#critic thomas
shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
A reminder:
Robins: Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, Damian
Batboys: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke
Batkids: Dick, Barbara, Jason, Tim, Cass, Steph, Damian, Duke
Batsiblings: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass, Duke
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muirann · 2 months
all comic fans know how to do is: develop superiority complexes based on their personal perceptions of a character, eat hot chip, and lie
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t4t-apexeclipse · 17 days
let’s go into detail about what’s going on with thomas sanders and brei grace, because i refuse to let him and the community sweep this under the rug:
thomas severely underpaid brei grace for her work on roleslaying with roman
thomas then laid brei off after creating a work environment that was bad enough to make her not want to return
thomas made a post “announcing” that rswr would be on “an indefinite hiatus”. but it was only available on his patreon (im not a patron so i can’t link the post or show a screenshot, but if i find a screenshot i will edit it into this post)
to amend the above point: i had seen many people saying there was a patreon post that touched on the subject of brei being laid off and rswr taking a hiatus, but in actuality, according to a patron, thomas mentioned the matter in a patreon livestream, not a full blown post. i apologize for the misinformation
just days later, thomas makes a tweet about his merch sale, and most (if not ALL) his current merch was designed by brei, who will not see a penny in royalties, and this is apparently a regular thing with thomas
finally, an entire week after the patreon “announcement” and brei being laid off, thomas says this on the youtube community page (among other things, but this is what im focusing on):
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and brei has to clarify that she was laid off
i want to point out the phrase “brei is currently not part of our team” and how thomas fails to acknowledge that HE is responsible for that. HE laid her off. and like a cowardly snake, he’s hiding behind vague corporate speak because he doesn’t want to admit the truth
unfortunately for him, the truth is out there
i know i sound really serious and dramatic and yall are probably not even taking me seriously and you have your pitchforks at the ready, but guess what? i couldn’t care less. i mean this IS serious, which is why im taking it seriously. but at the end of the day im just informing the community of what i know. what you do with that information is up to you
im not “cancelling” thomas, or trying to start a witch hunt, im just so sick of everyone pretending thomas is a perfect harmless little angel who can do no wrong. cos guess what? he HAS done wrong. he’s done wrong by brei. but everyone is so busy sucking up to him that they don’t seem to care that brei is suffering because of him
and this isn’t the first time he’s done wrong by an artist, either (let’s never forget the mad libs incident)
to summarize: thomas doesn’t make it a habit of properly compensating the artists he hires, he makes their experiences a living hell, and then he lies through his teeth about it
like i said, do with this information what you will, but i don’t know how thomas sleeps at night
(oh, and if you plan on harassing me over this post, im literally just gonna block you lmao don’t waste your energy)
hope everyone has a nice weekend (except for thomas tbh)
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nightwingcomplex · 3 days
What a fucking fandom, huh!
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(etc, etc, etc)
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givemeureyes · 2 years
just once i would like to see one of those typical batman almost dying scenes where he comes super close to death and then last second his brain is like “no! gotham needs you” and then he survives with the power of whatever the fuck but instead of “gotham needs you” it’s “your children need you”
like yeah gotham is your city to protect or whatever that’s fine and fun but where’s the like… “you have kids at home bruce”
where is it dc
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darlingod · 8 months
When someone criticizes a book or character that I love:
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star--anon · 1 month
Minho soaks his entire Oreo cookie by dunking his fingers into his cup of milk
Newt gets a plate -- a plate???? -- and pours a shallow puddle of milk, then drops in his Oreo and flips it around the same way you'd sear steak
Thomas sticks the Oreo in his mouth and then takes a sip of milk
They all think they're normal, and they are all disgusted by the other two's behavior
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whereisstevethestove · 4 months
When that sanders sides hiatus be so long c!thomas changes the layout of his entire apartment
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casey-complains · 6 months
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sanders sides....
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rozunderpressure · 2 months
TBH what I really hate about the way Thomas Astruc speaks about MLB is the fact he sounds like a fanfic writer who is dedicated to canon compliance AND NOT as the person who WRITES THE ACTUAL SHOW!
It makes sense for a very canon compliant fanfic author to be very on top of it about keeping character consistency, they want to be loyal to the original, they don't want to rock the boat too much, when you're the person WRITING THE STORY you can do anything you want! Does a character realistic WOULDN'T CHANGE? Well, sir, good news: You are in charge of reality! You can alter literally ALL the circumstances around them! With the magic of writing, you change the world--
Literally-- Like, literally the whole world
Just admit you don't want to...
Why not say: "This character won't change because I PREFER the way it is, its better for the story *I* want to tell, and this is MY story to tell!" because, you know what? It IS YOUR story, IT IS yours to tell! That is fine!
