#god i just wanna like. get high on something and hurt myself.
pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
I feel very bad. I know I keep fucking up and saying the wrong thing and I just have to keep hoping one day I won't wind up fucking a social situation so badly I lose my job or something.
I'm so fucking tired. It feels like everything is just a simulation. Like. Everything outside of my little daily routine is fake. There's nothing. Everything looks wrong. I'm so tired.
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2hightocare · 6 months
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“In a world of boys’ he’s a gentleman” mini series—
Synopsis: Jungkook simply does everything to make you happy..
Genre: established relationship!
Warnings: pure fucking fluff… (seriously makes me wanna jump in oncoming traffic) jungkook is a bright green flag, he’s love language is “acts of service” (can be read as a standalone but I recommend reading the first part)
a/n: we all deserve oc and jungkooks kinda love.. I’m turning this into a mini series since a lot of people enjoyed it🤍
for @ohsweetmimosa !!
Falling in love was always something that you wanted, your face has always been shoved into pages of books, wondering when it would be your turn to experience that type of love. Your mom would always tell you that your expectations were too high and that no man could ever be as perfect as a fictional man.
Until you met him.
There were no words in the dictionary to describe him. No words to describe how beautifully his eyes would sparkle whenever he would tell you he loves you, the way his thumb would caress you whenever you would hold hands, or the way he would kiss away the tears that would escape your eyes.
You a hundred percent believed God made men, and sent Jungkook as an apology.
“When did you learn to braid hair…?” You curiously ask, with a slight hint of jealousy in your tone, making Jungkook laugh behind you as his fingers thread the three strands of hair repeatedly. “Watched a YouTube tutorial,” he chuckles, trying so hard not to pull your hair.
“What for..?” You stare at the mirror in front of you with the goofiest smile plastered on your face, watching your boyfriend with no shirt, a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he carefully braids your hair with his lip between his teeth.
“You always braid your hair but then complain your arms hurt from keeping them up for so long soo… why not make myself useful.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal.
Your heart did a cartwheel, might have exploded in your chest from how fast it’s beating. But nothing new. You were so accustomed to the feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach whenever he would do or say something to you.
He drops the most beautiful phrases anyone has ever told you so casually, like it was normal. But that was your normal since you met him.
You would hear your friends talk shit about their boyfriends, how they did something or what they didn’t do, but you really just never had anything bad to say about Jungkook. He basically took "Princess treatment" to another level.
You never had to ask for flowers, never had to pull out a chair, never had to open a door, never had to enter a car freezing... because Jungkook being Jungkook went out twenty minutes earlier to turn on the heater before you would get in.
Never had to worry about leaving your wallet at home when the only thing in your bag is lip gloss. Never having to turn on your brain whenever he was around.
Locked doors? Where are the house keys? Did you leave your curler on? Jungkook got it.
“That’s so much better than mine,” you point to his ice cream as your eyes widen from how the creamy flavors melt into your mouth. “So bo—mb!” You muffle out from the mouthful of ice cream shoved into your mouth.
“Let me try yours,” he opens his mouth, waiting for you to send a spoonful of your cookies and cream into his mouth. “Here comes the airplane! Brrr,” you try making airplane noises as your hand does a weird twirl before inserting the spoonful of ice cream into your smiley boyfriend.
“Mhm,” he nods his head, humming loudly, watching you smile at him.
“I actually like yours better, baby. Let’s trade?” Jungkook hands you his small cup of ice cream as you nod happily, while you hand him yours.
Jungkook watches with the biggest smile on his face while inserting another spoonful of the creamy content as he watches you eating the new ice cream flavor enthusiastically, hearing you rave about the new book you have just finished reading and how dumb the main character is.
Jungkook's heart aches, sizing double its size, beating hard in his chest. Your cheeks and nose are rosy from the cold outside the car. You both didn’t care about eating ice cream in the middle of cold December; you guys took it as a challenge on who would get sick first.
He laughs at the lighthearted jokes you threw at him, while you take another big spoonful of the chunky ice cream that was his not so long ago.
Little did you know that he really didn’t like your ice cream flavor.
When Jungkook first met you, he knew from the start that he was a goner. The way you smile at him, how your eyes will have a small glint on them whenever you look at him, or the way you would scrunch your nose if you found something funny or cute.
It took him by surprise when you pulled the move on him, thinking you found something disgusting when you first did it.
“I will literally eat you right now!” You scrunch your nose at your smiling boyfriend who’s slightly kneeling for you to be able to see your initial carved into his haircut.
“So that means you like it?” Jungkook stands up and spins to face you. You stare up at him, his dimples on full display looking down at you with your cute outfit he helped you pick on FaceTime.
“I fucking love it baby!! I have the urge to crawl inside your skin,” you bite your lip containing the laugh you’re trying hard to contain, failing miserably when Jungkook raises an eyebrow with a smirk on his face. “That’s… cute,” he replies before kissing off the little nose scrunch he loves so much off your face.
“Is that like your ‘cutie mark’?” You quip, your arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders. “Cutie mark?” He asks, a hint of interest in his voice while he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him.
“You never watched My Little Pony?” You fake gasp, eyes widening.
“I’ve heard of it, but me sitting down to watch ponies with superpowers… yeah, no.” Jungkook squeezes your waist as he explains.
“You suck,” you roll your eyes playfully sticking your tongue out before entangling yourself off his arms and making your way to the couch.
“Come big baby, we are watching My Little Pony.” You pat the empty couch space beside you.
He watched every season... all nine seasons with you.
Jungkook just wanted to make your life easier; you were always known for being “Miss Independent” in your family and amongst your friends, but here you were letting a man put your heels on for you.
“Too loose or…?” Your boyfriend looks up to you from his kneeling-down position in front of you.
“You look really good on your knees, sir.” You say instead with a sly smirk on your face, ignoring his question. “Pshh,” he rolls his eyes as he chuckles, tying a bow on your lace-up heels.
“Since when do you not flirt back?” You pout watching your boyfriend repeat his actions on the other foot. “Since we are late... and can’t be any more late.” He looks up with a mischievous grin on his face.
“Psh, okay.” You blow out in defeat as your boyfriend chuckles underneath you.
“Come on princess, let's go!” He stands up, giving you a hand for you to stand up off the bed.
The long rides to your guys' destinations were your favorite; Jungkook had given you the “passenger princess” award ever since you set foot in his car. He even installed a light-up mirror on your sun visor whenever you needed to fix your hair or makeup in the car.
Jungkook would listen to your little playlists. He still remembers when you explained to him that each playlist has a different emotion, which made him laugh. Now, anytime you played a song, he would ask you what emotion you were feeling right now.
“What emotion are you feeling right now baby?” He squeezes your thigh as he stops at a red light. The reddish hue illuminates your guy's face. “In love,” you turn your head to the side, staring at your boyfriend who’s already looking at you.
His eyes twinkle as he stares at you, a big smile adorns his face. As you mirror his actions before leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips, his eyelids immediately flutter close.
“‘Cause I got my mind on you... I’ve got my mind on you.”
Plays softly from the car speaker; you smile into the kiss. “I love you.” He whispers softly. “I love you.” You whisper back.
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daryl-fucking-dixon · 1 month
Vamp!Daryl moodboard because oh my god I cannot get enough of him
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I’m writing something for him on my main blog, but I also wanna write something else and I also don’t wanna delete what I’m already writing (because Im punishing myself)
I did in fact end up going into detail 🌞(ifykyk)
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There was no place comfier and warmer than cuddled up right in your arms, nuzzled safely against your chest where Daryl’s 30/20 hearing could peacefully listen to the clear beat of your heart. It lulled him into a deep sleep almost every night, belly full and his hunger satisfied.
But a vampire could never be too full, and Daryl Dixon never sleeps without his senses guarding at all times, so the way he jerked slightly at the first hints of blood flooding into his nostrils was inevitable.
You barely stirred, which made it easy for Daryl to slip out of the cage that was your limp arms and quietly inspect your body.
He softly and gently lifted your shirt, helping himself to an eyeful of pretty tits once he determined your torso was unscathed, placing the fabric back down over you. His eyes fluttered down to your panties, brain loading for a moment before he dipped his head down, not even having to inhale before he was hit in the face with the overwhelming smell of blood.
This absolutely horrified him. Why were you bleeding, and why were you bleeding from your cunt? His cold little heart throbbed painfully, and he wasted no time pulling off your undies, shivering at the ruined fabric. It was bad, so bad. You had somehow hurt yourself in a sensitive area and needed obvious help, but first Daryl just had to take a deep whiff of your bloody panties, biting back a guttural moan when the pure smell made him dizzy, eyes almost rolling to the back of his skull as it traveled through his veins and damn-near made him cum. Not even the most expensive cocaine could get him that high.
His mouth was watering from just that alone, trying not to wake you as he quietly gasped for air, having literally suffocated himself in your underwear. He redirected his gaze to you and felt disgusting when he could feel his cock twitch at the sight of your bloody pussy.
No. He needed to help you. You were hurt and he needed to fix it, furrowing his brows as he built up his saliva in his mouth, hoping that if he coated you in enough of it, it would heal you much quicker.
When it was pooled on his tongue, he dropped down to be face to face with your cunt and forcibly swallowed the groan that formed in his throat from the smell wafting into his nose. All five of his senses were sky-high, and your skin almost felt like butter on his fingertips as he spread your bloody lips apart, running his slick tongue from top to bottom.
Your body trembled at the cold sensation, and soft sounds spilling from your lips as you reacted to his touch in your sleep. It made Daryl feel a little guilty, but it would make him feel guiltier if he just left you like this.
There was just blood all over you, and Daryl worked his tongue fervently to clean it all up. He tried not to enjoy it too much, running the wet muscle up the crease where your thigh met your labia, stopping to suck on your clit a little, cleaning off any blood with the tip of his tongue.
He was purposely trying to produce more saliva with every lick, ensuring that wherever your wound is, it’ll be completely coated in his healing spit. He wrapped his arms around your thighs so that he could pull your lower half flush against his face, slipping his tongue into your hole and swirling it around when he could taste the blood pooling inside, this time not being able to fight back his grunt at the taste. Oddly enough, it tasted so much better coming from your pretty pussy.
“Gonna make sure ya feel better doll, gotta make sure m’gorgeous girl is alright” He mumbled out loud but more so to himself, practically nose-deep as he protectively squeezed you impossibly closely, starting to get a little tipsy from all the blood he had already consumed.
You stirred slightly, grunting and wiggling your legs a little as you could feel the sturdy muscle of Daryl’s arms around them, shortly followed by the warm sensation of his muttering and licking between your pussy lips “Mm… Dar?”
He didn’t respond, nor did he move from his position, too far gone and deep between your legs.
“Daryl.” You forced your tired voice to call a little louder, coming out as more of a moan than anything else.
This time the movements of his tongue halted as his ears and head perked up, a very unexpected sight greeting you.
His red eyes were wide as they stared at you, beard stained blood red from where it dribbled down from around his equally stained lips, smeared across the tip of his nose and most likely painting his pink tongue a matching color.
It made you throb slightly, clenching as you softly stared at him. “What’re you doing?”
“Ya started bleedin'– Still don’ know-how, but ya did, ‘nd ‘wanted ta make sure ya’ weren’t hurtin’” He shook his head as he rambled, and you raised a brow at him.
“Bleeding?” You glanced at his position between your legs, and then back to his face, easily connecting the dots with a small ‘oh’ sound. “Oh Daryl, I’m not injured, sweetheart”
He gawked, flickering from your face to your cunt. “Ye-Yer not?”
A giggle rumbled in your chest at his poor ignorance, “No silly! I’m just on my period. It’s just my body getting rid of old blood. I didn’t even know you could eat that” reaching a hand down to cup his sweet messy face, the confused look on his face adorably tugging your heartstrings. Or maybe that’s just your hormones.
“Tasted good ta’ me… old?” Daryl mumbled, brain lagging behind to catch up with the new information that he was receiving.
You nodded, blushing a little at his words. “Old blood, bacteria, all that… how long have you been eating?”
“Not long, think it jus’ started or somethin’” He eyed your pussy, licking his lips. “Can I– Can I keep goin’?”
“Kinda gross don’t you think?” You cringe slightly at the idea of eating period blood, goosebumps dotting your skin.
Daryl scoffed at you, arms pulling you close to his face again as he had full intentions of leaving his plate absolutely clean. “Gross ain’t even in ma’ damn vocabulary”
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I need him SO FUCKING BADLYYYABUAINA literally all my problems in life would be completely solved if I had vamp!daryl waking me up with his tongue just because he thought me starting my period was me somehow getting an injury
no I do not care if you dont like this or if it made you uncomfortable have you ever tried reading the warnings or do your eyes only work when you dont fucking want them too
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tojisbbg · 6 months
𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨
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❝secrets i have held in my heart, are harder to hide than i thought; maybe i just wanna be yours.❞  
♡ gojo satoru ♡
a/n: writing another gojo smut since the last one i wrote of him flopped. 😞💔
reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated <3
(also, a lot of you have been dming me and it's honestly so sweet, shoot me a message anytime :D)
content: gojo satoru x fem!reader, reader is extremely horny lol (hypersexual??), sassy gojo (he's a little dick sometimes), fluff, smut, best friends to lovers, not edited.
"well, you look like shit." gojo snorted, entering your dorm room as you woke up from your short-lived night's sleep. you let out a yawn, doing that weird whole body shaking thing before sitting up; rubbing your eyes to see your best friend more clearly.
he looked equally worse as you, dark eye bags, chapped lips, arms crossed over his chest along with a scowl painted on his lips.
"thanks, you don't look any less shitty yourself." you snickered, leaning against the headboard as you watched him roll his eyes before making his way towards your bed; sitting on the edge.
"i wonder why." the white haired male grumbled, a small glare thrown at your direction.
"hmm? i don't know what you're talking about." you innocently batted your eyes, making him narrow his eyes.
"i would've been done studying by two in the morning if you would've stopped blowing up my phone every two seconds about how roughly fucking me would help you memorize the formulas better." gojo complained, making you bite back a laugh.
"well, you could've just go on dnd or block me." you shrugged, indirectly calling him a dumbass.
"you threatened to kill yourself if i did that."
"anyways, what time did you stop studying and hit the lights?" gojo changed the topic, examining your tired face.
"i don't know, i think five-thirty?" you tried to think hard, but, recently all these nights where you pulled all-nighters have been a blur.
"not bad, i slept around that time too." he sighed, rubbing his temples while wincing in pain.
"hurts?" you asked, hearing him hum in response.
"yeah, i took painkillers before getting here but it's not really helping." gojo groaned before looking at you through half-lidded eyes, his words making you pout.
