#fulfilling his promise in giving her the information she requested
doortotomorrow · 11 months
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nate shepard / jack - sizing each other up
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heeseung-min · 9 months
Yandere Jungwon mafia liking yn but yn already likes sunoo and vice versa. So sunoo and yn get in a realtionship but jungwon hates it and wants yn to himself. Can you make a one-shot about this?
Sorry for the late reply😓😓 Hope you enjoy this😄, in this story i make all of them are in same year which means all of them are 23 years old.
"Finish them. Make sure to kill them slowly cause I want him to feel the suffering."
Jungwon glared to the pathetic man where his face already ruined with punches and kicks that he got from Jungwon and his men. He hates when people couldn't fulfill their promise. This man can be an example for that. Jungwon already gave him few months to pay him back but instead when he stalked this man, he found out this man just using his money for gambling and even borrowing more when he lost.
"I gave that already many times, Junghoon. But your disgusting ass can't even do something good to earn the money to pay me back."
Junghoon hold Jungwon's legs to beg again. Quickly, Jungwon kicked the man until his face fell down to the floor. Jungwon groaned when he saw some blood on his outfit.
Jungwon stepped real hard on the man's face and kicked it for the last time. He clenched his jaw while watching his men started to torture Junghoon. He closed his eyes in satisfaction when he heard the scream. He went out from the place and let his men finished their task.
While he was driving, he thought about getting new suit since the one he was wearing right now already got dirty. He stopped at the shop he always goes to buy new suit. When he went inside, the manager there already knew what is he looking for.
While the workers were showing some suits with different design, another worker made a trouble by spilling a drink that was made for Jungwon. He rolled his eyes at the clumsiness while the manager seems to be embarrassed.
"Y/n!!! What do you think you were doing?!!"
"I'm- I am sorry I accidentally slipped."
Y/n apologized to her manager and turned to Jungwon to apologize to him too. Jungwon was strucked by her appearance and went speechless for few seconds before he came back to realization.
"Forgive us. Mr. Jungwon. Y/n is new here so she's still clumsy. I will teach her lesson."
Jungwon looked at you who only stared down to the floor with guilty expression. He wanted you to pay attention on him.
"It's okay. It's not like she spilled that on me. Stand up, y/n. No need to bow down. You should give her another outfit too since the drink also spilled on her. I will pay for it."
"No sir- I mean, there's no need for that. I'm good"
"I didn't give you option. So, just take it."
Since that day, Jungwon will come to the shop every week just to see you although he's not really interested to get new clothes. He's a bit frustrated when other staffs and not you serve him. So, he requested at your manager for you to serve him alone.
"What style you prefer, Mr. Jungwon?"
"Just call me Jungwon. No need to be so formal."
"Umm, okay Jungwon."
Jungwon smiled at your shyness. He wonder how would you be when he make you fluster. He went closer to you suddenly and put his hand on your waist.
"Umm, what are you doing?"
"Stay still, doll. There's a bug on your hair."
Your eyes widened at his statement which made him wanted to laugh at how gullible you were. There was nothing on your hair. He did that just wanted to feel closer to you.
"Is it gone?"
One day, he went again to the store to see you but became disappointed when the manager informed him you were having off day today. He let the other staffs served him while thinking about you. Oh, how boring he is without your existence here.
"Do you see Y/n's boyfriend?"
"What? I didn't know she has boyfriend."
"It's the barista nearby our shop!!!"
"My my I guess they are really a good match."
"Y/n, we are so sorry for your lost."
You nodded at what your coworkers said. It's been two weeks since your boyfriend's death. You felt useless when the doctor told you the cause of death was suicide. You took few days off since you can't focus without thinking about Sunoo.
Now, you were on the beach enjoying the scenery and breeze. There was not much people so it feels okay to sit there alone while looking at the water and the sky.
"Even though you are sad, you should at least take care of yourself."
You immediately turned to the very familiar sound. Jungwon stood beside you with some foods on his hands. He then sat beside you and put one of the meals he bought on your hands. It's a new style you see from Jungwon. Usually, you just see him in suit but this time he was wearing white shirt and short pants which is comfortable to be at the beach.
"What are you doing here?"
"Why? I can't come to the beach because I'm rich now?"
"Erghh, I didn't mean that."
Jungwon sighed when he saw you back to you sad mood. He decided to put your head on his shoulder.
"Just cry, y/n. No one is here so you can cry as much as you want. I won't judge you, just do it."
Jungwon smiled when he heard you cried. He finally got rid of that bastard aka Sunoo, your boyfriend. Now, he can finally make you his. As long no one disturb both of you, he will make sure no one can even get closer to you.
Ayo, I hope you guys like this. The ending feels rushed ...im so sorry
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita
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blues824 · 11 months
Hello can I please request a sequel to the undertaker in the remarried empress.
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⚰️Imagen her making a mourning locket for heinley after his brother died and him thanking her for it .
⚰️How would everyone react to her telling that she became a grim reaper because in her previous life she comided sueside and that this is a punishment in her world.
⚰️Remember when mckenna gets shot because of sovieshit giving orders to shoot every bird that visits navier and ergi asking her to help mckenna.
⚰️How would everyone react to her her being together with kosiar and her joking to him if he ever kills someone she will hide it but don't go to another undertaker because that's cheating.
⚰️How would everyone react to her refusing to build rattrash a coufin and being shocked that she can hold grudges against people because she is known for her happy personality and chill nature .
⚰️Rember navier gets smugeld in the carage it looks like something the undertaker whoud build but at least the undertaker whoud put padding on the inside to make it comfy.
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Part 1
TW: mentions of suicide
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Sovieshu Vict
Back in Part 1, I already explained that you had told him to his face that you never wanted to see him or Rashta again, and that you would never make Rashta a coffin because she did not deserve your craftsmanship. While you never stated you wouldn’t make one for Sovieshu himself, it was kind of inferred. You retreated to your parlor, and have banned him from entering your own ‘empire’.
To say he was distraught would be an understatement. Not only was he heartbroken, but now you knew about how things work within the palace. All one needs to do is tell you a joke and you would gladly tell them what they wanted to know. What he didn’t know was that you wouldn’t betray the Empire like that, as it could bring harm to those you loved. Like you loved the Phantomhive family back in your world, you loved the Imperial Family (really the Trovi half).
Sovieshu had hired a hitman, but he never heard back from him. Unfortunately for them both, you were aware that you couldn’t die because being a reaper was your punishment for committing suicide in your past life. It was definitely not a great day for the hitman, because you used your scythe to kill him. It was all kept under wraps (perks of being an undertaker), and you just treated the body like normal.
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She was aware that you were quite serious about your promise in that you never wanted to see her again, and that when her body is sent to you when she inevitably dies, it would be refused. However, even though you knew how she would die, she did not. Sure, she knew she was human, but she didn’t know you were a reaper. She was younger than you, so she thought you would be the one to pass first.
Anyways, she could see Sovieshu’s distress after you left, and it made her so frustrated. The only thing that calmed her down even slightly was the fact that you were in a courtship with Lord Kosair, and you seemed to be completely in love and thus occupied. Unfortunately for her, you did not give her the information she wanted about her previous owners, and that information would be locked away because of what she did out of jealousy.
The young mistress could beg through letters, but you would not give her the time of day. Spoilers, but when you heard that she was executed, you actually refused the commission of a coffin. You remained cold and set upon your decision from all those years ago. You did, however, attend the funeral held, and you placed a rose upon the rather mediocre wooden coffin. You would most likely see her in Hell, if your punishment is fulfilled.
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Navier Trovi
She had heard what you said to her husband, and later found out what you said to Rashta when she was helping you pack your things and bidding you farewell. She had to hold in a laugh at your boldness, since not a lot of people would dare insult the mistress of the Emperor or the Emperor to their faces before storming off without an apology. That was when you decided that you could trust her with information free of charge; you told her that you were a Grim Reaper. She was shocked, but you explained that you used to be human and were being punished for committing suicide in your past life.
With that being said, Navier employed your expertise a few times. One example would be when McKenna was shot. The Empress had a servant rush the bird to you so that you could treat it, and you got to work. You cut through the bullshit though, and you knew it was McKenna and not a random carrier bird. He ended up surviving, fortunately, so all was well. You did, however, send a letter to Sovieshu saying that the bird was a letter from you (instead of Heinrey) to make him feel even shittier.
The last time your services were employed was when you were commissioned to work on the getaway vehicle. It was very last-minute, as no one knew that the Emperor would try to keep Navier within the palace. Understanding of the circumstances, you set to work right away, and you made a compartment that would secretly hold Navier inside of it. You designed it like one of your coffins; soft wood, soft cushions, and the scent of the wood was actually pleasant. You engraved a small message that she would be able to read, and it read “Can’t wait to see you!”
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Heinrey Lazlo
When his brother died, you were the one who directed the funeral. Again, you did funerals for everyone, as you thought people who deserved them should have access to your beautifully made coffins; even if families couldn’t afford it, you would grant it to them free of charge. That being said, while you were performing the autopsy, you snipped a miniscule section of his hair and placed it in a mourning locket. At the funeral, you presented it to the now-King Heinrey, and you bowed. 
Then, there was the whole ordeal with getting Navier to the Western Kingdom. You set to work on a carriage, even going as far as to employ other people to assist you. However, when the carriage itself was constructed, you paid everyone and went back to incorporate a hiding place within the carriage. It was in the seat, and you used your expertise and designed it like a coffin. You put padding in it as well, so that Navier could be comfortable.
It was a few weeks later where they came back to the Western Kingdom, and they had permission from the High Priest to wed. You were very excited for them, but there was another enemy on your radar: the widow, Lady Krista. You made it clear that you knew that she (SPOILERS) was in love with Heinrey, but you made her a mourning locket as well to remind her that it would be very inappropriate to go after her brother-in-law.
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Kosair Trovi
You both are just a bunch of silly gooses when you are with each other. Many jokes have been shared as well as many fleeting kisses. You told him that if he kills someone, you would be there to deal with the body. Then, you straddled him and came real close to his face just to say that if he ever goes to another undertaker, he would be cheating on you. He responded by placing a kiss on your lips and saying that the only undertaker he would ever go to would be you.
Anyways, he helps you with building the carriage that would transport his future brother-in-law along with his sister. Because he knows what this is for, you trust him to help you in building the hiding spot within it as well. You showed him your secrets, how you build your coffins because you fashioned the secret space just like those glorified boxes for dead people. It was the first time where he had seen you so serious rather than showing a bunch of emotion.
He remembers what you said to Sovieshu and Rashta, and while you are working on the getaway carriage, he asks if you were serious. You turned to him with a flash of anger in your glowing eyes as you stated that you would refuse their bodies if they ever managed to darken your doorstep either in life or death. You could be very scary sometimes.
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snowmist-hashira · 9 months
Idk if anyone has asked this yet but since Muichiro likes to do origami can you do short fic where reader learns to make origami flowers for him as a gift and muichiro really likes it and asks her to teach him how to make them?
