#he doubted himself and everything he believed in because of that stupid clown
sunflowersand-bees · 2 years
Just thinking about how, in the book, Stan is the one to cut everyone's hands. Stan is the one who makes them promise.
Thinking about how Stan is the only one who broke his promise.
Thinking about how, in the book, Stan is the glue of the group. He holds them all together.
Thinking about how Stan couldn't hold himself together.
Thinking about how, in the book, Stan was the reason they all returned to Derry. Mike might've made the call, but their memories of Stan and the promise made them return.
Thinking about how Stan was the only one who didn't return.
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myreygn · 10 months
All's well that ends well
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summary: Bachira is on a pranking rampage and Chigiri is collateral damage. That wouldn't be such a big deal if the day couldn't have gotten any worse already, but luckily Kunigami is there to get everything back on track.
an: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @giggly-squiggily AGAIN HERE IS YOUR BELATED BIRTHDAY GIFT! i'm hitting myself hard for not getting this out sooner but it's here now and i hope you like it! stay wonderful and next year i'll try the whole being on time things again <3
wordcount: 1969
Practice was going great. At least Kunigami kept telling himself that over and over again, although believing it got harder with every missed pass, every flunked goal shot and every frustrated groan behind his back. They were all kinda off today and if it had just been that, he wouldn’t have minded as much. Of course having a bad day was annoying, especially when it seemed to be contagious to everyone else as well, but bad days were normal and they could easily be fixed by a hot shower and a good night’s sleep.
However, it wasn’t just a bad day. In fact, Bachira was having a great day. Apparently their dribbler had had a clown for breakfast and it showed; so far he had swapped Igarashi’s clothes with Iemon’s, put toothpaste under the door knob for Naruhaya to grab into, changed Gagamaru’s alarm to a death metal version of Baby Shark, and tied Raichi’s shoelaces together, twice. He was on a roll and while everyone was certainly on their toes, Bachira had yet to go on their very last nerve. Emphasis on yet.
A startled yelp caught his attention and Kunigami didn’t even bother watching as the ball flew past the goal, turning around instead. Chigiri held a bottle in his hand, the front of his shirt and his chin drenched in water. Looking a little closer, Kunigami saw that the lid had been unscrewed. Their resident team princess was apparently the newest victim of Bachira’s prank spree and he was not having it. Oh yeah, practice was going amazing.
“What the hell, Bachira!”
“Sorry, sorry! I thought this was Isagi’s!” In Bachira’s defense, he did seem shocked. Kunigami didn’t doubt for a second that he was telling the truth; Chigiri’s day had started off badly enough with his hair do loosening every ten minutes and after he had literally tripped over his own feet during warm up, face planting into the field at full speed, the team had unanimously decided to just leave him alone for the time being. And Bachira would never purposefully make a bad day worse, they all knew that. Unfortunately, Chigiri seemed to have forgotten about that in his annoyance.
“Amazing, thanks, that’ll definitely dry my clothes.”
“I know it won’t, I just-”
“You just wanted to test my patience, I get it! Because my day went so great up until now!”
“Chichi, I didn’t mean to-”
“Yeah well, you did! And don’t call me that!” The redhead’s glare made Kunigami go weak in the knees and it wasn’t even directed at him. “If you stopped playing these stupid pranks, shit like this wouldn’t happen! You’re not funny, just cut the crap already!”
“Woah, hey!” Isagi took a step forward as if to shield Bachira. “Chigiri-”, but Chigiri had already grabbed his things and stormed off.
The silence in the hall dragged on for an uncomfortable five seconds before Gagamaru softly cleared his throat. “Let’s call it a day. Bachira, do you, uh…”
“It’s fine.” It wasn’t, but the dribbler turned away before any of them could comment on his quivering lip. “Sorry, I’ll just… I think I’m gonna lie down for a bit. Sorry, really.”
With that he was out the door and the rest of the team exchanged glances, then Isagi nodded slightly and quickly got up to go after Bachira. Iemon jumped upright as well, shooing his teammates away. “Alright, go and hit the showers, you reek!” The boys gathered their things and upon one last exchange of glances, Kunigami slipped out of the room to go and look for Chigiri.
He found the princess in the recording room, sitting in the corner that was the farthest away from the door, curled up with his head buried in his arms and just seeming overall miserable. On second glance, Kunigami noticed his shoulders shaking ever so slightly and he even caught a sniffle. Alright, approach with caution.
“Hey.” He quietly closed the door after himself, making the screens’ bluish shine the only source of light in the room, and carefully stepped closer. “Is this seat taken?”
Nothing, not even a huff of reluctant amusement and Kunigami felt himself deflate a little. Dumb jokes like this usually made Chigiri downright cackle, he had to be really upset if he wasn’t even gonna acknowledge it. Still, he also showed no signs of wanting to be left alone, so Kunigami sat down next to him, not touching him yet. “So… that was not excellent.”
No answer. The hero frantically tried to think of something to say that would get through to his friend when he caught a slight movement out of the corner of his eye. It was hard to make out in the dim light, but… “Are you in pain?”
A shivery breath was the only response he got, but he wasn’t just gonna drop this. Kunigami sat up straighter and put his hand on Chigiri’s which had tightened its grip on his bad knee. “Hey, Chigiri, look at me. If you’re in pain, you need to tell me.”
The most anxiety-inducing three seconds of his life later, the smaller boy finally lifted his head and relaxed his hand a little. “I’m not hurt.” Despite the tear stains on his face, Kunigami felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Then Chigiri looked down again. “I was just scared I would be.”
Kunigami felt his heart clench a little at the quietness of his voice, but at least he was talking to him now. “What do you mean?”
“I was scared it’d start to hurt after I fell.” The redhead wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and Kunigami couldn’t help but feel a little good at Chigiri letting his guard down around him like that. “My knee is fine, I just… the entire time I kept thinking ‘What if it isn’t?’ and I got really anxious and I guess I kinda…”
Chigiri let the sentence trail off to silence and Kunigami nodded slightly. “You were tense and the thing with the water bottle was just the last drop.” That got him a quiet huff - still well below the average reaction, but he wasn’t gonna complain. A win was a win, however small. Next step. “That wasn’t okay, you realize that, right? I mean, I get it, but Bachira didn’t target you on purpose. And I think what you said really took a toll on him.”
Chigiri’s expression morphed into some kind of mortified guilt and Kunigami quickly put an arm around him, pulling him a little closer in the process. God, he was tense. “Isagi went after him, don’t worry. You obviously feel awful about this, I didn’t mean to make it worse, sorry. Just go apologize, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
The redhead nodded, drying the last remaining tears. “I wanted to do that anyway… I wanted to take back everything as soon as I left, but then I had to cry and I went here to calm down, but then it just got worse being all alone, and… thank you for coming, really.”
Kunigami smiled, softly caressing his teammate’s back. “Anytime, princess.”
“Shut up.” Chigiri flashed him a weak smile and sat up straight, stretching his arms. “Guess I should go apologize.”
“Oh no, not yet.”
“Huh? Why d- ehehehehey!”
Kunigami’s smile turned into a smirk at the way Chigiri immediately curled into himself as soon as he felt the fingers on his ribs, pressing his arms to his side and trying in vain to get away, but the taller boy just wrapped his free arm around him and pulled him back, not stopping the soft tickling of his ribs for even a moment. “You wanted to calm down first, didn’t you? You’re still as stiff as a poker, I can’t let you face Bachira like that.”
“Whahahahat dohohoes thahahahat hahahave toho dohoho wihihith tihihicklihihing mehehehe- aehehehe heheheherohoho!”
“Yes, princess?” He wormed his fingers under Chigiri’s arm and almost let out a giggle himself at the squeal that got him. He was careful not to be too rough however; he wanted Chigiri to relax, not perish. “Something the matter?”
“Yohohohou’re ahahaha jeheheherk, thahahahat’s the mahahahatter!”
“Tsk.” Kunigami gripped him a bit tighter and softly grazed a single finger over his knee, causing Chigiri to shriek and kick out. “I come here to cheer you up and this is the thanks I get? Such disrespect?”
“Kuhuhuhunihi, nahahaht thehehehe! Ihihihit tihihickles tohohoo muhuhuhuch!”
“That’s because you’re too ticklish, my lady.” Another soft scratch to the knee and Chigiri threw his head back, full on cackling now. “I’m barely touching you.”
“AEHEHE- heheherohoho, plehehehease!”
“Alright, alright.” Kunigami chuckled softly and released his teammate, softly wiping a laughing tear away with his thumb and caressing his back to help through the after-giggles. The tension had faded. Mission accomplished. “You good?”
“Yeheah… mahan, you suck.” Chigiri shook his head with a smile, then grabbed Kunigami’s extended hand to stand up with him. “Thanks again.”
“Of course. Now come on, let’s go. Make everything right again.”
Making everything right again was often a task easier said than done.
When they entered the room, Kunigami’s gaze immediately fell on Bachira’s futon. The dribbler said there with his legs crossed, slumped over and fiddling with his hands, not even looking up when the door opened. The ginger felt Chigiri tense next to him and he gently squeezed his hand, mouthing ‘You can do this’ at him when he was met with an anxious glance.
Chigiri took a deep breath and walked over to his friend slowly, then kneeled down in front of him on the floor. “Bachira? Can I talk to you?”
The dribbler looked up and expectantly examined the redhead, but he didn’t say a word. Kunigami felt himself grow slightly anxious now as well and he looked over to Isagi who was… smiling softly? Seeming relaxed? Curious. The ginger decided to just let things progress.
Chigiri didn’t catch the ease with which Isagi watched the scene. He was entirely focused on Bachira when he nervously grasped onto his shirt and began to speak. “I’m really sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that, I was just… I was feeling stressed and scared because of the fall and I shouldn’t have taken that out on you, especially when you didn’t do it on purpose, which, I- I know you didn’t, I shouldn’t have accused you of that, that was a shitty thing to do. Everything I did was shitty, I’m really really sorry. Can you forgive me?”
Bachira tilted his head and just sat there for a few seconds, then a smile began tugging at his lips. “You’re lovely, thank you.” He put a hand on Chigiri’s shoulder, squeezing softly. “I’m sorry for getting you caught in the crossfire, I might’ve gone a little overboard with all the pranks today. Forgive me too?”
“Of course!” 
Kunigami smiled softly when Bachira pulled Chigiri in for a hug and the redhead relaxed visibly. A look over to Isagi however showed him a mischievous little smirk on his lips and a realization dawned on him. This was still Bachira. Before he could warn Chigiri, the dribbler began speaking again.
“There’s one last thing though…”
Confusion showed itself on Chigiri’s face. “What thing?”
“What are you- wait, waitwaitwait, not agahahAHAHAHAIN-”
“Again? So Kunigami got his turn already?” Bachira grinned and grabbed Chigiri’s wrist, pulling it to the side for better access to his armpit. “Then it would be unfair to deny me mine, don’t you think, Chichi?”
Kunigami couldn’t help but chuckle to himself softly and he turned away to make himself comfortable on his futon. All’s well that ends well, he could let this go on for a little longer.
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inuyashamybeloved · 5 months
“Front Piece” chapter 11 sneak peek.
(AKA, Yura is like the little sister Inuyasha never wanted and has no problem calling him out in his stupidity 🤣🤣—It's gonna be some days before it's finished)
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Inuyasha observed the three women as they descended the shrine’s stairs; they all seemed overly satisfied, especially his mother, who kept prattling on and on about Kagome. She was as subtle as a fucking clown at a funeral and wasn’t even trying to hide it.
They had reluctantly left early because Yura and Kikyo needed to start preparing dinner for eight people, which truly was more like ten, given how much he and his old man ate. Kaede decided to stay until the end of the festivities and would get a ride from Shippo’s parents, likely missing most of the meeting. Inuyasha mentally snorted at that; the kid clearly wanted to spend time with Sota instead of being surrounded by grown-ups discussing his and Kikyo’s divorce, which was funny since she had been the first one to bring up the subject. But Inuyasha could understand why she suddenly changed her plans.
“We definitely have to come back,” Izayoi commented cheerfully.
“What, so you can keep following Kagome like a nutcase?” he quipped.
Izayoi huffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she retorted, looking out the window as Inuyasha started the ignition.
“Oh, please, don’t think I don’t know what’s going on here,” he remarked before looking at the rearview mirror and pointing an accusatory finger. “You two told her about my feelings for Kagome and made fucking sure to bring her and force a meeting.”
“Bravo, your brain is finally working,” Yura stated, cocking an eyebrow at him.
Inuyasha scowled at her, flipping her, then got serious when he remembered the other subject.
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Kikyo had a point, but, sadly, there wasn’t much Inuyasha could do. “From what her friends said, Naraku’s hovering happens only at work. I told them of his fucking tendency to appear wherever you go, so they said they’d keep an eye whenever they go out with Kagome.”
“There’s something else you need to know, Inuyasha. I gave her our numbers just in case,” Kikyo explained, and Inuyasha turned to frown at her. “I just wanted to let her know she could count on us.”
“It’s a nice thought, but I doubt she’d call. Not only can Kagome be stubborn as fuck but also I just can’t see her reaching out to us, not even as a last resort,” he sighed.
It would be nice if she called him, needed him in any capacity.
“Why? Because Kikyo’s the wife of the guy she likes?” Yura quipped.
“Yes!—No! Damn it, Yura! Would you fucking stop with that?!”
“Stop with what, Inuyasha?!” Yura challenged him, and he could see Kikyo trying to calm her down without succeeding.
He growled, feeling his ears folding back against his skull. “Insisting that she likes me. We don’t fucking know that!”
“With all due respect to your mom, you’re a fucking idiot. Kagome clearly fucking likes you, or she wouldn't try so hard to seem okay every time she sees Kikyo. Or you, from what I could tell today,” Yura continued, completely ignoring his growling and Kikyo’s soft pleas. “Hell, even her mom looked heartbroken the first time we met her.”
Inuyasha wanted to believe her, but he wouldn’t let himself become hopeful just yet. He parked in front of Megumi Sakasagami’s building, and Yura quickly exited the car to go get her.
“What do you think?” he asked, turning to face Kikyo.
She hesitated for a moment, fidgeting with her bag’s strap. “I think it’s a safe bet. It was more evident today; she’d look at you with such longing whenever your attention was elsewhere. It was the same look you have whenever you look at her.”
Kikyo’s words stunned him into silence, and Inuyasha only reacted when Yura and her mom exited the building. “Once we’re done with dinner, you and Yura better tell me everything you think, okay?”
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Chapters 1-10 on Ao3
Inuyasha/Kagome, Kikyo/Yura.
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desertfangs · 1 year
DA here, JUST finished chapter 2 of the Lestat/Daniel NYC rendezvous and I'm in love! Listen, I *need* to know everything about this: "Do you? I seem remember when Armand tried to throw a surprise party for your birthday in 88, it was a disaster." You can't just throw in a line like that and leave us hanging pls 🥺 I can see Armand being furious at Daniel for not being able to keep his mouth (thoughts?) shut but then trying to play it cool in front of Lestat like "whatever I didn't even want to do it" when he'd never put that much of an effort into planning a party before 😭😭😭 "This is where I taught him to play Scrabble" I love when it all comes together like this, so perfect. The dynamic between Daniel and Lestat is god tier as expected, they get each other on a very basic yet human level, a true brotp for the ages. This though: "He brushed some hair out of Daniel’s forehead, fingertips light against his skin. Daniel’s breath caught. “You are quite the beauty, Daniel" lawd they're going for it 🥵🥵🥵🥵 "He had a pet? Other than you, I mean" LMFAO mean, but honestly if I were Lestat I'd be clowning Daniel left and right and viceversa. They deserve this and I'm so glad you're giving it to them! "Because the Armand I met, the one I fell in love with, he’s that guy. The one who got excited about stupid shit, who wanted to try everything and do everything. I wanted to be immortal so I could do everything with him forever", that truly sums it up doesn't it? Stunning. "I’m telling you because I think you’d really appreciate that part of him. If you give him the space to let loose, you two could really have a blast." L/A getting to be teenage disasters together is the solution to absolutely every single problem within the vc universe, I'm convinced. THE PICTURE OF THEM AT THE BAR, my heart. Daniel giving Lestat the Devil's Minion NYC tour with a good ol' dose of UST is everything I didn't know I needed tysm for this 🥹
DA!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it, I promise Chapter 3 gets a little more spicy. 🥵🥵 
Okay, so here’s what I think happened for the surprise party. Armand was planning to have Louis bring him to somewhere in New Orleans, where the party was being set up. So they were conspiring and Daniel was doing a lot of the logistics and set up at the location. Lestat knows something is up but he can’t read Louis’ thoughts, but he senses Daniel in the city and… easy, right? Just get the boy to spill.
So he grabbed him and demanded to know. I honestly doubt he had to read his thoughts. Not saying Daniel didn’t put up a fight to keep the secret but I think it was obvious to Daniel that Lestat knew something was up and it was better to tell the truth than have him thinking it was something bad. I can totally see him trying to downplay his part, like “I told him it was a bad idea, but you know how Armand is…” 
I think Armand was more upset that Lestat cornered Daniel than at Daniel telling but that was also when things were getting tense between them, IMO, so perhaps there was some frustration on that end too. (I like to believe they still had a very good party! It just wasn’t a surprise! And Armand was pissed because he put a lot of work into surprising that ungrateful jerk (affectionate). *ahem*) 
Lestat is flirting with Daniel so hard and I think Daniel is just sort of like… He likes it, he’s into it, but he also doesn’t know if it’s just Lestat fucking with him or if he’s seriously like… interested in getting down and dirty, you know? Lestat is just Like That sometimes and it can be hard to tell if he’s sincere. (Don’t worry, he’ll figure it out.) 
I love Daniel trying to show him the Armand that he knows and loves. Like Lestat knows and loves Armand but Armand is such a freewheeling weirdo with Daniel and it’s not a side of himself that I think he shows easily or frequently, so it’s just like… yeah, you idiots could have fun, just stop posturing and trying to put on airs all the time. Lestat and Armand being teenage chaos disasters is just so full of epic possibilities and Daniel is into it. 🥵🥵 (No one ships Lestat/Armand like Daniel does, LMAO.) 
Gotta have the ust and angst! I’m glad you like the photo in the bar too, I like to imagine they really left their mark in places while they were in that city, for a short a time as they actually lived there. Armand and Daniel live hard. (Pun intended. It’s late and I’m not sorry. 😉)
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Dead Clown 🤡
Jason todd x reader
Warning: smut, murder but it’s okay.
Jason pulled his helmet off and ignored the rain that poured down his face. He had to see this without a filter. He even considered taking off the domino mask but he was out in the open. The pouring freezing rain had him shivering but Jason was unaware. He literally couldn’t believe the sight before him.
The joker was laying in his back, the pasty skin on his forehead was marred by 2 small holes. The back of his stupid green hair looked almost black when mixed with blood. Blood and water mixed in a pink puddle around his head. Jason forced himself to check for a pulse before hitting his comms.
“Bats, you need to get down here,” he said in a shocked voice. “The joker is dead.”
“..... are you okay,” Bruce said in a measured voice.
“I’m fine. He was dead when I got here,” Jason added knowing he was number one suspect.
“On the way.”
Batman and Red Robin showed up shortly with Robin not far behind. It didn’t take long for the detectives to believe Jason’s innocence. The evidence didn’t match him.
Jason sat on a piece of concrete near the scene as they worked. He had hoped to see this for years now. But it wasn’t the same. Maybe it was because Jason didn’t get his revenge or because it looked too neat. Two quick shots to the brain. Probably didn’t even see it coming before he was lights out.
Bruce walked over to him as the other two took photos and bagged evidence. A little blood here. Some fabric fibers there. No fingerprints because of the heavy rain but a bullet casing.
“Did you see who shot him?”
“No B. I literally got here and he was already out. He was supposed to have a drug drop but I guess that didn’t happen,” Jason said with a shrug.
