#hes also biromantic/panromantic
Guys I need you to know about my weird ass dream:
Bart and Wally were hanging out. Everything was a pinkish-purple and slightly distorted, like I was watching them through a wall of rock candy.
Wally leaned over to Bart and said "I like men, I think. I'm bi. I always have been, I've just never said it out loud. It changes nothing in my life and it changes nothing about me but I think it's good to be myself. It's good to be honest about myself."
Now at this point I was shocked. Elated but completely bamboozled. I wasn't aware that this was a dream so I was F R E A K I N G out. I remember thinking "Holy shit, did DC just say that Wally is bi??? And have it just be a casual thing that changes nothing??? Without it disrupting his relationship with his wife or family?!?!"
My mind was running wild, which is why it took me a few minutes to process when Bart said "Oh cool. Me too."
I was ready to explode.
Then the pinkish-purple crystal wall they were in changed from sorta bi colors to just straight up the bi flag.
Which was weird because neither one had acknowledged the strange setting before this but suddenly Bart seemed to notice and he was incredibly confused.
Wally laughed. Like a cartoony villain laugh. And said "I knew it!"
Then he turned into Mirror Master.
I was sent reeling as I realized a) Goddammit, Wally isn't canonically bi, that was just Mirror Master apparently b) Oh holy, shit they've been inside a crystal/crystal dimension this entire time and c) Mirror Master's evil plan was apparently tricking Bart into coming out??
Anyway, I woke up after that but... what.
What the fuck.
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teaboot · 1 month
how are you both bisexual and asexual. are you also both autistic and neurotypical? are you both trans and cis too? please help me out here
okay so first off I don't think you meant this to come off as confrontational, so in the future please do keep in mind that these are highly personal questions. I don't actually owe anyone this information
So, sexual attraction and romantic attraction are different things. Someone who is asexual may desire a romantic relationship with someone, while someone who is aromantic may desire a sexual relationship with someone.
Alternatively, someone who is AroAce may desire strong, intimate connections that have nothing to do with sex OR romance.
So someone who is romantically attracted to all genders but sexually attracted to nobody may be more accurately described as "Biromantic / Panromantic Asexual", but that's a bit of a mouthful and uses terminology and concepts a lot of people don't get so they may just say they're ace and bi.
I've known for a long time that I'm asexual, that one was relatively easy. Romantic attraction, I've found, is harder to evaluate because "deep, intimate friendship" and "romance" have a lot of overlap and are difficult to distinguish.
For a long time, I thought, "I feel the same level of attraction to all genders, so I must be bi or pan". It just so happens that that level of sexual attraction was zero.
(Apparently this is a fairly common experience.)
Also, not entirely what you asked, but recently I've come to the realization that I may be Aromantic as well as Asexual- I may just experience aesthetic attraction to all genders, which is a third thing, in which you can see someone and go "Ohhhhhhh my god you're so fuckin cool and pretty I'm dying" but not actually really wanna do anything about it.
And since I may be aesthetically attracted to all genders, romantically attracted to like 5 people ever, and sexually attracted to nobody, I could go around saying, "Yeah I'm an asexual demiromantic with panaesthetic attraction", confusing half the people I talk to and sounding like a queer zoomer in a conservative political cartoon, I could also just say, "yeah I'm ace and bi" or "I'm queer" and keep the rest to myself.
Also, while I openly use he/him pronouns now and for the last couple years, growing up I thought for about a decade that I was Genderfluid and I'm still pretty attached to the Genderqueer identity, so trans and cis isn't really the reach you may think it is.
So, yeah. Autistic, Asexual, Bi, Trans.
But I've found that my personal identity is less like a business card and more like a witness statement.
Any wordier than you need to be, and you start giving the opposition room to poke holes.
"Queer", though. Queer is good
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evignonita · 7 months
Random headcanons: Curious-Hogleg siblings ver. 💥💥
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-Jenny's full name is Jenny Mary (Smith) Curious Hogleg, common ass name for a queen, she didn't want to burn her neurons by choosing her name.
-Pascal's full name is Pascal Galileo Curious Hogleg, he chose his name himself because 🏳️‍⚧️ and I feel that Pascal loves the names of famous astronomers and scientists in general, that's why Tycho is called Tycho, for Tycho Brahe.
-Vidcund's full name is Vidcund Charles Curious Hogleg because of Charles Darwin... Glarn named him.
-Lazlo's full name is Lazlo Johannes Curious Hogleg because I don't remember why, I think I read it somewhere and I liked it. Kitty named him.
Height (cm):
Jenny is 176 cm tall; Pascal is 163 cm tall; Vidcund is 178 cm tall; Lazlo is 175 cm tall. The shorty siblings
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Age (2004) and birthdays:
-Jenny is 43 years old, she was born on May 16, 1961, Twinbrook, Simnation. (*)
-Pascal is 30 years old, he was born on October 30, 1974, Strangetown, Simnation.
-Vidcund is 29 years old, he was born on November 3, 1975, Strangetown, Simnation.
-Lazlo is 23 years old, he was born on December 11, 1981, Strangetown, Simnation.
(*) I'm not entirely sure about Jenny's age.
Sexual orientation and identity:
-Jenny is a pansexual panromantic trans woman.
-Pascal is an asexual biromantic trans man.
-Vidcund is a demisexual biromantic cis man.
-Lazlo is a bisexual biromantic cis man.
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Personality (MBTI and enneagram):
-Jenny: ESFJ 2w3
-Pascal: INTP 5w4
-Vidcund: ISTJ 8w7
-Lazlo: ENFP 4w3
Random data:
-Jenny loves listening to the Backstreet Boys, when she lived with her brothers she always listened to them; Pascal, Vidcund and Lazlo pretended to hate the musical group, but occasionally hummed their songs.
-Jenny distanced herself from her siblings and family in general because Glarn did not accept her relationship with Pol Smith, she never understood why (and that's why the Curious brothers and her don't have such a high relationship).
