#he validates the hopeless romantic in me
astraystayyh · 10 months
hyunjin who loves love so much and thinks it doesn't have an expiration date and can't turn off instantly and he'd rather be someone's last love than first love because love is supposed to be internal and who loves to draw old couples to portray this sentiment and even if he goes back in time he will do the same mistake BECAUSE IF IT'S A MISTAKE TO LOVE THEN HE'LL DO IT AGAIN
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kermiekermie · 1 year
i want a gf sooooo bad
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tteokdoroki · 18 days
hurricane heartbreak katsuki bakugou ── ᡣ𐭩 ˙ ̟🩰 !!
⋆˙ᝰ about ! you’ve always thought that katsuki would follow you to the ends of the earth, until suddenly, he stops. especially when he realises that he’s better off without you. ( 2.6K )
warnings ! minors blank and ageless blogs do not interact. sfw, angst, no happy ending. characters aged up to 20s, unrequited love, friendship breakups, regular breakups, confessions, gaslighting, reader is morally flawed and a bad friend, katsuki is a hopeless romantic :(, fem!reader, pro hero!bakugou - not beta read!
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as usual, katsuki moves to open the door before his mind can catch up. 
he knows that he shouldn’t. if he kept the doors locked he could keep his heart safe from the ache that comes with the person on the other side. but, the bigger and weaker half of him succumbs to the longing laced in the blood that soars through the beating muscle keeping him alive. the same muscle every form of media since the dawn of time has associated with the human desire to be loved and adored. 
it’s a human code that he can’t go against, like asking a neanderthal to fight it’s basic instincts. katsuki opens the door not because he wants to, but because he has to, even if his entire body twitches against the will of his one track mind and his hand lands on the cool metal doorknob in advance of his logical train of thought. besides, it’s raining tonight, and it would be cruel to leave you outside. 
as usual, when you step past the threshold of the number two hero’s lush, bachelor pad-like home — he expects things to be different. for you to waltz in with your arms wide spread and a spark of joy in your eyes because you love seeing the blonde and because you missed him. 
“it was so horrible,” you wail to him instead, just as you had done so on the phone — except this time, the cadence to your usually bright voice is as dull and as dreary as the weather outside. “he blew up at me, said that we were done ‘n that i was too clingy. just like that,” pouting, you shrug off your rain-slicked jacket and allow your best friend to hang it up for you. before you can start quivering like a pathetic stray dog, the begrudgingly kind pro hero places a set of clothes, warm and fresh from the dryer, into your hands and ushers you deeper into the space he calls home.
“fuck that guy,” he tells you, while you rant to him on the walk down the hall.
katsuki lets you you dry off and disappear into his room for spare clothes (as if you own the place), giving himself time to think and reflect. the you that katsuki knows and has bitterly come to love is hollowed and desperate — vying for any attention or affection she can get from people who just don’t care. he’s never understood it, the reasons why you go vying for the validation of others who don’t deserve a millisecond of your time, let alone your precious smile.
you know, the one that brings out the crows feet at the corners of your doe-like eyes and lifts the edges of your glossed lips ever so slightly. you illuminate a room and fill it with warmth when you’re happy and feel loved but when you’re like this… thrown out into the rain whilst being hungry for more — much like that of a stray…
…it’s bakugou’s hand that reaches out to feed you tender love and care from the pieces of his own broken soul. he does everything im his power to make you smile again, otherwise he’d shake the heavens from the sky and bring their shattered pieces back down to earth with his destructive quirk…for you.
everything is always for you.
katsuki is the one who deserves to see your radiant grin and be the one that’s always on your mind. so perhaps, he is no better than you, starved with a craving for the attention of someone whose thoughts are simply elsewhere. with someone else.
you resurface from his room wearing a discontinued all-might shirt with an iron-on design that’s cracked on the front and a pair of fluffy dynamight themed socks kept spare in katsuki’s wash for whenever you come over. by this time he’s already popped on the kettle for some herbal tea, though his back remains facing you — fingers clenched against his smooth marble countertop. “why would he say that?” 
you shrug. “i don’t know… i probably deserve it. this always happens.” 
to his right, the kettle’s whistle reaches it’s crescendo but katsuki doesn’t bother to add hot water to your tea.
the assessment you make as you pad back over to katsuki is only partly correct. he turns abruptly, prepped and ready to loosely wrap his arms around you in a familiar hug, another step in this bi-monthly routine the two of you have going. your nose presses into the middle of his molten chest, sending a pang through his heart like an arrow from Cupid whilst simultaneously riling up the butterflies in his tummy. you’re so cute, so sweet and it makes the blonde feel special to be able to witness the more vulnerable parts of you — the parts of you pieced back together by inexpensive glue after you’ve been shattered by heartbreak once more.
you, you’re too sweet to deserve this pain. the same pain that weighs down on the pro hero’s shoulders because he can’t stop chasing after you. this always happens, but you don’t deserve it. even if it’s like some sort of cathartic karma for leading bakugou on all of these years. 
nonetheless, he’s never been the best at comforting people but a selfish warmth that burns brighter than his quirk spans throughout katsuki’s body whenever you seek comfort in him. even if all it does is chip away at his soul, knowing that you’re all torn up about someone else and someone that isn’t him yet again. 
katsuki abandons the tea completely.
however, his cherry lips continue to open and close in search of words and phrases that may sedate your storm of emotions before they rain down on him — just like the world outside. they’re hard to come by, meaningful ones at least, so katsuki settles with a simple… “you deserve better.” 
“yeah? well it doesn’t seem like it. every guy i’ve ever met has hurt me some way, somehow.” you quip blandly, obliviously. “who does better even look like?
me. is what bakugou wants to say. he looks like me. but now isn’t the time or place to tell you that, it’s never been. deep down, he knows that you might never see him that way, as a someone who could treat you right, as someone deserving of your darkest desires and sweet nothings, as someone who could be the very person you deserve to grow old with. you don’t look at him the same way, to you, katsuki will always be your best friend and source of comfort.
he’ll never be a lover or a special one or a boyfriend. 
not to you. 
never to you.
and sadly, he almost feels content to stay this way — if it means he’ll be able to have you near. with the two of you tucked away in one another’s arms, swaying to the melody of harmonious wind and rain, the abrasive, corroding nature of katsuki bakugou is tamed and the world comes to a standstill that feels sort of homely. its familiar, a routine he’s so easily settled into time and time again. confessing to you would be like disrupting the natural course of your relationship and bakugou has seen what you do to guys who cross your limits or suddenly no longer entertain you. sometimes they genuinely do hurt you, other times you’re like a little girl who no longer has a desire to play with her favourite toy — easily casting them aside. the blonde would hate to be one of them, to be thrown out by the person he loves most.
“you’ll find someone,” he says gruffly, after some time. 
pulling away slightly and with a hand centre stage on katsuki’s ooey-gooey lovesick chest, you smile ever so gently. and it’s enough for him, even though it burns, it’s enough to make it worth it. all this suffering in silence, loving you from afar…that is, until he hears what you have to to say next. 
“i wish i could find someone like you, kats.”
the rain outside has hit its peak, bordering on the edge of torrential as it drowns the concrete jungle outside and the grey clouds it pours from shroud the city in a similar darkness to the veil falling over katsuki’s mind. now that, it really pisses his off. someone like him? why not him? he doesn’t understand why you actively put yourself through the ringer when what you want is right before your very eyes.
like a sudden clap of thunder or a strike of bright lightning, katsuki has a realisation. he isn’t so sure how much more of this he can stomach or take. a few weeks ago his best friend, kirishima, had scolded him long and hard for allowing you to walk all over the explosive pro hero. maybe the redhead had been right, your words seem almost purposeful and calculated — designed to hit him right where it hurts. whether or not you’re aware of the fact.
“y’can’t keep doing this.” comes the blonde’s whisper, coasting just under his breath, so low that you almost miss it underneath the howling notes of the wind.
“please stop doing this.” bakugou says again, but firmer, shrugging your hands from his well-built torso like they’ve given him an electric shock. a flash of hurt lines itself across your beautifully crafted features like a film of dust clinging to a marble carved sculpture belonging to an art museum. he hates it, how he can still admire you and treasure you even when you torture him with a punishment of unrequited love. “you can’t keep comin’ here every time you get your heart broken, knowing how i feel about you. it’s fucked up, you’re fucking me up.” 
people have only ever dreamed of being able to bring the great dynamight down to his knees. a man of such power and force could never be shaken, especially with everything that he’s been through to get where he is today. 
the colour in your voice pales, the glint to your eyes dulls and you nervously reach out for your best friend only to be rejected which hurts more than any shitty break up you’ve ever had. “k-katsuki…kats, what are you talking about?” 
“you know exactly what i mean. don’t try to gaslight me or some shit.” katsuki puts it simply, fighting the lump in his throat that nearly stops him from being truthful. it’s always been a difficult task to push you away, “we play pretend, you come to me expectin’ me to lick your wounds ‘n shit. fuck, i’ve been doing it for the last ten years. since todoroki first rejected you in high school, then that guy from class 1B and then shindou from that other school once we went pro.”
he rambles relentlessly and you take every word while memories of each heartbreak flash brightly before your very eyes. it’s clear to you now, standing in front of him, that bakugou has been holding this, whatever this is, inside for far too long. concealing his emotions until his fuse was at its end and it all exploded to the surface. “katsuki stop it.” you say weakly, throat dry.
“fuck no! why should i?” the brash blonde spits venomously, his upper lip curling into an ugly sneer. one you’ve only ever seen when he’s talking to villains, or better yet, talking about your exes. “because it never stopped for me. you never stopped using me.” he blabs, but he’s hardly shouting — the mere fact that he isn’t freaks you out even more. “it’s so fucked up, i’ve been waiting for a chance with you for years. i never said yes to someone fuckin’ loving me for who i am. for all the shit that i come with because i was waitin’ for you.”  for nearly a decade you’ve been offering katsuki all the riches in the world, only to pry them from his warmth fingers and leave him for cold and death.
you could apologise right then and there, make things right, tell katsuki that it was him all along and those other guys meant nothing to you. it’s what he wants so badly, it’s the only thing that could make him forget all of this drama and take you back into his arms. instead, you retreat like a hermit crab back into its shell, stepping back and away from your best friend while selfishly curling in on yourself.
“i didn’t… i didn’t ask you to wait.” 
those words are like a lightening strike to the chest. the white flashbang outside illuminates your face for katsuki to see, guilt outlines the natural slopes and continue of your face and some kind of regret floods the black ink on your eyes. bakugou’s suspicions have been proven true. you’ve never wanted him, not in the way that he’s wanted you. it must be that. must be that you kept him around knowing he’d chase shooting stars and run to the end of a rainbow if it meant the prize was you.
“you didn’t have to,” katsuki’s breathing turns ragged, mimicking the uncontrollable winds of a brewing storm, and his anxiety peaks, spilling over the edge of a glass he’d tried to keep half full for so long. he knew this, all along, he knew that you’d reject him plain and simple but why does it feel like his world is ending. “would have done it anyways ‘cause i am…was… in love with you. you didn’t need to ask me because you knew i'd always be there.” 
it hurts, the truth, it burns like acid rain dissolving through a manmade structure. you hate the taste of it in the air, as katsuki’s words ring through it — undermining the heavy rain pelting down against his roof. you don’t know what to say or tell him, but instead of the contentedness of being close to the blonde you now feel a sudden sense of impending doom. an epiphany. a realisation that you’re going to lose your best friend because you took advantage of a bleeding heart.
you’ve never been the only one whose organs were ripped out and ever-loving corpse was left for dead. each time pieces of you died at every soul-crushing rejecting you’ve ever faced — katsuki has been right behind you, falling to pieces, decomposing, breaking apart… watching you mourn a relationship with someone else. 
someone that wasn’t him. 
words and apologies tangle in your throat and form a knot that blocks their passage. what do you even say to someone who has inadvertently confessed their love for you — something in which you’re not sure you even believe in anymore? “i-i’m… i’m sorry,” slowly, you take a step forward, blindly reaching out for katsuki in his living room shrouded by darkness and only temporarily lit up my lightening crashes. but he steps back, he retreats into a person he used to be — one that was nasty and cruel despite how much he cared.
bearing his fangs, katsuki defends himself from the only person who could truly ever hurt him. you. his walls build up and he snarls again. “i don’t care.” though, his voice wobbles and his eyes are glossy under the harsh white light of the lightening by strikes outside — he remains defensive. 
“i’m sorry,” you sullenly repeat. for what? not loving him? for using him? you’re not sure. “katsuki…i’m sorry—“ 
you sound so genuine, your voice so sweet and sorrowful — it’s almost enough to make the man melt, for his walls to fall away and his heart to open back up just for you. but bakugou knows better, if gives in and steps closer and holds you once more — the cycle will repeat. you’ll know that you can come to him whenever you want, and take advantage of his pathetic yearning and devotion to you. over and over again, for as long as you want. because if you call he’ll answer, always. 
not this time though.
katsuki bakugou steels himself as though he’s facing his greatest foe, his jaw hardens, his ruby red eyes flutter shut and his head shakes and he tries so hard to resist you. when he finally looks at you again, after what feels like an eternity, you’re hopeful in thinking that maybe this can be fixed and you can keep your best friend. however, you’ve seen katsuki’s expression on a dozen other faces before.
that look people give you when they tell you it’s over, when they grow tired of you, when they leave you. 
you know it all too well, the face of someone breaking up with you. 
except this time you’re not losing a half baked love, this time you’re losing someone who adored every part of you even if it was severely flawed. 
you’re losing your best friend. your katsuki.
and all it took was the clouds parting and the heavens crying for you to realise that.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate, feed into ai & recommend elsewhere.