“You were going to fight him alone,”Bruce said with a raised brow.
“No. Just reconnaissance. I would have called it in,” Jason defended himself. Bruce gave him a side look before moving on to the case.
“Commissioner Gordon is on the way,” Tim said. He held bags of evidence carefully in his lanky fingers. “We’re finish collecting-“
“Can we go home, father? It’s freezing cold,” Damian interrupted. Bruce sighed before looking at him.
“Red Robin was talking but yes, you both should back to the cave to process everything. Red Hood, you too. The commissioner knows you have a history with the joker so it’s best you leave too. I’ll take care of this,” Bruce said carefully. Any wrong word might set Jason off with his trauma over the death of his murderer.
“Uh yeah, sure man,” Jason said clearly distracted. He would usually argue with everything Bruce said and this made Bruce even more worried for the young man. He sent a quick message to Dick before the commission met got there.
“We’re running the tests right now and there really isn’t much else to do. Robin already went to bed. Go home Hood and get some sleep,” Tim said by the computers. Jason hadn’t bothered to get out of his suit or shower.
“How long? How long until you get results?”
“Oh, uhhh maybe 12 hours? A while. Sorry DNA testing isn’t like in the movies. The meta or clone tests are even longer. It probably won’t be until tomorrow night that we know anything,” Tim said turning in his chair. “Get some sleep.”
Jason considered giving him a nasty comment but held it. He certainly felt dead on his feet and had a nice warm woman waiting at home for him.
“Call when you know anything,” he said with a growl.
“Yeesh, yeah. I will,” Tim said backing away. “Say it. Don’t spray it,” he muttered as Jason walked away.
Jason trudged into the apartment leaving wet clothing in his wake until he stumbled to bed in nothing but his boxer briefs. You were going to be mad at him for the mess in the morning but that could wait. He looked at you asleep on the bed. You looked so sweet and innocent. Like an angel compared to his dirty hands that practically dripped blood every night.
He slid under the blanket and pressed close to your warm form. You gasped awake before relaxing when you realized it was just Jason. Did you not realize he could kill you 84 different ways in your sleep? It didn’t really matter as you snuggled your head into the crook of his neck and slid your legs to entangle with his. Jason’s arms automatically wrapped around you and rubbed your back until your breathing was even in sleep. He stared at the ceiling until the hint of dusk could be seen outside.
Jason woke with a gasp followed by a moan as he felt perfect wet heat encompass his dick. He looked down to see the blankets move rhythmically as you slid your mouth along his dick. He blinked himself more awake to truly enjoy it.
It wasn’t the first time you had woken him as such but it was certainly a rare occurrence. Reserved for birthdays and Christmas, he couldn’t imagine what he did to deserve such a wonderful wake up.
“Fuck! Princess,” he groaned as you swirled before taking him deep. You hummed questionably.
“What did I, mmmm, do to deserve such a fuck! Perfect mouth. Perfect wake up,” he said pushing covers down to show you between his legs. You looked up at him with big innocent eyes as you licked long hot strips up his cock. You took him deep in your mouth before sliding off with a pop.
“I can’t spoil you?” You purred and he twitched. How did he get so lucky? “Do you want to finish in my mouth or can I ride you first?” You asked and he god honest choked on his spit.
“Baby, *cough* whatever you want, what. Ever. you want,” he said and you grinned before climbing up his body to straddle him. His hands ran along the side of your body before gripping your hips. You sunk down on him with a little mewl.
“Fuck Princess, you’re so wet. Do you like... do you like sucking my cock?” He asked breathlessly.
“Of course, Jaybird. Sometimes I touch myself when I blow you, like today,” you admitted with a sweet little giggle. He almost came right them. How could you say the dirtiest things while being the sweetest person he’d ever known?
Jason reached his thumb down to rub your clit as you moved. You whined before nodding at him. Your mouth fell open and your hips sped up. He knew that you weren’t going to last long. You really did get hot and bothered blowing him. You made little whined and whimpers before moaning his name loudly as you came. Your body clenching on him was enough and he thrust up into you as he came as well. You bent down and kissed him deeply. Jason was panting by the time you pulled back.
“Loved that for sure, but what the hell was that, Princess,” Jason asked breathlessly as you climbed off and threw on some clothing. You chuckled a little before tossing him his boxers.
“Just wanted to wake you up this morning. Do you want some pancakes, Jay,” you asked. He sat up and pulled them on.
“You certainly did. And I never say no to food. Especially my favorite food,” Jason said with a grin. “Is it secretly my birthday? Am I dying and you’re prepping me beforehand?”
You laughed. “You already did that, baby.”
Jason gasped a little before laughing.
“I just wanted to treat you like you deserve. Pick a movie. There’s a new slasher out that you can tear apart,” you said walking in the kitchen and grinned at Jason’s heart eye look he gave you.
He looked through the movies without paying them much mind. He’d seen the joker dead the day before and now his girlfriend was spoiling him. He didn’t know what to think about. He’d think about the joker finally being dead. He couldn’t hurt Jason or those near him any more. You’d been kidnapped 6 months earlier and it had almost ripped Jason apart when he found you bloody and beaten. Luckily alive though.
Then he thought about how sweet you were. A perfect angel who had nothing to do with that life. You couldn’t kill someone if you tried. He just wanted to keep you in an innocent bubble, especially after being kidnapped.
“Jay? Jason?” You said near him and he jumped. He had been so lost in thought that he didn’t notice you coming over to him with a plate of food. Heart shaped pancakes covered in whipped cream stared up at him and Jason had a little grin on his face.
“Sorry, thanks. This looks good,” he said and you grinned before sitting with your own. Jason turned on a movie and sat next to you to eat.
Jason’s phone rang.
He gave you an apologetic look before answering.
“Yeah,” he answered before quickly standing up to talk in another room. Definitely bat business, it sounded like. He came back in a few minutes putting on his suit. He bent and shoved most of a pancake in his mouth. Jason pulled you to your feet and swirled you around before holding you by the waist. You giggled.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“I’ve got to work. But when I get back, I’m making up for this morning, okay? Breakfast was amazing,” he said before pulling you into a dizzying kiss. You nodded before he left.
Jason arrived at the cave and realized something was instantly wrong. Tim, Dick, Damian, Bruce, and even Alfred were waiting for him around the computers. He slowly walked up. They didn’t think he did it, did they? Jason looked around in case of a fight.
“I have some bad news,” Dick said. Jason just stared at him. Dick sighed. “We know who killed the joker. You won’t like it. You- you might want to sit down.”
Jason frowned at his tone. It was the tone you used when telling a kid their parents died. He looked at the computer to see surveillance footage of the roof where he found the joker. He clenched his fist as the mad man walked in the screen.
“You know, this is the worst meeting place in the world,” joker said with a laugh. Jason’s eyebrows rose. He hasn’t expected audio. “So what do you have that I might want on the birds?”
A female voice off camera could be heard saying, “peace of mind.”
“Doubt you could give me that Princess,” he said in a mocking tone. His posture was casual even though the lower half of a woman’s body had walked into the screen and she held a gun in hand pointed at him. She froze at his words.
Jason couldn’t look away if he wanted to.
“Yeah, I know,” joker said. “I forget faces. Too many changing and quite a few people are a little two faced,” he said with a laugh. “But I never forget a voice. You sounded so much more sweet when you were crying tied to a chair. And the way you sobbed when I brought out the crowbar.... music to my ears. I bet it just reminded you of a certain bird that just didn’t quite make it the first time.”
“Shut up. I- I don’t care,” she said. Jason’s heart was in his throat. He knew exactly who that was before Tim’s DNA tests were complete. She moved around a little nervously.
“Honey, Princess,” he said drawn out in a mock of Jason’s voice. “Unless you plan on using that gun, put it down and we can play a game. You like games? You play one with the red bat all the time. Does he know? Does he know that you’ve been hunting me for.... geez, since you were kidnapped I’d bet.”
“Now drop that gun and I show you what pain really feels like,” he growled and she shot him in the forehead before he moved. He made a disconnected sound before falling to his knee, perfect height to be seen in the camera. She shot him again between the eyes and he fell back silently. His body splashed on the rainy roof before blood began to pool behind his head. The woman looked for a second, her body language painfully stiff, before running out the way she came.
The cave was silent as Jason realized what he just saw. He blinked a few times before clearing his throat. Has she- did she-??
“I assume the DNA matches?” He asked and Tim nodded before sliding him a paper copy. 98% match. Only chance it wasn’t you was an evil twin or clone but no, he noticed the clothing and mannerisms. It was you.
“Are you going to bring her in?” Bruce asked quietly and Jason gaped.
“I sure as shit ain’t. She killed the man who kidnapped her and abused her. That sounds like self defense to me,” he defended. Dick looked at him in pity and Jason quickly looked away.
“It was premeditated, Jason,” Bruce reminded him.
“I know. I’ll take care of it. She’s not going to prison. I’ll talk to her,” he said. Bruce gave him a hard look. “You come near her- I swear to god, Bruce. I’ll shoot you myself.”
Jason got up to leave. Dick moved out of his way. He wasn’t getting in this.
“Jason,” Bruce said but Jason was already gone.
Jason was a pretty smart guy but he was completely shocked at this moment. What possessed you to kill the joker? To seek him out? A man that tried to kill you and you were willing to meet him alone? Not even Jason wanted to do that. And that morning you were treating Jason special. He thought for a second that you killed the joker for him. It chilled him to the bone but he put that thought out of his head. No, you had your own reasons to do it.
Jason walked in the apartment cautiously. Who knows how you would be acting, the perfect girlfriend or finally breaking down when you realized you killed a man. He found you in the bedroom asleep. You didn’t look like you had just killed someone and for a second Jason had doubt but the video and DNA didn’t lie.
He crawled in bed with you. You pulled him close and laid your head on his chest and Jason’s heart hurt. You looked fine but killing people left scars and your first time killing someone was not something you forget.
You woke with a gasp and cry hours later. You trembled and grasped at Jason tightly. He woke up confused before pulling you closer.
“Hey, Princess, I’m right here. You’re okay,” he said rubbing your back and holding you close. “What’s going on?”
“I see him. When I sleep. Every time,” you breathed almost in tears. Jason kissed your cheek and he felt wetness on your skin. You had been crying. He didn’t want to ask but now was as good a time as any.
“Princess, what did you do last night?” Jason asked so quietly. You looked up at him quickly and it confirmed everything he needed to know.
“Nothing. I was here. All night. Wh-why?” You asked, lying terribly. Jason sighed. He closed his eyes before willing himself to speak.
“You know I’m a detective. I can tell that you’re lying,” Jason started gently.
“What does that mean,” you said a little too quickly. Your breathing started to speed up again and Jason hated the look of fear on your face.
“I’m not mad. I won’t turn you in. Just tell me what happened,” he said softly, watching you intently. You wanted to shrink away a little.
“I can’t,” you whispered. Your eyes started to water and you blinked them away.
“Did you do it? Did you kill him? I can help you,” Jason said and you froze. “Talk to me.”
“I-I did,” you said looking at him in terror. Your eyes were red rimmed. “I did.”
“I’m sorry,” he said pulling you tight to his body. You broke down in little sobs and clung to him. “I’m so sorry that you thought you had to. I should have. I’m sorry.” He wrapped you up and made little shhh noises and you cried until you fell back asleep.
You woke up later with a pounding headache wrapped up tightly against Jason. He was on his phone but sat it down when he saw you were up.
“Hey,You don’t have to worry about it. I’ve taken care of everything,” he said ever so gently. You nodded.
“What does that mean?” You asked slowly.
“Red Hood took the wrap on it. No great loss with one less psycho in Gotham. Harley Quinn had an impromptu parade with hyenas and jugglers and everything. Nightwing made an appearance. Dick said Barbie slept through the night for the first time in months and she said she’d help you with anything you need,” Jason said trying to be positive. You gave him a dry smile.
“That’s nice. What about- what about Batman?” You asked.
“He’s Batman. But he’ll get over it. And the next time you kill a murderous clown, let me help. He could have killed you. And if anyone knows how to hide a body, it’s me,” Jason said giving you a squeezing hug. You smiled despite yourself.
“I’ll remember that. I’m a little sad I missed the hyena parade,” you admitted.
“Oh she’s having a parade every day this week. An anonymous donor gave her a ton of fireworks. Fairly certain it was Tim,” Jason said.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
I honestly agree with a lot of your opinions, and even when I don't, I think that your arguments are always well structure and respectful to other people.
But I have some questions (and I'm sorry if you have already answer them), (also sorry for some of my English, it's not my first language)
How do you feel about narusaku?
How do you feel about people changing certain aspects about Sakura to try to improve her character?
How would you improve Sakura?
How much do you think Sakura being a good character could affect the story?
What was the moment you really started to ship SNS? And what are you favorite moments?
(Sorry if there's ro many questions)
I honestly agree with a lot of your opinions, and even when I don't, I think that your arguments are always well structure and respectful to other people.
Aww!!!! Thank you, Anon. This made my day. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I will start from my favourite question (The one in the last)
What was the moment you really started to ship SNS?
I never wore any shipping lens, Anon.
Literally, I started to ship SNS only after Episode 478 or Chapter 698. Before that, I always had these doubts in the back of my mind.
'Something seems to be very weird between these guys',
'Why are they behaving differently compared to other friends?',
'Why Sasuke is behaving totally different towards Naruto?',
'Why Sasuke agreed to honour Naruto's promise under the bridge, despite having no shred of affection towards his other former Team Members?',
'Why Naruto is so obsessed with Sasuke?',
'Why Sasuke felt Naruto's chakra in Konoha and bothered by it?',
'Why Sasuke is protecting Naruto like a precious treasure only to end up wanting to kill him?',
'Why Sasuke has this weird obsession that ONLY I CAN KILL NARUTO but not someone else?',
So, I had all these questions piling up one by one inside my mind as the series progressed and I can't simply jump into a conclusion because I don't know what Sasuke was thinking. I hate one-sided ship and I want reciprocation. So, I usually put all these questions on the back burner and started to focus on the story. Damn!!!, The story was equally captivating and emotionally daunting. When Sasuke finally confessed his feelings towards Naruto in Episode 478, I simply couldn't believe myself but ship them. Because, in no world, Friends would behave this way towards each other.
So, to answer your question, it's after Episode 478, I started to ship them. But if you want me to say when exactly I started to doubt their level of friendship??
It's this moment,
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Now you may think, 'Yeah, you saw two boys in a close proximity and decided to ship together. It's nothing strange'.
I have to say, Close proximity was the last thing, I felt from this scene. My reason was those heart breaking scenes that happened before which led to this specific moment.
I will make it as short as possible. I'll start with this
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God!! I wanted to punch Sasuke so badly when he said this with a deadpan expression. It looks like he was lying just to get power. I thought, 'Sasuke!!! What a lying piece of crap you are!! If you want to kill Naruto, Just do it. Why doing a fake confession? '.
It doesn't help as the fight progressed because Sasuke was really playing football with Naruto and when this happened,
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I was shell-shocked because, the Sasuke we saw so far is no more. It even confirmed my thoughts about the fake confession. Which sane person will ram Chidori through his Close Friend's body?.
After many blows were exchanged, I simply wished for one thing. Naruto should win and Sasuke should be stopped no matter what. When the final Rasengan vs Chidori happened, I couldn't understand what was going on inside that power ball. Naruto and Sasuke look at each other with pained expression and we see the younger version of them smiling at each other.
And then finally we see a knocked out Naruto with Sasuke standing and looking at him without any expression and was about to say, 'Naruto.... I' which was interrupted by rain and when Sasuke felt a stinging pain in his arms and falls down on his knees. He coughs up blood and then this iconic scene happens.
That scene conveyed many things
Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto but couldn't.
Sasuke meant what he said. Naruto is his closest friend, it’s not a lie.
Sasuke couldn't severe his ties completely with Naruto.
Sasuke's pain of saying 'Goodbye' is greater than the stinging pain in his arms.
Sasuke deliberately, I repeat deliberately and not accidentally, came close to look at Naruto's face and experiencing something that, we, audience don't know. 
So, you see, Anon. The emotional train wreck that led to this scene made me really doubt about their depth of feelings they had towards each other for the first time. That's when I thought, 'Something seems to be very weird between these guys, what is it?'
And what are you favorite (SNS) moments?
There are two moments which shows how Sasuke is playing an emotional battle within himself. 
1. Sasuke, Susanoo, Naruto, Minato
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This happens right after Sasuke said to Obito, “Not you.... The one who is going to sever the past is....me”.
In this moment, Sasuke can pretty much let Naruto to die, because nobody is trying to kill Naruto. Still, he saved him with a 3 layered protection. The best part is Sasuke acted quicker than Minato, the fastest shinobi, to protect Naruto. Surely Minato wouldn’t want to blow up near his Son, for whom he gave his life once. It’s just that Sasuke is extremely quicker at this moment. 
2. For some reason, My Sharingan deactivated on it’s own
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If only, Sasuke maintained his Sharingan, he could’ve traced Naruto’s movements and deflected his upper cut and would’ve successfully landed his Chidori through him. But he just couldn’t. 
Both these scenes happens in a span of a day but Sasuke’s emotions fluctuates a lot when it comes to killing Naruto, protecting Naruto, can’t kill Naruto. 
How much do you think Sakura being a good character could affect the story?
To be Honest Anon, Storywise ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Yes, I agree with her amazing performance in Gaara retrieval Arc where she tagged along with Granny Chiyo and almost killed Sasori.
After that ????
She did nothing in the Sasuke Reunion Arc. It was all about Naruto vs Orochimaru, Yamato’s Wood style jutsu, Sai’s betrayal towards Orochimaru. Geez!!! I liked her attitude in this arc but totally spoiled when she was standing simply like a wooden doll when Sasuke was about to stab Naruto. It was Sai who blocked Sasuke.... I was like, ‘Girl!!!! You said you will save Sasuke for Naruto when he went into 4 tails mode. What happened now??? Why are you not stopping him???’
She was just making Food Pills in the Rasen Shuriken Arc.
She was basically climbing from one tree to another in the Sasuke killing Orochimaru to Sasuke joining Akatsuki Arc. Even Naruto’s role was very minimal in that arc except he met Kabuto, Dead soul of Jiraiya, Itachi, a split second meeting with Sasuke where he got Chidori’ed and fought with Tobi. 
She was just a spectator praying for Naruto in the Pain Arc. Yeah, she did healed few people and punched some monsters. But it just doesn’t matter. Even Konohamaru killed a Pain in that arc. 
She turned into an Asshole by making a fake confession towards Naruto and decided to kill Sasuke in the Kage Summit Arc. I think, this is where Kishi decided to shit on her mercilessly by making her into someone who was going to hurt both of her team mates mentally and physically. Basically Kishi transformed a clever medical Ninja who can find an antidote in a matter of hours to an asshole who believed Naruto did everything for her and even more of an idiot by planning to kill Sasuke with just a poisoned Kunai. Isn’t she the one who told Kakashi that Sasuke was given forbidden drugs to improve his strength after their Reunion??? Can’t she put 2+2 together to know Sasuke would be immune to poisons because of his days spent with Orochimaru??? Yeah, she did impacted the story. But it was not for her development. Sakura’s foolishness made Naruto and Sasuke to meet each other again and made a promise. So, you see, she was just a tool that pushes the narrative development of other characters, not her own. Her development took a big blow in this arc.
She was non-existent in the Naruto-Killer Bee Training Arc.
She was just healing people and punched some zetsu during Powerful Edo-Tensei Shinobis vs Allied Shinobi forces Arc. I expected her to have a special fight. But Nope. Even Ino, Shikamaru and Choji fought Asuma, Kakuzu and Kinkaku, Ginkaku brothers. 
She was non-existent in the Uchiha Madara vs 5 Kages mini arc
She was non-existent in Obito vs Naruto, Kakashi, Might Guy and Killer Bee mini arc.
