#hoping we get more stuff on them from the interrogation questions...
mukuberry · 8 months
I hate kazui's family i hope they all explode actually
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fortheloveofkonig · 1 year
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request the 141 x Male reader, they know alot of medical like they use their knowledge of the human body against anyone whom threatens them (or people the care about). They aren't a medic are doctor parday but have extensive knowledge of the field that helps the team. Seem cold uncaring and ruthless but if anyone of them is injured its like a total switch of 'mom bear mode' checking them over the gentle hands and worry.
(Kinda of trope of don't mess with the doctor lol)
Summary: TF 141 reacts to Reader who knows a frightening amount of medical knowledge.
Note: I'm going to do this as more of a headcanons type of post ^^ hope this is good enough! ^^ I did 95% of this all in the last 2 hours
Content: Medical speak, Injuries, Slight Torture, Slightly Bad Medical Research, But I Did Research. Roach Talks.
Word Count: 1085
TF 141 x Knowledgeable in Medic Field M! Reader
Probably first heard about your knowledge from Soap talking to him about how terrifying it is to see it come into play
Doesn't believe him.
You've always been good at what you do but have never shown any previous knowledge or interest in the medical field so, who can blame him?
There was also no way you could've went to medical school unless you were years above your usual education range
He finally sees it come into play when you two were 'interrogating' someone.
"If you're gonna stab, don't do it right there. Price said he needs to stay alive."
Ghost looks at you, annoyed. "I've stabbed many people and seen many people survive stab wounds of surrounding areas."
"In lower places of the abdomen and with quicker medical care, if you do it there" You point to where he had the knife, pointed at the tied up man's skin. "It could puncture an intestine and we will be fucked. If you want to stab, move the knife below the belly button...about right... right there. Do not remove the knife once it pierces through."
He did as you said, with questions, but still followed your lead.
From then on he watched everything you did, even noticing that you took care of some of the rookies that ended up with minor cuts and damage that wasn't enough to bother the medics with.
Needless to say, he also ended up coming to you for some patch ups, mostly when he wanted to keep his new damage a secret from Price.
He ended up finding it kind of hot during the interrogation thing so he often asked to do things like that with you again.
Honestly, probably figured out about your medical knowledge after he was being a dumbass with explosives and almost got hurt.
"Go change into some shorts and a tank top." Your voice was in a serious tone as you went to grab a nearby first aid kit.
"Already wanting to see me strip?"
You just glared at him until he actually left and did what was told.
Despite having only a few scratches, you still cleaned them up as best as you could.
You also went on a rant about it too, about how dumb he was
"Do you realize how dumb you are? What if you actually made a big explosion and a piece of shrapnel flew and hit one of the carotid arteries in your neck?
"My What?"
"Do you realize how fast you would've died? Why weren't you wearing any protective gear?"
"I'm pretty bad at forgetting protection."
If looks could kill, he'd be dead.
That was not the last time you had to clean his wounds, he seems to be a magnet for them.
Asks you more about medical stuff, just to get an idea on how much you know.
You know a lot.
Unsure at this point if he hurts himself in new ways just to hear you yell at him for what dumb way he could've gotten himself killed this time.
He falls out of helicopters a lot, that's the truth. What's one more time?
This time (and somehow not the last?) he ended up hurting his foot, you were there the whole time when it happened.
When the both of you were both safe in the safety of a van, you got him to put his leg up so you could check it.
"This is stupid" He mutters, "It's nothing more than it has been in the past."
"Shush, let me concentrate" You mutter feeling around his bootless ankle, nodding your head when you hear him hiss at a pointed touch.
"Any pain when you walk on it?"
"I'm gonna say it's a sprain for now but I think we should take you to the infirmary after we get back to base. Doesn't seem dislocated. Possible fracture though."
It was just a sprain
Was surprised when you spoke fluent...doctor to the doctor.
Honestly felt like a little kid in the doctor's office, watching his parent's converse with the Doctor telling them what was wrong.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
Always knew, almost nothing gets by him unnoticed
Was probably one of the reasons he wanted you on the task force.
He knows how soap and gaz the boys are
Has you teaching rookies how to probably put a tourniquet on.
"What the fuck are you doing? That's not how I taught you."
The rookie you were speaking to just looked down at the dummy that they were working on and the tourniquet, "It looks-"
"Terrible! He's still bleeding out! Retry it."
Definitely has to sit in on these sessions, some rookies have complained to him that you take it too far.
You always just use the excuse that if those were real people and not training dummies, they'd be at fault for letting them die.
He agrees with you.
The rookie looks over at Price.
"Get to it. He told you to retry it. The man is bleeding out."
Mostly just sits in because it's less complaints now that he is showing he agrees with you in front of everyone.
This fucker needs a friend that has medical knowledge
Much like Soap, it seems like he is a wound magnet
Was probably the first of the 141 that you had to go full protective, medical knowledge out and work on him.
Man's like a tank too, no matter what the day brings to him it seems he's just able to walk it off
You don't let him
"You're limping, sit down."
He just waves it off, "'m good."
"Like hell you are." You walk up to him and grab his wrist, dragging him to a nearby chair and pushing him onto it. "Stay or I'll have Ghost lay on you."
Does not stay.
You cannot get Ghost to lay on him.
You just end up pelting pillows at him until he joins into a pillow fight, and you both end up getting exhausted.
"I'll rest right here."
Stubborn but still okay with medical help
Often comes to you with oddly specific questions.
"Hypothetically, if a car blew up in the near vicinity of where I was at, what is the possible health issues that could arise?"
"Well, burn marks obviously, depending on the distance it could be any degree. If it was enough to knock you over, then a possible concussion. Depending if you hit the ground and hard enough, possible broken or fractured bones. Not to even mention the possible pieces of metal and glass flying, and just blast trauma in general. Could cause damage to internal organs with enough force."
"Okay, so...hypothetically, if that happened, I should go to the infirmary?"
"Roach, were you next to a car when it blew up?"
You immediately dragged him to the infirmary.
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hirukochan · 9 months
I’d love to request something if you don’t mind I think your writing would be perfect for an interrogation type dynamic the reader has some type of information that snape needs and he essentially edges, teases and all that good stuff too the reader until they give in.
I don’t know if that’s too much but i absolutely love your work and think you’d transform it in to something soooooo good
Took me a bit - I've written something similar during spy training in Your tears are of no relevance to me and wanted to mix it up a bit - I'm not sure I achieved that but I like it anyway xD.
I hope you like it too!
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Ministry Documents
Severus SnapexReader
Words: 3415
Warnings: Um....non-con. Because it's an interrogation (duh)...Dark!Snape, reader has a vagina, edging (duh²), rough sex....yeah, I guess that is it.
Summary: You are the Senior Undersecretary to Minister Scrimgeour and Snape a Death Eater who wants senstive information from you.
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“You won’t get away with this you bastard!” You shout and tug at the restraints around your wrists behind your back. You put your entire weight into it, but all it archives is the chair you’re tied to scooting over the ground with a sharp screech that makes the insides of your ears contract.
“And who’s going to stop me?” He laughs, glowering, deep and taunting.
“You always were one nasty piece of shit, Snape!”
“Ohhh noo…the woman I drugged and tied to her chair in her own fucking office is mean to me!” He says in a whiny mock voice. “How will I ever recover?” Snape appears in your line of sight and braces his hands against the backrest of your chair, just above your shoulders. 
He is grinning, bearing his yellow, crooked teeth. An evil glimmer shines in his dark eyes, half obscured by curtains of greasy black hair.
“You won’t get away with this! I am the senior undersecretary to Minister Rufus Scrimgeour! If you think you can just-”
“I repeat my question: Who’s going to stop me? You didn’t even notice the sedative in your tea, sweetheart.” He straightens back up and slowly undoes the buttons on his sleeves to roll them up. “This is how it will go. I will ask you questions and you will answer them. We don’t need to make this ugly - after all we don’t want anybody knowing you’ve betrayed the Ministry, right? How nonsensical to use you for information once and only once.” He shakes his head and moves on to his left sleeve. “If you are a good girl and answer my question I will reward you.”
“And if not?” You scoff. “I won’t talk, Snape! I work directly under the Minister - we are trained for these things!”
“I am certain you think you are trained to withstand interrogation…”
“Go ahead and kill me - don’t waste your time. I won’t talk.”
“That’s what they always say.” Snape hums. He folds his sleeve over one more time and twists his arm. The flickering light from the candles strewn around the room hits his inner underarm and you clench your teeth, glaring at the jet black mark blemishing Snape’s pale skin.
You knew it. You knew it back in school and you knew it when you were just a small, faceless employee keeping track of paperwork at his trial after You-Know-Who’s fall.
Severus Snape is a Death Eater.
You don’t care for Dumbledore’s talks of repentance and character growth or whatever the fuck he said at that trial.
Snape is not a changed man.
You clench your jaw and inhale sharply through your nose, preparing yourself for the torture that is no doubt going to follow.
“Where are the documents, sweetheart?”
“Fuck off.”
“Don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be. Be a good girl and tell me where the documents are.”
“I won’t tell you no matter what torture you show up with! You people will fail! You’ll lose because you are hateful, small minded, disgusting terrorists!”
“Torture? Oh sweetheart, He would not have send me here to torture you. I told you. We want to continue using your intel. Nobody will know we ever spoke.” He catches a strand of your hair between his fingers, brushing his knuckle over your cheek on purpose. You try to pull away, to escape his touch, but you are only reminded of the ropes digging into your skin. “Mhh..you always were a pretty thing.” He hums and leans down closer. The tips of his hair tickle your face. “And I always did wonder how you’d taste.” You can’t breathe. Your mind is racing. From fear to confusion, to trying to decipher his words back to searching for a way out. 
You scream. It’s late, whatever vile concoction Snape dumped into your tea it made you fall asleep at your desk and since the workload recently has been insane it’s not the first time that happens to you so your assistant would not suspect anything of it.
Snape just chuckles. 
“Nobody will hear you. Nobody will come to save you either. Where are the documents?”
You don’t respond. You’re fighting tears and the bitter taste in your mouth that comes from considering to just give Snape the documents and save your own skin.
You could.
Nobody would know.
No. No you won’t. This is bigger than you. This is about the kind of world you’ll be living in in the future and you don’t want to see a world in which You-Know-Who rules!
“I’ll tell you nothing!” Snape looks like he got exactly the answer he was looking for. Like a little child on Christmas morning.
He gips the leg of your chair and pulls it over the floor, turning it to face away from your desk and the door. You let out a surprised shriek.
“I was hoping you’d say that. How boring to just get what I came here without playing a little first, hm?”
“Play-” Your pathetic stuttering is cut short by Snape straddling your thighs. His weight is crushing, his proximity uncomfortable. His hand closes around your throat and Snape smashes his lips against yours. You squeak and struggle against him. His grip around your throat tightens. Tears burn in your eyes.
Snape hums, a sound full of dark satisfaction and pleasure. His tongue flicks over your lips and you press them together harder. He spreads his saliva over your lips, slimy and warm. With his free hand he grabs your face and forces your jaw open to shove his tongue into your mouth.
You can’t breathe. Between his hard kiss and pressure on your throat you are trapped in an empty space between living and dying.
“I knew you’d taste sweet.” He coos as he pulls back, but he doesn’t let go of your face. You struggle and try to close your mouth but Snape is entirely unbothered by it or your unintelligible protest. He pulls out a small vial from his robes and unstoppers it with his mouth before pouring its contents into your mouth and pressing his hand over it, pinching your nose at the same time.
“Be a good girl and swallow for daddy, yes?” He says mockingly. You want to scream, but that would only cause the liquid to slip down your throat, but keeping it in your mouth would surely make your body absorb its active ingredients as well, right?
Shit, you were never good in potions, but you know that Snape is a bloody genius.
Your breath runs out. You tear at the restraints but Snape just laughs. Tears run over your cheek. You close your eyes and swallow.
“There you go.” He chuckles and removes his hands. You gasp and greedily fill your lungs with sweet sweet air - so much so you even forget to think about what that stuff was that he made you swallow.
You are not left wondering for long.
Heat grows in your lower abdomen like a wild beast woken from its hibernation by a stupid knight wanting to kill it, thinking in his immeasurable arrogance that he’d have a chance.
“Aww, are we having trouble, sweetheart?” Snape taunts. That evil glimmer in his eyes flares. 
You are fucked.
You know you are fucked, but you are also stubborn. 
You bite your lip and ignore what’s happening to your body. The heat, the burning, undying, deafening need tearing through your cunt with the force of an unforgivable.
Snape laughs again, clearly enjoying the expression of realisation and horror in your eyes.
“So, sweetheart. Be a good girl and I’ll give you precisely what it is you’re craving.”
You shake your head.
“No?” He pouts and somehow even that looks sadistic on his face. He licks his lips, his eyes darting over your body. He snaps his fingers. You scream, but Snape quickly covers your mouth with his hand. 
“None of that.” He says. “How silly. I’ve already told you nobody will hear you. You’ll only piss me off and that should be the last thing you want to do right now. Let’s see…” He scoots backwards on your thighs ever so slightly to have a better look at your body. Your naked body. You groan with the pain of his weight crushing your much smaller form. The wool of his clothes scrapes over your skin and sends shivers and prickles straight to your core.
“Mhhh…what a nice body you’ve kept hidden under these robes.”
“Stop-” You croak, staring at him through your cloudy eyes. 
“Stop? I haven’t even started yet, but if you tell me where those documents are I will.” You clench your teeth and shake your head. Snape hums thoughtfully. He cups your breast and you give a small jerk, more at the tingling sensation of his touch, than your horror at him touching you.
A simple touch should not feel so good-
You rip your eyes open and stare at Snape. A pleased expression breaks through the mocking sneer.
“Yes, sweetheart. The potion I gave you enhances all sensations. Pleasure…” He presses his thumb against your nipple, squeezing your breast gently, almost tender. “And pain.” He pinches your nipple and the pain of it explodes in your body and turns to an all consuming inferno of misery and you scream, throwing your head back with the force of it.
As soon as it started it stops. Snape rubs the assaulted nub and makes an apologetic tsk sound.
“If you’re a good girl I won’t have to do that again. If you decide to be a haughty little bitch I will.”
You take deep breaths, each one rattling with fear. You wet your lips and consider Snape’s face. This man is nothing like the greasy, neglected, insecure boy you’d see in the corridors from far away. His mere presence commands respect and deference.
“I can’t tell you.” You whisper. “I’d be fucked if I tell you.”
Snape clicks his tongue. “That’s the problem, sweetheart. You won’t be if you don’t.” He doesn’t give you time to process those words. His hand leaves your breast and drops between your legs, spread slightly due to the way he tied your feet to the legs of your chair. 
You can’t press your lips closed fast enough to suppress the utterly pathetic whimper that escapes you as soon as his calloused digit rubs over your clit.
Snape didn’t lie. The potion enhances all sensation.
Within seconds you feel like dying. Snape expertly guides you towards the edge, whispering promises of wonderful pleasure, of highs made up of pure ecstasy and lows made of thundering release. He shows you the way, presents the abyss as though you were a tourist in your own body and he the native.
You cry from horror and pleasure and thrash in your bounds and wish for it to end but also never stop.
You take a step forward, one testing motion, the abyss calls out to you, angels part the clouds and show their heavenly faces and sing their harmonies and you scream because yesyesyes-
Snape yanks you back.
You open your tear-clouded eyes and it takes a second for them to be able to focus on Snape. He is grinning.
“Where are the documents?”
“I hate you.” You pant. He shrugs and closes his lips around his glistening fingers. He hums. “Your cunt tastes even sweeter.”
“You disgust me!”
“Oh keep going, sweetheart. Toss your venom at me like I care.” Snape lets out a grading, cruel chuckle. “Though you might want to put some more heart in it. After all - I am used to people hating me.”
