#avatar universe fanfic
demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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Character design for Katara in Soundless.
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rwac96 · 5 months
The Uninvited (RWBY Crossover Shitpost)
(Loosely inspired by @brokentrafficknight's Pyrrha birthday posts)
Noel: "Weiss? Have you seen Jaune around--?"
*Noel Vermillion blinks, taking notice of Weiss being without her team...only accompanied by Neptune Vasilias*
Noel: *blinks* "Where's your team?"
Weiss: *irritated* "Apparently, they ditched me to head to Pyrrha's birthday party at SchneeWorld!"
Neptune: "Weiss, I'm sure it was a mix-up."
Weiss: "In reality: Yang, Blake, or Sun 'forgot' my invitation!"
Neptune: "Oh, c'mon! I'm sure neither of 'em would do that to ya."
Noel: *blinks, pondering* "Hold on...Makoto, Tsubaki, Tao, and even Ragna left for SchneeWorld..."
Weiss: *looks at Noel* "Wait, you don't mean--?!"
Shallot: *barging in* "WEISS! We have a problem! My teachers and their families got kidnapped!"
Tifa: *annoyed, walking in after him* "Uh, yeah...not that conclusion, 'genius'. I thought Shinra did the same thing when my friends weren't around...until I remembered what day it was."
Shallot: "Wait? Invite?" *thinks* "I DIDN'T GET AN INVITE TO SNOWLAND?!"
Weiss: "SchneeWorld, you dunce! And I highly doubt she would invite you or my trollop of a twin to her party!"
Bleiss: "Yet you're here with us, bitch."
Neptune: *looks around* "Wait...I didn't get an invite either!"
Tifa: *annoyed* "I'm sensing a pattern here."
????: "HELP!!"
*Shantae, in elephant form, comes crashing through the wall, shifting back to her humanoid form*
Shantae: *groaning* "Somebody please stop 'em...."
*Ryuko & Satsuki come barging through the fresh hole, fighting one another*
Tifa: *grabbing both girls* "Ladies, ladies!" *bonks their heads together* "Enough!"
Ryuko: *rubs her head* "Ow! The fuck, Bar Boobs?!"
Satsuki: *rubs her temple* "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't disembowel you for that?!"
Shantae: *slowly getting up, deadpan* "....Mako went to Pyrrha's party and neither of you was invited."
Satsuki: *scoffs, sheathing Bakuzan* "Which one? The imbecile or the spartan?"
Ryuko: "PYRRHA! Who do you think?!"
Neptune: "Okay...makes sense why you guys weren't invited...but why me?! I'm a handsome face that any babe would invite parties to. Why would a sexy gladiator lady not let me come?"
Weiss: *clears her throat* "AHEM!"
Neptune: "What?"
Bleiss: *shakes her head* "Such boyfriend material, Frost Tits."
Weiss: "Oh, be quiet!"
Jessica: *knocking on the window from outside* "Guys? Did we miss the party?"
Korra: *outside* "Don't tell me your invites got 'misplaced' too?"
Lucy: *outside* "Hold on...YOU MEAN WE GOT LEFT BEHIND ON PURPOSE?!" *wails*
Shallot: "So...this wasn't an accident?"
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druh19 · 5 months
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༝ ESTJ characters icons like and reblog if saved ♡
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overtail · 5 months
please anything toph anything im in need
I gotchu I gotchu
Modern!Toph X Reader Headcannons
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some of these will just be toph headcanons but shhhhhhhhhhhhh
-'can't you see that I love you?' 'are you fucking joking-'
-no matter which AU toph is in, she will never stop making blind jokes
-has a service dog but not because she needs assistance but because she wants an excuse to bring an animal with her everywhere
- also, she wouldn't have a German shepherd or a labrador either. She'd have like a bull terrier or a pit bull
-loves it when people learn braille for her
-Toph and you leave each other little love notes in unexpected places, like tucked into a book someone's reading or hidden in the pockets of someone's clothes. It's your guys' way of expressing their love and affection for each other.
-makes you tea, but forgets to turn the stove on almost every time
-'here's a nice hot cup of tea' 'this is below freezing toph'
-loves feeling your face to find your features
-she has Spotify premium for sure
-makes playlists full of songs that remind you of her
-has a WIDE music taste
-one moment she'll be screaming slayer and the next she'll be crying to Faye Webster
-Toph and you have developed a secret system of hand signals that you use in public to communicate silently, whether it's to indicate "I love you" or to secretly make fun of people
-Despite her tough exterior, Toph has a soft spot for cute pet names and secretly calls her partner adorable names like 'pebble'
-loves it when you call her a badger mole
-'damn right I am'
-cussing problem
-Toph and you have a treasure trove of inside jokes that only you two understand, often bursting into laughter at random moments because they remembered something funny
-'and then i dropped a pencil' 'BAHAHAHHAHAH-'
-every Friday, you guys try to make a new meal that is out of your comfort zone and almost fail everything you cook up
-she won't stop making dad jokes
-it's driving you insane
-you had a nightmare about dad jokes
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midnight1199 · 2 months
Fated To Meet You
PAIRING: Jake Sully x Reader
WARNINGS: slight!angst, avatar!reader, fem!reader, can't think of any more rn, AU, happy!ending hopefully, not beta read
NOTES: Hello dear readers, this is my first time posting a multichapter fic on any platform so crossing my fingers that I do justice to your expectations. I'm not a native English speaker and English is my second language so please let me know where I can improve my writing skills. Moving on, please enjoy the story!
SUMMARY: The first time you saw him, you felt pity for him—Jake. Maybe that was the spark that would lead to the inferno of feelings you would hold until your last breath on Pandora.
Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
Uprooting your current life and moving to an entirely different planet for a new beginning came as a surprisingly easy decision for you to make. Your fascination at your grandma’s storytelling of the lush green forests surrounded by trees as tall as the grim concrete skyscrapers, the sounds of life of the various creatures of the forest almost as prominent as the grinding of the metal machinery on Earth was what drew you to sign an application on a piece of paper which basically would sign your life away for the next 18 years to an organization called RDA.
Getting selected for the Avatar program as a xenobotanist was not something you expected. So you spent the next year and a half learning about the native flora and fauna life of the alien moon, Pandora. The week before your team was supposed to board the ISV Venture Star, you came to know of the death of your friend and colleague, Tom Sully. Killed for the few papers in his wallet. That is when you also learn of the RDA’s plans to send Jake, Tommy’s twin brother, in his stead to Pandora to prevent the monetary loss of losing an Avatar driver and subsequently wasting an asset.
You had only met Jake once when Tommy had brought him to the Training camp for a tour, and aside from greeting each other, there had not been any further interaction between you two. So, to say that seeing Tommy’s identical copy roll into the port almost gave you whiplash would be an understatement. Meeting eyes from a distance, you could only nod and wave at him before being hurriedly ushered by the staff toward the med bay for a final checkup before being put into cryosleep.
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A dry mouth and blurry eyes were the first things that you noticed before your ears picked up on the med tech staff announcement. “You’ve been in cryo for five years nine months and twenty-two days. You will be hungry; you will be weak. If you feel nausea, please use the…” His voice fades to the background as you float to your assigned locker, you vaguely notice another hand reaching to the locker next to yours. You follow the hand to a familiar face – Jake. Jake barely looks at you before he grabs a bottle of water from his locker and floats away to his assigned seat to prepare to land. “They did not even have the courtesy to rename his locker,” you mumble. You brush a hand over the embossed ‘Sully. T.’. “See you on the other side, friend” you whisper before grabbing your items and floating off to your seat. The entry into the Pandoran atmosphere goes by in a blur. The dystopian dull grey of Hell’s Gate sticks out like a sore thumb between the beauty of the lush greens and emeralds around you.
You are rushed out of the Valkyrie shuttlecraft, breathing mask secured on your head, and the RDA militia screaming at you to hurry along. Carrying your knapsack, you make your way to the mess to watch Colonel Quaritch’s speech in silence. You can’t deny that the man has a flair for dramatics. “You're not in Kansas anymore. You're on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen. Respect that fact every second of every day.” You watch from the corner of your eye as Jake rolls in on his wheelchair, meeting your eyes for a split moment before redirecting his attention to the man’s speech. “If there is a Hell, you might want to go there for some R & R, after a tour on Pandora. Out there beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flies, or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes. We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi. They're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin that'll stop your heart in one minute. And they have bones reinforced with naturally occurring carbon fiber. They are very hard to kill. As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive.” He glances around. “I will not succeed. Not with all of you. If you wish to survive, you need to cultivate a strong, mental attitude. You got to obey the rules: Pandora rules!”
You zone out as the man starts listing the rules you needed to obey. You wonder if the others standing in the room with you realize the hypocrisy of the Colonel’s speech. Reading between the man’s words was easy and the message was clear – Kill or be killed. The RDA was expecting you to follow their orders without question and you would be damned before you let a few military goons browbeat you into submission.
Post briefing, you head out towards the labs as instructed. “Jake!” A loud shout rang through the hallway. Norm Spellman, a fellow Avatar Driver, rushed past you towards a clearly taken aback Jake. Internally sighing, you quickened your pace to catch up with both of them, wincing slightly at hearing the end of Norm’s introduction, “…Wow! You look just like him. I’m-” “Norm Spellman”, you cut in, “and I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Jake. We went through Avatar Training with Tom.”
“Yeah, he mentioned your names—both, uh, both your names. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Why don’t we explore a bit? Check out our Avatars?”, smiling you nudge Norm to walk ahead. He petulantly calls you a bully but ambles on ahead. Snickering, you head behind Jake and push his wheelchair ahead. “Hey, I’m sorry about Norm. He’s a bit awkward with introductions, subtlety isn’t his strong suit”, grimacing slightly you continue, “the guy is all brains and no grace but he’s good at heart…”. Jake shrugs and glances back at you. “It’s alright, no harm done.”
 Following Norm, you find yourselves in the bio-lab. “That’s your avatar right there.” You point Jake towards an incubated blue form in a large blue tube-like structure. A similar female figure in another tube grabs your attention and you head towards it. Your Avatar looks exactly like you except leaner, taller, and very very blue. She’s curled up in a fetal position, twitching occasionally, as if dreaming. You press a hand on the glass. This was what your training had led you to. A step away from your dreams. A step away from Grandma’s stories.
