#having to interact with other kids kind of made me insane and have to be pulled out of class but I STILL DID IT
coolprettyleo · 3 months
overthinking - jack hughes ☆
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wc: 643
tw: anxiety, fear, new beginnings
jack hughes x oc
so high school au
marley had been avoiding jack for about three days now. she had promised him a date, and she knew he had intentions of cashing that promise in, and that's what made the girl want to run for the hills.
she woke up the morning after the party to a notification that jack hughes had added her on snap. normally, any girl would be squealing at this, but the girl felt nothing but anxiety because of this.
she began to think of all the possibilities this could lead up to, and that was enough to send her into a spiral, a never-ending one.
she could go on the date and have the best time and realize he was perfect for her and they could blossom into something beautiful,
she could go on the date and realize he's just like every other guy and despise him, and she would have to move through the next two years pretending he was nonexistent.
or even worse,
she could go on the date and have the best time ever and jump into a relationship with him, and they would eventually get married and have babies, only for him to after realize he made a mistake; causing him to have an affair, while she would have to put up with it to stay for the kids-
"marley!" she heard one of the assistant coaches yell, snapping her out of her neverending thoughts.
"we didn't hire you to stare at your nails! get to work and get content!" he clapped as she turned bright red. realizing the team was huddled up around him and had heard and watched the entire interaction.
she nodded as she took some photos, trying to get her mind off the blue-eyed boy she could feel was staring at her.
practice ended and she sped out of the arena as fast as she could. one reason being that she had some homework she needed to get done before tomorrow and another being she was scared of running into jack.
"marley!" she heard the door open behind her, turning to see it was the man of the hour.
"jack... hi," she said nervously, adjusting the bag on her shoulder coming to a stop.
"have you been avoiding me?" he asked upfront. leaving the girl a bit taken back full-heartedly, not expecting he would say that.
"a little" she said with a grimace
"if you don't want to go on the date with me it's okay-"
"It's not that; trust me, I do... it's just I've never really done any of this. if I'm being honest with you I'm kind of scared" she said going the honest route.
"scared of what? me?" he chuckled
"not you. but the idea of you, if that makes any sense," she said, knowing she was probably scaring the poor boy off.
"like you've never been on a date?" he asked cluelessly as she shook her head.
"i've never been on a real one either. I'll be honest I've had a couple of kisses that didn't mean anything, but that's it. this mushy stuff is all new to me too," he explained as marley looked up at him, feeling a burn sensation when he mentioned he'd kissed other girls. she didn't like that, she didn't like that at all.
"you feel mushy for me?" she teased trying to act like she didn't feel the most insane feeling of jealousy
"we've been over this mar," he told the girl
"mar?" she asked the boy. she hadn't been called that name in years, and hearing it again was giving the girl deja vu.
"it's cute isn't it" he asked hoping she'd be okay with it
"yeah. I like it." she smiled as he walked her to her car, planning their date. the girl finally felt better about everything, hoping she wasn't making a mistake.
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eoieopda · 1 year
Yoongi + “runaway bride” I’mma leave this one up to your interpretation bc I know I’ll love it either way and also wanna see what you come up with 👀
oooooooh!!! v excited by this prompt, lol. this is, um, going to hurt kind of a lot at the beginning, but stick with me!!!! also, i accidentally made this >3.3k words….. which i will proofread when i am no longer exhausted 🤪
the one with yoongi and the fucking hydrangeas
ft. POV shift, pining & correlating angst, reader who’s🎵 a runner she’s a track star 🎵, a #nonspon vans product placement, a very unfortunate namjoon (sorry, buddy,) childhood idiots in love
2024 ETA: long after this was written, the user who requested this drabble admitted that they were a minor masquerading as an adult, violating my explicitly stated boundaries re: minors being prohibited from interacting with me and my content. this user has since been blocked.
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Yoongi sat in a seat chosen specifically for him not because he wanted to, but because he knew how much time you’d sacrificed in writing every place card by hand.
To be clear, he’d never wanted to attend this rehearsal dinner in the first place. Unfortunately, he knew the stakes. That wasn’t something he’d dare to say out loud — especially not to you. Not in that restaurant while you fluttered between tables and shined your warm light on every single guest, one by one. Not ever, because you’d slipped through Yoongi’s fingers the second Namjoon slid that ring on yours.
If, in twelve hours’ time, Yoongi could force his deflated body out of bed, he’d have to watch quietly while you got away for good.
There was nothing he could do about it, either, so he swallowed that grief with a mouthful of bibim nengmyun. He knew it wasn’t the food that tasted so bitter on his tongue; however, on the off-chance that it was, he followed suit with another ill-advised swig of makgeolli.
During the two subsequent hours he sat and stewed at that table, Yoongi had lost count of just how many glasses he’d had. His eyes never lingered on the bottle, sticking instead to you and the smile that didn’t seem to spread beyond the curve of your lips. Every now and then, you’d glance his way — and every time you did, there was a microscopic twinge at the corner of your mouth.
It felt like a signal, something cryptic, but he wasn’t in the proper headspace to begin making assumptions. For the first time ever, you’d hit Yoongi with a look he didn’t know what to do with, and that fact drove him insane. This was what he was afraid of, after all — that the invisible string between you would be re-routed to someone else, and the telepathic link you’d always shared would disappear with it.
Your friendship had started early because your respective mothers had grown up together, and found each other once again as adults with two kids each. Back then, both of your front teeth were missing and — if Yoongi made you laugh too hard at routine, weekend gatherings — banana milk would occasionally fly out through the gap. He was nine-years-old and had no concept of it, but now he knows that he loved you then.
He loved you when you were ten, and you kneed a classmate in the dick for bullying Yoongi on the basketball court. You were two years younger and half his size, but you were a force to be reckoned with.
He loved you when you were fourteen, and a wave of brand new hormones made you a little bit of a fucking nightmare to be around.
At seventeen, twenty-one, still.
There, while everyone around him clinked their chopsticks against their glasses and Namjoon accepted the crowd’s wordless demand that he kiss you.
Yoongi had done well enough with your previous relationships. None of them made him feel like this, though, and he’d spent two years unable to put his finger on why. Sandwiched at that carefully chosen table between his mother and older brother, it finally clicked: None of them ever threatened to last.
Yoongi had never been a particularly hopeful person, but buried deep in the back of his brain, there had always been a crumb of it. Part of him, however stupid, thought you’d end up together at a dinner like this. All of this was the last nail in the coffin, the alarm clock screaming that it was time to wake up.
Suddenly more nauseous than he’d ever been before, Yoongi scooted his chair back so abruptly that it scraped along the floorboards. Just as quickly, he got to his feet and made a beeline for the exit. Of all the heads that turned to watch him leave, yours was the only one he noticed in his peripheral vision. He could feel your eyes on his back — pictured how confused you must look — and it only made his stomach acid churn faster.
When he finally made it out to the patio behind the restaurant, Yoongi’s suspicions were confirmed: closed for the season. Fitting. He wasn’t in the mood to heed the signs, so he stepped carefully — one leg at a time — over the hip-high metal gate and gulped down sharp, late autumn air. As he did, he begged himself to get his shit together for you, if not for him.
He spent several minutes out there, maybe even hours, sitting on a bare, metal chair and glowering out at the trees at the edge of the property. He hated himself, he realized, for how easily he wasted time. Let it slip by unnoticed while he stood still.
The clock seemed to mock him, ticking faster from behind him as if time was going to outrun him again.
At least, that was his first guess.
Yoongi quickly learned that the clicks weren’t signaling the passing seconds; they were broadcasting the urgent beat of stilettos on brick. So, having figured that his mother had appeared outside to gun him down, Yoongi glanced over his shoulder and braced himself for the be-all, end-all of scoldings.
What he got instead was you and the undeserved concern that caused your eyebrows to furrow.
“Are you okay?” You asked quietly once you reached the gate. With your manicured hands on the cold metal, you shivered, but you didn’t seem to notice. “Did you eat too much of the gochujang? I definitely did, and now I’ll be up all night with heartburn.”
Yoongi felt as though he’d been punched in the chest. The memory caught him in a riptide, beat him bloody against the rocks because he could’ve sworn he was sixteen again, stacking old encyclopedias under the headboard of your bed. He’d read somewhere online that, while sitting upright in a chair can exacerbate reflux, sleeping at an angle could help.
He was dizzy when he blinked back at you and saw your lips moving. He had to focus hard to figure out what you were saying.
“You remember that?”
Yoongi struggled to even out his breathing; he had no hope at all of finding the plot he’d lost. “Huh?”
You grinned and it made up for all the stars that had been hidden by grey clouds overhead. “The encyclopedias,” you chuckled, “They worked, you know.”
Yoongi didn’t mean to say it. He knew it before, during, and after it slipped out of his mouth that it was the worst goddamn thing he’d ever done, but he couldn’t stop himself — couldn’t shove the bullet he’d shot back into the gun. With the way it exploded through his chest — I love you — he was surprised that his body was still intact. No viscera sprayed out from the exit wound, no stains appeared on your chic, white cocktail dress.
You opened your mouth but closed it soon after, so clearly stunned by his unsolicited admission that you couldn’t find the words. Yoongi had no expectations whatsoever when it came down to your reaction because he hadn’t meant to provoke one in the first place. Even still, the wounded look on your face was worse than anything he might’ve imagined.
