#every scp has one of those
anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years
do you know a lot of SCP's? Asking because i'm wondering if it's hard to start a SCP story/fanfic without knowing a lot of characters lol :D
i nearly didn't know about Joe until someone mentioned his name here and i remembered oh yeah there's a joe in the Scp foundation 😭(was his name even joe?)
his shorthand is Joe Schmo, yeah
i do know quite a few, but that's mostly because i've been in this fandom for years lol. don't worry about characters and whatnot, just write what you want, and research things if need be. the story bends to your will alone
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marklikely · 1 year
really love amateur Internet horror as a whole like its a great medium for passion projects and creativity but if there's one thing id like to never ever see in the space again its "legitimately good subtle story but we added a scary monster that runs at you BWAH!!"
#its absurdly common in adaptations of liminal horror like someone comes up w a great liminal horror idea#and then a bunch of people who don't know how to be scary are just like and then we put a monster in it ooOoOooh!!!!!#like what happened to the backrooms or some scp video games#or there are these really great tiktok videos i think they're called like. phobia videos or something#and they're a collection of 3d animated clips that genuinely do get under my skin like#thalassophobia *video of you in a creepy underwater place* acrophobia *video of you on an impossibly tall building*#but then they always always ALWAYS end the clip with like . a creepy guy jumps out at you#like in the acrophobia one a creepy guy jumps out and pushes you off the tall building. they all have something like that#and it genuinely makes me insane because im like well THATS NOT? the phobia?? these arent different fears its all the same thing!!#i have been around the block too long in internet horror spaces im fully immune to Then A Scary Monster phobia#avpost#and im not one of those people with a stick up their ass about jumpscares its just like. not every story needs a scary monster face#i promise you there are other ways to índuce fear in your audience#and this has been going on like. at least since i was a teenager. like its so played out and we clearly will never move on#hell even from before i was a teenager like those youtube screamers are arguably the precursor to this#but nowadays its more annoying bc the stories are genuinely really good! until the goofy face monster ruins it
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myosotisa · 2 months
Incident Report 141-1-C
SCP-141 > Incident 141-1-C
Attn. All Black Site ⬛⬛ Personnel, @ghouljams
On ⬛⬛/⬛⬛/20⬛⬛, an unknown civilian female infiltrated SCP Black Site ⬛⬛, the current holding location of SCP-141.
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<Begin log> An external camera shows a concrete sidewalk leading to an emergency exit, time stamped ⬛⬛:⬛⬛PM. A young woman, mid 20s to early 30s, approaches the door. Subject, which will henceforth be referred to as SCP-141-e-1, appears distressed – looking around nervously, shifting erratically. SCP-141-e-1 approaches the exterior door and reaches for a keypad beside the frame, inputting a code. They then open the door without triggering the alarm, and enter the facility. An internal camera shows SCP-141-e-1 navigating the service halls while referencing something written on their hand. Another internal camera shows SCP-141-e-1 entering the facility mess hall. They sit down at a table alone, visibly trembling and beginning to cry. They do not move or make any other action until approached by Site personnel. <End log>
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Personnel Note on Incident 141-1-C:
We need to find out how they might've had access to those entry codes. Aren't they changed every 8 hours? How the hell did this girl get a working code? And why didn't the alarm go off when they opened the door?
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Interview SCP-141-e-1, Video Log:
Note: SCP-141-e-1 had shown no outward hostility and was not yet known to be connected to SCP-141 at the time of interviewing.
<Begin log> Interviewer: Can you please state your name for the record? SCP-141-e-1: I'm not supposed to say my name. Interviewer: No? Why not? SCP-141-e-1: She told me not to. Interviewer: Who is she? SCP-141-e-1: Watcher. O– or she said you might know her as 'Laswell'. Interviewer: Laswell. She told you what to say? Did she give you the instructions on how to get here? SCP-141-e-1: Yes. [They show their hand, which had a poorly drawn map of the facility that has since been smeared due to palm sweat.] Interviewer: I see. Do you know why she asked you to do this? SCP-141-e-1: I– I'm here to deliver a message. Interviewer: A message? What kind of message? SCP-141-e-1: She says that... That the 141 is needed elsewhere in order to complete a mission. And that it would be in everyone's best interests to let them out. Interviewer: Did she say anything about the mission, or what they are hoping to accomplish? SCP-141-e-1: [They are growing visibly anxious.] N- no. All she said was it was for the 'greater good'. And... She said if I had to, I could threaten that... Interviewer: What? What did she threaten? SCP-141-e-1: She said that they will be leaving the facility. Whether by being released, or by force. Interviewer: I see. And how did she contact you? How did you receive this information? SCP-141-e-1: She– [They begin to hyperventilate.] I don't know – She was everywhere and she was in my head and she knew things about me that no one should and I just... Interviewer: Hey, it's okay. You need to calm down. SCP-141-e-1: No! You don't understand! She could've ruined everything– [SCP-141-e-1 lunges for the interviewer, knocking over the camera in the process. There is the sound of a struggle before more people enter the room, and SCP-141-e-1 is supposedly restrained.] <End log>
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Observation Note SCP-141-e-1-a:
12 Hours Since SCP-141-e-1 entered Black Site ⬛⬛ - SCP-141-e-1 becomes increasingly hostile to any and all attempts to talk about what Laswell is blackmailing them with, what she is capable of, or if she is still in contact with them. They have been sedated several times over the course of their containment to keep them from causing physical harm to themself or others.
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Observation Note SCP-141-e-1-b:
24 Hours Since SCP-141-e-1 entered Black Site ⬛⬛ - SCP-141-e-1 is now displaying a form of retrograde amnesia. They have no memory of infiltrating the facility, being interviewed, what they were instructed to say, or the fact that they were blackmailed. Any attempt to remind them of Laswell or anything related to SCP-141 is forgotten shortly after. This behavior is concurrent with previously known data of the anomalous properties of SCP-141-e. All other medical and memory retention tests come back with average results.
SCP-141-e-1 exhibits no other anomalous traits beyond the memory tampering.
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SCP-141-e-1 has been released on their own recognizance after being administered Class C amnestics. They will continue to be discreetly monitored for the next ⬛⬛ months in case contact is made again by SCP-141-e, or any other member of SCP-141.
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Memo to Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ regarding Incident 141-1-C, ⬛️⬛/⬛️⬛/20⬛️⬛️:
Are we going to let them out for this mission Laswell wants them for? Should we increase security in regards to her threat? It might be wise to schedule an interview with SCP-141-a about the incident. It's likely he already knows it happened – given their... connection.
Request for additional interviews with SCP-141-a: Pending.
Based on the SCP-141 AU by @ghouljams, which I adore and think about often. See more here: SCP AU tag
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mattastr0phic · 4 months
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Myricle Week 8 + 9 - DUNGEON MESHI AU
The SCP is a guild that works to secure and contain dungeons while protecting those built around them, like the Canaries. Every contained dungeon becomes an SCP site that accepts new recruits from neighboring towns and regulate the goods coming in and out to maintain the safety of those towns from the dungeon. Their members, indicated by the retrieval charms on their wrists, are permitted to study the layout and ecosystems of the dungeon to apply them to magic use and monster handling, higher level researchers earning the permit to explore deeper levels.
Clef often helps train new recruits to the guild on monster combat, but in his spare time accompanies Myriad into the lower levels. Meanwhile, Myriad is almost always found studying the monsters’ relationships with their environment. They say in the lower levels you can catch her becoming one of them, but the rumors have never been confirmed. The two are well known for keeping their secrets from the rest of the guild, and none pry as they’re high level adventurers. The can of worms that’d be opened if someone was foolish enough to try and find out…
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Clef is actually the demon of the dungeon walking among the guild members. His hunger for desire has long been sated in Myriad, whose eternal death cycle even returns her appetite, which in itself is an ever-changing taste, compounded by other people’s memories stored within the stone hung in a pouch around their neck, also holding her soul.
At first it’s only a mesmerizing addiction, a mutual use of each other, where Clef devours Myriad and in return they analyze both the demon and command parts of the dungeon, somewhat of a half-dungeon lord. In reality, she doesn’t require much of its power at all, wanting to study the behaviors of its inhabitants naturally. Only a few outside inputs are needed for specific situations, which are the instances they may use their power for. Clef and Myriad’s relationship only becomes something more when the two realize they aren’t in each other’s company just to use each other anymore - they’ve come to coexist and simply want to be with the other.
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cyborg-franky · 5 months
Hi OP I hope you’re doing well! ❤️ Can I request some hcs of one piece characters favorite video games?
Man this might seem so biased because I like/hyper fixate on only a handfull of games but lets see... [Yes, most of these are games I am into WOOPS]
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Ace - Loves FPS - He plays games like Overwatch, TF2, L4D and Dead by Daylight. - He enjoys shoot first ask questions later type games. - DPS for life. - Borderlands is also a game he likes. - Saints Row, GTA, Duke Nukem. DOOM. Anything along these lines. - Action with a dose of horror element. - Explosions and fire are a huge bonus. Sabo - Sims - but on chaos mode. He loves to play God, and he’s the type of person who would build a pool without a ladder. - He might be against capitalism, but that doesn’t mean he won’t use a few cheat codes and pirate versions so his sims can live out their best lives.
