#because I cannot keep sending them to the gc
terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
The thought of a fried chicken sandwich truly the only thing getting me through this day
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tomieafterdark · 2 months
begging for a dilf! toji or neighbour! toji drabble / fic
pairing: dilf!toji x babysitter!fem!reader
18+ mndi
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You were laying down on Mr.Fushiguro’s new plush couch, the cold fabric pressing against your bare lower back, aching for the clock to strike midnight so you could finally go home. The boredom was practically killing you, babysitting on a school night turned out to suck more than you had anticipated. It was only 9pm and his kid was sound asleep, meaning you had around 3 hours of nothing to do. You nearly fell asleep too but the way your phone started buzzing in your back pocket woke you up. You were caught in a trance for a second, you had not had any action for so long, even simple vibrations from your phone made you feel something. 
The buzzing eventually stops and you are out of your trance, back to reality. You arch your back, fishing your phone out of the back pocket of your bell bottom jeans to see what all the fuss is about. It is just the group chat freaking out about something, you decide to check it out. 
You are practically blasted with messages once they see that you are online, nearly making your phone freeze. 
“Did someone die, what the hell is going on..” you think to yourself, trying to scroll up. The constant spamming makes it hard and eventually you give up, waiting for everyone to shut up so that someone can explain what is going on. 
Y/n: Now that you guys finally stfu, can someone please tell me what happened??
Friend number one: Okay okay everyone be quiet, I will tell Y/n what’s up. 
Y/n: Go on, I am dying to know. 
Friend number two: sends meme JDSHJDK SORRY I misclicked- 
Friend number one: LMFAO stop it before Y/n kicks you out of the gc. 
Y/n: … 
Friend number one: My bad, okay so Y/n long story short I was stalking the sexy dilf you keep babysitting for and I found some very sexy pictures of him from when he was 22. I kind of understand why you keep babysitting for him now. *skull emoji*. 
Friend number two: Y/n, you are not slick. 
Y/n: I do not go there because of his appearance, but whatever. Go on. 
Friend number one: Yeah keep telling yourself that, anyways I won't keep you waiting here are the pictures. You can thank me for them, because they were the results of my stalking skills.. *spams pictures of a shirtless young Toji partying in Okinawa Island*
You cannot believe your eyes, this man aged like fine wine. You have never appreciated Friend number one as much as you do right now, there are several pictures of a shirtless Mr.Fushiguro on vacation. You quickly save every single one and leave the group chat faster than you can blink, somehow being there made you feel flustered and staring at them alone in your camera roll felt better. 
You feel like a creep but you cannot stop staring and zooming in on body parts, he had this killer body since age 22 if not sooner...One year younger than you are now. You cannot stop imagining what could have been if you had been born sooner, how early 20s Mr.Fushiguro’s chemistry would have been like with you. He seems so reckless and wild in these pictures, you can see the chaotic glimmer in his eyes. 
You had never been able to admit this to yourself, but something about those pictures made you let loose and accept reality, which is that you find him very attractive. You had never seen him shirtless but his shirts were always tight and did not leave enough to the imagination. Though whatever you had seen of Mr.Fushiguro was nothing compared to those shirtless island pictures, they made you feel things you didn't know you could feel. 
The groupchat is very active again, pulling you out of your fantasies about the dilf. You give the group chat one last look to see if you missed any pictures and it seems you did not miss anything, the topic has changed from Toji to something else, and it does not interest you one bit. However, thanks to them, you get a very creative idea on what to do and finally kill some time…
You dim the lights and turn your phone notifications on, unzipping your pants as you slowly slide your phone down there. You keep it on top of your underwear, the vibrations from it are strong enough anyways. You shudder from how cold it is, even though it is not touching your skin directly the cold was enough to send shivers down your core. As the notifications start piling up, you adore the group chat more and more. Their notifications create a symphony and you catch yourself lost in it, buckling your hips to it and letting out small moans here and there. 
Your imaginations become so vivid as you get lost in the ecstasy, so much so that you can faintly hear his voice. It sounds like he is on the phone again, makes sense your brain would imagine him like that since he is always on the phone talking to someone. He does not even talk to you most of the time you get paid, he just hands you the money while giving you a nod and you leave. A sick little part of your mind wonders if he ever checks out your ass while you walk away, and if his imaginations stop there or if they go even further..does he ever imagine abusing those tight little holes of yours? You can not stop your mind, it keeps going further down the gutter, you imagine him using your holes for his pleasure and his pleasure only and it makes you feral. The thought of him filling you up with cum, not stopping after that but simply moving on to your next hole and brutalizing that one instead is pushing you over the edge. You are so close to cumming, completely lost in your own world but just as you are about to climax you feel a big cold hand push your stomach down. 
“I don't think I am paying you to be a whore, now am I?” His cold tone drags you down to earth very quickly, reality starts to kick in and all you can think of is how to avoid getting fired. Your mind is on fire trying to come up with an excuse but nothing comes out. You are so shocked you have not even taken your phone out or anything, like a deer in headlights you stay the way he caught you. 
He takes a seat next to you on the couch, staring at you intensely. He is so tall and huge compared to you, it fills you with butterflies but they are quickly overshadowed with fear and shame yet the lust does not seem to fully leave. Him catching you has made you more wet, you are doing your best at avoiding his eyes as you try to blurt out some excuse but he quickly abrupts you. 
“Don't bother using your empty head to come up with an excuse, just tell me the truth.” Toji reaches over you, fishing your phone out of your pants and you still have not moved. Though your internal dialogue is going insane, you are not saying anything. 
“Hmph..a phone.” He says while fishing it out, the notifications still have not stopped as your group chat is notorious for yapping. He tries to not laugh at the situation, because it was kind of creative of you to use your phone in such a way, he imagines what other things your dirty little mind could come up with. 
“I will take care of that, you will not be getting it back until I hear some explanations for what is going on here, understand??” He says as he turns the notifications off and sets it aside on the coffee table in front of you. 
You give him a nod. 
“So, the sooner you tell me why you thought this was a good idea the sooner we can both be done with this.” 
You eventually catch your breath, and the first thing that comes out is an apology followed by tears from the embarrassment. “I am so sorry Mr.Fushigiro, I know this excuse won’t do but I was extremely bored..one thing led to another and..” You start crying before you can finish what you were saying. Toji just looks at you, not with any understanding or even sympathy but rather like he also has a creative idea on how you will make up for what you have done. 
He gets closer to you and caresses your face. “Hey, it's okay. You are not the only creative one here, I know a way to fix this.” 
He was right earlier when he called your head empty, because you have to be brainless to not understand what he was insinuating. Instead, you were assuming he would cut your pay a few times and have you work for free. “I understand Mr.Fushiguro, I agree with your suggestion.” 
He was almost surprised at you being so open minded, almost but he had seen enough of the world to know when a brainless bimbo was talking to him. He decided he would not clarify what he meant, this would be another lesson on the side, which was: “do not forget to read the room before you agree to things.” He chuckled and said “call me Toji for now, okay y/n?”
You nodded. You were much calmer now, agreeing to everything he said, promising you would take your punishment without complaining, saying you would let him decide the rules and how much pay he would cut off..letting him control everything basically. You were so desperate to keep this job so you were determined to give it your all. 
You glance at the clock just as he is finished talking, it is midnight now so he should let you off the hook. “I guess I'll be going now..” You look at him expecting to give you your phone back. 
Toji just smirks. “Do you not remember anything we just talked about?”
You give him a confused look. “Yeah but it is midnight now, and I have a group project to work on tomorrow…Do you want me to babysit overnight or something?” 
Toji is almost getting impatient, you don't notice of course because he keeps a poker face and hides his boner with a cushion. He pulls up your phone, telling you to unlock it, and as you do he grabs it before you can even gauge what happened. “I will be telling your friends that you are feeling a bit sore and tired, so you will not be able to make it to the group project. Take a seat dear.” 
You do not know what to expect but you listen to him, the desperation to keep this job is overpowering your anxiety which is telling you to run the fuck away. He puts your phone down and gets closer, too close, invading your personal space. 
He stares at you in the eyes coldly. “I don't think you understand what is going on here, I took serious offense to what you were doing on my couch during working hours. I am not the type of guy that lets someone off the hook so easily.” He starts pulling on your jeans as he unzips them, taking them off effortlessly. His reflexes are fast, before you even let a sound out his big hand is covering your mouth. “Shh, little Megumi has school tomorrow. You do not want to wake him up now would you? I will have to prolong your punishment if you do that, so be quiet for me. Got it??” 
You nod frantically, what the fuck was this situation and how did you even get yourself in to it. You stare at your jeans now on the black carpet, that same carpet you sat on with Megumi earlier today while playing video games. You close your eyes, hoping this will be over soon. 
Toji is not in the mood to prep you, the little whore who decided to masturbate during working hours does not deserve that luxury. Instead, he flips you on your stomach rather quickly and holds you in place with an iron grip on your waist. Toji is hypnotized by your curves and back dimples, his gaze taking it all in hungrily as he is teasing both your holes with his tip making it hard for you to guess which one he will use. If only you had seen how big his cock is compared to your waist area because it would have made your stomach drop. You try to gauge his size while he teases your holes, just to kind of prepare yourself and know what you are in for..also you are praying to whoever is out there that he does not fuck you in the ass. It was so hot to imagine it, but now that he has you under him all vulnerable and mildly scared it feels different. 