The two of you stood in tense silence for so long that Yoongi’s soul had nearly ejected itself fully from his body.
“That’s not fair,” eventually came your shaky reply. You clenched your fist tight around the top of the gate to anchor yourself and stammered, “Yoongi, that is not — Why would you —”
As soon as he aimed to take a step in your direction, your shock gave way to a scowl that could’ve boiled him alive.
“Why would you dump that at my feet? Tonight, of all fucking nights, Yoongi — seriously?” You snapped, though it sounded like a sob. “What am I supposed to do with this now?”
He didn’t know how to respond. He was paralyzed, inside and out, and he deserved it. Who the fuck was he, forcing the burden of his feelings onto you?
Selfish. Stupid. Out of time, as usual.
The makeup you always took so much time on started to run alongside your tears. Yoongi had seen you cry before, though he’d always been the reason you stopped, rather than started. He hated every single one of those muddied, black tears because he knew you. He knew you would have worn waterproof mascara if you’d had any reason to anticipate crying on your special night.
“I’m getting married in the morning!”
Your reminder was a dagger flying out of your mouth, sticking him right between the ribs. It stung as images flooded his mind — of you and Namjoon, your guests, and your out-of-season, imported fucking hydrangeas. It hurt even worse to see how badly you shook as you glared at him.
“Yoongi — fuck!”
Before you walked away, your eyes locked on his for a fraction of a second. In that moment, Yoongi promised himself that it was the last time you’d ever have to see his face.
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When you were little, you pictured your wedding day like a moment ripped straight out of Cinderella. In your head, you’d wake up to birds singing at your window and mice scurrying around your feet, eager to dress you in a gown of epic and magical proportions. It’d be perfect. For years, you’d been sure of it.
In reality, there was no waking up because there hadn’t been a single second of sleep to begin with. No beauty rest, no sweet dreams of marital bliss — just you, feeling as if you’d swallowed a car battery. It sat heavy in the pit of your stomach, let acid burn all the way up to your esophagus. And it’d been all too easy to toss and turn in your hotel bed, which laid perfectly level on top of a plush, floral rug.
You crawled out of bed without the assistance of altruistic rodents and shuffled your dead weight over to the mirror hanging on the opposite wall. For once, your imagination had been accurate. Your puffy eyes were red in the aftermath of all your tears. They ached above circles so deep and dark that they would’ve alarmed you if you hadn’t expected them.
Namjoon had seen you at what you both believed to be your worst. Neither of you could’ve ever predicted that the Corpse Bride would be the one staggering down the aisle towards him. He’d love you anyway, you knew it, no matter how you looked. But if he knew what you spent all night toiling over…
You shook your head and abruptly turned away from the mirror. There were several of your dearest friends bustling around the room next to yours, all of whom were waiting on you. Swallowing hard, you headed for the adjoining door and promised yourself that the only person you’d let down today would be you.
You lost all track of time when a blur of hands went to work on you. If you’d closed your eyes while you dissociated, you could’ve pretended that your assistants were those woodland creatures you used to dream about. But you couldn’t close your eyes, couldn’t sleep through this part, couldn’t let your mind wander all the way back to that patio.
It’d been terrifying, staring your own heart in the face like that. More than anything, it was confusing because it didn’t look like you expected it would — not like an organ at all, but a person. You’d gotten so good at ignoring it that you couldn’t reasonably expect yourself to recognize it. It knew you, though, and loved you. Apparently, it always had.
As you sat in that hotel room, far away from the patio, you pictured every other moment you wished Yoongi had said what he did. The thousand times you’d thought for sure he felt the same, and all the ways you distracted yourself when you resigned to believing he didn’t. Every person you dated until you finally managed to move on —
“— please, love?”
You blinked rapidly to force your eyes to focus. In front of you, your mother stood with a knowing smile on her face and a sokchima in her hands. You didn’t need to ask her to repeat herself; you took the hint and rose slowly to your feet.
“I was nervous on my wedding day,” she hummed as she pulled the undergarment gently over your head. “Hungover, too, but your grandmother does not need to know that. Frankly, I’m surprised she couldn’t tell with how bloated I was when she helped me get ready…”
The bright scarlet chima followed without so much as a word from you. Your heart slammed helplessly against your rib cage when your mother proceeded to tug the sleeves of your jeogori up your arms. This moment should be special, you thought bitterly. All you wanted to do was cry; to apologize to your mother for your total inability to care while your wedding happened around you, not for you.
Soon enough, you were dressed. Your friends and older sister gushed about how beautiful you looked — the perfect bride — like you weren’t caught in the web of an anxiety attack. Like it wasn’t all wrong, and you weren’t dangling on the precipice of your life’s greatest mistake. Like you hadn’t spent so much of your hard-earned money on invitations and greenhouse-grown, special-ordered fucking hydrangeas.
Like you could catch a fucking breath under all the layers of your hanbok.
Sensing that a moment alone was necessary, your mother kissed your cheek and ushered the others out the door ahead of her. Before seeing herself out, too, she stalled in the threshold, turned back around to look at you, and exhaled through a pause.
“I left your shoes by the dresser,” she chirped.
The gentleness of her tone was reassuring, but there was a faint gleam in her eyes that caught your attention. Before you could ask after it, she nodded firmly once and let the door click shut behind her.
Alone again, your instinct was to do the same thing you’d spent ten consecutive hours doing — burying yourself under pillows and crying until you ran out of tears. But you had run out, which was precisely was the problem. You had no options left, nothing left to do but lean in.
At least, that was your first guess.
Your list of choices expanded by one when you saw the well-worn pair of slip-on Vans your mother had set out for you.
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Yoongi sat on the edge of his bed with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands.
Only two meters away, a garment bag hung from the hook on the back of his bedroom door. That bag — and the crisp, black suit it concealed — lingered there for weeks in the shadows, untouched since the day he bought it. Even though it hadn’t left its hanger, he felt it smothering him throughout the night. It choked him while one thought ran circles in his sleep-deprived brain:
The reason he bought it was the same reason he’d never be able to wear it.
Sick of the way he’d trapped himself with his thoughts, Yoongi pushed himself to his feet and crossed over to the door. With the way he flung it open, knob slamming against the wall, he’d likely never recover his security deposit. It felt good, though, taking his grief out on that godforsaken suit.
On his way to his front door, Yoongi stopped short. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a cabinet he hadn’t opened in weeks. As he stared at it, the devil and angel on his shoulders warred over the action he wanted so desperately to take.
Sure, he’d recently — finally — quit at your insistence, but what did that matter now?
He gritted his teeth and shook his conscience off his shoulders with a shrug. Within seconds, Yoongi was on the other side of his kitchen, grabbing an unopened pack of cigarettes and the lighter that lay in wait next to it. He closed his hand tight around it so he couldn’t see the Hello Kitty stickers you’d placed all over the plastic; your attempt to dissuade him from using it in public.
Joke’s on you, he thought as he placed a cigarette between his lips, your plan backfired. Leaving your mark on it the way you had was the only thing that’d kept him from throwing it away — and the only reason he still had a lighter to use at all.
Yoongi opened his front door with one hand as he tried to ignite the lighter with the other. No matter how many time he flicked the pad of his thumb over those little metal ridges, nothing sparked. Defeated yet again, he slumped down onto the porch swing, closed his eyes, and willed himself not to break down over something so stupid.
He had no way of knowing how much time passed as he sat like that. He had no way to tell who those urgent footfalls belonged to, either. That is, not until panted breaths hit his ears and prompted him to open his eyes.
Admittedly, Yoongi had pictured you in your bridal hanbok more than once throughout the years. Half the time, it hadn’t even been purposeful. From first to third grade, you’d rambled to him about your dream wedding on your daily walks home from school. You spoke about it so often, in fact, that even he started thinking about what embroidery a mouse might add to the hem of your chima.
As the pair of you got older, you brought it up less, so Yoongi didn’t think about it often. The image crept up on him, though, once in a while. Every time you brought him as a plus one to your friends’ weddings because you didn’t want to dance alone; and he nearly told you that he’d always want to be your partner.
Or that time you cried through your worst ever heartbreak on his couch, lamented that you’d die an old maid, and never get to wear one.
Even as recently as last night, when he drank half a fifth of whiskey and grieved over the fact that he’d never get to see you wear one.
He couldn’t make heads or tails of the real thing, not with the way you’d doubled over to catch your breath; and bunched the ends up in your fists, presumably to prevent yourself from tripping as you — ran here?
“What did I tell you about the cigarettes?” You puffed, still with your hands on your knees and your face angled at the sidewalk.
Somehow, despite running five kilometers to Yoongi’s doorstep, you hadn’t displaced a single hair from your artfully crafted up-do. Your makeup hadn’t budged, either, which meant that the only sign of your expended effort was the tint of pink on your cheeks and the tip of your nose.
You’d outrun his train of thought in your scuffed, old Vans. Yoongi had to buffer for a moment in order to catch up, but the involuntary smile fighting its way over his mouth didn’t bother to wait. Eventually, he recited your long-suffering appeal, smirking all the while, “They’ll fuck me up, and I’ll have to be wheeled out onto the basketball court in an iron lung.”
With one last, deep breath, you returned to your upright position. The second you did, Yoongi was the one choking up.