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pixelchills · 1 month
Chill's ramblings about the DCA fandom and personal feelings and issues towards TSAMS (both positive an negative):
(I'm writing this like an essay but treating it like a diary, so if I jump from subject to another, it is because I am just typing as the thoughts hit my head. Sorry for being so wordy.)
I simply feel like I need to write my thoughts down, so why not share them with you. Maybe you can validate my feelings or something, I don't know.
So, oof, I got a fic rec from @thedenofravenpuff and I'm loving it so much I really wanna draw fan art for it...
But the problem is that it's a TSAMS fanfic and I've sworn to my name I'll never draw anything related to the show because that will make me engage with a part of the fandom I'm not comfortable with.
My biggest issue with TSAMS:
I have such complicated feelings towards the show and its fanbase and I do not wish to make my life and work more difficult because of it as it already is.
My own work and characters are already constantly being compared to TSAMS. When I first introduced Solar to my fic, he was constantly being referred to Eclipse from TSAMS. Now that the show had a character with THE SAME NAME, it has been even worse.
Dolldrop Moon has been compared to Lunar. Even though the dolldrops existed before the youtube channel was even created (and Lunar made his debut much later).
The biggest issue I've had has always been the fanbase, that takes the show as the canon for Sun and Moon from FNAF and uses it as an excuse to harass shippers like me because they think Sun and Moon are brothers.
I've first handedly seen the damage the fanbase has done to some of my friends who draw, or have previously drawn art for the show besides their own AUs and personal headcanons of Sun and Moon as lovers. I'm sorry to tag you, but @kriimhild and @fablekitty : I've seen how the immature side of the show's fans have treated you, I am so terribly sorry you've had to defend yourselves over and over again for things that were not meant to be mixed up.
I have posted some ideas of a possible Animutant Moon and Sun forming a polyamorous relationship with Solar in the future of "My Dear Daffodil" on my personal/adult Twitter account. Someone kept commenting on my posts that I was glorifying incest, because Sun and Moon were brothers and Solar was their cousin.
The post had "Animutant" in it. Not "TSAMS". These comments came from a person saying they were 19 in their profile. So it's not just kids who can't tell not every fanwork is about TSAMS. It's starting to be some adults too.
Vice versa I've had another person comment on my very clearly SFW Twitter how they're following me because I am an adult artist who draws TSAMS incest. I have never drawn TSAMS art. I ship Sun and Moon, but they're never related with family bond, because I love presenting them as lovers.
Why I ship Sun and Moon:
Because I am a hopeless romantic. I love romantic love. Every single story I write is always about love.
The only exception to this is the Poppy Playtime comic I am doing. But even then, I was originally planning for a romantic love between Dogday and the Player. Yet, I decided to leave it, and keep the relationship open for any type of representation the reader themselves will prefer.
I used to watch The Sun and Moon Show when it first started airing. I loved their playthroughs. I had a big distaste for them calling each other brothers, as well as some of the first "lore" videos they had. My biggest issue at the time was how Moon treated Sun, though. As someone who grew up with an abusive sibling, it sometimes just hit a bit too hard at home.
But it got better after Eclipse and Lunar appeared. Moon was more caring, and I started to really like his character development. There was one episode where Sun explained to Lunar that he and Moon had simply just "decided" to be brothers, despite not having a canonical relationship.
This actually made me really happy. Because the Old Moon was aroace, the love he felt was simply never meant to be romantic, but platonic. And by making Sun his brother by choice clearly indicated that Sun was always the one he loved the most - in a way that was suitable for aromantic person like him.
And it really made me enjoy the show for a while. Sun is my favourite character, and despite not always liking the way the show presents him, I always feel so much love for him, no matter the AU he is in. So I loved that Moon loved him more than anything, even if it was just platonic. Because I've always been under the impression that the canon Moon loves Sun, and is only under a virus to protect him. For me, the best part of any Sun and Moon AU is to know that Sun is the most important thing to Moon.
Why I stopped watching TSAMS:
And then that Moon I had really started to like, who loved Sun more than anyone else but just platonically, died.
It hurt so much I simply stopped watching the show. I've watched a few episodes here and there after that, but I am having a hard time liking the show the same as I did before.
Partially it's because of the fanbase. Partially it's because I don't find the lore very interesting and some of the stuff a bit repetitive. Partially it's because I am scared to see Sun eventually crumble up into madness, because he has been through so much.
I like the New Moon. He is funny and nice, what I've seen. His relationship with Solar has been interesting, and I genuinely hoped they would've been able to take the romantic route after Moon said he wasn't sure if he was aroace anymore. But as I said, I've only watched a few episodes after the old Moon died, so I don't know either of their characters that much to form any strong opinions about them. I just listen to the Monty and Puppet podcast once in a while and get a little inside to some of the lore that has been happening.
But hey, at least there's fanfics. Which is why I am rambling here today.
It is a rare treat to find Sun x Moon fanfics that aren't simply just porn, or do not include reader inserts. So since my romance-filled brain needed something to fill the void, I've started reading some TSAMS fics with romance (that wasn't between Sun & Moon) and plot in them.
I know Solar was settled to be a "cousin" to the weird family tree of TSAMS. But I simply crave for Solar and New Moon to be at least queerplatonic. Solar is not from their dimension, no matter how much they decide they're 'cousins' it doesn't make him their real cousin or relative because they're not from the same world.
Sun and Moon are brothers but they technically gave birth to Eclipse, who then created Lunar so Eclipse is technically Lunar's parent and then brother and Lunar is Sun and Moon's brother and... do you see what I'm trying to say?
The family tree is so complicated that I don't think I'm a horrible person for shipping Moon and Solar and reading fics about them. Tell me if I am wrong though.
The FIC that is making me question everything:
So Puffy recommended this fic by @theinfamousdoctorf , "Eclipse Meets His Match".
I'm currently on chapter 40, and I am genuinely surprised how much I am liking this fic so far. It got everything; redemption and character growth, the representation of Sun as the good, glowing angel he is in my mind (for canon, and every AU. He is always perfect in my eyes I love him can you tell lol), slow-burn romance, drama, excitment, plot, jokes and funny moments... even if there are a lot of mentions of sex and sexual pleasure, it doesn't feel out of the place as there is so much more to it too.
Eclipse's redemption to become better and realising he is in love with Sun has been so interesting to follow. Sun deserves the love. I love when Sun is getting loved. I literally ship him with every other animatronic in the games and love it when people ship him with their self-inserts and OCs. Because I love him so much I want him to be loved in every possible universe he is in.
Even bigger bonus to this fic is the second pairing, Solar and Moon, which I already opened up about above. I don't know how much the fic is truthful to the canon lore of the show, but I wish to pretend this fic is the canon now /hj.
I love the characters and how they're written. I love the descriptions of their flaws and hopes and dreams. How vulnerable they can get. How closely they stick together. And as an appreciation for making me tearful and excited about fanfiction in such a long time, I would hope to be able to gift the author some fan art for their fic.
But I've sworn to not draw anything for the show. For my own good. I've got too many awful comments already from the fans of the show despite never doing any art for it. I am just scared it will turn things worse.
End words:
I don't know if creating a new alias would be the right choice. So my main name/account would be spared from the confusion that the show's fans seem to stirr into, where one tsams artwork turns all of the artist' work into tsams.
I don't care if the art style would be recognisible. The artist would be me, but not PixelChills. Just so I could gift something to the author of this fic that is currently saving me from the boredom of being unable to write my own.
Thank you.
(This text has been typed on my phone, so pardon for any typos).
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akindplace · 7 months
I had a hard time growing up. I’ve met people who were bad for me - but were not evil. They were dysfunctional people who did terrible things that marked me in more ways than I’d like to admit. I know this pain has changed me and I’m not even sure it’s for the better. And that made me feel so hopeless about myself for years. But there is one thing that kept me going when I felt like giving up, and that was love.
Being loved changed me as a person, even more so than my trauma. Whenever I see old pictures of me, I feel love for her. Looking at a beautiful sunset knowing most people will see it and think about its magnificence, I feel love for being alive. Loving others and being loved changed me, surely, for the better. And maybe that’s good enough as a life’s purpose. It allows me to have hope.
Love makes me think that everyone can be helped when they are encouraged and validated and seen for who they are. People are capable of doing terrible things with their hatred but also capable of making positive changes when they act with compassion. Love has changed me in so many ways, and it was for the best, though it doesn’t erase the past, it gives me hope for a better future.
And if you don’t have a relationship with anyone in your family, remember that people find families in their friends. And they will love you. And you left a bad romantic relationship and are afraid of never being loved in this way again, don’t give up. Talk to your friends, their love is just as important. Someone else might come around later, and you will feel that romantic love again.
I’m not saying that someone’s love will immediately heal every hurt you ever felt, and that you should look for someone only to fix you, because that’s not a healthy way to be loved. I’m saying that love encourages you to grow, to look inward and see what needs to heal, to look at yourself with a little more kindness, to let go of the past to the best of our abilities. We change when we are loved, often because our loved ones make us feel stable, more confident, and they know how to keep encouraging us when we worry about our own capacities. They nurture the change in us.
While writing this post, the poem “Invitation” by Mary Oliver came to mind: “believe us, they say, / it is a serious thing / just to be alive / on this fresh morning / in the broken world. / I beg of you, / do not walk by / without pausing / to attend to this / rather ridiculous performance. / It could mean something. / It could mean everything. / It could be what Rilke meant, when he wrote: / You must change your life.”
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aether-starlight · 3 months
Sunrise - Rafayel
Pairing: Rafayel x Reader
Warnings: none.
Summary: You visit Rafayel in your day off, and he asks you to watch the sunrise with him.
Word count: 1k-ish?
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It was a warm day, uncharacteristically clear and sunny. There were no energy fluctuations and you were off duty —at the cost of the stitches on your side and a sore back, but you wouldn’t look a gifted horse in the mouth.
It must have been the strangeness of it all that made you visit Rafayel of your own volition, a quick call to let him know before leaving your house.
“Aw, miss me already?” 
“More like missing your absurdly expensive sofa.”
You could hear his smile from the other side of the line.
“What if I sold it? Would you sit on the floor with me?” 
“Maybe. Would you lend me your shoulder to rest my head on?” 
“I would lend you my heart if you asked nicely,” he flirted, playful and infuriatingly charming. 
You laughed, accommodating the take out bags in your free hand.
“Right now I only need your hands to open the door. I come bearing gifts.”
Once your bellies were full with Frutti Di Mare and a cup of Rafayel’s wine from half across the world and double the aging, you found yourself sitting by his side on the beach.
He was thankfully wearing a light, white shirt and loose navy pants, hair tousled in a way that felt oddly domestic.
The breeze was kind against your cheeks, and it wasn’t too crowded, nostalgic with the occasional laughter from children over the crashing waves.
“I woke up really early today,” Rafayel commented after a moment of contemplation. “Like, unnaturally early.”
You huffed, still admiring the horizon. It was close to sunset, and the sky was an explosion of yellow, orange, and lilac.
His following sigh rivaled the one of a martyr, or perhaps a saint bearing the burden of knowledge. 
“What I’m trying to tell you, Miss Antagonistic, is that I awoke just in time with the sunrise. As I opened my eyes, the sky was like a field of fire. 
“Anything could have been hiding there, a dragon whipping through wheat, or a mischievous fox hiding amongst golden bushes.”
Your full attention was fully on him now.
You’d never say it to his face, but you especially liked how he spoke. It was both whimsical and authentic, something rare.
It awakened a reflective side of you, validated questions formulated years and years ago in your childish mind.
He called your name, playful.
“Watch the sunrise with me?” 
You smiled. What a hopeless romantic.
“Mmm,” you tilted your head to the side, observing him from your shoulder. “I don’t know, what’s in it for me?”
“Beyond the pleasure of my company, you mean?” 
“You must have gotten some seawater in your brain if you think that your company is anything but trouble.” 
He pouted. 
“Don't come then, I’ll watch it with Ren.”
“You mean your pet fish?” You laughed.
Contrasting emotions bloomed in Rafayel’s features, his lips were twisting at the edge of a smile, but his brow was furrowed in annoyance.
“You are a bad, bad woman.”
You just kept on laughing, arms pressing into each other as you leaned against him for support. 
Without knowing why, he felt himself beginning to laugh too.
“What’s so funny?” He complained, irritation crumbling halfway as he felt your warmth seep into his side, chased after the creases forming at the sides of your eyes.
“How would you even get Ren to see, anyway? Were you going to bring his aquarium outside?” 
You leaned closer to meet his gaze, holding back your laughter for the sake of his dignity.
Rafayel felt his breath stutter, drunk on the scent of your perfume—the one he gave you. Even then, it still carried something uniquely yours.
He wished you’d only laugh that way with him, that he could hold on to the sound like a secret. He wanted to hide you from the world, so only he could experience the wonder of being with you.
He was selfish like that.
Your pupils were dilated, mirth dimming into something more as you realized just how close you were. He wasn’t wearing perfume today, so he smelled faintly of oil paint and his face lotion, fresh and almost floral.
“I have my ways,” he murmured.
You smiled again, but there was something different about it, unguarded.
“Seriously,” he promised, feeling much too out of breath for someone resting. “I could even show you if you’d like.” 
His hand was pressed to the small of your back. Close like this, he could count the flecks of color in your irises, and study the curve of your lips, the dip of your jaw.
With a mind of its own, your hand rose, pressing a finger to a dot of paint on his cheek. Once it faded, you traced a path from his undereye to the crest of his ear.
“It’s so red,” you teased. “Not so cheeky anymore, are you?”
