#classic talia al ghul
batnations · 8 months
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Classic Brutalia recolored panels
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inkpotsprite · 3 days
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The way Jon mirrors Talia's pose.
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emperor-neo · 2 months
I can never get over that one time Lex gave Talia control over LexCorp, she then proceeded to girlbossed all over and immediately after sold all assets to Wayne enterprises.
Instead of taking it all for herself, she gave it to his man. Bruce doesn’t deserve her at all.
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wesavegotham · 2 months
It's been 15 years and I still see people try to come up with excuses to claim that the way Grant Morrison wrote the al Ghuls isn't racist and sorry, no, it's very very racist. Read a book about orientalism.
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beautyconsumer · 2 months
Bruce isn't new to fatherhood; having taking under his wing a kid who he saw himself in and bearing a hybrid pup... he didn't expect to find much difficulty with raising Jason.
Then again... Said kid isn't on speaking terms with him and Damian's mother doesn't know he exists.
He's far from perfect but he's gonna keep trying.
UPDATE (2/6) selkie pup Jason hours
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cologona · 3 months
It’s interesting how Talia differs between Batman annual 25 and Lost Days, what with the two being published 4-5 years apart. If you pay attention you can see how Judd Winick went from having a general idea of using Talia to explain how Jason got his new moves + pairing them up to glorify Jason, to actually needing to flesh the story out and being forced to contend with the fact that Talia as she was wouldn’t have been into Jason like that. He could get away with making Talia kiss Jason in the annual because it was only one issue and who gives a shit about her, but in Lost Days she’s a main POV character. If Winick was going to keep his professional integrity as a writer at all, he had to pull some kind of excuse out of his ass to make that happen.
And yeah. Pull an excuse he did. Lost Days Talia doesn’t express any kind of sexual or romantic interest in Jason until the last issue, which took place after Death and the Maidens so now Winick could take advantage of the New And Improved CraZyy Talia to get them to bang. Woohoo I guess?
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taliaalghulhub · 1 year
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Detective Comics (1937) Issues 444, 445 and 448
Ok this is another comic I don't think a lot of people know about
Batman responds to an armed bank robbery and on confronting the person in charge she reveals herself to be Talia, after hearing the police entering Talia runs and Batman appears to shoot her in the back though he claims to have never pulled the trigger
He's accused of murder by Jim Gordon who claims there was nothing wrong with the gun and the fact that he loved her but hated her father was a valid reason he might have done it. Gordon tries to arrest Batman but Batman escapes leaving Scrag Donovan tied up to the bat signal
In Detective Comics 445 Jack Ryder shows that Batman is wanted for murder on the news. Alfred also askes Bruce is he murdered Talia to which he denies immediately
Batman then takes a prison guard uniform and disguises himself as a guard to go and visit Ra's Al Ghul in his jail cell.
Ra's then admits that he was the one who actually had Talia murdered and Batman framed for it, he then shoots himself and says that nothing is to precious to sacrifice in return for revenge agents Batman. As he dies he throws the gun towards Batman
He's seen by guards who then try to arrest him again, he's almost caught as a person he put in jail holds him through the bars but using gas manages to make his escape leaving only his cape behind.
Detective comics 448 opens with a shot of Gaston St. Lucifer's circus and Bruce disguised with a goatee and a fringed jacket, here we see multiple characters introduced including Sireena "The Sensuous Snake Charmer" , Grobo "The Smallest Strongman", Shondu "The Human Corkscrew" and Slapleather Smith "The Most Devastatingly Accurate Sharp Shooter"
Batman notices that Grobo is spying on him and attempted to follow him before he can go alert anyone he might be working with but he looses him. He finds himself near a house of mirrors and decides that that must be where Grobo is hiding.
Batman takes of his disguise so that he's in his armour and fights a group of henchmen in the house of mirrors. After leaving he runs after Grobo again then finds two guys playing cards in a caravan so he dresses as Ra's and confirms that Ra's is in fact behind everything he then also takes out the two men in the caravans before being taken down by one of the clowns at the circus.