Rapid blinking did nothing to stop the tears pricking at the inner corners of his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat to the best of his ability, but he couldn’t shake the inexplicable flutter in his chest at the sight of you. You’d always been perfect, but this was —
“Oh, my god,” he croaked, thoroughly melted from the inside out.
Yoongi stood before his brain could signal his legs to do so; or remind his hands not to drop the phone, lighter, and cigarettes he’d been holding. His eyes, on the other hand, knew exactly what to do. He drank in your appearance like he’d spent the last twenty-two years wandering, dehydrated in the desert — and in a way, he had.
You blinked back at him with swimming eyes as if you’d found sanctuary, too. Suddenly aware of what you were gripping, you opened your fists and let the fabric flutter down to the ground. While smoothing out wrinkles that didn’t exist, you asked softly, “Not bad for a bunch of mice, right?”
“Look just like a dream,” he replied just as gently.
Yoongi’s hands, which were thankfully now free, reached out and grabbed yours. You followed his lead as he spun you, twirled under his raised arm until you ended up with your face mere centimeters from his.
“Yoongi,” you breathed. Your eyes danced from his, to his lips, and back again. “If you wait another twenty-two years to tell me how you feel, please pick a time and place that is mutually convenient. I swear to God, I’ll —”
It came out much more easily the second time than the first; and when it did, it felt more like a beginning than a bomb:
“I love you.”
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mattatouilletkachuk · 4 months
Ollie Turns Two || Chaos With Quinn
Part of The Hockey Babies au & Chaos With Quinn Au
A/N: as always this is an interactive au. I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions and ideas! (This takes place Aug. 18, 2023)
mamaqhughes posted
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_quinnhughes, jackhughes and 15,709 more liked this post
mamaqhughes: Oliver Quintin Hughes, my sweet, gentle, and kind little boy, you made me a mother two years ago and I’ve been spoiled with love ever since.
Only for you would I walk around a petting zoo and feed animals that I’m pretty sure were giving me the evil eye (I’m looking at you Lola the goat) in the middle of Summer while heavily pregnant. Every day I get to spend with you is a day worth celebrating but today is the day we get to do it with cake! 🎂
tagged: _quinnhughes
_quinnhughes: I wouldn’t have wanted to see him grow up with anybody else. Love you, babe.❤️
↳ mamaqhughes: I couldn’t have asked for a better father for my children.
jackhughes: happy birthday Ollie 🥳
jackhughes: on a side note, Nellie is now asking for a Pony because of that petting zoo
↳ mamajhughes: istg if I come home and you’ve bought a pony for 2 year old I’m gonna kill you
↳ _quinnhughes: @.mamajhughes if you haven’t snapped by now and killed him I don’t think you ever will.
nataliemiller: Happy birthday Ollie!! 🎉
elblue6: He looks so much like Quinn!
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↳ mamaqhughes: that’s what I’ve been saying!!
lhughes_06: Happy birthday Ols! Let him know I’m calling tonight pls
↳ mamaqhughes: just a warning but he’s mad at you
↳ lhughes_06: why?!?
↳ mamaqhughes: he kept asking for “uncle moosey” and cried when Quinn said you weren’t coming
↳ lhughes_06: I think my heart just broke
↳ _quinnhughes: it should you’re his favorite.
↳ jackhughes: what about me????
↳ mamaqhughes: I think he tolerates you for Nell & his aunt
↳ jackhughes: 😐
mamajhughes: I remember when he was born. Time goes by so fast 😭
↳ mamaqhughes: who are you telling. I hid in the bathrooms after he blew out his candles so I could cry lol.
lexiedemko: happy birthday Oliver!! (P.s. how did you get Fin to come to the petting zoo in the off-season?)
↳ mamaqhughes: don’t ask me. That was all Q.
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_quinnhughes posted
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mamaqhughes, bboeser, lhughes_06, and 60,000 others liked
_quinnhughes: ♥️ 8. 18. 21 ♥️ otherwise known as the day that I have never been more scared or excited. Some people say being a parent is hard and maybe when you’re sibling is born your mom and I will find that out but since you were born you have been nothing but an angel.
Happy 2nd birthday to my oldest child, my mini partner in crime, every goat's best friend, and Fin the Orca's biggest fan.
Tagged mamaqhughes
mamaqhughes: My baby boy 🥹❤️🥹
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bboeser: you know you’ve partied hard when you pass out on the couch after.
↳ _eliaspetterson: know a lot about that huh?
_eliaspettersson: Happy birthday Oliver!
jackhughes: the first picture was when Fin came in wasn’t it?
↳ _quinnhughes: obviously
canucksfin: happy birthday to my little bestie 🐋
canucks: Happy birthday to our biggest fan! 💙💙
elblue6: my baby boy’s baby boy ❤️
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↳ _quinnhughes: Oliver was so happy to see you.
bradytkachuk: I’m surprised he fell asleep after all the cake he ate.
↳ _quinnhughes: this was just a power nap. Don’t be fooled
bradytkachuk: Happy birthday Ollie!!
j.tmiller: be honest, are your ears still ringing from all the kids screaming?
↳ _quinnhughes: I thought I was just going insane.
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thecartoonrambler · 5 months
Why Wander is such an important character
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Very long post below!
Ill be rambling about Wander over Yonder, specifically, WANDER!!
The show in itself is already amazing, the episodes are short and fun, each character is oozing with personality and fun interactions and there are always ways in which it is all connected. Further on the animation of the show and overall look is absolutely adorable!
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For me personally, Wander is simply such an important character and not for few reasons.
I love that Wander's silly happy go lucky personality is so addictive. He's a happy person, who gets happy by helping others in need, even to points where he gets himself in trouble (every episode LOL) But regardless i think they are such an important character traits to have (Happiness, altruism, Optimism).
In today's depressing and violent world, where everyone just fights with each other, a character like Wander can be a sense of hope or inspiration!
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Of course, many main characters have these traits as well, but i think a key difference between Wander and many other optimist protagonists lies in their EXPERIENCE IN LIFE!
These other protags are innocent, naive optimists, because they haven't experienced "the real world" yet. And while it makes sense to have characters like these (as an allegory to growing up), they get really tiring and repetitive really quickly. They also commonly showcase optimism and naivety to go hand in hand. And its why a lot if people commonly believe that "realsim" is inherently "pessimistic" (it isn't btw. Theres good and bad in life, denying theres good, is denying reality)
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Its extremely refreshing to have a main character like Wander, actually be hinted at being millennias old, repeatedly converting villains to good throughout the eons, out of a sense of duty (and perhaps also Pacifist revenge for his childhood, where its hinted that his entire planet was destroyed and he was the only survivor.)
not only is this also something that one learns, the more one watches (keeping the viewer intrigued) but the fact that so much about Wander's life and past is a mystery is what makes him a fascinating character. At first glance hes just some helpful guy, and the more you learn about him, the more you more you think "who is this guy?" Not in a negative way, but in a complete curiosity. Is it possible he's as old as the universe himself? If so does he know it? Who is he? What actually happened in his past? How did he live before his hat? Was there a time he wasn't as helpful? What caused him to change? Who is he? But at the same time, the viewer doesn't NEED to know. Theres no stress to, no hurry to uncover a mystery. Its like "mystery but it's actually completely low-key". I like that. (Im the kind to get into conspiracy theories or get crazy over plot holes, so the show managing this is insane)
Traits like these, especially in contrast to their personality being so so happy, child-like, goofy, charitable, it makes for an extremely interesting and fascinating character, that one doesn't commonly see in media! Which is really awesome! Someone that's seen so much horrors, lived through civil wars, yet tries to help a skeleton get together with a butch lesbian??
Its awesome!
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Other that just that alone, he's helped me out personally! He in many ways reminds me of myself as a kid, i too was altruistic, always trying to help, struggled to say no, was positive and happy go-lucky and adventurous (well, as all kids i suppose), recently rediscovering the show made me realise how much i missed those personality traits in myself. That i had hidden them away, due to people making fun of me of being "too naive" and "too childish". Eventually Making me not talk to people really, and develop really bad self esteem. Rediscovering this show, and specifically how these "childish" traits can be seen in a very positive charming light, helped me realise that being scared of "coming off wierd", "coming off as toxic positivity" will always be worse than not being positive.... At all.
Ive heard from other people too that this show has helped them through tough times, and allowed them to reconnect with more positive thought patterns. Which is why i think characters like Wander are insanely important for media!!
Too much is too depressing all the time! We can create media (ESPECIALLY ADULT MEDIA) that isnt depressed. Positivity and happiness are not a crime! And im so glad a character like Wander exists to exhibit that!
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saturnniidae · 2 months
oddly specific httyd headcanons part 2?
Warning; Most of these are about Hiccup and Astrid bc theyre my blorbos ultimate so sorry in advance if you were hoping for more abt the other riders.
I think Hiccup snorts when he laughs. Like really laughs, not just sarcastic chuckles (annual event). Also his voice is prone to cracking when he giggles.
Astrid is very strict about schedules/routines and finds them comforting. Sudden changes in plans make her upset but considering the nature of battle, it's something she's trained herself to better deal with (doesn't mean she's not gonna go scream into her pillow and throw things later)
She often has to remind Hiccup to eat because he gets so focused on tasks he forgets (average adhd grindset), and she's trying so hard to get Hiccup into having a better routine that focuses on him rather than just his scheduled dragon feeding and grooming regimen. It's a work in progress.