There was a dazed look in your eyes that made something dangerous flutter in Rafayel’s stomach.
He held your chin between his thumb and his index finger.
“Likewise, Miss Bodyguard. I could get a sample of Perylene Red right out of your face.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked, just as out of breath as he was. “What about my lips?”
Rafayel found himself laughing at your boldness.
His eyebrows raised and dipped in a gesture that was uniquely his, both attractive and aggravating.
“I don’t know, I’d need to have a taste.”
Your blush deepened. 
You closed your eyes and tilted your chin—a silent invitation.
The first kiss was nothing but a peck, tentative and surprisingly sweet. 
“Carmine?” He wondered, lips touching yours with every letter. 
He kissed you again without waiting for a response, deeper, more than a hello, your mouths memorizing the shape of each other. 
He had been wrong. Kissing you wasn’t like floating, it felt like sinking. He was slowly diving, until he couldn’t tell up from down, surrounded by you.
Your hand cradled his jaw, your hair swayed with the wind, brushing against his cheek. 
His world had been reduced to every place your bodies met.
Coming to Linkon City had been a matter of perception, he had thought once. That was before getting to know you again, banter around, touch you. 
With his hands buried in your hair, reveling in the stands sliding between his fingers, everywhere he touched you burned. It stung in a way that made him want to come back for more, run the tips of his fingers through every inch until they became numb.
Now, it was a matter of compulsion. 
“Cadmium Red,” he whispered, kissing the corner of your mouth, already curled into a smile.
“Ultramarine.” He pressed his lips to your cheek, rounded, heated by sunlight.
“Pthalo Blue.” Your eyelids closed only for him, a quiet trust that he vowed to return.
“Burnt Sienna.” The bridge of your nose.
“Lavender.” Your mouth again.
“Rafayel,” you whined. “Stop teasing me.”
He smiled like a cat who had gotten the canary and its whole family too. Somehow, you had ended up on your back, with his arms framing your face.
Your hair, spread like a halo around you, and the color of the sand created a harmony that made his fingers itch for a paintbrush.
The hue of your skin beneath the sunset was romantic and dreamy.
“Never,” he promised, nosing at your neck.
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traningdummy · 1 year
The Goth and The Jock
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Dio X Male Reader
Dio was an outcast in college, always talking about how everything was bad. He was also a satanist who would always talk about it, usually when talking to his friends. Overall, a pretty weird guy for college.
Y/n on the other hand was the usual movie jock who everyone knew. He had friends all over campus, from his fellow jocks to the nerds of college. Everyone seemed to love him, most even tried to date him.
But he had his eyes on one man, the older goth man, Dio. He didn’t know why he was attracted to the man, was it his body, face, bravado? He couldn't say, maybe he was in love with just Dio as a man.
Whatever it was, Y/n couldn’t stop thinking of Dio. In all of his classes he would daydream about the man, at practice he would hope Dio would go to his games. He felt like a hopeless romantic, but he was fine with it.
Dio knew Y/n from people around the campus, they would always talk about him and his game winning stunts. Yet he never saw the man in person, maybe because he usually skipped classes to get high or smoke cigarettes with his friends.
Y/n intrigued Dio, enough so that he actually went to his classes for a while. He would try to see if he could find the jock but no luck, not in any of his classes, never saw him in the halls, and he was not going to ask when Y/n had practice.
His ego was too high for that, so he decided to find out by himself. So every morning he would get up early and head to the gym, looking for Y/n but got nothing. Then after school he would go back to the gym, yet still he couldn’t find him.
Yet his luck would lead him to finding Y/n, but in the worst way possible.
It was lunch, Y/n decided to eat the campus’s lunch so he went to the cafeteria. As he was getting food, Dio came in, getting cravings after smoking some weed with his friends.
“Fuck, that sounds good.” He muttered to himself before walking to get in line, yet as he walked to the line Y/n was daydreaming and ran into him.
Food hit his black leather jacket, staining his white undershirt. Y/n gasped and the lunch room went silent. “Shit, sorry.” He mumbled and tried to clean off Dio’s jacket, he sighed and took off his jacket.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He said nonchalantly, yet Y/n was freaking out internally but tried to seem chill. “Say, aren’t you Y/n? The jock everyone talks about?” Dio asked and he nodded, everyone still staring at the two hoping for a fight.
“Yeah, are you Dio?” Y/n asked and the other man nodded.
“Man, the rumors don’t do you justice, you’re a lot hotter than they say. Here’s my number.” He said and wrote it down on Y/n’s wrist, the jock was too starstruck to even say anything so he just nodded. “Call me.” He whispered before getting into line.
After that encounter everyone began to assume the two were dating, to which Y/n was embarrassed while Dio could care less. Soon the two began to meet up, usually in the library or in one of their dorms.
Dio’s dorm reeked of weed and cigarette smoke, yet he would open his window to try and fan out the smell so Y/n’s nose wouldn’t hurt. He was grateful for it, but overall Dio’s dorm was just like he expected. His room was filled with books, most about religions, others were random things he couldn’t describe besides random.
Y/n’s room was almost the exact opposite, it always smelt of his favorite scent. His whole dorm radiated glee, which Dio enjoyed as his dorm seemed glum. Y/n’s room was filled with his accomplishments, from trophies to little medals of participation.
“Cute, it’s like you crave validation.” Dio noted and Y/n nodded, sitting down on his bed.
“Yeah, you know parents, they never give you any validation or comfort so, you look for it in other ways.” He remarked and the goth nodded, sitting down next to the jock.
“I can see that, I bet you can also see why I am the way I am.” Dio said and Y/n shook his head. “Well, my parents were what you consider the American dream. Perfect jobs, perfect home, a perfect family. But guess who came in and fucked it up.” He said and pointed to himself, Y/n laughed and nodded.
“It’s very obvious, but you have the most character.” He remarked and Dio smiled, falling back on the bed. Seeing the poster of Y/n’s favorite band on the ceiling.
“Yep, the unusual kid is usually born in the perfect family. Yet, it was my father who showed me this stuff. That is one thing I will commend them for.” He said and Y/n nodded, laying down next to Dio.
Dio looked over to Y/n, the sunset light hitting his face making him look like a dream. He never thought he would love a jock, yet here he is, falling for one. Y/n looked over to see Dio’s brown eyes staring at him, he smiled and turned to him.
“You look like you’ve seen an angel.” Y/n said and Dio nodded.
“Because I’m looking at one.” He said before holding Y/n’s face in his hands, Dio looked at him and got a nod. He leaned in and kissed the jock, he smiled and they kept kissing.
After that day they would usually be seen together, around the campus, Dio waiting for Y/n to finish practice, Y/n picking up Dio after a smoke session. They truly loved each other, and people could tell.
“Y/n, do you think I’m cool?” Dio asked as he held Y/n close to his chest.
“Yeah, you’re the coolest guy I’ve met and I’ve met a lot of cool people.” Y/n responded, looking up to his boyfriend. Dio looked down and nodded, a smile on his face before he kissed the jock.
“Good, I better be.” He said and held the jock closer to him, he laughed and they basked in each other’s presence.
The two felt like the perfect pair, Dio’s dark and sarcastic humor contrasting Y/n’s bright and sweet tone. But as their relationship grew, the closer they began to thirst for each other.
Y/n would always want to see Dio naked, on his bed all spread out. Dio thinking the same, Y/n covered with hickeys, breathing fast, face red. So they decided to plan for it, both agreeing on a date.
“Alright, so you want to do it after finals or before?” Y/n asked, looking through a calendar. Dio paced around Y/n’s room, trying to think about it.
“I think we should do it after, you know sex is a good way to relieve stress.” He remarked and his boyfriend nodded, getting a marker and circled the date.
“It’s official, now let’s get some sleep. We have finals to study for.” Y/n said and Dio groaned before falling into his arms, he sighed in content as he pushed his face against Y/n’s pecs.
“You know, you make the perfect pillow.” Dio said and Y/n laughed before pulling a blanket over them both.
“I know, you are always sleeping on me.” He said and the goth nodded, soon the two fell asleep in each other's hold.
Soon finals began and the two, by two mostly Y/n, were giving it their all. Studying hard and hoping to pass, and as the week passed Y/n forgot what was in store for him after the week was over.
But Dio always remembered, before he would leave his house he could cross off a day. Each day for the week he crossed off the day, till it was the day and he was excited.
“Jesus, I thought I was going to have a meltdown.” Y/n complained as he and Dio walked to his dorm.
“I wouldn’t know, I got someone to take mine for me.” Dio said and his boyfriend scoffed, and opened the door for him. When he walked in Dio smiled seeing Y/n’s room was cleaner than usual.
“Yeah, I know. Wow, I cleaned my room!” Y/n said trying to mimic Dio’s voice and he laughed.
“Nice impression, do you remember what today is?” He asked, pushing Y/n against the couch. His face was red as Dio straddled on him.
“Is it our anniversary?” He questioned and the goth sighed before kissing the jock. It soon turned from love filled to lust filled, Dio began to take off Y/n’s clothes and he did the same.
Soon they were both naked, Y/n and Dio’s cocks rubbing against each other causing the two to moan and groan. Dio decided to take the lead and kissed all over Y/n’s neck, sucking and biting to leave marks all over his neck and collarbone.
“Shit Dio, I didn’t think you were the possessive type.” Y/n chuckled but groaned when Dio took his cock in his hands.
“Have to show that you belong with me.” He whispered into the jock's ear, and he began to jerk off Y/n. Going slowly at first to hear his boyfriend’s moans of his name.
“Dio, please.” He whimpered and Dio smiled, deciding to give into the whimpers and go faster. Y/n kept moaning and whimpering till he felt the knot in his stomach start to break.
But Dio stopped, letting go of his cock. Before he could complain he felt two wet fingers enter him, he gasped and his head fell on Dio’s shoulder. “D-Dio.” He whispered but was shushed by the goth.
“It’s going to be okay baby, just relax for me.” Dio said and Y/n nodded, soon getting relaxed as his fingers stretched him out. Soon he was propped against the back of the couch, Dio behind him ready to insert himself. “Are you ready?” Dio asked Y/n.
“Yes, please!” He whined and took a sharp inhale when Dio inserted his cock into him. He waited till Y/n moved his hips to start slowly thrusting, kissing all over his back and leaving even more marks.
He soon began to thrust faster and harder, hitting a bundle of nerves in Y/n that made him moan loudly. So Dio kept hitting that spot, making sure his boyfriend was satisfied. Soon, without warning, Y/n came all over his and Dio’s bodies.
“S-Shit, sorry.” Y/n whimpered but Dio kissed him softly, silencing him as he kept going.
“It’s fine baby.” He whispered and kept going, loving to see tears leave Y/n’s eyes from overstimulation. Soon, thankfully, he started to feel his release and kept thrusting into him. “I’m so close, can you hold on a little longer?” Dio asked and Y/n nodded rapidly.
Before he could cum inside of Y/n he pulled out, and came on their bodies as the jock under him had done before. He sighed and fell onto his boyfriend, who was trying to regain his breath.
“Dio?” He questioned and the both looked up, seeing Y/n’s bright smile which made him warm. “You want to shower?” He asked and Dio nodded, so Y/n, with some new found strength, lifted him and took him to the bathroom.
“Jesus.” Dio muttered and pulled himself against Y/n, before hearing the bathtub getting filled up. Y/n played with his boyfriend’s hair, and he enjoyed it as he played with it.
The next morning, Y/n was slightly limping at practice. People kept asking about the hickeys on his neck, he was embarrassed. But Dio was proud of it, as he watched his boyfriend getting questioned left and right.
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firefly--bright · 1 year
jean kirstein modern headcanons!!!
warnings : none! gender neutral pronouns used, if any.
a/n: HI HELLO I'm so so SO sorry for the late fics. my finals ended like a month ago and oh my god I've just been Going Places™ like my schedule is jam packed with meeting up with people i haven't seen in three months because of the exams :/ I'm working on the requests!!! i promise, i read them and i am working on them. but!!! here are some headacanons to.... make up for the lack of content :3
taglist : @mrsnobodynobody , @holding-ishu-and-a-book
✿ masterlist is in linked in pinned post! ✿ enter my taglist ✿
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• he doesnt have a big sweet tooth but he LOVES chocolate like can't live without it. if you're also a chocolate person, he'll buy your fav ones for you and lowkey judges you for it ("why would you like this one???? the one i like is wayyy better you should get those")
• he's most definitely a friend's to lovers type guy. he never really thought he would be, though. he's a hopeless romantic and falls in love with anyone and everyone BUT he's also, as mentioned before, more hopeless than romantic. he'll yearn for the person from a distance, so he doesn't really think that he would go and fall in love with his best friend, of all people. you fall first he falls harder type beat yk?
• he's kind of gives off this confident, cocky and kind of intimidating vibe about him. when you first met him you just knew he thought a little too highly of himself. but after getting to know him, he's super vulnerable and soft and actually tries to be close to you. his intimidating Mr. i-fold-my-arms-over-my-chest-to-show-off-my-biceps persona is just a front, like he thinks being that coccky guy will make people think he's like mysterious or something and want to be his friend/partner
• i have a bi jean agenda actually
• thinks VERY highly of you. asks for your advice on everything even if you might not be good at giving it, hed want to know what you, specifically, think
• he's an architecture major :D i know alot of people have diff headcanons of him doing pol-sci/law (which are all valid tbh i agree with those hcs) but!!! i think he chose architecture because he has the right amount of passion for it. it's the closest thing to art he can have. he loves art but he's also aware that it doesn't...pay well, neither does he want to loose his passion for art. hes heard one too many stories of people choosing art and regretting it because their passion for art is no longer just a passion. Jean's scared he'd lose his love for it.