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The meeting with Grace had gone as one would expect an open can of milk sitting in the most humid part of the house for a week to smell, that is to say, bad—Grace Augustine; xenobotanist, xenoanthropologist, and Head of the Avatar Program on Pandora. You had known of Grace through her books on the Pandoran flora, so when Dr. Patel—a scientist for the Avatar Program—introduces you to Grace, you’re sure you’re about to faint.
“Grace, I’d like you to meet Norm Spellman, Y/N, and Jake Sully.”
The woman turns around, puffing the cigarette smoke out, and walks towards you. “Norm, I hear good things about you. How’s your Na’vi?” “Awvea ultxari ohengeyä, Nawma Sa'nok lrrtok siveiyi”, the man responds. You and Jake watch as they continue conversing, with you catching bits and pieces of the conversation. Admittedly, your year and a half of training did not center around the necessity of learning the language. You’re still better off than Jake, who you see is lost and zoning out.
“Uh, Grace? This is Y/N”, Dr. Patel adds pointing at you, “and Jake”. You step forward to shake hands with the older woman, “Ma’am. It is an honor to work with you! Your books on Pandoran botany were the materials we used at the Academy.” You lean in closer and continue, “I can’t wait to explore in person!” Grace nods once and drops your hand. Your smile drops along with that clear dismissal. She turns to Jake and you see him move to offer his hand. “Ma’am-”
“Yeah, yeah. I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother”, she turns to Dr. Patel, “You know, the PhD who trained for three years for this mission-”
“He’s dead.” Jake lowers his arm, “I know it’s a big inconvenience for everyone.”
Grace stays silent as she stares back at Jake. You want to step in before the conversation escalates but are too nervous to slice through the mounting tension. The silence lingers between the five of you before it is broken by a furious Grace storming off. Your shoulders slump, all tension leaking out before exhaustion hits you. The emotional rollercoaster of the day completely drained the energy out of you.
Dr. Patel sighs and turns towards Jake, “Here tomorrow, 0800. Try and use bigwords.”
He leaves you staring after him as he follows after Grace. “That went well…”, you hear Norm mutter. “Let’s just head to the dorm, guys”, you say as you move towards the said dorms, “and don’t forget to video log your experience. Don’t need the Wicked Witch of the West on our asses for that.” Jake and you share a laugh while Norm huffs and stomps his way toward the dorms. You turn to follow after him but a hand grabbing your arm stops you. “I saw you trying to step in y’know, earlier”, Jake murmurs, “Thanks for caring about Tommy, he had a good friend in you.” It’s the complete exhaustion and defeat in his voice that makes your heart pang with grief. A week—that was all RDA had given to the man before you to grieve his dead brother. His dead twin brother, someone whom he had once shared a womb with. You smile softly at Jake and take his hand in yours. “I didn’t do it for Tommy”, squeezing his hand you continue, “I did it for you, Marine. Figured somebody needed to give you a break.” A hurried staff rushing past you snaps you out of the moment and you clear your throat while pulling your hand away from Jake’s.
“Let’s head to the dorms, shall we?”, without waiting for a reply you hurry ahead. Jake following after you after a short moment of silence.
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batcavescolony · 6 months
ATLA!AU where the Gaang leave the Northern Water Tribe cus they wouldn't teach Katara so they end up in the swamp a bit earlier. Now unlike the North the swamp benders are happy to teach their cold water kin and her avatar friend bending! (+added spirit stuff with the tree)
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mfelewzi · 2 months
Time travelers: blow their noses
Time Line:
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Why nobody has used this idea for a fanfic? Damn, the original writers in Forgotten Adventures has invented a similar situation!
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diyakkul · 9 months
hello helloଳ⋆。˚ doing a little list of my finished & ongoing works on AO3 because... why not? all aonunete / loreya & kirotxo implied or as minor relationships.
♡ enemies to lovers trope ⋆。˚
I. Things I Hate About You | + Human AU & Celebrity AU
status: completed! / rating: teen and up audiences ☆ Neteyam and Ao'nung are bitter enemies who end up in a romantic plot twist.
II. He's Good For My Heart (Bad For Business) | + Human/Modern Royalty AU & Bodyguard AU (new!)
status: ongoing! / rating: teen and up audiences ☆ In which Jake has enough of Neteyam's shenanigans and hires Ao'nung as his personal bodyguard. "Your father has hired me to keep you in check, make sure you're not pulling off any more of that shit, and I'm going to do my job." (..) "So either be a good boy, or we'll have trouble," Ao'nung darkly whispered before pulling back. "Have I made myself clear, Your Highness?"
♡ fake dating/friends to lovers trope ⋆。˚
I. Just Once! | + Human AU
status: completed! / rating: teen and up audiences ☆ “Can you, please, fake being my boyfriend?” Neteyam looked deep into his eyes, begging, “Just once.” This was nowhere near what Aonung expected when Neteyam came to him asking for help.
♡ less specific tropes ⋆。˚
I. It's just You and Me (dancing in the Moonlight) | + canon divergence & tooth-rotting fluff
status: completed! / rating: general audiences ☆ The Night of Lovers is a unique occasion where everyone can profess their love and feelings for a special someone. Neteyam has a plan, but things might not unravel as he wishes (or, he might not be the only one with a plan).
II. How You Get The Boy | + Human AU & Hockey AU & College AU
status: ongoing! / rating: teen and up audiences ★ Ao'nung's always been presumptuous, kind of. Charismatic and self-conceived, he knows he has the looks to woo whoever he wants, and being the captain of his hockey team is nothing but a deadly weapon to his flirtatious causes. The way Neteyam Sully plainly ignores him, however, highly infuriates him.
! will eventually update if there are changes or new fics to add˚˖𓍢ִִ໋🫧˚˖𓍢ִ✧˚
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baby-alien11 · 7 months
Memories: First Public Apearance (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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Since the start of your relationship on end of august, you and Jack decided to keep it private except for close friends and family to have a few months of peace before having the scrutiny of the public on you, at the eyes of the world both of you were good friends who support each other, but behind close doors you were more than friends, you were lovers
And deciding that a hard launch at the last month of the year would be iconic, the Avatar: The Way of Water London premiere would be the perfect oportunity
So, while he and the rest of the cast were doing press, you and your team of stylist were organizing everything to travel to London, return to LA, and Canada
"Okay, the Club L London brown dress is already bought, we just need to try it when we arrive in London, we achieved to pull an Armani archive for LA, and the Norma Kamali will arrive the same day we do in Canada, we have all the shoes and accesories", Nora enlisted while the living room was a mess with clothes, shoes and accesories, "We got the inspiration moodboards for all the looks, and also the street looks for the three cities, we just need to organize everything"
"Do we need another suitcase?", you asked sitting on the floor in the middle of the mess, "I mean, three countries in two weeks, and I'm also staying with Jack and his mom in Virginia for the holidays"
"Just in case", Nora nodded, "We can use one for the premiere looks and another for the regular clothes"
Going to your room, you went to your closet to get another suitcase and bring it to the first floor to continue with the organization
"We'll do your nails the day before leaving to London, and we got the design ready, which is beautiful", Nora continued checking her tablet, "Make up will be provided by Charlotte Tilbury, Fenty Beauty, Rare Beauty and the Nyx Avatar Collection"
"That is a beautiful collection", Lysette, the make up artist, said, "I can't wait to play with it"
"Hey, sorry to interrumpt but there's a package for you, tornado", Skeet said entering the living room with a big box in his arms which was left in a free space in the middle of the chaos, "Biggest PR package so far"
"Holy shit", you murmured getting up to open it revealing a blue box with the title of the next Avatar movie
Smiling, you went to got your phone to send a text to the person you knew will answer your thoughts
My champ
Hey babe, I hope I'm not interrupting anything
But, can I call you?
Not even a minute after you sent those texts, your phone light up with a videocall from Jack which you were quick to answer
"Hello gorgeous", Jack greeted when he saw your face
"Hi babe", you smiled, "How's everything?"
"Good, we're having a break between interviews", Jack responded moving the phone to show his outfit
"Uh, I love the outfit", you signaled, "By the way, guess what just arrived?"
"An advent calendar? Your Casetify order? A new baking book?"
"No, no and no", you responded before moving the camera to show the big blue box, "Straight out of Pandora, it seems"
"I'm glad it arrived before the trip here", Jack smiled, "And it's more of hand picked gifts, than the regular PR box they are sending to the rest"
"In that case I can't wait to open it, any clues on what I can expect inside?"
"I just going to say that you'll love everything is inside"
"Is that Y/N?", you heard Trinity's voice off-screen, "I want to talk to her"
Seeing a bit of tussle between Jack and what seemed to be Trinity, Bailry and Jamie for a few minutes during what you went to the patio to sit in a sofa, it ended when their faces were in the screen and trying to prevent Jack from taking his phone
"Hi, guys", you smiled, "It's nice to see you"
"I miss you", Trinity said, "When are you coming?"