Astrid has a policy on never apologizing for things unless she caused them or can do something to help. To her it makes no sense to say 'im sorry' for something you've had no hand in, and pity is worth nothing. (Autistic ass mindset). She also is so awkward when it comes to comforting people, her face looks like she's constipated when she's concerned and often the best you'll get is an awkward pat on the back or hug (insane to me that in canon she's the 'motivational words gf' when that is So not accurate)
Hiccup gets the worst acne ever when he's on his period, he just has the vibes of someone who would yknow
Hiccup kind of hates communal meals in the great hall. The overlapping noises of so many people talking at once, cutlery scraping on plates, chewing, and benches scraping against the ground is actual torture. He much prefers the calmer atmosphere of dinners on Dragon's Edge
Hiccup would be the type of person to eat shit like sardines and olives on pizza but otherwise be a picky eater I think. Canonically Berks food tastes like shit, so the only thing he likes eating there is the fish. (The food they make on the Edge is so significantly better oh my god)
Hiccup not only snores absurdly loud (he gets it from stoick), but also talks in his sleep. Like fully talks. sometimes Astrid will humor him and respond. It scared the absolute shit out of her the first time they slept in the same room though
Fishlegs also talks and even walks in his sleep sometimes. He's been found wandering Dragon's Edge at night before
The first time Hiccup called Astrid 'M'lady' her face did a weird twitching thing and he was so worried he pissed her off but she was actually trying to figure out how to respond without showing how emotional it made her (him calling her that hits so much harder when you hc them as t4t, also I feel like Astrid's famliy just aren't the kind of people who often use terms of endearment like that)
Hiccup and Astrids first few kisses were actually like, really bad. A mess of their teeth clacking against each other and also horribly awkward since, yknow, they're kids. The first kiss Hiccup initiated he was so nervous he missed Astrid's mouth and had to try again 😭
Funnily enough, despite how eager he was to belive in mythical creatures as a child, Hiccups never been a particularly religious/faithful person and that just became more apparent after the events of When Lightning Strikes (he was So fed up)
Hiccup has that weird combo of being horribly touch starved (being isolated and unintentionally emotionally neglected for most of ur childhood does that) and also not being a huge fan of physical affection from others if he's not the one initating it. When people he's not already super comfortable with touch him or like hug him he freezes up like a deer in headlights
Hiccup learnt to speak French and Latin through frequent interactions with traders that came to Berk when he was younger, he liked hearing their stories and imaging going places far, far away from Berk (pre-httyd Era when he was still a social pariah) and despite his job at the smithy, Hiccup still had significantly more free time than his peers due to lack of training so he had to find other ways to entertain himself.
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lotussuns · 8 months
implied fem! reader. she her pronouns used. kind of suggestive but no smut, talks about porn mostly. minors don’t interact please. i just spat it out in one sitting so lots of spelling mistakes probs. ooc gojo! he’s a loser
just a thought that i had today hihihi. i imagine a future where both gojo and geto are in their early twenties, in the middle of getting their teaching license to teach at jujutsu high. they are both young, healthy, attractive men so they sleep around a little bit, and of course share their experiences and preferences with each other. that further escalated to porn.
so geto and gojo have a tradition of sharing porn with each other. if geto finds something super hot, he most likely will send it to gojo to get a second opinion and they both talk about how that actress looked super hot while getting pounded from behind, or that they should find a hottie to have that specific threesome with.
anyway geto starts noticing a weird trend with the actresses that gojo sends him. why do they all … kind of look similar, they all kind of look like you.
it’s either the same hairstyle, same body type, similar facial structure. and geto is fucking freaking out because they have known you for like 3 months?? you just started here?? and he knew gojo was obsessed with you, everyone could tell (apart from you) but he didn’t know it was this severe.
he sends a quick text.
“i didn’t know anyone could be this down bad.”
which gojo quickly responds to with
geto answers with a vague. “i know what you are doing lol did you think you were slick like that.”
gojo fucking spirals.
geto is super confused like what the fuck? gojo sent that shit himself, it was quite obvious the actresses looked as close to you as they could. was gojo not even realizing that? he couldn’t understand what the man was so worried about.
“what are you talking about lol. you sent that shit yourself.”
gojo responds with another wave of panicked texts.
and now geto was super confused what else did gojo hide from him. he decided it was the perfect opportunity to fuck around and find out.
“you’re absolutely insane i cannot believe you did that. sick fuck.”
geto’s phone once again lights up like crazy from all the notifications he’s bombarded with.
and it was then that geto realized gojo was talking about something more cringe that his porn preferences. he was talking about the sims.
gojo fucking satoru made you guys in the sims. married. with 5 kids and 1 on its way.
after the initial wave of tremendous cringe geto felt in his body (he almost collapsed from how intense it was) geto didnt know if he should laugh or cry from how much of a pathetic loser gojo was, but he knew he would never let him live it down.
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sapphicseasapphire · 8 months
Sorry for the many questions I'm about to ask but its been driving me insane.
How exactly does the story of Hyrule Warriors work with your cryptid au? Does Wars have a personality during those events or do the events of Hyrule Warriors not happen at all?
Your au is great and l really want to know how Wind, Time, and maybe Ravio interact with Wars. I am considering writing a short story with them, and I want to stay as loyal to the au as possible.
Also I love your art.
Hello!! First of all I’m SO SORRY it’s taken me this long to get back to you!! Sincerely I apologize!! But this question made me do a lot of deep thinking and I wasn’t exactly sure how to answer. I’m gonna break this up into sections under the cut because it’s gonna get pretty long.
How does Hyrule Warriors fit into the au? Gonna be completely 100% honest here, I’m kind of sort of rewriting the whole story I think. There’s a lot that I’m still figuring out, but (in the briefest of terms as this is all subject to change) here’s what I’ve got so far: Cia is still enamored by the Spirit of the Hero, and Ganon still takes advantage of that desire and purges her of her light, corrupting her. She still opens the Gate of Souls(s) and launches an attack on Hyrule, opening portals across time. However, in this era, there is no hero. (There was no Ganon either, before she showed up, so Link was never born. There was still a Zelda, since Hyrule’s princesses are always named Zelda. But yeah, Link just doesn’t exist). Not until Cia’s attack, that is. When Hyrule is threatened, Zelda and Impa decided that they need a hero. And so, they make one. They physically pull the Hero’s Spirit from its resting place in the Sacred Realm and manually place it in a sword, thus creating Wars.
They don’t call him Link, as he’s not a person. In this era, he’s always been called the Hero of Warriors, as that is his purpose. He was created solely to fight. To win the war and save Hyrule.
After the war is won, he is placed deep within a temple and abandoned. After all, he’s a literal weapon. A weapon without a wielder is dangerous- anyone could take up his sword and be accepted as his new Master. The temple that he’s placed in is a typical Zelda Temple TM, like a dungeon, and it’s where he will wait until he is discovered by the Chain.
Does Wars have a personality in Hyrule Warriors? Short answer: no. He is a freshly created sword spirit and bound entirely to his Master. (Which, at this point, is his Zelda). With the War of Eras still ongoing, his purpose hasn’t yet been fulfilled. At this point, he is very very similar to how Fi was in Skyward Sword: mostly residing in his sword and giving power ups to his Master, only manifesting outside of the blade when called upon. He doesn’t speak unless spoken to. He shows absolutely no emotion. Ever.
… which leads me to the bad news. How do the others (Time, Wind, Ravio) interact with Wars? Generally speaking, they don’t. Like. Not even a little bit. With Wars constantly in his sword, he’s pretty inaccessible. Plus, they don’t really have any reason to. Any of Wars’ advice is heard only by Zelda, who relays the information to the group, they don’t think to ask where these strategies are coming from. And they really don’t think much of the sword at Zelda’s back.
That’s not to say that nothing is happening between the Links, though!! I’ve been having a field day thinking of little Time, a godling, fresh out of Termina and trying to comprehend the weight of his fate while also being a kid and now fighting in yet another war he never asked to be a part of. He’d appear to the others as Child Link (and go by Mask), using his god powers to change his appearance. He doesn’t have to be Child Link, but with how new his powers are?? He’s scared to be anything else.
And WIND!!! Wind and Ravio interactions!!! I have been thinking about this for WEEKS, ever since you sent this ask. Wind, the chaos gremlin of an Aquili. And Ravio, the violence hating Mer whose whole family and everyone he knew was killed by the corrupted Aquili in his own world. Ravio witnessed his whole pod being murdered, he narrowly escaped. He was a child, alone and afraid. If Legend carries bias against Aquili, imagine the scope of Ravio’s trauma. I wouldn’t be surprised if he avoided Wind at any cost.
(I will be making a lot of Ravio content in the future. He’s just. He’s my little guy).
I’m having a very fun time thinking about these interactions, even if it’s a bummer that Wars isn’t a part of it. (Remember! The only one who knows what Wars is is Sky. Wind and Time never had the chance to meet him. Although, after they discover that he’s a Sword Spirit, I bet a lot of things suddenly make a lot of sense haha!)
