#diet philosophy
brazenskald · 9 months
Read a post on Instagram that basically went "I'm 35 and have yet to receive a call to adventure, starting to worry that I'm not a protagonist"
I read that and basically unprompted said aloud "we're called to adventure every day."
So that's where I'm at; my unconscious self is cheering me on and I didn't even notice until I saw somebody else expressing the same doomspiral I find myself enterswirling.
If you think you've missed your call to adventure, consider that protagonists in movies and games and books only ever get the one, whereas you're entitled to as many as you are willing to hear when they make themselves heard.
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rizedokii · 11 days
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guess who
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distort-opia · 2 years
Have joker and batman ever agreed with something (not begrudgingly) ? Always been curious about this
They've even teamed up occasionally in the past, but I wouldn't count all of these instances as agreeing on something. It was out of necessity, most of the time. And explicitly getting Batman and Joker agreeing on something is quite rare, but there are things they've seen eye to eye on. I'll try to go through them below, but I'll put the elaboration and the comic references under the cut, since this got long.
Bruce agreed with Joker that he'd been making mistakes as Batman after Alfred's death;
Both Batman and Joker hate The Batman Who Laughs;
Both Batman and Joker agree that the world is meaningless and absurd (but they disagree on how to deal with it);
Both Batman and Joker believe in Joker's insanity as a reason for him not being fully responsible for his own actions;
Both Batman and Joker see their sidekicks as better versions of themselves, not imitations;
Both Batman and Joker oppose Nazis.
1) Bruce agreed with Joker that he'd been making mistakes as Batman, in Batman: Joker War.
This one is probably the most straightforward:
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Batman (2016) #94
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Batman (2016) #101
2) Both Batman and Joker absolutely loathe The Batman Who Laughs.
Neither wants Bruce to actually become him, they both think TBWL is an abomination-- which results in Joker teaming up with Bruce to help in defeating him two separate times (Dark Nights: Metal #6, The Batman Who Laughs). It's to the extent that Bruce relies on Joker to kill him if he turns into another TBWL (The Batman Who Laughs #4), and to the extent that Joker pretty much forbids Lex Luthor from working with TBWL, wrecking the Legion of Doom when Lex does not keep his word, in Justice League (2018) #13:
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3) Both Batman and Joker agree that the world is meaningless and absurd (but they disagree on how to deal with it).
This is perhaps most evident in Batman: The Killing Joke:
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It's been alluded that they agree on this in other stories too, like Batman: Ego and Batman (2011) #48. But TKJ remains the most poignant, since the fact they share a loss of meaning due to trauma they couldn't process is at the basis of the story-- and the point of it is that Joker is wrong that the only possible path after experiencing something like it is madness. "Maybe I've been there too," Bruce says. Despite Batman and Joker disagreeing on the how of dealing with it, they definitely see the world in the same way.
In the same vein, there's this moment in Batman (2016) #48 that's nothing if not agreement regarding the construction of their identities as a way to keep themselves alive in the wake of loss:
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4) Both Batman and Joker believe in Joker's insanity as a reason for him not being fully responsible for his own actions.
Over time, more than one character has gotten at the truth of Joker's persona being, in many ways, a desperate performance; Jason dug at it in Batman: Under the Red Hood, Jim ponders it in Joker (2021). But Selina spelled it out best in Batman/Catwoman, even though technically this isn't within continuity:
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Batman/Catwoman (2021) #9
"You're like him! Just exactly like him! [...] You know wrong from right, and you just chose a side!"
Most of the time, if Bruce and Joker ever agree on something, it's that Joker is crazy. They both need to believe it, for different reasons. Joker chose "madness as the emergency exit", and if he admits that he isn't mad, he lets go of the single coping mechanism he's constructed in order to keep surviving (not to even delve into the fact that this is how he deals with his breaking of the fourth wall). Although this isn't to say Joker isn't mentally ill (because hoo boy, is he)-- however, he isn't irrational. He's not the chaotic and monstrous force of nature he presents as; he's a human being making choices. And also... because he's "crazy", Bruce pulls stunts like saving Joker's life from the electric chair (Joker: Devil's Advocate), saving him from the Spectre's judgment (The Spectre #51) and from the demon Etrigan (Batman #546), saving his life when he gets stabbed despite Jim stating it's a consequence of his own choices (Batman: Cacophony #3)... by arguing Joker is a psychopath and incapable of making choices. In Batman/Catwoman, it's to the point he makes Selina swear she won't kill Joker, with Selina keeping to herself the thought that Joker was sane, indicating exactly just how much Bruce needed to believe it.
