#feel free to send me another prompt tho!! :)
djsadbean · 11 months
#19 for the ask game!!
how do they silently express love because they are so cute I cannot do this I am GOING TO COMBUST
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
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adam flies like 5 cities over to buy new teas for steven every month so he feels very cozy :D steven thinks hes just getting them at the store lol (yes adam has sleeves this time! its october rn in my mind for them!! u know how fionna's world existed in simon's head? theyre in MY head)
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i strongly hc adam has night time anxiety and needs nice smoothing stimulation to go to sleep (not projecting, why would i need asmr to sleep? oh btw i added my asmr recs playlist in my pinned post :3) anyway, steven whispers his lecture notes for the next day and combs adams hair and down his back and arms like a massage but its mostly just combing motions. i think adam would have an eye mask but i wanted to draw his eepy lil face :3
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edgeray · 4 months
Hi ray
Could write dragon! Arlecchino x hunter! Reader who hunts dragon because she was tasked to even tho she didn't wish to do so but little did the reader know that arlecchino is very strong
So when the reader was tasked she was warned by the villagers but what could the reader do but to only obey the orders when the reader met arlecchino trying to hunt her down she failed to do so
Dragon Hunter Mother
(Arlecchino x Fem! Reader)
A/N - Like always, if you want to request something from me again anon, give yourself a name/emoji ☺️ Also, I love this idea. I don't plan out my requests, plot just kinda comes as I write, so let's see what I do with this. I'm assuming you also want reader to be afab as well. Since you didn't say about arlecchino having a human form, I'm just not going to write it. Don't ask me how this turned to be over the limit I said these requests were gonna be. I got carried away with world building and plot. Sorry 😬 . Hopefully this was okay? Honestly, didn't know how I would make it romantic, but I guess I'll put it under romantic? I tried by best anon, feel free to request again if you want me to write it in a different way 🫶. Sorry for taking so long, but here it is!  Content warnings / info - author doesn't know how to write dragons, semi-graphic violence, if it wasn't obvious, Freminet, Lyney, and Lynette make an appearance, 2.6k words 
Stemming from a long line of dragon hunters, it was no surprise that like the rest of your siblings, you would take up the mantle of also being a dragon hunter. Dragon hunting is a service to the kingdom exclusive to only a few noble families like yours, hence why its hunters are practically revered by the kingdom's citizens. Protecting the kingdom, receiving glory after every slaughter, earning a large chunk of the kingdom's money, it's no doubt that many aggrandize and covet to be in the same position. 
You've never wanted to be a dragon hunter. It's an arduous job in a kingdom known for its dragon outbreaks. The Majesty is prompt in requesting dragon hunters, sending them from one corner of the kingdom to the other unhesitatingly, and frequently underestimate the duration that these kill orders take. When the process of dragon hunting involves tracking the dragon, finding the dragon's sanctum, preparing to combat against a dragon, and finally, killing it, it takes at least a week if it's one of the older dragons. The Majesty has high expectations, and it's a struggle to keep up with them. Kill orders were often piled on top of one another, which means immediately after you complete one, it is off to finishing the next one.
It is a job of ruin. When was the last time you've gotten more than a few hours of sleep? The last time you've had a full meal? The last time you were able to have a relaxing bath? 
Killing dragons is not how you would like to waste away your life, slaving away under a duty that everyone idolizes. As you carry on your role, you begin to learn more and more about these flying reptiles; dragons are fascinating, intelligent creatures. It is a shame that many villagers are so terrified of them, dragons actively avoid humans; though for one reason or another, dragons occasionally seek the nearest human civilization, eating farm animals and destroying any shelter or barricade that stands in their way. Perhaps you're just foolish, but you believe that there is a real reason for this behavior, and that there could be a solution to this. 
Until then, you could do little more but heed each order, slaughtering dragon by dragon. Their dying cries plague your dreams every night, leaving you empty and restless. 
You arrive at a village, the emblem on your chest plate that indicates your occupation glints as you step out of the carriage. The village head greets you quickly, settling you down in front of a cup of tea and some snacks, before cutting straight to the details.
“This dragon… I'd be careful. I've heard of you, a genius among geniuses in terms of dragon hunting, but I warn you right now. This dragon is different. Smarter, more powerful than your typical one, I bet. Its fire… even among other dragons, isn't comparable. It can torch the whole village, and it got damn near close to. Cunning bastard as well, it can pinpoint where our sheeps are and it can evade our traps. It disappeared from our village a few decades… we assumed it died naturally, but then it returned again earlier this season.”
“When was the last time it attacked? Do you know what kind of dragon it is?”
“No. We’ve never seen a dragon like it before. I'm not sure if it follows under the kingdom's classifications. It's black and white with three pairs of wings! And its tail… sharp like, like…like a scythe, can slice houses in half! Its claws are just as dangerous too. Can breathe fire, of course.”
Three pairs of wings… that means this dragon is considerably old. Dragons gain pairs of wings after their first set through molting, which only occurs every fifty or sixty months following reaching maturity, meaning this dragon was at least a century old. You grimace. Older dragons are always harder to get rid of. Most of the dragons that you encounter only have one pair, on the rare occasion, two. This is the first time you've been assigned a three-paired dragon.
Its colorings are also strange; you've never heard of a black and white dragon specifically. The tail description, however, isn't very uncommon; it could be a signifier that this is an incredibly rare hybrid among dragon species. If it's as powerful as it's said, and if you consider its age, then perhaps they come from one of the Dynasty species… but a descendent of that species hasn't been seen in many years. If this is true, then of course it wouldn't follow under the kingdom's ordinary classifications of dragons. Still, a hybrid? Mating between different species almost never happens. This really was a special case. And its disappearance? You couldn't even fathom why.
“Do you know at least where it lives?”
The village head turns to his right, pointing in that direction. “If you continue that direction, you'll come across a forest. That's where it goes. We don't know where it lives, we've been too scared to try and find out ourselves.”
You sigh. Well, this wasn't much to work with. “Is there anywhere I can stay?” 
“Yes, yes. There's a room above the bar that's just for you. Free of charge, of course. The food as well. Just please… eradicate this beast.” 
“I'll do my best.” 
No matter how many forests you go to, you never become fonder of them. Traversing them was always annoying. Too much greenery to walk through, too many streams and rivers to cross, and just too many damn trees. This terrain is especially difficult to find traces of dragons in. It'd be better to make your own traces then scour through the forest to search for them, hence why you're at a stream, catching as much fish as you can with a net. Fish makes for good dragon bait, though you don't intend to use it to trap the dragon. You doubt any trap you could make in the little time you have could kill or harm the dragon, but it will lure the dragon to you.
You pause to take a break, glancing at the pile of fish you've collected. The smell is starting to assault your nostrils. Ugh. 
You hear a crunch behind you, and you turn. Your eyes widen and you pick up your sword, raising them towards the three dragons that surround you. Adrenaline pumps through you as you stand up, observing the creatures. 
All of them only have one-pair of wings, with similar features and size; they’re as large as bear cubs, if you subtract their tail length, and you realize that they're baby dragons, yet to reach maturity. They have, notably, distinct colorings, but they all share the same black and gray coloring. Perhaps they come from the same hatch? The one to your right has red, almost maroon, splotches over their scales. This one is wide eyed, but its features are relaxed as if playful and curious. The one in the middle seems to be the smallest, fearful as if it’s cowering with its dipped head and the tail wrapping around itself protectively; this one has almost a marigold accent to it. The one to the right is teal, and passive, like it doesn't see you in the slightest. 
Baby dragons are hardly as aggressive or destructive as their adult counterparts, but that doesn't mean they can't pose a danger. Still, you don't want to harm them, not when they haven't done anything that would warrant you to.
The red one approaches, deliberately, sniffing towards your direction. You brace your sword, and it trudges up to you, nostrils grazing against your armor before it nudges against your hand. It then walks past you, its focus deadset on the pile of fish behind you. The two other dragons follow in the red one's lead, and you sigh in relief, placing your sword back in its sheathes.
Baby dragons, three of them especially, are a rare sight, as they're often sheltered in their father's den, and they don't venture out until they've fully matured. This being because they're quite vulnerable despite the threat they hold once they've matured. Eliminating them is a part of your duty, however, you never feel right killing creatures that have just hatched. They couldn't be more than ten years old; they still had a few more decades before they could pose a danger. If they're out like this, it's likely they've been abandoned. Mother dragons often leave their young after childbirth, and the fathers are left to take care of them; it could be that the father died recently. 
Whatever the case, you think that they deserve to live a little longer. Plus, they're kind of cute… 
Although, the more you observe them, the more you feel you should prevent the fish supply you spent all day getting from declining. They seem less cute now. You groan as they eat until there's no more fish, and they turn back to you, croaking as if requesting more. 
What are you, their mother? Your eye twitches in vexation. 
You spend your evening fishing for baby dragons at the river. Un-fucking-believable. Weren't you wonderful at your job? 
You decide to leave the dragons at the river bank as you search for wood to make a campfire. To your slight annoyance and amusement, the young dragons trail behind you. You get random twigs and branches that scatter the forest floor. One of the dragons, the yellow one, picks up a branch in their mouth, before offering it to you. 
Damn it, why did you have to be a dragon hunter? You take the stick in your hand, hesitantly petting the top of its head. This is something you’ve never done before, but you wouldn't mind doing it again. It leans into your hand. You don't deserve this treatment, you hunt their kind. Oh, how you wish you could tell them what you'd have to do once they grow up. Why did you have to be a dragon hunter? You're holding back tears as you continue the petting action. 
Its other siblings, unbeknownst to your existential crisis, follow its behavior, and you've turned the baby dragons into your personal campfire wood carriers. You think dragon trainor fits you better than a dragon hunter at this point, but that profession doesn't grant an affordable life. 
Seating yourself on a tree stump, you build your campfire and light it. You use it to cook a fish over, while you try to fend off said trout from being eaten by the dragons. By the time it's done cooking, the little creatures are exhausated, curling against you as the three fall asleep against your legs and back. You don't want to admit it, but it's a comfortable weight against you. You didn't even know that dragons snore until now.