Several writers got flack for the choices they made with their characters (specially the endings tbh)! Louisa May Alcott, K.A. Applegate, (sometimes by accident, like in Douglas Adam's case, whose last Hitchhiker's book was a real downer, even he admitted he was depressed when he wrote it, but he sadly passed away before he could write another one) even Joane KR, all of them did things to their stories the fans did NOT LIKE, from redeeming people the fans felt did not deserve it, to giving sad endings to certain characters, to not giving them their seemingly obvious ship, but they OWNED IT!
Just say it... Just say you don't want to do it, its okay
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
'Incest is inherently complex and mature storytelling' always sends me and so does the historical significance of it as 'proof' it is.Ancient Greece is thee pedestary era because misogyny was so strong men would rather be incestous pedophiles than date women,incest as gay culture is almost ENTIERLY a white westerner thing and is frowned upon like everywhere due to the studies that proved it's familial abuse with no posibility of consent on both sides and sometimes even neither,'family members being ultra intimate/intense if they're the same gender is coded incest' is literal Gay Panic propaganda,m/f incest is always just dudebro fantasies that violently misogynizes the girl in it,a lot of incest shippers and incestplayers are simply only children and therefore don't really understand sibling dynamics OR middle/high schoolers who were exposed to incest shipping online through their fandoms and think they're smartypants edgelords that understand REAL drama only they're tragically just grooming victims and i could go on!It's not 'discrimination' to be anti-incest even in fiction and the bedroom,it's having a brain and care for other people!There's countless ways to tell a dark and even bleak story without involving positively potrayed incest,ESPECIALLY if it's just for porn and it's no longer just a private bedroom thing when you blog about it in PUBLIC tags that ANYONE can find and the social media account creation age is 13,NOT 18+ so watch yourselves.Curation of your experience applies to you too and ageism applies to the minors you bully for being triggered over incest more than it does you seeing as you actually have power over them,online AND systematically.Kill the cop in your head-They don't think incest is actually bad either and that's why black people invented acab
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prodigal-explorer · 4 months
friendly reminder to the sanders sides fandom that patton knows just as much about sex and curse words and other impure things as the other sides.
like he definitely knows where fucking babies come from. there’s no way he couldn’t because he is connected to thomas and thomas knows where babies come from.
patton was in thomas’ mind when thomas was in health class or with his parents and learning about that stuff.
patton is not some innocent little baby who magically knows nothing about every impure thing he’s literally just pretending because a huge part of what he does for thomas is censor the “bad” stuff. he censors thomas’ thoughts because he wants thomas to have a “pure” state of mind. so of course he acts innocent so that the other sides stop talking about it and so viewers who maybe don’t know these things don’t get to learn. (and so he can seem more pure and innocent to the viewers and to thomas-)
i’m just so sick of seeing like incorrect quotes where the only punchline is “patton is just an innocent baby who doesn’t understand sex 🥺” like PACK IT UPPPP he’s a fucking GROWN ASS ADULT.
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thottybrucewayne · 10 months
I hate the way Black characters are treated in comics, but it's leagues better than whatever the fuck yall got going in in fanon. Duke Thomas isn't even a character to yall, he's an accessory to your fave batboy at best and background set dressing so people don't accuse you of being antiblack at worst. "Oh, he's such a new character-" His first appearance was in 2013. Be fucking for real. And again, it's not like yall could use that as an excuse anyway cause half of yall don't read comics in the first place so...what's really the issue here? Right.
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polin-erospsyche · 3 months
I know it’s not the point but also this shot has me dying in laughter
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Baby Thomas Elliot Bridgerton, Lord Featherington, just looks so unimpressed by his mama’s writing. This baby has just been born and already he’s a literary critic and thinks he can do so much better. He’s going to cause so much mayhem of his own one day to which Pen will just sigh inwardly, wondering what they’ve put out there in the world and Colin will just stand there all proud thinking “that’s my son” 😂
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star--anon · 3 months
it is so important to me that Minho gains body fat in Safe Haven
Thomas is ecstatic, taking every opportunity he can to coo at and squish Minho's belly
His boyfriend is eating, his boyfriend isn't running himself to the ground, his boyfriend doesn't need to be in peak physical condition for survival, his boyfriend can relax.
It breaks Minho's confidence as he watches his body grow, quite literally, softer. It's such a crime to him because there's no room in the Glade for softness.
but Thomas doesn't care, this isn't the Glade, and he looks so happy whenever Minho lifts his shirt that Minho can't help but smile back.
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moldy-lemons · 11 months
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sigh. can’t believe i ever liked this man, honestly.
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