in the punk scene for a little over two years now, so don’t take everything I say to heart, I’ve got lots to learn.
Typically, you want to start out with a good base. For instance, the pants you choose can make or break your project. I don’t suggest buying super expensive pants, but don’t buy them super low quality either. You want something that lasts, as crust or patch pants are meant to be your only pair.
EDIT: Before I start any new project, I look around my stuff to see if I can repurpose anything. Old T shirts, bed sheets, bags, you name it. It’s so much easier to repurpose your stuff before buying new things, and you save money doing it. Before you buy pants, see if you can find a pair you already own! I had to buy new ones because I only had one other pair of jeans that I wear to work.
I’ve seen some tutorials floating around for DIY can spikes. Please be very careful doing this. If you’re moshing in a vest made with cut up aluminum, you can seriously hurt someone if you’re not careful. Be on the safe side and either borrow/buy pre made studs and spikes or save the DIY can spikes for non-moshing vests/pants/cuffs.
If you’re moshing with any studs or spikes at ALL, they should be blunt!!!
Good places to buy pants
Thrift (it’s a bit of a crapshoot if you have a hard time finding sizes, but if they’ve lasted long enough to end up in a thrift store, then it means they’re more likely good quality. Check the tags!!)
Edited above, been informed of how Goodwill treats disabled employees
ASOS (I recommend if you have a hard time finding your size. I can’t guarantee the sustainability of this site though.)
Mercari (Like an online goodwill. I find a lot of awesome clothes on here. You can download the app.)
Depop (I seldom shop on here, but similar to Mercari with a wider range of brands.)
How the Pants Should Fit
The fit of your pants can also affect how they lay on you. I suggest buying pants slightly larger on you, if you’re covering them in patches. When you start sewing, you’re going to find that they’re going to shrink a little bit. So please avoid tight fitting jeans if you can! Straight or relaxed fit are the best.
EDIT: If skinny/fitting pants are all you got, sometimes making relief cuts at the knees help when you try to bend down.
Patches are going to be what makes your pants unique! There’s quite a few you can choose from: plain patches, band patches, politics patches, etcetera. If you’re going to cover the entirety of your pants, I suggest going to Joann’s or Michaels (fuck Hobby Lobby) for fabric. Buy a yard or two canvas or pleather (or both). Otherwise, I usually cut up old T-shirts for my fabric.
How to Make Your Own Patches
Stencil (very straightforward, here’s a guide) (please check out Anarchostensilism on insta/Tiktok/Deviantart)
Paint (Buy white/black stencil fabric paint. I don’t suggest acrylic, since it’s not made to move with fabric)
Where to Buy Pre Printed Patches
crustpunks.com (Hella good, fast shipping, affordable!! Made by punks for punks)
nuclearwasteunderground.com (I found this one randomly)
Etsy (While I hate them for the way they treat their sellers, unfortunately this can be a main source of income for some.)
Shows, punk meets, friends
If you’re going to make crust pants, it’s imperative that you have crust bands on your patches, that’s what makes them crust! (Apart from never washing them)
Edit: I would do your own research on the crust punk subculture, there’s a lot of discourse out there on what makes punks crust punks and so on.
Washing your pants is not a black and white rule, but you can ruin the integrity of your work if you carelessly throw them in the washer. Like if you were to throw a suede jacket into the washer, there’s certain steps to take!
Here’s an enlightening guide on crust.
Here’s some crust band recs!
Anti Cimex
Dystopia (my favorite)
Things to Add to Your Pants
Buttons (you can buy or make your own. Here’s a guide for DIY bottle cap buttons)
Pockets (easy to monkey wrench with a few spare patches, but here’s a pattern)
Handkerchiefs (the hankey code, much like the lace code, is pretty much dead. But it’s up to you if you want to signal something with it.)
Wallet chains (here’s a cool guide to making your own!)
Bum flap (by far the coolest thing on this list. Makes your ass not hurt when you sit on the sidewalk. Here’s a video)
Make them convertible (I made mine into zip off shorts. Here’s a video)
I made this up, but I added removable knee pads to mine.
Pant Inspiration
Have no shame in taking reference! Here’s are some cool accounts with awesome pants!
That’s all I got! Remember to never wash your pants ✨
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itsnotmourn · 4 months
Not ship chart related but I think your art is so pretty!! Do you have any tips? Especially with coloring if it’s okay <] (/nf)
waah thank you very much! i'll try and explain but here’s my colouring-specific tips, or at least how i choose my colours !! <3
unless for stylistic reasons (e.g. greyscale drawing), i personally avoid pure black, greys and white for colouring. go and choose off-colours instead! for lineart, black is okay but i always go for an actual colour anyways heheh. for the background colour of your canvas, sometimes an actual colour (rather than white or grey) may help you pick your palette to be more harmonised!
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following this, i also don't like using pure/neon for colours, unless it's for a certain aesthetic or artstyle (e.g. the character has a "toxic/radioactive" aesthetic; the character is a scenedog (or similiar); or highlights). see below for examples! they may be subtle but sometimes the subtly can make the difference you are looking for... if you're looking for a natural look. if you're aiming for the bright/old 2000's artstyle, then pure/neons may be your friend!
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when i'm casually drawing characters (oc or not), i rarely colour-pick from the reference image. i find that when you're "forced to make the palette", it can come out more pleasing to your style/atmosphere of the drawing! it’s more personalised that way... like yea, that’s my favourite versions of those colours! i'm not saying that my colours are better though, only that "hey that's me! in those colours!!" you can have the reference image on the side or go by memory. here’s me doing this with pride flags:
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nowadays, when drawing the spooky month characters—who have simple designs god bless—i can just imagine their reference and adjust the colours in my head lol example: if i know that Lila's colour palette is purple, and that her winter sweater is coloured lighter than her hair, then i can just go ahead and pick whatever shade i want following that rule!
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(of course, always double check with the actual reference for physical design inaccuracies and skin tone if it applies. my advice above is just for general hair/clothing colours! …because yknow you don't want to accidentally whitewash a character's skin in the name of aesthetics lol. if you’re unsure and want to be on the careful side, please do colour pick the skin at least !!)
moving on... gradient maps and certain blending modes (like exclusion, luminosity and darken) can be a game changer too. for normal drawings (e.g. drawings with no environment), i use darken the most because it changes a few colours rather than the entire piece... (the percentages are opacity levels!)
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oh and as a really basic shading tip without using blending modes: sometimes, you just gotta go for grey. shading a warmer colour? use grey to make a cool tone. shading a cool colour? use grey to make a warm tone. not all the time (because you don’t wanna make your shading seem muddy), just sometimes…
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and that's that! there's always exceptions to rules and often times, your headshot doodle ends up as one big experimental mess (in a fun way, hopefully)!
this is how i choose my colours though most of the time, it is just me going “good enough”
i think we're pretty similar on how we like warm colours! i enjoy going the simple/lazy route and avoid blend modes but then again, shading is a whole different thing…
hope this helps in any way !! <:3 !!! <3
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pinkykats-place · 6 months
Bungo Stray Dogs BL Fic Recs
Archive of our own
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None of the stories linked are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Read tags. Check Ratings.
