#can you tell i'm a hozier fan?
korshrimpski · 8 months
ice hockey as random screenshots [part 2]
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 2 months
Yandere! Male! idol x manager! gn! reader
WOOOH finally able to update. I got busy due to working for a summer reading camp. Woop tee doo... At least I got money for a new phone LMAO
And we finally, FINALLY finished the second set of yans! For now, no new yans will be done, and will be focusing on the boys!
Song featured: Too Sweet by Hozier
Yan! Idol name: Raven/Tae-Joon
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The deafening lights and cheers of the people in the gigantic stadium rang around the building. They kept cheering, almost shaking the whole place from their energy.
As the band started playing the intro song, the cheers suddenly amped up in intensity with the focus going back on the stage. Each and every lightstick glowed red, flooding the whole area with a scarlet hue.
The bass pumped, the music riffed, the vibe electric.
The stage fogged up, covering the whole place before the cheering got louder when a appeared in the fog.
Then, there he is.
"HOW'S IT GOING CITY OF [redacted]!"
A charismatic, boyish smile, with pearly white teeth that blinded the secret paparazzi in the crowd, with a tall and lean stature that encompasses talent and discipline in one body, and facial features that make people swoon even in just his photocards.
The man, the idol named Raven, started to sing. His voice was smooth and low as the romantic yet also sensual lyrics pour out of his pink lips.
It can't be said I'm an early bird
It's ten o'clock before I say a word
Baby, I can never tell
How do you sleep so well?
He goes up to the edge, swinging around the mic stand as if it was a dance partner. One can hear the passion going off in his tone as his messy hair got flipped upward.
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake?
Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
But while in this world
He gets on the middle of the stage, and the pedestal raised as the spotlight went to him.
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
Everyone was seduced, everyone was mesmerized. Raven gave off seductive energy that they held their breath every time his gaze penetrates them. And some even assumed his gaze was on theirs, making them squeal.
It was truly a night for everyone in the stadium.
After almost two hours of performing, Raven, with sweat pouring out of him but still managed to look amazing, descended down on the stage hatch.
But the once shining star back in the stage suddenly threw his beret on the ground.
"FUCK! What was that buzzing sound in the dance break?!" Raven yelled. "Are you serious?! I thought we went over this!"
The people in the back started to groan inwardly. There he goes again.
"Ah... Tae-Joon..." The director said, "We made sure to reprimand the lights and sounds..."
Raven, or rather Tae-Joon off stage, clicked his tongue in anger. "Whatever. Bring me my coffee! I need a break."
"But you can just go home after the cleanup. Do you still want coffee?"
A naive voice said, obviously new to the scene as she juggle with her box of wires.
She's a big fan of Raven and pulled a lot of strings just to be there. A bit bold, she decided to be the concerned type of staff and berate him of his beverage choice.
Yet she absolutely cannot see the pale faces and the dread sticking on the visages of the people around her. She's in too deep in her tunnel vision of Raven to notice his microphone cracking. Another thing to add to the casualties.
"You... What's your name?" Raven glowered. The fan can feel her heart rate pick up as she told her name. "Oh. You're new. All i could say is..."
Raven got up to her and glared at her much smaller form "You're fired. Get out! Nobody gets to dictate what I damn drink!"
The woman was too stunned to speak as she got dragged out of the venue.
This is Raven. Or in real life, Tae-Joon. A charming man in his own right, in front of the public, he's a gentleman with a seductive touch. Talented, with a handsome visage, he's an international idol.
But in reality, he's one hell of a spoiled brat.
Somehow, because of his sheer dumb luck and his reputation, nobody from his staff decided to expose him for what he really is.
He's full of himself and loves to gloat about his own achievements. And one thing he makes sure to take advantage of is his looks.
He brushes his hair back, shaking off sweat (ew) yet somehow looks so ethereal as he clicked his tongue in annoyance, mesmerizing his staff.
He even went as far as to feed his delusional fans and stans.
He's that far gone.
"Where the hell is my coffee!"
He's awful to everyone.
"Tsk. Tae-Joon... If I hear you yell one more time!"
Raven cowers a bit, pouting as he slithers towards his manager.
"But manager~!"
As if he's a new person, Raven clung to you. His head on your shoulder as he played with your left hand.
"I want my coffee and none of these incompetent people are giving me my coffee!" He whined like a child complaining to his parent. "Scold them for me pwease!"
The staff, used to it, sighed in relief as your deadpan look didn't tolerate Raven's rudeness. On your right hand is his coffee that you handed to him.
"Manager! Thank you so much!" His eyes wide and appreciative, he sips on it and sighs in relief. "Ah... So good... This is why I love you, manager."
Goodness. He's putty in your hands.
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Tae-Joon was once a trainee. He's naturally good looking already so he's being pulled left and right by companies to be in their side. He's an uncut gem, a diamond in the rough waiting to be polished. They saw his potential and wanted a slice of his being.
The once sweet boy, hardened by the harsh training, became a gloating hardhead from the way these people fight for him. After all, he was just a quiet, ambitious guy in highschool. He wanted more, and he got it through hard work and natural charm. And now, years later, he's about to reach his dreams.
Yet once he got in the company of his choice, his demands were... Too much.
"I need to share a dorm with others? No way!"
"Ugh the mattress is too stiff."
"Seriously?! You want me to train for five hours a day?! Two hours! Just two hours!"
"What are these clothes?! These are not branded!"
"No way that I'm performing in that small stage. I don't care if I'm pre-debut, that is ass!"
"Trash beats. Next."
The company was exhausted. He's not even raking money in, yet he's too demanding for his own good.
Desperate, the company opened their doors for a babysitter manager that has a "calm and pleasing personality", "trait that can work in high stress situations", "adaptability", "great leadership skills and authoritative", and can "teach those who are under them". Aka: someone who can tame the damn bird.
That's where you came in.
You were just a fresh graduate in desperate need of a job. Nobody was hiring you since you're new, and needed more experience.
The hiring process was intense, to say the least. You had to herd rowdy children and change them to upright good kids in 10 days. You somehow did it and even got gifts from the grateful parents. Next, you had to juggle schedules and ridiculous demands. Then, you had to endure being yelled and insulted at.
Your mind, heart, and body are now made of steel from that hiring process and you're the only one who rose to the top.
"Congratulations. Here's your care. His name is Tae-Joon, stage name Raven." The head said, nervous and hopeful that you with Tae-Joon will change his attitude.
Tae-Joon raised an eyebrow and sneered. "Ugly."
You were flabbergasted. This is a supposed to be future idol?
But you can only manage a twitch on your lips.
It was hell with him. You thought the hiring process/training regimen was bad, but this was something else.
A explosive personality, he's sassy and mean to a point of wanting to face palm through your head. You had to physically reel him in at some point just because of a hater.
But unlike the others who cowered and tolerated his behavior, you were stern with his behavior and lectured him most of the time.
"You can't just yell at miss Park just because she messed up your order!"
"Get the hell up! You're going to be late to your training!"
"Who the heck do you think you are, ripping up clothes like that huh?!"
You were feisty in your own right and constantly butt heads with him.
But even then, even just with you around, he's just a growling beast cowering from your lectures as you yelled at him.
Yet, even if as you yell at him, your caring hands wiped his sweat off and gave him his water. If somebody actually messed with him, you would lecture that guy. And there are some times that you laugh at his antics and shake your head.
You treated him like an actual human with feelings, rather than a ticking time bomb.
Slowly but surely, Tae-Joon clung to you. You were his only ally in this godforsaken industry and the only one who understood him. You also didn't tolerate his personality and shaped him to be somehow decent.
And, as his manager, you cared for him like nobody did.
Your lectures became less frequent, and he had more instances to see where you smile at him proudly as he finally had his solo debut. More time to talk to him normally, and had small, intimate moments that fuels his social needs.
And as his fame skyrocket, you were always there, waving his lightstick and being his number one fan.
Understandably, he fell for you.
He started to be openly affectionate with you, constantly confessing his love to the point that management had to tell him off to stop being so open with his affection since paparazzi can take a video or picture and ruin his reputation.
He honestly doesn't care. But with you raising an eyebrow at him, he pouts and only becomes clingy in private.
He'd rather hold it in than nothing at all.
And hell be damned if someone took you away from him. Because he may be somehow tolerable now, but that's only because you're there with him.
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Raven just got back from practicing for his new song, and was totally exhausted. He dragged his feet, clearly irritable especially that you weren't there with him.
The staff knew he's not in a good mood so they steer clear of his way.
"Have you seen my manager?" Raven asked a staff who only shook their head. "'kay..."
He looks so depressed that the people around him took pity on the guy as he trudged towards the head.
He passed a meeting room and he heard your voice.
"Another Tae-Joon?"
Another him? What?
He decided to listen in and he heard the managerial head clear his throat.
"Yes. Since Raven is calmer now, we think he needs to move on to another manager. You, on the other hand, will be training another... Hothead."