"well, i can't really help you with that. but, i can offer you some mind-blowing head instead." a smirk tugged on your lips as you threw a wink at him, making gojo look at you with an unamused look.
"this fucking early in the morning too? god, it's barely seven in the morning." he stared at you in disbelief, making you chuckle.
"jeez, i'm kidding. no need to act like you got a stick up your ass all the time." you stretched, while gojo scrolled on his phone through social media along with his emails.
"you gonna do final revisions on the way to campus?" he asked you with curious eyes, making you let out a hysteric laugh.
"fuck no, i stayed up till five something reading and writing notes until my fingers went numb. i couldn't even fuck myself to sleep because of the pain." you casually answered, making gojo's nose scrunch up in distaste.
"fucking hell, y/n, you're filthy." gojo commented, making you laugh before you crawled towards him, sitting on his lap as you pinched his cheeks.
"but you love me." you cooed, squishing his cheeks into a pout as he let you. gojo's arms instinctively were wrapped around your waist to make sure that you don't fall and crack your head open.
"unfortunately." he sighed.
this is how it has always been for you and gojo, his inevitable torture starting from when you both were in diapers. both of your families were extremely close, your mother being high school besties with his mom.
of course, both women decided to continue this legacy by making sure that their children grew up together. so, you've been stuck to gojo by the hip.
gojo's family was extremely wealthy, like filthy rich. his father owned one of the biggest company in all of japan. your parents, however, owned a humble sushi place in kyoto.
nonetheless, gojo never looked down on you or treated you like you were some ant that could be stepped on. he was like your protective shadow, scolding you when you acted out, being there to comfort you when you were down or struggling, and he dealt with all your stupid jokes.
as you both grew older, puberty hit like a truck.
no, not even a truck; like a fucking tsunami.
your body matured and your hormones went absolutely wild. you don't know what the hell happened, but you craved for sexual pleasure so often. after discovering the magic of masturbation, you did the act almost religiously.
your jokes were pure filth, full of suggestive language. it was like the only thing that circled your mind was dick, dick, dick, sex, sex, cum, cum.
no, quite literally.
you were horny almost 24/7 for some unknown reason.
oh, and you were still a virgin. yeah, shocking.
your situation wasn't helped after realizing how fucking hot your best friend became either. gojo began to hit the gym, basically turning into a gym rat in high school as you accompanied him after school every day before heading home together. he became beefy and so fucking tall, nearly 6'4ft.
no wonder why girls in high school chased him like he was the jackpot. well, they still do now that you both attended college.
though he was a pretty face, gojo was smart as hell. well, the both of you are; it was kinda like a mutual academic rivalry you both had. of course, it was all for shits and giggles.
he was a math nerd, meanwhile, you hated the subject with a burning passion. you liked english better, as your reading and writing skills were beyond talented. so, you and gojo made a fair deal, he'd help you with your math homework while you'd help him with english.
sometimes you both would do each others homework when it was time to cram study for other subjects. the subject you both have a common liking towards was science.
people sometimes mistakenly thought that you and the snow haired male were a couple. the truth is, you both were just super close best friends. gojo got used to your dirty jokes and remarks, no longer affected by them, as it was like common language for him now.
"can you eat the damn banana like a normal person for once?"
"why? you wish i was deepthroating the banana in your pants instead?"
"y/n, which outfit looks better? the first or second one?"
"neither, stay naked and let me smash, pleaseee."
"oh my god!! you look so handsome satoru, i'm literally gonna cum on your face."
"look at you wearing that tight black compression shirt, you slut!"
"put on a shirt and cover those tits before i suck them, toru!"
"y/n, i'm at that one plushie store downtown and there's like a bunch of sanrio shit. imma get that one hello kitty headband you were looking last night for you."
"oh my god?? hello, what the fuck, i'm literally gonna let you say hello to my kitty, toru. ugh, i love you so much."
"do you need help on doing your sit-ups? i could hold your legs down."
"yeah, but don't come too close or else my pussy is gonna start pulsating your name in morse code."
"i don't know what to get you for christmas, y/n."
"how about you lathered up in coconut oil and wrapped in a cute pink coqutte bow under my tree?"
"you horny fuck, oh my god."
"you idiot! i don't care if they taste bad, i told you to suck on those cough drops to help you soothe your throat."
"but i'd rather suck your balls, satoru."
"for the love of god, seek therapy."
"sex therapy with you?"
"you gonna stay on me forever or get ready for class before we're late for our last final exam?" gojo playfully pinched your side, making you yelp as you rubbed the site.
"jerk, i was thinking about how this is the perfect position for me to cockwarm you." you said, earning a flick to the forehead.
"you got ten minutes or i'm leaving you." gojo ignored your whines, standing up with you still clung onto him like a koala.
"satoruuu, i don't wanna go! they're gonna brutally torture me for the next hour based on organic chemistry." you dramatically cried into the crook of his neck.
"the school is gonna kick us out if we don't take this exam, y/n. it's worth like sixty-five percent of our final semester grade. besides, we both studied hard for this. you'll be okay." he rubbed your back comfortingly, making you pull away with a huff.
"you have enough money to buy the entire university, satoru."
"my dad is gonna burn me alive, y/n."
"okay, fine! i have a better solution. how about we start an onlyfans? you know, we both could occasionally do solos or you know... fuck each other too! like-"
"satoru!! hear me out." you tried to reason, but gojo knew it was all bluffing and you just wanted to stall. so, he forced you down from his hold, making you stand on your feet as you looked at him with a glare.
"ten minutes, you big baby." gojo said before leaving your room.
it felt like you just survived a war, coming back home with nothing but trauma written all over your face.
what the fuck was that exam?
all those hours of studying this entire week, sleepless nights, missing meals... all gone to waste?
you punched in your lock combination on the small keypad outside your dorm room, hearing the small beep as the door unlocked. with a twist of the knob, you opened the door and entered. you saw the familiar pair of shoes by your door, not paying much mind to it as you kicked your own shoes off to the side.
you saw gojo leisurely laying on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through his phone.
"when did you get here? the exam didn't start until eight." you asked, your voice barely audible from how exhausted you were, physically and mentally.
"like fifteen minutes ago. my proctor started the exam like twenty minutes early by accident, since the clock in that room was broken." he explained, making you nod your head as you walked to the couch.
you tapped his long legs, ushering him to bend them so that you had space to sit. a moment of silence graced the atmosphere, neither of you uttering a single word.
"it was shit." you both blurted out at the same time, looking at each other with equal shock.
"you too?!"
"fuck yeah. i mean like, what kind of formulas were those?!"
"i know right?? it was like another language, completely different from the review packets."
"man, i should've just given up and fucked myself to sleep. at least, i'd get some good sleep."
"bro, you and fucking yourself. one night without having your fingers inside your pussy won't kill you." gojo sat up, shaking his head in disbelief that your concern was something so ridiculous.
"uh, yeah it will since you're clearly depriving me of your dick." you retorted, making him roll his eyes.
"whatever. what are you gonna do now?" he asked, leaning towards the small table to grab his water bottle, opening it to take a sip.
"have rough kinky sex with you." the words casually flew out of your mouth, catching the snowy haired male off guard as he choked on his water.
"i'm being serious!" he said in between his coughs, watching your laugh at his reaction.
"i'm gonna sleep, what else, idiot? i need my brain to rest and recover from all that trauma. besides, we do this every time when it's finals season, satoru. you got amnesia or something?" you joked, patting his back to help him stop coughing.
"sorry, my brain is malfunctioning. my dorm or yours?" gojo asked after clearing his throat.
"since you're already here, let's sleep in mine. i'm gonna go change into something more comfortable. if you wanna change out of those, there's a spare pair of your sweats and t-shirt in my closet." you informed him, making him nod as you both got up and headed towards your bedroom. you grabbed your clothes and headed into the bathroom to freshen up and change into them, giving up your bedroom to have gojo change.
after finishing up, you walked back into your room, seeing gojo already inside your bed; looking like he was half dead. you snorted, walking over to the other side before placing yourself on the empty spot.
"don't hog the blanket, or else i'll kill you."
"no promises."
with that being said, you scooted closer to gojo, in need of feeling his body's warmth against you. it wasn't anything new, this was sort of a tradition you guys did after finals week was over. you both slept for hours together.
you threw your legs over his waist, tugging onto gojo's shirt as he laid down while facing the ceiling.
"hold me, 'toru." you mumbled, your movements slightly bringing him back to life. gojo groaned in annoyance, turning his body to now face you as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
"better?" he spoke into your hair, which was slightly tickling his nose. you nodded your head, your cheek pressed against his chest as you inhaled his scent.
gojo always smelled sweet with a mixture of expensive cologne.
a few minutes passed, and you could hear his heartbeat slowing down, indicating that he was falling asleep.
"hey, you awake?" you poked his cheek, making his eyebrows furrow.
"no." gojo murmured, eyes still closed.
"you know, satoru, if you jerk off before going to sleep then your sleep is gonna be like ten times better. science says it helps release stress and improves blood flow. if you want, i can jerk-"
"go to sleep, y/n." gojo sternly cut you off along with your wonderful visual of how you'd jerk him off, giving your thigh a light smack before resting his hand there. you let out a small whine, playfully biting his cheek.
you saw gojo's eyes scrunch, making you sigh.
"sorry." you mumbled to yourself, as gojo most likely didn't hear you since it seemed like he was already asleep. you pressed a small kiss on the spot you bit before snuggling into his neck. your arms and legs tightly wrapped around his body, fingers finding home between his snowy locks.
"it's okay." was the last thing you heard before you were no longer able to resist sleep.
gojo stirred in his sleep, mumbling incoherent words as he felt the constant buzzing noise vibrating on the bed. he painfully opened one eye, half-lidded, as he realized you were still tightly tucked way in his arms. you snored softly against his chest, lips pouted, making him tempted to kiss you.
the snow hair male tried to find the source of the buzzing sound, grabbing a hold of his phone only to see that his phone was dead. gojo's eyebrows furrowed in confusion 'cause then what the hell is it?
his eyes landed on your phone which was shoved under your back and gojo momentarily saw your screen flicker open. bingo! it was your phone that was annoyingly going off.
gojo grabbed your phone, deciding to silence it for you, even though you were passed out like you're dead; so you most likely didn't hear it anyways. but, he was a light sleeper and your stupid phone was keeping him awake.
as the screen flickered open again, gojo saw that you had well over a thousand notifications. his eyes widened, you were never the type to be social. of course, you weren't a loner or something of that sort; you had friends whom were also gojo's friends.
but, the both of you kept your friend groups small and restricted so avoid any unnecessary drama.
"tumblr?" gojo mumbled under his breath, knowing that it wasn't his place to snoop around. but, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. the notifications were all indicating that people hearted a post you made along with commenting hearts and all that shit.
a weird feeling bubbled inside him, something in between the lines of possessiveness and anger.
so, he decided to investigate, knowing that it was wrong but he couldn't help himself. it was convenient that his face id was added onto your phone, just like how yours was added onto his. after unlocking your phone, he found the tumblr app.
at first, gojo thought it was a dating website as it sounded very familiar to tinder. but, he would soon be proven wrong as he saw a feed full of different blogs and writing.
gojo's curiosity ran wild, silently exploring the new waters he was introduced to. he clicked on your notifications list which was flooded with heart and comments.
not any comments, but horrendously down bad thirsty comments.
sanemiswh0re: ahhh author!! i'm literally running laps, this was so good!
localbbg: this was pure filth and i loved every word of it!
cherrytones: hello?? i need a toru in my life! a tear just ran down my thigh.
yourhotgf: bro wtf, white haired men 🔛🔝 of me!! toru with that big dick energy?? lord, i need him in me so bad.
gojo's eyes widened at the comments while he scrolled. toru? it's a silly little nickname you've been calling him ever since you were kids. since when did you write stories? and... they were about him too?
he clicked on one of the comments which led him to said story, making him smirk as the naughty photo used in the border was enough to give him an idea. gojo settled in bed comfortable, with you still wrapped around him, without a fucking clue of what that menace just found.
"jesus.." gojo breathed out in shock, reading the pure filth you wrote of him and the 'y/n' used in the story, but he assumed that she was based off of you. it was no use denying it, the male character toru resembled too much of his personality and the female character y/n resembled you a lot too.
he wasn't even halfway done yet, but it seemed like you wrote an entire hour long porn script. your writing was so descriptive, describing the sex scenes in such a pornographic yet sensual way. gojo would be lying if he said it didn't make his heart flutter and cock throb.
were your fantasies of him always this dirty?
did you always want to be manhandled by him? praised and teased? being slutted out? a mix of a gentle dom that was a little witty?
god, where did you hide all of this?
of course, you were never ashamed of your vulgar comments and jokes that you threw at him. but, gojo always brushed them off because he grew accustomed to it. however, this was completely new to him.
your smutty writing of him and you made him feel hot and bothered. he knew you were dirty, but not this dirty.
you began to wiggle in his arms, stirring awake as you made a few groaning sounds.
"hmm, time... toru." you groggily asked, eyes still shut as you waited for a response.
"it's 8:23." gojo replied, still not bothered to place your phone back to where he found it. instead, he continued to surf through your dashboard to which he found more of these smut of him.
"why are you awake so soon?" you yawned, cracking an eye open only to wince from the sudden light exposure.
"had a leg cramp." he lied, making you grimace.
"ouch, you should've waken me up then." you commented, your hand find his as you played with his really long and thick fingers. it was a habit to toy around with the rings that wrapped around them.
"you looked too peaceful to disturb. besides, i found something to read in order to kill time." gojo boldly said, making you hum in amusement.
"oh? and since when have you been a bookworm? please, do enlighten me." you teased, making him chuckle. a smirk etched onto his lips, trying to collect his words before attempting to send you into cardiac arrest.
"it's actually very interesting, i have to say. i never thought i'd be into erotic romance." he started out, and the very unexpected words leaving his mouth made your heart pound inside your chest.
he was reading that shit besides you and you had no clue?
"jeez, and you call me a horny dog?" you scoffed.
"well, maybe it's torusluvr who's the real horny dog." he dropped the bomb, making your heart stop it's usual cardiac rhythm as you heard your tumblr account's username. you shot awake from bed, eyes meeting his playful ones as the color drained from you face.
"what? how did you-" you were a stammering and confusing mess, searching for your phone until you looked at his hand.
"looking for this?" gojo waved your phone, the screen on full blast lighting and filled with words of nothing but sex.