He wakes up in the main tent with the ringleader of the circus sat on a chair and Sireena the snake charmer standing next to him, I'm sure you know where this is going,
Sirenna then reveals herself to be Talia in a blonde wig, she asked Batman to join then who says no then her pet snakes start to try and attack Batman
Batman is then attacked by the sharpshooter from earlier but he throws an arrow into the barrel of the gun jamming it
He fights the contortionist then it turns out the the clown from earlier was Creeper. He tries to then go after St Lucifer thinking that he's Ra's but it turns out that Ra's has disguised himself as Grobo
Something falls in the tent and it sets on fire, Batman takes Talia and leaves the tent as Ra's just burns to deaths
Gordon is outside and Batman shows him Talia but then Gordon "shoots" Batman in the back but it does nothing because it's Batman and they just wanted a good cover for the comic. Batman explains how everything worked I won't type it all out so I'll put the explanation at the bottom of this post.
Batmans name is cleared and Bruce drops an epic diss on Ra's by calling his life an "a monumental waste of genius"
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
The Adoptive Son. Part 4
Dick struts into Crowne Co. main office like he owns the place. He has shaped his civilian persona to be a watered-down version of Brucie Wayne, so he winked at the receptionist and offered a kind smile to the employees wandering around.
The receptionist, a lovely man named Ace, waves him to the elevator without pause, pressing the button and allowing Dick to go to Crowne's office. Danny Crowne's main office was its own floor complete with five corner desks, a joint conference office, three stylish comfortable couches, and lots of open space filled with potted plants.
Only someone with the highest clearance levels was allowed in there. Dick had been made to wait in the lobby by Ace., The first few times, he came to visit Crowne. Thankfully, his presence is so commonplace now that he was allowed in without signing in.
The elevator's door close, blocking out all noise but the soft, classical music Crowne was rather fond up. His fake boyfriend seemed to swing from one music genre to the next with little sense. He could listen to an instrumental waltz, switch to punk rock, fall into the country, and finally go to pop within an hour. Dick can tell what kind of day Crowne is having based on the elevator music he has playing.
Since it's Mozart No. 13, Crowne is likely dealing with a stressful day. Likely trying to clean up a mistake made by an employee.
It was a good thing on the one hand- Crowne would be too overwhelmed to keep a proper eye on him. But it made Dick worry against his will. Crowne tended to work himself into a frenzy and often forgo his well-being if it were not for Tim or Dick telling him to rest.
You don't have time to worry about the trafficker. Dick tells himself as the elevator rises up to the top floor. You have a mission to complete.
He's carrying a take-out order to surprise Crowne with lunch. That's his cover store, at least; if things go according to the schedule they managed to hack into, his fake boyfriend will be called away for a meeting.
Dick will claim that it's fine. He will spend ten minutes reading a book he's left in Crowne's office and "fall asleep".
During that time, Bruce will hake into the cameras in Crowne's office and play a loop of him napping on a couch. In reality, Dick will be going through the office to find any kind of evidence. It's been almost five months since he took on this assignment, and he barely has anything to show. Bruce was becoming impatient.
Thankfully, little Damian kept most of Bruce's attention. The little eight-year-old had been the surprise the three main Justice Leaguers had found at Nanda Parbat. All those years of Dick complaining about Talia al Ghul being evil were true.
She had done something terrible to Bruce without his consent, and Damian al Ghul had been the result.
Then, Talia planned to raise her son as the next heir for her father's league until Bruce convinced her that Damian deserved better. Now Damian was at the manor, slowly unlearning all the terrible habits installed into him from birth.
He had attempted to fight Jason for his second son position, but Bruce had put a stop to it by claiming Jason was a new recruit, and that must have meant something to Damian because the kid backed off.