“Is that what this is about? Fuck! Snape, school’s over. Get the fuck over it!” Anger flashes over his face. He grabs your throat and pulls you as close as the bounds allow, causing the ropes to dig into your skin harshly and your shoulders to strain against the unnatural angle.
“The documents.”
“Go to hell.”
“Wrong answer.” He cups your sex roughly, pushing two fingers inside you with no warning and presses the heel of his palm against your clit. He keeps masterfully bringing you as close to the edge as humanly possible. He keeps pushing and pulling, forcing your body to submit to him - all the while watching you with perverse satisfaction. Like he is enjoying making you accept the pleasure he can bring you. Everytime he brings you closer to your orgasm and every time your stupid little brain thinks that maybe, maybe he’ll make you cum this time and every single time he doesn’t.
He raises you up and up and up towards bliss and release and ecstasy and every time he lets go of you and you plummet down into deep dark nothing. 
You shiver and tremble, cry and thrash against the restraints and Snape laughs. Everytime he denies you your release he’ll ask “Where are the documents?” in that soft, almost apologetic tone of voice. And every time you will not tell him, but your resistance shrivels further.
Your biting venom trickles out to a displeased rainfall until it’s a sobbing, heaving, pathetic mess.
You are limp in your restraints. The muscles in your thighs tremble from exertion and your tears have run dry, leaving only the messed up, dark residue of your mascara on your cheeks.
You take a shuddering breath, that is cut short by a sob. Snape is thrusting his fingers lazily into your sore, twitching cunt.
“Where are the documents, sweetheart?”
“N-no-” You whimper.
“Is this job worth it? Come one…you are suffering…let me relieve you.”
“I’m- i’m not keeping you- you are-” You bite your lip in hopes it’ll stop you from further embarrassing you.
“But you are.” He says softly and brushes a sweat soaked strand of hair out of your face. “My master would not be very happy with me if I were to return without the documents, hm? I want to help you. I want to let you cum. Be a good girl and I can.”
“Such potential. Truly wasted on the Ministry. Does the Minister even know about all the work you put in, hm? Does he even appreciate it?”
“Nnhh- mh- please-” Did you just- 
The corners of Snape’s mouth curl and it breaks through his mask of care of sympathy with ugly self-satisfaction and sadistic gratification.
“Please- please I need-”
“Where are the documents?”
Snape thrusts his fingers harder into you, curling them at the same time and pushing up and he hits that sweet sweet spot with expert skill and you cry out and shake your head, squirming underneath him.
Snape leans in. The tip of his nose brushes against your sweat-soaked temple.
“Tell me and I’ll fuck you. I’ll let you cum all over my cock like a good little cocksleeve. I’ll make you feel so good, sweetheart. So good, even the memory charm I’ll use on you won’t be enough to make you forget how hard you came for me.”
“Face it, your colleagues would not fight as hard for you. The Ministry has been doomed to fall and crumble to ashes for a while. We are everywhere, sweetheart. We have already infiltrated the Ministry. We are in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. We’re in every position of power that matters. The Ministry will fall, the Minister will die. It’s your choice whether you die with them.”
“I know, I know.” He purrs and strokes your hair. “You need to cum, don’t you? You’ve been doing so well…You’ve been withstanding me beautifully. But you’re tired, aren’t you? Nobody will ever know you’ve told me. Let me make you cum, make it so I can allow you to rest, hm?” You inch towards your orgasm again and Snape stops his torturous attention.
“Behind the painting.” You whimper. Your voice uneven and croaky.
“Behind the painting?” Snape repeats in such an oddly soft and caring voice and you actually believe him that he doesn’t like doing this to you. You nod. He gets up and your legs scream in relief. The chair under you is wet with your arousal and sweat and your thighs are chafed from the friction of Snape moving on top of you.
Snape goes to the painting and taps it a couple of times with his wand. It swings open and reveals a hidden safe. 
“Only you can open it, I assume?” You nod, weak and tired, exhausted and yet painfully on edge. Snape flicks his wand at you and the restraints disappear. He motions for you to come to him. You do, but your legs feel like jelly and protest against movement after being confined for so long.
You place your hand against the safe. It recognises your magic and the internal mechanisms start working, rattling and clicking before the door finally pops open. Snape rummages through it, while you hold onto the file cabinet to not fall.
“Very good.” He says as he flips through a folder. He shrinks it with his wand and stuffs it into his pocket. “What a good girl.” Snape seizes you by your upper arms and you slump against him. He catches your lips in a feral, claiming kiss that you are too tired and weak to either fight - or worse - reciprocate. He turns you both around and slams your back against the wall, putting his hands under your thighs and lifting you. You can’t wrap your legs around him or hold onto him. His weight against yours is the only thing keeping you pinned to the wall and your mind is too far gone to be afraid of falling.
Snape makes quick work of his belt and even quicker of shoving his cock into you. He groans and slams his hips into yours with brutal force. You squeak and limply put your hands on his shoulders.
“A good girl that has earned herself some cock, what do you say?” He grunts. “Isn’t this much better?”
“Snape-” You moan and drop your head against the wall. You can’t even shudder under the force of your orgasm that finally finally is allowed to take your body over, spreading through your entire being, burning hot like molten lava. 
Snape pounds into you, grunting and groaning and whispering filthy praise and you whimper and whine with what little life you have left in you.
He makes you cum two more times on his cock, but by the second your eyes keep falling shut against your will and your hands slide down from his shoulders, over his chest.
“We’ll get along just grand won’t we, sweetheart? Yes, you might not remember any of this, but I will come back and when you see me it all will come back to you.” His thrusts falter and he pulls out of you, letting you slip down the wall until you’re a trembling, boneless mess to his feet.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and tilts your head back, pumping his cock, his cockehead pressed against your lips. You force your eyes open and look up, meeting the dark, stormy gaze of Snape. He is smirking.
“We’ll have a lot of fun.” He says and then he cums, smearing his cum all over your lips and cheek and then the world goes black.
You wake up in your bed, sitting up straight. You feel weird. Like you had a nightmare you can’t quite remember, but the bad feeling lingers, following you back into the waking world. You run your hands over your face and groan.
Your assistant is right. You are working too much. All this stress isn’t good for you. You still have vacation days left…perhaps you should take them. You never wanted to out of fear of letting down your colleagues but they don’t share that opinion, do they? Why should you work yourself to death while they don’t….
You scribble a note on a piece of parchment and whistle. Your owl flutters into your bedroom. You tie the letter to her leg and she flutters through the window.
You’ve earned a vacation. 
You lie back down, wondering what you did to feel sore? Your knickers feel damp too and you have a weird taste in your mouth.
Maybe you’re coming down with a fever. You always have weirdly erotic dreams when you get sick….yes that must be it.
You close your eyes and let exhaustion and tiredness take you.
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gaybananabread · 7 months
Oh my gosh congratulations on the milestone!! 🥳💖 I would love something for ROTTMNT! Maybe lee Mikey and ler Leo or lers Raph, Leo and Donnie. I’d love Dragon Fruit, Oranges & Grapes! Take all the time you need and I hope you’re doing well! 💖
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Fruit(s): Dragon Fruit, Oranges, Grapes
AAAAAHG THANK YOU! You're so nice all the time, just make my brain go (>w<)✨! Been a hot second since I've done something for Rise, these boys need some more love from me. (Got carried away but we don't talk about that shhhhhshsh) Again, thank you sosososo much, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Mikey
Lers: Raph, Leo, Donnie
Summary: Mikey tries making a treat for his bros, but things don't go as planned, bumming him out. The boys quickly notice and, after a quick wrestling match and some questions, manage to get their baby bro back into his high spirits.
Warnings: none! This is a fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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“No no nononONONO!”
Feeling his heart sink, Mikey pulled his fruity Danish pastries from the oven. The charred surfaces and burning smell of the treats brought tears to his eyes. Three hours of work down the drain…
The teen had been trying to make desserts for his brothers; they’d been really supportive during his recovery from the Kraang invasion, encouraging him and helping him wrap his arms. Even Donnie had put aside some extra time to shop for arm braces. They deserved it.
His arm had a flare-up during the baking, making him take a break to put a brace on. The timer had gone off without him in the room, his poor confections roasted beyond recognition. He sniffed, dumping the marred fruits of his labor into the trash. Maybe some music and drawing would help…
“Okay, family meeting.” Raph sat down with his two of his brothers, Donnie quickly correcting him. “Teeechnically, it's a partial family meeting. If we count the main seven family members and round the percentage, it's only about 42%-” He got a hand clamped over his mouth, the blue-themed turtle interjecting. “HUSH the nerd stuff! We know what we're here for, right?”
Donnie scoffed, but stopped spouting math. All three brothers knew what the problem was. Raph took charge again, attempting some order. “Mikey's been really down all day. Raph's worried about him.”
The purple clad turtle tapped his wristlet, frowning. He had been keeping track of Mikey's expressions from the past few days.“He seemed fine yesterday. Angelo’s face only drops around two today. I hadn't seen him for a few hours, my data’s a bit incomplete. I think he was in the kitchen.”
Leo blinked, seeming shocked. “Wow. Your number craziness finally paid off.” A claw extended from Donnie’s battle shell, whacking the snarky teen upside the head. Raph stepped between them before any more chaos could ensue.
“HEY! Donnie, do ya know what he was doin’ in there?” He huffed before answering, looking down. “I…do not. Dr. Delicate Touch made me promise not to install cameras; even I won't defy him.”
That was fair; none of them wanted to go against Dr. DT… Leo sighed, twirling his mask tails as he spoke. “I've tried asking, but no dice. The dude's clearly not okay, but he won't talk about it. Little hypocrite…” 
The techy teen offered an idea. “We could try to interrogate him.” Leo snorted, snapping out of his little trance. “Interrogate? What is this, one of dad's movies? Besides, it'd probably only make him more upset.”
Raph bit his finger as he thought; one bad habit he'd tried and failed to drop. He got an idea, snapping his fingers and smiling. Bingo. “I got it! Listen up boys, here’s the plan…”
Mikey was sitting on his bed, moping and dragging a pencil across some cardboard. He wasn’t making anything; it was just a nice way to destress. Things weren’t working as well as they usually did, though… A knock at his train car door startled him, making the typically upbeat boy flinch and drop the pencil. “C-coming…”
The metal slid open, an obviously forced smile on his face. All three of them wanted to wrap him in a hug, but they had to follow the plan. “Hey guys…what is it?” 
Leo stepped forward, looking his brother over. He took special notice of the arm braces. “Alright hermano, the jig is up. What’s wrong?”
The boy’s fake smile faltered a bit, though he tried to keep the act going. “J-jig? I dunno what you’re talking about, Leo. I’m good!” His artificial confidence got a bit stronger at the end. It was clear he wasn’t telling them without a fight. 
Raph was next to get closer, trying to sneakily box the boy in. This time, however, a small smile was paired with the chasm. 
A small squeak escaped the youngest as he backed up, recognizing the look on his brothers’ faces. They wouldn’t…would they? “C’mon Mike, this can go quickly if ya just hold still.” Oh. They would.
Feeling a slight giddiness rise in his chest, Mikey ran farther into his train car, diving for his escape hatch. Raph stopped him in his tracks, using his mystic tonfā power to catch him in a giant fist. Leo ran over, being careful of his brother’s arms as he tossed him into his hammock.
“GUys- guys wahait! Mikey squirmed and kicked, the hammock swinging as he thrashed. Leo flipped his sword, opening two portals to hold his brother’s arms safely. Didn’t want him getting hurt after all that recovery time.
“Nah, there’s no fun in waitin’. Raph’s out for giggles and the truth.” Wasting no time, Raph started poking at his brother’s armpits. A genuine smile formed on the younger’s face, giggles spilling from his lips. “Rahaphie! Nohohot thihis!” 
“But this is the best! You get to giggle, and we get to hear it.” Leo smirked, not wanting to miss out on the fun. “Big man’s right, Miguel. The truth will set you free~!” He moved his hands to Mikey’s plastron, scratching and scribbling on the area where his stomach would be. “LeheheHEEOOOOO! C-chohOHOME OHOHOhohon!” 
“Just tell the truth, Micheal. You know there’s no simple way out of this predicament.” Donnie took in the sight of them; his co-conspirators smirking, enjoying the sound of their brother’s laughter, and Mikey, laughing and sounding happier than he had all day. He supposed it was worth breaking a few of his rules for the occasion. He pressed a button on his bo, the feather he used against Shredder popping out. 
“D-dehehee? Whahat ahare youHU- NYAAAHAHAHO!” Mikey squealed as he felt the soft fibers of the feather run behind his knees. Curse him for taking off the knee pads… The armpit pokes, the tummy scritches, the feather on his knees; it was all too tickly. It was nice to be able to laugh with his brothers, though he didn’t know how much longer he could take all of them at once.
Raph chuckled, smiling warmly as his brother laughed. Those goofs were gonna be the death of him…but he loved them more than he could ever express. If it takes some playful tickles to get one of his bros to open up, then so be it. “All ya gotta do is fess up, Mikey. What’s been goin’ on today?”
He still didn’t seem like he was giving up, though it was clear he was reaching a breaking point. Donnie, ever the over-achiever, wanted to speed things up. He sent a claw from his battle shell to his brother’s knees, having it squeeze and scribble along the underside. That did him in. 
“K-GAHAHAHA! DOHOHONIEHEHE! *snrk* NAHAHAH!” Raph gave the purple-clad turtle a look, sighing. “The goal is to get the truth, Donnie, not kill him.” Dee just chuckled, continuing the metallic tickles. 
Kicking and thrashing like crazy, the teen finally reached his limit. “OHOHOKAHAHAY! IHI- *snrk* IHI’ll TEHEHELL!” 
And just like that, it all stopped.
Donnie begrudgingly retracted his tools, a small smile still on his face as he watched his little bro giggle. Leo followed suit, though Raph’s hand moved to the underside of the boy’s chin. He gently wiggled his fingers into the soft skin, chuckling as his little bro melted into the touch. His loud and bubbly laughter died down to soft, breathy giggles.
“Spill it, little man~” Raph practically purred as he said it, his tone softening with the next phrase. “We promise not to judge.” 
Mikey whined through his giggles, but didn’t squirm. Leo had long since released his arms; he just hadn’t noticed. “Uh-uhuhum…I wahanted to make youhuhu guhuys some d-dahanishehes for helpihing me throuhugh recovery.” He looked down, still not pulling away from the loving tickles. He’d never say it out loud, but he loved them.
“Ihi uhm… Ihihi kinda buhuhurned them. H-hahad a flare-up whehen they went ihin the ohohoven…” All three brothers’ expressions softened, even Donnie’s. The thought was incredibly sweet, and it wasn’t his fault his arms still hurt sometimes.
“Mikey…listen. We love ya. Even if you weren’t an awesome baker, we’d still take care of ya.” He continued to gently scritch under his chin, though the big guy limited it to one finger. Donnie jumped in, not making eye contact. “It’s not your fault you still get pains. Based on typical recovery times, you’re actually making exponential progress. Occasional aches are to be expected.”
“If you ever need anything, we’re all here for you. I could help with the baking and stuff, if you want.” Leo’s offer made his heart soar, as well as his other brothers’ kind words. Heartfelt moments like those would forever be cherished, especially that one.
He felt a few tears spring to his eyes, arms reaching for his bros’ hands. “Youhu guys are the behehest…” Raph stopped tickling, enveloping them all in a hug. Donnie whined, but he relaxed into the embrace. Mikey sighed, his heart full and the sadness from earlier in the day completely gone. He loved his brothers so freaking much…
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Dad Hood - part 8
‘So, he just showed up in your appartement?’
Tim was still confused how Danny ended up in Jason’s care. At least he wasn’t the only one, as Jason still doesn’t know either. And of course this was the one thing Danny’s memory kept failing him on.
