#answering asks late sorry i am still. diseased
theokusgallery · 6 months
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Sunny's like "oh shit when he said he liked me he meant it"
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comrade-slugcat · 6 months
U should tell me about glories yes yes pls
Hell yeah (sorry for the delay, I am... not good at answering asks sometimes)
Anyway, you are already familiar with the concept of iterators, which is the version of him I'm mostly going to be talk about because it's his base form (non au)
Seven golden glories is an early third generation iterator designed originally to serve as a history archive, and then hurriedly redesigned to have a bioengineering specialty due to the special way his group is set up
Essentially, the group is made up of two work pairs and the senior. Glories wasn't intended to be paired originally, but when the intended partner for EAs build site was suddenly and unexpectedly flooded by the sea, they had to use him as the replacement
fortunately this all happened before either of them were activated, so neither of them knew this for quite a while.
He's a massive jerk, manipulative and often rather cruel. His ultimate goal is to mind control everyone in the world to achieve apotheosis and become a god
you see, a god is something with ultimate power and control, and one way to get that is to be able to control everyone!
He achieve this, he started a cult, claiming to help everyone achieve true godhood (though in far different ways than his definition of it!) And secretly making them download his mind control virus, claiming it was something else that would help. And then of course once you download it it's too late to remove
And also just trying to trick people into downloading it if he thinks he can get away with it
He ends up making a mistake, though. When they were first activated, he and EA were genuine friends and EA trusted him
He decided to use that trust to get maim to tell him aer secrets, and then tell everyone else for cheap amusement, thinking that since EA hates modifying creatures there's no way mur can do anything about it except maybe get upset
In response to finding out about this, EA decides to speed up aer project to separate their puppet from his structure to go maul him (EAs still fully the structure, the puppet is just remotely controlled)
though the initial plan was just to hurt him, EA ends up "killing" glories by removing all his rarefaction cells, causing him to collapse
this ended up releasing one of him many very dangerous diseases that he would create for fun and in case someone ever did decide to send creatures to attack him
It was later called the deathloop, as it would cause creatures to die infinitely, and becomes EAs main weapon (hae and glories are genetically the same and as it was made to not affect him it cant affect EA)
he ends up with a piece of rebar stuck through his puppet and a massive deadzone around his can
Uhh yeah what else... He tried to revive the ancients to make them worship him but failed badly and ended up creating a horrible forever growing monstrosity that he immediately threw out into the surrounding regions
He's named after his seven fancy golden orbs that have the great achievements of the group that made him inscribed on them
he also appears in several different aus, as the villain of course, but this is already a massive amount of text and that would make it too long
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Him in his only non culty robes outfit as a reward for reading all that
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the-cranck-hobbit · 2 years
Motorcycle and water drop || Song of a Nightingale Pt.2
Author's note : English is not my mother tongue, I am french but I wanted to try to write in English so here we are ! (Don't hesitate to tell me about the errors…)
Pairing : Mitchell! OC x Rooster, mention of Kazansky! OC x Hangman, mention of OC × Iceman
Summary : Two years after the uranium mission, Maverick enjoys his new life. Working on his plane, drinking beer at the Hard Deck, building a limpy little family with Penny and her daughter, Rooster, his WSO's son and Blizzard, his wingman's and old friend's daughter. 
Everything change the day he got a call which announces the existence of a 26 years daughter. 
Discover the story of Ally and Bradley, find out if Kathleen will deal with her father's legacy, and meet Beck, the first woman graduate of Top Gun.
Warning : VERY BAD WRITING, age gap, mention of death, mention of diseases, mention of parents death, mention of s*x but nothing descriptive
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After almost two weeks of waiting, Maverick finally got a call. As usual, he spent his Thursday afternoon at the Hard Deck before the opening. Penny was preparing the bar, Amelia was doing her Homeworks, helped by Kat. Bradley and Pete were talking about Rooster’s last training. And then Mav’s phone rang. And then everything changed. 
“Pete Mitchell ?” asked a sweet voice with an Australian's accent on the other side of the line. “Yeah.” Silence. “I’m sorry, I didn’t check what time it is in California. I hope it’s not too late… or too early.” And then something happened in Pete’s mind. Like if he finally awakened from a very long night. Like if he always knew this voice. He stood up from his stool and walked a little away from the others. 
“Allyson ?” he asked, almost whispering. “Hey.” she answered softly. "Hey." He said back. All the others looked at Maverick. 
“I don’t know how to announce this… Mom died yesterday” Allyson said in one breath. Maverick sight. “I’m sorry Allyson.” He looked back at the little group that was listening quietly. Penny sends him a supporting gaze. Bradley and Kat shared a quick look. “I already told it to your mother but if you need anything just ask me.” Maverick heard a sight. “Thank you. The funerals are on Tuesday. I’m not asking you anything. I know you are far away and that you can have some things planned, and have a life and people and…” Maverick interrupted her “Allyson, if you agree for me being there, I would be glad to come say to her goodbye.” He couldn't see the tears in her eyes, but when she spoke again, her voice was shaking. “Thank you, Dad.”
It was Bradley that dropped Maverick at the airport. Pete was more and more nervous. The younger pilot tried to distract his mentor’s mind by telling some stories about the squad. How Payback lost a bet (again), how Phoenix failed to help Bob at flirting with a girl (again), how Blizzard did an ego check to Hangman (again). And even if the older man smiled at the last one, Bradley could see that he was still lost in his through. 
They left each other in San Diego’s airport car park. “When you'll come back, I will be deployed.” announced Rooster. He looked at his feet, shifting his weight from one foot to another. Even if they get their bond back together, the pride of both of them makes them a little shy when it comes to expressing feelings. Rooster took a deep breath and looked back at Maverick. “You’re gonna rock. I’m not worried about it. You’re both gonna be okay” 
Maverick looked at his son-like, grinning. He took him in his arms. They said goodbye to each other, Mav wished good luck to Rooster about his mission and entered the airport. 
Maverick watched again his phone and the message that Allyson sent him right after he landed in Melbourne. “Hope you didn’t have any trouble since the trip. See you at 7pm in the hotel reception. See you. A.” 
Pete ran his hand through his hair, beginning to be nervous. In his life, he went through a lot of danger, flying fast, dog fighting… he could hear the voice of his ex wingman “you are dangerous”. He buried a lot of friends (too much), he got a lot of medals. But meeting his daughter for the first time was the most stressful thing he ever experienced.
When he got out of the elevator on the ground floor, Mav went next to the counter and  began to scan the hall. Then he hears a sweet “hello” coming from the bar. He recognized the voice. He dreamt about this voice. He looked at the young woman that stood in front. “Pete ?” she asked. “Allyson.” he said in a breath. Her smile shined like the sun and she took him in her arms. “Good to finally see you, Dad.”
Pete released the breath he was holding. He could hear Bradley’s words. You’re both gonna be okay. He took a step back and looked at his daughter. His daughter. He wasn’t used with that sentence for now. She was beautiful. She looked like her mother. Except her eyes. She inherited Maverick's green eyes. Her brown hair was held by a messy bun, she was wearing a denim short and a colorful top tank. 
“Well, I thought you may be hungry after your trip, so what about going to eat somewhere ?” Ally proposed enthusiasm. Maverick didn’t know if her happiness ton was a way to hide her nervousness or if she was dealing with the whole situation much better than him. She brought him outside and suddenly she stopped. She turned back to Maverick, biting her lower lips. “I hope you don’t have anything again motorbike.” Maverick’s eyes wide and he laughed. Not a mocking laugh. More of a relief laugh. Like if he was finally delivering from invisible chains. "No, I don’t have anything again motorbike. In fact, I’ve got a little collection at home.” Allyson heaved a sigh and smiled again. When they arrived in front of a motorcycle, Ally climbed on and looked back at an hesitating Mav. “Something wrong ?” “It’s just that I don’t used to being a passenger. Usually I am the one driving.” Allyson holds up a hand with a mischievous smile. “Sorry, but I don’t know you well enough to let you drive my baby girl.” Mav let out a laugh and surrendered. The whole evening passed with a pleasant vibe. Pete asked her about her childhood, her life, her friends. She told him about her school days, the stories of Claudia and her. She explains to him that for now she was doing a lot of jobs, but she would like to work on mechanics. 
She asked him about his pilot’s life, his family, and his life in California. He told her about Penny and Amelia, Bradley and Kat. He explained to her the meaning of the Call Sign and told her stories about Top Gun. She particularly liked his stories about Becca. “She looked incredible ! I can’t imagine how hard it was for her to be the only woman in your Top Gun’s promo, with all these sexist men !” Maverick smiles at the remembrance of his old friend. Becca and him went to the academy together. He knew her for a longer time than he knew Goose. Pete was dealing with his father's legacy and “Beck” was dealing with her dream to become a pilot despite being a woman. Today, it’s more current. In the 80s it was a true struggle. 
Top Gun Fightertown, 1986.
The door of the men’s locker room slammed and a brown-haired woman wearing a flight suit entered yelling angrily : “KAZANSKY !”. All the pilots jumped, hiding their privacy with clothes or towels. “Hey ! Storm ! It’s the men’s locker here !” Yelled Hollywood. “I can read. But I don’t give shit about the little things you are hiding between your legs. Dress up and go call your wives !” Normally, all this cocky pilot would have argued and joked about the size of their sex, but they all saw that the timing was bad. Texas landed towards Maverick and whispered “what are we doing if we don’t have a wife ?” Maverick looked at him, eyes wide, terrified. “You found one !” Goose was the first one to get out of the room like it was a normal day. “Gonna call Carole.” Maverick followed him, begging “Can I call Carole too ?” All the pilot gets out of the room, letting a very angry Storm, arms cross on her chest, in front of a very wet Iceman, wearing nothing else than a towel around his waist. Her brown eyes looked at his blue eyes. He was pissing her off. But god he was hot. She tried to stay focused on his (handsome) face and not to follow some of the water drops that were gliding along his nake chest. She was so angry with him. She wanted to punch him. But at the same time she wanted to tear off this bloody towel and pick him up again at the nearest wall. God, he was pissing her off. 
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emerald-notes · 1 year
Death Before Water And Life After It
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'The Avonlea Story Club'
Story no. #02 Inspired by prompt: “There was a legend about the well in the garden.” Time Duration: 1 May, 2023 - 31 May, 2023
Word Count: 2.6K Words Warning: horror elements, mention of illness, injuries, deaths etc.
Summary: Spending the summer vacation with an ill grandma in a remote village turns mysterious...
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I attempted to write down a rare experience I got to have while I visited my late grandma’s village. The story I am about to tell is no ordinary tale. It is, in many ways, unbelievable too. So, I would rather let my readers decide upon believing it.
It was the summer of 2017. My grandma was diagnosed with a deadly disease and the doctors feared that she wouldn’t make it till the next year.  I had a long vacation of two months from school. I didn’t have any plans either. At that moment, my only desire was to visit my grandma for the last time on her deathbed, even though it was said that she couldn’t recognize anyone.
It was the very first time I sat foot in that remote village. I had expected a lot from it since it was located far away from the city. But in reality, nothing about the village appealed to me. It was just an ordinary village with ordinary people.
My grandma didn’t come to greet me. When I went to meet her, she didn’t even bother to look at me. I could tell by looking in her eyes that she was in pain. But as always, my sweet grandma didn’t want to burden anyone with it. I spent three days in the house without getting out for once. Within these three days, I had constantly sat beside grandma and talked to her in hope that she might recognize her youngest granddaughter at some point. But that didn’t happen.
Finally, it was the fourth day when I got bored of playing offline games on my phone. Since the network connection wasn’t the best at that place, I decided to take a look at my surrounding areas. Like I had mentioned before, the village had nothing interesting to enjoy. There was no place for sightseeing.
After some minutes of aimlessly walking around I came to a stop near what looked like a ruin of an old garden. I spent a minute or two looking at its broken gate. Then I finally went in. Once again, I was disappointed after finding nothing but a bunch of wild plants growing all around the place.
There was an old well at the far corner. I felt like I should go and check it before I left the place for good. As I walked towards it I felt uncomfortable and strange. I remembered I was all alone in an abandoned garden with no house that could be seen or people that could be heard.
Yet I couldn’t turn back without a close view of the well. It was as abandoned as the garden itself. Vines and roots grew all around it. The huge stones had cracks. When I peeked inside I was shocked to see water that hadn’t dried out yet. I could see my reflection perfectly in the black water inside.
I was about to go away when I heard someone behind me. There was a little boy sitting on the ground, his back leaning against the well. 
How come I didn't notice him in the first place?
He wasn’t wearing much clothes than necessary, I guessed it was because of the hot weather. He was dirty from his head to toe. I went closer to check on him. I found out that he was humming a tune while scratching his ankles.
“Hey!” I called him, “What are you doing here, all alone?”
He quitted humming at my intrusion and glanced at me for a moment. Then he looked down on his ankles and started to scratch them again. I felt an urge to stop him from doing that. His feet looked swollen and red.
Instead I asked, “Where are your parents?”
“They died… long ago,” he answered in a low voice.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that!” I went closer to sit in front of him, “Do you live nearby?” There were no houses in sight that could suggest his home. But I still looked around for any sign of life.
In reply, the boy looked at the well behind him for a moment. Then, he looked at me and asked, “Are you a foreigner?”
“No. I came from the city.” I replied.
“So, you are a foreigner!” he stated. This time with a thrill in his eyes. So, I nodded my head in defeat. Maybe he considered everyone apart from the villagers a foreigner.
“You shouldn’t do that.” I said, indicating his merciless scratching.
“It’s okay!” he smiled at me, “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
I studied his face for a while. Even though it was dirty, I could tell that the boy was really beautiful. He had big doe eyes with long eyelashes. His small mouth looked really cute when he smiled. Also, he had the kind of smile that makes others do the same at its sight.
So, I automatically smiled back at him.
“C’mon!” I stood up, “I’m going now. You shouldn’t be here all alone. This place is giving me the creeps.”
“You’re going away already?” the boy asked. The smile on his face was gone. His big eyes were filling up with tears all of a sudden.
“Aww, don’t cry.” I said, giving him my hand, “I'm not leaving you. I’ll take you to your home.”
“I can’t go.” he shook his head.
“Why?” I asked, rather astonished at the bold reply coming from an otherwise soft spoken little boy.
The boy retreated to his previous position. He continued humming the tune and scratched his ankles as well. I tried convincing him to come with me for some time. He started to completely ignore me.
I checked my watch. It was past lunch time. I knew grandfather was probably really angry by now because he doesn’t like delaying meal times. So, I told the boy to go home early and not to come to the place again. I had to leave him alone by the well.
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I had almost forgotten all about it. But another meeting reminded me of my encounter with the little boy by the well.
I laid awake in my bed. The little boy sat at the furthest corner from me. I stared at him for some time, watching him scratch his ankles and humming the familiar tune.
When our eyes met, he let himself smile. "You're awake!" He stated.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I came because you didn't come to see me again." He replied.
"Did you wait for me?" I asked.
The boy nodded.
"Why? By the well in the garden!"
"Didn't I tell you not to go there alone?"
The boy laughed at me, "But I live there, silly."
I didn't understand him. Suddenly I remembered I was sleeping and I hadn't really woken up.
How could I tell that I was dreaming?
"Oh no! You're gonna wake up now, aren't you?" The boy pouted his lips.
"How do you…" I couldn't finish my question. I was already awake. And as I checked, the boy was gone too.
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I couldn't make myself go back to sleep again. It was already dawn. So, I walked around the house. I heard my grandma calling me from within her room as I walked past it. My eyes grew larger.
She remembered me!
"Oh, granny. My lovely, granny." I sprinted inside her room and hugged her.
"When did you come, my love?" She asked, a sweet smile on her lips.
"Almost a week ago."
We talked for some time. Grandma said that she felt a lot better and was so happy to see me. She wondered why mother didn't come. I said she was very busy with her work. I lied because I didn't want to worry her about mother's health. And I knew she wasn't the type to get hurt when someone couldn't manage their time. It is a cruel world, after all.
At some point, grandma was reminiscing about the old times. Long ago when she was young and not yet married. She used to live here, in this village, at that time. She talked as if her memory of her childhood was just a few days back. I felt like she had forgotten me at some stage and mistook me for her best friend of childhood instead as she talked.
At one point, I asked her about the old garden. I asked if it was in use at her times. She looked at me with dreadful eyes, "don't speak of it. Don't you know, it's a forbidden place to walk in?"
"Why is it forbidden, Grandma?" I asked curiously.
"Oh, dear!" She suddenly started to laugh, "I keep forgetting that it's you." and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Grandma," I called, "Please, tell me about the garden. I wanna know."
"It was a long time ago. Even before I was born. There was a legend about the well in the garden." grandma spoke dreamily.
"What legend?"
"At the time when the first gypsies came to settle down in the land, it was a barren one. No river. No rain. Nothing. Nobody knows why the river gypsies chose to live in such a land after years of floating in water. But they struggled against this land. It wasn't habitable for life at all. They decided they'll excavate a well. After months of labor they did it too. But it was only a matter of days  before the water dried out after the well was built."
"Why?" I asked as grandma stopped to take a breath.
Grandma nodded, "it was a cursed place. Everyone in the village had dreams about the well afterwards. An unknown entity would visit them in their dreams and ask them to negotiate with it. The negotiation was a human life in exchange for water.
"People were scared. They forbade everyone to go near the well. They decided to leave the place for good. Some of them even ran away from home in fear. But the nightmares didn't stop. The entity was hungry for human life. Finally, it got what it wanted.
"A little boy of a lonely mother wandered off to the well one day. When he returned home at sunset, both of his legs were found being chained. The mother walked along the long chains only to find that it led inside the very well her people had built. The more they pulled the chains, the more it grew in length, coming out of the dried well. No blacksmith could damage the chain, not even a little scratch could be made on it.
"The villagers started to see a different version of their same old nightmare. The entity now asked them the life of that little boy only. Then, started the gossip.
"The boy was an illegitimate child. His mother was not a very welcomed person in the community. They lived almost a separated life. Maybe the entity chose wisely. Maybe they should abide by its rule. Maybe the boy could be sacrificed for the sake of all.
"But the mother was a mad woman. She wouldn’t give up on her only gem. She would rather her son lived with the chains around his legs forever. The child cried. He cried all day and night. He said that his legs itched. And as he scratched them again and again, the skin had peeled off and left him wounded.
"'Mama, it hurts.' The boy pleaded with his mother to get rid of his shackles. But nothing could be done for his aid. The villagers, at one point, stopped even trying. The herbal remedy his mother gave him was useless.
"'Let me go, then.' The boy pleaded again. His mother denied.
"Finally, the boy decided for himself. When his mother would be asleep, he would go to the well again. He would ask the well what it wanted from him. And so he did. Nobody heard of the little boy anymore. Someone said that the boy had jumped off to the well himself. But nobody knew because there wasn't a body to be found.
"Since that day, there hasn't been any scarcity of water from the well. The well never dried off after. A beautiful garden grew around the land. No-one had any more nightmares. The gypsies finally overcame another adversary that was the most challenging in their community life. They lived happily ever after."
Grandma finished her story and looked at me with a smile.
"But Grandma," I spoke, "this isn't the type of story that ends with 'happily ever after'."
"Why not?" grandma asked, "the villagers, in fact, did live happily."
"What about the boy? And his mother?"
"Now," grandma stated, "they weren't the hero of my story, were they?"
"You've got a point," I said, "But don't you think that the boy could be the most tragic hero if it was said from his perspective?"
"He could be." Grandma thought for a moment, "Why don't you rewrite it in your own words then? Maybe you can do him some justice."
Before I left grandma for breakfast, I asked her one last question, "since everything is resolved, why did you say that it was a forbidden garden in the beginning?"
"Because, darling!" She looked at me as if it was so obvious, "the little boy can still be seen roaming around it."
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I went to the garden that day. It was obvious what grandma told me was just a legend. And a legend can be a lie. Or at least partially. Maybe there was an incident of a boy's drowning. Maybe the nightmares originated from the collective superstitious belief of the gypsies. Or maybe, just maybe, there was an entity involved.
Whatever happened a long time ago, I could never know them for sure. I could only assume the story from my perspective and my beliefs in particular superstitions. But I didn't feel like I could rest till I saw that little boy again and demanded some kind of explanation. It might sound a little crazy to the readers but my mind couldn't make out any reasonable explanation of the boy's peculiar behavior at the moment.
I waited from morning till noon. But he didn't come. I didn’t know that some terrible news awaited me at home other than the fear that grandfather might be mad at me for missing another lunch.
Grandma was no more. My sweet, lovely grandma. The grandma who had talked with me just this dawn. I was told that the servant found her dead when he went to serve her breakfast. I almost didn’t believe it. But I accepted at last as we all do eventually.
I stayed till the funeral was over. Then I immediately packed everything to leave the place. I didn’t think I could stay at the house without feeling my grandma's presence.
But before I left, I had to solve something within myself. I had to see the boy again. I went to the garden for the last time. And as expected he was already waiting for me.
"Why didn't you tell me everything beforehand?" I questioned him, "Didn't you want me to know?"
"You know because I showed you." The same old smile on his face.
"But why me, of all people?"
He walked towards me and placed his cold hands on mine. It was the only time he had really touched me. He said hopefully, "You'll let them know, won't you? They'll finally know."
"Know what?" I asked, a little confused.
"The truth!"