GIF not mine.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Shin Soukoku (AkuAtsu)
Dragonfruit by CheeseSandwjch
Summary: Akutagawa shows up at Atsushi’s house injured from a mission; Atsushi takes care of him.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
The Cat and the Coat by lunakoroleva
Summary: It's pretty convenient that Dazai lends Atsushi his coat when he's paired up with Akutagawa. It's pretty convenient that it's cold as hell.
Akutagawa gets his first kiss. Rashomon is warm. Atsushi acts like a cat.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Seven Days to Fall In Love with Akutagawa Ryuunosuke by its_just_me27
Summary: “Yeah,” Atsushi looks down, purposefully avoiding eye contact. “So, you have to stay here for the next seven days,” he mumbles quickly.
“Excuse me?”
“Y—you heard me,” he huffs. “I can’t help it.”
Complete | 7 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
Silver Lining by maxxstrom
Summary: Finding out that a lie has pervaded years of your life isn’t exactly a great way to end a mission, especially when it results in complete ignorance about your own biology. At twenty years old, Akutagawa had thought he was done learning about himself, but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all. As it turns out, he hardly knows a thing.
Alternatively, asexual “beta” Akutagawa finds out that he’s actually an omega and has to figure out how to deal with his first ever heat (a series of unfortunate events that ends with Aku getting railed within an inch of his life).
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
A Push in the Right Direction by PocketsizedDinosaur
Summary: Five times Rashomon and Beast Beneath the Moonlight try to get their users together and one time they finally manage to do it on their own.
Complete | 2 Chapters
Rated - General Audiences
If you’re brave enough to love the ones you hate the hardest (you might find home) by bloodyhalefire
Summary: For people like Gin and Ryuunosuke, things like love, comfort, and contentment have never been anything more than pipe dreams.
However, when Gin returns home from work one night to find Atsushi and Ryuu sleeping together on the sofa, she wonders if maybe they aren’t as unattainable as she thought.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
I'll call your name by caramelt
Summary: “Of all places to discuss the case,” Atsushi said as they made their way back to the busy crowd, voice getting louder with every step as he fought to compete with the noise around them. He had finished his chazuke not long ago. “Why a summer festival?”
“Has it not occurred to you that I'm taking you out on a date?”
Oh. Oh.
 — — —
Basically Akutagawa and Atsushi get together fluff.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
I Love You (deeply) by SapphireSunstone
Summary: Akutagawa almost wishes he hadn’t heard it.
He wishes that there wasn’t another figure pressed up against him underneath his own bedsheets. Wishes that he hadn’t invited Atsushi to stay for the night when he realised how dark it had gotten. Wishes he hadn’t opened the door when the were-tiger had knocked.
Because now he has to deal with this.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Series: Adventures in Partnership by guyfierimpreg
Summary: Partnership is a rocky road, but with Atsushi ramming down the clutch and Akutagawa working the shifter, they might actually get somewhere.
3 Works
Rated - General Audiences and Teen & Up
Stay by Glenraven
Summary: The port is loud with the caws of sea birds, the creak and clang of cranes and shipping containers, the rough calls of workers. Atsushi’s ears pick up all of the cacophony but parse none of it. All he can focus on are the words spoken by the dark figure in front of him, quietly, almost as though he is of half a mind not to be heard.
“Go out with me.”
Atsushi blinks. His ears don’t lie, but this isn’t making any sense.
Akutagawa growls. “You heard me. Go out with me. This weekend. Let’s go somewhere.”
A hint of red crawls over Akutagawa’s cheeks. He wouldn’t blush if this were just a joke, would he?
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
and it was you by spirallings
Summary: Rashomon was Ryuunosuke's armor and his clothing created Rashomon. Even when his relationship with Atsushi bloomed into something more intimate, there was always that hesitation, that fear; to be vulnerable was to leave himself open for pain and hurt.
And then there wasn't anymore.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
i just wanna know you by Wordless_Writer
Summary: "If he knew more, he supposed, about Akutagawa, about his pasts, his tics, his wishes... he wouldn't be having such a hard time right now. He'd know what to get him. How to... congratulate him...
Akutagawa hadn't been at the 'we defeated the guild' party and hadn't been mentioned in the local newspaper. When people approached Atsushi on the street, they never mentioned the person who had helped him. Who had been right next to him in the very picture that was published but cut out from the shot.
Atsushi didn't like Akutagawa... but he had helped so much... he deserved some..."
or post guild arc atsushi tries to figure out how to congratulate aku
{One Shot}
Rated - SFW
With the Warmth of Your Arms, you Saved Me by Glenraven
Summary: Atsushi sputtered, eyes widened and cheeks red. Ryuu could practically watch his brain malfunctioning at the nickname. Since he was still wearing his shirt, he summoned a few tendrils of Rashoumon and had them wrap loosely around Atsushi’s wrists.
“Can you keep them there for me, sweetie?” he smiled. “I need the use of both my hands to worship you.”
Atsushi simply nodded, tugging lightly at the restraints to test their give. He could have easily ripped through them, but Ryuu knew that he liked the resistance and needed the reminder. He tended to have trouble keeping his hands off of Ryuu, and though Ryuu preened at being so irresistible, sometimes he really did like his dessert to sit quietly.
Ryuu makes it very clear to Atsushi how much he treasures him.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
A Mind as Clear as Day by BrainRotgoBrrrrr
Summary: Atsushi woke up to nothing.
Just, plain, white, nothing at all.
He blinked. He could hear things. People. Machines. Whirring and talking.
He remembered his name. That was all. It floated around in his mind, bouncing and echoing until he heard it clearly in his ears.
Atsushi loses his memory and wakes up in hospital, feeling unsafe and not knowing to trust those around him
Incomplete | 5/? Chapters
Last Updated November 2023
Rated - Teen & Up
Dazai x Chuuya x Atsushi x Akutagawa
Unexpected Heat by Princess_Cherry
Summary: Akutagawa almost never even got his heat, Mori and Yosano agree that the cause is a combination of his sickness and his malnutrition as a child, his body couldn’t afford to have his heat often but once in a blue moon he got his heat and no one was ever ready for it
In which Akutagawa goes into unexpected heat and his mates need to be there for him.
One Shot | OmegaVerse
Rated - Explicit
Love to spare by Princess_Cherry
Summary: Dazai smiled, he felt blessed to have these three people in his life.
He really had love to spare. 
— — —
In which Akutagawa, Atsushi, Chuuya and Dazai celebrate their 2nd anniversary, it starts wholesome but quickly turns steamy.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Pretty Kitty by scribespirare
Summary: Certain things make Atsushi...well, lose control, so to speak.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
electric by quitepossiblyjanuary
Summary: They're always a little sloppy, but it's one of Atsushi's favorite parts about them, that messiness. He loves the feeling of Akutagawa's nose squished up against his face, changing every few minutes because Akutagawa likes to tilt his head this way and that, testing which angle is best for sliding his tongue against Atsushi's lips. He loves the feeling of Akutagawa's lips slipping and catching on his chin, his cheeks, as they blindly move their mouths against each other, eyes closed and too happy to care about neatness.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Something, Somehow by the_cricket
Summary: Atsushi doesn't meet Dazai by the river, and he doesn't join the agency. He saves himself from starving and figures out how to live, but he still ends up involved with both the Port Mafia and the ADA. Also, it's silly.
