#colonization society
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Proposed Road Link Would Mean Income of $300,000 Annually to County, Tourist Manager Estimates,” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 2, 1933. Page 2. ---- Details of Proposition Submitted in Simplified Form —Twenty-two Miles of Present Road Need Reconstruction — Anticipate Expense to Be Shared --- No more important project is before the people of the County of Frontenac and the City of Kingston at the present time than that of reconstructing the road which now connects Kingston on Highway No. 2 with Sharbot Lake on Highway No. 7.
Despite the best efforts of the public men of both the county and city to disseminate information about this proposal than is still a great deal of misunderstanding as to what is proposed and how it will be accomplished.
Condition of Road The accompanying map shows very simply just about when the reconstructed road will run. At the present time there is a good surfaced county road from Highway No. 2 at Cataraqui to Piccadilly. From Piccadilly to Godfrey the road is not faced but is passable. The stretch from Godfrey to within a few miles of Tichborne is very very bad. It improves a little as far as Oconto and then is quite bad until it reaches Sharbot Lake. 
It to not proposed to spend one cent on the road from Cataraqui to Piccadilly. That is a good road now. The section from Piccadilly to Sharbot Lake will be reconstructed and relocated as a wide, smooth, gravel, road, the bulk of the work being done on the two particularly bad sections. 
This reconstruction work has not yet been estimated by the Colonization Road Department of the Ontario Government so that no figures are available on the approximate cost of the undertaking. It to known, however, that the section to be reconstructed is twenty-two miles in length and traverses parts of Portland, Hinchinbrooke, Olden and Oso townships. 
It is planned to undertake the work under an agreement with the Ontario Colonization Road Department, which county and city members of the Legislature and others win attempt to secure In the very near future. Hon. Mr. Finlayson, the Cabinet Minister concerned, is fully cognisant of the proposal and to believed to be sympathetic. When the city approached him on the matter last year, however, he intimated that he would have to have some indication from the county residents that the county wanted the work undertaken before he could consider it. Now that indication of county interest has been supplied through the County Council's recognition to vote $25,000 toward the project.
Share Expense The Colonisation Road Department has, in the past, shared with townships dollar for dollar on work undertaken. It is thought by those interested that if the reconstruction of this road were. Undertaken now, it would be possible to have it approved as an unemployment relief project, so that the Federal and Provincial governments would both contribute along with the county and city. Only labor can he charged against unemployment relief, however, so that it would appear that the governments might put up two for one for all labor and the Colonisation Road Deportment might put up dollar for dollar tor the materials necessary. 
The county has gone on record as being willing to vote $25,000 toward the scheme. The 1933 City Council has not committed itself to the project formally but Mayor Hopkins has pleaded himself to it and it is anticipated that the Council will be asked in the near future to go on record formally as favoring the plan.
What Is Need The question is often asked “What necessity to there for this road?” 
There are two answers given to that. The first one to that a good road right through the heart of Frontenac County, connecting Highway No. 2 with Highway No. 7, would mean a tremendous increase in the county's tourist business and thus an increased revenue. The second answer to that it would bring more business to the city of Kingston. At present, resident of Frontenac living only thirty miles or so from Kingston find it more convenient to go to Perth or even Peterboro to shop than to come to Kingston. This to because Highway No. 7 has been completed and provides an excellent route to these other towns and cities. Kingston to the county seat of Frontenac and the logical trading centre, but it will not get the trade unless easy access to provided to it by automobile. 
An estimate of the increase in tourist business through the opening of a road into Northern Frontenac has been made by J. M. Hughes, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, as follows: 
“From the records we have In the Chamber of Commerce, we find that the inquiries from tourists during the past season for places to go to fish in the northern part of the County of Frontenac averaged about 5O cars a week. The average number of persons per car was three, which would be 150 people per week. The season of nine weeks, each person would have to spend at least $10 per week for board and lodging which would amount to $13,500. They would spend at least $7000 per week on extras. It must be remembered that we did not direct all the tourists into the North then would so many who would find their way Into that part of the country who would not necessarily register with us. 
If a good road was built from Picadllly to Sharbot Lake, we venture to say that from our knowledge gained by conversation with hundreds of tourists, the money that would be spent in the north by tourists would run over $300,000 annually. And this amount would increase from year to year. 
