#frozen fruit is great but more options
femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Habits To Become Your Best Self In 2023
Some habits, routine ideas, and mindset shifts to help make 2023 your best year yet. Hope this helps and inspires you to reach your goals for the next 12 months. Remember to work hard and take care of yourself. Once you put your mind to it, the sky is the limit! xx
Make Your Meals Plant-Based & Produce-Focused: Center your meals around a variety of vegetables, fruits, plant proteins, potatoes, and unprocessed plant-based fats (avocado, nuts, seeds) and minimal whole grains.
Get Creative With Stress Eating Substitutions: Discover healthy swaps for your meals and snacks to ensure what you're eating without sacrificing your goals. Some simple substitutes include mixing in cauliflower rice into your whole grain rice to add nutrients/volume while slashing the calories, using half an avocado with lemon as a salad dressing over spoonfuls of olive oil, swapping meat for lentils in a chill, soups, or stir fry, choosing frozen grapes or whipped bananas with berries over candy or ice cream for a sweet treat, etc. Remember: Spices and seasoning are your best friends.
Be Mindful of Your Beverage Consumption: Consuming enough water is essential. However, if you get bored with water, add some herbal and black tea, black coffee, or fruit-filled water into the mix. Cinnamon, vanilla, and apple or peach teas are great options to satisfy cravings and prevent mindless snacking (not a substitute for food – eat if you're genuinely hungry). For the winter season, try using some pure cocoa powder with hot water, vanilla extract, and a tablespoon or two of plant-based milk for a healthy hot cocoa drink.
Prioritize Long Walks: Carve out 1-2 hours of your day to get 10-12K steps in at least 5 days a week. Go outside if possible or jump on a treadmill/walking pad to get in some movement while watching TV, talking on the phone, or catching up on some emails.
Find A Simple Resistance Workout You Love: Yoga, pilates, or an at-home weight-training or body-weight exercise you can do at home. Browse different YouTube videos for 10-30 minute workouts to try or sign up for a class in your local area to make it a more social experience (and force yourself to take accountability to show up in the first place).
Create Short & Long "Bookend" Routines: Create a simple routine for the beginning and end of the task-filled portion of your day. For most of us, these routines would be done in the morning and evening/at night before and after work, school, or doing chores/errands. Let go of the rigid idea that these routines need to be done at certain times of the day. Set yourself up to win and tailor them to your schedule. Consider these short routines (like drinking a cup of coffee/tea, reading, meditation, journaling, a walk, or a short dancing session) your warm-up and cool-down sessions of the day. Having these rituals to look forward to will give you the energy and motivation to do what you need to get done each day.
Practice This 10-10-10 Mindfulness Practice: Make time for at least 10 pages of reading, 10 minutes of meditation, and 10 minutes of journaling daily (This can include shadow work) either in the morning or nighttime to clear and reset your mindset for the day.
Take An Hour To Plan Out Your Week: It's most convenient to do this power hour on a weekend (I typically reserve an hour before dinner on Sunday for weekly planning). Write out all of your main work tasks, schedule any due date reminders (for work, bills, chores, and other life necessities), must-do errands, emails and calls or appointments to make, etc.). I like using the Productivity Planner from Intelligent Change and my Reminders app/Google calendar via iCloud to sync deadlines and times to schedule messages/tasks/bills, so everything will be in front of me at the correct time throughout the week.
Prioritize 1-3 Tasks Daily: You might need to choose one large project to work on in small chunks or select a "Big 3" for the day, depending on how complex, lengthy, and time-consuming your projects/errands or appointments are for the day. Using this method allows you to be efficient, streamline your life, and feel productive without overwhelming yourself on the regular (the fastest route to burnout).
Make A Life Admin Schedule (and Stick To It): Choose days (and times if possible) of the week to update certain spreadsheets, batch reply to less urgent messages, clean your house, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. Scheduling these tasks ahead of time eliminates half of the battle for following through on what you need to do. Eventually, you will make these tasks into habitual routines that your brain will allow you to execute effortlessly as though you're in autopilot mode.
Mind Your "Circle of Influence": Do an intake on the 5-10 people you speak to the most or value in your life. If you're an employee, it is probably best to not include your boss or coworkers in this consideration list, as you need to work amicably with them regardless of your personal feelings. Look how you feel during your interactions with your friends, family, intimate partner, or an adjacent love interest. Consider how they speak to you, about themselves, and the topics your conversations are focused around. See if they align with the person you want to be and your goals. Evaluate how close you want to be and what parts of your life you think would be the most beneficial for you and the relationship going into 2023.
Set Boundaries: Understand your expectations, non-negotiables, and limits in every area of your life. Communicate these principles to others clearly, so they know when they are overstepping. Don't tolerate disrespect, but also don't expect others to be mind-readers. If someone knows that they're crossing your boundaries, it is easy to draw the line in the sand and walk away without the guilt or shame that can arise when conflicts originate from a lack of healthy communication.
Incorporate One Creative Practice Into Your Week: Reinvigorate your mind by engaging in at least one hour of creative activity per week. Try drawing, creative writing, poetry, singing, dancing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, graphic design, photography, etc. Even taking a foreign language course or creating a Pinterest inspiration/mood board or organizing your home/closets in an aesthetically-pleasing way counts. Figure out what creative outlet(s) you find satisfying. Prioritize scheduling this practice into your schedule weekly.
Refine Your Signature Look: Edit your wardrobe, try out a new haircut, or change up your makeup routine, nail color, or signature scent. Consider how you can close any gaps between your authentic personal style and how you present yourself on a day-to-day basis. Create an inspiration board if needed to help yourself define your unique aesthetic and gradually work towards embodying your ideal look.
Keep A "Praise" Archive: Create a record of all of the messages you receive highlighting your achievements, milestones, recognitions, or compliments. Compile a folder that acts as your "praise" archive for every area of your life. Create a folder in your work email inbox to save all of your professional achievements, praise, and positive contributions. Do the same for your personal email. Create a folder in your photo album of screenshotted texts. Keep a running list on your "Notes" app of any compliments you receive on your conversational contributions, actions, attire, personality, smile, etc. Hyping yourself up to connect to your highest self.
Create A "Siren" Kit: Take note of all of the clothing, scents, songs, cosmetics, phrases, people, and other aspects of your environment that empower you to feel your sexiest. Keep all of these items/songs/texts together to make it simple to set the mood before engaging in some indulgent action or revisit when you need a boost of confidence throughout your week.
Do A Financial Audit: Create an income/expenses spreadsheet to understand your current spending behavior and budgeting plan going forward. Set up your 2023 financial goals and projections, including target amounts for income, savings, and investments.
