#avengers writers do not get steve at all that is not my son
forcebookish · 1 year
so, after steve used all his resources and energy and strength while sacrificing friendships and safety to keep bucky in his life, when he finally gets him back again (after watching him die for a second time) he... leaves bucky behind to reunite with a married woman he kissed once, at the risk of destroying the timeline and absolutely de-existing her children? and then when he comes back, he just doesn't talk to this person who he protected and cared about so much for three movies straight?
uh huh.
that sounds like something he'd do.
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Writer Spotlight - KitCat992
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This week we're hearing from @kitcat992, the author of the Identity Saga of which Identity Theft won The All-Time Favorite Award in 2023
It's been months since the events of Civil War, and the Avengers are doing their best to remain a team, having promised to forgive and forget. Unfortunately for them, Tony Stark's latest invention has been stolen and recovering it causes tension to reappear. Meanwhile, in Queens, Peter Parker has two main priorities on his plate — complete his midterm finals, and track down a fishbowl wearing criminal that may or may not lead him right into the hands of the Avengers. Somehow between all of this, Spider-Man's identity is revealed to the Avengers, Steve and Tony's friendship may permanently be damaged due to continued hidden secrets, and Happy struggles to buy a youth-sized casket for Peter's funeral. Things were a lot easier when they were fighting over Bucky Barnes. (Or: The Avengers welcome Peter into their crazy superhero family and will do anything to protect him.)
How did you get into Irondad?
The MCU definitely did the trick for me! It was Infinity War specifically that actually drew me in. I’ve been a Spidey fan since I was a young girl, dating back into the late-late 90’s. So by the time Civil War came out, I was a jaded adult watching the film with a lot of feelings of disrespect when seeing Tony’s (at the time perceived) forced hand into Peter’s story. I’ve actually been open in talking about this before, because in hindsight it’s hilarious. I laugh quite often looking back on this. It was Homecoming that completely changed my perspective. It made me feel like there may be an opportunity for something new and totally fresh with Spider-Man, after seeing the same origin story told over and over and over again. Both on film and in the comics. Things got stale and boring, and the MCU gave light to something that could’ve been really original and new. I fell head-over-heels for a teenage Peter Parker, because as a huge Ultimate Spider-Man fan here, they already won me over with that one. And just like the Ultimate Comics, I loved the idea of Peter being guided into Superhero-ism by all those that came before him, while still branching out and doing his own thing. It ticked all my boxes. I was excited. With Infinity War, something just pulled me right in. Suddenly the idea of Tony having a hand in Peter Parker’s story was enthralling to me. As someone who has always gravitated towards pseudo father/son relationships in fandoms (along with a hearty aspect of team-as-a-family trope) I immediately consumed all tiny little bread crumbs we got in that movie. Retrospect gave me an even deeper love for Homecoming, having re-watched it with brand new eyes. And here we are today, where I’m still writing the two as if it were 2018. The MCU never panned out, unfortunately. It went in all the wrong directions and makes me wonder if we’re living in the “bad timeline”, as they say. But I still hold onto that “what could’ve been.” I hold onto it because I’ve never forgotten that first feeling of how special these two felt. How the concept, the idea, the what-could’ve-been — it all felt so original, so different, so unique. Everything with Superheroes had gotten stale and boring, repetitive and the same. This wasn’t that. We never saw it flesh out the way it should’ve been on film, but that feeling of uniqueness of what they could’ve been stays with me today, and it’s why I still enjoy writing them both as much as I do. Long story short, Irondad is every single box of mine ticked off.
☑ Spider-Man ☑ Iron man ☑ Pseudo father/son relationship ☑ Peter Parker as a teenager ☑ Peter Parker as a teenager AND growing into an adult guided by someone who came before him ☑ Basically the Ultimate Comics on film ☑ Tony Stark developing further as a character ☑ Tony Stark being a mentor and/or being emotionally attached to a pseudo son ☑ Tony Stark. Duh
 What’s your favorite Irondad scene?
“Pete, you gotta let go — I’m going to catch you.” When did you start writing and what made you sit down and write that first story?
I was 9 years old when I began writing. It was when fanfic.net had just popped into the realm of things, and fanfiction grabbed my interest far more than any of the fiction books at the library. It’s always ticked something for me, to read more about characters I’ve already become established with. And because of that, the first ever story I wrote was a fanfiction, specially for the 2002 Spider-Man movie. It was not good. But I’ve been writing ever since! Here and there and everywhere. Sprinkled throughout fandoms, always under a different alias, it seemed. KitCat has been my longest venture so far, and that’s entirely thanks to the Identity Saga. I’ve decided that if I ever take off for another alias from here, it’ll be on the published side of things. Not because I want to make any sort of money off writing (ha! It’s truly not a profitable source of income) but rather because I really friggin love telling stories. It’s fun. What do you like about writing most?
Seriously, it’s FUN. Being able to bring the scenes that are stuck in my head to life in written word? It’s a challenge, it’s a pain in the ass, it’s frustrating as hell, and it’s fun. I’ve been practicing writing since I was a kid, and while I’m absolutely no professional at it, I love that I’ve sharpened my skill set well enough that I can re-read my own work and feel as if I’m watching something happen in live-action. I’ve always been a person of heavy imagination, which in turn created a sort-of “cinematic” writing style. Because I’m far too poor to ever make a movie, writing is the next best thing to free all the stories that run rampant in my head. It’s fun, I really enjoy it. Which of your stories is your favorite and why?
It’s not a singular story, but I’m incredibly proud of the Identity Saga. What started as a far fetched dream to actually complete a lengthy series has somehow, beyond my understanding, become reality. I started with the intent of just completing the first installment, and only creating enough cliff-hanging plot threads that wouldn’t ruin the story if I weren’t able to execute the concept in its entirety. It’s taken years, and will take a handful more, but the finish line is up ahead and having that concept executed with so many people interested in its completion…well, I just think that’s real nifty. What’s your favorite trope to write?
Found family, and whump. And many times, found family AND whump. What inspired the story?
Comic books. Simple as that. I grew up on comic books, with many being a monthly subscription I’d get mailed to me — after much begging to my parents. I’ve always loved the tropey, corny, dramatic, fun, whimsical and fictional aspect of comic books, especially with superheroes. I’m sure there’s an answer behind that of which a therapist would love, but I simply allow myself to enjoy what I enjoy. :-P I had been in and out of the MCU fandom since the first Iron Man movie but dropped out when Civil War turned me off to the direction they had taken the characters — that being, the Avenger’s never actually being a team. I re-entered the fandom with Infinity War, because I had an intense false hope we’d seen an Avenger re-banding. You’re talking to someone who is all about the Avengers as a team, as friends, like the heyday of the cartoons. Anyhow, re-entering the fandom has immediately introduced me to Irondad, and sparked the flames from there. See: What got me into Irondad. As far as to what “inspired” the story, I really have no answer for that. I have a wild imagination, thanks to the aforementioned love of comic books. After seeing Infinity War, I had many daydreams that led into the concept of the Identity Saga. All I wanted to do was write this comic-booky, jambalaya of ideas story that made me happy. I wanted to see Irondad fleshed out in its entirety, I wanted to see Tony evolve into that Irondad-character the fandom saw potential for, and loved so much. I wanted to see Peter grow into Spider-Man, guided by his mentor and heroes he looked up to (seriously, Homecoming laid down groundwork for SO much and I’ll never see it any other way) I just wanted to see everything I’ve written so far, and everything I’ve yet to write, come to life. Words were the best way to do that. And to everyone who has drawn fan art for it along the way — you’ve made a girls dream come true. Can you tell us a little about the experience of writing it — did anything stand out or was there a particular person that helped more than others?
The experience of writing this story is a blur. It’s attached to momentum moments in my life that have gotten me where I am today. It’s literally a part of me in so many ways I can’t describe, and that’s weird. Ultimately though, I’m just proud of it. Sure, it’s faulty, sometimes clunky, definitely a show of work to the progress I’ve made in my writing. It has spelling errors that I’ve still ye to catch to this day. Paragraphs I’d like to re-word better, but still love for what it was. At the end of the day, it’s truly a display of the passion I’ve always had for these characters, and always will. How did you feel to be a winner of the Awards last year?
I’m very touched to be a winner, because to me that means many people have read and loved this story, and once again — I think that’s real nifty. The story is just my ideas and imagination put to words. How you read it, and how you perceive it…every person out there has their own vision of it, and I love knowing so many visions exist. It keeps Irondad alive.
Thank you so much for answering out questions, KitCat, and thank you for being a part of the 2023 Awards.
Nominations for the 2024 Awards will open July 1st so starting narrowing down your favorites.
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untilnextchapter · 9 months
Monthly Fanfictions Recommandation: September'23
Here are my best discoveries from the last weeks
🍬 The Authors
@kquil : a gentle author, writing about the Marauders, her writing will bring you peace and the writings are so soft. I love seeing her theme on my computer and seeing her icon on my dash is always a sign that I will read something good.
@luveline : you don't know if you want to read an Aaron Hotchner story or a good Marauder one? You don't need to change to another page, here is the wonderful Jade. She's so talented and you won't be disappointed if you want to check her work.
@thatfanficstuff : when I discovered this blog, I didn't know where I should go first. So many fandoms I love, so many characters, so many stories... So many comfort shows and so, comforting times after work. And sometimes, it's all I need. A gentle person writing some sweet stories.
@luci-in-trenchcoats : I read a few stories a few months ago but, I recently re-discovered this amazing author. With her works, I was back into Supernatural. So many hours spent at reading about our favourite hunters, so many series. And the best of the best: the writing skills are so great and it's so easy to read... Waow, just waow.
@imagineteamfreewill : Fluffy Supernatural fics and a lot of good AUs, all I need after a hard day at work. Meg is an excellent writer and you will spend a good time, I promise. I haven't read everything yet but, I know I have a few a good escapes in perspective. Don't hesitate , you will enjoy your time reading, I hope as much as I'm doing.
@anika-ann : I'm in my Marvel phase, I'm weak, I know. And, I think I found someone that could quench my thirst with so many good stories and good writing skills. I could spend hours reading about Steve Rogers. And I know I've found an unique writer because I loved a crossover story. I usually hate that. But here I am, reading a Criminal Minds / Avengers story and loving it. Thank you for that.
@crazyunsexycool : Another "Val", it can only be someone nice, right? But really, a sweetheart, someone with so much imagination, and a way to write about children... And I know what I'm talking about, I'm working in a nursery. It's so great to read something accurate when it's a subject you know. And except for the children, she's always here to answer your questions, being nice and taking time for her followers. I hadn't asked to be add into a taglist for a story for a long time. You won't be disappointed if you want to make a stop here.
🍭 The Stories
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || 🦋 = Series || Beware of the TW please
Not so secret admirer || @kquil (Remus Lupin x Reader, you can't hide your adoration for remus lupin and often end up staring at him, good thing he thinks you're really cute)
A star between hands 🦋 || @luveline (James Potter x Reader, finding out you’re princess isn’t half as intimidating as your new bodyguard, James. mutual pining, fluff)
if things go bad || @/luveline (Aaron Hotchner x Reader, Hotch rushes to get to you when you call him during a home invasion. angst, hurt/comfort)
True Mate 🦋 || @thatfanficstuff (Peter Hale x Reader)
Remember me || @/thatfanficstuff (Thranduil x Reader)
I Know Your Brother || @luci-in-trenchcoats (Sam Winchester x Reader, The reader is pulled out of Hell accidentally by Sam Winchester who’s wondering where his brother is…)
A Safe Mistake 🦋 || @/luci-in-trenchcoats (Nanny!Dean x Single Parent!reader, Dean’s in need of some extra cash to help Sam pay for his tuition and gets a job working as a nanny for the reader’s young son. As Dean becomes ingrained in the reader’s life though, he soon becomes more than just the nanny to them both…)
Beauty and the Beast 🦋 || @imagineteamfreewill (Dean Winchester x Reader AU, Living in a village is nice, and even though you’d always longed for adventure, you weren’t expecting to go on an adventure of your own anytime soon. But as soon as you take your father’s place as the prisoner of a Beast who lives in an enchanted castle, you’re surprised that adventure isn’t all it’s cracked up to be—and neither are monsters)
Daisy || @/imagineteamfreewill (Sam Winchester x Deaf!Daughter!Reader, Sam breaks some bad news to his daughter, who’s deaf, and watches her start to grow up without her mother)
Love on the Brain 🦋 || @anika-ann (Steve Rogers x Reader / Crossover MCU-Criminal Minds, You found menacing pictures of you friend, colleague and neighbour Steve in your mailbox.   Someone might play it off as a bad joke, but you were an agent for the Avengers Initiative and a former FBI agent. You’ve seen cases like this and you were taking no chances. Not with Steve of all people. But you were going to need help; enter the BAU)
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold 🦋 || @/anika-ann (Steve Rogers x Reader, Matt Murdock x Reader, You officially joined the Avengers only two months ago and you’re about to take off to yet another mission. Cap would like to have some extra help on this one – but the Avengers have approached the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen before and he made it pretty clear how he felt about it. Of course, this time it’s you who got stuck with trying to convince him once again. “I still don’t understand why it’s not you coming, oh Star Spangled Man with a Plan.” “I do have a plan. I have you.”)
Heart’s Munition 🦋 || @crazyunsexycool (Mob boss!Steve Rogers x Maid!Reader. I can't copy and paste all the resume but I swear, you'll love it. A bit of surprise but it's worth the world)
My little love * 🦋 || @/crazyunsexycool (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader. Really long resume but in short, Bucky, Reader, children, Papa and Mama bears, great scenario, you'll love it I promise!)
That's all, for now.
Don't hesitate to share the stories you liked and tell the writers you enjoy their works, it always means a lot to them ❤️
Have a good reading,
Val 🌸
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You wanted some ideas for stories.
1. Two are from two different dimensions. Land in a mysterious third one, and the both of them have no idea how to handle it.
2. A woman in her 50s ends up finding out that she's actually a dragon and she literally has to up root her whole family including her very much adult children to go live with dragons.
3. Poor vampires working dead end jobs.
Idk if any of these will help. But sometimes I take two genres that might not go together and see what happens or I try to write something under 1k words. I hope you get rid of writers block soon.
Wow, this is really challenging. To anon who gave me this writing idea. Thank you !!!
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1. Different Dimensions
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Character: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Y/N woke up in a mysterious land. Did she just sleepwalking? She only took a nap after taking care of the farm. Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of her.
Age: 25 Years Old.
Occupation: Farmer
Skills: Irrigation, Soil Management, etc.
What the heck is this? Did her brother put a VR headset on her head?
She touched her head, but there was nothing.
Y/N read this kind of novel when she had free time to read, and now she got sucked into this book, or she got transported to another universe?
Suddenly, the screen appeared again.
Task 1 for player Y/N
Plant corn and potato.
[Equipment: shovel]
[Finish this will get 100 exp]
Damn to this world. She wants to go home. At least there's a cabin near her. Inside, there's a bed, fireplace, and kitchen. She has a place to stay. Y/N rolled her shirt. "Well, it's time for me to work." She planted the vegetable like the screen told her and saw her EXP bar fill.
On the third day, she saw a portal open. A screaming voice, "Ahhh."
A person appears. He wore a blue suit. It looks like an armor. And he holds a shield with a star on it.
Wow, he came here more prepared than her.
He looked around and saw her.
"Ma'am. May I know where this is?"
Y/N shrugged her shoulder. "I want to know too. I found myself here when I woke up from my nap."
He was taken aback by her answers.
He murmured, "Damn you, Strange. You sent me to an unknown location again."
"My name is Captain Steve Roger from The Avengers and the supervisor of SHIELD. May I know your name?"
Never heard of that institution. Perhaps a secret organization.