Luffy - Pokemon games. He mostly plays Pokemon GO so he can go out and be social with his brothers and friends. He and Usopp do all the raids together. - Anything easy and brightly colored has his attention.
Nami - Mobile phone game queen. - Literally anything tycoon. - Where you can buy and sell and build. - Is like level 90000000 on every ‘swap something’ or ‘merge’ game. - Plays while making money at her job. Sanji - Dating sims, obviously. - Also, hentai games. - And Animal Crossing. Usopp - Minecraft, Strawdew Valley. Anything that's open and fun. - Also big into Pokemon and plays with Luffy, - He also loves point-and-click adventures like Monkey Island. Zoro - Pokemon sleep. - Streetfighter, TEKKEN, Mortal Kombat. All those sorts of games. - Shinobi games also.
Chopper - Cute, easy games or hardcore doctor simulators. - Animal Crossing. - Nintendogs, cats, anything silly and cute with animals.
Brook - Dating games - Hentai games - Among Us - Really dumb meme-bait games like I Am Toast and Goat Simulator
Franky - Minecraft, Roblox, anything that’s building and making. - Retro games, like Golden Axe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, Toe Jam, and Earl. - Older platform and side-scrolling games.
Jinbei - Games you can farm and fish on. - Also racing/driving games. - Is a beast on Mario Cart Robin - Fantasy games like Skyrim. - Indie horror like FNAF, SCP, Zoochosis, I have no mouth, and yet I must scream. - All the really intense horrors like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Condemned. - Just anything with awful, horrible monsters and lore, and she is all over it and thinks the monsters are cute.
Corazon - Candycrush mom. Kid - GTA, Bulletstorm, the most bloody and violent games you can get your hands on. - Ones that are banned in countries. - Wolfenstein. -  Also partial to the Guitar Hero/Rockstar type games. Killer - Cooking Mama - Guitar Hero/Rockband Marco - He doesn’t game alot, but if he sees an old-school arcade, he’ll go and play things. - House Of The Dead, Packman, Space Invaders, Time Crisis. He often gets dragged to the arcade by Ace.
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sixsixtwenty · 7 months
hi, hi💜 i was wondering if i could request SCP-076-2 x reader fluff/smut mix? :3 might be 2 vague, but go wild!!
i am bordeline obsessed with that man. (1 of my multiple husbandos so sue me.)
so. BET BUSTER. srry if it's short and shitty I've been going through some shit.
scp 076-2 x Reader
(fluff + smut)
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You and Able have been dating for a little while now, around 1-2 years so average relationship! it has been VERY hard for him for the concept of relationships. let alone love.
(c'mon he's like 10,000 years old or something. gove this man a break relationship standards keep changing like plz-)
at first when he even remotely caught feelings he's not even accepting it. not even acknowledge it. he's just "well ok. i hate that. I'm gonna kill people."
but it's been bugging him over and over with his feelings about you, he's doubting the feelings and just thinks it's just another form of hate.
but every fucking time you're around or even walk past him let alone be in his eye sight he's crumbling.
sometimes even some guards around him who even caught a glimpse of his face could've sworn his cheeks becoming a bit pink.
(not able giving them a death stare right after)
he just didn't know how to adress it or even adress it at all and just let it fix itself.
but then someday you came up to him and did the dumbest (or luckiest) move and told him those 3 magical words.
he was. baffled. quite baffled.
"I love you."
"i love you Able."
He was. staring. staring into your soul? no. he's trying to stare into your mind.
but when he just kept staring you suddenly kissed his cheek..you kissed his cheek?
oh shit his cheeks are red CODE RED-
and literally 1-2 years later he's Your Boyfriend.
it's very quick to him but yet he isn't complaining.
and the day you brought up that you just wanted to be fucked by him/fuck him. (YOU SINNER! SATAN! COME GET EM-)
he was thinking about it because if you remember. he isn't opposed to sex. but now that you're here.
he's considering it.
eventually he finds himself in your room (he destroyed all the cameras too <3)
while you are just undressing yourself. your chest fully exposed to him and your sex showing.
in all it's glory.
his eyes are wandering all over especially to your sex wich is kinda surprising! but he's super into it.
and when your eyes stravel over to his body. his very muscular olive skinned body. your eyes also travel to his sex. noticing that he's pretty damn hard.
and gah dayum is he hard. he looks almost 10inch big. and you're like "well i hope that fits".
you throw yourself onto him (with his consent ofc bc consent is VERY sexy)
(im sorry in very tired rn so- no horny rn)
you stick his cock all the way into your mouth trying to deepthroat him while he's a grunting mess. and by the time he cums your mouth is filled to the brim.
trying to swallow it all before he just pins you down on the bed and fucking you into the mattress. (have you seen this man bro?)
he's incredibly rough once he gets the hang trying to fill your ass with his liquids (cum.) while you're holding onto dear life.
"you're fucking up my insides!"
"im not killing you."
"FEELS LIKE IT....but it's hot."
after you two finish up and you being a complete pastry because of a certain someone.
you just cuddle up to him. pushing your face into his chest doing this wiggle motion as if you're comfy asf. (let's be honest. his chest id both soft n squishy+ hard af)
wrapping your limbs around him. and him doing the same to you, his long hair hanging down and tickling some of your skin
it was. a very nice scenario for you.
you wrap your blanket around you both not caring if any of the forbidden juices land on the blanket.
he could've sworn you purred.
Able just feels at peace. just knowing that you're there for him. that you won't leave him
you're the only one who truly let yourself near him and didn't scream for your life.
"you're the only one.."
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thespiritssaidso · 4 months
Item #: SCP-8675309🍍
Update: SCP has scratched out any and all files with its identification number and replaced them with pineapple doodles and obscure/inappropriate numbers. Standard procedure is to white out any defacement done to the files and replace it with the correct number, but when confronted with the task none of the employees had the heart to do so.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8675309 Heinz 57🍍 is to be treated like foundation staff with level 5 clearance. Caution is advised when approaching, lest foundation personnel be influenced under heavy charm. SCP has previously gained access to multiple levels this way when it only had level 1 clearance.
Containment of SCP is not necessary, as it has proven it means no harm — not that it can do any — and is willing to come to work every day, albeit sometimes a bit late. The most amount of harm it has performed was by enamoring the guards outside of SCP-294 enclosure in order to acquire a pineapple smoothie. In my defense, those smoothies are to die for. -🍍
Using any form of memory wiping in an effort to contain SCP-8675309 3.141596…🍍 is severely prohibited, as it has previously shown severe signs of distress when it cannot remember the smallest of details. Years of training from your dad to be the world’s greatest detective will do that to ya. -🍍
Description: SCP is a humanoid Caucasian-Latino male, and responds to the name of Shawn Spencer, although it has given itself a number of various nicknames.
SCP shows clear signs of ADHD and a strange fascination with pineapples. SCP can often be seen carrying varying types of snacks flavored like the aforementioned fruit: dried pineapple slices, pineapple nutrigrain bars, and oftentimes simply a large pineapple itself. It’s up for debate as to where it attains these treats for itself, as its pockets have been routinely checked at the entrance of the foundation as it signs in for the day. Some hypothesize it has somehow struck a deal with SCP-261 into giving nothing but pineapple snacks in exchange for Yen. Although no one is sure where it would get the Yen from, as it has reportedly never been to Japan (although it has very clearly expressed its wishes to do so some day).
SCP-8675309 69 lol🍍 also displays an uncanny ability to read a person, able to guess private information from a glance. All personnel are advised to try not to keep anything hidden from it, as it is not only pointless, but its suspicion of said personnel will simply grow.
SCP can be found normally either lounging in the break room, flirting with any and all foundation members it finds attractive, and befriending other SCPs, such as SCP-999. It has found itself particularly fond of SCP-529, and is constantly feeding it cheese, despite being advised not to.
All foundation staff are instructed not to call the SCP an SCP to its face, as it will grow agitated. Obviously I’m gonna get ‘agitated’! How would you feel if you were called an SCP, huh?! -🍍
Reference: Originating from Santa Barbara California, SCP has travelled all over the United States, leaving its footprint in nearly every major city. Well, every city that the SCP has reported as, quote unquote, ‘fun’. Nothing wrong with that. -🍍
Incidents caused by the SCP whilst traveling have been logged and recorded, including the ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ incident, the ⬜️⬜️⬜️ debacle, and the altercation in ⬜️⬜️ between SCP⬜️⬜️⬜️ and SCP-8675309 8008135🍍.
Great file, amazing. Just a few notes here. First off: cut the ‘it/its’ pronouns. I get some people go by that, but me? No thanks. Second off: very boring report. There’s a severe lack of pictures and way too many words, I almost feel asleep reading this. -🍍
Update: SCP has since left the foundation since the last time its file has been updated. While never clearly stating where it was going, a large sum of money was removed from the foundation treasury and used towards purchasing a plane ticket to Germany.
