#but at the same time i'll probably do well enough regardless to get into a decent school
krispycreamsicle · 2 years
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coralinnii · 3 months
Congrats on reaching the 2.7 K followers milestone!! If it's okay to ask why specifically 2.7 K?
anyways I heard you were taking requests so I'll request something to celebrate with you :-D
I was wondering if you could do one where Idia, Kalim, Azul, Riddle rejects Fem!reader but ends up falling for reader after that, how would they react when they need to reject her and when the realization of them liking her back hits? (I tried to come up with an og idea but idrk if this one is actually good enough writing material :'-D)
 ‧₊˚✧ Waking up Too Late ‧₊˚✧
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↳ Realizing their feelings for fem!reader after rejecting you 
feat: Idia ❋ Kalim ❋ Azul ❋ Riddle genre: slight hurt/comfort, open ending note: no pronouns were used but reader is written as a female in mind, reader can be interpreted as Yuu!reader, 
Question: Why specifically 2.7K? Well... I wanted to do something when I reached 2k but by the time I finished my initial wave of requests and WIPs, it already reached 2.7K ^_^" There wasn't a real rhyme or reason... I was just really late to the game
extra note: the joke in the start of Azul’s section doesn’t mean anything bad about him in general. It’s just Azul reminds me too much of myself during my younger days and I wasn't the biggest fan of myself back then.
Also, if anyone is wondering... I haven't stopped writing. I was just unable to find time for myself during the last 3 months because my classes and work didn't leave me time to do much outside of that. Seriously, I had assignments due on weekdays AND weekends! If none of you know who I am or didn't even realize I was gone... ignore me and have a good day ^_^
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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The Big Ooff
Regardless of Idia’s feelings before or after the confession, he rejected you in fear of change. He was content with the way things are, where he doesn’t have to worry about things like romance and relationships. 
Idia can’t imagine being the main protagonist for anything. He’s not the cool main hero or the handsome prince that gets the pretty girl. That's for the extroverts with high charm specs (a.k.a not him). Afterall, when does the NPC ever win? 
So when you, his friend and confidant, his solace and only exception, told him that you held feelings more than friendship…well, his system short-circuited. 
While the two of you said it wouldn’t change your friendship, you still wanted time away from him to heal the hurt. Idia agreed that the risky emotional roll dealt some real backlash to both of you.
The Realization
Idia tried to deny it, but he started imagining an alternative universe where he did accept your confession that fateful day. 
If he were to zone out during his level grinding sessions, he would vaguely envision himself in the same position, but perhaps with you lying next to him or even running your fingers through his flames. These daydreams would surprise him literally off the bed, his aforementioned flames burning a cute pinkish hue.
Some days when he’s browsing around online shops, he would occasionally encounter items that remind him of you.
Now, that in itself is not new but rather it was when he imagined how cute you would be if he got these items for you. Instead of your usual pleasantly surprised thank you, would you lovingly embrace him, maybe even kiss-! 
Ortho was startled to see his brother suddenly falling off his gaming chair, with his hands suspiciously covering his face. 
Crap, not only did he realize his feelings for you (which in hindsight probably was not surprising in the least), but he actually would like to be in a stupid lovey-dovey relationship with you. 
His Next Moves?
Continues to deny everything. So what if he wants a relationship with you? He can’t handle this new step even with these newly realized emotions. Plus, he was the one who blew his own shot by rejecting you the first time. 
So, he falls to his coping mechanism which is to deny everything and that he’s perfectly fine the way things are. 
When the two of you returned to your typical routine, he tried to keep things the way it used to be, as the same with you. 
Except it’s not quite the same. 
You weren’t sure if you were being conscious or that it’s been a while since you two hung out, but you felt that Idia was slightly more…attentive you could say?
He would give you first bids of the better controller before picking anything himself. If you seemed the slightest bit uncomfortable while sitting, the blue-flamed senior would offer you a comfier spot on his bed and a blanket if you wanted, before sputtering that he meant nothing weird about it.
He says he’s fine, but Idia’s is in no way the usual closed-off, sometimes cocky genius you knew before. He’s jittery, more prone to shriek and burst into pink flames to any of your gestures, and according to his little brother his heartbeat is slightly faster than usual. 
It’s weird…it’s like he actually acknowledges you as a woman…
“Ahh, I seriously chose the wrong choice option. The story path…I wonder if I could still salvage a good ending…”
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The Big Ooff
Kalim’s overly friendly nature, while harmless, is somewhat misleading and confusing to those around him. I mean, if someone threw a grand luxurious party for you, it’s easy to assume that you were someone special. Unfortunately, Kalim is simply just…too friendly. He would do this and more for just about anyone, no matter how special they may or may not be.
Nonetheless, you still wanted to tell him your feelings. You wanted to tell him how his smile and laugh hastens your heartbeat as you smile back. That you feel butterflies every time he extends his hands to you, coaxing you to dance with the boisterous Housewarden of Scarabia. 
To everyone’s genuine surprise, the snow-haired student sincerely apologized to you, not able to return your feelings the same way. All of your friends and also Scarabia was so sure that their Housewarden thought differently of you, but news quickly spread that Kalim never thought about being more than friends with you.
The Realization
To clarify, Kalim never thought about being more than friends with anyone. He’s happy to have so many friends, what more could he possibly want?
But your words did shake him mentally. He never realized that you would feel this way for him. On days when he can’t keep track of the lessons at hand, his mind would doze off and wander back to your confession. 
“Hastening heartbeat, feelings of butterflies, always wanting to smile when you do…”
The more he thinks about your love symptoms, he’s realizing how similar those feelings were to his own when he’s around you. It was why he would always try to find you in a crowd, or why he wanted to be your dance partner on any occasion. Sure, he’s happy to be around everyone, but he feels especially good when it's you.
The pieces are connecting, the clogs are aligning, and soon…
His Next Moves?
Man is now a fool in love. He has this goofy smile on his boyish face at the slightest mention of you. Everytime he thinks about you, he keeps attempting to buy one or two grand bouquets of flowers for you, each flower as beautiful as you, much to Jamil’s chagrin as the vice-Housewarden has to keep reminding him of a crucial fact. 
“You two aren’t dating. Actually worse considering your prior actions.” 
Jamil’s brutal but accurate words brought Kalim back to harsh reality as he realized his mistake in not realizing his feelings soon enough. But not one to wallow in the past, Kalim sought to tell you his feelings just as you bravely did before. 
Whether I personally think if that’s a smart move is irrelevant
Whatever your response is to him, Kalim would fully respect your choice, prioritizing your comfort and feelings over his newly uncovered ones. Despite his well intentions and honest feelings before the realization, his carelessness hurt you and he needed to consider your healing process. 
Kalim would still act like a love-sick fool, however. Buying beautiful trinkets because he thought of you but won’t push them onto you if you couldn’t handle the heavy sentiment (thank Jamil for that). 
Though a little more sheepishly, he would still extend his hand to you hoping for a dance, small little gestures to make you smile even the slightest bit brighter…all this and more because “I like you” and nothing else.
Just because he’s slow in figuring things out, his feelings won’t change so easily. This special feeling of happiness, of love… he’s grateful that you taught him this whole new world.
"I’m a little much? Haha, sorry. I get really happy when I see you...It feels nice being in love with you.”
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The Big Ooff
Please reconsider 
Ahem. Azul has grown accustomed to your presence. Perhaps even look forward to it throughout his daily routine, even assisting you in whatever trouble you always seem to get involved in. Some would accuse him of favoritism, but Azul argued that he was simply a gentleman treating a lady right.
He’s too observant to not notice that these sentiments are somewhat mutual. He thought of you as too kind and generous as to spend your spare time helping him around the lounge or to keep him company when the Leech twins get a little much. 
But he was surprised to learn that your feelings were deeper than he initially predicted. There was such sincerity in your voice as you confess your feelings that it shook Azul to his core and turned his human legs weak. 
However, he still had so many aspirations he hasn’t reached yet, opportunities he can’t miss. He can’t afford to split his time for something like romance, something that didn't register to him as urgent in the first place. Love is all well and good, but success is better and more tangible.
He’s careful with his words, gratefully thanking you for your confession and complimenting you with a list of traits he admired about you. 
But you should know Azul by now. He’s hyping you up before ultimately giving you crushing news. Like a company recruiter telling you weren’t chosen despite your apparent talents. 
You knew this, but it still hurts to have your dynamic treated equivalent to that of a business relation. 
The Realization
Azul understood you needed time away. Certain things were said that can’t be taken back and it’ll be a while before you two could feel comfortable around each other again. 
During this time though, the Housewarden truly felt your absence. He feels it when someone else takes a seat in his office where you usually occupy, when his mealtime feels less fulfilling because you weren’t there to enjoy it with him, when his headaches get worse from stress and you weren’t there to lend a comforting hand. 
This sense of void was like a stream of cold water slowly trickling into his body and mind until he felt heavy and almost drowning. What an odd sensation for a deep-sea merman. 
His mind became cluttered. He can’t focus on his work when all he could think about is where you might be and what you were doing. 
He reached his limit when he realized that he couldn’t even hide this internal conflict from Jade or Floyd when their keen eyes pick on every moment of his loss of focus, and they have an inkling as to the cause. 
…Dear Sevens, he might have made a great miscalculation on his own feelings.
His Next Moves?
First off, he’s going to spend some time in his pot. He needs some personal time reflecting over his own obliviousness and self-sabotage. 
Once that’s over, he now has to figure out how to remedy this. A plan to get back into your good graces after the blunder. 
He is a greedy merman. If he’s going to do something, he wants the best outcome possible, which is you forgiving him and accepting him while forgetting the past even happened.  
He’s read through countless relationship books, advice found online, and personal intel that his schoolmates were forced to generous enough to offer under an NDA. 
He’ll use the knowledge he remembered from your confession to his advantage, highlighting the parts of himself that he knew you liked about him. He shows off his good side in hopes to reignite what attracted you to him. 
If there’s anything to expose his intent with you, it’s the flush of his pale skin when you finally thanked him with that sweet smile he missed so much.
"I’m not one to lose an opportunity when within my reach. However long it takes, I’ll earn back what I’ve foolishly lost.”
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The Big Ooff
Riddle was, in all seriousness, taken aback by your confession.
The studious Housewarden of Heartslabyul is definitely smart, but he’s just slightly lacking in the people-reading department. 
To him, you were simply a very loving person. He thought perhaps you were on the shyer side but always worrying about his well-being, making sure he’s taken breaks and to enjoy himself between his duties.
You were still a little rambunctious as lately you seem at odds with Ace as you’re quick to smack and silence the mischievous redhead who seems to snicker more often than usual as of late. 
Frankly, you left him stunned, his face similar to a deer in headlights. No textbook or lecture has prepared him to reply back to your sincere confession. 
In the end, he rejected you while giving his full honesty. Silly things like love and relationships were subjects he never thought to consider in depth, and he wasn’t sure it was something he wanted at the moment. 
He tried to explain the best he could, but you couldn't stop the aching feeling of your heart breaking. 
The Realization
Your relationship with Riddle took a blow but it was not destroyed. Albeit some awkwardness here and there, life flows relentlessly as usual. 
But that fateful day would occasionally sneak its way into Riddle’s mind during his spare moments to himself, recalling your determined face, coupled with his memories of your beautiful, clear eyes.
Nowadays, his heart would tighten, his throat would feel dry, and his breathing would be shallower whenever his thoughts sway towards you. 
Spurred by these odd symptoms, he finally looked more into the topic of love. The more he delved into talks on relationships, seminars on emotional attraction, and even tropes from novels, the more it feels as though he’s going down a rabbit hole of new emotional discoveries. 
For a while, the Heartslabyul dorm was on edge as they feared for their necks every time their terrifying Housewarden suddenly turned franticly scarlet out of nowhere.
Alone in Riddle’s room, surrounded by articles and books littered on his once pristine desk, Riddle found his conclusion; he’s in love too
His Next Moves?
Riddle isn’t actually sure how to approach you anymore. This whole “in love” experience is all too new to him. He couldn’t bring up this embarrassing topic with any of his peers, and much less with his mother (Sevens knows he doesn’t exactly want to replicate a relationship like his parents). 
But he couldn’t handle the sudden sensations of nerves that occur every time he’s close to you. He can’t keep up constantly chastising himself internally for flinching every time he passes a tart or a teacup to you during Unbirthday parties. 
He can no longer focus during his study sessions with you as he’s now fighting with himself as he dreams to hold your free hand or to brush a stray lock of hair from your endearing face. 
Was it as difficult to deal with as it was for you? Was this the reason you decided to confess to him? But the thought of speaking to you about something so intimate invokes nerves in him that he couldn’t understand.
No, he should learn from your example. If the natural progression of his feelings should be clear communication between those involved, then he will face this challenge as confidently as he does with any other. 
Prepare yourself, the stubborn Riddle has made a goal for himself. 
“I admit my inexperience has hurt those I cherish. Next time, I will respond to your bravery in kind.” 
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necromancelena · 1 month
It's really funny how common it is to call missing or poorly implemented features in shitty games "lazy" because game development is probably the artistic medium that I would be least likely to associate a dearth of quality with the developers not doing enough work (though thinking on it animation is probably an easy tie at minimum). Like a buggy shitty mess of a game is usually a failure of time and resources allocation and bad communication and prioritization from the people in charge. Most game companies still have crunch so there's no "teeheehee if we the employees decide to say 'fuck it' we'll only have to work four hours instead of eight" it's more "well I'll be sleeping under my desk for the next month and have to work the exact same amount of time regardless of if this game is bad but I can't complain or I'll lose my job" and then they get fired after no matter how good or bad the game was because the game industry is a monster devouring its own tail and trying to cause as many earthquakes as possible while doing so.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
A Mess || Reader Walsh X Daryl || Part 1
New account! @ghostbones was banned! Transferring everything here, beginning with this series since it was the most popular!
Summary: You grow tired of sneaking suspicions of Lori and your husband sneaking off together. When you finally catch them in the act, a grumpy redneck happens to be the one to help you through it in his own, unconventional way.
18+ MDNI || WARNINGS: profanity, nongraphic depictions of sex, TWD typical violence
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        You were so sick of him. The way he stood with his hands on his hip, squinting in the Georgia sun as he watched over the camp -- or, more specifically -- watched over Lori. 
        You respected it at first, when Rick didn't wake up and he told you, "We gotta go get Lori and Carol, (Y/N). We just got to. I gotta do right by him."