"Y/N L/N, just a farmer." She raised the shovel in her hand.
Suddenly, they saw a light coming from beside the cabin.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "What is this time?" She went to the source of light, and Steve followed her lead.
There, they saw a plant coming out from the soil. Oh, it's a flower.
"What the fuck?" Steve cursed because a transparent screen suddenly appeared in front of him.
Class S Task.
Protect the flower for 100 days from sickness and monsters.
[This flower's main ingredient for eternal life.]
Protect it for 100 days, then both players could return to their own world.
'Go home.'
That's the two words Y/N and Steve like to hear. 'Growl.' A growled voice was heard near the tree. Y/N as a farmer, Y/N could find out what the creature is, and Steve, too, since he used to live in the forest because of World War II.
Y/n lifts her shovel and looks at Steve who raises his shield "Well Captain Steve. We need to work together so we could go home."
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2. Dragon Birthday
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Character: Female Reader
"I'm exhausted..." Today's work from your boss drained all your energy.
But she needs the extra money for life expenses and her son's college tuition. Since her messy divorce, her husband doesn't really care about them.
So she needs to do it alone. Before, she always went home after work, but now she's going to visit her mother's grave.
Before Y/N's mother died of old age, her mother told her to visit her grave on Y/N's 50th birthday.
Today is her 50th birthday, so she visits her mother's grave.
Deep down, she hoped her mother had a gift for her, like money? She really needs that right now.
Y/n put down the flower to her mother's tomb. "Mom, just like you said you want me to visit you on jy 50th birthday. Im alone, I didn't bring your grandson, and your son in law well... we separated."
Her husband choose work than his family. He didn't even say anything after signing the divorce paper and left for Egypt.
Y/N sighed. Sometime she wish that she could be awesome like her mother. But she's nothing like her mother.
Suddenly, the temperature at the graveyard turned cold. It's impossible when it's still summer.
"Who dare for disrespecting with my descendants???" A loud voice echoes in her ears.
What?? A dragon? Are you hallucinating because because you got overworked?
"Y/N L/N, one my of descendants."
Wow, the dragon really talks towards her.
"My descendants will get their power when they reach age of 50."
"What will I get if I accepted the power?" If she didn't get any gold today, at least she got a superpower.
"Strength, wisdom, and giving order."
She raised her eyebrows.
"I'll give you this power for 3 days. If you like it, come back here again. If you don't like it, just ignore it.
The next day, she tested the power. Y/N doesn't know how effective the power is. Her boss, who always gives a ridiculous task, she finally talks back, "You do it."
Her boss didn't say anything and did the job. When she called her ex-husband to pick up his stuff, he did. Even though he was in a different country when she called him, the next day, he was at the house carrying a moving box. Her ex is an archeologist, and his stuff removes all her space.
Y/N never thought this power could be helpful. So, on the 3rd day, she saw the dragon again. With this power, she loves the feeling of being confident.
"I'll accept the power."
"Excellent. If you want to make the power last longer you need to find other follower."
"There's more?"
"Where can I find them?"
Suddenly there's a stone appears on her hand.
"If you getting closer to the descendant the stone will glow. I gave you my blessing."
This means Y/N will go on an adventure; she could feel her blood boiling. It's time for her to be selfish; all this time, she always gives in and has low esteem. She never thought the gift when she reached 50 could be this good.
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3. Poor Vampire
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Character: Bucky Barnes x platonic!reader "Uh, Excuse me..James." A nervous blue collar holding a document towards his co-worker. "Yes?" "The deadline for this already passed but could you do this?" "Fine." The co-worker accepts the file without looking at the other person. "Fiuh, I thought he's going to kill me." "Ah yeah, our gatekeeper accountant. He always been like that but he does his job really well. I think he sleep at the office." "I never see him go home after 5 p.m." "Ouch, Y/N." Both employees touched their heads because someone hit them with a document.
"That's because he's fixing all the mistakes you guys made."
Y/N returned to her seat; she has worked in this company for 6 months. She notices one particular co-worker, James Buchanan Barnes. He's the most hardworking employee in this company and always works overtime. Y/N felt bad about him because others were taking advantage of him. Y/n wishes James could say no when people shove their work on him. She has seen bullying in the office multiple times. "Ehem, Y/N?" Speaking of him, James suddenly called her, she answered "Yes?" James talks without lifting his head from his monitor. "I've sent the file to your e-mail. Could you check it?" "Give me a minute." "Take your time." James, or his nickname Bucky, is blushing. He doesn't know if he wants to laugh or cry. The truth is that Bucky is a vampire, and he has a superpower: reading someone's mind. He could read everyone's thoughts, including Y/N. In this office, only she felt sorry for him and never asked him to do her job. But he wants to tell the truth to Y/N that he works overtime because of the extra money. He's poor as f**k. Vampire is a nocturnal being, so he doesn't need sleep. The reason why Bucky went bankrupt is because he trusted the wrong person. His butler, or the perfect word to describe it, is a thief. Bucky, a former butler, stole his money when he went to sleep for 30 years. When Bucky woke up, he owned nothing. Bucky's only goal is to save money and get revenge on his former butler, who stole his fortune.
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lifespectator · 2 years
Family Halloween
Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
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Summary: A Halloween special I did. I hope you guys enjoy it!
A/N: Thanks to my awesome friend @ironboybooks for giving me this idea. Make sure to check out 'ironboybooks' on Wattpad. He's a great writer and some of the best x Male Reader books.
3rd POV
After a long mission, Y/n finally arrived at the front of his home. It was the same ordeal. Some terrorist group tried to get hold of powerful weapons and The Avengers had to be there to stop them.
He had to admit Sam, as team leader, made the missions quite enjoyable.
Y/n started walking to the front door of his home while on the phone with Sam.
"Another successful mission, Cap" Y/n said, making his friend laugh. "I'm still not used to that name." Sam responded.
"You should. You earned it." It was true. If anyone deserved Steve's mantle, it was Sam.
"I'll try, brother. In the meantime, Uncle Sam has to take his two zombie nephews out for candy before they eat him." Both men laughed as they said their farewells. Y/n hasn't entirely connected the dots of what is special about today's date.
Once Y/n opened the door. He made sure to be as silent as possible. He didn't want to wake up his wife and kids. That was until he heard some noises in the kitchen.
Unbeknownst to him, Wanda was helping their sons, Tommy and Billy, with their costumes. Wanda was going to take them trick or treating.
As Y/n entered the kitchen, both kids got out of Wanda's grasp and ran up to him.
"I'm glad you're back!" Billy said. Y/n just laughed and hugged them both tightly. "Is their no kiss for your wife?" Wanda asked in fake sad tone while pouting.
Y/n just chuckled as he made his way to Wanda. "I was saving the best one for you." He leaned down and gave her a tenderly kiss. "I missed you." Wanda said.
"I also missed you." Y/n said as he noticed how his Wife was dressed. "What's the special ocassion?" He asked, genuinely confused.
"Mom is going to take us out for candy! Tommy exclaimed. Y/n was still confused. "Today is Halloween, silly." Wanda said.
Y/n finally understood why Sam mentioned zombies and why the boys wore costumes at night. He had completely forgot today was the 31st.
"And what are you supposed to be?" Y/n eyed up Wanda. "I'm a vampire!" Wanda responded while doing a quick spin. 'A hot one.' Y/n thought.pp
"You should come with us dad." Billy said. "Yeah, that would be cool." Tommy supported the idea.
"I'd love to, but what would I wear?" Y/n asked. After taking off the combat suit he wore on the field, he just put on some jeans and a hoodie.
"Don't worry baby." Wanda continued. "I can fix that."
"Where did you get this cape?" Y/n asked. Wanda only smiled. "I bought it this morning while you were away. I wanted all us to have matching costumes." Wanda answered his question.
"I had lost hope that you would make it on time." Wanda said. Y/n only sighed. He's been thinking for some time now of leaving the team to focus full-time om his family.
Wanda put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it. It was her way of telling him to take his time before making a decision
"Mom, dad. Can Tommy and I go to the other houses?" Billly asked. "Yeah, you're taking forever." Tommy said.
Y/n only laughed. "Sure, just don't go too far." Wanda said. Y/n felt his heart warm seeing how a great mother Wanda is. He also get's to call her 'mommy'.
"Well, at least we have some alone time." Y/n told Wanda to which she giggled. "We can have some when we arrive home." Wanda responded with a wink.
"How was the mission?" Wanda asked. "It was ok. A granade exploded right before me, but I'm fine." Wanda got worried and eyed up Y/n to find any visible wounds. "I'm joking." Y/n said, and Wanda smacked his arm. "Ow." Y/n playfully whined. "Don't scare me like that." Y/n just giggled.
"Is this going to be your new look?" Y/n pointed out Wanda's short white hair. "No, only for today." She responded. "Is it a wig?" Y/n got confused when Wanda shook her head. "Magic Remember?"
"Magic or no magic, you're still special to me." Y/n said as he carresed Wanda's cheek.
"Hey love birds." A unknown voice said. Y/n and Wanda quickly looked to where the voice came from. "Let's make this quick. Hand me over whatever you guys have on you." The guy pulled out a knife.
Y/n quickly got into a fighting stance, analyzing the best way to take the guy down. Before he can do anything, the guy just fainted.
When Y/n tried to figure out what just had happened, he looked to his left to see his wife smirking and the noticible chaos magic on her right hand. A smirk also plastered across his face.
"What would I do without you?" Y/n asked. "Their are many answer to that question but I'm the one who is supposed to get you tired tonight." Wanda said biting her lip at the end.
"Let's go get the boys. It's late already." Y/n said, pulling Wanda's hand.
The family had finally made it back home. The kids had collected a lot of candy which they were eager to eat.
"Today was fun!" Tommy exclaimed, jumping up and down. "I'm really glad that we went as a family." Billy said.
Y/n watched the whole scene and was happy. He was planning to find a way to spend more time with his family.
"Alright, boys, go clean up and change into your pajamas." Wanda informed. "Oh, and no candy until tomorrow." Wanda said as the kid's booed and turned to their father to see if he would intervene. "You heard the queen." Was all he said as the boys went upstairs.
"How long do you plan on having the white hair?" Y/n asked. "I can't take it off now if you like." Wanda responded as she lifted her hand.
"Don't." Y/n said. "Maybe we can, um, roleplay?" Y/n suggested shyly, making Wanda laugh.
"Have it your way Mr. L/n." Wanda said in a seductive tone.
"Let's take it to our room Mrs. L/n." Y/n picked up his wife bridal style and started walking upstairs to their bedroom.
The boys already enjoyed halloween. Now it's their time to enjoy it.
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the-red-butterfly · 2 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bad-at-names-and-faces and @i-did-not-mean-to
Thanks guys!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I have 96 works in Ao3 BUT I have 104 on Fanfiction (yes, I still post there don't judge me.) I think there are just like 3 works that I have on Ao3 that I didn't pu up on FanFiction.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 411,089 (Not too bad, not too bad)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily I write for Tolkien works, Star Wars and Batman (bat fam to be more specific). But I'm very much a, write one for each thing I love kinda gall. Honorary mentions include Sandman, Frozen, Twilight Avengers, Merlin and Teen Titans.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lonely Stars Drifting In The Black (Star Wars) (so not surprised XD)
Kudos: 2,276
The Unexpected Pop Of Things (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 1,265
This Isn't What It Looks Like (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 762
Death of a Star (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 760
Alone Never More (Batman comics) (you are just an okay story, why are you here? 😭)
Kudos: 729
(I'm kinda surprised and offended that I didn't put Lucifer on the honorary mentions and it still took places 2, 3 AND 4 👁)
5. Do you respond to comments? Oh yes (though I might take a couple of months if I some slip my mind). Almost all of them. I tend to not answer back to emojis because I'm like... I don't know what to answer?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? This was kind of a hard question and it took me way too long to answer, so here, have the three runner ups.
A Crime Of Passion (Twilight: New Moon)
Ends with: Carlisle being forced to drink blood and being unable to deal with it.
At The End Of The Earth (Hellboy del Toro movies)
Ends with: John Myers being mauled by wolves and his last thoughts being of how alone he feels and of dying alone.
She's not a very good mother (Batman comics)
Ends with: Janet Drake dying as she chokes on poison and regrets she wont be able to do better by her son. She always thought she'd have more time.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Unlike the last one, this one was so easy to pick because, yeah... I'm an angsty girly for sure so the pool for REALLY happy endings was SMALL.
Drizzle Bt The Sea (Teen Titans cartoon)
It's quite short and all around just happy in vibes. Just Robin and Jericho playing by the sea under the rain.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I don't remember that I ever have? Thought I thought a couple might get hate, they didn't.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I tired it ONCE. And you know what happened? The sex was interrupted by trauma and they characters had to top to talk about the whole thing.
There is also that other one time but we're not going to talk about it.
But all in all I'm much more interested in exploring gen stories ✨
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I LOVE crossovers. I don't have many, but I am plagued mentally by them. I have 3 posted (only one on Ao3). And I'm not sure which one's craisiest. But the 2 on FF are both Rise of the Guardians crossovers, one with Avengers and the other with LES MISÉRABLES. What was younger me smoking? I would really like to know.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware 👁
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I think someone might've asked one or two times? But I honestly don't remember, if it ever happened, it was ages ago.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh yes! It's always so fun to me. I've done it a couple of times with @slightly-crimson-tornado and I'm currently working on one with @pushing-daisies-renaissance ✨
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Steve Trevor x Diana Prince I think. Close runner up is definitely Satine Kryze x Obi-wan Kenobi. And I'm VERY fond of Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a stupid amount of wips so I'll just go by posted ones. I have this story idea that I REALLY Like but I came up with it ages ago, and though i still like the idea I'm doubtful that I'll ever give it the time it deserves to go back to ):
Because the truth was too terrible (Avengers)
It's a story about Natasha being trapped inside her mind and Thor getting in to wake her up. I'm still pretty fond of the general gist of it. But it's OLD now.
16. What are your writing strengths? Aaaaaahhh. Trauma management? Like, they way people go about it and navigate it; how they talk about it with others? At least I THINK that's my strength. People keep complimenting those things XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am too flowery with wording and I get sick of myself. It's out of control and I sometimes can't help it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I love it. If I can't get help I'll just wing a google translate, or god forbid do some research on structure. I'm BAD at it, but I love it and use it frequently.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Inazuma Eleven (anime) hehe. Love of my youth, protect me.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love this this Twilight one-shot I wrote some years ago. It made me suffer a lot (for reasons you can find in the author's notes) but the idea has always had a tight grip on me. I really like it (and hope to got I can get the sequel out one day).
A Crime Of Passion (Twilight: New Moon)
BUT two honorable mentions. One, my Star Wars series where Obi-wan get's rescued from Death Watch by Jango Fett. And Two, my VERY self indulgent crossover between Avengers x Merlin, I love the story and I'm really super fond of what I've gotten down so far.
Celestial Bodies Of The Lonesome Variety (LSD) (Star Wars)
Of The Old Things Hidden In The World (Merlin x Avengers crossover)
Ya know, just in case you feel like it, tagging @slightly-crimson-tornado , @cilil , @dottie-wan-kenobi , @fishing4stars , @arlenianchronicles , @scary-grace
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Tony’s Birthday (Tony Stark x Reader)
God, the writers block on this one was real, my dudes. I couldn’t come up with anything, and then I finally had a breakthrough and no time to write. And then I wrote like 2k words in a night. So, my brain works in fantastic ways. Now that it’s finally written, please enjoy this shameless sex with plot with Tony Stark.
Warnings: There is smut in this, and I think I’m like legally obligated to warn minors about that. Remember that you choose the content you consume. There’s swearing, I’m sure. I don’t normally get through a paragraph without one. Mentions of lingerie, dresses, alcohol, and hangovers. Tony Stark, always comes with his own warning.