She was non-existent in the Sasuke & Itachi vs Kabuto mini arc.
She was non-existent in the Edo Tensei’ed Hokages and Team Sasuke arc.
She was punching some Juubi Clones in the Official War Arc which will never make a difference to the story. At the same time, her character was transformed from an Asshole who hurted her teammates to an horny biasshhhh who wants only Sasuke’s D. She summoned Katsuyu and was healing soldiers. But there were an army of Medical Ninjas too. So her absence will not affect the story in a big way. She did Lip to Lip CPR for Naruto though. Again, that would never help Naruto in a major way unless he was helped by Obito by placing Bijuu inside him. Again, Kishi didn’t make her the sole saviour here. Instead, she was used as a medium to facilitate Obito’s transformation from a bad guy to good guy. Kishi made Obito as the Saviour here. 
She was useless and was not able to destroy Obito’s rinnegan in the Reincarnation of Indra and Ashura vs Rikkudou Sennin Madara arc.
She was useless in the Kaguya arc. [Sorry, that punch won’t make any difference because Kaguya must be stupid to not use her 360 degree vision to see Sakura from behind. With Naruto and Sasuke has already become a demi god at this point, her clown show is incomparable].
She was useless in the final Naruto vs Sasuke arc.
So, you tell me Anon. Did she make any impact to the story that served as a major twist?? 
The story revolved around Naruto and Sasuke. 
Itachi, Obito, Jiraiya, Madara, Hashirama and other Hokages were the game changers of this story. Meaning, their presence or death will change the story by a huuuuggge margin.
Tsunade, Orochimaru, Team Nagato, Kabuto helped our protagonists in a BIGGGG WAAYYYY.
Akatsuki were just amazing who gave us the sense of thrill as well as fun. 
Even Sakura being good will never impact the story because she had no dedicated arc written for her.
But, if she were written as a good character, my viewing experience would have improved in a relaxing way so much so that I don’t have to press my fast forward button whenever she appears and I wouldn’t be writing this post explaining why I hate her.
How would you improve Sakura?
Simple, By writing her similar to Rin Nohara.
No obsession but a simple love towards Sasuke.
No toxicity but caring friendship towards Naruto. 
That’s all.
How do you feel about people changing certain aspects about Sakura to try to improve her character?
Well, that means they would qualify as a fanfiction writers, aren’t they??.
Also, this inherently proves that she is a piss poor character and people wants to change certain aspects of her which they find annoying. But it will 100% end up being OOC. And I’m not into reading those OOC stuffs, Anon.
I always believe in accepting what the author has given rather than trying to fix their work. Because the author writes a character deliberately to make the readers feel what he intended in the first place. Kishi could write a redemption for even someone like Orochimaru towards the very end. Like, he literally made him to help Sasuke, not as a human predator, but as a former Master and an admirer. He wrote him to help Tsunade and other Kages. So in the end, Orochimaru was not hated like he was hated in part 1. If he can write something for Orochimaru, why not for Sakura??? 
You know how I can redeem Sakura in just 3 or 4 panels?
Let me tell you.
After that fake confession, Sakura could talk to Naruto,
“I am very Sorry, Naruto. I know you will never take things in your heart. But still I shouldn’t have used Love as a tool to make you not to do something. I was an Idiot to not realize how badly you want to save Sasuke. It wasn’t just for me. But it was for Sasuke and also for you, as his friend and also for us as Team 7. So, how about we go to Ichiraku, for a nice lunch??” 
While confessing Sasuke for the second time,
“It seems you still want to go on to that dark path, isn’t it?. I am not the most powerful ninja in this world and I know I can’t trade blows with you. But still.... if you try to hurt my friend, Naruto and my master, Tsunade. I will fight with all my strength to kill you..... Even though I love you”
I am pretty sure, if Sakura confessed something along these lines, everyone would have admired her and it shows her emotional maturity as a Kunoichi who wants to do something to this world as well as a person who is ready to kill someone she loved in order to protect the people she holds dear.
In chapter 699. Before saying Goodbye to Sasuke,
“I am very Sorry, Sasuke. I never really understood what was going on inside your heart. And, I always forced myself on you because of my selfishness. I really feel bad for those things. I never really became your friend in the first place. How about we say farewell as ‘a good friends’, before your redemption journey??” (Shakes hands.... End of Scene)
How is this???
Is it pleasant to read?? Of course, Yes.
I am pretty sure it wouldn’t take more than 4 or 5 panels. Kishi could’ve easily did something like this. Am pretty sure readers would’ve been satisfied. Her fans too. Even I would’ve forgiven her mistakes.
But Kishi didn’t and I am very sure it’s deliberate. Because, this very same Kishimoto could able to write Konan, Tsunade who acts with so much maturity without whining like a little girl.
Which shows Kishi clearly hates this character and never wanted to redeem her. 
So no matter how many people improve this character, it will never be believable.
How do you feel about narusaku?
Naruto always placed Sasuke as his priority, Anon. That’s always the case. So, apart from SNS, if you want me to say whether NaruSaku had any potential?
I would say, yes, NaruSaku had potential. I will not deny it. Naruto had some liking towards Sakura compared to the absolute indifference towards Hinata.
There are some moments Sakura genuinely cried for Naruto without anyone’s influence. I liked it. Say, the scene where she cried on hearing ‘A Jinchuriki without Bijuu will die” and with Yamato she told, “I can only do little things for Naruto”.
These are all coming from her own heart. No one instilled inside her.
[[[ That’s why I will not accept her realization of ‘Annoying, huh? So, this is how Naruto must have felt too. Maybe I should be a little nicer to him next time’ as genuine in Episode 3. Because she realized only after Sasuke roasted her. I want feelings to emerge subconsciously rather than instilled by someone. ]]]
Unlike the asshole Sakura she was in part 1, Sakura started out good in Shippuden. I was surprised with her development in Gaara Retrieval Arc and was not at all annoyed by her presence. (Except when she said she will save Naruto and Sasuke from Itachi.... Grrrrr.... Biashhhhh.... Do you know Itachi’s abilities first of all??? He can crush you like a meatball with his Susanoo)
I started to feel, ‘Wooow!!! She has improved a lot. Great!!!!’.
Even though, she was useless in Rasen Shuriken Arc, She still made an effort to make food pills for Naruto. She even hugged Naruto much to his surprise, before all the villagers and especially before, ahemmm Hinata after defeating Pain.
Despite all of these moments that had happened between them, I could only see them as a pair formed of mutual tragedies rather than mutual attraction, Anon. In their case, Losing Sasuke. I wasn’t 100% sure whether Sakura moved on from Sasuke or not. Because When Sakura was looking for Sasuke with Kakashi’s Tracking dogs, she was still in love with him. So Sakura fluctuates between her obsession with Sasuke and some genuine feelings towards Naruto. 
Kage summit Arc is where everything changed and finalized. Sakura was crying like an annoying shit when she heard that Sasuke joined Akatsuki and was wanted by Raikage. This clearly shows her obsession has flared up again and ‘Poof’ all the development she had with Naruto was thrown into drain. 
On top of it, the fake confession. Grrrrrr.......
Plus, Naruto officially closed the possibilities of this ship by saying, “Sasuke, I know the Truth of Itachi from a guy named Tobi. I don’t know whether it’s true or not. But whatever you’ve been doing so far (hunting Killer Bee, ruckus in Kage summit conference, trying to kill Sakura, Kakashi).... It’s all understandable”.
If Naruto truly, wholeheartedly, deeply loved Sakura, he wouldn’t have said something like, ‘It’s understandable why you tried to kill Sakura”. He should have beaten Sasuke into a pulp. Or atleast shown some intense anger. Instead, Naruto was talking to Sasuke and making promise by saying ‘We will die together’. It’s like Sakura playing cupid for Sasuke and Naruto.
Naruto was okay with someone trying to kill Sakura whereas he was not okay with someone trying to kill Sasuke and even went to the extent of hyperventilating. This is why I feel any other ships are incomparable with SNS. 
After that Sakura started to behave rabidly towards Sasuke in the War arc which I can’t help but feel disgusting. So, anything she did for Naruto in the War Arc was overshadowed by her crazy obsession towards Sasuke. That’s why her CPR doesn’t matter, Sakura healing Naruto doesn’t matter. [Naruto has his own regenerative abilities, so whatever she does will not matter much for him]
So, NaruSaku was closed officially by Naruto and Sakura. It couldn’t sail because of the presence of Sasuke. 
At the end, I felt like Sakura used Naruto for getting her man back ready for romance rather than a killer mode Sasuke. I couldn’t feel the friendship they once had or any familiarity. 
I just hate people who don’t value friendships, anon. Sakura was not even a good friend, first of all. Yeah she had her friendly moments here and there. But, at the end of the series, she was not. A war has just ended, many people lost their lives, her supposed ‘best friend’ Ino lost her father. Why can’t she help her out emotionally? Why can’t she do some fucking good stuffs for this Shinobi world like her other teammates?? Instead, what she did was ‘let’s go and persuade Sasuke-kun to lend me some D by going along with his journey. Because I am so horny’. 
It not how you were in the beginning, It’s how you ended up being. She started this series as a worst friend and she ended up as a worst human being for me. How can I ship such a person with Naruto????
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griffnoir · 3 years
i had this idea for a fic that i just wanted to share bc i thought it was neat and i know i will never write it under the cut : regulus black and severus snape, young and not that desperate, team up to defeat voldemort (for better and for worse)
- we are in 79. regulus goes to retrieve the locket, happy to die a sad and heroic death BUT kreacher brings him back to grimmauld place against his orders. he is dying... because of a potion... kreacher knows someone who knows shit about potions... regulus lives au! severus gets kidnapped by a nasty house-elf :/ he def had better sundays but that’s fine: he helps his fellow death-eater bc it’s what one does (everything for the cause!)
- regulus heals. regulus isn’t so happy about it (one cannot even kill oneself in this economy) then the conversation goes: reg : hey do u wanna know something that will get u killed? sev : no. reg : so the dark lord has made this thing called an horcrux... :D sev : T.T fuck why would u say that to me
- severus had doubts(tm) about this death-eater thing. this is the tipping point. so they are here, 18 and 19, one braincell between them, deciding after multiple identity crisis that they will kill the dark lord or die trying (they have better faith in the dying part but that’s ok they have nothing to lose) - they both know too much so this is a sort of race against time reg : i guess we could go to dumbledore sev : lol we are not THAT desperate
- they don’t go to dumbledore ://
- it is very important to me that they can’t fucking stand each other on the best of days. like: severus is severus, the little rat(affectionate) but i always thought of regulus as a mix between sirius and draco, plus whatever u want (this is not a good mix). the guy is pampered, rich, posh and a bloody nuisance of a person (also a dedicated blood supremacist); severus isn’t a Black so for once in his life he is actually the well-adjusted one - this doesn’t augure well for their enterprise
- do they succeed? yes. how? dumb luck. also they have a “they didn’t know it was impossible so they did it” type of thing going on. regulus’ superpower is the fact that he is rich, has connections and that nobody suspects him of anything. severus’ one is pure spite and the hogging of the braincell; they both think they are the brain behind this operation and that they are superior to the other in the ways that count (actually they are both just clowns)
- one of the only thing they share is the ultimate goal of killing voldemort; also, they both have somebody on the other side they don’t want ending up dead, so there is that; moreover they are both stressed out of their minds (the self-medication is strong and it could become a problem)
- they have to juggle their public life, their death-eater life and their hunting horcruxes life. it gets complicated :(
- grey-ish moral decisions are made, but hey! one has to do what one has to do
- how do they find the horcruxes? perhaps with the help of dark magic? through inside knowledge? a bit of both? regulus could know where is the diary/ the cup; if u know what u are looking for, nagini is an obvious answer; the ring can be found with minimal research on tom riddle; the diadem can be a lucky find (one could call it an educated guess lol)
- regulus learns that he can actually stand up for himself without his family weighing in and that his whole worldview is in fact a giant with feet of clay. severus that he can lead his life without idly surfing on the consequences of his bad decisions and can change things for the better by acting on them. that’s great. they are doing great. they are fucking terrified for their lifes.
- they end up begrudgingly respecting each other. are they friends? loaded question. perhaps.
- in this au, severus does also report the prophecy to the dark lord, then panics when the potters are brought up. sev and reg pass the information to the order one way or another and this just speeds up their research
- they kill nagini on the sly: it’s a shitshow of epic proportion, but they get away with it bc uh... who would think them able of such a feat? it’s def an highly-trained task force or something. sad that the snake got in the way though :/ (there is no more horcrux, the dark lord is mortal once more)
- who kills voldemort? neither of them. it would be cool, but no. the obvious choice would rather be dumbledore, and why not, in an impressive duel for the ages. personally i would prefer someone from the order, why not one of the youngsters: sirius? remus (a fucking win for the werewolves if it’s the case)? if we are only in 80, why not a peter who has not yet turned traitor lmao? if it’s one of them it’s just totally anti-climatic
- hell yeah! voldemort is trully, trully dead! the one who killed him is hailed as an hero and everybody lived happily ever after! severus and regulus will never have to speak to each other again!
- no.
- the hunt for the death-eaters begins: names are being dropped left and right. regulus doesn’t even go to trial bc he throws money at his problems; severus is not so lucky and gets rounded up in the most stupid way possible, also he thinks he deserves azkaban bc he did some shady shit and likes the martyr vibes reg, who has outgrown his suicidal tendencies: shit i need to save this punk’s ass since he won’t do it himself
- are regulus and his money enough to exonerate severus? perhaps. living with the morale high ground of having brought down the dark lord could be enough to rebuild a decent life for themselves; would they have closure? in a bittersweet way they could
- if it’s not enough, regulus being THAT desperate, he would go to the biggest bully of the playground aka dumbledore. a dumbledore ready to believe that voldemort would be coming back, until this scrawny (almost) 20 years-old goes “nah, we took care of that for you, you are welcome! also, since the whole wizarding world has a debt for us or something, could u pls bail my colleague? friend? out that would be great” albus : ... what?
- i just want a fun reveal; in the future to have regulus talking to his brother, severus to lily (at least for one good talk, i don’t ask for much), just to have that closure pls :’(
- 10 years later or something rita skeeter digs up the whole convulated story it’s glorious. nobody wants that
i don’t have anything else but it was fun to think about
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justcourttee · 4 years
So I know you've been very busy so just stay strong, I know you can do it! :) I was also wondering if I could request more sibling jasonette with the Joker going after Marinette once he finds out they're related? Take your time getting to this request if you need to, I know it'll be great when you get to it! Don't stress yourself out too much!
Thank you so much, I really do apologize for being so spotty the last month or so. I think I’m finally getting back to some sense of normal, so hopefully, I can write more :)
I hope you like it!
An Average Night in Gotham City 
Marinette couldn’t believe her luck.
Being the holder of the ladybug miraculous, you would think that everything would go her way, but it seems that Tikki had a funny way of distributing that good luck.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
The rank smell of something souring surrounded her senses as she dangled from the ceiling by her wrists. She was certain that there would be some difficult bruises to hide later but that was the least of her concerns at the moment.
“What you have is a pissed off college student. Who snatches someone from a library? Don’t you have any respect for my education?”
Something sharp poked her back causing her to hiss in pain.
“Now, now, I really do love Gotham State University and if it was game day, I wouldn’t dare step foot on our campus, Gothamite pride and all. But you my dear, well once I learned that you attended the school, I just had to stop by and say hello.”
His maniacal laughter would strike fear in the hearts of most, but honestly, she was just too pissed at this point to care.
“Okay, you said your piece, may I return to the library? I have a paper due at midnight tonight and I literally only have one paragraph finished.”
Another strike against her back felt hard enough to draw blood. The Joker was not in a joking mood tonight.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, How rude of you to want to leave when you just arrived! You batbrats are all the same, always in a rush. That’s why Jason is my favorite little bird. He always makes time for me,” his dreamy sigh faded into a scowl and in one quick movement, he was face to face with Marinette, his hand forcing her to stare into his eyes, “At least he used to. With you in town, he never seeks me out anymore!”
Releasing her cheeks, he turned away in a mock sob, using the edge of his purple tie to wipe away his tears.
“Maybe it’s because you two have an abusive relationship. I mean who wants to seek out someone that beats the shit out of them all the time.”
Joker stroked his chin thoughtfully as if her words carried some weight to them.
“Perhaps you’re right, maybe my last beating didn’t express enough love and admiration. How do you beat him to show him you love him?”
With a snap of his fingers, one of his men rushed forward to place a stool in front of him. Plopping down, he crossed his legs, motioning for her to speak.
“Uhm, well, I don’t beat him. Being my brother and all, we fight on the occasion, but if I want him to know I love him, I bake his favorite sweets or surprise him with a visit to his work.”
“Ah ha! That’s what I have to do! I got too reliant on my good old friend seeking me out, but maybe every once in a while I should seek him out!”
“Wait, that’s not really-” She couldn't finish her sentence as a crackle of electricity echoed through the warehouse. Her breathing was labored as she slowly began to come to terms with her situation.
“You know little batbug, you are slowly becoming a second favorite of mine. Of course, none of you could ever replace Batsy himself, but I would be lying to myself if I wasn’t fond of you and my Jason.”
If this was how he treated his favorites, Marinette was terrified to think of what Tim or Damian would go through if they were in her place right now. As he continued his monologue of the highs and lows of his and Jason's great relationship, Marinette took the time to take stock of her options.
There were ten men in total, more than likely at least five more outside posting guard. Fifteen wouldn’t be too hard, but there was one wildcard she couldn’t account for. Joker hardly ever accepted a fight that he wouldn’t believe to be fun and if she was honest, she couldn’t figure if he would jump in or not.
Tikki had already been working at the ropes holding her wrists, it was mere moments before they snapped, the only thing that stood in her way was that clown.
“-anywho, I suppose it’s time to go pay Jason a visit. Boys, leave this one alive. I like her.”
There was a slight groan of annoyance that sprinkled throughout the room.
Now was her time. The minute Joker stepped foot outside of the warehouse, she would be able to escape with almost no effort. As the doors slid open, Marinette nodded to Tikki to chew through the last rope.
“Where is she?” A frantic voice spilled through the front door causing Marinette’s eyes to snap into focus.
Several guns were trained on Jason as he gripped the front of Joker’s suit, his fist curled and ready to strike.
He came for her.
It wasn’t that she had any doubt, but she figured that her emergency tracker hadn’t sounded after seeing the response time from the team. As she dropped softly to her feet, Marinette slammed her elbow into the nearest man’s neck, gripping his gun as he dropped to the ground.
A few guns shifted from Jason to Marinette, seemingly unsure who was the bigger danger at this point.
“Oh Jason, I knew you cared. Marinette said I might have to seek you out, but that’s just not true is it. You always find your way back to me.”
His laughter was infuriating and Marinette could tell Jason was seeing red. If she didn’t get them out of there in the next few minutes, there was no telling if she could stop him from murdering the clown in front of him.
“You stupid clown, I could care less if you attack me, but you leave her out of this you understand?”
The Joker shook his head, a small giggle escaping his lips as he waved his men to stand down.
“Leave her out of this? Oh Jason, batbug there has become one of my new favorites. But don’t you worry, you’re still number one in my book.”
Marinette felt a shiver throughout her body at the sound of the growl that emitted from Jason.
“Jason, let's just leave. This isn’t a fight for today.”
There was no response as he and the Joker remained locked in an invisible argument, neither budging at the sound of her voice. Taking a step closer, she kept her gun trained on the clown, her eyes scanning the other men for any sudden movements. Instead of fighting her, they parted to allow her to get closer, all of them feeling equally confused as her.
Lowering her gun for a brief moment, she reached out to place a gentle hand on Jason’s shoulder.
“Jason, not today.”
