#cure spells always look so soothing
gummi-ships · 4 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Curaga
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tragedybunny · 8 months
Something Like Love - Astarion x F!Reader
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Astarion has failed to seduce you, but even so, a bond has begun to grow between the two of you. It all comes to a head when Astarion almost loses you.
You infuriated Astarion. At first it was because stopping to help every person you happened upon was delaying dealing with his problems. Now that you had been traveling together for some time, not only were these little side adventures a delay, but you didn’t seem to be careful about how much they took out of you and how tired they left you. Even your other companions didn’t seem to care, letting you agree to solve every problem that you came upon and even adding to the pile.
But not him. Astarion was always right there at your side with a glare and a snapping refusal, which you’d usually brush off, but at least he tried. The rest of them just smiled and nodded, without noticing the circles under your eyes, or how slow you moved some mornings, or how thin you’d gotten. Protector wasn’t a position he normally found himself in, but you were different, you were kind to him, without expecting anything in return, as far as he could tell anyway. The two of you hadn’t even slept together, not for lack of trying on his part. The couple times he’d tried you firmly refused, and yet somehow you stayed kind to him, even still offering him your blood. In fact you didn’t seem to want anyone in camp. That was also exasperating. How could he expect your continued kindness, and protection which he desperately needed, without repayment? And what was he better at than sex?
So he resolved he’d give you whatever small gestures he could. Whenever you tore an item of clothing, he’d mend it at first chance. When the group made camp for the night, he always made sure your tent was up first, in whatever spot you wanted, and helped you pack when it was time to move on. Every battle, he stood at the backline with you while you cast spells, aiming arrows at anyone who got too close to you, his first priority keeping you safe. And he still tried to keep you from overextending yourself, despite no one ever listening to him. Which had led to the shouting match with Halsin earlier. Well it wasn’t really a shouting match, the Druid had remained frustratingly placid in the face of Astarion’s blustering. He’d already been vocally unhappy about looking for this Thaniel or whatever, but you’d found him, and still Halsin asked more. “We need to worry about Thorm, we don’t have time to keep bothering with this!”
“Curing the land could help break Thorm’s hold. I know you all don’t owe it to me.” Gods why did he ask like that, all humble and dissembling. You would cave to that for sure,
“You’re right, we don’t.”
“Hells, can’t you see how much all of this is taking out of her!” Astarion had exploded, voice loud enough that some of your other companions jumped.
“It’s fine Astarion,” you’d gently placed a hand on his arm, “let’s finish this.”
With a frustrated growl, he’d yanked his arm away, regretting the hurt on your face. “Fine.”
That all led to this moment, you’d fended off the creatures summoned by the corrupted spirit, and Astarion watches as you calmly approach it. Speaking softly, your words soothe it, and he could see it starting to trust you. As always, you amaze him with your ability to solve things with your words, but he feels a twinge of something else, a want for something like those kind words that fell from your lips so easily. The spirit vanishes and Astarion finally feels a bit of relief it seems over. That is until your knees give way and you collapse to the jagged paving stones beneath you.
He's at your side instantly, a scream tearing itself from his throat. “Somebody fucking help her.”
Shadowheart js the first to respond, hands peeling away the light armor you wear, revealing gashes left by one of those shadow creatures that had gotten close. Teeth bite down into his lip to hold back a sob, he hadn’t even noticed, he’d failed the one duty he had. That ire finds a new target easy enough though, as Halsin attempts to join Shadowheart in tending to you. He’s barely started to kneel next to you when Astarion lunges, hissing and fangs flashing. “No you stay the fuck away from her, this is your fault!” For a second his face falls with guilt, but Astarion is in no state for empathy, all blame now on the Druid in his mind.
Hands fight to grab hold of him, to get close enough to tear his thick throat out. A pair of strong arms wraps around his waist, pulling him back from his murderous goal. “Easy Fangs, she’ll be alright,” Karlach tries to reassure him.
He struggles against her iron hold, still flinging curses and furious words. “That’s not the point, this shouldn’t have happened. But no one wanted to listen to me, none of you selfish idiots care when you’re asking too much!”
That was it, they’d all turn on him now, especially without you aware enough to defend him. To his surprise, Karlach just holds him slightly tighter, and keeps whispering that it was going to be fine. Wyll comes over to lay a hand on his shoulder, face stoic. "Shadowheart has this.”
At least Halsin has stepped back, expression troubled. Good, let him suffer. A spell glows in Shadowheart’s hands, suturing back together your skin, and your eyes flutter open, hazy and unfocused, for a moment before closing again. Karlach wisely releases him, leaving him free to hover over you and ward off Halsin as he takes a hesitant step toward you. He’d be damned if anyone else was carrying you, the lot of them were untrustworthy. Reverently, he leans down, taking you in his arms, and lifting you from the ground. Gods, you were so small, there was almost nothing to you. How did you seem so imposing most of the time?
Silently, the group makes it’s way back to camp, Astarion holding tightly to you the whole way. When they reach the cluster of tents, he goes straight to yours to lay you down gently in your blankets. Turning back to the rest of the party he snarls in their direction. "All of you better stay the hells out of this tent until she's properly healed," he snaps the tent flap shut and wishes he had a door to slam on their faces.
Sitting down next to you, he pulls your hand into his and tried to forget about the stinging in his eyes. "You're going to be alright Darling. You have to be."
For hours he sits there, hand holding yours, waiting, watching your chest rise and fall, the reassurance he hadn’t lost you. Losing you, he can’t even fathom it. His protector, companion, he'd even go so far as to say friend. Even if you didn't notice how he was always at your side whenever you stayed up to launder your clothes, or how you never took a turn to cook alone, or how he was always walking right next to you on the road.
You sigh in your sleep and he feels a tug in that place that sometimes wonders if you could be more than friends. Which was stupid, you hadn't even wanted sex with him. Besides, what you already gave him was more than he deserved considering what he had been planning after sleeping with you.
Finally, exhausted, he drifts into meditation, still holding onto you, until your sleep heavy voice pulls him out of it. "Astarion?"
His eyes are wide immediately and without a second thought, he throws himself into your arms, nuzzling into your neck. "You're awake." Then he starts crying like an idiot; ugly, undignified sobs against your skin. "I was worried," he tries to explain leaping on you and his ridiculous tears.
"I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you." You put your arms around him, accepting him without question, like always.
"You silly, silly girl, you were the one that almost died. Don't apologize to me." He's trying desperately to stop bawling uncontrollably.
"I know, but I don't like to see you upset." Ever so lightly, he can feel your hand brushing through his hair.
"Why," he's managed to get himself somewhat under control, but doesn't move from where you've let him lay. "Why are you like this? Always giving, even when it's too much for you?"
You hesitate for a moment. "Because I care about you."
"You do," he asks, unwilling to let himself believe what he's heard.
"Well, I care about everyone," of course he should've realized, "but I care about you a very great deal, Astarion."
Astarion freezes, the words leaving warmth in that secret place inside that he's been trying to keep from himself and you. "I don't understand."
"I see you. I see how hard you try and how far you've come, and how much you try to do for me." There's a smile in your voice and impossibly he thinks it has something to do with him.
"Why didn't you say anything?" His hand searches yours out and your fingers interwine.
"I didn't think you were ready to hear it. But today it was almost too late to tell you." You've placed both of your hands over your chest and he can feel your heartbeat.
"I…I don't know how I feel." Inwardly, he quails, worried that will drive you. "But this is nice."
"It's alright Astarion, there's no rush to this." Impulsively, he leans up to leave a feather light kiss on your cheek, grateful for you in ways he can't understand.
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gurugirl · 6 months
Nympho | poly!nympho!harry
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Summary: Y/n is a nymphomaniac who just loves people. One day she happens upon a "harem" arrangement that seems perfect for her and her insatiable appetite. Loosely based on this Tumblr request.
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: This has already been released on my Patreon. This is the first part of an au that follows Y/n as she explores a new kind of relationship with 9 other females and Harry. All subsequent parts will only be posted on Patreon.
Warning: 18+ only, smut, voyeurism (consented), exhibitionism, multiple partners
Y/n had a problem on her hands. A problem few knew about. In fact, so few people knew of her problem that it was limited to only herself and her therapist. And one accidental drunken confession to a stranger at a bar.
She was what the medical world called someone with compulsive sexual behavior. In other words, a nymphomaniac.
She laughed when her therapist told her the opinion. Hypersexuality. Nymphomania.
Y/n always thought she was more just a young woman with a high libido. A libido no one could match. No one she’d met anyway. She couldn't keep a boyfriend or girlfriend long enough because they couldn’t meet her needs. Sexually.
She just really needed it all the time.
And of course, there’s not a cure for such a thing. Therapy, antidepressants maybe (she had no interest in this route), meditation…
Her Google searches on ways to soothe herself in between dry spells or times when she was purposely trying to “detox” only rendered stupid articles and based medical opinions.
So instead of trying to deny herself of her natural urges she went down a rabbit hole on the internet and found that there were plenty of others just like herself.
She wound up coming across a private members-only forum where people could vent about their frustrations and even meet up with others to sate their desires. Not everyone on the forum was a nymphomaniac like herself. Some were seeking particular relationships. There were those looking for a third. One was seeking a partner to slap them across the face. But there was a section for those with high libidos and nymphomaniacs.
The problem with some on that forum was that they were married and looking for something discreet to have on the side. In other words, they were looking to cheat. Y/n wasn’t interested in that. She didn’t want to hurt anyone or sneak around that way.
She was a silent observer for a while. Reading posts and learning all about the way people dealt with their own problems.
The Meet & Greet section of the forum was interesting. Most of the posts were private, invite-only, or by request-only so she wasn't able to see all of them. But she came across a sort of invitation.
Seeking open-minded females to join my household. Open and loving relationships only. Poly. Inquire for more information. No judgment.
She knew she was probably polyamorous. She liked multiple partners and would grow close to anyone she had sex with but also had no issues knowing her partners had sex with others.
So she clicked the ad, filled out the short informational survey and included a photo of herself (her cutest), requested to join the conversation, and waited until she was approved.
A response came back within only minutes.
She learned that the man who placed the ad was wealthy and living with many women in a kind of poly arrangement. Living in his mansion (pictures of his estate included) with him were 9 women. They all shared one another sexually and emotionally. All the sex one could want while also being financially taken care of.
She received a picture of Harry and each of the 9 women.
It seemed almost too good to be true. But she couldn’t pass up the chance to meet with them and find out more.
.           .           .
She’d busted her ass at work that day. She worked at a bakery so her mornings were early. And Saturday mornings were the most grueling. The line out of the shop by 10 am was usually 20 people deep. And that day was no different.
The nice part about working at a bakery was that she was usually off work by 1 pm. On Saturdays sometimes they sold out by noon.
She showered and threw on a dress and dried her hair before rushing to pour her coffee into a travel mug and set Harry’s address into her phone as she jumped into her car.
He told her that there was no rush to meet him by 3 but she hated being late. She was also quite anxious to meet everyone. To see what the setup was and find out if it was legit.
She did google the man of course. He was extremely wealthy and attractive. Did some charity work. There wasn’t too much about him. But he seemed to be credible.
When she arrived at the destination she was floored. She stopped her car in front of the tall gates and gawked at the details along the iron and stone. She couldn’t see beyond the gate but suddenly they began to slowly open up. The long driveway stretched into the property lined with trees and lovely landscaped shrubs with a fountain or two but when the trees parted and the drive wound into a circle in front of the home it was like something out of a movie.
She couldn’t even count the levels of the place. 3? 4 or maybe 5? It was difficult to tell from her little car.
She pulled the break lever and parked before getting out and staring up at the details on the façade of the mansion.
“Hi! Y/n?” A woman at the door greeted her with a smile as she descended the steps.
“Hi! Yes, I’m Y/n,” she waved and held her hand out to shake but the woman, who smelled like vanilla and amber pulled her in for a hug.
“I’m Chanel. We hope you feel comfortable here. Harry’s just inside,” she gestured toward the house and led Y/n up the steps and into the impressive entry with a double staircase, high ceilings, and marble floors. The place was immaculate.
Chanel took Y/n’s hand and guided her to another room where there were a few women, scantily clad and laughing, and then the man, who she was positive was Harry.
His light green eyes, wide grin, and dimples were gorgeous.
“Y/n,” he put his arms out toward her, “It’s so nice to finally see you in person,” he hugged her and kissed her cheek sweetly.
She was already feeling all the love from everyone. The other women that were in the room all hugged her and greeted her as well.
Harry showed her a few areas of the house as he gave her a rundown of how things worked.
“We all love and respect one another. No one in this house is off limits to anyone unless someone is having a day where they need to be alone but that’s rare. Everyone here likes sex a lot. We do things in the open here. Sometimes in private. I like to watch the girls playing and they enjoy watching me as well. We don’t like a lot of secrets here when it comes to sex.”
Y/n nodded and tried to imagine what that might look like. It sounded like a hot fantasy that only happened in porn.
“For example, this morning I had three of my lovers in bed with me and I woke up horny, as I always do and the one closest to me got my cock while the other two got off watching us. The other girls were in their rooms doing nasty things to one another as well,” he looked at her and grinned, “That’s kind of how things go here. Sex after dinner, before dinner. Right on the kitchen counter as someone is making dinner next to us.”
“Wow. That sounds incredible. Like a dream.” She said as she looked at his huge kitchen and two girls followed behind them.
“Would you like to see it in action? Right now Alana and Sasha are fucking in the TV room. I was just watching them before you arrived and I’m sure they’re still going at it. Up to you.”
She nodded. Everything about this situation felt like something she could quickly settle into. She’d love to have her days filled with sex and watching others and exploring.
Harry put his arm over Y/n’s shoulder and nudged her closer, “Don’t be shy,” he whispered as he walked them toward the TV room. Y/n could hear the girls moaning and the soft slick sounds that came with sex.
“Alana has the black hair, and Sasha is the one with the collar,” Harry explained.
Alana was on all fours as was Sasha who was eating her out from behind. Sasha was also using a dildo on herself as she steadied her body with one hand, face stuffed into Alana’s pussy and working the dildo in and out.
Alana turned to see Y/n and Harry and her lips were parted, “H… Hi…” she panted and then swayed her hips over Sasha’s face.
Y/n brought her hand up to wave, “Hi.”
She’d never been in a situation quite like this. She’d participated in sex parties, orgies, and the like, but to be part of a household where everyone has access to one another all day was a new concept.
“No one that lives here works. That’s another rule. No working. We all need to have access at all times, unless, like I said someone needs some space or a day alone. But really, this just means I don’t want anyone under my care to worry about money or stress about a job. I take care of everything.”
She looked from Harry back to the girls who were enjoying themselves in front of everyone. It was making her horny. Well, she was always horny, but seeing soft curves and breasts, and hearing their gasps and groans of ecstasy was making her panties wet.
She both loathed and loved her condition. Loathed it when she wasn’t in a spot to take care of herself. Loved it when she was.
“So it’s you and 9 women here right now?”
Harry nodded and put his hand on the back of her neck, gently squeezing, “That’s right. I’m open to as many as fit into our lifestyle here. I have sex with each girl every day. Sometimes all of us participate together. Some days I want to have sex with one of them a few times. Depends on the day.”
