#he will pick you up from company class with like a handful of wild flowers sometimes cause they remind him of you
I want a Jason Todd x Ballerina fic SOOOO BADDDD. Like I need it. here me out
You are a new dancer at Gotham Ballet so you’re in corp. His eyes are on you. He loves ballet and follows the story but if you’re on stage he will find you no matter what.
He’d be there for you when you move to soloist and he’s so proud of you. He’d take you to your favorite book store to celebrate and eat sushi ( or whatever food you want).
This man may be busy every night but somehow during nutcracker season every night you dance he will be there with flowers after. Like how does he do it.
If you’re in muscle pain he has all the thing. Any and all muscle pain cream, he has the messagers, the rollers, lacrosse balls ( they slay at rolling out muscles like get them NOW!).
He will stretch with you, and first he wasn’t good at it, now he wants to be better than Dick. Like whip out a needle one day in front of him.
Have a break after performances and you get bored. No Worries! Teach Jason ballet!! It’s so silly and fun.
If you feel bad about yourself and your dancing. He’s gonna make you stop immediately. Makes you watch old dance videos and new ones (He’s always recording you dance he loves it!!!) to see how far you’ve come and how much you keep improving. He thinks you’re gonna be a principle and he believes in you enough for the both you of.
Batfam meets you the show you become a principle. It’s announced at the end of the closing show of the season. Dude he looked like when a dad’s football team scores a point. He stood up and screamed ( YEAHHHH THATS MY GIRLLL!!!). Bruce gave him a lil look but he doesn’t care. He had a feeling so he got you the biggest bouquet with little gifts hidden inside. He was so happy for you and now you had to meet Bruce Wayne… sweaty… it’s okay. They were astonished how long you guys have been dating like how’d he do it and why. Jason shrugs and takes you home.
Overall, this man would be so good for a ballerina ( ME) and pleaseeeeee
I think i’m just gonna write it myself.
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romaevelizz · 3 days
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Severus Snape x Blk!Wifereader.
sum: just some dad snape fluff!
warnings: none! Reader is mentioned to be A hufflepuff, and is Earthology teacher(it’s my own little thing), and reader is pregnant! not proofread!
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It was almost 10 after 9, second periods were just about to get to an end as Severus was walking around the halls with his four year old daughter. Severus was set with the task of getting his youngest ready for the day for her mama had and early class with the 4th years. Sa’diyas hand in her fathers as she wore a happy grin and skiped next to her gloomy father, “How come I have to go to Mommy now?” she asked.
“Because i have a Class of my own with first years i’m sure your mother will enjoy your company..” he spoke.
Her dark eyes looked up to him, “Do you think she’ll like my hair?”
Severus looks down at his daughters hair that felt like took ages. To be honest he was just starting to get confident doing his girls hair, but for the first time he smiles a little looking at the two parted braids going down the back of her head into two small puffs, two green bows decorating them. “perhaps.. I think she will.” he said picking her up quickly.
The pair soon entered her class room, the sunlight peeking thought the green house like top, His eyes found his wife her long braids curly strands decorating them, her hair was put back out of her face a few hanging infringe of her shoulders. Her yellow satin robes enbroided with vine and flower like designs glistening in the early morning sun. Soon her attention made its way twords the door where her students gazes fell, The earthology teacher turning on her heels her hands places under her swollen belly.
“Ah professor Snape! Seems you’ve brought me a visitor.” she Smiled up at her husband.
“Well Mrs. Maverick, I have a class of first years next period and i can’t have your daughter running wild.” he spoke putting Sa’diya down. The little girl grinning wide, she watched as her mothers eyes shifted to hers.
“You can tell daddy got your ready today hm..” she giggled holding out her arms the toddler leaving her father side going to her mother.
Severus raised a brow at the statement, to be fair he did but it was obvious when his daughter was head to toe in his house colors. The little girl wearing a white blouse with a Green sweater over it, a gray skirt black tights underneath, cute white socks and black mary jane’s with bows on the clips. Not to mention the two dark green bows that were placed on top of her pigtails.
“He did and he did my hair!” ‘Diya said her small voice excited as she was held by her mother, her little hands gently touching her head.
Snape watched his wife grin widely “He did, did he. And he did such a good job.” She spoke kissing her daughter’s face.
The professors had basically forgotten about the class of 4th years around them. Everyone knew they were married well especially after she had a small difficulty with her pregnancy during class and she asked for him, to be honest the two were never secret with it but that one little moment where ache called for him as she held her stomach just proved a point.
“You did great Sev..” she hummed.
“there’s no need for you to hold her she can stand.” Severus spoke urging his pregnant wife to put down their 4 year old.
“She is just fine I’ll hold my baby if i feel like it!” she huffed popping her hip out sifting the toddler away from her father.
Severus only gave her a look, “Don’t over do it.”
“Don’t worry Dad she’ll be fine.” the voice of his oldest shifted his gaze.
Zhuri her normally serious face giving him a reassuring smile. If there was one thing Severus was always grateful for with his girls if that they got their beauty and reassurance from their mother. “How come you never did my hair that well when i was a babe?” she spoke making a snarky comment at her dad.
“I didn’t have the skill at the time..” he muttered towards the Slytherin. She only hummed, her words mouthing to her younger sister ‘I’m still the Favorite’
Only for Sa’diya to stick her tongue out at her older sister. “Enough,”
Snape soon realized the classes attention was on them “Back to it!” he spoke quickly the students all shifting in their seats.
Professor Maverick only shook her head as she put her daughter down. The younge girl putting her hands on her hips sassily “Hey! you be nice to them! we’re causing a ruckus not them.” She said.
Severus raised a brow at his daughters attitude his gaze meeting his wife’s who let out a small giggle. “You Need to apologize.” Diya huffed crossing her arms her lips pouted.
“You heard her.” Zhuri said a small grin on her face knowing he was getting bosses around by a toddler.
“She is your daughter.” Snape said glaring at his wife who had her arms crossed aswell.
“you only say that when she has an attitude as if you don’t either.” she scoffed with a laugh.
Severus rolled his eyes looking down at his daughter “I won’t do such a thing the need to mind their own.”
With a poor attempt to roll her eyes Sa’diya damanded her father apologize for yelling at the class. Soon enough to save himself from the embarrassment of his sassy child he did. Earning a nod from her of approval.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be soon professor?” Y/n asked walking up to him tucking a piece of hair behind his ear her hand holding his face for a moment.
“As a matter of a fact I do, Unfortunatly.” he hummed.
she smiled at him holding the little girl close to him, he held her face giving her a kiss on the forehead “Bye bye Daddy see you at dinner!” she waved.
The students never saw this side of him but to be honest it was wierd. Snape never seemed like the family type but to know He’s a father of Two girls soon to be Three it suited him. A household of bossy women. He couldn’t ever ask for anything more, those were his girls.
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Ideas for what the boys (maybe some of the other random npcs too if you're up for it?) do when valentines day rolls around?
Valentines Headcannons
Ominis Gaunt x reader; Sebastian Sallow x Reader; Poppy Sweeting x reader
Warnings - none
A/N - I'm writing for these 3 because I don't feel comfortable enough with anyone else's personality to be able to elaborate on something like this? As I play the game more myself hopefully I can add on to these types of things
he would be the most likely to initially forget about it until it's only like a few days away
he would be scrambling to do the most with the least time so you didn't feel forgotten about even if he did in fact forget
he would be trying to plan the day from start to finish with flowers he's scrambled to pick first thing in the morning
treating you to a private lunchtime in the undercroft which he put together by convincing the house elves to let him do some not-so-great cooking for you
he would want to finish the day by taking you to hogsmeade for an authentic seated dinner
OR if intimate is more your thing, he would probably kidnap you to Feldcroft
he would enlist the help of locals to set up a much better dinner for you in a picturesque outdoor setting
at then end of the day he would confess how he had originally forgotten about the holiday
to which you would let him know how much you appreciated his efforts and that it was pretty above and beyond for just some 7th year students
he would want to keep things simple, but private with you two
he would be craving your touch all day in anticipations of some evening cuddling
but he would start the day greeting you with a surprising public kiss on the cheek and wishing you a happy valentines
he would inform you to meet him in the undercroft after your last class before giving you a note and a piece of jewelry
using some transfiguration, since it is his favorite he would have transformed the room into a comfortable place full of pillows, blankets, and relaxing seating
he would immediately grab you and make the two of you topple over into the couch
the both of you would be laughing as he relaxed into you, hands roaming your body, but not in a sensual way
he just wanted to be close and missed you all day and wanted to know if you liked his surprise of trying to make the room a little more comfy
he'll have acquired some stolen snacks from the kitchen and to your surprise, he would offer to read to you
usually he adored having you read to him, but you always told him how much you loved his voice so this was his surprise
he would have some options at the ready and you'd probably make him read a rather silly tale before you both drift to sleep together
she would want to make sure everything is PERFECT
she would be so nervous talking to you throughout the day to try and keep her plans a surprise
she would take you out on a trail marked with flower petals
she would stop to make sure you knew all the creatures that were present along the way, even plants or fungus, things that were alive but not exactly animals
it would be like your own personal zoo tour in the wild
she would lead you to a makeshift tent with a picnic basket she hid for the two of you to have a late, moonlight dinner watching the mooncalves together
you would cuddle under blankets and enjoy one another's company, probably falling asleep and staying out too late
before you know it you're waking up in the middle of the night, giggling as you pack your things up and rush to sneak back into the castle
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drchenquill · 4 months
New wip~
It's a regency era Romance story, and I'm fully blaming Jane Austen for this (specifically Pride and Prejudice and Emma)
Marriage was a word that always meant the same thing to many young women. They were wooed by mostly older men who promised them the world, without mentioning that this new beautiful world was four walls in which they had to bear children and smile prettily so that the husband could brag about what a delightfully lovely wife he had got hold of. However, if the young woman did not find a husband by a certain age, the mother usually had to make sure that a, preferably, nobleman chose her own daughter by very charmingly and almost cunningly, first befriending his mother, then mentioning the daughter's unmarried status, then arranging a meeting and, whether it worked out or not, trying until the daughter bend. If the gentleman did not agree, the search continued. If the young woman did not consent, she was given a monologue.
"Adelaide, dear, you are twenty now, you must think of getting married. Think of yourself as a mature flower and your husband as a gardener. He will take good care of you, water you, weed you, and you must-” ‘Smile prettily and hope he doesn't uproot me because he wants to plant another flower,’ I replied pointedly. I was sick of this ridiculous monologue. Every time she hoped she had found a perfect partner, I got to hear it. I knew it by heart. "Now, now, Adelaide, don't be like that. This is for your own good." She said, patting my hand that was wrapped around her arm as we walked down the street.
My mother, Mrs. Blackmore, was a lady of high class who had given birth to four children. Aaron, heir to our late uncle, and he therefore took his name and was now known as Mr. Crampton. He lived with his wife Edith in Sagehollow with their now two children. Dudley, whom she had set up with the beautiful Lucy-Anne and who now enjoyed his life as the master of the house of his wife's late parents in Foxbury. Good old Ashton, who nearly gave our beloved mother a heart attack, decided to buy a farm with money borrowed from father and now lived a carriage ride away from us. He had never married, never wanted to marry and preferred the company of animals. And then I came along. The only girl, the only problem. Adelaide Blackmore, the gossip of all Povington. Growing up as the youngest of four children, with three grown and well-behaved sons, I was the worst thing that could have happened to my parents. Wild red hair, which the maid had to style every day in vain. My chemise dresses always had to be dark in color, as I didn't feel the need to avoid puddles or stay out of mud. The look in my dark eyes was penetrating, never receding. I grew up with three brothers, my whole childhood consisted of scuffles with the boys, so my noble mother couldn't expect me to grow up as a lady, not when I had to assert myself on a daily basis.
The sun shone down on us as we walked the streets of Povington, filled with strolling ladies. A few men could be seen too, mostly young men, single men hoping to catch the ladies' eyes so they could fluff themselves up like roosters. “Spring, dear, spring creates a lovely melody that invites everyone to dance the dance of love.” Those were the words my mother used to say whenever she saw a young gentleman woo a young lady, or a young lady drop her handkerchief near a man, and he, being a gentleman, would pick it up and then the dance of love would begin. I just rolled my eyes at the thought. I had nothing against respectful men, but I could see in their looks that they didn't want to impress the ladies, but their parents. When you buy a cow, you make friends with the farmers first.
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 years
halloween event plotting & starter call for hwevent14! 
hello! please LIKE this call and i’ll send you a message about plotting if we haven’t talked event stuff yet. or if you’d rather, please REPLY to this call and request halloween ball event starters-- but tell me who for, who from, & please limit yourself to requesting only three total per mun so i can write with everyone. unless there’s more than three you really want in which case it’s a soft limit
also, fully said “fuck it” and am only describing their costumes/outfits in words rather than images, because pinterest is my personal hell and i am lazy when it comes to graphics
even though i’m a mess i’m excited to plot!!! so here’s the info!!!!!
wei wuxian-- (6/?) -- for lan wangji (tragcdysewn), childe (masqce), the corinthian (softsliders19), jester lavorre (circleofstarrs), lan jingyi (coreofgold), victor salazar (hiddenpxpercuts)
halloween is wei wuxian’s season. since the ball’s only on the 8th, it’s not technically his birthday yet, but he’ll be treating it like it is. you won’t find him alone at this ball; he will inevitably have plenty of company from people he’s dragged onto the dance floor or over to the bar. he is NOT the designated driver for the evening, because he can’t drive. therefore, he will be drinking. a lot.
he will definitely be in some kind of mix of costume-and-formal? costume that could pass as formal if you squint. costume but elevated. he’d pick something from movies and i’m currently thinking he’d be jareth from labyrinth-- flowy shirt, tight trousers, tall boots, and some kind of super wild, shimmery mask with horns.
martin blackwood-- (3/?) -- for elphaba thropp (tragcdysewn), satine kryze (mischiefmuses), kenna de poitiers (hxartbreaker)
social events still make him feel uncomfortable and like he doesn’t really know what to do with himself. martin finds parties supremely awkward if no one talks to him so please bring him some chill company. otherwise, he’ll just wander around glass-in-hand and desperately pretend like he has somewhere to be.
he’s dressed as a pirate, re-using some of the costume pieces that he’d gotten at the renn faire, and his mask is like a wesley-from-the-princess-bride sort of eye cover deal. 
yuri plisetsky-- (3/?) -- for elizabeth midford (drvcxrys), katie gardner (stcrlvght), yuuri katsuki (hiddenpxpercuts)
city events that yuri’s previously attended have not, historically, ended well, so he’s a little apprehensive about the situation. however, he has enough acquaintances in the city at this point that he’s sure he can find people to keep company with. he’s also good at dancing, actually, so he might check out the dance floor for a bit.
he’s wearing an old ice skating costume that was bird-themed, so it’s mostly black-and-silvery fabric that looks like feathers-- it’s sort of a one-piece situation, with trousers and long sleeves all connected. and his mask will be feathery as well. he’d be more comfortable if they let him wear his ice skates in the white house as well but unfortunately he’s in dress shoes.
orpheus-- (2/?) -- for eurydice (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), annabeth chase (drvcxrys)
he loves this! how exciting! so many people and things to look at! honestly he’ll probably get overwhelmed with how much visual stimulation there’ll be inside and will end up out in the gardens sooner rather than later, but he’ll really enjoy himself regardless. 
he’s dressing as the scarecrow from the wizard of oz. his mask will be decorated with straw and bits of flowers. his whole outfit is all very handmade and chaotic.
wen kexing-- (1/?) -- for zhou zishu (youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
this is the kind of high-class nonsense that wen kexing fucking adores. a place to look great, rub elbows with powerful people, and have an audience for all of his chatterbox bullshit. he is the kind of person who will come talk to you for two minutes and then you turn around and he’s already moved on to his next target, the only exception being zhou zishu, who he will probably end up dragging around with him.
it’s hard to dress up when you already dress your best every day (lmao i hate him), but he’ll pull out all the stops for this formal outfit, and his mask will be shiny and elaborate, with lots of large ornamentation.
noah czerny-- (2/?) -- for blue sargent (irresistiibles), emmett cullen (stcrlvght), josie saltzman (hiddenpxpercuts)
he’ll be looking for his friends and roommates in the crowd, most of the time, and making his way through the white house, since he’s never been here. he’s pretty quiet company for the most part but if a good song comes on, he’ll definitely jump on the dance floor
he’s not really in costume??? or dressed up, either??? but he’ll be doing his best to keep a basic masquerade mask on, in the nature of participating in the event
xie lian-- (5/?) -- for sophie hatter (mcrcki), thanatos (tragcdysewn), xiao lanhua (tragcdysewn), mu qing (masqce), hua cheng (coreofgold)
on one hand, too many people in masks makes him distinctly uncomfortable for bai wuxiang-related reasons, so he’s not 100% loving that aspect of the ball. but on the other hand, this sounds like such a lovely event, and he’s really looking forward to the opportunity to celebrate. he’s going into it with a forcibly positive attitude: everyone in the city that he cares about is here, so that’ll be fun!! definitely!!
he was in town last year for halloween but still doesn’t totally understand the concept? so i think he’ll try to borrow a nice formal suit from someone, probably in a color other than white for once, and find a mostly-wire half-mask to wear.
blathers-- (4/?) -- for rowena ravenclaw (mcrcki), binx choppley (irresisiibles), missandei (impcrfct), vision (dcpravities)
blathers is another character of mine who is in his element when surrounded with potential conversationalists. he’ll probably spend a good deal of time out in the gardens, because how are you meant to chat when the music on the dance floor is so incredibly loud? 
blathers, the art enthusiast, is dressed as “the son of man” painting by magritte? the one with the man in a top hat with a lime in front of his face. so he’s mostly wearing formal wear, with a lime-themed mask. it’s a little obscure but he will definitely tell you all about it if you ask.
he xuan-- (1/?) -- for shi qingxuan (irresistiibles) 
he’s not having a great time in general lately, but what else is he going to do but get dragged along to this thing? if he’s got to be trapped in the middle of an existential crisis, at least there’ll be free food here, which is definitely where he will be spending most of his time: by the banquet tables. 
he’s wearing an all-black ensemble that is slightly more formal than what he wears every day, and his mask is black with a few hints of shimmery gold. he would mostly blend into the crowd.
sha hualing-- (3/?) -- for sprig plantar (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), attina (circleofstarrs), kang sae byeok (impcrfct)
she will be sneaking around and trying to cause trouble, because to restrain her to do otherwise would be an exercise in futility. good luck if you try to deal with her.
will be wearing as little clothing as possible, because apparently despite the chilly weather, this is the part of the year where she can get away with that. is it a costume? is it formal wear? who knows. it’s some see-through fabric and ribbons held together with a hope and a prayer, more than anything. and her mask will be see-through as well, because she’s got too good a face to cover up.
liu qingge-- (2/?) -- for jacen solo (impcrfct), jessica hamby (hxartbreaker)
this man is tense. he does not want to be here, and he is not having a good time. probably spending most of the night monitoring the other peak lords from a distance so that they don’t embarrass themselves, because someone’s got to do it. 
will be wearing his normal everyday hanfu etc, except wearing a paper mask he bought on the street corner outside for a dollar, because apparently you’re supposed to wear masks for this thing
loid forger-- (1/?) -- for diana holland (youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
he is here because his family is here, so obviously he had no choice but to come. will spend most of the night eavesdropping on all of the esteemed guests here and monitoring the situation rather than having fun, because he wouldn’t know how to have fun if it killed him. 
he will be dressing formally in a tux and dress shoes, and his masquerade mask is black and white and doesn’t particularly stand out but still looks nice. 
dongfang qingcang-- (2/?)  -- for henry creel (mischiefmuses), edward teach (softsliders19)
will be staying only as long as functionally necessary to make an appearance. his relatively haughty demeanor probably intimidates a number of people to stay away, which is what he would prefer. no one in their right mind would want his company anyway, because he is terrible at conversation lol
will also be dressing formally, and wearing a fairly ostentatious mask that’s a very deep purple.
again, thanks in advance for your starter requests!!!!!!!!!
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Your Reiner + The Kids content keeps popping up on my page and I just think it's so cute! Could you write a little something for a sick day with the kids? Whether it be you being sick and Reiner and the Kids taking care of you, or the kids get sick at school and you and Reiner take care of them? 🙏
Of course! I'd love to, especially since you asked so nicely💛 The two scenarios you mentioned seemed really fun so I decide to do them both.
You're sick and Reiner takes care of you but his cousins get sick too.
{ Reiner x reader | tw:vomiting, tw: sickness | fluff, comfort | modern }
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{ "The Quiet Hour" 1913 by Albert Chevallier Tayler 1862-1925 }
When the kiddos get sick
It was around noon when Reiner got a call from his cousins' school mentioning Gabi. Having listed himself as her emergency number, Reiner wasted no time in leaving work to go pick her up.
She was waiting at the nurse's office when he arrived, face looking paler than usual and lacking her usual energy, she seemed tired and looked like she just ran a marathon. Reiner felt his heart drop.
To her side, was Falco looking just as worried while attempting to comfort her but not knowing how. When he sees Reiner, he looks at him in desperation as a plea to help.
And that's the story Reiner told you when you came back home that day to him making chicken soup. Gabi on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her and a box of tissue to her left.
To her right, Falco was coaxing her into finishing the glass of juice that Reiner made, saying how important fluids are.
You took her temperature, thankfully it wasn't so high. Before going out to the pharmacy to get some medication, you could see how hard she's trying to push through the sickness and act like it's not there.
Moving Gabi to the bed instead was easier than usual, she still attempted to fight Reiner, insisting she's fine but soon enough ran out of energy.
You and Falco stayed by her side and spoon fed her some chicken soup and other healthy stuff, convincing her eat the vegetables was the hardest. Meanwhile Reiner went to her house to pick up some stuff, she'd be staying with you since her parents were away for the week and he had a spare key.
After school hours, it was only Zofia who showed up with Zeke and Pieck. Apparently Udo's mom caught wind of Gabi's sickness and didn't allow him to go.
Pieck brought enough stuff to distract Gabi and spoil her with snacks, while Zeke took her temperature and symptoms again. Having some experience in the medical field himself, everyone calmed down when he reassured them it's just a fever.
The rest of the day flew by with you all surrounding Gabi, taking her mind off of the sickness and just generally being there for her and showing her how cared about she is.
Around night-time, after Zeke and Pieck took advantage of Reiner's willingness to cook. They decided to head back, taking Zofia with them to drop her off after she promised to bring all missing assignments to Gabi, you don't know if it was a promise or a threat judging by Gabi's reaction.
Colt showed up around midnight, having just finished his shift at work. He too checked on Gabi before saying goodbye and taking Falco with him, who promised he'd visit everyday, you and Reiner knew it's a promise he'll keep.
