#hi i'm new round these parts of town
vrieseasees · 1 year
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My old job had a security guard that would say this every time he was caught with a crumb on his face (and I just realized he and Reigen are both libras and suddenly things make sense)
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altruisticalastor · 7 months
↳˗ˏˋAlastor x Readerˊˎ˗ ↴
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☒ Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
☒ Summary: Your heart felt full as Alastor continued his lead. You both danced to the melodic sounds, relishing in the shared embrace. That night was one that you cherished for months to come. But on the contrary, your blossoming relationship with Alastor solidified the beginning of the end. 
☒ Warnings: fem!reader, she/her pronouns used, prequel to the first two parts, alastor and reader are human in this part, 1930's period typical misogyny (NOT from alastor), fluff, falling in love, obsessive!alastor, reader is in hell for a reason, murder, gunshot wound, major character death, one suggestive scene involving finger sucking *giggles*, domestic!alastor, reader and alastor being an absloute power couple, blood, alcohol consumption, dancing
☒ Word Count: 6,276
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You often dreamt of trading places with your dear old friend, Elaine. She had it all; money, family, respect.
You, on the other hand, had none of those things.
When your parents left without notice on your eleventh birthday— you ended up homeless in a matter of weeks. Elaine’s family took you in out of pity, and they made it very known throughout your childhood that they only cared for you to make themselves out to be saints. It didn't take a fool to see that they treated their own flesh and blood better than the rubble they picked up off the streets.
Elaine was often condescending toward you, but you put up with the brunt of it. It's not like you had any other choice- and when her father offered you a typist gig at his local radio broadcasting studio- you had no other option but to accept.
Your treatment from others at the studio was no better than the one you received at home. 
If you could even call that loveless place a home.
The broadcasting biz was male-dominated, as most jobs were in your day. So, of course your counterparts looked down upon you as a woman. You were less than to them, and the constant berating about how you should be wed by now with kids to dote on ticked you off even further.
That was not on the itinerary for you. 
The plan was to save enough of the slim earnings you made being a typist to run far away from this place. To be free of these people, from this town. You dreamt about how lovely it would be not to bite your tongue and endure all the nasty things people spat at you just to have a roof over your head.
Soon, just a little bit longer. 
Grin and bear it. Don't let them know what you hide behind the façade.
"My, my! What a lovely smile!" A smooth voice pulled you from your stupor. You flinched back from your desk as the man standing before you ducked low- extending his hand.
"What's your name, little darling? I'm Alastor! It's a pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!" You took the man's hand, shaking it slowly sharing your name, and offering the same pleasantries, before peering up to get a good look at this Alastor fellow.
Based on first impressions, you thought he was a well-put-together fellow. His crimson vest hugged his slender frame well, you noted. His white dress shirt underneath contrasted beautifully with the seamless leather gloves adorning his large hands. The black bowtie was simply the cherry on top of his polished look. His features were handsome, and that darling smile of his caused your face to grow hot. His chestnut eyes peered at you behind his round-framed glasses, gazing at you as if you hung the stars in the night sky. 
You had never been captivated by a man until this very instant. You always believed romance was a waste of time. But now... you weren't feeling as opposed.
"Say, what brings a fella like you to a place like this?" You stood from your seat as his hand released yours. His gloved fingertips lingered on your palm for a moment- but it was long enough for you to notice.
"Why a job, of course! You're looking at the new host of the biggest radio broadcast in all of Louisiana!" Alastor's grin widened as he puffed out his chest proudly, bringing his hands up to straighten out his bowtie.
"Oh, my! Congratulations, Mister. I look forward to working with you." Your voice was as lively as ever, putting in your best effort to come off as friendly. Alastor's deep chestnut eyes studied yours. It was almost intimidating. 
"Just call me Alastor, my dear! A beauty such as yourself is more than qualified to be on a first-name basis with me." His flirtatious nature had your heart rate accelerating at an alarming gait. Plus, the wink he shot your way to emphasize his statement only added fuel to the fire.
You were at a loss for words, simply nodding in agreement at his terms. Your gaze averted from Alastor's as you rubbed at your arm nervously. You had never been this flustered before. It was... uncharacteristically exciting for you. "Excuse my fowardness darling, but would you allow me to take you dancing tonight? It is a cause for celebration, after all!"
His offer left you stammering as you clutched your arm tightly, your sweaty palm bleeding through your vermilion dress sleeve. "Are you positive you want to celebrate with a woman you only just met?" You chuckled nervously, meeting his gaze once more.
"It would be my pleasure, little darling." You swore your heart skipped a beat as those words left his lips. Alastor was an enigma of a man, and he left you needing to know more about him. "If you insist! I'm flattered, truly."
Alastor chuckled lowly at your words as he took ahold of your hand once more. This time, he turned your palm downward before pulling the back of your hand up to his lips. Alastor's eyes bored into yours as he placed a chaste kiss atop your knuckles. His lips lingered on your skin for a few beats longer until he inevitability abjured from you.
"Lovely! I'll be waiting in the lobby once the workload is finished for the day. Meet me there?" You could only nod in agreement as your heartbeat resounded in your ears. Alastor bid you farewell, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
He just asked you on a date- didn't he? 
Shit, shit- shit! A relationship was not on your to-do list.
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The workday trickled on slowly. You were beside yourself— too focused on your plans with Alastor tonight.
Was your dress formal enough? It’s not like you could go home and change now— and you didn’t have the proper heels on. The pair that you usually switched into before you went dancing.
It would be fine— why were you even stressing over the little details?
More importantly… what were Alastor’s intentions with this— date?
You mulled it over the whole trip to the lobby of your workplace. You felt your nerves prickle your skin when your eyes met Alastor’s. 
He was already waiting patiently for you near the exit. Alastor had a blazer on now, you noted— and he was smiling wider than ever. “Ah, there you are! Ready to head out, dear?”
Alastor’s voice was equivalent to a smooth amaretto. Silky and delightful, with a little bit of an edge to it. Your mouth felt like it was full of cotton from the nerves— and all you could muster was a quick nod.
“Wonderful! We better get going while the night is still young— ha!” Alastor opened the door, tilting his head; gesturing toward the exit. You got the hint, wobbly legs guiding you out of the building and to the dimly lit street.
You knew a speakeasy just up the other street, so you figured that was the spot Alastor intended on taking you. As your feet led you in the direction of the bar, Alastor let out an amused hum. “My, my… am I correct to assume you know your way around these parts of town?” You giggled nervously, as you felt Alastor’s arm brush up against yours as he walked beside you.
“You’re spot on. I’ve lived here all my life, and for a brief period, I was living on these streets.” Your voice was quiet as those words left your lips. Perhaps you should have kept that detail to yourself. You kept your eyes forward as you walked along the sidewalk. But you could feel Alastor’s eyes on you— without peeking over.
“Might I ask why, darling?” You swallowed harshly, not expecting a follow-up question. You secretly hoped Alastor would have skirted past that little detail about your past. “Ah well, my parents moved out of town on my eleventh birthday. I think they forgot what day it was, truthfully. They were too hopped up on pills and booze,” You laughed bitterly at the memory before continuing. “My parents owed the bank a lot of money, you see, so the first thing those brokers collected was the house I still lived in at the time.”
You shook your head in disbelief, scoffing as you continued the recollection of your youth. “Those money-hungry sharks didn’t even give me a month to collect my things or find somewhere to shack up. When the cops arrived, I told them I’d be staying with a relative— but that was a bold-faced lie!” The speakeasy was in your sights, so you tried to get to the end of this pitiful little tail. “Long story short— I lived on the streets for a couple of weeks until my friend’s parents took me in.”
Alastor swiftly opened the bar door for you, gesturing you in. You were met by the smooth sound of jazz the moment you stepped foot in the joint. The smell of cigarettes and liquor saturated the space. Alastor interlocked your arm with his as he led you to a nearby table. You felt heat rush to your face from the unexpected touch. “I’m truly sorry you had to experience such hardships at such a young age, my dear. That must have been very difficult for you to process.” Alastor’s voice was soft as he offered his sympathy. He pulled the wooden chair out, allowing you to sit comfortably. Alastor gently pushed your seat in before taking his across from you.
“Thanks for saying so. You’re the first person to actually consider my feelings.” You chuckled, raising your hand and gesturing your fingers in a come hither motion to grab the waiter's attention. “What ever do you mean?” Alastor propped his elbows on the table, cupping his face with his hands as he leaned forward. His eyes swirled with curiosity. Alastor was genuinely curious to know you better— your heart skipped a beat from the notion.
“Well— most people just praise Elaine— that’s my friend… if you could even call her that— anyway, as I was saying! Most folks boast about how heavenly Elaine’s parents are for taking in a poor old nobody like me.” The waitress knew you well, so he kindly placed your usual atop the creaky table. One for you and one for your date. You offered the fellow a warm thanks before taking a sip.
“Praise? Those folks did the bare minimum! Tell me more about your friendship with Elaine, hm?” Alastor didn’t bother downing the liquor just yet. He was too enthralled by you and your musings. You felt nervous under his curious eyes— so you took another sip of the saccharine quencher before continuing. “You sure—? I feel like I’ve been talking an awful lot, and where are my manners? I haven’t asked you a single thing!” You shook your head in disbelief, feeling embarrassed with yourself for your rude display.
Alastor’s gloved fingers wrapped around your hand in the blink of an eye. Your eyes flickered down to where the two of you were now connected before his voice tore your gaze back to his face. “Nonsense, my dearest! Please, I insist. I’d be delighted to know more about you.” His words were so earnest, and he spoke with much confidence. All you could focus on was the feeling of his gloved fingertips caressing the back of your palm and the echo of your heartbeat resounding in your ears.
“Alright— if you insist… but if I ramble too much, just tell me to shut it, will ya?” You downed the last of your drink as a laugh escaped Alastor. “I would never silence you, darling. Don’t ever allow a single soul to treat you that way for that matter, understood? Now, carry on!” You felt your blood pressure spike from his kindness, and your hand twitched under his grasp from the giddiness you felt before you continued on. “U-Understood. Anyway, um, Elaine is an old-school buddy of mine. But we grew apart the older we got… so, by the time we reached junior high, she practically hated my guts!” You laughed at the recollection as the alcohol buzz began to kick in.
“Elaine would make up nasty rumors about me and then deny the fact that she did. Any other friend I tried to make, Elaine would somehow do or say something to make them dislike me. I couldn’t do anything about it— I had to play nice because of the living conditions. I still do!” Alastor’s eyes never left yours, and neither did his hand. He continued to rub the back of your palm soothingly as you rambled on.
“Even my job at the radio station… it wasn’t my choice. But Elaine’s father owns the company, so he offered me the typist position. Not like it was really an offer, though— I had no choice but to accept the opportunity. Otherwise, I would have been ungrateful. Christ, I really hate those folks… they look at me as if I’m—“
“—Scum?” Alastor chimed in. His voice was low as he leaned in closer. Your head was a bit fuzzy from the alcohol as you felt his breath fan across your cheeks. “Yeah… like scum.” You felt his hand tighten around yours. His smile was smaller than before, a bit more rigid, for that matter. 
“I knew you and I were the same. The moment laid eyes on you, I knew,” Alastor paused, bringing his free hand up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“You see, I was treated that same way my entire life, my dear. Until I decided I was quite the opposite of what those disrespectful wretches deemed me as.” His hand lingered by your face, daring to cup your cheek. 
Alastor's breath had a hint of coffee and spice to it— you noted— as his face inched even closer to yours. “And you are too, my dear. Those fools don’t hold a candle to your magnificence.” Your body felt light, and all you could focus on was Alastor’s chestnut eyes— every breath you took fogged up his glasses a little.
“You really think so?” You muttered, a lazy grin stretching across your face as Alastor finally allowed his gloved palm to rest against your cheek. 
"I know so, my sweet girl.” He caressed your burning face with much tenderness. Your heart was beating a mile a minute, and your thoughts were all out of sorts as you tried to articulate a proper sentence in your drunken stupor. 
“What did you mean before when you said— that you and I are one and the same?”
Alastor let out a soft chuckle, causing your eyes to flutter shut for a moment. He leaned over the table, invading your personal space. Dipping his face low— lips lingering next to your ear. “You use your smile as a tool. Hiding how you truly feel behind that pretty little mask of yours.” Your breath hitched from his words— was it that obvious? Could everyone tell that your welcoming smile was nothing but a lie? Before you could spiral further— and as if Alastor could sense your worries— he eased your mind with his words. “Worry not, my dear. Only I can see through your façade. One should recognize themselves when looking into a mirror, yes?”
Alastor slowly pulled his head back. Allowing his face to come into your line of sight. “So you… and I… are alike in that way, huh?” You mumbled out, letting an airy chuckle escape you. Alastor squeezed your hand once more before he leaned back in his chair. You watched as the man sitting before you picked up his untouched glass of liquor. He downed his drink in the blink of an eye slamming his glass against the table before standing up from his seat.
“I take pride in keeping my promises, and I have intention to dance with you tonight, my dear. So, shall we?” Alastor outstretched his hands toward you, his toothy grin cascading across his features. You took hold of him without hesitation, giggling youthfully when he pulled you to your feet with ease. “I’d be delighted!” Alastor wasted no time pulling you to the open floor. The music was as vibrant as ever now that you were closer to the live band. The vibrations of the music reverberated through your sternum; as did the butterflies when you felt Alastor’s large palm drape around the small of your back.
His other hand took ahold of yours, and instinctively, you placed your other palm flat against his shoulder. Alastor began leading you to the melody of the song. Your cheeks hurt from how wide your grin was. You couldn’t remember the last time you smiled and meant it before tonight— all thanks to this mysterious man you met today. “Alastor, I know we only just met, but I feel like I’ve known you all my life!” You shouted loud enough for only Alastor to hear beyond the music. His chestnut eyes swirled with an emotion you couldn’t quite put your finger on as his eyebrows lifted in shock.
“You took the words right out of my mouth, my dearest! The moment I saw you, I knew you would be truly magnificent.” Alastor dipped you low, his grasp on you tightening to support you. He was slow when he dragged your upper half back up, allowing your chest to slot against his own. 
“Well, did I meet your expectations?” You joked. Alastor ducked his head low, allowing his face to invade your personal space. This time, his nose brushed against yours, lips mere centimeters from colliding. 
“You exceeded them.” Alastor’s voice was quiet, but you heard him. Loud and clear. 
This moment felt too good to be true, and the longer you gazed into his captivating eyes, the more lost you became in Alastor. Your lips trembled in anticipation— and your hand at his shoulder clenched and unclenched— a small habit to help ease the nerves. 
“Would it be foolish of me to say that I… feel like I’m falling for you.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you searched for any displeasure that dared to cross his face from your confession— but you found none.
“And if I admitted to reciprocating those feelings… would that make me outlandish as well?” Alastor’s hand released yours, now opting to slide up between your bodies to cup your chin beneath his gloved fingertips. He tilted your head up just a touch more. 
Alastor finally closed the gap between your lips and his. Your eyes widened in shock from the chaste kiss he gave you. You caught Alastor’s intense stare on you while he pressed further into you before your eyelids fluttered shut. The grip you had on his shoulder tightened as his lips danced along yours. They were warm and cracked slightly from his incessant smiling. But you didn’t mind it one bit. He tasted of your favorite liquor and conviction. 
Your mind went fuzzy from the mix of alcohol running through your bloodstream and the feeling of sharing your very first kiss with a man you met only earlier today.
It’s strange. Even though you only crossed paths with Alastor this morning— he was the first person in your life to ever see you; the real you. The woman you kept hidden behind a plethora of masks and musings. You prided yourself on your foolproof façade, so when Alastor just waltzed past your guarded walls, it threw you for a loop. But this change of pace was the best thing that could have ever happened to you. For the first time in your life, you felt a sense of control over your own life— over your own freedom. Alastor believed in you, so why shouldn’t you believe in yourself?
Alastor parted his lips from yours slowly, savoring the moment with you for as long as he could. Your eyelids peeled open, taking in Alastor's pleased countenance. "Oh, my darling. There's no way I'm letting you out of my sight now."
Your heart felt full as Alastor continued his lead. You both danced to the melodic sounds, relishing in the shared embrace. That night was one that you cherished for months to come. But on the contrary, your blossoming relationship with Alastor solidified the beginning of the end. 
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You could hardly stay away from Alastor after your first date. It was as if a magnetic force was pulling you to him. He walked you home from the radio station each night and met you at your doorstep each morning. He even told you one time that he memorized absloutely every part of your day so you could always have time for each other. It was the little things that made you fall even harder for him. Alastor would leave a bouquet of roses atop your desk every Friday when you took your lunch break so that when you arrived back, you would be pleasantly surprised by his gesture.
Alastor was a proper gentleman, and his kindness and care toward you almost made you forget about the rotten things in your life— almost.
Elaine grew jealous of your new beau. She noticed you were livelier than ever, and that just wouldn't cut it. Misery loves company, after all.
She had her father triple your workload, forcing you to stay after hours. It took a toll on you and made it harder to keep time for Alastor. 
But that wasn’t all— your room would be trashed by the time you came home. And somehow, your very few belongings started going missing. 
The last of your patience went out the window when you noticed the locket Alastor gifted you for your one-month anniversary was nowhere to be found. 
It didn’t take a genius to realize Elaine was behind your sudden stroke of bad luck. You put up with the torment all your life, but not anymore. You were at your wits end with Elaine and her arrogant family. 
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“Christ, I hate that wicked woman!” You groaned in frustration as you barged into Alastor’s apartment. The lanky man whipped his head in your direction from where he sat at the piano. His fingers stilled against the keys, ending his song with a dull note. “What did she do this time, my dear?” You stormed over to him before slotting yourself beside Alastor on the piano bench. 
“The locket you gave me for our one-month anniversary is missing! She stole it— I just know it!” You gritted through bared teeth. Alastor wrapped an arm around your shoulder, hugging you close to his side as he cooed at you. “You know, the offer to move in with me still stands.” His voice was gentle as he placed a kiss atop your head. His large palm smoothed over your arm; in an attempt to ease your nerves. 
Heat rose to your face from the mention of his proposition. Sure, you thought about it countlessly. But you and Alastor were only approaching that six-month mark of your flourishing relationship. You always believed in the notion of waiting to live with a partner until after marriage. That’s what you conveyed Alastor. “You know we can’t… unless you are willing to get hitched tomorrow,” You joked, turning your head slightly to peer up at him. 
“Darling, you know I would marry you in a heartbeat. But one of us is not ready for marriage quite yet!” He quipped, dipping low and nuzzling his nose into yours. Your heart did a flip from his unyielding confession. 
You knew Alastor would do anything for you at this point— this man was like no other. He worshipped the ground you walked on, yet you still were on the fence about marriage. You still had your personal goals you wanted to achieve before tying the knot, and Alastor respected your wishes. But you knew deep down he was aching to put a ring on your finger and claim you as his for good. 
“Hey— don’t tease! I just… It’s becoming harder to put up with their nonsense. I wish they would all disappear! Elaine, her father, and her mother.” You let out a long sigh as your body slumped forward. You rested your head atop Alastor’s broad shoulder, smiling softly at his familiar scent. 
“Well, I could make that a reality for you, my sweet girl.” Alastor’s voice was low and dripping with mystery. You laughed at his cryptic utterance. “Yeah, by doing what? Throwing them in a ditch?” You joked, raising a brow as his hand halted against your arm. The air became thick with tension as the silence grew louder. 
“…Well yes, my dear! But the ditch part would be after all the fun.” You quickly turned to face him, your frantic eyes scanning his features for any semblance of falsehood. You found nothing of the sort. 
Alastor’s features were as relaxed as ever. As if he asked you something as mundane as 'what day was it?’
“You’re serious, aren’t you?” Your voice was level as your eyes locked with his chestnut ones. You nervously anticipated his response. “Quite so! Have you noticed the lack of journalists around the radio station lately?" His question threw you for a loop. 
Now that you thought about it- yeah, there has been a lack of jerks around the office. The same fellows that undermined you just for existing. 
“Well now that you mention it— yeah, I have. What does that have to do with anything?” You tilted your head slightly, still not following where your boyfriend was going with this. Alastor’s grin sharpened as his eyes flickered to your lips. “My, dearest, you are too pure for your own good. It drives me crazy.” Alastor’s other hand drifted from the piano keys. His thumb and forefinger came up to grasp your chin. He pulled you in close as his eyes flickered back to yours. 
“Well, I took care of those nasty good-for-nothings! They are resting comfortably in a ditch deep within the preserve. So, no need to worry your pretty little head over it!” Your eyes widened from his confession— his even tone and frenzied stare proved that what he said was factual. 
“They had it coming! Speaking down to you in such a way. I could hardly stand it any longer, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.” Alastor sounded pleased with himself as he confessed to murder so casually. Your eyebrows rose in shock as he tugged you closer. Your lips ghosted over his. “You killed those men for my sake?” 
You could smell the whiskey on his breath from this proximity. Alastor’s hand— that rested on your arm— now found purchase around your waist. “Indeed, and I would do it again in a heartbeat for your sake.” You could sense his anticipation to kiss you at that moment. 
His love for you was suffocating in the best way possible. You didn’t know you were capable of drowning until you sank into his touch. “And I would take pleasure in ending Elaine and her parents’ lives. If it meant your precious mind would be at ease.” 
Your heart fluttered as you closed the gap. Your lips molded against his, moving in tandem. You turned your body toward him through your shared embrace, sliding a leg up and over the piano bench— now straddling the seat. Alastor’s grip on your waist tightened. His fingertips twitched with need as they danced further along your side. You reached out for him, desperately carding your hands through his chestnut locks. Alastor’s chest pressed tightly into yours as his lips moved against yours with a searing desire. You only dared to pull back when your lungs started burning. Alastor rested his forehead against yours as you shared the same air. 
“You really mean it?” You asked breathlessly, allowing your hands to cup his cheeks. 
“My dear, I would die for you,” Alastor paused, the pad of his thumb swiping across your bottom lip sensually. 
“I would lie for you,” His thumb pushed past your parted lips, and your tongue instinctively swirled around his deft digit. 
“I would happily follow you to hell if you asked me to.” You gave his finger a playful suck, reveling in the sight of Alastor’s deep blush. 
His chestnut gaze fixated on your mouth as you pulled off of his thumb with a wet pop. Alastor shuddered at your sultry display. His grip on your waist was firm. 
“Please, Alastor. I want to be a part of it this time. We will be unstoppable together.” 
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Alastor swore he fell in love with you a thousand times over the moment those words left your lips. You couldn’t be any more perfect for him. 
Alastor wanted to tell the whole world about the colors he saw in your eyes; the colors a man out of love could never recognize. He truthfully would have married you the first day you met. It was fixation at first sight. 
He was overjoyed to commit murder alongside you— one of the many memorable first times you would come to share. Alastor saw the pieces fall into place before his very eyes the moment he witnessed you take someone’s life. 
The frenzied stare you harbored; the blood spattering over your perfect face, decorating your smile in a picturesque way. Alastor swore meeting you was his life purpose, and assisting you on your first kill solidified that sentiment for him. 
Alastor could not suppress the urge to touch you at that moment. He pulled you close, taking the lead like many times before. You danced around the dead bodies, laughter filling the barren space as the record player skipped from the other room. 
He always knew red was your color. The first time you met, you were wearing a vermillion dress. But the deep crimson blood covering you from head to toe was your best look yet— he thought. 
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After you both hid the evidence and any proof of life— fabricating notes on Elaine and her parents' behalf to make it seem like they went abroad— you celebrated. 
Celebrated the past no longer having you in its clutches. 
Celebrated the freedom of never having to grin and bear it to survive; ever again. 
Celebrated the ever-growing love you held for Alastor— as he did you. 
Celebrated the new beginnings and the best that was yet to come. 
You saw life in a new light from that day forward, seizing each day with delight. 
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With Elaine’s father out of the picture, Alastor became the man in charge at the radio station. He had full creative freedom to take his radio show in any direction he pleased. If folks dared to disagree, Alastor would promptly take care of them. 
Business was booming for Alastor at the radio station, and you were finally out pursuing hobbies and careers that inspired you. 
Alastor ended up popping the question a couple of months later as things began to settle down for you both. It was romantic, really. His gesture was over the top and grand in the best way possible but still entirely authentic to Alastor. You finally felt ready to take the next step in your relationship. And so, you said yes. 
Alastor was over the moon when you agreed. You could have sworn you saw a single tear roll down his cheek— but he denies it vehemently. 
You didn’t have any friends or family, and neither did Alastor— with his mom having passed years prior, so you truthfully had no need for a grand ceremony. Alastor sorted out the date for you to be wed. The anticipation only elevated your excitement by the day. And when the date finally approached, you could hardly contain your joy. 
You took on the day like any other— you made breakfast, hung the laundry on the clotheslines, participated in your favorite pastimes, and met up with Alastor in the preserve to assist him in burying his most recent victim. 
You didn’t know the dead fellow, but you were sure Alastor had a fair reason for killing him. The man probably took the last jar of special spice from the store that Alastor used to recreate his mother’s jambalaya— and in that case, the prick had it coming. 
It was dusk. The sky was a mesmerizing red and orange ombré as you walked hand in hand through the woods with Alastor. Your free hand held a shovel, and his free hand gripped the ankle of the deceased man whom he dragged from behind along the rocky path. Now and then, the dead man’s clothing would cling to a stubborn stone, making Alastor halt in his stride. You would share a chuckle before he tugged the man free, continuing down the path with you by his side. 
You were so excited to get this over with, so you could head to the courthouse with your beloved Alastor. As you recited your vows in your head, you suddenly heard a loud boom before your hearing failed you entirely. Everything was motionless after that. 
Your mind scarcely processed what had happened until you turned to face Alastor. The sight before you had your stomach in knots. Your beloved was bleeding from his forehead, and as if you were in slow motion— your arms reached up to him as his legs buckled beneath him. You knew you were screaming by the burning sensation in your throat, but your ears were still ringing in a deafening manner. The last thing your conscious mind ever saw was the grim view of all light leaving Alastor’s eyes. 
Those same eyes that grounded you. That brought you purpose and offered you nothing but love and devotion.
All of that was gone in a split second.
After that, you felt a searing pain in your head before your vision went dark. 
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It was as if you were underwater. You felt lighter than air as you sunk deeper into uncharted waters. You could hear muffled voices and flashing lights shining from the surface— but it was all out of reach. You just sunk peacefully. Enjoying the enshrouding darkness. 
However, your peace was torn from you as quickly as it was obtained. 
“She’s a Jane Doe. Poor girl got caught in the crossfire. I bet she didn’t even know the guy she was walking with was a serial killer!” Your eyes burned from the bright lights and the nauseating white ceiling that took up your line of sight as the distant people continued to chatter. “I bet he tricked her into thinking he was a good guy— bet he led her out in those woods just so he could kill her like that poor fellow he was dragging out there!” 
The rhythmic beeping increased as all your focus shifted to the intense shooting pain coming from your head. “Oh— she’s awake! Miss, can you hear me?” You groaned softly as an older woman came into your line of sight. She was peering over you. You must have been lying down— you thought. 
“Loud and clear.” You mumbled, trying to sit up only to be pushed back down by the stranger. “Miss you can’t do that! You’re in the hospital. You suffered from a severe injury. Please, don’t make any sudden movements.” Her words took a moment to process through your semi-conscious mind. 
“What happened to me?” You managed to mutter as you closed your eyes. The intense lights were causing your head to ache even worse. “Miss, you were shot in the head. It was a hunting accident gone wrong,” The nurse paused, giving you a moment to digest her words before continuing. 
“Turns out the man you were out in those woods with was a wanted serial killer. That Alastor fellow was an active murderer for decades! The papers say he was good at steering clear of the cops for all these years. The hunter wasn’t even aiming for you both. His target was a nearby deer,” Your mind was struggling to piece things together as the nurse rambled along. 
“The bullet you took probably was the exact reason you’re still alive! Who knows what that maniac would have done to you? Which reminds me, do you remember your name, sweetheart? You didn’t have identification on your person. We asked around the area to see if anyone recognizes you, but we've had no luck with that.” 
You were surely dreaming, right? 
Everything this woman was saying sounded outlandish. How did you even end up in a situation like that, and more importantly— 
Wait… what is your name? 
“I… I don’t know. I can’t… remember a thing.” You shook your head, which only caused you more pain as your eyes shot open. You were still met by the sight of the noisy nurse, and the white hospital walls. 
Nope, not a dream.
The nurse looked at you with a horrified look. “Oh geez… the doctor said your injury could cause memory loss, but it was a slim chance. Let me go fetch him. This is way out of my pay grade.” The sound of her footsteps echoed through your head before they slowly dissipated. You gaped up at the blank wall. 
A clean slate, nothing to give the surface any character. 