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Smth like these^ you dont have to ofc! I just think it’s super cute:)
[Chapter title: Hearts in Origami]
[Requested] Muichiro Tokitou x Reader
Wattpad:(One shots) Tokito Twins x Reader Archive:Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tokitou Twins x Reader Details: ♠ Information ♠ Master list: ♠ Muichirou Tokitou ♠ Word count: 758
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Artist: Mos [Mosskmt]
Link: Twitter
I'd like to extend my apologies because I'm feeling a bit drained and unable to fulfill any requests at the moment. However, I plan to still stick to my schedule and aim to fulfill at least one request per week. Tags: @aeolia18 / @demonslayeranimex / @thornrosekaori / @xaeoism / @cascadingleaves / @mistymxxn / @unofficialmuilover / @sakurasunkiss / @yuichiroleftarm (Scheduled)
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Y/n, always practical and conscious of spending, sat at her desk one sunny afternoon, pondering over the idea of gifting Muichiro something special. She knew he loved origami, and she wanted to show her affection in a way that resonated with his interests.
She stared at the vibrant blossoms blooming in her neighbor's garden through the window, she couldn't help but think about the ephemeral nature of flowers. They were undeniably beautiful and a quintessential symbol of love and romance, but Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that they were a fleeting luxury. She believed in making investments that lasted, that could be cherished for years to come.
Still, she understood the sentimental value behind giving and receiving flowers. There was something undeniably romantic about a bouquet, the way it spoke volumes without a single word. But Y/n was determined to find a compromise that aligned with her practical nature.
With a soft smile, she remembered Muichiro's passion for origami. He was an artist when it came to folding paper into intricate shapes and patterns. That's when inspiration struck. She decided that instead of buying a traditional bouquet, she would create one herself out of colorful paper.
Y/n was determined to create a meaningful and lasting gift for Muichiro. She spent hours watching online tutorials and practicing her paper-folding skills, slowly but surely improving her origami techniques.
Y/n carefully selected a variety of vibrant, high-quality origami paper. Each sheet held the promise of turning into a beautiful flower. She set up her workspace, folding and shaping each piece of paper with precision and care.
As she continued to fold and shape the paper, her thoughts were filled with the joy she imagined Muichiro would feel when he received her handmade bouquet.
The bouquet slowly took shape, with delicate paper roses, lilies, and daisies blooming before her. Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her creation, knowing that every fold represented her love and dedication to Muichiro.
Finally, after hours of meticulous work, Y/n completed her origami bouquet. It was a stunning masterpiece, a vibrant and delicate collection of paper flowers, each petal and leaf intricately folded and assembled that radiated beauty and love.
Y/n knew that her handmade gift might not last forever like real flowers, but it held a different kind of longevity. With a smile that radiated both pride and anticipation, Y/n approached Muichiro.
"Here!" She said, extending the origami bouquet towards him. The paper flowers, each crafted with a different color that represented the diversity of petals in a garden, were neatly arranged. She had put her heart and soul into making it, and she hoped that Muichiro would see the love and effort she had poured into every fold.
Muichiro's eyes widened in surprise as he accepted the bouquet from her. He held it delicately in his hands, as if it were the most fragile and precious thing in the world. His minty orbs, usually calm and composed, were filled with wonder as they examined the intricate origami creation.
Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness as she watched him. She had poured her heart into this gift, and she wanted it to mean as much to him as it did to her. Her words tumbled out in a rush; her voice filled with anxious excitement. "Do you like it? I'm sorry, I wanted to give you something memorable, and I just didn't want to buy something and give it to you like that, I-"
Before Y/n could continue her rambling, Muichiro interrupted her with a soft, heartfelt response. "I love it," he said, his fingers gently tracing the intricate paper folds of the bouquet.
“Thank you, Y/n.” His fond expression conveyed more than words ever could. It was a look of appreciation, of understanding, and of deep affection.
Muichiro's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but be fascinated by the intricate origami bouquet that Y/n had created. The colorful paper flowers had captured his attention, but what intrigued him even more was the person behind this thoughtful gift.
"Can you teach me how you created it?" Muichiro asked, his gaze transitioning from the masterpiece in his hands to Y/n, who stood before him with a mix of excitement and surprise.
Y/n's eyes lit up with delight at his request. She hadn't expected Muichiro to show such a keen interest in her craft, and the idea of sharing her passion with him filled her with joy.
"Of course!" she replied enthusiastically. "I'd be more than happy to teach you."
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t4llhum4n · 9 months
So. It's time to fulfill my promise about Porter lmao.
Theory (and spoilers for Vincent and Sam's playlists as well as Sam's bonus scene) will be below the cut.
Well, at least we know now that he isn't Hush's brother.
In all seriousness though, I had no idea how to approach a theory about this guy that hasn't already been shouted from the rooftops on tumblr. So, I started with the bonus scene, and upon relistening, I heard something that I found.. odd.
Why, and how, was Porter the one texting Sam?
Everyone that I've seen is talking about Vincent and Porter's history (which is something I ended up doing too whoops), so with this, I want to theorize about Sam and Porter's (potential) history. Bear with me, I kind of lost interest in the Solaire's storylines in light of things like the Balance and Carpe Deus, so I might mess some things up lmao.
I've seen, and agree with, the "Porter is Alexis' progeny" theory, at least at its basic level. I do think that Porter was potentially turned by Alexis, hence the "Solaire," but I'm wondering if his situation wasn't closer Sam's than we originally thought. Let me cook real quick.
We don't know how old Porter is. We don't know when Porter was turned. Hell, we don't even know if this guy was empowered or not (different can of worms, I'm putting that aside). All we have is that he uses the last name "Solaire" and that he has Sam's contact information. Admittedly, we don't know much about Alexis past her age, but for the sake of this theory, that's all we really need.
If Alexis has been a vampire for over fifty years, and Sam has been a vampire for under twenty, then that leaves a little over thirty years where Alexis' could've been fucking around and finding out. The thing that people (including myself) tend to forget when thinking about Sam's turning is that Alexis knew how to do it. Sure, it was done to her by William, but we know from the timeline that she was badly injured when she was turned, so she probably didn't learn it just from that first instance. Furthermore, considering that she has been described as "difficult" and "a hellion" along with the fact that she was apparently so awful that William swore he'd never turn another person again, I'm guessing that she didn't study up on vampires and how they work.
So, what else is there? Hands-on experience; the best teacher. Enter, Porter. I'm not going to give an estimate of his age beyond "older than Sam," because an exact number doesn't really matter for this. I am, however, going to do what I do best, and point out parallels that I've noticed. Namely, the parallels between Fred and "Bright Eyes'" turning, and Sam's own experience with turning.
Time for a quick run-down for those who aren't too familiar with the Fred/"Bright Eyes" storyline! Basically, Quinn leaves both Fred and "Bright" on the brink of death. Sam sees Fred, turns him to save his life, and then tells Fred how to turn other people so he can save "Bright," which he does. From there, Sam takes on both vampires as his own, seeing as Fred is too inexperienced with, well, everything, to be a proper Maker. He teaches them for a couple of years, and then lets them go off on their own once he thinks they're ready. And at the end of it all, Fred decides to take Sam's last name.
Cool, great recap, but why am I bringing it up? Well, let's look over to Sam's story real quick. He was turned, though against his will, by Alexis, someone who we can infer isn't responsible enough to be a proper Maker. We know that once William caught wind of the full situation, he took matters into his own hands, separated the two, and set Sam up in a cabin on his own, as per his request. Knowing William, he most likely offered more help, but knowing Sam, he probably declined, and opted to live alone comfortably on the edge of the territory. In both situations, we have someone who can't or isn't a good Maker, and said vampire's Maker taking responsibility for their progeny's progeny.
What if this isn't William's first rodeo with caring for one of Alexis' progeny? What if Porter was one of Alexis' first progeny, with circumstances being similar to that of Sam's turning, and William took him under his wing? The difference this time, though, is that Porter accepted William's offer of more help. Now, this could be because William heard about Porter's situation sooner after it happened, or that Porter was unempowered and had no clue about anything -- either way, this next claim stands. What if Porter took the name "Solaire" from William, not Alexis?
If this is true, it would explain two things; 1) why Porter has Sam's number, and 2) why Porter and Vincent were at odds. The first reason is kind of self-explanatory. If Porter heard about what happened with Sam and Alexis via someone else in the clan and he empathized with it, then he probably would've reached out to offer support. What became of him reaching out could be a number of things, but it ended with the two of them exchanging contact information, and that's why Porter has Sam's number.
Now, on to the rockier claim. Let's start with this: I'm going to say that Porter is older than Vincent. If we run with the assumption that what I said earlier about William and Porter's relationship is true, Porter would've seen William as his true Maker, despite William not being the one to turn him. So, when Vincent gets turned, and William starts devoting his time to him, we can assume that Porter might get a little jealous. And that jealousy grew over time, especially because Vincent kept refusing the help that William was offering. He had the privilege of actually having a good and competent Maker, and he was spitting in his face? If what I theorized about Porter's past is true, then it's natural that that would irk him.
He kept it under wraps, though, and it got easier to tolerate Vincent; especially when he put his pride away and stopped being so difficult. But part of him was always stewing with jealousy. Now, I'm not saying that jealousy is the only reason why Porter and Vincent got into a fight that almost resulted in their deaths. I think that there was something that initiated it. Maybe it was something one of them said or did to the other -- I'm not sure. That being said, whatever it was brought all that jealousy to a head, and that's why they fought.
I don't know though! And I'm more than open to other interpretations. I have a few floater thoughts if we look at Porter in a more sinister light (e.g. Alexis and Porter are close and he got the number from her right before he sent the text), but I hadn't seen anyone make him out to be more sympathetic yet, so I decided to go that route! I hope you enjoyed this mess of a theory, and as always, if you notice any plotholes or have any evidence that contradicts this, please let me know :)
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madame-fear · 1 year
Hi Amira! How are you? Are you writing a lot?
I had some thoughts I wanted to share with you.
Lucerys and reader are going to have a baby. The reader is nervous about childbirth and Luke comforts her saying he will be there for her being the sweet boy he is. Rhaenyra also talks a lot with her, knowing she has given birth so many times.
Bonus: In my head they would have a beautiful baby boy that looks like this (the pictures is from rosiecobalt on Pinterest)
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Hello love!! Ahh, yes, I'm writing all my pending requests + the 3rd chapter of TLTSTD! :o also, thank you so sm for sharing your thoughts ahhhh you guys have no idea how I absolutely love them! I kinda needed this because I needed inspo to write, and thia definitely helped 😍❤
I think Dad! Lucerys would be the sweetest thing ever. From the second you both find out you're about to be parents, throughout your entire pregnancy. Luke is naturally a clingy boy with you, but now that you're pregnant with his babe, he'll be even clingier than he already is! And more overprotective, of course — he knows he needs to take good care of you, and make sure all your needs are covered. I can already picture him being 24/7 by your side taking hold of your hand, or perhaps simply rubbing your stomach lovingly with nearly heart eyes.
I can already imagine Luke going often to his mother, Rhaenyra, in search of some parenting advice and recommendations for pregnancy. Nyra will also often be by your side — along with Luke — to comfort you, and talk to you about the things you will have to expect and know when bringing your babe into the world. Her comforting words — and experience — are of great help, and she is a spectacular mother-in-law, I just know. I also know Rhaenyra would probably give you some name suggestions, both for boys and girls, because that's how lovely she is.
