#feel free to add!! i would love to see yalls favorites!!
sexydoffyman · 1 year
IT IS I…..
anyways ignoring my crazy ramblings,,,,,,,,
this time I have dropped on by to request some DRAMA AND TEA, maybe headcanons on ghost, soap, and konig fighting over the m!reader’s love
p1 p2 p3
genre: romance?
characters: Ghost, Soap, König
A/N: You may have just become my favorite requester.🦑
artist @ave661 check their stuff out, my fellow humans!
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Soap and Ghost definitely mock each other. Ghost saying, Soap is a Leprechaun. Soap just says, "Go brush your teeth." in the most British accent.
They are rivals. Both have the same goal.
The mockery is just a "play fight" since they know each other.
With König tho. When he joins the fight over your attention, all hell breaks loose.
He's tall and intimidating, and they don't know him.
Those two stop arguing so fast.
Now, they have a common enemy.
To be honest, any two of them would gladly team up to ruin the third ones attempt to get your attention.
Ghost and Soap would threaten König when they see him eyeing you.
It's not the "Don't touch him, he's mine!" kind of threat. It's the "I will haunt you and everyone you ever cared about down." kind of threat.
It progressed from mocking each other, embarrassing each other, pulling each other away from you to blood on their fists and faces.
They fought like damn animals.
Soap had his face obviously bruised.
Ghost had his balaclava slightly torn.
König broke some of his gear.
They were trying to rip each other to shreds.
All just to get your attention.
Not even Price could've stopped the fight.
They just tired each other out so much they passed out.
Their way of fighting lacked any morals.
Trying to poke each other's eyes out.
Breaking a couple of ribs along the way.
Price was not in the room when they passed out. There were just a couple of new recruits.
All of them didn't dare to get close to them when they saw how brutal they were.
When they got up, they were at each other's throats once again.
Not caring about the injuries they had.
The room cleared, with no one wanting to get caught up in the fight.
Soap was about to throw a punch at König but stopped.
Ghost took that chance, punching him to the ground.
He soon realized why Soap hesitated.
You ran up to the hurdle of tired soldiers.
They all loosened up, releasing anyone from their grip.
"Holy shit, ya'll fucked each other up!" You exclaimed.
Ghost's eyes filled with embarrassment. You could swear he was blushing under that mask.
Soap smiled at you awkwardly, hoping that you didn't lose interest in him because of his brutality.
Königs eyes softened. He felt so relaxed when you talked to them.
You bent down next to them, examining their wounds.
Soap and Ghost were just waiting for you to look at them with disgust. Meanwhile, König was admiring you.
"BUHAHAHA" You laughed at them. "What kind of disagreement made you fight like this?" You wondered giggling.
If only you knew.
The three of them looked behind you, seeing another dude look at you with a smirk.
There, it was decided.
They were gonna work together to make this dude piss his pants.
Now, you have scary dog privileges.
A/N: I can see myself writing p2 of this so feel free to request for this again.
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random-twst-things · 1 year
Question - of all the characters, who: doesn't know twst isn't a dating sim, knows it's not but aims for it anyway, knows and suffers, and doesn't know - just vibing? Feel free to add more categories
Oooh! That's an interesting concept. I had to think about this for a while bc I wanted this to be the most accurate I could make it. And I'm SO sorry this took so long, I got busy with school and first semester tests I'm so sorry 😭
Contains: Tiny(very tiny) bit of possessiveness(Malleus) angst(?)(idia, jamil, azul, cater, sebek) most certainly some spelling mistakes here and there (English is not my first language I'm srry 😭)
Doesn't know twst isn't a dating sim:
Riddle: Did you really think Riddle would even know what a dating sim is? Absolutely not, especially not with the way he grew up. He has no idea why he loves you (he does, he's just in denial) he's so shy trying to pursue you, he has this act he tries (tires) to put up but it's so easy to see the effect you have on him. He's not as strict on you about the rules as he is the rest, he seems to have developed a soft.
Trey: (I'm so sorry, I don't know much about the guy 😭) Gentleman. That's its. Ty for coming to my TED talk. Okay, but srsly, hear me out on this; He's a whole gentleman when he has a crush. He definitely uses his great baking skills to his advantage with you. He definitely sees how others look and act around you, I mean, who wouldn't when it comes to you. Wanna learn how to bake? He'll gladly teach you and take this as a chance to get to know you even more.
Ace(1): I honestly don't think he'd know twst isn't a dating sim. He's mosy definitely smug about being close to you, after all he is your best friend, right? Bro thinks he has rizz but he's just a fumbling mess when he tries it just makes him look clumsy (sorry ace)
Deuce: he's so sweet. He's glad he's one of your best friends and get to be close to you without worry. Part of his delinquent side does come out a little when it comes to you, it's not directed to you! Not at all! More like directed towards those who did you wrong and didn't even try to say sorry. Don't worry, he won't do anything to reckless! He still wants to be an honor student after all. He's gonna do his very best for his mom and you.
Ruggie: oui, he's hard to tell on what category. He likes you. He likes how you are. It never bothered him one bit that your home was semi broken. God, the things he would think and want to say to you (He's romantic like that yall), but he's too shy to actually say (yall he's making me blush eeeee)
Kalim: he's too busy hanging out and being happy with you he doesn't even notice. All he knows is that he loves you and wishes to show you the world (see what I did there? Eh? Eeeh?) He's not at all shy about the compliments he gives you, he's really creative with them, tho. Invites you to every single one of his parties and makes you take home as much food as you want.
Epel: He's going for you most definitely, even with all these people. He does his very best to look strong and manly in front of you, that it's cute. He doesn't really mind if you call him cute or pretty, if that's what you like, but he's still gonna act (only a little) like he hates it, but he never tells you to stop.
Floyd(1): Two words; good luck. This guy will not try to hide his favoritism with you. He will not hide his desire to steal you or keep you from the rest. His very (very) open about it, too. It doesn't even matter if he knew twst wasn't a dating sim. He's still gonna be the same. You don't mind his (bone crushing) hugs? He's allowed to squish you? ....you shouldn't have said that bc now every time he sees you he squeezes you so tight he cracks your sore muscles like those chiropractors on TikTok.
Jade: hmmmm (good luck, again) He's a gentleman, but in an offsetting way, yk? He's the silent one. The type to smile when provoked and just bc, it's hard to tell the difference but its there. He's a watcher. He knows almost all of your special interests (Don't ask how he knows that). Putting the creepy aura behind, he's a nice guy (?) He'll most definitely rant about his mushrooms to you. You don't mind? You like hearing about his mushrooms? Oh my.... good luck
Malleus(?): I feel like he does, but doesn't at the same time? I don't think he knows what a dating sim is, but he notices the way the others act and look at you. He notices the way things seem... different. But he isn't one to back down when something precious to him is to be taken away from him. He is a dragon, after all. (Not that he'd let that happen to begin with, you'll love him dearly in the end....won't you?) Talks to you about his gargoyles, all the different facts. You dont mind the long talks about it? Youre asking to know more?? Oh great sevens....
Silver: (AWWWWW) he's so sweet. He tries so hard to show he likes you but in such a subtle way that it's hard to catch on it even notice. He's a gentleman at heart. He loves how understanding you are of his sudden sleepiness and tiredness and don't get angry at him for something he can't control as much as he'd love to. You wanna watch over him while he sleeps? Why? Oh, so nothing harms him when he's asleep? Oh dear... His heart is beating so fast he might not even be able to sleep now (he does anyways, but with tinted cheeks)
Knows it's not but aims for it anyway:
Leona: he's the type of guy to somehow always know something you don't expect him to know. Anyways. The dude could care less if the game wasn't designed to be a dating sim. He's still going for it in his own way. Unlike the past, this is something he can't give up on. you're something he can't give up on. But oh, is this man so so smug when he uses you as a pillow.
Vil: it's either Rook told him or he figured it out on his own before Rook told him. Even if twst wasn't meant to be a dating sim with love, he will turn zero into something like he's always done. He will by any means do his utmost and his best to pursue you all while being himself. He cherishes the moments you have alone when he's giving you advice on how to take care of your skin. The small and soft lingering touches when he teaches you how to apply moisturizer correctly.
Rook: Okay, he's bound to find out twst isn't a dating sim. He's a sharp guy. Even with the knowledge of knowing twst isn't a dating sim, it isn't going to stop him from pursuing you. He himself finds this situation funny with how many hearts you've captured even with twst not supposedly being capable of that. Oh? How did you know he was watching you? You could feel him? Oh dear trickster you sure do know how to pull his heart strings.
Floyd(2): Good luck once again. I couldn't decide whether he knew or not. But! Same situation regardless. Instead, tho, he's a bit more.... more him? He's gonna find this all so much more hilarious and funny.
