#but ye... friends sibling can suck my dick like?
pjlotrkwt · 9 months
I hate 'bestfriends sibling' trope with a passion 🥰
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theocddiaries · 17 days
Alfred: I don't understand. What are we watching? Bruce [Pointing at a camera footage on the TV]: Okay, look. I fell yesterday at the market. Dick and I have been having a little disagreement as to what happened. Just watch. I stop to fix my shoe, and then Dick… Right there. He makes way for this very attractive woman, whom he conveniently leaves out of his retelling of the story. Now, right here, Dick backs up, pushes his butt into the cart, pushes me into the cans. Do you see that? It's all his fault! Just like I said! I was right! Suck it! Cass: When did you get this? Jason: Oh, my God. That's why you wanted to come separately. Steph: You went to all that trouble just to prove you were right? Bruce: It really wasn't that much trouble. I went to the store, found your friend Jordan, the bag boy, who got me the manager. He gave me the address of the off-site security office. I filled out some paperwork. Sally faxed it to corporate. Three minutes later, I'm buying a pack of DVDs and burning a copy. Piece of cake. Tim: …It's like a sickness. Bruce: What? None of you believed me, so I got proof. You should all be sucking it right now. Kate: Please stop with the "sucking it," Bruce. They're children. Clark: Yes, children are very impressionable. You'll never know what they'll pick up. Lois: Ugh! Okay, Clark, I'm sorry that I blamed it all on you, okay? But we both need to look at our actions. I mean, if we're thinking about adopting another baby, then we need to-- Diana: You're adopting another kid? Clark: That's not the way you make an announcement! Banners! Banners! [Puts on music] 🎶Ah, let's give the boy a hand 🎶 Jason: What the hell's happening here? Dick: Is that from Footloose??? Clark [Turns off the music]: Really, Lois? You couldn't even share telling our friends. Kate: Why are you upset? This is such good news. Lois: No, we're a little on edge because Conner has been acting out, like he doesn't want a sibling-- Clark: Yeah, because Lois taught him to hate sharing. Lois: And, or, because Clark wears him like a fanny pack. Alfred: Oh, stop blaming each other. No kid wants a sibling. I remember Bruce hated his cousin so much, he stuck her in a dryer when she was two. Kate: You put me in the dryer? Bruce: …I did. But it wasn't 'cause I hated you. My friend Thomas said that it wouldn't run with a kid inside it, and I knew it would. I was right. Dick: Good governor. It's been going on since you were five? Bruce: …Oh, my God, it is a sickness. What would make me have that need at such a young age? Kate: How long was I in that dryer? Because- I-Is this why I'm afraid of tumbling? I had to quit gymnastics! Dick: A childhood without tumbling?! [Faces Alfred]. You knew this, and just stood by and did nothing? Alfred: Okay, okay. What's done is done. All you can do is learn from your mistakes. And in that spirit, I would like to propose a toast to our young master Damian. This week, he did something he wasn't supposed to do, like we all do-- Diana [Interrupting]: Like we all do!. Cheers, my young warrior! Alfred: No. Not yet. Master Damian stood up like a man. He admitted he was wrong, and he took his licks. And I'm very, very proud of him. Diana: Aaaand now we clink. Alfred: No, we clink when I say we clink. So Master Damian made a mistake, but he didn't take the easy way out. He's got guts. He's got integrity. And as far as I'm concerned, he's the best-- Damian: Okay, stop, stop! I didn't do any of that! Miss Diana broke into the locker and threw the necklace inside, and then we ran away like cowards! I'm sorry, Alfred! I'm sorry! Alfred: Aha! I knew it. I was right! I was right! Everyone: … … [In realization]: Ohhhh. Makes sense. Alfred: … [Drinks in silence].
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neoballsucker · 7 months
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Summary : you've got a new roommate and for your surprise he's your childhood friend's step brother and one day you go to their home town
Pairs : childhood friends!yuta x fem!reader x roommate!shotaro
Warings : SMUT, poly, threesome,dick sucking, kinda degradation, yuta is kinda mean,creamie pie,cum eating, nipple play
W.C : 3.1k.
A/N : I came back after a while and I might do individual parts for each one :/
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Since you were a child you always liked your mom's friend’s son , nakamoto yuta or yuta , you two always played around like any children, you two went to the same school, and hang out with each other a lot , it was until ms.nakamoto and her husband decided to move back to Japan, it was like breaking news for you , you won't see your first love anymore, but not all the and good things remain for too long, you both said your last goodbyes to each other , yuta was one of your few friends, now who will play with you in school and who will have these sleepovers with you and play hide and seek with you , it was heartbreaking for you, but you gotta move on and find new friends.
it was hard for you to make friends since you had the fear of them leaving you and that caused anxiety,but luckily you were popular, you were popular for being smart,pretty,an athlete and religious., you were in a strictly religious family, you knew about morals,went to church,you never had sex. Your mom always told you to wait for the right time. , everybody knew you as the smart , pretty girl, boys tried asking you out but ends up escaping from them cause they wanna hookup , you graduated from high school and got a scholarship in spain , you left the country, your parents, friends, memories, to go and start a new life, that college was one of the biggest colleges in spain , you were smart , but it was filled with smart people anyways , you always got your assignments done and always got good grades , every teacher liked you, all students wanted to be your friend
“Did you hear about that new student?” Your friend asked.
“No I didn't, who is it?” You asked, raising your eyebrows.
“He has a brother who was really popular here for being smart and handsome , you really don't know?” Your friend asked
“No, who is that?” You asked curiously
“The new student is called osaki shotaro,and his brother is called nakamoto yuta”
“Oh , well I'm willing to see the new student then” you chuckle and roll your eyes, you thought about it for a while, the name nakamoto yuta felt familiar, you heard it before, you weren't sure if it was him but you remember he didn't have a brother
“How are they brothers?” You asked curiously
“What do you mean?” Your friend raises her eyebrows
“Like yuta’s last name is nakamoto, while shotaro’s last name is osaki , how are they siblings?” You raise your eyebrows and scratch your head
“They're probably step siblings unless one of them is adopted , it doesn't matter they're both cute” you chuckle at her comment and roll your eyes.
Time goes by the weekend comes while you were just chilling at your dorm , they informed you that the new student will be your roommate , you were just nervous, yes you had friends, but you still had anxiety talking to people was one of your worst fears , you tried calming yourself down but you couldn't help but panic and shake
It was until you heard the door unlock , you take a deep breath before you put on a smile
You heard footsteps until you saw someone come in
“Oh hello , you must be my roommate” he noted and smiles back at you
“Oh yeah it's nice to meet you I'm y/n” you offer your hand as he shakes it
“Well don't mind me , my brother is getting some of things” he says and smiles
“No it's okay, moving out must be really hard” you smile back and help him move his things
You heard footsteps once again assuming it was his brother
“Here you go , god you got a lot of things” you can hear his brother talking
“oh I'm sorry but I'm just kinda nervous, also meet my roommate, y/n come here!” he calls you out, you turn around to face the two men
“Oh hello , I'm y/n nice to meet you” you walk toward them and smile
“Oh hi y/n I'm yuta , nice to meet you too” he smiles and offers his hand, you shake his hand for few seconds and let go of his hand
And smile softly , he felt familiar, he looked familiar, you really wished it was him but at the same time not
“Okay now I'm going, have fun at your new place, take care of yourself” yuta says and hugs his brother tightly
“Thank you yuta , I'll miss you so much, take care of yourself too” he hugs his brother back you were just standing awkwardly, they finally pulled, and yuta leaves as shotaro, lock the door, he sighs and sits on the bed for a while
“I hope we become good friends” you said with a smile
“Yeah, same here !!” He smiles sweetly, gosh his smile was so cute , you wished he smiles like that forever
“Did they give you the schedule?” You asked quietly
“ahh yes they did” he smiles and hands you a paper
“Oh well have the same classes” you say excitedly
“Oh really? Well that will be nice” he says sweetly and smiles softly.
Time goes by , you and shotaro developed a really good friendship , you two hung out together a lot , ate dinner after college, studied together, some people even thought you were dating , sometimes it was funny seeing people saying that the two of you look cute together, you will admit you have a tiny crush on shotaro, but you never knew if it was just a crush or actually love , he invited you to meet his family multiple times in japan but you refuse since you have projects and work to do, he told you that him and yuta are step brothers and that his father and yuta's mother are married since they were both children, now it was understandable why their surnames were different
Days went by and the first year of college is finally done , your plans were to go to meet your family back in your mother country
Shotaro also insisted that you go with him back to Japan to meet his family, you tried to refuse multiple times but he said that his parents wanted to see you so you finally gave up and decided to meet his parents, he told you can stay at their house since they have a guest room , you packed decent clothes , that looked good ,not too formal not too casual so they don't think of her in a bad image or something, you and shotaro finally arrive to japan and yuta welcomes you two
“Yuta omg I missed you” shotaro runs to yuta and hugs him tightly both of them have a smile on their faces
“I miss you too,mom and dad miss you alot they're also waiting impatiently to meet your friend” they both look at you while you stand awkwardly while your luggage is behind you
“Oh hi yuta” you smile and wave.you can hear him chuckle
“Let me take this” he walks to take the luggage from behind you and walks forward with shotaro and you behind them ,both of them sit in the front seats while you're in the backseat , “mom told me to take you both to a restaurant since she's kinda sick to cook food” yuta says
“Is she okay yuta?” Shotaro asks in a worried tone
“Yes she is, but you know mom always overworks herself” yuta sighs and parks the car
“Okay you two get out of the car” yuta says looking at you with a soft smile , you smile back and get out of the car , you went into the restaurant, it was selling Japanese, you heard shotaro complain sometimes to yuta about how much he misses the Japanese food, everyone ordered their food and after finishing yuta paid and he drove home, he unlocks the door, his parents were sitting together watching the tv
“We're home!!” Yuta yelled excitedly
“Oh god shotaro you're home finally” his dad smiles and hugs him tightly
“I'm assuming you're y/n right?” His mom asked you , she looked familiar to you
“Ah yes I am” you smile and nod
“You look familiar oh my , it's hard to remember oh god” she stares at you for few seconds
“Oh my , you're y/n , now I remembered, I'm ms.nakamoto do you remember me? You and yuta used to play together alot” you finally realized why did she look familiar
“Oh !! Yes of course I do remember “ you smile awkwardly as she hugs you tightly
“Yuta !! Come here” she yells, as yuta walks over , his red coloured bangs nearly covering his eyes , he was beautiful as always, since you were kids they always talked about how yuta looked handsome and his charm, girls at school always had a crush on him
“What is it mom?” He questions and raises his eyebrows
“That's y/n !! , the girl you used to play with back when you were a child, remember ? Before we come here” she asks him excitedly
“ahh yes I remember now, it's nice to meet you again y/n” he smiles softly, you smile back to him and nod slightly,Mrs.nakamoto started to ask you about your life and family and talked about her memories with your mom , since they knew each other from childhood , it was nice to hear about all these things after a long time , time passes and everyone goes to bed , shotaro leads you to the room you're supposed to stay at, there wasn't a bed , shotaro looks confusedly and calls his dad
“What happened to the furniture in this room?!” Shotaro asks with a slightly annoyed tone
“Well me and your mother decided to turn it into an office or a small library” his father smiles nervously
“she can sleep at your room shotaro don't be lame” his dad says
Shotaro looks at you in an embarrassed look on his face and sighs
“Follow me y/n…goodnight dad” he says and holds one of your hands leading you to his bedroom , shotaro was always nice and smiley if anyone needed anything they depend on him since he always looks nice and smiley to everyone
He opens his room, “ welcome to my room I guess” His room was warm colored with light brown , beige , etc. , it made you feel really relaxed and chill
“Your room looks great!!” You note and look at him with a smile, h looks at you and smiles warmly, his smile makes you melt , how can he be so cute , you always wondered
“You can sleep on the bed I'll sleep on the floor” he says and sighs
“No no it's okay , we can share the bed , but if you're uncomfortable, I'll be the one sleeping on the floor”
“Well…that's better than sleeping on the floor I guess” he says and chuckles, yo smile at his joke , and both of you lay on the bed ,it wasn't that big , your hands were touching
“Goodnight y/n” he whispers and gives his back to you
“Goodnight” you say and also turn and now your back was also facing him, you don't sleep really quickly, you can feel him moving you doubt that he's asleep, he turns to your side and wraps his hand around your waist,that move made heat , you felt yourself burning,you feel his hard dick against your ass and it made it worst,he was moving and rubbing his dick against your ass for way too much but can you blame him? He was asleep, you tried moving a little but there was no space, you just gave up and tried to sleep again,his arm tightened around your waist as you feel his hard cock against your ass, you were ready to get fucked at this point, you tried to calm down take your breath and relax , with his warm breath against your neck , his cock against your ass, his arm around your waist, it was hard for you to not moan, trying to resist it, you feel his body move slightly, you pretended to be sleeping in case he woke up
“Y/n are you awake?” He says in a sleepy voice , he always knew you had troubles sleeping so there was no point of lying
“Yes I am awake, do you need anything?” You asked trying to keep your voice low
“No , I was making sure , if you're uncomfortable I can sleep on the ground” he says , his voice was also low , and it turned you on even more
“No no it's okay, you know I always have troubles sleeping it's okay” you say and smile you weren't sure if he saw you smiling cuz it was really dark, he nods and hugs you tightly and kisses your neck, you didn't even try to fight him, you feel his other hand cupping one of your butt cheeks. you moan slightly as our fingers runs through his hair, he keeps kissing your neck and squeezing your ass. You tease him by playing with his waistband
He grabs your hand and puts it on his erection , “this is how you make me feel everytime gosh” he whispers and kisses your neck, “well, can I help you get rid of your problem?” You can hear him chuckle
“Oh I'd love to.” He sits straight and unbutton his pants and removes it , you help him get rid of his pants and boxers, his dick was screaming, hard and leaking pre-cum. You put the tip in your mouth, hearing him groan and curse under his breaths
“Aah fuck , you're so good at that god” he says thrusting his hips and moan , trying to keep it low so no one can hear them, you keep sucking him off and he moans , his moans were like music to your ears , it sounded amazing like a melody , time passes and you're still in the same position sucking him off , you can hear the door open, you froze in your place as you hear footsteps in the room
“What are you two doing at this late hour?” Yuta asks shotaro
“We were just having fun yuta oh my god” shotaro says and shrugs
“Keep going y/n , who knows you can suck him off next” shotaro says and yuta chuckles
“You're really shameless” yuta says and rolls his eyes, you close your eyes tightly due the embarrassment, you can feel your face heating and getting red , you wanted to hide anytime soon
“It looks like she's good at what she's doing” yuta says and laugh
“Oh hell yeah she is , she knows how to use her mouth properly, you gotta try it yourself” shotaro says , his voice was shaky and weak due to the pleasure
“Oh , now I'm interested” yuta says, his voice is low and deeper , you keep sucking shotaro’s dick until you feel warm liquid in your mouth, you can hear him groan as he pulls his dick out of your mouth, you swallow all the cum in your mouth, you feel your hair being pulled , you guess it was yuta , he settles you between his legs, he has already removed his pants, he taps the tip Infront of your lips waiting for you to open your mouth, as you open your mouth you feel his dick in your mouth, “ you knew you can't resist now , you mom told you to wait for the right person but who listens to their moms anyway? , you start bobbing your head up and down in a slight and slow motion , you can hear him groan and moan slightly
“Fuck it , you're too good, damn you were right” yuta says in a low voice , you can hear shotaro chuckle as you suck his brother's dick , you keep sucking yuta off , he throws his head back and moans , his voice was smooth and low , it kept going like that for few minutes until you felt him come in your mouth , you pull his dick out of your mouth and lay on the floor, you felt tired and sleepy
“Not right now,babe,we still have all night long” yuta says , shotaro helps you get off the floor and makes you lay on the bed instead , he gets on the bed next to you and starts tracing kisses on neck and chest while yuta settles between your legs after removing your pants and underwear, you can feel his half-hard dick right against your entrance ,until you felt him inside you , biting your lower lips trying to hold the argue to moan, while shotaro is busy sucking one of your nipples while squeezing the other one between his thumb and index as his older brother keeps fucking you and curses under his breath.