But, the nearer to giving birth you are, the nervous you become about it. The possible complications, the pain you know you will feel throughout the birth, the health of the babe, all those types of things that naturally cross your mind with every passing full moon, and every day closer to giving birth.
Luke will also be nervous as hell, probably even more nervous than you yourself are, but he will keep those nerves perfectly hidden just to not make you feel anymore anxious, and being the sweet little gentleboy he is, Luke will fill your face with kisses whenever you tell him about your fears when giving birth, and will tell you that he will stay by your side the entire time, and that he will make sure you're in safe hands.
The day of giving birth to your babe he fulfilled his promise, and the second he was informed about the beginning of your labour, he immediatly left everything he was doing just to rush to you and stick by your side; holding your hand — even if you squeezed his a bit too harshly, but it's understandable —, giving you sweet words like for example that everything is alright and that you're doing excellent, kissing your cheeks and forehead, wiping away some sweaty strands of hair from your precious face, etc. Literally stood by your side like he said he would! Heart eyes... 😍💘 Also, Luke would bring Rhaenyra with him, because she will also help you soothe and calm down with her own words, understanding how painful it is.
I always imagined Luke being the dad of a boy as well; and the moment he hears baby crying and sees you calm down, everything surrounding him would stop, and right there, he'll leisurely let go of your hand, and he will take the baby from the maiden's arms, who helped you give birth to your babyboy, and gave it to him. Luke would softly hold it and help wrap it in soft, velvet blankets, and he would admire the crying babe.
“Congratulations, my prince. It's a healthy boy.”
Oh my, he surely is over the moon with the baby's little coos, soft crying, his hands trying to touch his father's face, the little soft baby hair, his rosy chubby cheeks... I think he would get a bit emotional at it, and it would be hard for him to contain some tears from escaping, or from being overwhelmed wkth emotions. I know the child would even have his vivid green eyes.
Baelornys, you'd name him. It was your suggestion, and you both agreed to it. And our little soft boy can't be anymore over the moon with his little son than he already is. He'll be an excellent, sweet, caring, and protective father... as well as husband, who would make sure you get properly taken care of after your birthgiving. ❤
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @tickle-euphoria @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @dopepersonacloudllama
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
Hi punk :)) I love everything you write and the fact that this is a dark blog, so I thought about requesting something dark. I’ve read a few of your fics inspired by songs and I really like this one: like a tattoo by Sade. From the min 1:35 to 1:56. Maybe captain John price with a reader that is part of the 141 and ends up betraying them like Graves? Price and reader had a relationship and he was totally in love with reader, and reader used him to get info as he is the captain, reader also had feelings but couldn’t do anything to avoid the outcome, angsty ending maybe?
Hungry for Life or Love?
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♡o。.✿ฺ Paring // John Price x F!Shadow!Reader
♡o。.✿ฺ Summary // You we’re determined not to fall but who wouldn’t fall for him?
♡o。.✿ฺ (A/n) // Inspired by “Like a Tattoo” by Sade, love the song. Apologies that it took me awhile, I had massive writers block on top of work. For those who may be confused, the italics part towards the end, I’d say it happened after Laswell was captured. Why? I don’t know since I added last minute and didn’t want to change it.
♡o。.✿ฺ Word Count // 1.5k
♡o。.✿ฺ Content Warnings // Female reader, angst, swearing, violence, blood, bombs? Mentions of death/death, pet names (love), injuries…
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You tried, you really tried. Graves warned you not to fall in love but how could someone not? You adored listening to what he’d want after retirement, or how he spoke proudly of anyone in 141. Yet you were riddled with guilt, this facade you put on just to get information out of the captain broke your heart yet you wanted to make your commander proud.
Yet it was more than heartbreak when you had the gun pointed straight at his head, it was more than shame, you truly loved John Price. But the shouts of your commander and the rest of your comrades… You were a disgrace. You knew after Graves took over Alejandro’s base, he was going to kick you off the Shadow Company.
“Your eyes are beautiful.” John comments,
You snort, “Yeah right.”
He grabs your chin, making you look at him, “They shine beautifully in the moonlight.”
You told him lies to give him a sense of security he needed, breaking down his walls piece by piece, and everytime you did, you wished someone caught on to your act. You wished someone would tell John that you were a bad influence yet everyone in 141 cared for you as if you were their own member. It sickened you and just when you’re ready to call it quits, your commander was the one pushing you back out there.
You joined the Shadow Company with the promise that things would be different, that the Company was supposed to help. You should’ve known that it was all lies, from the second Graves had you transferred to 141, and with your order… You couldn’t take it anymore, the Shadows saw it, and Graves saw it.
“You’re out of line Graves.”
Graves chuckles, “I’m out of line? you should be saying that to the whore sleeping with your captain.”
“Don’t you dare call her that.” Johnny growls, itching to get his hands around his neck, “I should-!”
“Don’t do that. Don’t… Do that. No one needs to get hurt here.”
“Are you threatin’ us?” Ghost asks, his hand hovering over his hidden knife.
“Soldier, I don’t make threats. I make guarantees. So let’s not do this.”
Johnny grabs his radio, “I’m calling (L/n).” He starts to walk away.
“(L/n) has been a great soldier to the both of us, but I gave her a job and she fulfilled it.”
“A job?”
“Didn’t you think it was strange I had someone from my company sent over to you and just a few months later, they’re sleeping together.” Graves states, “Her job is over, it’s time for her to rest.”
The sudden explosion was hours off into the distance but it was quite noticeable, the smoke in the night sky along with the roaring sound, then Graves comms comes on.
“Sergeant (L/n) is KIA.”
“A body?” Graves speaks.
“Gone, along with any evidence.”
“Graves… You didn’t.”
“Stand down, you have your orders and now you have yours. This ain’t some negotiation!” Graves shouts, “Don’t make me send you down the same path as Sergeant (L/n), I’m sure she wouldn’t want you dead.”
“Cabrón!” Alejandro lunges as Graves. He and one of his men push Alejandro against the vehicle and restrain him.
“Graves, what the fuck?!”
Johnny dodges their gunfire and uses a Shadow as a human shield. Ghost elbows a second Shadow behind him in the face and then uses his knife to stab the third in the neck before throwing the same knife into a fourth.
Alejandro puts his restrained arms around a Shadow’s neck, “Get your fucking hands off of me-” Graves knocks him out before turning his attention back to Johnny. He grabs the Shadow’s firearm and fires at one, killing him. Graves shoots Johnny in the arm, sending him backwards to the ground with a dead Shadow on top of him.
“Go, Johnny! Get out of there!” Ghost shouts in desperation, “Soap- Go!”
“Get him, now!”
You kneeled on the ground, watching a cat through a glass. It follows the taps of your fingers against the glass, hearing it meow, and yawn.
“Sergeant (L/n).” A Shadow comes to your side, “The car is prepared. Graves it awaiting you.”
“Of course he is.” Guilt bubbled in your stomach, “Let’s get this over with.”
You hoped something was blocking the way with each turn, you hoped that something would go wrong with the car. Yet you knew it was time to face the facts, face the people that you lied to, and face the man who you love… You feel the hot tears fall down your face and onto your lap, no noise left your mouth as you silently sob.
The car comes to a halt, maybe… Just maybe.
You clear your throat, wiping away the remaining tears, “What’s going on?” You ask one Shadow.
“Wait here, someone’s up ahead.” The two leave the car, leaving you alone. You could take this chance, make a run for it? Mess with the car? Or await your humiliation that you deserve. You guess the drive back home with Price would always be a dream, not a reality.
“What is taking those guys so long?” You step out of the car, trying to look through the rain and fog, “What the hell are they doing?” You sigh.
The car is blown off the road, taking a few tumbles before hitting the bridge but dangling off it. You gasp for air, smoke filling your lungs. You could barely hear the two Shadows walking up, the lights of their flashlights blind you as you struggle to even pull yourself up.
You fumble with your seat belt, ready to call for help.
“Think it killed her?”
“It should or else Graves will have our asses.”
“Wait! I think I see her moving.”
You manage to free yourself, falling forward and hitting the car seat with a cry.
“She’s still alive!”
You see them coming close, you drag yourself to the back of the car, “What the hell are you doing?!” You shout, grabbing your pistol. You aim it through the broken glass, “Assholes.” You fire, watching one Shadow drop to the ground.
“Kill her! Before she kills us!”
You take your chance and hurry out of the car. Gun aimed straight at the standing Shadow.
“Care to tell me what you boys are doing?” You pant, “Because I’m pretty sure this is perfect grounds for discharge.”
“You should’ve stayed in the car Sergeant, you don’t know what you have done.” He spoke, slowly reaching for his gun.
“I know what I’ve done! Doesn’t mean Philip has to kill me!”
“It’s more than what you think.”
Before you could speak, the Shadow on the ground quickly got to his feet, landing a strong kick to your stomach, you nearly fell over the edge. You hold onto the ground for dear life, trying to pull yourself up, “I respect you, Sergeant, but I also respect Commander Graves.”
“Then pull the trigger, love.” John mumbles, watching your hands shake as the head of the gun is pressed up against his head, watching your eyes begin to water, “Pull the trigger and your job will be complete, just like what Graves wanted.”
You knew Gaz had his sniper aim at you, “Don’t shoot Gaz.”
“I said don’t shoot.”
“You’re an idiot.” You begin to cry, “You should’ve seen the signs… You should’ve known!”
John stands to his feet yet you keep your distance, you keep your gun on him, “It’s strange, isn’t it? A Captain who’s always cautious…” He takes the gun from your hands, taking your hand into his hands, “Yet here I am, holding the hand of a woman whose mission was to play me like a fool. But no matter how my heart aches, how I feel betrayed… I could never love anyone else the way I still love you.”
“...You’re a fool, John.” You quickly reach for your knife, ready to stab John.
“Don’t shoot!” He tries to tell Gaz.
Gaz fired, you lunged and John tried to cover you. The bullet tore through your cheek, burning throughout your arm. You fall into John’s arm, the pain swallowing you entirely that it was difficult to stand, yet you tried to ignore it, pushing yourself out of his arms and tripping over your feet.
John feels the blood spilling onto his chest, he grabs your face which makes you hiss loudly. A long, deep gash across your cheek, “Call a medic!”
“Don’t!” You push him, “I don’t need one.” You hand comes to your cheek, trying to apply as much pressure while ignoring the pain, “I have a mission to fini-”
“Enough of this (Y/n)!” John grabs a hold of your arm, “Why? Why do you still defend him? Why do you still follow him?!”
“Drop the knife (Y/n).”
“Let me help you.”
“Even if you could help me… You still won’t forgive me.”
You missed his embrace, his warm touch, the smell of his cigar in his breath… But the cold water gave you all the comfort you needed, even when you thought differently.
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© Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
Requests are open 😃 can I request wesker using reader against Chris? Like the reader goes through something like Jill in RE5 but instead of fighting for wesker the reader gets amnesia and wesker fakes a marriage with the reader to gain their loyalty and flaunts the reader to Chris that the reader loves him and not Chris but Wesker grows to genuinely love the reader. So now both Chris and Wesker are fighting for the reader.