‘I told you, one moment I was alone, and the next he was just sitting on the floor. I don’t know how he didn’t set off any alarms.’
The brothers were both looking at Danny, who was playing with his stuffed bunny, none the wiser to their conversation. That was boring adult stuff, and the adventures of Mr. Bun-Bun were much more interesting.
‘You don’t think he could’ve teleported inside, do you?’
Jason took another swing of his beer. ‘Honestly, the kid pulls a new power out of his ass every other day. If he did, it wouldn’t surprise me.’
They were waiting. Tim had convinced Jason that they needed go talk to Talia and get more information from her. The DNA-test wasn’t as useful as Jason had hoped, but knowing for certain that Talia was involved gave them a new lead to follow. Tim had managed to find out which LoA base Talia was in at the moment, but that had left one problem to figure out.
‘How long do you think it’ll take for him to get here?’
There was no way Jason was bringing Danny along to a LoA base. Apart from the obvious dangers like the ninja’s, Jason didn’t want Danny anywhere near a Lazarus Pit. The kid had enough of that stuff in his system as is. Knowing Danny, he’d say something about spicy soup and slurp the whole thing up with a straw! Well, maybe not, but it wouldn’t surprise Jason if that did happen.
‘Should be any moment now. It’s only 3 days, can’t take that long to pack a suitcase for that.’
So in short, Tim and Jason were leaving for the LoA base, and Danny stayed here. That meant:
‘Hey, I’m here! What’s the emergency? Where are we going?’
Nightwing climbed through the window behind Tim and Jason. Dragging a suitcase clumsily through the window, he toppled over once it popped through. The noise had startled Danny, who had promptly gone invisible.
‘Hey, Dick! Glad you could finally make it.’ Tim stood up from the couch to help Dick up.
‘Yeah, yeah. In case you didn’t know traffic out of Blüdhaven is always the worst. Plus I had to change out into my suit on the way. So, what’s the problem. Must be pretty serious if Tim was willing to cash in his blackmail.’ Dick stretches his legs, before dropping down on the couch as well.
Jason stands up and gathers the supplies he had set out. ‘We’re having a bit of a problem with my case. So we’re heading to Egypt, where Talia is setting up another LoA base and interrogate her.’
Dick stands up as well. ‘So, we’re going to Egypt? But you guys told me to bring regular clothes. It sounded like a Gotham mission?’
Tim puts his hand on Dick’s shoulder, pushing him back on the couch. ‘No, Dick. Me and Jason are going to Egypt. You’re staying right here.’ Tim took his own bag and headed to the window.
Dick was now very confused. ‘Hold on. You’re cashing in your blackmail and pulled me all the way from Blüdhaven, just so I could house-sit for Jason?’
Jason smirked. Knowing instinctively where Danny was, he picked the invisible boy up and turned back to Dick. Tickling the kid to make him drop his invisibility, Jason showed Danny to Dick.
‘Nope! Not house-sitting. You’re baby-sitting!’
That had been 3 nights ago. Dick was looking at the kid. It had been just three nights. Three nights! And Dick was already at his wits end. Danny was a meta, and a wild one! No, not wild. Just, a lot to handle. Jason had just left him, only leaving a notebook and the food in the fridge! Sure, he had already been tired. He had just finished a case, but not yet had the time to rest. Danny had immediately jumped on Dick, asking all sorts of questions.
‘Uncle Dick, what are these?’
Dick immediately rushed to get his Ecrisma sticks out of the 5-year-old’s hands.
‘Those are my weapons. Don’t touch them, they are very dangerous!’
He swears this kid has the survival instinct of a hamster. Knives, sockets, if it was dangerous Danny wanted to know all about it. And he was the type of kid that wanted to touch EVERYTHING.
‘Uncle Dick, why do you dress like that?’
Now that was uncalled for. His clothes were just fine. He wasn't even wearing his uniform, just regular clothes! Maybe the superman logo on his hoodie threw the kid off?
‘This is just my hoodie. I just like Superman, that’s all.’
Dick hadn’t even gotten the time to skim the notebook. Instead he had asked Danny about his allergies, likes and dislikes. That’s probably all that was in there anyway. As long as he didn’t poison the kid everything would be fine.
‘Uncle Dick, what does daddy do for a job?’
Dick rubbed his temples. How does he tell that to a kid? At the end of the day, Jason has killed a lot of people, and still does.
‘He- uh, he puts bad people in the ground.’
Ok, he shouldn’t have said that. Luckily it didn’t seem like Danny dwelled on it too much. Now, if Dick could just get him to sleep, then maybe Dick could-
‘Uncle Dick, what is this?’
Rushing to pull his grappling hook out of Danny’s hands, Dick knew he needed a plan. Danny was most likely bored. With that white hair and glow that Dick had noticed when he turned the lights off, Danny most likely hadn’t been able to leave the appartement. The kid must be climbing up the walls. That gave Dick an idea that hopefully allow Danny to burn off some excess energy.
‘Uncle Dick, when will da-’
‘Hey Danny, do you want to go somewhere fun?’
Thinking no one would be here in the middle of the night, Danny and Nightwing arrived at the playpark. Due to Danny glowing and being an obvious meta, Dick had opted for wearing his Nightwing uniform and giving Danny a spare domino mask. Danny immediately flew to the slide. Seeing that Danny was more than happy to just play, Nightwing sat down on a bench. He was exhausted.
Why had Jason not warned him the kid was a meta? Dick couldn’t take his eyes off Danny for a second! Danny would fly up only to drop down, so Dick needed to catch him. If Danny had too much sugar he would fly around the appartement with breakneck speed, making Dick pray he didn’t fly into something. If Danny didn’t want to go to bed, he’d turn invisible and Dick would be searching for hours! Right as he was finally relaxing a bit, Dick suddenly heard a sound he and his family were acutely aware off.
Knowing someone was in trouble, Nightwing knew he had to help. But he had to watch Danny! Seeing Danny happily play, he made a decision. One he knew he was going to regret.
‘Danny, I need to go and help someone. Promise me that you’ll stay right here, ok? I’ll be right back!’
Danny gave him a thumbs up, and kept playing with Mr. Bun-Bun on the slide. Nightwing ran to the source of the scream, leaving Danny in the park. He could do this, it’s only be a minute!
Danny was looking at Nightwing leaving, when he noticed something in the other direction. Promise forgotten, he got up and was determined to make a new friend tonight.
A few minutes later, Nightwing was running back. Just a stupid mugger trying to steal a lady’s handbag. He could’ve let the police handle it, but that’s the beauty of hindsight. It didn’t matter, he was almost back at the playpark. Almost back to-
Danny was nowhere to be found.
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jasntodds · 9 months
Petrichor [10]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of fwb)
Words: 17,399
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, canon drug use, drug use (don't do drugs), blood, bruises, injuries, look the anti-fear drug turns perfectly innocent people into raging murderers and makes them do things they would never do and that's all I'm gonna say for that one, canon violence, violence, mentions of abuse
Summary: ❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞
Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
A/N: I'm sorry this is extra late lol some personal stuff happened and editing has been hard lol then I was sick so here we are I'm so sorry!! You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
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Instead of providing Dick with any sort of explanation you can think of, you decide you'll meet up with Jason instead. Dick knows he's alive and he's going to want answers which means you're going to be the one interrogated by him. But, Jason tried to kill Dick tonight and that is sending up a large red flag that almost makes you want to tell Dick everything. So, you figure you can meet up with Jason and hope he gives you a good enough reason to either keep your mouth shut or to spill what you know to Dick. Something is off and it's more than just Jason coming back from the dead.
You head outside to the front steps of the Manor. The only people awake are just you and Dick anyway, but you want to be outside for this one. You take out the burner and press redial.
"Shouldn't you be getting some damn sleep?" Jason answers.
"Shouldn't you?" You quip back. "Heard you had an eventful night."
"Fair enough." He remarks but he sounds tired.
"Can we meet?" You ask bluntly.
"Now?" Jason huffs, looking around his hideout that's lit up with lamps on the floor.
"Yeah, now." Your voice is flat and usually Jason can read what you're up to but not now.
"Why?" His brows knight together as the word is slow to leave his throat.
"I can't want to see you after you just fought the Titans?" You ask, a slight snip in your voice.
"You gonna bitch about it?" Jason quips back getting the idea maybe Dick told you what happened or Gar.
"No." You lie.
"Fine. Remember that alley the day we did that bust at the warehouse in Crime Alley?"
"Meet me there. Leave now." Jason says quickly before hanging up.
You pull the phone from your head, looking at it. Now that's also a bit uncharacteristic of him. He always says it. He always tells you he loves you before he hangs up. Your heart plummets to your stomach. You made the Pet Sementary reference to him but you didn't think it would be literal. Now, you're starting to think maybe it is.
The idea that just because you can bring someone back from the dead, doesn't mean you can bring someone back from the dead. Something about them is different, there's a change. Like a part of their soul or something gets left behind. The good parts of them stay behind but everything else is what gets to come back. You know that's not entirely true because of how he was with you when you met up the first time. That can't be it. But there is something. And it's eating at you.
Jason, on the other hand, he knows you. He knows you want to meet up to check on him, yes. You’ll always want to check on him after any sort of fight with anyone. It’s what you do. But, he also knows you’re going to have questions about him attacking Dick and the other Titans. You tipped him off, sure, but maybe you didn’t think he was going to actually attack them. He knows you’re going to question him about it, probably lecture him. He doesn’t want to listen to it. He can’t listen to it. A part of him will want to break if he does and he knows it. He knows he will if he goes there clean. So, he doesn’t. He hits the inhaler and pockets it before heading to the alley.
Jason gets there first, hiding in the shadows until you show up. You’re on your bike, completely suited up. You don’t want anyone seeing you with him. Not the real you. Red Hood is pissing off a lot of people and you already have enough shit you’re dealing with. The last thing you want is a target painted on your civilian self for being seen with him.
You dismount the bike, popping the helmet on the handlebar as you look around. Jason walks out from the shadows, wearing the suit and the helmet. Of course, he is.
“I’m fine.” Jason states. You don’t like how the helmet makes him sound.
“Yeah, well, had to see for myself.” You let out a breath as you close the rest of the distance between you.
“You don’t have to worry about me anymore.” Jason takes the helmet off and he isn’t smiling or grinning. His expression is flat and your heart starts to sink.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Jay?” You shake your head, Jason getting a hint of annoyance in your voice.
“I mean I’m fine.” He rolls his shoulders, his voice flat.
Your eyes are scanning over him and it’s dark but you’re pretty sure he doesn’t have any bruises. It seems either the helmet and suit did a good job of protecting him tonight or Dick didn’t get a hit in. That’s at the very least a small relief but Jason Todd has never been fine. You’re starting to think he doesn’t actually know the definition of the word.
“Right. You have said you’re fine a hundred times and not once have you actually been fine.” You cross your arms over your chest.
Jason’s teeth grit for just a split second. “Don’t fucking worry. I told you. I got this handled.” Jason holds the helmet on his hip, his stance strong and sturdy.
He’s different than he was yesterday. He was grinning and smirking because it’s him. Whenever he claims to be fine, he gives you a grin as if that’s going to melt your worry away. But, not tonight and he seems bored and defensive.
“Why are you being so…weird?” You raise a brow at him.
Jason brushes you off, thankful for the drug coursing through his system. He’d never be able to deal with this without it.
“I’m not weird.” Jason defends.
“Yeah, you are. You’re acting weird.” You argue.
You don’t get it and maybe you won’t ever. But, this is him now. He’s not acting weird because this is the new him. Red Hood, fearless. He has no worries or fears anymore, just a mission. Jason swears he’s not acting weird, you’re just expecting the old him.
“This is just the new me.” He lets out this sort of chuckle that doesn’t sit well in your stomach.
“Uh-huh. Right. You seemed…kind of normal last time but now you seem…off.” Your eyes scan over his face and your heart is in your throat, the formula running through your mind.
“Just glad to be doing what Bruce couldn’t.” Jason holds his head up high with ease.
“This conversation is going fucking nowhere.” You let out a sigh as you look to the ground.
You came here with the intent to be sure he’s fine. It was to get some sort of answer. A real, solid reason not to tell Dick anything. Dick is going to have so many questions when you get back tonight. All of them will be about Jason and what his new plan is now that he’s alive. You need a reason to keep what you do know to yourself and Jason is giving you every reason to be worried enough to talk to Dick.
“So, go home.” Jason scoffs but he’s not even offended or upset. It’s like he doesn’t even care.
Your attention snaps back to him. “What the fuck? I’m worried about you and you don’t even care?”
It’s not that he doesn’t care. The drug numbs part of that but not entirely. It can’t otherwise they wouldn’t be able to have a plan in the first place. Jason has to be able to care about the city and the people he’s trying to protect otherwise there is no plan. It’s not that he does not care, it’s that he doesn’t care to go through the arguing in circles game while you dig for information.
“What else did you want? I know you want something else.” Jason dodges the question on purpose, knowing he won’t even feel guilty about it.
A lump forms in your throat as he dodges the question. He comes back to life and is, generally, normal but now he’s not? How is that even possible?
“Dick knows you’re alive.” You swallow the lump and if he’s going to pretend like this doesn’t hurt him, fine, you’ll do the same.
“Yeah, broke my other helmet, had a backup though.” Jason looks down to the helmet on his hip and then back to you with ease, the very corners of his mouth twitching into a grin.
“Oh, I’m so glad you have a spare helmet, Jason.” You snark through a scoff. “Unbelievable.” You look down and this is not how you wanted this to go. “Why did you try to shoot him?”
“He was in the way.” Jason answers casually.
The Titans are going to get in the way and Dick is the leader. Without him, the Titans will fall apart. Crane is right about Dick. He thinks he’s better than Jason. He thinks he’s the golden child, and he always was to Bruce. Bruce couldn’t even be bothered to kill the Joker for Jason but he would have for Dick. Dick dropped him from a skyscraper. Dick got him kidnapped and tortured. This all comes back to him and Bruce. 
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head and you’re sick of the games with him right now. “Are fucking joking!?” You finally yell. This isn’t funny. Dick is his brother, he’s your friend. He could have killed him. What the fuck is wrong with him?
“Nope.” Jason gives you a grin. The drug loves confrontation.
This is not the Jason you once knew.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You glare up at him. “He’s in your way? Well, damn Jason, maybe don’t attack the fucking Titans.” You gesture your hands out as you shrug your shoulders.
Jason’s blood starts to boil as you yell. You swore you weren’t working with them but from where he’s standing, it sure as shit seems like you are. Crane said you would. Crane said you’d start working with them the second you found out what he was doing. Maybe he was right and it’s pissing Jason off. You’re supposed to be on his side.
“I thought you weren’t fucking working with them.” Jason seethes. You lied. You lied to him. Of course, you’re working with them. Maybe Crane was right about you, too.
But you tipped him off. 
“I’m fucking not! But I give a shit about them. In case you forgot, Dick saved my life twice. Gar is our best friend. Conner saved your life. Kory fucking tried to save our lives. I know you care about them. Why the hell would you go after them?”
“Dick treats me like shit. I’m fucking no one to him. He thinks he’s so much better than me.” Jason scoffs. “You said Rachel was his lap dog, but look at you now.” Jason laughs cruelly as he closes some of the distance between you. “You’re the one screaming at me and defending him.” Jason shakes his head, looking down at you.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he were trying to intimidate you.
Maybe you don’t know better.
“You tried to kill him! He pisses me off sometimes, too but I don’t want him dead! I’m not his damn lap dog, either. I just don’t know what the hell is going on. And you won’t fucking tell me.” You grit your teeth, standing toe-to-toe with him.
“That’s because it’s none of your fucking business, but don’t worry, babe, you’ll see soon enough.” Jason offers this grin that you can’t tell is him taunting you or threatening you. And from here, with him nearly standing on top of you, you can see his eyes better.