• isn't really used to physical touch, and if you're a touchy feely person, he's a little surprised when you hold him for the first time. he quickly grows into loving your touch tho and initiates cuddles :)
• hes kinda super smart. like he scores really well in class and always has. not only that, but he's gifted athletically as well
• he's more of a listener than a talker, i think. hed initiate conversation, ask you about you day and let you take away the conversation. doesn't really mind if it's "all about you", but if you ask him about anything, he'd gladly talk.
• hes actually SO shy when it comes to actually doing relationshippy things. the first time you held hands as a couple and not just friends, he had a nervous breakdown. he couldn't even look you in the eyes when he asked you out on a date, even if it was just a casual movie night at home
• he's very organized, surprisingly. he's not a clean freak but he just likes knowing where things are. rarely rearranges anything because it not only frustrates the hell out of him, he'd also have to get used to the new arrangements.
• he has a fixed skincare routine!!! he had acne as a teenager so he started taking skincare more seriously. knows a lot about different products, and if you don't have a fixed skincare routine, he'd tell you to have one. if you have super sensetive skin (like me) and can't handle anytjing other than basic face wash, he'd remind you to wash your face every night.
• he also is protective of his hair!!! he used to have dyed hair, but it didn't go well. he TRIED to bleach his hair but failed and half of his hair came out :')) he never dyes his hair anymore but he does freshen up his mullet every now and then. doesn't let anyone but his mom and you touch his hair.
• asks you if you can help him with oiling his hair because he saw one of those tiktoks saying they work really well. if you're anything like me and are used to oiling your hair every week, you'd massage his hair and his eyes close and his entire body relaxes the moment your hands weave through his hair <3
• LOVES showing you off. either in little ways (by swinging your hands together while walking) or by literally making his entire Instagram page about you. all of his six posts (he rarely posts, but whenever he does it's all about you) have you in them. the cheesiest captions, too. if that wasn't enough, he'd have (y/n)'s with your fav colour heart emoji next to your name in his bio to let literally everyone know who he's with.
• he actually loves to cook!!!! as said before, he'd very organized, so i feel like he'd also be into meal prepping. he watched those aesthetically pleasing videos of people rearranging their fridges with ungodly amounts of plastic cabinets. his own fridge is sort of a mess becahse he doesn't know what goes where :') but he does meal prep, and sometimes even packs you lunches with lil notes
• speaking of notes, he's not really good at talking about his love for you. like he'd show it in so many ways but he can't say it out loud. not only does he get uncharacteristically shy, he's always had issues with saying the words "i love you" out loud, so he either writes about it or draws you <3 you'd find random notes and letters written to you, sometimes with just. a cheesy joke, sometimes he actually Tries and writes a whole letter for you pouring out all the things he can't say out loud.
• the start of your friendship, you two bicker alot. it's clear you care about each other, but he loves teasing you because he knows you'll shoot back.
• he wears really thin eyeliner on special occasions <3 he doesn't like bold looks, but he does like how subtly the eyeliner makes his eyes look different. if yiure good at makeup, he'd ask you to help him.
• has a plethora of diff hats tbh like he collects them like an addiction. he has a fedora and beanies and bucket hats and normal embroidered hats. he has so many it's concerning
• he's very good at driving. when the two of you started getting closer, he'd ask you on long late night drives, either for take-out or just to listen to music and talk. he enjoys your company while driving. if you usually have motion sickness in cars, you will never feel nauseous in his car. he drives very smoothly, not too fast and not too slow. he's kind of a perfectionist (not extremely) and literally screams at Connie to slow down when he goes even a little over the speed limit. he drives the whole time in every road trip.
• his fav dessert is cheesecake. his unpopular opinion is that they're the perfect ratio of sweet and savoury, crunchy and soft.
• hes one of those people to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. on the couch, at the table, no matter how loud it is or how bright it is. he's a light sleeper and also a snorer. if you're cuddling together, he'd either lay on top of you or wraps not one but both of his arms around you. one under your neck to provide a nice neck cushion, and one draped over your stomach.
• he runs warm, which is both a blessing and a cruse. in summers, even if he'd want to cuddle with you, you feel the need to get as far away as him because he's just so warm. you'd wake up in your own sweat if you do decide to take the risk and let him cuddle you. in winters though, his warmth is very welcome.
• loves it when you hug his arm while walking. if you're tired and kind of lean into him, expect him to eat that shit UP because he loves your warmth as much as you love his. loves it when you lean into him or hug his bicep. even flexes his muscles for effect (you definitely tease him for that)
• is not a fan of thunderstorms, he kind of has bad memories. either from being left out while the ither kids play in the rain, either from the rumbling and the scary sound that comes with thunders that resembles the sound of his angry father or its just how inconvenient it is.
• his dad wasn't really in his life that much, always away on business. every time he would come home, he'd srot of criticize jean's hobbies :( his mom eventually seperated from Jean's father and started her own bakery, hence Jean's love for chocolates.
• he panics very hard when you feel sick. he jumps right into his mama bird genes and makes you a soup from either his mother's recipie or he'd call your mother and ask her for her own sick day recipies. he'd feed it to you and refuse to leave you alone until you've had your meds.
• he loves kissing your forearm for some reason. you loop your hands around his neck after kissing him, so it's the closest to his mouth. he turns his head slightly, closing his eyes as he pecks your forearm :3 it's kinda a weird spot to like kissing, but it's really endearing when it comes from him.
• he has a couple small tattoos here and there. two of the five he has have actual meaning whereas the other three are just for fun
• he wants whatever you want. if you want children in the future, he'd be there with you. if you want nothing but a large house and a couple pets, he'd love to make your dream come true. he's passionate and extremely good at what he does, and he takes pride in it.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
musician!eren proposes to influencer!y/n before goin on tour. when they get home, it's romantic as hell; candles lit, rose petals in the bed. Overall, jus some sweet ass romantic soft sex.
my faves! my faves! my faves! 😩 and here I was having withdrawals for them. say less.
cw: just some sickeningly sweet sex with my fav ship :( , food and ice play (if you squint), oral (f. receiving) pregnancy mention, breeding
Eren’s comeback tour was something himself, you and all his fans alike had been anticipating. Going from city to city..performing a track list comprised of new joints and old favorites. He received amicable praise on his shows and had quite the time while on the road. Especially with his favorite lady by his side. The two of you exploring the country’s finest as future husband and wife. See, Eren had just popped the question shortly before he started his string of concerts. Elated as you were, more so to be by his side..you guys hadn’t properly celebrated the proposal..at least in the way that he wanted to! He wasn’t one for showing off or flexing for the public eye but lord, did this man go all out in private! The day you touched down back in your city, (y/n) was in for one hell of a surprise! Having already called up his assistant and some other help prior, Eren wanted you guys’ homecoming to be one that would never be forgotten. In addition to having them decorate the entire living room with a giant rose arrangement that spelled out ‘will you marry me?’ setting in the corner. As if he needed that validation once more. “I just wanna hear you say it again…tell me you’re mine..” cooing sweetly as you stood at the bottom of the staircase; immersed in his grasp and his finger underneath your chin as he gave you sweet kisses. And you of course said yes, with the same elation and excitement in your eyes as the initial one. He also a had a line of gifts waiting for you.
He’s been holding back and resisting his urges all throughout the tour. Being stuffed up on that bus with other people made it quite irksome. Sure, you had your fair share of hookups on there but not the experience you deserved. (Y/N) was no longer just some hopeless fling..a girl he’d fly out when he wanted some ass. No, you were his wife, bride to be and the woman he’d undoubtedly spend the rest of his life with. You deserved to be treated like a queen..his queen. Eventually, those cute little butterfly kisses turned to a full blown make-out session..getting lost in one another right there. However, there was way more to this extravagant surprise.. “..let’s go upstairs, okay? Get a little more comfortable.” muttering gently against your lips in a light huff before tugging away.
awaiting you beyond those doors was something you wouldn’t have believed. Akin to a scene from a movie, there were red rose petals scattered about the floor, leading up to the bed, candles flickering and burning underneath the dimmed lighting..along with some champagne, chocolate covered strawberries and some ice displayed neatly on a nearby stand. It was like a scene from a movie but never did you think you’d experience this in your lifetime. “Erennn..you didn’t..this is—“ before you could get too teary eyed, he grabs your hand, placing a kiss to your forehead and ushers you over to the bed. “This is all for you, princess..for us. It’s just me and you now. No interruptions, no work..I’m all yours.” Affirming all of this whole slowly removing the straps of that silk bodycon dress from your smooth shoulders and replacing them with kisses; that ethereal complexion glistening underneath the embers of the flames.
There was one more humble request he had asked of his team and that was to be left the hell alone for the next week. To not be disturbed with anything not pertaining to the matters of your body. He wanted you to himself..selfishly and hopelessly so he could make up for the all the lost time he had taken away. Starting by feeding you the strawberries..rubbing them slowly against your lips before letting you take a bite. Meanwhile, he’s starting to come out his clothes as well..discarding that black button down and slacks he has on. Far more dressed up than his normal Dunks and gym sweats and the only thing you wanted was to see him out of it. So low and behold, that’s what happened. You two eventually rendered yourselves nude, stripped out of everything and entangled in the bedsheets. Rubbing your hands across each other’s bodies, kissing and touching like you couldn’t get enough. Working his way down your neck to your stomach and thighs with a frozen cube between his teeth, Eren made a trail of gentle kisses all over that beautiful body..marking you up inch by inch until he reached your soaking center. Parting your thighs so that he could get in between. He wanted to take his precious time and spoil you with all the love he neglected to give out on tour..
taking the time to carefully taste your flavor; flick his tongue up and throughout your folds and suck on that sensitive clit, rub some cool ice on it and let it melt against your warmth until you’d fill his mouth with your sweet juices. Underneath those candle lights, your future husband masked his muffled whimpers with that plump, newly waxed mound. Your fingers tucked between the strands of his hair, guiding him along and he’d let you. All those nights you had to cut your sessions short out of fear of waking someone or him being too exhausted to do much..he wanted you to take all those frustrations out of his face! Ride his tongue until you had the sides of his face sticky as far as he was concerned. “You can come as many times as you want, beautiful. Don’t hold back..” encouraging with your fingers intertwined as he held your hands. And that you did, even stimulating yourself to tears, which he was happy to wipe away as he leaned up to let your lips meet in a steamy, passionate kiss.
“I love you, (y/n)…I’m so sorry we didn’t get to do this right the first time but I promise I’ll make it up to you..” saying all of this as he’s slowly making his way inside of you. Legs spreading on instinct and wrapping around his waist before he began to thrust. The two of you have holding each other close as he begins thrusting up into you. Your hands around his neck as he cradled his face into the crook of yours. Slowly he begins to give you long, leg shaking strokes.
Ones that have you clutching his shoulder blades and clawing your nails into his back..oh, he loves when he’s fucking you so good, it leaves him scarred. A sign that he’s doing it right. Eventually, the bed begins to shake and you’re moving the headboard. It’s getting deeper; swelling up inside of you and (y/n) just relentlessly begs for more. “Don’t stop, baby. Please keep fucking me…just like that.” Crying out in a tearful plea..whimpering and moaning as he gave every inch and part of himself to the woman he loved. Soon, those same tears would fall from his cheeks and he’d just push past that tightness, finding home inside of you..the feeling, the sensation of knowing that this was his and no one else would ever make you feel this way. You’d explain breathy ‘I love you’s’ and climaxes alike. He’s continue to make you come and before you knew it, he had filled you up twice. Flipping you around in every position until you found yourself on top of him, hand to his chest and on your final strides. Those green eyes glossed over in pure ecstasy but he had to let you have one more. Lying across his torso with his hands on your ass, you’d grind slow and let him pulsate inside of you. “Swear ‘m get you pregnant…oh fuck. Want you to have my baby, (y/n)..” whether he was delirious or dead serious, you wanted to feel that warm nut spill into you one last time. With that sweet voice, you’d urge him or rather beg for his last big load. You tell him it’s his and he takes that as he should, pouring every last drop he had to offer into that womb.
you lie there completely spent, latched in each other’s arms and ready for this type of treatment until death did you part.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
IMAGINE: Yandere!Twst cast, dreaming of the MC, before they ended up Twst, and even though they searched for them, they couldn't quite find them... now that they've found them.. they can't seem to let you go.. how would they feel when they've learned that there are more competitors for your love.
A/N: I'm gonna call this the dreaming of you au! I have some plans for it.. I had to split this in part, because of tumblr's fucking word limit.
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He couldn’t recall when the dreams had first started, it was quite suffocating.. Looking back, he was tired of the same dream over and over again, yet it changed.. Slowly, he watched you growing up along with him, it was as if his dreams mirrored your own life.. And at one point, he believed that these vivid dreams held some meaning, there had to be a reason why he’d keep seeing the same person over and over again… At one point, he even started to believe that you were his.. Someone meant for him.. And as he grew older, he couldn’t help but search for you, wanting to validate his thoughts and imagination, which has gotten rather out of hand over the past few years. 
He didn’t even consider that others would have taken interest in you as well, ‘did they see you in their dreams as well?’.. The thought would have driven him wild, had he not been patient thus far, he might have truly lost himself then and there.. However, if he had waited this long, then it wouldn’t have been difficult to wait a bit longer.. After all.. He knew you a lot better than you know yourself.. He just needs you to realize.. That you’re his.. and he is yours…
YANDERE!IDIA, He recalls losing sleep, scrolling through the internet, scattering sources, trying to trace your whereabouts, all to no avail.. he remembered your name, that he heard you say once or twice in his dreams, you'd rarely speak to him... how he wished he could approach you in these vivid daydreams.. but your voice played through his head on loop, like a broken record repeating the same tune over and over again, as he recites the dream he had that particular day... You couldn't imagine his shock when he saw you, for the very first time.. he couldn't help but grow jealous when he inquired about how others had seen you beforehand, maybe he should have taken an interest in the so called magicless perfect beforehand, but how could he think of others, while his mind was so incredibly crowded with thoughts of you..