SCP-8675309 is currently living its life comfortably in the city of Santa Barbara in California, working for the local police as a consultant ‘psychic detective’. Whether or not SCP is actually psychic has been the subject of debate for nearly 5 years between staff.
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the-voldsoy · 1 year
misc nightvale headcannons that i wrote while listening to the show for the first time but never shared
(tw:gore ? scarring ?)
Kevin has a Chelsea grin given to him when he resisted strexcorp
Cecil has been around for so long through so many eras of clothing that he’s just given up on bothering to dress well
However, his fashion is violently early 2000’s
He also loves makeup
And constantly wears fannypacks and other ridiculously tiny bags
Carlos’ many “lab coats” are actually just regular coats Cecil’s just stupid (/aff)
EXCEPT he does have some actual lab coats with different functions like his “running lab coat” is a lab coat with racing stripes on the sides
The “vague and mysterious government agency” is actually the SCP foundation
Cecil has microphone and soundwave tattoos that move when people talk
he has a third eye that he can see anywhere in nightvale when using it
He can make the night vale theme tune start playing out of nowhere
It’s not always on purpose
Like sometimes he sneezes particularly hard and it starts
on a similar vein, his 'weather' powers is because talk of the weather was banned
so every time people mention the weather music starts playing
(to avoid boring convos, yk?)
and Cecil is the only one who really takes advantage of it
Cecil has little faint piercing scars lining above and below his lips
(as in at some point his mouth was sewn shut)
cecil is VERY dramatic when sick
Cecil is taller but Carlos is stronger
However Cecil can fight really well
Carlos grew out his hair into a little ponytail and Cecil LOVED it
And then didn’t speak to Carlos for a week when he cut it off
There’s a lot of weird stuff in night vale that we don’t even know about — those are the things that people didn’t tell Cecil about because they knew he’d tell the radio
Also, no one EVER tells Cecil any secrets or gossip for the same reason
Cecil walks with a cane and sometimes even has to use a wheelchair due to the lymes disease he had
The cane has an old-timey microphone on the top (think Radio Demon from hazbin hotel)
Cecil loved one direction and was devastated when they broke up
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willtheweaver · 2 months
Prison prompts
• How does it feel to see freedom every day from the cell window? How does it feel knowing the world is so near, yet out of reach?
• Character notices that one of their fellow inmates always wears a mask that covers their entire face. Their manacles also appear to be made of silver.
• The wealthiest noble family in the kingdom has paid an exorbitant ransom in order to free one of their own. Only problem is that the noble in question refuses to leave, saying that they are quite happy remaining in prison.
• A foolproof escape plan orchestrated by a bunch of idiots.
• Apparently there are prisons in the afterlife. They’re for those with consecutive sentences/ sentences that exceed their lifespan
• “That’s the fifth one today.”
“Why are so many people trying to get in?”
“Beats me. Some try and tunnel their way in, and one even had the audacity to walk right up to the warden and beg to be let in.”
• You can escape any time you want. You choose to stay inside because you find it fun to mess with the guards.
• The castle dungeon was, well…wrong. No rack, no branding irons, everything was bright and well lit. No chains or oubliettes, everyone is super friendly.
• You, a perfectly ordinary human has just been sent to the jail where super villains, fallen gods, and SCPs do their time.
• “l have seen it all.” A raven tells you. “I was here when they laid the first stone. I know what happened to the two princes. I know what Anne Boleyn’s last words were.”
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literary-illuminati · 4 months
2024 Book Review #28 – The Dead Take The A Train by Cassandra Khaw and Richard Kadrey
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Oh I wanted to love this book so very much. On paper it’s basically made for me – incredibly messy fuckup of a heroine, cosmic horror through the idiom of wall street corporate sharks, grimy and gory urban fantasy full of knifing people in back alleys, the works! For the first fifty pages or so, I thought I was in love – which just made the disappointment as the wheels came off all the more bitter.
The book follows Julie, ‘barbed wire magician’ (it’s at least as unpleasant as it sounds), professional monster hunter, and all-around personal disaster. Her life takes a turn for the even messier when a) her best friend/comically oversized unresolved crush shows up at her door begging for help running from her abusive husband and b) unrelatededly but more or less simultaneously, her ex-partner-and-also-boyfriend, looking up to clean up embarrassing loose ends on his rise up the elldritch corporate ladder, baits her into trying to summon a guardian angel from a sabotaged tome and ends up releasing a metaphysical parasite that starts murdering its way through the city’s occult underground. From there things just get messier.
Drilling down as much as I can, my issues with this can be summed up as it feels like a first draft. There’s stuff there on the page – character arcs, relationships, bits of scenery and action setpieces, even themes! - but it’s all just..there. Exaggerated line sketches no one ever went back and turned into full illustrations. It’s most painful with the characters – every one of them is a caricature, precisely and exactly what they first appear to be with the same beats hit again and again every single time they appear on screen. Which more or less for the quirky supporting cast but like – we get multiple chapters from the perspective of the aforementioned abusive husband, and something like a fifth of the book is from the POV of the sleazy corporate striver ex. At no point does either one get the slightest bit of nuance or pathos – Tyler’s chapters in particular end up reading like bad SCP field reports, with so much self-destructive instituional backstabbing and betrayal it all ends up being slapstick.
Sarah the love interest gets a special anti-shout-out here. Like, I know I’m just picky about and have a low tolerance for romances, but I swear – the single most important dynamic in the book in terms of both wordcount and narrative signposting is her and Julie’s romance, and it is just So. Bad. Every single scene she’s in is dedicated to rubbing your face in how fragile and traumatized and selfless and adorable and good-hearted and damaged she is, and the entirety of the romance is essentially one of those jokes about how lesbians will spend six years living with each other awkwardly waiting for the other to ask them out but stretched across 400 pages. I spent half the book patiently waiting for any hint of hidden depths or surprising twists to her character, but nope! Just a perfect domestic angel.
The setting actually has something of a similar issue. It feels like an exaggerated pastiche of urban fantasy, assuming the reader is already familiar with all the tropes and conceits and making only the most perfunctory possible gestures towards exploring or justifying them. This can absolutely work, but if you’re doing it you kind of need to use the genre as the background or setup for something else that the book is actually about – deconstruction or satire or character study or Wacky Hijinks or something. When what’s gruesome action and drama is supposed to be the star attraction, the grounding and verisimilitude of the world is actually pretty key.
A really tight, tense plot could have absolutely redeemed the whole but, well, nope. The literal entire plot hinges on Tyler, in the course of one conversation several drinks in at a crowded bar, baiting Julie into looking for a particular type of tome from a particular store so she’ll try the ritual he had swapped out with one to curse her – but then also that he didn’t know what the ritual he swapped in actually did. The big evil wall street law firm has a corporate culture that should have collapsed about 48 hours after it was founded, and absolutely nothing about it makes sense for a place with lasting institutional power. Everyone’s morality and perceptiveness changes as the plot requires. The pacing feels like they had to pull a happy ending out of their asses at the 2/3 mark and shove the rest of the book into a sequel. It’s just, it’s bad!
Also the prose starts at fun and evocative and keeps pushing into Lovecraftian levels of adjective-addiction, and neither the A-Train nor the dead are actually at all important to the story.
Just, argh. This could have been good! The first 40 pages were a really fun schlocky monster-of-the-week story! The first ritual summoning the Proctor was basically perfect! I wanted to love this!
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cielcreations · 10 months
Inspiration from Junji Ito and his horror manga called Tomie.
Item #: SCP-C4N46Y
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-C4N46Y is to be contained in a room no less than five (5) meters by five (5) meters and given adequate room to move. Proper bedding, attire, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained and accessible to SCP-C4N46Y at all times. Books, board games, and video games are to be provided and rotated every three (3) months. SCP-C4N46Y is permitted to have a laptop and phone with internet access, so long as no video or pictures are taken or shared online. Food should be provided three (3) times daily, with three (3) snacks if requested. SCP-C4N46Y may also request different items, but approval of said items must go through the site director.
No physical contact is to be made with SCP-C4N46Y whatsoever. Any objects given to personnel by SCP-C4N46Y may be removed, but must be given to quarantine for examination. No more than three (3) personnel may be present in the room at any given time. All personnel must be removed from SCP-C4N46Y's containment chamber within fifteen (15) minutes of entering.
Any personnel who begin to act erratically, scream, or attempt to grab SCP-C4N46Y are to be removed and terminated. No sharp objects or firearms are allowed in SCP-C4N46Y's containment room. Any personnel who remains in the containment chamber longer than fifteen (15) minutes must immediately be quarantined for a minimum of one (1) week. If personnel express any sort of desire to hurt SCP-C4N46Y in any way are to be immediately terminated. If personnel expresses they are feeling better, they are to monitored/shadowed for one (1) week more. If they then express their desire to see SCP-C4N46Y, they are to be quarantined again. If the personnel returns to normal, they may continue work without monitoring, otherwise if they express to hurt SCP-C4N46Y at any point, they are to be immediately terminated.
