#and then she ties me up and kidnaps me in my sleep and once she has me in her room she places me on her bed and Then she cuddles me<3
yamikawas · 2 years
girl help i wanted to post more insane things but i am so slepy i can barely think.and what i can think is just yoomtah yoomtah yoomtah yoomtah yoomtah yoomtah yoomtah yoomtah yoomtah yoomtah
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killerkillerkillher · 6 months
Bound to Fall in Love
Angel/Demon! 141 x reader
Tags: kidnapping, sacrifices, religious references, reader is too angry to die, reader commits murder lol, canon typical violence??, reader gets a kissy on the forehead, a tad crack-ish
Inclusivity tags: reader is referred to w he/him and they/them pronouns, no bodily description, no y/n
A/n: call my brain an apple w all the worms it's got. This was just a blurb at first, but I made room in there for me to potentially make it into... something I guess.
minors dni!
"Cole, I can't fucking focus while they're just... staring at us like that."
"Ignore it, Bess. We have to finish these candles."
You wish a bolt of lightening would come down and strike all three of you at once. Or maybe the building spontaneously combusting would be better. Anything, anything, would be better at this moment than watching your boyfriend and best friend work together to light a summoning circle after having tied you up in your sleep.
For a fraction of a second, you wonder if any gods are watching, if any of them would be willing to give you a boon and allow you one last chance to punch both of these betrayers in the face.
"Okay, okay, the book," Bess mutters, going to the pick up her ritual book from the coffee table you bought. Honestly, if they were going to try to sacrifice you somewhere, your living room is one of the most disrespectful places. Probably right under your bed room.
"I'm sorry," Cole has the gaul to look down at you with a face stricken with grief. Like you're dead already. "We didn't know what else to do. We're both in bad places and you've always been so good to us, so we figured-"
"You better hope this fucking kills me." You grunt. Cole's face melts into a glare. "Because if I'm still breathing, it's going to take more than Satan's intervention to save you from me. I swear on my mother." You jerk forward, making him jump back a step.
"Cole...?" Bess looks at you, then up at Cole with unease. Cole doesn't say anything for a second, sorting his feelings out with a leer before turning to her.
"Read the book."
He drags you into the middle of their pentagram while she sings Latin words off the old book pages. The candles flicker and waver before their flames grow twice as tall. Cole rolls you onto your back and pulls a knife from his back pocket.
"I meant it when I said I'm sorry," Cole mutters. You snarl, but don't jump at him like you want to.
"Yeah? Yeah, you're sorry? Kiss my ass!" You shout over Bess's reading. "If I'm still alive after this, I'm killing you and burying you in the fucking septic tank!" You crane your head up so you can see Bess as well. "Time to get some stuff off my chest, yeah? Bess, I fucked your older brother on the day we graduated."
Her eyes go wide, and she almost stops talking, but Cole shoots her a look that forces her to continue.
"And his friend Carl, the one you had a crush on. And Cole? I never. Fucking. Finished. Ever! You are the only person I've dated who couldn't get me off." Cole's hand's twitch around the blade.
"Are you serious?"
"Does now look like a time to- ack!" You don't get to finish because Bess finished the spell and it was time for your blood to fuel it. The blade buries in your gut, turning this way and that way at measured increments. You just lay there and twitch, breathy gasps falling from your gaping mouth, the pain only throwing fuel to the fires of your rage.
"Please, we call you here! Honor us with your presence!" Bess chants. Cole step away from you when the candles roar and your vision is filled with bright red and orange.
The ground beneath you rumbles. Whispers fill your ears, nothing you can ever imagine understanding, but something tells you they're other summoners. Or maybe little souls of those who were just where you are now, with a people sacrificing them.
It's odd, you think as blood soaks your back, your hair. You thought you'd be more scared in what could be your final moments. But there's only anguish where there should be fear. Only unfettered violent tension felt in your muscles, and a tongue hungering for iron and gore. You're jaw is wound tight enough to shatter your teeth.
If you could think straight, if you weren't about to die, you might be a little concerned. Never have you wanted to sink your fingers into someone's soft bits as much as you do now. This is normal, right? A normal amount of rage for the people taking your life.
Something in your gut tells you it's not.
In the fog of your rage, you missed the appearance of a pair of men above you. They hover, leathery plum colored wings sagging. One wears a leather strap harness across his chest, while the other favors an unbuttoned silk shirt. One of them looks at you curious as the fire dies, steam and copper colored smoke bellowing from his mouth. A thick cigar hangs on his lips.
"You came! There's... two of you?" Cole gawks, then falls to his knees beside Bess. You can't help but scoff at their sniveling forms.
"We did. There are." The one without the cigar brushes back his long mohawk to get a better look at the whimpering humans. They're nothing new to them, just another set of weak little things looking to get something without putting in the work for it.
Well, they might have had to put in the work to capture you, based on the way you still squirm and fight the rope keeping your arms together. So much blood has left you. You are going to die. Yet you spend your last moments doing what most humans find to be a waste of precious time. Being angry. It's interesting.
"What do you want?" The bearded one in the silk shirt grunts out around his cigar. Bess lifts her head just a bit to speak.
"We want to make a trade. A soul for a better life for us."
There's a moment of silence. You blink your heavy lids, growing too tired to do much else anymore. Both demons look back at you, then to the kneeling humans.
"They're not dead." They say at the same time.
Bess and Cole stiffen and finally chance a glance at you. You're bleeding, a glassy look to your eye and a smile on your face, but you're not dead.
"See, Bess?" You cough up blood only to swallow it back down, "what did I tell you? The cunt can't make me come and can't... can't even make me go."
The mohawked devil pops a wicked smile, not even hiding it from his would-be contractors.
Cole fumes. "I can finish the job. Fuck, am I going to finish the job." He stands, moving to step into the circle only to yelp, the invisible border around the summoning circle becoming visible if only to shock Cole back.
"Not so fast," the bearded one spawns a scroll in his hand. He's eyes glow a molten orange as he scans it. "Section 1, clause 3, part 19 states: executioner(s) must sacrifice one(1) human soul to contractee(s)... Let's see... Here it is: Sacrificee(s) must be dead upon arrival so that proper collection can be done. If sacrificee(s) is still soul bond upon arrival, then they are made the true contractor and all work will be conducted with them."
"In other words," the mohawked one grinned, "you should have went for the heart." He taps at his chest.
"Or the neck." The other devil offers.
"Or that vein in they're thigh."
"The sephenous, Johnny."
"Yeah, that."
"No, no!" Cole grabs at his hair as Bess looks like she's about to start crying. You want to laugh. They deserve the despair. They deserve the horror in their mistake. They were going to kill you!
"That means," the devils lean back to look at you. "You're our contractor. You get two requests at the price of one, human. I suggest one of those requests includes healing you." He flicks the ashes of his cigar on your leg. You don't even have to think of what you want most right now.
"I want you to untie me." You roll on your side. They wait for the rest. Cole and Bess look like they're going to shit themselves from the pale faced looks of terror they give you. Your eyes narrow. "And a hammer. A old fashioned iron and wood handled hammer."
Another beat of silence before the infernals bend over in laughter. The room shacks, sulfuric smoke pouring from their mouths to funk up the room. Cole tries to cox Bess to her feet while they're distracted. Their feet can't move though. It's like they're glued in placed and no amount of pulling and tugging could get them loose. Shame.
"Yer a funny one, love. I'll love having your soul for a few eternities." The one in leather floats over you, tilting his head this way and that way to get a good look at you. You settle him with a neutral look. "My name is Johnny. You sure that's what you want? I think you've only got a few minutes left in you."
"Then let's hurry this up a little, huh?"
"Ooh, you heard 'em." The cigared one snickers and snaps his claws. Two contracts appear in front of your face, both written in a language you can hardly comprehend. A pen appeared in front of your mouth. "Sign on the dotted line please."
You take the quill in your mouth, dip it in the blood beneath you.
"Rah 'ere?"
You lean forward to dot the paper with your sloppy signature, but bizarrely enough, it seems like the powers that be have decided that they haven't made enough appearances. The floor trembles, and you worry about your poor infrastructure for a fraction of a second, when a set of gold doors spawn right behind you. You roll back onto your back to intake everything. You swear you're hallucinating when a pair of white winged angels step out, the clouded blue of heaven at their back.
"Hello?" You greet stupidly. You must be losing your mind, right? What the fuck is happening.
"Do not sign a thing." The bronzen angel instructs. "Human, we are here as messengers. God sees great things for you in your ascension. Please do not squander that to these demons." He shoots a sharp look at the demonic pair. The angel's counterpart wears a white cloak, obscuring all but his glowing golden eyes. You half expect him to sing "Be not afraid." despite you actively shitting bricks.
Oddly enough, their appearence seems to have some sort of healing property. Your lethargy starts to clear and the blade in your gut starts to get pushed out. Nothing hurts anymore.
"Oh, so we've got a big soul on our hands here, huh?" Johnny smirks. "Price, what's the plan?"
Price the devil throws his cigar to the ground and crushes it.
"Do what we do best. Bargain."
"Don't play with us, Price." The shrouded angel grunts. He's got a mind piercing voice that's got your head ringing, and you swear it echoes despite the room being well furnished. "We can provide them with just as much, if not more, at no cost of their soul." Those gold orbs land on you. "All we ask for is your faith."
"Jesus fucking Christ!" You tug at your bonds with renewed vigor. The angels wince at the mention of their Lord, but only watch as you force yourself upright. "I could not give a rat's ass who gets what! How about this? First one to get me free and a hammer in hand gets my loyalty."
There's two resounding snaps from either side of you. The ropes disappear, a hammer is in your left and right hand. You don't think deeper on what that implies. You finally stand, dropping the hammer in your nondominant hand, and march over to the two people you thought you could trust. They kneel now, seemingly ready to beg for their souls.
"Come on, don't look scared now." You drop your hands on your hips. "What happened to you finishing the job?"
"I didn't want-"
"Say it with your chest." You poke his breast plate with the iron hammer head.
"I didn't want it to come to this!" Cole yells. The divine audience doesn't say anything about it. They watch you curiously as you bounce the hammer in hand. Your soul is visible to them. What should be a glowing ball of light is a red and white morning star, all sharp edges and pulsing like a heart. Your soul will certainly not end up with the others, that much is true.
"I just... I couldn't keep up with you! Your life style, the way you act, your job. I never left good enough. Bess expressed the same thing and we just... clicked. We would have just left, but we could have never lived without struggling, so we just..." He swallows. You can't look at him anymore, hands clenching at what he says next. "The book called for someone we cared for."
''That supposed to make me feel better?" You tilt your head. Cole winces, eyes falling on your feet. You look to Bess. "Thought you were better than this. You were going to kill me. Because what, I was happy? I loved both of you, you could have just talked to me."
"We're sorry! What more do you want?" Bess sobs. You straighten up, bouncing the hammer on your hip, acting like you next action is something to deliberate. You already know what they deserve, and a flash of sadness bubbles in your chest, but it quickly passes as a hot, searing emotion burns a hole into what little hesitation you had left.
"Reckon I want your souls after all the shit you've caused." You grin before swinging the hammer back and caving in Cole's chest.
"Fuck..." is all you can say after everything is done. Cole and Bess lay in a bloody heep, all recognizable features destroyed and crushed. You pant, hands trembling and nothing but white noise and static crunching around in your head. You just killed your best friend and boyfriend. For some reason, you've never felt so light.
Someone's whistle gets followed by a clap.
"Impressive. Done that before?" Johnny chuckles. He floats closer, hand running down your back as he moves past and pokes around the pulped organs. "Shite, did them right in. Can't tell which is which."
"I've never-" you start to answer, but hands are clapped onto your shoulders, shocking you into silence.
"Well, that was a good place to start, lad. Your swings were a bit sloppy, but we can fix that." Price squeezes at your trapezius, massaging the stiffness out of them. A throat clears, and Price sighs like he forgot there was other company.
"We aren't finished. The human is our ward now, Price." The uncloaked angel snaps his finger, pulling you from Price and making you spawn between the two angels. The bronzen angel smiles down at you with teeth so white you could damn near see your reflection.
"There you are. It's nicer to have you close. My friend here is Simon and I'm-"
"Come on, Kyle, you know he's ours!" Johnny spits, his wings flaring out. "We gave him the hammer first, so piss off."
"Uh...huh." Kyle's smile falls. "I think you're a bit mistaken. Look, after executing the human's request, I have his name here." A stone slab appears in front of your face. It's smells like sunshine and warm grass. What the fuck. "His pledge to the Lord has been set and his soul already has a place next to Their throne."
"Right, right, like we don't have documentation neither." Johnny huffs. The stone disappears as a scroll appears next to the devil. The smell of sulfur and smoke wafts over to you. "His name is right there, pretty boy. Getting yer fuckin' lookers on."
Kyle ignores the rude tone and does pull out a pair of reading glasses to go over the scroll. You stand there in the silence, a little too scared to speak up. What could you do anyway? In a blind anger, you didn't really have the mind to think any of this out. Angels and devils are fighting over you because you'd stupid ass was too blood hungry to think past murder. All that can be done is for them to figure this out amongst themselves, and for you to wait for the sentencing. Heaven, or Hell?
"...Simon." Kyle slowly pulls his glasses off. "This is legit. His soul is promised to all of us."
You glance up at Simon, the scary motherfucker. He blinks. Once. Twice. Then pinches the bridge of his nose with a hagard sigh.
That's not good.
Johnny laughs, Price grinning like a dog with a bone. Kyle marches over to you, patting your shoulders with an awkward smile. His demeanor reminds you of the way your mom acted when she said she was going to divorce your dad. And all you can think is "Not this again." Are you going to be spending your afterlife going between heaven and hell forever? Does God get weekends because Their day is Sunday or whatever?
"We need to go and talk this over with some superiors. We'll clean this up," Kyle snaps and the gore is gone, so is the ritual circle and candles. "And we'll get back to you in the morning." He places a feather light kiss on your forehead, and suddenly you're squeaky clean and in the softest set of pajamas you've ever worn. "Stay safe while we're gone and don't allow these two to influence you. Get some rest."
"Blah, blah, blah," Johnny mocks from the sidelines. Price tilts his head, and there's nothing but amusement behind those eyes. Yeah, this is exactly like your parents divorce.
"O-okay? I mean, I'll try." You shrug.
Simon nods. "That's all you can do." He steps back into the golden doorway and Kyle falls in stride. You make some distance, and with a final wave from a white toothed angel, the doors shut with a slam that shakes the house's foundation.
"Just you and us now, stud."
You turn with a comedic slowness to the devils. Price chuffs and floats forward. His assess you, takes you in in all your fluffy white pajama glory, and it seems he finds what he wants when he nods.
"Guess we've got to talk with top brass to see what's going on ourselves. Pity we couldn't stick around longer." The devil's eyes never meet yours, staying glued to various parts of your face. They hop from ears, to your eyebrows, down to your lips. Christ on a bike, is it getting hot in here? His blue, glowing cerulean eyes appear to flash with something.
"Shite, yer right." Johnny groans. "I hate going down there."
"Suck it up, love. You know how I feel about sharing." Price drops his interest in you like an old toy and takes Johnny close by his waist. You watch with a lead poisoned stare as their noses touch intimately, words you can't hear being exchanged. It's kinda of awkward to just stand there and watch but your brain isn't really functioning well enough to tell you to stop.
"Hey, stud." You blink, refocusing on the pair. Johnny seems to have climbed his partner, his legs on his waist and arms around his neck. Price makes busy opening a portal to hell in your livingroom with one hand, supporting Johnny under his ass with the other. "Sit pretty, yeah? 'll be back before those two arseholes, promise."
"Right... yeah." You nod. "Uh, be safe?"
"Be safe, he says." Price mutters. "Cute." Johnny waves until Price steps through the infernal hole and falls from view. The portal closes right behind him so you'd have no hopes of seeing anything but the red hue of smog and dust.
And here you are. A little dazed, a little sad, probably holding back a break down from the last hour of events. But you're alive and you're healed. There's no blood to clean, you're in comfortable pajamas. Could probably sleep right now if your brain would stop for a minute, but it doesn't look like that's in the plans.
So you look for something to do. Cole and Bess and moved around all your furniture to make the summoning circle. Guess you can start there, right?
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flaresemily · 1 month
The past rewritten itself (Qin Shi Huang)
This is actually one of my drafts that I have been keeping for a long time now so...ENJOY!!
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Being an emperor has its perks. And being forced into a marriage well…that doesn't fit right. But that's what happens to Qin Shi Huang.
He doesn't really love y/n but he doesn't hate her either. Well…just imagine them as…friends yeah! Friends after all friends don't betray each other right!....right?
You were walking towards your husband's room to give him the homemade mooncake you made with the chef/baker in the kitchen.
As you get closer, you hear some…uh well what they call the unholy sounds.
You were shocked and you dropped the mooncake. Qin probably heard the thud quickly get up and rush to the ‘door’.
As he opened the ‘door’ he saw the mess on the floor and saw your figure running away.
He realizes his mistake and quickly runs after you. (after he clean himself)
From them on,you never talked to him. Making him well…obsessed on getting you to pay attention to him. (You don't know he kill the woman he slept with)
The more days passed he always saw you talking to that one guard. He was so jealous he decided to accuse you of cheating.
It was your birthday that the whole of China is celebrating.
As you were sitting there drinking. Qin Shi Huang suddenly stood up and stand In front of the others.
“My dear beloved country, I have something to announce.”
Everyone was waiting.
And finally…
“The empress is cheating on me”
A lot of ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ can be heard.
You were shocked.
That's when people started to ‘boo’ at you.
Throwing you things and insulting you.
For a few days or weeks you have mental breakdowns; he even accused you of being pregnant with another man's child.
But what he didn't expect is for you to get kidnapped and be tortured by his people. He didn't know that they were so loyal that they dared to kidnap the empress and give her a ‘taste of her own medicine’
He realizes it when one of the old couples came to his throne room and reported it to him.
He asks his guard to check your chamber. But you were nowhere to be found.
Then, he received another news that you are getting executed In front of others.
He quickly left his palace and went to the town's square.
There…the people tied you up to the poles they made just for you. They put on a small flame to burn your legs.
You were screaming and crying and begging to be let go. Trying to tell them you were innocent.
But they wouldn't listen and continue to torture you slowly and painfully.
Then, the final punishment came.
He saw what was about to happen and quickly shouted
And stab you were stabbed already. Not once….but multiple times.
And finally your eyes as if looking at him…look at him with hurtful betrayal eyes.
You love him so much and yet…this is what you get all because you just want to give him a mooncake. Then, if you didn't bring the mooncake would you still be alive?
You were left there…dying slowly as blood started to spill out of you.
He manages to get on ‘stage’ and cradle you in his arms sobbing.
“No…y/n sob don't please!” The man cried.
As the crowd begin to lessen he carries you in his arms but he was stopped by the guards who later on snatched the corpse from him.
All he can do is watch you get taken away again.
This…is what happens when you frame your own wife. Saying that she's been sleeping with a lot of men and accusing her of carrying another man's child…
When in reality…it was you (talking about himself not readers) all along.
In Valhalla
He was walking around searching for his room when he came across a beautiful woman…
She looks exactly like you.
And she was holding a child that looked exactly like him.
But the thing is, someone else wrap his arms on your waist pulling you closer.
And it was…none other than
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depravitycentral · 1 year
Yandere! Uvogin x fem! reader
Tw: kidnapping, stalking, theft, threats of violence, implied non-con, if your name is Stacy pretend it isn't, Stockholm Syndrome, brief mention of vomiting, Nobunaga is featured a bit in this but don't worry he doesn't want you, fem reader, MDNI
This is dedicated to @ramwrites, who is amazing and wonderful and offered to write me a welcome back gift, and I couldn't not give something back in return! Thanks for letting me write this for you; your writing is so good and makes me all giggly and inspired. For those interested, please check out her Shalnark piece - I haven't read it yet, but I'm sure it's just as good as everything else Ram produces.
WC: 10K
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy! 
“So you went and got yourself kidnapped, huh?” Uvogin asks, cocking a brow at you.
               You, who’s tied to a metal chair, gagged and blindfolded, very clearly having no fucking clue what is going on.
               You squirm, sitting up straight at the sound of a new, unfamiliar voice. Your cute little sleeping shorts had ridden up a bit, exposing more of your thigh than you were probably comfortable with, and Uvo notices with a distant sense of enjoyment that the thin nightshirt you’re sporting is doing very little to hide the way the cold air is affecting your chest.
               You’re weak, really; a pathetic little thing that has him scoffing and crossing his arms.
               “Listen up, I’m only gonna tell you this once. A friend of yours – Stacy, was it? Anyway, this friend of yours got herself noticed by the wrong type of guy.” He starts, plopping down and sitting in his own identical metal chair, just without the restraints.
               You stop struggling when he mentions her name, and he takes this as a sign to continue.
               “See, Nobuanga’s not a bad guy. He’s a little rough around the edges, sure, but any guy who isn’t is hardly worth knowing.” He chuckles at his own assessment of his closest friend, though you don’t seem to share the sentiment. “Stacy works at that shitty little restaurant he loves – the one with the sticky, greasy booths and the fries that come drenched with salt and are so limp they literally drip oil.”
               He shivers at the mere memory, the hamburger he’d ordered barely worth eating.