I didn't understand him wholly that day. After years it somehow dawned on me. The little boy wanted the world to know. Not just the legend of the well in the garden. But the little life it took that made it possible.
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Author's note: The story is inspired by a folktale my grandma had long ago told me that originated from her hometown. It was about how a pond was excavated and a child's life was offered for it to contain water. There are many versions of this story. The story is really memorable to me and honestly, I still get chills whenever I think about it. I made some changes to the plot to match the given prompt. I don't know if I could do it any justice. But I'm glad I made an effort to preserve one of the less known folktales of my country.
P.S. The country is Bangladesh…
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mrsbrekkers · 3 years
Hi! How are you?
Could I get a Kaz Brekker imagine where he opens up to the reader after a job about his past and the next day he tells her it was a mistake and a lapse of judgement, quite harshly. And then the reader gets hurt after a heist and he realises how much he actually needs her.
Thank you <3
i’m doing pretty good! first kaz fic tehe, i’ve been waiting to do kaz brekker one-shots since i read the books. he is v much a comfort character. i understand his aversion to physical touch ( i have panic attacks at times because of so ), his humor, and inner dialogue so he is v dear and near to my heart yeeee
i switched up the next day bit and did it as the same time since it made more sense to me?? i’m not sure how to explain it haha
pairings! kaz x reader / jesper x wylan + nina x matthias ( with inej third wheeling because she’d so do so. ) 
reader is female in this, but i can make it non-gender specific if one would like me too! just let me know i’m very flexible in my writing!
warnings! talking about jordie, ptsd, trauma, talk of death, loss of a brother + mother, swear words, kaz being sad, panic attacks, blood, near death experience, pekka a-hole rollins,
word count; 2610 ( proud again haha )
one-shot under cut!
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The Slat had become uncharacteristically quiet. A successful heist on part of the Crows made for easy celebration amongst the Dregs. Most sat gambling at the Crow Club, drinking the night away. Jesper had been having a weirdly lucky night, the money in front of him displaying such. Wylan had been on Jesper’s leg the entire night, and the occasional ‘This is my lucky charm’ could be heard from Jesper. Inej and Nina sat drinking together, Matthias looking like an unwilling bystander to the girls' fun. And yet, Y/N found herself back at the Slat after the long day. Her back screamed at her to call it a night, but instead, she found herself in front of Kaz’s door.
It was a routine the two had when they were the only ones at the Slat. Y/N would sit on the bed, head in a book, and Kaz would sit quietly at his desk planning whatever it was Kaz Brekker decided to plan. It seemed the same tonight, with Y/N quietly reading, until her head lifted to see Kaz rubbing his eyes.
“You need to get more sleep. The amount you manage is minimal. I’m surprised you’re not dead yet,” Y/N commented, her book falling into her lap, the page she’d left off on now folded at the corner. It surprised her how Kaz managed to live off of his, if lucky, two hours of sleep. She’d never understand it. Granted, she slept less than the suggested as well, but she always made up for it with at least a nap during the day.
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” 
That might be sooner than you think at this rate. But Y/N wouldn’t take that for an answer. She wasn’t usually a pushy person, especially with Kaz Brekker. She’d learned being pushy with him was never a good idea, considering the amount of people who did were left with a ruined reputation and nothing to live with.
“Sleeping when you’re dead isn’t an option in Ketterdam. Even when you’re dead here, you’re really not. Especially when people know of you. And last time I checked, the entire city knows you, and half of it wants your head on a silver platter. I’m actually sure people outside of the city know you, and may want the same,” Y/N said, standing and moving over to the wooden desk, sitting across from Kaz. Her eyes landed on the work Kaz worked on, seeing another heist plan he was drawing out.
Kaz wasn’t going to give in easily, anyone who knew him knew he was stubborn. One of the most stubborn people who lived in Ketterdam, but he knew what Y/N was saying held some truth in it. One was never truly dead in Ketterdam. He suspected people would dig up his body to hand over to Pekka Rollins - no, he wouldn’t die before Pekka Rollins did, that was a promise he’d made himself after Jordie. Brick by Brick. He couldn’t pull Rollins apart if he was dead. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t dead yet: his vigor to destroy the man who’d killed his brother. But he did suspect that when he, Kaz Brekker, was dead, he’d never truly be dead.
“Even so, I have things to do, plans to make-”
“At 1 in the morning? I’m sure such plans aren’t going to disappear overnight.” Being cut off, Kaz casted Y/N a glare, eyes narrowing. Why she had such influence over him, he’d never know. Or, maybe he did know and wasn’t going to express why. Because why would he? Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason after all. He always had reasons though.
Finally, Y/N sighed. “I don’t expect you to listen to me, but I’m not going to let you rot away from the lack of sleep you get, Kaz. I am just as stubborn as you, and if I must? I will sit here and bug you about your lack of sleep until sunrise. Or until I inevitably fall asleep.” The smallest glimpse of a smile reached Kaz’s lips, an instinct to roll his eyes almost playfully too. Stubborn about the well-being of her friends was a Y/N special. Kaz had simply thought he’d have time before she got on his ass about his own health.
She’d already gotten on Wylan about his self-destructive habits. His tendency to blame himself for not being good enough. Y/N had practically choked him out once when he’d gone on a rant about how he was a problem for the Crows. A burden. Kaz himself had been somewhat frightened. She’d found ways to help Jesper and his gambling addiction, which usually included them gambling, but in ways that didn’t involve money. She’d gotten on Matthias for his excuses to not kiss Nina.
If Kaz remembered correctly, she’d called it ‘redirecting the issue’.
“You’re avoiding something,” Y/N then spoke, crossing her arms. Weren’t they all avoiding something? Kaz thought, huffing as he sat back into his seat. This was Ketterdam after all. If you weren’t running from some rich merchant, then you were running from their son. Wylan had simply been a lucky break in that usual streak.
“You say that as if we all aren’t running from something,” Kaz finally said out loud, his eyes casted downwards.
“Avoiding, Kaz. Not running, and something tells me the thing you’re avoiding isn’t something, but someone.” Y/N knew the look Kaz had on. She’d worn it herself dozens of times.
“I had a brother.” Kaz couldn’t bring himself to look directly at Y/N. It would make talking about this all too real. Too much. Was this a lapse in his judgement? Why was he telling her this? Had she managed to get so under his skin? 
“We moved to Ketterdam after my father died. My brother . . . Jordie-'' the name came out with a small crack in his voice. He hadn’t said that name out loud since he’d laid on his sick brother’s chest. “Was hopeful about what the city would bring, and it brought peace for some time. We worked with a man for some time, and my brother was in on a deal. One that seemed too good to be true,” Kaz scowled now, his anger seeming to rise as he spoke.
Y/N sighed, knowing where this was going now. “When an offer is too good to be true-”
“It usually is. That man went by a different name then. One to scam people for their money to rise through the ranks of the Barrel.” Kaz finally lifted his eyes, seeing the realization rush over Y/N’s face.
“Pekka Rollins.”
“Pekka Rollins is the reason my brother is dead.”
The room fell silent for a few moments, Y/N contemplating what to say. She had a feeling she was among the few who knew Kaz’s story. She was tempted to ask how Joride died, but she could infer. She’d been around Ketterdam during the time firepox had plagued the city. Her mother had been taken from the disease. She’d been the same age as Kaz. It began clicking in her head too.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N murmured. “I know you probably don’t want my pity, but really, I’m sorry.” It made sense why Kaz felt like he needed to best Pekka Rollins. He wanted revenge. He wanted Rollins to be just as down as him and his brother had been.
Kaz sucked in a deep breath, standing and running a hand through his hair. His regret for telling the woman before him began to consume him. This was a mistake. Why had he told her? A harsh look fell over his face, looking down at the plans he had laid out. “I need to finish these plans, and I’m sure you need some sleep,” his tone was harsh, but it was clear there was hurt underlying it. He wasn’t going to be an outright asshole, but he needed his space now.
“You need sleep too, and I doubt you’re in the right headspace to try and make plans-”
“Y/N, leave.” He internally was begging. And Kaz Brekker never begged . . . but Kaz Rietveld would, and that’s who was begging. 
“Leave.” Anger washed over his features, his eyes directing Y/N to the door.
Y/N sighed, walking towards the door. Before she turned the knob, she stopped. “You know being open about your past doesn’t make you weak, right?” But Kaz said nothing, afraid his voice would fail him. With no words spoken for a beat, Y/N opened the door, shutting it as she paced down the steps.
Her book still lied on the bed, the folded paper to the chapter she was on prominent. Kaz took one look at it before sighing and sitting in the chair, one tear making its way down his face.
It was supposed to be in and out. Another job. Another however much Kruge. Where is she? Kaz thought. Y/N was never one for being late. Sure she was working with Jesper, who was notoriously late, but she should’ve been out before Jesper was, and she wasn’t.
It’d been a week of no speaking. Kaz couldn’t speak to her after revealing so much. He feared it would become all too real. A common fear he had. Stealing, picking locks, it was all real to him, yes, but he never experienced reality when he was on a job. It was his way of ‘avoiding’ as Y/N would put it. But now, he couldn’t avoid the reality of this job.
The reality was: He’d ignored Y/N for a week in fear, and now she wasn’t at the rondevu point.
She’s Y/N, she isn’t dead. But that may not be true. She could indeed be dead. She could be, She could be, She could be.... Dozens of potential outcomes came to mind.
The world seemed to spin as he paced. Nina and Matthias had already tried to calm him. Nina had even tried to calm his heart rate down. Wylan seemed to be just as worried as Kaz as well, Jesper still out there alongside Y/N and all. Inej was calm, but it was clear she was worried too. They all were, but Kaz was being unusually emotional. 
“At this rate, you’re going to have a heart attack Kaz,” Nina had said.
And if he did, then that’d be a first for the Bastard of The Barrel. 
“And you’re not close to having one?” Wylan asked, shooting a glare over at Nina.
Kaz mentally thanked Wylan. At least he wasn’t the only one close to breaking down. Get in and out. In and out. What had gone wrong?
But then he heard the sound of boots running across the muddy ground, his eyes shooting up to see Jesper carrying a bleeding Y/N.
She’s bleeding. Who had hurt her? Kaz wasn’t sure, but anger filled him. That was until he fully internalized that Y/N was bleeding.
“Jesper, what happened?”
Jesper helped Y/N into the safe house, his breathing heavy as he helped her onto the bed of one of the rooms. “Rollins. He got word of the job. We became overwhelmed and Y/N here took a bullet to the shoulder.” Then Wylan was practically engulfing Jesper in a hug.
How? Was Kaz’s initial thought, but with a huff, he closed his eyes. Moving over to follow Jesper, he took off his coat. Upon entering the room Y/N was sitting in, he nodded towards her good arm, silently asking for her to take off the sleeve of the arm that was hit.
“I thought we weren’t speaking?” Y/N asked, groaning as she pulled the sleeve of her bad shoulder off with some help from Inej who pushed everyone else out of the room. Inej left as well, but gave Kaz a nod to let her know when he would need help.
Kaz didn’t lift his eyes to look at Y/N, his eyes steady on the bullet lodged in her shoulder. He pulled out the medical kit under the bed. Always prepared, Y/N thought.
“How did Rollins find out?” Y/N asked, watching Kaz pick up tweezers from the small medical kit.
“I’m not sure, but I plan on figuring it out. Stay still.” And Y/N did, knowing this was hard enough as it was for Kaz, she didn’t want to make it any harder. Squeezing her eyes shut as she prepared for the pain. She gripped onto the bed, seething as Kaz took the bullet out with the tweezers.
“I hope you know, I didn��t mean any harm last week.” Kaz knew what Y/N was referring too, and he simply nodded for the moment. Picking up the bandages from the kit, Y/N shook her head.
“Get Inej to do it, you’ve already pushed yourself enough.”
“It’s fine,” Kaz spoke, his voice firm.
“Kaz, don’t-”
“I want too.” His eyes lifted to finally look up at Y/N. She looked down as well, silently nodding. She understood Kaz enough to know this was his apology for ignoring her the past week.
“My mother, she died from firepox,” Y/N spoke quietly. She didn’t know how Kaz would take her bringing it up, but she felt that if she didn’t, they’d build up all this anger again. They’d ignore one another again. Kaz stalled. Flashes of Jordie and Reapers Barge consumed him for a few moments. Y/N’s skin turned cold, icy and raw. He flinched away from the feeling.
Then he heard it - Y/N’s heartbeat. She was living. She wasn’t a corpse. The heartbeat and blood were testament to that. She isn’t dead. 
“I never told you how he died,” Kaz spoke quietly. He wasn’t used to talking about such subjects with anyone. It was the reason he’d taken on a different surname. That way he could cut ties with his past.
But for some reason, Y/N was able to make him feel . . . though begrudgingly, open with his past.
“I can infer, Kaz,” Y/N said with a small hiss as Kaz finished with the bandage, his hands shaky. “Now, you can continue ignoring me if you wish, I imagine you enjoy avoiding me.”
“I don’t enjoy it.” Kaz now had someone he connected with on a level he wasn’t used to. He wasn’t going to enjoy being apart from that.
“I know, I was simply making sure,” Y/N teased, her lips quirking in a small smile.
Kaz gave a small shake of his head, his lips pulling into a smile as well for just a moment. Then he picked up his coat he’d taken off. “I imagine you’re cold, here,” he spoke then, watching as Y/N took it and wrapped it around herself.
Then the door swung open, Nina rushing over to give Y/N a hug. “Kaz here almost had a heart attack. Wylan almost did. Jeez, never do that again,” she said, laughing a bit.
“Ouch, ouch, Nina,” Y/N spoke, referencing the still open wound on her shoulder.
“Sorry, sorry. We made food for you,” Nina said, smiling before handing Y/N a tray of food.
Kaz exited the room, allowing the others some time to talk to Y/N. Inej followed him, her arms crossed as she leaned against one of the walls.
“What information do you want me to get on Rollins?”
“Whatever you can find.” You’re not taking her from me Rollins, and you’d better be ready when I do come for you. Brick by Brick.
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maximons · 3 years
All Is Lost
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Summary: Zombies have taken over the world, humanity on the edge of extinction. All hope was lost. Despite that, Wanda couldn’t seem to let go of Y/n, who had fallen victim to the plague herself.
Word Count: 2,263
Genre: Angst
Requested?: No
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, cannibalism, suicide, mentions of blood. Spoilers for Ep. 5 of What If...?
A/N: I know, I know, I’m gonna get into the stuff I promised soon. But for now, the Zombies episode inspired me and this came out. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, go watch it. Its amazing and depressing. Also this is DARK guys, probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, so...Happy Reading!
The Zombie apocalypse was always something everyone joked about, but never something that anyone could actually predict.
Everything happened so quickly, Wanda could barely keep up. It’s hard to believe that everything was so normal only two weeks ago. Now, she was locked away with Vision in an abandoned military base in New Jersey. Desperate to survive for as long as possible while Vision worked on a cure.
Some of his experiments had been a success, most notably Scott Lang who he was able to revert back from his zombified state. However, the man was now only a severed head.
Despite the success, Vision was less than optimistic. For one, Scott was one of the first infected. While the cure worked on him, the android theorized that the disease has mutated greatly since then, and it was likely impossible to cure everyone. And even if he could, the technology to do so is beyond human comprehension and therefore doesn’t exist.
Vision might have all but given up hope, but Wanda didn’t. She couldn’t. She refused to give up on you.
Wanda and you have been best friends for as long as Wanda had been an Avenger. You were already a member of the team and greeted her with an open mind and open arms, despite all she had done. You had fire powers, and while your powers weren’t identical to Wanda’s, you still offered some basic tips and tricks to keep such explosive powers at bay.
It wasn’t a surprise that she fell in love with you.
But her stupid fear had to get in the way, and when you came to confess your own feelings for her, she panicked and rejected you. You were so heartbroken, Wanda didn’t need to read your mind to know that.
And it kills her everyday knowing that that was the last interaction she had with you. The last one with you as yourself anyway.
All that remained now was the flesh hungry, blood thirsty monster that wore your, now rotting, skin.
This wasn’t you, she knows that. She looked into your mind and saw no trace of the woman you once were, the one she loved with all her heart. She couldn’t feel you, you were gone.
Despite this, Wanda couldn’t let you go. She couldn’t handle losing you entirely. She already lost almost everyone.
She managed to convince Vision to keep you in the base for testing. You were locked behind a large steel door, with only a window to see you through. But you were here, and that’s all Wanda cared about.
The cure wasn’t working for you. Your powers caused it to incinerate when it entered your system, proving it to be ineffective. Still, she refused to give up.
Vision thought it best to terminate you after the failed tests, but Wanda begged him not to. Knowing he couldn’t overpower her, and sensing his friend’s distress with anything that comes to you, he agreed. As long as Wanda had it under control.
She doubted he knew that she was luring innocent survivors into the base so you could feed on them, but she did what she had to do.
Wanda spent most of her days sitting outside of your cell. The first few days, you were ravenous. Banging on the walls and trying to burn them down, growling and screeching with the inhuman noise that took over your vocal chords, but you didn’t manage to break free. After a while, it seemed you have given up, and just sat in place. Only moving when Wanda opened the cell and let some of your ‘food’ in.
There were times where Wanda thought that maybe, just maybe, the cure was working more than they thought. You seemed to have recognized her, your facial expressions formed into ones that she had recognized and missed dearly. But that hope quickly died when she would peek into your head and still sense nothing.
“Hey, Y/n.” Wanda walked up to outside your cell and sat cross-legged like she did everyday. Your head rose, staring at her with your now glowing yellow eyes. “Still no progress on the cure, but don’t worry, I’m not giving up yet.” You offered no response, not that she expected one. “It’s hard. It’s only getting worse out there...” She sighed as she trailed off. She raised her hand to the glass, like she always did. “I’m going to figure it out...we’re gonna get you back to normal, and I’m going to tell you every day how much I love you. I miss you so much, but...we’re almost there. I can feel it...” Wanda’s voice started choking up, as tears ran down her face. “We deserve our happy ending.”
Her hand was still pressed against the glass as she finished her speech. She was about to lower it, but then something unexpected happened. You stared at her hand curiously, beginning to raise your own. Wanda watched, smile forming on her face as your arm made it’s way to the glass. 
“Wanda! Please come here, we have a situation.” You had almost pressed your hand against Wanda’s, when Vision’s voice interrupted. Your attention turned to the direction it came from and you let out a growl, clearly angry at the interruption. Wanda sighed in disappointment, but she tried not to let it take over. You still showed massive improvement, something worth reporting back to Vision. “It’s okay.” She soothed you. “I’m going to go see what he wants then I’ll be right back, okay? I know you’re hungry, I’ll get you some food too.” You didn’t offer a response as she walked off.
“Vis! I have to tell you-” Wanda began as she walked into the main room, but cut herself off at the new faces. She didn’t recognize the bald woman with the spear or the wimpy looking man in a workers uniform, but she was familiar with Peter. What surprised her most though, was Bruce Banner. A man she hasn’t seen in over three years. “What is going on?”
“I ran into them outside the premises. Apparently word has gotten out about the cure.” Vision answered before turning his attention back to the guests. “As I told you, I am afraid we cannot help you. The cure seems to be a moot point.”
“Well, what about-” Peter began, but he was interrupted by a new voice.
“For something you have no hope for, you sure don’t have a problem bringing in new test subjects.” Wanda recognized Bucky Barnes’ voice. She turned around, and her eyes widened as she saw King T’challa on his arm, struggling to stand on his one remaining leg.
“My king! We thought you dead.” The bald woman exclaimed in relief and surprise.
“Your highness. I was not aware you were in the base.” Vision said, confused on how that got by him. It didn’t take him long to figure out why. “Wanda...”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda whispered, knowing she was caught. “The cure wasn’t working on Y/n, and in order to keep her at bay, I had to feed her.”
“So you fed her our King?” A spear was raised to her throat, threateningly.
“It was nothing personal, I promise. I have her under control and the cure is starting to work, I know it. We just need a little more time!”
“Why not just kill her? You lured innocent people to their deaths just for her when there a couple million more Zombies out there that you could use for testing. Ones that have a chance of being cured.” The whole room went quiet after Bucky said that.
“Uh oh. Shouldn’t have said that.” Wanda heard Scott say, but she was too busy glaring at Bucky. Her eyes started to go red, but before she could do anything, she noticed the spear held to her throat begin to glow red and melt. The woman dropped the spear as it began to burn her hands.
“Did it just suddenly get like, super hot?” Peter asked as he began to fan himself.
“Oh no...” Wanda trailed off. She looked up to notice the steal walls that led to your cell begin to melt. “You’ve done it now...she hasn’t eaten in days.” Before anyone could respond, the steel doors melted completely. The man in the uniform was unfortunate enough to be standing in front of it, as a strong burst of flame shot out and incinerated him on the spot. Only a second later, you flew out the door, covered in flames as you hovered above everyone.
Wanda watched in horror as you began to fight everyone. They weren’t holding up very well, and that’s when Wanda finally realized what she had done. This wasn’t you, and if you were still here, you would hate to see your body be used to attack and kill others.
“Vision! Get us out of here!” She heard Bruce yell, and Vision shot a blast towards the wall, blowing it up and letting everyone out. Wanda turned her focus back to you, you watched them starting to escape and you began to fly after them, but a red mist surrounded you before you could. You turned your head, starting to growl, but stopped when you saw it was Wanda.