Now, Damian stuck to Jason's side like a small shadow, watching and learning everything he could. He seemed to adore Jason and looked up to him like the other boy was his idol.
Jason was over the moon about having a baby brother, deciding he wanted to teach Damian proper English- the young child had been learning but struggled a bit- and read him a bedtime story every night.
Dick wished he could claim the same regarding his younger brothers. But sadly, he and Jason did not have the best relationship due to Dick's horrible temper. This, in turn, made little Damian weary of him, keeping a safe distance whenever Dick came over to report on his undercover mission.
The door to the elevator opens, and Dick comes face to face with Crowne, rapidly typing away on his computer with a mantic glint in his eyes. He's got all three desks covered in piles of paperwork and four chalk boars with various colored writing.
Oof, it's worst than he thought.
This looks like it was a level 10 mess. In the five months that he has dated Crowne he's only seen a 10 twice.
Dick clears his throat hoping to break Crowne from his trance. It doesn't work, not that he's surprised. Carefully placing the take-out bags on one of the couches, he struts over and gentle taps one hunched over shoulder.
Crowne eyes swing to him, his entire expression brightens when he realizes who it is. "Hello Darling. I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in"
Dick's heart flutters at the word of endearment. He takes control of the reaction by channeling it into making his eyes soft as he leans down for a kiss. Crowne meets half way, melting against Dick like he's not used to being desired.
It's so adorable that Dick allows the kiss to linger longer than normal. He pulls back, smirking at the red cheeks and a slightly dazed expression on Crowne's face. He never gets tired of putting that particular look on Crowne.
"It's alright, I can see you're busy. My fault for dropping in unannounced, but I was in the neighborhood, and we could have lunch together." Dick tilts his head "If you have time to spare".
Crowne looks very remorseful. "I'm so sorry, darling. I have a meeting about the new cellphone models, and I just found out the model is having issues. The batteries are blowing up while the camera feature is either freezing the whole processor or just breaking down the command. I don't have much time today for lunch"
Dick knows it's part of the plan, but he can't help but be sad they can't spend too much time together. It's done wonders for his undercover job as Crowne nervously plays with a pen, apologizing again for his workload.
He shrugs, offering to wait for Crowne with the prepared excuse. The other man brightens, promising to finish as soon as he can. Dick walks over to grab his book as Crowne returns his attention to his screen, typing even faster.
He's never seen anyone that could type as fast as Crowne, not even Bruce or Babs. The fact Crowne created his working computer from the processor to the modified keyboard meant very little.
Crowne typed on any computer as if he had lessons from birth and not learning alongside the rest of the world when computers started getting more popular. Dick still knows many people who prefer paper and pens to have to press keys.
"You won't be alone for too long," Crowne calls, eyes never leaving his screen as his fingers fly over the slightly curved keyboard "Tim will be here in half a hour. You two can spend time together"
Dick forced a smile "Sounds great"
Just great. Drake's arrival would limit his snooping time. Recently he's noticed the younger boy always seemed to insert himself between Dick and Crowne. Alfred had laughed when he reported this slight mishap claiming that he would get the same complaints from Bruce a few years ago.
Back when Dick would try to scare away Catwoman or Talia.
Dick knows that different. He is trying to stop a legit trafficking ring and doesn't want to have some adult time with Crowne. Bruce should have not been looking for a stepmother for him, especially with those women.
Not when Clark Kent was literally right there. He'll convince the old man of this someday.
"Tim looks up to you. He makes inquiries about you often." Crowne continues. His more formal speech means he is slightly nervous. Dick's lip twitches into a smile as his face turns red; simultaneously, his posture straightens. Another give. "I was wondering if you would like to do an event with him."
"A event?"
Crowne pauses, then in a forced calm voice, he says, "I have a side project that involves some of Gotham's youth. The kind of youth often overlooked."
