#diasomnia chapter theories
kaymarie-bell · 2 years
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I can’t wait to find out if any of these are right
I might write summaries as I go like I did for the Ignihyde Chapter, it was fun
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rayroseu · 8 months
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"Is it really a sin for a witch to love peacefully?"
Love the contradiction of every character always saying that Draconias are evil, selfish, harmful and fearsome but all they do is sacrifice themselves for their loved ones...😂💔 They just have an angry outburst once in awhile ykyk 😔😔😔
Also this is based on my theory that Meleanor can see the past AND the future... since her generals can separately see the future & past. With Lilia-Right General (past) and (theoretically) Levan-Left General(future).
I also think her magic is maybe actually "controlling destiny", that's why her staff is considered miraculous.
She already set Malleus' destiny with her blessing that he's a blessed star for the dark faes and a fearsome star for humans and (with this magic) it matches why the Silver Owls are so desperate for her stone because if they can just convince Meleanor/steal the Princess Glow then they can change the destiny of their king dying from an illness.
Also the fact that Malleus UM also relates to changing destinies as well (re: "A world where you'd never lose anything..."). I hope we see her in the next update and more Draconia Lore ‼️‼️‼️💚💚💚✨✨✨ It'll be the best Christmas present 🥹🥹💚💚💚✨✨✨
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yukis-tasks · 2 months
The Vignette Theory
The vignettes and event stories are all part of the dream world Malleus created and here's proof!
First off when Malleus first used his - what I believe to be- unique magic "Fae of Maleficent", thorns went inward just like when a card is groovified.
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They are the exact same. This is incredibly important because it reveals a direct connection between the cards and Malleus's magic. Moreover, there has been a lot of discussion about the wonky timelines of the cards which I won't be going too deep into.
My argument is that ALL of the vignettes and events were dreams or memories. They all took place inside Malleus's realm. Even the ones where Ortho, Idia, and Silver were the main characters. Although it might seem strange, there is no other way it could work. I think that when the dream started their memories or as described by the Shroud family, their "servers" got connected to Malleus, and all their memories were uploaded. Even though Malleus is not sure of all their memories and probably can't assess all that information, those memories are a part of his realm and that's the backstory to why we have a lot of the vignettes in the game.
The Conundrum With Those Who Are Awake
According to my theory, it's technically impossible for Ortho and Silver to have any dreams. Therefore they shouldn't have so many vignettes....and they don't. First, take Ortho- he has very few vignettes completely about him. Most of them could be from other people's memories like his gym uniform could be the Leech brothers, the White Rabbit Festival could be Duece's dream, and so forth. Even the vignettes where no one should be aware of everything going on with Ortho are easily explained. Ruggie knows about Ortho's actions in the Wish Upon a Star event and other characters might have their own understanding of Ortho's personality. From what we've seen so far, the dreams are fairly realistic. Even the Dawn Knight in Lilia's dream seems to have his own past. Especially when he refers to the origin of his 'ring'.
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Silver also tends not to be a main character for most of the vignettes. In the Halloween Soiree, Jamil and Silver get to know each other as they travel around the afterworld/ghost realm. This is one of the few times where Silver acts open and reveals a lot about himself. How does Jamil or whoever is dreaming up that vignette have this information. Well- as previously explained, all the characters' memories are now part of Maleeus's dream realm. The short time Silver was not awake and the information Sebek and Lilia -importantly Malleus- had about Silver allowed Jamil to learn about it in his dream.
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It's also possible that Silver was already open about his stories and life so everyone can predict what he might say.
Thank you all for reading my ramblings, let me know if I missed something and I'll try to get to it in another post!
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Ngl, when I first imagined Idia's parents I imagined them as abusive and neglectful, but they were a shock to meet. In the main story, they are the first parents of a character we get to see. I was incredibly surprised by her voice and personality but after it dawned on me that she was Persephone, I was beyond taken away! I've always disliked the characterization of Hades in the animated Hercules series. It felt like he was just a cartoon satan (Persephone’s exclusion from the cartoon was also disappointing) but to see Disney include her here-even a twisted version- is exciting. I'm glad that they didn't end up being terrible people, if they were then the Idia angst would have flooded us all up.
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cloudedgalaxies · 2 months
Thinking about how I really want the end of Book 7 not to end in a battle, even though it’d be so cool.