“That shit feels good fuck” yuta says , his voice was a little shaky
“You're just a fucking toy” you couldn't even answer cause you know you won't shut your mouth after that
“Aren't you just a cock sleeve , stupid bitch” you just nod as he thrust deeper inside you, shotaro sucking your nipple didn't make the situation better , you felt like you reached your climax and close your eyes as you feel your release
“Fuck baby you made a mess” yuta whispers as he grinds faster and takes a bit of your cum with his fingers and taste you then kisses you making you taste the salty taste of your orgasm, he finally feels the urge to cum as you feel his warm seeds inside you and shotaro finally let go of your nipples, you felt exhausted but they had other plans, shotaro and yuta switchs places , shotaro settles between your legs while yuta starts kissing your lips hungrliy while shotaro enters his dick inside you, you moan inside yuta's mouth, while shotaro groans slightly as he moves slowly, he was the opposite of his brother, slow and gentle while yuta was fast and rough but you enjoyed both anyways ,as shotaro starts thrusting faster and yuta cups your breasts and pinch your nipples between his fingers , shotaro's hair falls on his face and sticks to his forehead due to the sweat, he thrusts his hips against yours , your moans were starting to get loud until yuta wraps his hands around your neck making you choke while shotaro thrusts faster now ,tears filling your eyes , vision blurry, you can't even think properly, and all you're hearing is the sound of shotaro's body slamming against yours , you feel like you reached your climax finally, your eyes roll bsck as you release all your juice , he pulls out of you and your pussy clench around nothing, while shotaro comes all on your stomach,yuta's lips captures yours as he let go of your neck , you close your eyes and breath heavily, you felt yourself passing out. You wake in clean clothes next to shotaro, his arms were wrapped around you holding you close to him, his face buried in your neck
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matthewkniesys · 1 year
it was supposed to be a secret but we suck at secret keeping - jack hughes social media au
a/n: an anon requested a jack ig edit where you're cole caufield's little sister and you and jack start dating when you're at the beach house but you keep it a secret. eventually the boys realising you're spending so much time with jack that they start making joke instagram posts that you two are dating but little do they know they're right. so here it is :)
sorry for not having a cut but my pictures wouldn't load properly if i did
pairing: jack hughes x fem!reader
warnings: none i dont think
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Liked by @/ colecaufield, alexturcotte, jamie.drysdale and 80 569 others
trevorzegras - my best friends sister looking extra cozy with my other best friend
Tagged: @/ jackhughes & y/ncaufield
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colecaufield - not funny trev thats my little sister
↳ trevorzegras - i think its very funny
↳ colecaufield - i'll chop your dick off for posting this and if this ever becomes true i'll chop jack's dick off too
↳ trevorzegras - i'm very very sorry it's just a joke please don't chop off my dick
y/ncaufield - well isn't this just hilarious...
↳ jackhughes - its so funny...
↳ y/ncaufield - no it really is and no one understands
↳ trevorzegras - im glad some people enjoy my sense of humor *cough* cole *cough*
↳ colecaufield - im coming to find you right now trevor and i have some scissors
↳ trevorzegras - okay okay im actually very sorry please don't hurt me
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Liked by @/ trevorzegras, jackhughes, y/ncaufield and 65 937 others
alexturcotte - more pictures of y/n and jack...(please don't hurt me cole)
Tagged: @/ y/ncaufield & jackhughes
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colecaufield - this was a bad desicion on your part alex
↳ alexturcotte - oh shit, currently trying to find where trev is hiding from you so i can hide too
y/ncaufield - i looked so hot in that brown bikini and i was just trying to get a nice picture but jack had jump in too... so very rude of him
↳ jackhughes - i stole the show as always
↳ y/ncaufield - yeah you did you little thief
↳ jackhughes - and im the greatest thief ever i mean come on just look at me in that picture...and if we're being honest alex should've just cropped you right out and left just me
↳ y/ncaufield - you are the most insufferable person in the world and my brother is cole caufield so that saying a lot
↳ jackhughes - its okay for you to say that i know you could never really understand my true beauty
_quinnhughes - they're cute
↳ colecaufield - quinn... not you too
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Liked by @/ nicohischier, _quinnhughes, colecaufield and 78 325 others
lhughes_06 - had to add my own pictures since we're doing this
Tagging: @/ jackhughes & y/ncaufield
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colecaufield - i like you luke so i'll let this slide just this once since i know its a joke
↳ trevorzegras - are you saying that you like him more than me and alex??
↳ colecaufield - yes
↳ alexturcotte - jack im so offended
y/ncaufield - if i'd have known how bad at cooking jack was i never would've let him near the stove
↳ jackhughes - don't be a drama queen im not that bad at cooking
↳ y/ncaufield - i mean sure if you like it when the crust of your pizza is so charred that it's fully black and it crumbles into tiny pieces the second you pick it up
trevorzegras - look at me i'm a trend setter
↳ lhughes_06 - you could say that
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Liked by @/ trevorzegras, lhughes_06, y/ncaufield and 145 908 others
jackhughes - didn't really have many pictures of me and y/n (that i could post) so just enjoy my appreciation post for her
Tagged: @/ y/ncaufield
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yourbestfriend - hottest caufield sibling not gonna lie
↳ jackhughes - i know right??
↳ y/ncaufield - ...
�� colecaufield - firstly wrong but secondly JACK WHAT
trevorzegras - y/n > cole
↳ alexturcotte - y/n > cole
↳ colecaufield - cole > y/n
↳ jackhughes - nope the right answer is y/n > cole
colecaufield - jach hughes what the hell do you mean by pictures that you can post... what kind of pictures of my sister do you have??
↳ jackhughes - well um you know
↳ colecaufield - no i really don't please share
↳ jackhughes - i'm just gonna not answer this okay
↳ colecaufield - no actually not okay
y/ncaufield - in my lake house summer era and i love it
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Liked by @/ jackhughes, colecaufield, trevorzegras and 193 857 others
y/ncaufield - and you all thought it was a joke this whole time (cole please don't come for jack)
Tagged: @/ jackhughes
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jackhughes - my one and only my life line
↳ y/ncaufield - can i go where you go, can we always be this close
↳ jackhughes - forever & always
colecaufield - oh hell no
↳ y/ncaufield - you know i love the brothers best friend trope
↳ colecaufield - didn't know you loved it this much
↳ y/ncaufield - what can i say i guess i do
↳ y/ncaufield - congrats buddy
colecaufield - wait...who took all those pictures for you
↳ y/ncaufield - quinn :)
↳ colecaufield - why the fuck did quinn know before me also it suddenly makes so much sense why you and quinn and jack were going on so many boat rides together
↳ y/ncaufield - he caught me sneaking out of jack's room one morning so he's know for a while
↳ y/ncaufield - i will always be yours if we survive the great war
↳ jackhughes - your brother is scary i'm not sure i will
thanks for reading🫶requests are always open for fics, blurbs, ig edits and just thoughts!!
taglist: @woodruff-edwards @nicohischierz @makarhughes @cobrakaisb @huggy-hischier94 @boldysswld@cole-mcward48@kashee-h@kjohnson-91 @jackhues @corneliaskates @imma-mirrorball @hvghes @emptyflowerpots @h0e4fictionalme-n
join my taglist
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fyodior · 3 months
Hi my dear!! It’s me 🪱anon back again. Just saw your post about your niece! lol omg my niece was just born two weeks ago too! Which is insane! Congratulations to your sibling!
But I’ve come with head cannons just for you mwah!
-Dazai doesn’t like porn. He likes sex don’t get him wrong, but porn just doesn’t get him going that much. He prefers amateur videos like on twitter, that being said dude is a pervvvv.
-Dazai doesn’t really like porn it doesn’t turn him on. But small things like seeing someone’s panties just by chance or accident because of the wind or the bent over inside of squatting. He won’t ogle he’s not that gross. But it’ll definitely make him feel some type of way
-Dazai is definitely hyper sexual and doesn’t even realize it, like for a guy so self aware it’s one of the few things he’s genuinely not aware about. He just thinks he likes sex. (Sorry had through in some angst.)
-Dazai likes foreplay like soooo much. lol. Maybe that’s because he loves everything that surrounds sex and the tension before it happens. He likes the chase of it all the pinning and edging. The teasing and flirting. Now that gets him going. And he’s such a good tease. It’s actually frustrating.
-Dazai likes the whole forbidden love trope. Even if some of it is mildly on the more taboo side. The professor x student, the whole ceo x assistant, the brother’s best friend thing, enemies to lovers, even the age gap trope so long as it’s between legal and consenting adults of course. But he likes it because there’s constant tension and pulling and pushing. It’s a game and one Dazai is good at playing.
-tries everything once tbh. Call it what you will but Dazai is here for a good time not a long time
-Doesn’t really think about his sexuality, he’s up for it allll has definitely given head to someone in an alleyway
-hooked up with a single mom once and when she asked for him to get her pregnant again… 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖚𝖓𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉
-jealous of Fyodor’s d!ck piercing.