I'll make the note that this is of course my personal interpretation, and that there are times Bruce has referred to Joker as not insane. Like in Batman: Endgame, in which he calls Joker "not crazy, just evil". However, that's kind of the point, at least in my understanding... he only does this at the end of the road. And Joker has also called himself "differently sane" or argued against being called insane in actual courts of law, but his reasons for doing so are usually creating more chaos or a wounded ego (not sincerity).
5) Both Batman and Joker see their sidekicks as better versions of themselves, not imitations.
Well, according to Bruce at least:
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Punchline: The Gotham Game #2
6) Both Batman and Joker oppose Nazis.
This is a less personal one, but Joker asserts more than once that he's against Nazis and bigotry, in the Batman & Captain America crossover, and in Injustice: Ground Zero.
And there you go, Anon! I tried to limit this to beliefs agreement can be applied to, since going into the emotional similarities Batman and Joker share is something else. Also, if anyone has other cases in mind, feel free to add on!
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psalmsofpsychosis · 3 months
literally what is it about japanese artists and japanese philosophy that has me turning to them every other month just to find myself so utterly and completely at home!!!!!
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marthashlyn3 · 5 months
[Elder Pastoress (High Priestess)] Deaconess
“Moses” & the priest with another title added on to it because a family member declined & all titles are desecrated.
Biology, healing, example.
Saytr : Cedar
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Thinspo that will help me starve today ♡
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navysealt4t · 1 year
hmmmm i’m thinking of songs to use at solo ensemble (which isn’t until 2024 .) and so far i have watch what happens and my new philosophy
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talkorsomething · 1 year
...well, i now officially know i've lost weight.
Like... a lot? a lot more than i had thought?
Which is. Odd because honestly pretty much everything still feels like it fits about the same...
I guess it explains why i've been more cold?!
+ also i dont know Why it's so much... if i start eating like a normal human being again i don't... really *want* to go over where i started? :/ i guess i'd maybe be fine w/ being about the same because i know it won't be That big of a difference. Or i don't think it will anyways? Hm...
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powerpoison · 3 months
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Banana 🍌
Cherries 🍒
Skinny yoghurt🍶
Have a good day💖
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in-sightjournal · 5 months
Ask A Genius 898: Niches of Persistence
[Recording Start]  Scott Douglas Jacobsen: So, I proposed a topic on how evolution finds all niches of persistence. Those are generic abstract terms. I wanted to start with reproduction styles, and I’m speaking more about biological reproduction. So, our species has its form of reproduction, and I’m speaking purely in terms of a continuation of a genetic line. I’m not talking about social…
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book0ftheday · 8 months
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Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, cover design by Gray318, published 2009.
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divinegastronomer · 8 months
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"Never diet, and never step on a scale. When you eat your food love the flavors, the textures, the colors and the aroma. Try new foods all the time.
Talk to your food. Tell it thank you. All food is, is recycled sunshine. That is fact. All food is the same. It's all source energy. It's here for us to experience and appreciate.
Make peace with your body and your beauty.
And your body will respond in terms of health.
Let your focus be health. Not weight loss. Extra pounds will yield to improved health thinking.
Standing on a scale is frustrating and can ruin your vibration for days and weeks. Think health gain, not weight loss. You want to attract something, not repel. It's the law of attraction.
Attract health."
~ Abraham Hicks
There is an interconnectedness between the physical body and the energy of the universe.
Food is not just sustenance, but a source of energy that nourishes both the body and the soul.
By approaching food with love, gratitude, and appreciation, one can align themselves with the positive vibrations of the universe.