We’ve already seen that Malleus is incredibly powerful, and honestly as it is now, I don’t see a way for the students to be able to reasonably fight him and win. Yes, everyone at NRC is exceptionally powerful, but they’ve commented time and time again how Malleus is on a whole other level than anyone there. We’ve fought him a couple of times now, in and outside of dreams, and it has always ended in defeat.
So then how do we save him? The one way that no one would think of, except perhaps Diasomnia and definitely Yuu—the power of friendship making Malleus willingly stand down. 
Malleus has been alone for the vast majority of his life. Now, even when he is attending NRC, constantly and perpetually surrounded by students and mages, nearly everyone is too afraid of him to approach him. Because of that, when the potential of one of the few people who are near to him leaving arises, he is so terribly scared and sad that he doesn’t know what to do besides force them to stay. He would rather have the people he knows live out their days in eternal slumber and only interact with them inside their dreams than watch them age and fade and eventually disappear from his life entirely. He is willing to be the sole person in the entirety of Twisted Wonderland awake, just so that he does not have to lose a single soul.
That is an incredibly lonely fate, to be the one person left not dreaming. Of course, he can enter their dreams, control them, see them and touch them and live out lives that can endlessly and eternally restart. But that is not the same as being with them in reality. Dreams are wonderful, but they are not real. Some part of Malleus must realize that—that his actions here are condemning him to a future that is so much more isolating than what he thought. And yet, what else can he do? If he restarts time, if he reawakens everyone, they will die. They might hate him. And worst of all—they will leave, given enough time. No matter how terrible it would be to be the only person left conscious in the world, Malleus must believe that that cannot compare to the fate of being left.
So what can we do to stop him? We can certainly try to fight him. We will probably fail if we do. The mages defending the rest of the world from eternal slumber’s reserves will run dry, while Malleus will continue to rule over his domain of dreams, which will only grow larger with every attack and eventual defeat that comes.
Or, perhaps, we can try to save him. Diasomnia, as is, is not doing so well in terms of magical prowess as other dorms are: Lilia’s magic is fading, Silver is spending himself transporting himself and others from dream to dream, and Sebek, while powerful, is still only a freshman. Similarly, Ramshackle can hardly even hold a candle to everyone else: Grim, as much as he boasts, does not seem to be notably powerful (yet), and Yuu has no magic to speak of at all. 
Imagine how shocking it’d be then, if these people, so utterly weak in terms of magic, are the people who are able to take down one of the greatest mages in the world. And they don’t even do it through battle—they do it through understanding where Malleus is coming from and trying to calm his worries. They tell him that yes, people will go, and there is no way to stop it, no matter how much someone might wish for it to be so. But for every time someone leaves, someone will also come. Malleus’ world started with Lilia, and then Silver, then Sebek, and now finally Yuu. Lilia is leaving, and so might Yuu, but that does not mean that they will be gone forever. There will be memories and stories and dreams to last a lifetime, and, while their gaps will never be filled, more spaces will open up to accommodate more people. We’ve seen it through the way that Malleus has slowly come to know more of the student body—his ‘friendly’ fights with Leona, Cater perpetually trying to get pictures with him, learning a bit more about technology through Idia and Deuce…while these cannot quite be called friendships yet, there is something there that can’t be mistaken. And maybe, because the people telling him this are his first real friends and closer to him than anything, he’ll consider it.
Maybe Malleus won’t listen to reason. Maybe Book 7 will end with a breathtaking battle that encapsulates the world’s best mages to overthrow the fae prince—NRC, RSA, NBC, legends outside the schools, and more—and I would be okay with that. But I also think that Book 7 ending in peace, where Malleus takes the hand we offer and steps down from his reign of slumber without any more bloodshed, would be just as beautiful.
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hanafubukki · 2 months
Was reading some theories and thinking about the second live action Maleficent move and her death scene….what if Lilia ends up dying and then getting revived by true love tears from Malleus and Silver??? 🤔🤔
Extra angst if somehow Malleus causes it…Lilia getting stabbed maybe to stop Malleus and Silver from fighting??? 👀👀 and it’s the tears and the lines “you’re my father” from his two sons that brings him back?
Usually it’s Malleus that I think will most likely die and get revived due to his OB state or Silver falling to his curse…but what if?? Lilia dies?? Something that Malleus wanted to prevent and Silver wanted to be with him till the end of 💔😭
Before!! Anyone comes for my throat!! Think about it!!