-Jenny taught Vidcund about botany.
-Pascal knows how to play piano (basic), write and draw, when he doesn't do anything, he feels stressed. He is a bit pretentious, but because he was only flattered as a child for his achievements, as he grew up he learned to be calmer and control his ego.
-Pascal was Glarn's golden child.
-Pascal wanted to study psychology, but he knew that he was going to excel more in physics.
-Pascal wears retainers for his teeth at night.
-Vidcund wore braces throughout his childhood and teen ages, he used orthodontics until adulthood, and he had to use them again because he never used his retainers and his teeth returned to how they were before.
-Vidcund bleaches his hair, eyebrows and beard, his natural hair color is black.
-Vidcund went unnoticed by his parents (the curse of the middle child).
-Lazlo loves monkeys because he and Kitty watched Animal Planet together, also because Kitty was a biologist and brought pictures with images of chimpanzees and monkeys just for Lazlo.
-Lazlo has a good relationship with Sinjin because Sinjin took care of him as a child when Glarn and Kitty asked him to (Sinjin and Jenny are the same age).
-Jenny, Pascal and Vidcund can speak Tagalog, Lazlo never learned the language and sometimes his siblings use it to their advantage.
Songs that give me vibes to them:
-Jenny: Cementerio Club - Pescado Rabioso (because of the green color of the album cover); Estación - Sui Generis; Lovesong - The Cure.
-Pascal: Lago en el Cielo - Gustavo Cerati; Mil Horas - Los abuelos de la Nada; Starman - David Bowie.
-Vidcund: Devuélveme a mi chica - Hombres G; A estos hombres tristes - Almendra; Smells like teen spirit - Nirvana; Heart of Glass - Blondie.
-Lazlo: Salir de la Melancolía - Serú Girán; Lobo hombre en París - La Unión; Blue - Eiffel 65.
I would like to add more things but😏🛌💤
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crazylittlejester · 6 months
i’ve seen two people share sexuality headcanons today so I felt inspired to share mine!!
Time: Bisexual, Malon knows all about his old crush on Sheik. Malon to me is also bi
Warriors: Asexual/Biromantic (?) but has DEFINITELY questioned if he’s somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. He’s know he was ace since before the War of Eras, but after it and everything that happened he lost interest in relationships like that and he’s not sure if he’s aro or bi, but I think he’d identify as biromantic while he figures it out
Twilight: Bisexual with a strong preference for women, specifically women that could throw him (*cough* Midna *cough*), but he does also like men
Sky: Bisexual, prefers men, but boy oh boy does he love his Zelda. She’s the only woman he’s ever liked, he thought he was gay at first and him realizing he had a crush on her when he was like 14 is what made him realize he was bisexual
Hyrule: Asexual/Panromantic, I just look into those big ol’ eyes of his and that’s the energy I get
Legend: Bisexual. I don’t really have notes for this one, he’s just bisexual to me
Wild: Also bisexual, he has no preference. He never really thought about his sexuality (since loosing his memory) until someone in the group made a comment about liking men AND women, and Wild was like “oh yeah me too”
Four: Aro/Ace, has never at any point in his life been interested in having a relationship like that, he and his Zelda are literally just super close friends, they do everything together. They’re best buds
Wind: Pansexual, took him a while to figure it out and he had a whole crisis over it when he did and he was scared to come out to his grandma, but lucky for him Tetra is a lesbian and was very supportive and he felt comfortable enough to come out to his grandma, who of course loves and supports him (its not that people are homophobic and he was scared of that, coming out can just be a nerve wracking experience and he was stressed from his journey, but Tetra and also shoving a sword through Ganon’s skull made him feel like he could do anything)
none of them feel straight to me, but these are just my headcanons 🫶
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emerald-lili · 2 months
My versions of Leshy and the Yellow Cat. And I gave them an adopted son.
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He/Him. Panromantic, asexual. Around 3000 years old.
Bartender of the Cutl. He's a little shit. Likes to cause chaos for fun. He is loud, obnoxious, easily distracted, cunning and lies often, but when he does tell the truth, it is in the most blunt way possible, but there is handful of people that he treats with the utmost kindness. Can "see" through vibration that passes through the ground (yes, like Toph). Knows every gossip.
In my Au, all ex-bishops are ageless.
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He/Him, ftm. Biromantic, asexual. 26 years old.
Gardener of the Cutl. The nicest person you will ever meet. He's patient, kind, always smiling and willing to help, but he's also very naive, and easy to take advantage of. He was born into a Cult and is very loyal to the Lamb. He has golden skull necklace, but waits to be in his mid thirties to start wearing it.
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He/Him. 4 year old.
Little kid, that eats, sleeps and causes chaos. He is hyperactive and always hungry. He is also very curious, which has gotten him into a lot of troubles that his cuteness, the privilege of scary relatives, or sheer luck have gotten him out of. He also has terrible separation anxiety, he needs to be close to someone he trusts or he will start crying. He was found in the Dark woods by Leshy hungry, dehydrated and with his eyelids taped shut with pus and dirt.
He is based on my real kitten
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markerofthemidnight · 2 months
lib headcannon?
I’m gonna take this opportunity to discuss their sexualities:
Aro-ace. He is capable of becoming obsessed with people, but only in the way he’s obsessed with Paul. In his eyes, nobody’s good enough to get him to show that amount of selflessness.
Biromantic greysexual (with a preference towards women). Remember at the beginning of Watcher World when he made his followers make those perverted comments towards Alice?
Sure, he did that to piss her off, but also because- at least back then- he actually did find Alice kind of attractive. Sometimes when he finds women that match his ‘type’, he’ll spend a while just sorta. Following them around.
The idea of actually talking to them is a bit weird to him, though. He gets too flustered to even try it. He’d much prefer to just keep watching from the shadows.
