#ask a plural
systemserendipity · 6 months
could you make a banner that just says "the core doesn't know if they're arospec, be careful when crushing" basically
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Hope this helps! -Collie/Nim🔒any pronouns
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world's longest staring contest GO-
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siffrin-enthusiast · 3 months
system ask meme
🍄 - how did you get your system name?
👾 - funniest out of context system quote?
🎉 - favorite system holiday?
🌙 - do you have subsystems?
☕ - what is switching like for you?
💫 - are there any hobbies you all have?
💾 - what's your headcount?
👻 - do your alters/headmates have different voices or speech patterns?
🎨 - does anyone in your system like art?
🥀 - how easily does the system split?
🦖 - is your system fictive-heavy? factive-heavy? neutral?
🎵 - what songs remind you of your alters/headmates?
❓ - how much amnesia do you experience?
🎮 - what do your alters/headmates do in their free time?
🪐 - what is headspace like for you?
🍐 - are there any non-human alters/headmates?
🪫 - what do you all do to recharge?
🌧️ - how does the system cope with stress?
🔦 - how did you discover your system?
🌟 - do any alters help out with school/work?
🌊 - who are your frequent fronters?
🎁 - have you ever bought your alters/headmates things?
☘️ - what are your introjects/fictives usually sourced from?
💬 - free space!! tell me about something!
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divinecompass · 7 days
system ask game except the questions are moderately unhinged
🐠 who has the strangest fictional crush?
🦀 who is the BRITISH one
🐬 most likely to be turned into a frog by an evil witch :(
🦑 which pillow pet are you (current fronter)
🐳 who says y’all unironically
🐙 who’s the best at fronting (interpret this how you will)
🪼 who has the most obscure source? who has the most well known?
🐡 who’s the most insect adjacent. either in the little guy way or the EEEAAAAGHHHTKGJF FNN KILL IT way
🐟 who should be at the club rn
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moonpool-system · 1 month
Solidarity between plurals and ANY person with schizophrenia & other schizospec disorders, psychotic disorders, delusional & hallucinatory experiences or disorders, etc. The recent hate is NOT representative of the wider plural community; WE STAND WITH YOU. Neurodiversity is a spectrum and nobody should be written off or used as degrading insults. We both don't deserve that. To the sanism of the world, we're all the same and they're keen to dismiss us based on their assumptions of us. We are in this together. WE WON'T BACK DOWN TO THIS!
Extra shoutout to the people above that are ALSO plural. The intertwining of how things work is something that only the person experiencing it will understand the most, and it's okay to be separately plural or for your neurodiversities to interact with each other.
We're ALLOWED to exist. We are NOT your punchline. We are NOT your insult. We are REAL and deserve to be treated that way. Let's make sure they don't forget it.
If anyone on the spectrums above see this, please feel free to reblog and add to this, since we're only coming at it from a plural side of things and we don't know much. We want to stand with you but your voices are most important.
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million-with-a-b · 7 months
Space themed System ask game based on common fakeclaim "criteria" because these things are valid and cool actually
🛰-Do you have a large headcount?
👾-Do any alters in your system have typing quirks?
🚀-Does your system have any Non-human alters?
☄️-Is your system neurodivergent?
🔭-Does your system use neo Pronouns?
🌠-Do any of the alters in your system have dyed hair?
🌙-Are there any nonverbal alters in your system?
🪐-Does your system have Angry or "dangerous" persecutors?
💫-Do your littles use 'little-speech?'
🌌-Does your system have little to no amnesia between switches?
🌟-Does your system have fairly clear communication?
🌘-Do you have a large or complex headspace?
🛸-Do any alters in your system have exo-memories?
👽Does your system have any tics?
☀️-is your system bad at masking?
✨️-Do any alters in your system have an accent?
🌎-Do any alters in your system speak in a different language?
☁️-Does your system use things like pluralkit and simply plural?
⭐️-are you out about being a system?
This will probably flop but!!! I had fun making it<3
Endos and their supporters dni :')
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cosmossystem · 27 days
Curious System / Plural Ask Game
inclusive of all system types :] feel free to send an ask, or reblog if you want to play too!
❤ Is anyone in-system in a relationship? What kind(s)?
🌹 Does your system have any inhuman members? If so, what species are they?
🐾 Is your system mostly human or inhuman members? Somewhere in between?
🧡 How does your system handle memories? Does everyone share, or is it split across members? (Feel free to be as vague or specific as you want, or skip this question.)
⭐ Do you have a headspace / inner world? What does it look like?
💛 How long have you known about your system / plurality?
🌻 How did you discover your system / plurality? (Feel free to be as vague or specific as you want, or skip this question.)
🌙 How does your system handle dreams? Do you share dreams, or are they specific to one member? Do any members show up in dreams?
💚 Do you have any funny stories about another system member(s) or about being a system?
🍀 Do any system members practice a religion or belief system? What about spirituality?
❄ Do you have a favorite memory related to your system? (i.e. something that happened in headspace or something that another member did.)
💙 Does your system have any introjects? Do they typically come from the same source / origin, or is it more varied?
🧵 How does your system handle the body's / vessel's appearance? Does everyone dress the same, or is there a broad range of styles?
💜 What's your favorite part of being plural / in a system?
🌺 Do any members consider other system members to be family? In other words, does your system have any internal families (such as siblings, caretakers, parents, etc.) ?
🌸 Does your system have any inside jokes?
🎀 Does your system share everything in the outer world / meatspace? Does anyone have any objects / items that are solely theirs?