ANYWAY. This is one of the less organized lore posts I’ve made but I wanted to get this answered. Like I said, I’m still workshopping this, but I hope this helps? You’re welcome to make a story (as long as you tag me)! I’m sorry if this was a bit of a let down, but even if Wars’ role isn’t very big, I already have so many ideas about the others! I hope this gives you ideas as well
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yourmotherismylover · 16 days
i need a comprehensive list of each bat and pony bff pair
I want to say Dick and Applejack because they’re both my favorites, but honestly I think Dick and Twighlight have all the same problems so they would really get each other. Like that episode where Twighlight gets so stressed she hasn’t learned anything, so she makes problems that she can then solve?? Dick is the only one who understands the insane anxiety and need to please the parental figure. (Not that he would do the same thing though, he’s driven by being as unproblematic as possible.) He sees himself as the glue that holds the family together, even though that’s not always true. He’s known for putting undue pressure on himself and has great advice to give everyone else, just absolutely cannot take it himself. (He’s so emotionally intelligent and mature except when it comes to him and Bruce, what a dumpster fire) (literally Twighlight and Celestia but way less healthy)
I think Jason and Rarity would hangout together and gossip at galas, but also, Rarity is the paragon of generosity. It makes me think of how Jason treats the kids in crime alley, always kind and gentle with them when he’s so gruesome with everything else. I think that Rarity would also admire his violence a little bit, as she’s known to snap and get dirty when she really has to. Rarity cares for other people more than anything, which she has repeatedly displayed in the show. I think Jason is also a very empathetic person, though he is extremely jaded. He hides that part of himself, but I think Rarity would be able to see it in him.
I saw an argument being made for Tim and Applejack, but I think Tim and Luna would go really well together. They both work extremely hard and are often under appreciated. Citing specifically that episode where Luna creates a creature that haunts her dreams, then takes on the guilt of it escaping and tries to stop it all by herself. It reminds me of Tim basically forcing himself onto Bruce as Robin, choosing to take on a huge responsibility, and for a long time, not getting any kind of thank you. Luna talks a lot about not being seen for all the hard work she does and always being overshadowed by Celestia, but also harboring guilt about being Nightmare Moon. Tim was the only Robin who really chose to take up the mantle, but that also means inheriting the name of Dick Grayson, the Boy Wonder, and Jason Todd, the dead kid. He tries equally to live up to those names, but also exist outside of them, neither of which is possible for him.
I initially said Damian and Rainbowdash would be a good pair because they’re both outwardly arrogant as a defense, but someone said Damian and Flutteryshy would bond over animals. I absolutely agree with that. There are things that don’t make sense to Damian, like how to act in certain social situations, how to make friends, etc, but animals do make sense to him. I think the same goes for Fluttershy, and being around animals is the best opportunity for them to come out of their shells, even though those shells look so different. For Damian, that’s being aggressive and intimidating, and Fluttershy is completely the opposite. However, she sees his softness with animals and gains a great appreciation for his fierce protectiveness of the things he loves. She understands he’s a complex and good person, and doesn’t just treat him like a kid. She was able to see the same qualities in Discord, and knows better than to dismiss a person based on surface level interactions.
Now hear me out… Bruce Wayne and Daring Do. There’s the obvious double life, but they seem to face a lot of similar problems with that life. A.K. Yearling is in the public eye and is hearing what people think of Daring Do. It’s not always positive. There’s an episode where Daring Do receives a lot of backlash over the destruction she causes in the name of the greater good, and A.K. Yearling takes on a lot of guilt and chooses to retire from Daring Do for a short time. Batman is of course, not always the good guy, but he makes those hard choices. A.K. doesn’t have that family aspect in her life, but I think we forget, Bruce had a long period of time when he was stoutly solo. They have the same drive to protect. For Bruce, it’s Gotham and his family, and for A.K., it’s history and artifacts. They are extremely driven people that has something in them that says they *can’t* give up. A.K. is quite gruff when we first meet her, and Rainbowdash has a hard time breaking her way into A.K.’s heart. They each become the personality that is needed to finish the job. The mission comes first. A.K. may be the only person who understands why Bruce needs to be Batman. Obviously he’s raised a bunch of little vigilantes, but they each take turns outgrowing Robin, and outgrowing him. There’s an episode of Young Justice where Dick says he just doesn’t have the same drive that Batman has, to sacrifice everything, to always complete the mission. Bruce will never fully let anyone in, which of course causes problems with him and his children. They want to understand him, but they can’t get all the insight they need. A.K. is the only person he doesn’t have to let in, because she’s gone down the same path he has all on her own.
I did not realize I would have so much to say because that is a HUGE wall of text, but they are so important to me. If anyone has any other thoughts/ideas or wants to hear about other bats/ponies, PLEASE TELL ME. I love to yap
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hotd-brainrot · 2 months
I think I figured out what personally bothered me sm in this season of HOTD. And it wasn't (only) the fact that it didn't align with F&B.
I feel like the writers forgot, if not completely disregarded almost everything they established in the second part of seasons 1?
I expected Aemond's entire arc of becoming a villian, but not against his own faction? And the thing is, if they truly wanted to go for it, it was doable, but they went way too fast with it and in ways that made no sense? In season 1, yes, we see Aegon bullying Aemond when they were kids, but then during the dinner scene we clearly see they bonded since then and have each others' back. If anyone from the green kids is isolated in that scene, it's Helaena.
In the beginning of s2, they seem to go along with that, have Aegon implicitly trust Aemond, inviting him to his council, not believe Larys when he says it's Aemond plotting with Alicent to rule in his stead. Then there is a brothel scene which is on all accounts awful, but fine. Let's say for a moment Aegon is grieveing and reverts back to his old habits of humiliating Aemond as a way to cope.
Why don't we see more of Aemond's reaction when he is alone? He humiliates him at the council, which makes sense to make them even. Shows he is more in control.
But trying to kill him? And doing so in a way that's clearly pre-planned since he tells Vhagar to wait? It feels like such a jump with no build-up, especially since we have his express regret over killing Lucerys! He shows, Lucerys, who cut out his eye more grace then he does his own brother who we see him support on multiple occasions? What?
And again! If they really wanted to go with this route, why not show Aegon taunting him and embarrassing him on more occasions? Show Aegon distrusts him or undermining him? It would have been so easy.
Also. If they truly wanted to go for "oh, Aemond burned his bully and abuser" then why tf did they have Helaena suddenly defend Aegon? She says he ignores her except for when he is drunk. We get exactly one scene of them together (I am not counting them passing each other on the stairs bc that was...something) where they disagree on if Jaehaerys should go to a small council or not. Despite the fact they lose a child, we don't see them interact at all, and I am supposed to think Helaena is meant to care for him enough to wish death upon Aemond because he burned him? From what they have showed us, I didn't get the feeling Helaena particularly cared for either of her brothers.
Perhaps she does, but we are never shown this??? Like, at all?? Insanity.
But so we don't say I only talk about the Greens, I think the Blacks have a similar issue? Rhaenyra is the only one we see(kind of) care for her family. What about Daemon? Baela? Rhaena?
Listen, I am not saying Daemon, similarly to Aemond is a great person, but I genuinely despise how they made his whole character about Rhaenyra? Did they forget he has two daughters from his marriage to Laena and two sons with Rhaenyra? The only interaction he has with Baela is in episode two and he ignores her!
Rhaenyra sends Rhaena away without a word from Daemon. Rhaena doesn't even bring him up! It's not even "What did my father say to this idea?" Type of situation. Hello??
Even if they wanted to go with "Daemon is a bad father" we see him face pretty much no consequences for it? He hallucinates Laena asking him if he took care of their girls before it's swept up under a rug again. Baela says she sometimes thinks she hates him, but then it turns into another conversation about Jace's parentage.
I also have no idea how we are meant to care for Aegon iii and Viserys later on bc they are A) aged down and B) so irrelevant and unnmentioned I almost forgot they were there at all while making this post.
I could write another essay on Alicent and Rhaenyra but I feel like there have been much better posts on them already but just...what is going on??
Did the writers forget the core of the story was meant to be Targaryen family? Fucked up family, yes, absolutely, but the point was that the war of ravens started because they all wished for power, but the war of fire and blood started because they started killing each other. If they don't care for one another, if they are not family, what IS the point? Why do they keep fighting? For power and revenge? No, no, for feminism and peace!
Give me a break. Genuinely. It's not even about it being inaccurate to the book anymore, it's about the characters losing their central motivations and only letting the plot happen to them, instead of being actuve participants. That's why everyone loved side characters more than main ones! At least they are making active choices!