“During the month of July 1932, the Government made a check-up of cars passing through Cataraqui. The going Eat and West was 2838 cars per day. It is estimated that, of the number of cars going through dally, one-third would be tourists. 
In our opinion, three hundred of tourists cars could be diverted daily over the proposed road to No. 7 Highway and a great number would no doubt stop at the lakes and spend time fishing or resting and would find ample accommodation along the road. The lakes and fish are there but it absolutely necessary that a road be provided tor the district to get to them In comfort."
Would Supply Work Aside from the two considerations noted above, the building of the road at this time would supply work for men who are out of employment. It is said that there would be sufficient work to look after all the unemployed of the city and county, who were physically fit to do outwork work. The proposal at present is that the men would be put in two week shifts and would board and sleep in huts on the job.  A certain small amount would be deducted for their board and lodgings and the remainder of the remuneration would be in the form of food, orders, rent, orders, etc. No actual cash would be paid out. 
The argument put forward by city spokesmen at various time is that the city is spending $10,000 of its own funds In addition to $20,000 of government funds each month for relief. They claim that if this money were diverted to the road scheme for five months, and the unemployed given work there the city would be paying no more and in addition would be getting a much needed road. 
These spokesmen agree, when discussing the matter that the amount spent on the road would not be sufficient to take care of all Kingston's unemployed. There would be a certain amount of money that would have to be spent on relief in addition. Thus Kingston's relief expenditure would be likely to rise to some extent. They contend, however, that even if the relief expenditure does increase measurably, it is still real economy to go ahead with the road tor the city would then be getting something to show for Its money whereas now there is little or nothing tangible to show for thousands spent on relief, All those, both from the county and city who are interested in furthering the project claim that the road will have to be reconstructed sometime in the not too distant future and there will never be a time when it can be done at less expense to the county and city and to greater advantage to the unemployed of the municipalities.
It will be necessary to get special legislation before money voted for the city of Kingston can be spent outside the city and before money is raised by a general levy on the whole county can be spent entirely on a colonisation road in a few townships. Those favoring the road are confident that such legislation can he secured.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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Been trying to explain this for a while
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elvisqueso · 26 days
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"...Will you go home?" — "Well, it's not like I have much of a home to go back to. I've never really...belonged anywhere."
Pocahontas (1995)
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petrey · 2 years
h/t @JoshuaPHilll on twitter
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lord-squiggletits · 3 months
Part of why I hate this fandom's take on Autobots vs Decepticons is ppl (mainly 'con fans honestly) who can't have any nuance of the situation whatsoever and love to write plots like "oh the humans are racist and abusive towards Cybertronians so this is how Megatron is right" no actually I don't think colonialism/imperialism and racism are justified so long as you can point the finger and say "they were the aggressors first" or "their hands are no cleaner than ours bc their society sucks too" sorry. Please come up with better sociopolitical narratives in your war story.
#squiggposting#i'm too tired to like actually care about this any more#and ppl's fandom takes don't necessarily represent their IRL views#but i'm just like. oh so i see that you want to write mature stories with politics and dealing with bigotry. that's cool!#now do it in a way that actually refutes bigotry and makes some sort of attempt at resolution#bc 'oh humans are just as bad and evil so it's fine if we colonize them' isn't the pro-con take ppl think it is lkdsfjlsdkfs#honestly this is what john barber got right in his story even tho the politics in his became overbearing#at least he's like the one dude who rightfullly pointed out 'uhhh organics have history with cybertronians that makes them very justified#'in not trusting them'#but my mistake is expecting the average 'con fan to disengage from the 'revolution' part to talk about the racism and imperialism lmao#if ppl weren't cowards they would be able to write characters as problematic and bigots and imperialists#but still show their humanity and point out how the cycle of retribution needs to end at some point#and how killing everyone who ever did anything bad (esp for a race as long lived as theirs) isnt a sustainable model of society#that's my PROBLEM man like stop being COWARDS acknowledge that your heroes can be shitty ppl#instead of framing things as good guys vs bad guys and then framing absolution as being only for the good guys#what if good and bad didn't exist and we were all shitty in some way and none of us inherently deserve forgiveness. what then#what if you wrote a story where you had to deal with the reality of rehabilitating ppl who have genuinely done horrible things#what if you wanted to rehabilitate society but realized the majority of ppl in it are monsters. what then?#do you only extend forgiveness and peace to the ppl who got thru with no moral compromises?#do you want to kick the majority/almost all of your race to the curb and give them no mercy/second chances?#what if ppl wrote stories where sociopolitical issues had no good/bad guys and no easy solutions#what if ppl had the courage and ethical fortitude to say 'everyone here sucks actually'#anyways sorry for the rant
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ufonaut · 5 months
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GREEN LANTERN (2023) #13
HAL JORDAN IS THE LATEST CASUALTY OF AMANDA WALLER! De-powered and back on Earth, Hal needs to find a way to get to the new power battery and recharge—but Thaaros has other plans, and now Hal is being hunted by the most dangerous aliens on the planet! PLUS: The secret origin of LORD PREMIERE THAAROS, ruler of the United Planets, is at last revealed!