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - General Audiences
Be Good by orphan_account
Summary: It came out more or less by accident.
“Are you okay, Ryuu?” Atsushi’s concerned voice finally broke the silence that had descended on the table.
“Oh I think Ryuu is much better than okay,” Dazai answered for him, glancing at Atsushi out of the corner of his eye before returning his attention to the man in front of him. “Could it be that our little Ryuunosuke likes it when we tell him just how good he is?”
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Pet-a-cat, pet-a-cat, mafia man by amythecinnabunny
Summary: Nakajima Atsushi has this nifty little trick where he turns into a cat to offer comfort to people. Somehow, it leads to dating Nakahara Chuuya — after an accidental Italian vacation, that is.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Hidden Colors by we_burnin_shit_yo
Summary: Atsushi brings in a pouch of fingernail polishes and Chuuya proceeds to do their nails while Dazai and Akutagawa hang out in the kitchen for food before joining their boyfriends which results in a fluffy polysoukoku evening.
{One Shot}
Rated - n/a
Dazai x Chuuya
Of Pinot and Patience by ChaoticQuill
Summary: In the morning hours after a night with Dazai, Chuuya finds himself addled by doubts that he'll be left behind again. Dazai, in an uncharacteristic move, offers to be patient.
— — —
Or: Chuuya worries Dazai is going to leave him, and they decide not to have sex again until Chuuya has overcome those doubts. Hilarity ensues.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
80 notes · View notes
softxsuki · 1 year
Kya! I saw you write for one piece and 🥰🥰🥰 don't worry, I try not to spoil you!
How would Luffy react to a female magician s/o that can Do so effin much without a devil fruit, and perhaps making cute requests to make him fly or showing him underwater World. Just someone who is lovely, kind and super sweet
Headcannons/drabbles... I leave that to you how you want it🥰🥰
Have a nice day/afternoon/night 🩵🩵
Luffy With A Magician S/O
Pairing: Luffy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 610
Summary: In which you're a magician, part of the straw hat crew, and Luffy's s/o!
[A/N: So excited to write another request for one piece! I wish I could write for them more often but I have so many pending requests for other fandoms as well. I'm doing my best to evenly write for all the anime's on my writing list! But please send in all your OP requests, I need them <3 Thanks for sending this request in! What a fun idea <3 Hope you enjoy!]
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Okay so because this is the One Piece universe, I’m gonna say that even though you don’t have a devil fruit, as a magician, you hold true magic! Okay? Okay
With that being said, Luffy is so entertained by you
Yes, his crew needs a chef, a musician, a navigator, a doctor, etc…but once he met you, he realized his crew also needed an entertainer
No, you weren’t a typical magician that pulls rabbits out of a hat (even though you probably could) but your magic allowed you to do so much more than your average trick
And Luffy loved your abilities so much, they brought him so much excitement
He’s always asking you to do something outrageous, going above and beyond with his requests to see how far your abilities truly go
From making him levitate, to cutting someone in half without killing them, his requests are endless, and sometimes even a little exhausting to keep up with
One of his favorite requests though are to see beneath the ocean; since he can’t swim, Luffy loves being able to see the ocean floor and the creatures that reside there
So if you’re able to create a magic bubble around you both and take him in the water, he’d love you forever (he already does)
You both love fooling around on the ship together, pranking the other crew members with your magic, and honestly the crew is fed up with your antics, but it’s nothing they aren’t used to already with Luffy onboard
During battles, Luffy sometimes gets distracted because he wants to see what crazy thing you’re going to do to your opponent using your magic
Catch him clapping his hands and laughing as you turn a marine’s sword into a balloon sword lol
“Ohh me next, turn my hands into metal Y/N!”
He’s so unserious, we love it
Though the cons to having magic and using is all the time is that you become drained very quickly, and when that does happen during a fight, Luffy is speeding to your side to protect you
After all, you’re more than just another crew member to him (or an entertainer as he recruited you as), you were his girlfriend and he would always make sure to take care of you
As much as he loved to see your magician abilities, your well-being was way more important to him
So whenever you do get drained, he takes you to a safe place, presses a kiss to your temple, and tells you to rest up while he and the rest of the crew take care of things
Of course sometimes you don’t listen to him; you’re part of the crew after all and if you just sit by and rest while everyone else surpasses their limits, you end up feeling a little useless
So you so what you can from afar, turning the opponents weapons into harmless objects, sometimes making their clothes vanish so they become flustered and distracted long enough so Sanji or Zoro can use that to their advantage, and sometimes you even help your crew avoid some hits by making them levitate or teleporting them to a safer area
You were definitely a very helpful member of the crew despite how tiring being a magican can be sometimes
Luffy gets a little upset that you didn’t follow his orders in staying somewhere safe and resting, but he’s grateful regardless
Once the fight it over, he’s carrying you back to the ship where he makes sure you spend the rest of the day resting without using any of your magic
He really loves you so much and you’ll always know that
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Posted: 08/23/2023
202 notes · View notes
hannamoon143 · 1 month
Darkness is everything that remains
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ships: hyunjin x fem reader
Genre: heavy Angst, Hurt/no comfort
warnings: death,crying,kinda depression ig,denial,su!cide,drowning,
words: 1,5 k
a/n: since these are heavy themes please don’t read it if you are not comfortable with any of them,cause i don’t want to trigger anyone with my writing. I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.Remember that you are a beautiful person,and never stop taking care of yourself.Drink enough,eat enough,sleep enough. I hope you have a great day. Enjoy <33
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I just wanted something. Anything. I had everything till four months ago. But now i had nothing anymore.
I was dragging myself out the bathroom, only changing into some different clothes and then laying down at the bed. Our bed. And i wasn’t wearing just some clothes. It was my sweater.My sweater with the acrylic stains on it.I was trying so hard not to look at the wall in front of the bed. But i did anyways. Of course i didn’t look at the wall, i looked at the painting.His painting.
6 months ago
„knock knock“ i said,smiling at him while my head peeked through the door. „Come in love“ he didn’t look up from his painting but he smiled too.I could watch his smile forever. The depth of his dark eyes,the way his lips slowly turned upwards.
I went inside his room and sat at the chair besides him. „What are you painting hyunnie?“ i said,peeking over his shoulder. „It’s for our anniversary love, but now the surprise is destroyed. It’s the day at the beach.A stranger that was a photograph was randomly making photos, and he had to make one of us cause we were looking so in love he said.and he gave it to me. See? We are sitting there, the oceans breeze was making our hair go all messy but you still looked so beautiful. And you are holding the single rose i gave to you.“
While he explained it i looked at the painting. It wasn’t even finished yet, but it was beautiful.The colours made it seem so alive and i could see a happy hyunjin smiling at me with a loving look in his eye, while i was looking at the rose with a little smile, like it was the most precious thing i ever got. Of course it wasn’t. He was the most precious thing i ever got.
