#everyone disagrees with me but I don't think she has any right to act like she cares about them after she discarded them so easily
emometalhead · 4 months
#ran out of tags on last post but still want to rant without filling anyone's inbox or dash#sorry but here's the continuation#anyway so also we went to my grandma's house and I saw my dogs which breaks my heart every damn time#I miss them so much and it kills me. it causes me physical pain to not have them with me#I'm still mad at my mom to this day for being so horrible to them and giving them away. so it pissed me off to see her cuddling them#everyone disagrees with me but I don't think she has any right to act like she cares about them after she discarded them so easily#I will never stop being upset with her for it and even though everyone thinks I'm a b**** for it I refuse to release the grudge#anyway I'm tired and as nice as parts of my day were I feel like the lows were just really low#this morning we took some lovely graduation photos at my campus (which I visited for the last time) and I'm excited to post a few tomorrow#I'm truly proud of myself and grateful my college experience is over#I just foolishly allowed myself to have a vision of how today would go and parts of it really brought me down#I don't want to complain (which is probably a lie since this is the 3rd post I'm making to rant) but I wasn't expecting to breakdown today#I spent time with people I love and I got cool photos and a really soft sweater with my school's logo on it and I shouldn't be sad right now#plus we're having people over tomorrow for a party to celebrate me#I'm just really reliving the day and a lot of it was negative at my expense and I really hoped everyone would work to make it nice#some of it was obviously out of my family's hands but I feel like they handled that stuff in a way that guilted me and it sucked#I'm just a mess of emotions and I'm lowkey icing everyone out because I don't want to end my night crying again#welcome to real life I guess?#I really shouldn't complain#ashley rants#sorry if anyone read this
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
so my friend, at 12 am, called me just to say that dick grayson is the only one in his family that bruce truly views as an equal and then hung up. what. what do i do.
well, call them back and tell 'em they're right 😂😂😂
I started cackling so hard I began wheezinggg oh my god that's hilarious!!!
But maybe for a more reasonable time to talk about this concept after you wake/have woken up from your dick grayson cameo dreams, I'll drop some comic panels
Dick is privy to all of Bruce because of the way Bruce treats him like an equal
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He lets Dick in on secrets that he doesn't tell any of the others
I've made a post before on how Clark views Dick as his equal just as Bruce views Dick as his equal.
I'm going to drop the Bruce segment here:
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When Bruce was gone the only person he entrusted any information to was Dick. He left a personalized - voice activated - message for Dick and only him that lists his worries, faults, and regrets.
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"The girl, Cassandra Cain... I told her to give this file to you should I fall tonight."
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"She's my greatest sin, Dick. My deepest regret. Stay alive, and please. Try to forgive me--"
He lists his insecurities to Dick as friend, as an equal.
Of everyone Bruce left behind, the only person Bruce left a message for was Dick. He relies on him unconditionally to take over because Bruce doesn't seem him as a kid like he does with the other - don't get me wrong, he still values and knows just how brilliant the rest of his children are - but he sees Dick as an equal in terms of intelligence, abilities, and leadership. Actually -
Bruce puts Dick on a pedestal.
He views Dick as the golden standard of everything he's working toward.
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The reason I think Bruce is so harsh on Dick in regards to training is he doesn't see him as a kid that needs protection, he seems him equal to himself.
Time and time again he sends Dick on solo missions because of the faith he has in Dick's abilities and intelligence
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In another comic there's an Arkham breakout and Bruce just. He just sends sends Dick on a solo mission to contain the entirety of Arkham and the villains inside by himself.
And Dick does. Effortlessly.
The fight for Spyral
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"I know the other heroes. I know them all. I'd have them do it, but they can't. They'd fight, but eventually they'd give up, they'd give in."
We all know that Bruce despises himself when he fails at something. He thinks he's the best in the world and struggles to cope with the idea that he failed. As such, Bruce views Dick as an extension of himself. Unlike with the kids where he acknowledges their differences and treats them like children, Dick and Bruce are so intertwined that Bruce considers Dick as the "good part" of himself while Bruce is the "bad part".
He gets the angriest at Dick during times where Dick disagrees with him because he believes that Dick should understood what he's going through and what he believes in. For his part, Dick is always on Bruce's side and acts like Bruce's leash. He'll let Bruce do anything he wants as long as it's within the limits of acceptable behavior. Once Batman crosses those limits, Dick fights with him to bring him back.
As such, Bruce doesn't differentiate himself with Dick. He is the best and as a result so is Dick. Except in his mind Dick is better than him in every way possible and he took the steps to ensure it through training.
One of the reasons people in the comics call Dick the Golden Child is because he's the living embodiment of everything Bruce strived to create. It's not because he follows his orders religiously or anything. No, Dick just gives Bruce a longer leash than most.
In the Spyral fight I think he hits Dick because he is in part frustrated with himself. Imagine seeing someone you have unconditional faith in because you know they're capable of the very same things as you and can even surpass you fall to a threat. Doesn't that mean you would've fallen too? Is their failure just as much yours if you see yourself as a god? But how can a god-like being fall?
Their relationship is complicated because while Bruce sees Dick as his own person, he also sees him as the reflection of his success.
That's why Bruce is harsher on Dick than the rest of the kids. That's why Bruce makes Dick his right hand man. That's why Bruce shares his sorrows, fears, and vulnerabilities to Dick.
The way they interact, they view each other as father and son but with all the roles and responsibilities as partners.
Dick's compartmentalization and the way he mothers Bruce and Bruce allows it? He doesn't let anyone do that. I feel like on some level he subconsciously expects Dick to take care of him. As someone he can turn to with his worst and darkest sides and still be loved and appreciated and told everything will be alright. It's not a burden he places on the rest of his kids. Which is why Dick's relationship with Bruce straddles the line between son and guardian with him playing both roles and Bruce reacting/ forcing him to react that way.
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"Robin fuctions as support."
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"Robin wasn't your idea, Bruce! It was mine! I sat in your cave and I watched you and I learned-- and when you needed my help I was there!"
"I'm not your employee, I'm not your son. I'm your partner."
One thing that differentiates Dick's robin from the other robins is that while the other Robins were worried about meeting Bruce's expectation, Dick was more worried about Bruce not seeing him as an equal. He ran away from home because he was mad that Bruce was becoming more controlling and not at all like how they used to be - partners.
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There's a reason Dick is the only one Bruce views as his equal. It's because the experiences they've shared have woven them so tightly together that Bruce considers Dick his better half and pillar of strength. If he falls back, he can rely on Dick to take over. Emotionally and physically.
Still laughing at your friend lol. Wild
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bbanghiitomi · 1 year
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| always by your side!
synopsis: forced to change companies, your dream of being an actress and all your hard work has been washed away, but for some reason even with the events that have unfolded you find yourself thanking the gods above for bringing you to haerin.
— idol!khaerin × 6thmember!fem!reader
you lift your head from the table, dreading the idea of the upcoming news from the manager of the class you're currently at. you were updated that there might be changes in the company, you're one of the trainees for voice acting and there's rumors surrounding the company that they might send trainees to a korean entertainment label. if you were older than you are today, you wouldn't be that bothered by the news — but that's not the case, you were one of the youngest and current trainees for acting lessons. you knew that the company might be thinking that you are not gonna be much of a big loss to them, but you were desperate to prove them wrong.
yet, it seems a little too impossible as you shuffle on your seat. you raise yourself up from the chair and take deep breaths, your eyes spot the familiar face of the manager and an expression of grimace engulfed your face.
"don't take this a little too hard y/n, i know you've only been here for a few months but you're already attached to everyone." you nod but in all honesty you really can't process whatever the ceo was saying, it's hard to imagine the changes of pace and environment — who knows what kind of people she'll be seeing there?
"i heard i would end up on a different route if i was to be sent to that company. i signed up to be an actress — don't you think it's cruel for me to end up taking a whole different career?" you tell him but he stays head strong, only staring at your puppy eyes.
he sighs and puts a hand on his forehead.
"i know, i know. even i think it's cruel for the ceo to decide something like that, but we're in deep trouble. this is the only way to save the other trainees and don't you see the positive side? a job like being an idol is a very flexible job, you can do it all at once." he explains but you want to disagree, you don't want to do all things at once.
but it's too late, isn't it?
it really is, you realize as you sat at the office of ador entertainment. all your bags and luggages have been sent inside the shared dorm of your future co-member's, the girls were as confused as you were.
"oh, it's you y/n." you hear the sound of shoes getting closer and as you look up, your eyes meet with your new ceo — min heejin. you can only smile at her, not so confident as you try to look for a piece of yourself to show off.
"good morning." you tell her, actually she isn't so bad, this isn't your first meeting with her — you remember how shallow your brain was that day, it was a nerve wracking moment for you.
"i'm sorry once again about how sudden the news has been, but i hope you know i'm grateful you accepted it with honesty for yourself. i've given you ample time to decide and you still agreed, i hope you won't change your mind anymore." you appreciate her thoughts but there really isn't any choice left for you to choose, this is just about to be your fate and you're bound to accept it no matter how much you hated it.
you smile at her, not that sincere but you were trained for this.
"oh, i guess i realized that a part of me may have been meant for this. who knows right?" you shrug at her and she returns it with a bright grin.
"i'm so happy, i hope you know why i chose you out of all the trainees there. it's not just because there was no one left but because i think you're the perfect fit, there's something i see in you that i think you don't see in yourself." she says, you're starting to think she's sugarcoating it — because the last time you checked the circumstances it just seems like your old company was in deep debt and needed a sacrificial lamb to pay for it; which turned out to be you.
you chuckle, don't really know whether to believe or not; but it doesn't matter anymore.
"oh really? i personally think that's such a nice thing to say, almost a little too nice." you tell her but she was unfazed, you can see that she's really holding on to her words, like she meant it and that it was genuine.
you cannot interfere.
"yes, i'm quite excited because i'm sure the girls would love you. who wouldn't? i have so much high hopes for you and the future of newjeans, you all would be a hit. everyone will love newjeans." you can't even get mad at how happy heejin looks right now, maybe this is just really her passion.
yeah sure the girls would love you, but how about you? you gloat about the idea of being in a group, you don't want to work with people, the idea of being dragged down or dragging people down sucks. and think about the burden that it is to work with multiple people, you hated that idea.
after all, you've always been alone.
"i don't really know about that, i'm pretty sure they're acquainted with each other and are close but how about me?" you find yourself immediately fiddling with your finger, for some reason you don't know why too but a part of you is quite intimidated of what was coming your way. strangers, new people, new places and a new environment.
"don't worry, the girls are nice and well behaved, they are well put and have manners. if anything, i'm quite confident you'll like them. i gave minji all the instructions needed for tonight."
oh right, you're moving inside the dorm tonight. and you wonder what the girls are thinking.
"i'm excited! i wonder what type of person she is, i mean from the sound of it i'm already expecting that she's very cool." hanni does a finger gun towards danielle's direction, earning a small laugh from the girl as they make their way to the living room. the four girls all sit on the couches around the room, haerin's eyes traces along the floor to the bags and luggages hanging by the corner of the place.
"honestly, all i want is to see her already. i want us to be friends as soon as possible!" danielle beams, minji nods and clasps her hands together, worried but at the same time excited. they didn't have that much information regarding the new addition to the group, all they got from heejin is small details, like she's kind and cute.
it's enough to get the girls going except from a certain feline-like member.
haerin is nervous.
she's been thinking about this since yesterday, laying on her bed she can't get the thought of you finally coming face to face with them, it's been keeping her up since the day it was announced.
she wanted everything perfect the moment you step a foot inside, the place is clean, every nook and cranny, the members look presentable, there should be food already ready, not a delivered food but home cooked meals. haerin does not know why she feels like this but she wanted to make a good impression for the first day.
she's usually lazy, but tonight she made sure everything was in order so that not even the members could notice her weird behavior.