-scared of Fyodor’s dick piercing
-loves facfvcking honestly
-is into watersports 😭😭
Thats all for now! Mwah<33
-🪱 stay hydrated and be thw whore dazai would want all of us to be ♡︎
YES PERIOD I AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE!!!!!! and omg thats so crazy about our nieces!!! congrats to your sibling too <3
i think dazai goes through periods of hypersexuality and sex repulsion. like times where he could fuck anyone and anything in sight and times when even the thought makes him nauseous. he is DEF a perv though and likes panty shots and cleavage and dick prints. he’s a bit of a voyeur is what it sounds like <3 he’s such a perv that he’ll purposely drop things at the cafe below the agency so the poor innocent waitress has to bend over to pick it up. dazai is a freak
i also agree that he’s a huge foreplay guy - its almost as good if not better than the actual sex to him!! he looooves head - giving and receiving. he can eat pussy or suck dick for hours if his partner lets him, and he loooooves getting head. and having his ass ate and fingered. the man is NOT picky. like you said he has in fact given head in a dirty alleyway! loves to both face fuck and be face fucked. whore behavior. wants to both piss on a partner and be pissed on. again - whore behavior.
thank u for stopping by again i love ur thoughts🥰
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justice4billiam · 7 months
Math Class
So there was this one moment in time in high school where I actually liked a guy (I know, weird concept, just go with it) who sat in front of me in my math class.
Something you should know about me, I fucking suck at math.
Another thing you should know about me, I was kind of a dick in high school.
Okay, I’m still kind of a dick, but a nice one.
However in high school, I was extra dick-ish (I’m sure it had to do with all raging teenage hormones and a shit childhood)
I fucking sucked at math.
And what happens when you suck at math?
Your teacher assigns you a tutor to help “guide you to the path of success” or whatever she said.
No big deal, right?
She assigned me to the nearest person to me.
The fucking guy I had a crush on.
Who thought I was the fucking worst.
Now you’re probably thinking nooo, he couldn’t possibly think that way about you. I’m sure it was all in your head
Well, you’re wrong. The guy hated me.
BUT for good reason.
He just so happened to be the brother of the girl I beat up half a week earlier in gym class.
I didn't beat her up just because…no. She was an absolute terror to this disabled girl in said gym class.
She would verbally bully her to the point of tears.
But that one particular day she physically shoved her to the ground while we were all running the mile.
Remember how I said I was a dick?
Well, I used my powers for good. (mostly)
I watched that shit happen.
Then came strolling up to her while she was shooting the shit with her friends and shoved that bish so hard.
Her stupid unblended orange face (this was the early 2010s guys, no one wore the right makeup shade or blended their foundation into their damn necks) bounced off the concrete floor.
Let me just tell you…it was satisfying as hell.
It started a full on fight of which resulted in her getting her ass handed to her.
So you see, her brother hated me
And I didn't blame him
A sister is a sister.
You stand by your siblings, I get it.
I had a big fat crush on him and now he was to tutor me.
Let me tell you, he was NOT happy about it.
I distinctly remember the look on his face the second the teacher called his name out to work with me.
It was the kind of face you make when you smell roadkill wafting through your car vents because you have outside air circulating while you're going 65mph(that's 96.56kmph) on a back road.
The look fueled the need to make him like me.
Those who know me now, know I'm a cheeky, flirty little shit.
So not to toot my own horn but it's hard NOT to like me.
(Is that my god-complex talking? Probably)
I can get along with just about anyone.
Not so surprisingly after about 30 minutes of flirting my way into his heart, I had him FLUSTERED.
I'm talking man giggling.
Blushed cheeks.
Couldn't even make eye contact with me.
Don't like who?
Not me.
I'm sure you're probably wondering where I'm going with this.
Well, after class ended he invited me over to his house after school.
A normal person probably wouldn't go to the house of the girl you beat up and meet her parents while on her brother's arm.
I did.
I went.
I wish I had taken a picture of her face when I walked into her house. (she had stayed home the rest of that week because I beat her ass)
Honestly, it was a core memory.
The best part was her parents didn't know it was me who did it.
It was such an eventful week for me.
Monday: bully the bully
Tuesday: ice my hand from bullying the bully
Wednesday: suck at math
Thursday: rizz the bully's brother and come home with him to have dinner with bully and her family.
Yep. You heard me.
That dinner went so well that the guy asked me out.
And I said yes.
I then proceeded to date him the whole year and become best friends with her mom.
Oh yeah, and I still failed math.
I'm gonna make this a series 🤭
@voyeurmunson im sure you'd get a giggle out of this. 😅🤭
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useramor · 1 year
Hi love, chapter 2 ramblings here💜💜💜 I love this soooo much. Really can't wait to read more:
Buck calls Eddie good dad🥺🥺🥺
Buck, adopt me please 🥺🥺🥺 I want to go to space center
Oh Eddie's insecurities 🥺 I always love fics where people explore it💜
"Not for the first time and definitely not for the last, Eddie is overwhelmed with how lucky they are to have found Buck. Buck, who found Carla, who took Eddie to see Chris after the earthquake, who comes over at least once a week to see Chris, practically ignoring Eddie completely. And Chris trusts him. Eddie hates that his son has been hurt by enough people to have trust issues at age eight, but he wraps his arms around Buck’s neck and stares at Eddie’s best friend like he hung the moon and all the stars in the sky. " 😭😭😭 Bia, I'm emotional. I have tears now
Yes, Eddie you look at Buck with heart eyes because he is good friend. Sure baby
Some backstory for Diaz siblings and character traits for Sophia?!!????? YES THANK YOU!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜
Eddie listens to Buck's ramblings 🥺 I'm never going to be not emotional about it
Oh, yes let's go queen 👑 call them cute family
"Not that we’re gay, obviously.” “Obviously.” sure boys. Sure. (Can I slap them please? Just tiny tiny slap. I'm promise)
"his smirk growing quickly, making his blue eyes seem stupidly bright in the natural light filtering in from the windows. " Poet Eddie back,babies 💜 and he is ready to be poetic about his bestie (no homo cause he is not gay)
Interesting how you are the one to start talking about hook ups , Eddie, but refuse to really talk about it. Eddie, please be consistent
Oh, evil Buck😈😈😈 let's go baby girl. Make this man give you his dick as you want it so bad
"Maybe Eddie can just have this. And maybe it won’t even end up in flames." You deserve good things, Eddie 🥺🥺🥺
"He briefly wonders if there’s a non-gay way to ask a guy to suck your dick. " ... No comments
I need Hen's pov🤣
Poor, Buck. I'm not sure I could survive Eddie in harness
Eddie, stop look at Buck's hands. They make you stupid
Buck, you're pathetic too. But yet again Eddie in harness would make me pathetic
Hen, wine night to laught about pathetic men?
Boys it's your work place, but ok🥵🥵🥵oh my favourite phrase "not gay". Yes, when you drunk it's not gay. You can trust me
“I’m not gay, man.”“Your dick is interested.”“My dick can’t tell the difference.” ....no comments again
Oh, Buck😈
Oh, gay word again
"Except Buck said he knew he didn’t taste half bad. Eddie’s never cared to taste himself, but maybe if he does it’ll cancel it out, or something. In the same way that a handjob isn’t the gayest exchange in the world because he can do the same thing to himself, maybe if he licks his hand clean it’ll cancel out."🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh, Bia, I love you
Oh, yes Eddie those boys wasn't gay just high school mates
"Like he said, it’s a sexual image. Sex is sex, it’s not that he’s attracted to Buck, it’s just that his body has started to form a conditioned response to Buck’s body in sexual situations. Pavlov or something, Eddie’s pretty sure." I want to learn to explain things the way I need them to be for me like Eddie. King teach me to be a denial Queen
Eddie like to be call sir, Buck has a thing for hands. Just facts
MY LOOOOOOOVE YOU ARE THE SWEETEST THE WAY I LITERALLY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY???? HOW DOES ONE RESPOND TO SUCH KINDNESS AND SWEETNESS AND LOVE????? you are a darling i absolutely love you and i'm SO happy you're enjoying the fic (and enough to send me these!!!) you are wonderful. i hope you're having the loveliest day and you continue to have fun with these idiots!!
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starwberycow · 1 year
I have no hobbies I want yo say “I’m no longer interred in my hobbies” but no I have no hobbies at all not even fucking gaming I’m just generally not interesting my only way of conversation is to lie my way to be interesting or say some dumb shit people find entertaining. I can’t sleep anymore yet I can’t get out of bed I’ve lost all motivation. I’m an I can’t be bothered talking to people anymore yet i hate being alone. Everything and everyone is posing me off sometimes even people just breathing pisses me off I can’t be in a room with to many people or I get mad of no reason. My hands are shaking so bad it’s part of the reason I did horribly on my exam and failed another. I thought it was my anxiety making my hands shake but I can’t control or try and stop/minimise it like I use to be able to. I don’t take care of myself I can’t even find the motivation to move or shower, I don’t do my insulin leaving me with high ass glucose levels for hours effecting my legs even more I’m losing blood flow to my legs and it’s hurts me to walk to far without MASSIVE rest breaks. My dad is a bipolar dick who makes me feel crazy I can’t even trust my own thoughts I can’t trust anyone with what he’s been saying and it’s affecting other people I’m reading to deep into messages and over analysing words and punctuation in messages. I feel hopeless I feel like a failure I failed one exam and did mediocre on other and I know that when I see my mum next I’m going to get yelled at for a subject she wanted me to be in one I’m not great or even good at I want one person to KNOW me like one of those cringe fluff fanfics that the love interest knows all of their lovers little things and shit they do or how they react to stuff but it’s so selfish and hypocritical because I don’t think I could ever know someone that deep I have been feeling nothing for years and I know it’s not normal but it’s easier to act the way I need to be socially accepted then to feel how I normally feel. I what someone to listen when I say no, no I don’t wanna go out, no I can’t hang out today, no I can’t have a sleepover stop asking just NO, just fucking no it’s never enough I need to have a good enough reason to say NO, I’ve waited for it to get better and maybe I’m impatient but I’m sick of waiting I’ve waited for everything else in my else and I’m done this is one thing that needs to hurry the fuck I’m up like please or not time I drive I will crash. The trucks next to me are trying really hard to seduce me and it’s low key working
I swear I want someone on my side that isn’t actively trying to make me hate everyone I know or turn on other people for reasons that only affect them or trying to make me hate myslef and second guess everything I say and do. Every time I’ve had a friend and a good one I’ve fucked it up and yes maybe it’s because I was younger but now I am so lost in what’s going on I can’t keep up like drama genuinely confuses me it fucks with my head I forget important things and I mix up things making the whole thing worse sometimes I haven’t mad connections nor real ones i feel like if I killed myself I wouldn’t be remembered highly or even for a long time no one but my family would be deeply effected and it hurts but at the same time I don’t want to die and make people upset even my family I feel like they would move on quickly. Is it just me talking and I have no idea, yeah, but I can’t help it my mother is an immigrant from a third world country which is considered one of the most dangerous in the world and yet here I am complaining that life sucks I can’t say shit I’m meant to be an example for my siblings and a good daughter a good successful daughter that can nearly pass English and belay handle school work. I wanna do vcal idc wnat anyone and I’m not letting people talk me out of it I’m done. BRO don’t even get me started on the gay daughter thing I’ve been brainwashed as my ‘amazing father’ would say idc what my dad says but my mum she would be so disappointed and my brother he would hate me be discussed with me I can’t do that to him. Him and my sister all I have left if they do well I’m doing well if they are happy I am I can’t have one or even both hate me
I can’t have the kid I failed hate me even more
I’m a horrible person
A horrible friend
A horrible daughter
A horrible sister
This once again got kinda off track which is cute and if I have spelling miss takes please don’t point it out I will cry 🫶
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kovacs-on-ice · 1 year
Why Halo: Reach (campaign) is a trainwreck.
A lovable trainwreck, don't get me wrong, but a trainwreck nonetheless.
So Halo Reach is one of those games that leaves a community divisive, it was the first halo game to not have a universally loved reception among the community at large. I think it's a fun game, a really fun game, I adore it's multiplayer and the hours my friends I spent dicking around in forge world. It also has the best armor system Halo's ever had to date, infinite can suck my ass--I'm not paying 15 dollars for a shader. You ain't D2, you can't pump and dump my wallet.
Reach is such an interesting case, out of universe, as it feels like such an out of character move by bungie. Let's consider for a moment, that the same company that tried to stop the release of fall of reach WEEKS before it's release, was notoriously uncooperative with ensemble studios(people who made Halo Wars), who had a game director undercut the books of the series he was making(And it was Staten, if you could believe it. It's on an old 2000s podcast.) decided--"YES, LETS GO DEEP INTO THE LORE, OUR FAVORITE PART OF THIS FRANCHISE. WHILE WE'RE AT IT, LETS USE THE SPARTAN-IIIs" ?????? Does this not feel weird to anyone else?