Lilia: This cheeky old man most definitely knows. He's seen dating Sims and knows what they are. Just bc twst isn't designed to be a dating sim doesn't mean he can't aim for it. He's not at all shy when it comes to pursuing you. He's been alive for hundreds of years, what's there to be afraid of?
Knows and suffers:
Cater: (I'm so sorry, I had to 1.0) cay-cay gonna slay-slay, more like cry-cry. I feel like he's a "2nd male lead syndrome" type of guy, yk?? It's a bit hard to explain, but yeah. Anyways. 2nd male lead, we all know how that ends, don't we? (Hint: tears) He's cautious when it comes to love, hes scared of it at times. He does know he loves you but he's going to watch you being happy instead. He wishes you the best, truly! (he hates the little feeling in his chest when he says those words bc his words and actions say their happy for you, but the little feeling in his chest says otherwise)
Azul: he loves you, he really does, but would you? He knows he isn't the ideal guy. He knows he's done some shady things. And most of all, he knows (thinks) that with all these suitable people for you, he'd never be considered a choice. So he's content with just watching you from afar living a happy life. Every time you enter the lounge he finds himself between wanting to hide away or catering to your every need but he knows that if he gets any closer to you it'll just hurt more in the future.
Jamil: He's a smart guy, he knows. He also knows that he doesn't stand a chance with all these suitors going after you. A prince, an heir, a model/actor, knights, etc. He'd like to think he did stand a chance, but standing next to them, he can't help but let his insecurities get the better of him. But, oh... when you offer to help him with his chores he can't help but think that maybe... Just maybe there's a chance.
Idia: he most definitely knows, I mean, look at the way they all look at you!! He knows and suffers with the thought that he'd never stand a chance. You're being pursued by all these SSR characters!!! Surely you'd never pick someone like him when you could do so much better. He'd stuff himself in his room even more (if that's even possible) He'd avoid you even with his tablet. Every time he rejects the offer when you invite him to play video games he hates himself even more. Stop giving him false hope... Please
Sebek: (I'm so sorry 2.0) Malleus. That's why. His master, he can't seem to accept that his master would aim for a human like you, but he's hurt. He doesn't know why he feels that way. He doesn't understand why his chest hurts when he sees malleus and you interacting in such a way. (He'll begin to understand after a while, WHILE) once he realizes why it hurts, he is distraught. He won't show it, but you can see the subtle changes in his composure every now and then. He knows he has to let you go. He feels as if he has lost you. Lost something that wasn't even his to begin with and never would have been.
Doesn't know and/or just vibes:
Crowley: Dudes clueless
Grimm: he's just confused as to why everyone is after his henchmen. He doesn't know what a dating sim is either.
Ace(2): he's having the time of his life seeing you struggle with all this. He has absolutely no idea why so many are after you, but he's just gonna watch as they all struggle. (He knows why they are after you, after all his best friend in kinda cool, but he'd never admit to that) also has a laugh with watching riddle try (don't tell riddle he said that tho)
Ruggie(2): another that's gonna have the time of his life with this. Laughing like the hyena he is, watching the struggle (especially Leona's struggle 💀)
Jack: He's just vibing. This whole situation is a mess, really. He watches out for you most of the time just in case. (*caugh* floyd *cough*) He's a bit worried for you ngl so he wants to teach you self defense just in case, if you already know how to handle yourself thats great! (*cough* floyd *cough)
He does know and tries to be supportive
Ortho: he knows. His brother told him in his ramblings, and he noticed that idia is thinking smth negative. He tries to encourage him in every possible way to just try, that there is a chance, but nothing seems to work.
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If you asked me which house in the synastry I would like to have, I would answer 11TH, without hesitation.
11TH is so fun, it's the house of friends, social events, technology, expansion, dreams... Why is it still so underrated?
People are dying to have the 8th and 12th house experiences. Why? I've had it, and I can tell you it's not fun at all.
8TH and 12TH experiences left me with wounds to this day that have not yet healed. I dream about the mf almost every day, it's not healthy and fun. The sexual part may seem like a tempting invitation, but I can assure you it's not worth it.
But anyway...
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What I love about this connection is the feeling of companionship, you two never run out of things to talk about, never get bored, and never stop gossiping. Always making fun of each other and picking on each other.
The 11th house is about expansion, Jupiter, masses... So when you share a planet with this person, everything intensifies. You may be complete opposites of each other, but that's what makes it work.
In my opinion, for a relationship to work, the couple has to be friends first. What's the point in sharing your life with someone if it's not to laugh?
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You probably met through mutual friends, or at a social event, or even at school. You felt like you could trust him. The type of person who will listen to your bad jokes.
The house here feels a Sagittarian energy, youthful and full of life. The opposite of the 8th house, where you feel angry and anxious. Here you feel free, you feel like you can be yourself around him.
The irony is that he can be completely stupid or even crazy. But you see him as charming, everything he does makes you smile. It's as if you were watching TV on your favorite channel. (Kind of Fiona and Shrek vibes).
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I also interpret the 11th as the house of secret passions. Like this: you think you know everyone in your circle of friends, but you discover years later that one of them was secretly in love with you.
It's the house of slow burn, friendzone, friends to lovers... Sometimes it's a little difficult to decipher if a person is really into you or if they just consider you as a friend. This is one of the dangers of this house.
One thing that piss me off about this position, is that sometimes you two are in love with each other, but neither of you makes the first move. Even all your friends knows about you two. Like, get up sis.
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If Venus falls in 11TH, there is a great chance of it being love at first sight. You feel comfortable around each other. Venus brings a feeling of acceptance and affection to the house. It's as if the house feels like it can trust her. The person of the house may begin to see the planet as a muse. He may start to speak highly of her to his friends, use her photo as a wallpaper, or even like to stalk her.
The funny thing is that the house is probably very shy in the presence of Venus. It's like he's seeing a goddess, and it kind of makes him nervous. Then he probably started making small gestures, all very subtle. You two will probably start dating out of nowhere. Your friends will not be shocked though.
You will probably realize that you are in love with each other, when out of nowhere you start living together or even having sex after a date with friends.
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Mars here is a funny thing. (I speak with property and experience). You two probably like to tease each other in front of others. That type of couple that picks on everything the other says. Makes fun of his clothes or his manner. Just for fun. Others may think you hate each other, but it's just a way to spice things up.
Y'all are probably that type of couple that likes to make each other jealous. You guys likes to pick on superficial things, slap eachother and even swear in public.
But it all adds up to hot and wild sex in the end, so it's worth it.
Sex can be a fun thing here. Yall might use sex toys, showing off in front of others, trying oils and music, you guys might even like threesomes. It all depends on the vibe. more likely to talk and moan during the act.
Sex here is a matter of trust and friendship. You guys like being together because you already know where you like to be touched, you know your tastes and desires. It's a complete recipe. You two are insatiable, full of life and lust.
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hi, would you happen to have general romantic headcanons for kaveh x alhaitham x reader? if you're not into throuples then just kaveh x reader!
Hey! Thank you so much for being my first asker! I actually love polyships and my favorite genshin ship is a poly ship so I don’t mind writing them at all. I also wrote some 18+ headcanons but didn't add them here bc they didn't fit the ask of "general romantic". If you would like them, feel free to send another ask :)
They will stay awake with you when you have to stay up all night on a project, helping you with reading, citations, or just doing their own work with you
Study dates, all the time. Kaveh brings little desserts for you guys during these and if either of you need books, Alhaitham will get up and get them for you before you even have the chance to move your chair
Alhaitham won’t say he made dinner for y’all, but he will tell you he has leftovers if you want them
Kaveh though makes enough food for an army, he shares his love this way and wants you two to know that. 
Kaveh makes the best cup of chai. He makes it for you and Alhaitham every morning with a kiss on the cheek
He also doodles on random papers, doesn't matter what. Alhaitham sometimes collects them and has a little scrapbook of random doodles you or Kaveh have drawn.
When festivals are in town, Kaveh wants the prizes from festival games (like plushies) and Alhaithem wins them effortlessly (with his big brain math skills)
Alhaitham is super overprotective. He will pull you close to his chest when he sees anyone talking to either of you.
After long nights of work, you and Kaveh rest on Alhaithem’s chest while he reads some kind of book aloud.
Kaveh runs hot, Alhaitham runs cold, being between the two of them is a weird yet relaxing combination
Kaveh is constantly touching one of yall, hugs, kisses, hand holding you name it while Alhaitham is quiet, more private, and patient and would rather do it in the comfort of anonymity (though everyone knows yall are dating)
Alhaitham buys you and Kaveh books he thinks you guys would like, just leaving them on your desk the next morning
I just see the three of you guys going on research trips in the desert whenever one of you guys needs information on an upcoming project or test. It is a mini vacation for yall and it’s really nice. 