        You didn't say anything when you were all stopped on the highway, watching the planes drop bombs on the city that was supposed to welcome you into safe refugee centers, and his first instinct was to hold Lori instead of you. You thought she had to be terrified, to lose her man and have to keep their son safe in such trying, unpredictable times. She probably needed that hug more than you, his own wife.
        You were young when you married Shane. A drunken night led to one thing, one thing led to a baby, a baby led to another thing; a ring. But, you had a miscarriage after the wedding, and as we all know that doesn't nullify a marriage. Regardless, it wasn't a bad marriage. The relationship was mostly solid. You had suspicions, like when he'd come home from a night out with the other guys on the force with what you could have sworn were faded lipstick stains that he couldn't wipe off well enough, or smelling faintly of perfume and cigarettes. Still, he took good care of you, and you had a fair bit of freedom. He financed your art supplies, bought you records, helped you get back into school.
        Your parents never had a good marriage so in comparison, you were doing well for yourself. Better than your mom, who lived on wine and Xanax, or your dad, who worked his fingers to the bone in that office, hunched over a computer, addicted to porn and cigars.
        You often wondered if they had survived the initial outbreak, or if they were stumbling around King County somewhere with no heartbeat.
        You shook the thought away, eyeing Shane from atop the RV where you were supposed to be watching for walkers. His skin was shiny with sweat. You wondered how long it'd be before he disappeared into the wood again. Funny how Lori always seemed to disappear at the same time, no doubt leaving Dale or Carol to keep an eye on Carl. Funny how since you'd all set up camp there by the quarry, Lori hadn't been able to make eye contact with you. Funny how he had been short with you, yet somehow managed to remain controlling  as ever. You weren't allowed out of his sight unless he was already out of yours. You couldn't talk to men like Ed or Merle and his brother. You couldn't touch the guns, not until he showed you how to use one properly. You couldn't go wash up in the quarry unless he was there to escort you at night, which he conveniently never was. You couldn't--
        "You alright up here?" Dale asked.
        "Oh. Yeah." You shook your head clean of the whirlwind of suspicion.
        "Don't seem too focused." He observed.
        "Yeah, you're right. Sorry." You said, holding the binoculars to your eyes and turning your attention to the trees.
        "Why don't you go on and take a break. I'll keep an eye out for now." He offered.
        "Actually, you know what? That would be really great. Thanks Dale." You smiled and passed his binoculars to him. You wanted to protest. Watch duty was your favorite, and just about the only thing you could do to make yourself useful aside from washing other people's dirty underwear.
        You climbed down from the roof, expecting to walk over to your husband, but he wasn't where he stood just moments prior.
        You turned to Amy, who was sitting on the steps of the RV, fanning herself. It was a particularly hot day.
        "Hey. Did you see where Shane went? I just saw him over there." You asked, her pointing to where he once stood.
        "I think he went to check the perimeter." She said, holding her hand over her eyes to look up at you without being blinded. It was probably just about noon now with the sun high in the sky.
        "Right." You nodded. You scanned the campers around you. "What about Lori?"
        She shook her head.
        "No, haven't seen her in a while. Carl's over there with Carol. She might know."
        You sighed, thanking Amy as you made your way to Carol.
        "Hey. Seen Lori?"
        "Yeah. She asked me to watch Carl for a bit. Not sure where she went, though."
        You felt a heat in your chest. Exactly as you suspected.
        You jogged back to Amy. "Hey, which way did Shane go?"
        She pointed over to the tree line on your left.
        "Thanks, again." You smiled in a thin line as you marched to the woods. You were determined to put an end to this shit, one way or another.
        You knew they couldn't have gone far. You had just seen him not five minutes ago. You were sure you could catch up. If the Dixons were around, you'd be half tempted to approach one and ask them to track for you. Probably the younger one. That Merle would probably ask you what you were willing to give in return, and you had a feeling he wouldn't be looking for payment in the material sense. You heard quiet rustling and heavy breaths. You ducked down and made slow, quiet steps, glancing down at the ground periodically to avoid any snapping twigs or overly crunchy leaves. You came to some thicker bushes and brush, crooning you neck to peer over the leaves and thorns. 
        Your stomach dropped. There it was. His sweat stained white tee, panting over her navy blue tank top that fit rather loosely with all the weight loss. Her jeans and underwear in a little pile off to the side, his gun set right on top. You clenched your jaw. You wanted to storm over and yell obscenities, to kick them both into the dirt. You were stuck, though. You couldn't move. You were so angry that you were cemented in place. Most of all, you were hurt. You were younger than Shane, and younger than Rick and Lori, but somehow, some way you thought Lori was a friend to you. You watched Carl when she and Rick took date nights from time to time, you two grabbed coffee together, went back to school shopping for Carl just to get you out of the house.
        It would have been one thing had she not known you, had she been a complete stranger, but she was supposed to be a friend, and Shane, he was your husband. Tears stung at your eyes as your pulse became noticeable under your skin.
        That's when you saw something else, a human shape walking up behind them. Could it be? A walker coming to exact your revenge for you? No, you could never be so lucky. It was the Dixon, the young one. His boots were heavy against the forest floor, drawing the attention of Shane and Lori. They both scrambled, Shane standing and buttoning his pants back up as Lori sat and pulled her jeans over her lap to cover herself. 
        "Hey, man -- I -- We can explain --" Shane stuttered, Lori looking mortified.
        "Ain't me ya gotta explain to." Daryl shrugged, glancing over Shane's shoulder at you as you slowly stood to your feet from behind the bushes.
        "Look, man. You say anything --" Shane hissed, no doubt gearing up for some halfhearted threat, but Daryl cut him off again.
        "Won't have to." He told Shane, throwing another look at you, this time prolonging eye contact.
        Shane and Lori followed his gaze and landed on you.
        "(Y/N)" Lori breathed.
        You tore your eyes from the huntsman, shooting visual daggers at your unfaithful husband and his backstabbing mistress.
        Shane took a deep breath, rubbing his hand over his face. You said nothing. There was nothing to say. You just looked at Daryl one more time before you turned around.
        "(Y/N), come on!" Shane called after you. "Let's talk about this."
        You didn't want to. You just stomped your way back to camp, ignoring the curious eyes as you pulled all your things from your shared tent with Shane. You really only had your backpack and a blanket. The two of you shared the sleeping bag and a single pillow, but you didn't want that. It would smell of Shane, and at that moment the thought of him made you nauseous. You took your bag and your blanket, and made your way down to the quarry. Surely that would be the most peaceful place to sleep, by the water, under the stars, away from everyone else. 
        "(Y/N.)" Shane said from behind you after he likely followed you back. "What the hell are you doin'?" He asked, referring to your backpack and blanket in arms.
        "Fuck you." You grumbled.
        "C'mon, what are you doin'?" He asked again. You spun on your heel, seething.
        "No, Shane. What the hell are you doing?!" You shouted, drawing eyes from all around. You didn't care. In fact, you saw it as an opportunity. "Sneaking off?! Getting your dick wet?!"
         "Don't do this here." He said quietly, glancing over his shoulder to where Carol sat with Carl and Sophia. They were all staring in shock, the whole camp. He reached his hands out to grab your shoulders but you stepped back, chest heaving with rage.
        "Oh, why? So your girlfriend's kid doesn't know she's getting down and dirty with you in the leaves out there?" You spat back, only loud enough for him to hear. "You haven't touched me in weeks. Not since the night we left home, but you can't keep it in your pants around your dead best friend's wife?"
        You shoved his chest with both hands, dropping the blanket to the ground in the process. His eyes grew dark, that pleading expression turning cold.
        "I don't give a fuck how sorry you are or aren't. I don't give a good god damn how guilty she feels. I hate you, and I hate her." You added, just to drive the knife in deeper. If they could stab you in the back, you'd stab them in the chest. 
        "Don't be stupid." He growled.
        "Stupid is having unprotected sex in the middle of the woods when your wife is sitting on top of an RV with binoculars. Stupid is fucking your best friend's wife. Stupid is--"
        He grabbed your arm with force, dragging you far away from the others. He lened in close to your face, eyes wide with fury.
        "You need to stop." He warned.
        "I am stopping. I'm stopping all of it. Congratulations, Shane. You don't have to hide your affair anymore. Because you no longer have a wife to cheat on. Oh, and by the way, you suck at hiding it. You both do. The whole fucking camp can see you two disappearing at the same time, every single day. We all see how you look at her, how you play house with her and Carl like your wife isn't sitting ten feet away. Is that what it is? You like making me look like a fool?"
        "I'm only gonna tell you once." He hissed, scowling down at you like you were the one who betrayed him. "Keep your mouth shut."
        "No problem." You sneered. "I'll keep my mouth shut, and you'll keep your distance."
        It was dark out. Despite the blazing heat in the daytime, the nights could get pretty chilly, especially down by the water. You didn't mind. You set against the cliff, back rested against your bag, blanket wrapped over you nice and snug. You enjoyed all the stars above. They were hard to see back home, but now, without all the light pollution, they were beautiful.
        "Shouldn't be out here alone." A husky voice rasped. You looked down past your feet to see the shadow of an archer, the very one who happened to catch Shane and Lori when you did.
        "Nah. If any of those freaks stumble through here, they'll be drawn to the fire and the lanterns. I'm safer than ever over here in the dark."
        "Mm." He hummed. "Y'alright? After--"
        "After I caught my husband fucking another woman? Yeah. All things considered, I'm better than ever." You scoffed.
        "Bein' mad don't mean ya gotta be stupid. Can't stay out here." He insisted.
        "Well, my tent is Shane's tent, and the RV is full." You sighed.
        "Jus' take mine." He offered.
        "Yours." You repeated. "And you're gonna sleep where?"
        "Outside. Prefer it that way anyway." He shrugged.
        "Yeah, no. I'm not kicking you out of your own tent."
        "Ain't kickin' me out if I offer." 
        "Well, thanks, but I'll be declining that offer."
        "Suit yourself." He said as he walked back to camp. Daryl wasn't the type to go out of his way for someone else. In fact, it was rather annoying that you couldn't accept his kindness when he felt obliged to offer it. He saw how you looked when you caught them, the sickening blend of grief and rage. You hadn't done anything to deserve that, at least to his knowledge, yet you were the one with nowhere to sleep. It didn't sit right with him.
        He remembered something, though. A bottle of whiskey he had stashed away in his tent. If he couldn't convince you to sleep somewhere warmer and safer than on the bed of red clay by the water, maybe you'd accept something to take your mind off it all.
        He ducked into his tent and grabbed his bottle, paying no mind to his fellow survivors all huddled around the fire making small talk. Lori and Shane sat near each other, Carl in between them talking to Shane about his favorite heroes, Shane telling him stories about his dad.
        Shane's eye caught Daryl as he made his way down the quarry with a bottle of liquor, no doubt on his way to you. He felt a heat in his chest, the same kind you felt when you found him rolling in the dirt with Lori. She noticed his sudden tension and followed his gaze. She looked back to Shane with worry, attempting to calm him with her eyes.
        Daryl found you laying on your side, backpack under your cheek like a pillow.
        "Ya sleep?" He asked.
        "No." You said, monotone and irritable.
        "Ya like whiskey?"
        You sat up. Of course you liked whiskey, this is the south.
        "You have some?" You inquired. He held the bottle out to you and you took it, twisting off the cap and taking a large swig. "Thanks."
        "Ain't a gift." He clarified. "But ya look like you could use a drink."
        He sat down a foot away from you, facing the water. You passed the bottle back to him.
        "Well, thanks for sharing."
        "What would you do?" You asked him.
        "I mean if you had a wife out here and you caught her fucking someone else."
        "Kick her outta my tent." He said.
        "And if it was her tent?"
        "Too bad. Shouldn't've been sleepin' around." He shrugged, swigging the bottle and passing it to you.
        "Uhuh." You nodded, sipping. "What else?"
        "You askin' me for advice or somethin'?" 
        "Something like that." You guessed.
        "Well I'd probably kick his ass for fuckin' my wife knowin' I was right there."
        "Mm. I'd love to but I can't exactly whoop someone who still has to look out for a kid."
        "Guess ya just gotta ignore 'em." He suggested, taking the bottle as you handed it over.
        "How? I live with them."
        "Want me to kill 'em?" He joked. You chuckled.
        "Kinda." You admitted.
        "Mm. Too easy. I'd tie 'em up outside the city and leave 'em to the walkers." 
        "Oh, you've put thought into this?" You asked. He tipped the bottle bac and took a gulp.
        "Nah. If I did I'd have somethin' more creative."
        "The hell's this?" Shane asked, suddenly looming over the two of you.
        Daryl stood up. "Just havin' a drink." He said, eyeing Shane.
        "With my wife?" Shane stepped forward, so Daryl did too.
        "Looks single to me." Daryl shrugged. He didn't come over with the intentions of making a move on you. Really he hadn't noticed you around at all. He, however, also wasn't one to back down from a fight, and he already had a distaste for the ex-fed, self proclaimed leader.
        "What?" Shane asked through gritted teeth, swaying as he grew more antsy to take a swing. 
        "You're a real piece of work, you know that Shane?" You sighed, standing up. You weren't phased by his sudden intrusion, you knew him too well to be surprised.
        "Yeah, why don't ya go back to sleepin' with the widow?" Daryl added. That was enough for Shane. He threw the first punch, but Daryl recovered quickly, getting a good knock to the ribs in before you inserted yourself between them, one hand to each man's chest.
        "Can we chill with the dick-measuring contest? He brought me a drink because he felt bad for me. Nothing else, because unlike you," you said to Shane, "some men are capable of keeping their willies tucked away."
        "Yeah, right, like he wasn't just waitin' for you to get drunk and start feelin' vengeful." Shane spat.
        "I don't fuck drunk girls, asshole." Daryl spoke up. "That's for cops and losers."
        "Man, you think you can take me? You want a piece of this?" Shane started to raise his voice now.
        "Yeah, c'mon then, prick." Daryl said, throwing his arms up. The two men stepped in circles around you as you tried to keep a barrier between them.
        "Yeah, come on then, pussy!" Shane shouted.
        "Pussy? Nah, man. You're the coward, slidin' your dick in some vulnerable window when ya had a tight piece o' ass right here waitin' for ya every night!" Daryl yelled back.
        "What is goin' on here?" Lori came in, eyes blazing between the three of you.
        "Wha'd'ya waitin' for, man? There's your side piece, go on and get her!" Daryl said.
        Shane lunged forward and you gripped around his torso tight, banking on the hope that he wouldn't hurt you to get past you, at least nit in front of her.
        "Don't fuckin' talk about here like that!" Shane seethed.
        "Yeah well ya sure didn't care 'bout me callin' your wife a tight piece of ass! I see where your priorities lie!"