You had no clue who you were and no memories of your life before this accident. 
You were left with more questions than answers. 
The only thing you knew about yourself was that you were one of many Jane Doe's. 
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tags; @danveration @celestial-vomit @jyoongim @stygianoir @polytheatrix @mmik3yy @littlebullofblythe @cxrsedwxrlds @lillithhearts @nogiggleonlybitter @minniemumbles @chewbrry @lbcreations-blog @nonetheartist @call-me-nyxx @zombiesnips-blog @stawberrypimpsimp @wonderlandangelsposts @villxinmiixx @persephoneblck @maxlynn17 @littledolly2345 @karolinda007-blog @falling-endlessly @greekyoghurtwithberries @bladeismine @aloraaaxcrystalzx @doctorswife221b @scaramoochiie @fairyv-ice @chirikoheina @veroneverleft @tired-of-life-86 @saccharine-nectarine @c-thegingergirl @tsunaki @geminixbunny @softangxlicss @alleystore @sirens-and-moonflowers @fairyv-ice @honey132 @alastorsaries @zenix108 @michi-keinz
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twizzie-lairs · 8 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 1)
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Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
*disclaimer: i'm not a great writer, nor am I good at writing characters*
Part 1:
On a cold, dreary night, you take solace in a speakeasy to escape your dreadful home life.
You, the reader, are stuck in what feels like a hopeless, loveless, and potentially abusive marriage that was arranged by you and your husband's parents as more of a political/business move.
So you find yourself sneaking out to the next town over at night whenever your "husband" is away. On nights like those, you left the ring at home. It was only a reminder of your hellish life, you wouldn't let anything reminiscent of your husband come with you to your little escape/happy place.
During your occasional outings, you befriended the speakeasy's owner/proprietress, Mimzy, who becomes your most trusted confidant because you didn't have any "friends" or family you could trust- they were the ones who put you in your living hell after all.
Mimzy also became your biggest fan and patron once she found out you're an artist/painter. Many of your paintings became centerpieces at the bar and your art became synonymous with this prestigious speakeasy of hers.
You pocketed all this money and didn't even have to hide the fact that you were painting. He hated art, so as long as it didn't stay in the house, he didn't care where it went. It was the one good thing you had going for you.
After a particularly prolonged period of time of your husband being home and having to endure so much of his bullshit, you find yourself seated at Mimzy's bar with a drink in hand.
A while into the night, but while the night was still young, you hear Mimzy's voice talking to a voice you've never heard before. You were a regular, so you knew all of the other regulars (you were more of an irregular regular, due to your visits being erratic because it all depended on when your husband was out of town).
But this voice caught your attention immediately. When Mimzy and this unknown man round the corner, your head whipped around, just to lock eyes with this new visitor to the bar.
Upon meeting your gaze, you are met with an unexpectedly warm smile, which makes you gasp and make you debate if the man or the alcohol was the culprit of the blush on your face.
Mimzy walked over with the man and introduced him and you to each other. You extended your hand towards him, and much to your surprise, he laid a gentle kiss upon the top of your hand and told you his name. "Alastor."
After witnessing this exchange, Mimzy giggles and runs along and goes to chat with the other patrons, leaving you and Alastor to chat on your own.
Oh and chat you do, yes indeed. You lose track of time and before you knew it, it was time to head home.
Not once in your life had you lost track of time talking to someone before. Never had you felt the butterflies in your stomach like that. The kindness and genuine interest this man showed you, being attentive to your every word, you felt alive. You don't know the last time you felt like this, if you ever have.
-> Part 2
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reidmarieprentiss · 2 months
Ink Impressions
Summary: Y/N is a hot new tattoo artist that Derek and Emily want to see more of...
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: fluff
Warnings/Includes: tattoos
Word count: 2.1k
main masterlist
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Derek Morgan found himself walking through a part of town he didn't visit often. His steps slowed as he passed a new shop front: Ink Impressions. The sign was sleek, with an artistic flair that caught his eye. It was new, and he’d heard a few people at the gym talk about how talented the artist was. Curious, and with a rare free afternoon on his hands, Derek decided to check it out.
The interior was a mix of industrial chic and cozy comfort. Dark wooden floors complemented exposed brick walls adorned with framed tattoo designs ranging from intricate mandalas to minimalist line art. The hum of tattoo machines filled the air, mingling with the scent of antiseptic and the quiet murmur of clients and artists in conversation.
Derek approached the front desk, where a young man with a friendly smile greeted him. "Hey, welcome to Ink Impressions. How can we help you today?"
"I'm thinking about getting a tattoo," Derek replied, his voice carrying its usual confidence. "Do you guys take drop ins?"
The young man nodded, gesturing towards the back of the shop. "You’re in luck. Our lead artist is available. Her name’s Y/N. She’s amazing. I’ll take you to her."
Derek followed, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. They rounded a corner, and there she was. Y/N was seated at her station, her focus intense as she worked on a client's arm. She was striking, with vibrant hair that fell around her face in waves, a few tattoos peeking out from under her sleeves. She exuded an air of confidence and artistic passion that immediately drew Derek in.
The young man cleared his throat softly. "Y/N, this is Derek. He’s stopped by for a drop in. Do you think you can fit him in before your next appointment?”
Y/N looked up, her eyes meeting Derek’s with a warmth that made his heart skip a beat. She smiled, setting down her tools and removing her gloves. "Hi, Derek. It’s nice to meet you. I’d love to help you with that. Do you have any specific ideas, or would you like me to create something unique for you?"
Derek felt his usual charm waver slightly under her gaze, but he recovered quickly. "I have some ideas, but I’d love to see your take on it."
After Y/N finished with her initial client, she sat down with Derek and discussed the concept, and Y/N sketched a design that captured the essence of strength and resilience, elements that resonated deeply with Derek. Her talent was evident in every stroke, and he was impressed not only by her skill but also by the way she listened and understood the emotions behind his request.
As she prepared her station, Derek glanced around the shop, trying to mask his growing interest in her. "So, how long have you been tattooing?"
Y/N smiled, her eyes sparkling with pride. "About seven years now. I started apprenticing right out of high school and never looked back. I opened this shop a few months ago."
"That’s impressive," Derek replied, genuinely admiring her dedication.
Y/N began the tattoo, her touch gentle yet precise. "What about you? What do you do?"
"I’m an FBI agent," Derek said, watching her work. "Behavioral Analysis Unit."
Y/N looked up, a hint of intrigue in her eyes. "Wow, that sounds intense. Do you solve a lot of mysteries?"
Internally, Y/N couldn't help but laugh. She knew exactly who Derek Morgan was. Spencer had talked about him often enough—his partner at the BAU, a close friend. She could almost hear Spencer’s voice, recounting their cases, his admiration for Derek's skills and strength.
So this is the famous Derek Morgan, she thought, amused. Small world. But she kept her face neutral, professional. She didn’t want to mix business with pleasure. The last thing she needed was for Derek to know she was dating his colleague. It would complicate things, and she prided herself on maintaining a clear boundary between her personal and professional life.
"Yeah, it can be," Derek replied, oblivious to her internal amusement. "It’s challenging, but I love it."
As the session went on, Derek found himself captivated not only by Y/N’s talent but by her presence. She was easy to talk to, and he enjoyed the way she seemed genuinely interested in his stories. There was an effortless connection, a spark that he hadn’t felt in a long time.
When she finished, Derek looked at the tattoo in the mirror, his heart swelling with emotion. "It’s perfect," he said, his voice thick with gratitude. "Thank you."
Y/N smiled, her expression warm and sincere. "I’m glad you like it, Derek. It was an honor to create this for you."
As he paid and prepared to leave, Derek couldn’t help but linger. "Maybe I’ll be back for another one," he said, his tone slightly teasing.
Y/N’s smile widened, and there was a twinkle in her eye. "I’d like that. You know where to find me."
As Derek walked out of Ink Impressions, the cool air hitting his face, he couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N. He knew he’d be back—not just for another tattoo, but to see her again.
The bullpen was bustling with the usual Monday morning activity as the team settled back into their routines. Derek Morgan entered with a confident swagger, a fresh energy emanating from him. As he passed by desks, he couldn't resist pulling up his sleeve to show off his new tattoo. It was an intricate design, beautifully done, and it immediately drew attention.
Emily Prentiss, seated at her desk, caught sight of the tattoo and her eyes widened in admiration. "Wow, Morgan! That’s incredible. When did you get that done?"
Derek grinned, obviously pleased with her reaction. "Got it on Saturday. There’s this new shop called Ink Impressions. The artist is amazing. She really knows her stuff."
Emily stood and walked over, examining the tattoo more closely. "The detail is fantastic. Who's the artist?"
Derek leaned back in his chair, a playful smile on his face. "Her name’s Y/N. She’s not just talented—she’s also incredibly sexy."
Emily raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on her lips. "Sexy and talented, huh? Sounds like you had quite the experience."
Derek chuckled. "You could say that. She’s got this way about her—confident, passionate about her work. You should definitely check her out if you're thinking about getting some ink."
Emily's interest was piqued. "I’ve been considering a tattoo for a while now. Maybe it’s time to finally go for it."
Derek nodded enthusiastically. "You won't regret it, Prentiss. Y/N’s the real deal. Plus, the shop's vibe is great—professional but with a cool, laid-back atmosphere."
Emily looked thoughtful, already envisioning what design she might want. "Alright, I’m sold. I’ll swing by Ink Impressions this week and see if she has any openings."
As they chatted, Penelope Garcia sauntered over, having overheard part of their conversation. "What’s this about a sexy tattoo artist?" she asked, waggling her eyebrows.
Derek laughed. "Garcia, I think you’d love her. She’s got this artistic flair that’s right up your alley."
Garcia clapped her hands together. "Well, now I have to see this for myself. Maybe I’ll get something small to start with."
Emily grinned. "Looks like Y/N might have a few new clients this week."
As they shared a laugh, the phone rang, signaling the start of another case. The team quickly shifted gears, but there was a newfound buzz of excitement. Derek's tattoo had not only impressed his colleagues but also sparked a sense of camaraderie and curiosity.
Throughout the day, Derek couldn't help but think about Y/N and the connection they’d shared. He was eager to see her again, not just for her talent but for the undeniable chemistry between them. Little did he know, Emily and Garcia’s upcoming visits to Ink Impressions would bring them all a step closer to intertwining personal and professional lives in ways they hadn't anticipated.
Emily Prentiss walked into the shop, greeted by the familiar hum of tattoo machines. She was greeted warmly by the receptionist and soon found herself in front of Y/N, who looked up with a welcoming smile.
"Hi there! What can I do for you today?" Y/N asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Emily smiled, feeling instantly at ease. "Hi, I’m Emily. A friend of mine, Derek Morgan, got a tattoo here recently. I was so impressed that I decided to get one myself."
Recognition flashed in Y/N's eyes, and she chuckled inwardly, remembering the charismatic agent. "Ah, Derek! He’s a great guy. What are you thinking of getting?"
As Emily described her idea, Y/N listened intently, her mind already envisioning the design. Despite knowing Derek and his world, she kept her focus on her craft, maintaining the professional boundary she valued. But as she worked on Emily's tattoo, she couldn't help but feel a growing connection to these agents, wondering how long she could keep her secret before the lines between business and pleasure inevitably blurred.
The BAU team had decided to unwind after a long week, gathering at their favorite local bar. The place was lively, filled with the hum of conversation, clinking glasses, and the distant sound of live music. Spencer Reid had just returned from visiting his mother in Las Vegas, and he was grateful for the chance to catch up with his colleagues in a more relaxed setting.
As the team settled into their booth, drinks in hand, Emily Prentiss and Derek Morgan were excitedly discussing their recent tattoos. Emily pulled up her sleeve to show off the intricate design on her forearm, while Derek proudly displayed the tattoo on his bicep.
"You guys have to see this," Emily said, her eyes shining. "Y/N is incredible. Her artistry is on another level."
Derek nodded enthusiastically. "And she's not just talented—she’s smoking hot. I’m telling you, she’s got this whole vibe that’s hard to resist."
Emily laughed. "We were just saying, it’s almost a competition to see who’s going to ask her out first."
They both looked at each other, playfully competitive. "You think you can beat me, Prentiss?" Derek teased.
"Oh, I know I can," Emily shot back, a mischievous grin on her face.
Spencer, sitting quietly beside them, listened to their banter with a growing sense of unease. His fingers tightened around his glass as he processed their words. The name Y/N echoed in his mind. He knew exactly who they were talking about. His girlfriend, Y/N, was the talented artist they were raving about.
Trying to maintain his composure, Spencer asked, "What shop did you guys go to?"
Emily turned to him, still smiling. "It’s called Ink Impressions. It’s a new place, but it's already getting a lot of buzz."
Spencer bit his lip, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He felt a pang of jealousy but also pride knowing how highly they thought of Y/N. He took a deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm.
Just then, the bar door swung open, and Spencer’s heart skipped a beat. Y/N walked in, looking around until her eyes landed on him. She smiled warmly and started making her way over to their table.
Emily and Derek continued their playful debate, oblivious to Spencer’s internal turmoil. "I don’t know, Derek. I think I’ve got the upper hand. I mean, she seemed pretty interested when I was there," Emily said, winking.
Derek laughed. "We’ll see about that, Prentiss. I’m not backing down from this challenge."
Spencer couldn't hold it in any longer. He set his drink down and cleared his throat, catching their attention. "You might want to rethink that competition."
Emily and Derek looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?" Derek asked.
Before Spencer could answer, Y/N reached the table, her presence commanding their attention. She placed a gentle hand on Spencer’s shoulder, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "Hey, baby."
Spencer's face lit up with a smile, and he looked up at her with obvious affection. "Hey, beautiful. I’m glad you made it."
Emily and Derek’s jaws dropped simultaneously. "Wait, you two know each other?" Emily asked, incredulous.
Spencer nodded, a hint of smugness in his voice. "Yeah, you could say that."
Y/N grinned, sliding into the booth next to Spencer. "I guess the secret’s out," she said, laughing softly. “Spence here is my boyfriend.” Y/N gazed at him lovingly.
Derek shook his head in disbelief, but there was a playful glint in his eye. "Well, Reid, you’ve been holding out on us. I guess that means you win by default."
Emily chuckled, raising her glass. "To Spencer and Y/N. I guess we don’t need that competition after all."
The team raised their glasses, toasting to the unexpected revelation. As they settled back into their conversation, Spencer felt a sense of relief and happiness. He had nothing to hide anymore, and the night seemed even brighter with Y/N by his side.
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sepherinaspoppies · 7 months
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Only If For A Night (i/?)
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pairing: Dark! Book Aemond Targaryen x Modern! Reader
summary: In Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), she gets forcefully transported to Westeros and meets her favorite book character, Aemond 'One Eye'. She asks and begs for his help to send her back home after realizing this was a world she did not want to live in. Unknowingly to her, her favorite fictional man had already grown too attached to fully let her go.
warnings for this part: profanity, tea drugging, blood magic, sexism, I think that's it... more dark stuff later. READER IS LATINA !
wc: 4,027
series masterlist
my masterlist
notes: originally I was gonna have this fic be a one shot but it is sooo long that I decided to split it into three. this is an introduction part, aemond will be on the next (I'm half way done with that part).
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Chapter 1: Only If For A Night
She knows she is screwed when Doña Maribel broke the news to her that the last of the cempasuchiles were completely sold out in her shop. Making it five flower shops in the span of an hour that she walked to have fully run out of the bright orange flowers she needed for her ancestral altar that she and her abuela worked tirelessly on for the past few days. (marigolds, grandmother)
She wonders what to do next or perhaps where to go as she plays with the gravel beneath her shoes. Sure, she could walk another mile or so to another flower shop and try her luck there just as Doña Maribel suggested but she finds herself too tired to venture deeper in her small pueblo by herself. (town)
Even the walk back to her abuela’s was not something she looked forward to as of now. This was the time where she wished she had the ability to drive but alas she could not for even the streets of Mexico were more hectic and nerve wracking than back at the states. (grandmother’s)
She sighs in defeat. The cempasuchiles were the last thing on her abuela’s list of things she required for tonight’s first day of Dia de Los Muertos. The bright orange flowers illuminated the path of those who died, back into the land of the living and enjoy the offerings their family’s set up for them. (Day of the Dead)
Maybe for just tonight she could spare them.  
She sets her three mercado bags beside her as she sits down on a bench right next to a bus stop that could lead her directly to her abuela’s home. The smell of citrus of the lemon tree above her eases her disappointment and feels that this is the perfect spot to reread one of her favorite books. (shopping)
George R. R. Martin’s, Fire and Blood Vol. 1. She wondered what it was like to reside in a world of dragons (before they were all extinct), dire wolves from the North, red priestesses from Volantis, and mysterious yet powerful witches. To live inside the walls of the Red Keep and tour around the secret passageways and to fight for the rightful Queen of Westeros, Rhaenyra and the other members of the Blacks during the Dance of Dragons.  
Sadly, even if it was possible to venture deep into alternate fantasy universes. It all was pure fiction. Not real. Impossible. 
‘And so one-eyed Aemond the Kinslayer took up the iron-and-ruby crown of Aegon the Conqueror, “It looks better on me than it ever did on him,” the prince proclaimed.’
“Excuse me, do you happen to know when the bus is due to arrive?” She snaps her head up meeting the most beautiful and enchanting woman she’d ever seen. Eyes round and greener than the trees itself during spring. Hair long and black like ravens in the night sky. She was tall, taller than most of the women here with skin like porcelain that had not seen a day of sun, a rarity here in Mexico. 
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It was her mischievous tight lipped smile that made her feel loss of words. Unknowingly, this mysterious woman was the first person who spoke to her in English, not Spanish.
“Umm… I- I’m sorry?” 
The green eyed woman smirked as if she knew the small effect she had on her. Gods she was beautiful. 
“The bus–” 
She shook her head out of her revere, coming to reality. “Oh, I’m not sure. Perhaps a few more minutes.” She informed, pulling her mercado bags closer to her side, allowing the green eyed woman to sit, not wanting to be rude. 
She murmurs a quick thank you as she sits exceedingly close to her, shoulder to shoulder, flesh to flesh with her. Jeez, talk about personal space! However, the woman doesn’t seem to care or acknowledge that she has enough space for her own person. A feeling of uncertainty rests below her gut, telling her to be vigilant around her presence.    
“How long have you waited?” She asks, breaking away the long silence between them. She almost shivers at the intensity hue of her eyes that bore right through her. 
“About ten to twelve minutes.” She replies, looking anywhere else but her. 
A satisfactory look sketched around the woman's youthful yet elderly face which she found odd. What could be so pleasing about the bus not arriving? The woman said nothing, only sitting rather straight, almost elegant in her simple long green dress. Though, in the back of her mind, she wondered if she felt hot underneath the heaviness of the velvet fabric. She sure as hell did.
“Wait, how did you know I spoke english?” She asked as the hairs on her arms stood up straight in some kind of chilling fear. 
The woman’s eyes lowered and centered on the object sitting up on her lap. “Your book gives it away.” She snickered softly, tilting her head reading the bold letters of her very worn book she got at the thrift store for just two dollars. “An interesting read.” The green eyed woman said whilst her face held no sincere fondness of it for someone who found it interesting. 
“You’ve read this before?” She asked curiously, little taken back, that she finally found someone else who read Fire and Blood Vol 1. Or anything by George R. R. Martin. 
“Yes, almost like I've lived through it” 
She opens her mouth to speak but the green eyed woman beats her to it. “I don’t mean to pry but where are you headed?” The smile falls off her face as she remembers the warning of stranger danger she learned as a kid. 
The woman must have noticed the dubious look upon her face as she threw her head back in a laugh. “I ask because it seems a storm is coming our way. And it looks like an angry one.” 
Sure enough, as she looked up the sky had turned into a deep gray with heavy clouds ready to pour any minute. Well this wasn’t forecasted in the noticias this morning, otherwise, she’d carry an umbrella. Or better yet, she wouldn’t have walked all this way if a storm was brewing. (news) 
“My cottage is not very far from here,” the green eyed woman revealed, standing up from the bench, overlooking the seriousness of the clouds. “It is just around the corner. Would you like to come?” 
She wanted to say no, that she was better off walking an hour back to her abuela’s house, even if it meant that she’d catch a cold in the pouring rain with blisters all over her feet. Besides, she did not know anything about this woman. Every bit of her mind screamed stranger danger! Don’t go!
But as she glanced between the heavy clouds and the green eyed woman with her hand extended out, all that doubt and worriment went away. 
“I don’t even know your name,” she pointed out. If all goes bad, at least she had a name to tell the authorities.
“My name is Alyssandra Riveras.” The green eyed woman smiled, bowing at the waist. 
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Though still somewhat skeptical, she walks alongside Alyssandra to her cottage. She makes small mental notes in her head, counting the red stop signs, right and left turns and any other landmarks of important significance. 
She was almost positive she could point her way back home. It did not help that five minutes into their journey, it started harshly pouring out of nowhere like a bucket of water had been poured all over, blanketing her vision. 
Alyssandra’s cottage had sat on the outskirts of the pueblo, isolated from all civilization, hidden around tall and green pine trees. A faint voice in the back of her head screamed to run and never look back. She ignored it.
From a close distance, she was able to distinguish a small window with overgrown vines and branches wrapped around the perimeter of the cottage. Bones, bells, and crystal windchimes hung from the roof and windows, mostly likely put up for some kind of spiritual protection. 
She was no stranger to the craft. Although raised catholic, both her mama and abuela had hung an old broom above their doorway to keep away unwanted guests and negative energies as well as pinning the mal de ojo sigil around the walls for the look of evil and envy against their family. (evil eye)
“Cempasuchiles,” she murmured in awe when Alyssandra’s small garden came into view. It was the most of the orange flowers she had ever seen, all bright and lively and huddled together. 
“When the storm is over, you can grab as many as you’d like,” Alyssandra offered, peering over her shoulder, unlocking the door to her cottage. She nods following her inside whilst giving a grateful smile. 
The interior of the cottage was small, meant only for one person to take residence. The same size as what a studio apartment would be back in the states.
In no way was the inside minimal, in fact it was the opposite. Almost all of the walls were covered with shelves with small trinkets adorning inside such as little statues, crystals, herbs and other supplies. 
In the center of the room lay a huge stone like table, old and antique bearing the resemblance of something medieval. And something about it, sent shivers down her spine along with the same faint voice, telling her to run. 
She ignored it, again. 
“Give me your belongings, and change into this,” Alyssandra says, tossing a strappy white chemise. She exchanges her poor-soaked mercado bags that contained pan de muerto, churros, and tamales for her ancestral ofrenda. (bread of the dead, offering)
She turns around to protect her modesty, seeing as there was no other room to change nor did Alyssandra point her to the bathroom, so she lifts the drenched garment over her head and sheds away the last clothing she had on her body, leaving her completely bare in her birthday suit. 
She couldn’t help but to feel Alyssandra’s eyes watching her very intently, examining every inch of her body as if it met her standards or so. She knows she should use her hands to cover up and give Alyssandra a piece of her mind, or better yet introduce her to a knuckle and hand sandwich for the way she was looking too closely.  
Yet her body feels frozen, unable to move under the green eyed woman’s gaze. 
“Would you like some tea to keep you warm?” Alyssandra asked, moseying to the kitchen. 
She blinks, whatever paralyzing feeling she had dispelled away. “Um, yes thank you.” Alyssandra nodded, pulling what looked to be a kettle on the stove. Meanwhile, she slipped on the white chemise in a hurry to not feel as exposed anymore. 
She takes the time to analyze the rest of Alyssandra’s cottage as she hears the droplets of rain hit the rooftop harder and the sound metal being filled with water. Various of the same purple flower plants were placed near the entrance, she notes to herself that these couldn’t possibly be lavender but another species or something within the same family. 
A small cot laid in the corner close by the hearth, with multiple open ancient books and scrolls spread on top of the bedspread. She almost wants to look through the pages and read Alyssandra’s interests but she doubts she could as she observes the handwriting is unreadable from where she stood. 
She walks forward to where the hearth is, feeling slightly warmer as something immediately catches her eye. Above the mantle, hung on the wall was a medium sized portrait of a small boy, appearing no more than three years old. He stood straight, almost regally with his hands behind his back. His face held no gentleness or warmth like a child should have. 
Gods forgive her, but the child looked cruel like the gueritos who bullied her in elementary school when she was just trying to make new friends. (white boys) 
Though, for an evil looking child, he sure was beautiful. The most striking thing about him was his set of eyes. Wide with his left eye a dark violet and his right a dark green similarly to Alyssandra’s. His hair was straight and cut short right below his ears. She looked closer at the portrait, thinking if her eyes deceived her as she noticed the peculiar color of the boy’s hair. 
Curiosity takes the better of her as she asks, “Is that your son?” 
Alyssandra turns, holding two mugs of steaming tea. “Yes, that’s my beautiful little boy,” She places both glasses on the stoned table before she sits adjacent to her. It doesn’t go unnoticed by her the sad look on Alyssandra’s eyes. “He looks like you,” she points out though it’s somewhat of a lie in hopes to lift up Alyssandra’s spirits.
Alyssandra throws her head back in a chortle, “For all my hard work and labor, I had hoped he looked like me but nature loves to play its cruel jokes. He is a replica of his bastard father.” The thought of her son’s father left a sour and disgusting taste in Alyssandra’s mouth. 
Alyssandra focused her attention back to her, “What about you?” She asked, sitting rather too straight. 
“Do you mean if I have kids? Gods, no.” 
Alyssandra smirked, “I take it you don’t like the idea of children. I did not either but after years of solitude, I changed my mind. I had other children before my son, but all of them died before they were due. You, however, are still young. Your mind can still change.” 
She shifted in her seat anxiously, sipping the odd taste of the herbal tea Alyssandra provided. It wasn’t like she did not like children. She respected children and found them quite cute with their little tiny hands and feet and infectious laughs. But besides the point of appearance, children were a tremendous amount of responsibility that she found herself not ready for.
Not now. Not ever. 
She could barely handle taking care of herself. Much less care and provide for a child for eighteen years or so. 
“I don’t—” 
“Oh but you will,” Alyssandra fired back without so much as blinking an eye. 
She grimaced, knowing where this conversation was heading. And it was about to be a not so pretty one. She glanced at the window by the door, the rain was still heavy if not more.
“I thank you for giving me shelter. But I really must go. I was only just supposed to be out for some groceries and my abuela is probably wondering where I am.” Polite and respectful enough just as her mama taught her.
She grabbed her belongings that were hanging by the fire and stuffed them inside her mercado bag. Her hand was on the cusp of prying the door open when Alyssandra rushed to her side, wrapping her hand around her wrist. 
“Wait. Please don’t go.” Alyssandra pleaded, “It’s just that you remind me much about myself. I didn't mean to cause offense, I’m sorry.” 
Run. Say no and run now, While you still can…
There it was again that same paralyzing feeling closing in on her feet, preventing her to move. It was strange like a shield gluing both her legs down. 
She nodded, murmuring ‘fine’ under her breath as Alyssandra slowly led her back to the woven chair with such gentleness as a porcelain doll. “I still need to call my abuela, so she can know I’m alright.” 
Alyssandra twisted her face in a wince, “I’m afraid we’re too far out for any signals to catch a telephone call.” She held back the overweening snicker to herself, it was why Alyssandra chose her cottage to be settled this far out in this very modernized realm; so no one could find her. 
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Alyssandra wasn’t lying. No matter how hard she hit her Iphone against her palm or moved it around, there had not been a single signal bar glowing. She wondered if her abuela had started to grow worried and perhaps began to search for her. She hoped she didn’t and that her cousins kept her preoccupied with the rest of the decorations to notice the duration of how long she’d been out. She also wondered if they were still going to the cementerio, to clean and decorate the graves of their loved ones but with the amount of thunder and rain, she’d doubt it was still on the agenda. (cemetery)
Alyssandra prepared some more tea as the fire gradually faltered down. This one had a different taste than the previous one with tiny purple petals floating around. Alyssandra watched very intently as she sipped every last drop while she scarcely touched her own mug.
The green eyed woman began asking her multiple personal questions, mostly about where she was originally from (due to the fact that her vocabulary deemed to be more vehement in English than Spanish), her family, and if she had any siblings. She had answered them all. Letting her know that she was just visiting from the states to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos with her family she had not seen since the death of her sweet abuelo. (grandfather)
Alyssandra’s eyes glimmered even more when she explained how strangely, her very stern and overprotective mama had suddenly let her travel by herself to a country she had never been to in years since she was small. Her mama preferred her to be where she could keep a close eye on her because ‘uno nunca sabe’ especially if you’re a woman. (one never knows)
It was odd, alright. Especially when her mama gave her money that she didn’t have, and enthusiastically wished her good fortune on her travels. Yup odd…
But not to Alyssandra.