“Y/n. Stop...” You tilted your head, still struggling to move as Wanda came closer. She took a chance and reached up, gently placing a hand on your face. “I am so sorry...you never deserved this...” Your face softened at the touch, beginning to show the signs of emotion that Wanda desperately held onto. However, it was clear now that it was too late.
You snapped out of it, as you managed to break free from Wanda’s hold. You opened your mouth wide, intent on biting and feeding on her, but something stopped you. You hesitated, and Wanda noticed. You settled for pushing her aside to the ground as you reignited yourself and flew out of the base.
Wanda picked herself up after a moment, intent on stopping you. She ran past Okoye’s body, charred and eaten, but she was sure there was little time until she turned. She ran faster to where you were, now facing off against Bucky. She sprinted further, about to take off and fly when she paused.
Vision was face down on the ground. She kneeled next to him, glowing red hand turning over his body, afraid of what she’ll see. Once he was turned, Wanda gasped at the sight. The mind stone was torn out of his head.
“Oh no...no, no, no...” She held his body, tears slowly building as she mourned the loss of her best friend. She had officially lost everything. “I am so sorry Vis...I’m going to make this right, I promise.”
She heard Bucky scream. She looked over to see you start to feed on him. She saw Bruce, Peter, Scott and T’challa in the distance, making their way to the jet. They were your next target.
No. Wanda wasn’t going to let that happen. It ends now.
She used her powers to propel herself forward, landing directly in your path. You growled at her yet again as she used her powers to hold you. “Y/n...please, stop.” You struggled to get out of the hold, but Wanda held on. “This isn’t you...you wouldn’t want this...I love you more than anything, and I’m so sorry...I hope one day, you’ll forgive me.” 
Wanda used her powers to grab the gun laying by Bucky’s side. She held in to your head, ready to pull the trigger...but she couldn’t. She let out a scream of frustration and dropped her hold on both you and the gun. The gun fell to the ground, but you haven’t moved.
“I can’t do it...I...I’m not strong enough...” Wanda began crying, shutting her eyes and waited for you to finish her off. She failed everyone, no one deserved death more than her. She opened her eyes when nothing came. You stood, staring at her with a tilt of your head. The yellow of your eyes dimming as you stared.
“W....Wan...” You struggled to let out, but it was enough for Wanda to hear. She cried even harder. She was right, you were almost there...but it was too late now.
You took in your surroundings as best you could, you didn’t have a lot of awareness, but you knew enough to piece everything together. You saw the influx of zombies starting to enter to base.  Everyone needed to get away. You turned back to Wanda, and you knew what you had to do. You felt the little control you had start to slip away.
You bent down and picked up the discarded gun. You shakily pointed it to your temple, the control slipping away faster and faster. “Love....you....I...sorry...” You managed to croak out. Before you could lose control completely, you pulled the trigger.
Wanda watched in horror as you shot yourself in the head. Pieces of your brain landing on her, your blood drenching her. She looked down to see your body, half your face still together, but you were gone. Truly gone.
She knelt down sobbing, as she held your body. After a moment she looked up to see the Hulk appear as the zombies began to overwhelm the base. She saw the jet take off, and she gave a weak smile. They got away. Wanda’s job was done. This is where her story ends. All was lost for her.
So when the zombies finally reached her, she didn’t fight back. Accepting her death with open arms.
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poisoned-peppermint · 3 years
Part 4 of incorrect quotes because i feel obligated to make more due to the sheer number of people who liked it
Dream: My dearest beloved fuckos, is a fun, gender-neutral way to begin a speech
George: See also, esteemed bastards
Bad: Gentlefolk, Ferals, and Domesticated cryptids. 
Sapnap: My fellow yees and haws
Techno:Hey I know skyrim is revered as a classic but are we just going to ignore the fact that the entire game only had like 3 voice actors
Wilbur:Stop right there criminal cum
Techno:My ancestors are smiling at me, bastard, can you say the same
Foolish:When's your bedtime :)
Purpled: Whenever I next collapse in purely up to the gods
Ranboo:Human skin is a fursuit for skeletons 
Tubbo: i’m going to debone you like a fucking trout
Bad:You’re enough
Bad: love yourself!!!!!!! or suffer my wrath!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dream:And by wrath I mean love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad:no I mean wrath!!!!! You reading this, if you don't love yourself I’ll beat you with a stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad:I hope everyone is today well! And tomorrow!!!! After that you’re on your own.
Bad:what am I supposed to do all day while you’re at work
Skeppy:I don’t know, what do you normally do while I’m gone
Bad: wait for you to get back
Velvet:For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5am on the day I can sleep in
Ant:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Velvet:Early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch
Tubbo: 3:23 AM make a wish
Ranboo: I wish that you would go to sleep
Tuddo: Yeah well I wish I grew an inch taller every day as you get an inch shorter until you’re as flat as as a piece of paper and I’m 11 feet tall
Ranboo: You’re going to die of a mixture of skeletal instability and heart disease.
Tubbo: Yeah but I’ll look good while doing it.
Bad:Disrespect me again and I’ll determine your bodies resonant frequency and play a jaunty horn solo that boils your miserable organs inside out 
Quackity: If I were dating you?  Well, heh. Let’s just say horses wouldn't be called horses anymore
Karl: hey what the honk does this mean…..I’m shaking what does this mean!
Skeppy: Are you ok?
Bad wrapped in a burrito blanket drinking his 6th cup of coffee: Yes, this is exactly what mental stability looks like
Sam: My hands are cold
Ponk: *holds their hands*
Ponk: better?
Sam: My lips are cold too
George at dream’s funeral: can I have a moment alone with them?
Sapnap: of course *leaves*
George leaning over dream’s casket: Now listen, I know you’re not dead.
Dream: yeah no shit
Skeppy, jokingly: I should have Bad kill you for that.
Bad, peering around the corner: Who do I need to kill?
Skeppy: Wh- no, I was just kidding around.
Bad, pulling out a switchblade: No, who’s bothering you
Bad *watching the news*: Some idiot tried to fight a squid at the aquarium.
Skeppy *covered in ink*: Maybe the squirt was being a dick.
Peacock: *spreads feathers at Bad*
Skeppy: It’s trying to attract a mate
Bad, extremely confused: *shyly lifts top*
Skeppy: No!
Sapnap: Karl, do you eat olives? My dad wants to know
Karl: No, I hate olives. Olives are the spawn of satan. I hate olives so much my mom forced me to live in Mount olive for the rest of my childhood as a curse from the olive gods. Do you understand how much olives have ruined my life? I'm so offended that you asked me that have some consideration for people who have been abused by olives please!
Sapnap: K A R L ……….they’re just olives!!?
Tommy: If you’re bored you can simply close your eyes and rotate a cow in your mind. It’s free and the cops can’t stop you
Wilbur: is there anyone even named sheldon irl?
Tubbo: my class turtle from 6th grade :)
Wilbur: that’s a turtle
Tubbo: When god sings with his creations, will a turtle not be part of the choir?
Ranboo: No bcuz why do ppl like salad?? What’s so good about it
Tubbo: chew leaf like god intended
Ranboo: No
Tubbo: Abandon god and see what he does next time you lift your hands in prayer
Tommy: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
Wilbur, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Quackity: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
Puffy: If you had too, what would you give up food or sex?
Bad: Sex.
Skeppy: Seriously, answer faster.
Bad: I’m sorry honey, when they said sex I wasn’t thinking about sex with you.
Skeppy: It’s like a giant hug.
Puffy: Ant, what about you? What would you give up sex or food?
Ant: Food.
Puffy: Okay, how about sex or dinosaurs?
Ant: ……...Oh my God it’s like the movie Sophie’s Choice.
Gumi: What about you Velvet? What would you give up sex or food?
Velvet: Oh… um… I don’t know, it’s too hard.
Gumi: No, you gotta pick one.
Velvet: Um, food… no, sex… no, food…sex… food. Ugh! I don’t know! I want both! I- I want Antfrost on bread!
Tommy, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
Bad: Why are you guys acting like this?
Boomer: Oh, we’re not acting. We really are like this.
Techno: Dream has only knocked me out three times this week. Our friendship is really developing.
Tommy: You’re pathetic!
Wilbur: You’re pathetic-er!
Techno: You’re both losers.
Bad: I wish I could help you, but I shorn’t.
Skeppy: Bad, please!
Bad: What part of shorn’t don’t you understand?
Tubbo: Why did you leave Wrestlemania on for Michal?
Ranboo: They need to learn how to protect us.
Antfrost: I regret getting dragged into your heterosexual tomfoolery.
Bad: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk.
Skeppy: Go the fuck to sleep Bad!
Ranboo: Tubbo, please calm down.
Tubbo: I asked for two large fries!
Tubbo: *dumps fries onto table*
Tubbo: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
Bad: That was the worst throw ever. Of all time.
Skeppy: Not my fault. Somebody put a wall in the way.
Wilbur: When you’ve been on the internet for as long as I have, you develop thick skin.
Tommy: Navy blue isn’t your color.
Wilbur: Navy blue brings out my eyes you prick! *Chases after Tommy*
Bad: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere*
Puffy: Where did you get that?.
Bad: My pocket.
Puffy: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket?
Bad: Skills.
Tubbo: I will come to your house after work and knock on your window at 11 AM. You will not open the curtains, knowing full well what awaits you, but the knocking only grows louder, more demanding. Finally it stops, your ears ringing. You nervously let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You're safe now. Minutes pass by and you start to relax. And then you hear a knock at the front door. Like before, you stay still and clutch the blankets around you. You try to tell your self that it's just your imagination. Maybe the milk man? But why would he come so late? Everyone else was asleep, save for Naomi who was playing video games down stairs. To your relief, the knocking stops after a few. Minutes and you breath easy once more. Until you hear a knock on your bedroom door. You don't move. It's just your imagination. She isn't here. She can't be here. You tell yourself, shutting your eyes and willing yourself to sleep. The knock comes again, but with horror you realize that it came from the closet inside your room. You know that you have no choice. You get up, climbing out of bed with shaking limbs. You walk to the closest, trembling, and holding back the tears threatening to spill over your porcelain cheeks. You hesitate with your hand over the closet handle. Maybe it's just your imagination? She's not really there. You can go to sleep and laugh it off in the morning. Your naive thoughts are cut off by another, more demanding knock on the closet door, inches from your face. You know what you have to do. You open the closet door, and there she stands. Chuck e cheese, the mouse looms over you in the dim light. It's soulless eyes boor into you. It raises its arms, and you flinch as it begins to floss at lightning speed. Tears spill over your cheeks. This is the last thing you'll ever see.
Ranboo: Wait, Chuck e cheese’s pronouns are she/her? Trans Chuck e cheese? Good for her.
Bad: Would you like something to drink? *They opened the fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper-
Quackity: Spiders?
Bad: Spiders it is then.
Quackity: No, that wasn’t-
*But they were already pouring him a brimming glass of spiders…
Puffy : Make her pussy wet not her eyes.
Velvet : Make his dick hard not his life.
Punz : Break her bed not her heart.
Skeppy : Play with his boobs not his feelings. 
Ant : Get on his dick not his nerves.
Bad : Always salt your pasta while boiling it.
Wilbur: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons!
Tommy: Bet you I can!
Phil: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper*
Ant: We need a way to lure in new customers?
Ponk: Maybe we could have some fun, interactive events!
Skeppy: Badboyhalo bath water.
Bad: Mint is just cold spicy.
Pummel party Squad: …
Gumi: What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
Quackity: Isn’t it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
Tommy: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt?
Phil: Why are you eating dirt?
Tommy: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Tubbo: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies.
Quackity: You’re too young to have enemies.
Tubbo: You don’t even know.
Skeppy: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Puffy: What’s up your ass this morning!
Bad: *walks in* …Hi!!
Puffy: Hmm… nevermind.
Skeppy: WAIT NO!
Skeppy: Ha! Don’t you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper?
Skeppy: I must be losing it, I’m quoting Bad.
Skeppy: Bad, I sense hostility.
Bad: Good, because I hate you
Bad: Are you a painting?
Skeppy: What-?
Bad: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
Tommy: You’re giving me a sticker?
Phil: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Tommy: I’m not a preschooler.
Phil: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Tommy: I earned this, back off!
Dream, sweating: George, there’s something I need to ask you-
George: Finally! You’re proposing!
Dream: How’d you know?
George: Dream, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
George: I even picked it up once
*Bad and Skeppy looking at a locked gate into a park*
Bad: Aw. :(
Skeppy: You know what they say.
Bad: Please don’t-
Skeppy: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Bad: Frick-
let me know if ya’ll want more <3
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fweasleyswhore · 4 years
Commitments - Smut
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pairing: Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley, George Weasley x fem!reader (no incest just sharing)
a/n: I would like to do a pt 2 to this because I just have so much more I can fit into this dynamic and I like it (hornhee disease really takin over)
word count : 4.9k
warning: smut, 18+ themes, face fucking (male recieving), oral and fingering (female recieving), unprotexted sex -wrap before you tap kids-, choking, dom/sub themes, slight bdsm themes, subby reader, titles are given, its pure filth, friends with benefits relationship
mature readers only, this has heavier themes in it and i only want people who are completely ok with those themes reading
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My head pounded and my stomach growled. It was the first feeling I registered as I opened my eyes. I was cold, hungry, and in pain. I blinked a few times, pulling my head up from its position on the table where I had been napping. I focussed my eyes on my unfinished potions essay. Groaning I rubbed my eyes. Not only did I not finish it, but I also fell asleep. It was due in two days and I had barely started. I still needed to-
Quidditch Practice. The potions essay fell to the depths of my mind as I scoured the library walls for a clock. Unsuccessful in finding one, I decided I was probably only late. Shoving my papers into my bag I ran out of the library, ignoring wandering stares from students I made my way to the changing rooms.
The door flung open and slowed down for the first time, panting slightly I made it over to the lockers, ready to get out my equipment. I picked up my shaky hands to do the combination when a voice interrupted me.
“I wouldn’t bother,” Oliver spoke. Based on the volume of his voice and the slight temperature change in the air, he was right behind me. Pulling my bottom lip between my lip I turned around, his toned chest was dripping, a towel hung low on his hips and his hair was ruffled slightly and damp. Our bodies were merely inches apart and I could see the anger in his eyes as I looked up at him.
 “Ollie…” I tried but my nickname for him only caused an annoyed look to grace his features.
“Don’t,” His voice was stern and it made me feel cold. “You knew how important practice was today but you skipped anyway. We play Slytherin in two days! Where were you? Giving our play strategies to Adrian Pucey probably.” He rolled his eyes and walked next to me. He turned his attention to his locker, presumably to get clothes as I was left there with my mouth feeling dry and a ball of guilt in my stomach replacing my hunger.
“I fell asleep in the library, I don’t have an excuse,” I spoke truthfully and watched my hands as I spoke afraid to meet his gaze. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately and I dozed off. I really am sorry.”
He sighed and I wished at that moment I could crawl inside myself and disappear. “L/N, I don’t play favorites, you know this, but you are an essential part of this team. In this practice, we were working in groups, Fred George and I practically sat there the entire time because you were missing from our group. The other chasers were running well-needed drills and we had devised a strategic plan that would push not only you but the three of us too and you weren’t there. Today’s practice was a waste of time for us.” His words hurt me, they were filled with anger and it wasn’t a feeling he had ever directed at me.
“Ollie I truly am so sorry. I know this and I wish there was anything I could do to make it up to you. I know how stressed you are about the game, I just, I’m so sorry.” I finally looked up and he was facing me again, his locker forgotten. He was close to me again, his body heaved as he breathed heavily.
“Stress relief?” He asked, causing me to furrow my brows. Before I could ask him what he meant he spoke again. “You are right, I am stressed, that’s why I’m asking if you will help me with stress relief.”
I nodded understandably. I couldn’t fight the smile that found its way to my face as I realized what he was asking for. “You want me to massage your shoulders Wood?” I asked teasingly. He let out a short breath before taking a step forward. He toward over me, our chests almost flush as his hand caressed my cheek. His touch was sending shivers down my spine and butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Oliver was a good friend of mine, I always left my lingering eyes on him for too long but never admitted my feelings for him. I wasn’t sure if they were real feelings or pure lust. Being on the quidditch team I was never sure if I liked him or seeing his half-naked body as he ran down drills.
“Not what I had in mind,” I bit my lip as the nerves began to build up. His hand trailed down my cheek and under my jaw which he grasped semi firmly, pulling my face up to his. Our lips met in a messy heated kiss. I gasped into his mouth as my hand found its way to his neck pulling him closer to me. His legs parted my own and he pushed his hips flush against mine. An unintentional moan slipped from my mouth at the contact but that didn’t stop him, if anything it fueled his motions. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, it was a short fight that he quickly won. He pulled away suddenly, my face remained in his grip, the stern hand he had on my face caused my lips to part slightly. I looked up at him, blinking my lashes and grinding my hips softly onto his leg that was positioned in between my legs.
“I want this but I need to know you do too.” His voice was usually cheery but now it was stern and low, a side of him I had never seen and god I wished I did sooner. I pushed my hips down with more force, the friction finally hitting where I need it most and I moaned.
“Godric, yes Oliver, yes, yes, yes.” His gaze was cold and his face didn’t change when I gave my answer, instead he pushed his thigh harder into me, adding pressure I didn’t know I needed. “Fuck.” I whimpered shutting my eyes.
“Tsk, Tsk,” He tutted, pulling my eyes open I looked up at him. “If you continue to have a dirty mouth like that I’ll fill it up. Understood?” Growing wetter at his words I nodded feverishly. “Words darling.” He pushed his thigh into me harder. I let out a short breath, trying to compose myself.
“Y-Yes Sir.”
“Good girl. Keep being good maybe I will forget about the punishment I had planned for your absence.” I let out a whimper at his praise, the promise of punishment striking my core, had he thought of this before? He smirked down at me as I began to rut my hips against his thigh. Occasionally he would pull his leg back causing me to whine only to push it back with more force than before causing my legs to lose feeling as the pleasure built up. We were so wrapped up in our display we didn’t hear the two prominent footsteps grow closer until they were right next to us.
“Bloody hell.” Geroge’s voice interrupted. I opened my eyes and pulled Oliver against me to shield myself, in doing so I could feel the prominent bulge that formed under his not so restraining towel. “We heard Y/N came to the locker room and Fred and I were half sure you were killing her, not…” He trailed off and I watched as his eyes looked me up and down, my hair was no doubt a mess and Oliver’s leg was still in between mine applying a wonderful but also horrible pressure to my clit.
“Glad you’re not dead Y/N, but if getting off is what you wanted you could have always just come to my dorm,” Fred spoke from beside George. Leaning against the other row of lockers he looked significantly more comfortable than George, his trademark smirk plastered his face and his eyes kept flickering to where Oliver’s leg was positioned. I grew hot at his words as I looked between the twins. My eyes flickered up to Oliver who was giving both boys, especially Fred, a hard glare. Before I could protest Oliver’s hand found my hip and he pushed my hips into his thigh, pulling me forward into a rocking motion. I reacted by throwing my head back and letting out a moan, the feeling was too good to hide it. I didn’t let myself get too lost in the pleasure as I remembered our audience. Pulling my head back I eyed the boys with half-lidded eyes. Oliver was still guiding my hips against his thigh, his eyes were trained on my face as I whimpered trying to blink and focus on what was happening, my brain was fighting not wanting to stop but also worried about Fred and George’s presence.
Fred’s eyes were wide and hungry, he was still leaning against the lockers but his eyes were trained on the way my body moved. George was too watching, he took his brother’s stance, leaning on the lockers next to me. I could see two significant tents forming in both of their trousers, George’s hand slid into his pocket and he silently palmed himself at my display.
Seeing that they were enjoying themselves I let my worries dissipate, throwing my head back I moved my hips in time with Oliver’s guiding hands. Oliver ducked his head and began sucking on my neck. Rutting my hips faster I became more vocal, Fred and George let out small grunts here and there that I assume was due to their hands work which only egged on my ministrations. Soon enough the feeling became too overwhelming to bear, my legs began to shake and my breathing was becoming labored. “Ollie please, I need to-” My words were cut short as Oliver harshly nipped at my neck causing me to gasp.
“That’s not my name.” He whispered in my ear. I felt his arms stop their guidance slowing me down.
“Please Sir, please let me cum.” I begged submissively, not worried about the whine in my voice but rather the orgasm that was so close which was starting to vanish.
His hands grasped my hips with a different purpose now and he brought me back to the same speed that had me whimpering and moaning a few seconds ago.
“What do you think guys? Shall we let Y/N cum? Has she earned it?” I snapped my eyes open looking between the three boys frantically, letting out whines as Oliver applied more pressure with his thigh.
“I’m not sure she has,” Fred spoke up, he had a drunken look of hunger that made me shiver.
“I don’t think so.” George agreed.
“What a shame,” Oliver said looking down at me. “Guess you have to wait, darling.” With those few words, he held my hips firm and removed his thigh from me. I wouldn’t be surprised if his thigh had gotten wet through my trousers but I was too upset to be concerned with that at the moment. I whined lightly at the loss of contact and tried to stabilize my shaky legs.
“How can I earn it?” I looked between the boys who all adorned with wide grins. When I got no response I decided to push a little. “If you don’t tell me I’ll just get myself off.” All three boys lost their grins, not completely but their eyes went dark at my words, and they stood up straighter, they watched my hands as they trailed down to my trousers, popping the button.
