#baby cat!Reader
dearest-painter · 1 year
Player!reader travels to other AU's which include AU's that are created by other anon/people. Player!reader don't understand why there are platonic yandere around other version of reader(Nezuko!reader and alot).
Player!reader: (confused) ???
Player!Reader:Why do you have a muzzle? Why is your relationship with your dad shit? Why is there a literal baby kitten here…WHY IS THERE A BITCH TRYING TO DRINK SOMEONES BLOOD!? WHY IS THAT ONE CRYIBG IN THE CORNER!?
Anomaly O’Hara!Reader:Welcome to the we have obsessive people all around us and we want to die club, I’m the founder. That’s Nezuko!Reader, we aren’t sure who brought baby cat!Reader but their here, that’s Himiko toga!reader has the best relationship with Miguel out of all us, that Miles!Reader, and I’m Anomaly O’Hara!Reader….there’s more of us
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theostrophywife · 10 days
curiosity killed the cat.
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pairing: regulus black x reader.
song inspiration: late night talking by harry styles.
author's note: i've been in such a writing rut lately, but sweet baby boy reggie is singlehandedly bringing me out of it. this idea has been floating in my mind for a while so I hope you all enjoy it. <3
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Curiosity killed the cat.
The irony of the phrase wasn’t entirely lost on Regulus as he cautiously peered through the bustling kitchen. The elves were cleaning up after supper, humming and working diligently to keep the castle in order behind the scenes. Some of them leaned down to reach for him with soapy fingers, but he narrowly avoided each attempt, baring his teeth in warning. 
They would not deter him from his true mission to infiltrate the basement. Having explored all the nooks and crannies Hogwarts had to offer, the Hufflepuff common room was his Atlantis—the last unexplored territory that he had yet to set foot in. 
In his current state, it was perhaps more accurate to say that Regulus had never set paw in this corner of the castle. Most of the time, he found his spontaneous transformations terribly inconvenient, but as Regulus slipped past the door without a trace, the youngest Black brother was suddenly grateful for his complete lack of mastery over his Animagus form. 
To be fair, he was only trying to find some peace and quiet. As of late, Regulus had become particularly fond of the kitchens. It was always warm down here and the smell of freshly baked bread wafted from the ovens and beckoned him towards its glorious scent like a beacon. Not to mention the fact that the elves often left a bowl of cold milk for him every night. 
Well, he supposed it wasn’t exactly for him. At least, not his true human form. The elves were not fond of Regulus the person, but they did adore the feral black cat that haunted the halls of Hogwarts. 
Potato, potato. 
The point is, that his benevolent caretakers were typically careful about securing the ever mysterious door at the end of his little haven. Lest he get his wily little paws all over those timid badgers. Much to his delight, the security measure was not in place tonight. The door was wide open, presenting Regulus with an offer that was simply too good to pass up. 
With a shimmy, he slinked behind enemy lines. Despite being located in the lower levels of the castle like the dungeons were, the Hufflepuff common room was far more welcoming. Instead of gothic furnishings and depressing color palettes, Regulus was greeted with warm earth tones and mismatched furniture. Plants of all shapes and sizes littered the room, which were far more pleasant to look upon than the haughty portraits that lined his own common room. At least the mimbulus in the corner didn’t sputter out rather unnecessary comments about the length of his curls every time he entered the dungeons. 
The Hufflepuffs seemed averse to the menacing lighting that his fellow serpents seemed so fond of, choosing instead to illuminate their space with enchanted sun lamps. It was charming and cozy, if one were to take notice of such things. Malfoy would have deemed it greenhouse chic with a sneer that conveyed aristocratic distaste. For that reason alone, Regulus decided he liked the place. 
The growing fondness was solidified as he followed the intoxicating scent of banana nut muffins. The trail led him to a dorm tucked away into the heart of the basement. Luckily for Regulus, the door was slightly ajar, which was more than enough permission for him to venture inside and make himself comfortable. It was the standard issue room—two beds, two desks, and two dressers. Yet the right side drew his attention. 
The top of the nightstand was brimming with books, all stacked in no particular order. The color scheme of the blankets and pillows consisted of golds, pinks, and oranges, reminding Regulus of the sunset. Fairy lights and enchanted plants provided a lived in feel, which was more than he could say for his obsessively neat dorm with its alphabetically arranged library and utilitarian furniture. Everything in his room was designed with practicality instead of comfort in mind. A choice he was rather proud of until the stark contrast made his space feel cold and rigid in comparison.
The reading nook nestled beside the hearth drew him in like a moth to a flame. Regulus inspected the cloud chair, stomping on the soft woven blanket and plush pillows with his paw before coming to the conclusion that it was as good a place as any to burrow. 
This was the life, he said. Or purred, if he was being technical. 
As Regulus enjoyed the comforts of his newfound paradise, he failed to consider the fact that this dorm belonged to someone and that someone would likely be back any second to reclaim their refuge, given the late hour. Engrossed as he was with licking his paws, Regulus startled when the door swung open. Instantly, he recognized the owner of the dorm as the shy and quiet Hufflepuff that sat beside him in Charms. Regulus lifted a paw to his furry head, feeling foolish that he had not connected the dots earlier. 
No wonder the banana muffin scent drew him in. Every now and then, he caught a whiff of it in class when you quietly claimed the spot beside him. The colorful scrunchies on the dresser also sparked his memory. How many times had Regulus witnessed you twisting the hair tie around your wrist as you quietly murmured the correct answers to Professor Flitwick’s questions under your breath? It never made much sense to him that you would allow the others to blatter and stutter through topics you were clearly an expert on, but Regulus attributed that to his proximity to pompous know-it-all pricks all his life. Slytherins were known to be showoffs, but you seemed to be the complete opposite. 
Perhaps that was the reason why he stayed. Well, that and the fact that he was currently too comfortable to even dream of leaving his sanctuary. Really, the decision was made for him. Regulus watched as you settled into your desk, studying diligently as your quill flew across the parchment. Every so often, you leaned back against the chair and stared at whatever problem eluded you as though intimidating the parchment would bring forth the correct answer. It was rather endearing. Dare he say, charming. 
In his mind, only minutes had passed since the start of your silent companionship, but a glance at the clock said otherwise. It was nearly midnight at this rate. As Regulus grumbled about his inevitable separation from the comfy cloud couch, a group of girls spilled into the room. They briefly said hello to you before gathering at the vanity table on the left side of the room. Regulus assumed one of them was your roommate. Probably the dark haired girl chattering on about the party the Gryffindors were hosting tonight. 
“Do you think Cormac will be there?” she asked hopefully. 
The other girls nodded in agreement, asking questions about the older boy with misplaced  enthusiasm. Regulus wrinkled his nose. McLaggen, really? Your roommate truly needed to raise her standards. He glanced over in your direction, snorting as he caught the tail end of your grimace. Clearly, you weren’t a fan either. 
After the girls were satisfied with their appearances, your roommate sauntered over to your desk with a friendly smile. “Would you like to come to the party with us, Y/N?” 
Before you could answer, one of the other girls rudely interrupted. “Oh no, Y/N doesn’t go to parties. She’s too shy.” 
Regulus vaguely recognized the annoyingly nasally tone of the speaker. He thought her name was Brandy or Brenda. Whichever one it was, she always hung around the quidditch team batting her eyelashes and laughing in an exaggerated way that bordered on deranged. It deeply irritated Regulus. 
“Isn’t that right, Y/N? Our little bookworm only prefers the company of her novels. No chance of embarrassing yourself in front of boys when they’re just words on paper.” 
“That’s mean, Britt,” scolded your roommate. 
Regulus very much wanted to scamper across the room and bite Britt’s ankles. He lifted his head up as you stood, mentally encouraging you to even the score by chucking a tome at that horrid girl’s head, but instead you simply smoothed down the front of your gingham dress and smiled. 
“Thanks for the offer, Mina, but I think I’ll stay in tonight. You girls have fun though.” 
The others were more than happy to flee the awkward tension in the room. You bid them goodbye at the door before closing it behind you. As it clicked into place, you released a sigh. Regulus tracked your movements as you swiped a book from the teetering tower on your nightstand before collapsing into bed. 
“God, what’s wrong with me?” You whispered softly to yourself. “It’s Friday night. I should be going out and partying, but instead I’m wallowing alone. No wonder everyone thinks I’m just a boring bookworm.”
Regulus voiced his disagreement. Unfortunately for him, the words came out as a series of meows. He blended in amongst the blankets, his whiskers barely peeking out from a distance. Unaware of his presence, you yelped at the strange cat peering at you from the reading nook. The noise startled Regulus, causing him to launch across the room and into the bed. 
“Oh, it’s just you.” You sat upright, cocking your head at him. Your fingers twitched at your side, probably itching to pet him. You restrained yourself, respecting his general aversion to humans. “If you’re here to bring me bad luck, then I’m sorry to say that I’ve got enough of that on my own already.” 
In protest, Regulus attempted to headbutt your hand, but it only resulted in an unintentional nuzzle. You chuckled in amusement before carefully patting his furry head. He dodged your hand and swiped at your leg, but the padding motions quickly turned to him just making biscuits on your thigh. 
You chuckled in response. “Hm, everyone says you’re a mean kitty, but I think you’re just a little misunderstood.” Regulus huffed, but his displeasure was short lived as you scratched under his chin. He was only slightly embarrassed at how eager he was to receive more. “Look at us, we make quite the pair.” 
At that, Regulus purred in agreement.
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From that night forward, Regulus became a frequent visitor. He hadn’t intended on making a habit of it, but every time Regulus accidentally transformed, he found himself in your dorm. It wasn’t his fault that it was warm and toasty and smelled like pastries. If you weren’t trying to attract a feral cat, you shouldn’t have made your room so inviting. 
During one of his visits, your roommate walked by and yelped at the sight of him. Regulus lifted his chin up in challenge as he claimed his rightful seat on your lap. “Is that the feral cat that almost took off Cedric’s fingers?” 
Regulus purred in answer. He was rather proud of that moment. Would’ve gotten away with it too had it not been for Diggory’s quick reflexes. 
You barely looked up from your book as you combed through his fur. “Mhm. He likes to follow me around sometimes. He’s like my little shadow.” A bright smile curved against your lips. “Oh, I think we found you a name. Shadow.” 
From then on, Regulus wore the name like a badge. The name seemed to awaken more of his animal instincts because his spontaneous transformations became a rather frequent occurrence. At the beginning, they were isolated to nights and thus easier to manage, but now his Animagus form seemed to have no respect for convenience. As of late, the transformations were happening more and more often with absolutely no rhyme or reason. 
The only common denominator seemed to be you. Every time Regulus was in his Animagus form, he sought you out. Whether he was interrupting Potions class to jump in your lap or resting next to you in the courtyard while you read, Regulus was resigned to the fact that he would end up in your proximity one way or another. He basked in the attention you showered him with, shamelessly nuzzling against your hand for more chin scratches and cuddles. It became a routine for the two of you. Most nights, you read in silence as he curled against you for warmth, but other nights, your inner monologue spilled out and he listened to you grapple with your shyness and anxiety. 
Funny, you didn’t seem all that reserved around him. But then again he had taken on the form of a grumpy yet harmless cat. You were none the wiser that Regulus Black was currently purring for more pets as you lamented over the events of the day. He listened intently, not quite understanding your desire to become more sociable. You seemed to view it as a deficiency, but Regulus had always leaned towards the extremities of introvertedness. Though in his case, no one batted an eye when he was abrupt and abrasive. It was just how he was. 
Hufflepuffs, on the other hand, were expected to be sunshine and butterflies. You were, Regulus thought. In your own quiet way, you radiated joy. It wasn’t loud or obnoxious or overbearing. It was just right. Regulus longed to tell you just as much, but it wasn’t like he was in a position to. Outside these late night talks, the two of you hardly spoke a word to one another. 
Perhaps it was time to change that. 
The first time Regulus tried to speak to you was a complete and utter disaster. 
It was bright and early on a Monday morning. You slipped into your seat a few minutes before the start of Charms. The two of you were always the first ones in class, so he figured it was an opportune time to strike up a conversation without overwhelming you. 
“How was your weekend?” 
You blinked up at him, surveying the room covertly as though you weren’t quite sure that he was speaking to you. Regulus watched you flush as you realized that he was indeed addressing the question to you.
“It was good,” you responded cautiously. “How was yours?” 
Regulus paused. “It was…fine.” 
Never in his life had he wanted to swan dive into the Black Lake and become fodder for the merpeople. The response was a natural conversation killer, but he couldn’t very well tell you that he spent the entire weekend lounging in your dorm as you read Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time. That little revelation probably would’ve resulted in a restraining order. 
The short and awkward dialogue made him cringe internally, but you simply smiled politely at him. For Salazar’s sake, where was the basilisk when Regulus needed it?
When lunch came around, he was still pondering the less than lackluster encounter. Regulus needed to find a way in. As his friends chattered and chatted, he stared intently across the Great Hall and watched you. Things were so much easier when you thought he was a cat. 
“Reg, mate, you haven’t blinked for like five minutes. You’re really starting to freak me out.” 
The annoying little quip from Nott brought Regulus out of his stupor. Had he truly been staring for that long? He hoped to Godric that you hadn’t caught him being an utter creep. A sly glance told him that you were none the wiser as you continued chatting with Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley. He turned to Theodore and frowned. 
“What are you staring at, anyways?” asked Mattheo. The curly headed git surveyed the room for the object of his friend’s focus, which only made Regulus more irate. 
“Nothing,” Regulus mumbled. 
Riddle, ever the menace, grinned as he spotted you. “Doesn’t look like nothing to me.” 
He elbowed Theo, who smirked once he too caught sight of you. “Say, Reggie, don’t you have Charms with that cute little Hufflepuff?” 
“Shut it, Nott.” 
“Whoa, a little touchy there, aren’t we? No need to fret. I won’t turn my Italian charms on her. After all, I wouldn’t dare go after one of my mate’s crushes.” 
Regulus bristled. “I do not have a crush.” 
“Sure, mate, and I’m Harry bloody Potter,” scoffed Mattheo. “You’re not fooling anyone, you know.” 
“Does this conversation have a purpose besides showcasing your remarkable skill of grating my nerves?” 
“Aw, Reggie’s upset.” Mattheo and Theodore chuckled as Regulus stood abruptly. He flung the napkin onto his plate and walked off without explanation. “Don’t worry, mate. We won’t tell anyone about your secret girlfriend.”
Unfortunately for Regulus, the childish teasing gained traction over the next few days. Trust Nott and Riddle to be a general nuisance to his everyday life. Every time you walked past Regulus in the halls, his friends (debatable as of late) would nudge him and smirk. Given that Mattheo and Theo possessed the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, you were definitely beginning to notice. 
Even worse, Lorenzo had taken it upon himself to chat you up in the courtyard. Regulus looked on in horror as his best friend laughed and gesticulated alongside you on the bench. His presence had not gone unnoticed by their fellow classmates. A crowd of Hufflepuffs began crowding near your usual spot under the willow tree and Regulus could easily spot the tell-tale signs of your anxiety blooming. He needed to put an end to this. 
“Berkshire, can I talk to you for a second?” 
Lorenzo appeared completely unbothered as he nodded. “Sure, just let me wrap up here. Reg, you’ve met Y/N, right? She was kind enough to lend me notes for History of Magic.” 
You looked up and gave Regulus a shy wave. The desire to throttle Lorenzo diminished by a few notches. “Sorry about him. Berkshire’s a bit overeager. Not fully trained, you see.” 
His friend protested the accusation. “Hey, I’m standing right here!” 
Regulus ignored his protests. Lorenzo might as well have been halfway across the world with how little attention he paid to his friend. He was far too busy being enamored with the way you tried to bite back a grin.
“Thank you for indulging him. I’ll make sure he doesn’t go off leash again.” 
You chuckled. “It’s alright, really. I’ve got a habit of attracting strays.” 
“Where is that little monster of yours, anyways? Busy clawing off some unsuspecting student’s face?” Lorenzo quipped. 