"My flight is in two days", you responded, "We're still organizing the luggage"
"Did you get what I sent you?", Bailey asked
"I did!", you nodded lifting your hand, "I'm already wearing the Baby Vamp Ring and the Donna bundle, and I love the blue in your hair"
"Do you want to know the end of the movie?", Jamie asked
"No, thank you", you responded
"Guys, give me my phone", Jack exclaimed while trying to grab his phone, "I want to talk to my girlfriend"
"You talk to her daily, we don't", Trinity pointed
"Guys, guys", you claimed their attention, "I promise that the moment I arrive we can talk about everything, I promise"
"Ghostface princess promise?", Bailey asked
"Ghostface princess promise", you nodded
Satisfied with that response, they gave Jack his phone back
"Hi again"
"Hi", you laughed, "I can't wait to go there"
"And I can't wait for you to be here", just as Jack was about to speak again, he was called to continue with the interviews, "I guess duty calls"
"I understand", you nodded, "Go there and be the charming boy that you are"
"I love you gorgeous"
"I love you babe"
Ending the call, you returned to the living room where things were still being organized to move the box to another part of the house with good lighting and position the phone with the light ring in a way that the box and you were visible, before starting an instagram live
"Hello dearest friends behind the screen, Y/N here, I hope you are doing well from wherever you are watching this", you greeted looking at the camera, "So, this package arrived a few minutes ago, and you know I love doing unboxings, so lets start, but first I would like to thank the Avatar: The Way of Water team for sending this"
Opening the top of the box, you were welcomed with a hand written card, which you read out loud
"Dear Y/N, in honor of Avatar: The Way of Water releasing soon we would like to sent you some gifts inspired by the incredible world of Pandora, I hope you like everything that is inside the box and make your experience of watching the movie even better, sincerely, your friends from Avatar", you finished reading to look at the camera again, "Aw, thank you guys, I really apreciate it, okay, lets see what's inside"
Leaving the card in the table next to you, you removed the blue and teal paper to start getting the things
"First we have these blind boxes, we have four of them, after the live I'll open them and upload to stories what I got, then whe have these two atokirinas which you can hang in any space you want, I love the atokirinas, they're so cute, next we have a hat, three shirts and a hoodie, we have also a Loungefly Toruk Makto wallet, plushies of an ikran, a pa'li, a palulukan and an ilu, we also got a scented candle, I love scented candles and this one smells amazing, we have a water bottle which I'm going to use for the gym, we also got an...are you serious? It's an action figure of an ikran, it's so beautiful, I love the purple and green combination and the details, and lastly we have...a LEGO of the Tree of Souls! Guys, you're spoiling me a lot! Fun fact: this is my second favorite tree, the first is the Tree of Voices, but it was destroyed, someone has a video of me crying while watching that scene, well, I would like to thank the team of Avatar for these wonderful gifts, I love them so much, I'm so grateful for them and I'm going to enjoy them so much, also for everyone seeing this, don't forget to watch the movie on cinemas on december 16, I'm sure we are going to love it, love you guys, until next time"
Finishing the live, you put everything in the box again to return to the living room and continue with the packing, this time adding the hoodie in everyone of your airport outfits
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When the day of the flight came, and after a ten and a half hours flight, you along with the team of stylists and yours and dad's publicist arrived at London during the afternoon, getting on the van that was sent to go to the hotel were everyone was staying
Arriving at the hotel and getting all the luggage out of the van, your group entered t go to the lobby and get the rooms
"Anna", you exclaimed when she entered the lobby to hug her
"Hi angel", she smiled hugging you back, "I'm so glad you arrived in time"
"I'm also glad to be here", you nodded once the hug ended, "How's everything and everyone?"
"Good, they in the middle of the last interviews of the day", Anna responded while both you returned to the reception, "Tomorrow is the last day and then the next day is the premiere"
Returning to the reception, you filled a form of registration because you'll be staying in the same suite as them, so after they gave the extra key and the rest of your team got theirs, all of you went to the elevators to go to the floors where everyone was staying
While the team stayed in a floor below with the rest of the other teams, you went to the floor were all the cast and part of the crew with their families were staying to walk thought the hall until you and Anna reached the correct door that she opened it helping you with one of your suitcases, even thought if you insisted on carry the two suitcases and the tote bag
"Here's our room", Anna said closing the door, "My room is the one on the left, and Jack and yours is on the right, I think Butters is still eating"
Entering the suite, you saw Butters eating in the dinning room table who at the moment you aproach to scratch him, left his food to greet you because he hasn't see you in a few weeks
"Hi, baby", you said in a small voice scratching him between the ears, "Are you being a good boy? Yes, you are"
"He's enjoying having the room by himself almost all the day", Anna commented, "We often return and he's sleeping in different parts of the whole place"
"Mr Butters is living his best life", you joked
"Angel, do you mind if I leave you for a little while?", Anna asked helping you to carry your things to your room, "They only have two interviews left for the day and I usually am there"
"No, it's okay, don't worry", you assured, "I'm just going to organize my things"
After Anna left making sure you were going to be okay, you started to put some of your things in the bathroom and some of your shoes on the closet, including the sneakers you were wearing, without taking too much space
Once you finished organizing your things, you went to the small kitchen, followed by Butters walking behind you, to drink some water
"So, Butters", you talked to the sphynx cat who jumped into the counter next to you while petting him, "How's fame treating you?"
Just as Butters let a few meows and purrs, the principal door opened inmediatly followed by Jack, still in his interview outfit of the day
"My love!"
Running to each other, both of you met in the middle to collide into a hug, during which Jack lift you up the ground at what you circled his waist with your legs
For a few minutes, both of you stayed in the same position with your arms around his neck and legs arund his waist, while he rounded your waist with his arms, and his head on top of yours, all while Anna stayed in the entrace filming the entire thing
"I missed you", you said
"I missed you too", Jack responded now looking you in the eyes, "I was literally jumping in my seat during all the interviews just thinking about you arriving today"
"I was also hoping that the plane would go faster", you said, "But I rewatched the movie to have it fresh in my mind, and read the three volumes of 'The High Ground' on my iPad, and then I fell asleep for the rest of the flight"
"Hey, what if I go change because they'll kill me if I wrinkle the clothes and then we can talk and have some dinner?"
Nodding, Jack left you put your feet on the ground to go to his room and change to something more comfortable, while you and Anna started to order some room service for dinner
While having dinner, the three of you talked about everything that happened while being in different countries before going to sleep because of the tiring day all of you had
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The next day, while Jack was being styled for the last day of press, you dressed up in a black body, a Burberry skirt, black tights and black high boots, with your hair tied with a hairclip to spend the day with your mom
After being ready and taking your stuff, the three of you went to the first floor to get breakfast at the hotel restaurant were some of the cast were eating, and noticing the table where Trinity and Bailey were, you gave your jacket and purse to Jack before walking silently to them before covering their eyes with your hands
"What's your favorite scary movie?", you said in your best impression of the ghostface voice
"The one you're going to be in", Trinity responded taking you hand that was covering her eyes, "You're here!"
Almost screaming, both girls stood from their seats to share hugs before Jamie, Britain, Filip and Duane joined when seeing the commotion, greeting you when they saw you there
"When did you arrive?", Bailey asked when all of you sat in the table
"Last night", you answered after ordering a coffee, "While you were having the last interviews of the day"
"And we decided to wait until today because all of us were tired", Jack explained with his arm around the back of your chair
"Smart choice", Britain nodded
"So, Y/N, the movie ends with-"
"Goodbye, I'm going to get breakfast", you interrupted Jamie standing from your chair
"I already told you she hates spoilers", Jack said to him before following you to the buffet
"You seriously wanted to tell Y/N Ulrich, the daughter of the first ghostface, the end of the movie?", Duane asked
"It was a joke", Jamie justified, "Besides I told a hundred people the ending"
"Yeah, but she is the ghostface princess, she's horror royalty", Bailey insisted, "And she's a baddie too"
"I heard that", you exclaimed from the buffet, "You're also a baddie and part of horror royalty, Bai"
"By the way, we got renewed for a second season", Bailey said
"I'll be seated", you responded finally returning with a plate of fruit with yogurt and another of regular breakfast food, "So, how's everyone doing?"
"Us we're good, just chilling until we have to go to the premiere tomorrow", Filip said refering to him, Duane and Britain, "Today we're just going watch some movies and going out for lunch, want to join us?"
"I appreciate the offer, but I made plans with my mom to have lunch and spend the day together", you declined, "And I also need to pick up my dress for tomorrow"
"Do you have pictures?", Trinity asked at what you nodded and gave her your phone with the picture of the dress, "It's beautiful, it's giving Evermore"
"And you haven't seen the shoes", you added, "They look like the Tree of Souls"
"Hey, kids", a member of the Avatar media team said getting close to the table, "Sorry for interrupt, but the interviews start in twenty minutes, we need to go"
Eating the most they could of their breakfast, Jack, Trinity, Bailey and Jamie stood from their seats to follow the media person and their families
"See you later, gorgeous", Jack said while sharing a hug, "Enjoy the day and say 'hi' to your mom from me"
"I will", you nodded, "Have fun and go charm everyone, spider boy"
"I love you", Jack smiled with a small kiss
"I love you", you returned the smile
"Where's our kiss?", Duane joked
"Are any of you my girlfriend?", Jack joked, now only circling your waist with an arm to watch the three of them
"No, but we spent four years together", Britain simplified, "We peed in the tank, that was a bonding experience"
"Ew", Bailey groaned, "It's more gross everytime I heard it"
"We all peed in the tank", Jamie exclaimed, "You can't denied it"
"Guys, James is saying that he personally is going to come if you aren't there in five minutes", the media person said reading the message James sent
"Big boss is calling", Trinity commented
Saying the last goodbyes, they left to continue with the last day of interviews, while the four of you returned to eat
"Do you want to see pictures of Jack during filming?", Filip asked
"Absolutely", you exclaimed, "Show me everything"
During the rest of the breakfast, they showed you photos of everyone during the filming of the movies while being careful to not spoil something, and even adding you to the groupchat "Pandora kids"
A bit after finishing breakfast and talking a bit more, you along with Nora and Rachel took a cab to go to the store to get the dress for the next day; arriving at the front of the store, you noticed your moms car parked outside the store and she reclined against it
"Mom", you exclaimed running to her
"Hi baby", Georgina smiled hugging you tightly, "I'm happy to see you here, you look beautiful, I love the outfit"
"Thank you", you smiled twirling a little
Entering the store, they lead the four of you to a private area where the dress was hanging on the wall, with a few couches, small tables, a changing area and a big mirror
"It's even more beautiful in person", you squealed aproaching to saw it better, "I can't wait to try it"
Going to the changing room with the consultant, you changed from your clothes to the dress before stepping out and stand in front of the mirror
"You look stunning", Georgina smiled taking pictures with her phone
"How does it feel?", Nora asked helping you with the heels
"It's comfortable", you responded looking at yourself in the mirror, "I love the fabric, the shape, the color, the slit"
"Can we close the slit?", Georgina joked
"Mom!", you laughed
"And the best part, is that no one has worn it to any red carpet, premiere or event", Rachel, your publicist, said, "And the shoes and the nails are the perfect contrast against the brown"
"With all the complete styling tomorrow it will be perfect", Nora pointed, "I can already picture it"
After returning to your regurlar clothes and while they were packing the dress, you decided to check some things they had in there which end up in buying some things
While leaving the store and waiting for a cab, Nora and Rachel took the dress and the things you bought to take them back to the hotel, while you and Georgina drove to another part where there were stores and coffee shops to walk around
"So, are you excited for tomorrow?", Georgina asked with her arm around your shoulders, "The premiere and making the relationship public"
"Yeah, I can't wait to not hide anymore", you smiled, "Also excited because I know the movie is going to be incredible, by the way, Jack says 'hi'"
"I'm so happy that you found someone who loves you a lot, he's a good guy, and respect of the movie, I literally see giant posters of the characters in every street"
Laughing, both of you continue to walk until she stopped in front of a Hérmes boutique confusing you a bit
"Quit that face, you got three premieres to attend", Georgina joked, "I wanted to give you an early christmas present, and I know you dream of having a Birkin bag some day and that you have to have a sales history, so I decided to get you the first item"
"Thank you so much, mom", you almost sobbed hugging her, "It really means a lot"
"Anything for you, little one"
Entering the boutique, a sales associate aproached with a kind smile
"Miss Cates, welcome", the sales associate greeted, "I'm Irene, I will be your sales associate for the appointment"
"Thank you so much, the appointment is for my daughter, I want her to choose something she likes"
"Hi, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you", you said shaking her hand
Walking around the boutique and seeing the things they offered, until you decided to try some sandals for tomorrow in case you wanted to change shoes for the after party, and also because they were stunning
During the rest of the day, both of you walked around some of the streets and having lunch at a nice restaurant (in which you decided to bought pastries for everyone), before continue with the walk and some shopping in between, until it was time for you to return to the hotel to be in time for the dinner that was organized before the premiere tomorrow
"I wish I could be here tomorrow with you", Georgina sighed while hugging you
"I share the feeling, mom", you said, "But I understand that you have a very important photoshoot"
"But I promise I would have all my twitter and instagram notifications on to see you on the carpet"
After saying goodbye again and making sure that you were inside the hotel, Georgina left while you walked towards the elevator to leave your shopping spree in the room and retouch your make up
"Hello baby Butters", you exclaimed closing the door and leaving the bags in the kitchen table to see the cat waking up from his nap in the back of the couch, "I bought you something to be elegant and cute"
Going through one of the bags, you pulled out a red collar and a pair of glasses for cats and getting them closer so he can sniff them, and having his seal of approval, you put the items on him carefully before taking photos of him and then carrying him in front of the mirror and putting your glasses and taking a few photos of both of you
"We look amazing", you declared sending the photos to Jack and Anna before putting the cat in your lap
Fortunately, the retouch only consisted in removing your jacket, re-aplying your lipstick and releasing your hair from the hairclip and brushing it, so when Jack and Anna returned from the last day of interviews, the three of you went to the first floor where the dinner will be held in a conference room
Arriving there, Anna went to talk to some of the parents while you and Jack walked around the room to find a table, until he saw someone
"Come, I want you to meet someone", Jack smiled walking you towards a small group, "Sig!"