Panromanic. He doesn’t seem to have any coherent type besides “people who are fun to mess with”. For some reason, all his past crushes are in the Bastard’s Box. I wonder how that happened?..
Oh, and sapiosexual. His standards on what he considers “intelligent” are pretty high, given that he’s easily one of the smartest beings in existence, but if he ever came across someone who met his standards, he’d be obsessed wether he likes it or not.
Aromantic bisexual (also with a preference towards women). He had feelings for multiple Honey Queens in the past, though it’s unclear whether he was more interested in bedding them or eating them.
Panromantic demisexual. He leans more towards people that he thinks would be amazing to cuddle with.
He is not only incredibly oblivious to his own romantic feelings, he’s also incredibly flustered the moment he realises what’s going on with him.
Then he actually confesses, gets together with his significant other, and a few days later he goes through the whole thing again once the sexual attraction, which he is even less experienced with and more embarrassed about, starts to kick in.
Also: the black things on his face glow green when he’s flustered. You all need to know this.
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zestylemonsz · 3 months
bc it's almost the last day of pride (my time) I'm now going to give you all my pride hc for bsd characters whether you like it or not.
also their names are either first name/ last name or last name/ first name
also I don't use neos and don't know how they work. so there isn't many neo mentions.
no I don't stick to these all the time!! thoughts and opinions change.
and silly ™ for the characters at pride
for some reason the TM doesn't work anymore (no storage probably) so I'll probably just use TM instead lmao
Fukuzawa Yukichi/
asexual. panromantic. cisgender. #1 dad hugs at pride™
Osamu Dazai/
he/they. she/her when silly. bisexual. genderfluid (bigender or trigender specifically). at pride just to argue with the pride protestors. wears heels and dresses to make the homophobes angry™
Kunikida Doppo/
he/she/they. (< in that order) his preferred pronouns change a lot. asexual. demiromantic. biromantic. also genderfluid.
screams about how queer and trans rights are human rights, very proud, wears a bunch of pins™
Ranpo Edogawa/
he/him. gay. cisgender. goes to pride with poe just to hold hands with them the whole time TM
Yosano Akiko/
she/her. lesbian. cisgender. probably in a corner at pride drinking wine™
Atsushi Nakajima/
he/they. biromantic. asexual. doesn't know much about pride. sitting with a group of queer people, getting taught about sexualities and genders™
Junichiro Tanizaki/
he/him. questioning his sexuality, but doesn't have a preference. transgender. sitting far from the people, because it's too loud and is too crowded™
Naomi Tanizaki/
she/her. pansexual. cisgender. sitting with Junichiro to calm him down, also giving out bracelets to others TM
Kenji Miyazawa/
he/him. unlabled. dresses androgynous. goes to pride to learn about sexualities and genders (also everyone loves him) TM
Kyouka Izumi/
she/they. considers using neopronouns (fae/faer), but so far doesn't use them. unlabled. dresses feminine. goes to pride to make new friends and get bracelets TM
Kirako Haruno/
she/her. acearo. cisgender. goes to pride with Naomi, Yosano, or Kyouka to hang out
Katai Tayama/
he/they. gay. bigender. also gender goals. only goes to pride with Kunikida because they make him go TM
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PM: (did not include everyone bc uhm. idk enough about some characters. also mori makes me uncomfy)
Chuuya Nakahara/
he/they. pansexual. transgender. goes to pride and drinks wine, also yells at homophobes and transphobes with Dazai TM
Kouyou Ozaki/
she/they. lesbian. cisgender. drinking wine with Yosano TM
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa/
he/him. gay. cisgender. sitting with Atsushi and learning TM
Higuchi Ichiyo/
she/they. bisexual. so many bi panics. transgender. hanging out with gin and admiring others and telling people how beautiful they are TM
Gin Akutagawa/
she/they. asexual. acespec. transgender. hanging out with Higuchi, occasionally with (ryuu) Akutagawa TM
Tachihara Michizo/
he/him. transgender. questioning sexuality. hanging out with Higuchi and Gin. staring at the pride protestors just to scare them TM
Yumeno Kyuusaku/
they/them. unlabled sexuality. non-binary. goes to pride and scares off the homophobic and transphobic protestors TM
Oda Sakunosuke/
he/they. gay. never told anyone his gender so who knows. just an icon TM
Ango Sakaguchi/
he/they. maybe she. gay. doesn't care about gender, but aligns with male. just a loser TM
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The Guild: (not everyone because I don't write for a lot of the characters)
he/they/she. genderfluid. gay. brings Karl and everyone loves him TM
they/them. he/him whenever they feels like it. non-binary. likes men. asexual. dresses androgynous and masculine. just an eldritch horror beyond your comprehension TM
John Steinbeck/
he/him. gay. male aligned but doesn't care about gender. hanging out with his eldritch horror partner TM
she/they/he. genderfluid. panromantic. asexual, probably cupiosexual. hanging out with Poe and playing with Karl TM
she/they. unlabled gender. pansexual. very anxious and probably hiding in a corner with other people TM
Mark Twain/
he/they. transgender. transition goals btw. just a cool guy TM
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any pronouns. gay. terrorizing everyone with his clown behavior TM
he/they/she. unknown labels. he doesn't tell anyone anything. showing people his fangs because people are interested in them TM
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Legacy!Pride doodles!