"are you okay haerin?" hyein asks, leaning on the couch while raising a brow at the older girl, haerin nods and makes her way to the kitchen to check the cookies she baked with danielle.
haerin is shy, she tries her best to communicate but sometimes it's very hard, this causes her social life to sometimes be in a rumble, because she's not very talented in talking to people. as someone who is happy to welcome you in the dorm, she's scared she might mess it up because of how awkward and quiet she is.
"haerin~ what are you doing there?" hanni sneaks behind the taller girl and puts her hands on haerin's shoulders. the younger girl is quick to turn her head. "u-uh hey."
hanni laughs and rubs haerin's shoulders. "are you nervous, you seem out of it since yesterday. always so skittish but worse, something bothering you?" hanni asks, smiling at the kang who lets out a small breath but does not reply.
haerin shifts her eyes away, she intertwines her fingers with each other, pursing her lips. "i'm just nervous." haerin whispers, gaining a soft laugh from hanni who then hugs her side. "oh really? you really want this night to be good for her, right?" hanni asks, rubbing her hand on haerin's forearm. haerin couldn't help but blush. "yeah, i didn't really want to say it but — we have to make sure she feels nice and comfortable here with us."
hanni squeals. "gosh haerin you're so adorable. we also think that way, i mean she's going to be our new addition, we'll be together for a long time."
haerin laughs. "i'm just so bothered, i couldn't stop thinking about it for almost a week. i don't want her to dislike me for being awkward." hanni shakes her head and hits haerin gently. "oh come on, she's going to love you like we do. you're like the most adorable girl ever, and you're like a cute cat. i trust our ceo with her choice, she's going to be good. i promise."
when you step a foot inside for the first time, you couldn't help but notice the very warm atmosphere inside the living room. it was empty when you came in with heejin and the smell of fresh food came wafting around the air.
"seems like the girls are busy, i'm going to check on them." you nod at heejin and smile at her. you like how clean the living room is, the colors are nice and the interior is very welcoming. you make your way to one of the couches and take a seat, the mattress sinking with your weight above. your hands are on your knees, you caress your lap to prepare yourself.
"here they are." you look up to see the girls, one by one they come inside with two of them carrying a tray of snacks and the other has water. you stand up and greet them, awkwardly pushing your hands out for a handshake, in which the oldest took oh so eagerly.
"i'm kim minji." her round eyes meets yours, her thick eyebrows take your attention and you can't help but smile at her.
"hi i'm pham hanni! i'm so happy to finally see you!" the shortest girl says, her hands are soft and gentle.
"i'm marsh danielle! you look really amazing! i'm so happy i can just melt on the spot." you laugh at her. "please don't." you mutter with a bit on your bottom lip.
haerin takes a step forward and brushes her hands on her clothes as if dusting the dirt away.
she anxiously takes your hands and shake them, you can't help but notice the way it trembles under your touch and you worry she might be sick the way her face is almost as red as a tomato — her feline-like eyes can't keep themselves from shifting away.
"i— uhm, my name… i'm kang haerin." she whispers but audible enough for you. you like her voice, the most.
you pull your hands away and you see haerin checking her own hands, her irises looks like she's checking out the lines on her palm.
a pair of hands takes yours and shakes them violently. "oh my god! it's really you! i'm so happy! i'm lee hyein!" the tallest girl says, your eyes examine her plum lips and sharp eyes.
you let go of her and gave her a small nod, she's adorable. yeah, you can say they're not that bad overall but… still, you have to make sure — you don't want to live with them for 5+ years still feeling uncomfortable.
the first few days consist of going around the dorm, training and just sitting together eating lunch and dinner.
you like minji the most, you appreciate her mature thinking, she's someone who knows when to be serious and when to joke around. you realize that she's very reliable, like a rock to lean on when the land tilts.
danielle is someone who you can trust when it comes to advice, she's someone who knows her words and has a holistic thinking approach in every situation. she looks on the bright side and sees the bigger picture, always positive and smiling.
haerin is awkward and quiet. but among all the members, she's the one who you're sure can understand you the most.
you like how she doesn't talk a lot when you're alone with her, it's not like you hate when hanni and hyein does it but sometimes, you need a quiet time too. you can tell that she knows you're getting yourself used to the new places, she's always right behind you.
you don't hate her presence, but it's not like you love it too.
things are really awkward with her, it's almost like she gets really skittish when you get near her, her face is always a different shade of red, her eyes are always everywhere but yours.
it makes you double guess if she hates you or not, but to say hate would be too much — maybe she's not used yet?
that must be it.
"hey haerin, can you pass me the remote?" you ask haerin, you look at her there's a small meter separating you and her on the couch. your eyes scan her bothered expression while she reads a book very attentively.
you want to reach for the remote yourself but her figure is blocking the view of the remote from your position. you scoot close to her and clear your throat in order to get her attention. "haerin?"
she doesn't reply. you scoot once again, your shoulder touching hers. haerin shuffles on her seat almost immediately as your bare shoulders touch her and puts her book down while looking at you with wide eyes and blushing cheeks.
"w-what?" she asks.
you look everywhere and smile at her. "i said, can you pass me the remote? i was planning to watch the discovery channel." haerin blinks and nods, closing her lips tight with a sheepish expression.
she moves and reaches for the remote and passes it over to you, but as you hold the remote, your fingers brush against hers causing her to immediately let go of the remote — with you being startled, you drop the remote on the carpeted floor.
"haerin?" haerin looks up at you and she reaches for the remote, then she hands it over to you. you stare at her and watch as she shifts away, pushing a strand of her hair behind her cute red ears.
"you're red." you tell her, haerin scoffs and turns her head away.
"it's nothing."
practice is finally over, you sit on the floor with your eyes scanning over the studio, back against the gigantic mirror. the other four girls are busy taking their time to perfect their moves, trying to polish their steps.
you're still not used to this way, it's harder and you physically can't keep up sometimes.
haerin is a great dancer, you envy and admire her moves and the way she puts her whole self to the music, letting the rhythm guide her body the way the beat intended it to be. you wish you had that kind of talent, you're not that bad but certainly could be better, it's not that hard to admit and you're always open for criticisms.
you feel a presence beside you, you shift your head to see haerin taking a seat next to you, her back also now against the mirror. you smile at the sight of her eyes watching over the other girls, she's sometimes so serious it's always so interesting.
"have you drank water already?" you ask her, seeing as she's still taking time catching her breath, sweat continues to roll over her cheeks. haerin turns her head to you and stretches her lips into a smile. "yes, i'm just taking a short break." you nod and scoot closer to her.
haerin swears she could feel her skin crawl, it's such a weird sensation but it feels funny.
"make it longer, you look tired." you whisper to her, she laughs sheepishly and scratches her cheek, feeling the burst of warmth washing inside of her again. this feels so weird, but she's always like this with you.
haerin pouts for a second only. "you did great." she mutters, eyes finding themselves lost in yours. you smile, nodding. "you did great too, so it's time to rest for a bit." haerin shakes her head.
"no, i mean you really did well. i know you're still bothered and you're always trying, but you're doing great, you're catching up to us already." haerin whispers, almost leaning closer for you to hear her. you shrug, your eyes watches as she looks away, her cheek and left ear close to your lips.
"hmm… really? i wasn't really trained for this." you whisper against her ear, your breath fanning over her skin, causing waves of electricity coursing inside of her, enough to raise the hair in her arms.
your body is close to hers, clothed bodies touching as her arm wraps around your torso, your hands on her knees.
"yeah, but you're already a great singer. dancing would be a piece of cake for you." she tells you but her eyes are still somewhere else, you wonder what part of the thin air must have took her interest. you chuckle, leaning on her shoulder. "really? i still have a lot to learn." you feel her body stiffen to your touch, and as if no one else is inside the room, your hand reaches for her other hand.
haerin shakes her head, now her cheeks are obviously dusted with the color of pink. her sharp eyes are taking your attention, she's like a cat in every form and every way.
have you mentioned before how much you love cats?
how much you might have loved haerin?
because you don't even know that yourself.
"yeah, and it's not just you but everyone of us." you like haerin, maybe just a friend, or maybe more but really, how are you supposed to know?
your relationship went on like that for almost a few more months, and as time passes by, you start to get fond of these feelings for her and haerin starts to realize that she might love you a little too much.
it's the way she's always so giddy, skittish, shy, attentive and conscious about her surroundings when she's with you. she's so aware of every detail about you, those little things and she notes them inside her brain. she's starting to really enjoy staring at your face when you're doing something, even from afar, she takes a short glimpse of your face when you least expect it.
every word you say makes her happy, you're so wise and so good when it comes to choosing the right words to say.
that also what she fears the most, it's not really easy dealing with feelings like these. the thoughts of you keep her wide awake every night, she daydreams of you and sometimes she can't get you out of her mouth.
she likes your perfume, the way you dress, your hair, your eyes, your lips, your cheeks and the way your irises are weak at the sight of haerin.
so many fascinating things about you.
you're really a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
because it's true that haerin loves you, but behind these feelings are the fears of what lies behind the consequences of her actions.
how long does she have to keep this a secret? haerin might get in trouble.
sometimes her heart beats a little too hard for her to calm it down, like it's threatening to rip her chest apart.
"is there something wrong?" you ask haerin, she's been staring at the television for too long, it's already late at night and the television is going static already. you come down from upstairs to find haerin standing in the living room alone, the lights are off and the television is still on but is showing nothing but the colorful display of emptiness.
haerin only moves when you place a hand on her cheek, she looks at you and blinks her eyes.
"don't stare at the tv like that, you're going to get a migraine." haerin rubs her eyes and sighs. you press your hand on her cheeks to feel how warm the skin under your palm is. "are you really okay?" you really can't see her face in the dark, it makes you wonder if she's sick or not but her face is really warm.
haerin shakes her head. "yeah, i'm alright. i just spaced out." the light from the television illuminates both of you, you can only see her eyes and the details of her face.
haerin feels your palm rub her cheek, it makes her feel nervous and putty, like a melted marshmallow.
"how long have you been standing here?" you ask her, pulling your hand off of her face. she feels dread swallowing her when she loses contact with you.
"i don't know, i'm tired and picked up a glass of water but found myself here." you laugh at what she said, your expression made haerin feel dizzy, what makes it worse is that you even thought of placing a hand on her shoulder.
you're so close to her, she can practically feel your warmth embracing her.
"haerin, you're so random. you're tired, right? let's just sleep. come on." you rub your hand on her shoulder and as you're planning to pull your hand away again, she holds it with her hand. "y/n. have i told you something?" haerin asks, her voice sounds serious, but not intimidating.
you raise your brow at her and shake your head. "no, what do you want to say?"
haerin looks down and bites her bottom lip. "uhm, you see. i've been losing sleep a couple of times — since, i don't when but it's been on and off for me. it's just that i can't really find myself, over the past few months, my mind kept on shuffling. you know, i'm so out of it."
you nod, you feel her hand caress your hand, you smile. "nightmares?" if truth be told, the thought of you could be a dream but the circumstances are nothing but a nightmare.
"no. it's because —" pause. haerin takes a deep breath.
"i really, no — i have these thoughts that have been bugging me. y/n, i don't know how things will end after this." she continues, you listen very well, watching the way her eyes move, looking at you then everywhere.
"things will go well after, haerin." you answer her.
haerin nods. "oh, but it's about you. y/n, it's because i like you a lot…" there's nothing but silence, you can tell she wants to say something again but she's hesitating.
"what else?"
haerin locks her eyes with yours, she gulps down the courage.