„Well i won’t disturb you then my love,wanna watch a movie together later?“
„Sure, you pick“ he said,smiling at me. Then he gave me a soft kiss with a hug, the acrylic paint now on my sweater too,but i didn’t care.
I couldn’t look at it any longer. I got up, slipping my shoes on and left my apartment. Our apartment. Where was i even going? I didn’t know to be honest. That means i did know. As if my body was mechanical i sat into my cold car, driving to him.
I got out of the car,walking to the love of my life Then i was in front of him. The past five months i never cried a single tear,gone entirely numb.But now? I broke down to my knees,starting to sob. „Why did you do this? Left me just like that? You promised me! You promised me that we would be forever together, hyunjin!Tell me,why forever is so short.“ I looked at all the flowers. From his family.From his best friends.From people that knew him. And in the middle of all these way to colourful flowers was the rose. Our rose. It was dried,and looked fragile. I took it into my trembling hands. „When you gifted me this,you said it stands for us.For our love. Where did all this go? Where did you go?“
The petals fell down on the cold ground. „No no no. Is that you trying to tell me that it’s over?! Are you trying to tell me that hyunjin? Because i disagree! You can’t just leave me like this,i won’t accept it. Remember you always telled me i’m so stubborn?And you were right! So i won’t give up!“ I yelled between choking sobs,trying to pick up the petals of the rose.
7 months ago:
„But you said i pick the movie, so i pick 10 things i hate about you.“ i pouted.
„Everything but this!“ hyunjin whined. „We watched this movie over five times only in the past three years and if i may remind you that since i know you we watched it fourteen times wich is way too much, i think i am allowed to say that we will watch something else.“
„But i love this movieee.and we didn’t watch it in the past four months soo-“
„What about we just watch The fault in our stars? It’s also romantic, and you like it too“
„But i wanna watch 10 things i hate about you!“
„You get to see my current artwork tomorrow if we watch something else.“
„10 things i hate about you.“
„I will get you everything you want when we go next shopping.“
„10 things i hate about you.“
Hyunjin sighed.But after a bit silence when i almost thought about giving in, because he looked annoyed for real now,he started smiling and just suddenly hugged me.
„Hey,is that another attempt to not have to watch 10 things i hate about you?“ i said, but with a giggle now.
„To be honest you are adorable when you are so stubborn.“ He said,brushing my hair out of my face betweent the cuddles,that were almost choking me. I acted annoyed and looked away but just had to start smiling when he planted soft kisses on each side of my cheeks.
„I love you,pabo.“i muttered into his hair.
„I love you too,my muse.“
Was it smart to go to his grave in the middle in the night? No
Was it even more stupid to drive to the beach in the middle of the night, with only petals of a rose and a bottle of water that was laying in my car for a year now? Yes it was.
I got out the car, taking the petals of the rose, that i wrapped up in an old hoodie of him. I walked towards the water.My mind was blank.I walked until my converse were soaked up with water.Now i was simply standing there and looking at the ocean. Looking at his promise.
8 months ago:
He broke the comfortable silence,that was only filled with the sounds of the waves.
„Do you see the blue ocean,love?“
i giggled. „Of course i can see it jinnie.“
He looked at me with a little smile,laying his head on my shoulder.
„If i am ever far away,then look at the ocean. Look at the waves always coming back to the sand of the beach. They will remind you that no matter where i am, or how far away i am, i will come back to you my love. I will always come back, because i love you, i always will. Never forget that.“
I looked at him.I simply looked at him and he started smiling.
„I love you too jinnie. So, so much.“
He smiled even more,kissing my forehead softly,and pulling me closer.
„I’m looking at the waves like you told me jinnie.And now? When will you come back? Cause i saw you.Saw how they put layers of earth on you. It didn’t seem like you would come back jinnie!“
I didn’t notice that i started crying again, and almost yelling the words into the cold night. I looked at the hoodie in my hands,with the petals of the rose in it. The worst was,it still smelled like him.Without thinking i went further into the freezing water.My whole legs were covered in the freezing waves of the ocean now.I smelled at the hoodie.I wanted to feel like everything would be okay one last time.Cause i knew that it wouldn’t be. This time he wouldn’t come home, craddle me in his arms, and let me sob into his chest. This time nothing would be okay again. I threw the hoodie as wide as possible into the turbulent water. The petals of the rose seemed like they were flying until they hit the water surface. i watched them get carried away by the ocean. Was this really the end?
The answer was yes. Yes it was,because nothing would ever be okay again.I didn’t want to live in a world without him. A world without love, without care, without comfort.
So i went further into the ice cold water. I went so wide until i was underwater. The waves, and the water were turbulent, because of the storm, that i didn’t even acknowledge until now. And i felt that i got carried away. Further into the darkness,further down. But i didn’t fight the water. Because maybe there was a little hope,that maybe after the darkness he would be standing somewhere, waiting for me.
So i let the darkness come.Until it’s everything left. Until my shattered heart stops beating.Until darkness is everything that remains.
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a/n: if you know someone that might consider suicide or self harm help them. Sometimes a simple word,a text or a call can help.
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Hi, Vod'ika. I recently read your works and I loved them all, especially Hunter's. Can you write something with him with the trope "there's only one bed"? If I may give you a kick-start, maybe he and reader (F! Reader, please.) They are left without a pick up because the Marauder is not in a condition to face the storm on the planet they are on. So they need a place to spend the night. Xx
Sharing is Caring
Summary: When a terrible storm separates you and Hunter from the rest of the Batch, you have no choice but to try and make the best of it. Unfortunately, the only inn with a vacancy only has one room available. Luckily, you don’t mind sharing with your Sergeant.
Pairing: TBB Hunter x F!Reader
Word Count: 2660
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @clonethirstingisreal
A/N: Hihi! I'm glad that you liked my stories! Especially my Hunter stories, since I'm still not 100% about my characterization of him! But I made a new divider specifically for this story! ☺️
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You’re drenched.
Soaked to the bone.
Your hair is plastered to your head, and the civvies that you’re wearing are clinging, uncomfortably, to your body, and you know that you’re shivering because Hunter keeps shooting you concerned looks, even as he tries to raise the Marauder on his comm.
How, exactly, he’s not shivering when he’s just as drenched as you are, is a mystery for the ages.
Maybe the Kaminoans made it so the clones just don’t get cold. The lucky assholes.
You wrap your arms around yourself as a particularly violent shiver zips through you. “H-Hunter-” Your teeth are chattering too. He raises a single finger as he lifts his comm to his ear, apparently finally managing to get ahold of Tech.
Honestly, you’re surprised it’s this cold.
This is a tropical planet according to the very detailed lecture that Tech bored you to tears with before the ship landed. The planet never, ever gets cold enough for people to need things like heaters…or long pants.