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cator99 · 7 months
I love making phone calls I love sending emails and being overall pleasant to interact with I love looking for solutions and being eager to understand how the world around me operates and to ask people about the role they play in this beautiful world I love being able to tell that other people are excited for any reason at all to strut their shit in this way and I always take notes on how they do it. It's all so funny to me. I am doing this because I am an insane person. I am the best person for the job. I am like the inverse of Jude St Francis. Born in a wet cardboard box doomed fucked in the head and forced to make an accommodation with life BUT I think its cunty and will commit awesomely violent ritual seppuku when my life is at its absolute peak. But yeah I dont get anxiety anymore if I dont like something it I can just thank them for their time and then find a way to leave and literally do anything else no one really cares as long as you do it right and you know like you can just keep looking for better things you literally never know you might turn out to be really passionate about fish mongering and didnt even consider it and it's not always easy but if the alternative is unbearable then fuck it pack a bag and stick your thumb out on the highway and spend 2 hours chatting about life with a fat 60 year old semi truck driver with photos of his happy fatty family plastered over the entirety of his dashboard and who was concerned why some kid was wandering the highway without a jacket and is nothing but totally kind and appropriate towards you which you kind of didnt expect when you hit the road but then you get to the city and go to an orgy party at some xi/xirs apartment who you met while on a psychiatrist-approved leave to attend an LGBT youth summer camp during the tail end of your 4 month stay at a youth mental health/detention facility but you can't stay there because his 40 year old housemate just announced that he's moving to the states and suddenly wouldnt be contributing to next months rent and didn't want to say anything until the night before when his boxes were being actively moved out of the apartment in order to avoid any sort of confrontation and the resulting altercation is heart breaking this 40 year old workig professional gay dude just absolutely betrayed this screwed up teenaged lesbian with no hesitation but maybe the drug fuelled sex parties had something to do with it but im just there stoned watching some tv show about anthropomorphic fast food and xe really did care about me but this was not the time to be pulling some cutesy whimsical runaway shit so we said our goodbyes and xe gave me directions the youth emergency shelter. As far as I was concerned, I was living the dream. This was just the "hard" part. I broke the high score on the ancient tetris machine at the day-shelter and barely ate anything because they relied entirely on donations and for whatever reason nobody thought to donate anything gluten free. I slept in the girls quarters of the cold shelter we were taken to every night, driven in huge vans by the staff at the day shelter. The girls were primarily quiet and didnt want to talk or even look at anyone. Some of the native girls were chill to play board games or watch tv with though. The guys were real rough. Mostly drug addicts. Mostly violent. They were known for treating each other terribly. I was told I could "use whatever rooms or washrooms that align with your gender identity". I told them I'd rather use the room that made me less likely to have me end up raped or my pillow pissed on.
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hurtspideyparker · 2 months
What do you think about Marvel's move bringing back RDJ but now as Dr. Doom. I just wondered how this would affect Peter...
At first I was like OH MY GOD ROBERT DOWNEY JR. because I just adore! him! And of course I would love him back in Marvel, cuz I'm a sap and RDJ as Tony Stark revolutionized superhero cinema. Also "new mask same task" and striking the Tony Stark T pose? Legendary stuff.
Then I actually thought about the implications and the character, and I'm just not a fan. Bringing Downey back as anyone but Tony Stark is really weird, and doesn't make sense. Feels like an insane Tony Stark+Dr. Doom plot, which they made up just to get RDJ back cuz he's the money maker. Plus Dr. Doom deserves a new unique actor, especially a Romani one. I do love Dr. Doom as an MCU villain though, if he is cast properly. If they were gonna bring a Tony variant into the MCU make him a TONY variant, using Dr. Doom isn't it. Although under different circumstances I'd love to see more of RDJ as an antagonist, he's an incredible actor (his 1998 film US Marshalls started a fire in me for him to play more villains).
ANYWAYS - ignoring all the negative stuff, let's talk about Peter Parker!
I'd like to imagine a scene where Peter is fighting Doom - he's using his usual quips, being silly. He thinks it's just another day, another villain. Doom is incredibly strong and it's a tough fight, but Peter just manages the perfect hit to tear Doom's mask off.
Then he hesitates.
While scarred and cruel, the sight is still unmistakably familiar.
Doom doesn't waver, he strikes Peter with deadly and immediate force in his moment of weakness.
Peter goes flying backwards, smashing through glass and brick.
He's hurt, badly, lying still on the floor beneath Doom. Bloody and torn Doom leaves him there, a pitiful and easily distracted kid. He doesn't know what he said, nor does he care. Von Doom just squashed a bug.
Left alone, Peter suffers from the ache in his body, the hit to his ego, and the biggest question - what did he see?
He questions whether he was drugged, or having a stress-induced hallucination. It doesn't make any sense for this to catch up to him in the middle of a battle. That's usually when he's most focused and level headed.
Sure, he used to see Mr. Stark. In billboard models with goatees, in the kind smile of a professor, in the corner of his eye when walking down the street. He never thought it was really him though, and it's been years since he's been struck so painfully with memories of his old mentor.
This, this is completely different. He stared right at Tony's face as clear as day.
Maybe Peter drags himself to the nearest hero. Still bloody and bruised, but he has to tell someone what he saw. Who is there? Who can he call? Hawkeye? Bruce Banner? Daredevil? They may not know Peter Parker, but he's still Spider-Man. He has a big name, and I'm curious who's taken notice.
Personally, I'd kill to finally get a Spider-Man and Fantastic Four team up in theatres. With the FF movie coming out and Doom being a big nemesis to the team I'm really hoping we get some Fantastic Four and Avengers interactions.
Anyways. Peter warns them, or does research on his own. He obsesses over this Doctor Doom.
Fast forward, maybe Doom and Peter work together against another evil, or Doom's own invention. Or maybe they're just near each other enough to get to know one another.
Doom and Stark do have some things in common, and I think that would strike a chord in Peter. Doom is an intellectual, a scientist, he's a self-absorbed perfectionist.
Doom commends Peter on his genius, his capabilities. Offers him a deal to join him and put his brain to good use. It would hit too close to home for Peter. A kid who wanted nothing more than to be like Tony Stark, to be strong and intelligent. To have his old mentor look at him and acknowledge his effort.
It messes with Peter's head and brings up his unresolved issues with Tony. It makes him sick.
Peter Parker got erased, and now it's like he's reliving his youth and trauma in some twisted and dark remake.
Maybe there's something bigger at play here. Maybe someone is haunting him, torturing him.
Laughing at him.
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pollenallergie · 2 years
Since the last set of miscellaneous best friend!Eddie headcanons I posted did so well, I figured I’d type up some more. :)
do not interact if you’re under 18 years old!
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Eddie makes fun of you for being lactose intolerant. “Bunny, you can’t even digest ice cream correctly. It’s like god wanted you to live a joyless life.” <3
Eddie sneezes obnoxiously loud. He doesn’t really do it on purpose, he’s just a naturally loud sneezer. <3
Remember how I said Eddie loves naps? Yeah, if he gets bored with whatever he’s doing, he’ll just drag you back to the bedroom for an impromptu nap and you kind of just have to accept it. <3
Eddie will challenge you to a burping contest and he expects you to put in genuine effort every single time because “this is not a game, this is serious shit.” <3
Eddie takes periodic breaks from smoking and drinking to make sure that he doesn’t build up too high of a tolerance. During these breaks he simply replaces drugs with sugar, which is somehow worse. He’s like a hyper little kid on Halloween night. <3
Eddie still goes to a pediatrician/family medicine doctor and he gets very upset when they don’t offer him a lollipop and a sticker at the end of his appointment. “Why did I even show up? What’s the point in me even being here if they’re not gonna give me anything, jitterbug? I really fucking wanted that Gandalf sticker. This is horseshit.” <3
Eddie calls french toast “eggy-loaf.” No one knows where he got that name from, but he’s been calling it that for as long as you’ve known him. <3
Eddie’s gotten poison ivy way too many times to count. He got it on his dick twice in the summer of ‘84. Wayne laughed at him both times. <3
Most of the mugs in the Munsons’ collection are technically Wayne’s, but the Garfield mug? That’s 100% Eddie’s. He got it on a road trip with Wayne when he was ten and has heralded it as one of his most prized possessions ever since. Interestingly, when Eddie drinks coffee in the morning, he uses one of Wayne’s mugs because he refuses to use his special Garfield mug for anything other than hot cocoa and soup. One time you made the mistake of brewing Eddie some tea in his Garfield mug while he was sick. Of course, Eddie still drank the tea because he’s not wasteful, but he did so while glaring at you ceaselessly. <3
Eddie is a lighter thief… and a scrunchie thief… and a pencil thief… and a t-shirt thief. Basically anything that you own also belongs to Eddie and he will take it without warning. In his defense, he doesn’t mean to steal anything from you, he just borrows your stuff and forgets to give it back to you. <3
Eddie draws little sketches for you all the time. For example, he once drew you a picture of your favorite flower cradled in the bony hand of a skeleton; it was actually insanely good. However, instead of giving them to you like a normal person, he folds them into paper airplanes and throws them at you as hard as he can. <3
Eddie says “safety” every single time he farts. <3
Eddie almost always has a tiny piece of gravel caught in his shoe, it’s the bane of his existence. <3
Eddie is surprisingly strong (as we all know) and he uses that strength for nefarious purposes, like body slamming you onto the couch for no fucking reason; something he does almost daily. He always finishes this epic move by pinning you down and counting to three. Then he’ll spend the next two minutes celebrating his “victory.” <3
When Eddie gets really excited, he’ll grab your hand and squeeze it just a little too tight. He doesn’t even really mean to do that, or at least he doesn’t mean to squeeze quite so hard, but he can’t really contain himself when he gets all hyped up. <3