Peace at last, you think, finally able to eat your fish alone. 
Too soon, too soon. You hear it before you see it, the whipping of winds that you can only associate with the beating of dragon wings as it flies. The sound grows louder, meaning it's heading straight towards you. You stand up, unsheathing your sword and bracing yourself for an assault. Shit, shit, shit, you're not prepared to fight in this territory whatsoever. What was it attracted to? The campfire? The smell of your fish? Or perhaps… you glance at the still sleeping creatures. 
You don't have much time to ponder as the ground shakes when the beast lands in front of you, right on top of the river, its gargantuan form making you tremble. An earth shattering roar escapes its throat, nearly making you tumble back from the sheer force, and your ears ring painfully. 
You've never seen a larger dragon before. You count the pair of wings through squinted eyes. One, two, three. This is the dragon you've been hired to hunt? 
The hand holding your sword doesn't stop shaking, no matter how much you try to control your muscles. The adult dragon nears, and your heart rate pounds louder and louder with each footstep. Black and white colorings? Check. Sharp tail? Check. You know you have to fight it, but how could you possibly? It dwarfs you in every single way possible. 
It swipes its tail at you, and you duck as fast as possible, just barely missing being sliced in half like the trees behind you. Its tail retracts to lunge at you again, and you block the sharp end with your sword, though it just swats you away easily, throwing you across the bank of the river. You land on the gravel with a pained groan, and you scramble to get up, facing the dragon. 
Piercing red-crossed eyes gaze back at you, and you no longer feel like the hunter. Instead, you feel like the prey, and every fiber of your being is telling you to run. You wield your sword again resolutely. If you die, then you die, but you'll die knowing you tried. The dragon tilts its head back, preparing its fiery breath, and you ready your wrist shield. 
Suddenly, a familiar croak comes from behind the adult dragon, and you see the baby dragons rush into the adult dragon, headbutting its feet. The dragon snaps its head back into its normal position, gazing down at the small dragons at its feet. You're afraid that the larger dragon will crush them, but instead it growls. The young ones chirp back, communicating with it. 
You stand there, bewildered, the pieces coming together in your mind quickly. Is the black and white dragon their father? Are they trying to save you? The tension in your shoulders relaxes the slightest bit. The father dragon whips its head back to you, and you freeze, paralyzed under its predatory gaze. Too swiftly does its tail shoot towards you, but instead of impaling you as you prepared, it merely wraps around your midsection, lifting you effortlessly. You drop your sword out of pure shock from being in mid air, and it brings you face to face with the dragon. 
The dragon snarls, baring its teeth, and you think it's the end once you see its pearly whites. Instead, however, it sniffs you, before pausing, observing you more. You're holding your breath, wondering when you will meet your fate. It opens its mouth wide, displaying a row of teeth in its oral cavern. You squeeze your eyes shut but all you feel is something warm, wet, and slimey. A tongue drags across your face, and you cringe, immediately bringing your hands to wipe away the thick saliva. The tail around you loosens, and you fall on your back, grunting from the impact of hitting the floor. 
Okay. Well, you're alive at least, you think, once you get the liquid out of your eyes but it is unfortunately in your hair. If it hasn't killed you yet, then it must mean that it likes you? 
You open your eyes, and see that the dragon lays in front of you, its snout just a feet away from you. Each huff from the dragon blows your hair back with hot air, but you don't mind it. The smaller dragons prance by your side, chirping and croaking with a high-pitched tone. Bemused but just grateful that you've yet met your end, you pet their heads. By the growl from the father, they approve of your action, and your heart melts. You reach out to pet the snout of the larger dragon, and it closes its eyes, further nudging against you before a grumbly purr escapes its throat.
Seems like you've just been forcibly adopted by a family of dragons. You don't think you'll complain that much. 
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takenbypeter · 3 months
Make another Todd Tolansky x reader and my life is yours 🧎 seriously tho I love your writing, and I'm always looking for more Todd fics.
The Things Unseen
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Todd Tolansky x reader
Words: 519
Author’s note: ask and it shall happen! I did it Soooooo I guess your life is mine!!! JK, nah but if you want another request feel free to send one in, also maybe send one with a prompt cuz sometimes I wanna write more but I just don’t have ideas. Anyways this should last you for a week
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Some people didn’t understand why you were with Todd Tolansky. Most just saw him and instantly judged. But people didn’t see the little things. 
They didn’t see his thoughtful side. 
“I got these because I know they're your favorite,” Toad would say as he pulled out a bag of Kit Kat bites for you. 
“Aww you didn’t have too.” You paused before opening the bag, “did you steal these?”
He said nothing but you could tell from his nervous smile that he did. 
“Todd, thank you but don’t steal for me, it doesn’t feel right.”
They didn’t see that side of him that supported you whenever you doubted yourself. 
“Are you kidding me? You’re going to be amazing!” 
You were currently freaking out over a class project. Sure you worked hard in preparing it, but you weren’t the best with presentations. 
“Mmm…I don’t know.”
“Trust me. You got this.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yeah I do. Because it’s you.”
And he was right.
Despite how he acted no one saw how he cared for you. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Is what came out of his mouth the whole second week of your dating. He was so concerned with what everyone thought when they saw the two of you together. He wasn’t nervous for himself, he was nervous for you. Toad knew what people would think. How people would react. What people would say. He just wanted you to be okay. But still, the two of you walked together, side by side, hand in hand through the mall. 
“Yes I’m fine. You’re my boyfriend and I want to be seen with you,” you’d remind him. 
It was something he wasn’t used to, but he liked the feeling.
People didn’t see the vulnerable side of him. That side that made you just want to wrap him up and tell him how important he is to you. 
“I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve them or you."
“Hey, stop. Look at me,” he’d do as told, his yellow eyes locking onto yours. He was spiraling deeper and deeper in his own insecurities. 
You, his friends, he felt he wasn’t meant to have any of that. But you were going to make sure he knew he was wrong. 
In order to get it into his head, you lowered yourself to his body that was currently scrunched close to the ground. 
“You deserve more than you think.”
You knew even with your words, it would be hard for him to feel that love you had for him, so you would just have to make your point more often. 
And no one ever saw his endearing moments at the end of each night.“You’re like a dream.”
“Since I’ve met you, I’ve changed for the better.”
“You do be sexy.”
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
Sure he was loud, goofy, maybe even desperate at times. But that’s just what others saw and while it annoyed you that no one gave him the chance of day, you also were grateful sometimes that he was just all yours. 
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planetxiao · 2 years
OKOK I SAW UR REQUESTS ARE OPEN THO so let me add another one to my tbr list <33 feel free to ignore this tho if it doesn‘t inspire you no pressure 🥰
ran straight to finding some prompts after seeing it, so how about "Will you notice me when I am gone? Will you come for me or search for me?" + genshin men of ur choice (but ur gonna get bonus kisses if u include alhaitham)
adjust the prompt as it suits you !! sending u lots of love <3
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꠵ PAIRINGS; xiao ; childe ; alhaitham x reader
꠵ GENRE; hurt/comfort, headcanons.
꠵ SYNOPSIS; you ask your lover a certain question just to see how he’d react.
꠵ NOTES; you gave me creative freedom, i give you extra smooches <33 ALSO I HOPE I WROTE ALHAITHAM OKAY LOL i haven’t met him in the game yet :,)
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“Will you notice me when I am gone?” You asked, awaiting any reaction. “Will you come for me or search for me?”
Xiao stiffened once the first question left your mouth. It was so sudden that he was taken aback, both shocked and concerned. His head was swirling with the various meanings it could have. Did he do something wrong? Were you in danger? Or worse, were you dying?
“What is the meaning of this?” Xiao’s tone came out rougher than intended. But you didn’t give him an answer, only another question that made his frown deepen. Xiao didn’t know what to make of any of this, all he knew was the way his heart twinged at the possibilities.
Xiao stood up, walking toward the balcony’s ledge. It took him a couple seconds to process your words, and what he wanted to say. There was so much, and yet so little. “…If you’re in danger, you need to tell me. I’ll protect you no matter what.”
Childe’s brows knit together as he tilted his head in puzzlement. What would even prompt a question like that, he wondered. His heart ached with worry; worried that he had done something— or not done enough, worried that you would leave.
His calm demeanor was cracking right in front of your eyes. The crumbling edges seeped into his voice as he asked, “Is everything alright, Y/N?” But as he was hit with another question, his vexation ran stone cold. It was not a question of what brought this upon, but who, it seemed.
Childe’s mind spiraled rapidly, but he recomposed himself in order to not worry you. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed your hand. “I’d follow you to the ends of this world and the next, my love.” He declared, kissing your knuckles. But first, he’d have to give his men a new assignment. If someone was threatening you, he would find out. And if his suspicions were correct, they wouldn’t live long enough to see the next sunrise.
“What a ridiculous question,” He scoffed. Alhaitham didn’t even need to ponder the thought. It simply wouldn’t happen. He wouldn’t allow it. But for you to have to ask… it was obvious to him, wasn’t it to you? Had he not done enough to express his love for you?
His response didn’t deter you from asking your next question, though. And as before, Alhaitham did not wish to entertain it. These sudden hypotheticals would never come to fruition as long as he could do something about it, but your persistence puzzled him. Were you trying to hint at something?
Alhaitham was a man that remained sure of himself, even in the most cumbersome situations. He spared the breath of useless words and only said what he meant. So when he held your face with one hand and leveled his eyes with yours, an ever sharp gaze that bore into your very being, he declared with the utmost confidence, “If you were to ever leave my side, I would tear this world apart until I found you.”
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꠵ TAGLIST; @sonder-paradise @snowbits
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the way I wanted to squeal when I saw you wanting Gambit requests because I was just about to send one in lol <33 (Of course, feel free to ignore tho! I hope you have a lovely day. ♡ ) On that spooky prompt list: “That kind of scared me.” / “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” - what about walking home from a mission of sorts and reader, who usually isn't spooked by much, shows they're scared of thunder storms?