You held your head, feeling a headache incoming.
"No way. I'm not going through that again. I went through hell with Tae-Joon before. I'm not repeating that."
Ouch. Tae-Joon held his chest, a bit saddened by your words. Well, it was true but it didn't mean it didn't hurt.
Yet... You're not going to be his manager anymore?
Strangely, he felt the numbness creeping up his nape.
"No buts, y/n. You're going to be transfered."
"Did you ask Tae-Joon about this?"
"... Yes, Raven gave the thumbs up."
Liar. LIAR!
Tae-Joon wanted to rush in the room and shake the managerial head until he faints. He didn't give the thumbs up at all!
But he's strangely rooted in place as he heard you sigh.
"Okay. Where's this guy?"
"His name is [redacted]. He'll be here by Monday so be prepared."
When you finally finished the meeting, you went out of the room yet felt a lingering warmth by the wall.
Meanwhile, Tae-Joon rushed towards the trainee building. Eyes cold yet body tense. He wanted to see who the hell is this [redacted]. Nobody, as in nobody will be yours. Only he can be yours.
The trainees were flabbergasted as they saw Raven in the flesh, gawking at his presence and bowing in respect.
Tae-Joon didn't care. He wanted to see where this [redacted] is.
Room 5, and he bursts open through the door.
"What the hell- Raven?" The guy was slack jawed, starstruck. "I'm- I'm a big fan--"
Tae-Joon grabbed his collar and looked him in the eye. It was filled with unbridled rage yet at the same time, bone chilling coldness.
"Fix your fucking attitude." Tae-Joon warned. "Don't be over your head, worm. You better be goddamn nice or else I'll lob your head off."
[redacted] felt like it wasn't just a baseless joke, so he swallowed his saliva and nodded.
"Now. I better see you demand a transfer to the group idol department. You hear me? You aren't debuting solo." Tae-Joon tightened his grip. "Understood?"
It reached the ears of the head that Tae-Joon threatened [redacted]. But don't know what. All they know is that [redacted] pleaded to debut in a group and was suddenly meek and quiet when he transfered departments.
Yet, they somehow knew it had to do something with you, as he clung to you desperately for a week after that.
Then and there, they knew to never, ever try to separate you from him. If they don't want to let go of their greatest asset and set him off.
So, despite how dangerous Raven has become, they forced [redacted] to be quiet by... Not so savorable means.
"You're not leaving me, right?" Tae-Joon whispered, looking exhausted yet satisfied as he hugged your waist.
You, who just realized how deep Tae-Joon is in his affection, sighed and rubbed his head. "I'm not."
And it better stay that way.
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caprisunnydays · 4 days
Stardew Valley x Reader Bachelor Headcanons
Before you and Alex got together, you probably became long time friends
He was def like "damn they hot" but then when it became more than just that he was like "DAMN THEY'RE HOT"
It's been a bit since he's felt those silly little butterflies, it genuinely makes him nervous
Que him leaning against a wall like "Hey bbg" but he's sweating bullets
After his confession, he feels much better, and the nervous air that only you could really pick up on has disappeared
Very PDA, arm is always around you, probably not in the back pocket but if he's tipsy enough then boom it appears
Insists on going in the mines with you but saw a slime and wanted to dip so bad but you protected him <3
"Heh...I totally wasn't scared. Don't worry babe I'll protect you" nah boy
He feels his heart melt every time he sees you and Evelyn baking together, or her just acting like your grandma
Even George has become a grandpa figure, giving advice with alex or general things
Alex is secretly insecure about himself, but with you, he finds room to grow as a person and find that those worries are unwarranted
Though he doesn't say it often, you make him feel seen, and he truly appreciates that
(Personal fav right now so I'm about to go OFF)
If you picked romance for his book he's imagining you both as the main characters
Not a complete parallel because he's like "can't be creepy" but a teensy bit
Speaking of "can't be creepy" he has written multiple sonnets about you since realizing his feelings
Unlike some of the other bachelors, he embraces his feelings more, using his passion to inspire his writing and other endeavors
Heavy on the gifts and courting stuff
Gives you love poems at least once a week he has so many piled up but he doesn't wanna go overboard
Says the sappiest things all the time with this love struck look in his eyes
Words of affirmation kinda guy, he's poetic like that
Leah pokes at him for being a simp but mans could not care less he's proud
Picks out pretty sea shells that wash up on the shore and gives them to you, and they're always intact!
Big fan of the flower dance and looks forward to getting to dance with you in front of the entire town! maybe your worst nightmare but he's just happy to show you off (and his dancing skills lol)
Speaking of which, mans is gonna teach you how to waltz and a bunch of other old timey dances
At some point he WILL show up in the pouring rain to profess his love, or give you flowers, or both
You're like "Elliot we're literally dating was this necessary and he's like "OF COURSE MY DEAR"
He'd love heartstopper
Insert too sweet by Hozier
Silly little doctor guy tries to avoid you but can't help but be drawn to you
He sees you running around doing your daily tasks, and just watches you from afar from the window of the doctor's office
Maru notices and tells you to come in sometime cuz her boss ain't gonna get nowhere by himself
When you start coming in more often he can feel himself die of embarrassment when he fails to make interesting conversation
Is very worried about your health though and fusses when you pass out in the mines/street
He gets even more adamant about you taking care of yourself once he's confessed
Way less nervous though!
Looks at you with adoration eyes when you do anything
Tipsy Harvey is a cute Harvey because he starts spilling his guts on how often he thinks of you
Whenever you're not busy with work he appreciates you stopping by the office, just to talk about both of your days
He yaps to everyone about you btw
Doesn't mean to but when someone brings you up he's like "oh yes me and my partner love to-" or "my partner loves-" etc etc
I used to not be a fan but he's such a sweetiepie
"I just love a guy who plays guitar <3" - u @Sam
That's it
Originally he's like "hey come and hang out with me, Sebastian, and Abigail"
Then you start coming over and it's just you both alone
He's not creepy about it, just wants to spend time with you one on one
Loves showing you the songs he works on and if you want he'll show you how to play guitar too!
He's also happy with how well you get along with Jodi, always trying to get you both to bond, it makes him feel nice that you feel like you're apart of the family
Once y'all are together he does sneak you in anytime he gets the chance
He'll text you like "come over" You : I've gotta be up at 6am Him : "PLZPLZPLZPLZ-"
OG golden retriever bf
You both go shopping at Joja at 3am for fun and goof off
Or go run around in the forest taking aesthetically pleasing pintrest photos
You can't tell me he's not an arctic monkeys kinda guy so insert R U Mine? By Arctic Monkeys
It took him time to warm up to you
When he did you became one of the few people he could hang out with after a long day of socializing and not feel drained around
I can see him doing things that aren't always super platonic and thinking he wants to do them because
"Platonically" holding your hand, cuddling, etc
At town events he stands all close to you, complaining about how much he hates it, but showing disappointment when you mention leaving
Everyone's like are y'all dating and he goes NO way too fast
When you both finally ARE together though he's actually much less affectionate and public, but it doubles when you're in the comfort of his basement room
Finds the most joy in keeping you trapped in his bed with him until noon when you say you should be working on your farm
Especially in the colder months, then you can also share his mom's pumpkin soup
He's almost catlike with his affection
Another guy you run around and take aesthetically pleasing pintrest photos with, but his are more grunge esk
"Accidentally" leaves his hoodies at your place but he likes seeing you in em
I imagine that the characters have those closets filled with the same outfit, so when you try and give him his stuff back he goes "nah" and whips out his 100th hoodie
PACK IT UP SAVIOUR COMPLEX I mean what who said that
After you rescue him from the depths of his depressive alcoholism, he feels guilty for having feelings for you
Part of it is because he's like "fuck do I actually like them or is it just cuz they basically saved my life" and partly because it feels painfully stereotypical
Not a lot changes, though he is a lot more open to you then he is with other people, even with Marnie
Helps out with your chickens when he has free time
Talks to them about his problems and once you almost walked in on him ranting about his feelings for you (bro was shook)
But once he's confessed, well, he's still insecure about some things, but accepts your help with stride
Jealous easily, but tries not to show it
Acts of service kinda guy, so if you need him to run an errand while you're swamped with farm work? He's on it
Pulls up to your farm with a bunch of snacks and a bag full of movies for you to pick from
He sets it up while you take a shower to wash all the grime and dirt off from a days work so you can just come and cozy up on the couch with him
You're also basically besties with Jas, such a sweet girl, always asks you to play jump rope with her
You both go "say no to drugs" to her l o l
Marnie is also now your bestie so even when she's not working you can get stuff from the shop #WIN
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I loooooove stardew valley it's so cool so great
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As someone who never understood the hype around Take Me To Church and keeps forgetting that song even exists, can I ask the fans what exactly it is you like about that song? Because my current hypothesis is that yall were around 14 when it came out and music just hits different when you're 14. What else is there to like, genuinely
I try to stay unbiased here but Hozier is one of the only musicians I allow myself to be pretentious about, so before i info dump about why i love take me to church here's some other hozier songs you should give a shot:
francesca [i'd go through hell again just to hold you one more time], nina cried power [song about activism and black activists], swan upon leda [about the violence of colonialism, misogyny, and religious bigotry], eat your young [about the violence of war, capitalism, and generational trauma], movement, to noise making (sing), shrike, NFWMB [sexy], sunlight
anyway take me to church is so much more than just “loving you is like church”. he starts off by telling us how happy his lover makes him, despite constantly being told by The Church he was born sick and his happiness is a result of sinful behavior. he rejects the religion being forced on him, because unlike christianity, his church doesn't force him to accept absolution to reach heaven ("my church offers no absolutes / she tells me, 'worship in the bedroom' / the only heaven I'll be sent to / is when i'm alone with you"). the last two lines of the first verse-- "i was born sick, but i love it / command me to be well"-- questions why a god would create us to be inherently sick only to punish us for being sick.