YANDERE!KALIM, Kalim had been a sweetheart from young, he couldn’t have ever guessed that there may have been an underlying meaning to his dreams.. Until he took notice of its repeating nature, he’d have the same dream over and over again, it was quite tedious.. aggravating even.. However, Kalim was known to be patient, unlike his peers. He was always calm, however one shouldn’t confuse his patience as him being dimwitted, sure Kalim wasn’t the brightest in the box, but he wasn’t an utter buffoon, he knew when something was wrong.. well most of the time.. He questioned the dreams, and the day he did.. He dreamt of something different, still his dreams centered around you as always.. And it was quite consistent, soon the old books on dreams and astrology became quite boring to the young child, he picked up a story book.. an odd story book indeed, he never knew this sort of book was in publishing, none the less it was quite conveniently placed near him, and in its contents Kalim came to learn of an odd concept.. dreaming of your soulmate, and dreaming of someone who was born just for him.. The concept seemed quite outdated and far fetched, but he couldn’t help but believe it! Kalim had always been such a hopeless romantic in such scenarios.. One could argue this is how he was raised, or maybe the book had blurred his thoughts.. Yet, when he first laid eyes on you.. he was sure you were meant to be his!.. Anyone who said otherwise, was but an inconvenience.. Just like anyone who gets in his way.. 
YANDERE!JAMIL, Jamil had been serving Kalim for the longest time, truly he couldn’t catch a break.. not when he was so.. ridiculously annoying.. even during slumber he couldn’t catch a break, ever since you appeared!, truly at first he resented you more than anything, another pestering source of annoyance, ruining his day and mood, yet he was lucky to have never been able to face you, at least then he could loathe you secretly and remain at peace within himself.. But he began despising his dreams for that same reason, fairly soon.. You were.. brilliant. A change to his day to day life, really.. He couldn’t quite recall how he fell for you, just that he had fallen for you.. Around this time Kalim kept blabbering on and on about a certain person he kept meeting in his daydreams, Jamil was too concerned about himself to spare a single care to his words, until he had heard about an unexpected book he had read.. The contents of which interested him quite lots’... ‘Soulmates, that’s ridiculous..!’ He thought, closing the book and refusing to look back, he couldn't delude himself further, he was above thinking of such childish things, and believing the contents of such ludicrous things. Yet he met you, here on the very school grounds.. He didn’t know how to react, maybe the contents of the book weren't as far fetched as he had predicted, maybe the two of you were predestined…
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior and or confirmation.
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fumifooms · 7 months
Marcille & Chilchuck contrasts & similarities
Yesterday in the Dunmeshi Discord we talked about narrative foils and I ended up writing a lot about my fave duo so. Informal character analysis time. I give some in-depth interpretations on aspects of Chilchuck’s character near the end as well, not just analyzing their characters in how they contrast each other
Marcille and Chil are so foils to me. "Has experienced loss through death and now clings onto the people around her and is overly interested in engaging in social gossip" vs "has experienced loss through rejection and now refuses to open up to anyone until socially starved", both are responding to their experience with loss in fully different ways, socializing and trying to learn all she can for the short time she has with others but trying to keep digestible enough that she’s not too attached if she loses them, vs refusing to socialize so the problem stops before it begins but eventually unable to resist the pull that comes with being a social creature. Like I guess what I’m trying to say is that Marcille engaging with social gossip could be a shallow way for her to vicariously experience social relationships if she feels like forming deep bonds is unsafe. Family is a core motivation and value for them but in different ways. Both want to keep the status quo but in different ways.
Divorcee who avoids love wether it be in the people around him or thinking about his own (past?) romance vs hopeless romantic that idealizes love without herself having been in a relationship or even in love herself as far as we know. Middle child vs only child. Emotional constipation vs emotional intelligence. Streets savvy vs prestigious academic, field experience vs book smarts. Crass vs prim. Overbearingly social vs private to a fault. Never externalizes his feelings and to a degree represses them vs wears her heart on her sleeve and her feelings on her face. They start out underestimating each other in different ways, one by assuming his age and the other by undermining her skills, experience and willpower. Both seeing each other’s motives as somewhat skewed (money and research of shady magic respectively) but growing to respect them.
They also both seek approval and validation from others, unlike Senshi and even Laios who don’t seem to care about outside perception as much, Marcille worries early on that she’s not helpful enough and slowing the party down meanwhile Chilchuck is almost always trying to prove a point early on that he’s capable and mature. Coincidentally enough, Chilchuck’s approval was both the catalyst and the key to resolving her arc about it in the mandrake chapter, meanwhile besides Senshi Marcille is the one whose perception of Chilchuck gets the most changed over the course of the whole manga. Something else notable is how they deal differently with their races being judged, while Chilchuck reaffirms himself as a proud half-foot, Marcille hides her half-elf nature and is embarrassed of it when it’s revealed. Something subtle yet interesting is also how they both are shown to prefer lying in a way that makes them look bad rather than admitting ignorance on something. Chilchuck says that he cheated on his wife and that’s why she left rather than just saying that he doesn’t know why she did. Marcille in the mandrake chapter says that she has used a dog to harvest mandrakes (thus killing it) before while in truth she never has, and everyone including herself is like "That’s horrible… The poor dog!"
Their dad dies. Chil is like "Hm. Cool. Anyways he died doing smth he loved right so haha lemme drink myself into an early death bed too yolo 🔥🤟" vs "He died and it shattered my world and I must devote all my life to wiping death out of existence".
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"I am going to knowingly shorten my lifestyle through unhealthy habits actually."
Problem solving approaches
One thing I love about them is how they have complete opposite approaches to problem solving. Besides striving for workers’ rights and job stability for halflings with an union, he’s very "laissez-faire". He won’t do the righteous thing just because it’s the right thing if he doesn’t have an incentive or a safety net, like going to save Falin. He doesn’t chase after his wife to talk it out and make amends, he gives her space and either hopes she’ll talk when she’s ready or figures that he shouldn’t try to do anything about it. He doesn’t mention the mimic he noticed to the others to not make a big deal out of it and hopefully it won’t come up again. He’s a "if the glass is half-full that’s fine enough for me, I don’t need things to be as good as they could be" type, a "leave it alone until it figures itself out" type.
Marcille? Marcille is idealistic and in-your-face. If there is an issue you better believe Marcille will address it and try her hardest to fix it, will talk it out and attempt to understand & strive to make things as best possible for everyone involved. She will FORCE you to talk about your FEELINGS wether you like it or NOT. Leaving it alone? Keeping things as just okay when they could be great instead? No no no no no, that’s not right, she’s going to try and fix it now. She will make you stand up and fight for the best that your life could be, to be honest when something bothers you and do something about it, will make you stop suppressing yourself because you’re scared of things getting worse.
Which, you know, both methods certainly have their pros and cons, but they’re very complimentary in that way. He grounds her into a more down to earth mindset and teaches by example that it’s okay if things don’t necessarily work out and moving on is possible and not necessarily miserable, while she encourages him to not give up so fast or stay quiet on things that bother so much. He soothes and she emboldens 🔥 Funny, because you could have thought it would’ve been the contrary, which is not untrue either, but he’s the "has experienced the harshness of life and has settled for something comfortable but modest" while she’s the "wants to make the world better and goes to great lengths to change it while still trying to find herself & uncomfortable with some aspects of life like loss".
One overly focuses on dealing with issues by changing things around her while the other overly focuses on only changing himself.
Chilchuck leaves things alone if he thinks they’re best left unaddressed or thinks they’ll work itself out. Like the mimic he didn’t tell the group about but it backfired later. Like how he didn’t chase after his wife or seemingly tried to contact her at all. Like how he prefers not to dig into people’s personal issues in parties and be left alone to deal with his stuff on his own as well.
Meanwhile Marcille is overbearingly in-your-face and loud and "if there’s a problem we’re dishing it out right here right now. Your wife left you?? And you didn’t try to get her back?? I am going to write out a script and a plan for you to apologize and please bring these piles of presents."
She’s secretive about her fair share of things as well but she’s very proactive. While she seeks to research something that’s a core motivation and life goal to her + save someone she deeply cares for Chil is there for his job and to get money and "hey if something happens I’ll have done my part. I took you guys here now you guys figure out the rest and fight the monsters or something". They both like to have a say in the strategy, Chilchuck moreso as time goes on, but Marcille involves herself much more into almost everything.
Espescially early on, they’re always sticking by each other judging Senshi & Laios together and being like "Am I seeing this shit right. They’re crazy right? Tell me I’m not the only one here with common sense" and forming a 🤝 relationship over it and considering that, it sometimes feel… Contradicting? How they also have a lot of conflict together over time about how different they truly are. But it’s interesting and nice to see how even though they do have arguments it always gets resolved pretty promptly, like they’re truly hashing it out as equals and then when that’s done they’re back to being on the same wavelength. The exception would be Marcille taking a long time to come around on Chil being old, but arguments and debates like the one on dark magic and if it’s okay or wrong to use it, which was pretty serious and not just banter? They came to find a middle ground or at least understanding, and it didn’t seem to lower the respect they hold for another afterwards.
Chilchuck’s repressing habit
I do think Chilchuck has a repressed thing where he doesn’t WANT to think about it about his feelings sometimes, like with his wife- and maybe with his father? But the way he was so casual and nonchalant about his father dying has always struck me. I’m not sure if this is a "my feelings on my father were mixed and complicated at best" thing or a "I just don’t want to spend time thinking about it" thing or something else, but it gives food for thought.
When it comes to alcohol there’s this saying where an alcoholic parent will have 2 kids and one will grow to be alcoholic too while the other will never even touch a drop of alcohol and both when asked why will say "I watched my father". Chilchuck is def the first I think. He gives the vibe of "An alcoholic parent puts a strain on familial relationships?? Pshh, my father was and look at me! I turned out great!" Which is something I’ve heard irl lol which always makes you go like 👀 yes indeed you’re perfectly well-adjusted and haven’t been affected by your father’s alcoholism at all it’s clear as day. On that topic, Chilchuck’s family, both currently and when he was a kid, are very interesting topics to theorize about with the hints and cues we have, how his wife truly felt and what happened for her to feel unappreciated enough to leave, how distant is he from his daughters if they haven’t seen each other in the same year either and Flertom was the only one to send him a letter? But that’s a topic for another day
Chilchuck probably has such a complex…. Of like not being… Like allowed to take space I guess? And he does wish to affirm that right, he takes space and asks for it so very overtly, he formed a half-foot guild to demand better working conditions as one of the biggest examples of that. He grew up poor and undermined but he knows that he’s capable and someone worthy of respect and demands it, and takes every opportunity to prove himself. But on the other end, he doesn’t seem to want to keep his hopes up in general, like asking for something to be better is bound to fail, that it’d be too good to be true. He tries to keep out of where his job doesn’t need him, from a sense of efficiency that cuts down on unnecessary stops but also because he just thinks it isn’t his place to do so. It strikes me that it’s hinted that like… He doesn’t even really consider the possibility of going to his wife and trying to mend the relationship. Like it’s either she’ll decide to take him back on her own or he’ll be left out in the cold waiting, never knowing just where he’s truly at with her and if things are over for good. Like… Shooting his shot and making his case doesn’t even register as an option? Like he’s not worth fighting for, like whatever he did wouldn’t change her opinion anyways?
He def has a "life isn’t like a fairytale where everything goes well" philosophy where sometimes it feels like he just gives up on how things maybe could be better, especially interpersonally. Maybe it’s why he focuses on simple joys like alcohol instead of trying to keep up with relationships which can be complex and very fickle, in his own words. Something like alcohol is predictable, always there to fall back on, safe, gives him sensations without other emotional/social risks attached. Ironic for someone whose job is all about risks, but understandable
He contradicts even himself… Bro yes you’re capable, yes you’re great, yes you matter, now maybe speak about your feelings maybe??? Or do you not think your emotional issues deserve to get fixed and have closure???? Are you so used to being dismissed, overlooked and undermined that you think no one will listen even if you speak up?? And this recontextualize his "I’m not even gonna try and talk this issue out because I know (assume) that it won’t solve anything anyways" approach, doesn’t it.
"I must break my party members’ stuff or lie to them because if I just tell them my opinion and my feelings that I don’t want them to die they won’t care anyways and keep going"
In a way everyone is the glue of the party in different ways, Laios giving the group a direction and a plan, Senshi keeping them fed and grounded, Marcille making everyone more social and encouraging bonds to form, and for Chilchuck he’s the one most focused on actually keeping everyone alive I think.
Idk I’m not gonna repeat every point but have this as a parting contrast:
Guy with shortest lifespan possible who doesn’t mind knowingly shortening his own with an unhealthy habit, here for a good time not a long time, VS girl with longest lifespan possible who wants to lengthen everyone’s life, who focuses on how long she can keep something or someone rather than how happy her time with it has made her already. They’re both loud in their own way, and both are still insecure despite appearances. In a way, both of them focus on taking care of others while overlooking their own demons.
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Open Window (Part 2)
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Part 1 here
Pairing: Barely threatening thief!Hyunjin x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Non idol au, fluff
Summary: You’re nearing the end of your gap year, and you decided to spend your last month of it at your aunts house. Unfortunately, a very stupid criminal has struck your house many times and you need to figure out who they are and why they did it.