Description: SCP-C4N46Y appears to be a twenty four (24) year old Caucasian man of British decent, approximately one point nine (1.9) meters in height. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and wears the wardrobe provided by the foundation. He doesn't seem to have a preference in clothing, expressing that he likes all clothes, especially "comfortable clothing". He has a generally pleasant personality and rarely gets upset, becoming anxious only in the presence of groups of people. [ See Addendum SCP-C4N46Y-1 ]
Any and all humans over the age of eighteen (18) who stay in SCP-C4N46Y's presence for more than fifteen (15) minutes will start to become obsessed with SCP-C4N46Y. They will express their feelings of love and adoration, but also express possessive behavior and thoughts. Subjects afflicted will more often than not express how SCP-C4N46Y is "theirs" and how "they must keep him". Those afflicted will become increasingly more irrational, paranoid, and homicidal. All of these feelings will be directed at SCP-C4N46Y.
The overwhelming urge will eventually take over and afflicted subjects will take out their homicidal tendencies on SCP-C4N46Y in any way possible, more often than not by stabbing and later cutting him into pieces. Once SCP-C4N46Y "dies", the subject will then be overcome with grief and depression. They will then suffer either a massive heart attack or seizure, dying one (1) minute after "killing" SCP-C4N46Y.
After the afflicted subject has died, SCP-C4N46Y will then regenerate, no matter how severe the damage may be. Once SCP-C4N46Y is fully regenerated, he will then go back to normal. SCP-C4N46Y is aware of these effects, and either chooses to ignore the subjects affected or simply responds apathetically with "They deserve it for killing me in such a brutal way."
Addendum SCP-C4N46Y-1: SCP-C4N46Y seems to have a lot more influence than first let on. When ten (10) D-Class personnel were put in the room, SCP-C4N46Y didn't appear to get anxious. SCP-C4N46Y changed into a dress the foundation provided before sitting on the bed, smiling and offering the D-Class personnel to sit around him. Unfortunately, the microphones could not pick up what SCP-C4N46Y was telling the D-Class personnel, but they were entranced by whatever he was saying.
When security entered the room to escort the D-Class outside, SCP-C4N46Y snapped his fingers. The D-Class personnel immediately attacked security. They managed to kill the two (2) security guards before then turning on each other. The last D-Class personnel alive then turned to SCP-C4N46Y, who had remained on his bed with a small smirk. The man then strangled SCP-C4N46Y before dying himself. When regenerated, SCP-C4N46Y sat in his bed for a moment before walking to the bathroom, saying a single sentence.
SCP-C4N46Y: Did you enjoy that, Watcher?
When questioned who this "Watcher" is, SCP-C4N46Y merely smiled.
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daydreamingdancer · 2 months
scp foundation x the magnus archives au
- 076 , avatar of the Web , is the spider inside a guest for mr spider book . cain did sacrifice her to it but it's okay she's ... mostly , over it . trans- fem 076 go brrr , she overpowered the og mr spider and replaced it like helen distortion did with micheal distortion . all whilst definitely dying from blood loss . it's a guest for miss spider now . definitely the Web's favourite avatar , she's the mother of puppets special little girl . has never attempted a ritual , has no need to .
- dr bright , avatar of the eye , call him a damsel in distress with how often he is getting kidnapped by fear god servants and needs to be rescued out of the situation . definitely end marked so thoroughly that everyone thought he was going to be end not eye . absolutely not the ceaseless watchers special little boy , that's jon sims , head archivist of the magnus institute , london . has never attempted a ritual unless you count primary school where he did a superstition to pass a test and accidentally got himself on the eye's list .
- 073 , avatar of the stranger , probably not!-them-ed a good few hundred people over the years , the eye followers tried to use him to start it's ritual exactly once , ended up almost becoming an unknowing before Gertrude Robinson decided to shoot up the place believing it was just a stranger ritual . it actually worked . walks into the institute one time and just goes " oh well that's not sasha james , you have the everything wrong " and leaves 0 context given .
-105 , avatar of the vast , simon fairchild's favourite other vast avatar , takes 1 photo and then condemns everyone inside to fiery skydiving hell mixed with wandering a barren wasteland also on fire . she really likes fire . definitely a pyromaniac , not even marked by desolation she just really enjoys fire for whatever reason . has never attempted a ritual , it would probably be hijacked by desolation anyways .
major archives spoilers below ;
The Change Domains ;
-076 , a manor with no trace of dirt nor decay , discounting the many spiders within . everyone inside is effectively safe , unless they decide to take up their host spiders offer for tea . then one person goes missing and another joins . she gets her fear due to how the people are paranoid someone else will knock on her door for tea .
-dr bright , a foundation facility , fully furnished and seemingly safe , bright serves as the director , people within are constantly affected with the feeling of being watched deeply by the many cameras around , sometimes they can get called in for performance reviews , those people are only given pity in advance for whatever horrible secrets they will learn . he gets the fear because of the constant watching he does .
-073 , a circus , colourful and shining and unassuming , just ignore how the employees seem rather .. unhappy , i assure you now , every employee is entirely happy to be working here , and just look at how perfect they are . they never make mistakes , and those that do are pulled away by sudden family issues , health emergencies and the like , and your close friend has gone missing , the new employee seems awfully similar don't they ? and the ringmasters arms have that same distinctive tattoo that the old employee had , but all that is merely nothing , just sit down and enjoy the show . the fear gained by him is obviously that of the employees , and the occasional visitor who doesn't follow rules .
-105 , a plains on fire , the sky is cloudy and blue , with no sun in sight , the people within run and run and run , terrified of the sky above them and the fires around them , seeking a shelter from them both , and never finding one . she gets her fear very obviously
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3d-wifey · 6 months
SCP-2243: You Got Caged!
If it isn't obvious, you're Dr. ████. I mixed his powers from the last timeline and this timeline bc I missed the green energy. Anywho, these will all be in the same universe, I already started one for Feyd Rautha bc that little freak is such an scp tags: @yvy1s @innercreationflower
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Item #: SCP-2243
​​Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2243 is to be contained within a reinforced humanoid containment chamber at Site-██ equipped with non-lethal deterrents to prevent unauthorized access. The chamber must be outfitted with soundproofing materials due to SCP-2243's propensity for vocalization as its penchant for charisma and allure makes unauthorized access into its containment cell just as likely as an escape attempt. All interactions with SCP-2243 must be supervised by trained personnel, and any requests for interaction must be approved by the Site Director ██████. A one-way observation mirror is to be installed. However, it is not to be utilized 24/7 as it is known that SCP-2243 will always be aware that someone is watching it and may engage in performative behavior. SCP-2243 is to be provided with recreational materials upon request, subject to approval by Site Director ██████.
Interaction with SCP-2243 must be conducted with caution to prevent irritation and subsequent accidental activation of its anomalous abilities.
SCP-2243's anomalous abilities are to be monitored regularly. Should SCP-2243 exhibit aggressive behavior, Protocol Omega-Zeta is to be enacted immediately, involving the use of hand-to-hand combat to settle it down as tranquilizers only further aggravate it. However, it is likely to go through and kill many of its “opponents” before this is reached. This is why it is key to keep it calm. Notify Dr. ████ before engaging in active combat with SCP-2243 as she has shown the ability to talk it down.
[Additional Notes: Due to SCP-2243's unpredictable behavior and potent anomalous capabilities, a specialized containment team trained in both hand-to-hand combat and anomalous entity containment procedures is to be stationed nearby at all times. Despite these measures being put in place, it is advised not to engage in combat with SCP-2243 if possible as it is unlikely for one to survive against it. Even sparing is ill-advised as SCP-2243 casually utilizes brutal and at times lethal moves. It seems that SCP-2243 doesn’t understand that one is supposed to go easy on their partner during a friendly match. Instead, SCP-2243 treats every fight as if it is life or death.]
Considering SCP-2243, and most likely those from its dimension, heals from what should be considered mortal wounds at ease, it is currently considered practically immortal. No firearms are to be used and there are no current plans to test this supposed immortality.
During transportation, personnel must be able to develop a rapport with SCP-2243 or be considered in good standing. This is in place to reduce the chances of agitation and encourage its current cooperation. While SCP-2243 has been happy to help and shows a strong sense of morality, outbursts of any kind should be met with negotiation first and combat if all else fails.  dealt with by Dr. ████, which has shown to be a surefire way of calming it down. 
Aggressive language or actions toward SCP-2243 will be perceived as grounds for combat, at which point the only way to calm SCP-2243 down will be the termination of said offender by its hands with the gruesome usage of what it classifies as a “finisher” or “brutality”. At this point, a disembodied voice has reportedly been heard chanting “Finish him/her.” The same course of action will be taken if SCP-2243 witnesses any type of aggressivity towards Dr. ████.
SCP-2243 is to be provided with basic amenities and entertainment to maintain cooperation and prevent boredom-induced agitation.