"give me my phone back, satoru." you panicked, trying to grab your phone from his grasp. but, gojo's body structure was stronger, bulkier and taller than yours; so you struggled.
however, gojo took your struggle as a form of amusement. he noticed how your face was covered in a blush from being caught red-handed, movements so shaky and alarmed.
it was kind of cute.
"nuh uh." gojo suddenly tossed your phone to the side before grabbing both of your hands. a yelp escaped from your lips as you were pinned to the bed in mere seconds, gojo's body hovering above yours as he slotted himself between your legs.
you gulped nervously, your cheeks growing warmer as it suddenly felt too embarrassing to look at gojo in the eyes. you were a mere ant compared to his body, his stature standing at six feet four inches, and his body was beefy as hell yet so soft to the touch.
"does this turn you on, y/n? hm? being manhandled by someone who's twice your size." the white haired male teased, his husky voice due to his previous slumber sent heat waves to your cunt.
your words were cut short as gojo leaned closer to you, grinding his hard on against your throbbing cunt, making you gasp.
"satoru? what happened to toru?" he whispered, shoving his face into the crook of your neck, taking a minute to inhale the scent of your perfume which has been permanently engraved into his senses and brain.
"stop joking around, we're friends... best friends." you tried to reason, watching his eyes darken.
"oh? and do all best friends write porn worthy shit about each other?" gojo snickered, pressing soft kisses along your jaw. your throat went dry, words getting stuck.
"i guess we can't be best friends anymore 'cause i wanna recreate all that shit that i read— with you." a smirk tugged on his lips and before you could even process what the hell was about to go down, you let out a small whimper after feeling him bite down on your collarbone before peppering soft kisses on the abused skin afterwards.
"toru... please." you desperately begged, needing some kind of friction between you and him to relieve the ache between your thighs.
"i bet if i touch that cute little pussy of yours, my fingers are gonna come out glossy wet, yeah? should we test it out, y/n?" gojo continued to pester you with his teasing remarks, making you blush further at them as you were to embarrassed to have him find out about the wet patch that was created on your panties by now.
you shyly nodded but this wasn't enough for gojo to take for an answer. you felt a small pinch on the plush flesh of your thigh, making you wince.
"use your words, y/n. you didn't shy out when you were right all that stuff about me and you." he scoffed, making you whine in embarrassment.
"touch me, toru... i need to feel your fingers." your voice was meek, throat getting dry as you desperately bucked your hips upwards. gojo cocked an eyebrow, watching your body squirm underneath him in amusement.
"so needy." gojo laughed, rubbing your thighs before giving it a small squeeze. your body grew warm and your face flushed red from his touch. you've fantasized about this moment for so long and now it was finally happening.
gojo's fingers hooked on the waistband of your shorts about to pull them down until your hand came down to stop his movement. he was a little confused and felt a little guilty because he didn't know if he was moving too fast for you or made you uncomfortable.
"you okay?" gojo asked with genuine concern washed on his face. you bit down on your lips, averting your gaze from his.
"i'm not wearing any lace and my panties aren't even matching with my bra." you said in a little panicked voice. gojo was a handsome jerk and this most definitely wasn't his first time sleeping with someone.
you saw his hookups, they were always the prettiest of the prettiest girls. they looked like polished gems, wearing fancy feminine clothes in contrast with your hobo looking outfits, hair and nails were always done... they were like runway models.
you couldn't help but feel a little insecure. you knew that satoru was different, but that small part of you still felt like perhaps this was still some kind of cruel joke the universe was playing on you.
the books you read always gave the female lead a perfect body free of blemishes, wearing expensive and sexy matching undergarments and so much more.
while here you are with unmatched undergarments, a completely inexperienced virgin who only knew how to shamelessly masturbate to find relief while fantasizing about her best friend.
"hm? so what? they're coming off anyways, princess." gojo reasurred you with a soft smile, leaning in to press a soft kiss on your lips. without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around his neck, indulging in the sweet taste of his lips. he used the strawberry carmex lipbalm religiously.
the kiss was slightly messy, as you were still a little inexperienced in this area as well. you can't remember the last time you last made out with someone, so your teeth clashed with his here and there. but, gojo never complained, he drank in your mistakes and guided you with the fluid movement of his lips and tongue.
the white haired male gave your bottom lip a gentle bite, one of his hands grabbing your jaw to keep your head in place while his other hand pulled down your shorts. gojo threw the annoying article of clothing on the floor, pulling away as a string of saliva connected the both of you.
he looked down and if it was possible to get any harder than how hard he was right now, gojo thought he might've exploded already. you laid under him like a pretty gem, face flushed and your lips swollen as you panted a little from the breathless kiss. a small grin tugged on his lips, the hand grabbing onto your jaw now coming to stroke your cheek.
"just relax for me, princess. let me show you just how much better reality is than your little stories." gojo whispered, leaving open mouthed kisses on your jaw that were leading south until he was peppering kisses on your neck.
you decided to take a leap and pull your t-shirt off, catching gojo off-guard by your sudden eagerness. a genuine smile was forming on his lips at how adorable you looked. your cotton panties had a strawberry pattern on it with a tiny pink bow on the front and your bra was a solid blue color; both of which satoru is well familiar with as the two of you did your laundry together.
"stop staring." you embarrassingly pouted, making him let a raspy chuckle escape his lips.
"can't help it when my best friend is this cute." he teased, pinching your cheek which made you yelp.
"shut up and go back to what you were doing." you nagged, making him cock an eyebrow.
"oh? eager are we?" gojo hummed, skillful fingers whisking your bra off in a matter of seconds, your tits spilling out of the cups that held them. you averted your gaze from him after seeing how gojo's eyes widened, feeling your face grow hotter by the second.
"look at me, y/n."
"look at me."
"eat my ass."
"i will."
"satoru!" you gasped, finally looking at him as his response caught your attention. however, gojo didn't pay too much mind to it as brought a hand down to fondle your tits, watching how you bit your lips at the sudden squeeze.
"don't look away from me, baby. you're such a pretty girl, so let me admire you for a bit, yeah?" with that being said, gojo latched his lips onto on of your nipples, making you whimper.
"shit.." you moaned, feeling the tip of his tongue flicking the sensitive swollen bud. he peered up to meet your eyes, looking so fucking pretty even with a mouthful of your tits. his stupidly charming blue eyes staring into your half-lidded eyes. you brought to stroke his cheek as he continued to suckle on your nipple.
"pretty boy." you cooed, feeling his hand kneed the plush flesh of your thighs before giving it a little spank, making you squeal. being the tease he is, he gave your nipple a gentle bite before releasing the bud with a 'pop' sound.
"you wore my favorite panties." gojo complimented, making you scoff.
"stop saying that to make me feel better about my mix-matched undergarments." you rolled your eyes.
"you could think that my words are lies but it still won't change the fact that i jerked off with those same panties." he shamelessly shrugged after revealing such a dirty secret, making your mouth gape open.
"huh?!" you were at a loss for words, but, for some reason it made your pussy throb at the thought of your hot best friend masturbating to the thought of you.
even if he used your panties.
"mhm... now, let's put them to some use again." gojo pulled down his shorts along with his boxers, completely disposing them to the floor to meet with the rest of your clothes.
your eyes shamelessly came in contact with his cock and you couldn't help but harshly gulp. gojo was fucking hung, not lacking in any area. his dick had to be at least a good seven or eight inches long, a single vein running on the side of the shaft, with a pretty blush pink tip that was angrily leaking with precum.
"feel a little overwhelmed, princess?" gojo sensed your shock, and you truthfully nodded.
"y-yeah... i never-"
"wait, you're still a virgin, y/n?" he genuinely asked and you thinned your lips before nodding. gojo gasped, slapping a hand on his mouth.
"what the fuck? and you wrote all of that with no experience??" gojo was truly amazed as you shyed away from his eyes.
"it's okay if you don't wanna, you know." your throat went dry, a little disappointed that it would end this way.
"fuck you? of course i wanna fuck you, princess. but, are you sure you're okay with me taking your virginity? we could stop and forget about it if you want to, no pressure." he asked in a soft tone, rubbing your hips in a comforting way.
"yeah, i want you to take it, toru. i trust you." you gave him a girlish smile, making his heart jump.
"okay then. i'm gonna prep you real good to make sure it doesn't hurt as much." gojo pressed a tender kiss on your lips. he stroked his cock a few times as a husky groan left his lips, making him sound so sexy.
gojo hooked two fingers to the side of your panties and lifted them up before sliding his cock inside the fabric. you moaned at the feeling of his warm and hard cock sliding past your folds, his wet tip nudging and coating your clit with his precum.
"fuck. you're so wet, baby." gojo breathed out, leaning down to suck on your tits as he continued to thurst his hips back and forth between your folds. your juices lubricated his cock and the stimulation provided to your clit with every nudge of his tip made your eyes roll back.
"oh my god... just like that, toru. please!" you begged, your hand finding purchase to his snowy locks as you pushed his face further to your tits, as he licked and sucked your nipples. gojo's hips never faltered, continuing to glide his thick dick between your slit, feeling your clit throb.
you felt your orgasm building up, making your breath hitch as you whimpered. after a few more thrusts, you gushed on top of his cock as gojo cummed on your pussy, messily spreading both of your juices on your cunt.
gojo pulled his cock out of your panties, seeing how there's a wet patch on the front of your panties. he used his index finger to outline and rub your clit, making you shake from the overstimulation.
"w-wait." you tried to catch your breath but gojo wasn't gonna let you rest until you cummed on his tongue and fingers.
"nope, gotta stretch you out now, princess." he pinched your clit, making your thighs shut close from the sudden impact.
"you little shit." you threw him a playful glare, to which he only stuck his tongue out and use his strong hands to pry your legs open. this time, gojo wasn't going to be so patient. he pulled your panties down and threw them somewhere, his cerulean eyes fixated on your cunt.
"fucking hell." gojo swore under his breath and you couldn't help but think negatively.
"what's wrong?" you asked a little worried.
"i'm trying to hard to not cum again from just looking at this pretty pussy of yours." he groaned, using his thumbs to spread your lips apart, watching how it glistened with both your and his cum from the previous pantie fucking session.
you supported yourself on your elbow as your other free hand pulled his head forward, crashing your lips onto his. you kissed him with need, sucking on his bottom lip before giving it a bite. gojo began to slide his middle finger between your wet folds, making sure to rub your clit at a fast pace.
you moaned into his mouth, which gojo happily drank as he continued to give the neglected bud some attention. his finger stopped at your hole, experimentally shoving it in a little bit. you winced at the sudden intrusion as gojo's fingers were longer and thicker than yours.
"shh.. it's okay." gojo assured, pecking your lips as he entered his finger. your walls clamped down on his finger and gojo couldn't help but groan at how fucking tight you were.
"shit, gonna have to stretch you out quite a bit if this sweet pussy of yours is gonna take my cock. don't wanna rip you apart, baby." gojo chuckled, kissing your cheek before sliding his body down until his face was directly above your wet aching cunt.
gojo licked a fat stripe up your cunt, eyes rolling back at the taste of your pussy. you tasted so fucking good and he knew he'd get addicted. he slurped up all your juices, his tongue circling your clit before flicking it. you gripped onto his hair, pulling his mouth closer to your needy pussy as you basically humped his face.
gojo decided to add in another finger and a guttural moan escaped your throat, feeling him scissoring in the two thick digits in and out of your hole. your legs began to shake at the amount of pleasure you were getting from being tongue and finger fucked at the same time.
"fuck! augh~ i-i'm gonna c-cum!" you moaned as you felt the knot on your lower stomach tighten, your hole enclosing around his fingers as you creamed on gojo's fingers.
"that's it, there you go, princess." gojo praised, drinking up all your cum and licking you clean. your breathing was irregular as you were trying to calm down your erratic heartbeat.
gojo looked up at you with a slutty expression, his lips glossy with his own spit and your cum along with his chin dripping with your arousal.
"think you ready for me, baby?" he teased, placing a playful kiss on your clit before slotting himself between your legs. gojo's hard cock rest on your inner thigh, his eyes giving you a glimmer full of tease and play.
"i think that if you don't put your dick inside me within the next minute i'll kill myself." you dramatically responded, clearly not in the right state of mind due to pleasure fogging up your mind. gojo laughed at your words, leaning in to kiss you.
you could taste yourself on your tongue, but that did not bother you as much as having your throbbing hole empty.
"toruuu~ pleaseee." you whined, bucking your hip up to his in an attempt to get some friction to relieve the ache between your legs.
"my pretty girl needs something, hm?" he continued his banter, making you pout. you trailed your hand down and grabbed his cock, giving it a few pumps and watched your best friend crumble from your touch.
"need your cock inside me, toru." you said in a sultry voice, using the tip of dick to rub up and down your slit, parting your folds. gojo decided to stop being mean and help you, grabbing the base of his thick cock and rubbing it on your dripping wet cunt.
his tip now rested on top of your hole, his eyes looking up at you for further movement. you nodded your head, hands going to the side to grab the sheets.
"it's gonna really hurt bad for a minute but i promise it'll get better. i'll go slow and gentle, 'kay?" gojo offered you a soft smile as reassurance, to which you nodded, fully trusting him to take care of you.
"can you come closer." you asked in a meek voice, and gojo nodded as he leaned forwards so that you could wrap your arm around his neck.
gojo pushed in the fat bulbous tip of his cock, the stretch of something fatter and bigger than his and your fingers immediately burned.
you winced in pain, making him apologize and you told him that it was okay. gojo stayed like that for a little before thrusting the tip of his dick in and out of you to help you get a little used to the intrusion. it took every fiber of his body to have enough self-control to not shove the entire length of his cock inside your cunt and use it like his personal cocksleeve.
"look at me, y/n." he breathed out, making you open your eyes as your eyes were a little glossy. gojo never fucked a virgin before, and you were his best friend, so he wanted to be extra careful to not hurt you.
"i'm sorry." gojo quickly blurted out and you were confused for a quick minute, until you let out a pained cry as he shoved his entire cock inside your pussy inch by inch. he quickly latched his lips onto yours, swallowing your cries as his thumb came down to play with your clit.
your nails dug into his flesh, tears streaming down your face as the stretch of his cock was so painful.
"hurts so much, toru." you sniffled, mumbling your words on his lips.
"it would've hurt more if i went inch by inch slowly. you'll be okay, baby, trust me." with that being said, gojo slid his cock fully out, your pussy missing the feeling of being full. you mewled at the loss of contact, until he slammed his hips back into you, shoving his cock in one go.
within each slow thrust that he gave you, the pain faded away and you were soon drowning in pleasure. your cunt clamped down on his cock, the delicious feeling of the vein on his cock grazing against your wet walls made your eyes roll back.