“Shadow isn’t so bad. He’s actually very sweet, once you get to know him.”
Regulus tried not to grin. 
Lorenzo shot him a knowing look. “Sounds like someone else I know.” 
Regulus rolled his eyes. “Sorry again about him. I’ll make sure he returns your notes.” He tugged Lorenzo by the collar. “Now let’s go, Berkshire. We’re going to be late for practice.” 
“Bye, Y/N!” Lorenzo called over his shoulder. “Don’t be a stranger.” 
“Bye, Lorenzo,” you said with an amused smile. “I’ll see you in class, Regulus.” 
Regulus couldn’t help but smile. “See you in class, Y/N.” 
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Thanks to his meddlesome friends, Regulus kept finding himself in less than ideal situations. The twats seemed determined to force you two together. Lorenzo, most of all. 
Every time they studied in the library, you seemed to conveniently be seated a few desks away. Every time they were walking back from quidditch practice, you coincidentally seemed to be headed to the greenhouse. Every time Lorenzo fetched something in his locker, you just so happened to be walking by between classes. 
It was during one of these times that Regulus overheard Britt making snippy little comments about your dresses and bows, commenting on how you were always lost in your books, even citing the fact that the feral cat had taken a liking to you because birds of a feather flock together. Your roommate defended you, but she was a lone voice amongst the other mindless girls who laughed along with Britt. The next time Regulus ran into her in his cat form, he made sure to hiss and claw at her. 
In terms of finding his way in, Regulus had yet to crack the code. When it was just you and your Shadow, you spoke to him for hours and hours. But when he was actually himself, you were so quiet and reserved. 
“Why don’t you just talk to her?” Lorenzo offered. 
The glare Regulus cut his way was sharper than a splicing spell. “I’ve tried, but I’m terrible at it. I asked her about the weather, Enzo. The bloody weather!” 
To his credit, Lorenzo didn’t laugh. Instead, he seemed deep in thought. “You’ve got to find out what she’s passionate about. What’s something that she could talk about for hours and hours?” 
Regulus bolted out of his chair, startling Lorenzo. “You’re a genius, Berkshire.” 
His friend looked utterly confused. “Thanks, I suppose?” 
Half an hour later, Regulus found himself standing in a labyrinth. Plot Twist, the largest bookstore in the village, was as magical as you described it to be. Each aisle was filled to the brim with books, the shelves winding and twisting in on itself to reveal even more volumes. Soft classical music played throughout the shop, its interior filled with kitschy trinkets and illuminated by enchanted candles.
If Regulus recalled correctly, the latest installment of your favorite series just recently released. You mentioned it to Ginny in the Great Hall last week while he lounged on your lap. Was it ethical to eavesdrop on your conversations and use the information he gleaned to grow closer to you? Perhaps not, but he couldn’t help it. Cunning was in his nature. There was a reason Regulus was sorted into Slytherin, after all.
So here he was on a Friday afternoon, looking absolutely engrossed in the romance section of the bookstore. Regulus picked up a novel from the display. One of your favorites, of course. 
From the corner of his eye, Regulus glimpsed your entrance into the store. Naturally, you were headed in his direction since romance was your preferred guilty pleasure. He pretended to skim through the summary despite the fact that he already read the book in its entirety. When you were reading it back in your dorm, you blushed so much that he had to see what the fuss was about for himself. 
“Oh, that’s a really good one,” you said shyly. 
“Yeah?” Regulus asked, noting the pretty flush dusting your cheeks. “Have you read it before?” 
“About a thousand times.” 
“What’s the verdict, then? Would you recommend it to me?” 
You cocked your head in observation, taking him in. Regulus was acutely aware that he didn’t fit the usual demographic of romance novel readers. Hell, even his all black ensemble clashed with the vibrant book covers. 
“I know, I know. I have the looks of someone who would rather binge murder mysteries, but I’m trying to branch out.” 
The grin you gave him made his heart stutter. “Well, I’d be more than happy to be your guide.” 
Regulus had no idea why he hadn’t realized it sooner. Books—that was the gateway to your heart. He listened in fascination as you pulled books from the shelves, talking a mile a minute about your favorite authors, characters, and tropes. You lit up the entire room as you spoke, filling the place with your infectious energy. He had only ever seen you this way in the comfort of your own dorm, so he relished in the fact that he was witnessing this not as Shadow but as Regulus. 
“Oh my god, I’ve been rambling. I’m so sorry. Once I start, I just can’t seem to stop.” 
He smiled softly. Regulus could have listened to you talk about books for the rest of his life and never grow bored. “I don’t want you to stop. I like that you’re so passionate. It’s adorable.” 
Suddenly, Regulus wished he had a camera because the sight of you smiling up at him was a memory that needed to be captured and immortalized. For now, he settled for its dizzying aftereffects. 
“Thank you for letting me talk your ear off,” you said shyly as the two of you made your way to the counter. 
“No, thank you for helping me expand my horizons.” Regulus countered as he set both of your books down. 
You started to fish for your wallet, but Regulus simply waved you off. “Please, let me.” The shopkeeper gaped at him. “Would you mind putting everything on my tab?” 
“Of course, Mr. Black.” 
“Regulus is fine.” 
“Sure thing Mr.—I mean, Regulus.” 
As the shopkeeper carefully packed up the books, Regulus leaned in. “You can call me Reg, if you’d like. Reggie, if you’re feeling particularly brave.” 
You beamed. “Thank you, Reggie.” 
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” 
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The Monday after the breakthrough, Regulus marched into Charms with purpose. You glanced up in amusement as he settled into his seat. 
“You were right. Your recommendations were fantastic. I read it all in one sitting.” 
“Which one?” you asked curiously. 
Back at the bookstore, you had gotten a little overzealous with the recommendations, but at the end, you managed to narrow it down to your absolute top picks. 
“All of them.” 
Your jaw nearly dropped. “You read all of them?” 
Regulus shrugged as if it were no big deal. “Yes.”
“Every single book?” 
“But I gave you six recommendations,” you stated incredulously. You considered yourself a voracious reader, but Regulus Black was giving you a run for your money. 
“And I devoured every single one.” 
As it turns out, that was all it took to unlock the floodgates. Soon your conversations flourished from books and literature to hobbies and future plans. Regulus could tell that you were warming up to him. The conversations that were once isolated to the Charms classroom flowed easily outside of it as well.
The first few times you were spotted together, it turned a few heads. 
Regulus had never been particularly known for his sociability, so he supposed it was a rather strange sight for everyone else to find him practically glued to your side. Never mind that he’d done it a hundred times before as your Shadow and no one ever said a word about it back then. As he spotted you in your usual spot under the willow tree, he found that he really didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought of your newfound friendship. 
“Is this seat taken?” 
You nodded as you moved your belongings to make room for him. “Yes, by you.” 
Regulus dropped his backpack by his feet before stretching his long legs out on the wooden bench. You watched in amusement as the wood creaked under his weight. “I prefer to be horizontal when I read. You don’t mind, do you?” 
“Knock yourself out, Mr. Black.”
“That’s Regulus to you, love.” 
“I thought it was Reg.” 
“Actually, I prefer Reggie. But only if it’s being used by you.” 
“Okay, Reggie.” 
He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. 
Despite spending time with you during the day, Regulus still made his visits in the night. He truly just couldn’t get enough. Thanks to his questionable methods, you were starting to open up to him more. Just that morning, the two of you ate breakfast together in the Great Hall. You teased him for eating such a bland meal. 
“Honestly, Regulus. We attend a magical school. You could ask for anything your little heart desires and you choose to eat gruel?” 
“It’s not gruel. It’s oatmeal.” 
“My point exactly.” 
“What’s wrong with oatmeal?” 
“Nothing, I suppose. If you prefer eating cement for breakfast.” 
“You’re awfully judgmental. Let’s take a closer look at your choices. A chocolate chip muffin? You might as well swallow a spoonful of sugar and call it a day.” 
“My apologies, Mr. Black. I forgot that you abhor flavor. Shall we share your cement goop, then?” 
“After you insulted my culinary preferences? I think not, Y/N.” 
Needless to say, the two of you got along like a house on fire. Both of your friends constantly teased you about the newfound friendship. Regulus simply rolled his eyes and brushed off the comments, but even his mates noticed the way he smiled every time you were mentioned. You knew your friends were bursting at the seams with questions regarding Regulus, but to their credit, Ginny and Luna were happy seeing you happy. 
Not everyone shared their enthusiasm though. Britt, in particular, was rather cross. It made no sense that someone like you would catch the attention of Regulus Black. She had harbored a crush on the youngest Black since third year and he could barely even spare her a glance, yet here you were receiving his full and undivided attention. Britt was seething with jealousy. She simply could not accept losing to you, of all people. 
Perhaps you dosed Regulus with a love potion. Perhaps he pitied you, viewed you as some wounded animal to save. Either way, Britt was convinced that Regulus wasn’t meant to be with someone like you. A shy and quiet girl who could never hope to hold his attention for long. She just had to make Regulus see it. The perfect opportunity presented itself one Friday afternoon.
In the crowded hall, Regulus shielded you from the incoming traffic of students rushing to their next class. It wasn’t much of an effort on his part since your fellow classmates cowered and parted as soon as they caught sight of your companion’s scowl.
“Reggie, could you try not to scare the first years away?” You teased, bumping your hip against his. “Poor Anderson looked ready to cry when you glared at him.” 
Regulus bumped you back. “He nearly stepped on your foot.” 
“Did that really warrant you threatening to hide bullfrogs underneath his pillows?” 
“You’re right, I’ve gone soft. I should’ve threatened him with fire serpents instead.” 
“You’re hopeless, Regulus.” 
Regulus placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. “You wound me, ma chérie.” 
The nickname made you flush. Regulus had never been more thankful that French was his native tongue. The language of love certainly had its effect on you. 
“However will you live?” 
“I’ll tell you what, if you come keep me company tonight, then all will be forgiven.” 
“I’m not helping you sneak bullfrogs into Anderson’s dorm.” 
He pouted in response. “Fine. I suppose we can have a quiet night in. Come join the dark side. We can read together in the common room.” 
“The dungeons?” You asked apprehensively. 
Though you’ve gotten used to the occasional Slytherin greeting you in the halls, the whole lot of them still terrified you. You weren’t quite sure how you felt about marching right into the serpent’s nest. 
“It’ll just be us,” Regulus added softly. “I’ll make sure of it.” 
The way he eased your worries was endearing. You bumped his hip again. “You can’t just kick people out of their own common room.”
“I’m Regulus Black,” he said haughtily. “Of course I can.” Regulus draped an arm over your shoulder and leaned in to whisper conspiratorially. “Come on, I know you’re dying to read that new novel you bought last weekend.” 
You rolled your eyes affectionately. He knew you too well. “You mean, the novel that you bought me. Against my will, thank you very much. I will pay you back.” Regulus started protesting, but you only held your hand up. “You’re right, though. I’m convinced. I’ll bring the snacks. Chocolate frogs for me and a bowl of gruel for you.” 
You yelped as Regulus dug his fingers into your side. “It’s a date, love.” 
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Regulus paced back and forth, watching the door to the dungeons. To say he was nervous would’ve been an understatement. 
As soon as classes were dismissed for the day, Regulus wasted no time. He raced back to the common room and made sure everything was perfect. The boys were taking the piss out of him, but he paid no mind to them as he fluffed the pillows and draped a blanket over the couch. 
“Ooh, what type of candle is this?” Theo asked as he wrapped his grimy little fingers around the banana nut muffin scented candle. 
Regulus smacked his friend’s hand away. “Don’t touch that.” 
Mattheo snickered as he took in the scene before him. “You must really like this girl, Reg. I don’t think I’ve ever put in this much effort for a date.” 
“Yeah, and how’s that working out for you?” Regulus snipped. Blaise and Pansy snorted in response. 
Lorenzo bit back a smile. “I think it’s nice. Y/N will love it.” 
“You think so?” Regulus asked absentmindedly. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect. The dungeons were a far cry from your dorm, but Regulus did his best to emulate the comfort it provided. “It’s not too much?” 
“It’s a bit…cozy for my taste,” said Draco. Regulus fought the urge to throttle his cousin. To be fair, Draco hated anything that wasn’t French or expensive. “But I’m sure your girl will love it.” 
“She’s not my girl,” Regulus corrected. “Not yet, at least.” 
Tom shot a disinterested glance at him from the couch. “What on earth are you waiting for? You’ve been pining over her for months. Your yearning is starting to sicken me.” 
Mattheo grimaced. “I think that’s Tom’s way of encouraging you to make a move.” 
“Consider me encouraged,” Regulus said with an eye roll. “Now everyone get out.” 
As his friends filtered out, Lorenzo patted him on the back. “Good luck, mate.” 
Luck had nothing to do with it. Regulus refused to take his chances on such a finicky thing. He was far too resourceful to leave things up to chance. Instead, he compiled everything he’s learned about you to ensure that you wouldn’t feel overwhelmed. 
At exactly six o’clock on the dot, Regulus opened the door to the dungeons. He smiled when he found you standing in the corridor, fidgeting with the hem of your sunflower dress. You clutched your book to your chest as he stepped through the threshold. 
“Hi, Reg,” you greeted shyly. 
“Hi, love.” Regulus offered his arm, which you gladly took. “Come on in.” 
You weren’t sure what to expect at first, but you found the dungeons to be quite cozy. The waves from the Black Lake gently lapped against the stained glass windows, the murky waters shimmering across the onyx floors. The furnishings were all dark wood and harsh lines with pops of emerald tying everything together. The velvet couch was piled with pillows and candles illuminated the space, providing a warmth and coziness that you never would’ve attributed to the dungeons. 
“This is quite lovely,” you said softly. 
Regulus took your bag from you and set it gently on the marble side table. “I’m glad you think so.” 
“Where’s everyone else?” 
“Out,” Regulus responded. “If they’re smart, they’ll stay that way.” 
You chuckled. “I guess it pays to be mean and scary.” 
“To everyone else, yes.” Regulus said as he guided you over to the couch. “Not to you, though.”
The sentiment made you smile. “Well, big scary Reggie, thank you for inviting me over. As promised, I came bearing snacks.” 
As you laid out a treasure trove of treats, Regulus watched with an amused smile. “For Salazar’s sake, I’m getting a cavity just looking at all of this candy.” 
You grinned as you waved a sour gummy worm in the air. “But it’s good, though.” Regulus backed away from the neon colored candy with a grimace. “Come on, Reg. Try it.” 
“No, thank you.” 
“Please,” you pleaded, poking his cheek with the worm. “Just one little nibble. I know you want to.” 
“You’re a terrible influence,” he sighed defeatedly. 
Regulus leaned over, his lips brushing against your fingers as he took a small bite. You flushed furiously, heat prickling your skin as his emerald gaze pierced through you. From this close, you could make out the golden flecks swimming in his irises. 
“It’s a bit sweet,” Regulus murmured. His eyes never left yours as he held your wrist in place, devouring what was left of the sour worm. “But I’ve grown an appetite for sweet things lately.” 
Regulus licked flecks of sugar off of his lips, smirking when he caught you staring. You cleared your throat, eager to diffuse whatever tension was brewing between you. He tracked your movements as you retrieved your book and daintily perched yourself on the couch. 
“Shall we?” 
A comfortable silence befell the common room, broken only by the lulling crash of the waves against the windows. It baffled you how at ease you were in the dungeons. Usually, it took a bit of time for you to adjust to new environments, but something about this place seemed familiar. You felt safe here, thanks to the boy sitting beside you. 
As you curled up on the sofa, Regulus assumed his position. He scooted towards you, placing his head on your lap and stretching his long legs out until they touched the other end of the couch. With a smile, you peered at him as he nuzzled against your free hand. Regulus sighed in satisfaction when you ran your fingers through his curls. The action reminded you of your little Shadow. 
You had no idea how you hadn’t realized it sooner, but the two of them were similar in a lot of ways. They were both standoffish and prickly on the outside, but complete softies on the inside. The thought made you chuckle. 