“Brats don’t get rewards,” George said softly from next to me. His hand grasped mine and halted my motions, his grip was iron tight as he looked down at me. I angled my body so I was facing him, with my free hand I cupped him through his trousers.
“Then tell me what to do, sir.” I looked up at him with the most innocent face I could muster, cocking my head to the side slightly. I’m sure the markings on my neck from Oliver ruined the innocent facade a little bit but watching George swallow hard and breathe heavily through his nose was enough to tell me it was working.
“On your knees, now.” His voice was firm and it sent shivers down my spine as I sunk to my knees. My face was level with George’s clothed cock, I placed my hands behind my back and looked up at him waiting for permission. He brought his hand down, pulling my head up from my chin, he swiped my bottom lip with his thumb. “Go ahead, sweetheart.”
I smiled at the name, undoing his pants with ease I heard a slight groan as I pulled them down freeing his erection a bit. He was big, much bigger than I’ve had before. I tried to swallow my nerves as I pulled him out and stroked him slowly. I wrapped my lips around his tip, circling the tip with my tongue that elicited a moan from above me. I smiled and began to take him, or as much as I could. He hit the back of my throat before I got to his base, I gagged lightly and began to bob my head, stroking what was left with my hand. I felt a foreign hand in my hair, straining my eyes I looked up to see Oliver pulling some strands of my hair back. I rubbed my thighs together my arousal building to extreme heights.
“Fuck,” George moaned. He pulled out enough so his tip rested against my lips. “Do you think you can take all of me?” I stroked him slowly as I thought to myself.
“Will it get me my reward,” I asked in a sweet tone. He opened his mouth to reply so I kitten licked his tip, twisting my wrist as I continued to pump him. His words were cut off by a sharp intake of breath as he hissed.
“Definitely, and if you stop being a brat it will probably get you two.” I smiled at his response and pulled back my hand, opting to rest both of them on my thighs. Opening my mouth I relaxed my jaw and stuck my tongue out. George took his dick and slapped my tongue with it a few times.
“Such a good girl, so ready for me aren’t you, whore?” He asked with a devilish smirk. I nodded and let out a small involuntary whine at his words.
“Such a little slut, you’re gonna let him use you like that?” Fred asked. He walked over, his dick now free from its restraints he pumped it slowly. He ran his fingers through my hair, grabbing it tightly and pulling my head back to face him, his harshness made me whine and I squeezed my thighs together, growing wetter. “You like this don’t you? Such a dirty girl.” He let go of my hair and my head fell forward, George’s dick slapping my cheek lightly in the process.
“Our dirty girl.” Oliver praised smoothing my hair. I smiled before opening my mouth again, making eye contact with George to let him know I was ready. He smiled and slid in slowly, I wrapped my mouth around him and tried to maintain my composure as he began to slide down my throat. I gagged lightly which caused him to groan and go deeper. I breathed out through my nose as my eyes began to well up, I closed them and focussed on keeping my throat open for him.
Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh, opening my eyes, blinking some tears away. I could make out Fred smiling as he kneeled next to me. I shut my eyes spreading my legs for him. He dipped his hand into my trousers tracing my lips from outside my panties. I moaned at the contact around George making him groan.
“You’re getting off on this aren’t you, completely soaked for us,” Fred whispered in my ear pushing my panties to the side. I moaned again which caused George to pick up his pace. I was gagging and tears were streaming down my face but I was enjoying it so much. Fred circled my clit with his nimble fingers making me gag and moan more but I didn’t care. George’s thrusts were becoming erratic and I knew he would come soon. Purposely swallowing around him caused him to meet his end. He buried his dick inside of my throat, my nose pressed up against his abdomen I moaned, swallowing his cum that shot down my throat. He pulled out of me, a trail of spit followed connecting us until it broke, slapping against my chin. Panting, I gasped for air and leaned my head on Fred’s shoulder. Fred picked his speed up on my clit causing me to yell out his name. He continued his brutal pace and I felt my orgasm catching up to me yet again.
“Please, George,” My words were cut off by a moan and I jerked my head back. “Please I’m going to cum I need your permission.” Fred was chuckling in my ear from my desperation but I couldn’t care right now. My legs were shaking and my abdomen was cramping up as I continued to fight it off.
George knelt in front of me, grabbing my neck with a strong hand he pulled my head forward. I fought against my body to open my eyes and look at him. “Cum for us, cum like the whore you are.” As he spoke he increased the pressure on my neck. My eyes rolled back as my orgasm washed over me, I shook violently, screaming out I felt myself release. Fred didn’t stop his fingers, they continued his brutal pace and his smirk grew as I began to shake from overstimulation.
“Good whore.” Fred whispered pulling his hand away from my core. I leaned back against Oliver’s leg and watched as Fred sucked his fingers clean. Oliver looked down at me with his dark eyes, filled with lust and hunger. Fred linked his arm around my waist and pulled me up. We walked over to a bench at the end of the row of lockers, he laid me down on my back. I giggled to myself watching him struggle to pull my trousers off. My laughter was cut short as he landed a short slap to my bare pussy, I moaned at the harsh contact.
“Don’t be a brat.” He warned and I nodded. I pulled my shirt off and unhooked my bra. Fred inserted a finger inside of me, slowly he began to pump in and out before adding another one, I moaned at the light stretch as he pumped faster, curling them to hit my G-spot.
“Such pretty moans.” George praised. He was knelt beside me and began to massage my breasts. I gasped as he began to suck on my nipple. Pulling my hands up I ran my fingers through his hair. Oliver stood on my other side, he was slowly pumping his cock at the scene below him. I felt Fred pull his fingers out and I whined at the loss. Fred spit directly onto my clit, I felt the liquid drip down and mix with my own juices.
“Spread your legs for me, darling,” I did as he said and opened my legs for him. “So pretty, princess, are you ready for me?”
“Yes, please,” I whined out. George was now attacking my neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive flesh that took my breath away. I stopped breathing completely as Fred pushed into me. Slowly he filled me to the hilt, he had to be the same size as George. I felt him bump my cervix when his hips met mine. My mouth was open in a silent scream as he let out a slow groan. He stayed there for a moment, letting me get used to the stretch that came with his impressive size. When he felt me relax he began to slowly thrust in and out of me.
“Faster, fuck, please faster.” I moaned out. He quickly obliged by setting a ruthless pace that had my brain cloudy with the pleasure I was feeling. Oliver leaned down, kissing me roughly, our teeth clashed due to my shaking from Fred’s pace but that didn’t stop either of us.
“Such a whore, putting this show on for me, is this supposed to make me forgive you?” He asked, one of his hands trailed down my torso, he left feather-light touches on my breasts.
“Y-Yes all for you.” I struggled out. He suddenly pinched my nipple, pulling it lightly causing me to moan out loudly.
“Hm, all for me? You let them down too, it’s not very kind if it’s all for me now is it?” I nodded in agreement unable to speak as Fred propped my leg onto his shoulder, the new angle intensifying the pleasure I was feeling. “What are we going to do about that then?” Oliver asked.
I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water. I couldn’t conjure up a sentence much less a viable answer that would satisfy him as my orgasm steadily approached.
“What a shame, it looks like I will have to punish you after all.” He whispered in my ear. I moaned at his words. Fred continued to hit that spot deep inside me that sent me closer to heaven and hell at the same time.
“I need to, please, I-” My words drowned out into a moan as Fred thrust harder.
“You need to cum, slut?” Fred asked, words spaced out with his thrusts. His hair was dripping with sweat, his chest was glistening with sweat, somewhere in the process he had lost his shirt.
“Yes, yes please!” I begged.
I could hear the smirk on his face as he replied. “Cum for me princess.” My second orgasm washed over me. My legs shook and I tightened my walls, screwing my eyes shut I let out a long moan as Fred continued to pump in and out of me, riding out my orgasm. His hips began to slow and he stopped, flush against me I felt his dick twitch, shooting long ropes of cum painting my insides.
Fred’s hands rubbed up and down my thighs, soothing their shaking. He kissed my knee and unhooked my leg from his shoulder, gingerly pulling out, I whined feeling sensitive and empty at the loss. Fred walked to the side of me, replacing Oliver who was now out of sight. He kneeled beside me and stroked my hair. “You did so good.” He praised.
George hummed softly, his head rested on my stomach under my breast where he was leaving soft kisses earlier beforehand. “Such a pretty slut for us.” He added.
“She may be pretty but that’s not going to make up for what she did.” Oliver said, he was circling his hands on my thighs, his towel now long forgotten, his erection was prominent and it prodded my legs as they shook. His tip was red and needy with precum, I could only assume how much it ached.
“Hm and what did she do?” Fred asked, feigning confusion, a slight smirk on his lips. Oliver had a smile playing on his lips as his hands trailed toward my core. He started to tease my folds, rubbing around spreading the shared release between me and Fred everywhere except my throbbing clit.
“She skipped practice, you know that.” Oliver growled.
“I didn’t mean to-” I trued but Oliver suddenly slapped my pussy, the harsh contact with my clit made me moan.
“You skipped.” He said sternly. I took that as a signal to shut up so I nodded, feeling the excitement buzz in my veins. My pussy throbbed in anticipation as his fingers ghosted over my entrance and up to my clit.
“Hm, I didn’t think about that, should I have punished you princess?” Fred asked. Before I could answer George attached his lips to my nipple, he lapped it and bit it lightly causing me to gasp. He pulled off with a pop, grinning.
“I should have bent you over my knee, showed you who you belong too.” George purred, he trailed up so his breath fawned over the shell of my ear. “Would you have liked that sweetheart? Being so marked and bruised you can’t sit straight? Everytime you sit down you will be reminded of the little whore you are for us, how you bent over willingly, swallowed my cock and came on Freddies fingers. You would like that wouldn’t you?” His voice was deep and it sent shivers through me and took the air from my lungs.
“I think she likes that George.” Oliver said grinning. “Shes practically dripping.” Suddenly he inserted two fingers into me, pumping at a relentless pace. Sounds of squeltching filled the air as he began to hit that spot inside of me, over and over again. I screwed my eyes shut feeling blissed out as George nipped my ear whispering small taunts while massaging my breasts, Fred on my other side whispering praise and playing with my hair.
“You like being used don’t you?” Geroge would ask, licking the shell of my ear.
“Such a good girl, you gonna moan princess?” Fred would add, kissing my cheek.
They continued the process until I was a writhing mess. I was about to ask for permission to cum when Oliver wrapped his lips around my clit, sucking and flicking it with his tongue that just sent me over the edge. I came for a third time, shaking crying out, I felt a few tears fall from eyes as he didn’t slow down until I was convulsing and my eyes were rolled back in my head. Oliver pulled back and I gasped for air now that I was given a slight break. Suddenly he slammed into me, his dick stretched me in a delicious way. I yelped at the sudden contact. He didn’t give me time to adjust like Fred, instead he pulled out nearly all the way before slamming back into me.
“O-Ollie.” I moaned out throwing my head back.
“What do you call me?” He growled, slapping my clit lightly and thrusting in forcefully. He halted his motions for a moment, grinding his hips into me and it felt heavenly.
“I’m sorry Sir! Please keep going!” I whined.
“Good girl.” Oliver praised pulling out an slamming back into me. He continued his relentless pace, slapping my clit and tits, pinching my nipples, occasionally leaning over to nip at my leg. I alternated between kissing Fred and George who whispered dirty things to me and swallowed the moans I left in their mouths. I felt Oliver speed up and I felt yet again that I was teetering on the edge.
“Sirs, please I need to cum,” I whined looking between all three boys. Fred and George nodded with cheeky grins and my gaze fell forward to Oliver between my legs. Oliver grabbed my hip with one hand, reaching down and grabbing my neck with the other in grip that could bruise.
“Cum then, cum on my dick slut.” Oliver grunted tightening his grip on my neck. I gave in, letting go and cumming harder than I have before. I let go, squirting onto his torso. Oliver kept pumping into me riding out my orgasm until he pulled out, cumming on my pussy, throwing white ropes on my glistening cunt. I was breathless and lightheaded, Oliver let go of my neck, my head fell back against the bench and I panted. Oliver spread my legs whistling lowly to himself.
“So pretty.” He muttered before ducking his head down and running a long stripe up my folds with his tongue. I jolted at the feeling, my body spasming as his tongue hit my clit. I felt him suck lightly and I whined. That’s when he pulled his head up, and leaned over me, his lips were in a tight line and his body caged me. He took one of his hands and placed two fingers on my chin, applying light pressure signaling for me to open my mouth. I did, sticking my tongue out as I made eye contact with him. He spat our combined juices into my mouth, some of it getting on my chin. He used his thumb to lap it up, wiping it on my tongue.
“Swallow it.” He commanded. I did as I was told, opening my mouth to show him when I was done. “Good slut.” He praised.
“Beautiful.” George added.
“Breathtaking.” Fred quipped. I felt my cheeks heat up at their praise.
“T-Thank you.” I said timidly. Oliver smiled, it was his usual soft smile that made me melt. He stood up, offering a hand I gladly took and stood with him on my shaky legs. I slipped slightly and George stood on my side grabbing my hip. I felt Fred’s gentle hand on my back offering his support should I need it.
They cleaned me up, offering support and praise every second of the way. The game with Slytherin went well, Gyrffimdor won by a landslide, and once again we found ourselves in the locker room together celebrating.
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boys have cooties │ t. holland
pairing: middle school teacher!tom holland x middle school teacher!fem!reader warnings: like two or three curse words, kids, overall it's pretty much fluff. maybe some spelling mistakes. word count: 2k a/n: hi, hello. english isn't my first language, so please be kind. this is the first thing i've written in so long so i'm sorry if this sucks. gif ain't mine, creds to the owner!
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"mr holland?" "yes, my friend?" he said, crouching so he could be eye level with little natalie. "do you have a girlfriend?" she asked, her pretty green eyes shining brightly. his mind immediately went to the gorgeous (y/e/c)-eyed girl who owned his heart.
"why do you ask that, friend?" he pulled a chair from the table next to him and sat in front of her. he watched as an adorable frown set on her face, cheeks flushing.
"yesterday i was playing in my room and my sissy was watching a movie with a boy. i wanted to watch tangled so i went to the living room and she was kissing him!" she said, banging her hands on the table as if it was the most scandalous thing she'd ever seen.
"really? and what did you do?" he asked, biting his lips and trying his hardest not to grin at the wholesomeness of it all.
"i screamed, and she was really mean, she told me to go to my room and leave her and her boyfriend alone. do boyfriends and girlfriends make you mean?"
"well, no. a boyfriend or girlfriend is supposed to bring out the best of you. i believe what happened was that maybe she was maybe a bit embarrassed about you seeing them together," he explained as carefully as he could to the six-year-old. he loved teaching little kids, but there were times like this when he had to try to put into simple words something as abstract as the concept of love and relationships. he wouldn't change it for the world, though. there was nothing like seeing the mesmerized expressions on each of their faces when they discovered something new together.
"okay. but i don't think i will ever have a boyfriend. because boys have cooties and germs." she said confidently. he couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from his lips. little natalie pressed her hand against her mouth, giggling as if she'd just said the funniest thing in the world.
"natalie! boys don't have cooties." he tried to stop her from laughing, but her giggles only got louder.
"yes they do!" she continued laughing, only stopped when they heard a knock on the door. you walked in, in all your beautiful glory.
"hey ba-buuuddy," you played it cool when you noticed the small child sitting in front of Tom.
"hi, miss y/l/n!" natalie greeted you cheerfully. you gave them both a bright smile, "can you tell mr. holland that i'm right?"
"she's right," you said immediately, winking at her.
"so you agree that boys have cooties?" tom asked, lifting his eyebrows. you grabbed a chair and sat next to him, and grabbed his hand under the table. he interlocked his fingers with yours, squeezing them.
"duh! obviously!" you nodded, which only made the six-year-old to laugh even louder.
"i told you!" she said, pointing a finger at tom. you looked at him, scrunching your nose as you smiled.
"so does that mean i have cooties?" tom asked, his eyes darting between his young student and you.
"yes!" you and natalie said at the same time. while the young girl denied it, you played along and accused your perfect boyfriend of having the childish disease.
tom stared at you with his mouth in a perfect o. the six-year-old's laugh could now be heard from outside of the room.
"i'm offended," tom said as he placed a hand on his chest, you chuckled and winked at him.
you were about to make another snarky comment when the loud bell rang, signaling the end of recess.
"saved by the bell," you said dropping his hand and standing up. tom's students began rushing into the room, surprised to see you there.
"miss y/l/n!" the kids cheered.
while tom preferred the joy of teaching new things to the littlest, you enjoyed the challenge of the eldest. your young age was definitely an advantage you had when it came to teaching. you knew the stress and anxiety that school could cause some of the kids and were always flexible with your assignments and your way of teaching. now on your third year as a teacher, you'd heard kids saying they could not wait until they reached fifth grade so they could have you as their teacher. it was safe to say everyone at school loved you. always kind, always giving the best advice, always having the best snacks.
"oh, my goodness! i am never leaving this classroom, you are the cutest little things in the entire world!" you said as they ran to you and hugged your legs.
"go away y/n, they're my kids," tom said faking hurt when he saw the lovestruck expression on the little ones' faces, but his heart fluttered when he saw how they loved you as much as he did.
"i think they love me more than they love you, tommy-boy," you said, a cheeky grin on your lips. he wanted nothing more than to kiss you senseless. but instead, he gasped, eyes widening as he looked around at the kids, some laughing, some ran to tom and hugged his legs as well, meanwhile the others stayed by your side and held you tighter.
"i've been betrayed, and by my own younglings." he dramatically fell to his knees and all the kids rushed to his side, saying how they loved him as much as they loved you.
"we love you too, mr. holland!"
"i like miss y/n better."
"you two are my favorite teachers!" loud screeching filled the room, making you laugh.
"okay, kids. go show mr. holland your love, i've gotta go deal with my own munchkins. it was lovely to see you today, remember to drink water, make good choices and listen to tommy-boy here," you ruffled some heads and high-fived hands as you walked backward toward the door.
"alright everybody, let's thank miss y/l/n for stopping by. say goodbye and settle down," tom switched into teacher mode, and you felt the familiar butterflies fluttering in your stomach when you saw him rolling the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. biting your lip, you sent him a small wink as a new wave of voices filled the room.
"bye, miss y/l/n!"
"i love you!"
"come back soon!"
"can i go with you?"
"have a nice day!" you smiled and waved at them. giving tom a small nod and a knowing look, you rushed to your classroom at the end of the hall.
you loved your kids, messy and loud and moody.
when you walked into your room you saw most of them sitting and chatting with their own small cliques, but when they heard the sound of your shoes approaching some of them turned their heads to see you.
immediately, the loud voices filled the room.
"where were you?"
"can we watch a movie?"
"i need to use the restroom!"
"you're late!"
"yes, you can go to the restroom. no, we're not waching a movie today. yes, i know i'm late. i was in mr. holland's classroom visiting my favorite kids in the entire school" you answered, lifting an eyebrow and laughing when you saw their reactions.
"not cool!"
"i like him better anyways"
you continued to laugh as you moved your hands, finally getting them to quiet down.
"that, ladies and gents, was a joke. i was kidding. i wouldn't trade my babies for anything in the world" you said as you sat on your desk, folding your legs underneath you.
"miss y/l/n?" a girl raised her arm, you looked up
"yes, alice?"
"i saw you and mr. holland in the morning, you were holding hands." she said, cheeky grin on her face.
"oooooohhhh, miss y/l/n has a boyfriend!" shouting began again. you tried your hardest to suppress the smile that was threatening to settle on your face. instead you bit your lip hard.
"you woke up and chose violence today, alice," you admitted, making them all laugh. "mr. holland and i are just friends, my babies." you said, knowing how they hated when you called them that. "now, we've already lost too much time, let's get to work. everybody take out your books and-"
at the end of the school day, you stayed behind sorting through papers and planning your classes for next week. when you finished, you put your things away, grabbing some papers you needed to grade and putting them in your bag. a knock on the door grabbed your attention.
"hey, baby," you greeted tom. he walked to you, threw his arm around your neck and pressed a kiss on the side of your temple.
"you ready, darling?" he asked, taking your bag from you with his right hand and grabbing your own with his left one. you nodded, lifting your joined hands and kissing his knuckles. you noticed the way his cheeks flushed pink. and it warmed your heart knowing even the simple gestures still made sparks fly between you two after years of being together.
"yes, mr. holland," you teased, locking the door behind you, interlocking your fingers with his again.
"took me a while to quiet them down after your visit, wouldn't stop talking about you," he squeezed your hand, making you grin.
"oh, you should've heard my kids. alice saw us holding hands in the morning. they think you're my boyfriend." you lifted an eyebrow. letting go of his hand when you reached his range rover. the parking lot was now empty. he opened the door for you, you climbed in the passenger seat as he put your handbag and his own backpack in the backseat.
"really?" he asked, you hummed in response. you moved so you were facing him standing outside. he placed his hands on your thighs, your hands immediately finding his. "if they only knew..." he said, letting go of one of your hands, his fingers traveled to your neck, under the collar of your shirt, and toyed with the delicate gold chain around your skin. he lifted the chain, a sparkly diamond ring sitting there like a charm.
"if they only knew..." you repeated his words, hands traveling to his face, cupping his cheeks. your thumb played with lips and he moved his head to kiss it.
"when do you think we should tell them?" he asked, leaning down, resting his forehead against yours, noses brushing together.
