#but sometimes you gotta ask
bookofmirth · 8 months
hi! i have a kinda strange question about the bonus chapter with az, bryce, and nesta (so pls ignore this ask if you haven’t read it yet and don’t want to be spoiled!!) there’s a conversation in the chapter where bryce explains what bombs and guns are, and at first azriel responds that such horrible weapons shouldn’t exist, then later nesta says something along the lines that it doesn’t matter if terrible weapons exist bc people will hurt each other regardless. (hopefully i didn’t switch azriel and nesta’s opinions, i lost the source that i read the bonus chapter from lol). do you think this was intended to be a commentary on gun control/gun laws or am i reading wayyy too deep into things? that’s how it came off to me and i had mixed feelings on which side sjm was trying to portray as right since she ends with nesta’s statement and doesn’t really bring up the issue any further. because yes, people will try to find ways to hurt each other, but it’s definitely a lot harder without easy access to guns. or maybe it was meant to show the different worldviews that nesta and azriel have, more about their characterization than a political commentary. idk i’d love to know your thoughts!
Okay this is such an interesting question because on the one hand I actually did think the same thing? It was just too similar to arguments people make irl about guns for me to ignore. But on the other hand... I sorta blinked, and then moved on.
It was Nesta, here is the quote (from my Walmart copy that showed up today woohoo):
"And people would still kill each other, even without those weapons," Nesta said gravely. "The wicked will always find a way to hurt and harm."
Honestly, I don't think we are reading too much into it because Crescent City as a series has already been posing these sorts of questions. sjm has had these characters make some very clear statements on politics and disadvantaged groups (e.g. humans) and terrorism and what are "appropriate" ways to rebel in this series.
It's really important not to confuse an author with their characters. Just because she writes a character who says X, doesn't mean that she as an individual also believes X. So imo, trying to attribute a character's political stance to her personal stance is very slippery. I say that because I don't think we could take Nesta's statement and say that sjm is pro gun rights or something, you know? SJM didn't make this statement, her character did. Writing fiction is not an implicit condoning of the actions within that work of fiction.
The philosophical stances that these characters take on the conflicts within this series is one of the things that turns me off from it. It's inconsistent given the context, what we know certain characters experience simply because of their identity, and... I think I've mentioned this before? But hosab really doubled down on the idea of respectability politics, to me. Respectability politics, for anyone who doesn't know, is the idea that if people just acted polite, asked nicely, and stopped being rude or mean, then they would be granted all the rights they ask for. Which is absolutely ridiculous and a tool for control. But the series really has me questioning whether sjm thinks it's a legit demand to make of people who are being disadvantaged, given how the narrative treats the human rebellion (and any other fae or angels or whoever who tries to rebel against the Asteri). Like if the human rebels just stopped blowing things up, maybe the Asteri and Vanir wouldn't oppress them so hard, jeez!!!
That's a fancy way of saying Bryce's stance on discrimination annoys the fuck out of me. Not just hers, but many of the characters' stances.
That is only somewhat related to your question, but I hope you understand why it came to mind haha. While I do hesitate to attribute any specific political leanings to an author because of what they have written, I do think that is makes more sense to wonder in CC than in her other series, given that politics, discrimination and stratification are major themes of the series.
If you have thoughts about what I said, I am curious to hear them!
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Okay, but Elizabeth being an absolute savage girlboss isn't something that's talked about enough.
Love how you're spitting facts for our girly pop. 💪💪💪
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TBH I go off the personality baby has, and gotta assume some of that sass is definitely Elizabeth
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offside-the-lines · 5 months
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Nico on that Swiss show last summer
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frownyalfred · 1 month
do you think bruce has ever gotten drunk before? i don't mean brucie flirting about at the gala either i mean well and truly intoxicated lol. like the type where you wake up and have the worst headache known to man
Thank you for reminding me about one of my long lost headcanons. Which is that yes, Bruce has gotten that drunk (stealing liquor from the pantry as a child, normal stuff) but the only time he woke up and truly prayed for an end was during training with Ra’s Al Ghul when, as a reward, he and the other trainees were given a night off and a mysterious local liquor (something grain derived) spiked with something. and their “night off” became a test the next day, where they had to meditate and work through the after effects, flushing the toxins from their bodies while still completing their regular duties. it was all a lesson — learning that being poisoned can happen when you least expect it; that alcohol is a poison; and that sometimes you will have to work through it no matter how awful you feel. and so poor, pitiful hungover Bruce learned how to do what he does with ease as Brucie Wayne later — work through anything, whether it’s drugs, poison, fear toxin, alcohol, and be largely unaffected.