True love hatches Malleus and woke up Silver!!
What if true love is what heals Lilia?? Gives him his magic back? Or a longer lifespan for him to be with them longer?
Wouldn’t that be sweet? Lilia Vanrouge, the one who always gave and never thought he deserved anything in return?
Wouldn’t this be the greatest affirmation of all? True Love saving/healing him. Showing Lilia how loved he truly is. 🥹💞
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simplyycherry · 1 year
Spoiler again ig? I have been getting into these theories on chapter 7
There are so many theories and they can make it end up in any way and it's scary
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You know, I just started the diasomnia chapter (although I've seen a ton of spoilers at this point lol) and something just stood out to me.
Despite being fae like Malleus, one even older than him, Lilia is good at keeping track of time. Usually.
(Potential spoilers under the cut!)
I loved the little detail of him playing games all night long and being late for class. For some reason, I feel it may have been sort of a foreshadowing about his relationship with the rest of Diasomnia. Like, he's had so much fun raising and training his boys that he forgot that his time is limited, his magic is limited. And now that it's time for him to leave, he is scrambling to make sure his boys will be able to go ahead without him (not realizing that his kids love him and would fight to keep him with them)
Also, I've always been puzzled how Lilia is so good at keeping track of time when Malleus often struggles to. Now though, I feel like it's because of the time he spent searching for methods to help Malleus hatch. Like, those years he spent searching for any way he could help the last surviving memory of his friends live on had a massive impact on the way he viewed time. He learned to keep track of the passage of time because every second counted.
I feel like the fact that he couldn't get to Meleanor fast enough also contributed to this sort of hyper awareness of how time goes by so quickly. It may also have become another aspect that softened him up to the idea of humans and fae co-existing.
Because humans are just as ethereal and fragile as Malleus once was. And they are just as stubborn and resilient as Malleus is.
I dunno if this is making any sense lol-
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love-dazee · 6 months
twst book 7 spoilers under the cut!!!
malleus in tiny dragon form reminds me of the dancing dragon meme. you cannot change my mind.
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llondonfog · 2 years
Silver should be allowed to overblot along with Malleus in this chapter.
You're telling me that a boy who has talked up his father at every opportunity, only ever SMILES when he mentions Lilia or is talking directly to him, has centered his entire life around the pride he carries of being his father's one and only son— he's not going to be intensely emotional about Lilia's sudden departure and lack of magic?
And it's not even the fact that Lilia is losing/lost his magic— Silver would remain by his side magic or no, that's not even a question. It's the fact that his very own father hid this information from him, and then told him in the worst way possible by suddenly dropping it on them all and then saying they have a week to deal with it before he leaves them for good and never to return to Briar Valley? And then dumps their family cottage on Silver to do with what he wants, as if there's no sentimental value to the time they spent there at all?
Again, this is the same boy that when given the chance to wish for anything in the world, anything at all, he wishes for Lilia's long and happy life. And you're telling me that after almost 18 years, Lilia has the awareness of a doorknob to not realize his son loves him beyond all else, and only thinks of how to make him proud?
For Silver, this has to feel like the most painful slap to the face, even worse than the Halloween event. He may be quiet and passive, but he's consistently shown to have the most intense emotions when it concerns Lilia/his family, and you're telling me this isn't going to trigger something within him? Especially when Lilia now drops information that Silver could have a true family, and it was possible that Lilia was simply raising him with what remained of his magic to ensure Silver's well-being until the time he was an adult, and only then giving him the ring to return to them?
Lilia, I know that fae have different understandings of human thought processes and emotions, but what the actual fuck?
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Sebek's Father
Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be Mr.Zigvolt. A magicless human dentist whose youngest son seems to see him as less because of his race. (Though Sebek does respect him (loves him even), but it's clear that he idolizes his mother and wonders why she would marry someone like him.)
If even Sebek is aware of his mother's peer' s opposition to their marriage, then it must be common knowledge in the family.
Lilia says that Sebek has always been "attached to the hip" to his maternal grandfather (Baul?) thus developing his "Hot headed" personality.
I wonder how it feels to be Mr. Zigvolt. I wonder if he ever feels insecure/outcasted from his rather mystical family members. After all, what quality does he, an ordinary human have that attracted his extraordinary wife. A woman whose magical prowess and parentage is much greater than his. (according to his son)
She is the daughter of a former captain of the royal guard, he is a dentist. She is a fae, he is a human.