You’ve learned not to talk about how heavy/big you are around Eddie because he almost sees it as a challenge. “What, so you think I can’t pick you up? You think I can’t lift that much? You think I’m a whimp, huh?” He’ll then hoist you into the air just to prove a point. <3
Also, whenever you talk badly about yourself in front of him, he makes you say three things that you like about yourself off the top of your head. It’s a trick that you started using on him during the dark days of puberty and, honestly, you regret teaching it to him. <3
Eddie is insanely competitive when it comes to board games, especially Pictionary. <3
Eddie often randomly challenges you to thumb wars and, when you don’t accept, he pouts like a baby. <3
Whenever Eddie’s hands get cold, he’ll sneak up behind you and press them against your cheeks or the back of your neck just to shock you. <3
Eddie loves it when you torment him like he does to you because he thinks you look especially beautiful when you’re being ornery. <3
Eddie talks about you to the new Hellfire members as if you’re dead and not just away at college. “Our very own Hellfire queen, the beloved bearer of snacks, may her memory live on forever,” He declares theatrically. “Oh, damn, how’d she die?” One of the freshmen asks. Gareth sighs, “She’s not dead, Munson’s just a dweeb.” <3
He impersonates Yoda… like a lot, one could even say he does it a little too often. <3
“Grub, can you turn your music down a bit? I’m trying to study.” “Do or do not. There is no try.” “Eddie!” <3
Also slips into Shakespearean mode every now and then. <3
“Hey, grub, should I wear my hair up or down with this dress?” “To wear it up or to wear it down, that is the question.” “Dude, you’re such a dork.” <3
He’s tried to create a special friendship handshake for the two of you multiple times, but the problem is he makes them way too complicated so neither of you can remember them. <3
Any time you have ever worn a two piece swimsuit in front of him, he’s blown a raspberry on your tummy. He doesn’t do it to embarrass you or to make you feel insecure about your belly, quite the opposite, he likes your belly so much that he can’t suppress the primal urge to blow a raspberry on it every time he sees it. In his mind, it makes perfect sense, but, in yours, not so much. <3
Eddie physically cannot go twenty-four hours without seeing you or, at least, talking to you on the phone. <3
Eddie will take you and your friends to see a rom-com if you ask him too. If it’s good enough, he’ll even secretly enjoy it too. <3
Eddie actually really enjoys hanging out with you and your friends, so much so that he’ll forever be bitter about the fact that he’s not allowed to come to your group sleepovers. Of course, you want to invite him, but they typically take place at one of your friends houses and, given that he is a dude that’s attracted to women and that has the capacity to knock up the majority of your friend group, none of their parents are super fond of the idea of him spending the night with you guys. He gets it, obviously not everyone can be as forward thinking as your angel of a mom, but it still sucks nonetheless. </3
You try to make up for that by doing some of the same activities at your sleepovers with him; face masks, hair braiding, makeovers, taking the quizzes in your copy of this month’s issues of Cosmopolitan and Seventeen Magazine, etc. Honestly, Eddie has had to lie on so many of those goddamn quizzes, just so you wouldn’t find out that he’s hopelessly in love with you. <3
Eddie makes NPCs for his Hellfire campaigns that are inspired by you; it’s his way of including you in the campaigns while you’re away at college. He’ll even fill you in on how your NPCs are fairing in the campaigns every Friday over the phone after he gets home from the club’s meetings. <3
Eddie kinda uses Philby as his therapist. Whenever he’s had a hard day, he’ll take your dog on a long walk, talking through whatever’s on his mind all the while. You accidentally caught them in the midst of one of these therapy sessions once and Eddie’s face went beet red from embarrassment. <3
Eddie’s brain short-circuits every single time you boop his nose (which is often, because how could you not?). It’s like his reset button. He’ll just be rambling on and on about something, most likely either an upcoming campaign or a sick guitar riff he came up with the other day, and you’ll just give that sweet little nose of his a quick, audible boop and suddenly the words are dying on his tongue. His cheeks flush a sweet rosy hue and his mouth parts in an inaudible gasp. It’s a rare moment of speechlessness for him, as if that one affectionate touch was enough to halt his ever-racing thoughts. Unfortunately, the more often you boop his nose, the more quickly he begins to recover, but that initial moment of quiet shock never fully goes away. <3
When Eddie was a kid, he couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. The holiday season was always so stressful for him because he constantly had to fight the urge to tell people what he’d made for them. In fact, back then, you all frequently received your presents from him weeks before Christmas because, as soon as he would finish making them, he’d get so excited to give them to you that he just couldn’t wait. <3
Now that he’s older, Eddie’s gotten way too good at keeping secrets… for the most part. If someone confides in him about something serious or wholly private in nature, then he’ll take that shit to the grave with him, won’t tell a single soul about it. However, when it comes to less severe secrets, Eddie tends to make an exception, at least for you. Case in point, you know about all of the Hellfire boys’ crushes simply because Eddie cannot keep his big mouth shut. <3
Eddie has this general disposition about him that just makes it so easy to confide in him and many of his customers frequently take advantage of that, venting to him about their shitty parents or opening up to him about whatever’s stressing them out. He always listens to them attentively and without judgment, and, occasionally, he’ll even offer them some genuinely good advice. Truthfully, Eddie gives great advice, the problem is that he often doesn’t follow this advice himself. <3
Eddie writes poetry and, sometimes, he’ll even read his poems to you, but only the ones that he’s really confident in and that, importantly, are not about you. <3
Eddie’s not worried about being stuck in the friend zone, mostly because he’s worried about a second, worse thing: the brother zone. Due to how close your families are and how long you’ve known each other, Eddie worries that you see him as nothing more than a brotherly figure and the thought of that kills him because is it even possible to get out of the brother zone?? The way Eddie sees it, at least the friend zone might, maybe have the potential for future upward mobility. The brother zone, however, might as well be a limitless vat of swiftly drying cement, because once you’re there, you’re there for life. </3
Given how close Eddie and your mom are, she’s told him many times that, if he’s comfortable with it, he can call her mom. However, Eddie refuses to do that. Not because he’s uncomfortable with it, but because he refuses to do anything to further increase his chances of ending up in the goddamn brother zone. </3
He’s irrationally afraid of ladybugs. Whenever one lands near him, he freaks out, much like most people do when wasps start buzzing around them. Unlike most people, he’s not too bothered by wasps, just ladybugs. Fuck ladybugs. <3
Eddie really enjoys baths, but his trailer doesn’t have a tub, so your mom lets him use the one in her trailer while she’s at work. He’d spend all day there if he could. However, he also gets really lonely, so he forces you to sit just outside the bathroom, talking to him through the closed door. <3
He also gets lonely while he poops, but he feels like asking you to sit on the other side of the door to talk to him while he poops is just a tad too intimate, so, while the two of you are still just friends, he’ll make do with reading the ingredients on your shampoo bottle. But if (when) the two of you ever start dating, that shit will be fair game (pun intended?). <3
Eddie likes to play footsie with you whenever you’re sat across from each other at a table. It doesn’t matter if the two of you are eating at your favorite diner, reading books at the public library, or simply sitting across from each other at the kitchen table, sipping on some coffee, the man will initiate it anywhere. This is also to his detriment, though, because it means that he ends up with a lot of awkward boners in public places. Oopsie. <3
He likes letting you do his makeup and paint his nails. Really, the man will take any opportunity for you to dote on him. <3
He secretly loves it when you call him Eddie Bear or Teddy, but he’ll never tell you that. <3
He spends way too much time looking at you, studying and admiring all the features that make up your pretty face. How you fail to notice his incessant staring is beyond him. <3
Eddie very much enjoys clinging onto you like a sloth. Oddly enough, he kinda wishes that he could go eight days without needing to poop or eat, like sloths can, just so he could get to really maximize the amount of time that he gets to hold you. <3
Eddie’s weird, really weird. Adorable and unexpectedly charming, but also weird. He worries that he’s off-putting, but your mom tells him that he’s just eccentric and that the right person will like that about him. He hopes that person is you. <3
He’s kind of obsessed with you; talks about you all the time, craves your attention 24/7, would do anything for you, etc. Just as Eddie used to say when he was little, he loves you long time. <3
Eddie Munson is the biggest hopeless romantic on this side of the Mississippi River. <3
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thefakeking · 2 months
I'm actually so sick of everyone hating on Chapter 430 for the wrong reasons because there is some parts that actually fit PERFECTLY and were very clearly planned from the start. Let's start off with some minor details.
Everyone being mad at Izuku being a teacher, however it honestly fits his character perfectly, with his interactions with others and kids like Kota and Eri throughout the series you see him inspire others so well. Combine that with him loving to analyze quirks and how to optimize them, it makes perfect sense for him to be a teacher at UA it would utilize his talents perfectly. And teachers at UA usually tend to be pro heroes anyway in the series, which he does become at the end anyways, so I don't know why people hate the idea so much. He can do both and he is doing both. It fits really well with his character
Everyone miscontruing him saying that they don't interact as much after they yknow don't live in dorms and have jobs into they abandoned izuku is SO FUCKING ANNOYING.
And the most important point that isn't just with 430, is izuku losing his quirk. I get it it was devastating to me as well, but people who say it was a bad writing choice DONT UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGE OF MHA AT ALL.
Think back to the very beginning when all izuku wanted was to be told that even when he was quirkless he could still be a hero, and he got that recognition by All Might of all people. He said that Izukus actions are what makes him a hero basically, his body moving on its own is a sign of a hero. Its very touching but then they kind of completely go back on this by then giving Izuku a quirk, making it seem like well he couldnt be a hero without a quirk then.
