#fermented mess
putridintercourse · 5 months
fermented mess - demo
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thresholdbb · 3 months
Neelix trying to get Janeway drunk, that scamp
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goth-link · 10 months
i may have brewed these batches of mead i have going a little TOO well… both in the “wow this is delicious!” and in the “woah, this sure is fermenting”
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b0nesforshow · 3 days
€D TIPS pt.2!!!
in the name of harm reduction!
(you cant be pretty if you 💀)
1. LAXXXATIVES: DO NOT ABU$E THEM! I‘m also stuck in the loop and it really really messes with your bowels and mental health. I developed chronic IBS from it and they dont even work anymore half the time. Instead of using them, drink a glass of water in the morning with flaxseeds and lemon, it will flush you right out. ALSO, eat lots of fermented food like kimchi.
2. TAKE YOUR VITAMINS! We do not count c4ls in medicine and vitamins, they are literally there to keep you alive. Why would you wanna risk it and get th!nner but have no hair and loose teeth? That defeats the purpose of it all.
3. Focus on yourself. ⭐️ing can be really boring and lonely, so try to focus your time on skincare, journaling, hot girl walks and meditation.
4. IF YOU BRUISE EASILY: Take magnesium and zink! It changed my life! It helps with skin structure and bruising as well. You can take it with water!
5. If you have family members or a spouse that gets suspicious, just eat WITH THEM. Why eat when you‘re alone? Schedule your eating times around their dinner time or smth, so they stop asking questions… That way they see you eat and stop worrying so much.
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ploncc · 2 years
brain hurty from current work, someone drop me a prompt for literally anything and i'll write it
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downtroddendeity · 2 years
I just watched Glass Onion and I'd seen the Mona Lisa Discourse and the "but hydrogen doesn't work that way" discourse, but I need to know if anyone has brought up the definitely intentional and objectively funniest departure from reality in the movie:
Kombucha is a live culture. That's the whole point- it's why it gets marketed as a probiotic. It's kind of like growing sourdough starter on sweet tea instead of flour. The culture used to ferment it contains yeast that breaks the sugar down into alcohol, but it also contains bacteria that break alcohol down into acetic acid, which is what gives it its taste.
For Jared Leto to have brewed 9% ABV hard kombucha, he has to have either a) messed up the process of making it so badly that it isn't really kombucha anymore, or b) added so much alcohol after the fact that it would probably kill off most of the culture.
In other words, Jared Leto's hard kombucha is the most thematically appropriate form of alcohol the movie could possibly contain.
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lickthecowhappy · 2 months
No Angel of Temperance
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curl your hands around my heart  squeeze dig your nails into its flesh  rip it open like a pomegranate  staining your fingertips with the mess of it  fill your mouth with my arils bite into me and chew and chew my desire bursting across your tongue my suffering pooling at the corners of your smile my desperation grinding between your teeth abandon your propriety and gorge like the starving animal you are  tarnish yourself with my longing crimson from the foolish need I’ve grown overripe and fermenting on the bough devour it  devour me until you, too, are slavering glutted and intoxicated by my moldering spirit
Read more of my work here. This poem is also available on AO3.
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itsnotsoobiebobbie · 5 months
i'm not fluent in english, forgive me for any mistakes!
genre: fluff
photo credits: @koovias
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In a small coastal town, where the sound of ocean waves mingled with the cool night breeze, you and Seokjin found yourselves at a special candlelit dinner. The restaurant, hidden among old alleys, was known for its cozy atmosphere and delicious dishes.
You had planned this night for weeks, aiming for everything to be perfect for Jin, who had always supported you through your toughest times and made you smile in your happiest moments. The candles placed around the table softly illuminated your faces, creating a glow in both of your eyes.
As you enjoyed red wine and talked about memories and future dreams, the soft music in the background seemed to accompany the harmony of the moment. Your boyfriend, with a serene smile, looked at you with admiration, feeling like the luckiest man in the world to have you by his side.
The main course arrived, and you savored every bite together. You noticed a small dab of sauce at the corner of Jin's lips and chuckled softly. "You're always making a mess," you said affectionately, wiping it off with a napkin.
When dinner ended and dessert was served, a comfortable silence settled between you. You gazed deeply into your boyfriend's eyes, your heart beating fast with the intensity of the moment. Slowly, you reached out and cradled his face in your palms, feeling the softness of his skin.
"Jin," you began, your voice soft and filled with emotion, "I'm holding my world."
His eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he covered your hands with his own. "(Y/N)," he replied, his voice choked with emotion, "you are my universe."
The world around seemed to fade away as you both remained in that moment, feeling the depth of the love you shared. The candles continued to burn, casting dancing shadows on the walls, silent witnesses to the promise of eternal love.
It was a golden afternoon, and the sun poured over the vineyards of the picturesque winery where you and Yoongi had decided to spend the day. You walked hand in hand among the rows of vines, admiring the green leaves and the clusters of grapes hanging lazily.
The winery had a rustic charm, with old stone and wood buildings that told stories of decades of winemaking tradition. The air was scented with the aroma of ripe grapes and the faint smell of oak barrels. It was the perfect setting for a romantic date.
You took a tour of the winery, guided by a passionate winemaker who explained every detail of the wine production process, from the grape harvest to fermentation and aging in the dark, cool cellars. You listened attentively, but your eyes sparkled differently when you looked at your boyfriend.
After the tour, you were led to a tasting. You sat at an outdoor table overlooking the vineyards that stretched as far as the eye could see. Crystal glasses were filled with wines of different vintages and types, and each sip was a new discovery of flavors and aromas.
While tasting a full-bodied red wine, you placed your glass on the table and looked deeply into Yoongi's eyes. You leaned forward, with a soft smile on your lips, and cupped his face in your hands.
Yoongi was surprised, but your touch was so tender and filled with affection that he couldn't help but smile. He felt the warmth of your hands and the depth of your gaze, and for a moment, the world around you seemed to disappear.
You then said, with a soft and emotional voice, "You know, Yoon, when I hold your face like this, I feel like I'm holding the entire world. You are my world."
Your boyfriend felt a wave of emotion wash over him. Your words touched his heart deeply. He placed his hands over yours and squeezed gently, feeling an indescribable connection.
"(Y/N)," he replied, his voice choked with emotion, "you have no idea how much that means to me. I feel the same way. You are everything to me."
You stayed there, in silence, enjoying the moment, feeling the gentle breeze and the warmth of the sun setting on the horizon.
It was a rainy Saturday afternoon, and you and Hoseok decided to turn the day into something special. You had set up a home spa, a sanctuary of tranquility. Soft aromas of lavender and eucalyptus filled the air, and lit candles cast a warm, golden glow over the space, creating an atmosphere of calm and intimacy.
