#his mother is black
Well technically, Charlie is also an antichrist and she's a total sweetheart! It's all a matter of perspective
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**after clearing the air**
Ellie: *laughs* Oh I’m so sorry! Please forgive my transgressions like that. I’m sorry for saying sweet little Calliope is the anti Christ! She’s just a cute baby! *looks at Alastor* Though I notice she looks a lot like Lucifer than she does you. I know you came out pale guy my goodness she’s as while as a clean bedsheet!
Alastor: Well it’s not like I chose her outer appearance mother. She just happens to resemble her father. Besides you said I was better off resembled *groans* him…
Ellie: I know but I barely even registered this child as my own kin! At least she has curly locks! Those curls you had were beautiful. I always hated having to straighten them out.
Alastor: I know mother. But you know how my hair was always so thick and curl. Keeping it cut and straight is just easier.
Angel Dust: *gasps* You mean your undercut is a choice and not some accident chop job?!
Alastor: *glares*
Angel Dust: Sorry…
Ellie: Oh yeah. I can tell Calliope will have such beautiful thick locks! She maybe, uh extremely white passing, but she has her Papa’s hair texture. Ya gotta learn how to care for those curls Allie! Times are different! Curls are in!
Alastor: Yes Mama.
Lucifer: *totally not feeling awkward at all* So uh…this has been nice and all but I fear we may have overstayed our welcome!
Alastor: *glaring hard at Lucifer*
Ellie: Oh are you sure? I was about to make dinner! I’m gonna make Creole Chicken Fricassée!”
Angel Dust: Really? No Jambalaya?
Ellie: I made that earlier! And don’t worry son, little Calliope here loved the small taste I gave her! She didn’t even seem bothered by the spices I used.
Alastor: she is my daughter after all.
Note: I’m going with the headcanon that Alastor is mixed white and black but is white passing and back in those days it was “better to pass” (which I do not agree with).
Ellie = 100% African American
Alastor = 50% African American/50%White European
Calliope = 25% African American/25% White European & 50% Angelic Being
If I’m wrong about something please let me know and I will try to correct it!
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madmachaca · 4 months
I've always liked this Sanji moment. He is so cute here (yes, he is simping, as he does, but still, super cute).
I love that he arrived to Skypea, saw flowers and he thought of getting one for Robin and one for Nami, and my ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE THING is that he is not trying to act suave and cool, he is just like "I brought you a flower" puts it on Robin's hair and continues his mission.
(Her surprised face at the sudden act of affection gets me too. She looks so confused. She is so not used to it. *)
I watched this moment again after hundreds and hundreds of episodes. And you know what Sanji reminds me of?
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His love language had always been acts of service, isn't it?
And giving a flower he thinks they may like counts too, right?
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
At the dining table for breakfast
Jason: Heh.
Jason: Hahahaha.
Bruce: *raising the newspaper up higher*
Alfred: *placidly pouring coffee into Bruce’s mug* Did something interesting happen, Master Jason?
Jason: Alfred, I am about to have the perfect surprise for that bony a-Tim. The perfect surprise for Tim.
Alfred: *putting away the bar of soap he pulled out of nowhere* Is that so? Please do be careful not to make a mess here. The waxing was just done in the dining room.
Jason: No problem, in fact-
Tim: *entering sluggishly*
Jason: In fact…in…fact…Megamind, what are you doing here?
Tim: ……..hm?
Jason: What are you doing here?
Tim: eating??
Jason: You-why are you coming from the right side bathroom-weren’t you going to use the upstairs one on the left?
Tim: oh. Dick was already in it so I decided to use the other one.
Jason: what.
Tim: what.
Jason: No. Hahahahaha. You’re joking…nononono-god, Tim, WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?
Tim: ????????
Jason: You-
Dick’s voice thundering from a floor away: JASON!!!!
Jason: *staring blankly then running forward and smacking Tim on the head* It’s all your fault!
Tim who hasn’t slept or had coffee or know why something he doesn’t know about is his fault: ???? WHAT DID I DO?!
