#but it’s just annoying always seeing Jason positioned as the adult to Tim’s teenager
lylethewaterguy · 2 years
It thoroughly annoys me how the fandom and, more importantly, DC themselves try to position Jason as one of the older siblings of the batfam. Like he’s in the same age bracket as Dick and Babs. Obviously with the inconsistent timeline (and Tim not aging) it’s impossible to say but he’s usually like a year older than Cass and two years older than Tim. Meanwhile Dick is at least 5 years older than Jason.
I know it makes the trauma he’s been through easier to accept when you picture him as an adult but he isn’t (/wasn’t). He was forced to grow up faster than the others but that doesn’t change the fact that when he came back as Red Hood he was still a child who needed his dads love and support and got none of that.
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batkids and their relationships with their siblings headcanons. under read more because this got fucking LONGGG
dick is the eldest so he doesnt want to bog down his younger siblings with his problems, but if he DOES, he tends to talk to jason about it
dick and cass start to really begin to bond when Cass shows up to dicks gymnastics class for 3rd-6th graders and then cass shows up all the sixth graders and they get frozen yogurt after lmao
dick and tim are Very much thick as thieves. tim is very much like bruce on the Emotional Suppression scale, so dick just really wants to make sure his little brother is safe and happy ALL the time
Duke and Damian are the only two really permanently at the manor anymore, so when dick drops by he tries to do something with both of them. duke frantically zoom calls dick every other week to help him with his his trig homework. dick shows up to dukes high school graduation with literally the BIGGEST SIGN
everyone insists damian is dicks favorite but he does actually genuinely love all his siblings equally, his relationship with damian is just Very different from the others because of the age gap and being dami's primary caretaker for a year. dick babies dami every chance he gets
would sell Dick to satan for One corn chip
him and cass don't have the greatest start to their relationship because cass is very much Against Killing so it takes a while for jason to warm up to her and earn her trust. now, though, jason is competing with steph by showing cass all the classic American Teenager things she missed out on. steph is currently winning but jason is like 98% positive a crunch wrap from taco bell is going to push him over the edge
tim and jason are currently competing over who can solve the most cases in a month. tim is winning. that won't last long.
jason Loves to Big Brother duke its so embarrassing. duke will get out of school and go to his car and jason is SITTING IN THE FRONT SEAT FRANTICALLY WAVING TO GET DUKES ATTENTION. JASON THAT IS MY CAR. signal has one (1) mission with arsenal and arsenal goes hey did you ask that girl to homecoming yet and duke is like I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU.
Damian is proof that Actually, Little Brothers are Pests. Jason fully believes that he was brought back from the dead PURELY to torment damian and he will fulfill this mission at any cost
it actually really upset her when Dick didn't accept her at first. she knows her other siblings really adore dick so his lack of trust was really disheartening. it takes dick a while but once he Actually Accepts that cass is going to be a permanent part of their life and oh, wow, dick you really hurt her feelings he really hyperfocuses on bonding with cass for a couple of months which definitely improves their relationship
she really likes jason!! their relationship doesn't start well but because he's close with steph and tim who are cass's top two favorite people to exist ever, cass is like well i GUESS ill hang out with him more. jason is fun to talk to because he always tries his best to explain jokes and give context to what people are talking about (also tim took her to taco bell already but she didn't tell jason she just wanted to hang out)
cass LOVES tim. they just click okay. tim always seems to know when to give her space and when to push and come closer. Tim's "guest room" is just her room lets be real. tim and cass occasionally get mistaken for twins and Cass Loves it.
duke makes cass listen to metal once and cass loses. her. damn. mind. they bond over music a lot because they both Love Music to a degree the others in their family don't.
damian!! damian is her little brother!!! dami isn't As Hostile to cass at first because he is 100% aware cass has the edge in fighting and respects her. cass likes all of his instagram posts and they have a snapchat streak going
tim Loves dick, dick was his first sibling!! he had Very strong hero worship when he first met dick but it mellowed out when tim got older because wow 17 is really not that cool and mature lol. tim has an open invitation to dick's apartment which he does occasionally take advantage of. tim has more than once scared the shit out of wally when wally comes over and wally is convinced they're being robbed (HA) for half a second. i mean. he's not wrong.
listen. tim understands that forgiving the guy who tried to kill you would be a Struggle for some people and it was! definitely! but also at least he can trust jason to, uh, be open about if he doesn't like tim. which is not an assurance he has with other people. so if the guy who tried to kill him tells him tim is cool now then like. maybe tim isn't that bad or annoying a person? also jason arrested a whole gang and won the cases competition but then it created a power vacuum that the whole batfam had to clean up the rest of the month. thanks, jason.
tim LOVES cass. you know how most of the time theres this empty feeling inside you and you just kind of ignore it because you don't know what will fix it or if you do, you know you can't fix it? cass makes that empty feeling feel a little less empty. they just click. tim always tries to travel with cass whenever she leaves gotham.
tim and duke. Tim is actually the sibling who duke goes to whenever he has questions he doesn't want to ask bruce or alfred about, like, life or vigilante-ing or school or college or whatever and Tim is always like yes!! i love Giving Advice and Solving Problems!! tim and duke and jason fill out their college applications together.
tim and damian. LMAO. ROUGH START THAT'S ALL ILL SAY. at some point alfred goes like fuck it. family therapy. and tim and dami are PISSED. tim and damian get along best when they have a common enemy to work against. their relationship gets much better when damian is older and they actually talk about their feelings like emotionally stunted bats. despite how bad their relationship was, tim will ALWAYS protect damian
very much intimidated by dick at first. dick is so much older and has his own job and friends and life and is very much AN ADULT. dick likes to take duke out to do lots of cool stuff (paintball, lasertag, tech exhibitions, concerts, etc). also, dick PERSONALLY introduced duke to superman and is dating THE FLASH. 10/10 awesome big brother.
was intimidated by jason for 0.5 seconds before jason actually opened his mouth and started speaking. jason is literally. So Embarrassing. which is weird because nobody else really seems to feel that way about jason but duke knows he's 100% in the right here. like yeah jason is also An Adult and does Adult Stuff but he's also at the manor like every other weekend???? and he always complains about bruce but always seems to be in the same room bruce is in????? like okay jason. they bond over literature!! jason and duke and alfred will spend literal hours talking about books and duke loves it. duke is the only one who doesn't think jason is funny and jason gets so upset about it lmao.
cass has this one week where she gets really into photography and by virtue of being nearby (and also not nocturnal), duke becomes her victim subject. duke prints out all the pictures and hangs them up in his room (his favorite is one he took when he stole the camera and took a really bad selfie of them together).
tim is closest in age to duke so duke tends to hang around with him a lot. tim introduced duke to his young justice friends and duke is like yes!!! meta-friends!!!! tim really helps duke out with his powers because tim is always like wow i wonder if your powers would work if we did This? can you see farther than other people? is your visible spectrum of light different than other humans? Bruce does the same thing but bruce is boring about it lol.
damian and duke live in the same house and will be in the same room and just send each other social media posts back and forth. they follow each other on instagram and will, OCCASIONALLY, make tik toks together because they're tik tok fiends. each of his siblings have visited his parents once or twice but damian routinely comes with him.
damian gets a special bullet point to say that it took him. forever to come around to the idea of having siblings. he very much believed that he was Bruce's Blood Son and everyone else were just tagalongs or allies. it took him ages to acknowledge that dick, jason, tim, and cass were his siblings, so when duke came and like a week later damian was like Ah, Yes, this is my brother Thomas everyone else was like dude wtf
listen. LISTEN. Obviously. Richard is very highly skilled. and also Father values him highly. and also Richard will listen to Damian complain about his schoolmates. and also Richard is much more patient with Damian than other members of his family. listen....,,, (all this to say damian kind of fucking adores dick lmaooooo this kid).
Todd is kind of unbearable but damian has been informed this is both a normal feeling when it comes to Todd and also big brothers. damian was an only child for ten years so yes, Father, if Todd attempts to tickle me I WILL break his fucking nose. yes i WILL put money in the swear jar but I want you to know i don't regret it. they always try to sneak up on each other but mostly fail.
DRAKE!!! but no lol once damian grows up and is like I Apologize for attempting to murder you it was wrong and you are just as much a son to Father as I am tim is like UGH i guess its cool since ur being so emotionally mature and all. also im 2 for 5 on siblings trying to murder me so im definitely going to win trauma bingo and damian is like i take it back you are insufferable. When Will My Older Siblings Stop Joking About Their Trauma.
CASS!!! listen. cass is cool. Cass Gets It. They have a special Bond. also damian really likes it whenever cass is home because 1) he gets to hang out and do something cool with cass and 2) he feels significantly safer with cass in the house because Nobody will be able to hurt any of their family if Cass is there. ALSO he tries to call her cain but everyone is like DONT DO THAT and he doesn't want to call her wayne bcus theyre ALL wayne (dick adds it on as a middle name but also Richard John Wayne West-Grayson is just. the lamest name ever so dick needs to reconsider it before his upcoming nuptials)((dick will not reconsider it except maybe whether grayson-west would work better)) and so he tries cassandra but cass is like :) call me cass and damian is like cassandra is more formal and respectful and cass is like :) and finally damian just has to give in.