Word Count: 6149
Summary: After weeks of not knowing what to get Tony for his birthday, you finally come up with an idea. Spoiler alert, he loves it.
Tomorrow is your husband, Tony Stark’s, birthday. And you have no idea what to get him. He’s throwing himself a big party, or rather you and Pepper are, and you’re just having Tony foot the bill while you two plan. But what do you get a billionaire for his birthday? He has everything he could ever wish for, as he’s told you multiple times. But seriously, he doesn’t even have something on his Amazon wish list, especially since he bought Amazon a couple years back.
So that, again, begs the question. What do you get Tony; genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist that he is; for his birthday?
Well, what about you? You’ve been married a while, you’ve obviously had sex. But what if you went out and got yourself a new set of lingerie? Give Tony a surprise for his birthday, and maybe put a bow on top. Tony would love that. You thought, grabbing your purse and leaving.
At the store, you looked through many different sets, even finding ones modeled after all of the Avengers. Sets after Sam and Thor here, you and Natasha there, Bucky and Steve, Clint, even Loki! Or was that Bruce? Nope, Loki, his name was written across the ass of the panties. Oh, but there was the set modeled after Bruce, more coverage, that made sense. Oh, and there was one for each of the twins too, wow. Tony would get so jealous he’d just rip it right off of me and- nope, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves in the middle of the store. Before moving, you saw a set for Peter too and decided not to grab it since Tony might literally kill you. That’s my son, you thought, moving it to the side. Not only has Peter become a son to Tony, he called me Mom by accident last week. You did pick up one of each of the rest though, just thinking about what Tony would do to you seeing you in them lighting a fire within you.
And then you saw the set you were looking for. Red adorned with gold, sheer lace cups with gold accents and crotchless red panties with IRON MAN written on the back in gold. He won’t even have to take it off to fuck me. He might buy this entire store just so he can- your train of thought was cut off by your phone ringing. Tony, of course.
“Hey Tone.” You said, picking up and adding the set to your basket.
“Hello, my beautiful wife.” He replied. “I was looking for you, where are you?”
“I’m just picking up some last minute things for the party tomorrow. Why, do you need me?” You asked, walking over to an open register and placing your basket down.
You could hear the smirk before he even started talking. “You’re late for our weekly lab meeting.” Of course. He means your weekly fucking in the lab while Bruce takes a convienently long lunch break after walking in on the two of you going at it 4 weeks in a row.
“I’m almost done here, and I’m not that far, I’ll be home soon.” You said, hanging up quickly.
The cashier looked at you star-struck and you were confused for a moment before you remembered that you too were an Avenger and you were married to Iron Man. “Can I have your autograph?” She asked softly, holding out a notebook filled with the signatures of the other Avengers.
“Of course, hun.” You said, taking the pen from her and signing in the last available spot. Which ironically, was next to Tony’s. That wasn’t hard, though. The man you chose to marry had a gigantic signature. “You need anybody else’s?” You asked softly.
“No thank you. You’re the last one. Do you need a bag?”
You nodded, internally facepalming at not having brought one. “Yes please. Do you need anything else or just for me to pay?”
“I can’t think of anything ma’am. Did you need anything?”
“Why don’t you and everyone that works here come to Tony’s birthday party tomorrow? Since I’m the last one to sign your little book, I assume everybody else comes in here pretty regularly.”
“Yes ma’am, they do.” She said, handing you the bag. “Mr. Stark is here about every other month.” Well that lines up with when I get surprises. You thought, smiling. “Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes always come in together, and they got quite the laugh out of the Avenger’s line of sets last time they were here. Mr. Wilson has come with them a few times, but he normally likes to come by himself. Thor and Loki have come in together more than once, but Thor really prefers to look.” You laughed at that. “Mr. Barton usually comes in alone, as do Ms. Romanoff and Dr. Banner. And the Maximoff twins have come in together before, but they usually prefer separately. It was funny the day one of them was in here and the other came in and saw them.” She told you. 
“Has Peter Parker ever been in here?” You asked, seemingly innocent.
She looked sheepish, “Just once, ma’am, and I guess he must’ve used Mr. Stark’s card since after buying his one item, he got a very angry phone call which sounded like it had something to do with safe sex and why Mr. Parker was spending Mr. Stark’s money at a lingerie shop.”
“Oh, Tony.” You sighed, turning towards the door with your bag. Before you left, you turned back. “Thank you. But I never caught your name, hun.”
“Oh, I’m Rachel Green.” She said, “Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Stark. Your husband is one of our best customers.”
You nodded, sighing again. “Yeah, I’d believe it. Thank you, Rachel. And don’t forget to come to the party tomorrow.”
“I won’t. Have a great day!”
“You too!” You told her, finally pushing the door open and walking quickly back to Stark Tower so you could hide your shopping from Tony before having your lab “meeting”.
The next day, after a day of Avenging Paperwork (aka, filling in mission reports from the last month and filing them since you were the only one Tony let into the records room, digital or otherwise), you went up to the penthouse that you shared with Tony to find a bright red dress laying on the bed, with gold jewelry laying on your vanity.
“Mr. Stark has requested that you wear this tonight for him, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said. You’d been through so much with Tony and JARVIS that him speaking out of quite literally nowhere didn’t even scare you anymore.
“Why am I not even surprised, J? How long has he been picking outfits out for me now, 5 years?”
The AI spoke again, “Ever since your first party as his date, Mrs. Stark, 8 years ago now.”
“God, has it really been that long?” You asked yourself, stripping down and pulling out the Iron Man lingerie. “We’re getting old.”
“At least he let you pick your wedding dress.” JARVIS said, with a hint of humor in his robotic voice.
You laughed out loud while slipping on the dress, noting that it hugged you perfectly, had a much deeper neckline than you anticipated, and a very long slit up your right side up to your hip. “Very true J. And even though he told me that there was no limit, I still didn’t want to go too overboard.”
“He found it funny that he gave you unlimited money and you picked what was essentially the cheapest dress in the store.”
“That sounds like my husband’s sense of humour.” You said, sighing softly as you clasped the necklace behind your neck. When it came to the bracelet, however, you couldn’t get it on. When it was clasped, you couldn’t slip it on around your hand, but unclasped, you couldn’t shut it around your wrist. “Ah, fuck, Tony should know better by now to get me bracelets. I can’t ever get them on by myself.” You slipped on the extra rings Tony had left for you, knowing that you liked to wear lots of them, and put in the dangly earrings that were mini Iron Man suits.
As you were finishing up your makeup, Jarvis spoke again. “Mrs. Stark, would you like me to call someone for you to help you zip up your dress and clasp the bracelet?”
“Would you call Natasha for me, J?” You asked, starting on your hair, since the rest of your outfit was finished and ready for the party.
A moment later, there was a knock on your bedroom door. “Y/N? Are you okay? JARVIS said you needed my help.”
You opened the door. “J, you gotta stop worrying people. I’m fine, Nat. Zipper and bracelet.” You pulled her in and shut the door behind the both of you.
“My dearest apologies, Mrs. Stark. You know I never mean to worry anyone when their assistance is needed.” JARVIS told you both softly, trying to match the volume you both were speaking at, something Tony had thankfully programmed in him a long time ago.
“Okay, turn around, Y/N.” Nat told you, slowly taking in the new dress Tony had bought for you. You did, and she zipped you up. “This dress is lovely. One of Tony’s best choices in a while.”
“I’m sure he thinks it’s his birthday present, getting to spend money on me again.” You said, chuckling as you fidgeted nervously with your rings.
Natasha noticed your change in demeanour immediately. “Why are you nervous? You’re never nervous for one of Tony’s parties.” She said, clasping the bracelet around your non-dominant wrist.
“I just bought Tony’s present yesterday on a whim, and now I’m not as sure if he’ll like it.”
“What did you buy him? Can I see?”
“Um, well.. kind of.. not really.”
“Can you tell me what it is or where you got it from?”
“You know that cute little shop on 43rd that has the clerk with the notepad of Avengers’ signatures?” You asked, not making eye contact with her.
Natasha gasped softly. “You got yourself a new pair of lingerie for Tony’s birthday! Which set? Which set?” She went from shocked to excited in the blink of an eye.
“I mean, there’s that new Avengers line, y’know?” You continued nervously.
“You got the Iron Man ones?” She asked bluntly.
“I got all of them except the Spiderman ones. But I’m currently wearing the Iron Man ones.” Natasha raised an eyebrow. “Bruce isn’t the only one with a raging green monster.” You said, looking at her to gauge her reaction.
She smirked, nodding her head in agreement with your plan. “So not tonight, but at some point, you’re gonna have crazy jealous sex with Tony when he discovers you bought every set from the Avengers line except Spiderman?”
“He’s like a kid to both of us!” You started to defend yourself. “But yeah. Yup. That’s the plan.”
“He’s gonna fuck the shit out of you.” She said, laughing.
You laughed along with her, knowing from your girls nights how much the both of you enjoy having your brains fucked out of you. “And that’s exactly what we want. You ready to go?”
“I am ready if you’re ready, Mrs. Stark.” Natasha said, offering you her arm to walk down the stairs in the stilettos Tony had picked out for you, despite knowing you couldn’t walk in them. You assumed that he did it on purpose at this point, so you’d have to stay near the Avengers the whole night as a form of using him (or one of the other Avengers) for balance.
“My husband is an asshole for doing this to me with every new pair of shoes he picks out for me.” You said, stumbling down the hall even while Nat was holding you up. “And every year for his birthday, he gets me a new sparkly red dress with gold accents. The entire world knows that I belong to him, does he really need to have me in his colours?”
“You’re currently wearing his colours under the dress, on purpose, with his name across the ass of the crotchless panties.” You went to make a smart remark about how would she know when she answered the question you hadn’t yet asked. “You weren’t the only one that’s checked out the new line, hun.”
“Fair enough.” You said, just as the elevator doors opened for the both of you into the party.
Nat wrapped her arm around your waist and led you over to Tony. “Stark, I know you love Y/N, but why do you give her shoes she can’t even walk in every time that you pick them out?” She said, picking you up and placing you on the barstool in between Steve and Bucky but next to Tony.
“I like her staying over here instead of talking to the rich assholes in the room.” He said, passing you your drink of choice.
“I’m married to the richest asshole of them all.” You said, sipping at it. “And if they’re such big assholes, why do you invite them to every party you throw?”
“Because us rich assholes have to stick together, sweetheart. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”
You grabbed his wrist. “I will not, birthday boy. I wasn’t done with you yet.”
“Ooh, are we starting the gifts early?” He asked, rubbing his hands together childishly.
“You’re not getting your present from me if you get yourself drunk tonight, Tone. I love you, but you’re gonna wanna remember this present.”
Tony gave you a kiss on the forehead. “I won’t touch another drop of alcohol, sweetness. If you say that I’m going to remember this, I’m going to memorize every single detail of whatever your surprise may be.” He told you, before squeezing your hand and walking away quickly.
“Loki?” You asked, leaning to see him better.
“Hold on, brother, it’s not quite late enough to be as drunk as you are. Just wait a little, and then you can have it back.” He said, pulling Thor’s flask out of his hand. “Yes, Y/N?” He asked, turning to you. 
You pulled the flask from Loki’s hand and passed it to Steve. “Don’t drink that too fast, super soldiers.” You told them before turning back to Loki. “You know a sobering spell, right?”
“I do. I should hope that I won’t need to use it tonight, but I have a sobering spell should you need it for your husband.”
“Thank you, Loki.” You said, striking up more conversations with the Avengers, even though you had seen them not even two hours ago.
Five hours later, since Tony’s parties always ran late into the night, all of the guests had left, and it was just the Avengers back upstairs in the living room of the penthouse.
“Okay, present time?” Tony said, hopefully. 
“Hasn’t gracing you with our presence all night been enough?” Loki asked sarcastically. “Besides, what do you get the man who can buy himself whatever he wants?”
“Yeah Tony, you don’t even have an Amazon wishlist.” Clint said, spinning a drumstick.
Rhodey passed him a box. “You just have to get him something from the heart.” 
“You’re just saying that because you’ve known him since his drunk MIT days.” Bucky said, also sliding a box in Tony’s direction. 
“Oh, honey bear!” Tony exclaimed. “An AC/DC mixtape!” (“What is this, the 90’s?” was said by Peter in the background) “And their newest album!” (“They’re still releasing music?” Peter continued, more than a little drunk.”)
You stood up, “Okay, Pete. Time for bed, buddy. I’ll call May and let her know you’ll be home in the morning after breakfast.” You told him, taking him down to the room you and Tony had specifically set up for Peter for when you couldn’t pry the two of them from the lab with a Hulk. Trust me, you tried. 
Since you had taken off your stilettos hours ago, preferring to just wander around barefoot since you couldn’t sneak another pair of shoes in, it was only Peter who was stumbling down the hall, clinging onto you. When you got to his room, you realized that the only clothes in the drawers were from when this was your room, before you and Tony got together.
“Peter?” You asked softly.
He rolled his head towards you, slurring his words slightly. “Yeah, Mom?”
You smiled, looking fondly at the drunk boy you had come to see as your son. “We’ve gotta get you out of your fancy clothes, but the only clothes in here are mine. Is it okay if I go get you one of Tony’s shirts and a pair of sweatpants?”
“Of course!” He said excitedly. “I might never bring clothes to keep at the Tower if I get to wear Dad’s!” 
You chuckled softly, knowing that was exactly why he didn’t have any here yet. You’d make sure you picked some up from May when you dropped him off tomorrow. “Can you stay awake until I get back?” You asked, knowing he’d be asleep by the time you got back anyways.
“Sure I can!”
“And can you take off everything but your boxers for me, bud?”
“Mhmm!” Peter said, nodding excitedly in agreement. “I’ll start right now for you, Mom!” He started fumbling through it, but got one shoe off before you left the room, walking back upstairs to get some of Tony’s clothes for the boy to wear.
“How is he?” Natasha asked, noting your return.
You laughed. “Very drunk. And without clothes in the room we set up for him, Tone. I’m gonna steal one of your shirts and a pair of sweats for him, ‘kay?”
“Anything for that kid. Did you get him down that easily?”
“He wasn’t out when I left. But he had started taking his shoes off so I could help him into some sleep clothes.” You called from the bedroom, rummaging around in the drawers. “And I’m gonna make him drink some water, and I’ll leave pain pills on the nightstand for him. Also, how the hell did you get him drunk? He has a faster metabolism than most people, he’s fucking Spiderman!”
“That was me.” Clint said, holding a shot glass. “Spider metabolism takes about 4 shots of tequila to overcome.”
Thor added, “And he was only slightly tipsy after that! He quite enjoyed the Asgardian mead that the Captain, Sergeant, and I were drinking!”
“You gave Peter alien alcohol?!” You and Tony exclaimed at the same time.
“It didn’t affect him all that much until the 3rd shot, and by that point he had had shots of rum and whiskey in his system too.” Loki told you, gauging your reactions.
“You mixed alcohol in my kid?!?” Tony exclaimed.
You closed your eyes, feeling a headache coming on just from the sheer stupidity of the Avengers when they’re tipsy. “I’m gonna send May a text that Peter’s sleeping over. And J?” You asked.
“Yes, Mrs. Stark?”
“Will you remind whoever drops Peter off to pick up clothes for him to keep here when he sleeps over?” You asked, quickly making your way back to Peter, knowing now why he was so drunk.
“Of course, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said, his voice following you as you moved through the hallways.
“Mom! You’re back!” Peter said, still slurring his words but in his boxers sitting right where you left him.