Letting Gabi have the bed, you and Reiner crashed on the couch, him laying down with you on top of him. You took turns checking on Gabi in the middle of the night.
The rest of the week while she recovered flew by quickly. Falco keeping his promise and showing up everyday, Zofia bringing her all the homework and convincing the teachers to go easy on her since she's sick, Udo video calling her from home to do help her do her homework, definitely not giving her the answers.
Other people dropped by on different days, Bertolt and Annie showing up. Porco "stopping by" every two days, sometimes with Pieck.
Even when her symptoms disappeared and she seemed to get better, Reiner insisted that she still needs a couple days to recover and Zeke backed him up on that.
You were her last hope, knowing you can sway Reiner too, so Gabi attempted her puppy eyes on you but as much as your back was hurting from sharing the couch with Reiner, you said no. She still needs rest.
A Gabi who didn't go outside for a week is a really grumpy Gabi, but you and Reiner had to manage.
When she finally got better, she spent the whole day outside running around and climbing trees, she was going wild with the biggest smile on her face. The other three attempting to keep up with her
Everything was going really well...too well.
It wasn't until you saw Falco sneezed that a feeling of dread settled in you.
The next day, you had 3 missed calls. Two from Udo's mom, one from Zofia's and a text from Colt.
When you get sick
At first you thought it was just one of those days where getting out of bed seemed impossible. Just moving your arm to get up was too exhausting, the weather around you switching between being cold and hot every couple seconds.
Just opening your eyes was too much, you called out for Reiner but your voice was too quiet and sore. Attempting to rise it resulted in a coughing fit.
Well Ironicly it did the job, it was loud enough that he heard you from the other room and came in with some water. He seemed really worried and his hand supported your back so you could sit up, he took your temperature.
You were burning up, his hold tightened on you before telling you to rest, it's okay he won't leave your side.
And he was true to his words, he took a couple days off work and stayed by your side. Giving you food he made, making you something warm to drink for your throat, hugging you close to his chest when everything was hurting too much.
You didn't have to move a finger, he'd literally go make you something to eat at 3am if you felt like it. He'd sit behind you on the bed while helping you eat.
The next day when his cousins visited, Reiner explained to them that you're sick and can't get up, also that your room is off limits to them from now on.
Well, the second he walked out the door to go buy some more meds and tissus, it was Gabi who literally ran to your room slamming the door open.
And that's how Reiner came back to four children cuddling you in bed, Gabi telling you stories about her adventures, Falco getting you water, Udo making sure you have enough blanket and pillows and lastly Zofia digging all the snacks from the cupboards and bringing them to you.
He thought about scolding them, but seeing how happy you looked as they told you about how Zofia managed to get the class out of taking a test by tricking the math teacher into talk about her recent trip overseas, made him just smile instead.
But he still made them all wear masks and wash their hands properly.
You spend most of the days asleep, not aware of the visitors that came and went. Occasionally waking up at 2am to find Reiner sleeping in a chair next to the bed, a glass of water nearby.
While reaching for the glass, you noticed a badly made origami letter being held together by stickers, signed by his cousins to you.
It was a letter the four of them made, for you to get well soon. You could distinguish who wrote what by the different handwritings, Udo's being in Cursive.
And somehow that helped make you feel better more than any ibuprofen could. It even had more stickers for you to use in the inside of it, something pharmaceutique companies should look into copying
When the weather is warm enough, Reiner would take you out to the park or garden to get some fresh air. Making sure you wear a mask and wear something comfortable and warm, his cousins would play while you too sit on the bench, his arm wrapped around you protectively.
Gabi and Udo would bring you all the cool rocks they find, hoping their coolness will cure you. While Falco and Zofia brought you the really pretty flowers with nice smells.
Reiner had your hand in his lap, holding it close and rubbing his thumb over it. Occasionally asking if you're alright or need something.
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denkamis · 4 years
bnha characters as cheesy valentine’s day tropes.
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masterlist. | valentine’s day event masterlist.
warnings: none! some swearing, but a lot of fluff for the best boys
characters: shouto todoroki, denki kaminari, eijirou kirishima, tamaki amajiki
notes: dedicated to @nekomanagers / @meilbox ,, for being the most supportive human being in my life and undoubtedly the reason i have been posting so much of my work here on this blog. thank you for dealing with all of my shenanigans on and offline, and for picking me up when i felt like i couldn’t. <33 i love you.
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shouto todoroki
flowers & chocolate as gifts
he’s one for the classics
he buys you the most gorgeous flowers, ones that are most definitely your favourites mixed in with an arrangement of others that all have particular meanings to them
he also got you expensive truffle chocolates, and also some cheaper ones that you really like to snack on
he’s so thoughtful, it makes your heart melt
literally so sincere as he gives it to you too, has a whole ass speech prepared
shouto came home after work a bit later than you had expected him to. perhaps he got caught up with some hero work, a report that needed to absolutely be filed today or a villain that just wouldn’t let up. either way, when you heard the front door to your shared apartment open, you came running over to greet him. as you turned the corner to see the front door, there stood shouto with the most breathtaking bouquet of flowers you had ever seen in your life. it was a myriad of colours and petals of all kinds standing out against the white of his suit. since when did he have time to change after work to surprise you like this? his usual aloof expression was replaced by a soft smile, one that was reserved for you and only you, “happy valentine’s day, my love.”
he strolled over to you, initiating a kiss that was slow and passionate. it made your heart melt right on the spot, your face erupting in nothing but pure warmth. “shouto, these are beautiful,” you told him as you took a moment to admire the different flowers that went into assembling the collection in his hands. “these ones mean gratitude, and this one here means love. truth is the white coloured one,” he pointed out, guiding you through the meaning of each individual one that made up your special gift.
he snuck a glance at you, your face radiant with how much you were smiling at his thoughtful present. “i also bought you a few of your favourites,” shouto gestured to the vanity you two kept by the door. you turned to see a very expensive box of truffles and a few hershey's kisses paired with more of your favourite corner store chocolates.
“it wasn’t too much, was it?” shouto asked quietly, watching as your jaw dropped at the sight of the truffles. didn’t you hear a rumour once about how those ones literally had gold integrated into their wrappers?  “no no, it’s wonderful. this is.. you’re so sweet,” you giggled, tapping his chest as a signal for him to lean down so you could kiss him again. no matter how many times shouto gifted you flowers and chocolate on valentine’s day, you got the same butterflies as you did when he first gave you these heartfelt gifts back in high school.
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denki kaminari
fancy dinner date at an expensive restaurant
the entire bakusquad was EGGING HIM ON for something good on valentine’s day okay
he’s been talking big game about some kind of secret plan he had in store for the both of you
he bought you an outfit that not only suited your style, but was elegant and absolutely stunning as it complimented your figure
he pulled out all the stops for you
he wanted to be classy, so he reserved a table for two at one of those rooftop restaurants so you two could dine and enjoy each other’s company
“like grown ups” as denki says
you were sat at a candlelit dinner for two near the edge of one of the most highly rated restaurants in your area. denki had really gone all out, wanting to treat you like the resilient and beautiful partner you were to him with a night that would be unforgettable.
and unforgettable it was.
you two were arguably the loudest ones at the restaurant, laughing and overall just having a good time amongst such high class individuals. denki was making faces at you across the table, making you choke back on the red wine you were having. “and then bakugou slapped that dude! it was crazy, y/n, super fucking wild,” he laughed as you nodded your head in agreement. denki sure knew how to talk, filling in conversations with anecdotes and playful conversation topics sprinkled in with compliments for you. he loved you so damn much, he felt like his electricity quirk was on all the time with you from how much you turned his brain to mush.
he couldn’t get over how gorgeous you looked tonight, with your hair done and your outfit styled to perfection. like, that was all his? and a personality to match? damn! he felt like for once, he was doing something right in his life for you. he wasn’t the dumbass everyone constantly made him out to be. he was trying to be the best for you, and if he could make you happy for the rest of his life, then nothing else mattered to him.
your waiters came back with two platters in hand, with outrageously small portion sizes that could feed maybe a small cat at best. the two of you stared at each other with blank expressions. oh no, this would not be enough to appease your appetites. each of your plates were worth twelve thousand yen, so you really couldn’t get more. on top of that, denki had prepaid everything for tonight anyways. what was worse was that the food tasted like a rat’s ass, yet the two of you dined like kings regardless. well, you pretended to at least. as you were suppressing your disgusted expressions out of kindness to both the waiters and the other guests, denki couldn’t help but stare at you. you were his person, and although the dinner wasn’t exactly all it was cracked up to be, he knew that you dealt with so much more of him than anyone else was willing to. that meant more to him than words could even express.
that, and he immediately bought you apology mcnuggets after you two left. then you two really ate like kings.
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eijirou kirishima
long captions to their s/o on instagram
this mfing SAP
he has everything planned, he made like 3 drafts beforehand and even had bakugou proofread it for him
he had all the different pictures he wanted to post too
this is a little unrelated but mans definitely showed up to your house with red roses and a suit
your phone buzzed, indicating that  you had received a new notification from instagram. after taking your phone off the table and entering in your passcode, you tapped into the instagram app and saw what had caused the tiny ping.
eijikirishima has tagged you in a post!
the first photo was an oldie, but a goodie. it was of you and eijirou at prom together back when you both graduated from ua. he looked absolutely stunning in the darkened suit he had bought, right beside you in a matching colour scheme. though the picture was in fact a meme in itself, as he posed like that one will smith picture gesturing to you with the goofiest smile. you remembered telling him that he was absolutely banned from wearing crocs that night to the dance. it was a good thing you had saved him from that utter atrocity.
the next picture was a photo of you with the puppy you had adopted together. you had named him bean, to which eijirou had expressed was the manliest name he had ever heard for a tiny pomeranian puppy. you were pressing a kiss to bean’s nose, the angle of the photo showing off your loving nature that he had fallen for.
the last was a picture of you sleeping against him during a long train ride for a mission. it wasn’t the most flattering picture eijirou had of you, but it was certainly one of his favourites. you looked so at peace, cuddling against his side with a tiny line of drool running down your chin. he was smiling in the picture, his eyes solely trained on you with the most wholesome look on his face. he was so utterly in love with you, and this picture couldn’t have showcased that look any more clearly.
the caption read as follows:
Hey bros! It’s Valentine’s Day, which means that it is my duty to post about the most amazing person I’ve ever had the pleasure of dating for about five years now! Y/N, we’ve been through so much together over the years, we’ve had ups and downs and everything else in between but I’ve been fortunate enough to remain standing here as the person you can confide in, much like you are that person to me. You’re my rock. I continue to find so much more to love about you every single day. I hope I get to spend the rest of my days with you, my best friend, my partner throughout everything. I love you so so much, pebble. I hope we get to stay just like this forever, and grow as we go along.
needless to say, many happy tears were shed that day.
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tamaki amajiki
love letters in their shoe locker
for all the days leading up to valentine’s, tamaki put a different letter in your locker
mirio hyped him up asf to even get him to write what he was feeling towards you
and he was still nervous as hell and had mirio stand guard so that you didn’t accidentally walk in on him shoving weird notes in your locker
but unfortunately for tamaki, mirio isn’t a very good watchman
and so you caught him in the act, right on valentine’s day ironically
it was the end of a long, rather eventful day at school. you had gotten a few confessions from some other students, to which you turned down due to someone else being on your mind. for the past few days, you had begun collecting small letters in your shoe locker. the notes were short, handwritten with small doodles and even a recipe or two for you to try. it seemed like this person was reaching out to you to express their true feelings, their intimate and romantic feelings, towards you. and you couldn’t help but feel the same towards them, whoever they were. this admirer unveiled small details about themselves to you, yet hadn’t revealed enough for you to piece together a name. so here you were, sprinting down the hallway as soon as the bell went to try and catch a glimpse of this mystery individual who had been leaving you such sweet writings for you to cherish.
you rounded the final corner and there you saw him. before that happened however, you first you ran into your classmate and good friend mirio, who let out a tiny “oof” at the sudden contact. you apologized to him in a rush, explaining in a rushed tone that you needed to go meet someone. he nodded and waved to you before realizing that he had one job and tamaki was definitely going to kill him later.
only slightly out of breath, you saw a mess of indigo hair and shaky hands sliding your latest note into your shoe locker. as he turned to leave, his face drained of colour at the sight of you. he slouched further, retreating into himself. he looked around nervously for an excuse as to what the hell he was doing shoving letters into your locker. though, you beat him to speaking first.
“it’s you.”
tamaki’s throat felt scratchy and swollen, his entire form shaking as you slowly, calmly made your way towards him. “i- i can explain, y/n,” tamaki barely murmured, his nerves beginning to get the best of him yet again. “your words, they were so intimate. you were so well spoken on paper, i just had to meet you in person,” you confessed to him with a patient smile on your face. you stood a relatively safe distance away, not wanting to overwhelm him by your presence. you had just caught him in such a compromising act, after all.
“i read all your letters,” you went on, “every night before bed, i read them, tamaki. i even tried out the udon recipe you gave me and it was the best udon i had ever had. everything you said in your letters, the confessions and the other, more personal stuff… is that all true?”
tamaki, though he felt frozen beneath your warm gaze, had the courage to nod his head. “i didn’t know how else to tell you,” he admitted, hands now covering his face in shame. suddenly, gentle fingers grasped at his shaky ones as you uncovered his face to the light that was you. “i like you too,” you said finally. it felt like a chord had snapped inside of tamaki’s mind and all his feelings came crashing down in a deep crescendo of emotions all for you. it was all that he had ever wanted from you: a response.
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all works © denkamis 2021.
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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legendaryoikawa · 4 years
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ares / suna rintarou / masterlist
pairing: suna x female reader
word count: 2k
synopsis: your stalker must’ve adore you so so much, he intends to kill for you.
quote:  “If you're that obsessed with someone, why would you kill her? Humans are full of contradictions.” - Ai Yazawa
genre: stalker!au, caters mature themes such as manipulation, voyeurism, public masturbation, murder, violence coercion, borderline obsession. 
note: i do not condone these behavior in real life. this is just a work of fiction. 
minors dni
taglist: @boosyboo9206 @dokisaki (can’t tag) @godjo@flavostella02 @heykoutaro (can’t tag) @aleacarnin@licitix@katsukis-sad-angel@k-sakura @dokisuki (can’t tag) @black-water-78​@throughtheinterstices​ @iloverarepares @newfriendjen @aizawaslovebot @ratatouille407​ @midnightartist​ @ya-kkun​ @daicrie​ @mochipk​ @kanesshiiweeb​ @134340-cm​ @svgafresh​ @annexerca​ @neavil​ @paigypol (can’t tag) @aggressivelyshoutsokay​ thank you for the love and support!
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Truly an ace of all fools. 
Ares, the god of war. As Homer called him, murderous, bloodstained, the incarnate curse of mortals.
Name it, Suna knows every possible if not, unique ways to kill. He prefers the crowbar as it’s efficient and easy enough to send a person to their graves. For his very own pleasure. It fuels him especially when he sees those eyes that were once full of life drown down to darkness of death. 
Suna is known as one of the notorious lads at school. He never fails to leave an astonished look to every person he has passed by at school. People are stunned whenever he walks down the hallway with his school shirt unbuttoned and crumpled. His overall appearance is unruly with the noticeable scars that lingered on his face like ches. His disheveled jet black hair. Eyes that bore nothing but darkness. Chains dangling from each of his ears. His aura that is explainable and unassailable that could even strike the thunderbolt of the great god Zeus. 
Suna is handsome. He looks like bad news. Wild.
He wielded an enormous influence among girls. Some swoon at the mere sight of him; others even resorted to some chase yet ended up a crying mess. Boys even fall for his charms, but one sharp glance is enough to wave them off like flies. 
However, you on the other hand are not fazed by him nor his silhouette. Which made him to be drained by a pure soul like you. 
Suna is so private and closed like an abandoned establishment and that could be the sole reason why people want to pry into his life. He had everyone controlled on the palm of his hand but he can’t seem to play with you like he initially plans to. 
Suna has the patience of a boar. He shows signs of violence that it’s alarming. But people seem to be in love at his bad boy facade, no one dares to report him.
 He is a living contradiction. Suna is a ride, a deadly one.
He comes to school with his boisterous friends that look exactly like how he presents himself. You can always hear their uproarious banters about their lives, endless wolf-whistling. They are the group of boys you wouldn’t want to mess with. Especially the mysterious Suna. 
You made a promise to get the shit out of the tracks that had traces of the boisterous boy that is  Suna. 
Not just the boys that have brought out the never ending fiasco circulating around your highschool. There have been a high number of mysterious disappearances of students that you may have never heard of or slightly familiar to you that you cannot recall. Their skulls are cracked open with a brute force or a bullet to the head. Some are strangled, some are mutilated, and what makes it terrifying is that most of the victims are leading down to you.
You can still remember how Kang Hana spent her afternoon with you in the library for a philosophy project. You admit it yourself that Hana isn’t the preferable company. She’s too nosy, noisy and quite violent towards you as she keeps on hitting you on the arm whenever you spill something stupid. Nevertheless, you held no grudge towards the girl. And you were really stunned at the news of her sudden death. 
Oh, you didn’t know someone was watching from the windows of the library outside. Irritability bubbles inside his body like a brook. He allows no one to go near you, let alone to hit you like a ragged doll. He always had a thing for you, he didn’t know when it started but by the way you looked at him like you are almost something to be disregarded. He is drawn to you like a moth to the flame.
It is always in Suna’s system. His mind is a bully, gushing him to do things that would make him thrilled, something that could awaken his fantasies. 
He wants to kill. And he did. 
He stood in all his glory, wearing his uninterested look while scrutinizing the other students walking along the hall. There at the lockers he spots Kang Hana awkwardly fumbling with the entangled bag straps. 
His dark eyes bore into Hana’s figure. Eyeing her from head to toe. At this moment he is thinking of what he can possibly do with those limbs. Break it? Smash it? Mutilate it like how they do in the slaughterhouse? Suna approaches her figure, his switchblade ready in his windbreaker’s pockets. 
He breaths, trying to muster his oh-so-charming smile. “Hey.”
Hana raises up her gaze and she is surprised that the notorious Suna is approaching her. Only if she knew his real intentions. “Oh my god. Hey.”
Suna is charming. Quite egocentric. It doesn’t take him long to persuade someone to sp with him or to go out on a date with him. If there is something you should be afraid about Suna, it is his ability to deceive people without them knowing his real motives. He has a calm demeanor but sometimes his arrogance fuels him to be so wild-driven. 
He leads Hana to the abandoned establishment at the rundown part of the town. He made sure to give her a signal to meet him outside where no witnesses could see them. It’s always a step when considering crime, get rid of witnesses. 
At this moment, Hana starts to get excited because she has foreseen what could happen. For her it’s sex. For him, it’s blood. Suna draws his switchblade near her carotid artery. She widens her eyes but laughter resonates in the eerie place. 
She purrs. “I am a kinky person but I can try knife play.”
Suna doesn’t play. He draws the knife deeper to her neck until she realizes he is not joking at all. Kang Hana’s heart made a beeline for her throat and tried to make a f for her life but Suna had his strong hand gripping her hair. 
She struggles but after every move she dares, the knife further penetrates her neck. Beads of sweat are dropping down to her cheeks. A hot sticky liquid from where the knife is trickling down her neck, dampening her collarbones down to her bra. She cries loud. “What do you want?!”
Suna smirks. He misses the familiar scent of blood flooding in his nostrils. “Your life.” 
Her eyes widened in pure horror as the charming prince transformed quickly as a ruthless psychopath in just the blink of her eye. Hana tries to fight against his hold once again but Suna wants to finish off and not to take care of a wailing woman. 
He repeatedly lash out the knife through her neck. The impact of his pounds set out her blood gushing out, splashing his pale cheeks. His right hand is dripping with her hot blood. Suna’s chest rose as his breathing became ragged but overall he felt so alive and content. He stares at Hana’s figure sprawled on the floor bathing with the pool of her own blood. Suna felt so driven with just crimson clouding his vision. He runs his tongue on the rows of his pearly teeth, a sinister smile tugging the corners of his lips. He did it for you. 
The following days have been hell for you. No, you weren’t killed but you faced a frightening number of police interrogations for the victims were always drawing down to you. Like Hana, you were the last person she was with before her neck was slashed out like a cow in the slaughterhouse. The pulse of a blue and red strobe from the police mace being parked in the circular driveway. You stare at the officer's badge, his holstered Glock. The night air settles the eerie night, still, gauzy full of humidity. 
The interview lasts about a good hour but you are deemed innocent as Hana’s whereabouts where the crime took place didn’t match your activity. Her clothes are missing on the spot but the investigators found it drenched in this liquid they believed was an oxygen producing detergent didn’t match. Since the laboratory personnel couldn’t get any fingerprints from her body, it has been declared useless for the crime.
It has been weeks since you find yourself able to breathe again but it didn’t last long when you were bombarded with unknown and creepy messages that you couldn’t withstand at all. 
I know you. From everything you do, I know it all. 
You belong to me, your full name. 
I find it romantic to see how excited you look whenever I send these messages. Shall I start sending my pictures as well? Or the throne I made for you?
From morning you go to your mother’s flower shop to gather primrose to deliver to your grandfather that lives in the twenty second street downtown. 
Your favorite thing to do is to draw, my sweet. I am right, am I? I’m always right. 
I saw you talk to that small loser from class D. Now don’t ever talk to him again or you will see his head delivered right at your doorstep. I love you and I’m being the nice guy here. 
Do you perhaps like the idea of your friend's limbs personally delivered to you? Your pick. 
I am always watching you, your name.
Oh, you had a museum date with your friends? Don’t go, I am at your grandmother’s restaurant, she serves the ultimate broth soup. Too bad I can stop her from serving these delicacies. 
I know deep down, you love me too. Don’t you ever try to date behind my back without telling me. I did kill for you. 
Your parents aren’t home. Do you want me to visit?
So much love for you. Your long secret admirer :) 
I love you. I will kill for you. 
He isn’t joking. He knows everything about you. All the meticulous details no one knows but your family. Whenever you receive a message from him, your heart would pound against your rib cage. It terrifies you to the core that he exactly knows the precise details of your whereabouts.
 You immediately reported this matter to the police, to your parents but it didn’t settle the problem. The number isn’t traceable. They keep on insisting that the number used is from an unregistered sim. You fear for your life, your personal space, everything. 
You weren’t just experiencing the never ending terror of your stalker’s messages. But some of your things are now starting to disappear, from your bracelets, your baby pictures now, now, your white lacy underwear. 
You are blissfully unaware of the pair of eyes that follows every movement as you exit the school grounds. He looks down on his hand, gripping his favorite underwear of you. He had a picture when you wore the garment, and it was his favorite among all. 