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
sup yall we're vibing here
anyway. hey, my name's freddie, and i'm finally trying to write an actual intro/master post which... we'll see how this goes.
important stuff is highlighted in orange.
so, basic stuff:
as I said, my name's freddie. he/him pronouns. i'm a college student (majoring in accounting, might add a psych minor). not gonna say which college but i'm currently in california.
i've been on tumblr since 2019 i think? not under this account, this started as a fandom account and then spiralled out of control... really fast. um, my regular tumblr which i've not actually opened in ages is @chronicchthonic14 so. yeah.
not particularly relevant to this blog, but i might mention it at some point so, i have autism and adhd. and some other things but. like. that list is very long and those are the two most relevant because i promise if i come off wrong/mean, i didn't mean to, i just forget to make my words normal. but. those are the two most referenced. if for whatever reason someone wants to know more or has questions you can send an ask ig?
i'm scottish, born there. moved to US when I was four. finishing uni and moving back.
some quick warnings
this blog definitely contains cursing/vulgar language, whatever you want to call it, so if you're not comfortable with that, probably not the blog for you, as i don't tag cursing or anything for you to filter out.
if, for whatever reason, if i ever reblog something that contains a slur (against racial minorities, queer people, anything) i will ABSOLUTELY tag that though.
also if anyone has any trigger warnings they think any content needs, please let me know-- asks, dms, comments, reblogs
the cursing thing also applies for sort of dirty jokes? think that only applies to like. two posts and very not explicit. those aren't currently tagged but if they get any more explicit they certainly will be.
queer identity because the explicit reminded me, i'm asexual, and probably straight. maybe bi? dunno, don't particularly care. and i'm trans. ftm. this isn't the blog i talk about that on usually though, unless it relates to a specific ask or a fandom thing.
which, getting into what this blog is for because i can't think of anything else i need to add here (guys let me know if i forgot important stuff, please, i'm an idiot!!! i will forget the important stuff and write random shit instead!! i've already deleted three tangents from this!!)
fandoms!! ones i write and/or post about or will potentially post about
percy jackson extending to hoo, toa, tkc (definitely post way less about this), mcga (again, way less). haven't read TSATS or COTG yet, but spoilers are fine. i post way more about minor characters. write fanfiction for and have some posted (both on here and ao3) and a bunch of snippets.
dcu-- films, comics, animated shows, all of it. personally, my favorites are young justice (the comics, not show version), new teen titans, and batman inc (batgirls, nightwing, and red robin esp). late 90s yj run is my favorite, and i loved the DCeased event. favorite batman comic is definitely court of owls run. no fanfics posted, but some on docs.
mcu-- way less so, but have a stucky oneshot. slowly making my way through in timeline order.
throne of glass. i'm an aedion and chaol apologizer because they do a bunch of dumb shit but then WHO DOESN'T in this series. fanfics in doc, not posted.
this would go on for ages if i listed everything so instead, here's an ask i answered on my fandoms/genres and everything. feel free to send me asks about anyone. if you send me something about radium girls i may cry though (tears of joy) so there's your advanced warning.
main things you'll see on my blog are incorrect quotes, snippets, and the occasional fic
my... idk, contact policy? seriously what do i word this
asks are always open, anon is on.
if you send hate... whatever. i'll probably delete it.
unless i find it funny. then I'll post it. there's really little you could say to me that would hurt.
when i say asks are always open, you can drop anything you want.
literally anything
you need to vent? want advice? want to request headcanons? request a fic? give me a prompt? ask random things about me? something else I've forgotten? go right ahead
if you want to ask me to update my fics? go right ahead. sometimes i forget i didn't post something.
send as many asks as you want, i don't care if it might be spam
i can't promise i'll respond to asks in a timely manner, sometimes i open my inbox and forget they exist for months, i'm sorry. if it's something you really want answered you can send another one
dm's are alright? if you want to be friends or something, go right ahead.
anyone can reblog any of my posts/comment/heart, i don't care. you want to heart 50 things in a row? i adore you. if i had kids, you would get my firstborn
if we're mutuals you can ask for my insta/give me yours.
now, other accounts:
anyway, i think that's it?
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Halloween/Autumn Prompt List
Hi!!! Welcome to my mish mash of a writing prompt list!! 
NONE OF THESE PROMPTS ARE MINE!!! I took my favorites from other lists and compiled them all together. 
Feel free to request for whoever and feel free to add a plot or just send a name and a prompt!! Happy fall yall!! 
“You have a leaf in your hair.”
“You’re shivering.”
“Why don’t you take off that mask? I’d like to see your face.”
“You’re scared of that, really?”
“That’s your favorite candy? You have shit taste.”
“Promise not to laugh at me if I scream.”
“My friend abandoned me at this Halloween party and I don’t know anyone. But you look as miserable as I feel.”
“It says take one, love.”
“Well…you grabbed my hand first.”
“Oh, I see. Is someone a little scared?”
“I spent so long in the darkness I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
“Nice try. You’ll have to work harder to scare me.”
“I know you’re trying to be scary, but you’re just way too cute.”
“I couldn’t find a costume, so I just decided to go as your [partner/bf/gf].”
“You’re a scaredy cat.” / “I am not!”
“Boo!” / “You were scarier with the mask off.”
“What are you supposed to be?” / “It isn’t obvious?”
“Ew candy corn?” / “What? This candy is hated for no reason. It’s good!”
“That kind of scared me.” / “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
“Kill me now and put me out of my sugar-fueled misery.” / “I told you to slow down.”
“Come on, it’s just a haunted house! It’ll be like a walk in the park.” / “More like a walk through hell.”
“There’s literally one candle flickering mysteriously. In what universe would I go over there?” / “Is that…a no, then?”
“Oh no. You are not wearing the same costume as me! You can’t!” / “Well I did.”
“Ooh very scary!” / “That’s not part of the costume, dumbass.”
“You could have been a prince(ss).” / “Well, I wanted to be a(n) [insert costume] instead.”
“Who you gonna call?” / “Ghostbusters?”
“You look so stupid.” / “Well, that was the idea since I dressed as you.”
“What happened? Let me help you!” / “Relax, the blood is fake.”
“Carving pumpkins is a lot harder than it looks.” 
“The Frankenstein movie is an absolute insult to Mary Shelley’s novel! I can’t believe you would suggest we watch it!”
“I spent over an hour raking up all those leaves. If you jump in that pile, you’re dead to me.”
“You’re gonna have to work a lot harder if you want to come up with a Halloween prank that will actually scare me.”
“You haven’t really lived if you’ve never camped out in a graveyard on Halloween night.”
“It’s alright. It’s just another power outage.”
“Wait, you seriously don’t like pumpkin pie?”
“I love moments like this. Just curled up by the fire, listening to the rain.”
“The only thing I plan on doing this season is reading through the complete collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s works.”
"what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!"
"i really appreciate that you're getting into the halloween spirit, but it's ten in the morning. please turn off the slasher films so i can eat my breakfast in peace."
"ah, you've made the mistake in thinking that just because this is a couples/family costume that you get any kind of say in it. you don't, actually.”
"i love you, i swear i do, but we're not wearing matching costumes."
"you're like the toughest person i know! am i really supposed to believe that a horror film is enough to have you cowering into my lap?"
"come on, if there was ever a time for me to be superstitious it's definitely now."
Tailgating at football game
Baking a pumpkin pie
Visiting an apple orchard
Visiting a pumpkin patch
Carving a pumpkin
Making caramel apples
Corn Maze
Decorating for Halloween
Costume shopping
Buying couple costumes
Baking Halloween cookies
Haunted house
Watching a scary movie
Halloween photoshoot
Setting up a haunted house
Masquerade ball
Going trick-or-treating
Handing out candy
Telling scary stories
Halloween/Murder Mystery Party
comforting the scaredy cat amongst them
laying wide awake at night after watching a horror movie that left them unnerved
Cuddling under a blanket 
Lazy days in 
Flannel shirts 
Cold hands 
Steaming mugs 
Bear hugs 
Pillow forts 
Sharing blankets 
Log cabin 
Mischief Night 
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royalsnis · 4 months
When I first created my Insta post on Rusty hearts almost two years back, I wanted to give a try and make my own versions of these nasty caricatures of hers.
Although personally I wanted these girls to be as far removed from the OG source as I could get them. I wanted to actually incorporate them into my story and give them a permanent home where they wouldn't be used as fodder for this transphobe's gain. This is why they don't even appear as human as most of my ocs aren't. If I want to fully place them within my world, that would include changing other classifications as well.
While I did what I could that didn't stop Rusty from printing out my drawings and plastering them onto her wall and claiming it was "fanart."