The warm feeling crumbles in Dick's chest. Quickly he double-taps his recording bracelet. This is it. The first real sign of Crowne's side business. He has finally been let in on it.
Dick is going to be sick.
"I wouldn't mind. This project..what is it?" Dick asks carefully, standing up and sauntering to Crowne. He swings his hips a little too much, but it is just what the other man likes as his eyes finally leave the screen and lock on his strut.
He leans on over the desk, smirking as Crowne fumbles in front of him. He's adorable-
No. He's easy to trick.
He sells kids. Dick needs to remember that. His treacherous heart still speeds up.
Crowne stares at him with a slack jaw, and it strokes Dick's ego fiercely. He waits a few minutes, but when all his fake boyfriend does is gawk, he leans closer. "Darling? The project?"
"Oh! Oh yes, of course," Crowne jerks in place, quickly pulling open a drawer. He presses a button inside the drawer- Dick makes a note to check that later- and a side compartment opens. He pulls out a small black notebook with a green ghost flying around a white D on the front of it.
Dick recognizes the symbol. It's the same one that a few street kids passed to Jason a few weeks ago. Jason had gone in as Robin- the more beloved Robin. Dick hates to admit it, but his brother has a better connection with the people of this city.
The street kids said that if you showed this symbol at secret meetings, then you would get supplies and support at said meetings. The thing was, most of the younger kids did not come back from the meetings.
They weren't taken by force, but after a third or fourth visit, they agreed to go with the men and women passing out the resources. Batman had yet to pin these meetings down since they were using vans and popping up randomly throughout the city. They would tear down and be on the road long before the morning light graced the sky.
Crowne flips through the book landing on a page and pushing it to Dick. "I am opening a gym for youth. I was thinking of advertising it as gymnastics and aquatic sports. I know you've dabbled in them before and was wondering if you would teach a beginners class?"
Dick reads over the page. It's like a mind map of a gym, with ideas and more accurate details circled and connected in a giant web. None of it seems sinister.
None of it seems well organized either, but it's wild and brilliant just like Crowne. Why did this man waste so much talent on crime? Why couldn't he be the perfect partner he was pretending to be?
"Where did you get this notebook?" He hears himself say, eyes tracing the beginner's trapeze and beginners Aerial silks with question marks hungrily. He's never thought about teaching his skill, but being surrounded by eager children looking up at him to learn of his family's legacy...... makes him yearn.
When his fantasy turns to the horde of children calling him dad and then running around Crowne calling the other man father, that desire is pushed to the furthest part of his mind.
He won't give in to them. Maybe he would one day find someone to settle down with. One day the Flying Graysons will grace the skies again. But they will never carry the Crowne name.
"A kid sold it to me," Crowne says with a confused tilt of his head. "I was walking through the street vendors festival, and he had a blanket covered in different notebook designs. He didn't pay for a table, and he was a bit away from the entrance, but he was doing his best. I bought eight of them. You should have seen the way his eyes lit up."
Dang it. Not a confession. Not even anything he could use to tie Crowne to the symbol.
The other man raises a brow "Why do you ask?"
Dick smiles with enough heat he practically undresses. Crowne predictably goes beat red at the sight. "I like the design. Wanted one for myself."
"I...I have the young man's contact information. If you desire it, I could purchase some for you?" Crowne melts, pulling on his collar.
Alright. Maybe the kid will be willing to talk. "That would be lovely. You know what else would be lovely?"
He rounds the desk, his lips pulling into a slutty smile. Placing his hands on each arm rest he leans forward, trapping the other man in his office chair. Crowne swallows. "What?"
"You, me, and a hotel room all to ourselves." Dick's voice turns dark with sinful promise. Crowne lips tremble, but he nods.
"I....I've never been with anyone before" the other man confesses and Dick feels a wicked amout of want. He wants to be the person to show him. To teach him. To make his first time so special and wonderful and-
The elevator doors dig open. Drake hopped in, using clutches, and shouted proudly, "I broke my leg!"