i see the the chorus as a smart-ass comparison of his relationship to christianity. The Church expects him to blindly worship their lies and confess his sins, which he knows will be used against him ("take me to church / i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies / i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife"), but he's supposed to accept this and devote his life to God so he can get to heaven ("offer me that deathless death / oh good god, let me give you my life"). by offering to do this for his lover, he's equating their love to religion.
in the second verse, he reiterates that he worships his lover with a metaphor ("if i'm a pagan of the good times / my lover's the sunlight"). the subtle remark of referring to the ancient practice of paganism as "the good times" comments on the colonization and forced conversion of ireland by christian england, which criminalized paganism. immediately after stating how his lover demands a sacrifice, he hungrily eyes the high horse The Church sits on, and questions what power they have over him and his people ("that's a fine lookin' high horse / what you got in the stable? / we've a lot of starving faithful"). this could also be a reference to the irish potato famine, which was not a result of drought, but of english lords forcing the irish to turn over their entire crop to send to england.
then we get the most poetic description of sex i've ever heard: "no masters or kings when the ritual begins / there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin / in the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene / only then, i am human / only then, i am clean". fuck man
a lot of gay people with religious trauma love this song bc of everything i described above. also, it's a fuckin banger.
and yes i was 14 when it came out. what about it
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
One thing that I personally find super frustrating about Taylor Swift is the way she plays into the myth of the "lone genius" artist. Without collaboration, nothing gets done; or, if it does, it's typically of low or inconsistent quality. And this is true in pretty much ANY field or discipline you can think of: scientific research, advocacy work, etc. The fact that Taylor considers herself above that and persists in selling the myth of her "lone genius" to fans honestly feels malevolent and arrogant to me.
It's truly ridiculous, at the end of the day, that people call her a "poet" and "genius songwriter" for doing everything on her own. I think it really showcases how little she understands when it comes to poetry as an art form. Most legendary writers and poets have multiple people look over their work and go through many stages of the editing process. One of the purposes of art is to communicate, and it's honestly hard to tell sometimes if what you've written has meaning and communicates well outside of your own brain. Peer review is ESSENTIAL for writers.
I think it's also very telling that she considers herself a legendary poet and actively plays into that mythology by circulating the fact that she's distantly related to Emily Dickinson. As someone who has loved and studied literature for many years, I can honestly say that Taylor Swift's closest comparative when it comes to writing is Rupi Kaur. Pinterest poetry, and nothing more. And she has the arrogance to compare herself to one of the most important poets in American literary canon!
I'm reminded of something I heard Hozier say a little while back (I'm forgetting now which interview) about people praising his lyricism as poetry. He essentially called those claims an insult to poetry, stating that there are structural rules in music (rhyme scheme, beat, etc.) that he adheres to that poets don't have to, and that poets can be much more experimental and revolutionary in form (at least when it comes to the written word vs. the sung word). Only someone who genuinely loves poetry would say something like this; plus, it shows that he thinks about the different impacts that form can have on art the messages it communicates. And this, coming from one of the best singer/songwriters currently working!
TS and Hozier aren't writing in the same genre, but I do think it's interesting to compare them as artists in their respective approaches to lyricism. When it comes to Taylor, I think she cares more about the aesthetic of poetry as an art form than the actual art itself. Her writing doesn't actively interact with the literary canon that inspired it, like Hozier's does (or other great lyricists, like Kendrick/Florence/Mitski/Elton). Her writing feels very hollow and devoid of meaning to me.
i just want to say your ask and analysis was so well written 😭 thank you for sending this in!
Completely agree that Swift's solo songwriting genius is a myth. Only 2/16 songs from TTPD were solely credited to her...which means 12.5% of the album is solely her own writing. That is not a songwriting genius. That's just a songwriter. She already knows her fans are completely sold and convinced on her songwriting genius so of course she would drag out her ancestry.com results and up-play her relation to Emily Dickinson to help sell the aesthetic of the album. Everything for her is another marketing strategy. She has no respect for poetry, let alone writing as a craft itself. If you view her behavior through the lens of another writer, it's absolutely abhorrent, but if you view it through the lens of another capitalist, it's absolute genius.
I love your Hozier comparison because Hozier is only 4 months younger than Taylor yet the quality of their lyricism are oceans apart. Hozier has proven himself to be a talented writer time and time again throughout the course of his career, and the best songwriters often know and understand the power of other writing mediums. (BTW I know what Hozier interview you’re talking about! Here it is :))
What makes a great writer is knowing the canon, and knowing other writing mediums very well. It's why the greatest songwriters incorporate canon not only of their own genre and medium but of other texts as well (I'm biased because I listened to Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights today and I know its an adaptation but still its relevant here). Intextuality is the foundation of a great work, and Taylor's work has none.
As the other anon(s) have pointed out, Taylor no longer makes music as art. She makes music for money. I don't think any artist who likes what they do or cares about what they produce would put out an album like that, with lyrics like that, and its content. At least Rupi Kaur's writing impacted poetry in bringing it into the mainstream; I don't exactly understand what ttpd could offer as a text or in pop culture.
TLDR: hozier makes music for people who eat it from the back and then handfeed you grapes afterwards. taylor swift makes music for white girls entering their first day of 7th grade send tweet
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meowmarkie · 4 months
nct dream as yearning songs
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a/n! This is for funzies only! I don’t know any of them personally so I’m only comparing and linking their behavior shown through videos with the behavior of those I know in real life (me included). And also, If you haven’t listened to any of these songs, PLEASE give them a listen bc I feel like it’ll help you guys better understand my vision :)
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Mark - End Of Beginning, Djo
Just one more tear to cry, one teardrop from my eye
You better save it for
The middle of the night when things aren't black and white
Enter, Troubadour
"Remember 24?"
Mark’s always talking about finally beginning a project whenever he’s with the dreamies, so I always get reminded of this song (that’s not the only reason tho) once the “is it really starting this time?” teasing commences — even though it might pass as a “funny” quirk, the need to establish out loud that they are “restarting” or finally starting things as if from scratch, might be because of something deeper. Mark seems like the kind of guy who works hard and reminisces about his past, especially when it comes to where it all (ironically) started. He works so hard and is almost never relaxing or taking a vacation, he says he’s fine, but since I'm a workaholic as well, I can tell you guys that we always end up breaking down because of how much stuff we’re doing. So, in those overwhelming moments, I can imagine Mark looking back to when he was in Canada, being able to rest and take in all the small pleasures the world can offer, not having to worry about his image, his feelings, his needs or if he’s “korean enough” to be working as an idol (idk about you guys, but that distinction between being a pure korean vs a mixed korean would drive me insane. I’d be so upset to always have to prove myself and prove that part of my nationality), reminiscing about the times when he was full of dreams, peace, and most importantly, energy.
You take the man out of the city, not the city out the man
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Renjun - Abstract (Psychopomp), Hozier
See how it shines
Renjun is a very simple and honest man; he knows what he likes, what he doesn’t and knows how to set up his boundaries. However, he’s really sensible when it comes to life (in ALL its meanings), which is why I’m reminded of this song whenever I think of him. I’m grateful for all the things Renjun has shared with us, such as his mental health, hobbies and just his personality in general. Abstract is a song that shows how much its “subject” is sensible, brave (for jumping into traffic in order to rescue the dying/already dead animal) and never seems to catch a break, while the one singing (in this case, Hozier) can only take in the sight, not being able to do anything to help. In this analogy, Renjun is the subject and his friends/family/fans are Hozier, y’all. I feel like he strives to protect those he loves, and yearns for their well being when he can’t do anything to help.