"such a sweet pussy, fuck you're so tight." he grunted, grabbing your hips in place as his pace was unforgiving. his cock curved and kissed every inch inside your cunt, making you grip the sheets for dear life.
"satoru! i- fuck. wait, it's too much!" you cried out, your vision becoming blurry and you couldn't tell if it was from the tears that were forming due to overstimulation or from exhaustion.
maybe both.
"you could take it, princess. this pussy was fucking made for my cock." gojo moaned, grabbing the back of your knees before pushing them back to your head; placing you in a mating press.
this new angle gave him a better view of your tits bouncing with every thrust along with every ripple of your ass that came in contact with his heavy balls. your free hand came down to play with your clit as the other hand grabbed the back of his head to give him a sloppy kiss.
"feels so good, toru." you slurred, as his cock continued to kiss your cervix, bullying it's way in and out of your aching hole.
"gonna fuck you so dumb, till you become mine." he grinned against your skin, biting down as he placed a slap on your pussy, making you let out a cry.
"please, please, please! i-i'm gonna cum!" you stuttered out, feeling his balls hit against your ass while he continued to fuck your hole. your cunt began to convulse around his cock.
with another thrust, another rub on your clit and a gentle kiss on the side of your neck, you let out the most desperate and needy moan known to mankind as you began to cum around his cock.
gojo began to chase his own high, satisfied with the ring of white cream forming at the base of his cock, fucking you into over stimulation.
"f-fuck, gonna cum. god, i-i love you, y/n." he choked on his words, fingers clawing onto your hips as he gave you one final thrust before release thick wads of hot cum inside your hole.
gojo fell on top of your body with his arms supporting him a little to make sure he doesn't crush you with his weight, cock still lodged inside your wet cunt that was now filled with both his and your cum.
"i... fuck, i love you too, satoru." you whispered, swallowing thickly from how dry your throat was. you stroked his snowy white hair, the both of you breathing heavily as gojo continued to lazily fuck his cum into you.
"you know, i didn't expect you to be a virgin from how horny you are." gojo giggled, making you hum. he rested his head on your chest, playfully taking your nipple in his mouth as he sucked on it.
"well, i guess i got the real life experience now." you gave him a cheeky smile, leaning down to kiss his cheek.
"better than your little books?" his voice was a little muffled due to having a mouthful of your boobs in his mouth.
"mhm, i should write about it." you thought out loud, catching his attention.
"if you have writers block anytime else, just let me know and i'll help you. that's the least i could do for my dear girlfriend." gojo smirked, making you blush at the last word.
"oh? and since when have you declared that you're my boyfriend?" you joked, making him bite your nipple.
"since forever. you're mine now anyways." he pouted like a child, making you laugh.
"fine, so are you finally gonna let me stack donuts on top of it?" you said, making him look at you with a look of disbelief.
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honeylations · 1 year
- Angry Pupu -
Prompt: Chaewon is known for her anger issues, always yelling at the smallest things whereas you’re her calm and collected girlfriend, always so soft spoken and doing everything with a cute smile. Your members wonder how you two ended up dating despite the obvious opposite personalities.
Warnings/Notes: cute pupu, angry pupu, reader is adorable tooooo, soft and fluffy, a mix of comedy
The members lost count at the amount of times their leader had screamed today and you seemed to be the only person unbothered by it. Sakura had just finished taking pills for the headache she received from hearing the short girl’s anger.
“I swear this is her new record. How is her throat not hurting?” Sakura whined, rubbing her temple and flopping down on the couch next to you.
“How are you even dating her, Y/n?” Yunjin groans as she joins you two with a bowl of popcorn in her hand.
“Y/n is like the off switch for Chaewon’s tantrums” Kazuha appeared shortly after with a whisper, tensing when she heard Chaewon’s little feet stomp downstairs.
The youngest Japanese girl ran to you as a shield, angering the leader even more. “BACK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND, NAKAMURA!”
Kazuha squeaked and ran to Yunjin instead, not daring to say another word. Eunchae comes in with a bowl of strawberries and feeds you one before going upstairs to finish her Lilo and Stitch marathon. You hummed at the delicious taste of the fruit and turned to your girlfriend who got jealous of the hand feeding gesture between you and the maknae.
“We should buy more strawberries, love. They taste amazing” You spoke with a smile, Chaewon’s anger disappearing almost immediately.
She cupped your face and pecked your lips. “You’re so fricking cute. ISNT SHE GIRLS? SAY IT TO HER!”
The 3 girls sitting on the couch flinched and started complimenting you chaotically, voices going over each other, not wanting an ass beating from their short tempered leader.
“Love, calm down please” You said, caressing her arm and Chaewon obeyed, sitting in your lap.
“Ok, babe”
“Whipped” Yunjin commented, earning a couch cushion to the face. “OW! God Y/n, I want you to answer my question for real this time. How the hell are you dating this monster?”
“She’s not a monster. She’s my hero~” You cooed, hugging your short girlfriend tighter.
“I’ll be needing a hero if I get screamed at one more time” Kazuha muttered, seeing Chaewon glare at her.
“Chaewon? A hero? You’re saying this girl who’s scared of a mouse toy is your hero?” Sakura scoffed as the leader flipped her off.
“You’re just jealous” Chaewon hisses.
“And you’re a comedian.”
You held your girlfriend back down on your lap before she drop kicked the eldest member.
“Chae saved me from so many people before we debuted. Her yelling may be annoying to you girls but it always reminded me of why I love her! She’s so tough~ Without her anger, she wouldn’t have saved me from the bullies back in high school. She does the same now with anyone who shares hate comments about me. I’m too shy to stand up for myself like that” You explained, your heart swelling at the memories.
“Yeahhhh. Y/n was this cute little chubby nerd in high school” Chaewon grinned, pinching your cheeks again.
“Woah wait what, okay, this was something we haven’t been told before” Yunjin said, adjusting her sitting position and looking at you, Chaewon growling.
“Oh please, pull your head out of your tiny ass Kim, I’m not gonna take your girl. I just wanna know more about this cute little chubby nerd you were just talking about” The American added.
Chaewon got off your lap and sat next to you instead, pushing Sakura further into Kazuha who was already getting squished. The younger Japanese member gave up and sat on the ground instead, snatching Yunjin’s popcorn bowl.
“Yeah it’s true. I wasn’t that good looking in high school” You shyly smiled.
“Hey don’t say that. Nobody starts off as a hottie, like, me in high school with the dark ass eyebrows that didn’t match my hair colour? Goddamn” Yunjin joked, making you all laugh. (A/N: I’m not actually talking about Yunjin like that guyssss! The whole dark eyebrow thing is something I added based on my experience in high school💀💀)
“I’m being honest, I swear! I was super chubby, wore these thick purple glasses and always got bullied for reading books all the time. See?” You pulled out a photo of you in high school and all the girls (besides Chaewon) gasped.
In the photo was 14 year old Y/n with a bob cut and thick fringe, using one hand to hold a thick novel to her chest while the other put up a peace sign. Your purple glasses were indeed huge and you smiled widely, presenting the braces you had at the time.
“Oh and here’s Chae” You zoomed out of the photo and 14 year old Chaewon was exposed. She looked the same, only difference was the long hair in the photo. Sakura squinted her eyes and noticed how Chaewon’s hand was around your waist in the picture.
“Awwww! Chae did you have a crush on Y/n at this time?” The eldest asked as you closed your phone and returned it to your pocket.
“Yeah I did. Couldn’t tell if she liked me back though”
You blushed and slapped your girlfriend’s arm. “I did! I told you before, I just thought you were too good for a nerd like me”
“Nerdy y/n is cute, don’t get me wrong, but you’re absolutely stunning right now. Hellooooo? Your body? Your abs? Your facial structure? It’s so hard to believe that was you in the picture” Kazuha complimented.
“I just finally took the initiative in eating healthier and working out” You shrugged, letting Chaewon play with your fingers.
“Was Chaewon this loud back in highschool too?” Yunjin asked with a blunt tone.
“YAH IM GONNA KILL YOU, HUH YUNJIN!” The shortest member screamed and jumped onto the tallest member, shoving the couch pillow into her face.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and looked at Sakura. “You grab her legs, I’ll grab her arms”
“Absolutely not, she kicked my face last time we did that. Get Kazuha”
The said member stood up. “Sorry I don’t speak nor understand Korean very well so imma just go” Kazuha quickly says and runs upstairs to join Eunchae.
“Stop pretending you loser!” You screamed out to Kazuha in Japanese, knowing damn well this wasn’t the first time she’s done that. (A/N: Fun fact for everyone, Kazuha sometimes pretends that she doesn’t understand what the members are saying to her in Korean😭)
You sighed and stood up, patting down your pants. “Come on, babe, let’s go to bed”
“WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PISS ME OFF WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY!” Chaewon continued to scream while violating Yunjin with the pillow.
This was gonna be a long night.
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d0llhrts · 2 years
ᨳ. 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 ↝ 𝐛𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: basically the bowers mansion video but you're there and you help colby when he's scared because *awee*
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing and fluff bc &lt;;33
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: colby brock x fem!reader
𝐚/𝐧: my first imagine slay 😎 THIS IS NOT PROOF READ BTW!! i decided to do it on this video bc its probably one of my favs omg the activity they caught!! plus colby playing with the cats was so cute stop. i do have a questions box on here so if you wanna request something feel free!!! ok hope y'all enjoy ღ
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bowers mansion - from the front, looks like a stunning victorian Italianate-style house hidden within a small neighbourhood in texas. but what lies inside is much more sinister than you could imagine.
and this is where i found myself, in between my two best friends - and seth of course - counting down as they prepared to say their welcomes to a camera, or their youtube subscribers. the intro was done and everyone introduced themselves, then sam suggested we should have a look around the property.
round to the front side of the house there was a cellar, a common recurring theme through all of the haunted videos the boys have done. "oh my god, no way!" sam panned the camera around to the three of us standing there behind him "someone is going down that cellar tonight" he immediately put his finger up to his nose, colby followed and i seconded it by one swift movement of my finger. everyone panned around to look at seth as he quickly realised what was going on, unfortunately, he was too late meaning he was going into the creepy cellar tonight, but we'll see where the night takes us.
we all took a minute to group up and sensibly, like adults, speak about what we were going to do tonight. all eyes were on me as colby asked me "are you scared" obviously mocking but i hoped to god he couldn't see that twinge in my eyes as i started up at the house. of course i was scared, i was about to step foot into a haunted house for the second time ever, the sallie house was not the best to look back to for comparison. but, my answer was a simple "no" as i rolled my eyes and playfully pushed against his shoulder, feeling the twinge of pink coming to my cheeks at the close contact.
sam made a great note to point out the cock on the bell next to the door as we stepped inside this house. Inside our tour guide was already waiting for us, holding his companion, his dog alice."wassup alice" colby said in that tone you use to speak to animals "just bites my hands off" he followed up with, making us all chuckle."she's got a k-II on her back" seth point out "wait actually" sam moved the camera to get a better look at her back whilst the guide moved her to show us her back, "yoooo" we all said in unison. "ghost doggy" i added, stroking her head.
"I gotta get y'all to sign a paper saying if you get hurt or attacked or something like that it ain't none of our fault" our tour guide, david, announced to us leading us over to some papers to sign. looked at colby in horror. confusion, fear? "oh great" he laughed sarcastically. In response, he then tried coming up to alice, but she ran away, as expected. I was certain i saw the emf reader on her back spike up to orange, but i brushed it off trying not to frighten myself before we even began investigating.
"oh, it's a little bathroom" colby announced in a sing-song voice. Turning deadpan to the camera "harry Potter lived under the stairs but i take shits under the stairs". standing in the middle of this tiny bathroom, face going red as he was mimicking you know... taking a shit.
"and make sure when y'all are coming up and down these steps tonight, that you keep your hands on the rails because somebody can push you. I do not know who does that.."
holding tightly onto the bannister, sam replied, "okay".
already making it halfway up the staircase, without anything pushing me, colby's words behind me were another great sign of comfort! not."off camera the guy told me, there is a very very high percentage of us falling through the floor at some point, so lets all not stand very close together"
"what do you mean?" whipping my head around "so like.. this whole place is gonna fall down?" "this place" he turned to me "is like over like one hundred and twenty years old". I gasped "one hundred and twenty, what!" i exclaimed. "noo, what if i get scared" i pouted "do i not get a comforting hug" i joked. "of course, of course" he played along pulling me into a hug to prove it. gosh, this is going to be a long night.
"this is mary's room" colby, our new tour guide apparently, explained as he led us into this room, "this is where she got, shot and killed" 'oooo' sam gasped 'oh my god it looks like a full-on god damn seance". the room itself was nice and spacious, with some strange chairs that did in fact look like - a seance, and another little room that peaked off to the side. colby snuck out first, so naturally, i followed behind
"what is it colbs" i questioned behind him. "honestly like, i don't know" "looks like a balcony" i hummed in response. "how do you like" looking at me as i paused, "get out? got no clue this doors locked" he finished my sentence for me motioning to the door beside me. Looking back into the bedroom to get a peak at what sam and seth were doing, i heard a small crash behind me, and then the call of my name. "y/n/n look"
turning to look, i saw him pushing on a screen that sat behind the window, and it was indeed leading to the balcony. "holy fuck colby, don't go breaking up the place" i laughed, meeting his eyes as he smiled down back at me. calling out to sam to come see what he'd found. "exploring time" colby announced, climbing through the window. with sam, who had already hit his foot on the door frame, behind him filming. sam went next complaining that it was not the right day to wear skinny jeans, and colby proclaiming he stole his line.
ducking my head as i stepped into this mystery room, a hand flew in front of me, looking up i met eyes with colby, who had outstretched his hand to help me through. obviously, i took his hand into mine, enjoying the feeling of skin to skin.. even if it was just his hand.
all of us had clamped through the little entrance and were now aiming for the other door on the other side of this tiny hallway. "wait like since this was locked we gotta be careful probably on these floors" colby made a good point, this was locked for a reason. "yeah this is probably where it's fucked" sam joined, but we kept walking anyways."we just fall through". "This is gonna get so many views" colby said laughing. "colby brock dies in a haunted mansion" sam exclaimed. chuckling, i did wonder what was happen if we fell through, but as usual, i pushed the thought to the back of my mind
"that one says no entry as well" sam pointed out as we crowded around the little door. Colby tried the door handle, and to everyone's surprise, it was open. "looks like we can enter to me" he followed with an evil laugh.Entering the small balcony, it felt like it was being supported by twigs, "this is gonna fall through" all three of us said at the same time, looking at each other laughing. "we might be the first and last to investigate this" "yeah were like, we are the first investigators to really investigate this place" he makes a movement of falling through the floor. "yeah now let's go back inside before we do actually fall and die" me, with the brains, obviously.