So, since this was supposed to be an undercover mission, you dressed according to what Tech told you, a cute sundress and sandals. Hell, even Hunter is dressed in short sleeves, though he, at least, has long pants and boots to protect his feet from the frigid rain.
You’re not so lucky.
You step up a little higher, trying to keep your feet out of the frigid puddles of water, and then anxiously cast your gaze over to Hunter. He has a severe look on his face, and your heart sinks.
You know that look.
That’s Hunters, ‘the marauder can’t come and get us for some reason, so we’re on our own’ look.
You see it a lot.
“It’s fine, Tech. We’ll make it work.” You tune into Hunter’s conversation now that he’s talking and not just listening, “Just get the ship somewhere safe.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, and then he disconnects the call, and slides the comm into his pocket, before he turns his gaze towards you. His dark eyes scan you, and he looks deeply concerned.
“We’re stuck here, aren’t we?” You ask.
“Just for a couple of days,” Hunter replies, “Tech says that the storm is going to get a lot worse really quickly.”
“Figures.” You say with a sigh.
Hunter scans you one more time, “We need to get you out of the cold. You look like you’re freezing.”
“I am freezing,” You counter, “Do you have a personal heater in your body or something?” 
Hunter laughs softly, “Not quite.” He steps into the massive puddle so that he’s closer to you, “Hands on my shoulders, mesh’la.”
You immediately do as he asks, and Hunter gently grips your hips before he swiftly lifts you over the puddle and sets you on the other side, “Thanks.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Hunter glances around, “Tech said that there’s an inn nearby that has a vacancy. He already commed them and made a reservation for us.”
“Tech’s the best,” You say empathically.
Hunter grins at you, “He has his moments. Come on, let’s get out of this rain.” He doesn’t move until you fall into step next to him, and he presses his hand against the small of your back to guide you.
You don’t mind. He’s warm and you’re freezing, and, to be completely honest, you don’t have any qualms about having such a handsome man pressed close to your side.
Two years ago, when the war first began, the organization that you are a part of reached out to the Jedi and offered the services of their doctors and battlefield medics.
And while the Jedi, and the Clones, weren’t sure about it, at first, it quickly became apparent that they needed the help. After all, Clone medics were very good, but they didn’t have the kind of specialized training that people from Doctors Without Borders had. 
Or the equipment, for that matter.
Two years ago, you were a recent graduate from medical school, and had just finished a 6 month tour on a planet ravaged by a plague. And you went right from there, to Kamino.
Admittedly, there was something of a rough start at first. The Kaminoans resented the fact that there was an outside doctor treating them pet projects, and you resented the fact that the Kaminoans called these men their Pet Project.
But you never had a problem with the men in CF99 themselves. Well, not outside of you putting your foot down and telling them that they will keep their room clean and clean smelling or you would do it for them.
And really, you haven’t had a single issue since then.
Well, okay. That’s not true.
There is one, rather massive, issue. And that issue is your massive crush on Hunter.
Something that he doesn’t help with by being so protective and so kind and so…perfect.
The asshole.
“Here it is,” Hunter’s voice interrupts your thoughts as he comes to a stop in front of a small inn. It looks very lived in, which, in your experience, means that it probably started out as a bed and breakfast. He glances at you, and gently nudges you towards the door, “Come on.”
Hunter opens the door for you, and you, gratefully, step into the warmth of the building. You step to the side to let Hunter in, and then try to shake some of the dripping water off your fingers.
“Ah, got caught in the storm, did you?” An older woman says from behind the desk, she has a kind smile on her face, “You must be Hunter. Your brother called to make a reservation.”
Hunter shook some of the water off of his hands as well, before he walked over to the desk, “Yes ma’am, that’s me.”
“Splendid,” The older woman bustles around for a moment, before she slides a pair of key cards across the counter, “Here you go, two keys for the room. There’s a kitchenette in the room, as well as extra blankets and towels.”
“Thank you,” You say from where you moved to stand next to Hunter and accept the key that he gave you.
The woman smiles at you, “Now, the pair of you are staying in another building. You have to go out the front door, across the street and up the hill. Your room is in building 13, on the third floor.” She beams at you, “Now, you two better hurry before the hail starts.”
Hunter’s head snaps up, “Hail?”
“Oh, yes. There’s always hail.” 
Hunter’s gaze darts to you again, the look of concern returning, and you smile at him reassuringly, “Come on, Hunter. We’d better hurry then.”
“Yeah. You’re right.” He nods at the older woman and then motions for you to lead the way back to the door.
It takes less than ten minutes to get from the hotel lobby to the hotel room, and Hunter unlocks and opens the door just in time, as it starts to hail as soon as you’re both safely in the room.
“Lucky timing,” You say as you peer out the front door at the hail bouncing on the ground. 
Behind you, Hunter releases a heavy sigh. “I’m going to strangle Tech,” you hear him mumble.
“Eh? Why? What’s wrong?” You shut the door and peek around Hunter to peer into the room properly.
At first, you don’t see the problem. The room looks clean and it doesn’t have any strong scents that might overwhelm Hunter. And then you see what the problem is.
Really, it’s kind of obvious, now that you’re looking at it.
There’s only one bed.
A decent sized bed, much bigger than the bunks you have to use on the Marauder, but still, there’s only one.
“Oh.” You pause thoughtfully, “Well, easy solution. I can sleep on the floor and-”
“Absolutely not.” Hunter interrupts. “I am not going to let you sleep on the floor.”
You sigh, “Hunter, you can’t sleep on the floor.”
“I’ve slept in more uncomfortable places.” He points out, “You’re the doctor, you deserve the bed.”
“That’s ridiculous. You need-” You’re cut off when a violent shiver wracks your body, and all of the fight drains out of Hunter.
“You need to take a shower to warm up.” He says, “What clothes do you have with you?”
“Just some pajamas and a single change of clothes,” You admit, “We weren’t supposed to be here long. They should still be dry though.”
“Good. Go ahead and shower, and we can work out sleeping arrangements later.”
You make a face at him, but know that he’s right. So you slide off your soaked sandals, and then cross the room to slide into the fresher. You’re very relieved to see that there’s bodywash, shampoo, and conditioner already in the fresher.
Not to mention, the room is warm. 
You allow the fresher door to slide shut, and turn on the water. 
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Hunter glances at the fresher door as the water turns on, and he slowly releases a heavy breath. He really is going to strangle Tech.
As if he didn’t have enough on his plate, now he had to try and come up with a reasonable explanation for why he can’t share a bed with his pretty baar’ur.
Obviously the truth won’t work.
I’m completely in love with you and I don’t trust myself to share a bed with you. 
Yeah. The only thing that will accomplish is scaring her away, and then his brothers will kill him. Including Echo, especially Echo. She’s helping him with his physical therapy after all.
He pulls his bandana off, and pushes his hand through his soaked hair as he tries to think.
Hunter’s gaze is drawn to the Fresher when he hears soft singing, and a small smile lifts his lips. She only sings when she’s happy, and sometimes it feels like her singing is for his ears only, since she never sings where his brothers can hear her.