He makes his way to his heavily tinted car, a smile never leaving Suna's face as he clutches the garment tightly on his hands. His soulless eyes stared back at him the moment he stared at the rear view mirror. And drives to the nearest convenience store. 
He keeps on fantasizing about you. The way your name rolls out of his tongue while jerking out never fails to send himself to ecstasy. He can’t wait to meet you, but one thing he is sure of, he will be watching you tonight. 
Suna is always a step ahead of his plans. He is meticulous and calculative. His plans never backfire for he knew what methods to use. For the days he has been killing he already knows how to get rid of evidence that could lead to him.  The boy’s got a sharp tongue as well, a serpent’s, he uses lies to cover up the real  Suna that hides behind the charming facade he puts front. 
He wore black. Black that is a mystery. Eerie. He wears a black bucket hat that covers his beautiful features that compliments his youth. Despite the dusk ebbing its way, his moles are always as alive as the constellation. He secures his mask tighter on both ears, as appealing as it sounds, he cannot show his face to you, just not yet. He had a thing to do, he had something to accomplish.
“Just in time” he breathed into the shadows. His eyes follow your figure marching down the dim lit streets. A smirk paints his lips as you still try to swat everything and thinking to yourself everything is still normal. But no, not until he is dead. He could have easily needle out your background from Kita but you were his and it gives him satisfaction whenever he discovers something about you. Things that aren’t open for others but just for him. 
He immediately hid behind a large tree, once you entered your home. He makes sure to secure a great and measurable distance from him to you, not so far yet so near. He clenches his fist, the idea of watching you undress from your windows sends him a big wave of pleasure. 
He begins to scramble up trying to get a hold of the strongest branch his forearm could manage. Some twigs tried to interrupt him midway but nothing can stop a hungry predator from lurking on his prey. He finds the perfect spot just parallel to your window.
“Fuck” he hiss as he felt his phone vibrate from his pocket. “What it is now  fucking Atsumu?”
“Lover boy, I forgot to place your camera in your bag, bye.” 
The camera is not his top most concern. He has his phone that is full of you. 
You were humming quietly. He follows your hands, removing your school blouse that left the boy’s mouth agape. His cock immediately hardens at the sight, and he cannot risk himself to jerk while on the tree. He scrambles immediately, carelessly fishing out for his phone to take a picture of you naked. 
Suna is always not satisfied with the bare minimum. He records you, doing your private thing in your room. He is biting hard on his lips, his erection sticking out painfully against his pants. He has to endure much longer till you have finished your routine applying lotion to your shiny long legs. Those legs that he can’t wait to touch. 
Suna left the place shortly. He’s astounded. You drive him wild and wild he is. You fuel the monster more. 
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durmstrange · 4 years
It’s A Date - Fred Weasley
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Welcome to another Fred blurb!  This takes place post war.  Hope you enjoy!
Word count:  1,605
Truthfully, you had always been rather content with your life.  During your schooling, you weren’t unpopular, but you weren’t popular.  People gravitated towards you, but you never became attached to anyone.  You weren’t ever the one to seek other out, but you were there for when others needed you.  In fact, if no one had sought you out, you would have spent your school years alone, and you were content with that.  
When you graduated, you started working at a muggle flower shop in London, where you rather sneakily used magic to make your flowers the most beautiful in the area.  When the war came around two years later, you didn’t hesitate a moment to fight at your old school.  The battle was hectic and you met many new faces and a few familiar, including your partner during the first half of the battle, Fred Weasley.  He had gotten separated from his brother, and you arrived alone, so there was an unspoken agreement to stick together.
Fred and you worked well together, even in school.  He was your partner on occasion during Potions class, and you quite enjoyed his jokes and company.  Throughout the battle, you and Fred saved each other on multiple occasions, both of you barely avoiding the cold grasp of death.  During it all, a small bit of rubble had hit you as well, leaving a rather ugly cut across the side of your face.  Fred broke his leg when wall collapsed and you blasted as much away from him as you could.  During the calm period, you helped Fred to the Great Hall, where his family took care of him, and you left to finish the battle.  That was the last you saw of Fred.  
After the war ended, you returned to your quiet life, coming to work each morning with a small scar you wore on your face with pride.  Day in and day out, you worked and went back to your flat, to your books and to your cat, which had become your best and one of your few friends.  
One particular Monday, on your day off, you decided to go to your old stomping grounds.  You hadn’t been in Diagon Alley in years.  In fact, you hadn’t been in touch with any sort of magical shop in almost two years, since the battle and since the war drew to an end. 
You entered through the Leaky Cauldron, dipping your head to the patrons you faintly recognized.  As you entered Diagon Alley, a nostalgic feeling washed over you.  Last time you had been there, most of the shops were closed and it was rather drab and dreary, but now it was like when you were a kid.  Bright, bustling, and beautiful.  There were so many witches and wizards, dressed how you used to dress, in cloaks and colorful clothing, pointy hats and odd animals on their shoulders.  Music played loudly from a nearby shop, which you recognized to be the Weird Sisters.  Memories of the Yule Ball faded into your mind and a faint smile formed on your lips as you wandered up the alley. 
You felt out of place, wearing your tight jeans and black band t-shirt, containing a muggle band you were sure few people in the alley around you knew of.  But the wand tucked into the waist of your jeans made you feel like part of them.  As you wandered up the alley, your eyes landed on the one shop you had never been in.  Weasley Wizard Wheezes. 
It was an incredibly fun looking store, one you were sure you would enjoy, but before the war, you only ever came to Diagon Alley when you absolutely needed to, and your time there was short with no time for stops like this.  Now, however, you had all the time in the world.
When you stepped into the shop, it smelled of fireworks and sweets and there were various sounds and flashing lights all around.  It was August still, so there were copious amounts of young students bustling around and laughing at everything around.  Your smile grew as you ran your hand along a display, looking at the bottled love potions and Puking Pastilles, to other products you truly couldn’t have thought up in your most wild dreams. 
As you picked up an odd looking package, you felt someone brush by you and you ignored it, accrediting it to the busy shop, but as you turned over the package in your hand, a voice brought stole your focus.  “Well, hello,” a voice you recognized greeted, causing you to turn to the Weasley twin.  “Here I thought I’d never see you again.”
Fred smiled at you, but held a confused look on his face.  “Loonar Loop Luminators?” you asked him with a small laugh in your voice.  You wondered in the back of your mind what he meant by his words, but you brushed it off for the moment.
Fred glanced down to the package in your hand, as he had not noticed it sooner as his eyes focused on your face.  “A sort of firework,” he answered proudly and took the product from your hand.  “A demonstration, maybe?” 
Shrugging lightly, you followed Fred as he led you to the center of the store.  “All right, you lot, listen up!”  His voice boomed through the store, silencing the many students and grown ups alike.  “I’ll be doing a quick demonstration of our Loonar Loop Luminators, so stand clear,” he continued as he opened the package.  He placed a small blue tube on the ground, using his wand to light the end of it. 
After a few mere seconds, sparks of various colors exploded from the product, reaching the ceiling of the shop and popping into more sparkles.  You clapped, along with the rest of the store, as the fireworks exploded beautifully.  Fred smiled proudly, his arms crossed over his chest, and waited until the last of the sparks faded to speak once more.  “Loonar Loop Luminators can be found over here to the left, in the front of the store,” he finished and swooped down, picking up the expired product.  Fred stepped back over to you, an expectant look on his face.  “What’d you think?” 
“Absolutely brilliant,” you answered with a laugh.  
Fred beamed at your words.  “You see, if you do it in an open area, and not indoors, it will be a much more grand show.  Sparks will fly to the moon, hence the name,” he explained proudly and flashed the box to you, which held a rather smiley moon.
You hummed, a bright look in your eyes.  “I reckon that’s quite the sight.  I might have to leave here with a few myself.”
Fred smirked, glancing at the box in his hand once more.  “Take as many as you want.  I couldn’t bear to charge the person who saved my life,” he explained as he led you to the counter, where he tossed the box in a waste bin.  
With a small laugh, you shrugged and leaned against the counter as his brother, who was two years younger than you, rung up the many guests.  “Well, you saved mine as well, so I had assumed we were even.”  
Fred scoffed, checking his watch for a moment before glancing at his brother.  “Man the shop for a minute, mate?” 
Ron glanced at you and nodded, a smile on his lips.  “Take your time.”
“Got a moment?”  Fred asked you as he nodded towards the door of his shop. 
You glanced at your own watch, pretending to contemplate his words, but shrugged.  “I suppose so.” 
Fred smirked and led you through the shop, out into Diagon Alley.  “I thought you died, you know?”  His voice was a little shaky as he spoke, his hands in the pockets of his colorful suit. 
“Well, here I am,” you replied lamely, giving him a gentle smile and a small shrug.  
With an incredulous look on his face, Fred shook his head at you.  “I mourned you, you know?” 
Your smile fell at his words, causing you to feel oddly guilty.  “Why would you mourn someone you didn’t know to be dead?  Someone you barely know?”  The words came out a little harsher than you intended, but as Fred led you up Diagon Alley, walking slowly through the crowd, you were sure he understood. 
“I want to know you,” Fred said suddenly, his voice insistent.  Your mouth fell open, rather surprised by his words, and waited for him to continue.  “I always have.  That’s why I always convinced others to let me be your partner in class, why I spoke to you as much as I could without bothering you, why I wanted to stay by your side during the battle.”  Your face felt warm at his confession and for a moment, you were at a loss for words.  
With a gentle blush on your face, you ducked your head and smiled to yourself. “Well, here I am,” you repeated the words you said moments before and glanced up at Fred.
Fred smiled widely at your words, raising his eyebrows.  “Will you let me take you to dinner, then?” 
For a moment, you bit your lip and pretended to consider his offer.  After a brief pause, you spoke softly, “I suppose so.”
“Brilliant,” Fred smirked and stood with his hands in his pockets.  “Meet you here at the shop tomorrow?  Say seven?” 
Nodding gently, you fought the wide grin forming on your lips.  “It’s a date.”
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 4 years
In The Storm, There Came A Breeze | Sawamura Daichi/Reader
Characters: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Sawamura Daichi, Reader/Original Female Character
Pairings: Sawamura Daichi/Reader, Ushijima Wakatoshi/Reader
Warnings: Minor Angst
Word Count: 4023
Summary: Daichi blew into her life like a gentle breeze, battling the after effects of the storm Ushijima had left behind.
A/N: This is the second part of a companion piece, the first part will be linked here.
Daichi blew into her life like a gentle breeze, battling the after effects of the storm Ushijima had left behind.
She meets Daichi as she is wandering around Karasuno without any destination in mind; trying to cloud her thoughts. She doesn’t even realise she’s walked in front of a gym until someone is yelling for her to move; she turns her head just in time to catch sight of a ball flying towards her face. Closing her eyes, she prepares for an impact that never comes; instead the ball had been stopped, the forearm in front of her face told her that much.
The world erupts into stammering apologies from the boy who had hit the ball, a whirlwind of laughter from a pair inside of the gym, and her saviour asking her over and over again if she’s okay. They were introducing themselves around her while she was still processing the events of two seconds ago.
“Great, Asahi, you broke the girl and you didn’t even hit her,” Sugawara slapped Asahi on the back - the boy in question had crumbled down onto the ground, letting out a stream of apologies.
She looks back up at Daichi exclaiming that she is, afterall, okay. He doesn’t accept it, not quite, “are you sure you’re okay?” He asks again
“I’m sure.” She nods, though it doesn’t come out half as confidently as she wants it to.
“You know,” he scratched the back of his neck, “you should take me to dinner as a thank you for saving your life.” The soft chuckle he lets out tells her he's joking - he has to be joking, why wouldn’t he be?
That didn’t matter, she felt bad about it either way, so she pulled out her phone, “can I have your number?” Her confidence was all fake, but he didn’t need to know that.
Daichi freezes for a second, unsure of what to do, until she juts her phone out again and he takes it, inputting his number. “I was only kidding…” he mumbled, glancing over at Suga who was giving him a wild grin.
“Thank you,” she slips her phone back into her pocket, offering him a small smile before turning away. He calls out after her, asking for her name and she gives it to him.
True to herself, she messages him later that evening.
Hi, when are you next free so I can take you for something to eat?
She put her phone on her desk, turning her attention back to her studies only for her phone to start vibrating. He called me? She picks up quickly, as to not be perceived as rude, “you really don’t need to take me to dinner!” Daichi exclaims, pulling a laugh out of her, “I’ll be alright, I promise.”
“I want to.” She says confidently.
“I’d feel bad, though, wasting your money on me.” He mumbles and she rolls her eyes.
“Please, it’s my pleasure, now when are you next free?”
They meet up that weekend and she takes him to the cafe. She orders for them both, because the options are just too good looking and I don’t want to waste your money. After finding out what he prefers, she orders Taiyaki and tea for herself, and pancakes, ice cream, and coffee for Daichi.
“Wow, this place is so cool, have you been here before?” Daichi asks, eyes bright while looking around. She nods lightly, her heart cinching at the memory. In between bites, they make pleasant conversation, neither of them taking much of a break from talking - though he does talk far more than she does. He tells her how he came about joining Karasuno, how he liked being the volleyball captain but those goddamn first years make it so hard. She learns that they’re planning on going to nationals this year, and he truly believes they can do it with this new team.
He asks her why she decided to come to Karasuno. She tells him that she had issues with some people while at Shiratorizawa - to her, Karasuno was the next best option when it came to what she needed - which was a way to escape.
She doesn’t tell him it’s because of who she is trying to leave behind.
“Maybe you could help me study then,” his words are hopeful, dancing with glee and amusement that makes her hesitate.
“Maybe.” She hums.
She was surprised when he asked to take her out next weekend - she couldn’t even argue that she hadn’t had a nice time, she had loved it. Her hesitation wavered when he told her to give him an answer whenever she was ready. It hadn’t been five minutes since he stepped on the train that she texted him she’d love to go out next weekend.
Days start to zip by whenever she is by his side, and nobody is surprised when he asks her to be her boyfriend - nobody is surprised when she says yes.
Apparently, Daichi lives his life freely - unlike Ushijima, who revels in his routine.
Of course there was his basic routine, but anything outside of school and volleyball was free-reign; she found herself going on multiple dates a week - most of them just sitting outside of Sakanoshita store with some food and drinks. He insisted on calling her by her first name because that’s just what people in relationships do, and I love the way you say my name. She doesn’t need to hide her blush.
Daichi wasn’t afraid to shower her with compliments. He loved to see the way she’d squirm and blush, how flustered she’d get. Even him just asking for her to read to him was enough to make her heart beat loudly in her chest because he could just never get enough of your voice.
She lets herself think that he might actually be the one. Not just some fairy tale.
Daichi adores buying her flowers when he finds out how important they are - unlike Ushijima, who had rejected the idea right up until she left him.
One day, they were walking around without rhyme or reason, just basking in each other's company. They came across a flower shop and a mixture of bile and adoration fills her throat; she doesn’t quite know how to react, especially not when he follows her gaze and asks, “do you want me to buy you flowers?” She watches the way he scrunches up his nose at the smell and pulls back.
“No, it’s okay, if you don’t like them then you don’t have to.” She mutters, trying to pull him away, but he doesn’t budge - instead, he twists her around and squeezes her hand.
“But do you like them? That’s what I want to know.” Something in her eyes twinkles at the prospect of it; as tears start to build up, he doesn’t question it, just brings her head to his chest.
“I do…” she whimpers, choking back soft cries. “But not purple hyacinths, or lavender, or forget-me-nots.” She states, and he nods like it’s the easiest thing in the world to remember.
He steps away from her, slipping into the shop and assuring her he’d be back quickly. The wind pinches at her skin, goose bumps prickling along her arms and she can’t help but feel some shame - as if asking for something as simple as flowers would be too much.
In five minutes, Daichi returns with a bouquet of flowers - camellias for perfection, foxgloves for protection, and roses for love - apologising that he took so long, “I just wanted to make sure they were perfect.” She feels her heart swell at the sight, burying her nose deep in them and snuggling closer into his side. “Do you like them?” He asked, almost unsure of himself.
“I love them.” She sighs happily.
And she really does.
Daichi loves to have her with him at practise - unlike Ushijima, who despised even the idea of it.
“You should come and watch me practise after school!” He cheers one morning while they wait for their classes to begin; she’s rubbing her thumb over his hand, because he almost refuses to not have her holding him in some way. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water - she’d still barely managed to be okay with the fact he played volleyball, watching him practise might be too much for her.
“Wouldn’t I be too distracting?” Her voice is like a breeze, too soft. He can feel his heart shatter at the way her eyes start to shine - not with happiness, no, as if she were going to cry.
He cups her cheeks, brushes her hair behind her ears and looks at her firmly, “of course,” he felt her tense up, “but I’d love to have you by my side no matter what - besides, it’d be nice to hear you cheering my name.” He grins from ear to ear, pressing light kisses over her face. She doesn’t know whether to feel loved or not, but she settles on the former and allows herself to smile.
“I’ll come watch.” She says, rolling her eyes as he yells triumphantly, “But I don’t know about cheering you on, probably that Tsukishima, though.” She giggles as he lightly swats her arm.
Daichi is quick to pick up on her fear - and for that, she is grateful
It should have been a normal practise, but the first years just wouldn’t stop arguing, for some reason. She was watching from the side, chatting lightly with Yachi when Daichi’s booming voice echoed throughout the gym - it set her body on fire as she froze, tears welling in her eyes; she knew it wasn’t directed at her, because she hadn’t done anything, but that didn’t stop her breath from picking up until she was light headed.
Yachi reached her hand out to you, worry laced in her words - she tossed a look over to Daichi who enveloped her in a hug, stroking her hair gently and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Never in her life had she been so thankful that he was holding her - if it wasn’t for him, her knees would have had her crumbling.
He led her out of the gym, not once letting go of her - not until they were away from the stares of his teammates.
When his sweet voice asked her what was wrong, she broke and told him of her time with Toshi - although she still referred to him as Toshi - she told him about his little comments, about the lack of affection, about everything that hurt and bothered her beyond relief. The missed dates and lack of communication. How much he drove her crazy. She told him how she used to hate volleyball because of him, how the very thought of it had once made her sick - until she met Daichi, that is.
Of course, she made sure to tell him how much he had changed her life; how much more confident she’s grown since meeting him, and how much she loved it, and how much she loved him.
He leans down, stealing a kiss from her, stroking her cheek with his thumb and she hums happily, melting into his touch. He pulls away from her, only barely, “do you even know how much you mean to me?”
She pushed his face away, blushing furiously - they’re completely unaware of the audience they’ve gathered as she complains about his sappy words, waving her hand harshly in front of him. Of course, he responds by lifting her high up and spinning her around, pulling her closer when she squeals with joy. For once, she’s taller than him, cupping his cheeks, pressing her forehead against his; strong arms around her waist, making sure she’s steady as she giggles, their breath intertwining.
There was no questioning that she was invited to his actual games and not just practises, she didn’t need to ask twice.
When his eyes sought her out in the stands, he found her standing there proudly, something on her cheeks and wearing his jersey. Even from here, he can see how anxious she is, but when they meet eyes, that seems to drip off of her, replaced by such pure love that has his heart swelling.
“Did you get her that?” Daichi asked Kiyoko, obviously meaning the jersey.
“She asked me to, even offered to pay,” Kiyoko giggled softly, brushing her hair out of her face - his eyes still hadn’t left her, pride swirling around him knowing she was there to cheer him on and nobody else.
“Of course she did.” He chuckled - it was too obvious that he didn’t want to take his eyes off of her for a second, but when he did, he knew she was still watching him. Only him.
As they play against Ohgiminami, he can hear her voice loud and clear in the crowd. Every single receive; every single serve; every single spike; there is no limit to her cheering - knowing how quiet she’d been barely a few months ago made him want to cheer with her, because for once she was using her voice, and it was for him. Because she loved him.
After Karasuno won, she ran directly into his arms, not caring about the sweat dripping off his body - relishing in every single part of him because why wouldn’t she? He finally gets a good look at what’s on her cheeks, ‘#’ on the left and ‘1’ on the right. He could have cried right there - she’d painted his number on her cheek. But he didn’t choose to pull her just a little closer and grab at the loose parts of his shirt on her. “You look cute, you should wear my clothes more often.” She rolled her eyes, swatting at his chest.
“I’m only wearing this because you're playing today,” she sighed heavily, crossing her arms under her chest, “don’t expect this treatment all the time or I’ll start wearing Asahi’s stuff.” He chuckled at the idea of that, shaking his head lightly.
“Whatever you say, firecracker.”
She was there the next day, sporting the same outfit.
At some points, he’s worried that she’s going to tumble over the barrier because she’s leaning forward so far - thank God Saeko is there to pull her back - still she carries on.
“You’re such a dummy,” she mumbles sadly, squeezing his hand in the infirmary. Of course he’d collided with Tanaka, something always had to go wrong in one of these matches. “You came together like magnets.” She tried to make him smile, and it worked, but the pain he felt was too much.
“I lost a tooth.” He showed it to her proudly - she grimaced, holding out her hand. Even if the gesture made him cringe, he gave it to her and watched her examine it.
“Can I keep it?” She asked.
“What is wrong with you?” Amusement flowed from him and she rolled her eyes.
“That way, whenever Tanaka makes fun of me, I can show him what he did.”
“You’re a sadist.”
She shrugged, “you love it.”
“I don’t know, I think you’re pretty creepy.”
“Whatever, magnet-boy.”
The night before their match against Shiratorizawa, Daichi called her, worried about how she was going to be. “I told you, Daichi, I’ll be fine.” She mumbled groggily - it was late, after all - but he couldn’t get the worry out of his mind.
“I know, I just… I worry about you.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair and flopping onto his bed.
“Really?” Sarcasm dripped from her tongue. “I couldn’t tell.” He heard her roll over, probably snuggling closer to her pillow. “I promise I’ll be okay, now can I go to sleep?”
“If he says anything to you…”
“I doubt he will.” She assured him, “but if he does, then it won’t matter, because the only opinion of me that matters…” she paused, letting him work out how she was going to end that sentence before she smirked, “is Kiyoko’s.”
“Hey!” Daichi cried out, there was still an amusement in his voice.
“Oh, I guess you, too.” She snickered.
“Yeah, I mean, having you cheer me on is nice, but hearing Suga’s voice.” He mocked a chef’s kisses, drawing giggles out of her.
“I’m telling him you said that.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I dare.”
He listened as she tapped on her screen, before she airily laughed down the phone; of course she’d messaged in the group chat, he saw her message clear on his screen.
Daichi just said he wants to hear Suga screaming his name.
When he gasped, she laughed louder. “I hate you.”
“Oh my God, we have something in common.”
He rolled his eyes.