"who's sleeping here tonight" tour guide colby led us into yet another room, but this one had a bed "yooooo they actually have a bed" sam shouted "we could do a slumber party" "hell yeah" i agreed.
"they should just make this a hotel" a gasp came from colby making us suddenly look in his direction. "actually" he pointed a finger "i remember seeing this room online, this is Bernard's room" "oh!" "this is where he would just sit at the window every single day and just do nothing" "that's so sad" i imagine how lonely he would have been.
snapping me out of my thoughts, colby finds yet again another place we are probably not supposed to be in. an old, black wooden door the paint chipping off as it's withered over time. he slowly pulls the door open and reveals some stairs, they're painted blue and yet again look worn. They lead downwards and they turn, it's complete darkness down there, and the stairs don't feel particularly safe either-not one bit of this house does. but we proceeded to go down anyway. sam goes first, saying something about shitting? I wasn't really listening, just trying to safely get down the stairs. colby follows him with the camera, then me, then seth. somehow colby found his way to the front of the line and goes down to adventure by himself. I heard him talk about another potty but the lord knows. meanwhile, the rest of us head into this boiler-looking room.
"so i think the only basement to this place is the cellar that we saw" colby pointed out. I was now standing with my back to the stairs as we all stood talking about what this room could be. "we have to go outside the to get to the c-"
a loud slam was heard upstairs, we all jumped. "that was right behind me" i shouted "what the fuck was that" i coward."what the fuck" "was that upstairs" "it was upstairs" seth confirmed. "keep it recording" sam pointed as he headed back up the stairs. "wait was that upstairs" colby, confused, asked "yeah bro that was the fucking door" seth replied. "no way that was not" "it was literally right behind me colby" i shouted back, trailing upstairs behind sam.
"the doors fucking closed' sam yelled out "the fucking door just closed by itself" "there's no draft up here" "holy shit" we were all talking over each other. "bernards room is the most active" colby bellowed out, scaring sam in the process. "that's what he told me" "bernard told you that?" i asked creasing my eyebrows. "no he-" cutting himself off, laughing. "bernard just shut us in the basement, he's like don't come back" sam declared. we had only been in this house for around twenty minutes and i already had a bad vibe.
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the tour guide had just left us alone for the night, so it was time to start the proper investigation. we had been trying to film the story behind this house. but every time we would hear a noise coming from upstairs. colby was certain there was someone in here with us, but we searched and found... no one.
regrouping at the bottom of the staircase, we began to explain to the camera about bernard, the man's room where the door slammed. there was noise after noise after noise, there has to be someone or something here. 
sending colby upstairs first, which he was more than happy to go and throw a punch at whoever was upstairs messing with us, i have to admit was hot. I lingered behind him when he took the lead, however, when we walked past the "private, do not enter" room i noticed something. the door looked like it had been... moved? shaking my head i moved on, still trailing behind him. until we both heard this... meow? why would we be hearing meows in an abandoned mansion? I looked at him and he nodded, acknowledgement to show me that he heard it too. turning around to walk back down the hallway, he pulled out his phone to film
but i stopped at that same door. the private one, the one i thought was open. "colby" i hollered down the hallway, he came running back out another room. "what, what happened" he sounded almost worried? I decided to ignore it, for now, brushing it off as a fragment of my imagination. "the door is open" i responded "the door?" he sounded equally as confused. "yeah the door, you remember the one that was locked" "how the fuck.." "i know right, i walked past it before i just thought nothing of it" he went to push it open. "wait, don't" i stopped him "sam!!" i called down to the blonde boy downstairs who was setting up our equipment
he paced up the stairs, with the camera in his hand, and i assumed it was recording. "yeah, what?" he panted out. "look the fucking door is open" i gestured. "what, how it was locked" "that's what i thought but it's open" "shall we open it?" he questioned. "yeah" colby butted in outstretching his hand again, i made no move to stop him this time letting sam film around me as we all peered around to see what was in this room
to our surprise, we were met with 7 pairs of glowing eyes. cats...?
colby jumped as one of the cats approached the door, he looked back at our group. "what the fuck' i was the first one to speak out "why is there like 18 cats in a room" i questioned, bewildered. we must have been playing with the cats for at least half an hour. them passing the cat ball back to us and seeing their little faces pop up when we stuck our phones in was such a nice little distraction from where we actually are.
 but sam wanted to start the investigation soon, so we all huddled outside, deciding what equipment we each are going to use. colby got to be inside on his own with the k-II a small device that scans electromagnetic fields, measuring them with a bright LED array that moves from green to red depending on their strength. seth has the ovilus, a device which also uses its temperature and magnetic field detector to pick up words and spit them out using its built-in dictionary. and sam had to be in the cellar on his own, with a rem pod, that detects physical touch or temperature change, and a night vision camera
me on the other hand had to choose. It was between seth and colby. sam wasn't offended when i passed up the offer to come down to a scary cellar. I knew i was going to choose colby, of course, i just had to. but for the dramatics, i pretended to think.
"ok I'm going to have to choose hm... colby" "great choice" he smiled side hugging me. loaded up with a camera and a music box, that plays a tune when motion is detected in front of it, we headed inside.
"game plan" colby announced when we were situated inside. "you stay downstairs and I'll go upstairs, that good?" i nodded. his expression softened slightly, looking into my eyes "you don't have to do this y/n" he pulled me into a hug. for a millisecond i was frozen, but i came to my senses as i relaxed into him, inhaling his scent, i did feel calmer. "im ok" i muttered into his chest "ill do it" . "ok" he pulled away and held me by my shoulders "let's do this" he winked before turning around and heading upstairs
a few good minutes went by while i set up, setting up a camera on a ledge wasn't as easy as i thought. i could hear colby walking around upstairs, i assumed talking to the camera.
i set the music box down in the hallway behind me, let it calibrate, and started asking questions. nothing was really happening, i was debating about moving into a new spot, but as soon as i went to pick up the music box, a loud crash was heard from upstairs.
frozen, i called out to colby. was that him or...
"colby" i yelled up the stairs. i could faintly hear him cursing to himself, and his footsteps get closer to the stairs. turning my head towards the stairs, i met his eye. he was visibly shaken, almost pale, and sweating. "holy shit colby what happened" running over to him grabbing his arm as he stood in the middle of the room with, said arm, over his mouth and one holding the camera. i could feel him shake under my clutch. confused as to what happened i kept asking. but he didn't say anything.
"come on colbs let's go outside" dragging him by his arm, he was getting sweaty and i knew he needed some fresh air. i manoeuvred him to sit down on the stairs. sitting up one from him so i could reach his head, and hold it into my chest, trying to get him to calm down his breathing. "It's ok colbs i got you" "i got you" i kept repeating, reassuring him i was there. i kissed the top of his head, which was still resting against his chest, we must have been there for about 15 minutes before he finally sat up. 
"what was that colbs what happened" he just looked at me, my eyes were pleadings for some answers. "that door"...
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cupiddior · 1 year
STEP ON ME — yoo jimin
“oh, I think you’re standing on my left foot, it’s hurting but that’s okay.” “cause I’m in your way.”
warnings : manipulation, jealousy , angst, secret relationship, swearing, idol jimin x idol reader
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“ are you serious jimin ?” yn asked the girl in front of her as you guys walk from the party, rain dripping on the both of you.
“yn.” the girl said rolling her eyes.
“no, you do this every time, I can’t even enjoy myself anymore because of your jealousy.” yn cuts the girl off, anger filling her. “I mean do you not trust me or something?”
jimin let’s an un genuine smile find it’s way to her face.
“I’m sorry for worrying about my girlfriend.” she says as a scoff leaves her pink lips. “I guess I’m the bad guy for actually giving a shit.”
this time you let scoff leave your lips as you throw your head back.
“you know, maybe I wouldn’t act the way I do if our relationship was public, I wouldn’t need to be so protective or what you call “jealous” when it’s not even jealousy, I’m supposed to just sit there as people flirt with my girlfriend?”
“the thing is NO ONE is flirting with me, and you know exactly why we can’t be public, we’re both gonna get hate but it’s me that’s gonna get the most backlash, me.” you say to girl who doesn’t even look like she’s taking what you’re saying seriously.
she stares at you for a while, then her eyes light up slightly and she lets out a sarcastic laugh.
“now that I’m thinking about it, you keep saying the public like we both don’t get hate on a daily, maybe it’s not the public your worried about.” she steps closer to you.
“maybe it’s someone that you’re actually worried about.”
your lips turn downward and you part your lips in shock.
“what?” you voice out what’s exactly going through your head.
she shrugs and looks around nonchalantly.
“I mean can you blame me ?”she asks. “you’re awfully close with your group members and they don’t even know.”
“because as much as I love them I know them, us dating will find it’s way all around the industry and then to the internet.” you say in defence.
“are you sure there’s just not someone else?”
“are you serious?, do you not see that amount of energy I give into you?” you ask the girl in disbelief. “the amount of things that you’ve done to me that I have let you get away with ?!”
“and you think that I would cheat on you ?”
“I mean what else am I supposed to think, when you’re so high bent on us being a secret.”
“because I know the consequences.” you press.
“is what you care about the “consequences” more than me ?”
“me caring about the consequences is caring about you !” you raise your voice at her. “I’m caring about the both of us !”
“No you’re caring about yourself and hurting me in the process.” the girl says.
“I’m done, talk to me when you start making sense.” you sigh turning to walk away.
jimin grabs your wrist, you flinch hard at how tight she holds it.
she turns you around and her grip gets tighter, bringing tears to lightly gaze over your eyes.
“don’t walk away from me.” she says calmly.
it’s not the good calm it’s the scary calm.
that’s when you take in your surroundings, you guys are far from the party that you were previously at and all alone.
you were all alone.
“let go of me.” you wimpier.
it’s like something hits her, and she lets go of you immediately.
you bring your wrist to your chest, rubbing the already bruising wrist.
“I’m sorry.” sh says pulling to her chest.
“I’m so sorry baby.” she holds you tighter like you’re gonna disappear if she doesn’t hold onto you.
your eyes are blank as you let the girl wrap her arms around you and robotically say “its okay.” like always.
“no-no, it’s not okay, god I’m such a fuck up, this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t let that girl flirt with you- shit I’m sorry, it’s not okay.”
“it is, I just wanna go home.”
and with that you guys head to her car.
jimin starts the car and turns on some soft music.
she reaches over as she starts to drive, and holds your bruised wrist rubbing it softly soon after bringing it to her lips and giving it a soft kiss.
you sigh and lean your head against the window, looking at the rain that starts to hit the window harder.
you relish in the soft touches that she gives your wrist but your eyes fills with tears realizing that this is only going to get worse.
but what can you do ?
you’re always gonna let her step on you.
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hearts4golbach · 4 months
The Night shift.
Chapter 9.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
new year, new me. new year, bolder me, I decided. luckily, I wasn't working on New years eve I invited Johnnie and Jake over to celebrate, get fucked up, and stay the night for new years.
"yooo, y/n!" Jake called as he walked in my door.
"I think we pregamed a little too hard." johnnie giggled with a weird accent.
"damn, you guys pregamed without me?" I asked as he passed me a few different alcohols. "you look like an alcoholic right now."
"it's new years! everyone's an alcoholic on new years!"
"so true. I'm about to get sooo fucked up!" I giggled, pulling the pizza I had made out of the oven.
"awe, fuck, man." johnnie couldn't stop giggling as he leaned against the counter. "I'm going to be covered in vomit and shit by the end of tonight."
"why would you be covered in shit, man..." Jake trailed off.
Johnnie slapped his arm. "you know what I meant, asshole." Jake gave him a look and he began to blush.
I raised an eyebrow. "are you two gay for eachother?"
"some people think we're lesbian women or gay men but-"
Jake cut him off. "if the boot fits..."
I squinted at them. "I mean, that's pretty accurate."
"y/n, stop trying to take my bitch." Jake rolled his eyes.
"whaaat are you talking about?" I asked sarcastically. Johnnie turned away to laugh, a darker shade of pink spread across his face.
"we will go right now, slut." he said in a high pitched voice, waving a pizza cutter at me.
"you're autistic." I replied normally, snatching the pizza cutter from him and proceeding to use it.
"what else do you got to drink up in this bitch?" he asked, walking over to the fridge.
"I have diet cock and diet mountain dew, or water or milk." I said, ripping off 3 paper towels ans getting everyone a few slices of pizza before putting the other in the oven.
"diet what the fuck?" johnnie asked.
"diet cock, my little twinks favorite." I smiled, pinching Jake's cheek.
"oh shit, Tara's calling." Jake said before stepping into the living room.
"who's tara?" I turned to johnnie.
"his ex. she's super chill though, so don't worry."
"okay, good." I sighed. "whats something you want to happen in 2024, like a goal or something."
his breath hitched at the question. "I can't tell you, it'll ruin it."
"wow." I replied, pretending to be hurt.
"you'll just have to wait and see." he smiled.
"okay." I shrugged
"do you have one?"
"I wanna be more outgoing."
johnnie remembered the talk we had. "oh, yeah. yours is good." he smiled. "I think you got it."
I rolled my eyes and laughed. "thank you, johnnie."
jake walked back into the room a minute later. "is it cool if Tara comes? she was ranting to me about how lonely she is."
"I don't care." I shrugged. "she can come." I smiled and told Jake the adress so he could send it to her.
less than 20 minutes later, there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." I said, dragging myself off of the couch. I opened my door to be met face to face with the same girl from the cafe.
"oh my god, hi!" she squeeled. "you have to give me updates. I'm tara." she shook my hand.
"hey, it's so nice to formally meet you. that was a weird first interaction." I giggled.
"so you two know eachother?" Jake pointed at us.
"she came into the cafe the other night and we talked about.. issues." I glanced at johnnie. he was already looking at me. his arms were crossed as he leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen.
"I think tara just found her new best friend." Jake looked towards johnnie. He simply nodded and giggled.
"you know it." she responded.
"so, we have like 6 different alcohols and pizza. I can make more pizza, too." I walked into the kitchen, taking the last slice of cold pizza.
"can we make more? I can put it in." Johnnie offered.
"what are you putting your dick in?" Jake asked, turning the corner and meeting us in the kitchen. "her?" he asked, pointing to me.
"shut the fuck up, dude." johnnie shoved him while he laughed.
I rolled my eyes. "if you don't mind, you can do it. I don't mind either way."
Johnnie's cheeks were bright pink. "okay, I don't mind, so I'll make it." he gave me a shy smile.