Alyssandra sat down after cleaning both mugs ready to ask the hard hitting questions she’d been warming her up to. “Have you ever been with a man?” Her eyes widened before breaking rounds of deep laughter that made the sides of her ribs ache and cramp. 
However, there wasn’t an ounce of amusement displayed on Alyssandra’s face, but rather annoyance. What was so funny? It was a simple and uncomplicated question that meant no harm. At least not to her. He couldn’t harm her any more here. Alyssandra guessed perhaps it was the side effect of the tea making her humoristic. 
“No,” She replied, wiping the humoristic tears at the corner of her eyes. “The opportunity has never presented itself?” Alyssandra asked.
All the humor that previously lingered had gone swiftly away, realizing that Alyssandra was indeed asking something so personal to her. “No,” She shook her head, feeling her face hot and red. “People don’t look at me as someone they want to be with. They’d rather be with someone exciting, adventurous, and outing. And I’m neither of those things. I’m a homebody who’s idea of fun and adventure is living through fictional books.” She answered truthfully, too truthfully. 
Alyssandra watched her face transform into a deeper shade of red. “What is it?” She questioned, taking a hold of her hand, taking in the role of someone empathetic. 
“I want my first time to be special. Like the fairytales I grew up reading about with the grand Prince sweeping the young maiden off her feet and taking her to his castle…” The way her eyes reflected small flashes of light made Alyssandra almost feel guilty for her true intentions once the repercussions of the tea ran out. 
She remembers when she too wished for a dashing knight in shining armor to take her away, far away from the shit she had been through; the pain, the suffering, and the poverty. All of it. As Alyssandra grew well into her womanhood, she realized there was no knight coming to save her. Instead, there was a selfish Prince who spared her for his desires and her many talents beyond the acts of the flesh.  
But Alyssandra needed her to go. She needed that piece that was stolen from her. She didn’t want the risk of going back and facing him again and repeating through the hell and agony he put her through. So sending her for it seemed like the better alternative. 
“I know you probably think it sounds stupid–” She stammered, her face still beet red. 
“I don’t think it sounds stupid,” Alyssandra softly smiled, giving her hand a light squeeze. Judging by the serene look upon her face, it was a good lie that she seemed to believe. 
She smiled. Finally, someone who didn’t think of the idea of waiting for the right person was silly and unrealistic. 
Her smile deterred, sensing something trickle down her nose, dropping against the skin of her hand. 
Blood. Her blood. 
“Alyssandra?” She whispered, puzzled at the sight of more blood spilling out of her nose. Every strand of hair in her arms stood, sensing a new type of alertness course right through her. She glanced at a very blurred Alyssandra with what looked to be a smirk written on her face. 
“W-What’s happening?” She stood from the chair, but that soon turned out to be a bad idea as her knees gave out, sending her straight to the stoned cold floor. She glanced up, watching as Alyssandra sauntered in front of her, and as much as she wanted to crawl away her body was glued to the floor. 
“Look,” Alyssandra said, crouching down at her level before she took her in her arms like a newborn baby, weighing little to nothing. “We don’t have much time. When you wake up, I need you to retrieve something of mine…” 
She felt her back collide on top of the stoned table, “What was in that tea?” She questioned but Alyssandra was quick to shush her. “It doesn’t matter now. You drank it all willingly.” There was no argument there. 
Alyssandra pulled out a jar with overflowing cempasuchil petals inside and circled the petals around her. Almost like a ritualistic circle she used to watch the brujas next door do. (witches)
“You need not to be afraid. You will not be harmed as long as you do what I say. Exactly as I say.” She gulped, nodding seeing as she had no other choice. “Bruja.” She spat but Alysssandra only chuckled, “I’ve been called much worse, little dove.” (witch)
Through the corner of her eye, she saw Alyssandra holding out a small knife. “I am in need of a sapphire. It was stolen from me many years ago. It is one of a kind, which is why when you see it you’ll know it is mine.” 
She momentarily shut her eyes as the dark haired woman rapidly cut the middle of her palm spewing her blood on top of the petals. “Once you’re successful, you’ll come back here with the sapphire and gather some of my materials. The marigold petals with your blood coating them; The blood of whom you took the sapphire from and lastly you’ll lay on top of my precious table here to be transported back.” 
There was an evil smile on her lips that she desperately wanted to punch it off. “And if I don’t get the sapphire?” She questioned. 
Alyssandra combed away her unruly braided hair, “Then I won’t bring you back and you’ll be stuck there forever.” 
“Stuck? Stuck where? Where am I going?” 
Alyssandra clicked her tongue, “A place where fairy tales do not exist, my little dove.” If she wanted a Prince to sweep her off her feet. Alys would gladly give her one. 
She attempted to wiggle herself out of this pendeja’s spell but whatever Alyssandra mixed in the tea it was compelling her body to still and her eyes to slowly falter shut in a peaceful sleep. (dumbass) 
“However I should warn you, this spell is only valid until tomorrow. Until Dia de Los Muertos is over and even if you do achieve in retrieving the sapphire but it is after November second, you'll be permanently trapped with him.” 
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She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
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Summary: Going out to the country to spend the summer with your grandparents wasn't ever new to you... but the new cute ranch hand is.
Warnings: Pining, Slight use of Y/N, Blowjob, Outside sex, Protected sex, Some dirty talk, Talk of round two.
Word count: 4.2k
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire characters nor do I claim to own them.
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He crossed his arms standing across from you, his muscles flexing softly under the sunlight as he looked you up and down, he smirked a little as his eyes landed on your figure again. He took his time checking you out as you arrived to stay with your grandparents for the summer, he had a pronounced southern accent, and he was handsome, not to mention his southern charm. He moved closer to you as he slowly spoke again. “ain’t seen you here before, sugar.”
You felt his gaze running over your body like a caress, sending a shiver down your spine. His southern accent was both charming and captivating, and his muscular frame seemed to radiate masculinity. You tried to keep your cool as you looked up at him, but you couldn’t help the way your heart raced in your chest. “Yeah, I’m just here for the summer, visiting my grandparents,” you replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “And how about you?” "Visiting family, huh?" Zack asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Well, ain't that somethin'. It's mighty fine to have some fresh blood 'round these parts." He stepped even closer, invading your personal space just a bit. The heat of his body was palpable, and you could smell the musky scent of his cologne mixed with the earthy aroma of horses and leather. "I'm Benji," he said, extending a large, calloused hand towards you. "Benjicot Blackwood. Pleased to make your acquaintance, miss…" He trailed off, waiting for you to supply your name. His eyes sparkled with mischief and something else - a primal intensity that made your breath catch in your throat.
Your heart skipped a beat as he approached, invading your personal space with his imposing presence. The scent of his cologne and the smell of the outdoors on his skin was overpoweringly masculine, and it made you feel both excited and slightly intimidated. You took his hand in yours, shivering at the texture of his calloused skin against your own smooth fingers. "It's nice to meet you, Benji," you said, your voice coming out a little breathless as if actually looking forward to the summer for the first time since you were a kid. "I'm Y/N." The corners of his mouth twitched into a grin as he shook your hand firmly, holding onto it longer than necessary. "Pleasure's all mine, Darlin," he drawled, "I hope you're planning on stickin' around for a while. This ol' town sure could use someone as pretty as you to liven things up." He winked at you playfully, the sparkle in his eye undeniable. Benji said, grinning widely as he let go of your hand. "I reckon we'll be seein' more of each other around these parts." He winked at you playfully before turning to leave, leaving you alone once again. As he walked away, he threw one last comment over his shoulder at you. "Don't forget now, Y/N, these parts aren't best known for its nightlife, so best be careful where you venture off to this summer."
You grew flustered at his compliment, and you couldn't help but feel a little flustered as he held onto your hand for longer than necessary. You tried to keep your composure as he smiled at you, but your heart was racing inside. What was it about this man that made you feel so off balance? You watched him walk away, your eyes lingering on his muscular form, before he turned to throw one last comment over his shoulder. You didn't know why, but his words only intrigued you.
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Every day, that encounter with Benji played in the back of your mind. You couldn't shake the memory of his smile, his scent, his intense gaze. And now, as you walked through town, you found yourself looking for him, unconsciously hoping to run into him again. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw him walking towards you on the sidewalk. He was wearing a tight shirt that hugged his muscular torso and a pair of jeans that hugged his hips in the best way possible. As soon as he spotted you, Benji's grin widened even further. He tipped his hat in greeting and sauntered over to you, his boots clicking against the pavement. "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in," he teased lightly, his voice deep and warm. "Thought maybe I'd see ya wanderin' 'round town today." He leaned casually against the wall beside you, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "What brings you out and about? Plannin' on causin' trouble already?"
You tried to keep the grin off your face but failed miserably. You couldn't help it; there was something about this man that made you smile. "Just enjoying the summer breeze," you said, trying to sound nonchalant. "And no, I don't plan on causing trouble. At least, not too much trouble." You glanced over at him, taking in the way his shirt hugged his muscular body. It was hard to ignore how attractive he was. "Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that," Benji drawled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He pushed himself off the wall and stood towering over you, making you acutely aware of your own smaller stature. "Trouble has a way of findin' people who don't expect it." He tilted his head slightly, studying your face with interest. "So, tell me, Darlin, what do you enjoy doin' when you're not causin' trouble?" You swallowed hard as he stepped closer to you, his tall frame towering over you and making you feel small. You tried to keep your cool, but your heart was beating faster than normal. "Well," you began, trying to sound as casual as possible, "I like to read, hike, that sort of thing." You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. "And you? When you're not busy ranching or chasing trouble, that is."
"Ranchin', ridin' bulls, fixin' things," Benji listed off, shrugging his shoulders. "The usual stuff. Nothin' too excitin'." He paused for a moment, his gaze drifting over your face. "But I gotta say, spendin' time with pretty ladies like yourself is always a nice change of pace." He flashed you another wink before pushing himself off the wall completely and straightening up to his full height. "Anyway, I best get goin'. Got some chores waitin' for me back home. But I hope to see you 'round these parts again real soon, Y/N." With that, he touched the brim of his hat in farewell and strode off down the street, leaving you watching after him with a fluttering stomach and a racing pulse. You watched as he walked off, his tall, muscular frame striding away with ease. Your heart was racing in your chest, and you found yourself staring after him long after he had disappeared from sight. You tried to shake off the feeling, reminding yourself that he was just a charming cowboy who probably said those kinds of things to a lot of girls. But still, you couldn't deny the effect he had on you. You knew you'd be seeing more of him soon, and that thought both thrilled and unnerved you.
As the days went by, you found yourself thinking about Benji more and more. You kept your guard up, trying to convince yourself that it was just a simple crush, nothing serious. But with each passing day, you found yourself growing more and more infatuated with him. You tried to push him out of your mind, but he was like a stubborn weed, refusing to be uprooted from your thoughts. The more you tried to avoid him, the more you found yourself in places where you might run into him. It was as if your own subconscious was betraying you. As the days passed, Benji couldn't help but notice the way you would glance his way whenever you happened to cross paths. There was something different about you, something more than just a simple crush. He wondered if you felt the same pull towards him as he did towards you. One afternoon, while he was working in the barn, he caught sight of you strolling past, your hair blowing gently in the wind. He watched you for a moment, admiring the sway of your hips and the curve of your waist. Then, without thinking, he called out to you.
You were walking past the barn, lost in your own thoughts when the sound of your name being called broke you out of your reverie. You looked up to see Benji standing outside the barn, his lean, muscular form illuminated by the sunlight streaming through the doors. Your heart skipped a beat. You quickly composed yourself and walked over to where he was standing. "Hey," you said breathlessly. Benji grinned as you approached, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Afternoon, Darlin'," he drawled, tipping his hat to you. "Been thinkin' about you lately." He leaned against the barn doorframe, his biceps flexing beneath the sleeves of his shirt. "Wonderin' if you might wanna take a ride with me sometime. Out to the river, maybe. It's a mighty fine spot for picnics and such." He winked at you suggestively, his meaning clear. "Whaddya say? Wanna spend some time with me this weekend?" Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you tried to maintain your composure. Spending time alone with Benji, out in the wilderness, just the two of you? The idea was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. But you couldn't deny that you were attracted to him, and the thought of spending a day in his company was very tempting. "Umm, yeah, sure," you said, trying to sound casual. "I mean, that sounds nice."
Benji's grin widened at your acceptance, and he clapped you on the shoulder, his touch firm and reassuring. "That's the spirit, Darlin'," he said, his voice low and encouraging. "Saturday mornin', meet me at the stable by nine. We'll saddle up and head on out." He gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze before stepping back, his eyes never leaving yours. "Looking forward to it," he added, before turning and disappearing back into the barn, leaving you standing there, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness wash over you. You stood there for a moment, the warmth of his hand still lingering on your shoulder, as you watched him disappear into the barn. Your heart was racing in your chest as you replayed his words in your head. A day alone with him, out by the river… It sounded both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. You smiled to yourself, your mind already imagining what the day might hold. You'd have to prepare, and make sure you had everything ready for the ride. And most importantly, try to calm down your nerves before the big day.
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The next few days passed quickly, filled with preparations and anticipation. You packed a small picnic basket with sandwiches, fruit, and a couple of bottles of water, and made sure you had everything you needed for a day out in the sun. The night before the ride, you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, your mind racing with thoughts of what the next day might bring. You tried to calm yourself, to remind yourself that it was just a casual outing with a handsome cowboy, nothing more. But despite your best efforts, you couldn't shake the anxious flutter in your stomach. Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, the sun shining down on the ranch with its usual vigor. Benji was already waiting for you at the stables when you arrived, his horse saddled and ready to go. He greeted you with a wide smile and a tip of his hat, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Mornin', Darlin'," he drawled, his voice warm and inviting. "Ready for our little adventure?" He held out a hand to help you mount your horse, his fingers brushing against yours and sending a shiver down your spine. Once you were settled in the saddle, he swung himself up onto his own horse with practiced ease, and together, you set off across the open plains, the wind whipping through your hair and the sun warming your skin.
You felt a thrill of excitement and nerves as Benji helped you mount your horse, the brush of his fingers against your skin sending a shiver down your spine. The ride through the open plains was a thrill, the wind whipping through your hair and the sun warming your skin. You chanced a glance at Benji as you rode, taking in his lean, muscular frame, the way his hips moved with the rhythm of the horse's gait. You tried to ignore the fluttering in your stomach and focus on the beauty of the landscape, but it was hard not to feel the pull of his presence beside you. As you rode, Benji pointed out various landmarks and shared stories about the land and its history. His deep, resonant voice washed over you, and you found yourself hanging on his every word. The miles seemed to melt away under the horses' hooves, and before long, you reached the riverbank. Benji dismounted first, then turned to help you down from your horse. He led you to a shaded spot near the water's edge, where a large oak tree provided welcome relief from the sun. "Here we are," he said, spreading out the blanket he'd brought along. "Ain't she a beaut?" The river sparkled in the sunlight, its waters crystal clear and inviting. Benji gestured for you to sit down, and you graciously accepted, settling in for a relaxing afternoon by the river.
You felt a sense of peace wash over you as you took in the beauty of the river, its waters sparkling in the sunlight. You sat down on the blanket, your skin prickling with anticipation at the thought of spending the afternoon alone with Benji. He settled down beside you, his body close enough that you could feel the warmth radiating off of him. The two of you ate your picnic lunch, chatting and laughing, sharing stories and jokes. The hours seemed to fly by in a blur, and before you knew it, the sun was beginning to sink low in the sky. Benji became increasingly attentive, making sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed. His presence was comforting, and you found yourself drawn to him even more. As the afternoon wore on, the heat of the day began to wane, replaced by a cool breeze that carried the scent of wildflowers and grass. Benji stretched out beside you on the blanket, propping himself up on an elbow to watch you. "You're doin' real good, Darlin'," he said, his voice low and appreciative. "Real good." He reached out, tracing a finger lightly down the side of your arm, sending another jolt of electricity through your system. You swallowed hard, suddenly aware of how close you were sitting to him, how easily he could reach out and touch you.
You felt your breath catch in your chest as his finger traced down your arm, sending a shock of electricity crackling through your body. His words washed over you, leaving you feeling both vulnerable and exposed. You tried to keep your cool, but it was hard not to notice the way he was looking at you, his gaze intense and full of desire. You swallowed hard, trying to keep your thoughts from spiraling out of control. The tension between you was palpable, and it was getting harder and harder to ignore. Benji watched you closely, his eyes reflecting a smoldering intensity. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear as he whispered, "You know, I've been wantin' to get my hands on you since the moment I laid eyes on ya." His voice was low and husky, sending a ripple of desire coursing through your veins. He placed a hand on your thigh, his grip firm yet gentle, his thumb stroking the sensitive skin just above your knee. "How 'bout we make the most of this beautiful day?"
Your heart fluttered in your chest as he leaned in close, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You could feel the heat radiating off his body, the strength of his hand on your thigh, his thumb tracing lazy circles on your skin. Your mind was racing, torn between the thrill of his touch and the knowledge of what might happen if you let yourself go. You took a shaky breath, trying to find your voice. "What did you have in mind?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. Benji's lips curved into a wicked smile, his eyes darkening with lustful intent. "Well, for starters," he murmured, his voice dropping even lower, "how 'bout we lose these clothes?" He tugged gently at the hem of your shirt, his fingers deftly working their way up to your shoulders. "Seems like a shame to waste such a lovely day all covered up." His touch was light, teasing, promising more than just a simple undressing. The sensation of his fingers on your skin was intoxicating, making you forget everything else except the desire burning within you. You nodded slowly, unable to resist the urge to give in to his touch. "Okay," you breathed out, your voice laced with longing. You lifted your arms, allowing him to peel your shirt off, exposing your bare torso to the warm afternoon air. The sight of his hands on you, the look in his eyes, it was all too much, and you found yourself leaning in closer, craving the contact.
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Benji's hands moved with purpose, peeling off your shirt and tossing it aside. His eyes roamed over your exposed flesh, drinking in the sight of the curves of your body. He let out a low growl of approval, his hands moving to the waistband of your pants, unfastening them with a swift motion. "You're gorgeous," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. He pushed your pants down, along with your underwear, revealing the rest of your body to his hungry gaze. You felt a rush of heat flood through you as he stripped you bare, his eyes raking over your naked form with undisguised hunger. The cool air kissed your skin, making you shiver with anticipation. You reached out tentatively, running your hands over the broad expanse of his chest, feeling the firm muscles beneath his shirt. "Your turn," you murmured, tugging at the hem of his shirt. You wanted to see him, to feel his skin against yours, to lose yourself in the heat of his body.
Benji stood up, shedding his shirt with a fluid motion, revealing his muscular torso to your eager gaze. He looked down at you, his expression filled with raw desire. "Like what you see?" he teased, his voice rough with arousal. He kicked off his boots and stepped out of his pants, standing before you completely nude. His member stood erect, throbbing with need, a clear indication of his desire for you. The sight of him, so powerful and virile, sent a wave of desire crashing over you. You reached out, tracing a finger down the length of his cock, feeling it twitch under your touch. "I can't deny it," you admitted your voice a mix of awe and lust. You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his chest, tasting the salt of his skin. Your tongue darted out, flicking over a hardened nipple, savoring the sharp intake of his breath. Benji groaned softly, his hands finding their way to your head, threading through your hair. "That feels damn good," he breathed out, his voice strained with pleasure. He guided your head, urging you to take more of him into your mouth, to taste the essence of his manhood. His hips bucked slightly, pushing his cock deeper into your warm, wet mouth.
The sound of his pleasure fueled your own, driving you to take him deeper, to explore every inch of him with your mouth. You sucked gently, swirling your tongue around the tip of his cock, savoring the salty tang of his pre-cum. Your hands wandered down his body, gripping his ass firmly, pulling him closer to your eager mouth. Benji's grip on your hair tightened as he lost himself in the sensations of your skilled mouth. "Fuck, yeah…just like that," he ground out, his hips rolling in rhythm with your movements. He could feel the heat building, his climax approaching rapidly. With a guttural moan, he pulled back, his cock glistening with your saliva. "Gonna flip you over now," he rasped, his eyes blazing with lust. "Want to be inside you when I come." The thought of him taking you from behind, filling you completely, sent a surge of excitement through your body. You nodded eagerly, turning onto your stomach, and presenting yourself to him. You glanced back over your shoulder, watching as he positioned himself behind you, his cock brushing against your slick entrance.
Benji's eyes met yours, a flash of false concern crossing his face before a sly grin spread across his lips. "Don't worry, darlin'," he purred, reaching over to grab a condom from his discarded jeans. He tore open the packet with his teeth and rolled the latex over his throbbing erection. "Now, where were we?" He gripped your hips, guiding his cock to your entrance, teasing you with the tip before finally thrusting deep inside you in one smooth motion. The sensation of being filled so completely made you gasp, your body arching back against him. You could feel every ridge and vein of his cock stretching you, claiming you as his own. You clenched around him instinctively, your inner walls clamping down on him, desperate for more. "Oh god…" you moaned, the pleasure almost too intense to bear. Benji began to move, setting a steady pace, each thrust driving deeper into your welcoming warmth. His hands explored your body, squeezing your ass cheeks, digging into your flesh as he fucked you relentlessly. "Damn, you're tight," he grunted, his strokes becoming more forceful, more urgent. He leaned over you, his chest pressed against your back, his breath hot against your neck.
You could feel his heartbeat pounding against your back, syncopated with the rhythm of his thrusts. The sensation of his hard body against yours, the way he filled you so perfectly, was overwhelming. You pushed back against him, meeting his strokes, increasing the intensity of the encounter. "Harder," you begged, your voice a needy whimper. "Please, fuck me harder." A feral growl escaped Benji's throat at your plea, his hips snapping forward with renewed vigor. He pounded into you mercilessly, the sounds of skin slapping against skin echoing through the room. One hand slid up your body, cupping your breast, kneading the soft flesh roughly. "You want it harder, baby? Want me to fuck this sweet little cunt until you scream my name?" His words were filthy, his tone commanding, demanding. He pinched your nipple, twisting the sensitive bud, sending jolts of pain-pleasure straight to your core. The combination of pain and pleasure was too much, pushing you closer to the edge. You cried out, your voice ringing with both agony and ecstasy. "Yes! Fuck yes!" You rocked back against him, desperate for more, for everything he had to offer. Your orgasm built rapidly, coiling tightly within you, ready to explode at any moment.
Benji could feel your body tensing, and hear the desperation in your cries. He knew you were close, teetering on the brink of release. He redoubled his efforts, slamming into you with abandon, chasing his own impending climax. "Come for me, baby," he urged, his voice strained with exertion. "Let go, I've got you." His thumb found your clit, rubbing the swollen nub in tight circles, pushing you over the precipice. "That's it, fucking come on my cock." His words were punctuated by a particularly deep thrust, burying himself to the hilt inside you. The sensation of your walls clamping down on him, milking his cock, was enough to send him careening over the edge. He came with a roar, his hips jerking erratically as he spilled himself inside you. The sensation of his cum filling you, marking you as his, was all it took to push you into oblivion. You screamed his name, your entire body convulsing as waves of pleasure crashed over you. You could barely stand, your legs trembling uncontrollably, but he held you up, keeping you anchored to reality even as you spiraled into bliss.
Benji collapsed atop you, his heavy breathing mingling with your own ragged gasps. He remained buried inside you, his cock throbbing with aftershocks of pleasure. Slowly, he withdrew, his spent member sliding free with a slick pop. He turned you to face him, his eyes searching yours, seeking confirmation of what had just happened between them. "Was that okay?" he asked, his voice husky with satisfaction. You smiled weakly, still reeling from the intensity of your orgasm. "It was incredible," you murmured, your voice a whisper. You reached up, running your fingers through his sweat-drenched hair, pulling him down for a gentle kiss. The taste of him on your lips, the memory of his touch, was enough to make your heart flutter. Benji kissed you back tenderly, his lips moving against yours with a rare gentleness. He pulled away slowly, his gaze lingering on your flushed features. "I'd say we're even now," he said, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. He stood, offering you a hand to help you up. "But I'm thinking we might need another round to really settle things."
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months
2024-2025 Player Birthday Login Message Lines
These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in on the birthday that you set in-game from 18 Mar 2024 to 17 Mar 2025! For those that want to hear them, you can find them in the Archive, under the tab その他 → 監督生バースデー④. (This will not be in your game archives until the birthday you set passes.)
You can find the 2021-2022 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2022-2023 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2023-2024 Birthday Login Message Lines here!
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. Thanks for always looking out for those two dorm students of mine. Actually, we're planning on hosting a reception this weekend at our dorm. I would like to invite you, as part of your birthday celebration. Heh. My apologies. Looks like that has caused you a little anxiety. No worries, I'll be beside you teaching you the proper manners the whole time.
Yo, [Yuu]. Happy Birthday― Mmkay, so let's get started on the birthday party. I'm just gonna pop on over to this one restaurant in town and nab some tasty-lookin' stuff! Just chill and wait here at Ramshackle... Hey, c'mon, I ain't tryin' to pull anything over on ya. Sometimes I just want to have a normal celebration too, y'know!
[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Let me take you to go buy a prese... Eh? You're saying that I've already given you a present because I fixed the broken lights in Ramshackle the other day...? No way, you don't gotta hold back like that! I want to go all out for my pal's special day. That's what makes me happy.
[Yuu]-chan, Happy Birthday―☆ Did ya post on Magicam that it's your birthday? Oh, not yet? Then, let Cay-kun here with all his power and wisdom write a post for you! We'll attach a cool photo and some slammin' hashtags... Whaddya think? A perfect gift from me, or what?
Happy Birthday. So, about your present... I do have one. It's just... I was asking around for what to gift you and in the end, I couldn't really figure out what I should get... So in the end, after being at a loss, I ended up getting you this shirt. I look at it now and wonder what possessed me to pick this pattern... Yeah, I know, it's just laughable.
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Yeah, yeah. Your birthday's come 'round again, hooray. ...What're you doing, setting up a chessboard on the floor like that? You practiced just to win a game against me? Oho, so you're challenging me, then. Look at the pluck on this herbivore. So, what're you willing to bet, then? No way you're gettin' away with just a simple game after throwin' down the gauntlet at me like this.
So, it's your birthday today. Have you set up any new goals yet? What, you're going to surpass me in our classes? Heh, that's a hilarious joke. You really think you can beat me? But I'll take you on. If you get a better score on our next test, I'll get you some kind of present.
Happy Birthday―! 'N that means, I got you somethin' that's fittin' comin' from an upperclassman like me. Ta-da! A homemade fishing rod~ ...Ah, you totally just thought it's a cheap gift, didn'tcha! But this totally works! I know what it's like to go hungry too, y'know~ You're probably always goin' through things, so if you're ever in a pinch, make sure you use this!
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A very Happy Birthday to you. Have you thought of a gift you'd like to get for yourself? Please, allow me to procure it for you... ...Oho, you have a keen eye to request something of that caliber. It may be considerably difficult to just anyone to acquire. HOW-EV-ER! If I were to handle it, that is a different situation altogether. I shall definitely make sure to retrieve it for you. Please wait expectantly.
Happy tidings for your birthday. I do hope this year will be another fruitful year for you. By the way, [Yuu]-san. Have you eaten yet? Oh, not yet, how wonderful. As a matter of fact, I thought I would treat you to something in my own little way. I only offer this with the best of intentions, of course. Fufu.
Oh hey, Shrimpy-chan. It's your birthday today, huh. Mmkay, then I'll give you some snacks. I got these strange tastin' gummies, these wicked hard cookies, and some squishy jerky. Awesome, right? I got a ton, but all of them expire today, so. These are my presents to you, so you better eat them all without wastin' any, 'kay?
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[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Here's your present, from me to you. Ahaha, did that surprise you? I tried making a pop up birthday card just for you. I also tried making a ton of paper flowers that we use during celebrations back in the Scalding Sands. Don'tcha think they came out real pretty?
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. It isn't much, but here's your present. Ramshackle is a fairly old building. I'm sure there are bugs that will find their way in and try to settle down here. However, if you use this, you can rid yourself of all of them in an instant. I can vouch for its effectiveness. Use it as soon as you can.
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Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. ...You wish for me to come to your party here, at Ramshackle? And to top it all off, you've prepared a healthy menu just for me... Heh, how considerate of you. Very well. I suppose I can make an appearance out of respect for your enthusiasm. I do hope you're honored that I'll be there to celebrate with you.
Happy Birthday! I put in a lot of thought picking out a present for you. Here ya go, fingerless gloves! Nice design, right? Makes using your phone a lot easier, too. It'll make you look super cool, and the more you use it, the more comfy it'll feel. I hope you use it tons!