        You couldn't afford to get distracted with the details as you put all your focus and strength into holding on to Shane to prevent anyone from getting hurt. However, the Dixon made some valid points.
        "Stop it, you two!" Lori begged.
        "Hate to say it," you strained against Shane's strength, digging your feet into the dirt as his strong frame fought against you. "But I'm with Lori."
        "Y'all need to calm down before--"
        "Is everything okay?" Dale's voice sounded from behind Lori, cutting her off. Amy, Andrea, and Morales stood with him. Lori sighed and put her hand over her forehead.
        Shane finally relented and you gratefully let go of him, turning to face the crowd of onlookers.
        "What happened here?" Dale inquired.
        "He was makin' a move on my wife." Shane panted, still coming down from the surge of adrenaline and rage.
        You scoffed, gawking at his audacity. You glared at Lori for a moment, running your tongue over your teeth before you shook your head and chuckled.
        "No, he brought me a drink because he felt bad for me, sleeping out here alone." You corrected.
        "Why are you sleeping all the way out here?" Andrea asked, shaking her head with confusion.
        "Yeah, it's really not safe. You should be up there with us." Amy added.
        "Yeah, Shane, Lori." You cocked your head to the side, crossing your arms as you looked between the two of them. "Why am I sleeping all the way out here? Hm?"
        Lori looked at you with wide, anxious eyes as Shane just shot daggers at you and Daryl. Lori looked back to everyone else, who seemed to be confused, except for Dale who had a knack for picking up on things.
        "Maybe we should head back to camp. It's getting late." Dale suggested.
        "I'm good." You rolled your eyes. "Thanks for ruining yet another peaceful moment." You said to Shane.
        "I'm confused." Andrea spoke up. 
        "Oh, allow me to clarify." You smiled, sickeningly sweet. Lori shook her head at you, but you ignored her. "Shane, my husband, and Lori, have been keeping a secret from us. Care to share with the class?"
        "(Y/N), man, come on. Why you gotta start problems?" Shane let out an exasperated sigh.
        "No? Okay, allow me to speak on your behalf, then. My husband has been fucking Lori, who, if you guys weren't aware, is married to Shane's best friend, who he claims is dead." You said.
        God, did that feel good.
        Everyone looked stunned, save for Lori who just looked humiliated and mortified, and Shane, who was more pissed than anything else.
        "Some leader, huh? A real honest guy." You added, just to add insult to injury. Salt in the open wound, if you will.
        "Oh...kay... Why don't we just.." Dale was at a loss for words.
        "Maybe (Y/N) can stay in the RV with us." Amy suggested.
        "Yeah, I think that'd be just fine." Dale agreed.
        "No need." You looked to Shane, smirking. "Daryl here has offered his tent."
        Daryl shot you a look. He had no intentions of being your pawn in some twisted revenge scheme.
        "You did?" Andrea asked.
        Daryl nodded. "Yeah, told her she could have it 'til she figures somethin' else out."
        "And you're gonna sleep... Where?" She wondered.
        "Outside." He shrugged.
        Shane scoffed and shook his head, hands rested on his hips in that police stance you had grown to hate. Your nostrils flared at him in disgust. 
        "Why'd ya do that?" Daryl asked.  You were all back at camp now. He was grabbing some essentials from his tent to make room for you. "Make it like it was somethin' it ain't?"
        "What do you mean? I told the truth. You offered your tent."
        "Nah, you wanted to get under his skin." He shook his head at you as you stood with your bag over your shoulder and your dusty blanket balled up in your arms.
        "I mean, yeah, but--"
        "But nothin'. I ain't gon' be part of your revenge and I damn sure ain't gonna be no rebound dick to ride 'til ya feel better." He cut you off before he stormed away.
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silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ Taking care of you during your period x hyung line (skz) ‗ ❍
Pairings : Chan x reader, Minho x reader, Changbin x reader, Hyunjin x reader
Genre/warnings : reader has periods, breasts are mentioned, mention of painkillers/mood swings/blood (yk), nothing else just fluff and really sweet boys
Summary : Like the title says, the oldest boys take care of you when you have your period. You are their s/o in this. Half headcanon and half scenarios.
Word count : 1.5 k
A/n : I'm currently on the FLOOR trying to get through this so I just, indulged myself I guess lmao! I hope it'll be an enjoyable read and also if any of y'all is also suffering now, good luck babes we got this <3
ps: There could be grammar errors, my first language isn't english!
Chan ‗ ❍
First of all, he wouldn't be weirded out or immature about it at all, he grew up with women in his family so he wouldn't be completely oblivious. Second thing, he seems to be natually very nurturing and attentive, so you know for sure that you'd be well taken care of, more than usual.
Depending on how this time of the month would be for you, he'd act accordingly. For example, if you are usually on time or late, if you tend to suffer more or less. In general he'd probably remember the days/week and always make sure to have a little bit of every essential thing at home beforehand. Sanitary products, painkillers, snacks, comfort food; you name it, he got it. Wether you lived together or not, doesn't matter.
In the best case scenario you'd just be having a shitty day and he would make sure to spend time with you (full day if he's not working, and even then he'd check on you multiple times), taking care of you, cuddling and probably babying you more than you need. And you'd let him of course, even just to show him you appreciated him caring for you. He would be really attentive but... chill at the same time. He just wants you to be comfortable, not further stress you out.
On the other hand, if you were someone who usually hurt a lot or maybe had some issues related to your condition, then he would be more clingy. If hugs and cuddles were an actual solution you'd be CURED.
He hated seeing you in pain regardless, but if the pain in question was out of the norm/more severe he would absolutely be in the worst mood. Again, every supply possible would to be 100% ready at the right times, and you truly wouldn't be allowed to lift a finger.
"Channie, baby, I've been handling this stuff since forever, I'll be fine, okay?" and then he'd frown and pout like "But I want to take care of my baby, that's the least I can do". Of course you wouldn't be able to refuse him even if you wanted to, so you'd just end up accepting the help making sure to thank him all the time to let him know how grateful you were for him. <3
Minho ‗ ❍
Minho just kind of learned along the way how to take care of you at the best of his abilities. Something that seems to be very important to him is health, and you having your period to him it's almost like a seasonal cold. Something that just kind of happens? He would learn which foods or beverages help the pain/body, or the things that would make you feel better, but he'd be kinda random about it? lol.
"You know what? I really feel like eating some good meat for dinner" and he'd pull some shit like "Actually, I was thinking of salmon for tonight. You know, it would be very good for you now", Not gonna lie you would be lowkey impressed that he bothered to search up stuff like that in the first place. He wouldn't be pushy though, he couldn't deny you even if he tried. Want a specific dinner/dessert? It's yours. You want to watch a movie and cuddle? Done. Or do you just want to sleep and hug? Good enough for him. He just really wants you to have a calm and comfortable day.
This being handled as a health matter would also mean that he'd probably be quite precise with keeping track of the days/week. If being irregular wasn't a usual thing for you, one day late and he'd be asking questions lol.
"How are you feeling?" "Do you need anything from the store?" "Need any help?" and so on. Especially if we were talking about a person with more severe pain/issues.
At this point he would be a little more insistent with the whole "take care of yourself right" but only out of worry and you knew it. "I made some ginger tea for you" "But-" and you wouldn't be able to finish the sentence without him raising one eyebrow like 'I dare you'. Two minutes after the cup was EMPTY. You'd also get belly rubs with warm hands afterwards so it's okay :')
Minho would never miss to make you feel loved and taken care of, it's like he needs you to know that you can count on him whenever you need.
Changbin ‗ ❍
Changbin also grew up with a sister but I feel like he was the baby of the family so I think he'd try to replicate that more than anything. His s/o would be treated like royalty regardless, don't get me wrong, but during this time I feel like he'd feel bad for you and the fact that he can't really help, and would try to 'fix it' by indulging you a lot.
He probably wouln't keep track of the days/week, just in general. But, I think that he'd realize it quickly when you start acting a little off or being fatigued, and at that point he'd piece it together quickly and offer his help if he can. And if he can't, then he'll just settle with random gifts that could cheer you up. It could be something cute like a plushie, a treat like your favorite sweets, or something more unique like an expensive gift. You don't want him to spend such money on you, but you lowkey know that's his love language and appreciate it ten times more for it. He would also remind you of it "Shh, you know I love to spoil my princess", that would make you melt and he knows it well.
In a more severe case I think that he would make sure to not let you lift a finger. Dinner? Dishes? Medicines? Cuddles? Tissues for a particularly off moment? The remote being an inch too far? HE'S GOT IT. Changbin would also probably try to be there for you physically during this time and would get annoyed when he can't manage. At that point expect multiple calls and texts throught the day and maybe even a few cute selfies too that would never fail to make you smile and lift your mood.
If you happened to be crying, he would try to handle himself but just wouldn't be able to do it so you'd probably have a nice liberating ugly cry session together and then fall asleep hugged comfortably :(
He would also make sure that you're comfortable wherever you are, and that usually means completely laying on him, the best pillow in the house.
Hyunjin ‗ ❍
Hyunjin is shy and an empath, we know. I feel like at the beginning of your relationship he could be a little uncomfortable handling this situation, mainly because he'd like to help in some way but would be unsure of how to ask. You would also probably try to hide it or not mention it, you know like in early stages of any relationship, but out of shyness more than anything. You know he's a very sweet guy and he would probably feel bad that you feel bad. And he does.
One day during movie night you'd probably unintentionally flinch or hiss at the pain and then he'd decide that he had ENOUGH and would blurt out a "Can I do anything for you?". You'd be kind of taken aback but appreciate it a lot. You would give in "Yes actually" you wouldn't have to say it twice before he's back with what you asked for.
From that moment on I feel like it would be a process for him to learn how to know you and your needs and after a while he would just...do it. Which were your habits or comfort foods, your preferred type of sanitary products to use, what could make you uncomfortable and so on.
I feel like he wouldn't necessarily intentionally keep track of it but would randomly look at the date and go "Mhh, isn't this that time of the month?" and you'd probably show up with a belly ache and an extreme need of hugs so yeah he'd be like "I figured" and kind of laugh at you being cute.
You'd probably have something silly like a "Cursed week" playlist to cry to or a specific list of things to watch that would absolutely wreck you emotionally because why not. And you'd plan it together and go back to them like a routine. You probably have a very sad or angsty tv show/drama that you go back to once a month just to either cry your eyes out or comment together like two bitter old ladies. And you have a blast.
Hyunjin would try to be lowkey about it though. Once he learned how to properly take care of you he would just do things and not be obnoxious about it. Like he would be they type to leave a sticky note for you before leaving for work that said "Good morning my love. Remember to take it easy and take some medicine if you need, I love you <3"
In general I think that he would be the type to try and distract you as much as possible, wether it was with some nice cuddles to warm you up or even tease you to make you laugh. He could be out of pocket sometimes but that's exactly what makes it hilarious.
This is it for the hyung line! Maknae line link. Hope you enjoyed my silly writing, feel free to leave feebacks if you feel like it :')
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toffeebrew · 2 months
tell me your Ink headcanons NOW 😼😼😼
You're... giving me permission.... to share my ink headcanons.
well get ready
Talked about this one already but I'll share it again: I think Broomie is semi sentient. I like to think at first Ink didn't know that though, but still talked to broomie anyway. So, regardless of this fact Ink probably would've talked to broomie.
He's good at encouraging people but not comforting people. If that makes sense? (projection much pfttt)
If you ran your hand over the "tattoo" marks it have a slight divot in it. Like a crack in a road. Probably because... in my hc they're literally semi healed cracks.
They're is talented in many types of art not just one. Hes talented in singing, dancing, fashion design, mechanics, and architecture! Really the only one he struggles with is well... cooking. Do NOT let that man in a kitchen (I mean he's immortal why would he not learn multiple artistic skills?)
Y'know how canon!swap climbs on people because hes insecure about his height? I think Ink does the same thing.
(More yappening under the cut)
Deep down he feels like something is missing... what he doesn't know is he's missing his home, his AU. Sometimes hes goes on a search universe to universe in search of "something important he can't remember" but can never find it. Until he gets bored, forgets what he's doing or gets preoccupied with something else.
He likes switching up his looks so he may give himself a tail or paws or claws with his brush. Maybe he even changes the color of his limbs sometimes (that's more a crack hc though). He gives themself a new outfit at any chance he can get. (Edit: I actually imagine one of the reasons he would get excited for multiverseal events is mainly because he gets to show off a new outfit for that event. He goes ALL out)
Due to his dulled sense of pain often he isn't aware he's injured unless it's pretty severe. So he may just go about their day with injuries they don't know about. Typically Dream or Swap have to be like "dude you have a crack in your skull."
After that one comic with Swap and Ink, Swap bandaged up his skull despite Ink insisting he didn't need it. Mainly because Swap didn't know Ink could heal themself and just thought Ink was being humble. Everytime he went to go take it off, Swap would freak about it hasn't had enough time to heal. Until Ink did a more through "I have a brush bro chill" (not ink accurate dialogue).
He's super flexible!! like contortionist level of flexibility.
Oddly specific but I think they're the type to consume all sorts of fan content and enjoy it. Completely ooc and fanon stuff too. He would be the type to read a fic and go "I would NOT say that" with a giggle and write a heartfelt comment anyway.
If you know homestuck... Nepeta has a shipping wall. I think Ink would have something similar (projection?? blasphemy!). Maybe in his sketchbook or smth. I mean do you see how he reacts around his dads smh 😔😮‍💨. He doesn't take it all that seriously though... LMAO. But I feel like he would be like "🏳️‍🌈?" y'know? Is this making any sense? I hope LMAOOO
Ink knows being called "child" annoys Dream so when Dream's like "I'm not a child I'm 500 years old" he just uses different synonyms of kid " heya youngster" " hi boy" stuff like that to annoy him. Just to mess with him.
He loves "aggressive affection." Like he bites people. He also likes to be bitten (not in a sus way but like in a cat like way). He loves bear hugs. Stuff like that.
He loves being drawn on, like literally. He loves the sensation of art supplies on his bones. Particularly the texture of paint and pencil are the ones he enjoys the most. He draws designs and stuff on his bones sometimes.
He has that cartoon ability to walk on walls or the ceiling and completely defy gravity. How? Cartoon skelly powers ig.
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bucca2 · 1 year
angel of small death (könig x reader)
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the new recruit gets on könig's nerves.