               “Don’t know what she did, exactly, but somehow he’s smitten – she’s got him all fucked up, ranting and raving about how beautiful she is and how she smiles at him all the time and flirts with him on the clock. Real annoying, if you ask me.” He sighs heavily, letting his thumb sit at his chin as he loses himself in the story of his best friend falling in love – with your best friend, no less.
               “And then she quit her job, I’m sure you know. Started working up at that movie theater – more shitty, oily food, just popcorn instead of fries this time.” He laughs again. “Nobunaga went crazy over that, you know, thinking that maybe she wanted to work in a more intimate setting like that so that he could sneak her off into some abandoned theater and get some one-on-one quality time, if you know what I mean.”
               You grimace, at both the implications of his last statement and the mention of Stacy quitting. You know exactly why she’d quit – it was the whole reason you’d been staying at her place, really. She was convinced she had a stalker, that there was this crazy man who used to bother her at the diner and follow her home. It’d scared her, obviously, and she’d requested – with a guilty look and fiddling thumbs – if you’d be willing to spend the next few nights are her place with her, because maybe if there was more than one person home he wouldn’t get gutsy and break in. Of course you’d agreed, believing her fully and not wanting to leave her alone to deal with this crazed freak.
               Although now, you’re starting to regret that decision just a bit.
               “As I’m sure you know, it didn’t change much. Pretty stupid, to be honest – if a stalker’s that dedicated, how the hell is a change of occupation going to change anything? Chick’s pretty dumb, if you ask me.” He shrugs, and although you can’t see it through your blindfold, you’re sure his face is awfully apathetic about the whole situation. “She was ignoring him, refusing to serve him at the theater, reporting him to her manager, even calling the police and getting a description of him circulating. She was going to get a restraining order against him, even – again, like that’d do shit.”
               He snorts, and you bite into the gag harder.
               Sighing, he looks up at the ceiling. “See, that’s the thing about Nobunaga. He might seem a little lazy sometimes, but he’s got a heart of gold when it comes to the ones he cares about. He’d do anything for that woman – steal for her, kill for her, anything at all. He’s a sap, totally obsessed with the chick, but it’s kind of sweet in a way, I guess. Means he really cares about her. Isn’t that funny? Her stalker really is in love with her.”
               You don’t find it particularly funny, but you can’t say much.
               “Anyways, the police finally got a sighting of him last night. Went through the system pretty fast – I’m a little impressed, to be honest. Normally takes those bastards much longer to process things. Regardless, a few too many sirens were going last night, even a few cars parked outside the apartment he’s been squatting in, yelling his name in those big, gaudy megaphones of theirs. Caused a real stir, and sent the guy into a panic.”
               He takes a moment to breath, tapping his foot lightly on the ground. “So what does he do? He calls me, in the middle of the night, talking so fast that I can’t even understand the guy. All I’m hearing is Stacy this, Stacy that, police and blah blah blah recognized. I had to force the words out of him before it made any sense, the idiot.” That same laugh rattles in your ears.
               “Eventually I got him to be coherent, and he told me that he had to ‘make his move’, whatever the hell that meant. Said he couldn’t wait anymore, that he had to take Stacy and run – the police were coming, and even though it’s not hard to take out a couple of poorly trained guys, it’s still a pain in the ass and Shizuku’s not here to clean up his mess.
               “Anyways, he starts begging me – literally, actually pleading with me, imagine that – to come and help him out. He told me there’s this other chick at her place – some girl she’s been keeping around for some unknown reason, and he needs someone to take care of the body.” Your blood goes cold, fear suddenly creeping back up your throat.
               Was he going to kill you? Why was he bothering to tell you all this if he was just planning on slicing open your neck? Did he find some sick pleasure in prolonging your death?
               He notices your discomfort, it seems, because soon he’s rolling his eyes, scoffing at you. “Calm down. You’re such a bad actor – can’t even see your face, really, and I know you’re scared shitless now. I’m not going to kill you, don’t get your panties in a twist.”
               You calm slightly, but not much.
               “As I was saying, there’s this girl he needs me to take care of – a quick death, nothing too flashy, which makes me immediately ask why the hell he’d request me of all people, when every time I kill it’s messy. It’s kind of my trademark, you know?”
               You didn’t, and you hoped it’d stay that way.
               He sighs again. “Anyways, I head on over to Stacy’s apartment, meeting Nobunaga outside and listening to him run down the plan. He’s going to run inside and knock her out, pulling her out of bed and running off to God knows where he’s got all set up for the two of them. And while he’s busy doing that, I’m supposed to head in and eliminate the friend. Seemed easy enough, if not a bit tedious, so I agree and we head inside, keeping mind of the sirens still in the distance.
               “Everything’s going smoothly, except once we get the front door open, it becomes very clear that Nobunaga was stupid and panicked and didn’t bother to doublecheck if Stacy was actually asleep.” He pauses to sigh dramatically, like it’s some big annoyance. “She’s fully awake, standing about ten feet away from the door, and then she starts fucking screaming.”
               You remember that bit – the screaming, that is, because it had woken you up from your slumber on Stacy’s couch. Everything is still blurry after that, disorientation fogging your brain from being so abruptly woken up.
               “She’s yelling and screeching, and if Nobunaga hadn’t been there I probably would’ve killed her myself just to get her to shut the fuck up. She’s got one of those high, shrill, shrieky voices, you know? The kind that really drive me up the wall - it’s damn annoying.” He pauses, looking at you skeptically. “Hope you haven’t got one of those, things’ll get messy real quick if you do.”
               You hope you don’t, either.
               “He rushes forward and tries to grab her, but she swats at him and, get this, manages to punch him in the dick.” He laughs aloud at that, slapping his knee and throwing his head back. “This weak-ass girl manages to get him on the ground flat, stupid ass’s hands clutching at his dick, and what does she do in the meantime? She runs over to the couch, grabbing this girl and staring back at me like I’m some monster.”
               You make a noise through the gag, but Uvogin ignores it.
               “I’ve gotta hand it to Stacy, though, she’s got guts. She starts yellin’ at us about how she won’t let us kill the girl, how she’ll kill herself before she lets us get our hands on her, and immediately Nobunaga crumbles. I don’t know why the idiot didn’t think of the possibility earlier, but he totally freezes up when she threatens that, just gaping like a fish. It was pretty awkward for me, to be honest, because watching him get so thoroughly rejected was giving me serious second hand embarrassment. I mean, the chick literally said she’d rather kill herself than let Nobuanga take her – pretty harsh if you ask me.”
               He looks back at your covered face, letting his gaze linger on the edges of the blindfold. “So he panics and gives into her demand, telling her he won’t kill her friend – says that he’ll just take her too, so that way everyone’s happy.”
               He frowns a bit at you, scratching the back of his neck. “Well, everyone except you, probably. And except Stacy, too, probably. And except me. So really, Nobunaga’s the only happy one.”
               Your face would sour if it was able to.
               “Anyways, it wasn’t hard to knock them both out and bring ‘em to their respective holding places. I’ve got no clue where the hell Nobunaga’s keeping his chick, but I’m sure you’ve figured out that you’re Stacy’s little friend.”
               You nod, slowly, the movement limited by your restraints. Your wrists have gone numb and your ankles feel bruised and sore, the ropes keeping them pinned the legs of the chair making blood flow difficult.
               “So, what to do with you now.” His voice is wistful, like he’s actually contemplating, and that same familiar fear washes over you again.
               He groans, the chair skidding out behind him as he stands to his full height. “Would you quit it with the fear? I already told you I’m not killing you, are you even listening to me?”
               You nod again, faster this time.
               Uvogin sighs, shuffling forward towards you. You can hear him approaching, and although your shoulders stiffen up, you try not to look as terrified as you feel. It doesn’t seem to work all that well, but he spares you another comment about it.
               Soon the blindfold is ripped off your head, leaving your hair messy and out of place, your eyes squinting and blinking rapidly to adjust to the rather bright white light hanging over you and what you can now see is an absolute behemoth of a man.
               He’s fucking huge – towering over you in every sense of the word, muscles practically bulging out of his body with how defined and massive they are. Black hairs cover every inch of his body you can see, even his arms and especially the bits of chest peeking out of his white top. Ragged, unruly hair sweeps down to his shoulders, making the muscles of his neck look even firmer, and you gulp. Any chance of escaping has basically left you now – there’s no way in hell you could ever beat that, especially if he’d already managed to kidnap you once.
               He clears his throat and your gaze is brought up to his face, a small, strange wave of embarrassment flooding through you as you realize you’ve been caught staring. He’s smirking, though, and you take in the sharp line of his jaw, the thick, dark eyebrows that frame equally dark eyes. He’s attractive, in a strange, rugged sort of way, and you immediately feel sick at the thought.
               “You like what you’re seein’?” He teases, and you immediately look away, still unable to reply with the gag covering your mouth.
               He laughs, and sets his hands on his lips. “Well, looks like you’re stuck with me. Before you freak out, I can’t kill you because that damn Stacy really seems to care about you, and she’s told Nobunaga she’ll kill herself if she doesn’t get regular proof that you’re still alive.”
               A flame of hope ignites in your chest, and internally you thank Stacy, even if this whole situation is less than ideal.
               He seems to sense your sudden upturn in mood, chuckling with a condescending lilt. “Oh no, princess, that doesn’t mean I’m letting you go. No, you’ve gotta stay put, because now that you know what I look like, you’ll go to the cops and report me as fast as those little legs of yours can manage.”
               You shake your head at that, eyes glistening with tears as he shuts down your last hope of escaping. Please, you internally beg him, hoping he’ll somehow be able to sense this too. I won’t, I promise!
               His gaze narrows at you, before that same smirk is back. “I’m sure if you could talk you’d be telling me how you’ll never tell a soul, but you and I both know that’s bullshit. So I’ll save us both some time and keep you here, so that I don’t have to track you down again and lock you back up once you’ve just gotten free.”
               You visibly deflate, and if Uvogin had been a kinder man, he would’ve almost felt bad for you. But instead, he just hums, crouching down in front of you. Even squatting he’s still taller than you, and it does nothing to make you feel less scared.
               “Now listen up, here are the rules. I’m a pretty nice guy, all things considered, so don’t break my rules and I won’t break your bones.”
               Your eyes get wide, but you nod along. He smiles, patting your knee.
               “That’s good, see? You’re already doing better than that Stacy girl, at least you’re not fighting me every step of the way.” Something about his statement makes guilt eat away at your chest – are you supposed to be fighting more? There doesn’t really seem to be a point – this man is massive, and you’re all bound and unable to move. You’re doing the best you can, right?
               “First,” He holds up a finger, “don’t even bother trying to escape. I’m bigger than you, faster than you, stronger than you, and smarter than you. There’s nothing you can try that I won’t see through, and you’ll end up regretting it more than you can imagine.
               “Second, no trying to hurt yourself. Nobunaga will kill me if I let you die, and it’d be a pain to deal with him.” He fixes you a stern look, and you nod.
               “Third, don’t go digging through my shit. I’m doing my buddy a favor by keeping you here, and if I find you snooping around… He didn’t say anything about roughing you up a bit, and it might be good for Stacy to see you with some bruises or a cast or two.” His threat doesn’t go unheard, and you nod again, throat bobbing as you swallow.
               He stares at you for a moment more, gaze calculating and judging whether you��ve really accepted his conditions, before strong fingers come up to untie the knot keeping your gag in place.
               “Don’t you scream, I’ll have to shut you up if you do.” He warns, before pulling the fabric away. Immediately you’re flexing your jaw, the muscle aching as you move it, and he watches with a neutral expression. You’re still tied up, unable to move really, and Uvogin gets a fleeting thought of how pitiful you look.
               “Um,” You start, your voice a bit hoarse from being so dry and unused for the last few hours. “What’s your name?”
               He blinks, before laughing a bit. “Of all the questions you could’ve asked, all the things you could’ve said and done as soon as you woke up from learning you’ve been kidnapped, and that’s what you chose? Shit, you wouldn’t survive in the wild, would you?”
               Shame creeps up your neck at his belittlement, but before you can defend yourself he’s answering. “It’s Uvogin.”
               You nod, not willing to look at him. It’s silent for a few moments, before he sighs again and reaches forward to untie the rope shackling your ankles and wrists. As soon as you’re free, you try to stretch out your limbs, keeping a weary eye on the man – Uvogin.
               What a stupid name.
               “Well, the fact that you’re not screaming your head off is a promising sign. Get up, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.” He orders, already taking off towards the door in the corner of the small room. You try to follow him, but your legs aren’t moving right, and it takes you a while to make your way over there. He looks irritated at your lack of speed, but says nothing, only holding open the door until you make your way through.
               You’re led down into a rather sparse apartment, only furnished with a single gray couch against one wall (with a few stains on it that make you wince a bit), a TV and some cabinets, a wooden table and two chairs, and a beat-up fridge in the adjoining kitchen. Everything’s clean, but the space lacks any sort of personality, and it makes you uncomfortable.
               “That’s your bed, extra blankets are in the closet. If you need anything tell me, and I might snag it for you next time I’m out on a job.” Something about the way he says ‘snag’ makes you nervous, so you just mutter a small affirmation.
               He gives you one last glance over, his eyes once again lingering on your chest, before stepping through the doorway.
               “Wait, Uvogin!” Your voice, a bit wobbly and unsure, makes him turn back, his brow cocked and curiosity dancing on his features. (And a bit of surprise, too, because he hadn’t expected you to say anything to him, or even use his name. Maybe you weren’t as skittish and weak as you seemed – though, he doubted that.)
               “Um, is it possible for me to see Stacy soon?” You asked, voice growing smaller with every word. He blinks, before standing up a bit straighter.
               “Actually, you’re in luck. Nobunaga called me about an hour ago and let me know we’re meeting up in a few days – he said it would be good for Stacy to have a ‘playdate’ with you. Whatever the fuck that means.” Uvogin shrugs, looking entirely uninterested, and you bristle at Nobunaga’s choice of words. Poor Stacy.
               Excitement brews in your chest; at least you’ll have a familiar face, and hopefully the stranger hasn’t done anything too terrible to your friend. Nodding, you glance back to the floor, wishing the hulking man staring at you would just leave. He does, a few moments later, and only then do you allow yourself to slump onto the bed he’s assigned you. The bedroom is bare like the rest of the home, with a twin bed set in the corner and a small set of drawers sitting nearby. It makes you laugh humorlessly – were you supposed to fill that chest? With what? You hadn’t brought anything with you, and you seriously doubted Uvogin would let you return home to grab some of your clothes.
               Sighing, you sat onto the bed, the mattress firm under you. Distantly, some part of you was pleased – at least the bed would be comfortable enough.
               Time passes slowly as you sit on the bed – not your bed, not yet. You stare at the wall ahead of you, the fear slowly seeping out of your system until only exhaustion remains. Sleep eventually takes over, and although you try to fight it, you’re slipping into a dreamless slumber before long.
               Uvogin’s tolerable, you’ve found. He’s certainly not nice, nor is he an especially great person to be around, but he could be much worse, you suppose. He’s fed you twice daily for however long you’ve been stuck here (it feels like a week, so you’re assuming it is, if only to stave off any self-doubt that’s creeping into the corners of your mind), and the food’s not terrible. It’s clearly takeout, the packaging sometimes even having Chinese characters on it or restaurant logos, and you’ve been mostly satisfied with his choices so far. He’ll sometimes ask you what you want, and while you were too scared to answer the first few times (which only makes him scowl and roll his eyes, muttering a small damn, Nobunaga owes me one), eventually you’d felt safe enough to be honest.
               He hasn’t hurt you, either. At least, not yet. You’re aware he could, if he wanted to – those muscles make it hard to forget, and you’d seen him crush his phone in his hand like a bug when a phone call with someone named Franklinwent poorly.
               He’s scary, still, but you’ve reached the point now where you aren’t practically hyperventilating every time he enters the room. You still keep him in your field of vision, weary for any sudden changes in his behavior, but every day that passes has you growing more complacent with your position. The constant threat of Stacy potentially facing consequences for your actions doesn’t deter you from being on your best behavior, either.
               Besides, sometimes he’s even a little bit funny – not that you’d ever laugh at his jokes, but he has this weird sense of humor that you think you’d like, if the situation had been different. If you’d met him on the street you definitely would’ve tried to cross to the other side, but you would’ve found him oddly charming, his snide remarks and cocky air a bit entertaining.
               You try not to think about that, though, because the mere presence of these thoughts means the Stockholm Syndrome is starting to kick in. And while you aren’t the most resilient person on the planet, even you have to admit it’s a bit early for that.
               Sighing, you take another bite of the curry he’d brought you, pleasantly surprised that the spice level was perfect. Uvogin didn’t have many rules, it was true, but he did have a few unspoken ones – one of which being that meals, particularly take-out meals, were to be eaten at the small, rickety table. Together, which wasn’t ideal.
               “I’ve gotta make sure you don’t try to starve yourself or choke.” He’d told you the first time, grabbing your shoulders and forcing you into the seat across from his, the noodles sitting in front of you still packaged neatly in their container. At first you’d been nervous he would try to poison you, but eventually hunger got the best of you and you were slurping the noodles down, still keeping a nervous eye on the hulking man in front of you.
               “So, big news.” He starts, taking a bite out of his chicken. He always took big bites, you’d noticed, but he ordered enough food that even if his pace was twice as fast as yours, he never finished before you.
               You glance up at him, trying not to let toomuch curiosity show on your face, but he seems to realize anyway.
               “I know you haven’t been up to much, but don’t make your excitement so obvious. Hurts my feelings to know you think I’m so boring.” He’s joking, you think, and to sate him you attempt to smile.
               “Nobunaga called me again this morning; today’s the day.”
               You practically choke on your food, eyes blowing wide and your hands beginning to shake. Finally, finally you’d be able to see Stacy – you’d been worried sick about her the last week or so, terrified that her transition to the life of being a captive hadn’t gone as smoothly as your own. (You snorted bitterly at that – smooth probably wasn’t the best word for how you’d been feeling, but at least you hadn’t been hit yet, or assaulted or any number of things. Hopefully Nobunaga wasn’t any worse of a person than your own captor.)
               Uvogin is watching you, you realize, with a strange look in his eye. As soon as you glance up at him you look away again, clearing your throat and trying to keep your voice even as you ask, “That’s good, it’ll be nice to see her again.”
               It’s silent for a moment, before his booming laugh makes you wince a bit. “Yeah, I’m sure you are. Finish up, I don’t like wasting food. Once you’re done we’ll head out - try to not to choke.”
               He says that right as you start shoveling the food into your mouth, hoping that eating quicker will mean you can see Stacy quicker. He chuckles at you, but you follow his orders and slow down a bit. He throws you one more glance, that cocky smile on his lips, before digging into his own food again.
               He’s eating a bit faster than normal, too, you notice.
               He apologizes with an insincere tone as he ties the blindfold back on you (he’d told you that you can’t know where you are just in case you decide to get rebellious and run away), and soon you’re stuffed into a car. Everything’s hard to keep track of when you can’t see, but Uvogin’s talking (like normal), so you try to tune into the sound of his voice to help the time pass.
               “Now listen, you might not wanna touch her too much, Nobunaga’s a bit…” He trails off, and you can hear his hand tightening on the steering wheel. “Possessive. You’re her friend and all, and I’m sure he won’t hurt you, especially not in front of her, but be careful.”
               You nod, absentmindedly.
               “Also, don’t be too surprised if she doesn’t look the way she used to. He was always going on about how she was dressed too inappropriately in her day-to-day life, so she might be a little underdressed.”
               He’d hesitated to say underdressed, and you tried not to think about what that could mean.
               It’s quiet for a few moments, and you shift in the car seat. He’d let you sit in the front, an unexpected luxury, but you didn’t like that he could see you while you couldn’t see him. He wouldn’t hurt you, you were mostly confident of that now, but who knew what he had planned.
               “We’re almost there. If things go badly, I’ll get you out of there. You’re pretty damn weak, a broken bone would probably take a few weeks for you to heal. I don’t want to deal with you being injured, and I’m sure you don’t, either.”
               Your lips must’ve given away your fear, because a moment later he’s sighing. “Did you know that you practically reek your emotions? I feel like I can smell ‘em, even when I can’t even see half your damn face.”
               You don’t have anything to say to that, but you force yourself to speak anyway, not wanting to dignify his last comment. “Do you think – well, do you think Nobunaga will want to hurt me?”
               Uvogin ponders your question for a moment, surprised that you’d spoken up. You hadn’t done much talking in the time he’d had you – he was sure it was because you were scared, but it was nice to hear you talking to him like you weren’t scared shitless of him. Even if you had every reason to be so terrified.
               “Honestly, probably. Especially if you touch her.”
               You suck in a breath, and Uvogin hums. “But it’s not going to happen.”
               “What do you mean?”
               You could practically hear his toothy grin.
               “It’s my job to protect you, right? So I will. Even if the one you need protecting from is the same guy who wants you to be protected.”
               Something in his tone gives you the impression he means those words more than he’s letting on, and you shiver as you imagine just who this Nobunaga guy could possibly be.
               “Oh my god, oh my god – you’re alive! Thank god!” Stacy sobs, arms wrapping around you like a vice before you can even respond. You clutch her back just as tightly, burying your face into her brown curls, a few tears pricking at your eyes. You’d been nervous that Nobunaga would’ve hurt her, with the way Uvogin was describing him, but after a thorough look-over, you find no bruises or marks marring her olive skin.