Note: Sure anon! This was such an interesting plot and I enjoyed it a lot. Hope you like it!
You can access more unreleased content on my Ko-fi or Patreon (links in bio).
During an intense fight in the Spencer's Estate, Y/N jumped through a large window with Wesker in an attempt to save Chris. They barely survived the fall, and it took Wesker a great deal of effort to put them back on their feet. To Wesker’s surprise, when they awoke, they had no recognition of what had happened to them. Their memory was blank, waiting to be filled with new information.
When they awoke, their stare expressed confusion and uncertainty. There was a little bit of hate and anger, as if some memories battled to survive in her mind.
A wide grin appeared on Wesker's face. It seemed that the odds were finally on his side once more. Not only that he had Tricell on his side—a very powerful pharmaceutical company that was creating Uroborus—but now he could have Y/N, Chris' love interest. He will wait for their next battle with interest and joy, as he will not only have the upper hand on him but can also destroy his spirit completely by manipulating Y/N.
Chris is the ideal soldier, as he doesn't break easily during missions, is agile, and has a vast knowledge of weapons. These traits make it difficult for Wesker to destroy him. However, now he has the chance of hurting him by flaunting himself with them.
In an attempt to make them loyal to him, he came up with a very controversial solution: he wanted to marry them. He didn't propose to them immediately, and he didn't brainwash them either. He wanted to take his time because he knew a forced bond would only lead to betrayal. Being a part of the Wesker project, he knew the outcome well.
Excella wasn't fond of this, as she had romantic feelings for Wesker as well, and she tried many times to sabotage their growing relationship. She was an impediment, and Wesker saw her as nothing but a pest. To cool her down, he promised her a place in his new world—the comfort seat next to his throne. Being pleased by this, she ceased her petty attempts. Among the superior and petty stares she would give to them, there were still some piercing glances.
Coming back at them, Wesker really took his time with the reader. Between meetings, experiments, and reports, he would take them to restaurants, museums, or even amusement parks. He told them that they were in a relationship and that during an expedition in a cave, she fell and hit her head.
"That makes sense, I guess," they said as they scratched the back of their head "but I still have no memory of you."
Wesker chuckled softly and informed her that those memories would come. With time, that hate and anger disappeared from her eyes, leaving only confusion and a growing admiration.
When asked why he has red eyes, he simply told them that it was because of a genetic mutation. They didn't know anything about Uroborus or that he was infected with the progenitor virus. All they knew was that they were an archeologist and that he was a simple scientist.
"I wonder if they experimented on you," they joked, referring to his alleged mutation.
"They did, dear. It wasn't pleasant." Wesker forced a laugh to join Y/N. They didn't have any idea that he meant it.
Y/N slowly learned how to get attached to Wesker, which turned out to be pretty fulfilling for him. He kept treating her nicely, sharing made-up scenarios and experiences, which Y/N believed. They even started to share a studio, about which Wesker lied that they used to share before the accident. He placed edited photos of themselves in different locations.
Y/N was skeptical at first, but Wesker was so good at selling his lies that they stopped questioning him.
Y/N felt safe in his care. As they began to trust him, Wesker began to develop some feelings for himself. The usual stare full of hatred was replaced with one of love and admiration. Don't get me wrong, Wesker has people that admire and respect him, but most of them have a tinge of fear in their eyes, whereas Y/N's gaze has nothing like that.
He grew fond of the care that Y/N provided. They'd ask him how he'd been, if he'd eaten or stayed hydrated, and other general questions that would normally irritate him, but if they came from them, he'd feel flattered and appreciated.
As they were watching a movie, Y/N looked up at him and whispered, "I love you." He stopped caressing their waist for a moment and looked down at them, not knowing what to do.
"Uh, I-I love you too." he replied unsure.
"Thank you." They kissed their lips and snuggled deeper in his arms. They fell asleep, leaving Wesker to struggle with his own feelings.
Did he love her? Did he want to continue? These were some questions that required clear answers, but such answers were hard to obtain since he was short on time. Uroborus was almost ready.
Three years had passed since that moment when Y/N lost their memories. Their relationship with Wesker grew, along with their trust and love. Seeing his plan fulfilled, he was unsure whether to ask Y/N to marry him or to leave things as they were, as Y/N trusted him deeply.
After some intense battles with his own feelings and beliefs, he decided to ask Y/N to marry him because he had fallen in love over the years as well. Turns out he always noticed them, mostly on the battlefield, as they were very skilled, and why not, very attractive. He would keep Y/N next to him into his new era, in the place that Excella should fit but won't.
Wesker lied again, saying they were engaged before the accident but didn't want to bring it up because he was afraid it would be too much for them given how little they remembered him. Y/N was excited to hear about the engagement, and agreed to marry him.
The final confrontation came. Chris and Sheva arrived exhausted, breathing heavily as they aimed their guns at Excella.
"Where is Y/N?!" Chris shouted with anger in his tone.
"Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't." Excella replied with arrogance and mockery.
"I know they're alive!"
A faint chuckle could be hear from the top of the stairs.
"You haven't changed..." Wesker said in a disappointed voice as he descended.
"Wesker! You are alive."
"This is Wesker?" Sheva asked, confused, as she had never seen him before.
"We last met at the Spencer Estate, wasn't it?" Wesker continued, waving his hand in the air with arrogance.
For a few seconds, silence fell in the room as Chris and Sheva couldn't predict his next move, Excella was too full of herself to speak, and Wesker wanted to prolong the reveal a little longer, just to savor the moment.
"Well, isn't this one, big family reunion?" He finally said, while pointing his arm to the top of the stairs. From there, a figure wearing a robe appeared. Their face were uncovered, and Chris immediately recognized the features of his long-lost love. He lowered his gun.
"I would expect you to be happier to see us." Wesker grabbed their hand and together they descended the remaining stairs.
"H-how is it possible?"
"Are you sure that's Y/N? It could be a clone."
"I'm- I'm sure."
Wesker's satisfaction grew with every second in which Chris suffered, and that showed in his wide grin. Y/N was to confused to recognize the man that was breaking in front of them. He stared at them with sorrow, regret and shame. He put his gun in the holster and approached Y/N.
"It's me, Chris" he said in a trembling voice. "Don't you recognize me?" He placed his hands on their shoulder, looking into their eyes and trying to find a glimpse of who they were and the love they shared.
"I-I'm sorry I don't know you. It's the first time I see you."
These words felt like a punch in his stomach. He lowered his gaze, facing the ground, trying to gather himself. Wesker, on the other hand, was overjoyed that he was finally breaking.
"I will save you..." he said, before quickly drawing his gun and shooting Wesker. He dodged the bullet using his inhuman speed. This was the first time he displayed some sort of power in front of them.
Y/N looked baffled at Wesker, who was now on the other side of the room. They opened their mouth to say something but closed it when no word came out of it.
"Get Y/N out of here!" He shouted to Excella, which complied immediately. They watched from behind, seeing as his fiancee was fighting his one and true love. Chris pressed the trigger once more, but the door closed before they could see if he hit Wesker or not.
"What did you do to them?" he asked furiously.
"I made them better!"
"Y/N has changed; they're not who they used to be. You broke them!"
"They love me, not you." he said in a calm tone. "They forgot about you, and you saw it with your own eyes."
"I will do what I must to bring Y/N back."
"I'm afraid it's too late for you. You either join me or die trying to defeat me." Wesker said this before charging at Chris. He was knocked out on the cold ground, while Sheva desperately fired her gun. Chris heard her scream, and then everything went dark.
Taglist: @shadow-wolf510 @cassie-todd @ravenrune
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imagineanime2022 · 3 months
Perfect Pair *Part 5*
Kalluto Zoldyck X Sister!Reader possible Chrollo Lucilfer X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 730
Requested: @musicisbetterbro
Request: Can we please have part 5
*Part 4*
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You should have known that this was coming from the moment that you stepped between your family and their mission. The message was handed over by one of the butlers while you were out at a cafe with Kalluto. “What is that?” Kalluto asked. “Dad’s mad at me.” You answered as you scanned over the letter that was handed to you. “What?” He asked as you folded the letter, putting it in your pocket. “Don’t worry about it.” You waved him off as you called the waitress over to pay for everything before heading back to the hideout, you about half way back before you felt them, Illumi and your father closing in. “Kalluto head back.” “Why?” He asked. “We need to keep our cover, so you need to go back.” You ordered, you weren’t sure if he knew that it was a lie but if he did, he didn’t say anything and continued on. “So are we going to talk or what?” “I’m sure that you know why I’m talking to you.” Silva said as he seemed to appear in front of you. “Because you feel betrayed father?” You asked and he narrowed his eyes as you. “Watch your attitude.” He warned you and you nodded. “Apologies.” You gave a theatrical bow. “I hope you have the information that we were looking for.” Silva said as Illumi stood at the side of the clearing. “They didn’t let me see it, you know that they aren’t going to trust me for a long while, you knew this was going to be the long game, what’s got you all spooked?” You asked. “Who’s side are you on?” Illumi asked suddenly and you looked at him and narrowed your eyes. “Are you trying to say that I’m working against the family, after everything that Killua’s done, I ruin one mission and I’m the threat?” You asked, you waved your hands turning to walk away but you didn’t get too far before the needle flew past your cheek cutting it. “Answer the question.” Illumi ordered, your eyes moved to him, your hand falling to the gun sitting in the holster. “I’m with Kalluto, wherever he goes I go.” You answered, Illumi smirked and lifted another needle, before anything else could happen you disappeared from where you were standing.
“Two on one doesn’t seem very fair.” Chrollo’s voice sounded and when your brain start to comprehend everything, you realised that you were behind him, you watched as he turned to you lifting his hand and gently wiping the blood that you forgot was on your face. “What’s going on here?” “I’m talking to my child.” Silva answered. “And him? Surely you aren’t so scared of us that you needed back up.” Chrollo smirked as he turned back to Silva, his face taking a stoney seriousness “Leave.” “We don’t answer-” “Illumi, it’s time to go.” Silva ordered, turning away “make sure you finish the mission.” “I am fulfilling the only parameters of my mission, he’s safe.” You answered. “Mmm.” Silva hummed before he turned and left, Illumi giving you one last look before disappearing himself. “You didn’t have to do that.” You said. “I did… They can’t just walk into my territory and expect me to let it slide.” Chrollo answered “and you never leave Kalluto alone, so you were expecting a fight right? Like I said, two against one isn’t very fair.” “They ensure success not fairness.” You answered. “They’re worried about something…” “As they should be, they don’t deserve you, you more than that family will ever let you be, you and your little brother.” Chrollo said. “As true as that is, you're going to have to try harder than that.” You patted his chest as you walked away.
When you got back to the hideout Kalluto was waiting “are you okay?” He asked. “I’m fine, they just wanted to talk.” You explained and he nodded, wrapping an arm around your leg. “You can’t do that, you promised that you won’t die.” He said. “I’m not going to die.” You said. “She’s right… I’m not going to let her do that either.” Chrollo said as he walked past Kalluto leaving you both alone. You don’t know why he made that promise, why he was trying so hard to convince you that you both belong here. You’ll have to keep an eye on him.
Request Here!!