Through the storm
The mission had gone smoothly, but the walk back was anything but. Dark clouds had rolled in quickly, and before long, the sky rumbled with the deep growl of thunder. You usually weren’t one to be scared by much—being a part of the X-Men had hardened you to a lot of things—but there was something about storms that always unsettled you. It wasn’t something you talked about often, because it felt silly. Of all the things to be scared of, a little thunder and lightning shouldn’t be one of them.
But now, walking beside Remy, you felt that familiar knot of anxiety tighten in your chest as the storm loomed overhead. Your hands clenched and unclenched at your sides, trying to seem calm, but another crash of thunder roared across the sky, louder this time, and you jumped, heart hammering in your chest.
Remy noticed immediately. His red-on-black eyes darted toward you, brow furrowing in concern.
“Chérie,” he said softly, his voice cutting through the rumble of the storm. “You alright?”
You hesitated, trying to brush it off. “Yeah, it’s just... I didn’t expect the storm to hit so hard.”
But as if on cue, another bolt of lightning cracked the sky, followed by an ear-splitting clap of thunder that echoed around you. Your breath caught, and before you could stop yourself, you whispered, “That kind of scared me.”
You hated admitting it. You never wanted to seem weak, not in front of him. But the storm made you feel small, vulnerable, and exposed.
Remy slowed his pace, turning fully to face you. His expression softened instantly, and without hesitation, he stepped closer, his hand resting gently on the small of your back. “Ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of,” he murmured, his voice low and comforting. “Everyone’s scared of somethin’, non?”
You didn’t respond, just nodded, trying to steady your breathing. The thunder rumbled again in the distance, and you tensed, instinctively moving closer to him.
“Don’t worry,” Remy said, his arm slipping around your shoulders, pulling you in against his side. “I’ll protect you.”
His words were simple, but they carried weight. His warmth seeped into you, and despite the storm raging around you, you felt a little safer. Remy had always had that effect on you—he made the world feel just a little less dangerous, a little less overwhelming.
“C’mon,” he said softly, starting to lead you forward again, but this time he kept you close, his arm never leaving your shoulders. “We’ll get out of this storm soon enough.”
As you walked, he kept talking, his voice low and soothing. He told you stories—funny ones, little anecdotes from his time in New Orleans, things that made you laugh despite the tension in your chest. He didn’t rush you or make you feel silly for being afraid. He just stayed by your side, steady and unshakable.
Every time the thunder rolled, his arm would tighten around you, as if to remind you that he was there, that you weren’t alone. And even though the storm was still loud, still unnerving, it didn’t feel quite as scary with Remy beside you.
When you finally reached the mansion, soaked from the rain but safe inside, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. You glanced up at him, feeling a mix of gratitude and something deeper.
“Thank you,” you said quietly. “For... you know. Being there.”
Remy grinned, brushing a wet strand of hair from your face. “Ain’t gotta thank me for that, chérie. Told you, I’ll protect you, always. Thunderstorm or not.”
You smiled, feeling a little lighter, a little braver. Because no matter how scary the storm outside was, with Remy at your side, you knew you could face it.
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rivalriotrenegade · 1 year
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader Random "I love you"
About fic: Slight comic references, so if you know you know and if you don't that's still okay. Technically monster Simon Riley x reader but can be read as human Simon also no monster parts described so you can imagine whatever you want. As the title suggests the prompt was "random I love you" so Soft Simon Hours. This fic is for @midnightxsecretary (because they asked for more!) also @luvergirl777 because I think they'd like this based off a fic they wrote. One that you should totally go read after this!
Word Count: 593 (Short read)
Warnings: None, but GN reader.
It’s weird really, to see Simon acting so domestic you think to yourself as you silently watch him wash the dishes. The usual uniform has been replaced with a T-shirt and jeans and the balaclava has been traded in for a black surgical mask instead. You smile softly to yourself as you lean the laundry basket against your hip. 
It had taken Simon months before he felt comfortable enough to let his walls down like this. He had constantly been on guard trying his best not to let you see him down, but eventually you managed to peek through the cracks and slowly he let you see more of himself. Despite the fact that there had been plenty of ups and downs in knowing Simon the more you learned about him the more you grew to love him. All the bits and pieces, broken parts and sharp edges, all the things that made him him.
“Hey Simon?” You call out. 
“Yeah?” He replied without looking at you, too focused on finishing the task in front of him to bother turning around when he could hear you perfectly fine like this. 
“I love you.” You say, smile evident in your voice before you continue down the hall to finish your chore. 
For a moment time seems to stand still as Simon freezes… and just like that, with three simple words, you have shook him to his very core. 
You didn’t see the way his shoulders tensed, the way his hands grip the counter. You didn’t hear the deep breath he takes to calm himself and the emotions currently raging inside of him. You didn’t see the way he has to hold himself together to try and keep from crying. You didn’t see the hand he used to cover his eyes as he leaned over the counter because he wasn’t sure he could stand on his own two feet without his knees giving out. 
It had been a long, long, time since Simon Riley had heard those three words and to hear them so suddenly, for no apparent reason, hit him harder than any punch, bullet or knife ever could. 
He wanted so desperately to say it back, to tell you how much you mean to him. That if given the choice he’d take you over the very oxygen he breathes, because without you what purpose does his life have? He is a man who has lost everything. His mother, his brother, his sister-in-law, and nephew have all been killed for the sake of revenge. His teammates, his friends, have died in his arms. His very identity has been stolen from him, forcing him to live his life as a shadow, as a ghost. For the longest time he had lived for nothing more than to fight another day, to survive. But then you came into his life and for the first time in a long time he didn’t want to just survive… He wanted to live. 
But Simon couldn’t say that. Wouldn’t even know how to begin to put it into words. The strength and courage, the amount of vulnerability it would take to say something like that isn’t something he thinks he could handle. Someday, when he has found the right words and has steeled himself he’ll tell you. 
But that day is not today. As of right now he is doing everything in his power not to fall apart. Breathing in and out, washing the dishes in a circular motion, rapidly blinking his eyes and ignoring the stray tear that slips out. 
Hey! Hope you liked it. If not that's okay too. Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts, I love interacting with you all. Also feel free to send in your requests! Nothing too weird tho. Have a great day :)
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thehollowwriter · 9 months
hiii i’m here to heal the fandom with your rollo x reader goodness :))
admittedly i don’t send in requests that often so i’m not sure how detailed or vague the prompt should be but—in true glomas fashion, how about rollo just enjoying a dance with the reader? maybe the two get lost in their own little world within the ballroom, looking into each other’s eyes as they hold each other… haha
feel free to write/add on whatever your heart desires for this one tho <3
What are you doing awake
This is cute! Dw, you asked just fine!
Summary: You and Rollo dance together during the Masquerade
Warnings: None
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤)
Eyes Only For You
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'I should be ensuring everything is going smoothly.' Rollo's head was spinning. 'I shouldn't be dancing right now.'
He tried to get his mind back on track, to no avail. He could not tear his eyes from yours.
Every echo of chatter, every feeling over other dancers brushing against him, every visage of the crowd and the lights fell away bit by bit until it was only the two of you with eyes for no one but each other.
Those brilliant eyes of yours remained fixed on his, your eyes crinkling as you smiled a smile as bright as the sun.
Rollo's heart, beating so fast he feared it may burst from his chest, skipped a beat and his face and ears turned warm.
Your dance was slow and careful, afraid to make a mistake, glancing down at your feet and worriedly tightening your grip on him.
Rollo didn't mind. If you were to fall, he would catch you.
The two of them twirled across the dance floor in an elegant dance, completely engrossed in one another.
Quiet by nature, Rollo was unsure if he should say something about the flurry of emotions swirling inside of him. If he did, he was unsure of what to say.
He knew, however, that he felt a sense of happiness with you. A peace. A belonging.
When the music faded and the dance came to an end, you slowed to a stop and the world began to make itself known once again.
Rollo glanced around at the crowd and lights and decorations, wincing. When he felt you move away from him, his hand shot out to gently hold your wrist.
"Please," Rollo's voice quivered, just barely above a whisper. "Stay with me."
You paused for a moment. "Of course," You said, smiling at him. "I'd love to."
Rollo's heart leapt once more.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoyed! I've never written Rollo before please have mercy Q-Q
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nahoney22 · 8 months
Hello my love 💚
I am back once again to send in another request for your 4000 followers celebration!
Congrats again 🥰
This time, I'm choosing my sweet little baby boy Tup 🥺 (x fem!reader)
This one is gonna be super fluffy. The fluffiest fluff to have ever fluffed. So much fluff that it makes you want to vomit out of pure sugary sweetness 💙
We're going with a Hallmark Christmas vibe. Deck the halls, baby! I'm talking about Christmas trees, glass ornaments, and colorful lights, kissing under the mistletoe, snow-covered streets, crackling fireplaces, hot cocoa, warm sweaters, sleigh rides, and lots of holiday cheer. No scrooges in this winter wonderland!
Here are a couple of prompts I found that went with the vibe: "Your hands are cold, let me warm them up," "I'll walk you home," "Take my coat, it's cold outside," and "Can I have this dance?"
As always, feel free to ignore my request! If it suits your fancy, then I can't wait to see what you come up with 🥰 (take your time, of course)
Please and thank you, with love 💚
4000 Follower Prompt List Celebration
Tup X F!Reader
“I’ll walk you home.”
“Your hands are cold, let me warm them up.”
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warnings: None, lots of fluff. Kisses. Love at first sight, meet cute. Female reader.
authors note: grrrr I wish I saw this in December when it was Christmassy BUT instead of waiting for 12 months let’s do it now 😆 idk what hallmark Christmas is thought ngl tho - thanks for the request @the-bad-batch-baroness ☀️
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In the midst of Coruscant's bustling streets, a wintry ambiance enveloped the evening, with the air dense and chilly. Despite the approach of nightfall, the atmosphere remained aglow with the infectious spirit of the recent festive season.
And among the gleaming lights and shimmering tinsel adorning the street lamps, you navigated through the dusting of snow at your boots, determined yet cautious to evade any slips. Embracing yourself against the cold, you embarked on your homeward journey.
Grateful after being granted an early departure by your employer, you however found yourself thwarted by the weather-induced delay of your usual means of transport. So, opting to keep going on foot, you soon find yourself groaning as you fumble through your bag in search of your scarf and gloves. However, you quick to realise you had abandoned your gear at your workplace—a trek you were not planning to go back on.