"i really love you more than just a friend, you know i love everything about you and it's bothering me how if i let these feelings pass me by it's going to bite me back again. i can't just be your friend, that's the thought that i hate. i really hate it." haerin sighs, the hand on her shoulder — she pulls it away and holds it with her two hands.
haerin finds comfort in your presence, you only look at her and smile yet even without any response, haerin still feels comforted by your warmth.
you were always warm, there was never a day where you were cold.
"really? how come i never realized?" you giggle, looking at your hand in hers.
"we were too caught up. i guess?"
the thought that you love her too makes haerin weak, she remembers how nervous she was before because you might dislike her. she's still the same awkward and shy girl, but now she's sure you're her friend.
the only thing left for her to fear is the thought you might not love her the way she loves you.
you shrug. "i guess i was, but either way — i'm sorry for your sleepless nights." haerin looks at you and smiles. you lean close to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek, the sensation made haerin's knees weak.
as surprised haerin was, she can't help but smile.
you stay close to her, your hand and her hands between you and haerin's chests.
"i love you too haerin." you whisper.
haerin laughs, her grin is wide and bright.
you love her.
not just as a friend.
how is she supposed to sleep knowing that you don't just like her, but you also love her? how is she supposed to just stay still?
"don't you want to sleep already? we can leave all the worries for the other day." you mutter, eyes fix on hers.
haerin nods and leans in, forehead touching yours, she whispers back. "where? your room?"
you scrunch your nose. "how about yours?"
haerin shakes her head. "no,"
"why not?"
haerin shifts her eyes away. "because minji said so."
"because it's not cleaned yet? i know you haerin." you tease her, chasing her gaze.
you continue. "let's go. my room. we can cuddle until we fall asleep."
you both make your way upstairs, every step is light, attentive, trying not to catch any attention or make any noise. you let her lead you to your room, opening the door for you.
laughter spills out of your lips as you lay down the bed with her, tucking your bodies under the weighted blanket. you wrap your hand around her torso, burying your head on her neck.
"good night haerin, stay here okay?" you give her another kiss on her cheek, this one isn't a quick peck.
haerin nods, blushing.
"right, good night."
you close your eyes.
"i love you."
haerin hums, closing her eyes too.
"i love you too."
that night you realized how lucky you might have been, that the whole incident might have been a blessing in disguise — how the harsh winds have brought you to meet haerin and newjeans.
you dread it before, but now you can't help but be thankful. you found yourself in another family, finally realizing you aren't alone and you have someone to lean on.
that you have not just haerin but the whole group to share sentiments with.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
24 asksss :}}} ⭐⭐⭐
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You are my favorite person
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Cassie does not exist in my AU. But hypothetically-
If Roxanne found this lost child she would report it to Vanessa and have her help Cassie. As is the protocol for children that are found on the premises after hours.
If Roxy found her while she had the "bug" in her system? She would have attacked and maybe even killed Cassie :x
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Had to google what that was, <XD It looks beautiful! And I image that he has seen it before yeah :)
As for their favorite songs, I'm not sure :0
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That's.. actually a really good idea.
For a long time I never went back to the comic because the writing I did was awful. Everyone was acting out of character, it was SUPER dramatic. I wrote Peso's character all wrong. Uhg, awful awful awful.
And then I was kept away from going back because people would not stop asking me to finish it. "Why did you abandon this comic?" "Are you gonna finish it?" "Why did you stop drawing it" "Go back and finish the crab comic" Like, it was so frustrating.
...Buuuuutt,, rewriting it? Hmmm... I'm way too wrapped up with projects to start this anytime soon. But I wont lie this ask really got me thinking about it-
Also thank you so much! I'm glad you like my art!! :DDD
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@smilegirl64 (Post in question)
Thank you! I'm so glad you noticed! That was my favorite detail to add XDDDD
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I dug into the series a bit and took a look around the fanbase. And I decided that it just wasn't really my thing.
Although I did love the character designs and I think they'd be really fun to draw, I didn't think I'd get along with the fandom. I can see myself huddled in my own little corner with all my headcannons and stuff, and I wouldn't really want to interact with anyone else. :/
Also my favorite character is probably Julie or Howdy XDD
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I use an XPPen Artist 13.3 Pro. Its a tablet with a screen! :))
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As for my drawing program I use FireAlpaca. Its free and really good for beginners and pros! Highly recommend if you're just getting into digital art. Also thank you!! :D
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I disagree actually. The "bug" aside, they are in no way programed to hurt anyone. They are programmed to have full obedience to staff and Managers.
They could try to stop them, and they could physically stand in their way. But you wouldn't see Freddy straight up punching an employee to keep him away from Bonnie.
Now with the bug in their systems? mmm.. Okay yeah they would. BUT ONLY WHEN THEY'RE NOT IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS-
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XDD Offended Bibi noises can be heard in the background
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<XD I'll do my best!
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I feel that my responsibility as an artist on this platform is to tag my art appropriately. Tag it for blood, gore, injuries, things like that. So that people who are disturbed by those subjects don't have to stumble upon it and have their day ruined. :(
What is NOT my responsibly is to prevent little kids from seeing my bloody Octonauts artwork. That's the parents job. XD THEY should be keeping an eye on their kids and making sure they're not browsing sites like Tumblr XDD
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Tangle and Lolbit are not a part of my AU actually.
But Mangle? Just because she hasn't made an appearance of any kind yet, doesn't mean she wont in the future.. 👀
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Thank you! :DD
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Thank you! I'll try to not rush through my projects so much <XD
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Thank you for respecting that! :D
Also uhg. I hate pinterest. I would rather people just never found out about me then find me through a pinterest post with my stolen artwork.
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YEESSS!!! I always love it when people decide to give Octonauts a try :))) Its a really neat show!
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XD My first thought was Peso or Shellington for some reason. They're just too polite to make a fuss XDDD
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Wanna know a good place to start if you genuinely struggle with that? Make 1 character that is based off of you. And then make a second character that is based off of someone in your life that you have 0 romantic interest in what so ever. Like your Mom, or your Dad, siblings, Uncle, dog literally anyone. It should be impossible to twist those 2 characters together because they are modeled after you and ur mom. You should look at them and say "thats me and my mom" or "thats me and my brother" Those 2 should then be characters that are 100% protected from becoming a ship. :0
This actually reminded me of my transformer ocs. I modeled the characters after the drivers/owners. And people wanted to ship them together and I was like "for 1 they are my OCs so thats kind'a odd but 2 those two characters are based off of siblings. They absolutely should not- in ANY universe, be paired together"
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Personally not a huge fan of the bright blue color he has. Seeing his Bonnie Bowl artwork everywhere I expected him to be his usual purple..
As for my Bonnie I think he'd get along pretty well with his Glamrock counterpart! But when it comes to the Bowling ally they'd be rivals. >:)
Also thank you! :DD
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aaaa thank you so much!! :DD I'm so glad to hear that you've liked my Mario artwork!! And that you read the info aaaa!! I spent a lot of time writing all that so I'm glad to hear that you read it! As for your questions,
1: Yes! My Peach, Daisy, Wario and Waluigi are all the same species, which is not human. They are this incredibly tall elf like species that closely resembles humans and has many biological similarities.. but ultimately they are very different species.
2: Its hard to say.. I've been known to change my mind a lot so maybe? Honestly I hope that someday these feelings towards fanart will vanish and I will be able to engage with my fans more. But for now,, noooo fanworks :(
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OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT FNAF VIDEO XDD Very well animated and funny! Here's the link in case anyone is interested!
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I drew it myself! :)
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hard--headed--woman · 8 months
I briefly talked about it with someone here and it made me think so much that I had to make a post about it - why don't misandrist men get as much hate as misandrist women ?
They are men who think men are horrible and say it. Yet they do not receive the same amount of hate as a feminist saying "I hate men".
There's an example that I find interesting and that I thought I'd share : some decades ago, a very famous leftist french singer, Renaud, made a song that quickly became very popular and loved. It's called "Miss Maggie" and it basically says that men are trash and that women are superior. The thing is, absolutely everyone praises him for it and loves that song. I guess there are some conservatives and incels who hate it, but the vast majority of the country, men and women, loves it ; people say Renaud is amazing and a genius for writing it and that the song is wonderful. Here is a link if you want to listen to it :
(He also criticizes Margaret Tatcher in that song but I won't talk about it in this post because it's not the point).
Here are some lyrics (with the english translation) just so you understand what I'm talking about :
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(Bourgeois women or whores
Who are often the very same
Normal women, stars or uglies
Females of all kinds, I love you
Even to the worst moron
I dedicate these few verses
Born of my disgust for men
And their warrior morality
Because no woman on the planet
Will ever be more stupid than her brother
Nor prouder nor more dishonest)
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(Woman I love you because
When sport becomes war
There are no chicks, or very few
In the hordes of fans
Crazy fanatics
Drunk on hate and beer
Defying the morons in blue
Insulting the bastards in green)
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(The atomic bomb
Didn't come from a female brain
And no woman has on her hands
The blood of Native Americans.
Palestinians and Armenians
Testify from their graves
That genocides are a male thing
Like SS, bullfighters
In this fucking humanity
Murderers are all brothers
Not a woman to compete)
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(Woman I love you, above all, at last
For your weakness and for your eyes
When a man's only strength
Is his gun or his cock
And when the last hour comes
Hell will be full of morons
Playing soccer or war
Playing who pisses the farthest)
Everyone loves that song and Renaud didn't receive any hate for writing it. Now imagine if a woman had written it? Just imagine the amount of hate a female singer would receive if she wrote a song like this. That could ruin her carreer and I am not exaggerating.
Renaud is also known for saying other misandrist things. I remember watching an interview with him, in which he's said that "Women are always there to heal wounds, repair damage, get things done... Unfortunately, there are still too few of them in important positions where they can participate in decision-making", "The oldest form of discrimination is discrimination against women. They are the first group we decided to hate and oppress", "Politicians and religions don't want to let women be more than virgins or whores. They don't want to let them be human beings, women, fulfilled people, with a personality, who work...", "It's not long since women have had the right to vote in France. And what's more, when I see women voting for a man, it gives me the same feeling as if I saw a crocodile going to a leather shop of its own free will...".
And in the comments, absolutely everyone was praising him, calling him a king, an angel and what not. No one to call him names or to tell him horrible things. No one to act as if he's said the craziest thing ever, no one to act as if he committed a crime. Sure some people disagree and insult women, but there is not a lot of hatred against him. Again, a woman would have received a lot of hate if she had said things like that. Just read what men have to say about Delphine Seyrig criticizing the patriarchy and the "indifference of men".
The point of that post isn’t to say that Renaud is The Feminist Ally, that he's perfect and one of the good guys or whatever. I just want to point out that a man criticizing men, saying he hates them, calling out their behaviour (and even saying women are superior!) will never receive the same amount of hate as a woman barely saying "I hate men" or ever way "nicer" things. Sounds like everyone knows why we hate men and even agrees with us deep inside, and just hate when women speak up about it. Sounds like they don't have a problem with misandry but with women 🤷🏽‍♀️
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 7 months
(Opinions Guys Idk)
Bruce Wayne has been a father for over ten years.
He's delt with any issue children vomiting on his shoes runny noses tears he's got you.
He's also buried his children been covered in their blood helped calm down panic attacks. He might not be the best but he's always tried.
There is however one tiny thing that he can say he's never prepared for no amount of contingencies ever can make him ready.
Any form of high society interaction with Tim.
Watching his third son with a smirk that's deadly convincing the richest to give practically all they have to him.
Manipulating board members, blackmailing politicians.
He looks so much like his mother.
Bruce sees his other children they look uncomfortable he once watched Stephanie yell at Tim that she doesn't understand him that he's horrible for doing it.
Jason calling him a rich prick which he was grounded for not that it has ever stopped his second son.