Duke! him and duke actually live together so they get the Most Bonding Time and have a bunch of inside jokes as a result. (is it bad i wanted to laugh because inside jokes... joker... i'll see myself out). they're eating breakfast together (and also alfred sits with them IM NOT A MONSTER ALFIE'S LIKE 70 NOW OKAY) and duke laughs and bruce is like what are you laughing at, son? and duke is like oh damian just showed me this funny meme and then he shows the phone to bruce and bruce grabs it (both the boys groan) and after WAY TOO LONG is like "i don't get it" and so now duke and damian have to try and explain the comedic intricacy of bob's burgers
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alexiessan · 4 years
The brother you never asked for - One Shot
@neakco​ asked: "I saw an ask for prompts so I would like to request a sibling Jasonette where Jason is in Paris trying to win a bet with Dick over who can find the best pastries, which is how he finds/meets Marinette. Everything else is open to the freedom of your imagination."
Here is Jasonette Siblings :) 
@justafanwarrior​ @animegirlweeb​
Why was Jason running in the streets of Paris at seven in the evening again?
Ah, right. To win a bet against Dick.
The two oldest adopted children of Bruce Wayne had agreed to accompany their father on a business trip to the French capital. Damian still had school to attend and Tim was to manage the company while the CEO was away.
He didn’t really need any of his children to accompany him, but who would say no to a trip to Paris?
Bruce had a lot of meetings planned for the two weeks trip, and it took only two days for the two men to get bored. Paris wasn’t new for them and they’ve already seen all the touristic spots.
And so, they were just watching some movie in Richard’s hotel room when he had a craving for pastries.
“Let’s go to Ladurée! They have awesome macarons!” the oldest exclaimed, his mouth already watering at the thought of chocolate macaron.
Jason frowned. “Eh, really? It’s overpriced and overrated there.”
“But they are the best I’ve ever had.”
“That’s because you didn’t try to find the very best. It’s France, there are bakeries in almost every street. There must be one that makes better pastries than Ladurée.”
La maison Ladurée was a famous bakery in Paris, known for its macarons. Every tourist always ended up going there at one point or another during their stay in Paris.
While their macarons were good, it was too much of a tourist spot for Jason’s taste. There probably was a bakery out there that sold better macarons than the famous Maison Ladurée.
Urgh. Even the name sounded made him want to cringe. Snobbish much, huh?
“Then, let’s find it,” said Dick with a serious voice.
Jason looked away from the TV to face his brother. “Huh?”
Richard rolled his eyes. “Get your ass up this couch and let’s go find the best bakery in Paris!”
The second oldest of the Wayne siblings raised an eyebrow. “Do you realize how many bakeries there are in just Paris? We can’t possibly try them all.”
“You’re right. That’s why,” Dick paused, showing Jason his smartphone, “I’ve researched the best bakeries of Paris. I found two lists with a top ten of the best bakeries of Paris, and they don’t have one in common with the other!” he grinned, “so, I suggest we each take a list and try them all, and come back with a box of macarons from the one we thought was best!”
Jason looked at the list. If he tried them all and figured that the best one was one of the first he tried, it would mean going back there to buy a full box of macarons. It would be annoying to go back there again, but doable.
“What does the winner win?” he finally asked.
“Eh… Bragging rights?” at Jason’s expression, he tried again. “We’ll figure it out later.”
“Right. Then, may the best man win.”
They shook hands and were off in a matter of seconds.
This is how Jason found himself in front of the last bakery of the list — the one ranked second in the list, but it was the one the farthest from their hotel, and thus, the last one he tried — hoping it was closed yet. He really hoped this one would be the best because he wouldn’t have the time to go back to one of the other bakeries before closing time.
When he opened the door, he was met with a lot of pink. It was a cute and cozy bakery, making you want to find a seat, drink hot chocolate, and read next to the window while it was raining outside.
At the desk was a teenage girl around Damian’s age — sixteen, seventeen-year-old top — who looked visibly upset over something on her phone. When she heard him enter, she put the phone away, blinked several times to get rid of the tears that had gathered in her eyes, and smiled at him.
“Welcome to Tom et Sabine boulangerie pâtisserie! How can I help you?” she greeted him in French.
Jason made his way to the counter, looking over the different pastries. He glanced at the girl, patiently waiting for his order. She had black hair and blue eyes, half French and half Asian he guessed. She had a smile on her face, and not just a customer one, giving that she was visibly upset when he arrived, but a genuine one.
It made him want to ask her if he had to go and threaten someone, but he didn’t know the girl, and she didn’t know him, and what right did he have to ask?
“I’ll have a chocolate macaron, please,” he answered in French but with a heavy American accent.
She noticed and switched in English, which he was grateful for. He could speak French, but since he didn’t have the opportunity to practice it often, he was a bit rusty in the language.
“Of course, a big one or a small one?”
“A small one, please.”
She put the small macaron on a towel with a clamp and put it on the counter. “It will be one euro, please!”
He thanked her while paying and wasted no time in eating the small treat. The teen girl laughed when she saw him eat it in one bite.
“You know what?” he began after swallowing, deciding that this was the best one he had in his search. “I’ll take a whole box of these. I’ll even take two big ones!”
“Alright! That will be nine euros and fifty cents, please!” she said with a smile before preparing his order.
“Thanks again!” he said while handing her the money. “If the other pastries are as good as the macarons, you’ll see me again.”
She laughed. “I’m not exactly impartial, but the pastries are really, really good! So I guess I’ll see you again.”
He barked a laugh. “You can bet on it then!”
“Have a good night, sir!”
When he got back to the hotel room, Dick was already there with his own box of macarons, and they didn’t waist one more second before tasting the other’s finding.
Jason won, of course, and demanded fifty bucks as his reward.
And wasn’t it good to win a bet against his brother.
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Just like he said he would, Jason came back to the bakery, with Dick with him. They tried all sorts of pastries, and even some quiches for lunch and everything was delicious. Dick made sure to note the name of the bakery somewhere on his phone so they could come back the next time they would come to Paris.
The teenage girl was still there, managing the desk and talking with the two of them when they stayed a bit longer to enjoy their food.
They learned that her name was Marinette and that she was seventeen — making her Damian’s age, just as Jason thought — and that she was the daughter of the owner. Since it was summer vacations, she helped her parents since they had more clients than ever thanks to tourism.
They learned that she was a fashion designer and that she learned English because of it. Since she wanted to start her own business one day, someone recommended that she learn English if she wanted it to be international. Speaking only one language wouldn’t do well, she explained.
While she was still in school, she had a small customer base already and did everything that needed to be done for it to be legal, and thus, was a freelance in fashion design. She was still in high school, entering her last year in September. She even expressed her desire to go to University in America, in a double major — fashion and business.
They visited the bakery every day for a week, learning to know each other a bit, but never once did she tell them anything that was upsetting her.
And Jason couldn’t help but wonder what could bring such a cheerful and positive girl like Marinette so close to tears.
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It was on their last week in Paris that Jason found out.
He was on his way to the bakery to get his daily dose of pastries when he saw Marinette sitting on a bench in the park near her family’s business and home.
And she was crying.
He didn’t think about it as he made his way to Marinette and sat next to her.
“So, tell me, whose butt do I need to kick?”
She almost jumped, not having noticed him.
“God,” she breathed, “you scared me, don’t do that again.”
“My bad,” he apologized. “But tell me, what’s wrong?”
She let out a joyless laugh. “It’s okay, I don’t want to burden you with my teenage drama.”
He playfully elbowed her. “Now, now. I’ve been a teen too, you know. And I know all about teenage drama. And I know that it’s not just nothing to you, right now. Maybe, later on, you’ll think so, but it matters to you now, so it’s important, you understand?” she nodded. “Just because you’re a teenager, it doesn’t mean your problems are meaningless, alright? I know adults tend to downplay teenager’s problem, but not me.” he ruffled her hair. “Now, tell everything to your big brother.”
She laughed and shoved him playfully. “You’re not my brother!”
“Well, now I am! I’m the brother you never asked for but got anyway. Deal with it.”
She laughed again, and he felt like he succeeded a little in cheering her up. “Alright, ‘big brother’, I’ll talk.”
She took a deep breath before facing him.
“It’s my boyfriend. He canceled on me. Again.” she laughed. “I know I shouldn’t be upset to be stood up, and I wasn’t the first time. Or the second. Or the third. But I’ve lost count of the times he ditched me for his friends, or for an event that just happened. And I tried to be understanding at first. It’s just… I’m doing everything to make our relationship work. I plan dates, even double dates because I know how much he loves his friends — our friends. But it feels like it’s one sided,” she paused, taking another deep breath. “But I haven’t properly talked to him in months because he keeps standing me up. I just… Does he want to break up with me? Is that what’s he’s trying to do, but is too much of a coward to do it properly? I… I guess I’m just realizing now that we haven’t be fine for months now.”