Y/n looked up at the man. His jawline was sharp. She was already hot and feeling achy and he was so attractive and looked so yummy to her. In fact, everyone she’d seen so far looked quite appealing. She’d be happy if Chanel who was just to her right had her way with her.
“No one ever gets jealous?” Y/n inquired.
Harry shook his head, “No. if jealousy does arise, this may not be the right situation. I have had some partners in the past who were invited but wound up not being able to handle it. And that’s okay. They didn’t know that they’d feel so jealous so we parted ways.”
She nodded and licked her lips as she set her gaze on the wet dildo that was being moved in and out of Sasha’s pussy.
“How does this all make you feel right now?” Harry asked.
“It sounds amazing. And I’m really turned on seeing this.”
“Yeah? Me too. Your survey said you were a nymphomaniac so you must be quite ready for a good fucking about right now. It’s up to you if you like this setup but I would like to bring you to my room and give you a preview of what you could expect.”
Y/n looked up at Harry and she could see his pupils were blown out and his lips were dark pink. She swallowed and nodded, “Yeah. That would be fun. I don’t mind if anyone watches, though. I’m very open.”
Harry licked his lips and drew his gaze over her face, “Then I’ll leave my bedroom door open.”
She followed Harry up the stairs and to his large bedroom. But as they passed the other rooms, she noted all the bedrooms were large. Huge in fact. Lots of toys and contraptions set up.
But Harry’s room was tame compared to some of the other spaces. His bed was massive and he did have cuff bars at the head of his bed as well as a bar that hung from his ceiling.
She felt someone behind her touch her shoulder, “Can I help you out of your dress?”
She turned to the woman and smiled as she nodded, “Sure. What’s your name?”
The woman took the bottom hem of Y/n’s dress and began to lift it, “Carrie. You’re beautiful, Y/n. Thank you for letting me see you.”
When her dress was off, Carrie lay it over a chair so it didn’t wrinkle and Harry stood before Y/n with his shirt off and all his tattoos that she had no idea existed were on display. Dark scatterings of tattoos in different styles. His left arm littered in them.
But even more impressive was his body. Well-toned, muscular, lean. Harry moved his hands behind her back and unhooked her bra like an expert as he kissed her neck. She could feel puffs of his warm breath against her skin as she closed her eyes and stretched her neck out for his access as she placed her hands on his shoulders. He lowered his mouth to her clavicle and then to her breasts when she felt his fingers in the band of her panties to pull them off her legs. He pressed his mouth to her tummy and once her panties were on the floor around her ankles he pulled her to his bed, “How do you want it, Y/n? What do you like?” He began to take his pants off as he asked her and she scooted into the bed.
“God I like so many things. Let me suck you off first. It’s gonna make me drip and then I want to be fucked.”
Harry watched her as he dragged his underwear down and his heavy cock drooped. He was thick and fully hard but unlike the last man she slept with, his cock couldn’t stand upward because it was too large. She moaned and reached for him as he climbed up to her on the bed.
“Whatever you want. Is it okay if Carrie eats you out while you suck me off? I can tell she wants to play too,” he looked behind himself at Carrie and then back to Y/n.
“Oh… yes! Do you want to, Carrie?” Y/n asked.
“It would be my pleasure.” Carried sauntered toward the bed and got onto her knees to wait until Harry and Y/n were in position.
Harry lay on his back and spread his legs as he ran his palm over himself, pumping down to the base of his pretty cock. His thighs looked strong and healthy. Harry’s abs were begging for her tongue so she climbed between his legs and did just that. She licked upward over his abs and kissed as she went, “God your body is something I can worship,” Y/n moaned as she grasped onto his thighs and worked her tongue over his skin and his tattoos.
Harry softly moaned and then put his hand into Y/n’s hair, pulling her away from his abs, “I’ll give you five minutes on my cock. And then I’m gonna fuck you, okay darling?”
It was bliss. Y/n had participated in group sex but this felt so right. She tasted Harry’s prick, licking down to his balls, and then licked and kissed his scrotum. She stuffed her mouth with his sac and moaned around him. Harry gasped. Carrie had laid on her back with her face up with Y/n’s pussy pressed into her face as Y/n sucked and licked Harry up.
Carrie’s soft warm tongue and her lips felt like relief on her aching, wet pussy. But once Y/n finally put Harry’s cock into her mouth and got into a good pace Carrie had to get onto her knees and lean into Y/n from behind to keep licking at her cunt.
Y/n wretched the tiniest bit as she lowered over him as far as she could and sucked as she lifted upward, only to repeat her wet tongue and warm mouth encasing his cock and then gagging as his tip reached to the back of her throat and she pushed even further to make his cock reach deeper.
“That’s five minutes,” Harry panted his words as pulled her up and drew her in for a wet kiss.
Carrie moved herself to the foot of the bed and took her panties off before she began running her fingers over her pussy.
He picked up the condom that was conveniently on his bedside table, “We’ll use condoms until everything is all worked out,” he began to put the condom over his cock, “We want to make sure you’re happy here and this is what you really want and then you’ll get tested for STDs and we’ll make sure you're one a good birth control. Once that’s out of the way,” he tossed the wrapper onto the nightstand, “Everything will be raw. I like coming inside my girls and they like to walk around dripping of it or have it eaten out of them.” His grin was a little cocky but Y/n could see why. He was living the dream. They all were.
She couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her as she laid on her back and Harry fit himself between her thighs. He gently pressed his thumb through her slick crease and then put it into his mouth to taste before running his fingers over her clit.
Y/n moaned and bucked her hips upward as she kept her eyes on his pretty green ones.
“Want my cock, Y/n?” He painted his condom-covered prick through her folds and up over her clit.
“I need it. Need to come so bad.”
Harry looked down to her pussy and grasped his base as he lined himself up with her. Y/n couldn’t see Carrie but she could hear how wet she was and her small moans as Harry finally slid inside.
“Fuck… I think you belong here, Y/n,” he gritted as he backed out and then pushed back into her, his tip reaching into her guts deliciously.
She nodded in response as Harry’s intense eyes were locked on hers, “Yes…”
Harry worked himself into Y/n, getting deeper on each plunge until his hips were pasted to hers and he was fucking into her, pushing her up gently with each rock of his hips.
Harry was breathing hard as he paused and took Y/n’s thighs and pressed them into her chest so he could fuck down into her with deep, painful strokes. The pain was welcome. Y/n loved getting her guts rearranged by a man with a big cock just as much as she loved the soft and delicate lips and fingers of a woman. All forms were welcome. But she did prefer her men with big cocks. Women were better lovers in general and she would never be able to choose if she liked men or women better. All she knew was that Harry’s cock was exactly what she wanted in a man.
She squeaked when he began to rail into her, her pussy walls sucking him in and squeezing as he drove into her.
Harry’s rhythmic breath with each of his thrusts was sexy. She loved to hear a man enjoying her body.
“Oh, Y/n…” he grunted, “I’m not letting you leave. I’m gonna need this pussy every day.”
She moaned loudly and all she could get out was a gurgled, “Yes!” It was hard to get much breath into her lungs with the way Harry had her folded in half and the pace at which he was pounding into her.
“Yeah? You wanna be my new girl? Have lots of girlfriends and one boyfriend, Y/n? Get cock and pussy every day?”
Tears fell from her face as she blubbered and moaned a resounding, “Yes!”
Carrie was gasping her words as she fingered herself to the view, “Oh god! That looks like it feels so good!”
“It does feel good. You like watching her pussy get fucked, baby?” Harry spoke to Carrie as he released Y/n’s legs so her feet fell flat to the mattress.
“Yes! Oh, Daddy! I want to watch it every day! Please!”
With the change of position and Y/n’s knees bent, her feet on the mattress Harry’s groin rubbed into her clit and she felt that spark of the finale approaching. She’d been so on edge since she arrived at Harry’s home and then seeing Sasha and Alana fucking in front of her and now with Carrie watching and Harry’s cock punching into her tummy in hard and long strokes she was simply in outer space. Her body was receiving his big cock and her clit was stimulated like she needed.
“Feel it, Y/n?” Harry ground into her with his eyes on hers, rolling his hips sensually and making sure he was smushing into her button. He knew what he was doing. He knew his cock felt good inside of her and that once he added the stimulation of her clit she’d be coming soon. All his girls loved his cock. Loved their clit touched while he was inside of them. And he could see it was no different with Y/n.
“Harry, yes! I feel you. It feels so good. I’m gonna come…”
Harry groaned loudly and slammed his hips into hers. He massaged her tits as he kept himself still for a moment to catch his breath, “You wanna come, Y/n? Like how it feels?”
“I do! Harry, please…” she begged as she bucked her hips up into him to get him to start moving. She was so close.
Harry grunted a laugh and circled his hips, digging his cock into her cervix and she hissed at the ache, “You don’t even have to beg here unless that’s what you like. I’m always gonna make you come, Y/n.” He was breathing hard as he spoke.
“I want it every day. I love this. I want her next,” Y/n lifted her neck and made eye contact with Carrie who was softly cooing. She’d already come but she was still rubbing her pussy and moving her hips.
“Then you can have it. And Carrie too if you want.”
Y/n moaned and nodded as Harry began to move again. Inching back and then pressing himself into the hilt. Over and over again until it was skin smacking wetly and loud choked moans and gasps.
Her tits bounced back and forth as Harry ravaged her pussy, fucking into her perfectly until she clamped down on his cock and began to pulse around him, pussy fluttering and gushing as she cried out.
“That’s it, Y/n… Come for me… just like that… good girl…” he watched her face screw up as she orgasmed and he held himself back. He could have released into his condom but he wanted Y/n to feel everything the way it was meant to be felt. The inner walls of her spasming cunt, pressing and pulling Harry’s cock in as she rammed into her turned her into a melted puddle.
When she opened her eyes she saw Harry watching her with a grin, “Want to eat my come out of Carrie’s pussy?”
Y/n moaned and nodded, “Fuck yes.”
She sat up as Harry pulled himself out and removed his condom. He dragged Carrie toward him by her ankles and the girl laughed with a squeal. Y/n loved this. She was feeling so good after her orgasm and now she was about to get to play with another person and eat come from the pretty girl’s pussy. It was a dream.
She watched as Harry flipped her over to her tummy and swatted her bottom, Carrie laughed and angled her hips so Harry could enter her.
He leaned over Carrie and spoke lowly, but still loud enough for Y/n to hear, “Such a good fucking little girl for me, baby. Want Daddy’s cock and his come?”
She whined and lifted her hips again, hoping he’d just enter her, “Yes, Daddy!”
Y/n wondered if all the girls called him daddy or if it was different depending on the girl.
With Carrie’s tummy pressed into the mattress, Harry spread her cheeks and plunged into her in one go as she grunted and moaned.
Y/n climbed up closer to watch Carrie’s pussy spread open for Harry’s bare cock and she was immediately horny again.
He rocked into her and he moaned softly until his thrusts grew sloppy, his hips were jerking and he began to whimper, “Oh shit… Fucking gonna come, baby,” he panted, “Y/n… I’m coming inside of her, watch,” he whined as he gripped Carrie's hips and Y/n could see Harry’s balls tighten and throb as he released into Carrie.
Carrie moaned into the blankets below her face as Harry coughed out a loud groan. It was so hot. She loved having such a good view of two people having sex.
When Harry pulled out with his chest still heaving he grabbed Y/n’s hand, “She’s all yours now, Y/n. Filled with my come.”
Y/n smoothed her hands over Carrie’s soft bottom and lifted her hips up before she tongued up and down Carrie’s entrance, first tasting Carrie’s slick arousal and then as Harry’s come began to drip out of her opening she caught it and swallowed it down little by little as he leaked from her.
“Get on your back so I can really eat you out,” Y/n directed Carrie.
Harry sat up against his headboard and watched the girls. Carrie spread her legs as she was on her back and Y/n stuffed her fingers inside, watching Harry’s come coat her fingers as she pushed it back inside of Carrie slowly.
When she put her mouth back onto Carrie she slurped his come from her. There was a lot. But Carrie was loving the attention as she rolled her hips and moaned.
Y/n used her tongue to clean up as much of Carrie as she could but Carrie was so wet and slippery it was quite the task. A yummy task, but still.
When she felt Harry’s hands on her hips she turned to look at him.
“I’m gonna eat you out while you eat her out and then I’m gonna fuck you again because I’m ready for round two already. Okay?”
Y/n grinned widely. She had hit the jackpot with this setup unless it was just a dream. But she would revel in it as long as she could. She put her lips around Carrie’s clit as she felt Harry’s fingers inside of her cunt before he lapped her up with his tongue.
She was sure she would enjoy living this way with Harry and all the girls. She couldn’t wait to try each one of them out. But for now, Carrie tasted diving and Harry’s tongue was magic and she needed to put in her two week’s notice at the bakery.
A/N: Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this and would like more I'd be so grateful to you for joining my Patreon!! xoxo
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honey-milk-depresso · 5 months
Hello! May I request Diasomnia boys dealing a very sick S/O? Like they will get sick every month. High fever, vomiting, headaches, blocked nose, sore throat, you name it and they have had that illness before. And they're also very behind on their studies because of this.
I had a friend like that too, and she’s currently in another school but we still talk to each other once in a while. This might be a little bit of my own experience mix in this so hopefully it doesn’t sound weird :”))
Diasomnia looking after a really sick s/o
Malleus Draconia
The smallest of a little sneeze from his precious child of man already makes him panic. Seeing you bed-bound with a runny nose, sore throat and headache, he’s getting an actual heart attack.
How can one be so frail??? Malleus might offered casting long lasting healing spell, or try making an elixir to make you permanently well again that no sickness can touch you no longer. But even you think it’s a bit too much when he elaborates how hard it is to find all the damn ingredients.
But Malleus is insistent. “It’s alright, my dear. I will scour the whole continents to find each ingredient.”
After much convincing from you, he reluctantly agreed to just help make simple, healing potions that can last you for a few days before you need to consume them again from him.
He might also consult Lilia on what he should do to entertain you while your bed-bound, and I swear to the SEVENS that he will bring his whole violin as entertainment while having many other brass instruments playing a whole orchestra of soothing music for you like you’re royalty or something like-
He might’ve also consulted with Silver for help and he told Malleus that you probably only wanted his company. To talk to him while you’re stuck in bed for a while until the potion boils finish so that’s what Malleus do. It’s rather peaceful just sitting there and talking to you quietly. It makes his heart feel at ease and he hopes he makes you feel at peace too. <3
Lilia Vanrouge
He’s experienced in taking care of sick people because he had young Malleus and Silver, so he’s pretty much equip to look after you.
Although Lilia has never quite experienced someone who can REALLY get sick and stay sick for a long time, he’s up for the challenge if it means to care for you. You’re his S/o after all!
Lilia is actually really good! He knows how to make the bed super comfy for you to sleep in, his voice always soothes and calms you down, he always remind you to take your meds and drink lots of water while you’re at it. Maybe he’ll ask Malleus to make you a potion to cure your sickness for a while or do it himself!