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Malleus when someone tries to harm Yuu in a very deadly manner or tries to kidnap them.
lmaooooo I forget sometimes that Malleus is in fact one of the most powerful beings in all of TWST and not just some silly dragon man that stands outside the dorm with autism and a love of gargoyles.
To be quite honest, canon Yuu could probably stick around Malleus as like an attendant or something and be set for life if they get stuck in TWST. Maybe he can get them citizenship papers and stuff to Briar Valley, I think everyone kinda forgets sometimes that Yuu does not legally exist in TWST.
Does Crowley note down any monetary associations to the player and Grim as miscellaneous? Can Yuu technically travel around without papers as long it's within the context of NRC? Who cares! Just tell your big magic friend with horns about all your troubles and the next day you've officially become a citizen of Briar Valley complete with a new birth certificate, social security number (or the equivalent), and passport! All problems solved!
You don't need to know the details, just take the gift with graditude and accept your fate of never leaving your friend alone :). Never :). Ever :).
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respectthepetty · 6 months
The entire episode was about growing up, and San Pang started it by stating that not only had Yuan grown up, but that Qian had also.
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He pointed out how Qian is taking care of himself in small ways like cutting up the fruit, which ironically only Yuan gets to enjoy.
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Then when Yuan tries to speak to Qian, Qian gets upset that Yuan knocks instead of just coming in and states that Lili and Yuan are grown now, so they can do whatever. But Qian is upset about it.
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Xiong reminds Qian that Lili and San Pang are adults and implies Qian is the one being childish about this by hiding out in the office and giving Lili and San Pang the silent treatment.
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Even though Lili is upset, Yuan reminds her that this is Qian's norm. Qian will pick silence and avoidance rather than crying or screaming.
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Which is why Yuan is leaving space for Qian to directly state what he needs.
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Yuan waited until Qian told him he could come home before he came home
Yuan left Qian's room and closed the door instead of staying with him
Yuan waited for Qian to say something when Qian woke up before he revealed he was awake as well
Yuan gave everyone else a drink first (because Qian never asked for one)
Yuan knocked on Qian's door and waited to be told he could enter
Yuan didn't ask Qian to go out even though it was his idea and he told Lili to do it, but he waited until Qian texted him to ask
Yuan said they could cancel the fishing trip and made Qian state that he still wanted to go
Yuan didn't put on Qian's seat belt, then asked Qian if he wanted him to do something
Yuan has only passively mentioned the confession, but he waited until Qian directly brought it up on the fishing trip to address the lingering question - do you want me too?
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For the entire episode, we kept hearing about "growing up" and being a "grown up." San Pang confirmed that Qian has grown. Qian, just like Yuan's cactus that he took care of, might still be prickly, but he has grown significantly over the course of the series.
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Qian sent Yuan away through San Pang. He never spoke to Yuan about it directly. Then, he kept Yuan away by never speaking to him.
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Qian's norm is to shut down, which is why he was a great enforcer for the mafia. He disconnects and goes into survival mode, but now he is no longer just surviving. He is taking care of himself. He is stating what he wants and what he doesn't want. And it's soooo tiny that it seems unremarkable, but for a guy who never asks for anything for himself, it's huge!
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Qian doesn't have a selfish bone in his body. He has done everything for his family, even sending Yuan away. He was a victim of abuse. He has boundaries, but he also doesn't believe he has a right to ask of anything beyond a good family. Everyone being healthy is a blessing in itself, so what else could he ask for?
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Yuan can come back home, but Qian can't ask for Yuan to come back to him. That's selfish. Lili asked for family time, and this is Yuan's only available time, so Qian can't cancel. That would be selfish. He can't ask his brother or sister with bright futures to stay with him. That would be selfish. He can't ask to be loved when his own parents couldn't do that. That would be selfish.
Yet Yuan is going to show Qian it's okay to selfish.
And make him ask for what he wants.
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confused-wanderer · 7 months
All the bats have their own ways of addressing other people.