Jason sighed. “I can’t tell you what he’s thinking, and what is his reasoning behind his behavior because I don’t know him, but I’ll tell you this: it takes all the people involved in a relationship for it to work. If the other doesn’t put any work in it, it can’t work. It can be fixed, however, but you already tried, didn’t you?”
She nodded.
“Then, since you already try to fix your relationship, you have to ask yourself this question: are you happy with him?”
Tears gathered again in her eyes and she shook her head. “No… No, Jason, I’m not happy anymore.”
He opened his arms, inviting her in a hug, and she immediately threw herself in her arms.
“Then, I think you know what to do.”
They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Marinette stopped crying.
“I’m sorry, I barely know you and I just dumped all my problems on you.”
“Hey, when I said that I was now your brother, I meant it. I take my duties as a big brother very seriously.”
The fashion designer laughed. “What, you just picked people on the street and claimed they are now your sibling or something?”
“No, you’re just special.”
She laughed. “I’m nothing special, but thank you. For listening to me and offering me friendship. I really appreciate it.”
He patted her hair. “Anytime, chouquette.”
They exchanged numbers before parting ways, this time without any pastries with him.
The next morning, Jason received a text from Marinette, stating that she broke up with her boyfriend. He asked for details, and she explained that he has been oblivious to it all and didn’t understand why she was breaking up with him. She said that she gave up on explaining anything and that they were just over.
He and Dick spent the last week at the bakery, trying to cheer Marinette up, which was not as hard as he expected it to be. While Marinette was sad that her relationship was over, she was also relieved. She had been hurt too much, and it was a good thing that she wouldn’t be hurting anymore.
Their two weeks stay unfortunately came to an end, and it was time to say goodbye to Marinette.
“Say, what do you think about going to Gotham for university,” he asked her with a grin. “We could see each other much more then.”
She snorted. “Yeah, right. Going to the most dangerous city in America. No thanks, I think I’ll pass.”
He pouted. “But I would protect you.”
She laughed. “I have no doubt you would, but I think I’ll go to New York. I have an internship offer there than I can do alongside my studies,” she paused. “But hey, Gotham and New York are pretty close, no? We can still see each other.”
“One of my brothers is actually going to university in New York too next year! I’ll tell him to look after you!”
“What?! Come on Jason, I don’t need anyone looking after me!”
“Tutututu! Let your big brother handle it!”
“But you’re not my brother!”
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Halloween prompt: Alfred is getting increasingly annoyed at whoever is eating the halloween candy. No one will confess. (Bruce is sitting in a corner somewhere with a bag of... [insert Batfamily appropriate candy here])
Three Musketeers
Rating: G 1,844 words Gen AO3
Bristol was technically in Gotham City limits. Though the gilted mansions and private woods with pastures and stables seemed like a whole other world in comparison. The residents liked to think so too, especially because – despite Gotham’s robust public transportation system – it was almost impossible to reach the rich suburb from the city proper. It was because they lived in this separate world that Bristol’s wealthy residents often fought to receive special treatment or even secede from the city all together.
Except when it came to Halloween.
The residents of Bristol were more than happy to hold their trick-or-treat night during the same time as the rest of Gotham. Mostly, because it discouraged the city’s poorer residents from coming out to ask for literal handouts from them. The time it would take to sit in train stations and bus stops to get there ate up a large chunk of trick-or-treat’s two-hour window. And the walk from the last stop and between the houses took up the rest.
Despite all this, many made the trek out to Wayne Manor and its residents always made it well worth the work.
It was known that the Manor didn’t simply give out full-sized candy bars, no, they gave a whole bag of king’s sized bars. And from the entrance way to the ballroom off to the side were decked out and fitted to be a haunted house with games and entertainment and even more snacks. There was no reason to go anywhere else when you went to Wayne Manor.
Except, this year the seemingly endless supply of candy was mysteriously missing in the week leading up to the big night. Which was ironic considering the Manor was populated by detectives.
Alfred was suspicious. And annoyed. But mostly suspicious. He had raised the world’s greatest detective and then helped raise the current world’s greatest detective. In addition to the other seven vigilantes he’d actively cared for over the years. And countless others who hadn’t lived under his roof. Which meant that he was extremely hard to pull something over on. Extremely.
Yet, his stockpile of trick-or-treat candy was gone. Completely. And his list of suspects was long and skilled.
First, was Barbara because he loved the young woman dearly but she was a bit of a chocolate fiend. Also, if he could rule her out then he could enlist her assistance. It was easy enough to make her coffee just the way she liked and message her to come to the kitchen when she was working in the Cave one evening. She was happy enough to come up, thinking it was just for a chat but knowing something was up when Alfred passed her the mug.
They studied each other from across the long wooden table that took up the far side of the kitchen. Alfred sipped his tea from the good china that after the last family debacle was his alone to use. Barbara narrowed her eyes as her glasses slipped down her nose. They were playing a high stakes game of chicken and they both knew it.
Barbara broke first. “Is there something you wanted to talk about, Alfred?” she asked sweetly, setting her coffee down and pushing her glasses back up in the same movement.
“Now that you mention it, yes. I was wondering if you happened to know where my trick-or-treat supply is disappearing to?” Alfred’s lips turned up in kindness, but his eyes were hard and steady as he held her gaze.
An adult, a seasoned crimefighter, an honest to god superhero and yet Barbara wanted to wriggle in her chair, knot her fingers in the hem of her t-shirt, under that look. Pure willpower was the only thing that stopped her. Though it didn’t extend to her mouth. “No, I’ve been out of town most of the week.”
This was true, Alfred knew, but not necessarily an airtight alibi.
“Besides,” Barbara continued, “I have a Costco card. The Birds and I split it. If I wanted to eat a whole bag of candy, I’d just buy my own.”
Alfred nodded, lifting his tea to take another sip. He accepted that answer, she knew better than to lie to him. “In that case, might I enlist your skills to uncover the real culprit?”
This was what Alfred had truly wanted to ask, they both knew, and Barbara smiled in delight at the prospect. “I’d love to.”
The next suspect was Tim. He knew exactly how to cover his tracks and misdirect their attention. Tim was sly, smart, and still technically a teenaged boy so sugar was irresistible. Barbara set the trap, crashing the Batcomputer one afternoon when everyone else was out. This forced Tim up, out of the Cave and to Alfred lying in wait in the kitchen.
Tim had climbed up onto a kitchen chair to get at the stash of poptarts on the top shelf of the cabinet above the stove. Proving that he had means, motive, and a record.
“Master Timothy,” Alfred drawled as he stepped out of the shadows. Bruce had to learn the skill from somewhere.
Startling, Tim whirled around and nearly fell from the chair. Dropping the silver packet in the process. It landed on the tile with a crunch. “Look I need the brain power to get the computer back up,” he said hastily, glancing guiltily between Alfred and the fallen junk food.
“I am not here to reprimand you about the poptarts,” Alfred said and Tim immediately relaxed, shooting him a relieved little grin. “But I may have to reprimand you for sneaking something else,” Alfred continued, causing Tim’s face to fall.
“I swear, I only had the one Monster the other week. And I split it with Kon ‘cause we were trying to keep Bart from drinking it. Me and him on an energy drink bouncing round the Tower is way better than a speedster on an energy drink.” Tim’s eyes were wide and the blood that had drained from his face made the boy almost impossibly paler.
Alfred lifted an eyebrow at the confession. Not what he was looking for but good to know all the same. “And what of the candy for trick-or-treat?”
Tim’s brows drew together in confusion. “Uh, I don’t know? I suggested we get milkyways but if you got snickers again then I’m not going to complain.”
“So, you did not eat the supply?” Alfred confirmed, though the fact that Tim was already feeling guilty and hesitant to lie on top of the fact that he had no idea Alfred had purchased boxes of three musketeers cleared him of the crime.
“No?” Tim shook his head as he shrugged.
Satisfied, Alfred nodded. “Enjoy your poptarts, Master Timothy. I shall be moving them shortly.”
“It wasn’t Jason,” Barbara said over the phone. “I have a couple different angles of him being in Paraguay all last week.”
“I never suspected him to begin with,” Alfred admitted as he pushed the shopping cart, restocking for the big night tomorrow. “He never liked three musketeers. Dark chocolate kit-kats are a separate story.” He smiled at the memory of a young Jason carrying a huge box of the candy bars to drop in the cart during his first Halloween with them.
“Cass and Dick are out too,” she continued. “Cass laughed at me when I even suggested it and then confirmed Dick was telling the truth when I questioned him.”
Alfred hummed. Richard had been his next guess, though he was more likely to take them to hand out while on patrol or pass on to his friends’ children than to eat himself. “Master Damian is innocent as well. He scoffed at the implication he would, quote, ‘stoop so low as to steal candy from children.’ He also vouched for Master Duke and neither were anywhere near the spare pantry recently to begin with.”
“Security cameras confirm that.”
“That leaves Miss Stephanie,” Alfred frowned. Stephanie tended to decline any offers of assistance from the Manor’s residents that weren’t directly related to masked vigilantism. Though she recently had allowed Alfred to slip her gas money when she visited during daylight hours. The thought of her taking the Halloween candy just did not sit right with him. It was almost as impossible to imagine as Damian taking it. Cassandra was more likely to be playing a trick on them all, having hidden it for some soon to be revealed reason. “Are you positive Miss Cassandra is not the culprit?”