His pupils are dilated and your heart is suddenly in your throat. On the one hand, making a drug and selling it to innocent people is really bad and you were hoping that was not it. But, on the other hand, a part of you thinks him taking something is worse in a way. The formula screams from the back of your head and Dick’s general concern about it, Jason’s weird and erratic behavior before he died. Him going after the Joker. He’s definitely high and you have no fucking idea how you missed that either or what even lead him here.
“Literally, are you high right now?” You question him, hoping against all odds whatever he’s on will make him tell you, like an overconfidence thing. “Because the Jason I know wouldn’t be laughing and trying to kill the Titans. The Jason I know wouldn’t be being such a fucking dick to me right now.”
Jason lets out a laugh, ignoring your question because he’s not playing into your hand. “So, go home.” There’s a wicked look in his eyes as he looks down at you. And it hurts. “This is me, new and improved.” There’s almost something threatening in the way his eyes darken to the deepest shade of evergreen you’ve ever seen.
“If you think this an improvement, I have news for you. The new you sucks.” You spit back.
It’s like the drug loves confrontation. It’s as if confrontation triggers something. The drug is supposed to suppress fear. That’s the point of it. But it seems to do a few other things. If confrontation starts, it’s like Jason gets an adrenaline boost but not in self-defense, instead, it’s more like skydiving. It’s actually fun, it doesn’t matter who the confrontation is with. It’s fun. Thrilling. Jason doesn’t realize that maybe that was Crane's plan. He’s a mad scientist. Maybe the drug is meant to suppress his fear but maybe it’s meant to control other parts of him in just the right way to do his bidding. Like using confrontation as another drug. Jason doesn’t see it. He can’t see it because the drug, at the end of the day, is Crane’s creation. Because Crane is the one pulling the strings behind the curtain.
And unfortunately for you, you’re kicking up the confrontation.
Jason’s smile falls as he shakes his head. There’s an anger that sparks across his eyes, something you’ve never directed at you. “Really? Not what you fucking said yesterday. Not what you said earlier today when you tipped me off.”
“You weren’t like this yesterday or earlier.” You argue, holding your ground.
Jason steps forward, making you take steps back until your back hits the alley wall behind you and your heart spikes. Your head isn’t throbbing but a very small part of you, is a little bit scared. This isn’t him. Jason wouldn’t try to kill Dick. Jason does not threaten you. But there’s a look in his eyes and if he’s willing to kill Dick and attack his friends, what’s he willing to do to you?
“Go. Home.” Jason warns.
The anger is flooding every aspect of him and he wants to give in. His brain says it's gonna be fun. It'll feel good to fight and argue. It'll be great to say everything that's crossing his mind right now. He won't feel guilty or fear or worry. It's it's own little high if he just gives in. Just a little bit. But the other parts fight hard with his teeth gritting together. He fights against the anger. Because it's you.
"What-what are you gonna do if I don't?" You lack venom in your voice because you're actually curious and worried what he'll do. For the first time in knowing him, you're worried what he might do. You know he won't do anything. You know he won't. If he were going to, he would have already. But it crosses your mind anyway.
His eyes are locked on yours and he wants to fight so bad. It's going to be fun and thrilling, it'll make him feel something incredible. But only for that moment, until the high wears off. That part of him that's still him, is banging and foaming at the mouth with a wailing cry, begging him to let it go and turn around. It's as if the drug is keeping the good parts of him locked away in a prison and Jason has to decide which side he's going to be on.
But it's you.
It's never really a thought at the end of the day.
Jason takes a step back, his fists balling at his sides. Not you.
"Just go and don't fucking tell anyone." Jason warns. "You promised you wouldn't and you said you don't break them. So, fucking don't." Jason uses your own words against you.
Relief starts to come over you and you've never seen him look at you like this. Dick is right. You hate that that thought is what comes to mind. Somehow, Dick is the one that's right here. This is not the Jason you know and love. He's high and something bad is coming from this. You're going to figure out what's going on, the full story, and you're going to get him back or die trying. He's in there, yesterday proved it.
"Fine." You agree because you aren't about to argue further when he's high. You don't want to see where this is going to go or how bad it can get. "But get your shit together, Jason. I'm serious." You move past him.
"Don't do anything stupid. I'm doing this." Jason huffs.
You shake your head and Dick can handle himself. You turn to face him. "You leave me and Gar the fuck out of your shit with Dick." You warn.
"Fine." Jason agrees. He never wants to hurt Gar anyway.
"Okay." You let out a reluctant sigh. "You know," You start as you turn to fully face him. "I'll figure it out, right? You know I will. I don't know what you need to do to prepare for that, but I will. And I'm gonna get you back." You hold your voice steady.
Jason raises a brow at you. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
Jason swears you can't know what's really going on. You know about the formula but Jason also knows he left a code in it to throw you, specifically, off. He doesn't think you'll figure it out and he's not entirely sure how you know anything else. He wonders if he's really acting so differently that it's sending up enough red flags.
"I know you better than anyone. I'll figure it out." You turn around. "Not giving up on you, Jay." You grab your helmet from the bike and he should be angry.
He should be scared but all he can do is laugh and there he is. There's the Jason you know. The real Jason would find you being nonchalant and casual right after that exchange amusing. It's why you did it. He's in there somewhere and you're gonna get him back. You just saw him yesterday and Dick showed you the formula. You don't like that he has to be right but he clearly is. So, you'll get him back, you're certain.
"You gonna stay outta my way then?" Jason gives you that signature grin of his and something about it eases some of your own worry.
"Guess I'll have my hands full while I figure it out so..." He can't see it, but you're smirking under your mask and helmet.
"Good fucking luck." Jason states as you start up the bike. You nod your head once before you peel off into the street.
He should be worried you'll figure it out. But he isn't and not just because of the drug. If you're busy digging into him, that means you won't be around the Titans. That means he can continue on with the plan without having to make sure you're safe. He can be as free as he wants to execute the plan in whatever way is necessary. You won't be the one caught in the crossfire. Jason is confident you won't figure it out because you have too much faith in him. You'll never believe he went to Crane.
Or maybe that's just the drug talking.
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When you get back to the Manor, you meet Dick in the kitchen who's still awake trying to figure out how the hell Jason is alive. You didn't provide any information and announced you'd be back before you just left him standig inside of Jason's grave. He's hoping maybe you're willing to give him some information now since you're the one that asked to talk.
Dick places a cup of coffee in front of you as he takes his own seat in front of you at the one of the kitchen counters. "What do you know?" Dick questions, cutting right to the chase.
On the way back, you bounced back and forth on what you'd say and what you wouldn't. Jason's using and that's a problem. He's attacking the Titans which is also a problem. And he's acting weird towards you. You like to believe you can handle most things on your own but it's never really gotten you anywhere and you can't afford to fuck this one up this time just because you're stubborn and loyal to a fault.
"Look, my loyalty lives and dies with him." You state before you raise your brows. "Well, I guess lives, dies, then lives again." You roll your eyes. "And I'm not gonna betray him but...I actually don't know much." You state. "I just knew he was alive, not really anything else. He called me yesterday and asked me to meet up with him. I did. And it was him."
"How did you know it was him?" Dick asks and he isn't sure if he should believe you. You left abruptly, likely to meet up with Jason and now you want to talk? But, he's willing to listen.
"You and me." You answer. "Something we always said. He mentioned the necklace he gave me." You state as Dick glances to the infinity charm around your neck. "There's a tracker in it but only he would know that. Bruce didn't know. At least, we don't think he knew Jason did that. Few other things but that was the big one." You chew the inside of your cheek. "He, uh, he seemed...normal all things considered."
Dick's eyes narrow and he finds it hard to believe that's all you know. Dick knows the two of you were thick as thieves and you'd both go to the ends of the Earth to defend each other. But, you did admit to knowing you knew when Dick asked and Dick is getting the feeling you aren't lying this time.
"And you don't know anything else?" Dick pushes.
You take a sip of your coffee before straightening your back and clearing your throat. Dick already knows about the drug and suspects Jason is using so telling Dick that sucks, but he already knows. It's just confirmation and telling Dick how Jason is alive doesn't seem too bad. It's a Lazurus Pit, that can't be too much information. But, you decide to keep Jason having a partner to yourself. It seems safer that way. If they're dangerous like Jason thinks they are, it should be safer to keep that to yourself. But, telling Dick everything else, might be helpful in getting the old Jason back. You hate yourself for it. You hope he'll understand one day, you hope Jason will forgive you for it.
You don't think you'll forgive yourself.
"Lazarus pit. That's what he said. He said he doesn't really know how it works but someone put him in it and brought him back. That's all." You leave out him working with someone, figuring maybe that's for his own protection.
"Ra's Al Ghul probably." Dick lets out a scoff.
"League of Assassins, right?"
Dick nods his head. "Yeah."
"Think they have something to do with it? Besides the Lazurus pit?"
Dick shakes his head. "No, they would have no reason to bring Jason back, and Ra's isn't even in Gotham."
"Alright, well what are you thinking?" You ask in hopes maybe Dick has some insight. At the end of the day, you know you have a bias. You know your emotions can get in the way when it comes to Jason but Dick can put all of that aside to see what he needs to.
"You said you know him better than anyone." Dick nods his head. "Was he using? When you saw him?"
You hang your head before you offer Dick a solemn expression. "I don't know if he was using before he died. If he was, he hid it well but..." You roll your shoulders, chewing the inside of your cheek and you really hope Jason understands one day. "He was high when I met up with him." You admit, catching Dick off guard. "He wasn't yesterday but he was tonight. And for the fucking record," You state harshly. "That is the only fucking reason I'm telling you anything."
Dick didn't want to believe Jason could be using either. It's a hard pill to swallow and the confirmation does hurt him. But, Dick isn't too surprised. He found the formula and that would explain why Jason went after the Joker and how you don't know much of anything. Jason wouldn't want you involved.
"He must have been high. Maybe that's why he went after the Joker that night. Maybe he was high." Dick keeps his voice level as you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, probably." You scoff with the shake of your head. "And I missed it all which is shit. But, you know," You suck in a breath. "There's more to it and I know you know that. Him making the fucking drug and then taking it is weird as shit even for him. With his mom and shit...it just..." You shake your head. "Doesn't make any sense."
"Maybe it's a favor for someone." Dick offers, agreeing that the drug use and making seems a bit uncharacteristic.
Jason said he's working with someone and you think maybe the drug is a part of that. Whoever he's working with had to be the same person that brought him back which means they'd have to know he died in the first place. Likely would know he was going out to die which also means the Joker plan was actually a plan. You run it over in your head and the more you think about it, the more it sounds like whoever did this, had him killed on purpose with the intention to manipulate him. If the drug is linked then so is everything else.
"He'd need a good enough motive for that though." You suck in a breath. "So, if that's true, it has to be the person who brought him back, right? But, I don't know who that is. Jason didn't say shit."
"Why wouldn't he tell you?" Dick asks. "He told you a lot, didn't he?"
"Yeah, fucking sucks being left out." You snip back. "But, yeah, I don't know. He just said he can't and that was the end of it." You shrug. "Jason has only kept things a secret from me out of self-preservation that's actually just self-destruction or to protect me. So, not too big a fan of this."
"Okay well, I need you to meet up with him again and talk to him." Dick states. "We need answers and if you keep pushing him, maybe he'll tell you more."
"That's not....that's not fair. Talk about what? You want me to meet up with him and tell him to stop fucking around? And tell me everything as if I didn't already do that?" You huff. "What do you think I went to do tonight? I went for fucking answers and got none besides finding out he's high which he did not tell me. It was just obvious."
"If anyone can get to the bottom of it, it would be you. Like you said you know him better than anyone. He didn't tell me or Gar he was alive. He was shooting at me. But, he got you to meet up with him and told you first. You already know more than any of us so even if this is a new version of him that came back, the old Jason is in there somewhere. Enough to trust you." Dick tries his best to reason with you even if he knows it might be a waste of his breath.
"So, you want me to betray him?" You quip back, guilt rattling your bones like a storm cellar in the middle of a tornado.
Jason trusts you and that's not something you would ever take lightly. The one thing the two of you have always had with each other is trust. From the very first day, there has been this trust between you. It's just how it is and you getting any information and telling Dick, would be a betrayal of trust. Anything Jason says to you, you know without him even saying anything, is in confidence because it always is just as it is for you. You do not want to ever betray him, not after everything.
"No," Dick shakes his head. "It's not betrayal."
"He's gonna tell me not to tell you shit. And we both know I will listen to him." You urge and you do not want to be in the middle of it but you can't betray him. Everyone always does and you will not be like everyone else. "You want me to pick sides and look, okay? I know you guys are good and cleared up your shit and you're brothers but you are the like...leader of the Titans. That's where your loyalty lies. Gar, Kory, Conner, Dawn, Hank, they're all Titans. They will side with you. They all would follow you no matter what. Who the fuck does Jason have? That's what this shit always boils down to. He doesn't have anyone, Dick. It's just....him and me." You roll your shoulders.
"What if it saves him from himself?" Dick nods his head.
"What if it gets him killed permanently?" You question.
"You can still try. You don't have to turn on him. If he doesn't tell you not to tell us, you can come back and tell us." Dick offers, trying his best to be a voice of reason. He knows this is hard but Jason is out there killing people, innocent people, and now he's targeting the Titans. He needs to be stopped, regardless on how you feel about it.
"It's always shit said in confidence though. That's how it always is. If...if I do that, hard if, how are we supposed to come back from that? I would have been another person that betrayed his trust. It doesn't fucking matter what he's doing. I can't do that." You shake your head as you plead with Dick. "I'm not a Titan right now. My loyalty is still with him. And I don't want in the middle of it." You state. "Look, I don't even really disagree with him. He said he's cleaning up Gotham and like I said, Bruce's ways don't work. Jason, clearly, is on the same page."
"But you're having this conversation with me right now and that tells me at least some part of you doesn't agree."
"Yeah, I don't agree with him coming after the Titans and I'm worried about the drug side of this. That's the only reason we're even discussing this. I will always be on his side. I don't know if there's anything he can do that would make me quit. And this is hard enough as it is, Dick." You chew the inside of your cheek, tugging your sleeves over your hands. "I don't think he'll forgive me for telling you anything and I can't....I can't betray him more than this."
You know, without a doubt, if the roles were reversed, Jason would never give up on you. You won't do it to him, either.
"Do you believe this is all Jason? He woke up from the dead and chose this?"
It's something that's been bothering her. Him waking up and choosing this is not far-fetched. Him dying, choosing this, and neglecting to tell anyone including her about it, that's the weird part. Sam doesn't know what happened when he died but she has to believe that there is more going on. There has to be more than him just dying and neglecting to tell her anything. There has to be.
"I don't know." You shrug. "I did. He died and I chose this. So, I don't know." You clear your throat because as much as you want to believe this is all Jason, you know there's more. And you're terrified it's going to get bad. He went after Dick and this is more than Jason just trying to fight him in the Tower. "Okay, look, yeah I think something bad is going on. It is weird. I didn't decide to become a crime lord and make a drug. If, hard if, he tells me something I think I can get away with telling you, I will. But only if Jason gives me a reason to." You shake your head deciding that would be okay. Jason has to give you a reason though.
Dick nods his head and he knew it would be a long shot. "Okay."
Dick hopes you'll actually tell him anything. He needs answers and he'll keep digging himself, but you would be a big help in all of this. But, he knows the two of you have loyalty that runs deeper than the Titans.
"But," You suck in a breath. "This stays between us. I don't want the other Titans to know. They'll freak out. Well, Hank and Dawn anyway." You roll your eyes. "You know Gar, he'll believe Jason is in there somewhere. Conner doesn't know him well enough but he'll probably side with Gar or follow you anyway. Kory was the only one who didn't accuse Jason of anything. So, but if you tell one of them then you have to tell everyone so...stays between us."