Please note that these are specifically for Legacyverse itself and not necessarily 1:1 with my hcs for the show proper! But a good chunk of these are OCs anyway so it's whatever! OKAY LET'S GO—
Kai: Demigender Panromantic/Pansexual (He/Him, experimenting with They)
Jay: Bisexual/Biromantic Demiboy (He/They, experimenting with the Demiboy label. Is also responsible for Kai looking into being Demigender)
Cole: Demiromantic Gay (He/Him)
Zane: Nonbinary Panromantic (He/They, sometimes She under very specific circumstances)
Lloyd: Grayromantic/Graysexual (He/Him, but also doesn't actually care how you refer to him)
Skylor: Genderfluid Omnisexual (Pronouns fluctuate, but isn't bothered by people defaulting to She/Her)
Nya: Biromantic Asexual (She/Her)
Jesse: Biromantic/Bisexual (He/Him)
Pixal: Polyromantic Bigender (She/He, sometimes They; all situation dependent)
Miranda: Unlabeled (She/They)
Harumi: Demisexual (She/Her)
Bridget: Transfem Aroace (They/She)
Olivia: Pansexual/Panromantic Demigirl (She/Her, uses other pronouns sparingly)
Harleigh: Lesbian (She/Her) (Harleigh really be like "Dad I'm gay" and Ronin be like "Yeah and after dealing with your mother for 15 years I am too")
Anyyyyway, the only ones missing are Antonia (who I don't have hcs for since she's based on a real person) and Sunni (who is the Token Straight but very dearly supports all of her friends~)
But Happy Pride everybody, tried to get these out sooner but life has me by the throat this month <3
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ace-sher-bi-john · 11 months
Sherlock Holmes: Aro-Spec, A-Spec, Gay Icon
What is Sherlock Holmes' orientation?
Asexual? Aromantic? Homosexual/romantic? Why not all three?
Something I've noticed during my time in this fandom is that people can't always agree on what Sherlock's sexual/romantic orientation is. Most people say that he's gay, some people say that he's ace. These two headcanons are rarely paired together.
I've seen people who think he's asexual be called homophobic because it feels like it's taking away from the gay representation they get from Johnlock. What they don't appear to realize is that asexual people can still have romantic or even sexual relationships. It also seems that people confuse being asexual with being aromantic a lot. Asexuality and aromanticism are not the same thing.
(There are lots of people who don't ship Johnlock, and either ship Sherl with someone else or with no one and that's valid! I personally am a Johnlock shipper)
Asexuality is defined as a lack of sexual attraction and Aromanticism is defined as a lack of romantic attraction. Both of these have a spectrum as well.
Asexual people can experience sexual attraction, only experience it sometimes, or not experience it at all. If you are anywhere on the asexual spectrum, it simply means that you don't experience an urge to have sex with someone in some or all cases.
You might enjoy sex. You might be repulsed by it. You might be completely indifferent towards it. You might even have urges every now and then. That is still valid. On one end of the spectrum, you don't experience any sexual attraction, on the other, you do experience sexual attraction, and all throughout the middle are varying levels of attraction/urges or lack thereof. There are more identities out there under the ace umbrella. There's demisexual which means that you only experience sexual attraction towards people you've developed an emotional connection with first. Greysexual means that you rarely experience sexual attraction, but it does happen sometimes. Lithosexual means you experience sexual attraction, but don't want it reciprocated. There are many more, you can do your research if you want to know all of them. I don't want to make this post too long, as I fear I may already have done.
The same thing goes for the aromantic spectrum.
Being aromantic means that you don't experience romantic attraction. Depending on where you are on the spectrum, you may experience romantic attraction sometimes, or not at all. Some aromantic people love the idea of romance, romantic gestures, have no problem holding hands, kissing, etc. You can participate in romantic relationships, you can get married, and it will never mean you're less aromantic. All being aromantic means is that you don't feel romantic attraction. It being a spectrum means that on one end, you do experience romantic attraction and on the other end you don't. All in the middle, you experience varying levels of romantic attraction. The labels are basically the same as the ace labels and mean basically the same thing.
(Edit: I've just noticed that I forgot to mention queer platonic relationships. So here we go)
Aromantic people may experience feelings for friends that go beyond friendship, but aren't in anyway romantic or sexual. They may choose to form relationships with others that are more than friendship but not quite romantic. These are called Queer Platonic Relationships or QPRs. They are just as valid as romantic relationships and are not just friendships. People in QPRs love their partner just as deeply, if not more so than people in romantic relationships.
When someone is asexual, but not aromantic, you put a label for their romantic attraction. For example: Biromantic asexual, heteromantic asexual, homoromantic asexual, panromantic asexual, etc.
So basically, you can experience limited or no sexual/romantic attraction and still have relationships. You can be aroace and gay. So therefore my headcanon is that Sherlock is grey-homoromantic asexual.
It took me a little bit of deciding between demiromantic and greyromantic. But they both sound just as cliche as the other. In both cases, John is the one and only person that Sherlock ever falls in love with. If he's demi, it's because he's never gotten this emotionally close to someone before and that's why John is his only love. But I wanted to see Sherlock struggle with his new, unfamiliar romantic feelings from the beginning. From that very first day that John walked into the lab at Bart's.
Sherlock doesn't even know what the weird emotions he's feeling are. They are subtle at first, because love at first sight is even more cliche. He doesn't really start to feel them as anything too distracting or difficult until the pool incident. Almost losing John, caused other unfamiliar feelings that Sherlock didn't want to deal with, along with the telltale signs of romantic love. But Sherlock chooses to ignore it for as long as possible, denying the fact that he could be in love with anyone. Let alone his very straight, not gay in the slightest, bi in denial roommate. It's too much of a risk with anyone. Platonic relationships are already a risk, but he's seen the strange things that romantic love can do to people. He doesn't allow himself to feel most emotions anyway, why would he allow himself to feel romantic love?
Once he allows himself to realize that the emotion he's feeling is romantic love, he struggles with his identity. He knows that he's aromantic, so how is it possible that he's feeling this way? Eventually he will come to discover greyromanticism and realize that he's not crazy, and he's not suddenly alloromantic. He is experiencing rare romantic feelings for John, which he's never experienced before and will likely never experience again.
He's still aromantic. He's not "fixed". Sherlock is valid in being aromantic and feeling romantic attraction.
Then add in some asexual tension once they finally get together and we should be good to go!
Thank you for reading. Hopefully that wasn't too long for you.