He spreads you apart, his tip resting at the entrance of your cunt. He teases it slowly by barely inserting it instead of just rubbing like he did before, getting much more of your slick on it and making you quiver in the process. He keeps doing this until he has enough of your wetness, and then moves on to your other hole. You may be an airhead, but it ends here. You know exactly why he did what he did now, you can feel him pushing the tip in, your own wetness is working pretty well as a lubricant because a good bit of his tip actually goes in and it feels kind of good even though it hurts. You have never been this stretched before anally, and it's making you tear up a little. You shut your eyes hoping he won’t go there, the tip may feel good but you know he would not go easy and it would quickly go from anal to painal.  
God was a little kind to you today because Toji decided to punish your tight little cunt instead of your even tighter ass, however nothing could have prepared you for his size. You try your hardest to not let out a sound as he made it clear he could prolong your punishment, but you want to scream and cry so bad. What is worse of all is how a part of you was enjoying this situation, a sick part of you loved how he was conquering your body with or without your consent, how he was stretching you out so bad no one could fill the void after him. How he was leaving his mark in every single way. You could not help but arch a little, if anyone were to take you by sheer force it would be him, he was made for it. 
Toji has no mercy, he is slamming your hole with brute force. The friction from the couch is getting to the exposed parts of your body and the couch does not feel so cold anymore. The more he continues mercilessly punishing you, the more that sick little side of you takes over. You are starting to slightly enjoy the pain, so much that you become noticeably wetter. The squelching sounds were getting louder, and he heard it which prompted him to say “there is the whore I caught spread out on my couch earlier, I knew you were in there somewhere, just had to dig real deep for you.” in a husky voice, that tone and those words he said made you shudder. All you replied with was incoherent cries, met with him shushing you. 
As if your body isn't struggling to keep up with his pace and intensity, he decides to switch positions. He picks you up like you weigh nothing, like you are just his little doll, and slams you down onto his cock.He is so focused on chasing his own high, he does not give you even a second to adjust causing you to hold on to his shoulders, digging your nails into his flesh. You do not seem to get the memo, so he grabs your jaw making you look directly at him. “I don’t remember asking for a dead slut, start bouncing.” 
You start bouncing, struggling to keep a pace as your legs tremble and your wetness is leaking down your inner thighs and all over his veiny thick cock. Toji is not impressed with you at all, prompting him to grab your asscheeks, lifting you up and down his cock with the pace he actually wants, leaving you so speechless all you can do is put your head on his shoulder and cry. Your nails are scratching his back and shoulders so much, he has several deep cuts and you can see it is getting quite bloody. Not that he cares, this is nothing to him. Scratch away for all he cares, you are like a kitten to him. 
You are really starting to feel it in your stomach, it is filling you up and hitting every spot inside of you, including your sweet ones. “T-tojii- it’s too much p-please slow down..” 
“Can’t do slut, remember how you promised you won’t complain? It is very rude to not keep your promise, do I need to teach you some more manners now?? At your age??” Toji growls, giving you a hard slap on your ass causing you to cry out quite loudly. 
“Keep it down, don’t make me repeat this.” You just nod in response, biting your cheek so no more sounds come out..Bad timing though. You are starting to feel the tingles even more in your core and it is getting extremely hard to keep quiet. You are kind of lost in the build up, you are whispering/crying into his ear but it is mostly incoherent, he knows you are close though by the way you are clenching so hard around him and how loud the squelching sounds are. The little fire in your core is growing stronger every second.
He slows down his pace suddenly, and it is torture. He switches to deep slow strokes, causing you to get impatient. You try to move around and bounce but he is strong and keeps you in your place, stuck and unable to move. After what feels like forever of deep strokes, he decides to stop edging your cunt. He pulls out completely, leaving you in shock, he is still rock hard so why is he doing this. Just when you were liking it, he decides to pull this move. 
Toji thinks about using your mouth to get himself off and leave you there as he gathers his clothes, but he wonders how much more dominant and forceful he can be if he edges himself too. He knows you will be much more desperate and much more willing to let him use you if you don’t get what you want, hence leaving you like this. Maybe, with enough edging and coercion he could turn this little punishment into a permanent thing between you two. You have no idea but he had been waiting for this ever since you started babysitting, he could not give any fucks about the babysitter masturbating as long as she did her job.  
“I am gonna hit the shower, clean this mess and sleep over tonight, you know where the guest room is. It is not safe for you to go home at this age.” Is the last you hear from him before he leaves the living room, you guess your punishment will continue tomorrow but a sick little part of you is looking forward to it. You grin as you start to clean up.
© 2024 tomieafterdark | All rights reserved.
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tuerescringe · 10 months
D.A.M.N Crew Headcanons:
(inspired by me and my friends)
- Lasko does this bit where he fully freaks out for like 2 seconds max and then acts completely normal and like nothing happened. He especially does this in very quiet and serene moments.
- Damien has one specific class that he despises and will, no matter what, always mention how much he hates it at least once a day.
- Huxley has a specific time frame where he will laugh at everything and anything and in these moments of hysteria he will send whatever he finds funny to the gc. Nothing he sends is funny the morning after.
- If someone mentions drawing an original character, Gavin will always respond with “Draw them naked.”
- When watching a movie together, Damien and Freelancer GRIP each other by the arm whenever something exciting happens. That or when they find a character attractive.
- Freelancer and Huxley both LOVE to make jokes about very mundane things. Shit like responding with “Me in the morning.” whenever someone says something along the lines of “I got up.” or “I feel awake.”
- Damien giggles whenever he thinks of doing something particularly evil.
- Almost everyone in the crew participates in the group wide bit of leaning in for a kiss whenever they say the same thing as each other at the same time, or when they find out they have a mutual interest/hobby. The only one who doesn’t participate is Lasko. If anyone leans in towards him he starts screaming.
- Everyone in the crew sends Damien pictures of angry cats with the caption “you.”
- Freelancer regularly describes things as “sloppy”, everyone else hates it.
- Everyone in the crew shares vocal stims
- Sometimes Huxley will randomly announce “GUYS GROUP HOWL.” Everyone will in fact howl.
- Damien is constantly harassed by the crew about his lack of whimsy.
- Gavin has a very consistent bit where he responds to pictures of caverns, jagged holes, ect. with “my pussy tbh.”
- Freelancer is referred to as “my friend who is 25” because they faked their age on the internet as a child. They were 11.
- Freelancer made a discord server for the crew and gave everyone the “kitten” role. Everyone hates it.
- Damien plays Valorant and it makes him so incredibly toxic. It is the only game that does that.
- Lasko’s stomach cannot handle SHIT. He will be running to the bathroom no matter what he eats.
- Freelancer had a very strict “no kissing at the academy until after 8 in the morning” rule.
- The crew loves taking pictures of Lasko’s forehead.
- “One must imagine Sisyphus ___” is an ongoing joke in the crew.
- Lasko also purposely touched people with his cold, sweaty, clammy hands. Everyone always screams.
- There is one professor in the academy that everyone in the crew either has a crush on or is fascinated by.
- Huxley’s mothers keep sending him little ceramic frogs. No they will not be stopping.
- Sometimes Freelancer jokingly goes “y’know what. I don’t even love you anymore.” In which Gavin responds with “thats not even truuUUEEEEEEEE” in an absolutely devastated tone.
- Everyone in the crew is obsessed with the name “Scuntle Bingoid” and names every object or animal some sort of variation of it.
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@aita-for-keeping-phone-on-silent my throwaway ran out of characters but Am I The Asshole for keeping my phone on 'silent'? (vibrate). I (M19) have anxiety and ADHD (the latter undiagnosed to be fair), and I keep my phone on vibrate almost exclusively (minus the times my parents leave me to watch my younger sibling). my mom (F~50) keeps hers on complete silence, and this combination pisses my step dad (M~60) off a lot. (context) I used to keep my notifications on, but no matter what I would change my notification sounds to I would freak out anytime I'd get repeated notif sounds from either spam or my parent's sporadic GC habits (I once received a "happy Easter" message at 3 in the goddamn morning from dad). My mom keeps hers on silent for similar reasons
(now for the actual ask) My dad often complains about us not answering his messages to unlock the house door, me not coming downstairs when I leave my phone plugged in my room while I am in the attached bathroom (vibration is muffled on my bed/carpeted floor), and my mom not answering hers for her own different reasons, as well as more of my own (the mentioned examples are repeated offenders).
he'll often send a couple texts then call a few times, then complain when we don't answer. usually things he'll ask us to do is within <10 minutes of when it's supposed to happen, and often we (mom and I) are busy or misplace our phones when we don't answer. this has pissed him off so much he's threatened twice now to stop paying for the family phone plan.
I don't mean to ignore his calls/texts but the notification sounds genuinely stress me out (even though I keep them on exclusively for parent's texts and calls, no apps or anything), but even though I've tried explaining this to him he'll either get annoyed or say mom should at least keep hers on vibrate, and that both of us suck at reliable communication.