You had prepared a selection of facial masks, bath salts, and essential oils, lighting scented candles around the house, while Hobi took care of the music, choosing a playlist of relaxing nature sounds. You started the afternoon with a bath full of rose petals, followed by a massage with essential oils that left both of you relaxed and refreshed.
After the bath, you sat on the sofa, dressed in soft robes. You began applying a clay mask to Hope’s face. He closed his eyes, feeling your hands working gently on his skin. When you finished, you wiped your hands and sat beside him, watching his face covered by the mask. There was something soothing about seeing your boyfriend relaxed, trusting you completely.
In a moment of pure tenderness, you cradled Hobi’s face in your hands. He opened his eyes, surprised by the delicacy of the gesture. Looking deeply into his eyes, you said softly: “Hope, you know that when I’m holding your face like this, I’m holding my world?”
Hobi felt a shiver run through his body. Your words touched his heart in a way he had never felt before. There was something powerful and comforting in the idea of being someone’s world, in the certainty that for you, he was everything.
He smiled and held your hands that were still on his face. “(Y/N), I never thought I could feel so special. Thank you for making me feel this way.”
You leaned in for a gentle kiss, sealing that moment of love and mutual understanding. The afternoon continued with more moments of affection, heartfelt conversations, and laughter, strengthening the bond that united you.
On a sunny summer afternoon, you and Namjoon decided to spend the day at a farm on the outskirts of the city. The farm was vast, with fields of sunflowers, apple orchards, and a stream winding through the land. Upon arriving, you felt the fresh air and the scent of nature.
You walked hand in hand through the blooming fields, laughing and talking about your lives, dreams, and plans for the future. With your hair blowing in the wind, you couldn’t contain the happiness you felt being there with your boyfriend. He, with his captivating smile, seemed like he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
At one point, as you approached a majestic tree, you stopped and looked intently at Namjoon. He watched you with curiosity, not quite understanding what you were thinking. You moved closer, gently cradled his face in your hands, and with eyes shining with emotion, said: “Namjoon, I’m holding my world.”
He was surprised and moved by the declaration. He felt a wave of love and gratitude flood his heart. With a shy smile, he asked: “What do you mean by that, (Y/N)?”
You looked deeply into his eyes and replied: “You are my world, Joon. When I’m with you, I feel like I have everything I need. You make me feel safe, loved, and complete. At this moment, holding your face, I feel like I’m holding everything that is most important to me.”
Touched by your words, he pulled you into a tight embrace. He felt the warmth and sincerity of your love. With a soft kiss on your forehead, he whispered: “You are my world too, (Y/N). And I will do everything I can to make sure you always feel this way, safe and loved.”
You stayed there, embraced under the shade of the tree, listening to the sound of the wind through the leaves and the distant chirping of birds. The world around seemed to pause, leaving only love to fill the space and time.
It was a summer afternoon, and the sky was clear and blue. You and Jimin decided to have a picnic in the park. The place was perfect: a large tree provided pleasant shade, and the lush green lawn seemed to invite you to spread out a blanket and relax.
You prepared a basket full of goodies: fresh sandwiches, fruit, homemade cookies, and a bottle of orange juice. Jimin brought a soft blanket and a small speaker to play your favorite songs.
You laughed and talked about everything and nothing at the same time. The gentle breeze made the leaves of the trees whisper, creating a peaceful melody. After eating, you lay down on the blanket, gazing at the sky.
“Look at that cloud,” Jimin said, pointing to a formation that resembled a dragon.
You laughed. “It looks more like a winged horse to me.”
“Maybe it’s a winged dragon, then.” he teased.
You fell silent for a moment, simply enjoying each other’s company. Then, you sat up and looked deeply into Jimin’s eyes. Without saying a word, you gently cradled his face in your hands.
Your boyfriend furrowed his brow, curious: “What’s wrong, love?”
You smiled, your eyes shining with a mix of love and seriousness. “You know, mochi, when I’m holding your face like this, I feel like I’m holding my world.”
Jimin felt his heart skip a beat. He knew you were serious. To you, he was more than just a boyfriend; he was your safe harbor, your confidant, your best friend.
“You are my world, (Y/N),” he said, his voice full of emotion. “And I would do anything to make you happy.”
You leaned in and kissed him gently, feeling the warmth and sincerity in every word. You spent the rest of the afternoon together, laughing, talking, and dreaming about the future. As the sun began to set, painting the sky with shades of pink and orange, you snuggled into Jimin’s arms, feeling truly at home.
It was a Friday night, and you and Taehyung decided to spend time together in a different way: a game night with punishments and rewards to spice up the competition. The living room was illuminated by soft lights, and the coffee table was filled with board games, cards, and snacks.
“Ready to lose?” you teased with a mischievous smile.
“We’ll see who loses!” Tae retorted, determined.
The first game of the night was Jenga. Each block removed increased the tension, and both knew that whoever toppled the tower would face a punishment. After several rounds, it was Tae who, with a trembling hand, toppled the structure.
You laughed loudly. “I think you deserve a punishment. How about dancing the Macarena for a full minute?”
Your boyfriend blushed but accepted the challenge. He stood up and began dancing, eliciting laughter from you.
After Jenga, you moved on to Uno. The cards flew across the table as you tried to outplay each other. When you finally won, you demanded your reward: a shoulder massage. Taehyung, ever the gentleman, agreed and started to gently massage your shoulders.
Later, you decided to play Truth or Dare. The game took an intimate turn when you chose dare and Taehyung asked you to say something you had never said before. You thought for a moment, looking into his eyes.
“Tae, I want to hold your face,” you asked softly.
He complied, and you placed your hands on his face, your thumbs gently caressing his cheeks. Taehyung closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath.
“Tae,” you said. He opened his eyes and looked directly at you. “When I hold your face like this, I feel like I’m holding my world. You are everything to me.”
Taehyung was left speechless, his eyes shining with emotion. He leaned in to kiss you, a kiss full of love and gratitude.
The night continued with more games, laughter, and confessions, but your declaration remained etched in Taehyung’s heart.
It was a sunny and hot summer day, perfect for a trip to the water park. You and Jungkook decided to spend your day off together, seeking moments of fun and relaxation. The park was filled with families, children laughing, and adults cooling off in the various water attractions.
After going down the colorful slides several times and enjoying some laughs in the wave pool, you decided to explore the lazy river. You grabbed inflatable rafts and let yourselves be carried by the calm, refreshing current. The sun shone brightly, reflecting off the water and creating little sparkles that danced around you.
With your wet hair and radiant eyes, you looked at Jungkook while holding onto the edge of his raft. He smiled back, feeling a tranquil happiness that only a perfect day like this could bring. The trees surrounding the lazy river provided shade, creating a pleasant contrast to the heat of the day.