Give Yourself A Weekly "Treat": Find a healthy indulgence that you can strategically incorporate into your week. This "treat" can be a massage or nail appointment, permission to watch a movie or a couple episodes of a TV show, a serving of your favorite dessert or a glass of wine, etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Consider regular indulgence as an act of self-care not as a sign of weakness or self-destruction. Embracing pleasure does not require guilt or external permission.
Happy New Year, loves! Cheers to an abundant 2023 xx
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kedreeva · 4 months
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Every day, Bug gets a bowl of fresh foods, alongside the dry chow and whole grain mixes she has free access to during waking hours. Her bowls contents often include fruits like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, apples, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, various melons, and pomegranates, and we try new fruits when we can. The bowls also contain veggies like chopped eggplant, sweet potato, pumpkin, squashes, peas, cucumber, chickpeas, frozen or fresh corn, carrots, celery, and occasionally cooked regular potato. There's also other stuff- cooked pasta or rice, raw shrimp or fish, canned tuna, cooked poultry or venison, scrambled or hard boiled eggs, cooked beans, and sometimes leftover "people" food she can have in small quantity, like a veggie straw or a cracker or something. She does get bird treats, too, but they're fatty so that's limited.
She doesn't eat everything every day (sometimes she does sometimes she doesn't), so whatever she doesn't eat goes to the other birds in the evening when I close them up. She sometimes gets a few bites of our dinner if it's bird-safe, and we do a lot of bird safe cooking so we don't waste leftovers much. We'll also, weather permitting, go outside for a little bit and forage for grass and whatever else she wants to eat (leaves, bugs, flowers etc). (Which is where I'm writing this from because I'm bored as hell outside in the cold right now but she's loving it)
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With all of that open to her daily, she still chooses to eat mostly her dry chow. My birds have all been on Belstra chow for years now, and they all seem to genuinely enjoy eating it, compared to some of the others I've tried that felt more like they would eat it if they HAD to, but they didn't enjoy the process. I'm glad to see that it compares even when there are other, seemingly more tasty, options. On top of that, my avian vet highly approved of it as well when we were searching around. So if you're keeping fowl and you have the ability to give this brand a try, they've got a bunch of different feeds, and all of them look great. You can usually ask your local mill about ordering, or becoming a retailer if your birds like it. If nothing else, as far as I've been able to tell, it gets you out from under Purina's crappy boot.
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sable-dream · 10 days
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Five Tips, Tricks and Hacks For Cold Weather Therians!
It's summer (in the northern hemisphere) and I'm missing my snowy Ural mountains habitat - so I've decided to put together a list of stuff that I've been using to cope! :D
#1 Fake Snow
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You can buy this pretty much everywhere online - but I've actually been using a DIY recipe! It's just baking soda + shaving foam but it gives you a nice crumbly texture and is even cool to the touch! :D This YouTube Video includes a couple of recipes that include common household ingredients!
#2 Cold Baths + Showers
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These are self explanatory! As well as being refreshing, they also give you an excuse to nest in fluffy blankets afterwards - which helps if you long for your fur (even in the heat). These can be paired with bath bombs - I've done pine before to invoke forest-y feelings! DIY Bath Bomb recipe
#3 Frozen Foods
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Obviously ice cream is a go-to here, but snow cones, popsicles, and ice cream sandwiches are all excellent! Ice cubes by themselves are also great in a pinch, and frozen fruit is another cheap option (stick it in the freezer overnight and boom homemade frozen snack!). 5 Minute Ice Cream Recipe Video
#4 Paint (Or Draw) A Cold Landscape
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This really helps if you want to get into a more 'chill' (lol) headspace. I prefer to paint traditionally but digital art is also great! Two Bob Ross tutorials if you'd like them: Snow Fall ❆ Grey Winter
#5 Watch Videos, Movies, Or Documentaries With Cold/Snow Landscapes
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If it's hot outside sometimes all you want to do is lie there and watch videos shot in places with subzero temperatures. You can find these on literally any streaming platform, and here's some youtube links for free documentaries: Frozen Worlds | Our Planet ❆ Mountains | Hostile Planet ❆ Animal Winter Wonderland | BBC Earth ❆ Canada's White Wolves | Real Wild ❆ (And a bonus Winter Ambiance)
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nathandrakeisabottom · 6 months
Yesss please sam drake food/eating hcs?? Fave meals, hated meals, etc
It is with great joy and great belatedness that I post my first Uncharted piece in ages. Thank you for the lovely ask, anon. :)
⋆ Sam Drake - Eating Headcanons ⋆
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Two words: scarcity mindset.
After running away from Saint Frances’s, to claim money was tight is to be telling some humorous bit, Money was borderline non-existent. And as such, came what the Drake boys do best: theft. 
Liquor stores were their easiest, and most consistent source. Sam still takes great pride in telling his many stories revolving around ‘cashier meet-cutes’ disguising their proudest heist to date: a 12-year-old Nathan smuggling canned goods under a moth-holed hoodie. 
Because of this, gas station snacks: twinkies, Lays chips, slurpees, etc. all tend to give him this simultaneous sense of nostalgia and nausea. Like when you’re eating eggs and all of a sudden, your body gags on the next bite.
But on an especially shitty day, expect him to be gobbling a Big Gulp and a half-frozen hot dog on the nearest street corner, with a half-smoked cigarette still sunken between his lips. It’s the way he wallows. 
Secretly wants you to tell him how bad that shit is for him so he has an excuse to snottily spat back “who the ‘ell cares?”. He finds pride in not caring about anything. (He cares about everything.)
Getting fast food at the drive-thru? Man waves you off a total of three times claiming he doesn’t want nothing before proceeding to eat half of your McNuggets without asking. He loves BBQ sauce and needs Tabasco on everything like it’s his will to live.
Big fan of spicy, sour, and tart, anything that makes your mouth pucker. Pretzels, salt and vinegar chips, cottage cheese, pickles, pineapple (😉). “What can I say? I admire a fruit that fights back!” — he snorts before taking a raw bite of a lemon, just to squirm you out.
Maybe a bit of the masochist in him. 
When he and Nate were able to get proper gigs (12-year-old Nathan: illegally, of course), they were able to progress to the simplest of grocery outlet options. Eggs, instant ramen packets, canned vegetables that were 9 out of 10 times eaten raw out of the can with a fork, and more nothing-but-toast-for-dinner than they’d want to admit).
Sam and Nate spent most of their childhood eating their dad’s scrambled eggs and microwaved peas. When their mom passed, and dad released them to the state, Sam decided he’d only ever eat over-easy again.
Nate still chooses scrambled. He asks for cheese and green onions to split the difference, but always ends up only eating half of it before the memories come too strong and he has to push his plate away. 
QUICK eater. MESSY eater. And I mean quick and messy. 
Will use as minimal cutlery as possible, and if disposable, even better.