Even if Mr. Zigvolt goes through what he does, one quality of his remains the same; Mr. Zigvolt is a patient man. it's his charm.
If Sebek is a jr. version of his grandfather, then how did the senior react when his daughter married a human.
In a country predominately inhabited by Fae and is bustling with magical activity, does Mr. Zigvolt ever feel excluded? does he, as a human ever feel that need to watch every step he takes in fear of offending/binding himself in a life contract by the more malicious folk of the Valley?
Regardless of his son's rambling he remains unfazed. He loves his family greatly. He brings home sweets and cheers his children on. Even if his wife isn't the greatest in assisting him at work he remains patient.
Patient. Patient. Patient.
But...in the end of the day, Mr. Zigvolt is still human. He feels emotions, others that are anything but patient.
His son is just a boy. Sebek doesn't know any better. He cannot blame his father-in-law either, that man has gone through a war with his kind. His distrust is only natural.
Although, he too feels emotion like they do. He is entitled to feeling as living being. Maybe his children know little about it, but his wife knows. She knows he tries.
Sometimes I wonder if Mr. Zigvolt ever tire of being patient.
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briry18 · 1 month
Malleus x Yuu: Chapter 7
~My interpretation of what their conversation was like at the beginning of Chapter 7.
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kaymarie-bell · 1 year
AND I WAS SO SURPRISED WHEN HE OVERBLOTTED SO EARLY?????? GOOOOOOOD I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE 😭 if it's okay, can you tell me your thoughts about this chapter and theories?
i promise i'm calm 😁
So in conclusion, I'm very satisfied with the writing as of this update!
I'm was actually not very surprised at the early overblot because while previous Books were a guessing game on what the trigger for the overblots would be, I feel like Malleus' Core Issues™ have been shown for a while now so there was no need for a long exposition in the actual chapter. The sudden title screen did make me lose my mind however.
I feel like this chapter is giving me everything I wanted and more (so far). The dia boys being a family, Lilia lore, Silver having screen time (and what a performance omg), Sebek actually putting resistance against waka-sama, Malleus going full-on villain and showing off just how OP he is.
Things I expect (or at least hope) to see for future updates would be:
- Idia realizing that there has been another overblot and that "oh shit my little brother was there somewhere"
- For the spell: everyone who fell asleep is currently trapped in a shared dream-reality controlled by Malleus
- Leona playing a vital part in the fight (pls let him shine, isn't his best subject curse breaking ???)
- Malleus' family history (where are his parents???)
- How did baby Silver end up in a forest, why does he fall asleep like that (who are his biological parents?)
- Sebek finally teaming up with the first years
- Lilia is Silver's dad reveal (to the rest of NRC)
- The reason Yuu ended up in Twisted Wonderland + why do they have visions
- RSA appearance (the entire island is affected, someone has to notice)
- Idia realizes that Lilia was his dear (online) friend all along and losing his mind
- Lilia finds the solution for either keeping his magic and/or staying at NRC
- Conclusion to the Mickey Mouse thing
- An ending that sets up the stage for the next phase of the Main Story (the fourth year students, other schools having bigger roles, Yuu has an actual reason to stay in twst)
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rayroseu · 2 months
I love the contradiction of Overblot Malleus's beliefs. He believes that we need to be surrounded by "happiness" so that we could enjoy our life and not be sad. He accomplishes this by crafting a world where our struggles is non existent and we're able to get what we want (dreams) easily. What he does feels like he's pampering us. But at the same time, "being pampered" is also the thing that Malleus finds icky.
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translation by cymr and kimiko ch
Having the chores be completed after him, everything cleaned up and provided before him, without Malleus trying any of those chores (even though he's capable of doing so and is eager to learn) which is why he finds it "annoying" when others complete it just because they want to treat him like a royal prince.
The act of cleaning after him feels similar to what Overblot Malleus' is doing, he's providing us a cleaned up world (a world without pain/struggle) so we don't have to do any chores (like experiencing sadness), just because Malleus considers us the people that he needs to protect and provide to.
Maybe(?) Overblot Malleus does this "blessing", because he believes "the people are weak so they deserve an easier life".
Its like... this "pampering" that Malleus dislikes and his vision of "what life should be", is a contradiction.
Both Malleus and the people, in these situations, are capable of overcoming struggles or learning curves in a difficult task, so there is "no need for an easier route/seamless happy life" because struggles and having autonomy are important.