As you floated along, you talked about everything and nothing, laughing at the little things and sharing secrets. The sound of the flowing water and the laughter in the background created a gentle symphony that filled the air.
Suddenly, you stopped talking and moved closer to Jungkook. With a gentle motion, you cradled his face in your hands, your eyes meeting his in an intense and affectionate gaze. He was surprised by the sudden action but returned the look, feeling the warmth of your hands on his skin.
“Kookie,” you said softly, with a smile that lit up your face. “I’m holding my world.”
He blinked, not immediately understanding. “What do you mean?”
“You are my world,” you explained, still holding his face. “When I touch you, I feel like I’m holding everything that’s important to me. You are my happiness, my peace, my love. And being here with you, on a perfect day like this, makes me feel like I need nothing else.”
Jungkook felt a wave of emotion wash over him. Your words touched his heart in a deep and unexpected way. He held your hands, still on his face, and leaned in, giving you a soft kiss.
“I feel the same way, (Y/N),” he said, looking into your eyes with tenderness. “You mean everything to me.”
You stayed like that for a moment, just looking at each other, feeling the deep and sincere connection you shared. The world around seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you, floating together in the lazy river of the water park, holding your worlds in your hands.
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ellsbclls · 18 days
⟢ ◞ blackberries; e. williams
desc. a small part of a larger fruit anthology — ellie has never had blackberries before, and you get to introduce them to her. rated pg-13
an. short and fluffy and fun! i've been sitting and fermenting on this for a year now and i felt like it deserved to see the sun. also i love unpacking ellie's trauma box by box. enjoy!
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by the time your shift ends, daylight has already beat you home.
there was a time where this land was nothing but that — land. a dimple on the jagged smirk of the mountainside. your sights were set on somewhere north — sun bound and damp with the promise of not an unforgiving winter, but here is where came to you first — the promise of a nap and a fireside meal after miles and days walked. here is where you could finally rest, you thought.  and then you spoke it into existence, and there the seed was planted, and began to shape root…
thick, wonky slabs of wood block the sun, one sliding off the other like a big oaky thumbprint, and the crows bark just above it all, sweeping one another into an endless circle. a tornado of black beaked trumpets ushering the morning light into your home.
you tug your boots off and shlep them to the other side of the room. that’s a mess for a much more capable version of you to deal with. you opt to let your muscles take over, work by memory and tend to the swell that blossoms beneath the ball of your ankle. years ago, on your first patrol, you rolled it while trying to outrun a swarm.
the jackson medic assured you, in his weathered, sandpaper drawl, that you should be grateful that you only came out with a twisted ankle. and you were — you ended up in the logs only two weeks past the incident — but the pain still persists in rolling phases. like today, when the air is honeyed with spring.
usually ellie takes great pleasure in greeting you at the door, ever punctual. it’s a welcome relief for the both of you at the end of the day — as much of a reason to make your way back home as it is for her to believe you will.
she’s the one who removes your boots, and does it just right, unlaces them and everything, leaving too much room for the fabric to even near your phantom injury. treats you like a princess from the moment you step foot into your home, like your return is the answer to the murky planes of her forethought. with her knees planted into the runner and your socked foot cradled to the cotton bound splice of her chest. she kisses you, where the sun never dares to roam, where she can without being accused of tenderheartedness. her palms run up the hill of your calf — to clear room if not blueprint the trail of her lips as they flag out your dimpled knee. “there, all better,” she decides, and forbids you from walking unless it’s crutched by the support of her arm.
today, however, seemed to be an exception.
that's when you decide to find her, and dread doesn’t prickle within you as much as concern. you’ve done nothing wrong, and you’ve allowed yourself enough time to realize such, and yet the world still runs with veins of uncertainty. finding her right where you left her would never be a guarantee, but a  privilege.
“ellie?” prodding, you lurk through your halls, tracing the map of the walls with your middle finger. “i have a surprise for you.”
once you pass your bedroom, you think you finally find her. you crawl into the bed and mistake a massive heap of blankets for ellie, kissing and nosing at the cotton until you realize that it’s unresponsive. so you continue your journey, ego bruised.
two rooms and many corners later —
you’re greeted to her silhouette, back to the kitchen, framed by the seam of the sunroom and its sharply lit doorway. to disrupt her feels depraved. you rarely get to see her so at peace, with her hand watercolored and calloused with the fruits of your latest harvest, her head stuffed into a thatch of goldenseal.
but you must, after countless seconds of self-arduous debate, it’s better to taste the death of such a peaceful moment than stand and ponder whether there’s enough room for you in it..
you tap on her shoulder and wait for her, knowing well enough that you must allow her just enough time for her body to sink back into the comfort of her skin before you can touch her further.
it serves just as much of a reminder as it does a testament — to time, to growth, to evolution — it lies just beneath your hairline and blends into the curly horizon of it, and no further does it travel nor does it fade.
“thyme’s not coming in.”
“is that so?” you push loose strands of hair behind her ear, a nervous tic you’ve transplanted onto her.
“i think it’s being stubborn…”
“you don’t say. ”  you brows twitch upward. 
“Hey! don’t tease,” she finally turns to face you and her eyes are wet with mischief. deft fingers circle and roll at your wrists, mulling at the bone of your wrist like a joystick. “you’re the one out of a good ol’ fashion steak.”
“do you even know how to cook it?”
“well how hard can it be?”
she can tell you’re impressed, what with your expectant stare, somewhat mirroring her own silly one. “i really thought it would work.”
It being some intricate propagation method, found dog eared in the tomb of a vintage almanac. dated from a time far from now, far from disease and blood and mycellium. at least of this caliber.
“you’ve never liked cooking beef, anyway. you keep giving them names.” she offers a pitiful smile, you can feel it slow against your skin as she hugs her arms around it. Her body crooked and tired against yours. earnestly, you answer the question she never wants to ask.
“it will.”
She barely moves from your neck when she hums. “you think so?”
and assurednly, you promise, “i do.” as you shuffle away, you say. “don’t worry about the thyme. i’ve got a surprise for you.”