Jason: *running past and leaping out the window* See you later, losers. Bye, Alf.
Disappearing seconds before a blur of wet skin, white towel, and neon pink hair rushes past and follows him out the window.
Tim: ……Did you have breakfast yet?
Bruce: …….Hrmgh.
Alfred: *tutting* I just had the floors done. Master Bruce, would you mind redoing them? I’m afraid I must catch the mailman before he gives treats to Titus again. He’s leaving crumbs all over the entrance.
Bruce: What about Ti-
Bruce: *glancing back to see a lone leaf float in and drop slowly to the ground*
Bruce: ………
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ophelieverse · 3 months
Daemon: “Fly with me.It’s a command.”
Rhaenys: “Would that you were the king”
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Little Harry: what were you and Papa like when you first met?
James, smiling: we instantly hit it off!
Regulus: uh, no. I threatened to rip out your eyes and feed them to you.
James: ah, but that was when I knew you were the one.
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meowlier · 6 months
that's my SON and I would KILL for him
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canichangemyblogname · 2 months
@ 911 fans—
Athena is not Buck’s mom. Hen is not Buck’s mom.
Athena has two children— Harry and May. She is their mom. Hen has two children— Denny and Mara. She is their mom. Karen is also their mom.
These black women are not the mothers of a grown-ass white man. Just as you should not pigeonhole black women into sassy, emasculating, and domineering stereotypes— which I see you all do, you should also not pigeonhole them into the stereotype role of the domestic laborer: cooking for, cleaning up after, and being a mother to a white “child.”
Shut the fuck up about “Mother Hen” and “Mother Athena.” If you aren’t talking about their relationship with their own legal children, shut the fuck up. Stop calling these women sassy and stop referring to them as Buck’s mothers.
Buck has a mother, Margaret Buckley. Margaret is his only mother. I don’t care if you dislike her, but replacing a neglectful white mother with a black woman as a caretaker is not the endearing move you think it is.
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Im soooo tired of seeing my baby (Peter Pettigrew) get ignored in fanon content :(((
He was one of the four marauders!!! EQUALLY IMPORTANT!!!!
sooooo many people ignore him because of what he did.
but back in the 70s? He was just my little guy
Young Peter baking at the Potters over Christmas break?? Sirius is constantly licking batter from the spoons. Remus is always trying to add a little more cinnamon and a dash more vanilla, I think these cookies could use some more chocolate chips you know? Effie sharing family recipes with him??
Young Peter who was the tallest in the group until 13~14 where everyone else shot up like bean poles? Peter stuck being the shortest from there on out. they all tease him about it but James crawls into his bed one night because hey wormy, I know we like to joke, but you aren't uncomfortable right? you sure this isn't bothering you? because I would feel horrible if it was.
Also James and Sirius were close, but Peter and James were close. like, James and Sirius would go everywhere and do everything with each other but those quiet nights? when James just needed someone to talk to or cry to? James would always crawl into Peter's bed and they would talk about everything until the sun peeked in through the curtains.
Young Peter who always recommends their parties are potlucks because all of his friends are such great cooks? (even if he spits out whatever Sirius is trying to convince them is cooked properly)
Young Peter who is great at lying and has saved the boys too many times to count. (Looking straight at James and Sirius 👀) like Remus would try to lie but the staff knew he was just as bad as the rest of them but Peter? The sweet one? The kind one? Nooooooo he would neeeeeever
anyone else got some headcanons? any ships? please my plants are dying
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 18 - prompt 18: Illness [word count 175]
Sirius was all but curled up on the floor, his shoulders heaving with sobs. Carefully, Remus lowered himself on the carpet by his side, delicately putting a hand on his boyfriend’s back.
“Padfoot…” he whispered.
“Why am I crying?” Sirius’s voice was broken. “I shouldn’t cry! I should laugh, I should dance, and celebrate! Why am I crying, Moony?”