“What’s so funny?” Regulus murmured. Despite the fact that the two of you were supposed to be reading, his book remained perched on his stomach while his eyes fluttered close. 
“It’s just hard to reconcile grumpy Regulus to the Regulus that practically begs for his head to be scratched.”
Regulus scoffed. “I do not beg.” 
You placed your hand back in your lap. Regulus furrowed his brows as he glanced up at you. With a soft nudge to your side and a matching pout to boot, he single handedly proved your point. “Why’d you stop?” 
The pointed look you gave him made Regulus flush. “Fine, I suppose I’m not above begging.” 
You raised a brow, which only made him sigh in defeat. Regulus lifted your hand and placed it back atop his curls. “Please?” 
“Only because you asked nicely, Reggie.” 
The rest of the evening was blissfully peaceful as the two of you continued reading. Well, you were reading. Regulus, on the other hand, hadn’t even cracked open his book. You could feel the intensity of his gaze boring into you while you pretended to be engrossed in your novel. 
“Do I have something on my face?” You asked self-consciously. 
“Then why are you staring?” 
Regulus sat upright and faced you, his emerald eyes locking onto yours. His expression was soft as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, knuckles brushing along your jaw. 
“Because you’re beautiful.” 
The air left your lungs as Regulus beheld you. The calluses on his thumb stroked your skin as he caressed your cheek. You shivered at his touch, at his scent, at his closeness. Regulus was like poetry come to life. A work of art that moved and breathed and mesmerized everyone around him. If anyone was beautiful, it was him. 
The words died in your throat when Regulus brushed his thumb over your lips. “Y/N…” 
Little by little, the gap closed between you. Anticipation swelled in the room, enveloping everything with unspoken tension. You felt like a harp string pulled taut, waiting for release. Just as Regulus tilted your head back, a loud smack echoed through the dungeons. 
You nearly jumped out of your seat, but Regulus shielded you behind him, keeping you close. A stream of people made their way through the common room, trampling the once serene atmosphere. The commotion from earlier seemed to be coming from the large keg that Adrian Pucey was now rolling across the stone floor. The other Slythering began clearing the furniture, chattering excitedly amongst themselves. 
Regulus was incensed. “What the fuck is going on?” 
One by one, his friends streamed in. Blaise was the first to squeeze through the crowd. “Common room party, apparently. We ran here to warn you, but they were already rolling the kegs through the corridor before we caught up.” 
Theodore and Mattheo pushed their way through a couple of fourth years. At their complaint, the two boys glared at them so intensely that they slowly started to back away. 
“The fuck are you looking at?” Mattheo barked. 
“Are you deaf or just thick? Get fucking lost, mate,” Theo added menacingly. 
You flinched at the display of aggression. Regulus clocked the reaction and pulled you closer before frowning at his friends. Theodore elbowed Mattheo when he caught sight of you, who in turn elbowed Theodore back. 
“Sorry about that, Y/N.” Theodore drawled, his Italian accent seeping through the words. “We didn’t see you there. Usually, we’re more well-behaved in the presence of a lady.” 
“That’s a lie,” Pansy interjected. “You’re horrid around me all the time.” 
“I’ve known you since we were in diapers, Pans. You’re certainly not a lady,” Theodore quipped. 
“Why, you little twat—” 
“Guys,” Regulus scolded. 
Pansy stopped in her tracks, sighing as she put her hand down after landing a smack on the back of Theodore’s head. She offered her hand. “Right. Well, this isn’t how we thought our first introduction would go, but it’s nice to finally meet the infamous Y/N. Regulus talks about you all the time.” 
You flushed as you took Pansy’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you too, Pansy.” 
“Me next,” Theodore exclaimed. “Theodore Nott, at your service.” 
The floppy haired boy bowed cheekily before taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles. Regulus glared daggers at his friend, but you merely giggled in amusement. 
“Move, Nott. It’s my turn now.” Mattheo smacked Theodore away and enveloped you into a hug. “Mattheo, the most handsome Riddle. Although don’t tell my brother that. He might hex me. Anyways, nice to meet you." He paused, sniffing your hair unabashedly. "Oh! Reg is right. You do smell nice.” 
“Riddle,” warned Regulus.
Mattheo only winked at you before stepping aside. You exchanged introductions with Blaise and Draco next until Lorenzo caught up with the rest of the group. He gave you a warm hug before explaining that someone had printed out posters promoting a party that none of the Slytherins had any clue about. Of course, it didn’t take much convincing on his housemates' part before they jumped on the bandwagon, hence the packed common room. 
“I’m so sorry,” Regulus said as he turned over to face you. “ I didn’t know any of this was happening.”
Worry marred his beautiful face. Though the situation was a little more than overwhelming, you didn’t want Regulus worrying on your behalf. It was touching, truly. But you could try to push through it. 
“It’s okay, Reg. I’m fine, really.” 
“We can leave,” he offered. “Find somewhere more quiet.” 
“Already?” Mattheo asked, pouting. “But we haven’t even played butterbeer pong yet! Dibs on Y/N as my partner.” 
“No fair! I was going to ask her,” Theodore said, shoving Mattheo. His curly headed friend shoved back, which only escalated into Theodore putting him into a headlock. You shook your head in amusement. 
“Sorry to disappoint, but I have no idea how to play butterbeer pong.” 
Mattheo slithered out of Theodore’s hold and beamed. “Oh, it’s easy. You just arrange a bunch of cups into a pyramid and then take turns shooting ping pong balls into them. Surely, you’ve handled balls before, right?” 
The double meaning was not lost on the group. Regulus tensed, charging up to smack Mattheo into next week for the inappropriate joke, but your response stopped him in his tracks. 
“I have,” you said softly. “Have you? Because it doesn’t seem like it from the way you kept missing the goalposts during the game last week.” 
Mattheo gaped in shock before bursting into laughter. “Oh, she’s a keeper.” 
“You’re lucky Y/N found that funny,” Regulus said to his friend. “Otherwise, I would’ve twisted your intestines into a bow for her.” 
“Taking a page out of my brother’s book, I see,” Mattheo taunted. 
“Is this a bad time to ask if you’ve ever had a body shot, Y/N?” Theo asked with feigned innocence. “If not, I’m more than willing to show you.” 
Regulus reeled back and smacked Theo on the head while the rest of the group cackled. Theo rubbed the sore spot and grumbled. “A simple no would have sufficed.” 
The more time you spent around them, the less intimidating they became. From what you gleaned, they seemed to be a tight knit group. It wasn’t at all what you expected from the Slytherins. 
“Your friends are silly,” you whispered to Regulus as the group migrated to the couch. 
In the background, Mattheo and Theodore bickered over who drank the last of the firewhisky while Lorenzo wiped the back of his mouth and burped. He winked when he caught your eye, charging you with keeping his secret. 
“They’re idiots,” Regulus scoffed. His tone was contrasted by the softness in his eyes as he watched his friends muck about. “But they’re family.” 
Throughout the night, you didn’t miss the way that Regulus fussed over you. He was a constant presence by your side, attuned and attentive to every need. When you felt parched, Regulus was there to offer you a drink. When you felt cold, Regulus draped his jacket over you without you needing to ask. He checked in with you often, making sure his obnoxious friends weren’t offending you and ensuring that the attention wasn’t too overwhelming to handle. 
You assured him that you were fine. In fact, you were surprised to realize that you were enjoying yourself. It was a lot easier to deal with your social anxiety when you had someone there to ground you. 
The Slytherins were a rather social bunch. Pansy was thrilled at the prospect of having another girl join the group. Within thirty minutes, she had talked you into going to Hogsmeade with her next weekend. She wanted a break from the boys, she said. But she also made it known that she expected a full rundown of the situation between you and Regulus. 
Draco and Blaise were very clearly eavesdropping, despite their efforts to appear nonchalant. Apparently, everyone was as invested in your pairing as Pansy was. Theodore and Mattheo didn’t even try to hide the fact that they were talking Regulus up. When Mattheo declared that Regulus rescued an injured baby bird and nursed it back to health, you nearly lost it. Regulus hated birds. 
“You’re an idiot,” Regulus exclaimed. 
“No, let him talk. I want to hear all about it. What kind of bird was it, Mattheo?” 
“Uh…the kind with wings?” 
Lorenzo shook his head. “Really, mate? That’s the best you could come up with?” 
The group continued their bantering as you watched in fascination. Their dynamic fascinated you. They bickered like siblings, but you could tell that they would go to the end of the world for one another. You could see why Regulus thought of them as family. 
“Feeling okay?” Regulus asked, nudging you with his hip. 
“Mhm,” you responded, bumping him back. “Thanks for inviting me over.” 
“This isn’t what I had in mind when I did,” Regulus said. “But I’m still glad you came.”
“Of course, I had to see you in your natural habitat. I didn’t know you were such a party animal, Reggie.” 
He grabbed hold of your waist and leaned down to whisper in your ear. “I preferred when the party was just you and me.” 
You flushed, pitching forward to hide your face behind a curtain of hair. “I did, too.” 
“When everyone leaves, I intend on picking up where we left off. You should know that I’m not the type of man who leaves things unfinished, love.” 
There was no hiding the blush that blossomed on your cheeks. Crimson colored your features even as you excused yourself to the bathroom. As you washed your hands in the sink, you studied your reflection. While you would always feel the lingering social anxiety that came from being in large crowds, you thought that tonight was going fairly well. With a smile, you made your return back to the Regulus. 
“I don’t know who you’re fooling, Y/N.” Britt sneered at you as she leaned against the wall, a cigarette held haphazardly between her neon painted fingers. 
You frowned. “What are you talking about, Britt?” 
“Regulus may have fallen for your shy and sweet little act, but he’ll get sick and tired of you dragging him down sooner or later.” 
A lump formed in the pit of your stomach. Though it was no secret that Britt wasn’t exactly a fan of yours, you hadn’t expected her to say such hurtful things. Even worse, she touched a nerve with her words. 
Britt nodded pointedly towards the crowd. “Look at him. He can’t even enjoy himself without worrying about poor, helpless little Y/N.”
Regulus towered over everyone, cutting an imposing figure in the middle of the room. His eyes darted through the crowd, seemingly searching for someone. Perhaps it was the reality of seeing the worry in his features, his half-distracted responses to whatever Lorenzo was saying as he stood stoic, unable to partake in conversation because he was too busy looking for you. Worrying about you. However horrid Britt was, you realized that there was merit to her words. 
The last thing you wanted was to hold Regulus back. You didn’t want him worrying about babysitting you instead of having fun with his friends, which is exactly what he was doing now. The thought made you sad. Sure, Regulus was fine with catering to your needs now, but he was bound to tire of it sooner or later. You didn’t want to find out how long it would take. 
You didn’t want to be a burden to anyone. Most of all, Regulus. 
Without a word, you passed by Britt and weaved your way through the room. You stuck to the alcoves, passing beneath its shadowy refuge until the door came to view. Only a few steps stood between you and your escape when a low, stern voice stopped you in your tracks. 
“Y/N,” said Tom Riddle. “Leaving early, are we?” 
“Oh, hi there Tom,” you mumbled, casting your gaze towards the floor. You were afraid that you’d cry if you stayed in the dungeons a second longer. “M’just not feeling very well.” 
You could feel his observant gaze sweeping over you. “I imagined you wouldn’t after encountering that hag outside of the bathroom.” 
“You saw that?” You asked in a small, defeated voice. 
Finally, you deigned to look up and found Tom staring at you. As always, the eldest Riddle was cold and stoic, but there was something in his gaze that conveyed concern. 
“Yes, and I heard it too.” 
“Please, can you—can you just not tell Reggie?” 
Tom’s expression was imperceptible besides his curt nod. “If that’s what you prefer. I’ll let him know you left early because you weren’t feeling well.” 
“Thank you, Tom.” 
You bid him a good night before reaching for the door. Behind you, Tom cleared his throat. 
“For the record, that hag doesn’t know what she’s talking about. You’re not dragging Regulus down. If anything, you’ve made the twat more tolerable over these past few weeks.” 
Before you could respond, Tom was gone. You barely caught a glimpse of his back as he climbed the stairs that led to the dormitories. The parting surprised you, but you figured that Tom probably just felt bad for witnessing the conversation between you and Britt. 
Casting a last glance towards the common room, you spotted Regulus once again. 
Softly, you whispered, “Bye, Reggie.” 
Once you were back in your dorm, you showered and decided to turn in for the night. It was just a few minutes shy of midnight as you tossed and turned in bed. Your roommate was most likely still at the party, leaving you to ponder your thoughts alone. There was an air of restlessness in the room as you stared up at the ceiling and considered your predicament. 
No matter which way you looked at it, there was only one solution. You had to end your friendship with Regulus. 
The thought filled you with overwhelming sadness. Letting go of Regulus made you feel so isolated and alone, but you knew it was the right thing to do. As though sensing your need for comfort, Shadow slinked through your door and hopped right into your lap. The black cat stared up at you with knowing eyes and meowed. 
“At least I can count on you to always keep me company,” you murmured softly as you scratched under Shadow’s chin. “It’s been a rough night.” 
Shadow bumped his head against your hip, seemingly telling you to stop feeling sorry for yourself. 
“Britt is right, Shadow,” you confessed. “I’m just not the type of girl Regulus should be with.” 
The cat bumped you again, stomping his feet on the bed in frustration. Shadow gave you a rather argumentative meow. 
“Oh, don’t give me that. We both know it’s true. Reggie is Reggie and I’m…well, I’m me.” 
Shadow hissed in response, demanding your attention. You sighed as you pulled the cat into your lap. “It’s a shame,” you whispered against his dark fur. “I really like him.” 
To your surprise, Shadow purred softly and cuddled against your side. Though the feral little cat had taken a liking to you and your dorm, Shadow was always usually gone in the morning. Tonight though, the cat curled up next to you as though it knew that this was what you needed. 
“Good night, Shadow.” 
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Regulus knew it was reckless. 
But after Tom informed him of your sudden illness, suspicion rose in him like a tide. Even if you weren’t feeling well, it wasn’t like you to leave so abruptly, which meant that something was definitely wrong. All of his suspicions were confirmed when he got to your dorm.
It broke his heart to hear you say that you weren’t right for him. How could such a thought even cross your mind? There had never been anyone more perfect to him than you. Didn’t you know that you were the first person Regulus looked for in a room full of people? Couldn’t you tell how head over heels he was for you? His sweet, sassy, shy, sunshine of a Hufflepuff. There was no one better. 
Certainly not Britt. Regulus was well aware of the crush she had on him. At first, he simply ignored it. He had absolutely no interest in someone as foul and loathsome as that girl, but now that she had come after you, Regulus had half a mind to sink his teeth and claws into her ankles until he drew blood. 
At the moment, his plot for revenge was set aside as he focused on comforting you. Up until this point, Regulus had always been careful not to fall asleep in your dorm because he never knew when he was going to switch back, but tonight, he was willing to risk it. He didn’t know if this would be the last time you ever spoke to him given what you confessed earlier. 
Perhaps it was selfish of him, but he didn’t want the night to end. Regulus wasn't ready to face the prospect of you ending things, so he snuggled into your side and fell asleep to the sound of your heartbeat. 
It was a choice that would certainly have its consequences in the morning.
The first thing that woke him up was not the sunlight streaming through your windows or the chirping of the birds, but instead your surprised yelp. Regulus blinked sleepily, rubbing his paw against his snout, but instead bumped his hand into his nose. 
This was not good. 
This was definitely not good. 
You were on the other side of the bed, blankets pulled up over your chin as you stared at him in disbelief. 
“Reggie? What—what are you doing here?” 
Regulus was an idiot. A stupid, careless idiot. 
But none of that mattered now. 
“Don’t end our friendship.” 
You reeled back in surprise. “I—what—what’s even happening—”
“Don’t end our friendship,” Regulus said once more. “Fuck, it’s not even a friendship. You and I both know it’s so much more than that.” 
“I don’t understand.” 