Another gala happened tonight the entire family was present and now watching once again all of his children even sweet Dickie lecturing Tim.
"Seriously Timmy it's just a little much don't you think"
"Boy Wonder that was disgusting who taught you to act like that"
"Timbers I'm all for fucking with people but what the fuck"
He sees the heartbreak painting Red Robin's face he can feel his own reflect it.
His tiny little sweetheart who learned at his mothers knee, his baby boy who works so hard for the company. Who's done tremendous things the only one of them to actually get the respect of the people of Gotham he can't watch it.
"That's enough," Growls out of him.
All of his children freeze looking at him Damian who has remained quiet looking at his brother with nothing but respect turns hurt masked.
"Your brother did amazing tonight, in a way this was an oversight on my part none of you were specifically trained how to act around the Gotham elite. Tim was raised by Janet Drake who was known as the dragon of Gotham".
They start to shift confusion practically pouring out of them.
He looks straight at Tim as he walks forward placing his hand on his shoulder.
" I might not alway agree with how your mother raised you I wish she did a lot differently sweetheart."
A sharp smile begins to paint both Tim's and Damian's faces.
They understand that he is speaking to both of them the only two to really understand.
"But she raised you to know that power that you hold to be able to rule which isn't something I could your siblings are wrong." He turns to glare especially at Stephanie and Jason.
"I'm not saying what you did is right morally it can be questionable however you both know what to do in situations like that experience that none of your siblings could ever have."
He breathes knowing he might anger his children throwing in their faces that they weren't born with silver spoons they have to fight and claw to be where they are.
"This is both Damian and Tim's territory neither are going into crime alley or the narrows and telling you what to do. You don't get to complain about how they were raised or how they handle situations you have no prior knowledge of." He sees that at least Dick is understanding a light entering his eyes
So this is the beggining of a story kinda talking about the difference between how Damian and Tim were raised compared to everyone else.
This was something me and a mutual have been working on but we are disagreeing about it.
They think it's fine I don't know.
Could I get opinions because I personally think it is fascinating how Tim is raised versus others not in a negative or positive.
However I think the way we have done some of it mind you this is almost a twenty chapter fanfiction. Might be slightly not good.
I wanted to explain how Tim and Damian would have an advantage their mother raised badass sons who know how powerful they can be.
They were raised rich and with the world at their fingertips but I think we made it sounds very bashy I need thoughts please let me know.
This is only not even a chapter but I wanted to give something of reference.
I think the privilege is slightly too heavy handed and it makes it sounds like the Rich are better idk. 
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httyddragonfox · 2 months
Dragon Prince season 6 surprises
I just finished the season today! I was so right about what tone it would have. Of course there were things I never expected, really shocked me out of the water there.
1: Rayllum reforges! I wanted it, I could guess it might happen seeing as they were on a journey alone again, but it still was a pleasant surprise. Hopefully they don't split up again, ...(also, please have nothing break them apart!)
2: Only some of the three parents get revived. I didn't expect one of the stones to be swapped out. Dang it Aaravos! Why can't anything go swimmingly for these two.
3: Callum taking the decoy with him! Callum is usually so aware when he gets controlled, the fact it happened without his knowledge. I thought Aaravos would want what was at the Star scraper, but then again he has all the star power he needs.
4: Viren surviving...and then Dying. I was surprised when he was alive, then again the homunculous wasn't around in the trailers and Claudia was covered in blood, but I thought she killed it out of frustration or something. How would she have found out about the "Blood of child" thing? So of course I didn't see him go back to Katolis, interact with Soren again, and explain his backstory. I figured we'd learn it, but he wouldn't be around...as weird as that logic is. Then Viren sacrificed himself to save everyone as his final act of redemption. Seeing him alive was already a shock, I didn't expect to see him die...for real.
5: Callum purging the darkness from himself. I knew Callum was going to be tested of some sort, but I thought that was how he was going to get the crown. I honestly thought the darkness within him would come back to him in a more dramatic way. Maybe it still will, they did hint that any more darkness will corrupt him entirely, and the next season is called 'Dark.' It was sweet that the light that saved him was Rayla, and allowed them to get back together.
6: Finding out what the key is for. I honestly thought we'd find out in season 7, or that the key would release him. Then again it was around when Aaravos wasn't imprisoned, and it's his key... who knew it was for a magic book this whole time. That better be some special book.
7:Using the Moon nexus again: Here I thought Lujanne thought it shouldn't be used. She grew lenient in two years. Also I didn't think we'd be seeing her and Allan.
8: KATOLLIS IS DESTROYED! That never happened in any of my theories! Dang, Aaravos doesn't play around. Speaking of...
9: Aaravos hates Sol Regum. I knew he got rid of Adititi, but that was probably just to cause Chaos. I didn't know it was personal with the Sun dragon. Also, such a surprise Sol Regum had a mate...which he killed.
Now the big one...
10: AARAVOS HAD A DAUGHTER NAMED LEOLA AND SHE WAS THE UNICORN THAT GIFTED HUMANITY WITH MAGIC!!! I had insights...but never the full picture. The short stories made it seem like he didn't like the other startouch elves, that he disagreed with them. I figured, "He must like Humanity much more than them." Second short story, there was a fallen star, given his name, I thought it was him. I thought they banished him for some reason. The opening of the first episode, I'm thinking maybe he was just banished. The merciful one shows up and says "We are all stardust held together by love for an instant." That makes me think somebody died. I learned in season 5 about Leola and her 'last wish.' Maybe he was crying over her death and how unjust it was. Never....did I put together that she was his daughter. I never saw Aaravos as a dad, seeing how cruel he can be to people and how silly he acts at times. Also I didn't think the Startouch elves had families. That was a real wringer for me, but the real heartwrencher...
11: They showed a child dying on screen! They showed how scared she was, they showed the love they had for each other, how heartbroken he was, how horrifying the death was! They didn't shy away at all. Darn you creators! Why do have to make me cry!
Much more intense a season, more mature themes, more blood, more death! What's the next season going to be like?!
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lightofraye · 27 days
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Hi there! You certainly didn't waste any time, jumping straight into your concerns.
With respect... I disagree. He might've had some fillers, but I believe any and all Botox might've been done for his depression (as I mentioned not too long ago). The lines around his forehead and other areas of his face would not have settled that quickly if it had been done for wrinkles.
(Someone I follow on Facebook had gotten Botox for wrinkles and it took her a good number of weeks, not a week or two, for it to settle.)
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Because as you can see... his face is pretty similar here! He's always had those kinds of cheeks and lines when he smiles!
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As for the rhinoplasty... I must disagree. I've searched high and low for any differences in his nose since Days Of Our Lives and honestly? I don't see it. Because look:
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That nose has always been asymmetrical. I don't think he's ever bothered to get it fixed. But, ah, the red lines? Let's see!
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Nope. No red lines that I can see. I would love to see where you're seeing them!
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No worries! I've kept your name off the ask as you've requested!
And you're very welcome! I love Sign Language! It comes in so handy, especially in loud places or wanting to communicate across the room! No need to shout! Just sign and be 'heard'! Plus, it allows me to really read body language. It's amazing how many people miss that.
I absolutely hope to teach my son--his father is being combative about it, but I keep trying!--and my daughter is learning as well.
I wasn't sure if you wanted me to post the last part, your "private aside", so I'll just try my best to address it without actually, uh,... sharing what you said.
RE: Danneel. Yeah... she... she tries on many masks, pretending to be something she's not. But everyone can see right through her because she's such a bad actress. She's an awful mother, unable to parent without the nannies around. She's an awful wife; can't even support her husband in his worst moments (like the Rust shooting). She's a terrible producer; cue The Winchesters lawsuit. She's a terrible actress; cue her non-existent acting career. She can't even pretend to be a decent being without folks giving her the side-eye about all the "compliments" and "jokes" she slaps around.
She's offensive as a human being, honestly.
I just wish she'd go away.
Back to your main message: I understand we may disagree. I know some would say "Yeah, Jensen's had some work", and it may be he's had a little bit, due to Hollywood being what it is.
However, he didn't have nearly to the extent that Danneel's had--her face is unrecognizable to what it was like, way back when. She's even messed up her philtrum lines (the curvature between our nose and lips) so now it's all crooked because she's had so many botched fillers.
I mean, imagine looking at this face and thinking it's all natural:
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I can almost guarantee some of that are filters from the photographer because no human skin is that smooth and untextured. Her lips? Fake and fillers. Her cheeks? Unnatural fillers. Her forehead? Botox and tons of facelifts. If she doesn't stop her eyes are going shrink in the creepy way from too many plastic surgeries. Hell, even her eyebrows are fake.
So yeah. Jensen has a long way to go before he ever reaches her extent and I hope he never does.
Thanks for the ask! (And don't worry. I may disagree, but I'm not offended! Everyone's free to disagree!)
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spopsalt · 5 months
It's so fucking funny how you're whining about Catra being a bad person, when she's morally grey at worst, but then make it clear on a lot of your posts that you like Rick Sanchez like he isn't 10000x worse like 😭😭😭😭😭😭???
Well hello to you too. Look, I'm not saying Rick is a good person, in a lot of my posts where I say that I love Rick, I also acknowledge that he's not a good person, I know he's a horrible person, he's killed people, committed more crimes than I can think off, emotionally abuses his grandson, is just an asshole in generally, etc., etc. But let me tell you something absolutely insane....a fictional character's mortality...doesn't make a difference in whether I like them or not! *Gasps* I like Rick because he's complex and layered, he struggles deeply with trauma from his wife and child brutally dying in front of them, and while this explains a lot of his horrible actions, it doesn't use to excuse it, like a certain show *cough* spop *cough* And his redemption arc, although it's still going, is really good because he's actually changing and is actually becoming better, unlike a certain abusive kitty-cat *cough* Catra *cough* It's realistic as well, he has times where he regresses, but he is still genuinely trying to, and is changing.
Besides, the show doesn't act like Rick is a good person, he's called out multiple times for being an asshole, and the show doesn't frame it as a good thing. Literally, one of the people Rick loved most, Birdperson, started distancing himself from Rick due to his toxic behaviors, and y'know what? The show rightfully doesn't show Birdperson as in the wrong for this. Also, Rick's character development is actually good, while he's still not a great person, he certainly is a better person than he was in season 1 or season 4, he's learned to accept therapy and is going to it every week, stopped manhandling Morty, is a lot gentler to Morty in general.
I'm only pointing out Catra's abusive behavior because the show frames it as a good thing, reminder a KID'S SHOW frames abusive behaviors as something romantic and desirable, and Catra gets together with the person she was abusing at the end, she never faces any consequences for her actions, and everyone forgave all of her war crimes after she did one good thing. Nobody was even allowed to be mad at her, also Catra isn't morally grey at worst, at worst, she literally attempted to end the world just so she could spite her sister crush. I don't mind if you like Catra, but I mind that you're attacking me because I don't like her. You do realize that you can acknowledge that a character isn't a good person, but still like them anyway, right? If you disagree with me, cool, but just block me instead of spreading anon hate, please and thank you.