"i don't know. they're gonna lose their shit when they find out," you chuckled, earning one from him as well. "we'll have to tell them before the wedding, though. otherwise, my kids will feel betrayed. they're already mad because i told them i'll be gone for a month."
"but it'll be during the summer holidays," he frowned, a beautiful smile forming on his lips.
"i know, that's what i said. apparently, they still think i live in the school." you shook your head, laughing.
"i can't wait until we have our own little ones," he admitted, hiding his face on your neck, fingers still playing with the ring that he gave you almost a year ago on your two-year anniversary. you smiled, your arms around his waist, pulling him closer.
"me neither, then they'll really lose their shit. can you imagine?" you giggled as you felt his warm breath hit your sensitive skin behind your ear.
"i love you so much." he said, pressing small kisses on your neck, traveling up to your jaw, your cheek, and finally your lips. your thumbs tracing invisible circles on his cheek as his lips met yours.
"i love you, too. so, so much." your hands moved to his hair, fingers running through soft curls. "now, take me home, mr. holland. your fiance is getting hungry." you both chuckled, hands finally letting of eachother, you settled in your seat as he gave your lips a small peck before closing your door.
"how's mcdonald's sound?" he asked when he climbed in the driver's seat, starting the car. like magnets, your hands met halfway and you rested your arms on the console between you two.
"with you, everything sounds perfect." you admitted, meeting his bright brown eyes that seemed to sparkle when he heard the words you spoke. he lifted your joined hands and kissed your knuckles, once, twice. all the way until forever.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Investigations (Part 7): Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.6k
tw: NSFW is you squint
song recommendation:
You try your best to shuffle around the kitchen surreptitiously, clicking the espresso pod into the machine with a soft 'snap'.
The machine begins its duty, whirring to life before the liquid is deposited into the cup below.
Your fingers wrap around the mug and take it to the counter, where you've already prepared your milk and syrup for a quick and easy cup of coffee.
Lately, you've had to sneak and make coffee (all futile attempts ruined by Kai or Ran), but you consider today full of promise. You'd gotten the formula down so far.
"I thought I said no coffee."
Your hands hover over the cup, the steam caressing your fingers like a warm invitation. Your eyes don't move to look at Ran, but they do watch his fingers snatch the cup away from you - full of warm milk and espresso.
"Y/n, it's not good for the baby."
"Okay, but..." Your feet carry you to the sink, where Ran is pouring the concoction down the drain. "Just a taste?"
"A sip?"
"I'll make it and just stick my tongue in it once."
Ran stands firm on his opinions at all times. Especially now. Arms cross over your chest and you huff, turning away from him.
"So strict." Ran fingers slide down your neck, resting around your full hips.
"It's not just about you," he begins, kissing the space between your neck and shoulder. "I'm looking out for our child, too. You know that."
"I do," you groan.
"Now, we have a baby shower to host. Let's get ready."
"We thought you were gone forever!" The three women come around you and huddle close, cooing, and crying, spewing lamentations and satisfied praises that you've returned.
Sanzu - out of the kindness of his heart - planned the baby shower, and you're at his house, eating cake with your friends and consuming hors d'oeuvres. But when you find a free moment, you corner Ran in the kitchen.
"Did you tell the others?"
"Tell them what?" Ran tilts his head at you and leans onto the counter, frowning. Your face smoothes out into an expression of disappointment, and you sigh.
Of course, he hadn't.
It's still your job to carry this terrible secret. It's still your job to bury your deepest, darkest knowing, all while the other girls are parading about like their husbands aren't killers and extortionists.
"Hey, y/n! It's time to open the presents!"
The water surrounding your figure is warm, full of bubbles and Epsom salt, as well as a little bath bomb that Ran bought - well, he bought sixteen, but that's beside the point.
"Feeling okay? Is it too hot?" You look over to the man sitting on the toilet seat, his elbows resting on his knees as he observes you pour water over your belly.
"It's fine," you murmur, blinking slowly. "Feels good."
"Want to turn on the jets or--"
"I want to join Bonten." Ran's face drops, his violet eyes clouding with confusion.
"I'm sorry?"
"You heard me." You stare at him, fully intent on getting your desired response. "I want to be a part of what you do."
"Babe, no." Ran leans his head forward, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"You haven't even listened to me," you whisper, looking down at the ten toes poking out of the water. "You always do this. You tell me 'no' because that's the way you want things. I can't even drink coffee without your permission."
"Listen, I'll let you do whatever you want, but Bonten is out of the question. You're pregnant --"
"Then I can wait until I have the baby."
"Even after that, I'm going to say no. This is a dangerous business." He emphasizes his words with a shake of his head, pressing his lips together.
"You act like I wasn't an investigative journalist for ten years."
"This shit could get you killed, y/n."
"Yes," you begin. "But you do it every day. I want to be a part of it."
"Why?" Ran finally asks, and your lips curl into a smile.
"I know things you don't know. The media follows you very closely, and you need a good image if you ever run into a problem with... say, law enforcement. What better way to prove that this is a harmless organization than hiring a woman - your wife?" Ran quirks his lips, looking at the door of the bathroom with consideration.
"Is there any particular skill you'll avail to us other than just public relations? I mean, I could get someone to do that who isn't my wife."
"I have connections that will divert attention away from Bonten, if necessary." You think of the little group you and the other wives have created, and send a mental apology their way. "You can use me to get the word out about any other suspicious groups who might be involved. Aid and abet, like a good wife."
Ran stands from the toilet, sighing deeply. "I'll ask Mikey. But don't expect me to attempt to sway him with my loyalty. If anything, I'll ask him to really think about it before he makes a choice."
"That's all I want," you breathe, taking Ran's hand and pressing your lips against the back of it. "You're too good to me."
"Don't thank me yet, sweetheart."
Convincing Ran to part with his old-fashioned ways is something you're very skilled at. All you need to do is get on your knees... and be as sweet as you can be.
"Babe," you mutter, sucking Ran's thick cock from the side. "You're such a good husband."
"Buttering me up for Mikey, huh?" Fingers cup the back of your head and push you down slightly. "Why am I not surprised?"
And every single time, Ran sees straight through your little act. But he enjoys it nonetheless. He loves seeing you like this - giving him the attention he missed so much while you were gone.
"Because you know me so well. And that's why you married me."
That's why you married me. Ran's eyes close as he re-imagines himself the first time he decided to visit you, hands full of shit he didn't have to buy, and eyes full of stars at the sight of you answering the door in a tank top and shorts with a cast on your leg. That's when he knew that he wanted to marry you. Not because you're good at anything in particular, but because you were so ordinary... So normal. He needed someone like you then, and he needs you now.
"Am I doing something wrong?" you murmur, but Ran shakes his head, strands of his black and white hair flopping back and forth.
"You're perfect," he whispers. "You're always so perfect." He brings you off your knees and face to face with him, holding you by the arms. "Let me make love to you. I'll do the work," Ran promises. "You just enjoy yourself."
"I've already told you what I'm going to do. Just let me give you what you deserve." Ran angles forward, leaning into a gentle kiss that makes your knees weak and your head spin.
Ran spoons you from behind on the bed, holding your leg up and sliding in and out of you with care. The other arm is holding you against him - wrapped around your chest - as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
"I love the way you moan my name," he breathes. "You always know how to make me feel like the only man in the world."
"You are," you reply honestly. "You're the only man for me."
"Why do you want to join Bonten?"
The dead eyes of the man across from you are unyielding, and part of you feels nervous that he's staring at you so intensely.
"I want to help you all out. I want to make sure that not only do my children have something to rely on when they grow up, but that my husband is taken care of in all ways."
"Your children and your husband?" You think of Ran, who is just outside of the door, probably pacing with his hands in his pockets. "Your husband just spent three hours arguing with me."
"You." The man stands, and Sanzu looks over at him with blank eyes. He wants to chime in, but he can't say anything right now. Not when Mikey was supposed to handle this himself. "Your presence here will be controversial. Especially since you're... in the state you're in."
"Pregnancy isn't a fatal disease."
"No, but being in Bonten could be fatal. And I don't know if both ran and I would be willing to accept the consequences of two deaths on our hand."
"But--" Sanzu raises a finger to his lips, warning you to be quiet.
"However," the man murmurs, rolling his neck around. "Sanzu, Rindou, and Kakucho have vouched for you and your connections." Your shoulders slacken, and you lean back in the chair, somewhat relieved. "I will put it to an anonymous vote in thirty-six hours. Whatever the outcome is, we'll both accept it."
A blind vote.
Thirty-six hours.
"Thank you, sir." You stand and bow slightly, hands clasped together. When you leave the room, Ran is waiting for you in the hallway, eyes wide.
"It'll be put to an anonymous vote in thirty-six hours. Whatever happens, happens."
Ran's face is anything but pleased as you drive home, but you don't worry about that too much. You have one and a half days to wait for the results, and you'd make the best of it either way.
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ravennm84 · 3 years
Hey everyone! I’ve been writing this new story for the past couple of days, and am planning to take a break for a while after this. My husband and I are expecting our first child next week and will be focusing on her. For that reason, I decided to give the class some sugar, as we all need some goodness in the world. I’ll be back when things settle down, but until then, Warm-Fuzzies and please enjoy!
It was just an average conversation. Alya was sitting at her desk before class with Lila since Marinette was late again. It was very pleasant until the italian girl said something… wrong.
“After I saved Jagged’s kitten from being run over by the plane and he wrote that song about me, we kept in touch.” Lila tittered away, without a care. “He ended up mentioning how he wanted a pair of special glasses for his tour, so I made him those Eiffel Tower glasses that he loves so much. Next thing I know, he’s bragging about me to all his friends and they’re all asking me to make things for them too. I ended up making a website and going by the alias MDC. Isn’t that amazing?”
Alya hadn’t had a chance to answer as Marinette came rushing into the room a second before the bell rang and Mme. Bustier began her lesson. Although whatever the teacher was saying was practically ignored by the majority of the class that had heard Lila’s claim. 
Because they knew.
They had been there when Marinette had made those glasses for Jagged Stone for the work experience day at Chloe’s family hotel. They knew that Marinette went by the acronym MDC for the initials of her name. Max, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Kim, and Alya had all helped Marinette set up her website and model her designs a couple months ago, while Lila had been traveling… 
She’s a LIAR!! They all thought at once.
During the next break, Alya quickly set up a group chat with everyone but Lila and Marinette.
FoxyJournalist: You all heard that, right? She’s lying about being MDC, but that’s Marinette!
DJTurtle: So not cool, doesn’t she know that we were there? Is this some kind of joke?
MightIllustrator: Don’t think so, she’s still bragging about it back here.
GothicBeauty: @DJTurtle Agreed, not cool.
Rocker’n’Pink: I can’t believe it! I just emailed Prince Ali to see if he knows her, because if Lila’s lying about this…
BigTeddy: …
SmolTeddy: …
TrueBrain: …
Da’Strongest: … Crap
Sk8Grl: … I second that Crap
FoxyJournalist: Emergency meeting at my place tonight! We need to figure all this out!
DJTurtle: Agreed.
TruQueen: We’ll be there too. I don’t like Dupain-Cheng, but I HATE Rossi.
MissRed: I’ll bring snacks.
By the time class started again, everyone had agreed to meet up after school. The hard part, as it turned out, was shaking the liar, who practically latched onto their group and wouldn’t let them be. It was Mylene you finally came up with an idea, mentioning that they were going to the homeless shelter to help feed people and clean the facility. Lila suddenly remembered that she already had plans and couldn’t come help them, before turning to walk home.
Once she was out of earshot, Alix turned to the other girl with a smirk. “Good going, how’d you know that’d work?”
Mylene shrugged. “I was thinking earlier about all the times she talked about charity work but always made excuses to not come with us when we were doing it. I figured she’d do it this time too, and I was right.”
An hour later the entire class; sans Marinette, Lila, and Adrien, who was at a photoshoot, were gathered in the Cesaire apartment. Everyone had their phones or tablets out, looking up everything that Lila had told them since coming to school. And what they found was anything but comforting.
Connection to Jagged Stone due to saving a kitten: lies, according to articles about his one and only pet for the past 17 years, Fang the crocodile.
Connection to Prince Ali via Go-Green charities: lies, according to Prince Ali himself when he responded to Rose’s email, plus he didn’t do green charities, instead focusing on children’s charities.
Secretly dating Adrien: lies, confirmed when Adrien called Nino back during a break and let it slip that Lila was only his friend and that she made him uncomfortable at times because of how clingy she was.
Every single thing they looked up about Lila turned out to be a lie. And although they couldn’t prove it themselves, that likely meant that all of the diseases and injuries that she’d claimed to have were probably fake too. Meaning that they had been buying her lunch and giving her money for charities, and the money was probably going straight into the liar’s pocket.
“By my calculations, when including all the lunches and food we bought for her, money we donated for charities she wasn’t involved in, and tickets for events she attended with us; Lila Rossi has scammed close to €1,000 from our class. All of which we are not likely to get back from her.” Max groused as he typed away on his tablet.
Alix scoffed. “At least all we lost was some money and a bit of our dignity. I’m pretty sure Marinette went through a lot more than us. Heck, that liar tried to convince me last week that Marinette ruined her homework and said ‘if only she understood what it was like for someone to do that to her’ like she was trying to get me to destroy Marinette’s homework as revenge. I didn’t do it, but I let her copy my homework so she wouldn’t lose any points.”
Juleka’s pale complexion went stark white. “She kept telling me how Marinette was only friends with me so she could get close to Luka and make Adrien jealous, and that I was really trusting to let someone like that near my family.”
“When my headphones broke, she told me that she’d seen Marinette messing with them earlier,” Nino told them, his voice laced with guilt as he remembered giving his oldest friend the cold shoulder for days after that.
Alya’s head dropped into her hands as she struggled to hold back tears. “That liar almost had me convinced that Mari was nothing but a jealous bitch who was out to get rid of her since they both had a crush on Adrien. I can’t believe how close I came to buying that bull.”
“And then there’s the expulsion,” Rose added, her voice quivering. “She was accused of stealing, assault, and cheating on that mock exam. Even though Marinette was reinstated, that kind of stuff doesn’t just disappear from someone’s record. What if that keeps her from being accepted into lycee?”
Everyone went pale at that. Although most turned red in the face a moment later from rage for their friend.
“We can’t let her get away with this!” Kim growled as he began pacing the room.
“But is there anything we can really do?” Mylene asked with tears in her eyes.
When the blonde heiress chuckled, sitting off to the side of the room, everyone turned to glare at her, but she wasn’t phased by their looks. “And this is exactly why I decided to come here. None of you have any idea how to deal with someone like Rossi. I, however, have dealt with those types of people multiple times.” The glares ceased, realizing that Chloe was probably right. 
“One of the best ways to get back at her, would be to use her own lies against her. Do it in a way that the only way out of it is to admit that she’s a liar. And while we do that, we completely tear down the empire that fake HBIC is trying to build, maybe get her expelled like she tried to do to Dupain-Cheng.”
The class stared at her in surprise, not expecting the former hero to actually be useful in this situation. But what she said…
Alya shook her head in surprise. “I never thought I’d say this, but it sounds like you’re the best option. Please, tell us your plan.”
The smirk Chloe gave them, almost made them feel sorry for what was about to happen to the liar.
The following morning when Lila came to class, she saw everyone fawning over something on their phones or tablets. Curious, she stepped next to Alya and looked over her shoulder to find that she was looking at the MDC website. 
She smirked for a second before plastering an appreciative, yet shy grin on her face. “I see you found my website, what do you think of my designs?” 
“Gurl, they are gorgeous! I can’t believe you made such intricate clothes and accessories!” Alya gushed as she continued looking through the pictures until she stopped on a design that she had modeled for Marinette, although, like all the other photos, her face wasn’t shown. “And this one here! It’s like a total dedication to Rena Rouge. Make no mistake, Ladybug will always be my favorite, but Rena’s power is really awesome too.”
“I’m glad you like it!” Lila smiled, she was about to go into describing how she was inspired by the design when Alya asked her something surprising.
“Do you think I can have it? Pretty please?”
Lila came up short, not having expected this. “Well, you can just order it from my website-” she began saying, only to stop when Alya’s expression dropped.
“I don’t understand. You always say that if we need anything to just ask you, and you have this dress listed as in stock on your website, it would be nothing for you to just give it to me, right?”
“And you even told Marinette the other day that if she were a real friend, she wouldn’t mind giving us free pastries whenever we ask, right?”
“R-right! I’m just surprised that you would be so interested in one of my designs. I’ll bring it in tomorrow!”
“Thanks gurl, you're the best.” Alya gushed before giving Lila a hug that actually kind of hurt. 
Hurrying back to her seat, Lila resisted the urge to curse as she got onto the MDC website to order and overnight the dress to her apartment. Luckily, the mail normally arrived before she left for school. And doing this would help her convince everyone she was the designer MDC.
Lila’s newest lie about being MDC wasn’t going as planned. Sure, she got a lot of praise and people wearing her designs, but it was costing her. Every time she brought in an item that she’d had to buy and overnight to her apartment to give to one of her classmates, another would practically demand another item that was listed as available on the MDC website. A hat for Alix, a hoodie for Kim, a shirt for Max, a dress for Rose, it went on and on. And when she tried to say that she couldn’t, they would say how Marinette would never do such a thing and then start to question what she told them. This left her no choice but to buy everything they wanted herself and give to them. 
Sure, it made her lie all the more believable since she was able to deliver the items they asked for, but it was beginning to clear out her savings. At the rate she was going, she was probably MDC’s best customer.
Then came the day when the MDC website began offering custom orders. Alya asked Marinette for a couple sheets of paper from her sketchbook and a pencil before handing it to Lila. “Gurl, I’ve been wanting you to do something custom for me for weeks, but I wasn’t going to ask since you didn’t have it listed on your website and I didn’t want to take advantage of you. But now, I can tell you exactly what I want and I can even record your process for my blog! Isn’t that awesome?”
Lila gripped the pencil until it nearly snapped. She could barely draw stick figures and she was pretty sure Maribrat knew that, not missing the smirk that the goody-two-shoes was sending her direction. “I would but, oww! My arthritis has been acting up all day and I can barely hold a pencil.” She whimpered pathetically as gingerly gripped her left wrist.
“But that shouldn’t be a problem,” Max spoke up smiling kindly at her. “After all, it’s your left wrist that has arthritis and you’re right handed.”
Shut up, you stupid nerd! She thought, struggling to keep the scowl from her face. “You’re right, but I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time to draw something out before class starts.”
“But, Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale have commented on your website how you are really good at doing fast concept drawing for your designs. So, it shouldn’t take you too long to come up with something to start with.” Rose commented, her high voice grating on the liar’s nerves.
She was trying to think of another excuse when Chloe began laughing. “You can all stop the act, I think we’ve played it out long enough.”
To Lila’s surprise, the majority of the class nodded before their eager, friendly faces turned to scowls and angry glares as they looked in her direction. Unsure of what else to do, she started faking tears as she looked around the room. “Why are all of you looking at me like that? I haven’t done anything wrong. Did Marinette say something? You know-”
“Cut the crap, Lila! We did our research weeks ago and figured out you’re nothing but a lying bag of nothing.” Chloe cut her off as she stood from her desk and smiled cruelly at the girl. “You really messed up when you started claiming you were the MDC, the rising star of fashion. Everyone in class knows that’s Marinette.”
Unable to help herself, Lila’s head whipped around in shock to glare at the french-asian girl, sitting shocked, but a little smug at her desk. “Is that what Marinette said? She’s lying!”
Alya scoffed this time. “You know, there may have been a point when we might have believed you, but not this time. We were all there when Mari gave those glasses to Jagged Stone and then had her design his album cover. Max and I helped her set up the MDC website. And Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Kim, Max, and I were the ones that modeled the designs posted on her website.”
Lila glared at her. She knew when the jig was up, and there was no point in wasting her energy on her worthless classmates anymore. Still, she couldn’t help but be angry at them. “Well, you all better have the money to pay me back for all the stuff I bought you! Or else I’ll get all of you in trouble with Mme. Bustier and M. Damocles. If you can’t tell, from the time I got Maribrat expelled, I’ve got them both wrapped around my finger.”
“Actually, you can consider all this repaying us.” Max grinned that annoying, calculating grin at her. “Everything you bought was equal to or of similar value to all the lunches we bought you, tickets for events that we covered, or money we donated to your supposed charities, which I’m 96.8% sure was actually your own bank account.”
She growled at that, about to let out a tirade at all of them when Chloe laughed again, gaining her attention again. “Well, all that was to pay back the class, but you’re still not even with Dupain-Cheng or me. I’m sick of seeing your ugly face and hair-don’t in here every day and decided to do something about it. So, I had Daddy get a hold of the Italian Embassy for a meeting the other day. Imagine how surprised and angry they were when the ambassador’s assistant started talking about how incopitant Ladybug and Chat Noir are, since they couldn’t defeat the akuma that had forced her daughter’s school to close for months.”
Lila’s tan skin paled quickly as her head whipped around the room, looking for an escape, but Ivan and Kim were guarding the door. 
“The woman was even more surprised after mentioning which school it was and Daddy told her how it was my school. Then I mentioned a girl that had been out of school for the time the assistant had mentioned, and that she claimed to be in the kingdom of Achu via Embassy funds. The Ambassador wasn’t too happy about what he was hearing and cut the meeting short. Although I did hear her mention that she was planning to speak with the principal and her daughter’s teacher. Speaking of, I wonder why Mme. Bustier is so late for class?