— ⟡ —
“what are they?” ellie’s brows pinch. her head tilts like a small bird.
they settle in dark bunches and peek between your fingers. If you focus just enough, you can see them glow, catching on the light that creases between your eyes —amazement, sparkling like little beads of snow.
you smile, meek and cautious. something kindred, begins to siege — it dimples at the corners and folds beneath the crush of your lashes until there’s no space left that hasn’t been swallowed by sheer joy.
she had never seen them; well, not in person, at least. tiny midnight bulbs, clustered together and staining the skin of their burlap sack. her knuckles brush against their pinprick stubble and fly back, a scorched touch.
you had to parse some out to jesse as well when you found them — a finders fee of sorts, though you gloss over the fact that the only discovery he had made on your patrol was your newfound surplus of fruit, bulging from the corner of your pack. fuck jesse.
maybe this is what joel meant.
how, before his passing, and even after she shunned him from her life altogether, he still saw her — bright, almost scarily so, as the day he met her. how she wasn’t meant for this world, that she stood for everything it lacked, and no matter how many times they tried to take it away from her, there was a spark of fire still roaring behind her eyes. a lovely yearning, a wonderful ache that flourished and swelled like a smile on the face of oblivion.
there were days where she wore it well, dancing in the kitchen, tending the garden, her sighs hugging sound her shoulder like a hug of relief. but other days were not as kind. sometimes the memories sit inside of her. take root and fester beneath the dirt of her father’s almost grave, refusing to grow. to leave him behind in the shallow earth is one way to go, and so she clings to him, buries him deep in her mind and hopes for another.
but then you’re there. despite her life and how hard it bends to the company of everyone she’s known, you’re there. in spite of it. and with the smallest sign of tenderness, a simple gesture, helped a dull bud blossom.
“wait! wait!” you pull the container close to your chest, throw your hand over it limply like you have a wounded wrist.  just beneath the sparkle of your gaze lies a shyness, peeking out from behind your tongue like a child curled around their mother’s leg. you stretch your free hand out, fill the ample space between you. “wait.”
a pause settles in between, and once you gain her attention, you continue. “i thought, maybe — well, of course we would eat the berries.” ellie visibly deflates, releasing a sigh of relief. “but i've heard …well, i’ve read that if you mull the berries, you could make paint! and… your drawings.”
“my? —” ellie is baffled. for years the two of you weaned off poultry and potatoes, in every form, every flavor, and yet you stumble upon the rarest of finds, a bramble of sweet summer fruit, untended yet ripe for the picking, and see only her. it makes her wonder… “fuck, my… you don’t-”
you cut her off before she can backpedal, convince herself more than you that she's never deserving of such nice things. little luxuries, like food and dye. 
“i quite like your drawings. they just need a bit of…” you pop half of the berry between your teeth. a tartness traces the sides of your mouth, coaxing a smile from you that’s every bit as bright as it is warm, and then the sugar follows, jaw soothed and kissed with the sultry tongue of summer. 
and then you offer her the other half. a promise between the pads of your fingers. “substance?”
“We’ll always come across more of these.”  she concedes, cranes her neck, fully contented with her resigned half truth. You probably wouldn't, not in this lifetime, within the perimeter of jackson. and she would wallow about it for sure.
you pull the fruit away before she can bite into it. “even if we don’t. make something special for me.”
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thvkei · 1 year
think you can handle one more? ft. baji k.
# tw // (1) pussy slap, overstimulation, cum eating.
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“fuck!” you sob out again, practically clawing at his thick hand as it pries open your legs, “n-no, no—i can’t—“
you squeak as a burst of pink electricity shoots through your cunt, the sound of a slap ringing out.
baji growls, “try ‘n push me away again ‘n see where it gets ya.”
your clit aches, pulsing from the keen hit. as your vision fuzzies, so do your thoughts. “s-sorry… so sorry. i won’t…”
baji grins at this, wide, boyish, and toothy. “atta girl.”
the lewdness in his expression draws a moan out of you, followed by his tough fingers working between your folds.
“so pretty.” he purrs, easily dizzying you. “prettiest pussy i ever seen.”
“kei…” you shudder, back arching as he softly works you open.
“mhm… you feelin’ good, baby?” he asks, already knowing the answer. the way you clench around him practically spells it all out.
you just mewl, cheeks hot as your hands flinch up to your face.
baji furrows his thickset brows. “nah. none of that.” he tugs at you with his free hand. “move em down.”
you wail as pleasure rushes through you in bubbly waves, lapping all your favorite spots. baji’s fingers curl, and your hands busy themselves in the black of his shirt.
“n-no, gonna—“
“gonna?” he smirks, brown eyes glinting with ferment.
“cum. gonna cum.” i whimper.
“then do it.” he shrugs, acting like your soft warbles weren’t luring out his more sadistic side. “make a mess on me, baby.”
as the pressure inside you sizzles, your ears ring loud, and you unintentionally claw at him.
with his eyes forming dark hearts, he watches as you fall apart, whole body trembling as his fingers piston in and out of your syrupy cunt.
a string of wet babbles meet his ears, and he coos. “fuck… so good. you’re so good.”
with an eager tongue, he laps up your aftermath, grinning as you try and push his head away.
“hey, baby…” he glints.
not that it will ever stop him.
“think you can handle one more?”
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© thvkei 2023 | likes and reblogs r alwys appreciated! ૮꒰ ྀི◜๑◝ ꒱ა
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exhaled-spirals · 4 days
how do you have this myriad of quotes, that too on wildly different topics? do you just read a lot? what all do you read, why, how do you pick out books, how fast do you read? i wanna know everything!
Hi! Most of the quotes I share are from books I've read, although now and then I come across an interesting excerpt from a book I haven't read and I post it on here, so I can remember later why I added this title to my to-read list. (Else I tend to lose interest in the books that have been waiting on that list for years and end up removing them, not remembering why I added them in the first place...) I don't think I read very fast, I just spend a whole lot of time reading, it's my #1 hobby!
I add books to my to-read list very whimsically... The other day I bought 7 books in a secondhand bookshop, then read an article in a science magazine that made me want to read the book this scientist had written, then drove past some ruins on my way home and thought it would be nice to read some books about ruins, so I googled it and found 4 promising books, so at the end of the day I had added 12 new titles to my bottomless pit of a to-read list.