He sinks into a chair and closes his eyes, allowing her soft voice to soothe him. 
He really did love her more than anything.
Hunter opens his eyes as the water turns off, and he casts his gaze towards the ceiling. He still hasn’t come up with a reason that they shouldn’t share.
The problem being, of course, the fact that he wants to share the bed with her. He wants to be able to bury his face in her hair and wrap his arms tightly around her, and hold her close. He also wants to press a million little kisses across her skin, to learn if she’s as soft as she looks–
The door slides open, and Hunter’s gaze drifts from the ceiling to the love of his life.
She’s clad in a tank top and some shorts, and Hunter has the feeling that she made them herself, because the shorts have the skull of CF99 etched on the hem.
“I feel so much better now,” She says, as she drapes the towel over her head, and then she grins at him, “You can use the shower now, if you want.”
“Yeah, I will.” His gaze lingers on her shorts, “Those are new.”
“Hm? Oh, yeah.” She lightly taps the embroidered skull, “You like them? I was bored while you guys were on a mission, and I made this.”
“Why haven’t you worn them before now?” Hunter asks.
“And let Crosshair harass me about my spindly chicken legs?” She demands, “No thank you.”
Hunter laughs, “He only teases you because he likes you.”
“I know, I know.” She crosses the room and drops on the edge of the bed, “Still, he could be nicer about it. What if I was sensitive about my legs?”
“Are you?”
Hunter grins, “Then it doesn’t matter, does it?”
She makes a face, though she looks amused, so Hunter isn’t overly worried, “I had an idea,”
“I think we should share the bed.” She says.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Hunter replies slowly.
Something very similar to anxiety crosses her face, a look he hasn’t seen since the early days of her partnership with his squad, “I don’t take up that much space-”
“I don’t want to share a bed.”
The anxiety on her face slides into genuine hurt, and she averts her gaze, “Oh.”
Double kriff.
“Not for the reason you’re probably thinking, mesh’la,” Hunter offers, his voice gentle.
She rubs her arm, and doesn’t look at him, “If you really don’t want to share, then I have to insist that you take the bed. If something happens-”
“I don’t want to share with you because I don’t want to scare you away.”
“...what?” She lifts her head to look at him, the hurt turning into absolutely bafflement.
Hunter sighs, “You have no idea the effect you have on me, do you?”
Her confusion only increases.
“You’re so good, and kind. And…stars, I love you so much.” He folds his arms over his chest, to keep himself from doing something foolish, like standing up and touching her. “Too much, maybe. My brothers would never forgive me if I scared you away.”
She stares at him, “Hunter,” She pauses for a moment, to collect her thoughts, “For someone who is so observant, you sure are blind sometimes.”
She looks exasperated, “Even Tech noticed my crush on you. Tech. Do you have any idea how awful that conversation was?”
Hunter’s jaw drops, “Wait! Is that why Tech has been asking me about what I would want in a romantic partner?”
“Oh Force,” She presses her hand over her eyes, her face burning with embarrassment, “Has he?”
“I’m so sorry. I swore him to secrecy…figures that he would try and find a loophole.” And then she drops her hand, “But, since you know that I feel the same way, maybe you won’t mind sharing a bed with me now?” She sounds hopeful and so vulnerable at the same time.
And really, how could Hunter do anything other than agree?
With the conversation over, and needing time to think about what she said, Hunter retreats to the fresher to get warm.
And when he finishes in the shower and leaves the fresher, he sees her laying on her side under the blanket, her gaze locked on the holo across the room. “It looks like the storm is going to last several days,” She says without turning her gaze away from the holo, and Hunter’s glad for it.
The last thing he wants is for her to see how anxious he is about sharing a bed with her.
Slowly, carefully, he slides under the blanket, “What kind of weather can we expect?” Hunter asks, pleased that he managed to keep his voice so even, as he leans against his pillows and flickers his gaze from her, over to the holo, and then back.
“Wind, rain, hail,” She shakes her head, “I hope Tech managed to get the ship to safety. The wind gusts they’re predicting are insane.”
“I’m sure he did. You know Tech,” 
She glances at Hunter, and shifts just enough to rest her head on his shoulder, “Is this okay?”
He exhales slowly, and wraps an arm around her shoulders. “It’s more than okay.”
“That’s good.” She replies, and then she’s quiet for a moment, “Hey, Hunter?”
“Can I kiss you?”
He releases a surprised breath, and then a soft laugh slips from him, “Cyare, you don’t have to ask.”
“You just weren't sure about this, so-” She’s cut off when Hunter leans in and presses his lips against hers in a very chaste kiss, his hand coming up to cup the side of her face.
“Cyare,” Hunter murmurs, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
She smiles at him brightly, and he decides right then and there that he would do anything to keep that smile on her face.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Cauldron Boil Me
ship: Sirius Black x Reader type: angst word count: 2,8k warnings: none request: @dreamingofmarauders Don't really have a concrete idea but perhaps a Slytherin reader, where she puts up a very rude and cold front, and Sirius is always picking fights with her. One day, he pulls a prank on her, but she was already stressed since she would get branded as a Death Eater when she would go home for the holidays, and she just snaps and cries, unintentionally blurting out what she is going through. Sirius feels bad and just please give it a happy ending! (Only if you want to write the request though)
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"Filthy little mudblood."
You send your friend a glower, grinding your teeth so hard, your jaw starts to ache. 
It is already bad enough that you and Sirius Black are potions partners, you don’t need your house mate, Evan Rosier, and childhood best friend to insult young Hufflepuffs on your way to the potions room.
Evan either ignores your glower, or he really did not notice, but he just keeps on walking, rather casually strolling through the corridors of Hogwarts. "Are we going to Hogsmead this weekend?" Sofie pops up out of nowhere, she is your best friend, shares a dorm room with you, and you every little secret. So, she technically also knows how you feel about Sirius and what might happen in the summer holidays, but these are all problems for future you, not something you want to be thinking about now.
"I think—"
"It is a great idea. We could go to the Three Broomsticks?" It is Mulciber who makes the suggestion and is immediately supported by Bertram Aubrey and Alecto Carrow. 
You only shrug, not really in the mood to go to Hogsmead, knowing how dangerous it could be, and all in all you are not really motivated to do things these days. But you also don't want to let down your friends, and so you somehow have to agree. 
"Yeah, why not," you say after Sofie nudges you with her elbow. 
"I will be fun," she hums, smiling at you from the side. She wants to distract you, hoping to bring the smile back onto your face these dark times have stolen from you. 
You try hard to avoid the groan from bursting out of you when you walk into the Potions classroom and the first thing you see is Sirius Black, the brightest star in the sky and the thickest idiot Hogwarts has ever seen. He is balancing his chair, leaned backwards, his arms stretched wide, holding onto the desk and the back of your chair. 
"Good morning, my favourite little snake." Sirius grins, from one ear to the other. But it is not the sort of kind grin, it is wicked, almost a little gleeful and you already feel like slapping him. But obviously you don't do it, you are not a violent person. 
You simply ignore him, grab the back of your chair, careful not to touch him and pull it backwards. 