She felt the tension in his body melting under her touch as he loosened his grip in the Joker’s suit. With one last glance, Jason dropped the man to the floor, turning to pull Marinette into a tight hug. 
“Your stupid tracker needs an update. Tim could only place it near this area and it took me entirely too long to get here.”
Marinette winced under his tight grip, the realization of her wounds finally hitting her. Pulling back, she nodded to Jason as they both moved to walk out the door.
The sound of several guns switching off safeties echoed, causing them both to stop in their tracks.
“Joker, let us go.”
Her eyes met his as he lifted himself from the floor, brushing off the imaginary dust he had acquired. There was a certain glint in those eyes that screamed danger to her. They both shared a mutual understanding that he knew far too much and that he could attack whenever he wanted. This advantage seemed to please him as he nodded, motioning for his men to stand down once more.
“Batbug is right, this would be no fun if the two of you were dead. So many interesting possibilities for the future, it’s so exhilarating.”
The sound of his laughter stayed with her even after they were blocks away from the warehouse.
“Batman was right behind me, I’m sure he’ll get there before they have time to clear out.”
Marinette nodded absentmindedly as Jason pulled them into the nearest ally. As gently as possible, he lifted the back of her shirt to exam the wounds. Letting out a low whistle, he began to patch them one by one, the stinging of antiseptic cutting just as deeply as the wounds had.
“Mari, what were you doing before that clown kidnapped you? It doesn’t look you struggled much, there only seems to be torture wounds.”
Marinette’s eyes widened as she suddenly remembered.
“Jason, we have to get back to the library! My paper is due at midnight! That idiot snapped me while I was writing, I only have one paragraph done and I don’t even know if it saved.”
Jason struggled to bite back the laughter that was fighting to escape.
“You know Marinette, this is what you get for waiting to the last minute. Don’t you know by now that there is a fair chance of getting kidnapped while you’re trying to do school work?”
Marinette reached backward swinging blindly as Jason’s laughter finally bellowed through. As he pulled her shirt back down into position, Marinette turned to give him one last hug before she took off into the night.
Jason and Tikki shared a look. Together, they took off after her, giggling and calling after her as they raced through Gotham’s streets. All in all, it really was just another average night in Gotham City.
Permanent Tag List:
@ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @moongoddesskiana @nach0ava @iamablinkmarvelarmy @seraphkitty @clumsy-owl-4178 @pawsitivelymiraculous @mialuvscats @leagrey @smolplantmum @animegirlweeb @glitterflowercat
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baeklooming-day · 4 years
Glossy Fruits | Baekhyun
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Summary: Where your best friend doesn't want anyone else to be your first kiss but him.
Genre: fluffish fluff, cheeky Baek is back folks
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: i wanted to write something simple and lighthearted to make yall day a little fluffier since i have a feeling we all need that right now
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"You are out of your mind."
You said, watching the black velvet locks falling on your best friend's eyes.
"Why? This is a good deal."
Well, it wasn't really a good one.
Your best friend was known around the school for making bets with everyone about everything, luckily for him he was usually winning all of them.
But you just couldn't stop thinking about a day coming when he would lose and, what would follow, getting himself into inevitable trouble.
"Baekhyun, it would be an alright deal if it was just another student. But breaking into our principal's office and leaving your bluetooth box behind a plant to pretend a ghost through your phone later doesn't appear very good to me." You said, looking at your reflection on your black phone screen to wipe away a little smudge which came from your red lipstick.
"Y/N, this kid said he would do my whole literature assignment for me if I pulled this off." Baekhyun let out a deep breath, making his dark bangs fly up and gently fall on his eyes again. "And before you say anything, it would be a win and win situation because I also made a bet with Sehun that-"
"I thought that I clearly told you not to bet with my stupid brother anymore you jackass!"
"But Y/N" Baekhyun whined, tugging on your right arm. "I made a bet with Sehun that I will win two bets today, and if I fail I will have to wash his socks for a month."
You held back a laugh. "Well then good luck with that, because I doubt that you will get out of it without trauma after dealing with Sehun's used smelly socks."
Baekhyun gave you a mortified look. "I don't want to die of lack of fresh air to breathe." He continued whining. "I already won one today, and nobody beside that kid from class one is willing to bet."
"Then provide yourself a mask for a date with my older brother's socks."
"Y/N, this is for real" Baekhyun now was leaning his cheek on your head. "I need to find a beneficial bet, like, right in this moment."
"Beneficial my foot."
"Foot? Wait." He said, straightening himself. "Foot..."
You looked at him questioningly before speaking again. "Baekhyun, I'm not glueing anyone's shoes to the floor with you, if that's what you just thought of."
"No, no, actually I thought of something more classic." He said, tapping on his lower lip with his finger. "What about the good old if I run there and there in, I don't know, for example four minutes I will win this and this"
"And who do you want to ask?" You asked.
"Well" Baekhyun smiled. "What about my dear best friend?" He gently pulled you closer to him circling your waist with his left arm, waiting for your reply.
"No way, I know you too well, you will ask for some stupid sick stuff which will make a clown out of me in the end." You said, jokingly pushing his arm away.
"I promise I won't ask for sick stuff, I would rather ask for something..." He paused, taking the opportunity to gently pull you closer again. "Something sweet in return."
"And that sweet thing would be what, precisely?" You asked.
Baekhyun let go of your waist, stretching out his arm and pointing ahead of you. "Let's say, if I manage to Naruto run through the entire hallway until the end and back to you in one minute, you will let me kiss you. On your lips." He told you, his smile becoming always wider as he presented you his wonderful idea of which, he seemed to be a little too proud of.
You only widened your eyes, looking at him with disbelief.
Your crazy best friend wanted to do what?
Out of all possible things you could take for a stupid bet, he decided to go a little, and by little you meant a lot, overboard with his idea.
For some girls maybe it wouldn't be a particularly big deal, but knowing that you out of all people still haven't given your first kiss, it didn't appear as the most optimal thing to you in that moment.
"What the freak Baek" You said. "I'm not doing this, this would be my first ever kiss!"
"I know." He replied.
And there you were, thinking that his impertinent smile couldn't become any bigger.
Well, you thought wrong.
"Yeah, that's why you can't do that." You continued. "And even if I agreed to this clownery bet, you would need at least three minutes to run to the end of the hallway and back to where we are now, so this is impossible."
"If you think that this is impossible for me to do, then what do you care? Just agree." He said.
To be completely honest, even if you thought that Baekhyun would lose that one anyway, for some reason you still weren't wholly convinced.
"And for starters, why out of all things Naruto running?" You asked, letting out a soft laugh. "And what will I get if you lose?"
Baekhyun lightly tapped his lower lip again, thinking. "Well, if I lose I will buy you inari sushi for the whole week." He said. "And Naruto run will be funnier than running normally, so"
"Yeah, funnier to watch you fail." You said.
"So do we have a deal?"
"Deal. Better prepare your wallet for my inari already." You said, pulling out your phone. There was no way you weren't going to film this spectacle.
"I'll run on three." He said, throwing his arms back. "One... Two... Three!" He bolted forward at a high speed, accelerating as much as only possible as if there was no tomorrow.
The school hallway was completely empty in that moment, given that most of the students already finished their lessons and left whilst those who had evening lessons were on a break somewhere else.
You watched as Baekhyun became always smaller and smaller in the distance, given that the hallway was indeed amazingly long. You started to wonder if he decided to make running through it a bet only because, like already mentioned, it was completely empty besides the two of you and he knew that he had way better chances of winning.
You tried to push this thought aside as you glanced at your phone, checking the time.
Thirty seconds left.
To your surprise and disbelief, he was already reaching the end of the hallway only to quickly turn around and start running back to you.
Twenty seconds left.
You watched still in a complete disbelief how Baekhyun was dashing forward, almost reaching you.
Ten seconds left.
It was a literal race between him and time, and as much as you hoped for the timer to finally start ringing before he made it back to where you were standing, he was already there panting, three seconds before the alarm.
"How on earth-" You started, visibly flabbergasted.
Baekhyun only gave you a wide smile in response, running his slender fingers through his black hair. "I won."
No, no, no.
It couldn't be.
As your best friend's grin grew always wider and wider, you started to realize the inevitable, slowly starting to get mad at yourself for agreeing to all this in the first place.
You really lost that stupid bet.
And now you would have to sacrifice your first kiss for that.
AND, the person you would have to give it to would be none other than your very own best friend.
For a moment you were just quietly looking at some invisible point in the air, only to be pulled back into the cruel reality by a gentle, soft touch on both sides of your face.
You looked up, being met with Baekhyun's sparkling brown eyes and never disappearing smile. "I won, Y/N. You know what that means-"
"Buuuut-" You interrupted him, looking to the right and to the left, trying to make up some excuse.
To be honest, you didn't believe the efficiency of any excuse in this situation yourself, but it couldn't hurt to try, could it?
You were about to say something else, when you felt Baekhyun's hands slide gently from your cheeks to your neck, softly caressing your loose hair.
Alright, now the red blush which you felt creeping up your dewy cheeks must have been literally beaming.
"But, um, Baek, I'm wearing red lipstick." You said, not even knowing for what you were hoping anymore.
"It's, um, it's not date proof." You said, finally looking at him. "So, you know, maybe it will be better to just leave it, it will smudge and stain and you know, we will look like some clowns-"
"Y/N." He slowly pulled you even closer to himself. "I don't care."
"Smudge my entire face for all I care. I don't mind." He said, his lips now only millimeters away from yours.
But before you could say anything else, you felt a soft, warm sensation against your lips, followed by his hands still gently caressing your hair.
It was so gentle, so careful, and really slow, making you feel as if the time stopped around you.
And when you finally gave in closing your eyes and kissing him back, you immediately felt him smiling against your lips, only to deepen the kiss as if it was all he really cared about in this world.
It lasted for about a minute, and when you pulled away, the scarlet stains on Baekhyun's lips, chin, and even cheeks were the first thing you saw.
You felt your already blushing cheeks warming up even more, imagining how you must have looked yourself.
"You were right." Baekhyun said, caressing your, probably equally, lipstick stained cheek. "We really do be looking like clowns right now."
You looked up. You didn't know anymore if the red on his cheeks was only your lipstick, or if he was blushing himself too.
"I told you." You said quietly.
"Y/N." He started again, not breaking the eye contact. "I think this is the right moment to tell you that I really don't want you to look like clowns with anyone else who isn't me."
You only looked back at him, lost in his dazzling eyes.
You didn't need to ask anything else, it was obvious to you what was the real meaning behind his sentence.
"Don't worry, you are the one and only clown I care about." You said, giving him a sweet smile.
The way his face lit up after hearing that, could make even the sun jealous of his radiance.
For a moment you just stood there in the hallway, looking in each other's eyes and smiling.
You didn't even care when the students who came back to their evening lessons were giving you questionable and weird looks when they noticed your scarlet smudged faces.
You finally snapped back into reality, acknowledging the time.
"Baek, we need to go to our classroom." You said. "But-" You paused. "We might want to go and clean this up." You added, pointing at the glossy stains.
Baekhyun gave you what felt like the thousandth smile today.
"Bet who will Naruto run faster to the bathroom?"
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A/N: leave me your thoughts!! as always reblogs save lives uwuw
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Being Bill's lover and meeting his friends from Derry when Pennywise comes back headcanons
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Bill is pretty much the best person you have ever known
He is comprehensive, attentive and does everything in his power to make you happy because he loves you
You would often help him with his writing, giving opinions here and there on the books (especially at the endings because well, that's where he needed more help!)
You two had been together for almost a year and a half when he suddenly got a call from someone named Mike, an old friend from a small town called Derry
You hadn't been with him when he picked up the call, you were both at your separate jobs, but later when you got home, you knew for the expression on his face that something was wrong
And sitting in the living with a bottle of whisky between you both, he told you about Mike's call and the town he had grew up in. On top of all that, he told you about the little brother he lost and his old friends from childhood
You believed Bill. Of course you did. Not only because you loved him, but also because of the pain in his features and the way he started to strutter here and there. You had never seen him strutter
So as he packed his bags to go meet Mike as he had promised when he was just a kid, you also began to pack yours. He tried to stop you, but you made it very clear that there was no way you were going to let him go kill an evil clown without you
Very past midnight, you found yourselves in the back of a taxi to Derry
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Mike is the one who called the meeting
He is the first one you meet when you and Bill arrive together at the given adress
He seems to be an interesting guy, someone quite intelligent and perceptive
He greets you with a smile while saying that they would need all the help they could get
As he said so, you could see the almost fanatic expression he had in his eyes. Bill had told you that Mike had been the only member of their group that stayed in town through his life as an adult
You understood why he seemed so tired and exhausted from all of that, a thing like that could easily drive someone mad
When he begins to laugh with his old friends, his happiness is such that you had no doubt, he had missed his friends deeply
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The moment you meet her, you can see that Beverly is a person worthy of having around
She seems smart, is quite funny with the boys and talks in a way that makes you want to listen to her
You were able to notice also, that in the past, probably there had been something going on between her and Bill because of the way they look at each other, with longing and something unsaid
It did not make you uncomfortable, though. You weren't much of a jealous person. You trusted Bill completely and had in mind the fact that he had been romantic involved with other people before you, as had you
At the restaurant where Bill had promised Mike to meet him, you had sat beside Beverly and it didn't take long for you both to enter a particular conversation
As she had her elbows over the table and held up in her hand a beer, her sleeve got a bit down and you saw dark marks in there, like she had been involved in a fight
She noticed that you saw it and was quick to put the sleeve back in place. Then, she smiled like nothing had happened
You could see the pain behind that smile and made a silent promise to make sure that Bill was there for her when she needed
And if she wanted, you would be there too
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After less than five minutes of conversation, you understood that Ritchie was the joker of the group
He is the one that talked to you the most during the whole night
He would constantly make jokes about how the hell did Bill manage to get someone as beautiful as you in his life
And everyone would laugh hard at that, you and Bill himself included
Ritchie didn't stop talking, like, ever
He always had a comment to make and honestly you thought it was quite curious and couldn't help but laugh at almost everything he said
You thought that he seemed like an easy friend to have around, someone who would make you laugh or roll your eyes depending on the situation but still, would always be there
You hadn't laughed that much for a long time before that and looking over at Bill and to see him laughing too, it made you glad he had told you the truth and accepted your will to come with him
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Ben is a very quiet person
He doesn't speak much, just mainly laugh at what the others say and drink his beer from a glass in long sips
You sat between him and Beverly (Bill was on Bev's other side) so he at some point turned to you and began asking random, friendly questions, like where had you been born and what you did for a living
Conversation went on fine, he was a nice and polite guy
In a certain moment, Bill and Beverly had engaged in a conversation like the one you and Ben were having and you could see that Ben's eyes kept on going towards them, just looking as his smile faded away a bit (if you weren't sitting right beside him, perhaps you wouldn't have noticed that at all)
You realized in the very same instant that Ben was in love with her. You recognized yourself in that look, because that's how you used to look at Bill when you both weren't together yet
Ben laughed hard and got quite embarrassed when Ritchie began to talk about his appearance
He got so flushed that you found it cute
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Eddie was quite paranoic
He asked the waitress if the food had been well cooked at least three times, afraid of getting some unknown disease from eating it
The others told you that he had been like that ever since he was a child, due to his overprotective mother that feared for his health
He seemed like a nice guy. Pretty closed up, but when he would make some comment you saw that he was smart and really knew what he was talking about
He would often roll his eyes, because he was the one Ritchie made most fun of and that would develop into them bickering at each other
The others told you it had always been like that and apparently, it would continue to be
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Unfortunately, you didn't get to meet Stan
Later on Beverly had made a call and told the group with tears in her eyes that Stan had killed himself in the bathtub, after getting Mike's call about the clown
From what the others told you, he seemed to be a truly amazing person and friend
You wished you could have met him and as you comforted Bill, hugging him tightly, you felt the same desire they all had
To kill that stupid clown
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
→ requested by anon
gif credits: bill → @demonlady ben → @toesure ; stan → @mikeshanlon ; beverly + ritchie + eddie + mike → I saved the gifs and forgot to print the name of the owner (#feelingstupid) so please if these are yours, just let me know and I'll give you the credits I'm so sorry!
want to be added to this fandom's tag list? let me know
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Anniversaries, they’re important as hell. You would think after the first one that it would be less important or you don’t have to be as extravagant. That’s really stupid logic, and luckily Oscar wasn’t stupid. However, he was sad. Today marked the three year anniversary with Penny as his girlfriend but she had work tonight. Now he was in his shared apartment watching movies on the couch upside down with Jaune. It wasn’t terrible, but Oscar would much rather be doing his best to show Penny a good time at the beach picnic he’d plan. The moon was full tonight and everything!
The movie soon reached its credits and Jaune looked over at his clearly lovesick roommate. “Wanna watch another movie?”
“I didn’t really want to watch this one, and why am I the only one watching these upside down?”
Jaune tilted his head to see the boy's expression. “Because I was tired of seeing that sad pouty face. Buck up! You rescheduled your date for this weekend. That’s two days away!”
“But it feels less special…” Oscar groaned.
Jaune looked at him in disbelief. “I swear you’re just a male Ruby. She thinks like that.”
“I don’t know how I feel about that coming from you. Are you coming on to me Jaune?” Oscar smirked to make him uncomfortable. “Did you pick me as a roommate because I remind you of your girlfriend? How scandalous.”
Jaune chucked a pillow at Oscar and caused him to fall over on the floor and laugh. Jaune would be mortified but at least Oscar was smiling.
“Do not make those jokes young man! I fully believe Ruby would be down to clown with both of us now that you’re eighteen.”
“Uhh, I’m taken, remember?”
“Do you honestly believe Penny wouldn’t okay it? Ruby set you two up and your girlfriend is nice enough to let Ruby pull a crazy idea like that.”
Oscar’s face turned a little red. Jaune was not wrong. Penny would totally say “sounds neat” then give him a thumbs up. That was the thing about dating her, she was curious about everything the world had to offer. Especially with relationships. Not that he wasn’t, but such an idea was….
“Keep your mind out of the gutter Oscar.” Ozpin chimed in, internally. “Typical, haven’t slept with anyone and yet you fantasize the more advanced things. Oh virgins.”
Oscar’s face got redder.“Shut up! Just because you know I thought about it doesn’t mean you gotta bring it up.”
“Someone has to call you out on it.”
“Then let it be the person who actually pays rent.”
“Oh I’m sorry, who got you your job? Who works the night shifts when you’re sleepy? Maybe I should lock myself away whenever it’s time to pull a double?”
Oscar sucked on his teeth for a minute. “Oz…” he said kindly, “Let’s not fight, or do anything drastic.”
“Look at the tv.” Oz said bluntly.
Oscar looked at it to see his reflection. It crossed its arms and rolled its eyes before returning to normal. Oscar knew he was the only one seeing that but it never stopped being weird. Especially after the marathon of horror movies he did with Penny one time. Oz made sure to use every scare tactic imaginable that night. He just can’t help himself sometimes.
Jaune finally found another to watch but didn’t get the chance to play it. The doorbell rang, causing him to spring up and answer it.
“Expecting someone?” Oscar asked.
Jaune looked through the peephole and smiled. “Kinda sorta” he opened the door and Penny jumped inside the room wearing Oscar’s green flannel and ripped blue jean shorts: along with brown snow boots. A picnic basket was on her left shoulder and Ruby around her right.
“Happy Anniversary!!!”
“PENNY!!?” Oscar screamed. He immediately stood up to look less lame and opened his arms to his rapidly approaching girlfriend. He wasn’t expecting her to jump into his arms though. Oscar braced his body for impact but was surprised when she landed in his arms no heavier than a regular girl. 130 pounds at best, which was nothing to him. He could swing her.
“Hey you’re in you’re in your polymer shell. I thought you had work?”
Ruby raised her hand. “I stole her.”