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velvetvexations · 2 months
tbhhh seeing how you've been treated on this site (love every trans woman before it's too late... unless she can't be used for our political stuff) makes me think that like... some trans women on this site seem to have an in group, if that makes sense? like... not to victim blame-- absolutely not-- but like
it comes off as if there's a very big in group of 'popular trans women' who will even exclude other transfemmes who don't fit a particular aesthetic/same tastes/same opinions. like they all missed the opportunity to be mean girls in highschool so they're recreating it on tumblr dot gov. i absolutely think transfemmes, esp baby ones, should get to experience feminine things they may have been denied earlier on in life-- if anything it's very sweet. however... in thinking about it, it makes me wonder if it's become this whole trickle down cycle of 'you're not a real trans woman unless you do this/like this/act like this/have this opinion/think like this'-- not in the 'oh people are being TRICKED into being TRANS' so much as a 'i feel very bad for if there's any transfemmes out there who feel like they're trying desperately and failing to commit to certain community aesthetics and opinions just for SMIDGEON of a chance that they MIGHT be acknowledged and be in the 'in crowd' and be allowed to have ANY friends with experiences like theirs-- except, if their experiences aren't exactly like the in-crowd's, they will be swiftly discarded and ignored'. like they're being put into a box they're not allowed much say of what's in it (transmascs also get this-- albeit imo it doesn't usually come from transmascs themselves). like instead of it being using community aesthetics to help find or even fuel your identity, it becomes 'i will modify myself to fit in better even if it's ingenuine to my true self'. this is especially cruel when one considers how much trans women are said over and over again to be targeted in callout posts (granted, i feel it veers into 'shaming victims' territory when ppl go off abt it now a days), so denying the ones that don't fit into a community that ironically constantly says how they don't fit in anywhere would naturally make a less-popular transfemme feel like she has nowhere to go if she were ever attacked (which, is inevitable according to these groups).
except, it's a catch-22-- because when you're popular, you have a target on your back-- this is a fact of the site no matter what identity you are. but unfortunately-- because unless you're Velvet who got there for being Right and Cool and having Good Taste (/j)-- the way you usually become a popular transfemme is hitting all the in-crowd points... including blaming transmascs for every bad thing that happens to you and suspecting them at every turn. this isn't me saying popular transfemmes have nothing to worry abt so much as i think a lot of it comes from hysteria-driven group think, among other things.
and don't get me wrong-- tumblr is transphobic as fuck. it's disgusting. but everyone not only ignores that trans masc and nonbinary blogs have also been deleted, but then turn around and seem to hold more malice for the supposed ''''tme mob''''.
i feel like all of what i described is like... a product of community hypervigilance that-- while understandable-- not only harm the transmascs around them, but even other transfemmes who don't fit the mold, as they too are now viewed as 'dangerous and will do us harm'. like the whole community is wrapped up in doing everything possible to be this... version of themselves that could 'avoid harm' and blaming the wrong sources for it. it feels like instead of taking away 'society put us in a hierarchy and that's bad' it became 'we will make our own hierarchy in which anyone who disagrees with us or is different to us is bad'. it comes off as... kinda unself aware to a point? like making everyone around you the 'problem' whenever you're challenged?
ig i was wondering what your perspective on being on tumblr as a transfemme has been like?? bc i'm not sure how accurate i am about there being a transfemme/trans woman in crowd as someone who's outside looking in. i know i rambled a lot-- and even if you disagree on some aspects, i do thank you for reading through as much as you can.
I don't think I'm a good person to ask for the typical t-fem Tumblr experience, although needless to say I agree it's not a nightmare of constant transmisogyny from every corner. The world is, generally, but yes, there is a hysteria at play.
But I can say that Velvet Nation, most especially AFAB transfolk who follow me for discourse, have always been wonderful supporters who show me a lot of genuine care and appreciation, not just as a transfem but as a narc, as a writer, as someone entering a faith outside their own cultural context, just in every possible way you can imagine, and it's all been so very nice. Obviously, positive things coming my way doesn't discount the negativity others face, but that's been most of my experience on Tumblr - in spite of some fairly grievous transmisogyny from the people demanding I read Whipping Girl.
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to address the Thea stuff. the reasons ppl don't like her kinda matched to what I said at the end about ppl being more willing to forgive the white characters for things:
1. the age gap. it's only 4 years, and any relationship only begins after kevin is 18. and he was the one who had a crush on her when he was younger, not the other way around. People tend to spread lies about this, things that weren't said in the ec such as saying they're relationship started when he was 14 and she was 18, which I mentioned in my original anon.
2. the 'agression'. I don't think she's aggressive. she was angry yeah, which she had every right to be after kevin ghosted her. he was obviously going through a lot, but of course given he didn't communicate this, she didn't know. she can only work off what she knows. again I just see this as the fandom being very uncharitable to her. kevin chokes neil when he's angry so I really don't think she's the aggressive one in this relationship. and if she is, she's not alone.
3. devotion to the ravens. again, so is kevin. People forgive him for this because he's obviously been brainwashed by them. but so has she. again, just seems like people forgiving other characters for things they wouldn't forgive her for.
4. randomness of relationship with kevin. I don't think it's random? I'm not a fan of their relationship, but people love to ship kevin/Jean primarily cause they were ravens together. kevin and Thea were ravens together, it makes sense they'd grow close. they're both also very dedicated to exy, a common reason people ship neil/kevin. so idk? to everyone's taste ofc, but it still isn't a valid reason for her to get the hate she gets.
idk necessarily about people liking her more if she was a fox. probably? she's very similar to kevin, and people like him. and I can imagine people not liking him if he stayed a Raven and we saw him through a fox perspective. so you're probably right.
on her only having a scene or two and not being very likeable in them. I guess again, it asks the question of why she's not likeable in these scenes? I think people don't want to view things from her perspective, and there can be a lot of reasons for that ofc.
Jean has more scenes than her, but he's not 'likeable' in many of them. He's rude, just like Thea was. He holds Neil down when he's getting tortured. He arguably should be more disliked, but he's not. I think people are more willing to offer him understanding because they're more willing to see things from his perspective. He acts this way because he's a traumatised cult member, and that's exactly why Thea acts the way she does.
It's hard to describe the hate people have for her if you haven't seen it much, but more often than not it goes far beyond 'this character just doesn't show up much so idrc'. People tend to hate her with a passion similar to the hate they view Riko with. Again, people call her abusive and a pedophile semi-reguarly. It goes beyond her just being a little unlikeable.
There was a motivation for a decent number of fans to spread these lies about her character, and I'm curious what that motivation was I suppose? cause I certainly don't do that for characters I just find unlikeable. Or characters that didn't have many scenes. Even if most fans aren't actively racist, they've bought into and fueled lies that were likely spread with racist motivation.
i honestly don't really disagree with you on anything (like the age gap wasn't something I personally ever paid attention to, I was saying that's what other people have a problem with. and honestly I do think that's fair for them, it just never stuck out to me) except for the fourth point bc I will maintain that their relationship is random. not random in a 'these two people are incompatible' way but in a 'the first time we hear Kevin even has a girlfriend is like 2/3 into the last book of the series and the chemistry (to me at least) seemed incredibly lacking but we're supposed to assume they're in love'
but I think you just might be overestimating how much people think about her. again: she's a very very minor character and I don't think people will necessarily go out of their way to see things through her perspective because of that. honestly I feel like what you said about Jean explains it p well: he does worse things than Thea but, even though he's also minor, we see way more of him than Thea we see him vulnerable and at his worst and there's more there that shapes him as a complex person. I genuinely think that if she had even as much screen time as Jean it'd be a different conversation.
but however, out of all the minor characters in the series she is one of the ones that gets the least mercy from the fans and that definitely feels racist to me. i don't think people need to explain and dissect why they dislike a character (especially characters as complicated as Nora's) but the fact that it's so easy for fans to just jump on a hate train for the only canon WOC is deeply unsettling.
I think the complexity of Nora's characters actually make aftg fans really weird and intense when it comes to defending/attacking characters. I remembered being rlly taken aback by the Aaron and Nicky and like Allison hate that I saw when I first started engaging with other fans because so much of it just seemed not true and wayyyy overexaggerated??? idk if it's the fans themselves or the content that makes them so intense but.
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topazadine · 11 days
How NOT to Write a Character
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I recently read How Not to Write a Novel, which is a truly marvelous text of everything that is wrong with you, me, society, and the world at large. Perhaps not the last two, but definitely about you and me. Or our writing, at least.
In the vein of this, my new fascination, let’s talk about characters.
As always, this is my opinion and my perspective as someone who has been writing for 15 years. You may disagree, and that's okay. There are very few hard and fast rules in writing, and anyone who acts like the ultimate writing authority is stupid. Don't listen to them.
Characters are hard.
There are quite a few human beings on the planet, or so I am told. I wouldn’t know; I exist entirely within a white room with absolutely no ornament.
We need our characters to somewhat resemble such human beings, but also move our plot forward and make interesting choices. It’s a difficult balancing act, and one that even the best writers do not always succeeed at, much less the rest of us dweebs.
Cormac McCarthy’s characters in The Road are so plain and boring that I was hoping they’d get eaten by something. Olivie Blake’s The Atlas Six has such nauseatingly unlikable characters that I had a hard time picking which one I wanted to die.
You do not want to do that unless you, like Cormac McCarthy, are so talented that no one cares if your characters are composed entirely of paper shavings.
I, most certainly, do not always succeed at characterization; it took me ten years to make slightly interesting characters. I still remember walking out of a creative writing class, almost in tears, because the professor told me my characters feel more like plot devices than people. She was 100% right though, and I hate that for her.
Enough about my trauma, though. Back to the matter at hand.
Sometimes knowing what not to do is more instructive than learning what to do. Then we can turn our noses up at such mistakes as we compose, remembering how it felt to be mentally swatted by Howard Mittelmark and Sandra Newman.
So let’s be sad together as we think about all the characters that we ruined!
A lot of this is essentially what better writers than me have discussed in their fantastic book, but for free.
The Perfect Angel
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Hot-bodied Teresexy has the perfect job, the perfect body, the perfect home. Despite having oodles of family wealth, she chooses to work at a meek and modest job that is super quirky and, if she weren’t absolutely loaded, utterly unsustainable in today’s capitalist hellscape. Excelling at her fun and super cool job, Teresexy is totally embarrassed by anyone noticing that she spends all of her free time walking dogs at the shelter while simultaneously reading to underprivileged children – and dropping copious amounts of cash into every beggar’s hat that she sees. Despite this clear reluctance to gain any praise (she’s so humble!), people fawn over her, practically throwing themselves at her to reward her with anything her heart may desire. She modestly downplays her accomplishments because she just cannot fathom anyone being totally amazed by her.
I need some anti-emetics right about now.
Your reader is going to hate your MC with a burning passion because, to be honest, we are very jealous.
The rest of us work boring jobs that pay the bills but don’t always fulfill us. We’ve got a few extra pounds that we refuse to admit come from the Extra Large Double Caramel Cappucino that we guzzle down while we’re late to yet another stupid dumb meeting that could have been an email.
More than that, your character feels … fake. They feel like your personal power fantasy, where everything in your life is perfect and everyone loves you. We can practically feel the insecurity oozing off the page because we, too, want that life, and we cannot have it.
Your character needs flaws.
Maybe Teresexy has a super cool cancer-curing job but she is wracked with student debt and her parents refuse to share their wealth no matter how much she begs. She feels unappreciated and people take advantage of her niceness to the point where she feels utterly drained at the end of the day.
And maybe she's a covert narcissist who just does all these things to get attention and manipulate people. That'd be a fun twist.
A character's flaws could be personal – maybe Teresexy is an utter doormat until she snaps with frustration – or they could be situational. If she is a really nice person but she keeps getting thrown into awful situations, we feel bad for her and want her to prevail.
If there is literally nothing wrong with her life and everything always goes her way, we don’t want her to prevail: we want her to fall flat on her face and get some comeuppance.
The Suckup
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Syche Lofable loves Teresexy. Everything Teresexy does is perfect. She is her bestie and, of course, her greatest supporter. Whenever Teresexy does anything the least bit interesting, Syche is right there to woop and scream “yaaas girl!!” For Teresexy’s birthday, she wrote a giant list of all her bestie’s best qualities and read it at the party that she threw in her main girl’s honor while Teresexy blushed and modestly proclaimed that it was too much praise. She is always there for Teresexy, hanging on her every word, celebrating her every achievement; she serves as her friend’s cheerleader and marketer. Sometimes, she even pops in during a workday just to give Teresexy a pep talk, and any time her friend achieves something, Syche is right there to write a press release and talk about it to anyone who will listen.