🤎 Do system members typically agree on things or is there a broad range of opinions?
🖤 How does your system make important collective decisions? Does one person call the shots, or is it a group effort?
🚀 Do any members speak another language? What about multiple languages? Does everyone speak the same language(s), or does it vary?
🌼 Do any members have accents or typing quirks? Are accents/quirks common in your system, or more rare?
☁ How does your system handle switching? Can you switch easily, or does it take more effort? Are there a lot of switches?
🔬 Does everyone in your system typically share skills and hobbies, or does it vary between members? Does anyone have any unique or strange hobbies / skills?
🏁 How has your system changed over time, if it has? Such as a new influx of members, a change in headspace, or a new structure. (Feel free to be as vague or specific as you want, or skip this question.)
🔎 Is there any other trivia about your system you'd like to share?
🤍 Say something positive about another system member (or all of them, if you'd like!)
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somepoetwannabe · 3 months
Ask a system!
Alright, we've been silenced as a system for wayy too long and so, you know what? I'm pushing us out of it. Because we deserve to be ourselves. Send one of these emojis in our asks and we'll answer! -Asher 🍄 - how did you get your system name?
👾 - funniest out of context system quote?
🎉 - favorite system holiday?
🌙 - do you have subsystems?
☕ - what is switching like for you?
💫 - are there any hobbies you all have?
💾 - what's your headcount?
👻 - do your alters/headmates have different voices or speech patterns?
🎨 - does anyone in your system like art?
🥀 - how easily does the system split?
🦖 - is your system fictive-heavy? factive-heavy? neutral?
🎵 - what songs remind you of your alters/headmates?
❓ - how much amnesia do you experience?
🎮 - what do your alters/headmates do in their free time?
🪐 - what is headspace like for you?
🍐 - are there any non-human alters/headmates?
🪫 - what do you all do to recharge?
🌧️ - how does the system cope with stress?
🔦 - how did you discover your system?
🌟 - do any alters help out with school/work?
🌊 - who are your frequent fronters?
🎁 - have you ever bought your alters/headmates things?
☘️ - what are your introjects/fictives usually sourced from?
💬 - free space!! tell me about something!
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In light of all the anti-endos coming out of the woodwork, I made a blinkie for people to show support for all systems! Feel free to use it wherever so long as you're genuinely supportive.
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iknowicanbutwhy · 5 days
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"You could recite their lines perfectly for them" yeah? Well they can, too
Continuation of this.
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systemserendipity · 5 months
Hello! I saw you had a list of questions, QOTD for plurals.
I wanted to make a contribution, that is:
"Do you have a syscovery period? If so, what happened during your syscovery?"
Thanks for the contribution! We'll add it to the list! With credit, of course. :]
Let us know if you want us to include your exact username in the credit. For now, it's written as: "Submitted by British Shorthair Portal on Tumblr."
For any spectators, here's the link to the list of questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xd1MLAkYUzgIJC59JU6PcZ4BzHk0y3o17X-i_YAU0vo/edit?usp=drivesdk
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xxthat-rat-boixx · 21 days
Summers almost here ya fuckers. Which means my tumblr access will be limited to none. So. To all the trans boys binding this summer: remember to take breaks and drink water. No binding longer than 8 hours and don't swim in it if it's not swim safe.
To all my fursuiter guys gals and nonbinary pals: drink water we all know that fursuits are not made with air conditioning (to my knowlegde)
To all my sibling systems: remember fusion isn't the only option, you and all the other alters are valid, and take care of the body no matter what.
To my alphabet mafia family. Remember you are loved. Drink some water and eat some food. You won't have to live in the closet forever.
And to my bestie @finnslay remember I love you and even though I'm bad at texting back, you are valid and I love you l. 🤛✋️🤟
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toomuchambition · 1 year
Plural tip for systems that track fronts; be lenient on tracking who may be active. Like, this is your brain, not the tax office. You don't have to perform a bunch of extremely specific checks just to make sure a headmate is truly active; you can just acknowledge their presence in whatever form that may take. Trust that they'll talk to you if they want something, and just let yourselves be. Even if they don't do anything, it still gives them history. Your headmates will appreciate having a place in your system's history, even if they don't remember exactly what they did or said in every single instance.
And even your front history isn't entirely accurate? They'll likely still appreciate that you think about them.
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anti-endo-haven · 3 months
I do not care what alignment you have with syscourse right now.
Harassment isn’t something that should be encouraged. If someone does not align with your views, block them and move on. If they’re harassing people, no matter what alignment you have, keep other people safe.
Don’t go spilling trauma to people either, it can trigger people.
Just block and move on. It does better for everyone.
We are anti-endo, but if someone comments that there is a blog that is harassing people even if they’re also anti-endo, I’m not for it. I’ll tell everyone no matter what. They’re harassing people, they don’t need to interact with anyone if they’re doing that.
Please stay safe.
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the-stardust-system · 15 days
introject (mostly fictive centered, but open to all) ask game bc it sounded fun to make one!
1: what about you is most similar to your source?
2: what about you is most different from your source?
3: what's your favorite hobby/activity?
4: what hobby/activity reminds you of your source?
5: what's your favorite song?
6: what music reminds you of your source?
7: how do you feel about your source's fandom?
8: what's your favorite food?
9: do you look the same as your source? if not, what's different?
10: what's something your source's fandom gets wrong about you all the time?
11: how do you feel about engaging with your source? (watching/listening/reading)
12: is your gender/sexuality the same as your source or different?
13: what's your favorite animal?
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kasumikoujou · 1 year
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