I've been waiting, Trickster. Waiting, that is, to celebrate your birthday with you. A spectacular day requires a spectacular memory. That is why I've come up with a wonderful plan of my own. First, we watch two back-to-back theater performances, then attend a poetry reading, and finally, watch a movie in the evening. There will be no time to rest. Come, we must quickly fly towards the theater!
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Kk, time to pretend we all get along and celebrate a birthday again... Eep!? D-Did you hear that just now...? Uh, so... Happy B-day, I guess... Soz, I don't have a present for you. Didn't even know it was your birthday... What, you're seriously just happy hearing me wish you a happy b-day? [siiigh] Nah, I'll order something small online and have it shipped to Ramshackle sometime later.
Happy Birthday! Here's your present. Go ahead and open it! Hehe, you see what I did? I used a laser to engrave a birthday message on a glass tumbler for you. It was a little difficult fine tuning the power adjustment for the more detailed parts, but it came out pretty good, don't you think? I really hope you like it!
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Child of Man, I see today is your birthday. ...Hm? What's the matter? You look a tad glum. Ah, I see, you are struggling to carry all your presents. Well, allow me to deliver them to Ramshackle with magic in your stead. No need to protest, this is an effortless task for someone like me. You should enjoy your special day to the utmost.
Happy Birthday. You're curious about this braided cord? It is your present. Lilia-senpai explained it to me thusly... If a string wrapped around your wrist or ankle snaps off on its own, then your wish will be granted. I strung this cord together in hopes that you may have your wishes come true. It may be a tad ill-shaped, but if it pleases you, it is yours.
As I recall, today is your birthday... Hm? You want me to come to your birthday party? What poor semblance of a joke. I don't have the spare time to waltz into some human gathering like... WHAT!? MY LIEGE HIMSELF WILL ALSO BE THERE!? THEN SAY THAT FIRST! For goodness' sake, humans like you are just... so thoroughly thoughtless. Hurry and provide me the location and commencement time!
Ooh, nice. So today's your birthday. Just look at how big you're getting. ...Khee hee hee. Don't look so downtrodden. It's just me pretending to be a doting gramps. The other guys in my dorm don't ever let me joke with them like that. And so, I have a present for you. Here, a CD of my performances, specially made! Take this and enjoy my raging screamo music with your whole heart and body.
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Crowley and Rollo do not have new lines. Theirs are repeated from last year's.
Today's your birthday, huh. Happy Birthday to you! ...Huh? Do I got a gift for ya? What're ya even saying? Shouldn't ya be happy enough that you're my number one favorite henchie? Fiiine. Guess I can use my paws to pad you a massage sometime. Wouldn't want to hafta sit in a hard and uncomfy lap, after all!
Ta-daaa! What do you suppose this could be? That’s correct, it’s an exchange coupon for use at the Mystery Shop! You have been a consistent helping hand, so… This is a special gift for you. Happy Birthday. Incidentally, that is only worth 500 madol (5 Thaumarks). It cannot be exchanged for something pricier than that. Please don’t hold it against me.
It seemed rather rowdy in here, but now I see it was just you, pup. Are you excited simply because its your birthday? I see, well, in that case, I have a special present just for you. As for what it is... It is a special alchemy homework assignment. You should be happy; you'll be able to improve your skills even further with this, don't you think? Haha, Happy Birthday.
Whatever is the matter, [Yuu]-kun? There is a strange glimmer in your eyes… ...Ah, I see. Today is your birthday. A present? Hmph. I hardly think that it should be something you request of others… But no matter. Indeed, birthdays should be treasured. However, what would be an acceptable gift…? I am afraid I’m rather unaccustomed to this. I would hope I do not disappoint you with a poor gift choice.
Oh, my, hello there, my learned scholar! I've been searching, and finally, I've found you! I was fervently hoping to wish you well for your birthday. Here, your present. ...As fellows lacking in magical abilities, we should get along together, don'tcha think? Happy Birthday! Fwahaha!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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megalony · 7 months
This Is Fate
This is my new Evan Buckley imagine and I am hoping to make it into a series. I'm really happy with this one and I would love to know what you all think and if you would like more parts. Enjoy,
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @gillybear17 @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: Eddie is surprised when his little sister comes to LA and asks to stay with him. She needs a fresh start, a break away from everything back home, and her ex. When she meets the team, Evan takes a special interest in her.
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"Is Eddie home?"
(Y/n) didn't bother to try and smile. She didn't put on the brave face she had been practising on the ride down here. She didn't stand tall or square her shoulders or try and look the image of calm and collected like she hoped to when she thought about coming down here.
She knew she looked a mess.
Her jumper was hanging off her shoulders, being two sizes too big for her small frame. Her arms were bound around her chest to try and stop herself from shaking. Her lips were chapped and bloodied from where she had picked and bitten them over the past week out of nervous habit. If anyone looked at her hands they would see she had bitten off most of her nails and her thumbs were raw from where she'd started biting the skin too.
She looked windswept with disshevelled hair and dried tears swiped across her cheeks. And with a subtle trembling set in her bones, she looked almost hypothermic.
This was the right house; (Y/n) knew it. She recognised her brother's signature truck in the drive. And when she leaned to look around the kindly woman in the doorway and peered into the hall, she saw the pictures hanging around the walls. Eddie and Chris, scattered throughout the house. She was at the right address.
"I'll go get him for you."
When the woman turned and headed back inside, (Y/n) let out the breath she had been holding in and tried to smile.
That had to be Carla. The woman Eddie talked about a lot who helped look after Chris when he was at work.
There had been a look in her eyes, a small sense of familiarity and (Y/n) guessed Carla recognised her from one or two of the pictures Eddie had about the house. She just didn't know or realise who (Y/n) was now she was here in the flesh.
"Who is it?" Eddie finished his mouthful of pasta and wiped his mouth on his sleeve before he pushed up from the table.
Who was at the door? He wasn't expecting anyone and he couldn't think who it could be. What young women did he know who didn't work at the station or at Chris's school? It couldn't be anyone from the school coming round at teatime and if it was, Carla would have recognised them.
Just as Eddie stood up from the table, Chris hopped down and sped out the kitchen first to find out who was at the door. His interest was peaked at having a stranger at the door.
"Chris-" A shiver rolled down Eddie's spine and he cringed when Chris let out an excited scream. Who on Earth had turned up tonight?
"Auntie (Y/n)!"
Adrenaline coursed through Eddie's stomach and he hurried up when he heard Chris. (Y/n) was here? His youngest sister? Why was she in LA? Why hadn't she told him she was coming down? Eddie would have picked her up from wherever she arrived in town, he would have made the house look a bit tidier. He and Chris would have come to get her and shown her around and gone out for tea if they knew she was coming down.
He watched with wide eyes and a growing smile when Chris barrelled over to the front door and latched his arms around (Y/n)'s waist. He burrowed his head into her abdomen and clung to her like a monkey, still screaming excitedly into her stomach.
Out of all three of Eddie's sisters, (Y/n) was the one he was closest to and she was the one who had the best connection with Chris. It had been extremely hard on them both to leave (Y/n) back in Texas. And when (Y/n) moved, she moved closer to LA but she was still over an hour's drive from them.
Eddie could handle leaving his parents and his two other sisters, but he didn't want to leave his youngest sibling who he had taken care of all his life.
It had broken Chris's heart to know that his aunt would no longer be ten minutes away.
"Hey buddy- oh, you've grown so much." (Y/n) couldn't keep the tears from falling down her face, both from joy out of seeing Chris, and pain from how tightly he clung to her.
"You're here!"
"I thought I'd surprise my boys," (Y/n) leaned her head down and pressed hundreds of kisses against the top of Chris's hair until he was squealing and squirming against her. She held him tighter and willed herself not to burst into tears but as soon as she lifted her head and looked at Eddie, the waterworks started again.
"Alright, my turn. Chris, go finish dinner with Carla while I help auntie (Y/n) in please." Eddie gently turned Chris around in the other direction and gave him a nudge. (Y/n) wasn't going anywhere and Chris could cling to her and tell her everything that had been going on as soon as he'd finished his dinner and Eddie had the chance to hug his sister for himself.
Once Chris toddled off into the dining room, clapping his hands along the way, Eddie turned back to face (Y/n). He smiled brightly down at her and gasped when she flung her arms around his neck and reeled him in for a hug.
"I can't believe you're here. Why didn't you tell me you were coming down?" He kissed the side of her head and deadlocked his arms around her waist. But he could feel the smile fading from his face when he felt how badly she was shaking.
His hand planted down in the middle of her back and he tensed up the longer she held onto him without the intention of letting go.
Panic surged through him when he felt her tears soaking into his shoulder and Eddie started to realise she wasn't crying out of happiness, at least not anymore. And his eyes darted down to the doorstep in front of him and he could feel a new surge of panic igniting in his stomach.
Two cases.
That was more baggage than just a flying visit. Why had she turned up with all her belongings? Why didn't she call him? What had happened that he didn't know about?
"(Y/n), what's wrong? Why all the bags?" Eddie's hand pressed firmer into the middle of (Y/n)'s back when she tightened her arms around his neck and refused to pull away or look up at him. He didn't like this. Eddie never liked it when any of his sisters were upset or panicked. With their dad working away so much, Eddie had been the man of the house and he had always been the one his sisters went to with a problem they needed him to sort out.
He protected all of them.
He kept his left arm bound tight around her waist and he reached his right hand out to grab her cases. He dragged one inside and did the same with her other bag before he shuffled back with (Y/n) still in his arm so he could shut the door.
(Y/n) stayed limp and easily moveable, letting Eddie guide her through into the living room instead of standing in the hallway. But she started to shake when he finally leaned back and gripped her chin. He tilted her head up so they were finally looking at each other and when his thumb swiped across her cheek to brush away a tear, (Y/n) felt a whimper bubbling past her lips.
"C-can I stay with you, just f-for a while. Please?" Her hands unhooked from Eddie's neck and she let him hold her elbows and guide her to sit down in the armchair.
Once she was sat down, Eddie perched on the coffee table in front of her and rested his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward and arched his back out. His hand dragged across his jaw and down his chin while he nodded and tried to keep a calm expression on his face. His eyes kept wandering across to the dining room. Whatever (Y/n) was going to tell him clearly wasn't something good or anything she wanted Chris to overhear.
Eddie got the feeling that (Y/n) didn't even want to tell him what was going on and that hurt. She never had a problem talking to him about anything, but there was something in her eyes that told him this was harder than ever.
"You know you can always stay with me and Chris, you don't have to ask. What's going on? You didn't call, I could have come and got you… has something happened?"
(Y/n) tangled her hands and clenched her fingers together as tight as she could until they started to ache and burn.
"You, um, you know I said I was seeing someone, while I was staying with Chrissy?"
It was no secret that a little while after Eddie left Texas, (Y/n) had moved away too. She had gone to stay with their sister Chrissy who lived closer to LA than she did to Texas. It had been good to get away from home and have a fresh start, and (Y/n) had met someone while she was there.
Her eyes danced down to stare at Eddie's knees but she saw the way they tensed and how his hands curled into fists between his thighs.
"Did he try to hurt you?"
Eddie was wary of anyone each of his sisters got involved with. He didn't hate them right away, but he was cautious. He didn't want anyone to walk right in and think they could hurt the most important people in Eddie's life who he had raised since childhood.
He wasn't too thrilled this time that he knew nothing about the guy (Y/n) had been seeing. He didn't even know his name. All he knew was that (Y/n) had met someone and seemed to be happy with him. No photos, no pictures, no family get togethers where he tagged along. The relationship seemed fairly new so Eddie hadn't asked many questions or probed too deeply into it.
Something told him that maybe he should have. Perhaps he should have asked (Y/n) a little more about this guy and tried to make more of an effort. But (Y/n) wasn't a teenager or a little girl anymore, Eddie had to step back at some point even if he didn't want to.
"Not exactly… Eddie he scares me." Tears flushed (Y/n)'s face and her hands began to tremble in her lap until Eddie leaned across to hold them.
"Why?" He didn't understand. What kind of sense was Eddie supposed to make out of that?
"He was so nice at first, but he, I don't know… he got controlling, I think he was tracking my phone. He knew every move I made, he kept asking me to move away with him. I tried to end it but he kept coming round and he followed me home from work a few times too."
(Y/n) almost felt stupid for the way she was acting.
He had been kind. He was sweet and caring and loving and everything she thought she wanted in a partner. But (Y/n) didn't want someone to be checking every move she made. She didn't want to feel boxed in and she certainly didn't want to move as quickly as he did. Less than two months with him and he wanted her to move in with him. He even talked about marriage when (Y/n) knew him less than a year.
She wasn't ready for that and saying no to him was like talking to a brick wall. Her words seemed to bounce back and hit her in the face and he just pretended like she hadn't spoken at all.
He would worm his way back to her, attach himself to her and kiss her and engulf her and overload her until she changed her mind because it was easier to give in than stand up to him.
"Where is he now? Has he threatened you… (Y/n) you know you can tell me, leaving home in the middle of the night isn't like you."
She felt stupid. She felt stupid for leaving so suddenly as if her ex had been physical with her. His threats weren't like normal, obsessive threats. He didn't say he would hurt her if she left or he would always find her or get her back. He kept saying fate would bring her back to him and she could try all she liked, but she wasn't going to get far.
He scared her rather than threatened her and with how calm and placid he was, it just made things even worse. Not once had her ex hit her or pushed her or gave her a mark on her body that wasn't a simple love bite. He never became physical and during arguments he rarely even raised his voice at her. But he scared the living daylights out of her.
"I told him it was over, but he just said he'd be back for me soon, I don't know what he meant by that. Eddie I need to get away from him, I… oh God, promise you won't be mad at me or freak out, please?" (Y/n) dragged her fingers through her hair as more tears started to cascade down her face.
She hadn't told anyone yet.
"Why would I freak out?"
Adrenaline bubbled to life in Eddie's stomach and shot up through his chest. What was she going to tell him that would freak him out?
He leaned back and straightened his shoulders while his hands moved to rub up and down his knees to stay calm and collected. His lips pressed into a thin line and his eyes stayed concentrated on his sister, waiting for her to tell him what the next problem was.
When her hands moved to her jumper, Eddie panicked. He thought she was about to lift up her shirt and show him black and blue bruises littering her skin. He thought he would see scars or broken ribs or dried blood or some sort of injury that told him he had to find this guy and beat him to a pulp. He feared what his sister had been through and what kind of torment someone had dared to put her through.
He wasn't expecting a baby bump.
(Y/n) bit down on her lower lip so harshly it began to bleed again and her fingers trembled as she pulled her jumper up near her bra. She hadn't told anyone she was pregnant. She couldn't tell Chrissy, she would go straight to their parents. (Y/n) couldn't tell their parents because they would be disappointed or try to get involved and tell her she needed to marry this guy. And she didn't want to marry him.
Eddie was the only one (Y/n) could trust who wouldn't freak out, get angry with her or try to tell her what to do. He married Shannon because she was pregnant, but that had been easier. Eddie had been in love with her, marriage was something he wanted. For (Y/n), marriage to someone this pent up and controlling wasn't what she wanted. No matter how desperate her ex was to have her back and marry her.
"How- how far along? Does he know?" Eddie rubbed his hand across his jaw and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
He would expect this from Chrissy. He always expected her to be the one to get into a strange relationship and have a baby. He didn't think (Y/n) would be caught up in a situation like this and it hurt. Eddie should have kept up better contact with her, called and visited her more often and protected her from something like this.
"Nineteen weeks, I think. I can't tell him, Eddie he'll never let me go, ma will want me to marry him and I- I can't-"
"Hey, hey calm down." When Eddie cupped her face in his hands, a tidal wave of tears streamed down her face as she hiccupped and tried to breathe. "I won't let anything like that happen, I promise. Just tell me what you want to do and I'll help you."
"I wanna d-do this on my own, without him. Here in LA, a new start."
(Y/n) wanted her baby. She had nothing against abortions, but that wasn't what she wanted. She was pregnant and she was going to have this baby, despite what her parents were going to think or what her ex was going to try and do.
He didn't know and that was what she wanted. He had no idea about her family or where her big brother lived or what he did for a living. (Y/n) could find a job easy here in LA. She could find herself a place nearby and be around Eddie and their Tia and Abuela and she could be surrounded by family and make new friends up here.
She could raise this baby on her own with her family and that was what she wanted to do. She just needed a little help.
Eddie was always telling her how good it was here, how Chris loved it and they had new friends and a great work family. (Y/n) thought she could make a life for herself here with her brother and family. His work family could become her new family here, Eddie always said how they were looking out for him and Chris and helping them any way they could.
"You can stay here as long as you want, Chris might not let you leave. And I'll make sure that creep doesn't find you, I won't let him near you."
Reaching out, (Y/n) curled her hands around Eddie's wrist and brought his hand to her lap. She ran her thumb across the back of his hand and managed to smile a little. "Can I ask another favour?"
"Don't tell ma or papi, not yet. Once I'm settled and sorted, I'll explain… I just can't deal with that hassle right now."
(Y/n) knew what their parents would do and say. They would try and get (Y/n) to come home. They would fret and try to talk her out of this, tell her to go back home to them and start fresh there or find her ex and talk things through with him.
They wouldn't be pleased to know (Y/n) was going to try and raise a child on her own when her ex was out there somewhere, unaware what was happening and perfectly happy to raise a child with her.
But this was her choice. She had chosen to come down here and (Y/n) wanted to stay. She wasn't here for a vacation. This was a fresh start, a chance for (Y/n) to try and make a better life and be with her family. She wanted to make new memories and a new life for herself and be happy here with her family.
She kept her eyes focused on Eddie's hand, but her smile softened when she felt him lean forward. He cupped the back of her head as gently as possible and leaned over so he could kiss the top of her head.
"I'll explain everything to them when you're ready." He would rather be the one to talk to their parents. He could always talk them down and they wouldn't argue this as much if they knew Eddie was on (Y/n)'s side and doing everything he could to look after her. "Come on, let's go have something to eat."
"So, will you introduce me to everyone?"
When Chris squeezed her hand, (Y/n) felt her smile brighten and she leaned her head on top of his when he pressed his cheek against her arm. His free hand curled around her arm and clung to her tighter as if he thought she was about to disappear.
He had barely left her side since she turned up in LA last week. It was as if Chris didn't truly believe that (Y/n) was in town to stay, he thought at any given moment she was going to get up and leave.
Every morning so far, Chris had burst into the spare room to wake (Y/n) up, making sure she hadn't disappeared during the night. And when Eddie was at work, like today, (Y/n) went and collected Chris from school and looked after him. It gave Eddie and Carla a break and gave (Y/n) something to do until her new job got lined up.
Eddie had put in a good word for her at the call centre and her interview went extremely well. She was going to be on the 911 calls in a week or two.
"Yeah. Bobby lets me ride in the truck sometimes." Chris tugged on (Y/n)'s hand and guided her into the station. He pointed at the trucks and weaved between them with (Y/n) hurrying to keep up with his strides.
"That's the Captain, right?"
"Yep. Dad!" He swung their hands between them and looked around the station for Eddie. He smiled brightly when (Y/n) kissed the top of his head and moved her free hand to his shoulder, clinging to him as he took her towards the stairs.
"Buddy, what're you doing here?"
"It's uncle Buck! He's the best." Chris stuck his thumb in his mouth and grinned when he watched Evan jog down the stairs towards them with a wide grin and his arms stretched out.
(Y/n) couldn't breathe. All the air got caught up in her chest as a lump formed in her throat and her eyes welled up with tears. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest so harsh she thought her ribs were going to fracture. And when her pulse thudded in her ears, it was all she could hear and feel as her skin pulsed and throbbed.
Before she knew what was happening, all the blood drained down to her feet and her eyes rolled back in her head that felt like it was pumped full of helium.
"Eddie get down here!"
"Dad!" Chris let go of (Y/n)'s hand when her head flopped forward until her chin was tucked into her chest and she started to drop. He watched her knees cave in but his faltering smile paused when Evan rushed forward to grab her. He watched Evan hook his arms around (Y/n)'s waist and let her fall into his chest, saving her from a harsh fall to the floor like he was a knight in shining armour.
Evan darted his eyes around before he carefully stepped closer and went down on his knees, easing the girl in his arms down along with him. Once he was on the ground, Evan carefully turned her around so her back was slumped into his chest and he reached his hand down to cup her chin and tilt her head back on his shoulder.
"What's going on? Buck what happened?" Panic flooded Eddie's voice as he bolted down the stairs and jumped down the last three to rush across the station floor. He reached inside the back of the open ambulance and swiped a medic bag before he made a beeline for his family.
He watched Chris flop down on the floor, his thumb still hidden between his teeth out of anxious habit while his eyes focused on Evan and (Y/n).
Eddie knelt down beside them, briefly ruffling Chris's hair to try and calm him down before he looked down at his sister. She was laid motionless in Evan's arms, slumped down and breathing fast and shallow.
"She- she just fainted, is that normal? Is this your sister?" Evan curved his right arm around her chest and began smoothing his knuckles up and down her sternum to try and apply pressure and bring her back round.
"Yeah, yeah this is (Y/n)."
Eddie kissed Chris's cheek and patted his back before he nudged his son to gently ask him to shuffle back a few paces.
"(Y/n)? Are you back with me?" Shuffling around in the medic bag, Eddie found a blood pressure cuff and slid it up her right arm. He set her hand down on his thigh and brushed his thumb across the back of her hand for a few seconds.
Her head was starting to move from side to side on Evan's shoulder and her fingers started to twitch and clench.
Lifting his gaze, Eddie glanced across at Evan and when their eyes locked, Evan tried to smile politely as he reached down for (Y/n)'s shirt and gently pulled it back down over her stomach from where it had ridden up. Evan sat her forwards and let Eddie take over and have her lean up against him instead.
"Chris, why don't we go get (Y/n) a drink?" Evan waved his hand across at Chris and stood up, letting Chris take his hand and guide him towards the stairs. It would be best to give them both a moment to talk and let Eddie calm her down if she was going to panic. And after collapsing, she could probably use a drink to boost her back up.
"Alright, BP's a little high, nothing worrying." Eddie spoke to himself as he slipped off the cuff and found a heart rate monitor which he clipped onto her index finger. "Hey, there we go." He relaxed a little when (Y/n)'s eyes began to flutter and she tried to focus in on him.
Her hand bashed around shakily until she found Eddie's hand and she gripped as tightly as she could muster. Her head was starting to pulse and throb like she had been whacked and knocked out and her heart was going haywire in her chest.
"What happened?" Eddie watched her eyes dart around and for a second he thought she was looking for someone. But when her gaze settled back on him, she relaxed against him and seemed to melt.
"I- I just went dizzy, I'm okay." (Y/n) gave Eddie's hand a squeeze and tried to muster up a smile. She wasn't sure what came over her. She blacked out quicker than she ever had before, but she felt okay. She wasn't in any sort of danger or hurt in any way, and she had blacked out at the right place.
"Why don't we go sit down? You don't usually pass out very often." Eddie moved so he was crouching in front of her and held his hands out until (Y/n) gratefully took them.
She let him pull her up and leaned into his chest when Eddie curved one arm around her waist and kept his other hand tangled with hers for added support. (Y/n) tilted her head into his shoulder and followed his direction towards the locker room. He wasn't so sure (Y/n) would get up the stairs into the kitchen right now when she was shaking and had only just come back round.
Eddie would rather get (Y/n) sat down in the locker room and make sure she was back to feeling herself before risking moving anywhere else. He still didn't know why she had passed out. He didn't know whether (Y/n) hadn't eaten a lot today, whether she just felt unwell or if it was something to do with the baby. He wanted to keep an eye on her for the time being.
"Are you sure you feel okay?" Eddie moved his hand to her shoulder when she slumped down on the bench and braced her hands on her knees. The way she tilted her head back on his arm and smiled tiredly yet sweetly up at him calmed down one of his many nerves.
"Just lightheaded, I'm sorry."
"Don't be, just stay here a minute while I get Chris and find you a drink, okay?"
(Y/n) nodded and when she felt Eddie kiss her temple, she let her eyes fall closed and started to rake her hands up and down her legs to try and liven herself up a little. She would have to apologise to Chris, she had probably scared him.
Her hand moved to drag through her hair, brushing it back behind her ears and out of her eyes as she took deep, calming breaths.
"I hope you didn't collapse because of me."
Tremors rattled through (Y/n)'s bones until she was trembling back and forth on the bench. Her blood ran cold and disappeared down to her toes as her fingertips went numb and she could barely feel her nails piercing through her leggings into her thighs.
She didn't want to look. She didn't want to turn and look over her shoulder at the owner of that voice she knew she had heard before. But she didn't have to. He walked around until he was stood in front of her, arms casually folded over his chest and his shoulders pushed back into the lockers so he was slanted at an angle.
"Evan." His name fell from her lips in a whisper that he could barely hear, but it made his lips curl into the purest smile (Y/n) had ever seen. And it made her stomach churn.
"Nice to see you too, babe." His hands clenched over his biceps and his head tilted to the side as his eyes stayed focused on (Y/n). He could see she was barely able to catch a proper breath and her eyes were blown so wide there was no colour left in them, just black holes that went on for miles.
"Why… why're you here?"
"Me? I work here. Question is what're you doing here? Last time I checked, you didn't live in LA." Evan pushed off the lockers and took a step closer which caused (Y/n) to lean back and tilt her head up to stay focused on him.
He never told her he lived in LA either. She knew he wasn't from Chrissy's hometown. She knew he was only visiting while he was off sick from his job. But he never said he was a fireman. He told her he worked for the emergency services, but never which department and it never came up because he was recovering from multiple leg surgeries. He hadn't been at work.
Evan never told her where he worked, where he originally lived or the nickname everyone called him. If she'd of known, she wouldn't have come down to stay with Eddie.
If she knew her brother's best friend was the person she was trying to get away from, she would have risked going back home to Texas and faced their parents.
She had landed herself right in the middle of Hell by coming here.
"Did you… was… was this on purpose? Did you always know, about Eddie?" Tears pooled in (Y/n)'s eyes but she couldn't find it in herself to begin crying. She had cried so much about Evan and this whole situation. Crying in front of him didn't feel right and she didn't have the willpower to do it.
She just wanted to go home.
Had he always known? Had he known from the moment he met her that she was Eddie's little sister? Is that why he was so keen on staying in a relationship with her and making this obsession work?
"Finding out I'd fallen for Eddie's little sister was a bonus." He scratched his hand across his jaw and took another three steps forward until he was stood between (Y/n)'s legs. Towering over her like a skyscraper. "This is fate, baby girl."
He hadn't planned anything. He fell for her and once he found out her last name, everything clicked and it made things even better. He had fallen for his best friend's younger sister. And Evan wasn't letting her disappear from him again. She wasn't leaving him when they had a connection, when they had something special that Evan wasn't giving up on.
He knew what they had was what he wanted. Why could everyone else find love and relationships and stick together and start families, but not Evan? Why wouldn't it work for him?
Well, not this time.
This time, Evan was taking control. He had something with (Y/n) and he wasn't letting it go because she was scared to be with him and face that this was special. Evan believed in fate, and he believed that this was a sign. This is what he'd been praying for, and he wasn't letting it go so easily.
(Y/n) could feel the panic dwelling up in her chest and taking over her body when Evan leaned forward. She wasn't sure where his hands were going, but while one hand moved to rest beside her hip on the bench, a chill tore through her when his other hand curved over her stomach.
He knew. He knew what she had tried to hide from him. He knew why she had come down to LA in the vain hope that if he went back to Chrissy's, he wouldn't find (Y/n) there and wouldn't find out she was pregnant.
His thumb glided across her stomach and when he looked down, his smile would of made (Y/n) melt if this situation were any different.
"And now I know you're pregnant, and I can see from that look on your face that it's mine."
(Y/n) wanted to cry when Evan leaned down and kissed her. She wanted to cry for every emotion he's made her feel and every way he'd screwed with her thoughts and emotions and controlled everything she tried to do. She wanted to cry for the baby she had tried to protect and keep safe from him.
But (Y/n) never truly believed she would keep this from him. She had a gut feeling that Evan would find out sooner or later, some way or another. She knew he would find out she was having his baby. And once he knew, he wasn't going to let her go.
And she couldn't stop the way she curled her hand around his wrist when he swiped his tongue across her lips and into her mouth and he bit her lip, devouring every breath she tried to take.
"Don't think for one second that I'm gonna let you keep them from me. This is our baby, you're not doing this without me."
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kjupchurch-xx · 1 month
Conflicting Feelings Part Six
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As the morning sunset swept through my hotel room's balcony view, I felt Hugh begin stirring in his sleep, "G'day, gorgeous." He said sleepily as I felt him start stretching. 
I smiled, "Good morning, sexy." I purred, leaning up to peck his lips before moving out of the bed towards the bathroom to turn on the shower. 