I'm not sure how I end up picking books from it—I do a lot of seasonal reading (eerie Gothic novels are enhanced by autumn and conversely!) But also I went to look at some books I've read recently, and I had a good reason to read each one when I did:
The Palace of Dreams, Ismail Kadare: I woke up from a messed-up dream and decided now (a Monday at 3am) was the perfect time to start reading this book about a dream-analysis factory
Sueños en el umbral, Fatema Mernissi: it was August and I was looking for a seasonal read, and this one is set in Morocco which made it feel summery to me. (I really enjoyed it, I recommend it if you like women's memoirs. It's called Dreams of Trespass in English)
Disent les imbéciles, Nathalie Sarraute: Someone said something dumb near me which reminded me that Nathalie Sarraute wrote a book called "So say the fools". I wouldn't recommend reading it in translation considering she is barely readable in French (I like her)
The Great Zoo of China, Matthew Reilly: life was stressful in early September and I wanted a mindless read with monsters and explosions (and exploding monsters), so this was perfect
Sto je muškarac bez brkova, Ante Tomić (I read it in French): a friend was travelling to Croatia which was a sign from the universe that I needed to read the one Croatian novel on my to-read list. I don't remember when and why I added it
La Chaîne éternelle, Fernand Gregh: the political situation in my country is shit so it's time to read some early-1900s alexandrine poetry, since poetry is the opposite of politics
So I would say my method for picking books is to add absolutely whatever to my to-read list following random impulses and let them ferment in there for years being vaguely aware of their existence, until the stars align to make this book suddenly relevant or necessary :)
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Midnight Rendezvous
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Title: Midnight Rendezvous
Pairings: Lo’ak (25) x Navi Reader (24)
Warnings: MDNI
Contains: sexual tension, forced, dom Lo’ak, fingering, p in v
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It's been 3 months since you’ve joined the Na’vi tribe. All possible thanks to Norm and the other scientists once they completed your avatar. You were now one of the people, one with nature, one with Pandora. The challenges and adventures that come every passing day brought purpose to your once useless life. Similar to Jake, your human body was mangled, restricting movement in your right arm and leg, all due to a reckless night on Earth. However, your scientific background was notably impressive, so once you were accepted into the Avatar program you decided to live a life with no regrets.
You fell in love with your slim avatar’s body. Once you were part of the tribe they stripped you of your human like clothing and adorned your body with beautifully woven pieces with crystal like beadings that were enough to cover you but not enough to hide fully hide your heavy chest and curvy hips. You thought you gotten used to clothing till the Sully brothers stopped in to check on you. You suddenly felt the urge to cover your chest and sit on the ground preventing them from seeing what they were more than accustomed to seeing with the other members of the tribe. You allowed your long black braided hair to cascade over your bosom once they entered your cot, still sitting on the ground you beckoned them into your new home.
They were one of the best trainers, without them you would not have made it through the ordeal of becoming Na’vi. Neteyam would spend hours after Eclipse teaching you the uses and strategies of weapons while Lo’ak was responsible for you becoming one of the best hunters. The time spent with them was memorable, they helped you with obtaining samples for the lab, while you taught them more about the human world. The more time spent with the brothers the more you realized why every female Na’vi was fascinated with them.
“Hey y/n, looking good, blue suits you.” Neteyam chuckled.
His words knock you out of your trance as you flashed a smile towards him. He has always been kind and gentle towards you. Despite his kindness, you found yourself more drawn to his younger brother who  
“Thanks Nete, what are the plans for tonight?” you winked “got some other girl to tend to?”
“Nah, we’re going to a party, you should come.” He replied , flashing a mischievous grin.
You decided to embrace the new found life and take on your adventurous and outgoing side. The brothers did mention that the elders had no idea about these bonfire parties. You figured it would be the best approach to grove in with Na’vi’s your age. Mustering up one breath of courage you sprung up from your hammock and began to began to dress, wiping with a wash cloth and adorning your body with another beaded top and more revealing loincloth you head out the door. Making your way through the forest was not as difficult as you anticipated. Your feet thread onto the soft grass. You stopped momentarily. Was that music? You persisted pass the vines and lianas, peering through the gaps.
You gasped. In the middle of a clearing surrounded by trees draped with bioluminescent flowers and vines were Metkayina youth, naked. The bonfire in the middle provided sufficient light to see, but dim enough to still foster privacy. The music came from an old radio box Norm gave the clan, the ground covered with what appeared to be wooled blankets. Na’vi men were on the floor, on top of them were women, their bodies intertwined. In their hands appeared to be chalices , more than likely containing fermented fruit strong enough to make one fall under the alcoholic influence. On the other side were more Na’vi men and women chatting, undressing, laughing and even a few were moaning. The sight had you both dumbfounded but also awakened your inquisitive side. The mess of bodies were enough to turn you on as your eyes took in the rhythms and sounds of pleasure escaping the group.
“Looks fun doesn’t it?”
Your breath hitched. Caught off guard you stumbled, your back hitting into a familiar chest.
“Lo-ak, you startled me.”
“Didn’t think you’d come.” He said his voice low.
“Didn’t realize it was that kind of party.” You laughed nervously, your face barely visible with the flickers of the flame’s shadow dancing across your body every so slightly. You were too busy feeling embarrassed to notice the stares of the youngest Sully brother on you.
“Ah y/n you’re here.” Neteyam called out as he walked towards the duo.
You reached out to punch him in the shoulder. “You skwang!’ you yelled, “you tricked me.”
“Nah y/n I’m trying to hook you up, my bro Azal asked me to invite you.”
“You could have given me a heads up that I’d be at a sex party.” You hissed. “Since when was Azal even interested in me?”
“You don’t have to partake, it’s a place where we can be free. You could just watch y/n,but if you’re not comfortable I can follow you home. Azal always had eyes for you y/n, you know he is one of the bulkier ones, a really excellent hunter.”
“Not interested Nete he is too cocky for me, and it’s fine, I’ll just dine and enjoy the show.” You sighed nonchalantly.
Taken aback at your openness and willingness Neteyam smirked. “Alright! Right this way Just at least greet Azal!” his arm on your upper back he guided you through the curtain of vines. You peered over your shoulder to see Lo’ak following, his gaze dark and jaw clenched.
The party was intense in particular sections and more relaxed in others, the point was that everyone and everything was in view. There was a make shift area where homemade fruit wine was served, it reminded you of a human bar. Aside from the jazz like music and sinful moans filling your ears were the boring stories of Azal and his hunting streak. A mere attempt to impress you with his self-absorbed stories. Your eyes scanned the area to only lock eyes with Lo’ak, a particular female Na’vi kissing his neck while he sipped on his drink. You quickly averted your eyes to see Neteyam deep in conversation with a group of female Na’vis, a seductive grin plastered across his face. You huffed when Azal finally left you to get you another beverage, taking this as your chance you scurried off to the end permitter of the party, the moans were getting louder as more Na’vis began to partake. You took one last peak in an effort to catch the last glimpse of Lo’ak when you felt a heavy palm on your hip.
“Where you going y/n?”
“Lo’ak you’ve got to stop sneaking up on me.” You turn around to see his braids towering his face, his eyes hooded, lips agape. Something about his expression was intense, almost intoxicating. His palm remained on your hip,the other hand reaching out to remove a twig from your hair.You clear your throat in an attempt to break the tension.
“I’m tired Lo, think I’ve seen enough.” You said almost bitterly with the image of Lo’ak with the other female Na’vi.
“I haven’t.” He whispered, as he lowered his mouth to graze the top of your ear. You felt a sudden knot in your stomach, as a familiar wetness grew between your legs. Lo’ak trailed his fingers to the straps of your beaded top, slipping it off one of your shoulders.
“I know you want this just  as badly as me.” His face mere inches away from yours as his hand rubs your arm soothingly. “Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll walk away.”