3rd person, König's pov, she/her pronouns for reader, rivals to lovers, romance, slow burn, König does not trust pretty women who act interested in him, reader is determined to jump this man's bones
1k words
tw: none really, just swearing and König gets a boner at the end
besties I don't even know what this is. I was listening to angel of small death and the codeine scene by hozier and went "yeah we all love when König is creepy and stalkery and insistent towards the object of his obsession affections, but what if his love interest was the one pursuing him". enjoy this lil tidbit before shrike ch3! I'll probably write more about these two, it's a fun dynamic.
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König knows how to read people.
It was a survival instinct. Reading into every micro-expression, every intonation in a voice, every shift of the shoulders. As a child, it served him well predicting what torment his bullies planned to inflict on him. As a soldier, he knew how to read his coworkers and establish that he was not to be fucked with. He had a reputation, and he was proud of it. Perhaps it was a little isolating, being the giant boogeyman of the base, but loneliness was not new to him. He knew how to deal with loneliness.
He doesn’t know how to deal with her.
The new recruit flutters onto base entirely unlike a soldier of her caliber. Flutters is really the only way to describe her, regardless of the way she moves physically. She’s the definition of a social butterfly—whether her candor is genuine, or a mask to hide a deep well of insecurity and anxiety is anybody’s guess. But there’s a grace to the way she manages to endear herself to nearly everyone, regardless of the friend groups and casual cliques the soldiers have formed.
Except König.
Oh, bite him. What was he supposed to think when she full body slammed into him coming around the corner, and then looked up at him with that mischievous glimmer in her eye?
“Whoa, you are one huge motherfucker!” she says, the profanity slipping out of her without hesitation. If she were any other woman, perhaps some nice little civilian lady, her wide smile and twinkling eyes would have turned him to mush. But instead, it puts him on his guard. The boys who bullied him as a child hurt him with their fists. The girls cloaked their insults with honey, with cloying little chirps about his size before crushing what little self-confidence his height afforded him. Just some awkward lanky giant who takes up too much space.
He glares down at her, eyes boring into her from behind the hood. “Watch where you’re going, recruit.” He stalks off down the hallway, but not before he hears her tut and exclaim “what crawled up his ass?” to the coworker she was walking with.
He doesn’t want to know anything about her. He’s not interested, he tells himself, in learning about who she is. But he learns anyway, from hearing snippets of conversation around the base.
She’s on the young side for their line of work, but she’s good. She’s a dead-on shot with a gun, and a whiz with throwing knives. Her specialty, of course, is sniping. König bends the metal fork he’s eating with in his fist when he hears this particular tidbit. Of course, she has the job he wanted when he first joined special forces. Of course she would be outstanding in the one thing he wasn’t allowed to do.
He tries to avoid her—it irritates him, how goddamn pleasant she is. Friendly, outgoing, warm. All adjectives that nobody would apply to him. He was hoping his cold initial reception would keep her away, but she seems almost determined to pop up wherever he finds himself. If he’s eating with the others, she’s nearby, perched on a table and making everyone near her laugh. If he’s at target practice, she’s there, shooting bullets through the same hole punched in the target almost every time. (He has to admit, that does impress him. He knows enough to recognize a master at work.) If he’s getting coffee to stave off his sleepiness, she’s at the coffee maker, engaged in conversation that annoys him with its peppiness.
He somehow makes it a whole week without having something resembling a proper conversation with her, and he was liking it just fine that way. Alas, there’s a mission briefing, and now she’s walking up to him beaming, hand outstretched.
“Hey, big guy! We haven’t been properly introduced yet, have we?” König looks down at her hand, then back to her face.
“König.” He watches with a nasty bit of smugness as her smile falters for a moment and she drops her hand.
“König, huh? German for king.” It happens so fast, he can barely register what’s happening. She steps closer to him, her voice lowering a whole octave. “Impressive callsign for an impressive man.”
The room suddenly shrinks, and the low chatter of the others filing into the room and exchanging pleasantries fades away. She’s close, so close to him that if he weren’t wearing a mask, he’s sure she would feel his breath. She runs a single fingernail across his torso, right over his pecs, and an involuntary shudder runs through him.
“The name’s Monarch.” He watches, frozen like a marble statue, as she looks up at him through her lashes. It’s undeniably sensual, but there’s the faintest touch of venom in her teasing tone. Her eyes are still as bright as always, but there’s a sharpness to them. He’s only seen this look on her in one situation: the split second between her letting out her breath and her pulling the trigger on a sniper rifle at the range. It’s calm. Collected. The deadly gaze of a confident predator before she blows a target’s head off. He wonders if she’s imagining his head exploding right now.
For the first time in a long time, he feels vulnerable, laid bare in this perplexing and irritating woman’s gaze. Monarch. He’d snort if he wasn’t trapped like a mosquito in amber. Of course she’d have a callsign like that. He’d thought her a butterfly this whole time: fluttery and pretty, but ultimately harmless to him personally.
Now, he feels like he’s staring down a checkmate.
“I look forward to working with you,” she purrs.
In an instant, the moment is gone. Whatever bubble she had encapsulated him in pops, and the mess of overlapping conversations and shuffling feet surges into his senses, like someone pressing the fast forward button. He blinks, and she’s already moved away, bouncy and energetic as she greets another coworker. He’s never been so confused in his entire life.
He sits down before anyone can notice his throbbing hard erection.
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if you want a visual on what I was imagining when Monarch touches his pecs, it's exactly what Black Cat does in this video (time stamped)
yes, I did at some point have the thought "this would make a really good plot with Ghost" but I think Ghost's thing is that he's stoic and keeps people at a distance because he doesn't want to get close to someone and put them at risk. with König he doesn't trust people who are sweet and kind to people all the time because he has trusted people who were kind to him before, and they took advantage of him. alas, this König did not have a Thorn in his life. but Monarch is a thorn in his side!
also. monarch. butterfly. monarch as in king. my brain is so huge (I have impressed myself by coming up with the most surface level metaphors)
I'm not overly pleased with how short this is, but I was trying to capture the attitude of these two characters, so it's kind of like establishing a certain mood. I have PLANS for Monarch though. she's a freaky little lady.
as usual, please send me your feedback, brainrot, literally anything you have to say about these two I want to hear!! I mean this so sincerely. they live in my head rent-free. (also if you want to be tagged drop a reply)
one last thing before I go: I love troubled birds so much. you can't convince me that the one in the moodboard (moodboards are so hard to make, wtf? I have renewed respect for authors who make moodboards as their fic images) and this one are so Königcore
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frogmanfae · 2 years
Anthony Lockwood x GN! Reader- You Too? (FLUFF with a little bit of angst)
Summary: Anthony can't sleep at night. You can't sleep at night. Most of the time you avoid running into each other, but one fateful night of tears in the basement leads to an awkward bedroom experience.
A/n: this one is quite a bit longer than my other ones, about 4,000 words. I think it came out pretty well. Please don't make this dirty, I beg of you. It really is just awkwardness that happens to occur in a bed it isn't anything spicy.
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Reader pov
There are nights where I can't bear to be in my room. I'm not sure why. Perhaps I need a break from such mundane consistency. I just need to see something other than those walls.
On these nights, I usually make myself some tea and go to the basement. I'd much rather sit in the library, but Lockwood is in there most nights. Nobody ever comes down to the basement. I'm alone with only my thoughts and my tea.
I don't quite understand why my room has this effect on me sometimes. When my parents died, my room was my safe haven. My refuge. My sanctuary. So now that I'm in a new environment, it makes little sense to me that it can feel more like solitary confinement. It makes even less sense that I'm soothed by the concrete and dust of the basement.
Tonight is one of those nights. It's probably three in the morning as I sit on the floor leaned against the wall, sipping my tea. I'm a listener, like Lucy (though not nearly as powerful) so a moment of silence is rare, but extremely calming. To use my power and hear nothing is bliss.
I've only about half way finished my tea when someone comes down the stairs, clearly laser focused on something. We're in the middle of a big case, so that's probably it. I had expected it to be George doing some late research or maybe Lucy to see if she can listen to any of the sources down here and get a lead.
To my surprise, it's the other one.
I watch silently as Lockwood pulls out several files and spreads them out on a table. He seems extra stiff, like something is really bothering him. He grumbles something in frustration before collecting the files and putting them back in the cabinet.
He walks over to my wall and sits down a couple feet away. From what I can tell, he hasn't noticed me.
I'm right here, isn't your talent supposed to be sight?
I simply continue sipping on my tea, remaining quiet and looking forward to not disturb him, though he really is an idiot if he doesn't know I'm here.
I thought for a moment that he actually did see me, but he needed space and realized I needed the same so he just didn't acknowledge it. I was certain on this until I heard him crying.
I look over at him. He's still wearing dress pants and his button up and tie. He's still got on his dress shoes. However, his hair was a mess and his hands were currently tangled in the back locks, only making it worse. His face was buried in his knees. I swear I heard a tear drop on to the floor. He was quietly sobbing, clearly trying to not alert anyone but still in pain. Emotional pain, anyhow.
I debate what I should do for a moment. I don't want to startle him, and honestly he seems like he needs this. I decide to just keep drinking my tea and not look at him. I'll let him get it all out before I make my presence known.
It lasts longer than I thought. Perhaps ten minutes? I'm not the best with comprehending passage of time but that seems right enough. Regardless of the details, it was a long time to sit here holding my breath and listening to his suffering.
Finally, he sniffs and wipes his eyes. I'm still looking straight ahead holding my cup, only seeing him out of my peripheral vision. He runs his hands back and forth over his hair a few times. I close my eyes.
I snap my head towards Lockwood. He's now on his back with his legs closest to me, propped up on one arm and looking at me as if I'm a ghost. I can properly see his face now. His dark circles seem more prominent than usual and his eyes are red and puffy. His nose is red. His cheeks are discolored. He looks abnormally pale. His lashes have been thickened and darkened by his tears. It was truly a sight.
"I was here before you."
"Shhh you'll wake up the others, we both know how lightly George sleeps while we're in the midst of a case. Anyhow, you seemed like you needed it. I didn't want to interrupt. It's not like I watched you."
"But... You saw it all. You heard everything!"
"Lockwood, I hope you realize I think no less of you."
"I- oh gosh you can't be comfortable like that. Sit up, why don't you?" He hesitantly pushes himself up and leans against the wall again. "I'm worried about you."
"Theres no need to be-"
"Bullshit. You can't keep concealing your emotions like this. It's okay to be overwhelmed or stressed or overall upset for any reason. You always act like everything is wonderful but it's not. I don't know if it ever has been."
He looks down. "(Y/n)... It's not that easy-"
"I never said anything about it being easy. Of course it's hard. I can't even imagine how you feel owning an agency so young, having all that pressure on your shoulders. It's terrifying to be vulnerable."
"Is that why you're in the basement in the early hours of the morning, drinking herbal tea?"
I hum. "I just couldn't sleep, and I like herbal tea."
"Now who's bullshitting?" The corners of his mouth tug up in a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "You much prefer green. Herbal simply calms you down. You only ever drink herbal tea when you're upset."
"I notice things, (y/n). Lots of things. Don't think I don't hear the kettle during the midnight hours at least three times a week. The peculiar thing is I never hear anyone go back up the stairs and whenever I go into the kitchen, it's empty."
I look down. How'd he make this about me so quickly?
"Tell me, (y/n), do you spend your nights in the basement often?"
"... No. Only when I can't sleep."
"So... Often." He nods. "Why don't you stay in the library? It's much more inviting."
"I don't want to bother you. That's where you are most nights."
"You could never bother me."
"Stop, you were the one crying a few moments ago, this isn't about me."
He sighs. "It was worth a shot."
"Now, what's bothering you?"
"Uh... Nothing, really."
"It's just the case, that's all."
"That's a lie and we both know it."
He let's out a noise of exasperation. "Fine, you really want to know? It's my parents."
"Your parents?" I ask softly as I scoot closer to him.
He nods. "They died when I was six years old. You really have no idea what it's like to have such a great life until suddenly you don't and it all gets ripped away from you without warning and nobody will take you in so you have to fend for yourself before your age even reaches double digits."
"Actually... I think I can relate more than you realize."
"How can you possibly relate?" He almost sounds angry. I don't blame him, I never told him my story. I kept it to myself even after living with other people all this time. I moved here with a purpose, to start new. Therefore, my past never happened according to anyone else. I was another person then. I've left all of that behind, taking only the nightmares and memories with me.
"My parents were murdered when I was eight." I look straight ahead. "Nobody really wants to adopt a kid who's just began to really get strong in their talent for hearing brutal murders and death. It freaks adults out. So I was on my own until I found you guys."
His expression softens. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry, I... Wait, you were fourteen when you applied. That's six years."
"It was hard but I managed. The whole ghost hunting agent thing isn't so bad. Once you've been forced to watch your parents get nothing short of quartered right in front of your sensitive, innocent eyes, you can watch anyone else get ghost touched no big deal."
"I'm sorry, quartered?" His eyes are wide.
"Yeah, are you familiar with the French Revolution?"
"I'm familiar enough to hope you were talking about a different type of quartering."
I shook my head. "It was intense. I still think of it every time I close my eyes."
"I can't even imagine..."
"I didn't tell you this for you to feel sorry for me. I only wanted you to know I'll understand. You aren't as alone as you believe."
He nods slowly. "I see... Thank you... For sharing, I mean."
"Of course. So now that you know I can at least sort of understand what you're feeling, what's going on with you?"
He sighs. "I don't know... Sometimes I just..."
"Miss them?"
"... Yeah." He nods. "Yeah I miss them a lot. I miss them all the time but sometimes when I think about it it's not so bad, it's let me do what I've done, accomplish all of this. Other times..."
"It's mentally suffocating."
"Mentally suffocating... Yeah that's a good word for it. Like it's put a sheet over your brain to prevent it from getting oxygen, but you can still physically breathe with your lungs for the most part."
I nod. "Yeah, it's frightening. George has a book on it he was telling me about some time."
"George knows you feel like this sometimes?"
"No, but we often discuss our readings, trade books, recommend authors or titles... Things of the sort. I haven't told anyone about my past. Except you of course."
"Well aren't I special," he flashes one of his signature Lockwood smiles.
I roll my eyes. "Don't let it get to your head, your ego is already so inflated I fear it might burst."
"Oh haha you love my charisma."
"Is that what we're calling it?" I smile at him.
He laughs. Not his public press laugh, but a true, genuine laugh. One that I've never heard from him before. It makes me feel a little bit warmer with emotion.
"You know, most nights I stay awake in the library simply because I can't stand the solitude of my room."
"I know, it's silly-"
"No, not at all! I come down here for the same reason!"
"You do?" He raises his eyebrows, sounding surprised. "I thought you just worried over cases or, well now I thought you thought about your past but-"
"No, it's like..." I think for a moment, trying to figure out how to put it into words. "Like the silence is too loud and the space is too big for just me, even though my bed hardly fits properly."