THAT'S WHY THIS ENDING FOR HIM IS PERFECT. He lost his quirk and was back to square one, and yet at the end the message held true. He too could be a hero even with no powers. It's the perfect ending for him, becoming a pro hero with his friends with no quirk, because it was who he was that made him a hero, not the quirk gifted to him.
I think the ending was insanely rushed and completely disregarded a good resolution in many aspects, but stuff like this was done perfectly in my opinion. It's clear he planned this in the ending from the start because it fits so well with the beginning.
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thespoonisvictory · 4 months
to be so honest I haven't even watched the most recent fhjy ep yet but I think it's hard to pick one singular reason why the rat grinders aspect felt so flat for people. On the whole, I thought the season was great and really loved it (compared to neverafter which I had issues with throughout), but this one aspect of the plot just kind of got crushed underfoot, which, tbh, it's dnd that's what happens sometimes brennan is still more talented than I could ever dream of being. anyway here are some reasons why we didn't get more rat grinders:
the downtime mechanics were cool, but highly rewarded deprioritizing social interaction to make sure you passed your classes.
the bad kids are so established as pcs that they already have a well-developed host of relationships, meaning they're less likely to reach out to new people (see how the mazey side-plot also fell flat for me). on top of that, this is more speculation, but the Intrepid Heroes play the bad kid's social cards closer to their chest and metagame more, probably bc they're the oldest pcs and the ones they're most attached to.
brennan, probably because he was juggling a ton of stuff, hardly initiated any rg subplot stuff. this made things like the oisin crush plot work, well, not at all, because what was the plot? all of his advances needed high perception checks to even notice, nothing was explicit, and it didn't go anywhere! they never even had a solo conversation! same thing with ivy and fabian, she just completely dropped off
the bad kids are also canonically paranoid PCs, who were given no carrot nor stick to interact with a group of people who they knew were associated with an enemy, especially when the downtime mechanics pushed them to prioritize other things
all of these issues led to an end of season lore dump where we learned pretty basic info about the rgs that we probably should have found less than halfway into the season. throughout the season, there were just a bunch of dropped balls from both brennan and the pcs that could have helped pick things up, had they been caught. it was both an oversaturation of plot threads and the insanely hostile (for comedy! because rude makes good comedy!) way the bad kids were played in general.
I don't think the rg inherently had to be redeemed. but putting aside that it thematically feels weird to not even mention it in a season about corruption, redemption, and rage, it's also not... really about that. take oisin for example: imagine a world where we get those interactions, maybe a date or even just hanging out more. there's an avenue where he legitimately catches feelings and can be swayed, or one where he plays a much more actively manipulative role. Either way, we learn way more about him, and either way, him getting killed means so much more.
if the rgs were not meant to be a prominent part of the season, it's surprising that brennan dropped so many details that suggested a sympathetic nuance! this was not a penelope everpetal level of detail, here. arguably, it was way more attention that ragh got pre-redemption. it just feels strange.
ultimately, fhjy just had too much to juggle, kind of a reoccurring theme with d20 at this point. there's so much I love and enjoy in the season (once again as compared to trw or neverafter), and I think it succeeds at being a comedy first dnd show! it is hilarious! but the number of plot points that felt like they were either blindly dropped or hastily resolved makes me really hope there's a senior year in the works to try to clean some of this up, and also that d20 will consider longer or simpler seasons.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 14 days
ok so multiple folks have been curious about dimensionswap AU fusion!yugo and like. What the Hell is Going On With Him so. here's a loose bit of a rundown of some of his. Things Going On 🙃 AMONG OTHER THINGS:
yeah so fusion!yugo is DEEPLY unsocialized animal. He, as is a running theme with the Fusion Dimension kids, is an atrociously lonely victim of the Academia War Cult, but with a dash of "Leo Akaba is scared of him and paranoid and has put extra effort into exerting his authority over him and keeping Yugo "contained."
(Leo actually tried to throw Yugo into the ocean when he was like 6 to kill him and it didn't work (Yugo's dragon saved him <3)
(Yugo doesn't remember that part though :[ )
He's spent most of his life being chronically ignored and kept away from other people, locked up in his dorm (or. cage. sometimes. 😬) or at the mercy of DA's questionable teaching staff. He's only really been allowed to 'play' with other kids if he's dueling them (especially when staff uses him as this sort of wild Academia boogeyman that students have to try to avoid in hunting game drills.) (there's a nonzero chance theyre kind of hoping he'll just get himself killed and save themselves a whole lot of trouble) Yugo doesn't really know how to interact with people beyond treating them like a game to win. He likes games. He's good at those!! :)
He's still got that sort of energetic competitive spirit and doofus blockhead energy of regular Yugo, but it's a lot quieter and toned down after years of..discipline from his teachers. There's also this sort of aggression and overconfidence to it. If he deems his opponent as not worth his time he'll barely give them his attention, ignoring them and fussing with his various games and puzzles instead. god fucking help you if fusion!yugo deems you 'boring' lol
he can see duel spirits and talks to his monsters <3 He considers them his closest friends.
in general his dragon's two main forms emulate two big elements of his character--Shattered Wing Fusion Dragon's wings are broken, and it can only drag itself across the ground to pursue opponents; Yugo's been 'grounded' by his circumstances and he's starting to chew his own leg off about it. He's going stir crazy. And then Shattered Wing's 'evolved' form, Perfect-Wing Fusion Dragon, has freaky radioactive uranium glass wings made of different mismatched chunks forcefully fused together--Yugo is kind of chasing perfection way more than he lets on; he thinks often if he was just a little Better, a Little More Perfect then maybe people will care about him. Maybe he can make DA properly proud. And he's willing to jam whatever square pegs into round holes he needs to to achieve it. He doesn't need anyone. He can do it all HIMSELF.
(fusing with the other yuboys is a terrifying prospect for him. to go from so so alone for so long to being absorbed into Never Being Alone Again. He never actually manages to absorb anyone himself but if he did it would probably be like Yuri in canon where the other yuboy just experiences complete ego death and Doesnt Exist Anymore.)
the shit that goes on in Fusion in this AU is a story for another time there's like 18 different things going on in there but Yugo does get the distinct good fortunate to get to kill Leo himself after the bastard tries to flee the arc reactor room and declan and the bgirls Get His Ass<3 W for yugo
postcanon dswap yugo makes me a little sicko insane he just makes me SAD. kid who still doesn't really know how to interact with people. kid who kind of isnt very sorry for any of the questionable shit he did (kid who cant even really wrap his head around how anything he did was 'wrong' anyway and is getting increasingly frustrated that people seem upset with him??! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING :/) he ends up striking up a weird friendship with dennis as theyre the last two real 'soldiers of DA who dont know what to do with themselves now that the war is over and have trouble conceiving of themselves as "people." they hang out and play games and beat the shit out of each other like the world's dumbest fight club. do not get me started on them. <--*the only insane bitch invested in dennis and yugo friendship*
here's a baby fusion!yugo and shattered wing's card...he's been alone for a long time but thats ok. he has his friends in his deck :,) thats all he needs. he can take care of himself.
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asgoodeasgold · 1 year
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Matthew Goode at Dunhill Links 2023 - Part 1 - Meeting Matthew
Day 1 of the tournament on the Old Course at St Andrews, I finally met lovely, gorgeous Matthew and as predicted, I was utterly tongue-tied, star-struck, could not think of what to say! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️
I was actually petrified, ridiculous I know, a grown woman (I have talked at conferences in front of 600 people and not felt anywhere near as nervous 🤷🏻‍♀️).
But Matthew is lovely and puts people at ease.
The first thing that struck me about him, even from metres away, was his gaze. INTENSE!!! @pleasereadmeok (J) had warned me the eye contact was insane but you have to see it to believe it.
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And you can see it in these close-ups, that piercing gaze and magnetic presence. Nobody looks at a camera or people like that. I don't know how his co-stars manage to function frankly.
The other thing that struck me was how tall and lithe he is. And how at ease in his body, when he walks, sorry I mean swaggers, around the course (gigantic stride!) or takes a swing.
What did I think of Matthew? Well it's always a bit scary meeting your heroes, I was worried about being disappointed.
But meeting Matthew was wonderful (even though I was embarrassing 😂). Watching him play and interact with people for 2 days confirmed everything I thought he was: charming, kind, friendly, funny, humble, self-deprecating, and beautiful. And you can't fake that for 10 hours.
He always made time to come and chat with spectators.
2 stories to give the measure of the man, the way he behaves towards children and animals.
There was a kid in golf shoes watching and Matthew handed his driver to him and said "I think you should take over". The kid was so chuffed, tried a few swings, Matthew had a chat. So lovely.
And everytime there was a spectator with a dog, he had to go and pet it. One dog was literally rolling on its back in happiness. Aw. [Hot tip if going to watch Matthew play, bring your dog, or borrow one 🤣, chat guaranteed!].
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This is my last shot of Matthew on Day 2 at Carnoustie as he was leaving (little did I know I would not see him again, the tournament was abandoned the next day due to flooded courses).
This was at the end of a tough day with lots of ups and down (some incredible drives, Matthew is so powerful! and a stunning putt from 35m). Such a wonderful smile to end this wonderful experience. I am blessed really.
📷 My pictures and edits [1st one with phone, rest with SLR, much better - I always find phone pics distorted]
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