(it was tough to choose just a small part of the song, when in fact, in my opinion, the whole thing describes him so well)
The speed that you moved
The screech of the cars
The creature still moving
That slowed in your arms
The fear in its eyes
Gone out in an instant
Your tear caught the light
The Earth from a distance
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Jeno - Yes To Heaven, Lana Del Rey
If you go, I'll stay
You come back, I'll be right here
Like a barge at sea
In the storm, I stay clear
We’ve got ourselves a lover boy! No surprises there, I think. Even though this song comes from a female point of view, I think it still describes Jeno really well. Getting back on track, I feel like this suits him given the fact that when he likes someone, he likes someone — if he feels strongly like that, it’s even more intense when it comes to his loved ones, hence the song. Jeno would do anything in the world for his partner, and that includes fighting for them, to keep them by his side even if things get incredibly tough. 
His reason to yearn would be his person, before he even managed to win them over. Jeno would yearn for a life next to his loved one, for their acceptance and approval of him — nothing would make him happier than hearing a yes from his lover.
Say yes to Heaven
Say yes to me
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Haechan - Gilded Lily, Cults
Now it's been long enough to talk about it
I've started not to doubt it, just wrap my head around it
I remember when you told me it's an everyday decision
But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way?
This boy is one of the most hard-working human beings on earth, methinks. Because he’s always giving, exposing and donating parts of himself to the world, not gaining anything back… The amount of hate and fake news he gets thrown at him is insane, being the reason why I always think of him when listening to this song. He has the biggest heart ever, and he pays the price for it every single day of his life. Haechan’s personality is bright and it should shine as much as it needs to, he might look overly confident but I wouldn’t doubt that in fact, he’s totally insecure about himself and about his skills, lost in the world yearning for appreciation. Gilded Lily suits him so much it actually pains me to make this connection anywhere other than my brain.
His hard work isn’t half as repaid as it should be. Some “fans” should be embarrassed to call themselves such when the first thing they do is to attack Hae.
Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
We'll live in spaces between walls
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Jaemin - Chemtrails Over The Country Club, Lana Del Rey
I'm on the run with you, my sweet love
There's nothing wrong contemplating God
Under the chemtrails over the country club
In another life, I believe that Jaemin could’ve been living peacefully in a suburb, white picket fences and all. This song is filled with nostalgia and the wish to run away with your loved one, which painfully reminds me of Jaemin. He’s the perfect man, the perfect gentleman even, so that’d make his partner want to elope with him. However, this image of him resides only in my (and now, your) imagination — that’s why I chose this song for him. Whenever I take in anything that Jaemin does, I can help but think about how I’d feel in his shoes: he had the plan to become a doctor, did charity work, played the piano, got good grades and was handsome. Having such high standards and some fondness towards the academic way of life, would I be 100% satisfied living an idol life? The answer is no, ergo my need to choose this song for him. If my hunch about Jaem is correct, he’d be yearning for the possibilities of having another life, especially when it comes to love. From what he has shown us, he wouldn’t be the type to voluntarily want to hide his loved one — I feel like he’d want to boast to the world about them.
I interpret this song as a life the singer would like to have had with their loved one, but couldn’t since the opportunity passed, and is now cursed to live forever with their “what ifs”.
My love, my love
Washing my hair, doing the laundry
Late night TV, I want you on me
Like when we were kids
Under chemtrails and country clubs
It's never too late, baby, so don't give up
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Chenle - loml, Taylor Swift
If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary
You and I go from one kiss to gettin’ married
Still alive killing time at the cemetery
Never quite buried
In your suit and tie, in the nick of time
You lowdown boy, you standup guy
You Holy Ghost, you told me I'm
The love of your life
I apologize in advance to all you Chenle stans out there for bringing this up, but… IT NEEDS TO BE SAID. He fits this song so much it’s actually insane. He doesn’t have many regrets in his life (as said by the man himself), so in a world in which he’d yearn, it’d definitely be because of love, hence why his song is loml. Chenle wouldn’t be able to get over his first love, leading to countless daydreaming sessions and longing sighs. He’d reminisce about his time with the person, over analyzing everything that was said and done, remembering even the smallest things the other person said he didn’t care about. Losing something makes you realize what that thing really meant, thus creating the eternal heartache of knowing that you took it for granted — despite all the fights and wrong-doings, Chenle would never be able to forgive himself for losing the person he loved.
His first love would stay with him forever, but as time goes by, they’d be only a soft memory instead of a lingering sadness.
Our field of dreams, engulfed in fire
Your arson's match, your somber eyes
And I'll still see it until I die
You're the loss of my life
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Jisung - Brother, Kodaline
If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea I
'd give you my lungs so you could breathe
If there’s one quality I’d use to describe Jisung, It’d be loyalty. He’s extremely loyal towards his hyungs, and that’s why I chose this song for him. Once the dreamies weren’t a fixed unit, Jisung shared his fear of being alone, and without his older brothers by his side, he knew not of what the future had in store for him. Hence why the lyrics (this one in particular: When we were young, we were the ones // The kings and queens, oh yeah we ruled the world) and just the “desperate” vibes of the song scream Park Jisung. He loves the dreamies so much that losing them would be as devastating as losing one of his family members. We don’t get to see the clingy and soft side of Jisung as much as the boys do, but just because we as fans don’t experience it, doesn’t mean that they can’t feel it. 
There’s just not much to say besides that he loves his members to the point of sacrificing himself for them.
I’ve got you brother
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The whole group - Home, Edith Whiskers ver.
We laugh until we think we'll die, barefoot on a summer night
Nothing new is sweeter than with you
I couldn’t do something like this without mentioning the dark period of when Mark was removed from the unit (sorry in advance <3), so here it is! Home would be their song from when they missed Mark, and kept reminiscing about their debut and previous comeback when their leader and older brother was still there with them. The song might come from a romantic point of view, but it’s just as fitting for a friend group, therefore making it perfect to describe the dreamie’s situation.
Losing someone important is awful, especially when that person is “removed” from your day-to-day life thanks to other people’s choices — it isn’t fair, and I’m sure the boys felt this way for a long period of time until they could shine again with Mark by their side. They’ve never been better and nct dream is now on the way to become even more powerful than before, and for that I’m incredibly proud of the children they were, who maintained themselves strong and brave throughout a heartbreaking moment. The dreamies deserve the best and my heart is at ease to see that their recognition is finally arriving. They are my home, and I’m sure they are your home as well :)
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
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It's The God That Heroin Prays To
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Body worship (and general idolization), multiple orgasms, oral (f receiving), very huge praise kink Matty, fingering, unprotected sex (BE SAFE IN THESE STREETS), creampie, kinda cockwarming I think, Matt is feeling minorly sorta guilty/insecure
Genre: smut, fluff, a little angst I think
Summary: "It feels good, girl it feels good // Oh to be alone with you" - To Be Alone by Hozier
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When you walk into the hall with Matt on your arm you can tell immediately sense him tense up to combat his discomfort. You've brought him with you to a work event and while you offered him an out he insisted on being your date when you told him you had a function.
"Are you okay Matty?" You ask him.
"It's more crowded than I expected." Matt mutters quietly. He's never been too good in crowds, it's why you gave him the chance to opt out, but he'll always choose to be with you when he can.
"I know baby, we won't stay long. I just have to chat with a few people before we can go." You tell him. Once he nods you join the group.
"Y/n! Hi! How are you darling?" Your coworker Ella comes up to you excitedly.
"Hi Ella! I'm good. How are you?" You let go of Matt briefly to accept her hug.
"Good good! And who's this with you?" Ella's attention turns to Matt when you loop your arm back through his.
"This is Matthew!" You say excitedly.
"The boyfriend!?" She gasps.
"The boyfriend!" You smile.
"Nice to meet you." Matt nods.
"The pleasure is all mine. Y/n talks about you a lot and can I just say you are such a cutie!"
"She winked." You whisper to Matt and he laughs as he responds.
"Thank you." He says to her.
"If you'll excuse us Ella we just got here so I have some more mingling to do." You say.
"Oh! Of course. I'll find you later." Ella says and you lead Matt away from her.
"So you talk about me a lot at work?" Matt asks with a cheeky smile.
"Of course I do!  Who wouldn't brag about having a hotshot lawyer for a boyfriend." You shrug like it's obvious, because, to you, it is and Matt just laughs. The two of you circulate the room introducing Matt to several of your colleagues.
"Is that y/n?" A loud voice calls for your attention later when you and Matt are approaching the bar. You sigh and turn around to see your least favorite associate at your office.
"Brian! Hi!" You force a smile as he approaches you. Matt shifts subtly closer to you at the change in your demeanor.
"I heard you were here, can't believe you didn't find me earlier sweetheart." Brian says jovially and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes as you fake a laugh.
"It's a crowded party. Matt honey this is Brian. Brian, meet my boyfriend, Matthew." You say and Matt puts his hand out towards Brian.
"Boyfriend, you are one lucky man." Brian says as he shakes Matt's hand.
"Oh trust me I know." Matt chuckles pulling you towards him with a hand securely around your waist.
"You look gorgeous by the way y/n. In case no one's told you." Brian says.