I can completely understand his frustration at our collective hate/intolerability for noises but it also seems unfair because he'll often (though less than he used to) listen to daily football dudebro podcasts at full volume on his phone even while in the same room as us, which adds to our (at least my own) anxiety.
so, aita? (technically we but yeah)
(last tangent, I mentioned my (possible) ADHD because I will misplace my phone a lot, and sound is the biggest offender when it comes to overstimulation, so much so that I will either get a headache or become nauseous from it (sometimes both :D). my parents do not know about my own self-diagnosis so I cannot blame my dad for getting annoyed at my habits)
What are these acronyms?
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vriskabot · 4 months
do you have any davris headcanons?
i saw this ask the instant it came in and i could not believe my EYES. trust when i tell you ive been typing FURIOUSLY in the meantime okay. okay headcanons. -dave has always been a little genderweird and vriska putting makeup on him when she was bored one night unlocked his third eye and now he cant stop putting red shit all over his eyelids -vriska has also always been genderweird and you can see where im going with this. -she steals his clothes ALL the time -he pretends to hate it when she gets her disgusting $5 perfume stink all over said clothes but you know he loves that shit (and she knows it too) -flaming bisexuals -once theyve been together for a while they are THE most "i am going to have the longest silent conversation with someone across the room you have ever seen in your life" -they both think they can read each other like a book but in truth its only about 60-70% accurate -the inaccuracies are always funny as fuck though and 9 times out of 10 its some entirely off the wall MADNESS due to their upbringings they think is entirely normal. the conversations that directly follow these revelations are legendary amongst the extended crew and every single one thats happened in a public memo has been screenshotted by basically everyone they know -speaking of which. i dont think they dm for basically anything ever. they either have conversations right in the GC (sometimes in the middle of other conversations, which karkat fucking HATES, especially when they flirt with each other) or they speak in person/over the phone. no in between -they flirt with each other all the time and its disgusting but its incomprehensible to literally everyone else. vriska tells dave she found some gnarly roadkill and sends coordinates and dave is like "babe stop not in front of everybody" -she used to send pictures too but that got shut down real quick and now thats really all she dms him for -i dont think vriska likes it for the same reasons dave does but he did absolutely get her into the weird and wacky world of vulture culture. dave likes the wet specimens the most but vriskas a fan of bones and taxidermy -speaking of which. this is more vriska/troll-centric but i love the idea of vriska being able to eat bones. dave gets the same schoolboy "oh my god this is so cool" kick out of it every single time -im well aware that music is a time thing but i genuinely cannot comprehend a world wherein vriska is not a music girlie. this definitely did a lot of the heavy lifting in The Early Days because when youre emotionally constipated sometimes you gotta let a song do the talking FOR you -vriska 100% introduced dave to crunkcore and he got way more into it than she ever did. he listens to 3oh3 religiously -dave samples vriska on his tracks all the time because she CANNOT shut the fuck up. he also likes taking pictures of her but even after years together he still kinda keeps those to himself and gets flustered when she finds one -man i just really love the idea of them being fucking obsessed with each other. they rag on each other ALL the time because thats just how they feel the most comfortable being affectionate but at the end of the day they snuggle up all soft and quiet and just enjoy being with somebody who understands how hard it can be to even allow that to happen in the first place -they ARE super casually affectionate with each other though, even in group settings. i dont think theyd like grand pda like kissing or saying 'i love you' in public but personal space just doesnt really exist for them. they hang off each other and sling legs over laps all willy nilly -they also stim on each other. dave likes to play with her hair while hes talking and vriska likes to play with his hands/fingers when shes bored this post is so LONG i could keep going for days. please always ask me about davris, especially if youve got more specific questions!!!
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soobberries · 1 year
I want to hear your thoughts on something- ot5! voyeurism. Who do you think would be into it?
I cannot get this image out of my head: one member (bf? fwb? or maybe you're just a groupie(?)) sits behind you, his legs on top of yours to keep your legs wide open. He's got one arm around you to keep you pressed against him, while his free hand is busy stretching you out with his fingers as his four bandmates are stroking their cocks, focused on watching the way your cunt is slick, dripping with your arousal with lust-filled eyes.
One of them will prob whip out his phone and start filming to send it in the gc & rewatch later because they don't want to forget the pretty noises you make, both from your core and your lips, as well as how hot you look with a fucked out expression.
Ofc leads to a very messy sixsome. 👍
LMFAO I am soooo sorry abt the way I wrote this, I am very clearly not a smut writer, but I needed to get this out because my brain is having a meltdown 🥴🫠 accept my sincerest apologies 🤲
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POHEW. Not a messy sixome >insert that thirsty emoji since I'm on my laptop and lazy to pull it out<
Please don't apologise for how you wrote this! I'm no true smut write myself so I can't say I'd do a better or worse job hehe~! Either way I'm just excited to share these ideas of course!
Hmm now let me think... I feel as though many of us are to an extent, voyeurs... I mean if you have to just think in simple terms of the consumption of porn and such. Plus if we want to give some level of validation to your scenario, we'd have to assume that they are all voyeurs, so let me discuss the scenario seperately to the general question of who I'd think is into it.
I also mentioned in a different ask that in theory someone can be really into something but in practice, not really. While I won't go into specifics like that other post, realistically, only one of them would be okay with true voyeurism...and i also don't know who it would be... Anyway being too realistic is boring so in a general sense, who's super into it?
I'd say resident weebs Soobin and Huening! Beomgyu closely after. The other two seem more possessive and while they'd be into watching you play with yourself, they don't seem to be into watching someone else play with you, get what I mean?
Now moving on, lets assign who's who in your lovely scenario hehe.
Idk my mind is so set on the person with their fingers being inside you being Taehyun lmao. We all know Taehyun is lowkey beefy so having his muscular arms and legs hold you down? sounds hot. Beomgyu is recording... It could be Kai but I just feel he'd be too focused on watching Taehyun's fingers slipping inside of you, mesmerised by how it seems to disappear so effortlessly, thinking about what it must feel like to have his own fingers inside.
I can't work out the logistics but I'd say it would make most sense to be fwb with Taehyun, and he openly shares your sexual escapades with the other members. And lets say you're friends with all of them to some extent or at least acquainted somehow... You at least have disgustingly obvious sexual tension with two of them (I'm betting on Kai and Beomgyu. Those two are just... intense.) Then of course after hearing about your sexual encounters on the occasion from Taehyun, as well as actually hearing you in the literal sense when Taehyun is fucking the living daylights outta you, the other two can't help but let their minds wonder on occasion. Perhaps one had a lewd dream about and the other secretly masturbated to your sounds one frustrating night lmao.
Either way Taehyun is definitely a little shit, enough to the extent that he'd bask in taunting the other members as well as you by playing with you in front of them.
It's easy to picture him dragging lets say Kai and Soobin (them being the most likely to take part in something like this without their pride getting in the way like Gyu and Yeonjun) to watch you since they were ever so curious. He'd ask you about the ordeal before, and ignoring the awkward glances and scoffs exchanged between you, Kai, and Soobin, unsure about what to do when actually faced with the situation, he'd order you to strip down and get on his lap.
Plus Taehyun manspread>>> ahem, anyway.
Once your situated on his lap, he pulls your legs apart, not really considering how embarrassing the whole thing would be for you, sticking his knees behind yours to secure the position, using his arms to pull you close to his chest, his lips trailing gentle kisses against your neck as he reaches down to rub circles on your clit.
Even if you were embarrassed, with the position and the way it feels to have him touch you, as well as the dazed stares of the other two, you'd be far too gone to really focus in on that feeling.
The other two, both with puzzled expressions, zoning in on your clit initially trying to get a grasp of everything, simultaneously being impressed by how well Taehyun knows your body as well as trying to explain why their pants suddenly feel so fucking tight. Taehyung would tighten one arm around your waist, leaving soft bites on your neck, and whispering all sorts of things to you "Are you extra wet because the others are watching?" "Feels like you're extra sensitive to my touch with an audience. He'd focus on you a lot more than the guys but he won't rule them out in that situation.
He'd probably call out their bulges and call them idiots if they don't plan to take this opportunity to touch themselves. Anyway I'm sure Kai is the first to pull his dick out, absolutely dazed by everything.
Then after some toying, Taehyun gets a second finger in no time,, starting to hit you're favourite spots, causing you to arch into him. Obviously hearing the ruckus the other two would get curious and even if they're taken aback by the site before them: Soobin and Kai touching themselves at the site of you crumbling against Taehyun's fingers, they'd simply lose sense of logic sooner or later, standing by the doorframe feeling themselves get turned on too.
Beomgyu, being first to pop out his camera, Yeonjun being the first to approach you directly kneeling down in front of you, ready to probably eat you out or at least ask Taehyun if he can put his fingers inside you, eager to see if he could also get you to make those same sounds you were just making.