Focused on avoiding a slip, your gaze remained fixed on the ground as you navigated through the snow and street. However, your brisk pace came to an abrupt halt when you collided with an unexpected figure, sending you to the ground.
“Kriff, sorry ma’am. Are you alright?” The voice sounded familiar, belonging to a Clone Trooper who had then extended a hand down to you.
As your eyes followed up past his hand and up his arm, the discomfort of the fall seemed to have dissipated as you grew captivated by the gaze of a remarkably handsome man.
Concerned, he inquired about your well-being, “Ma’am? Are you alright?” To which prompted a flush of embarrassment as you found yourself on the ground, staring up at him gormlessly.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You assure him of your condition and swiftly accepted his offered hand. But as he hauls you up with ease, you think you’re grounded only to then encounter a second stumble.
Grasping onto the Clone for support, his protective arms encircled you, preventing another nasty fall as your feet slip from under you. "Easy there, I've got you," he chuckled warmly, his gaze softening as your eyes met.
You hadn't been one to believe in love at first sight, yet an undeniable connection sparked within you towards this man. Perhaps it was the enchanting ambiance of the twinkling lights and falling snow, or maybe it was the combination of his helpfulness after you both bumped into each other accidentally.
"Th-thanks," you stammered, a blend of the wintry air and nervousness affecting your speech. His gentle smile and reassuring gaze, however, calmed your racing thoughts.
Concerned for your well-being, he asked softly, releasing his hold on you but remaining ready to assist if needed. "Didn't hurt yourself, did you?"
"No," you replied, shaking your head, "as long as my head is still firmly attached, I'm good."
His chuckle resonated warmly and you don’t know why, but you felt like you could read this man. To which, you had hoped he wanted to get to know you more. And he did.
"The name's Tup," he introduced, extending his hand once more. You gladly slipped your hand back into his, reciprocating with your name. "It's nice to meet you."
"And you, though it would've been better under different circumstances," he remarked subtly, gesturing toward your snow-dusted attire, prompting a sheepish smile from you.
Before you could respond, he swiftly and apologetically interrupted, asking, "Don't suppose you would like to go for a drink with me?" Your eyes widened in surprise, mirroring his apparent astonishment at his own impromptu invitation.
"Sorry, that was forward. We've only just met," he acknowledged.
"Yeah," you replied simply, accompanied by a toothy grin.
"Yeah?" His face lifted, his eyes lighting up in response.
"I could really do with a warm drink.”
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As you both hurriedly sought refuge from the cold, the tempting aroma of rich hot chocolate filled the air. Smiling at the satisfying hum that escaped your throat, Tup guided you to a pop-up market stall, where he procured steaming mugs of the comforting beverage before finding a place to sit.
"I have to admit," you began, gently blowing the steam off your mug, "I certainly didn't expect something like this to happen anytime soon. It's basically a cliche."
He looked at you with confusion, cradling his mug in his hands. "I don't quite catch on?"
You chuckled softly. "Well, in most cheesy romantic holomovies I've seen, this is basically a 'meet cute.' We collided, you, fortunately, happen to be handsome and offer a helping hand, and instead of parting ways, you asked me for a drink." Your eyes sparkled mischievously. "Or I could be totally wrong."
"N-No, no," he replied quickly, a hint of warmth coloring his neck. "I suppose when you put it like that, it is a cliche. But... I'll take it you like that kind of thing?" He gestured to the two of you enjoying a drink, sitting up a little straight to exude confidence.
"I really do," you replied softly, savoring a sip of your drink. "Mmm, this is lovely. Thank you, Tup."
The way you said his name made Tup feel as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "You're welcome."
Engaged in a quiet yet pleasant conversation, you both delved into each other's lives and aspirations. Classic questions about favourite colours, the stories behind tattoos, and alternate career paths flowed naturally.
From your time with Tup, you gathered that he was kind and had a penchant for playful yet rather terrible flirting. You observed him attempting to find a relaxed posture—arms shifting on and off the table, legs crossing and uncrossing, fingers nervously tapping against the mug. Even his compliments emerged more as questions than statements. Regardless, you found joy in his company.
Feeling Tup's nervous energy, you decided to discreetly guide him into a more comfortable interaction. Despite the cold, you feigned a fake shiver, cupping your hands over your mouth and blowing on your fingers. "Is it me, or did it get colder?" you remarked inconspicuously. Tup wasted no time reaching across the table, gently taking your hands in his.
"Your hands are cold," he observed with a frown, expressing a wish for spare gloves, "let me warm them up." His charming smile resonated, making your heart skip a beat. He closed his hand over yours, gently rubbing them to provide warmth. You felt bashful that your subtle hint worked, relieved that he didn't seem to mind holding your hands.
Engaged in a wholesome conversation, both of you seemingly oblivious to the unspoken connection formed through the idle caress of each other's hands, the impending departure lingered as the unspoken Bantha in the room.
Hours passed without notice, Tup surpassing his designated time to be back at the barracks. When you mentioned it was time for you to head back due to an early start, he stood up, taking your hand in his. "I'll walk you home," he declared, a genuine warmth in his eyes that mirrored the connection you both shared throughout the evening.
As Tup walked you home through the now quiet and serene streets of Coruscant, a comfortable silence settled between you. The city's festive lights cast a gentle glow, creating a magical atmosphere that mirrored the odd but welcome enchantment you felt in each other's company.
As you reached your destination, the realisation that the night was coming to an end tugged at both of you. Tup hesitated before speaking, "I had a wonderful time tonight."
You smiled, expressing your agreement. "Me too. It was unexpected but definitely a highlight."
He chuckled softly. "Fate has a way of bringing people together in the most surprising moments."
Standing at your doorstep, you found yourself reluctant to say goodbye. Tup, sensing the unspoken sentiment, reached for your hand once more. "I hope we can do this again."
You nodded, feeling a spark of warmth between you. "I'd like that."
Tup leaned in, his lips brushing against your cheek in a tender goodbye. As you entered your home, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future might hold, grateful for the unexpected magic of that cold, festive night on Coruscant.
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Prompt Masterlist
Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova a @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness
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remusawoooo · 3 months
anon here, excited to read the essay! i asked you because i really like your takes and i see people in the more canon-adjacent parts of the marauders fanbase to complain about the extremes of the fanon one, though personally ive never really seen anything Too extreme, tho thats probably just tantamount to how well i curate my spaces i suppose (ive seen people say that fanon makes remus really “alpha” or makes sirius “bimbofied” and while ive seen hints of those extremes here and there, mostly it looks like it varies from person to person. ive just seen remus be more assertive than he probably is in canon, or sirius being more dramatic and “fem” than he probably is in canon). from what i know people like exaggerating events (the prank, etc.) or shifting some personality traits, but i dont really think thats a bad thing - i personally enjoy it. as long as they dont completely turn characters into stereotypes (though its a pitfall of every fandom, i fear), then whatever its just camp.
people are allowed to criticize stuff like that though, not taking that away from anyone, i personally just dont really care enough to be totally accurate esp since this hyperfix is kind of the bottom of the barrel for me LMAO. but i ask mostly bc im just curious to see what other peoples opinions are, and bc i think - especially in a fanbase like this - that its incredibly important to be at least a little critical with your media experience and reflect on it. saying “oh fuck canon we’re just having fun” is fine and all, i dont think anyone is stopping you, i think the personalities people have made up for characters that have zero screen time are super fun and the little ships are not everyones tea but like its fine. but even still, people should be way more aware of what characters theyre dealing with and from what franchise, and like reflect on any biases you may have. if youre making shit up for a random DE character, or retconning some sutff, okay, whatever, but be sure to not defend or like suddenly turn to really weird rhetoric. idk i think its the bare minimum in a fanbase like this
i definitely rambled way too much here, super sorry op! i hope this doesnt bother you, feel free to reply or feel free to not. i just really like hearing peoples thoughts on things, and i like your takes and your blog so i hope i didnt catch you by surprise. i really am just an outsider trying to look in LOL
hello anon, I'm sorry I lost your ask. I was writing on my laptop and saved the draft (but apparently had to press on alt, and didn't do it) so I basically lost your question and half of my initial response. Ty for sending in another ask!! Not a bother at all, i find this very lovely :D 
I was mortified to find that someone who isn't really a part of the fandom was perceiving me while I was complaining about fictional characters ahahaha. still, thank you for validating me and asking my thoughts on the mischaracterization of marauders!! I do talk about it daily, unfortunately, and without any prompt too. I'll try to gather all my thoughts here. I don't necessarily come across fanon as much as I did when I reentered the fandom and honestly, I can not be more with you about curating your space !! at the end of the day, I am just here to have fun, and really, pointing out these issues is not a good time at all! But I do post a lot about these, I can't be bothered to bottle up any thoughts lol.
I think the major issue I have with current interpretations is the underlying bigotry that comes along with it. There is a lot of unchecked problematic content that doesn't sit right with me.
Flanderizing characters in fandom interpretations is not limited to marauders fandom obviously. any popular media will face this because so many of us want to interact with one character so their traits are simplified for easier consumption and to find a common ground. this is also not limited to new marauders fandom. even in the older era, leather jacket-wearing, motorbike-driving quintessential bad boy siruis was a thing. so I won't nitpick on silly simplifications.
I just want to say that this isn't about me wanting everyone to have the same interpretations as I do about the canon. I follow so many lovely people and I don't agree with all of their posts. But, we all just simply share the love for these characters in the text and form an imaginary community. So, if we were to remove all the issues I will mention, it is still very well possible to have different personal takes.
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Here are some of my issues:
Queerness, Gender roles, and misogyny:
My biggest problem is the representations of queer relationships. the fandom packages these couples in a strange and obvious heteronormative mold where the individuals fit into male and female gender roles. mlm and wlw are now an “f/m”* stereotype and characterization gets affected by the ships. Heterosexual relationships shouldn't have these limitations either, anyway. There is no one way to be a woman or a man. With queer relationships in particular, we have reclaimed the word queer now but it was used to describe the unconventional weirdness in the relationship. We didn't fit into the normal portrayal of a loving relationship. So, it really bothers me, even in fiction, that queer ships are popularly consumed in a way that represents a traditional template. (*this is not about gender itself but the gender roles! f/m can very well be queer!). 