“I’m not going to get bored of you. Never in a million years would I ever get bored of you. In the months that I’ve gotten to know you, not once have I ever stopped feeling drawn in. I want to know everything about you, Y/N. Even though you tell me everything without realizing it, I still want to know more. I want to listen to you talk about your books and hold your hand when you’re overwhelmed and follow you all around the castle like I’ve been doing all along.” 
You were speechless as Regulus continued. “Tom told me that you weren’t feeling well last night. I knew it was a lie, so I had to come and see for myself. I had to make sure you were okay, even if you didn’t know it was me.” He sighed, closing his eyes. “But then you said you wanted to end our friendship and I just—I was selfish. I should’ve gone back to my dorm, but I didn’t know if last night was the last time you’d ever speak to me and I just couldn’t bring myself to leave.” 
Realization dawned over you. Pieces of the puzzle started clicking into place. “You’re—you—you’ve been Shadow this whole time?” 
Regulus nodded guiltily. “I understand if you’re angry with me, but please know that I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I found your dorm by accident that first night and I don’t know. I just kept coming back. You just kept drawing me back.” 
He bowed his head and ran a hand through his curls. “I realize you might hate me after this, but you have been the best part of my day since I accidentally stumbled into your dorm and I think—no, I know that I’ve fallen for you.” 
You blinked in disbelief, still processing his confession. “So you’ve been…you this whole time? You knew everything I’ve ever said to Shadow. You listened to me vent and rant, thinking I was just talking to a cat.” You paused as something niggled at your brain. “When we first ran into each other at the bookstore, did you already know I was going to be there?” 
Regulus didn't deny it. “I did. I also already read all of the books on your shelves in advance on the off chance that you might mention it in class. I didn't really need help in charms, that was just an excuse to spend more time with you and I...I bought the same candles and blankets you like so you'd be comfortable in the common room. I learned all of that by listening to you, by spying on you, and I'm sorry. I’m so fucking sorry —" 
His apology was cut short as you surged forward to kiss him. Regulus was stunned for a moment as your lips met, but it didn’t take long for him to reciprocate. One arm slid around your waist to pull you closer while the other cradled your cheek. His kisses were hungry, like he was a man awaiting the gallows and you were his final meal. It was full of passion, the longing and yearning evident as he gorged himself on the taste of you. 
Coming up for air, Regulus finally opened his pretty emerald eyes and looked at you. His gaze pierced through your skin, raw and vulnerable. “You’re not mad at me?” 
“Are you kidding? That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” Regulus sighed in relief, pressing his forehead against yours. “Plus, how can I be mad when you make such a cute little kitty?” 
Regulus laughed, the sweet, melodious sound filling the room. You brushed his curls back and grinned. “For the record, I’ve fallen for you too.” 
“That’s a relief. My friends have been pestering me on finally making a move for months. Pansy cornered me last night and lectured me on asking you to be my girlfriend before you realize that you’re too good for me.” 
“I think I like Pansy.” 
“Don’t tell her that,” Regulus groaned. “She’ll definitely try to steal you away from me.” 
“I don’t think you’ll have any trouble with that.” 
“Good, I don’t want Parkinson getting any ideas about running off with my girlfriend.” 
You raised a brow. “Oh, I’m your girlfriend now?” 
“Girlfriend. Love of my life. Apple of my eye. Take your pick, mon cœur.” 
“I’ll take all of the above, boyfriend.” 
Later that morning, after much cuddling and kissing, you and Regulus finally decided to head to the Great Hall for breakfast. You smiled as he held your hand, bumping your hip as the two of you walked through the corridors. It was strange how at ease you felt. You were vaguely aware of the eyes that trailed your every move, but they quickly blended into the background when Regulus pulled you close and kissed your cheek. 
Luna and Ginny perked up at the sight of you, surprise marring their faces when they spotted Regulus at your side. Their eyebrows raised to the skies, pointedly staring at your linked fingers. 
Later, you mouthed. You had a hell of a lot of explaining to do, but your friends merely smiled and nodded. 
“Finally,” Pansy announced exasperatedly. She patted the seat next to her as you shyly slipped in. “I was beginning to think that we’d have to scheme to get the two of you together.” 
“No need,” you said with a smile. “I think we took care of that on our own.” 
Regulus smiled and nuzzled against your shoulder. The boys flashed him shit-eating grins, but he didn’t seem to notice. “Stop scaring my girlfriend away, Pans.” 
“Oh, is it girlfriend now? It’s about time. I’ve only listened to you pine and yearn for months.” 
“Excuse her,” Blaise said. “She’s just happy to have another girl in the group.” 
“Damn right I am. I’m tired of spending so much time with you heathens.” Pansy patted your shoulder. “I hope you’re in the market for new friends, because you’re not getting rid of me now. My first act of friendship will be to determine whether or not to hex that little trollop for glaring at you. Do you know that girl, Y/N?” 
You turned and found Britt frowning at you with her arms crossed. “It’s alright, Pansy. She’s not worth it.” 
At the same moment, Tom sauntered through the aisles. Once he reached Britt, he cut her a glare that would paralyze a basilisk. She cowered back and made a hasty retreat. 
Tom merely continued walking before taking a seat next to Mattheo. “So, that hag, “ he says in a no-nonsense tone. “Would you like me to take care of her?” 
You glanced at the group in concern. “What exactly does taking care of her mean?” 
Mattheo’s curly head popped up from his plate. “Oh, he means he’ll feed her to his snake.” 
You laughed at the jest, but Tom remained stone-faced. He was obviously just kidding. Right?
“He’s dead serious,” Theo added. “I’ve seen him do it before.” 
With a gulp, you turned back to Tom. “That won’t be necessary, Tom. Please don’t feed Britt to your snake.” 
Tom shrugged as though you were discussing the weather. “Suit yourself.” 
When everyone returned to their morning banter, you turned to Regulus. “What have I gotten myself into?” 
Regulus smiled and pecked your lips. “You know, I considered clawing her ankles off, but I think Tom’s way will be much quicker.” 
“Regulus Black.” You scolded, though it wasn’t entirely convincing given the grin you were biting back. 
“It’s Reggie to you, love.” You stared at him pointedly, which only made him sigh dramatically. “Fine, Tom’s snake will not have a new snack, but only because I have a saint for a girlfriend.” 
“And I have a devious little sinner for a boyfriend.” 
Regulus smirked. “I’ll make sure to worship at your altar for penance.” 
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help but blush as Regulus laid his head down on your shoulder once more. You ran your fingers through his curls, smiling to yourself when he let out a satisfied hum that sounded awfully close to a purr. 
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ghouljams · 8 months
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Happy Halloween!! Die attempts to confront Ghost about his issues, Ghost doesn't respond well.
Tags: Ghost x f!oc/reader, angst, vague references to Ghost's canon backstory, hurt no comfort, Ghost is an asshole who can't communicate
Ghost doesn't even glare at you when he opens the door. Glaring you could handle, at least it would be a show of his feelings. No, the gaze he levels you with is cold indifference. You sit on his bed, all but begging for him to look at you with something other than disgust.
"Figures you'd be here," he grunts looking away to pull off his gloves.
"You're room?" You ask, eager for any bone he'll throw you.
"My bed," his tone is so even and cruel you wince.
"I thought we could talk," you try. Ghost stays silent, his focus on his nightly routine. He sets his gloves on his dresser, strips his shirt over his head, careful to keep his balaclava in place. You try to keep out of the rolling tide of his emotions. Disgust rears its ugly head too often for your comfort. Although you can't tell who it's directed at. If you weren't here you wonder if it would still point its wretched finger at Ghost. "Maybe I should start with an apology." You mumble. Ghost snaps the top drawer closed, presses his fists to the top and leans against it.
"You don’t even know what you’re apologizin’ for," he spits, you flinch. You don't know how to respond to that, what to say or how to say it. You don't have the words for the ache in your chest that his words conjure. He swallows, you feel his mind settle on something like pulling the brakes on a speeding train. Everything screeches to a halt, and piles in on itself. You'd be crushed under that weight, you don't know how Ghost can stand it. "Why couldn't we stay strangers," it's a question, but it isn't really. He isn't looking for an answer.
"I don't-" you don't understand. Ghost turns to look over his shoulder at you and you catch the spark of his glare, the cool heat that shoots through you.
“Least you can admit it,” He grumbles.
“If you would just talk to me,” You plead. Ghost slams his hands on the top of the dresser and you flinch. He clenches his fists tighter, another roll of disgust hitting him. Hitting him. It’s not you that he’s disgusted with, it’s himself. His anger, his hurt, his want to hurt you.
"Because everything has to be done your way.” He pushes his shoulders down, trying to keep the tension in his figure from showing. He’s wound so tight you’re worried he might break. “You couldn't just leave well enough- God, you can't leave me alone." You almost wish he were yelling at you, that it wasn't the cool even tone he always carries tearing you down. He yelled for Soap. Why won't he yell at you?
"I can't, I'm- the contract doesn't have a dismissal clause, there's no precedent-"
"So every fucker that gets one of you is satisfied with it? Don't believe that," he ticks his head to the side, clicks his tongue, "Give a man a brag rag that says 'e's a monster, and you lot think 'e's happy with it?"
"It's not-"
"How'd you tally it up? Hm?" Ghost turns towards you, "How’d you decide I couldn’t-” He looks away again. Couldn’t what? There’s nothing in your arsenal Ghost couldn’t use, no part of you that isn’t made to complement him. 
"I'm a reward," you press. He looks at you again, eyes narrowing. You squeeze your hands into fists, dig your nails into your palms. You can smell blood, feel the sharp break of your skin. 
"A reward. You think just because you give a dog a pretty bone it doesn't know it's gettin' kicked?"
You look away, you can't hold his gaze when he looks at you like that. A dog with a bone. His gaze is hot, his disgust pointed inward. He doesn't want to want you Iike he does. He wants you though. There’s a softness to it, an unease, a resentment. Another voice in his head that barks at him, reminds him of what he is. It feels older, darker. You don’t like it.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” you try, you feel small, a bad sort of small. You don’t like this part of you, the human part, the cursed blood your mother gave you.
“No, you want me to hurt you,” He snarks, his sarcasm more biting than his teeth ever could be. Your ribs tighten around your lungs, squeezing them closer together until you can't feel them expand anymore.
“I don’t,” you mumble. Your throat hurts, scratches uncomfortably, and your eyes itch in a strange way. 
“Wha’s that? Can’t hear you, love.” Ghost’s tone is mocking, he leans comfortably against his dresser. Smug, but not pleased with himself. You can feel it. He’s making a show of it, but it still hurts. Hurts in a way you’re not used to, but perhaps starting to be.
“I don’t!” You yell at him, sob at him. You press your hands against your face, unsure if it’s wetness from the blood or the new tears rolling down your cheeks. “Why don’t you like me?” You cry, pulling your knees up to your chest, “Why? I’m good, I can be good! I can be good, I promise." You feel your fingers trembling, your voice getting softer, more watery, “I can be quiet, you won’t even notice me, please.-" you draw in a breath, "-Please don’t hurt me.”
Simon’s horror slices through you like a knife. But it’s fine. You can't hold form anymore, you don’t have to feel it when you melt into the shadows. You don’t really have to feel much of anything, not like this. This is good.
“Die?” Simon calls, his fingers pressing against his blankets where you'd been, his eyes darting around the dim room. It’s ok, you can be good. Your weight leaves his chest, and a new one settles in its place, as familiar and dangerous as coming home.
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mellonyheart · 4 months
Some mornings are heavenly. In the traditional human sense anyway.
You open your eyes lazily and slowly blink away speep. You're warm and cozy. Beside you, with an arm over your torso, is Mammon. Still fast asleep. Soft snores and bedhead. He looks so peaceful and you can't help the fond smile that graces your face. You never really want to get up.
Some mornings are... something else.
You wake up groggy and wonder why you feel like you're in a sauna. The answer is basically on top of you. Mammon is on his back and draped over your middle. Loud snoring and the occasional snort tell you he's still passed out. The blankets are... somewhere. And your feet are cold. You gotta pee but the demon is heavy. Is it even morning yet?!
May or may not be hungover too...
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m1d-45 · 1 year
Hello! It's a new anon here!
My name is Baby Cat/Out of pocket anon!
If I may, a SAGAU Aether x GN! Reader who has a mortal form that is has similarities to the divine creator but not enough to be confused as an imposter.
I'll clarify a bit, Aether dosent know that his beloved is actually the divine one, but instead thinks that they have simply been blessed with part of their beauty. Tevyat dosent know the creator has descended and is waiting, meanwhile Aether has the creator in mortal form as his darling partner.
-Baby Cat anon
P.S! My cat Duckie has recently warmed up to a new person!
a new tomorrow
a/n: ignore my dogwater schedule i have not written like at all for the past 2-3 weeks ahahah (also this is isn’t very romantic coded but i already hate this piece so my bad g)
word count: ~3k
-> warnings: canon-typical violence, microscopic spoilers for liyue story quest ig
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24
< masterlist > || next part >>
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when you’d first arrived in teyvat, you had fully expected to die, in honesty.
you were up on the top of starsnatch cliff, and had nearly fallen off in your initial panic if not for a sharp wind and a lucky break. you were much more mindful of where you walked after that, but mondstat was littered with impossible cliffs, and your memory of the area was sharply diminished when you didn’t have a little circle in the corner of your screen to remind you where you were.
you grabbed a few low-hanging sunsettias as you walked, making your way across a nondescript patch of grass. your plan was to just eat them as-is, but after a moments more thought into the idea, perhaps washing them first would be wiser. according to your memory, there were four main bodies of water: a lake and waterfall further north, the ocean to the east, cider lake to the west, and the state of the seven… somewhere.
the lake was surrounded by hilichurls and was a bit too close to the anemo hypostasis for your liking, the ocean was a no for obvious reasons, and cider lake didn’t seem like a particularly good idea, not to mention the only closest access to it you could think of was surrounded by hilichurls.
so, the statue of the seven it is. the only problem, of course, was that you had no idea where you were.
you tried to keep track at first, but then you had to climb down from one too many cliffs and had to take one too many detours around impossible ones, and now you were blindly walking. you could tell by the dense forest and the small lamp grass that you were somewhere in the whispering woods, but the thin path you were following have no indication of your direction. you hoped, of course, that you were headed north, but you didn’t know how to tell. the three sunsettias in your arms looked more tempting by the minute, but you were determined to clean them first. not only would that help you get your bearings again, but you’d lower the risk of whatever diseases were native to teyvat.
…which was something to consider further, in truth. your body wasn’t native, and hadn’t grown up with and developed an immunity to the bacteria here. would you get sick? had you already, and just had to wait until the symptoms developed? should you be more worried than you were?
the path around you was opening up, but you were too busy worrying to bother look up. what were the long-term effects of staying in teyvat? would you be intolerant or allergic to the foods here, because your body wasn’t used to processing them? what were the long term effects of-
“watch out!”
would you find out at all?
you looked over your right shoulder, at the voice that had called, and barely get a glimpse of bright gold before something white covers your vision, tiny hands pulling at your shirt.
“come on,” a high voice says, “follow paimon! let’s get away from the trouble.”
you stumble along with her, letting her take you further into what you now recognize as windrise. damn, wrong way.
“ooh, are those sunsettias?” you notice she’s blocking my your view of whatever’s behind her, likely the traveller and some enemies if you had to guess, judging by her presence and the sounds of metal on wood. “they look really fresh, too..”
you decide against trying to lean around her. best not to traumatize yourself on your first day. “uh, yeah, they are. would- do you want one?” you hold out one of the fruits. “i haven’t washed them yet, but…”
“oh, that’s okay!” she takes it eagerly, giving it a cursory wipe with her sleeve before taking a bite. “you don’t really need to wash em, in paimon’s experience! just a quick clean of any dirt and you’re all good to go!”
…that was stellar to hear.
you patiently wait, pretending the grunts and roars and sounds of clashing weaponry don’t exist. you try to offer paimon another sunsettia, since you know in-lore she’s almost always hungry, but she shakes her head.