"Grumpy this morning?" he comments, and you decide to ignore him again. 
"Got up on the wrong foot this morning? What is the problem? You always have a lovely comeback—"
"You are the problem." You turn to him, frowning. "And your face is."
"Because I look so incredibly dashing and stunning?" He wiggles his brows.
"Because you are even uglier than the large squid in the Black Lake."
Sirius dramatically folds a hand over his heat and gasps. "Ouch, that hurt."
"Good if your ego is a little harmed, it got too big for your body anyway." You sneer, and then turn away from him, focussing back on the front of the glass where now your teacher, professor Broomscattle, who already prepares everything for the lesson ahead. 
When everyone calms down, and also your anger about Mr Black settles, you relax back in your chair and turn your whole focus onto your Potions teacher. 
"Good morning, class, today you and your partners will be brewing a wonderful potion."
He opens his book, closes it, opens it again and flicks through the pages, a testament to his already starting forgetfulness and confusion. "Today we will be working on the Fire Protection Potion, also known as the…"
You rhand shoots into the air and when the professor calls your name you answer immediately. "Ice Potion."
"Amazing, five points to Slytherin."
You smile happily, at least something that is going well. But the smile immediately vanishes from your face again. 
"Swot," Sirius comments and you kick your leg out, hoping to hit is shin. When he yelps, you grin in triumph.
"At least I am not as thick as a brick."
Sirius throws you a fake grin, but you are both ripped out of your bickering when the professor loudly announces that you should start brewing now. And so, cauldrons start to bubble, mist rises from the bubbling liquids and shadows are casted upon the castle's walls. 
"You need to slice the brusting mushrooms, Sirius, not crunch them," you retort, and instead of arguing back he really follows your orders, but chuckles. "Alright, captain, so bossy," he mumbles under his breath, but once again you decide to ignore him. 
Just like the cauldron in front of you does, so does Sirius make your blood boil. He enrages you, his sheer presence does. And your tiny little crush on him, which some happened totally on accident and without you being fond of it, does not make it any better. 
"Clockwise. You need to stir clockwise, smartass." Sirius leans over you and the cauldron, his brow raised. 
"Now who is the swot."
"Still the teacher's pet who earned herself house points moments ago."
"I dislike you so much," you seethe, stirring the liquid with more fore, it nearly swaps over the edges. 
Sirius grins and small laugh escapes him. And despite him looking hella amused, some unreadable emotion that almost edges onto hurt passes over his face. 
Next up, after the liquid turned blue, you add salamander blood and this time stir it anti-clockwise. "Anti-clockwise now," you tell Sirius, holding his gaze. "So, our smartass is happy." Your voice drips with sarcasm.
"Very happy, brewing potions with the person who loathes me the most in all of Hogwarts."
"That is not true!" you snap and want to cover your quick mouth with your hand. It is really not true, but…ugh, you curse yourself and quickly say, "I am sure there are many more who hate you even more than I do."
"Severus!" Your voice drips with anger…you don't like Snape that much, but you hate that everyone is always mocking him, and bullying him. He does not deserve it, not at all. 
Sirius coos, "Aww, are you two dating. Are you sneaking away to kiss secretly? The slimy git and his little snake."
You throw your head back and groan. "Shut up, Sirius, honestly. Or I'll hex you."
The potion in front of you has turned green by then which tells you it is time to at the crushed Wartcap powder and once again stir it clockwise until it turns red. 
The air between you, enhanced by the high humidity and scent of potions, is thick. You are both walking on thin ice, and yet Sirius once again wears his usual mischievous grin. Stupid, silly Sirius Black grin…
"Y/l/N, remind me again why I got stuck with you as a partner. Honestly, I would rather brew with a three-headed dog."
"First and last time that I will agree with you, Black." You narrow your eyes at him, watching how his eyes sparkle at what you said. "But I think you are stuck with me, because it might be your one chance to pass this school year, we all know that in your brain there is not much except for hot air."
Sirius chuckles under his breath. "Well, Y/N, you might discover I'm a natural at this. I am smart, brilliant, intelligent, absolutely handsome looking. I don't need you to help me get good grades, but maybe you need my help?"
"You forgot one thing about yourself." You sneer. "You are also incredibly…insufferable."
In all honesty, you just want to be left alone. Your whole life is already so much to deal with, you don't want to spend your lessons bantering with Sirius. You don't want to think about him at all. You have a crush on him yes, but you are also very aware that nothing will ever happen between the two of you. It is not possible, he is all good and anti-Death Eaters, anti-Slytherin, despite his little brother being in the house. But you are…you are also anti-Death Eaters, anti-Voldemort, anti-war, but you can't escape your family's beliefs. It is not so easy for you. You are trapped and you have no choice. It hurts. 
Despite the relentless banter with him, you manage to add all the ingredients together, though with a great deal of unnecessary shoving and bickering. The cauldron bubbles and releases a puff of smoke, making both of you cough.
"Well, done, you are getting us both in detention," Sirius grumbles, acting like it is your fault that the cauldron or potion just did that. You frown, then throw him a glower. "You don't have to talk, you are practically a walking detention. Wouldn't be anything new for you," you retort, your irritation evident in your voice.
You keep on mixing and brewing, silence stretching out between you. 
Just as the tension between you and Sirius seems to be easing, he can't resist one last opportunity to stir the pot — or cauldron… 
You both stand there, looking at your potion, he slyly waves his wand below the desk and mutters a spell under his breath. Suddenly, the potion changes colour, and bubbles vividly, frothing splashing and flowing over the edges and all over you. You cloak is stained in more than one colour, the liquid slowly trickling down. 
Your jaw drops in disbelief, and you can feel your cheeks heat up with anger. "Sirius Black, what have you done?" you demand, voice tinged with fury. 
Sirius bursts into laughter, his shoulders shaking. He did not expect the potion to blow up like this, but… 
"Relax, Y/N, it's just a bit of fun. You look amazing by the way!"
You glare at him, your fists clenched at your sides. "Fun? This is an important assignment!" 
Irritation burns through your veins and you feel how tears start to burn behind your eyes. 
You only have school, you only have school were your work is appreciated, where you are seen. And now Sirius messed everything up. 
"Relax, it's just fun." He grins but it vanishes immediately when he sees the hurt in your eyes.
"No, it is not. Not always is everything fun!" 
You push off the desk, turn and sprint away, desperately wanting to get away so no one can see the tears now flowing out of your eyes. 
It was just a silly prank…but it is too much. Everything is too much and this was now the straw that breaks the camel's back. 
Unbeknownst to you, Sirius is following after you, not minding at all that your Potions professor is shouting after you, telling you to come back. You don't hear it over the blood rushing in your ears, Sirius simply does not care — there are more important things to deal with now. 
Tears of frustration and anger blur your vision, as you try to escape from…everything. 
You run through the corridors, not really sure where you're going. The weight of everything—Voldemort's looming threat, the pressure of being in Slytherin during these turbulent times, your parents and the whole situation at home and now this stupid, this absolutely idiotic, prank—feels like everything is going to crush you. You find an empty classroom and slump down in a chair, burying your face in your hands, sobbing. 