Lucky for me, her Insta has since been removed (which she claims to have done herself but there's a change Insta removed it as well) and I no longer have to bare witness to that awful post with hundreds of redesigns Rusty pathetically slapped into her wall
But knowing all that hate art still haunts her room is still funny to me. She can delude herself all she wants, but the majority of the work she has placed, is from people who hate her. It's truly pathetic.
Anyways, here are my girls 💕
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(Tiffany is definitely my favorite- to add, the moss on her arm grows whenever she's stressed or anxious!)
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Here's a little about them! I have story ideas in the works for both Victoria and Tiffany, so they'll probably be the first girls yall see again on my page.
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Little extra because I still love how these two doodles in particular, came out.
There's a chance that Rusty will see this, delusionally print out the images, and plaster them on that poor wall of hers, but I don't care. She has no claim over these characters and after this post any new drawing of them won't be connected to Rusty or leasebound. 🫶
(Also to other leasebound haters out there, feel free to use the leaseboundremake tag! I'd love to have a place where all the artwork can go like on Insta!)
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allyftt · 2 years
A quiet night
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Hello! I hope you enjoy this little angst fic I wrote! Sorry for all the tears hehe- love yall ;D
The time hit 9:00 pm as you sat at the kitchen table, eating alone for what seemed to be the hundredth time this year. You had grown used to being alone all the time since your very busy partner always had to leave the comfort of your home to take yet another mission upon himself. You couldn’t blame him since he was the one who accepted the title “General mahamatra” once again after escaping the akademiya. He had been betrayed by the sage and the other Matras once, but a new sage was in charge now and Cyno could start over. He was just never home due to his work even on his free days. It never made you stop loving him and you never forced him to stay, but you would lie if you said that it was easy to live alone after you promised a forever together just two months before. 
Scooping up a piece of the food in front of you, you couldn’t help but cringe at the fact that it tasted bitter. Not only had the food turned cold but this was your favorite dish, so the factor of the bitter taste lingering in your mouth made you feel more depressed. You got up with a sigh and walked to the trashcan to throw away the last bit of food on your plate. When did your favorite food become this bitter? Did you forget to add seasoning or was it the fact that the kitchen felt so cold and empty without Cyno?
Walking to and fro from the table to your used to be shared bed had never felt so heavy as if a burden so heavy even the strongest warrior would waver. Everything felt so lonely and cold now that one more person was missing from the shared house, the furnished building felt like a foreign place and for once you felt so small in this abode. You could only find solace in the fact you got company from the evening breeze, wishing that the hug from the wind was from someone else. 
You changed out of your clothes and laid down in the same cold bed that you used to share with Cyno. The house was so quiet and you hated it. You hated being alone, you hated being stuck at home, and you hated the fact that he left with a kiss and never told you when he would be back. It wasn’t fair how he could just bring up his work in the middle of the dinner and just announce that he would be leaving and you had to accept it. Did he ever think about what you think or how you felt?
No of course he didn’t. Because being a General mahamatra meant that he had to be busy and away from you a lot. He was forbidden from putting his lover in front of his work. 
You turned around in bed and looked at the frame with a picture of you and Cyno. The memory of meeting Tighnari in Gandharva ville suddenly filled your thoughts. He insisted on taking a photo of Cyno and you as a memory for the future. Cyno had been camera shy at first but you managed to convince him to take one. He wrapped an arm around you and met your gaze as Tighnari snapped a photo. The fox looked at the photo surprised but smiled softly upon seeing his jackal friend’s soft gaze. His love for you was shown brightly through this picture, but that was before he returned to the akademiya and started working for the sage again. 
Tears fell down your eyes and you sighed deeply, putting it face down as you turned your back to the door and hugged yourself under the blanket. You looked out through the window at the moon that shone brightly in the sky and you couldn’t help but wonder if Cyno looked at the moon too and thought about you. 
Meanwhile, there was a certain general walking home tired. He had a jackal piece on his head and white silky hair flowing in the cold breeze. He held his golden spear tight in his hand as he entered Aaru village.
Not knowing if he ever told you, the proud general had wanted to make you remember that he would always come back at the end of the day. He had priorities and responsibilities for the people in Sumeru, but he wouldn’t hesitate when he saw you. His heart beats loudly whenever you’re near and it stopped whenever you’re not here. 
His way towards home was sort of unfamiliar, he hadn’t been home for at least a week now but he was eager to find you again. He was excited even to cuddle or share dinner with you again, the general mahamatra was every stoic around others, but with his lover, he was nothing but an obedient dog. His tired feet started to accelerate when he saw the house within his sight. 
The sound of the door unlocking caught your attention as you sat up in bed surprised. Could it be your lover who was finally back after a week? You threw the blanket off yourself as you hurried down to the door. The sight of your lovely partner made the ache in your heart disappear just for a while. It almost felt like you fell in love all over again every time he came home and took off that jackal piece. His gaze met yours as he smiled softly and placed the headpiece on a stool. He opened his arms and your eyes swelled up in tears as you ran to him and hugged him tightly. Cyno wrapped his strong arms around you, burying his nose into your hair. He took a deep breath and gave out a satisfied sigh. He was finally home with the person he loved. 
He heard your sobs against his chest, making his heart ache. Cyno was well aware of the loneliness and the pain he caused you every time he left the house. He stroked your hair calmly. “Don’t cry my ruby, I’m home now” he whispered against the top of your head. You couldn’t help but smile softly at how gentle he was with you. His gentle touches showed how much he missed you during the time he was gone and you could feel how sorry he was by the way he left small kisses on your head and didn’t plan on letting go. 
A chuckle escaped your lips as you wiped the tears away and nuzzled your face into his chest. “You idiot, it’s happy tears because I missed you so much..” you spoke up, wincing at the way your voice broke mid-sentence. He let go of you a little and lifted your head by two fingers under your chin. You looked into his crimson eyes for the first time in a while as he stared back into yours. How can someone, who dances in the sun with a vision at your side, be so in love with someone dark and mysterious like him? 
He wasn’t quite sure of the answer but he didn’t want to know either because it felt like he would lose you if he figured out the truth. Cyno leaned down closer to your face and closed the gap between the two of you. The taste of his sun-kissed lips felt like heaven to you as his arms wrapped around your waist. It has been too long since he felt the taste of your sweet lips and tonight was one of the rare moments he wished that he was a normal guy like all the students in the akademiya. The general mahamatra wished that he could stay home all day and wake up to your beautiful sleeping face every morning, but he couldn’t so moments like these when he was home were very rare. 
Cyno deepened the kiss, savoring every flavor he could taste on your lips. It was an addiction he never knew he had until tonight. You placed your hands on his cheeks and made some space between you two to catch your breath. A string of saliva was hanging between your lips and you both were panting. No one could be blind enough to not see the lust in his eyes at the moment and all you could do was giggle as you moved your hands to his hair. Cyno’s hands moved to hold your hips as you ran your hands through his white locks and untangled every knot that had been caused by the wind.
Your eyes wandered over every scar, every feature, every freckle on his face, and upper body as your hands slowly found their place on his shoulders. You met his eyes and whispered, “It’s too late my love. We got tomorrow too!” you smiled softly. His eyes softened more and if you looked closely you could see the heart-shaped irises in his crimson eyes. “I hope you know what day it is..” you teased a little bit, causing the male to tickle you a little and wrap you in his arms. His breath tickled your ear as he whispered, “How could I forget the beautiful day I decided to ask this breathtaking lady to be the love of my life?” he smiled against your ear, causing a blush to spread to the tip of your ears. 
“Such a tease, Cyno!” you rolled your eyes with a smile and he laughed as he planted one last kiss on your cheek. “Just for you my dove” was all he said before he lifted you into his arms and carried you to your shared bed that finally didn’t feel so empty anymore. He laid you down as he took off all the accessories and clothes he had these days, leaving only the shorts on. You snuggled down under the blanket and watched him change before walking to you and leaving a kiss on your forehead, “I’ll just go and shower quickly, I’m back soon” You nodded and he walked to the bathroom. The shower wasn’t longer than 5 minutes and when Cyno got back, you had already fallen asleep. He smiled softly as he removed the towel around his hips and put on new pair of underwear. Cyno made his way to the other side of the bed and laid down behind your carefully to not wake you up. The last thing he would want right now is to wake you up and risk you not being able to sleep again. He wrapped the same blanket you had over himself and felt the warmth coming from you, making his tense muscles finally relax. Cyno wrapped his arm around your hips and pulled you closer to him before leaving a kiss on your cheek with a soft “goodnight my love” whispered to your ear. 