Today was going to be bittersweet. I was going back home today, my stay in LA had come to an end. It was time for me to head back to the East Coast, to the beautiful, busy town of New York City. Hugh was in LA for the filming of the new Deadpool & Wolverine movie, so I'd be going back to NYC solo. Truth be told, I missed my condo in New York, but I knew I'd miss my favorite Aussie even more. 
Now that things are beginning to happen, the thought of leaving breaks my heart. I didn't realize I was reacting to my thoughts until his voice interrupted the thoughts racing through my brain. I felt two arms snake around me, "What's wrong, my love?" He asked softly. 
I sniffled, quickly wiping a fallen tear from my cheek, "I'm leaving today to go back home." I said as my voice trembled. 
He frowned, "Today?" He asked, making sure he heard me correctly. I nodded, staying silent, trying to control my flooding emotions. "Do you have to go back home today?" He asked. 
I sighed, "I paid for a round trip, so my flight's already booked. I can't get a refund and I can't afford to lose the money." 
He kissed my forehead, "I'll take care of it." He said simply. 
I looked at him, shaking my head. "I can't let you do that." 
He smiled, "I want to and I can." pecking my lips again. 
I rolled my eyes, "I don't want you doing that. I paid for first class and that's not cheap." 
He chuckled, "You do realize I make millions, right love? I'm making $20 million from Deadpool. I can assure you a first class plane ticket will not break me."
I shrugged, "And I'm staying where?" 
He looked at his phone, "With Noldsy and Blake, and of course me. You have to babysit their kids from time to time, but it's not that bad." He chuckled.  
I looked at him, "You seriously want me to cancel my flight?" I asked, grabbing my phone. 
He pouted, "I would be heartbroken if you didn't." 
I smiled, "And Ryan and Blake are okay with this?" I questioned. 
He rolled his eyes, "C'mon, you know Ryan and Blake love you." 
I sighed, "Okay, if you insist..." I logged onto my app and canceled my flight, luckily receiving a 50% refund for a last minute cancellation from the flight insurance I'd purchased when I first paid for the ticket. "It's cancelled." I said, throwing my phone down, pulling him into the shower with me. 
As we washed off he spoke, "We'll drop your rental car off when we head out. We can take mine back to Ryan and Blake's." 
I nodded, "Okay, but I need to make a stop and get some more clothes. I packed for five days and I'm not wearing the same outfits for another week." 
He kissed my forehead, while rinsing my hair out, "We can do that." 
After our shower and packing up the hotel room, we parted ways to drop off my rental car, Hugh following close behind me in his. 
Hugh's POV:  
As I followed close behind her, I was overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the course of knowing her. We'd met each other in 2020 when she starred as an extra on a show I was working on. I had very little interaction with her on the show, but backstage was a different story. She approached me and told me how she was starstruck to work with Wolverine, which made me laugh. 
She was only 22 years old when I met her, I was 51, turning 52. She was an attractive young woman. She was funny, she was intelligent and she was humble. I thought nothing about her until we'd cut up on set and spent hours talking. She had a boyfriend and I had a wife at home, not to mention I like older women. We'd remained friends until she came to my rescue when my father died. That's when things went wild for me. Several things took place that her pride will not allow her to talk about, but I couldn't stop thinking about them. 
When I arrived back to NYC and to Deb, I separated myself from her. COVID made it easier. I kept trying to block the feelings out because I knew they were wrong. I forced myself to focus on Deb, and Deb only, but that only made us grow further apart in our marriage. 
While in England, not only did I walk in on her changing and saw her breasts, there was one night she had too much to drink and confessed many things to me that she has no memory of. She talked about her difficult upbringing, she talked about her failed relationships, but she doesn't have any recollection of admitting to me that she loved me and dreamed that one day I'd be hers. Or how if my marriage ever ends, she was claiming me for herself. That night, I'd had a few drinks myself and we shared a kiss. 
I thought about how after I walked in on her, she'd became what I'd imagine when I'd wank off. I'd imagine how perfect her breasts were, how I wanted to run my hands down every curve on her body as I fucked her, and how her pussy would taste, or how tight it would be around my fingers. I thought about how much I'd want to pleasure her and make her orgasm so much that she couldn't function anymore. Just the thought of her made my dick throb.
But, it was more than just sex with her. She was genuinely my favorite human being, besides my children and of course, Ryan Reynolds. She was there for me during one of the hardest times of my life. She keeps me grounded and focused on the bigger picture, even if I struggle to see it. I'd spent 20 years thinking I was with the love of my life, until I realized I didn't know the meaning of it when she came to England that night. 
Main Reader's POV: 
As we arrived at the drop-off for the rental car, I quickly returned the keys, heading back outside only to be bombarded by photographers. They photographed Hugh, me, us in the car together, etc as they asked if we were an item. 
"They're fucking relentless, jesus christ." I mumbled. 
He chuckled, "You act like you haven't had the press bother you." 
I giggled, "Not to that extent. That was different."
He reached over grabbing my hand, interlocking it with his, bringing it to his lips, placing a small kiss on my knuckles, "Did you want to get clothes now?" 
I blushed, shaking my head, "Let's get to Ryan's first. Let them calm down and then we'll go." I said regarding the photographers. 
He chuckled, "Okay, we can do that." 
The drive to Ryan's wasn't long. It was full of Hugh singing along to songs on the radio. He had a beautiful voice and hearing it on screen was nothing compared to hearing it in person. About 5 minutes later, we arrived at Ryan's place. Ryan and Blake weren't home. Ryan was filming scenes and Blake was promoting her new movie. The kids were with a nanny since Nanny Hugh had been MIA all weekend. 
As we walked in and made it to the bedroom Hugh was staying in, he ran his fingers through his beard, "I've gotta shave this." He said to himself. 
I smirked, "Can I help?" 
He giggled, "Can you do the Wolverine shave? It has to be perfect for the film." 
I shrugged, "It can't be too hard to shave mutton chops."
"Shawn will kill me if you fuck this up." He laughed, handing me a set of clippers. 
I giggled, grabbing them. "I won't fuck this up. Do you know how in love with Logan I was as a child?" 
He playfully rolled his eyes, "Don't say it like that. It makes me feel old and it's making me feel weird. You know I was 32 or 33 when I filmed that."
I shrugged, "I was 4 when it was released." 
He cringed, "God, stop. Let's talk about something else." 
I chuckled as I began shaving the infamous mutton chops, "I love making you uncomfortable." I said playfully. 
He looked up at me, "I'm not giving you a reaction while you're shaving my face, but I've noticed." 
As I finished up showing him my kick ass skills as a barber, we heard a voice downstairs, "Oh, Hugh! Where you at big fella?! It's your favorite Canadian. A little birdie called the media just told me you're with a hot little number. Is she here?" 
We quickly jumped at the sound of his voice, looking at one another, making a run for the door to meet him downstairs.  Ryan looked at us, still wearing the Deadpool suit, "Ah, there she is. Hot little number, this is my humble abode" He chuckled as he swayed his arms around showing me his living room. 
"Why are you in your suit, mate? They actually let you bring Deadpool's suit home?" Hugh asked, smirking, knowing Ryan was instructed to not leave set with the suit. 
Ryan smirked, "Sir, I will have you know, I stole this suit." 
I joked, "Levy is going to beat you."
Ryan laughed, "He can try, but no one can beat me in this suit, darling." 
I rolled my eyes, "Mutton Chops! Look at you." He exclaimed at Hugh, noticing the freshly shaved face. 
Hugh laughed as Ryan's face got serious, "Seriously though, I have a question for you." He said, pointing towards me. 
"And that is?" I asked, furrowing my brows. 
Ryan looked at Hugh and I, "We're rounding up people to play the Deadpool variants. Blake is Lady Deadpool, but there's another female one. Do you want to do it?" He asked. 
I gasped, "Are you serious?" my eyes widened. 
He smirked, "As a heart attack, sister. Plus, I figured it would give Hughy here more time to spend with you."  
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lexirosewrites · 2 months
Happy Slick Sunday to all those who celebrate!
I've been trying to think about how I would write a modern day au and this idea has been floating a round for a while now.
So basically I'm thinking of Omega Steve who, feeling a little abandoned and aimless after his friends and the kids to off to college, agrees to marry his parents chosen Alpha. He wants kids! And a partner! And since he never got out of Hawkins he thinks that this is the best way to do it since no one else in town is interested in washed up Omega Steve anymore.
So they get married and bonded in the same night and things go alright for a little while. Alex (the Alpha) is fine if a little boring and mostly let's Steve do his own thing. Steve brings up the topic of kids, the one thing he really married Alex for, and he's wishy washy about it. Always with an excuse about timing and work and preparedness and eventually it becomes a Thing. Steve isn't going to let it go and Alex isn't giving him what he wants so they start fighting. And then Alex starts coming home later. And then he starts getting angry and pushy until he finally comes home and they have a blow out and he pushes Steve into the wall, at which point both Steve and his Omega are finally in agreement that it is no longer safe here with his mate.
Omega or not Steve isn't going to get pushed around by his Alpha, so after Alex goes to bed, Steve packs a small bag and loads up his car. He's pissed and scared and has no plan but knows if Alex wakes up and tracks him down he's going to be in a world of hurt so on his last pass through the house he picks up his old baseball bat from the hall storage closet and a handful of nails from the junk drawer. As quietly as he can Steve smashes the headlights on Alex's car and shoves nails in all four tires and then he's running to his car and driving.
He drives until his tank is near empty and then he fills up and drives again for almost 24 hours and on a stretch of road in the middle of nowhere he realizes his front tire has slowly been loosing air for miles. He gets out to check it out and, of course, there's a nail lodged in there.
The road is empty and he's going to have to drag everything out from his trunk to get to the spare and the idea is so exhausting after not sleeping for almost two days on top of the distress his Omega is feeling about their abandoned bond and he just starts crying right there on the side of the road.
Then up comes Alpha Eddie Munson, operator of the rehab ranch two miles East if where Steve's car broke down, on horseback of all things. He was just checking the perimeter of the property and happened to spot the broken down car, not uncommon in these parts and it's always been the facilities protocol to help travelers in a pinch. He calls out, startling the man hunched over by his car, and is met with the most stunningly beautiful man he's ever seen. Hopping off his horse he gets closer and smalls the acrid sent of Omega in distress, causing all his instincts to go haywire.
Without meaning to he let's out a couple little cuffs and crowns as he approaches the sniffling Omega and Steve, who would usually be incensed at this strange Alpha's familiarity chirps back, his Omega desperately needing the care.
Eddie takes him back to the ranch, insisting he rest since it's obvious Steve hasn't slept in a while, and they'll come back tomorrow morning when the light is better to fix the car.
Of course Steve never ends up leaving. Instead, once Eddie learned about why Steve is on the run, he offers Steve sanctuary and work on the ranch for however long he wants it. Eddie runs the rehap facility with Wayne and his mate Benny, but he can always use extra hands taking care of the animals and fields. Steve starts to feel a sense of identity and peace taking car of the animals and feels himself falling in love with the Alpha that brought him here and is always so kind and patient when teaching Steve a new skill. They spend their nights on the porch of the main house talking and watching the stars.
Of course there's the matter of his mating bite still at hand. As Steve gets closer and closer to Eddie he begins to notice his mating glad looking infected. Hot and red and swollen and he begins to feel light headed on the job. When Eddie asks permission to court Steve just two months after his arrival it feels too good to be true, but of course he accepts.
Unfortunately, his condition rapidly worsens until he is forced to confess exactly what's going on to a very concerned Eddie. Steve's body is rejecting his bond, a process that is extremely rare and painful. Wayne has seen this once before, and regrets to tell them that once the rejection reaches its peak it will feel like the worst detox imaginable and will likely last several days. Luckily, Steve couldn't be in a better place to ride it out.
Eddie takes care of Steve throughout his detox. Helpless as Steve writhes and vomits and cries for the Alpha his body is rejecting just to get some relief. All he can do is whisper sweet things in his Omega's ear, make sure he eats and drinks, and help him change out of his sweetly clothes.
Steve, of course, makes it through his detox and after a few days of rest feels lighter than he has in years. Eddie ramps up his courting efforts immediately, instincts on high after so many days of Steve being unwell. He sents Steve obsessively and brings him whatever small babbles he can afford on his meager salary and plays his acoustic for Steve every night on the porch.
After four months of courting, just long enough for Steve's gland to heal completely and his hormones to return to a neutral state, they bond under the start sky.
After that they're insatiable. Messing round in the hayloft, against the side of the barn, behind the old silo no one uses anymore. Eddie is always whispering in Steve's ear about breading him and giving him all the pups his Omega can handle with gets Steve keaning and begging in no time. Not even two months after their bonding Steve realizes he's pupped, and he couldn't be happier.
agahsgdve i think divorce/bond-breaking in omegaverse is so cool! what’s a more fun way to symbolize the end of a relationship than a whole process where your body entirely rejects your mating?🥰
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fallingfor-fics · 2 months
Anything: Melissa Schemmenti x reader
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here is part 2 to Meetings in Secret!!
Pairing: Step-Aunt Melissa x Step-Niece Reader (not blood relatives!!)
Word count: almost 9k
Warnings: fooling around with your step-moms sister, mild smut, fingering, reader goes down on mel, some angst, drug and alcohol usage
Summary: Melissa is staying over for New Years and lets just say a lot of stuff happens in the span of 48 hours.
not very well proofread tbh
Melissa was set to arrive at your house the day before New Years Eve, and of course your family was having a huge gathering at Mary and Melissa’s brothers bar. They were going to have fireworks for the count down, tons of food, and live music. That meant there was no way you were gonna miss out on a party like this. Thankfully you got lucky and your mom wanted you to spend the first day Melissa was in town with her, so you agreed to give yourself an extra day of mental preparation. That meant when you returned home from a night at your moms, you saw Melissa’s car in the driveway, and let out a deep sigh. You’d be lying if you said you didn't put on a little makeup before getting out of the car even if you were about to go shower it all off. You noticed Mary's car was gone and you furrowed your brows. You walked up and unlocked the door, walking in and looking around. It was dead quiet aside from the muffled sounds of a TV coming from the living room. You walked in and saw your dad on the couch.
“Oh hey. Where is everyone?” you asked as you went to get a cup of water. 
“They ran out to get stuff for the food they are taking to the party tonight. We are leaving at 6 are you riding with us or following up?” he asked as his eyes remained on the TV
“Um, I will ride with.” You said and he nodded.
“Great, I'm gonna go shower.” You walked to your room to set your things down and you looked at the door to the guest room, it was cracked slightly and you could feel the lingering presence Melissa left behind. You shook your head and headed into the shower. The one thing you hated about this bathroom was how badly it fogged up, it would get steamy and humid and you hated getting dressed in there, so usually you would just dry your hair a bit and wrap a towel around yourself, and then go get dressed in your room. So you did, stepping out on the towel you put down, drying your feet, and then drying your hair. You opened the bathroom door and the cool air hit your damp skin causing you to shiver, you moved to round the corner out of the bathroom and that's when you saw, standing in front of the door to the guest room, your angel. She was paused on her phone, one hand on the door. You knew there was no sneaking by and if you moved the few feet to your room she would see so you just took a deep breath and decided to be brave. You opened your mouth to speak but you couldn't find the words, what were you supposed to say to her after all these months? Soon you  saw your cat coming out of your room and she looked up at you and you looked at her pleading, she just blinked and then meowed loudly. You shut your eyes and sighed before looking over. Melissa heard the cry and turned with a smile on her face that soon faded when she saw you. You stood in front of her, hair dripping around you, water trickling down your arm slowly, your skin glistening from the dew of your shower. Your hand was clutched around the towel, pressing your breasts together, your cleavage on display and you had the most frightened yet desperate look in your eyes as they laid on her. 
“Hey” was all you could choke out and her lip twitched into a smile at the sound of your voice.
“Hey hon.” she replied and you smiled. You decided you didn't have to stand here anymore, and turned to walk to your room. You shut the door, locking it and let out a sigh.  Melissa let out her own breath she was holding in the whole interaction, and went into her room. God that was awkward, was all you could think. Despite your heart racing you thought it didn't go too bad, but definitely less dramatic than you thought it’d be. As you did every step of your routine you wondered what Melissa was thinking after that interaction. Did she care at all? 
To go out, you put on a black mini skirt and sparkly top along with sheer black tights, and some black leather boots to match your leather jacket you were bringing in case you stepped outside. Before fully dressing, you put on a silk robe to wear while you did your makeup and hair. However, you needed your blow dryer next and you remembered it was in the guest bathroom that was in Melissa’s room. You let out a sigh as you realized and cursed under your breath before going back to adding the finishing touches to your face. With a tight chest and almost dry hair from the procrastinating, you walked over to her door and knocked gently. She answered and you felt your stomach fill with butterflies at the sight of her, her own hair and makeup was already done, but she was also only wearing a robe, her lacy bra-clad breasts peaked out and you swallowed as you kept your gaze on her face, her eyes were sparkling with surprise and confusion, and you felt your throat get dry. 
“Um, my blow dryer is in the bottom drawer of the vanity.” you said softly and she nodded moving out of the way slowly. You walked in quickly and grabbed the hair utensil before walking towards the door. 
“So you’re going with us tonight?” she asked in the midst of the silence and you stopped, looking at her slowly. 
“Yup I'm riding up with y’all.” you nodded then turned on your heel and walked to your room. 
By the time everyone was ready it was a little past six, and you were grabbing your purse and heading to the door. Your dad was already in the car warming it up, and you learned Jude was at Anthony’s and was going to ride with him. Which meant it would just be you and Melissa in the backseat, for the thirty minute drive. You went and got in, sitting behind your dad and facing towards the window, the less contact the better. After a few minutes, Mary and her came walking out, locking the door and coming up to the truck. You didnt turn to look at anyone, and just kept your gaze out the window. 
“You got the jalapeno poppers right, Melissa?” Mary asked and with a crinkle of tin foil Melissa confirmed as she set the tray between the two of you. She looked at you as she did and you could feel her eyes tracing your silhouette but you continued to look away. The drive was going fast as you zoned out, looking at the scenery and the lights sparkling in the dark distance. You sighed and your breath fogged the window and you drew a star watching as it faded just as you made the fifth point. 
“So Y/n how was your mom’s?” Mary asked kindly from the front and you looked up at her, Melissa's gaze on you could be seen in your peripheral vision. 
“It was good to see her.” Was all you said and you looked back out the window. You didn't really like to get into the situation with your mom, but Mary was very respectful about that so she just nodded. 
Soon you were arriving at the bar, mingling, and drinking with people. The friends you had invited got there soon after and you were hanging out with them before they had to leave to go to their own family's parties. Of course you didn't tell them about Melissa, so you tried your best to lay low and avoided her for most of the night. You had grabbed a beer and stepped outside, taking a break from dancing and going to get some air. The air was crisp and made your cheeks tingle, and the moon reflected off the blanket of snow surrounding everything. Some people nearby had already started shooting off fireworks so there were a good amount of people outside too. There was still thirty minutes til midnight, but a lot of people were already getting ready. 
You rested your hands on the wooden railing of the porch, and looked out at the sky as you sipped your drink and tuned out the faint popping noises. You had a few drinks in you and you were feeling pretty good, but you decided to pull out your cigarettes from your purse, the crumpled pack you kept on hand for times like this. You took one out and looked for your lighter, you heard a flick and looked up, a taller man with dark hair and scruff held out his hand with a flame ignited from a silver lighter, you looked at him as you moved, lighting yours and then moving back, you held up the pack to him and he shook his head. 
“Thanks.” you said finally as you breathed out.
“No problem. Im TJ.” he said with a nod and you nodded in response. 
“Y/n. Are you part of the party or just here at the bar?” you asked as you took a drag and blew it away from him. 
“I'm here with the family, I'm John's son.” you nodded and looked down to hide your awkward face. 
“Cool, Mary is my step-mom.” you said quietly as you looked anywhere but at him. You felt him stand closer as he stood against the railing and looked at you.
“Do you go to school around here? You’re in college right?”
“Yeah, my school isn't too far out from here, but I still stay on campus.” you finished and he nodded, taking a sip of his own beer in hand. 
“Do you, uh, have a boyfriend?” he asked and you were surprised by his boldness, you smoked awkwardly as you thought of how to respond. To be honest he was a very attractive guy, but you had put a pause on dating men awhile ago and you didn't want to kick off the new year with one. Unbeknownst to you, Melissa was watching the boy flirt from her spot at the bar inside. She saw your body standing close to his through the large windows and she felt her jaw clench as she watched him smile and talk at you with smothering confidence. She could tell you weren't interested, she knew he was far from your type and she debated going over there. 
People were getting restless and antsy in anticipation for the countdown, and Melissa did want to get some fresh air. She shook her head at her subconscious offering up reasons to go see you. She knew she needed to stay away from you, give you space, and let you live your life. She had to keep whatever forest fire of drama she would bring to your life far from you. Still there were hooks in her stomach that just pulled her to you. 
As she stood at the bar, the dim lights giving everything a beautiful glow, she admired the way you spoke. The way your pouty lips curled around the filter, and blew out the smoke. She didn't even know you smoke but she didn't seem to care. Her eyes softened at the sight of your reddening cheeks and nose, and she smiled as she looked you up and down, admiring your legs that stood out in the open air beneath a very sheer black tight. She watched as your eyes began to flutter as you looked up at the man and she furrowed her brows in suspicion. What could he have said that all of the sudden had you batting your lashes up at him?
“Yeah I'll get you a drink girl, just wait here.” TJ said before walking inside and you let out a relieved sigh. Your fake smile drops as you put out your cigarette and throw it away along with your empty bottle. 
Melissa watches as TJ walks up next to her to ask the bartender for another one of your drinks and a drink for himself and she can't help the smirk on her face as she looks at you waiting patiently, cutely. Of course you were conning a man for a drink, she laughed at the idea since it only made her more fond of you and your brilliant mind. 
“Hey Aunt Mel.” TJ spoke and she reluctantly muttered a response. He walked back out to you and she felt her chest tense up with envy. There was an urge deep in her stomach that made her unable to keep her eyes off of you. She wanted to be the person you were talking to at a bar on New Years. A loud voice caught her attention and she looked over to her cousin telling everyone there was only ten minutes left. She let out a huff and sipped her beer, looking back out the window at you.
“Yeah so it can get pretty intense but I like it.” TJ said after finishing his fifth sentence about himself. His low voice had long ago been tuned out and you stood mindlessly nodding and humming in agreement. 
“Do you want to kiss at midnight?” he said with a clear voice and you felt your cheeks grow red. He went right out and asked and you had to give him credit for the bravery, but now you were left there. Melissa managed to hear the question when a passerby opened the door outside for a brief moment and she quickly felt her arms grow itchy and hot as her blood rose in temperature. Why this was bothering her so much she didn't understand. She wished she didn't care, but she did and the jealousy moving through her veins made her neck twitch. It grew worse when she saw you turn to face him, looking up at him once again with starry eyes. However this time she saw you say something and then turn to walk towards the door. Crowds of people were all around fitting tightly in the bar and the live music echoing throughout the high ceiling created a busy atmosphere. Melissa watched you walk in and start to weave through people, a hunch gave her an idea of where you were going and she pushed herself off the bar and walked towards the back. She saw you walking towards the hall of the restroom and she casually sped up to reach you. 
“Y/n” She grabbed your elbow, pulling you back firmly before pushing you against the wall. After the initial shock wore off, and you registered who you were looking at, you threw her hands off you and tried to step back, your back against the wall stopping you. If only you could melt through walls you would be able to solve this problem.
“Ugh I just have to pee. Leave me alone.” Was all you said as you pushed past her and went into the restroom. You were fairly tipsy and this isn't something you wanted to deal with right now, especially not with midnight being minutes away. Was it a little presumptive, probably, but in the moment your dazed brain couldn't think of anything else to say. Thankfully she didn't follow you in, and you looked at yourself in the mirror as you washed your hands, nose and cheeks red from the cold. You patted under your eye and touched up what you could with your finger before finishing up and then taking a breath and heading back out. To your surprise Melissa wasn't there and you began to wonder if it was a hallucination. 
 You decided to go outside for the countdown, your friends had all left already and you didn't feel like being around that many strangers right now. There was a hill right off the porch that overlooked a lake, a skyline of the city behind it. Of course some people were sitting down by the lake to watch the fireworks, and you remembered you needed a glass of champagne, grabbing one from a table inside, before heading outside. You looked around for a place to stand and looked down at your phone, two minutes. Soon you felt a hand grasp your upper arm firmly and pull you and you looked to see red hair and a sparkly top. You didn't protest and just followed as she pulled you around to the back of the bar. It was down hill and out of view from most that would recognize you, and you huffed as she pushed you against the building once again. The number of patterns between you two was getting frightening at this rate.  
“Jesus Melissa, what do you want from me?” you asked, frustration evident in your voice as you crossed your arms.
“What were you doing flirtin with TJ?” she asked firmly and you made a face at the question. 
“I wasn't, what were you stalking me?” you scoffed as you rolled your eyes, Melissa grabbed your jaw and you looked at her as she smiled. 
“Just can't help yourself huh? You just go for anyone that gives you attention?” she laughed and you huffed looking down.
“No, Melissa, you were the only one and you know it, thats what makes this so fucked up. But you know that too.” you said with a hint of sarcasm, grabbing her hand from your jaw and pulling it off. You grabbed her belt loops and turned to push her against the wall now, you retracted your arms to sit across your chest. She looked at you with shock, speechless from what you had said and the action that followed. Suddenly roars of cheers could be heard as people started counting down from ten. 
“Y/n, I-” her lip twitched and she just looked over your face as you stared at her with undeserving compassion. The look in your eyes only made it harder for her to resist you, though you almost looked at her with an innocent pity. She saw your pupils shrink and your eyes grow darker as you furrowed your brows and shook your head slightly. 
“You want me to tell you what you wanna hear? Right? Well, this is all you, Melissa. So make a decision and stop fucking with me.” you spat out in frustration, your eyes beginning to brim with tears from the pent up emotions. Suddenly everyone started to yell ‘Happy New Year’ from the top of their lungs and Melissa laughed, grabbing your hips with force and pulling you into her. Her hand found your jaw once again and gripped it tightly as she kissed you with passion and fire. She quickly turned you so you were against the wall again and you felt your back being pushed hard into the rough brick of the building. Her tongue roamed your mouth without shame and you couldn't help the moan that crawled up your throat at the motions. Forceful hands gripped your hips, her thumbs digging into the flesh below your hip bone and her own breasts pressed into yours. When you heard a loud final cheer you pushed her face away from yours, her mouth attempting to meet yours again in a reflex before she pulled back and looked at your reddening face. 
“Fuck- No we have to stop.” she said looking down and you rolled your eyes as you shook your head in annoyance. 
“Happy fuckin new year Melissa.” you scoffed, shoving her away from you with little effort and walking up the hill with a slight stumble, and then back inside. You felt frustration build up again and your cheeks grew hot. You sped to the bathroom and locked yourself in a stall before small tears fell and you wiped them quickly, sniffling a bit from the cold. Melissa stringing you all around was giving you a headache, and every rejection from her you went through chipped away at your faith and ego. After gathering all the pieces of you again you let out an exhausted sigh and exited the restroom. You found your dad and told him you were ready to go and he sighed. If it wasn't for Jude also wanting to leave you would have had to stay longer, but your dad drove the both of you home and dropped you off before driving back. 
“Why did you leave early?” Jude asked as you unlocked the door and you shrugged. 
“I was just tired, you?” he nodded. 
“It was too loud and I'm still hungover from last night.” he admitted and you laughed.
“Anthony?” you asked with a brow raised and he nodded. “Glad you're being cautious.” you nodded and he said goodnight as you parted ways. The moment it was just you and yourself you felt your chest sink in. A weight was placed that you couldn't shake and caused you to wash your face and brush your teeth before crawling into bed and turning out the light. 
You didn't wake up until one in the afternoon.
You woke up from the light in your room along with the sound of people talking in the kitchen and you sighed. You turned over grabbing your phone and felt a slight twinge of shame at the sight of the time. You hated sleeping this late. Below it sat messages from Mary and your dad asking you if you wanted to go with everyone to their sisters house, followed by messages from a few minutes ago that said they were leaving since you didn't answer. You weren't upset in the slightest and took the opportunity to just rot back into bed and not leave until this weekend was over.