Just errr…. Don’t eat his cooking because, well, we all know how ominous it looks. And tastes.
Lilia has the habit of reading bedtime stories to you, mostly because he did that for Silver and Malleus when they were younger and he projects that action into you to comfort and soothe you while you’re sick. After all, you won’t feel better if you’re heart isn’t at ease, either.
When you finally fall asleep, Lilia smiles softly before kissing your forehead, sitting on the chair beside you bed and watch over you. <3
He panics a little, but the first thing he’ll tell you is to get lots of good rest and sleep.
He also tries to mimic what Lilia would do when he was sick during his younger days: singing you a lullaby, try reading bedtime stories (although he might fall asleep halfway), reminding you to take your meds and drink plenty of water.
Silver may also seek Malleus help in making a potion that could help you recover for a while or even lend one of Lilia’s storybooks to help you.
Would stay around you to be company while you’re bedridden, even if he gets sleepy and tired he’ll never leave your side or stop taking care of you.
Might’ve also tried to cook for you, but he only cooks soup because he doesn’t really know what else he can do. He just hopes it can make you feel better at least.
While you rest in bed, Silver, although succumbing to falling asleep, still holds your hand while you rest as both of you fall into a deep slumber together. <3
Sebek Zigvolt
Panicking beyond belief. How can one be so fragile and sickly?! He can hardly believe it and he doesn’t know what to do when you are bed-bound. The smallest sneeze of you already has him all over you with concern, so with your really sick nature, he’s practically made it a point to just be in your life now. Like he shares with you.
Initially, Sebek might’ve come off a little bit insensitive, saying how you should exercise more or something to build up a better immunity system. However, Lilia taught him otherwise to put you first. He knows the boy cares about you so he’s helping him show care in better ways.
He learns to cook soup, pray to Malleus for help in making a potion for your sickness (which the latter helped obviously), might’ve also pulled off the “I WILL TRAVEL THE WORLD FOR THE RARE POTION INGREDIENTS TO CURE YOU FOR GOOD” thing like Malleus which you have to keep on insisting for him to, I don’t know, not be stupid to get himself killed and he RELUCTANTLY listens to you.
He watches over you despite being tired and despite him not being the most lovey dovey or romantic boyfriend out there, you know he cares about you, maybe much more than you know. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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sanjiyue · 4 months
law; misguided loyalty 3
notes: this is pre-dressrosa arc. law’s haki is still developing, and nowhere as strong as it currently is
doflamingo family!reader x law, angst
As a member of the Doflamingo family, you embark on a perilous mission to secure a supposed cure for disease, fervently believing in your dedication to Doflamingo.
Little do you know that Law, is also out seeking control of the cure.
When your paths cross in the New World, tensions arise as Law, aware of the dangers involved with the underground boss, tries to convey the truth about the misleading mission.
Will the ties to the Doflamingo family shatter, allowing both Law and you to find a new understanding, or will the echoes of the past prove too powerful to overcome? Explores the complexities of allegiance, trust, and the consequences of leaving behind a life bound by shadows.
[9.5k wc]
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Law always did like the low, deep hum of the ship. He found comfort listening to it in the nights where he tossed and turned, unable to chase the sleep he felt was hauntingly out of his reach.
The pressure in his ears roared as the sub dived deeper into the depths. With nothing else, he childishly blamed the adjustment for his distraction.
Definitely not for the fact that you were peacefully slumped in the corner of his room, leaning against his walls. As Law quieted, the light breathing suddenly felt magnified by a thousand.
He caught himself unconsciously matching his breath to yours, and he humorlessly let out a little cough to deny himself.
It was as if heaven bent itself to his small wonder and curiosity of you.
Law eased back into his chair, the wood creaking as he spread his body languidly. The surface of the desk before him was littered with his own thoughts spelled out, attempting to connect the dots of conviction.
He was starting to get a thrumming headache from this whole mess. What was he going to do now that you were on this ship anyways?
For the first time in a long time, Law was stunned by himself. Ever since he left that place, he swore to think things through so he would never go through anything like that ever again.
In the icy lands of the North, Law’s heart became shackled and locked behind icicles that threatened to pierce whenever he thought about it.
There was no more time for his night-long laments in the cold darkness now.
It all would have to be pushed back to move on. At least, that’s what Law concluded.
Despite his best efforts, they seemed to occupy him whenever he was left alone with himself.
He draped a hand over his eyes, massaging them as he leaned his head back, neck hitting the hard wood of the unyielding chair.
With your soft breaths and the constant white-noise of the boiler, everything seemed oddly peaceful.
Strangely, in that very uncomfortable chair, the captain of the Heart Pirates began to feel his eyelids turn heavy in the cozy ambiance.
At the sound of a small metallic clank, he flew back to full alertness.
Of course sleep wouldn’t come easy. He almost never had it so simple like that.
Law raised his head and turned to look in your direction, catching you in the action as you sleepily attempted to lift your arms, only to be surprised again by the sheer amount of gravity and force that pulled against your will.
He noticed your eyes blink quickly as you attempted to soothe yourself back into reality.
Before Law could even notice it himself, he became a little hesitant.
How would he act in front of you when he was so rash before?
It was unlike him to act so haphazardly, he decided to steel his thinking and focus.
All in the meanwhile, you began to struggle from your spot on the floor as your consciousness grew clearer.
As you became wakeful with your guard up, threats tumbled from your mouth spilling onto the ground.
In that moment, Law suddenly thought about how he had learned that animals backed into corners would always bite. He suppressed a smile, knowing it would aggravate you even further.
Seeing you like this made him feel a strange sense of deja vu.
As he studied your face, he suddenly became reminded of the very first time he had met you in the damp and dark dungeons of Dressrosa.
Doflamingo had just found you as a stray, stumbling the streets after he had decimated cities with a flourish of his hand. He had decided he liked the way you glared with all your hatred, as you snatched a stone from the cracked pavement to throw at him.
It had bounced off, unthreatening, but he couldn’t help the smile that had stretched his face as he looked below at the small ball rolling in the waves of ferociousness burning beside fury.
Law saw himself in the way you snapped through the bars when you saw him for the first time, reaching your small hands out to grab him violently.
He saw himself in the way you trembled when you thought he had left, a tiny body shouldering heavy feelings alone.
He tried to release himself from the past, trying to convince himself you weren’t the same as before.
And now, he approached you, warily.
“L…aw,” you grit through your teeth, fully feeling your strength evaporating against the chains.
The dark haired man paused in his step as if to consider something. He unsheathed the sword he was carrying.
Your eyes widened, panic rising in your chest like a balloon, filling every inch.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he promised quickly. “Room.”
The familiar blue filled your sight again, only disappearing again as you squeezed your eyes shut as Law swung down his sword towards you.
When nothing happened, you looked up and shuddered. In Law's outstretched fingers, he held a red thumping heart encased in a little block of ice.
You grasped at your chest in panic.
"Sorry, extra little precaution. I like to be prepared."
"What…just happened.”
Law's fingers ran themselves over the little cube before he tucked it away into his coat pocket.
"Let's try not do anything too rash now." His golden eyes sternly turned to you.
Law's senses turned against him as he produced a key. Every instinct roared against him as he turned the key in small hole of the cuffs, unlocking it with a click.
He watched you rub the small red circles from the chains that had turned your skin raw while you struggled in them.
Meanwhile, you had refound your strength. As you stood, your will flared a deep crimson and stretched towards him hungrily.
Law's hand reached into his pocket.
You hesitated, confused.
"I don't want to do this, but it seems you just won't listen." Law raised an eyebrow, his voice lower than usual.
You cut off your own words with a cry of surprise.
A sudden terror gripped you as it felt like your own chest was strangling you. A stab of pain electrocuted through your body, crushing your own words.
Your eyes grew teary as you struggled to stabilize yourself.
"Do you get it now?" Law demanded, "I'm holding your literal heart. Can you just stop and think for a minute?"
"Why did you take the sea prisms off?" You shot back, touching a hand at your chest, "I thought you liked securing your chances."
“You need me if you want this back— I’ll take my chances.”
You caught his look, unconsciously running your fingers over your wrists. "Where is the century fruit?" You asked, the pain finally subsiding.
"Somewhere," he said factly.
Law pushed a hand through his hair, irritatedly changing the subject. “What you showed me on that island— those memories, were they yours?”
“No,” you replied slowly, “they were yours. I didn’t have time to think of something to show you, so it must have just showed you a memory.”
The golden-eyed man’s eyes never left you, but he seemed miles away, as if he was considering something.
He didn’t say anything, though, and instead turned to the door to leave. “I should warn you,” he said, drily, “to not do anything stupid. The only one who can put your heart back in your body is me.”
It was as if he was trying to rile you up.
You frowned at him and followed behind him, “why didn’t you just kill me?”
His hand froze on the knob.
How could he answer when he didn't even know himself? When he considered the thought, his own heart pounded like drums.
Golden eyes glued to the floor, the blood in Law’s head rushed and fought as he scrutinized his choices.
“I’ve destroyed your transponder snail. You won’t be treated like a prisoner here so be nice.”
He said that, but as the days passed, it grew very obvious from hushed voices and a missing introduction that something was off.
You hadn't cared enough to introduce yourself to everyone, to flit from person to person, and now it was a little awkward.
"HI!" A loud voice struck you back to your little spot by the porthole window.
A lanky man, no more than 25 curiously leaned forward to get a look at your face, his hands planted on the table, eagerly supporting his weight and curiousity.
He sported a little mushroom hat that he tugged out of his eyes,
"We just came back from our mission and there's a woman here?" His eyes almost popped out of his sockets as he stared at you.
Another voice piped up from behind him, "if we had known, we'd never have left!"
You couldn't see him too clearly, but there was certainly no missing the slightly beaten up and roughened hat he sport with the tall words 'PENGUIN'.
You were slightly taken aback by these strong personalities. No one had come up to talk to you yet, but these two seemed to contain such warmness that the others couldn't help but sneak peeks over.
“Is it true that you grew up with the Captain?” The man with sunglasses asked, curiously.
You could see his eyes lit up beneath the darkened lenses and feel the way the air around him stopped in hushed suspense.
He emanated warmth, pleasantness, and loyalty.
"Yes." You smiled at him, offering your hand and a name to which he beamed in delight!
A third, more timid voice appeared. You saw him before you heard him, his white fur illuminating under the golden lights strung above, although dirtied and matted, never losing its shine and softness.
Your mouth fell down slightly in surprise at this animal before you, seemingly gentle as a mouse, yet towering almost to the ceiling.
Before you could say anything, another question launched into the conversation, “is it true that you’re part of the Doflamingo pirates?”
“Yes,” you offered, your eyes peeking curiously at the large animal behind them.
The two shot each other a look before stepping aside to reveal a very large, apprehensive-looking bear.
“Oh,” the white animal looked embarassed at the sudden spotlight, seeming as if he wanted to shrink.
"You seem like you're interested in Bepo," Shachi eagerly said. Was he attempting to make you more comfortable?
You could only nod, eyes still wide in fascination.
"Must be nice to be you, Bepo," Penguin sighed.
"So you already knew Law?" Bepo clutched his paws together, still a little shy from the attention.
"We grew up together, but then he killed the young master's brother. I can't believe the idiot is even alive," you scoffed, folding your arms.
The day Law left the family, Doffy was furious. The betrayal of Law, the death of Corazon added pounds to his stress. The entire family was walking on eggshells for an entire week.
You were shuddering in memory of that time, entirely lost in your thoughts as you missed the trio before you exchanging complicated, wordless thoughts.
"Oh sorry, no offense." You looked to them, catching a quick glimpse of confusion on Shachi's face before he quickly wiped it away.
"None taken," he hurriedly took a step back. "We have to finish reporting to the Captain, but hopefully we'll see you." He flashed a smile, as an invitation for you to find him later.
"Sure, I don't think I'll be getting off this thing anytime soon anyways." You mumbled, watching their silhouettes disappear through the doors, quietness settling over yourself once more.
Just down the hall, Shachi, Penguin and Bepo hurriedly stepped to find Law.
"What the hell was that?" Shachi hissed, "did you hear what she said?"
"Lovely lady, yeah, but maybe hit her head too hard." Penguin agreed.
"Something's not right, let's find Law and we can sort this out." Bepo suggested, although knowing that was exactly what they were going.
After growing up together, Bepo liked to think that his brothers had adopted very similar thoughts as him.
The three burst through the doors of Law's office:
"Definitely weird--"
"Very strange woman--"
"Thinks you killed Cora!" Bepo finished, hurriedly.
Caught writing mid-sentence, DEATH pushed the edge of the desk.
The chair fell to the ground with a clatter, Law hardly caring, his eyes narrowed at the news he had just received, his blood thrumming in his ears.
His thoughts flew together within seconds, his tongue suddenly dry and foreign in his mouth.
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a-dozen-lovers · 2 years
°We’ll Meet Again°
Warnings: age gap 
Summary: you and Otto promise each other to meet again
A/N:  Do any of y’all make scenarios to songs you listen to? I do all the time and today at work I thought of a really good one, and I just need to share it. as usual, 18+ and gender neutral reader!
You and Otto had developed strong feelings for each other during his stay in your universe. Peter always reminded you of the dangers of this, but you couldn’t help it. He was always so kind and gentle. His voice was so soothing to you, and you found so much comfort in his brown eyes. It was impossible for you not to fall in love with Otto. The two of you would spend so much time together, in the lab and outside of it. He would fall asleep in your bed, your fingers playing through his soft brown hair as he laid on your chest. One night, as you laid on his chest, you got a text from Peter. He said that he cured Doctor Connors, so they all had to be returned home. Your eyes filled with tears from the thought of your Otto leaving. With much concern, he questioned the tears streaming down your face before reading the text. He hated seeing you so upset so he had to distract you. Gently you were lifted into a stand as his big arms wrapped around you. 
“Darling, please don’t cry. I know the pain but please, I hate seeing you like this.” His eyes swelled with tears. 
In the background his mechanical arms started some music. Slowly he swayed you as the song played around you.
We’ll meet again..
Don’t know where, don’t know when..
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day..
“It’s true, you know?” His finger lifted your chin to face him before wiping the tears away. “The song, Darling. We’ll meet again.” 
He smiled at you with so much warmth and truth. You laid your head on his chest as you both swayed, him holding you as close as possible. 
“Promise me,” your voice cracked softly. “Promise me we will see each other again.”
“I promise, (Y/N).” 