Knowing who he was calling by the nickname, you almost froze in your place if it wasn't for Jack's arm around your waist guiding you towards her, who stopped her conversation to turn to look at both of you with a smile on her face
"Queen Sigourney", you murmured still in shock
"Sig, this is my girlfriend, Y/N", Jack presented both of you
"I've heard so much about you", Sigourney speaked hugging you while you were still in shock, "I'm so happy to meet you"
Separating from the hug, you were still in shock but you gained the hability to speak again
"I'm a great fan of you, it's an honor to meet you", you said not noticing how Jack slipped away, "I'm sorry if I sound like a fangirl, it's just that I admire you a lot, and Alien was the first horror movie that I saw, and I'm sorry if I started rambling"
"That's okay, don't worry", Sigourney laughed, "I also act like that when I met someone that I admire"
"Okay, now I feel a bit calm", you joked, "And I would also like to tell you, that in high school I wrote an essay about you"
"I think that is the best compliment I recieved, what was the name of the essay?"
"'How Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley influenced on the future final girls', and I got an A+ and I was published in the school newspaper along with the other perfect grades"
"If you don't mind I would love to read it"
"Of course! I'll send it to you"
After exchanging numbers, you sending her the essay, talking for a bit more and taking a few photos together, you went to the table where Jack was sitting talking with Duane
"I think I just died and came back to life", you said sitting in the chair next to Jack who was quick to put his arm around your shoulders at what you put your head on his shoulder
"How was the conversation?", Duane asked
"It was like talking to an angel, I swear I was going to fade at any moment, especially because she asked to read my essay about her, and now I have her number on my phone"
"How did you save her?", Jack asked this time
"The only correct answer is 'Queen Sigourney'", you smiled, "And then she saved me as 'The cutest Ulrich', this is one of the best days of my life"
Noticing how James Cameron and Jon Landau were stepping into the small stage with mics on his hands, everyone went to sit at their tables, which include Duane going to the table where his family was, and Anna sitting with you two
"Here's my boy", Stephen Lang said clapping Jack on his back before sitting on his other side, "How's everything going?"
"Good, good, everything's good", Jack nodded, "I wanted to introduce you to someone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend"
"It's nice to finally meet you, Jack has told me a lot about you", Stephen said shaking your hand
"It's nice to meet you too", you smiled, "I'm such a great fan of your work, especially 'Don't Breathe', it's one of my favorites"
"Big fan of horror, I see", Stephen pointed
"I guess it's in my blood", you joked causing everyone to laugh
Interrupting the small conversations, James and Jon gave a speech thanking everyone for being part of the project and things like that, and anouncing a small karaoke between the boys and the girls
"Y/N, you're with us!", Bailey exclaimed from her table
"Of course I am!", you exclaimed back
Running to the stage, the boys choose 'I Want It That Way' and 'Everybody' from The Backstreet Boys (Britain wanted to die from embarrasment during the whole thing) while the three of you choose 'Bad Blood' and 'Look What You Made Me Do' from Taylor Swift, while the adults were having fun watching the small battle
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The next day, which was the premiere, all of you took the oportunity to woke up a bit late until the glam teams arrive to start the prepearing for the afternoon, and it seemed like the rest had the same idea because while having a little brunch thanks to the room service, all of the younger cast came to the room to grab from the box of pastries you bought the day before
When the glam teams arrived and while they started to prepare the things and the outfits, each of you took a shower before sitting to get ready, except for Jack who at the moment was wearing face masks sitting on the couch while playing with Butters
During the process of the hairstyle, your phone started to ring with a groupal videocall from your dad and siblings, which you were quick to accept inmediatly seeing their faces
"Hi everyone", you greeted
"There's the fashion icon of the family", Jakob exclaimed with Megan by his side from their house, "What time is it there?"
"Three twenty-two", you responded
"Here is seven twenty-two", Skeet said taking a sip of her coffee, "How's London?"
"Fortunately, not as cold as I thought, by the way, say 'hi'"
Moving your phone, you pointed at everyone in the room who were happy to greet your family at the screen
"Everyone looks beautiful", Naiia exclaimed, "What time is the premiere?"
"Starts at six, and we have to arrive before nine", Jack said at what you turned the camera to his face again, "We're going to run on caffeine and energy drinks"
"With responsability", Anna pointed at what you moved the phone to her direction, "Only a coffee and an energy drink per premiere"
"Anna, you're a saint only for dealing with those two", Jakob joked causing everyone to laugh
"Especially after tons of caffeine", Skeet continued
After talking for bit more the call ended to let all of you to continue to get ready, when Anna was ready, it was Jacks turn to get ready, while they finished your make up, they started to prepare everything to dress you
"Y/N, it's time", Nora said with tape and scissors
"I thought we were going to use the strapless bra", you frowned
"We don't want to take the risk of the bra falling off mid-premiere so the tape is better", Nora explained
Sighing, you got up from your chair to follow her along with Lysette and Tessa to your room
"Wish me luck", you said before closing the door
"Good luck!", the rest exclaimed
Getting into the tape and dress took twenty minutes, during which you talked with them about random topics, after putting the dress, the four of you got out to see Jack in his suit ready for the premiere while you were still putting on the accesories, shoes and prepearing your purse and the emergency sandals
Once your look was ready, they took a few profesional photos for social media, before getting to the lobby and into the van to go to the premiere
Arriving there, all of you got out of the van and walk a bit hearing people going crazy by seeing the two of you holding hands, before stopping to wait to your turn for the press photos
When it was your turn, both of you walked to the first part of the carpet to let them take photos of you side-hugging, which some of them ended up in both of you looking at each other laughing and smiling, even sharing small kisses on the cheeks and lips, and then some of them were individually
Letting him take photos with the rest of the cast, you followed Rachel to the press area where a reporter from 'People' was waiting to interview you
"Y/N Ulrich! Look at you!", the reporter exclaimed making you laugh, "You never disapoint with your looks, can we talk about this one, if you don't mind?"
"Of course", you smiled, "This whole look is inspired by Jacks character, Spider, this Club L London brown dress represents his costume, the blue accesories the painted blue stripes, the hair is also an interpretation of his hairstyle, the nails are also na'vi themed, and the shoes, I don't know if you can see them, but I bought them because they reminded me of the Tree of Souls"
"I absolutely have no words for your creativity"
"Thank you so much, and it was a team effort with my styling team, they are my fairy godmothers"
"That's a beautiful way to refer to them, now, speaking of the movie, the first one came in 2009 and now in 2022, we're finally seeing the second one and also we have three more movies in the way, how does it feels to be able to see the franchise expand?"
"It's amazing, and I'm not going to lie, I saw the first movie for the first time early this year during one of Jack and I's dates, and I ended up mesmerized by the amazing world that James and Jon created along with the cast and crew, and knowing the effort everyone put during this years of production it adds more value"
"What do you expect to see in the movie?"
"First of all, I don't want to see Neytiri suffering, my girl deserves a break and a nice vacation after everything that happened in the first one, and also I can't wait to see the new part of Pandora, which is Awa'atlu and the metakyinas"
"Well, thank you so much for this interview, it was a pleasure to talk with you, you look incredible, and also congratulations on your relationship with Jack"
"Thank you so much, you look beatiful as well, enjoy the night"
After doing two more interviews, you saw that the cast was doing their interviews, so you went with Anna to keep her company
"How's it going?", you gretted them intervining your arm with hers
"It feels gratifying to see everything became real, I feel proud of him", Anna said a bit emotional
"You have every right to be, you have been with Jack since the beggining, it's a full circle moment", you responded putting your head on her shoulder
After Jack finished his interviews (in which you joined him for two), everyone entered the teather to finally watch the movie
"Y/N, last chance for me to tell you the ending", Jamie joked while all of you walked into the teather
"Not going to happen", you denied, "We're litearlly about to see the movie and I won't let anyone, speacially you, tell me the ending"
"That was hot", Jack murmured in your ear while hugging you from behind
"Thank you", you smiled
Entering the teather, you grabed a bag of butter popcorn and a package of red twists to go sit with Anna, while the cast went to the front to share a few words before the movie
In the end, the movie completely broke you (it was luck that your make up was waterproof) so much that even James Cameron aproached to see if you were okay and to invite you to the set when filming starts again
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kideaternomnom · 2 months
If you had to pick for someone else to be the avatar besides aang, who would you pick and why?