Yeonjun's fingers and mouth busy themselves against you while Taehyun pulls you closer to him while he sucks on your neck and ruts his hips into your back, Beomgyu filming from the doorway as he rubs his bulge with his free hand. Once Soobin sees Yeonjun joining, he wills himself to move forward and attach his lips to your nipple and use his other hand to play with the other. Kai is the only one that remains dazed at the site, happily being satisfied without touching you for now.
I mean your senses at this point... how much will you truly process when there's already three men al up against you, making it their mission to just make you feel good.
it's putting a different meaning to tomorrow x together for sure...
Idk when it happens exactly but once you cum once, Taehyun for sure tells you to move so he can get rid of his pants, and when you stand this is the opportunity that Kai takes to simply come make out with you, maybe he'd take your hand and place it on his dick, hoping you'd help him. Yeonjun is experimenting with you still, basking in the way you squeeze around his fingers, and Soobin is in boob heaven so they're staying busy. Taehyun wouldn't hesitate to pull you back into his lap, shooing Yeonjun away so that he can fuck you like he wants to. Yeonjun doesn't even care much though, he's so fixated on your expressions instead, he may go help Beomgyu out if he's feeling fruity though idk... Beomgyu has been filming but he has to put the phone down at some point to focus purely on getting himself off... Then again when he sees what you look like with Taehyun's cock inside of you, he suddenly has this urge to also want to be inside of you...
Eh... I'm sure they figure out some way to take turns... He may opt to just shove his cock in your mouth though if the position allows for it.
Well as for the rest... I may have to consider actually becoming a smut writer and write the whole thing out hehe!
Thanks for sharing your lovely insights~!^^
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twasday · 1 year
ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕋𝔽 𝟙𝟜𝟙 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley and Jonathan Price
Genre: Fluff, A Little Angst
Warnings: Violence, Cussing, Could be OOC idk 
A/N: These men have an absolute grip on me, it is so unreal. I had other works planned but I just played MWII 3x over and now I have to condemn them to my thoughts. If someone had told me 5 months ago that I would now be obsessed with those 4 hunks, I would have laughed in their face. Also, Merry late Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!
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Simon “Ghost” Riley 
He’s in Tyler, the Creator’s top 10% of listeners according to his Spotify rap (this is me reflecting).
He’s a picky eater and defends beans on toast with his life.
Cornhole is his favorite sport.
I sincerely think he has really bad social skills but in like an anxious way because he’s scared of rejection.
He’s obviously a heavy weight due to his build but when he does manage to become drunk, he’s one of those emotional and affectionate drunks that gives those “yk I love you right” speeches.
He and Johnny accidentally have matching plaid pajama pants.
One time Price let him take a hit off his cigar and ghost had a coughing fit for like 2 minutes straight and right after that, he got up and walked away like nothing ever happened. If anyone brings it up he denies it immediately.
He carries a joke book in his suitcase.
He’s so bad at sharing food to the point that he stabbed Gaz in the hand with a fork once when he tried to sneak some food off of Ghost’s plate.
His favorite color is purple. 
I think his love language would be gift-giving and words of affirmation.
He collects sand/dirt from every place he goes to in a little jar in layers. 
He cannot drive to save his life, but only Price knows that.
He actually hates running, he prefers lifting more than anything.
He has like insanely good metabolism so he could literally drink a six-pack and some ice cream for a whole week and still be fucking ripped as shit.
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Jonathon Price 
He only began smoking just to fit in with his peers then he was suddenly locked in for life and couldn’t live without his cigars.
He once gave Gaz a goose for his birthday and made Gaz take pictures with it. 
Laswell and him actually dated until she came out to him as a lesbian.
He was Laswell’s best man when she married her wife.
He makes 141 take Christmas family pictures every year.
He snores like a revving engine “hAAAkk ShHooo”
He can handle spice really well and loved it if Alejandro cooked for him. 
His favorite color is blue.
He made 141 get Life360.
Every time he comes across a cute dog video he would show Gaz or send it in the 141 gc but no one ever responds.
Speaking of that, he believes a lot of stuff that comes from Facebook unironically.
He’s a big fan of The Smiths.
He tends to be more into older women.
Ghost threatens to choke him out a lot because of the affection that Price shows him but they both know that will never happen.
He uses the pouting face emoji in a serious way.
his favorite Disney Princess is Tiana.
SPEAKING OF TIANA, he loves black women with a passion.
I don’t think he would ever settle down to have kids, he likes to keep himself busy a lot so he could marry but never have time for kids. Deep down, he doesn’t think he deserves to have the joy of kids in his life.
He listens to Adele on the helicopter to his next missions. 
He dresses up as a ghost for Halloween every year.
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butch-reidentified · 9 months
I know frequently the “anti terf” people lie about this straight up but sometimes they don’t. Here’s an example where clearly there are links between “disagree with trans ideology due to feminism” < - > “like anything “transphobic” because edgy” < - > “disagree with trans ideology due to trad/mra racist alt right views”
As fucking typical the right wing n word saying bullshit starts right after https://www.tumblr.com/americanette reblogs it
She doesn’t say it but she does say some mra bullshit about how the real sadness here is men aren’t protecting women as they rightly should 🙄
Then within the next hour here come
(Also with Bible verse in bio)
Saying “average n*gger behavior.”
And https://www.tumblr.com/anew-jackson
Saying ““black men are inherently violent”
radfem 🫱🏽‍🫲🏻 radright”
Where op is still off base is the majority of the notes on her post are actually radfems or adjacent and none of them at all lead to right wing blogs picking it up
Plus of course some people just don’t look at who follows them and of course there are right wing assholes who deliberately try to pick off anyone with the slightest disagreement with the main leftist view.
I can’t blog about issues to do with Palestine for example without a bunch of antisemites following me and trying to convince me to be antisemitic about it. That doesn’t prove my views about Palestine are inherently antisemitic — they very much aren’t. Same for how radfems/gc end up being with attracting a lot of right wing actually-transphobic (and sexist and racist and homophobic) attention.
But please people if you are at all connected to blogs like americanette that shit seriously — taking time to disengage our arguments and discussion in all spaces online and off from the right wing will do more for us than the next 10 gc memes you bother to make and post. Don’t lie, you’ve got the time.
This also isn’t like working with your normie right leaning cousin on abortion because she agrees with you about that. You aren’t making connections here you are being made a patsy to keep you alienated from the left and to keep more women on the left from joining us in an actually revolutionary feminist movement. Right wing people online absolutely know the more they get you to openly connect with them the more they can use that to keep young women in particular away from listening to you about feminism.
Hypothetical you btw I am sending this to a few different blogs because I bothered writing it and don’t have a rf blog to put it on yet. I’m pretty new. Not as a reader but as someone agreeing. I know this works because it worked to keep me away from learning more about rf for a long time. Not the rumor of racism and FAR right wing connections being ignored or celebrated but seeing the evidence. It was actually seeing americanette suggested as a blog within moments of following rf blogs that put me off for another few months. Was there going to be another issue I was forced to sit through racist attacks from “my own” side over?? Seems to be yes but maybe it’s getting better.
so i'm not 100% following here bc i can't see the link at the beginning but i think i got the gist.
the op blocked me so i cannot click the first link but this is an earlier version of the post in question
first: yes racism is a problem among radfems (i've yet to encounter any mixed race environment where it isn't a problem), but i will say i see a bit more effort to combat it here than in most online spaces i've been around. not that that's a high bar, lbh.
tumblr recommendeds should not be trusted, though, and they don't necessarily mean much. the algorithms aren't exactly unbiased. and keep in mind sock accounts to vilify radfems are very real and present, as are troll accounts. i don't know who any of the people you linked to are tho so i can't speak on that, and 2 have me blocked or maybe i blocked them ages ago and don't remember. i do typically block right wing blogs on sight,so it's possible. also it seems some of the stuff you linked to was maybe deleted?
i will say unequivocally that being intentionally "transphobic" in an edgy way is not productive and should not be supported in radfem spaces. we are here to criticize and analyze, not to be outright cruel for the sake of being cruel. many people seem to forget this.
i do not personally know any women here who engages with right wing blogs, even in argument. i'm sure they exist, but not in my sphere - though i don't actually spend very much time online. i think most folks ik on here just block and move on.
as a side note, i used to look at who follows me etc but i have like 3500 followers now bc i've been here a long time and make original posts pretty often, so it is no longer realistic to monitor who's following me - i really don't have THAT kind of time or energy. but if i see someone reblogging from me who's shit, i block. i have no idea what the typical follower count is on radblr but generally speaking, i think people should only be held so responsible for who follows them. making an effort is important, but i don't think it's reasonable to expect everyone to be online enough to thoroughly check all their followers.
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as for this^ this stuff is said deliberately to get a reaction from radfems and/or to discredit us. unless a radfem im blocked by or have blocked said so in the notes, i didn't see anything implying "black men are inherently violent." this kind of post is usually making shit up to antagonize radfems or misrepresent radical feminism as an ideology. this is not to say there's no radfem who believes wildly racist bullshit like that - in fact, i'm confident there are, since they're everywhere. it's just not at all a staple of radfems like this implies.
but yes, bottom line, radblr is far from immune to racism, but isn't the worst i've seen either, and things like "recommendeds" or shitty people reblogging from radfems should be taken with a grain of salt as neither of those inherently indicates an endorsement from the rad blog connected to the incident, if that makes sense. my brain is mush rn after driving 4 hours.