               Eventually she pulls back, but keeps her hands firmly grasping your shoulders. Her eyes are red with tears, and her lower lip is wobbling. She’s not hurt, but she looks bad – there’s heavy bags under eyes and her hair is frazzled, her lips look swollen and she’s clutching onto you hard. Really hard.
               “Stacy, are you hurt?” You ask, letting your hands cup her cheeks. You see Nobunaga – who Uvogin had pointed out with a small that’s the guy when you��d walked in – stiffen up at that, and Uvogin’s warning flashes through your mind. You might not want to touch her. Right.
               Stacy glances over at her captor, and you follow her gaze, only to see Uvogin give you a small nod and drag his friend out the door by the collar of his purple kimono, calling over his shoulder that they’ll be back in exactly five minutes, and that they’ll know if you try to escape.
               As soon as the door closes, Stacy pulls you in for another hug, the words flying out of her mouth so quickly you can barely understand her. “He’s – Nobunaga, he’s horrible. He never leaves me alone, and he treats me like I’m some incompetent little baby, and he’s always touching me and I just – I can’t –“
               You cut her off by pressing her face into your neck again, rubbing the back of her head and letting her cry. You’re crying too, now, but your tears fall silently compared to her sobbing.
               You don’t say much, because what can you say? It would be a lie to tell her that everything’s going to be okay, and every other reassurance that dances on the tip of your tongue just feels wrong, like you’d be pointedly lying to her. Instead, you let her get it out, her grip on you never loosening. You’d known Nobunaga had been the root of all her anxieties the last few months, long before he’d gotten the gall to kidnap her. And while you were happy that she wasn’t hurt, it still pained you to see her like this.
               Eventually she’d calmed down, and you feel her pull back and wipe at her sniffling nose. “I’m so sorry.” She whispers to you, looking like she’s on the verge of crying again. “I didn’t mean to drag you into this mess, I should’ve just gone quietly and left you alone. I shouldn’t have asked you to stay with me for a few weeks, now you’re really stuck with that monster.”
               You don’t tell her that it’s okay, because it’s not. Some part of you is still bitter and resentful towards her for involving you, because she’s right. You could be still living your life if she hadn’t requested you to help deter her stalker from making a move. But despite your anger, you can’t find it in yourself to hate her. Not when she’s like this – not when she’s probably experiencing something even worse than you.
               “It doesn’t matter now, all that matters is that we’re both alive, and we’re both okay. Or, at least, okay as we can be, given the situation.” You tell her, smiling softly. She blinks at you, eyes wide and vulnerable, before nodding and swallowing.
               “Yeah, I was worried that you wouldn’t be, with the way Nobunaga was talking about Uvogin.” Her voice was hoarse still, and you laughed humorlessly at that.
               “Yeah, well, he hasn’t hurt me yet, so I think I’ll be okay. He mostly just ignores me, honestly, so I guess I’m lucky.” Your attempt at optimism doesn’t make Stacy smile like you’d hoped. Rather, her lips pull into a frown and her eyebrows furrow.
               “He ignores you? That doesn’t make sense.”
               You expression mirrors hers. “What? I mean, the only reason I got kidnapped too was insurance so that you wouldn’t kill yourself –“
               Stacy’s face morphs into one of horror, and her grip on your shoulders goes slack.
               Quickly you’re backpedaling, worried the mention of her self-imposed death might’ve triggered something you wanted to avoid. “I’m not saying it’s your fault, I totally understand why you –“
               “Alright, time’s up.” Nobunaga’s voice interrupts, and knuckly hands are suddenly on your shoulders, pushing you aside so that Nobunaga can stand in front of Stacy. You stumble back, falling backwards against Uvogin’s hard chest, immediately standing up straight.
               Nobunaga’s cupping Stacy’s chin, and you can see from this angle the way he smiles, a slight pink color flooding his cheeks. It makes you sick, and the pained look on Stacy’s face only makes your gut sink more. She’s looking at you still, and something about the way her brows are cocked inward that makes you feel like she’s almost pitying you.  
               “Did you miss me, baby?” Nobunaga’s cooing down at her, and it makes your skin crawl. Uvogin sighs from behind you and grabs your wrist, dragging you out of the room. His grip is surprisingly gentle, and as you watch Stacy slowly fade from your view, you can’t help but be slightly grateful that at least your captor isn’t leaning down for a kiss like hers.
               The car ride home is mostly quiet, and it’s not until you’re nearing the end of your time in the vehicle that Uvogin breaks the silence.
               “So, what did you talk about while we were gone? Girly shit?” You think he’s attempting a joke, but you can’t even pretend to laugh at it.
               “She’s not happy.” You comment, voice slightly flat, and Uvogin snorts at your words.
               “Of course she’s not happy, she’s just been kidnapped. And by her stalker, no less – would anyone be happy? Hell, are you happy?” He asks you, and you blanch at his question. Somehow, though, it feels like some sort of trap, so you stay quiet.
               He doesn’t say anything more until he’s pulling you out of the car, your footsteps hesitant and clumsy because he’d put that damn blindfold on you again. He guides you up to the apartment, and soon you’re standing in the living room area, the fabric falling from your eyes.
               “I’ve got some errands to run today, so I’ll be gone for a while. Do you want anything while I’m out?” He asks, standing in front of the door with his arms crossed. You’re a bit touched that he’s offering to get you something, but you try not to focus on it. Of course you’re feeling grateful for him – he may be holding you captive, yes, but at least he hasn’t tried to kiss you or touch you. Poor Stacy didn’t share your luck.
               “Um, maybe some chips? I don’t care what flavor, just something crunchy…” You trail off, looking at him nervously. You’d never requested anything before, and some part of you is convinced he’d only asked you the question to laugh in your face and deny you.
               He cracks a smile and nods, hand already on the doorknob. “Okay. Okay, but you’d better be prepared to share, because I happen to be a big chip fan myself. So don’t get greedy, yeah?”
               You half-smile, rubbing at your arm. “Yeah, I won’t be.”
               He steps out the door, and once again the apartment is silent, his presence gone and all movement within the room gone, too.
               The TV won’t work for you, you know that, but you’re still trying to get it to behave. Uvogin had to type in some password every time he turned it on, and it was too long and encoded for you to ever be able to decipher it. Still, you were clicking the power button of the remote over and over, hoping against hope that it would somehow short circuit and bypass that password screen. When it didn’t, you only sighed, rising to your feet and wandering towards the monitor.
               Uvogin, you’d learned, was surprisingly meticulous – surprisingly organized, really. Meaning there was a chance he’d written down the password to the TV and had it stored somewhere. He’d only been gone for about a half hour, if the clock was any indication, and you had a lot of time to kill before he returned home. Not that he was your only source of entertainment – though, you’d read the single book he owned three times already.
               Your knees crack as you kneel down in front of the cupboard the TV was sitting on, the wooden doors creaking as they open. The shelves are mostly empty – a few older remotes, and a cable channel guide.
               Frustrated, you huff and let your shoulders slump, trying to decide what to do next. The TV obviously wasn’t planning on cooperating, though there was a cupboard right next to the one you’re searching through that could potentially hold the answer.
               Uvogin’s rules distantly float through your mind, his gruff voice replaying in perfect clarity. Third, don’t go digging through my shit. Glancing back up the clock, you bite your lip. You had time, because while he was massive and huge and scary, there was no way he could get all his errands done in just thirty minutes.
               With a deep breath, you move over to the other cabinet, letting your fingers curl around the knob. The doors don’t creak when they open, and immediately you’re scanning the shelves. These ones are full – with boxes, each labeled with a date on them. Cocking a brow, you examine the dates. January 4th – January 25th, April 29th – May 7th, and so on.
               Intrigued, you slowly slide out one of the boxes, noticing not a single bit of dust is sitting on the cover. He must use this cabinet much more often than the one you’d been searching through previously, as a thick layer of dust had sprung up in your face the moment you opened the cabinet door.
               The box itself is light, but you still set it down in front of you, your fingers delicate and careful, too worried that you’ll break something if you press too hard. And then Uvogin would know, surely, especially if he truly used this cabinet that often.
               Slowly, you take off the box’s cover, and immediately your brows are scrunching together. What the hell?
               When you’d imagined the kind of ‘shit’ Uvogin didn’t want you to snoop through, you hadn’t pegged it to be this. Whatever this was, that is.
               It looked like a box full of receipts – tons of pieces of paper, all in weird sizes or shapes that looked like they were ripped out of some sort of notebook. The handwriting is messy, the letters all crammed together and difficult to decipher. You pick the paper on top up, turning it this way and that, trying to read the text.
               Her: Sorry, I know it’s late, but I need to ask you a quick question.
               Them: Yeah? What’s up?
               Her: Do you think he’s alright? Chris, I mean – he hasn’t called me back for a few days, and I’m worried about him.
               Them: You know Chris, it always takes him a while to respond. I wouldn’t worry, he’s just unpredictable.
               Her: Yeah, I guess…
               [6 second pause]
               Them: Go to sleep, it’s late. You’ve got work in the morning, right?
               Her: Yeah, I do. Okay, okay, I’m getting into bed now. Goodnight.
               Them: Goodnight, call me when you hear back from him.
               Her: Okay.
               What was this? The ambiguity of it all confused you – who was her? Them? Chris?
               You furrowed your brows, confusion sitting in your gut alongside a strange feeling. The hairs at the back of your neck prickled up, and a small pang of unease bolted through you.
               Setting the piece of paper back into the bin, you picked up another one. This one was shorter, more to the point.
               Her: Are we still on for Friday night?
               Them: Yeah! Freddy’s, nine o’clock sharp. I’m buying, remember.
               Her: You always say that, and you always get too shit faced to pay. Liar!
               Them: Hey, I just know how to have fun! You could learn how to do that, you know.
               Her: Yeah yeah, okay, I’ll see you later.
               Your fingers are shaking as you finish reading the small, triangular slip of paper. Your lips are slightly parted, brows still crunched together. Something about the interaction between Her and Them felt oddly familiar – like something you’d heard before.
               And the mention of Freddy’s. That’d been the name of a bar you frequented often with your friends, back before everything had gone to shit with Stacy.
               Unnerved, you set the piece of paper back in the box and slide the box into its place on the shelf, running your eyes back over the listed date. August 28th – September 16th. One of your best friend’s birthdays was in that range.
               Wiping your palms on your thighs, you try to calm the pounding of your heart. Something feels off, wrong in a way you can’t quite place. Surely, Freddy’s is a common enough name; it doesn’t necessarily mean your favorite bar. Plus, even if it does mean that particular bar, who knew who these people were. You surely don’t - who the hell is Chris?
               Wanting to put some distance between you and the cabinet, you get to your feet again and close it, wandering away into the little hallway connecting the living space, bathroom and two bedrooms. Cupping some water in your hands from the bathroom sink, you splash your face, letting the cold wash over your skin. Closing your eyes, you try to calm down. It doesn’t mean anything – how could it? You’re probably just all shaken up after seeing Stacy and her freaky captor. Nobunaga disturbed you, you can’t deny it.
               Sighing, you open your eyes, wiping your face with your towel. (Uvogin had been kind enough to give you one designated as your own, saving you from the horrible fate of having you dry your body with a towel that he’d already used.) Though you notice with a small start that the towel is wet, despite you not having showered recently. Odd.
               As you turn to leave the room, you notice a shirt sitting piled up in the corner. It was black, and surely not your own – holding it up, it looked big enough to dwarf you. Must be Uvogin’s, then.
               His bedroom is across from your own, and while you haven’t been inside it yet, it feels wrong to just leave his shirt on the floor, where it could get dirty and maybe even moldy. Besides, doing a little cleaning would keep you occupied – both from boredom, and from contemplating those weird slips of paper further.
               You slowly open the door, immediately getting hit with a wave of musk. Uvogin normally smelled decent, but the scent in here is strong enough to make you wince a bit, the overwhelming stench of sweat, mint, and male making you a bit nauseous. To your surprise, the room is spotless – a very, very large bed sits floated in the middle, a navy and black flannel comforter covering the top while a few large, puffy pillows sit at attention at the head. A few pairs of boots are lined up in the corner, and a single picture looks to be taped up on the wall above them. Curiously, you step forward, moving towards the photo.
               Uvogin had told you very little about himself – only that he worked as a contractor, of sorts, and that he didn’t have too many friends, so you wouldn’t have to worry about visitors. But now that you’re looking at the photo, you’re wondering if maybe that last statement hadn’t been so true – the photo is of a dozen or so people, all posing for the camera with various degrees of a smile on their face. Uvogin’s in the back, on the left side, his arm wrapped around the shoulders of a shorter blond man, his blue eyes in a wink and holding up his thumb. Uvogin’s smiling, and as you scan the photo, you stop when you hit Nobunaga, who’s seated in the front row next to a woman with big glasses and a modified cross necklace. Everyone looks happy, and briefly you wonder whether Uvogin considers these people friends. He must, if Nobunaga’s present – an odd sort of satisfaction worms its way into your chest at the thought. You don’t like Uvogin, surely not – but still, everyone needs friends, right? Even kidnappers.
               God, you really are starting to develop Stockholm Syndrome.
               Shaking your head to try and clear the thoughts, you approach his closet and snag a hanger, trying to hang up the shirt you’re holding in your arms. The thing is tall, and as you try to get the hanger’s hook to wrap over the metal bar, your eyes fall to the side, noticing something out of the corner of your vision.
               It’s a soft pink, and you cock a brow. Uvogin? Owning something pink?
               Eventually, and with a soft grunt, you get the hanger to successfully sit onto the bar, and immediately you’re investigating the pink thing. This goes directly against his rules, you know – you’re quite literally snooping, but hopefully he’d still be out for longer. Besides, even if he comes back, you could just tell him you’re putting away his shirt, and maybe he wouldn’t call you on your half-lie.
               Whatever the thing is, it’s wedged pretty far back in the closet – you’d only managed to catch a brief glimpse of it, and for good reason. There’s a storage container in the back of the closet, an organizer of sorts with some compartments that all seem to be stuffed full. It’s hard to see, the overhead light dim to begin with and not penetrating too deeply into the dark closet, but you’re able to fish out the pink fabric soon enough.
               It's lace, you realize, your curiosity only doubling. That same pin-prickly feeling is back, and as you slowly flatten out the cloth, your breath catches.
               It’s a thong. Pink and lacy, with a bow decorating the back, right over the tailbone.
               But more than that, the thong looks familiar. There’s a thread pulled on the front right side, and a stain on the fabric at the very bottom, looking awfully similar to the color your own discharge makes once it’s been washed.
               Your fingers are shaking again, and you stumble back a bit, the back of your knees catching onto the bed so that you fall back and land on your ass, too busy staring at the cloth in your hands to bother trying to situate yourself.
               These panties are yours.
               You’re sure of it – you know because Stacy bought them for you a few months ago. She’d cheekily handed them to you with a big, gaudy bow on top, a wink sent your way and a demure because I know you’ve got a date tonight, and I also know you haven’t gotten laid in way too long. That was the night you’d been set up on a blind date with a friend’s coworker. He’d been nice, though you hadn’t slept with him, and you hadn’t gone out again after that. He didn’t seem all that interested in you as a romantic pursuit, but he was funny, and you’d hoped you could become friends, at least.
               And his name was Chris. And he’d gone missing a few days after.
               You drop the panties, a hand coming up to cover your mouth.
               You don’t want to, and you know you shouldn’t, but before you can stop yourself you’re rushing forward to the closet, digging back to that storage compartment and rooting around for anything else you can find. It must be a coincidence; it has to be a coincidence. These can’t be your panties, you must be mistaken – why would Uvogin have these? How could he have these? You’d lost them in the laundry a while back.
               At least, that’s what you’d assumed.
               Pulling your hand back, you see you’ve grabbed a few items. They’re smaller, not clothing, but nonetheless incriminating. There’s a chapstick container, with a strange flavor on it that you’ve only seen once, back when you won it in some weird fundraising fair you’d been at for your job. Kiwi banana grape, it said in curling black lettering, and when you pop open the top, you notice it’s almost completely empty.
               There’s also a button; it’s black with a strange shape, one you recognize as being from your favorite jacket. It’d fallen off one day, but you’d been too busy walking around the city to have realized. It was a real bummer, because it’d rendered the jacket unwearable because too big a draft would sneak through it.
               And lastly, there’s a bandaid – it’s old, you can tell, with a kiddy pattern of some fairies and a dinosaur on it that the nurse had apologized for having to use, telling you it was all they had available at the time. You remembered it – it’d made you laugh that you’d gotten your flu shot and she’d patched it up with a bandaid designed for six year olds, even going so far as to snap a photo and send it in the group chat you kept with your friends.
               You feel sick.
               Throwing the small items back into the compartment, you rush to the bathroom, barely making it before you’re heaving, all the curry you’d forced down your throat earlier coming right back up.
               What the fuck?
               Who was Uvogin? Why did he have all of this? How did he have all of this? What did it mean? Your head’s rushing, too many thoughts and implications swimming through your oversaturated mind, and you have just barely enough strength to flush the toilet and stand up, staring at yourself in the mirror.
               Stacy’s words rush back to you as you examine your face, seeing your wide eyes and the way your chest is rising and falling with each harsh breath slipping through your lips. He ignores you? That doesn’t make sense. None of it makes sense – none of it at all. Why would your by-association captor have any of your personal items? Especially personal items you’d lost or thrown away literal months ago, long before you’d ever started staying over at Stacy’s?
               You know why, you just don’t want to admit it, and as you stare at yourself in the mirror, you try to come up with any other possible explanation. No. It can’t be. Stacy’s the one with the creepy stalker, not me.
               Suddenly, the sound of the front door’s lock clicking open makes you snap up, adrenaline suddenly coursing through your veins. Uvogin’s home.
               Immediately you’re running to your bed, jumping under the covers and shutting your eyes tightly, praying that Uvogin will think you’re asleep and won’t bother you. You need more time to figure this out – it’s all too much, and while it probably won’t be any easier the longer you wait, you need something.
               You can’t look at him yet. You won’t.
               “I got your chips! Didn’t know which flavor to choose, so I got three I think you might like. I’m serious, though, you have to share. I’m an animal, and I will steal your food.” He laughs at that, and you hear him set down the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. Your eyes are still closed so tightly that it hurts, and you ball your fists up in the blankets as hard as you can. You’d curled up into a fetal position, and you force yourself to stay still as you hear his loud footsteps coming down the hall.
               He calls your name, peeking his head into every room he passes. Soon he sees you in your bed, and although you look a little stiff, his shoulders immediately lose their tension. A smile flits across his lips, and he slowly, quietly shuts the door, retreating back to his own room.
               You sigh, peeling open your eyes and trying to get your breathing under control. You’d been holding your breath, and now that he’s actually home in the apartment, it’s difficult to not let yourself panic.
               It becomes much, much more difficult when you hear a noise come from his bedroom, though. What the hell’s this?
               There’s a muffled curse, and your blood runs cold as quick, heavy footsteps lead right up to your door. He swings it open and your eyes fly shut, trying desperately in vain to appear like you’re still sleeping.
               “Wake the fuck up.” He says, and immediately you open your eyes, your fear too strong to ignore. He’s holding the pink panties in his hands, and you realize with a small burst of terror that in your haste to get to the bathroom, you’d left them on the floor. In his room. Right where he can see that they’ve been moved.
               Fuck fuck fuck.
               "I only have three rules. What are they?” He barks, and you’re trying to curl up even smaller, hoping his promise of not hurting you will still ring true. Though, he’s lied about pretty much everything else – how do you know if that part wasn’t all a lie, too?
               “No hurting myself, no escaping, and no – no snooping.” You whisper, and Uvogin bares his teeth.
               “I’ve been good to you – patient, something that takes a hell of a lot of effort for me. And what do you do in return? You go and do one of the very few things I’ve forbidden.” He looks impossibly tall right now, towering over you with those muscles, the panties looking downright tiny between his monstrous fingers. “Tell me why. Explain to me why the hell you were snooping through my closet.”
               You shut your eyes again, too scared to look at him. “I was putting away a shirt you left in the bathroom. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I did it, please don’t hurt me, please –“
               He interrupts you with a huff, and you tense up, waiting for some blow to land. It doesn’t, though, and after a good thirty seconds, you finally peel an eye open, almost too scared to see what he’s doing.
               You don’t expect the small smile that’s sitting on his lips, nor the hand on his hip. He locks his eyes with yours, then sighs. “Well, this is most definitely not the way I wanted you to find out. See, I had this whole plan – Nobunaga came up with it, one of the very few things he’s ever thought of that actually impressed me.”
               You’re confused again, but that sick feeling still hasn’t gone away. All you can seem to look at are your panties, wedged in his fist.
               “He told me that since you and Stacy were so close, we could cut a deal – kidnap you both at once, get more bang for our buck. There was no way to hide Nobunaga’s feelings for Stacy, sure, but you? Well, you haven’t noticed anyone following you, have you?” Uvogin asks, cocking his head at you and letting his smile get a bit wider.
               You quickly shake your head no.
               “I’m better at this stuff than he is. He always gets too excited to talk to her, wants to interact and have her lookin’ at him. I get it, I really do. Even now, even with you scared shitless and looking at me like I’m about to kill you, just you acknowledging me is getting me hard as a fucking rock.”
               Involuntarily, your eyes dart down to his navel, and with a small, strangled sound of fear, you notice the way there’s a prominent bulge forming in those shorts of his.