They said their goodnights, promising to see each other the next morning - even if they both knew it was inevitable, it was still nice to hear it.
Across the court was Ushijima Wakatoshi; Daichi watched the captains eyes flicker up towards the Karasuno stands as she cheered so loudly. He hadn’t even started playing, but she was already so excited to see how he’d do. With no shame, she blew a thousand kisses in his direction.
He waved gleefully before turning back to Ushijima, his eyes piercing into his skull. Daichi smirked, as if to say that's right, she’s mine. He puffed out his chest and continued warming up.
Only Suga seemed to notice him strutting around, but he didn’t bring it up, just snickered to himself - he’d been one of the few she had told about her past relationship with Shiratorizawa’s ace - of course, he’d immediately wanted to fight him, but she’d said it wasn’t worth it. That Daichi was the only one she really cared about when it came to opinions, and even then he’d always tell her the same thing.
He could remember her ranting to him a few nights ago about how happy he makes her because if I don’t get it out right now, I might just explode with happiness! And he’d listen, because she was so important to Daichi, and that meant she was important to him.
Daichi sucked in a breath, preparing himself for the game of a lifetime. He knew she was watching him, his number on her cheeks, his jersey on her body. That alone was enough to calm his nerves.
“They won…” she mumbled to the side a second after the game finished, the silence that filled the gym was deafening. “They won.” Her voice a little louder until she started to jump up and down, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You won!” She screamed out, leaning over the barrier, almost falling over until Saeko pulled her and Yachi into a tight hug.
Her heart pounded so deep within her chest that it ached, everything they’d worked hard for had finally come to fruition and she got to be here to see it.
The moment the teams were excused from the court, she ran as fast as she could, almost tripping down the stairs and bumping into several people, barely offering them an apology before she bolted off in the direction.
Just before she could reach Daichi, she ran directly into someone else. She looked up quickly, ready to apologise before she froze; the piercing red eyes of Tendou Satori were enough to make her panic. “Oh, Tendou?” Her voice was soft. She nervously tapped her foot, wanting this interaction to be done with soon.
“It’s been a while,” Tendou chuckled, slowly dragging his eyes over her outfit, he sneered, “didn’t know you would be supporting the other team? What happened to your Shiratorizawa pride?” She stared up at him, confusion laced in her features before being washed away by a mild aggression.
“I got to Karasuno.” She said coolly; somehow her words cut deep into the blocker, making him think that there wasn’t a thing he could say that would throw her off her game. “And besides, I’m here to support my boyfriend.” Almost as if he had heard her, Daichi appeared. She grinned so wildly, anxious to run up to her captain and shower him with love.
“I thought you hated volleyball.” He sneered. She sighed, dropping her smile for a second to stare back at him.
“I used to, but things change when you find the right person,” her eyes met Daichi’s and she smiled softly, reaching up to pat his arm, “you played good.” She waved him goodbye before full-on sprinting towards Daichi.
His open arms were a welcome embrace as she leapt through the air, landing perfectly in them. He stank of sweat, soaked in the stuff, too - she didn't care. Because he was here. She was in his arms. He won. “Oh my God, I’m so proud of you.” She plastered his face with kisses, squealing as he twirled her around, pulling her closer to his chest. “You did it, baby, you won.” She nuzzled her nose against his, eliciting a flush on his cheeks that she just knew wasn’t from how hard he’d just worked. The sounds of Tsukishima mock-gagging at their affection only made her laugh.
“You’re just jealous you don’t have a gorgeous girlfriend, Tsukishima,” Daichi teased, eyes never wavering from her form.
“Well, she’s annoying, so I don’t want one.” Tsukishima turned his head away.
“And I was cheering you on, too, Tsukishima.” She put her hand against her chest, feigning pain as she flopped her head onto Daichi’s shoulder, obviously fake sobs made them all laugh.
Heavy footsteps didn’t draw away her attention from the man holding her in his arms; not until Daichi forced his eyes away to see who it was. She followed his gaze, locked eyes with Ushijima, any emotion on her face dropped immediately. He cleared his throat, staring at her, unblinking. It should have made her easy - there was a time when it would have made her uneasy - but that wasn’t today. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Anything you need to say to her,” Daichi carefully put her down on the ground, wrapping his arm around her in a way that screamed possessive to her, but she relished in it, “you can say to all of us, Toshi.” She inwardly snickered at the idea of him mocking Ushijima. His stare told her exactly what her boyfriend was thinking, if you even think of trying anything, I will beat your ass just like I did on the court. Tenderly, she rubbed his lower back, making sure to snuggle in extra close.
Ushijima’s stare still hadn't faltered from her face, zoning out the rest of the team, “I told you you were a distraction.”
The entire team seemed to set on fire behind her - no one said anything - waiting for her reaction was like pure torture.
They didn’t expect her to pull Daichi closer - as if there was any room between either of them anyway - and hum happily, “I’m not a distraction to the one that matters.
Daichi looks down at her like she’s just given him the world - in reality, she was his world. If he wasn’t mostly sane, he would have proposed to her right then and there. But then she’s leading him and the rest of the team away and he lets himself calm down.
Of course, the moment she gets outside, she's taking in such deep breaths that he knows how badly she was panicking. He watches her fall purposely onto the floor, laying flat on her back and covering her face, almost screaming into her hands.
He’s at her side in an instant, but then he sees the smile on her lips and he steps back.
“What got you so happy?” Suga leans down and offers her his hand, she takes it, being pulled to her feet with such ease.
“Because you won! I can’t get over it, like, Tanaka was like blam and Kageyama went whoosh-” they listened to her ramble, making random noises for each and every person, moving like an excited puppy.
Daichi had never loved her more in that moment. He knew, deep in his heart, that he had found the perfect girl for him.
A/N: Ah okay, sorry this took so long to get onto Tumblr, I was having issues. But that’s fine, we’re fine. 
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lady-of-the-lotus · 4 years
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It’s not Wei Wuxian’s fault that A-Yuan thinks he’s a rabbit, or Jiang Cheng’s fault that toddler Jin Ling used to Zidian to short out the city’s power grid, or Xue Yang’s fault that little A-Qing was strapped to his chest during a motorcycle joyride down the highway, but they are stuck going to family counseling, along with a bored Lan Wangji, a giggly Xiao Xingchen, an out-to-lunch Lan Xichen, and an indignant Jin Guangyao. A lonely Nie Huaisang gets in on the action by joining all twenty group chats and sending way too many gifs.
And, all the while, a rebellion is brewing on Wangxian’s block, their neighbors driven mad by the incessant midnight duets.
Poor Dr. Wen Qing, child psychologist and therapist extraordinaire. What has she done to deserve this?
Read On AO3!
Or read below if the spirit so moves you:
There’s a letter nailed to the door when they arrive home.
Wei Wuxian rips the letter from the nail and reads it aloud.
“ ‘We, the undersigned, do hereby declare Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji to be persona non grata on Cultivator Court for the following reasons: One: Wild animals leaving unspeakable ‘presents’ on our lawns—’ ”
Wei Wuxian looks up. “That would be Lil’ Apple. Do they sell donkey diapers?”
Lan Wangji unlocks the door. “What else?”
“ ‘Two: Gangs of feral rabbits rampaging through our flower beds!’ –They do have a point here. How they keep getting loose I’ll never know. ‘Number Three: Loud duets at midnight. We get it! You’re in love! Get a soundproof basement or shut the hell up!’ ” Wei Wuxian wrinkles his nose. “Who spit in their bean curd?”
“Where do these people meet, and can I join?” asks Jiang Cheng.
* *  * *
One month earlier:
It's all the daycare’s fault, really. And also the gang’s mutual pediatrician for getting involved and setting them up with a family therapist.
And they all know they should be grateful that the authorities are letting them off easy. But—
Weekly family therapy sessions that double as parenting classes? They all already know how to change diapers and hide the matches and make airplane noises.
And none of it’s not any of their faults. More of a…
“Series of misunderstandings,” explains Wei Wuxian to Dr. Wen Qing. “I’m sure when you hear the full story, you’ll laugh too. Right, Lan Zhan?”
“I don’t think she ever laughs,” whispers Xue Yang to Xiao Xingchen, who can’t see Dr. Wen’s impassive face but dissolves into a fit of giggles anyway.
Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes at the two of them and turns to Dr. Wen. “How long is this going to take? My new fashion line launches next week! I don’t have time for this—ow!” He jerks around at A-Yuan, who's gazing up at him innocently. He glares at Wei Wuxian. “Your carrot-brained little son bit me!”
Wei Wuxian scoops his son up onto his lap. “Don’t worry, A- Yuan, Uncle Cheng didn’t mean it—”
“Thumper!” A-Yuan corrects him.
“I’m sorry. Don’t worry, Thumper , Uncle Cheng didn’t mean it.”
“That’s normal,” says Xue Yang. “ ‘Thumper’?”
Xiao Xingchen hushes him.
“I just meant I’d go for a better name,” Xue Yang goes on. “Like Iago or Mushu if we’re picking from annoying cartoon animals. Doesn’t Thumper get shot?”
“You’re thinking of Bambi,” says Meng Yao irritably. He doesn’t look up from his phone as his finger moves in a blur over the screen. He’s missing several important meetings to be here. “He's the one who gets shot.”
A- Yuan’s eyes are huge. “Bambi gets shot?”
“No, Bambi’s mother gets shot,” Xue Yang explains.
A- Yuan bursts into tears.
Lan Wangji shoots Xue Yang a look that’s pure poison.
Dr. Wen clears her throat. “This is perhaps a good example of the dysfunction that—"
“Don’t worry, Thumper’s parents are just fine!” Wei Wuxian tells A- Yuan, squeezing the boy tighter. “Jiang Cheng, show him their pictures on your phone!”
“Do you think I have cartoon rodents as my wallpaper?”
“Google it!”
“Kid’s got to learn about death sometime.” Xue Yang places a lollipop in A-Yuan’s plump little hand. A-Yuan grins at him through his tears. Xue Yang is the kids’ favorite, to the jealousy of everyone but Xiao Xingchen, who is just as beloved. “See? Now he’ll always remember it as something sweet.”
The entire group gives him a Look, save Xiao Xingchen, who’s smiling and nodding.
Sometimes I think he’s deaf as well as blind , Meng Yao texts the others. There are an endless number of group chats, with most created just to complain about the people not on that specific group chat.
WWX : That’s cruel, but...
Jiang Cheng makes an impatient sound. Jin Ling is perched on his knee, slobbering on his custom lotus-patterned purple leather cell phone case. He takes his phone out of the toddler’s mouth and sets him down on the floor. “Can we move this along? Some of us have better things to do.”
“Yes. Thank you, Mr. Jiang.” Dr. Wen glances around the circle of folding chairs. “Now, do we all know why we’re here? Mr. Xue? Would you like to go first?”
Xue Yang stops picking at his chipped black nail polish. “What?”
“Do you know why you’re here, Mr. Xue?”
“I told A-Qing to stop biting people unless they really deserve it, and besides, she’s fully vaccinated, so I don’t see the problem there—”
“Mr. Xiao? Any ideas?”
Xiao Xingchen clears his throat and shuffles his sandaled feet, nervously smoothing the fringe on his oversized tie-dye poncho. “I’m not exactly sure why we’ve been included in a Jiang family therapy session, to be quite honest.”
“Your husband and daughter have been…implicated in some of the group’s…let’s call them mishaps, and as your daughter has adopted A- Yuan’s rabbit fixa—wait a minute, where is your daughter?”
“Xingchen’s got her,” shrugs Xue Yang.
JC - JGY - WWX - Jin Ling’ Uncles
JGY : *That’s* reassuring...
JGY : They make baby leashes for a reason
WWX : Lan Zhan threatened to buy me one the last time we went to the mall. I was lost for a half hour
JC : Are you sure he wasn’t just trying to lose you in the crowd?
WWX : Actually, I think Lan Zhan *did* buy the leash in the end…
*Jiang Cheng has left the chat*
Dr. Wen inclines her head. “Your husband is beside you, Mr. Xue. Your daughter is not.”
Xue Yang cranes his neck around the room. “I’m sure she’s fine, wherever she is. Unrelated question, are all of the valuables around here locked up, or—?”
“Mr. Xue—”
“We’ll know soon enough anyway. Is there an alarm system? No, don’t tell me. I’d rather be surprised. Be right back.” He tucks his phone inside his ripped black jeans and leaves the room, whistling. The clomp of his heavy combat boots disappears down the hall.
“Don’t worry,” says Xiao Xingchen, who seems to have missed a good half of what his husband has said, as usual. “This happens all the time. A-Qing has an excellent sense of direction.”
WWX - JGY - XY - JC - LWJ - Cabbage Patch Kids
JC : What the hell does that mean? The kid’s like 5
WWX : 3, tops
JC : No way she’s 3. She stole my watch last time she played w Jin Ling
LWJ : Are you certain that wasn’t her father?
NHS : XXC would never hahaha 😭 😭 😭
WWX : Huaisang! Whassup!
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WWX: You change the chat name again? I like it.
JC: Can he take my place here? This whole thing is inane
WWX : "Inane"! So you *have* been using the Word of the Day calendar Lan Zhan bought you!
JC : Shut up
JGY : Like a 5-year-old stealing a watch makes any more sense than a 3-year-old?
WWX : Oh we’re back on that?
NHS : Who stole who’s what now?
LWJ : *whose
JGY : Jiang Cheng was robbed by a toddler.
JC : Don’t you have some corporate espionage to go do or someone’s job to steal or something?
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JC: Send one more gif and I reach through your phone and strangle you
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WWX: Did you watch Shrek again without us? That’s A- Yuan’s fav movie
NHS: ur always so busy w lwj n the baby n playing w ur corpses lately!
Dr. Wen sighs. “All right, then. Who would like to go next? Mr. Jiang? How about you? Phones away, everyone, please.”
Jiang Cheng makes a show of being annoyed at having to look up from his phone. “I shouldn’t even be here. This is idiotic.”
WWX: Or “inane”
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“That’s not what the power company report says, Mr. Jiang. Now, I don’t mean to accuse you of anything, but there are concerns—”
“I swear Zidian was depowered when I gave it to Jin Ling to play with,” Jiang Cheng says irritably. “He teethed on that thing for months as a baby. It’s fine.”
WWX -XY - LWJ - JGY - 🧟 🍬 🐇 🤠
JGY: Did Jiang Cheng just tell a mandated reporter that he let Jin Ling teethe on his magic lightning whip?
XY: dammit Im missing all the good stuff!
LWJ: *I’m
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JGY: You’re wasting my phone’s memory with these ridiculous gifs.
NHS: *inane gifs
XY: Jiggy why don’t you just have your 🍬 🍭 👦👨 buy you a fancy new phone with more memory?
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WWX: XY did you find A-Qing?
NHS: He lost A-Qing again?
LWJ: …Again?
XY: NHS do you like your tongue where it is or
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JGY: ?
XY: fingers. whatever.
WWX: I'm lost too
XY: nvm
JGY: That was edifying.
“Now, Mr. Jiang, I don’t mean to insinuate that you let your three-year-old nephew play unsupervised with a dangerous weapon that mistakenly activated and went on to fry the power grid and knock out all power within a five-mile radius for two weeks—”
JGY: Despicable inefficiency
“—or that you took him to a weapons expo, because, I quote ‘He’s going to have to learn to fight eventually anyway’—”
“It was an archery range.”
WWX - LWJ - NHS - Wen Chao Sucks!
WWX: Start ‘em young
NHS: i think it's inane
NHS: WWX? did LWJ smile at that one?
WWX: He’s laughing on the inside
NHS: how….inane
“Mr. Jiang? Have you any response?”
Jiang Cheng crosses his arms over his chest. Jin Ling is hopping around on the floor with A- Yuan. Obviously not electrocuted, Jiang Cheng thinks, so what’s the problem? “So when my brother blows out the entire neighborhood’s power doing illegal experiments in his garage it’s okay, but I plug a space heater into the same outlet as a toaster and I’m suddenly the devil incarnate?”
NHS - WWX - JGY - Two Bros & A Guy
NHS : Why would you need a space heater in the kitchen? what I do is turn the oven on and that gets the room all hot
WWX : I think you need a new oven
NHS : Are ovens not supposed to do that??
WWX : Do fridges radiate cold?
NHS : I never thought about it that way 🤔
JGY : In the history of the world, nobody ever has.
WWX : Also, all of my illegal experiments are electricity-free.
JGY : …Jin Ling is never spending the night at your house again.
WWX : I said electricity-FREE!
JGY : Because a fridge full of corpses that you and that psychotic hooligan are trying to raise from the dead is so much better.
WWX : A) it’s a top-of-the-line industrial freezer, not a fridge, and B) those corpses were ethically-sourced—locally-sourced, anyway—
NHS : free-range & organic
WWX : zip it Huaisang
NHS : 🐓
Dr. Wen taps her clipboard with her pen. “Mr. Jiang, nobody's accusing you of anything. This is simply—”
“Whatever. What about him?” Jiang Cheng jerks a thumb at Meng Yao. “At least I didn’t set fire to anything.”
Meng Yao straightens up indignantly. “That was an accident!”
Dr. Wen looks like she wants to go home. “According to the fire marshal’s report, it—”
“I’m so terribly sorry I’m late!” A slightly disheveled Lan Xichen appears in the doorway, Xue Yang behind him. “I locked my keys in the car, and was going to call AAA, but then I remembered that we aren’t members—did you know you have to be a member?—plus my phone—”
Xue Yang slaps him on the back. His other hand, gloved as always, is holding A-Qing by the hand. Her oversized pockets clink suspiciously as she runs to go play with A-Yuan and Jin Ling. Today Xue Yang has dressed her in a pink poodle skirt, black boots with frilly socks, and a black T-shirt with the words “Daddy’s Little Delinquent” in pink script, pulling her hair into spiky little pigtails.
“—and the look the bus driver gave me when I tried paying with the $50 I luckily had in my pocket!”
“He’s telling the truth,” Xue Yang says. Over the years, an odd friendship has sprung up between him and Lan Xichen. “He has a stamped bus pass and everything. Look at the poor man. Had to squash in with the hoi poloi. He won’t be over this for weeks.”
Lan Xichen is blinking too much. “And someone on the bus stole my wallet, though I could have sworn I left the bus with it—”
Xue Yang winks at A-Qing, who grins at him and pats the bulging pocket on her frilly pink skirt.
JC : Why is my lead fashion designer wearing CROCS??
WWX : His house keys must have been on the same keychain. Lan Zhan said he took today off from work
JC : Okay but why are they orange?
WWX : Not everything he owns has to be blue, you know
JC : His contract clearly states at least three out of every four articles of clothing have to be blue!
WWX : Relax, lil bro
JC : He’s the face of our Overly Elaborate Yet Elegantly Simple Eveningwear division!
NHS : Who is?
NHS : 😿 who just showed up? Xichen?
WWX : Yup he just arrived after a harrowing bus experience
NHS : https://cutt.ly/Mks2dgu ?
JC : Does anyone actually like when people send them links??
NHS : https://cutt.ly/hks21H8
Meng Yao is wearing what Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang call his "customer service smile," a holdover from his dark days in retail. It's the closest he ever gets to showing irritation towards his fiancé. “Why didn’t you Uber over, Xichen?”
“I locked my phone in the car with the keys—”
“It’s fine, Mr. Lan," says Dr. Wen. "Please have a seat. You’re just in time. After all, you were mentioned by name in the fire marshal’s report, along with the somewhat contradictory descriptions of ‘dazed’ and ‘hysterically sobbing,’ which naturally piqued my interest—”
Lan Xichen seats himself beside Meng Yao. He's still looking somewhat frazzled Then again, his main two facial expressions are “gentle smile” and “mild anxious look.” “That was an accident. The fire, I mean. A little mishap.”
“Gentlemen, all of these incidents cannot be mere ‘accidents’—”
“I was meditating and A-Ling wandered in and knocked over the incense burner,” Lan Xichen explains hurriedly. Meng Yao, well-practiced as he is at hiding his emotions, winces slightly. “The window was open, and there was a breeze, and A-Yao just bought these new gauzy curtains that tend to flap about quite a bit—”
XY - JGY - LWJ - JC - NHS - Crossing Us Is A *Great* Idea
XY : And burn quickly
NHS : What am I missing???
XY : Insurance fraud
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XY : Yes. We’re all complicit now
JGY : Xue Yang, have you heard of a little something called libel?
XY : 🖕 We should go back to building with asbestos like they did in the good old days
JC : We’re all so glad you’re here, Xue Yang
NHS : I need to adopt a kid so I can join your group or something, this sucks, you get to go this secret club every week, jc I see wwx even less than you do
JC : stop talking
XY : What color baby you want, NHS?
JC : What the hell??
XY : That was a joke
NHS: ....
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“…and I was so deep in meditation I didn’t notice the flames until the fire department arrived, but A-Ling was fine, just fine, and all the fire fighters were so very nice…”
WWX : Can confirm. Xichen was more traumatized than the kid. The firefighters had to wrap him in like fifty foil blankets
XY : XXC tells me Himbo stayed with you a full week, was that why? my boy didn't tell me
LWJ : “Himbo”? He got 1600 on his SAT.
XY: Term of endearment he knows he’s my boy plus the guy locked his keys and phone in the car for the second time this month
JC : At least he feels remorse over his child endangerment, unlike certain other people I could mention
LWJ : "Child endangerment"?
XY : Tell us again about how Jin Ling used to teethe on Zidian, JC?
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“Dr. Wen will be pleased to know that my apartment is now fully equipped with a top-of-the-line sprinkler system,” says Meng Yao smoothly. “No more incense, either. This unfortunate incident will never be repeated again.”
XY - WWX - JC - Odd Man Out
XY : At least not until the insurance money runs out
WWX : 😒
XY : Not that he needs it, after landing Himbo
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WWX: Those jokes really aren't funny
NHS: 😔
JC: Dammit NHS are you in every chat?? Did you change the chat names? Why aren't you showing up on half the participant lists?? Did you hack our phones or what??
NHS: Don’t be so *inane*
Wei Wuxian titters.
“Mr. Wei? Since you seem so eager to speak, perhaps we should move onto your issues, then.”
Wei Wuxian straightens up and points to his chest, the picture of innocence. “Me?”
Dr. Wen smiles thinly. “You, Mr. Wei. Perhaps you can tell us your side of what the school is referring to as ‘The Radish Incident.’ ”
“Well….” Wei Wuxian darts a glance over at Lan Wangji, who is as impassive as ever. “I was just burying him for fun, you know. We like to pretend he’s a radish—“
“A radish?”
“It’s a…you know. A game. I personally like potatoes better, but—”
“Mr. Wei, several parents complained to the school.”
“Because we were hogging the sandbox.”