You walked over to him and passed him the clothes. “I’m back, bud. And I’m so proud of you for doing what I asked. I know that must’ve been tricky in this state.”
“I couldn’t figure out the buttons on my shirt.” He admitted, throwing Tony’s Led Zeppelin shirt over his head. 
“Hey, that’s okay. It happens when you’re drunk.” You passed him a glass of water once he had the sweatpants on too. “Can you drink this for me?”
He took the glass from you and sipped at it slowly. “Sure I can.” He smiled. “This tastes better than what Mr. Barton and Mr. Thor were giving me.”
“This is better for you.” You told him, rubbing his back.
“Mom, I don’t feel so good.”
“What’s wrong?” You asked, still softly rubbing.
Peter bolted towards the bathroom. “I think I’m gonna puke!” He said, leaning over the toilet.
“J, call Tony please.” You said, kneeling beside him and rubbing his back.
Tony burst into the room, “What’s wrong?!”
“Pete feels very nauseous right now.” You explained calmly and softly, in an attempt to calm your husband.
It worked. “Oh, okay.” You stood as Tony knelt with Peter, rubbing his back and sitting quietly with him. “I know you don’t do so well with puke, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, Tone.” You told him, kissing his forehead and refilling Peter’s glass. “Get him to drink some more water, maybe it’ll flush it out of his system a little.” 
“Can you tilt your head this way for me, bud?” 
Peter lifted his head and turned it towards Tony. “Sure can, Dad.”
“Drink a little of this for me? It should help you feel better.” Tony said, heart warming at being called Dad.
“Yeah. Okay. Can you help?” Peter tilted his head back a little and Tony slowly poured some water into Peter’s mouth.
“Swallow.” He said.
While the two of them were doing that, you were grabbing a bottle of Tylenol to leave on Peter’s bedside as well as a pair of sunglasses, knowing how bright the tower feels when you’re hungover.
After Tony got Peter to brush his teeth, and drink some more water, you refilled his glass and you both tucked him into bed, kissing his forehead. “Goodnight, kiddo.” Tony said, turning off the lights.
“Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight Dad.” Peter said, snuggling deeper into the covers.
“Goodnight, bud.” You told him, shutting the door softly behind both of you.
As you and Tony walked back upstairs, he had a question for you. “So, what’s my present from you, sweetcheeks?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I very much would.” He said, pinning you lightly to the wall.
“Back to the penthouse bedroom, Tone.” You panted out softly, his cologne overwhelming your senses after not being able to be near him much today. “Please, c’mon, private gift, Tone.”
After you said that, Tony dragged you upstairs, barely allowing you to take off your jewelry before he was sucking hickies on your neck. “Please tell me the gift is you, sweetheart.” He growled against your pulse point.
“Yeah, Tone, it’s me! The gift is me, but you don’t you dare rip this fucking dress.” You cried, tangling your fingers in his hair. Tony unzipped the back of your dress, telling JARVIS to turn on the “Do Not Disturb” protocols until at least 8AM. You hadn’t had nearly as much to drink as everyone else, so you were going to make everybody hangover breakfast and coffee.
Pulling the dress off of you, Tony threw you on the bed, and you bounced slightly towards the headboard. You turned and crawled up towards it, giving him a full view of your ass, and what was written on the lingerie. “Oh, so this is my present.” Tony said, smirking as he captured your lips in a kiss. “I get to have my name across your ass while I’m fucking you. Is that what you want, sweetheart?”
“Yes!” You yelled as he left hickies down your throat and tits. He slipped two fingers in you while marking up your torso, knowing that if you couldn’t take them yet, he’d have lots of fun opening you up to take his cock. “Oh God, Tony, please don’t stop.”
“I would never, sweetheart.” He said, sucking a mark right below your belly button. As Tony kept fingering you, he swirled his tongue quickly around your clit, working you up to the edge even quicker. Tony loved when you came before he was even inside of you.
“Oh, Tony, please- I- fuck, close, Tone!” Your brain was turning to goo, and from previous experiences, you knew Tony was going to fingerfuck you straight through your first orgasm of the night.
You were right. “Cum for me, my sweet Y/N.” He whispered softly in your ear, rubbing your clit quickly with his thumb while he was still fingering you. “Princess, just let go.”
And that was what did it. All the tension that had been building up released all at once, leading you to one of the best orgasms of your life. And Tony fingerfucked you through it, stimulating you even more and working you up to your next orgasm. When he retracted his fingers, though, you let out a small whimper, which caused Tony to chuckle and you to blink your eyes open, not knowing when you had shut them. You watched as Tony stuck his fingers covered in your cum in his mouth and licked them off.
“You taste so good for me, sweetheart. I could eat you out all goddamn day. But I won’t. You know why?” You shook your head. “I wanna fuck this pretty pussy of yours that you have all dressed up for me for my birthday. How lucky am I to have such a loving wife that knows I have everything I want?” He tapped your hips in a way that you knew meant ‘roll over’ and did so.
“What are you gonna do to me, Tone?” You asked softly. You weren’t nervous or anything, you just really liked hearing all the shit that was gonna come out of his mouth. You liked hearing how he was gonna fuck you, and he knew it. As always, he turned the dial to 11.
Pulling you up onto your knees, Tony twisted your head so you weren’t face down in the pillows. “I’m gonna hold you up like this, even though I know your legs are jelly from that orgasm, and I’m gonna fuck your pretty little pussy while staring at my name on your ass. Because you’re fucking mine, right, sweetheart?” He asked, slowly thrusting into you and burying himself to the hilt.
“Oh, God, yes! I’m all yours Tony! Just don’t stop!”
“That’s right. Nobody else’s name is on that ass of yours. Nobody else sees their name on that ass of yours. Mine.” Tony said, lightly biting the back of your shoulder.
You rested your forehead on your hands. “Don’t wan’ nobody else! Just you! Fuckin’ love you, Tony! Never loved anybody like I love you!” You said, having found enough strength to thrust your hips backwards in time with his thrusts.
“Oh, God, Y/N, sweetheart. Fuck, yes. I’m gonna cum. Can I cum inside of you, sweetheart? Don’t wanna wreck this new set of yours already.”
“Don’t wreck it! Just cum in me, Tone!” You screamed in pleasure as you felt him thrust as deep into you as he could, stopping and pulsating. The feeling of him cumming inside of you triggered your second orgasm. 
What you guessed was a few minutes later, but was actually probably just seconds, you heard Tony say, “Make a sound or move something if you can hear me, sweetheart.” You knew you had screamed your voice out, so you did your best to tap the index finger on your dominant hand. “Okay, I’m gonna pull out now, is that okay?” He asked. You tried to nod in response, but had no idea if you had actually succeeded until you felt Tony pull out. “Oh fuck,” he groaned. “God, it’s just spilling out of you. That’s so fucking hot, sweetheart. I wish you could see this.”
“Take a picture.” You croaked.
“Okay, sweetcheeks.” Tony said softly. “But after, we’re getting you into a bath and out of this lovely fucking set of lingerie. Next time I’m cumming all over your tits.” He told you, taking a picture and picking you up. JARVIS had starting running a bath at the perfect temperature, as he always did after you two had sex, and Tony carefully placed you on the toilet so you could pee, he was not letting you get a UTI.
“Happy birthday, Tone.” You whispered, snuggling back against his chest once the two of you were situated in the bath with some epsom salts.
He kissed the top of your head softly, “Thank you for making it the best birthday, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you responded, drifting off in the tub, not for the first time.
The next morning, you woke up wrapped in Tony’s arms. This was very unusual since Tony was always up in the lab hours before you woke up. You actually weren’t sure if you had woken up next to Tony since your honeymoon. You rolled over and nuzzled further into his chest, wanting to enjoy this for as long as you could.
“Honey? Are you awake?” Tony’s morning voice resonated against the ear you had pressed against his chest.
“If I say yes, does that mean you’re gonna get up?” You mumbled, really just wanting to snuggle with your husband in bed.
He wrapped his arms tighter around you, “Not if you don’t want to. I like cuddling.”
Of course, since the two of you could never have a moment’s peace, JARVIS started speaking. “Mrs. Stark, you said you were going to make “hangover breakfast” for the Avengers. And they’re all in their rooms, with the blackout curtains shut, whimpering about the amount of light.”
“One morning in bed with my husband, is that too much to ask?” You asked, rolling away from Tony and sitting up.
“Apparently.” Tony said, rolling out of bed to grab clothes for you both.
“J, will you start the coffee machine?” You got up and brushed your teeth before getting dressed in the clothes Tony picked out for you and doing the rest of your morning routine. “Tony?”
He poked his head into the bathroom. “Yeah, hon?”
“Can we have tomorrow morning in bed to cuddle?” You asked, pouting slightly.
“Anything you want, sweetheart.” He kissed your cheek and wrapped his arm around your waist as you walked into the penthouse kitchen together. 
You grabbed out everybody’s individualized mugs that Tony had gotten for Christmas last year and set them all out at the table while Tony grabbed the cream and sugar so you could personalize everybody’s coffee for them. Steve took his black, it’s the way he had always drank it, and he wasn’t changing that. Bucky took his with so much cream that you were pretty sure it was actually coffee flavoured cream in the mug. Natasha’s mug had a lid so that nobody could actually see the colour of her coffee, especially since everybody assumed she took it black, but she had the homemade equivalent of a latte in that mug. Clint’s also had a lid because everybody assumed he took his like a latte, but he really drinks it black. He grew up in the circus and has 3 kids. That shit doesn’t need sugar or cream, he’s drinking it to stay alive. Tony and Bruce both drank so much coffee that theirs was essentially black by the end of the day due to refills, but they both start with a decent amount of cream and sugar so that they feel like it lasts them the whole day. Thor has a sweet tooth, that should explain everything about his coffee, sugar but no cream. Loki also has a lid, for while everyone would assume he likes black coffee, there’s a decent amount of cream in there. Wanda and Pietro both take their coffee with a bit of cream and a bit of sugar, no overboard in either direction. Sam didn’t really care, as to him, coffee is coffee, it doesn’t matter what you do to it as long as it still tastes like coffee. And Peter.. you had never seen Peter use his mug for anything but hot chocolate.
“Tone?” You asked, still fixing up Sam’s mug of coffee. “How does Peter take his coffee?”
“Oh, with- J, how does Peter take his coffee?”
“Two cream, one sugar, sir.”
You chuckled, fixing up Peter’s mug in the way JARVIS said he liked. “How did we not know that?”
“I’ve never seen him drink coffee before.” Tony said, wrapping his arms around you while you started frying up some bacon and sausage.
“Me neither. I’ve never seen him use the mug for anything other than those gourmet hot chocolates that he makes here because we can afford your fancy ass caramel.”
Tony hummed in agreement and started swaying while you were still cooking, kissing the back of your head. “Can I have a real kiss, N/N? I haven’t had one all day!” He exclaimed.
“Oh, honey. Did I forget about you this morning?” You asked, teasingly. “Are you gonna die if you don’t get a sufficient number of kisses before breakfast?”
“Yes!” He whined, teasingly. “I’m just wasting away here, can’t you see?”
You chuckled, knowing what would happen if you gave in and gave Tony a real kiss. “You know why I can’t, Tone.”
“No, N/N, you have to either kiss or tell.” He said, kissing just under your ear.
“If I give you a kiss now, you’ll turn it into a full blown make-out session and I’ll burn breakfast.” You deadpanned while flipping bacon. 
“No I won’t! You have no proof!” He said, dramatically.
You reached over and grabbed some eggs out of the fridge, some more greasy protein wouldn’t hurt a hangover. “Tony, that’s what happened last week.”
“I’m a changed man!” Tony exclaimed, pouting and sitting on the counter next to you.
“I hope you haven’t changed too much from the man who fucked my brain out last night, because I would very much like that to happen again.”
“No fucking in the kitchen, Stevie doesn’t like that language.” Bucky said, sitting in front of where you had placed his mug.
“One time!” Steve exclaimed. “And you weren’t even around when I said it, Buck!”
Bucky laughed, sipping at his coffee before raising it towards you in a silent cheers. “News travels fast, Stevie. Now sit down, drink your coffee, and shut up.”
“Alright, gentlemen, calm down. How do you like your eggs? And what do you like in them?”
As everyone trickled in, sat in front of their coffees, and gave you their breakfast orders, they slowly nursed their headaches while you and Tony shared more banter. Peter was the last one to stumble in, wearing the sunglasses you left for him, though his eyes were shut.
“Here, bud.” You said, sliding the coffee across the counter towards him. “How ya feelin’?”
“Like that time Vulture dropped part of a building on me.” He said softly, sipping the coffee you had made him before adding more cream to it. “Thanks for the coffee, Mom.”
You smiled, turning back to the stove. “No problem, kiddo. How do you like your eggs, and what do you like in them?” Receiving the last breakfast order, you started plating up some bacon and sausage, as well as the first few eggs you cooked. “J, add eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, cream, and sugar to the grocery list, please.” You said, sliding plates to Bucky and Steve. 
“Of course, Mrs. Stark.” JARVIS said, showing the items on a list on the fridge.
“Can I have my kiss now, sweetheart?” Tony asked, pouting on the counter where you left him. 
“Oh, Tone. One kiss?” You asked.
“One kiss, I promise.”
“And I’m not going to burn breakfast?”
“One kiss, I promise.” He repeated.
You shook your head, chuckling again and sliding more plates down the island. “No kisses until there’s nothing left to burn, Tony.” You handed him a plate. “Sit and eat.”
Tony sighed as you kept passing out breakfast to everybody, not sitting yourself until Peter had his plate. “Thank you for the best birthday ever, sweetheart.” He said, giving you his puppy dog eyes.
“You’re welcome, Tone.” You told him, kissing his cheek.
“All that and I don’t even get a real kiss?” Tony complained, stabbing a sausage with a fork. 
You grabbed his cheeks and tilted them in your direction, so he was facing you, and pulled him in for a kiss. “Every birthday will be better than the last. But if you’re real good today, that wasn’t the only present I got you.”
Tony’s eyes widened with the implication. “There’s more?!”
You smirked, kissing him again. “Only if you’re good, Tone. There’s only more if you’re good.”
“Who else did you get?”
“Fuck around and find out.” You said, finally eating your own food and causing Natasha and Wanda to laugh with the implication. 
I am so sorry that it took so long for me to write this, y’all! But it’s finally done, I hope y’all enjoyed that little FRIENDS reference in there, and yeah, I really just hope you liked it.
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skarabrae-stone · 9 months
Okay, here we go. Thanks to @burberrycanary for the tag!
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this onto other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Not a Perfect Soldier -- 93k | M | Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers | MCU
Summary: In a world where HYDRA was wiped out in the '40s, Steve is found by the Army rather than SHIELD. General Thaddeus Ross wants a perfectly obedient super-soldier at his command, and to that end, he sets out to break Steve to his will. As Steve struggles to come to terms with all he has lost, his life in captivity is only made bearable by the presence of another prisoner-- another super-soldier known only as "Soldat". Then the Avengers strike a deal with Ross to "borrow" him for missions, and Steve is faced with a team who dislikes him, an organization he doesn't trust, and the question of what he's willing to do to escape Ross's clutches. This is probably still my favorite of the fics I've written, as it included a lot of themes/tropes that I enjoy reading as well as writing. It was a really interesting challenge to handle Steve and Bucky's separate traumas, and the various misunderstandings between Steve and the Avengers. This was also my first time writing Jewish Bucky in a way that really focused on that aspect of his identity, and I'm really grateful to siyuttov for their help in making that part of the story more accurate. I'm also really proud of the fact that I wrote a novel-length fic!