If you look at vidocs for reach, and other behind the scenes content, it's said that they wanted to do their own thing, and ignore the books. which if that's what they want to do, sure, fuck it.
Then why did they include First Strike references (radio logs you can hear on certain levels/maps) or HAVE NOBLE TEAM BE ALL IIIS
This is the thing that gets me the most. Halo Reach, legit, feels like Bungie's last middle finger to microsoft at certain points. Reach is the home of the Spartans, well the IIs really. It's what gives the planet, and it's destruction, such significance to characters like Chief, or Fred, or any II. That was their home, that's the closest they have to a childhood burning at the stake.
What also confuses me here, is that it's not like they gave a shit about how many IIs were in Red Flag. THEY MADE THE GAMES, THATS THEIR LORE. THEY COULDVE JUST MADE UP IIs. The reason that First Strike can be such a gut punch at certain points, is because the IIs are watching their homes burning all around them, and they can do n o t h i n g about it. It's tragic, and it makes their survival in the remnants of the glassed planet even more perilous.
I love First Strike, if you couldn't tell. If Ghosts of Onyx didn't exist, it'd be the best halo book. I'm not gonna defend this opinion because it's right.
And Bungie wrote entire CVs and A FUCKING MESSAGE BETWEEN KURT AND MENDEZ in the leadup to Reach. They did all this legwork for the pay off of having characters unrelated to the conflict they were fighting.
also, I know Jorge is a II, I WILL GET TO JORGE.
Reach was planned, in development, as this giant military campaign first . Check the vidocs/behind the scenes videos, I think Marty O'Donnell is the one who says it. (also marty was the dude who had miranda and johnson die in 3, he edited that in, check the making of Halo 3. Who kept letting the audio director fuck with the script?)
There is a big, big problem with making the battle of Reach a military campaign, however.
In FOR, the kicker about the battle of reach is that it wasn't even a battle. The Covenant overwhelmed the UNSC's fleet and flooded the planet groundside, the battle was incredibly shortlived. I think only a day. Chief went from having near 30 of his siblings living and in the field, to being the only spartan in active combat.
First Strike keeps this narrative too. The Spartans never get to fight their valiant last stand. The loss of the fleet makes the different splinters of Red Team retreat to their various fallback points. Fred, Kelly and Joshua kill an invading army of covenant, sure, but the rest of the Spartans prevent were handling a variety of what-the-fucks
I do think that a theme that carries from book to game is fighting in the face of hopeless odds, which I like.
In the game, Reach is invaded by a smaller covenant fleet and ONI just....never tells the rest of the planet? It's the long night of solace, a big cloaked super carrier, and a few destroyers. (Unironically, the lore for this is that the Shipmaster of Solace came to reach on the search for forerunner artifacts, realized he was in way over his head, and just tried to get his fleet to 1-man all of reach before the prophets got too mad.
which is funny, in retrospect, because right after he eats shit--Thel shows up in the big boy fleet. I wonder how that conversation went down with the surviving officers.)
In FoR, they bring the IIs back to Reach to prep for Red-Flag and to get them the Mark V upgrade. Same thing with the pillar of autumn.
This happens by August 27th. Chief was already on the planet beforehand for a few days to debrief highcom about Sigma Octanus IV, that's beside the point. It's to be assumed that there were a sizable amount of IIs on Reach in the weeks before, since they were being pulled from a variety of fronts, and slipspace travel means everyone would've gotten there at different times. Chief was also leading a force of 12 Spartans at Sigma Octanus IV, the battle right before reach, so I assume they came with him.
August 30th---OOPS, ALL COVENANT
The battle starts as FoR-First Strike say it does on the 30th, AND THAT SAME FUCKING DAY THE PLANET IS LOST.
In Reach, the game, the covenant were found on reach JULY 24TH. THAT IS WHEN THEY PRESS THE "OH FUCK, WINTER CONTIGENCY" BUTTON. If you go by the game, it seems like there's just all out warfare across the planet after that point. The mission after is Noble Team defending Castle Base from a Covenant Corvette (also, like, it's goofy as fuck to think that no one outside the select military participating in these engagements did not, or hear about, the giant space marine animal firing death from above. I doubt the covenant gave a shit about which humans they turned to ash knew about them, after their presence was found out.)
So most of Reach's Campaign happens, including the huge fucking battle at Szurdok Ridge. You know the battle that had scarabs and scorpion tanks casually duking it out in the background, same battle that they used a MAC round in atmosphere in?
By August 13th, 60 percent of the UNSC fleet is recalled to defend reach. Not too long after that, Noble Team kills the super carrier. Then what I assume is Thel's fleet shows up as in the cutscene it shows a massive fleet entering the system immediately after the solace's destruction. After that is the battle of new alexandria, which ends august 23rd.
The game and the book link up on August 30th, as Noble team delivers the other half of cortana. (Halsey split her into two so she could continue her forerunner research, also, halsey never talks about meeting Noble Team in First Strike. Jun literally escorted her to Castle Base. In her journals that came with Reach's deluxe edition, I think there is a few pages of her freaking the fuck out about them. Not-so-concidentally Eric Nylund also wrote that Journal.)
343 tried to link the game and book stories together, and the result was--
Oni predicted there was a 67% of reach being found, just let it happen, no I am not joking.
The battle of reach up until where FoR picks up is just on one side of the planet, somehow they contain it so the planet doesn't freak out. I do not know how, the covenant were fucking EVERYWHERE.
ONI also let the long night of solace pally about, they were mad when Noble Team blew it to high hell because they wanted to use it for Red Flag.
This is a GOOFY retcon, I swear to god.
I apologize if this was hard to read, and tbh I probably also missed stuff li-WAIT I FORGOT
IN HALO REACH THEY HAVE A SEVEN PART RADIO MESSAGE STORY ABOUT BETA RED, SPLIT ACROSS FIREFIGHT AND MULTIPLAYER MAPS. THE SPARTANS WHO WERE LEFT TO DEFEND THE GENERATORS. THEY'RE CHATTING ABOUT THEM AS THEY'RE PUNCHING UP TO THESE TANK SQUADRONS BAREHANDED. BUNGIE, BUNGIE, THIS IS ALREADY A MESS, WHY ARE YOU INCLUDING THIS. Edit: I realize I never got to Jorge. I think it's stupid to have Jorge be in noble team because it SHOWS they thought about the concept of what reach being invaded would mean to a II. They just didn't care enough to expand on it in any substantial way.
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ivanshogun · 2 years
Sibling's Unconditional Love Part (2/3)
“Oi Reina, I mean nee-san wake up, time to eat” waking her up after I Finished cooking. “Ohh, Did I pass out? Sorry” I said. “Nah it's alright, come on let's eat.” I dragged her out of the bed and onto the dining table. “Whoa, this looks quite good” she said. We both ate like nothing happened earlier. “Hmm hmm, I never knew you could cook this good,████” she said, completely eating all the dishes I've made. “Well, yeah, you're the one who taught me afterall” I said, flustered on what she have said. “Alright let me give you a little reward.” she steps on my crotch and started to rub it. “Not now neesan” she frowned. “Well, let's take a bath shall we” she smiled. We did it in the bath, cumming 5 times inside her, and then we slept for the night.......
“Reina, ████. You two really are siblings aren't you? You two are close” said her friend, today I just got dragged in to help them do their girl thing. Ahh holding all of their luggage isn't really hard but she's teasing my dick wherever we go. “Bye Reina, I've had fun” her friend says as we part ways. “Good job on not cumming the all day” she whispered to me. Ah today was basically torture. “I think we should do it again tonight” she said, smiling while she held my hand. “Huh? We can't, we just did it yesterday and plus dad and mom is home” I said. “Hmm, then I'll just step on your face or your crotch then” she laughed. “Well that's..... Ugh fine, just promise me you won't make a noise” I said. “i can't promise that, but since you already said yes, there's no going back. We entered the house. “Welcome back You two, I already made dinner, why won't you two go eat here?” mom said. We said yes, ahh being able to eat with the whole family time to time is quite good. After eating, she immediately dragged me up stairs. We got in our room and got on the bed. “Ahh, i can't believe you didn't cum while I give you footjob earlier on the dinner table. Hehe~ you're being a great dog now ████” she laughed. “Hmm lemme challenge you once again” she grabbed me and got on top of me, tearing my clothes apart. She looked down at me,smiling while she undressed herself. “Try not to cum, today is one of my "Dangerous" day afterall” she said while my whole dick got engulfed by her pussy, smugly smiling with her eyes full of lust. “Wait nee-san, too rough plus you're moaning so loud. We're gonna get caught” I said but she doesn't restrained herself from letting out her beautiful voice. I tried to hold myself, trying to stop my self from cumming. But I think I won't last any longer, Everytime her hips would move, her pussy would suck me in, trying suck all of my seeds to fertilize her egg. I hold her thighs to create my own pace, she got turned on by me doing that, tightening up as she squirts...... The door slammed while I pour my cum inside her, oh shit I did it, oh fuck I messed up. “What are you two doing!?” a voice came from the door, angry yet confused. “D-dad... I uh, I can explain” I said, cum leaks out from her insides, dripping down on my thighs while dad looks at us disgusted. “Well I think this it the best time to say it.” she stood up and faces dad, smiling awkwardly. “Dad, let me.......uh, marry my little brother” silence after she said that, confused and shocked about the words that she uttered out of her mouth. “Huh? What? No, you can't do that” dad said. “Just let them do their thing, afterall they know each other than we do, so just let them do what they want also let's continue what we left off.”mom appeared on his back, wearing a lingerie. “Well... You two, just be quiet, you're too loud” he said before leaving our room. “Woah I can't believe that worked” her words filled with Excitement while my body were full of adrenaline, ready to fuck her hard which I've never done before. “E-ehh, ████? Uh is something the matter?” she said, she's scared. I grabbed her neck and pinned her down, bending over while her ass faces me just made me wanna do whatever I want. “You've been teasing me all day, making me endure all of that, now it's your turn, don't cum nee-san” I said, about to shove my dick in. “T-thats easy.......” she said, hesitant if she should run away or just let me bury my dick inside her. I've put the whole thing in, she moaned loudly as the bed creaked. “Ehh?? You already came?” I said, feeling her insides twitching. “Aaah... Ahh... Sorry I Cannot hold it in” she said, panting. I grabbed her neck with a firm grip.
0 notes
Favours and Revelations
Pairing: Jason Todd (version not specified) x F!Reader
Prompt: 13. “I know we’re not… friends or anything, but… I’m here for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
Warnings: injury mentions, panic attack, Jason’s trauma, death mentions
Word count: 1598
A/N: First time writing for Jason! This is general Jason, but gifs of Jason suck, so I’ve used a Titans one. I might do more parts of this at some point. Anyway, I hope you like it!!
(This is now a series, and the series masterlist can be found here!)
Main masterlist
Follower celebration masterlist
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“I need a favour.”
Y/N snorted. “Which one of your siblings fucked up now?”
Dick sighed, clearly unwilling to give her a name. “Jason.” She could practically hear the wince in his tone.
“No. No way in hell. Pass him off on someone else.” She leaned back in her desk chair and spun around to face away from her computer.
“There’s no one else to pass him off to. Look he’s pretty beat up, I just need you to let him sleep on your couch, make sure he eats, and keep an eye on him for a few days.”
“I thought he healed faster than the rest of you anyway. Why’s he need a baby sitter?” She huffed, really not wanting to spend three days cooped up with the most insufferable batboy.
“He does. That’s why, he’s worse than normal. I just need someone to make sure he doesn’t try and go on patrol. Please, Y/N? Pretty please?” He whined.
“For fucks sake, Grayson.” She sighed. “You are going to owe me big for this.”
“Yes!” She could practically see him punching the air. “Thank you so much. We’ll be at yours within the hour.”
He hung up before she could take it back.
Y/N could hear Dick and Jason bickering before she even opened the door. She took a deep breath before she pulled it open. Dick shot her a wide smile while Jason just sighed and rolled his eyes.
“I don’t need a babysitter.” Jason huffed out.
But one look at him showed he did. He could barely stand on his own, his left arm slung around Dick’s shoulders as the older man kept him standing. His face was pretty untouched other than a black eye and split lip, but she could see the edges of bandages peaking out of his collar and the shape of them beneath his clothes.
“I already pulled the sofa bed out.” Y/N sighed and moved out of the way so Dick could drag his brother inside the apartment. She shut the door and followed them as they made their way into the living room.
Dick helped Jason down onto the bed and Y/N caught the look of pain that flashed across Jason’s face before he schooled his expression again. Dick slung the backpack off his back and set it next to the bed before pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket.
“Dick, I don’t want your money.” Y/N said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Dick laughed, but she could see the annoyance under it. “It’s not for you. Do you know how much he eats? Trust me, you’ll need it to feed him.”