The moans in the group grew louder and suddenly you wish he would be the cause of the sinful moans escaping your lips. Your silence makes him step back. In one swift moment, you grab his arm pulling him towards you as you crash your lips onto his.
Lo’ak grabbed the back of your neck, as his mouth dominates yours, he pushes your back towards the bark of a tree. Your breathing is uneven as you fumble to remove your beaded clothing and his loincloth. Your eagerness catches him off guard as you stood before him clearly deprived of sexual pleasures. With one rapid motion, he picks you up with one arm, your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, his hardened member pressing on you. You gasped as you looked down.
You’ve never seen anything bigger, you were no stranger to human sex, but Na’vi sex was definitely outside your area of expertise. His mouth began to plant kisses on your neck, you threw your head back as you succumbed to the desire. Your hands moving to grope your nipples, and you roll them between your fingers. The horny mess before him only turned him on more.
“Dam mama,you don’t even know how bad I been wanting this.”
You moaned as you feel his fingers enter your pulsating hole, dripping as you feel him scissors his fingers to stretch you out. You begin to wine on his fingers, drowning in pleasure, your moans grow louder. His mouth finds yours again as he tongue fucks your mouth. He picks up the pace expertly moving in an up and forward motion. You clench his large digits as you fought your way into his mouth, pulling him more into you. He pulls away, his eyes pouring with lust as you arch your back, exposing your supple breasts. His fingers move faster and harder, within seconds your juices were spraying as you screamed his name, unaware that nearby fiesta heard.
“I want you in me now.” You pleaded drool running down your mouth, your eyes heavy. Your hands reach to pumphis  hard cock.
“Music to my ears y/n.” He groaned, “bend over for me.”
You willingly obliged by turning to face the tree, bent over, head bracing the bark, you reached behind to pull apart your ass cheeks to revel your gaping holes. “Fuck me Lo.” You cried, your voice barely audible as the party ensued.
He gasped, his palm reaching to smack your ass. Without warning you feel his mushroom tip press on your opening you move one hand to the tree for support the other finding your clit. As he pushed past your entrance you feel him stretch you to capacity, your eyes widen at the feeling almost like you were about to split in half. You turned back to face him, his expression darker as he fully plunges into you. You scream from the sudden pain and pleasure.
“Take this cock in that tight hole. “He reaches forward to grab your breast as he paced.
You gasp at his size, your moans getting louder as the pain is replaced with intense pleasure.
=“YYeeessss Lo’akkk just like that, fill meee uuupp.” Meeting his rhythm you bounced back onto his cock while rubbing your cloth, your eyes shut tight as you tried to focus over the horny mess before you. You looked up to see Neteyam among the other naked bodies, his dick being sucked by a female Na’vi as he fingers her. Your attention suddenly averted to Lo’ak who begins to pick up the pace slamming harder and harder as you squelch. Dirty monas escape your pretty lips, your eyes ertun to the party to find Neteyam now staring. You gulp.
Can he hear me? CAN HE SEE ME? You thought to yourself but suddenly find your self on your back against the forest floor. Lo’ak towering you. He renters you throwing your ankles over his shoulder.
“I wanna see that pretty face when I make you cum.”
You held his stare as you reach to pull your legs towards you, revealing yourself more to him. You feel his boner growing harder inside of you. He picks up the pace, now slapping your clit. You hum in pleasure. You look down to see the bulge move in your stomach, he rubs your clit faster hitting upwards to find your sweet spot. The familiar feeling began to build soon your back arched as you begged him to fuck you senseless, to fill your lustful desires, to appease your cravings.
“Cum for me y/n.”
“Im gonna cummm.” You eyes water, mouth agape as you reach you high, causing you to convulse spewing your jucies once more. You scream your nails digging into his forearms as you become undone before him, he pulls out within three strokes spilling his hot seed on your face. Your smile suddenly vanishes when you realize in the near distance Neteyam's silhouette grows closer.
 “My turn brother.”
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Hark! I submit an official request for Raphael and someone (dealer’s choice) getting hit with the old Sex Pollen. It could be a trick by Haarlep or a plant/mushroom releasing pollen/spores in Faerûn during one of his visits. I leave circumstances to your brilliant imagination.
I love the sex pollen trope and would love to see you write it :) As always, feel free to make him or both of them as tame or unhinged as you like! Thank you! 💕
Raph gets pollened ☺️
There was a lot of strange stuff to find laying about in the ruins of Moonrise Towers. Most of it caked in dirt, dust, and other unidentifiable substances. The kleptomaniac in Tav had her poking around, putting her mitts on everything before those little tiefling gobshites stripped the place bare.
She was enamoured by something: a big round vial that contained some viscous liquid which, when Tav cleaned the bottle a little, glowed an ominous dark purple. The stopper was wedged too tight to open. It had been fermenting for a long, long time. Tav had discovered the bottle in a box with a decrepit occult codex of some kind and a burned out incense holder. Bizarre findings that warranted further investigation – after she’d raided everything else of value, of course.
“Well, well. Where should I find the mouse but scurrying about in a ruined old attic? Apt.”
Tav nearly leapt out of her skin. The bottle went flying, shattering on the ground. A thin, noxious violet gas began to seep from its shattered corpse. The smell was pungent, stomach-churning; like rotten eggs and swamp water. Tav coughed and gagged, eyes wet, glaring at the devil who’d startled her so badly. He stood there innocently, unassuming, a single eyebrow raised at her display of drama. So much for finding out what that potion did.
“Do you enjoy getting the jump on people, devil?” She said waspishly, moving further away from the mess. “Gods, that stinks.”
“Sometimes. Mortals are much more likely to agree to certain things when they’re frightened,” Raphael purred. He tilted his head, taking a small whiff of the gas. “Hmm…it smells like peaches to me.”
Peaches, sure. “What do you want?” Tav crossed her arms. Never turn your back on a devil. Especially this one.
“Merely to see why my favourite future client isn’t celebrating with the rest of her merry band,” said Raphael. Tav noticed he was surreptitiously inhaling deeper sniffs of the potion, like a dog that had caught an interesting scent on the wind. He may not have realised he was doing it. “After all, you freed the angel. You struck down the avatar of a God. One would think a hero of such calibre would at least raise a glass or two in victory, no?”
“I don’t like crowds,” muttered Tav, keenly aware he was mocking her. He was always mocking her. Raphael shifted his feet, coming just a bit closer.
“Yes, I know,” he said, his voice dropping an octave. “I know a lot about you, Tav. I know the kinds of people you used to do business with before the mindflayers took you. I know the kind of work you did. I know where you came from, and where you were going before all of this.”