Jaune and Oscar looked at each other highly concerned. They didn’t need Atlas military busting down their door and dragging them to jail. Ruby broke out into a laugh from their expressions.
“Relax, I’m just joking. We begged James. He’s such a softie.”
“I’ve also put in more hours than usual in preparation for this day!” Penny kissed Oscar’s cheek and couldn’t hide her excitement. Not like she ever did. In a way, she was like Ruby but more outgoing. Oscar couldn’t help but think about what Jaune said earlier. Maybe Jaune saw all of us like Ruby. That’s a weird thought.
As happy as he was, Oscar couldn’t help notice the picnic basket.
“Penny, is that for the food?”
“Of course! What else would I use it for?”
Oscar let out a defeated sigh. “I don’t know but we should figure that out because I didn’t cook anything because we rescheduled.”
Penny opened her mouth but nothing came out. She turned to Ruby who was face palming. Jaune clapped his hands together and mimicked Oscar’s sigh.
“Welp! At least you two are together!” Jaune smiled, saving the positive energy in the room.
“Yeah!” Penny tossed the basket on the couch. “Home cooking isn’t the most important thing. Who needs it?”
Ruby went to their fridge and opened it. She couldn’t believe just how food was stuffed in it. Oscar was going all out this time. Ruby closed the fridge and pulled out their pots. “New plan, the two of you cook the food and have dinner here. It would suck for the food to spoil.”
Oscar thought about it. “What about you two?”
“It’s an anniversary, not a double date. We’ll just go to my place.” Ruby answered.
“Why does this sound like an elaborate plan for you to sleep with Jaune?”
“Hahaha! I don’t need a plan for that.” Ruby smiled at Jaune but he squinted at her.
“Just because it’s true doesn’t me you have to say it.” He grabbed his shoes and took his girlfriend by the hand to leave.
Ruby waved her friends goodbye and winked before closing the door. Oscar thought Ruby was a little more gitty than usual. It had been a couple of weeks since her and Jaune were together so something was bound to go down between them. Penny took off her shoes and put her hands on Oscar’s shoulders. She positioned him over the couch and made him sit.
“Ummmm Penny?”
“Since I made the plans derail, I’ll cook and you find something nice to put on for the both of us okay?”
“But that’s kinda unf-”
Penny leaned down and pressed her lips gently against Oscar’s. The kiss felt like it was minutes long but must’ve only been several seconds. Strange, it felt a little warmer than usual. Penny pulled back and smiled her usual beautiful smile, then walked to the kitchen. That kiss scattered Oscar’s thoughts, so he stared at the tv for a minute before remembering to find a movie. If he objected then Penny would simply stun him with another kiss. A nice way to say “shut up”but she’d probably end up burning food if he constantly distracted her.
Oscar grabbed the remote and began scrolling, his reflection in the tv moving on its own again. It paced from side to side while rubbing his chin.
“Don’t you find this a bit odd?” Oz asked.
“Yeah, please stop walking in front of the synopsis.”
“That’s not what I- sorry.” He stepped to the side. “I was referring to your anniversary.”
“What’s so odd about it?”
“You had plans, had to reschedule, then the plans went back to normal unexpectedly, but it’s fine because Ruby already had a solution that works well for everyone. Even Mr. Arc didn’t seem too surprised.”
Oscar shrugged, “You think too much.”
“Gah! So you’re not even going to entertain the idea of something going on? Though I suppose since Penny can’t lie, this could really be coincidence.”
The clicking and presses slowly came to a halt. Now he was rubbing his chin. What Oz said was true. Penny can’t lie because she’ll hiccup however, she didn’t tell him in person. Penny texted him and Ruby can plan tricks as easy as killing grimm. Oz sensed Oscar’s doubt.
“You know I’m right. No way they would just forget that you were in charge of food and had to cook it. I’m sure there’s a harmless explanation but you know, keep your wits about.”
“I could just ask her.”
“Boring but effective. Whatever floats your boat.” Oz finally left the young man alone to his devices. Oscar didn’t appreciate the jab he just took.
“Pfft, you’re boring.” Oscar directed his attention to Penny. She was so focused on preparing the meal that she hadn’t noticed he was looking right at her. He really was lucky to have her. She would probably say Oscar was exaggerating but he genuinely believed that she gave him all the happiest he could ever ask for. Days simply couldn’t be terrible as long as Penny stood by him, even when things got rough. Scheme or no scheme, Oscar didn’t worry. He knew Penny. Good intentions ran through her more than anybody else on Remnant.
“Food’s ready!” Penny chanted as she carried two plates with steak, sliced potatoes, and fresh greens over to the small coffee table in front of the tv so they can watch movies while they eat. Oscar never got enough of her smile. It might’ve been because he was a little hungry and he knew her cooking was better than his but right now, Oscar wanted to marry this girl. One day hopefully, on another anniversary.
“Have I ever told you how happy I am to be with you?”
Penny’s face grew a little red. “All the time, and yet it still feels unreal admittedly.” She rubbed the back of her head and laughed sheepishly. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.”
Oscar gave her a quick kiss and smiled. “Happy anniversary. Wait here while I get your gift.”
Her eyes lit up with excitement as she watched him walk off to his room and come out with a small rectangular box. “Aww, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Penny, you built me a car last year. I can’t reach that level of awesome but I’m at least going to spoil you every chance I get. It would be a crime if I got you nothing.”
“You make it sound like building a car would be hard. It’s way easier than most of the things Atlas military creates on a daily basis.”
“No matter what you say, you’re not gonna downplay that gift. Anyways…” he handed her the box.
Penny wasted no time unwrapping the paper and opening it.The girl’s eyes got bigger and let out a gasp. “Oscar, is this…” she pulled out a golden chain that had a heart shaped locket on it that had intricate carvings of what looked like branches. Her finger lifted the top up and inside was two gears that spun. One green, and the other orange.
“No matter the inside, you’re as natural as nature itself.” Oscar said. “I’m not the greatest at making things like this but-”
“I love you.”
Her words caught him off guard and made his heart skip a beat. He looked at his girlfriend who had gotten a little teary eyed. She put the locket on and gave a heartfelt smile. “Well, how does it look?”
“Perfect…” that was all Oscar could manage to say. He didn’t know why but he felt so embarrassed. She never failed to make him feel so flustered. That’s love for you, it always made every minute feel extraordinary and uncharted territory.
“So...I guess it’s my turn to explain my present to you.” Penny said, anxiously rubbing her finger across the couch cushion.
“Man, I thought the highlight was the surprise appearance and you cooking dinner. There’s more?”
“Oh yeah.” Penny laughed nervously. “Oscar, you know you always say that you’re perfectly happy with the way things are between us, despite us not necessarily being a normal couple?”
“Yeah, why?” Penny could hear a bit of concern in his voice and started getting frazzled.
“Don’t worry! I feel the same way!” A hiccup came out right as she finished that statement, making her cover her mouth instinctively. Now Oscar looked really concerned.
“Umm, you sure about that?” He asked, pensively.
This conversation was going nowhere fast. Penny tried to do collateral damage as fast as she could.
“No no no, it’s not what you think! Honestly I’m super happy. It’s just….”
Oscar raised his eyebrow and tilted his head. “Just…?”
This was harder to say than Penny thought. The words were there but she couldn’t put them together right. All that information at her disposal and here she was, struggling with simple sentences. Penny took a deep breath and started over.
“Oscar, you love me the way that I am. You’ve had since the beginning. I didn’t have to change a single thing about me but I did anyway so we could enjoy each other’s company better. Like this polymer model so we could do things like go swimming.”
“Yeah, sinking to the bottom of a lake wasn’t the best first date experience.”
They both chuckled at that memory. Time sure did fly.
“Precisely. Then there were other upgrades over time to help me feel more human. Receptors for, taste, eating in general, heat, touch…” her trailed off.
Oscar’s focus was broken for a moment when the sound of Oz’s voice started speaking to him.
“Oscar I’m going to lock myself in your head for awhile so don’t expect any help with anything. Good luck.”
He wasn’t sure what Oz meant by that but he didn’t get the chance to ask before he felt the man’s presence leave. Oscar focused on Penny again who had gotten closer to him on the couch. There was practically no space between them as they sat side by side.
Oscar felt Penny take his hand. Had she always been this warm? Felt this...soft? It was more natural than usual. Maybe she got another upgrade? That was common.
“Oscar, I...I feel so normal around you. Things that usually make me feel out of place, well I don’t get that feeling with you.”
“I feel the same way. As far as I’m concerned, we are a normal couple Penny.”
“Then shouldn’t we be doing normal couple things? The things Ruby and Jaune do?”
That question lingering in the air momentarily for Oscar as his girlfriend stared at him, red blush spread across her face. His own face started to get red the more he acknowledged what Penny had just said. He watched the girl lean closer to him until he had no choice but to prop himself up with his forearm as Penny took the bold move to straddle him. She gently took his hand and placed it on her right boob, squeezing it slightly. Oscar felt like he was about to pass out.
“I didn’t have work today.” She admitted. “With the help of Ceil, Ruby and I managed to get me some upgrades I’ve wanted for a while. Like better touch sensitivity, the way my skin feels, and other...components.”
Both of them were a blushing mess at that last part. Oscar was smart enough to know what she meant. The reason however, that escaped him a little.
“Why go through all this? I mean, I never went into this expecting you to do something like this for me.”
“Because even if you’re happy with me emotionally, I don’t want to rob you of the physical experience a real girl could provide. I know you try and I hide it but you’re still a boy with needs.”
He couldn’t deny that. There were many times he looked at Penny or thought of her in a physical way that made his imagination go a little rampant. He was young after all, and she was so beautiful. Oscar felt a little guilty for not being upfront about it with her and avoided her gaze. Penny reached for his face though and turned it back towards her. She wanted to see those beautiful eyes of his when she confessed.
“ I did it for myself as well. Oscar I want to be close to you, feel connected to you. Doing this, is a thing I put a lot of thought into. I wanna try at least once. So please, will you have sex with me?”
She was nervous, down right terrified of what Oscar might say. Was this too much as once? Would he deny her request? Oscar was just looking up into her eyes silently with no indication on what was going through his mind. Penny was beginning to think this was a terrible mistake and removed his hand. She started to move off of him when Oscar suddenly sat up. His hand wrapped around her waist and Penny yelped as he placed her on his lap. Now they’re face to face, inches away from each other with red tint darker than Ruby’s hair.
“Oscar?” Penny whispered, anxiously waiting for him to speak. The way he leaned in compelled her to do the same.
“Penny, stop saying you’re not a real girl.” Oscar pressed his lips against hers. He could feel them tremble slightly before returning the embrace with more than equal force, rubbing Oscar’s chin at slightly pulling down on it to slide her tongue in. The sudden act gave Oscar shivers and made him pull her in closer. This wasn’t their first kiss like this, but it was definitely the first time it made Oscar this anxious. The tension he felt right now to stop himself from going too far or fast felt like he was playing tug o'war against a Goliath. That feeling went away the moment a small and fleeting warmth hit his face. Oscar broke off the kiss to see Penny teary eyed. The girl let out a giggle and started wiping them away.
“Penny are you okay? Did I-”
“Don’t worry, it’s not you. Well it is you technically.” She lightly giggled again. “I’m just really happy right now, that’s all. Let’s keep going okay?”
Her arms went on either side of his shoulders and wrapped around. Oscar gave the girl what she wanted and went right back to kissing her. She felt warm, very warm. Oscar couldn’t explain it but made him want to touch her more. Before he knew it, Oscar had leaned forward until Penny had no choice but to lay down on the couch and let him hover over him, not that it bothered her one bit. To see him be this into it was exciting to say the least.
The feel of his lips ended again when Oscar had no choice but to catch his breath Penny was ready for him to come back for more but was surprised when his face went past her own. Suddenly her body flinched the moment she felt him kiss and nip at her neck. Now she really didn’t know what to feel! This was something he hadn’t done before but it made her hard to lay still. His teeth gently grazed her until one nip sunk in more than the others.
“Aaa~” a moan finally slipped out from her and Penny quickly covered her mouth while Oscar stopped to look at her, also surprised. He honestly wasn’t sure if that was going to do anything for her. Apparently it did.
“You good?” He smirked.
Penny nodded and uncovered her mouth. “I don’t think I’ve ever made that sound before.”
“Well...today is going to be full of it hopefully.” Oscar grabbed the bottom of his orange shirt and pulled it over his head, freeing him from the stuffy fabric.
Penny only watched from underneath him. It was hard to believe when they first met that he was shorter than her and tiny. Now he was 5’10 and had a physique of an expert huntsman. His shoulders had gotten broad and there was practically no fat on him. His chest widened out and he was cut! Ruby had compared him to a pro swimmer before. His skin had gathered a handful of scars over the years. A couple along his torso and a few more faded ones on his arms. She was pretty sure there was more on his back too. Him and Jaune were almost the same bulk. It made her wonder if Jaune had looked like Oscar at fourteen. That thought was interrupted when the feeling of his fingertips went across her collarbone and down to the first bottom of her shirt. He had kept his gloves on for some reason but honestly, Penny thought it was pretty attractive. Ruby has clearly influenced her taste.
It only took a few seconds for Oscar to unbutton her shirt completely.
“Woah...” Oscar said without thinking.
He hadn’t noticed earlier but she wasn’t wearing a bra like usual, probably so he wouldn’t fumble with it. Today really was planned. That didn’t make seeing Penny’s bare chest any less of a hurdle. They were somewhere in the middle of Weiss and Ruby’s, but perkier. Not to mention her nipples were real pink and a little puffy.
Penny could feel his stare on her and it made her turn her head to the side. Something about it made it really hard to think and breathe a little heavier, which only made Oscar more turned on. It didn’t help that she was technically still in his shirt and the necklace he just gave her dangled around her neck.
“You’re breathtaking…”
His words made her face feel hot and ears red. “Can you not stare too much? It’s embarra-ahhh!”
Oscar’s hands gently grabbed the orbs and massaged them as he bent down and started kissing her stomach, scattered with freckles.
His kisses were slow and deliberate. Causing Penny to moan or gasp anytime his tongue pressed against her before his lips sucked on that spot as he made his way down her now arching body.
“Oscar…” was all she could manage to moan. How was he so good at this? Was he good, or was she a lightweight like Ruby had described to her? She just knew she liked this feeling. It was easy to understand why people talked up sex, why Oscar was so clearly eager despite not telling her directly. Her eyes shut tightly every time his thumbs methodically traced around her nipples, causing her to suck air in through her teeth. The fact this was foreplay only made Penny more excited for the main part.
Finally she was given a moment to relax. Penny propped herself up with one forearm to see Oscar unbuckle her shorts. Penny raised her hips up again for him to pull the fabric off, flinging it on the ground. Despite the flannel, she only had frilly pink panties on now that had become more than a little damp. Oscar thought now would be a good time to remove his own pants. He sat up to undo them but Penny unexpectedly grabbed his wrist. Her face at waist level to him as she was on her hands and knees, while Oscar rested on his knees.
“Let me.” She said in a voice that Oscar couldn’t begin to describe, but it made him gulp. Penny’s nimble fingers made quick work of the button and purposely slow work of the zipper. Oscar lifted one leg up at a time for her to pull his pants off. Now they were more or less in the same boat in terms of nudity. Penny couldn’t help but stare at the bulge in her boyfriend’s dark blue boxers. She reached out to touch it and wasn’t expecting to hear Oscar let out a light groan as it throbbed in her hand. Penny looked up to see Oscar red in the face and avoided eye contact with her.
“Did that...feel good?” She asked, genuinely wondering.
“More than it probably should’ve.” He admitted. “It feels different when...it isn’t me touching it, better.” He added.
“I see, do you...touch yourself often? Penny didn’t know why but asking such questions felt so overwhelming. Her hand gave the clothed shaft a few more gent strokes, earning another groan. Penny didn’t know Oscar’s voice could sound so husky and deep.
“Every so often.” Oscar couldn’t stop his hips from pressing more into Penny’s hand until she hooked his waistband and pulled his boxers down. She let out a little “eep” the moment his manhood sprung out. It was different from textbooks, bigger. Half a foot maybe? It was about as wide though. Penny put her hand around it as much as she could. She wasn’t expecting it to feel so hot, so alive. Her hand started stroking it without even thinking. Again she was rewarded with the sound of Oscar’s voice. Penny really liked that voice. Another personal question came to mind that she couldn’t help but know.
“When you touched yourself, did you think of me?” Her breathing got a little heavy asking that. It was enough to make Oscar twitch and throb even more in her hand.
Penny had no more questions, nothing else going through her head. Just the reaction to close her eyes and wrap her lips against Oscar’s searing length, gradually sinking her head down it before coming back up to the top, then down again.
“F-Penny!!!” Oscar shouted. He tried his best not to buck his hips but he couldn’t help himself. Penny used her free hand to grab his and rest it on her head. Her tongue slid around his manhood while she picked up the pace. His attempts to stay gentle made her really happy but it was clear to her that Oscar had forgotten something he didn’t have to worry about with her. Penny had a lot of things that made her more human in terms of design, a gag reflex wasn’t one of them.
Every second, Penny could feel him move more and more. All she could taste and smell right now was Oscar and the arousal that leaked out of him. Penny hummed lightly which only Oscar thrust a little harder, turning the hum into more of a moan. It didn’t take long before the sound of Oscar moaning joined the mix of scandalous sounds in the living room.
“Wait Penny, Penny I’m…!!!”
She was too lost in the moment to really register his plea. A couple of moments later and she felt Oscar grip her head especially tight, his body tensing up as he came. The taste from earlier had suddenly gotten a lot more potent. Penny’s eyes widened as ropes of seed were shot into her mouth. Still, she kept sucking just a little longer just to make sure nothing spilled out when she finally removed herself from him. Unsurprisingly, he was still hard. Ruby had told her that it was pretty common for young men to recover in no time at all, especially if they’re pent up.
Penny sat on her knees and looked up at Oscar, who had gotten a little sweaty and was breathing heavy. She was feeling pretty proud of herself right now.
Oscar had a million feelings right now and didn’t know exactly where to start. “That was… really good.” He huffed. “Let me get you a napkin so you can spit-” Oscar saw Penny gulp down his cum right before he could finish his sentence. If he wasn’t hard and blushing before, that would’ve done it.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” Penny said, still chipper about what just happened.
“Nothing, just…that won’t mess anything up internally will it?”
“Oscar if I can eat food then I can swallow.” She said, grabbing her drink on the small table next to them to wash down whatever might’ve remained in her mouth.
It was hard to argue with that logic. Penny wouldn’t do anything that would compromise herself anyways, he hoped. She did like magnets after all.
Penny put the cup back down next to their untouched food and wrapped her arms around Oscar again. She pulled herself back onto his lap to get a kiss that had somehow gotten more feverish than last time. Oscar’s hands went immediately to her soft and plump rear, grasping it firmly before pinning Penny underneath him again. This was good, she really wanted him to take the lead on this one. The way his erection poked at her inner thighs told Penny she didn’t have much of an option to begin with.
Oscar slid his right hand up her leg and under the then layer of fabric she had left to touch her soaked lips directly. The hold she had on him tightened while she gasped into their kiss. He kept trailing up and down his slit until his middle finger barely pierced her entrance. The heat and grip surrounding the digit was enough on its own to make Oscar shiver.
“I wanted to return the favor of going down on you, but I don’t think I can wait.” He groaned, centimeters from her ear.
“I’m perfectly fine with that. I want you inside of me.” Penny lifted her hips again. Her panties came off faster even than her shorts did, Oscar practically tossed them across the room, making her giggle. She liked this side of him. He was still caring but also very assertive in a way that was new to her.
Penny let out another moan as she felt his length rub against her. Oscar locked eyes with her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
“This way you don’t have to worry about me staring too much.” He joked. “I love you Penny Polendina.”