"Exactly! Like I don't have anything to focus on except for the sensory deprivation and my anxieties."
"Yes! Oh my goodness I can't believe you get it!"
"I thought I was the only one!" He laughs again, different this time. It sounds almost relieved. "Say... Maybe we could help each other out."
I raise an eyebrow. "Help each other out? How so?"
"Well, feel free to decline if you want and we'll never speak of this proposal again, but perhaps we could try spending the night in the same room."
"But..." I get that warm feeling again, more intense this time. "Each room only has one bed..."
"Yes well..." Despite the horrid lighting of the basement, I could faintly see a light pink tint spanning across his nose and blotching on other, seemingly random, spots on his face. "Like I said I understand if you decline and if that is your choice we can pretend I never said anything... However... I feel it may be beneficial to the both of us to have a... companion in the lonely, deafeningly silent hours of the night. If it works, splendid we can finally get some proper sleep. If it doesn't, we each return to our respective seperate rooms and carry on as if nothing ever happened."
"..." I nod slowly. "Okay."
"Ah- really?" He turns to face me more. "In all honesty I thought you would detest the idea."
"Do you still want-"
"Yes! I mean," he clears his throat, "uh... Yeah, the offer still stands."
"Well then." He stands up and offers me his hand. "Shall we?"
"Oh you mean like right now! Alright then." I take his hand and he pulls me up. He chuckles and leads me to his room.
"I uh... I'll go take this cup back to the kitchen and let you get changed and what not."
"Oh- right." He pushes back some of his hair. "I'll only be a minute or two."
"Okay, I'll be waiting for whenever you're ready."
He smiles at me as he steps back into his room and closes the door. I swiftly make my way to the kitchen and set my cup in the sink, resolving to wash it in the morning, and return in under a minute.
I wait outside for only about thirty seconds longer before Lockwood opens the door again.
"Sorry I took so long."
"Long? Lockwood that was- wait."
"What? Is something the matter?" He takes his hand off of the door handle and peeks his head out around the corner.
"No, just... You're wearing a shirt."
"Oh, well..." He stepped aside, inviting me in, and closed the door behind me "Yes in fact I am. What about it?"
"Lockwood you've never worn a shirt to bed in all the time I've been here. It's like an unspoken principle in the house; you don't wear shirts to bed and George doesn't wear trousers."
"I didn't realize it was such a disruption of order-"
"Well- that's not what I'm saying." I sigh. I've always struggled with putting things into the right words. "Obviously it's fine if you wear a shirt to bed, I just... I'm just wondering why all of a sudden?"
"Well... I don't know. I suppose I thought you may be a bit uncomfortable sharing a bed with me when I've no shirt on." He looked down, those pink splotches returning to his face. "After all, this is only an arrangement of convenience and practicality. It's not like were... uh... going out... or anything..."
"Ah, right..." I can feel myself getting flustered. "Well... I don't mind, really. The whole point is to feel more comfortable going to sleep so if you feel more comfortable with no shirt on, honestly it doesn't make any difference to me."
"... Are you sure?"
"I'm sure, really." I smile reassuringly. "Whatever makes you fall asleep best."
He hesitates. "Well, if you're absolutely positive-"
"Lockwood, I promise you."
He hums lowly. "Alright then. But if you change your mind just tell me and I'll put it back on straight away, I swear-"
"Alright, okay! If you're sure-"
"I'm sure."
He holds his hands up in mock surrender, a smile gracing his face. It isn't one of his signature smiles, it's real, quite boyish actually. He seems so young. Sometimes I forget how young we really are, but then again, all youth since The Problem has forgotten how young they really are.
I try my best to appear to be disinterested and looking away as he removes his shirt and folds it, neatly placing it in the bottom right drawer of his dresser. Of course, I watch the whole thing unfold. I'm only trying to appear as if I'm not.
"Alright, well..." He awkwardly rubs his arm. I've never seen him seem so nervous before. "I suppose now is when we uh... get into bed, then..."
"Yes it does seem like that happens now..." I slowly nod.
"Well uhm... After you." He gestures toward the bed.
"Oh no, please, it's your bed, you go ahead first." I wave my hands.
"No no I insist. You're my... guest? Is that the appropriate term for this? What do we call this?" He lets out a breathy chuckle. "Sorry, I'm a bit..."
"To say the least."
We both laugh a little bit. There really was no need for it to be so nerve wrecking. We had already agreed that if it doesn't go well we pretend nothing happened. Nobody needs to know.
"Here, why don't we just both get in at the same time?" I offer.
"Yes! Yes, that sounds like a good idea." He goes to the side of the bed opposite of me.
It's still extremely tense as the both of us climb in under the covers. There's plenty of space in between us. I'm nearly hanging off the edge, no doubt Lockwood is as well.
Fuck it.
I move onto the bed more so I'm a comfortable ways on. "Lockwood?"
"Can I be frank for a moment?"
"Well I think I'd prefer you to stay (y/n) but I suppose whatever makes you happy-"
"Oh shut up." He laughs one of those real laughs again. I nearly melt.
"What would you like to talk about?"
I take a deep breath, admittedly, his joke (however stupid) managed to cut some of the tension. "This isn't going to work unless we get over ourselves and actually share the bed. Like real sharing."
He pauses. "You're right. The question is, how far are we going?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... Well..." He huffs. "If we're being frank-"
"I prefer Anthony, but I suppose-"
"Oh shut up, it really isn't funny." Despite his words, he was smiling again. "I see your point now."
"Well, what is it you were going to say, Frank?"
"Please don't." He laughs, making me smile more.
"I'm listening."
He inhales deeply. "Well, how far are we going as in... Are we simply laying next to one another and trying to go to sleep or... to be blunt, are we spooning?"
I nearly chocked on my own saliva. Blunt was certainly one way to say it.
"Well... Whatever makes you comfortable. Honestly I think it would work best if we... Uh... Did the latter, but I don't want to make you-"
"I was actually hoping you'd say that-"
He sighs, sounding almost... Relieved?"
"Yes, I-" he rolls over, bringing us from being over a foot apart to our noses now almost touching. "Goodness you are much closer than I thought-"
"Sorry, I-" I start to move back, but he puts his hand on my waist, gently stopping me.
"No no I uh... Well if we're going to uh... You know, uhm, we're going to have to be close anyway so..."
"Right, yeah..."
He softly pulls me closer using his hand that still rests on my waist. I move towards him until my hands are pressed to his chest and our legs are touching under the covers. His face is splotchy red again, the most intense I've ever seen it, though I can't imagine how flustered I must appear.
"Uhm... May I?" He starts to wrap his leg around mine.
"Ah..." I nod, unable to trust my voice.
And so now we lay here, about two seconds away from being puddles of awkwardness and mild embarrassment. He's warm. Very warm. It's kind of nice being this close to him.
I've always found him attractive since the moment I saw him. He is, objectively, a good looking guy.
Then I got to know him a little bit. He and I would often bicker and pester one another, some times seemingly more serious than others, but for the most part it was all in jest. Making jabs at each other is just what we do.
I think I fell for him more and more over my time here, but tonight I saw a new side of him. A side that really pushed me over the edge of having a bit of a crush on him to trying to stop myself from kissing him at any given moment.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" He brings a hand up to my forehead. "You're awful warm and you look... Distressed."
His gaze softened. I don't think anyone has called him that in... well who knows how long? Too long. "Yes? Is something the matter?"
"No I just..." I make eye contact with him, effectively rendering myself speechless.
He inches closer. "Are you sure? This is quite the... intimate position... I wouldn't want to make you..."
By this time, our noses are back to almost touching, but even closer than before. He tilts his head just enough to avoid colliding them.
"Make me what? Uncomfortable?" I glance down at his lips, quickly looking back to his eyes to avoid suspicion. "Anthony, you could never-"
He kisses me.
Holy shit.
Anthony Lockwood is kissing me.
I'm in Anthony Lockwood's bed.
I'm kissing Anthony Lockwood!
"I'm sorry-" he pulls back. "Oh no... I shouldn't have done that... Shit... Oh shit I'm so sorry-"
I kiss him again. "Shut up, will you? I just had a life altering moment here and I'm trying to enjoy it."
"You- you liked it?"
"Of course I did. Anthony, I've liked you since... Well I suppose there wasn't a single moment I could pick out but-"
"I love it when you call me that."
I smile. "Call you what? Anthony? Well that is your name."
"It hasn't been used in years. Not by itself, anyhow. It sounds nice coming from your lips."
"I like your lips." It takes a moment to register what I just said. "Wait, I didn't mean-"
"You like kissing me~" He teases me, putting on his Lockwood Smile.
"Oh shut up!" I put my head on his chest to hide my face. "Of course I do..."
"Well... You know what I would like more than just kissing you?" He carefully lifts my head up with two fingers under my chin.
He hesitates for a moment. "I'd like to be your boyfriend."
"What? Really?"
"If you'll have me, that is-"
"Of course I'll have you, you prick!" I lightly punch his chest. "Do you know how long I've wanted to tell you that?"
He shakes his head. "I can't say I do."
"Well there wasn't a specific time but I think I started to think about it more and more around the time we were working the Brentic case."
"The B- (y/n) that was at least a year and a half ago."
"I'm well aware."
"... Huh."
"I think I've known since the Dalkins case."
"Lockwood, that was long before the Brentic case-"
"It seems my charm worked then."
"Oh shut up! Go to sleep!"
He laughs a bit. "So... Are we...?"
"... I think we are..."
"Wonderful! Splendid! Perfect! Grand! Fanta-"
I laugh. "Anthony shut up!"
He goes quiet, but the smile remains on his face. "Do we tell the others?"
"... Nah. It's funnier if we just let them figure it out. But we don't necessarily have to hide it either."
He nods. "It'll take all my self control to not shout it from the rooftops."
"Oh hush." I roll my eyes, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. "Get some sleep, lover boy. You clearly need it."
He kisses me once more, shorter this time, before closing his eyes and pulling me closer to his chest. He falls asleep surprisingly quickly, his breaths going even and his mouth falling slightly agape in no time at all.
I watch him for a moment. Once again, he really shows his age for only a second. I push some of his hair away from his face and place a kiss on his forehead, causing him to stir just a bit.
Before I know it, my eyelids feel heavy. It becomes increasingly harder to keep them open, to stay awake. Soon enough, I'm drifting into sleep with pleasant dreams to greet me and Lockwood by my side.
How lucky am I?
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fallinforerling · 2 years
LOVE ISN’T ETERNAL. chapter 2 - jb
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ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist  
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It’s been a week since you were back in London. A week full of monotony where you worked, ate, and showered, feeling dull and out of place the entire time. You hated the feeling of missing your ex-boyfriend; you hated that you were constantly holding tears at random times of the day while he was probably over the situation from day one. But the one thing you hated the most about all of this was that you couldn’t hate him.
You still loved him, no matter how fucked up he was for breaking up with you at such bad timing. It was hard to pretend everything was okay when you chatted with friends, all of them asking you how the mini holiday was and why you were back so soon. It was a bit stupid, but you wouldn't admit that he left you; that would have meant them consoling you and finding flaws in your past relationship just to make you feel better about the breakup.
The worst part of all was the fact that you were still chatting with Jobe; it seemed like he was still in the dark about the whole thing, which was a bit suspicious. The two were very close and talked about everything. Why will Jude keep it from his brother (and you assumed) his parents? 
Jobe was still talking about the two of you attending his match at Birmingham. What were you supposed to do? You wanted to go and support one of your friends, regardless of him being your ex’s brother, but on the other hand, Jude was 100% attending as well. Even if the match is a month away, it gives you anxiety just to imagine yourself facing him as nothing happened.
But today you didn’t want to stress yourself thinking about the “what ifs…” of that particular situation. You were tired and sad, the day was long enough for you to bear it and your best friend was insisting on spending the night over; the fact that she was sensing something off about you was sweet and you knew that she just wanted to keep you company, so you didn’t turn her down. Maybe the quality time will keep your mind away from Jude.
Just as you managed to drop the handful of bags full of groceries and other supplies, your phone started to go off. You lifted one eyebrow, finding it odd that someone other than Mia was calling you at 11 p.m. You wanted to ignore it, but something inside you told you had to pick up.
You saw Nikki's name pop up on the screen and wondered what was your friend doing that gave her the idea of calling at such late hours. It was the weekend, making you fear an invitation to some pub downtown. 
“Hey?” For a few seconds, all you could hear was loud music and several voices speaking at the same time. Your suspicions were correct on the pub part; let's pray she doesn't invite me. "Nikki? Are you there?"
"Girl! What the actual fuck!" That was the first thing you could actually understand. The music was slowly fading away in the background and her scream alarmed you. "Tell me why your man is here making out with some girl!"
Your heart stopped for a second, suddenly forgetting how to breath properly. My man? 
"Is Jude there?” 
So he came back from Dortmund after all, just like he told you a week prior. And he is partying...
"Oh, yes he is! Making out and grabbing ass like he's fucking single." A short pause came after that. "You need to come here; we can't let him get away from this... Hold on, I'll snap some pictures so he can't make up some lame excuse."
The last sentence shook you awake from the pain, regretting the childish decision of keeping the breakup from your friends.
“Nikki! Nikki, no!” You shouted quickly, praying that your friend could just forget what she just saw. “Leave it alone and don’t you dare to take pictures of them.” 
“What? Why?! He’s cheating on you!”
“No he isn’t! He... He broke up with me last week, Nikk... I- I was waiting to tell you and Mia what happened. So please, just leave him alone. I don’t want anything to do with him.” Your voice started to sound weak by the second. God, this is so horrible. 
“Oh, darling...” The sound of her voice was so soft and gentle, making it a lot harder to hold back the tears and sobs you wanted to let out. This is what you were avoiding the most, the pity. 
“It’s okay...” You whispered, more to yourself than her. 
“I’ll be there in 20.” And that was it, the call finished as suddenly as it started. 
“Well, I guess I have a sleepover to host...” But not even your lame joke distracted you from the fact that the dull pain you were feeling for the past week was replaced by such an extreme one that it was hard to breathe. “Fuck you, Jude Bellingham. Fucking asshole...”
Maybe you were capable of hating him after all.