I cleared my throat and shot an awkward smile back. I quickly moved my hair out of my face and turned to tara. she glanced at johnnie then raised her eyebrows. "him?" she mouthed.
I looked away for a second to see johnnie digging in the freezer. I looked back and nodded once.
her hand flew over her mouth. "that's so cute, this is happening." she whispered in my ear before running into the living room to talk to Jake.
"uhm, they seem a little bit closer than exes." I scratched the back of my neck.
"yeah, they had a good breakup so they stayed friends. I'm sure deep down they really miss eachother, though."
"yeah, that's what it seems like." I paused, sitting on top of the counter. "whatever happened with your ex?"
"I still haven't heard from her." he glanced at me. "I don't think she'll ever fully leave me alone, though."
I frowned, crossing my arms. "isn't it basically stalking at this point? and isn't that illegal?
johnnie shrugs. "I have no clue, its weird."
I nodded, not knowing how to verbally respond. I picked up a few cups and one of the multiple alcohols and sat in the living room with Tara and Jake. he smirked at me, then immediately dropped his expression. "I know your secret." he said in a grim tone before smiling again.
I scrunched my eyebrows. "okay, then. who wants some?"
They said me in unison, and I heard johhnie ask from some from the kitchen.
"guys, we have to do a cheers video so I can post it." tara grinned.
"real." Jake nodded.
"okay." johnnie walked into the living room and sat next to me. I passed him his cup and held up mine.
"cheers!" Tara began
"cheers!" johnnie and jake said, mimicking her voice.
"that's so cute." I complimented, watching the video.
after about 3 shots, johnnie was fucked up.  His eyes slightly squinted as he narrated basically everything he did. Although, he usually ended his sentences with, "I need to shut the fuck up," or "I don't know why I said that."
I settled on just having one drink since I had to go to work tomorrow night. I was buzzed for sure, but I could think straight.
johnnie leaned against me, wrapping hid arm around my shoulders with a smile. "sooo," tara began, "Jake, will you be my new years kiss?"
he looked at her weird before a look of realization washed over his face. "of course. johnnie, when was your last new years kiss?"
"neverrr." he rolled his eyes.
"really? me neither." I laughed
"maybe you guys should!" tara nodded, giving Jake a look.
"yeah!" Jake agreed, but johnnie was too drunk to realize what they were doing.
I looked at johnnie. "you think me and y/n should kiss? wouldn't that be awkward cause we're just friends?"
"me and tara are just friends, there's nothing bad about kissing the homies." Jake smirked.
"I mean, y/n?"
"i- uh, I'm down." I stuttered.
Johnnie's gaze on me softened. "okay, me too."
tara rested her hand on her leg, palm up.  Jake gave her a quick high-five. "I saw that."
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
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prismuffin · 1 year
hey! could you do a Soap x gn reader that's super sly all the time? they just cannot stop saying pick up lines or jokes on missions!
A/n: You didn't specify a type of fic so I went with Headcanons into a oneshot since it was the easiest to write with the amount of info given!
John "Soap" MacTavish x Sly!Flirty!Gn!Reader Headcanons
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summary: ( it doesn't matter where you are, you always have some sort of witty remark ready and whenever you see Soap it just gets worse )
!-!more under the cut!-!
—You are so fun to have on 141 but god sometimes you give Ghost and Price a headache
—You're just always saying something, you always gotta have the last word and that bugs Ghost sooo much
—It's all jokes to you when you're both discussing something you both see differently on and you mumble something slick but for Ghost, he looses it so quick and immediately asks you to repeat yourself
—^Yeahhhh you've had some cleaning duty because of that
—Gaz takes the flirting as a compliment even though he knows that you flirt with everyone the same way- he knows you're not a liar.
—God forbid you're around Soap because then the flirting gets turned up to 11
—It doesn't matter where you are, you always have some sort of flirty remark ready for whenever you see Soap
—You practically ignore everyone else when he's around
—Making him laugh on missions with your abundance of dumb pick-up lines
—It's crazy how you always have a new one, Soap never knew there were that many pick-up lines in the world
—It's all the team hears over comms and they're so tired of it, be ready for Price telling you to shut up often
—Your flirting has never jeopardized a mission but it has gotten close before
—It's no secret that your flirting gets worse when you're around Soap and sometimes he wonders if that's cause you actually like him or not. He feels conflicted sometimes because he's not sure if some of these flirty comments and lines are genuine or if they're just for some fun.
—Gaz thinks you like Soap straight up, he doesn't think you're just joking around because of how extra you get when he's around. It's so obvious to him that it almost physically hurts when Soap just says you're like that with everyone.
—Ghost sees it to but he doesn't say anything, just observes from afar.
"Is he still at it?" "Yup." Ghost and Gaz stood on the opposite side of the armory, watching you leaned up against a crate of guns. Your signature smirk was on your face as you spoke, or flirted, with Soap. "How long has it been?" " 'Bout an hour," Gaz sighed as he looked back towards you two. "I'm just saying MacTavish, if you keep wearing that muscle shirt I'm not gonna know what to do with myself," Soap flexed jokingly and you swooned dramatically, causing him to laugh. Biting your lip, you looked back towards him, leaning your face a bit closer to his, not missing how his breath hitched in the moment. "No seriously, it's like you're teasing me on purpose Soap," "I-" "Y/n, get away from Soap I don't feel like hearing you two today." Turning, you noticed Price enter the armory and despite his pissed off face your smirk only grew. "Are you trying to stop young love Captain~?" He side eyed you and you chuckled, "I'm just trying to keep the morale high geez, no need to get your panties in a twist." Price was quick to turn to you, crossing his arms in the process. He gave you a warning look and your smirk dropped for a second. "Well I think you'll be on," "please dont say-" "bathroom duty today Y/n." You sighed before feeling Soaps comforting pats on your back, your mood instantly brightening again. "Hey~ you wanna meet me in the bathroom later for some fun ?" "Y/n!" Prices yell cut you off and you laughed loudly. Ghost shook his head as Gaz chuckled, there was no escaping your comments.
(I didnt know what to write for like half of this)
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
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abisbookshelf · 2 months
100+ songs that remind me of buddie: the ship between evan "buck" buckley + eddie diaz from 9-1-1 (tv show)
photograph - ed sheeran
sucker - jonas brothers
fix you - coldplay
clarity - zedd & foxes
everybody talks - neon trees
earned it (fifty shades of grey) - the weeknd
cardigan - taylor swift
august - taylor swift
the 30th - billie eilish
sunsetz - cigarettes after sex
sweet - cigarettes after sex
K. - cigarettes after sex
love of my life - harry styles
i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
the way i loved you (taylor's version) - taylor swift
everything has changed (taylor's version) - taylor swift & ed sheeran
fine line - harry styles
watching him fade away - mac demarco
jealousy, jealousy - olivia rodrigo
apocalypse - cigarettes after sex
sofia - clairo
we fell in love in october - girl in red
ribs - lorde
i love you so - the walters
until i found you - stephen sanchez & em beihold
golden hour - JVKE
crush - cigarettes after sex
karma - taylor swift
bags - clairo
getaway car - taylor swift
don't blame me - taylor swift
issues - julia micheals
heavenly - cigarettes after sex
memories - conan gray
lay all your love on me - ABBA
head over heels - ABBA
ceilings - lizzy mcalpine
all i wanted - paramore
i love you - billie eilish
heather - conan gray
what a time - julia micheals & niall horan
make up your mind - florence + the machine
look after you - the fray
sparks - coldplay
king of my heart - taylor swift
false god - taylor swift
rumour has it - adele
the great war - taylor swift
maroon - taylor swift
gorgeous - taylor swift
lovers rock - TV girl
why'd you only call me when you're high? - arctic monkeys
beautiful boy (darling boy) remastered 2010 - john lennon
daylight - david kushner
halley's comet - billie eilish
can't feel my face - the weeknd
shameless - camila cabello
ME! - taylor swift & brendon urie of panic! at the disco
all too well (10 minute version - taylor's version) - taylor swift
this love (taylor's version) - taylor swift
enchanted (taylor's version) - taylor swift
midnight rain - taylor swift
the 1 - taylor swift
kiss me - ed sheeran
mine (taylor's version) - taylor swift
lavender haze - taylor swift
hits different - taylor swift
afterglow - taylor swift
lover - taylor swift
red (taylor's version) - taylor swift
i don't wanna live forever (fifty shades darker) - ZAYN & taylor swift
style (taylor's version) - taylor swift
"slut!" (taylor's version - from the vault) - taylor swift
daylight - taylor swift
wildest dreams (taylor's version) - taylor swift
how you get the girl (taylor's version) - taylor swift
you are in love (taylor's version) - taylor swift
golden - harry styles
say yes to heaven - lana del rey
lover (remix) - taylor swift & shawn mendes
training wheels - melanie martinez
scott screet - phoebe bridgers
glue song - beabadoobee
kiss me - sixpence none the richer
something just like this - the chainsmokers & coldplay
still into you - paramore
those eyes - new west
can't take my eyes off you - boys town gang
angeleyes - ABBA
because i liked a boy - sabrina carpenter
sleep it off - niki & gabi
never felt so alone - labrinth
chemtrails over the country club - lana del rey
only love can hurt like this - paloma faith
my love mine all mine - mitski
moment in the sun - sunflower bean
you're losing me (from the vault) - taylor swift
paris - taylor swift
the lucky one (taylor's version) - taylor swift
snap out of it - arctic monkeys
labyrinth - taylor swift
starlight (taylor's version) - taylor swift
company - justin bieber
never really over - katy perry
i lived - onerepublic
the night we met - lord huron
heart to heart - mac demarco
rises the moon - liana flores
about you - the 1975
fight or flight - conan gray
deja vu - olivia rodrigo
you found me - the fray
paris - the chainsmokers
murder on the dancefloor - sophie ellis-bextor
want to want me - jason derulo
hands to myself - selena gomez
late night talking - harry styles
astronomy - conan gray
the only exception - paramore
can't help falling in love - elvis presley
the boy is mine - brandy & monica
last dance - scratch massive & maud geffray
ur so pretty - wasia project
34+35 - ariana grande
good days - SZA
falling in love - cigarettes after sex
keep on loving you - cigarettes after sex
marry you - bruno mars
walk me home - p!nk
people help the people - birdy
now that we don't talk (taylor's version - from the vault) - taylor swift
suburban legends (taylor's version - from the vault) - taylor swift
open arms - SZA & travis scott
movies - conan gray
let the light in - lana del rey & father john misty
margaret - lana del rey & bleachers
need you now - lady A
i miss you, i'm sorry - gracie abrams
sex on fire - kings of leon
end of beginning - djo
21 - gracie abrams
only you - cheat codes & little mix
mr. loverman - ricky montgomery
lust for life - lana del rey & the weeknd
saturn - SZA
lover (live from paris) - taylor swift
dress - taylor swift
waiting room - phoebe bridgers
kiss you - one direction
someone to you - BANNERS
little freak - harry styles
i hear a symphony - cody fry
do i wanna know? - arctic monkeys
till forever falls apart - ashe & FINNEAS
1 step forward, 3 steps back - olivia rodrigo
like real people do - hozier
out of my league - fitz and the tantrums
somewhere only we know - keane
when we were young - adele
maps - maroon 5
young and beautiful - lana del rey
touch tank - quinnie
i found - amber run
invisible string - taylor swift
epiphany - taylor swift
daylight - taylor swift
ivy - taylor swift
sign of the times - harry styles
adore you - harry styles
sunflower, vol.6 - harry styles
let me love you (until you learn to love yourself) - glee cast (version)
somewhere only we know - glee cast (version)
yellow - coldplay
pretty boy - the neighbourhood
the beach - the neighbourhood
whatta man - salt n pepa & en vogue
endgame - taylor swift, ed sheeran & future
delicate - taylor swift
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored - ariana grande
forever winter (taylor's version - from the vault) - taylor swift
wish you were gay - billie eilish
ivy - frank ocean
i like me better - lauv
toothbrush - DNCE
best friend - rex orange county
no control - one direction
here is the link to the playlist on spofity: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7mpIWOTplXGR7vR4gT34Yi
if you have any other recommendations for songs please let me know and they will go straight into the playlist. also, please don't be disrespectful and this is a reminder that these are my opinions, i hope that you enjoy the playlist!! 💌🤍💋
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twistedastrology · 2 months
♋cancers and rage♋
i just did a workout because i had way too much energy today and now im exhausted so im gonna talk abt sumn im very passionate abt while i sit on the floor and recover 😮‍💨
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a pretty big observation ive made since ive been into astrology and more specifically since ive been basically reinventing it in my head is that cancers, especially cancer risings/cancer mars, have a VERY misunderstood relationship with anger.
most people ive seen have said something along the lines of cancers are crybabies and they tend to cry when they're angry or just skip anger altogether and go to the depression side of things
personally, im a cancer rising with mars conjunct my ascendant (and ofc saturn in my 1st 💞💞) and i have NEVER found this to be the case, and other cancer risings i know don't follow those stereotypes either
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in my experience, imagine a combination of aries energy and capricorn energy, THAT'S what cancers embody when it comes to emotion, especially rage.
i've written an entire newsletter on this and made a whole instagram post for it over at @bluedashercrafts (they're not on tumblr yet but the link takes u to their instagram!!) so i have indeed thought very in depth about this 😮‍💨
cancers can blow up like aries, but they can hold a grudge like capricorn- and if you're me and you have saturn in your 1st (in fixed fire btw 😮‍💨), you'll lean more towards the capricorn side of things in any emotion.
i personally have a massive tendency to bottle up the pain (andrageandfearthatifeeltHEPAINANDR-) until im in a safe environment to get it out (aka being alone with my earbuds in and music blasting) OR until i can't hold it in anymore and the steam gets so high pressured that it blows the lid off the fucking pot- that's when i gotta run away and isolate myself and do a workout ASAP otherwise i will likely hurt myself because there's just So Much Energy
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i wanna bring a couple other examples to the table so you get a better idea of what im talkin abt here-
if you're a korn enjoyer like me, you'll know the My Gift To You - Woodstock '99 performance. well the first time i saw that and it got to the "I HATE YOU- CAN'T YOU FEEL TEH PAAIN-" part, my fucking jaw dropped and i almost cried because i could not believe that i was seeing someone else exhibit the same like- Pure Unbridled Rage that i experience all the time- the kind of visceral emotion that literally makes you flail around on stage and then bang the microphone against it like 3+ times because you're trying to come back to reality like jonathan davis was-
THAT is the level I'm talking about- that is the level that is very specific to cancer placements, specifically cancer risings and cancer mars (and his mars is in a cancer degree of scorpio, so there you go)
another more well-known example would be Markiplier! if you've seen his rage game playthroughs, you'll know he throws chairs and mouses and just generally gets pissed to an ungodly extent- he's a cancer rising with his venus and sun in cancer and his mars in leo.