Eventually you had fallen asleep and when you woke back up the sun had started setting. With a long sigh you slinked out of bed and walked to the bathroom. You decided to shower to get the sleep and lingering Melissa off of you, and you seemed to not be able to think of anything else. In the shower and as you got out all you could do was think about her, and her lips on yours. The sweet sounds of her moans, the way she felt under your touch and against you. All these months, you had almost forgotten how she felt and reacted to things. These thoughts of her would get smothered by memories of her continuous rejections. It was the back and forth that made it so unbearable. You just needed her to decide and to stop being such a selfish, beautiful, two-sided-- a knock at the door interrupted your thoughts and you furrowed your brows. You got up and walked to your door, opening it slowly and feeling your lungs tighten when your eyes land on Melissa. Your brows furrowed and you ran a hand along your forehead with an annoyed groan. While it may have been a childish action, you didn't care because it was how you felt.
“Please just- can we talk?” she said in a steady and calm tone, deep and raspy yet kind. She was never bothered by your “immature” gestures.
“Is everyone back?” you asked, looking out of your room and she nodded. 
“Jude went to Anthony’s and your dad and Mary went to bed.” she replied and you turned to look at your clock, realizing it was nine already. You frowned when you realized how much time you lost thinking about her. Then your eyes went wide when you remembered you had plans tonight. 
“Oh I actually can't talk right now, my friends are coming to get me at ten we are going out for a new year celebration.” You said apologetically before moving into your room to start setting out your clothes and shoes. Melissa stepped in and shut the door slightly behind her.
“Does your dad know?” she asked and you shook your head.
“Considering I haven't talked to him since he drove me home, I'm gonna say no.” you fixed your hair and did some light but flattering makeup. In your vanity mirror you could see Melissa looking around your room, soaking up bits of your life and personality through the posters and trinkets scattered neatly around. 
Melissa knew she was in no place to tell you it was not safe to go out tonight, or that you should just stay home since its late, but as she watched you do your makeup she felt her heart ache and she sighed shaking her head, she had to stop these feelings now before they got worse. She had to stop observing you behaving.. domestically. It only made her chest hurt more. 
“Hon, I'm sorry for last night.” she said softly and you looked at her through the mirror and just put on a smile for her.
“Dont worry about it.” After adding the finishing touches you stood up and grabbed your dress. The air in your bedroom grew heavy as you looked up at her and your hands held the dark fabric. 
“Sorry,” she turned around and you blushed as you got dressed, “I just want you to know it won't happen again, and it's my last night and I think from now on if I come to town i'll just stay in a hotel to be safe.” she said all of this so casually, facing away from you and fidgeting with her fingers, but her voice was so neutral. You looked at her as you slipped your pants off and paused to think. The tone and words Melissa was speaking out made a funk wash over you that you couldn't quite name. While you had said you wanted her to make a decision, the way she was acting was making you feel insignificant. Like all her words were phrased like the beginning or end of an email. 
“I don't think that's necessary, I'm perfectly capable of being normal.” You slipped on your dress and stepped into your shoes. 
“I'm sure you are but, y/n,” she let out a huff and looked down and you furrowed your brows, sensing the shift in energy. You walked closer and she let in a breath, “I don't know if I can stay away from you. You're just too… ethereal.” she said with a small laugh at the last word. You don't know why but all you felt was anger washing over you rapidly at her use of the word. The word you searched so hard for to describe her so she knew just how radiant she had looked to you,  only to be turned away and scolded for it. Now, all these months later, she begins to understand its meaning and uses it to for you?
“Melissa.” you said firmly, now standing right behind her, your hand coming to her shoulder to let her turn back around. “You use that word like it didn't cause you to nearly jump away from me when I said it to you.” You kept your chin high and your back straight, hoping she didnt see through the fake confidence and find out how much she intimidated you.
“I know. Baby I think you are phenomenal, but this thing would only cause trouble.” she said gesturing between the two of you and you scoffed as you rolled your eyes. Just when you thought she was trying to be genuine, she throws another cliche. You grab your purse and phone and look at her with a small scowl.
“It already has. Don't worry though, if you say it's over, it's over.” you brushed past her and headed out, your friends ready to pick you up outside.
It had been awhile since you had been under the influence of anything that wasn't weed or alcohol, but when you got in the car after Melissa's revelations, your friend's friend offered you some ecstasy and well of course you did not decline in your current state. However, you were having a delightful time because of this fact. You were hardly thinking of Melissa, and you were just happily dancing with your friends, and drinking some cocktails. It was all around a great night until suddenly everything went downhill really fast when you went to the restroom and were waiting in the line. There were three women ahead of you and you just scrolled on your phone as you waited. You came across a picture Melissa put on instagram and you felt your stomach twirl and you furrowed your brows. You soon felt an ache between your legs and you let out a small sigh. You forgot the increased libido that can sometimes come with this substance.
When it was finally your turn you went in to pee and looked up at the wall in front of you. Your eyes widened when you saw a particular writing amongst all the scribbles and words on the walls that stood out to you. Though you knew it was a mere coincidence, seeing a heart etched around an M and your own initial, caused you to let out a pathetic laugh. You hurried up to finish and looked at it closely once more. How cheesy and cliche this marking was, yet staring at it gave you an eerie and looming feeling you again, couldn't describe. You felt a sadness take over when thoughts of your redhead flooded your mind. You took a picture and exited the restroom, walking to find your friends. Now the woman was present in your mind and she wouldn't leave. She was everywhere you looked, and everything your friends talked about would somehow bring a memory of her. She had infiltrated your thoughts so much even the red club lights made you think of her.
“Guys Peter is fucked up we gotta go.” one of your other friends said coming over and you all stood up and nodded as you gathered your things. You got dropped off first and said good night to everyone before entering your home as quiet as possible. It was almost three in the morning so you were trying to be super cautious. After taking off your shoes and setting your purse down you went to the bathroom but paused when you saw Melissa's light was still on. You could hear the TV faintly and what you assumed was movement. Most of the effects of the drug had worn off and now you were left with the deadly combination of arousal, alcohol, and anger. 
You went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer to nurse for the next hour since you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep. All you could think of at this moment was the fact that the beautiful woman that you had the most passionate and pleasurable sexual experience you have ever had in your life was less than two inches of wood away from you. You decided to say screw it and grabbed your phone, texting her as you sat in your room. 
Are you still up? I see your light on.
She didn't say anything and you huffed. Damn, what were you doing? All that whining and complaining about wanting her to make a choice and she does and now you are picking for her attention. Hypocrisy didn't feel good, but seeing Melissa would and that's all you wanted in this moment. Thankfully you always have the drugs to blame if not. 
Yeah. Can't sleep. 
You looked at the message with a small smirk and stood up, you checked your makeup in the mirror and fixed your hair. 
Did you just get home?
yeah. had to leave early.
Everything okay?
Your heart fluttered at her question and you sighed looking down at your phone. You could say yes, and then leave it alone, or you could say yes and ask her what she was doing. Your thumbs danced over your screen and you went to type when bubbles popped up.
Do you want to come talk about it?
You didn't say anything and sighed. You knew you should say no and go to sleep. To refuse and remind her this isn't what she said she wanted. You can just stay in here and save so much trouble. Your phone buzzed and you looked at a message from her. 
Who says anything has to happen, Sweetheart.
You felt a fire ignite between your legs at the message and you looked up at your door. Peaking out of it you looked at her door and saw the light was now dimmer, the glow of the TV seeming to be the only thing casting on the floor and out of the room. You took a breath and walked over quietly. Your parents room was on the other end of the house, but if you spoke loud enough they’d still hear you, so you tried your best to be smooth with your actions. A shaky hand reached out to the door handle and grabbed it gently, pushing down slowly before opening it slightly and stepping in. 
As you walked in you saw Melissa was in bed with her head propped up on her hand, she looked away from the TV to catch your gaze. She smiled at you with an almost sweet and pure grin that sent a shiver down your spine. It was a rather unusual expression to be displayed on her face. As heavy eyes traced her form under the covers, you didn't hesitate to walk over and pull the covers back slowly as you slipped into the bed with her. Your cold legs were met with the warmth of her body and you felt your thighs squeeze together at the realization you were once again in bed with Melissa Schemmenti. Slowly your eyes met hers and yours softened as you looked over her face. The light from the TV illuminated her beautifully, the colors popping off her cheeks and making her eyes sparkle, of course it was some rom-com playing too. Muffled voices from the TV swirled with quiet romantic music filled the air to allow for less awkward silence, and mixed with the thick tension between the two of you caused the atmosphere to be flawless. You reached your hand out to cup one of her cheeks and she looked down then at you, slightly taken aback as her eyes looked between yours trying her best to read your intentions hidden behind your doe eyes that didn't pull away from hers even to blink. 
“I don't want to talk about it Melissa.” was all you said in a low and desperate voice before you leaned in and pressed your lips to hers. You kissed her with passion and hunger, moving on top of her and stroking her cheek with your thumb. It was then as your legs tangled together that you realized she was only wearing underwear and a tight thin-strapped tank top with a v-shaped neckline that allowed for almost all her cleavage to be on display. You moaned into the kiss as Melissa moved her hands along your waist and to your hips, her fingers gripped them tightly and they found the hem of your own shirt, sliding it up slightly so her fingers could feel your skin. You moved a hand down her side, sliding it slowly over her stomach between your bodies, before moving down to gently brush your fingers over her clothed center. Her hips pushed up into you and you kissed her deeply, she moaned into your mouth and you felt your stomach flip and your core throb. Her hands moved from your hips to your ass, squeezing it firmly before she moved her hands back to your waist. She pulled away and her hand came to grip around your jaw as she admired your reddened face and shallow breathing. 
“Remember I call the shots sweetie.” she said in her velvety voice as she pushed her lips to yours with aggression. A pathetic moan slipped into her mouth and without a moment to catch a rhythm she took your bottom lip between her teeth, you moaned again as her knee went to press between your legs. Your kiss grew sloppy as you pushed down onto her knee and you felt her smile as she hummed in satisfaction. She pulled away and sat up and you grew fearful for a moment before she pulled back the covers and sat against the pillows and your breath hitched as you slowly moved up to her, she stopped you with her foot and you wrapped your hands around her ankle in a submissive gesture. With a desperate hand you grabbed her panties and pulled them off before setting them aside, your hands stroked up her calf as you continued to hold her leg, pressing kisses to her silky, soft skin. You went over her knee and started inside her thigh before her pulled you up to her lips with a harsh kiss.
“Good Girl.” she muttered breathily into the kiss as her hands tangled in your hair and you felt your brain melt at the line and the delivery. Your core ached for her and you couldn't help the touch starved nerves reacting to her heavenly grasp. You squeezed her breasts and she moaned which caused a cocky smirk to prick at your mouth and Melissa pulled back and a hand slid to your throat, squeezing ever so gently, before sliding down to rest in a V at the base of your neck, resting above your collarbones.
“Do you like making me feel good baby?” she teased and you nodded hesitantly, “Then don't get cocky about it. Now come on, we have to be quiet.” she quipped and you paused to make sure you weren't just dreaming and everything was going to disappear if you moved too quickly. She moved her hands to your shoulders and pushed you down and you quickly grasped what the gesture ment, your hands slowly ran down the sides of her thighs, you squeezed them, nails teasingly scratching down the sides of her soft skin. With one hand you pushed her shirt up to reveal her stomach, your palm resting flat on her stomach, trailing down to her lower stomach, you traced along the invisible band of panties, moving your hand to her hips. You leaned down and placed kisses to her upper thighs. Her plush and silky skin was irresistible and it made it hard to not soak in every inch of her. You looked up at her with a smile and her hand came to brush your hair from your face. Gentle kisses were placed along the crease between her thigh and stomach and she flinched slightly. You smiled against her skin and you soon felt her hand go to your hair and grip it with a mild force to warn you. With starstruck eyes you looked up at her as you kissed closer to her slit. 
“Come on sweetie, I need you now.” she spoke out softly and with a clear flustered tone. Mischievous eyes met her hazy ones and you kissed her center. You didn't waste any time and your lips met her clit, sucking and licking a stripe up her folds. Her hand gripped your hair tighter and you heard her breathing hitch. You smiled to yourself before moaning into her cunt as your tongue collected her slick, you wrapped your hands around her thighs to hold them in place, the pads of your fingers pressing down into her skin. The sweet, soft sounds that left Melissa’s lips painted her in a much different light than you were used to seeing from the rather feisty redhead. Instead here she was beneath you, yearning for you and whimpering as you moved your tongue in circles around her clit before pushing it inside her. Her head went back onto the pillow and her nails ran through your hair, gripping it as you felt the muscles of her thighs flex to move together. 
Melissa’s breath grew slow and shallow and you felt her back arching up slightly, you pulled away to breath, a small smirk and she looked down at you quickly. 
“The fuck are you doing.” she stated more so rather than asking.
“Breathing Melissa, give me a second baby. Fuck you really are so hot for me huh?” you laughed as you bit your lip with big eyes looking up at her with a seductive playfulness. The hand she had in your hair came down to your face, gently cupping your cheek before she gripped your jaw tightly. 
“Be a good girl or I will kick you out and finish myself off.” she hissed with a low voice and you felt your stomach grow hot as your core ached. She jerked your head slightly as she moved her hand back with attitude. It went to rest in your hair again, brushing it away from your face as you kissed her gently on her clit. You knew what she wanted, but as you held onto her, your head between her thighs and her fingers playing with you hair you realized at any moment this could all be gone, she could be gone, and you wouldnt get to live through this amazing of an experience ever again. She had done it to you before too, and that only worried you more. Therefore rushing through this was hard when all you wanted to do was soak up every inch of her body. The curves of her hips, the fold between her thigh and waist, the stretch marks along her bottom that ever so slightly stretch to the sides of her lower stomach like the stripes of a tiger. Her soft, radiant skin that tasted sweet and smelled of roses was a sensation you wouldn't forget. Your tongue flicked over her clit as you moved a hand to her center, shoving a finger in her without warning and moaning into her cunt. You closed your eyes to savor the moment, heightening your other senses. You could taste her sweetness and smell her scent, the sounds that left her pouty lips rang sweetly in your ear and created a rhythm with her heavy breathing. You inserted another finger and she let out a moan and you felt it send a jolt right to your own pussy. You pressed your thighs together and moved your fingers in and out of her slowly, stroking her inside with precision and delicacy. Her hips pushed up and your fingers went in deeper. 
“Fuck!” her raspy voice moaned out with more projection than intended and you squeezed her thigh tighter. 
“You have to be quiet.” you spoke quickly before continuing to suck on her clit with the rhythm of your fingers thrusting into her. 
“I'm almost there sweetie- yes god.” Her hand pulled your hair and her other gripped the sheets as her back arched up off the bed. You felt encouraged to speed up and use more force, your tongue pressed down firmly and her hips jutted slightly and you smiled, they rolled against your fingers and tongue as she breathed heavy. You looked up at her and the sight alone could replace any porno you could watch. Her hair and face was illuminated from the TV and her brows were pushed together as her teeth bit into her bottom lip, holding in a moan. Her chest was glistening ever so slightly from the sheen of erotics. You picked up the pace and felt her squeeze around your fingers, her hips grinded into you faster and you matched her pace, you moaned into her cunt, the vibrations causing a sensation to ripple through her clit and she whined through tight lips. 
“Fuck Im gonna cum baby.” she spoke heavily and her thighs squeezed around you as she came, her cunt hugging your fingers as you continued to move them. Her legs tensed up and her back was off the bed. Her hips didnt stop but slowed as she rode out her high and allowed her body to rest back on the bed fully, she caught her breath and opened her eyes finally looking down at you. You pulled your fingers out of her and she grabbed you hand keeping them inside of her and you felt your core tighten, you placed sloppy kisses on her inner thigh and she sighed. Slowly your fingers curled inside of her and she flinched with a grunt. You continued the motion and she sucked in a breath. You didn't tear your darkening eyes away from her sparkling ones as you moved your thumb to brush her clit. Both of her hands came up to rest on your shoulders, gripping them and stroking over them and over your biceps before back up and to your neck, they tangled in your hair and the action sent a chill up your spine. Your fingers moved faster and you felt her clench around you and you smiled at her. She bit her lip and her eyes grew hazy as she rapidly reached a second orgasm. She didn't allow her eyes to shut, wanting to watch you admire her as she came around your fingers for a second time.
She let out a soft moan as she came and she couldn't help but feel some of the serotonin from the high quickly go to waste as she looked into your eyes. So sweet and pure looking up at her with such admiration. Your lips were red and puffy and your eyes glossy from your prior efforts and she couldn't help but feel guilty as she looked into your helpless eyes. Yes you could take care of yourself, and yes being in your general presence was just as good as being in bed with you, but Melissa couldn't shake this guilt she was taking opportunities away from you. When you finally pulled out and away from her, you crawled up to meet her lips. Her green eyes looked over your face as you hovered over her, her hands coming to stroke your cheek and tuck hair from your face. The domestic and loving action gave you intense butterflies and you smiled, leaning in to press your lips against hers. 
She moaned into the kiss as she tasted herself on your plump lips and she allowed her tongue to enter your mouth as she deepened the kiss, her hand coming to rest on your lower back. You pulled back and kissed down her jaw, moving to her neck and quickly reaching her chest, you placed kisses down her sternum and stopped at the top of her cleavage. You looked up at her and she just admired you worshiping her. You were everything she ever wanted, so why on earth did it still feel wrong to love every minute she was with you. After all these months and encounters, sex and fighting, kissing and laughing, you brought her a joy she couldn't find with anyone else. 
“We need to fuck somewhere I can hear all the moans from your pretty mouth freely.” you muttered against her chest before looking up at her. She was smiling and the mischievous glint in your eyes faded as you looked into hers. You could see she was thinking hard about something and you pushed your brows together slightly as you came to meet her face once more. Your stomachs were pressed together and your legs intertwined your arm propping you up so you could look into her eyes.
“What's wrong Melissa?” you asked softly and she was quick to shake her head. Her fingers grazed your cheek softly and she played with the hair behind your ear. 
“Nothing, you did so good for me baby.” she smiled and you felt a relief spread through you. She suddenly moved and flipped you so she was on top. Her warm body pressed against yours as she leaned in and kissed you with haste until your lips quickly began to grow pink and raw again, you pulled away for air and without a second thought her soft lips were moving down your jaw and your neck. You moaned when she bit down suddenly and your hips pushed up into hers. Nerves and adrenaline flooded your veins and you were on a whole other high from it. 
You could feel your panties were soaked, and from that though you moved your hand from Melissa's breast to squeeze her still naked bottom. 
“Take off your clothes hon.” she muttered into your hot flesh. You smirked and obeyed taking off your dress and allowing Melissa to have her way with you.
You woke up to bright light from the sunrise shining in through the window and your eyes fluttered as they adjusted. Looking around confused, your eyes went wide when you saw Melissa beside you still and realized you had never made it back to your room. A hand went to your head before looking  over at the alarm clock. Thankfully it was only six so you quickly grabbed your dress from the foot of the bed and your panties that were lost in the sheets. All the movement caused Melissa to wake up and she looked over at you. 
“Fuck.” was all she said and you nodded in agreement as you stood up out of the bed. You grabbed a throw blanket to wrap around you and looked around for your phone. When you realized you didn't bring it with you, you let out an exhausted sigh before looking up at Melissa. Even freshly awake from a night like you’d had, she still looked like an angel, her hair was still loosely curled and her lashes were long. She watched you with uncertainty, nor sure what to say or do. 
“What time do you leave?” you asked softly and her eyes looked over your expression but you managed to maintain a rather neutral one. 
“Ten.” she answered and you nodded. 
“Um-” you started to fill the awkward air and she shook her head.
“It's fine hon, there's no reason to act like you shouldnt be leaving, we can't have anyone seeing.” you nodded once more and looked down.
“I guess I will see you for Anthony's birthday then.” you said casually and she looked over your frame with confusion. 
“His birthday party isn't until the end of March?” The phrase came out almost as a question, hoping it could disguise the slight hurt in the sentence. You looked up at her and shrugged.
“Yeah I mean I don't usually come back for anything between now and then.” Your words were honest and you couldn't help but be shy from the thick tension in the air that seemed to suck out the oxygen causing your lungs to tighten slightly. 
“So you dont want to see each other til then?” you looked in her eyes at the question, she seemed genuinely unbothered to be asking and this only confused you more. In reality Melissa was just as confused as you. Did you not want to see her or were you too scared to ask out of fear of another rejection by her hand. 
“If i'm ever in Philly i'll give you a call, you do the same for me too?”  Your heart stung a bit but you knew this was the best arrangement. You weren't a couple and you could never be one and you both needed to accept that.
“Okay.” she nodded and you smiled.
“Ok.” you turned to leave but she got up.
“Hang on, Hon.” She came to stand in front of you and you faced her, her hands came to grasp your face gently and she pulled you in for a kiss, her lips pressed against yours with tender love and pure emotion. You kissed her back, her sweetness filling your senses as your mouths moved in a perfect rhythm. She pulled away, placing one more peck and then looking between your eyes, gathering any remaining information she could. Your heart fluttered as your eyes gazed into hers and you gave her a sweet smile before opening the door. 
“Don't be a stranger.” she said sincerely and rather softly, causing an ache in your chest as the vulnerable tone. 
“I'd be an idiot to try and forget you Melissa.” you walked out quietly and shut the door behind you before quietly shuffling back to your room. As soon as you shut your door the wave of depression and uncertainty hit and you fell into bed, sliding into your sheets and drifting back into a deep sleep. 
When you woke up the house was silent, your phone was dead on your nightstand, and it was cloudy outside. You stood up slipping on a t- shirt and shorts and going into the hall. The guest room door was cracked and you walked over slowly. Your hands pulled it back and you peeked inside. The air was empty and clean, the bed was made, and it looked almost untouched. As if she hadn't even been here at all. As if it really was all just a dream. The only thing that allowed you to believe it really happened was the familiar weight on your chest, and the lingering touch of her on your skin. 
Like always, you wouldn't see her again for months. The only thing that was different this time around was when you went back to work your boss was eagerly waiting for you. Standing before you like a confident and sexy method of getting over Melissa faster. 
okkkk what did we think??? please lmk and please send in requestsss
tags// @vyvvycg @freshrot @neverfindmegone @insert-issueslol @pitstopsapphic @darkcolorphantom
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celandeline · 5 months
I'm thinking about Carl being insecure about his eye. y/n found a way to comfort him. Imagine what comic Lydia did, LOL. But just write whatever you like
i got a little carried away with this one, so it's going to be a two-parter (sorry)
also- comic Lydia sticking her tongue in his eye socket haunts me like the plague because i can't decide if it's disgusting, or i too, would do that given the opportunity
Believe Me
Carl Grimes X Reader [part two]
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You always make a point to see Aaron off when he’s about to leave to go recruiting. You know that he can handle himself, that he’s done this a million times before, that Daryl would never leave him behind, even if things got sticky - but you never know. Coming back alive is never guaranteed. 
You hold his bag for him while he fumbles with the car keys until it unlocks. “You’re sure you don’t want to take anything else? Another water bottle? More protein bars?”
He turns around to take his pack from you with a smile. “We’re only going to be gone for two days, I think I’ll be alright with just this.”
The rumble of Daryls bike announces his presence before he rolls up beside the car, stopping. “Y’ready?” He gruffs. 
“Almost.” He tosses his bag into the passenger seat before turning to back to you with open arms. “Give me a hug.”
You squish yourself into his chest, and squeeze him as tight as you can. “Bye Dad. Be safe.” 
You feel him swallow, and hold you a little tighter. Calling him Dad is still a little new, and it makes him tear up a little more often than not. He’s not your biological father - no, your biological parents died years ago at this point - but he has become a father to you, ever since you started living with him and Eric. 
“You too.” He says, pulling back to look you in the eye. “And make sure Eric doesn’t try the stairs alone again please. He’s not as good at maneuvering in that boot as he thinks he is.”
You grin, and jokingly salute. “Yes sir.”
He slips into the driver's seat, and then he and Daryl are pulling away, heading towards the gates. You watch them go until they round the corner, and try to put your nerves to rest. The sound of plastic wheels on the sidewalk is a welcome distraction, and you turn around to see Carl pushing Judith along in the stroller.
He smiles when you turn around, and you return the gesture. “They’re going out again?” He asks, nodding in the direction your dad and Daryl went. 
“Yeah.” You say. “Only for a couple days this time, but you know.” You never really know when you’re coming back. If you’re coming back. 
He nods, and Judith gurgles happily in her stroller, reaching for the hem of your shirt. “You wanna join?” He asks. “M’ just taking her around the cul de sac before I bring her home for her nap.”
“Sure.” You say, welcoming the distraction from worrying about if this is the time that Aaron doesn’t come back. You fall into step beside Carl as he pushes the stroller along, following the sidewalk, passing by the houses of friends and neighbors. It’s quiet, the middle of the day with most of the adults at work - whatever that may be. It almost feels like you, Carl, and Judith are the only people in this whole town. 
“You think you’re gonna do that?” Carl asks. “Go recruiting with Aaron when they decide we’re old enough for real jobs?”
“I don’t know.” You say, honestly. “I mean, I guess I wouldn’t worry so much if I was with him, but then Eric would worry twice as much. And I don’t have a whole lot of experience out there - I was only on my own for a couple of months before Aaron found me and brought me here. You’d be good though,” You glance over at him. “I mean, you’ve got loads of experience out in the real world.”
He shakes his head. “Nah- I mean, yeah I’m experienced, but I don’t think they want the kid with the mangled face being the one to go make first impressions on new people.” He grins, halfheartedly joking, “Don’t want to scare ‘em off.”
“Huh?” You laugh, looking over at him. “What’re you talking about?”
He rolls his eye. “C’mon.” He says. “I know what I look like. Sending the ugly guy out there to try and recruit people probably isn’t the best image for our group.”
“Carl.” You say, brow furrowing. “Do you know what you look like?” You’re so confused - sure, he’s missing an eye, but he’s still the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen. The eye that he still has is the kind of blue that makes you think of the sky on a sunny day, and you’d kill for hair like his - long and silky and a dark brown that makes his blue eye stand out even more. He looks like a fairy tale prince. 
He glances at you. “You’re looking at me like I’m stupid.”
You laugh. “I mean how could you not be, when-” 
“Wow, thanks.” He snarks, cutting you off. 
“Shut up.” You say, knocking your shoulder into his. “I was trying to say that you’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, before you interrupted me.”
You words hang in the air, and he looks steadfastly ahead. The only sounds are the plastic stroller wheels rolling on the sidewalk, and Judith’s occasional little noises. You can see a blush rising to his cheeks, and bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling, lest he think you’re making fun of him. 
“You’re just saying that ‘cause we’re friends, and you’re trying to be nice.” He says. 
“‘M not.” You insist. “It’s true - you’re really pretty, Carl.”
He still won’t look at you. “Half my face is just a hole.”
“Which just makes you look cool and badass.” You say, trying to peer around his curtain of hair to get him to look at you. He still won’t look at you, and the redness on his face has only gotten worse. “You still don’t believe me.”
He shakes his head, slowing as you reach the steps up to the porch of his house. He walks around to the front of the stroller to unbuckle Judith and lift her out of the seat. She slumps against his shoulder, obviously ready for her nap. “Um.” Carl looks down at the stroller. “Could you-?”
“Gotcha.” You say, folding up the stroller and carrying it up the porch steps after Carl. He opens the door and you follow him inside, gently kicking it shut behind you. “Where-?”
“Uh, we usually just leave it by the door.” He says over his shoulder as he starts up the stairs. “Let me just put her down-” He disappears around the bend in the landing, and you prop the folded stroller against the wall next to the door. You loiter at the bottom of the stairs until Carl appears at the top again, still a little pink. 
He comes down the steps and leads the way into the living room, towards the couch. You plop down onto the sofa, turned to face him next to you. “So-”
“Can we talk about something else?”
“No.” You grin. “Not until you believe me.”
He rolls his eye. “Fine. I believe you.”
“I mean really believe me.” You say. “What’s it going to take?”
“I don’t know.”
“Fine.” You say. “Where’s the nearest mirror?”
“Are you serious?”
He pauses for a moment before responding. “I have one in my room.”
You get up from the couch and creep upstairs, careful to keep quiet so as to not wake Judith, Carl a reluctant half step behind you. He points you in the direction of his room, and you slip inside, holding the door open for him before shutting it quietly. The mirror isn’t anything special, just a rectangle of glass hanging above the dresser, but you grin at the sight of it anyway. 
Grabbing him by the shoulders, you steer him in front of the mirror, watching over his shoulder. “See?”
“Yup.” He says, unenthused. “I see this every day, actually.”
“Apparently not.” You say, moving a hand from his shoulder to gently play with his hair. “I mean, look at this.” You hold the lock up in front of his gaze. “Your hair is gorgeous. And-” You drop his hair in favor of softly holding his jaw, turning his head so that his jawline is more prominent. “This.” You run a finger along the line of his jaw. “This too.” You turn his head again so that you can sweep your touch over the bridge of his nose. “And of course,” You thumb over his cheek, tapping each of his freckles. Your hand still on his cheek, you grin at him in the mirror. “You’re blushing.”