“one for paimon, one for you, and one for the traveller! that way, everyone gets the same amount, and nobody’s upset!”
you don’t know how to feel about the fact that she addresses him as ‘the traveller’. on one hand, it makes sense she wouldn’t throw his name around like that. on the other, it feels… wrong. not in a way you can put a name to, but something about it is unsettling.
“did they offend you, or something?”
you startle, looking up, and see aether standing right in front of you, flipping through some hilichurl masks in his hands before passing two off to paimon, who puts them in a cloud of stars.
he looks at you expectantly, and you realize you had been frowning at the food in your hands. “o-oh! no, they.. sorry, i was lost in thought.”
he dismisses the rest of the masks into gold sparks with a nod. “are you alright?”
paimon gasps, hands over her mouth as she flies back a little. “oh, paimon forgot to ask! are you hurt at all? you don’t look like you’re from here…”
you flash her a smile you hope covers the change in topic. “i’m fine. and thank you,” you turn to aether, “your help is greatly appreciated-…” what do you address him as? you’ve technically never met, but to call him an honorary knight is probably unwise…
“the traveller is fine,” he says. “and you didn’t answer paimon’s question.” rats. “are you from teyvat?”
you hesitate, but eventually shake your head. “i’m not.”
he frowns. “how’d you get here?”
“i don’t know.”
“..you don’t have anywhere to stay, do you?”
oh no. you recognize that voice. “it’s fine, you don’t have to worry about me.” you glance around, eventually pointing at mondstat. it’s stunning in person, even from a distance, but you push past its beauty to talk. “there’s a city there, right? i’ll make do.”
“now’s a tense time, even mondstat isn’t as welcoming as usual.”
‘tense’? you don’t remember mondstat being involved in any scandals, and the skies seem clear, so you must be past the mondstat part of the story… “is something wrong? wait, don’t answer that; if it’s tense, then you surely have somewhere more important to be, right?”
paimon huffs. “paimon bets you’re broker than the tone-deaf bard!” wow, okay. “and a single sunsettia doesn’t get you far!”
aether raises a brow. “‘single’?”
“right!” you hurriedly pick the larger of the two, holding it out to him. “as thanks. she’s right, i don’t have any mor- uh, any more to give you, but it’s the least i can do.”
he shakes his head. “keep them. now, regarding your housing-“
“i can stay in mondstat-“
“the entirety of teyvat is on edge right now. the chances of an outlander being welcomed without hassle is low, even for mond.” he thinks about it, paimon mirroring the hand on his chin.
you try to think over the lore, attempting to remember something that could affect the entirety of teyvat. maybe you’re in the middle of the liyue quest? but why would he be in mond… unless you’re beyond the known lore, but in that case he has even less of a reason to be here, and not wherever the crisis is. not that that’s his obligation, of course, but given the trend-
“what’s your name, by the way?” you give it, and he frowns. “ah, that won’t do.” what. “i.. i don’t know about where you’re from, but where i’m from and here in teyvat, there’s a prominent religion that spans nearly the entire world here. this faith is the cause of the conflict i was talking about earlier.”
your heart picks up, and you pray it’s just some weird quirk of the lore you haven’t gotten to yet. maybe something with the heavenly principles? celestia? you regret not reading up on more of the lore now that you’re face to face with potentially a large part of it. “and?”
“you share the name with the primary god.” please don’t be what i’m thinking of, please don’t be- “the people of teyvat are rather protective of their creator, and doubly so now that their presence has gone missing.”
your mind flashes to all the sagau you’ve indulged in, to the break you’d taken a few days ago because your game had been acting up and you didn’t want to make whatever glitch it was worse in fear of losing your progress.
“oh,” is all you can say.
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living with aether is easier than you thought it would be.
by the time you wake, he’s out working for the guild, leaving you and most of the realm within to yourself. you try and be useful by tidying up, but tubby keeps most of the realm clean, so there’s little for you to really do. there’s rooms that weren’t in the game—likely because this is his personal realm—such as a massive library and big sunroom, and you pick through the former on occasion. there’s books about everything, from encyclopedias on flowers in sumeru to the types of silk used in inazuman clothing. everything you don’t understand or want clarification on is bookmarked, and after he’s come home and rested, you both talk about them over dinner.
sometimes he knows the answers to your questions. other times you write them down on a slip of paper, and he takes a detour that day to ask. even if it’s something from a nation he hasn’t visited yet, he somehow finds the answers, returning to you with a longer sheet as he explains. you don’t ask where he got it, nor why he’s so willing to entertain your surely silly questions, but it probably has something to do with the fact that you didn’t fish up a companion that could answer all of your questions about a world you didn’t know deeper than surface level.
similarly, the transition in your relationship was also smooth, so quiet you almost didn’t notice it was happening. it was just so easy to be around him, your familiarity with him outside of the game and implicit reliance on him as an outlander during the mess of teyvat making him easy to talk to.
you didn’t notice when you started greeting him with hugs more often, nor when you started eating side by side at the table, talking about more than just the books. you told him about your world, and he spoke of his, telling you beautiful stories of his sister and their travels.
(“every world i’ve been to has worshipped the creator in one way or another,” he says, pushing his empty plate to the side. “does yours really not?”)
(you make the choice to set aside the many religions on earth. “we don’t,” you say simply, and he frowns, resting his chin in his hand.)
(“how interesting…”)
once he was confident that you knew enough of teyvat and it’s people, he began to take you on his commissions. the realm within was nice, and tubby held good conversation, but cabin fever began to set in after a month or so. he held your hand as you walked, steering you out of the way of monster camps or other adventurers. he didn’t dare bring you on the ones requiring fighting, but you’d helped find lost keys or fallen boards, paimon always certain to pull you away from battle, distracting you with a chat about whatever meal aether would make later.
(“do you guys always cook? doesn’t adventuring pay well?” you asked once, trying to remember how much commissions earned in terms of mora. you never really kept track, nor did you try and figure out how much it was to buy food from places, but surely…)
(“mostly! mora typically goes to either ingredients or first aid supplies. paimon’s thankful he’s a good cook, it’d be impossible to survive otherwise.” she said it so simply, as if it was an easy fact and not awful that they couldn’t afford to eat out even after everything they’ve done.)
(“that’s terrible…”)
(“its not that bad! you’ve tasted his cooking before, it’s great!” that’s true, but- “besides, it’s been getting better recently. with the creator absent, he’s able to take the commissions himself. though it is nice, it’s still worrying they haven’t come back..”)
(the idea that you’ve been indirectly contributing to their situation makes you a bit sick.)
the three of you were walking through liyue, heading for the last commission of the day. shitou, the jade betting guy, needed more ores for his business, and aether was leading you through the city. he’d chosen the waypoint on the western side of the harbor so you could walk through the city, and you were happy he did.
it was so beautiful in person, the buildings and bridges so much more ornate than their models could do justice. the streets were crowded, but you weren’t overwhelmed when aether was beside you, pointing out a jewelry store or a traveling merchant showing off bright balloons to children. you passed one man holding a conversation with a millelith soldier, who was his brother judging by the informal way they spoke and the mentions of shared relatives. you crossed the bridge leading to the eastern half of the harbor, the smell of something sweet and flowery drifting in the air.
“is there a flower shop around here?” you ask, and aether shakes his head, pointing at a building you vaguely recognize.
“there’s a tea house there, and they specialize in rose tea. we could pick up some if you wanted to try it?”
“that’s fine, i was just wondering. i wouldn’t want you to buy something for me if i didn’t like it.”
he stayed quiet, but you could tell he was still thinking about it. “what’s the appropriate way to brew it… wait, do we even have a teapot?”
“i’d hope so, otherwise you’ll have a lot to explain to the adepti.”
he bumps your shoulder as you both begin to turn toward shitou, but you see he’s smiling. “you know what i mean, not that kind of-“
your steps stopped suddenly, the new voice one you regrettably recognized.
aether turned, greeting zhongli with a smile and a small wave. “not the realm within, don’t worry.”
“that’s good to hear. i’d hate for it to be causing problems.” his eyes flicked to you, seeming to search for something. “and your friend?”
it was weird, the way he looked at you, and aether seemed to pick up on it, stepping forward a bit to block you while also making it seem like he was just turning to face zhongli better. “just someone helping me out. what are you doing out here, don’t you have a shift at the parlor?”
bless aether and his ability to direct conversations, bless him and the speed with which he reminds zhongli of the necessary urgency when working at the funeral parlor, successfully sending the man on his way, even if he gives you another searching look as he does.
“sorry,” aether said, giving your had a squeeze as he approached shitou’s table. “he’s probably cautious because you look like the creator.”
you return it, staying quiet as he hands over the jade and only speaking up once the two of you turn around towards the closer waypoint. “it’s alright. thank you for talking to him.”
he flashed you a smile, putting one hand on the waypoint. “of course. it’s the least i could do.”
liyue fell away in a flash of white, the familiar music of the realm within washing away any lingering feaf or unease from talking to zhongli.
maybe one day you’d come clean, stop lying about reading information from his library. maybe you’d tell him, maybe you’d confess to how crystalflies always seemed to follow you, the wind always at your back.
“what would you like for lunch?” aether called, pulling down ingredients from various cabinets before you even answer because he knows what you’ll say.
“surprise me,” you reply, and he chuckles. the same answer, every time, and every time he manages to find something new to make you.
today you would keep quiet again, as you had every other day. today you would root through the pantry when he forgot the flour, today you would set the table and pull out some paper, asking him about whether or not they had silkworm farms if silk flowers were so common, at least in liyue.
today he would smile, and today he would answer, and maybe tomorrow you’d tell him something he couldn’t reply to.
but that was tomorrow. and this was today.
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theloveinc · 1 year
Barbarian!Bakugo is a little bit… obsessed with lactation.
No, it’s not a new concept to him—he’s seen mothers feeding their children before, in fact, hardly ever put a thought to it.
But now that it’s you, now that it’s his child… it’s interesting to him. Beyond interesting, really. That someone he loves and desires so carnally can provide an almost irreplaceable service, one he is incapable of replicating despite how much he wants to provide for the both of you.
And he’d want to be present for most feedings anyway, both to bond and help ease the parenting load off your shoulders… but the whole time, he can’t take his eyes off your chest, where the little one is latched so safely and happy, suckling away as he stares in a protective haze, in awe. Blinking when baby blinks, wincing when you wince, his hands balling into fists when you sigh and the soft fat of your bosom jiggles.
He’s shy, though. Shy to admit his fascination despite how he asks to touch you one night, after the babe has been fed, swaddled and put to rest, and then rubs his fingers so gently against your nipple it starts to leak.
Bakugo looks at you under thick lashes, no blush because he’s seen you naked endless times, was there for the birth, but hesitant, almost… to do more than feel your raw areola underneath the rough pads of his fingertips. Even if, no sooner, does he put a thumb into his mouth to taste the few, silken drops of milk that escaped onto his skin.
Baby always eats first, of course, until plump and sleepy… but after that first touch, barbarian!Bakugo is no longer above licking up what’s left for him until your tits are relaxed and soft, then massaging you til there’s milk in abundance once more.
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normal-internet-user · 7 months
Sooooooooooooo~~~ I've got more DC brainworms. I have come to share. 🤲🏼
Picture this, wildflower. *throws arm around your shoulder, gestures to the empty space in front of us, envisioning* A young (eventual) bat!sibbie reader who has a very similar essence to Jason.
and I mean....... literally. a mini Jason. lmaooo listenlistenlisten — yn is a scrappy, free-spirited orphan who comes from the slums of Gotham; they've been here a while, only giving a noncommittal shrug and wry smile when inquired about any of it. same story for a lot of us 'round here.
—and wouldn't it just be hilarious if they came into the Batfam the same way Jase did? By STEALING 👏🏼 HUBCAPS. 👏🏼
except it don't gotta be hubcaps, yn is a ✨professional✨ and a 🔥savage🔥 and just straight up carjacked the Batmobile LMALAOAOAOO (they earn Jason's utmost respect right off the bat [BAT PUN 🦇]; Steph, Dick, and Duke are the runner-ups). Bruce probably gains a new neck vein but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued!
thennnnn you muck up when you give the slightest inclination that you know his secret identity bcz it'd be significantly more terrifying (read: hilarious) than if you were to fall victim to the cliche 'i saw something i wasn't supposed to and now I'm being taken hostage by these randos in masks and oh holy smokes it's actually multi-billionaire airhead himbo Bruce Wayne!? and his KIDS!!??'
time skip because seamless transition, bing bada boom, they're Bruce's newest ward and filling the tabloids. while it may be a hot story that the entirety of the paparazzi froth at the mouths at, it's a different story behind the scenes.
reader has a sweet, dear personality at the core, but they put up a detached front; if anything, their crude humor and witty deadpan sarcasm attests to their harsh emotional walls put up.
it's nothing personal to these guys, they're just... constantly in self-perservation mode. they ain't never had nobody like this before, 'cept for their fellow street rat friends who're like family.....
I imagine those walls get worn down by Jason the most.
I also imagine Jason would be.... angry?? not at you!! never at you — if anything he'd probably steal you away from Bruce every chance he gets because he's scared you'll be readily thrusted into an unwitting role as a cowl-donner — but at Bruce's initial and seemingly impulsive decision to take you in- because of just how fast everything moved. he was a bit withdrawn at first, but he became undeniably protective over you as time went on.
you appreciate this earnestly; one day on your outings with Jason, he passes by the streets where you usually hung out with your friends. sure enough, they're all there, looking horrendously forlorn. you give out the group whistle- one you all made up and agreed on a longgggg time ago- and they all look at you like you're a ghost before you're being yanked into a group hug.
some of 'em are mad tho; they all caught wind, ever since you were printed in black and white on the newspapers lil' jimmy still brought to them fresh every morning. thought you ditched us for daddy warbucks. and some of 'em are genuinely happy, not only to see you, but had been for you. thought you managed to finally get outta this hellhole. we knew you wouldn't forget us, tho.
you're smart, yvette - your bestest friend ever since elementary - murmured as she hugged you so tight you could barely breathe. you're smart and warm and so kind... i'mma miss your candy apple self not being around me 24/7 any more, but heavens above, you made it, ynnie any foster parent would be blessed to have you as a kid, y'hear? anybody and everybody. she pulls you back and rests her forehead on yours, staring into your eyes with her tear-filled ones. don't forget 'bout us, yeah? we still got your back. stay safe and take care of yourself.
and if you silently cried on the way back to the manor, Jason didn't say much about it. just wrapped an arm around your shoulders and took you for burgers.
—i feel that incident would settle you deeper into Jason's heart. he just sees so much of himself in you. in this scrappy kid who puts up such a carefree front, but is actually made of honey and caramel at their center. who has such a strong emotional intelligence at that age that Jason's sure is the only difference between him and you. in this child, who has a pure heart full of love with so much to give and just wants to be loved in return.
reader's softest with Cass and Alfred, as in they feel no need to put up pretenses with them. it's how they both find out that you're perpetually jaded and reminiscent of a long-suffering lamb: soft, tolerant, brokenhearted, shreds of innocence swirling about their heart still, maybe a little lost......
SPEAKING OF THE GRANDLER HIMSELF 🌹🎉: you get roped into baking with Alfred one day, and because Alfred is the actual MVP, you fall into his affections too.
it's when you're kneading at dough when a crestfallen expression suddenly overtakes your expression.
"mr. alfred," you drawl, inner city accent thickening with the melting of your posture. there's a heaviness to your tone that wasn't there before. it catches the elderly man's attention immediately. "you remind me a lot of my old man. not my father, but there was this elderly gentleman who took care of us street urchins. old man peaches. cuz every time we saw him, he sold us fresh peaches from his little milk carton in trade for some colorful bottle caps. dunno where he got 'em, said he grew them out the cracks in the concrete, the geezer. he was always talkin' like that — like there was some deeper meaning to everythin'. we groaned all the time, made all in good fun of him right to his face, but we all really loved it.