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t1oui · 2 months
thinking about making a college au that may or may not be a texting fic and trying to make it as gay as possible bc fuck jkr so here are some headcanons (based off of what me from 2:15 am wrote in my notes)
james: they/them, nonbinary, panromantic asexual
sirius: he/him, bisexual (or gay, i haven't decided)
remus: he/they, trans, unlabeled
peter: he/him, trans, aromantic omnisexual
lily: she/her, intersex, demisexual lesbian
mary: she/her, bisexual
marlene: she/her, lesbian
regulus: he/him, trans, gay
dorcas: she/they, genderqueer, unlabeled
barty: he/they/it, boyflux, pansexual & hypersexual
evan: he/they, bigender, biromantic asexual
pandora: she/her, trans, pansexual
emmeline: she/her, grayromantic omnisexual
benjy: he/they, trans, bisexual
+ some other headcanons about them being queer together <3
sirius being VERY into labels and remus hating them with a passion and them learning to see each other's perspective
pandora and evan are mtf and ftnb (bigender) and they literally just switched names at like age 4. their parents didn't notice and only barty, reg, and dorcas know
remus helping evan feel less insecure about their top surgery scars :)
rem and dorcas bonding over being unlabeled
james helping dorcas figure out that she's genderqueer
emmeline and peter becoming friends after finding out that they're both arospec omnis
barty feeling really validated when people actually use it/its for it and the people who DO use all his pronouns being his favorite (no im not projecting lol what)
evan and james bond over being asexual (also lily)
benjy is the awkwardest bisexual to ever bi. i just think you should know. also he's adorable
pandora and lily date for about 2 seconds before they break up and pandora becomes lily's wingwoman in her quest to date mary
remus and benjy are both awkward asf so they go on one date and realize immediately they have negative chemistry and now they're best friends
pandora randomly adopts benjy and he just goes with it and carries her books around also they kiss
jegulus who have been dating this whole time (sirius somehow managed to realize they liked each other without noticing his crush on remus, truly something only he could do) and who are super subtle unless you're looking for clues that they're together
also bc this is a university au i'll say who's rooming with who: james & reg, sirius & peter, remus & benjy, mary & pandora, lily & marlene, dorcas & emmeline, evan & barty
(for the record james and reg sleep in separate beds because reg refuses to be woken up at "the asscrack of dawn" every day when james goes for their morning run)
remus, lily, and reg being besties
peter being in a qpr with evan & barty and having sex w barty (evan will literally sit on the bed next to them and read while they're going at it)
they start a queer club btw.
anyway that's all for now
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biggsodorcitystories · 4 months
The Steam Team at Pride
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To start off Pride Month, I wanted to share the headcanons of the Steam Team members:
Thomas: Omnisexual.
Edward: Pansexual and Polyamorous. The Male version has the same sex identity.
Henry: Bisexual - has had male lovers, but romantically prefers women.
Gordon: Heterosexual and Demisexual (which lead to the messy business between himself, Henry, and James)
James: Biromantic Heterosexual (Male version is Biromantic Homosexual).
Percy: Heterosexual, but also Panromantic. This led to a lot of confusion until he figured it out.
Emily: Bisexual, though thus far, she only experienced attraction to one man (Henry). Identified as lesbian when she arrived on Sodor.
Nia: Nia is thirteen years old and is still figuring things out by herself. Thus far, she appears to be Heterosexual.
Rebecca: Though not much older than Nia, is out and proud as a lesbian.
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holly-natnicole · 4 months
the Bats 'n' Birds in my 'D.C.' (1937) franchise Alternate Multiverse rewrite timeline:
transgender polyamorous homoromantic asexual female Leslie Maurin Thompkins (deadname Samuel Xolani Thompkins) is a(n ethnically mostly white) South African through Mary Thompkins (who has an ethnically black biological father) and Thomas Jameson, her vigilante name (which she uses extremely rarely since Leslie almost never commits vigilantism) being Doctor (often shortened to Doc);
cisgender monogamous panromantic pansexual fem Julia Irene Alice Pennyworth is an Englishwoman through Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth (who is ethnically white) and Irene Rivers (who is ethnically black), her vigilante name (which she extremely rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Julia would need to wear a mask to protect her identity) being Agent J;
cis aromantic ace male Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth is an (ethnically white) Englishman through Alice Pennyworth née Crane and Thaddeus Jarvis Pennyworth, his vigilante name (which he somewhat rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Alfred would need to wear a mask to protect his identity) being Agent A;
trans mono gay homosexual male Cullen Row (deadname Holly Farrell) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Miranda Farrell née Row and Marcus Farrell, his vigilante names (which he somewhat rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Cullen would need to wear a mask to protect his identity) being Duckie & Mallard;
cis poly omniromantic omnisexual male Bruce Thomas Wayne is a Gothamite who is Jewish through Martha Wayne née Kane and ethnically white through Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Batman;
cis mono gay fem Katherine “Kate” Rebecca Kane is a Jewish Gothamite through Gabriela “Gabi” Kane née García and Jacob Kane, her vigilante name being Batwoman;
trans mono gay fem Mary Elizabeth “Bette” Kane (deadname Matthew Gilbert "Bert" Kane) is a(n ethnically white) Englishwoman through Matthew “Matt” Kane née Benett and Jewish through Miriam Kane, her vigilante names being Batgirl & Flamebird;
cis mono biromantic demisexual fem Barbara Joan Gordon is a(n ethnically mostly white) Gothamite through Barbara Eileen Johannes (named Barbara Eileen Gordon during her marriage to Jim) and James “Jim” Gordon (whose bio maternal grandfather was an African American), her vigilante names being Batgirl & Oracle;