The next morning came faster than anyone thought. The morning breeze came in from the window you left open last night which woke Cyno up pretty early. It wasn’t like he was forced to go somewhere but it was a habit to wake up early whenever he felt any disturbance in his sleep. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before looking at the time which read ‘5 am’. It was still too early to get out of bed, especially on his day off after weeks of staying in Sumeru city to help the sages and Lord kusanali. 
Suddenly feeling a movement under him made him look down only to see your sleeping face against his chest. You must’ve turned around during your sleep and were now nuzzling close to his chest. He smiled softly and leaned down to leave a kiss on your forehead making a smile creep up on your face. Cyno felt like he could lay here and stare at your face for hours, heck even days if he could. A buzz suddenly brought him back to reality, making him turn around to look at the akasha terminal on the nightstand. He couldn't believe it when he looked at the message that had been sent to him. They had a new mission and needed the general mahamatra to come in and work again. How could they be so selfish? It was not only his day off, but it was also the anniversary between him and you. Cyno knew how sad you would become if he left for work, but he couldn’t change anything right now. 
He struggled to get out of bed, in fear of waking you up and having to explain why he was leaving. He wouldn’t be able to bare the upset expression on your face when he told you that he had to leave. Cyno put on his work outfit before moving on to the accessories. He took the akasha from the nightstand, looking at it with so much hate until the point where his hand started to shake and he was ready to break the akasha in half. A sound came from the bed, making Cyno turn his head towards you with widened eyes. He feared that you were awake but when he saw you still sleeping he sighed in relief and decided to leave before it was too late. 
The sun rose to the sky, creating a beautiful day perfect for a celebration. Although the guilt in Cyno’s body did not agree with that sentiment, like a parasite eating him up from the inside he couldn’t help but worry. 
Sand ran through his toes like an ever-reminding fact that time was running out for his and his lover's special day. Making his way towards home had never felt this slow before and he had this urge in him to run, Cyno had hoped that he would make it home in time for at least a movie date. It may now be too late for a dinner date or fun at a restaurant, but it was never too late for movies. 
Or so he thought. 
When he arrived back home the sun had already fallen down and the moon's gentle embrace covered the whole ground of Teyvat. Hesitating to unlock the door that barricaded him from his lover, Cyno let out a sigh and started to make his way inside. His resolve to fix the celebration was stronger than his fear of an upset partner. Casting his eyes down he hoped to see a shadow or maybe even light, but he was met with nothing but darkness. Fear seized his heart as thousands of dangerous scenarios flashed through his mind, did you get kidnapped? Did you get hurt or worse, did you get killed on the date of your anniversary with him? 
His eyes finally went up and there on the kitchen table sat his dearest individual. Light from a candle caressed your face and a warm blanket draped over your shoulder, tears were evident and the red and puffy eyes were a bigger sign of an upset significant other. Cyno quickly tried to apologize and make some sort of apology, but never got the chance as a pillow was thrown at him. 
“Hey! What was that for?” The albino asked with a hint of hurt, he didn’t understand why you were so upset. Sure, today was a very important day, but more of them will come in later years. 
“Take a look at the clock,” You said “Just look!” Tears streamed even harder down your cheeks. You stared at his visible eye making its way toward the clock hanging by the wall of your lovely abode. 
23:59. Not even a movie night was salvageable at this point. The day was already ending, but as much as Cyno felt regret, he couldn’t share the sentiment for you had fallen for a matra, the general of Mahamatra. He had a duty and you should understand that he couldn’t be lenient towards his job, it was either the people of Sumeru or you. 
His duties were sadly just too important for him to abandon and he wanted you to understand. 
“My desert flower, please don’t be sad. We have next year to make up for this year.” He started with a whisper “I can’t just abandon the people of Sumeru, they need me-”
“And I don’t?!” You refuted with angry tears.
He swallowed hard at the sound of your broken voice ringing in his ears. “ That’s not what I meant my rub- ” he whispered but you spoke up before he could finish his sentence
“Well, that’s what it fucking sounds like Cyno” The way you said his name made his heart ache. He had heard his name million times but never hated the name so bad as when it came out of your mouth in moments like these. It had a sour taste in it and he hated it. 
“I have been supporting you ever since you came back to the akademiya and never said a word to you about how upset I am. You’re smart enough to realize it yourself but our relationship is slowly falling apart Cyno, I don’t want to live like this anymore.” You exclaimed, feelings of frustration gnawing at every inch of your body.
“I don’t want to wake up one day and never know when you will be back. Every mission you take is so dangerous, that is why the anniversary is so important to me. Now I see that this was one-sided. The worry and panic I feel are all for naught cause you don’t care” Strangely everything that left your mouth was eerily calm. 
His heart broke down at the words coming from your mouth. This must’ve been something you had been thinking about for a while. It wasn’t something that just came out of the blue and he knew you well enough to know that you always consider your words before you speak. This was his fault and he had no one else to blame for the emptiness than himself.
He looked at you with sorrowful eyes as you took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. “The people of Sumeru can be handled by Lord kusanali for one day, they won’t be dying if their general mahamatra isn’t there. Do you even realize what an easy target you are Cyno?” you crossed your arms and hot tears rolled down. 
His eyes widened at your words and he opened his mouth to say something but not a single word came out, not even a single sound that told you that you were wrong. You felt the pain overtake your body, making you look down at your feet and sob. “I knew I was right..”
He teared up after hearing your question to him and the constant nagging in his heart made him feel so sick to his stomach. 
“You’re wrong” he finally spoke up. You looked up at him and for a moment you hoped that he would say that you were wrong for assuming that he was all that naive. How could you be ever so wrong for assuming that? 
“The fact that I am naive is wrong, I’ve done this job before and I know what I am doing. People would die if I’m not present at the right time, all the people that have died at my hands are those who deserved judgment. You have to understand that I have no right to talk against anyone’s orders! Believe me that I never want to leave you… and I love you with my whole world and life my ruby..” he crossed his arms and looked at you. 
“ and there you go again, defending yourself with your “righteous ways”. Why don't you go and marry them if you love to work so much that not even a single day can be spent with the woman you promised to love until death do us part?” you pointed towards the door with tears rolling down your face. 
“You’re overreacting” was all he said before a deep silence filled the room. You turned to the chair and took the blanket before pushing the chair into the table. “Like I said there will be time for our anniversary next year. Maybe if you would’ve stayed in the akademiya you would see how busy and important it is to work there” 
Suddenly a voice came from the akasha as a man announced another mission in the desert this time. When the general had finished speaking he looked up just to be met by an empty kitchen. The candle had been blown out and darkness embraced him together with the sadness and anger in his chest. He turned around and saw you walking towards the shared bedroom. 
“So you’re going to give me the silent treatment? Fine! Then I might as well take the mission if you’re going to overreact like this.” he said irritated walking to the door. You mumbled something to yourself, Cyno with his keen hearing heard it and stopped at the heart of his tracks 
“Do whatever you want. You’re dead in my eyes”
He looked back towards you, but you were already in the room. It felt like someone stabbed him with a knife as he stepped out of the house and closed the door, locking it behind him. 
Cyno summoned his spear as he walked out to the ancient desert land. All your words were still fresh in his head and he couldn’t stop thinking about the last thing you said. He didn’t mean to cause such a big misunderstanding, he wanted you to understand that he had to be away. Yet, he only had himself to blame for your anger, he could’ve taken today off and spent the day with you. He could’ve declined the mission… He could’ve.
You were right and he hated it. Never had he heard you express how upset it made you feel when he left, you never stopped him from going either which made him feel relieved then, but now it only brought more salt to the open wounds that were left after tonight's argument. 
Because being alone in the dark and quiet desert only made the thoughts of the fight come back. There was no time to think about that right now he told himself and tried his best to focus on the road in front of him.
He arrived at the place of the mission and signaled the sage about his arrival. He took off the akasha and started looking around the place for any suspicious activity but found nothing more than an empty camp. The eremites must’ve left shortly and would be back soon so all he had to do was wait, but that’s exactly what he shouldn’t do right now. 
Cyno tried to scan every corner he could see, in case they were hiding and waiting for the right moment to attack him. Though he realized soon enough that this was highly impossible to do when all he could think about was you and the thick air that was left after your argument.
Suddenly there was a sound and a widening of red eyes. Cyno turned around— just in time to see an eremite behind him with a silver dagger plunge through Cyno’s back. For a moment, time seems to stop. Neither of them were moving from their place as the moment sank into both of their skulls. Did Cyno just lose his guard and let himself get stabbed by a lowlife eremite? 
The Eremite looked at the blade horrified, he couldn't believe that he had been able to sneak up on Cyno and stab him. The man seemed to have gotten back to his senses faster than Cyno and a grin formed on his lips. He yanked out the dagger and Cyno crumpled to the ground as the time hurtled back at full speed. 