 1112 words 
Warnings: Hyunjin LITERALLY ROBS YOU. DO NOT DO WHAT Y/N DOES SHE IS A DUMBASS. Usage of pet names, swearing. 
It had been two days since you’d seen the robber. He had come through the window while you were asleep a couple of times and stolen a few small items that you had to look for when you woke up. You had so many questions.
‘Why is this guy stealing dumb shit?’ ‘Why is this guy stealing from me?’ and most importantly, ‘What is his name?’ All you were hoping for was for him to come back through your window (While you were awake) and explain everything. 
After another boring day, it was finally night again. There was one problem though, it was freezing. Although it had been warm the weeks prior, the temperature had randomly dropped. You weren't expecting him, but just in case, you left a note taped to the window that said “Knock on the window and I’ll open it for you so you can steal all of our prized possessions :)” 
Surprisingly, at midnight you were awoken by a knock at the window. Navigating your way through the dark, you managed to open the window and let the man in. “Hi again!” he said happily as he sat down on the windowsill. “What do you want to steal this time? Because I have a few things that I’d rather keep.” “Well, this time I’d like to talk for a bit, because I feel like you’re a little confused.” 
You were taken by surprise, but touched by the fact that he was willing to help you understand what was going on. “Oh, thanks!” 
“I’m not an asshole, darling, I’m not gonna leave you in the dark… Figuratively, it’s the middle of the night I can't make the sun come up again.” You laughed and began to speak. 
“Why are you stealing from me?” “I can’t answer that.” “Okay? Why are you stealing useless stuff?” “I can’t answer that.” 
“What can you answer then?” “You should start smaller. Let me ask you one. What’s your name?” “I thought I was supposed to be asking questions!” “You’re shit at asking questions.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Y/N. What’s yours?” “I can’t answer that.” “Seriously?!” “I’m kidding. My name’s Hyunjin.” “Hyunjin? That’s a really pretty name.” “Thank you. So is yours, it suits you.” 
“Well, Hyunjin, what do you like to do for fun? Other than stealing weird garden gnomes.” You could see a dimly lit face smile across the room. “I draw and paint and read, so basic stuff.” “I wouldn’t call that basic, especially for a criminal.” “Don’t judge a book by its cover Y/N.” “You stole an empty soda bottle from me, I think my anger is valid.” He laughed. 
“You’re definitely the most interesting person I've ever robbed.” “You’re definitely the most interesting person who’s ever robbed me.” “How many people have robbed you?” “Let me count. One.” “I’m honoured to be your first.” 
“How many other robbers do you know?” “Out of the ones I know? Six.” “That’s more than I thought would be around here.” “Yep, we all rob around this neighbourhood because we’re honestly not bothered enough to go anywhere else.” 
“Well, I’m all out of questions. Is there anything you wanna say or ask?” “Oh yeah! Are you single?” “Oh, um, That was very forward.” “I’m just asking!” Despite how far away he was, you could see him smirking in the darkness. 
“Yeah, I’m single.” “Okay good to know.” “What about you?” “I’m single. Painfully single to be honest.” “Really? I didn’t think that you’d be a romantic type.” “I’m such a hopeless romantic it’s insane.” 
“How many other robbers out there are like this?” “I don’t really know…” 
“Do you want me to turn the lights on? It might help you see what you’re stealing from me.” “Nope, then you’d see me and it would ruin my threatening mysterious persona.” “I hope that was sarcasm.” “No, but seriously, you can't see me with the lights on.” “Sure, but I’m not gonna look for you and report you to the police or anything, I probably should though.” 
“I promise, my stealing isn’t just for fun.” “I believe you, for some reason I trust you a lot. It’s weird.” “I’m just so charming aren’t I?” “I take it back.” “Aw, why?” “You’re too cringy to trust.” “What do you mean?! I’m not cringy at all.” You threw a pillow at him and you could see him dramatically collapse on the floor. “You deserved that.” “No, I didn’t.” “Find something to steal and get the fuck out before I throw something bigger.” “Fine.” 
He scanned the room. “What’s that?” He said, pointing at a new item on your bedside table. “Oh, I was gonna give that to you.” He walked over to pick it up. 
He was a lot closer than he’d ever been before and you could see his face in more detail. He was absolutely stunning. He had an incredible jawline and the prettiest lips you had ever seen. 
“Wow.” You said. He tilted his head in confusion. “You’re so beautiful.” He looked down shyly. “So are you.” 
He held the item and squinted at it. “Is it a torch?” “Yeah! I thought it would be useful to have something that could help you see what you’re trying to steal.” “Thank you so much!” He pointed it towards the corner and turned it on. 
“Why do you have a box of paper clips in the corner of your room?” “I don’t even know. I thought it would be useful but it really isn’t.” “I think I’ll take that.” 
He was about to grab the box when you grabbed his arm. “Wait. Don’t go yet. I’ve barely seen you and I have to leave in two weeks.” “You’ll see me again soon love.” You felt your face heat up slightly. “But,” 
He cut you off as he kissed you softly. Butterflies erupted in your stomach. Your hand was still on his arm and his hand had moved up to hold the back of your head. When he pulled away, he moved his hand and tilted your chin up to look at him. He smiled for a moment but the smile had quickly transitioned into a look of concern. 
“Was that okay? If you weren’t fine with that I’m so sorry.” You laughed. “No that was okay. More than okay actually.” “Okay good.” 
You let go of him and he walked to the corner of your room to pick up the paperclips. He opened the window and prepared to jump out. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N.” 
With that, he was gone and you couldn’t stop smiling, replaying the moment in your head as you fell asleep.
Author note: Thank you so much for reading! I seriously appreciate it. Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! I'm planning to make a part three to this so if you found it interesting stay tuned! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
@catiuskaa thanks for the stickynote idea!!! :D
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f1letters · 1 year
dear reader | cl16
"to a house, not a home, all alone cause nobody's there"
summary: when two strangers meet by fate in the same bar with the same goal - to drink their feelings - maybe they discover that they are actually two halves that fit together perfectly
warning: overall fluff with a little hint of angst, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of feeling trapped, mentions of Ferrari struggling over the season, brief mention of Charles' father and Jules Bianchi, strangers who fall in love on the same night they meet, instant lovers, a story very much driven by the idea of fate/destiny, open ending heavily inspired by the movie 'serendipity'
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
word count: 2.8k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts, and a note written by the reader.
if you never watched 'it 'serendipity' and you are a hopeless romantic like me, please do, you will love it 💕 enjoy this one!
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Dear reader, if it feels like a trap
You're already in one
Dear reader, get out your map
Pick somewhere and just run
The funny thing about time is that it waits for no one.
No matter how many clocks have stopped, time is always ticking, regardless of who manages to keep up with it.
It seemed to advance at a speed impossible to follow and without even realizing it, Y/N ended up feeling like a spectator in her own life.
After being pushed by her parents to go to law school against her will, fulfilling their desire for her to join the family business, the girl just ended up with a degree she didn't like, a huge debt in her pocket and even more pressure on her shoulders.
Maybe working with them will make things better, maybe they'll finally be proud of me, she thought through the painful college years trying to make ends meet. But in the end, joining the company had been the worst decision of her life.
Her parents seemed to expect even more from her and no matter how long she worked and how hard she tried, nothing ever seemed enough for them. Her quest for validation from her parents just ended up suffocating her.
The young woman simply felt trapped with no options for escape.
In serious need to unwind for a night, the girl grabbed her old purse lying on her bed and walked through the corridors of the tiny apartment that she could barely afford, making her way to the exit door.
She knew she couldn't escape time or fate, but just for one night, Y/N allowed herself to breathe again, in hopes of regaining the lost sense of freedom she once used to feel.
Dear reader, burn all the files
Desert all your past lives
And if you don't recognize yourself
That means you did it right
Someone awfully familiar with the struggle she was feeling was the Monegasque lost in the same streets of the small Italian town.
Charles had never felt like this before, living so intensely inside his own head, as he looked for answers to everything that seemed to be going wrong around him.
And his head was a darker and darker place the longer he stayed there.
The beginning of the season now seemed like a distant and foreign memory. He could barely remember how he felt on top of the world as he climbed on top of the podiums, how his face hurt from smiling so much and how his confidence and his ambition were through the roof.
He couldn't recognize that hopeful, optimistic man anymore.
Being a Formula 1 driver had once been his biggest life goal. It was something he had to do not only for himself but also for those who had sacrificed time and time again for his success. For his father. For Jules.
Now his career seemed to be just a weight on his conscience.
They didn't deserve to see you fail, you're such a disappointment, he thought to himself, falling back into his self-sabotaging behaviour.
If his love for the sport no longer served as his safe haven, maybe for one night alcohol would serve as a distraction for a few hours.
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Opening the dark bar's golden doors, Charles was immediately enveloped by the warmth and the nostalgia that filled the place.
The room was nearly empty. Just two tables were occupied by a couple of foreigners and a group of friends making casual conversation.
And at that moment, loneliness only filled him more, because he had no one. How pathetic.
His eyes went to the bar stools, noticing then the presence of another unknown figure next to the bartender who was cleaning the counter.
The girl rested her head on one of her hands while the other entertained a glass with a clear drink into circles without much thought. 
The Monegasque was sure her expression mirrored his empty one, and for a second he found a scrap of comfort in the solitude shared between them.
The driver approached the bar, taking one of the high seats and leaving a couple of empty stools separating the two of them.
"A bourbon, neat." He asked the employee.
"Ugh," He heard unexpectedly in the distance coming from the girl, enough under the influence to have no filter anymore. "I hate bourbon. I swear I don't know how you people can drink that."
Giving in to his curiosity to know more about the mysterious gloomy girl, Charles answered her. "What do you suggest I drink then?"
"For me, nothing beats a classic Vodka Martini," She replied, raising the glass in her hand to her mouth and finishing the drink in one go. "Especially when it comes to forgetting your problems." Y/N whispered to herself.
"Hey man," Charles called the bartender, grabbing his attention. "Forget the bourbon and bring me a Vodka Martini instead. In fact, make it two." He ordered, giving the girl a smirk as he walked over to the seat beside her.
Dear reader, bend when you can
Snap when you have to
Dear reader, you don't have to answer
Just 'cause they asked you
"Forgetting your problems, huh?" He asked, inquisitive.
"You're damn right..." The girl huffed, irritated not by the boy next to her but by the mess her life was.
"Well, that makes two of us," Charles tipped his glass towards her, clinking them. "Cheers!"
Y/N turned her body towards him, leaning her back against the cold bar and placing her elbows on top of it.
"Let it out, pretty boy," She said in a flirtatious tone brought on by the unusual confidence that alcohol brought her. "Tonight I'm all ears. What's wrong with you?"
"Where should I start." The driver snorted.
"And how about the start? What bothers you the most right now? What's the first thing that comes to your mind?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Hmm... Work." Charles responded, in an attempt to keep some secrecy between himself and the stranger, though her magical aura begged him to drop his guard.
"What you do?" The young woman questioned but she saw the unsure expression on the man's face straight away and couldn't help but feel guilty for trying to invade his privacy. "I- I'm sorry, you don't have to answer just because I asked you something."
Charles was so used to being flooded with questions and forced to suffer through endless interrogations with no way to escape that the girl's small gesture made him visibly relax in his chair.
"It's okay, I- Thanks," He said, eyes twinkling in her direction.
Tonight, all he wanted was to keep that detail about himself hidden. But something about her... Something about her made him vulnerable, as if she could see beyond all the walls and facades he put up.
"I drive for a Formula 1 team. Ferrari, to be more precise." He confessed.
"Oh, really?" Y/N said, his confession not having much of an effect on her tone. She shrugged her shoulders as she finished off her fourth drink. "Sounds fun."
Never did Charles feel so special in feeling so insignificant.
Y/N was the first person who saw him as Charles instead of "Il Predestinato" in a long time.
Dear reader, the greatest of luxuries is your secrets
Dear reader, when you aim at the devil
Make sure you don't miss
Time flew by as the two were lost in the light that shone through the cracks of their shattered souls.
By fate or some magic of the universe, two equally broken halves felt understood, acknowledged, complete.
Both Y/N and Charles had always been people to keep their secrets hidden like they were their greatest of luxuries, but the enigmatic connection between them brought such an astounding, tender feeling in their hearts that both of them felt quickly taken aback.
As the night wore on, Charles's hand unknowingly moved to the top of hers, and Y/N let their fingers lovingly intertwine, causing her heart to flutter.
"Do you want to get out of here? We could go for a walk, maybe you could show me around the town a bit." The Monegasque questioned, receiving an immediate nod from the young woman.
It was completely crazy to feel like that in only a few hours, they both thought to themselves.
But even if only for one night, just one night, the couple was determined to make the most of the chance destiny had given them.
Even if they knew they were living on borrowed time.
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
The streets were deserted, with not a person in sight or a voice echoing along the roads.
On the grey pavements in that hidden little town, there was only the mystical light of the moon, the enchanting laughter that escaped their mouths and the lingering magic between the two strangers wandering through the night.
With their hands still clasped together like two magnets, Charles was telling her a story from his childhood, the frown he had on his face earlier now long forgotten.
"You should have seen Jules and Enzo's faces! They couldn't believe I won when I was just a little kid next to them! They were- What?" The boy stopped in his tracks when he saw the smirk Y/N was wearing.
"Nothing," She replied with her big starry eyes, not letting her smile drop. The girl hugged his arm, resting her head on his shoulder, sighing. "I'm just glad I met you."
Charles came to a stop, causing her to do the same, and let his gaze settle on her face as he tried to memorize every last detail about her to keep safe with him.