You Can Touch -- 3k | E | Bucky Barnes/Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers | MCU
Summary: She opens the door almost as soon as he knocks, ushering him inside before he can say anything. Her hair is partway down, her jacket and tie folded neatly over the back of a chair. She was getting ready for bed, he supposes, or at least planning to stay in for the night. Steve is in a meeting. Bucky goes to visit Peggy. There are three fics in this series, but this one has a special place in my heart. This was my first fic where I really tried to get explicit, and it was also different from my usual Steve/Bucky-focused fics in that most of the fic is just Bucky/Peggy (Steve comes in at the end). I really loved writing the developing intimacy between Bucky and Peggy, and there's always something fascinating to me about characters choosing to be vulnerable with each other, and taking care of each other/allowing themselves to be taken care of.
The Kind You Save -- 37k | M | Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson | MCU
Summary: When HYDRA sends the Winter Soldiers to assassinate the new Captain America, they expect the mission to be an easy one. After all, they're super-soldiers-- how hard can it be to kill one unenhanced human? As more and more of their attempts prove unsuccessful, however, the Soldiers' respect for Wilson grows, as does their suspicion that HYDRA's motives are not what they seem. If Sam Wilson is a good man, what does that make them…? I really love playing with the concept of Steve as the Winter Soldier. I also love Sam Wilson as Captain America. So Steve and Bucky as Winter Soldiers who first attempt to assassinate Sam, then start to fall for him as they realize what a good person he is, was great fun for me! It was really interesting to figure out what Steve's personality as the Winter Soldier might be like, and how his and Bucky's dynamic might work if they were both brainwashed. And it was great getting to write Sam as the hero he is!
Brave Soldier Boy (Comes Marching Home) -- 2k | G | Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers | MCU
Summary: Ten years after losing her son in the war, Winnifred Barnes receives an unexpected visitor. The Winter Soldier needs her help with an important mission. This story is from the point of view of Winnifred Barnes, which I really enjoyed writing! Mothers in the MCU tend to be dead if they're mentioned at all, and I really enjoyed giving Winnifred (and the rest of Bucky's family) a chance to shine. Several people told me they were nervous to read this because of the title, but it has a happy ending!
Let Me Touch You for Awhile -- 2k | T | Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers | MCU
As Bucky heals from his experiences as the Winter Soldier, he begins to remember some of the things he's been missing out on-- specifically, the fact that Steve and Bucky used to be comfortable touching each other, whether it was an arm around the shoulders or a hug goodbye. But Steve in the present day seems determined to give Bucky space... much more space than Bucky wants. Can Bucky work up the courage to ask for the physical intimacy he craves? Set after an Infinity War that ended differently, with the Avengers and co. defeating Thanos before he had the chance to Snap. I'm a huge fan of touch-starved Bucky, but I'd never written a fic that just focuses on that, so I really enjoyed writing this! This is also a bit of a fix-it with everyone surviving Infinity War (and no Endgame), and I liked getting the chance to write a cameo of Natasha and Yelena's relationship.
@elvenfforestydd, @h-i-raeth, @16woodsequ, @lycorogue, @xemiliagryphonx, @planeoftheeclectic, @bifuriouswaterbender and anyone else who'd like to join in, please play if you want to!
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"This is going to be hell isn't it?"
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50214667 by GreyIsAWeirdo Peter Anthony Stark or Peter Benjamin Parker as he is more commonly known. See the thing is; he is Tony and Pepper's biological son but due to the fact that both of them are in the limelight, they gave him a fake identity until he is of legal age to decide what he wants to do. So Peter B Parker is an orphan who lives with his Aunt May. Peter A Stark however lives with his dysfunctional family of Avengers and Starks. Peter B Parker is a nerd who is shy and doesn't know how to stand up for himself. Peter A Stark is still a nerd but he's snarky and oh yeah he's Spiderman. His Academic Decathlon team are going on a field trip to Stark Industries aka Avengers Tower and considering that's where he lives Peter can't really keep up the shy, defenceless act, so the eldest Stark kid persona is coming out to play. Words: 2674, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of I like making Peter suffer :] Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Harley Keener, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Shuri (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pietro Maximoff, Loki (Marvel), Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Guardians of the Galaxy Team Members (Marvel) Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Everyone, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Kate Bishop, Clint Barton & Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Gay Harley Keener, Bisexual Peter Parker, Established Relationship, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad", Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Sassy Peter Parker, Nicknames, BAMF Pepper Potts, BAMF Loki (Marvel), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Sarcastic Peter Parker, Loki & Peter Parker Friendship, Peter Parker & Shuri Friendship, gen z humor, Humor, Vines, Texting, BAMF Friday (Marvel), Cliche af, Harley is the Tour Guide, the avengers are embarrassing af, Author Is Sleep Deprived, peter parker is sleep deprived, Coffee Addict Tony Stark, coffee addict peter parker, endgame inifinty war and civil war can all fuck right off, Not Canon Compliant, Domestic Avengers, Swearing, Flash Thompson Being A Jerk, flash is a knob, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Crack Treated Seriously, sorry - Freeform, im so fucking sorry for whatever poor soul has come across this., Neurodivergent Peter Parker, im fucking projecting bc ik im neurospicy but idk how so peter can fucking suffer, kidding i love him sm, there might be a bit of angst bc im an angst writer and i rlly cant help it, autocorrect is my bestie rn, any trope i can fit in, may isnt actually his aunt sorry, mr harrington is a legend, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Peter Parker, mr harrington doesnt get paid enough for this., mr morita and mr harrington placed bets read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50214667
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badwasabi · 8 months
From a fanfic version of Avengers Endgame, that started before the actual movie;
Disclaimer: All these non-Youtube links are to relevant rants I've written.
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Clint walked into his living room, cleaning tractor grease off his hands. "Laura? Honey? Where are you?" He called out. "Daddy?" Clint heard the voice of his daughter Lila. "Something's wrong with Mom, Cooper, and Nate!" Clint then dropped the towel and rushed into the kitchen, seeing his wife and sons turn into dust by her dissolving. "Clint? What's happen…" Laura started before being cut off. "Dad, I…" Cooper also stopped when he fully turned to ash. Nathaniel simply cried before also turning to dust. Clint then wrapped his arms around Lila, and the two simply sobbed until Clint felt Lila turn to dust in his arms as well. Hawkeye then slumped to the floor and put his head in his hands. ------ Steve sat next the ashes that were all that remained of Bucky. Thor then knelt down next to Steve. Natasha, Rocket, Bruce, Okoye, Rhodes, and M'Baku watched both the Sentinel of Liberty and the God of Thunder as they looked at the ashes of Barnes, seeing both not only beaten, but truly broken for the first time in either of their lives.
This is just terrible.
It's not telling an actual story, just relating events. There's no subtext, except stuff that's so obvious it might as well be a billboard on I-95.
During Rush Hour.
In LA.
Plus, those line breaks are in the original fic. The writer didn't notice or care enough to fix the formatting, so there's three lines (and a hidden " " between every paragraph. You can see it if you highlight.
I don't think it's a good idea to use Steve and Thor's "publicity" totles titles in a serious scene.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I... I should have... I should have gone for the arm." Thor said, tears beginning to form as he put his head in his hands.
Ah, yes, the classic "I understood that reference" fanfic moment.
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Dude, do you really want to bring up memes? At this point? In this mood? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
The writer also has a habit of putting dialogue tags after the speech, every single time. Which is a bad idea, especially in a group scene.
"No. Even Thanos said I should have gone for the head. I… just wanted to kill him. He took my best friend. My brother. Half of my people. 300 dwarves. Billions of people across the galaxy. I just wanted to…" Thor said, tears falling freely. "Avenge them." Natasha said, joining the two over what remained of Bucky, placing an arm around Steve's shoulders. "Now we have some more people to avenge. Come on. We need to get to the city and regroup." Bruce piped up from the Hulkbuster.
"They awkwardly said the purpose of the team! Twice! Don't you like that, reader? The reference?"
IIRC, the only time in the actual movie that Tony references avenging as a verb is during his angry, mocking rant at Cap. Once in the 2012 movie, and even then Tony knows it's awkward. Once in AOU, while Ultron is making a dramatic speech. Not at all in IW. (Incidentally, Thanos seems to be trying to "avenge" his home planet, in a twisted way.)
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A few paragraphs later, we learn that the Snapped folks are in the Soul Realm, and Dr. Strange's voice has "a mildly mystical tone".
Which he doesn't in the movies. At all.
In the next scene, it 'uses single quotes and italics to indicate thoughts' thing. I'm not sure the former the former was ever commonly used in "published" writing, but it could be useful if you only have access to plaintext and you don't know how to write 'inline' thoughts.
If you can use italics, you don't need the single quotes. I think a lot of people use both because they saw some other fic do it.
If the story is starting this badly, I'm not going to read 50,000+ words.
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 7 | February 7–February 13
Welcome to week 7 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #ktkvcbreadinglist, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
« Last Week
Week 8 »
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian, Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week:
The Actor and the Diplomat Playlist » Sofia and Sebastian fell hard, and they fell fast and irresistibly in love with one another with a few bumps along the way; here’s a playlist of their love.
The Sam Wilson Playlist » Sam is about to go on a mission, and he has a few songs that get him pumped up…
Bucky Barnes
(Mini) Series:
There’s a Wolf in My Heart by @river-soul » Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Reader — When you lose your virginity on a backpacking trip through Europe to an Alpha named James you never expect to see him again. James has other plans. He’s going to make the bond permanent, whether you want him to or not. [Noncon, explicit sex and ABO dynamics, 18+] First Part: You Are The Wilderness | This two-shot is so freaking good, the smut is so good. The first part you get the inkling, Bucky maybe a little dark, but the second part just proves it!
Love, Honor, and Obey by @constantwriter85 » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader — Faced with blackmail and the loss of your beloved charity, you’re forced to marry the son of your mobster father’s friend, James Barnes, in order to keep the peace between the families. Little did you know, James had fallen in love with you at first sight. As he tries to woo his new wife, a new rival family comes into play, threatening all you’ve come to hold dear. | This story, this freaking story. You know it’s honestly The Winter Ghost ( @msmarvelwrites ) for me. Where it’s not leaving my brain and I can’t stop thinking about it for hours at a time. As the story comes to the end, I can’t help but hope what looks like Bucky and Reader are getting a happy ending truly do get it, because after all they have been through they deserve it. Kat thank you for this magnificent story.
Run To You (Ch.2) by @bestofbucky » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. | Reader still won’t take shit from Bucky, also won’t take any from Sam. I can’t wait to see where my friend takes this!
*When I Find You, I’ll Find Me by @river-soul » Bucky Barnes x Reader — After a 4th of July party at your friend’s house unearths some insecurities on Bucky’s part he suggests you’d be better off without him. You show him just how wrong he is. [Fluff with a little angst and explicit sex, 18+] | This is so unbelievably beautiful. I found myself crying and it was just written so well I could imagine it all happening. This is going to be stuck in my head for days to come.
Blow Sweet and Thick by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky is having a bad day, you can help him feel good. | Sometimes when you’re having a bad day it just really helps to just stop to read a really good smutty one-shot with a Mafia!Boss Bucky in it, and this is one!
*My Sunshine by @bucksbestgirl » Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader — a song shared between you and Bucky when you’re both at your most vulnerable. | Lindsey, thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing something so beautiful. I suffer from depression and this one is close to home, and this is just something I felt everyone needs.
Sweet Dreams by @buckys-darling » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky has a nightmare and you have a proposition. | Short and sweet.
A Proper Breeding by @syven-siren » Bucky Barnes x Reader — After allowing inner turmoil to take over, you finally decide that you have wanted the same thing as Bucky all along. Once you let him know, he is sure to give you a proper breeding. | I thought I may have shared this before, but it turns out I hadn’t. Let me just say the makeup smut in this, is so good.
Dying for this love by @avintagekiss24 » Mob Boss!Bucky Barnes x Black!Reader — Reader goes on a date to get revenge on Bucky. — This one-shot is intense! It’s so good and the smut is good, I couldn’t recommend it enough.
Birthday Blues by @bestofbucky » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Already in a rough patch in their relationship, Bucky forgets it’s readers birthday. Determined to make things better Natasha and Wanda help the reader forget and have a girls day. Will Bucky and reader makeup? | I don’t want to spoil this but the gift he gives her had me giggling for like five minutes after I read this. I thoroughly enjoyed this but honestly I really did want to give Bucky a v-8 to the forehead.
Sebastian Stan
(Mini) Series:
The Actor and the Diplomat by @elegantobservationstudentsblog » Sebastian Stan x OFC Diplomat!Sofia Alvarez — Two strangers lived in the same city, signed up for a dating app and both are reluctant to meet in person. Will they both have the courage to meet? And if they did, are they both willing to work it out? | Reader is independent and can make it on her own, but does she need to to? No. This story has Fluff, Smut, and Angst in it as well as appearances from the British Royals. I say give it a chance!
Steve Rogers
(Mini) Series:
Pseudo Princess by @shreddedparchment » King!Steve Rogers x Reader — Orphaned and alone, you’re going about your business when one day King Anthony Stark, ruler of Malibia, spots you on the side of the road. He orders you into his carriage where he explains that you are his one and only hope to keep the Kingdom from going to war with the Kingdom of Broklin, ruled by the virtuous King Steven Rogers. How exactly is it that you, a penniless peasant, can help save your Kingdom? | I’ve read this story now 3 times, and I will never, ever get over it. Everytime I go back and reread it, I find things I didn’t catch the first time I read it. I’m also just a fan of Royal!AU’s. This story has everything, Angst, Fluff, Smut, and Magic.
Chris Evans
Stressed by @sunflowercaptain » Chris Evans x Female Reader — Chris Evans does something for his overworked and stressed out significant other. | It’s short and super fluffy, sort of like being wrapped in your favorite blanket after a bad day, it feels good!
Made for the Gods by @cherienymphe » Zeus!Steve x Nymph!Reader x Ares!Bucky — The God of Lightning takes what the God of War has. | Like anything by @cherienymphe that I have shared, this fic is dark and delicious! I loved it so!
The Man With A Plan. by @bestofbucky » Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes — Harmless prank war turns into feelings coming forward. | Let’s just say this is hot and for the first time writing smut, it’s so freaking good. I don’t want this to be the last of Stucky x Reader in this universe!
Six Feet | Ch.1 ⚰️ Ch.2 by @queenoftheworldisdead » Dark Mob!Steve x Reader + Dark Mob!Bucky x Reader — Your family’s small funeral home comes into financial trouble. In desperation your father finds the most unlikely solution to solve his financial problems. | I would just like to say if you haven’t read this yet, you are really missing out, also I’m really sorry I haven’t added this to my Mob rec list. I love this and it’s by far one of my favorite Mob/Mafia stories. Also the smut and angst in this is just, *chefs kiss* I keep hoping for a third part.
Team-Building by @whisperlullaby » Bucky Barnes x Reader x Sam Wilson— You are an HR receptionist lucky enough to be around each time Sam and Bucky come in to attend their mediation sessions. They want to apologize for making you stay late one night. | I love me some Sam/Bucky/Reader stories and one-shots, especially when it’s got some really good smut, and this has got some really good smut in it. Becca thank you for ending my Thursday night on a good note.
(Mini) Series:
Five Shades of Hunnam: Part 1 ⚜️Part 2 by @hotdamnhunnam » Jax Teller + King Arthur + Will Miller + Raleigh Becket + Raymond Smith x Reader — The reader somehow accidentally summons her five dream characters all played by one of her favorite actors, from an alternative universes, to complete her ultimate fantasy, but are they up for it? | This two-shot/mini-series is hot and just so good. I have been a Charlie Hunnam fan for years, you can thank Garrett Hedlund, my Mum and my Aunt. This just blew my mind out of the park. I’m going to go take a shower after reading this.
Writing Challenges...