“Because your son was running around screaming ‘I’m a chubby little radish boy!’ Which in itself would not be cause for concern. But coupled with his troubling behavior the following week—"
XY - JC - JGY - Two Men & A Half
XY : Where did she get these records? Who does she work for, the NSA?
NHS : She’s an astronaut?
JGY : How did you sneak into this chat? And did you rename it?
NHS : 😉
JGY: You're what, an inch taller than me?
XY: someone struck a nerve
JGY: It's just derivative of the other group chat, that's all.
NHS : u said no to "gettin' jiggy w it" i had no other choice. anyway what's happening over there?
JC : I’ll give Dr. W this, that kid is weird.
NHS : who a-yuan?
JC : I’ll give Dr. W this, that kid is weird.
JC : I mean, he’s my nephew, he’s a great kid, that’s not what I’m meant—
XY : *delete delete*
JC : How does your hippie husband put up with you??
JGY : We suspect brainwashing or blackmail.
“—when he decided he was a rabbit or," Dr. Wen continues, "or, as he put it, ‘Daddy’s Huggy Little Bunny Boy.”
“He is Daddy’s Huggy Little Bunn—"
“And only responds to the name ‘Thumper,’ refuses to eat anything other than carrots or food containing carrots, insists on wearing bunny ears—"
XY : If it’s good enough for Louis Belcher, it’s good enough for Freaky Little Bunny Boy
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you watch the show too?? I call mingjue “bob” - u know - grumpy mustache guy
XY : I’m sure that’s gone over well
NHS: he’ll learn to love it
XY : A-Qing loves Louis
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“—hops around instead of walking, and has convinced others of the same…fantasy.”
Everyone glances over at the three children, who are hopping in a circle. A-Yuan has a fluffy little tail on the seat of his pants, carefully sewn on by Lan Wangji. Jin Ling has a handful of cotton balls that had been badly superglued on by an annoyed Jiang Cheng. And A-Qing has a wad of blue cotton candy taped to her frilly pink skirt with a strip of duct tape. As they watch, Jin Ling rips the cotton candy off and stuffs it in his mouth. A-Qing shoves him onto his cottony rear end.
“That’s my girl!” Xue Yang calls.
“Daddy’s proud of you!” Xiao Xingchen adds, though he’s not quite sure what’s going on.
Dr. Wen sighs. “I’m still unclear about how this started. Was it the rabbit incident? Mr. Lan—" She nods her head at Lan Wangji to differentiate between the brothers. Lan Xichen has fallen asleep in his chair, exhausted by his first-ever bus ride. “—I mean, I beg your pardon, Dr. Lan. Perhaps you can fill us in on that? He told his teacher he was attacked by a rabbit monster."
“So he was bitten by one rabbit!” Wei Wuxian says when Lan Wangji just eyes her coldly. “It wasn’t Lan Zhan’s fault. That rabbit was bad news. It had this gleam in its eye—lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes—"
Xiao Xingchen emits a muffled little squeak. Xue Yang looks annoyed. He hates when other people make Xiao Xingchen laugh.
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JC: yes yes we all get the Jaws reference
NHS: the last movie we all watched together : /
JC: yes I just said that
NHS: like three months ago
JC: and?
NHS: just saying...
“He was scared of the rabbits after that, and so Lan Zhan told him that rabbits only bite their own, and, well…I mean, we have a hundred rabbits in our backyard. It was either rehoming them and making the news like those crazy cat people, or making A-Yuan feel better.”
A-Yuan hops past, wiggling his cotton tail.
Jiang Cheng rubs his temples.
“All right, Mr. Wei. Thank you. That’s…elucidating. We’ll delve into that in future sessions. Now, perhaps we can discuss the June 7th incident involving you and Mr. Xue?”
Xiao Xingchen starts to laugh again. Xue Yang grins to himself.
LWJ : What happened on the 7th?
JC : Am I my brother’s keeper??
“Now, the seventh? I was…hard to remember, all that time ago…” Wei Wuxian taps his chin. "The mists of time and all that."
“It was three weeks ago, Mr. Wei.”
“The seventh….the seventh…was that a Tuesday—?”
“Wen Chao had it coming,” said Xue Yang. Smirking, he twirls his ponytail around a finger. His ponytail is long and sleek and sprouts from the top of his head like an 80s schoolgirl's. “Amiright, ‘Mr. Wei’?”
Wei Wuxian coughs. “You mean the Wen Chao who lives on Qishan Road? That Wen Chao?”
“That spoiled rich kid?” Jiang Cheng asks. (“As if you’re one to talk,” says Xue Yang.) “With the oversized Humvee and tractor-sized tires with spinning rims? Zipping down the street at all hours and blasting his music? I went to college with him. He used to leave double-deckers in the bathroom at frat parties.”
Dr. Wen swallows a long-suffering sigh. “Thank you, Mr. Jiang. I’m sure that information will prove most helpful in evaluating your brother’s case. Mr. Wei, your arrest, combined with the Huggy Little Bunny Boy Incident, does not fill me with confidence.”
“Not arrested—"
“Taken for questioning,” Xue Yang agrees. “By the neighborhood watch. Golf dads and wine moms. Very different from 'arrested.' "
"And you should know," says Meng Yao.
NHS : What’s going on? What am I missing????
JGY: Did you just make a new group chat? Your name isn't showing up. This is disconcerting.
NHS: don’t worry about it
JC : We’re talking about Wen Chao
NHS : overcompensating humvee ex-frat boy with the hair gel? vomit in the jacuzzi and streak across the field at the big game wen chao? ur babysitter's cousin?
JC : The very idiot
NHS : He has nice sunglasses
JC : For a Russian mobster
NHS : Says the guy who owns a purple zebra striped jacket
JC : Says the guy with more bird-themed shirts than Winston Bishop
JGY : Touche.
NHS : i didn’t know u watch New Girl 2! we must talk l8tr shorturl.at/vDI26
JGY : Your abbreviations are marginally shorter than the actual words.
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JC : Cleaning bird cages does take up most of one’s afternoon
NHS : see, u get it
JC : Dr. Wen isn’t buying whatever WWX is selling here.
JGY : Wen Chao is related to Dr. Wen. If WWX had any more sense than a chipmunk, he’d realize that. No matter how much you hate someone, family is family...
“Wen Chao was a public menace,” says Wei Wuxian self-righteously. “He deserved what he got. Speeding down the street all the time. Think of the children!”
LWJ: Why is this my first time hearing about this?
WWX: You’ve heard me complain about WC a million times. I even named a group chat after him!
LWJ: Wei Ying.
WWX: You were off visiting your uncle with A-Yuan ! You left me unsupervised! I am not to be blamed!!!
LWJ: We’ll discuss this later
WWX: 😓
“Perhaps the better question is where you got all those fish,” says Dr. Wen.
Everyone turns to look at Xue Yang.
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” he grins.
Xiao Xingchen chuckles.
“Five hundred dollars in damages, Mr. Xue. Raw fish juice is difficult to get out of faux tiger fur upholstery, I understand.”
Xue Yang flaps his hand. “His father can afford it.”
“That is not the—" Dr. Wen stops, perhaps realizing that an argument with Xue Yang means forfeiting a chunk of her sanity. “Moving on, Mr. Xue, can you explain this picture you posted on social media?”
“That picture’s an old one. A-Qing’s just a baby.”
“Mr. Xue, given the recent threats you made towards A-Qing’s daycare teacher for putting her in a time-out for stealing her classmate’s graham crackers and apple juice, this is relevant.”
“Posting that to the public account was a mistake, if that’s your concern. My Insta for A-Qing is private, but I was in a candy store and got kind of distracted by the new sugar-frosted fruity explosion jaw-busting mega bombs—"
“You fail to understand the issue, Mr. Xue. What’s that in her mouth?”
“Fingers. Or is that a toe?”
Xiao Xingchen laughs.
“They weren't real,” says Xue Yang.
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JC: Great more gifs
“I think I have one with the Halloween store tags still on—" Xue Yang scrolls through the hundreds of photos of A-Qing filling his phone. “Should be one in here somewhere—oh, look, Xingchen, these are from your birthday party; I tell you, Amazo the Magnificent had no sense of humor at all; you’d think nobody had ever replaced his rabbit with a porcupine before-"
Jin Ling hops by. “Rabbit!” he cheers.
Jiang Cheng groans.
“There is blood on the fingers, Mr. Xue.”
Xue Yang gives a breezy laugh. “Paint. The springy plastic is perfect for teething. You just put it in the freezer for a few hours—real fingers wouldn’t work; they’d freeze solid, which makes good ice packs for those hard-to-reach places, sure, but as far as teething goes—”
Dr. Wen holds up a hand. “Thank you, Mr. Xue. That’s enough. My next question is about this speeding ticket, which you received while your daughter was strapped to your chest.”
“She was wearing a helmet!”
“You were driving a motorcycle down the highway, Mr. Xue.”
Xue Yang glances hurriedly at Xiao Xingchen, who’s frowning. “These were two separate incidents—"
“Mr. Xue, I don’t think that that makes it much better—"
“Ouch!” Meng Yao shoots to his feet. “He bit me! Your son bit me!”
Wei Wuxian scoops up A- Yuan, who's looking very satisfied with himself. “You shouldn’t have worn a carrot-orange shirt, then.”
“It’s not orange, it’s beige—"
“Maybe he was aiming for Xichen’s crocs and missed,” Xue Yang suggests.
Meng Yao pats his pockets. “Where’s my phone?”
Xue Yang winks at A-Qing, whose already-stuffed pocket is bulging further. Xue Yang likes dressing her in disarmingly cute dresses and skirts with huge pockets, the better to hide her loot. She grins and twirls a pigtail like Xue Yang twirls his ponytail and skips off with Jin Ling and A- Yuan.
Meng Yao is wearing the fixed smile of a Starbucks barista whose customer just asked to speak to the manager. Never a good sign. “Could somebody be so kind as to call my phone?”
Wei Wuxian makes a show of dialing. No one else moves. Lan Xichen mumbles something to himself in his sleep, chin sunk deep in his chest.
“Sorry, Jiggy,” says Wei Wuxian. “Maybe you left your phone at home?”
“You all saw me using it not a minute ago, and kindly stop calling me Jiggy—"
Meng Yao’s customer service smile slips. “Just stop talking for five seconds, that’s all I ask—"
Dr. Wen shakes her head. At this point she seems more bored than anything else. “Moving along, Mr. Xiao, this is perhaps inconsequential when held up beside your husband’s joyrides with A-Qing—"
“Not a joyride,” Xue Yang interrupts. “That motorcycle is registered in my name. Well, a name—"
“—but A-Qing’s teacher has told me that she witnessed you allowing A-Qing to take candy from strangers.”
“The lady seemed nice,” says Xiao Xingchen, folding his hands placidly in his lap. “She had peppermints.”
Xue Yang sighs fondly.
NHS: thnx for calling me WWX. reception could be better but this is better than anything on tv. literally candy from strangers?
JC: Dear heaven HE’S back. Just text a chat you're actually on!
NHS: ‘Dear heaven’?
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JC: This is inane!
WWX: …not bad
Xiao Xingchen smiles. “She smelled like snickerdoodles and lavender.”
Dr. Wen sighs. “Mr. Xiao—"
“I’ll talk to him later, doctor,” says Xue Yang, patting Xiao Xingchen’s arm reassuringly. “Anything else? What did Mr. Beige do?” He grins at Meng Yao, who’s still looking for his phone.
“Mr. Meng, aside for the fire, which we’ve established is not your fault—though, fiance or not, you should be a bit more judicious in your choice of babysitters—"
Lan Wangji shoots Dr. Wen a look that almost melts the metal clip on her clipboard.
She absorbs it without so much as an eyebrow twitch. “—there is the Treehouse Incident, though I don’t believe the collapse of your nephew’s treehouse was your fault.”
JC - WWX - LWJ - We’re All Cool Here We Promise
NHS : i hear he bought the biggest fanciest one he could then set it up himself and then it fell down at the first storm. if that’s not a metaphor for his life I don’t know what is
JC : That wasn’t funny, someone could have gotten hurt
WWX : it was kind of funny
NHS : it was very funny
LWJ : "Hurt" like a baby at a weapons expo?
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LWJ: *I’m
“We are suing the playhouse company,” says Meng Yao. “Right, Xichen?”
“Hm?” Lan Xichen sits up with a jerk. “I beg your pardon?”
Meng Yao gives him a patient smile and turns back to Dr. Wen. “As you can see, we have the situation well in hand.”
Lan Xichen has no idea what he’s talking about but nods along anyway. “Of course we do. In fact—" He whips out a recorder and starts playing “Wonderwall.”
“That was…lovely,” says Dr. Wen once he finishes. “Don’t do it again. Now, moving on to the County Fair Incident—"
“Which was an accident!”
“One more interruption, Mr. Wei, and you will be asked to return for solo counseling."
JC - LWJ - XY - NHS - Lan Wangji Pls Stop Vetoing All My Best Chat Names Thnx
NHS : Make him stand in the corner! LWJ, does that ever work at home?
XY : I think he uses *stronger* methods 😏
*Lan Wangji has left the chat*
JC : Xue Yang shut up I will end you that’s my brother
XY : End me with your sparkly little whip? 👀
JC : Your husband’s sitting right next to you you little freak. Allo people are so fricking annoying!
NHS : hey!
JC: I call it as I see it
NHS: your one to talk 😒
*Lan Wangji has joined the chat*
LWJ : *You're
*Lan Wangji has left the chat*
XY : How old were you when you lost your sense of humor, Grape Boy?
JC : “Grape Boy” is that the best you can do?
XY : there are children present
NHS : ��� 🤭 🤭
JC : Same way there are children present while barreling down the highway at 80 mph on a motorcycle?
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XY : The state troopers blew that way out of proportion
Dr. Wen taps her clipboard. “Stealing livestock violates Section 2 of the Farm and Livestock Act—”
“No harm no foul,” shrugs Xue Yang. “And Xiao Xingchen gave all the trampled people candy afterward, so we’re all square. Well, snacks, anyway."
“Good snacks,” Xiao Xingchen adds. “Carob-covered rice cakes and trail mix.”
NHS: 🤢
“You can’t just hand out nuts children who might have an allergy—"
“There were also boxes of raisins. Full-size.”
Dr. Wen struggles to keep from rolling her eyes. Jiang Cheng rolls his hard enough for the both of them.
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JC: wtf is that get that off my screen
“According to the police report, all three of your children broke into the paddock, released the donkey, and rode him down the main promenade, scattering fairgoers in their wake. I have the video.” Dr. Wen holds up her phone. Loud screams and merry-go-round music blast from her phone. “Mr. Xue? Anything to say?”
“That guy was barely trampled,” says Xue Yang. “Also, I had nothing to do with opening the paddock, whose latch sticks (just by the way), or helping the kids up onto the donkey, so—"
“This was found at the scene.” She holds up black leather necklace with a single red bead. "Look familiar, Mr. Xue?”
Xue Yang touches his bare throat. “I’ve been framed.”
“And this.” She holds up a flute and glances over at Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian darts a quick glance over at Lan Wangji, who does not look amused. Then again, he never does. “Since when was I even a suspect—?"
“Since you left your flute there like an idiot,” says Jiang Cheng.
“Lil’ Apple’s paddock was too small! I had to do something."
The cuckoo clock on the wall goes off, waking up Lan Xichen, who’s drifted off again. He whips out his recorder again but Meng Yao lays a gently restraining hand on his wrist.
Dr. Wen rises. “We will continue this next week. In the meantime, I have some worksheets—"
JC : Kill me now
NHS : i wouldnt tempt LWJ if i were u…
JC : not like I take up any of WWX’s precious time anyway anymore. LWJ goes out of town and WWX teams up with that nutcase ex-juvenile delinquent of all people to vandalize WC’s car?? In college we stole WC's team's stupid tortoise mascot together
NHS : …..i'll call u later
JC : Please don’t
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NHS: u can come over on ur own to watch a movie or smthing u know
NHS: ur new line launched already so ur not so busy now right?
NHS: u can bring jin ling along as a chaperone if u want
NHS: hello?
NHS: that was a joke…
JC: okay but no more romcoms
NHS: u brought mama mia over last time not me
JC: I grabbed the wrong dvd
NHS: …..🤐
JC: 🖕
NHS: 😏 see u soon
* * * *
One month later:
“Best session yet!” says Wei Wuxian as they pull up to his house in Jiang Cheng's sleek purple Jaguar. “I mean, Dr. Wen wasn’t thrilled about the whole ‘our kids visited Nie Huaisang’s bird sanctuary and now think they’re skvaders’ thing, but all in all—"
“Just get out of the car.” Jiang Cheng gives him a little shove. They’d all been busy this past month, and had only seen Nie Huaisang once, but that had been enough to convince the kids that they’re hybrid bunny-birds. “I’ll wait outside while you go and get Jin Ling—" He stops. A letter is nailed to the front door.
“Is someone starting another Protestant reformation?” Wei Wuxian jokes. He grins at Lan Wangji, who raises his eyebrow slightly. Excellent. So he found the joke as funny as he did, though going by the way he eyes the nail he’s not thrilled about what just happened to the door’s glossy blue paint.
Wei Wuxian rips the letter from the nail and starts to read aloud. “ ‘We, the undersigned, do hereby declare Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji to be persona non grata on Cultivator Court for the following reasons: One: Wild animals leaving unspeakable “presents” on our lawns—’ ”
Wei Wuxian looks up. “That would be Lil’ Apple. Do they sell donkey diapers?”
LWJ unlocks the door. “What else?”
“ ‘Two: Gangs of feral rabbits rampaging through our flower beds!’ –They do have a point here. How they keep getting loose I’ll never know. ‘Number Three: Loud duets at midnight. We get it! You’re in love! Get a soundproof basement or shut the hell up!’ ” Wei Wuxian wrinkles his nose. “Who spit in their bean curd?”
“Where do these people meet, and can I join?” asks Jiang Cheng.
Wei Wuxian slings an arm around his shoulders, the first time in weeks. Jiang Cheng hasn’t seen much of his brother outside of the counseling sessions. “Dr. Wen says that kind of negativity is toxic.”
Jiang Cheng grunts, but lets Wei Wuxian keep his arm on his shoulder. “I’ll show you toxic—”
The babysitter is sitting under the table with Jin Ling and A-Yuan when they enter the house, building a miniature cenotaph made out of blocks.
“The kids okay, Wen Ning?” Wei Wuxian asks him.
Wen Ning peers out from between two chairs. “We were under siege for a couple of hours. Pitchforks and torches, same old thing. But we turned out the lights and stayed away from the windows and made s’mores.”
“So that’s what happened to all the plastic lawn flamingos. Trampled by angry villagers."
Jiang Cheng pinches his temples. “I told you adopting an incontinent donkey was a bad idea. At least keep his paddock locked.”
“We don’t have to tell your sister about this, do we, Wen Ning? …Good. What did the mob look like? Did you catch any names?”
“They were led by a fat man with a goatee and a skinny old guy with beady eyes and a moustache like two long droopy rat tails." Wen Ning crawls out from under the table. “The skinny guy was wearing bright red and blue and purple clothes and the fat guy had a bullhorn. And my cousin Wen Chao was in back yelling something about the rising cost of dry cleaning in this day and age, I think?”
“Yao and Ouyang.” Wei Wuxian makes a face. “Power couple from hell, and I should know. I’ve been there.”
“Are they those nosy neighbors you’re always complaining about?” asks Jiang Cheng.
“They’ve been after us from day one!”
“Well, having that fierce corpse of yours key their car didn’t help.”
“That was an accident.”
Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes.
“You know, Nie Huaisang has been texting me about this house for sale next door to him,” says Wei Wuxian thoughtfully. “Lan Zhan, maybe we should check it out?”
Jiang Cheng picks up Jin Ling and pats him gently on the back. “You’re just going to have the same problem with the angry villagers, just across town.”
“No, it’s a big corner lot. I’ve seen it. Looks like the Addams Family lives there. Comes with its own little graveyard and everything. Huaisang’s family owns it, and they’ve been trying to unload it for months, but everyone thinks it’s haunted just because of that time I brought those fierce corpses with me on a visit and they got loose—but that’s neither here nor there. It’s perfect!”
Lan Wangji nods.
“Whatever.” Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes. “Let’s get going, A-Ling.”
Once he’s strapped Jin Ling into his car seat, he takes out his phone.
JC : Your plan worked
Nie Huaisang:
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Jiang Cheng: yeah. Thanks for riling them up behind my brother’s back all month. Class move. Direct and straightforward
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NHS: not that they needed much inciting. wwx blowing up the garage was the last straw
JC : was still weirdly convoluted for no reason
JC : Not sure why you had to get me involved either
NHS: says the guy who lives 20 blocks away but still volunteered to file the noise complaint because, i quote, “the duets *R* annoying”
JC : well you can’t file a complaint about them stopping mid-conversation with you to gaze soulfully into each others’ eyes for ten minutes
NHS : *snort*
JC : If you miss WWX so much 🙄 why didn’t you just tell him straight out instead of pulling this shtick?
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NHS : there’s another house available down the street just fyi…
NHS: my big fat greek wedding sat night? u bring the dvd n i’ll get the pizza
Shaking his head, but smiling to himself, Jiang Cheng starts the car.
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demwhore · 4 years
Ares | L.JN
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pairing┃lee jeno x female reader genre | stalker fic, thriller, horror, angst warnings | this is a problematic fic! please read at your own risk! there is no way jeno is like this in real life, this fic is purely fictional and shouldn’t be romanticized in any way, please report any activities of stalking!! mature scenes, profanities, murder, graphic violence, manipulation, coercion, borderline obsession !! Please, Jeno is not like this in real life, this is just a work of fiction !! word count | 2,431k synopsis | He’s not beautiful like how people see him. He’s wicked.  a/n | this is actually my very first planned fic and @neo-cult-ure​ knows about this haha love you!! and my love, @jungcity, for fixing my crap grammar xD taglist | @milkinqjungs, @nanasarea, @lovestrucked-again, @neoyoungho, @bumblebeenct, @haechaaaaaaanssi, @bedraggledsijeuni, @nakamotonikkoru muse | killing me softy, the manhwa :: killing stalking, a picture of jeno glaring :: every breath you take ( listen for maximum experience )
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Truly an ace of all fools.
Ares, the god of war. As Homer called him, murderous, bloodstained, the incarnate curse of mortals.
Name it, Jeno knows every possible if not, unique ways to kill. He prefers the crowbar as it’s efficient and easy enough to send a person to their graves. For his very own pleasure. It fuels him especially when he sees those eyes that were once full of life drown down to darkness of death.