Who do you think would have the most compelling story?
That depends- if we're talking about who would be best fit for the role and would do a great job saving the world, Katara in my opinion. BUT if we're talking about the most entertaining/complex, I'd go with Zuko. With Katara she'd be very responsible, and has a great head on her shoulders. But Zuko? Oho- we KNOW how complex his mind is and how confused he was throughout all the seasons. Which is why it'd be so entertaining yet complex to see him as the Avatar- I'd be curious to see how it'd go if HE were the Avatar and he got banished. Sure, you could say Ozai wouldn't banish him if he were the Avatar- but let's say he did still get banished. Holy shit- I'd LOVE to see how it'd turn out if he were the Avatar and his complexity.
It'd probably be very chaotic if he were the Avatar tbh- WAYY more than Katara....But I feel it'd be very entertaining and interesting to watch.
Okay if someone wrote a fanfic on this I’d read the whole thing
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pod-together · 19 days
Pod-Together Day 9 Reveals 2024
(They) called (you) crazy, god I hate the way I called (you) crazy too (LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022), The LEGO Ninjago Movie (2017)) written by Vyee_Writes, performed by legonerd Summary: "What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?" "What do you get?" Jay smirks as he responds, "Frostbite."
If You Only Knew (Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)) written by Marv-with-a-v, performed by Juulna Summary: Tony has had a crush on Steve for a while now. Actually admitting that to Steve (accidentally or not) might just be the best thing he ever does.
Flowers got your tongue (幽☆遊☆白書 | YuYu Hakusho: Ghost Files (Anime & Manga)) written by alchemicink, performed by bluedreaming Summary: Challenge: confess your love or choke to death on flower petals Hiei: guess I'll die OR: Hiei falls in love with Kurama, but doesn't plan on telling him. Then he starts coughing up flowers and things only get more complicated from there
Merciless music (Malevolent (Podcast)) written by Big_bunbun, performed by Koschei_B Summary: The Butcher believes Arthur is the only one that can write him a symphony.
Mostly Void, Partly Stars (All For The Game - Nora Sakavic) written by Flowerparrish, performed by Aliteralgarbageheap Summary: Jean embarks on some therapy homework in an attempt to learn more about himself. Some things that he learns aren't very surprise. But some are.
A little help [text, audio] (Shadowhunters (TV)) written by HadrianPeverellBlack, performed by ToughPaperRound Summary: The missing moments between Alec's and Magnus' wedding and the ending of the series.
Yaatree: Mirage (Original Work, Yaatree Universe) written by KitKaos and BardicRaven, performed by BardicRavenReads and OneGoldenRaptor, audio production by OneGoldenRaptor Summary: +++ Emergency protocol activated +++ Attention please! Attention please! This is your captain with an important announcement. I repeat, this is your captain with an important announcement. We have sustained damage from a nearby stellar flare. There is no immediate danger to our passengers or the ship - and there is no reason to be alarmed. Yet, we will have to make an unplanned return to Mirage station for repairs. As soon as I have further information I will make another announcement. I ask you kindly to remain calm. There is no danger at present.
A Proper Stance [text, audio] (One Piece (Anime & Manga)) written by Aibhilin, performed by LittleSnowyRascal9842 Summary: It’s pitiful, is what it is. Not even Shanks would be this amateurish in his stances, not even when they were kids- Buggy goes to help the boy up and correct him without a conscious thought behind the movement.
Human Shield [text, audio] (Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005)) written by Nicky_Gabriel, performed by sunkitten_shash Summary: Upon waking up this particular morning, Zuko is filled with dread about what this day will probably bring him, but he can’t postpone the confrontation any longer, the sooner they deal with it the better.
I Wanted to Do the Timewarp But Oh God Not Like This (Teen Wolf (TV)) written by ReformedTsundere, performed by CrimsonMoonn Summary: Witches are now officially Stiles’ least favorite. They suck. He hates them and their stupid human sacrificial rituals, and their stupid evil knives. Call him biased because one of said stupid knives is buried to the hilt in his chest, but Stiles doesn’t care. He’s bleeding out, lying in a bed of leaves and rocks, staring up at a canopy of trees and stars. Witches are the worst.
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villainsimpqueen · 2 months
Blood of the Barren
A what if story,
Basically what would Spiders life be like if he was raised in the Barren Lands.
The Idea had excited me, so i wrote "Blood of the Barren." which is roughly 9 google doc pages long of how Spiders life would've been if he was Raised by A Barren Lands Na'vi woman in the Barren Lands.
Some notes- His mother is an Oc i made for this story.
He seeing this as an alternative universe is not named "Spider." But still named after a venomous insect.
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One's first moments of life should be brought in love, excitement and with a little exhaustion.
It was the way many were born, with higher spirits and surrounded with unconditional love.
Yet the screaming and wailing of one so freshly born, and the sounds of the helicopter that was to get them away from the war the young ones Father was hell bent on causing got hit and starting to fail and swerve over among the pandorian landscape.
The little one did not get such luck, I'm his mothers failing consciousness and panic. She clung to his small form in hopes to shield him from pain as the pilots and other escapees of war screamed and shouted.
“We're going down! we're goin down! Brace for impact!”
How the noise was entirely deafening and so very stressful for one just freshly intaking air so young. Not even comfortably wrapped in a blanket and still stained from fresh blood and ambanic fluids from his mothers womb.
Air only thing staying clean as the Ecopact filtered poisonous air that would have killed him slowly by suffocation and from the smoke of the crashing. He could only wail and scream for his non moving mother, his wails and cries ignored as growing winds started to transform the air just outside of the crash site. Wind and sand swirling around the damaged shelter that only halfway protected him, and his wails drowned out by the storm oddly concealing his wayward cries from teeth and claws that may have found him.
No this boy was not born in a room filled with love, no room for excitement, his mere first hours born was filled with panic, fear and death around him.
Such a tragic beginning for one so small.
His wails slowly starting to die out, his fresh throat finally growing raw and exhaustion filled him as the nights freezing air had take place in solidifying parts of his little limbs, the warmth of his deceased mothers body long gone, and by the time a great warmth started to roll over in the next day dawning, the small newborn could only let out the tiniest and raspy of sounds as the heat started to surrender a warm blanket of inescapable exhaustion seemingly going unheard.
And yet at all odds,
She had heard him when passing through the crash site in curiosity. The site being new and completely alien from her otherwise sand filled lands, the destroyed alien machine blowing out smoke from burnt and collapsed engines stained the normally clear skies bringing attention to nearby travelers.
She had approached after watching the smoking site after an hour when she approached it early in the morning. The precaution to make sure it too was truly empty and no other may deliver an attack should she approach was strong. It seemed to be a high reward to her as the strange foreign thing had many other things she could use, scattered among the crash site. Her long ears twitched as every so often a wheezing noise sounded making her eyes dart to the nearing dunes in looking for an approach, eyes finding none making her more alert when that faint wheezing sound called again, her head turned sharply to a half buried helicopter cabin. Her steps were filled with caution as she neared easily jumping up on its tipped side and peering down.
Bodies were not what she expected, even ounces of such strange nature, creatures she had never seen before all laying and dangling at unnatural bent ways, blood that had dripped stuck in place on unnaturally pale and gray skin. There seemed to be nothing but death, and left her questioning what were the strange creatures.
Her ears flicking as she went to leave until a they flicker at another raspy faint wheeze causing her to turn eyes falling one of the dead creatures, hair curled and dark brown, a strange thing around the creatures face but its arms curled around something where once again a noise sounded once again.
She moved crouching over the cabin's entrance reaching in her arms pulling the creature's arms apart and finding an even smaller creature.
As if her moments seemed to force life into him a desperate and yet pathetic wail cracked from it, making her pause, a sound she hadn't heard in many years of her life, not since she had left her own parents nearly a decade ago. Yet muscle memory took over her, from the few years she would aid with her Father and Mother with younger siblings her hands found way gently over the little one, picking him up with a smaller strange thing around his face.
The small thing barely moved in her giant hands, another pathetic wail weakly leaving paling lips as its small.face scrunched up.
A creature child.
She should leave it.
Yet her eyes found gazing down on the many other dead creatures, showing that despite everything this small little thing had survived, and judging by how weak it seemed, Even the Great Mother had deemed it able to be strong enough to survive. She was confused, She momentarily questioned the great mother. Why had the Mother led her to a strange child before a mate?
Yet the pitiful rasps from the small thing encaptured her attention. It was so small, ugly looking and yet, as her larger eyes took in the little thing in her hands, it was undoubtedly cute.
She did not know why the Great mother decided to make her a mother before a wife, but if she deemed her to have a strong child of some strange creature rather than a possibly weak mate, she would accept the child.
And in many ways the child had also accepted her. Almost immediately the child had taken to her as if he had come from her, and she found herself struggling with being indifferent for each time she suspected the child to be frail, he had shown strength.
It was a mere week with the child bringing him small bowl foods of fleshed, killed blood to keep him from drying out in the sun until she could quickly make way to the nearest pool of crystalline waters. A dangerous task for she saw how the child was nearly always reliant on the strange thing on his face. She saw it as a hindrance to him and went out of her way to travel to find things to make an offering to the great mother.
“You bring this child on my path, If you wish for me to raise him Great Mother, then you will make him breathe as me, See like me, hear like me, you will make him be as if my own blood. For Now he will have it in him as well.”
She had made her offer and demands as she left it on the highest dune she could find and slit her finger for her little son to suck on before his face would turn colors and she slipped off the mask, a task she would start daily from now on out. She started to take the mask off of her tiny son, introducing him to the air and to feed him.
She tended to keeping his pale skin shielded entirely under her cloak, leather wrapped to make a pouch to keep him near her chest when the little one seemed to try to start latching onto her, the small action is needed for nutrition and his small now much rarer cries had pushed her body into accepting him as one she had birth. Rich and thick milk had taken place, bringing her a moment of confusion before relief as her body had allowed her this small blessing to be able to provide the new son a rich and nutritional meal that would speed his small state to a larger one. She still had to make haste to the cooling pools, for her body could only provide so much before it will cut off the child's supply, her body would put her own needs above his, but some inkling told her that she would need to keep producing her milk longer for this small child than she would have for her own.