Remus carefully passed an arm around Sirius’s waist, pulling him in his arms. Sirius went on sobbing against his neck.
“I’m not sorry,” he said, between the tears. “I’m not, and I never will be, and I’ll never miss her. I was waiting for this moment, I have been waiting for this my whole life! Why am I crying? Why, Moony?”
“It’s alright, my love,” Remus kissed the top of Sirius’s head. “Don’t worry about it. I’m here.”
As Sirius buried his face even more in his chest, Remus looked at the carpet, where the Daily Prophet lay abandoned, opened on the society pages and its main story.
Walburga Black died yesterday after a long illness.
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ditzybat · 1 month
Hi! I saw that you had an idea where Tim sees Lady Shiva as a mother-figure and have not been able to stop thinking about it since. Do you have any more thoughts on that?
I have many thoughts on this particular head canon!
This mostly stems from the idea that Janet Drake and Lady Shiva have similar personalities, and therefore when Tim met Shiva he imprinted onto her like a baby duckling (pun intended).
A contributing factor to this is also their mentorship/partnership!
Tim and Shiva’s relationship is increasingly complicated. She’s trained him and they grew a partnership of mutual respect and were seen as equals for the period of time Tim spent in Paris (6 months.) And they were generally amicable until he killed her while under the influence of enhanced drugs due to her interference and desire to be killed by someone better than herself.
Because of that last little tidbit I like to think that Shiva views Tim as someone who has the potential to surpass her and therefore like a son (much like a twisted version of Cass and hers antagonistic fueled relationship). While on the flip side, Within the year that they met, Tim has interacted more with a woman who is startling similar to his very scary mother, than his own mother who would rather send him to private school than raise him herself while she travels. And much like Cass he believes Shiva’s perspective to be flawed. But at the same time, respects Shiva for her fighting prowess.
I also really like the Fanon of Shiva wanting to be a good mother, and laying claim to both Cass and Tim as her blood in front of Bruce to both mess with him and to somewhat apologize for her behavior towards them but not quite quitting killing.
And I really love the idea of Tim fighting Shiva one day, and then the next having tea with her while gossiping, in place of his actual mother who kicks the bucket not long after they meet.
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iheartbookbran · 3 months
There’s something about Rhaenyra’s epithet being the Black Queen and how the color black is often associated with mourning and grief. Because Rhaenyra’s story really starts with the death of her mother, and that’s a grief that she carries onto her adulthood. But it goes deeper than that, we’re told how many children Aemma lost during her marriage to Viserys, and Rhaenyra, though just a child herself at the time, had to experience the loss of her siblings alongside her mother, never being enough for her father because she wasn’t a son. Then she finally becomes the heir, but not in time to save her mother, and the grief never really leaves her. She loses Harwin (and at least in the book, Laena). She learns about the usurpation of her throne at the same time that she learns about the death of her father. She loses her only daughter.
She watches her sons leave her one by one until only one is left.
How could she ever be anything other than the Black Queen?
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digglesgiggless · 2 months
Sonya Massey, a black woman was shot three times, one being a fatal headshot in her own home for holding a pot of hot water, when she had called in the police for a prowler outside of her house.
she was shot. in. her. house. for saying "i rebuke you in the name of jesus". that's all. it took less than five seconds for Sean Grayson to whip out his pistol. said attackers partner offered first aid but he refused it because "it's a headshot, she's dead".
because no one can testify against you if they're dead.
the cops name is Sean Grayson, and he should never be able to leave prison.
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this was not an "incident". this was a murder. do NOT let people forget her name.
tw below for gunfire. the death however is off camera and not visible.
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Okay, starting off is the mask.
I figured I should post a sort of "devolution" to show where it started and what it became, because you cherish the end product more if you remember where you came from.