You do not want Jason to figure out you're even having a conversation about working with Dick. That can't happen because you already said you won't work with the Titans. There is a reason Jason wants you out of it. If the Titans know you already knew and Dick and you had a conversation, that'll send up a red flag if it gets back to Jason somehow. And the Titans trust Dick. It has to stay between you and Dick.
"Deal." Dick sticks his hand out and you shake it. "I know this is hard but you're doing the right thing."
"If you say so." You roll your eyes. "That also means you have to get Gar off my back though. I can't go trying to meet up with Jason and Gar is right there. He won't tell me shit if Gar's around."
"Can you stop killing people?" Dick questions as he raises his brows.
You narrow your eyes. "Just while you're in town and while we sort this shit out. Got my hands a little full with Jason's shit. I still have a whole hitlist to get through, though." You raise your mug at him.
"That's not funny." Dick wanrs.
"It's not a joke." You chuckle. "I know you don't agree with me but I promise I'm not killing people who don't deserve it. I can give you their endless rap sheets. Guy I killed tonight while you guys were busy was lacing drugs and selling directly to kids and I mean like middle schoolers. He's been put away ten fucking times. They just keep letting him out. He's gotten over a hundred kids killed. Those are the fucks I'm killing. You don't have to agree with me but you should try to understand my point of view of it." You point a finger at him.
"I do." Dick nods his head. "Less kids people like him can kill but where do you draw the line?"
"Do you want to know? I have a line. They have to meet certain criteria otherwise I just scare the ever-living shit out of them and rough them up real bad."
"You have criteria?" Dick asks, his voice a mix of being appalled and confused.
"Yeah, I agree with you. We can't go out playing judge, jury, and executioner all the damn time. That's not justice. But, the system fails to protect people like me and you and Jason and Molly. It always has. It didn't protect my dad, who albeit is still a piece of shit probably, but he was hooked when he was in school. It didn't help Jason's mom. It looks at us and laughs in our faces and tells us to deal with it because we can't do anything about it. I'm doing that and hey, Jason's off his damn rocker, but he's targeting some bad people."
"Are you going to be able to live with yourself with their blood on your hands? I think that's why Jason stopped you from killing Jerry. He didn't want you to have that on your conscious."
"You know," You furrow your brows as you shake your head. "I killed some of CADMUS. And uh, I mean, I feel bad about it a little. I killed people, that's a heavy thing to carry. But, they tried to kill me, Gar, Conner, and Krypto. They tortured them. I feel bad because I'm not a monster but I also know it's what had to be done. I kill these guys and it's like...I feel bad. Someone out there gives a fuck about them. Someone out there is going through what I went through when Jason died. I feel bad for them. And I feel bad for taking a life but then I look at how many people they've either permanently hurt or killed, and I'm keeping track. I'm keeping track of every person I save by killing them. And I feel less bad about it. I feel bad because they were a person with a life and a beating heart. But, I can live with it because of the list of people I'm saving in the process. That sounds a little, uh, egotistical but it's true. That's why there's a criteria. Killing one person by accident doesn't mean they get to die. That's not justice. It's gotta be bad. Batman walks the streets and it doesn't stop these fucks. I feel bad about it, but....it's better than them killing and torturing people with no reason to stop."
"So, you think Bruce was right for throwing all of his morals away to kill the Joker?"
You let out a snort. "No, but that's not because of his morals and shit. I think anyone is capable of throwing their morals away for certain shit without it actually changing their moral compass, like Bruce killing the Joker." You explain as you sip your coffee. "But, I think it's fucked Jason had to die. None of the other people mattered enough to do something permanent about him. It took Jason's brutal murder for him to finally do something and I gotta problem with that. If anyone should have killed him, it should have been me. He killed my mom and he took Jason. Bruce only did it for Jason. I think, if you're gonna kill people for the greater good, it shouldn't be because of one single person. It should be for the greater good. There should be a list of reasons why you're killing someone. A list of reasons why they have to die. I gave Bruce all of those reasons and those weren't enough. Jason was. And that's not fucking fair to every other person that had to suffer by the hands of the Joker. So, no, fuck Bruce for killing him now. What's he gonna do? Come back and welcome Jason with open arms as if he isn't the reason Jason was murdered in the first place? Fucking stupid."
"Have you been thinking about all this this whole time?" Dick can't help but chuckle.
"Yeah," You shake your head. "And Jason but....that's been a topic I don't so much like to think about lately. So, I made a hit list." You smile softly. "Got a list of bad people to get through that Bruce won't do shit about."
"So, what you gonna go off after the Penguion next? Does he fall under your criteria since the Joker's gone?" Dick quips back, mostly digging to make sure you aren't planning on doing something like Jason.
"Nah, I think he's a fun little guy." You let out a laugh. "Something about him makes me laugh. He's bad, too sure, but he's not...that bad in the grand scheme of shit. Ya know? Penguin, sometimes helps here and there. He's not evil."
"You've had the pleasure of meeting him, then, I'm guessing?" There's a smile tugging at Dick's lips.
"Oh yeah. We went after him for something with Bruce once and I just thought he was funny. He was so serious and somehow not. If the camp genre were a person, it would be Penguin. So, I start actually laughing which then made him really mad and naturally made the whole thing that much funnier to me. So, Jason starts bursting out laughing at the top of his lungs. We're both doubled over and Penguin's face starts turning all red and he was stomping his foot. He starts yelling at Bruce to get us to stop and take him seriously and we don't know who we're messing with." You shake your head mockingly as you laugh. "His goons were trying desperately not to laugh with us!" You say through a hearty laugh. "I thought Bruce was gonna blow. But, I think he wanted to laugh, too."
"Yeah, he's always been a fun one to deal with." Dick chuckles softly. "I used to give him hell. Make fun of him. When I was Robin."
"Good, it's a lot of fun." You laugh. "I mean, he's like you. He goes by fucking Penguin and you go by Dick. You guys are setting yourself up for the jokes."
"I can't believe you just compared me to Penguin." Dick deadpans before a small smile cracks the corner of his lips.
"Facts don't lie, Dickolas."
You take another drink of your coffee and Dick is trying to be a better leader. You're going through it. Somehow, you're the one stuck in the middle of everything and you're the one most likely to be hurt in this mess. The person you care about most died and is now lying to you and fighting your friends. This can't be easy.
"Really, how did it go with Jason?" Dick asks, earning an eyebrow raise from you. "I'm asking for you, not for information."
"You being caring is kind of freaking me out." You chortle before you shake your head as a side smile starts to come to your lips. "Good, I think." You nod. "Ya know, Jason remembers everything. About us..." Your brows furrow tightly as your face falls. "And he said he remembers dying. So, there's that. Uh, but he seemed...mostly normal, actually besides the hair." You gesture to the front of your head as you crack a small smile.
"Yeah, I saw that. What's up with that anyway?" Dick chuckles. "At least he seemed okay. He told you he remembers dying?"
"Side effect of the Lazarus Pit, I guess." You shrug a shoulder. "He didn't want to talk about it, remembering dying I mean. But he said he remembers." You clear your throat. "So, that's a little worrisome. Ya know, given how Jason deals with trauma which is that he literally does not." You roll your eyes. "But, at least he's alive ya know? Being a shithead again but alive."
"Yeah, that's true. Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah, just need some time to process it." You clear your throat. "When you tell the Titans and half of them inevitably flip out because I knew, let them. I'll be fine." You hop down from your seat. "Like I said, they trust you. Keep it that way. They won't trust me regardless. We all know my loyalty is with him. They can't know you knew I knew. I'll be fine. I've told them off before." You start your walk to the doorway. "Night, Dick." You offer a soft smile and a nod before you spin on your heels and leave Dick alone.
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Gar wakes you up the following day, saying Dick has called a meeting with everyone. You know exactly what the meeting is about and everything starts to ache from the pit of your stomach. It sucks that they're all going to know you knew and didn't tell anyone. And it sucks because that also means they'll know it's Jason under the Red Hood and maybe they won't be so forgiving. They never have been with him.
But you walk with Gar to the main living room anyway. You take a seat beside Gar with Krypto sitting at your feet and the other Titans are scattered around. Dick stands in front of all of you with his arms crossed.
Once everyone is gathered, Dick starts telling you all how he broke Red Hood's helmet last night and it was Jason. He follows it by saying he dug up Jason's grave to verify it was him. You find it weird no one even bats an eye at the grave digging but of course they don't. You keep your stare on Krypto as you pet him, knowing one of them is going to accuse you of knowing as soon as Dick finishes his explanation. You can feel Gar's stare on you and without even looking at him, you know he figured it out. And it nearly kills you because you feel like you betrayed him and that's not fair. Jason put you in the middle of it.
"You knew, didn't you?" Hank glares directly at you.
You look up to him and suck in a breath. "Well..." You shrug, scrunching your nose.
"What the hell?!" Gar yells. "And you didn't tell me!?" Gar stares at you in disbelief and you can handle Hank. He's an ass anyway but Gar? You'll never forgive yourself for keeping it from him even if it was just two days.
"Well, kind of yeah." You chew the inside of your cheek, looking away from Gar.
"And you didn't think to tell any of us?" Kory demands.
You chew your lip. You know you or Dick will tell Kory the entire story eventually and she'll understand but it hurts anyway. "He asked me not to and you all know how deep my loyalty runs with him." You glance to Dick and he doesn't like that this is what they're doing. They're not going to trust you.
"Did you know he was going after the Joker that night? Was this the plan the whole time?" Dawn questions.
It's better that they don't trust you. It's easier for you to pick a side. You need to work Jason's angle but you cannot do that if they know. Jason is smart and he'll figure it out. So, you have to swallow your guilt and stick with being solely and entirely on Jason's side just as you always have been.
"You think I knew?" You scoff. "Like that whole thing? You think I knew and just...let him do it?" You look to Dick again, as if waiting for him to add something in. He's the leader.
"You knew he was alive." Dick adds in.
"Knowing he's alive and knowing what he was up to are two very different things." You state.
"Why should we believe you?" Hank demands. "You've been lying to us the whole time!" Hank fumes as if that's going to get him anywhere.
"Because? I wouldn't let him get himself killed. In case you forgot." You retort as you scrunch your face. It is actually ridiculous Hank thinks you knew Jason was going after the Joker and let him do it. The anger starts to wash over any guilt you had just minutes ago.
"Hey! We apologized for that shit!" Hank yells. "How do we know you didn't know he was going to get killed on purpose and get brought back. Pretty convenient, isn't it?" Hank spits.
You can feel your blood start to boil. You knew this is what was going to happen but it's annoying anyway. It's the fact they think you would let him get killed. It's the fact they think he would go out and get killed on purpose. They didn't even really know him. They don't really know you. They think your grief was all fake. You get they don't believe you, you can see why. But it's also absurd. They should be mad you didn't tell them, but they should believe you would do everything in your power to stop him from going after The Joker. They should believe Jason wouldn't get killed on purpose. This is all so absurd and you aren't going to let them drag you and Jason through the mud when they don't know anything.
You nod and let out a dry and narrowed chuckle. "You know how you can believe me? Call Bruce, hunt him down, hunt down the phone records or whatever, listen to the phone call." You look to Dick. "You can ask Babs if she thinks my reaction was fucking fake. You can ask Molly who found me on the bathroom floor. I don't care but I didn't fucking know and fuck you for thinking I did." You look back to Hank with glassy eyes. "Do you know what it's like to try CPR knowing it's useless? I was covered in his blood. I didn't fucking know and he didn't get killed on fucking purpose."
"You really didn't know." Gar says quietly.
"Nope." You shake your head. "I found out two days ago."
"What about the drug? Did he say anything?" Dick asks, hoping that can calm the room down. He doesn't think you knew any of it.
"Nope. I wouldn't let him make a drug. Ask Bruce, I told him I was gonna call you and have you bring us back. Bring him back kicking and screaming if we had to."
"Are you supposed to believe this shit?" Hank yells out, gesturing a hand towards you. "Dick, come on, she's been lying to us this damn whole time. He was prepared for us to show up last night. She tipped him off!"
"Hey, fuck you!" You scream back. "Maybe he was just fucking prepared. It was a damn code! I didn't tip him off!"
"I don't fucking believe this shit!" Hanks storms.
"That's a you problem then." You quip. "Can I go now? This is you guys problem."
"No, we're not done here." Hank boasts.
"Okay, so finish up." You snark back.
"Look, Jason did this to himself and we need to find out what else he's planning." Hank crosses his arms. "He needs to be stopped."
You let out this laugh that sounds both heartbroken and pissed. "Okay."
"I always knew something was off about that kid." Hank scoffs.
"Fuck." You yell. "Seriously?" Your eyes start to water. "What the fuck is...." You pause, looking to Gar. "You know what, you're not fucking worth it. You're just gonna sit here and victim blame anyway. Have ya noticed the rest of the room is simply...confused and not losing their shit? That's just you, pal."
"He isn't a fucking victim!" Hank scoffs with a laugh. "He got himself into this mess. He could have walked away!"
"How can you say he isn't a victim? I know he told you! His mom being an addict and neglectful, yeah, victim. His dad was abusive, victim. The system? In and out of shitty foster homes, victim. Bruce took Robin away without ever having a conversation about it, victim. You...treat him like shit, victim. All of you made him want to kill himself, victim. The Joker murdered him with a crowbar, victim." You scoff. "You're not a fucking hero and I think you're the one that needs to hang up the cape and mask if you can't grasp the simple concept of a victim."
"We all have bad experiences but we're not looking to get ourselves killed and start killing." Dawn states softly.
"I'm not out there killing people." Hank grits his teeth at you "He needs to be stopped and whoever the hell he's working with, whether you like it or not, kid." Hank scoffs as he moves towards the hallway.
You aren't done yet though. You do not like Hank and if he's really going to point the blame at Jason for everything that led him here, you're going to get under his skin.
"Before you go, if I did know more, I wouldn't tell you guys anyway. I'm killing people, too and you guys don't have an issue with that. Just Jason. So, uh, you guys are on your own with this one. I'm with him." You grin back at Hank and you want to push him further. Really drive home the point you're not with them. You also just don't like him. His apology seemed more hollowed and like he was doing it because Dawn said it was the right thing to do.
"We're not playing fucking games here!" Hank yells and Dick wants to know what you're doing. You could have let him walk off and let it rest. But it is you. You don't usually do that when it comes to Jason.
"Oh, I'm not playing games either. But I know him better than anyone so while you guys are thinking poorly of him, I'll be on his side actually listening to him like I always have which then I'll get more information and I'm not sharing." You shake your head with a grin.
"Hey, kid, we're not messing around." Hank threatens. "You're gonna tell us what you know, or we're switching teams. You won't like that."
You let out a booming laugh. "Yeah, Hank? And uh, what the fuck are you gonna do about it?" You question him with a sinister grin as you get to your feet. "Gonna fight me? Torture me? Threaten to kill me? Go for it. Here's a statistic for you: Torture doesn't work. It's been proven. People are more likely to give you false information just to get it to stop. And considering the fact I was tortured for a year and nearly murdered twice, that shit does not scare me. You'll have to kill me before you get to him. And if it comes down to that, I'll have given him the heads up."
"Unbelievable." Dick sighs.
"Told you, I'd hide a body for him."
"I don't want to kill him." Dick states.
"I will." Hank scoffs. "If it ends up him versus me, kid's going down."
"So, we're killing Jason now?" Dawn questions, almost appalled. She's confused by the whole thing but you're right. The Jason you all know isn't a murderer. There is something else going on and they don't kill their own.
"Jason's always had his issues but he wasn't a full-blown psychopath." Kory adds in.
"I still think he was using. The Batcomputer didn't find anything but I found the place he was cooking." Dick states.
"He wrote his own ticket. He starts taking people out, game's over." Hank scowls.