Do not (do not) have characters that solely exist to gas up the MC.
We will hate them, and we will hate the MC more because of it. All you are going to do is make a one-dimensional, annoying character that we want to turn on the MC and stab them in the face.
It’s fine to have supportive friends, but they need to also have their own lives, and they need to not obsess over the MC. They are allowed to disagree or have a bad day, and sometimes their friend comforts them instead of the other way around.
Any time you find a character that is always, always orbiting around your MC, tone it down or, better yet, make them turn on the MC, shattering the relationship and causing some serious drama.
Or, honestly? Make them hook up. I think Syche might have an itty bitty crush.
The Strong Female Badass
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Blasda Tuffi can do everything a man can! She can fight, she can crack open a cold one with the boys, and damn, can she shoot a gun. She doesn’t have any of those typical icky woman qualities like crying at sad movies or gobbling ice cream on her period. In fact, when she’s PMSing, she trains even more, and harder! Despite this, all the men want her because she’s one of the boys, but she coldly rejects them all because she cares too much about her career, which just involves punching people and looking cool. Oh, by the way, she’s super pretty but never bothers to put on makeup or nice clothes because she doesn’t care about such superficial things.
We get it. She’s a tough broad. She’s basically a male superhero but with lady woman parts.
She’s also annoying because she’s such a stereotype and, frankly, pretty misogynistic.
A female character can be tough, but she needs to have flaws and a mixture of both traditionally masculine and feminine qualities, or you have basically just written a man with lady woman parts because you want to seem progressive.
Blasda occupies a strange space between masculinity and feminity, beseiged on all sides because she can’t rectify these things. That can make her an interesting critique of gender roles rather than just a way to win feminist brownie points.
The Antihero (But Not Really)
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Tiberius Wolferson had a tough life. He was raised by an alcoholic and a mother who was too busy working at the Puppy Kicking Factory to give him any attention. Despite all this neglect, he’s cool. He’s stoic. He’s firm. He’s a badass. During his childhood, he fought many other kids – but only because they deserved it. This hardscrabble mentality has bled into his career, which is brutally and coldly slaughtering anyone who crosses him; this means he kills a lot of bad guys, but he never really feels bad about it. We know he’s not a good guy because he smiles as he tortures people to get more details about how they are intending to use orphans as bait to bring down a mob boss. Tiberius spends a lot of time telling us that he simply could not give a flying fart about if people die. That’s just what people do: they die. At his hand. Gruesomely. But only if they actually deserve it.
This is not an antihero, this is just a hero who the writer is trying very, very hard to turn into an antihero by writing nasty murder scenes and indulging their inner teenage boy, who loves the idea of getting back at all their childhood bullies.
Being an antihero isn't quite the same as being morally gray. Characters can do disdainful things, but we can still root for them because we understand that it was for the greater good. One of my characters, Mordrek, is introduced to The Eirenic Verses when he steals a mule, flees the scene, and then kills the owners.
Is he an antihero? No. He's a spy who does what he's gotta do. Those guys stood in the way of his work; it wasn't personal. He's morally gray.
But antiheroes need to be a bit more than just a little gray. They need to be full-on, blaring gray, edging toward black. We need to dislike, or at least disdain, an antihero.
Antiheroes are, quite honestly, one of the hardest characters to write because they need to toe the line between awful and likeable, never really falling into either. If you are not absolutely sure that you have great characterization, leave these guys to the pros.
The Overly Villainous Villain
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Vila Crualton is a rich supervillain who somehow has a sycophantic crew of lackeys who will do whatever he wants. By the way, he does not pay them well, and he also kicks them a lot. He personally invented the Total Death Ray that also gives people cancer and also several diseases that are previously unknown to science. (Teresexy is throwing gobs of money at the problem and personally committed to fixing it herself.) In his free time, he does some shifts at the Puppy Kicking Factory, which has put him on Tiberius Wolferson’s hitlist because Tiberius has a lot of trauma about his mom walking out on him because she got addicted to kicking puppies. Vila’s main goal in life is to give everyone cancer. Why? Because he’s evil. That’s all there is to it. He loves kicking puppies, abusing his lackeys, committing tax fraud, and inflicting horrible suffering on other people just because.
Look, let’s get it out of the way. Some people just suck. Some people are total and utter sociopaths, and they really do feel like the ultimate villain. They have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and they ruin everything they touch.
This is, of course, not from personal experience. Not at all.
But bad people IRL have a reason for what they do. Maybe they were abused and know no other way of interacting with people. Maybe they got addicted to drugs and don’t care how their next fix comes, just that it does.
That’s not to say all drug abusers are evil, of course, but a serious addiction can turn people into villains. They need help, but some refuse to get it because they’re afraid of losing the one thing that brings them comfort. It’s possible to redeem them, though it doesn’t always happen.
Or maybe a villain has a pretty simple reason for what they do: they love power and money. They want fame and don’t care who they step on. They want to get the pretty girl because she’d look good hanging off their arm, and how she feels about that does not matter because they do not see her as a real person due to misogyny.
But whatever the goal is, we can understand it, even if we have never been tempted down that same path, because we have seen it play out in other people or in historical figures.
Your villain does not need to be likable. They just need to be comprehensible.
The Miserable Cinnamon Roll
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Doloria Lachrymis has had a hard life. Every member of her family was murdered when she was only five years old at the hands of Vila Crualton, who threw them into a comically oversized Blendtec blender after sewing her eyes open so she had to watch. She was then evicted from her family’s modest bungalow because, being five years old, she could not continue the family’s proud legacy of trash farming. Their completely unlucrative trash farm was foreclosed on, leaving her with nowhere to go. Sad little Doloria then fell into the cruel hands of one of Vila’s henchmen, who performed nightly bloodletting rituals on her delicate little feet because he believed that child blood would make him younger. Not only was she basically incapable of walking because of all the cuts on her feet, but she was constantly reminded of Vila’s evil nature because he would come into her mice-infested hovel and turn on a blender to make her cry.
Many of us love to put our characters in metaphorical blenders (sorry, Doloria) and make them suffer. However, it gets to a point where it’s just ridiculous.
You need to know when to lay off on the misery, or your character becomes trauma porn, as I have discussed before.
I had quite a difficult upbringing myself – it literally caused me to develop fibromyalgia – but it was not all bad. There were moments of joy, accomplishment, and serenity. Most people who have gone through trauma have similar experiences, even if the good times were fleeting.
We feel for characters more if we see them go through both positive and negative experiences, because we see them as real people whose lives are complicated – just like our own.
The Side Characters That Are There for No Reason
I can’t really sum these up because, well, I have no reason to. They are just there. They exist. They do not do anything interesting on their own, though they may happen to pop in for some reason, say some words, and immediately disappear again.
The random aunt that appears to drop off cookies. The wife of some other background character who says hi and then just stands around. The coworker who you describe in exhaustive detail for him to go, “Hey, how’s the cancer cure coming along?” and then walk off.
Go away! I don’t care about you! I don’t need to know your backstory! Get back to the MC fighting dragons!
A lot of writers worry that their stories are underpopulated, so they throw in a bunch of characters who are named and who have relationships with other characters, but nothing else. These characters are the equivalent of your grandmother’s collectible plates that you inherited and prop up around the house out of guilt, but that do nothing but collect dust that you must clean off every few weeks.
Throw them out, please. It is better to have an underpopulated book than an overpopulated one, where your MC gets lost in the shuffle and your readers are trying desperately to keep track of all these characters who are introduced once and then disappear into the ether.
If a character is just there to offer back chatter and shoot the breeze, banish them, or better yet, turn them into a likable character and then kill them.
Character Suggestions for Fun and Profit
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Okay, so you have wept over the fact that one or all of your characters fall into these categories. Never fear! We can fix them. But how, you ask? Consider these options.
Never Make a Character’s Life Perfect
Your MC should not be rich, pretty, successful, and modest. They should not be talented at everything they do but also tenderhearted and willing to share.
Quite frankly, people don’t like to read about rich people unless they are jerks, because most of us are not rich and super talented. (Or maybe I am projecting.)
We want characters we can relate to!
Dead-end jobs! Shitty apartments! Ugliness! Toxic family members! Weird dynamics! Lusting after the one person we can’t have! All good, all valid.
If your character reflects exactly what you want your life to be like, remove something, or many somethings. Give them a flawed circumstance that you dislike about your life (or yourself) and play with that.
Pick a Major Character Flaw and Stick With It
Your MC needs a flaw so they don’t end up like Teresexy. A big flaw that infests everything they touch. It causes problems. It makes other characters hate their guts. Despite that, we can like them and relate to them because they have good traits, too.
This major flaw can be counterbalanced by their good flaws, but it needs to be realistic. Here are some examples:
Kindhearted but hotheaded
Affectionate but impulsive
Intelligent but lazy
Thoughtful but judgmental
Loyal but naive
Accomplished but abrasive
For bonus points, pervert one of their good qualities over the course of the story line. Maybe they start out very idealistic, but they become jaded and judgmental, assuming everyone needs to match their beliefs. Maybe they are kindhearted, but they take this to such an extreme that it ruins their life and they grow bitter.
Characters Should Make Mistakes
They don’t have to be big ones, but they need to be bigger than “tripped over something.” This goes along with the fact that they need to have flaws or we simply can’t relate to them.
If your character always makes the right decision, always has the perfect thing to say, and is always nice to everyone, then they don’t feel real: they feel like a plot device to get to some bigger conflict, and this reduces our immersion.
We want to cheer your MC on when they get back up after a mistake, whether that is a blowout argument with their partner or failing to kill the entire demon horde because they were too tired to go on. We want to see their guilt and their shame and their pain. This is what makes us excited and turning the page.
Characters Must Disagree
Not about everything, and not all the time. But your characters need to have personalities that rub up against each other sometimes. No matter how close these people are, they are not always going to agree with one another’s every decision.
Take my mom and I. We are very close; our personalities mesh well, and we like many of the same things. She is my greatest supporter, and in turn, she calls me to rant about all her work drama, because she knows I’ll back her up.
Despite this, we do butt heads sometimes. I hated someone she liked and told her in no uncertain terms, but she was convinced that he was a wonderful person who really cared about her. We got into several arguments about it until – surprise, surprise – it was proven that he’s actually a jerk and was exploiting her kindness. No, of course I’m not smug.
You can have a loving, close relationship with someone but still not get along all the time, because people are humans and humans sometimes do things that other humans don’t like. If your characters always agree with one another about everything, they feel undifferentiated, and we never really get to know them.
Character Trauma Should Mean Something
It is perfectly fine to have characters who had a hard life, or who go through terrifying things. I am not of the opinion that you should never discuss tough things like sexual assault, domestic violence, addition, or serious mental illness, but it needs to be done respectfully.
Trauma should not be included solely for shock value.
This, I believe, is where people get turned off by depictions of trauma because it is clearly included solely to add some action and excitement to the story, not to add forward momentum or flesh out a character.
Horrible things happen to a character, and then it’s just never discussed again, or it leaves them so broken that they morph into the Miserable Cinnamon Roll. This is bad. Do not do this.
Real-life trauma changes people forever: sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.
Traumatic incidents don’t have to have a happy ending, and they don’t need to be wrapped up into a feel-good-plucky-protagonist inspiration glurge. But they have to have purpose in the story; they must move the plot, or create character growth, or provide motivations for a character’s actions.