You're crying, and you can't make it stop. It's all just too much, and you feel utterly alone. You don't even realise how much time has passed when you hear the door creak open. Startled, and with read puffy eyes and ragged breaths leaving you, you look up and find Sirius Black standing in the door frame.
"Hey," he says softly, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. 
"Hey?!" you blurt out and wipe away some burning tears with the back of your hand. 
He startles, taken aback by your sharp tone. His expression — actually his whole demeanour crumbles— and he takes more steps towards you.  
"Leave! What do you even want here?" you mutter, your voice cracking.
Sirius takes a step closer, his expression serious. "I didn't mean for it to go this far. I didn't want to upset you like this. I did not think you would react in this way, it was a silly prank."
You can't help but feel a bit surprised by his sincerity. A lot actually. This is not like him. You've never seen him like that ever before. 
You expected him to make fun of you or taunt you further. Instead, he seems genuinely apologetic…
You are torn…should you tell him why you reacted like that? Curse him? Shout at him? Make him leave?
You don't know and you struggle a lot. You wipe away more tears and sniff. 
And decide to finally open up a little. You have to tell someone at some point, why not him? Well, there are many reasons for why not him, but the situation is quite fortunate. And he comes from a pure blood family but is against blood purity, he might understand better than some others. 
"It's not just about the prank, Sirius. It's everything. The current situation, Voldemort, the Death Eaters, my parents… It's all so overwhelming, and I don't know how to handle it."
Sirius pulls out the chair next to you and takes a seat, his gaze fixed on yours. "I get it," he says quietly. "It's scary. It's all too much for anyone at this moment I think. But you don't have to do it alone."
You look at him, searching his eyes for any hint of insincerity, for the normal taunting and teasing glimmer in them. But all you find is warmth and understanding, empathy. It's a side of Sirius you've rarely seen — never actually. 
"I just... I don't know who to trust anymore," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "Everyone is acting suspicious…Everyone starts to hide things. I don't feel happy anywhere anymore. Except for school and then in school…this stupid prank."
Sirius reaches out and gently places a hand on yours. "I am so sorry," he says, his voice soft but resolute. "This was so idiotic."§
You swallow, the warmth of his palm somehow so soothing and lovely. 
Sirius breathes out a long exhale, and throws his head back, dark curls shifting with the movement. "Good Godrick, I care about you. I care about what happens to you. I know it might not seem like it, has never seemed like it, but I really do."
Tears dwell in your eyes again, but this time, they're not tears of sadness. Somehow they are tears of gratitude. For his kind words and the showing you a side of him, he never lets anyone see. You never expected this side of Sirius Black, and it's both surprising and comforting.
"Maybe I also don't hate you as much as it might seem." You meet his gaze again, locking.
"You might think I am crazy about what I will say next…" His thumb strokes over the back of your hand, his eyes never leaving yours. 
"I like you, you know," Sirius says, his voice almost a whisper. "I mean, I really like you. More than just a friend."
Your heart skips a beat, and you can feel your cheeks flush. Your eyes widen in surprise. "You do?"
Sirius nods, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, I do. And I know it's a crazy time to say it, but I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. You know, I am a little impulsive, sorry if that was too straightforward."
You can't help but smile back at him, despite your tears. In this moment, the world outside seems to fade away, and it's just the two of you in that empty classroom.
"This might sound even more crazy, but I like you too, Sirius," you admit, your voice filled with honesty. "More than just a friend. Except for the one moment earlier, I really despised you then."
He grins, and without warning, he pulls you into a warm, comforting hug. You bury your face in his chest, feeling safe and cared for in his arms. It's a strange and unexpected turn of events, but maybe, just maybe, there's a glimmer of hope in the darkest of times. 
"I am still sorry, and I promise to never ever do something like that again." His hand strokes over your back and you find yourself nodding against his chest. 
"Alright," you whisper, a single tear sliding down your cheek. "Alright. Apology accepted."
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thefuzzzz · 4 months
What Pets I Think Different Karasuno Ships Would Have In The Future:
KageHina would have a turtle for reasons I do not know and cannot confirm but just suspect deep in my heart. Like, Hinata seems like the type to think turtles are cool and Kageyama seems like the type of guy to really like reptiles (they’re autistic. bite me.) Turtles can be left alone for a while, as long as they have food, water, the right habitat and someone to at least check in on them daily, so I think it would fit their super fast paced pro volleyball player lives.
DaiSuga would have this giant ass ex-police dog that retired after working with Daichi for a while. It’d be a really sweet, but huge, German shepherd that lives only to torment Suga. It’s Daichi’s dog, but will happily stand directly under Suga’s feet while he’s trying to do literally anything. Suga pretends to hate it, but Daichi has like a million of those “my husband and the dog he didn’t want” pictures of the two of them being pals when Suga thinks no one is looking. Sometimes Daichi brings his huge dog with him when he drives to pick Suga up from the school. All the kids love that dog, and Suga bends and lets Daichi bring it for career day one day. The kids lose their minds.
TsukiYama would have Yamaguchi’s childhood dog that I SWEAR he had in the manga, but I just googled it and I may be crazy or mixing him up with someone else. Either way, he has a childhood dog now. It’s this mega-old Shiba that they’re both convinced will outlive them. Tsukishima pretends to be indifferent about the dog, but he treats it like a king when no one is looking. They also have like a lizard or something because they seem like the types to have a lizard. Maybe like a frog. Idk, but a reptile of some kind that Tsukishima just stares at sometimes.
AsaNoya would have two cats (Asahi’s) and a dog (Noya’s). It took the two of them a while to settle down, due to the nature of their careers, but after they did Asahi kept finding cats outside their house and begging Noya to let him keep them. Noya, of course, folds. They're both pretty scuffed-up alley cats, but they adjust to domestic life. I imagine that they’re both special needs cats of some kind and Asahi takes insanely good care of them. Noya decides that he needs a little high-energy friend, and they get a border collie. Noya very frequently goes on runs and stuff with it while Asahi stays home and cuddles with his cats. The dog is very gentle with the cats, and they like to cuddle pile while their humans take a million pictures of them.
TanaKiyo would have literally the dumbest looking pit bull with the biggest heart and a super sassy pretty white cat. The pittie is a super sweet older dog that Tanaka had for a long time, but is still super playful and silly. The cat is Kiyoko’s little princess, and is treated as such. That cat is a menace. Constantly antagonizes everyone and is so mean for no reason. Tanaka threatens to sell it daily. The only thing stopping him is how much Kiyoko loves it.
(P.S. I haven’t watched the show in a while and am just going through my annual summer Haikyuu withdrawals, so please excuse anything that’s OOC. Also, sorry if there’s a ship you don’t particularly like. I’m a huge multishipper, and would love to see your interpretations of other ships in the replies or reblogs!!! I sadly don’t know enough about the other teams to make one of these for them, so feel free to ham it up and make one of your own! Tag me tho cuz I wanna see lol)
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