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orthodoxydaily · 1 year
Saints&Reading: Tuesday, May 30, 2023
may 30_may 17
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Today the Orthodox Church commemorates the tonsure of Saint Euphrosynē of Moscow on May 17,1407.
After the death of her husband, Saint Demetrios of the Don (May 19) from the wounds he received at the Battle of Kulikovo, the Holy Princess Eudokia refrained from participating directly in the affairs of state; but on her advice, the wonderworking Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was transferred from Vladimir to Moscow (August 26, 1395) because of the invasion of Khan Tamerlane. Soon afterward, she established a Convent in the palace, dedicating it to the Lord's Ascension.
Though inclined toward the monastic Life, she did not become a nun at that time since her sons were very young, and instead, she acted as regent. She dressed in royal splendor, attended banquets, and participated in councils. Beneath her expensive clothing, she wore iron chains, concealing her ascetic labors and acts of charity from those around her.
Shortly before her death, an Angel appeared to her and informed her that her earthly life would end soon. Then she became mute. By signs and gestures, she made it known that she wished to have an icon of the Angel painted. When it was finished, Eudokia venerated it, and asked for another one to be painted. Only after the icons of the Archangel Michael were completed did she recognize the Angel who had appeared to her, and then she regained her voice.
The Saint wished to be tonsured to spend her final days in seclusion and prayer. At that time, she appeared to a blind man in a dream and promised to heal him.
On May 17, 1407, Princess Eudokia was on her way to the Convent, and the blind man was sitting by the roadside. Hearing her approach, he shouted: "Holy Great Princess, feeder of the poor! You always gave us food and clothing and never refused our requests! Do not disregard my petition now; heal me of my blindness, as you promised in my dream! You told me, ‘Tomorrow I will give you sight.' Now the time has come for you to fulfill your promise."
She continued on her way, seeming not to understand his words, but as she passed by, she brushed him, as if by accident, with the sleeves of her cloak. The man pressed them to his eyes and regained his sight. According to Tradition, thirty people were healed of various illnesses on that day.
Princess Eudokia was tonsured with the name Euphrosynē, which means “joy” or "gladness" in Greek. Her tonsure took place in the wooden church of the Ascension at the Convent.
The Saint reposed seven weeks after entering the Convent, departing to the Lord at fifty-four on July 7, 1407. At her request, she was buried in the church she had started to build in the Kremlin, which was dedicated to the Ascension of Christ. Her wonderworking relics remained there until 1929.
She had been buried under the church floor with a cover over the grave. In 1922, after the Revolution, this cover was stolen by the Soviets, while Saint Euphrosynē's relics remained in the grave under the floor. In 1929, the government decided to destroy the Ascension Convent. Thanks to the efforts of museum workers, her relics were saved along with the remains of other royal personages interred there. Her relics, however, have yet to be identified and separated from the others. The remains were interred in the Cathedral of the Archangel.
In 2006, the construction of a church dedicated to Saint Euphrosynē began in Moscow. It is located on the site of Great Prince Demetrios's palace. When it is completed, there are plans to tranfer her relics to this church.
Saint Euphrosynē is commemorated on July 7, the day of her blessed repose.
Source: Orthodox Church in America
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ACTS 21:26-32
26 Then Paul took the men, and the next day, having been purified with them, entered the temple to announce the expiration of the days of purification, at which time an offering should be made for each one. 27 Now, when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the crowd and laid hands on him, 28 crying out, "Men of Israel, help! This man teaches all men everywhere against the people, the law, and this place; he also brought Greeks into the temple and defiled this holy place." 29 (They had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, whom they supposed Paul had brought into the temple.) 30 And all the city was disturbed; and the people ran together, seized Paul, and dragged him out of the temple; and immediately the doors were shut. 31 as they sought to kill him, news came to the garrison's commander that Jerusalem was in an uproar. 32 He immediately took soldiers and centurions and ran down to them. And when they saw the commander and the soldiers, they stopped beating Paul.
JOHN 16:2-13
2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. 3 And they will do these things to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. 4 But I have told you that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them. And these things I did not say to you at the beginning because I was with you. 5, But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, 'Where are You going?' 6, But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. 7 Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. 8 And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 of sin because they do not believe in Me; 10 of justice, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; 11 of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. 12 I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will tell you things to come.
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The Trial by Franz Kafka
Chapter Four
Miss Bürstner's Friend
For some time after this, K. found it impossible to exchange even just a few words with Miss Bürstner. He tried to reach her in many and various ways but she always found a way to avoid it. He would come straight home from the office, remain in her room without the light on, and sit on the sofa with nothing more to distract him than keeping watch on the empty hallway. If the maid went by and closed the door of the apparently empty room he would get up after a while and open it again. He got up an hour earlier than usual in the morning so that he might perhaps find Miss Bürstner alone as she went to the office. But none of these efforts brought any success. Then he wrote her a letter, both to the office and the flat, attempting once more to justify his behaviour, offered to make whatever amends he could, promised never to cross whatever boundary she might set him and begged merely to have the chance to speak to her some time, especially as he was unable to do anything with Mrs. Grubach either until he had spoken with Miss Bürstner, he finally informed her that the following Sunday he would stay in his room all day waiting for a sign from her that there was some hope of his request being fulfilled, or at least that she would explain to him why she could not fulfil it even though he had promised to observe whatever stipulations she might make. The letters were not returned, but there was no answer either. However, on the following Sunday there was a sign that seemed clear enough. It was still early when K. noticed, through the keyhole, that there was an unusual level of activity in the hallway which soon abated. A French teacher, although she was German and called Montag, a pale and febrile girl with a slight limp who had previously occupied a room of her own, was moving into Miss Bürstner's room. She could be seen shuffling through the hallway for several hours, there was always another piece of clothing or a blanket or a book that she had forgotten and had to be fetched specially and brought into the new home.
When Mrs. Grubach brought K. his breakfast—ever since the time when she had made K. so cross she didn't trust the maid to do the slightest job—he had no choice but to speak to her, for the first time in five days. "Why is there so much noise in the hallway today?" he asked as she poured his coffee out, "Can't something be done about it? Does this clearing out have to be done on a Sunday?" K. did not look up at Mrs. Grubach, but he saw nonetheless that she seemed to feel some relief as she breathed in. Even sharp questions like this from Mr. K. she perceived as forgiveness, or as the beginning of forgiveness. "We're not clearing anything out, Mr. K.," she said, "it's just that Miss Montag is moving in with Miss Bürstner and is moving her things across." She said nothing more, but just waited to see how K. would take it and whether he would allow her to carry on speaking. But K. kept her in uncertainty, took the spoon and pensively stirred his coffee while he remained silent. Then he looked up at her and said, "What about the suspicions you had earlier about Miss Bürstner, have you given them up?" "Mr. K.," called Mrs. Grubach, who had been waiting for this very question, as she put her hands together and held them out towards him. "I just made a chance remark and you took it so badly. I didn't have the slightest intention of offending anyone, not you or anyone else. You've known me for long enough, Mr. K., I'm sure you're convinced of that. You don't know how I've been suffering for the past few days! That I should tell lies about my tenants! And you, Mr. K., you believed it! And said I should give you notice! Give you notice!" At this last outcry, Mrs. Grubach was already choking back her tears, she raised her apron to her face and blubbered out loud.
"Oh, don't cry Mrs. Grubach," said K., looking out the window, he was thinking only of Miss Bürstner and how she was accepting an unknown girl into her room. "Now don't cry," he said again as he turned his look back into the room where Mrs. Grubach was still crying. "I meant no harm either when I said that. It was simply a misunderstanding between us. That can happen even between old friends sometimes." Mrs. Grubach pulled her apron down to below her eyes to see whether K. really was attempting a reconciliation. "Well, yes, that's how it is," said K., and as Mrs. Grubach's behaviour indicated that the captain had said nothing he dared to add, "Do you really think, then, that I'd want to make an enemy of you for the sake of a girl we hardly know?" "Yes, you're quite right, Mr. K.," said Mrs. Grubach, and then, to her misfortune, as soon as she felt just a little freer to speak, she added something rather inept. "I kept asking myself why it was that Mr. K. took such an interest in Miss Bürstner. Why does he quarrel with me over her when he knows that any cross word from him and I can't sleep that night? And I didn't say anything about Miss Bürstner that I hadn't seen with my own eyes." K. said nothing in reply, he should have chased her from the room as soon as she had opened her mouth, and he didn't want to do that. He contented himself with merely drinking his coffee and letting Mrs. Grubach feel that she was superfluous. Outside, the dragging steps of Miss Montag could still be heard as she went from one side of the hallway to the other. "Do you hear that?" asked K. pointing his hand at the door. "Yes," said Mrs. Grubach with a sigh, "I wanted to give her some help and I wanted the maid to help her too but she's stubborn, she wants to move everything in herself. I wonder at Miss Bürstner. I often feel it's a burden for me to have Miss Montag as a tenant but Miss Bürstner accepts her into her room with herself." "There's nothing there for you to worry about," said K., crushing the remains of a sugar lump in his cup. "Does she cause you any trouble?" "No," said Mrs. Grubach, "in itself it's very good to have her there, it makes another room free for me and I can let my nephew, the captain, occupy it. I began to worry he might be disturbing you when I had to let him live in the living room next to you over the last few days. He's not very considerate." "What an idea!" said K. standing up, "there's no question of that. You seem to think that because I can't stand this to-ing and fro-ing of Miss Montag that I'm over-sensitive—and there she goes back again." Mrs. Grubach appeared quite powerless. "Should I tell her to leave moving the rest of her things over till later, then, Mr. K.? If that's what you want I'll do it immediately." "But she has to move in with Miss Bürstner!" said K. "Yes," said Mrs. Grubach, without quite understanding what K. meant. "So she has to take her things over there." Mrs. Grubach just nodded. K. was irritated all the more by this dumb helplessness which, seen from the outside, could have seemed like a kind of defiance on her part. He began to walk up and down the room between the window and the door, thus depriving Mrs. Grubach of the chance to leave, which she otherwise probably would have done.
Just as K. once more reached the door, someone knocked at it. It was the maid, to say that Miss Montag would like to have a few words with Mr. K., and therefore requested that he come to the dining room where she was waiting for him. K. heard the maid out thoughtfully, and then looked back at the shocked Mrs. Grubach in a way that was almost contemptuous. His look seemed to be saying that K. had been expecting this invitation for Miss Montag for a long time, and that it was confirmation of the suffering he had been made to endure that Sunday morning from Mrs. Grubach's tenants. He sent the maid back with the reply that he was on his way, then he went to the wardrobe to change his coat, and in answer to Mrs. Grubach's gentle whining about the nuisance Miss Montag was causing merely asked her to clear away the breakfast things. "But you've hardly touched it," said Mrs. Grubach. "Oh just take it away!" shouted K. It seemed to him that Miss Montag was mixed up in everything and made it repulsive to him.
As he went through the hallway he looked at the closed door of Miss Bürstner's room. But it wasn't there that he was invited, but the dining room, to which he yanked the door open without knocking.
The room was long but narrow with one window. There was only enough space available to put two cupboards at an angle in the corner by the door, and the rest of the room was entirely taken up with the long dining table which started by the door and reached all the way to the great window, which was thus made almost inaccessible. The table was already laid for a large number of people, as on Sundays almost all the tenants ate their dinner here at midday.