Barbara chuckled. “I mean, not really. But at the same time why would she? Though why would Steph either? I don’t think it was either of them but I can vouch for Steph. She hasn’t been anywhere near the Cave or the Manor since last month. What with school she’s been staying close.”
“Which leaves us back to the beginning,” Alfred sighed and got in line. “We could create a sting operation though I’d loathe to lose this supply as well. There’s nearly no candy left in the entire state.”
“That I believe. Alright, I’ve got the feed from the events kitchen running on one of my screens. I’ll keep an eye on it for the rest of the night, see if anyone stupid enough to try it again.”
“Thank you, Miss Barbara. I really appreciate your assistance in this matter,” Alfred told her before exchanging their goodbyes. He had plans for a little stakeout of his own.
Placing the boxes in the spare pantry, Alfred settled himself on a stool next to the industrial fridge in the dark. He typed out a careful message in the family’s groupchat informing them all that the missing candy had been replaced and politely asking that it not disappear again before the next night. They would all be getting ready to go out for the night so there is no doubt they would see it. And he would have plenty of time to wait for them to strike.
Hours later, the family was returning and Alfred was still lying in wait. A creak echoed in from the ballroom where decorations were mostly in place. The light padding of rubber soles on the marble tile came closer and closer. Alfred leant further back into the shadows as the door swung open. He held his breath, waiting as the guilty party walked into the kitchen proper, headed directly towards the pantry. Alfred slipped from his hiding spot, keeping low as he crept around the island to come up behind the culprit.
Alfred contained his gasp of shock and annoyance as he flipped on the light. Forcing the candy thief to whirl on him. “Master Bruce!” Alfred scolded. He hadn’t thought his first charge would do such a thing and hadn’t even considered him as a suspect.
Having the good sense to look ashamed and like a ten-year-old boy again, Bruce offered a wavering grin in apology. “You bought three musketeers,” he said as his only defense.
Alfred frowned as he crossed his arms. “And your penance will be handing them out tomorrow night.”
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cdelphiki · 5 years
Tim and Damian don’t hate each other
They misunderstand each other. 
I’ve been delving into the comics, searching for the thread that is Tim and Damian’s relationship throughout canon and the overall theme I’ve been seeing is misunderstanding. 
The best place to start is the beginning.  
Tim came from a neglectful home.  Love and attention was never something just freely given to him.  The happiness he felt post-adoption, living with Bruce, was something he felt he earned, and in a way he had.  After all, Tim was not Bruce’s son when he first wormed his way into the Batman operation.  Bruce had no obligation to love Tim, but Tim proved himself to Bruce time and time again to get to where he was, and did eventually gain Bruce’s love.  
The issue where Damian was introduced starts out showing us the state of Tim and Bruce’s relationship at present time.  Bruce is immensely proud of Tim, and says as much.  He claims that Tim knows that, and it’s likely that he does.  Tim seems secure enough in his position in the family. 
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[Batman (1940) #655]
Tim is an eager, excited, normal teenage boy. Despite all the loss he’s endured recently, he’s in a good spot.
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[Batman (1940) #655]
And he’s one quite content in his place by Batman’s side.  
Enter: Damian Wayne.
Damian, on the other hand, was anything but neglected.  Not in the same sense Tim was, at least.  Canonically, Damian was abused both physically and emotionally.  
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[Batman (1940) #665]
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[The Shadow/Batman #3] / [Robin: Son of Batman #2]
I will point out, that #665 happened after Damian met Tim, but I think it still shows what life Damian has come from.  Talia is the one who blew Damian up, after all.  And that smack on the back of the head was nothing compared to the year of blood it preluded, but I digress.  
Perhaps it can be claimed that Damian was neglected in the sense that he was never shown the love children need.  He was never nurtured and allowed to thrive as himself.  Instead, he was forced to commit horrible acts, exposed to graphic violence from pretty much birth, and indoctrinated into one of the worst cults in the DC Universe.  (I would claim the worst, but I am, unfortunately, only familiar with the Batman side of the universe)
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[Batman and Robin (2011) #0]
So when Damian is thrust upon his father, he has no idea how to function in ‘the real world.’  He is operating on the rules and values of the League of Assassins. There, if he felt ignored or brushed aside, the way he won attention was by acting out and proving his worth.  Proving his use.  
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[Batman (1940) #658]
In fact, he had to continue to prove his worth in order to stay alive in the League. 
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[The Shadow/Batman #3]
So why would it be different in Gotham?  Damian is about 9, maybe 10.  He is just a child.  How many children that young, that deeply indoctrinated, are going to flawlessly adapt to an entirely new culture and new set of ideals and morals, without being taught them first?  Or even being told it’s different where they now live?
Exactly none.
Bruce, for all his shortcomings as a parent, understands this.  He knows exactly where Damian is coming from, and resolves himself to give Damian what he needs: love and respect.
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[Batman (1940) #657]
Tim, however, does not accept this revelation.  He argues that Damian should earn Bruce’s love and respect like ‘everyone else.’  Read: like he did.  Again, Tim has never once been freely given the love and respect of a parental figure.  Perhaps Jack, in his later years, but it’s difficult to take just a couple good years and ignore the years of prior neglect.  
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[Batman (1940) #657]
Tim is operating from a damaged worldview, just as Damian is.  No child should ever have to earn his father’s love, and respect is not something anyone should earn.  It should be freely given, then lost if necessary.  Never the other way around.  And children should always be respected, especially by adults.  
Neither Tim nor Damian understand this.  
Regardless, Tim is a kind person.  So he tries.  And that’s how we end up with the infamous attempt on Tim’s life. 
Tim came home to find a new kid in the cave.  He was a little confused by Damian’s presence, and has a hard time keeping the scorn off his face while Damian throws his fit for them all to see.  
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[Batman (1940) #657]
Despite all this, Tim tries.  Again and again.  
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[Batman (1940) #657]
Damian, being himself, ignores Tim and fights him at every opportunity.  Even though Tim is highly annoyed with Damian, and seriously defending himself against a violent attack, he still attempts to calm Damian down, saves his life, and tries to talk some sense into him.  Damian, well, pushes Tim off the dinosaur.  
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[Batman (1940) #657]
A lot goes down while Tim is out of commission.  Damian steals Jason’s robin suit and goes out to prove himself to Bruce.  Once Bruce makes sure Tim is okay and being taken care of, he willingly brings Damian with him on a mission.  And this is what ultimately drives another wedge between the boys.  
Damian already saw Tim as competition.  Another contender for Bruce’s attention, and by all outward appearances, the current favorite son.  Tim, however, now sees Damian as competition, because Damian just did the unspeakable.  He murdered someone.  In cold blood. He attacked Alfred and he tried to kill Tim.  And yet, Bruce is still showing him ‘love and respect’ in the form of attention.  
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[Batman (1940) #657, #658]
It’s easy to blame all of Damian’s actions on himself, but in the end, he was just a child.  A naive child, at that.
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[Batman (1940) #658]
But Tim is also just a child.  Likely around 15 or 16, although I’m not sure his age is specifically stated at this time.  I know he tells Jason at least once that he’s 16 quite a while later, but that’s straying off topic.  It’s easy for Tim to blame everything Damian did on Damian himself, because he doesn’t understand Damian or his background.
Bruce does understand, though.  That doesn’t mean he trusts Damian, doesn’t mean he welcomes him warmly in the future, but he understands that Damian’s actions were not his own.  They were the result of abuse and indoctrination.
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[Batman (1940) #658]
Damian, however, does not see that he has been manipulated.  That he’s been horribly mistreated and his actions are wrong.  And it’s this lack of revelation that actually hurts his relationships in the future, but that’s straying again.  
Of course, Damian returns to his mother and we don’t see him for a while.  Tim recovers, and eventually calls Damian what he is: his brother.
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[Batman (1940) #676]
Begrudgingly, at least. In a I’m-very-annoyed-why-is-this-happening-to-me sort of way.
But he’s recognizing it, and he’s coming to terms with the reality of the situation.  It causes Tim to become incredibly insecure in his place by Batman’s side, as Bruce’s son, despite Bruce’s reassurances.  
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[Batman (1940) #657]
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[Batman (1940) #665]
And thus begins the tumultuous relationship that is Tim and Damian.  
To be continued….
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ellana-ravenwood · 6 years
The Break-Up (Part 1/4)- Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary : That time the League, helped/lead by Smol Dickiebird, fixed Bruce and Batmom’s relationship.
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Can you spot all the easter eggs (from my main Batmom stories) I scattered in this story ? ...You know what ? Let’s make it a game. Whoever guesses them all, I’ll write a story just for them. I referenced tons of other work with Batmom in this story, more than usual so...Yup :-). Anyway hope you’ll like it, and as usual, feedbacks are very VERY welcomed ! : 
my master list blog :  @ella-ravenwood-archives
 Every time Richard Grayson came to visit his parents, siblings or “grandfather” (he came to call Alfred “gramps”, just to annoy him), nostalgia pinched his heart.