“I eat as much as you, Dickwad.” Jason muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You eat as much as three people, Jaybird.” Dick dropped the wad of cash on the coffee table. “I’ll be back for him in three days. I’ve locked up his suit, but I wouldn’t put it past him to try and escape, so keep an eye on him, please?”
“Sure.” Y/N agreed, trying to hide a smile at the look Jason sent Dick.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Dick sternly told him before walking back over to Y/N. “Thank you for this, I really appreciate it. If he rips his stiches or anything like that and can’t reclose them, call Dr Thompkins.”
“I will. We’ll be fine.” She smiled and accepted his hug. “You be safe.”
“Always.” He sent her another smile before walking out.
Y/N took another breath before turning back to Jason. “You need anything?”
He grunted. “My suit.”
“Jason, your brother just had to practically carry you in here. I don’t think anyone would take the Red Hood seriously if he can’t even stand.” She watched him reach over the edge of the bed and pull the bag Dick had dropped towards him. She wasn’t at all surprised when he pulled a pistol out and stuffed it under the pillow he was propped up against. “I’ve got some work to do, so just shout if you need anything, okay?”
He nodded and reached for the TV remote.
“Jason?” Y/N knocked on the bathroom door, her worry growing when she got no reply. “Jason, you’ve been in there an hour. Are you okay?” She was met with silence. “If you die on my watch, Dick will kill me.” Silence. “Okay, fuck it, I’m coming in and you better not be naked.” She used the spare key to open the lock, not at all ready for the scene in front of her.
Jason was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bath with his legs splayed in front of him. His hands were buried in his curls, his knuckles white from how hard he was tugging on the strands, and there were tears streaming down his cheeks even though his eyes were screwed shut. His breathing was uneven and ragged.
“Jason?” She said softly as she dropped to her knees in front of him. She hesitantly reached out, attempting to lay a hand on his leg, only for him to pull it away, curling up into himself.
He let out a noise somewhere between a sob and a cry of pain. “Don’t touch me, please.”
“Okay.” She took a deep breath and shifted to his side, leaning up against the bath next to him, while leaving a good few inches between them. “I won’t touch you, but I’m going to sit here and keep you company.” He gave her a small nod, so she decided to keep talking. “Dick used to speak to me all the time about you, you know? Before you came back, I mean. I think he thought it was easier, because I didn’t know you, so he could tell me whatever he wanted without risking me getting upset like the others.”
Jason’s body began to unfurl, his hands slowly letting up his grip on his hair as he relaxed back against the bath and his breathing began to even out.
She kept her eyes forward as she spoke again, not wanting him to pull away. “I know we’re not… friends or anything, but… I’m here for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
“He didn’t stop laughing. Even when he cracked my skull open with that crowbar, he never stopped laughing.” Jason took a deep breath and leant his head back against the bath. “I let my guard down. The guy came at me with a crowbar, and I was just… back there. If Dick hadn’t been there…” He trailed off and screwed his eyes shut again. “I’m fucked up, and it’s all his fault.”
Hesitantly, Y/N reached out and took his hand in hers. His whole body tensed up, but he relaxed again slightly as she ran her thumb over his knuckles. “Dick ever told you how we met?”
“I hacked into LexCorp. Found some things Luthor didn’t want the world to see, so he sent his men after me. They grabbed me, but I wouldn’t tell them where I stashed the hard drive. Dick was looking into something else to do with LexCorp when he found me and got me out. But not before they had the chance to do this.” She lifted up her shirt so he could see the jagged scar that started at her hip and curled over her ribs before stopping under her shoulder blade. “I still dream about it sometimes, the look on the mans face as he carved open my skin. You’re not the only one who is fucked up, Jay. Have you considered talking to someone? A professional, I mean?”
He shook his head. “Most of the time, I can’t even get my thoughts straight. The pit… it’s like an itch in the back of my head that I can’t scratch. Also who the fuck is going to do a therapy session with the Red Hood?”
“If you pay really well, I bet they would let you keep the helmet on.” She smiled as it drew a snort and a shake of his head from him. “Why don’t we move to the sofa? You can’t be comfy sitting on the floor.” She pushed herself to her feet when he nodded and held a hand out to him. He raised his eyebrows, challenging her to try and lift all his muscle mass off the floor. She huffed. “I was just trying to be helpful.”
He used the side of the bath to push himself off the floor, but she still had to reach out and grab his free arm to stabilise him so he didn’t face plant the floor.
“Thank you.” He said softly. She knew he didn’t just mean for preventing him from falling.
“Anytime.” She smiled. “You wanna watch a movie?”
“You got the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice?” He asked, the corner of his mouth curling upwards.
She scoffed. “Of course, who do you think I am?” She slung his arm over her shoulder, more to keep him upright than help him walk, and shot him another smile. He returned it and she helped him into the living room, wondering if the pair of them had finally turned a corner in their relationship.
Part 2
Taglist: @scarrasco1325​
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
How I deal with Roy Harper stuff is absolute chaos.
I ship him with Jason Todd. I don’t mind the idea of him dating Kori at some point.
I fucking hate RHATO. It’s so bad for all of their characters. It makes Kori the “born sexy yesterday” alien girl instead of the extremely emotional girl full of love and conviction that she is. It reverts Roy back so much and makes him just this side of a piece of shit. And Jason is made into Edgey Protagonist Boy. It’s awful for all of them. Also Scott Lobdel is a creep and he sucks.
Is that where nearly all canon JayRoy implications are? Yes. Do I ignore most of the details of that entire series and only apply it to my personal canon in vague broad strokes? Also yes.
Despite there being no implications of JayRoy before this, I love them together for the sheer potential.
This is not for one to be a morality pet for the other. Roy isn’t there to make Jason look smart. Sure, he’s a dumbass, but he’s also almost as much a genius as Jason is, Jason just had a million more teachers and way less chill. He’s not there just to make Jason feel better about himself. As much as Jason adores him, he still barely let him in, and kept trying to push him away because he was too good. Jason also isn’t there to be Roy’s sobriety crutch. Roy doesn’t need a goddamn sobriety crutch. And if he does, Jason can help (god he fucking should) but his sobriety crutches are Dinah and Waylon, and they just helped him through the worst of it. He can handle shit on his own.
I want Roy to say “fuck that, you’re not the bad guy” not because Roy is an “outlaw” for no rational reason (because he’s not, he’s a hero and never was he not). I want him to say it because he knew the bright bubbly kid who was there when he found out he was a father. The little boy who helped Donna (who Roy also loves) when she was carrying too much and not enough and needed that support. I want him to do it because he knows some of who Jason killed and why. I want him to express that he understands why Jason killed and doesn’t judge him even though he doesn’t kill people anymore (because I think he did as a government agent? and he sure af wanted to after Lian died). I want him to tell Jason just how awful he thinks he himself is, and that Jason is not some monster tainting him with his mere presence. I want him to force Jason to recognize that just because he’s close to Dick too doesn‘t mean he prefers one of them over the other, that the relationships are different and both precious to him and he doesn’t value Dick over Jason or vice versa (because Dick was Roy’s best friend sorta (I mean so were Wally and Donna but like...???) and they need to still be besties instead of trading out one Bat for another) because he feels like people are always choosing his siblings, Dick and Tim especially, over him.
I want Jason to have this unbelievable pride and admiration and fear and hope with Roy, seeing how he got over addiction and spent so much time trying to help others through it, when Jason lost his mother to it. I want him to be able to pull Roy away from the Titans when they stress him out so he’s just not alone (not because he needs someone, but Roy is inherently social and has always done better when people are there for him). I want Jason to help Roy find his daughter. I want Jason to know the child that has become a scrappy Gotham street kid and platonically fall in love with her, love her nearly as much as Roy does because he just can’t help it because Lian is just that wonderful and everyone who’s ever met her adores her and Jason has always had a soft spot for kids (who aren’t wearing Robin outfits). I want him to feel a connection with Lian over their similar and different childhoods, and how much they care about Roy. I want Jason to recognize just how brilliant both Roy and Lian are and actually say how impressed he is just because he can and Roy tbh probably needed the ego boost. I want Jason to have people he can rely on with relative fucking stability because fuck if he can get that from his family. Maybe the Batgirls, but they each prioritize other Robins over him (Babs for Dick, Steph for Tim, Cass also for Tim, or Steph if you wanna count her in this example).
Nearly everything I love about Roy Harper (mostly aside from his design, I like his new styles if you ignore the hat) comes from Pre-Flashpoint stuff. His volunteer work for people struggling with addiction. When he was in Ireland for a while and helped these kids who’d been recently orphaned and making sure they got to a good home when everything was resolved. That time he was essentially a temp PI and worked a case during the fucking AIDs crisis and showed fucking empathy for people and didn’t get bothered when that made people accuse him of being gay (in contrast to Titans Academy where he repeatedly misgenders a nonbinary student boy you are culturally Navajo were there no Two Spirit people there?). His intimately trusting friendship with Dick where they’d do almost anything for each other no questions asked. All of the things he did as a father because god, did the man love his daughter. Pre-Flashpoint Roy is the one I love, and I sprinkle his newer material in very sparingly and carefully.
Jason Todd was all over the fucking place even before Flashpoint so he’s just a mess.
But I see potential for them. Not for most of what’s already written, but what could be.
(Also this does not mean I want their other love interests brushed aside; I want them resolved and befriended. Donna for Roy and Artemis for Jason. Maybe also Kori and Isabel respectively. Fuck Cheshire tho didn’t even tell Roy Lian was alive. Bitch. But damn do I want Artemis back. Also Dog. Give Jason Dog back.)
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
20+ Books That You (Might Actually Want) To Read During Pride Month!
Right, so. I got annoyed after seeing the list referenced in this post last night, told myself that my books are all packed up so I couldn’t do anything about it, and lasted all of a whopping 10 minutes before picking up my phone and attempting to make my own list instead. Behold, my from-memory attempt to present 20 books with strong LGBTQ plots, characters, and/or authors, that DON’T just rely on Suffering and Identity Politics and are... you know... fun.
Listed in alphabetical order by title. Links take you to Bookshop.org, where you can buy them from your local independent bookstore at a discount and NOT from the evil empire.