Time progressed and you never forgot the day he left. The day you devoted your time to finding a way to see him again. Your heart ached every day for Otto, yet you didn’t have him in your arms yet. Yet. You still held onto hope, onto that promise you both made. You cut almost everyone out of your life to have full dedication to the task at hand. Peter tried desperately to stick around but you resented him. Peter and Doctor Strang are the ones to blame, if they didn’t mess up a spell you wouldn’t have fallen in love; thus creating you into a monster of sorts. After months and numerous test runs, your machine was finally ready. Your tired body finally relaxed as you sat back in a chair, looking at the tall creation. Tears filled your eyes as the song played in your mind, the last memory of him with it. When he had left you both were in an embrace, slowly feeling your arms grow empy as he vanished due to the spell. Finally you were going to show Doctor Strange and Peter that you would finally have him again, You quickly scribbled a letter to them on a free piece of paper. It was short but, in summary, it read that they were wrong. You smoothed out your lab coat and stood in the middle of the machine. Would this hurt? You didn’t care if it did, the sight of him would heal you. The machine screamed with energy as you were blinded by the lights. Your body felt a rush of cool air as you stood in an empty office. It looked just like yours but it wasn’t. You had made it. If this universe was exactly like yours.. his address. He had given it to you so you could find him and you always kept it in your pocket. You ran out of the office and into the streets of New York. You pushed through people in the street and ran infront of traffic till you arrived at the building. It was by the water and huge. Hesitation filled you as you went to knock. What if this was wrong? Something caught your attention from the other side of the door. You heard someone.. welding while lsitening to music. 
We’ll meet again..
Your hear skipped a beat. 
Don’t know where, don’t know when..
You flung the door opened and ran twords the sparks you saw. There he was. 
But I know we’ll meet again.. 
Your face light up and butterflies filled your stomach. 
.. some sunny day..
Tears streamed down your face. You watched him in disbelief, he puffed on a cigar as he worked on a machine. 
“Otto,” You barely choked it out. 
He didn’t hear you. 
You had burst out with laughter and more tears. He froze and slowly looked at you. 
“Yes, it’s me. This is our song, Otto.”
His face lit up as he dropped everything and rushed over to you. Finally you both met each other’s arms. Tears fell to the floor as you both cried with happiness. 
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witchfall · 8 months
dirt in the wound
4 - healing
[Heavensward-era. After the Ravana fight. Izzie, still coming to terms with the weight of their duties...]
It stings like a bastard, the cut on her cheek.
Pebbles and dirt grime the edges of it; the skin is splayed open from the detritus of crystal crushed under Ravana's spindly, insectoid feet. The slice had been perfectly even, a gift from his terrible blade, until her mortal body plummeted to the ground from the force of it.
The moment is slippery. Her mind doesn't want to find purchase on the pain, burning hot with aether and the taste of blood, but she'd thrown herself forward to shove Noel out of the way of his sword's arc -- and she supposes that must be the culprit for this particular injury.
There are stories for them all, but she'd be damned if she could remember them.
She is ruminating on the nature of this work when the cool touch of magic digs into the sting -- yanking out the infection, pulling together the torn skin like laces in a bodice. She gasps aloud and recoils, because that sure as hells isn't what Noel's magic feels like--
"I'm sorry. I--I apologize, I simply..."
Alphinaud's unusually stuttering voice brings her back down from the rocky climb unto panic.
She glares at him from her perch on a cold stone, because that is easy. That is the known dynamic. Fall back into it, like a dance, and prepare for his pirouette, for his haughty rejoinder about how he wouldn't need to heal her if she wasn't always like this--
He pulls back his gloved hand. His eyes, so beautiful and dark, are wide enough to form their own gravitational pull.
Her glare dies -- shocked into smoothening, her answering expression that of confusion.
"Please." His hand hovers in the air. She watches his long, delicate fingers. "I'm sorry. I normally would leave it to Noel's discretion, of course, but she is still with Ysayle--"
"Ask next time," she grumbles out. Her skin burns with heat. She doesn't know why.
It's not like he's never seen her hurt before. He has, plenty of times. Why does this time feel weird and different? Why does it feel like she did something wrong, in making him look so upset? This is her job. She did her job. She shouldn't feel bad.
"Yes, of course," he says, entirely too quickly. His relief crushes his shoulders down. "Of course, I wasn't thinking. Forgive me."
She closes her eyes as his hand hovers just over her cheek. Barely an ilm away. She could lean in and he would touch her skin -- which is a very weird thought to have. Why is she thinking about that? She shouldn't.
Maybe because, for the first time, he sounds their age instead of like the hoity-toity lordling he pretends to be around these Ishgardians. Around storied personages like the Azure Dragoon, who is pretending not to watch with amusement near a wet boulder.
She winces against the coolness of his aether, not at all like the soothing warm salt water of Noel's cure spells. He's like a river, washing the blood and grime away, eroding the crux of the world with the force of his will. The injury will fade because he demands that it shall.
"Why do you care, anyway?" she asks, before she can stop the words from tumbling out. "It's just a cut."
"It looks painful," he says quietly. "And you needn't scar from such a thing when it is in my capacity to mend it."
She bites her lip. "I...forgot."
She forgot that he can heal.
Because he'd never had to, before. He'd never been in the field with them before. But things are different now. There is no one else to rely upon, save herself, Noel, and him. They are all that is left of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, or at least their warrior contingent, and that reminder kicks the air out of her lungs hard enough that she takes in a sharp breath through her nose.
All that is left. A barely of-age girl with more grit than sense, a barely of-age boy with more brains than wisdom, and a brilliant adult woman broken entirely by grief thanks to that fucking Crystal Tower.
"Sorry," she mutters.
He blinks. "Whatever for?"
She doesn't know. All of it? All of her snapping at him, how he's stuck with her again, how his delicate little lordling body has to drag through the mud with them, how she'd made him worry? "A lot of things," she decides, for the sake of her pride. "But this time for forgetting."
A breathless, choked, single giggle bubbles out of him. Tension snapping. "Quite easy to forgive, I assure you."
His hand lingers in the air for a split second after the chime of his aether fades away. Like he's considering something, and then at the last moment, decides not to.
Instead he says: "Would you like help with your hair?"
Her face flushes hot. Angry, right? What else could it be? Surely nothing else but that. "What's that supposed to mean?"
He is the one that recoils this time. "I just meant...! Well, you tangled it quite severely in your last engagement, I--"
"My hair is fine! Thank you!"
"It has blood and dirt in it!"
"What if I like it that way?"
This. This is more normal. This, somehow, is healing.
She feels a smile pull at her lips as he angrily fumbles a response in turn...a smile that only grows when he finally, finally seems to realize she's fucking with him.
He glares at her, face turning pink -- and she bursts into laughter.
And when he sees her laugh, his confused smile in return is...pleased.
A healing only she can offer him in turn. This is their game. Theirs. And no blade, no gil, no scheming in the night can take that away.
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
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#and your art is so unbelievably gorgeous it makes me want to scream into a pillow there aren’t enough laurels on earth to throw at your fee
My Top Posts in 2022:
Destiel fic recs
Well, it looks like the brainrot is permanent and there is no cure. I can't seem to get enough of these dudes. Please enjoy the fruits of my unending obsession with another rec list.
Love Bites by @malmuses (Explicit, 34k)
I don't know why I love a tiny creature Dean, but this fic had my entire heart from the first chapter. Not since OctopusDean said bloop has a Dean been this adorable. 
Dean, a vampire in bat form, gets injured by Cas' menace of a cat (affectionate). Cas nurses him back to health and, as Dean heals, he finds himself more and more enamored with his savior. 
Cas is delightfully awkward and Dean is entirely smitten and it makes for an adorably soft dynamic. Plus I want to put bat!Dean in my pocket. He’s so cute.
Boyfriend of Thursday by mnwood @deancasheadcanons (Explicit, 40k)
Look all I'm saying is Dean deserved to be a little slutty (affectionate). This one is a romp and a delight. Dean Winchester doesn't do monogamy or commitment. Instead he has a regular hook-up every day of the week.
But when he and his Thursday call it quits, he's looking to fill the open position. It feels like he's in luck when he runs into a hot dude at Chipotle. But Dean discovers that maybe his Boyfriend of Thursday is worth breaking the rules for.
I love an openly bi, confident Dean and this Dean definitely fits the bill. This Dean is really fun and in some ways very vulnerable and he is deeply respectful of his hookups which makes it a great read. This one could have gone the other way, making him shallow and capricious, but despite his rules and his rigid system, Dean deeply cares and that makes it really fun to read.
The side characters are fantastic, plus there is positive representation of polyamory and some really interesting casting that makes this one super entertaining.
Passing Ships by quiettewandering (Mature, 78k)
Something about Dean and Cas going against fate to be with one another has always made me a little feral, so it's no surprise that a fic based on the concept that Cas, a cupid assigned to get Dean together with his soulmate Lisa, fails spectacularly when he falls in love with Dean himself would immediately draw me in.
The Cas in this fic wants so badly to do what's right, but he can't help but care about the humans. He hits all the right notes for me and i had at least ten breakdowns over him. And Dean is also just so enamored and such a disaster and you just wanna smoosh their faces.
I Can See Your Halo by redamber79 @imbiowaresbitch (series, 2 works, Explicit, 9.8k words)
This one is s-p-i-c-y and just a bit sacrilegious in the best way. Um, let's just say the author explores some novel uses for the angel blade and Cas' halo that will live inside my brain rent free for a very long time. Ahem
It also serves as a fairly delightful fix-it with a really fun resolution that will also have a condo in my mind. 
It's scorching hot and a really fun read.
In It For The Long Haul by @ltleflrt (Explicit 25k) 
This is the fluffiest, softest fic to soothe what ails you. Dean, a long-haul trucker, meets an intriguing waiter at a truck stop and starts reordering his life to find ways to see him again.
This fic is just pure sunshine. Cas keeps choosing meals to make Dean happy. Dean keeps blushing and flirting. The angst is low. It's really just a good time for everyone. A soft story about liminal spaces and finding someone to share your life with. 
Racing Stripes by tiamatv (Mature, 37k)
I'm admittedly a sucker for a sci fi AU, but even if I wasn't I would still love this absolute gem of a story. Dean is one of the top racers in the world, finally about to live out his dream of racing in the difficult and high stakes Chicago Race. Unfortunately for him, revisiting Chicago also sets him on a crash course with the love of his life, Cas, who left him years ago for the promise of an education and a future, and even worse, Cas' dad who is dangling the same for Sammy in front of Dean’s nose. 
The worldbuilding in this fic is immaculate. An abandoned and rotting Chicago is almost it's own character, and there is a quiet desperation in the story of people who have become beholden to corporations to survive. The action sequences are also gorgeous with the pivotal race being so cinematic I felt like I could see every twist and turn. And don't get me started on the gorgeous weaving of canon into the fic. It was so clever. 
But the standout for me is the gentleness in Dean’s characterization. The way he wants so badly to do what's best. The way he longs for Cas. There is just something gorgeous about Racing Stripes Dean that made me want everything good for him.
Listen, I tell you a mystery by bathilda bagshot (wellthengameover) @the-lions-mouth (Teen, 25k)
Thee Dean and Mary parallel dissertation, this character study has everything. Mary trying to conform to cisheteronormative ideals while feeling the pull of hunting and a particular redheaded angel. Teenage and Stanford Era Dean to tear your heart out. Dean and Mary finding something of each other. And a happy ending for Dean and Cas.
It's told in snippets. Vignettes that delve into trauma and hope. They build an absolutely beautiful parallel story, gorgeous for their intersections and the places they diverge.
And there is a gentleness to it all. We see Mary and Dean in various states of distress and desperation. We see the effects of the cupids bow and poverty and loneliness and completely fuckery. But there is never any judgment, just kindness in the way they are written.
This one made me cry real human tears and it's definitely one that will haunt me.
See the full post
435 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Destiel Fic Recs!
Congratulations or sorry, but here are some more Destiel fic recs to take over your life.
Penny & Pound by thalius @seasontwelvedean (Explicit, 67k WIP)
OK, I know some of you don't read works in progress, but this one is worth breaking that rule for, because it caused me approximately 25 internal breakdowns. Go read it yesterday. 
Dean's in love with Cas. That's a given. And lately he's been thinking about doing something about it. Especially now that Eileen is becoming a fixture in their lives and Dean finds himself more achingly alone with Cas right beside him. All he has to do is work up the nerve to ask his best friend out. What's the worst that could happen? He says no? Leaves and never returns? They start dating and Cas realizes Dean is the worst and they break up and everything is terrible forever? He's fine. This is fine.
This canon/canon adjacent fic is a master class in the disaster4disaater, Dean and Cas are the last to know it's requited dynamic. It's amazing and sweet and I found myself unable to sleep until I read one more chapter. If that's not enough, there's also some incredible stuff about Dean and Mary trying to work on their relationship and Cas trying to figure out where he fits into Claire's life. This fic is everything.
Strandlines by aeli_kindara (Explicit, 40k) @gravelghosts
Speaking of fics that make me feral, Strandlines is one of those stories where you have to stop reading and think "holy shit this is so incredible" and then stare at the wall for a good 10 minutes.
Cas finds himself back in the year 2003 with his memory scrambled. All he knows for certain is that he has one directive: save Dean Winchester. It's Stanford Era Dean with all of his brash, charming bravado and his aching loneliness. And Cas at his BAMF angeliest but free from the interference of Heaven.
The fic will make you ache. It's gorgeous. It absolutely dismantled me. The way Cas sees the man who wants so desperately to know he can be loved. The way Dean wants Cas to stay and how he wants to share everything with him. It's breathtaking.
 Plus there is a healthy dose of Fuck John Winchester as a treat. 
the home we make together by vaudelin (Explicit, 48k) @vaudelin
A post-canon fix-it that is so soft and sweet. After losing Cas, Dean has exhausted almost all his options to try and bring him home. One more shot. And if it doesn't work, he'll have to stop. He needs to focus on Jack, now a toddler. Dean has built a life for them. A good one. But he has to try it one more time.
What follows is a sweet, consensual possession domestic Dad!Dean and Dadstiel fic that will heal your soul. Toddler Jack is adorable and Dean and Cas finally have time without the world ending to try and figure out what they want their life to look like. It's the soft epilogue they deserve.
Falling Inn Love by MalMuses (Explicit, 58k) @malmuses
Sometimes you need some hilarious, tropey rom-com goodness in your life, and this fic goes above and beyond. It had me laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face as I tried not to wake my family (because I wouldn't put it down and go to bed). It also has a lot of heart. 
Cas' comfortable if unsatisfying life gets turned upside down when he breaks up with his suffocatingly controlling boyfriend and then finds that the company he's devoted years to has gone belly up the next day . 
Single and with no real plan, Cas is wallowing with his bestie (Meg, my beloved) when he gets an unexpected opportunity. His co-worker is willing to sell him a quaint little Inn in Kansas at a bargain price. Cas can finally pursue a dream he's had since college. 
So off Cas goes, sight unseen, to start a new life. But he manages to make a complete fool of himself in front of the town's most eligible bachelor within minutes of arriving and the dream home he purchased turns out to be a bit of a nightmare. Cas may be a bit Inn (sorry, but you know I'm not) over his head.
More below the cut
The Closest Thing We Have To Magic by EllenOfOz and TrenchcoatBaby (Explicit, 221k) @ellen-of-oz
As I have said, I'm very picky about AU fics because I need Dean and Cas to feel like them. This one manages to hit all the Destiel feels for me and it is so so good.
Set in a world where magic exists but is regulated by elite learning institutions, Dean is a graduate student working on his thesis. This is made more difficult when he's assigned Dr. Novak, a drop dead gorgeous new professor as his advisor. An advisor he can’t stop thinking about. 