Lee Jeno, is known as one of the notorious lads at school. He never fails to leave an astonished look to every person he has passed by at school. People are stunned whenever he walks down the hallway with his school shirt unbuttoned and crumpled. His overall appearance is unruly with the noticeable scars that lingered on his face like leeches. His disheveled jet black hair. Eyes that bore nothing but darkness. Chains dangling from each of his ears. His aura that is explainable and unassailable that could even strike the thunderbolt of the great god Zeus.
Jeno is handsome. He looks like bad news. Wild.
He wielded an enormous influence among girls. Some swoon at the mere sight of him; others even resorted to some chase yet ended up a crying mess. Boys even fall for his charms, but one sharp glance is enough to wave them off like flies.
However, you on the other hand are not fazed by him nor his silhouette. Which made him to be drained by a pure soul like you.
Lee Jeno is so private and closed like an abandoned establishment and that could be the sole reason why people want to pry into his life. He had everyone controlled on the palm of his hand but he can’t seem to play with you like he initially plans to.
Lee Jeno has the patience of a boar. He shows signs of violence that it’s alarming. But people seem to be in love at his bad boy facade, no one dares to report him.
He is a living contradiction. Lee Jeno is a ride, a deadly one.
He comes to school with his boisterous friends that look exactly like how he presents himself. You can always hear their uproarious banters about their lives, endless wolf-whistling. They are the group of boys you wouldn’t want to mess with. Especially the mysterious Lee Jeno.
You made a promise to get the shit out of the tracks that had traces of the boisterous boy that is Lee Jeno.
Not just the boys that have brought out the never ending fiasco circulating around your highschool. There have been a high number of mysterious disappearances of students that you may have never heard of or slightly familiar to you that you cannot recall. Their skulls are cracked open with a brute force or a bullet to the head. Some are strangled, some are mutilated, and what makes it terrifying is that most of the victims are leading down to you.
You can still remember how Kang Hana spent her afternoon with you in the library for a philosophy project. You admit it yourself that Hana isn’t the preferable company. She’s too nosy, noisy and quite violent towards you as she keeps on hitting you on the arm whenever you spill something stupid. Nevertheless, you held no grudge towards the girl. And you were really stunned at the news of her sudden death.
Oh, you didn’t know someone was watching from the windows of the library outside. Irritability bubbles inside his body like a brook. He allows no one to go near you, let alone to hit you like a ragged doll. He always had a thing for you, he didn’t know when it started but by the way you looked at him like you are almost something to be disregarded. He is drawn to you like a moth to the flame.
It is always in Jeno’s system. His mind is a bully, gushing him to do things that would make him thrilled, something that could awaken his fantasies.
He wants to kill. And he did.
He stood in all his glory, wearing his uninterested look while scrutinizing the other students walking along the hall. There at the lockers he spots Kang Hana awkwardly fumbling with the entangled bag straps.
His dark eyes bore into Hana’s figure. Eyeing her from head to toe. At this moment he is thinking of what he can possibly do with those limbs. Break it? Smash it? Mutilate it like how they do in the slaughterhouse? Jeno approaches her figure, his switchblade ready in his windbreaker’s pockets.
He breaths, trying to muster his oh-so-charming smile. “Hey.”
Hana raises up her gaze and she is surprised, that the notorious Lee Jeno is approaching her. Only if she knew his real intentions. “Oh my god. Hey.”
Jeno is charming. Quite egocentric. It doesn’t take him long to persuade someone to sleep with him or to go out on a date with him. If there is something you should be afraid about Jeno, it is his ability to deceive people without them knowing his real motives. He has a calm demeanor but sometimes his arrogance fuels him to be so wild-driven.
He leads Hana to the abandoned establishment at the rundown part of the town. He made sure to give her a signal to meet him outside where no witnesses could see them. It’s always a step when considering crime, get rid of witnesses.
At this moment, Hana starts to get excited because she has foreseen what could happen. For her it’s sex. For him, it’s blood. Jeno draws his switchblade near her carotid artery. She widens her eyes but laughter resonates in the eerie place.
She purrs. “I am a kinky person but I can try knife play.”
Jeno doesn’t play. He draws the knife deeper to her neck until she realizes he is not joking at all. Kang Hana’s heart made a beeline for her throat and tried to make a flee for her life but Jeno had his strong hand gripping her hair.
She struggles but after every move she dares, the knife further penetrates her neck. Beads of sweat are dropping down to her cheeks. A hot sticky liquid from where the knife is trickling down her neck, dampening her collarbones down to her bra. She cries loud. “What do you want?!”
Jeno smirks. He misses the familiar scent of blood flooding in his nostrils. “Your life.”
Her eyes widened in pure horror as the charming prince transformed quickly as a ruthless psychopath in just the blink of her eye. Hana tries to fight against his hold once again but Jeno wants to finish off and not to take care of a wailing woman.
He repeatedly lash out the knife through her neck. The impact of his pounds set out her blood gushing out, splashing his pale cheeks. His right hand is dripping with her hot blood. Jeno’s chest rises as his breathing became ragged but overall he felt so alive and content. He stares at Hana’s figure sprawled on the floor bathing with the pool of her own blood. Jeno felt so driven with just crimson clouding his vision. He runs his tongue on the rows of his pearly teeth, a sinister smile tugging the corners of his lips. He did it for you.
The following days have been hell for you. No, you weren’t killed but you faced a frightening number of police interrogations for the victims were always drawing down to you. Like Hana, you were the last person she was with before her neck was slashed out like a cow in the slaughterhouse. The pulse of a blue and red strobe from the police mace being parked in the circular driveway. You stare at the officer's badge, his holstered Glock. The night air settles the eerie night, still, gauzy full of humidity.
The interview lasts about a good hour but you are deemed innocent as Hana’s whereabouts where the crime took place didn’t match your activity. Her clothes are missing on the spot but the investigators found it drenched in this liquid they believed was an oxygen producing detergent. Since the laboratory personnel couldn’t get any fingerprints from her body, it has been declared useless for the crime.
It has been weeks since you find yourself able to breathe again but it didn’t last long when you were bombarded with unknown and creepy messages that you couldn’t withstand at all.
I know you. From everything you do, I know it all.
You belong to me, your full name.
I find it romantic to see how excited you look whenever I send these messages. Shall I start sending my pictures as well? Or the throne I made for you?
From morning you go to your mother’s flower shop to gather primrose to deliver to your grandfather that lives in the twenty second street downtown.
Your favorite thing to do is to draw, my sweet. I am right, am I? I’m always right.
I saw you talk to that small loser from class D. Now don’t ever talk to him again or you will see his head delivered right at your doorstep. I love you and I’m being the nice guy here.
Do you perhaps like the idea of your friend's limbs personally delivered to you? Your pick.
I am always watching you, your name.
Oh, you had a museum date with your friends? Don’t go, I am at your grandmother’s restaurant, she serves the ultimate broth soup. Too bad I can stop her from serving these delicacies.
I know deep down, you love me too. Don’t you ever try to date behind my back without telling me. I did kill for you.
Your parents aren’t home. Do you want me to visit?
So much love for you. Your long secret admirer :)
I love you. I will kill for you.
He isn’t joking. He knows everything about you. All the meticulous details no one knows but your family. Whenever you receive a message from him, your heart would pound against your rib cage. It terrifies you to the core that he exactly knows the precise details of your whereabouts.
You immediately reported this matter to the police, to your parents but it didn’t settle the problem. The number isn’t traceable. They keep on insisting that the number used is from an unregistered sim. You fear for your life, your personal space, everything.
You weren’t just experiencing the never ending terror of your stalker’s messages. But some of your things are now starting to disappear, from your bracelets, your baby pictures now, now, your white lacy underwear.
You are blissfully unaware of the pair of eyes that follows every movement as you exit the school grounds. He looks down on his hand, gripping his favorite underwear of you. He had a picture when you wore the garment, and it was his favorite among all.
He makes his way to his heavily tinted car, a smile never leaving Jeno's face as he clutches the garment tightly on his hands. His soulless eyes stared back at him the moment he stared at the rear view mirror. And drives to the nearest convenience store.
He keeps on fantasizing about you. The way your name rolls out of his tongue while jerking out never fails to send himself to ecstasy. He can’t wait to meet you, but one thing he is sure of, he will be watching you tonight.
Jeno is always a step ahead of his plans. He is meticulous and calculative. His plans never backfire for he knew what methods to use. For the days he has been killing he already knows how to get rid of evidence that could lead to him. The boy’s got a sharp tongue as well, a serpent’s, he uses lies to cover up the real Lee Jeno that hides behind the charming facade he puts front.
He wore black. Black that is a mystery. Eerie. He wears a black bucket hat that covers his beautiful features that compliments his youth. Despite the dusk ebbing its way, his moles are always as alive as the constellation. He secures his mask tighter on both ears, as appealing as it sounds, he cannot show his face to you, just not yet. He had a thing to do, he had something to accomplish.
“Just in time” he breathed into the shadows. His eyes follow your figure marching down the dim lit streets. A smirk paints his lips as you still try to swat everything and thinking to yourself everything is still normal. But no, not until he is dead. He could have easily needle out your background from Jaemin but you were his and it gives him satisfaction whenever he discovers something about you. Things that aren’t open for others but just for him.
He immediately hid behind a large tree, once you entered your home. He makes sure to secure a great and measurable distance from him to you, not so far yet so near. He clenches his fist, the idea of watching you undress from your windows sends him a big wave of pleasure.
He begins to scramble up trying to get a hold of the strongest branch his forearm could manage. Some twigs tried to interrupt him midway but nothing can stop a hungry predator from lurking on his prey. He finds the perfect spot just parallel to your window.
“Fuck” he hiss as he felt his phone vibrate from his pocket. “What it is now Lee fucking Donghyuck?”
“Lover boy, I forgot to place your camera in your bag, bye.”
The camera is not his top most concern. He has his phone that is full of you.
You were humming quietly. He follows your hands, removing your school blouse that left the boy’s mouth agape. His cock immediately hardens at the sight, and he cannot risk himself to jerk while on the tree. He scrambles immediately, carelessly fishing out for his phone to take a picture of you naked.
Lee Jeno is always not satisfied with the bare minimum. He records you, doing your private thing in your room. He is biting hard on his lips, his erection sticking out painfully against his pants. He has to endure much longer till you have finished your routine applying lotion to your shiny long legs. Those legs that he can’t wait to touch.
Jeno left the place shortly. He’s astounded. You drive him wild and wild he is. You fuel the monster more.
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hippohead · 4 years
A Foggy Garden Around Them
hello. i was feeling restless and pulled up a prompt generator and then. well. this happened. i’m not entirely sure what it is, but this is what my brain produced based on this randomised prompt:
setting: locker room genre: fluff trope: superhero/superpowers prompt: time travel
Kurt pushes through into the locker room, anger coursing through his veins and he’s desperately trying to stop it from turning into roots, or thorns.  
Blaine is standing on the opposite side of the room, his gear on the bench next to him and his forehead pressed into the wall. His breaths are heaving, sounding heavy and hard to take, and the mist surrounding his body is swirling erratically, and thin. 
It always takes it out of him, when he uses it.  
And then Kurt remembers why he’s angry; because he used it. And it spurs him on, crossing over to Blaine with large strides and if Blaine hears him, he doesn’t acknowledge it, doesn’t turn, doesn’t move. Kurt snaps off the branch that has starting growing out of his palm involuntarily and makes a mental note to work on keeping his hands in check when he’s mad, and then he grabs Blaine’s shoulders, flips him, ignores the chill in the mist that’s surrounding him now, too. 
He pushes his arm against the length of Blaine’s chest and into the wall, keeping him there and under his grip without inflicting any actual pain, and now he can feel Blaine’s breathing underneath him, uneven. The dirt on his forearm is mixing with the sweat on Blaine’s collarbone, and all Blaine does is look at him. Steady. Waiting.  
“What the fuck was that, Blaine? You weren’t supposed to use your time fuckery in that match,” and it comes out like a growl. He closes his fist against another branch that is threatening to break through his skin and grow.  
And finally, there’s an expression on Blaine’s face. It’s amusement, which does nothing to quell the anger Kurt is feeling. In fact, it just prods it on, gives it even more motivation.  
“Time fuckery?” and when he laughs, the mist around them blows out and disappears. It’s not as cold anymore. “Is that what they’re calling it now?”
“Ugh,” Kurt huffs, and pushes off his boyfriend, putting a decent amount of space between them. He’s being insufferable, and it’s making Kurt feel wild and immature because he desperately wants to whine; that wasn’t fair. And it wasn’t fair – Professor Figgins had stated before anyone even stepped into the arena that Doubles were supposed to pick only one power to use. Blaine had picked Vapor, so when he used his Time Manipulation half way through their battle, it had thrown Kurt off. Off enough that he couldn’t regain his footing, and Blaine had won. “You know what I mean. Time Manipulation. Whatever.”
All of a sudden, Kurt is being pulled by a force outside of him and it stings his skin for a second, and then he blinks his eyes open. He’s back standing in the position he was in just before, arm pressed against Blaine’s chest and, he’s just realised, impossibly close in every other way, too. Thighs touching, ankles tangled, face quite near to Blaine’s. 
“Did you just do it again?”
Blaine’s hands find Kurt’s waist and he pulls him even closer, then leans forward until their foreheads are connected. “I’m sorry, I just missed you this close to me.”
Kurt sighs. Blaine always gets clingy after they’re paired up for a fight. Whether it’s because he’s won and needs to know that Kurt isn’t mad, or he’s lost and needs the reassurance. This time, though, Kurt suspects it’s because he’s feeling guilty about cheating. “It’s not fair,” he finally says, but he manages to keep the whine out.
“I know,” Blaine says quickly, “I’m so sorry. I could feel myself losing and I lost control. I’ll tell Figgins to organise a rematch, or to change your grade.”  
And just like that, his anger falls away. He wasn’t even really that committed to it, anyway; he knew Blaine wasn’t the type to purposefully cheat, and definitely not when Kurt was his opponent. “We’ll have a rematch,” he decides. “I want to beat you fair and square.”
He moves his arm, no longer wanting the aggressive position and instead winds it around Blaine’s shoulder, letting it hang loosely and this feels better. This feels more like them.  
“Okay. Sounds good,” and then Blaine kisses him, tender and caring and deeper than Kurt was expecting. He revels in the soft fog that starts to pool around Blaine’s chest – it always does that when his heart starts beating faster and he’s too preoccupied to stop it from happening. And the fog is warm, sitting between them, a literal representation of the love Blaine has for Kurt pouring out of him.  
Kurt breaks the kiss and turns his head slightly, a little overwhelmed at the way he came in here full of resentment and is nothing but fondness now. “Can you show me, again?”
“Kurt,” Blaine says, trying to be responsible. “We have to get to our next class.”
“Just quickly,” and it’s not a beg, not really, just a little nudge because he’s willing to be late – his next class is just Tactics, anyway, and Ms. Holliday is always super lenient.
Blaine chuckles, “Okay, but after this time I’m making a rule that I’ll only take you traveling with me outside of school hours.”
“Deal,” he smiles.  
Kurt steps back, knowing he needs to for this to work, and lets Blaine get into the right headspace. His eyes are closed and he looks focused, everything in his mind narrowing and tightening, but there’s a smile playing on his lips at the memories Kurt knows he’s pulling up.  
And then he says, “Okay,” quietly, like if he speaks too loudly it’ll knock him off-balance, and reaches out for Kurt’s hand. The second their palms connect, Kurt feels the force and the sting again, and then it stops. He opens his eyes and -  
They’re standing in the Dalton cafeteria, students in blazers wandering around and looking like any normal student body. And they would be, if it weren’t for the balls of fire that Puck is playing with in his hands, or the way Santana pulls out her seat to sit down in without touching it.  
Blaine has taken them to Kurt’s first day – he transferred to Dalton half way through last year after the incident at his old school. His dad had always known about his powers, of course, but Kurt had managed to get away with fading into the background, and avoiding any attention. He could keep it all under control when that was the case. But then the bullying had started, and the kiss had happened. The unwanted kiss, the one that was stolen from him, and he hadn’t meant for the vines to twine themselves around Karofsky’s neck, not consciously.  
Karofsky was fine; Kurt hadn’t done any serious or lasting damage. And he did get expelled for assaulting Kurt, but Burt had still decided that it was time for Kurt to go to a school that could help him with his powers, rather than force him to hide them. 
They’re just behind the Blaine from that day, and he’s carrying a tray of food over to a lunch table when he sees him – the Kurt from that day. He’s sitting by himself, reading a book, his fingers mindlessly twirling over a small pile of dirt on the table next to him. And with each circle motion of his hand, another daisy grows. They watch Blaine’s chest lift, eyes on Kurt and his tiny garden, and then watch the small, incredibly soft smile that grows on Blaine’s face. A similar one grows on current-Kurt's face, and then current-Blaine grabs his hand again.  
This time they’re in the doorway of the common room, past versions of themselves being the only ones in there. Kurt watches as the fog envelopes around their first kiss and remembers the way it had felt – so warm and encompassing and perfect. And he waits for it, the moment the tiny wildflowers grow from the backs of his hands, his neck, the tips of his ears; anywhere there was skin to bloom.  
There’s more force and sting, and then they’re standing in Blaine’s dorm room. It’s just past-Blaine in there and Kurt frowns; Blaine’s never taken him to this memory before and he can’t see past-Kurt anywhere. But then he emerges from the bathroom, blushing and on edge, anticipation in the edges of him, and oh. Kurt knows exactly what memory this is.
“I can’t believe you’ve brought us back here.”
“Shh,” Blaine replies cheekily, watching as past-them fall onto the bed together.  
“Pervert,” he retorts, but he watches them for a little while, too. It’s kind of sweet, seeing the start of their first time, all tentative touches and giggling and marveling. And then past-Blaine takes off his shirt and he squeezes Blaine’s hand in a plea to move to the next one. If they wait any longer, they’re going to be essentially watching their own sex tape.  
Blaine takes them back to their first party together, drunk and shining and happy. He takes them to the time they planted trees together in Blaine’s backyard at his parent’s place, Blaine picking the type of tree and Kurt growing it on the spot. He takes them to the time Kurt had agreed to go on a picnic with Blaine in the middle of December, and he’d kept them warm with a cloud around them.  
He takes them back to a couple of nights ago, when Kurt had snuck into Blaine’s room after the prefects had finished patrolling the hallways, and how they’d fallen asleep together, a foggy garden around them in the sheets, because they couldn’t help but show their content through their powers.  
Blaine grabs his hand one last time, and he feels the pull again, and when he opens his eyes, they’re back in the locker room. It’s just them, no past selves to keep them company, and Kurt can feel the yellow and red roses growing from his fingertips. 
“I guess these are for you,” he laughs, and he wonders what it is about Blaine that makes him so transparent; what is it that makes him lose control of his abilities. He just makes him feel so much, more than he’s ever felt, and he can’t stop the flowers from appearing.  
Blaine seems worn out but he bundles the roses together and tugs, knowing it doesn’t hurt Kurt to snap them, and smiles. “Thank you,” and then he looks at his watch, “Shit. We’re going to be so late.”  
Kurt kisses Blaine quickly and then jumps into one of the shower cubicles to rinse off from their match, which is what they’d headed in here to do in the first place. The water comes out cold and Kurt curses, shocked at the temperature. And he waits a moment, but it doesn’t heat up. “Blaine?” he asks, hearing the shower to his left turning on. “The water’s cold.”  
And it’s not a line, or a move; the water really is cold. 
But then there’s a knock on his door and Blaine is huddling into his stall, completely naked and mumbling jokingly about Kurt trying to get him expelled, and he starts to warm up the water with his hands. And Kurt can’t quite find it within himself to annoyed about the original temperature anymore; this is much better.  
He’ll get to class eventually.
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marveldeliversusps · 4 years
Prompt: New Hobby
Thanks for the prompt and political advocacy, @queenoftherandomword​! Hope you like it!
Prompt: Looks like somone has a new hobby
Pairing: Stucky, shrunkyclunks, background Sam/Nat
Rating: M
Art by @inflomora-art​. I’m obsessed with this pic. 
Steve heard a knock and rushed to the door. It was around three PM and his postal worker, Bucky, would be dropping off the mail soon. On days when he wasn’t too busy, Bucky would stick around and chat with Steve for a few minutes. Those were the best days.
Mailman Bucky was beyond hot. He had a cleft chin with a bit of softness under it, wrinkles from smiling and sparkling grey eyes. He was so beautiful he even made the dumb postal worker hat look good.
Tumblr media
When Steve pulled the door open, he found Natasha standing there expectantly. He tried to close the door but she put her foot inside the house. He set his shoulder against the door so she could push her way in.
“Nice to see you, Steve.”
Steve took a steadying breath in. He loved Natasha and looked forward to being around her. Since he’d retired from the superhero business and given the shield to Sam, time with Nat had been in short supply. However, she was perceptive and insatiably curious. If she was around when Bucky arrived, she’d sniff out Steve’s secret crush right away. Or find the numerous unopened boxes in his bedroom that he didn’t want to explain.
“Natasha,” he said.
“That’s all?”
Steve held tight onto the door. A moment of confusion or indecision would be just enough for her to elbow her way inside. This is why he needed more non-spy friends.
“Nice to see you, as always.”
Natasha rolled her eyes so dramatically her eyelashes fluttered. “What you mean to say is I’m sorry that I stood you and Sam up for our lunch date at Hot Lips pizza today, and that you two had to wait for forty-five minutes, and I can’t believe I didn’t respond to your text messages.”
Steve closed his eyes in embarrassment. “I totally forgot. I’m sorry, Nat.”
“It’s alright, Steve,” Natasha said, brushing non-existent lint from Steve’s shoulder. “I know you have other commitments. Maybe we could hang out now?”
Steve did want to spend time with her, just not for another hour when there was no risk of her meeting Bucky. Since getting together, Sam and Natasha were both happier, more fluid and less locked into decades-long patterns, but it certainly made Steve’s life more difficult. Their attempts at teasing him or caretaking were coordinated and ruthless. Loving, but ruthless.
“Now’s not a good time,” Steve said. “How about Friday you and Sam come over for a movie night?”
Natasha smiled sweetly, all her deadly angles covered by softness. She squeezed Steve’s hand gently, then dug her fingers into his wrist, making him yelp and stumble backward. As soon as Steve faltered, she charged inside and started looking around the living room. When Steve subtly positioned himself between her and the stairs to his bedroom, Natasha clocked his actions immediately. She slipped past his outstretched hands and hustled upstairs.
“Goddammit, Nat!”
Once she entered Steve’s bedroom, Natasha stopped abruptly and looked at all the unopened boxes lining the walls. “Huh.”
Steve nearly slammed into her back in his rush to beat her to the bedroom and had to grab onto the doorframe to stop himself. Natasha tilted her head to the side as if she was trying to solve a puzzle.
“What were you expecting?” Steve said.