Heathers TV Challenge hosted by @heavenlypugpizza | What You Need To Know: Choose and actor or character from Marvel or one of the series listed (you can have more than one actor/character in your story) (2 stories limited actor or character), smut okay, ships and oc is fine, tag your stories with warnings, the deadline is March 10th!
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p---ink · 3 years
What’s On Your Mind?
Author’s Note: Hi :) Remember me? I’ve missed you guys, and Tumblr altogether. I felt absolutely guilty about not writing, but the writer’s block was strong on this one guys. And while I’ve had lots of ideas for stories I couldn't quite put them onto paper...or screen. Anyway, wanted to try something new. So this one is about a Thor! I dedicate this one to you @swaggysposts​ since I know you love Chris Hemsworth. Its pretty short, but still, tell me what you think, my love! 
Summary: Avenger reader has a crush on the god of thunder.
Warnings: some lite language and fluff. 
Word Count: 4.7k
Part Two   Part Three
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“I’m sorry? Did I hear that right? You said you can what?” Mr. Stark asked, without a doubt forgetting that there were stranger things in the world. 
Clearing my voice, and speaking a bit louder I say, “I can read minds, sir.”
“That’s what I thought you said.” Stark voiced out loud placing a sleek pair of sunglasses on his face. He was still pretty skeptical of my claims, but another part of him was very anxious. Or would the word be embarrassed? Mortified? Yes that was definitely the perfect description.
Whatever the feeling was, I knew the cause was because he knew that if what I was saying was true, he would have to start groveling because of the dirty thoughts that raced through his mind when we first introduced ourselves.  
‘Forgive me for looking Pepper, but this girl has the ass of a professional volleyball player’ was what he thought as he opened the door for me on the way in.
“I can’t hear what you’re thinking though, because It only works through touch.” I lie, as I watch his worry fade away. I needed this job, and I couldn’t be disqualified because of harmless thoughts that we could all be guilty of sometimes. Besides it wasn’t Tony’s fault: these jeans did do wonders for my bottom. 
Something told me though, that if this Pepper weren’t in the picture, he’d have no problem saying what he thought of me out loud. And he was a handsome man, couldn’t be much older than 40, so maybe in another universe I’d consider him. Not this one though. 
“Hey Kid,” Stark started, interrupting my own inappropriate thoughts, “just saying ‘I can read minds’, wont be enough. You’ll have to prove it.”
“Of course! Sorry—” I was cut short by the sound of the thick glass doors of the conference room being slammed against the walls. 
A brown haired boy with deep chestnut eyes, that looked as frantic as the rest of his face, rushed out apology after apology as he took his seat next to the older man. 
Tony, who hadn’t spared the younger boy a glance, said, “Ah, perfect. Tell me what he’s thinking.”
‘Spiderling’ was the name he had assigned him through thought. As I concentrated on his confused features, he looked from me to Stark.
“What who’s thinking? Is Dad—I mean Mr. Stark, referring to me? How could she possibly do that? Oh God, he hasn’t said a word to me since I got here. He must be really upset because I’m late. Geez, I hope he doesn’t take Karen again. I’d rather he kill me.” I repeated, after relaying all of the boy’s thoughts as fast as he could think them. 
“Is she right?” Tony asked the boy. He felt both amazed and amused. Amazed with me, and amused by Spiderling for thinking of him as a dad. He would never let him live that one down. 
After swallowing his astonishment, and turning his attention from me, Spiderling answered “Yes.”
“Good. And at least we both agree on your punishment. I’d rather kill you, too. Saves me less trouble in the future.” Tony stated. He was punishing him because apparently this was the third time he’s been late to the interviews he was supposed to be in charge of. 
Spiderling let alarm overtake his features, but before he could say anything, Tony continued on with more questions. 
“Do you have any other skills, we should know about?”
“Well just a bit of hand to hand combat. But it still needs a lot of work. Other than that no—”
“How did this happen?” Spiderling interrupted, wonder getting the best of him.
“Kid,” Tony starts, but he goes ignored by Spiderling. 
“Were you bitten by some kind of radioactive insect like me? Or are you super smart like Mr. Stark? Or perhaps it was gamma radiation like Dr. Banner! Or maybe a super serum like Mr. Rogers!—”
“Don’t make me remove your batteries, junior!” Tony interrupted, then he looked to me. “I’m sorry. He’ll keep going if you don’t nip it in the bud early.”
But he didn’t have to tell me that. His own mind, like Spiderling’s, was racing a mile a minute. 
“No its fine really. He’s just curious.” I reply with a chuckle. “And to answer your question Spiderling: maybe I was born with it, or maybe its Maybeline.”
I began to grow embarrassed by their silence at my terrible joke, until Spiderling stifled a chuckle. “I get it!” He said between snickers. “Wait why’d you call me Spiderling?” He asked. ‘Is she picking on me?’ He thought. 
Needing to correct his thoughts to clear up any offense I say, “No! I would never pick on you, I just thought that was your name because Mr.—”
“Y/N, was it?” Tony interrupts, yet again. “I think you’d make an excellent addition to our team! When can you start?” 
“Really?” I ask gleaming, ignoring the fact that he wanted me to shut for outing what he really thought of his younger protégé. “I can start right away! Thank you so much for this opportunity!”
“Yeah, don’t mention it.” He hurried. “F.R.I.DAY, will prepare your room, and Peter here will show you around.”
At that Peter hopped to his feet mind racing with thoughts of excitement on the hopes of a future friendship. “Follow me!” He said, grabbing my hand.
“Not so fast, champ. I need to speak with Ms. L/N alone for a moment.” Tony stated, nodding at Peter as he excused himself from the room. 
Tony cleared his throat, and relayed his thoughts, thoughts that were hard to separate from Peter’s louder ones earlier. “So Y/N,” He started towards me, leaning in close as he chose his words carefully. “I couldn’t help but notice, that you didn’t need to touch Parker nor I to read our thoughts. Care to explain?”
Flustered at being caught I stumble across my words as I try to explain, “Ah yes, well its rare, but sometimes I don’t need to touch the person.”
“Mmm.” Tony hummed, not believing a word I said, and I knew then the gig was up.
Cocking my head, and wearing a semi-sympathetic expression I say, “Don’t worry. I don’t even know who Pepper is.” 
And before Stark could protest, I ran to Peter’s side, so we could begin the tour around my new home. 
That was all a little over eight months ago. And so much had changed now. Peter’s hopes became true. We were the best of friends. His boy-like charm never grew old to me, and nor did my gifts to him.
“Cerulean” I’d say, when he’d think things like ‘What’s your favorite color?’. He always thought questions like that as a sort of game. I never got tired of playing along. 
It seemed to never click in his mind though that he could never scare or surprise me when he hid behind corners or couches, because I could hear his thoughts before he got the chance to. 
But besides the little stunts he’d try to pull by hiding his thoughts in order to frighten me, Peter was as transparent as they were. The boy was an open book, and he rarely kept a secret. It made us perfect friends, because he never seemed to get tired of me knowing every single detail about him. 
Though the other avengers treated me like family, Peter seemed to be the only one welcoming of my “gift”. 
If you asked Steve, he’d think something along the lines of “I’m too old for this shit” when I’d answer questions he hadn’t had the chance to ask. Then he’d immediately curse himself, for thinking a swear word when I’d tease him with one of the team’s inside jokes, like “language.”
Bucky tried his hardest to keep his thoughts in a vault, but it never worked. I knew exactly how many dead bodies he had under his belt, and where he kept his hidden stash of plums. 
Natasha, however, never tried to hide her kill count. She always made it a point to up the number by one as a threat to me, every time I accidentally crept inside her head. I always made it a point to keep my distance whenever she was deep in reflection.
Banner was interesting. His mind had two voices of course, and neither one of them gave a shit about whether I heard them or not. There were the deep thoughts that I struggled to understand most of the time, then others were one-word sentences only. They were louder than the rational side of his brain. 
“La, la, la, la, la”, was literally all that Sam would think whenever there was something he wanted to hide. Sometimes he’d do it just to piss me off, because he knew if I said to ‘knock it off’, he could accuse me of evading his thoughts in the first place. 
In truth, I never tried to read what they were thinking. I found the process invasive, and distracting from my own feelings. I worked hard to shut it all out, doing my best to make truth of that lie I told Stark all those months ago. But it was very draining, and took more energy than my body could exert. One person was easy enough to ignore, but more than ten, proved to be a task.
Most of my entire life I spent working in order to shut out all of the world around me. I avoided crowds whenever I could, blasted my music through my headphones whenever I couldn’t, and made sure to drug my body heavily with painkillers and vitamins whenever the last two weren’t options. 
It was so much work just to go out into the world. So much work until I met him. 
The son of Odin was the only person whose thoughts I would pay to hear. Coincidentally, he was also the only person who’s thoughts I couldn’t read. I could never hear him, I would only ever feel him. He radiated a rare intensity I had never felt before. His thoughts, or should I say feelings, even managed to drown out all of those around him. I had no choice but to focus on him whenever he was around. 
When I was with him, he literally clouded my brain. I didn’t have to work to shut him or the others out. He did it for me. 
I usually thought that was refreshing. But in the time I grew to know him, I found it mostly frustrating at times. 
You could say I liked him, but that would be putting it lightly. 
Liking someone for me, was a rare luxury. My crushes were always narrowed down to celebrities, and other people who didn’t know I existed. 
It was a pain to date people whose thoughts about you were always on display.
And if you thought dating was hard as a telepath, try having sex. Imagine being able to hear all of your partner’s most inner thoughts about the faces you make when you cum, or discovering that you have a small birthmark on your ass that you would otherwise know nothing about. 
Yeah, it wasn’t the greatest experience.  
I had never experienced the actual joys of feelings for someone, and wondering if they liked me back. Thor was my first. And chances are, he would never feel the same way. 
He was a literal god, and he lived up to that fact. I was just an average Midgardian, with a silly school-girl crush. It would never happen. 
Silly thing that Fate was. She had to make the only man I found irresistible, unattainable too. What a bitch. 
“Hey. Are you ready?” Natasha asked referring to our daily training. 
“Yes, what’s on the agenda today?” I ask, a bit confused that she isn’t in her workout attire. 
“Well you’ll h–”
“What? Why?” I squeak, before she can finish her thought…well before she can finish her sentence. According to her thoughts, I’d now be training with Odinson.
“I think you’ve graduated from me, kiddo. You can read my thoughts fast enough to predict as well as react to all of my oncoming moves.” Natasha relayed, a hint of sadness detectable through her words. Though she behaved like an older sister to me, she would miss throwing me around on the mat. “We’ll have to see how you do against someone whose actions you can’t predict, just in case that problem comes up out in the field.” She informed me while walking away, before I could confront her. 
“Can’t it be someone else?” I yell to her, but she doesn’t answer. 
“You wound me, Y/N.” That deep familiar voice bellowed from behind me. “And here I thought you enjoyed my company.”
Oh you have no idea, I thought to myself, as I spun on my feet to face him. I craned my neck to peer up at his eyes. One was a pretty hazel, while the other a deep blue. Cerulean. Funny how he’s the reason I’ve grown so fond of the color after all of these months.
“It’s not that I don’t like you. I just don’t think its fair is all. You know? With you being a god.”
“You’re worried you won’t be able to handle me? Do not fret. I wouldn’t dream of giving you more than you could handle.” He said, wiggling his brows suggestively, while flashing a smile. I suppose I failed to mention that he was a massive flirt that could put even Tony Stark to shame. “I promise to take it easy on you.” He furthered, smirking and winking his hazel orb.
“Why do I feel like your idea of taking it easy is vastly different from mine.” I say, trying to settle the butterflies. 
“Whatever you’ve heard about me is nonsense. I’m a merciful master.” He assured.  “We’ll just do some light work today: of course we’ll start with stretching, then 30 laps around the facility to build your stamina, a few hours of work on the machines to build your muscle—because my lady you are a dainty little thing, and then we’ll end the day with an hour or two of sparring.” 
At the sight of my dumbstruck face, Thor says, “I’m sorry that must be too light. How does 50 laps and three hours of sparring, sound?”
“Are you joking?”
“You’re right. I have some matters to attend to on Asgard, but I think we can squeeze in 75 laps, take it or leave it.”
Realizing how deathly serious he was, I quickly say, “I’ll leave it. Let’s get started.”  Deciding to address the subject of excessive training later, I turn to begin my stretches. 
Quiet. As usual. I was alone with my thoughts, which was something that only happened quite literally when I was alone. I couldn’t help but be immensely aware of his presence.
Moments like these i’d die to know what he was thinking. Especially when I could feel his stare. It burned worse than fire on my skin. 
Fire couldn’t compare to his actual touch, however. The same touch I now felt on my upper back.  For a man who weighed over 600 pounds, he was as stealthy as a cat when he wanted to be. His thick fingers against my spine raised goosebumps to my flesh. I would have jumped out of my body if he wasn’t there to keep me grounded. 
“My apologies. It was not my intention to startle you.” He informed, through a deep hearty chuckle. “I just needed to correct your form. Your time on the field will suffer if you continue with your training like this.” 
“Oh.” I replied, tensing a bit as one of his hands traveled around to my stomach and the other pushed against my spine to straighten my posture. My mind was hazy, and if I had even understood the words he spewed a moment ago, that status now changed.
“It all makes me wonder what the Lady Spider has been teaching you.” He continued, as if he didn’t notice the change in my demeanor. “Better.” 
When he stepped away from me, I released a small shaky breath. “What’s on your mind?” He asked. Maybe he did notice the change.
I mentally decided that I would ask him the months-long question I had always wondered about. “What’s on yours.” I state instead of ask, trying to resume my stretches.
“Pardon?” Thor asked. “Do you wonder about what is I ponder? Or is that your answer?
“Both.” I say without hesitation. “Why can’t I read your mind?”
“I’m afraid that’s by design, my lady.”
I stop stretching and turn around to ask, “How?” He had my full attention now. 
Shortly after he corrected my posture, Thor had propped himself up against one of the machines to properly examine my form while I stretched. I tried to ignore how awkward that made me feel. 
“Since an early age I’ve had to learn to guard my thoughts.” He stated. “My brother is the God of Mischief, and Loki often played games of the mind. Mother took notice of how much it was ailing me, and taught me a few useful tricks on how to keep him out. I guess I’ve always practiced them, even in his absence. I don’t know if I even know how to stop it.”
“Oh.” I breathed out. Trying to make sense of his words. 
While I was doing that, he asked,“May I ask why it is you wish to know? I thought you hated your gift.”
“I do. But I guess it still feels odd to not be able to use it on someone. I have no clue what you’re thinking let alone how you feel about me. It unsettles me.” I immediately regretted saying the last part as soon as it was out. 
His reaction did not aid my embarrassment. A thunderous laugh erupted from his throat. It was the kind of laugh that you could feel in your abs, and I knew this because his whole torso shook as it spread through his vocal cords. He was genuinely amused. 
His amusement prompted me to ask, “What’s so funny?”
“How I feel about you.” I think he mutter softly, before following a little louder to himself, “It’s weakened you.” 
“What did you say?” I never had to ask someone to repeat themselves unironically, until I met him. 
“Your ability I mean. It has impaired you.”
“I don’t understand what you mean.”
“I think the word is ‘spoiled’. Yes that seems to be the perfect descriptor.” He teased.
His words made me feel small and silly. Almost insignificant. “Excuse me?”
Sensing my irritation, he quickly told me, “I meant no disrespect. Its just most of your kind and some of mine are not awarded the same privileges that you have. We rely on body language and hidden meanings behind words to determine how someone feels. Well with the exception of me of course, because who would not adore me?” He joked. “But that’s beside the point. You have not yet learned how to read between the lines. Which is why I unsettle you.”