1. A Master of Djinn – P. Djeli Clark * author of color * steampunk Cairo in 1912 * djinn! magic! murder mystery! * butch Arab lesbian main character * devout hijabi Muslim badass assistant * anticolonial alternate history
2. An Accident of Stars – Foz Meadows (Sequel: A Tyranny of Queens) * trans author * bi, pan, trans, aro representation * racially diverse characters * all female POV characters * high-fantasy world adventures
3. Boyfriend Material – Alexis Hall * queer author * look I love this book SO MUCH and have absolutely screamed about it before but also I LOVE IT SO MUCH * contemporary M/M fake dating in modern London, complete with full cast of disaster found-family queer friends * it is. fucking. HILARIOUS. I almost died the first time reading it * there is a sequel called HUSBAND MATERIAL scheduled to be released in 2022; I am a normal amount of excited for this book
4. Gideon the Ninth – Tamsyn Muir (Sequel: Harrow the Ninth) * the book cover says “Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted palace in space!” * that is exactly what you get * slow-burn enemies-to-lovers F/F main romance * I cannot describe this book, it is dark, genre-bendy, science fiction-y, Hunger-Games-with-lesbian-necromancers-in space? Kinda? I have literally never read anything like it * also fucking HILARIOUS
5. One Last Stop – Casey McQuiston * queer author (who wrote Red White and Royal Blue) * bisexual fat girl from the South/lesbian-daughter-of-Chinese immigrants from the 1970s-riot-grrl main romance * time traveling mystery involving the Q train in Brooklyn (mentions Brighton Beach ahem) * magical realism * many more found-family chaotic queers including a trans Latino psychic and a Black accountant by day/drag queen by night and the mean little gay disaster who has a hopeless crush on them
6. Parasol Protectorate (series) – Gail Carriger * this is one of my favorite series, and there are five books: Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, Heartless, and Timeless * steampunk vampires/werewolves late Victorian London, like Jane Austen crossed with P.G. Wodehouse (they are all fucking hilarious) * pretty much everyone is queer; we got your flamboyantly camp gay vampires (Lord Akeldama ftw!) We got your gay werewolves! We got your lesbian French inventors! We got your big disaster idiot werewolf main male love interest! We got your crazy adventures! You name it we got it! * two spin-off novellas: Romancing the Werewolf (M/M) and Romancing the Inventor (F/F) * she has a ton more books in this same universe and writes sexy queer supernatural romance as G.L. Carriger
7. Plain Bad Heroines – Emily M. Danforth * queer author * historical horror-comedy set between a haunted girls’ school in early-1900s New England and in the modern day * all sapphic female main characters * plays with style/form/voice, a story within a story within a story
8. Red White and Royal Blue – Casey McQuiston * you’ve probably heard of it but here I am reccing it again * the biracial son of the first female POTUS falls in love with the Prince of England; shenanigans absolutely ensue * yes, the British monarchy still absolutely sucks a big fat dick * hilarious, heartfelt, reads like fanfic, just go get it, it will change your life
9. Rosaline Palmer Takes The Cake – Alexis Hall * same author as Boyfriend Material, this is his newest * bisexual female protagonist * absolutely perfect satire of The Great British Bake Off (you can tell this man has watched EVERY SINGLE SERIES and all of the holiday specials) * sweet and surprisingly thoughtful
10. Starless – Jacqueline Carey * genderqueer/transmasculine main character of color * almost all main characters are brown people! * lush Middle Eastern/India-inspired fantasy world * gods, prophecies, monsters * the best Oh God Why Me I Am A Horrible Mentor wise-old-mentor
11. The Future of Another Timeline – Annalee Newitz * nonbinary (they/them) author * time travel but make it The Handmaid’s Tale * will probably make your head explode * feminist, queer, subversive * diverse characters
12. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue – Mackenzi Lee * queer author * technically YA but historical/magical adventure set in the 1700s * bisexual disaster main protagonist and love interest of color * (mis)adventures across Europe * has a sequel (see below) with the badass asexual sister of the protagonist
13. The Hate Project – Kris Ripper * nonbinary/genderqueer author * M/M enemies to lovers/sex with no strings attached (spoiler alert: strings attached) * HECKING HILARIOUS * sweet, escapist, and very low stakes * diverse characters, including fat protagonist with realistic anxiety disorder
14. The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy – Mackenzi Lee * PIRATES, obviously * sequel to Gentleman’s Guide * asexual female protagonist * strong queerplatonic f/f friendship * more historical/magical 18th century adventures
15. The Last Rune (series) – Mark Anthony * Imma be real with you chief, I haven’t read this series since I was a clueless teenager with no idea why I liked Gay Stuff so much, so if it does turn out to suck now, don’t throw rotten veggies at me * but especially since it was written in the NINETIES, this series was hella progressive?! * gay characters, disabled characters, characters of color, all playing significant and heroic roles in six-book epic fantasy cycle * people from Earth end up in high-fantasy world of Eldh * endgame M/M romance for the main character * books out of print, I think, but you can find them cheap somewhere like AbeBooks; first one (Beyond the Pale) linked above
16. The Library of the Unwritten – A.J. Hackwith * queer author * heaven-hell-Valhalla supernatural adventures * The Good Place x Good Omens x Lucifer x The Librarians * Pansexual Black badass female heroine * Queer found families * The Sassiest TM Bisexual Villain Turned Reluctant Hero (is he my favorite? Why on earth would you think that.)
17. The Priory of the Orange Tree – Samantha Shannon * epic doorstopper science fiction/historical fantasy set in a vaguely 16th-century world * main F/F romance between a queen and her sorceress bodyguard * sassy old gay alchemist whose backstory will give you Feelings * so many strong women and characters of color * no homophobia! marriage is fully gender-neutral, spouses are called “companions”
18. The Song of Achilles – Madeline Miller * likewise one you have probably heard of but still * a little light on the myth/historical part imho, but the writing is beautiful and will give you many feelings * M/M romance between Achilles and Patroclus  * reimagining of The Iliad (her other book Circe is also really good)
19 The Stars are Legion – Kameron Hurley * all-female apocalyptic space opera * messy messy antiheroines * grimdark war fantasy * queer sci-fi drama
20. Witchmark – C.L. Polk * author of color * M/M romance * main character is a veteran and a doctor dealing with his own hidden magic and repressed war trauma * gaslamp fantasy set in a world reminiscent of post-WWI England * strong sibling relationship
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gender-error-404 · 3 years
Childe x Reader - Headcanons
A/N: This is something that was requested by a friend in a discord I'm in! And Childe is my comfort character, so who am I to decline?
Characters: Childe/Reader, mentioned Childe's family.
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- Loves carrying you. Bridal, piggyback, whatever. He loves it and even if you say you're too heavy or that he wouldn't be able to do it while holding something else he will make it his mission to prove you wrong. Please let him, he is much stronger than he looks and he will not stop until you let him.
- Enjoys having you in his lap. It's one of his favorite ways to cuddle, whether your back is against his chest and letting his head rest on your shoulder/against your back, or you're facing him and he gets to listen to your heartbeat. Either way, he has dozed off like this.
- Cold. He gets cold easily, so please cuddle him. Just because he's used to it from Snezhnaya doesn't mean it's okay >:(
- He takes you to see his family as soon as he can, and if you're on good terms with yours he loves to see them too. His siblings adore you just from what he writes about you, and his parents are just glad that he found someone who he can "settle" with.
- Will dance with you, humming a tune while guiding you both through it while waiting for the food to finish cooking.
- Childe has plenty of scars, some from weapons, others caused by his own delusion. He also has some odd, deep violet colored lines along his back, from his time in The Abyss. He's only truly insecure about those lines, so any positive attention given to those softens his heart.
- He returns the favor! Any stretch marks, scars, vitiligo, whatever, he doesn't care! He truly loves every bit of you, and can spend hours doting on you, pressing kisses and complimenting the parts of your body that you're insecure about until you start to believe him.
- His favorite place to kiss is your hand. Let him gently grab your hand from it's spot against his cheek, bring it to his lips and press a soft kiss to the palm.
- His favorite place to be kissed is his neck. Not in a sexual way either. It gives him a sense of peace, showing you one of his most vulnerable spots and feeling your gentle touch instead of an attack.
- One of the first things he does when he gets home from longer trips is to cook with you. He loves to cook, and grew up in a house where cooking was always something his parents did together when they could, and he views it as an intimate thing to do.
- First off he is a switch. I do not make the rules. Yes he likes to be dominant but some days take care of him.
- Secondly, he is absolutely awkward at the start. All he knows is things he has probably read about and what his older brothers and fellow Fatui have told him, plus The Talk from his dad.
- The first time, you both have to stop a couple times due to embarrassment, needing a moment to laugh, etc.
- After that, you guys still do have your silly moments here and there, but definitely nothing like the first time.
- As you both gain experience with one another, you both start exploring your boundaries and kinks. Some of Childe's are:
- Biting. You're not leaving without hickies and bitemarks when he doms. He does get a bit possessive of you, and being able to leave said marks where people can see them? It boosts his pride.
- Doesn't like using his vision unless it's to like...tear something off really quickly. Sorry if you're into that.
- When dominant and submissive, he loves having you on top of him. It feels super intimate, putting you both in a position that can be considered risky for him in any other situation.
- He also loves seeing you wear something of his when he's fucking you. Wear his jacket. You know you want to. Hell, just wearing something of his in public will make your chances of getting railed once you're both home almost 100%.
- Breeding kink. He is a big family man, and the thought of having one always gets him going. He knows it wouldn't be the best idea to have one at the moment though, hell he's not even sure if he can or if The Abyss or his delusion affects that too. Still, if you're capable of having kids with an amab person, you gotta take contraception. If not, that just makes things easier for you both.
- Chest man. Besides your neck, your chest is his favorite spot to leave hickies and bites. Male, Female, all of the above, none of the above, it doesn't matter. He lives your chest anyways.
- Submissive wise, praise kink. He melts for your praises, give him so much love when you're praising him.
- Remember his biting kink? It goes both ways, he's always so proud if there's a hickey or bite from you showing. Childe is more than happy to show it off.
- Oh btw, he has an oral fixation, kinky or not. I just feel like he would love sucking you off/eating you out. It's also the main reason why you get so many hickies, he just loves biting/sucking on things.
- Absolutely bottoms at times, he loves being under you when you're fucking him. Bend him over and shove a dick into him, real or not. He enjoys it.
- Pull some orgasm denial on him and he gets whiny. However, be prepared for retaliation. He will do it back later.
- He actually enjoys being blindfolded. It heightens his other senses, and makes it all the more enjoyable for him. However, he will not tie you up, nor will he let himself be tied up.
- AFTERCARE. It usually consists of a warm bath afterwards, it doesn't matter if he tops or bottoms. You two bathe together, helping each other wash off the leftover remnants of your activities. Then you both dry off and go to bed, him throwing on boxers or nothing at all, and you wearing whatever you want, if anything.
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myherowritings · 4 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. enji makes an appearance bleh, enji being classist, enji...ew, okay i swear most of the chapter is shouto and y/n being cute though 
A/N. ngl i have genshin brainrot real bad at the moment but i still have motivation for ceo!shouto and ceo!shouto only u.u there are only 7 parts to this series so we’re at the halfway mark already AHHH i hope u enjoy reading and lmk what u think!! :3 xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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Shouto’s day went from good to bad faster than it took to pull an espresso. 
It started off with a good morning text from you and having a brief, but pleasant, interaction at your work. Actually, the past few weeks have been going along a similar routine that he found himself settling into all too comfortably. You even upheld your promise of stealing him away one weekend to walk around the park, get food, and just have time to relax and be happy for once. 
Getting to be in your presence almost daily became so normalized in his life that even some of his employees heard about the cute barista with the best pastries. Yet, although he saw you often, he found himself wanting to talk to you more and more.
But for now, Shouto told himself to settle with starting the mornings off with you. They were the best mornings he’s had in a while and he didn’t want to sound ungrateful. 
Today, however, went sour fast after he heard his father was coming up to the top floor for a meeting with him. He didn’t find the idea of Enji visiting to be the most abhorrent thing, but the moment his father opened his mouth, Shouto quickly took that back. 
As expected, his father reminded him about the annual charity gala Todoroki Enterprises was expected to attend. Handfuls of galas ran through the year, but the once hosted by Naruhata Industries under the guise of raising money and awareness for the charities of choice.
In theory, a charity gala ball sounded humanitarian and a way for the upper class to give back, but in reality, most of the funds collected didn’t go to the actual charities, instead they went to paying for the venue, live bands, entertainment, the most expensive catering, decorations, and more. What presented itself as a charitable event in the eyes of the public was really a way rich people could flaunt their wealth and feel good about themselves for doing absolutely nothing to benefit society. A way for the rich to suck their own dicks, if you would. 
Shouto absolutely hated it. 
It was also a press opportunity and, in his father’s eyes, a way to gain public favor for the Todoroki business. Today, Enji attempted to tell him that bringing a date that fit the mold of high society was the best way for him to establish rapport through media coverage. Apparently, the image news outlets have placed on Shouto were either a heartbreaker and playboy with no care for other’s emotions, or a monotonous stoic who seemed like a robot with no care for other’s emotions.
In either cases, there seemed to be a theme of Shouto not caring for others. 
He sighed. 
“You can’t keep that image, Shouto,” said Enji with his arms folded across his chest. “If the media sees you with someone—a nice girl with a good upbringing—then your likeability will increase tenfold. If there’s no one you like, I’ll have to set up a date for you.”
For a while, he was torn between telling his dad to fuck off and trying to do as he said to keep peace within the family. But then, an image of you popped into his head.
“Actually, there is someone I like.” 
Enji narrowed his eyes. “Oh? An educated girl with wealthy parents?”
“There’s someone I like,” he simply repeated, the tone in his voice growing cold. 
He didn’t know anything about your upbringing or family nor did he exactly care. Shouto didn’t want to bring a date to the dumb gala, but if he had to, he would want it to be you. Only if you agreed, of course. But if you weren’t willing, then he had to face the facts that his father would most likely force a date of his own choosing upon Shouto. 
“That’s good you like someone, son,” Enji said through his teeth, “but we have to make sure it’s not some sort of...loose woman. That’d be even worse publicity—”
“I like someone and if you really cared about my happiness like you said you did, that’d be enough.”
There was a tense silence in the air. Shouto didn’t have enough fingers to count the number of times Enji had told him and his siblings that he would try to be a better dad. A caring dad who only wanted what was best for his children. A better husband for Rei. A better example for the public. The first few times, Shouto believed it. But Enji said the same things over and over again with no lasting change and Shouto was just fed up. 
After hearing the same lie told to him over and over again, it seemed to lose its weight. He seemed to lose his hope in his father ever changing.
Still, Shouto had to deal with him for as long as he lived. That much he knew as a son living in this society. 
But he hoped Enji at least had enough guilt to let him have this.
Shouto blinked in surprise. 
Enji stated, “If you think your date can help your public image and not be a complete embarrassment to the business, you can bring them.”
That was the closest thing to approval Shouto would get today. He nodded and listened along to whatever else his father had to say, the only thing actually on his mind was thinking about how he would ask you out on a date to some stuffy gala. And hope that you’d say yes.