When K. entered, Miss Montag came towards him from the window along one side of the table. They greeted each other in silence. Then Miss Montag, her head unusually erect as always, said, "I'm not sure whether you know me." K. looked at her with a frown. "Of course I do," he said, "you've been living here with Mrs. Grubach for quite some time now." "But I get the impression you don't pay much attention to what's going on in the lodging house," said Miss Montag. "No," said K. "Would you not like to sit down?" said Miss Montag. In silence, the two of them drew chairs out from the farthest end of the table and sat down facing each other. But Miss Montag stood straight up again as she had left her handbag on the window sill and went to fetch it; she shuffled down the whole length of the room. When she came back, the handbag lightly swinging, she said, "I'd like just to have a few words with you on behalf of my friend. She would have come herself, but she's feeling a little unwell today. Perhaps you'll be kind enough to forgive her and listen to me instead. There's anyway nothing that she could have said that I won't. On the contrary, in fact, I think I can say even more than her because I'm relatively impartial. Would you not agree?" "What is there to say, then?" answered K., who was tired of Miss Montag continuously watching his lips. In that way she took control of what he wanted to say before he said it. "Miss Bürstner clearly refuses to grant me the personal meeting that I asked her for." "That's how it is," said Miss Montag, "or rather, that's not at all how it is, the way you put it is remarkably severe. Generally speaking, meetings are neither granted nor the opposite. But it can be that meetings are considered unnecessary, and that's how it is here. Now, after your comment, I can speak openly. You asked my friend, verbally or in writing, for the chance to speak with her. Now my friend is aware of your reasons for asking for this meeting—or at least I suppose she is—and so, for reasons I know nothing about, she is quite sure that it would be of no benefit to anyone if this meeting actually took place. Moreover, it was only yesterday, and only very briefly, that she made it clear to me that such a meeting could be of no benefit for yourself either, she feels that it can only have been a matter of chance that such an idea came to you, and that even without any explanations from her, you will very soon come to realise yourself, if you have not done so already, the futility of your idea. My answer to that is that although it may be quite right, I consider it advantageous, if the matter is to be made perfectly clear, to give you an explicit answer. I offered my services in taking on the task, and after some hesitation my friend conceded. I hope, however, also to have acted in your interests, as even the slightest uncertainty in the least significant of matters will always remain a cause of suffering and if, as in this case, it can be removed without substantial effort, then it is better if that is done without delay." "I thank you," said K. as soon as Miss Montag had finished. He stood slowly up, looked at her, then across the table, then out the window—the house opposite stood there in the sun—and went to the door. Miss Montag followed him a few paces, as if she did not quite trust him. At the door, however, both of them had to step back as it opened and Captain Lanz entered. This was the first time that K. had seen him close up. He was a large man of about forty with a tanned, fleshy face. He bowed slightly, intending it also for K., and then went over to Miss Montag and deferentially kissed her hand. He was very elegant in the way he moved.
The courtesy he showed towards Miss Montag made a striking contrast with the way she had been treated by K. Nonetheless, Miss Montag did not seem to be cross with K. as it even seemed to him that she wanted to introduce the captain. K. however, did not want to be introduced, he would not have been able to show any sort of friendliness either to Miss Montag or to the captain, the kiss on the hand had, for K., bound them into a group which would keep him at a distance from Miss Bürstner whilst at the same time seeming to be totally harmless and unselfish. K. thought, however, that he saw more than that, he thought he also saw that Miss Montag had chosen a means of doing it that was good, but two-edged. She exaggerated the importance of the relationship between K. and Miss Bürstner, and above all she exaggerated the importance of asking to speak with her and she tried at the same time to make out that K. was exaggerating everything. She would be disappointed, K. did not want to exaggerate anything, he was aware that Miss Bürstner was a little typist who would not offer him much resistance for long. In doing so he deliberately took no account of what Mrs. Grubach had told him about Miss Bürstner. All these things were going through his mind as he left the room with hardly a polite word. He wanted to go straight to his room, but a little laugh from Miss Montag that he heard from the dining room behind him brought him to the idea that he might prepare a surprise for the two of them, the captain and Miss Montag. He looked round and listened to find out if there might be any disturbance from any of the surrounding rooms, everywhere was quiet, the only thing to be heard was the conversation from the dining room and Mrs. Grubach's voice from the passage leading to the kitchen. This seemed an opportune time, K. went to Miss Bürstner's room and knocked gently. There was no sound so he knocked again but there was still no answer in reply. Was she asleep? Or was she really unwell? Or was she just pretending as she realised it could only be K. knocking so gently? K. assumed she was pretending and knocked harder, eventually, when the knocking brought no result, he carefully opened the door with the sense of doing something that was not only improper but also pointless. In the room there was no-one. What's more, it looked hardly at all like the room K. had known before. Against the wall there were now two beds behind one another, there were clothes piled up on three chairs near the door, a wardrobe stood open. Miss Bürstner must have gone out while Miss Montag was speaking to him in the dining room. K. was not greatly bothered by this, he had hardly expected to be able to find Miss Bürstner so easily and had made this attempt for little more reason than to spite Miss Montag. But that made it all the more embarrassing for him when, as he was closing the door again, he saw Miss Montag and the captain talking in the open doorway of the dining room. They had probably been standing there ever since K. had opened the door, they avoided seeming to observe K. but chatted lightly and followed his movements with glances, the absent minded glances to the side such as you make during a conversation. But these glances were heavy for K., and he rushed alongside the wall back into his own room.
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lifeundertheplumbob · 2 years
1;1; Item 12
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‘Throw him out!’ says Natashia.
‘Since I lost my job he’s the one paying the bills,’ says Nicole. ‘He may very well be able to kick me out.’
‘I doubt that, since you’re the one that bought the house it still belongs to you, regardless of who’s paying the bills. Besides, this whole problem is that he actually doesn’t pay the bills.’
‘But while I’m unemployed it’ll be his money I’m using to pay them. If I throw him out it’ll just be more visits from Bud before the government finally evicts me.’
‘Hmm, I do admit, that is a predicament. But only until you get a new job. Then hurl him out onto the street.’
This doesn’t make Nicole feel any better, though the visit does make her feel less lonely. Her life problems still remain, and she needs more people to talk to. Her parents can’t help; they’ll only try and get her into Zodianetics, and that’s the last thing she needs. Nicole has sisters though. They are successful and experienced women that could give her some useful advice.
She decides she’ll visit them in descending order of age. This means a visit to her eldest sister: Judith.
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Judith had only recently came back into contact with her sisters, after being missing for the months of the Unpleasantness. Being a journalist is the sort of thing that ought to be hidden during such violent political fiascos. She has an out of the way home on the outskirts of the district, not flashy but also not too small. Probably larger than Nicole’s.
‘...so I’m stuck with a boyfriend that I don’t want to leave but feels like a massive burden, and I have no job, and can’t find a job I want anyway, and my life is going to hell in a wheelbarrow,’ Nicole explains.
Judith listens intently to the whole story. ‘Well,’ she begins. ‘I’m not too sure I can give you much... immediate aid. I’m not sure what to do about this Richard fellow, beyond telling you to throw him out as soon as you can. I have no money to lend you nor can I really offer you any job. Though maybe I could ask around my journalism contacts for something menial to pay your bills while you search for something you like better.’
‘That would be very helpful.’
‘On a broader note...’ Judith gives her an odd look. ‘Perhaps we need to think more broadly. Maybe I could write a human interest story on you.’
‘I... what?’
‘A story, in the newspaper, about a young woman who from no fault of her own has suffered terrible economic hardness. Now, I know publishing this sort of thing is dangerous, but I have learned the fine art of presenting things not as a challenge to the government, but as an urging to do better.’
‘I mean... if you think that’ll work. But I’m more interested in you helping me get a job.’
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Nicole leaves for home, while Judith is on a roll. She quickly sends out a few emails fulfilling her promise to search for a job; a little office cleaning role or something. But immediately after that she starts writing. A brief human interest story on her little sister. The details she just heard, with a few emphasised and a few downplayed. Richard goes from idiot to just as much a victim who relies on his stupid stunts because of unemployment. That’ll sound more sympathetic.
The city’s main newspaper, which will get the most reach, is owned by John Paul Mondebello, who will not appreciate a Stauss attempting to publish a story via his paper. Fortunately Judith has cultivated a dozen pseudonyms, so she’ll get the story through. Public outrage at the unfair treatment of her sister by the system will compel the New Government to try and improve the unemployment crisis.
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Nicole reads this article in only a few days time. She is irritated that Judith went ahead with this without her permission. She gets on the phone to register a complaint with the newspaper. This will not get the article removed, there are no laws to protect her, but it will inform the secret police that she didn’t request this and spare her being arrested. So maybe the article will be able to do what Judith meant it to.
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vethbrenatto · 2 years
Okay, so after that FCG/Imogen moment I am extremely hyped for this Imogen’s rock plotline. It’s definitely giving slight allusions to Craven Edge/Veth’s Dagger and you fucking KNOW I love a cursed magical item.
Also the complexity of that moment... whew. Like obviously there are parallels to Craven Edge and the Dagger, with different levels of obviousness. Grog acted extremely weird and because he’s Grog, could barely disguise it, leading to his friends stepping in. Veth acted slightly weird, but truthfully not that weird for Veth at all, but her friends also stepped in. Imogen, I’d say, has acted the least weird, maybe just a little bit of a tell here or there with her rock.
All three who had the items had something they didn’t want to give away and their friends stepping in for their “best interests.” But in Imogen’s case, it’s the most questionable because Imogen has barely been giving any tells and because of the method FCG chooses to do it.
This leads to some very interesting FCG development, or rather, FCG revelations about their thought process. It really shows how much FCG appears to be driven by their core programming: to help others. FCG dives into Imogen’s thoughts without asking, which would be bad with any fellow party member, but is particularly bad considering Imogen’s mind powers and sensitivity of the mind.
But to FCG, this is just a pursual of his programming- they want to help Imogen, and they can’t help if they don’t understand the problem. What does it matter if Imogen doesn’t want FCG to know? Surely, Imogen will be happier once FCG can help her. It’s an extremely utilitarianism point of view, FCG does not care about the means so long as their actions aid the goal of helping the soul-touched. And while FCG agrees to Imogen’s request not to do it again without consent, I’m very curious as to if they will keep that promise. They, in my opinion, didn’t look that apologetic that they had done it, only sad they’d gotten caught without getting to the root of Imogen’s problem. That they couldn’t fulfill their goal of “help.” Because if FCG isn’t helping... what are they good for? That’s what they were built for.
And then on Imogen’s end, having her mind attempted to be pierced by a trusted companion. She seems to understand that FCG doesn’t understand the questionable morality of the action, but it’s so personal to her. How many people has she probed into their thoughts, whether she meant to or not? How much information has she grabbed throughout her lifetime that she was never meant to know? And the way this power, a blessing and a curse, has isolated her. 