Dean and Cas are absolutely messy disasters in the best way in this fic. Seriously, they are amazing. I'm a sucker for smart, competent Dean. And Cas is trying so hard to do the right thing. 
But I can't rec this without also mentioning the absolutely stellar world building. The authors have created such great mythology. From the way magic works to the use of the profound bond to the societal inequities created by the regulation of magic. Seriously, you won't want it to end.
See the full post
626 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
I'm gonna say something that is exceptionally hard to share because apparently some people need to hear it. The lgbtqia+ community is there to create a safe place for people who don't fit within cisheteronormative societal expectations, regardless of labels.
There have been a few hot takes about "pantomiming" or "performing" queerness and I want to say this is deeply hurtful to me personally.
I don't know where I fit when it comes to the gender fuckery that lives inside my brain. Straight spaces full of cis women often make me feel uncomfortable. Like I have to pretend I am someone I'm not. But I still (at this time) consider myself a cis woman. I enjoy and I am affirmed by my femme gender expression but hate being forced into feminine things. My brain often feels more like what society feels a guy should be like.
Nothing I have tried on feels quite right. Am I nonbinary? Gender nonconforming? Genderqueer? Mostly I describe myself as "a woman but in a way that makes most people distinctly uncomfortable." That makes me happy. That sentence feels right.
Talking about queerness as if it is one monolithic thing you can perform or pantomime makes me ache. Are my efforts for trans and GNC folks less meaningful if I am or am not part of the community? Can I joke about things being gender?
For me, queerness has always been looking at what society has to offer and saying: nope. I don't fit there. Queer spaces make me feel so much less alone.
And my openly bi status gives me a nice, clean place in those spaces, but it's my gender fuckery that makes me need them more.
The feeling that I could say: I'm not like other girls because I literally feel like I have to pretend around them, can I please come find shelter here? And that I might be told: nope, you are just performing queerness for clout. Or nope, you have to subscribe to certain external expressions to be considered queer. The idea that anyone could "perform" queerness because they acted outside of societal norms and that is somehow a violation? The idea that I might be expected to go from performing cis woman to performing queer woman where if I fail I am somehow not enough? Makes me feel invalid. It is physically affecting me.
So, I don’t know? Maybe think about that?
2,640 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Which character from OFMD are you and who do you stan?
Let me tell you who you kin and who you stan in OFMD (or in SPNblr speak, what x coded, y girl (gn) alignment you have).
4,073 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm gonna say it here too. Allow me to be crystal fucking clear.
It is not cowardly to stay in the closet. Full stop. You do not owe anyone any part of yourself you aren't ready to share
If you unable to come out because you fear for your safety or well-being or because you know it will cause you substantial discomfort, that is not a defect in you. It's a failure of the society in which you live and the community surrounding you.
If you just don't want to share that part of yourself, that is valid and I support you
47,179 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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silent-dragon · 2 years
TWST OC Profile ~ Waffle Cueva
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Theme song to listen to while reading ^^
Name: Waffle Cueva
Nicknames: Sweet Baby - Sin
Sugar Pony - Lustre
Glitter Mess - Maya
Candy Cheeks - Forneus
Sweet Waffle - Damián
Gender: Genderfluid (She/They,some days no She)
Age: 18
Species: Unicorn Beasthuman
Birthday: 4/9
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 260cm/8ft'8in
Eye Color: Four Color Pastel Rainbow
Hair Color: Five Color Pastel Rainbow
Homeland: Briar Valley
Family: Sin Cueva - Adopted Father 
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Steamed Sliced Mixed Berries Topped on Oatmeal or Waffles
Least Favorite Food: Hasn't Found Yet
Dislikes: Uneaten Food,Serious Picky Eaters,Rotten Food,No Snuggles from Sin,People asking if can ride the Unicorn,Having to Clean up sparkles from being excited or flustered
Hobby: Collecting Cute Unicorn stuff,Making Sin Pies,Watching Cooking Shows,Decorating her Pink room,Picking fresh fruit from Orchard & Garden,Making Cotton candy,K-Pop Music
Talents: Cooking with Sugar,Baking,Pastry Decorating,Tasting,Hair & Tail care,Being Cute,Healing Magic
Elemental Magic: Flora/Special
Unique Magic: A Uni-corn-versal Tear Moment - Waffle's tears can cure any disease or illness someone has gained yet not ones people are born with. It is unsure if it needs a certain time to pass so her tears heal completely. To those born with em the tears soothe symptoms or pains. Waffle has learned first aid care as well so she a good medic
OC’s Lore Summary: Big Floofy Unicorn from the House of Cueva. Often People are surprised to learn she shares the house name and is adopted by Sin. Kinda shy around strangers but loves food so anything about it can make her quite chatty. Is so different from what people expect given Sin raised her.
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(picrew,for non sprite reference please use sprite for color accuracy)
Personality: Bubbly with a big dash of cuteness she can't help it. She gets so passionate when it comes to food and can get angry if it has to deal with negative stuff about it or her father. You will know she's mad because her cheeks puff up and tail sways a lot but this is so rare. If you don't give her feedback on her food with a comment or burp you may see it mildly.
Fun Facts: Sin's servant Maya found a little Waffle alone and hungry in the forest 16yrs ago. When Sin saw her he was so amused by her cuteness he adopted her days later.
No matter what you do when looking at Waffle's hair,tail,and eyes you will always see the rainbow completely even if you on side you will still see all the colors. This is a natural unicorn affect.
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Art by @vivaresmala
Waffle is technically not a servant as is the daughter of the house but was hit with the deadly sins personality spell her father was casting on his other servants by accident. She gained the personality of Gluttony and became obsessed with food.
Sin thinks due to the spell this is why Waffle grew from 5ft6in to 8ft8in as to greatly show her new self with this spell. Waffle doesn't mind as still cute unicorn just more squishy and tall
Waffle does like scary stuff due to her father's love of it but not as much as cute. Often will make anything too scary stuff cute to fix. This includes her father sometimes as will dress him up which he is ok with cause he loves her yet looks ridiculous sometimes with bows everywhere. She does imitate Sin's hissing noise alot making her intimidating sometimes.
The Ladle Waffle was given by Lustre and is colored to reflect gender choice. It has become Waffle's favorite cooking utensil. Also Waffle uses it as a weapon to smack people with if they make em mad. Forneus,another servant who flirts with Waffle alot gets smacked by it alot on the hand.
Sin has told Waffle about a girl named Melanie at his college that's super cute like em. Waffle waits for the day to meet so can snuggle her.
When Waffle gets super excited or flustered, tiny star sparkle glitter from hair or tail start falling out. Containing these emotions is troublesome sometimes.
Often when Sin is at home Waffle will grab and snuggle in lap with all the glitter going everywhere. So much glitter and laughter but Maya is usually waiting for this to make Waffle clean up the mess.
Waffle is the main cook/baker of the house with having others under her to make food for all in it. Waffle's signature dish is a big pot of hot lightly sweetened oatmeal that when placed in a serving bowl is topped with 3 to 4 berry varieties that have been steamed and sliced. Theres also a actual waffle/pancake version of this too where the berries are placed on waffles or pancakes.
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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Seven is often considered a magical number, let’s see if it applies to this episode.
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We start with on a rather laid-back scene as Eda looks over her To Do list. And apparently she feels the need to burn her old dress. Unless told otherwise, I’m gonna go ahead and assume that she never washed her old dress and just used magic to make it so it wouldn’t smell. But after she lost her magic, the spell eventually ran out of juice and that’s why she got the new one.
We can see here some notebooks with glyphs, showing that Eda is still learning off-screen. We can also see a photo of Eda, Luz & King from the Grom episode.
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Hold up, King is planning on moving out?  Isn’t he like… I mean, I guess we don’t know how long he was in the tower on his own, but he can’t be much more than like ten or something. Unless his species ages really slowly. What is he even gonna do, get a job? Or maybe he’s planning on going on some kind of trip to search for his father.
Secondly, Eda is not too happy with it. ”Everyone’s leaving.” She is no substitute for the ”real thing.” King is going to look for his father. Luz is looking for a way back home to the Human Realm and her mother. Her real mother.
Oof, that’s depressing.
Heck, even Lilith left after crashing on Eda’s couch for two weeks to move back home to mom. Once/if Luz figures out a way back to the Human Realm, Eda will be alone with Hooty. Now, I wouldn’t mind that, as Hooty is Best Boy, but I can see how lesser beings couldn’t withstand his presence for very long.
My joking aside, it does make me think. We haven’t really seen any friends of Eda as far as I can recall. She’s mentioned a few times that she has several exes, but, well… they’re exes. They’re not exactly around. Her sister worked for the Emperor’s Coven and tried to arrest her. Her mother came around once a year to try another miracle cure that inevitably failed. Eda’s always been a bit of an outcast of society, due to her curse and her refusal to join a Coven making her a criminal. With all that in mind, Eda comes of as someone who would be very lonely without King and Luz.
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Eda finds this lute (lying at an impossible angle) in the chest. She picks it up and starts plonking with it. A bright aura surrounds her and several objects start levitating. The gem on her chest begins to glow and she gasps, wondering if her magic has returned… only for everything to literally come crashing down and she puts down the lute in frustration.
So first off, was that Bard magic? I know the Bard Coven is a thing that exists, but I can’t recall seeing any Bard magic performed. As far as I know, when it comes to bards in roleplaying games and stuff they’re all about buffing and supporting their allies, or debuffing enemies.
Secondly, Eda’s gem did start to glow (either that or the aura from the lute was reflecting in the rock), so it might really be hinting that there is some magic left in her. Or maybe her curse was reacting in some way? We do know Eda’s emotional state can affect how the curse behaves. Stress makes it worse, so maybe the calming tunes soothed the beast within?
Thirdly. the reason I took this screenshot is because this is where we can best see the symbol on the lute. It’s a raincloud, divided in two halves by a sorta lighting bolt shaped line. There is one eye in each half, one open one close. The cloud has what might be a lightning bolt coming from it.
Something tells me that symbol will be important.
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That… is probably not a good sign.
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Eda’s Requiem.
Insert your own JoJoke here:_____________________________________.
A requiem is a mass held in repose of the souls of the dead, usually held in the context of a funeral. It’s a primarily catholic tradition.
So, uh… Eda’s gonna die. I’d think that’s the kind of plot twist the writers would save for the season finale, but I admire their guts.
There’s also a famous music piece by Mozart called requiem, so maybe it just means Eda’s gonna play some banger tunes.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Hiya Danni! 6, 14 and 26 for Snape asks?
Hi there Krissy1! Thanks for the asks!!
6.) If Snape learnt another language, which would he choose?
Ooh interesting! I can see him wanting to learn all sorts of languages. A thirst for both knowledge, and power.
First I think Latin: primarily for necessity when it came to spellcrafting. Though I think part of it might also be the...vibe, I guess, the prestige of knowing a dead language. 100% for real genuine wanting to know, but I have to think part of him would feel a bit smug being able to tell people he can speak Latin.
Then I think for practical reasons, maybe French or German. A more common, useful language to have in his back pocket. Probably Russian, too. I can sort of see it being the most appealing to him. The sound of it, the rhythm of it. Maybe he has plans to escape to Russia, if worst comes to worst. And I think it would be fun for him to learn, since it necessitates learning a new alphabet.
He's so practical I think he would choose languages that would be the most useful to him to start, but Latin and Russian would be the most appealing and most fun to actually learn, whereas he might pick up others just because they're handy, or due to actual need.
14.) What do you think is Snape's favourite potion to prepare?
Hmm. I think there are potions he brews often because of need. And maybe he enjoys making them because he knows he wants/needs them, and he trusts his own abilities. Maybe he enjoys making certain things because of how useful they are not only to him, but to others; proving his use and his worth to other people.
Dreamless Sleep might be his favorite for personal use. I'm sure dude has trouble sleeping, and has nightmares when he does sleep. And if ever he has good dreams, they're bittersweet. He probably prefers not to dream at all.
Various healing potions for practicality. And maybe some part of him enjoys crafting healing draughts to counteract any misdeeds from the past. Making up for his sins one cure at a time. And the pleasure of knowing others are relying on him. "You need me to do this, and with this I prove my worth."
When it comes to the art of brewing, though...I don't know that I have a specific in mind. But I think there's a potion he's always pleased to have an excuse to make, because the process is a joy. It's a sensory experience, I think. The soothing routine of chopping and measuring and stirring. The ingredients are pretty, they feel good in his hands, they smell nice. The end result doesn't matter as much as what he's doing to create it.
But he has the most fun improving potions, or inventing them, I think. Using his technical skill and know how. Experimenting. Challenging himself.
Not sure I really answered this question well, but I'm not sure what he might call his favorite. But I can imagine there are different ones he prefers for different reasons, that fulfill him in different ways.
26.) What genre do you think Snape preferred to read?
Oh goody! I'm sure our man likes a variety.
I think he secretly likes a good romance, because he's a romantic at heart (whether he admits it or not); preferably darker romances, but at times the softer side soothes his bruised spirit. I also see him liking a good mystery; a good mystery. He pays extra close attention, looking for clues, seeing if he can solve it. Severus likes to be challenged.
He probably also really likes the classics, I think, Muggle and magical. Experiencing literature that had an impact on the world.
But I also think he really likes a good fantasy novel. High fantasy, specifically.
Part of it is seeing how Muggles see and portray magic versus what he knows magic to be. But I also think it gets his mind working. It gives him an idea of potential. Even if he's not making potions or spells shown in his books, they at least inspire him in some way. "Can this be possible, can that?" Broadening his mind, in ways. So it appeals on an intellectual level, looking at what Muggles are coming up with, and how they can benefit him. But then also the pure enjoyment of a good adventure story and exploring different worlds through fiction.
He loves Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time, and may he live long enough to see A Song of Ice and Fire end. But mostly he has to live to read The Kingkiller Chronicle...not only for the magic, but the gorgeous prose. That man will 100% be stalking Patrick Rothfuss' socials for updates on the third book. Complains to his husband Harry about it. Actually, he has to get Harry to teach him how to work social media just so he can find Rothfuss on Twitter. He'll be the first in line to get The Doors of Stone when it's finally published. He won't talk to Harry at all that day because he has to read his new book start to finish. Harry is very annoyed but also oh so charmed. Fixes him tea and snacks while he reads his book.
Wow I can sneak Snarry into any question, can't I? LOL.
Anyway, yeah...simple answer: high fantasy as # 1, though he reads a lot of different things.
Snape asks
answered: 22, 25, 27; 43, 45, 49; 6, 14, 26
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witchcraftsymbolsblog · 8 months
Crystal Witchcraft
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 Hi lovelies and welcome to Wicca Now. As you may already know, Wicca Now is a site where Amaria and I write all about witchcraft, Wicca, crystals, and magick. Lately, I’ve been covering a lot of crystal-related content, like this post on how to charge your crystals, a recipe about how to make crystal-infused water, and a post all about crystal correspondences. Today I thought we’d take a broader look at crystals and magick and talk about crystal witchcraft.