Let's take the biggest victim in this fandom: sirius.
Sirius’ portrayal concerning his gender and sexuality has heavily changed his characterization in the fanon. We have a character who is popularly headcanonned as trans and is it a coincidence that all their traits have changed from the og material? Sirius is suddenly vain, whiny, and dumb. Canon doesn't suggest this interpretation, it has to have stemmed from somewhere. It's the implicit bias. Sirius becomes a caricature of what a woman “should be”. When we focus on sexuality, there is the suddenly short twink sirius who has the same new traits- proving the point of fulfilling gender roles. These characteristics are a stand-in for the “female” role of the traditional relationship and it becomes more clear in the example of new age wolfstar. Remus is now the big alpha stoic manly man- the obvious stand-in for the “male” role. I could go on, it is apparent in the way you can see remus becomes a caretaker and sirius is taken care of.
The point I am trying to make is not to discourage gender/sexuality hc. I love them, keep them coming. But, why is female sirius not tall suddenly? It is not inherently bad at all to have a feminine and masculine pairing! But why do we need to change the constitutions of these characters to consume their relationship?
I'll keep dropping disclaimers because I hate being misinterpreted: I don't obviously mean every single person is doing this or that doing one of the things means doing the other too. 
It is related to the point above. I was personally so excited to see the popular desi james hc. Even in fanon, I have never seen such a prevalent and encouraged brown rep, it was quite sweet to come back to that. But the problem is the change of characteristics that comes with race hc. Desi james is also a manly dude who is big and buff as opposed to the white petite and delicate regulus within jegulus ship. The melanin is directly proportional to the manliness here. 
This is a propagation of race stereotypes. Maybe jegulus was a bad example because usually there are seen as blank templates. I will raise the argument that this can't be all we can come up with for blank canvases then. Either way, my point about race still stands when you repeatedly design interracial queer relationships so they fall into heteronormative roles. Anyway, same issue with wolfstar when there is a brown remus.
Canon, JKR, and hypocrisy:
Refusing to engage with source material is funny when we are picking characters out of it. the interpretations of the characters will be from their book. otherwise, they are just original characters with the same name. you can add onto the traits and a lot of the time fandom comes to a consensus regarding a few things! This is common in every fandom but I don't think I have seen such reluctance to not only critically engage with media but also shame others who do. We are surely in special circumstances with this fandom but I really do think jkr and how we navigate the fanon should be two different things.
Most of us don't condone jkr or even remotely agree with any nonsense she spews on the daily. Most of us can see the problematic nature of even consuming this media and staying in this fandom. It is one of the reasons I even left the fandom. Most of us are simply doing our best to engage carefully while distancing ourselves from her. So, it is quite laughable when some love to take the moral high ground for rejecting canon while still engaging with the same characters. (the rejection of canon in question being sirius’ height, lol)
(Sirius' height is quite a polarising fact apparently. Unfortunately, the point about height is also discussed so disingenuously. When I talk about sirius’ height, it is not really about him being 6 or 7 feet. It will not really impact my life. It is about what it represents. He is bimbofied as he becomes short. It's an issue of "WHY" again.)
Of course, this isn't an accusation of intentional bigotry from everyone here. The problem with this fandom is that the people in it tell themselves that it is progressive and to run away from the problematic creator as much as possible. We are not progressive if all we do is co-opt queer and racially diverse identities on such a superficial level. The bias manifests in subtle forms. I just wish we check ourselves from time to time, that's all. 
There is a lot of hostility when we try to discuss issues in the fanon. Things are interpreted in the most misguided way to just win the argument. Like I said in the beginning, we all just want to have a good time. That also means creating a welcoming space for vulnerable groups (especially when the same identities are used to pat yourselves on the backs for inclusivity points). I didn't even cover everything btw, I just wrote about the issues that concern me. queer and poc also partake in biased representations, I also probably have some biases that I didn't identify yet. I just think it would be super neat if everyone tried to make an effort to unlearn and engage with media without hurting anyone. 
I have other issues but they are all just super subjective opinions and smth I can ignore when others do. ex: I really don't like giving tragic backstories to bigots in the story. Not every supremacist loser has a trauma that forced them into oppressing people! There is also "tropeyfication" of all major ships. Just an overall issue in the reading world I think, though.
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Anon, I didn't mean to make it preachy in any way btw. You probably asked for a silly little rant and I went full lecture mode, so I apologize for the tone shift!! I mentioned these because every other issue can be brought down to these imo. Like you said, I also don't have any fixation on everything being canon-compliant. I only complain by asking about the thought process behind certain kinds of changes, if that makes sense! I hope this wasn't a drag really and you can see where I am coming from. If I misspoke anywhere, pls lmk. Thanks for sharing your opinions too!!
This is a long long rant, anyone who read everything, you are wonderful and patient. Thank you for taking the time. This huge post and the content can make you think, “who cares this much?” or “it's not that serious” and yaa it really isn't that serious. The characters aren't real but we all are. the identities projected are real. so, it does matter to talk about this.
Everything said this is a fun place to be once you find your own corner in the playground.
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lskisms · 1 year
friend zone (love zone), s. adamu
syn. carmy stands syd up. you come to the rescue. and so does syd.
gen. romance.
warnings. lapslock intended, sapphic realness.
word count. 0.5k.
note. title from friend zone by ab6ix. prompt taken from this list. please feel free to send in a number + a character from any of the fandoms i write for. you'll get a cute little drabble out of it.
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[2:34 pm] syd: do you want to try a bunch of different places with me?
sydney’s text is unexpected, but never, ever unwelcome. you pick it up and read it over, glad for a distraction from the paper you’re currently working on for your shakespeare class (it’s not due for another three weeks, but you want to be done with it sooner rather than later). you’ve been slaving away for hours and your fingers are starting to foreign to yourself after spending so long typing away on your laptop.
[2:35 pm] sure, i need a break from this paper.
[2:35 pm] is there any reason you’re restaurant hopping tho?
your friend’s reply comes a few seconds later.
[2:35 pm] syd: carmy and i have been working on the chaos menu today
[2:35 pm] syd: we were going to cleanse our palettes and get some ideas, but he bailed.
[2:36 pm] syd: i don’t really want to be sitting at these restaurants alone, so you in?
you smile to yourself, closing your laptop and standing up. after you stretch your arms and legs, roll your shoulders back to release tension from your spine, you type back a quick reply, telling her that you’re definitely in. you get dressed in what you think is your cutest cold weather outfit and check yourself in your mirror.
[2:38 pm] syd: okay, cool. meet you in front of kasama.
not even twenty minutes later, you see her leaning against the black brick facade, scrolling through her phone and looking moderately annoyed, no doubt at carmen for bailing. when she hears you approaching, though, she looks up and smiles, waving, which you return. the second you reach her, she kneels down and you look at her, confused.
“sorry. just… your shoelaces are untied. um… i didn’t think you noticed, so… you know… i’m tying them for you,” she says, not even looking up as she brushes off the question she knew was brewing. her fingers move quick and nimble, double knotting your converse without a word, strangely intimate in a way that tying shoelaces shouldn’t be but is because it’s her. the smile she wears when she stands back up is a little shy.
“um… thanks, syd,” you reply, tucking some hair behind your ear.
she nods, looks away, looks back at you. there’s a little tension, but it immediately dissipates when she gets back to the reason for you being here.
“so! like i said, carm and i were going to cleanse our palettes, look for some inspiration for the restaurant, but… yeah, he bailed out on me the second i got here, so…”
carmen, from all the interactions you’ve shared with him (few and far between), is a nice guy, for what it’s worth, if not a little spacy and rough around the edges. you like him well enough, but you can’t help but feel a little annoyed that he left your friend out to dry like this. still, it’s given you an opportunity to spend more time with her.
“well, i don’t know much about food, so…”
“you’re good company and i could use an outsider’s perspective.” syd smiles at you and nods towards the entrance to kasama.
you let her lead the way.
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© lskisms 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work on any site.
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ghost-bxrd · 9 months
Ok so I’ve seen your thoughts on Talia being a good mom to both Jason and Damian and generally being a better person vs when she’s morally gray and really only good to Damian, but how do you feel about Bruce being a bad dad? Like personally I don’t like him being abusive but unfortunately…canon does not disprove it 😕🫠. Like do you have hcs or prompts where he switches from one interpretation to the other? Genuinely curious bc my thoughts on him going between these two have me conflicted bc I don’t LIKE him being a bad father, specifically in regards to Jason, but it does kinda fuel some ‘Jason leaves the batfam to go find himself’ stories I’ve seen, but you could argue that Bruce doesn’t NEED to be terrible for that to happen. Idk maybe modern comics have poisoned my ability to ignore Bruce’s history of abusing his children in some way by cranking up that abuse to a solid 20/10 (I’m sure I don’t have to mention what I’m referencing lmao), but it just makes me think. So much would be nicer if he was just a flawed father, but that’s not what his character fully is y’know (this is why I brought up Talia, just realized I was rambling without making that clear lol)
Phew ok, I’ll try to answer this to the best of my abilities!
So keep in mind that these are my personal thoughts and I’m actually not that well versed in comic lore (the comics I’ve read can be counted on one hand sadly but I’m trying to get my hands on more ksksks), and majority of my knowledge comes from research and fanfic.
Okay back to the topic at hand!
Generally I write/read fanfic for some fluffy family feels (and angst) and the occasional romance, hence why I prefer to write Talia and Bruce as being good parents and likable characters in general. I enjoy reading about it, so I enjoy writing it that way.
In regards to Bruce and his canon actions… well, that’s a tough one to answer ngl.
On one hand he’s displayed as a loving adoptive father who absolutely adores is children, on the other hand he’s shown to be ruthless when they violate his no-kill rules (reference to the Batarang incident).