Whenever he climbed those steps to the main entrance, opened the big doors to come in the foyer, walked down corridors, rooms etc etc...memories of his childhood and teen years in the manor surged him, and filled him with a kind of sadness that wasn’t too terrible to endure. 
A kind of sadness he always greeted as an old friend. 
Heart tightening, and a stupid fond smile plastered on his face. 
Every time. 
You’d think after four years, it wouldn’t happen anymore, right ? But no.
Dick Grayson was a sentimental, and even though he moved out of his home years ago, and found a nice apartment in Blüdhaven, built his own home...It always made him feel weird to come back to the Manor. 
Even more since he married his teenage sweetheart, Barbara Gordon, and got his first child (the most wonderful little girl in the universe ! Position she shared with his little sister Cass’ of course, who was so cute when she was still a kid ! Damian, aka “most protective uncle ever”, agreed).
Because now, with his job as a police officer and his nightly activities in Blüdhaven...He rarely had time to come “home”. 
Well, that wasn’t really true. 
He still came over at least four times a week and, on most week-ends, his family would come to his apartment to have lunch. And he often caught up with one of his siblings, or parents, or Alfred but...it wasn’t the same anymore. 
He still didn’t see you as often as he used to. As often as he wanted to. 
It was actually a tough change for him, to not be able to get out of his room and find one of you somewhere in his house.
He actually thought about asking his dad to buy an entire building, and then you guys could all live on one floor and you’d be all together always and...he quickly realized it was unreasonable and ridiculous. 
It was just so strange that he couldn’t see any of you whenever he wanted. He was a “responsible” adult now (who bought legos for his daughter just so he could play with them too). 
He grew up...and his siblings too. Hell, Damian was going to be seventeen !! 
He had to accept that things were changing. Evolving. 
It was awful. 
...Though he found reassurance in the fact that some things actually never changed. 
Like how much his parents were in love. 
Dick had let himself in the manor and was looking for any members of his family, roaming the gigantic house. 
He found Alfred asleep on his father’s office chair, a duster in one hand (the poor butler wasn’t getting any younger, and got tired easily nowadays). 
Dick put a blanket over him and left the office silently, continuing his search. 
He found you and Bruce in the main living room, asleep as well, on the couch, in each others’ arms. 
You weren’t getting any younger either...and though his mom, you, was quite younger than Bruce, it seemed like you were the one who was getting tired the fastest lately...
You weren’t even fifty yet ! But in the past few months, you always seemed so exhausted and such...Dick made a mental note to remind you to rest more, and to stop taking care of them so much like that, it would kill you one day ! 
There was a note on the living room table. Dick recognized his youngest brother’s handwriting (elegant and classy). The note stated : 
We went to Jason’s place to see his new motorcycle and to kick his ass butt ass (sorry Mom, for trying to watch my profanities :p (this stupid smiley was added by Tim Drake)) at Tekken, 
Love you (Cassandra forced me to write that),
Damian, Cass and Tim.”
Dick smiled at the thought of his younger siblings playing Tekken. 
That game always ended in “bloodshed” and fights, at the Wayne household (competitive kids)...until you would come along and win every game and settle their quarrel easily. 
You were the best at Tekken, period. 
Well, there was the sempiternel fight about who was the second best but you know... 
Yes, his siblings’ antics always made Dick smile uncontrollably. 
Another thing that always made him smile : you and Bruce, forever in love. 
And as he was looking fondly over you two, at your embraced form on the couch, he couldn’t help but smile like an idiot and think : “relationship goal, right there”. 
It was everything he aspired to have with Barbara. Your perfect relationship. 
Perfect ? Well, not always. 
You were both too stubborn for your own good, and had quite a temper. A strong personality too, which meant that sometimes, fights happened. 
Small ones about petty things, and big one over important matters...but it always ended up the same, wether it was about something small or big : with you two apologizing profusely, regardless of who was wrong, and then...going to...do...gross things in your bedroom (or whatever place somewhat private was available to you). 
Dick shivered. 
He was almost thirty and did some...uncatholic things with Barbara too but he could never not be be grossed out by his parents doing...ew. 
Whatever, the important thing there, wasn’t that, but it was that no matter what, you’d always pull through. You always had each other’s back. You always made up, and your “perfect” relationship would only grow stronger each time. 
You guys were made for each others, and it wasn’t a silly fight that would separate you two (Hell, every healthy couple fought from time to time). 
Though...it almost did once. 
Here’s a memory Dick didn’t particularly cherish. 
That time he almost never had a second (amazing and perfect) mom. 
That time you two almost made a decision that would have make the both of you forever miserable and bitter. 
That time you almost ruined your life (Dick loved to be over-dramatic...though in this instance, he genuinely believed you almost ruined each others life). 
Nearly twenty years earlier : 
-Oh my God Bruce, get over yourself ! 
-I’m the one that’s suppose to get over myself ?! Please (Y/N), grow up ! 
This was terrible. 
Dick had to do all the efforts in the World not to cry. 
He had been living with you and Bruce Wayne for the past six months now (you moved in with Bruce after about a year of relationship...Eight months hidden from paparazzis and danger, four months officially together. It was Bruce’s idea. He loved you, you were almost always at the Manor anyway, you had an entire chest of drawers full of your stuffs...you might as well live with him !). 
And though the pain of losing his parents was still vivid, his little eight years old heart felt he had another chance at life. Felt like he could still be happy. 
Sometimes, he felt awful that, only six months after his parents’ death, he was already feeling better...but he couldn’t help it. 
You, Bruce and Alfred made him feel like he was home instantly, as soon as he set foot in Wayne Manor. 
Especially you, if he was honest. Bruce was busy, and Alfred’s English phlegm didn't go through Dick yet, just like Dick’s need for hugs and reassurance wasn’t clear enough for the butler yet. But you...
You were but (almost) twenty two years old and yet took full responsibility (well, almost too, Bruce was there too) of that lost (and adorable) kid. 
Though you were barely an adult yourself, you didn’t hesitate one second about what you’d do when Bruce said he was taking Dick as his ward. 
You just took care of him as if he was yours, without questions. 
When he had nightmares, shivering in his bed, you were there before he opened his eyes and screamed. And you always convinced Bruce easily to let him sleep in your bed, between the two of you, when he was still too scared to fall back asleep. 
You always asked him if he was alright, you listened to him, and to put it in a simpler way : you just loved him. You made sure he knew you loved him. Made sure he knew he still had a family. 
In fact, you and Bruce were making him feel so at home that he almost called you “mom” and “dad” a few times. 
...He wanted to call you like that. 
But he was to afraid that it would mean betraying his own parents, betraying their memory ! Oh man, it was a lot to take for an eight year old boy, life wasn’t suppose to be that difficult at that age ! 
...It seemed though, like part of his dilemma would be no more soon, as he keeps listening to you and Bruce arguing in the living room, hiding on top of the stairs: 
-I guess this is what I get for dating a goddamn child ! 
Bruce says angrily, and your face says it all. It looses all colors, and it seems to Dick as if you were deeply wounded by Bruce’s words...but too stubborn to actually show it, as you say : 
-Oh. Child. Of course. It didn’t seem to bother you last night uh ? 
-Completely unrelated to the subject. 
-Oh really ? 
-Yes really, and you know it (Y/N). You’re being unresonable. You know you’re wrong, and lack arguments, hence you start to talk about things that has nothing to do with the subject. 
-Like you just did by stating that you’re dating a “goddamn child” ? 
Dick couldn’t really understand everything you were saying (he was so curious about what you did last night though...a pillow fight maybe ? if the situation wasn’t so desperate, and made him feel so miserable, then he would have been vexed that you didn’t invite him to said pillow fight !), but his heart tightened at your every words.
He couldn’t stand seeing you two fight. 
He wasn’t used to see you two fight...In six months with you guys, he only saw you argue about very petty things a few times, and immediately apologize. 
But this time ? It seemed serious. 
It was about Bruce’s night activities (Dick knew now that he was the Batman), and how he put himself in useless danger sometimes. How he needed to be more careful. 
It was about Bruce not wanting you to meddle with this part of his life at all, even if he knew you were right. 
It was about Bruce still being somewhat reluctant about letting you fully in his life. 
It was about Bruce being an insensitive prick. 
It was about you being too stubborn to let it go. 
It was about you wanting to meddle with his night activities, because you cared about what happened to him, but also because you were vexed he was treating you like a weak child, trying to shield you from all of it.
It was about you not being experienced enough with his “dark side” yet to realize when to stay silent, or to know how exactly to tell him things. 
There was a way to talk to Bruce. And you didn’t master it quite yet...it would take you a few more years for that really. Your boyfriend (soon to be husband) was a damn complicated man. 
-Don’t tell me what to do (Y/N). I was upfront with you. You know this...is...my life work, and it comes first. 
You stay in front of him for a few moments, in silence, taking his words in. 
Bruce looks at you back, his face unreadable. 
He knows perfectly well this is not the truth, that you and Dick are more important than anything else now...but he’s too stubborn to admit it, he’s still too used to his old lonely ways (even though he had you by his side for more than a year now...it had just been six months since you were here 24/7). 