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h2llish · 8 months
【╰ヾ❝ FROM ME TO YOU ✧„
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ROOK HUNT ─── where ink will say what they couldn't ☆ a little bit of angst, gender neutral, reader is gone but it's not specified whether they went home or died so interpret that how you wish, lowercase intended, talks about sad grim as well lol (sobs)
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the old dorm felt almost empty, lifeless. the ghosts didn't bother to greet anyone who entered, their love for pranks and scaring seeming to have vanished overnight. no one has seen the dire beast that was attached to their hip in so long, some believing him to have joined his second half wherever they were now. and when asking the first years who made it a regular occurrence to visit the dorm before and after class since they've gone, the group would only look off and shrug, never giving a verbal answer.
but one student knew where the beast could be found; curled up in the middle of the bed they once slept in, hugging a glove that undoubtedly belonged to them. he knew that grim was like a depressed cat, one who curled up beside their most trusted person when they found themselves on their deathbed, but grim had no person to curl up to. he knew grim was the last to see them, the last they said goodbye too. he knew grim was heartbroken (and he was too).
it's why it was such a surprise when he found the dire beast waiting outside the dorm with the ghosts floating sadly beside him.
when grim seen him, the monster held out a letter that had his name written in the prefect's handwriting and said, "it was the last thing they gave me. i didn' wanna give it to ya 'cause it smelled like them."
and when he took it from grim, the monster turned away and entered the dorm again, tail dragging behind him and his ears pinned against his head.
and when he opened the letter, the sight of their handwriting was enough to make him sick. and the contents of the letter made him ache.
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dear rook hunt,
okay, how do i say this? i like you i don't think i'll ever give this to you. i'm too much of a coward. i mean, i'm writing this instead of telling you face-to-face. but you'd probably like to get a confession letter like this from someone you liked is it me wouldn't you? so in a way, i'm not that much of a coward as i write this! i'm still a coward i just realized i say random shit ramble even when i'm writing. the more you know, right?
okay, no, this is not why i'm writing this. but i don't know how to make this seem worth reading. not that i'll ever give this to you i'll just write? and hope it makes sense.
rook, i think you're amazing. i mean, you're wonderful. i don't know how to explain it in a way that doesn't seem like i'm just saying this. but you are.
you're really odd, but i like that about you. i know that whenever i need you, you'll be there, and i hope you know it's the same for me. i want to be there for you. for everything. for the times you visit another fan meet for neige, or when we meet up after classes. and during the good days and the bad. i want to know everything about you, all of you.
every time you compliment me, i get so flustered and i want to say all that back to you and more, but i always chicken out. told you i'm a coward i want to tell you how amazing you look every time i see you. do you know you always looks even more amazing every day? it's like every time i see you i notice something i didn't before. like that one time you wore black eyeliner instead of brown. did you run out of brown? it looked so nice, you should try more colors, not just brown. and did you know your eyes sometimes have a little bit of different colors when you're in the sun? i like when it turns a little grey. but i'll always like looking at your eyes regardless
i remember that one-time grim tore your glove because he was giving you a hard time. you tried to hide your hands. nobody else noticed but i did. are you shy about the scars on your hands? i seen them. they're beautiful rook, they tell stories. maybe one day you'll show me and tell me all about how you got them. do you trust me?
you probably don't see me the same way. you're way too good of a guy. and that's also why you'll probably never see this. fuck that sounds sad i'm sorry
i like you no that's not right ignore that.
i'm in love with you i'm not quite there to say i'm completely in love with you but i definitely don't just like you.
i'm falling in love with you, rook hunt.
and i'm sorry.
sincerely, the prefect [name]
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so maybe i added some of my own headcannons in that letter.
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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py-dreamer · 12 days
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Ooop- so it's almost mid september...
Y'know what that means?
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Yea so we have a return of the stickers!!!
Well less stickers and kinda whatever this is Ig
Don't get me wrong I'm still super proud of it! I suppose it was meant to be like stickers from last year but it kinda escalated and sort off got a wee bit out of hand...
...just a tad bit...
Woooh! So anyone who's in the KNY hotpot might recognize this style and yes I did basically use the KNY birthday art format but COME ON!!!
(If you can't tell I do really like this cake art)
I promise this time it is really 10 days till my actual birthday unlike the whoopsie 11 I did last year -_-'
And I know it's not Mk's birthday even though it looks like it is, I know. But it's the bloody format of the art and Idk how else to change it. Besides I think they slay in those birthday outfits.
And it was fun to do my sticker style in a bigger thing!
But Idk if it's cause I haven't touched my bloody stylus in ages or I've been swimming in the KNY hotpot for too long BUT WHY WAS MK'S FACE SO HARD TO DRAW FROM THE FRONT VIEW!!!
Oml...regardless, I did have a lot of fun with this and had lots of fun with the decorations and such. If you were here last year, your keen memory and astute eye might notice that the cake is the same cake I used in the 'shenanigans in space' birthday stickers I did last year!
@leesbian42, @cats-and-confusion remember that lol?
So the tiny memory flower thing and star candies are an homage to that :)
(btw, pssttt @emerialyncodevenice I know we haven't talked in a while but you mentioned that you liked the bloomin cake and was thinking of using it. Feel free to use this if you like, Idk how just credit me m'kay?)
But anyways, if y'all wanna use this pic, again. Pls credit me.
The decorations are meant to be sugar cookies and idk what the icing is. Since I'm thinking more of an east asian fruit cake (those really really soft fluffy spongy ones) I was thinking more like light yellow dyed whipping cream and less buttercream.
Maybe even some kinda custard Idk...(does custard go well with cake?)
The orange chunks are meant to be like mango balls or chunks and hopefully the red thingys in the middle read across as strawberries
I had to include the Monkey king plush, he's just so little!
I was tempted to draw in the other characters as plushies since they are as important to MK probably but it's getting late and I'd already been working on this baby for like 3 hours already.
All in all, I do really like this and ngl, pray this doesn't flop.
I know my single stickers don't always do well but pls y'all I like this very much...
It is nice to compare this year's work and last year and I am proud to say I have improved at least somewhat
And as for why I rarely post, well I've gotten back from my holiday but sadly I'm at that age where work and stuff will be my main focus for the time being.
Got a lot of assignments and tests y'know...
(hell I have one due the 17th and tests to do tomorrow and here I am faffing on about legos on tumblr)
And like I said, I have been blipping and dabbing in demon slayer, read a lot more KNY fics lately (I actually have a mini sketch of kamaboko squad as hashiras, heavily inspired off of other designs but even so-, if I'm in the mood I might post that!)
But enough yapping, I'll try my best to keep up this 10 days thing
(if you don't know up till my birthday for 10 days I try to post a sticker or thingy like this one)
no promises since I am busier this year but this was a lot of fun so you'll definitely see some stuff.
(I just realized I have to keep up this level of detail in my other stuff T^T save meeeeeee plsssss)
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almightygremlinblob · 9 months
Promise Me This (Kaorijaku x Jin Itadori)
Writing this was…honestly a fever dream. I did NOT mean for Jin to be this unhinged, JESUS CHRIST. Kenjaku is reffered to with he/him pronouns (except for wife) but has fem!body parts cuz…well, Kaori. This is also under the HC that the Itadori family, while not exactly sorcerers, weren't completely oblivious to the world of curses. Anyways, no beta'd smexy-times under the cut, so minors or anybody not comfortable with that DNI pls.
Word Count: 2730-ish words of Kenjaku having the time of his life and Jin being a maniac
Soft Dom!Jin Itadori. Jin being just…absolutely UNG-FUCKING-HINGED in this, like, he dives face first off the deep end. Kenjaku being a complete slut and bottom for Jin (like, srsly, he is down HORRENDOUSLY BAD for his man), ft. his breeding kink and a little OOC. Multiple orgasms. Monsterfucking. Body horror cuz Kaorijaku. Squirting. Jin makes out with Kenjaku's brain mouth. Everything's consensual, tho and ends in kinda fluff? Would you consider that fluff? Does that make it worse? I don't know.
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It was amusing the first few weeks, but Kenjaku's had enough of it; deciding he might as well rip the bandaid off.
"Why do you pretend, Jin?"
"Pretend what?"
Kenjaku huffed, humans could be so interesting (and infuriating), sometimes. Jin may have been grieving, but he wasn't an idiot, and Kenjaku knew this. Sensed it in how cautious he'd been when they first met, though…that didn't stop him from playing around with what he could get away with. Yet, still, ever since 'Kaori' came back, the both of them had settled into an awkward domestic bliss which was…quite intriguing. Actually, that was a lie. Kenjaku very much enjoyed it. Jin was fun to prod and play around with; watching the mix of confusion, horror and sometimes arousal from the other was just…
It was so much fun.
Though, during the time they were together, nothing too intimate ever happened. They'd cuddle, hug, sleep in the same bed together, take baths together, and he'd never miss how tenderly the other would touch his scars when he thought he was asleep - a strange development in the past month - but nothing more than that. Hell, Jin never once even kissed him all this time, despite the curse's relentless flirting - which was NOT something Kenjaku enjoyed.
Clearly he knew something was off, and yet…
"Kaori?" The water stopped running, and Jin put the last of the dishes onto the drying rack, before going over to his late wife and wrapping his arms around him. "I'm not pretending anything, silly."
"You know something's wrong with me."
"And yet you still play make believe with me?"
"I do."
"…" Kenjaku sighed. "Care to tell me why?"
"I told you…" Jin's lips trail over Kenjaku's neck, not kissing but…definitely teasing.
Oh, this was new!
The curse couldn't help but the smile that formed on his lips. Jin's touch was sending delightful shivers throughout his body, and it made Kenjaku almost ecstatic that he was finally initiating something. His next words though, practically had a growing heat start to pool in between his legs.
"I'm not pretending."
"I don't know what you are…" Jin sighs, and Kenjaku doesn't realize how he chases the touch of the other's lips on his neck; too drunk on the way his body was feeling. "And I've decided I don't care. You brought Kaori back to me…even if she's not…you're not…"
"You still brought her back, in some way." Kenjaku feels Jin's grip on him tighten, most probably out of frustration, but he enjoys it regardless. "And if you want to play good little housewife, I can give you that."
"You're an interesting one, Jin." Kenjaku laughs. "I think…think I'll keep you."
"Say, your name…your real name…what is it?"
"Ken…K-Kenjaku. I've-I-I've heard, ah…" Shit, he was stuttering. Kenjaku smirks, feeling a pleasant dizziness but takes a deep and shaky breath to recompose himself. "H-heard you arguing with your old man, you know…a-about a child. Did you want one?"
Jin's breath hitches. "Yes…with her. It was a shared dream of ours…"
"I-I can still do that for you."
Jin is silent for a while, thinking. He could still have a child with her…oh, but who was he kidding? No, no. This woman in front of him wasn't just her, was it? Jin's grip on Kenjaku loosens just a little. Just so he can look at the other - this…this thing wearing the corpse of his wife - properly. Jin smiles softly at the realization that…perhaps, he really was going insane.
Because it wasn't just about Kaori, anymore.
"Do you want one? Hm?" Jin's eyes pierce through Kenjaku, even though his smile is kind. The curse is caught completely off-guard by the intensity of his gaze, and it makes the heat pooling in between his legs only grow more. The pink haired man tilts his head, finding his lips and Kenjaku swears he stopped breathing for a good minute as Jin continued to gently kiss him. A strangled noise escapes Kenjaku's throat when he feels Jin's tongue slowly lap at his bottom lip. "With me?"
"I-I…" For the first time in a while, Kenjaku is speechless. He simply laughs, before kissing the other back. Shit, he didn't realize how ecstatic he'd been until he was feverishly exploring Jin's mouth with his tongue.
Before the both of them know it, they're naked in their shared bed, Jin passionately lapping at his wife's dripping folds. Kenjaku can't help the noises that come out of his mouth. "Y-yes! God, ye-"
A hand harshly grabs at his throat and squeezes hard. The curse sees Jin glare at him from between his legs, and it makes his cunt throb even more. "Be quiet. You'll get your turn."
Kenjaku can only whimper and whine when Jin continues to feverishly lick and taste him, dragging his tongue up from his folds up to his clit and occasionally sucking on the sensitive nub eagerly. The curse gasps for air when Jin releases his grip, dizzy and ecstatic, before whining when Jin inserts a finger. Another easily slips in, shortly after.
"I'm so happy…your body still remembers me, Kaori." Jin laughs quietly, and Kenjaku is chokes on a sob when Jin curls his fingers - fucking that wonderful spot inside him while scissoring him open. The pink haired man smiles softly as he glances at the curse above him, the look going completely unnoticed by said curse who was lost to the pleasure. Jin closes his eyes and begins to suck on his clit, fucking the curse with his mouth and fingers.
"A-aah, fuck-Jin!" Kenjaku practically mewls as he bucks his hips, gripping onto Jin's hair and grinding himself on his tongue and fingers. It only takes a few more moments until Kenjaku finds himself coming undone, entire body shaking as Jin rides him through his orgasm.
Kenjaku feels strangely empty, though not unsatisfied, when Jin pulls his fingers out, giving his clit one last tender kiss before getting up. It takes several breaths before the curse can speak again. "I-I…what abo-"
His words die in his throat when Jin hooks the other's legs around his hips, caging Kenjaku underneath him. The curse can feel Jin's cock, deliciously hard and leaking against his cunt, and what the other says next has Kenjaku's legs go weak.
"Your turn now, Kenjaku."
Jin says into his ear, low and hungry, but then stays silent and still for a while. The curse can tell he's thinking of something, and he can't help but feel intrigued. His arms find their way around his shoulders, not realizing how tenderly he strokes the others back.
"Tell me what's on your mind, Ji-…n…" Kenjaku's words die in his throat when he meets Jin's eyes. They're hungry, and it makes his cunt ache again. Only...he wasn't looking at his wife's eyes, he was looking somewhere a little higher.
"Stitches. Off."
His eyes go wide. "What?"
"It's where you are, isn't it? And I told you, it's your turn." Kenjaku goes still for a while, shocked, but then just starts giggling; giddy and elated. "You know…normal people can't see my kind. U-us curses, we're-"
"Take them off, Kenjaku."
Kenjaku smiles, and wordlessly does as he's told. Fluids leak from his head as he parts the cut to reveal the light pink flesh underneath. Jin finally sees the curse for the first time in months. The curse doesn't miss how soft his eyes become, and watches as he carefully traces his thumb over the curse's mouth. "There you are…"
"Ah, my bad. So I correct about you lot…"
Jin sinks himself into the other's cunt, hissing at how hard Kenjaku's walls suck him in - though with how wet the other was it was easier than expected to slip inside. The curse nearly comes undone again, then and there. He's never felt this full, before and it felt incredible. Jin's lips meet the curse's actual mouth and has Kenjaku drooling and whimpering underneath the pink haired man, overwhelmed as Jin's tongue explores him completely. When he pulls away from the kiss, Kenjaku starts laughing, and Jin gives him a worried look. "Are you…are you alright?"