"Bold of you to assume you'd be the first but thank you." You say and Brian laughs.
"I would hope the first was the man escorting you tonight but you never know."
"There's not a day that goes by where Matthew doesn't make me feel like the most beautiful person in the world at all times. No need to worry about that." You say. "Excuse me, Brian but I have to talk to Dr. Lewis about something before I forget. I'll see you around the office." You quickly excuse yourself and tug Matt away from the annoying conversation.
"Not a fan of him I gather?" He asks once you're out of earshot.
"Not at all. I've been holding off on seeing Dr. Lewis so I could keep it in my back pocket because I knew I'd run into him and it's the perfect excuse."
"So we really are going to talk to a Dr. Lewis?"
"Yes, she's my supervisor and she said there was something she wanted to discuss here." You say finding her quickly in the crowd. Once you get to her, you cover introductions and the two of you launch into conversation. After a few minutes, Matt gently grabs your attention by touching your wrist.
"Y/n, something's wrong." Matt whispers to you. You excuse yourself from your discussion with Dr. Lewis for a moment to address him.
"Something's wrong here?" You ask in your own whisper.
"No- not here, a few blocks away I-"
"If you have to go, go. I'll be fine."
"I'm sorry." Matt kisses you quickly before disappearing into the crowd.
"Everything okay?" Your boss asks when you turn back to her.
"Oh yeah, everything's fine. He has to step out for a work call. You know lawyers hardly have downtime most days." You play off smoothly before redirecting her to what you'd been talking about before. When you eventually wrap things up with her you slip out of the event easily, only stopping to say a couple of goodbyes with a smile and the same 'he's outside on a call' excuse for where Matt is when asked. You know Matt will meet you back at your apartment when he's done doing the devil's work so you make your way home alone. It's only after you've showered, changed, and had a little snack that your living room window slides open as you're putting your dish in the sink.
"Y/n, I am so sorry about tonight." Matt says as he pulls the red helmet off and walks over to you. He wraps his arms around your waist and you bring a hand up to caress his cheek.
"It's fine Matty. I know your job is never done." You say with a calmness in your voice meant to soothe his remorse.
"I shouldn't have left you like that it-"
"I'm happy you came at all. You didn't have to remember?" You say using your hands on his face to pull him down enough for you to place gentle kisses on each of his closed eyes and then on his lips.
"I hate doing this to you." Matt says leaning further to kiss your neck.
"I'm not upset with you baby." You gently work him out of his suit as his fingers slide under the hem of the t-shirt you're wearing.
"I love you y/n. You know that don't you?" He asks after a moment of silence, the red outfit piled on the floor at this point, leaving Matt in a tank top and his boxers.
"Of course I do. And I love you, Matty. Do you wanna talk about what pulled you away tonight? You seem, particularly affected by this one." You gently play with his hair as you talk. Matt can be pretty touchy after a night as Daredevil, but this feels like more than that.
"Don't wanna talk about it. Not tonight. Tonight I just want to please you. Prove my love."
"You don't have to prove your love Matthew I know you love me." You tell him. Matt drops to his knees in front of you, unseeing eyes staring up at you.
"Y/n, sweetheart, please, let me worship you." He says, hands on your hips. You grab his chin as you contemplate his words.
"Alright, Matt, my darling. If you want to worship me, do it. Treat me like your god." You say, letting him go. Matt wastes no time pulling your panties down and burying his head between your thighs. He eagerly licks at your cunt and you tangle your fingers in his hair to balance yourself as your legs wobble.
"God, you taste so good." Matt grunts against you, slurping your juices noisily.
"Fuck Matt, just like that, baby." You moan. You tug on Matt's hair and relish in the way he groans into your pussy at the feeling. His hands tighten on your thighs and he pulls you further towards him, desperate to bury his tongue as far as he can between your walls. You grind against his mouth, whimpering as you chase your orgasm. Matt lets you use his tongue to get yourself off his mouth hung open as you ride his face. Only when your legs start to shake in warning does he take over again, focusing his attention on your clit, teasing the sensitive button with tight circles of his tongue until he tastes your orgasm hit you with a whine. He works you through it with soft licks until your heart begins to slow.
"Thank you." He sighs out kissing your hip.
"What are you thanking me for?" You ask pushing his hair back with your fingers as he trails kisses up your stomach. He's out from under your shirt with a dazed look on his face as he answers.
"Letting me make you cum on my tongue." He says kissing you fiercely. You drape your arms over his shoulders, giving him as much as he's giving you. You can taste yourself on his lips. The kiss is dizzying and you don't even notice his hand trailing back down your body until two fingers glide inside of you. You throw your head back with a moan as Matt fingers you, hooking his fingers to catch against the spongy part of your inner walls. Matt litters your exposed neck with kisses muttering against your skin. "So pretty. You sound just... so pretty. God, you're perfect y/n." Matt's words are breathy against your throat and you can't help but whine at them, the praise only further coaxing you to another orgasm.
"Keep going Matty, fuck I'm close." You whimper. Rather blindly you reach for his dick underneath his boxers. He jolts when your hand touches him, a strangled groan reaching your ears at the sudden stimulation. He's hard and heavy as you stroke him, precum making him slick already. The rhythm of his fingers falters for a moment as he lets your touch distract him a bit. It doesn't take long for Matt to refocus though, pumping the two digits into you relentlessly even with your hand making it hard to focus.
"Come on my love, let go for me, please." Matt huffs out, his thumb joining the mix to rub tight circles against your clit. The extra stimulation quickly pushes you over the edge and your head falls forward as you cry out at the feel of your orgasm. You ride out the high grinding against Matt's fingers until he pulls them out to lift you onto the countertop. "Fuck I love you." He says kissing you again. It's all sloppy, teeth and tongues crashing against each other as he frantically lines himself up with your entrance. He sinks into you with a long groan as he bottoms out. "This, I'm sure is heaven." He says burying his head in your neck as he sets a vicious rhythm with his hips. You're all moans and mewls as he pounds into you viciously. It's hard and deep, like he truly is trying to bury himself inside your walls. "God! The way you feel is so- perfect doesn't even begin to describe it." He grunts.
"Fuck you're so deep! Don't stop Matty please don't." You whine, nails clawing at his back. This, this is all that matters. Here is where he feels like a person for a moment of his life. You in his arms is the very thing he lives for.
"I love you y/n." Matt says, kissing you messily as he continues to fuck you.
"I love you too baby." You moan breathily. Matt's fingers find your clit again, he can feel his orgasm creeping up on him but he's determined to get you off once more before it.
"Cum for me y/n, please. Wanna feel it around me. Please baby." Matt pants out before latching onto the sensitive spot on your neck. You quiver against him as your orgasm washes over you.
"Oh my god." You keen. Matt's hips don't slow, prolonging your orgasm as he chases his own, the pulsing of your walls coaxing him over the edge rather quickly and he lets out a shuddering groan as he empties himself inside you. You stay like that for several moments, wrapped in each other's arms as you both recover.
"Thank you." Matt sighs after a stretch of silence.
"Thank you. Can't say I expected tonight to end like this." You giggle tiredly.
"I just- it feels good to be alone with you." He says softly.
"Well, we'll just have to make sure we always have a space to be alone then." You kiss the top of the top of his head and then, without warning, Matt carries you to your bedroom. Here he can hide, from crowds, from himself, from the evil he fights. Here with you, it always feels like the worst is over.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 6 months
can i req some grayson headcanons if thats ok with you pookie <3
grayson head canons
OF COURSE! i literally love him sm (though i'm a jamie). he's such a complex character with so many layers and i'm a sucker for those. if anyone has more requests, feel free to send them to me! hope you like them <3
gray can't stand procrastinators (me) and people who don't make an effort. this dude is working 24/7, like...
he has literally every apple product you can imagine (but he prefers microsoft computers, not macbooks)
he's never had s*x....
he absolutely lovesss cats. he used to have one when he was younger but it died. he ends up getting another one after he marries lyra and has kids
he read smut once and actually thought it was kinda good (xander got excited)
when he plays the piano, he needs a heated bench cause his ass always gets cold
grayson would always check on his brothers on their first day of school (xan and jamie) he wouldn't go up to them, but he'd watch from the shadows to make sure everything was ok.
although he never does, he lovesss sleeping. at the end of a long day, he loves cuddling up with his blankets and resting his head.
he meditates (like he sits with his legs crossed and everything)
he lovesss the nature. sometimes he wakes up early to watch the sunrise (and he watches the sunset most days)
he loves hozier and is secretly a swiftie
his favorite place he's been to is spain. he absolutely loved the food there (as someone who loves travelling and who does it quite often, i reallyyyy want to go there)
he used to take anti-depressants and still does (i'm projecting...)
he used to throw really bad tantrums as a child, like really bad (nash would get so discouraged he'd consider offing himself)
whenever he starts dating lyra (unless he doesn't end up with her...), he always leaves her little post it notes with sweet nothings written on them
gray hates being around people and socializing (obviously) because so many people have tried to use him in the past.