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weird thought but what about a fic where O'knutzy pranks the team and pretend to break up for like a week or two no pressure
yessss could you imagine wjdjsjjq
this is written more like a long headcanon sorry <3
cw: cursing, pranks
okay so the cubs were laying in bed one night
finn and leo are watching spy kids their hands laced together between them
logan is overthinking (it's been a long day he's tired) his head is in leo's lap, finn's free hand weaving carefully through his curls
"what would happen if we broke up?"
"we wouldn't."
"but what if we did."
"how would we tell the team?"
"who do you think would be the most upset?"
and thus the games began.
immediately knew something was wrong when the boys walked in separately
he gives logan until the end of practice to talk to him before he brings anything up
when practice is over logan comes up to him and asks if he could go home with pascal
"of course mon fils, anytime"
silent car ride
finally gets home and dumo is like alright sit we need to talk
logan is excited to see how this goes and puts on his best truly heartbroken face (it wasn't that hard to do once he imagined this was for real)
it all stayed when remus asked the cubs to come have dinner with him and sirius in their gc (the one with coops and o'knutzy that is definately overactive)
no one answers except leo who simply put 'no sorry'
immediately remus and sirius are worried and remus sends a text to finn before he calls leo while sirius texts logan to see what's going on
logan answers with a simple 'i don't want to talk about it'
leo pulls out all the stops and when he picks up it sounds like he's SOBBING
(his boys were kicked out of the room for the call because they were being too loud laughing their asses off)
remus is Concerned.
there's a long phone call and honestly a sleepless night in the coops household
remus simply cannot believe it and sirius is very concerned about logan's radio silence
finn had texted with them for a little bit but refused to call or see them (he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up the act)
it was tense the next day at practice the cubs were avoiding each other at all costs and everyone in the locker room had noticed
winter pulled leo to the side to talk almost immediately and remus was glad leo had people to talk to
quite honestly he was most worried about logan so was sirius
sirius stuck close to logan all practice in case he wanted to talk at any point
absolutely NO ONE missed when logan left with dumo and leo left with winter
finn sulked to his car by himself, everyone was too shocked to really say anything
there were a lot of texts that went unanswered
(but none of them were between the cubs who were finding this way too amusing)
let me make this clear: no one was taking sides
sure there were certain people comforting specific cubs (dumo & sirius were comforting logan, remus and winter took leo, and a joint effort between talker and alex had finn covered)
the SCHEMING that took place between the team to get the boys to talk to each other
because no fucking way was this the end of o'knutzy
absolutely not
they schemed and schemed but they couldn't get the boys in the same place (little did they know it was because the cubs were deciding who would go and who would make an excuse)
it was really rather amusing to watch the team scramble but eventually they had to give it up because arthur gave them a big speech about how team drama will eventually lead to the team falling apart
when he walked out after the speech all eyes went to them and logan gave a dramatic sigh
before he simply plopped himself into finn's lap who hid his face in leo's side when leo came to stand next to him
there's absolute silence as everyone figures it out
talker is the first to say anything
"that's all it fucking took? after all our plans we just needed a speech?"
winter, who was sitting next to him, slapping him gently
"you idiot, they were pranking us."
"oh. OH."
everyone starts talking at once and the cubs just sat back and laughed
they definately got them good
(this was kind of everywhere sorry <3)
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retrogradedreaming · 2 years
congratulations! you won the opportunity to choose ANY five or three jjk characters and be in a groupchat with all of them (and they cannot leave it for at Least a day <3). who do you choose? bonus points if you come up with a name for the chat
Okay I keep thinking about this and once again I'm just gonna go for it:
Gojo: I really like him and I think he's so smart and so funny that being in a group chat with him would be the absolute BEST THING. I wouldn't even have to participate, I'd just enjoy watching him send stupid gifs and come out with wild ideas and random questions for everyone just to keep us all entertained.
Geto: Because I think it would be fun to see him play off Gojo and I just want the two of them in the group chat together so I can watch.
Nanami: Really I'm just collecting all the adults now and I think it would be fun for Gojo to just constantly @ Nanami while Nanami is trying so hard not to participate and pretend he's not there at all. But then someone in the gc would be like "Nanami I need practical/financial advice" and then he grudgingly helps.
I was gonna do five characters but honestly, I just really like these three and I think that would be fun. Maybe not for them, but for me it would be.
Oh and a name uhhhh man I'm so good at gc names when I'm not on the spot like this, but they usually come from inside jokes with my friends. Honestly Nanami would probably name it and just make it "Cursed Group Chat"
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
my biggest love zadie🫶🏻🫶🏻 i cannot describe the level of anger i feel towards hoonie during his convos w/ yn like he’s just such a dick!!!!! i have to keep reminding myself it’s for the plot LMAO
omg also do i sense a smut chap in the near future w/ hoonyn since jakyung might be getting cuffed by a man soon🫣 zadie i am SAT for CH i’m not even joking
enjoyed the chap as always zadie baby!! love ending my days with reading the updates, they put a smile on my face before i go to bed 🧸💞 sending sm love and kisses to u baby!! mwah💋💓
- 💌
hi there my sweetest love 🥺🤍 i hope you've been foing well so far in 2024 and are taking good care of yourself
thank you so, so much for your sweet words, i genuinely apprecite them with my whole heart 🥺🤍
i honestly LOVE reading just how much you guys hate CH!hoonie because it's working out exactly as i planned so im super happy about it 🤭 and i remember talking anout the touching their roots up together weeks ago nd it hasnt left my mind ever since 😭
and yup. this weekend's written chap will include smut 👀
sending you the biggest forehead kiss i love and appreciate you so much 🥺☁️🫧
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selkies-song · 5 years
Mom's a narcissist
I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that my mother is a narcissist. And she's never going to change. Even just reading some of my old entries on [dreamswidth] is reassuring that it isn't all in my head. Dad doesn't fight back anymore. Or if he does, I don't see it. I guess I don't blame him. He must be exhausted. We haven't had much contact at all with his side of the family in years. Mom finally staged a successful campaign and cut us all off from them. I'm thinking I want to re-establish contact now that I have a better idea of what she's been up to all this time. Two years in a row she has started drama over the annual Christmas-eve party that her side of the family holds. Last year I found out through Josh that she thought 'I was the only one invited' (which was a blatant lie; Becky called her AND left a text in addition to messaging me through facebook). This year, Aunt Becky messaged me again telling me to pass the invite to my brothers. So I did. Josh and I both went. Mom never showed. Josh spent the night at my place. We show up at her place Christmas morning, and just walking into the house you could FEEL the tension. And there was the chimney queen, sitting in her throne, and we didn't even get out a "merry Christmas" before she erupted. "I heard you were at a party last night." Grandpa mentioned seeing us there and asked her why she didn't go. According to her he was "mean about it." And then came the screaming and the suicide threats and the interrogation and just the outright melodrama. I should have just turned around and left at that point, honestly. As it was I just gray-rocked. I do feel bad that Josh got caught in the crossfire but I guess even he as the GC is privy to her bullshit, given he apparently tried to play it off like he came in from buffalo that morning. Now I just sent a fb message to Becky (since Mom is sending me texts now lowkey accusing ME of not inviting them) asking if she sent an invite directly to mom again this year like she did last year. I'm betting she did. I'm betting that mom is lying about this again, because it's a fucking PATTERN with her. She gets off on being a victim. She gets off on crying and whining about how everyone is 'so mean' to her. She tried to pull this last year and it didn't work, so this year she kept her mouth shut about it until after the fact and is now having the fit she wanted to have in the first place. And the best part: it doesn't even matter because she wouldn't have come, anyways. Because, according to her, she couldn't leave the house all day that day because of "panic attacks" (Which I suspect is just her newest brand of attention whoring bs). She didn't even go to church (*gasp*). John and Amanda didn't show up because Amanda isn't putting up with her crap (which I cannot blame her) although I do wish John would stop throwing me under the bus. We had a couple of venting sessions back in September and apparently some of that was repeated when they confronted mom, despite me asking them not to. Now mom keeps fishing for my "feelings" about my childhood which I'm not stupid enough to admit to. Though let's be real, she's probably trying to pit us against one another just like she accused Grandma of doing a million times. This all boils down to her being angry because how dare we have any sort of relationship with our extended family despite a LIFETIME of her trying to demonize every single one of them.
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eldweena · 2 years
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On the whole I liked this, but for some reason it was taking me forever to plod through, so I switched to the audiobook halfway through to finish it up quickly.
So...Richelle Mead. I read a couple of her Vampire Academy books years ago, then recently read some of her Glittering Court series. And I enjoyed them to varying degrees, but...listen...she's always writing something problematic (student/teacher sex in VA and women literally auctioning themselves off to men in GC), but this book takes the cake so far. The problem this time is the racism. The main character meets her love interest for the first time at a bar and keeps staring at him because he looks "exotic." So he turns to her and says, "I bet you're wondering what race I am, aren't you?" So...that happened. Then there is a character in this book who is white but "looks Native American." So...he pretends to be Native American to pick up girls. He wears a fringe vest, says "how" - yes, really - and talks about the "Great Spirit" to impress women. And that is literally all he does. This character has no purpose in the book's plot whatsoever and you forget he's there until he pops up to be flamboyantly racist again. If he weren't in the book, the book would be unchanged. So...maybe someone like an editor should have suggested scrapping him...one would think.