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pooks · 11 months
a little continuation on my previous post.
in a little "what if", Ron decided to send a letter, tell Percy what Umbridge did to Harry in detention and sent proof (a photo of Harry's craved hand)
Percy reads it once, sets down the letter slowly and then decided "nope, time to overthrow this fucking circus to ministry and throw that hag in prison"
next thing Arthur hears is that Percy decked Fudge in the face, let the newspapers print out all his sketchy affairs with proof. it's the scandal of the decade, a massive headache for the auror department, the toad got arrested for "physical abuse, torture of a minor and possession of a Dark object" and the public loudly demands that Percy takes over as minister
Arthur fears it's the Black Family Madness™
Molly is so scared that Percy is gonna get thrown into jail or worse
Bill and Charlie has One Fear™, that is Percival Ignatius Weasley
Sirius laughs at everything and finds this utterly hilarious
Fred, George and Ginny try to understand what is going on and wonders if Percy has finally lost it
Hermione is speechless for the first time
Harry is just :o
Ron doesn't know what to do, all he wanted to do was to throw some shit in Percy's face. he didn't expect him to go Big Brother Mode and fix everything again.
Percy: *sips on tea* and that was that Tuesday. wonder what I'll do next week.
Percy Weasley: overthrows sadistic teacher, corrupt politician and the whole ministry in one day.
what an icon.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
So few people realize what it means that Aegon III’s regents recognized the legitimacy of Lord Alyn Velaryon after the war.
As we know, only the monarch has the authority to legitimize bastards. Corlys asked Rhaenyra to legitimize both Addam and Alyn, and name Addam heir to Driftmark. She complied.
After Addam’s death, Alyn succeeded Corlys as Lord of Driftmark. Both Daemion and Daeron Velaryon tried to lay claim to Driftmark, but Aegon III’s regents ruled against them and recognized Alyn as a true Velaryon (see pages 654-655 of Fire & Blood).
This pretty much alludes to the fact that Aegon III’s regents recognized Rhaenyra’s authority to legitimize Alyn.
Therefore, Aegon III’s regents indirectly recognize Rhaenyra Targaryen as the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
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faaun · 2 months
what draws you back to your country what draws you back to your land when i was a kid i told myself if i ever left iran i'd never go back 2 years into living in the UK i started looking at news on iran again 10 years in and i visited it for the first time again and today i heard an iranian mother talk in farsi to her child on the train to london the way my mother used to and i wanted to cry i wanted to ask her whether they're still cutting the mountaintops whether the lakes are still drying today i showed the person i was with pictures of waterfalls and palaces and forests and snow-white north something odd pulls me back with increasing force i can't ignore it ever again
#i just dont know how else to tell you everything !!! santoor from a different room the large family gathering the black tea with saffron#drank out of delicate glass and gold vessels cold marble on hot nights big stars big rivers big mountains#visible from busy tehran roads the ease of conversation tension eased by sarcasm tall tall cliffsides you drive by#rushing to put on headscarves before the head teacher comes in a rave by the base of damavand massive sun pastel purple skies#disjunct architecture trucks on road sides with fresh fruits pomegranates watermelons oranges everywhere#the smell of golpar on tangerines beautiful girls in tehran holding hands bautiful boys in kermanshah speaking kurdish the janky#cars on the verge of breakdown held together by love caspian sea lighting up in spring staying up into the morning on noruz#my friends uncle sang and played setar his son played the violin a little fear a lot of love remnants of something#grand carved into the cliffside everything feels bigger taller the landscape swallows you it smells like#illegally imported wine and orange blossoms and auntie's tahchin soaking your eyes in warm tea when youre sick#tomatoes and salt concrete and stone something mandmade and something raw new flag old resilience#the anger getting to us bruised eyes big grin all i know is the north i feel sorry my mother asks if id be okay#if they got a place in tajikistan we love each other enough dont we? when we look in the mirror we see each other. theres a love letter#across the border and it says I MISS YOU IM GLAD YOURE DOING BETTER itll never be the same im not okay with it at all there are no more#stars i miss jumping over big fires i miss our fireworks im sorry we cant be happy anymore everyone#leaves the mint and rosewater and sunlight for a reason.#it's not pride it's just generational regret
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