And he’s not sure he wants to let it go...Wouldn’t that mean betraying his parents ? 
Finally, you say those awful words, that makes Dick want to cry even more : 
-Fine, I think we’re done here then.
You glare at Bruce, and he gives you one of his infuriating arrogant look in return. It does indeed, infuriate you. 
When you said : “I think we’re done here”, you didn’t mean “done” forever. You meant that there was nothing more to say. That this fight was over, and would stay unresolved. You meant...but it doesn’t matter what you meant, because he misunderstands and, struggling to hide how truly heartbroken he is, he says coldly : 
-You know where the door is. 
It’s a tone he never used with you before. It lacks love, awe, fondness, joy...it’s empty (just like he’s feeling now), and it hurts you more than anything else. 
And from there...Things escalate quickly. 
You both say things you do not actually mean. You both enter “self-defense” mode and starts to be genuinely awful to each others.
You both go too far. 
Neither of you actually say the word “break-up”, but as you storm off the manor without even saying “bye” to Alfred or Dick, what is happening is pretty clear. 
Sat on the floor in the corridors upstairs, Dick hears you leave in a fury, saying profanities he would never dare to say out loud. 
He hears Bruce yell : “And don’t come back !”. 
And all he can do, is stay there, “hidden”, crying softly. When Alfred finds him, a few hours later, for the first time since he came in the Manor, he takes him in his arms, and they stay like that for a bit. 
Bruce sees them, as he climbs the stairs...but he ignores them. Silently, he goes and locks himself in his bedroom, trying to erase from his head the face of that poor little boy who’s crying in his butler’s arms. 
For the second time in his life, Dick Grayson’s family is “dead”. 
Dick doesn’t see you for almost an entire week. 
The day after your departure, one of your friend came to get your stuffs. 
Bruce wasn’t there...since you left he buried himself in his work, both by day and by night. 
Bruce Wayne never attended that many meetings at Wayne Inc, and Batman never arrested that many criminals in the streets in such a short time span. 
The poor man was exhausted, both physically and mentally...Dick understood. When he first arrived at Wayne Manor, right after his parents’ death, he never forgot the look his adopted father gave you, when he said : “I know things are difficult for you right now...but I promise it will get better. I know my words might sound hollow for you but...one day, you’ll see. One day, you’ll realize that the World is still spinning, and that you’re still able to love and be loved. I hope I will help, just like others have helped me”, emphasizing the fact that Bruce knew most of his happiness came from you being by his side. 
But he was too stubborn to admit it, and therefor, worked even more. 
Maybe he was trying to stay distracted, to keep going so he would never have time to actually think about what happened ?
Dick doesn’t hear anything about you for an entire week, when you finally call. It seems you knew Bruce wasn’t there, as you called on the Manor’s landline. 
Alfred answers of course, and you two talk for a few minutes. It sounds to Dick as if the butler went through different feelings while talking to you, from despair to anger, finishing on a beaten note. 
He comes to him, and gives him the phone, saying a flat and emotionless : 
-It is Miss (Y/L/N). 
Excitedly, Dick takes the machine in his small hand and says, voice full of hope : 
-(Y/N) ? 
It’s such a relief, to hear you say :
-Hey buddy, how’s it going ? 
-Ok. When are you coming back ? 
There’s an awkward silence, and he can feel by your tone that you’re choosing your words very carefully : 
-I...I’m not sure I’m coming back kiddo. 
HAHA ! “Not sure”. You didn’t outright say : “I’m not coming back”. You just said..”not sure”. This was something, right ? You continue : 
-Listen buddy, what about I take you to the fair tomorrow ? And we can talk. Would you like that ? 
-Yes ! Yes I would love that ! 
On the other side of the line, you can’t help but smile. Damn you missed that kid. But your smile soon turn sad and you say : 
-I have to go right now, but we’ll talk more tomorrow ok ? Can you give the phone back to Alfred please ? 
-Yes. See you tomorrow right ? 
-Promise ? 
-Good. You can’t break a promise. Bye bye, I love you. 
The words come out of his mouth faster than he can think and...he’s a bit embarrassed, but not too much. After all, it’s true. He loves you. 
Your voice breaks a bit as you answer :
-Love you too buddy, love you too. See you tomorrow. 
He gives the phone back to Alfred, and act as if he’s going back to his business, though he clearly tries to listen in on what the butler says. 
Alfred though, knows better, and walks further away, and Dick end up only understanding a few cryptic words : “...ask him yourself...” “...miserable...” “...back...” “...his everything...”. 
Soon enough though, being just a child, he forgets about it, and focus all heartedly on the perspective of seeing you again tomorrow. And at the fair at that ! He couldn’t wait. 
He missed you so much, during that week of silence...
You end the call with Alfred and your heart is filled with nothing but sadness and pain. 
You want to call Bruce, to beg him to take you back, to apologize, to...whatever really. You just want to hear his voice. 
But you don’t. Because you’re too stubborn. Because he doesn’t call you either.
And man, why did you have to feel so bad about not talking to Dick in a week ? You weren’t his mom after all !! 
Just thinking those words make your heart bleed. It makes you realize that things are truly over, and that you’ll...never...be...his mom. For the hundredth time that week, you go to bed early and weep all night...
Bruce is greeted by a very excited Dick who jumps in his arms and goes on and on about what he’ll do the next day. Automatically, Bruce catches him and lifts him up in the air, holding him against his chest. 
It takes the Batman a few minutes to finally understand why, for the first time in a week, his boy seems so lively. 
It’s you. 
Of course, it’s you.
It’s the prospect of seeing you again. 
For a split second, Bruce’s heart beats faster, and it almost feels as if he’s going to be the one seeing you tomorrow. 
But the dark reality slaps him in the face fast enough. He won’t see you. Not ever. Not after all the things he dared to tell you...
And oh he regrets every single words, oh he wishes he was brave enough to call you and beg for your forgiveness...He would do anything to get you back, he would do anything you wanted. He would even stop being Batman, if that’s what it took and...But it wouldn’t happen. 
He was too cowardly, too proud and stubborn, to actually call you and apologize. To actually give himself another shot at “being happy”. 
It couldn’t happen anymore. He had his chance, and he blew it. It was destiny bringing him back down on Earth. You’d be better off without him. That was sure. It’s as if life was telling him : “you’ve been a selfish bastard, you knew your relationship with her wouldn’t actually go anywhere, and you played with her...this is your punishment. Karma’s a bitch”. 
And as Dick was going on and on about all the things he’d do with you at the fair, it dawned on him that...vacations were over. 
You left, forever. 
He had to...
Just talking about you made him want to end it all. That’s how much he loved and missed you. He’ve had enough of this life of pain and misery. When you came in, you eclipsed (almost) the darkness...if he didn’t make a promise to his parents, that he would spend his life avenging them, he’s not sure he would still be alive. 
He listens, keeping silent, to Dick’s ramblings about you, and about what you guys are going to do. Alfred fills him in on what you said on the phone, how you asked to see Dick and take him out for the day. 
Bruce doesn’t say anything. He couldn’t bear the fact that the boy would be able to see and touch you, while he himself would never be allowed to do that ever again. But what could he do ? Stop Dick from ever seeing you again ? 
You’d never allow that, loving that kid too much. And besides...it wasn’t this poor little eight year’s old fault, your relationship didn’t last. 
Why should he be punished for something he had no control over ? Bruce shook his head and chased away his selfish thoughts. 
Of course he’d let Dick see you. 
But...Was it really fair to do so, knowing you wouldn’t be there for him as much as you used to ? Was it fair to let him have hope of you ever coming back when Bruce knew it would never happen ? He didn’t want the boy to be hurt...
Maybe he shouldn’t let him see you. 
No. This was ridiculous. You...
-Do you think I’ll be able to convince her to come back, eh, Bruce ? 
Lost in his thoughts, it seemed as if the Batman lost track of the conversation, and didn’t hear a big chunk of Dick’s ramblings. He couldn’t remember how the kid came to talk about you coming back...Oh this wasn’t good. 
He gives a desperate look to Alfred, but the butler isn’t looking back. In fact, he’s turned away from his “master”, in an obvious “You got yourself in this mess, handle things yourself” way, and slowly leaves the room. 
Bruce turns to Dick’s painfully hopeful face, and say : 
-I...I don’t think she...wants to...wouldn’t want to...
He stumbles on his words, and it seems to encourage the little boy. Yes. This was his time. He had a week to rehearse his speech, but didn’t dare to say anything...but now ? Now it was the time : 
-Bruce, we don’t know that ! You didn’t even call her. You guys didn’t speak calmed down yet. You know when people are angry, they say stupid things. Which is what happened. There’s still a chance, and if you want her to come bac...
Bruce understood where the boy wanted to go. And he had to rip any hope from him, now. Otherwise, it would become dangerous. 
Bruce understood that Dick was about to try and convince him to make a move, to try and get you back. He guessed easily that the kid was about to tell him that he’ll talk to you tomorrow, to plead his case. That he’d help in any way shape or form. 
Bruce knew that Dick was about to go on a rant about how they should try again, about how there was still...hope. 