Seconds later, the door Ivan and Kim had been guarding burst open, revealing a very angry Damocles, Mme. Bustier, and a woman that had a strong resemblance to Lila. Without a single word, the woman stomped forward, grabbed Lila by the arm, and began dragging her out of the room. Lila tried to pull free as she pleaded for her mother to listen, but the woman didn’t say a single word as the door closed behind them, leaving a very upset Mme. Bustier standing at the front of the room.
The news quickly spread around school before lunch how Lila had done, and was likely to be expelled for truancy, bullying, lying to the staff, and trying to get Marinette expelled. If that hadn’t been bad enough, an akuma had come fluttering into the courtyard just as the two Rossi’s had been leaving. Lila had pushed her mother away in an effort to catch the akuma, only for a yo-yo to smack her hand to catch it, snapping two of the liar’s fingers in the process. 
Seeing that, M. Damocles had no choice but to call the police while Ladybug and Chat Noir stood guard over Lila, with Alya recording everything from the moment she’d seen the akuma entering the courtyard. Lila screamed and raged as the police handcuffed her and took her away. Ladybug recommended using a facility outside of Paris, as they had witnessed her willingly going after an akuma.
The class never saw Lila again, although they did hear that she had been deported back to Italy and was dropped in a high security prison’s deepest, darkest hole to be forgotten by the world after being convicted for aiding a terrorist. Granted, none of them had expected that when they had set out to get even with Lila, but after seeing her willingly go after an akuma for revenge, they were glad she was gone.
The class had also profusely apologized to Marinette for not believing her, as well as keeping her in the dark about their plan to expose Lila. Marinette accepted their apology, but admitted that she had been starting to figure it out after Lila kept ordering from her website and her classmates ended up with the ordered items. Then, when she had mentioned her theory to Adrien, he’d shown her the group chat and admitted that the class had planned a way to confront and expose Lila. So, she decided to trust her friends and let their plan play out, using the money Lila had spent to buy more supplies and make matching ‘thank you’ gifts for her friends.
And that’s it! I hope you all enjoyed this bit of class sugar. With all the salt out there, I really needed something sweet and this seemed like a good way to do it!
@2confused-2doanything @7-sage-7 @aadnrsstar @abrx2002 @awkwardromances @bayball @babylovebug18 @botanicalfoxx @back-cats-and-broken-mirrors @caffeinetheory @cheshire5210 @chocolateherringtacofan @city-of-all-tunas @classycollectorreviewworld  @corabeth11 @chocolatechipcookiesandcamembert @darkened-flame @delightfulcookiesrecipespizza @fandom-trapped-03 @ghostmaster @iamblinkmarvelarmy @interobanginyourmom @izang @jesussavedevenme @kazedancer @kitten12113 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @lilypotter2018 @lunataravler @maskedpainter @ miraculouslydumb @nerd-nowandforever @ola-is-dead @pandacatxd @plushbookworm @plz-excuse-my-inner-ravenclaw @pheonix-biach @raiderofthelostbooks @ramos123 @rowanrouge @rowanyx @ren121 @seesea22 @seraphichana @sashakoi @shypeacekitten @tazer6787 @that-girl-sakea @thecrazyfantrollshasmoved @the-smallest-kittenz @tishwinchesterannabethjackson @t1dwarrior-of-earth @ulmban @with-forward-motion @wonderbat91939 @zoiechance
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castexpectopatronum · 3 years
Liquid Amber - Part V [Remus Lupin x Reader Imagine]
Summary: You had been crushing on Remus Lupin for an eternity when you finally decided to ask him out. However, things do not go as planned and you remain wondering just what exactly is going on with this boy.
notes: reupload because the original got deleated
trigger warnings: none
word count: 2.3k
Time stretched like a package of Droobles Best Chewing Gum. With every glance you took at the clock, its hand seemed to be creeping along even slower, taunting you, torturing you, until the constant ticking was the only thing echoing in your mind.
When the time to meet Remus had finally arrived, it seemed like a miracle to you. You already went to the now empty Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom thirty minutes early because you couldn’t stand the waiting any longer, but you found you weren’t any less nervous there than before. Your heart was thumping, your palms were sweating, the blood was rushing in your ears...
You were sitting on the teacher’s desk, the heels of your feet bumping steadily against the wood as you swung your legs to an unheard rhythm.
Ten to eight.
There was no need for Remus to be as overly punctual as you were.
Nine to eight.
There was still enough time.
Eight to eight.
Words were swirling around in your mind, but you failed spectacularly at putting them in a consistent order. Nothing made sense. Nothing had meaning.
Six to eight.
The heels of your feet were numb from colliding with the desk. You didn’t stop.
Five to eight.
Enough time...
Four to eight.
Was this really such a good idea? Maybe he would get angry. It was his own business, after all.
Three to eight.
No. You had to talk to him. Even if he didn’t want you to interfere in any way, he had the right to know that you knew.
Two to eight.
He was not running late. Not yet.
One to eight.
Not yet.
The clock stroke eight o’clock.
Remus wasn’t there.
At five past eight, you were still patiently waiting. At ten past eight your legs stopped swinging. At twenty past eight you turned your eyes away from the clock. And at half past eight you admitted to yourself that Remus wouldn’t be coming. That he had never planned on coming at all.
You weren’t surprised. In some way, you were actually almost thankful that he had freed you from having this conversation you had been so nervous about the entire day. But for the most part, you were simply disappointed. Yes, you had known better, but hoped for so much more. Hoped for him to at least listen to you. Just this once. This one time when you had so much to say.
You didn’t leave immediately. For a while, you just sat there on the desk, alone with your thoughts. The clock’s hand crept on, its ticking echoing in the dark classroom, wandering from half past eight to twenty to nine to ten to nine, and you were still sitting there in the dark classroom, still hoping for what you knew wouldn’t happen.
You knew it was time to leave. But you couldn’t quite bring yourself to it. Not just yet...
It was almost nine when the door to the classroom suddenly creaked open and a figure stepped in, tall and slender. You lifted your head, not trusting your eyes on what they were seeing.
Remus seemed almost startled to see you there but still he smiled at you. It was a rather forced smile but it was a smile nonetheless. He could have yelled at you for all you cared – he had shown up and that was all that mattered.
Remus closed the door behind him. “I didn’t think you’d still be here,” he admitted and stuffed his hands deep into the pockets of his trousers.
You gave him a weak smile from your place on the desk. “I’m somewhat surprised myself.”
“So...” Remus took a few steps into the room. “You wanted to talk?”
You nodded, so slightly it was almost impossible for him to see in the darkness. “I’m glad you came,” you said quietly.
Remus made an odd motion, a mixture of a shrug and a nod. “I figured I owe you at least that.”
You breathed a laugh. “For turning me down? I told you before, Remus. It’s okay.”
The corner of his mouth curled up in an awkward smile, and his eyes began to flicker around the room to avoid your gaze. You didn’t mind much. You knew he was listening.
“I knew there was something going on with you,” you began. “You seemed so troubled and you were sick so often... I knew  something was off and I wanted to help you. But you wouldn’t tell me what was going on, so... I took matters into my own hand.”
Remus furrowed his eyebrows. An alarming look appeared in his eyes, the same look you had seen when you had visited him in the Hospital Wing. It seemed like ages ago.
“I did a lot of research,” you continued. “The amount of books I read... I don’t think anyone in this castle knows more about magical diseases than I do, so if you have questions, I’m your guy.”
Remus didn’t laugh. He stood, still as a statue, and stared at you with a look of pure horror in his eyes he didn’t even bother to hide.
You let out a quiet sigh. “I know, Remus.”
For a moment, there was dead silence. Then-
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He turned on his heel and was halfway through the classroom when you said, “Remus, please.”
To your surprise, he stopped, almost at the door, but he didn’t turn around. You heard his sharp breaths and the ticking of the clock on the wall.
“How long have you known?”
“A few days,” you answered. “Maybe a week.”
His shoulders had dropped defeatedly. His head was lowered; he was staring at the ground. You wished you could have been able to see his face but he still had his back turned towards you.
“Is that why you’ve ordered me here?“ he suddenly asked in a hoarse voice. “To tell me you know what I am? To tell me I’m a monster?”
Your head snatched up; a deep frown appeared on your face and you jumped from the desk. Without delay you walked straight through the classroom, stepping around Remus so you were able to face him.
His gaze was still lowered to the floor; he was fixing the stone with his eyes, refusing to look at you.
But you looked at him.
“You’re not the monster, Remus,” you said firmly. “You’re the victim.”
Remus blinked and raised his head. For a moment, there was only the look of confusion on his face. “W-What?”
You smiled softly. “You heard me. Stop putting yourself down for something that isn’t your fault.”
Remus breathed a bitter laugh and looked away. A muscle in his jaw jumped as he clenched his teeth. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I’ve done my research, Remus,“ you said. “The wolf is a part of you. But it’s not you.”
Remus’ entire body was shaking although he was wearing both his jumper and robes, and his chest was rising and falling heavily.
“I’ve ’ordered’ you here to tell you I know you’re a werewolf,” you continued, your voice remaining firm even when you saw Remus flinching at the word. “And to tell you it doesn’t change a thing.”
Remus’ eyes were fixed on your own. Your heart raced as you looked at him and you wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and tell him everything would be okay. But you knew he would just run off again like he always did.
“You... You don’t think I’m a-” He halted, forcing the words to come out of his mouth. “I’m a-”
“Monster?” You smiled bitterly. “No. No, I don’t.”
You hadn’t felt like lighting the room when you had entered, so there was not even candlelight to enlighten it. Remus’ face was hidden in the shadows; only because you were standing so close to each other could you make out his expression. His eyes were grazing over your face, a frown on his face. He looked like he didn’t know what to say. Or even think.
“I told you I wanted to help you,” you whispered and took a step closer. Remus gulped, but he didn’t turn away from you. “But I can only help you if you’ll let me.”
“You can’t help me,” he muttered.
“I refuse to accept that,” you said.
Remus breathed a laugh. “You’re a persistent one, aren’t you?”
“You’re saying that as though it was something bad,” you replied with twinkling eyes.
The corner of his mouth twitched. “I suppose it depends on the person.”
„I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Remus chuckled. Then, his expression turned more solemn again. “Are you... Do you really...”
He found himself unable to finish the question, but he didn’t have to for you to understand.
“Yes, I do,” you said with a gentle smile. “Remember what I told you back in the Hospital Wing?” Remus cocked his head slightly to the side. “I told you whatever it was that you were going through, it could never change my opinion on you. And I was right, wasn’t I? I still feel the same way about you I did all those weeks ago.”
A smile had appeared on Remus’ face but when you spoke the last part of your sentence, he suddenly furrowed his eyebrows. “Feel?”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you realised your mistake. “Think,” you said quickly. “I meant ... think.”
“It doesn’t matter, really...”
But suddenly, Remus had bent down and kissed you. It wasn’t more than a light touch of your lips, but it was enough to make your heart stop in your chest.
After only a moment, Remus pulled back, though, slowly, his mouth slightly agape. You stared at him with wide eyes as he straightened up again, seemingly startled by what he had just done.
“I’m – I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“I should’ve asked you first-”
Remus fell silent. His chest was rising and falling heavily as he stared down at you. You still couldn’t see his face, but you were sure a blush was rising to his cheeks.
A smile spread out on your face as you slowly stepped forward, your hand lying on his chest, causing him to walk backwards until he stumbled against his desk and sat down.
For a moment, you simply took him in, biting your lip as you did and smiling to yourself. Remus’ brown hair was falling into his forehead and his soft eyes were gazing into your own, flickered from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes. Your smile widened as you slowly leaned it, your face inching towards his.
Remus still had the time to stop you if he wanted to.  But he didn’t. He sat there and waited, his breath going faster each moment. He licked his lips nervously; your breath mingled with his, your heart thumped in your chest, your noses brushed...
And then, your lips touched.
It was soft, at first, light as a feather. Your lips carefully moved against each other, testing, exploring, only slowly daring to go further. You heart was doing cartwheels in your chest as your fingers moved up his thighs and his own, big hands snuck around your waist to pull you closer. You tilted your head slightly to the side, your lips moved faster, the kiss became deeper; Remus arms were now hugging your back, pressing you as close as possible while yours were tightly wrapped around his neck, one hand entangled in his soft, thick hair. You two were clinging to each other as though you were drowning, the kiss becoming deeper and more desperate with each moment.
Only when you were in need of air did you break this kiss. But you didn’t let go of each other. Breathing heavily, you stared into each other’s eyes and then leaned forwards to rest your foreheads against each other.
Suddenly, you breathed a laugh.  “Wow.”
Remus chuckled. “Yeah. Wow.”
You grinned. “This conversation turned out better than I expected.”
A smile appeared on Remus’ face. “I must say I haven’t expected that either.”
“So... that thing that we do, that we don’t talk to each other... I take it that’s over now?” you asked, seemingly casual, but your stomach tightly knotted together.
A shadow flickered over Remus’ face.
Your fingers strocked his neck, kept him in place. “Let me help you, Remus. Please.”
But Remus let go of you. He loosened your grip around his neck and let out a deep breath as he lowered your hands, intertwining your fingers. Then, he pressed a soft kiss to your hand.
“There’s only so much you can do,” he whispered against your fingers. “But if that’s truly what you want.”
“It is,” you breathed. “I care about you, Remus. A lot. And I want to help you.”
You lifted your gaze. Remus was looking at you with such vulnerability in his soft eyes that it took your breath away. “Because you’re a good person, Remus. And I really, really like you. Like, my-heart-stops-beating-every-time-you-walk-by-and-I-want-to-take-you-out-for-dinner-kind of like.”
Remus let out a shaky breath. He was silent for such a long time that you began to fear you had overstepped your boundaries. But then, he said “I’d also like to take you out for dinner.”
You laughed. Your knees turned weak with relief. “That sounds like a plan,” you whispered, a smile playing at your lips, and leaned in to kiss him once more; a kiss which Remus was more than happy to return.
Turned out Remus did like you, after all.
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Out Of Time ~ 108
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,800ish (I know this is sorter, sorry... it’s just the way things were working out.)
Summary: Start of Captain America: Civil War
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The months went by fast and before anyone knew it, it was May 2016. Y/N was at the Tower, nervously watching the news. The new team had gone on a mission to Lagos, where Rumlow, now going as Crossbones, assaulted the Institute for Infectious Disease. He detonated a suicide bomb, in which Wanda tried to contain. Unfortunately, the explosion damages a building, killing civilians. 
Meanwhile, Tony was at MIT, giving a speech, introducing his new invention BARF, and introducing the September Foundation Grant. Y/N hadn’t heard from him, which made her nervous as well. She jumped in surprise when her phone began ringing, she quickly answered it.
“Nat?” She said. “How is everyone? Are you all okay?”
“He needs you,” Natasha responded.
“Where are you?” 
“I’m outside the training room in the facility.”
Y/N quickly hung up and appeared next to Natasha through a portal.
“I saw the news. It’s bad. They’re putting all the blame on Wanda. Is that why he’s in there?”
“No,” Nat shook her head. “Rumlow mentioned Bucky.”
“What? W-wh-what did he say?”
“That Bucky knew you, knew the both of you. That, after we discovered the truth in DC, he remembered the two of you.” Tears filled Y/N’s eyes. “Rumlow teased that his brain was put back in the blender.”
“No.” Y/N looked up, trying to stop the tears. “I can’t go in there like this… it’s no help to him.”
“Take your time.” Natasha rubbed Y/N’s arm. “I just felt you were the only one who could understand.”
“No, thanks, Nat. Seriously.” Y/N turned towards the door, taking a deep breath. “I can do this.”
She quietly entered the training room. Steve was in the middle, taking his feelings out on a punching bag. Looking around, Y/N could see three new ones laying behind him and, what she guessed to be, about five bags torn to shreds around him. She carefully walked over.
“Steve,” she called calmly, only to be ignored. “Steve… Stevie.” She sighed. “Nat told me what happened.”
“I let him get to me,” Steve grunted. “That shouldn’t have happened.”
“Rumlow was playing you, Steve. It’s not your fault. He just knew right where it hurt… it would have gotten me too…” 
“I don’t know whether or not to believe him… did he really remember us?”
“It’s not your fault, Steve. There’s nothing you could have done then to save Bucky.”
“I could have fought harder for him to remember.”
“And then what? He probably would have ran anyway, Stevie. We don’t know how that was going to play out… can you stop that for one second and look at me?” With a huff, Steve did as he was told. Y/N walked up and rested her hands on his face. “None of this is your fault. What happened with Bucky or Lagos.”
“But I’m the Captain. It’s my responsibility to—“
“Yes, you are the Captain but you are also on a team, Stevie. And teams take the hits together… it was cruel for Rumlow to mention Bucky. So very, very cruel… Please don’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. I already have one man in my life that insists on doing that. I really don’t know if I can have two.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Steve wrapped Y/N in his arms and pulled her into him. “Thank you for coming.”
“You should be thanking Nat for calling me.” 
“Will do.”
Y/N spent the rest of the day with the team. Wanda seemed to be taking it the hardest but was allowing anyone to help. Y/N frequently called Tony, only to be immediately sent to voicemail every time. This only made her grow more and more worried until she eventually left the facility, going back to the Tower. It was just after midnight. 
“Tony?” She called, searching the bedroom. “Babe?” When Tony was nowhere to be find in there, she sighed. “FRIDAY?”
“Boss is in the lab.”
“I should have looked there first.” She shook her head as she started walking to the lab. “How is he FRI?”
“Not very well. I have been making sure he doesn’t do anything drastic.”
Outside the lab, it was quiet and Y/N could tell that the only light on was the light above Tony’s table. She took a deep breath before entering the lab. Tony was hunched over his table, working on a watch.
“Hey, Tony,” Y/N greeted. “How was the speech?”
“Fine,” he replied, monotone.”
“Just fine. I’m sure you killed it.” 
She went to wrap her arms around him from behind. Tony quickly shrugged her off.
“I just want to be left alone right now.”
“How about I sit next to you and—“
Tony slammed what he was working on down on the table. “Damn it, Y/N! I said I want to be left alone!”
When he turned to look at her, his anger quickly turned to guilt at the sight before him. Y/N had taken a step back, a few tears were escaping her eyes, and she was shaking slightly. He felt his heart sink to his feet.
“Y/N, I—“ He tried to reach out to her but she stepped back and through a portal. “Damn it!” He slammed his fist against the table. “Damn it…”
“Honey,” Tony gently knocked on their bedroom door. “Can I come in?” 
No response. He groaned and rested his head against the door when he tried the knob and realized it was locked. 
“Honey?” He called again. “I’m sorry."
“Miss Rogers as requested to be alone right now,” FRIDAY stated.
“Shit… I’ve really done it this time.”
“Yes, you have Boss.”
“Can you at least tell me what she’s doing in there?”
“When she first arrived, she was sobbing into her pillow. Now, she’s grabbed yours and is curled up in the middle of the bed.”
“Honey, please,” he tried again. “I won’t try anything. I just want to apologize.” 
The door suddenly clicked, allowing Tony to open it. He quickly slipped inside and shut the door behind him before she could change her mind. Stepping closer to the bed, he saw Y/N curled up, as FRIDAY had said, facing away from him.
“Honey, I am so sorry… I should have never snapped at you the way I did. I… I’m so sorry.”
“I was only trying to help,” she whispered, voice cracking. “That’s all I’ve been doing all day… it’s exhausting…” Tony sat down on the edge of the bed. “The mission didn’t go well, so they called me in the talk down, Steve. And Wanda’s struggling with it and then I called and called and you never answered. When I come home to help, you snap at me…”
“You didn’t deserve that, Y/N.” Tony shook his head, resting them in his hands as he leaned forward. “The speech went good, the kids were all excited. It was after… once I had walked off stage…” Tony sighed and Y/N turned to face him. “People die… we try to save everybody, but we never can…”
“That’s not our fault, Tony. It’s not your fault.”
“But it is. We need to try harder. Do better. We can’t continue on like this. Something needs to change.”
Y/N sat up and scooted closer to Tony, still holding onto his pillow.
“It was a mother,” Tony continued quietly. “She came up to me after the speech…. Her son, Charlie Spencer, died in Sokovia…. We murdered him… a building was dropped on him…”
“We had no control over that.” She moved closer. “Do you understand? You had no control over it.” She slowly reached out and entangled her fingers with his. “It’s our job to save the day and, sadly, somedays that doesn’t mean everyone.”
Tony brought her hand up and held a kiss to the back of it. “I’m so sorry,” he mumbled against it, placing other kiss. “I should have just talked instead of act out.”
“Nobody’s perfect, Tony. We all make mistakes. The thing about mistakes though, is we need to keep trying harder after.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
Y/N leaned in and gave him a kiss. “I’m sorry, Tony. But I don’t believe that.” She kissed him again, harder, pouring more of her love into it. “I’m exactly what you need.”
Five Weeks Later…
Y/N kept going from pacing to sitting on the edge of her bed, knee bouncing. Her thumb was almost permanently placed at the edge of her mouth as she nervously bit at her nail. She was running every possibility of how this could happen, but every one led to the same conclusion. Which only made her more nervous.
For the past week, she had woken up nauseous. She spent most of the mornings sitting near the toilet. This morning, while sitting on the bathroom floor, she realized that she was late. Y/N was shaking when she took the test. Thankfully, and not so thankfully, Tony had bought a few, just in case.