               He laughs at your change in focus, and steps forward. Hooking a finger under your chin, he smirks down at you. “I’m better at hiding myself, and I was willing to play the long game, content with watching you until the right time came to snatch you up. But when Nobunaga offered, telling me there was a way to get you all to myself and make sure you grew to want me organically? Well, I couldn’t resist, could I?”
               You want to tell him he absolutely could’ve, or that you wouldn’t have ‘wanted him organically’, whatever the hell that meant, but your tongue doesn’t seem to be working.
               He leans down, face coming closer and closer to yours. “You had no idea, did you? How do you think I knew what kind of mattress to get you? How do you think I knew exactly what to order for you for takeout, even when you were too scared to tell me? How do you think I know what shampoo and conditioner to buy you, or even what kind of fucking cologne you like? Believe me, I’m only wearing this shit for you.”
               You’re frozen, unable to move, unable to do anything but stare at him.
               “Do you get it now, princess? See, Nobunaga doesn’t give two shits about whether you live or die – he’ll get Stacy to do what he wants no matter what. But me? I give a shit.” He’s so close to you that you can smell his breath. It’s minty, like he’s just recently brushed his teeth. The cold smell only makes you shiver, fear still tingling up your spine.
               “Why?” You whisper, overwhelmed at his sudden confession.
               He pauses at that, smirk falling away as he genuinely considers your words. He’s quiet for a moment, before he smiles again, but this time it’s not as predatory – there’s something oddly soft about it, and it makes you feel worse.
               “Because you’re perfect. That’s all.” He answers like it’s the easiest thing in the world, and before you can say anything he’s clambering on the bed next to you. You want to fight him off, to jump up off the bed and run, but you can’t seem to find the energy to. Besides, you’re not delusional enough to think you could beat Uvogin in any sort of physical altercation or chase. And while he still seemed to be adhering to his promise of not hurting you, you didn’t feel like testing the waters.
               “So I guess the jig’s up. I was hoping you wouldn’t find out, but I can work with this, too. At least now I don’t have to act like I don’t know you. And now, I don’t have to do all that respectful distance shit – you’re mine now, babe, and now I don’t have to hide it.” He’s grinning again, his teeth looking too sharp, and before you can blink he’s above you, your wrists pinned above your head and his lips inches away from yours.
               “So why don’t I show you just how much your attention the last week’s been affecting me?” His voice is low, sultry, and makes you gulp. He presses his face into your neck, deeply inhaling and groaning. “I promise I can make you feel good… I’ll tell you my last rule, okay?”
               You’re frozen, but when he pulls back to glare at you, you shakily mutter out an ‘okay’.
               His grin is wolfish, predatory, scary. “Rule number four is no running away from me, even if that cute little body of yours can’t take anymore. Got it?”
               You nod.
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milliesfishes · 1 month
౨ৎ𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂, 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 (𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓱)
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[fem reader] contains: signs of trauma, mentions of kidnapping pairing: coriolanus snow x fem reader summary: you and coriolanus comfort your daughter in the wake of her kidnapping author’s note: thank you sm anon for requesting this! <3 Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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Nobody ever talks about the after of the unimaginable. The end of the story is supposed to be assurance that the ones who went through it are safe and sound. How you wished everything had been neatly tied with a bow in your case.
As you attempted to console your baby girl as she cried, the memory of her horrible ordeal fresh in her mind and causing her distress, you wished the burden of her pain was yours to take away. With every sob that wracked her little body, you felt a stab in your chest.
Penny had been in a state of nearly perpetual anxiety ever since the events of a month ago You were aware of very little of what had actually occurred, the details kept quiet by your husband. The only thing you knew was that Penny was suffering for it.
Nightmares disturbed her sleep, phantoms invisible to you playing out in front of her. It had become a regular thing for Coriolanus and you to be roused from your slumber by the piercing, heartbreaking sound of her crying.
While she was awake she clung to the two of you, primarily her father. You suspected her preference likely had to do with his hand in her rescue. It was a sweet sight- him holding his daughter and whispering to her that everything was okay, that she was safe with him. He was often the one who went to her when she had a nightmare, insisting you needed your sleep due to your ongoing pregnancy. To his credit, he was often able to calm her down within a few minutes, returning to you with assurances that she was okay.
But now, as you knelt on the floor of the nursery with Penny, attempting to soothe her, Coriolanus was nowhere to be found. He had phoned to say he'd be running late due to a meeting that ran overtime. Of course this was when Penny needed him this badly. It was sorely unusual for her to have an episode during the day, when she hadn't been asleep.
Sniffling, with crystal tears staining her cheeks, Penny clung to you, fitting into your arms around your belly, her face buried in your neck. Fingers roving over her light silken hair, the same color as her father's, you murmured, "It's okay, sweetheart. You're safe, my love. I'm right here with you."
"Mama," she sobbed into you, little hand clinging to your dress. "They're gonna come get me."
"Nobody's coming to get you," you promised, holding her a little tighter. "You're safe right here."
"I want Daddy!" Her words trailed off into a sob, and you rocked her back and forth, rubbing her back
"Daddy's gonna be home soon." You pressed a kiss to the top of her head, humming a lullaby you used to sing her to sleep with. The sound of the familiar melody seemed to calm her slightly, and she grasped at you, breaths slowing down.
You shifted in your spot so she was more comfortably positioned against you, and the baby within the safety of your stomach did too, tapping a kick against your side.
Penny lifted her head, staring up at you with wide eyes. "Mama?" She looked down at your belly in surprise. "What's that?"
Running a hand over your bump, you squeezed her against you, following her eyes. "It's the baby. Your brother or sister."
Her eyebrows lifted in shock, and she touched your stomach carefully, feeling the baby kick you again. She gasped slightly, looking back up at you. "Why's the baby kicking."
Smiling gently, you rubbed your hand over her back, relieved to have distracted her from her tears. "Baby's worried about you."
She blinked once, eyes falling to your stomach again. Leaning forward, she whispered, "Hi baby." The child inside you kicked the space under her hand, as if responding to her.
Footsteps sounded in the hallway, and you looked up just as Coriolanus appeared in the doorway, his sleeves already rolled up, tie discarded. His hair was messier than it had been this morning, and you could see his curls beginning to form through the gel. It was your favorite version of his hair, and you knew he'd let you run your fingers through it once you were in bed.
He smiled tiredly, taking in the sight before him and coming forward, kneeling at your side. Pressing a kiss to your cheek, Coriolanus held out his arms for his daughter, who ran promptly into them. "Daddy!"
"How's my shiny Penny?" Coriolanus kissed the top of her head, and she fisted his shirt. His cerulean eyes found yours, and the corners of your lips lifted sadly.
"We've been calming down," you explained, and he held out his arm to you, understanding instantly. It was no easy thing bringing your daughter down from her anguish. Leaning into him, your belly pressing against his thigh, you found your usual place under his arm. He rubbed your side, kissing your hair gently.
It was a lovely picture: you and your daughter nestled against him. You knew that nothing brought Coriolanus more joy than holding his girls. Indeed, to the both of you, his arms were a safe harbor that kept you warm. And he was the protector, the one who held you tight and assured you of the fact that everything was okay.
In your marriage, you had always been secure in his feelings for you. Not once had you ever questioned his utter devotion to your being, to your family. It was nearly illicit for a man of his stature and power to hold such tender love, but he did anyways. This was one of the things you loved the most about him. Your Coryo.
He insisted on putting Penny to bed, sending you off to prepare for sleep on your own. You removed the day's clothing, donning a lacy nightdress that your belly poked through. Behind the window you could see that it was beginning to rain, droplets of water sliding down the glass pane. The sound of water beating against the roof had always brought you comfort, and after your daughter's earlier distress you found you needed it.
You settled yourself under the covers, pulling a blanket over your lap. Coriolanus appeared much sooner than expected, stripping his clothes away and getting in bed with you, engulfing your tired form in his arms. The warmth of them was welcoming, and you snuggled close, body instantly sleepy. He had that effect on you- the one that instantly relaxed you and knocked down any walls you held up for your safety. There was no need to protect yourself here.
The night's gentle touch kissed your tired body as your husband whispered that he loved you, and you felt the call of sleep beckoning. Like a nightingale's song, you followed it down a path so familiar, drifting into your dreams.
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In the quiet of the night, a scream that made your blood run cold wrenched you from the sleep you'd so desperately needed.
Sitting up suddenly out of Coriolanus' arms, you looked around wide-eyed, sure it had come from your bedroom. Thunder rumbled outside, tapping out a beat against the roof in rain's morse code. When you turned your head to the side, a flash of lightning like two fingers lit the distance.
Even now you could still hear it- the long wail that echoed from down the hallway like a ghost's call. Immediately you recognized it. Penny.
Sitting up beside you, your husband looked alert, hardly any sleep lingering in his eyes. He was as light a sleeper as you were lately- hardly able to keep unconscious with your daughter's affliction in mind. You knew his own dreams tormented him- he'd never breathed a word of what he'd seen or done when Penny had been taken. But it haunted his being. Anyone could see it.
You moved to throw aside the covers and run to your crying baby, but he put a hand on your knee, quelling your motions. "I'll get her. Go back to sleep." The both of you knew you wouldn't.
Combing fingers through your hair, you pulled the blanket securely around you, turning your head to the window. Another shock of thunder boomed like a church bell, and it hit you then that the storm must have been what scared Penny. The notion broke your heart as it was wont to do lately. Bringing a hand to your belly, you rubbed it absentmindedly, hoping and praying this baby wouldn't have to go through anything near as earth shattering.
The door opened and shut, and the sight of Coriolanus carrying a sniffling Penny met your vision. In your mind's eye you could see what must have happened- him walking in on her crying and reaching for him, scooping her up into his arms and muttering words of comfort. Despite everything, you smiled lightly, endeared as you always were by what a good father he continually proved himself to be.
Once Penny was on the bed, you reached out for her, gathering her close and hugging her tight. "Oh my sweet girl..." You cradled her close, rocking your body back and forth. "Everything's okay. It's all okay."
Lifting your eyes to Coriolanus, your chest heaved with a tired sigh. His eyes held a similar contempt. You knew what he was thinking because it was on your mind too.
Burying your nose in your baby girl's hair, you rubbed your hand up her arm. The mattress dipped, and then his arms were around you, holding the two of you just as he had earlier. Penny murmured for her daddy in a sweet little voice, and you shifted closer to Coriolanus, guiding her to turn around and snuggle up to him.
"Make the loud stop," Penny mumbled into his chest. You took in a breath, reaching over and rubbing her back, trying to comfort her the best you could. Coriolanus kissed the top of her head, holding her steadfastly.
"It's almost over, sweetheart," he promised, sliding his arm under you to pull you into him as well. "Just close your eyes."
Settled between you, Penny's little hands found your belly, where the baby had begun to kick once more. She whispered. "Baby isn't sleeping."
"Baby wants you to feel better," you murmured, stroking her hair.
Penny held a fistful of your nightdress as she felt the baby kicking again. She mumbled sleepily, "It's okay baby."
Touching your belly seemed to soothe her, and you watched in awe as her eyes drifted shut, her breathing quickly lulling with sleep. Looking up at Coriolanus with wide eyes, you felt a slight smile of pure relief come over you. She was calm. She was sleeping.
Coriolanus settled in closer, pressing his lips to the top of your head for a long moment. The way he looked at the two of you expressed nothing less than absolute devotion. You hadn't known how visible an emotion could be in someone before now.
His love knew no bounds. In a swoop of everything good in the world, the way he held you promised a future of light though the present was unclear. You knew he would stop at nothing until Penny was better.
The universe was at his fingertips, and he gave it all to you, every last speck of stardust. You and Penny were his treasures, and he treated you as such. As the storm raged outside, you felt it bloom within you. The only worthy thing in this world, the feeling every person desired.
He would take the Fates' pen and write the happy ending himself if that was what it took. Your life, your love, your heart. You put it in his hands as he rocked you and your daughter back into the deep throes of sleep.
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vintagexherry · 1 year
Treasure for three days [1]
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Pirate!Miguel x Princess!Reader
// Hostage, threatening, superstions, misogyny (I think), manhandling, implied forced royal marriage, kidnapping, implications of sexual acts, Ooc Miguel, Miguel is mean
A/N: Not sure if Im gonna turn this into a series but we'll see
This isn't what you meant when you wanted to be taken away from a mundane life.
"If none will provide with what I have requested. The princess will get it." He ended maliciously.
'He' being a man of height and strong structure is as of right now, holding a sharp edged sword at your throat while holding your hands behind your back.
'He' being the famous pirate, notorious for his actions and sharp with his demands.
"Let go of her! or else!-" Your father still in his sleeping clothes demanded the man who held you hostage.
"What? Make your gaurds shoot me? I have cannons standing by and men waiting, and with a simple signal, they can pillage and destroy this kingdom." He threatened as his hands grip his sword tighter, pushing it slightly closer to your throat, making you whimper.
He isn't only notorious for his actions, but his brain. He didn't get his popularity by just blowing up things to bits like any other pirate.
He plans them.
So darn good at it too.
Your brain is still wondering how'd you get into this position.
"You keep pressing the wrong note. Once again, from the beginning."
You held back your sigh as you started to play a musical piece on the piano all over again.
You've been at this with your mentor for hours and you swear if you don't take a single break, your bones will desintegrate.
Your mentor has known you since you started etiquette training, and so on and so forth.
And as much as you knew her, she's always been nothing but strict with a permanent frown on her face, her hair tied into a tight bun, and you wonder how come she still has hair.
Once you finally pressed the right note, she nodded approvingly.
"Very good now. We'll practice this piece tomorrow again at noon. Now, if you excuse me, I'll inform your father of your progress."
Not waiting for your reply, she stood up from her chair and left you sitting by the piano.
You exhaled a breath of relief and stretched your fingers for a bit, hearing small pops here and there. You look out the large window by the wall, watching life go on the large village. You'll soon rule once your father chooses a suitable husband for you.
Speaking of your father, he entered the room, slightly surprising you with the sound of the heavy doors.
"My dear, your mentor has told me you had difficulty on today's lesson." Your father looked at you with slight disappointment in his eyes.
You sigh, you know your mentor has told me about your progress, not skipping good bits, but it just seems that your bad quality only worth focusing on.
"I know father, it's jus-"
"Then you will do well to practice even more. Remember, you're performing for tomorrow's night annual ball."
You held back a groan.
Of course, he cares about tomorrow's ball.
Nothing but an excuse to let men ask your hand for marriage and letting your father decide if their good or not. At first, you were flattered, and people would ask for your hand, but it gets tiring once you learn it is just for politics sake, nothing but lies, only wanting to feel the crown on their head.
Your father's kingdom was known to be one of the most successful of them all. Trading and economics were bountiful, and the crime rate wasn't high.
"Yes, father." You defeatedly relented while he grunts in acknowledgement and left you without another word. You just wish a humble and kind man will take you away from this mundane life.
It was finally nighttime when you got ready for bed, you got out of your bath and wore your white cotton sleep dress.
You went to one side of the bed to blow off the candle, but before you did, a sharp sword suddenly appeared behind you, The edge of it just inches away from slicing you.
"Don't move."
A deep and gruff voice commanded you, and you froze.
How did he get in? The balcony? through the door? That can't be. There's gaurds around the palace patrolling every second.
"Where is the necklace? And don't lie, or else your pretty little town gets it."
Necklace? What necklace? There's billions of different kinds of necklaces, and that's the best description he can give you?
"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about -" You winced when you felt the sword go closer to your throat.
"Not speaking, huh? Well, I can jus-"
His words were cut off when your room door busted open, revealing gaurds with their guns and your father in his sleepwear.
"So it was you who knocked out those gaurds!" Your father yelled, so that's how he got in.
The man behind you didn't waste time grabbing your hands and holding them behind your back. He took quick yet short steps to your now unlocked balcony, and he stopped by the edge.
So now you're here, with a pirate at the edge of your balcony.
His sword left your throat, but instead, he pointed it to your father. In turn, the gaurds raise their guns higher.
"Necklace, or you won't get your little princesa back."
You looked at your father with tears brimming at the edge of your eyes, silently begging him to give what the pirate wants, but he doesn't seem to mind you.
"O' Hara." Your dad stated, starting to collect his bearings.
"That necklace is a national treasure, you can't possibly!-"
"Daily pirate life, I would say."
You paused.
That necklace?
The necklace?
You only remember bits of story of that supposed treasure, where your father had gathered a rare type of gem from a group of natives who are part of the neighbouring lands. Once gathered, the gem was then moulded and sanded to become a necklace.
"So... No necklace, then? That's alright...I'll give you three days, and if not given your kingdom, can disappear on the map."
You loudly yelp when you suddenly turn around and get carried on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
He didn't waste time sheathing his sword and jumping off the balcony, which made you scream while he grips line of rope.
As O'Hara lands and runs for it, you hear gunshots and your father yelling for you.
You tried beating his back with your hands and waving your feet to at least loosen his grip, but alas, it's useless.
"Let go! Unhand me!" You shouted, but your words were going out on his ear and the other. You kept shouting for help, but you were suddenly cut off by your own yelp when you felt a large hand smack your ass.
"You pirate!" you seethed
He laughed at your reactions. "Tell me something I don't know, princesa."
His feet were moving faster than any man you've seen before, and before you know it, you arrived at the shore of the beach.
"Lift up the anchor and start sailing." He ordered as he climbed up the ship.
As he lands, with your upside down view, you see people pulling up the anchor and unfolding the sails.
"A woman on board, huh? You do know what they say about women being on a ship righ' boss?" A random crewmate noted as he took a closer look at you while your still hoisted on his shoulder.
"Quit talking and more sailing, or you're walking the plank." He threatened and the crewmate didn't waste time going back to business.
As the ship starts sailing and the sounds of gunshots and shouting were becoming more and more distant, O'Hara started walking up to a room.
As he enters, he roughly plops you down on what seems to be a bed and ties your hands and feet together.
"Stay." He simply said as he went to a desk and chair.
You scoff, as if you had a choice.
"Look, if it's the necklace you want I can just tell you where!"
He didn't say anything as he sat down and looked at various maps and papers.
"Please, I ju-"
"Shut up." His rough voice hightened in volume.
You quickly did.
"If you won't stay quiet, I can leave you naked for my men to use. So if you know what's good for you I would recommend you to zip it."
You shivered from his words.
You didn't want to anger him further, so you opted to look around the room.
More maps were scattered, and bottles of what seemed to be rum were placed neatly in shelves. Chest full of gold and jewelry were scattered everywhere. Artefacts and even bones of beasts were displayed like trophies on the wall.
"I must say, for a spoiled mocosa, you obey well." He chuckled.
You wanted to spit something back, but you're afraid that once you do, he'll keep his words.
"If your father doesn't give his precious treasure, get ready to say bye-bye to your little kingdom. So let's hope he's as obedient as you." He chuckled as he sat down, drinking from a bottle of rum.
"But if he does? You'll return me and keep the town safe away from your cannons?" You asked.
Miguel looked at you and lightly laughed.
"We'll see about that, but if he did give it, maybe I will keep your pretty little place safe and you'll be back at your papa's arms."
You don't believe him but do you have any other choice? "You....You promise?"
Miguel glanced at your shivering form, and after a deep thought, he took a quick gulp of his rum and finally spoke.
"I promise your little princess ass."
You gulp, hoping he would keep up with his words.
Morning came by, which marks the first day of your captivity, and you really want to take a bath.
O'Hara or Miguel, which he prefers to be called. Has removed the rope around your wrists while he lets you go around the ship, even outside the captain's cabin, just as long he could keep an eye on you. He was confident enough that you won't really go anywhere.
Not that you can anyway.
With water surrounding you in every direction, you lost hope trying to escape. Maybe until they make land, but who knows.
Right now, you were at the helm of the ship looking at the distance. Miguel, on the other hand, was talking to what seemed to be his navigator.
You really hope that your father would just let go of that necklace when he had the chance. But you hope even further that Miguel will keep his words that you will return safely and the town will he out of harm's way.
You flinched hard, hearing a deep voice right next to your ear.
And of course, it's no one other than Miguel.
"Don't think too much or else your head will explode." He chuckled while you scoffed.
You suddenly feel self aware of your state.
It's been several hours, and you're still in your sleep wear. What's worse is that your barefoot with your ankles on display.
Miguel noticed your furrowed expression and chuckled.
"Is the princess not happy with her accommodation on the Arachnid?"
The arachnid is what they call this ship. You can say it's impressive apart from the crew.
"Shower." you demanded
"A wha?-"
"I need a shower." You completed your demand.
The ship suddenly got quiet, and all chatter seemed to stop as they stared at you. The only sounds that can be heard are water crashing against the ship, the wood of floor creaking, and seagulls squaking above.
You froze from the attention, when all of a sudden, the ship was filled with laughter all around even Miguel threw his head back to laugh, and suddenly your face flushed with embarrassment . I mean, should you be embarrassed?
All you want is a shower, you feel disgusting from the dirt you have gathered for today, and a change of clothes would be nice, something or anything that would cover your ankles.
The ship's laughter died down to chuckles.
"Shower you say? The princess wants to shower." His smirk grew in size while he looked at you.
"Well... Yes, I need a shower. If not, then at least give me proper change of clothes. If you're gonna kidnap someone, at least do it right."
Your words made Miguel laughed more.
"Change of clothes, huh? Bothered your little ankles are showing?" He mocked.