ANYWAY. This book is more than a decade old and that's no excuse, but there was more to the story, fortunately!
The main character is a shaman. She has exceptional abilities when it comes to banishing otherworldly creatures from the plane of Earth, so that is her profession. I thought that was pretty cool. She comically exorcises a demon from a shoe first thing. She has magical tattoos that can help her contact Hecate and Persephone from Greek mythology, and those help her banish fae back to the fairy realm or send demons back to hell, whichever she wants to do. She also has three magical creatures assisting her, two of them bound to her service and one of them volunteering. She has a magic ring, daggers, guns, and athames. Fae cannot bear iron or anything made of a similar alloy, and other creatures cannot stand against silver, so she has some things made of each. And she has the very unique ability to travel between all three worlds (Earth, the fae realm, and the land of the dead). No shaman before her has possessed such unique capabilities. Gee, I wonder why.
A lot of predictable things occurred in the book, from the main character Eugenie's mysterious past to other major plot points. There were obvious hints along the way and nothing really surprised me, at least until the end. Then everything went crazy and some really clever plot twists came to light, that made me give this book 4 stars instead of 3.
Eugenie has two love interests and there are plenty of romance and spicy love scenes in the story for paranormal romance fans. One is the hot guy she met at the bar early in the story, and one is the fae King of the Autumn Court. Both of these relationships have some really interesting complexities. I liked them both but hot-guy-at-the-bar was Best Boy. For me, once a love interest is first introduced, I tend to pick him because he was first in line. lol Seriously, you can't make me like a character and then throw in some competition because my loyalties have already been aligned.
The fae in this book are referred to as the "gentry," and I loved that. It made them sound formal and fancy. lol
There were some really interesting plot elements. The main story kicks off when a guy contacts Eugenie for her usual services, dealing with otherworldly creatures, and tells her his sister was kidnapped by a fae king (who is awesome and was my favorite character). Okay, there were SO many twists involved in that plotline and I did not see any of them coming! That storyline runs up till the end of the book. It was ingenious. I think I would have enjoyed the story more if the focus had been more on that, maybe. It's not that I didn't like all the flirting going on, but sometimes it bogged down the story for me, even though romance is my favorite factor in any media.
What I really didn't like was the fact that, for reasons, all the otherworldly characters (even the "good guys") are trying to rape Eugenie. Every male character in the book wants a piece of her, and it was gross. And, adding to the problematic material, the girl that was kidnapped by the fae king is only 14 and he is also having sex with her. No. Just...no. At least it isn't graphically depicted but the story wouldn't have changed at all if that character had been at least 18 years of age. So...why do this...to a child...
There is a lot of focus on the magic system in this book, though I never really figured out why the gentry want to use bondage as a method of training magical skills. It's never really explained but there is a lot of tying-up, if you're into that. lol
The worldbuilding was interesting. I liked who could travel between worlds and how. There are a lot of interesting rules about that. And it was very interesting that the fae were originally from Earth, until anyone with magical abilities was banished to another realm. Part of the main plot revolves around a fae faction that wants to return to Earth and conquer, or at least make things the way they were with humans and the gentry coexisting once more. The gentry are fascinated with all things human, from pop culture references to food. That was a really interesting element.
This book on the whole was a mixed bag for me. The problematic material was REALLY problematic. But the plot worked out in ways that by the end of it that I have to say I can appreciate the complexity of the thing. I'm just not sure if I would read this again... I will continue the series. I bought all four books at a used book store and they might go right back there eventually, but that remains to be seen. I'm probably going to stick with the audiobooks from the library because things went so much faster that way for me.
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
so... the red banquet, huh?
im not going to lie, i was cheering on the eggpire the entire time (/lh) - what can i say, something abt the demon possessed resident evil crew just speaks to my heart. theyre FUN, ok? 
anyway, a lot of people were theorizing abt what c!dream showing up at the banquet could look like - and, well, i thought i’d write my version of it. this takes place in the “guard dog au” developed primarily by a gc im in on twitter (@stabbysideblog being the main originator of it, do check sunny out !!) - the basic premise is post-getting the revive book from c!dream, c!quackity continues to get his, uh, “use” out of him by basically treating him as a bodyguard/guard dog as he goes around the server - which should probably give you a pretty good idea of how this is going to go :] 
tws: death, grief, implied torture, starvation, abuse, blood, murder, unhealthy relationship, dehumanization, possession, trauma, mental illness, violence, dark content, dark imagery, emotional distress, mental instability, pandora’s vault/prison arc, c!quackity critical (not really, but a very dark portrayal of him) 
A strangled sob claws its way up Puffy’s throat as she watches Foolish fall.
He drops in a spray of golden ichor in the crimson, brilliant green eyes trained on hers, jaw slack in horror, pain, dipping to the ground and whiting out before he’s even fully collapsed. The others’ screams hardly even meet her ears; all she can see is her son, falling, her son, dying, her son, that same sunlit kindness still held in the curve of his lips in this room that knows nothing but pain and betrayal, gone gone gone gone-
Because of her.
Ant’s still staring at her, pupils thinned to needles from the brightness of the lava at their backs, ears alert but stance entirely calm as he twirls his sword, still dripping gold. His mouth is moving but she cannot hear anything above the ring ring ringing in her ears, the world swirling and blurring dangerously from the tears gathering in her eyes and spilling over her cheeks, Ant’s eyes polished rubies where there had once been a cloudless sky. Bad gestures at the crowd, pushed back towards the lava’s fire in their fear, leaving her to stand in the middle of the room as one desperate dying scream, the egg, standing as a silent witness to it all-
“Bad-” a flash of blue, and there’s someone standing in front of her, shoulders pulled back, a diamond sword glittering their right hand, “Stop it.”
Bad snarls, tail whipping back and forth; Puffy takes a step back, then another, shoulders still shaking in grief for her son, for her friends, for everyone who’s about to lose their lives in this twisted realm of crimson and hellfire. There is no fear on Quackity’s face though he stands unarmored, and for the first time in this awful day something like worry flashes over Bad’s face. There’s history here, she realizes - what did Bad say about Quackity attacking? - but none of this is making sense, not the self-assured way Quackity is carrying himself, wings relaxed and folded at his back, not the simmering unease making itself known in the foreign cadence of Bad’s voice.
“Oh my gosh, look at what you’ve done,” Quackity says, voice almost patronizing, like a parent stumbling in on the mess their child has made out of their bedroom, “this is impressive, I’m not going to lie, this is quite impressive.” Puffy swallows thickly, hears the shuddering gasp of someone behind her - Fundy, probably, or Sam - as Quackity’s voice drops. “You have to stop right now.”
“This whole Egg thing is just getting out of control - you just killed a man,” Quackity stalks across the netherbrick floor like he has all the time in the world, ignoring the crossbows that the Eggpire has trained on his back, guarded only by the off-white shirt he’s wearing, an untied tie hanging limply around his neck. She sucks in a sharp breath through her teeth - my son, they killed my son, she means to say, but the words stick to the walls of her throat and only escape her lungs in another series of wracking sobs. “Is that what you wanted to do, Bad?”
He laughs - laughs, of all things, and there is something here that Puffy is missing, that isn’t clicking through the muddied fog of grief hanging grey and suffocating around her head, but Quackity is speaking again and she can’t think about it all, not now, “-and I’m not gonna have it anymore, Bad.”
He slips over by the crowd, eyes glancing all of them huddled in one fearful mob over the tables, eyes dark and daring and cold; the Eggpire keeps their eyes trained on him, Bad’s eyebrows furrowed, Ant’s muzzle twisted in a snarl. Puffy watches, their words passing over her like water skidding against the surface of a rock splitting a stream in two, heart thudding in her ears, marking out the heartsick beats in this poisoned melody - one-two, her-son, her-son, her-son-
He stops in front of her in the middle of monologuing, eyes trained on her own like he’s trying to tell her something. His eyes flick down and she follows their gaze to his other hand, the one not clasped around a sword handle, watches as he gestures vaguely in the direction of the Eggpire. She frowns, confusion cutting through the grief - what is he trying to say? - and Quackity sighs, index finger slashing in the air in the shape of what might be an A as he spins on his heel to walk back towards Bad and the others.
“So how about we just stop playing?”
Quackity smiles, teeth white and glittering from the lava’s glow even as the Eggpire surrounds him, pushes him back against the wall. Bad seems to hesitate, hand clasped around the trigger of a crossbow he keeps pointed at the other’s head; when he speaks, he almost sounds mournful.
“I can’t,” he mutters, quiet, stepping forwards as his shoulders straighten, pushing Quackity back in a motion that the others are quick to follow. Puffy watches, an awful sinking feeling falling through the hole left in her chest by the sight of her son, falling, her son, dead - watches as Quackity’s wings open, shine golden in the lava’s light - what is he planning?
