tiny-pun · 11 months
"You know how to clean up a crime scene but not how to wash the fucking dishes ?!?
How is that even possible?! "
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howtokillavampire · 7 months
commenting on fanfics you like is so meaningful to the authors, I literally got an email notification of a comment on a fic I hadn't touched in five years and the comment made me want to revisit it so I went back and revised the existing material and wrote three new chapters and updated for the first time in forever all because someone took a few seconds to comment on the fic
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wait-whos-batman · 8 months
Every time I watch a fight between a superhero and a supervillain I can't help but watch in horror as the property damage reaches exponential heights. Who is paying for the shattered windows and wrecked office buildings? Do all of the civilians have specialty car insurance for being smashed during a climactic fight scene? There are too many questions and absolutely no answers.
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leonard-cold · 6 months
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coldflash-corner · 1 month
Snart was being controlled by his evil dad and Barry's first plan was "pretend to be Snart's boyfriend who is badly pretending to not be Snart's boyfriend, which will help Somehow"
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lukas-dusk · 10 days
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Can I say
Westallen and snart
Steddie and robin
Destiel and everyone
Pepperony and rhodey
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blessyouhawkeye · 10 months
the thing that would be so so good about coldflash is that joe west had to deal with his daughter dating his cop partner and was like surely there can't be anything worse than this. so imagine if his son came to him and was like dad i'm in love. with a criminal well over a decade older than me who has blackmailed me personally semi recently. but daddy i love him.
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qlala · 4 months
do you ever think about how leonard starts out calling barry “barry” even though we frequently see him referring to other characters by their last name because using barry’s first name—his nickname, even—is such an effective way to rub it in his face that he know who barry is, knows about his life and his friends and family
but leonard never actually uses that leverage, he doesn’t even tell lisa, and so “barry” goes from an explicit threat to an empty threat to… barry’s nickname
and leonard can’t just be calling barry by the same nickname that his friends and family use. it sounds too much like he is barry’s friend or family. which he’s not.
and it’s so much more glaring because barry is still calling him “snart” like they’re acquaintances at best, while leonard is locked into calling him “barry” like he thinks they’re BFFs
but obviously he’s far too stubborn to clumsily retreat to “allen” to put them back on even ground, so he pivots to mockingly calling barry “the flash” even to his face, even when they’re alone with the masks off (like in infantino street: he greets him with “hello, flash,” “the flash, a thief?” “the flash should remain a hero”)
but interestingly he’s still “barry” when leonard is asking him to save him from king shark. he’s “barry” when leonard is talking him down from killing in cold blood. leonard is always so intentional about the way he uses barry’s names, it is such an interesting contrast to the way barry used leonard’s
(barry, who, of course, improvised calling leonard “lenny” one time, and two people got shot over it. barry was one of them.)
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Dick has lost all of his hot gingers friends to Jason.
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thefastestqueeralive · 7 months
Something that slides its way into my brain unannounced at least twice a week is Barry’s little head tilt in Going Rogue
You know, the part where he points out Len’s mugshot and Joe gets a face like he’s sucking a lemon. Barry says the name Leonard is almost as bad as Bartholomew, to which Joe responds “Snart ain’t sexy, either”
“I dunno, I kinda like it…”
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Incorrect Coldflash [8/?]
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tiny-pun · 1 month
Villian: Hero, in this life I hope you burn in hell.
Hero: *just raises a brow*
Villian: But in our next life… I promise, I’ll marry you.
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howtokillavampire · 2 months
do you ever see fanart so tasty that you are then obligated to join the fandom and spend all of your waking hours learning the lore behind the characters, or is that not a universal experience?
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krystenreader · 2 months
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Why? Just tell me why are you doing this? Why so cruel? These are my comfort babies! Why did you kill them? And then I am searching for that particular phrase and... BAM! It is gone! Where is that moment keeping me okay?! Where I am asking?! I feel insane like all of these stories were made up in my head and never existed:(((
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leonard-cold · 2 months
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hautecoldture · 4 months
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a lil speedy smooch
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