SCP-2243 demonstrates a strong aversion to containment and expresses a desire to engage in combat and entertainment activities. It frequently attempts to escape confinement to pursue these activities, often resulting in containment breaches and potential security risks. As such, SCP-2243 is allowed monitored access outside of its containment chamber.
Description: SCP-2243 appears to be a humanoid male of Caucasian descent in his mid-thirties with a muscular build, approximately 6 foot 1 in height despite claims of being taller, 200lbs. The only noteworthy marking on its body is a tattoo along its chest spelling “Johnny”. SCP-2243 possesses enhanced physical abilities, including strength, agility, and endurance, beyond that of normal human capabilities. Despite numerous attempts to determine the source of these abilities, SCP-2243's physiology appears to be entirely mundane.
SCP-2243 is known to exhibit a charismatic and self-assured personality, often displaying a penchant for theatricality and grandiose gestures. It is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, displaying mastery in various martial arts disciplines, but also shows proficiency with various melee weapons. SCP-2243 is also capable of performing acrobatic feats defying conventional physics.
SCP-2243's primary anomalous trait is its ability to generate and manipulate energy fields, particularly those resembling green, energy-based constructs. These constructs have been observed taking various forms, including protective barriers, projectiles, and offensive weaponry, all of which have been dubbed SCP-2243-1. The extent of SCP-2243's control over these constructs is not fully understood. These abilities appear to be activated through gestures and vocal commands, though the exact mechanism remains under investigation. Alongside this, it’s capable of producing photokinetic energy projectiles from its hands, which it refers to as "Shadow Balls" or "Green Energy”, that are capable of inflicting significant damage to organic and inorganic matter.
SCP-2243's anomalous abilities extend beyond its physical prowess. It has been observed to possess a form of reality-warping, enabling it to alter perceptions and manipulate the outcome of events in its vicinity. This includes the ability to enhance its own combat abilities and create illusory duplicates of itself, SCP-2243-3, making it difficult to contain or neutralize. SCP-2243 often utilizes these "stunt doubles" as decoys or to overwhelm adversaries, suggesting a strategic acumen beyond conventional human capability. 
One of SCP-2243's most confounding anomalous properties is its ability to spontaneously generate film crew equipment and personnel, SCP-2243-5, seemingly out of thin air. These manifestations typically appear during combat scenarios, allowing SCP-2243 to produce elaborate cinematic sequences in real-time and manipulate its surroundings to create elaborate stage-like environments evidently at will. Despite extensive research, the origin of these manifestations remains unknown.
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SCP-2243 producing an instance of SCP-2243-5
It has the extraordinary ability to produce multiple instances of SCP-2243-4 at any time that it refers to as “stunt men”. SCP-2243-4 appear as men who look similar to SCP-2243, but not identical. They seemingly materialize out of thin air and disappear just as seamlessly. When asked about them, SCP-2243 claims it is “too valuable to do its own stunts even though it totally can.” Not to be confused with SCP-2243-3, “stunt doubles”, which are perfect clones of SCP-2243 that it creates using its green energy during combat. Despite the names being synonymous, there is a clear and distinct visible difference. 
Furthermore, SCP-2243 demonstrates an enigmatic ability to create SCP-2243-2 instances, which function as an invisible yet responsive live studio audience. These entities provide audible feedback and reactions to SCP-2243's actions, further enhancing its theatrical performances during combat encounters. Despite being imperceptible to onlookers, SCP-2243 interacts with SCP-2243-2 instances as though they were tangible entities, implying a cognitive connection beyond conventional sensory perception.
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SCP-2243 interacting with SCP-2243-2
These cinematic apparitions serve to augment SCP-2243's theatricality, enhancing its engagements with both adversaries and Foundation personnel.
SCP-2243's origins and motivations remain shrouded in mystery, with conflicting claims suggesting ties to alternate realities and interdimensional conflicts. Further investigation into SCP-2243's extradimensional knowledge and the veracity of its assertions is ongoing.
SCP-2243 is known to engage in confrontational behavior, often seeking out adversaries to engage in combat. SCP-2243 exhibits an exaggerated sense of self-confidence and bravado, often engaging in verbal taunts and dramatic gestures during confrontations. SCP-2243 displays a charismatic and flamboyant personality, often engaging in boastful behavior and making witty remarks, even in stressful or dangerous situations. It has demonstrated a tendency to seek attention and validation from others, particularly through public performances and displays of its abilities.
Despite its aggressive tendencies, SCP-2243 has displayed a strong sense of morality, frequently intervening to protect innocent individuals from harm.
SCP-2243 has shown an advanced level of intelligence past that of most sapient Euclids. It has made claims of possessing a Ph.D. in quantum mechanics. When tested on the subject, SCP-2243 showed remarkable proficiency. 
SCP-2243's presence tends to draw significant public attention, making containment challenging. Witnesses of its anomalous abilities are typically administered Class-A amnestics to maintain secrecy.
[Additional Notes: SCP-2243's anomalous abilities and charismatic personality pose a potential threat to Foundation secrecy and containment efforts. Research is ongoing to understand the full extent of its capabilities and origins. Efforts to recruit SCP-2243 as a Foundation asset for containment and neutralization of other anomalies are under consideration, pending approval from higher authorities.]
SCP-2243 is to undergo regular psychological evaluations and physical examinations to monitor any changes in behavior or anomalous abilities. Any attempts by SCP-2243 to utilize its anomalous abilities for personal gain or unauthorized activities must be promptly reported.
SCP-2243 claims to be a former Hollywood actor and martial artist, though its background and identity remain uncertain. It frequently refers to itself by the alias "Johnny Cage" and insists on being addressed as such. Despite its cooperative demeanor, SCP-2243 has been known to exhibit stubbornness and defiance when faced with authority or containment procedures it perceives as restrictive. However, it seems to have taken a liking to Dr. ████ and adheres to her authority for reasons unknown. Though it is theorized to be aesthetically motivated.
While generally personable, SCP-2243 can become irritated or outright aggravated if treated like a specimen or if it becomes bored. Will only answer to Johnny, Mr. Cage, or Dr. Cage. 
Despite SCP-2243's often brash and arrogant demeanor, it has shown a degree of cooperation with Foundation personnel, particularly when provided with opportunities for public exposure and adulation. None more than Dr.  ████. However, caution is advised, as SCP-2243's loyalty and motivations remain unclear. 
Addendum 2243-A: Containment protocols have been updated to include measures to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-2243's containment cell, as well as enhanced surveillance to monitor SCP-2243's interactions with SCP-2243-1, SCP-2243-2, and SCP-2243-4 instances. Continued observation and analysis of SCP-2243's behavior are necessary to ensure effective containment and mitigate potential security risks.
Addendum 2243-B: SCP-2243's containment cell has been outfitted with holographic projectors to simulate various combat scenarios and facilitate cooperative engagements with Foundation personnel. These simulations serve as both training exercises and opportunities for psychological assessment, aiding in the formulation of comprehensive containment protocols.
Addendum 2243-C: Containment protocols have been revised to include provisions for the monitoring and analysis of SCP-2243's interactions with SCP-2243-1, SCP-2243-2, and SCP-2243-4 instances. Behavioral studies are underway to discern patterns and motivations behind SCP-2243's utilization of these anomalous entities.
Addendum 2243-D: SCP-2243 has been observed engaging in dialogue referencing an alternate reality known as "Earthrealm" and claiming to be a "Mortal Kombat champion." But shows no concern about returning. Further investigation into the origin and nature of SCP-2243's extradimensional knowledge is ongoing.
Addendum 2243-E: Ongoing research endeavors aim to elucidate the extent of SCP-2243's reality-warping capabilities and their implications for containment and neutralization strategies. Collaboration with multidisciplinary teams is encouraged to advance our understanding of SCP-2243 and its place within the anomalous spectrum.
Addendum 2243-F: SCP-2243 has expressed a desire to participate in containment breach drills and training exercises alongside Foundation personnel. While SCP-2243's assistance in such scenarios may prove beneficial, caution is advised due to the unpredictable nature of its behavior and abilities.
Addendum 2243-G: SCP-2243's anomalous abilities have led to speculation regarding its origin and potential connection to other anomalous phenomena. Research into possible links between SCP-2243 and known anomalies, as well as its true nature and purpose, is ongoing. Efforts to establish a comprehensive understanding of SCP-2243's capabilities and limitations are underway to ensure effective containment and management of its anomalous behavior.
Addendum 2243-H: SCP-2243 has expressed a strong desire to participate in various forms of entertainment media, including films, television shows, and live performances, citing its theatrical inclinations and performative prowess. While these requests are generally denied for security reasons, limited engagements under controlled conditions have been approved as a means of maintaining SCP-22443's cooperation and containment at the advice of Dr. ████.
Addendum 2243-I: Johnny Cage's penchant for grandiose theatrics and confrontational behavior necessitates ongoing evaluation of containment procedures and personnel training regimens. Collaboration with external consultants versed in performance arts and anomalous psychology may provide valuable insights into SCP-2243's psyche and motivations.