When the timer went off, she froze. Her heart rate picked up as she willed her feet to move towards the bathroom counter, where the test was taunting her. Clenching her eyes shut, Y/N moved her head to hover right over the test.
“Okay, okay…” she whispered to herself. “You can do this Y/N… just open your eyes… you and Tony will deal with, or not deal with, whatever the results are… okay…” Y/N took a deep breath. “Okay…”
She opened her eyes, breath catching as she read the stick.
“Okay… Okay… That’s… different…. Yeah, definitely different.” She suddenly started laughing, tears forming. “I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant.”
“Miss,” FRIDAY called. “I’ve been asked to inform you that Secretary of State, Thaddeus Ross, is here. The others have already assembled in the conference room, waiting for you.”
“Tell them I’m on my way.”
“Of course.”
Y/N quickly hid the evidence, so that Tony didn’t have a chance of finding it before she had a chance to tell him. She didn’t really know how to feel or if she even wanted this baby. But she knew that whatever she decided, Tony would support her. There wasn’t anytime for worrying about it now, or celebrating, she was needed in the meeting. So, she stuffed the evidence in the furthest corner of the drawer she knew Tony never looked in and rushed down the conference room, wondering what the Secretary of State could possibly want.
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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startanewdream · 3 years
Hi! Only if you are comfortable, can you please write something funny where James and Lily live and James gives Harry the sex talk?
Hi, Chhavi! 
It turned out that this was embarrassing for Harry, James, Lily and me. Also, it turned out I am not capacitated to give sex advice, so there is a lot of interrupted scenes in which I hope James and Lily were good parents and gave good advice to Harry.
I supposed The Talk 1.0 was very ordinary and given in a moment that Harry did not really even see girls yet, so here is The Talk 2.0 when Harry is already dating Ginny, so it’s really more awkward for everyone 🙃.
So here it is and I hope you enjoy this silly fun piece of James and Lily being responsible parents, with a little bit of Jily and Hinny.
The Talk 2.0
(Rated T but, you know, it’s The Talk, so sex is mentioned)
‘Do we really need to do this?’, James asks, for the third time, as he and Lily are going up the stairs.
Lily sighs.
‘We talked about it, James. Yes, we need’.
‘I’ve talked to him before, Lily. Harry knows about - well - you know what he knows about'.
She raises her eyebrows.
‘The fact that you can’t say “sex” in the same sentence as your son’s name isn’t really giving me confidence’.
He flushes, mumbling to himself, his arms crossed as Lily knocks on Harry’s room.
‘Neither did you’, he grumbles at least.
‘You didn’t say “Harry” and you-know-what in the same sentence either’.
‘Oh, hi’, Harry says weakly, refusing to look in their direction. 'I was just about to sleep now -'
‘We need to talk, Harry’, Lily says, and James admires how her voice doesn’t show any of the anxiety he knows she feels too.
As much adamant as Lily is of having The Talk 2.0, neither of them is thrilled by having to do that.
Harry’s hand goes automatically to his hair, messing it without even realizing what he is doing, and James recognizes his own quirk there.
‘Everything is fine, Harry’, he says soothingly. ‘Why don’t we just go downstairs for a nice chat?’
Harry sighs deeply, looking like he would very much face Voldemort again than talking with his parents right now, but he nods.
They go to the living room, and Harry sinks on the armchair, leaving James and Lily to sit right on the couch right in front of him. James winces; all this feels too much like a lecture and he can’t fault Harry for looking at his knees with a half-guilty half-annoyed expression on his face.
‘I am sorry, ok?’, he says suddenly. ‘I - I forgot to lock the door and… it won’t happen again’.
‘Which part?’, James asks before he can stop himself. ‘You and Ginny snogging in your bedroom or Lily catching you?’
They both look at James without smiling, but he will defend the whole situation is a little bit funny.
Of course, he would feel different if he had been the one to arrive in his house in the middle of the afternoon and heard a cry coming from his son’s bedroom and had opened to find… whatever Lily had found.
She hadn’t given him full details other than saying it involved some stage of undressing and James hadn’t asked, but he knew it had been awkward enough that Ginny had not stayed for dinner and, as far as he knew, few things would really embarrass his favourite future daughter-in-law. Or probably Ginny knew the dinner would be equally uncomfortable. If that was the case, she had been smart; neither Harry nor Lily had said one word to another all night, refusing to meet each other’s eyes, both in a mix of embarrassment and anger.
Then, after dinner, Lily had summoned James to have The Talk 2.0 with Harry, despite James’ insistence that he had already talked to Harry five years ago.
‘Five years ago he didn’t have a girlfriend’.
‘I am pretty sure things are still the same, Lily’, he had argued, but Lily ignored him.
‘Harry’, Lily begins, with as much dignity as she can muster. 'This is not just about what happened early'.
‘You scold me in front of her’, Harry accuses, crossing his arms. ‘Then you made her leave like… Like if we were doing something wrong’.
Lily closes her face.
‘I didn't want Ginny to leave, of course not, but… I won’t be the bad guy, here, Harry. You were the one who was - who brought your girlfriend in the middle of the afternoon without telling us first’.
‘I told you she was coming by’, he mumbles.
‘For dinner. That usually means late in the day, you know’. She gives him a knowing look. ‘Did Molly know she was here with you?’
This makes Harry narrow his eyes.
‘Is that a threat?’, he asks, even more annoyed, and James sees it’s time to intervene.
‘No one is threatening anything and, no, we won’t mention it to anyone’, he says, placing his hand around Lily’s shoulder to calm her too. It’s really unusual for her and Harry to argue, but their fights are the worst if he doesn’t interrupt them before their emotions are too high. ‘We just need to set some - ah - coexistence rules’.
‘And before that’, Lily continues, seeming more in control. ‘We need to talk to you about some important things. And, yes, it’s a sex talk’.
Harry grimaces.
‘I - Dad already talked to me, you don’t really -’
‘No?’, challenges Lily, raising her eyebrows and James suddenly wishes to warn Harry of the danger there. ‘Do you really think you know everything?’
‘I get the biology part and - well - if you must know - Ron got me a book -’
‘“Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches”?’, Lily scoffs. ‘That book doesn’t cover anything’.
‘You know that book?’, James asks, surprised, and Harry looks at him.
‘Do you know that book?’
James rolls his eyes.
‘My old dad got me and Sirius one when we were fifteen’.
‘The fact that you still took two more years to finally date me should show you the quality of the book’, Lily teases, looking amused. 'Besides, that book is really outdated’.
‘It seemed complete’, Harry murmurs, but he looks uneasy as if he is worried about what content the book is lacking.
‘Well, the book didn’t tell you to cast a simple Silencing Charm on the door, did it?’, Lily points out, making Harry blush. ‘So, yes, we will talk’.
Harry grumbles, but he nods. There is a moment of silence, and James sees Lily debating with herself how she will start. She takes a deep breath.
‘It is normal that you and Ginny want to take your relationship to the next step, but I just want you to think if you are ready - oh, don’t give me that look’.
‘You are talking like if we were kids’.
‘I meant that you’ve been dating for only two months and it’s your first serious relationship’.
‘We started dating more than one year ago actually’, Harry corrects, with a shadow of a smile on his lips.
‘I thought you broke up with her for her own safety?’, Lily counters, narrowing her eyes, and that wipes out any amusement on Harry’s face. ‘Any more sassy comments?’
James thinks it’s rather ironic that Lily is criticizing Harry for saying anything sassy, but he is not stupid enough to note this.
‘What your mother means -’, he says instead ‘- is that you shouldn’t rush into things. Did you two talk about it?’
‘No’, Harry admits. ‘We weren’t really… we were just… Look, we weren’t going to have sex today, ok? Can’t you just drop it?’
His face is all red and Harry looks really upset, though James can't say if it's for saying that out loud or because of what he said.
‘Well, you two might someday’, Lily says gently, all her motherly instincts emerging at the sight of Harry’s distress. ‘And when that happens, we want you two to be careful and to know what you are doing’.
‘Nobody knows what they are doing the first time, Lily’, James murmurs and they exchange a fond look that makes them both smile softly, thinking of questions whispered in the middle of the night and nervousness and that happy feeling of finally...
‘Well, keep looking at each other like that and it’s the best way to keep my mind out of it’, Harry grumbles, looking purposely at the ceiling.
James chuckles.
‘We don’t want to talk you out of it - mostly because it won’t work. We really just want you two to be safe - you know, your mum and I are way too young to be grandparents’.
The red in Harry’s face increases.
‘Do you know contraceptive charms and potions?’, Lily asks, all business again. ‘Or even better, use the muggle way - it prevents a lot of diseases too, you can never be too safe…’.
Harry mumbles something under his breath.
‘What was that?’
‘I have bought condoms’, he says in the lowest voice he can manage.
Lily and James carefully avoid making eye contact.
‘And you know how to use them?’, James asks, a bit afraid of Harry’s answer.
‘Yeah, you don’t need to - let’s not do that banana thing, ok? I saw Mr. Weasley talking to Ron… and it was weird enough’.
There is another moment of silence.
‘Fine’, James says lightly. ‘Then let’s talk about those charms too, right? It’s always good to be prepared for all occasions…’
It’s well past midnight when James knocks on Harry’s door. After a few seconds, Harry opens it.
‘May I enter?’, James asks, all formal, since they agreed on a few rules minutes ago.
Asking permission before entering Harry’s room. If Ginny is in his room, the door will be open slightly at least when his parents are home. Letting them know before-hand if Ginny will be visiting (they won’t ever forbid it). She can spend the night but in another room until she is out of age. No using the Invisibility Cloak to visit her at night.
That last one James seriously doubted it when Lily and Harry agreed to it, but he didn’t say anything.
He would not betray Lily’s secrets for Harry and he would not deny his son the better use for that Cloak.
‘Sure’, Harry says, giving him space. James sits on the edge of Harry’s bed, while Harry lays lazily against the pillows of his bed.
His son seems more at ease now the safe sex talk has ended. James supposes there are few subjects that could be more awkward. It almost makes James miss talking about Horcruxes and pieces of Voldemort’s soul.
‘Here’, James shows him a key.
‘What is that?’
‘There is a cabin in the woods if you follow the trail leaving our backdoor, just a ten-minute walk. It’s where we used to turn with Remus in the Full Moon’.
‘And why are you giving it to me?’, Harry asks, bewildered. His parents always forbade him of going alone in the woods and that was one of the few rules Harry had actually followed all his life.
‘Well, obviously we aren’t using anymore, and it’s a nice cozy place. All equipped, with fireplace and a small living room, bathroom and -’, James takes a deep breath. ‘- there is a double bed too’.
‘I am not naive, Harry, and I remember what it was like being seventeen - well, all your mum and I wanted with that talk was make sure you two are safe. Not to disturb you or anything - and trust me, it was far more awkward for us than it was for you’.
He laughs.
‘I truly doubt it’, Harry says, and for a moment they share an equally embarrassed look before Harry tentatively grabs the key. ‘So… I am just free to use it?’
James sighs. ‘I trust you not to rush things, Harry. And I thought… we don’t want to catch you in an awkward position - not again - and… you two deserve some time alone without worrying if anyone is going to interrupt you. So… whenever you two are ready, it will be there’.
‘Oh’, Harry is blushing, his face radiating heat. ‘Thanks, dad’.
‘It was your mother’s idea, actually’, James says, grinning when Harry looks surprised. ‘She was just concerned for you, Harry, not really mad. And… besides everything we talked before, which is important and you should keep in mind for your and Ginny’s safety… remember to be patient, ok?’
Harry blinks, confused, and James sighs heavily. That’s your job, he says to himself. You remember how things were far from perfect in the beginning.
‘Just… be gentle. Always care more about her than about yourself - and always asks if she is comfortable. If she says no, or if she regrets starting it, no matter what are you doing, you stop’.
James expects Harry to argue with him at the obviousness of what he is saying, but surprisingly, Harry just nods, seeming to be concentrating on recording James’ words.
‘And then, if you are both ok with it��� You two take your time. It’s normal to not know what you are doing at first, but you will only learn if you talk to each other and listen to each other, okay? This is actually very important’.
‘What if -’, Harry hesitates, before looking at his own hand. ‘- and what if I am not good? What if I mess it up so much that she never -’
‘Harry’, James interrupts him softly. ‘As I said, no one knows what they are doing. So… you discover together. You are in love with her, right?'
His face reddens, but to Harry’s credit, he doesn't deny his feelings.
'Yes', he admits in a whisper, sounding more fascinated by it than flustered.
James smiles.
'Then you let that feeling turn into something good for both of you'.
‘It's because of what I feel that - I am afraid, I mean...  Can I - can I make it good? For her?’
James sighs.
‘Yeah, actually… I suppose there are things you could know that would help… But let’s say it very objectively, ok? You do know I almost think of Ginny as my daughter, right?’
That makes Harry let out an unexpected laugh.
‘I hope not too much’, he says, playfully. ‘Because I really don’t have brotherly feelings for her'.
James rolls his eyes.
‘Yeah, I got that covered. Well, I think we already had this conversation once, but I’m sure you were too busy when you were thirteen to think this would ever be important. So, a woman’s body -’
James feels tired and much older when he finally enters his and Lily’s room.
‘You took long enough’, Lily says teasingly, and James sees she is in a far better mood than a couple of hours before, lying lazily in the bed, already under the blanket.
‘It is your fault. “The Talk 2.0”, you said, it will be fun’.
She smirks, turning to him as James lies down heavily on the bed.
‘I never said it would be fun, just that we needed to do it. I know you have all these white hairs already, and I don’t deny it would be cute, but I really don’t want any grandchildren yet. You know, I just want -’
‘That Harry gets to finally enjoy his life’, James acknowledges. ‘Yeah, I know. Me too’. 
She sighs happily, getting closer to him, and James sees her naked collarbone when she places her hand over his chest, casually opening the buttons of his shirt.
‘Now - I know it’s late - but I kept thinking of a summer night twenty years ago…’
‘I try to forget that night’.
‘Really?’, challenges Lily, looking at him, and James has a deja-vu of that same night.
They had been dating for a while, and while he had been untroubled and quite satisfied with everything they had done together on empty classrooms, he had felt guilty of taking a step further with Lily despite the fact that his body kept making it perfectly clear how much he wanted her and Lily kept giving all signs that she wanted more too. His trouble conscience had been solved when Lily had appeared on his bed in the Boy’s Dorm Room on a summer night, hidden under his Invisibility Cloak.
She hadn’t been wearing anything under the Cloak.
‘So, Potter? Do you want your Cloak back?’, she had whispered to him, in a trembling voice that mixed braveness and challenge and that time his guilt had paled in comparison with everything else he felt for her.
He smiles at the memory.
‘Well, I just like to think I improved a lot since then, you know’.
‘You did’, she agrees playfully. ‘But I remember fondly of that night - it was the first time you said you loved me’.
‘Of course I was in love with you’, James notes as if it's obvious. ‘Why do you think I let you take away all my innocence?'
‘You were never innocent’, Lily disagrees, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
‘Oh, I was. So pure. But there was this redhead girl that totally bewitched me’.
‘Redhead girl? Seems to run in the family’.
‘What can I say? We Potters have one weakness’.
‘Hmmm’, she sighs, letting her hand slide over his chest and then down. There is a satisfied smile on her lips. ‘It doesn’t seem much weak right now’.
James grins, pulling Lily so she gets above him. The blanket falls and, just like on that summer night, she is not wearing anything under.
‘As I said, bewitched’, he agrees, trying to kiss her, but Lily laughs and stops him to take her wand in the nightstand.
‘Let’s set the example, shall we?’, she points her wand to the door. ‘Silencio!’
137 notes · View notes
twstdreams · 3 years
A Bouquet to Share: Flower Foraging
CYOA: Chronic Hanahaki AU
Length: 2K | ao3 link
Warnings: fluff, mentions of flu/cold
You’re waiting in front of the mirror for your turn to pass, behind the infamous first years. No one in NRC isn’t aware of the prefect and their friends, mostly how they perpetually get themselves in all sorts of trouble. 
“Hey, wasn’t the prefect going to be in our group?” Jack asks
“Oh, they couldn’t make it because they got sick,” Deuce answers. There’s a pause as the unasked question lingers in the air. If they’re just suffering from a passing virus or if it’s that illness.
“With a normal cold,” Ace clarifies, “Grim’s been complaining about having to take care of them.”
You think you’ve heard ten different iterations of this conversation before. Some with Octa A-kun, another with a Pomefiore duo, the same rumours and inquiries always start flying when winter is broken by spring’s warm touch. Everyone wants to know who has hanahaki and chronic sufferers are always the first suspect. People attempt to deduce who’s sick because of pollen or because of the flowers blooming in their lungs. It’s not a lethal disease with modern magic and technology, but you swear enough drama follows it to make up for the lack of imminent doom.
“Hand!” the ghost before you demands once you’re at the front of the line. You offer the back of your hand and immediately a rose is stamped on it, proof that you’re a student who has access to the Great Seven botanical gardens. Then you step through the mirror and are greeted by the site of a massive glass structure. You’re excited to explore the grounds. Each area is its own biome with unique flora and fauna which flourish in that environment. Personally, you’re hoping to see the aquatics section for fun, but you need to ensure that you complete your assignment first.
“Meet each other in the tropical region in two hours!” you text to Jamil and he responds with an affirmation. You two had already agreed to this prior to the project. Most people are wandering the gardens with their partner, but you know Jamil has his hands full with Kalim. You just hope Jamil will actually get to appreciate a couple flowers too.
Officially, the headmaster says this is a field trip for all grades because botany is useful in several fields of magic. You think it’s because a massive amount of students visiting from a prestigious school gets him some sort of discount, but those aren’t thoughts you voice out loud. Not that you care, the Great Seven Botanical gardens hosts some unique and deadly plants, even more so than the poisonous flowers allowed to bloom on campus. You can't choose a lot of them for your assignment but nothing is stopping you from visiting them if you have extra time. Plus, activities amongst different classes aren’t that common, let alone those in various years. If you’re lucky, you might see Malleus amongst the flowers.
You’ve only met Malleus at night, on late walks while perhaps avoiding a guard or two. The daffodils at the entrance remind you of your first meeting with Malleus. But you can’t recall clearly, was there only one daffodil at the spot where you met or several?
Staying up late the night before to cram for a test, only to crash and take a nap afterwards completely messed up your sleep schedule. No amount of staring at your ceiling was going to make you drowsy. Besides, you want to explore the campus and check out some night-blooming flowers. You spotted several during the day but hadn’t gotten the chance to see them underneath the moonlight. 
You slip out of your dorm to enjoy the slight breeze and fresh air entering your lungs. Exploring the campus at night feels a little liminal. Not to say that it was silent, some nocturnal familiars scurry around, a ghost or two floating, and more than a couple of students here and there creating background noise. But it's interesting to see a campus normally overflowing with life morph into something restful and quiet. The closer you get to the Ramshackle dorm, the more this effect becomes more pronounced.
You spot plenty of random vegetation growing on the lawns of the dorm. You’d be willing to bet a week’s worth of lunches that dorm hasn’t had real maintenance for at least a decade. Horrid for the prefect living there, you really do feel bad for them, but lots of fun for your midnight flower foraging trip. Your phone battery is dying fast with the flashlight so you test out a new spell you’ve recently learned. You murmur the incantation and a ball of light forms in the palm of your hand. You try to extend it so it acts as a familiar but the light begins to flicker so you’re stuck with having it illuminate the area around your hand. A little testing, a failure or two, and you’re able to create a soft light to guide you. Your hand is nothing but a glorified flashlight, but you can see your surroundings so it’s not a total fail. Unfortunately, what you thought was some pretty evening primrose is actually daffodils.
“How odd. You’re not one of the Ramshackle inhabitants,” a voice notes. You’re certain a ghost has come to lecture you, but you let out a gasp when you realize a living being is behind you.
“I’m, uh, yeah I don’t live here,” you admit, “Just wanted some fresh air. I couldn’t sleep.” You were honestly hoping to avoid all dorm leaders, you know some don’t take kindly to students leaving their dorm after hours, and you think some greater force must be laughing at you because somehow you’ve stumbled upon the most mysterious and powerful one.
“And you came to this abandoned building to do that?” His voice is even. You’re not sure if there’s an accusation laced in his statement or if his regal airs just make him always seem confident and a bit unfriendly.
“I thought it’d be cool to see the night-blooming flowers too,” you add, “There’s supposed to be some evening primrose and moonflowers beneath a gargoyle but I can’t figure out which one it is.” 
“I can introduce you to the correct gargoyle,” Malleus comments. Your head, which is frantically processing information and doing its best to be logical, tells you that’s probably a social cue to ask him to show you where the gargoyle is. Your mind, however, is still trying to comprehend how the heck you ended up meeting the Malleus Draconia on a weedy lawn.
“I am part of the gargoyle appreciation society,” he continues but the way his lips were pressed into a thin line indicates that you’ve spent a little too long coming up with a response.
“Oh! That’s impressive,”—now isn’t a good time to admit you didn’t know that club existed—“if you don’t mind, then I’d really appreciate it!” He nods once in acknowledgement and you begin trailing after the dragon fae. 
“Do you know about each of the gargoyles?” you ask; you ought to express interest in his passions when he’s doing you a favour. You’re not sure what to expect, but it was most definitely not an encyclopedic infodump about Ramshackle’s gargoyles.