Dick uses “kid, kiddo, buddy, friend”
Jason is similar, using “hey, kid, fucker”
Tim uses “you, *insert guys name or meme referring to guy*”
Stephanie uses “honey, friend, bud, *insert funny nickname*”
Damian uses “you,*insert what he considers whoever he’s talking to’s biggest flaw*
But Batman?
Batman uses “Love, princess, darling”
That’s how all the thirst traps started.
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artistictea · 11 months
delighted and amused at Astarion being flummoxed by the instrument. that band must have the most ridiculous and funny performances.
THANK YOU ANON! In my head Astarion picked the hardest instrument, learned the one song he INSISTS on playing, and he's shit at it every time. My Tav saw where that was going and let it be someone else's problem <3
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kagooleo · 5 months
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johto’s champion and chronicler for the deity of the ilex shrine, it’s lyra!🌿
this one took me a while due to trying out different techniques (studying a Lot of art nouveau) and making a couple changes to her outfit (the details help), but I’d like to think she’s learned a lot in her journey and wanted to reflect her experience more in her champion fit
her specialty would be in fairy types and her meganium’s divergent evolution is grass/fairy 🧚🪷
and a bonus w/ the johto gang after the photoshoot!
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#kagarts#trainer lyra#meganium#pokemon hgss#get ready for a bigass tag wall again HYAH#her team picks are meganium (grass/fairy + shiny!) azumarill togekiss alola ninetales gardevoir and clefable (mega evolves for fairy/steel)#terrains and high sp atk + statuses galore + her dino can cause a stronger confusion (like toxic w badly poisoned but its w/ Bad headaches)#i'll probably make changes as i go design wise for meganium but colors were inspo from sampaguita flowers#the flower's associated with true friendship and utilized in medicines or given as good gestures in various traditions and celebrations#and also bc she's 🇵🇭 babey!!!!!!!! i'm slapping all my favs w the pinoy beam and not even the dinos are safe >:]#since her dino is shiny a lot of the colors are just a few color diffs where the little orbs are + warmer tones. gotta make a ref sometime#not sure if I should tag the others bc the focus is on her. but the quartet always pulls thru for each other#i like thinking silver gets comfortable enough to be the friend that's “s'cuse you my Friend asked for No pickles”#silver in line picking up her food like “yeah yeah i know her and btw that’s CHAMPION lyra to you. YES she ordered a strawberry shake”#both of their meganiums are Best friends and silver likely uses his dino when you rematch him (and his would beee grass/dragon)#calling this piece Done though oh my god this semester has been nuts. don't wanna take any longer on a single piece or i'm eating tree bark#tumblr's gonna kill the quality on it but idgaf im Done. i need to tidy up my sheezy now
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cynyari · 8 months
Atsushi joining the agency was such a huge win for Kunikida's "Make Dazai A Marginally Functional Human Being" agenda
because before telling Dazai to take care of himself just would not work since Dazai always just played it off with a joke so it went like:
Kunikida: You haven't slept in a week Dazai. Go To Bed or I'll take you there myself.
Dazai: Oh? Kunikida-kunnnn you want to take me to bed with you? how forward~~
but now its :
Kunikida: Dazai, I can't believe that YOU HAVEN'T SLEPT PROPERLY IN THREE DAYS
Dazai: pfft- please i'm fin-
Atsushi overhearing this from the other side of the office: Dazai-san that isn't healthy :(( you should probably sleep :(
Dazai immediately straightening up: you're so right Atsushi I probably should
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claypigeonpottery · 21 days
hi! i just wanted to say your work is so endlessly inspiring. the way you use space is so interesting, specifically your choice of positive and negative space feels really thoughtful. i started linocutting a few months ago and am learning it is not easy to make those choices lol
its also really special to see your art come to life after its fired. knowing that your finished pieces are out there and someone gets to love it physically and maybe eat or drink from it is so awesome
i just wanted to aknowledge how many layers of talent are going on here, and i hope you hear that often. im happy to have found you and cant wait to see what you make next
🥰 this is a plethora of wonderful compliments, thank you so much!
I really have learned to think about positive and negative space differently because of sgraffito. I think it helped me evolve as an artist tbh.