"If you're bothered by that, you should see the entertainment district. Trust me, hermosa when I say they show more than their ankles." With his words, laughter grew once again on the ship, and you winced in disgust on his implications
"Speaking of the entertainment district, why don't we give it a visit while princess looks for change of clothes." With that, the crew cheered, and the navigator smirked as he directed the steering wheel to the nearest land which you assumed where the "entertainment district" is located.
You gulp.
How are you gonna survive three days with these men.
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unknownperson246 · 3 months
Here’s a rockstar crime fic
Modern Nikki who’s a serial killer eyeing an innocent waitress who works in the sunset strip
Part 2
Killer On the Loose
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Words: 1,169
warnings: *angst* *cussing* *crime* *killing mentioned* *cutting* *hurting* *shooting mentioned* *kidnapping* *being tied up*
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
You see this very popular rockstar who was performing on the stage with his band called Motley Crue. He sat down at a table while the rest of the band went out the door. He sat down in his glam metal get-up. You recognized his outfit from his music video “Shout at the Devil”.
They play that video all the time and you are sick of the song especially when they perform it live at the bar every once in a while. You go up to him with a notepad and a pen to get his order.
“Hi sir, what would you like today?” 
“Hi, please call me Nikki,” He said, trying to break the ice.
“I would just like one coke” Nikki smiles and makes eye contact with you.
“Is that all Nikki?” You ask, making sure it was all Nikki wanted.
“Yes Y/N,” He said looking at your name tag.
You go back to the vending machine to get his can of coke.
“I just found my next victim” Nikki chuckles at his sick thought.
“You're going to have fun tonight baby” Nikki smiles as you make your way back with his can of coke.
You set it down at his table and leave to get other people's orders. You go over to the next table and ask what they would like. Nikki keeps looking at you. You were scared of him. You felt uneasy and you wanted to disappear. You felt uncomfortable at the way he sipped his can of coke and how he was staring at you with his red eyes. He looked like a devil. It's been a couple of hours and he is still there. You decide to ignore him and go on doing your job. You turn your back on him and he is gone. You sigh in relief and you go on doing your job. Your shift is over and you go outside to go home. You suddenly feel a man's touch on your back. You can recognize the man's stare. It was Nikki. 
“Nighty night babe,” He says while putting a chloroform-soaked cloth against your nose. You immediately recognized his voice. You pass out within seconds. Nikki makes sure no one sees him and he carries your limp body to his car. His whole band is in the car staring at you with smug smiles. They all kidnapped you. You wake up in an abandoned house with ropes tightened on your body. 
“What the” 
You get cut off by Nikki.
“Hey babe. Do you remember what happened last night?” He smirks with a knife in his hand. “Fuck you,” You say on the verge of tears.
“Someones feisty. There is no need for cussing,” Nikki says.
“I'll say whatever the fuck I want to say and that is funny coming from a fucking psycho rockstar” 
“You know you're annoying. You would be way more prettier if your tongue didn't run like that” 
“Now how about we make you prettier princess” He holds his knife to your tongue. 
“What the fuck?” You scream.
Tommy and Vince come in.
“Now look at what we have here” Tommy chuckles.
“You people are evil. What are you going to do? You and your gang of killers cant fucking get away with this.” You scream.
“Woah she's a real chatterbox” Vince chuckles.
“Maybe we need to tape her mouth,” Tommy laughs.
“You people are fucking pussies.” You yell as Vince brings the tape closer to your mouth.
As a warning Vince cuts you a bit to show you that they really would hurt you. Your words are mumbled as you try to talk with the tape on your mouth. “Fuck you” you try to yell.
They hit you with the chloroform again. You fall asleep on the floor where they tied you up. They removed the tape because you were finally quiet. They all watch you sleep admiring how pretty you were when you kept your mouth shut. “Look at her she is so pretty” Vince coos as his hand goes through your hair.
You start to mumble words in your sleep.
“No, please don't kill me. Please don't kill me!.” You sob in your sleep.
They felt some pity but they weren't going to hurt you after talking about it. They just wanted to kidnap you for money. They all agreed that if you pulled a dumb move then Nikki would be the one who killed you. Nikki had a soft spot already growing for you in his heart.
You wake up again and start to yell and scream for help after you help police sirens around the abandoned neighborhood.
“Shut the fuck up before I blow your brains out!” Nikki yells frustrated with you. 
You map out an escape in your head. Your plan is to run away when they are asleep or when they are only one of them to keep an eye on you because fighting one person is easier than fighting a whole group of people. The next day Nikki and Tommy say they're going out to find a new victim to kill.
“Hey Vince, are you sure you can take care of her alone?” Tommy asks.
“Yeah I mean how hard could it be she’s fucking tiny!” Vince laughs.
Tommy and Nikki leave with all their weapons.
“Vince could you please go get me some Advil and pads i’m on my period” You whimper in pain.
“No. I need to stay here and watch so your ass doesn't escape.” Vince says.
“Vince, I promise I won't try anything. Please can you go and get my things. It hurts so fucking bad” You start to cry.
“Fine fine just don’t start all the hormonal shit with me” Vince gruff’s. Vince grabs his car keys in front of you. “You better not try anything princess” He gruffs as he walks out the door.
You scan the room to find anything to cut the ropes. You slide on the floor so you could try to grab the knife that Tommy left. It's on a high place so you knock it over and you successfully grab the knife with your mouth. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck” You scream out of frustration with you.
You try to cut the ropes. You cut the ropes in under ten minutes. You walk out of the door with your hands free and you escape. You run to where you hear the police sirens and ask for help. By the time you were out of the house Vince came back with the stuff you asked for. He was angry when he saw that you weren't in the room anymore.
“Damn it” Vince says angrily.
He calls Tommy and asks for backup but it is too late. The cops were coming to get them.
“Motherfucker” Vince said when he heard police sirens approach. Vince sneaks out the back and gets in his car. He slips away and the police never find Tommy Vince or Nikki again in that state. 
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floatyflowers · 2 years
Dark! Ancient Rulers (Ramesses II amd Alexander the Great) x Reader
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Ramesses II
You are a daughter of one of the senior officials in Egypt, making you be considered one of the higher ups social class citizens.
But still, you didn't mind joking around about the Pharaoh and his family.
Yet, this is what led you to this fate in the first place of getting locked up.
You see, one day you were having fun around with your friend, and she made a joke about Ramesses and him already having too many children.
"I know right, I would rather drown in the nile river then be used as a broodmare or a pleasure sleeve by the pharaoh"
Let us just say that there were spies around you, and the moment the word reaches the ears of Ramesses, is the moment you condemned yourself and your friend.
The guards would arrest you in the middle of the night, and bring you to him tied up in ropes.
"It was only a joke, your highness, I did not mean to offend you nor did my friend" you exclaim in fear.
Ramesses looks down at you with a smirk, his back leaned against his throne.
"I go fight in brutal wars, while you sit at home and sleep peacefully at night, so I have the right to get offended"
The fact that the man hasn't shown any signs of anger or displeasure is what is making you feel worried.
However, Ramesses knew that he didn't need to overreact because he is one at advantage not you.
"Tell me now, why shouldn't I execute you and your family just like I did with your little friend"
Your eyes widened in fear at the news of your friend's death, but his threat to also kill your family was enough of a warning for you to plead.
"Please, I will do anything you want, don't kill my family"
Ramesses only narrows his eyes at you, his smirk only growing larger.
"You shall become my broodmare"
Alexander the Great
You have known him since you both were children, your father was a great general, a friend of Alexander's father, Philip II.
However, you and Alexander were not friends, you felt uneasy every time you were around him.
Anyone could see how infatuated Alexander was with you, yet you found comfort in avoiding him.
You are shy in personality and only found comfort in reading.
Knowing very well that your father and Philip planned to wed you to Alexander once you reached a proper age to marry, you decided to become a priestess.
However, that didn't prevent Alexander from kidnapping you and forcing you to marry him the moment his father dies and he becomes King.
You thought you would stay at home while Alexander goes on his journey to conquer the world.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
"Alexander, please, I'm pregnant, the traveling might harm the baby"
Your husband would only smile at you, assuring you.
"Do not worry about our baby, the physicians said it is safe for you to travel"
Of course, that is a lie, as the physicians warned him that it might cause you great stress.
But, Alexander would not leave you behind, he doesn't trust anyone to keep you safe, he fears that you might leave him for another.
You do have a safe birth, and things were going well at the conquests.
However, Alexander gets deadly ill.
And orders that you get poisoned.
After all, he won't leave you in this cruel world alone without him.
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yandere-fics · 2 months
mid ranked demon darling who feels the soulmate bond for Nora and goes in expecting to claim her human, unaware of who Nora is, only to get the tables turned and tied up in Nora's appt
♡ Demon Darling Trying To Kidnap Nora And Failing ♡
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Demon courtship was a very quick process, you simply walked up to them and snatched them but your Nora came off as rather skittish, not making eye contact with anyone as you watched her go about her day so you wanted to take a softer approach when you came to snatch her but anytime you went up to he to try to introduce yourself in public, she'd already vanished, her scent completely untraceable to you anymore, leading you to try to take a more aggressive approach the next time you had finally spotted your soulmate but again, gone by the tie you flew down to wear you'd spotted her, damn girl was quick on her feet, it was almost as if she was running from something, very upsetting so the next time you spotted her you decided not to approach and to simply trail her back to whee she lived, watching as she ducked down several back alleys, glancing around so no one would follow her home, you were sure who was stalking your precious mate but you'd surely end them once you were together and could finally get her to confide that information to you, for now you were just glad to finally know where she lived and now you could finally take her. You had to install tons of padlocks on your apartment, you didn't want her giving you the slip again like she had so many times before.
Honestly it happened so quickly before you could even do anything about it, you stepped into Nora's apartment for a second and next thing you knew she had you tied up and had hauled you over her shoulder to her bedroom, your Nora was strong for a human, you couldn't even struggle against her, this was completely wrong, you were supposed to be doing this to her, when you get out of here you were so going to punish her for being disobedient.
"I can't believe my reason for living broke into my house, since they broke in I assume this means I get to keep them." She was mumbling to herself as she tossed you onto her bed, still tied up and it was here you realize how large of a human your Nora really was, you'd never been able to get a good look at her up close but now it was somewhat intimidating, she'd been able to subdue a mid rank demon within seconds, you still didn't know what she was talking about, of course she couldn't keep you! You were the demon, you were the one who would be keeping her, as soon as you managed to get yourself free.
"Mate, I demand you release me right this instant! I'm your soulmate, you must listen to me." You couldn't figure out what these damn ropes were made of, normally you should be able to break through but it felt like the ropes were weakening you, how the fuck did your human even get her hands on these things?
"You broke into my house t-though, I can't let you g-go, you'll continue to act recklessly. Please understand, you're my reason for living, I have to keep you safe. Sleep tight now."
Unbeknownst to you Nora had known you were trailing her these past few weeks and had been purposely avoiding you, waiting until you were somewhere where she could get the upper hand on you and keep you forever, while she loved you so much and would have gladly accepted your courtship, she was also aware if she let you be in charge you'd try to prevent her from accomplishing her work which she simply couldn't have. Don't worry, soon you'd understand it wasn't so bad being under her control.
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
How about a yandere Morales family x reader who is friends with miles because they used ti go to school together that is very clearly neglected. Sometimes sleeping on the streets, never home, always eats a lot at their house yet still remains relatively malnourished and Jeffe finally decides after seeing some bruises on the reader to take matters into his own hands and use his position as police captain to “foster”(kidnap) the reader who is very not onboard.
Or if ur not comfortable with that then they genuinely start fostering the reader and they are not having a good time adjusting to present parents that make them eat 3 meals and be home at 9 stuff like that
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You and Miles met at around 9 when your family moved to Brooklyn, he got on with you and once he started bringing you home it was instantly obvious to both Rio and Jeff that something was wrong, you were always messy and disheveled, wearing unwashed torn clothing with shoes with the soles beginning to come off You were 9 but could pass for 7 and barley knew how to use cutlery, and once they eventually met your Mom and Dad it became apparent that though they were not malicious of outwardly abusive, they were massively neglectful.
It became routine that you would come over every Friday, shower, and eat dinner, and take food home with you, Rio would hand you 3 tubber wear boxes full of all sorts of her cooking, and sometimes they would even give Miles old clothes. Jeff would always drive you back home since no 9 year old can be expected to trek it form one brough to another, and once he pulled up outside your building he would escort you back to your front door, and with the few gimpses he saw of your home, bugs crawling, a water collapsed ceiling tile, the brow carpet, not brown because it was brown, but the collected filth he knew that this place, and these people were not fit for a child to be raised.
Jeff entered his home, Miles had been put to sleep while Rio sat on the couch with a glass of wine.
Rio: "So how was it?"
Jeff sat down in a huff next to his wife.
Jeff: "That place looks like a trap house Rio, it had black mold" he rubbed his hands over his face.
Rio: "Is it possible you could just...take her?"
Jeff: "No, not yet not with out probable cause"
Rio: "Is a house with black mold and uncaring parents not enough?!"
Jeff: "No, not for awhile"
Rio: "Dios mío, well...the least we can do is keep her clean and fed huh?"
Jeff: "I guess"
Rio: "What about social services?"
Jeff: "That'll just mean to lose her to the system, we won't be able to keep an eye on her"
Rio: "Oh...I'll give Miles some extra lunches to pass on to her come Monday" She said gulping down a swig of red.
Jeff: "Good idea"
And it was because of their efforts to keep you fed that you finally grew, now you actually looked your age, and needless to say The Morales had brought you into their family not as a guest, but as a member. And for your 11th birthday since by this point you had turned up to school with solles shoes Rio brought you new trainers, while Jeff brought you a selection of new tops.
Of course you being uncustomed to such kindness you responded oddly.
Rio: "Happy birthday baby" She handed you a box, and once you opened it it revealed new shoes!
Y/n: "...are these for me?"
Jeff: "Of course there for you Y/n, it's your birthday!"
Y/n: "I'm not sure if I should take these, I'm very grateful I'm just not sure what my Mom will say"
Rio: "What do you mean?"
Of course you parents had noticed you putting on weight, coming home in new clothing and initally they were grateful to Rio and Jeff for helping out, but it felt more and more like they were taking you away, or like they were trying to replace them.
Miles had also reported you coming to school less at less by the time you were 12, your attendance got so out of hand that eventually Jeff came to do a house visit, he knocked on the door, Your Mom came to the door.
Jeff: "Hey Diana, uh I'm here to do a wellness check on your Y/n"
Diana: "Oh, Jefferson sure, I guess"
Jeff: "Can I come in?"
Diana: "Sure" And so your Mom escorted Jeff back to through your home, when you finally saw the extent of the condtions you were living in, and it was terrible. Opening the door to your room Jeff could see your mattress was on the floor with no sheet, all your clothing lived in pile since there was no wardrobe and you sat on the floor drawing in just a massive t shirt.
Diana: "See, she's well isn't she?" She sassed at him, all Jeff wanted in this moment was to snatch you up take you home and get you cleaned, and in some clothing that actually fit so you didn't look like just a head floating in fabric, but of course being a police capiatin made that legally impossible.
Y/n: "Oh, Hey Mr Morales"
Jeff: "Hey Y/n"
Y/n: "What are you doing here?"
Jeff: "just a wellness check"
Diana: "Your well aren't you Y/n?" She's not asking you, she's telling you.
Y/n: "...Yeah I'm fine"
Diana: "We good officer?"
To be honest, if he were social services he could take you but he simply did not have the authority, Jeff was hushed back into the hallway by Diana.
Jeff: "Diana, Y/n's been out of school for 2 weeks now, why hasn't she been in school?"
Diana: "She's been sick"
Jeff: "Well she looks fine"
Diana: "Then why are you here doing a wellness check?"
Jeff: "Ugh, Diana, If Y/n dosen't turn up to another day of school, I'll get CPS you under stand?"
Diana: "are you threating me?"
Jeff: "No, I'm doing my job" he said waving you goodbye as he exited the house.
Jeff and Rio sat with their son at the dinner table, Rio and Jeff had been cracking a plan to file for emergency custody of you for awhile now, but since you aren't blood they knew it wouldn't be easy, but they also thought it would be good as ask Miles what he thought about the idea of taking you in full time.
Rio: "hijo, what would you think about Y/n moving in with us?"
Jeff:" Full time"
Miles: "Like, forever?"
Jeff: "Yeah..."
Miles: "Is that possible?"
Rio: "It might be"
Miles: "I'd like that"
And so with Miles on board Rio and Jeff started the paper work process to file for emergency custody, and with the helps of CPS they finally had a case, but it wasn't enough, they needed proof of abuse not just neglect, and so they waited, 2 whole years for such proof to emerge.
You had come over on anther Friday for dinner as you often did and had been doing for the past 5 years now, but something was deeply off, you were quite, timid and apprehensive to speak, but the thing that really worried Rio was all the concealer you were wearing on your left eye, honestly it was strange that Jeff didn't notice since the makeup wasn't yours, it was yours Mom's the shade wasn't quite right and drew more attention to your eye, and what was underneath it.
She didn't want to adress it in front of everyone so she waited until later in the evening to confront you about it, while you wear in the bathroom, getting ready for your shower she knocked on the door, before you took off anything of course.
Rio: "Y/n...Can we talk for a sec?"
Y/n: "Uhh yeah I guess" You opened the door to her as she closed the door behind her.
Rio: "Baby, I can see your wearing a lot of makeup, especially round your eye, and I just wanted to check if everything was okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah Yeah...I was just trying to do come conclear"
Rio: "Uh huh...well, could you take it off for me please?"
Y/n: "...no"
Rio: "And why not"
Y/n: "I...I just want to shower Mrs Morales"
Rio: "Y/n we've been over this, You call me Tita, and really why won't you take off all that makeup?"
Y/n: "Tita...please I don't want to talk about it"
Rio:" So something is wrong, huh?"
Y/n: "...I don't want to talk about it"
Rio: "I don't care, your staying at my home I want to see whatever your hiding" she said sternly, handing you a makeup wipe.
And so you compiled begging to rub off all the makeup you had spent about half a hour applying, despite anticipating what she would see it still hurt her to see you with a black eye.
Rio: "Oh...Oh Y/n My poor baby"
Y/n: "Can...Can you please not tell Jeff"
Rio understood why, but this was the proof of abuse they needed.
Rio: "Was it your Mom?"
Y/n: "Yeah...but please don't tell Jeff"
Rio: "This is an assault, you need to tell Jeff he can help you"
Y/n: "I really don't want her arrested"
Rio: "I know... but if she's hitting you it's clearly worse than we thought"
Needless to say it wasn't a pleasant experiecne having to show your bruised face to Jefferson and Miles, though he obivoulsy wasn't happy that you were attacked but this was the proof they needed to push for custody, now all they needed was to report it and make a record of the incident, but it was so obvious you were tired and due to the circumstances, Jeff firmly belived the courts wouldn't to too upest if they kept you just one night.
Jeff: "Y/n...We think its best if you stay with us for awhile"
Y/n: "Like...this weekend?"
Jeff: "Well, maybe a little while longer"
Y/n: "But my Mo-"
Jeff: "If your Mom is hitting, I can't just let you go back"
Y/n: "But what about my stuff?"
Jeff: "I can drive over tmorrow and pick you up whatever you need"
Y/n: "I can't...I can't just leave what if she-"
Jeff placed a hand on your shoulder.
Jeff: "Y/n, we will take care of it, you understand?"
Y/n: "...okay"
Rio: "I'll pull out the couch for you M'kay? I'll lend you a pair of my PJ's"
Y/n: "Okay, yeah please""
It was all so fast, you didn't realise in agreeing to stay the weekend in their minds you were agreeing to being their daughter...
To be continued...
Feel Free to give me Dad! Aaron or Morales Family suggestions!
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Hey!! could i request a Morgan x fem, daughter reader(12) where she gets held in a hostage situation but they find her. They fly home on the jet all togther but while they debrief the case she was asleep and has a nightmare; the nightmare leads to an accident but there is lots of fluff and comfortt!!
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Derek Morgan X Fem Daughter Reader
Request: Hey!! could i request a Morgan x fem, daughter reader(12) where she gets held in a hostage situation but they find her. They fly home on the jet all togther but while they debrief the case she was asleep and has a nightmare; the nightmare leads to an accident but there is lots of fluff and comfortt!!
Third person pov...
Y/N could feel the ropes turning her skin red, she doesn't know how long its been but definitely a couple of hours, from the tiny window she could see the sun going down.
The back of her head hurt bad, she must've of been hit by something hard, her arms and legs aches from being tied tightly in the same position.
She couldn't believe she got into this position. She was visiting her Dads family in Chicago for a couple days when she got kidnapped by a serial killer.
She was taken by the Unsub while she was walking around seeing where her Dad lived as a child, she didn't know what happened one minute she was walking then it was black.
When she woke up the 12 year old was tired uncomfortably tight to a chair in a dark room with know lights, suddenly the doors opens and down comes a man.
He was white and looked around 30, he had a creepy grin on his face as he watched the little girl quirm on the chair. "What do you want with me" she asks the creep hoping to keep him busy.
The creep only smiled and held up a knife, it was a large kitchen knife. Y/Ns eyes widened in horror. "No stay away! You hurt me and my dad will kill you okay he's an FBI Agent you hurt me and he won't be happy" Exclaimed Y/N, distracting hom wasn't working.
The man hesitated before bringing the knife down and cutting her exposed skin, Y/N cried in pain as he cut her arms and thighs a creepy smile in his face as he saw the blood.