— ✩ —
“Wait, so, let me get this straight— You’re the CEO of Todoroki Enterprises and even after almost two months of knowing you, I had no clue?”
He inclined his head, looking solemn. “Yes, I’m sorry. Are you upset with me for not telling you sooner?” 
Initial shock aside, you couldn’t say that you were too surprised at the revelation. You knew Shouto was wealthy and probably in some high-up position in the business industry, but you never knew to what extent. A CEO? That had to be the highest rank in a company! And a company as well known as Todoroki Enterprises? 
The thought made you a little nervous. The guy you slowly befriended over the course of short cafe visits and silly texts was Mr. Todoroki? Or worse— The guy you stole away from doing work for a whole weekend was someone as busy as a CEO? You internally groaned. That had to be against laws of the universe or something. 
“I’m not upset, no,” you said with a shake of your head. “I just...can’t believe it I guess.” Eyes widening, you were quick to amend your words. “Well, I can believe it. You seem very intelligent and well-put together and, uh, rich! But I guess I just didn’t think a CEO would be so funny and kind.” You winced. “Oh no, is that mean to say?”
“I don’t think it’s mean.” He shrugged. “You’re right to say most people in this field aren’t known for their delightful temperaments.” 
You absentmindedly drummed your finger against your thigh, trying to process this new information. “So you’re Todoroki Shouto...and you want me to be your date to the Naruhata Charity Ball?” 
“Yeah. I know it’s a huge favor to ask, and I promise you can say no if you choose,” said Shouto in earnest. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to agree.” 
With a hum, you stretched your legs out under the table before crossing one over the other again. It was a Saturday afternoon where you had no work and Shouto managed to escape from his for a few hours of the day. You took him to your favorite ice cream place nearby and the two of you ate at a dining area outside the establishment. 
Just a mundane day as two friends hanging out with each other where you found out one of those friends was the chief executive officer of a billion dollar business headquartered in Japan. 
Totally normal, everyday occurrences, obviously. 
“And you need a date for this event?” you asked. In all honesty, you would be more than happy if Shouto asked you out on a date. He was fun and you enjoyed getting to know him. But these particular circumstances made you a tad bit more nervous.
“I normally wouldn’t need to bring one, but my father insists it’d help my public image and in turn the image of the company.” With a pinched look on his face, he took a bite of his ice cream. “In other words I bring a date or he picks one for me.” 
You weren’t the most caught up on super rich people drama, but it was almost infamous how estranged the Todoroki family was. Again, you didn’t know much but you did know enough to say that Todoroki Enji seemed like a Class A asshole. If you could help Shouto out with his weird dilemma, you saw no reason not to. 
“So this charita gala is like where they have those live auctions and silent auctions and get tipsy on fancy wine and champagne for hours right?”
He tilted his head to the side. “Yeah. Have you attended one?” 
“Not quite,” you said with a sheepish smile. “I’ve volunteered at one in school though. As one of those runners? It was fun. I got a bunch of those tiny complimentary candies!” Your mouth watered at the memory. “What kind of drug were in those candies? I’ve never had candy so good before!”
“The tiny, circular candies with the excessively big wrapper? The fruity ones?”
You shot up in your seat, excited he knew what you were talking about. “Yes! That’s the one!” 
The corners of his mouth quirked upwards. “I always see those at these types of events.”
“So… The candy will be there at the gala you want me to accompany you to?” 
“Most likely.”
“Can I take a bunch of those from candies there…?” you asked with an optimistic grin.
“I’ll be your accomplice in sneaking them out.”
“It’s a date!” you said before Shouto could get another word out. 
You’d be reunited with those yummy, fancy candies you’ve been separated from for far too long. What other reason did you need to agree? 
With a determined look on your face, you held your hand out for Shouto to shake to seal the deal. 
He blinked. “Wait. Did you want to discuss it some more? Maybe have a few days to think it through? I’m grateful, of course, but I don’t want you regretting anything.”
“No. I won’t regret it. I’d do anything to taste those candies again.”
Shouto looked unsure what to say. “Isn’t there some parable warning people not to be bribed by candy?”
“Not to take candy from a baby?”
“No. Not that one.”
“That’s the only one I know.”
“Never mind then.” 
The two of you exchanged confused looks before letting out fits of laughter. You weren’t sure if either of you knew exactly what the other was laughing at, but the moment was an enjoyable one nonetheless. 
“Yet another reason to bring me to that fancy event— I’ll make sure you’re entertained all the way through,” you playfully bragged, smoothing down the front of your shirt. 
“The event will definitely be more bearable with you there.” He licked a small bit of his ice cream from his pink spoon, making a sound of approval. “But you can change your mind about coming at any time, Y/N.”
“I won’t,” you said, holding a pinky out. “Pinky promise.”
With what seemed like a bashful expression on his face, Shouto extended his own pinky to interlock yours. You sealed it with a kiss and a heart, like you were a kid again. 
“Now, am I supposed to be in love with you at the gala?” you asked nonchalantly, finishing off your last bite of ice cream. He offered you a spoonful of his and you tried not to grow too flustered at Shouto feeding you his dessert. You murmured a quiet, “Thanks.”
He gave you a small smile. “You’re welcome. As for being in love… I don’t think that’s necessary. Just pretend you like being around me, I think.”
Under the table, you nudged his shoe with yours, pulling a face. “I don’t have to pretend about that, silly.” 
“Ah, well,” he paused, offering you another spoonful of ice cream, “I don’t either.”
“I’m glad.” Then, “Is this strawberry? I was never a big strawberry ice cream fan but for some reason this tastes so good.” 
You ignored the nagging voice in your head that said maybe it wasn’t so much the ice cream flavor but who you were enjoying it with. 
The two of you finished his dessert in peace and after cleaning up the area with a napkin, Shouto turned to you with an intent look on his face.
“Before the gala, would you mind if I talk you shopping so you could pick out what to wear?” he asked. “I would pay of course— It’s the least I could do to say thank you.”
You shook your head. “You don’t have to thank me! You’re my friend and I want to help.” You thought about it for a moment. “And get the candy.”
“Anything for the candy.”
“Exactly,” you said in complete seriousness. “But I wouldn’t mind going shopping with you. You could help me decide what to wear! I’m not exactly sure how to dress for an event as fancy as this.”
“You could wear anything to the event and still look amazing.” His words were ones of flattery but his tone sounded completely genuine. 
Heat rose to your cheeks at the compliment. “Look who’s talking— You’re practically runway ready no matter what time of day.”
“I’ve never walked a runway before.”
You stifled a laugh at his literal interpretation of your words. Cute. “Me neither.”
He looked confused at why you were grinning, but it still brought a smile to his own lips.
By now the sun had begun to set and Shouto was walking you to the train to see you off before you went home.
“Can I pick you up next weekend in the morning?” he said. “So we can get your outfit for the gala?”
“Sure! I’ll text you my address.” 
He nodded in contentment. “And again, you don’t have to worry about any costs.”
“Is this why my friends have called you a sugar daddy?” you teased, bumping your shoulder against his as you walked down the street, side-by-side. “But thank you. Shopping will be fun— We can even match colors!” 
“Mn.” He looked between the both of you, as if trying to picture what colors would complement each other. 
You crossed the sidewalk in a comfortable silence, enjoying the scenery by Shouto’s side. A few times, you even felt his knuckles brush against yours and you had the undeniable urge to hold his hand. Would that be weird? you asked yourself before deciding against it. 
Just because he asked you to be his date for the Naruhata Charity Ball didn’t mean he actually liked you, right? It was just a favor from a friend to a friend.
Something about that though made your stomach unsettled. Maybe part of you wanted it to be a real date— Wanted this to be a real date. 
“So I won’t be seeing you tomorrow,” you said after a moment’s silence, trying not to look too dejected. 
You knew he’d still text good morning and good night and ask you random things throughout the day (all of which you found really endearing, by the way), but it was still different from seeing him in person. Even though your time together in the morning was small, they still were enough to make your day. The thought of your waking hours being so entwined made you nervous, but for some reason it didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. In fact, it was sort of...nice. 
“I’ll see you Monday morning, right?” you asked hopefully, though you were already fairly certain of the answer.
Shouto nodded. “Of course. It’s already marked on my calendar.”
“Ever the flatterer, hmm?” 
“Not flattery, just the truth.” He pulled his phone out and showed you his (rather packed) calendar app. To your surprise, a little reminder that said ‘See Y/N :)’ was marked on his Monday schedule. 
Unable to stop the beam from spreading across your lips, you hid your face in your hands. Gosh— Did he have to be so cute? He was making it harder and harder to only like him as a friend. And even now, you weren’t sure if you liked him only as a friend.
But you pushed those thoughts away.
That was something to deal with at a later time.
When you reached the train station you normally took home, you turned to Shouto, giving him a big hug. He was tall and warm. You could feel his lean muscles through his button-down shirt as you rested your head against his chest and arms around his waist. 
“Thanks for today,” you mumbled. “I’ll see you again soon.”
After a pause, he gave you a hug back, hands rubbing hesitant circles on your back in a way that made you smile. “Text me when you get home safe,” he said as you both reluctantly released each other from an embrace.
“I will,” you promised. “You do the same! Later, Shouto!” 
And with that, you waved goodbye and boarded the train, unable to shake the unwavering grin on your face all the way home.
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a/n: when shouto started feeding y/n spoonfuls of his ice cream i cried (T▽T) that’s so cUTE OF HIM LIKE PLS SIR STOP BEFORE I FALL MORE IN LOVE WITH U !! >:O he’s such a sweetheart ahhhh,, i hope all the fluff made up for the brief appearance of endeavor ಠ╭╮ಠ  FHDJKF 
what to expect in the next part:
shopping for the gala time !! 
y/n struggles with their fEeLiNGs~ part 2
oh my, y/n has to try on dresses? oh my, it’d be a shame if they needed help putting it on :o *fake gasp* 
yeah things get just a lil steamy but shh
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Chapter Seven: Trying for Normal (Gifts)
“You can not honestly tell me you are thinking of announcing that girl as your daughter.” Damian says, his scowl deeper than Dick had seen it in a while.
“‘That girl’ has a name, Little D. Plus she’s your sister.” Dick says, resisting the urge to nudge him. They had gotten to the point where a small nudge wasn’t a death sentence, but Damian was on edge. And a small nudge would probably not be appreciated.
“I do not care what her name is, Grayson. Since coming to Gotham she has been involved in two separate Rogue attacks. She is suspicious at best, and a nuisance at worst.” He replies, crossing his arms.
“Enough, Damian. Marinette is not a nuisance. She simply has bad luck.” Bruce says, obviously trying to defend his daughter.
“And poor self-preservation skills. Talking back to the Joker? Snarking the Riddler? For an individual with no combat training, she gets much too involved in attacks. It is idiotic.” Damian argues, shaking his head.
“It might have something to do with the Paris situation. She said she’s been at attacks before, so she must have some experience with villains. And from what I read on the Ladyblog, none of the damage in Paris lasts. She just may not realize how dangerous it is for her to do here what she would do in Paris. We just need to warn her, or, at least remind her, that Gotham is a dangerous place.” Dick says, thinking back to her reaction to the Riddler and the Joker. She was definitely more tense with the Joker, despite the fact that both villains had arrived with armed goons. Maybe she thought the Riddler was less likely to kill someone, not true. Or maybe she- Dick frowns as he remembers a key difference between the attacks.
“I just realized something.” He says with a frown.
“Care to share with the rest of the room, Dickiebird?” Jason asks, strolling in and flopping onto a chair.
“She was more tense at the attack with the Joker, she seemed to understand that it was a dangerous situation. Sure, she talked back to him, but she didn’t try to fight back or anything. But at the attack with the Riddler, he wasn’t even targeting her at first. He was targeting the boy she’d been talking to. And she was more reckless, and then she fought back. She fought well, but it was still super dangerous.” Dick rambles, pacing as he explains the predicament.
“Is there a point to this? I feel like I walked in at the wrong time.” Jason calls out from his chair, feet propped up on the table in front of him.
“My point, Jay, is that Marinette has a crush.” Dick says, shuddering at the word like it’s something disgusting. (It is, his sister is too young for crushes and boyfriends).
“Is that why she ran off with him right after the attack?” Jason asks with a smirk. Dick feels his eyes practically shoot out of his head.
“She what!?” He yells, running over to the Batcomputer to look at the security footage from the wax museum. Spots that were targeted frequently, like the wax museum, had their security footage directly linked to the Batcave. Just in case of an emergency or in case an attack happened and they needed an extra set of eyes.
“I’m sure she didn’t do anything that you wouldn’t do.” Jason teases, and Dick pales.