A scooper. Tends to be a chronic careless spiller with how frequently he tries to funnel all the last crumbs into his mouth, how quickly he chugs even a glass of water. (Most shirts of his are stained as a result.)
Tends to wait till the last possible moment to eat or drink anything. Breakfast basically doesn’t exist to him. 
Spills more beverage down his chin and shirt than his mouth (but a wet t-shirt certainly isn’t the worst thing to happen. Especially not to Samuel Drake. ;)
Pizza order: Meat Lover’s with extra sausage. Maybe some green bell peppers when he finally compromises with Nate during movie night.
Never, ever orders (well, non-alcoholic) drinks when eating out. And only water when he finally lets himself cave. Otherwise, he’s stealing sips from the nearest patron’s Jarrito bottle (his favorite is Tamarind).
Doesn’t bother cleaning up his fruit peels or peanut shells, even around others. That shit’s going on the floor without a second look.
Surprisingly, a king and natural on the BBQ. Despite having so little in their childhood, Sam still tried to go hard on the holidays for Nathan’s sake. Fourth of July is still Nate’s favorite holiday exclusively because of Sam’s public park-smoked ribs and the long, bumpy motorcycle ride up the highest hill in whatever city they were currently loitering in, just to see the fireworks. 
A dive bar master. Nate always orders whatever grease-covered appetizer they got in the back. Sam purposely keeps his stomach empty so there’s more room for whiskey. (Since nobody asked, incredible at pool, and will offer any woman in a twenty foot circumference a lesson. Cue the leaning chest over back, cue stick fantasy.)
A love language that was a total surprise to him is his partner cooking/baking something just for him, especially if it’s from scratch. Gets that rare, soft look in his eyes as he watches them carefully place each steaming plate onto the table. And trust, he’s not looking at the food when it happens.
Loves his partner in an apron. Like… loves his partner in an apron.
Make him food, and as soon as it’s eaten, he’s eating you after. ;)
When he finally settles down post-Madagascar, it’s a fucking struggle to get him to go grocery shopping at all for the first few months. 
Self-punishment, maybe. 
Nathan buys them himself instead and leaves them on the porch of Sam’s trailer park home when he’s too depressed to answer the door. 
Basically has to be forced to eat actual meat and vegetables. For the first few months, he reverts and eats only familiar prison food. The same single pot of chili/beans for a whole week, half portions only for each meal. Uncooked canned carrots. Microwave popcorn when Nathan calls him asking if he’s eaten, and when Sam lies, it sounds more believable with the microwave droning in the background.
However, when he finally starts to pick himself back up, when he gets his first day job since prison, finally lets Nate buy him a used truck to get around, his first solo call from Sully, that’s when he finally starts to eat.
And when he finally feels like himself again, when he finally lets himself want to live again, the first hobby that Sam Drake takes up is cooking.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 year
Some financial advice that may be actually helpful
Based on one of y'all (sorry, I'm lazy, I'm not scrolling back) mentioning the terrible advice of "Make six figures."
Like, bitch. I'm TRYING.
But, let's say you live in a shocking world where you don't pull six figures out your bosses's ass every year. How can you make small financial changes that can lead to larger financial security?
These are all utterly subjective and based on things I've either actually done or just observed. I'm gonna try to skip over shit like, "shop for clothes second hand!" because shit like that can require a HUGE time commitment, and it's not even always worth it.
If your grocery store has a free rewards program (you put in your phone number or email address), get that set up. Yes, it will track what you purchase. But it also means when you get coupons in the mail, they're for things you actually buy. In our two-person household, we can save anywhere from 0-15 bucks a week depending on how coupons land.
If you can get a grocery card with fuel points (Fred Meyer and Safeway do it here in the PNW), you can save LOADS on gas. A dollar a gallon easily.
Also do any pet store reward programs that might be available. As the Bean does not require a great deal all the time, her rewards build up slowly, but every few months, we get enough points to get ten or twenty bucks off a purchase.
Do NOT buy in bulk if you're not gonna eat in bulk. Five pounds of rice is great if you eat rice regularly, but if you only have it every now and again, smaller portions of boxed rice are likely a better option. The same is true for any dried foods. Yeah, it's shelf stable, but it takes up more of the shelf. That could hold the stuff you actually eat steadily.
Frozen fruits/veggies are as healthy as fresh. And they'll stay ready to eat a lot longer. Consider that with how you eat and how much you eat a certain vegetable. It may be better worth your money to have three bags of frozen broccoli in your freezer than to keep buying fresh broccoli you forget to use in time.
If you're looking at a generic that says "Compare to BRAND NAME." It's the same formula. That's why they can say that. The reason it's cheaper is because the copyright or trademark costs money. Take that off, and boom. Cheaper cost for the same stuff.
If you have a car, know the way you drive it and how that can affect it. For example, if you do a lot of city driving, your transmission and (if applicable) stick shift are gonna wear down faster than you might expect. It's not always mileage. It's starting and stopping. However, if you drive long distances without stopping a lot (rural areas), your higher mileage car may not need any work on those things. Get your oil changed and your tires checked, and know what to look out for in terms of the kind of car you have and the driving you do. For example, we have less than 100k miles on our 15-year-old car, but we've mainly used it for city driving. We had to get the clutch re-built a few years ago, and last year we had to get the transmission goos updated because they'd run dry. These aren't surprising needs for a city-driven stick shift that's over ten years old.
There's a schedule to big shit going on sale in the US. Mattresses are a big thing around Memorial Day for some reason (Support the Fallen Troops by...fucking???). Electronics go big on sale before school starts and on Black Friday. Memorial Day is also big for cars, as is the 4th of July. If you hand make anything, certain colors of stuff go on sale before major holidays. Orange and black before Halloween. Red, green, and white before Christmas. Pastels before Easter. Etc.
Consider how much use a product will get before you decide you can or can't spend a little extra on it. Do 300-count sheets do the job? Yes. But speaking from recent experience, the 1500-count sheets feel so much nicer, which makes sleeping so much nicer, and I use them literally every single night, so the initial investment works out to basically the same even if I'd gotten cheaper sheets.
But also, stuff like sheets and comforters and stuff go on sale at various times! And your bed ain't gonna go through a growth spurt! Keep an eye out for those deals and scoop up the super soft stuff at a discount if you can!
And lastly on this main list, a very very important thing coming from a former poor kid: Fucking treat yourself. You know how much money you have. You know how much money you need. Maybe it's not hard to treat yourself because you're financially solvent, and in that case, this advice isn't for you. It's for those of us who have struggled to deviate at all from our list of NEEDS to give ourself even a very small WANT because WHAT IF I NEED FIVE BUCKS IN TWO DAYS. I get it. I do. To my bones. And I say fucking treat yourself, and if in two days, you suddenly need five bucks, do NOT feel bad that you got yourself a little something. You can't see into the future, and catastrophizing is so bad for you. Trust me. I know. Just. Remember, in all of this, give yourself a little focused care, okay?