Crowne pushes Dick away, rushing to the boy. "Ancients! What in the world happened!?"
"I got mugged on my way to the library!" The boy says it's the greatest thing to ever happen to him.
"That's not a good thing, Tim!"
"It's okay! Robin and Sparrow saved me! It was so cool!" Drake swoons. "I don't know why they were out so early, but they swooped in and got the man who broke my leg before he could get away. Robin even swung me to the hospital! Sparrow didn't say much besides tsking, but he was cool too!
Dick squishes the small amounts of regret for being Interrupted. He glances at the other two before quickly shoving the black book into his pocket. This may give him more answers. They need to see if they can spot that symbol anywhere in the city.
Damian still needs to be discovered in the media. Bruce had decided to keep him hidden in the manor to build a better introduction. Which means they have the perfect candidate to try to get a in at the meetings.
He must close this case before his rapidly developing feelings get in the way.
Drake spots him over Crowne's shoulders. The excitement on his face dies, as he glares at him. Dick hides a wince. Looks like today will be another, "Stay away from my big brother" day from Drake.
"Thank goodness the vigilantes were near you." Crowne gushes, brushing the hair out of Drake's face. He places a kiss on the bruised forehead.
Drake's voice turns hard. " Yeah...almost like they were following me."
Crude. He'll have to warn Jason and Damian to not follow him for a while. Again, he curses that Drake is far too smart for his own good.
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damian-lil-babybat · 1 month
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When I say Damian al Ghul Wayne has almost all the ingredients of a classical Greek Tragedy, it is not an empty claim.
1. Tragic Hero: The hero facing his destiny with dignity. His virtuous character forms a bond with the audience, while his tragic flaw results in the audience’s fear for him, and his terrible punishment reveals a sense of pity.
Damian is the hero of his own story. In his mind, he was given a destiny, a standard to live up to. It came from his grandfather, as Hafid al Ghul, son of the Demon. It came from his mother, as her Alexander, with Talia deluding herself as Olympias. It came from his father, as the son of Batman.
He thought himself perfect on all those role, mighty ones they might be, heavy and overwhelming even, but he persevered in ways that should be impossible and ultimately achieved the pinnacle of a perfect heir for all of them.
2. Tragic Flaw: The human limitations of the hero or an error in judgement leading to the downfall. He attempts to escape from his destiny; however, he unknowingly runs toward it. His attempt leads him to his “damnation”.
But what he thought was perfection, was his downfall. For even if he was designed and raised to be perfect, those roles are fashioned by imperfect mortals. As the son of the Batman, he was all too much of a monster to even be treated as child, let alone a son. As the son of the Demon, he was too soft, kind, and all too human, to sit upon the al Ghul's immortal throne. As the great Alexander, he was deemed as a mere pawn, a victim of circumstance, and not a victor of his own fate.
He was set up for failure before his story even began.
3. Catastrophe: The horrible ending of the play: death, suicide, ruin etc. Upon the truth being revealed about Oedipus’ origin, Queen Jocasta commits suicide by hanging herself, Oedipus stabs his eyes with the pin on Jocasta’s dress and pleads to be exiled from the city.
And just like all tragedies, it ends up in death...so many deaths and sacrifices. Repeat and rinse, the cycle continues with each redeeming arc punctuated by his death or ruin.
And just like Sisyphus, one must imagine him to be happy. For how else could he endure these unending trials?
4. Central Belief of Destiny: The belief of the fact that the actions were preordained by the gods and the flaw was inevitable. Even though Oedipus attempts to flee from his preordained destiny, the belief in inevitable destiny becomes the reason for his destruction.
How else could he keep harking on to his destiny? Desperately clinging to it like a promise gold once he touched it like Midas' cursed hands? But no, everything he touches turns to dust, every height he scale would be pushed down reverting him back to his old bare bones of an unwanted worthless child from both side of his parents, even how much he tries to make things right. Every person or thing he treasured is another ammunition for plot purposes to make him more tragic than he already was.