“You know why I can’t stop.”
Quackity heaves a heavy sigh through his lungs, “Bad- you and all your buddies here, drop your weapons, and leave. Let all of these people go.”
“Or what?” Ant’s voice is sharp, but Quackity barely pays him a second thought, swinging a glare at his head and cutting him off.
“I’m not talking to you,” he laughs, dismissive, “I’m talking to Bad.”
“No-” Puffy watches as Bad’s hand tightens on his crossbow, punctuating the word with a step forward. “You put your weapon down. If you wanted to stop us?” He’s too close to Quackity for Puffy to make out either of their faces, crossbow bolt aimed and ready to send straight through his skull. She stiffens, sees from the corner of her eye as the ones beside her look away, and resigns herself to the inevitable spray of blood on brick - not again not again don’t make me watch again - “You should’ve brought more than just yourself.”
Quackity laughs.
“I did,” his voice is dangerous in its levity, making Bad, then the rest of the Eggpire step back as his wings spread open further, watching with bated breath and wide eyes as a swarm of white descends from a hidden hole in the wall, “Or, well, I did the next best thing. I brought my worst enemy.”
“Alright Quackity, where’s this Egg thing?”
Technoblade jumps down into the room in a familiar purple-black blur of expertly enchanted netherite armor, form impeccable despite the seeming exhaustion in his voice. At his feet, a pack of wolves gather, pace, muscles coiled and clearly ready to strike; he rolls his shoulders back, signature fireworks loaded into his crossbow, and the crowd behind Puffy immediately breaks into shocked murmuring and soft cheers.
On Quackity’s other side, someone else flips into the room, wearing a suit of all things, crisp and well-pressed; Purpled grins, entirely too gleeful as the Eggpire presses back further, held off by the dogs swarming and growling at their feet.
“Purpled- we hired you!”
“To be frank with you, Bad, a sword appears in Purpled’s hand and he flips it casually, blade thin and gleaming, “Quackity just had the better price.”
“We- we still outnumber you!” Bad’s voice is a near-scream in its desperation, his tail lashing back and forth as he shifts his weight forward, “It’s four against three- we’ll still win-” Despite herself, Puffy’s mind spins; either way, they’re still at a disadvantage from sheer numbers alone, never mind Quackity’s lack of armor. Maybe if they all work together, they’ll be able to sufficiently stop them, but there’s no way she can see this ending in anything less than a bloodbath-
“I didn’t want for it to come to this, Bad,” Quackity’s voice drops low and sweet, the sincerity in his tone belied by his glittering eyes and jagged grin. The shift in tone sends a shiver down her back, has even his allies shifting uncomfortably in what seems to be confusion - Puffy catches something like a murmured no from Sam, behind her, before Quackity whistles, loud.
It all happens too fast for her to follow; one moment, the Eggpire is standing, weapons raised and ready to fight; the next, and there is a new netherite-clad figure in the middle of the room, signature sparks of purple from a pearl still glittering around them, axe buried into Antfrost’s chest. The room devolves into shrieks as his body dissolves, Bad gasping sharply and something dark bubbling in Puffy’s chest - good - as the newcomer in the room moves over to Ponk, bloodstained axe swinging in a downward arc, only barely stopped in time by a diamond sword catching on the crook of the blade.
“Go!” Quackity’s voice rings out above the chaos, and Techno and Purpled - seemingly shaken from their shock - fly into motion, fireworks bursting in flashes of red and black that send Puffy blinking out stars from her eyes, Purpled moving to match blows against Hannah and Techno’s army biting at the ankles of the Eggpire leader. Around her, people scream in relief, cheering as the Eggpire, clad in eggshell-blue, are pushed back one by one, hindered by a shifting wave of teeth and claws and clashing blades and netherite moving smoothly over the uneven floor - Bad screams, “RETREAT!”, and they disappear into the wall.
Purpled curses; “I’m going after them.” Puffy watches, still reeling, as he dives into the corridor that Bad had revealed, a flash of purple and blue melting into the shadows; the mystery figure - still hauling a heavy, bloodstained axe, nearly dragging against the floor - moves forward as to follow.
Quackity snaps his fingers, and the figure stops, turns, immediately moving to the winged man’s side. Behind her, Puffy can make out cheers, gasping, hysterical sounds of relief; she can’t join them, feels nothing but the shuddering weight of her grief pressing further on her lungs as the adrenaline fades, head dizzy with Foolish’ sharp gasp in pain, Ant’s yowl of agony. Her eyes flick to the side, catch on Sam pacing, muttering under his breath; when his eyes meet hers, they widen in something like - alarm?
She shakes her head; she can’t think about all of that, right now. Her hooves stumble over the vines and rot strewn over the floor, carrying her forward to the glitter of gold on red, to where her son had fallen and she could do no more but watch with a scream caught between her teeth.
A hand lands on her shoulder- “I’m sorry we couldn’t make it in time.”
She whirls around; Quackity’s looking down at her, face twisted in sympathy. Behind him, the armored stranger looms, hair long and tangled, helmet keeping their face in shadow and hiding their features from view. There’s something distantly familiar to them, in the way they shift from one foot to the other, something that makes her eyes narrow and throat tighten-
“Who are you?” The words tumble from her mouth, making Quackity freeze, jaw snapping shut, the figure behind him tensing almost imperceptibly under their armor. “Who-”
Quackity’s eyes are dark, piercing; she can’t read them, the flat line of his mouth as confusing as it is frustrating. His eyes flick up to somewhere over her shoulder before moving back to her own
“How rude of me,” He smiles, gold tooth glinting, “I didn’t even introduce our special guest.”
His right wing presses against their back, and they drop, immediately, to their knees, making her step back in shock. Quackity’s hand slips easily under the edge of their helmet, ripping it off with little care and letting their hair fall in a wave of dusty browns over their face; he pulls the strands back roughly, revealing the paleness to their skin, the hollows in their cheeks-
Her breath shudders in her chest, eyes snapping up to Quackity, still smiling, hand still pressed against the back of his skull. Dream’s face is pale, thin, clawed with new scars that highlight the jut of his cheekbones and the dullness of his eyes. He looks up at her, eyes glassy, skin almost grey, and for a moment she’s looking at Foolish, eyes unseeing in death, the luster of his skin stolen like the air from his lungs, and she nearly screams.
“Puffy, Puffy,” Quackity murmurs, almost kind, “It’s alright, see? Everything’s fine now.”
“He- he’s supposed to be in prison,” she hisses, not missing how he flinches, not missing how even that is hindered by the hand braced against his head. He looks strangely small kneeling at Quackity’s side, dwarfed by the netherite he’s wearing; even with an axe strapped to his back, the blade still wet with crimson and reeking of iron and decay, he hardly looks like the villain that had terrorized the server, the son she could no longer recognize in the midst of the bridges he burned.
“Oh- don’t worry about him,” Quackity shrugs, wings fluttering, “It’s all being done with the Warden’s permission, Puffy, I know what I’m doing.” As if to prove his point, his hand tightens on the other’s hair, tugging his head back by the roots; Dream hardly even reacts, simply letting himself be manhandled, throat bare and exposed to the air, similarly criss-crossed by scars. “He’s perfectly well-behaved now, you see?”
Her throat closes, the pit in her gut torn open by the sight of her son with a blade skewered through his heart only growing wider, hungrier, by the dullness in the eyes of the other. Foolish’ death had happened too fast for her to react: one moment, he was staring at her, eyes mournful in goodbye; the next, he was a tumble of gold and green and blue against the floor, half of his name still not having left her lips. Dream’s head swivels to hers, face entirely blank; there is nothing quick written in the gauntness of his face, more scar tissue than skin, in the shadows under his eyes or how they seem to stare, unseeing, in the long, knotted strands of hair twisted over Quackity’s knuckles. He looks like he’s been dying, slowly, for months, and the screaming cry of YOU FAILED ringing in her head in Ant’s voice only grows louder.
“What did you-” the words scrape roughly against the inside of her mouth, “What did you do?”
Quackity shrugs, letting go, and Dream’s head tips forward to stare at the floor. “What had to be done.”
He clicks his fingers again, and Dream stands, falling behind Quackity with his shoulders pulled up to his ears. Quackity hands him back his helmet, keeping his hand stretched out, palm up, even after Dream takes the netherite and fastens it back over his head. Puffy watches, heart stuck in her throat, as Dream fiddles with something by his throat, pulls out a thick coil of iron chains, pressing the end to Quackity’s outstretched hand - the other side, she realizes, fastened around his neck.
Her breath stutters when he looks back at Quackity, gut roiling at the familiarity - it’s an imperfect copy of the way he used to look at her, a skittish shadow at her tail, all awkward smiles and fidgeting hands. Only now, his eyes don’t dance with the same light, his lungs shivering in fear instead of wheezing laughter; she watches as his head follows Quackity like he’s the only person in the room, a duckling imprinted on the nearest person and ready to follow to the ends of the world and further, and her heart shatters all over again.
“Anyway,” Quackity’s eyes soften, lips curled in sympathy, “My condolences, Puffy, for your son. It really is a tragedy.”