The issue is written by Jeremy Adams, drawn by Fernando Pasarin with a cover by Ariel Colon. Out July 10th 2024.
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gideonisms · 8 months
Tbh I judge book podcasts by whether they understand what ann leckie is doing with gender in ancillary justice or not
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earthytzipi · 6 months
as much as Zionism is a colonial project (though I tend to take the view as expressed in "Decolonizing Jewishness" re: Zionism as failed decolonization attempt) I think it's extremely reductive to claim that Ashkenormativity is to blame for the colonial nature of the Zionist reality. as more and more people from outside of Jewish spaces are introduced to the concept of Ashkenormativity, "Ashkenazi" is being used as a synonym for white and for colonizer.
this is not the whole picture. first and foremost, a large percentage of Ashkenazim are not white, though of course many of us are. conflating Ashkenazim with whiteness, both inside and outside of the Jewish community, contributes to the erasure of Jewish People of Color. additonally, the first Jews in the western hemisphere, arriving with conquistadors and colonizers, were, in fact, Sephardi. in the US, almost every Jewish person was Sephardi until the second half of the 19th century. Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews have also historically participated in and currently participate in Zionism, including in the settlements. furthermore, when we're talking about Israel's suppression of diasporic culture, a very real phenomenon, we need to discuss how many Ashkenazi cultural elements were also suppressed - including Yiddish and Ashkenazi Hebrew. in fact, Ashkenazim from Europe who wanted to hang onto their diasporic cultures were considered weak and effeminate. this reality should make sense to everyone who is aware of how Holocaust survivors are treated in Israel. in Israeli society, there is contempt for EVERY Jewish culture that is not Israeli, and of course that is compounded and exacerbated by racism for Mizrahi, Ethiopian, Indian, and other Jewish groups of color.
it's not the same dichotomy as the Black vs white dichotomy set up by US/UK/French/Spanish/etc colonization, and the term "Ashkenormativity" being taken out of Jewish contexts and applied to Zionism just makes Ashkenazim a convenient scapegoat for all the evils of Zionism. the main consequence I'm seeing is the idea that Ashkenazim are "fake European Jews" in contrast to the "real Middle Eastern Jews." this idea hurts us all. Jewish people are from every corner of the globe, and every Jewish person is a real Jewish person. I'm asking those of us who are pro-Palestine to tread very carefully when discussing this issue, and maybe retire the use of "Ashkenormativity" when it comes to discussing the racism of Zionism, which Jewish people from every diasporic background can and do participate in. Ashkenormativity refers to the centering of Ashkenazi history and customs when discussing Jewishness, and I'm really concerned that the way I'm seeing it used does not meet that definition and is not helpful (and maybe ends up centering Ashkenazi "evilness" or "Europeanness" while still not discussing Sephardi, Mizrahi, and other Jewish diasporic group's histories at all outside of their interactions with Ashkenazim in Israel). there's a lot of racism Jewish spaces, in Zionism, and in Israeli society, I just think we should call it racism and white supremacy.
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tautozhone · 5 months
can argue to death with me about how age restrictions on youtube are necessary but i will be DAMNED before i say Hinds Hall deserved to be age restricted. average american child on youtube can listen to H*rbu D*rbu (censoring in hopes to avoid algorithm engagement with the song) which is IOF praising genocidal propaganda, and- big fucking shocker- its not age restricted. i’m 100% sure the only reason Hind’s Hall was restricted was to deliberately suppress and avoid the spread of the song.