“I know how to read body language, I’m not an idiot.” I say a bit more sharply than I intended. My sense of inferiority getting the best of me.
“I’m not implying that you are, just that if it were not for your talent you would know have known what was on my mind ages ago.”
“That makes no sense. If I couldn’t read minds, i’d be in the same place I am now: unable to know what it is you think.”
“My dear, even if you could read my mind it would make no difference, for I’ve already made my feelings towards you painfully clear. One need not the aid of your capabilities.”
“Thor, could you stop the riddles—”
He ignored my pleas and kept going. “But just to be explicitly clear this time, since obviousness is lost on you—” 
“Stop insulting—”
“I shall tell you how I feel about you.” He stepped and leaned in closer, as if what he was about to say was a secret meant for only my ears.  “Listen closely because I will say this but once, so be wary not to misunderstand: I desire you.” He explained, words dripping with the utmost sincerity. 
My brain started racing. And I suddenly realized just how close he was. “You desire me?” I repeated to myself.
“Yes. I desire you.” He stated again, anticipating my uncertainty. 
If my heart wasn’t beating fast before, it surely was now. My poor ribcage wasn’t built for this.
“A-A-as a friend right?” I stutter out. “Because we aren’t, we aren’t close, like the rest of the team? Yes,” I breathe out. “That has to be what you mean.” I say that last part more to myself than to him. Clearly I’ve misunderstood his words, even though he warned me not to.
“While I would value a companionship, I’m afraid that is not all I mean when I say I desire you.”
“Eerr” Words are hard to form all of the sudden. Stammering out sounds is all that I can do. 
The air around us stilled, and it was pregnant with silence. He gave me a moment to think before asking, “Would you like further explanation.”
“Yes please.” I rush out quickly. “I think that will clear things up a bit more.”
“Right it would. Well If you wish to know what’s on my brain when you’re near, I shall tell you.” His words are teasingly slow, and he knows this.
"But I doubt,” He continues, “i’ll be able to properly convey just how bad I long to be in your presence when you are gone. Just how much I battle myself when it comes to finding any excuse to touch you. As you know, I lost one of those battles today. I don’t know if you can handle, just how much I imagine your warm embrace to be. How tender I’ve imagined your lips to feel. I just know them to be softer than rose petals and sweeter than nectar.”
“In fact,” He started. I could almost physically see the lightbulb go off over his head. And then, he began ridding us of the rest of our space, extending his long arm to snake around my waist, and pulling me against his chest at a speed faster than lighting. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to put that theory to test.”
It was like a lucid dream. I was only allowed to watch everything play out before me, without the luxury of making any actions myself. It took great focus on my part to even will my head to move. My nod was so subtle I was unsure if he could even see it. But the God of Thunder had more than enough to go off on.
He joined the hand around my waist with his other, and shortly after I could feel my feet rise from the ground. My hands that were previously glued to his chest, found their place behind his neck to support the rest of my body. His head met me the rest of the way, before he blanketed his lips over mine.  
He released one of the hands around my waist, to bring it up to my face. His fingers, now fastened to my jaw, slightly parted my lips allowing him to further explore my mouth with his. As massaged my tongue with his own, I could feel his eyelashes dance across my cheeks. That’s how close he was.
Most beards are scratchy and rough, but his felt like silk against my skin. His lips were even softer, and were like velvet in comparison. 
I inhaled the scent of rain on freshly cut grass. It reminded me of dewy meadows and Irish springs. His touch was firm, but he managed to hold me with care, like a bull who had trained for years with the sole purpose of entering a china shop. 
He tasted like what summer felt like, if you could make sense of it. The kiss had the same intensity behind severe thunderstorms. Beautiful but deadly. I found myself teetering on the edge of a cliff: desperate to chase this thrill, but also wary of whether or not it was worth dying for. 
I mentally decided that I could expire in his arms, and be perfectly content with that decision.
I got more into it. I thought that if this was a dream I’d take full advantage of it. Surely dream Thor would be fine with me taking over the kiss. It felt only natural. 
I decided it was time for my tongue to do the exploring. My lips needed to memorize the feel of his. My hands wanted to study every strand of hair that lived on the nape of his neck. That was only fair right?
I was enjoying his embrace so much, that I mistook the spinning in my head for shock from kissing a god, instead of the telltale signs of an impending headache. The lack of air in my lungs was because he took my breath away in a figurative sense, instead of the literal physical sense it actually was. The ache that spread throughout my body wasn’t because of the suffocating grip he had to keep me pressed to his chest, but because our bodies were on the brink of fusing into one. 
On second thought, maybe dying in his arms is more painful than I previously thought. 
I tapped out, and he immediately released me, placing me gently on the ground. I struggled for air, but it was like he didn’t miss a beat. Not a drop of sweat in sight on his gorgeous face. Instead, I could see a bright smile forming. 
“Are my thoughts clear enough, now?” He asked, breaking out into smirk.
But I had no time to acknowledge his joke, for I could feel reality setting back in. And reality is, I was a flustered fuck. 
“I’m sorry.” I stammered. “I must be holding you from your business on Asgard!”
“What? No—”
But he had no time to argue, for in a flash I was already gathering my gym bag and heading for the door.
“What about your training?” I heard him yell.
“I’m sorry! Maybe another time!” And after that, I practically sprinted to get out of earshot before he could protest or stop me. 
I raced passed Peter who was on his way into the gym. “Y/N! Are you okay?” I heard him yell. But what was strange is that I couldn’t hear him think it, despite being more than enough distance away from Thor.
“I’m fine.” I yelled back, hoping he wouldn’t follow. Maybe Peter’s mouth was faster than his thoughts.
No. That wasn’t it, because as I raced through the tower, everyone’s minds were silent, even though they were chatting casually with one another. That never happened. 
I burst through the nearest lady’s room, desperate to calm my nerves, when I saw Natasha applying red lipstick.  The action by itself wasn’t disturbing, but the expression she wore was.
“Don’t tell the others.” She voiced, in a threatening tone.
“Don’t tell the others what?” I asked confused. Maybe she’d be able to take my mind off of things. 
She looked at me like I had grown two heads, much like the first day we met when I proved that I could read her thoughts. “I know you read them. But this is different Y/N, the guys will never let me live this one down.”
“Nat, what are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the date.”
“You’re going on a date?” No wonder she was so panicked. The woman was more comfortable with killing than she was with being vulnerable.
“Yes—What is wrong with you?” She half-yelled, interrupting herself as if she just realized something was wrong.
I had, had enough with trying to not think about him, because the task was damn near impossible so I decided to just say it. “Thor admitted his feelings for me. And then we kissed!” I cried. 
Oh, Nat mouthed, taking a more comfortable position against the bathroom sink. She leaned against its counter, and crossed her arms,“And now you can’t take your mind off of him.”
It was my turn to look at her like she was a lunatic. “How did you know that? Are you a mind-reader too?”
Song for the Chapter: Waiting For You by the Aces:  Pretty Self-explanatory lyrics. Think of the song from Thor’s POV
part II
A/N: If you made it this far, don’t be afraid to tell me what you think :)
598 notes · View notes
dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
Hey, I vicariously live in my imagination to escape from the reality.
So, I have been wondering about the Rogues reaction to Tony defeating thanos, the IronSmaug, taking over the world etc...
Have a go at it, if you are interested.
It's also fine if you dont.
thanks, I really, really needed the distraction. it's been. an interesting week. not in a good way.
tbh, the whole 'what does Team Cap think about this mess?' thing in TWiFFON is...something I had originally been torn about, and everything that's been happening ever since means I keep finding myself going "do I have the energy to tackle this? lol no".
For some context, because you probably know my stance on this sort of thing but I prefer redundancy just to make sure we're on the same page: once upon a time, I honestly, genuinely did like the Avengers. All of them, and yes, that included Wanda [...for less than an hour, but still].
Back when I still had faith in the writers, I was constantly going "...okay, so when are these guys going to stop acting so OOC? Where tf are they planning on taking these character arcs?" and just being disappointed at each turn— but I stuck around because I liked the potential. Steve "what do you mean punching fascists isn't cool anymore?" Rogers, Natasha "my past is a tire fire and I'll just leave it at that" Romanov, Clint "where's Loki? Let me at him!" Barton and the rest of the group had their good points, and I gave myself a headache trying to figure out wtf was their thought process when the time came for them to do their thing in TWiFFON.
It wasn't fun, I only did it because it was absolutely necessary... and I still ended up receiving complaints.
Look: for me, character bashing is exhausting. I have enough going down in my life that I don't have any interest in writing it, and over the past few years I've seen more than one of the fandoms I follow/lurk in become salt mines that have me going "...okay, if you hate it so much, why are you even here?"
When I write, I try my best to emphasize the 'actions have consequences' thing I learned long before I hit puberty; but that doesn't mean I'm up for anything beyond that. Again, I used to like these characters, so seeing the levels of suffering canon— and some writers— put them through just has me stepping back for a moment.
But TWiFFON attracted a lot of people who were pretty far out there in terms of what they wanted, some of whom got very very pissy when it wasn't the story I wanted to write, which is...probably like 99% of the reason I'm still burned out on that AU. Apart from the recent personal life bs that means I am Not Up To Dealing With any hypothetical rando that shows up in my inbox, because normally I could not care less about what people think but my energy levels are. Um. Not great atm. Not sure I wouldn't bite anyone's head off if they wanted to start something right now, tbh, or just ragequit writing for a while because I have way better things to do with my time than deal with random internet assholes.
...apologies for the tangent, but now you know why that situation is one I'm normally kinda reluctant on tackling.
As for what I'd originally headcanoned:
Back before things hit the fan, I'd originally planned to have some little interlude snippets of what Team Cap's been dealing with. Mostly, it would've forced them to acknowledge that for all none of them liked or trusted Tony, he was basically just the personification of what the rest of the world thought of them.
Nobody respects them, anymore, or trusts them; Clint'd be in very hot water and sleeping on the couch for a while, and Hank Pym would never let Scott hear the end of his involvement in this whole thing because Hank hates the Stark name and the English language cannot concisely articulate just how pissed off he was that he had to publicly thank Tony.
Team Cap overall would also start to fall apart at the seams as more and more stuff came out and ey, turns out the leader they'd trusted and broken international laws for had lied to them.
By omission, sure, but honestly— do you think that'd go down well? The "oh yeah, I've known my brainwashed friend killed his parents since DC but I am not going to tell him unless I'm forced to" thing?
I don't know about you, but I for one highly doubt Sam Wilson would be okay with that. Or Clint, for that matter, and the list goes on because the more time passes, the more stuff keeps coming out of the woodwork and for the first time in years, they're forced to deal with it.
One of the things I planned to include in the sidefic can basically be summed up as "the curious case of Bucky Barnes": that is to say, what'd happen after he's taken into custody, and poke lightly at the clusterfuck we're unpacking here. Tony, feeling bad for losing control in the bunker, would basically go "shit I fucked up but I also never want to see him again but he's an even bigger mess than I am, that's a whole lot to unpack so you know what? I'm just throwing out the suitcase entirely here, have all the resources for support and help and if I ever see you again, it'll be too soon".
...to sum up, it's messy af. SI Legal would feature heavily because his particular case means he needs a team of lawyers, what with the 'former POW who's trying to recover from All The Trauma' thing, and the 'so I literally was just trying to buy some damn groceries when you guys dragged me into this', and Tony basically went "hey, so if anyone wants to help him, uh, I kinda have some interest in this one. Fair warning, dude probably killed Kennedy while mind-controlled, with our luck".
And along the way, there'd also be some of that one subplot I'd cut due to pacing issues: specifically, the one dealing with prosthetics.
Remember how Miriam Sharpe said her son would never walk again? Yeah, we'd be revisiting that: her family'd get a letter or something inviting them for clinical trials, and meet Rhodey in passing as he's using his own leg braces to get around because he's still healing. Bucky would get a few design offers for a free replacement for his arm, and it'd probably end up being a collab with Wakanda because T'Challa feels bad for his role in that mess as well.
So Team Cap would be seeing this, seeing how everyone's acting and reacting, and the way one of their own is getting all the help and support Stark Industries has to offer and realizing that yeah, they messed up. Big time.
...depending on my salt levels and how close we're sticking to canon, I was thinking this'd go one of two ways.
Either they'd double down and just go "ugh, Tony is a supervillain and we can't do anything about it!" while TWiFFON marches on and then later go "...you mean he did it by accident?!", or...
Well, canon's proven character development and continuity isn't really in their writers' vocabulary. So my original idea of 'they're forced to deal with the reality of the situation, acknowledge they messed up and slowly move on with their lives' would've been very unrealistic.
Again, most of this is intentionally vague, I had not been keen to tackle that mess in TWiFFON in the first place and the way things exploded on me means I really, really don't have the energy to do so now. Not when there's far better things I could do with my time, like mess around with AUs where people actually get along, or knit, or— well, the list goes on.
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Just saw your post about the post phase 1 Marvel movies and the meme you used for CA:CW. So I'm here to ask and get you cancelled. What did you think about the movie? Are you Team Stark or Team Rogers?
........................................................I knew this day would come......okay, let's get me cancelled!
I hate this movie, I hate this movie with every fiber of my being. Watching it was torture, it as the longest 20hrs of my life. It was like living out one of those very confusing math problems I started this movie at 10am somehow 6pm rolls around and there are still 2hrs left! Coño cómo?! I watched this with my mom, and when we checked how much time was left we were left looking at each other like 'que carajo what twilight zone bullshit is this?' It's one of those Marvel movies that I am so glad I did not waste my money on, I wish I could get a refund for my time but I made my choice and I shall now have to deal with it.
I hate this movie for many reasons but I'm not gonna make y'all wait any longer for what you're really here for because I know what y'all really want to know is whether I am Team Iron Man or Team Captain America. When it comes to the political aspects ie. the Accords, I am Team Neither.
Now, I cannot get into a comprehensive debate about the Accords because the writers did a shitty ass job, in a 2 and a 1/2 hour movie that felt like a lifetime, at explaining what exactly the Accords are in the movie universe. Emphasis on the movie universe, because I have seen debates go on in this motherfucking fandom where some people will bring up aspects from the comics Registration Acts but we're not talking about the comics okay, we're talking about the movies! And they're two fucking different things! And the movie did a shitty ass job at explaining what the Accords are, and that's one of the reasons I hate this movie: that it's so badly written.
But back to the point, which is where I stand on the teams when it comes to the politics, I am Team Neither because ultimately they were both idiots on how they handled this, and I think they both have good points like yes the Avengers and other superheroes should 100% be held accountable if they fuck up, the fact that they are superheroes and the "good guys" doesn't mean that their actions shouldn't have consequences but at the same time Steve's mistrust of the government and concerns that the team and others could be weaponized are also valid so I think they both have good points when it comes down to it and the smart thing to do - and in my opinion what would have made a much better film- would have been to come together and make like a counterproposal, decide on amendments, try to ensure they can get a representative so they have a voice on the table.
So, there you go when it comes to the Accords I am Team Neither however when it comes to the characters and their actions I am 1,000% Team Tony. At the end of the day he wanted to do what was best for both people and for his team, he wanted to keep the team together because he knew they were stronger together, and he was thinking long term not short term.
And then there's Steve who is an asshole in this film and completely lacks self awareness, cause there's a scene in the film after they've found out about the Accords where Steve goes "that's because he already made up his mind" about Tony and I'm just like bitch so did you, pot meet kettle, Rogers you knew from the get go that you weren't going to sign those papers don't go acting different and then like- here's the thing Steve has some very good points when it comes to the Accords but one of his points is that the UN is filled with people with agendas and agendas change which true but also motherfucker you yourself have an agenda! The whole Sokovia mess is an example that they cannot be trusted to hold themselves or each other accountable because inevitably the time will come where they'll want to protect their team mate like we see in this movie Steve do with Bucky, or how he wanted to protect Wanda because he looks at her as if she were a child not an adult. Steve, you lot are not exempt from having your own agendas and biases.