While against her nature Lizara had made a den within a rock structure in the oasis, it was purely out of the new forming mothering instincts that had enraptured her to stay somewhere where she could easily eat and drink, packing on more and more body weight for her body to burn while still providing her small son. And yes while that brought many invaders, for no one could make true claim to an oasis, She showed no mercy in protecting the little den she had made home for the little son.
As time went on the more her little son would grow, seeming as her offering and demand were granted for each day she removed her son's mask from his face, he would be able to go longer without it seeming to breathe more and more air. His strange pointy nose came flatter and flatter akin to her own, strange patterns started to appear on his pale skin and the more quicker he seemed to grow, It was hard for her instincts to differentiate him from one from her own womb.
Her favorite growth was his hair, as golden as the sands around them, and how his hair would curl and wave like the rare clouds that took to the sky.
She loved playing with her tiny son's hair, twisting it and braiding it, only whispering nothing but best fourchants in each twist of her hands.
Then came his first steps, bringing a sense of pride in her eyes as he learned to walk on the sandy lands, slowly his feet became thick with padding allowing her little son to to run across the hot sands without burning them.
She had mended a cloak for her little son, allowing him to explore around at a small distance from her, as she worked on building her sons independence away from her for she could not keep him coddled despite him being a different species, she would not, She would treat him as always her own and she needed him to continue to prove to the lands he was meant for them.
Toddler years had gone quickly, soon she had a young adventurous boy, no longer wearing the mask from wherever he had originally come from, for he no longer needed it.
She spent these years showing him the ways that her mother before her had shown her, she had her challenges, like the extra finger on his hands, how to show him the correct way to read the stars to find the oasiss that were scattered in the lands. The sun seemed to do very well on her son, his pale complexion from birth vanishing deepening to match the sands around them, the strange patterns he had lightened and with the aid of his cloak he blended into the surroundings which was an Eywa's blessing for the increase of running into ambushers had grown.
Each day Lizara grew more concerned that an ambusher would spit and attack her small son, and so she taught her son how to protect himself with a blade he could keep at his hip.
By his sixth year it was time for his join along hunt, where she would focus on teaching him how to hunt and provide for himself and perhaps his future family, whenever that may occur.
Her son had been eager, for he had watched his mother for years to hunt and now his opportunity had come he felt well prepared, crouching low to not be spotted by the prey animals, sneaking up while listening, hearing their calls before his mothers echoed above the animals calls.
He prepared eyes watching the animals intently watching as the boar like creatures scattered running, he took took off managing to slam himself into one like how he saw his mother do before so many time and drag his blade into the beasts stomach, a weak point and easy, something his mother had advise before hand that may be more successful for someone his size.
His mother had looked at him with pride and taught him how to skin the animal and prepare his first offering to the great mother and watched her son hike up the tallest sand dune they could find to leave it for the great mother before returning back to her.
They found their temporary shelter where she allowed him to make the night's fire on his own and prepare supper with the boys killed. They enjoyed the meat raw and seasoned with the spices and herbs gathered from oasis.
Both enjoyed their meal and his mother would tell him the story of how she had found him a creature far from the people and now he was one of the barren lands.
It would be a few days after that hunt before she found a name that fitted him for in the morning Lizara had woken up to find her son missing from their temporary den had made her rush out of the den.
She had found him, playing near some uncovered rocks, in his hands small creatures that would cause a harsh and poisonous sting.
She had watched her boy hold these creatures and despite their stingers stabbing into his fingers the boy did little to react, moving busy picking them up and moving around.
Almost entirely immune to the small creatures' venom.
The boy was named Kali'weya after the scorpion creatures he seemed so fascinated with playing. And like the small creatures who became ferocious and cunning hunters, Kali'weya had become one himself, Lizara found her sons eagerness to hunt bringing down beasts larger than his size and make new cloaks for them both or pouches, her son seeming to live mending together wrappings and necessities for them both, amd she took pride in knowing she had taught him well at being self sufficient.
Her favorite moments with her son were when she would fix his hair, untangling and reweaving the strands, fixing each strand before taking a strand that framed his face, her boy looked at her curiously before hope and eagerness filled them as she pulled out his first carved bead fixating it on the strand.
“This will be the strand where you will mark every important thing on.” she had whispered to him, watching how her boy would smile showing off his sharper k-9 teeth, his eyes seemed to shine brighter than the stars and suns.
It would be later in his teenage years still staying by his mother's side, while now mostly caring for himself, the boy saw no need to leave his mother just yet.
Traveling along still learning whatever lessons his mother would share, he enjoyed the days. While mostly predictable they brought him peace it was the same that his mother had on her face with each breaking down to falling dust.
Kali'weya would be the one to spot a new occurrence, the sounds of beating wings hitting his ears and his mothers. They both would share a look before creeping amongst sand dunes hearing sounds of voice echo as they peer down.
The new occurrence made the young adult's eyes widen, animals that he never saw in the deserts before landed, on them were outsiders of the lands, two of his mothers age and a group of them his age and younger it seemed.
They all seemed exhausted and hot, Weariness in them that seemed to make it to their teeth.
The noise they all made, had hurt his ears and he heard his mother snort a sound before sliding down the dunes.
“Best to leave, they'll draw in only trouble.” His mother had spoken and yet as he followed his mothers lead he had paused.
“Shouldn't we help them?” He had asked his mother, watching as she turned to look at him.
“We do not speak to outsiders Kali'weya.” She had said promptly but her boy's face had turned as he looked back at the sand dunes.
Perhaps it was that he was truly not of this world for her son always had this sense of need to help others.
“Would it not bring us good chances later on a hunt?” He asked her, looking back at his mother with a softness in his eyes.
Her son was good. sometimes too good nature and she worried that would be used against him one day, but she would not crush his nature.
Lizara had relented and led her teenager around sand dunes making herself and her son known to the outsiders.
The first meeting had not gone well, but it was the older man that had stopped his mate from acting out too rashly to them. He brought attention to her son, which had made the woman pause and stare along with their children.
“What demon blood is that child from?” The woman had hissed causing his mother to snarl standing in front of Kali'weya protective.
“He is of these lands, He is of mine. Ewya gave him to me and that is all that matters. You will not bare fangs at him again if you wish to have your head on your throat.” A promise was What Lizara had made before her mate Jake Sully he had called himself had intervened.
“I apologize for my mate, she is hot and wearily.”
“Do not apologize for me.”
“We have found ourselves lost, trying to find the sea, please, we have gone in circles, any aid is appreciated.” He continued.
Lizara had every right to refuse such a thing.
But her son had stepped from behind her nearling the sully children who were soaked in sweat and were using the animals wings for shade.
“You have to dig in sand in the shade of a dune to cool.” He had spoken up towards them before waving a hand.
“Come.” He spoke much like his mother had done when he was a tot heading around the dunes, the sully children following after approval of their parents, as they seemed to stay behind with their strange animals and speaking to his mother.
Kali'weya had showed them to dig in the first layers of sand and lay in the pocket exposing their burning skin to cool sand.
“I am Neteyam..These are my younger siblings Kiri, Lo'ak and Tuk.” The oldest of the sully's had been introduced as he layed in a fresh exposed pocket he had dug.
Kiri, in the example one Kali'weya had dug out for them.
Kali'weya had stood up moving to a dune and started digging, preparing a den, somewhere where the sully's could take shelter from the high standing son, he let out a grunt near and here.
“I am Kali'weya.” He had spoken before starting to crawl into the dunes kicking out the sand hollowing it out.
There was a brief silence and the boy poked his head out making sure they were okay as the sully kids stared at him.
“Like the bug!?” The smallest sully Tuk had exclaimed as she smiled at him, her ears perked up, it had brought a smile to his own features and he nodded.
“Yes. My mother had found me playing with them after I had proved myself strong for the lands, my first hunt. Their stings do not bring me pain for she chose them to be my name. Mother says they are my family because I act much like them.”
“Who are your real parents? You know the Sky demons. You came from them. How'd you end up here? And how do you look..that..” The third youngest, Lo'ak had questioned earning a slap against the back from his older brother.
“You are a prick.” Kiri had hissed and scolded their brother.
Kali'weya had rose his brow, His mother had told him about she had found him, knowing he came from some other kind of creatures, but with Eywas accepted offering he had became like his mother.
“My mother had found some strange rocks held in the arms of a dead strange woman and by corpses of others. My mother had taken me as her own, and raised me on her own.” He told them leaning onto his hands from the opening of the den to the dune he was working on.
“Eywa had changed me to be one of my mothers own. As far as I care I am from these lands, and I am from my mother. No other blood.” He had told them watching their faces change in many emotions.
“You said you're one of these lands..does that mean you had done all your trails?” Neteyam had asked, Causing Kali'weya to tilt his head.
“I do not understand you entirely…to be one of these lands you must prove that you are not weak starting at birth until you can hunt entirely on your own then leave your parents entirely. I have done all of this, but I have not left my mother. I worry she will grow lonely, The great mother had never led a mate to her to guide. If I leave she has no body.” Kali'weya had explained yet their earlier words had made him look more so at his hands.
“Some of you have hands like mine…Even your father ... .You said Sky demons.” He had looked the sully kids in their eyes.
“Are we of another great mothers blood?”
The sully kids explained what they could about the sky demons, but when the adults had finally come and joined them it prompted Lizara to side eye the one named Jake Sully and it led to him explaining everything, and why they are fleeing.
“You have the face of the one who brought death to many many people.” Jake had spoken to the boy, “I believe he is your father.”
It had caused Lizara to tense and caused the boy to freeze.
“The one you run with your tails in your legs from? You dare filth my son's name with such an accusation.” Lizara had snapped.
which caused Jakes to make Neytiri snarl back.
“A face never betrays one's blood.” Neytiri barked out, ignoring what pai. might have been sent back.
The sully kids eat slicked back as they watch the New friend of theirs face fall.
He moved a hand to his mothers arms bringing Lizara attention to him.
“I wish to find myself.” He had softly spoken watching the emotions form through his mothers eyes.
“But I wish you to be there as I find it and learn what I once may have been.”