Her hand gently reached to grab her new necklace, her other and rubbing the side of his face. “I love you too, Oscar Pine.” She returned the chaste kiss, which quickly turned into a passionate one. Penny bent her knees more and spread her legs wider as Oscar began sliding into her hot entrance. She shut her eyes and moaned deeply, his manhood only a few inches in.
“Go slow please!” Penny gasped. Her body felt weird, but also really good. There was also a slight mixture of pressure that gave her a little discomfort as she was slowly being spread open. Penny could still feel pain after all. If you wanted to experience something good then you had to accept the possible flip side. That was good though. Pleasure, pain, good taste, bad taste, having the full range was ideal; it was normal.
Oscar did his best to go slowly. The way she coiled around him with such heat made him want to lose composure so badly, but he fought the urge. It took a minute before he was finally completely inside of her. Oscar took her left hand then interlocked their fingers. He had never seen Penny look winded before. It was...kinda cute.
“Are you okay?”
“Sen...sational” she giggled, out of breath. It had been awhile since she said that. “You can move when you're ready.”
“You sure?”
Oscar kissed her forehead. “I’ll start off slow.”
“Thank you…” Penny felt so weak right now and she didn’t know how to explain it. All she knew was it felt great. Not only that, being with Oscar like this made her happier than she could’ve imagined.
Oscar carefully started to pull out to the very tip before sinking back into Penny’s depth, making both groan all over again, again, and again. It didn’t take too long for Oscar to get to a rhythm of rocking his hips into Penny. Any pain started to subside and leave pleasure in Penny’s wake as she held onto Oscar by having her arms around his body. Oscar could feel Penny dig in a little into his back the more she moaned and got lost in the moment.
“Faster…” She finally moaned. Oscar didn’t delay in giving her what she wanted, what they wanted. His hips picked up the tempo until the couch started to creak from their love making. Any thought about controlling her moans were thrown out the window. Penny couldn’t resist moaning his name with every thrust that struck her deep inside. The only time noise went down was when the two kissed deeply.
Oscar brought her left leg up and around his lower back, while the right one dangled off the couch. This change in position brought Oscar even deeper than before; to the point Penny’s body arched again, rubbing against his.
“Gods Oscar!” She moaned, “You’re so deep” Penny found herself trying to sync up with Oscar’s rhythm, finding it the moment he grazed a new spot within her wall that made the spasm and Oscar bite down on her neck again.
“You’re so tight. So...ahhh! Penny!” Oscar couldn’t think straight. He could only keep rutting into her like a beast in heat. The apartment echoed the sounds of him slamming into her. It was a good thing he had aura, Oscar might’ve gotten a bruise otherwise. They found themselves staying like this for several minutes. Touching, tasting, hearing the intoxicating pleasure the other was making. As if it was the only thing that would sustain them. If it were up to them, this moment would’ve lasted forever, but neither of them could resist the intense urge building inside of them.
Oscar sat up and grabbed Penny’s hips, stabilizing the both of them as he continued to pump into her. He couldn’t help but stare at the womanhood that enveloped his length. The sight of her arousal covering and dripping off of his length only shortened his fuse. Oscar wanted to cum so badly but not alone. His thumb slid closer inward and started grazing her clit every time he thrusted into her. It gave him the results he was looking for. Penny started gripping the couch cushions and her voice started to get even more pleading.
“Oscar~!!! It’s too much!” She whimpered.
His own limits were finally reaching their end. “Cum Penny! Cum whenever you feel like it.” A thin layer of sweat started to coat Oscar as he tried prolonging the inevitable. “Fuck I’m so close!”
The pressure inside Penny just kept building and building like a knot that kept going pulled tighter. Until finally…
“OSCAR!” Penny felt that knot snap. Her walls mercilessly gripped Oscar with a grip that made him cave in at last, erupting rope after rope inside of her. She felt each one and made her shiver. Penny’s face went completely red. She couldn’t imagine the amount Oscar came. It was more than earlier! Oscar’s body finally came down from the adrenaline and he fell right next to her, thoroughly exhausted. Another thing Penny didn’t have to worry much about. Granted she was a little tired, but could easily be active for days on end still.
The girl looked at her tired boyfriend and rubbed his face. “You okay?”
“Happy Anniversary” he chuckled. Penny did the same and kissed his lips quickly.
“I’m gonna get dressed, put the food up for later, and then we can cuddle here?”
“I don’t deserve you. You’re so wonderful.”
“Not as wonderful as you are. Seriously, thanks for accepting me for me, but also still be willing to accept more of me. Letting me grow, change, and try to feel more...you know.”
“I will always support any version of you that you want to become. Forever and always. My other half.”
“My soulmate.” She rubbed her fingers through his hair as he started to doze off a little. Penny happily hummed and got up to clean.
Oscar laid comfortably on the couch. The presence of Ozpin slowly returning before he fell too deep into sleep.
“Good job. Personally I would’ve used the bed conveniently in the other room but hey, things happen fast.”
“Please tell me you weren’t watching all that?” Oscar groaned.
“Of course not, I believe in privacy. It’s not my fault you’re replaying what just happened. It’s kinda unavoidable, sorry.”
“I don’t care, I just can’t believe it went so well”
“I can, muscle memory remember? This might’ve been your first time but you have a massive pool of prior knowledge. Completely blowing it wasn’t gonna happen. I told you good luck for confidence.”
“How’d you know this would happen? Prior knowledge?”
“Oscar, it could be a faunus, human, android, or Salem, certain cues from women just do not change. I saw it coming a mile away.”
Oscar yawned and sunk deeper into the couch. “I guess it pays to be immortal. You know a lot.”
“A blessing and a curse. Like I know for a fact there’s no way Pietro approved or even knows about this scheme, or whatever upgrades she got for this occasion.”
Oscar’s eyes opened back up. There was no way Oz was wrong was wrong about that. If Oscar wasn’t tired, he’d be freaking out. Instead he simply closed his eyes again.
“I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”
Ruby laid on Jaune’s bare chest in bed as she went through her scroll during the movie they were supposed to be watching. Their clothes were scattered everywhere and they couldn’t be happier.
“Hey, I got a text from Penny. Looks like the plan worked.”
“Good for them.” Jaune said, playing with her hair. “Pietro is gonna murder him for sure.”
“Good thing you boost aura and healing.”
“Oh, so that’s your grand scheme. Hey, I’m happy to serve.”
“Yeah you are.” She puts down her scroll and straddles Jaune. “Think you can serve me at least one more time?” She took the remote away and smiled.
Jaune couldn’t help but smile too and flip her over to be on top. “I’m always up for your schemes” the two kissed and enjoyed their time together.
109 notes · View notes
rubykgrant · 4 years
OK, here is the text from the sad good-bye angst post, so hopefully it will be easier to read (and also, fixed some of my typos)
To Caboose-
Hey, Caboose… you know how you think you’re my “best friend”? Well, you’re not. You are more like… like the baby brother I kept asking my parents for, but then when I finally got you, I was just really annoyed because you were always in my space and breaking all my stuff, and I would get sick of you… but then one day, something happens, like you swallow a rock or whatever and start to choke, and then I save you, and I learn a lesson about how much I actually care about you. I wish I could have actually, y’know, acted like a real big brother. I could have showed you how to do stuff, taught you stuff, shared stuff with you… I’m sorry I didn’t. I wish I hadn’t yelled at you all the time… I still have no idea why you even liked me so much, I’m a jerk! You were always nice, though. I don’t know, maybe if I actually paid attention to what you said more often, then I would have been able to figure some stuff out, too. Just remember, you’ve still got a lot of people around you who can help you figure stuff out, and even more importantly; you can help them too. You understand some stuff better than anybody else, you figure things out before the rest of us, and they need you Caboose. I know you’re gonna be OK. You’re all gonna be OK. So, don’t be sad. I’m… I’m proud of you… little bro
To Tucker-
Tucker… man, YOU are my best friend. Seriously. Sometimes, when we weren’t hanging out together for whatever stupid nonsense reason, I’d see something and think to myself “I gotta remember to tell Tucker about that”. I’d imagine a whole conversation in my head, and then when I finally saw you again, y’know what would happen? You’d say EXACTLY what I thought you would! You know what else? I still didn’t get bored talking to you. I know it sucked and we didn’t stop complaining about it the whole time, but honestly… when we were just stuck there on Blood Gulch, you and me, talking to each other… that is still one of my favorite memories. I mean, I hated it at the time, but if I had to be stuck anywhere, on a loop… well, anyway. Tucker, I want to tell you something. I know you really well buddy, so I KNOW you feel like people are putting a lot of pressure on you, and I know you’re afraid of messing up, so you probably want to go back to when you didn’t have to try so hard, and then that back-fires because it MAKES you mess up. You don’t have to be perfect, Tucker. Nobody is. It is totally OK to mess up sometimes… but it is OK to actually TRY, too. Don’t stop trying, because… because you really do some amazing things. You’re important, Tucker. Now, go have a beer for me! Also, if it helps… think about me, sometimes. I bet you’d know exactly what I’d say if I was still there
To Donut-
Donut, you are like, my favorite guy over there on the Reds. I bet you didn’t think I liked you at all, considering the whole… “grenade incident” with my girlfriend, but hey- we were all extra stupid back then, huh? Nobody knew what was going on, and we sure weren’t making very good decisions. If Tex had gotten to know you, outside of all the BS we kept getting sucked into, I think she would’ve thought you were OK too. It… it really would have been great if things could have happened that way, if everybody could have just gotten to take a break from all the life-and-death situations, and had a chance to just hang out and chill. We all could use a vacation, but you definitely deserve one. You’ve got a big heart Donut, and even on the worst days, you were somehow still up-beat, trying to stay positive… I guess you kinda get over-looked a lot, but if you weren’t around, things wouldn’t be the same. Don’t stop looking on the bright side. Because you… you kinda ARE the bright side, Donut
To Grif-
Grif, I know pretty much all the crap that has happened to us is… basically my fault. So first of all, sorry man. Believe me, if I could go back and fix everything, I would. Then, maybe you wouldn’t have to get dragged half-way across the galaxy and back. You might be the only one who just wants to sit down and not deal with these stupid problems MORE than ME, and I don’t blame you. In fact, you got the right idea… I mean, what are your favorite things? Eating, taking a nap? Well, good for you! Those are normal things for somebody to want! Heck, those are things people NEED to do. If you don’t eat and don’t sleep, you die. I don’t think you’re lazy Grif, you just want to live long enough to enjoy life and relax. You are… probably the most down-to-earth out of everybody. If you weren’t around to complain, they’d all forget to sit down once in a while, or have a snack. You’re the anchor Grif, not because you hold them back, but because you keep them grounded. So, tell them to shut up and have a pizza party or something!
To Simmons-
Remember waaaay back, when you uh… when you were pretending to be a new Blue guy, and I was sort of “introducing you” to who was on the Red team? Remember how I kinda talked some crap about “a guy named Simmons”? Yeah, I knew that was you. I was just trying to mess with you, which I maybe shouldn’t have done… because I maybe have a problem with being an a-hole… and you didn’t really deserve that. So, yeah, um, I apologize. Besides, I didn’t mean it. You ARE smart, but that isn’t all. Simmons, you’re like… clever, and creative. Not just with “nerdy stuff”, you just… you know a LOT of things, and I bet if your guys actually listened to what you said, you would’ve gotten a lot more done. I bet that gets pretty damn frustrating, because you KNOW you aren’t stupid, and you just want to help, but you just kinda get pushed off to the side. That is why it is actually pretty cool, how you always keep on trying to make stuff happen. You keep trying to help. Actually, I think you really do make a lot of stuff happen, you just don’t always see it… I think you also don’t see the fact that we all actually like you, dude. I mean, I’m an a-hole, and I still like you. Your peachy-pumpkin buddy complains about you, but he also likes you. Don’t ever shut up Simmons, everybody needs to hear what you’ve got to say, and they’d miss talking to you on top of that
To Sarge-
Sarge, as somebody who also yells about the stuff he hates… I know there’s no way you actually hate everything so much. I mean, if you didn’t care about the people around you, would you even bother yelling so much? I doubt it. Um, as somebody who also has a problem with the whole “emotional honesty” thing… I can tell you, it’ll eventually get old. Not saying what you really think, not telling people how you really feel… it gets old. Everybody who has to deal with you will get sick of it, and then you’ll get sick of yourself. Once again, as somebody who maybe kinda sorta dislikes himself… that isn’t a way to be. It gets really old, really fast. Haha, and you ain’t THAT old yet, are you Sarge? So, trust me, don’t waste your time pretending to hate everything, and DEFINITELY don’t wait until the last minute to tell somebody what they really mean to you. It is way better to just talk to people so they know you actually appreciate them… and then stick around for whatever happens after. It can be pretty embarrassing, but you’re a tough guy. You can handle it
To Doc-
Doc, I don’t know why you never just ditched us, because we are basically like… a hydra made out of headache. When you think you stopped one moron, two more show up, and the headache gets more intense. You didn’t deserve this headache… or the headache that tried to literally take-over your body. Has anybody even told you how crazy it is, the fact that you got infected with an AI made of pure rage, and even that couldn’t stop you from being a nice guy at your core? I can’t even imagine how messed that must have been, you didn’t even know what was happening, there was this voice in your head that also hi-jacked your REAL voice, and it wanted to do was cause problems… but you wanted to fix problems. No matter how strong that AI thought it was, you were stronger. You are all about being… kind, and gentle, and peaceful… the rage inside that AI couldn’t kill that part of you. You are a lot tougher than people give you credit for. I wouldn’t blame you if you ever did just want to ditch everybody… but I think they really do like having you with them. They just don’t know it, because we all get too up in our own heads, and we forget about the fact that we aren’t just individuals dealing with dangerous crap… the guy next to us is dealing with it, too. You deserve more attention, Doc. You deserve to ask for help, and actually GET help. You don’t have to be the one that fixes everything. Remind everybody that they need to take care of you, too
To Lopez-
I feel like I should just say “sorry” about a thousand times in a row. I mean, you’ve been getting thrashed around since day one, you never got a break, and on top of that, nobody bothered to try and understand you. Well, I know YOU can understand ME, Lopez. I don’t have time for all the apologies you deserve, but I do want to say something… thank you. Thanks for putting up with everything, over and over again. You didn’t have to, but you did. Oh sure, you’re a “robot”, and most people would assume that means you have to follow orders and do what humans tell you… but hey, from one artificial intelligence to another? We both know that is BS. Despite how exhausting it is to give a damn about this group of clowns, it is even harder to stop giving a damn about them. If anybody ever wants to argue a case for robotic rights, you are a prime example of free will AND the fact that there are ghosts in the machines… I don’t mean like me, I mean like whatever the heck it is that makes emotions happen, and how there is something that makes us ignore logic and reason, just to do the right thing. I think that is part of being human… but it is also part of being alive. You aren’t a human, but you don’t need to be. You’re already a better person than half the a-holes I’ve met in my… very messed-up life. Oh, and Lopez! I bet if you like, drew a crying frowny face on a sticky-note and stuck it to your helmet, everybody would finally get a clue
To Wash-
Wash, I… I’m not sure how to even say this… I am so, so sorry. I am so damn SORRY. Part of me hurt you… when you first got implanted with Epsilon, it almost destroyed you. I didn’t even realize this until I got my own memories sorted out, but when that AI first linked-up with you, that part of me… sort of shared YOUR memories, too. I never knew how to bring it, because how do you start THAT conversation? “Hey man, I know who your favorite Care Bear is” or “Dude, remember your cat Loki?”. Yeah, no. I wish we could’ve gotten to actually know each other NOW, with me being more like who I actually am, or at least what I feel like is the real me. Maybe then we could’ve talked, and I could’ve apologized, and I could’ve told you that… you’re OK, Wash. I still feel kinda guilty, I know how you think and feel, but I only know that because my most painful memories got shoved into your head. What I mean is, this feels like I know a secret, but you didn’t want to tell me… well, now you know I know, and I hope you can forgive me. Oh, and for real, don’t be so afraid to be a dork! I know you felt like the reject in the Freelancer group, but come on! Look at who you’re with now! Let them make you laugh. Let them talk you into doing stupid stuff. Go be a goofball. Make them watch Care Bears with you. Now, seriously, do that. It’ll be hilarious!
To Carolina-
I thought maybe… if I saved you for last, it would be easier… but it really isn’t. How do I even EXPLAIN, how I feel? I went through… a LOT of crap. I got manipulated, tortured, used as a weapon, forced to hurt people, torn apart and put back together again. I hated most of my life… and you know what? I’d still go through it all again, knowing I’d eventually meet this group of weirdos, and knowing that I’d eventually meet YOU. I doubt I’m what most people would consider a “father figure”, and honestly the idea of being in charge of keeping a very small person alive scares the heck out of me, but um, I- I guess, uh… aw, whatever, I wish I could have been there for you when you needed a dad. I’m sure I would’ve sucked, but if nothing else, I wouldn’t have just stood back and watched while you half-way killed yourself trying to prove yourself. You’ve got nothing to prove, Carolina. You also don’t need to keep hating yourself, either. I know you’re carrying around all the guilt for every mistake you every made, and I know you can’t just forget about it… but PLEASE, don’t go and half-way kill yourself because you think you need to be punished somehow. Everybody does bad things, some worse than others, but that doesn’t mean you are going to be nothing but a bad person forever. I also want to say… if she… if she had known… Carolina, if Tex had realized who SHE was and who YOU were before everything went to hell… if things had been different, you two would have gotten along. No, more than that… she would have loved you, Carolina. Your mother always did, but Tex would have too, just from getting to know you. As a person, daughter or not, she would have loved you. I think maybe… that was why she kept trying so hard, every time she got brought back. She didn’t have a choice about being there, but once she was, there was something inside her that kept telling her she had something important to do… but she forgot what it was. Allison wanted to come back to you. She wanted to get back to her daughter. That was her real failure, dying before she could see you again. I wish she could have, just once… and I’m so glad I got to know you, just for a while. It wasn’t long enough. Carolina, you’ve been through a lot. You’ve lost two families, your parents and your friends from the Freelancer program… but you aren’t alone anymore. You’ve got a new family now, and they are a tough bunch to get rid of! I mean it, you are stuck with them now. If I can give one line of “fatherly advice”, it is this… show them who’s boss. Are they acting crazy> You act crazier! Are they being annoying? You show them they don’t even know the MEANING of annoying! Remember, you are the BEST, Carolina. So, be the best at being a problem. Living with them is like a game, and if you try to be the only one with brain cells, you’re gonna lose. Haha… man, this is already too much, I didn’t mean to ramble so long… I guess I feel like… I feel like if I just keep talking… if I just keep TALKING, then this won’t have to end, it won’t be over, I won’t have to… I guess I just have to say it, don’t I? OK, OK… I love you, Carolina. Good-bye
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zhonglishrine · 4 years
The Sky Is Too Far
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Pairing: Reader x Nikolai Gogol x Fyodor Dostoevsky Note: Basically I’m trying to implement reader in Gogol’s love quest so it become triangle mess. Thank you for @fyowyn-writes​ and my friend Negin for beta/proofread this!
One of these days you might bleed your heart for real. Why? Because loving someone and having it unrequited is something is quite painful to bear. Like a cross that is forever burning inside your chest. But you already know, once you have signed the deal, seeing the subtle hints here and there, you should’ve known better than to hope for something so futile and impossible to grasp in the first place. However, you are still too stupid to believe and too naïve to think that he might spare you a little glance, looking at you back like how he did to him. Full of affection and attention— as an intimate friend, or more than that.
You never know how he truly feels for him, but hearing him talking about him is enough to tell you that.
Getting into a relationship with Gogol is never an easy thing since he wasn’t one to put any label for you and him. But you two were just that… having a dubious and questionable relationship from the start as he let you be the one to guess what you two are. Were you nothing more or less than a companion with benefits to him? Knowing Gogol, he is not one to tie himself with any commitment but that didn’t stop him from luring you with a bit of hope and whisper to you with his sweet words for his mere amusement. He enjoyed seeing your different reactions and all that surprised expression you make.