Addendum 2243-J: SCP-2243 has demonstrated a preference for interacting with personnel through staged combat scenarios reminiscent of action films. Requests for such engagements should be evaluated for feasibility and security implications.
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jekyll-doodles · 9 months
How do the lords act in the after? Do they stay in there human forms? And if not is the rest of alagadda back to their human forms or in the other form?
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[Final conclusion on the four contracted individuals inhabiting ■■■ verse, ■■■ space-■■■ time, aka "SCP Wakey Wakey". Each individual has sufficiently fulfilled their end of our agreement. It is unfortunate I was not able to see the final confrontation – it fell outside of the set times I was granted for observation, you know. Take what I say with a grain of salt, as stories passed around tend to morph. I know I have the broad strokes intact, but some of the lesser details are… lacking.]
[And, of course, what really happened to that fiend mustn't be made known to anyone else in this universe, especially the foundation. They are a suspicious bunch and while that serves a good purpose most days, in this instance that lack of trust will only cause more problems. So, as per the lords’ wishes, let us keep the decided fate of the ambassador enclosed only here. Not a word of it is to be spoken. The detail that the ambassador was successfully “neutralized” is all they need to know.]
The After:
Considering the atrocities that entity had and was still committing at the time, I had expected some kind of fight to take place when the confrontation occurred. Unsurprisingly surprising, as human nature often is, it was far more quiet and calculated attack. That time recovering in foundation custody did them well after all, not that I had many doubts that it would. More so, having over a year of officially planning the endeavor, seemingly seamlessly blended into their casual lives. The majority of said planning went unnoticed by said foundation – not for a lack of trying though. In the final days however, it was palpable that the time was coming. Even when keeping up human appearances. There were days spent in planning and of passing down the final judgment on the target entity. And then, they ventured back. The return was admittedly without notice. But a notice might've opened an opportunity to interfere or assist -- they did not need either. No more people needed to experience the horrors of their home.
The fateful day, under that yellow sky, would have seemed like every other day before and after. The streets and citizens were as they had left them: in utter ruin and revelry. The few souls that could recognize the return of their missing lords were either obliviously overjoyed, or watched in silent dread. Those few left with enough sense to know something was different. Something important. Perhaps it was the return of the black lord that troubled them, his anguished visage steadfast as he was marched back to the palace by the other three. Distant sounds of cheering echoed around them, for what they knew to be an execution-in-waiting.
The city and palace no longer held its control over their senses; it bent to their wills and inconspicuously shifted routes that led them where they needed. Back to where this nightmare started, and where it would end. The throne room was emptied, save for its sole prisoner. The black lord of Alagadda approached the throne, ushered in by the restraining grips of the red and yellow lords by his sides, and the white lord gliding behind them. He greeted his king kindly. There was a shift from the stationary creature as he groaned in his agony. And then they appeared, cocksure of themself, at their prisoner's side. It most likely berated the deserters, and especially expressed disgust for the anguished's live return. Would have demanded answers to their actions, before it dealt out their punishments. 
And so, the lords said what it desired to hear. The white lord announced their abrupt leave was to find the disgraced lord and bring him to proper justice. The yellow lord and red lord, as on rare occasions, agreed : it was a surprise gift to the ambassador, the red lord remarked, letting it be the one to personally dispose of their former colleague. To be the one rip away his mask and smash him to pieces, ensuring the only memory of him left would be a mere stain on the throne room's floor. The execution would be a fine spectacle for their king too, he added. The black lord attempted to protest, which devolved into vile insults, and was silenced by the other lords. It was quite a show.
Respect where it’s due though, the ambassador was no simple fool. 
They were a sadistic fool. And the chance to execute the black lord again had them giddy with excitement. 
And so, the lords did as it desired. Shutting off the entrances to ensure there was no possible exit nor interference. They dragged the black lord forward and roughly knelt him before the ambassador. It leaned down to him, its insidious laughter echoed around them. Just as it had for untold years. Just as it had when they were human. It gloated about how he could not escape now nor ever again. That this was all inevitable -- suppose it was right in a way. It delicately reached down, intent on caressing his porcelain façade before abruptly digging into his face and ripping it away with a flourish. Finally putting an end to the nuisance before them. However, a single finger of its had made contact with the mask when, suddenly, the ambassador would have found themselves unable to move, as if caught in some invisible web. 
Well. Quite literally, actually. 
Imagine: an insidious spider fruitlessly trying to struggle its way out of a web, only to look up and see its spinner descending upon it. The illusion of the control it had and of the masked lords vanishing right before its… face. And from the shadows of the throne room, mesmerizing beings emerged that it had not known before. Had not been able to anticipate nor manipulate. And how could it? For all it knew about manipulating humans, it failed to truly understand the full scope of humanity. And now, it never would. They spoke no words to it. Instead, bonds of chains, of wire, of thorny vines snaked and intersected with the web, impaling and further holding the entity in place. And by their wills, they condemned the former ambassador to be erased from continued existence. Ensuring it would never harm nor return again. With no trace left of the entity, the hanged king was next. Unlike in the past, no more would they allow him to wallow senselessly in his sorrows and anguish. His fate was more merciful and kind. A quick execution, finally released from his bonds and laid to rest after a lifetime of suffering and causing great pain. And with both entities gone, the city itself rippled at the seams. The dimension fully bending to the will of its new overseers. 
The change was gradual; a shuddering sigh of relief let out by the land itself. The lost memories and colors returned, along with the proper sun and sky. Wildlife reemerged. The island was now surrounded by a glittering sea, no longer a viscous abyss. Those first few days must have been exhausting for the citizens and other lost travelers. Suddenly finding themselves back in their homes or shelters, as themselves again without the feverish cardinal urges of carnage and flesh. No more masks to hide behind. No more dreamlike stupors. Granted, the lords' new abilities made organizing and informing them of their new situation a far more manageable task. However, it was not the first step they took when the city regained a more familiar landscape. After all, they were still them. They too, like the rest, had lives to reconnect. Amongst all the other residents that reunited with lost loved ones: an eldest son hurriedly returned to his family, a wife and husband reunited with each other and their baby, and a new family rose from the ashes of the broken hearts of a widower and orphan prince. The city began to mourn, and to heal.
It was decided that the native citizens could choose for themselves if they would like to stay in their warped homeland, or be relocated and acclimated back into the “real world”. With assistance from the foundation -- one of the few times the lords allowed them to be involved in Alagaddan affairs -- those that wished to be returned were issued the necessary documentation, assistance, and educated on modernity. Travelers from other dimensions that wished to be returned to their native reality were helped similarly, though that process was slightly trickier. Those that wished to remain, and those that wished to return to, adjusted to life in their changed homeland : An ethereal city, quilted from their past and the present, that granted a sense of comfort and peace to its inhabitants.
For now this would be a new beginning for a lost people and their city of dreams, and The End of my meddling in their universe. They would all live happily in The After.
[Note to my colleagues who, in their defense, have learned not to trust me with happy endings: You may rest your suspicions this time. Alagadda is going to be fine. And while the lords now find themselves to be immortal, which poses its own set of hardships to be faced later down the line, I promise they will be alright. From the beginning, they were more than merely them, and have now simply metamorphized into being distinctly More than merely them. They, along with their city, have now shifted from symbolizing one truth to another. You merely need to hold some faith in humanity's benevolence.]
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mattastr0phic · 5 months
Myriads forms are all so cool! Who exactly are Pyro and endurance :0
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The Pyro, recorded from Newt Silas (she/her) was a form recorded in Myriad's field researcher days, during which he was assigned to study the entities developed by Newt's explosions as they appeared to behave without clear reason, not even consistently by Newt's command. While he wasn't there to study her, Myriad was allowed limited access to her for interviews regarding the entities, as they were just about as unknown to her, and she wanted answers. During these interviews, Myriad and Newt would strike up a friendship, seeing that she was actually interested in his ramblings about animal comparisons to the entities that followed her. Newt herself always had an interest in animal documentaries, and would listen to them during her mechanic work before the Foundation. Confiding in Myriad about her life would prove to be the only way that either of them would realize the truth about the entities' behavior. Unfortunately, once classified as a reality bender, Newt soon went under evaluation for "neutralization". Alerted to this by the whispers of her containment supervisors, she panicked. Suddenly, with no previous history of outbursts, she threw in her last resort - biting off one of her fingers, and detonating it. Myriad would survive the explosion, she knew he would, but not unsinged. He wouldn't realize that the pouch for his amulet was burned away until he collided with Newt in the hall while searching for her, and it was over. The Pyro is a rough subject for Myriad, having lost a friend in something completely preventable, something he has to revisit every time he uses her shape. Even as her powers remained limited to remote detonation, the form is useful in many combat situations, and pulled as a careful card. The incident is even more of a sore subject between Myriad and Clef.
The Endurance, recorded from Dr. Melanie Hart (she/they) was another form recorded during a containment breach. Melanie was previously assigned to study SCP-035, as their anomaly provided some resistance to its effects without a host. Myriad was just in the area when the breach occurred, and attempted to escort Dr. Hart to a safer location, but she'd end up caught by one of the entities, grasping at any part of Myriad in their terror, and ripping off 963 in the process.