cis mono gay demi male David Zavimbe is Congolese through Laura Zavimbe née Davids and Isaac Zavimbe, his vigilante name being Batwing;
trans mono bi demi fem Araunya “Anya” Grayson (deadname Richard “Rick” John Grayson) is Romani & Welsh & French through Marie Grayson née Lloyd (who was born in Wales) and Romani & an (ethnically white) Englishwoman through John Grayson (who was born in England), her vigilante names being Robin & Renegade & Nightwing & Batman;
cis mono demiromantic omni fem Jade “Jay” Todd (also known as Jason “Jay” Todd, Jade “Jay” al Ghūl, & Jade “Jay” Head) is a(n ethnically mostly white) Gothamite through Sheila Haywood and Willis Peters (whose bio paternal grandmother was a Chinese American), her vigilante names being Robin & Red Hood;
cis mono gay ace fem Cassandra Wǔ-Sân (formerly Cassandra Cain, originally nameless) is Chinese through Shiva (at birth named Sandra Wǔ-Sân) and a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through David Cain, her vigilante names being Orphan & Batgirl & Black Bat & Batman (Cassandra Wǔ-Sân is written as 擦涩伞得拉 伍 莘 in Chinese);
cis mono bi fem Harper Row (formerly Harper Farrell) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Miranda Farrell née Row and Marcus Farrell, her vigilante name being Bluebird;
mono bi Stephanie Brown (deadname Charles “Chuck” Brown) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Crystal Brown née Bellinger and Arthur Brown plus she’s a demigal, their vigilante names being Spoiler & Robin & Batgirl;
cis poly bi male Timothy “Tim” Jackson Drake is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Janet Drake née Lynn and Jack Drake, his vigilante names being Robin & Raptor;
agender mono bi Duke Thomas is an African American Gothamite through Eileen Thomas (whose bio mother was also a metahuman) and an African through Gnomon (who is also a metahuman), their vigilante names being Signal & Robin;
agender aro ace Damian al Ghūl (deadname Athanasia al Ghūl, used the name Tallant al Ghūl for several months at age 8 when believing ze’s male before at the end of it realising zir lack of any gender, got often called Ībn al Ḫfāfīš [إِبن الخفافيش] & Ūṭwāṭ [وطواط] by other Shadows in the League of Assassins) is Arab, Chinese, & Pakistani through Talia al Ghūl and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, zir vigilante names being Robin & Heretic & Redbird (Damian al Ghūl is written as داميان ال عهوول in Arabic, 㙮面 腌乐 乌勒 in Chinese, & ڈیمین الغول in Urdu);
cis mono pan fem Helena Alfreda Kyle is Cuban, Nigerian, Italian, and Somali through Selina Kyle (who is a Gothamite, but gave birth to & for 8 years raised her bio daughter in Metropolis) and Jewish and ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, her vigilante names being Hunter & Robin;
genderfluid mono bi ace Maxine "Max" Gibson is an African American Gothamite through Sarah Gibson née Edwards and Evan Gibson, his vigilante name being Huginn;
cis mono heteroromantic heterosexual fem Dana Tan is a Chinese American Gothamite through Daiyu Tan née Zhìhuì and Paul Tan (originally named Bao Tan), her vigilante name being Muninn (Dana Tan is written as 丹娜 坛 in Chinese);
trans mono het male Terrence “Terry” McGinnis (deadname Winifred McGinnis) is a Gothamite who is a Korean American through Mary Mun (named Mary McGinnis during her marriage to Warren McGinnis) and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Batman (Terrence McGinnis is written as 테렌스 맥기니스 in Korean);
trans mono het fem Caroline “Carrie” Keene Kelley (deadname Jonathan “John” Keene Kelley) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Lynn Keene and Frank Kelley, her vigilante names being Robin & Batwoman;
cis mono gay male Matthew “Mattie” Mun is a Gothamite who is a Korean American through Mary Mun (named Mary McGinnis during her marriage to Warren McGinnis) and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Robin (Matthew Mun is written as 매튜 문 in Korean).
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bushkit · 1 month
MiD LGBT HEADCANONS (cause why not)
(These headcanons mostly apply to my rewrite but I feel they fit in canon too. Any hate/homophobic comments will result in a block 🥰)
Ava: Biromantic Asexual, She/Her
Not really sure on this one, maybe cause I don't think about Ava very much, but I guess she gives off bi and ace vibes? Like she does make some saucy jokes despite being possibly ace, which I find kinda funny and relatable. I'm not sure though.
Asch: Straight Demiromantic/Sexual, He/Him
Being a prince, I'm sure Asch has been high on the market for nobility who are interested in marrying him. These girls do whatever they can to get his attention in hopes he’ll choose them. But despite their hardest, sweetest efforts, Asch is always unimpressed. He’s not an idiot. He’s absolutely aware of what these women are really after. If he died right in front of them they’d probably shrug and walk off, and then mourn over what they've lost…… their precious newfound status. Asch knows that’s all they really want, they don't want him for love, for a genuine lifelong relationship, when they look at him all they see is a prize. And boy is it an immediate turn off. Asch finds it very difficult to find a lover, he has high expectations, and it takes a lot of interaction for him to even develop a crush. Asch mostly just doesn't even bother. He finds his status and the people he's constantly surrounded with make his chances of finding love slim to none. He just focuses on his kingdom and nothing else. But even still, there's a part of him that longs for a genuine partner. He doesn't want to be completely alone forever.
Leif: Bisexual, He/They
Leif is the most bisexual person I have ever seen in my life. He’s very flirty, and is not afraid to show his impeccable rizz to both men and women. He usually comes off too strong and sends everyone running away, but they're trying their best! He’s overconfident in his abilities and usually fails, but he slays nonetheless. Slay the day you fruity king. As for pronouns, he's fine with any but feminine pronouns. Usually he goes by he, but he also really likes it when people refer to him as “they”. They pronouns make them feel deadlier, and he just finds it comfortable and more fitting to his personality and lifestyle.