#tauto talks#i know damn well that it doesn’t matter that it’s songs in different languages shit in arabic is not free from age restrictions just because#it would not take a kid much leg work for someone to find an english translation if they wanted it#pop culture has an inseparable impact on the public perception of so fucking much and it sucks to say but i bet some people hadn’t had#everything delivered in a way that made them care#macklemore has a weird history of social activism in his music i apologize every day for making fun of him in highschool for thrift shop#like his song kevin does a lot to tackle americas overprescription to addiction to jail or death pipeline#it is sympathetic to the experience of an addict in ways a lot of people generally in society are not#this song did a bit to turn perspective to industries at fault and not the individual suffering#so watching hinds hall be age restricted? feels deliberate. as every move of suppression has felt#feeling particularly full of grief and hate today because i graduate soon#i can only think of every writer like me who did not get to see the stage like i will and it aches#stories the world will never see because it removed the chance#it’s almost like the youth of america are some of the most vibrant and opinionated and energetic parts of the population. youth affords time#change spreading like wildfire cannot be put out as fast as it grows#keep burning#free palestine#palestine#gaza genocide#free gaza#eyes on rafah#eyes on sudan#eyes on congo#eyes on darfur#liberate the world#hoping a swift but painful death to colonization
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Settler’s Colony To Be Inspected,” Montreal Star. October 24, 1932. Page 2. ---- Laferte Will See Effects of Back-to-Land Movement ---- When Hon. Hector Leferte, K.C., Provincial Minister of Colonisation, Games and Fisheries make his trip of inspection around the newly established settlement of workless who have gone "back to the land," he will find a good proportion of them completely settled on their new farms with houses built furnished and with their families already resident with them. 
The minister’s tour is scheduled to start from Quebec City on October 29 and is likely to take several days. But on Wednesday, two special trains carrying the wives and children of men who left Montreal four weeks ago will leave this city for the Abitibi and Temiskaming settlements where the families will be reunited. 
In the detachment travelling by C.P.R. to Villa Marie in the Temiskaming country there are some 20 families, comprising altogether between 80 and 90 persons. They will leave from the Windsor station at 10:15 a. m. 
The C.N.R. transporting another batch of families for the Abitibi country in a special train leaving the Bonaventure station at 8 pm on Wednesday.
These first families to rejoin the rather and sons who left Montreal a month ago are going to home which have been built co-cooperatively by the groups of settlers. Other homes are now in process of construction and some 50 more families are waiting in Montreal for word which will tell them that their new homes are completed and waiting for them.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 3 months
every time i see someone claim the ancients were a magical indigenous utopia to aspire to (with 'a few little problems'), and any criticism of them as a society is apologia for native genocide, i clutch my head in agony. never change, twitter
#FF tag#ffxivtag#racism cw#anti-indigenous racism cw#there's just. there's so much. there's So Much#there's so much here that is just utterly balls out offensive in just. every direction and is in fact! incredibly anti-indigenous!#every time i start trying to summarize even one of them it turns into a massive tag rant!#tl;dr of about half of it is that if they *were* meant to be interpreted as indigenous; in the sense that it is applied to irl cultures#that's not heartwarming poignant representation; or even a depiction the narrative should be criticized for drawing its conclusions about#that's 'hey what the fuck are these parameters you've built into this world/magic system/society/etc re: the victims'#'the premise this setup is based on is already fucked; no matter what statement you have to make about it'#spoiler alert: 'indigenous genocide victims did it to themselves with no outside involvement'#and 'indigenous people want to reclaim land; culture; and government from colonizers by violently wiping out Our Way of Life'#'and that is in fact the *only* way for them to do so. it's flat out impossible for things to go otherwise. it's us or them'#would be INCREDIBLY offensive tropes even before you get into everything else being implied by this metaphor#which again there is SO MUCH don't get me started. i keep having to restrain myself because i know there is not enough room in the tags#but oh my god. anyway i keep getting jumpscared by this take on other sites and i phase out of my body every time#It's Bad#the salt files#the crit files#warning: worm grass
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castielsprostate · 2 months
so cute seeing usamericans make fun of the uk riots or european "meltdowns" when it's quite literally their country's fault that there are so many refugees and immigrants fleeing their home countries seeking asylum in the eu and uk
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Just for fun...
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There's a weird Noble Savage idealism which verges on a fetish, a perception that primitive peoples were all peaceful and harmonious... until European people came along.
But it isn't true. Look at your likelihood of dying a violent death in tribal societies.