Crystals have always fascinated me and as a child, I remember asking my parents to buy me specific crystals that I’d had my eye on for my birthdays. I used to line my crystal collection up in the sun and observe how they glittered and glowed. Sometimes I’d carry a special crystal in my pocket and touch it throughout the day and I can even remember one specific crystal (a round smooth piece of tigers eye) that I liked to suck on like a hard-boiled piece of candy (strange as it may sound).
What I didn’t realise at the time was that I was intuitively practising a sort of crystal magick. By placing the crystals in the sunlight I was cleansing and charging them, by touching or carrying them with me I was working with the energies of the crystal to help soothe or energise. It’s amazing how most of us are naturally inclined to do certain things as children which we need to relearn to do as adults, don’t you think?
Humanity itself has always had a fascination with crystals; from the ancient Egyptians who wore gemstone jewellery and carried amulets made from crystals to the Romans who named certain crystals after the qualities they were thought to possess. 
By the time a crystal lands in your hand, it has probably already lived an incredibly diverse and storied existence. Maybe the crystal you hold was passed down from mother to daughter for many generations, maybe it lay deep inside a fiery volcano for thousands of years. Perhaps it bubbled up and down with the waters of a subterranean hydrothermal spring or it lay buried deep under many layers of sediment and stone until it was mined and brought forth into the light.
Some crystals are so old that they existed long before humans even walked the earth and whilst many people differentiate between precious and semi-precious crystals, for witches, all crystals are precious and unique.
How to Practice Crystal Witchcraft
For many beginner or baby witches working with crystals is something that they most look forward to and I can understand why. The beauty and energy embodied by crystals make them a wonderful starting place for rituals, energy work or spells. Working with crystal magick can be incredibly inspiring and enriching for your practice regardless of whether you are a baby witch or one with many years of practice under her or his metaphorical belt.
If you’re interested in elevating your crystal magick and to start seriously practising crystal witchcraft, I’ve outlined some of the main points you might like to consider below:
How does Crystal Witchcraft Work?
Witches generally acknowledge that crystals emit certain frequencies and working with these frequencies forms the basis of crystal witchcraft. While there is no scientific evidence (yet) to confirm that crystals can directly affect our bodies and environments, that doesn’t mean that they don’t. Witches have worked with crystals for centuries and believe that by harnessing a stones specific energy, that they can in turn guide this energy towards a specific problem in order for it to then manifest a solution.
Please note: crystals are in no way a replacement for modern medicine and should not be relied upon to cure any ailments. Please always consult a medical professional for any health-related issues.
What Exactly is a Crystal Witch?
As you may already know, witchcraft is an incredibly diverse field and witches choose to define themselves (or not) in a wide variety of ways. If you interested in learning more about the different types of witches, check out this post-Amaria wrote on 20 different types of witches. A crystal witch is generally a witch who has decided to focus his or her craft primarily on crystal witchcraft and crystal magick. This means that a crystal witch will generally possess wide-ranging knowledge about crystals and the qualities that each crystal enjoys. He or she might choose to work with crystals in the following ways:
Chakra balancing
Healing (learn more about healing crystals here)
Potion making. (Learn how to make crystal-infused water here)
Crystal Gridding 
Remember that becoming proficient in any area of witchcraft takes time and patience. Learning to become a crystal witch requires a witch to dedicate her or himself to truly understanding the world of crystals, something that might take years and years of practice. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel like you’re not ‘getting it’ at the start, stay persistent and keep working with the stones until their language begins to reveal itself to you.
How to Choose Your Crystals
Many witches believe that a crystal should not be purchased without first seeing it in person. The reason for this is that it is easier to get a feel for a crystal and thereby determine if it is right for you by first holding it or by simply being in its presence.
I don’t really agree with this idea because I believe that the energy contained within crystals is universal and regardless of how a crystal makes its way to you, you will always be able to find a way of tapping into its frequency. Also, not everyone has access to a crystal shop, and being able to shop for crystals online is a wonderful way of adding to your collection if you don’t happen to have a crystal shop in your neighborhood. 
Either way, before purchasing a crystal you should first research what sort of crystal you need. If you need help discovering what crystal corresponds to which qualities check out this post I wrote on crystal correspondences.  
Remember also that you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on a large-sized crystal, a small crystal will be just as effective. You might also like to invoke a deity to ask for guidance when choosing a crystal. Or you might like to meditate on what you would like the crystal to help you with. Regardless of whether you are shopping for crystals in person or online, listen to your intuition and notice which crystal seems particularly attractive or interesting.
Once you have your new crystal purchase safe at home, welcome it by holding it in your hands and allowing it to warm up. Connect with your crystal by way of an invocation if you like. It could be something along the lines of:
“Universe, I am open to the energy of this crystal. Help me to build a connection to its frequency.”
Preparing Your Crystals for Crystal Magick
Before working with any of your crystals its super important that they are cleansed and charged. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this here:
Crystals and Your Witchy Altar
An Altar is a witches sacred space. It’s kinda where the magick happens and can be as individual and unique as you like. If you feel like learning more about witchy altars, Ameria’s actually written lots about altars like this post on how to create a powerful witchy altar or this article about altar decorations. Anyway, seeing as this post is about crystal witchcraft, let’s just jump right in and discuss how you might like to incorporate crystals into your altar or sacred space. 
As a general rule of thumb, I don’t recommend having more than two crystals on your altar at any point of time unless you have a specific spell or ritual which calls for more. The reason for this is that you don’t want to have too many conflicting energies happening on your altar and placing your whole crystal collection on your altar would have just this effect. It’s a better practice to store your cleansed and charged crystals in a special place reserved only for them so that you can easily find and implement them within your spellwork when needed. 
A Crystal Witches Toolkit
While I’m a total fan of improvised magick and making do with what you have, if you’re serious about crystal witchcraft you might like to invest in a crystal magick toolkit to help you enrich your magickal practice. 
A crystal witches toolkit might contain:
Candles. Both coloured and plain white
Essential oils to anoint the candles with.
A special box or case to store your crystals in
Salt. Useful for cleansing and for casting a circle
A cloth onto which you can lay out your crystals
Essential Crystals for Crystal Witchcraft
19 Essential Crystals Every Crystal Witch Should Own
Agate – A powerful healing stone
Angelite – The witch’s choice of crystal for communicating with the higher realm
Amber – Amber isn’t technically a crystal (amber is actually fossilized tree resin) but its awesome healing powers mean it deserves a place on this list
Amythest – An incredible all-around powerhouse of energy
Aquamarine – A powerful force against all things negative.
Beryl – An excellent stone for scrying 
Bloodstone –  A stone of great power. Useful especially for weather magick
Carnelian – Magickal properties of rest and rejuvenation
Celestine – As the name implies, celestine helps us to connect with divine powers
Citrine – Carrys the power of the sun
Flourite – A powerful stone of protection and cleansing
Moldavite – An intensely powerful stone. Some people believe moldavite is of extraterrestrial origin.
Moonstone – A wonderful stone for expanding psychic abilities
Onyx – A stone that brings strength
Quartz – One of the most powerful stones when used magickally 
Rose Quartz –  The crystal of love
Tigers Eye – A crystal for repelling negativity
Tourmaline – A witchy favorite for protection magick
Turquoise – A Beautifully protective stone. 
Everyday Crystal Rituals and Spells
A Crystal Witchcraft Spell To Beat The Blues
Everybody can feel a little ‘blue’ from time to time and it’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Use this little spell to help lift your mood whenever you need a little magickal boost of positive energy.
You will need:
A small drawstring pouch
A white candle
A piece of Ammolite
A Ginsing teabag or leaves
Dried basil
Dried sage
Step 1 -Cleanse and charge your ammolite crystal. Place it on your altar and position the white candle in front of it. Make yourself a cup of ginseng tea and as it seeps, scatter the dried basil and sage onto and around the crystal.
Step 2 – Light the candle and as you sip the tea imagine all of your worries and troubles being washed away by a powerful aura of healing white light beaming from your ammolite crystal. Continue to sip your tea and visualise the white light surrounding you with intense positivity.
Step 3- When you have finished your tea, thank the crystal for ‘washing away’ your worries and scoop the dried herbs into the pouch. Place the pouch under your pillow and imagine it continuing to flood your bedroom with positive vibes while you sleep. You should feel your mood lift within a few days of working this spell.
A Crystal Witchcraft Spell To Help You Get A Promotion
If things are a little stagnant at work and you feel like your career could use a boost try this simple spell which taps into the power of aventurine to help give your career a push in the right direction.
You will need:
A piece of aventurine. Cleansed and charged.
A white tea light or votive candle
A copy of your C.V
Step 1 – work this spell on the night of a new moon as this is a powerful time for new beginnings. Place a copy of your CV onto your altar or sacred space. Now place the aventurine crystal onto the CV. Position the candle next to the CV.
Step 2 – light the candle and as the flame burns, recite the following spell: “As this flame burns and the crystals energy flows, new beginnings beckon and the scope of my employment blossoms and grows”. Recite the spell out loud or in your mind as you watch the candle burn. Visualize yourself being handed a promotion as you recite the spell. Try to feel the actual emotion you would experience during a promotion. Imagine it happening as clearly and as powerfully as you can.
Step 3 – Once you feel like you have summoned a good amount of energy, thank the crystal and the universe for helping you to achieve your goals. Place the aventurine and the C.V. together in a safe space and imagine it infusing your work prospects with fresh energy.
Step 4 – Once you have achieved your promotion burn the C.V and make sure to thank the universe for the promotion. Cleanse the aventurine and store it safely for its next use.
Lovelies, I hope that this has given you at least a small glimpse into the wonderful world of crystal witchcraft and inspired you to try out a few new things in your own practice of the Craft. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for daily witchy inspo and as always, Blessed Be!
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
a john fic to cure the sadness following the game??? I beg xox
ask and you shall receive lovely x short and sweet little john fic :(
the day has finally come for john to make you his wife
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John is literally spell bound. He’s bewitched, whipped, smitten, wrapped around your finger, enthralled; you name a way to say he’s completely head over heels in love with you and he is it. John Stones is the very impersonation of a man in love.
His eyes sparkle when he watches you, almost like he is completely bamboozled by your beauty each and every time he lays eyes on you.
Those pretty blue eyes track your movements, your stunning long dress skirting along behind you. John nearly drops to his knees when his whole body goes weak as his lips part with a shaky breath released from between them just at the sight of you. There’s a bouquet of flowers in your hands that you spent months trying to decide on before finally concluding on that bouquet of the lightest pink roses that match with those scattered along the the floor beneath your pretty shoes hidden by your dress. John only knows what they look like because it was the only part of your outfit today that he was allowed to see when you were searching for it.
He doesn’t mind that so much now.
The sight of you walking towards him in that stunning white dress, making him sweat and smile, his stomach flipping as he’s finally seeing you for the first time today. Finally seeing that dress that he insisted not a single penny was spared on. He didn’t care how much this day cost, didn’t care how much time he had to spend looking through catalogs and magazines and he certainly wasn’t complaining about any of the cake tasting. John had just been absolutely ecstatic to be having this day with you. To end this day somehow even more in love with you, and able to call you his wife.
For John to tell you that you look beautiful in this moment would be an insult, because you are so much more than beautiful. There aren’t words in existence that would ever be able to describe how unbelievably stunning you are in this moment as he brings those tentative, trembling fingers to lift the veil over your head.
The sound of each of your friends and family taking their seats again after having stood as you walked down the isle echos around the room, drowning out the gentle words John speaks to you in that moment.
“You look perfect.”
Your cheeks flush softly, making John’s show-stopping smile grow even wider. You’ve been with John five years and he never fails to make you blush, never fails to make your heart skip a beat, and your stomach flip whenever he complements you. He truly, truly is the love of your life.
Those warm hands of his are as soothing as they always are when they reach for yours as the officiator begins talking through the stuff you barely even listen to. You’re far too busy getting lost in the eyes in the man in front of you, trapped in the different hues of blue, green and grey melding together to present your very favourite colour in the world. The only time you really listening is why John starts talking, speaking carefully through his vows very shakily to begin with. As he continues, the tears build in your eyes with each promise he makes to you. The promises are really more for the sake of the wedding because you know each and every one of these things already.
“You are my everything. You’re all i’ll ever need, and i will promise to love you every single day for the rest of my life.”
John is gentle and careful when he uses the backs of his fingers to swipe the tears from your eyes before they have the chance to fall, and that man has never been so thankful for the words “You may now kiss your bride.” He’s probably never wanted to kiss you more and he couldn’t care less about all of the people watching. John cups your face, dipping you ever so slightly so shield you frown the eyes as he knew you were embarrassed to be kissing in front of just about everyone you knew. Everybody is cheering, making you smile into the kiss that maybe goes on a little longer than normal, but John just can’t bring himself to pull away.
You are his wife now.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is with my greatest honour that i present to you; Mr and Mrs Stones.”
The huge wooden doors swing open for you and John to walk through, linked arm in arm with his hand clasped over yours. Your cheeks are aching from smiling so much as everybody claps you in together for the first dance of many as a married couple. John is a big dancer, so you can only imagine that there are going to be plenty more dances together. You were looking forward to a lifetime of those dances in moonlight glow through the living room window with socks sliding along the laminate, and in 8 months time you’ll be doing that with a brand new little baby cradled in your arms. That little bean remains a secret that is shared only between you and John for the moment, kept safe within you just like the safety you feel in John’s arms as he sways you around the dance floor not the soft hum of the music you’d taken months to choose.
For now, you don’t worry about that on earth your best friend is going to say when she raises for her toast in five minutes, and you try not to even think about what Kyle is going to hit out with for John. For now you just allow yourself to be in his arms, breathing in the scent of his signature after shave mixing with his shampoo and your favourite washing up capsules lingering on that crisp fitting suit to produce that authentically John scent that you love so much.
“I love you,” John says quietly into your ears, lips brushing gently against your cheek. “My wife.” He says, testing the words in on his lips. Both of you smile at the sound of it.
“I like that.” You mumble back, looking up at him with sparkling eyes. “Me too,” John smiles, “But i think i prefer Mrs Stones.”
“Yeah,” you mumble as he dips to press his lips softly against yours. “Me too.”
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Mushroom Loathing (Floyd Leech x Reader)
POV: Somehow the most bizarre can happen, Floyd accidently hits Jade’s mushroom with a complex spell that turns it into a male human being. He hated mushrooms before, but now when he takes care of it with you, he loathes mushrooms.
Side note: I don’t know- I just human-fy a lot of things and cry- (inspired by me looking at my Floyd plushie every two seconds.) 
“It was an accident~”
Floyd whined as Jade could only stare at his “cursed” mushroom. Floyd had somehow pulled off a complex spell, but in the end, he couldn’t control the power of it, and accidently directed it towards one of Jade’s mushroom terrariums.
Now Jade’s mushroom wasn’t even a mushroom anymore. It took shape of a tall and slender male human being. The mushroom Floyd hit was a toadstool; the human mushroom’s hair was a crimson red with white streaks, just like that of the cap of a toadstool. His eyes were a chocolate brown, shining like copper under the light, pale skin making the lad look weak and frail, yet it made him look pretty and ethereal.
He looked...stoic. His expressions were unreadable as he looked at his surroundings in a curious manner.