"Y/N," The driver whispered, grabbing her face delicately and pulling her closer to him. "You'll never understand how much I needed someone like you right now."
So I wander through these nights
I prefer hiding in plain sight
My fourth drink in my hand
These desperate prayers of a cursed man
"We shouldn't do this." The girl said apprehensively, though her body give in to the rising tension as she closed the distance between them even more, her nose slightly brushing his.
"You're right, we shouldn't," The Monegasque agreed, letting his forehead rest on hers, with the girl's warm lips now so close to his mouth that he could feel their inviting heat. "Tell me not to kiss you and I won't. But please, tell me to stop."
"Don't kiss me," She spat in a second, simultaneously in a battle between her head, which feared the guaranteed end to their short-lived romance, and her heart, which just wanted to feel alive for one night in the arms of someone who understood her better than anyone ever did.
Without controlling the words that came out of her mouth, as well as the way her lips laid barely over his, Y/N surrender to her temptation. "But, you know, you should never take advice from someone who's falling apart."
Without thinking twice, Charles kissed her as if the world was going to end that night.
Spilling out to you for free
But darling, darling, please
You wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking
If you knew where I was walking
There was no going back.
They would never know a world where they wouldn't remember how it felt to have their lips connected, how their tongues fought a flawless, other-worldly battle, how their breaths and their hearts were in perfect sync.
It didn't matter how much time passed, or what outcome their brief history might have: they lived it and it was going to be forever a part of them.
The sun was threatening to rise and the two were still involved in each other, fearing the inevitable end they had to put to their once-in-a-lifetime romance.
Y/N noticed one of the street vendors who usually occupied part of the sidewalk displaying a large collection of books in his small blue sales stand and her eyes were immediately drawn to a familiar red and gold book.
To a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there
Where I pace in my pen and my friends found friends who care
No one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire
Pulling the driver by the hand, the girl picked up the book. "Oh my god, it looks exactly like mine. It's my favourite."
"'The Song of Achilles'? Never heard of it."
Looking at the man, Y/N couldn't let their fairy tale end with a simple goodbye. So she took a pen from her bag and opened the first page of the book, writing something the driver didn't get a chance to read.
"Tonight was amazing, Charles. You are such a wonderful person, an angel who came to rescue me from myself when I felt all alone and when I needed it most." She said, letting a tear fall as she ran a hand over his jaw. 
"I will be grateful every day for having met you and I will forever keep you close to my heart."
She pulled him to her, kissing him through the tears and sadness they felt.
"Y/N, I don't want to say goodbye." Charles said, his head resting on top of hers as he hugged her tightly with his eyes closed.
"This isn't goodbye," He released her, looking confused at her words. "Fate brought us together and I believe it will bring us back together if it's meant to be."
She closed the book, placed it back on the shelf and gave the seller some money as a reward.
"In that book, I wrote a message for you and my number. If one day you find it, you'll know what to do."
Y/N kissed his cheek and, with those vague words, turned her back and walked away until he could no longer see her everlasting image.
You should find another guiding light, guiding light
But I shine so bright
You should find another guiding light, guiding light
But I shine so bright
You should find another, you should find another
Find another, you should find another
For a year, Charles searched incessantly for that book.
He couldn't keep track of the number of times he went into thrift stores looking for it, or that he approached people reading a similar book on the street, questioning them about a possible mysterious note at the beginning of the story.
Every time he came to Italy, wherever part of the country he was in, his focus was on finding the girl he let go of that night.
And as a driver for the iconic Italian team, there were hundreds of opportunities and attempts... All in vain.
Eventually, the boy gave up and decided to just believe her words: fate brought us together and I believe it will bring us back together.
Time moved on, the seasons changed and their adventure just became a distant memory hidden in the most intimate part of his mind as he devoted himself to his career, the one thing he was tremendously passionate about once again.
The man was getting ready to jump in the car for one more training session before the season started, when his younger brother walked into his room, holding a book.
"Hey, you will never guess what just happened out there!" Arthur announced his entrance enthusiastically. "This random guy just randomly gave me a book in the lobby! I think my girlfriend mentioned it the other day and-"
Charles, who had finally glanced at the younger Leclerc, immediately recognized the cover and roughly snatched it from the boy's hand.
"Hey! That's mine!" Arthur protested.
The driver opened the first page in anticipation and he could have sworn his heart flatlined for a few seconds when finally, after so much searching, the book fell right into his hands.
Her delicate handwriting decorated the top corner of the page, signing her name above a set of numbers.
'Dear reader,
I've always heard that if two people are meant to be together, they always find their way back to each other.
So please, destiny, be kind and bring back my guiding light because no one ever shined as brightly as he did.
Forever yours, Y/N.'
The universe had finally given him the second chance he'd been waiting for, and Charles surely wasn't going to waste it.
You should find another
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taglist: @dan3avocado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12
@amsofftrack @scuderiamh @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin @ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips
(taglist continues in the comments)
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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kogratorm · 1 year
Okay, listen.
We are all deeply saddened by the situation lurking over our cubitos, but let me explain why Q!Roier's reaction is understandable and genuine. Despite his hurt caused by Q!Cellbit, I don't believe he truly meant what he said.
From a realistic standpoint, it's completely natural and not at all unreasonable to feel angry if someone from your family (especially someone you're close to) is murdered. EVEN WORSE, BY YOUR GROOM. The situation itself is incredibly absurd and it's completely valid for Q!Roier to feel the way he does as a real person.
We all joked that Q!Roier would be his fiancé’s apologist, but it's valid and real that he didn't. However, when he said "Te odio" (I hate you) in that moment, he did mean it, but not in the way everyone is interpreting it.
He hates that Q!Cellbit initially lied, whether out of fear or not.
He hates the feeling of being betrayed by Q!Cellbit, someone he placed trust in, much like he did with his friends (Q!Spreen, Q!Missa, and even Q!Quackity), as well as Cucurucho.
He hates that the story is being retold.
He hates being the one who's traumatized every time; he has experienced it multiple times, so it's only natural for him to react defensively, saying things without thinking, to protect himself.
I would even dare to say that the presence of Q!Quackity might have triggered memories of the past situation with Q!Spreen, regardless of whether Q!Quackity was actually trying to help them this time.
Does he hate Q!Cellbit?
Perhaps. Right now, he definitely hates him. He told Richarlyson that if he were to send an elegant (vent) mail, he would only say hurtful things. Because he IS in fact hurt, and that IS valid.
However, the real "hate" here is directed towards the pain he is once again enduring.
Q!Roier is so traumatized that he's already accepting Q!Cellbit as just like the others, not wanting to hear anything he has to say. To be fair, it's difficult to listen to someone who has taken the life of someone you cared about.
Unlike the others, Q!Cellbit told the truth and sincerely apologized right away when he found the courage to do so, despite being advised otherwise.
He was afraid, but he still spoke the truth.
He did it because he didn't want their marriage to be built on a lie, not when it was already heading in that direction.
If only Q!Roier knew how abnormal it is for Q!Cellbit to tell the truth and how much he would have preferred to lie his way out of it.
But he didn’t.
Q!Cellbit choose to not hold on that lie. He is fully aware that his actions were unforgivable. He doesn't expect forgiveness from Q!Roier.
bicrysis @ Twitter:
They love each other deeply, they are hurt by the mistakes they made and the damage it brought, but the love is still there. Just because Q!Roier isn't as much of a hopeless romantic as Q!Cellbit doesn't mean his feelings are any less valid. It doesn't mean that he didn't love him and doesn't continue to love him.
It is exactly because of this enduring love that the hurt runs so deep.
The depth of their love intensifies the impact of the current circumstances, making it all the more heart-wrenching. The realization that someone Q!Roier cared for, someone he entrusted with his heart after everything he went through, could commit such a grievous act... It cuts deeply into Q!Roier's soul.
But, the same love that hurts so much, might guide them through the turmoil, offering a chance for forgiveness, understanding, and ultimately, redemption.
In the midst of this tragedy, the strength of their love remains an anchor, a glimmer of hope that refuses to be extinguished. It is a testament to their resilience and the depth of their bond.
And that gives me hope. I can, indeed, see hope in that.
But only after everything that needs to be hurt is hurt.
And everything that needs to be healed, is healed.
[...] Love can be good, it can be bad, it can be hurtful, it can be joyful. Love is a compilation of every feeling a human is going to feel in their life.
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robertdowneyjjr · 6 months
so none of this is what any of you asked for, but part 3 of the stonyclunks soulmates au @stark-and-shield @polizwrites @soliloquent-stark
(parts one and two)
tony spends his flight home from london agonizing over what he should do next.
on the one hand, his feelings about captain america haven’t changed. if anything, he’s now even more adamant that he wants nothing to do with him, because not only does tony now have proof that cap is a total dick, he also now feels like all that childhood trauma?? was the result of a lie. now he knows that he grew up being compared to someone who isn’t even really as great as his dad made him seem. so maybe now he has some validation (and vindication) that howard was wrong. but still, he could have just done without the years of feeling like he wasn’t good enough.
on the other hand, he’s a hopeless romantic at heart and he’s always dreamed of meeting and growing old with his soulmate. he grew up surrounded by them — his parents are soulmates. ana and edwin jarvis are soulmates. aunt peggy and uncle daniel are soulmates. that nature-defying love has always been the shining example of what real happiness is to him and he’s been desperate for it since he was 25, the average age when people meet their soulmates. the fact that he lived until he was 38 and still never met his soulmate had hurt him everyday. and sure, he’s happy in other ways. he’s content with how his life has turned out. he has amazing friends. he has a family that supports him. but god, he wants to share it with someone who he knows is fated to be his.
now, he’s kind of annoyed that he and his dad have another thing in common, what with howard not meeting maria until he was in his 40’s. and at this point he’s starting to think that being soulmates with captain america is some sort of sick cosmic joke that the universe is playing on him.
also he’s really, really pissed that the words that are permanently marked on his skin are so ugly.
at dinner before their night at the opera, tony tells maria, “mama, i met my soulmate.”
“oh that’s wonderful, antonio! tell me all about them!”
maria can hardly contain her excitement, and tony feels awful that the news he’s about to share isn’t worth her feeling this happy about.
“it was two weeks ago, a total accident. he was really mean,” he explains softly. if they weren’t in public right now he might even have just shown her the words on his thigh, but he knows her protective instincts would rear their head immediately and she’d skip the opera just to get started on hunting down the man who spit such vitriol at her son.
“oh. well, has he apologized for it?” maria asks. “i hope he has some basic manners, at least. i won’t allow someone who treats my son such poorly into the family, whether you’re soulmates or not.”
“he… has. quite dramatically,” tony says, thinking about the instagram post that had been causing a media frenzy for a week now.
“well, good. he should know you’re to be treasured,” maria sniffs. “when will i get to meet him?”
“i haven’t seen him again since. i don’t know if i really want to.”
“why not, bambino? you’ve always wanted to meet your soulmate.”
“mama… it’s captain america.”
maria looks around the restaurant. “where? i thought howard was with him tonight. crazy old man, still thinks he’s in his prime and trying to keep up with people half his age.”
“no, mama. my soulmate. he’s captain america.”
“oh. oh dear.”
“yeah.” tony picks up his fork and starts eating again. “i think i might just be better off dying alone.”
maria doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. suddenly all the excessive whining from steve that howard has been telling her about makes a lot more sense. she knows that steve is a good man. maybe not perfect like howard always made him out to be. but kind, nonetheless. he would be good to tony, good for him, she’s sure. tony just needs to give him a chance.
but also, like she said, tony should be treasured. if steve wants to make up for how they started off, he needs to pull out all the stops. tony deserves nothing less than the best, after all. and to be honest, maria thinks she might enjoy watching steve grovel a bit. she’s also looking forward to making fun of howard for having such an idiot as a best friend and future son-in-law.
so she starts planning.
“tonio, darling, why don’t you stay over at the mansion tonight? ana was just saying we haven’t had brunch with you in ages.”
“sure, mama.”
under the table, she texts howard.
M: is steve still pouting about his life?
H: unfortunately. i’m just glad beer does nothing for him. i can’t imagine how much worse this all could be if he were drunk.
M: poor boy. maybe he’s also feeling a bit lonely. there are plenty of rooms in the mansion if he doesn’t want to go home to an empty apartment tonight.
H: he might like that. i’ll let him know.
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underthetree845 · 6 months
Alrighty April, can you write a yandere! Chuuya x reader fanfic (hcs or oneshots whatevers easier) where reader is single (More of a hopeless romantic type thing) and she's talking and laughing with Dazai? Maybe Dazai will hold your hand or something and he snaps. Maybe he could like kidnap you, or kill dazai, or something? Idk, I'm just trying to give you ideas, do whatever you want with this request :)
Hey! I know this took me awhile to answer, I just had some other things I needed to push out of my drafts first, so I do apologize :') I'm going to tag you just to make sure you see this: @a-random-weeb And please let me know what you think!
(As previously stated) I have never written yandere content before, and I don't feel comfortable writing anything too dark, so I did my best with this. It might come off as a little more jealous/possessive, but I stuck to the prompt.
Dogs Are Better
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Chuuya/Reader (oneshot request)
Cws:  gn! reader, jealousy, yandere if you squint, reader is a dog person (it makes sense later I promise), dazai getting beat up (by chuuya), possessive! chuuya, unhealthy possessiveness, chuuya does genuinely care, implications of stalking, alcohol, drinking, slightly tipsy reader, reader gets a hangover, overly trusting reader, kind of kidnapping? 
About 2.7k words
Summary: Chuuya is already overly protective of you, how would he react if someone threatened to take you away?