“I finally got you General mahamatra. Here’s the judgment for all your sins. Now you die out here all alone” was all he said before he yanked accessories from Cyno that was worth something and ran away before Cyno could catch him. The mahamatra tried to get up again to walk home and seek help or to catch this damn eremite, but he couldn’t move a muscle. 
He turned around and lay on his back in the sand, looking up at the starry night as he slowly felt his body go cold. He couldn’t move his fingers or his legs and his head was spinning. Was this the destiny of the General mahamatra? This was how his life ended and he just had to accept it. 
A sudden thought of you appeared in his head, his feelings overflowing and so does his tears. He had left you sad at home probably thinking that he hated you. He regretted all choices he made tonight. He should’ve turned around and kissed you, he should’ve told you that he loved you, he should’ve hugged you and reassured you that everything was alright, but he didn’t and he would never be able to do it either. He would never see your beautiful face again and that breathtaking smile that always lit up his days. He would never be able to greet you with a kiss or ever tell you that he loved you. 
The corner of his lips turned up when his eye caught the sight of your favorite constellation in the sky. His body started to feel more numb and it was almost like his body had given up completely, but he wanted to see you one last time.
He heard his name being called from a distance but didn’t have the power to turn his head toward the voice. It did sound like your voice at first, but he must’ve imagined things. Why would you leave your safe home to come and look for him? 
Though he did want to hear your voice one last time tonight. You could tell him how much you hated him, how selfish he was, or that you loved him. Whatever was fine with him, he just wanted to hear your voice. 
Your face appeared in front of his and he looked weakly into your eyes with his smile growing wider. Was he hallucinating right now?
You scratched your knees in the hard sand but didn’t care. What was more important was that the one you had sworn to love all your life lay in front of you and was minutes from dying. You were crying and he hated it, “Cyno, What happened to you?” you asked him. He stayed quiet at first, admiring your beautiful eyes because he didn’t want to reveal the truth that he had been stabbed, but he couldn’t lie to you.
Cyno raised his hand to your cheek and caressed it. “ I lost focus and got stabbed..” he whispered. Eyes started scanning his body, looking for the stab wound to be able to put pressure on it. He understood what you were doing and took your hand in his, caressing it. “There’s no point in putting pressure on it. It’s on my back.. just let me see your beautiful face and smile my dessert flower” 
You gritted your teeth and tried your best to keep the tears from flooding. “You’ll be alright Cyno. You got to stay with me.. I can’t lose you!” you begged, but you knew as much as him that his time was now cut short in Teyvat and he would be a part of Celestia.
One thing Cyno knows, better than almost anyone, is how to spot a lie and he knows that you were lying, every single time you told him that things were going to be alright, he just knew. But he was too tired to think about that right now. All he wanted to do was stay here, breathing in the smell of the cold night and your perfume while you carefully card fingers through his hair. 
You lifted his upper body into your embrace, wiped your tears, and moved his hair from his face. He looked up with tears in his eyes and you could hear how he struggled to breathe. 
“I’m sorry.. I should’ve considered your feelings before my selfish ones. I thought that I could finish my missions and then have all time in the world for you, but I couldn’t and I’m sorry for that” he whispered. 
“I forgive you Cyno.. please stop talking and stay with me..” you sobbed. Your gazes met and it was like he fell in love all over again. He wiped some of the tears that had rolled down your cheeks. 
The world around him started to fade, and even the pain didn’t seem so bad anymore. He felt like he was drifting, far away. It was so hard to hold on with the last of his strength bleeding out from his broken grasp…so hard to keep his eyes open…
“My ruby, Could you do something for me?” he mumbled. Your chest clenched at the sound of his weak voice, but you nodded either way. “Of course, anything for you Cyno..” 
He smiled softly and tilted his head towards your chest to feel your warmth one last time. “Could you smile for me..? I want to see that beautiful smile you always have whenever I see you..”
You looked at him surprised for a moment before taking a shaky breath. One selfish side of you didn’t want to fulfill that wish because you believed that he would make it alive… he had to, but the other side wanted to do what he asked to. He suddenly tilted his head to look up at you since you never gave him an answer. 
You met his gaze and caressed his cheek with a weak smile. Even if your lips were trembling a lot, you still managed to keep a big enough smile to make your lover smile back at you. He seemed satisfied and it made you happy. 
The world around him faded, and even the pain didn’t seem so bad anymore…he felt like he was drifting, far away. It’s so hard to hold on now, with the last of his strength bleeding out from his broken grasp…so hard to keep his eyes open…
He exhales, and his eyes slip shut, and everything fades until there is nothing left at all.
As the moon was up, many stars created beautiful constellations and a new star found its place somewhere in your favorite constellation. 
Bye bye my small butterflies ;D
Like, comments and reposts are much appriciated!!
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mangogator · 6 months
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hey myst fandom its me! back with some art!
this is a concept that literally will never happen (and only appeals to me) but for a while i’ve been thinking of a myst x sky cotl collab season called season of ages!!! above are a few concept designs for cosmetics can you tell exile is my favorite game in the series
click on the read more to see disorganized ramblings and the uncropped drawing!
SO its a very loose concept with very scattered ideas so far (and if you are both a sky and myst enjoyer PLEASE feel free to add ideas and also be my friend?????) and im sadly not super well versed in myst lore so this is going to be VERY surface level
a VERY basic concept of the season would be collecting pages across the realms to restore linking books, but this feels kinda boring. i’m also not sure how the spirits would relate to the myst characters, if there even would be spirits? and should each realm have a new area in it that resembles an age in one of the games that gradually get unlocked as the player completes quests? i have no idea!!! idk about yall but i would LOVE to fly around myst island
i know for sure that an ultimate gift/iap cosmetic would be a linking book. what i’m undecided on is if the player would just get one book that would allow them to link to a chosen area (it would be a wearable cosmetic, kinda like the art book), or would completing the season unlock a special place in vault of knowledge that gives the player access to multiple linking books? if it were an iap cosmetic (like all collab seasons have), it could be a linking book to a room of linking books? idk
i really want to be able to pay homage to all of the myst games by incorporating at least one element from each game (ie a whole age, an object in an age, a cosmetic that resembles something a character wears, etc etc). i also really want there to still be a puzzle element , but like. super easy puzzles. people play sky to chill, not be frustrated hdkshsskkh
the spirit guide will be atrus i will not budge on this
tgc and cyan. collab when
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azusaluvclub · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely adore your writing! Every single thing I read on your blog is just *chefs kiss* 😍
I was wondering if you have any particular hcs about Myles Joo and Dongha Baek you're willing to share? 👀 Also Wolf. Always starved for more Wolf content. Only if you feel like it obv ")
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hello !!! thank you to both anons for these asks ! i decided to do them both in the same post since it was easier this way lol, hope it's okay- honestly thanks for giving me an excuse to write more myles content (even though yall probably shouldn't allow me this much power), lord knows i needed it :D
anyways, hope you both enjoy !!! this was fun to answer lol
weak hero headcanons; myles, dongha + wolf
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myles joo / joo seungjin
⋆ used to be star player on his middle school basketball team ! grew up playing with his big bro and made the team in his first year. was really good at it too. loved being on the court, and winning itself, of course. near the end of his second-year, though, a teammate started a fight with him which resulted in him getting kicked from the team
⋆ still likes to shoot hoops in his free time; it's relaxing for him, honestly. thought about joining the high school team but he didn't have time for it and the union. even though he does now, he still feels like something's holding him back from pursuing it
⋆ not a crazy cat person like teddy, but has a soft spot for the strays in his neighborhood they like him, surprisingly lol. can't leave them food since he lives in an apartment, but carries a few treats in his pocket for ones he sees~ there's a black cat who really likes him that's been around for a year now; secretly wants to keep him, but he can't see it going over well with his dad :,)
⋆ not a headcanon so much as my opinion, but would totallyyy suit an eyebrow piercing (because somebody needs to compete with donald lol). gave himself one in middle school, but it got infected after his face got fucked up in a fight and he had to remove it. thought about redoing it, then realized it wasn't safe to have with all the fights he gets into-
⋆ including the black one he always wears, he has a big snapback + baseball cap collection ! his favorites are displayed proudly on his wall, the rest boxed up in the closet
⋆ his hair looks like that because he cuts it at home. had one too many bad barbershop experiences and now he doesn't trust them, but his own skills are... subpar at best :,)
baek dongha
⋆ dongha is the type of mf who refuses to wear shorts- no matter what. it could be 900° and he will still wear pants, only because he hates how his legs look and feel in shorts. would sleep in them if he wasn't normal lol
⋆ dongha has known seongmok since childhood, even before they became friends. truth be told, dongha was a nasty little kid, so he didn't hang out with a lot of people. but seongmok (who was very quiet even back then !) started following him around one day and dongha, who tried to scare him off at first lol, soon realized he really liked having someone by his side :)
⋆ i know he smokes cigs in canon, but imo he's more of a vaper than anything. def one of those people who has 500 vapes and has to hit one every 2 minutes before suffering withdrawals- only elf bars, only fruity flavors
⋆ got this idea from an ask, but he lives with his grandma and has since middle school ! he's in a weird, defiant time in his life so he's not as close with her as she wants, but she loves him just the same~
⋆ to add onto this, when he isn't at his grandma's, dongha's couch-crashing at seongmok's house- he's a lot closer to his family and they've basically adopted him, lol. it's not that he feels excluded at his grandma's, but she wasn't present for a lot of his life up until moving in with her. so, for now, seongmok's place is his true "home"
⋆ avid video gamer, lol- he likes doing multiplayer ones with seongmok or hitting up the arcade for some Tekken, but he's really into anything. keeps some gacha games on his phone for when class is too boring, but he usually regrets the money he spends on them :,)
wolf keum / keum seongje
⋆ surprisingly smart ! doesn't take school seriously, so much as it comes easy to him? + ganghak isn't an idiot cesspool like some of the other schools, so he didn't get in on connections or money alone- he's not a fan of studying or showing up to all his classes, but he manages to make consistent As and Bs and, if his attendance were any better, he'd be an almost perfect student !