“What are you doing?” He asks, soft. 
“Showing you.” You say. 
“Because you should know.” You say. “And it’s personally offensive when you say you’re ugly, because that means you think the guy I’ve been flirting with is a total dud.”
It takes him a minute to process it, and you can see it in his eye when he puts it together. “You’ve been flirting with me?”
“Maybe you are stupid.” You muse. 
You didn’t think it was possible, but he turns even more red. “I don’t- really? Me? Why?”
“Jesus Christ Carl, how far am I going to have to go before you believe that I like you.” You laugh. 
He makes eye contact with you through the mirror. “As far as you want.”
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sardonic-the-writer · 4 months
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𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ notes: happy birthday to me! when this posts i'll officially be older, and celebrating by being cringe (writing this). i also love that picture of misha. it's him at my birthday party for real. he told me himself (lying)
↳ warnings: none!
↳ song: rock your body—justin timberlake
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• Special occasions like this are few and far between
• The Winchester family hadn't had a proper birthday in decades. While Dean clung to memories of gas station twinkies in replacement of a birthday cake, Sam remembered most of his birthdays with a sort of sad animosity. Up until walking out on his dad for Stanford and spending his birthday that year with Jessica, he hadn't had a single enjoyable birthday party. Maybe that was part of the reason he refused to let you feel the same way about your own birthday—even if none of you were kids anymore
• Worst case scenario, the world is ending again and you all have little time for delicacies. If that's the case, you'd get a quick pat on the shoulder from Dean, one excited bear hug from Sam, and very confused Cas wishing you the best of births before being told to continue packing the shotguns with salt rounds
• "With age comes responsibility, so keep loading those guns. Spider-Man said that."
• "For someone that watches so much trash tv, you know so little about media, Dean." You snorted at your friend, fingers nimmbly crushing salt into a line of rigid red shells before moving onto the next group
• "Shut up before I decide to give you your birthday noogies." He pointed a finger at you from across the room with a single raised eyebrow. Off to the side you saw Cas ask Dean what birthday noogies were not-so-quietly, and you struggled to hold back a laugh
• Even in the worst situations, they could always manage to make you smile
• Best case scenario, however, it's a free day. Nothing to do, no devils to fight, no ghouls to stop—nothing. Just you, the guys, and time on your hands that you all normally never have. So what better way to utilize it than with a little surprise party?
• Sam would be the most into the whole birthday party shtick. He'd insist that it was the least they could do for you after all the years on the hunt together, and even got Dean to budge after a few minutes of petty debating
• "It's stupid and cheesy, Sammy. We're grown adults. We've fought the devil beforr for christ's sake." Dean gave his brother the stink eye from his spot in the drivers seat. Groceries stores and Mom & Pop stores passed them by as they ventured into the nearest town, but neither of them paid attention to their blurred surroundings
• "Come on Dean." Sam twisted his torso and turned to face him fully. "Don't tell me you don't remember the look on their face last month when we brought them back a souvenir from our hunting trip in Alabama. You would have thought we brought them a new car. Besides, this is the one chance we've had in a while to actually celebrate something." Sam's eyebrows tilted up as he recalled the memory, shooting a knowing look at Dean's side-profile
• "So what? I say we just tell them happy birthday like a regular person and call it a day." Dean grumbled
• "Is that why you're driving in the nearest direction of the bakery here?"
• Dean didn't respond
• "That's what I thought."
• "Shut your pie-hole or I'm kicking you to the curb."
• Once the boys get back to whatever new place you all are holed up for that week, a couple of crinkled bags in hand, they call on Cas to help out with setting up whatever decorations Sam had forced Dean to throw in the cart
• Cas didn't take nearly as much convincing to partake in the setting up of festivities, but he certainly did need a lot of it explained
• "I thought angels were familiar with the concept of birthdays?" Dean asked at one point while watching Sam pull part of a cake out of the oven. His hand was slapped away when he went to grab at it, and he glared at his younger brother momentarily
• "We are." Castiel's gruff answer came shortly. "But we stopped keeping count after the first couple thousand years. And it was never done like—" He flicked the party hat atop his head curiously, "—this."
• "What did you guys do to celebrate?" Sam asked while popping the lid to a can of store bough frosting open
• "Pray."
• "Naturally." Dean rolled his eyes sarcastically. A blanket of silence fell over the room after that as Sam set out to frost the first part of the cake. Then—
• "Hey. How come none of you are wearing paper hats?"
• "Oh, trust me Cas. It'll mean a lot more to them if you were the one wearing it." Dean's grin was borderline evil as he looked at the angel
• It's safe to say that you laughed the hardest you had in a while once seeing Cas looking so hesitant in a mini cone hat
• Overall, it's the best birthday— the best day —that you've had in a long time
• You didn't need much, and as a hunter you'd come to expect almost nothing. But knowing that your friends— the short tempered, college dropout, otherworldly friends that they were —took it upon themselves to set all this up for you was the emotional equivalent to a punch in the gut. A lovely emotional punch in the gut
• "If you start crying, I'll leave." Dean snapped at you when you eventuallyvoiced how much this meant to you. But the threat was empty, and you all knew it
• Sometime during the party, you had managed to wrestle a paper hat of his own onto his head, and how it sat on the side of his head like a crooked unicorn horn. Occasionally he'd reach for it as if to take it off, then lower his hand with a small smile
• "Shut the fuck up and give me a group hug, Dean." You grinned with teeth, gesturing at him to stand up
• "Wait, no, I take it back that's worse."
• "I will kill you, Winchester. I swear I'll do it."
• You ended up getting your group hug that day, even if it took Castiel trapping Dean between you and him to get him to stand still
• "I hate it here." He griped with a groan. Sam could only laugh as be watched his brother struggle in Cas's iron grip, and said angel was smiling a bit to himself. You felt your heart swell; even if the look on Dean's face was downright murderous
• "Smile or I'm egging Baby on my birthday night." You said before setting the camera's timer and holding it up above you all
• "You wouldn't—"
• "Watch me."
• All four of you have your own copy of the photo from that night, kept in your seperate pockets and bedside table drawers. To this day you find yourself smiling when you look at it, and even if you'd never know it, so do they
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angel-of-the-moons · 10 months
Chocolates vs Aliens
Eddie/Venom x Pregnant!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Fluff, details of pregnancy , childbirth mentions. Venom loves babies! This! Is! A hill! I will die on!
A/N: The winners of the poll! I'll do the Moon Boys next! Also okay its not a drabble but enjoy this hot word vomit asdfghjkl idk should I make a part 2??
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"SHE IS OUT OF CHOCOLATE?!" Venom's voice boomed inside his head.
"Relax, buddy, we can hit up the 7/11 down the street." Eddie scoffed, adjusting his wireless earbud. Thankfully it looked like he was on the phone, so he could talk freely to Venom without anyone thinking he was insane.
And well, he kind of was, a tiny bit.
Just a tad...
"BUT I CAN SMELL IT!" The symbiote whined childishly as Eddie scooped the frozen egg rolls into the wiry basket looped over his arms.
"Yeah yeah, I know. Mrs Chen could have eaten the last one, Vee. Just chill. How about some chocolate ice cream?" Eddie grinned at the pun.
"No! We always get brain freezes!" He entity huffed.
"Because you scarf down the whole tub in one go." Eddie chuckled.
Venom grumbled again, and a tendril snaked out from beneath Eddie's sweater and dropped a box of brownie mix into the basket. "Fine. I can settle with these."
"Whatever you say, love, but you're helping me bake the shit." The man shrugged in reply as he remembered to grab a carton of milk. He'd need some eggs, too... Well, at least his landlord let him move the chicken coop to the roof in exchange for some free eggs.
Those chickens were fat and spoiled, and Venom loved the little critters dearly, which Eddie always found humorous. Now, whenever Eddie made the joke of turning them into KFC, Venom would be aghast and headbutt him, citing that Sonny and Cher were his "babies".
He'd been talking like that a lot lately, Eddie realized. Venom apparently had a paternal streak in him. Eddie noticed that as well when Venom would find homeless kids or runaways, helping them and trying to seem as non-threatening as possible, even going as far as to change his fangs so they were blunt. (One of the kids assured him that was far creepier than the monster fangs, which made Eddie nearly keel over in laughter...)
"Deal." Venom purred happily, the tendril receding back to slip beneath Eddie's shirt and wrap around him like a hug.
"Alright, alright." Eddie chuckled, grabbing an extra box just in case as he walked around the shelves, sparing a glance at his phone to check the time.
"Eddie." Venom's voice said.
"What?" Eddie lifted his gaze, feeling Venom's haste flood him and put him on alert.
His eyes trailed the store until he landed on the checkout counter, where you were sitting. Not Mrs Chen, but cute, innocent, blissful you.
You were happily munching on a chocolate bar, one of the very ones Venom wanted. It would seem you had claimed it, eating the sugary morsel happily.
"Oh." Eddie mumbled.
He felt it as Venom seized control of his legs suddenly, sending him forward in jerking motions until he practically ran into the counter, making you jump in surprise.
"Oh! Sorry!" He smiled awkwardly, a faint blush to his cheeks.
'Venom, quit it! I'll get you chocolate later!' He said mentally to the alien inhabiting his body.
"No, Eddie. Wait."
"I, ah... Got a bit sidetracked and tripped over my feet." He added.
You smiled at him, "Oh, god. Yeah, I feel you. Lately it's like dragging my heels through wet cement." You chuckled.
Huh. You were... God, you were cute. He could tell even Venom thought so. With your cute fluffy turtleneck and your hair all done, your cheeks nice and rosy from the blush you'd applied.
Which... brought up the question.
"I've never seen you 'round here before." Eddie commented. "Mrs Chen is usually the only person I see in here..."
"Oh! I'm new in town, I live just down and street and she saw my situation and offered me a part-time here. I have a work from home job and everything, but ugh, just staying cooped up inside is so boring!" You say the last part with a groan.
"Damn, would've been nice if she offered me that job a couple years ago." Eddie chuckled.
You giggled a bit at him and looked at his basket, "Is that all for ya, hon?"
"Oh, yeah!" Eddie said, carefully organizing the things onto the glass counter. His eyes flicked to the candy bar you were still steadily breaking pieces off of.
"Bit of a sweet tooth, huh?" He teased.
"Ugh, god... lately? Yes! The craving for it has been absolute hell." You sigh exhaustedly. "Almost everything in my apartment is chocolate flavored or scented now!"
"... Cravings?" Eddie echoed, raising a thick brow.
"Okay, I know what you're thinking and no. It's not "that time of the month" like your brain is probably saying." You snort.
Eddie watches as your hand trails down to your midsection and you pat your belly beneath the plush fabric of your sweater, where a gentle swell stood out a bit more prominently as you smooth the fabric taut over your stomach.
"I just have a certain little jellybean who thinks they can dictate what mama wants to eat all the time. And apparently, chocolate is what's on the menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And... in between." You chuckle.
"OH." Eddie and Venom thought in unison.
"That's why she smells like that!" Venom barked, realizing the underlying scent of chocolate on you was laced with something else. Hormones. He was picking up on those, too.
"Oh! Uh, congrats!" Eddie said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "I'm sure you and your, uh, partner are probably super happy, huh?"
"Oh, no, it's just me." You smiled with a hum, taking another little sweet square between your lips.
Eddie's brow furrowed. "What?"
"Okay, so I'm not gonna be rude, but I will explain." You snicker. You seemed infinitely patient and polite about the subject. Apparently this very thing must be a common occurrence with you, that random people must constantly ask this same question, and how tiring it surely must be to answer it again and again...
"No, I don't have a partner, husband, or anything. No daddy."
Eddie awkwardly pointed to your belly. "Then how did y'know... that get in there?"
Eddie controlled the flinch he wanted to make when Venom pinched him. "You did NOT just call her baby a THAT!"
"Yeah, yeah I know. But there's something everyone forgets, and that it doesn't always "take two to tango"." You smile at him again, ringing up his items with one hand, chocolate still clutched firmly in another.
"I decided that I wanted to be a mom. But I didn't want to just go out and get pregnant willy nilly. I have a good job, steady income. But I don't have time to date and there's always the concern that I'd be left a single parent if whoever I was with decided parenthood wasn't for them, y'know?"
Eddie nodded patiently as he and Venom listened to you with rapt attention.
"I went to a fertility clinic, did what the doctor said, then had my egg fertilized with a sperm donor. And then boom," You point to your belly. "Jellybean."
"Oh, that... Yeah okay I forget fertility clinics are a thing." Eddie laughed, shaking his head.
"Well I'm glad you're so open-minded about it!" You grin. "Most people judge me and go "oh your baby needs a father!" and the ever so classic "you don't even know who the father is?" line."
Eddie frowned, and he could tell even Venom was irritated on your behalf. "You don't need to have a partner or spouse to raise a baby. Seriously. What is this, the 1940s?"
"I knoooow!" You giggle again. "And besides! I can support me and my baby just fine, and I'm already happy and so far the pregnancy has been a breeze!"
Eddie could feel a tugging sensation from Venom. The symbiote was curious, and wanted to touch. But Eddie knew that was not only rude as hell, but to some people, socially unacceptable if you don't know the person or ask permission first.
"How uh, far along are you?"
"I just hit my second trimester." You chirp proudly, patting your belly. "The baby's tiny, but I'm finally showing, now."
"Ohhh." Eddie snapped his fingers. "Hence "jellybean", right?"
"Yes!" You laugh.
Eddie pulled out his card and swiped it to pay for the groceries. "It's a cute nickname. Have you thought of any names yet?"
Your brain did a record scratch, and Eddie could see the look on your face.
Nope. Not at all.
You hadn't thought of a damn one. Especially because you didn't know the sex of your baby yet.
Eddie started snickering at your expression, "Ahhh. My bad." He shoots you a cocky grin, "If I can recommend a name, Eddie is a pretty strong one!"
"Weak." Venom mocked.
"Eddie?" You echo, blinking.
"Oh, don't listen to him, girl." Mrs Chen snorted as she walked up to you two, whacking Eddie with a rolled up newspaper. "This boy is nothing but trouble!"
Her words were jabbing, but not spoken without affection, so you could tell they had a history together.
"Ow! Hey!" Eddie pouted, rubbing the top of his head.
"Oh please, I'd need to shoot this out of a cannon to dent that hard head of yours!" She huffed with a smirk, crossing her arms.
She tilted her head and noticed the candy bar in your hand, and made the mental connection with Eddie and Venom. Riiiiiight. Venom needed chocolate. Mrs Chen tossed it to you when you started scrolling through your phone for door dash orders for chocolate cakes from local restaurants to sate your cravings.
"Oh, right. Sorry about your chocolate fix." Mrs Chen replied, her gum smacking softly. "Gave the lady one to help ease her stomach."
The flush to your cheeks made Eddie smile as you looked at the candy in your hand. "I'm sorry!" You sputtered.
"Hey, man, you got a baby in you. You can't exactly tell the little, uh.... eh. The little person they can't have it?" Eddie struggled. He wasn't sure how the whole cravings thing worked, honestly. Would you indeed cry if he didn't accept your offer? Would your baby get hungry? Was that a thing? He knew jack and shit about babies in general, man.
"Pff, moron."
"Oh, I know but uh..." You say, your eyelashes fluttering as you think, looking from Eddie to the bar in your hand. You decided to finish breaking off the pieces you were working on, and extend your hand giving the rest to Eddie. "Here! I'm good, if I need more I can nab some from the gas station down the street."
"Oh! Uh... I don't wanna, y'know. Take anything from you and your baby." Eddie said, waving his hands.
"Eddie, if you refuse to take it, she could cry." Mrs Chen teased. "You don't want to make a pregnant woman cry do you?"
Eddie's face was hilarious as panic started to bubble up within him as he looked from you, to your outstretched hand, to Mrs Chen, who stood as proud as can be at the chaos she had just sewn.
"Hey! I'm not that hormonal!" You retort to the older lady. But... you deflate a tiny bit. "...Okay, well not yet but still!"
Eddie was still going through the moral dilemma of accepting the kind gesture vs taking candy from a literal baby in somebody's womb.
Venom made the choice for him, extending our Eddie's hand and letting him take it.
"I, uh... Thanks." Eddie blabbered quickly.
"Now let's go home before you make an idiot out of us further." Venom cackled gleefully at the socially awkward situation.
Eddie grabbed the plastic bags and gave an awkward wave and a smile before skittering out of the store with his tail between his legs.
"Geez, he needs to get laid once in a while." Mrs Chen scoffed, going over to check inventory.
You barely had a moment to collect yourself, stopping before you laughed so hard you peed yourself.
That was the first time you and Eddie ever met. It would not be the last.
Eddie shopped at Mrs Chen's place pretty regularly, her prices were easy on the wallet and she was close by to he and Venom's apartment.
You steadily built up a rapport with Eddie over the next two or three weeks. Venom was inexplicably drawn to you, wanting to constantly convince Eddie to touch your belly.
Eddie kept reminding him that it was frankly rude as shit to do that, and that hell, it would probably make you uncomfortable.
Not long after that, Eddie and Venom discovered--to Venom's utter glee--thay you lived in the same building, the apartment just above his. They found this out when Venom insisted on making sure you made it home after your shift at Mrs Chen's ended, knowing how vulnerable a pregnant lady looked to crooks and criminals.
Twice Venom caught and ate the brains of lowlifes who tried stalking you.
Venom, despite you not knowing of his existence, was fiercely protective of you. And... well he liked you. They liked you.
Eddie hated how quickly both he and Venom became infatuated with you, listening to you talk about your baby, your cravings... They could tell you were lonely despite your cheerful demeanor. Yes, Eddie and Venom had each other already, but they quickly thought about adding you to the mix.
But again, you didn't know about the alien slime monster living inside of Eddie. That subject would have to definitely wait...
He would check on you, leaning his head out his window on occasion to talk to you as you looked up, it brightened up the monotony of your at-home life in between work, asking about how you were feeling as your pregnancy developed. He even texted you lists of different baby names and their meanings to help you out!
When he first asked you out, you were floored. You've never met a man who was interested in a woman pregnant with somebody else's baby, before. You've heard about it sure, but... You were more surprised anyone was interested in you while pregnant with some guy's baby. Let alone your cute downstairs neighbor who apparently babied his pet chickens that were kept on the rooftop.
He even introduced you to them! You didn't hold them of course, for fear of bacteria, and chuckled as he furiously disinfected himself before even coming within three feet of you, all for you and your baby's health.
A man who was sweet, considerate, caring and he loves animals? Add the looks to that bill and that was a difference you were willing to pay. How was he still single?!
But... Well. That changed after your first date, and he was glad you accepted it all.
And it wasn't long after that (several weeks actually) you discovered he wasn't, in fact, single. He didn't have a girlfriend or anything but he certainly had a partner.
Said partner... was some kind of ooze-critter that lived inside of him. And you only found this out when you came home from a late night convenience store run for some triple chocolate chunk ice cream, walked into your apartment...
And saw him.
Venom, in his hulking form, stood awkwardly in your apartment, looking like a deer trapped in headlights when you flicked your lights back on, the ice cream in your bag forgotten.
As your door slowly swung closed due to angled flooring, you opened your mouth to scream.
Venom cut you off, his massive hands shooting up and he waved them, "DON'T SCREAM!"
You snapped your mouth shut, your teeth making an audible click as your heart hammered in your chest.
"We were worried! You weren't responding to our texts or when we knocked on your door?" His deep and rumbly voice growled out.
You shudder at the timbre of his voice, eyes never once leaving the rows of jagged fangs in his maw. You drop your plastic bag and step back, covering your belly--now very prominent as you were later in your term--protectively.
That seems to... upset him? He frowned, looking at the carpet as he lowered his hands, his large eyes narrowing as he carefully thought, trying to think of ways to alleviate the fear bubbling through you.
He took a slow step towards you, like you were a frightened animal caught in a trap that he had to be gentle with, lest you struggle or flail and get hurt.
"We were worried about you. We--" His head snapped to his left and he snarled. "Yes! "We"! You were worried, too! Don't try to say you weren't!"
You watch, in shock as he has essentially a one-sided argument with himself, getting exasperated, saying the word "love" and "dear" here and there.
You stayed, scared, until the ugly sensation of your nausea reared its ugly head and you dropped the plastic bag, literally shoving past this gigantic creature in a mad dash to your bathroom or you were gonna blow chunks right then and there.
You didn't even shut the door before you collapsed to your knees, hugging the bowl as you heaved the contents of your digestive system into the pearly white porcelain, leaving what could only be the Venom, the creature that supposedly stalked your city eating people, in your living room.
By the end of the nausea fit, your eyes were watery, your nose was runny and your face blotched with color, the whites of your eyes glassy from the strain. You felt lightheaded and dizzy as you rinsed your mouth with water right from the tap, gargling and spitting until the foul acidic taste went away.
You felt your now empty stomach growl and your first instinct was to go get food and eat again, to replenish the energy you just spent hurling everything you ate that day.
But then you remembered...
The big guy.
You didn't have any sort of object to wield as a weapon, so you merely sheepishly peeked around the corner, watching as the creature called Venom gingerly moved about your kitchen, things that looked like tentacles reaching out and grabbing a cup, some ice, and a can of ginger ale from your fridge and pour it into the cup; all the while making a sandwich. Nutella with your banana/mango spread. A favorite you'd started to enjoy in the past week.
But the only person you ever told that to was...
You froze when he turned around, locking eyes with you as he set the food on your breakfast island, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
"We... We know that you're probably hungry after... So we figured..." He said, gesturing vaguely to the food and drink in front of him.
"How do you know..." You breathed.
His colossal shoulders heave as he sighed, walking around the island and over to you, stopping just a mere few feet away.
"Promise not to be mad? Or scream?"
You weren't sure why in the hell he asked you that, but you felt already too far gone into shock to really argue. Plus, throwing up took all urges to scream from your poor sore throat.
So, you nodded.
You watched as the strange black goo peels back layer by slinking layer, until a man is revealed beneath.
But it's not just any man.
It's fucking Eddie. Your neighbor-turned-recent-boyfriend.
"We can explain! Just please, please don't be mad at us!" Eddie winced.
You felt another dizzy spell start to hit at this revelation. "How long--"
"A few years. Look, we planned on telling you. It's just... not tonight. When you didn't answer my texts or calls, I got worried and..." He sighed.
You watched as Venom's head moved out from behind Eddie's shoulder to peer at you, the thick black goo that made up the appendage holding his head up moving almost like water. He offered you a smile, and part of you wished that'd solve the tension in the air, to assuage your increasing confusion. But sadly, it didn't.
"Vee didn't want to fucking wait an extra ten minutes when you didn't answer the door and climbed through your window, which you should start locking I mean I know we're on the upper floors with no balcony or fire escape, but it's still a safety concern and with the baby--"
You interrupted Eddie's rambling. "Vee?" You echo.
"Uh--okay. That's what I call Venom when he isn't being an incorrigible shithead. Or a parasite who takes control of my body." Eddie sighed.
You almost laughed when Venom headbutted him in the side of his head.
"Stop calling me that! It's rude!" Venom snarled.
"No, what's rude is breaking into somebody's apartment!" Eddie retorted, jabbing a finger at Venom. "We talked about this!"
"You were worried, too!"
"Yes but I wasn't going to crawl through her goddamn window!"
Your eyes darted from one to the other as they started bickering like a... like a... Oh.
Yeah. It was after a two hour long conversation that Eddie told you everything. About his ex, the Life Foundation, finding Venom, fighting Riot, then the whole thing with Carnage, Venom's offspring... and of course, their actual relationship with one another, now. They argued like a married couple because they basically were one, complete with... well. You weren't ready in the current situation to imagine how the bedroom situation worked between them, yet.
You took it better than he expected. Way better.
"Honestly.... The only thing scarier than Venom is childbirth." You said, sitting next to him on the couch, your hands on your belly.
"...Eddie." you said slowly.
"Uh--yeah? What's up, sweetheart?" He asked awkwardly, Venom's eyes immediately drawn down to where your hands caressed the bump beneath your thin t shirt.
"How come you haven't asked to touch my belly yet? I'm... surprised. I've had random people come up to me and ask, but not... you."
"Wait... uh. So. You're giving... Permission?" Eddie asked, blinking his big, ridiculously lashed eyes at you.
"Well, yeah, and--"
"FINALLY!" Venom hissed.
In a black blur, Venom lurched forward over Eddie's shoulder, straight for your tummy. He pressed the side of his head against your belly, tendrils of his strange slime-like flesh wrapping around your midsection; listening to the baby's heartbeat and feeling for any movements.
Eddie meanwhile, looked equal parts horrified and embarrassed as he facepalmed, blushing all the way to his ears. "That's why. He's been fucking obsessed with you and your baby since he first realized you were pregnant."
You looked down as the symbiote cuddled you, and by extension, your baby, your jaw agape at how he was purring while he nuzzled into you.
"...That's why you're always so concerned about me?" You asked dumbly, blinking over at Eddie, who gave you an awkward smile and shrug in reply.
"Yeah, hate to break it to you, doll, but... Vee has kinda... claimed you two." He said.
"Claimed me." You repeated.
"Yeah. He has this thing... with kids?" He rolled his hand to try and think of words to describe it. "He's overprotective. He's the same with Sonny and Cher, it's just... he doesn't interact with many pregnant people so when he met you, that weird little drive kicked in. The fact that we both started feeling something for you outside of that kinda blindsided us, but..."
"So what?" Venom scoffed, resting his chin on the curve of your belly, looking up at you with a grin. "This is our baby now, and we will protect the both of you."
"Venom!" Eddie snapped.
"You claimed us?" You were having a difficult time wrapping your head around this. All of it. The whole situation in general. First your boyfriend has a boyfriend who technically isn't a boy but identifies as one because gender was a foreign concept to his species, they were together before they met you, Venom is a literal alien--
And now... was he saying...
"L-Look, I know it's early on and we haven't been dating long, but..." Eddie rubbed his sweaty palms on his faded-out jeans.
"Are you two saying... that you want to be with me? Rest of the pregnancy, birth, and all?"
The hell was your life, some kind of weird, cheap, sci-fi romance novel? The dashing, handsome alien(s) swoop in and offer to help raise your baby? What kind of parallel world were you in?
Eddie was quiet, and Venom merely stared at him, before looking back at you.
"Yes." He said. "Eddie is too much of a pussy to say it, but he likes the idea of taking care of a tiny you."
"Venom! Fuck! Stop calling me that!" Eddie snapped at the symbiote as he protectively snuggled your tummy.
Venom merely stuck his tongue out at him, "I will when you stop calling me a parasite!" He looked back up at you, giving you the best rendition he could of a hurt puppy. "Do you see how he talks to me? Despicable!"
You snorted a short laugh before you could stop yourself, and covered your mouth.
"Hah! See? She thinks I'm funny! So shut it!"
"Oh, my god, that does not count--"
"Yes it does I already won." Venom said contentedly.
"Look!" Eddie groans. "Just... We are willing to be with you. Take care of you, and help with the baby. If... you'll have us. I know this whole situation is weird, but..." Eddie trails off, looking at you hopefully.
The decision wasn't as difficult as you thought it'd be. Eddie and Venom haven't given you a reason to be afraid--other than scaring the shit out of you earlier because Venom apparently has fucking anxiety--and, well... They were so sweet, and gentle... And if Venom doting on your unborn baby currently was any indication, the affection would probably increase a hundred fold after your little bundle of joy arrived.
"Okay." You said.
All the tension seemed to drain from Eddie's body and he sighed, a relieved smile blooming on his face as he looked at you with a look in his eyes that had your heart doing a little flip in your chest.
"Thank God..." Eddie sighed happily.
Venom grinned widely at you, before shooting back to Eddie and seizing the body again, his inky black mass covering Eddie entirely.
Your couch creaked under the added weight of Venom's increased mass as he leaned over, dwarfing your whole body as he wrapped his thick, tree-trunk arms around your tinier body, nuzzling into your cheek before giving you a kiss. Thankfully no tongue, because you thought you'd probably choke if he did that.
When he pulled back, your face was flush at the boldness of his actions, and looked up at him as his opalescent eyes narrowed sweetly down at you.
But something Venom said clicked into your brain, finally, once it rebooted from the kiss.
"Venom, you said you two wouldn't mind helping raise a tiny me." You began. "But I don't know if I'm having a boy or girl, yet."
"Oh, we can." Venom grinned. "I could tell when I was holding onto you. It was easy."
"What?!" You sputter.
"You're having a little girl, by the way."
You booked an appointment two weeks later. And damn, Venom was right. You were having a girl! At least the naming situation was easier, now that you narrowed down the sex.