All of that being said, a few more general points:
Dish soap is made to break up grease and oil, and it's commonly antibacterial. This makes it fucking perfect for cleaning your shower (covered in your greases and oils) and your bathroom in general (same reason). I don't recommend it for your toilet, but that's a personal preference based on zero research. The point is, most of your bathroom can be cleaned with dish soap. Get all your stuff off your counters. Make a thin layer with the dish soap. Let it sit for five to ten minutes. Scrub. Bonus: You can breathe the whole time.
Vinegar kills germs. Like, lab-tested kills germs. You can clean your kitchen with Vinegar and Borax (odor-reducer), and it costs a fraction of buying the kitchen-branded cleaners.
Borax is also great as an addition to laundry soap for odor-reducing reasons. So, even the cheap laundry soap is more effective with Borax.
"But Gayle, you can make your own laundry soap if you--" Yes, I know. And it's cool you know that. But it takes TIME to make laundry soap, and time is the only thing less reliable than money when it comes down to it.
Look up "No Buying" options in your area. This is usually a Facebook group or maybe a subreddit. The goal is that no one in the group wants to buy or sell anything. They just have stuff they want to get out of their house. It's not a 24/7 goldmine, but it's a once-a-day scroll through that could lead you to a pricey item for free!
If you have stuff that says "handwash," and you think, "Okay, I want to, but that's a whole new task." Nah. Just take a shower and bring it with! Hell, wear it in if you have to. I do this a LOT. Use the water and your soap (which, as it's likely a body wash or soap, will break down those skin oils and such) and give it a good washing while you stand there. Then, squeeze out the excess water and toss that thing over the shower rod. If you have a drying rack, use it. But if you don't, just leave it where it is and leave the fan going. It'll take care of itself. Just double check the label to know if hot water is a bad idea and if you need to lay flat or hang dry. If you need to lay flat, super squeeze the water out and lay it flat wherever you can.
And, lastly for this long post: If you need the expensive shit, buy the expensive shit. I have celiac and MCAS. My bread is five bucks a loaf. Peanut Butter fucks up my histamines. Almond fucks up my histamines. I need five dollar bread and fucking cashew butter to make a fucking sandwich. But the other option is getting sick from putting stuff in my body my body will fight against, and trust me, those urgent care visits stack up.
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t33v33g1rl · 20 days
My fav Ana snacks/foods/mealspo:
-Rice cakes (if you get the lightly salted ones and add 1-2 tbsp of low fat plain Greek yogurt + fruit it’s an AMAZING breakfast/snack and less than 200 cal!!)
-baby foods like puffs or yogurt drops
-low-fat Greek yogurt
-SKINNY GIRL BUTTER MICROWAVE POPCORN!!! It’s soooooo good and only 25 cal a cup!!
-bubblrs!! 5 cal only, same caffeine as a cup of coffee, but soooo much tastier!! And have a bunch of vitamin!!
-FROZEN FRUIT!! I like to freeze strawberries, blueberries, and grapes and they’re soooo tasty!! I only leave it in the freezer for a few hours though so they’re frozen but still chewable
-Frozen potstickers!! I get the “feel good” brand ones!! There’s nine in a pack and three are 170 cal with sauce! You get protien, fiber, and carbs, and it’s soooo good!!
-Coke Zero!! Need I say more?
-instant noodles!! I get either the “mikes made good” or the traders joes ones (made by the same manufacturer) it’s usually like 160-180 depending on which one you get, they have VEGAN and GF options, and are super filling!! Great if you need like good food bc you’re dizzy and lightheaded (also TIP: it’s says to let it sit for 6 minutes but I let it sit for 8 bc it cooked the noodles a little more so you don’t have random crunchy bits!)
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lizzie-gains · 7 months
I've been struggling with my goals, so I'm breaking them down into weekly goals for the moment, to be more attainable. That said,
Weekly goals, 13th-19th November
Food and drink goals:
Take time to make a good breakfast in the morning - successful 6/7 days
Prepare lunch in the evening - eh... I had frozen meals for 2 work lunches, takeaway burritos for 2, and my meal delivery service meal for 1. Technically I prepared by having frozen meals?
Prepare some healthy/easy snack options for work, also some snacks/treats to nourish my emotions - successful, had fruits, granola bars, etc, plus some treats on hard days
Enjoy some of my variety of herbal teas, maybe in place of or alongside some of my coffees - successful, I've been enjoying my range of herbals, particularly turmeric and cinnamon tea each morning
Aim for 2L water/day, and consider playing around with fun additions to make it more interesting, like fruit or floral waters - only achieved this on a few days, wasn't tracking but I know I was dehydrated more days than I'd like
Movement goals:
Try to go for a walk 2x (treadmill or outside, depending on how I'm feeling + the weather) - not successful, 0/2 walks
Try to do some gentle movement like yoga 2x - 1/2 only
Utilise opportunities for incidental movement or adding movement to static activities - have been adding in extra movement when possible
Do my physio exercises 3x - also did not achieve this, 0/3
Self care goals:
Add meditation into my days; use short meditations to make this more attainable - successful, meditated at least 5 days this week
Practice mindfulness - sometimes, this is a work in progress
Allow myself time to complete my skin care routine - successful, have been reasonably consistent
Start reading a book on my to-read list - did not start reading anything yet
Practice journalling, or try writing therapy - have been journalling
Partake in a spiritual practice at least once this week - successful
Remember to listen to my body and be respectful of my needs, treating myself with kindness and love - I experienced fatigue and headaches for most of this week, which is why my movement goals in particular weren't achieved, so I'd say I listened to my body
This feels flexible and attainable for my current state (which is not great, but getting better).
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barikinbear · 2 years
Rise Head Canons Because You Can’t Stop Me
Leo hates frozen orange juice. Don’t ask why, he just does.
They all used to dog pile on Raph to sleep when they were little. Sometimes they still do.
April is actually her middle name. Her first name is a closely guarded secret. All she’ll say is it starts with L.
Donnie knows what it is, and he Will Not betray her trust.
Mikey sometimes forgets to eat. He’ll just get so busy painting or drawing he simply forgets. Splinter is usually the one to make him eat.
Casey and Donnie also forget to eat occasionally. April will send them pictures of food daily to remind them to eat.
Splinter was an only child, and while he’s fine with that, he’s glad his sons have each other. He secretly enjoys watching their sibling antics.
Cassandra has two sets of boy/girl twins in her family, besides her and her twin brother. They’re the oldest pair, with the middle pair being thirteen, and the youngest being ten.
She was very relieved when Casey was a single baby.