I guess this is also a nice trait that Malleus really reflects upon his upbringing?? XD
So, essentially, Normal Malleus hates being pampered with, just because he's a royalty (even though he's capable of being independent and can learn through the struggle). This thing that Normal Malleus hates, is also the behavior that Overblot Malleus is promoting.
So it's like Overblot Malleus doesn't see that he would also Dislike it if someone where to trap him in a "room"(dreamworld) where everything is just done for him, just because they have this predetermined assumption that Malleus shouldn't struggle because he's a prince. lol
STYX should just contact us Diasomnia stans if they want to treat the option of “just talking it out with overblot Malleus” more seriously, we'll refute that fae's every hypothesis TRUSTTTT while this organization was busy analysing his magic we were busy analyzing his psyche XD 🤣
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myuuchan · 9 months
Well, but actually, I think Revan(Levan) is Diaval (Maleficent live action) and Crowley is Diablo (Sleeping Beauty)
Like Diaval, Revan(Levan) is soft, friendly, care for others. He is also good at teaching others.
Diaval and Diablo. They are not the same.
Diablo is much more cunning.
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 1 year
I think that the timeloop theory still holds up when you consider that Malleus is constantly cycling through dreams in an effort to appease everyone under his spell.
And if you really wanna get angsty, the consistent looping could be because his magic is running out and stuttering upon itself because he cannot operate under the strain of Overblot and keeping everyone asleep.
Greatest mage or no, he only has so much juice before the fumes engulf him.
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oddberryshortcake · 11 months
TWSt theory- Silver’s curse is (possibly) ancient and (seemingly) virtually unbreakable
I was re-reading chapter 6, and when Idia was discussing Grim’s curse, it got me thinking about another character who more than likely has an incredibly powerful and possibly unbreakable curse.
Grim’s curse is described as so complex that not even STYX’s technology could properly decipher it and is inflicted by ancient magic.
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This is super sus for Grim, especially since he seemingly has no idea it was even there, and it’s been implied that Grim has very few memories of his past, and you know wHO ELSE HAS NO IDEA WHAT’S WRONG WITH HIM AND HAS NO MEMORIES OF HIS PAST???
Our boy Silver.
Silver brings up multiple times that he’s been taken to doctors and magicians who have not been able to to figure out what exactly is wrong with him.
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It’s very clear that something IS wrong (uncontrollable sleeping affects him every single day and puts him in danger), but with everyone being unable to diagnose him, and Lilia himself seemingly not knowing what’s wrong either (or if he does know what’s wrong, he can’t find a cure for it) it gives me the same vibes as Idia being stumped on what Grim is cursed with.
Taking a bit from my other theory of Silver existing hundreds of years ago around the timeline of Lilia’s dream- It makes sense as to why Silver’s curse would be hard to decipher or cure if it’s as ancient as Grim’s and, even worse, if the caster had powerful primeval magic.
EVEN WORSE, Malleus’s magic is passed down through generations of the Draconia family. The Draconias are extremely powerful mages and also have existed for hundreds to thousands of years. Now I’m considering- instead of Lilia, could it be Malenoa or Maleficia who cursed Silver (or Silver’s family in general) to suffer for what the humans had done to the valley?
I think of Maleficent 2014, where Aurora is cursed for the crimes of her father. She was an innocent bystander, yet Maleficent targeted her out of hurt and anger. When Maleficent grows to love her, she tries to remove the curse, and she can’t. She can’t break her own curse because she’s that powerful. I can’t help but see the possibility of Malleus and Silver paralleling those versions of Maleficent and Aurora specifically.
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Besides the hidden truth behind who did it, I also remembered a really cryptic conversation Ortho had with Silver over untreated illnesses.
And I think that pretty much sums up the permanence of Silver’s curse.
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Despite how badly he wants a cure, it’s been embedded in him for so long, and the magic is obviously very strong. I doubt any force in the world could fully remove it. The worst could be prevented from happening, sure, but that doesn’t mean it can go away.
There are consequences to this sort of magic, and whoever did it (it’d be angsty if it was a loved one) has permanently altered the trajectory of Silver’s life. He’ll either succumb to it or fight against it until the day he dies.
Of course, I could be totally wrong! I’m most likely completely off, but his character and backstory are still shrouded with mystery, and if I throw enough darts at a board, I could eventually get something accurate lol
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