"And you'll have to go through me, Hank." You step past Krypto, taking a few steps towards Hank. "You're not gonna kill him. I might not be able to take on Dick, but you?" You laugh. "In my sleep." Hank steps forward, Dick stopping him. "Ohhh, scary." You mock him. "I'm not fucking afraid of you." You mock him and then it hits you.
The conversation with Jason, a cure for fear. You said it would affect his adrenaline. He wouldn't care for things. It would have side effects besides just getting rid of his fear. He made a drug. He's working with someone. The way he was acting weird yesterday. He attacked Dick. Jason went after the Joker and missed the Joker right behind him. Drug that cures fear would also block out basic instincts like someone lurking behind him. Drug that cures fear.
You're gonna kill him.
You shake your head. "Here's the deal, figure it out yourselves because I'm not fighting him and I'm not betraying him. Ever. I don't fucking care. Now, I've got some shit to do so if you'll excuse me." You walk up to Dick. "You have that formula?"
Dick eyes you with confusion, pulling the paper from his pocket. "Why?"
"Told you, I'm gonna figure it out and I'm not sharing." You snatch the paper from him and leave the Titans to themselves.
"Thanks for the backup, man." Hank turns to Dick.
"Let it go, Hank." Dick lets out a sigh. "I believe her. You should, too." Dick leaves the room.
You head to your room and sit down on the bed with the formula. You pull out the tablet and start working on it. You do research into some of the files Bruce has, trying to figure it out. You make a lot of progress on it but there's a part of it that doesn't make sense. It's not a chemical or a compound. It doesn't actually mean anything. And you're thinking Jason prepared for this.
You think Jason prepared for someone to find it. Dick did it his first day which means he didn't really hide it. Jason is smart. And clearly likes codes. Maybe he should have teamed up with the damn Riddler. That might be better than what you're thinking because you have suspicions this missing piece of the formula is a code for something he didn't want anyone to figure out. And you were never very good with codes but you know someone who might be.
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You make your way inside of the restaurant where you see Mr. Drake behind the counter. You offer him a kind smile, stuffing your hands deep into your jacket pockets.
"Hey, haven't seen you in awhile. The usual?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah, but um...I was actually wondering if, uh, if Tim were around? I promise I'm ordering the usual." You let out a soft laugh as you roll your shoulders.
"Yeah, of course." Mr. Drake looks over his shoulder. "Tim! Come out here, please."
Tim walks out a few seconds later, stumbling slightly over a box. Tim sees you and he's surprised to see you. Tim is very observant and he knows something that no one else has been able to figure out. He thought you might be down and out for a while because of it.
"Hey." Tim greets with confusion.
"Hey, do you like puzzles? Like codes." You rush out, trying to make it sound casual. "Genius."
"Uh..." Tom chuckles softly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess. Why?"
"Can you help me with one?"
Tim walks from behind the counter, resting a hand on your arm and moving you both off to the side. "Are you okay?" Tim questions and he's known you a little through the years, not really well. But, he thinks he knows you well enough to know something weird is going on. Your boyfriend just died. "I saw Jason...on the news." Tim states.
Your eyes widen, somehow forgetting that naturally all of Gotham who watches any bit of the news or keeps up with things on social media would know Bruce Wayne's newest son was killed in a 'tragic accident'. Of course, Tim knows that.
"Right, yeah, no, uh, it's been really fucking hard. I, I just can't focus on it. I'll start crying. Thank you though." You brush it off and you wish you didn't have to lie so damn much.
"Why do you need help?" Tim's brows furrow, not buying it.
"It's a game kind of." You roll your shoulders. "I mean, you're really smart so..."
"Don't you live with Bruce Wayne? Isn't Dick Grayson back, too? They're really smart. Why are you coming to me?" Tim crosses his arms and he's definitely digging for information.
"If you can't help, that's fine. But I thought it was worth a shot." You shrug and you used the Batcomputer to look into him.
You've talked every time you've come to get food. You don't have many friends. And Molly is smart but not like this and you can't risk Molly going to Dick about it. Tim doesn't know any of them well enough to go back to Dick. And Jason probably won't figure out you went to Tim given you tend to keep Jason's secrets locked away with all of yours.
"Come on." Tim gestures for you to follow him and you offer him a wide smile.
You follow Tim into the side door through part of the building that leads into a hallway. Tim opens a door further down the empty hallway and walks right in with a sense of pride. You see an entire set up of computers and crime boards. On the walls, he has pictures of the Titans and Robin and Batman. He's definitely doing research into all of them and you think it's funny. You both always talked about who Batman and Robin could be but you did expect him to literally be putting together actual research, not like this. Him looking into Batman and Robin is kind of whatever at this point, but the Titans has your interests piqued.
"You looking into the Titans?" You gesture a finger lazily to one of the walls with pictures and news articles.
Tim holds his head up high. "I know you're a Titan." Tim holds the most confident grin you have ever seen.
You do a double take. "What?"
"You're a Titan. Acid generation, I'm guessing combat clairvoyance, too." Tim explains with ease.
Your brows furrow and you have no idea how the hell he even knows that. He hasn't been able to figure out Batman and Robin for years, but he figured you out in only a few months? A part of you is actually offended. You swore you did a better job of hiding your identity than Dick and Jason did.
"I'm not a Titan? They're from San Francisco and I'm definitely born and raised right here which you know." You raise.
"But you were uprooted, two years ago to San Francisco." Tim walks over to a desk and pulls out a file, handing it over.
You take it cautiously and you hope he knows this whole thing is weird. But, you open the files anyway and it contains information on Jerry and where you moved to. Which only makes you question how he got this because those records are supposed to be sealed.
"How the fuck did you get this?" You close the file, waving it slightly.
Tim shrugs. "I'm good with computers."
"You hacked into CPS and the GCPD to get this?" Your eyes narrow and he's definitely completely insane for this. What if he were wrong? You do admire the dedication though.
"And SFPD." Tim adds in. "Jerry was beat up pretty bad but it was just...brushed off. I think it was you. They found someone there, but it wasn't you."
"Okay, there's so much wrong with all of this, like you know that, right?" You ask. "And why the hell were you looking into me? I'm not a Titan and this is weird."
"I know it's you. The acid really gives you away. And I recognized how you walked." Tim explains. "And I've been looking into all of the Titans so..."
"You...what? You know how I walk? Do you know how insane that sounds or?" You're trying desperately to think of a lie for him to believe but at this point, you're not sure there's anything you can really say. He has it all figured out with you.
"I have a photographic memory." Tim states. "And the acid isn't some run-of-the-mill acid. It's a specific chemical compound. It's like a fingerprint."
"Okay, I'll humor this for a minute. If you live in Gotham and the girl you're thinking is me is from San Francisco, how exactly do you know the chemical compound of Bluejay and the Titan are the same?"
"The internet." Tim scoffs. "There are forums dedicated to you guys."
"Haven't you ever heard not to believe everything you read online?"
Tim chuckles softly. "Okay, I also know who Nightwing is, Batman...Robin." Tim looks to the ground with the last word and your face falls.
"Yeah, you sound insane," You let out a huff but if Tim does know this might be a problem for Dick later so you'll humor this a little longer. "I am interested in all of this though, so how do you know all of this?"
"Dick Grayson is Nightwing, former Robin. Robin1.0. Dick Grayson was in the Flying Graysons and he can perform a certain trapeze trick that only two people in the world could perform. Dick and his father. You know who else can do that trick? Nightwing and Robin 1.0." Tim explains with excitement as if he's been dying to share this with someone. "Bruce took in Dick and if Dick is Robin, Bruce has to be Batman." Tim continues. "I knew another Robin came in because the fighting style was different, the way he walked, the height difference."
"That's what I pointed out, too, to be fair." You point out.
"Exactly, well, Bruce Wayne took in Jason Todd." Tim looks away. "And...well..." Tim sucks in a breath.
"Robin 2.0 and Jason died around the same time, right?" You fill in what Tim doesn't want to say.
Tim nods shyly. "Yeah, and I recognized how he walked, too when you introduced us that day." Tim clears his throat. "So, if Dick is Nightwing, he's a Titan. Jason would have also been a Titan. That's how you met them. Now you live with Bruce during the same time Bluejay shows up."
You think about it for a second and actually, how has no one else figured that out? It is actually so obvious. But, you can't tell Tim that. He might be your friend but there's a lot going on and Dick and Bruce's secrets aren't yours to tell, even when you're mad at Bruce. It's not your place. And, honestly, you're a little worried what would happen if Jason ever found out Tim knew, especially right now. Would it paint a target on his back? To know Red Hood is Jason Todd? You won't risk it.
"Solid theory, I'll give you that but I also know Bruce and Dick. And uh, Bruce isn't a hero and Dick is a good detective, that's all. I'm just trying to survive. So, your math is a little off. But, I do need your help so we can keep going back and forth or you can help me." You change the subject before Tim gets any further into this. Dick is going to lose it.
"Alright, what is it?" Tim lets out a sigh but he knows he'll come back to it.
"Okay, I have this bit." You hand him a piece of paper where you traced the letters. "I don't know what it means but I know it's a code for something. And I think some of these chemicals are codes for real chemicals or something. They're not real so..."
"What's it for?" Tim quirks a brow as he gives you a grin.
"That's for me to figure out after you tell me what it means." You smile cheekily at him.
"You want my help but you're not gonna tell me?"
"No." You laugh. "It's just a project, it's not relevant."
"Okay." Tim sighs, walking over to one of the tables and you follow him.
Tim is definitely being so forthcoming because he knows he's right. He's helping a Titan right now. He's so sure of it and that's why you won't tell him anything. He had his suspicion of you and Jason. When you both came in, you both usually had some sort of bruise on you. And Tim had already figured out Jason was Robin. You were an easy puzzle piece to place after that. And he's definitely going to help a Titan.
"Got some of the chemicals for you." Tim states after a few minutes, showing you some of his work. You spent an hour on that and couldn't figure it out. How does he do that?
You look over the paper and you recognize a few of the chemicals but nothing rings a bell. "Huh." You mutter. "Anything else?"
"What are the chemicals used for?" Tim questions.
"I don't know." You shrug, only half lying. "I'm not a chemist." You quip. "What about the actual title? I mean that has to be a clue."
Tim works for what only seems to be a minute before he slides the paper over with pride. "Fear." Tim states, Tim leans back in his chair with a confident smile but he watches as your face falls.
"What?" You question as you look at the paper hastily.
"Says fear." Tim states. "That's the code."
You look back at him. "You sure?"
"Positive. Why? Is that important?" Tim raises a brow as he watches you carefully.
You were really hoping you'd be wrong but a drug leading to fear, Jason is working with someone that's dangerous. He won't tell you anything. Of all people and of all things Jason would be doing, he's doing this shit?
"Oh, that fucking dumbass." You grit your teeth. "Thank you, this is very helpful. I'm gonna go grab my food and be on my way." You let out a sigh, hopping down from the table as you grab the papers from Tim.
"Wait!" Tim calls after you as you're already headed for the door.
"I can pay you if you want, for your time. Really, I really really appreciate this." You let out a sigh.
"No, not that." Tim shakes his head. "What is it?"
You look at his board with all of the Titans and he's got it all figured out. He'll be fine. "You're really smart. Thank you. Don't do anything fucking stupid, though and be careful. Looking into that shit, might get a little messy." You pause and he's got it figured out. There's no stopping him but you aren't going to risk Scarecrow of all people, figuring out you involved him. "Hey, seriously, do not tell anyone we had this conversation. I was here for food, the usual, end of story. No one."
Tim nods his head. "Are people--"
"Nope, it's, uh, it's a-a murder mystery game we play." You lie. "Everyone is just trying to get my mind off it, ya know?" You suck in a breath. "And don't go telling people you think Bruce and Dick are the heroes. They'll also think you're insane and you'll get yourself committed."
"Isn't that cheating?" Tim raises.
"No, using my resources but they may not see it that way which is why you can't tell anyone." You grin before you turn on your heels and head out.
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You head to the place you found Jason sneaking off to before he died. You caught him doing something and you hate to think this is what he was doing behind your back. Making a drug. It's insane to you. Jason was desperate but you had no idea he was that desperate. Of all the things for Jason to do, make a drug and possibly work with Jonathan Crane. He's the maker of the fear gas and he's dangerous. If anyone can make an anti-fear drug, it would be Crane. And you just can't believe Jason would be desperate enough to go to him but you have to know for sure.
Inside the room, you see he does in fact have his own lab. Dick wasn't lying. He really was here, behind your back, making this drug. You're so mad at him. How does he resort to this? How? Because of Robin? He never should have thought Robin was all he'd ever be good at. Jason believed Robin gave him magic. It starts and ends with Robin and Bruce. That's what this always boils down to and you're so angry at Jason and Bruce for it.
Your heart breaks the further you walks into the room, checking out the table where he still has everything laid out. And you still can't believe it. But, you need to know. If you're wrong, you can deal with that on your own. Jason is your responsibility. But, if you're right...you don't think you can keep that to yourself. You don't think you can handle that, not alone. It's going to be more than just getting Jason clean to get him back home. You aren't sure you can do it on your own. You know it's bad science but there's only one way to know for sure without bringing anyone else into this. Jason won't tell you anyway so you lay the formula on the table and get to work.
Jason did the hard part. And he didn't cover his tracks which you can't figure out why he wouldn't. If it was so dyer no one knows what's going on, why would he leave everything out? Why would he even leave the formula out with a clue? Unless that was the point. Jason likes to play games. It's what he does. Maybe that was the point. He coded the formula, leaving it out on purpose just to fuck with Dick and Bruce. You're surprised Dick didn't figure it out but again, maybe that's because even Dick wouldn't think Jason is crazy and desperate enough to go to fucking Scarecrow.
You finish the drug within an hour, the orange liquid loaded into an inhaler Jason left behind. You hold it up and debate it. Taking an unknown drug is a terrible idea. Taking any drug is a bad idea. And this could be a setup. Jason could have left it on purpose, knowing someone would figure it out and maybe take it to see. But you find that to be a long shot because what insane person finds a formula to make a drug and then takes it? Dick wouldn't do that and if this is about Dick, given Jason just tried to kill him, Jason would know Dick wouldn't just take a dug.
You know Jason better than anyone and Jason knows you. You put yourself in Jason's shoes, deciding maybe he'd know you'd figure it out eventually and do something completely idiotic like follow his footsteps which means this wouldn't be a setup. You settle on that logic and put the inhaler to your mouth before pressing the canister down and inhaling at the same time.
Your pupils dilate, your iris turning a bright shade of yellow-orange. And it all melts away.
The guilt you feel with not pestering Jason, him dying, not following him. Everything starts to fade away. The sadness of it all is there but it's more like a distant echo in a deep underground cave. There, but just barely. The guilt feels more like walking through fog instead of barbed wire ripping your throat to shreds. And, for the first time since you left Gotham, you aren't paranoid. You don't feel paranoid or scared. It's all completely gone. Every ounce of it. There's still this small sense of worry but the sadness, it's more of an echo.
The sadness, guilt, paranoia, and worry are caged deep inside the darkest parts of your mind. Screaming and howling to be let free again but the drug stands guard, laughing over their desperate cries. A sinister cackle echoing over everything else, clouding them so they can't break through. And for the first time, you get how Jason got here.
This is nice. You don't feel like you're weighted down anymore. In a way, it actually feels freeing. To not be scared and paranoid and consumed with worry and guilt. It's actually really fucking nice to not feel so damn heavy. But, that feeling of being free doesn't last long before it starts to fade into red-hot anger.
You think about how Jason lied to you, went behind your back. You were supposed to be a team and he left you. He left you to go after the Joker, he died, he made this dug, he became Red Hood without ever having a conversation with you. Jason just tried to kill Dick. He doesn't loop you in anymore. He made this drug that is so damn freeing and he never bothered to offer it to you. He never offered you a cure. He gets to be cured of all of his fear and paranoia while you're left here to suffer. And that pisses you off.