Leo has a list of names he likes for his future children, if he ever has any. Only Splinter knows about it, and he’ll offer suggestions on occasion.
Donnie gets super clingy when he’s tired. He wrap himself around just about anyone and fall asleep.
He steadfastly denies this.
Raph always wanted a sister, and he was so excited to meet April and finally have an older sister.
Mikey was the last to learn to read. He was just too hyper to sit still and read a book. Splinter found some old Calvin and Hobbes comic books, and they held Mikey’s interest long enough to teach him to read.
Donnie hates apples. He hates the peel, and the inside of the fruit feels grainy in his mouth.
Mikey loves apples. He once made an apple pie pizza, which did not turn out great. April suggested he not use pizza sauce next time, and it turned out much better with her help.
Leo will often go sleep with Raph after a nightmare. Or he’ll go sit with Donnie if he’s still up.
Raph is happy to let Leo sleep with him, but he wishes he could do more. Splinter assures him he’s doing all he can.
Donnie secretly listens to Taylor Swift. His favorite songs are Mirrorball, Almost Do, and Red (taylor’s version, ofc).
Leo also love Taylor Swift. His favorite songs are I Knew You Were Trouble, Bad Blood, and Shake It Off.
Mikey loves The Shortlist. His favorite song is 1916.
Raph loves Mitch King and We Came As Romans.
Splinter hopes for grandchildren one day. He’ll never say anything to his sons about this, because he doesn’t want them to feel guilty about not really having a lot of options for potential mothers for these grandchildren.
He’ll spoil April’s future kids as if he’s their grandpa.
The boys do find love one day. They meet their future wives in the Hidden City.
Raph marries Mona, obviously.
Mikey and his wife will have eight kids. All girls, don’t argue with me.
Leo’s future wife has a Southern accent, probably. She calls everyone honey.
Donnie’s wife is Scottish. And 6’7.
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ruthiesrambles2 · 5 months
Sorry, I gotta hear your theories abt the snow piercers burials at your earliest convenience
Sorry to disappoint not theories just thoughts!
Like how it's acknowledged multiple times in canon that bodies go to compost. Melanie tells Jackboots to take Josie there, Ruth complains of bodies stacking up after the rebellion.
Which makes total sense composting bodies is probably the best possible option, but it's not super easy to do in a safe way and would need to be far more complex and scientific than the den of sludge that we see on Big Alice.
But then the Breachmen get what you gif'd - wrapped in cloth and jettisoned. Inherently wasteful, a not insignificant amount of cloth and rope on top of the loss of the soil feeding nutrients of the body itself.
This is presumably supposed to be an honour. Breachmen are third class, though. Do they get the honour because of the work they do, revered as they were amongst the working class? Do they get the honour because they were murdered, or young, or innocent? Do we only compost Tailies and rebels?
Do you get an honourable send off if you commit suicide? Even if your a firstie? In fic I refer to those as The Ungrateful Dead (an imagined Wilfordism, to be clear) and they get sent to compost.
Assume for a minute that the honour is generally reserved for the upper class, or at the very least the heroes. Even in death, even after the end of the world, how very like reality. The working class interred or burned, given back to the earth, the upper class entombed in mausoleum, great metal lined slabs, perfectly preserved... For posterity.
Of course the main point and one my mutuals are sure to be bored of is this.
Send me to compost.
What horror to be flash frozen, shattered flesh, scattered on a dead planet and trapped in this lifeless fragment of a life cycle for decades or centuries. What horror to be wasted.
Send me to compost. So I can feed the fungus, the bacteria, feed the earthworm and the cockroach, bring life to the fruiting tree and the sprouting herb. Send me to compost so I can feed you and you can have me back again. So I can be again. Life unto life. Keep me close and keep me warm, don't throw me out into the frozen wastes.
Sorry @gifsofhubris I just really wanted to wax lyrical about compost 🤷
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nimupates · 6 months
What is the Alkaline Diet? A Complete Guide for Beginners
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The Alkaline Diet: A Healthy Eating Plan for Optimal Wellness
The alkaline diet has become an increasingly popular way of eating that promotes overall health and wellness. This eating plan focuses on foods that help balance your body's pH levels to create an environment that supports healthy cells and tissues.
What is the Alkaline Diet?
The alkaline diet is based on the principle that the foods you eat can alter your body's pH balance and impact your health. The ultimate goal is to create an internal environment that has a pH ranging from 7.35 to 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. Foods are categorized as either acidic, alkaline, or neutral: Alkaline foods - Fruits, nuts, legumes, and vegetables Acidic foods - Meat, dairy, eggs, grains, alcohol, and processed foods Neutral foods - Natural fats, starches, and sugars By emphasizing alkaline foods and limiting acidic foods, proponents of this diet believe it can help neutralize chronic low-grade acidosis linked to inflammation, fatigue, and increased disease risk.
Benefits of an Alkaline Diet
Following an alkaline diet offers impressive benefits: Promotes pH balance Reduces inflammation Boosts immunity Increases energy Aids weight loss efforts Improves cardiovascular health Strengthens bones Detoxifies the body The diet focuses on nutrient-dense whole foods that provide antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water to help neutralize acids and remove toxins from the body. Balances pH Levels One of the main goals of the alkaline diet is to balance the body's pH levels. Chronic low-grade acidosis happens when acidic wastes accumulate in the body faster than they can be neutralized. This causes the body's pH to drop into unhealthy ranges. The alkaline diet counteracts this acidity and helps: Regulate fluids and electrolytes Filter out toxins and wastes Transport nutrients into cells Together this provides an ideal environment for cells and systems to function properly. Reduces Inflammation Acidosis creates an environment inside the body that promotes inflammation, a key factor in many chronic diseases. The anti-inflammatory foods emphasized on the alkaline diet can help reduce acidity and calm this internal fire. Some examples include: Fruits high in vitamin C Green leafy vegetables Nuts like almonds and walnuts Plant-based proteins like lentils and beans Lower levels of inflammation helps people feel better day-to-day. But even more importantly, it lowers the risk for disorders caused by chronic inflammation. Other Key Benefits Some other top reasons to follow the alkaline diet include: Increased Energy Levels - A balanced pH provides cells with ideal conditions for producing energy. Healthy Weight - The diet emphasizes low energy-density foods that support weight loss. Strong Bones - The diet provides bone-building nutrients often lacking in modern diets. Detoxification - Alkaline foods help remove acidic waste products and toxins. Together this creates an internal terrain that discourages damaged cells and chronic diseases from taking root.