As an example, my character Cerie's life is defined by the death of her parents when she was seven. It forces her to be taken under the wing of a magical society because she needs housing, and it fuels her hatred for the country who did this to her loved ones.
So, that trauma determines her life path, gives her motivation, and then spurs character growth when she’s confronted with that country and realizes that a people are not their nation. It’s sad, but it’s there for a reason, and it becomes a critical element of the plot. She would literally not be who she is, and would not be dragged along in my whims, without that trauma.
When you consider adding something tragic, ask yourself whether it has a purpose other than being sad. Does the character grow from it? Does it change their life direction? Does it motivate them, or move them away from a certain decision?
If it doesn’t, then say no.
Every Character Must Have a Purpose
Having a world that is populated by people is good, because most of us do not exist in a pocket dimension that consists of us, our pets, and our girlfriend. But this does not mean every single person in that world needs to have a backstory, a name, and a favorite color.
Do you know everyone person in your neighborhood, or are most of them just human-shaped blobs that occasionally wave to you? For me, I know a few of my neighbors, and the rest of them just happen to exist. Hell, I don’t even know the name of my local arch-nemesis, only that she lives at the end of block and yells at me every time my dogs so much as place a paw on her precious grass. (Maybe her name is legally Lawn Lady, as I have deemed her, but I doubt it.)
When you give a character a name, you give them a purpose.
They need to do something useful; they must be integral to the plot. There are a variety of ways they can help out:
Offering comfort or levity in tense moments
Creating friction between other characters
Spurring the MC’s character growth
Becoming the MC’s mentor
Providing key information
Serving as an obstacle
Leading to revelations
Causing problems
There is also my favorite reason to include them: making the reader like them over chapters and chapters of characterization, and then mercilessly killing them so everyone is sad.
If they are a short-term obstacle, then sometimes they don’t need to be named, either. Only when they have a consistent purpose do they require naming and some level of characterization.
Good characters will do more than one of these things: they may be both the comic relief and the wise sage, or they make be a comfort but also cause friction.
Developing Characters Is a Journey
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The funny thing is that the more you develop your characters, the more they change. They will do surprising things that you wouldn’t have expected, just like people do. This can be incredibly exciting and lead to fun plot twists that you hadn’t considered before.
Three-dimensional characters are dynamic and push the narrative along.
You can tell that your characters have grown realistic if you stop and realize that they are not the same person as at the beginning of the story, even if you didn’t consciously choose that. You also may notice that what feels right for the character is not what you intended to do at first; they are leading you as you carve their path.
Sometimes you won’t like the character you create, and that’s okay: we don’t need to befriend them, because they aren’t real. But if you and your (good) beta readers find them intriguing, then you’re on the right track.
Now, I would like to believe that my own characters, Uileac and Orrinir, are pretty good. They're assholes sometimes, sweet sometimes, and my god, do they tsundere.
Intriguing? You can read about them in 9 Years Yearning!
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This fast-paced novel follows Uileac (the green guy) and Orrinir (the red one) over the course of their training at the Bremish War Academy. At first they sort of hate each other; then they beat each other up; then they become friends??? and then maybe more??
Horses exchange hands. Poems are written. Maybe some tears and maybe a few tantrums. There's a lot, oh so a lot.
But more importantly, do they kiss???
Well, you can find out.
If you do decide to read 9 Years Yearning, don't forget to leave a review!
Reviews are so important for ratings on Amazon. So very important.
Why's that? Why am I huddling in the closet, begging you to leave some nice words or whatever? It's because Jeff Bezos comes to your house and puts your first-born child in a Blendtec blender if you don't get enough reviews on Amazon.
Please, think of my precious son.
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frightnite52 · 2 years
Okay, let’s talk about Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, shall we?
The beginning: I saw a tweet today where the author said they hated that the movie killed T'Challa with an illness and I have to say I disagree. Not only because logistically there was no way for Chadwick Boseman to act in the movie for a death scene, but because (for me personally) I don't think I would have liked it any other way. I like that T'Challa died of an illness for one simple reason: The whole movie sort of felt like a catharsis for the cast and crew. No one knew Boseman had cancer except his immediate circle. I still remember opening twitter and literally not believing what I was seeing. The way they chose to go about it, and then all the time the devoted to grief and loss felt like a release for everyone involved. And if this was the way they thought would best help them work through their grief in their art, I don't think it's right to say you wished it happened a different way.
Okay, time for something fun after all that heavy: Queen Ramonda's speech in the beginning was amazing.
The scene of the Dora Milaje in the Wakandan outpost coming out of the hall was amazing.
I loved that the people of Talocan had siren powers
Riri Williams. I have a problem with making a significant part of a plot revolve around a person who needs to be kept alive, especially if that person isn't the main character. I find that it leaves me feeling like there was no point to the character. In the case of Riri, I can't decide how I feel. I like her character and I was happy to see her introduced. I think a Black Panther movie was the perfect place to introduce her one, because she's Black and was clearly written to have a deep love, respect, and admiration for Wakanda, and two because she's a technological genius like Shuri. But something about her story feels... well, it just doesn't feel right. Like a puzzle piece that *seems* to fit in a space, but also doesn't. I think if she might have had more agency. Or maybe if they'd let her feel bad that her design put Talocan in danger. She didn't make that machine to help the CIA or anyone, she built it to spite one of her college professors. They don't explain it in the movie how the machine got into the hands of the government, but they do make it a point to say that she built it for an assignment. This leads me to believe that it was either stolen or given to the CIA without Riri's permission. If she'd been allowed to explain that (or if Shuri had just mentioned it) I'm not sure it would have changed anything, but it might have made Riri's story feel more full.
Namor did nothing wrong. He was completely justified in everything that he did. lmao okay, no, he killed the queen of Wakanda, but listen here: He had his reasons. Namor, at heart, is a good man, and I truly believe that. He want's what's best for his people. T'Challa wanted the same, and for him, the right thing to do was to open Wakanda to the world. He couldn't have known he was putting Talocan in danger, too. I think Wakanda is gentler on the world than Talocan, and that's were the biggest issue comes from Wakanda was never colonized. Their land, their histories, their people, their resources were never stolen from them. They watched all that happen to other people. But watching bad things happen to other people is different than having those things happen to you. By contrast, Talocan was borne from a colonized civilization. The flower that gave them their powers and abilities was used as a treatment for smallpox. Their legends even say that their god gave them the flower to build a new home, the implication being that they needed a new home because their old one was stolen from them. Because of their vastly different histories, their reactions to the possibility of outsiders trying to steal from them is vastly different. Namor has the right of it and by the end of the movie, he still does. The surface world will come for the Wakandans and the people of Talocan will be ready. His methods may not have been sound, but his rationale was.
Battle orcas. No, I will not be adding context.
Everett Ross was married to Madam Hydra and I just can't get over that.
Talocan seemed like a more accurate underwater city than any I've seen, and I love that.
I wish Shuri hadn't made a new heart-shaped herb and had become the Black Panther because of her technological skills. A Black Panther Iron Man suit, if you will. I didn't feel like there was enough justification for her to make the herb and then take it herself. After she wakes up from the ancestral realm, she said that she drank the herb to see her family, but none of them came. It's a heartbreaking scene, but it also doesn't make sense when you remember that Shuri doesn't believe in any of that. Even Killmonger said in her vision that she didn't believe in the ancestral plane. I think Shuri's time would have been better spent making a Black Panther suit that gave her almost all of the abilities of the traditional Black Panther. I think what they were going for was a full circle catharsis moment where Shuri couldn't make the herb in the beginning of the movie but then she did near the end. And that would make sense, except she didn't make the herb to heal anyone. She made it so she could get revenge on Namor. And I don't think that's a good way to tie the herb to the theme. Edit: I’m seeing your replies to this point. My opinion still stands as of now, but I do appreciate the other perspectives and it’s giving me something to think about whenever I watch the movie next.
I like the Shuri didn't become queen of Wakanda at the end. I don't think being queen would have suited her at all.
The end credit scene really punched me in the heart.
I forgot to mention M’baku’s “Bald headed demon” line. And apparently it was improvised which makes it so much funnier.
All in all, I loved this movie. I've seen it twice now and I can't wait to see it again.
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awholelottayeehaw · 1 year
Din vs Bo as a Leader
I've seen people say that Bo is the rightful ruler of Mandalore and owner of the darksaber and deserves to lead and I'm genuinely curious to hear from others as to why that is because I'm having a very hard time seeing that point of view. Semi-spoilerish for people who aren't up to date but I kept it vague enough to not be a problem I don't think.
Since CW and Rebels, Bo has continually made choices that negatively impact the people around her. She's a morally gray character who has a list of war crimes on her rep sheet that honestly makes some real life bad guys look green and it baffles me that people want her redemption to be easy. I'm not saying she should never be redeemed, I genuinely believe people should have the chance to turn over a new leaf cause being human is hard, but how she's acting and being treated in Mando feels like a middle finger to those her actions caused harm to. Like she can be sad about her sister all she wants but she willingly joined a terrorist group who spelt it out for her that they planned on publicly executing Satine and followed the orders of two Sith lords, and she didn't see that as a deal breaker. Being sad over that is like being upset that you got shot in the foot when you fired the gun yourself when you continue to make choices that negatively impact others. And this season alone Bo hasn't tried to be a leader to her people, she cared more about the title and the weapon it comes with than actual democracy. She wields it well, yes, but so did Sabine who taught her how and gave her the weapon despite not knowing how badly Bo has fucked up with it in the past. The moment the darksaber was in Din's hands and she lost her crew, she didn't try to scout Mandalore and find other Mandalorians to help her with her decades long failed plan. She didn't try to put any plans together with outside help to achieve her goal or even try to establish a new territory for her people to be safe on until they can find a way to make Mandalore a livable again. She was never an active leader, just someone who craved leadership and believed was owed it because of her birth right and that reflects in the selfish choices she's made while in a leadership position, which include harming Din and Paz. She didn't lead her people into the siege and trap that awaited them, Din did. He shouldered and strong armed his way through and was willingly going to sacrifice himself if it meant a safe planet for his people and foundling. And she wasn't the last out, Paz was, and for that his clan suffered major losses. She had focused more on weapons and supplies for her fleet and siege than the actual people who would help her achieve her goal, and not once has she discussed what she planned on doing once Mandalore was safe for all Mandalorians again. Reuniting and rebuilding isn't the same as establishing a political system that benefits the well being of her people with the promise of a stable economy, fair societal roles, establishing an intergalactic democracy to avoid what Nevarro went through, and combining the differing traditions/beliefs the remaining Mandalorians have to not favor one over the other and unintentionally cause a civil war. Each time she's gained leadership it's always met with mixed support, often not universally, and has led to her downfall three times now for a reason.
