#dick curtis
georgeromeros · 1 year
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The Three Stooges - Yes, We Have No Bonanza (1939)  
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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JoAnne Worley and Alan Sues were both recruited for Laugh-In after George Schlatter saw them perform in The Mad Show at 8151 Santa Monica Blvd in Hollywood.
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staud · 5 months
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Yeah, all right. Well, you just get back here soon, Curt. | MOTA 1x02
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got-the-cheese-touch · 2 months
the amount of fictional men that i would let ruin my life is concerning.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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Jamie Lee Curtis with Nick Castle & Dick Warlock behind the scenes of Halloween (1978) & Halloween II (1981).
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baguetttttte · 23 days
Me when the two characters are siblings and all they have is each other, them against the world. Me when the environment they grow up in puts them against eachother and any semblance of a parental figure never stays for long. Me when the older one can’t save the younger. Me when that’s all the eldest one wants to do but they can’t they can’t anymore they just can’t. Me when the youngest understands why but it still hurts. Me when the younger one understands why but it hurts so much that they’re fill with rage and hatred and anger and sadness and pain because why would you leave me (I’m so happy you got out), why didn’t you take me with you (it still hurts here), you never cared about me you liar (I love you I miss you), I never want to see you again stay away (come back please come back for me please please please), I grew up just fine no thanks to you I saved myself (I still feel so helpless and there’s nothing I can do to make it go away).
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When the character is happy go lucky and always cracking jokes so their trauma gets ignored
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hood-ex · 15 days
So anyway dickjoey in the vampire vs. werewolf star-crossed lovers AU. Dick's the vamp, obviously, and Joey's the werewolf, which is equally as obvious.
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weirdlookindog · 9 months
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Halloween II (1981) - VHS Cover
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se-hinton-confessions · 2 months
ponyboy doesn’t like something and he makes a face and someones just like “did you not like it?” and he’s like “no!!! i looooved it” while looking like he’s about to puke
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spheroz · 4 months
See…see Dick should be Darry…but…but SODAPOP???? A EICK GRAYSON AS SODAPOP!??!?? AHEHHEHE.
Darry- Barbra
Sodapop- Dick
Ponyboy- Tim
Steve- Wally
Dally- Jason
Johnny- Duke
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music-in-my-veins14 · 2 months
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oldshowbiz · 9 months
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Dick Curtis, a comedian who worked for Jack Ruby, has died at the age of 95. Read my six-part interview with him here.
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Rewatched The Outsiders and is it just me or are Sodapop Curtis and Steve Randle very Dick Grayson and Roy Harper coded.
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I don't think I have to say who's who.
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Here are some excerpts from the book:
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
some of y'all: Lestat is so cold to Claudia, no wonder she doesn't consider him her father
the actual episode, told from Claudia's POV: Lestat wearing a silly hat, singing to her, and giving her a meaningful (to him, at least, if you read into what he says about it) gift on her birthday, the three of them dancing together and spinning each other around, Claudia leaning into Lestat's side as they make fun of Nosferatu in the theatre and laughing about it again when Lestat reenacts it for her amusement later, Claudia saying she has a lot in common with Lestat and that he defended her behavior to Louis when he expressed a concern about her being too removed from humanity and not acting quite right around other people, Lestat nervously teaching her how to drive and reminding her that even if she cannot die, she can still be seriously hurt so she should take her safety seriously, etc, etc.
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brokenstar28 · 6 months
The Outsiders and The Bat-fam
I just finished reading The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and I can't help but notice some similarity between the gang and the Bat-fam.
Ponyboy Curtis and Tim Drake:
Ponyboy and Tim are both smart characters, fan-favorites and are someone people can relate too. They have both had a hard journey, they have lost people, a lot of people, but they chose to be heroes under all of that pressure.
Johnny Cade and Damian Wayne:
Johnny and Damian both had...cruel childhoods, a hard home, Johnny had an abusive father and neglectful mother, and Damian grew up without his dad and grew up as an assassin with Ra's al Ghul as a grandfather, and while they grew up under different circumstances they are quiet similar, and they both end up dying despite being my favorites. And they have both killed people.
Darry Curtis and Bruce Wayne:
After Darry's parents died he became hard, cold and had to learn how to fight to survive, Bruce had to do the same except he chose to do so and was not forced. They are both leaders and they might not always do the right thing but they mean well.
Sodapop Curtis and Dick Grayson:
Soda and Dick are the most carefree and fun of their respective gropes and they both end up being a support for their family and friends.
Dally Winston and Jason Todd:
Both Dally and Jason grew up on the streets, both hardened criminals before being picked up by a new family and being somewhat tamed, unfortunately they both die and Dally does not get to come back.
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