The Best Alkaline Foods to Eat
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Focus your diet around these alkaline superfoods: Fruits Fruits are packed with alkaline-promoting nutrients. Choose fresh or frozen organic when possible. Top picks include: Lemons Watermelon Apple Grapefruit Kiwi Berries Papaya Pears Vegetables Aim for eating a variety of organic vegetables each day. Great options include: Spinach Kale Cucumbers Celery Carrots Sweet potatoes Broccoli Sea vegetables Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of protein and healthy fats. Soak nuts before eating to boost nutrients. Try: Almonds Flaxseeds Pumpkin seeds Sunflower seeds Chestnuts Chia seeds Herbs, Spices and Oils Boost flavor and pH with these additions: Lemongrass Ginger Turmeric Cinnamon Garlic Cold-pressed olive oil Coconut oil Avocado oil
Foods to Avoid on the Diet
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To balance your pH effectively, you’ll also want to avoid or limit these acidic foods: Red meat Poultry Seafood Eggs Dairy products Processed grains Sugar Packaged snacks Soda Alcohol Coffee Even whole grains and beans - two staples of healthy diets - should be eaten sparingly since they skew acidic.
Additional Tips for Success
Follow these suggestions to make the most of an alkaline diet: Stay well hydrated with alkaline water Enjoy herbal teas Reduce stress through yoga, meditation, etc. Exercise at least 30 minutes daily Add more raw foods slowly Focus on how you feel As with any significant change to your diet, implement this eating pattern gradually. This gives your body time to adjust its complex systems. Pay attention to the signals your body is sending about the changes. Over time, you should feel less internal "discomfort" and more vibrant energy. Chronic issues you learned to tolerate could show improvement or fade away completely.
The Bottom Line
The emerging research shows an alkaline diet may be an extremely healthy way to prevent damage from modern diets and lifestyles. While studies continue, adjusting your eating pattern to favor alkaline foods poses little risk and offers tremendous potential. It provides a sustainable, nutrient-dense approach to eating that fights inflammation and encourages good health starting on the inside! Doctor Sebi Cell Food Diet Explained: Components, Purported Benefits, Controversy & Safety Reviewed Read the full article
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grasstimes · 5 days
Hi grass omg
7-11 for the ask game!!
Ask game located here
Spoilers for optional achievements and the full game
7: anything you’re still curious about in game
I wonder if they ever manage to start that party in dormont or if everyone got frozen before it really started.
8: anything post game you’d like to see?
Bonnie and Nillie reunion!!!
9: any theories?
Not a theory technically (I think??) but I originally guessed that the island was inspired off of Puerto Rico. I was really close in my guess!
10: any headcanons about the in-game world
I posted this to the Isa daily before but! I’ve thought about how they would listen to music and such (not just live music) and my solution was these little to sometimes large music boxes that have the music sites within them with craft. However that might work.
11: any character headcanons? I will do just sif and isa for now as I’m the sleeperrrrr
Sif! Definitely a music enjoyer. Loves figuring and picking out the different instruments in a song. One of his teeth has a chip in it. More like a hole? It’s kinda hard to describe.
Isa!! If rollerskating exists in isat then he would be not so great at it. Mold. Speaking of my music box headcanon thing, he’s got a few of these in his house, mostly gifts.
Whoops I lied I’ll do one for Mira: like sweeter drinks (not alcohol) Mostly drinks made of fruit as they are inherently that way most of the time.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 months
advice for letting go of addiction to junk food? /:
I find that attachment to junk food is often due in part to not really ever falling in love with nourishing whole food ingredients. You're only gonna ever find joy in turning away from junk food when you're just as, or more, attracted to the whole food alternatives you're giving yourself. It shouldn't be about punishment or self-denial. It's about satisfaction, excitement, and self-love. Don't beat yourself up about your current situation. Simply, step forward into this new journey with patience & self-compassion.
💚So, first things first is really developing a longgg list of whole foods that you enjoy. Different fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, seaweeds, foraged plants, seeds, nuts, herbs & spices, and so on. I recommend mostly purchasing what's in season (the taste, texture, and price points tend to be way better!), and visiting farmer's markets when possible (in my state, they take food stamps and have tons of discounts, to make the produce more accessible to all. I hope it's similar where you are). You may have to do some learning about how to identify fresh & ripe produce, determine how to identify good quality, comparing the tastes depending on food preparation methods (boiled vs roasted vs fresh vs pickled), and little things like that. Don't be afraid to try new things. You will likely find that you grow to like things you would've formerly disliked.
💚Next is to get into finding alternatives for your previous favorites. Especially snacks or quick meals. So, let's say that you are super into potato chips and instant noodles...swap that for homemade chips or wedges (you can make them in the microwave, air fryer, or oven - with little to no oil) & a simple noodle soup (packed with herbs, some miso and/or seaweed, a few veggies of your choice, and anything else you might like).
💚It's critical as well to really develop a rolling menu of recipes to make yourself. Your meals don't have to be complex or take ages (something like a taco bowl is great). Focus on simple but flavor-filled meals by highlighting the fresh flavors and spices, and by creating a well-rounded flavor profile in your dishes (for savory dishes: umami/salty + sour + sweet + optionally herby, spicy, and/or bitter). An accent flavor (or something to make the dish pop) is also great, such as citrus zest, liquid aminos, coconut, paprika, sesame seeds, green onion. Have ideas for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, desserts, sauces & dressings, drinks, and snacks & dips.
💚Notice keenly how much better you feel when you reduce the junk food. Choose that good feeling over some really short-lived gratification. Notice, too, how poorly junk food can leave you feeling.
💚Learn to journal or tap into a hobby when your emotions get high and you want something unhealthy to "drown out your feelings." It's not about the fact that those foods aren't great for you. It's about paying attention to your feelings instead of stuffing them away.
💚Eliminate the misconception that it's cheaper eating junk food. You're less likely to feel the natural satiation point when you're eating low nourishment foods, so overeating is quite normal when you eat lots of processed foods. Also, the processing of such foods often is less kind on the earth compared to whole plant foods. So, it's expensive in that larger scale too. And you just aren't your best self - less energy, motivation, and stuff are likely when junk food is your primary fuel. The most affordable foods worldwide are typically satiating whole plant foods (grains, legumes, potatoes, etc).
💚Don't keep junk food around all the time. It turns into an 'out of sight, out of mind' thing.
💚Change the way you grocery shop. Spend time in the produce section especially. Always leave with things like greens, seasonal fruit, frozen fruit/veg, root veggies, etc. Discover which stores have the best options and actually stock quality produce. Wholesalers/big box stores & ethnic markets tend to do pretty good.
💚Create new habits. When you get home from work, you might be used to eating a certain snack. Interrupt that habit with a new one.
💚Stay hydrated. Water-rich produce (like cucumbers, oranges, leafy greens, berries) and drinking water can both help. Sometimes, we seek food when we're actually thirsty.
💚Start your days on a good note with fresh flavors. I recommend fruit for the sweetness and energy. And make sure your meals are satisfying and nutrient-dense, so you aren't starving and looking for energy drinks or anything an hour later.