But Bruce knew better. He was convinced he would never get you back, he knew he went too far, pushed you away one too many time...He knew you thought his Batman activities were more important to him than you or worst, than Dick, and he knew you couldn’t forgive him (at the time, it seems he didn’t fully understand you yet...but you two were still in the “early stage” of the relationship of course). 
And he had to destroy all hope. He had to be blunt, though dishonest. 
-...No ? 
Dick said in a small voice, not understanding. Closing his eyes, Bruce got on his knees and put his hands on the boy’s shoulders. After a deep sigh, he said : 
-I...don’t want (Y/N) back. And I meant what I told her. 
-No Bruce, you love her. 
Dick’s innocent look, and the way his voice sounded so sure of his statement...almost make Bruce cracks. The man almost breaks down and tells all of his feelings to his kid but...he’s just a kid. A tiny eight years old. He couldn’t burden that boy with his pain like that...And so he shakes his head and says : 
-No Dickie. No. I...Loved her. But those feelings are...gone...now. We’re...we’re not together anymore. We broke up. That’s how life is. Sometimes...you...just have to move on from good things and...or...good things turn into bad...I don’t want her back. And she doesn’t want to come back. You heard her, we’re done. It’s over. 
Every single stumbling words that came out of his mouth was a struggle. But he thought that his cold tone was pretty convincing. He thought that Dick and his young age would buy his lies easily (clearly underestimating him). He gets back on his feet and ruffle his boy’s hair, taking the direction of the Batcave (he needed to think about something else than you right now). 
Dick looks at him leave, tears welled up in his eyes...and more determined than ever. 
Of course, his failure today could have had convinced him to abandon all hope. 
But...no, never. He knew he was right. 
That morning, you came to pick Dick up. You thought you saw Bruce looking at your car from behind his bedroom’s curtains but...It was probably all in your head. Wishful thinking. You wanting him to miss you...but for what ? 
You wouldn’t get back together. 
The vision of that little eight year old boy excitedly going down the Manor’s stairs, a backpack in his hand, and rushing in your car lifted your heart. 
For the first time in a week, you didn’t feel too terrible. Hell, you even caught yourself smiling widely at Dick ! 
You feel a bit bad for not going out to say “hi” to Alfred...No, that was an understatement. You grew so close from the man, while you were dating Bruce...it physically hurt your soul to not go out to hug him and catch up...but what if Bruce was there ? 
You couldn’t risk it. And so you just kinda nod at the butler from your car, and drive away, not noticing his pained expression. 
The morning flies by so fast, you don’t even realize it’s already noon, only Dick’s belly grumbling gives you a hint. 
And it’s there, while you eat lunch, that he attacks. 
He talks about Bruce, observing your reaction. But just like your boy...ex-boyfriend, you cut his sentences short. 
There is no “(Y/N) and Bruce” anymore, you’re not getting back together. 
Dick can tell you even less words than he told Bruce...And yet. 
Yet it doesn’t discouraged him. 
It should have had. But it doesn’t. 
A few months ago, Dick started his training with Bruce. One day, he too would be a night vigilante ! And one of his first lesson was this : “Always observe the situation, always know your ennemies”. 
He would have never thought but today...his ennemies were the people he loved most in the World. 
You and Bruce. 
He triggered emotions in you by talking about getting back together, and he was now convinced that you both loved each other but were too dumb (later he’d know that “dumb” wasn’t the right word...”stubborn” was...well, stubbornness was dumb) to apologize and fix things yourselves ! 
Or maybe too scared ? Not brave enough ? No. Impossible. Not you two. It wasn’t that. You were really just...too dumb. 
By telling you guys he would try to get you back together, he made sure that you were still in love. And obviously, you were. 
You both thought you were way better liers than you really were. 
Dick could see through you two. When you said “we’re not going back together, I don’t want too, and he/she wouldn’t either anyway”, all he could hear was the “anyway” signifying that there was still a kind of wish to be back together, that you were just afraid it was a one-way thing...
Yes. Months of training actually taught him a lot. 
Dick was slowly becoming a detective. And theory had no secrets for him...The “know your enemies part” was over. Now came the part he...didn’t know so well. 
The action. 
He was still too inexperienced in that. He wasn’t sure how to act...after all, he was just an eight year old boy. 
And he couldn’t ask Bruce for help, as he would usually when he was in a delicate situation, because Bruce was part of the problem...
It took Dick a few days to come up with a solution. 
What did Bruce always said ? 
-If you’re in deep and big trouble, and I’m not here to help...Call this number. Ask for Superman and tell him everything. He will help. He will fix things. 
This definitely counted as “deep and big trouble”. And Bruce couldn’t help. And he needed someone to help him fix things...
Dick waited for Bruce to leave for his nightly activities, and for Alfred to look away (Dick wasn’t sure yet if Alfred would agree with him and his plan and...he couldn’t risk the butler to stop him. Of course, he would never do such a thing, because he wanted as much as Dick for you two to get back together, and he actually “looked away” on purpose but...well, he couldn’t blame the kid for being unsure, after all, Alfred didn’t talk much about what he thought of the situation, things being too hurtful for him to...). 
He dialed the “red number” Bruce gave him. 
A voice he didn’t recognize fused from the computer : 
-Member N°2. Batman. You’ve reached the League headquarters, how can I be of service ? 
With an hesitant and small voice, Dick says : 
-Hum...Can I...talk to...Superman ? 
-Member n°2. Batman. You asked to talk to Superman. Getting you through...now. 
There were a few agonizing minutes where Dick thought Superman wouldn’t pick up but...Finally, his face appeared on the computer. He seemed a bit panicky, and when he noticed Dick in front of him, seemed to get even more panicked : 
-Dick ? What is happening ? Are you ok ? Is Batman ok ? What is the danger ?! 
Dick took a big breath to give himself courage and said, more determined than ever : 
-No, I am not ok. And Batman definitely isn’t either. And the danger...it’s his dumb self being too dumb to realize he’s taking a dumb decision ! 
To be continue...
I wrote this in a surge of inspiration. It’s very late, I’m tired, and it’s pretty bad. 
I didn’t write anything in almost three weeks (it’s easy to guess, I’m a bit rusty and this story is...b.a.d, especially the end of this part), so of course when I get back at it it’s an awfully long story...Anyway, this is why I cut that story in half. I know writing long ass one shots is my style, but that one really was too long :-). 
See y’all soon for part two, hoped you liked it and that it didn't disappoint you after my “long” absence.
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Okay, so I said I’d upload part two once the first part got ten notes beyond myself and @fire-fira, so here we go! Read part 1 [here]
“Bart, I want you to remember that this necklace means I will always be here for you, even when I’m not physically here, okay?” Laga said. “I’m always here for all of you.” Bart touched the side of Laga’s face where the tooth had been knocked from, his small, childish hand gently exploring the odd feeling of where the skin dented in rather than out. “But it hurt you.” “When am I not hurt?” Laga chuckled, trying to hide the wheezing cough that came with that. “I’m getting old, Bart. If I had stayed in the water, I might still be energetic, I knew plenty of kisegra the age I am now who moved as if they were younger than your father, the Flash. But the sea water was poisoned, or so we’ve been told, and Atlantis is gone. If I’m not in physical pain, my heart aches for all the lives lost in this battle. For all the friends I won’t see until I die.” Laga ran a scaled hand through Bart’s hair, surprisingly soft and clean for the setting they were in. “Maybe someday, the second Kid Flash will go back in time and stop this all from happening, and then get to watch me grow up without growing old so fast. Maybe he’s in this room. Maybe he and the Blue I knew will admit that they were head over heels for each other this time.” “So, Kid Flash the second killed the person he loved, because he thought it would stop the Bugs but it just gave the Bugs more power?” Bart clarified, confused. “Yeah.” Laga shook his head a little. “But the past is the past, and I can’t change it. All I can hope to do is improve the future. If we can get someone to the green lantern corp and say that the Reach is no longer welcome, they’ll drive the Bugs away for us, if Hal, Guy, or John are still there, they might even be able to rebuild parts of our old society.” “Buuuuut, if a Speedster travels back in time, they could stop this, right? Before it all happens?” Bart countered. “Maybe. If they don’t cause it. I think the first thing a Speedster would have to do would be to save your grandpa.” Laga smiled slightly. “Barry was a nice man, so very kind, even to his villains. He might be surprised if a kid showed up in a time travel pod, claiming to be his grandchild, since he and Iris never planned to have kids, but if they were to show up before February 28th, in 2016, they could quite possible stop the On Mode Nathanial from killing him. You know Nathanial, don’t you?” “Neutron? Yeah.” Bart nodded. “He’s nice. He wears a collar though, why?” “Because his metagene would kill anyone and anything that got close enough to talk to, and that would be a very lonely life.” Laga explained. “Sleep now, my child of the warm current, tomorrow I’ll teach you all some magic.” .