Dr. Myriad is haunted by those he could not save, but memorializes them the best she can. These forms are only used upon high-requirement circumstances, and he tries to carry out their last wishes as they'd want them, but it won't be the same. She isn't them. All she can do is remember for them.
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demigodickrider · 10 months
indefinitely, forever ☆ okkotsu yuuta! [1/3]
okkotsu yuuta (post shibuya) x fem!reader click here for: part one | part two | part three - no spoilers from the manga, dwdw ;) - alternative universe where yuuta is an SCP? - [18+] three-part series, 10k+ words in total
(note: not proofread, expect grammar mistakes) warning: contains descriptions of blood, yuuta is a bit OOC/has that gojo satoru influence, romance, happy ending but contains slight angst and comfort, 2nd person pov, reader swears like a sailor
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"Slacking off already?"
You scramble into standing at the authoritative tone. You could feel the heavy rush of blood creeping up on your face, and the hammering of your heart in your ears. It pounds almost painfully against your chest, lungs contracting and expanding fast; both out of fear and embarrassment, with the latter being more prominent across your lethargic features as you stared up at your supervisor.
Nanami leers down at you. Disappointment is etched all across his face, followed by a knowing sigh. "I expected better."
"S-Sorry, sir." You apologize profusely, bowing down. The bright red nametag dangles from your neck and you can't help but notice how your leather shoes had worn out a long time ago. "I must've dozed off somehow. It will not happen again."
"Might a coffee help?"
You raise your head to see a paper coffee cup offered to you, light steam still rising from within. While Nanami had been nothing but ridiculously strict from the start, he was considerate enough to check in on you every once in a while. You accepted the coffee in his stead with a smile.
"Thanks, boss. I'll keep watch."
The blonde man simply hums in response. He leaves as quickly as he came, leaving you alone to watch the hallways.  You see him walk down, turn a curve- and then he's out of your sight.
You lean back, the chair creaking as you did. Working as a security officer was more lackluster than you thought it would be; movies portrayed tales of saving and glory, but this was nothing like it. The hours were long and boring, lasting 12 in total. Every four hours you were required to fuck off your post and switch to another one down the hall. Sometimes you regretted signing the NDA that never once stated just how large the underground facility was, and just how much area coverage you'd have to keep watch single handedly.
Not to mention, the anomalies that lie within.
See, the Foundation had just three main jobs for you: Observe, Check-up and Report. The comically huge button was right next to you, shining in all of its glory and always just a stretch away in any case of a problem.
You flicked between CCTV channels. Some displayed the outer areas, hallways going beyond your line of sight and others within the confined cells of those you’re keeping watch about. Most of the anomalies here are kept in solitary confinement. You’ve had your fair share of jumpscares when an entity approached too close to the camera, slobbering all up against the lense; before your screen flickers and the anomaly returns to its restful state. Oftentimes it leaves a foggy residue and a prisoner would be assigned to clean it up.
And more than often, they die doing it.
But with a clean camera and one less burden on the face of Earth— who really gives a shit? Certainly not you. Certainly not when the pay was so damn good you spent it on a trip to Bali the first month you made bank. And certainly not for…
Is that a walking person?
You thrust forward in your seat, eyes glued onto the screen as if you could make his face out in any better resolution than the crappy screen could ever do you service. The choices linger in your head: should you approach or report? One choice would lead to the individual’s death and the other might just lead you to yours.
So you took the third option: to talk to them.
There’s a static in the speaker. You tap the mic briefly, earning the attention of the stranger. They stop mid-track, head turning up and staring almost right into your very eyes, as if they could see through you.
“Identify yourself, or you will be detained.”
Person puts both hands up. “My name’s Yuta.” The voice of a man, no doubt, but you kept your suspicions still. “I woke up in a room and the door was unlocked, so I left. Where am I?”
“What room?” Your tone sharpened in inquiry.
“I don’t know. I don’t even know how I ended up here.”
“Identify yourself.” You repeat, customary of the protocol you learned before you started the job. Half of you thought of contacting Nanami; but it would risk him encountering the mysterious man. On the other hand, you couldn’t just let an unknown person roam around the facility. Much less: what if this person was an entity?
A shapeshifter of sorts, perhaps? You wouldn’t really know considering the fact that half the anomalies here are capable of human speech.
He stays silent for a while.
You repeat, “I said, identify yourself. I will give you 10 seconds to prove your humanity before I hand you over to the authorities.”
“Fuck.” Yuta mumbles, running a hand through his hair. Prove my humanity? A million thoughts ran through his head at once. Clearly, this place he had wandered into is nothing human-like. Rather, it's designed like a prison. He rummages through his pockets— nothing. All items that he brought with him prior to being caught had been confiscated. 
The countdown had started.
… “Wait,” He thought of an idea. “I can prove to you that I’m human. You can touch me. That’ll be enough, no?”
You sneer at his idea, “No physical contact.”
Yuta sighs, looking down at his uniform. At least he had his outfit intact, which means that they never intended to strip him bare at all. The man pursed his lips in a line, hands holding onto the clasp of his jacket.
… “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?!” You yell at him, dashing to the door. You were outside just in time before Yuta could fully undress himself. His hands stop fumbling with the belt of his pants. At a loss for words, you could only watch as he drops his shirt back over his body, leaving little to imagination. 
He cranes his head up at you with a knowing smile, “Have I now proven my humanity, ma’am?”
“Nudity is strictly prohibited in this facility!”
His eyes fold into crescents at the revelation, “I’m sorry. That was the only solution I could think of. Can you show me the way out?”
You folded your arms, “No.”
“I thought so. May I at least use the restroom?”
Yuta’s eyes drift upwards, deep in thought. “If so, will I ever make it out of here?”
“That depends,” You answer, crossing your arms together. The taser strapped onto your belt felt heavy and dangerous— more than usual. Something about Yuta just didn’t feel right, and your gut instincts claw at you to run. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”
The man says nothing, merely watching every step you take as you head back into the control panel.
Your hand rests on the red button, eyes never wavering from the man that stood below you at a safe distance away. “Your choice, Yuta.”
“How must I prove myself then?”
“By showing me the anomaly that you are.”
His eyes visibly harden at your words, no longer having the glimmer that they once did. It was in the present that you felt it— the darkness that radiated off his very body, and the reason that this particular man had been wandering the halls of the facility unbothered. 
“An anomaly?”
“You’re not human.” You simply accuse.
“You might be right about that. But I choose to be human regardless of what I am.” 
You don’t care enough about his reasons. The way his dark eyes reflect absolutely nothing terrified you to the very core, more than any jumpscare you’ve encountered. The bright red button underneath you burns with such ferocity that it was only right to hit it— and send the foreign man back into the cell he once broke out of. You watch as soldiers dressed in hazmat suits flood into the hall at your call, almost always a millisecond away, their specialized guns pointed at the man.
But he did not flinch, not even once spared a gaze to look around him. He stayed his ground, only to be dragged away.
His eyes were trained on you, and only you.
“Did he hurt you?”
You’re now on break in the staffroom with Nanami and another supervisor named Maki, right after he heard of what happened. You shook your head, taking a sip of the fourth cup of coffee you had that day. The caffeine had long worn out its effects on your body that you just had to keep drinking, regardless of how detrimental it might just be to your health.
“Thankfully, no. What the fuck is a Keter class doing out there? How is he uncontained?”
“He broke out.” You turn your focus onto the coffee that had run cold, wedged between your fingers. You’ve always hated how fragile these paper cups were. It reminded you of how easy it was for these entities to crush humans to brine and bone with little to no mercy. Yet at the hands of Yuta, you were miraculously spared.
He was friendly, even.
“What kind of SCP is he?”
“He’s not an SCP. He’s a human host with an SCP living in him. Sometimes it appears, sometimes it doesn’t.” Maki shrugs.
“Damn, that’s cool.”
“He tells us that it was bound to him through love.”
You choked on your drink, splattering brown  everywhere on the table. Nanami sighs and pats your back. Maki looks at you in disgust, wiping the stains off her uniform with a handkerchief. You wanted to laugh. Out of all things, an SCP of love. You chuckle a little, smiling at your supervisor only to be met with a flat stare.
“No way.”
“It’s true. The entity demands that no one lays a finger on him. Most times he can control the SCP. But when he’s hurt, it’s a different story entirely.”
“Wait, wait. So how did you guys manage to catch him?”
Maki recounts the details, “Apparently, he was a secret weapon in the military designed to decimate hundreds in one sweep. That SCP came to him naturally as a child, but it wasn’t his actions that got him caught.”
“So what did?”
“His superiors betrayed him and sent him over to us as they feared that he was getting too powerful for them to control.”
Oh. You started to feel a little bad for him now. But a memory crosses your mind and suddenly that sympathy is gone. 
“He almost stripped naked in front of me.”
“Huh?” Nanami was caught off-guard for once, both eyebrows raised instead of one.
“I asked him to prove his humanity.”