he went to the eras tour in a gray suit (folklore themed) with little leaves on them (the forest on the cover of the album) designed by taylor's designer roberto cavalli (apparently he died today, rest in peace)
he loved cuddles (in bed, on sofas, literally anywhere)
he's a huge fangirl for his favorite ships. like when he reads a scene of one of his favorite couples kissing or confessing he'll literally squeak (he reads romance, fight with the wall)
grayson sometimes makes those aesthetic like 'come get ready with me for the day' but there's no talking. it's like clips of him choosing his outfit, fixing his hair, etc fans go crazy for the clips of him buttoning up his dress shirt and stuff cause they can see his abs. he does them because alisa told him he needed to interact more with fans. (@catapparently came up with this one)
although we always see him swimming in pools, he prefers the ocean.
his best friend is their dog, tiramisu (this one is not really a head canon, it's been implied but i find it adorable so..)
he tried to become vegan when he was younger but loved burgers too much
speaking of burgers, he loves super unhealthy fast food meals.
he has a lucky pen
he lost that lucky pen once and had a huge panic attack. nash tried to comfort him but gray wasn't hearing him so nash had to dump a glass of water on his head.
gray secretly wishes he was as carefree as jameson cause he hates himself (poor pookie)
grayson takes up so much space in bed. like he'll be sprawled out with his head at the bottom of the bed.
gray is an emotional drunk. in my jamie and gray head canons i said that jamie once got him drunk. that never happened again cause gray ended up balling his eyes out telling everyone he loved them and that he wants to spend more time with them. that didn't bother jamie though, it was the simping over emily that did it.
skincare king (he has a skincare fridge and all the products you can imagine. this dude would have like face wash made out of 24k gold or some shit)
has an insta account dedicated to the pics he takes of people (note the word people because he has a seperate account for nature that he shares with avery, its anonymous though)
gray had an emo phase when he was 11. he didn't dye his hair black but he bought a wig and everything
he used to be really short but magically started growing at like 15
gray is actually a really good dancer. he's actually quite decent at pole dancing
he loves gardening. he cultivates his own vegetables and shit and cooks with them. he's sort of like this girl on tiktok called nara smith who does everything from scratch (like her kids asked for lasagna, and she made her own mozzarella balls, pasta sheets, tomato sauce, bechamel sauce, grows her own vegetables, etc)
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cinnamorwll · 26 days
𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜… ᕱᕱ
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ᡣ𐭩 hiii <3 my name is Anthony but you can call me tony!! i'm new to this lovely landscape called tumblr
ᡣ𐭩 my birthday is on the second day of the year every year! and i'm excited to finally turn 17 and have an edward cullen cake
ᡣ𐭩 i'm a boy but i swear i have thoughts!! like why Wi-Fi never works well when i need it most
ᡣ𐭩 i'm a native portuguese speaker and i also speak italian, english and i try to learn spanish but the only thing i do is watch soy luna with subtitles
ᡣ𐭩 i love listening to music, reading, drawing, autumn, vintage stuff, poetry, fashion, self-care, pinterest, video essays, cartoons, hot chocolate, and writing my stories that i plan to turn into films in the future
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ᡣ𐭩 music: boygenius, wallows, the smiths, inhaler, blur, cocteau twins, jeff buckley, hozier, ruel, lizzy mcalpine, taylor swift, lana del rey, ethel cain, laufey, reneé rapp, gracie abrams, clairo, madison beer + plenty more!
ᡣ𐭩 actresses: audrey hepburn, shelley duvall, brigitte bardot, sharon tate, brittany murphy, dakota fanning, elle fanning, taylor russell, saoirse ronan & clara bow
ᡣ𐭩 movies: the secret garden, little women, a series of unfortunate events, dead poets society, mysterious skin, coraline, the lovely bones, lady bird, the secret of moonacre, the virgin suicides, uptown girls, matilda, aquamarine, the parent trap & studio ghibli movies!
ᡣ𐭩 tv shows: modern family, gilmore girls, gossip girl, the baby-sitters club, the vampire diaries, the office, brooklyn 99, the sex lives of college girls, anne with an E, once upon a time, skins, the 100, over the garden wall, hilda & summer camp island!!
ᡣ𐭩 fav colors: preacher’s daughter brown, midnight rain navy blue & dark red ultraviolence (these colors are real, i didn’t make them up)
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ᡣ𐭩 here i intend to post collages, “whispers”, things related to films, literature and some of the thoughts that keep me awake at night, like the fact that maybe i’m a lost poem by clarice lispector or a deer transformed into a human
ᡣ𐭩 this is supposed to be a safe place for anyone of any ethnicity, gender identity, etc. but if you’re racist, zionist, homophobic, religious intolerant or practice any other type of prejudice, please leave
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ᡣ𐭩 feel free to follow me on my socials and i promise to follow you back!! (except if you're the type of person who doesn't return books that were lent to you)
⋆.˚ pinterest ˚.⋆ ⋆.˚ letterboxd ˚.⋆ ⋆.˚ instagram ˚.⋆
ᡣ𐭩 thank you so much for reading, you can tell that i can talk a lot but i'm also a great listener! so please comment something so we can be mutuals and feel comfortable to DM me <3
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localcapricosimp · 5 months
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So I was ORIGINALLY going to be making a Twst HC list of the characters' music taste but I exhausted all my brainpower for that after editing a 37 minute long shitpost mini movie that was a Twst version of William Shakespeare's Hamlet and called it Hamleona (THIS WAS FOR SCHOOL) so my creative juices ran a little dry. So instead I shall be listing who I think their favorite musicians/bands would be.
Disclaimer: This is only going over the NRC students because that's all the energy I have for this shit. (Thank you, Hamleona, for sapping the life out of me you little fuck-)
Riddle - Does he even know what music is.../j he probably really likes Florence and The Machine tbh...he just doesn't let anybody know
Ace - Weezer and AJR (I am so sorry 🙏)
Deuce - He strikes me as a Paramore listener
Cater - Madonna, Meghan Trainor, TWICE, Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift
Trey - Dolly Parton
Leona - Hozier, Conan Gray, Gorillaz, Michael Jackson, Billy Idol, Billy Joel, Noah Kahan, the Weeknd, Ciara and Elton John (when I tell you I have been ITCHING, CLAWING AT THE WALLS to say that I think Leona is a Hozier fan-)
Ruggie - Bruno Mars and the Weeknd
Jack - Sam Tinnesz and Blackbear
Azul - Gotye
Jade - Ed Sheeran (in an ironic way! i literally can't think of anybody for Jade please HELP WHO WOULD THIS MAN LISTEN TO!?!)
Kalim - Nicky Youre (and if you don't know who that is: Sunroof)
Jamil - Give me ideas for him I don't have any other than Pink Floyd but that doesn't feel right omg-maybe Rihanna I'm not sure tbh!!
Vil - Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Reneé Rapp, Red Velvet, Chung Ha, Sunmi, Carrie Underwood (trust me on this one!), Taylor Swift, Sabrina Carpenter and Dua Lipa
Epel - Rascal Flatts and The Charlie Daniels Band
Rook - If Vil likes the artists, Rook likes the artists. But lowkey...why can I see him bopping to Demi Lovato...
Idia - Twenty One Pilots
Ortho - Okay hear me out...Daft Punk
Malleus - Okay so this was a tough one since I don't know how he would get access to a radio or anything that plays music becaue he's a little goofy with technology BUT HEAR ME OUT!!! I feel like he'd really get into The Temptations (if you don't know who they are they were a group from the 50s) and Tina Turner because why not!!
Silver - He seems like he'd listen to Alec Benjamin tbh!!!
Sebek - If Malleus likes the artists, Sebek likes the artists.
Lilia - ....pulls out Metallica album.
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
Flower Goes Floral
Type- Fake Insta ;)
Verse- Model!Harry x Fashion Designer!Y/n
Warnings- None, just fluff <3
Description- Harry at the Brits, wearing an iconic dress suit, styled by none other than his girlfriend, Y/n.
A/n- I want to post slightly regularly this year, and because I'm busy writing a few other fics which I'm yet to finish, here's a small fake ig for y'all. Hope you like it! <3
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Liked by Masaba, AnthonyPham and others
Y/Ig/n Harry Styles (aka my partner), wearing a custom Gucci Black Peplum Blazer and an oversized flower blazer. Both were designed and styled by me, yours one and only.
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HsFan1 I just KNOW that he was absolutely THRILLED to wear this
Masaba No lies I'd be smug too if I had designed this
↳Y/Ig/N There's no bigger fan of you than me. Thank you very much, this has altered my life.
HarryStyles Looking like a devil, aren't I?
↳HarryFan0 WHO PUT THAT IN HIS MIND ↳MitchRowland I beg your pardon, @HarryFan0. I had meant it as a joke.