“What?” Tav stared at him, aghast. A mix of horror and, inexplicably, intrigue squirmed in her belly. How did he know these things? Why did he know these things? Something was off, though. Raphael seemed, for a brief moment, as shocked by his words as she.
“All that is to say…” He adjusted his collar. Loosened it. “Hells. Why is it so damn warm all of a sudden?”
In a crumbling tower, battered by the chilling miasma of the shadow curse, the only warmth came from the Infernal himself. “It’s cold up here,” Tav said slowly. A bead of sweat rolled down Raphael’s temple in contrast. “Are…you okay?”
“What a stupid question,” the devil snapped. He was becoming flustered, a fetching flush spreading across his harsh cheeks and the bridge of his handsome nose. “I must return to the Hells. Goodbye.”
He clicked his fingers, intending to disappear in a burst of hellfire as usual, but nothing happened. A mere sputtering of sparks from his fingertips fluttered and died. Outraged, Raphael clicked them again, harder, as Tav watched with mounting anxiety. No portal opened. The devil went nowhere.
“Foolish little bint,” he snarled at her. Revealed his pointed canines when he sneered. Tav saw his pupils were rapidly expanding, consuming the sweet brown of his human irises. “What was in that bottle you dropped?”
“I don’t know,” Tav bit back. Always aggressive when she felt cornered. “And you’re the reason I dropped it in the first place. Maybe this will teach you to stop needlessly scaring people, though I bloody doubt it.”
“If you don’t watch your tongue when you speak to me, I’ll pluck it out of your filthy mouth,” Raphael threatened, low and throatily. He tugged his collar open completely, revealing his neck and some teasing wisps of chest hair.
“Oh I see, the devil’s feeling a bit poorly so he finally shows his true colours,” crooned Tav. “It’s about time. I was getting tired of your gentleman act, you know.”
“Ah…to have your skin hanging on a hook in my foyer would be such a delight…” Rumbled the devil, almost absently. He began to unfasten the buttons of his jacket.
“What are you doing?!” Barked Tav. He didn’t answer. Tossed his coat aside and moved onto the buttons of his fancy white shirt. It was damp with sweat – and this was when Tav noticed the bulge between Raphael’s legs. His cock, hard and proud, strained in the fabric of his trousers. A hot spike of desire shot through Tav’s body. “Oh, shit…”
The potion must have been some kind of demented aphrodisiac, made potent enough over time that just a few inhales was all it took. It must’ve been pretty strong indeed if Raphael was crumbling under its influence so fast. Except it wasn’t affecting Tav. She could admit – only to herself – that her tingles of arousal looking at Raphael’s big, deft, tawny hands work the small buttons of his clothes, at the glistening, hairy skin of his chest as he opened his shirt, at his puffy dark nipples, at the trail of fuzz going down his soft middle to vanish below his belt, at the outline of his erection, at the wet spot its leaking head made on his trousers…they were on Tav alone. She’d been attracted to the smarmy devil from the start.
Figuring all this out, Tav had one thing to consider as Raphael reached for his belt: what did she do?
Indulge, of course. An opportunity like this only appeared once in a lifetime. A street cat like Tav knew it better than most.
So she bit her lip, breath baited, as Raphael freed his cock and balls, both fat with need. Ogled as he furiously, shamelessly, rubbed his prick, squeezed its swollen sticky dark pink head, his tight scrotum bouncing with the force, staring right at her as he did. Sighed when he came in moments, grunting, cum spilling on the ground, all over his knuckles, everywhere. His expression was stormy, devoid of relief or rapture, his cock refusing to soften.
“It’s not enough,” he hissed even as he milked more cum from himself in oozing pearls that lazily trickled between his glans, teeth bared in frustration. “It’s not enough.”
He looked furious, frantic, frayed, and so, so fuckable.
“Come here, then,” said Tav, distantly aware of how breathy she sounded, “let’s try something else.”
He was on her in a second. A waiting predator pouncing on its prey. Tav could barely gasp before he was swallowing her mouth in harsh, biting kisses, one hand fisting the hair at the back of her head, the other holding her hip with bruising strength. Tav greedily put her hands all over him, yanking his silky too-perfect hair, scratching his slick chest and stomach, crushing handfuls of his pliant backside. He was like a furnace, radiating stifling heat. He smelled like cherries and musky sweat. So human, but for the hint of sulphur he simply couldn’t hide. His tongue tasted like wine and fire when he forced it into her mouth, hungrily licking behind her teeth. He was a man unravelling, so much desire pressed beneath the surface just waiting for an excuse like this to burst free, and Tav wanted to see it all.
“Wretch,” Raphael spat when they broke apart. The ribbons of saliva connecting their lips were tinged red. He’d bitten her bloody. “Invading my thoughts…my dreams…and now my body…”
“Your fault,” Tav retorted, crying out when he jerked her head back, rolling his aching prick against her clothed sex.
“Inside,” he growled, losing coherence, “need to be inside…”
He manhandled her, pushing her onto a nearby broken desk. With one hand, and in one yank, he pulled her trousers and smallclothes down to her ankles. Tav heard fabric rip but couldn’t find the will to care. The eerie, twisted moonlight coming in from jagged cracks in the stone, the cursed lands’ grotesque long shadows – these things stretched and warped Raphael’s silhouette into the monster he truly was. Tav swore she felt claws, fangs, horns, saw the glint of yellow eyes…but he was still a man, driven and desperate, who pried her thighs open and stuffed her full of his cock, who rocked up on the balls of his feet to get as deep inside her cunt as possible.
“Fuck,” she groaned, raking her fingernails down his back. She was wet and willing, but it had been a while, he’d entered her without preamble, and his cock was thick. He was unforgiving, selfish, searching only for his own pleasure. The stretch, the burn, as he used her, fucking her hard, fast, violent, was hideous and exquisite. She clenched her cunt around his cock and he came immediately, snorting into her ear like a rutting bull. Filled her womb with hot liquid release. She could feel it spurting out of his cock with every throb. He had so much to give, and still he didn’t stop. Couldn’t. Much to Tav’s delight.
There would be Hell to pay when this was over.
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margle · 6 months
in s17 i really want them to bring back the kinda athletic and scrappy dee from early seasons. like obviously shes aged and her patheticness has fermented over time to create a sad mess of a person. but! she went from punching people in the face, smashing people over the head with bin lids and actually being pretty good at american football to ... losing at bowling.
the thing about dee is that shes always going to fail - but something i miss from the early seasons is that she often actually has potential to be good at something (e.g. the gang gets invincible). it's cool to see that they brought this concept back in the gang goes bowling - but i want more! her cockiness or insecurity was often her downfall - rather than just innately being bad at something. (shes always been bad at acting though)
anyway i think it would be cool to see her in more scrappy situations again. i can imagine her getting into water aerobics and dunking people's heads under the water and stuff.