As Y/N cried he cut deeper making her scream out, suddenly the door was smashed open and the Unsub was tackled to the ground by a dark blurred figure.
As the 12 year old Continued to cry she was untied by JJ who's heart hurt at the sight if Derek's daughter being hurt, Y/N falls from the chair and into the blonde woman's arms.
She limbs were to weak to move, she held the familiar persons arms tightly, JJ only shhhed and comforted the girl as Derek handcuffed the guy and got in a few punches before Rossi managed the pull the pissed off man away.
JJ pulled Y/N up so she was standing. "Derek"she hissed to the still pissed off man, this made his snap out of his kill mode and into Dad mode.
"Y/N!" He ran over to hiss till crying daughter and picked her up being mindful of her cuts, he held her tightly in his arms as she cried harder knowing she was safe.
Derek ran his hands through her hair, once she was patched up the team took her to the jet, after everything that happened she needed to be with ber Dad.
Y/N slept on the couch on the jet while the others sat around the table and in the other seats in the jet, as they debriefed Derek kept sneaking glances at his still sleeping daughter.
Y/N twists in her sleep a pain filled expression on her face.
In her dream she was back in the basement, but instead of thr creepy man it was her Dad who was hurting her.
With a scream she woke up, she fell off the couch in her haste tk stand up, Derek was on his feet at once racing over to Y/N.
another thing she hadn't noticed was the wet patch on her clothes, Her nightmare had scared her enough to make the girl pee herself.
Derek didn't cared and focused on comforting his daughter from her nightmare, the man had gathered the almost teenager into his arms and on his lap.
He wrapped his arms arounder her providing pressure and rocked back and forth, the team watch as the Man manages to calm down the girl, her scream had made them all jump on edge.
Derek whispers words of comfort and gently she's Y/N, 15 minutes the girl is calmed and Derek let go but held her on his lap as she let's go of his tear sodden shirt.
She then realised the wet patch on her trousers, blushing bright red she started to cry again making her Dad worried. "Shh Shh hey Baby what going on huh?" He whispers to her as she dug her head into his shoulder.
She then mumbles something that Derek couldn't hear. "What was that Baby?" He whispers moving his ear closer so he wouls hear what she was whispering.
"I'm sorry Daddy" she whispers still crying. Derek was confused "why arw you sorry honey?" He asks earning a sniffle.
Y/N breathes before answering "because I peed myself I didn't mean to Daddy honest" Derek understands her embarrassment.
He hugs her tightly and kisses her forehead. "That's alright sweetheart it wasn't your fault, it was the nightmare, how about you let JJ help you get changed out of those wet clothes yeah?" He asks earning a nod as an answer.
Smiling hrs stands up and sets Y/N down next to him the little girl holds his t-shirt tightly as her Dad calls JJ over.
"Hey JJ can you help Y/N change please?" He whispers to her, JJ smiles at the two. "Of course I can, follow me Y/N" she says as takes Y/N tk get changed into dry clothes.
When the two returned Y/N curled up on her Dads lap and didn't move thr entire flight home not wanting him to leave, Derek didn't mind he was just happy to have his Daughter back safe and sound.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot so sorry for thr wait ! So sorry if this was rushed I have class tomorrow and I'm writing this at 1.30am.
Request are open!
Word count: 1054
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Help! I've Landed in a FanFiction (Chapter 2)
Pairing: fem!OC x Justice League
Genre: OC insert, Soulmate AU, Isekai, Reverse Harem
Characters: OC, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Hal Jordan, Diana Prince, Barry Allen, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, John Constantine, and other DC characters as the story progresses
Warnings: all warnings not tagged, suicidal ideation, domestic violence, general violence and dark, 18+ themes, read at your own risk
Summary: Katie Smith wakes up in a new world, one out of comic books and ridiculously cheesy tropes. All she wants to do is find her way back home, but no one is helping her. Worst of all, they claim to be her soulmates. Surely it's all dream. How can she make herself wake up?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (This One)
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Chapter 2: Is it Called Kidnapping When You're Not a Kid?
The alarm screamed in a very annoying way, and Katie wanted to cover her ears but she was still tied to the damn chair. Luthor (sure, whatever, she didn't have a better thing to call the made-up villain in her obviously confused mind) dragged her chair to the middle of the room, practically tipping her over. He grabbed some duct tape off his desk, and wrapped it around her head three times. She could almost taste the glue and it muffled her so much that she barely heard the groan as she felt it stuck to the back of her hair. It would be a pain to get off. (Why was she even considering it? She just needed to wake up. Warm bath and then maybe not sleeping again for like, two weeks.)
She felt cold metal pressed against her head and realized, a little delayed, that it was a gun. Isn't that an idea? She saw a movie once where a character killed themselves in a dream and returned to the real world. She tilted her head against the barrel, a little bit, considering. She couldn't see Luthor's face, but as he pressed in harder, she wondered what he thought.
The room was thick was anticipation. He had stopped his monologuing and the only thing Katie could hear besides her heavy breathing was the persistent wailing of the alarm.
About ten minutes later, the large office doors flew open. Several bodies rushed in, Katie taken by the bright colors. She really was the best at imagination, she thought, a little smugly. When she was younger, she had wanted to be a writer, and before Matt firmly shot down that idea ("Pretty much a waste of your time, babe, isn't it?"), she always thought she could come up with a pretty good story. Maybe when all this was over, she could figure out how to write it all down.
The room was chaotic until it wasn't. Whether this was because they saw the gun to her head or were just being cautious of the man behind her, everyone stopped suddenly. Two tall figures (most likely male?) stood in front of the rest of the group. One was wearing a black suit with a blue bird and the other wearing a red helmet. Behind them was a young man in a red and black suit, and a smaller boy? wearing what she finally recognized as a Robin(?) suit. All of them had their faces covered in some sort of mask. There were three others behind them---a young man wearing a leather jacket with spikes, a smaller figure in red and white with goggles, and a young woman with blonde hair and a W on her costume. Katie's eyes were wide as she took in the cosplayers in front of her. She figured if Lex was a villain, maybe these guys were heroes and had no idea why her brain made them up. She knew only a few characters from comics---Batman, Superman, and Lex Luthor. Wonder Woman was a comic book character, right? The Joker? Spider Man. Um...Captain America? And some guy with a burlap sack on his head that Matt always said was his favorite. Who else? Maybe Archie and Jughead would show up soon.
"Lex." The man in blue said sternly.
"Ah, Nightwing. Forgive me for my disappointment, but this invitation was not for you or the rest of the...freaks with you." Katie watched as the boy in the jacket flinched slightly. His face didn't change though---all of them were staring with a mix of stoicism and anger.
"Well," the Nightguy said pleasantly, dangerously, "we received it anyway. I'm afraid those you did mean it for are out of contact right now." His eyes flicked to Katie and back to Luthor.
The man with a red helmet rested his hand on the gun attached to his hip. His voice came out gravelly and deep, almost machine like. "What do you want, Luthor?"
Katie felt the gun press against her temple harder. No one moved an inch but she felt several pairs of eyes land on her. She looked back curiously.
There was a gasp behind Helmet Head and Nightguy, coming from the Red and Black dude. He whispered something Katie couldn't hear.
Nightguy and Red Helmet stiffened a bit. Katie could hear the sneer in her captor's voice. "As you can see," he trailed his fingers down her chest slowly, stopping at the top of her bra, "this isn't a conversation for you."
Red and Black guy stepped forward, sounding bored for some reason. "It looks like this isn't a conversation for you, either, Lex. The League is off world right now. Don't you think this would mean a while lot more if you played this game with them?" He twirled the large staff in his hand. (Gandalf! That was a comic book character, right? Katie patted herself on the back for knowing something.) He then turned his back to them, which Katie thought was kind of stupid. "Not our circus, not our monkeys, right, guys? We've got bigger things to worry about." The room was still for a moment, until the man in the red helmet shrugged. "Sure, Red. What do you say, Big Bird?"
The Nightguy nodded sharply, never taking his eyes off Katie. "If you say so. We'll pass on your message, Lex." He twirled his finger in the air, some sort of nonverbal wrap it up and turned around and just fucking walked out. Every single one of them.
Katie, who was getting frustrated with the duct tape wrapped around her face, must have managed to show enough confusion in her eyes that even the bald villain seemed to pity her. He put away his gun and scoffed, ripping the tape from her face and around her hair without any warning. She yelped and tears sprung to her eyes. Several strands were tugged out with the violent ungagging and she couldn't help but whine. Luthor laughed meanly. "Smarter than they look. I don't fully believe it, but I'll find out if they were lying soon, I gather. Go to sleep, darling. We'll try again later." The last thing she felt was a prick in her neck.
Katie woke up in a different room than her first cell, and definitely not in Luthor's office. It was about the size of a walk-in closet and carpeted. The door was locked, but there was a small pallet with a thin blanket and a bucket in the corner. A plate with a peanut butter sandwich and a small cup with water was on a side table. She took a couple of bites and downed the water and then sat on the pallet. She had been dressed in a pair of sweatpants and large black shirt, and she was determined not to think about who changed her.
She redid her ponytail and cleaned her glasses with her shirt, and then scooted back against the wall. Slowly, she started thumping her head against it, wondering how hard she'd need to hit it to wake up. Just before she could bang it harder, the handle on the locked door jiggled. Katie made herself smaller on the pallet, scooting further into the corner of the room. She was not ready for another round, even if it was all in her head.
The door opened slowly. But instead of Luthor, it was the small one she saw earlier, with goggles.
"AwesomeIknewyouwouldbehereItoldRedRobinthatIwouldfindyoufirstIcan'tbelieveitareyouok?" The words rushed out and Katie had a hard time keeping up. The kid looked at her, bouncing up and down from foot to foot.
"Um. Yes?" She hadn't caught the question, really, but hoped it was the right answer. Judging by his smile, it was.
And before Katie could decode any of that, the guy grabbed her hand, tossed her on his back (despite how much bigger she was than him) and flew? ran? teleported? away. Katie actually didn't know what was happening because one moment she was in the weird closet and the next she was on top of a skyscraper watching a building across from her blow up. Her stomach lurched and she threw up.
"Impulse, did you even warn her?" Katie wiped her mouth with the bottom of her shirt and looked up. The young man in red and black was shaking his head in exasperation, while the other young man in the leather jacket was flying (!) next to him. Red stepped forward, his hand extended.
"Sorry about that, we had to work fast. I'm Red Robin. What's..." But Katie didn't hear the next thing because at that moment the tattoo on her chest flared in pain and she sunk to the ground. All she heard before she fainted were the shouts of surprise around her.
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Cradle To Grave: Part Three
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Summary: Your experience in prison isn't what you thought it would be. You're feeling everything and you don't know if you'll be okay when you finally come out of it. Meanwhile, the team notices a change in Spencer as he tries his best not to miss you too much.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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The next morning, JJ is the first one in the station with Penelope on the phone. She didn't get much sleep last night much like the rest of the team. Her room is right next to Spencer's, and she heard him crying most of the night. She feels so bad for him. She wishes there was something she could do to either help you or make Spencer feel better. Her hands are tied, and she doesn't know how to get them untied. She has a coffee in her hand that she sips on as she talks to Penelope.
"I know it's a long shot, but Monica's parents said that she was heading west. Maybe she made it part of the way when she was kidnapped. Try running her DNA against adoption records in the surrounding states."
"I think you're brilliant! Hey, JJ, if we find this little girl, what's gonna happen to her?"
"If something illegal transpires during the adoption process, the court nullifies it, and the child gets returned to the closest blood relative. If it helps, I have met with the grandparents. They're wonderful people."
"Oh, I'm sure they are," Penelope sighs. "It's just... I don't know... I lost my parents. Granted, I was older than she was, but what got me through were the people closest to me. If Monica's daughter is with a good family, and we take her away from them..."
"Are we doing more harm than good?" JJ finishes for her with a sigh.
"Garcia, I don't think we have a choice. These people have a right to their granddaughter."
"You're right. This just sucks."
Derek walks into the station, also on the phone. Hotch, Spencer, Emily, and Rossi follow right behind him.
"Yes, right away, please. Thank you." He hangs up and looks at the team. "That was CPS. I asked them to send over infant mortality files. It's another group for us to eliminate."
"Good," Hotch nods. He has a piece of paper in his hands with red markings all over it like annotations. Hotch brings Derek to an empty office to speak to him privately. "This is your profile. I disagree with your analysis."
"Hotch, are you serious? It's not a law review article, it's just something for us to brainstorm."
"You only focused on one angle, Morgan. That the prenatal drugs indicate the presence of a wife or a girlfriend. We need more options."
"Which I can give you once we make the proper deductions. Hotch, you're asking me to guess."
"Morgan, in order for the profile to be useful, it has to generate multiple scenarios about what the unsub is doing. Rewrite it," Hotch orders and hands the paper over to him.
Derek can't believe this but takes the paper without another word. JJ knocks on the door and pops her head in.
"We got Monica's daughter. She was adopted four years ago. Her name is Lisa."
"How did Garcia find her? She cross-referenced the entire New Mexico system."
"She isn't in New Mexico. She's in Arizona."
This opens up all new avenues. Hotch and Derek leave the office and join the others in the main room to discuss the case more.
"So, all the mothers were abducted and dumped in New Mexico, but he keeps the babies in Arizona. He knows the police with stop looking at the state line."
"The adoption agency's gonna be our best lead to the unsub. Who handled the case?" Hotch asks.
"That's bomb number two," JJ sighs. "She didn't go through an agency. She was dropped off anonymously at a church. Hospitals and churches are safe havens. You can drop a baby off, no questions asked."
"Child Protection Services would look for the closest relative."
"Another search that ends at the state line," Spencer says. "If CPS doesn't find one, the baby will go into foster care, which is what happened to Lisa. She was lucky. The adoption process happened within a month."
It makes him think of your parent's foster business and how children are getting adopted in weeks. It can happen, but not at the rate their children are. Thinking about your parents brings him back to you, and he grows sad once again.
"So, this unsub had the opportunity to make money off this infant. When he doesn't, he drops it off at a church because he knows the state will take good care of the child."
"That's awfully considerate," Emily scoffs.
"Outside the murder, nothing about this unsub's behavior profiles like a sexual sadist... As I wrote," Derek says and looks at Hotch.
"Yeah, Morgan's right. It's the actions of a caretaker or a mother. Could our unsub be a woman?" JJ wonders.
"Only a man would torture his victims this much. Men get off on this kind of violence. Women don't. He could be married, though, with his wife being a passive participant and taking care of the moms and babies."
"Alright, we need to split up. We'll give the profile to the Arizona and the New Mexico state police. Rossi, Reid, and Prentiss, I want you to head to Phoenix. Morgan, you're here with me. We'll finalize the profile."
Spencer gets up but his phone rings. He doesn't recognize the number but answers it anyway.
"Hello, this a collect call from Virginia Correctional Center for Women for inmate Y/N. Press one if you'd like to accept the call."
"It's Y/N!" Spencer gasps and quickly presses the button. Everyone stops what they're doing to look at him. He holds his breath and waits to hear your voice. The call connects and he hears you breathing on the other line. "Y/N?"
"Spencer?" Your voice sounds so small, so distant that it breaks his heart. "Is that you?"
"I'm here. I'm right here. God, I miss you."
"I miss you, too," you sniffle. "How are you doing?"
"How are you doing? I wish I was there with you."
"I'm going to be fine, Spencer. I'm okay here."
"I love you so much. Please hold onto that."
You lean your head against the wall and let the tears fall. You try to keep your voice neutral so he doesn't sense how fucking scared you are.
"I know you do. I love you, too. I know you're worried about me, but I need you to continue to work on the cases Hotch sends you. I want you to use that big brain of yours to help people who need it."
"You need it. Who is going to help you?"
"Baby, I have faith that I will get out soon. I didn't kill those men, and I believe I will get justice. I will be home soon and in your arms before you know it."
"We're in New Mexico right now. I am going to visit you as soon as we are back in Virginia."
"Okay," you whisper. One of the guards calls your name to get you back to where everyone else is. "I have to go now. I just wanted to hear your voice."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
When you hang up, Spencer looks at everyone with tears in his eyes.
"Kid," Derek sighs.
"She's scared, Morgan. I could tell by the sound of her voice. She's scared out of her mind, and we work for a company that has the resources to help her. Screw my job if it means I can get her out of prison. Hotch?"
"You need to get to Arizona. We'll talk about it after."
Spencer is so frustrated and emotional but he doesn't want to make it worse or cause a scene. He grabs his jacket and leaves the station with Emily and Rossi following behind him. When the three agents get to Arizona, they gather the Phoenix PD to give the profile just as Derek and Hotch give it to the NMPD.
"The unsubs that we are looking for are a couple. Now, the man in the relationship most likely has a history of sexual violence. He started with stalking and then moved his way up to assault and rape. That violent streak ended temporarily when he found his wife. For the first years of their marriage, she submitted to his torture."
"Look for wives who came into the ER repeatedly with obvious signs of spousal abuse. You're gonna have to go back about five years because, around the time of the first abduction, the visits stopped. Sexual sadists can't find satisfaction from a willing participant," Emily explains.
"He eventually got to a place where he couldn't escalate his violence against her without killing her, so she made him a deal. He gets to kidnap, rape, and kill each of the runaways while she gets to keep the children. She's been giving the victims a series of prescription prenatal drugs, so you're gonna want to look at the obstetric fields such as nurses and OBs."
"The wife needs these children. At first, they were the lifeline that kept her alive. As long as he had other targets for his abuse, she avoided his rage," Rossi says.
"So, if these children protect her from abuse, why is she putting them up for adoption?" an officer asks.
"We believe the unsubs want children who resemble them physically, who no one would question as their own. All of the runaways have been blond which means the unsub may be as well, but the first child we found in the system was a brunette."
"Whatever the physical characteristic--the color of the eyes or the skin type--if the baby doesn't have it, he or she ends up in the foster care system," Rossi adds to Emily's point. "Wives of sexual sadists need outlets as a denial mechanism to cope with what their partners are doing."
"Motherhood, especially taking care of a helpless infant, is this woman's way of coping," Spencer says, his mind drifting back to your parents.
When the profile is done, JJ walks off to the side when she gets a message on her phone. Monica's grandparents are here and they are looking for answers. She walks outside to greet them, and they look at her with hopeful eyes.
"Have you found her?"
"How is she?"
"She's great. She was adopted by a young couple. No reports of physical or emotional trauma."
"When can we take her?" Conrad asks.
"Right now, we're in touch with her adoptive parents' lawyer, but the law is on your side."
"Can we talk to the parents? We could discuss this with them," Jane asks.
"They don't want to initiate contact. They've been through a lot right now."
A look of realization comes across Jane's face. Her smile falters and falls at the thought of taking her grandchild away from the only family she's ever known.
"They're her parents. Of course, they don't want to give her up."
"If she wants to see them, we can work that out. We're her family."
"What are the risks here? If we claim her, are we hurting her?" Jane asks JJ.
"It's impossible to tell. Some kids do great. Others have trouble."
"Why are we talking about risks? She's Monica's daughter," Conrad argues. "She's not their blood."
"Stop it," Jane hisses. "Thank you, Agent Jareau, but my husband and I need to discuss this."
Jane and Conrad leave the police station in quiet arguments, and JJ walks back inside the police station. She texts Spencer to ask how he's doing but he doesn't respond. He's been working hard to distract himself from thinking about you. He's working on the geographical profile when Rossi joins him. There is a map on the bulletin board with red and blue markings on it.
"What's this?"
"It's the pattern I've been looking for. The unsubs hid their tracks with the mothers, but they weren't so careful with the abandoned babies."
"Did you find more children?"
"DNA-wise, no but deductively, yes. I gathered all the records for all infants who entered foster care in a two-week window following each mother's death. Then, I narrowed it down to babies that were abandoned at churches. This is where the guesswork begins. Monica's daughter was abandoned at a Presbyterian Church. Let's assume the unsub, or the wife at least, is Presbyterian. That means all other unwanted children are gonna be left in the same denomination, right? That narrows it down to three babies left at three different Presbyterian Churches all within this twenty-mile radius. This is where they live."
Spencer points out the circle he's drawn on the map. Rossi grabs the files of the three kids and looks through them all.
"Have you looked at their files?"
"No. Right now, I've only been tracking churches. Why?"
"Because you just uncovered another pattern. These are all girls." Rossi calls Hotch immediately. "You guys need to come to Arizona. We found another pattern."
"Yeah, we're packing up now. We can be in Phoenix in two hours. What pattern did you find?"
"Reid found more children put into foster care. Lisa, Elizabeth, and Amanda. We profiled there'd be a type they'd keep and a type they'd put into foster care. They're keeping the boys."
"We'll be there soon."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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blues824 · 1 year
Can i request Vampire Au with Yandere azul and his darling who doesn’t mind or dgaf at all being kidnapped WITH FLUFF MOMENTS I BEG— and perhaps if you don’t mind add his reaction of his darling asking him if they could like him..
I can imagine his charm if he’s a vampire HELP—
Gender-neutral reader, who ends up as a house-spouse. I do not condone this behavior in real life.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?
The Coral Sea has such a bustling nightlife. You would think that it was Vegas underwater with how many parties and events are going on at the same time. All of the mer-people wanted a taste of it, and even many humans as well. This group of humans included you, the new student at Night Raven College.