Natasha’s brows furrowed. “I don’t know. A hot man or woman. A sex dungeon. Porn. Not a million boxes from…” she picked one up and squinted at it. “REI? What the hell, Steve?”
Steve opened and closed his mouth, not quite ready to tell the truth. The first package had been an actual order, a new pair of running shoes from an outdoor store he discovered. But then when Bucky had delivered them, REI (Recreation Equipment Inc) was apparently his favorite store, and it had given them something to chat about.
Steve had taken to buying gear from there once a week and planned his schedule to be home with the packages arrived, just so he could talk with Bucky. He’d even been working up the courage to suggest a hike together.
“I checked all the rooms downstairs,” Sam said out of nowhere.
Steve’s shoulders slumped. Of course, Sam and Natasha would be working together. They never went on ops alone anymore. Not since she was captured by AIM, and Sam leveled three blocks of downtown Mobile, Alabama to save her.
Steve should have never suggested Nat ask Sam out. Or introduced them. Or joined the Avengers.  
“Nice to see you,” Steve quipped.
Sam winked at him, the cheeky asshole. He knew Steve couldn’t stay mad at him long. “Not my fault,” Sam said, as he walked into the room. “You ditched us. And if you had just told Tasha what you were hiding--”
“I can have secrets,” Steve said petulantly.
Meanwhile, Natasha was walking around the room and shaking boxes. They all had the REI logo on the side: Sustainable Gear Built to Last. She retrieved a knife from her boot, ripped open a box and pulled out a 9.8mm Dry-Core climbing rope. It was bright yellow with red x’s on it, and Steve had picked it because he liked the design. “Is this for an outside sex dungeon?”
“Stop thinking everything is about sex!” Steve snapped. Sam raised an eyebrow at him, and Steve immediately felt bad. Before he could apologize to Natasha, she waived him off. Sam sat down on Steve’s bed and pulled out his own knife. He never used to have a million knives on him, probably Natasha’s influence.
“Do people know Captain America sneaks into people’s houses with knives?” Steve said.
Sam shrugged and carefully opened a package. “People don’t know a damn thing about me I don’t want them to know, because my girlfriend is a badass.”
A paranoid badass, Steve thought. But he had the self-preservation to keep that to himself.
Sam pulled out a Lavender Harness with yellow daisies stitched to the side. “Petzl Luna Harness,” he read off the side. “Steve, this is a woman’s harness.”
Steve crossed his arms, because he had aced his Women’s Studies class, thank you very much. “All the harnesses for women were pink and had flowers on them, and I thought that was very gender essentialist of them, so I bought it for myself in protest.”
“I’m sure they heard you loud and clear,” Sam said dryly.
They slowly unpacked all of Steve’s packages: another harness, two more ropes, a crash pad, carabiners, and several metal things Steve didn’t know the name of. After each item, Natasha looked at Steve expectantly, and he steadily denied that it was for a sex dungeon.
Next came a Marmot 1 person tent, that Steve would have to curl up in sideways to fit, a backpack, and a head lamp. He had more things he needed, but he wanted to spread the orders out.
“Why didn’t you open any of this stuff?” Sam said.
Exhausted with their questions, Steve flopped dramatically onto the floor, and he didn’t need to look up to know Sam and Natasha were doing synchronized eye rolls. “I don’t know how to use it yet!” Most of it he’d selected because he liked the colors or the philosophy of the companies. He had no idea if all the gear even all worked together. “It’s outdoor gear because my mailman likes to rock climb, and he’s hot, and I want to climb him like a tree.”
Natasha grinned triumphantly, and proclaimed, “So this is about sex!”
Steve didn’t respond, just slowly banged his head on the floor. Maybe if he blacked out they would leave him alone.
“Well, well,” Sam said.
“Don’t do that,” Steve snapped.  
“Looks like someone has a new hobby.”
Natasha leaned against Sam and giggled. It was so damn cute that Steve couldn’t decide if he wanted to wrap them in Christmas paper or throw them outside.
He almost missed the knock at the door.
“Steve,” Bucky called in. “Your door was left open. Just wanted to make sure everything’s okay.”
Steve shot an annoyed look at Sam who grinned unrepentantly. “Barton’s watching the entrance.” Steve should've guessed that, too. He half expected them to turn into a throuple any day now.
Natasha ignored them again, moving lightning fast to charge downstairs.
“Steve,” Bucky called again. “Hi,” he said, presumably when he saw Natasha. “Just checking in. I have a package for Steve.”
“I’m sure you do,” Natasha said meaningfully as she took the box from Bucky.
Steve made a racket in his haste to prevent Natasha from saying anything more embarrassing and landed at the door framing breathing heavily with a wild look in his eyes. Natasha, naturally, looked calm and composed.
“You must be Bucky,” Natasha said, extending her dainty hand. “Steve can’t stop talking about you.”
Steve’s cheeks immediately flamed hot, and the only saving grace was that Bucky’s cheeks pinked up adorably, too.
“Oh.” Bucky didn't elaborate further even though Steve really, really wanted him to. Was that a good oh or a bad oh? An oh or an /oh/?
Before Steve could follow up, Sam came up behind him and clapped an arm on his shoulder.
“Captain America!” Bucky exclaimed when he saw Sam. Oh no, no no no no, Steve thought. “You’re my hero! I mean, I’m an adult so not like hero hero, but it’s. Whew. It’s an honor.”
Sam grinned that warm, gap toothed smile that made old ladies weak in the knees, and he shook Bucky’s hand. “Nice to meet you. Did you serve?”
Bucky nodded, shrugging his shoulders shyly. “Yeah, two tours and all that, and you know, the post office is the number one employer of vets, so I’m here doing this. Helps to have the arm.” He pointed at his black and gold prosthetic.  Thanks for promoting that program by the way.”
Steve didn’t pout, but his inner toddler was stamping his foot. He only got a few minutes to talk to Bucky each week, and Sam was hogging all his time.
Natasha had magicked some popcorn out of nowhere, there hadn’t been any in Steve’s cupboard, and was obnoxiously monching it and watching the three of them. Knowing her, she’d probably known all of this was going to happen and brought the popcorn along as a prop.
“I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Bucky said to Sam, “but could I get a picture?”
Sam nodded, turning to Steve with a shit eating grin. “Steve, would you mind taking a pic of us?”
Steve took Bucky’s camera. He stepped on Sam’s foot while he arranged them for the photo, because he had called dibs on Bucky, and Sam already had Natasha. “You know . . . I’ve been retired for a while.” Because if Sam could play the Captain America card, so could he. Bucky had never brought it up, so perhaps he hadn’t recognized him.
Bucky smiled softly. “I know, Steve.”
Oh, well. That was a different thing entirely. Bucky had known who Steve was all along and had never made him feel uncomfortable about it. Steve smiled back at him and took the picture.
Once they were done, Natasha leaned toward Bucky. “Tell me, Bucky, how long have you and Steve been getting to know one another.”
Steve was 100% sure that was her code for sex dungeon activities, which, what in the hell did she and Sam get up to in their free time? Nevermind, he didn’t want to know.
They didn’t call Steve the greatest strategist of his time for nothing. He subtly scooted over, forcing Natasha to lean back.
“We’ve only recently become friends,” Steve said. The blood rushed to his cheeks again when he realized what he’d said. Bucky probably had to be friendly with everyone while he was working, that didn’t mean he and Steve were friends. “I mean, I think we are.”
The sides of Bucky’s eyes crinkled adorably as he grinned. “Yeah, we’re friends, Steve.” He paused and glanced at Sam and Natasha before settling back on Steve. “Actually,” Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, making his terrible round hat fall forward. He righted it quickly and said, “I was wondering if you’d like to go climbing this Saturday. I could show you the cool spots with not too many people, and--”
“Steve doesn’t know how to climb,” Natasha said around another mouthful of popcorn. “You should take me and Sam along to teach him. And Clint, too. Maybe Tony would want to come.”
By the grace of all that was good and holy, Sam had mercy and pulled Natasha away from the door whispering, “Stop cockblocking my best friend.”
Once Nat and Sam were out of earshot, Steve met Bucky’s eyes and grimaced. “I was looking for new hobbies, and when I ordered shoes you brought up climbing, and like an idiot I said I liked it too. because you are so handsome, and my brain turned into mush, and then I just didn’t want to stop talking to you.”
“I know,” Bucky said interrupting Steve’s rambling. His eyes sparkled as he grinned. “You once called a grigri a carabiner.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“Exactly.” Bucky stepped closer, his expression turning mischievous. Steve could never, ever let him and Natasha become friends. “Wanna go on a date with me?” He was so close now, Steve could pick out the flecks of silver and black in his grey eyes.
Steve got lost staring until he realized Bucky had been waiting too long for a response. He didn’t seem to mind, his smile only getting wider.
“I really do want to learn to rock climb,” Steve blurted out to stop himself from saying something ridiculous like, please fuck me in your uniform.
Bucky tilted his chin back and laughed, mesmerizing Steve with the movement of his throat.
“How about we do both?” Bucky said, laughter dying down as he scooted closer.
Steve leaned down and said, “I’d like that,” against Bucky’s lips, the moment before they kissed. Distantly, he heard the sounds of Natasha and Sam cheering, but he blocked them out in favor of gripping Bucky’s hip and pulling their bodies flush against one another.
“The man has to work,” Sam called out. “Don’t get freaky and delay the mail.”
Bucky pulled back and patted Steve’s shoulder. “See you soon, Stevie.”
After he left, Steve collapsed on the couch next to Sam, heady with the experience, until a sudden realization left him cold.
“I forgot to get his number.”
Sam waved him off, and pointed at the kitchen where Nat was rifling through Steve’s cabinets. “Don’t worry. Tasha has it already.”
Steve groaned. Of course she did. And if by some chance she didn’t, Steve could always order another box from REI.
Learn more about Marvel Delivers USPS here! 
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Harringrove ABO Masterlist
someone asked for an abo masterlist, so here it is! 
this list isn’t sorted in any particular order, other than by date posted, which is the default on ao3. (newest -> oldest) i also didnt include every single fic in the abo tag because this list was already going to be a large post. if there are any fics i missed that someone thinks should be included, feel free to send an ask or to just reply to this post! :^) ♥  -cade 
updated: April 16th, 2020
Carnal by mrhiddles (1/1 | 4,001 | Explicit)
Steve goes into heat when Billy pulls up to school. Billy's the only one who can help him, or so Steve says.
The Case Where Billy Hargrove Turned Out To Be Not Your Average Alpha by Anonymous (1/1 | 3,249 | Teen+)
“I don’t spend heats with alphas.” Steve said, his gaze avoiding Billy’s.
Billy faltered at that, his brows furrowing in confusion. “I thought you’d spent your heats with people before?” Billy asked.
“Well yeah, but not with alphas.” Steve huffed.
“So— You’re a faggot?” Billy asked, his eyes widening.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Perfectly Unnatural by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 3,255 | Explicit)
‘You’re not an alpha in this house, boy. You’re not strong. You’re not even responsible with your sister. You don’t respect Susan. I thought I taught you enough in California.’
Neil’s words clang around Billy’s skull and burn the inside of his bones as he sits on the hood of his Camaro. The metal below his ass is warm from the engine just having been turned off, but the lights still spill out across the cliff. This place, nestled at the top and shrouded by trees, catches the wind just right. The wind bites through his jean jacket, settling close to his skin. The cherry red glow of his cigarette gives a false sense of warmth and puts Billy’s teeth on edge.
‘You’re unnatural.’
warnings: references to childhood abuse
Puppy Pile by Strawberry_Sweetheart (1/1 | 2,432 | Not Rated)
Steve forgets about his heat and thinks he has enough time to make a grocery run before it really hits.
He seems to have miscalculated.
Luckily, Billy is there’s to get him home safe.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
One Last Time by Strawberry_Sweetheart (1/1 | 3,157 | Not Rated)
It came with a phone call late at night, just past the witching hour. It was deathly quiet and dark, a new moon withholding any moonlight to chase the shadows away, and in that silence the piercing ring of the telephone downstairs cut through their dreams. A sleepy noise and wiggle came from the lump under Billy, shifting until it escaped Billy’s arms and legs that held it hostage.
this is a requested fic for Alpha El + Billy and Steve being good parental figure types and helping her figure things out
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
So messed up, I want you here by Boudoir_Writer (1/1 | 3,942 | Explicit)
“I turned you bitch, Harrington.” His voice is gravel and petrol, his limbs and heart lead. “We’re never going to be done.”
warnings: dubcon
Smoke by Carerra_os (1/1 | 468 | General)
Billy is ditching class for a smoke break when Steve comes along. -
Originally this was written for You're Extra Special, Something Else. However that story went in a different direction.
Black silk and wild flowers by Catharrington (1/1 | 3,015 | Explicit)
Steve’s birthday was really just another day. The only thing that made it special was his fathers insistence on going to a party thrown for just him, a party filled with starving alphas with fat wallets all rutting against themselves to buy their own little omega. Steve hates what his father makes him do. Steve hates his birthday. Until Billy Hargrove crawls through his window to remind him it’s not all bad, silver lining in the clouds and shit, and brings him a present.
Drop (The Game) by MissGillette (3/3 | 42,080 | Explicit)
Billy has wanted a piece of Steve since spotting him on the school parking lot his first day. So when Steve flees the bathroom at Tina's Halloween party, distressed and about to drop, Billy does the only logical thing: follow the scent.
The Lucky One by wingedbears (1/1 | 6,881 | Mature)
In a world where on one arm is your soulmate's name, and the other's is your enemy's, omega Billy has to learn to let shit go.
Princess of the apocalypse by Boozombie (2/2 | 15,034 | Explicit)
Steve just wanted to keep his kids safe, and Billy knows how to use that.
warnings: rape/non-con
Princess that runs his world by Boozombie (3/3 | 11,747 | Not Rated)
Billy takes Steve to wash up and plans to get him alone for a date. Steve wants to bring his pack along.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, rape/non-con elements
lately i feel like i've been losing (my mind) by ToAStranger (1/1 | 3,162 | Explicit)
Billy hasn't felt right since the summer straight out of a horror movie. His instincts are all off. And Steve Harrington keeps looking at him.
Pothos by moonflowers (1/1 | 6,714 | Explicit)
He felt like the rabbit and the fox all at once, the thrill of chasing and being chased, a circle, whole. He might’ve felt stupid about it, if it hadn’t been so intense. Robin always told him he fell for people too easy – and fine, she was right – but this was something else. Or maybe not yet, but oh man he was starting to think he wanted it to be. And it was probably idiotic of him to get his hopes up, but he couldn't help but think maybe Billy did too; watching Steve from behind a tired and quietly angry veneer, a little twist of hope just visible through the mask.
Dubious Hijinks by Corvin (1/1 | 3,998 | Teen+)
Steve needs a buffer between him and the alpha his dad picked for him. The best option he can think of is an uncooperative Billy Hargrove.
with them indiana boys (on them indiana nights) by ToAStranger (1/1 | 4,842 | Teen+)
The thing is, when Billy first saw Steve Harrington, he knew.  
He grew up knowing.  It was hard not to, with all of those hormones and instincts running through his fucking veins.  He knew, one day, he’d run across someone that smelled so right, so fucking perfect that he’d want nothing more than to bury his face against their scent gland and breathe in until the smell becomes a taste becomes a sensation becomes--
Well.  The thing is, he’s always known.
None Brighter Than Your Eyes by Doodsxd (1/1 | 9,991 | Explicit)
Sex Ed course came once again, and, for the first time, Billy listened.
He listened, because it started to match and make sense with what Max’s little troup told him over and over again.
Apparently, it was biology which dictated that omega jewelry wasn’t just a futility or decoration, or even a signal that the omega was taken. It wasn’t a trade, sex for jewelry, like Neil had taught him all his life. No: scientists had found back in the sixties that omega jewelry has a soothing effect, especially during heat, as a reminder of love and affection; something tangible and available at all times, even when no one is.
warnings: graphic depictions of violence
"is that what you want, princess?" by greeneyedsourwolf (1/1 | 4,008 | Explicit)
Steve asks Billy if he wants to spend their first heat together.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Pool Time Stress by AMemoryDelayed (1/1 | 2,610 | Explicit)
Steve's been visiting the pool pretty frequently. He can't help it when he'd been carted along that one time. He can't stand to watch Billy eye other women. It makes him regret it too, and yet. He's excited when Billy barely even moves his gaze over to him. He gives Steve the slightest of grins from where he's sat at. He doesn't make any other sign to warn him of what's to come beyond that. Steve knows though.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Thanks Phyllis by Corvin (1/1 | 11,764 | Explicit)
Steve wants to start a family and asks Billy for help. What was supposed to be a purely professional exchange turns a lot more intimate than he expected.
Everything falls back by Crowweb (1/1 | 1,302 | Teen+)
Billy isn't home like he's supposed to and Steve gets a bad feeling through their bond. The alpha turns up beaten up after a couple of hours.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, blood
push him down (spread him out) by tol_sirion (1/1 | 3,529 | Explicit)
“It’s embarrassing.” Steve whines and covers his face instead.
Billy tuts. “None of that, now,” he says, and Steve slowly looks up, hands falling to each side of his head instead. “Just one more picture. One more, and I’ll give you what you want.”
And maybe it’s cruel, holding it over Steve like that. Like only if Steve is good and does what Billy says, he’ll finally get dicked down the exact way he wants, and not a minute before.
Woke Up Thirsty by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 3,256 | Explicit)
Billy shows up at the Byers house looking for Maxine. Instead, he finds Steve Harrington and a kind of surprising proposition.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Grace Me With Nothing But Patience by itscrybabyharrington (icanspelliero) (1/1 | 6,587 | Explicit) 
It started off as an itch beneath the surface of his skin, no matter how hard Steve pressed his nails could never dig through, could never scratch the discontent that simmered just beneath.
Tommy says it’s nothing, signs of an early rut approaching, meds wearing off after taking them for so long. Only Steve knows Tommy is full of shit and this doesn’t feel like a rut.
warnings: underage, offensive language used, homophobia
Buzzcut Season by Senowolf (1/1 | 6,332 | Teen+)
Steve always waits for Billy to come back to him.
I Wanna Be Loved by harringrovecryptid (13/13 | 51,993 | Explicit)
"Brenner Relations" was one of the most lucrative businesses in the modern age. But only its clients and staff actually knew how it made its money. Billy Hargrove found himself being one of those people. But the deeper he got involved with the shady industry, the more secrets he began to uncover regarding the omegas that are considered company property.
warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con elements
Assigned Alpha by Kiram (2/2 | 3,415 | Explicit)
Steve used to just be an unknown secondary gender till Billy Hargrove rolled into town. Steve’s stuck in a rock and a hard place and is inevitable forced to fold and give into his nature. Billy likes bugging Steve while simultaneously protecting him.
war song by themundaneweirdo (1/1 | 1,789 | General)
Steve misses his soldier.
Don't Take Your Time With Me by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 6,864 | Explicit)
Billy is usually a light sleeper. But when he’s drunk, it’s a completely different story.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, rape fantasy, implied/referenced sexual assault, implied/referenced child abuse
I Can Do That by captainwingdings (1/1 | 1,971 | Explicit)
Billy wants to help out with Steve's heat, so he shows him a taste of what he can do.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Hot Blooded by captainwingdings (1/1 | 4,463 | Explicit)
The new guy from California catches Steve Harrington's attention for more than one reason. Not only was he hot as hell and didn't know how to button his shirts, but he was the strangest omega that Steve had ever seen. 
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Moaning Lisa Smile by trashcangimmick (1/1 | 3,735 | Explicit)
Billy maybe kind of hides the fact that he’s an Omega because he’s too queer, and too pretty, and would rather not deal with a bunch of idiot Alphas trying to screw the gay out of him. But Steve’s not an Alpha. Steve is also very pretty.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, consent issues
Sweet Dream (Saccharine) by Highsmith (1/1 | 16,039 | Explicit)
Billy and Steve aren't friends, until they are, and they're not more than that, because the world doesn't work that way.
warnings: implied/referenced child abuse, recreational drug use
Pressing the accelerator down by Etnoe (1/1 | 6,229 | Explicit)
Heat season takes a toll of two alphas who can't find anyone to share a rut with. Aside, of course, from each other.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Keeping a bit of you by peirypatt (1/1 | 697 | General)
Over the years Steve's room has had several changes and seen many trends and phases, but there was only one thing that didn't belong to Steve inside his bedroom. A denim blue jacket.
It came naturally to us by peirypatt (1/1 | 650 | General)
Saying that Steve and Billy held hands in 1999 for the first time would be wrong and right at the same time. It's complicated, and at the same time, it's not.
Don't Belong To Anyone (Else) by sparkleeye (2/2 | 31,145 | Explicit)
And he does, just Billy’s fucking luck, because Harrington licks his lips and hoarsely goes, “I fucking knew it, fuck Hargrove, you’re in heat.”
He shudders as Harrington takes a step towards him. The tangy, warm scent of alpha has him struggling to stand upright, already slipping into the too far gone state and it’s fucking Harrington’s fault because he still won’t leave.
Better yet, he knows, he can smell the sweetness of omega, particularly herbal and saccharine like lavender and vanilla - Billy knows he smells like a girly little candle, okay - flooding the air between them. He could push Billy over and take him there, on the floor, push his face down onto the cracked, dusty concrete and fuck him stupid.
aka -- Billy is a stubborn idiot and goes to school during his heat.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Upside Down, You're Turning Me by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 7,885 | Explicit)
“Let me get this straight. You want me to go into the middle of the fucking woods in below zero temperatures to find someone who is probably high as a kite and just having the time of his damned life?”
“We’re worried--” Max starts and Billy sneers.
“That sounds like a personal problem, Maxine. Steve is a big boy, an alpha, and can handle--” Billy tears his gaze away from Max as Dustin climbs on top of his hood and sits there. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Not moving,” Dustin shrugs and crosses his arms over his chest.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Doctor’s Visit by HalfNakedWriter (1/1 | 2,320 | Explicit)
Steve goes for his 38 week appointment. 
'Cause We Feel Young and Wild by BeautyInChains (1/1 | 1,515 | Explicit)
Soon, is Steve’s best guess. Soon like the subtle itch beneath his skin that intensifies with each passing day. Soon like the voracity of his appetite as his body begins to prepare itself for the upcoming marathon. Soon like the aggression that continues to build and threaten to spill whenever another Alpha so much as glances Billy’s way. Soon like the way he’s been tenting his sheets, his slacks, his gym shorts at so much as a gentle breeze.
So when Billy texts him that morning, an eggplant emoji followed by the fire, peach, and splashing water emojis with not one but three question marks, Steve replies with Soon.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Lost My Mind by trimorning (1/1 | 1,564 | Teen+)
"I don't want to be dramatic."