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cancers are NOT the signs that break down crying when they experience anger, they are the ones that feel their blood boil more than aries does.
for another good example, my best friend has his mars and venus both in aries, but he's another cancer rising- whenever he gets angry, he gets VERY angry, but he doesn't have the saturn influence that i do, so his anger is much more aries-like (short fuse, louder about it and it doesn't last as long- his is more like the classic interpretation of anger issues), whereas mine is MUCH more capricorn-like (LONG fuse, WAY quieter about it but god forbid it gets loud, and it Can last a very long time)
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now you might wanna ask me "why the hell do you keep saying aries and capricorn specifically", well i just explained that im not gonna lie BUT-
cancers are very aries-like because they're the CARDINAL water sign, and cardinal signs are basically just fire-coded whatever element they are- (aries is double fire, capricorn is fire-coded earth, libra is fire-coded air, and cancer is fire-coded water)
and with aries being the fire-coded fire sign, it's essentially capricorn is aries-coded earth- THAT'S why cancers can be VERY similar to aries.
as for capricorn, cancers are the sister sign to capricorn, so they'll share similar traits despite being on opposite sides of the wheel. PLUS, where fire burns itself out very quickly, water doesn't really dry out very quickly especially if there's a lot of it.
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this is really just part 1 when it comes to my reinvention of cancers- ill cover their relationship with sex as opposed to scorpios in another post because i really wanna delve more into that BUT!!!
if you want more of a well-put-together post on this, go check out the ig post and newsletter i did for blue dasher crafts!!! i also dived a little more into my personal experience with the anger and catharsis i go thru being a cancer rising/mars so!!
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"Lost It though, lost that privilege with a hundred more."
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"your heart’s compatible mine breaks alone."
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synopsis// bakugo is too little too late
pairing// katsuki bakugo x gn!reader
word count// 2.4k
contents// angst. like just angst. hurt/no comfort. pro hero!au. brief mentions of puking for anyone who has problems with that...
notes// this is super cringe bc i wrote it many moons ago and im only posting this bc i want it out of my drafts NOW... its ruining the rest of my GOODISH drafts. get out of here. leave. also guys you are NEVER going to believe this... this is inspired by a song... i know i know... how new and exciting and never before done by me right? its inspired by sweet talk by dear and the headlights (SO GOOD DEAR GOD)
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Bakugo is stuck staring at his phone screen—or more specifically, the email within it—when Izuku busts out of the bathroom and into the living room where he’s lying.
“Did you get the email?” Izuku asks almost breathlessly.
“What do you think, nerd?” Bakugo rolls his eyes before turning his attention to Izuku, who’s only in a towel. “Izuku, why the fuck are you naked right now.”
“I was taking a shower!” he defends himself. “Are you going?���
he scoffs. “Why would I want to go to a reunion filled with our shitty high school classmates?”
Izuku sighs and rolls his eyes. “Because it would be good for your hero image?”
He hums. He hadn't considered that; he was thinking of something else. Bakugo asks, looking away, “Uh, do you think they’ll be there?..” 
“Why don’t you text them and find out?” Izuku states the obvious.
“You know I’m not doing that,” Bakugo scowls.
Izuku rolls his eyes and starts walking back to the bathroom as he calls out, “Then suffer!!” 
You’re sitting on your bed glaring at the email on your phone, and you don’t even realize you’re doing it until your boyfriend, who you didn't even noticed had entered the room, speaks up;
“Y/n?” he calls out softly.
You hum lowly in faint acknowledgment.
“You’re glaring at your phone,” he points out quietly.
“No, I’m not,” you mumble.
“Did you get the email?” he asks through a short laugh.
You sigh and nod, only for him to take your phone and turn it off before shoving it in his pocket. “Kirishima-“
“Don’t kirishima me,” he says, sitting next to you and pulling you into his embrace. “What good is glaring at the email gonna do?”
“Make it delete itself, I don’t know,” you mumble against him.
He hums and places his head atop yours. “Do you not wanna go?”
You groan and bury yourself deeper into his embrace. “It’s not that I don’t want to go; it’s just that… I don’t know. I don’t talk to any of them except for you-“
“I would hope so; I’m your boyfriend,” he interrupts with a poor joke.
“Kirishima,” you deadpan.
He kisses the top of your head. “Sorry, continue.”
“Like I was saying,” you continue, “I fell out with everyone like a year after coming to America…"
He nods, “I get it.”
You pull away from him slightly to look at him with a frown. “You don’t talk with any of them now either?”
He shrugs and gives you a small smile. “I mean, I talk to Denki and them once in awhile, but maybe this is exactly what we need to reconnect with our old friends, you know?”
“Yeah, maybe,” you mutter, turning your gaze to your hands, which have been fumbling with the hem of your shirt.
He frowns before placing a hand on your chin and tilting your head upward to look at him. “So?” he asks expectantly.
A small smile tugs at your lips. “So we’ll go, Kiri.”
He returns your smile, but even wider. “Good, I really didn’t wanna go by myself.”
“You were gonna leave me?” you exclaim dramatically.
He stifles a laugh. “Well, not anymore!”
You turn away from him. “Nah, I don’t wanna hear it—you're fake.”
He mumbles, “Shut up,” and rolls his eyes before grabbing your face and kissing you. You smile into it. Yeah, who cares if you haven’t talked to half of those people in a few years? This could be good! Maybe you’d even reconnect with your old best friend; Lord knows you’ve been dreaming about it since the moment you two fell out in the first place…
The closer the reunion got, the more on edge you became, which explains why on the day of, you were in your hotel bathroom with your head in the toilet, throwing up. Kirishima rubs your back soothingly as he sits on the edge of the tub.
“We can skip it and get a flight back home, y/n,” he suggests softly.
You shake your head and flush the toilet before wiping your mouth with your hand. “No, we didn’t fly all the way back here only to fly back because I can’t handle my nerves.”
he sighs. “I don’t care about that; I care about you being comfortable,” he says as he helps you up.
He laughs when you smile at him, teeth and all. You have to think about why he’s laughing for a moment until it hits you and you slap a hand over your mouth. “I have puke in my teeth, don’t I?”
He nods, his laughter dying down. “You might.” He kisses the top of your head. “Can I trust you to get ready without puking again?”
You shrug, your hand still over your mouth. “Maybe.”
Kirishima hums. “Good enough,” he says before kissing the back of your hand that covers your mouth and then leaving you to your own devices.
Now that you’ve puked up all your nerves (for the most part), you’re able to get ready with ease, but it isn’t until you’re finally at the reunion that your nerves start acting up again. Kirishima quickly noticed this when he felt how clammy the hand he was holding had gotten.
He squeezes your hand reassuringly. “Say the word, and we’ll leave right now, y/n.”
You shake your head. “No, Kiri, it's fine really..”
He grabs your chin with his free hand and forces you to look at him, his eyes looking straight through you. “Promise?” 
You nod against his hold. “Promise.” 
Before Kirishima can get another word in, he hears someone call him from a few feet away. He lets go of your face, but his hand remains in yours as he turns to see Denki and a few others waving him over. He turns back toward you and looks like he’s about to invite you along, but you shake your head and have to practically rip your hand out of his.
“Go!” you urge him. “Go reconnect with them; that’s what we came here for, right?”
He frowns and reluctantly nods. “What about you?”
You give a lighthearted shrug. “Don’t worry bout me, Kiri, just go.”
He sighs and gives you a quick kiss before waving goodbye and making his way toward his old friends, leaving you awkwardly standing there. Once he’s out of sight, you sigh and look around like a lost puppy.
“Well, this is fun,” you mumble.
You're drinking some random punch you found that you’re pretty sure is spiked, but don’t mind, for a few more minutes when you spot a familiar blond spikey-haired boy in the distance. You’re not sure what comes over you, but the next thing you know, you’re abandoning your drink on a random table and running toward him.
“Katsuki!” You practically scream as you roughly pull him into a hug. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you!”
He groans and tenses up at the contact but hugs you back regardless. “Didn’t know you were coming… Can you let go now?”
“Last minute decision,” you remark, squeezing him even tighter, “and you say that yet you’re still hugging me too, you know.”
You feel him grow warm in embarrassment before he lets go of you. “Your turn, dumbass.”
You laugh as you let go of him. Who knew someone could miss being called a dumbass? “I really am happy to see you, Katsuki… It’s been so long!”
Bakugo hums in agreement and shoves his hands into his pockets, a habit he can’t seem to get rid of. “Yeah, I’m happy to see you too, y/n.”
“So, what’s new?" you inquire cheerfully. "You know, besides being the number two hero and all.”
He narrows his eyes at you, and had you not previously been his best friend, you would’ve thought he was about to tear you a new one. “Says the number one hero in America?"
You wave him off. “Ah, that’s nothing,” you say coyly. “But seriously, what’s new?”
“Just hero shit, honestly,” Bakugo shrugs. “you?” 
You open your mouth to tell him about Kirishima but quickly come to the conclusion that that’s a terrible idea. Had Bakugo been a normal best friend, then yes, you would tell him in a heartbeat. The problem is that he wasn’t just a normal best friend. For the entirety of highschool, you and Bakugo were stuck in this limbo of not just best friends but not quite lovers, so talking about boyfriends when he was almost yours simply doesn’t seem right.
“Y/n?” he asks impatiently.
You laugh slightly. “Sorry, uh, same with me, just hero shit..”
Bakugo looks at you in suspicion, removing his hands from his pockets just to cross them. “Doesn’t seem like it.”
You avoid his stare, which is a horrible mistake; now he'll really know you're hiding something. “What?” 
“You were gonna say something else, so just say it, dumbass,” he adds, narrowing his eyes at you.
You laugh nervously, staring back at him, “I wasn't g-“ 
“Y/n just say it; we're—we were best friends; I’m pretty sure you can tell me anything at this point.” He cuts you off, but his tone is surprisingly gentle.
The problem here is that you weren’t just best friends.
You sigh, knowing he won’t let up until you just tell him, so you might as well get this out of the way now. “I have a boyfriend,” you mumble nervously.
Bakugo’s heart drops, and he thinks he just went through the five stages of grief within ten seconds before asking, “You have a boyfriend?”
You awkwardly clear your throat and offer a small smile. “Uh, yeah!” 
In disbelief, he scoffs and mumbles to himself, “You have a boyfriend…”
You nod. “Katsuki, are you okay?..” 
He completely ignores you and snaps out of whatever trance he was in. “So who is he? Some American dude?”
You mentally curse him for asking who. “Uh no, it's, uh, it's actually Kirishima,” you nervously laugh.
Bakugo can feel small sparks starting to light up within his hands and wipes them against his pants. “How’d that happen?” he says blankly, as if he’s mentally checked out, which at this point, he’s trying to.
You’re surprised by his curiosity and overall lack of hostility, but you’re happy about it nonetheless. “Oh, well!" you explain happily, no longer fearful of it being awkward, "We had met up when he moved out to America, and, um, I don’t know, we just clicked, I guess?”
Bakugo scoffs to himself. “What, couldn’t have me, so you went with second best?”
Before completely processing what he said, you stare at him in complete disbelief. “What the actual fuck, Bakugo?” you snap.
His blood runs cold; he didn’t realize he actually said that out loud, and to make matters worse, you stopped using his first name; he fucked up. He fucked up big time. “Shit y/n, I'm sorry I didn't-“
“Don’t tell me you didn’t mean it because that’s bullshit,” you say sternly, pointing a finger at him as if scolding a child. “You know you meant that shit.”
“Y/n-,“ he tries to get a word in.
“You don't get to be mad,” you chide.
“I'm not mad!” Bakugo shouts.
“You’re not mad?” You repeat sarcastically because you know he is. “Why else would you say that, then?”
Bakugo groans, his shoulders dropping. “I don't know!”
You ignore him as suddenly all your pent-up emotions and feelings toward him begin to pour out of you. “What did you want me to do, Bakugo? Wait for you? If you forgot, I did!”
“I never asked you to,” he says flatly, his demeanor tense.
“You didn't have to!” you exclaim. “I waited for you because I loved you! I thought… I thought that we could somehow make it work even if we were long distance, and then you stopped texting and calling, so I picked up your slack! and all I got were one-word answers, so I stopped texting and calling too because I wanted to give you space. I kept telling myself that you just needed space, and you’d come back; you'd text me again, but you never did.”
His eyes glaze over as he remembers what he did to you and how he ghosted you because he thought that would be the best option, and obviously now he’s realizing that was actually the worst option he could have chosen. “Y/n, I'm sorry.”
“I don’t want your fucking sorrys,” you spit out. “You’re a piece of shit, Bakugo.”
He sniffles; he knows he is, he just didn’t want you to know that as well. “Y/n, can we please just forget I said anything?“
You laugh. “No, we can't, because even disregarding what happened between us a long time ago, you still called one of your so-called high school best friends second best to you.”
Bakugo is in defensive mode now; he knows he can't come back from this, so why not make it worse? “You only care because he’s your fucking boyfriend; you didn't give a fuck when I called half of these fucking people here second best to me in high school,” he sneers, his voice shaking with rage.
Your jaw tightens as you nod. You’d say you can't believe he'd throw something like that in your face, but it’s Bakugo; when someone goes low, he goes lower. “Fuck you, Bakugo.”
He notices you turning around to begin walking away, and he's ready to reach out and stop you when you look at him from over your shoulder.
“You know, I really was excited to see you,” you mumble, disappointedly. “Bye, Bakugo."
Bakugo's hand falls back to his side as he watches you walk away. When he hears someone behind him, he fights back tears as his hands clench into fists, angry at himself.
“Kacchan,” Izuku says softly.
Bakugo sniffles and wipes his nose roughly. “Fuck off, nerd.”
He ignores him. “I heard most of it.”
Bakugo turns around to face Izuku, his face red and his jaw clenched. “I’m a piece of shit, aren’t I?”
Izuku says nothing but offers Bakugo a small smile as he opens his arms as if to invite him into his embrace, and yes, if this were high school or middle school Bakugo, he would probably scoff and say something to make himself an even bigger piece of shit and then leave, but this is a different Bakugo—well, different in only some aspects apparently—so Bakugo quite literally falls into Izuku’s embrace, the weight causing Izuku to stumble backwards for a moment before he stabilizes both himself and Bakugo, strong enough to carry the both of them, letting Bakugo cry into his arms.
Katsuki Bakugo was too little, too late.