"one day, me 'n yvette were scouting 73rd and maryanne avenue; it's the curve that has all those connectin' alleyways that hide the abandoned warehouses, y'know? it's also where we hid out with peaches. had a small space heater and brought anything we needed from the foster care buildin'. sometimes we'd get dragged back but you keep doing something enough times, them folks who don't get paid enough for it just stop givin' a hoot... so long s'we made it back for inspections and didn't pilfer the good stuff, y'know?
"anyway. we went in there hollerin' for mr. peaches... he was usually napping by the space heater or stringing bottle cap jewelry for us, but he wasn't there. searched the whole warehouse, whole perimeter, nothing.
"then, vettie found him... " you pause, a smile that didn't reach your eyes spreading your cheeks. "right by the compost bin outside the back door of that same warehouse, chest not movin' and lips stained with blueberries."
alfred feels his stomach drop, beside himself. you looked up from the dough in your hands and simply regarded the old man, an uncharacteristic nonchalance marring your features.
"he was the only one that really understood and looked out for us the way he did. i ain't been able to eat peaches or anything of the like since then, but vettie is the one who couldn't sleep for the weeks after."
Alfie had long stopped chopping the onions for the dish at this point and all he could think was what has this poor child gone through?
anywaaaaayzzzuh, I'm exhausted BUT yeah I just want to infect you lovingly with the brainworms of Jason bonding with a bat sibling reader who's a lot like him, and how he'd prevent a lot of pain that they ain't gotta go through because he went through the same.
And the things that he CAN'T prevent, because everyone deals with trauma differently, he's always gonna be there for you. And he wants you to know that.
reader is a bit wary of Dick because of his pure bubbliness and aura of flowers 🌸🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼💐and shooting stars — in Gotham?? — but Dick has an affinity to troubled kids and also . he's Dick Grayson, everybody loves him .
so he works together with Jason and soon enough, you're practically his respective child akshdjdhd
you and dami take a bit to come along BUTTTTT I hc that you come into their lives when Dami's a little older and therefore more matured.
I love Damian, I feel he'd be a pretty solid older brother figure.
the more time you spend there, the more you begin to trust your newfound family. (well, your pseudo siblings at least); the more you let your walls down, the more they get a peek into your true self- not just the distant exterior you put up.
you're thoughtful and generous; you like books and animals and know how to make ice cream from scratch with ice and plastic bags; you're resourceful and crafty - you learned how to hot wire cars and pick locks from the older kids down at the foster care home - but you don't try to give anyone headaches for it out of respect for Alfred, you claim solemnly.
you're a good kid.
it just takes a bit more for people to say that, and even more for you to let others see it.
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I just- Can I just-
If Brucie EVER tried to but reader in a cape Jason would lose his MIND.
How DARE you even THINK about putting the baby at risk? How dare you?
Totally just takes reader and brings them to his apartment until Bruce apologizes for even suggesting such a proposterous thing.
He's eventually forgiven but he's on thin ice okay?
Sleepovers at Jason's are also a very common thing.
Since he lives in the Narrows, it gives you the chance to roam your old stomping grounds and see your friends.
Poor reader has to go to all kinds of fancy dinner parties now.
Public appearences.
Such a drag.
Uncomfy clothes, and uncomfy people.
So, being the feral little street raised shit they are, reader says the most out of pocket freaky crap ever.
"Yeah, living in the Narrows as a kid was hard. Especially after the accident."
"Oh, yeah. I love my new home. The velociraptor in the backyard is a sweetheart."
"What do you mean Jason's supposed to be dead? He obviously got better. I've done it more than once. Yes I've died before. They said I can't tell you what comes after. Who's they? Don't worry about it."
And literally no one can say anything because their new dad is one of the richest men on Earth.
Also their first fancy gala something definitly went wrong.
Like lets says it gets targeted for some kind of robbery 'cus, ya know Gotham. And it's full of rich people.
Reader is literally like, "Fuck no. Get the hell out."
Grabs a bottle of champagne and breaks it over the ring leaders head with a loud shout of "ANARCHY!"
Also, the little punk stealing the CAR is hilarious. So much potential there.
Dick *interrupting Bruce for the upteenth time*: "Hey, B?"
Bruce *Severly annoyed*: "Yes, Nightwing? What is it?"
Dick: "Who's driving the car?"
*Que Jason wheezing over the comms*.
Dickie gives all kinds of nicknames.
Little wing, hoodlum, baby bird-
Him and Jason compete for your time.
Like there is an underground betting pool for who can get you to spend more time with whom.
Jason shows you all hid hidey places around the manor if you ever need a place to just- be
Tim helps with homework when Jason's not around (which isn't very often, Jason makes a point of visitiing often just to see you)
It makes for wonderful bonding with your busiest brother.
Damian, (though he will never admit it out loud), enjoys it when you join him in taking care of his animals.
Batcow and Jerry love you, and Alfred the cat has taken to sleeping in your room.
The two of you take Titus and Ace for walks, and Damian very smugly rubs it in Jason's face when a tabloid photo pops up of the two of you in matching sweaters and sunglasses.
"Clearly I am the superior brother, Todd. Even the media agrees."
"Well then I know it's bullshit because the media says it's true."
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randomfanner · 7 months
Gale + Tara Headcanons
I love Gale so much. SFW Headcanons only, relationship and also just general life headcanons I have about the worlds saddest oxymoron.
Labeled TW: Gale got groomed. We are going to be discussing today Because even if he was an adult(which he probably wasn't) he still got groomed because Mystra had so much power over this man.
General TW: Gale has self hatred issues. I hate Mystra. We will be talking about Mystra in depth I promise. Also Gifted kid burn out and general tying all of your self worth to a talent.
So, body type head canon because Gale does not have abs. You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me Gale has abs. He is soft and a little squishy and very huggable.
Man is a cuddler. He always wants to cuddle. Whether it be you two be lounging on a sofa, each reading/doing your own tasks well you snuggle together, spooning in the morning, laying together after a night of passion, or whatever reason he can get to just hold you in his arms.
I think he is touch starved other than Tara. Which as great as Tara is it is not human touch. And gods don't... really physically touch. So I don't think he got very much physical affection from Mystra. So being touched, being held with your hands and feeling your flesh on his means so much to him.
He doesn't think he is good at it. But he still really likes to do it. If you ask him to cuddle with him, he will flip in his heart because it makes him the happiest man in the world to know you want to cuddle with him as much as he wants to cuddle with you.
Tara likes you. She likes you fast. She begins telling you all of Gale's stories from when he was younger, how sweet of a boy he was and how he would use his beginning magic to help people. If you give her attention she will purr so loud. Gale and Tara both really like chin scratches.
She begins calling you "Mrs/Mr/Mrx. Dekarios" pretty damn quickly. she has accepted you as his partner which she never did Mystra. it really throws Gale off when she does it. He admittedly thought Tara was so against Mystra because she was a lover period.
Tara also may begin to favor your lap. If this happens, Gale is... shocked and disappointed "You have stolen not only my heart, love, but my Treyssem as well." "Would you like to repeat that, Mr. Dekarios?"
And he wonders why she favors your lap.
She also favors you lap because she has to thank you for keeping her sweet boy alive for her. She may even allow you the honor to stroke her stomach a few times.
She also brings you gifts, magic items, trinkets, carcasses, whatever she can get her paws on and thinks you would like.
She takes you in fast and begins asking for grand babies. She wants grand babies and Gale's mother wants grand babies. The topic of course make your flustered each time and Gale denies the possibility of being a good father, but Tara is pretty insistent.
Morena also loves you as well and you best believe she is showing you pictures from Gale's childhood and telling you as much information as she can. Poor Gale just sits there and is extremely flustered well she recounts even his less flattering tales... but he does nothing to stop it.
He is really happy his mom and Tara both like you. It makes him the happiest man in the world.
Gale likes to cook for you. A lot. He cooks the fanciest, gourmet food and he is extremely good at it. He will set up fancy candle lit dinners with music in the background. This is basically every night but he tries to make sure it never truly loses its luster. (It never does).
He also makes you breakfast in bed. He has to crawl away from you in the morning to feed Tara and so he just makes you breakfast and comes back freshly deserved.
If you cook together man is smiling so much his jaw hurts. I cannot describe to you the joy he feels having you by his side, helping him cook.
Expect so much love poetry all of the time. Even when you are questing or not he will just slip a small piece of paper into your hand with all of his affections written down as poems.
He also quotes poetry verses that make him think of you, to you, at random times. He is hoping to make you smile with all of them.
Gale is so sweet to you all of the time. He treats you like you are divine, and to him you are. Complete gentleman all of the time. He does not carry anything. You could be a fighter with a 20 in strength with thighs and arms that could crush his fucking head like a grape, He will still insist on trying to carry anything heavy for you. He holds doors, pulls out chairs, makes sure your wine is refilled. He is so doting.
Man feels guilty that he is doing so little to help you at times. He wants to do more for you then he does. He tries to make sure you are pampered at all times. Kisses, gifts, fancy shows, lovely nights together.
But he tries to do more. he always makes sure to protect you in battle. He will take attacks, using shield and mage armor to make sure he can take as many hits as needed to protect you. He will be your knight in magic armor, a dashing smile well he does so.
This often leads to the ES(Emergency Shadowheart) because Gale is an over-confident wizard but if you are safe he doesn't care. If you are meant to be a tank, you may need to have a chat with him about the fact he is the squishy wizard man and you can protect him.
But it is Gale.
If you get sick or injured or anything Gale is fretting over you. He is holding you and yelling for Shadowheart like you are going to die at this moment. Even if it is a small thing he is very dramatic and very scared of losing you.
When you get sick or are on your period he makes sure to give you medicine to help with illness and pains, magic hiding the taste, and so much good food.
Tara also rests on your lap and acts like a heating pad. Purring and trying to help you feel better.
So like, after the ending I think Gale and you take a break from everything and just, go and look around. And Gale takes a break from magic. He can still love the art, and he will go back to it but I just think he needs to take a step back because magic and his talent for magic has kind of defined Gale his entire life.
I think him taking a break and just... being a person rather than a wizard for a little a while. He can be both, he knows he can. But he will need time and a deep breathe. He will go back, he loves to do magic. It means the world to him. But absences makes the heart grow fonder. And I think working on other skills he can be proud of and knowing Magic is one of the many things he is good at rather then the ONLY thing he is good at will do him wonders.
So I am going be talking about Gale's trauma a lot in the lower half of this. First, Gale's confidence issues and how fucked up the orb is. There will be comfort with Tara and you. After that we are going to get into the problem. The problem will come up in this section, however not the fact Gale got Groomed. That will be another different section.
Warning out of the way:
I think his self confidence and self image is being held together by the type of "I am good at magic". He was a prodigy and I think Gale only saw worth in his magic and his skill on it. He loves to do it too but at the same time he HAS to be good at it, or it feels like. He respects people who are better.
He did fuck up with the orb, but I also think he wasn't fully aware of what he was getting himself. Yes he should have known not listening to Mystra was a bad idea, but she didn't explain exactly what he did wrong until Gale talks with her in the game. This is years later.
Gale really needed Tara after he went from Mystra's Chosen and the Lover of Mystra to a fool who flew too close to the sun and came crashing down in a brilliant display of horrible glory. Man ruined his life, lost everything, and had a problem that Mystra gave him no ideas how to fix.
Mystra DID NOT EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO GALE UNTIL THAT CUTSCENE IN GAME YOU GET AFTER MYSTRA TELLS GALE TO BLOW HIMSELF UP. Gale was kept alive due to Tara. Tara was the one who flew off and found out how to help Gale.
I also think the only thing Mystra valued with Gale's magic knowledge and abilities. She is a goddess, she doesn't really eat human food, Tara and Mystra didn't each other, she is a goddess and I doubt physical touch was common.
So I think Gale being rude to you about magic, especially if you are a different class who can do magic and he insulted you, is because the is grasping with issues of trying to remind himself he is a good mage. This does not excuse his behavior. But I think when he realizes what he did he is going to apologize whole heartedly
One day he is just thinking about how you first met and he just realizes 'I was awful!"
He is going to hold your hand to his cheek, and apologize for doing that. Because you make him realize that he is more than his magic. He is more then what he has been called talented for and tied everything too for so long.
He isn't a failure if he fails with his magic.
Don't get me wrong, Gale can get ahead of himself and is pushy. I want to flick him in the head as soon as he begins thinking trying to become a god is a good idea in the first place. It is a horrible idea as much as I hate Mystra, don't want Gale to become a god. He deserves to be a good man with his wine, his library, his treyssem, and, should fates permit, you.
So, we are going to start talking about Mystra being a P*dophile and just the worst emotional manipulator. When we get to talking about it I am not censoring the word.
This is the end, I am not putting anything else below this. You are free to move along your day, you will not miss out on any of the good stuff. I promise.
This is the only notable part of this: I want Withers to be the god of Magic. He would be a great god of magic, he proves with Arabella.
So, Gale was like, 17 to 23 I believe the range is. And even if Gale is in the later half of that, he still got fucking groomed by Mystra because Mystra had and still has so much power over Gale.
She is the goddess of his greatest asset. His magic. And as we just discussed, the goddess of the thing he ties all of his self worth to. Mystra was literally someone he worshipped. She IS the goddess of magic. Gale had no power in the relationship and never did.
Mystra knows this. She is smart enough to know what is doing is fucking horrible, and get it, she is a god, but she is also a straight up pedophile. We all know about the fact people LITERALLY HIDE THEIR CHILDREN FROM HER.
I do not doubt that being Mystra's chosen meant doing everything she asked. I don't think Mystra took no for an answer in any matters. I also think mistakes were punished with emotional manipulation. Not violence like we see with Shar or Vaalikith (She sorta counts) but gods did he make Gale feel worthless if he failed.
I think Gale feels guilty for a lot of things a lot he shouldn't feel guilt for. I think one of the biggest things Mystra would make Gale feel guilty for was talking to basically any one else if it was not a work relationship.
I would not doubt if Mystra cut Gale off from his mother and would have from Tara if Tara was anyone else. Mystra is noted as a jealous goddess if you are dating Gale. I do not doubt that jealousy was a pretty frequent thing.
Tara hates Mystra with every bone in his fluffy body and tried so hard to talk to Gale but Gale would not listen to her because, well- she is his boss, his teacher, his lover and also the person who controls the thing he ties his self worth too of course he is going to listen to everything Mystra said.
Also Mystra 100% cut Gale off from any source of help he could actually get. Again, Tara was the one to find out about the orb. And I think more than just shame, embarrassment and being a laughing stock from one of the greats, I think Mystra made sure no one was going to be talking to Gale.
I want DLC where we beat the fuck out of Mystra. I really want to kill her. I know I cannot but she is terrible and she deserves death. I know I am captain obvious right now but I cannot stress this enough.
I want Withers to be the god of Magic. He would be a great god of magic, he proves with Arabella.
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skelecentral · 5 months
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Bad Sansuary day 7 (hosted by @owl-bones!): Boxed in
Dust week begins!
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baaby-honeyy · 1 year
is it okay if I could ask for a toxic Harry one shot with more softer tones? like maybe he could be rlly rude to her and toxic at first but then softens up later on. :)
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A/N: i know i’ve been gone for a while, but i read everything you guys send me. me and my sister are so busy with work and our family sucks, so i wasn’t too motivated. but i know you guys don’t wanna hear about that. you wanna reeeeaddd. so please, enjoy. also this is a one-shot i think.
TW: toxic/mean/soft!harry, innocent/crybaby!y/n, fluff, angst, curse words. if there’s something i didn’t list, please tell me. 💗
SUMMARY: The sidewalk you’re walking on begins to blur away with your tears. You walk with your head down, looking at your shoes as you walk. Harry’s gripping your arm, dragging you away from the thing you couldn’t stop asking him about. With your eyebrows furrowed, you try to understand why Harry just wouldn’t say yes. He gets you mostly everything you could ever want, and if doesn’t want you to have it, you’ll just have to accept it. While it took some time, you’ve gotten used to his rules and you’re grateful for Harry. But you just couldn’t let this go.