“And then he started stripping?” Maki had an equally confused look on her face. She pushes up the frame on her face before leaning forward, “Don’t tell me that you liked it.”
“I mean…”
You laugh sheepishly at her words, tossing the empty cup into the bin behind them in perfect accuracy. “I’m just kidding. At least I won’t have to meet him anymore. Can’t have him strip naked around me every time we cross paths.”
Nanami frowns at your words, “Be careful.”
“Sure, sure.” You wave goodbye to them and take your leave, heading towards your last shift of the day.
You found yourself in front of his cell.
Realization only hits you once you read the tag off the door, painted red and in bold: KETER CLASS. DO NOT ENGAGE. Unlike other cells, Keter cells had no windows to peek through. You could only rely on the CCTV back in the control panel room, but you found it unreliable considering how easy it was for Keters to destroy such puny little things. You take a step back.
"I really should stop drinking coffee." You mumble to yourself and turn away.
"Did you come to visit me?"
An all-too familiar voice echoed behind you, and you jump away instantaneously from the door. It's still intact. How he managed to hear you, you don't know. What you do know now is that you're standing in front of his cell.
"Is no the only word you know?"
Witty. You cough, "I heard about you."
"What about me?"  
You hesitate a little, "That you're not the anomaly."
"So now you know." There's curiosity in his tone, erasing any lethargy you had left in your body. Guilt paws at your heartstrings for doubting his reasons during the encounter earlier, but the man is still Keter class. It doesn't make him any less of a monster compared to others. The only difference between him and others is that he's placed in a jail befitting of lower ranked anomalies. "What else did you hear?"
"That you still pose as a threat to humanity."
"Am I a threat to you?"
"Yes." was your answer. You were here for money, not morality. While the notion that he would rot in his cell for the rest of his years was indeed a question of one, you weren't paid to stay idle and chitchat with an anomaly. You were expected even less: to simply cast morality aside and do as you were told by the Foundation. So you dusted yourself off and turned on your heels to move towards the next post you were supposedly assigned to. 
"I see. Well it was nice to know you..."
At the sound of your name, you freeze yet again.
"How do you know my name?"
"It's on your tag."
"How can you see me?"
Goosebumps prickle your skin all over. Your legs pick up the sudden skip in your heartbeat and in a flash, you start sprinting for your life. You were just in time, out of range as the metal door breaks open with a crash, sending debris everywhere. You were far enough to get hit, but the sound had been loud enough to garner attention from creatures all over the place. Hisses and banging scratched at your ears as you continued down the hall, the opposite direction of where safety should be. But it didn't really matter; people outside would have heard of it and safety would come for you any minute now.
You force a look over your shoulder to see an enormous white creature behind him, large grey claws extended and chillingly long arms draped around his frame resembling a protective stance. Behind the cages of muscle on her head lies a single eye, glaring right into your very soul. It's mouth move in ragged breaths, teeth sharper than its claws ready to bite. If you squint hard enough- the man with his pet monster was smiling at you. 
"You do know its rude to leave without saying goodbye, right?"
And like a predator, he started to chase you.
The entity lets out a bloodcurdling scream, getting on its arms and wriggling towards you. Now you're fully awake and drunk on adrenaline, sweat dripping down your body with how fast you were running. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Curses slew out of your lips as you ran even harder knowing how quickly he was catching up. You focused ahead instead; to the left is a dead end, you know that. And to the right is an even longer hall of agitated anomalies that most likely are on his level too. With a giant monster chasing after you however, were you really on the spot to give a shit about what would happen?
No. Anyone in your spot would've done the same.
It helped that your paycheck had been deposited earlier last week. You could really give less of a fuck about damage control.
Your feet started to hurt. "Fucking leather shoes." You grumble to yourself and skid a turn towards the elongated row of Keter-class anomalies. You pass multiple warning signs, the alarms going off. Eventually you see red all around you, shadows dancing on the walls as they approached even closer, slowing down just to taunt you. 
"Stop running."
"Then stop chasing me, you freak!"
"Well, the 'freak' has a name. It's Yuta." He closes the gap between the two of you, voice steady despite how fast he was chasing up. 
You paid him no mind as you duck underneath a warning sign and roll on your back to avoid a reaching arm from the screeching creature. Stubborn as you are, you notice an emergency exit and made mental note to stay close to it. You unclasp the taser off your belt just in time when a hand grabs your shoulder. You fire up the taser and jab right, but miss and eventually find yourself falling to the ground.
You made romantic contact with the floor, lips on the cold hard tile. "Shit!" You hiss from the pain and roll away just in time as Yuta was about to grasp a hold on you yet again.
Blood gushes from your split lip, and it tastes disgusting knowing that you just made love with the floor. Right before you could get up, though, you found yourself encaged within the palms of the alien-like SCP. Pain bursts through your nerves everywhere, feeling like knives stabbing deep into your gut. You could've swore you heard your ribs break from the amounting pressure.
"Caught you."
"Yuuuuuuta," The creature closes its janky fingers around your body, salivating as it eyed you from head to toe. The pressure around your body tightens and you felt like you could break just from how tight it was gripping you. Hair stuck to your face like a wet rag, leaving you with limited eyesight. "What should I do with herrrrrr?"
"Let.... Go... of me!" You rasp between breaths.
"Don't kill her. She'll be our lifeline, Rika."
Rika lets out a displeased grunt and sets you down on the ground, but has its hands still wrapped around you. Not as tight, but much like a warning that it could break you anytime it needed to. You catch your breath with a chain of fitful coughs, your legs and lungs burning from the marathon. Your chest heaves heavily, sore and most probably bruised. There's splitting pain from your lips, blood dripping onto the very same tile you shared your first kiss with.
You now see him eye-to-eye, close enough to notice his parted hair and sneakers. He couldn't be any younger than 20, but the eyebags that hung below his eyes tell a different story.
"I'm sorry. I need you as a hostage."
"Fuck you." You spat at him coldly.
Yuta kneels and presses a hand to your shoulder, forcing you to stop writhing under his touch. You try shoving his hand away, but the grip stays firm. Some fuck ass glowing magic flowed through his hand and loosened the soreness in your muscles, easing your tension. From your point of view, the man radiated like a glowstick. 
"Don't touch me!"
He locks his eyes with you, "I'm healing you."
"Would've been nice to not get hurt in the first place."
Yuta sucks a sharp breath in, "Look, I'm really sorry for hurting you. I just need to get out of here. You'll have to be my hostage."
You click your tongue in annoyance at his genuine apology, "You won't even make it out the front gate. They'll be all over you soon. You think the Foundation gives a shit about some security guard like me? They'll kill us both, dumbass."
"You're right." Yuta is clearly amused by your personality now that you're being treated as a partner-in-crime rather than a stranger. You stood stunned when his hand moves up and his thumb ghosts over your lips, "Don't worry, I'll get us out of here."
His thumb was cold against your lips. The action felt more intimate than you'd like, and it had you holding your breath.  It needed major balls not to flutter from the contact.
The bleeding stopped, prompting him to move his hand away.
The cold lingered a little longer than you'd like for it to be.
"Us? I'm not going anywhere with you."
"You will. Now that you're with me, they'll think you're complying with me. And if you won't, they'll imprison you." The bleeding stopped, and he wipes the remaining blood off on the side of his pants. 
You fall silent. What he said was roughly the truth. In reality, it would be even worse if you did get caught- not only will Nanami be under fire for the inability to protect you- but you might also be on trial under suspicion of letting Yuta escape. And such trials might just end in your death. All in all, its a lose-lose case; but you'd much rather be on the winning team.
"Damn you."
"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way."
You raise your head to glare at the man who had just obnoxiously turned your own words against you. His eyes light up a little, seeing your reaction. "Your choice."
"What was that?"
"I said yes!" You retort, flipping the bird at him.
He flashes you a grin, "That might've been the first time you've said yes to me!"
Oh, how you wished for supernatural powers like his to decimate the teasing man on the spot. Your fists crumple to a close, keeping that rage preserved in the back of your head. One day you'd get your revenge on him.
"Rika. My katana please." Yuta caresses its face gently.
You could feel her giddiness from the shake of Rika's enclosed palm around you. She reaches up to her neck and pulls out a long blade from within, handing it over to him. "For youuuu, Yutaaa."
He takes it from her, swishing it in the air and stretching his limbs free. "Thanks. Lead the way, I'll keep you safe." There's shouting and stomping from a distance, the roaring of soldiers fending off escaped anomalies. Nanami and Maki are out there too, calling for you. Your heart sinks a little at the prospect of betraying them.
You huff, blowing hair out of your face.
"It's on the other side. Opposite of the way we ran in. But I need you to do me a favor and not kill everyone you see."
Yuta brightens up. The likelihood of him fighting against a large horde of people had him excited. "That's not something I can promise."
"Fine. Then at least spare Nanami and Maki."
"Who's that?" 
"Uh, guy with blonde hair and a woman with green hair."
He shrugs, “I’ll try.”
Deep down inside, you felt a part of you die.
----------------------------------------------------------------------> part 2
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