So, as a result of your curiosity, you decided that Azul would be your best bet in helping you navigate the sea. He offered to do it free of charge, and you accepted on the condition that he bring you to his house so that you can have somewhere to rest for the day. You would need energy to go exploring later, after all. You were happy to see him excited about taking you around his hometown as well.
He presented you with a potion that would turn you into a mer-person, and he promised that he had a potion that would turn you back. You know that you were doing this without a contract, so you felt as though you could trust him. After all, he didn’t violate his promise of no more shady contracts or tricking people out of their talents or unique magic.
When the two of you descended into the ocean, he was glad that you didn’t see his mer-form as disgusting. In fact, you giggled when his tentacles started wrapping themselves around you and pulling you to him. You just thought it was because you accepted him, but what you didn’t know was that his possessive tendencies were taking over his usually rational mind. 
You see, the heaviness of the situation really settled in for Azul. You were about to go into a big city where he could easily lose sight of his beloved darling. There were a few vampires mixed in along with him, and he didn’t want anyone smelling your sweet blood and trying to take you from him. So he made you agree to keep close and he held your hand in his to make sure that you didn’t slip away.
Unfortunately, his home was a bit far from NRC. So that meant that the two of you had quite a bit of swimming to do before you could explore. His mother was excited to see her son and who she at first assumed to be his significant other. You were definitely flustered, but you explained that the two of you were just friends. Even though Azul seemed to be smiling at his mother’s mistake, his heart broke a little at how you viewed your relationship.
Darling, didn’t you know how much he loved you? Were the free meals at the Mostro Lounge not enough for you? How about the fact that he refrained from making contracts and cheating people out of their abilities? Were the multiple bouquets of flowers left at your door leaving a message of nothing more than platonic feelings? 
Well you shouldn’t be surprised when you find yourself locked in your room the next day with him accompanying you. After all, he promised to stick by you on your trip… which turned into a rather permanent living situation based on how he tied your arms and tail down to the bed that you were sleeping in.
“My love, you are smelling so sweet. I can hear your blood rushing through your veins. I haven’t feasted in so long~”, the cecaelia said as he started getting into bed with you. His tentacles started wrapping themselves around your torso once again as he clung to your side before getting on top of you, leaning down, and placing a kiss on the side of your neck.
“I won’t do anything that you don’t want me to-”
“If you’re asking to drink my blood, I don’t mind.” Your boldness definitely threw him in for a loop as you presented your neck in a way that gave him better access to the blood that hid within your body. He sat still for a second, processing your statement before going in and puncturing your beautiful skin with the fangs that he has hidden from you up to this point.
Your blood tasted as sweet as it smelled, he thought. He almost couldn’t stop because it was just so delicious. All his life, he had been warned about tasting human blood, and how addicting it could be, but he didn’t know the true potency of it until now. After a few seconds, he drew back to make sure that you were alright. However, some blood was still leaking, so he quickly licked it up.
With your head feeling light but your heart somehow still pounding against your chest, you leaned up as best you could to give him a kiss on the lips. The act made his face fluster, but he definitely reciprocated. It wasn’t everyday that his beloved darling returned his feelings and affections. Maybe all those things he did for you back at NRC weren’t in vain.
Skip to the present, which is years later after the two of you graduated. It was surprising how he allowed you to continue going to Night Raven College even though you were surrounded by many other men. Of course, he has made a few insignificant students go missing under mysterious circumstances, and he sent the tweels to deal with Ace and Deuce whenever they were causing too much trouble.
Speaking of, Jade and Floyd were his groomsmen at your wedding. Azul was aware of his immortal lifespan, but he believes that fate finally did something good for him and that he had to make sure that you were never taken away from him. Thus, the wedding rings on your finger. By the way, these are nice looking rings.
Even if you were married for a while now, he never fails to make you fall deeper in love. Every day, whenever he goes to work, he comes back home with a flower that he had purchased for you. There are many gifts that go to you because you rarely ever go outside of the house that the two of you now live in under the sea. 
Yeah, you were a house spouse. When you brought up the prospect of if you should work as well, it instilled paranoia within your new husband. He hated the idea of you going to a place filled with other mer-people where he had no chance to protect you. Some mer-people were vampires, and he knew that they could smell how sweet your blood was. To soothe his worries, he needed to make sure that you were his and his alone.
But, that doesn’t mean you never went out. Azul loved taking you out to fancy dinners, seeing you dressed up. Of course, he never eats anything aside from when he gets home and gets to feast on your blood every once in a while. He knows the limit, and he definitely does not go overboard. However, your blood is still as sweet as the first time he tasted it. 
There were many moments that the two of you shared, but one that was most memorable was when you were both dancing in the living room of your shared home. It was a sweet jazz song, and you convinced your husband to dance with you. It really was just the two of you swaying back and forth since he’s not too good at dancing, but it didn’t matter. In this moment, you would never think that the cecaelia who had his hand on your waist was a vampire, or a very possessive and protective one at that.
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inactive02 · 2 years
valeria x F!reader (141 member)
Tittle: "everything feels better when you have company"
a/n: this is a request from someone, including a flirtatious valeria but i put a little wholesome spin to it
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As much as you love being a part of the great family 141, it can be a lot of stress and work, but you didn’t have a problem with that. This one sparky character, Valeria, plagued your mind like a virus. The first time you met her when you were actually looking for el sin Nombre, after being tied down in that chair in the same room with her, turns out she’s the target you’ve been searching for.
Even when you interrogated her, she was looking at you with a big grin, teasing you the whole time in front of your 141 members. While you put your keys into the front door of your home, the memory feels like it was yesterday, all that happened a month ago. 
The silence in your home wasn’t uncommon as you stepped in, walking inside to sit your stuff down in the living room, “sora” you called, waiting for the cat to come in, there wasn’t even the slightest noise from her.
Deciding that maybe she went off to sleep, you head into your kitchen and flip the light, walking towards your refrigerator. Opening up the fridge, barely food but only a bottle of water, taking it and drinking it with big gulps. “You know, cariño. This cat is very cute” you choked on the water that you were drinking, and turned to the source of that voice. It’s Valeria, she was in your home?! How did she know where you live? How did she even get in?
“How did you find out where I live?” You exclaimed, looking more scared than surprised.
She held your beautiful brown cat, gently petting it “well, I am a cartel leader, no one hides from me” she remarks still giving the kitten a few scratches, you take this chance to take in her appearance more. Wearing a black tank top, exposing her tattoos that you caught yourself looking at the first time you two met, and the outfit she’s wearing is the same exact one she was wearing when she had you strapped down to a chair.
Taking a few steps into the kitchen, you noticed she wasn’t armed at all, only having her knife on her, “like what you see?” Just from her tone, you can tell she was grinning like a high school girl.
“You still haven’t answered my first question”
“Can’t a girl visit a pretty lady once in a while, it’s not like I came to kill you or something” she remarks before letting the kitten run away, turning her full attention to you “you should really put more safety measures for your home if you are going to be a part of the 141” leaning on the counter in front of you, watching you closely, what was she planning?
Closing your fridge with a noticeable slam, you stare daggers at her, “you came here for information about them, or are you here to do some kidnapping”.
“Why would I need to kidnap you when you’ll go with me willing” she leans back onto the counter more slightly, biting her lips “the fridge was empty, you should order something for us” the sound of her knife grazing the inside of its holster as she takes it out, pointing at you.
You could imagine the look on soap’s face if you told him that, el sin nombre was sitting on your living room couch eating Chinese food with you like you two were long-time friends. Her eyes were focused on the tv while her legs were kicked up on the coffee table, it wasn’t like she was forcing you or holding you captive. Maybe, maybe, it’s something else.
“Does it taste good?” She asked you, putting down her food as her arm drapes across the couch. You couldn’t take your eyes off those beautiful dark brown eyes, and the dark black hair that was illuminated by the TV light.
Snapping out of your daze, licking your lips, “it tastes fine” eating a bit more of the tasty food.
“Food always tastes better when you're eating with someone” so that’s the answer to why she’s in your house, she knew everyone else would’ve put her behind bars but you, you didn’t, only welcoming her in, not the slightest of judgment.
“I wonder if you enjoy being a cartel leader”
She clicks her tongue before saying, “It’s not so pleasant when you have to watch your back every second”.
“What about now, you're in a 141 home, I could’ve easily called any of my comrades to come to get you” you felt comfortable enough to lean back onto the couch, slightly feeling more comfortable than before. You can hear a slight hum beside you as a response.
“Well, it seems like you haven’t, maybe you do enjoy my company, mi princesa” her soft fingers took your chin in between digits, bringing your lips towards hers and indulging in your soft lips. The feeling was so nice, warm, and gentle to you, as you kissed her a smile crept onto her lips, seeing you lean forward for another.
The slight caressing of a thumb on your cheek made you look up at her brown, shimmering eyes. “Everything feels better when you have someone here, right amor”
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You Made a Choice to Be Good
kai parker x bonnie bennett
summary: a kidnapping has an unexpected outcome… bonnie never thought she'd come to an understanding with the crazy sociopath in town, let alone sleep with him.
tags: kidnapping, magic / spells / siphoning, cheerleading uniform kink, mentions of past child abuse & childhood trauma, desk sex, classroom sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, minor foot stuff / touching, sexual inexperience, loss of virginity, unsafe / unprotected sex, minor biting, facials, enemies to lovers, second chances
word count: 7k
a/n: i'm very aware this is (1) a bonenzo title, and (2) enzo's fantasy being incorporated, but idc i'm using it for bonkai!! the cheerleader thing just fits kai so much better!!
@bonnie-sheila-bennett here's one of the cheerleader fantasy fics! the other i'm still working on, and to everyone who's requested other fics, i promise i'm working on them!! i've been so slow lately. 😭
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It takes Bonnie a second to realize where she is. There’s a slight ache in her head and her vision is blurry, but if she’s not mistaken, she recognizes the room as her consciousness returns. Particularly, the colors; the green chalkboard taking up most of the front wall, the brown wooden desk a little to the left; the white exposed from what’s not covered in posters. She’s in an old classroom in Mystic Falls’ high school. 
After that realization, shock wakes her up pretty fast. She has no memory of how she got here and racks her brain to remember the last thing she did. She was in her dorm. She was asleep. She felt something warm around her abdomen… and then it was lights out.
Fear floods through her and she reaches for her phone. Only… her hands seem to be tied around her back. 
“Oh my god,” she mutters. Should she call for help? Or would that just alert her kidnapper that she’s awake? Thoughts race through her head before she can remember she’s a witch, and a very powerful one, at that. One word and the chains should fly off and she can escape. “Frac-”
“Oh good!” A voice cuts her off. Its shadow stands in the hall. “You’re awake.”
Bonnie could recognize that voice anywhere. Her body freezes instantly. 
A heartbeat later, Kai comes into the classroom. His famous smirk is on his face and she hates it. 
“What do you want with me?! Why am I here?”
“Oh, Bonnie. Don’t you miss me?”
“Not a chance. Take me back.” She struggles against her chains, as if to signal to him to take them off. 
“Oh, don’t be dramatic. We spent two months together, and you don’t miss me even a little? I’m hurt.”
“Fine! I stole you, I admit. You’re just too cute, I couldn’t help it!” He pinches her cheek, but not enough to hurt. 
“Don’t touch me.”
“Okay. Sorry.” He holds both hands up, imitating surrender.
“Why did you kidnap me, Kai? Why are we in my old high school?”
“I’ll answer both of those questions in due time. First, I wanna know if I uncuff you, will you try to escape?”
She stares at him incredulously. 
“Take that as a ‘no’, or?”
“What do you think?”
“Okay. Well, um… tell you this, if I uncuff you, and you don’t try to escape, I won’t have a reason to hurt you.” He places both hands on the desk and towers his figure over her. “I don’t want to hurt you, Bonnie, but I need you to listen to me.”
“Because it’s important.”
She sighs. “Fine. I won’t try to escape.”
“Now that’s a good girl. Fractos!”
The chains come undone at once. Bonnie immediately stands up and glances towards the door. 
“Ah-ah-ah, don’t think about it.”
“Motus!” She yells, thrusting both hands at Kai. The boy doesn’t even flinch. Bonnie stares, half out of shock and half out of fear. “Motus!” She tries again.
“Yeah, about that… I kinda siphoned your magic last night. That’s how I was able to get you here. It might take a while to regenerate.”
She glares at him. “No…”
“Yeah,” he clicks his tongue. 
Bonnie then tries a desperate sprint to the door, but gets pushed back by a boundary spell over the entryway. “No!” She yells again.
“You told me you wouldn’t try to escape. Naughty girl.”
“What do you want with me?!”
“All in good time. For now, I just want you to behave.”
“I don’t have time for this! I have to- have to-”
“Help Damon? Get to 1903? Free Lily? Yeah, I don’t think so.” Kai starts to stalk towards her. “See, as much as I love chaos, there was a reason Lily was locked up. She was a ripper, Bonnie, and I doubt her closet full of crazy-pants are any better.”
“Like that’s any different from yourself. Maybe we should lock you up… oh wait.”
Kai chuckles coldly. “Ha ha. Don’t you see I’m trying to keep you safe? Keep your friends safe? Lily here would be a disaster. Two Salvatores in this town are enough.”
“So what? You kidnap me? For how long do you plan to keep me here?”
“As long as I need to.”
“And what? Are we just gonna stare at each other? Draw shapes on the chalkboard? Wait for my magic to recover so I can kick your ass?”
“I’ve thought about that.” His smirk comes back and he holds a finger in the air. Kai makes his way towards the desk. “And while you were unconscious, I did some digging.”
Bonnie remains by the door. Her magic is faint; he siphoned most of it, but if she can keep him talking long enough, it’ll come back eventually. 
“Y’know, this school has a lot of stuff in it. I mean, a lot. In this desk alone, I found eight pencils, a slinky, a calculator that when flipped read “boobs” in numbers, a hairbrush, two things of lipgloss, and an unopened condom. And when I raided the principal’s office, boy, you couldn’t even imagine. But the most fun was when I went through the sports’ closet. They had all the retired uniforms from past years in there, and that’s when I remembered something - you were a cheerleader here! When I kidnapped Elena, I saw your picture in a frame; your team all gathered around. You all looked so cute and happy, but you, especially, were just adorable.” Kai’s hand disappears under the desk now. “What year did it say that you cheered? 2009? Yeah.” Her face pales as he pulls her old uniform out from its hidden spot. “Looked like this, right?”
Bonnie says nothing, but her face tells all.
“I’m going to take that as a ‘yes’.”
“Why do you care?”
“Why do I care? I just told you, Bonnie. You looked so cute in your little photo, and I happened to come across your old uniform. We’re here all alone with nothing to do. Everyone’s on break. So you might as well.”
“I might as well what?”
“Wear it.” She scoffs. “For me,” he adds, which doesn’t help his case. 
“I’m not doing that. Hell no.”
“Don’t be difficult, Bonnie.”
“I’m not doing it! Besides, who’s to say it’ll even fit me anymore?”
He eyes her figure and she immediately wishes she hadn’t said that. “Please, you’re still as small as you were back then. Your skirt might be a little shorter now, but I see that as a plus.”
She rolls her eyes. 
“Come on, Bonnie. Aren’t you even a little curious to see how it fits after a couple years?”
“No, and especially not with you around.”
“I’ll turn when you change.” He crosses his fingers. “Promise.”
She glares at him. “No. Now let me out; you’ve had your fun with me, and I have things to do.”
“We haven’t had any fun yet. You’ve only just woken up.”
“I’m getting tired of asking. Either you give into what we both know is the best way to spend our time here, or I chain you back up. Which will it be?”
“Kai, I have to-”
“Tell you what,” he interrupts again, “you put it on, and we’ll explore the school together. It’ll be a fun little adventure. A break from the chaos that is our lives. Just two post-grads exploring old stomping grounds.”
“You didn’t even go to school here.”
“Missing the point, Bon. So are you gonna do it or not?”
“No. I-”
“Vodux,” he mutters. In an instant, she’s within arm’s length. Kai grabs her wrist and siphons what little magic has returned, then stares at her. “Which will it be?”
“Fine.” She bodies up to him despite the significant height difference. Kai smiles, and takes her bold posture as an invitation to glance down her shirt. It takes everything in her not to slap him. “Turn around.”
“Yes ma’am.”
To her surprise, he does. 
For a minute, she just stares at the clothes. The uniform is perched on the desk - Alaric’s old one, mind you - and a pair of white shoes sit beside it. She scoffs, realizing he took the time to assemble the whole thing.
“I don’t hear clothes dropping,” Kai says suddenly. 
She sighs, then finally reaches for the hem of her shirt. With anger, she rips it off and throws it at his back, making a whoosh sound before it hits him. He only chuckles. 
“Very tempting not to turn around right now.”
“Don’t you dare.” Thankfully, he stays still. 
Bonnie removes her shoes, then jeans, and knows he can hear the belt buckle that hits the floor. To avoid another comment from him, she speaks first. “So did you even go to high school? Or did your parents decide it was best to keep the freak indoors, away from the public eye?”
Kai laughs. “I went for a few years. Got kicked out in high school for an incident that wasn’t entirely my fault. But then my parents pulled Jo out, too, and they homeschooled both of us. Then they started pulling out and homeschooling the younger ones. It was easier to hide the coven when we were all under the same roof at all times.”
“What was the incident?”
‘What got you expelled?”
“Oh.” Even with his back turned, she knows he’s smiling. “Got in a fight. Hey, he came at me first and I just finished the job.”
“Believe what you want, Bonnie, I wasn’t always bad. My parents made me this way. Their anger at me for the way I was born. Their inability to accept the fact that I was still their own blood even though I was different. And it’s funny, they carried the gene and it just happened to appear in me! So you tell me if that’s really my fault.”
Bonnie doesn’t know how to answer. She even finds herself feeling a bit bad for the siphon, despite everything he’s done. There’s a lot of truth in his words. Still… he’s admitting them to her now because he’s kidnapped her… while forcing her to wear an old uniform, probably because of some nauseating kink he has. 
Kai then sighs. “Are you done? I haven’t heard anything for a while.”
“I’m tying the shoes.” She finishes the simple knot. “Done.”
He turns around immediately. Bonnie finds herself genuinely curious about his reaction. Will he like it or hate it? Will he make some vulgar comment, or force her out of it because he decides she looks bad? She’s a little anxious over the possibilities. 
Kai, however, is instantly smitten. If he were a cartoon character, his eyes would’ve turned to big, bulging hearts. Stars would’ve floated atop his head, and his tongue would be out, panting. But instead of that, Bonnie sees a look of lust in his eyes. His posture straightens and his gaze travels all over her form. 
She doesn’t know how to feel now. Admittedly, the man is hot. Never would she say such a thing out loud, but she can allow herself to think it. Before finding the newspaper in 1994, she probably would’ve even tried something with him. She definitely flirted a bit, and he did too, before Damon pried them apart, but if he hadn’t deserved his stay in 1994, she would’ve gladly climbed him like a tree. 
And now, she hates to say it, but his attention feels good. It makes her feel sexy. The fact that this man who seems to hate everyone and everything is downright infatuated with her… it makes her feel powerful. 
“Do you like it, or should I take it off?” She plays with the hem of her shirt.
“No!” He stutters. “I mean, yes, I like it. No, don’t take it off!” He gives himself a couple seconds to recover, then teases, “I knew it would fit you like a glove.”
It’s a little tighter in the breasts, and like Kai suspected, the skirt is a tiny bit shorter, but it still fits perfectly otherwise. “So what, are we exploring now? Or was that just a ploy to get me inside this thing?”
The man’s eyes light up like an excited boy’s. “You would want to?”
“I thought that’s what you said we’d do.”
“Well then come on,” he waves, “let’s explore.”
Kai takes the boundary down from the doorway, but Bonnie figures he has them up along every entry of the school. Besides, she has no magic with which to fight him, so she’s stuck with him until it recovers. 
“So show me where your classes were,” he starts, “what classes did you take in 2009?”
“Well we were just in Alaric’s classroom-”
“Ric’s? As in Josette’s boytoy, Ric?”
“That’s the one.” Bonnie ignores the way he calls his sister by her full name. She’s not even sure she knew that was her full name. “And over here,” she points, “I had my English class. Ric taught history. He came in after our old history teacher was murdered.”
“Who did it?”
Bonnie clicks her tongue as she remembers. “Damon, actually.”
“Classic Damon… killing all of the important people in this town and getting away scot-free.”
Bonnie ignores that too. “And over here, I had chemistry.” When Kai snickers, she shoots him a glare. “And the boy behind me used to flirt with me whenever I’d come into class.” His light expression quickly goes dark. Bonnie chuckles at his sudden change in demeanor. “What kind of classes did you take in high school?” She asks as they continue down the hall.
“Sophomore was my last year in formal public school, but…” he counts on his fingers, “English, history, art-”
“Home ec?” She questions.
“Nah. My father taught me how to cook, if that’s what you’re wondering.” It was. “Probably taught me so I wouldn’t starve when he inevitably sent me to a prison world. If he even cared, maybe he didn’t.”
She feels a little bit of sadness again, however strange, for him. 
“Anyway. Geometry - boy was I shit at that, economics, anatomy,” his eyes light up, “that’s when I learned that the spleen doesn’t really matter.”
Bonnie’s jaw drops. Her sympathy for him is so “one step forward, two steps back”. 