Rhys: Aromantic Asexual, He/Him
Rhys has never felt actual attraction before, and in all honestly he isn't complaining about it. He's doing perfectly fine on his own, all he needs are his books and companionship. When it comes to love, Rhys is far more fascinated by the science of it. He loves to observe the behaviors between lovers, how unique each couple is, how relationships may change others over time. He’s okay with spending his life being helpful to his kingdom, and thinks romance will get in the way of that.
Noi: Pansexual, He/Him
Since childhood, Noi has always been absolutely charmed by the idea of love. He’s constantly dreaming of a happy life he could share with someone, no matter who it was. When it comes to potential romance, gender is out of the question for Noi, as long as they love each other he's happy. It’s difficult for him sadly, as someone who's considered weak by many partnered with societies view on love in general, it’s hard to find someone who truly wants to be in love like he does. But that doesn't stop him from being caring to others, and he will never give up hope that he will find a lover some day. (I LOVE YOU MY BABY NOI YOU WILL FIND LOVE)
Pierce: Gray (panromantic) Aromantic Asexual, He/Him
Pierce was a difficult one. He's so quiet and reserved most of the time that it leads me to think his romantic preference is something he keeps to himself. I don't think romance is very important to him at all, but I also don't think he's against romance as a whole. In a way he's kinda like Rhys, more fascinated by love, but though hesitantly, he’d actually be willing to give it a try. Being so laid back, I don't think Pierce really has a romantic preference, leading me to believe he's likely panromantic.
So ya that's it ✨
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hex12345678910 · 4 months
(Hard to read text under the cut. Trigger warnings also under the cut)
Welcome to my online den!
Mentions of intrusive thoughts, anxiety, paranoia, anger issues, homicidal and suicidal thoughts.
Capital letters.
An image of a skull.
How to refer to me:
[How to refer to me:]
Note: I will occasionally refer to myself with ze/zi/zy pronouns instead of me/I/my.
Names: I have so many, there's no way im listing them all. My main one is Hex, but I also appreciate Dee and Raph (and other nicknames for Donatello and Raphael from TMNT).
Pronouns: Again, too many to list. My main ones are he/him/his/himself, they/them/their/theirs/themself, it/its/itself, and xe/xir/xirs/xirself.
Current prefered name(s) and pronouns: Star, Cipher, or Hunter, he/him.
My identity:
[My identity:]
Genders: I hoard xenogenders but, put simply, my gender is masc and connected to angels, cats, demons, blood, gore, water, the ocean, space and stars.
Attraction/orientations: Demiromantic, asexual, panromantic, and omniplatonic.
Other labels I use to describe my attraction (I'd list labels for my gender but I have waaaaay too many to list):
Fox pan
If you want to know what any of these terms mean, ask me or look at the lgbtqia wiki.
I'm a therian (black house cat) and otherkin (winged cat-human hybrid, the stars, Donatello from ROTTMNT 2018, Raphael from TMNT 2012, Hunter from TOH, and light). I am feline cladolink (like cladotherian but otherlink) and funlink (fox). I'm also wolfkith and fictionkith (Leo from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). I am a fictionflicker (my connections with Leo, Don, and Raph aren't related) and tale-hearted (The Owl House, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012), Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the show and the movie), and Gravity Falls).
Current fictionflicker related identities: Eda and Harpy Eda from The Owl House
Other labels I use to describe my alterhumanity:
If you want to find definitions for any of these terms, look here. If you can't find a definition for any of them, ask me.
Some phrases I agree with:
[Some phrases I agree with:]
"My body, my choice"
"No one's free until we're all free"
"Fight the fascists"
"Love is love"
"Black lives matter"
Other information about me:
[Other information about me:]
I am a singlet (as in not plural) and a minor.
I am agnostic and an atheist.
I experience gender dysphoria and euphoria, species dysphoria and euphoria, phantom limb shifts, cameo shifts, sensory shifts (but not very strongly or often), and mental shifts (but only with fictionflicker related identities). My shifts are both involuntary and voluntary but mainly involuntary and my involuntary shifts are typically much stronger.
I'm autistic and have ADHD (combined type), and likely NPD (overt type). I have severe social anxiety. Due to my neurodivergence, I often misphrase things and can act inappropriately unintentionally. Please keep let me know if I have.
I am learning how to deal with anger issues in a healthy way.
I struggle with intrusive thoughts often.
Some of my special interests are:
Narcissistic personality disorder
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (specifically Leonardo)
Gravity Falls
The Owl House
My current hyperfixation(s) are/is: Gravity Falls and Bill Cipher
Some of my other interests are:
Other personality disorders
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
I'm here to support the lgbtqia+ community, the alter/nonhuman community, discuss neurodiversity, disabilities, and disorders, share any xenogenders I coin and suggest neopronouns/xenopronouns to anyone who requests them! (If you want suggestions please ask)
If you want to vent, rant, ask anything, complain, if you need supply/compliments, etc just press the 'ask me anything' button <3
:3da-cat-speaks:3 (me talking)
:3da-cat-asks:3 (me asking questions for you, the folks of tumblr, to answer)
:3pronouns-of-the-day:3 (pronouns of the day) (I haven't used this for a while)
DNI (do not interact) if you:
[DNI (do not interact) if you:]
Are a queerphobe
Identify with transIDs*
Believe in thought crimes
Are radqueer
Are racist
Are ableist
Are sexist
Are fatphobic
Are anti non-traditional pronouns (e.g. text only, neos, etc)
Are anti alterhuman
Are anti age/pet/whatever regression
Are anti furry
Are a TERF
Are radfem
Are a fake claimer
Are an exclusionist
Are pro contact for harmful paraphilias
Are fascist
Are transmed
Use slurs you can't reclaim
Reality check other folks without their permission
Refuse to use other folks pronouns
Intentionally and willingly hurt and/or harass other folks
I'm aware DNIs don't work but please, if you're included in the above list, this blog isn't for you.