⋆ doesn't have much for hobbies lol. its not like his life revolved around the union, but he's never really stuck with one thing. you could say his hobby is fighting, but i think he used to be a bit of a bookworm~
⋆ loved books about mystery/crime and detective-type novels that he could solve himself; he was a bit of a nerdy kid :,) he still enjoys media of that genre but doesn't read as much as he used to. if anything it benefitted him, since he was able to figure out jared's plan pretty easy
⋆ whether he says it or not, he considers hwangmo a good friend. i imagine they went to elementary school together where social-butterfly hwangmo tried to befriend him, though seongje wasn't too interested lol- didn't even remember hwangmo until he asked seongje about it
⋆ but out of all his lackeys, he's the only one who actually respects him and sticks by his side, and has a brain on his shoulders lol- so seongje respects him, too :) sometimes gives hwangmo extra from their funds like a raise lol, buys him a snack/drink after meetings, or offers him smokes; hwangmo thinks they could be friends someday, once this union stuff blows over
⋆ ik a lot of people subscribe to "homophobic gay wolf" but i honestly think he wouldn't care that much- his sexuality isn't anybody else's business, or something he even cares about. he likes who he likes, though he doesn't really like anyone... :,)
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ysmyllove · 2 years
hey! welcome to my blog :) my name is yasmin!
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alright, let's do this.
me, myself, and i ☙
I’ve known about shifting for 3 years and I’ve known about manifesting for about 2 years. I haven’t shifted yet, sadly but I’m not gonna give up because all those years would go down the drain and I wanna meet everyone :’) and i have not yet reached the void but it will happen !! I also love reading books and watching movies so if you have any recommendations you can tell me !!, also my birthday is may 2nd.
If you couldn’t already tell I’m just a tiny bit obsessed with one direction. lol.
i'm a desi girl! (punjabi women are so pretty tbh 💕)
i can speak punjabi i just sound weird tho lol, but i cannot read it.
about my blog
on my blog you’ll see updates about my manifesting and shifting attempts/experiences, and some one direction stuff, mostly Harry because that’s just my for you at this point. 😋 also feel free to ask questions if you have any!
what i like
one direction
vinyl records
movies & tv shows
dressing up
skincare stuff
i'm madly in love with harry if yall didn't know... (i think im a louis or zayn girl tho, lwk obsessed with niall in like a sibling way tho if ykwim)
music like thats not already obvious ANYWAYS
humor (i never know if its humour or humor..)
and more, i cant think rn!! lmfao
im in the process of making a masterlist rn, my apologies...
in the making ~ posts
my masterlist
my drs
things i'm manifesting
my favorite blogs
@fleurlx (I LOVE FLEUR SM)
also @konniesreality, (she seems really nice tbh)
and a lot more, like i said i just cant think right now
i'll probably update this intro from time to time because i gotta add a lot of stuff, like my masterlist.
all the love, ys
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namorslutfanfiction · 2 years
how does it feel to be one of the few carrying the namor/reader tag on tumblr rn like BABES your fics (esp the smut!!!!) fr got me curling my toes, feeling butterflies, putting my phone down to think!! you’re a great writer, and i love that you’re out here just feeding the tenoch hive these amazing written works–thank you 🫶🫶🫶
alsooo, i’m hoping that you feel better soon and that you’re staying dry there in california! here’s some fun questions i have for you (you can answer any or all or none!):
1) favorite food or dish?
2) is there a role or genre of movie you’d like to see Tenoch in? (for example, i’d love to see him play a cowboy or be in a modern western)
3) if Namor had to attend some event on the surface, like a UN meeting, what do you think he’d wear? feel free to add photo examples!
Oh wow this really made me blush. I'm happy I can feed the Fandom and enjoy it all with you. Writing these fics us as therapeutic to me as it is for yall to read them. I wish I could write faster sometimes.
I'm doing better today. Just focusing on myself and re-centering. It's flooding in my town right now so I'm stuck at home but I think that's good for me. I can focus on cleaning my space and hopefully get some writing or recreational reading done later.
Response to your cute questions:
1. I am such a foodie. Butter chicken has a special place in my heart as well as penang curry, chicken adobo, and japchae. I also love brownies to an unhealthy amount. Lol
2. I'd love to see Tenoch play a CEO or rich business man role in like an enemies to lovers romance. Maybe I watch too many kdramas but I feel like we would get so much swoonworthy content. Also anything with him as a really passionate and talented chef or something. Seeing him light up and gush over something he's passionate about is always satisfying.
3. I feel like he for sure would still wear as much of his jewelry as possible. Forego the headdress. I used to do costume design so now I'm like 4 pages deep on pinterest dining reference photos. But he would either do a solid, bold suit with his jewelry or forgo the jewelry and wear a suit with some type of gold accenting or design. I also like the idea of incorporating a one shoulder cape design, since he's worn that before.
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Thank you for the fun questions. They were a great distraction.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
the attitude towards tae needs to be fucking studied at this point, the way people are not willing to be at all understanding is super weird, talking all the time about how much he changed as if he isn't an actual person allowed to change and grow, also while smoking is not a good thing, it is also not our place to make decision for any of the members, they are grown adults who know the risks and the consequences of their actions, I understand being disappointed but tae does not actively freaking promote smoking, he's not telling anyone to do it, in fact the way people even got this info is because of a breach in his privacy, otherwise we would never know, and dating isn't a scandal, yall sound so fucking corny saying that, the reaction of the fans is not on tae, why should he limit himself because people can't accept that idols are human and are allowed to do things adults do, it shouldn't be on tae to change but on people sending hate and death threats over a dating rumor and smoking
bts are human, a lot of fans say they want them to be honest with us and to be real but when they show they do normal adult things, fans flip the switch, it's annoying as hell
Adding your part 2. forgot to add, literally when has tae been rude to his fans that people shit on him so much or is it just that people are mad cus he doesn't do what people want him to do, he has shown his love for fans time and again but nothing is enough for some, none of the bts members owe anyone every single second of their life but some people still feel entitled to it and then get mad when they don't get that
Hi anon!
Oh, it’s crazy and unfair. People are talking about BTS having more freedom, but once one of them actually shows some individualism all hell breaks loose. Standards are so high for artists in general, but for idols they are actually not normal.
It’s never easy to see one of your favorites make choices you don’t agree with, or take an artistic route that isn’t your taste. But eventually everyone has the right to do as they choose. Artists don’t have to behave according to what their fandoms want and expect of them. Fandoms either choose to stay or leave.. that’s literally it. It’s all about freedom. I’m glad Tae found some freedom, I feel other members have too. Be glad that after having worked so hard for years they get to be somewhat free, but also be aware that it’s just a tiny sliver of freedom still. What Tae does is nothing grand or spectacular. He is not rude for speaking up against fans who are rude themselves.
All good points anon!