“This is the first gargoyle, located on the entrance to the east building. Are you able to see it?” Before you had a chance to answer, Malleus casts a spell of light that creates fake fireflies which illuminate your surroundings. 
“Now I can. It kind of looks like a crow,” you answer. The gargoyle is easy to see but you think Malleus’ elegant magic is more beautiful. Your lightbulb of a hand is almost embarrassing and you quickly stop the spell.
“It is a crow, which is extremely rare for a gargoyle. This is the only one I’ve ever seen. Its quality means it must have been made by a famous craftsman. It looks like it could take flight at any moment.” He goes on about the history of the gargoyles here; you’ve never really been interested in them but the way Malleus talks about them with such excitement makes you engaged. It’s the way that extensive knowledge is intertwined with informed hypotheses while the excitement in his tone never leaves. Hearing Malleus talk about something he loves feels enchanting and endearing. His bubbling enthusiasm is cute.
“This is the gargoyle with the evening primrose and moonflowers,” Malleus announces. Once he finishes his little spiel about its history, you begin to take pictures of the flowers. You want to ask if you can take a picture of him; there’s something so odd about this experience that you want a picture to prove it is real. However, the fresh air has awaken your brain cells and they let you know that perhaps asking someone you just met for a photo in the dead of night is not the best idea. But well, Malleus has been pretty accommodating so you decide to ask for another favour.
“If you don’t mind, could you teach me that light spell?” you inquire. The surprise is evident in his expression and you wonder if you’re being too selfish.
“Is that so? You want me to help you with your spell? Interesting,” he comments and honestly, the pause makes you so nervous you regret ever opening your mouth, “Very well. Show me what you can do.” Even though you're the one who asked, you're a little surprised that the Malleus Draconia has agreed to some impromptu tutoring.
“I can summon a light but I’m having trouble making it steady after it stops making contact with my body,” you explain while taking out your wand. You murmur the incantation and a soft light envelopes your hand while illuminating your surroundings. As the light starts to float away, its shape begins to morph and looks like a blob of light which never stays a consistent shape, akin to a lava lamp. 
“You have enough magic to power the spell. The changing shape suggests that you’re having trouble imagining the outcome,” Malleus sumrises, “Why don’t you try mimicking the shape of mine?” Malleus adjusts the shape of his firefly lights into simple spheres. Unfortunately, it does not go so smoothly for you. First the light looks like a balloon, then it shrinks to the size of a marble, but when you have it at a reasonable size then the edges of the ball begin to quiver.
“I’m sorry it’s taking me so long,” you mutter. Sure, you don’t expect to be on the same level as someone as infamous as the Diasomnia dorm leader, but this feels embarrassing.
“You aren’t expected to master everything at the beginning. Don’t be shy,” he reassures. His comforting words encourage you to calm down. You take in a deep breath and start again. The light transforms into a uniform sphere—your own little sun for this corner of the world the two of you are tucked away in.
“I did it!” you exclaim, “It’s all thanks to your advice!” You toss the light between your hands before extending it to float beside Malleus’.
“You already completed the basics. I only offered some advice,” he gently protests but a smile remains on his face all the same.
“What’s the incantation to change its colour again?” you ask, and Malleus says it aloud for you to repeat. You alter your spell, dying it in your favourite colour, then allow it to dance in the sky. His luminescent green light merges with yours, and the spells twine with each other.
Since then you’ve taken to late-night walks for exercise and hopes of meeting Malleus. You haven’t exactly been charming—
“Are you here to admire gargoyles?” Malleus inquires when the two of you meet in the dead of night yet again.
“No, but I can,” you offer. Admitting to the ruler of the valley of thorns that you have been wandering around at night to see him again because you’re very intrigued and a little enamoured is not ideal. Luckily Malleus never questions your intent.
— but the two of you are on friendly terms now. So far no flowers were blooming in your lungs, but you’d be lying if you said a crush wasn’t taking root in your heart. But before you could linger on any hypothetical flowers, you have to pick an actual flower for your assignment! As a second year, you will have to grow whichever flower you pick back at school. 
Which flower will you choose? Vote here
White and pink carnations
Crimson astilbe (feather flowers)
Purple snapdragons
Orange tiger lilies
108 notes · View notes
sevlgi · 3 years
the florist pt. 2
requested: yes
group: dreamcatcher
pairing: jiu x fem!reader
genre: angst, questionable fluff
contents: hanahaki!au, florist!jiu.  read part 1 here.
warnings: death
synopsis:  Minji’s drawing away. You know that; you can see it, and you can feel it deep in your bones. But when you finally realize the pain afflicting her, will it be too late for you to save her?
a/n: I’M SORRY THIS IS BASICALLY FULL ANGST ASLKDFFDSKJN... i’ll do a part 3 if y’all want it 😬
word count: 3.6k
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Sometimes, the arrival of a new person changes the way you see things.
That fact had been true for Minji for years; meeting people always taught her something new, whether it was about the world or about herself. And yet, no one had ever been able to change her thoughts about her 6 closest friends, until she found a beautiful girl in her flower shop, begging for help with the blooms in her lungs.
She didn’t mean to resent Siyeon. She shouldn’t have-- you were a stranger, just another person that used your personal connection to her friends to guilt her into helping you. But when Minji saw how dismissive you were to even the possibility of asking Siyeon to save your life, she realized something about her friend, and she realized something about you.
On one hand, Siyeon knew what she could or couldn’t do to help others. Minji had seen her go out of her way to pick up a fallen grocery basket for someone or help an old lady across the street, but she would never try to lift a car to save someone underneath. She knew her limits, and Minji had to accept that it wasn’t selfish of her to protect herself.
But on the other hand, you were selfless. Too much so, really. You hated the thought of inconveniencing the girl you loved, even if it meant that you would die. It took too long for you to convince yourself to even ask Gahyeon for help, just because you knew how touchy of a subject it was for her.
Maybe Minji loved that about you, at the same time that she hated it. And maybe it was something that she hated about herself as she stared at the speckled purple blossoms swimming about in the toilet bowl.
“Shit,” she whispered, wiping droplets of blood off her lips. “It’s getting worse.”
Gahyeon looked more grim than sympathetic as she offered a box of tissues to the older girl. She experienced the disease herself for long enough that she knew how painful it was, and she was smart enough to know that Minji didn’t have much time. “How long has it been?”
“8 months.” Minji gingerly plucked petals out from under her tongue, flicking them away. “I met Y/N 8 months ago.”
She could’ve smiled just by saying your name, but she kept her face solemn as Gahyeon did the math in her head. “8 months. It takes 3 months to fall in love, but knowing you, it was probably shorter.”
Minji rolled her eyes, taking a sip of water. “Watch it.”
“I’m just saying,” Gahyeon protested. “But at most, you’ve had Hanahaki for 7 or 8 months. So why are you basically on your deathbed? Y/N told me she loved Siyeon unnie nearly 2 years before she even bothered to ask me for help.”
“Maybe my heart is just weak,” the florist sighed, leaning her head against the wall. “It’s my fault, I fell for a client. A client, Gahyeon, how stupid am I?”
The younger girl scooted closer, wrapping her arms softly around Minji. “You aren’t. Okay? Y/N is amazing, and if I wasn’t so hung up on... if I had the time for it, I could see myself loving her too. You should--”
“Don’t,” Minji warned, eyes narrowing. “Don’t tell me to tell her. I can’t put that on her, and I can’t let her know that I’m in... that I’m in pain because of her.”
“You’re one and the same, you know that?” Gahyeon shook her head. “The exact same.”
But no matter how much she griped, Minji knew that her friend wouldn’t reveal the secret, not until she was lying on her deathbed. She was trustworthy, and she would leave Minji to her own solutions if she asked for it.
Finding a real solution was what would become the problem.
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“Hey, Minji!”
Even though you felt awkward with your shoulder pressed up to your face and bags in your hand, you smiled as you squeezed the phone closer to your face. The florist hadn’t picked up on your call, but you didn’t fault her for being busy. “Uh, I’m coming to you to make Gahyeon’s cake like we promised.”
You cursed as you dropped one of the grocery bags, taking your phone in your hand to finish the message so you could check out. “I’m almost there, so wait up for me! I got some special supplies for you too.”
Rounding the corner onto the Love Blossom, you fished your keys out from your pocket. There was a pink jewel-studded one on the chain, new as of just 8 months ago, but it felt like it had always belonged there as you twisted the lock and pushed the glass door open.
To your surprise, Gahyeon was waiting inside, almost looking like she was shielding the door to Minji’s apartment. “Hey, Gahyeonie,” you greeted, attempting to wave. “Good to see you.”
“Hi, Y/N. What’re those for?” she asked, nodding her head at the bags. “Baking again?”
“Yeah, you know me.” You craned your neck, trying to see if Minji was fixing a bouquet somewhere, but you didn’t find the brunette anywhere. Gahyeon, standing smack in the middle of the shop and blocking the door, didn’t help. “Is Minji here?”
“Oh, yeah. She’s just... finishing something.” The younger girl’s smile was disarming, obviously hiding something and yet innocent enough that you could’ve just been paranoid. “You don’t mind waiting, do you?”
Your eyes narrowed, but you shook your head. “So, uh, how’s Siyeon?”
Gahyeon softened at that, sighing, “Still not ready to see you. I’m sorry, she... she feels guilty now, that Minji and I had to help you not die.”
“It’s okay.” To be honest, it was true; despite all the feelings you’d invested into her, Siyeon couldn’t break you just yet, not even after you barely recovered from the Hanahaki disease. “I’ll give her time.”
“I’m grateful for that,” the other girl smiled, squeezing your arm. “On her behalf.”
Before either of you could say something more, the hidden door creaked open to reveal a Minji that was decidedly more gaunt than when you had last seen her. Her cheeks were hollow, lips pale and dark circles unable to be hidden by the layers of makeup she wore. “Oh. Hey, Y/N, what’re you doing here?”
You raised the bags in your hand in answer. “Baking? We agreed a couple weeks ago.”
“Oh!” Minji attempted an apologetic smile, though you still got the feeling that she didn’t really remember. “Right. Gahyeon, I’m fine, you can go home.”
“Are you sure?” the younger girl eyed the florist critically. “Because--”
“Gahyeon. I’m good.” Minji’s tone left no room for argument, and Gahyeon merely waved at you before making her way out. Finally only the two of you left in the shop, the brunette opened her door for you. “Sorry about that. Come in?”
Despite not really wanting to overstep, you blurted out, “So. What was that about? If you’re sick, I can easily go home and bake there...”
“No, I’m good!” Minji tried her best to grin, but something was just lacking. You also noted that she did her best not to touch you, skirting around the kitchen table to be on the other side. “Did you get chocolate like I asked?”
“I did,” you nodded, accepting the fact that she wouldn’t talk about it until she was ready. After all those months, you learned that when Minji was stubborn, there really was nothing that could change her mind. “Chocolate because Gahyeon likes it, but I also got vanilla to make cupcakes for anyone who doesn’t like it?”
She clapped and you played along by bowing, though she stopped so she could start to taking ingredients out of the bag for you. “Oh-- what’s this?” she frowned at the can of coconut cream she held in her hand.
“That--” you snatched it out of her hand-- “is for you. I learned how to make coconut mousse recently, and I thought that while I’m here, I might as well treat you.”
Minji opened her mouth to speak with a smile, but she was interrupted with a sudden fit of coughing. You reached to grab water for her, concern parting your lips, but she waved you away. “I- I’m fine. A bit of a cold, that’s all, I’ll be right back.”
With that, she ascended to her loft again, leaving you with coconut cream in your hands and confusion written all over your face. In all the 8 months that you had known her, Minji hadn’t gotten sick once; she brought you chicken soup when you got the flu and miraculously avoided it, claiming herself to have “immunity superpowers” with that amazingly infectious smile. So it was weird for her to be so affected by a simple cough.
But as you turned back to your cake recipe, you tried to write it off. After all, she’d saved you already... she didn’t owe you any explanations.
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Yubin was sweet. A lot quieter than Minji, but she was that calm kind of funny that didn’t really require being boisterous to invoke laughter from you, and you definitely didn’t mind it. “Thank you for coming to shop with me,” you mentioned as you bent down to stare at the label on a folded jacket. “Minji said she’d come, but she’s really busy lately.”
“Yeah, she can be like that sometimes,” Yubin shrugged, pointing a decorative cup out to you. “She insists that she doesn’t like to burden us or whatever.”
“That’s bullshit, but it sounds like her,” you sighed. You folded the jacket over your arm and picked up the cup on your way to the register, Yubin following with her gift for Gahyeon already hanging on her arm. “But I can’t help but think that she’s hiding something from me... just me.”
The younger girl raised an eyebrow. “Really? I mean, Minji’s been quiet recently, but I don’t think she’s treating you any different. If anything, she’s nicer to you than she is to the rest of us.”
You chuckled at that and passed your credit card over the counter. “Right. She is being really nice to me, almost weirdly nice. You know, I brought my baking supplies over to her the other day, and she didn’t even try to throw flour in my face. It’s weird.”
“You’re right that that doesn’t sound like Minji,” Yubin frowned, opening the shop’s door for you as you walked out. “I don’t know, she’s like a different person after meeting you. Doesn’t talk to Siyeon much--”
At the guilty expression on your face, she stopped talking. “Y/N, it isn’t your fault. Minji... she’s just too kind. She never understood how our friend, who saw the effects of Hanahaki herself, could just let you die.”
“Isn’t it my fault though?” You tilted your head to the sky, observing the fluffy white clouds that floated over the skyscrapers of Seoul. “I gave her that responsibility of healing me, she wouldn’t have given a shit if she didn’t have to heal me.”
“Well, if you think that, then you still don’t know Minji well enough.” The other girl laughed softly, shaking her head. “See, it’s less about letting you die and more about letting someone else die. We all know that Siyeon-unnie couldn’t love you on command, but Minji thinks she was callous with how she rejected you.”
She held up a hand so that you’d let her continue to talk. “See, she’s selfless. She could’ve turned you away, no matter how much Gahyeon tried to convince her, but she didn’t. Minji can’t handle the thought of not doing something when she could, but she would also never impose on others.”
“Do you think that’s what’s happening?” you asked suddenly. “Is she sick or something, and won’t tell us?”
Yubin hesitated to answer, her expression conflicted. “I want to say no. But it’s... more likely than not.”
You almost reached for your phone, but you remembered how curt Minji’s text messages had been in the past month, and how often she had blown you off. “Huh. Well, I guess we’ll just have to ask her tomorrow.”
“Yeah. Coffee?” your new friend offered, stopping in front of a small coffee store. You followed her in, more and more worried about the florist as you thought about her. Your heart was beating uncomfortably in your chest again, as quick as it had been when you had Hanahaki, just without the unrequited love clogging your lungs like so many months ago.
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You leaped onto Bora’s back as soon as you saw her, laughing as she shrieked. Gahyeon, who had been talking to Bora, grinned at the sight of you in your sparkly outfit. “Gahyeonie, happy birthday!”
“Thanks, Y/N.” She took the gift from your hands to set it down on a table, Bora hitching you up higher on her back. “Now that you’re here, will you convince Handong-unnie to let me see the cake?”
“Not a chance,” you sing-songed, sticking your tongue out at the pouting birthday girl. “I spent hours on that cake, I’m not letting you see it before the grand reveal with Minji. Where is she, by the way?”
“Minji?” Bora frowned, finally giving up and letting you down onto the floor. The petite woman scanned the apartment with her lips pursed, swishing her specialty punch in the cup she held. “Mm. I don’t think I’ve seen her today.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at that, and you stepped further into the living room to try and catch the florist among the throng of celebrators. “Really? That’s unlike her, I would’ve thought she’d be here first.”
“I think Siyeon stepped up for organization this time,” Gahyeon offered. “I can... ask her for you?”
You were tempted to agree; after all, it had been nearly a year and a half since you had confessed and gotten painfully pushed away. But then, you had to know where Minji was for yourself-- any information, even if it was given to you by Gahyeon, wasn’t trustworthy unless you heard it for yourself. “It’s fine,” you sighed. “I’ll go.”
“Y/N, are you sure?” Bora asked quietly, catching you in your stride with her hands on your arm. “She’s not exactly friendly towards you.”
“I’m good,” you smiled in an attempt to reassure her. “Really.”
Once you left the two behind, it wasn’t tough to find Siyeon. She stood in the kitchen with Handong, laughing at some joke or the other that you couldn’t hear over the music. To your alarm, your heart hurt a little bit at how beautiful she looked, blonde hair lengthened by extensions and lips colored; but it wasn’t the disease, just a normal twinge of remaining heartbreak as you approached her. “Hey.”
She didn’t turn until the hostess pushed her to. “Y/N. Hello.”
You pursed your lips at her attitude. “Look, I don’t want to talk to you either. All I need to know is where Minji is.”
“Minji...” Siyeon frowned at that, turning to look at Handong, who shrugged. “She still hasn’t shown up? The party started hours ago...”
Handong offered, “She texted me a little while ago, she said she had a cough? It’s not like Minji to be sick, but I’m sure a cough is no problem.”
“A cough?”
The three of you turned to find Gahyeon behind you, her expression a mixture of grim and absolutely horrified. “Gahyeonie..?” Siyeon asked, panic seeping into her voice just like it did yours.
“Y/N, you need to come with me” was the youngest’s only answer as she grabbed onto your wrist. “We don’t have enough time, Bora can drive you to the LB. And--”
“Hey, Gahyeon, what the hell is going on?” you asked, quieting yourself when she hushed you. “Is Minji sick? And if she is, why wouldn’t you tell us? We can buy her medicine--”
“She has Hanahaki.” Your eyes widened immediately and you stopped in your tracks, ignoring Gahyeon tugging at you. She gave up, and tried to soften her words. “Y/N... Minji loves you. And you don’t love her back.”
You stammered, attempting to find the right words to respond. But there didn’t seem to be any-- none of the sentences on the tip of your tongue could even come close to describing what you wanted to say, so you could only settle or saying, “What?”
Gahyeon pinched her lips together, typing something furiously on her phone. “Yeah. It’s progressing too fast, I think, she was on the brink of death when you saw her last. Coughing out full blossoms already, and I’ve already found her choking on her own blood twice.”
“But...” Your mind raced, trying your best to find an explanation. “I’ve only known her for 10 months.”
“That’s how much she loves you, I guess,” Gahyeon shrugged, turning as Bora bounded down the stairs. “Please save her. It might be too late, but- but I don’t want Minji to die without seeing you one last time.”
Bora grabbed you then, not giving you a minute to even ask if it was okay to leave. It was a short bound to her car in the driveway, and the both of you seemed just as desperate to reach the florist when Bora pressed down on the pedals with close to her full force.
You came dangerously close to crashing into at least 10 cars, and you were sure that you had run a red light, but there was nothing else on your mind as you slammed the car door closed and kicked the door to the flower shop right open. “Minji!” you shouted, craning your neck to try and see up to the loft. “Minji, where are you?!”
At the sound of some weak coughing, you were leaping up the stairs, gripping onto the banisters to move even faster. And there she was, looking all too frail and weak in her bed.
There was a spray of blood on the pale pink comforter, wrapped around her body with minimal effort, and Minji’s eyes were barely fluttering open. “Y/N,” she croaked, hand creeping up to touch your face as you fell to your knees right next to her. Her voice was hoarse, almost gone from the months of coughing up mallow blossoms and blood. “You came.”
“I... of course I came.” Your voice was shaky, and there were hot tears already spilling down your face. “Minji, why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“Not- not your responsibility,” she coughed out. “I couldn’t let you feel guilty for what’s happening to me. It’s not your fault, Y/N, that you don’t love me.”
You sobbed out at that, wiping your eyes roughly with the palms of your hands. “Minji, please...”
The girl lying before you could barely be called a shell of Minji, and no matter what you said, it could only be your fault that her eyes were as sunken as a skull’s. It could only be your face that her wrist was as delicate as that of a bird, that her hand wasn’t even able to support the weight of your head as you slumped down to sob next to her.
There was nothing bright shining in those brown eyes anymore, none of the light that exploded into a thousand golden sparkles whenever you baked her favorite pastries or arranged a bouquet just right. There was no smile on her parched lips, no laughter shaking her entire body or a stupid joke that no one really understood.
All the memories of the Minji that you remembered flooded into your mind, like videos flickering over the nearly-dead girl that you could see in front of you. Minji when she spent hundreds of dollars for your birthday bouquet, Minji when she took you as a plus-one to her favorite concert. Minji when she smiled at coconut tarts, Minji when she presented you with your very own apron for the shop.
Was there something I could’ve said to make your heart beat better?
Said. As what could’ve been Minji’s last breaths began to escape her lungs, your head shot up and your heads reached out to cradle her to your chest, your lips moving faster than you could’ve ever imagined to say those three words out loud. “I love you. Kim Minji, I love you I love you I love you so much, please don’t leave me--”
You couldn’t feel her breathing against you with the force of the sobs racking your entire body, rocking back and forth on the edge of her bed with your hands wrapped around what was left of her familiar frame. “Please,” you cried, her hair damp against your cheek with your own tears. “Please...”
And with the last plea that escaped your lips, she drew in a rattling breath, only to cough it back out with a good 2 blossoms or so. You gasped, holding her away from you and patting her back to help as Minji vomited purple speckled blossoms onto her bed. 
“You said it,” she rasped, collapsing. All you could do was continue to cry, the salt of your tears finally tasting sweet on your lips instead of bitter like they did when you thought that the girl you loved was dead. 
“Thank you.”
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