And finally. What’s. Up. With. The. Rock.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Can’t Be Your Secret Anymore
Summary: You hardly expected the next time you saw Spencer after your big fight is him coming out of an ambulance on a stretcher.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Nurse!Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: one swear word, arguing, hospitals, fluffy ending!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: this is an anon request!!! anon, i hope i did your wonderful request justice! my asks are always open for anything (random concepts, full-fleshed ideas, or just random thoughts/questions)
“Sorry, I’m home late, sweetheart. The team wanted to go out for drinks after work and then Savannah wouldn’t let me leave until I did karaoke,” Spencer chuckled, “Luckily, she was drunk enough that I slipped out without ever having to fulfill my promise.”
Spencer’s smile faded once he realized you weren’t smiling too.
“Why did Savannah get to go but I can’t? We have been dating longer than her and Derek,” you huffed, crossing your arms.
“Baby, it’s not the same thing…” Spencer began to say.
You shot up from the couch, “It is too the same thing, Spencer. I have asked you at least 5 times to meet your team and you always say it’s not the right time. When will it be the right time, Spencer? A year? Ten? I can’t wait around until you decide I’m good enough for your friends,” you began walking around his apartment, collecting your things.
“No, Y/N. Please stay. You can meet them! You can meet them, I swear! Please don’t go,” Spencer desperately begged.
“I never wanted a pity invite,” you sighed, “Goodbye, Spencer. Call me if you would finally like to commit to me for once.”
The gentle closing of his apartment door cracked Spencer’s heart in half. He snuck out early from the bar in hopes of being cuddled up with you but now he was all alone.
A week. It had been a week since you walked out of Spencer’s apartment only to be met with radio silence. If you were being honest, you hadn’t really expected Spencer to make no attempt to get back together with you. But if he really didn’t want you back, you needed to start moving on with your life.
“Y/N, we’ve got an incoming ambulance,” Linda, the other on-call ER nurse said, snapping you out of your daze.
You jogged out to the ambulance bay, suiting up with rubber gloves.
The ambulance screeched to a halt outside the entrance as the paramedics unloaded the stretcher.
“White male. Early 30’s. GSW to the neck. Pulse is thready,” the paramedic stated.
The patient’s eyes opened slightly for just a second and they locked with yours.
“Spencer,” you whispered under your breath as his eyes closed again.
You and Linda rolled him up the OR before returning back to the ER floor. You took a seat at the desk and put your head in your hands. You were trying to control your breathing because being in the elevator with your barely alive ex-boyfriend was not how you expected this night to go.
“Do you know Reid?”
Your head snapped up to the muscular man that travelled in the ambulance with him.
“What?” you asked, even though you heard him the first time.
“It sounded like you said ‘Spencer’ when you pulled him out of the ambulance. I was just asking if you knew him,” Derek said.
“Um, kind of. We have a mutual friend so I’ve seen him around but I really don’t know him that well,” you lied.
It pained you to say that you didn’t know Spencer well at all when he was fighting for his life in surgery but then again, did you really? The mutual friend technically wasn’t a lie because you guys were set up by Patricia, a librarian, because you were the only two people under 60 that came into the library regularly.
Derek didn’t seem to be convinced but he nodded and stepped away regardless.
When the head surgeon working on Spencer came out, you purposely pretended to be doing a task close to where his whole team had gathered.
“Dr. Reid is expected to make a full recovery,” you heard, you let out an instant exhale of relief, “He is in Room E105 if you would like to see him now.”
Shit. That was the wing you were in charge of post-op for. The surgeon found you and handed you the clipboard of Spencer’s file before returning back upstairs.
You slowly made your way to the room. Thank god, you could see he was still unconscious through the door. You knocked lightly on the open door to alert the team of your presence.
“Hi, I’m Nurse Y/L/N. I’m in charge of Spenc-I mean Dr. Reid’s post-op. I just need to check his vitals real quick,” you informed them.
A blonde woman with bright bold clothing that you assumed was Penelope, based on what Spencer told you, backed away from Spencer to give you room to work, “Do whatever you need to do, sweetheart.”
That sent a pang through your chest. Spencer always called you ‘sweetheart’ but maybe that was just because he could never bring himself to call you ‘love’.
“He’s all set. I’ll be back in an hour,” you flashed a polite smile before quickly leaving the room that felt like it was suffocating you.
“Thank you!” Penelope called after you.
An hour later, you picked up Spencer’s clipboard once again and headed to his room, stopping in your tracks when you saw he was awake.
You made brief eye contact before you whipped around and speed-walked back down the hall.
“Linda, can you take my patient in E105 please?” you pleaded.
“Is it super gross?” she cringed.
“No, it’s just someone I’d rather not talk to right now. It’s just a vital check for a post-op GSW,” you informed her, “I’ll let you take an extra 5 minutes on break and I’ll do all the bedpan changes.”
“Fine,” Linda grabbed the clipboard and headed to Spencer’s room.
Linda decided to take her slightly longer break right after doing Spencer’s post-op. So when his ‘call nurse’ button started rapidly going off, you had no one to turn to.
You sprinted down the hallway to his room and quickly opened the door to see him sitting up, perfectly fine with the remote in his hand.
“Are you dying?” you asked flatly.
“Without you, yes I am,” Spencer replied.
You rolled your eyes and let out a humorless chuckle before heading to the door once again.
“Wait, Y/N!” he urged.
You didn’t turn around until you heard a ripping sound followed by a loud ‘ow’. When you turned around, you saw Spencer had pulled his bandage half off.
“Spencer! Why did you do that? I have other patients to tend to,” you grabbed the roll of gauze on the table.
“Now you have to listen to me as you reapply my gauze,” Spencer explained.
“Where did your team go? Can’t you bother them?” you huffed.
“You met them?”
“Don’t worry. I said I barely knew you through a mutual friend. I know how terrible it would be for you if they found out you were dating me,” you assured him.
“No, no! That’s not what I want. I want to scream from the rooftops that you’re my girlfriend. I just get scared that once we make it official to everyone, it will be even harder when I lose you,” Spencer admitted.
“Why do you think you’re going to lose me?”
“Because you’re way out of my league. Sometimes I still think you’re just a figment of my imagination and this couldn’t possibly be real,” Spencer confessed.
“Spencer, you’re a hot genius FBI agent. If anybody is out of anybody’s league, it’s you.”
“And you’re a hot ER nurse who probably saves more lives than I do on a daily basis and...I love you.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, he finally said it. A sign of commitment.
“I love you too,” you spoke softly, gently pressing down the last strip of gauze on his neck.
You heard chattering approaching and the whole team appeared at the door with food and drinks in their hand.
“Alright, Dr. Reid,” you shot up from the edge of the bed, “Your gauze is all set. Press the button again if you have any other complications. Enjoy your dinner. Remember only jell-o or soup,” you headed to the door.
“Y/N, wait,” Spencer grabbed your wrist before you got very far and then interlocked your hand with his, “Guys, this is my beautiful and amazing girlfriend, Y/N, who I love very much.”
“Um-hi,” you waved.
Derek looked between the both of you and grinned.
“We were just going to have some dinner if you would like to join us, Y/N,” Penelope offered.
“Sure! Let me just tell Linda I’m taking my break,” you smiled.
You tried to leave again but Spencer still wouldn’t let your hand go.
“Spence, I’ll be right back,” you promised.
“I need a kiss before you go,” he grinned.
You rolled your eyes playfully before leaning down to give him a loving kiss that made up for all the kisses you lost over the past week.
taglist (just ask to be added or removed): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana
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kenmolly · 3 years
"𝐒𝐨 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞. 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮."
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part one | part two
!! requested !! "if you don't mind, can you write a scenario/one-shot about y/n finding out dazai slept with the nurse? :)"
𝄰 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤᎓ dazai osamu x gn!reader
𝄰 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢᎓ angst
𝄰 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤᎓ non proof read
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"here's the document you'll be needing for your mission, y/n!" kenji being as cheerful as always, handing a big yellow file to you. you thanked him with a smile as he happily went back to his seat. ah, typical kenji. your beloved boyfriend was absent again today, but you didn't question too much about it. it happens often, it's almost like a daily basis now.
"alright let's see.. oh? an attempt of murder? so i gotta visit the victim in the hospital and do some questionings first" you stood up holding the file, together with your phone as you waved everyone goodbye. the hospital isn't too far away, just a 15 minutes ride can get you there. 'strange.. why does this hospital sound so familiar?'
you've arrived at the hospital and filled out some forms at the counter. awkwardly asking for direction, you managed to find your way to the patient's room. you knocked on the door before entering, gently pushing the door close until you hear a 'tak' .
"sumie, is it? I'm y/n from the armed detective agency, hopefully I'm not disturbing you! I'm here to do some questioning with you regarding the case that has happened to you recently." you approached the seemingly young figure. smiling, you noticed her trembling hands gripping on the white sheets.
'ah.. poor girl. it seems like her mother is currently in a coma.' you sat down on the chair beside the bed, reading through the documents that includes information about the little girl. 10 years old, her father left them when she was young. her mother had an average amount of income, enough to send this girl to school and feed both of them. the sudden cold contact on your skin made you jump as you quickly looked up at the girl. she was crying, her little hands gripped yours as she tries to speak.
"pl-please, you have to catch the bad guy! i love my mom so, so sob much! she's everything to m-me, I can't just let her sob d-die like that!"
"shh, shhh.. calm down. i promise you that I will definitely find out who they are, alright? i have the world's best detective with me, and the best doctor as well! I'll get help from them to finish this case. trust me, okay?" you gently glide your fingers through her black hair, wiping her tears away. her big glossy eyes stared at you, filled with hope inside them.
"re-really? the best detective and doctor? they w-would really be willing to help me? and my mom?"
"yes! they're very kind, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help you."
"a-are you.. friends with them?" the girl suddenly questions.
"yes, I am. we're really close friends!"
"then.. that makes you the best hero! be-because you're willing to lend a hand to me and my mother," shocked. you were shocked by the girl's words. it made you smile as you gently pat her head as she giggles.
"why, thank you. let's start the questioning session now, shall we?"
an hour has passed and you're done with your job. the girl was asleep as you tuck her in comfortably. 'hero, huh? that should be atsushi's title.. not mine.' you chuckled, trying your best not to wake her up as you left the patient room.
"y/n? is that you?" wait a minute. this sweet, familiar voice.. could it be..?
"dazai?" you turned around, eyes meeting the familiar hazel ones. oh, guess it really is him after all.
"well, what a coincidence, my dear! why are you here?" dazai hugged you tightly with his usual goofy smile on him face. oh, how cute, you thought. such a sweet boyfriend, right? giving you the warmest hug you could ever receive.
"I'm just here for a job, 'samu. why are you here?"
"well, funny story! i also ha-"
"baby? who is this person you're holding on to?" some nurse that was supposed to be just passing by cuts your boyfriend off. 'huh? baby? who the fuck is she calling baby? is she talking to someone else? is sh-'
you immediately backed away from dazai. the nurse rushes towards your 'boyfriend' and clings on his arm tightly. what is this? what's happening? why is this girl being so close to dazai? why isn't he stopping her? why is he giving you that look?
"who the fuck is this, 'samu?"
"hmm? oh, about time to tell you! listen, y/n. i don't find any interest in you anymore."