“Shut up, Jason!” He moans, his typing turning frantic as he scrolls through the day’s footage. He stops when he gets to the moments after the battle. When the phones of the French students had all gone off. Frowning, he watches as his sister runs up to the boy and grabs his hand, leaning in and whispering to each other before the two run out of the room. Towards the bathrooms. Oh hell no. Dick scrolls forwards, frowning when they don’t come out in five minutes. Or ten minutes. Huffing, he switches to the cameras aimed at the exits. Surely one of the cameras had to catch the pair leaving the museum. He rewinds it and watches, but...there’s nothing. They don’t leave the bathrooms and they don’t leave the museum. For the rest of the day.
“Has anyone been in contact with her since the attack?” Bruce asks from right beside him, making him jump out of his seat with a yelp.
“I don’t even have her number.” Dick says, resisting the urge to glare at his adoptive father. He might’ve had Marinette’s number had Bruce actually acted like he wanted her to be there for dinner the other day. Instead, he practically ignored her and she left. And now she was missing. Definitely missing, because she never came out of the bathroom at the museum.
“Hello, Marinette? Yes, I apologize for calling so suddenly. I was- yes. Yes, I did hear about the attack….yes, that was part of the reason I was calling. I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner at the manor. You could bring your friend, Adrien Agreste, I believe was his name. Of course. Yes. Oh no, I’ll send a car. No, no I assure you it- Marinette please. Taxis aren’t always safe after dark. Thank you. Yes, I- we’ll see you then. Goodbye.” Bruce hangs up, and Dick looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Just gonna suddenly invite her and her boy toy to dinner, B? What’re you gonna do, interrogate them?” He asks frowning.
“That’s the second time that Marinette has ran off after that alarm. I’ve seen videos of the situation in Paris and I’m concerned. Now go upstairs and act normal. I want all of you on your best behaviors at dinner. Damian, better than best please. No weapons.” Bruce directs before leaving the room, presumably to ask Alfred to pick up Marinette. Dick sighs and looks at his brothers.
“Well this isn’t going to be a disaster or anything.” He says. --- “Tikki this is going to be a disaster!” Marinette whines, throwing herself face first onto the bed. She tries to ignore Tikki’s amused giggle. This was not funny. This was dinner with her family that she hadn’t made a great impression on the first time. And Adrien was invited, and she wasn’t sure where the two stood but she was sure that if Dick was at dinner, he would just push Adrien farther away from her.
“I could practically hear your suffering from Adrien’s room, pigtails.” Plagg says, making Marinette sit up and glare at the Kwami.
“Are you just here to mock me?” She asks, pouting. He snorts.
“No, I’m here to tell you the kid’s on his way over here. I told him you were panicking and he practically ran out his door.” Plagg says with a chuckle. Rapid knocking on the door makes him laugh more before dropping onto the bed next to Tikki. Marinette sighs, rolling off the bed and pulling the door open, jumping forward in time to catch Adrien before he completely falls to the ground.
“Are you okay? Plagg said you were panicking, did something happen?” He asks quickly, looking her up and down. Marinette blinks, slightly taken aback by his sudden concern. It was nice, but still a lot all at once. Shaking her head, she gestures for him to come in and shuts the door behind him. Walking back over to the bed, she once again face plants and groans.
“She’s nervous because Mr. Wayne invited the two of you to dinner.” Tikki chirps, giggling when Marinette lifts her head up enough to glare at her.
“Traitor.” She says, dropping her head back down.
“If you don’t want me to go with Marinette, I won’t.” Adrien says. Marinette immediately jumps up, shaking her head rapidly.
“No, no that’s not what I meant. I just- I’m nervous about actually sitting through a dinner with them. And I’m pretty sure Dick will try and sit between us and glare at you like he did at the museum.” She admits, cursing the way her cheeks heat up. Adrien raises an eyebrow.
“He was glaring at me?” He asks, utter confusion on his face. Marinette groans, dropping her head into her hands.
“Sometimes your obliviousness is cute-”
“You think I’m cute!”
“But right now, it’s kinda making me want to scream into my pillow.” Marinette admits, giving him her signature “not amused” look. A look she usually saves for when Chat Noir is making a pun.
“Wait, why wouldn’t Dick like me?” Adrien asks, thankfully stuck on that now instead of the fact that she thinks he’s cute.
“Um, maybe because we were holding hands? Did you really not notice how he kept standing in between us the entire time we were at the museum?” Marinette asks, suddenly unsure if she’d imagined the whole thing.
“Oh no, I did. I just didn’t think it meant he didn’t like me. I’ve never really dealt with siblings before. I mean, I’ve met Nino’s little brother but...that’s about it.” Adrien says, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. Marinette sighs, grinning softly.
“I don’t really have a lot of experience either, so maybe I was just imagining things.” She admits. Adrien’s shoulders instantly relax and she smiles. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
“So, did you want me to come with?” He asks after a moment of silence. Marinette nods, agreeing immediately.
“Please. I don’t think I can go back there alone, not yet anyway.”
“Of course, Mari. Now, what’re you wearing?” --- The ride to Wayne Manor wasn’t as quiet as her first, with Adrien making quiet jokes and saying things to try and help keep Marinette out of her head. She was thankful that he had come with, because she was definitely going to need the emotional support to get through dinner. The car stops and Marinette sucks in a deep breath. Smoothing out her skirt nervously, Marinette glances at the small, neatly wrapped package sitting between her and Adrien. It was something she had started back when she first found out she was adopted. And that her parents didn’t know her bio dad. A scrapbook with copies of everything important from her life: baby pictures, school pictures, birth announcement, report cards, clippings from newspapers where she had won or placed in contests, pictures of her early designs and recent designs, pictures of certificates and trophies from various competitions and activities. Basically a road map of her life to be given to her bio dad so that he could get to know her. She’d written her name on the front page, with the words “daughter of Bruce Wayne and Bridgette Le” underneath. A sort of amendment to her birth announcement which listed her as the daughter of Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng. And while she definitely was their daughter, she also wanted Mr. Wayne to know that she wanted to be his daughter too. Not just by blood, which isn’t the important part. No, she wanted to get to know him and for him to get to know her. Pushing down the intruding thoughts insisting that it was too soon and that he didn’t want her in the first place, she opens the car door and steps out, clutching the package to her chest like a safety blanket.
“Would you like me to take that for you, Miss Marinette?” Alfred asks, glancing at the package.
“Oh, no thank you Alfred. It’s for my da- er, um, Mr. Wayne. I can hang onto it.” She says with a bright smile. She could do this. Sure, it didn’t go great the last time she was here. And she was pretty sure Mr. Wayne’s youngest son could kill her and wanted to kill her. But it was fine. Everything is fine. Walking through the front door, her shoulders relax slightly when she sees Dick is the only one standing there waiting for them.
“Marinette! He cheers, rushing forward and picking her up in a hug. As in, legitimately picking her up. Okay then.
“Good to see you too.” She says, trying not to show that he’s literally suffocating her with the hug.
“Good to see you again, Dick!” Adrien says cheerfully. Marinette feels Dick tense before setting her down, his smile less bright as he looks at Adrien.
“And you. Adrien, right?” He asks, sticking his hand out for a handshake.
“Yup!” Adrien says cheerfully. Marinette watches cautiously, noticing that Dick seems to be squeezing a little too hard….and then Adrien appears to match his strength, if the look on Dick’s face is anything to go by. Marinette coughs to hide a snort, her face heating up as both boys turn to look at her.
“Uh, is it just you and Mr. Wayne tonight?” Marinette asks, choosing to ignore their awkward handshake.
“Nope! It’s me and Bruce and Alfred, of course, and Jay and Tim and Damian and Cass. Steph’s not in town and Babs is having dinner with her dad.” Dick says, and Marinette’s eyes widen. There were a lot more people in her bio dad’s family than she thought. She knew about the boys, but she hadn’t seen anything about Cass, Steph or ‘Babs’.
“I didn’t realize I had sisters too.” She says instead of voicing her insecurities. Before she only had the boys to measure up against, now she had three girls too?
“Well, the only official sister is Cass. Steph used to date Tim and she just kinda stuck around. She’s practically family at this point. And Babs and I used to date, but again, she stuck around after and now she’s practically family.” Dick explains with a grin and a shrug. Cause having your exes around isn’t awkward. Or, maybe it isn’t. She doesn’t have any exes to compare it to. Just as she starts to get lost in her thoughts, she feels Adrien brush against her gently. Reminding her that he’s there, for her, giving her the strength she needs to follow Dick into the living room. Where everyone else was sitting. Oh boy.
“Marinette, so glad you could join us. And Mr. Agreste, nice to see you again.” Bruce says, standing from his spot and moving to shake Adrien’s hand.
“You as well, M. Wayne. And please, call me Adrien. Mr. Agreste is my father.” He says, and Marinette can just barely see his wince. His father always had been his least favorite subject, no matter how much or how little they spoke of him.
“Thanks for inviting us.” Marinette says, moving the package so that she’s no longer clutching it like a lifeline. Holding it out to Mr. Wayne, she laughs at his confused face. “It’s a present.” She adds.
“Oh, well, thank you.” He says, his face unreadable. Marinette shifts her weight, glancing between him and the package, waiting for him to open it. Or properly introduce her to the rest of the family. Either option would work at this point. Glancing at Dick, she sighs in relief when he claps. At least someone was going to make the first move.
“Right, so I don’t think you got the chance to meet Jason and Damian properly when you were here the other day.” Dick says, tugging her around a still frozen Bruce in front of the two boys from the other day.
“No, I didn’t. Hi, I’m Marinette.” She says, smiling and holding out a hand to Damian first. He tuts and turns away, making Marinette’s smile fall slightly before she turns to Jason. Jason grins and shakes her hand.
“Welcome to the family, kid.” He says, before whistling. “You didn’t get B’s height, that’s for sure.” He teases, Marinette snorts, her smile turning into a teasing smirk.
“Hey, don’t count me out for my height. Ever heard the phrase, small but mighty?” She asks, crossing her arms. Jason snorts, reaching out and messing up her hair.
“Whatever you say, Pixie Pop.” He replies. She rolls her eyes and turns to the other two siblings she hadn’t met.
“Hi, you must be Tim and Cass.” She says, smiling at both of them. Tim nods, his hand twitching towards his pocket. Marinette tries not to laugh, having seen Max do the same thing when he had to socialize for any amount of time. The boy was always far more comfortable with his phone in his hand, even if he wasn’t actually looking at it. Cass smiles, and Marinette notices her hands moving. “Sorry, could you repeat that, I wasn’t watching closely.” She says. Cass’ smile widens and she nods before starting over.
“Welcome to family. Nice to meet you.” Cass signs, making Marinette beam.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” She says, eyes widening when she realizes she left Adrien alone with a frozen Mr. Wayne. Whirling around, she moved back to Adrien and tugged him forward, rolling her eyes at his surprised yelp. Honestly, he should expect this by now.
“Geeze, Princess. Give a man a warning.” He says, adjusting his shirt that she’d accidentally messed up.
“Sorry k- Adrien. Sorry. Anyway, uh, everyone this is my friend Adrien Agreste. Adrien this is Jason, Damian, Tim, Cass and you already know Dick.” Marinette introduces, gesturing to each of her new siblings. Adrien shoots a wide smile, not quite his model smile but also not quite a real one.
“Nice to meet you all.” He says.
“Marinette, I apologize. Did you want me to open this now?” Mr. Wayne asks suddenly. She turns and raises an eyebrow at his unreadable expression and the way he holds onto the present like he doesn’t know what to expect. Which is fair, considering they’d only met in person the day before.
“Oh, um, if you want to. It’s nothing big.” She says, watching nervously as he nods and unwraps it. His eyebrows twitch together as he looks at the book, obviously not yet understanding.
“Open it, B.” Dick whispers, clearly understanding the gift more than their father. Mr. Wayne nods and opens it, his unreadable expression falling into one that she...still can’t read. But it’s not emotionless anymore. As he flips through the book, a small smile creeps its way onto his face and Marinette almost cheers. That’s the most sincere look she’d ever seen on the man.
“Did you put all this together?” He asks, glancing up from the book to look at her. Marinette nods.
“When I found out I was adopted, I wanted to have something to give my bio dad. So that even if he didn’t want to see me in person, he could get to know me. When I found out you’re my, um, dad, I added some personal touches.” She says.
“And I can keep this?” He asks, and Marinette’s shocked that he sounds almost scared. As if he thinks she’ll say no and take everything back. She smiles.
“Of course. My Maman and Papa already have those pictures. These are all yours.” She says.
“Thank you, Marinette. I- This is an amazing gift.” He says. Marinette’s smile widens and her shoulders sag in relief. Maybe tonight wouldn’t be a disaster after all.
Tag list: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @jayjayspixiepop @jjmjjktth @mizzy-pop @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @waiting247 @laurcad123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @imarivers8 @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks
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