You're just furious with him so you get up and make your way to the Gotham City Gym thinking maybe that's his hideout. That's where you met up two days ago, it has to mean something and you do not care at all what's going to happen. You don't have the fear of consequences anymore. You aren't scared what's going to happen because you showed up there looking for him. It'll be fine, you assure yourself. It'll be the two of you, and Crane will never have to know and if he does, that's fine. You will go after him yourself because even though you're mad at Jason as you make your way on the bike, you still care about him. The love you have for him is still there, wrapping your bones like barbed wire, desperately clinging onto the old parts of you that aren't affected by the drug.
You don't want anything to happen to him. But you're mad. And the drug is letting anger win. So, you get to the old gym and walk right inside.
You find Jason in a room leaning over a chair and all you see is red, missing what he's working on. All you care about is getting answers and letting him know you're pissed and he's not just getting off the hook this time because you love him. This is fucked.
"What the fuck!?" You scream as you shove Jason away from the chair.
Jason turns to face you quickly. "What—" Jason eyes you with confusion, dropping the scalpel on the floor. "What the fuck are you doing here!?"
"Crane!?" You yell as you throw your arm out to the side. "You're working with Jonathan fucking Crane?!"
Jason takes a step back and he's never seen you like this before. Your nostrils flare and your jaw squares. Your pupils are blown and you look ready to kill him.
Oh no.
You figured it out. You took the drug. You figured out the formula. You took it. Why the fuck would you do that?
"How the fuck do you know that?" Jason seethes and he still has the drug pumping in his veins, too. What would normally be fear is clouded with anger.
"I figured it out! I told you I would! And I'm fucking offended you thought I wouldn't! You went to fucking Crane for an anti-fear drug!? Are you insane?!"
"Fuck you!" Jason screams back. "Did you fucking take it!?"
That was not part of the plan. Jason didn't want you involved and that included you taking a drug. It makes him a hypocrite and he knows that but he doesn't care. This is his problem, not yours. This was his decision and he didn't want this for you. If he did, he would have just told you.
"Yeah! And I gotta fucking say, it is nice not dealing with fear and paranoia and shit so fuck you for not telling me and giving it to me!" Your fists ball at your sides, Jason getting a glimpse of your knuckles changing color under the pressure.
"That's a load of shit! You're just saying that cause you're fucking high!" Jason yells back, the drug isn't as fresh for him as it is for you. He's thinking a little clearer than you are.
"Look who's fucking—" You pause, finally looking at the chair and seeing a passed out Hank shirtless with an open cut on his chest and a device lodged halfway into the cut. You shake your head looking back to Jason. "What the hell did I just walk in on?" Your voice comes back down.
"How did you figure it out?" Jason spits back, ignoring your question. He really doesn't want you involved with this one.
"Your erratic behavior before you died. The formula had a code. And you like to play games." You quip back and you see the hint of smirk come to his lips. "Exactly."
"You hate codes. How'd you figure it out?" His voice is a toxic mix of amusement and threatening.
"I'm resourceful. Don't worry, I didn't fucking tell anyone." You spit back. "Hank?" You gesture again as you blink at him.
He doesn't believe you. You're good at a lot of things but cracking puzzles and codes is not one of those things. It's why Jason was careful so that way if you found out, you wouldn't get anywhere. He knows you went to someone for help. You swore you don't lie to him but now you are. The line is being drawn in the sand and Jason decides he might as well throw you the bone. He wants to see exactly where your loyalty actually lies because the drug thinks that's going to be fun. It pumps him with everything Crane has filled his head with, tricking him into thinking it's true. And that includes you not being on his side.
"Putting a bomb in his chest. Wanna help?" Jason shrugs as a grin pulls at his lips as he picks the scalpel off the floor and goes back to Hank.
You watch him for a few seconds and you actually think about it. The drug clouds your judgment and lets you feel anger above everything else. You're pissed at Jason but you're still mad at Hank for earlier. Hanks wants to kill Jason and maybe that's what Hank came here to do. Maybe Hank was going to kill him. Jason is just taking it a step further because it's Jason. Nothing is ever so easy. But, a few seconds go by and you're still mad at Jason. You don't want Jason dead but you do want to piss him off because he pissed you off. An easy way to piss Jason off would be save Hank's dumbass from him.
"Fuck you." You bark, gaining Jason's attention and he thought you might actually take up the offer. He's not sure what he would have done if you did. "No, I'm not gonna help fucking kill him! Have you lost your damn mind? Who the hell are you?!" You scream again and you're starting to question if you're mad enough to kill someone you consider an ally. Hank is not your friend but would you take up the offer, right now, if you weren't so mad at Jason?
"I'm who I've always been!" Jason yells back. "What? Don't fucking like it?" Jason taunts you and he really hopes this will get you to leave.
If you're not going to be on his side, he wants you gone. You being around drives him insane because it's like two sides of him are at a war within him and they can't settle on where to sit or what to believe. They fight hard and fast, one side knowing you can be trusted and Jason loves you. He has to protect you at all costs. No matter what. But, the other side of him is high out of his mind and believes Crane really cares about him and wouldn't lie to him. Crane wouldn't just be using him and manipulating him. Crane is telling the truth and that includes you. Both sides are so torn and it drives Jason completely insane. This thing would be easier if you would just go the fuck away.
"You're not a murderer!"
"You're fucking a hypocrite! You're killing people! Crane was right about you." Jason sneers, closing the distance between you and you don't move even an inch as Jason looks down at you. "I'm fucking better and you hate it." It's like a game of tug of war in Jason's head and the Crane side is winning.
You grit your teeth as more anger starts to flood into your system. He told Crane about you? "Fuck you. Crane knows me? Really?" You huff up at him. "I liked you before."
"When I was fucking weak." Jason sneers. "You always just wanted to fix me. Well, I'm better and I'm not fucking scared. And you can't stand it." Jason lets out this horrid cackle.
You let out a loud groan as you look to the ceiling and even in your clouded state, you know Crane has to be using him. "He's fucking using you and manipulating you. He doesn't give a shit about you. We all do though." You mimic the laugh.
"Fuck you!" Jason huffs. "You don't know shit!" Jason doesn't want to fight with you but he can't help it. He should walk away and he knows he should but it's as if his feet are glued to the floor below him.
"Yeah, been there done that, right?" You look up to him. "He's using you. You just can't fucking see it." You shake your head. "He's a terrible, horrible, shit fucking excuse of a human and I can't believe you think he gives a fuck about you." You aren't sure if you're saying it to hurt him or if it's because it's true. You know there's no way Crane actually cares about him, there's no way not when Jason just made an anti-fear drug. There's more to that but you don't know if you're telling him because he needs to hear it or if you're just trying to hurt him.
The drug loves confrontation.
"You can't stand that I'm better! You hate that I don't need you anymore." Jason shakes his head, his nose scrunching in frustration. "I know what I'm doing and he cares about me unlike you and Dick and Bruce!" Jason screams and he doesn't mean it and he says it anyway. Maybe Crane is right. What if he is right? "We were a fucking mistake! You used me and tried to make yourself feel better by being with me!"
You pause and...that hurt. That still hurt. But instead of heartbreak, it fuels your anger. With the drug, your heartbreak gets confused with anger and all you want to do is hurt him back.
"We were a mistake?" You ask through gritted teeth.
The anti-fear drug doesn't just wipe away fear, it turns perfectly good people into hollowed and cruel skeletons of who they used to be. They're puppets under Crane's control once he says one sentence. Jason being desperate and feeling abandoned led him to Crane but the drug keeps him believing Crane. The drug keeps him in line. And you're having a similar side effect because normally, you'd never even think about hurting Jason but that's all you want because he hurt you. The drug turns perfectly good and decent people, into evil and malicious and calloused versions that are unrecognizable to everyone else.
Jason shrugs his shoulders. "Weren't we?" Jason questions and he doesn't mean it. But the panic and pain and fear is replaced with anger so he fires. "I'm worse, right? Nothing got better with you. I fucking died on your watch." Jason scoffs.
"I didn't get you killed, fuck you." You scoff.
"That all you got? Did I hurt your little feelings?" A grin pulls at Jason's lips and the voice echoing in the back of his head lets out a loud cry and it cracks the sturdy glass the drug creates. He knows he'll regret this. He doesn't mean it. He swears he doesn't mean it.
"I don't even know you right now and I don't think I want to." You shake your head and even when you know you should hold back, you don't. The words come out in a hasty rage before you can even process them because they'll hurt him. "This why Rose lied to you? Maybe it was to protect herself from you, right? Get close and you lose your shit and hit below the belt."
"Fuck you! Yeah? What about Gar? You say I don't tell you shit, well now you know how he felt. How do you think Molly feels right now?" Jason snaps right back.
"Gar is my friend and he's waiting back at the manor for me." You shrug your shoulders as you look Jason up and down. "Where's Rose?" You quip back. You don't mean it. You don't mean any of it. You don't even know why you're thinking it. It's not true. This was a bad idea. The drug was a bad idea.
He knows. He knows deep down you don't mean it because he doesn't either. He'd never say any of this to you and he doesn't even think any of it. But Crane is in his head and he makes so many good points, and you're making him so fucking mad. And if it weren't for the drug, he knows, he'd be terrified of what's going to happen when Crane finds out you know. What Crane is going to ask him to do. He'd be scared for your life. And your well-being. He loves you but he can't see through the anger and the numbness. He can't see through it. But, there's still that pecking for you right in the back of his head, right in the stitched letters of your name on his heart. Not you.
"Leave or let me do this. Two fucking choices." Jason sucks in a breath before he turns around and heads back towards Hank.
"You're not killing him." You move towards Jason and yank him back by his hood, just enough to stop him.
Jason stumbles back, eyes locked and angered on you. "You gonna stop me?" Jason scowls, holding a scalpel in one hand.
You won't let him kill Hank. The drug says it'll be fun and then Hank will be out of your hair. You won't have to defend Jason against him anymore and he won't be annoying. He'll be dead. That'll be the end of it. Hank won't be a bother to anyone anymore but stopping Jason will piss him off and something about that seems a little bit more fun. But, there is a small pecking at the back of your head. Jason yanking you off of Jerry because you shouldn't have blood on your hands. The memory flashes like a flashbang against everything you should be thinking while high and you swear you won't let him. It's time to repay the favor, high or not.
Jason's formula was always a little off. The drug Jason is taking now is upgraded, it's better because Crane manufactured this with Jason's help getting the supplies. Your version is a little off.
"Only if you make me have to." You shake your head, blocking Hank from Jason.
Jason hesitates. If you were anyone else, you wouldn't have gotten this far into an argument and he's pretty sure you know that. And he also knows that with the drug, even his version of it, you won't back down.
"Hank has always treated me like shit. You don't fucking get it." Jason shakes his head.
"And killing him is gonna make it all better?" You quip back. "Cause that's shit. He's a fucking ass to me, too but I'm not trying to kill him."
"Because you were always a coward." Jason's voice lacks the venom this time as if he knows what he's saying isn't true and it's not right.
"Maybe." You shrug. "But at least I'm not someone killing an innocent person." You scoff. "So, what does that make you?" You ask and even in this state, you just want him to be the Jason before he died. It's all you want.
Jason shakes his head. "I'm not scared anymore." His voice is level this time and honest. The venom has evaporated and even in this state, your heart breaks. How did he fucking get here?
"Is it worth it? Losing your friends? Dick, Bruce, Gar?" You pause for a second. "Me?"
Jason shakes his head and you'll never get it. "You don't get it." He can't let you get in his head and that's what you're doing. Jason shuts his eyes for just a second before he shakes his head, snapping himself out of it. "Now move and go the fuck home."
You nod your head and Jason is the one drawing the line, not you. You have given him every chance and opportunity to give you a reason to side with him and he will not do it. He only gives you reasons to be against him and you hate it, even in this state.
"No." You shake your head and cross your arms. "You're gonna have to fucking fight me, Jay."
Jason moves forward, looking down at you and for a second, you think he'll let it go. But, instead, he shoves you to the side. Not hard, but enough to get you out of the way. Jason swears he's not going to be the one to fight you first. It is his one fucking line he has been able to not cross and he swears he can't do that. Not you.
You fire back, shoving him harder and further away from Hank.
"All you got, babe? Thought I taught you better than that." Jason taunts.
"Yeah, well, I learned from Dick, too and I'm not throwing the first punch." You stand toe-to-toe with Jason. "You'll have to do that, Red Hood."
"Out the fucking way." Jason shoves you again, this time a little harder than before.
"You get the fuck out of the way." You shove him harder, this time Jason falling to the ground.
He looks up at you with so much anger, it nearly breaks you. He's never looked at you like that before. And maybe if he weren't high, he'd find it impressive and endearing. But he is high and he doesn't give a fuck. He swings his leg, tripping you and you fall to the floor.
Jason is back on his feet before you, quickly moving to Hank and trying to get the bomb readjusted. You move closer to him, kicking Jason in the back of the knees and sending him to the floor which gives you enough time to get to your feet.
"Wake the fuck up, Hank!" You shake him quickly, trying to wake him up but Jason trips you again, this time taking one kick to the back of the knee and then the front.
You look at Jason as he's still on the ground. You're not going to get anywhere if all you two do is keep tripping each other. And the drug loves a good fight.
"Okay, fine. Do you really wanna do this? You really wanna fight me?" You question.
"You're the one that wants to fight." Jason huffs.
The part with the drug would love to fight you. He knows he will win but you'll put up a good fight and it'll be fun. But, the better part of him, the part that always wins when it comes to you, wants to kick his heart through his ribs and onto the cement floor. He can't fight you. He can't do it. Not you. Anyone but you.
"You're the one trying to kill someone." You quip.
"You're not gonna fucking stop me."
"I have to fucking try!" Your voice finally cracks as you yell.
"Good luck." Jason barks as he gets to his feet.
You don't really want to fight him either. Like Jason, you have that part of you that still doesn't want to cross that line, no matter what. But, Jason can't come back from killing one of your own. The Titans will never forgive that, regardless of his reason. It doesn't matter if this isn't really him. They won't forgive him because it's Jason. You don't want that for him. If your options are to fight him or let him kill Hank, you really only have one choice.
And the drug is thrilled about it.
You get to your feet, keeping a few feet between you. "If you go down for five seconds, this is it. Got it?" You offer him.
Jason lets out a cackle. "Fuck no."
"You're a better fighter, right? What the fuck are you so scared for?" You say it on purpose, knowing it'll get him to fight.
Jason eyes you for a few seconds, knowing he can't possibly say no now. The drug is winning over the logical side of him and he has to agree. But, he also knows he'll still pull his punches. Maybe you can go a few rounds and you'll get tired. Jason remembers how it feels when his version of the drug wears off and how long it usually lasts. He's not sure when you took it but he's hoping maybe a few rounds and it'll wear off a little, make you too tired to continue then neither of you have to fight your hardest. He doesn't want to and he's betting you don't either.
"Fine. Five seconds. You, too. You go down and I can finish what I started without you getting in the fucking way." Jason nods his head. "No weapons and no acid."
"Deal." You nod your head as you lift up your hoodie and unbuckle the belt with all of your knives, dropping it on the floor.
Jason pulls both guns from his holsters, walking over and putting them on a table. Then he starts pulling his own knives out of his pockets and boots, resting them with the guns before he walks back over. Jason stands three feet in front of you who's eyes haven't left him.
"Two outta three?" Jason questions and all he can hear is his heart in his ears.
"Fine." You agree, sucking in a breath. "You and me."
Jason's jaw locks. "You and me."