Behind his snickers and porcelain mask, he always led you to confusion as you kept searching for the answer of his riddles. Endlessly trying to catch up to him like stretching your hand up to the sky hopelessly. You are a flightless bird that cannot fly, and he is the endless mirage that you can’t touch but only can see from your invincible cage.
Just what are you to him?
That was the question that you always want to ask but too afraid to know. It stuck in your throat each time you tried to bring it up. Some things are better once left unknown, as the truth is bitter to swallow. However, you still wish if only you could do something, anything to win his heart, even if you know who has already occupied it.
Although, the said person did not reciprocate his feelings as well. At least, you can tell that as much.
But does Fyodor know about how Gogol truly felt towards him? For you, it was too plain and obvious to see, as he treasured him and had profound respect towards the said anemic man from the way he talked and the way he looked at him. And you doubt he was stupid not to see it as Fyodor is observant and nothing is left unseen to his eyes. Just like an omniscient God, he knows and oversees everything. However, that doesn’t mean that he would care for such petty feelings harbored towards him— every single person is just a pawn for him after all, a mere puppet that danced within the palm of his hand as he tugged on its strings.
That included you, and Gogol wasn’t an exception either.
As no one is special in the eyes of God since he treats everyone equally.   
Isn’t that what he hates the most? Isn’t that why he wants to get rid of it by losing sight of himself? However, it was still something quite entertaining to watch. Even he was extra hopeless in front of Fyodor. Restraining himself so that he would not appear too desperate. At times when he was frustrated although he didn’t openly display it, you are whom he came to. Either to talk or just to vent what he repressed. He dislikes not being free, he said so many times, and yet he keeps coming back to the same trap again and again and it binds him the more he was in it. In an endless circle of this never-ending wheel, unable to touch his moy d'yavol as he can only gaze from afar just like how you keep looking at him.
If only he would stop and look back for once, then perhaps you might reach him. But no, you never get that chance and he never bestows you that opportunity. Neither one of them gives that room to sort how they truly feel about. Too prideful and too egotistical to admit the truth, lest their weaknesses be uncovered and they appear vulnerable. 
And you can never understand what they are thinking. One is a man chasing down his path of Godhood, simply holding pawns in his hand, disposing them after they are no longer of use. He breaks them with bestiality prior to mercilessly tearing them to shreds, that is his melodramatic games that he likes to play with all the pieces he collected and salvaged. So beautiful Fedyushka, he graciously lifted his fingers on the chessboard without moving any muscles but he controlled all their movement from the shadows like a true ringmaster. Drawing the cards from the deck only for him to toss it aside and burn it in flames once he has figured it out. He set his own rules and he won his own game. That’s just how he is. A devil in disguise that swore to wipe clean the sinner from the face of this earth as if he was truly the God he proclaimed to be.
Another one is a clown, his whole life being a sheer joke and a satire that he parades around proudly with his maniac laugh. Playing his role as the Fool for his King and to entertain his audiences to satiate their greed. Fooling them all by the snap of his fingers just how magicians always did their magic tricks. But Nikolasha is always the sweet arlekin jester one, he knows what his audiences want to see and hear so he pulls them with his charms best with his gleaming grin. Magnificent and splendid he was, yet he never once wins against his Fedyushka in a chess or poker game or anything else. But you on the other hand, always lost to him even before the bet was at stakes. Always three steps behind as he keeps moving forward to chase his important friend that he claimed already too far ahead. And still, neither of you or him achieve what you truly want and are still caught in a stalemate. 
Why won’t he look at you, dear Kol’ka? Doesn’t he know that Fedya only manipulated and toyed with him? Fyodor wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice him even though he had claimed how Nikolai was one of his treasured subordinates. He knew how to pull the string of his words to temper with his chaotic mind. Like ivy tendrils wrapped around his heart as he was left at his mercy with every thorn pricking him within every inch. However, he still stayed, it was a poison he intoxicated himself with a perilous risk he was willing to take, yet even so, he is blindfolded by his sentiments, negligent to how they keep on hurting him. Maybe he just enjoys that thrill, the one that you weren’t able to provide him.
Oh, sweet, sweet dear Kolya. He is such a fool, really.
And you are no better either, wanting what you can’t have. It’s both tragic and pathetic, childish even. You know it already, but you can’t help wishing upon a connection solid as concrete. A little validation that there is something between you two. And it is never easy to spit it out after it has taken the root within your soul. Being attached to him when he gives you empty promises is a grave mistake. He has warned you so not to trust any of his clown words, and yet you keep falling for it, ignoring his blatant warning. So, who can you blame but yourself? Even when it hurts you piteously, as you are left unable to utter the words,  desperately endeavor to manipulate the surge of sentiments within you, those that are killing you slowly. You do love him dearly, and yet those are things that will hinder him to you. He never wants any personal feelings to be involved.
You two are similar to one another in one more ways than one; as  you were simply a grotesque reflection of his depraved desire. Perhaps, that is why he didn’t want to look at you? As  you both suffer from this torment but never bother to make it stop. Just how he never spares you a glance neither did Fedyushka do to him. Call this sentiment as one may associated with perversion, what makes it hurt there is the little reminder that left of his sanity and your will that you both are still a mortal being played by God and his destiny. You never had a place in the beginning for him and neither did he for him.
Love truly can make one blind, with one eye or not. However, it is too vast of context. His love for Fyodor can be described as a platonic one, or maybe it was twisted, a sentiment that consumed his whole mind. Fedyushka is the only one he set his eyes on, and all he wants is to prove that he can get rid of him so that he can be as free as a bird.
And it tugged the string of your heart whenever he kept reminding you of that fact. You were never of any importance to him, just how much Fyodor was with the way he treats you and the way he acts around Fyodor. It is too much of a difference with how his molten gold eye would lighten up and how enthusiastic he was whenever his Fedyushka was involved.
There is a little piece of your heart that you resent, the feeling of a tiny bit of jealousy with the unconditional treatment he gives him. You knew that he would do anything for him in a drop of a hat. What is different there to one that devoted themselves to the God that he actually despised? The duality of a man he is. If he cannot be honest with himself, what makes you think he would open up to you anyway?
You were tired, and it is mentally draining, you have scrapped your knees as you have fallen many times to give up chasing him. But whenever you see your darling jester again, despite all the bruises you had and how battered you are, you were still drawn to him. Again, and again, it was an endless chasing game in this labyrinth of a maze with no exit once you are in. 
And you wonder… are you truly okay with unrequited love? Was it enough if you can talk with him and hear his voice even when a single word that he speaks was not meant for you?
Dos-kun this, Dos-kun that. Always Dos, Dos, and Dos. Everything is always about Dos.
Keeping your smile in silence, you would listen to his prattle until he is done talking. But that always ached your heart the more you tried to mask your feelings. Really, Kol’ka, would it hurt if he talked about you a little? Sparing a thought about how you feel? Or was it too much to ask from him? Oftentimes you find yourself unable to say anything as you lost your voice in exasperation, holding back your tears from falling. Yet, you are stronger than to succumb to such reasons in lieu of coming across as vulnerable in front of him. 
But you still wanted to scream bloody murder to his face, however at the same times you were also too much of a coward to let him know how you feel. Whether he was too stupid or he simply did it on purpose to mess around, you can never tell. You could never read his unpredictable nature, for he is like storms that can bring a hurricane if he desires, and for all you know, he can then be sunny and bright, as though nothing had ever happened at all. It’s frustrating to play this game with him continuously. It hurt you, so painful just to pretend that you were okay.
Or maybe that is just how he is… truly free just like his true nature is. You look up feeling rather defeated with the game you never even once won. Nothing you could do to change him after all, as bitter as it was to admit it. He is just too stubborn for his own good as he keeps pursuing his goal. But in case you ever managed to do so, then he wouldn’t be the Nikolai Gogol that you have known. Despite all of his ignorance, he is still someone that has stolen your heart and you are the one willingly let him to have it. Stretching your hand up, you shield your eyes from the glaring sun. Narrowing your eyes to filter the sunlight, you wait until your vision gets used to it to see better.
The sky is too far indeed, and it is only beautiful just to solely watch and no more. Just like him. Perhaps, this is why you can only gaze at him from where you are, still unable to reach. 
Still, hopeless to wish.
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Gilly Lopez x Reader
Serie Index. Chapter 2.
Word Count: 3.6k
Author comments:  I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. Gif isn’t mine. 
Tag list: @STARRYNITE7114 @CHIBSYTELFORD @DAZZLEDAMAZON @MARA-MPOU 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“She didn' called you, man?”, Angel falls down on the sofa, putting his legs on the table.
“Who are you talkin' about, uh?”, Traq asks interested.
“We met a girl last friday. She destroyed Angel's ego”. Coco laughs loudly having a seat at the left of Gilly. “Bonita y con carácter”. (Pretty and strong character)
“We all asked her for a drink, but she preferred our big guy”, EZ puts his hands on Gilly's shoulders to palm them, who doesn't look very delighted because he thinks you're not gonna call him. “I know her. Sometimes she buys at pops. Her name is (Y/N)”.
“She told me she works at a preschool. We can fin' her, if you wan', brother”. The proposition that Coco makes sounds crazy, 'cause he doesn't want to bother you and lost the least opportunity he can have.
Gilly sighs getting up refusing to do it. “Probably she only did it just to piss you off. I don't know why I have illusions”.
“C'mon, man! Don't treat yourself like that!”
“Yea', you're a good guy!”
“And pretty smart”.
“And you can fix everything. Literally. The man of the house!”
The guys try to cheer him up, but isn't enough. If he compares himself with them, he thinks that there's no game he can play. His insecurities and his poor self-confidence talk for him. ━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━ The ring above the door makes a soft sound announcing you, inside the shop. You're wearing a peaceful smile in your lips, waiting in the middle of the place to be attended. Felipe goes out of the warehouse, looking you through his glasses. He smiles too taking off the apron to hug you warmly.
“Que bueno verte, querida. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?” (Good to see you, honey. How can I help you?)
“¿Crees que podrías darme el número de Ezequiel? Perdí mi teléfono hace unos días y necesito hablar con él”. (Could you give me Ezequiel's number? I lost my phone few days ago and I need to talk with him).
“Everything is ok?”, his voice turns worried, keeping his hands holding yours.
“Yes! Yes! We just... met last friday and I was talking with a friend of EZ. He gave me his number but... well, I'm a mess. What can I say?”
“Give me a second, sweetie”, he replies with a nod. He looks for a paper to write it, giving you once it's done.
“Me has salvado, muchas gracias”. (You saved me, thank you so much).
“Anything for you, mija”. ━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━ You feel ashamed. You have the phone in your hands and the chat with the Reyes opened. But you don't know how ask him for Gilly's number. They're gonna think you're dumb or something like. A heavy sigh goes off of your mouth, rubbing your eyes and laying the head on the sofa. Maybe it could be a good a idea go to the club. Well, everybody knows where it is. So, you're into it without overthinking.
You wear some comfy clothes; a jeans, crop-top and a pair of sport shoes. Light make up and the hair in a braid. With the headphones on, you walk out of home in your way to the MC. Walking helps you to think wich words you're gonna use to talk with him, now that you're sober and you feel a little shy. But arrive takes you less time than you expect. With a deep breath, you go to the junkyard's office because you know it's not allowed to follow the road to the clubhouse. A man with strange hands and a particular happy attitude receives you.
“Hi! Uhm... Is it possible to talk with... Gilly?”
“Oh, yes! You should be the pretty girl the guys talked about!” Your face turns with confussion while the man turns around to take the phone. “Pretty girl is here!” It's everything he says nodding energy. There's a small pause till he hangs up the call. “He's at the club. Come with me, I'll guide you, pretty girl”. (Meanwhile at the clubhouse).
“Yes, tell her to come”. Bishop hangs up the phone with a big smile in his face. “Man, this girl has two big balls”.
“Who is it, prez?”, Creeper asks.
Everybody at the room looks at Gilly, who is about to have a heartattack. The guys celebrate noisy palming his back, shoulders and nape. He's in some kind of shock, because can't believe you're there.
“I'll open the door, don't move”. Tranq laughs watching his facial expression, getting up of her couch.
“She is gonna freak out if she sees us all here”, Ez comments laying his back against the chair. You smile back with your hands inside the pockets of the jeans, following him downstairs. You can avoid to look everything around feeling a lot of curiosity about it. Only two minutes before findindg a metallic frontdoor with some mayans' symbols in it. It's opened by a man you didn't met before. More or less on his fifties, short hair and a lot of tattoos decorating his arms. His big. So big and tall he looks like one of those doormen of a nightclub. You're about to show him your identification to prove that you're an adult. But then, he smiles kindly.
“(Y/N), right? I'm Tranq. Welcome to the Mayans MC”. He's being courteus when he feels you're a little scared. Let's be honest. Nobody in their right mind would go to place where there are a lot of men, of whom you've heard that they traffic with drugs and kill people.
“Nice to... meet you”. This is everything you can reply, forcing a smile while he lets you some space to walk in.
There's a big yard with a boxing ring at the left and a sort of a parking where the motorbikes are parked. The house is in the middle. Blue walls and white fences, a little old. But you like it. Following the man, you decide to wait at the hall, outside, when he opens the door and you find the men in. Now you're more scared and start to think that you should have texted EZ. “Eh, Gilly, you have visit!” Tranq shouts, making you walk a step behind.
“My ego's still hurting!” Angel's voice appears in the middle of nowhere, causing everyone to laugh.
It wasn't a good idea to come. Maybe they were making jokes these days about you, like if you were able to be with one of them. Crazy thought. You sigh in silence, turning around to go downstairs, walking to the frontdoor. You wanna come home, feeling stupid like never before. You start to believe that maybe it was just a gamble to see who fucks with you first, and that's all.
“Hey!” Gilly calls you, trying to get your attention, but you keep walking. And he knows why. “Shit, Angel! I'm gonna fucking cut you into pieces!”
That sounds good, but you're not in the mood to stop, till he grabs you by an arm.
“Hey, wait! I'm sorry. He's an asshole”.
“It doesn't matter, seriously... I... I just... Forget it. I'm going home”. He stays on his feet looking at you incredulous, stopping you again.
“You came for a reason, don' you?”.
“Yes, before feeling like a clown to you all”.
“I just... I just... lost my phone. And I went to the carnicería Reyes to ask for EZ's number, so he can give me yours. But then I thought ‘well, I could go and ask him, and maybe talk about something’, but... it was nonsense”. Your hands are gesturing more than normal, because you're upset and uncomfortable.
“To me has a lot of sense”. He purses the lips shrugging with the hands inside the vest' pockets. Has the same shy look he showed the night he asked you for a date. “Look, Angel has a big mouth, he doesn't thinks. But is a good guy. And you also impressed my boss. He thinks you're fucking crazy coming here”.
His last words make you doubt. Is it a compliment? The only thing is very cleat is that you want to hang out together, no matter the risks or the dangerous bullshit. And yes, maybe you're a little bit crazy, but that has its charm. You pull the long braid to your back without knowing what more you can say. “So... you still wanting my number?”
Of one of your pocket, you take the old iPhone you're using while have enough time to go and buy a new one. After type the pincode, you offer him with a softly smile. He holds it, moving his finger all over the small screen.
“Ready”. You listen, with your eyes in nowhere. Turning the attention to him you take it back. “What if... I pick you wednesday at seven?”
“Sounds good. I mean, yes, it's perfect”. The idea of having a date starts to be real and this gives you some nerves, like if you were a teen. “I live near of the bus station, we can meet there”.
“Great! I'll be at seven”. He repeats in case you didn't listen, before give you an unexpected hug. ━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━ You're not very convinced with the outfit, but seems like match the way he dresses. The long and vaporous black dress with white points, covering your knees and an opening to mid thigh and a neckline that highlights your clavicle. As shoes, one of those classic black Convers. Your hair is tie in a ponytail and the fringe perfectly blushed. Some light and natural make up finish it. You like it. You would use it to go out any night. And you hope he likes it too.
You're nervous feeling those butterflies people talk about, for first time since long time ago. With a small bag on your shoulder and a hand supported in, you walk with your eyes on your feet, taking your time till arrive to the bus station. It's almost seven and Gilly is there, when you're in the opposite sidewalk waiting for the green light to cross the road.
“Woah...” Is everything he says when you're finally together.
“What? Is it something wrong?” Your voice turn confused, looking your reflection on a big window some meters away.
“No, no! I mean... Woah, you look pretty”. He gets up from the hood of the car with a big and satisfied smile, before hugging you. He also kisses you loudly in the cheek, making you laugh.
“You smell really nice”. With a sigh, you confess.
“You like it?”
“Yes! A lot, actually”. Your cheeks turn into red ashamed, then he laughs back and it's a moment you would like to live forever.
“Ok, let's go. I thought could be funny go to the fair in Santa Madre. What do you think?”
“Yes! Sounds good! Never been there. At the fair, I mean”. You're talking too much, even your fingers are shaking softly. When you're about to take a seat, you find a medium wrapped box with a blue paper. “What's that?” You ask taking it, before get into the car.
“I don't know, take a look”. He shrugs innocently, taking his place next to you. The engine of the red Mustang roars with fury, starting to move at the same time you put the seat belt on your chest and waist. Leaving the bag on your foot, you unwrapped the present, finding one of the last iPhone they released. Your hands, holding it, fall on your lap.
“I can't accept it. It cost like... One thousand dollars, Gilly...”
“You can and you will. I want you can read my messages without gettin' blind”. He jokes on you, looking to your side for a while. You know there's nothing else you can say, so just simply hugs him and give a kiss on his cheek. “I didn’t know wich was your favourite color. I think you're more into green or purple, but I bought it white 'cause you look like heaven”.
“Dammit, Gilly!” You laughs again a little bit loudly.
“You didn't expected, uh?”
“No”. The laughter are matched inside the car, while you're opening to get the phone. It's really cool and you can't wait to change for yours.
“We can find a phone case in Santa Madre, if you want”.
“Yes! I don't wanna break it. And I'm also about to activate the findme! app. I didn't with my last one, but at least I have a backup of pictures and music”.
“I charged it for you, so you can configurate while where on the road”. ━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━ There is a lot of people in town. The night is falling on, the streets starts to fill with music, voices and laughs. It's beautiful than you could imagine. Everything seems so colorful with flowers of different types and size around the corners, decorating each lamppost in the main square. The fair gives you some melancholy about your life in Tijuana and his populars fairs in summer.
“You wanna eat somethin'?” You come out of your reverie when his voice claims your attention.
“Yeah, sure, uhm... What about that foodtruck?” You point it with a finger, some meters away. The smell of french fries with bacon and cheese is calling you. Your mouth waters.
“Pretty girl has decided”.
“Don't call me like that!” You laugh giving him a softly clap on his shoulder. “Who chose it, ah?”
“Actually, it was a thing between Coco and me. He called you ‘bonita’, I said ‘pretty’, and that's the story”.
“Good god, what a shame...”
“Oh, come! Si eres bonita, eres bonita”. He smiles at you, taking your hand to turning into your feet, while the skirt of the dress dance in the air for a moment. Unexpected, his arms ends on your shoulder, taking you closer to him. You don't wanna let him go and he doesn't seems either.
Waiting in line to order the dinner, Gilly's phone starts to ring. He takes out of the pocket rolling his eyes. You don't wanna see who is, but because of the reflection you read ‘Angel’. He makes you a sign with a finger, walkin away some steps to answer it praying for the MC doesn't need him this time. “¿Qué puedo servirle, señorita?” (What can I serve you, miss?)
“Oh, ahm... Dos cajas grandes de patatas con queso y bacon, por favor. Y... dos limonadas, gracias”. (Oh, ahm... Two large boxes of french fries with cheese and bacon. And... two lemonades, thank you).