Katsuki Bakugo would always be too little, too late.
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 8 months
hi :) binge read your de fic that you have posted on ao3 last night and really enjoyed all of it! excited to see any updates. was wondering if you have any rec for other fic youve read and enjoyed-- i am not god's bravest soldier and do not enjoy trudging through tags and was wondering if you had read anything yourself that you really enjoyed lolol
Hey, thanks so much!!! Sorry it's taken a couple days to answer this, I'm poor as shit and have two jobs now wah... capitilism...
I'm working on the next 46' chapter, It's about 70% complete and I generally let it sit for an evening once it's done then re-read it the next day to catch the vast majority of mistakes (I edit everything myself) so I'd say expect that in the coming days.
I have some thoughts! I... Have never been asked for fic recs before so I'm gonna list a bunch in no particular order that I enjoyed, and reasons why. I will note that I tend to enjoy meaty plot-based works over fluff, so that's what I'll be recommending. Anyway!
Paddling Out (THE REPEATER CORPSE CONUNDRUM) - @transhitman - So this is the first DE fic I read and it set the bar pretty fucking high. YOU'VE GOT: a very cool and insular setting (don't get me wrong I like fics where they travel around Revachol too, but there's something to be said for building a set and living in it for a while) YOU'VE GOT: extremely harrowing tension and pale-fuckery YOU'VE GOT: some genuinely beautiful, heartfelt moments (I don't want to spoil anything but "people don't need your permission to care about you" kinda undid me) YOU'VE ALSO GOT: Amazing art?! Always a bonus, I wish I could draw people lol
Have You Heard The News That You're Dead? - Wizardlover - Time Loop shenanigans hell yeah! Basic premise: Kim is *unable* to save Harry's life after he's shot at the tribunal, each time he dies he Reawakens in Martinaise on the first day and desperately has to try and find a way to either prevent the Tribunal entirely, or survive it. I think the major draw to this one is how well it's characterised and how well that lends to the major source of tension: trying to convince THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SKEPTIC that you *a man he 'has only just met'* is actually stuck in a time loop. Juicy shit.
The Case Of The Man Who Two-Thirds Wasn't There - @glisteningceruleaneyes - We got another case fic here, gang. This is one of those "they travel around Revachol" numbers I previously mentioned. A lot to love about this fic; the minor OCs are all loveable (or at least well-written, looking at you Mr. Bigot-All-Rounder), the elements of writing in the game's style (particularly use of Harry's 'to do' list that you find in the ledger, you don't see that as often!) are all fantastic. Also without spoiling too much I'm a sucker for hurt/ comfort :) I like when bad things happen to our specialist guy :) ALSO! alternating chapters, Kim vs Harry's perspectives contrast REALLY well! Just a super enjoyable read. - On that note I also wanna include a special mention: there's a podfic for this one and since I mentioned my two jobs, I've been listening to audiobooks at work (I'm a cleaner. It's very boring) and that was a fun change of pace!
The Emergent Causeway - hal_incandenza - Now you KNOW this one is good because it's the only *unfinished* fic I'm recommending. Again, We've got art! We've got a brand new (non-Revachol!) setting that still feels excellently Elysium! We got that excellent balance of humour and misery from the get go! EXCELLENT murder mystery so far, I am intrigued AND also there's a fucking puppy. Hell yeah. This one's from Kim's perspective and does a really good job of it, nothing like a man being begrudgingly sent on holiday and being somewhat relieved to have a corpse to deal with.
A Spilled Kaleidoscope - @spilledkaleidoscope - I'm actually recommending a series here. Real definition of "came for the art, stayed for the writing" I mostly have a soft spot because I got to watch a few "haha, what if-?" musing text posts become a series of written chapters and INCREDIBLE DRAWINGS HOLY SHIT. Like, you really just draw hands for fun, huh? This person made a pact with some sort of devil beasts to draw hands very good, at the bare minimum we can read their fiction.
Nothing To Lose But Our Chains - Lepak - I almost forgot this one and I honestly can't believe it because this is one of these ones that you need a cigarette afterwards. Good fucking god. This is probably the best fic I've ever read in terms of not shying away from the heavy themes that make Disco Elysium such a beautiful, moving game. It tackles a racism in many forms, particularly how people like Kim (in working for the RCM) and immigration laws do their part in upholding racist systems, despite the way it hurts him too. Of course, it's also excellently written with tense scenes and some real funny moments. A real good'un here.
The Catacomb Killer - SupposedToBeWriting - Give Harry more memory loss. Make him convinced he killed a kid. Make *Kim* convinced he killed a kid... Then the plot thickens. I won't lie I can't remember fuck all about this one because I was mostly drunk when I read it, but if it was good enough that I kept reading instead of smoking a spliff or something then it must have been excellent... I will re-read it when I have the time, lmao.
MURDER ON THE AIRWAVES - @randomisedmongoose - I'm just a really big fan of murder mysteries and gore. You show me somebody with brain matter pouring from their earholes and I'm like "yum yum, more of that please." I am a sucker for curious methods of murder and this one's good for that. Lots of trekking back and forth like in the game again. More ACAB - always good.
I did not mean to include this many...........................
Oh well. Here's my list, there are plenty of others I've enjoyed but these are just the ones that came to mind! Thanks again for reading my fic! Always makes me happy when people let me know they enjoy my writing :3
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Fig Faeth Junior Year Playlist: Side A
It's no surprise that Fig Faeth's playlist is the one that I actually listen to the most. It's just a very good vibe and I love her. Took extra time to Song descriptions and thoughts down below. Spoilers for Episodes 1-10.
Genres included: Pop-punk, Punk, Alternative
1. hair out, Stand Atlantic
Am I fuckin' up my life? I'm just tryna make improvements Slowly givin' up the fight But I gotta cover up the bruise That I get from all the Expectations give me vertigo Wasting away to the pressure The pressure, The pressure, oh
This song is such an earworm, scratching a specific itch in my brain. Love the fact that both Kristen and Fig (the failing girlies) start with a Stand Atlantic song, and it works with the way that Fig is coming at this season. From the jump, she is one of the most visibly and audibly burnt out, specifically from the pressure of the "sophomore album" that was supposed to come out months ago. This song is definitely about the pressures of a songwriter as well as the pressures of life in general so it fits sooooo perfectly. Especially with the "I can already here people hating the song" outro *chefs kiss*
2. Who The Hell Am I?, NOBRO
God, I'm tired of being like this I can change, but in a minute Always looking for the back door, on the run Always at the party, never quite having fun Play with fire, and you're gonna get burned I'm on fire, and you know it hurts I was always on the outside looking in Maybe it's me 'cause I never wanna fit in
Fig's class struggles, her conversation with Mazey, I can't take it. I feel like we've all been there. I really love how the narrative with her has progressed, like last season was deconstructing her need to mold herself into other people (or into an idealized version of herself) now she's trying to figure out who she is at her core without all the disguises.
3. 7 Years Bad Luck, Glasseater
Something strange seems to be plaguing me Everything I touch falls apart I've lost it all, losing all my luck Suffering 7 years bad luck
I don't particularly love this song, a little too unintentionally underproduced, but it deserves a spot on this playlist. I feel like I would be Fig in the curse situation. It took me a literal year to deal with debilitating stomach problems, and I, too, waited until my friends noticed to actually do something about it. Either way, can't wait to learn more about the weird Galier Pride curse, love the representation for my stomach problem girlies
4. Where the Heart Is, Sweet Pill
Get this My mind's been in a million places but my body hasn't moved an inch And I feel like I'm missing out again Ignoring my plans Wondering how they went Feeling bad about it If I could just take a chance I wouldn't feel so bad To see past myself I wouldn't feel so bad
This is Fig's final decision to try Paladin after doing so well with Warlock. She knows the priorities in her gut don't match with what anyone else says, but she's discovering her loyalty. She's figuring out her actual drive... following her heart <3
5. Impostor Syndrome, Sidney Gish
Unfortunately, I am My own dog, my own fur companion My own old lady on a forum Who types in glittery decorum Unfortunately, I take Myself out walking every day and I had my legs to the feet and I give my head to the leash
Making Fantasy High playlists is like making a ven diagram of which dog-themed songs are Tracker-coded and which are Fig-coded. This one, to me at least, is Fig-coded. (yes, I do have a tracker playlist, and yes, every song in it is dog/wolf specific, BUT THEY'RE GOOD OK). We love our Oath/Pact of the German Shepard.
6. You Owe Me Nothing In Return, Alanis Morissette
I'll give you countless amounts of outright Acceptance if you want it I will give you encouragement to chose The path you want if you need it You can speak of anger and doubts Your fears and freak outs And I'll hold it
So I know that we're gearing up for Fig's Warlock/Paladin agreement post "mooner yulenear," but this is my interpretation of what it's going to look like. She cares about her friends, and she would do anything for them! And though I know this song came out in 2002, Alanis Morissette is a 90's icon and perfect for the grungy riot grrrl vibe I see for her
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sowritten · 2 years
who wants a bite of me?
listen babe, nothing is as it seems.
god, you sound like you want to wear her skin.
do you think I did too much?
do you want me to push her in the pool? do you want me to light her hair on fire?
you look incredible tonight.
how could you do this to me?
baby, come on. I would never do this.
channel that anger into getting what you want.
why would he do this to me?
I hated myself for letting my guard down.
peaking in high school is cringe.
you have a really weird energy.
I don’t need your pity.
you insufferable cunt! I know you did this!
I don’t even do cocaine!
you think I framed you?
do you still not want my pity?
I know what it’s like to get screwed over by someone you thought you could trust.
you really had that pent-up, huh?
you look like you want a grilled cheese. let’s get you a grilled cheese.
I thought you were gonna put out a hit on me or something.
okay, I’ll just go fuck myself.
to be honest, I’m still recovering.
I just want to say how sorry I am for what happened to you last year.
oh, I’m sorry ‘school house rock’, are you dragging my sentence structure right now?
we won’t get caught, that’s the whole point.
I don’t want to make her pay. I want to burn her to the ground.
you’re giving off some serious glenn close in fatal attraction energy right now.
I can ruin her in my sleep.
I’m Frankenstein, and you’re Frankenstein’s bad bitch.
your new vibe is high-status cunt.
sometimes you have to pretend to be someone else to get what you want.
oh my god, don’t be so dramatic.
you called me a human birkenstock.
I’ve always been very intrigued by what you do here.
my ex-girlfriend is mad that I hooked up with my ex-boyfriend.
make revenge mommy proud.
are you stalking me?
I like your shirt. did it come with a bag of granola and a matching pair of Tevas?
what are you doing here?
that’s the exciting part of getting to know someone; you’re a mystery until you’re not.
the orgy usually starts around sundown.
can we talk about it, please?
well, we’re not having sex. you can go fuck yourself.
tell me something nobody knows about you.
I’m interesting, and you want to impress me.
what do you want to be?
we’re all just performing.
this feels illegal.
I want her to hit me with her Tesla and then reverse back over me.
I want her to stuff me like a taxidermy doll and then mount me on her wall like a prize.
I want her to hide my body in the woods and then start the search party trying to find me.
I am so proud of you. this is going to be the best night ever.
I feel like a little butterfly!
it’s called double assurance, sweetie. look it up.
are you on mushrooms?
your instincts were right.
you know you don’t have to be brave with me.
this sucks. it’s allowed to suck.
do you think I’ll feel better?
I’m just so angry all the time.
sometimes it just hurts to exist, you know?
I just want to feel normal again.
I like you; you’re just like me.
I didn’t know you were an artist.
rude... but fair.
don’t equate your worth to some archaic idea of what the best means.
can I say something that might make you very uncomfortable?
I’m shocked! this is shocking news!
we’re casting spells tonight, bitch.
ban men!
get in there and eat that ass, is what I’m saying!
don’t do that! don’t pity me, and definitely don’t touch me!
I lost everything! fucking everything!
they need to feel the consequences of what they did to me.
they have to pay. all of them.
I feel like I’m being eaten alive from the inside, actually.
do you ever look around and just think, how did I get here?
all this shit, it’s just armour.
I really like you. I wanna tell you everything.
everything I thought I hated was exactly what I always wanted.
what’s going on in that head of yours?
I just need a little distraction from all the stress.
can’t we put all this ugliness aside?
I think you handled that very well.
nice entrance.
what do you think you’re doing?
you don’t even answer my texts!
those people do not care about you.
they’re not your friends.
oh my god, you’re pathetic.
none of this is real!
are you any different from them?
are you sure? there’s never been any evidence.
I mean this from the bottom of my heart: fuck you.
did you overhear that?
you said some pretty messed up stuff out there.
someone was probably messing with you.
from the bottom of my heart, I wish you nothing but the worst for the rest of your miserable fucking existence.
I love your ear balls.
sleep with one eye open, bitch.
I’ve had the upper hand the entire time.
you made this pretty easy, I gotta say.
you’ll never get away with this.
I didn’t eat. I didn’t sleep anymore.
where does this game end?
there is nothing else you can take away from me.
I’m going to make sure that you’re stuck with your pain forever, because I am stuck with mine.
if you want to ruin me, go ahead. I’m not helping you.
I promise I can explain.
I had no choice!
do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?
I really wanted this to work, but it just doesn’t.
I was deciding between this and elsa, but I kind of thought you weren’t an elsa person, although you are a frigid bitch.
I’m sorry that I hit you with my car.
there’s nothing vapid people love more than making other peoples’ tragedies about them.
don’t cry. it’s alright.
I wish it could have been different.
what should have felt exhilarating just felt rotten.
how did you know I’d be here?
I miss you.
it shouldn’t have taken an accident for me to realize that, and I’m sorry.
I think you’re lucky.
I don’t feel free. I feel like I got hit by a car.
I give up. I’m done.
show everybody what a bad bitch looks like.
I created you, and I can just as easily destroy you.
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.
we can’t erase what we did to each other, but I don’t want to hurt you anymore.
you might be the only real friend I’ve ever had.
I will regret what I did to you forever.
I’m sorry.... for everything.
did you just enter doing a slow clap, you cliché piece of shit?
you really are the devil.
I thought we had a whole will-they, won’t-they thing going on.
where are you going with this?
I know all your secrets now.
no one would’ve given a shit about you if it wasn’t for me.
why the fuck are you laughing?
goddamn do I love you right now.
I think we might be fucked-up soulmates.
you are a very lucky girl.
fuck you. we’re over.
I think you should leave.
I don’t want to be that person anymore.
everything you’ve done, everything that’s happened to you, has brought you to this moment.
fuck figuring out who you’re meant to be. stay lost as long as you can.
I wanted to do something cute, like a grand gesture.
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