Damian had tried to flee before, but fate always brings him back. Because Batman needs a Robin. But Bruce already has a Robin, doesn't he? Because Damian needs to be Robin? Just cause, who would he be then? When all those titles he earned has been discarded and thrashed in the light of Batman's justice?
And the only one title he could be proud of is always threatened to be taken away if he just as much cross an invisible line that keep on changing depending on whims of the doomed narrative.
5. The Chorus: Approximately twelve masked men, forming a specific group, make comments on the ongoing play by singing and dancing.
Due to its form of media, Damian has no twelve singing and dancing masked men. XD
BUT If I have a say on this, I'll give Damian his own set of bardic troupe narrating his life story, and maybe somehow DC writers would finally admit he was loved and wanted, and was never alone and actually have family, companions and friends along the way!
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AND THAT IS WHY it makes more sense for writers to like and, or dare I say, even love Damian's character.
A lot of great fanfictioners in AO3 actually root for this little guy. So it's nice ✌️
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Here's a cursed ship:
Danny Fenton, out of his parent's grasp, now as an adult, goes to explore rumours of some rotten ectoplasm somewhere in some place called Nanda Parbat.
There he meets the one person that came the closest ever to killing him. Her sword was already in his very human chest before he transformed on instinct, barely avoiding a very painful injury that could've threatened his core.
Naturally, what is a guy to do? Fall head over heels, and gift her with a newly purified pool of ectoplasm that can help heal injuries without the Rage and Madness. Maybe gift her a throne of starlight after he deals with her manipulative old bastard father.
Oh, she has a kid from a prior relationship? Well, if she's ok with it, he'll do his best to help her raise him.
The League shift from indiscriminate murder to more Assassin's Creed-like "maintaining Balance" ideals.
Naturally, this confuses the Bats. They come to investigate.
No one was expecting to see Talia al Ghul sitting on a very comfy-looking throne, with an unknown but clearly powerful guy sparring against a small Damian, while the kid looks like he's having the time of his life.
Of course, as soon as their presence is noted, he's at Talias side, holding the tiny kid in his arms as she delivers her speech.
Oh, he's King of the Infinite Realms? Yeah, but this is the Living Realm, so he's going to defer to his Queen.
Talia initially tried plotting to take the Crown from Danny, but Ember and Kitty (who I headcanon both having dated Danny at different points of his life) laugh as if she told them a joke, and Grandpa Clocky takes his new Granddaughter-in-law aside to show her how her betrayal and manipulation would bring about Dan, stopping that plan in it's tracks then and there.
Ellie floats into the room in the middle of their discussion, and to add further confusion for poor Brucie, scoops up Damian and loudly announces she's taking her half-brother out for ice cream (female clone, from a boy's DNA? Yeah, Talia's DNA was exactly what was needed to stabilise her permanently).
Bruce is in a crisis.
Jason is laughing his ass off, now that Danny took the rotten ectoplasm out and put in fresh ecto in it's place, and he can properly appreciate the situation, especially how Danny looks like he could be related to Bruce, so naturally Talia also has a type.
Tim is three seconds away from asking for his spleen back.
Cass is dangling from Danny's shoulders after, in classic Ghost customs, she tried to attack him as an introduction. She's fine being carried like a sac of flour, Jason does that with her, too.
Dick, Duke, Steph and Babs stayed behind to protect Gotham, but Babs is always watching and/or listening, and she's a horrible gossip.
It's also Jason that comes to the horrifying realization that, the reason why Danny is still with Talia, is because Ghost culture is weird enough to be normal for the League, he's a similar type of dumbass as Bruce, without the elaborate revenge plot, AND he's a simp for women who could kill him.