Gilly walks next to you, holding the phone between his shoulder ans his ear twisting the neck slightly, to give you some money. You shake your head raising a hand, giving your credit card to the man who is attending you. “Is everything ok...?” You inquired low, waiting for the order.
“Just the guys wanting to know how is going”. He replies with the same low tone. Then, you point the phone asking him to take it. He looks at you with incredulity, turning his face into a gesture more funny. He gives it you without doubting.
“Hey, you asshole, if you keep botherin Gilly I'll destroy something more than your ego”. You've been so brave till you start to listen more than one laugh. The speaker in the other side is on. Shit. Your date is laughing too because your threat, taking the order and your credit card. “So... Now you... all know... Adiós! You hang up the call, putting the phone inside the pocket of his jacket with you lips pursed.
“They're gonna think I'm crazy”.
“Yep, but I like it”.
Finally you two seat on a bench, leaving the drinks between both. You're hangry, he's too, so eat in silence looking around you. But it isn't uncomfortable, you're having a good time.
“Where 'you from? 'Cause you don't sound like american”.
“Really? So, you speak spanish”. You nod sipping of your lemonade, leaving away the empty box.
“Yeah, I came here two years ago for work. I teach spanish in a prescholar. It's kinda fun actually”.
“Bonita e inteligente”. He says proud of his accent and his words.
“What is your job supposed to be?”.
“I... I don't wanna... lie 'you, (Y/N)”.
“Then, make up the truth. You know, everybody talks in Santo Padre. Mayans MC makes the rules”. He sighs putting down his eyes, taking a time to choose the right words. He doesn't wants to scare you. His life isn't easy and maybe he hadn't cared before, until he met you.
“I'm a mechanic”, he says finally looking at you. “And... sometimes, I ship to other cities”.
“Like FedEx?” You joke, trying to ket him know it's ok. He laughs nodding.
“Yeah, but kinda... more dangerous”.
“So, you're the FedEx extreme, woah, sounds interesting”, you say resting one leg on the other, with the drink supported on your lap.
“I don't wanna scare you, (Y/N)”.
“I'm from Tijuana! How you could?”
“Ya' know... It's not actually the same...” Another sigh goes down. It feels like he thinks don't deserve something like you're about to create. “I would be okey if you don't wa...”
“But I want, Gilly”. You interrupt him, turning a few your body till you're face to face. “I want this”. Then, you point the small distance between both to highlight the reference. “And you don't have to tell me anything you want, or anything you can't. It's okey, Gilly. That doesn't count as ‘secrets’.”
“Okey, but if one day y...”
“I said no”. You take him with an arm on his shoulder to leave some kisses on his cheek. ━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━ The date was perfect. He also won you one of those big teddies of a dog; bigger than you. So you were walking to the car performing your best of Agnes with his unicorn (of Despicable me). He was laughing because it's one of his favourite movies.
The engine stops when you arrive to your house. Lights on. Your house-mates looks through the window with knowing looks. You lay against the seat asshamed, covering your face with both hands. You love Gilly's laugh, but there's nothing funny at this time.
“I would like to tell you to come, but... my own crew is waiting”. You say in a whisper with redded cheeks.
“Mine too, you know. So, uh... buenas noches”.
“Buenas noches”.
This is uncomfortable. The unknowing about kissing or not. You want. He wants. But it's the typical moment of two teenage with their first kiss. Gilly took the step of asking you out, so it's your time.
You press your lips against his and it takes just one second to make them fit in perfectly harmony, like two pieces of a puzzle. It tastes good, more than you can imagine. He leaves a hand on your waist pushing you softly next to him, while your hands travel to his nape. It feels better than expected, with your tongues fighting softly. And you only put yourself away when shortness of breath is too evident.
“Good night”. You say before giving him one last kiss and taking the huge teddie to walk back home.
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sortasirius · 4 years
So I basically set up base camp in your ask box, and we're all just gonna have to deal with that because I love your blog and I ain't leaving.
Now to the question; 15x18.
You've mentioned a few things about it here and there, but not everything. You also said you have a theory on how it might go, so I'd love to know your thoughts.
My biggest concern on this episode (if we're right and Cas' deal comes true in this one) is the how. Because I've always felt that the "Cas I love you" from Dean and then suddenly Cas is gone is stupid. In my mind, when the Empty made the deal with him, it didn't mean, "you'll feel sudden happiness and then bam! Dead" because he could just feel random happiness from watching bees or seeing Jack was still alive after believing he died at the start of s15. Instead, I think it meant something along the "when you finally believe you deserve to be happy, when you let the sun shine on your face without letting the guilt you carry burden you, when you feel free to be with *him* at last, that's when I'll come and take you"
So basically that's my theory and I'd love to hear yours???
ksljdfklasdj I love this, feel free to camp out lol
Ugh not me rewatching all of the promos and feeling like someone’s standing on my chest.  Can y’all believe that we’re only a few days away from this??
So I agree with you that it, to me, is unlikely that the Empty is going to come for Cas because he feels happiness, or he would have been taken when Jack came back.  “Permission” to be happy, is also what I’m drawn to, and I find myself wondering what is holding Cas back from allowing himself happiness?  I think it’s a mixture of doubt, of fear, of feeling like he was a mistake in a way, that he’s still less than for falling, for not being able to be an angel.  He carries the guilt of his mistakes, the lives lost at his hands, the times he’s let down his family, that he feels like he hasn’t done enough, and that’s what, to me, is standing in his way from happiness.
With Jack’s fate, I don’t even know that the Empty will be triggered by something Dean says.  I certainly was clowning for that a few episodes ago, but Jack is so intensely important to Cas, if they, somehow, find a way around his death, I feel like that might trigger the Empty, simply from Cas’ sheer relief at not having to lose Jack.
Do I think Dean will be involved?  Uh hell yeah, those promo pics???
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Bring that PAIN babey.  I can’t wait to end up on my floor ugly crying for the world to see lmao
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miss-choco-chips · 5 years
Twisted soulmates
BIG Thank you to @iphoenixrising who let me babble on chat about this idea, and to @the-sky-is-a-lie who is an awesome sweetheart and read and edited this for me (THANK YOU!)
Tim has three names on one wrist. His soulmates. Tim has one name on the other wrist. His nemesis.
...or are they?
Tim gets his first mark the night the Graysons fell, ‘Richard John Grayson’ forever tattooed on him, the otherwise unblemished white skin of his left wrist almost shining in contrast to the new addition.
Young, he might be, but not stupid; never stupid. Neither of his parents would approve of a circus artist, perfect as he may be in Tim’s wide opened eyes, so he had to be smart about this. His mind hasn’t stopped whirling since the little touch that burned Dick’s name on him and vice versa, all kind of plans on how to broach the subject with the adults, how to make Dick like him beyond the promised love of a soulmate, every possibility dancing through his eyes, while his parents look for their seats at the stands none the wiser.
He's planning on asking his mom to stay after the show, so he might properly introduce himself to this marvelous trapezist, maybe proclaim an interest in the training - anything that could improve his overall abilities was a good thing in Janet’s eyes, and having her on board would be enough to force his father to accept. He’s excited at the prospect, and a part of him thinks Dick, up the trapeze getting ready for his act, feels the same. That he could feel, through the bond that snapped in place when the other kid first touched him, an echo of his own happiness, a joy at finding, so soon in life, something as beautiful as this. 
He’s going to stay after the show. He’ll talk to Dick, introduce himself properly, be as mature as possible- Dick wouldn’t want a dumb kid as his soulmate. Maybe even make friends with this wonderful boy that can fly and is destined to love him.
(Love him, him, him. He can’t wrap his head around this strange concept of being on the receiving end of something strong and wonderful. He might cry.)
Then the tragedy occurs, and  Tim's too traumatized to think about doing anything about it. He can't pester a grieving boy with this. They are kids after all, and it’s not like their bond is going anywhere. 
(I don’t want to wait, please don’t forget about me, please love me.)
Dick has just been adopted, his entire worldview had changed, adding a soulmate to care about would be just too mean of him. Tim can take care of himself, even when sometimes, after his parents left for yet another trip, he yearns for someone to hold his hand after a nightmare. To brush his hair back and hug him.
But that’s just the child in him. He doesn’t need it to live, it’s just a silly comfort thing to wish for, like the baby blanket his mother had made the servants take away once Tim turned four. So he keeps quiet. He waits. 
Dick’s name is on his left wrist, after all. He is his soulmate.
He gets his second mark years later, when the Batcave’s security is breached and some strange men attack Bruce. The giant penny is too tall, but he still get a good look at the man below it, and something in his gut twists. It all makes sense a few minutes later, when Bruce is fighting someone else and the man in green robes pushes Tim aside, holding him hostage to get the Batman’s cooperation. 
The skin on his wrist, the one that doesn't have Dick's promised love tattooed on it, burns. He doesn’t dare look down, aware of how taking your eyes from the predator in the room could mean instant death. He doesn’t need to, anyway; he already knows.
Tim’s pretty sure this is his nemesis, because no way he'd be destined to hate Dick and love this criminal, and they are on opposite wrists. So… getting away is the first step on his ‘do not interact with this terrorist until I’m significantly better at defending myself’ plan. Easy peasy.
He catches the side glance the man shoots him, because of course he also felt the burn, and there’s curiosity there. Something akin to amusement, which, Tim can get behind, he’s also seeing the irony of this, the utterly ridiculousness of him being important enough in the grand scheme of things to warrant being tattooed on this man’s skin.
There’s also possessiveness there, which isn’t fun at all. Stranger danger, his mind screams at him.
His nemesis shouldn’t be possessive of him, unless he has a really fucked up view of his enemies, in a ‘their death is mine, and mine only’ way. Because this is his nemesis, there's no doubt in his mind of that. 
Dick is on his other wrist, after all, and he is his soulmate.
Bruce goes mental when he finds out later, and almost blows a gasket. Ra’s, as Tim later finds out his nemesis is called, is suddenly one upping the Joker on Batman’s high priority enemies list, which means only a glimpse of him anywhere near the city borders would warrant a call to Superman, Bruce’s ultimate last resort. That’s how big this is.
Young Justice has split feelings on the matter. Cissie and Cassie, ever the bloodthirsty ones in Tim’s humble opinion, suggest tracking the man down before he can get to their leader, and taking him out of the game. Probably permanently. Kon seems torn, half with the girls, half with Bart, who finds the whole thing amusing and exciting. Ra’s Al Ghul, one of the most dangerous enemies the Justice League ever faced, and little old Robin is his fated enemy. Not Superman, not Wonder Woman, not Batman himself; just their Rob. That, according to the speedster, is so, so, so crash. The rest of the team, if they have opinions, keep them to themselves. It takes a while to calm the room down and focus on their mission of the day, but he eventually succeeds.
Dick, on his part, comes back from where he was brooding with the Titans after a fight with his mentor to fret over Tim, and everything is right in the world. 
He isn't afraid of Ra's. He has his new family, new friends, and soulmate.
There’s something on his pillow when he gets back from the weekend with his friends. 
A perfect rose, white as snow, thorns so sharp Tim knows they would pierce skin if touched. Not that he would be so stupid as to do it, not when foes like Ivy existed.
But… there’s a ribbon, and it sends ice through his veins. A red ribbon, tied at the stem’s exact center. A flower with a ribbon, the universal symbol of soulmates.
He’s pretty sure Dick’s back in San Francisco. Which leaves...
He squares his shoulders and searches in his bag for his Robin gauntlets, protecting his hands with them as he disposes of the rose.
His right hand stings a little through the entire process.
When he gets his third mark, he's honestly surprised. As well as on the edge of unconsciousness from blood loss.
The blood flooding his airways is his, and the building that he believed was his safe place would never feel like that again. His knocked out friends litter the hallways, the bo staff he tried to use to defend himself long lost to the fight, as this man, his hero, his Robin, his apparent Soulmate, tries to kill him.
(Their eyes meet and they feel it at the same time, the twist in their stomachs, which is what stops Jason's blade. Tim’s hand raises up, weakly, and carefully brushes against the one holding the knife. It burns, and everything goes black for a minute.) 
(Jason stops breathing. He has the Joker on one hand, and was markless on the other until now, so this runt has to be his soulmate. No way it's the deranged clown. Which means he almost....)
Jason runs away (this is Jason, his wrist claims, not the mysterious Red Hood any longer) and Tim patches himself up, does damage control with his friends, calls Batman. His heart is beating twice as fast as usual, but he tries to be logical; Jason is on the same wrist as Dick, who is his soulmate, and opposite to Ra's, who's most likely his nemesis. Ergo, Jason's gotta be his soulmate. 
His confused, probably traumatized, totally not in his right mind soulmate.
He's gotta be patient and wait. Jason surely will get better, will come back to Tim, will fix this mistake he almost made, will... will love him.
Dick is his soulmate, and calls him ‘little brother’, which hurts, but he says it with such warmth that it soothes the ache. Dick loves him. 
Jason will, too, someday.
A few weeks later, he wakes up in the middle of the night, conscious of the feeling of being watched from the shadows of his room. 
There’s the teddy bear Steph won for him at the fair some months ago, sitting on the chair near his bed where he last put it, but… odd. There’s something about it that’s not quite normal, something that wasn’t there when he went to sleep half an hour ago.
It took him less than a minute to spot it, which would still be shameful if Bruce ever found out, but he sees the unusual shine in the bear’s eye and groans, more tired than rightfully angry, feeling like the moody teenager he never actually was.
A hidden camera. This was the fifth of the year, what the hell?
Pissed off, he gets up and takes the scissors he leaves by his bedside (can’t exactly go to sleep with a birdarang there, his dad might check on him at night and freak out, but sleeping without a weapon in easy reach just makes him uncomfortable) and makes quick work of the bear, getting the device out with as minimal damage to the plushie as possible. He’ll fix it later.
Beyond done, one hand opens the window with more strength than absolutely necessary, the other flying back to gather momentum and throw the thing right at the supposedly empty shadow on the roof of the building across the street. He’s not surprised when a dark gloved hand catches it, the rest of the body still perfectly concealed by the night. Fucking ninja.
No words needed, he slams the window shut again and grumbles his way to his desk, turning on his lamp. He’s not falling asleep again tonight, so might as well work on some cases.
His fourth mark is both exciting and like a bucket of cold water. 
It's a fucking kid.
Is this how Dick felt when he first got Tim's mark? No wonder he avoided talking about the subject, this was uncomfortable as fuck. Granted, it didn't necessarily have to be a romantic soulmate, platonic soulmates were a thing too, but... still. Awkward.
Even worse because the kid didn't have another mark and, as Tim was his first, was convinced he had to be his fated nemesis. No matter how hard Tim tried to explain the opposite; after the heart stilling moment where he extended his hand for a shake and was slapped away, thus providing the skin to skin contact needed for the bond to form, the brat was sure it was nothing but a ruse to get him to lower his defenses or something. God this kid was fucked up. 
So. In short. There were two of his soulmates trying to kill him. Great. 
But... Dick was on the same wrist as them. Dick loved him. Dick was his soulmate. So Damian... Damian had to be, as well. Maybe he'd grow out if his hate, maybe it was just a phase. 
His mother and father were dead. Steph was dead. His two best friends were dead.
Tim was numb, going through the motions but not really feeling anything. His only source of emotion, nowadays, was his constant rage at Damian, and the adrenaline while fighting a bad guy. 
He barely slept. He couldn’t remember the last time he properly ate. The manor wasn’t comforting enough with the little assassin roaming around for him to get any shut eye, and how could Tim be sure he wasn’t going to poison his food?
Sleeping in safe houses seemed the smarter move, even when they weren’t really safe at all, judging by the ‘gifts’ that kept appearing every time he turned his back. Food - sealed and untempered with - files on whatever case he was working on, a brand of turkish coffee that he would gladly down even if it contained poison…
Flowers, hundreds of them, all white in color, tiny red ribbons tying their stems.
Tim shivered at the meaning, but no longer minded the feeling of eyes on him while he slept. Looking for hidden cameras was too much effort to be worth it, as long as there were none in the bathroom and his walk in closet. He couldn’t care less, these days. 
Jason tried to kill him. Again. In the middle of a Pit Episode, even after all Tim had done to help him, to mend their relationship.
Damian was even worse, abusing Tim any way he could, any time he got the chance to get away with it. And it was a startlingly large amount of times, considering their family should be more attentive to attempted murder. None of Tim's effort to bond ever bore fruit.
But he's still convinced they are his soulmates, so he's gotta be patient. They have to be. 
Because Dick is his soulmate, and they share a wrist.
Because Dick...
Dick betrayed him. In the worst possible way, in the most vulnerable moment of his life. When Tim needed him the most.
Jason tried to kill him. 
Damian tried to kill him.
Dick betrayed him (which was, arguably, worse).
Dick was his soulmate. Jason was his soulmate. Damian was his soulmate.
They had to be.
His quest for Batman would’ve been a lonely affair, if not for the honeyed voice whispering in his ear. The silent eyes he felt on his skin wherever he went, more heavy than his three assassin escorts’ stares.
What a crazy world it was, where Tim’s nemesis believed in him, while his first soulmate, the one he loved almost his entire life, claimed delusion. Where his nemesis sent his people to keep him alive, to keep others out of his way, while his other two sought his death.
What a crazy world indeed.
-I think we need to talk, Timothy. About this bond we share.
-I’m listening.
Timothy, he said, but it didn’t sound like his name at all. 
In his mind, it echoed something scary, something that made him shiver and tense. 
It sounded like Mine.
Ra's al Ghul was probably his soulmate. 
He's gotta be. Because there's no way Tim's fated to love three people that are just going to break his heart again and again and again.
When he goes to the League for help looking for Bruce, he steels himself in place when Ra's’ voice in his ear makes him want to flinch. He grits his teeth at the viper like words murmured in soft tones. Makes himself accept when Ra's offers to train him in the ninja arts after he successfully brought his mentor back. Clenches his fists when he's asked to dinner in a dimly lit French restaurant.
Ra's didn't retaliate when Tim blew up half his bases. He kept giving Tim pointers and praises. Seeking his company.
So he breathes in. 
He forgave Damian for being a killer, Jason for being one, too. He surely can find it in himself to forgive his actual soulmate for being a criminal. 
In time.
Something dark and victorious twists in Ra’s chest when the Detective doesn’t flinch away from his touch, and silently accepts the white rose and red ribbon he presents before guiding him deep into the restaurant. There’s acceptance in Timothy’s eyes, reluctant but hopeful, even if he stirs away from any ‘dangerous’ topics of conversation and very firmly drops a drug test pill in his glass of water the second the waitress turns her back on them. 
Ra’s doesn’t comment on it, merely mirrors the act on his own wine (one could never be too sure, not when an enemy as interesting as this is seated across from him) before raising it for a toast. Not that the Detective was aware of the reason.
He’s got a lot to celebrate. 
Deceiving this one wasn’t easy, after all.
Later that night, alone in his room, Tim turns in the bed, his back to the cameras on the far end of the room. The movement is slow, lazy, following his usual sleeping patterns. A clumsy hand pats the mattress, blindly looking for a pillow and dragging it to his chest, face hidden by its softness. He goes lax again, peaceful and oblivious to the world around him to any lingering eye.
Once he’s sure there’s no way anyone could see him, Tim lets a slow, dangerous smile creep on his face, his heartbeat thundering in his chest, adrenaline pumping through his veins, feeling so alive it’s almost painful after all the numbness.
Ra’s was looking so smug, like the cat that got the canary. Oh, he tried to hide it, but Tim had made it his life's mission since he was twelve to understand the man to his truest essence, to be able to read him as one would a book, and practice had taught him how to play him like a cheap kazoo.
He probably shouldn’t smile, safe as he is in hiding his face in the pillow, but he can’t help it.
Deceiving Ra’s, soulmate or not, wasn’t easy.
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