💚Don't be all-or-nothing in your approach. This helps you to avoid that punishment mindset. It's just about choosing the food that really makes you feel good and happy and content.
💚Try out flavors from around the world. Get into ingredients and flavor profiles you've been missing out on. For example, rosewater, tomatillos, various mushrooms, berbere spice, different curries, dragonfruit, pandan. I just love traveling via my plates. It's an easy way to romanticize your life.
💚Learn to make a good, hearty, interesting salad. Smoothie bowls are a good thing to learn too. These are low-effort meals that are great when the weather is hot, you're busy, and/or your energy is low.
💚Get into making your own condiments. These can add an extra kick of flavor and interest for your dishes. For example, herb infused vinegars and oils, hot sauce, pickled veggies, rich sauces, etc.
💚Avoid food waste. Often when people are trying to eat better, the produce they purchase often goes bad before they can incorporate it into meals. Store items properly to extend their shelf life. Buy some fruit somewhat underripe (if they're a kind that ripens off the tree). Freeze things before they can go bad. Make soup broths, pickles, kimchi, jams, sauces, etc. Make meals around what is ready to be used. Also, don't be overly adventurous and buy too many unfamiliar ingredients at once.
💚And I'll end on an unexpected one. Spend more time outside in nature. You are typically become appreciative all those colors and scents and intrigue in simple/slow food meals when you do.
I wish you the best & I apologize for taking a while to respond.
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happi-meals · 3 months
Breakfast this morning (left) Dinner last night!
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Fried egg and Daiya vegan cheese sanwhich on wheat bread (pan toasted w olive oil)
2 clemintines
Leftover Hardy's biscuit
1 Impossble Sausage (vegan), pieced up and pan-fried in olive oil
1 cup of white rice
3 yellow squash, sliced and steamed (seasoned with pepper, Lawry's season salt, and olive oil).
I almost made myself two sandwhiches this morning, one with egg, and one without. But i figured that would be too much for breakfast since I wasnt terribly hungy and planned to nap afterward (I didnt rip). But the biscuit that i got on a visit to my grandma's over the weekend definitely gave my breakfast more volume that made me feel fuller. That couples with plently of water to drink. The clemintimes added a nice sweet element to my breakfast and also some fruit portion that was enough for that time of day.
As for dinner last night, swell as usual with those ingredients! Cant go too wrong with yellow squash (though it is easy to over or under salt them lol. Didnt this time tho), and white rice truly goes with everything.
I made the Impossible brat last over a week! They only come 4 a pack, which is a bit pricey for how much they are (when not on sale, theyre almost $10). But tbh, its one of those things that you pay for to get the quality AND healthier, more sustainable alternative out of. Its def a treat and I figured I can make it last by piecing it apart as well as spacing out days when I plan to cook it (for instance, I decide one day I'll eat vegan, but trhe other I'll be only pescatarian and the next vegetarian). At that price I can still feel like its worth it, and the oast few times I went to the store they were on sale. So I'm def keeping lookout for those opportunities bc I love this stuff! Great umami taste and crispy sausage texture (its cute how it starts out red to resemble raw meat, but for me thats not necessary. A substitute doesnt have to evoke its original in any way except mainly flavor. I digress lol).
I enjoy cooking a lot now and will soon experiment with meal prep for days in advance, preferably up to 2 (then eventually the whole week, or at least a week of options, frozen to have ready for later). If anyone has some good meal prep regiment ideas (esp for neurodivergent folks), id appreciate u dropping them off in this post!
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goodnessandgrief · 8 months
When I’m feeling depressed, it can be nearly impossible to take care of myself, and that includes eating. Here’s a list of some foods that require little to no effort (aka: can be eaten right out of the package or just need to be microwaved), mainly for my personal reference, but also so others can find easier alternatives when they’re struggling.
Water bottles or canned water - stay hydrated!!
vegetables - green beans, peas, corn, black/kidney/pinto beans, chickpeas (all canned or microwaveable frozen bags) - I’ve also tried Harvest Snaps, which are baked snap peas & they’re v good
Fruit - grapes, raisins (or any other dried fruit like apricots/dates), mandarin oranges, apples, applesauce cups, bananas, pears, peaches, etc. (most fruits require no prep anyway, but especially if they’re canned - you can also buy frozen bags)
Canned soup or chicken, beef, or veggie broth
Pasta (ramen, spaghetti, mac and cheese, chow mein) or instant rice are my go-tos. You can buy these in individual cups or bulk packs.
Any microwaveable food - frozen/tv dinners, burritos, toaster strudels (they make an egg bacon & cheese version too!), mini pizzas, breakfast sandwiches… there’s a lot you could do here :)
Dairy - Yogurt, cheese sticks, (or just straight up eat cheese slices, there are no rules here), cottage cheese, almond/oat/soy milk, powdered milk (if you want something shelf-stable)
Grains & carbs - cereal, crackers, chips, popcorn, toast or bagels (I’ve eaten plain bread before tbh and it kinda slaps), Oatmeal (these packets are dinosaur themed & have little sugar eggs!! - https://www.quakeroats.com/products/hot-cereals/instant-oatmeal/dinosaur-eggs)
Nuts - peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, cashews, walnuts, trail mix, etc.
Meat - deli turkey, trail bologna, spam, jerky, frozen chicken strips or nuggets, Morningstar vegetarian corn dogs, canned tuna
Fast food or take-out is also a good option if you don’t feel like making anything yourself.
A little tip - most foods you would take on a camping or hiking trip are great! for some, all you need to do is add water & heat it up. they are usually on the expensive side, though!! here’s some I’ve found that are decent:
Things to keep on hand for particularly bad days:
⁠Boost/ensure/Soylent - liquid meals for when the idea of chewing or mixing anything is too much.
⁠disposable cutlery/bowls/utensils so you don’t have more dishes to worry about.
Liquid IV, Gatorade, or some other form of electrolytes. It’s too easy to get dehydrated!
If you do have a little energy to cook or make something, here’s some ideas:
If you have a blender: frozen spinach + frozen banana + shelf stable almond milk + peanut butter makes a great smoothie.
frozen fruit + frozen spinach/kale for smoothies
Adding whey protein makes it more filling.