Many people said you and Eddie were moving fast, but you ignored them because they didn't know the real situation. Your apartment was bigger, two rooms, one for you (and now Eddie and Venom) and the other was the nursery for the baby.
Eddie was affectionate, but Venom was downright clingy. He was almost always wrapped around your belly in some way or another, purring as he used his weird slimy body to massage you. He helped with your back strain surprisingly, how he would massage you. Eddie proposed maybe letting Venom bond with you for the remainder of the pregnancy to ensure safety and good health, but Venom shot the idea down himself.
He explained it like it was a bit like an organ donor match, if you weren't a match for him you could get sick, or God forbid both you and the baby could die. And to Eddie's surprise Venom made the nature decision to settle for massaging your back and tummy to ease the strain.
Venom jumped at the chance to rub your coconut oil into your belly to help ease the risk and appearance of stretch marks, too.
Through the mood swings, crazy cravings and nesting phases and all, you two boyfriends stayed with you through all of it. Several times you woke up to Venom and Eddie cooking in the kitchen, making sure you had a decent breakfast in the morning.
The only problem was... well. They cooked like broke college boys. So, you spent time giving them cooking lessons, which was one of the funnest things you'd done in a while. The messes were worth cleaning up, the cute recordings you made were memories that'd last a very very long time.
Nighttime cuddles were great, Venom slinking beneath the blankets to wrap around both you and Eddie to snuggle, massaging you the whole night. It really helped when he would conform a certain way so you could lay on your side comfortably and ease the strain on your poor spine and hips.
Who needed a pregnancy pillow when you had a symbiote, right?
Eddie and Venom read up as much as they could on the subject of babies and childbirth and to say Eddie was terrified was an absolute understatement. The photos and diagrams alone had him chewing his nails (getting a swift smack from Venom) and he felt himself getting queasy when he found out that apparently you would be delivering the placenta as well?!
How much did you have to go through, making a tiny human?!
This whole situation amused the fuck out of you, however, as you'd done all this research and merely accepted it. A bit of blood, etcetera after delivery seemed easy to deal with given you've dealt with your period since puberty and that alone was a mess by itself...
But watching a man learn more about it? Oh, it was hilarious.
But hey! They were excited for a cute little baby girl to snuggle and kiss!
One night, you were laying in bed as you scrolled through various baby items online, saving a few cute things for later. Eddie had his head on your shoulder, watching a movie, with an arm draped over your belly, now painfully (sometimes literally) obvious bump, feeling the baby shift and move around as she kicked inside of you.
Venom had encapsulated Eddie's arm, his massive hand stroking your tummy idly.
Apparently, a thought had been bouncing around in Venom's brain and he finally decided to ask it. His head morphed from behind Eddie and peered over at you.
"The baby is a girl." He said.
"Yeah, Venom, that's been established." Eddie snorted, moving until his cheek was resting on your chest.
"Eddie, that's mean." You chuckle, running your fingers through his hair. "Venom, continue."
"Thank you, sweet thing." Venom purred at you, shooting Eddie a glare afterwards.
"But anyway... If the baby is a girl now..." He tipped his head to the side. "What if the baby decides or realizes when she's older that she isn't one? Or either?"
You lower your phone, eyebrows raised at the gravity of his question. Even Eddie sat up on his elbow to look at Venom, surprised at the depth of the question coming from his symbiote. Honestly though, the subject made sense coming from a species that technically didn't have genders in the first place...
Venom seemed happy with your reply, and looked to Eddie expectantly. He already knew what his opinion was, but he wanted him to say it out loud for you.
"Well..." You begin. "If she decides she wasn't born the right gender, or feels like she's neither, or even leaning on both scales... I won't have a problem. I just want our baby to be happy and healthy, not conformed or trapped in any way. That includes the identity she will have as she realizes things about herself."
"Well, I don't have room to talk on gender identity." Eddie snickered. "Considering how you didn't really decide to go by male pronouns until you bonded with me and stuck with that identity because it fit for you... so, yeah. Whatever the baby decides when she's old enough is fine with me."
You grin and kiss Eddie on his temple, ruffling his hair as Venom nuzzles into your belly.
Safe, happy, and loved. That's what your baby would be, no matter what. With her two weird dads and her mom who puts up with their nonsense.
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hoejosatoru · 2 months
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Endo. Readers skin color, hair color/texture unspecified
Summary: When a Bofurin member swoops in to save you from some creepy men, you think it's you lucky day. However, he has a little secret and a sinister plan
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: dub con but leaning more into noncon (reader resists a bit but ends up submitting, but it is clear that Endo does not care about the consent). If that makes you uncomfy I recommend skipping this one. Endo is a little rough (grabbing, pulling hair, pinning against wall), public sex, degradation, blood/tasting blood, dirty talk, fingering, PIV sex, cream pie, Endo is a jerk
The only sound that accompanied your walk home was the click clack of your heels against pavement. It was late into the night and the streets were empty, just a few blocks between you and your cozy bed. You'd been out with your friends, who were keen on staying out a few hours more, but you were wiped and decided to cut out early. They urged you to get an Uber, but the weather was nice. It was early fall, that perfect time of year where the days are comfortably warm, but the nights haven't chilled. You figured you should enjoy it before the temperatures plunge.
It wasn't a great idea, given the area you lived. Makochi was a town on the mend, but there were still seedy people around. You convinced yourself that you were protected, that you wouldn't ever get so unlucky as to bump into those who seek to do you harm. Well, unfortunately, your luck had run out.
"What do we have here?" a man questions, elbowing his friend. They had nearly knocked you over rounding the corner.
"Excuse me," you muttered, trying to step around them, but the men didn't budge.
"Aw don't run off," the other man said, "The night is young. Why don't you hang out with us?"
"No thanks," you tried to get around them again, but this time the man stepped fully in front of you. Your heart started to race, realizing that they weren't going to let you go.
"Don't be a bitch. We are going to show you a good time. What you think you're too good for us?" the friend sneered. They were getting agitated, which you knew was bad news for you. You were trying to assess if you could get away, but not with two men hunting you down. And not in these stupid shoes. You cursed yourself for opting for heels.
Suddenly, a third voice cut in. "Can't you tell when a girl's not into you? Pathetic." You whipped around, finding a man in a green jacket behind you. Relief flooded you as you recognized the jacket as a Bofurin one. Your luck had changed.
"Fuck off, this doesn't involve you," the first man spat.
"If you're gonna run your mouth like that at me, it certainly does," the bofurin replied, stepping between you and the two men. The first one swung at him, missing by a mile. The Bofurin man laughed. "Fucking idiots."
The Bofurin member took down the other two men easily. They were laying on the cold concrete, completely unconscious before you could even process what was going on. "Are you okay?" the man asked you finally.
"Y-yes," you replied.
"Good. Can I walk you home? Pretty girl like you clearly shouldn't be out here alone," he said.
"Okay, yeah." Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let a stranger walk you home, but clearly he was looking out for you. You were a little shaken up from those two men and wouldn't mind having someone escort you. "What's your name? I'm y/n."
"Endo," He grinned. "C'mon, let's get you home." You walked side by side with Endo, your heart still racing. You peered over at the man beside you, eyeing his tattooed fingers and throat. There was something about him, the glint in his eyes when he smiled at you, maybe, that made you nervous. You couldn't deny that you felt a spark of attraction when you looked at him. Part of you was drawn to the energy rolling off him.
He didn't seem like the type that would be in Bofurin, though living in this town has taught you to not judge books by their covers. Many members has a certain bad boy look to them, while being kindhearted and dedicated to upholding the safety of the town. Still, you couldn't quite shake the sense of anxiety. The little, nagging sensation that something was not right. You willed it away, telling yourself it was left over adrenaline from your encounter.
You spoke to distract yourself. "Thank you, by the way, I realized I never said that. I don't know what they would've done if... I just mean that I owe you one, so thank you."
"Owe me one, huh?" Endo a sly smile on his face. The next thing you knew his hand was gripping your wrist, pulling you down a dark alley.
"What are you doing?" you demanded. He pressed you against the wall, caging you in with his arms.
"Why don't you show me just how thankful you are," Endo replied. You tried to push him away, but he didn't move an inch.
"L-let me go!" you cried.
"Hmmm," he pretended to think about it, "No, I don't think I will."
"B-but you're in Bofurin. You guys are supposed to be good," you stammered, your heart rate spiking once again.
Endo snorted with laughter. "I stole this off one of those idiots after I beat his ass. Thought it might come in handy one day." He leaned, breathing in your scent deeply. He could sense your fear and it only aroused him more. "Looks like that day is today."
"Please just let me go, I won't tell anyone," you tried.
"No can do," Endo replied. "Too pretty to give up." His eyes raked over your body, making you feel fully naked. He took the hem of your skirt between his fingers, playing with the material. "I mean, what did you expect sweetheart? Going out in a little outfit like this? You're asking for trouble." Endo licked a stripe up your expose neck, making you gasp.
His lips found yours, kissing you deeply. His tongue forced its way into your mouth as he pressed his body against yours. You could feel his hard on against your thigh. You saw your only chance and took it, biting down on his tongue hard and trying to bolt.
Endo pulled away for just a second out of shock, but was able to grab a fistful of your hair before you got out of reach. You were slammed back against the wall within seconds, him caging you in even harder than before. You expected him to be angry, but he was grinning wildly.
"I like my girls a little feisty." End wiped the blood off his tongue and then shoved his fingers in your mouth. "But you're gonna be a good girl and listen to me now, yeah?" With the way he looked at you, you had no choice but to nod. "Good girl. Suck 'em clean for me."
You did as he bid, the salty, metallic taste of his blood filling your mouth. You licked up and down his fingers, gagging a little as he pressed them deeper. Endo's leg slipped between your thighs, pressing up against your clothed cunt.
"You're lucky it's me and not those other guys," Endo said, squeezing your tits through your silky little top. "I'll fuck you good. Those guys wouldn't have cared if you came, they woulda just fucked you and left. But cause I'm such a good guy, I promise you'll be cumming around my cock."
Your thighs instinctively clenched around his at his words, which did not go unnoticed by him. "Oh? You want more?" Endo yanked your top down, exposing your breasts to him. Your nipples hardened in the cold night air, his warm tongue swirling around them. His fingers were out of your mouth now, letting both hands focus on your tits. You should be scared, you should use the opportunity to push him off or try to run away. But fuck, the way he was touching you was clouding your head. You could feel your arousal pooling as he sucked on your sensitive nipples. Your body responded, grinding against his thigh. A soft moan escaped your lips at the friction.
"You really like this huh?" Endo smirked. "How'd I get so lucky? Saving a little slut like you?" He pushed your skirt, making anxiety flare in your stomach again. You shouldn't be doing this.
"N-no," you mumbled, pushing at him. But it was no use, he was too strong.
"No?" Endo sneered, pulling your panties to the side. His finger traced your slit, feeling your wetness. "How can you say no when you're soaked like this, sweetheart?" He was kissing your neck again, licking at your racing pulse. A finger slid inside you and you gasped. "It'll feel better if you don't fight it. And I know you want it. I can feel your cunt sucking my finger in."
"I-I d-don't-oh," your voice crumbled into a moan as he pressed into your g spot.
"You d-don't what?" Endo teased you. "Don't want me to stop? You don't have to worry, I didn't plan to." You gasped as he pressed another finger inside you, stretching you. "See, I'm such a nice guy. Prepping this tight, little cunt for my cock. You should be thanking me." You squeezed your eyes shut and turned your head away from him, embarrassed by the sounds your pussy made as he fucked you with his fingers.
Endo's tattooed fingers gripped your jaw and turned you back to him. "I said, you should be thanking me."
You sniffled. "T-thank you."
"Good girl," Endo grinned, "So easy to tame, cause you want it. Know you do." He pulled his fingers out of you and sucked on them. "Mmm and fucking sweet. I could lick your cunt all night and you'd like that wouldn't you? But I'm too fucking hard, I gotta fuck you. You don't mind right? You're thanking me for saving you, remember?"
You whined in response to his babbling. You hated how his words made your body react, aching for relief. Endo was already pulling his cock out of his boxers and flipping your skirt up. His cock head nudged your swollen clit, making you squirm.
"You don't want me to stop, do you?" He questioned, his tip teasing your entrance. "Say no, c'mon tell me you don't want it." He was so close to be inside you, but not quite. It was maddening. Your pussy was fluttering around nothing, begging to be filled. You couldn't push him away, not now. Your body was in control, desperate to release. "You really do want it, huh?"
"Please," was all you could whimper. Endo grinned devlishly, finally pressing inside you. Despite the prep he did, your body still stretched to accommodate his size. Your head fell back as you gasped at the feeling of him filling you.
"Fuck," he hissed through his teeth. "So fucking tight. You're not a virgin are you? Fuck I wish I coulda been the first one to fuck this pussy. But I'll be the best. Make you forget about those other men."
Endo didn't care to let you adjust. This thrusts were rough and hard, making you hiccup. Your hot skin was scrapping against the cold concrete wall with each snap of his hips. His cock bullied it's way deeper and deeper into you, pulling sinful sounds from your lips.
"My cock feel good? You like me taking you like this? Fuck you're a nasty slut," Endo babbled on, punctuating his words with hard thrusts. "Letting some random guy fuck you raw. Such a dirty girl for me."
You gripped his toned biceps, your nails biting into his skin. You were moaning shamelessly, letting the pleasure Endo was offering take over any other thought. the sound of you crying out coupled with the sting of your nails set Endo off.
"Fuck, yeah take me like a good girl," he groaned, shooting his cum deep inside you. The twitch of his cock and the feeling of the warmth inside made your body shudder. You pussy fluttered around him as you came with a weak whine. "That's it, fucking take it."
When Endo pulled out of you, your knees buckled and you slid down to the pavement. Endo looked down on you, chuckling. "You look real fucking pretty like this, ya know?" You were sure you looked an absolute mess, but you guess that is what Endo liked. You pressed your back further against the wall as he loomed over you. This only made him laugh more.
"Aw, don't look at me like that. I showed you a good time, didn't I? Let me take you home like I promised and we can have some real fun."
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hellfirecvnt · 4 months
The Foundation of Learning
Lee Russell x Fem!Reader pt. 2
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Summary: This school is unlike anywhere you've ever worked. Who's lying and who's just an idiot? You know how dreaming about a person can make you feel some type of way? That.
Read part one here. // Part three here. // Part four here. // Part five here.
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Your first day was last Friday, meaning after that accidental acid trip, you had a whole weekend to decide if this is the type of environment you want to work in. Sure it's exciting, but you weren't even a whole day in before you were taking hallucinogens against your will. That's a bit more than the drama you're used to in a school.
Sunday night, you can't help but wonder about the two men you'd only just met. More so, you wonder about Lee Russell. A loud man who dresses even louder. His hair is stupid and you can't help but laugh every time his plans fumble, but you can't help but catch yourself developing a bit of a crush on this peculiar man.
You fall asleep peacefully only to find yourself in a dream about that same strange guy. Lee. He touches your cheek so softly, you're so sure you can feel it. The rest of the dream becomes a hazy fog of a childish feeling of infatuation. It lingers in your mind well after you wake up.
Monday morning, you're quick to rise, almost excited for whatever nonsense will be thrown your way this week. Last night's dream is still heavy on your mind as you enter through the front doors of North Jackson High.
"Ms. Y/L/N," Lee greets you with a bright, wide smile. You feel the heat rise in your face. You rely on your makeup to conceal that.
"Good morning, Mr. Russell," you beam, waving as you approach.
"You can call me Lee, darlin'. I'm not a fuckin' psycho," He says, referring to Neal's insistence on being referred to as Mr. Gamby during work hours. You return the favor, stepping into a first-name basis with him. It's nice. Like your first friend in your new town.
"Can I get you a coffee or anything, Lee?" You offer.
"No thank you, doll. I gotta get to-"
"Y/L/N, wake your ass up. I need you to hold any calls for me and Mr. Russell for the next," he glances at his watch. "45 minutes."
"Good morning, Mr. Gamby! No problem-" but he cuts you off.
"45 minutes, Y/L/N!" He exclaims, dragging Lee with him as they congregate outside in the woods by the train tracks.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Gamby? God damn." Lee pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Don't worry about it. I'm treating her like shit so she'll do better."
"She's been here for a day," Mr. Russell groans as they cross the empty field to get to their meeting area.
"Well, look at you, being at everybody's defense and shit for the first time in your life." Neal sneers at his cohort.
"I wish you would just shut the fuck up. For once in your life." Lee sighs, taking a seat on a large boulder. The two men bicker for a moment before breaking into brainstorming. Anything they can do to knock Dr. Brown off her throne. Eventually, and mostly to the credit of Lee's deranged mind, they hatch a plan to frame Ms. Leblanc, the meanest bitch in the school, for stealing and selling textbooks to a third party.
"I'll go plant the evidence," Gamby, stone focused on his objective, beelines for the school ahead of Lee.
"God damn... Idiot," he mumbles to himself. With Gamby occupied, he decides to stop by your desk.
"Y/N," he snatches your attention away from your duties on a dime. You quite literally drop everything when you hear his voice. You silently scold yourself for letting that dream get you bent so far out of wack.
"What can I do for you, Lee?" You wait for instruction as Russell just stares at you for a moment like he's considering something.
"Come with me to my office." He takes off down the hall. You round the desk and follow him with haste. Once you're inside Lee's office, he closes and locks the door behind you. You look at him with wide, curious eyes, trying your best to stifle back the heat on your face.
"We're going to frame Ms. Leblanc and turn her against Dr. Brown." Lee's words fill you with immense disappointment. Of course that's what this was about. You're embarrassed by how excited you allowed yourself to become, even if he's none the wiser. You furrow your brows and cross your arms.
"And how are we going to accomplish that one?" You ask, disgruntled. Lee gazes at you with a big smile, excited to hear you include yourself in his plan.
"Take a look at this." He grins, sliding an altered invoice across the table. In this convincing looking writing it says Leblanc signed for 600 books and no more than 60 have been accounted for within the school. "That bitch is fucked."
"Oh, wow. Is Ms. Leblanc a super bitch or something?"
"She's the super bitch, Y/N. And she is going to destroy Belinda for us. All Gamby and I have to do is sit back and watch." Lee revels in what he believes to be a foolproof plot. As if summoned by the sound of his own name, Neal appears. He steps through the door without knocking and looks at you quizzically when he realizes that Lee has just blown up their spot to you.
"What's going on in here?" Neal asks, hesitant to trust this new employee.
"Relax, Gamby. I'm just catching Y/N up on the details," Lee grins, pleased with himself
"Isn't this above Y/N's pay grade?" The mustached man does very little to hide the annoyance in his voice.
"Well, I'm trying to work her into the inner circle." Lee makes a circular gesture with his hands.
"Yeah, Gamby," you chime in, happy to be included in something that isn't reorganizing the incredibly fucked up records someone shoved into a box of papers before they switched to computers years ago.
"You can't just bring strangers into our plans just because she's an attractive person or what the fuck ever!" Gamby attempts to whisper, but it's just quiet yelling.
"Y/N, can we trust you, sweetheart?" Lee asks with big, shining eyes, grinning at you as he awaits your reply. And that name, "sweetheart." My God, you nearly melt on the spot. What's come over you?
"Of course you can. I only have time to talk to you two. Who am I going to conspire with?" You toss a hand up in confusion.
"Alright, but if I see you talking to any of the teachers after this, you will be fired on the spot." Neal wags a finger in your face.
"Fucking Christ, Gamby. Lighten up. You ain't firing anybody. Get your ass to the library." Lee snaps his fingers and points at the door.
"Am I really not allowed to talk to the teachers now?" You ask, a little confused.
"Don't listen to him, darlin'," Lee sweet-talks you, taking the falsified invoice in his hands.
"No. No, you do listen to me. I am your boss. If I see you talking to anyone besides me and Mr. Russell I will banish you from this campus." The pretentious vice principal stands firm in his decision.
"Okay, sir. I won't talk to the teachers," you sigh.
"Or the janitors and counselors," he adds and you nod. "No Para-pros either."
"Gamby come the fuck on!" Lee whines, rushing this interaction along so he can put his plan into action. The two men exit and Neal makes an "I'm watching you" gesture through the large, glass wall before disappearing around a corner.
You return to your desk and take a few phone calls, certain that Gamby's insane rule can't possibly include parents. After a while, a lady comes to introduce herself to you.
"Hey! Finally got over here during a planning period," she laughs. "I'm Amanda." She extends a hand for you to shake.
"Hi-" you stop in your tracks as you make eye contact with Neal way, way down the hall. He slowly shakes his head back and forth. You roll your eyes and return your attention to the woman in front of you. You begin to spell out a word in the ASL alphabet, hoping Amanda has even as little understanding of sign language as you have. You sign "Email" and she squints at your hands.
"Oh, I don't... Are you deaf? I swear I just saw you answer a phone..." She tilts her head. You sigh with frustration and begin typing out an email on your computer. Confused and feeling awkward, Amanda slowly walks away from the entire situation. You're quick to write her an email about Gamby's strange training practices, careful not to uncover their scheme.
You shake your head, hoping she sees the message soon so you're not blacklisted from making any friends besides these two maniacs in this new town.
"Hello, North Jackson High School," you answer the phone with a darling customer service voice.
"Oh, you're fake as hell, Y/N. That ain't what you sound like at all," Lee laughs through the phone.
"Hello, Mr. Russell-"
"Hello, Lee. How's the plotting?" You mindlessly twirl the telephone cord around your finger as you listen to him talk.
"I need you and Gamby's help tonight. We'll need a school bus."
"A school bus?" You ask, unable to fathom what you'd need a bus for.
"For the books, sweetheart. Stay focused," he scolds.
"My bad."
"I'll see you tonight," he says, hanging up right after. You could hear Neal calling his name in the background, otherwise you'd take that fast goodbye as an insult.
You attain the keys to a bus sitting out in the bus lanes. It was left to be cleaned after a kid pierced his own ear and bled everywhere on a field trip.
"Try not to touch any of the seats near the front. It's... Not good." You warn as you toss the keys to Gamby. "I'm not fucking driving."
You and Lee ride in his car, driving ahead of Gamby to the location to store the "stolen" books. Mr. Russell guides Gamby as he backs the bus up and you help the two men unload the boxes of extremely heavy textbooks.
"Holy shit, we fucking did it, Gamby!" Lee grins, self satisfied and hungry for confrontation. "And you too, darlin'. Thank you." He's quick to add.
"Nicely done, Mr- Oh, uh, Lee." You smile, hoping your newfound nervousness isn't too obvious. And to him, it isn't, only because he's distracted by his own infatuation with you.
The next day, shit hits the fan. Lee calls the front desk again and you answer.
"Hello, North Jackson High," you speak warmly.
"We're about to head straight to Leblanc's class right now!" You can hear his devious smile in his voice. "Brown is so fucked if she really tries to go against that stone cold bitch."
"Hey, do you think I'm allowed to talk to teachers now? Aman-" just as you're about to finish your sentence, Gamby swipes the phone from you and slaps it onto the receiver.
"No. And especially not Ms. Snodgrass."
"Why not? She's so nice and I don't know anybody in town besides you and Lee and I doubt you two are gonna want to go to bars and get drunk off fruity bullshit on Fridays." Your monologue leaves Neal pondering. He doesn't get invited to payday drinks, this is new for him.
"No. You'll let something slip. Snodgrass is wholesome. Too wholesome to get wrapped up in the shit we do," Gamby explains.
"Well then why the hell was I wrapped?" You raise a brow, questioning what he's insinuating.
"I don't know! I never would've done something so stupid and reckless like that." The broad man shrugs. "Russell has a thing for you or something."
"A 'thing for me?'" you repeat.
"Yeah. He thinks that you're an attractive person. And I guess he's not wrong, but... You're no Amanda Snodgrass." Neal shrugs as if delivering bad news he can't hold back.
"You're so right," you nod. "So when can I talk to her? I want friends."
"When I'm Principal." Mr. Gamby disappears to join Mr. Russell and Dr. Brown in pursuit of the books and you're left alone with Gamby's words. A thing for you. How delightful to know your little crush isn't as one sided as you thought.
"Ms. Y/L/N, could you come with me? I need you to take notes," Dr. Brown's eyes are narrow. It's clear she's on a mission when she makes the quick stop by your desk on her way to Leblanc's class.
"Yes, ma'am." You scoop up the board and a pen and follow her on quick feet. Just as she rounds the corner, you see Lee. You knew he was with her, and he smiles when he sees you.
"Mr. Russell," you smile, greeting him in a professional manner in front of the woman that holds reign over both yours and Lee's job. You follow the principal and vice principal down the hall and slowly you come up to a classroom with an involved teacher. She seems well educated and passionate about her teaching. Ironically, today's subject is about protecting your reputation with your life...
As you linger in the hall taking quick notes of the passive aggressive exchange, you see Ms. Snodgrass walking by. After a quick glance around, you're certain there's no Gamby.
"Hey! Ms. Snodgrass. Sorry about yesterday. Mr. Gamby has me on like... A vow of silence? I think I'm being hazed."
"Oh! That makes so much sense. I thought you were just kinda weird," she laughs, clearly relieved of the awkwardness.
"I emailed you about it," you chuckle, also relieved.
"Oh, I must've missed it-" Amanda's sentence is cut short as Belinda and Lee take off down the hall after the climax of the conversation. You wave a quick goodbye to Snodgrass and bolt after them.
Belinda is ranting and raving down the hall, all the while Lee cheers her on. He antagonizes every single time she seems to be calming down. It's eerie to watch the way he plays with her mind. You hope you'd be able to tell if he ever tried this sort of brain sorcery on you.
"I can't believe that bitch," Dr. Brown shakes her head, clearly fired up as she stomps into her office. Gamby follows her and closes the door behind him, keeping her on track and gathering information for later. Lee, laughing carelessly, leans against your desk as you take a seat. All you can think about is Neal's confession of Lee's feelings. Even if it was just a "thing." Whatever that means.
"Lee," you nervously call for his attention. "Do you want to get a drink tonight?" You're unsure where the nerve came from, asking your boss out, but it's not like he adheres to the rules very much anyways.
At first, he seems surprised. Caught off guard, mostly. He blinks a few times, knitting his brows for just a second as he calculates how to respond. Of course he's not worried about the rules, even if he plans on becoming Principal, the only thing he can focus on right now is you. His mouth hangs slightly agape as he carefully and regretfully makes his next statement.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Y/L/N. Maybe another time. I've got some stuff to handle real early tomorrow. I'll be a little late getting in, actually." He fidgets with his ringless ring finger, unable to keep meeting your gaze.
"Of course, sir. It's hard making friends here. You guys are... Different." You smile at Lee as best you can and turn your attention to the computer screen where you slowly and pointlessly sift through each individual piece of spam. Lee lingers for a moment, chewing on his lip in thought. After a short while, he's off to find Gamby and Brown to ensure she's still wrongfully fired up.
Immediately in your solitude your mind runs amok with rejection sensitive anxieties. You're heinously embarrassed, and the redness on your face only darkens when you replay it all in your head over and over.
"Jesus fucking Christ, why did I fucking do that? Who do I think I am? Where the hell do I get off?" You mumble to yourself, trying so hard to regulate past this visceral reaction. You begin to wonder if you've over valued yourself to this little team just because of your interest in Lee.
"What's wrong? Why are you doing that?" Gamby gestures vaguely to your whole being with his hand.
"Fuck, Mr. Gamby. You scared the shit out of me." You gasp, a hand placed on your chest in fear.
"You should be more aware of your surroundings and you won't get caught off guard."
"Hey, tomorrow's teacher work day, right? Do I need to come in?" You ask, hoping for a no so you can drink away the humiliation.
"At any other pussy ass school, maybe. But I need all hands on deck. You're coming in." Neal points at you with integrity and you groan to yourself.
"Are you sure? I'm going to drink the same amount regardless tonight. I might not be very useful tomorrow." You shrug, hoping the trust you've built allows for this sort of candid behavior.
"Something wrong?" He asks.
"You said Lee had a 'thing' for me, so I asked him to get a drink with me and he turned me down," you laugh, slowly accepting the embarrassment.
"Huh, well. That's just Lee, I guess. He's never made a lot of sense to me. All those fuckin' outfits." Neal shakes his head. "Guess he's not into you anymore."
"Oh, word," you say, swallowing the bluntness of his words. "Window closed, got it." You give a small salute gesture and turn back to your computer. "I'll be here tomorrow, Mr. Gamby."
"Well, yeah. I just said you would. I just told you that. I am your boss and you'll be here tomorrow." He nods and emotes as if he's repeating obvious information like 'the sky is blue.'
"Dude." You pinch the bridge of your nose.
Taglist: @its-in-the-woods // @blackwoodtree (you didn't ask to be tagged, but you did ask for a part 2 ❤️)
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