“I even took driver’s ed that year. Of course, my father didn’t want me to learn it, but it was a requirement by the school. Didn’t want me to be able to get out, now did he? Luckily, we only had one car, and if he wasn’t using it, it was locked with an alarm in the garage. And I, not surprisingly, had no magic to surpass the alarms.”
They continue down the hall like he hadn’t just info-dumped about both his abusive childhood and his violent past in a mere couple sentences. 
“So what was your principal’s name?” Kai asks.
“Weber. Yours?”
“Think his name was Nordbye, if I remember correctly.”
“Is he the one that expelled you, too?”
“Yep,” he says, popping the ‘p’. “I liked him, though. Nice guy. Cared. He wasn’t going to expel me; was just gonna give me a warning, but then the other boy’s mother copped a fit and my father told him violence was expected from me because of the way I was born, and that terrified him into expulsion.”
One step forward…
“So then what?”
“Then I got expelled. Then I spent the next four years never leaving my house, much less my room. Then my mother had Luke and Liv, and then she died, and my father got worse and worse, and when I snapped, he blamed everything on me. Even though I had nothing to do with her death.” The last part comes out in a lower voice than the rest.
“How did she die?”
“He never told me the full reason, but I know it was medical. I didn’t hurt her, even if that’s what he might’ve suspected.”
“Why would you have hurt her?” Bonnie quickly rephrases, “why did he think you hurt her?”
Kai turns to her to answer. “Because she had more twins, and he thought I was taking my anger out on her.” He fiddles with a pocket knife Bonnie didn’t know he was holding. “As cold as she was to me, and as cold as they made me, I wouldn’t have hurt her.”
The look in his eyes reminds her of the time that Damon said Kai approached him with guilt over “ruining Jo’s life.” She called bullshit when he told her, but now she wonders if it could’ve been true. 
“Why did you stab Jo, if you would’ve never hurt your mother?” A bold question, but she barely even thinks about it before the words leave her mouth.
“I snapped. Tensions in the house grew without my mother around to soften them. The twins cried all day and all night; the other four were rambunctious as preteens always are. My father was so much angrier than usual, between hating me and blaming me. Even after it was revealed a medical cause of death, he still hated me. If I had been born normal, they wouldn’t’ve had to have more kids. She would still be alive. She wouldn’t have died at the early age of forty.” Bonnie gulps. Eight kids by forty is a lot. Kai’s eyes snap up to her face, but then he looks back to the floor as he continues. “She died in early May, and each year that passed, my father got more violent around that time. He’d scream at the kids if they were too loud. He’d slam things around to demand silence, but would only receive more panic. He’d spend hours by her grave and forget to come in and feed them - Jo would have to do it. Or I would, but I never seemed to do it right in her eyes. And sometimes, if I was in his line of sight when he’d finally come in, he’d take me outside as a personal punching bag until he was too weak to throw anymore hits. Or, if he were crying too hard to continue. His anger was often directed at me, too, if the kids were silent for once in their lives. He needed a place to express his hatred for the world, and eight kids that were only born to benefit a coven seemed to be the best option.”
“You said something like that before, that the coven always came first.”
Kai nods. “When you’re told at the age of four that either you or your sister will die for the stupid coven, life already seems pretty pointless. You’re in some stupid competition to see who wins - who gets to live - when neither of you want to play. You just want to be kids. But then they decide that since you were born different because of a generational curse, neither of you get to play anymore. And that’s great, because you don’t want to, but at the same time, you’re eliminated because you have no value to your family. And neither did the four kids in between Josette and I, and Luke and Liv. They aren’t twins; they don’t matter. When they finally produce a set that could lead - and neither are flawed in the way you are - you start to feel a little angry. That’s not even including the names my father would call me, nor the type of hand he’d hold to my face. The same hand that held Josette’s crying face when she got a B on a test is the same one that hit me on mine when I got the same grade on the same test.”
Kai bites his tongue, eyes glued to the floor, as he seems to suddenly remember where he is. He doesn’t dare look at the girl in front of him, and he doesn’t speak anymore on the topic. 
“You can go,” he says suddenly, “if you want. I’ll take the boundary spell down.”
Bonnie hesitates. This is her chance to run, to escape. He’s giving her an out to whatever crazy plans he’s made for her. Though… this is also her chance to try and reach him. He involuntarily has entered the most vulnerable state in which she’s ever seen him. Maybe all he needs to tone it down a notch is for someone to listen. 
“Kai?” She backs herself up to the wall, desperate to lean against something as she searches for the right words.
“Are you okay?”
“Frankly, I have no idea what we were talking about ten minutes ago.”
Bonnie racks her brain. “Classes. Principals.”
“Ah, right.”
“What was the name of your high school?” She wants to get his mind on another topic before tiptoeing back into the one about his childhood. It seems safer, somehow.
“Do you remember the colors?”
“Green, white, and blue, maybe? Was blue included? I don’t know.”
“Can you walk with me?”
He falls in step beside her without answering. 
“You never mentioned your mother while we were in the prison world.”
“Didn’t seem relevant.”
“Not even when you took me back to your childhood home?”
“Didn’t know how much I could say,” he admits, “considering you didn’t seem to care when I mentioned my father and how he treated me.”
“You didn’t discuss your sister much, either. I was shocked to learn she’s the same woman that teaches Elena’s pre-med class now.”
“I didn’t quite have that information, either, until I got out of the prison world.”
“Fair point.” She takes a deep breath. “I can see why you snapped. It doesn’t make it okay, but I understand what led to it.”
His eyes snap up to her. “Really?”
“Elena told me that when your father learned there was a chance you could escape - when we were trapped there alone after Damon returned back to the modern world - he acted immediately and quite impulsively. Except, it didn’t seem so impulsive to him; it seemed planned. Premeditated. Like a desperate backup plan.”
“What did he do?”
“Tried to kill Jo. Burned a locket of hers. It would’ve killed her if Elena hadn’t healed her with her blood.”
Kai seems shocked to have learned his father targeted his favorite child. 
“We might’ve had a shitty past together; both of us taking turns at the other’s throat for weeks, but you tried to apologize and I pushed you into the mud.”
“This is where I remind you, you stabbed me first over there.”
She spins on her heels to face him. “Don’t push it.” Her face is stern, but there’s a hint of a smile, too. She turns back around to the hallway. “I believed everything you said about him. I met Luke and Liv in college, and they mentioned their dysfunctional family every so often. And then Elena recounted what happened to Jo, as well as the story she told prior, of what went down with you. The reason she thinks you snapped,” Bonnie clarifies, " is because you were born different and you didn’t like it. You consciously decided to take your anger out on everyone. You couldn’t deal with them thinking you were unable to lead and snapped.” She sighs. “But even though I wanted to believe that, deep down, I couldn’t, because I had spent two months with you in close quarters, and knew there was more to it than that.” Bonnie stops outside of Alaric’s classroom. “I’m sorry your father was abusive; I’m sorry you were raised with the knowledge that you would die or kill your sister. That’s not a way to grow up.” She then repeats, “it doesn’t make it okay, but I can understand why it happened.”
“Thank you,” he whispers, standing close. In the next moment, he reaches for her hand. He can feel the magic returning to her, running through her veins, they both can. Bonnie bites her tongue, wondering what he’ll do. Kai, though, doesn’t siphon. He drinks in her smell, the faint perfume, the slightly musky scent of the from-the-vault uniform. He closes his eyes and wills himself not to kiss her. 
Bonnie finds herself unexpectedly calm despite the proximity. If he wanted to hurt her, he would’ve done it by now. 
“What was your mascot?” She blurts out. She might be calm, but that doesn’t mean she can’t sense the tension returning to settle in between them.
He smiles. “Broncos.”
“Did you have a thing for cheerleaders then, too?”
He chuckles lightly. “Yes. But never one as much as I like you.”
Her heart races, and her hands find the front of his chest. She doesn’t push him off, but instead rests them in place. 
“Do you really believe me this time?”
He brings a hand up to her face, stroking her cheek with one finger. “Bon?”
“Would you push me away if I kissed you?”
She finds herself gulping. “No.”
Despite asking, he’s slow to move forward, as if giving her time, still, to push him away. She doesn’t though, and lets him close the gap between their lips. He’s gentle, almost barely there, and remains so until she kisses back. As soon as she does, he gets more into it, kissing harder. He trails his unoccupied hand down the side of her body, letting it graze the red fabric before resting it on her bare hip, where the crop top exposes. His fingers are slightly cold, making her gasp and shiver. In the split second that her mouth is open, he slinks his tongue inside. He tastes her only for a moment, then pulls away to check on her.
“You okay?”
Nervousness clouds her eyes, but she nods. “I’m okay.”
Kai kisses her again, now more forcefully. Bonnie’s hands find his neck and pull him closer. Kai lets her, but not without hoisting her legs up first. He taps on her hips and lifts her into the air. Her back presses into the wall, skirt riding up even more from the position. 
Bonnie chuckles. “I’m taller than you.”
“Not for long,” he teases. He carries her into the classroom, then sits her down on the desk. Her skirt hides nothing, and his mouth waters at the sight. 
“Is this okay?” He taps her thigh.
“Yes.” She lowers her body until she’s lying down on her elbows. Her heels rest against the edge of the desk and with quick motions, he frees her from the tight shoes. Bonnie visibly relaxes once out of them. Kai’s fingers move gently to pull her panties down her legs. The cold air makes her inhale, and he’s quick to put two fingers against her clit.
“Your fingers are cold.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I can warm them up.”
“Please,” she says through clenched teeth. 
He starts to rub circles over her clit, and her body quickly reacts. Her lips part and a soft moan escapes through them. It encourages him on, as he dips his fingers into her core when he believes she’s starting to get wet. 
“Oh,” she whines, throwing her head back harshly, almost slipping.
She tightens her grip on the wood and watches him.
One hand rests on her knee while the other continues to get her wet enough to take him. Kai has no problem getting hard for her, as apparent by the outline in his jeans. She can feel her core throb just by looking at it. 
“Those look tight,” she nods. Kai looks down to follow her gaze and smiles, as if caught in the act. Before he can speak, she pokes at his bulge with her foot. 
“Bon-” Nothing else comes out, his throat going dry at the tease. She runs her foot slowly along his length. When he glances up, her tongue is peeking out from the side of her mouth. “Bon,” he starts again, shifting his weight. 
He’s not about to give in before he can taste her, though, so a second later, he carefully pulls her foot away from him and lowers himself to her level. Bonnie catches on immediately. When he lets go of her, she rests her heel back on the desk. He kisses her ankle, up her leg to her thigh, and then finally gives her clit its first kitten lick by his tongue. Her hands bury in his hair, urging him on. She can feel the dimples from his smile against her skin. 
“Oh,” she moans softly, tugs harder. 
Kai puts his hand on her hips to keep her down while increasing the speed in which he flicks his tongue against her. He ducks his head to enter her, tongue exploring all crevices that his fingers just had, and soon, his cock will. 
In the midst of it, Bonnie pokes him with her foot again for his attention. 
“Need,” she reaches towards his fingers with her own.
“Need me to touch you?”
His eyes light up with the fact that she seems to be enjoying this just as much as he is. Kai then moves two fingers to rub at her clit again, rather harshly, but just as she needs it. 
“This good?”
Kai finds a pace and keeps it. Within the next couple minutes, she finds herself getting close.
“Don’t stop,” she urges, “please.”
He doesn’t, nor does he slow down in his ministrations. 
“I’m close,” she mutters. He can tell, by the way her body tenses and her wetness seems to flood his face. “Don’t stop. I- oh god-”
One thing he never expected is for Bonnie to be vocal during sex. He likes it.
“Kai- I- urrgh!” And with that, she comes. 
He continues to eat her out through her orgasm, and doesn’t let up until she’s catching her breath. Little cries and moans of his name still fall from her lips, but her grip has weakened on his hair. Kai attaches his lips to her and sucks her juices before rising back to his feet. Bonnie wastes no time pulling him close by the shirt and tasting herself off his lips. 
As she kisses him, she puts her foot back on his bulge. It’s grown since the last time she felt it.
“Ready?” He asks into her mouth. 
He’s quick to undo his belt and lets it drop to the floor. Her heart speeds up with anticipation. When he finally pulls himself out, she lets out a little gasp. Kai’s of average size and girth, to the best of her knowledge, but she’s more reacting to the prospect of taking someone again. She’d only lost her virginity last year, and her relationship with Jeremy never had the chance to travel too far into the sexual realm. 
“You okay, Bonnie?” Kai senses her sudden anxiety. 
“Mhm. Just… been kinda a long time.”
He seems to get shy, then, too. “Yeah, um… me too. Are you sure you’re ready?”
“Just start slow.”
He lines himself up with her, and she puts her legs over his shoulders. As soon as he starts to enter her, he lets out a husky moan. He pushes inside, watching her face, until he reads it’s far enough, then slowly starts to pull out. Kai slips out a couple of times at first. He bites his lip, a bit fearfully, then retries. 
After a moment, Bonnie asks the dreaded question. “Have you done this before?”
“No,” he admits, looking anywhere but her face now. 
“It’s okay.” She’s quick to assure. “Take a deep breath.”
“Do you want to stop?”
She gives him a quizzical look. “Why would I want to do that?”
“Because I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“That’s okay, we all have to start somewhere. Judging by what you told me about your childhood and how controlling your dad was, I’m not surprised.”
He cocks his head. “You’d go this far with me knowing I was possibly…”
“I don’t see what’s wrong with it. I was until just last year.”
“Was your boyfriend?”
“No, he lost it a long time ago. But he was gentle with me through it, and now I’m gonna be gentle with you, okay?”
Kai seems hesitant, but lets her hold the base of his cock and help him push back into her. 
“Don’t pull out all the way until you’ve found a rhythm. You don’t even, really, have to pull out all that much if you’d prefer.” She lets him go and rests back onto her elbows. “Now keep your hands wherever you feel like you need to. Once you get the hang of it, drop one down and rub the clit, because most girls can’t get off from actual intercourse anyway.” Kai doesn’t react to that, as if he already knew it, but he does nod at taking her advice to not pull out too far. “And you were doing a good job of keeping an eye on my reactions, making sure it’s not too much. That’s good. Also… remember to pull out in time. I certainly wasn’t expecting this today and I don’t think either of us have protection. I’m trusting you on this one, Kai.”
“Why are you trusting me?” He asks suddenly.
“I… I don’t know.” She bites her cheek before confessing, “maybe being around you today brought up some old feelings from our time in the prison world. Maybe I’ve finally decided to let myself give into them.”
The man smiles. “So you did feel something for me?”
She gives him a playful smack on his hand. “Don’t let that get to your head.”
“No promises, baby.” Before she can react, he’s kissing her again. After another minute, his thrusts resume. Bonnie wraps her legs around his waist and pulls him closer, simultaneously helping him find a rhythm. He has one hand on the desk and the other cupping her cheek. 
He’s a little choppy, still, but as he gets comfortable, he gets better, too. 
“This okay?”
Kai drops his lips from hers to her neck. His hand snakes down in between their bodies - Bonnie lets go of her tight hold on his waist - and finds her clit. 
“Perfect - oh!”
He kisses her chest overtop the fabric. His apparent frustration with it makes her almost giggle. He wanted her to wear the uniform, now he must deal with the consequences. She bites her lip to keep the giggle at bay, then pushes his head just enough that he nips at her bare skin instead of the school property uniform. Kai seems happy with this decision. He licks at her exposed midriff and leaves kisses in between love bites. Bonnie lets out a yelp the first time he lightly bites, but only out of surprise. The man looks up and winks at her in response. 
It isn’t long before Bonnie feels herself coming up on her second orgasm. She also knows that as soon as she comes, he most likely will, too. In fact, she’s surprised he’s held up as long as he has. Though quickly she’ll learn she spoke too soon as his next couple thrusts get sloppier. His finger on her clit weakens, the intensity of his roughness decreases. 
“You close?” She asks, not wanting any accidents. 
“Mhm, was just about to tell you.”
“I am, too. Just… there, don’t stop.”
Kai tries his best to keep his pace. The way she clenches around him makes it difficult. 
“I’m- oh god. It’s- I am- now,” she bites down on her tongue. “Kai!”
As soon as she comes, he pulls out and splatters her uniform. This time, he doesn’t keep his hands on her throughout her orgasm, and instead strokes himself rapidly until he’s finished. Bonnie props herself up to watch better just as a short second wave hits her cheek. Some hits the floor, too, and a bit oozes down the underside of his cock. 
“Sorry,” he mutters, seeing it on her face. He lets go and stabilizes his hands on the edge of the desk. 
“I think you should be saying sorry to the school more than to me,” she jokes. He watches her swipe it off her face with her finger, then, much to his surprise, stick out her tongue. He narrows her eyes and she only shrugs. “Not too bad, actually.”
“As compared to…?”
“Dunno. Never tried it before.” Kai cocks his head. Bonnie teases, “when I lost my virginity, we used a condom.”
“Right.” He sends her an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that.”
“Did you kidnap me with the intent of having sex with me and deliberately not bring a condom, or did it just work out this way?”
“I didn’t really have a plan, I just wanted to keep you here,” he replies sheepishly. 
“A-huh, I see. Well,” she swipes off what landed on her uniform, “I tried it, only fair now that you do.”
Kai chuckles. “Been there.”
“Hold up-”
“I spent eighteen years in complete isolation, you don’t think I’ve done that?”
“Right,” she says now. “So you have kind of done this before, just not with a real person.”
“If you wanna put it that way, yes.”
“So like… with a blanket, or a fleshlight, or…?”
“A what?”
“A fl- wait, when were those even invented?”
She searches for her phone, and then Kai pulls it out from behind the desk.
“Thanks… little thief,” she jokes. “Siri?” She speaks into the phone. “When was the fleshlight invented?”
The robot reports, “The fleshlight was invented in 1995 by Steven Shubin when-”
She mutes her phone to cut it off. “1995.”
“Let me see a picture.”
Bonnie turns her phone so he can see the photo Siri pulled up in relation to her search.
“1995? Dammit, I just missed that stupid thing!” He pouts.
She fights the urge to giggle. “Well at least now you know.”
His frustrated sigh turns into a low chuckle, and at that point, Bonnie lets herself laugh, too. After a moment, she starts to lower herself off the desk. He reaches out a hand to guide her. 
“If it’s okay with you, I’m gonna take this thing off. It’s not the most comfortable thing to wear, and wasn’t then either.”
“Okay. You look hot in it, though.”
“Thank you. I figured you thought that when you practically drooled at seeing me in it.”
“I did not-”
“You might as well have!” She softens. “But seriously, thanks. It feels good to hear.”
He winks. When Bonnie turns her back to change, he pulls up his pants. He finishes dressing before her, but keeps his back turned. 
“So, um… not to change the topic, but-”
“What changed?”
“You said you decided to let yourself explore what you denied to feel in the prison world. What changed your mind to let you do it today?”
She collects her thoughts before answering. “What you told me about your childhood. Not the fact that you were abused, but the fact that you were hurt for things that weren’t even your fault. Initially, in that prison world, you seemed so cocky about the way you had done everything. It was hard to see any humanity left in you. But then over time, including that time you cooked for me, the mold started to crack and I could see there was more to it.” She turns to face him, now fully dressed. A hand on his shoulder lets him know he can turn around, too. “You’re not just a psychopath who killed them for fun. You were a kid, outcasted and tormented, who snapped. I said it before, it doesn’t make it okay, but it does help me understand you.”
“Do I remind you of Damon? I know he had a pretty bad kill streak.”
“No,” Bonnie shakes her head, “Damon got better because he fell in love with Elena. You’re getting better because you’ve started to trust me with the truth.”
He lets this sink in, but then lets out a small chuckle. “Well, I might be a little like Damon in the regard that love for a girl got me better, but… I see your point.”
Bonnie smiles. She doesn’t quite know how to address that confession, but she wants him to know she heard it. They’ll cross that bridge another day. 
“So, um… I guess I should let you get back. He’s probably worried sick about you.”
She nods. “Though I do have another confession.”
“What’s that?”
“You’re right, about Lily. I don’t think bringing her here is a good idea, either. I would’ve, for Damon’s, and ultimately Caroline’s, sakes, but not happily. One ripper loose in this town is enough.”
“I don’t care too much for anyone in this town,” Kai admits, “but the spells of the prison worlds are bound with Bennett blood. Lily would’ve ripped you to shreds just for being a descendant of those that trapped her. Like hell I’d even give her the chance to hurt you.”
Bonnie smiles sweetly, touched by his caring words. She reaches up on her tiptoes to kiss him softly. Kai returns it, then brushes a piece of her hair back with his finger once they break apart. 
“Do you have any other ideas to get Stefan and Caroline back?” She asks, a hand on his chest.
“Maybe Stefan wasn’t Caroline’s emotional trigger. Maybe it’s her mom. Maybe it’s you. And then, maybe, Caroline turning hers back on will trigger Stefan’s back on.” Kai offers. “I can look into solutions, if you’d like. Those thousands of ancestral grimoires are bound to have something helpful.” His face then lights up. “You can look at them, too, if you’d like.”
Learning new magic always excites Bonnie. The prospect of Kai showing her centuries of his coven’s knowledge, to not only learn more, but also get to know him better, has her smiling from ear-to-ear. “Yeah, I’d like that.” She pulls away from him, convincing herself to leave his company. 
“Mhm.” She playfully tosses the wrinkled cheerleader uniform at him and grins. “See you around, Parker.”
He catches it, then throws her a lopsided smile and a wink. 
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