Jade sighs. “I... I’m going to have to search through my senior’s textbook for a spell reverse or some potion. You stay here to take care of it.”
“Lame..” Floyd frowned.
“Look, you can ask y/n to take care of it with you for as long as you like. It would probably take me awhile to find a cure,” Jade states, as he wore his black, uniform jacket.
Floyd pondered. Well he doesn’t mind spending time with you, and for as long as he wants until Jade is back. The mushroom can’t really do much, right? He hummed, and picked up his phone, lazily dialing in your phone number as Jade left.
He took it as a “yes”.
“So... Jade’s mushroom is a human now..?”
You looked at the human mushroom dumbfounded. He seemed to stare back at you too.
“So.. does it have a name?”
“No,” Floyd simply says, rolling off his bed and standing up, slinging both his arms around you in a clingy manner. “Ahhh! This is boring, koebi-chan, can we get out?~”
You nodded slowly, still maintaining eye contact with the human mushroom.
“We’ll call him Brier the Mushroom!” you exclaimed, taking the mushroom boy by his hand. He seemed to look slightly surprise, as his chocolate eyes widened a little.
“Brier, why don’t you tag along? Floyd, didn’t you said you had to take care of him? Kill two bird with one stone! Spend time with me at Monstro Lounge and both of us can look after Brier!” You smiled
Well, he figured that could work, right?
Floyd was glaring menacingly at Brier who was too oblivious to notice or feel the olive green and golden eyes of the moray eel piercing through his soul like a cold spear.
“Awww! So you do like Jade!”
“Jade..” it whispered with a soft and gentle tone, looking at a picture of his own gardener with a warm look in his eyes.
Apparently, the mushroom can feel what it’s like when he was cared and well nurtured for by Jade. He seemed to be very fond of Floyd’s twin brother, but he was also fond of you.
Having you help your boyfriend’s brother to tend to his mushrooms was a way to get along with him, and also a way for you to be friends with Octavinelle’s vice dorm leader.
Floyd didn’t mind such, because you spend most of your time with him, but Jade’s mushroom, Brier...
He hated mushrooms before, but he hates Brier the most.
Dressed in one of Jade’s uniforms, he tugged Jade’s jacket that draped around his shoulders like a blanket, as you showed him pictures of the Leech brothers on your phone, more of Jade’s of course.
Floyd cursed under his breath. He hated how Brier was stealing your attention away from him, and not only that, he seemed to always inching closer to you.
It was so annoying for the troubled eel, having to suffer while watching the gap being closed by the minute.
But what ticks him off the most is by how touchy he was with you. Brier haven’t touched anywhere inappropriate, but when you showed him a picture of Jade, he squeals softly and bury his head in your shoulders, slowly peeking at the photo again with a bright, pink blush present on his cheeks.
The pouting Floyd was grumbling about how he was suppose to have all the physical affection from you when he heard Brier squealing hard, sinking himself in your shoulder in a jerk motion as you wrapped your arms around him, laughing about how cute he was.
This damn Brier...
Floyd stood up and pulled you away from Brier. He snarled at the human mushroom, holding you possessively with a dark expression painting his face, eyes glinted menacingly as his hat casted a shadow on his face. Like a beast ready to attack.
“Don’t touch koebi chan, punk,” his tone was much lower than his usual airy, laid back tone.
Brier was taken aback, cowering in the very corner of the lavender couch looking frightened and confused.
“Hey! Floyd, you’re scaring him!”
“He’s hugging you too much!”
You folded your arms, looking crossly at your eel lover, your back facing Brier as to shield him away from Floyd.
“He just really likes Jade, he can’t help it!”
“Does he need to hug you every five minutes, huh?” Floyd looked angry, but you could tell he was hurt, seeing the very corner of his eyes pricked a single bead of a tear threatening to fall.
Your expression softened as you sighed, understanding Floyd being so upset with the lack of time being spent on him. 
You gently wrapped your arms around the moody eel, softly caressing his cheek in a soothing manner.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” you whispered.
Floyd remained quiet. The pout of him didn’t fade, but it dramatically softened, burying his face in your shoulder as he softly whined about how he wanted you to embrace him closer.
You smiled tenderly, stroking the teal haired man, looking back at Brier and put a finger on your lips.
Brier simply nodded, seemingly recovered from the earlier acrimonious eel.
“Floyd, it’s going to take me a few days in maki-”
“Take your Brier.”
Floyd gestured the human mushroom, who looked shyly at Jade, his chocolate eyes diverting away from him, and shuffled awkwardly with his feet, blushing madly at Floyd’s twin.
“His name is Brier..?”
“Shrimpy named him. Just take care of him, it’s your mushroom,” Floyd retorted, he glances back at your sleeping form, who was smiling gently and comfortably on Floyd’s untidy bed.
“Just let him stay on your side of the room.”
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Vampire Atem/Yami Alphabet Headcanons
Found this list of vamp-themes headcanons by @an-annyeoing-writer and I knew I had to do them for our favorite king-turned-spirit!
For those of you who read my Spells of Defiance series, these headcanons can be taken as 100% canon to that AU <3
A - Accident - would they turn someone to save their life?
Oof, already starting with a hard one. So, Atem is one of those vampires who hates his existence, he believes it’s a curse. However, he does still love and care for people deeply, and he knows that for many, life is sacred even if it’s a cursed life. I think in a moment of weakness, especially in his earlier years as a vampire, he might turn someone just because he’s desperate not to lose them, only to regret his decision later, especially if that someone is like him and hates what they’ve become. We all make mistakes, right?
B - Bite - how do they bite? Sensually, aggressively? Do they make it hurt or try to be gentle?
Atem is extremely gentle when he feeds off of people, always careful not to bite too deep or tear the skin more than needed, he even holds you and tries to soothe you with gentle strokes of his hands. Now, whether he tries to make it “sensual” or at all sexual...that’s a complicated topic. While Atem is almost always disgusted with himself when/while he feeds, he does recognize that there is a level of intimacy and even romance that can be connected with drinking blood, so sometimes he can be persuaded to make it a more sensual thing if you’re his lover. 
C - Control - do they take advantage of their powers?
That depends on who’s in the equation. I can see Atem using his new powers in order to bring justice to those he sees as wrong doers (like his season 0/early manga-self) as a way to make his vampire abilities useful, so from that angle he would “take advantage” of his powers. He might even get some small gratification in using his strength and speed to hunt down evil people, them cowering in fear is retribution for their wrong-doings, but even that’s not too over the top. Other than that, no, he doesn’t really use his powers for advantages over others.
D - Dangerous - how scary they can get? How bad things can they do? What’s their ethics?
So, while Atem does have a very strong moral code, Atem also has a temper, and said temper might be harder to control when he’s a vampire. Even when he’s not growling in anger, he can have this cold glare that could make bikers squeamish. There are moments, especially when he was a younger vampire, where he loses his temper and can get pretty scary. If you’re his loved one don’t worry too much, he would never lose control enough to hurt you, even though his yelling (and maybe throwing a thing or two) is pretty scary on it’s own. If you’re someone he sees a vermin though watch out, when he gets scary you’re probably going to end up dead or wishing you were dead.
E - Exchange - do they opt for blood bags or animal blood, if possible?
He opts for animal blood as often as he can. Sometimes he’ll hunt said animals himself but even that is a little too violent for his liking (Atem is a softie okay?!) so if he can go to a local butcher and get animal blood from them he’ll do it that way. He’s not fond of blood bags because A) they’re harder to acquire and B) having human blood in a cold plastic bag just makes him long for warm human blood and skin under his teeth more. Sure animal blood isn’t as sustaining for him, but Atem spent decades (maybe even centuries) figuring out how much animal blood he needs to consume in order to keep his blood lust under control so he’ll choose that over harming an innocent human.
Also, side note, if you live with him I hope you don’t have a sensitive sense of smell, because he heats up the blood on the stove to make it taste better and it can make the house stinky lol
F - First bite - on what occasion would they bite you for the first time?
Oooh that’s a good one. Like I said Atem has a very complicated relationship with feeding from his loved ones, especially his s/o, and he’s never going to ask you for your blood. So I’d say that not only would you have to offer your blood to him, but he would have to be out of other feeding options at the time. He knows that once he reaches a certain point of hunger he loses control and might kill you in a hunger-induced blood rage, so if drinking from you now, before he gets to that point, prevents that danger, he’d be willing to. Like I said above, Atem would be very gentle with you on that occasion, holding you close and stroking the skin around the bite mark to soothe any pain, and when he’s done he’d kiss the wound and the sore skin around it as amends.
The only other “first bite” scenario I can think of is if you spend months convincing him that you don’t mind (or even like) the occasional bite and finally convince him to drink your blood during an intimate moment, and again he’s very gentle and mindful of not hurting you.
G - Growl - are they more on the “civilized” side or do they enjoy hunting their prey down?
A bit of both, I guess? Since he tries not to drink from humans he’s more civilized in that way, but like I said before he does “hunt” evil people like an avenging dark angel, which he may get some small form of enjoyment from, so... 
H - Hate - how do they feel about their kind? About themselves?
It’s honestly pretty depressing how much self-loathing Atem harbors. He genuinely thinks he’s an abomination. It doesn’t help that in all his centuries of living, he’s met very few vampires who’re “good” like him. He’s also someone who’s on a high horse and if he met a vamp who didn’t kill human’s but also wasn’t self loathing like him, he’d look down on said vampire. I’m warning you now if you fall in love with him, his self-hatred is very upsetting and can be hard to deal with.
I - Intimacy - how fast would they let you close to them? Would they want to share with you what they are?
Surprisingly, I say it’s not that hard. See, even though Atem thinks he’s a monster and tries his best to stay away from people, he also craves companionship and love. Sure, he’s spent several chunks of his immortal life isolating himself in remote woods and tall mountains for decades at a time, but he always returns to humanity at some point. So if you show that you want to be close to him he’ll try to warn you or even scare you away a bit, but it won’t take too long to let you in. And yes, he’d share what he is with you if you started to get close to him, not only as a means to scare you away “before he can hurt you” but also so you know what you’re getting into by being near him.
J - Joke - would they do pranks on other people with the use of their powers?
Sometimes, yes. If he’s close to you, he’ll start to get comfortable and like teasing you, so he’ll do minor things like sneak up behind you soundlessly and jump scare you, or zoom past you to get to something before you and play keep-away. Also, he doesn’t do this one intentionally, but sometimes he’ll be sitting in a dark room, and when you walk in you just suddenly hear this voice calling out to you in the darkness, scaring the crap outta you lol
K - Key - what’s the way of making them open up to you?
Honestly just...continue to shove your friendship in his face. Like I said under “intimacy” he still craves relationships and companionship despite how much he fears hurting people. He may try to push you away at first but if you just continue to hang around him he’ll eventually stop trying to scare you away and start opening up to you little by little.
L - Life - do they wish they were human?
Absolutely. I can see Atem, ever the fixer of problems, spending the first few hundred years searching for a cure for his “condition” not just for himself but for others who view vampires the same way. He often thinks about what his life would have been if he hadn’t been turned, and daydreams about the possibility of becoming human again. 
M - Murder - would they kill someone while feeding? Have they ever done so?
Atem has killed while feeding, yes, but not voluntarily. I’m going with the general lore that vampires, when starved too long, can't control their bloodlust and Atem has killed while in that state. When he wakes with a limp, lifeless body in his arms, he’s a devastated wreck. Hurting innocent people is literally his living nightmare and the idea that his bloodlust can turn him into an animal sickens him. He would spend decades learning how much blood he needs to consume and how often, in order to keep that bloodlust from taking control.
N - Nature - do they justify their doings? Do they consider them natural?
Atem, the self-loathing martyr of a fanged prince, considering his bloodlust natural? LMAOOOO No. No he doesn’t, nor does he ever justify his actions. In fact, he uses the terrible things he’s done to justify why he shouldn’t be loved or even alive.
O - Odd - do they have any specific hobbies or habits?
Our gentle dark prince still loves games and puzzles, I think he’d like modern brain teasers that keep his mind sharp and un-ironically loves the puzzle games printed on the back of sunday newspapers, even though they aren’t hard (for him anyway). If you got close to him and showed him games he never got to play bc they’re multiplayers he’d honestly love you. He’d win most of the time, let's be honest, especially things like Clue, but his expression is just so cute and excited when you play his favorites that you’d lose 1000 times over just to see it.
P - Pain - are they sadistic? Do they enjoy what they do?
Nope. I think you all have the idea by now but Atem is one of the most self-loathing and gentle vampires you’d meet....or at least he’s gentle with you. Other vampires who hurt people for fun? Okay, I can see him being ever so slightly sadistic when dealing with creatures like that, he has no mercy for vampires who’ve embraced their monstrous curse, best you run the other way when he punishes them, else you may actually get a little frightened of him...
R - Roles - do they enjoy pretending to be normal people? How do they feel about leaving their life behind to start a new one?
I wouldn’t say that Atem pretends to be normal, in fact, the only part of his vampirism that he embraces is being an “other”, or rather, the aesthetic of being odd, something that most humans feel uneasy when confronted with. He’d see this as a good tool to keep people he may hurt away from him. He’s no stranger to stalking graveyards/cemeteries, creeping in the shadows in a way that has others scurrying past if they happen to spot him, basically anything that makes him seem creepy and makes others keep their distance. Ultimately it hurts him since he’s unexplainably lonely, but it hurts more to know he may hurt the humans he comes across. On the same note, leaving behind one life for another to avoid suspicion is a double-edged sword for him, while it reminds him how terribly lonely existence is, it’s good to keep those who might’ve grown close to him safe.
S - Scars - do they leave marks or try to make the wounds small and invisible?
If Atem feeds from someone voluntarily (as in, not in an animalistic state), he’ll do everything he can to not leave lasting marks. Leaving marks means more pain and we all know how much he hates causing pain to others. 
T - Turned - how were they turned?
In my fic, Marik turned Atem as a form of revenge, but otherwise, I could honestly see Atem being turned by any YGO villain. I say villain because him being cursed with this life by a villain (like Bakura for example, or maybe another minion of Zorc) kind of goes along with the original story’s need to punish Atem and cast him into darkness for things that ultimately weren’t his fault.
U - Universe - what’s their biggest wish that they can’t achieve as immortals?
Mostly just...being close to people without constantly worrying that he’ll hurt or kill them. I can also see Atem yeaning for the simple pleasure of growing old and dying with one's family. If he fell in love he would crave the ability to just settle down and grow old together. Hell, he’s even one of those morbid romantics who thinks couples dying within days of each other is sweet and wishes he could do that when he loses his lover to old age.
V - Vampire - would they turn you?
Man again with the hard ones! Oof, okay, so...If you asked Atem to turn you, he’d say no, reciting his monologue about how vampires are cursed vermin who shouldn’t even exist, even if you retained your humanity after the turn, he knows the deep reaches of this curse and what it will make you do, and he hates the idea of you going through what he has.
...However, much like in the very first headcanon on this list...Atem makes mistakes and has his weak moments. If your life ended unexpectedly, of you were taken from him suddenly, like attacked or in some fatal accident, he may turn you in a moment of weakness; a desperate need to cling to you taking over his better judgment. He’d hate himself after and the only way he’d ever feel okay with it, is if time proved that you retained your humanity. He would teach you how to control your blood lust so you don’t have to go through half the things he has, and only then would he be okay with what he did to you in his moment of weakness.