Y/nFan1 Both of them ATE and left no crumbs.
Y/nFan2 Can we talk about how surreally she said 'aka my partner' in the brackets??
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Liked by Zayn, TaylorFan1 and -others
HarryStyles Thank you for having me tonight, @/Brits. I had an amazing time wearing both of my outfits, styled by the icon, @Y/Ig/N.
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TaylorFan1 Alexa? Play Gorgeous by Taylor Swift.
Y/Ig/n Why, thank you, Darling.
ConanGray Please I'm ready to sell you my hair just collaborate with me too
↳Y/Ig/N What you want me to spoil the surprise, don't you? ↳ConanFan1 A Y/N AND CONAN COLLAB?!?!? WHY IS EVERYONE SLEEPING ON THIS OMFG I'M FREAKING OUT
KatyPerry Looking just like the charming man you always do
Y/nFan16 She really said watch my flower go floral
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Liked by Lizzo, Adele and -others
Y/Ig/n Happy Valentine's Day, @HarryStyles. You truly are a devil in disguise.
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Lizzo *Heart-shaped eyes (towards the pizza)*
Y/nFan5 lmaoo not her bashing him through his own comment
HarryStyles Happy Valentine's Day, lover
Y/nFan11 I love them sm it hurts ...but in like- a cool way ;)
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Liked by NiallHoran, TaylorSwift and -others
HarryStyles I have no idea what I would wear without you, @Y/Ig/n (and your lovely team too). Thank you for agreeing to go out for a glass of wine with me on that already industrious and bustling day. And oh, Happy Valentine's Day.
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Y/nforeva This woman never rests, does she?
GemmaStyles Exactly. Thank you for agreeing, @Y/Ig/N
Y/Ig/n Literally one of the best nights in my life.
↳HarryStyles I agree ;)
JamesCordon You two are disgustingly in love
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Liked by HarryFan02, Y/nforeva and -others
HarryY/nAlways Happy Valentine's Day to THE BEST COUPLE in the whole industry. (Y/n uploaded these on her ig stories with the caption 'Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips.' Exactly. A Hozier song. Goodbye.)
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Y/nFan3 She IS goofy, she just doesn't show that side of hers on the camera that often.
Anne Best Duo!
Y/nFan5 No way is gonna have a vase big enough to fit all those roses in but then again, she's THE @Y/Ig/N
HarryFan1 He is SO Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!
YourMum These two never fail to make me smile. Just imagine the sunburn on their cheeks because they are so careless and in love.
↳Y/nforeva Y/n's mum literally loves them so much, it's ADORABLE
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3 things:
What's a song, band, album, or playlist you want to shout out?
What are your opinions on pets (dog, cat, neither, other)?
Finally, what's a boring fact about you?
Cheers, have a good one.
Oh yes!
Shoutout a band? SEEMING, SEEMING, SEEMING BABY! They're even on tumblr: @seemingmusic
Their music is great and the lyrics are freaking phenomenal poems and I have no idea why they're not among tumblr's favorites like? "The future will be borderless, and red and queer and bold, for I was born to make my kind extinct" (End Studies) "Dreamt of gutting billionaires... But when I woke, blood was gone" (Go Small) you've got the eat the rich be queer do crime philosophy all over it! "Like a tall tree, I am pining to be taken up by the lightning! Strike me! I dare you! I dare you! Heaven, hear me! Like a mantis, I am praying, out of habit, without saying anything, for the bloody sting of a kestrel come to snatch me" (Remember to Breathe) it's got puns it's got self destructive thoughts it's got vague religious implications which I'm not a fan of personally but you guys seem to love it when it's Hozier. And who can ignore "To the gunmen who guard against all of the starving: God will bury you, nature will bury you [...] To the terrified rich man: God will bury you. To the killers of animals: nature will bury you." (The Burial) like don't tell me that doesn't go hard. (Personally I like to think of The Burial as not a threat but a loving promise. It continues "To the worshipper of justice, the reliance on reason, and the fire in your eyes: God will bury you, nature will bury you, time will bury your bones unseen. Total and absolute. Infinite amplitude. Till all the black is ripe and green." and because honoring the dead and burying them is an important act of kindness, I like to think of this as a promise that no matter who you are, no matter who you leave behind to mourn you, you will be buried. You will die and you will return to the Earth and you will be lovingly welcomed, it is inevitable and inescapable, I promise. I know I already rambled about this when I reblogged that worm poem post but I will keep talking about it because I love it and I don't know how many people actually read it.) There's so much more I want to say but I'm on mobile in bed hours past bedtime and this paragraph is probably already way too long and disorganized so like maybe tomorrow but! Regardless of whether you can listen to the music I highly recommend reading some of the lyrics here: https://seemingmusic.tumblr.com/text
Anyway moving on from minor infodump, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by your second question like are you asking my opinion on pets as a concept or my preferences for having pets or? I think humans love to pack bond with things that are not humans and as long as the human is able to meet the needs of an animal to create a mutually beneficial relationship that's a good thing, but ideally you should opt for domesticated animals (animals that have been our companions for so long they are genetically distinct from their wild counterparts) since they are best adapted to living with humans. I was practically raised by cats living with my workaholic single mom and our cats so personally I love cats and probably have a better time connecting with them than I would other common pets like dogs. Currently mom and I are sharing two cats, brothers, but one rarely visits me while the other is obsessed with me but I suspect this is because a) I always have his favorite snack available (potato chips. yeah I don't think he knows he's a cat) and b) I pet him the way he likes best (which is a lot of rubbing and scratching his spine by the tail intermittent with chin scritches, but he wants you to be firm with it as though he were a dog... again this man is not aware he's a cat).
A boring fact about me... Well easy mode is just "I have two feet" or "I ate a sandwich for breakfast today" but let me try to think of something a bit more personal yet still uninteresting... I have watched less than one episode of Supernatural. Yeah that's boring yet specific.
Thank you so much for the ask sorry my reply is a little messy I was already in bed when I got this!
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suosgirl · 2 months
The song Take a Chance on Me by ABBA is play in my head when I read your tags on your suo post 😂 I KNOW he’d be spoiling you rotten house husband or not though. I dunno if he’d ever be so happy as when he’s seeing you in your wedding dress for the first time. He’s got the eyepatch so if he tears up a bit he just has to make sure no one else can see the uncovered eye ig?
MARI AHH!!! HI!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
omg I just listened to the song rn and .... the way they sing "take a chance"... yeah, that sounds about right BAHAHA, especially the line "that's all i ask of you honey"... yeahhh HAHA
but omg selfship wedding hcs? let me indulge Mari. first of all, I just KNOW that I would cry the minute I see him while I walk down the aisle. I honestly love the idea of walking to either this piano version of Sparkle from Your Name, this piano version of Nandemonaiya from Your Name, OR One Summer's Day from Spirited Away (y'all I think abt my future wedding a lot HAHA)
word vomit below hehe (,,>﹏<,,)
also gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Suo would wear a Chang Pao Ma Gua bc it's the Chinese traditional wedding suit for men, but you know what I would wear????
hehe I'm filipino american so I would wear a modern Filipiana dress!!! pic for reference hehe
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and I know ... I just KNOW that he would have Hozier-level wedding vows. and it would absolutely make me cry. and I would have to bring a fan so that I can dry my eyes while he talks.
but when I say my vows? oh. he's gonna try so hard, so hard not to show how affected he really is, but listen. I'm a huge sap. I go all in. My vows are gonna be a bit of everything - a little teasing, a little sentimental, a little lovey-dovey. I'd absolutely slip a line in there like "I never knew someone could know me better than myself, but here we are" and "It's hard for me to rely on anyone, but with you, it was as natural as breathing".
and by the end of it, he'll blame it on the season (spring wedding when the flowers are in bloom), but I know better. when I see his eye, and the way it starts to barely glisten, just the tiniest shine, I'll know I've got him.
AND THE FLOWERS AT OUR WEDDING? Suo coordinates it, naturally, with his knowledge of the flower language of course. And the thing is his ass would be the type not to tell me until the actual day of the wedding. We'll be seated at the table after the official ceremonies are actually over and everyone's just having fun. He'll lean over, with a soft smile, to whisper into my ear about the flowers he's chosen and what they mean for him and for us and he'd reduce me to a blubbering mess all over again.
But when I grab his hand? With my wedding ring (one that he's chosen) shining on my ring finger? Oh. I don't even need to say anything. He'll just grip my hand a little tighter, kiss my cheek a little sweeter, and look into my eyes a little longer, and I'll know - he's just as in love with me as I am with him.