To me this kind of juxtaposition makes little sense, but I’m afraid there are quite a number of character inconsistencies in the franchise from what I’ve seen so…. I don’t know. It’s just such a 180 turnaround to the early concept of the Batman who considers everyone to be redeemable regardless of their crime. Why would that suddenly not apply to his child?
I don’t think I could ever stomach writing him as a genuinely bad father, most I could do to mix it up a little and have him struggle to reach an understanding with Jason regarding his rule over Crime Alley and dealing with his own inability to communicate properly.
Batman was always supposed to be a protector, the “good guy”, but he’s also human. A human with significant trauma that he’s never properly worked through which… can screw with your people skills significantly.
So that’s usually the way I try to look at it whenever I want to write a Bruce who isn’t the World’s Best Dad at the moment. He’s trying, he just doesn’t know how to show it in a way that others can understand, especially his kids. (Yes tho I take full liberty with the more heinous stuff Bruce pulls/pulled in the comics and discard them as if they’re expired candy >.<)
To sum it up, I’m afraid you won’t ever find a fic where either Talia and/or Bruce are genuinely, irredeemably bad. Simply because I personally don’t think that’s how people work in general and because… well, I’m soft and I need some soft parenting in there somewhere. Sorry dear 🥺
Phew ok I think I was rambling a bit here, but I hope that answers your question somewhat? But if you’d like I could totally cook up a prompt for you that deals with Jason and Bruce struggling to come to an understanding and making compromises to be a family again. Feel free to let me know or send another ask if you’d like to stay anonymous 💚💚💚💚
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simpsforwomen · 2 years
hello helloooo, i may send this request to other authors (only my favorites tho)
could you do a wednesday addams x gn! reader where the reader can stop time but anyone who is touching them will not be frozen? so like the reader is just like "hey wednesday,(or whatever nickname they have for her) come with me for a sec" and it obviously takes a bit of begging but then they go outside in the rain or snow and the reader just grabs wednesdays hand and puts the other hand up and stops time so the snow or rain just sits there in mid air. could probably make this super fluffy
✧ reply: Hewo! Thank you for your request. I'm honored to be one of the authors you're sending this to. I hope I'm understanding the prompt correctly and that this piece is close to what you asked for <3
❦ 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗱𝗲𝗿
✧ warnings: n/a
✧ pairing(s): Wednesday Addams x gn!reader
✧ summary: (request)
✧ word count: 534
✧ a/n: this my first attempt writing something fluffy. i feel so bad for making you wait this long. i'm also working on a fluffy larissa fic so stay tuned hehe. please let me know if you notice any grammatical errors or if you have any comments/feedback. enjoy!
You and Wednesday have been dating for a few months now and even though she knew of your powers, you never really showed them to her.
It was a wonderful winter morning when you looked outside at the falling mixture of rain and snow, suddenly coming up with an idea. You headed over to your girlfriend's dorm and knocked gently. A few moments later, you were met with a familiar deadpan stare.
"Cara mia." Wednesday greeted you while moving to the side, 'welcoming' you in.
"Good morning, ma chérie." You smiled, stepping inside.
Looking around, you notice that Enid was most likely sleeping over at Yoko's and you had interrupted your girlfriend's writing time. As you sat on her bed, she immediately went back to her desk to be in front of her typewriter.
"So..." You started. "I was thinking, we could take a walk together in the snow."
"Not right now. We can in exactly 34 minutes and 22 seconds." Wednesday answered as she continued to type without hesitation.
"But-" You were cut off before you could say another word.
"(Y/N), we can later." She stated softer than you expected.
"Pleaseee? I'm afraid it'll be too rainy later and- and the rain will wash away all the fluffy snowww." You pouted, walking over to sit on the ground next to her. "Pleaseee?" You begged, gently tugging on her sweater.
Wednesday had a soft spot for you, so of course, she agreed.
"Fine." The sound of typing suddenly stopped when she finally turned to face you.
Standing up, she walked towards the door with you following not too far behind. And in just a few minutes, the two of you were already outside—holding hands.
"Don't let go okay?" You asked and she nodded, having an idea of what you were going to do next.
Taking a deep breath, you focused on your powers and lifted your free hand. All of a sudden, everything around you froze. Everything except Wednesday.
Admiring the frozen snow, she reached out to touch it with her finger. You watched as she looked at it in awe.
"I'm very impressed, (Y/N)" Wednesday turned to you, her eyes wide.
You knew that was her way of showing excitement so you smiled back.
"I'm glad you like it. I've been practicing. You stated proudly.
Leaning closer to you, she gave you a gentle kiss as you held her face with your delicate fingers. It was short and sweet.
You looked into her softened eyes, her dark—dark eyes, losing yourself in them. "You look gorgeous, mon amour..."
She almost let the corners of her lips curl up to that but she tugged at your hand instead. "Come, I want to show you a favorite spot of mine."
Following her, she led you to sit under a snowy willow tree. Laying in her lap, she caressed your hair while whispering words of affection.
"Aren't you glad you stopped writing to be with me?" You asked softly, looking up at her.
Wednesday leaned down to give you a kiss, one that was longer than you expected—not that you were complaining. "I wouldn't miss being with you for the world, querida."
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take-taker-taken · 9 months
hey there, "first time asker" is back! i'm so glad i that i was able to inspire something last time:).
i recently had another idea: so it would be shawn x taker again (i'm sorry i just love these two so much). this time a little more explicit? so taker is usually very dominant and a big fan of tying shawn up. this time tho, shawn wants to tie him up for a change and taker agrees. but we all know that shawn is the biggest tease known to man(kind sorry i couldn't resist). taker then loses his patience. but we all know that he is somewhat of a supernatural being, so he manages to undo the restraints without shawn noticing. now its time for taker to reverse the roles and have his way with shawn.
again any era you want and if you want to add or remove something go ahead. hope your cold is gone by now :)
Hellooooo, second time asker! Here is your fic - sorry that it took me so long and I hope it hits the spot! Feel free to picture whichever era you most prefer!
Give & Take - Interrupted
Shawn pounces on Taker right after he walks in the door, wrapping his arms around the bigger man’s waist and stretching up for a kiss that very quickly becomes heated.
“Someone’s keen,” he comments when Shawn finally lets him up for air.
“Well, if you will insist on sending me suggestive texts in the middle of the afternoon…” Shawn says with a smile.
“Suggestive? It was a few little pictures, that’s all.” Despite his flippant reply, Taker’s hands slide down to cup Shawn’s pert ass.
“They’re called emojis,” Shawn says, planting a lazy kiss on his lover’s neck. “And it was that special one that you use - as you well know.”
Unseen by the blonde who’s still nuzzling at his throat, Taker smiles. “Yeah, OK - you got me. I’m a bad man.”
Shawn leans back so that he can look Taker in the eye. “Nah. You’re actually very good. But… I don’t suppose…” He trails off and worries at his bottom lip with his teeth.
Even though it’s obvious that Shawn is plotting, the big man takes the bait as he gently lifts his thumb to the blonde’s mouth and frees the lip before it gets hurt. “Don’t suppose that what?” He prompts.
“I was thinking… maybe we could change things up tonight?” He does his best puppy dog eyes when he adds, “And I could be the one to tie you up?”
Taker looks at Shawn for a long minute as though searching for any trace of an attempt at ribbing but all he sees is wide, honest blue eyes. And so he nods.
“Sure, why not?” His cold heart melts a little at the excited smile that appears on Shawn’s face and he can’t help adding, “But I’m not calling you ‘sir’.”
“No. No, that would be weird,” Shawn agrees quickly and then settles into Taker’s arms again happily and makes a soft, contented little sound when Taker leans down and kisses the top of his head.
“Uhh, put your hands up over your head,” Shawn says, eyeing the railings of the headboard and toying with handfuls of rope. Having already had each of his feet bound to the bottom of the bed Taker silently complies, holding loosely on to the rails and Shawn has to take a minute to just drink him in. Sure, he sees his partner naked all the time, but rarely on display like this. Taker is a big guy and the position he’s in right now shows all the definition in his huge arms. Shawn wants to lay down on him with that broad chest as a pillow and sink his teeth into those pecs… and then he realises that he can. Still wearing his jeans, he drapes the length of rope around his neck and crawls on to the bed, straddling Taker’s hips. He leans forward and begins to wind the rope around the bigger man’s wrists - his work isn’t as neat as Taker’s but he’s sure it’ll be just as effective. He wraps and knots it around the railings as best he can and then places his hands on Taker’s chest, splaying his fingers out across the pecs.
“Does it feel OK? Not too tight?” He asks the same thing that Taker always says when their roles are reversed.
The big man raises a dark eyebrow. “It’s fine,” he says. “But then, it’s not like I have regular circulation.”
Shawn gives a small shrug in capitulation and then digs his fingers into Taker’s flesh slightly and wriggles backwards. His gaze leaves the green eyes and roves across the broad chest below him and then he does it - he dips his head and mouths at the big man’s left pec just above the nipple before gently biting down.
Taker lets out a breathy moan the sort of which he’s never heard him make before and Shawn looks up in surprise.
“You like that?” He tries to keep his tone in check and sound more confident than questioning.
“Yeah,” Taker replies, his voice sounding a little strained. “I like it just fine.”
Shawn understands his stoic lover well enough to know that liking something ‘just fine’ actually translates as, ‘give me more of that right now’. He briefly considers making Taker ask him to do it again but decides against it as while that’s exactly the kind of thing the big man would do to him, he has a feeling it would just send his partner retreating into his shell. So instead, he dips back down and bites again - harder this time, to the point of leaving teethmarks. He’s rewarded with another moan and so he begins to devour Taker’s chest like a starving man, licking and biting his way across it.
By the time he sits back up Taker’s eyes are closed, he’s breathing rapidly and his skin is pink and covered with marks. Also, his dick is as hard as a rock, which Shawn notices when his ass bumps against it and he smirks a little.
“Guess you really liked it, huh?”
Taker’s eyes snap open and Shawn startles as he notices that the other man’s pupils are blown so wide, his eyes look nearly black.
“Enough teasing now.” Taker flexes his arms and stares hungrily at the blonde wriggling on his lap. “You got it like that, so now you can take care of it.”