W - War - would they engage in fighting their own kind for the humanity’s sake?
Yes! No one even has to ask him, Atem basically thinks the only good thing he can do with his powers is to rid the world of other vampires. He’s basically an avenging angel who’ll hunt down any vampire who threatens a human.
Y - Yandere - would they become dangerous to you (their lover)?
For the most part, I’d say no. Atem is self-aware and emotionally intelligent enough to tell if he ever starts crossing lines into “unhealthy” territory, and if that ever happened, he’d literally run away. He would leave you in order to protect you, no matter how much it hurt. There may be one (literally ONE) incident where he does something to you that crosses the line, but he’d be instantly horrified and remove himself from your life, moving to the other side of the world with no means to follow him, if it meant protecting you from himself. Now the chances of this happening in the first place? Hard to say. I really don’t think Atem is unhinged or even violent enough for it to be likely, but, an argument could be made that after everything he’s gone through, Atem may start seeing you and his love for you in an obsessives, unhealthy way. Again though, even if this did happen he would realize it and run away before it can go too far.
Z - Zombie - are they on their way to losing sanity?
I don’t think so. Atem is as strong (mentally/emotionally) as they come. Maybe eventually, after millennia and millennia of constantly losing loved ones and dealing the the monster he’s become he would start losing his sanity, but that would take a long, long time. 
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ellitx · 3 years
Chapter 3: Song of the Ancients
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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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art belongs to _01ki_
word count: 3k
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           If someone would ask Venti what happened, he’ll simply give a smile and say it’s nothing. But in this situation, one can feel the uncanny and dangerous aura surrounding him. It’s either they know not to press any further or they’re too naive to understand what’s going on.
           It’s unusual for the happy-go-lucky bard to be silent, there’s no doubt about that. His eyes scanned the grass and see if there’s anything out of place there. Something that might be left behind. 
           In the old ruins of the former city of freedom, there was nothing for his mind to hang onto. There was no familiar sight of you, no sound of your breathing other than the howling of the air. Only the heart beating in his chest stopped him from becoming frozen like Snezhnaya’s landscapes.
           When he twirled around to at least see the tracks you have left, there were none. The only way to navigate you was by the sun, birds, and winds.
           He bit the inside of his cheek, drawing out blood unwittingly. The taste of iron meeting his tongue brought him out of his mind. He swayed his head and knelt down, feeling the meadow with his fingers. 
           Calm down, she couldn’t have gone that far.
           Right, there’s no need to panic. Maybe you have started wandering the place out of curiosity and see what has changed. He remembered he marked you with Anemo last night, he could try it to track you.
           His fingers twirled and called the winds if there would be any signs of your presence nearby. Expecting a response, only silence greeted him.
           No gust of the Mondstadt breeze came by to answer him.
           He clenched his fists so hard that nails cut into his skin as his brows dug on his front. He called the gales once more and this time he waited a little bit longer. A minute passed, then five minutes and there was still nothing.
           In the grip of silent panic, his eyes dilated and his heart began to race. He hoisted himself up from the ground and looked around in sheer distress. Emerald optics meandered everywhere like the wings of a hummingbird.
           How could this be? I swear the mark should still remain on her, the effect should last for more than a day.
           Venti’s eyes caught the sight of a small orb laying not so far away from where he was standing. He jogged to where the said item was and grabbed it hastily. 
           It’s the emblem hanging on your dress.
           A slight crack can be seen from it. This was his chance if he can see if there would be any anemo marks lingering. He hopes it would. He can’t bring himself to the thought of losing you, let alone letting you wander with dangerous monsters hidden here.
           Once again, he used his powers to summon the winds to look for you. Each second that passed by seemed like an hour, and each time they elapsed the more he tightly grips on the insignia.
           It didn’t really faze him when the sharp glass cut his skin. What did was the fact there was no response and it reminded him you’re missing. He shouldn’t have left you. He blamed himself for this.
           His pulse raced and breathed heavily, almost as if he would burst. He narrowed his eyes at the insignia and threw it to the ground making it shatter into pieces. Not like you would need that anyway, he can just give you an Anemo Vision and he’ll gladly offer it to you if you asked.
           It’s better if you hide the identity of being the former Anemo Archon’s daughter. A certain member of the Four Winds will not be so delighted to know about your existence. He opened his palm and silently watched the blood ooze out from his skin, slightly wincing at the stinging sensation.
           Venti carelessly wiped it off using his cape and made headway in his search for you. Where could you be in this time and place that are only filled with nothing but ruins? He hardly remembers what this city used to look like before.
           Ah, if only you would sing or just talk or anything that’ll allow him to hear your voice, he can definitely find you with ease. His breathing turned shaky and scanned the area if he could see your familiar silhouette.
           Not good. [Name], where are you?
           Every step he takes, the more the winds are getting colder, sharper, and stronger. Those poor anemo slimes ran away from him in fear, yet some were unfortunate they were struck by the sharp tip of the arrow causing them to burst.
           His slender fingers pressed onto the skin of his forearms, nails biting on the layer of fine dust, drawing marks of cuts. How many times had he hurt himself already? He didn’t bother counting it, what matters is finding you as soon as possible.
           And lo and behold, they’ve finally heard his urgent calls and wishes of you. He can hear your voice from a distance that is filled with melodious tunes. He searched for where the source of your singing might be coming from.
           His eyes brightened up and now he was brimming with hope. It was hypnotizing, almost like he was enamored by your angelic song. He continued to run and run until it was getting louder and louder.
           The edges of his lips tugged upwards so widely and he knew he was getting closer. Your voice was smooth and clear and quiet yet powerful. Soothing, in a way. Just the way he loves it. It was the promise of tomorrow, a new hope. It’s so beautiful, he wished that you wouldn’t stop.
           He pumped his legs, gaining momentum with each push. At last, he finally found you with your back facing him, but his smile faltered when he saw your hand was caressing the snout of his dear dragon friend. 
           Turbulence and skepticism were written all over his face.
           “Dvalin…?” Since when did he arrive here? He could’ve known he’s back if he saw him flying from the sky, yet why is he not aware of this unannounced sojourn? Your calm and gentle song was put to an end when you made clear of his familiar voice. You turned your head and faced the bard in wonderment.
           “Oh, Venti. I didn’t see you there.” You put down your hand and watched him approach the dragon. He petted Dvalin and lightly asked, “When did you come?” He can feel the dragon’s breathing and so he backed away and stood next to you.
           “Not too long ago,” Your eyes widened in surprise seeing a dragon talk right in front of you. It was really astonishing for you how you’ve missed so many things in the past years. Your shoulders tensed when his blue flamed eyes were cast towards you.
           “Her song… is she the one you’ve always been waiting for?” Venti’s entire body jerked to a standstill unexpectedly. He closed his eyes and smiled as he pulled you close to him.
           “Yes. You’ve been wanting to see her as well, right?” You can sense his grip on your waist was put under a little pressure. Observing his hand, you saw how bloody it was that it already stained your white dress. 
           “Well anyway, it’s good to see you again— huh?” The bard arched his brow when you took his hand and looked at it. “What happened to you? Your hand… it has so many gashes.”
           Carefully handling his wounded palm, you looked around the area if you could find any familiar leaves and flowers that could cure and prevent it from infecting any further. Venti’s posture relaxed, softened, marveling at your heedfulness and concern that is only for him.
           Maybe this could be a good opportunity for him to get close to you. You always worry about him and treat him every time he’s injured. Normal thoughts barely formed in his mind before they were replaced with the melancholy longing and fantasies of what could be if he were only brave enough to tell you.
           The sunshine had no meaning for him unless he could be with you. He daydreamed about every feature of your face, he recalled every way he had never seen you tied your hair and just let it flow freely. He had logged all of your quirky mannerisms to his brain. 
           Some call it bewitched; Venti calls it love. For there is an emptiness in the freedom of being alone and liberty in being caught by your divine spell. And so when he sees in your eyes the feelings of his heart, it’s like you’ve been connected with him as one.
           And if it isn’t some kind of magic you cast on him, then he can’t say what it is.
           He leaned forward and nuzzled between your shoulder and neck, whining your name. You yelped in surprise when he lightly bit your skin and sent you featherlight kisses on it. 
           A slow smile crept up to his face when you square your shoulders in coyness. “Maybe kissing it would heal me?” His breathing tickled your ear as he whispered so closely with a hint of sensuality, almost like it was only for you to be heard.
           You puffed your cheeks at his words and slapped his back only for you to earn a chuckle. “I’m being serious,” you groaned. Venti crooned and buried his face deeply, swaying your bodies together.
           His gaze faltered to Dvalin who silently watched both of you indifferently. “No need to fret, love. I can simply heal these away in no time.” It was his first time calling you such sweet names. Though, he does hope you wouldn’t mind if he continues giving you more lovely epithets just to see your reaction.
            Seeing you fidgety and flustered really made him want to keep you all for himself and attack you with his love; yearning, longing, and adoration. He wanted to show these to you and he knows— he knows very well you also felt the same for him.
           The dragon was quiet, that he noticed. The way he looked at both of them made Venti feel uneasy for some reason. “Barbat—“
           “Oh! Were you perhaps yearning for her song as well, Dvalin?” The bard immediately queried the wyvern with a smile, however, it sunk and was replaced with an apologetic demeanor. “Maybe [Name] could entertain you later? She’s not yet accustomed here.”
           “I’ll show her around first.” His other hand went down to your back and dragged you as he led onwards. Bewilderment was written all over your face when Venti started drawing you away from the blue creature. “Huh? Venti, what about—“
           “My hand? No worries, I know a place where we can treat it.” You looked back to the dragon and dubiously allowed him to lead you. It caused your heart to twinge in guilt departing from the dragon friend you have recently been familiar with will be left all alone here.
           You watched your feet take steps across the grassy land, your bare feet next to the shined leather shoes of the bard. Venti lightly swayed your arms back and forth together with his legs carrying him quickly to their final destination whilst he hums a tune. 
           Your stroll ended and you were in front of a pristine lake. A wave of nostalgia washed over you seeing the familiar lagoon. “It brings back memories, right?” Venti started and neared the body of water along with you.
           You nodded in affirmation, quite speechless and surprise this was the only area left unscathed. You knelt down on both knees and draped your hand over the liquid, rippling from the slightest of your touch.
            It shone like millions of diamonds when each ray of the sun hit the surface. You’ve spotted there were no signs of fish or goose swimming around. It was quite odd though you just brush it off and ignore it.
           Venti sat next to you and obliged when you motioned for him to wash his bloodied hand. The water is cold, nothing he can do about that. You took his injured palm while your other hand cupped the water and wash it over to remove the bloodstains. 
           Drips of red fell down and slowly died out once the pure and clear lake dissolved it. Before you could tear a portion of your dress, he had already stopped you from doing it by grabbing your wrist.
           “This should be good enough.” You pressed your lips to a thin line, his words not really assuring your worries. He laughed at your adorable face and squeezed your cheeks playfully. Heaving a sigh in defeat, you leaned against him and propped your head on his shoulder.
           You keep an eye on his hand carefully and observe a teal mist surrounding it. The scars started to close up and his skin was clean from stains and wounds as if his palm wasn’t even injured in the first place. 
           You clasped it with yours and let the tip of your fingers graze over like a fragile diamond. “Can you still kiss it for me?” Venti asked innocently and peered at you pleadingly. 
           You hummed in thought then smiled, continuing to draw figures around it before entwining your fingers together closely. Venti puckered his lips and whined when you didn’t respond. 
           Were you teasing him? It made him nervous yet excited at the same time. You notice how his throat bobbed so obviously like he was struggling to gulp down. You were pushing his buttons when your fingers trailed over his arm. He’s captivated by your charms once more and oh how he loves your approach.
           You held up his hand close to your lips and gave it a light peck. “There.” You beamed, smiling sweetly at him. You saw the shock registered on Venti’s face before he could hide it. A small smile played on your lips.
           It wasn’t what you said though, your words were like vanilla pudding, sweet in their ordinary sort of way, it was the richness of your tone— luxurious and warm. Aside from that, your kiss surprised him the most. He didn’t get that a lot and receiving it from you was like a blessing.
           He wriggled himself from you and laid his head on your lap, searching for a comfortable spot until he relaxed against you. And just as he expected, you removed the hair tie from his braided hair and ran a hand through his hair. It’s amazing how you still remember and know what he wants.
           Your voice softly echoed in the vast land, singing the previous song he heard before. So sweet, so angelic. His eyelids started to droop, letting himself get lost in your melodic tunes and drift off to wonderland.
           The lyrics swam through his cerebral cortex like a wakeful dream, the voice relaxing him, enabling the song to call to his entire being. Your singing could never be something superfluous to him, it is medicine delivered in the most divine way.
           Before he was awake, a hum saunters in his dream. The gentle tones of you. The humming began to fade until his mind figured out the melody. He had heard so many ballads and sang them before yet this is something he has never encountered in his life.
           His eyes gently opened, and there you are wearing your usual sweet smiles. His lips tugged at the sight of your delicate features and caressed your cheek tenderly.
           “Your voice... It’s so beautiful. I can listen to it all day.”
           There's a kind of blushing that shows the soul, a sort of compliment to the eyes and the delicate sweetness within. It shows a connection, that the smile and shyness come from some deep emotion... and that's a beautiful thing, that's something real.
           “I’ve never heard of that song before. Did you compose it yourself?” Your friend asked as he enjoys himself laying on your lap as a pillow. “Not really. My mother always sings this to me.” You answered and resumed playing with his dark hair.
           The sound of bell chiming made your head turn to look down at the small wisp wiggling against you. “Oh, did I wake you up?” You questioned while patting its small head.
           It shook its head and cuddled on your soft hands letting out a happy ring. “Seems like he loves your song as well.” The bard remarked and lifted himself, stretching his arms to relieve the cramps.
           The wind wisp settled himself on your shoulder and twirled joyfully. “I can’t fully comprehend what the lyrics are though. It’s almost…gibberish b-but beautiful nonetheless!” The young male quickly remarked, not wanting to offend you and your song.
           You played with the little creature before turning to him. “Ah that. It’s because it’s a forgotten language.” All in all, you weren’t really insulted by his words, rather it amused you.
           Not many people know about the ancient and forgotten language, and you yourself don’t even know what the lyrics mean. The words are stuck inside your head like a broken gramophone together with the tune. 
           “I really like it. It sounds so enchanting especially with your voice.” He commented and grinned at you. A small blush formed on your cheeks and averted your gaze away from him.
           Your cheeks are as round as your face. They’re always rosy as if you’re shy all the time, which isn’t a lie at all. There has been only one time when he’d actually seen you ashamed. Not only your cheeks, but he can see clearly the tips of your ears burning red. 
           He hadn’t known you feel more than you express, until then, when you turn to hide in the most gentle way. What happens next he's going to want to remember for a long time, so while his gaze is soft he doesn't drop his eyes for a moment.
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