The long history of Aboriginal violence — Part II
TRIBAL warfare and paybacks were endemic. In "Journey to Horseshoe Bend", anthropologist T.G.H. Strehlow described a black-on-black massacre in 1875 in the Finke River area of Central Australia, triggered by a perceived sacrilege:
"The warriors turned their murderous attention to the women and older children and either clubbed or speared them to death. Finally, according to the grim custom of warriors and avengers they broke the limbs of the infants, leaving them to die ‘natural deaths’. The final number of the dead could well have reached the high figure of 80 to 100 men, women and children."
Revenge killings by the victims’ clan involved more than 60 people, with the two exchanges accounting for about 20% of members of the two clans. (When Pauline Hanson, then member for Oxley, quoted this account in 1996, an Aboriginal woman elder replied, "Mrs Hanson should receive a traditional Urgarapul punishment: having her hands and feet crippled.")
Escaped convict William Buckley, who lived for three decades with tribes around Port Phillip, recounted constant raids, ambushes, and small battles, typically involving one to three fatalities. He noted the Watouronga of Geelong in night raids ‘destroyed without mercy men, women and children.’
Historian Geoff Blainey concluded that annual death rates from North-East Arnhem Land and Port Philip, were comparable with countries involved in the two world wars, although Blainey’s estimate could be somewhat on the high side.
Other black-on-black massacres include accounts from anthropologist Bill Stanner of an entire camp massacre, an Aurukun massacre in the early 20th century, Strehlow’s account of the wiping out of the Plenty River local group of Udebatara in Central Australia, and the killing of a large group of men, women and children near Mt Eba, also in Central Australia.
Strehlow’s wife Kathleen Strehlow wrote:
“It would be no exaggeration to say that the system worked as one of sheer terror in the days before the white man came. This terror was instilled from earliest childhood and continued unabated through life until the extremity of old age seemed to guarantee some immunity from the attentions of blood avenger or sorcerer alike for wrongs real or imaginary…children were not exempted from capital punishment for persistent offences against the old tribal code.”
The Murngin (now Yolngu) in NE Arnhem Land during 1920s practiced a deadly warfare that placed it among the world’s most lethal societies. The then-rate for homicides of 330 per 100,000 (which Jarrett suggests could be grossly under-estimated) was 15 times the 2006-07 "very remote national Indigenous rate" of 22, and 300 times the 2006-7 national non-Indigenous rate. That Murngin rate was worse than in Mexico’s present Ciudad Juarez drug capital (300 homicides per 100,000), and more than three times worse than the worst national current rate (Honduras).
And they didn't even have to kill.
Hawaii Tahitian Takeover
Around 1000 A.D., Tahitians from the islands of Ra’iatea, Bora Bora, and Huahine arrived in Hawaii. With their larger statures, they easily overpowered the islands’ inhabitants, descendants of Polynesian settlers that had arrived several hundred years prior.
Although the Tahitians didn’t slaughter the natives, they reduced them to commoners, calling them menehune (an insult meaning “people of small status”) and imposed their own political system and customs on them.
The people who are purported to be Hawaii's "indigenous" or "first nations" or "first peoples" aren't. They're invaders, colonizers and occupiers who arrived second, subjugated the people who were already there and made them second-class citizens.
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andresmounts2 · 3 months
If you call people immigrating to other countries to better their lives "illegals" or "aliens" I wish the absolute worst on you.
You're most likely living on land that was stolen from indigenous people. If anything, your ancestors were the "illegals" and "aliens".
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roach-works · 1 year
as a fan of the space race and the large financial black hole of musks pockets that is space X I am deeply saddened to know that I wont get any more funny haha penis rocket explosions for the next year as elons famous "rapid unscheduled dissasembly" rockets are taken of the market
elons' rockets have been environmental disasters for the land, animals, and people that the toxic chunks rain down on, and his money has been made through deeply unethical financial exploitation over a lot of markets that were made measurably worse by his participation.
also, a shit ton of the funding is from the american military industrial complex, because they want to use the technology to make better drones and missiles to kill more people more often. even if everything actually went to plan and he was able to get people to mars alive, the mars settlement project will involve generations of indentured service workers dying of radiation poisoning in sealed little bunkers on another planet while rich tourists fuck around for funsies.
it's extremely funny that the rockets go boom, but the best case scenario is he never gets to fire another one ever, dies very soon, and his assets are chopped up by competitors who never again recreate any of his work.
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