Paraphiles are ok if they're anti contact. Proshippers are ok if they're not hurting anyone in real life.
Other information about interacting with me (mostly about how I communicate):
[Other information about interacting with me (mostly about how I communicate):]
SFW (safe for work) interaction only! (Swearing is alright though)
I swear a lot (I am trying to swear less. I will try to replace swear words with words such as "frigging").
I tag trigger warnings for things like caps, swearing, etc.
Instead of using "people" I use "folk" because some folks (including myself) dislike being referred to as a "person". For me this is because, by definition, "person" refers to humans and I am not human.
I use caps to signify strong emotions, not to signify anger towards the reader.
I have heard that some folks use ":3" to mean a kissy face? So just to be clear, when I use ":3" this is to represent a cats smile. So it's me smiling. Not a kissy face.
Oh and I'll make this clear: I fully support physical alterhumans, lesbians with masculine or masculine-aligned gender(s) and gays with feminine or feminine-aligned gender(s) (and other contradictory labels), and systems of all origins.
Important links:
What are ABLE accounts
*this excludes transgender, transsexual, transspecies and the proper use of transracial (folks who are of a different race and/or ethnicity to their adoptive parents), and transage (an alter in a system who is of a different age to their body, or someone who is mentally a different age to their body due to neurodivergency or trauma) {please note that I am not transracial or transage and these definitions may not be accurate. I apologise if they are not}. This also excludes the reclamation of other transIDs to mean one is [thing] and also transgender, for example: one identifying as transautistic to mean they're autistic and transgender.
Also: I apologise for the mass of userboxes. I can't help myself :3
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Technically this last one's false (I am both an angel and a god) but I really love the song.
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jaytoons7 · 3 months
Last pride month, I made a list of some of my OCs sexualities and genders. This year though, I'm gonna go a bit further than that. I'm not only gonna update that OC list, I'm gonna list the sexualities and genders of the Shifted Timeline versions of THSC characters!
Under the cut coz this is gonna get long. Also, Not everyone will be included unfortunately.
First up, The ST versions of canon characters:
Henry Stickmin: Demiboy and Aroace. Uses He/They (His sexuality honestly varies depending on the universe, But this is his for the main story's timeline)
Ellie Rose: Cis Female and Bisexual. Uses She/Her
Charles Calvin: Cis Male and Bisexual. Uses He/Him
Gadget Gabe (Gabe Stickmin): Nonbinary and Lesbian. Uses They/Them
Dr. Vinschpinsilstien: Trans Female and Lesbian. Uses She/Her
Dave Panpa: Cis Male and Pansexual. Uses He/Him (Couldn't resist the pun)
Rupert Price: Cis Male and Gay. Uses He/Him
Jacob Rose: Trans Male and Gay. Uses He/Him
Johnny Panzer: Cis Male, Asexual, and Panromantic. Uses He/Him (Double the puns)
Reginald Copperbottom: Masc Leaning Nonbinary and Gay. Uses primarily He/Him
RHM: Trans Male and Pansexual. Uses He/Him
Sven Svensson: Trans Male, Bisexual, and Homoromantic. Uses He/Him
Burt Curtis: Cis Male, Demisexual, and Homoromantic. Uses He/Him
The Witch: Fem leaning Nonbinary and Lesbian. Uses mostly She/Her but isn't picky.
Gremlin: Nobody knows what's up with her, But she definitely ain't cishet. Seems fine with She/Her
Five-Eyes: Trans Masc Nonbinary and Gay. Uses He/They
Howard Copperbottom (Howie Howitzer): Cis Male and Gay. Uses He/Him
Katelyn Copperbottom (Cool Katie): Trans Female and Lesbian. Uses She/Her
Hubert Galeforce: Cis Male and Gay (And a goddamn disaster at that). Uses He/Him
Dmitri Petrov: Cis Male and Gay (But has given up on romance). Uses He/Him
Updated OC list:
Jay Benson: Transmasc Nonbinary and Demisexual. Uses He/They
Scottie Anderson: Nonbinary, Pansexual, and Polyamorous. Uses They/Them
Ulle Meadows: Cis Female and Lesbian. Uses She/Her
Eden Orchard: Generally Unlabeled. Uses She/Her mostly but isn't picky.
Alexander Williams: Cis(?) Male, Bisexual, and Polyamorous. Uses He/Him
Richard "Crusher" Hughes: Cis Male and Gay. Uses He/Him
Hazel Juniper: Cis Female and Pansexual. Uses She/Her
Tara Sammson: Trans Female, Bisexual, and Polyamorous. Uses She/Her
Lori Woods: Cis Female and Lesbian. Uses She/Her
Lynnette Strickland: Demigirl, Asexual, and Biromantic. Uses She/They
Marianne Strickland: Cis Female and Lesbian. Uses She/Her
Harrison Calvin-Curtis: Demigirl, Aromantic, and Homosexual. Uses She/They
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md-confessions · 5 months
Chat do y'all fw my headcanons
Uzi - Transgender Bisexual Demi-AroAce, she also has Autism, ADHD and BPD
N - Transgender Panromantic Asexual, he uses He/They, has ADHD
V - Omnisexual Grey-AroAce, uses She/They/It, has ADD and is Bipolar
J - Aromantic Lesbian
Thad - Transgender Homosexual
Lizzy - Transgender Lesbian
Doll - Lesbian Demigirl
Khan - Transgender Biromantic Demisexual, has Autism
Nori - Omnisexual Demiromantic Demigirl, has Autism and ADHD, uses She/They/It and Neos
Teacher/Liam (my headcanon name for him) - Transmasc Non-Binary Cinthean
Yeva - Pansexual
Doll's dad/Adam (headcanon name for him) - Transgender Heteromantic Asexual
Alice - Aromantic Pansexual
Tessa - Lesbian, has ADHD
Cyn - AroAce Agender, uses any pronouns, has Autism and ADHD
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