Harry sits across from you with his arms crossed, his emerald green eyes locked on you. You’re eating at his favorite Asian restaurant, slurping up the noodles he ordered for you. Harry didn't place an order for him; on days like this, when he pampers you all day long, he rarely does. He’s more than fine with that, though. He loves to see you eating and happy with what he gives you.
As you eat, you’re unaware of the black bean sauce that’s now coated your lips and cheeks, almost getting on the white sundress Harry bought you. He watches, his eyebrows slightly raised as you continue eating. He waits for you to notice the mess you’ve made, but after a few moments he grabs a napkin and calls you harshly. In one harsh movement, Harry grabs your chin, forcing your cheeks to squish together. Noodles pour out of your mouth. Your eyes grow big and wide as you stare up at Harry, who’s now pulling out his phone with his free hand.
“Wha?” You try to say when he points the phone at you, but Harry tells you to be quiet as soon as you open your mouth. The flash goes off, and Harry smiles cunningly to himself and puts his phone back in his pocket. With noodle and sauce spilling out of your mouth, you whimper at Harry, and he uses the napkin to clean you.
Once you notice Harry's face getting angrier, you hesitate.
“Harry, I-”
“Shh. S’fine. Just remember what I told you about table manners, okay?” Harry tells you, his voice deep while in a reassuring tone. You nod your head at his orders and pick up your chopsticks once again.
“I’m sorry, Harry. I just really love these noodles, thank you so much for bringing me here!” As you get a good amount of noodles in your chopsticks, you can’t help your smile as you think of the sweet, savory taste of the noodles on your tongue again. Harry smiles at the sight of you, and continues to watch you eat.
“Harry, do you think we can come back here tomorro- LOOK!” You interrupt yourself with a loud, dramatic gasp, pointing outside the window. Before Harry can even blink, you’re standing on the seat with your knees, palms pressed against the cold window.
“What are you-” Harry begins, but is over-powered by your loud rambling.
“Harry, I’m gonna go outside and pet it! I’ll be right back- awww! It’s sooo cute! I’ll be one sec!”
“Pet what? No, Y/n. Get back here- Y/n!” Harry attempts to grab your arm, but you’re already out of reach.
“Bye!!” And just like that, the doorbell rings as you leave out the building, leaving Harry clueless and even more annoyed than before. He looks out the window, scoffs at the handprints you left, and looks for you before deciding to head out there with you.
Your knees begin to hurt from kneeling on the rough concrete, but you choose to ignore the pain. The only thing you care about now is the small Calico kitten that’s getting cozy in your arms. The kitty suckles on a worn-out blue mitten and drapes it from his teeth before placing it gently on your leg. He whimpers and purrs, rubbing his head onto your chest. Your eyes grow big as you gasp, feeling more connection towards the kitten.
“What the fuck did I tell you? Don’t go anywhere without telling me. Do you hear me? This is a main road, Y/n.” You gasp at Harry’s sudden booming voice, and watch as he stomps towards you with a look of extreme annoyance.
“What’s this?”
“A kitten, H! A calico kitten! Say meow!” Holding the kitten up to Harry, you take one of his paws pand make it wave at him. Harry expression remains the same.
“Get up.” He grabs your arm and lifts you up, rolling his eyes as you whine in disobedience.
“Why must I always repeat the rules to you? Are you too dense to remember them? Hm? Is that it?” Harry’s grip gets tighter as he speaks, but he lets go once he looks down to see tears filling your wide eyes.
“What? Do you want me to tell you that you can take it home? It’s not going to happen.”
“Wha- why? He won’t bother you! I promise I’ll take care of him-”
“No.” Harry says, almost immediately regretting it, though, as he sees the tears now flowing down your cheeks. Your lip quivers, as you look down at the kitten the best you can through your tears.
Harry sighs, before wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into his chest.
“I know, Baby. Don’t cry. Just don’t want you to get sick, okay? It’s cute, but we don’t know where this kitten has been. Put it down and we can get your favorite ice cream, yeah?”
When you don’t answer, Harry kisses the top of your head, before leaning down slightly so he can shower the rest of your face with kisses.
“Y’want more kisses? Huh? Is that what’s gonna make you feel better?” Harry’s voice is low like a whisper, kissing you soft and gentle in hopes you’ll let the whole cat thing go.
“Gonna give you all the kisses you want when we get home, okay?”
You close your eyes and whimper into Harry’s touch, and you almost give in, but the Calico’s adorable face can’t leave your mind. You look back to see the kitten licking his paws, and back up at Harry.
“Harry, please. I want him..” You say lowly, followed by a long sigh from Harry.
“I know. I don’t think you’ll be able to handle it, Baby. Maybe in the future if I-”
“In the future? But Harry, the future’s so long from now! What if this kitten is gone by then?
“We’ll find another one.”
“But what if-”
“Y/n. For fuck’s sake, get over it! You’re not getting the fucking kitten.” Harry says, grabbing your arm again, and dragging you down the side walk.
Which brings you to your impossible situation.
The sidewalk you’re walking on begins to blur away with your tears. You walk with your head down, looking at your shoes as you walk. Harry’s gripping your arm, dragging you away from the thing you couldn’t stop asking him about. With your eyebrows furrowed, you try to understand why Harry just wouldn’t say yes. He gets you mostly everything you could ever want, and if doesn’t want you to have it, you’ll just have to accept it. While it took some time, you’ve gotten used to his rules and you’re grateful for Harry. But you just couldn’t let this go.
“Stop crying already.” Harry spits out. His voice was sharp and he spoke quick, like he was already tired of hearing you complaining. You whine at his harshness, and stop your feet in attempt to get him to let go of you.
“You don’t even get me gifts anymore.” You say, your voice strained from how much your struggling. Harry turns around so quick, eyebrows furrowed in a mix of disbelief and annoyance.
“I buy you something new every fuckin’ week. Stop being spoiled.” He shoots back, before continuing to drag you back to the car. You only continue to protest and stomp your feet, making Harry’s grip on you tighten even more.
“No. You already have enough things lying around the house. Y’think I wanna buy you a living pet? Already got you to bother me."
“Har-, please! It’s just a kitten!” Your throat begins to close as you cry harder. You see Harry scoff through your blurry vision. Harry shakes his head slightly while pinching the bridge of his nose.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ annoying.” Harry mutters under his breath, before wrapping his arms around you. You don’t think anything of it, until his arms tighten around your waist, and he pulls you up onto his shoulder. Harry keeps a hand on your butt, to keep your dress from blowing up with the wind. The only thing you can see is his lower shirt, and the concrete beginning to move again as he walks.
The feeling of defeat begins to rise up in you, and you were about to give up, until you saw that cute Calico cat begin to follow you. He was the most cutest thing you could ever look at, so small and cute just like you. You thought for sure Harry would let you have him, and hearing say no repeatedly just broke your little heart.
Harry’s car was just a few blocks down. All he needed to do was get you in there and take you to an ice cream place. It works every time, when you won’t take no for an answer. Except Harry didn’t know how much this cat meant to you, and it wouldn’t just take your favorite ice cream to make you forget.
“N-no! Put me down, Harry! Put me down!” You thrash and kick your legs around in the air, pounding your fists at Harry’s back. He tries to ignore you at first, but quickly gets annoyed at your screaming and whining. Before you know it, you’re back on your own two feet staring up at Harry’s narrowed eyes.
“You don’t know when to shut your fuckin’ mouth, huh? Y’want to walk by yourself? Fine. Don’t come cryin’ to me when your feet starts to hurt, even though I’m the one who warned you that would happen if you wore those shoes.” Harry spits out, pointing down at your white MaryJanes. You look down too, staring at your white and pink frilly socks you chose.
“I’m not going to let you walk by yourself, Y/n. Just be a good girl and walk beside me, yeah? Can you do that f’me?” Harry nods slightly while he speaks, waiting for you to do the same. His tolerance for you is obviously diminishing. If he was asked to be completely honest, he would say that you don’t need a cat. He already has you to take care of, and most of the time you’re distracted by something else, so you probably wouldn’t even have to patience to take care of a cat.
You look up at him pleadingly, hoping in your heart that Harry will suddenly change his mind. The car wasn’t too far from here, and the kitten could be anywhere now. Eventually, you slowly nod your head in compliance, and Harry gives you few kisses on the top of your head for behaving.
“That’s my good girl. C’mon, little baby. Gonna get you ice-”
“Harry, look! He’s over there! I’m gonna go get him!”
Before Harry can process, your running straight for the cat, who’s across the street. Your little brain, too excited for its own good, can’t even see the traffic coming.
"Y/N— Fuck!" For Harry, everything—the cars, the people walking by, and even you—moved slowly. He didn’t even think he had enough time to grab you. You were already off the curb and into the street. Adrenaline pumps in Harry’s veins, momentum picks up in his feet, giving him enough time wrap an arm around your waist. As you scream at the unexpected touch, Harry quickly grabs you and drags you away from the street.
You try to pry Harry’s arm off of you, but he just wouldn’t let go.
As soon as Harry's voice can be heard, everyone in the street looks in your direction. When he speaks, his voice is shaky and breathy, like he can’t catch his breath.
Harry’s veins pop out of his neck as he screams, his eyes bloodshot from what just happened. He never experienced such intense fear. If there is even a slight chance that you were injured or worse, he wouldn't know where to start when it came to moving on. You’re far too important.
Now that you're fully sobbing, your chest is heaving with fear from the recent event. "I just-"
“Just.. shut up. Don’t talk.” Harry interrupts, then decides against listening to what you have to say. He grabs your wrist and yanks you to the car. He opens the car with the remote and immediately throws you in the backseat, instead of letting you sit with him upfront like he usually does.
“Wait-” You try to say, but Harry slams the door in your face. He walks to the drivers seat and immediately starts the car. From the backseat, you could see just how scared Harry was. You never see this in him, he’s always sarcastic and arrogant, but pleasing and sweet. Never scared. Harry fails to hide his frightened expression in the mirror.
The ride back home was torture. There was nothing said between you two, and the only thing heard was Harry’s deep sighs every few minutes. In any car ride with Harry, you could never be bored. He’d always find someway to keep you entertained, wether it was playing iSpy with you or talking about how much he loves you. This car ride was the complete opposite. You almost started to cry because the silence was so loud.
When you got back home, Harry didn’t let you in first, or even look back to see if you entered the house. He callously throws the car keys on the kitchen counter, and makes his way up the stairs.
“If you thought you were getting that kitten then, you’re definitely not getting it now.” Harry says in a mumble, but loud enough so he knows you hear him. The next thing you heard was the bedroom door slam shut, leaving you and your fuzzy brain all alone to overthink.
You contemplate whether to go in there and talk to Harry, but the look in his eyes when he was unlocking the front door- they were red and puffy, and his trembling made it harder to open the door. Ultimately, you decide that the couch was the best idea. You lay down on the couch and put your comfort show on the TV, trying your best to get rid of that guilty feeling in your chest.
When you wake, the first thing you see is you and Harry's bed sheets.
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The bright morning sun awakes you from your sleep. It takes you a while to realize that you’re no longer on the couch, you’re on you and Harry’s bed, completely tucked in and under the warm covers. You notice that your sundress from yesterday has been replaced with only Harry’s t-shirt. With your eyes almost shut from the bright sun, you do your best to look on the bed and around the room for any sign of Harry. You let out a little whine when you see he’s nowhere in the room, and force yourself to get up.
Halfway down the stairs, you hear mutters of curse words and sighs coming from the floor below.
“Harry?” You speak softly, trying to assure Harry with your voice that you won’t be disobedient. There’s no answer, and when you reach the end of the stairs, you see nobody in the living room or the kitchen. Confused, and mind still fuzzy from sleep, you trudge around the house in hopes to find Harry.
“C’mon, right there, -fuck-” From the backyard, there is a faint sound, and your brows furrow in confusion as you try to understand the words.
“C’mon, that’s right, stay right there. Good girl.”
Those words make you gasp, and your thoughts start to stray in unwanted directions. The words continue to be said, and you wish that you wouldn’t have disobeyed Harry yesterday. You wish you were better for him, because now someone else is pleasing him, like you were supposed to. Your heart sinks as you race to the back door, and open it as fast as you can.
“Harry!” You say as you slam the door open, startling Harry from what he was doing. Only his lower half is visible, the other being concealed by the wall. He comes from the corner and sees you, tears running down your cheeks, and your stuffed animal in one hand.
That sinking feeling immediately vanishes when you see Harry.
“You’re up.” Harry says, casually holding two Calico cats in both hands. He’s smiling awkwardly and wide, waiting for you to give him a response. You can’t, you just stand there, mouth slightly open and eyes wide.
“B-but you said-”
“Forget what I said, baby. S’not what I meant.” Harry interrupts you, and speaks softly so you know he’s not angry with you about last night. He sets the cats down in the crate that you have no idea where he got it from, and brings his attention to you.
“Was out since like four AM tryna find that cat again. Turns out he has a sis-”
Harry’s cut off by you rushing into his arms, hugging him as tight as you can.
“Thank you so much, Harry!”
“You’re welcome, Baby. Both kept running off, it took so long just to grab them-”
“I love you, I love you, I love you!” You say, voice muffled into his chest. You feel the vibration in his chest as he laughs. He takes a handful of your hair in his fist and slightly pulls it back just enough for you to look up at him.
“You know I love you too. But disobeying me isn’t the way to get what you want.”
You silently shudder to yourself and try to avoid thinking about how you behaved yesterday. You’re surprised Harry’s not even mad anymore. Usually when you act out, he’s not so forgiving this quick.
“I know I wasn’t the best yesterday either,” Harry starts, his voice low as he admits what he was doing wrong.
“Shouldn’t have scolded you like that. I know you just don’t know any better and yelling at you wasn’t the answer. Just made my baby cry.”
Staring up at Harry, who’s visibly upset with what he’s done, you step up in your tippy toes to kiss him gently on the forehead.
“I’m okay, Harry. I-I shouldn’t have ran into the street-” With your gaze completely avoiding Harry’s stare, you try hard to finish your sentence without sobbing.
“And I’m really, really s-”
“I know, Kitten.”
“Huh?” You ask, still avoiding Harry’s gaze at you.
“I know you’re sorry, Baby..”
Harry pauses, as he doesn’t know wether to tell you this, or just leave it as something only he knows.
“You were crying in your sleep..” Harry fights the urge to look down too. He knows if he wouldn’t have been so harsh in you about Mittens in the first place, you would’ve never acted out, and Harry has known you long enough to know that you don’t know any better.
“Poor baby was cryin’ in her sleep.. I’ve never felt more shame in my life. How could I make such a sweet girl cry?” Harry speaks, more to himself than to you, as he looks off into the backyard, and than back towards you.
“I’m so, so, sorry..” You say in a whisper, almost choking the horrible feeling rising in your throat.
“Mm,” Harry mumbles, taking his hand and caressing you cheek with it to get you to calm down, as he sees you’re already out of breath with emotion. You can’t help but shudder at his new stern tone when he starts talking again.
“Understand that you have to be careful, Y/n. I know I made the mistake of just scolding you, and yelling at you, but when you ran into the street..”
Harry pauses.
“You know I would be lost without you.” He takes another pause, like he knows once he starts talking he won’t be able to stop until it’s all out. But he decides, that’s okay. As long as you know how vital you are.
“There quite literally is no other you. I-I can't replace you, Y/n. And I know I'm an ass, and I’m arrogant and annoying ninety percent of the time, but, know that you're all I have. You have to be careful, Y/n. Jus' be careful for me, alright? Jus' bear that in mind.”
Harry’s voice remains in a low rhythm. Cool fingertips slide across your cheek as he takes in every detail of your face, his gaze full of longing and remorse. And, as you saw for the first time before, fear.
You don't realize that when you glance up at Harry, another melancholy expression has crept upon your face, and tears have risen in your eyes. Harry’s own eyes dilate at you, and he smooths his thumb across your furrowed brow.