When individuals let go of the obsession with weight loss and focus on overall health, this mindset will attract more positive energy and well-being into one's life.
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suchsaccharine · 10 months
I haven’t eaten in going 48+ hrs.
Finals are upon me.
Trying to finish my shitshow of an honors philosophy course
And then span 1, which has been humbling after my comp 1 prof forced me into honors last semester.
These late late night that I stay up by myself,
I wonder if I’ll miss them. I wonder if I’ll ever be in the position to miss them.
Nothing is elegant or glamorous or even tragically beautiful. I love art, and when I was younger I truly did not understand that life imitates art. Nor that art imitates dilapidated, dramatic, anticlimactic, monotonous “nothingness”
It looks so good as brush strokes on paper or on a typewriter, a book published with almost no punctuation. Using /s instead of ‘s because / is easier & the artist hadn’t time for such nonsense while birthing his story.
I’ve read those book and watched the screen adaptations more times than I ever care to view again. (Mostly)
Ten years later after starting my temperdefusion-blog on here and I am so different. And so much the same. I know what I didn’t. I understand how the world works. How different kinds of people work. What they expect of me. How to play different roles.
But what never seems to change is this core version of me stuck at 18. No baby yet. My first true beyond-bender that put me in a state of psychosis I’ve never been able to replicate. Follie a deux? Madness for two? My baby dad did that to me. His dad shared delusions with us too but we had more time focused on the two of us, and boy the thing your first dump of dopamine will make you believe. Because it FEELS true! What a trip! I didn’t know I was ND and he easily brainwashed me into thinking I was the devil literally but without being able to tell, but fully believing him.
Looking back I think he is much more low vibrational than I used to give him credit and it is actually me that is special. Anyway it’s 2:33am and if I’d didn’t sleep tonight we’re looking at day three.
I’m starting to lean more and more on stuffs to keep my appetite down. Do they still sell phenermïne or whatever? Idk.
Twitter kinda sucks for some reason and seriously, fuck u for that, Elon. I have a 12 yr old acc and whatever the fuck you’ve done has resulted in me resenting my time on my fave app! You fuck. So here I’m back again and again. Drugs, bpd, trying not to eat.
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leisureflame · 5 months
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If you are writing a book/story that takes place in another world, I have provided for you the complete world building checklist to ensure that you know your world inside out.
Economy A. Currency B. Poverty rate/line
Government A. Crime & Legal System B. Foreign Relations C. Politics D. War
The Land A. Physical & Historical Features B. Climate C. Geography D. Natural Resources E. Population
Society & Culture A. Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation B. Architecture C. Calendar D. Daily Life. E. Diet F. Ethics & Values G. fashion & Dress H. History I. Dining Customs J. Education K. Language L. Gestures M. Manners N. Meeting & Greeting O. Religion & Philosophy P. Social organization
Magic A. Magicians B. Magic and science C. Magic & Technology D. Rules of Magic
Technology C. Technology D. Medicine D. Transportation & Communication you're welcome <3
Fell free to reblog and fill it out if you want. I am curious to see the worlds in my fellow writers heads.
Follow me @leisureflame for more posts like this!
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softsoup642 · 1 year
thinking more about the social dynamics of this world (furry earth of whatever i’m calling it).. not only is there the predator-prey dynamic, but also the dynamics both predator and prey people have with preyed-upon herbivores (not granted sympathy for (once) eating people, or if they are the ones they (once) preyed upon, seen as dangerous), and with people who were or are their predators (they would likely be seen as food or as lesser by their predators, and so they would fear them, and even if they are not eaten by them currently, there would still likely be that fear). there are also herbivores who were hardly preyed upon, like aurochs or rhinos, and their relationship with often preyed-upon fellow herbivores, and prey in general. they cannot exactly relate to the struggles of the rest of the herbivores, y’know? i’m not too sure how well i explained all of this, but, yeh. the point is, there are lots of different possible social dynamics with a world where the people are anthropomorphic animals.
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All I want for Christmas is a thin waist, flat belly, thigh gap, delicate arms, slim fingers, small belly button, my ultimate goal weight and a fast metabolism
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