He made sure his mother Knew he would not leave her, for he was not ready and that the call to find his origins still called him.
his mother grasped his hand holding it tightly.
“I will aid you as I always have my son.” She whispered.
That night they had joined the sully's in their flight out of the Barren Lands which was his home, aiding in rerouting them over the golden sands over the small mountains to the lands of red sands, past and far far above the death forest and swamps where he took in the sights of lust rich and bright green forests.
The sully's had told Kali'weya that this was their home, and they flew over it not stopping as they tasted salt in the air.
Kali'weya would later meet the one that had sired him in another life, found washed up on another side of the island after the destruction and death he had brought to the sully's once again.
While he had anger and hatred for the man that showed him what monstrous origins that were in his veins, the nature his mother had kept in him still held true as he dragged the man out of the sea and onto the sands of beaches.
He would make this man tell him of his other mother, where she was and for him to see if she too was truly a demon like his blooded father.
But his blood was thicker with the one that raised him, than the ones that sired and birthed him.
And should this demon ever raise a blade against the ones Kali'weya loved, he would strike him down like the very thing he was named.
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druh19 · 6 months
faz icons de istp's :DDDDD
Mto crush nessa lista 🤏
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༝ ISTP characters icons |like and reblog if saved|
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atlas7seo · 3 months
People who read fanfic and screenshot stuff from it typically seem to capture these like super deep and meaningful poetic stuff. Like really inspirational quotes. However, I'm not one of those people. I screenshot whatever bs happens to make me laugh that day, idk even know if any of it is actually funny. It probably isn't as funny as I think it was and I was just losing it at 3 am reading fics. Here's some stuff
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Also, not a fanfic but here's a Tim I personally vibe with too from a webtoon
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Feel free to add your own nonsense too
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midnight1199 · 2 months
Fated To Meet You
PAIRING: Jake Sully x Reader
WARNINGS:slight!angst, avatar!reader, fem!reader, AU, happy!ending hopefully, not beta read, mild swearing
NOTES: Hello lovelies, let me begin with how sorry I am for the delay in posting. I'm still trying to figure out a schedule, so please be patient as I work some things out. As of now, we're still on track with the movies with just minor changes in plot. I completely forgot to add translations in the last chapter sooo here you go, end notes with translations! Hope you like this next installment, I can't wait to hear your thoughts!
SUMMARY: The first time you saw him, you felt pity for him—Jake. Maybe that was the spark that would lead to the inferno of feelings you would hold until your last breath on Pandora.
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
The link room looked exactly like the rest of Hell’s Gate, an amalgamation of mechanical greys and hospital room whites. Coffin-like pods lined the walls of the circular room with a round desk and chairs in the middle; holographic screens flashed data and live feed from the inside of the link pods. Scientists were running to and fro between one link pod and the other. Grace was already in the link room by the time you had arrived, cigarette in hand. Max signals the three of you toward your respective pods, starting with Norm.
“So how much time have you logged?”, Grace turns to Norm but you’re sure this question carries for both Jake and you as well.
“Uh, about five hundred twenty hours.”
“That’s good”, she motions to the first pod to Norm, “You go over there”. You see her turning towards you, “How about you, L/N?” "Roughly three hundred hours”, you respond. Grace hums lightly and motions to the pod next to Norm’s. A scientist is standing near the computer next to the pod waiting to calibrate you to your Avatar— decanted and ready for the neuro link. You head towards your pod and distantly you can hear the same question repeated to Jake, but you don’t end up catching his response, though you assume it wouldn’t be something Grace would be happy with.
You run your hand over the gel bed and press a finger in, the squishiness of it takes you aback a bit. “That’s gonna take getting used to”, you mutter. A giggle reaches your ears, and you look up to see your link tech smiling at you in amusement. Blushing lightly, you quickly gather yourself and lie down in the link pod. Both Norm and Jake do the same, with Jake snapping at Grace as she moves to help him. You pull the attached brace over your torso as the link tech steps in to attach and check the neural sensors to your forehead.
“Ready?”, she asks.
“Ready.”, you shoot her a thumbs up. The pod lid is closed on you, and you can’t help but compare it to the inside of a coffin, although your training has you used to the sensation, it still feels eerie nonetheless. Inhaling deeply, you close your eyes. The world behind your eyelids erupts into colours and the next thing you know you’re overloaded with a cacophony of voices, and the light in the room is entirely too bright for you. Blinking slowly, you see two med techs speaking something to you, you open your mouth to respond and are surprised to find how grainy and dry it feels. “Sorry guys didn’t catch that”, you smile sheepishly. You feel your ears flick on your head and wow doesn’t that sound weird.
You sit up slowly on the gurney and swing your legs down, on either side of you lie Norm and Jake. Though Norm, it seems, has been awake before you and is well into getting his motor functions tested. A commotion from the right of you drags your attention to Jake and it is not a moment later that you see his bare ass disappear through the now-open lab door as alarms start blaring all around you. Scrambling to your feet, you stumble along behind him. “I’ll bring him back, I promise!”, you exclaim to the med techs as you race after Jake. You feel your tail swinging to balance you as you run after the blue Marine. Naked feet digging into the dirt, you nearly bowl over a few avatars in your haste to catch up to Jake. The man is still as you approach him but turns around as you get closer. The laugh that he lets out as he turns to you makes your heart stutter, makes you stop in your tracks, breathless (you’re not sure if it’s because of the running or the mesmerizing man in front of you). You’ve never seen him laugh as happily as the one you hear now.
“Hey Marine!”, a call rings out. There’s an avatar walking towards you, and it is only as she gets closer that you’re able to put a name to the face.
“Grace?”, Jake is faster than you.
“Well, who’d you expect, numbnuts? Think fast!”, she tosses something at the both of you. You instinctively catch it and look down to see it’s a Pandoran Banana fruit. A squelch and a groan shifts your attention to Jake and he’s halfway into devouring his. Not one to be shy, you take a bite out of yours. The sound you let out is distinctively obscene and judging by the way Grace covers her face in amusement, you haven’t been as quiet as you hoped you would be.
The stomps of another pair of footsteps drag your attention to another figure entering the clearing–Norm. It seems he had finally caught up to you. The poor guy is bent over, breathing hard and you’re getting concerned. “Are you okay, Nor-“ “I… am a living God!”, he interrupts and poses. The ridiculousness of the statement is all it takes and the group of you are laughing like crazy.
The rest of the day is spent acclimatizing yourself to your new Avatar body. As promised, you drag Jake back, kicking and screaming, to the med techs. You catch his eye and smirk as you watch him get berated by humans less than half his size. As night approaches, you are herded by Grace into an outhouse on the RDA compound. Laying down on your charpoy bed and hear Jake do the same, there’s a silence that fills the air around the both of you and you don’t wish to be the first one to break it.
“Don’t play with that, you’ll go blind”, you murmur.
He drops his braid and huffs lightly. Slowly turning to him, you whisper “Goodnight, Jake” and just as you feel yourself linking out you hear his whispered response.
“Goodnight, Y/N”
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The next day finds you bathed and ready in the link room at 0800, as you wait for the others to gather. Today you’ll be allowed to step foot into the actual wilderness of Pandora. Grace had wanted to collect a few root samples and as the fresh new hires, Norm and you were chosen to shadow her along with Jake, who would be accompanying you as a security detail should anything go wrong. A few minutes later, you are linked up and gathered near the Samson with your utility bag thrown over your shoulders. Grace introduces Norm and you to Trudy, your pilot for the day. You don’t miss the fact that Jake already seems to know Trudy and to some extent, Lyle- the RDA soldier accompanying you as human escort, and soon after you’re ready for liftoff.
The sky felt alive, the air was rich with life. You lean out the door from the Samson, and even the trees look more lively in comparison to those planted in the Avatar compound. You make a note to look into the scientific aspects of that once you touch the ground but for now, you let yourself close your eyes and feel the air rushing past you. The exuberance you feel in that moment is incomparable.
“Careful!”, a voice snaps you out of your enjoyment and you turn to Jake who is currently manning the MG on the helo.
You pull yourself back and send him a sheepish grin, “Sorry!”.
Twenty minutes later, you find yourself on the ground as Grace walks around to relay further instructions to Trudy. Lyle is left back with Trudy and the Samson, with Jake tasked with the duty of looking out for dangers.
The trees were much bigger than you had expected, much more vibrant, and to an extent much more dangerous. Your ears flick around with the sounds of the forest, the chirps of the creatures hidden in the foliage. You see Jake’s hands tighten in a white-knuckled grip over the gun as a few Prolemuris swing from the branches overhead and it is only after Grace snaps at him to calm down that he finally loosens his grip over the weapon. Stumbling your way over the vines, Grace leads you to a very man-made structure in a small clearing. It’s long been abandoned, with nature reclaiming parts of the small building.
Grace enters first, and you follow soon after. “This was our school, now it's just… storage”, the disappointment in her voice is evident. “The kids were so bright, eager to learn. Picked up English faster than I could teach it”, she reminisces as she sets a book down on a nearby shelf. You bend down to pick another book up; the title catches your eye- The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Maybe English wasn’t the only thing Grace wished for the children to pick up on.
She guides Norm and you as you gather the supplies needed for the tests. The place is incredibly dusty, but the supplies are undisturbed and in good condition.
“What happened here?”, Jake’s question prompts the three of you to turn around and you are unable to silence the gasp that you let out at what you see. Bullet holes, a blackboard riddled with bullet holes in a school. Grace doesn’t reply, instead snaps at Jake to help out with the gear. Even without her answer, it was quite clear what had happened— The RDA had opened fire in a school full of children.
With the mood now turned grim, Grace ushers your group out of the school to continue with the task you had intended to accomplish. Walking for a few minutes, you are stopped by Grace gesturing for Norm and you to kneel, she proceeds to pierce the root of a nearby tree with a needle attached to a holo-tab. Both Norm and you switch your attention to the holo-tab held in Norm’s hand as the screen erupts into a colourful cacophony of violets and blues. “That’s signal transduction”, you gasp, “it's that fast!?” “Amazing, isn’t it?”, she responds. While Norm proceeds to collect samples under Grace’s instructions, a flash of glowing white in your peripherals makes you whip your head in its direction; you don’t see anything suspicious but you can't help but squint into the bushes. You look around the clearing for an answer but are soon distracted by Jake wandering off toward a cluster of Helicoradians. Meanwhile, Grace and Norm are busy discussing the collected sample. Seeing your chance, you amble off towards Jake. It’s your first time seeing the plants you’ve seen only in pictures, in person. Orange and cream-coloured spirals that retract at the slightest hint of disturbance.