“You’re not in trouble, baby. S’okay.”
Harry’s eyes flicker back and forth between yours, and he gently leans in to kiss your nose. The kiss was so light and sweet, like the kiss of a butterfly, making you feel warm inside.
“Don’t you wanna play with your kittens?” Harry asks, his voice light and inviting. You immediately nod your head frantically, as if you couldn’t wait any longer. Sitting down on the grass, you grab both cats and sit them in your lap. The boy immediately begins to cherish you, waving his tail in your face and purring. The girl, however, isn’t too fond of you yet. She turns away from you, and wanders the backyard.
“What’re you gonna name them?” Harry asks, grabbing a chair and sitting down in front of you. You pause at his question, trying your hardest to think of names that suit these cats.
“I dunno. This one will be Mittens,” You start, scratching under the cat’s chin, making him purr and his eyes dilate.
“Because when we found each other, he was chewing on a blue mitten!”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh at you, because you were so happy now that you got what you wanted. He knows he can’t always continue to spoil you, but when your his good girl (he won’t admit it, but even when you’re bad), he can never say no.
“And the girl?”
“She’ll be.. she’ll be..” The words don’t come out. Your fuzzy little brain, only filled with excitement, just gives up. Harry gives a sympathetic pout at your confusion before speaking.
“S’fine baby, you can decide later. Wanna bring ‘‘em inside?”
Whipping your neck up at Harry, your eyes go big at the opportunity you never thought you’d have.
“Yes!! Thank you so much!!” You say, practically screaming at how excited you are. You begin to pick up Mittens, but you stop once you hear Harry’s voice.
“Woah, before you go, what’re you forgetting?”
A gasp escapes your mouth at Harry’s sudden harsh tone. His face is completely straight, with not a hint of emotion. Your brain goes crazy at what you could’ve forgotten this time. Looking at Harry only made it worse for you, as he’s sitting back on the chair with his legs spread wide, green eyes locked on yours. You take him in, looking at every part of him, until you just.. move.
Practically jumping in to Harry’s lap, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his soft, plump lips. His eyes go wide at you, but quickly close as he feels he feels your mouth move with his. He tried to keep the kiss going for longer, but he couldn’t contain his laughter, and you couldn’t either. Even you are surprised at your sudden confidence.
“Haha, good girl! That’s not what I meant, but good girl. Was talkin’ about the crates, baby. Gotta take responsibility.” Answering with an obedient nod, you wrap your arms more tightly around Harry’s neck. You and Harry kiss a few more times, before he gently taps the side of your thighs as a signal for you to hop off his lap. When you do, Harry grabs the girl cat, and you grab Mittens.
You head back towards the door, Harry letting you in first. You reach the living room and begin to set Mittens down, but pause and look for Harry. You give him a pleading look, your eyes asking him if it’s okay to let the cats play here.
He gives you a small nod of approval, smiling at how obedient you’re being. You set down Mittens, and Harry sets down the girl cat. As soon as Mitten’s paws hit the floor, he wanders around curiously with his sister. You watch them go for a few moments before following them.
“Wait up, Mittens!” You say, as if he can understand you. Mittens watches you catch up, and you gently pick him up in your arms. Sitting back down, you place Mittens in your lap again and begin to pet his soft fur. Once you scratch underneath his chin, he closes his eyes and purrs, leaning into your touch.
Now sitting on the couch, Harry is just staring at the kitten and you. How could he have deprived you of something like this? You look so happy with the kitten, and the feeling of guilt begins to rise in him the more he looks at you. Regardless of how Harry acted earlier, happiness and contentment is all he could want for you. There’s no doubt that you’re spoiled, though. You always get what you want from Harry eventually, and he wonders if you knew that this whole time.
Harry laughs gently to himself at the sight of your smile and the sound of your giggles. You look up at him, his gaze locked on you and the kitten as he remains leaned back on the couch.
“What ya lookin at, Harry?” You ask between enthusiastic giggles.
“M’ lookin at my girl, my spoiled girl. Who told you that you can get whatever you want, hm? Was that my doing?”
With you and Harry’s gazes still locked on each other’s, you laugh before answering, as you pet Mittens.
“It’s all your fault, Harry!”
“Right, baby. S’all my fault.” Harry responds, getting off the couch and beginning to sit down on the floor next to you. He pauses midway so he can kiss your head gently. You pat the spot next to you so Harry can sit, and the girl cat, who’s done wandering now, warily makes her way towards Harry.
The girl cat hesitates for a moment before tentatively biting and chewing on his index finger, still not particularly amused. He takes the opportunity to touch her again, and when he does, she immediately begins purring and meowing in response to the touch. Harry and you both chuckle at her response.
Even with the little time Harry’s spent with the kittens, he can understand what made you want them so badly. The way you purr when you get what you want, the way you whine when you don’t, and how you’re constantly begging for his attention all reminds him of a kitten. That’s why he began calling you one in the first place.
“Reminds me of someone.”
“Who?” You ask, voice high and curious. Harry doesn’t respond right away, choosing his words before speaking.
“Who’s my Kitten?”
When you don’t answer right away, Harry repeats his question.
“Who’s my good little Kitten?”
You answer with a wide, gushing smile, holding Mittens up to your cheeks as you do.
“S’ right, Baby. Now you got some Kittens of your own. Think you’re ready? It’s a really big respons-”
Harry accidentally cuts himself off with a yawn, tiredly ruffling his hair as he does. He blinks his eyes a few times too, not being able to see clearly.
“M’ sorry, Baby. Like I said, only slept like thirty minutes yesterday. I’m gonna stay up and watch you play, though, alright? Don’t wanna miss this.”
You nod unseemly, continuing to play with your new kitties, while Harry takes a seat back on the couch. The way that Mittens loves on you makes you feel so warm and happy. You get easily lost in your happiness, and time just slips from your mind.
Your head shoots up when you hear soft snores come from above you. Harry lays fallen back against the couch, and his mouth slightly open as he breathes heavily. His hair is ruffled completely, and his brows are creased with discomfort.
Gently and quietly, you set Mittens down and tip toe towards Harry. You bring a gentle hand towards his cheek, slightly rubbing him so he wakes up.
Harry’s eyes shoot up at you, and across the living room as he processes where he is.
“F-fuck, I’m sorry, Baby. I thought I could-”
“Harry,” You interrupt, a frown appearing on your face, which contagiously gives Harry one too, at the sight of yours. You’re visibly upset, because you know the lengths Harry will go through to make sure you always get what you want. The fact that he’ll stay up just to watch you play makes you feel even more guilty.
“You have to sleep,” You say in a low whisper, being mindful of how sleepy Harry is. He slowly makes his way off the couch, stopping and yawning before completely getting up. You two begin to head up the stairs, but you stop once you see Mittens and his sister carefully follow behind you.
“I know you don’t want them on the bed, but can we at least bring the crates in the room so they won’t be lonely?” You beg as politely as you can, mentally cringing at the thought of Harry saying no. You won’t cry though, because you know you’ve asked a lot of Harry today.
“What?” You hear Harry say, his voice deep, and almost incoherent with sleepiness. "No, leave the crates," and your stomach drops. Despite your disappointment, you start to let it go as you look down.
“They can sleep with us.” Harry grabs both cats, who were silently cleaning each other below you. Mentally throwing a party, you smile gratefully and begin to walk up the stairs with Harry and the cats.
After Harry places the cats on your large, plush bed, he begins changing out of the clothing he was still wearing from yesterday. The cats immediately begin to explore, delicately pulling at the covers with their claws. You assist Harry with changing his clothes because he was too worn out to manage it himself. He initially resisted a little, insisting he was alright, but after repeatedly stumbling and swearing, he gave up.
“Look at you, takin’ care of me for a change,” Harry smirks at you followed by a yawn, while you giggle.
“Mm, thank you, Baby.” When you’re done, Harry grants you with a kiss on the nose as a thank you.
Once you’re finished, you and Harry crawl in bed together, and Harry brings you up close to his chest, kissing your head just before his eyes flutter shut.
“Are you happy, Y/n?” He asks, voice getting husky with sleepiness.
“Mhm! I love you so much. I still can’t believe I have Mittens!” You say, not being able to contain the excitement in your voice. Harry only laughs lightly, kissing your head once more.
“Mm… Good. Than so am I.”
With you in Harry’s chest, Mittens laying by your shoulder, and his sister laying by your feet, you and Harry begin to fall into slumber. You couldn’t be any happier.
A/N~ what should the female cat’s name be?🐈 i hope you enjoyed, and please leave name suggestions if you want to. <3 thanks for reading! and yes, ruin part 2 is coming very very soon. like sooner than soon, lol.
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dearest-painter · 10 months
Here’s part two of the list of Reader au!
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minminho0 · 1 year
◈A Baby!?◈
<Tighnari x Reader>
Summary: You two just got married not to long ago but the topic of babies suddenly pop up on one of your conversation and one thing lead to another.
Reader: Female
Warnings: --
A/n: lol im so curious abt tighnari 😭 writing for him bcz he is quickly trying to replace my main and its working🔥🔥
I hope you enjoy~!
"Oh my mom? She left after she gave birth to me because they we're to young to have a baby. My dad gave me up for adoption after a month." You sipped your tea.
"Oh im sorry to hear that" Tighnari spoke.
"Welp there's no use crying because of it, i already have a good life going on and i don't want to ruin it." You comforted yourself.
"Mhm yea"
"Do you get.. Baby fever?"
"Baby fever? What do you mean by that?"
"When you find a baby so cute, you feel like you'd explode, thats what i feel every time i see a baby"
"Oh i never felt that before actually, i wonder how will that feel"
"Do you love me?" You suddenly exclaimed.
"Of course! What kind of question is that?" He laughed.
"Then... "
"If we have a baby, will you take responsibility?" You said suddenly which surprised tighnari.
"Huh? Of course! I didn't marry you just to leave you if you got pregnant! Im your husband, ill take care of you!"
"Promise?" You brought up your pinky finger towards him.
"Promise!" He replied by linking his pinky to yours.
You two smiled before letting go of eachothers hand. You looked out the window, thinking if you should say it or not.
'Should i tell him?'
'No that be to weird'
'But his your husband! Its normal to ask things like that!'
'No you will just embarrass yourself!'
"Hey, you seem lost, whats on your mind?" Tighnari snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Ha?oh ye.. "
"I want to ask you something but please dont find it weird!"
"Haha sure sure, so whats on yur mind?"
"So like you were a baby rigth?"
"Mhm yea duh"
"So like.. Since babies dont just pop up with a head full of hair.. What did you look like when you were born?"
"Wait what do yu mean?" Tighnari said curiously.
"Did yu get born with four ears?"
"Do you like not have hair on your head? Did you look like a stray hairless cat?"
"W-what n-no!"
"But you were bald?"
"O-of course..?"
"But you have ears so hairless cat?"
And the questions continue~
Tighnari being bombarded with questions about his baby look.
"Please stop.. " tighnari said tiredly.
"But you haven't asnwered ny question!"
-April 23, 2023
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esha-isboogara · 1 year
bleach men bring out something gross in me but i’m not going to apologize
more bleach —> aizen
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✰grimmjow is a warning himself,he’s a sick little bastard,
||taglist: @stygianoir||
♡perv!grimmjow who doesn’t give a fuck that he’s a pervert. he’s not going to feel bad about the way he is just because some loser criticized him. he doesn’t even try to hide it.
♡perv!grimmjow who doesn’t wear anything under his robes. what reason does he have ? he has a big dick and he knows it. the other espada try in vein to convince him to wear something-anything. he likes fo show off his cock and knowing that you’ll see it makes him all the more excited.
♡perv!grimmjow who loves to be all up on you. normally he’s not a hugger but how can he now be when you’re walking around with all that curve ?
♡perv!grimmjow who hates it when aizen talks to you alone. he knows how he can be and he doesn’t like it. grimmjow will go out of his way to make sure the two of you are not alone- he’s practically attached at your hip most of the time
♡perv!grimmjow who gets a kick out of watching you fight. the way your body moves with such ease ? he finds it so sexy- it’s so hard to control himself. if he’s lucky some of your robe will get torn off and he’ll get to see some skin.
♡perv!grimmjow who is basically your boyfriend. he doesn��t give you a say in the matter he just starts to claim you’re his one day and never stopped. most of the other espada don’t want anything to do with his bs so they accept this fact and move on.
♡perv!grimmjow who makes you shower with him. he insists so many times you take the offer to shut him up. seeing your naked body next to yours is a dream come true. oh how he wants to fuck you but he knows he can’t stray from his mission.
♡perv!grimmjow who straight up asked for your panties and bras. he has no shame.
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xmimi89er · 10 months
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Tried not to shade anything (that's a self-challenge. You have no idea).
Anyway! New chapter will be up in a bit :)
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wreckedandpolemic · 2 months
white and gold matty when the kids force him to get a cat because alanis really wanted one and forced vera and fiona to do puppy dog eyes at matty but then he loves the cat more than they do
oh my goddd this is so fucking cute if you haven’t watched the video do yourself a favour your life Will be better for it!!
so i bet alanis is eight or nine when her best friend gets a cat, and once she goes over there to visit she will not rest until she gets one of her own!!! at first she comes to you, and you laugh to yourself. truthfully, you’ve wanted a pet for a while — it feels like the last thing you need for your little family to be complete, and you’re not a dog person. but you don’t think matty will go for it, and as it turns out, you’re right.
“absolutely fu-absolutely not. it’ll get hair everywhere and scratch up our furniture.”
“more than the kids already do?” you tease, and matty rolls his eyes.
and that, you think, is that. but you underestimated the abilities of three healy girls with their big, healy, brown eyes and the magical persuasive power that seems to be genetic. “please, dad?” alanis whines, shoulder to shoulder with fiona and vera, all wide-eyes and looking like butter wouldn’t melt. “i promise we’ll look after it. you won’t even know it’s here, promise!” matty caves after less than a week of pleading, always weak for his girls.
after a couple of weeks of searching, you adopt the final member of your family, a little grey kitten that alanis names ghost. you warn her seriously that ghost is her responsibility, and she takes it on resolutely. bossy little diva that she is, she declares to her sisters that ghost is my cat, and swaps her chores for ‘cat time.’ the first time you catch her doing it, you want to scold her, but matty’s shoulders are shaking too hard for it to have any effect.
“she’s a little entrepreneur, aren’t you, lani?” he laughs, ruffling her hair as fiona runs in from tidying alanis’ room, scoops up the cat and pelts off again.
even though matty grumbles for weeks, all fucking cat’s got white fur on my black suit, hasn’t it and i don’t understand why you all love it so much, s’not that special. at least a dog can do tricks, it’s not long before he warms up to her.
he starts to sit with her in his home office while he works, playing it off as a distraction from his boredom. god, you’re so annoying, he’ll mutter fondly, dangling a loose piece of string and laughing as she jumps up to try and catch it. stupid name, too. fucking ‘ghost,’ what was she think— she’s nine, she wasn’t thinking. should be called something cool, like the beatles. he gasps. you like that? beetle? yeah, okay. maybe you’re not so bad, beetle.
after that, he and the cat are inseparable, matty cradling her like she’s one of his babies. alanis marches into the living room and stomps on his foot, lifting ghosts into her arms and complaining, “you stole my cat, dad! been looking everywhere for her! you said you didn’t even like her!”
you watch the scene, laughing to yourself as alanis slopes off, resting your head in matty’s lap. “maybe she is too much like me,” he mutters, shaking his head in disbelief as you chuckle.
“aw, you’ll get the cat back later,” you say, pouting teasingly up at him. “‘m better than a cat, anyway.”
“you certainly are,” he grins.
so, long story short, nothing is stronger than the bond between a grumpy, middle-aged father and the cat he swore he didn’t want. he still refuses to call her anything but beetle, though.
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mishuleshi · 8 months
I want to see similar pictures of the Readermeow and Scarameow as cats. maybe from Pinterest
<3 🐈‍⬛🐈
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