“All in good time,” Shawn replies, with a cheeky wink as he shuffles backwards. He wriggles his jeans and boxers off and then lays down on his stomach between Taker’s legs in order to be properly on a level with ‘it’. He rests his chin on his hands as he takes some time to admire the delectable treat in front of him, while his partner stares impatiently down the line of his body, glaring at the smug blonde.
Shawn reaches out and wraps his hand around the base, guiding the column towards him before sticking his tongue out and licking steadily from root to tip. He presses his tongue hard against the flesh, feeling it track over the thick vein while at the same time feeling Taker’s thighs tense beneath his hand. He’s sure that he hears a creak from the head of the bed.
In a bid to quell any sense of mutiny from above, he takes the spongy head into his mouth and sucks hard which automatically causes the bigger man to thrust upwards, chasing the pressure. Shawn merely moves with him and continues to tease, curling his tongue around to tickle at the frenulum as a muffled growl is heard from above.
“I told you enough teasing,” Taker’s words come from between gritted teeth. “Take it down your throat.”
“I told you all in good time,” Shawn counters, emboldened by the safety of distance. “I wanna play a little first, and then I’ll slide right down on it.”
“I’ll remember this,” Taker grumbles, flexing his fingers.
Shawn dips his head to hide a smile. “I’m counting on that,” he answers and then noses at Taker’s balls before licking and nipping at the sac while he reaches up with his right hand to slowly jack the now weeping erection. This earns a few sharp intakes of breath as his victim struggles to adjust to the new sensation.
“C’mon, baby…” Taker’s voice is soft now, cajoling. “You know you want to take me all the way…”
Shawn’s head pops back up in almost comic fashion but the smirk on his face is predatory. His expression matches his actions as he crawls slowly back up Taker’s body, making sure to let his muscled abs drag against the bigger man’s dick on the way.
Taker closes his eyes against the insanely erotic sight of his lover advancing upon him and presses his lips together to prevent any kind of sound escaping. He knows that he shouldn’t do what he’s currently considering… That is, using his powers in the bedroom, right now… it wouldn’t be in the spirit. On the other hand, Shawn has now reached his chest and has begun to bite and suck on his left nipple while simultaneously pinching his right. Unnggh.
Decision made.
It takes Shawn nearly a full minute to realise that something is… not wrong, exactly - just different. He’s laying atop the big man having transferred his attentions from nipples to neck and he’s happily nuzzling away there when the familiar, huge arms wrap around him and a kiss is pressed to the side of his head. The big hands slide down his back and then cup his ass and squeeze before-
Hang on a second!
He scrambles to an upright position, to find Taker’s hands very much no longer tied and a quick glance behind him confirms that while his legs are still spread, his ankles are also free. Taker at least has the good grace to look a bit sheepish and he shrugs awkwardly.
“I got impatient?” He offers as Shawn folds his arms and pouts down at him. “The worst torture was not being able to touch you…”
Shawn can’t get mad - he’s still feeling a little high from the dose of power that he was given and so he leans down and kisses Taker gently.
“Well, now you can touch all you want.”
Taker raises a hand to hold the back of Shawn’s head as he deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping into the blonde’s mouth as the smaller man whimpers his submission. As soon as he breaks the kiss, he rolls them in one movement so that their positions are reversed and he stares down into bright blue eyes that seem to be begging him to take charge. He pins the slim wrists to the bed and when he feels Shawn push against the hold he tightens his grip and watches with satisfaction as he shudders.
“Wh.. what are you gonna do with me?” Shawn asks, a tremor in his voice that even if it’s only done for effect, goes straight to Taker’s dick.
Taker doesn’t answer at first - just uses his grip on each wrist to push Shawn’s arms out wide and then dares him with a Look to move as he lets go and untangles the rope from the headboard’s rails. He quickly and efficiently completes the ties and then asks Shawn to confirm that nothing is too tight. Comfort established, Taker drifts the tips of his fingers down the blonde’s arms, watching them tense as he reaches that ticklish spot on each armpit before finally replying.
“I’m going to make you beg, boy toy.”
Shawn can’t prevent the low whine that’s a combination of lust and trepidation. Taker smirks at the noise, leans down and proceeds to visit upon Shawn exactly what was done to him. He flicks his tongue over the heaving chest and then sinks his teeth slowly into one perfect pec. He takes time to appreciate how the flesh feels under his bite, increasing the pressure until he’s sure that imprints will be left behind. Shawn’s head thrashes from side to side as the torrent of pain-pleasure is inflicted upon him.
He teases the blonde’s nipples, the very tip of his tongue dancing insistently over the hard little peaks and then turns his attention to Shawn’s neck. He takes a good handful of his lover’s hair and uses it to hold his head back as he kisses and bites his throat. Shawn mewls quietly as he’s devoured, straining at the ropes just to feel the restraint more fully.
“Please,” He gasps out when Taker finally kneels back up, watching him writhe impatiently.
“Please, what?”
Shawn’s dick twitches at the prompt and he swallows before replying, “Please, sir…”
Taker smirks and raises an eyebrow. “Please, sir… what?”
Shawn bunches his hands into fists, knowing that it will make his biceps flex a little. “I want… Can I come, sir?”
Taker laughs quietly and merely shakes his head ‘no’, before shifting forwards and offering his dick up to Shawn’s lips. “Open up, boy toy; let’s put that pretty mouth to good use.”
Shawn’s eyes close as he takes his lover’s erection into his mouth and caresses the underside with his tongue. Taker thrusts gently, letting out a quiet grunt of his own as Shawn’s teeth softly scrape over his flesh. “Look at me,” he commands and his heart swells just a little when the blue eyes flutter open and meet his own. Taker holds on to the top rail of the headboard and slowly fucks Shawn’s mouth for a while - never pushing too far, just enjoying as much as the position allows.
Eventually he withdraws and stands up, making his way to the foot of the bed, trailing his fingertips along Shawn’s torso and down his leg as he goes. He stands and contemplates the gorgeous creature on the bed, all mussed-up hair and whimpers.
“That looks uncomfortable,” Taker says, with a nod towards Shawn’s straining dick. As if performing on cue, a bead of pre-come leaks out of the dark red slit and dribbles down over the head. “Want me to do something with it?”
Shawn nods rapidly. “Yes, sir - please. God, yes!”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” Taker drops forward, catching himself on his hands and then leans over to lick up the drip running down the side of Shawn’s dick. The blonde shouts in surprise and Taker has to clamp his hands down on the smaller man’s legs to prevent him from moving too much. Far from backing off at the extreme reaction, Taker instead captures the weeping head in his mouth and swirls his long tongue around it a couple of times before sucking hard, drawing back off it with a pop.
Shawn’s hips thrust up pathetically despite Taker’s hold and he looks confused that all the bigger man has done is make matters worse. “Wha..?”
“Said I’d do something with it. Not get rid of it.” Shawn looks bereft which just makes Taker smile. “Didn’t I say that I’d remember what you did to me just now?” Somewhat defeated, Shawn nods as he grasps the bars of the headboard. He looks so pitiful that Taker decides to progress things and crosses to the bedside cabinet to retrieve the lube. He very deliberately holds Shawn’s gaze as he squeezes some out on to his hand to warm and then steps up close, tapping the nearest thigh as a signal to bend his knees.
He gently pushes a well-lubed finger into Shawn, working it in and out while the blonde lets out the most adorable breathy little moans.
“Like this part, don’t you?”
“L - like all of it, si-ahh!” Shawn’s response is cut off to a gasp as Taker chooses that moment to add a second finger. “God, that feels so good…” He writhes and pulls against the ropes as Taker seeks out that little bundle of nerves and presses insistently. The pleasurable burn as he’s carefully stretched is all-consuming and he begins to feel as though he’ll come from Taker’s fingers alone.
“You look good all spread out like that,” Taker comments. He twists his hand around and gently scissors his fingers inside Shawn’s grasping heat and the smaller man mewls.
“Please… Fuck me sir, please!”
“You sure you’re ready?”
Shawn nods rapidly in response. “Please!” He says again, thrusting his hips up.
Taker has half a mind to make him wait, but truth be told he’s more than ready himself and so he withdraws his fingers and then slathers more lube on to his dick. As a final tease he bites his way along one of Shawn’s thighs and then kneels on the bed, hooking his hands behind the blonde’s knees. He lines up and then pushes slowly in, gritting his teeth against the squeeze and intense heat until he bottoms out. He takes a few moments to adjust and then draws back, the beginning of a torturously slow fuck.
Shawn stares up at the man above him, relishing the feeling of being completely owned as he’s held in position. Sure, the idea of topping had been fun but nothing can beat this, he’s sure of it.
“Faster…” The words slip out unbidden and result in Taker ceasing to move altogether.
“You giving orders now?” He asks with a raised eyebrow and serious expression.
“N - no, sir. I just… so good…” Shawn bites his bottom lip and does his best to look contrite.
“That’s what I thought,” Taker says and starts to move again. He moves his left hand from behind Shawn’s knee and places it loosely about the smaller man’s throat. “Your job is to lay there and take it. What are you?”
The question takes Shawn by surprise and at first he’s not sure what Taker’s looking for so he blinks, swallows and hopes for the best before replying,
“I’m your boy toy, sir.”
A mildly satisfied smirk turns up the corner of Taker’s mouth and he rewards Shawn with a few rapid thrusts to stab against his prostate before returning to the previous slow pace.
“What else?”
Shawn swallows again, his stomach flip-flopping before he closes his eyes with faux-shame and quietly answers, “A slut, sir.”
Taker gives Shawn’s throat a gentle squeeze. “Whose slut?”
Shawn’s eyes fly open, expression mildly panicked as though he’s desperate not to be misunderstood. “Yours - your slut.”
“Damn right,” Taker mutters and again rewards the admission with more rapid thrusts. “What else?”
Shawn lets out a small whimper as the pace backs off again and then looks Taker right in the eyes as with more intensity he says, “Your whore, sir.”
This time the increased speed is maintained and Taker shifts his hand from the slim throat to Shawn’s chest, plucking hard at his nipples.