⁠dried pasta + jarred pasta sauce (Rao’s is low sugar and awesome, but pricey) + frozen meatballs
Boil tortellini on hand. Its as easy as boiling water. You can eat it plain, add a spoonful of pesto, sprinkle with a little olive oil or butter and some garlic salt, or pour it back in the pan after draining and add a little pasta sauce
⁠frozen fried rice + frozen stir fry veggies
⁠favorite frozen protein and veggies for sheet pan meals
⁠canned refried beans with a tortilla and some cheese to microwave, can add extra toppings too
⁠oatmeal + pb + dried fruit of choice
⁠rice cakes + pb + jam (or substitute bread if you have it)
Rotisserie chicken in a salad, soup, sandwich or wrap
Frozen salmon with some veggies
air fryer foods - chicken nuggets, tenders, fries, etc. You can also toss different vegetables (baby carrots, Brussels sprouts, etc.) in a little olive oil and throw them in there
chicken broth & frozen dumplings - you can dress it up a little with some miso, soy sauce or other seasonings. You could also add some frozen vegetables.
snack type food - a combination of canned Garbanzo beans and black olives. The olives are salty enough that you can get low sodium beans and it will still taste good.
A lot of these ideas I stole from the good people of Reddit (particularly r/depressionmeals)!Here’s the post I referenced if you’d like to look further into it:
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alex51324 · 2 years
Useful Tips:  Pie Edition
I am my family’s Official Pie Provider for the Thanksgiving feast, and since I’ve seen several posts of Thanksgiving advice, I thought I’d share mine.  
If you’re going to Thanksgiving at someone else’s house, pie is a great contribution that won’t require oven/stove space or otherwise throw off the host’s prep schedule--and there are plenty of easy-mode options.
This advice is mainly for those baking for omnivores; however, my extended family includes one vegan and one gluten-free person in the usual Thanksgiving crowd, so I have tips for accommodating those dietary restrictions.  
1. There’s no shame in using purchased pie crust.  For a single-crust pie, like pumpkin or pecan, the frozen ones that come in a foil pan work well.  For a double-crust pie, like apple, the refrigerated kind that you put in your own pan work better.  They’re usually near the biscuits and rolls that come in a tube. 
2. If you decide on a from-scratch pie crust, I use Betty Crocker’s recipe.  Use vegetable shortening (like Crisco), all-purpose white flour (the basic stuff that comes in a 5-pound sack) and ice-cold water.  Pastry chemistry is  delicate, so unless you’re an expert, don’t experiment with substituting different fats or flours.  (The linked recipe is already vegan; for gluten-free I do a crustless option.  I can’t speak to any other dietary restrictions, other than to urge you to seek out a piecrust recipe designed and tested for that need, rather than attempting substitutions on a standard recipe.)  
3. The secret to tender, flaky pastry is to handle it as little as possible.  Once you put the water in, you’re mixing just enough to get it to hold together.  Do your best to get it rolled out and into the pie plate in one try.  If it tears when you pick it up, try to stick it back together in the pie plate rather than rolling it out again.  
4.  Pumpkin pie is one of the easiest pies you can make!  The recipe from the Libby’s can is what everyone likes & expects at Thanksgiving.   (Feel free to use store-brand canned pumpkin--they’re all the same--but get the recipe from the Libby’s website.)  There are two common beginner mistakes with it, but I’m about to tell you how to avoid both of them: 
 First, make sure you buy evaporated milk, not condensed.  (They are right next to each other; if you’re there in the store and you aren’t 100% sure you remember which you need, grab a can of Libby’s pumpkin from the shelf and look.) 
Second, read the baking instructions the whole way through.  (You have to start it at one temperature and then turn it down.)
5. Pecan pie is just about as easy as pumpkin.  Use the recipe from the Karo syrup bottle.  (Store-brand corn syrup is fine, just get the recipe from the Karo website.)  
6.  The classic apple pie is a little more time-consuming, since you have to peel and slice the apples, but it isn’t difficult.  I use the Betty Crocker recipe.   This one is the easiest of the Thanksgiving classics to make vegan--just leave out the butter, and make sure your pie crust doesn’t contain milk.  (They usually don’t, but check just in case.)
7.  Speaking of dietary restrictions, if anyone at your Thanksgiving table eats gluten-free, you can bake some of the pumpkin pie filling separately for them.  (If you’re using a purchased crust, the recipe from the Libby’s can will probably make a little more filling than will fit anyway.)  Just put it in an oven-safe dish and stick it in the oven with the pie.  (My cousin who eats gluten-free doesn’t require cross-contamination precautions, but if you aren’t sure about the person at your Thanksgiving table, ask them!)
8. Finally, here’s another easy fruit pie recipe.  This one uses a simple from-scratch shortcrust, that you mix up and then press into the pan, so it’s a good option if you aren’t confident with pastry but don’t want to buy a pre-made crust.  The recipe is for peach pie, but you can do it with apples or pears for more of a fall flavor if you want.  Just make sure you slice them thinly & check for tenderness at the end of the baking time--being a firmer fruit, they might need a few minutes longer than the recipe says.  
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nourishandthrive · 8 days
Quick and Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipe
Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast is key to maintaining energy and focus throughout the morning. This quick and healthy breakfast smoothie is packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein to fuel your day. Plus, it's incredibly easy to make!
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any milk of your choice)
1 ripe banana
1/2 cup frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, or a mix)
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon almond butter (or peanut butter)
1 handful of spinach (optional, for extra greens)
1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)
Ice cubes (optional, for a thicker smoothie)
1. Prepare Your Ingredients
Gather all your ingredients. Peel the banana and wash the spinach if you’re using it.
2. Combine Ingredients
In a blender, add the almond milk, banana, frozen berries, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, almond butter, and spinach.
3. Blend Until Smooth
Blend the ingredients on high until the mixture is smooth and creamy. If the smoothie is too thick, add a little more almond milk to reach your desired consistency. If you like it thicker, add a few ice cubes and blend again.
4. Sweeten to Taste
Taste your smoothie. If you prefer it sweeter, add a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup and blend for a few more seconds.
5. Serve Immediately
Pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy immediately. This ensures you get the most nutrients and the freshest taste.
Nutritional Benefits:
Banana: Provides natural sweetness, potassium, and energy-boosting carbohydrates.
Berries: Packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins.
Greek Yogurt: Adds protein and probiotics for gut health.
Chia Seeds: A great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein.
Almond Butter: Provides healthy fats, protein, and a rich flavor.
Spinach: Adds a boost of iron, calcium, and vitamins without altering the taste.
Almond Milk: A low-calorie, dairy-free base rich in vitamin E.
Tips for Customizing Your Smoothie:
Protein Boost: Add a scoop of your favorite protein powder.
Extra Fiber: Toss in a tablespoon of flaxseeds or oats.
Flavor Variations: Experiment with different fruits like mango, pineapple, or peaches.
Green Power: Add more leafy greens like kale or Swiss chard for an extra nutrient punch.
This quick and healthy breakfast smoothie is perfect for busy mornings when you need a nutritious start to your day. It’s versatile, so feel free to customize it to suit your taste and dietary needs.
Share your favorite smoothie combinations in the comments below! We’d love to hear how you make your morning smoothie even more delicious and nutritious.
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