"G-god, you're insane, Jin Itadori…"
Jin huffs, smiling softly but not denying it. "I'm gonna move now, okay?"
Jin starts slow, but his cock deliciously drags against every part of the curse's cunt. The pink haired man smirks, feeling Kenjaku's nails leaving dents on his back as he holds onto him. "A-aah…f-fuck, I…"
Jin laughs softly. "Is this your first time?"
"A-as a woman, yes…" Kenjaku can't stop his legs from trembling as they wrap tightly around Jin. "I've…c-courted many in all my bodies as a man, but this is…I-I've never…"
"I'll take that as a compliment, then, but…let me make it better for you." Jin huffs. He didn't miss the implications of…of body hopping that this monster was capable of, but…well, he didn't particularly care at this point. He puts two of his fingers in his wife's mouth. "Be good and suck on this for me, yeah?"
The mischievous look in his eye doesn't go unnoticed by the curse, but Kenjaku simply does as he's told. Jin rewards him with a kiss on his real mouth and adjusts him a little, before thrusting with a steady and brutal pace and making the curse see stars. Despite his whining, Kenjaku's cunt sucks his cock in hungrily as he's brutally fucked by the other.
The nails that rake against Jin's back and arms break the skin and only serve to spur him on. Kenjaku sobs when Jin pulls away from the kiss and removes his fingers from his mouth. The curse greedily sucks and marks the other's neck using his wife's mouth, all while begging him with his actual one. "Ngh! God, d-don't stop! Fuck, p-please, Jin-!!"
"C'mon, louder. Let me hear you."
"Y-yes, oh god, Jin-!!!"
Jin's hips still and he groans as he fills Kenjaku. He takes a few breaths before slowly starting to move again; fucking his cum deeper into the curse. The feeling of so much of it inside him has Kenjaku seeing stars, but what sends him into another orgasm was the realization that Jin was going to get him pregnant at this rate.
He was actually going to carry this man's child.
"O-ooh, fuuuck…" Kenjaku's body tenses, cunt squeezing him deliciously hard that it has Jin hissing again. He notices Kenjaku breathing deeply, his body twitching and limp, and gives him an apologetic smile. His hand gently strokes the pink flesh of the curse.
"You okay?"
"D-don't. Stop." Kenjaku manages to say in between breaths. Jin laughs softly, kissing him tenderly on his mouth and making the curse dizzy with delight.
"If you say so." Jin smirks, before hooking Kenjaku's legs over his shoulders. The curse screams something in a dialect Jin can't understand, but was clearly some kind of Japanese, when the human somehow reaches even deeper into him; tip kissing the entrance to his womb with every thrust and shaft deliciously rubbing against a spot inside him that has Kenjaku nearly blacking out. Jin was reaching every part of him, the deepest parts of him, and it was incredible. The human forces his tongue inside Kenjaku's mouth, and the curse's eyes roll back - body completely tense and overwhelmed - when Jin begins rubbing on his sensitive clit. This was all so much.
Kenjaku was going to lose his mind at this rate…
Not that he was complaining, though.
Jin's pace picks up, and Kenjaku feels him twitching inside. It doesn't take long until Jin spills inside him with a few messy thrusts, the curse mewling when he feels him spill right on his cervix. Though Jin doesn't stop rubbing on his clit, and this has the curse squirting his own fluids and making a mess of both their legs shortly after. Kenjaku whimpers when Jin flips him on his stomach, though doesn't make a move to stop him at all, Jin's hand finding its way around his neck once more. Bringing him close to his face, the curse's back arching beautifully underneath the human.
"A-ah, Jin…please, I want-" Kenjaku is cut off by Jin's lips on his mouth, sucking and kissing him tenderly.
"Shhh, shhh…I know, baby." Jin pulls out nice and slow, leaving just the tip before harshly thrusting it back in. "You like that, yeah?"
"Ngh…n-need...p-please!" Kenjaku's cunt is practically leaking with how wet he was. Jin fucks him slow and brutal, cock dragging along every part of his insides before being slammed back in.
"Thaat's it…good." Jin huffs into his ear, licking and biting his neck before pulling away. Kenjaku feels his heat leave his back as Jin repositions himself, placing his hands on Kenjaku's hips as the curse's head rests on the bed. "M'gonna move a bit faster now, yeah?"
Kenjaku just nods frantically and his moans turn into screams when Jin ruts into him like an animal in heat. The curse screaming in that dialect that Jin can't understand. Kenjaku's eyes roll back, mind going blank as his cunt greedily sucks and squeezes Jin's cock with every thrust. They both lose count of how many orgasms and hours go by, as Jin ruthlessly makes love to Kenjaku and his wife, with all the pent up feelings he has for them both.
All Kenjaku knew was that his mind was going blank. His legs felt like literal jelly and it's as if his body was being torn apart. He's never felt this close to breaking without actually dying before.
It was incredible.
"A-aaah, you're doing so fucking good, Kenjaku. Cum for me one more time, yeah?" Jin bites his lip, Kenjaku can feel him twitching and throbbing inside him again. "Almost there, baby. I'm so close…"
Kenjaku smiles, nearly delirious with pleasure, as the thought of carrying this man's children sends him over the edge, again. His legs trembling as he spills even more of his fluids onto the bed. "J-Jin, o-oh fuuck-!"
With one last, hard thrust, Jin stills inside him again - cock fully sheathed and throbbing as he gives Kenjaku another thick load. His cunt milks him deliciously, but he feels Jin filling him beyond what he can take - hot streams of cum dripping down his thighs. Kenjaku's almost sad that so much is going to waste.
Jin groans and nearly pulls out but Kenjaku quickly grabs his wrist.
"S-stay. Stay inside me…" Kenjaku barely manages to say, completely fucked out of his mind. Jin looks at him softly, carefully moving him without pulling out, so the both of them can lie down in a more comfortable position.
For a long while, their breathing was the only sound there was.
"Th-that was…" Kenjaku finally breaks the silence, but is unable to continue his sentence.
"Good?" Jin gently kisses the curse on the mouth, again.
"Nearly the best I've had in a while…" Kenjaku gulps, and looks at Jin cautiously - dare Jin say he almost looked nervous. "Th-the world I'm in…it isn't known for being the nicest, you know. You should leave me, while you can. It's safer for you. Curses, we aren-"
"No." Jin huffs. "I am not. Leaving you."
Kenjaku is silent for a while. "Why?"
"You brought Kaori back to me, in some way, even if she isn't…I mean, you aren't…" He gently strokes the curse and sighs. "But I'm not staying for just Kaori…you understand that, right?"
"I…I see." Kenjaku can't help the way his stomach flutters, or the warmth that blooms in his chest upon hearing that. It was irrational, and yet...
Jin takes a deep breath. He knew staying with the other was practically a death sentence for him. However, if he was to be honest with himself...he didn't really care anymore. Only...he worried for his child. "Just…look, I know I won't last long with you. So please promise me something. Promise me you'll continue to watch over my child even if I'm gone."
"And if I don't?"
Jin rolls his eyes, knowing the other was just messing with him. "Then I'll haunt you for the rest of your life."
"All the better to break it, then." Kenjaku laughs softly, and decides - for once in his life - to do something stupid for reasons outside his plan. Jin makes a confused look as he feels something almost constricting him, but then Kenjaku plants his mouth on Jin's and seals that silent vow with a kiss. The feeling is gone as soon as it came. "But…you have my word, Itadori Jin."
WRITING THIS WAS WOWZERS MAN. 😬Also, "watching over" isn't necessarily the same as "taking care of". But, anyways, if you like my work, consider donating! Edit: WTF WHY DOES THIS HAVE 75 NOTES??? NOBODY LOOK AT THIS WHAT
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
hii! does anybody have any advice on how to feel okay with not having friends? i spent years abroad, so in the meantime my irl friends from hs found other friends to hang out with who they seem to like more than me or else are very busy with work and uni and such. which is cool, good for them for having such a vibrant social life, but it feels like they have no room for me anymore and i'm a person who can't make friends that easily. i don't drink or smoke, and i feel uncomfortable in big gatherings and feel better getting to know ppl one-on-one over a longer period of time, but that makes it hard for me to connect to ppl bc most irl people don't have much patience or already have their own established friend group and little old me doesn't hold their attention.
i'm starting a new job in a couple of weeks, so hopefully that will give me the necessary social interaction plus i have a great family, so i'm not going stir crazy, it just hurts a little that my friends don't bother to text me for days if i don't text them first or invite me out to places. and i'm trying to make new friends, it just doesn't come that easy and in the meantime i wish i could just feel at peace w being alone instead of questioning why people don't want to hang out with me or why i don't feature into their leisure plans. (not that i'm blaming them, it's just that it's hard not to feel inadequate.)
so yeah, anyone have any advice on how to feel at peace w being alone? like, maybe i'll never manage to make new friends or make new connections, maybe through lack of trying, maybe through lack of luck, idc, i just want to be enough for myself, but i don't know how.
so any wise words are appreciated and thank you, OTNF, for letting me vent in your inbox :)
Well... those feelings are pretty common and a natural reaction to the situation. You may not really get rid of them entirely, but you can accept them as a natural part of things and not a sign that anything has gone wrong.
HS friends rarely stick with each other even during college, let alone after, so you would likely be in this same boat regardless. Making new adult friends can be a pain, but it's something most of us face multiple times even if we luck into some good friend groups at points and even if we're more social.
The thing to do for many people is to keep busy with hobbies. A crafting meetup or book club isn't usually massive. I know you don't like groups, but nobody is going to go off one-on-one without meeting you in a group context first. Finding some more manageable groups to meet people casually and see if you click is how most people do it. The only way to get to know people over time is to show up in the same places with the same people a lot.
Another important thing to realize about adult friends is that many of them won't be good about texting you or inviting you because they're all out of energy for doing that with anyone. Maybe all of their energy is reserved for a job. Maybe for a child. Maybe for a romantic partner.
Even if you're their very best friend, they may still not respond much at certain times in their life. If you guys are just post college, maybe that's not the issue yet, but it will be at some point.
Every single book about the plague of loneliness and how people suck at maintaining core friendships outside of their household is fixated on this. People suck at recognizing when they aren't putting enough energy into maintaining relationships.
I would axe that hangdog attitude about little old you not holding people's attention. They probably just aren't allocating time to building friendships at all.
Liking being alone has a lot to do with loving yourself in general and having hobbies and things you want to have time for that are solo pursuits.
It's also about not waiting to do things like go to a restaurant you want to check out. Go alone. Go with a book. Anything can be a solo activity unless it literally mandates 2+ people. Missing out on friend time shouldn't mean missing out on everything else, but a lot of people let it become that.
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immortalmsmoon · 11 months
Hello 👋🏽 Nice blog you got here!
May I please request headcanons for Joker, Akechi, and Ann reacting to their female S/O asking them to change her aunt’s heart after she shows anger and bitterness towards the family, snapping during a party which terrifies the S/O?
Phantom Thieving
A/N: Thank you so much for the request!! i am so sorry this took so long, i've had a lot of school work to do and i have been INSANLY busy. i'll try to get these next requests out as fast as i can.
Warnings: mentions of Killing In akechi's (very brief), talk of an Aunt that yells at Y/n
Word Count: 679
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Akira Kurusu~
Angry to say the least
not the type to verbally or physically show that anger in anyway though, you you probably won't figure out he's angry at your Aunt
VERY eager to change the heart of your aunt.
you mean the world to him, so the fact that someone treated you with such disrespect has him seething.
when he's not Phantom Thieving, he's making sure to give you attention and affection, and is always pretty carful not to yell around you regardless of what the situation might be
sometimes even goes as far as to make sure his friends don't yell around you
Akira did not have a short temper, and it took a lot to truly make him angry.
Somehow your aunt had turned the usually cool headed teenager into one filled with one filled with anger to say the least.
He had been hesitant at first. Changing a person's heart was a permanent thing, and he didn't want you to make the decision just because you were angry. But as soon as you told him the story as to why you felt your dear Aunts heart should be changed, he was eager and ready to do it.
he put it at the top of his priority list. he ignored most of his other memento requests, instead deciding that the specific request you had given him was the most important thing in the world.
He made sure check up on you as the change of heart was in progress, taking you out around town, and making you coffee so you could have a break from your family. he new the best thing for you would be to take your mind off the situation until it was resolved.
Goro Akechi~
Not typically one to change hearts, but he's willing to do it for you
his anger is a lot more visible, especially when he sees how much it scared you
as soon as you tell him the story, he is making comments.
"How could your Aunt do that to you?" "Your aunt is obviously the problem here." "She sounds like a real pain"
it takes a lot to hold back when confronting your aunt, especially because killing people is basically muscle memory for him, but thinking of you keeps him in line
It wasn't often you came to Goro in tears. And every time you did he dreaded it.
In his eyes you were so perfect. the Personification of joy and happiness and love, and it made no sense to him that anyone could ever yell at you.
when he found out what your Aunt had done he could feel anger coursing through him like blood.
He was delicate with you as he held you, making sure not to scare you anymore than you already were.
Of course he wanted to help you. but helping others wasn't something he was particularly good at. He would try his hardest anyway, if it meant he could hear you laugh, see you smile.
He would do anything to make you happy.
Ann Takamaki~
She understands exactly how your feeling.
she had been yelled at the same way as you, and it made her angry that someone as kind and loving as you had to experience that.
quick to tell Akira of your situation, and really presses on the Phantom Thieves about fulfilling your request.
She takes you out on crepe dates and invites you to come to her modelling sessions so you can take your mind off of the situation until its fixed.
As soon as Ann heard your story, her once present smile faded.
First Shiho, and now you? it broke her heart.
She held you close for a second, her eyes welling up. She quickly wiped them away, before letting you go. this time she would be strong enough to protect you. and that was a promise.
it seemed like all the people around her lately were sad. she new she needed to fix the situation. She sent Akira a quick text, explaining your situation, before asking to take you out for crepes.
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
Miasma, im a lil sick and if its not too much to ask could i get a lil fic of sick dew with mountain and swiss and cumulus taking care of dew? It'd mean a lot 🥺🥺❤️❤️. (Ty in advance for your consideration)
Sick little guy ahoy.
I hope you feel better soon! ♡
"Has anyone seen Dew this morning?" Cumulus pokes her head into the common room, searching for a telltale blond head.
Mountain shakes his head, not looking up from the pan of eggs he's in the middle of scrambling.
"Not yet," he rumbles, cracking some pepper into his breakfast. "He missed sunrise."