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nelkenbabe · 2 years
the conversations between solas and varric drive me to insanity, i think they might be the longest consecutive, interconnected pieces of dialogue between any companions.
there are so many layers and so much back and forth pushing, so much being said without saying it. they explain so much about solas’ current state of mind, but also show the effects of what happened in da2 on varric
Solas: I find the fall of the dwarven lands confusing.
Varric: What's so confusing about endless darkspawn?
Solas: A great deal, although that is a different matter. Dwarves control the flow of lyrium. They could tighten their grip on it.
Varric: It's hard to get the attention of the humans when the darkspawn aren't up here messing with their stuff.
Solas: You're active in the Carta. You know your people could tug the purse strings. You could claim sovereign land on the surface, or demand help restoring the dwarven kingdom, but you don't.
Varric: You're not saying anything I haven't said myself, Chuckles. Orzammar is what it is.
Solas: Is there at least a movement to reunite Orzammar and Kal-Sharok?
Varric: What is it with you, Chuckles? Why do you care so much about the dwarves?
Solas: Once, in the Fade, I saw the memory of a man who lived alone on an island. Most of his tribe had fallen to beasts or disease. His wife had died in childbirth. He was the only one left. He could have struck out on his own to find a new land, new people. But he stayed. He spent every day catching fish in a little boat, every night drinking fermented fruit juice and watching the stars.
Varric: I can think of worse lives.
Solas: How can you be happy surrendering, knowing it will all end with you?  How can you not fight?
Varric: I suppose it depends on the quality of the fermented fruit juice.
Solas: So it seems.
Solas:: I am sorry to have bothered you with my questions about your people Varric. I see so much of this world in dreams. Humans, my own people, even qunari. Dwarves alone were lost to me, save scattered fragments of memory where some spirit cared to watch. Now I know why I see so little.
Varric: And why is that?
Solas:: Dwarves are the severed arm of a once mighty hero, lying in a pool of blood. Undirected. Whatever skill of arms it had, gone forever. Although it might twitch to give the appearance of life, it will never dream. 
Varric: I'd avoid mentioning that to any Carta, Chuckles. They might not take it the right way. 
Varric: What's with you and the doom stuff? Are you always this cheery or is the hole in the sky getting to you?
Solas: I've no idea what you mean.
Varric: All the "fallen empire" crap you go on about. What's so great about empires anyway?
Varric: So we lost the Deep Roads, and Orzammar is too proud to ask for help. So what? We're not Orzammar and we're not our empire.
Varric: There are tens of thousands of us living up here in the sunlight now, and it's not that bad.
Varric: Life goes on. It's just different than it used to be.
Solas: And you have no concept of what that difference cost you.
Varric: I know what it didn't cost me. I'm still here, even after all those thaigs fell.
Solas: You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could've been, never fighting back.
Varric: Ha, you've got it all wrong, Chuckles. This is fighting back.
Solas: How does passively accepting your fate constitute a fight?
Varric: In that story of yours—-the fisherman watching the stars, dying alone. You thought he gave up, right?
Solas: Yes.
Varric: But he went on living. He lost everyone, but he still got up every morning. He made a life, even if it was alone.
Varric: That's the world. Everything you build, it tears down. Everything you've got, it takes. And it's gone forever.
Varric: The only choices you get are to lie down and die or keep going. He kept going. That's as close to beating the world as anyone gets.
Solas: Well said. Perhaps I was mistaken.
Varric: You know what I like about you, Chuckles? Your boundless optimism.
Solas: It's comforting that whatever qualities I lack, you'll invent for me, Varric.
Varric: No, really. Why else would an elven apostate help crazy Chantry folk close a hole in the sky?
Solas: When you put it like that, I must concede your point.
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mngo-jii · 1 year
☆ 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 (𝐡𝐩 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝) 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 CRUSHING HEADCANONS ! 🐚
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✉️ : i guess ill write it myself then (p.s. i havent written in MONTHS but you have NO right to tell me this sucks because this is the most you can get for hpma x reader 😠 /j) I'm open to requests, I'm bored
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Daniel Page, who accidentally messes up his potion from staring at you too hard—who, on the other hand, was too fixated and focused on trying to help him ferment the mixture with what he had teached you so far.
Daniel Page, who constantly, indirectly calls you pretty.
Lottie had asked for advice on who she should draw to practice anatomy on, adding that it should be someone who has relatively pretty features so it won't be too hard to captivate. On the spur of the moment, Daniel was the one who almost immediately responded with your name.
Daniel Page, who always offers to help you study for exams, of course without a remark on how you "always need him" first.
Daniel Page, who ironically always needs you, and goes to you for help even though everyone else is a 100% available and a lot more suitable for the situation.
Daniel Page, who's slowly getting used to sneaking out at night with you to explore Hogwarts even further. To the point he could almost feel a pang of disappointment when you decide not to go.
"Alright," he speaks through his usual accent, "It's better not to get hung up by Mr. Filch anyway." He wishes you a goodnight after you do and tries to ignore the way his shoulders slump and how his mood lightly drops.
Daniel Page, who randomly gets reminded of how pretty you are despite the light frown you have displayed on your face as a result of whatever he said.
Additionally, Daniel Page who can't help but halt his speech when he realises how pretty your pout looks and the way you sassily cross your arms at him, so out of patience yet ready to hear him out. Hence why he always ends up "reluctantly" complying with your plan instead of his.
Daniel Page who covers up the fact that he wants you to dance with him "as a favor."
Daniel Page who gives you a flower because it was an "extra herb" he didn't need (even though he could have kept it for the next potion that acquired it), and makes up an entire potion when you asked what it was used for.
Daniel Page who suddenly distances himself from you when you start hanging out with another male student—
Daniel Page who says it was he who was "your first" and who has been on adventures with you more than anyone else and asks what's so special about said male student once you worriedly ask him what's going on
Daniel Page who's stuttering, awful lying, and flushed face never fail to give him away every time the others question him about you
Daniel Page who looks like a beaten-up puppy whenever you choose someone else over him. Notwithstanding it might be the smallest matter as to accompanying you to go back to your dorm to pick up something you forgot ☠️
Daniel Page who starts to stammer and sweat when you ask his opinion on how a certain outfit, accessory, or makeup looks on you— His response either being "It-it looks fine" or "uhhh um 🧍🏻‍♂️"
Daniel Page who feels guilty about the lack of solid answer he had given you, not to mention the pout on your face once you back away.
So he apologises afterward and straight up tells you that you're always pretty, and that he doesn't understand why you need to be told that when you'll always be the same or even prettier in anything you wear 🤷🏻...
Daniel Page who goes blank when he realises what he had just said ☹️
Just Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel <3 he's a cutie patootie fr
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