Essentially: Danny is the cute lovable dumbass, who's Into That when his Love Interest has the capacity to easily kill him or snap him in half, if it weren't for the Ghost thing. And Ghost instincts are the kind of feral that Damian vibes with, so Damian likes this random guy Talia found on their doorstep, who's so stupid and yet competent he comes back around to being attractive, and is Commited to his new family.
I have yet to hear a friendly stepdad(?) Danny prompt before and I am loving it
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batnations · 7 months
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recolored panels of classic Talia Al Ghul
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mysterycitrus · 10 months
maybe this is too granular but can anyone explain why that white armour talia al ghul wears sometimes is literally just a mord sith ensemble from the 2008 classic abc series legend of the seeker
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who an earth was a big enough fan of terry goodkind to make this happen
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sreppub · 7 months
Ships to rate:
Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Minhkhoa Khan/Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Dick Grayson/Koriand’r (for my own self-indulgence)
ooomg ok
Talia/Bruce - makes sense and compels me. I know their relationship/Talia's personality has been shown a bunch of different ways, but I quite like when their relationship is genuine. I think it's sweet when Bruce still cares deeply for people he's loved before, even if they're fighting... maybe not if he knew she fucked Jason that one time but like. who's gonna tell him lol
if we elect to remove that from canon, though, I'm into Talia/Bruce making a comeback >:)
Clark/Bruce - makes sense and compels me. Classic, classic ship! They are The Husbands! I have no notes. I like when they're the mom and dad of the superhero world. I like when they don't know each other's secret identities, and also when they do. I literally thought they were so cute I just spontaneously started drawing them one day, knowing NOTHING about anything DC at all, and now we are here (i still know relatively nothing)
Minhkhoa/Bruce - makes sense and doesn't compel me YET.... I just know nothing about minhkhoa lol. My impression from mutuals is they... trained together when they were young? Like, I am into it and i support it i just havent done the research
Clark/Lex - HAHHAHA makes sense and compels the fuck out of me... with a caveat: unfortunately the only Clark and Lex backstories I know well is Smallville, bc I'm obsessed with it. Outside of that, though, I can't comment on their initial dynamic, only that they should act divorced and co-parent Kon. For funsies.
Dick/Kori - makes sense and compels me! Good ship, I think they're cute. My impression of them is the clips of them from random DC animated movies that youtube keeps recommending me...
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wesavegotham · 3 months
"Damian shouldn't be Batman because he was told it's his birthright, so he doesn't deserve it"
...I mean, let's be real nobody is ever going to replace Bruce as Batman, DC will nuke their continuity before that happens so why do people keep asking who will replace him, but also, that is not quite true?
In some stories DAMIAN thinks he's entitled to the cowl, but except for two not main continuity stories by Tom Taylor where Bruce dies (DCeased and Batman One last day: Ra's al Ghul) I really don't recall Bruce ever saying to Damian that he wants or expects him to be Batman after him. Either because he believes he will doom them all (Morrison run), expects him to be a hero who knows how to take care of the stuff Bruce will leave to him, but never says he wants him to be Batman (Batman and Robin 2011), created a cloning machine so nobody but Bruce will need to be Batman (Snyder's Batman run) or because he pretty much forgot/ignored Damian existence (pretty much everything between 2018 and 2021).
And Ra's and (modern, not classic) Talia wanting him to be Batman makes little sense either because they want an heir for the league of assassins to take over because the lazarus pits might stop working for Ra's. Batman is mostly focused on Gotham, their plans are about the world. It wasn't their goal to raise the next protector of Gotham.
In Pre New 52 and then in New 52 continuity Damian wasn't even told who his father was until he was ten.
Thinking he should become the next Batman was Damian's own idea.
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dragonpyre · 5 months
"Writers want you to ask about their AUs--" I'm asking. Tell me about your AUs, dragonpyre. Gib me ze AUs.
American Dragon: Jake Long batfam au
Hear me out
Bruce Wayne is a dragon a la Jake Long on his mothers side. He looks like a classic western style dragon and breathes fire.