Well that's concerning; Dew never misses his early morning coffee with Mountain and they all know it. A grunt sounds from the couch, and Swiss's head appears over the arm of it.
"Haven't seen him since yesterday," he says, stifling a yawn. It's still early, and Swiss has never been a morning person. "Why, he owe you money or somethin'?" Cumulus rolls her eyes.
"He's supposed to help me organize the storehouse today," she informs them, watching Mountain pluck a few fresh chives from the base of one of his horns. He snips them into the pan, and her mouth waters. Mountain makes the best eggs. "I can't find him anywhere. I think he's hiding from me."
Swiss snorts out a laugh, shoving himself up and stretching both arms over his head.
"Sounds about right," he scratches at his chest, sauntering towards the kitchenette to steal a sausage link from the plate Mountain has prepared. He earns a wooden spoon to the knuckles for his trouble, but it's not enough to dissuade him. Mountain grumbles, but doesnt whack him again. Swiss plants a wet kiss on his cheek in thanks. "You check his room?" He leans against the counter, munching on his prize. Cumulus nods.
"I knocked," she confirms, crossing both arms over her chest, "he didn't answer." Swiss rolls his eyes, smirking.
"C'mon, Lus," he chides, popping the rest of the sausage into his mouth and licking grease from his thumb. "You really think he'd answer if he's hiding?"
That's...a fair point, actually. Cumulus pinches the bridge of her nose. She'd like it noted that it is still very early, and she can't be blamed for her brain not firing on all cylinders.
"You're probably right," she sighs, running manicured fingers through her curls. "I guess I'll go try again."
"Do you want breakfast first?" Mountain asks it over his shoulder, stirring a spoonful of creme fraiche into his eggs. "It's just about ready."
"I'll be right back," she assures him, giving the pair a wave. Hopefully with a grumpy little fire ghoul in tow. Swiss pushes away from the counter and pads his way over.
"I'll come with," he offers, "in case you need backup." Mountain trills in discontent and Swiss ruffles his hair, gives him a chuckle. "Hush, grasshopper. We'll be back before you know it."
Mountain grumbles regardless, but doesn't argue further. Swiss hooks an arm around her shoulders and Cumulus does the same to his waist, the pair of them striding down the hall towards the stairs that will take them to the dorms.
"It's not like Dew to miss sunup," Cumulus murmurs after a moment, chewing the inside of her cheek. She can count on one hand the number of times this has happened, and it's never been for anything good.
"I wouldn't worry," Swiss replies, giving her shoulder a squeeze, "you know how he gets when it comes to chores."
That much is true. If anyone is going to shirk duties, it's Dewdrop. Cumulus hums, but something in her isn't convinced. There's an unease in her belly, something not quite right. She doesn't speak on it though, the rest of their short journey made in silence. Soon enough, she's knocking on the little ghoul's door once again.
"Dew?" Cumulus calls through thick oak, Swiss leaning against the wall nearby. "You in there, sugar?" There's no response, and that wiggly feeling in her stomach grows.
"C'mon, firecracker," Swiss says, louder than Cumulus had been, "rise 'n shine, you got shit to do!" He wiggles the doorknob, but it doesn't move. Locked.
"I don't think he's here," Cumulus mumbles. Swiss is less convinced.
"One way to find out."
Swiss drops to his knees and presses a large palm just below the lock. Cumulus watches wide-eyed as tendrils of shadow leak from the tips of his fingers, slithering up into the keyhole like tiny snakes. Seconds later there's a clunking noise, and Swiss fixes her with a grin as he stands.
"That's new," she comments. Swiss gives her a wink that makes the little hairs on the back of the neck stand up.
"I'm full of surprises, sweetheart." The way he says it has her stomach fluttering for a different reason, but Cumulus tries not to think about it. She clears her throat, knocking one more time.
"Dew? We're coming in, okay?"
Once again, no response, and Cumulus pushes the door open with no further warning. They step into the little ghoul's room, and are greeted by darkness. Dew's curtains are still drawn, the only light leaking from between cracks in the heavy drapery. Swiss crosses the room to throw them open, letting the sun in and revealing an empty bed piled with messy blankets.
Now that they're in the room, though, she can hear water running, and it makes sense why Dew hadn't responded. He's in the shower. Of course he is, it's the only place he could be. She feels silly for being so worried in the first place.
Something, though, still doesn't feel quite right. She'd last knocked nearly thirty minutes ago, and Dew isn't the biggest fan of long showers. The worry bites at her again, and before she can stop herself Cumulus's legs carry her to the bathroom door.
"Dew, baby? You in there?" She knocks, presses her ear to the door, and over the rushing sound of the shower she hears...something. Soft whimpering. Then,
Cumulus shoves the door open without a second thought, spurred by the weakness in Dew's voice. She finds him sitting in the corner of his shower. Fully clothed, drenched and shaking like a leaf. Hugging his knees. There's steam rolling off of him in waves, and it takes a moment for her to realize that it isn't coming from the water itself.
It's coming from Dew.
"Lulu," he rasps, voice as shaky as he is, "p-please..."
Cumulus reaches through the spray and finds it icy cold, turning the faucet off before stepping into the stall, dropping to her knees.
"Dew? Dew, sweetie, what-"
Cumulus sets a hand on his shoulder and immediately puls it back with a gasp. Dew always runs hot, but right now he's boiling. The little ghoul stares at her with foggy eyes, blinking so slowly.
"It's okay, lovebug, I'm here." She rests a hand on his cheek despite the heat, stroking too-pale skin. "Swiss!" Cumulus calls, trying to keep the encroaching panic from leaking into her voice. It's a skill she's developed over the years, staying calm on the face of even the worst things. "Need a hand in here!"
Dew doesn't seem to know that she's speaking, breathing shallow though his mouth and leaning heavily into her hand. He looks half dead, pasty and gray. Swiss pads in a moment later, and Cumulus hears him suck air through his teeth. She doesn't bother acknowledging it.
"He's roasting," she says gently, eyes never leaving Dew's face. She's not sure he can see her, but she's not going to risk it. "Help me get him out of here, would you?"
Swiss doesn't hesitate, stepping into the stall to scoop the suffering ghoul up in strong arms and hissing at the heat of him.
"You aren't kidding," he murmurs, carrying Dew back to the bedroom. Cumulus follows close behind, shedding her now-soaked leggings along the way.
"He must have finally picked up the bug we had the other week," she says, mostly to herself. Dew is their defacto caretaker when sickness hits, his natural heat keeping him insulated from the ills that float around the abbey from time to time. When it does hit him, though, he suffers. Mightily.
"Guess so."
Swiss sounds concerned now too, a rare tone. He sets Dew down in his desk chair, the little ghoul whining and clinging to him with weak limbs. He strips Dew with careful hands while Cumulus gathers a change of clothes from his dresser - an old shirt of Aether's and a pair of sweats that must have been Rain's at some point. They're too long, but they'll be warm and that's what matters.
She and Swiss work together to get him dry, Swiss channeling his fire to blend with her air and pulling the moisture from his skin and hair. Dew shivers through it, and through the pair of them getting him dressed again. He looks so tiny in the oversized clothes, and Cumulus's heart clenches. Poor thing must be miserable. She certainly was when she was stuck with this garbage.
"You'll be okay, bug," she assures him, tucking a stray hair behind his ear. "You'll be okay."
Swiss picks him up again once he's dressed, the little ghoul unconsciously burying his face in Swiss's chest for comfort. He deposits Dew on the mattress, only stepping back long enough to pull off his own shirt before crawling in after him. He hauls Dew onto his bare chest, that slight body limp and obviously heavy. Cumulus follows, organizing the blankets enough to get the pair of them covered. Swiss is already sweating by the time she's done, focusing his own power to draw some of the heat from Dew's trembling form.
"He's in bad shape." The other ghoul strokes Dew's back under the covers, and Cumulus nods.
"Yeah," she agrees, tucking a blanket around Dew's shoulders. "Where's Aether when you need him?" Of course this would happen the one week their resident healer was away, he and Rain accompanying Papa on a press junket.
"Seriously," Swiss huffs, forcing a chuckle. He presses a kiss into Dew's hair. "Guess it's up to us to play doctor for a change."
Cumulus sighs, perching herself on the edge of the bed and rubbing Dew's leg though the blanket. They sit in silence for a few long minutes, the quiet broken only by the little ghoul's soft, distressed whines. Swiss keeps his lips pressed to temple, gauging his temperature through thin skin.
"There you are."
The voice makes them both jolt, and Dew makes the saddest little sound until Swiss settles again. Cumulus turns to find Mountain in the doorway, a large tray in his hands and a crease between his brows.
"I figured I'd find you all in his bed, but uh. Not quite like this."
Cumulus can't help her sad smile.
"Little guy's sick," she says, barely more than a whisper. "Nasty fever, like we all had."
Mountain's frown deepens. He sets the tray on Dew's desk and Cumulus sees that's it's full to bursting with a wonderful spread. Eggs, sausages, toast and fruit. It's easily enough food for for all of them, and alongside it all are four steaming mugs. Two have teabags, the other two black coffee. The ideal breakfast in bed.
She hopes it won't go to waste.
"I can help," Mountain says, eyes slipping closed.
Cumulus raises an eyebrow, but before she can ask how she's greeted by small clusters of white flowers blooming at the crown of Mountain's head. He plucks them carefully, crushing the tiny blossoms between his palms and dropping them into one of the mugs of tea.
"Elderflower," he says by way of explanation. "It's a natural fever reducer." Mountain gives the concoction a stir, licking his spoon clean with a satisfied nod. "Tastes nice too. Can he sit up?"
"Dunno," Swiss rasps, now visibly drenched in sweat. Dew has more or less stopped shaking, though, so that's a positive. "He's pretty weak."
"We have to try," Cumulus whispers, biting her lip, "before his brain poaches."
Swiss chuffs out a laugh, one echoed by Mountain, and together they work to get Dew into the proper position. Swiss moves himself to the headboard, and Mountain lifts the little ghoul with no effort. Arranges him to sit against Swiss's chest, head tipped back against his shoulder. Cumulus gathers the mug and spoon while Mountain climbs in next to them, getting a large hand on the back of Dew's neck to keep him upright. Cumulus settles herself between Swiss's legs, kneeling and giving the drink in hand a stir.
"Dew? Sweetheart?" Swiss gives the little ghoul's waist a squeeze as Cumulus speaks, Mountain rubbing a thumb along his hairline. Dew blinks up at her, hazy and lost.
"Mngh...Lus?" Cumulus smiles, stokes his cheek.
"That's right, baby," she coos, offering him a small smile.
"Wha...wha's goin' on?" He squirms a little in Swiss's arms, but he has no energy to fight.
"You're sick, Sparky," Swiss breathes into his ear, kissing just behind it. Dew makes a soft sound, drooping against Swiss's chest. "Don't worry, we're here to help."
"Mount made you some medicine," Cumulus tells him, tapping the spoon against the rim of the mug. "It'll help. I'm going to feed it to you, alright?"
Like he's in any condition to argue.
Dew gives a weak nod, and there's no more talking after that. Cumulus feeds him the tea spoonful by spoonful, the floral scent of it permeating the air around them. Dew hums after each sip, licking at his lips every now in then. It takes a while to get the full mug into him, and by the time they're done Dew's barely conscious.
He's boneless between Swiss's legs, supported only by his arms and Mountain's hand. Cumulus sets the mug to the side once he's done and the others waste no time in getting Dew settled back into the bed. Laying him out on the center on the mattress, Swiss molding himself to the little ghoul's back. Mountain gets up long enough to take his shirt off, and in the process Cumulus catches him glancing at the breakfast tray he'd brought. She rests a kind hand on his bicep.
"I'm sorry," she says, a genuine apology. "We should have come and told you what was happening, but Dew-"
"Shh," Mountain soothes, dropping a kiss between her horns. "It's alright, Lus. There are worse things than cold eggs." She smiles up at him.
"I'll make it up to you," she promises, and Mountain will certainly hold her to that. She knows from experience. She stands on her tiptoes to kiss his collarbone, and Mountain gives her ass an affectionate squeeze.
"Lulu," comes a sad little voice from the bed, and the ghoulette turns to find a spidery hand reaching for her. "'mere."
Who is she to say no to that?
Cumulus climbs in where Mountain had been earlier, pressing a soft kiss to the little ghoul's forehead. It's a touch cooler than it was earlier. That's a good sign. Dew snakes an arm around her waist, nuzzles into the softness of her chest, and to their shared delight a rusty purr kicks up in Dew's chest.
Swiss wraps his arm around the both of them, and Cumulus hums. The blankets shift and Mountain makes himself comfortable at her back, mirroring Swiss's position and getting them all tucked in.
"Rest, now," she whispers, knocking her horns against Dew's affectionately. "You'll feel better soon." Dew whines, tired eyes searching hers.
Cumulus kisses his cheek.
Dew drifts off quickly after that, and the rest if them are content to let him. Content to care for him as he cared for them.
It's the least they can do for their favorite little fire ghoul.
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burnandblind · 2 months
Yall have to understand that my autism is such that I try to be very balanced about things
I try to understand from every angle. Almost scientifically. But I also listen to my emotions and my body
I research and listen to the experiences of others
... so like if I explain something about myself or say something about other people it is after a lot of deliberation of a density that can't be understated.
I try really hard to be fair to myself and to others. So if I call someone a piece of shit or a stupid asshole you can believe they probably are - regardless of whether they have a legit reason.
I really try to understand people like that bc I think there is always a reason.
I know from exp how people just assume things and make up stories based on what they know.
But no one really knows anyone. Not really.
And I know no one really knows me. Which is another reason why I'm doing this.
I've been very aware of myself and of the human condition since I was a child. Constantly working on understanding myself and others. What I can and can't do.
And imagine a life of isolation in this hellscape where everyone misunderstands you one way or another. No one really gets close enough and even when you DO try to tell people? Well. Either they accept you or they don't.
And either I am incompatible with most people or vice versa. That's seems to be all there is to it
But. But that post about even assholes being deserving of care and wellbeing sticks with me.
And I'm not even a legit asshole. I just get pissy about things I have every right to be pissy about. Like many people.
But I also have ... well I have what I have. Which is similar to many people, too.
Anyway... I pray to all my deities that I can find the woman I'm looking for every day. I know my heart won't heal right without the love I'm looking for. Because I've tried so many times to fix myself.. with and without others.
But I think love from someone I love is what I really need.
Aside from money. Which I am working on as best I can.
But no one wants to hire a tranny freak that has the gall to do the same shit they do : say fuck yall.
Oh, well. I'll keep rising like a phoenix. That's literally all I've ever done, basically
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