She watches him leave with tears in her eyes, a sob once again caught in her throat. The images overlap - Foolish, smiling under the sun’s glow, sitting on the roof of his summer home - Dream, grinning in the treetops, eyes as green as the leaves surrounding him - Foolish, falling in a spray of ichor and a gasp of pain, Dream, grey-eyed and silent, dead as the crimson rot surrounding his beaten body-
My condolences for your son, Quackity’s words echo in her skull, and not for the first time, she laughs miserably, tears falling from her eyes.
Which one?
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meethishab12 · 2 years
Google Classroom
In my BITC module, creating a fun, educational, interesting and which caters for each and everyone’s has been a rollercoaster for me. Google classroom has nonetheless grown to be one of best tools that I have used so far though. This is because it is an online tool which pertains to everything which is needed in teaching: creation of documentation, assignments, engaging students, tracking whether they have been doing their work or not etc…
Advantages of Google Classroom:
It is surprisingly easy to use for someone like me who does not like technological tools and it can be accessed from any device such as my telephone, laptop or tablet.
As an educator, keeping up with all my students is no easy task. Therefore, GC facilitates that for me by already ticking off assignments which have been submitted and not.
Moreover, it consists of great tools such as google slides which can be really helpful in making student learning way more fun as compared to simply handing it out to them.
Lastly, I think that it is a great tool for students who cannot go at the same pace as others. After posting my topics for example, I do not have to rush or pressurise my students into understanding it all at once. They can learn at their own pace which is something that I strive for as an educator. Moreover, the notes, links and everything will be at my students’ disposition anytime they want to which again, does not rush them into writing it all down at once.
Disadvantages of Google Classroom:
It lacks the feature of doing online class through a live interaction (video call). I can only with my students through google documents and all. Moreover, there is no live chat. Therefore, after posting my materials, there is no specific way for me to know whether my students have understood it or not or if they have questions on the spot/need immediate clarification unless they send me an email.
Also, there is no feature of automatic quizzes or examinations/assessments. Therefore, it is up to me as an educator to know how to use other technological tools to assess my students and afterwards paste the link in my GC.
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palaugranetes · 4 years
Ansu: But I don't get what is taking him so long to do it!
JC: I guess he is busy.
JC: @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui @Riqui
Dembz: You do know that mentioning him 13428 times does nothing but annoy and give us a whiplash..
Riqui added Luisito
Riqui: Welcome to the kiddie table, where Adult supervision is as non existent as Madrid's treble and where you are free to say whatever the fuck you want @Luisito
Carlitos: Language!
Riqui: Fuck off rizos!
Ansu: 😂😂😂😂
Riqui: Well boys, there you have him... unleash
JC: See @Dembz.. It does work.
Dembz: 🤦🏿‍♂️
Ronald: PISTOLERO!! WE ARE GOING TO MISS YOU! Thank you for everything truly.
Carlitos: Thank you for always helping us Uruguasho! We are going miss you! Any last advice?
Pedri: I wish you all the best Luis. I wish I got to know you more but from what I have seen in such a short time, I can already tell you are a great one.
Francisco: All the best Luis. I appreciate the time we had together, albeit very short. Thank you for welcoming me so well.
Riqui: I remember when you first signed.. It was so out of the blue amazing. And you have been nothing but that with all of us. As one of the younger players I can tell you that having you as someone who encouraged us really helped. So again Thank you so much for believing in us.
Riqui: Also I am so sorry you are leaving the way you are.
Ansu: You truly are a role model for us, I appreciate every advice you gave me and this past season, odd as it may be, has taught me so much and it is in big part thanks to you and Leo. I really am going to miss you 🔫🔫
Luisito is typing...
Dembz: Love you bro, thank you for being their during the tough times and for helping me any time I needed. I'm going to miss you legend. We'll try to make you proud.
Luisito: Hey guys!
JC: I didn't get to spend much time with you @Luisito but I know what an amazing player you are as well as being such a nice guy. Bonne chance. It will be fun to play against you.
Luisito: I see you took a page out of our book
Carlitos: "JC: I didn't get to spend much time with you @Luisito but I know what an amazing player you are as well as being such a nice guy. Bonne chance. It will be fun to play against you." IF we do ...
Ronald: You had to ruin it.
Riqui: Ain't that the bitter truth son...
Frenkie: @Luisito I am so happy I got the opportunity to play alongside you, I wish it could have been longer, but that's football. You definitely deserved a better sending off, and not whatever BS they pulled but ....
Frenkie: Anyways, best of Luck man. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Riqui: Good save.
Luisito: I appreciate all the messages boys. It has been a pleasure to see all of you grow and evolve. I already am proud of all of you. The future is bright.
Luisito: If they allow it to be.
Riqui: 🙄
Luisito: But they will be gone soon. So there is hope.
JC: Gonna miss having you as my locker-room neighbour dude.
Luisito: Me too kid.
Luisito: Okay, I guess it's time to go now.. Thank you again boys. It really was a privilege to witness such great young talents. See you guys.. Best of luck to you all and continue to fight for this Club especially when it's ran by a bunch of headless chickens.
Luis: Hasta pronto Chicos.💙❤ Força Barça sempre
Luisito left
Ansu: um guys.. why didn't anyone ask him about the Leo GC? I really wanted to know who's in it👉🏾👈🏾
Francisco: Didn't really feel like the time to do it...
Ansu: I know, but I'm still curious.
Dembz: Leo, Luis, Neymar and Phil
Riqui: NEYMAR?
Carlitos: Phil?
Dembz: Those were the members. I was only there for a short period. If I remember correctly Luis was trying to prank Neymar.
Riqui: NEYMAR?!
Dembz: Yes I literally just said that.
Carlitos: NEYMAR?!
Dembz: Oh for fuck sake.. Yes him
Carlitos: But why?!
Dembz: How the hell would I know
Pedri: I wonder what happens in that GC
Riqui: So I guess now Luis is gonna leave then Captains gc huh..
Frenkie: And Ivan
JC: He was there too?!
Frenkie: Yes
Riqui: Waaaaaw
Frenkie: I guess the ones who have been here the longest are in it...
Riqui: Why isn't @Carlitos in it.. He has been here since his curls were longer than him
Ansu: 😂😂😂
Carlitos: 🤨
Iñaki: Can we talk about this another day for crying out loud it's 2 am!
Riqui: Okay pops
Francisco: How is it 2 am already!!
JC: I guess Grandpa is right.. we have training tomorrow.
Riqui: HOLY SHIT! HE REALLY DID THAT!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CFjb7KrCMBg/?igshid=9x7k0wm88n3d
Ansu: That last fuck he gave went away with Luisito.
Dembz: 😂
Frenkie: Not one bit
Pedri: The plot keeps thickening.
Dembz: Can they take a hint already?!
Carles: Clearly they cannot
Riqui: They cannot take a hint even if it was offered to them on an overpriced plate
Francisco: What do you guys think will happen in these remaining months?
Riqui: Possibly, but not limited to, burning the place to the ground.
JC: Very encouraging.
Carlitos: We play in 2 days and many of us still don't know what is happening.
Frenkie: I mean, all we can do is try our best I guess.. Not make an even bigger mess.
Riqui: Mess? We are beyond mess.
Dembz: Try to be more positive
Riqui: Alright..
JC: There you go.
Riqui: I am positive we are beyond Mess. 😃🙂😀😄😁👍🏻🤙🏼👌🏻🤟🏻
Dembz: 🤦🏾‍♂️
JC: Bro..
Carlitos: We gotta hang in there petit.
Riqui: I know..
Frenkie: We can show them that we are not here to play.
Carlitos: Actually playing is exactly what we are here for Frenks..
Frenkie: You know what I mean!
Francisco: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Ansu: I am still thinking about the fact that there are 2 side chats beside this one!..
JC: Right?!
Ronald: We should ask around..
Riqui: But then they'll know we know!
Ansu: True.
Pedri: We can always get info without them knowing
Francisco: But eventually they will tie things together and they'll know we know.
Pedri: Not if we know exactly who to talk to.
Dembz: If one more person says the word Know one more time I'm gonna scream.
Riqui: You just did
Dembz: 😱😱😱😱😱 this is me screaming.
Iñaki: We should come up with a plan. Maybe Luis can help.
Riqui: Why not ask Geri? @Carlitos
Carlitos: I would.. But I rather not.
JC: Why
Carlitos: I want to live
Dembz: Last I checked, he doesn't eat people.
Carlitos: Last I checked, none of you guys got pranked by him.
Pedri: 😳
Francisco: Can't be that bad.
Carlitos: He once stole Victor Valdes' gloves and hid them, which made Vic late to training and got fined because of it.. and that was a light prank.
Francisco: 😐😅
Ronald: Okay new plan.. We become friends with him and spare ourselves any future pranks.
Riqui: And what do you think Luis was to him..
Ronald: Shit.. Okay, new NEW plan, we don't ever piss him off and always be on his good side.
JC: So how will we get the dirt.
Iñaki: Luis.
Ansu: Luis.
Frenkie: And Ivan
Riqui: Luis is in both.. or was?
Carlitos: So Luis it is.
Iñaki: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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