Dick is an amphithere type dragon. Two wings, long body and tail, no legs. He doesn't breathe anything but those wings can make some powerful blasts of air.
Tim isn't a dragon. He wishes he was, cuz his last name is Drake. But alas, it is not to be.
Damian is a mixture of eastern and western style dragon. The Al Ghul's are a long line of eastern dragons and Talia courted Bruce in part because of his draconic bloodline. The hope was for Damian to become an even more powerful dragon from their coupling. Who's to say fi that actually worked. He's nine.
Jason though. He's not a born dragon. But he's still a dragon. What happened was once during his time as Robin he got injured pretty badly and needed an emergency blood transfusion. Bruce provided it and his draconic blood mingled enough with Jason somehow that he kind of became a dragon that way. His dragon form looks like a watered down version of Bruce's. He doesn't breath fire per say, but he does shoot violent sparks, like a firecracker.
Cassandra is a pure eastern dragon with six legs, no wings, and the ability to fuck up your shit.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Making this post moreso for mutuals so they don't tag me in Batfam x Atsv posts that have Jason with Hobie as eachother's counterparts and then feel bad when i say i hate that concept but i really need to get it off my chest that i find it REALLY annoying and basic when superhero fans assume they'd be the duo.Yeah,obviously they'd be close friends,but sorry not sorry,if y'all bothered to read Jason's comics or pay any mind to Hobie as a whole instead of just the 'he's a punk dude' bits,you'd know that A)Hobie would think Jason's an absolute cringelord,not look up to him or immediately respect him and Jason'd have to proof himself to him and that B)Jason's Spiderfam bestie wouldn't be anyone other than Miles and same goes for Miles' Batfam bestie not being anyone other than Jason LMFAO.He's literally him when he was Robin so that'd be enough of a reason to instantly like him but on Miles' end Jason's basically Itsv!Peter B Parker with Aaron Davis' alignment so same logic but there's also how Jason's canonically a classical literature nerd and gamer,Miles' an artist and anime fan,they have the same taste in fast/junk food and flirting tactics and their lives both went to shit because the universe said so when they were 15.Also,Talia Al-Ghul and Rio Morales have the same vibe and you can quote me on that and i think if the comics had given Jason a 56 Gwen-adjacent love interest who was afrolatina then a lot of the problems in his writing would be fixed
Speaking of which-Have you guys not noticed how Miles is so good at making people better without even really trying and thus not at the cost of his own arcs or real personality and is instead just an aspect of him?Or how he's been shown as enjoying hanging out with older people,with even Gwen having a year on him?Or how Miles G literally has the Red Hood Era storyline(Sunshine softboy as a kid but turned into a goth asshole to cope with trauma and additional an anti-villain/vigilante/morally gray)?To throw some shade i know for a fact he makes a more fitting best friend and younger sibling for Jason than Roy Harper,Marinette Dupain-Cheng AND Danny Fenton do,the first for reasons i've said already,the last two because he'd never fuck with Bruce Wayne in his life and just knows him as that fakeout furry rich guy his older brother figure roasts sometimes and cons money out of to buy him gifts
And Jason would have someone he can geek out with and relate to for once and have legit reasons to want to turn good again because Miles made him see the good in the world again and at the same time Miles got taught to stop feeling for failing at things he tried his best at and that he can always just try again in different ways but always his own thing and Miles makes Jason feel like a kid again and Jason treats Miles like he's still a kid since HE IS and-Man,you see what i mean?They'd have the most interesting dynamic ever and frankly i think we all deserve to see it instead of 'He was a punk,he was also a punk,can i make it anymore obvious?'BLEHGH!!!!
Also,just cause i want to be able to tag this as Punkflower:
Hobie:Your guy's really hot
Jason:WHAT?!Bruh,Miles' like my brother!
Hobie:Your brother's really hot.And now i got a scooby doo on how there's no blood relation
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