He doesn’t know what Steve is going to say, which isn’t normal because he’s a predictable kind of mess, so it makes him feel vulnerable.
But its fine, its just Steve so it will undoubtedly be fine. Billy looks back at the other boy, “I can tell you right now, that you are physically incapable of not being dramatic, so continue.”
---- An a/b/o Harringrove one-shot that has little to do with a/b/o and more with Steve's flirty and messy ass. enjoy
Lavender by PoisonousFlower3 (1/1 | 756 | Mature)
"Billy hated being an alpha. He hated how it made his sense of smell stronger and smell the despair that always seemed to linger in this town. He hated how he was always so angry, though he knew that part of it was the abuse from his dad and his temper.
What he didn’t hate was how it let him get a good whiff of Steve whenever he was around."
In which case home starts to include Steve Harrington for Billy.
Red by PoisonousFlower3 (1/1 | 602 | Mature)
"Yeah, maybe things hadn’t started off the best for them but Billy was definitely in love." Another little drabble for two idiots in love
now I got you drunk, hot, and vulnerable (how do you like me now? do i turn you on?) by brawls (brawlite), ToAStranger (1/1 | 6,807 | Explicit)
The first thing Billy notices is the scent.
Heady, sweet, electric. It makes his mouth water, the second he walks in. Makes every bone in his body sing.
Heatstroke by HobbitSpaceCase (1/1 | 8,022 | Explicit)
Billy is out of suppressants and going into Heat. Steve finds him. It's too bad Billy can't have this every time.
warnings: dubcon, sad ending
Steve Forgets by femmesteve (1/1 | 1,242 | Explicit)
Steve forgets his heat and Billy is there to be a jerk and fuck him how he needs.
you scratch my back, i'll bite yours by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 2,363 | Explicit)
Billy rushes Steve's fraternity and gets in, which sucks, only when it doesn't. Drunk Steve has a hard time staying away from what isn't good for him.
bite me, but not too hard by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,854 | Explicit)
Steve debates whether or not he should spend his heat tranquilized.
your teeth go deep (it seems) by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,554 | Explicit)
Nothing about his life, or his love life, has been simple thus far. The trend continues.
eat me (let it run down your chin) by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 2,837 | Explicit)
Billy ends things with Steve. Sorta.
Nine to five. by Fanflick (9/9 | 34,301 | Explicit)
Steve knew that everything would ultimately come to this, working for his father at a boring office job. It wasn't easy being an omega in hiding, especially now since Steve's boss is the arrogant alpha Billy Hargrove. Now Steve has to work alongside his high school rival while also trying to save enough money to get away from his father. How hard can that be?
warnings: boss/employee relationship
Drunken Things by Rhiw (3/3 | 10,566 | Explicit)
Nancy and Steve break up before Tina's party. Steve finds himself on the rebound, damned and determined to have some fun. Billy just wants to get laid.
Aka: The ABO of Stranger Things no one asked for. Written while drunk, with drunk characters, and lots of angst and smut and shit. Enjoy.
warnings: underage
what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) by brawls (brawlite), ToAStranger (14/14 | 119,016 | Explicit)
Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble.
They never expected it to end up like this.
warnings: misogynistic language, ableist language, mentioned dubcon
turn me loose by hoppnhorn (1/1 | 3,321 | Explicit)
Billy is a dominant, powerful alpha with a slew of omegas dying to win his affection. He loves it, lives for it, except when he’s in rut. Steve is an omega and fights it every damn day. But when his body goes into heat, needs to breed, he can’t do anything to stop it. Billy is in rut and Steve is in heat when a freak heatwave knocks out the air conditioning in their shared apartment complex. Open windows and rampant hormones? What could go wrong?
Punch by hati_skoll (1/1 | 2,330 | Teen+)
Steve is dragged off by another alpha, Billy handles it.
A Start by ImNeitherNor (1/1 | 5,574 | Explicit)
The quarry was always Steve’s go to when he needed a place to breathe, an area where the smells weren’t in his face and he could think straight. It was strange how one person’s heat could trigger another. Steve, a slightly cowed alpha after Hargrove rolled in, was done with the overpowering scents and the looks that were being thrown around.
He wasn’t interested in any of it. None.
So, when he pulled up onto the edge of the quarry and stepped out, he almost groaned at the smell that hit him. An omega. An omega in heat. Fuck. This is exactly what he had hoped to get away from. He was ready to slide back in and yank his car in reverse when he looked up and saw, exactly, what car was sitting to the side, shaded by an overcast of trees. If he hadn’t actually looked, it would have slipped away. He blamed his sharper senses, his need to search out the omega.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Slick by hati_skoll (1/1 | 2,028 | Teen+)
Steve gets wet for Billy.
(Less porn inside than implied.)
Hold Me Tight Or Don't by BTSBlossom (1/1 | 4,808 | General)
Billy has some news for Steve, he just doesn't know how to tell him. At least he knows he's got Ms. Byers on his side. She'll be there for Billy if Steve isn't.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, abortion discussion
Wrap Me Up (In Your Love) by LadyMoonveil (1/1 | 1,254 | Teen+)
In which Steve keeps stealing Billy's clothes, and Billy is terrified of the implications when he comes to the realization that Steve is nesting.
After everything that Steve has done for him, all Billy wants to do is be good to his mate. (Even if it means adding things to his wardrobe that sadly isn't denim or leather).
Make me feel special by pizzz_10 (1/1 | 1,577 | Explicit)
A short sweet omega fic where Billy is an omega and Steve is his alpha who loves to spoil him
bück dich by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 966 | Mature)
Billy Hargrove arrives in Hawkins, with Steve Harrington's name written on his neck.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, mild blood/slight gore
sandman by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 2,226 | Explicit)
Steve’s not a fighter. He sucks at it, actually. He’s a little soft, but he isn’t totally weak or awfully tiny. He’s a good Alpha in many of the ways that count! Just because he isn’t running around sleeping with anyone willing, picking fights, and beating people to death doesn’t mean he’s a bad Alpha. And though Billy might do all that, but he isn't a bad Omega.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Silk by Rebldomakr (1/1 | 3,393 | Mature)
In Indiana, Omega suppressants are banned. Billy runs out after a while.
warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
104 notes · View notes
yoon-kooks · 5 years
Witch Hazel- Pt.6
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: FanficWriter!Jungkook, Idol!Reader, College!AU, Angst, Fluff
Summary: There are two students in your art class with a secret: you and the quiet Jeon Jungkook. You’re a problematic idol singer, infamous for your ice cold reputation and perpetual resting bitch face; he’s the artist and author behind the viral comic series based on a certain ice queen idol. After a blowup of destructive rumors, lost motivation and inevitable solitude, you stumble upon Jungkook’s comic and find a new and unexpected light.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: none
Parts: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // ?
A/N: i’ve had mixed feelings about the tumblr fic community as of late :/ but heres something to read🥺
Holding the boy’s pinky in your own, you stare once more at his drawing of you with your guitar and flower crown—a superhero to those whom you shared your music with.
No. Your music hasn’t saved anyone. You’ve never been a hero to anyone. If anything, you’re the one who needs to be saved. You’d always thought you could grow strong enough to save yourself if you just closed yourself off from the world and did everything on your own. But in the end, that only seemed to hurt you more.
You should’ve known. It’s okay to ask for help, to reach out, to let him in.
“A few years ago, I had a thought. It wasn’t a very smart thought, but I decided I wanted to share part of myself with the world. I thought about the different ways I could go about that, but the way that made the most sense for me was music,” you say, finally letting go of Jungkook’s pinky and making yourself awfully comfortable on a bed that doesn’t belong to you. “So I auditioned for Polar Entertainment. Not to be an idol, but to be a songwriter.”
Jungkook doesn’t say anything, but he nods as if it’s not a shock to him, as if he saw it as “a Y/N thing to do.” At the same time, his gentle eyes wait for you to continue, curious to know what’ll happen next.
“Do you remember the song you heard me singing the other day in the music room?”
Jungkook cracks a smirk and starts singing your song word for word in a surprisingly in-tune whisper. Oh, he remembers it alright, and he’ll apparently never let you live it down. He doesn’t stop until you throw one of the balled-up blankets at his face.
“That was the first time I picked up my guitar and sang that song since being rejected at the audition.”
“I can imagine how scarring that would be. Rejection,” he shudders at the word, though you’re sure he knows little about the feeling with art skills as professional as his. “They really didn’t like you though?”
“They liked certain parts of me.” Your vocals, your beauty, your body. “But not the ones that mattered.” Your music, your creativity, your personality. You.
“That’s their loss,” Jungkook says in the midst of a yawn, practically inaudible. But you heard him.
“Maybe they had a point,” you say, looking up at the ceiling. “Because when I look back to that time, it was quite foolish of me to believe my music would reach anyone when it came from a place of desperation, not my heart. The song was a plea for help, not one that would save others.”
“What made you suddenly sing it again after all this time?”
You grab hold of the boy’s hand and form yet another pinky promise. “Promise you won’t laugh at me for my reason.”
“I can’t promise you that,” he says with the straightest face. He’s ready to burst out laughing again and you know it.
“Then I won’t tell you.” With a hmph, you bury yourself under the fluffiest blanket. You wonder how he would’ve reacted if you told him it was that dang jk.seagull and his fanfic that gave you the courage to sing again, to go back to your roots, to follow your love of creating music. It’d obviously sound ridiculous to admit it out loud, but the joy you feel from reading Witch Hazel is what reminds you of the very thing you want to provide others with—happiness.
And that’s perhaps all the encouragement you needed to start sharing your music again.
“I won’t tell you what it was exactly that made me do it, but I’ll tell you why,” you peek your head back out of the blankets to see the boy still waiting patiently for an answer. “I wanted to move on… from the failure I faced that day. That way, I can finally become that superhero you speak of.”
You place the drawing of your superhero self onto the nightstand so that it doesn’t get crinkled up on the bed. No, she’s not a superhero yet. But she will be someday.
“I’ll look forward to it.”
“You better not tell anyone,” you remind him. “This isn’t something I share with other people. Ever.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” he assures you, with not only his words but also his warmth.
“Good.” You smile whilst closing your eyes. You meant to tell him that he could confide in you too, but the warmth pulls you into a deep slumber before you could do so.
It’s been a minute since you’ve awoken in someone else’s bed, though this is the first time you aren’t all wrapped up in their embrace. Rather, half the boy’s body is hanging off the side of the bed for dear life while you’re right smack in the middle, all bundled up in one of the blankets.
If you wanted to, you could push him over the edge with the tiniest tap of your foot—that’s how close he is to falling. But as tempting as it would be to get even with the boy who teases you to no end, you opt to quietly check your phone without disturbing him.
To your surprise, you have two new notifications: a text from Seokjin earlier this morning and a late-night update from jk.seagull posted sometime after you had passed out. You’ve always been the type to take care of work obligations before indulging in guilty pleasures, so you open Seokjin’s text first.
6:04AM jinnie “so jimin’s manager reached out to me”
6:05AM jinnie “and you want to collab with jimin?”
7:12AM Y/N “oh yeah i asked him to have his manager contact you”
7:13AM Y/N “but i guess i forgot to tell you LOL”
It’s not that you forgot. You were just hesitant to tell your manager about it yourself. Because if possible, you’d like to minimize your own company’s involvement in this top-secret scheme of yours.
7:15AM jinnie “are you up to something?”
7:15AM Y/N “mayhaps”
7:16AM Y/N “but dont tell boss lady pls”
7:17AM jinnie “shes going to find out one way or another”
7:19AM Y/N “thats true 🤔 ”
7:20AM Y/N “well tbh knowing her, she’d probably approve of the collab anyway since it should clear up those dating rumors while (hopefully) appealing to jimin’s fanbase”
7:21AM Y/N “just dont tell her the logistics of the collab”
7:21AM jinnie “what are you scheming lmao”
7:22AM Y/N “youll see”
7:22AM jinnie “ 😒 dont get me or yourself in trouble Y/N”
7:23AM Y/N “i wont! i promise! 🥺 ”
7:24AM jinnie “okay fine”
7:25AM jinnie “ill arrange a meeting with jimin and his manager to discuss everything formally”
As you move on to the more exciting notification on your phone, you see that the sleeping Jungkook has slipped several inches closer to falling flat on his face. Maybe you’ll save him from his impending doom. Maybe you won’t. But that’ll have to wait until after you see what jk.seagull had to say on his blog.
“do you ever think back to that one time in math camp when a little girl screamed in your face that she hated math and wanted to become a musician instead? apparently she somehow confused ‘musician’ with ‘mathematician’ LMAO”
You aren’t sure what provoked the silly seagull guy to share such a random thought, but you do get a good laugh out of it. After all, you can totally relate as someone who went to math camp one summer despite knowing in your heart what you truly wanted to do-
“Jungkook,” you say in a half-hushed, half-urgent tone, though calling his name wouldn’t be what actually wakes him from his slumber. “I think I know who the seagull guy is.”
Thud. You swear on your life you didn’t lay a finger on the boy when he fell, despite all the devilish thoughts you had about it earlier. He fell on his own. You’re innocent. Therefore, you have a right to laugh.
“Are you okay?” you snicker, peering down from the bed at the dazed boy. He might have been the biggest klutz for rolling off the bed and stumbling around to find his glasses, but holy shit. His wild bedhead and scattered blankets across the floor make it seem as though the two of you had a lot more than just an innocent heart-to-heart in his bed last night.
“I’m fine,” he stretches his arms and combs the bedhead out. Yes, he is fine. “But, uhh, what’s this about that seagull guy?”
“I think I know him.” You expect Jungkook to be as excited as you are, but he just seems kind of puzzled—perhaps from his lack of sleep.
“…and how did you come to that conclusion…?” he asks. Or maybe he doesn’t believe you.
“You didn’t see the post! Look at the post.” You join the boy down on the floor and make yourself at home there with your phone and some of the fallen blankets. He leans over your shoulder to read the infamous post you won’t shut up about.
“Math camp?” Jungkook continues to squint at the cryptic message before chuckling. “Also, did that girl seriously confuse musician with mathematician?”
“Stop laughing! That dumbass was me.” Now you wish you had kicked his ass off the bed.
He stops laughing, not because you told him to but because he’s mildly shook. “What?”
You take a deep breath in because you know you’re setting yourself up to be clowned for the rest of your fucking life. “When I was like ten, I told my parents that I wanted to be a mathematician, thinking that word meant musician. So they signed me up for camp that summer.”
“Did you ever stop to think that mathematician has the word math in it and not mu-”
You interrupt the boy’s unwelcomed commentary with an air-punch to his guts before continuing on as if nothing happened. “I was so excited until I got there. It was absolutely mortifying to learn that it was a math camp, not a music camp.”
“I like this story,” he nods with his arms guarding himself in anticipation of another air-jab as you square up.
“Still, I tried to make the best out of the situation since I was actually kind of good at math,” you say. “The camp director even told me I’d make a great math professor one day.”
“I can’t imagine you as a math professor.” He settles down with all the chuckling.
“I couldn’t either, so I ran off to an empty room where I thought I could escape without anyone finding me,” you soften your tone. “But somehow a crying, wandering boy found me.”
“Was it the seagull?”
“Maybe. All I remember was hearing music playing from somewhere outside. I sang along as a way to comfort and distract myself from the whole math situation, but it seemed to cheer up the boy as well.”
“Your voice does have that effect, you know.”
“He told me the same thing.” You can’t help but smile a little at the compliment. “But in that moment, it felt like my dream had a purpose beyond fueling my own desires. And I needed to share it with someone. Anyone.”
“So you shared it with the boy?”
You nod. “I told him my dream was to be a mathematician, but he knew what I meant.”
“Did he at least clown you first?”
“He did. He laughed right in my face, and at first I thought he was a jerk for making fun of my dream. But after he kindly taught me the difference between musician and mathematician, I announced my actual dream to him and him alone.”
“And how’d he respond?”
“He said it was cool beans.”
“He said cool beans?”
“Those were his exact words, yes.”
“And that was it?”
“That’s all I can remember.”
“So you don’t even remember his name or anything?”
“We never introduced ourselves,” you shake your head. “I don’t remember his face either because it was covered by a hood and long hair.”
“That’s too bad,” Jungkook sighs. “I bet it really was that seagull guy after all.”
“I have a feeling it was him, too.”
It would be nice and awfully romantic if you had somehow crossed paths long ago with the very seagull who continues to inspire your craft with his own. But even if that isn’t the case, you’re content with having that memory and entrusting it with another boy who has done nothing but lift you up.
You lean yourself gently against the Jungkook’s shoulder as you slip your phone back into your pocket, debating on your next course of action. The two of you should be getting ready for class, but that doesn’t sound very appealing. There are other things you’d much rather be doing, like maybe thanking the boy for lending his ear. But for some reason, it’s still difficult for you to say those two simple words of gratitude.
Perhaps it’s difficult because there’s a lot more you’d say than just “thanks man.”
“Can we just cut class and get coffee instead?” Yes, you’ll thank him for his service by treating him to coffee. Unless…? What if this is just your subtle way of asking the boy out on a date? What if he says no because you’ve already spent way too much time with him in the past 24 hours? What if he hates coffee? What if he-
“We should probably go to class to turn in our project, yeah?” Jungkook brings up a good point. But the thing is, you don’t really have your priorities straight at the moment and your mind has only two things consuming it: coffee and boy. “But we can get coffee after class.”
“Ooh, good, because there’s this one coffee shop I want you to try!” You chirp up despite your nonexistent dose of morning caffeine. “It’ll be my treat as thanks for… letting me hog your bed.”
“Oh right... that,” Jungkook hops to his feet and starts tidying up said bed. You help by picking up and folding all of the blankets. “I nearly froze and fell to my death because of that, you know.”
“I saw,” you bite your lip, trying to mask any naughty thoughts that come to mind. Because next time, if there is in fact a next time, you won’t let the boy freeze.
By the time art class ends, the weight of the dreaded group project has been lifted and your craving for coffee begins to settle in once more. And apparently, the hunger and excitement is radiating off you because someone has the audacity to make a comment about it.
“Why does your face look like that?” Taehyung teases, but you’re mildly offended.
“Because I’m getting coffee from my favorite café. That’s why,” you hiss but there’s still a hidden glow about you and your excitement. “Coffee is to me as girls are to you, Taehyung.”
“Ooh, speaking of girls, do any cute girls work there?” He strokes his wise man beard. “Maybe I’ll tag along.”
“I don’t fucking know.” And even if you did know, you wouldn’t say yes.
“How boring,” he yawns while nudging the boy next to him. “Hey Jungkook, wanna go on a double date with me? I met a pair of gamer girls, but I don’t know all the nerdy gaming stuff that you know. And think about it, this could be the first time you get laid since-”
“Actually, Jungkook’s getting coffee with me,” you interrupt. And if you had been brave enough to look up at the boy as you spoke, you would have seen the healthy pink radiance on his cheeks.
“Oh, so the two of you are dating all of a sudden?” Taehyung nods, as if he had hit the mark.
Neither you or Jungkook give an immediate answer, probably due to the unspoken yet very apparent shift in dynamics between the two of you as of late. Yes, you’ve developed certain feelings for the boy, but no, you aren’t technically “dating.” You just hope he’s on the same page as you.
“It’s just coffee,” you want to say, but it comes out of Jungkook’s mouth instead. And even though you would’ve said the same exact thing, it hits a little different hearing it from him.
At the same time, coffee is coffee and Jungkook is Jungkook. You need to remind yourself that your craving for coffee with the boy will be satisfied, regardless of whether it’s a date or not. After all, “dating” is not an option for an idol who should only be focusing on her music and fans.
“Which drink would you recommend?” Jungkook asks as you lead him in the direction of the café.
“If you like coffee, all of the drinks are good in my humble opinion,” you say, though you realize you should probably give the boy a few specific suggestions to make his decision a little easier. “You can get a standard mocha or latte if you want something simple. Or, their signature hazelnut coffee is really really good. Or if you want something iced, you should try the cold brew because it’s literally the most refreshing dose of caffeine ever. Oh! But if you’re into something more plant-based, I suggest the maple oat-”
“You’re not narrowing down my options if you recommend the entire menu, Y/N,” the boy chuckles at your coffee enthusiast behavior.
“Well, here’s my thought process: if we go at least once a week after class, you can eventually try every drink on the menu by the end of the school year. Not including all the different types of milk options though.”
“I don’t know if I should be impressed or terrified that you even bothered to do that calculation.” His eyes are bigger and brighter than the sun. “But that must mean you really like coffee then, huh?”
“Of course! Is that even a question?” The snobby coffee enthusiast jumped out real quick. But even beyond the coffee, you did the calculation to see how long your little coffee not-dates with the boy could last before you have to return to your idol obligations. “You like coffee too, right?”
“Not really,” he sighs. Your jaw drops. Who the does he think he is? “Are there any tea options? Or like a banana milk or something?”
“You can’t just walk into a coffee shop and not order coffee.” Is this guy for real? No, he’s just fucking with you. Probably. “I better start reevaluating who I hang out with,” you say with a sarcastic hmph.
“I’m kidding, kind of.” He doesn’t do a very good job of reassuring you of that. “I like… coffee.”
“That hesitant pause doesn’t sit well with me, Jeon.” You raise an eyebrow at the suspicious boy. It feels nice to tease him for once. “Why are you grabbing coffee with me if you don’t love it?”
“I just curious about this coffee place,” he nudges you, “since someone seems to really enjoy it.”
So it’s because of you…
“Good to know I’ve successfully peer pressured you into consuming caffeine,” you hum, playing it off as if his words weren’t absorbed right into your heart. It was never about coffee.
It’s about you and him.
The thought of that makes your heart scream a little, so you hide your flustered face behind your phone as the two of you approach the coffee shop. You have an unread text from your manager.
2:35PM jinnie “good news”
2:36PM jinnie “i set up a meeting with jimin and his manager in an hour”
You stop in your tracks. That’s not good news. Well actually, it is good for your top secret collab. But the timing of it all is anything but good.
“Are you searching up the menu online? Oh wait, you already have the entire menu memorized from A to Z.” He thinks he’s funny. Now is not the time, Jeon. His teasing smile doesn’t disappear until the distress is written all over your face.
How do you cancel a not-a-date date without a proper explanation? How can you do that to a boy who has only ever done you right? The thing is, you don’t have to hurt him.
You can cancel the meeting, you can bail out on the collab, you can disappear from the idol world altogether if you choose to do so. And if you didn’t want to go that far, you could instead tell the boy of your deepest and darkest secret, of your idol identity, and he would surely understand your reasons for having to leave so suddenly for work.
You could do any of those things, but you decide not to. You won’t allow yourself to make such a rash decision, even if it’s the right one. So you decide to keep the meeting, you decide to keep your idol self hidden in the shadows, and you decide to abandon the boy.
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