“One of these days I’m gonna label you up with those names,” he says darkly. “Get a Sharpie out and spend a while marking ‘em out on you.” Shawn’s chest heaves and Taker knows he’s imagining that act taking place and so he goes on. “We’ll go out for dinner, real civilised, but you and me will both know that under your shirt you’re branded with all those dirty names that you love.”
“Fuck… please, sir. Please let me come?”
“You’ll wait ‘til you’re told, boy toy.” Taker puts his hand back behind Shawn’s knee, using it to anchor him in place for more vigorous treatment. He’s close himself but there’s no way he’s going to admit that so soon.
Beneath him Shawn looks down the line of his body at his dripping cock, the head weeping and red and wonders whether he’s capable of obeying.
Returning vaguely to the evening’s apparent theme Taker adds, “Bet you’d let me fuck you in front of the whole locker room, huh? You’d let everyone know that you’re all mine, to do whatever I want with, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes! God, yes, sir - want everyone to know - know that I’m yours!”
“Good boy.” Taker slows the pace but gives several deep thrusts, aiming them to hit Shawn’s prostate and grunts with satisfaction when his moans of pleasure become shouts. “Might even put a collar on you - nice one with a pretty tag that tells everyone who you belong to.”
Shawn squeezes his eyes shut, a thought fleeting through his brain about whether Taker might let him choose the colour. “Please, sir… please… I don’t know if I can… fuck, please!”
Without missing a beat Taker grabs the lube and gets a dose on to his hand before grasping Shawn’s cock and sliding it up and down. Shawn sobs and clings to the bed rail for dear life as he cries out desperately and Taker can’t help but feel some pity.
“Go ahead, boy toy - come for me.”
With a shout of relief Shawn lets go, his release shooting out in an arc as Taker milks him expertly even when the fluttering of his channel triggers the bigger man’s climax, making his hips stutter and shove hard against the blonde. The two of them are falling together in a bubble of perfect pleasure and as they eventually come down from the peak a silence settles over the room. Breaths slowly return to normal and having slipped out of Shawn, Taker crawls up over him once more and undoes the ties. As soon as his arms are free Shawn wraps them around the broad back and plants a kiss on to Taker’s shoulder.
“Can I choose the colour?”
Taker lifts his head in order to look down at smiling blonde. “Huh?”
“The collar. Can I choose the colour?”
Taker huffs out a laugh and kisses the tip of Shawn’s nose. “Nope - it’ll be black leather. But I’ll let you choose the tag, OK?”
Shawn lets out an honest to goodness giggle and nods happily. “Deal.”
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necrotic-nephilim · 19 days
your Kon post was sooooo good, like yes the core four are queer platonic, however Kon is hypersexual enough to have made out with (or more) everyone in young justice at least once, yes, including the non-corporal Greta don’t ask me how that worked
I love all of these posts!!! how many of these ask game things do you have in your inbox??
thank you so much!! and i ABSOLUTELY agree with you on hypersexual Kon (truly i just adore characters with grooming/rape trauma like Kon coping through the lense of hypersexuality) and even if YJ is queerplatonic, Kon has made his way through most of them. including Greta. he's creative he'd find a way. probably involving TTK. bc TTK in sex is a thought i have daily. endless potential for using it to basically turn someone's body into a living fleshlight he can manipulate from the inside out- specifically have a TimKonBart idea in my head about that where Kon coaches Bart through sex, since Bart is a speedster with a bonkers refractory period who struggles to feel satisfied, and Tim is caught between them getting used to get Bart off with Kon using TTK to manipulate Tim's body. fun times. fun ideas.
currently, i have one more ask game ask in my inbox (tho always feel free to send more!) that's BruJay focused. though i *do* also have a couple other asks that are just ideas i pan to use as prompts for full fics. just haven't gotten to those yet bc i'm currently busy with packing to move states so. i have *not* had the time to write i wish i had. i will not reveal too much but one involves JayTim fucking during the Titans Tower incident, another is JayTim with animal traits leading to porn, and then another is Tim/Kon/Jon with incest kink stuff. so! i have many things planned, i just need to settle into my new place, however long that takes.
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ithaquasbbg · 1 year
Oh god todays prompt lets me go batshit crazy! This week is song inspired fics and today the song is “the red means I love you”. I have never listened to the song but I’ve read the lyrics so this is based on that.
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Executioner - Morningstar! Ithaqua x reader
Pairing: Morningstar! Ithaqua x reader
Tw: um… torture, blood, toxic relationships, reader is kinda held captive and Helel’s sick ass thinks cutting them open will prove his love. This is short tho.
Helel chuckles as he enters your cell, hands cupping your blood stained face. “Oh sweetheart..” he wastes no time shaking you awake, seeing your eyes slowly opening, exhaustion evident on your features. “Miss me?” You sneer, despite the torture you just endured, you have no intention of fueling the morningstars ego. “Screw you.” Your voice is raspy and barely audible, but just enough that Helel can hear it.
“What did you say to me?” He asks, hand smacking across your face. “I said, screw you.” He’s silent after you respond for a moment, before grabbing your chin and squeezing it just hard enough to hurt. “I think it’s best that I keep you from running your pretty little mouth.” He laughs, taking off his glove and shoving it into your mouth.
Immediately, you taste iron, your own blood. This causes you to gag, eyes watering as the taste makes you Ill, causing Helel to laugh like a maniac. “Oh, (Name), do you want it out?” Desperate, you quickly nod, to which Helel delivers another harsh smack across your face. “Use your words, darling.” You try as hard as you can, desperately trying to get any words out, tears streaming down your face as the nausea worsens.
“Oh, my love, it seems like you don’t want it taken out after all.” He laughs as he watches the way your eyes widen and you yell unintelligibly, tears streaming down your face as he turns away, rummaging through a bucket of items on the other side of your cell. Eventually, he comes back with a scalpel. “I wonder, would the inside of you look as pretty as the outside?”
You scream and try to move away, struggling against your restraints. “Oh, now now..” Helel smirks, holding the scalpel close to your stomach. “Hold still, won’t you? It hurts less if you stay still.” Despite your previous disobedience, you’re more than willing to behave now, closing your eyes and shivering as you feel the cold metal approaching the skin of your stomach.
Slowly, painfully, you feel it digging into your skin, causing you to scream in pain. “Shhh.. you’re doing a good job..” Helel whispers, free hand running through your hair as he continues cutting into your stomach. “Oh, how I wish you could see how beautiful your insides are, (Name)..” As he continues, you can see your life flashing before your eyes, muffled sobs and pleas for him to stop escaping from your mouth.
“Hold still, (Name)” Helel whispers, staring at the way blood drips from your wounds, hands reaching in to open it up. “Gorgeous, your insides are gorgeous..” he laughs, feeling the way your hands find their way to his free one, squeezing it tightly as if he was not the one putting you through this nightmare. “They’re all mine, every part of you is mine..” he plants a kiss on your cheek.
“Look at me, sweetheart..” he whispers, grinning as you open your eyes, instinctively looking down towards where your wounds should be before he stops you. “No no, look up here.” He gently lifts your chin and has you look up at him as he slowly sews up the wounds he had made, wrapping them up afterwards. “You did such a good job…”
You feel his hands reach in and pull the glove out of your mouth, the way he slowly unchains you and picks you up, stroking your hair. “There there..” he pushes your head into his shoulder so you can cry into it, sitting you on his lap. “Oh darling, you know I do this because I love you right?” Helel’s voice sends shivers down your spine, but in a way you find yourself comforted by the way he holds you, despite what he had just done.
“You’re mine, (Name).” He mutters, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Every single part of you is mine.”
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navysealt4t · 2 years
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welcome to my blog! <3
pfp by @/bat-lunn and banner by @/canyourlawnmowerdothis (go check em out <3 amazing art)
i'm blue but i have a variety of names for u to choose from (hestia, elle, jazzy, artemis, bee, abby)! my interests change very rapidly lmao but i am primarily obsessed with jrwi, tloz, dbh, and pjo! dont be surprised to see other stuff tho :)
i use he/she/it + all neos (no they/them!)! my favs probably he/him, she/her, sol/sun, and ey/em!! i like em all tho! PRONOUN PAGE!
i'm a minor!
bigender and (tentatively) afab/honeybee transfem <3 and an arospec lesbian <3
EXCLUSIONISTS FUCK OFF. we support mspec gays and lesbians here.
@thiriumstains - my dbh blog!
@sageoflightning - my loz/botw/totk blog!
@hyacinthstims - my stimboard blog!
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i'm a fanfic writer! my ao3 is navysealt4t and i post most of my writing there!! feel free to drop by and leave a comment! they make my day :)
sometimes i open fanfic requests! i usually just reblog and ask game or prompt list and tell ppl to go wild lol. though, warning, there is a less than 50% chance ill end up writing the prompt u send </3 my motivation and energy is so unpredictable so lots of the time im just not feeling it, and the other half i forget the prompt even exists!
another note, im terrible terrible at responding to dms :P i much prefer to chat through asks or just posts. im not totally opposed to dms but they do give me a bit of anxiety and then i tend to pretend they dont exist.
INTERESTS: writing, jrwi, tloz, hunchback of notre dame (movie and musical), choir, musical theatre, ukulele, dbh (mainly connor, markus, hankcon, and rk1k), video games, unpacking (game), drawing, baking/cooking, cats, etc :] PLEASEEE send asks about this stuff if u want :D literally send me asks about random ass things i love asks :3
my discord is @/beelue if u ever wanna chat!! (close mutuals/close friends can ask for my instagram :3)
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tagging system! (i barely ever use this :()
#some blue thoughts - my general tag for my original posts!
#blue's headphones - music!! whether its my choir music or music im obsessing over or music i relate to a character :)
#blue's writing - where all my fanfics n writing go!!
#blue's theatre - all my theatre stuff!! this wont have much traction anymore since my show ended recently (:((() but yeah!!
#blue's faves AND #blue's saves - stuff i wanna save for later or stuff that is REALLY COOL
#and the universe said i love you - positivity tag!! scroll through if ur having a bad day <3
#bumbling thoughts - posts about characters!! can be in depth analysis' or just silly 2 sentence headcanons :)
thats about it for now!
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