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music tag game
Tagged by @1roentgen hiii Ollie <3<3
>first 10 tracks from my music shuffled and (maybe) 10 people tagged
I'll add a little tidbit abt the song for propaganda purposes and also I just want to
1. Chlorophorm Girl - Polkadot cadaver
Obsessed w this song atm. I play it a genuinely unhealthy amount. Little ballad from the pov of a guy keeping a girl in his basement! Always fun
2. This is Love - Air Traffic Controller
Yet another song I have a totally normal relationship with! Something abt it is so hypnotic. About an abusive relationship though so beware
3. For the Departed - Shayfer James
Shayfer is genuinely one of my favorite artists and one of the few I can say sounds even better live. Every one of his songs is amazing but this is one of the best. God this song is so good
4. Something Wicked (That Way Went) - vernian process
What can I say Im a sucker for a song w calliope
5. Terry's Taxidermy - Teddy Hyde
This song uses knife sharpening and "skin" ripping noises as percussion. And has a jazz band. This song rules no further questions. Also its abt a dude taxidermying himself and that goes about as well as you'd expect
6. Knives are Dangerous, Kid, So Cut The Theatrics - Jhariah
Wouldn't it be fucked up if the guy you hitchhiked a ride from and intended to kill... also intended to kill you? Yeah haha would that be fucked up or what. Anyway jharia goes so hard always and I'm such a sucker for a story song, if that wasn't immensely obvious. In my top 10 songs rn for sure
7. Estate Sale Sign - Mountain Goats
Truly a quintessential TMG song. I love when John gets to really let out that energy he has while singing the dude always sounds like he's fucking exploding with it when he sings. Every martyr in this jungle is gonna get his wish. Truly what else is there to say I'm not to patiently waiting for next week when I get to see them again!!!
8. Indecisive - Spill Tab ft Tommy Genesis
Found her through my roomate taking me to a Gus Dapperton concert but she's rad. A lot more poppy than I normally go for but this chorus was so fun esp live
9. Red Signal - The Mechanisms
Who doesn't love an ancient incantation. And also the imminent destruction of the fabric of the universe for the select few people (who also happen to be characters of greek mythology. Mechs got Layers dont worry abt it) on this train. This can barely be called a song as it is mostly chanting and spoken word but it may just be my most repeated mechanisms one.
10. Sub-Partical Supercollider - The Glorious Veins
GOD. I love science. And songs about science. And stupidly expensive failures. Anyone who has talked to me recently has realized I am very interested in the superconducting supercollider and while this song is about a different partial accelerator entirely I- ok I've lost everyone reading but this is Pique rock song abt stupid science stuff I promise. Just genuinely a good tune
I'm not gonna tag so if yall wanna do it feel free to say I tagged you !
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sapphicdib · 3 years
otgw (pinescone) fic recs
hi !! so i’ve seen some ppl have had some trouble finding otgw fanfics, so i wanted to post some of my favs!! unfortunately these are all pinescone so if that isn’t want ur looking for im sorry </3 i know that my fav authors listed below have some strictly otgw fics, and if you go looking in the tag yourself i suggest u use the “exclude tags” very liberally!! (trust me. i exclude all bill/dipper fics in the tag and my life is infinitely better for it)
My favorite authors are SylWritesStuff , skimmingthesurface, and colorfullyminded! If you wanna just peruse around there and not have to read my nonsensical ramblings, their profiles are linked here! I totally encourage you to check them all out theyre super talented!
anyways, without further ado, here are my stupid lil fic recs!! i’ve provided a quick (bad) summary beside them and put a 🔞 emoji beside the ones that have explicit content
Will “Cook” for Food
THIS IS MY ALL TIME FAV FIC. teacher wirt, author dipper, mabel and greg are amazing siblings! agh! also wirts students make fun of him. there is explicit content but any smut from SylWritesStuff and skimmingthesurface is the sweetest, most loving, trusting shit ive ever read. the fact that the authors got this 11 chapter masterpiece from a silly little tumblr writing prompt is amazing. anyways the prompt was “sorry i set the fire alarm in our building off again for the forty-eighth time i was trying to cook” 🔞
Schooltown Follies
the boys r sleepy. it’s super cute!! i won’t give anything else away :3
Not a Writer
dipper is hiding something from wirt…but the entire story is just so sweet </3 it broke my heart and then fixed it  (smut at end) 🔞
Sinking Feelings
even tho the boys are a little ooc it’s still a fun fic, ford is a dick and wirt tries to prove himself he’s worthy of being dipper’s boyfriend, whatever it takes
Felis Domesticus
wirt is allergic to cats, unfortunately hes also allergic to telling dipper no <3
Christmas in the Mountains
christmas road trip! i don’t know why it’s marked as having adult content, as far as i’m concerned it doesn’t unless you count smooches?
Swear Jar
this one is ADORABLEEEE, a cute little college au!
my only exception to not having bill/dipper filtered out...even tho it isnt really billdip? how do i explain this...well the tags use “really strange threesome” and i dont know any better advertisement for a fic than that!  🔞
dipper is the star of the baseball team and wirt may not know jack shit about baseball, he DOES know that dipper is very hot  🔞
Broken Arms and Baseball
okay so this is basically smitten’s sfw cousin, and wirt’s stubbornness is ADORABLE! greg is such a good sibling too, so is mabel, AGH I JUST LOVE THEM
This is definitely NOT an exhaustive list, these are just the ones I had on hand/had bookmarked/changed my life (looking at you, Will Cook For Food). there are TONS more in the tag that i just simply havent had time to read (i’m really interested in reading the DemonicBae universe fics over the holidays), and so I hope you guys will find one that you like too!! and hell, if you have your OWN recommendations, feel free to reblog this post with them! or send me an ask! hell, if you want me to read YOUR fic just send it to me and i TOTALLY will! i promise you i can never have too much pinescone!!
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minhyungsluvr · 2 years
Renjun As A Boyfriend
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Is the most patient boyfriend ever
He’s patient in everything that has to do with you. Doesn’t mind that it takes you thirty minutes to decide where to eat, even if he is starving. Does not care that you’re up at ungodly hours finishing an assignment you forgot you had because he’s up with you offering snacks and water just so you don’t have to be alone. He’s crazy about you and it shows in how much you get away with compared to others, cause he’d never let anyone else get in the way of his sleep like you do. 
He’s extremely considerate
I think everybody want a s/o that's always thinking about them and putting them first. He's balanced with it, he's like a mom and a boyfriend in one. It could be late at night, he could be dead tired, but as soon as he hears your stomach growl he's putting on his shoes and jacket asking where you want to eat. Or if you text him about how you didn't have a good day, he's coming home with your favorite flowers and food. Like he's just always thinking about you in everything he does.
Such a good listener
I feel like this could be included in the other two points, but it really needs its own paragraph. You could talk for hours on end, and he'd be able to tell you everything you talked about. Sometimes you'll be talking then stop because you feel like he's not listening, but as soon as ou do he's looking at you like you're crazy. "Why'd you stop, love?" When he's on tour he'll call and ask you to talk him to sleep cause he just loves the sound of your voice.
Cutest date planner
Have you seen the way he dresses?!? He has such a soft aesthetic that I know he'd plan the cutest dates for yall. He takes date night so serious. He'd text a month in advance to make sure you're free that day. Your date lasts all day. It starts with breakfast at your favorite downtown cafe, then you go to a pottery class. And the day ends at an art museum. I think he'd be the boyfriend that asks strangers to take pictures of the two of you for him. He never has a consistent home screen or lock screen cause with every date it changes.
Light PDA
I always head canon him not being big on pda but I also head canon him being a bit possessive. He's the type to see you talking to someone for too long then walk up and hold you hand. Drop a pet name or two. Just do everything in his power to subtly make sure the person knows your in a relationship. If you ever visit him when he's been on tour for a while, it's the most touchy he'll ever be in front of the members. He's keeping his arm wrapped around your waist and face nuzzled into your neck. He's also a hand kisser, but that's a story for another day.
He's always staring at you
Anytime you look up he's already looking at you. The type of boyfriend to lean down into your face because 'he can't hear you' all while looking you dead in the with a dopey grin. When its just the two of you hanging out all you feel is his eyes on you. He's literal heart eyes. If you're an idol as well there would be so many compilations of him staring at you with a growing smile. He's so in love and it shows in the way he looks at you.
He is a sweet talker
It's almost embarrassing how he knows exactly what to do to get you to fold. He looks at you with the puppy eyes and small pout and is like "I know you said you were too tired to go out but this new book store opens up, so can we please go dear?" Next thing you know you're walking out the door hand in hand on your way to go buy some books. He already calls you nicknames, but when he wants something he'll say the pet name with a certain tone, and he'll add a touch to your waist. All of a sudden your doing whatever he wants.
He is a sucker for domesticity
He just seems like the type of really enjoy building a home with someone. He knows that with his job it'll be a while before he's able to start a family or even get married. But he's more than content with being there in the morning with you while you pour yourself tea in the mug he mad you at the pottery class. He's so happy that he's able to call you any time of the day and be able to talk to you about anything. He's fine with knowing that despite fighting hours earlier, you'll be home waiting for ready to exchange apologies.
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