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I’d done some linocut before, and it was always a challenge to make those decisions. though it does get a bit easier with practice. and deciding whether I want to carve away the positive or the negative always requires a bit of thought
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linocut/sgraffito are more restrictive than some art forms, which I always find provokes a lot more thought during the design process. linocut maybe even moreso, because I can hide flaws in sgraffito carvings, but if you’re making prints …it cannot be hidden lol
I also love thinking about my pottery out there on people’s shelves, in their cupboards, in their hands ❤️ I always enjoy seeing the pictures people share of my work in their homes
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vanillaboyfriend · 2 months
drunk aiden smooch compilation 💋
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startheskelaton · 5 months
So i have been seeing r34 art that look Similar to your art idk why but yea
Because it is my art…. I don’t have an account but I know that stuff will get posted there if I want it too or not. I have an NSFW Twitter for risky art commissions I get along with stress related drawings.
I am but a simple loser women who likes tits
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askthisfishprince · 2 months
((Heeyyy~ just wanted to pop in for a second! Just to answer a couple not really eridan based questions and also just for some disclaimers I guess lol???))
((If I have never answered your question, I am deeply sorry 😔 a majority of the time its just a time constraint or….i suck at rp and can't think of what to say lol or any reply I think of is just never good enough or….they are just kinda mean or super weird lol and I have no idea how to work with it lol I read all of them though!! And I even appreciate the mean or creepy ones lol))
((Btw some questions I do have bigger plans for when it comes to answering! *cough* any questions regarding Feferi and his relationship with her currently *cough* sooo….just know that I do have plans for answering certain questions!! I just want to do it right so I'm taking my time with them lol))
((Even though I've been in this fandom for way too long and Eridan has unfortunately been my fav since I was 14, sometimes I have a difficult time trying to answer for him?? He is in the story for such a short amount of time and so much about him is either inferred or hinted at??? And I really do try to not be TOOOO ooc when answering questions…but its hard sometimes 😔 and nobody understands… ))
((anyway if you read any of that, thank you!!! This blog got way more traction than I anticipated lol But appreciate anyone who has shown interest! Whether its sending a question, liking stuff or writing stuff in the tags (I check every tag btw lol) but thanks again!! :)))
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housecow · 4 months
As someone who's tried and somehow failed at such a simple task, how do you melt ice cream to drink without it turning into a frothy mess? Are there some brands that are better for this than others? Thanks for the help lol
let it melt in the fridge—takes longer but it’s not frothy :)) or, you can just put it in a blender for a bit.
if you’re crazy you could microwave it
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
Gotta love when folks write Superman incredibly anti-clone even though he had good reason in the beginning to Not Like Superboy (HES A WINDOW INTO WHAT CLARK WOULD HAVE BEEN WITHOUT THE KENTS) and decide that forever on he’ll be spiteful towards clones even though he literally Does Not Care if you’re a clone unless you’re Superboy.
#IF YOU LIKE THIS CHARACTERIZATION IGNORE ME BUT I GOTTA VENT#bones speaks#bones writes in the tags#sometimes I wanna bash my head into a wall. SUPERMAN IS INHERENTLY A GOOD PERSON IN EVERY WAY KON EL IS JUST A TERRIFYING REALIZATION-#OF WHAT HE’D BE WITHOUT A LOVING CARING AND NURTURING FAMILY! HE DIDNT LIKE KON BECAUSE HE WAS SCARED)#RAGGGGHHHHH#for the love of god I know it’s an easy way for Danny to hate Superman (SUPERMAN ISNT THE BAD GUY YALL PLEASE) but there can be so much more#have him awkwardly go up to Danny and ask him how he handled having a clone and try to use that info to get along with Kon!#he works with countless clones in the Justice League and I don’t see y’all writing him hating them. make it make sense#just- please. you don’t have to read a comic to know that Superman is meant to be The Best Of Humanity. just write with that baseline#I’m just sad folks are being so gosh darn mean to Supes. he’s a delightful character to read and my favorite big superhero#and a lot of folks in dpxdc do the anti clone stuff and that’s Clark’s entire personality for the comic.#you don’t think he’d be sympathetic because Danny was given immense duty and power and is only a few of his kind? or having an evil self in#another dimension that showed him the destruction he could bring?#Clark is a smartass. he is a seeker of the truth. he is a reporter (and a damn good one too). he is a loving husband. he is an alien.#he is a hero. he is a god. he is a caring friend. he is a genuinely kind and good being.#I recommend reading All Star Superman. Under The Yellow Sun by Clark Kent. and Superman:Grounded
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