Jake reaches out to touch one of the Helicoradian before you get a chance to stop him, you hurry toward him as you watch the chain reaction of the entire cluster coil and retract into the ground in mounting horror, which is further increased as now the both of you are face to face with a Hammerhead Titanothere. An angry Hammerhead Titanothere.
You freeze in terror and you see Jake raise his rifle to aim at the animal.
“Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot, you’ll piss him off.” Grace’s voice rings out in your coms, you see her and Norm crouched behind a few trees.
“It’s already pissed off.” You hear Jake respond, unknowingly you have your hand clasped on his arm.
“Jake, that armor’s too thick. Trust me. It’s a territorial threat. Do not run, or he’ll charge.”
“So what do I do, dance with it?”
“Just hold your ground.”
Unfortunately, you holding your ground did not mean the Titanothere wouldn’t as it charged towards you. Jake rushes by you with both his hands up and screaming, surprisingly the tactic seems to work, and you see the animal back away towards its herd. You laugh in disbelief as Jake continues to mock the retreating animal.
“Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about, bitch. That's right, get your punk ass back to mommy.”
The snapping of twigs behind you makes you turn around. Chilled to your bone at what you see you slowly call out to Jake. “Jake? Turn around slowly, no big moves”, maybe it’s the fear in your voice but you hear Jake follow your instructions and his breath hitching lets you know exactly when he sees the creature in front of you.
“Ah, shit.”
The Thanator jumps over you and chases after the Titanothere before it turns around and snarls at you, the tentacles on its head flaring as a sign of aggression.
“So what about this one? Run? Don’t run? What?”
You’re already yanking Jake after you before Grace even manages to reply, “Run! Definitely run!”
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Admittedly, running through the jungles of Pandora with a bloodthirsty Thanator chasing your asses was not something you had on your bingo card for the year. Neither was getting separated from Jake as you leap from a waterfall to escape from said Thanator. You hit the water with a splash, the impact forcing the breath out of you. “Don’t let go!”, you hear Jake scream as he tries to grab onto your hand tighter, but you feel your grip slipping. Panic seizes you as the current pulls you away from the shore.
“Jake-!”, your voice is lost as your grip completely loosens and you’re swept under the water. Your lungs burn as you struggle to breathe only to inhale more water. Your vision swam in shades of grey as you get tossed about in rocky waters. You close your eyes and let yourself get carried by the current, you’re too tired to fight anymore. The adrenaline of the chase has leached out every ounce of your energy.
Just as you’re losing the last bit of your consciousness, you feel a tug on your clothing. Had the Thanator finally managed to catch you? Oh well, that was just your luck. You just hope Jake is safe.
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A soft tingle on your eyelid manages to tickle you back to consciousness. Eyes closed, you lift your hand to rub your face only to grab hold of something soft and warm. Your eyes snap open and you jerk yourself up in a sitting position.
“I’m alive? I’m alive!”, you laugh in delight before it strikes you that you have something in your hand. Opening your fist, you’re surprised to see a small jellyfish-like white creature float up to your eye level.
“Atokirina”, you whisper in surprise.
It bobs, gently, before you and floats away towards the treeline only to stop and continue bobbing as if beckoning you to follow. You shrug and push yourself up to your feet, it’s getting dark, and you certainly aren’t anywhere close to base camp. Following the sacred spirit seems like the best option for now, especially considering how you’ve lost your voice com and have no fucking idea where the hell you are.
“Well, here goes nothing.” You follow after the Atokirina as it playfully floats ahead of you, deeper into the forest, guiding you.
You’re not sure how long you walk, but the sky has completely darkened and Polyphemus shines high in the night sky. Sometime in the middle of your walk, you are surrounded by more woodsprites. A few rest on your head and arms, while the others bob around you encasing you in a gentle white halo. You wonder if Jake is fine, you haven’t seen any movement around you aside from yours and can only hope Grace and Norm are on their way to send help to the both of you. You’re now sure how long you’d be able to survive in the forest with just your utility knife as a weapon, currently strapped to your outer thigh. You thank your lucky stars for that bit of mercy.
The dispersion of the woodsprites snaps you out of your thoughts and gone with them is the gentle glow that acted as a torch for you to navigate through the uneven forest floor. You scramble around on the ground and stumble upon a piece of wood which you quickly turn into a makeshift torch by tying a ripped section of your tank top. The fire is easily lit, and you turn around to figure out the next course of action to be taken. With no navigation or communication to base, you can only hope to stay safe until daylight.
The chittering of unseen creatures makes the decision easy for you, holding the torch in one hand, you scamper towards a sturdy-looking tree. Scaling the tree comes surprisingly easy, the avatar body is much more muscular than you and you find yourself sitting on a higher branch in no time.
A movement on the ground alerts you to an unknown company, and you hurry to snuff out the fire lest you give yourself away. Blinking to adjust to the sudden darkness, golden eyes flit about the forest floor in search of answers. As if magic, the forest erupts in the majestic colours of blues, greens, and purples, the bioluminescence of the flora acting as natural lighting. A flash of shiny black brings the answer to your unspoken question quickly.
‘Viperwolves’, your mind supplies unhelpfully. A hyena/wolf-like carnivore, extremely adept at hunting prey in packs. You watch its head tilt as if listening to something, and before you know it, it disappears in a flash of black in the direction opposite to yours.
Letting out a breath, you collapse back onto the branch only to be poked in the back by something sharp. “Ow!”, hand on your back, you turn around to be met with an arrow pointing to your face.
Angry, golden eyes narrow at you before the strange Na’vi male barks something at you; you scooch back in fear and confusion only for your hand to meet with air. In a split second, your panicked eyes meet disbelieving ones before you're plunging towards the ground in what is sure to be a gruesome death.
The air is knocked out of you as you hit the floor with a thud. Groaning, you try to push yourself up but collapse again as your hands give out under the pain you feel. A grip lands on your arm, forcing you to your feet. Stumbling by the abruptness of the motion, you lift your head and meet the frowning face of the Na’vi male. His hair is shaved along the sides, almost like a mohawk but with braids. His jaw is set tight, brow furrowed as he glares at you.
“Pesu lu nga?!”, the Na’vi man snarls at you, his grip on your arm tightening.
“I don’t know what you’re saying. I- oe tsun't kame!”, you gasp out, pulling your arm back certainly isn’t the right move. Panic building, you rush to explain yourself. “I’ve lost my way. Th-there was a… a… Thanator, it chased my friend and me”, you pause to swallow, “We got split in the river. I just want to go back, please!”
The Na’vi glowers at you through your explanation, his eyes widening only when you reach the part about your encounter with the Thanator.
“You meet palulukan?”, he asks in English. You nod your confirmation; your eyes are blurry with unshed tears.
You watch as his eyes flit to somewhere above your head before with a yank, he pulls you with him.
“Sutx! sì lu fnu!”, he commands. Meekly you follow his order and stay quiet. It is only once you calm down, you realize that you’re surrounded by other Na’vi, both male and female. The Na’vi holding you captive leads you to a Direhorse; fishing what looks like a rope from a sack, he ties your hands together on one end while keeping the other end looped around his arm. He swiftly mounts the Direhorse, and with a violent yank, you stumble long behind him.
The rest of the party follow after you, whoops and cheers ringing out in the forest as you’re marched on feet to what you feel is a definite death sentence. 
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A sudden stop has you bumping into the back of the creature in front.
“Oìsss!”, an angry snarl rings out behind you moments before sharp pain shoots from the base of your head. “Ah!”, you whimper in pain as your braid is pulled with a sharp tug. You hear a hiss from the Mohawk Na’vi, as you so creatively named your captor, before the grip on your braid is loosened and the pain ebbs away into a dull throb.
You move to thank the Na’vi for helping but are stopped short as he takes out a bola, his eyes trained overhead. In a flash of blue, the bola goes flying and you see someone distinctly familiar drop down in front of you.
Jake jumps to his feet and is quick to pull out his knife. Gasping, you rush towards him but are pulled back by your bindings. The warriors following you are quick to surround Jake with their bows drawn, yowling at him. A second later, you see a Na’vi female jump down to stand in front of Jake.
“Mawey, Na'viya! Mawey!”, she speaks. The warrior pulling you dismounts from his steed and walks toward her. She turns around and you see them converse, though your broken Na’vi is hardly sufficient for you to understand everything, you get the gist of the conversation. You are to be led to the Tsahik, the spiritual leader of the People.
The warrior, Tsu’tey, turns toward you and that’s when you see Jake has finally taken notice of you.
“Y/N! You’re ok?”, the worry is clear in his voice as he rushes to you, his eyes flicking down to your tied up hands. You stay silent but nod your head, the relief you feel at seeing Jake is palpable. Soon after, Jake is tied up beside you, the same way you are.
“They’re taking us to their Hometree”, you whisper, “Are you hurt? You look dreadful”
“I’m fine”, motioning to the female with his head he continues, “She saved me.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re ok.”
Along the way, you and Jake fill each other on the happenings after you were dragged underwater. One thing is for sure, you were much lucky compared to him.
Much too soon you feel the party slow down from a trot to a walk. You are entering a massive tree, much bigger than any that you’ve seen in Pandora yet. Na’vi are standing on either side of the party, with a variety of expressions on their faces; curiosity, anger, fear, and rage. It is only when the female walks towards an ornately dressed much older-looking Na’vi male, clearly the Clan Leader, that your stomach erupts in butterflies, nervousness emanating in waves around you. Jake must feel your internal struggle because soon after you feel him pull you closer to himself as he subtly shifts to stand partially in front of you, his gaze hardened and trained on the approaching parties.
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Chapter Translations:
Pesu lu nga- Who are you?
Oe tsun't kame- I can't understand
Palulukan- Thanator; dry mouth bringer of fear
Sutx! sì lu fnu!- Follow! And be quiet!
Oìsss- Watch it!
Mawey, Na'viya! Mawey- Calm, people! Calm
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ao3statistics · 19 days
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This is self-made. Date: 05.09.2024
Alan Scott was the first Green Lantern before Hal Jordan btw.
OMC = Original Male Character
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Includes all fandoms connected to the name "Alan Scott.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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