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
Hear me out on this
Modern! Remus would totally listen to Ed Sheeran
Ohhhh, 100%
Not only Eddie though (He absolutly loved Vega), I think Rem would be absolute trash for Hozier, I mean, look me straight in the eye and tell me that these quotes don't scream modern Remus:
“I’ve no language left to say it for all I do is crave to her, breaking if I try convey it, the broken love I make to her.” - Foreigners God  
“You may never know you’re fortune until the distance has been shown between what is lost forever and what can still be known” - Butchered Tongue
“So far from home to have a stranger call you darling, and have your guarded heart be lifted like a child up by the hand”  - Butchered Tongue
“You were steering my heart like a wheel in your hands” - Damage Gets Done
"When you're near me, Honey, when you kill the lights, And kiss my eyes,I feel like a person for a moment of my life"- To be Alone
"I couldn't utter my love when it counted, Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now, I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted, Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now" - Shrike
And I didn't even MENTION Take me to Chruch and Would That I
I also head cannon him as being a fan of: Imagine Dragons, Dotan, Finneas, Fall Out Boy, BANNERS and Bad Company.
Read Gilded Constellations
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sevlawless · 2 months
pairing: m!ortega x f!sidestep (arabella aveiro)
word count: 775
warnings: angst and a confession <3 but at what cost?
tags: @masonscig @farahhauville
notes: yeah idk what i'm doing either! i've fallen (haha) into the worst fallen hero hole imaginable it's all i can think about as of late and this fic is the proof of that. basically arabella tells ortega how she feels. and they discuss the past. just a tad. as a treat! anyway i hope you enjoy 🙏 the title is inspired by unknown/nth by hozier because i listened to it a lot while writing this and it feels fitting. you'll find out why if you read!
[read on ao3]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
love is as foreign of a concept to you as anything else. feeling safe. grounded. at peace. you know you'll never feel any of those things. and if you have, it's never for long.
why would love be any different?
could it be different? allowing yourself to feel something other than anger, or fear?
no. what a stupid thought. it should be entirely out of the equation.
but the way ortega is looking at you right now is making you question it. for the second time in your life, but with the same person, seven years later.
the person you were then - sidestep, the vigilante, the sidekick - could have seen herself following through with it. but fear and anger always came rushing back to bring you to your senses.
now, there's a whole lot more to deal with.
the person you are now - retribution, the anarchist, the villain - can't get caught up in this. you're lying to him. constantly. more than you ever did in the past. almost everything you say to him is a lie. 
except for those rare occasions when you let your true feelings slip. that you love him back, despite everything in you telling you not to. what you just told him, and why he's looking at you the way he is right now. as if you're the only thing on this earth that matters to him, his brown eyes lighting up with the adoration you've tried getting adjusted to ever since he found you back at that diner. his eyes are crinkling in the corners, more than they ever did seven years ago. the smile on his face still gives you butterflies, like it did when you first saw it.
there's a beat of silence, the only sound occupying his apartment being the ceiling fan swinging above you both, a futile attempt to cool down the temperature in the infamous los diablos heat.
futile also because your own body feels like it's overheating, sweat accumulating on your forehead, your hands warm and clammy. 
“you love me.”
you roll your eyes. “don't make me repeat it.” even though you want to. until the words don't make sense anymore. until you grow tired of saying it, but part of you knows you never would.
a knowing smile graces his face. you want to hurl. “i won't.”
he holds your hands in his, one of his thumbs rubbing over the jagged edges of a scar you don't remember how you got. there's so many, you gave up trying to.
“i wish i had told you,” he starts, uncharacteristically nervous. “i wish i had told you all those years ago.”
would it have changed anything? a part of you wants to believe it would have. a stupid, stupid part of you wants to believe that.
“it would have made things worse,” you decide, refusing to meet his eyes. “it would have made…”
even now, you can't bring it up. 
the heartbreak incident. jumping from the roof. vaguely hearing screams that you know came from him. your skull cracking against the pavement. being put in an ambulance. being taken to-
he tilts your chin up, taking in your wide eyed expression and your heavy breathing.
“it's okay,” he assures you, and you desperately want to believe that. another stupid part of you.
“it wouldn't have made it worse,” he says, “i was in love with you then, too. i should have told you, bella. i’m sorry i didn't.”
his eyes shine with unshed tears, and it takes everything in you to not respond with tears of your own.
it makes no sense. you've fought him, broken his nose, put him in the hospital. cleaned his blood from your suit, your gloves.
and yet, this makes you feel something. remorse. regret. that foreign feeling of love that you're still trying to understand.
you don't deserve him. you didn't then, and you certainly don't now. 
“it's okay, ricky,” you finally respond. “we didn't know.”
he chuckles. “no,” he pushes a strand of hair away from your face, and you hate how calming it makes you feel, “but now we do, and we have all the time in the world to make up for it.”
how much do you really have left? being here, in this moment, on his couch, inching closer and closer to each other. you almost didn't realize you were doing it.
as his lips meet yours, warm and familiar, you want this moment to last forever.
you know it can't. it won't.
but for now, you'll enjoy it. even when it all inevitably comes crashing down around you.
that's what you're used to.
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artofhazbinhotel · 4 months
Guitarspear playlist because the last ship playlist was well received
The Last of The Real Ones (Fallout Boy)
You are the sun
And I am just the planets spinning around you
You were too good to be true, gold plated
But what's inside you? But what's inside you?
I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you
But not as much as I do, as much as I do
Church (Fallout Boy)
If you were church I'd get on my knees
Confess my love, I'd know where to be
My sanctuary, you're holy to me
If you were church I'd get on my kness
I'd get on my knees, I'd get on my knees
Heaven's Gate (Fallout Boy)
One look from you and I'm on that faded love
Out of my body and flying above
If there were anymore left of me I'd give it to you
And I'll tell you that I am fine
But I'm a missile that's guided to you
Go out in the world to start over again and again
As many times as you can
And in the end if I don't make it on the list
Would you sneak me a wristband?
Would you give me a boost over heaven's gates?
Heaven Sent (Hinder)
Never saw the chemistry
That was there with you and me
It's been a long time coming
Just waiting on an angel to take me out of my hell
I'm falling for you, you came out of nowhere
Straight out the blue when heaven sent you
Take Me to Church (Hozier)
Take me to church,
I worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life
If I'm a pagan of the good times
My lover's the sunlight
Keep the God on my side, he demands a sacrifice
Drain the whole sea, get something shiny
Francesca (Hozier)
My life was a storm, how could I fear any hurricane?
If someone asked me at the end,
I'd tell them put me back in, I would do it again
If I could hold you for a minute
I'd go through it again
I would still be surprised I could find you
I could find you in any life
If I could hold you for a minute
They're Only Human (Death Note)
They're only human, they don't see
Who they are is who they'll always be
Only human after all
So they push and they shove
With this thing they call love til they fall
Isn't it a farce? Isn't it a waste?
Struggling to face what can never be faced
Fan Behavior (Isaac Dunbar)
I guess I got myself a fan
It's fan behavior, you're a fan
As a result of my cold demeanor
You're pressed, a little bit obsessed
I take you for a fan, you take me as I am
I wonder what's going through your head
I know that you're a mess but secretly impressed
No Forgiveness (Shinki, Red Rob)
Sinners seeking validation,
You're the one who fell to temptation
Now we're caught up in altercations
Purge them all there's no salvation
Fall from grace, been led astray
Lost little lamb, you'll die today
When you fall the price you pay
Is no forgiveness when you pray
You wanna change your team and climb?
I'd much rather hear your screams and cries
Dreaming of seeing those pearly gates
Well, your nightmare arrives today
I'm the man that started it all
The only one who'll heed the call
To stir up sinners in the pot
Don't you know you had your shot?
You wanna get up to heaven?
This is no seven eleven
Think you can change well baby that's sad
Be Somebody (Thousand Foot Krutch)
I'm just a speck inside your head
I remember where it all began so clearly
I feel a million miles away,
Still you connect me in your way
And you created me
Something I would've never seen
When I could only see the floor
You made my window a door
So when they say they don't believe
I hope that they see you and me
After all the lights go down
I'm just the words, you are the sound
A strange type of chemistry
You've become a part of me
Without You (My Darkest Days)
If I had my way, I'd spend every day
Right by your side
And if I could stop time believe me I'd try
For you and I
And each moment you're gone
Is a moment too long in my life
So stay right here by my side right now
Because without you I'm a disaster
Thought you should know
And you're my ever after
Angel (Theory of a Deadman)
I'm in love with an angel, heaven forbid
Make me a believer with the touch of his skin
I'd go to hell and back
With you still lost in what we found
Worlds apart we were the same
Until we hit the ground
Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm weak
Maybe I'm blinded by what I see
You wanted a soldier, it wasn't me
Angel With a Shotgun (The Cab)
Get out your guns, battles begun
Are you a saint or a sinner?
If love's a fight then I shall die
With my heart on a trigger
They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be
Worship you (Kane Brown)
Don't get me wrong, I'm a god fearing christian man
But if you were a religion then damn
I don't know what I'd do
Yeah, I might have to worship you
I might have to sing your praise
I might have to go to church yeah
Every single night and day
Love religious metaphors songs
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