Just the same, I've seen people argue that Din doesn't want to lead/rule and isn't the kind of man who'd be a good leader and I strongly disagree. Since the first episode, Din established himself as a selfless character even if it irritated him to be accommodating. He still tried to compromise with the Jawas, didn't turn his back to Frog Lady needing a ride, was willingly going to sacrifice himself to a Krayt Dragon for people he had just met and entrusted with Grogu, went head first into every battle even for people who didn't deserve it (Ran's Crew), was everyone's Ride or Die at least once, became multilingual which was used more to keep the peace than to gain information on his quarries, and has united and mediated more unlikely foes to friends than anyone else in the SW universe. Even if his actions originated with a selfish need (gaining Boba's armor back for Mandalorians, exchanging his services for info on where Mandalorians/Jedi are for Grogu, etc) he still went above and beyond because it's the honorable and right thing to do and his compassion has earned him friendships across the galaxy and allyship on every planet he's visited whereas Bo can't get even her own people behind her without a legendary sword in her hand. You can't tell me all the people Din met on his journey WOULDN'T lay down their lives for him if he asked?? Paz already did despite Din's choice to rescue Grogu despite unintentionally causing a massacre because Paz recognized the selflessness behind Din's choice that carried over to Paz's own foundling and that is what gained his respect and allyship. Din hadn't asked for anything in return, and his own motive for moving the covert was so that their children could play in the sun and the future generations can flourish. I'm fairly certain even Sorgon would join forces whether it's to take care of Din if he had a bad head cold or taking back a whole planet for him. Same with Peli and her droids, Tusken Raider survivors, Freetown, Boba and his syndicates, Frog Lady and her hoard of warrior toddlers, Karga and the grateful people of Nevarro, Ahsoka, and Miggs Mayfield. We've made jokes about Din accidentally making friends all over the galaxy for a reason. He's so selfless that he never saw himself worthy of his Creed, of being Grogu's father, of being a leader when everyone else has told him otherwise. Din's view on leadership reflects his own self esteem wrecked by his cult and it would take everyone he's ever helped to make him see that he is the leader that the galaxy needs to reunite not just The Mandalorians, but all the people and their planets I mentioned. Leadership comes with a burden for Bo, but for Din, it comes with the strength and camaraderie Bo has only ever dreamed of having and that The Armorer overlooked because of her narrow, traditional views. And this is a side comment, but Din mastered riding the stubborn Blurgg after Kuill made fun of him for not being able to conquer it when Mandalorians rode Mythosaurs into battle. Din riding a Mythosaur would be a great call back to that and would gain more respect as a leader than just having the darksaber. In my opinion.
I genuinely hope Bo comes to these conclusions herself and recognizes that Din is more deserving of the role than anyone else and passes the darksaber back to him and helps him see his potential than just saving the day yet again from the very gun she shot everyone with. Redemption for her starts with letting go of the very thing that's plagued her her whole life and leadership is recognizing when you need more time before you can be the example people need to be the best versions of themselves. This isn't a Bo hate post or any stan post, this is a fan post who wants a fair redemption arc for Bo and a chance for Din to rise up to the best version of himself he's capable of being. So yes, I want to hear everyone's thoughts whether you agree or disagree that doesn't involve Bo being the rightful heir or wanting her redemption cause you like her as a character. I want to hear deeper reasons than surface level motives, cause as I said, your favorite hurting over the consequences of her decades long actions she never learns from isn't a good enough reason for her to lead or have the darksaber but I'm down for any other explanations people have regardless if you're a casual fan of the show or lifelong SW fans like myself.
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
Idk maybe I’m stupid but can someone explain it to me like I’m 5 years old how Hannah has enabled or how her audience has pushed TERF ideas or rhetoric? Because it’s the one place the dots are not connecting for me every single time this conversation gets rehashed. I think it’s fine to disagree with how she’s acted in all of this, but it feels like taking what could just be called shitty or annoying and turning it into a moral issue when it doesn’t really NEED to be one to claim she or her audience are acting like TERFs. I just would like to hear one explicit example of how this is the case. Because I just cannot see how it’s “TERF-y” for a woman who has spent years facing immense levels of misogyny to make the decision to distance herself from friends who potentially victimized another woman which looks extremely horrible on the surface, even if her decision was made suddenly and under pressure. Whether she regrets it or not is not relevant to it; it just feels like an extreme lack of empathy to take how she reacted while under a microscope to a situation that looked horrible at first glance and claim it’s her pushing harmful ideas. Especially when she deleted most of her original tweets about it anyways and has not spoken on it since. And I don’t even mean this as hate, I am just genuinely asking. Because I don’t necessarily love her distancing herself either, I just also don’t see the reason to keep harping on her about it or making it into some huge moral issue where she is in the wrong when it does not have to be one. And especially when other women involved from the sidelines have done the same or more than her. Sometimes we can just say behaviors are shitty or nasty and leave it at that.
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ehhh honestly that's not even a part of that ask that I was hard agreeing with and that's also just anons opinion, but also I myself wouldn't even go as far as to say "terf rhetoric enabler" (because I don't agree with that) but more so just concerned that she could be attracting a bad crowd in her fanbase unintentionally that some people wish she became more aware of.
last time i talked about this i was getting yelled at to hell and back and being purposefully misunderstood as claiming she was somehow creating a terf army in her fanbase which...let me be crystal fucking clear I AM NOT SAYING OR EVEN IMPLYING. Nor am I saying that her actions in response to the gogcident are somehow fueling terf ideologies. Not saying that at all and please don't think or claim I am saying that.
However, recently a decent amount of people have seen an increase in people in her fanbase (even some that she interacts pretty frequently with) start speaking using terf and specifically radfem phrases (notably during and right after the gogcident) which was raising some red flags for people who are either fans of hers or on the periphery. Now, I've said before that of course hannah probably does not know this and it's not her job to do a background check on everyone she follows on twitch and interacts with on twitter (that is just a ridiculous expectation). However, I think that when you speak a lot about feminist issues, etc. (all very important topics to discuss!) sometimes terfs and radfems just come into your community because they think you are all talking about the same things and have the same ideology. But, as your community grows and as that portion of your fanbase starts concerning people, I think it could be good for CCs to at least be aware of it. Personally, I have more issue with certain fans than with hannah herself but I do think some of her mods are shitty and she needs to stop it with the idea that "any friend of hers that makes a big mistake is no longer a friend" because that's just not going to hold up for very long in the real world.
As per her reaction to the george situation: yeah it was incredibly shitty and honestly I think she could have been fine waiting a bit before making responses because her quick jumps to conclusions (and shooting friendly fire at sylvee in the process) without talking to anyone involved first was a very foolish thing to do and disappointed a lot of people.
I feel like a broken record for constantly having to say this but I get that these female CCs want to do good by the women in the gaming space, i get it. But sometimes they make impactful mistakes and publicly react to situations poorly and I will say that about any cc who I think makes a poor call, guy or gal. I will always have empathy for people reacting badly to initial news dropping like this because I don't know what these people have gone through in their lives, but what I don't have as much empathy for is people immediately broadcasting their initial emotional thoughts all over twitter and then backpedaling when they realize they were being too extreme or emotional. I have criticized Dream for that, and I will criticize Hannah for that.
And you're right not everything needs to be a moral discussion! I don't really agree with people that are trying to heavily mix these two discussions because I honestly don't think they really coincide that much anyway.
I will never say her reaction is "terf-y" because it's just not. These are two separate discussions in my mind so to put them together in that way just isn't something I necessarily will agree with. And I've said this probably 10 times at this point, that I have never once said Hannah intentionally fueling terf/radfem rhetoric in her fanbase. I'm saying it's a somewhat inevitable byproduct of being a large female CC who speaks on feminism and misogyny on the internet. It happens to tiktokers, youtubers, other streamers, etc. This is not a hannah specific issue but people in the mcyt see it with some of her fans because she's simply just a larger female CC so of course her fans are more easy to spot. (same logic on a larger scale applies to the few bad apple dream stans that get the spotlight because of how popular dream is)
Hopefully this makes sense, it is nearly midnight for me right now so I am very tired but I wanted to answer this as thoroughly as I could because it's always an important distinction I want to make and I hate being misunderstood.
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llumimoon · 8 months
Pssst Cal in a dndads Voltron AU which teen do you think would control each lion? ,':) (yeah Hermie is included here lol there's 5 lions after all!)
Okay lets get the most obvious one to me out of the way, which is Link in the Yellow Lion. Like. First of all the fact that Yellow is A LEG and also Yellow representing kindness .... I think he really does support the team and grounds them in many aspects. Also Yellow is bulky like a dnd paladin LMAO it just makes the MOST sense to me? Yellow also being the color I associate with Link so maybe that gives me a slight bias lmaooo
The rest are. LESS clear to me. I HAVE already settled on an arrangement I'm more or less okay with but I could make a lot of arguments for alternative placements !! I will also admit maybe the places I settled on are a little color biased?
The Lions DO kind of have traits associated with each one except its. much less clear in some cases than others and I had to be a little flexible bc in my opinion NONE of the teens r like . smart enough for the Green Lion JWBECWUAGAHAA like they're all smart in their own ways and I do bend some rules a little to make their smarts work as an argument but I feel like Green is more book smart than anything which makes it difficult.
Uhmmm everyone else from here on out has at least two lions I could argue for and then I'll say which one I settled on? But like if you disagree thats totally fair LMAO like I said many assignments can be considered
Scary I mainly thought about the Black or Red Lion... There's the whole. Scary's the leader! Thing and also the idea of power corrupting... but also she can be pretty impulsive which is why I considered Red, also her tendency to have fire based magic mishaps LMAO I think Scary shows a lot of growth and inner reflection and also she has good insight on how the others seem to be feeling even if she doesn't always act on it or use it in the right way, so I could see that as the markings for the beginning of a Black Lion learning to be the leader type arc? Also to be honest shes the Main and practically Only contender for Black so she ends up getting it by default.
Hermie I think could be the Blue or Green Lion. I don't actually remember if they say IN THE SHOW what the Blue Lion stands for, but like. I've read so much Lance fanfic LMAO that to me it stands for Flexibility and what is Hermie if not flexible. Maybe too flexible? In the sense of. She will fill any role that is needed or given to her, like water will. I also thought Green bc to me Hermie is a character who is VERY in his head. Like they overthink to the point of looping back around to stupid again but also shes always playing mind games with other people. Hermie seems to always be one step ahead or at least is good at pretending they are. Also you can say the nature stuff is Hermie in his poison ivy era. Green is also pretty small and easy to damage which lines up with how fragile he is in a fight and maybe you could make an argument for the camouflage being like shapeshifting? idk. Anyways I decided on Green I think.
Normal I think I'm biased bc he's my fav and Lance was my old fav and I already made a post before about how I think they're similar and would get along and ANYWAYS LMAO I think its clear I gave him Blue. Something something, the legs being the support of the team something something water meaning flexibility but also ice can be stubbornness something something how I associate Normal (and lowkey the Doodler) with water (a whole nother thing to get into u can ask me to elaborate later) etc. I also played around with the idea of him in Red as Scary's right hand bc . shakes them . I think it could possibly fit but not as well? Fire isn't really Normals thing. I also briefly considered him for Black bc Normal is usually the one pushing the group towards a certain goal, but also his plans kind of never end up going through so I was like hmm not sure about that one. Blue I think is the best fit for him in the end which is why everyone else ended up where they did.
TAYLOR. Ok process of elimination you probably already figured out that I chose Red for him BUT I also considered Blue and Green. Green is fun bc you can play with his roughish abilities, like hiding and sneak attacks. His knowledge is more obscure facts and survival skills but I think it's enough to be a contender! I cannot explain the Blue stuff its all vibes in my head but trust me . I think also leaning into, Blue and Yellow are the legs that support and stabilize the team thing, Taylor is actually pretty good at keeping a cool head all things considered. Red, yes maybe slightly process of elimination but COME ON ITS BIG SWORD AND ALSO FIRE POWERS!!! Taylor would love that shit. Also going zoom zoom fast. Also the Red Lion is the second in command/right hand of the Black Lion and it just fits Taylor's protagonist vibes LMAO I think he usually is off doing is own thing which is also very Red Lion.
So to summarize: Scary Black, Taylor Red, Hermie Green, Link Yellow and Normal Blue.
Again I could totally see the justification for shuffling them around a bit but this is the assignments I settled on? The colors lining up is also nice I will not lie. I also could see an alternate universe where Normal is Red, Hermie Blue and Taylor Green, I think thats my second most favorable arrangement.
LMAO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE THIS SO LONG I'VE JUST THOUGHT A LOT ABOUT IT BEFORE. AS YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE. I take sorting my characters into categories VERY seriously 😤 enrichment for me.
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