*.°.*.°.*. Laga did teach the kids a little magic the next day, he managed to make them all the tattoos needed for basic hydrokinesis, and over time, he taught them how to extract water from the ground and air around them. He also showed them a couple games to play with the water, they made up some more. Even the speedsters joined, and everyone had a great time, until the Bugs showed up again. “Run.” Laga ordered, scooping up the toddler, Static Shock’s grandkid. He put her in Yajri’s arms. “Run!” A couple other adults, Shock’s son, Nathanial, Jason, Damian, Longshadow, and a young man with fire powers, ran with the kids, keeping them somewhat together, and shooting things at the Bugs that tried to follow them. They ran inland. Not even the Bugs dared to go to the desert of inner America these days, and there were rumors, that Don hadn’t had time to check out, of an oasis in the Rockies. Maybe they could get the kids there in time. Maybe. Greta Hayes popped up in front of them, and led them through a twisting maze of tunnels, possibly made from ruined buildings, and to the desert. “Secret.” She said, apologetically, and waved a hand. “Sorry.” Replied another ghost, one that Laga barely remembered the voice of. “Sorry.” The second ghost repeated, shrugging apologetically at Laga as he turned to see him. “Jaime.” Laga said. “I- if we knew what he was planing…” The male ghost raised a hand to stop him. “Sorry.” He repeated, looking a little annoyed, he then waved the hand in a “don’t worry about it” type of gesture. “So you’re Jaime.” Jason tilted his head at the ghost. “Cool.” “Sorry.” Jaime growled a little, and stepped away from the exit, where he’d been standing. “Do we follow him?” Fred asked. Laga nodded and got his small mob moving again. “Thank you, Greta.” “Secret.” She smiled sadly, and floated over to Bart momentarily. “Secret.” She ordered him. “Secret.” “Sorry.” Jaime repeated, and made the classic “follow me” wave. Once they were out of the cave and following Jaime, Laga tried to ask, “Was it really him? Did he really do this?” The teenaged ghost smiled sorrowfully at Laga and shook his head. “Sorry.” He said, then looked at Jason. “Hey, man, I don’t do that whole thing anymore.” Jason said. “Besides, you know I can’t say that stuff here.” “Soooooo-rryyyyyy.” Jaime snorted. “No.” Jason said. “Fine. I’ll translate for the ghost.” Damian snorted. “He’s saying that in this time line, yes it was who you don’t want to believe, but soon, one of these times around, it won’t be.” “Oh.” Laga looked stricken. “I- I’ve done my best so far.” “Sorry.” Jaime added, oddly chipper. “Sorry!” He threw an arm out, halting most of the group. “He said that the B-the person from this version didn’t have any magic, so that might be the tipping point. Oh, and, the ash up ahead hides a trap, but he’s not sure quite where.” Damian added. “Maybe start with the relevant information first next time?” Static’s son said, currently using his lightning to help get out of a pit he’d fallen into. “I almost landed on spikes down there!” “Sorry.” Jaime rubbed the back of is head, blushing. Then he looked out at the planes in front of them, speculatively. “Sorry.” He added, and Beetle like wings sprouted from his hoodie as he took to the air. A couple kids yelped and jumped back at that. “What’s he doing?” Laga asked Damian. “He’s going to get someone from the oasis to lead us, it might take them a little to get out here, even if they still have cars?” Damian looked shocked. “I haven’t seen a car in decades.” “So, do we hang out here or back in the caves?” Longshadow asked. “We hang out anywhere we can find water.” Laga declared. “Jaime will be able to find us. He’s smart, even without his second brain. He knows I was born and raised under the waves.” “They air is dry here.” Said a ten year old girl that had a water metagene, the magic only gave her another outlet for it. “I can’t feel water for miles.” Laga frowned. “Thank you, Lotus.” He said. “Jacky, you can feel the ground, can you lead us over the path to the other side of the traps?” “I can try.” The blind twelve year old agreed. “Single file, behind me.” He added. The adults were interspersed throughout the group, and carried the youngest. Bart was at the back, his elder sisters were somewhere closer to the front. Bart memorized everything about their walk, feeling that he’d need to do it again later, but unsure as to why. Passing the pits took several days. They had no food, and no water. A large vehicle was waiting for them at the other end, a young blond woman sitting behind a strange wheel at the front. “No way!” She gasped upon seeing them. “You survived! Kraken!” “Cassie? You’ve hardly aged a day!” Laga gaped, he wasn’t doing too well. In fact, the moment Jacky made it clear that it was safe to not follow him anymore, Laga crumpled to the ground. “Neptune’s beard, I pushed too hard.” He said. “No! Not now!” The woman, Cassie wailed. Bart zipped over to Laga, skidding to a halt next to him, on his knees. “No! No! I just got you back, no!” She started to sob, flying out of the vehicle to kneel next to Laga. “Please, please, you’re the last of my old friends, don’t you die on me too!” “Tim’s still out there, last I saw.” Laga croaked. “Wondergirl.” Jason said, stepping forward. “You know what has to happen. Get the kids to the oasis.” “I’m not leaving uncle Laga.” Bart said, hugging the man. “If he’s not going to make it to this oasis place, I’m not going.” Cassie hiccuped, largely ignoring Bart to speak to Jason. “You’re right. I’m not sure who you are, but, you’re right.” “I’ll stay too. I have to make up for my past sins.” Nathaniel said. “I’m going to the oasis.” Longshadow said, shaking her head. “I love Laga, he raised me, but I need food, water, and rest. So do the kids.” “Get in the car.” Damian ordered. “All of you.” He started lifting kids up into the vehicle. “Miss Cassie-“ “Bruce?” She asked, confused. “No. I never met him.” Damian’s lips drew tight. “Mother never told him I was even conceived, not long after he adopted Nightwing.” “Oh. I’m so sorry.” Cassie said. Damian shrugged. “Call me the first of many who lost their parents to the Bugs, I suppose. Anyways, get the kids, Longshadow, and Hawkins out of here.” “Yes, sir.” She agreed. “Kraken, I’m sorry. Say hello to the others for me.” “Of course, Wonder…woman.” They smiled bitterly at each other, and Cassie planted a fraternal kiss on his forehead, before going and showing the kids and adults that were leaving how to buckle a seatbelt. Bart lifted Laga up to see the others leave, and he managed to wave goodbye. Cassie had left some snacks, water bags, and a small blue sphere. “The cure.” Nathanial said, shocked. “A metagene inhibitor.” “Food!” Bart said. “Laga, do you want the water?” “No, I’m too far gone. You eat it.” He croaked. There was an explosion in the distance, where the others had gone. “I hope that wasn’t the car.” Damian murmured. “Bart, don’t.” He added, when Bart got in position to run and check. “Please, leave us the hope that it wasn’t them.” Bart grimaced, but sat back down, pulling Laga’s head into his lap in a crude mockery of all the time’s he’d sat in Laga’s lap. “Eat, Bart.” Laga said. “Please.” “Okay, uncle Laga.” Bart agreed, and started to eat. The others all ate some of the food too, and Jason put the rest in his bag. “Bart, could you sing for me?” Laga asked. “You have such a sweet voice.” Bart nodded. He hadn’t drunken enough recently to have tears in his eyes but the pain still pulled the corners of his eyes tight as his lip trembled. “Sweet water child,” he sang in Atlantean, “Don’t be afraid. Sweet water child, I will stay right here. Sweet water child, I love you…” Laga reached up, and shakily brushed hair out of Bart’s eyes. “Promise me you won’t ever kill.” He croaked. “Okay, I promise. I’ll never kill anyone.” Bart pressed his forehead to Laga’s, supposedly a familial gesture for Atlanteans. “I promise.” “Thank you, eel.” Laga said, and closed his eyes. He was still breathing, but it was getting weaker. “Tell my dad I’m sorry, Sharkface.” Jason said, putting a hand on Laga’s bare, scarred chest. “And I’m sorry to you, too.” Bart pressed his forehead to Laga’s even harder. “Sleep well.” Jason pulled his hand away, and a spirit came out, a young Laga. “Well.” He said, and smirked slightly, before kneeling and putting a translucent hand on Bart’s cheek. “Well,” he repeated, softly, and Bart look up at him. Laga gently tapped his forehead to Bart’s, and then stepped back. “Sorry.” Jaime said, coming up. He put a hand on Laga’s shoulder. “Uncle Laga!” Bart tried to grab Laga’s wrist, but his hand went right through. “Don’t go, uncle Laga, please, I need you.” “Well.” Laga shook his head, apologetically. “Well.” His tone was gentle, far more gentle than any he’d ever used in life. “Sorry.” His friend added, and pointed at the clouds. “Sorry,” he said, insistently. “We don’t want to be here when the rains start. They’ll wash us down the pit and we’ll never get out. Come on, kiddo.” Jason scooped Bart up, and started jogging back over the pit. the ghosts of Laga and Jaime ran with them, leading the way when Jason was unsure. They went back to the caves, where Greta met them, and led them through different tunnels than before, Laga at her side, before he faded away. Bart wailed and cried without tears when that happened. And then they were in the ruins of a mountain, and Jason was looking around in horror and the other two men stood in silent confusion. “I heard it was gone but I thought that was propaganda.” He whispered. “No…” “Greta?” Nathanial turned to the cave system, but it was gone, entirely, and the ghost wasn’t there. “Great. She stuck us here.” “Then let’s build a time machine.” Damian said. To be continued
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