And through pretty much the entire movie, he has this whole my way or the highway attitude like this man does not know the meaning of compromise in this film, and he has such tunnel vision for Bucky- and listen! listen, listeeeeeen, I get it, I don't judge Steve for making his bestie a priority; I understand that Bucky is incredibly important to Steve, that he's the one person who's gonna look at him as just Steve and not as the Steve Rogers, I get that he carries a guilt over what happened to his friend, I understand he misses him, I understand all of that and respect the ride or die game but goddamn he was so focused on being a good friend to Bucky that he forgot about everyone and everything else and was a shit friend to Tony.
Actually a lot of people in this film were shit to Tony for no goddamn reason but Steve was such a shitty friend not telling Tony about his parents, that was a shitty ass thing to do and listen! I know what some of y'all are thinking you're thinking some version of 'he wanted to protect Tony' shut the fuck up. No, no, that's an excuse and it's a cheap one, you know damn well that was a shitty thing for Steve to do and y'all know damn well you would have reacted the same way Tony did if someone who you thought was your goddamn friend knew about something horrible that happened to people that were important to you and they never told you; that kind of shit hurts, and finding out someone you thought of as a friend doesn't care about you as much as you care about them hurts.
And y'all know goddamn well how emotions work, you know emotions aren't gonna wait for the rational brain to kick in don't some of y'all go playing dumb as if you didn't know this shit. Same way deep down all of y'all know Tony was holding his punches, that man gave Thanos a fight and got some blood if he had wanted to kill Bucky he would have. Don't none of y'all motherfuckers try to play games and act like you don't know this info.
Steve was a shit friend to Tony. Period. The least he could have done is have some empathy or compassion towards Tony when he saw his parent's being killed- and I swear to motherfucking god to the person who is getting close to their keyboard thinking of saying he showed compassion by not killing him back the fuck away from your motherfucking keyboard what did I tell you about playing stupid, this is properly tagged, stay in your fucking lane. Some of y'all be acting as if it were still 2016 and we're gonna be talking about that too, anon wanted my opinion on this film so now I'm going off.
Back to what I was saying, in some ways Steve wasn't a perfect friend to Bucky either cause he kept looking at Bucky and thinking of the guy he used to know but Bucky's not that person anymore, he's been through a lot of shit and it feels at times like Steve didn't fully realize that.
I hate Steve in this movie, I wanna punch him in the throat; he's an ass, he thinks he's above the rules, he's unaware of his own flaws, he might be a good friend to Bucky but that's it. I don't blame Steve though I blame the writers cause they're the ones who wrote him this way; moving on from Steve, I wanna talk about Wanda real quick, I don't hate the character of Wanda but I do hate the way she was written in this film, I hate that the writers expect us as an audience to look at this adult and think of her as a defenseless child who should be exempt from consequences, I hate that instead of actually doing something with her and exploring some interesting dynamics they just give her an AI boyfriend and a pinterest quote which sounds nice but falls flat especially considering she says said quote as she uses her powers (which is what people are afraid of) to send her love interest down several floors of a building. They could have done so many cool and interesting things with her, shame they didn't.
Another thing I hate about this film is what it did to the fandom, and how it was promoted because it was very much promoted as a pick your fighter, pick a side type of movie and after this movie came out I feel like the divide between Tony fans and Steve fans grew toxically and the effects are still seen to this day like some people really do be acting as if it were still 2016 and attacking others for what side they went with or for who their fav between the two is, and I'll be very honest a lot of the hate I have seen has been directed towards Tony and Tony fans. I hate that, I hate when TPTB deliberately pits fans against each other cause it just encourages a toxic environment.
Let me think was there anything that I liked about this film- wait, oh my god talking about all these other things I hate almost made me forget the thing I hate the most about this movie: it's pointless. Its existence is unnecessary; the biggest aspect of this film isn't the politics of the Accords, it's Steve and Bucky and how far Steve is willing to go for Bucky and have him by his side...but Endgame exists. The end of Endgame turns this film pointless, because the only true point of this movie is the relationship between Steve and Bucky that's the biggest takeaway from the whole thing, but then you have the end of Endgame where Steve just leaves Bucky.
I hated this film before I saw Endgame but after.....I never plan to watch Civil War again but if I did I'm pretty sure I'd self combust cause I'd be so angry I'd scream every time Steve appeared cause that son of a bitch ends up leaving; tears the whole team apart only to end up leaving his friend behind in the end.
I hate this film, I hate everything about it, well that's not true I love the Tony and Peter stuff, but aside from a couple of things I hate this movie, someone give me time stone I'm eliminating it from the timeline.
So, there you go those are my thoughts on CA: CW.
In conclusion, I am Team Neither on the Accords, Team Tony on everything else, Steve I still like you but this movie demoted you in my eyes and makes me wanna punch you in the throat.
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🌷Irondad Fanfic Rec List🌷
World’s Best Babysitter by @jen27ny
Summary: “The second Tony sees that Morgan’s favorite stuffed elephant grew to the size of a real elephant, he vows to himself to never ever let Scott babysit again.”
Relationships/Tropes: Scott Lang & Peter Parker, Scott Lang & Morgan Stark, Scott Lang & Tony Stark, Irondad, Spider-Sized Peter Parker, Babysitting, Crackfic
Review: This was so hilarious man I love how Peter made himself a Lego spaceship to be shrunk in, that's such a Peter thing to do
blood under my belt by pvrker
Summary: His sweatpants come off next, landing softly on the expensively tiled floor before he kicks them to the side. "What the fuck-"
It's a reasonable reaction, seeing the bright blotch of red inside the crotch of his pants. And Peter thinks, this can't be happening.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Ironmom, Trans Peter Parker, Coming Out
Review: This is so so sweet! I love the way this Peter's reaction was described, and the way Pepper treated him with such kind gentleness, and how sweet Tony was after he found out what was going on. Just too freaking sweet and nice
Like A Bear by @an-odd-idea
Whumptober 2020
Prompt 21: Hypothermia
Peter and Tony wake up sealed in a box, but it’s not just a box, and Peter’s not just a kid
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Kidnapped, Whumptober, Peter Parker Can’t Thermoregulate
Review: This story was great! The tension of Peter beginning to fall asleep and Tony panicking and doing his best to try and keep Peter warm was perfect, and I love how Rhodey was right there for Tony, waiting for him to wake up. So sweet <3
A Shrunken Spider by @an-odd-idea
Summary:  A fight with a magic-wielding foe leaves Peter shrunken and vulnerable. Luckily, Tony is there to take care of him until the spell wears off.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Tiny Peter Parker
Review: This story was so cute! I love how Peter felt so safe in Tony's hand, as well as the part with the poptart haha. I think my favorite thing was that Tony kept holding Peter even as he was getting back to normal, it was so  s o f t
When You Smile I Am Undone by @superherotiger
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Theatre Nerd Peter Parker, Hamilton
Review: AAAAAAAAA this story had so much emotion??? It was so cool to see Tony's reaction to certain parts of the musical in relation to Peter, especially the part where Philip died. I hadn't even thought of how Tony would react to that tbh, so it was almost a surprise, but it made perfect sense for Tony to react rather strongly to it compared to other parts. Loved this fic, 10/10
Worst. Kidnappers. Ever. by @jen27ny
Summary: Not sure if this has been done before? But would you consider a prompt where Peter gets kidnapped but escapes easily, his kidnappers not even realizing that he's gone. So Peter gets home and is hanging out with Tony and then Tony gets a ransom call from the kidnappers but Tony just stares at Peter who just shrugs like its no big deal.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Kidnapping, (sort of), Crackfic
Review: HAHA this fic was hilarious, I loved Peter's complete nonchalance, and I love how Tony was still worried about him even though Peter was right there and perfectly fine lol
That Would Be Enough by @superherotiger (Pt. 3 of Estranged Irondad AU, Pt. 1 & 2 linked ^^^)
Summary: Nicknames and Tony Stark seemed to come hand in hand.
With a single glance at someone he could conjure up a title that would brand them for years to come, much to the amusement and frustration of his close friends like Rhodey, Pepper and Happy. Sometimes the names were designed to annoy -the clench of Steve Roger’s jaw when he’d first called him Capsicle had been entertaining to say the least-, but most often they were affectionate. Playful. Reserved for those Tony cared for the most.
And his son Peter was no exception.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Estranged Irondad AU, Gunshot wound
Review: AAAAAAAA THIS FIC IS SO SWEET AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME. I love how you can see them slowly starting to get closer to each other, slowly building up a bond of trust and love, and it's just so wholesome and perfect <3
I Hate You 3000 by @jen27ny 
Summary: I take need a fic where Peter playfully tells Tony that he hates him 3000. 😂😂😂😂😂 I'm begging you.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Adult Peter Parker, Crackfic
Review: oh my god this was hilarious. I love that Peter trains the new younger avengers now, that's so cute, and my favorite part was when he listed all the inconvenient things that should happen to Tony haha
Cider by @tsuki-chibi (Pt. 3 of aro-ace dad and son, Pt. 18 of Aro-Ace Valentine fics)
Summary: Dating is a little more complicated when you're not interested in sex. Luckily, Peter has a great mentor.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, AroAce Peter Parker, AroAce Tony Stark
Review: You all know I'm always here for Ace Irondad and Spider-Son and this was absolutely PERFECT I love it! I know I worry about the same things Peter talks about in this fic, so it was really nice to see those two talking about that type of stuff :D
When Your Colour Has Faded (We Will Paint It Back) by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 3 of Discord Challenges)
Summary: "Peter, wha-" May started to ask before Peter cut her off, words suddenly spilling over where a moment ago there had been none.
"I don't have colour anymore. I'm dull, faded, and I don't know how to get myself back." Peter's voice was small, the almost numb resignation in it striking May and Tony to their cores. 
"I'm not who I used to be. I'm a broken pallet with dried up, cracking paint where I used to be bright, and colourful and I don't know what to do. I don't- I don't know how to get me back." The teenager's voice cracked on the last few words, desperation and despair shining in his eyes.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, SpiderAunt, Depressed Peter Parker
Review: This fic was really sad but really nice at the same time. I like that both Peter and his parental figures noticed that something was wrong, I feel like it's usually one or the other in most fics, and I like that Peter asked for help when it was starting to get too bad. We definitely need more stories about characters getting help for their depression instead of suffering through it :']
Sleepy Crawler by @jen27ny 
Summary: Hi! Thank you so much for the prompt you wrote me! I loved it so much! I'm not sure if you are taking more or not but if you are, could you write one where Peter sleeps walking into Pepper and Tony's room, waking them both up! Fluff, cuddles, super sweet moment between the three of them? Thanks so much and you are an amazing writer! I always get a smile when I see you have written something x
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Ironmom, Peter Parker Sleepwalks
Review: This story was adorable! It's so cute how Peter subconsciously (or... unconsciously?) went to Tony and Pepper in his sleep when he was stressed out
If you look at any these stories, be sure to show the author your appreciation with a comment/kudos/reblog where applicable!
Click here for more fanfic rec lists!
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aliasimagines · 3 years
budapest//pietro maximoff
a/n: I was so afraid to write a hungarian reader for some reason but right now I just don’t care. I just had this idea last night and quickly wrote it. Nooow, I don’t wanna say I am gettin out off my writer’s blog but I might be.. (but only thanks to this quick bastard and József Attila xd)
hungarian!reader x pietro (i think i kept the reader gendernetural)
word count: 915
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"As fucked up as it sounds.. I am so glad Bértesy got out of jail and decided to pull off an illegal weapon deal." you say not even bothering to hide the smile playing on your lips. The excitement you got since you learned that the team has a mission in your birth-town just got stronger since you got on the Quinjet, and now that you actually landed and set your foot on the cobble-stoned streets of Budapest you felt more than excited. 
"Let's get that motherfucker!" 
Natasha smiled at your eagerness and led you and the rest of the team to the garage building where the deal was to take place. It was a simple mission that didn't require all of the Avengers to be here. Natasha was here because she knew her way around here almost as well as you. Clint didn't come, he just doesn't like Budapest, and neither did Baner, Vision, Sam, Rhody. 
So it was just Tony, Steve, Nat, the twins and you. 
The mission itself was quite easy. You busted in, took out the dealers and their goons, Stark and Cap got the weapons on the plane and soon everyone was ready to fly back home to the Avengers facility, everyone except for you. You stopped right before the stairs of the Quinjet. 
"Hey guys… I think I'll stay for a bit? Make sure the police really locks up  those douchebags." you say. Of course the team knows why you actually want to stay back. Since joining the Avengers you rarely got to visit your home. Wanda sent an understanding smile, she gets your homesickness. Steve leaned against the metal wall of the plane. 
" And how are you planning to get home?" 
You bite your lip, you could book a flight, it would take much longer than using the jet but you could do that. Or.. 
"It's, ok. I'll stay and get us home." you almost jump hearing Pietro's voice from next to you. "I'll help y/n oversee the police." 
"Are you sure you wanna run that much after a mission, son?" 
"Oh, come on Cap, I barely got to do anything this mission. Let me run a bit, eh?" 
You smile at the speedster and Steve nods, giving you guys his approval. 
"Alright, see you later kids." 
The jet takes off leaving you and the silver haired boy alone. Staying true tk your words the two of you go and check the police but once making sure everything's alright you wander around the mostly quiet streets. The dim light of the street lamps, the fresh night air and the sound of passing cars makes you feel warm inside. 
"I love Budapest at night." you say to your companion. "Sure it is beautiful in the daylight but at night? It's.. Truly breathtaking. For me, at least." 
Pietro hums in agreement. His eyes scan the floodlit bridges and buildings. 
"So this is where you grew up?" he asks. 
"Not right here but yeah, I grew up in Budapest." you inhale a big amount of the night air and exhale with a smile. It smells like your childhood. You feel a gently breeze caress your cheeks. "So, why did you stay here with me?" 
He shrugs his shoulders taking a bite of the lángos in his hand, which you have no idea when he got but you are almost sure it wasn't there a minute ago. 
"Always wanted to visit. Plus I love spending time with ya, draga mea." 
You chuckle. 
"Sure you do, Maximoff. You wanna sit by the banks of the Danube? I used to love doing that."
He offers you his arm with a wink. 
"Lead the way, miere." 
You walk together till you find a nice bench to sit on. You talk some, he asks about the city, your childhood here and he gets some more food, this time bringing some for you too. After a while the two of you just sit there, enjoying the pleasant weather and the picturesque scenery. The lights of the bridges and buildings reflect on the water of the river. The whole atmosphere is so peaceful and calm. Something Pietro rarely experiences. He is always on the go, always rushing to get from one place to another and never thinks about stopping to enjoy the little things. Yet here he is, looking at the sleeping city, with you leaning your head on his shoulder and he feels calm. 
"You were right. This is beautiful." 
You look up at him with a soft smile. His accent sounds heavier as he speaks with a lower voice. 
"I'm glad you think so." you gaze into his deep blue eyes and he does the same. 
"We could come here more often." 
"Definitely." you mumbled "And maybe next time I'll get to show you around a bit more." 
He flashes you his signature smirk. 
"We still have a few hours to ourselves, miere." 
You cannot say no to him,but it's not like you want to. So you get up and pull him with you. 
"Let's get going then, drágám." 
You see him raising an eyebrow. 
"What? If you get to call me pet names in your language, so do I." 
Pietro laughs and kisses your temple. 
"I guess you are right. So, we go?" you can't help but smile again and grab his hand. And you go, discover not only the resting city but the thing you have been feeling when with one another. 
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