"what- what do you mean? you were literally-"
"oh, you want more details? i slept with this nurse, too." you felt everything crumbling down. you stared at dazai blankly as he stared back at you as well. so that was why he was always absent? why he always returns late? why he sometimes smells like female perfume? you trusted him, you didn't want to question anything about him. after all, you need to have trust between each other, right?
no, he broke the trust. you thought he would change for once; he promised. he was so sweet, so truthful about it. you accepted his sweet words and fell into his toxic embrace. all these thoughts distracted you from reality, those two watched your tears roll down from your cheeks, slowly fall to the floor. oh, dear god. why is this happening? what had you done to deserve this?
"looks like it was true all along, dazai" you look up at the brunette. "I can't change you, and you'll never change as well. it was enjoyable while we were still together, but I guess nothing lasts forever." you quickly jogged off while wiping every evidence of you crying.
"see you I guess," you mumbled before exiting the hospital, and entered your car. you drove far, far away, to a place you don't even recognize anymore. you parked your car somewhere, staring at the phone you're holding in your hands. you couldn't cry anymore; you feel numb. your body was trembling, you turn deaf on everything around you. you just kept staring and staring into nothing.
so this is how it feels to not receive the happily ever after you've dreamt of. such a fool of you, blinded by nothing but love, and end up hurting yourself instead.
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© cara (@kenmolly). all rights reserved. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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draw-back-your-bow · 2 years
Before Your Parents Were Parents | N.W-A
My Masterlist | Request Guidelines | Send a Request
Pairing: Nora West-Allen x fem!reader, Allegra Garcia x daughter!reader, Chester P. Runk x daughter!reader
Request: “Hi! Can I request a Allegra Garcia x Fem! Reader where the reader came back with Nora and Bart but is actually adopted by Allegra and she knows that Ezperanza died and tries to comfort her mother but fails miserably. But when Thawne came he also went to attack Team flash and the Reader protects everyone with the abilities of Allegra and she can also create mini black holes like breaches (I ship Chester and Allegra) she speaks Spanish when rushing things and decides to stay back in 2021 to get to know her mother better seeing as she’s more stricter in the future and is avoiding Chester cause she can’t spoil thier future relationship. So Nora (her gf) explains that avoiding him isn’t going to work and convinces her to atleast be on friendly terms with him before the renewal ceremony. There code name could be ultravioleta in honor of her cousin. Her powers are more like she gains the powers of those closest to her (Allegra and Chester) but she can’t uptain speed unless Speadforce Nora gives it to her. Also the reader gets super nervous around Barry and Iris because they practically are the only reason she knows Nora in the first place” | Requested by Anonymous
A/N: I admittedly don’t like Allegra and Chester’s characters very much, so there’s a bit of a conflict of interest. But I did want to fulfill my promise of writing this request so here it is. probably won’t be taking requests for their characters anymore just out of personal preference. P.S: I suck at titles.
Summary: After going back in time with the Allen twins, you run into your parents… who don’t know it yet.
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~2k
Walking down the corridor, you paused when you came across the speed lab and saw your mom through the glass. Well… Allegra, you should say.
You had come with Nora and Bart to help with the Godspeed War. However, the year Godspeed chose to visit was 2021, before your parents got together. Although the three of you had already messed up the timeline, you all decided that it would be best not to spoil your mom and dad’s relationship before it even started.
Therefore, you were sworn to secrecy, having no excuse for knowing so much about Chester and Allegra and making your interactions with them tense and awkward.
Against your better judgment, you entered the speed lab with the intention of mending your poor first impression with Allegra where you came off as more of an obsessed super-fan and less of a casually-admiring fellow hero.
“Hi,” you spoke, alerting her of your presence as she looked up from the desk.
Seeing a picture frame in her hands, you recognized her cousin, ​​Esperanza.
You gestured to the picture, “I know that a lot has happened since, but I’m sorry about Esperanza. She was trying to change and should have gotten the chance.”
Allegra’s eyes narrowed at you and her grip on the frame tightened, “How do you know what happened? Is there some sort of museum in the future or something?
“Uhh, yeah,” you sputtered, not being able to tell her that you got this information from countless bedtime stories about your first cousin, once removed. “Kind of. There’s one about the villains you guys have faced and stuff.”
Your mother scoffed before crossing her arms, “Now you're saying my cousin goes down in history as a villain?”
“N-No, of course not! It’s just that, well… she did some bad stuff,” you quickly insisted, your original plan of mending your relationship with her was quickly dissolving.
As if Chester could sense that his future wife was irritated, the engineer entered the speed lab, ready to diffuse the situation.
“What’s going on?” he asked, seeing Allegra’s visible anger and you frantically trying to defend yourself.
“Nothing!” you urged, “I was just leaving actually.”
You had always idealized your parent’s relationship,which is why you didn’t trust yourself to be in the room with them together without spilling the news. However, your avoidance of them caused you to coincidentally leave every time Chester entered, which understandably hurt the more sensitive man’s feelings.
“Well, bye… I guess,” Chester muttered, and for a second you wanted to stay and explain everything, which was all the more reason for you to leave.
Just as you were about to exit, red lights turned on and an alarm blared through the speakers. Recognizing the sound, you immediately closed the doors to the speed lab and ran back to Chester and Allegra.
“What is that?!” your mom yelled over the deafening noise.
While pulling out his tablet, Chester replied in a similarly loud voice, “The prisoner alarm! One of the Godspeeds must have broken out of their cell!”
Covering your ears, you asked, “Where are they now?!”
Clicking buttons on his pad, Chester audibly gulped before turning to the door and pointing.
Just as he gestured, you saw a vibrating figure emerge from the locked door as the escaped Godspeed phased through the wall.
Without hesitation, you immediately activated your powers, channeling energy from Allegra and Chester to create a black hole. Just a second before the Godspeed could run over to you all, you used a UV blast to throw the attacker into the void.
Closing the portal, the alarm stopped when it could no longer sense the presence of the escapee. You braced yourself against the wall after the large exertion of energy, breathing heavily from using both powers simultaneously.
Bringing your eyes over to your parents, their mouths were agape after what they had just witnessed, and your brain was already in overdrive trying to come up with an excuse. After all, you couldn’t admit that your powers came from genetics.
“What was that?!” they simultaneously yelled, understandably shocked and even more confused about you than before.
“Um,” you stumbled, nervously scratching the back of your neck, “I can uh… copy other people’s powers… yeah. I just channel your energy through me and bam, I can make black holes and blast ultraviolet rays.”
Before your future parents could ask more questions, the West-Allen family along with the rest of Team Flash appeared at the speed lab’s entrance, no doubt coming to assist you with the threat.
“Ultraviolet!” Nora yelled, not knowing you had already handled the Godspeed.
You gave her a weak smile, “Yeah, yeah. The speedster escaped, I dealt with it.”
“Wait, wait, your codename is Ultraviolet?” Allegra fumed, crossing her arms.
Letting out a small, nervous laugh at how badly things had fallen apart in the last ten minutes, you nodded.
Before you could further explain, Barry cut it, “What do you mean by ‘dealt with’”
You held up your hands and quickly backtracked, “No, no. Not like ‘dealt with’, I mean… he’s not dead.”
“She black-holed him!” Chester interjected.
“Yes!” you agreed, “Well, kind of.”
“You kind of black holed him?” Iris asked, her suspicion mirroring Allegra’s.
You nodded, “I also used an ultraviolet blast. I can copy people’s powers.”
At your words, everyone relaxed, seeming to believe your explanation. You smiled to yourself and Bart and Nora slyly fist-bumped at you all’s success in maintaining the timeline.
Just as you almost got away with it, Caitlin spoke up, “So it has nothing to do with you being their daughter?”
Your shoulders dropped, similar to Allegra and Chester’s jaws.
You probably could have played it off, but your awkward pause after the doctor’s statement only confirmed her words.
Feeling the pressure in your head increase, your breathing grew heavier as the room was silenced. You didn’t know how the heroes around you would react, but the suspense was killing you to see if you had ruined your relationship with your parents before it even began.
Bart nervously chuckled, “Ha ha, wow, that’s a good one doc.”
Nora shook her head at her brother, nonverbally saying that the jig was up and despite their best efforts, the timeline was even more damaged.
“A sample of your blood was obtained from the Godspeed war,” Caitlin explained, “When put into our system, it automatically matched with Chester and Allegra’s.”
“You-You’re our- We…?” Chester stuttered, trailing off while Allegra’s face turned a concerning shade of red.
You slowly nodded, “In the future, yeah.”
Allegra’s expression remained blank, contrasting Chester’s shock, as she heavily exhaled, “I need some air.”
As she left the room, you watched your mother exit with an aura of confusion and frustration. But despite your brain telling you to follow, your gut made the better choice of staying where you were.
“I’m going to go check on her…” Chester trailed off as he similarly left the room, avoiding your eyes when you for once tried to meet his.
With your silence, the rest of Team Flash dispersed, leaving only you and your girlfriend in the speed lab.
“So…” Nora began, “That did not turn out how we thought it would.”
You felt your legs go numb, but before you could give in and sink to the ground, Nora sped over and caught you.
Wrapping her arms around you, she warmly embraced you, “Hey, hey, I know you weren’t able to break the news as you wanted, but at least it’s out in the open now.”
Returning her hug, you felt tears prick the corners of your eyes as you sniffled, “They hate me now, even more than before!”
“Well we won’t leave until we change that,” Nora insisted. “In fact, I bet that they’ll come around before my mom and dad’s vow renewal.”
Looking up from where you were crying on her shoulder you asked your girlfriend, “Really, you think so?”
Pressing a quick kiss on your cheek, she assured, “I know so.”
Before you could blink, Nora had speed away and back, so she could offer you a tissue.
Chuckling at her casual use of powers, you accepted the paper with a small, “Thank you,” before wiping the tears from your eyes.
Just as you were able to collect yourself, Chester and Allegra appeared at the glass doors, looking less angry than before. And you hoped they were ready to listen and maybe even willing to talk to you.
With one last kiss on the cheek, Nora sped out the room, no doubt going to watch from the monitors in the cortex.
“Um, hey,” you started, not really sure what else to say.
“Hi,” Allegra spoke, “Sorry for running out… I just had a lot on my mind.”
You nodded, “Yeah, yeah. Definitely.”
Looking at your mother, you didn’t know what else to say, her usually leading the conversations you had in the future. However, she didn’t seem to possess that particular trait yet, causing Chester to speak up.
“We came to apologize.”
You shook your head, “No, no. It’s my fault really-”
Cutting in, Chester insisted, “We shouldn’t have been so cold to you, even before we knew you were our… daughter.”
“Yeah, we should have gotten to know you better, daughter or not,” Allegra agreed.
You smiled at your parents and the scene of all of you together. Happy in one room, and you could sense that the future would remain, unaltered.
Glancing at his future wife before turning his attention back to you, Chester asked, “We were wondering if you would like to come to Barry and Iris’ vow renewal with us… as a family.”
“Then after we could maybe go get dinner and talk some more, with us actually listening this time,” Allegra added.
You grinned at your future parents, all your worries now a distant memory, “I would love that.”
▣▣▣▣▣ Thanks For Reading! ▣▣▣▣▣
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