A/n: Please note, I did my best to altar their roles and limitations to fit the prompt, but this is not necessarily how I ultimately view Dazai and Chuuya as characters! Also- in case it's unclear- Dolcetto is a type of red wine.
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Chuuya’s gloved hand grips his drink tighter. The bartender has been growing worried that it will just shatter under the pressure.
It’s been over an hour and you haven’t stopped encouraging Dazai with that stupid grin on your face. It’s nothing like the one you give him, the one he lives to protect. 
You’ve got a heart that longs to be loved, one Chuuya wants to nurture. How can he make you understand that you don’t need to jump around from person to person to receive compliments and feel validated? Why can’t you see that he’d be more than enough?
With a slam of glass down on the polished wood, Chuuya slides off his barstool and makes his way around to where you and Dazai are seated. 
It was a stormy day, but nonetheless, Chuuya decided to make a run to the little shop one block from his place. He was set on picking up some appetizers that would go well with the red Dolcetto sitting in his kitchen cabinet. 
Leather shoes splashed in the puddles along the sidewalk, rain pittered against the black of his coat and umbrella. He held the plastic bag of gouda and roasted turkey slices with one hand, doubling up on the knot in hopes of preventing any water from leaking in. The shade of his hair was the only reason he didn’t blend into the bleary background. The city was a monotone watercolor painting; dozens of droplets falling from the sky, lights flickering on as afternoon turned into evening, the usual rush hour bustle muffled by the cold rain of the murky clouds above. 
Anyone would’ve paused for a moment if they found a soaking figure crouched down on the sidewalk. Anyone would’ve tapped them with their foot to see if they needed help. Anyone’s heart would’ve melted a little when they laid eyes on the shivering puppy the person had been shielding from the rain. Anyone’s heart would’ve thumped a little harder making eye contact with you for the first time. Not just anyone deserved to. 
When you refused to take the umbrella and leave Chuuya without one, a compromise was made that he would walk you home; somehow, that resulted with him sitting on your bathroom floor, caring for a wet puppy, and trying to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat with every laugh that spilled from your lips. 
What kind of person halts everything, soaks themself to the bone for some random dog, and lets the first stranger to offer them an umbrella into their apartment? He began to question whether it was the puppy or you who needed more protection. 
The redhead found himself wandering into your city block more often. He noticed your favorite coffee shop, and decided that it had to be added to his routine. Lovely little coincidences slowly allowed him to engrain himself into your everyday life. It was all for your own good, after all. 
Someone getting a little too friendly on the metro? That same man’s body was found beaten half to death in an alleyway the next morning. No evidence, no fingerprints; the perpetrator used gloves. 
Crying because of the things your friends say behind your back? Chuuya isn’t hesitating to accidentally stumble upon your hiding spot and offer his shoulder to lean on. 
On a particularly windy day, his hat blew off, and you just happened to be nearby to catch it. 
It had to be some form of fate. He was meant to find you and you were meant to be with him. 
Such a precious creature you turned out to be; he found it sad that no one had ever bothered to get to know you properly. To understand you. Not like he had. 
You were a drug to his mind every waking second and every night as he laid awake staring at the ceiling, arms crossed behind his head.
Everything slid into place so naturally. He messaged you good morning and you followed through with a goodnight. On the best days, he walked back through his front door unable to wipe the lovesick grin from his face. 
His presence gave you something solid to fall back on, it was nice. 
He should’ve known it could only last for so long. 
Some people are like parasites. They squirm around their miserable existence until they can find something lively to latch onto. They use it to fill their own void, draining the other being of its life and leaving it behind once they’ve had their fill. 
“Oh, Chibi! Didn’t expect to see you here,~” the brunette chimes. Liar. 
You spin around on your barstool and a smile lights your eyes up when your gaze lands on the redhead. 
“Y/n-san and I were just sharing a drink. Do you two know each other?” Bastard. 
“Chuu, it’s good to see you,” your voice melts in his ears. “Do you want to join us?” 
“I don’t know why you didn’t introduce me sooner,” a grin spreads across Dazai’s face, “They’re an absolute treat.” He swirls the sake around in his cup before raising the glass to his lips. Parasite. 
“Yeah, I’ll join you,” Chuuya replies politely, taking the seat to your right while Dazai is on your left. 
“So how do you and Dazai know each other?” you question innocently. The two men make eye contact for a brief, unnoticeable moment. 
“Work,” they both reply in unison. “We dealt a lot with trades between organizations,” Chuuya explains.
“Many jobs here and there,” Dazai adds. You nod your head in understanding. 
“But enough about us!” a fox-like grin crawls up onto Dazai’s face, “I’ve barely gotten to know you yet.” 
“I don’t think there’s much to talk about,” you reply with a humble smile. 
Chuuya sighs and turns to the bartender to order another drink. If only he could make you understand. 
“Nonsense!” Dazai rests his chin in the palm of his hand, “Why don’t we play a little game?” 
“Okay,” you nod with interest. “It’s either or,” he continues with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “First question: Tall men or short men?” Chuuya chokes on his whisky. “Hmm,” you tap your chin in thought, “I don’t think height matters much to me.” 
“Interesting,” Dazai folds his arms in front of his chest. Chuuya glares. You’re treading on thin ice, Mackerel. 
“Next question: Do you think dark eyes or light eyes are prettier?” Dazai tilts his head, you stay silent. “Sorry, but I don’t think I want to be asked these types of questions,” you state politely, Chuuya has to hold back his smirk. “Ah, I see, I do apologize,” Dazai leans back, “I’ll change the topic. Cats or dogs?” He’s not worth starting a bar fight over, Chuuya internally screams, he's not worth it, he's not worth it, he’s not worth it. 
“Well, that’s a tough one,” you hum, tracing your finger over the rim of your glass, “but I’d have to say dogs.” Chuuya’s ears perk up. “They’re so protective and loyal, and I’ve never met one that wanted to sink its teeth into me just because it can.” “I see,” Dazai smiles slyly, narrowing his eyes. 
Chuuya sighs. You shouldn’t be wasting your breath on such a snake. Can’t you tell he’s done this a million times? The way his lips move, when his finger slips under his glass to set it down softly, how his eyes trace over your form like a wolf studying its prey. 
“What about you, Chuu?” your voice breaks him out of his trance. He blinks at you a few times before raising his eyebrow, your giggle practically squeezes at his heart. 
“Do you want to take some tequila shots with us?” you tilt your head. Chuuya raises an eyebrow. “Tequila? You don’t drink very often though,” he furrows his eyebrows in concern, “Tequila is pretty strong, you’ll end up with a shitty hangover.” 
“Dazai says he can have a few shots without getting too tipsy though,” you reply. Dazai sits with a conceited smile. 
Of course he can, that man’s alcohol tolerance is concerningly high. 
“Fine, but just one,” Chuuya’s tone is stern, “two at most. You’ve already had three drinks.” 
“I’m not even tipsy though,” you pout softly. Dazai chuckles as he raises his hand to call the bartender over.  
It was clear from the start that you had no intention of heeding Chuuya’s advice. After two shots, you were giggling all over yourself and Chuuya had to keep a hand on your back to prevent you from falling off your barstool. “No, Y/n, give that back, hey! Dammit!” Chuuya attempts to swipe the glass away, but you’re just fast enough to steal his shot and throw another mouthful of tequila down the back of your throat. 
“Mm!” you beam with satisfaction, “I told you Chuu, I’m fine.” The warm-toned lights of the bar seem to complement the hazy flush of your cheeks that bleeds into your smile. He adores the way you lean into him so trustingly. He’d probably have a smile similar to your own creeping up into his cheeks if it weren’t for the dark-eyed lynx sitting just to your left.
“They told you ‘Chuu,’ they’re fine,” Dazai’s lips form a smirk, one Chuuya wants so badly to smack off his face. He glares for a moment, but reminds himself of who his top priority is. He leads you to your feet by your forearms and catches you when you fail to hold yourself up. “Y/n, I’m going to take you home now, okay?” Chuuya’s voice is gentle, he slings your arm around his shoulder and turns to walk out the door. You look over at Chuuya and suddenly gasp, “We’re going somewhere? Where?” 
“I’m taking you home, Y/n.” “Come on Chuuya, you’re really not willing to share?” Dazai calls loudly. 
Chuuya pushes down the feeling boiling under his skin for your sake. You’re trusting him to get you home safely- admittedly your judgment may be a bit skewed at the moment- but still. 
“What’s so special about them, huh?” Dazai prods and Chuuya’s grip on you tightens. You’ll never get to know. You don’t deserve to. That’s my right, this is my person. Who the hell do you think you are? 
“I may just have to steal them away and find out for myself,~” Dazai smirks and Chuuya freezes. It’s only for a brief moment. He continues walking, but a dark cloud settles around his chest and in his mind. 
“I’ll be right back,” Chuuya reassures you as he buckles you into the passenger seat of his car, “It’ll take two minutes, I promise.” “Where’re you going?” you look at him with a half-lidded stare, fingers still gripping the edge of his sleeve. “The bar has a bug problem,” he smiles deeply, “I’m going to go help them sort some things out.” 
Dazai hadn't turned his head back after Chuuya’s fist came into contact with his cheek, the beginning of a bruise certainly beginning to form where he was hit. “Ouch,” Dazai keeps his voice steady, and his eyebrows lowered. He rests his hands in his pockets, ignoring the stinging pain in his back from being slammed against the wall in the alleyway out back of the bar. “I said, do you understand me, Dazai?” Chuuya grits his teeth, clenching his fist as he uses every drop of his remaining willpower to not crack Dazai’s head open like an egg. He takes one step closer. 
“You really feel that threatened?” Dazai laughs lightly, “Aren’t I allowed to take an interest? They really are a very intriguing pers-!” Dazai grunts and his chest concaves as he feels the wind being knocked from his lungs. He looks up, back flat against the ground, Chuuya’s heel digging into his chest. “Something isn’t clicking in that brain of yours, so let me spell it out,” the mafioso glares, his frame silhouetted by the moon. “Y/n doesn’t need people like you in their life. The world doesn’t deserve them, I have to protect them from it. There’s no one else who can, don’t stick your nose where you don’t belong.” Chuuya takes a step back, allowing Dazai to sit up before turning on his heel to return to where you wait. Dazai’s scoff makes him freeze. “Shouldn’t that be something Y/n decides for themself?” Dazai’s voice echos, Chuuya doesn’t even need to turn around to see the haughty smirk on Dazai’s face. 
In a split second, Chuuya’s heel comes into contact with Dazai’s other cheek, knocking the man roughly to the ground for a second time. “Tch, I don’t know why I even bother with you,” Chuuya snarls. Dazai stays low until his ex-partner walks around the corner and out of sight. 
Dazai sits up and the corners of his mouth curl into a grin. He wipes blood from his bottom lip and chuckles deeply. “Damn, Chibi.” 
Your mind keeps slipping you in and out of consciousness. One moment, you’re riding next to Chuuya in his car. He’s gripping the steering wheel tightly. The next, you’re in his arms, and he’s carrying you into a strange house. You accept whatever he puts in your mouth, swallowing it with the water he holds up to your lips. 
You awake with a jolt, immediately laying back down when a sharp pain shoots through your head. You groan slightly, rubbing your eyes and trying to adjust to the morning sunlight. The first thing you notice is that you are still wearing your clothes from last night. The second thing you notice is that your shoes and jacket have been removed and placed on a chair next to the bed, and there’s a bottle of hangover medicine sitting on the nightstand to your left. The third thing you notice is that wherever you appear to have spent the night is definitely not your house. Ignoring the ache in your head, you throw the covers off and stand up cautiously. There’s something indistinctly familiar about the room’s scent, but you shake it off. 
Creaking the door open, you observe the wood furnishings and step hesitantly into the hallway. Something in the next room smells heavenly- like a hearty broth. You can hear someone shuffling around. You tiptoe forward, but any apprehension churning in your stomach dissipates as soon as you lay eyes on the familiar head of red hair standing in the kitchen. 
“Chuu?” you crinkle your expression in confusion. He smiles slightly and places a wooden spoon over the pot on the stove before looking up at you. “Y/n,” he turns down the heat and walks over to you, “How are you? Do you have much of a headache? I hope the medication helped.” 
“Yeah, it’s not that bad…” you reply, scanning your eyes around the room, “is this your house?” “Mhm,” he replies, brushing his thumb over your cheek, “Well, our house now. You take a half step back. “What do you mean?” you question, “You know where I live, I have my own home.” Chuuya just shakes his head. “That isn’t going to work anymore,” he sighs, “I did a lot of thinking last night. Trust me, this is what’s best for you.”  A shiver runs up your spine. The look in his eyes is so… impassive, nothing like the man you know. “What are you saying?” you shake your head slightly, “What, are you going to just keep me here against my will?”  Chuuya steps forward again, his eyes boring into your own. “You won’t mind after a while,” he replies, taking one of your hands in his and brushing his thumb over your knuckles, “I’ll give you a good life, I promise.” You try to pull your hand away but Chuuya grips it tighter. You’re both silent for a moment, the air in the room seems to still. “Chuuya, you’re scaring me,” your voice wavers slightly. 
An invisible force pulls you closer to the man, you stumble into his chest and he catches you by the waist, using his other hand to cup your cheek. A cold, thick sense of dread is present in the back of your mind, but you’re having trouble focusing on anything except his gaze. For a moment, his eyes soften. He looks at you tenderly, like the Chuuya you thought you knew. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you,” he speaks closely. You find yourself unable to move as he presses lips against your own, holding you close as if you could break at any moment. 
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A/n: I realized while writing this that this is actually the first time I've put a kiss into my writing! I am also open to feedback since I don't try to write this type of character/relationship very often. Thank you for reading!
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