You and Jason stand a few feet away from each other. The two of you take a few seconds, almost contemplating if this is a good idea. This was a line Jason swore, no matter what, he'd never cross. It's you. He doesn't want to fight you but he has to do this. He doesn't have a choice. That's the thing about the anti-fear drug. He's easy to manipulate when it comes to Crane and he doesn't feel anything. Not just fear. So, he takes the first step forward and goes to trip you again but you dodge him, taking the first official swing to his face.
The two of you fight a little harder against each other than you normally do. You know you'll lose. You always did. It doesn't matter. He's better, he's faster. And the clairvoyance has a loophole. Apparently, a lot of it is rooted in fear factor, adrenaline and the anti-fear drug diminishes that. Fighting Jason without the clairvoyance is more difficult. You can't tell where the next hit is coming from and you have to be completely on defence. Maybe you should have trained a little more with Dick after all. But, you try and strike as hard and as fast as you can. You put up a good fight.
Jason is pulling his punches. You aren't in the suit. You have nothing to protect you and even though he should care more, he is not careless. He doesn't want to hurt you so he pulls his punches, despite knowing you'll never forgive him for it. And the more he pulls his punches, the better chance you stand on tiring yourself out by the time the drug starts to wear off. Jason is just buying time so he can finish Hank because he needs to. It's part of the plan. Crane said it has to happen and he has to listen. So, he keeps fighting until you go down twice, coughing and gasping.
Jason counts but it's slower than usual as you try to use your remaining energy against him to no avail. The drug might tell him this is fun and thrilling, it'll be worth it in the end. But, the real Jason hates every single second of this. It never should have been like this and if he weren't high, he would have walked away. If you weren't high, you probably would have, too. But, now you're both here bloody and bruised fighting over fucking Hank Hall.
"Five." Jason heaves from above you. His jaw is squared and he hates himself for it. "We had a deal." Jason takes in a full breath, watching your expression soften and fall, your pupils returning to normal.
You look up at him, blood pooling in your mouth and leaking from a gash on your head. Jason has blood splitting his lip and drips dropping from his nose. But, he's foggy and distant. You tried. You tried your absolute hardest and your eyes are heavy while your limps feel like the blood has been replaced with cement.
You sit up, your head spinning slightly but not the way it usually does with a concussion, this is different. You rest your hands on the floor, scooting back until your back hits the wall and you lean your head back, closing your eyes.
You're so tired. You're exhausted and all you want to do is sleep. But, the fear starts to creep back into your system. The numbness you felt is being washed away like a sandcastle on a beach while the tide comes in. And everything starts to hurt.
Everything you just said to Jason, everything he said it you. It all hurts and then fear comes in and now you're terrified you messed everything up. What happens if Crane finds out you know? Is Crane going to think Jason did it? Is he going to find a replacement? What if he wants you dead and asks Jason to do it? Where does that leave him? 
Jason glances over to you as he gets the bomb readjusted. The gash doesn't seem deep, there isn't too much blood and the blood from your mouth is from a small cut on your lip. It's nothing worse than what either of you got from sparring with each other and Gar and Rachel. But, Jason watches you for a few more seconds, just being sure. 
"You okay?" Jason finds it himself to ask as he places the bomb in position.
"Tired." Your voice cracks and you think about what the Titans are going to say when Hank dies.
This is your fault. You weren't fast enough and you weren't good enough. Hank is going to die because Jason was manipulated and used and put a bomb in his chest. And you were too weak to stop him. Even while high, you still pulled your punches because it's him. They're never going to forgive either of you.
"It's wearing off, isn't it?" Jason asks, his voice stern as he places the bomb in Hank's chest, following the blueprints.
"Yeah..." Your voice is so small, making Jason look back over at you. He's definitely burning that lab down.
You wonder if this is normal. If it is, how did you miss it? You wonder how much Jason actually used it for you to have not noticed. Maybe he only used it a few times and only when he was out. The drug definitely didn't last very long. You just wish you would have noticed something was wrong.
"You'll feel better in a bit." Jason states as he closes the skin around the bomb. 
You fall silent, keeping your eyes closed. This can't be what a normal comedown feels like. You're somehow both so exhausted you could sleep for a week and you're terrified. Every piece of fear you had before is amplified and you're stuck between wanting to sleep and wanting to run away from everything. If you thought you could get up, you'd run out of Gotham and away from this mess. But, your head is spinning and your arms and legs hurt while your chest feels like it's going to collapse on itself.
Jason calls your name, glancing over to you again.
He knows what happens with his version. There's a comedown and it's rough. Every fear and mistake and regret floods back in a tidal wave, taking over all of the relief the drug provided all while making it impossible to stay awake. It doesn't last long, twenty minutes but Jason swears it's always long enough to keep him going back to the drug to not feel that way again. The new version has a similar effect but instead of a crash, it's slower like a stranger in the night following him and waiting for the perfect moment. With every step, he grows more uneasy and home seems further away. But, you didn't take the new version, so he keeps glancing at you just to make sure you're okay.
Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea.
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maryberry · 7 months
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros thoughts and things
‼️spoiler free‼️
WOW...Literally breezed through this book, I couldn't put it down. I thought it was a great continuation of the story and characters. I did think it was a bit slow at times, and could have been about 100 pages shorter but all in all, so pleased with this book.
I give it an 8/10
‼️‼️‼️‼️SPOILERS NOW LOOK AWAY‼️‼️‼️‼️
Okay here we go ...
I really loved Violet and Xaden in this book, which is amazing because I was scared of if I would get annoyed or anything from how much I liked them in the 1st book. I really love how this book showed just how intimate their relationship is. I loved how even when they weren't "together" we got some really beautiful scenes of them just being so comfortable in eachothers presence. Like them laying in the bed at Samara. With that being said, I think there was a lot of time spent on the same argument over and over, which started to feel like it was dragging on a bit long. They started the same conversation about Xaden keeping secrets like 10 times and got interrupted like 8 of those times lol. Other than that, love their relationship.
I really like that Violet started to get more of a grip on her power and was able to control it more. I loved seeing her get more confident.
I have a theory that she can maybe speak to the dead? Idk we only had that one incident while she was being interrogated and Liam showed up. But idk, that whole thing felt very specific and fishy for it to just be a hallucination. So maybe it's Andarna channeling? I'm not sure 🤷‍♀️ I also have this thought though, it's more out there, that Tarins previous rider was Violet and maybe Brennan and Miras, biological father? Because that could explain why he died for Brennan and maybe why Violet had a second signet if she does.
I really didn't guess Andarnas history and I'm excited to learn more about this 7th type of dragon. Cause like, were they wiped out? Did they leave? Why only leave one hatchling? So many questions.
XADEN wtf are you doing, my sweet, sweet child. First of all, I guessed that he's an intrinsic(however it's spelled) after reading the first one. But I thought Tarin knew, which he did not.
Obviously, it's not good that Xaden is now turning into a Venin but I think that plot line has potential to be super interesting. We really got to see that xaden would damn the rest of the world to save Violet, and this could open up a door for her to do the same. I would LOVE to see Violet go a little dark and to some extreme lengths to save him.
I definitely feel like I want to know more about the dragons and how their hierarchy and bonds with eachother work. I want to know more about Tarin and Sgyaels bond and if it's similar to the human emotion of love or if it's about power? Loved the scene of Violet and Tarin thinking something happened to X and S and Violet was overcome with protectivness and stuff(you know what other stuff 🥵🥵)
Loved that we got more bonding of Violet and her squad. I feel like I actually care about them now where as at the end of book one, I didn't really that much. Also, love Sawyer and Jesenia, I hope she helps him heel and they live happily ever after lol.
Brennan was a bit underwhelming for me. As of rn I wouldn't mind if he died lol.
Overall Im so excited for book three. I'm sure I'll think of more things to add but I'd love to hear everybody else's thoughts!!
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sitepathos · 1 year
141 Boys + Alejandro + Konig x Male Hogwarts Student Reader Headcanons (Platonic)
Disclaimer : before we go any further, keep in mind this is my very first post on Tumblr. At first, I was just thinking about asking another user to write this, but I fell in love with the idea so much that it kept buzzing around in my head and now here we are.
Context: a group of pro-Muggle witches and wizards were able to get the Ministry of Magic to approve a program that would open up more to the outside world and start building a relationship with its people. You, being a Muggle-born, were asked to be the first “envoy” of this new program, seeing how Muggles would react to the Wizarding World and if mutual trust could be established. But, since the Ministry is run by a bag of dicks, they decided that you would be sent to the military, hoping this program would die in its infancy. After some debating behind closed doors, representatives from the Ministry and the SAS decided you would be trusted to Task Force 141.
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This man is less concerned about you being a wizard and more about you being a minor. “No, I don’t care if he’s almost eighteen, he shouldn’t be here!”
Was almost ready to throat punch Shepherd when Laswell stopped him and he reluctantly agreed to keep you on base.
Of course, when you showed off your magic for the first time, he was amazed for sure. And if you’re a skilled potioneer, he appreciates you brewing dozens of Wiggenweld Potions for the team. “Those potions are great! They work like… well, magic!”
Also, if you could use your potion making skills to mix up a drink for him, he’d really appreciate it. Being in the military, he has to forgo all comfort and luxury, but this man DESERVES a good drink on a regular basis! He’s in charge of one of the world’s most deadly fighting forces and is constantly dealing with terrorists and death everyday, so I’d say he should get a bottle of the good stuff. Low key would let you share a drink with him in his office if you do.
He also appreciates you casting the Bandaging Charm whenever they get hurt. As much as he hates you being in the field, he has to admit you make an effective field medic.
He’ll also ask your help in recon if you’re an Animagus. As a bird, you can be outfitted with a camera and get a literal bird’s eye view of the AO and as a cat/dog, you can go right up to the enemy and distract them. As they’re scratching your fluffy belly, Ghost will knife them.
And if you can turn into a cat, he may or may not ask you to sit on his lap while he sits in his office chair. Whenever a rookie is brought in for insubordination, he loves to do the Dr. Evil chair spin and freak them out. He’s very stressed out from all these missions and needs some comic relief! Plus, he loves to scratch you behind the ear and you love it too.
He also scares the rookies that if they don’t listen, you’ll turn them into a frog or something. Of course, you never tell him you can actually do that. Don’t want to give him any ideas.
Will also appreciate your help in interrogations. Give the perp some Veritaserum and the interrogation is over in like 5 minutes. Low key, though, Ghost is a bit pissed because they always let him conduct the interrogations, and now they can just get all their questions answered because of some juice you made.
He also makes sure you keep in regular contact with not only Dumbledore, but your parents as well, says that he’d be worried if his (minor) son was placed in the hands of the military. “They worry about you and I’m sure they just want to make sure you’re alright, son.” Low key goes behind you back and arranges for regular meetings (tea times) with both your parents and Dumbledore to discuss how you’re keeping up with your studies and assuring them that he’s keeping a close eye on you and making sure you take care of yourself. After a while, he comes to see you as another member son of Task Force 141.
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Look, he freaks out a bit when you show off your magic for the first time, and you understand. The first time you did magic, you accidentally levitated the family dog. Thankfully, you were inside at the time, so Fido just hit the roof.
For a while, things were awkward between you, but after you bandaged him up after a sparring session, he started to open up to you.
Meaning, he began asking you all sorts of questions about the Wizarding World to see if any of the fairytales he was told as a kid were real.
“You don’t really fly on broomsticks, right? I mean, that’s just ridiculous.” “Well…”
As soon as you roll up on you Nimbus 2000, this man WILL ask for a ride, giving you his best puppy dog eyes and you cave almost immediately. During his first ride, he was TERRIFIED; I mean, he’s a hundred feet up in the air sitting on a flimsy piece of wood, of course he’d be scared and holding on to you tightly.
But, after that first ride, he’ll beg you for a ride every time you both have free time. He’s flown in dozens of helicopters in his life, but feeling the wind against his skin and maneuvering around the way you do gives him a thrill unlike any other. Seriously, as soon as he gets back from a mission, he’ll go straight to you and beg to go out flying with you. Doesn’t matter if it was a week long mission and he’s had to go without food and sleep for most of that time, the thought of flying with you on your broomstick was enough to keep him going.
He also loves it when you teach him all that you learned in History of Magic; unlike Professor Binns, you do everything you can to make your lessons interesting. You use magic, you act out certain events, you even give him chocolate frogs when he passes you pop quizzes. PS: please give this man magic sweets, he always gives the biggest grin when he sees you walking towards him while holding candy. He likes chocolate frogs the best since he’s building his collection of cards. (He just needs a Dumbledore card…)
He also loves to hear about your time at Hogwarts. This man wants to know everything that happened to you, from the Sorting Ceremony to when you were made the first Muggle Envoy. He also doesn’t understand why House Slytherin hasn’t been disbanded. “I understand not every Slytherin is bad, but most of the worst wizards have come from that house! And its founder kept a giant snake around to kill anyone not a pureblood!”
He thinks you being an Animagus is amazing and if you turn into a bird, he’s both astounded and jealous. “I want to fly in the sky as a bird, too…” and if you’re a cat, well… “I heard all cats love curling up in a box. As a cat, do you have those feelings, too?” “…Yes.” So, best boi Gaz shows up to your quarters with a large cardboard box with multiple blankets and you instantly take to it. Like, you forget all about your bed and sleep as a cat in that box. And you don’t know it, but he one time came into your room to ask you to go flying when he saw you curled up in the box (and in human form, no less!) and his heart melted at the sight. He also took several pictures which he then proceeded to drop in the 141 Group Chat. Needless to say, they were quickly printed out and is the highest kept secret from you (hell, even Laswell is in on it).
In conclusion, Gaz would be very welcoming to you in the beginning, but in all honesty, probably not as much as Soap.
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Look, when you met Ghost for the first time, you were scared out of your mind and 95% sure he was a Death Eater sent to kill you and ruin this program. But, after a few days, you figured out that he was just a Muggle and you relaxed a little bit. Still, you kept your distance as this 6’2” man still scared the hell out of you.
When Price told them that a wizard was joining the 141, he thought the man finally lost it after postponing a well deserved vacation for far too long. But, after seeing you cast a spell when you first joined the team, he quickly ripped up the anonymous note he wrote to Laswell to force the Captain to take a vacation.
When you started talking to him about the Wizarding World, he quickly took an interest in magical creatures. Look me in the eye and tell me he wouldn’t be fawning over a Thestral! That’s actually how you bonded with him— when he saw you caring for one, he asked about it and when he learned that they’re only visible to those who’ve seen death and are misunderstood to be a bad omen. He feels for the beast and offers to help you feed it when you’re ever unavailable.
Like Price, he hates you being in the field, but definitely sees the advantages to having a skilled wizard with them. He will, however, insist you stay behind them, casting healing and support spells. During one mission, all hostile were thought to have been killed, but one that remained tried to shoot him in the back, you quickly cast Protego to shield him and followed up with Petrificus Totalus. No matter what Soap says, he DID NOT have heart eyes when you did that.
As odd an experience as it is, he loves to Apparate from place to place. A helo attracts too much attention and riding a broomstick is just silly to him (look, he’s a 6’ 2” killing machine made of pure muscle and whose name strikes fear into the most hardened terrorist on the planet; him being on a broomstick ruins his streetcred!). Being able to appear anywhere out of thin air poses a strategic advantage, it bypasses all
He also takes interest in your Defense of the Dark Arts lessons. He’ll watch you practice offensive spells all day long, praising you every time you destroy a target. He also teaches you to handle a firearm and how to throw a knife. Sure, you can use magic, but use magic, but you its always good to know other skills. He really wanted to just spend some more time with you and teach you what he knows.
Will definitely help you practice your defensive spells if you ask him, but he’s very nervous as he fires rubber bullets at you. As much as he tries to argue with you, you’re persistent and finally does what you ask him. But if you’re ever hit by one, that’s an end to practice for the day and he’s dragging you to the infirmary.
Also, as much as he denies it, he loves it when you turn into your Animagus form. If you turn into a bird, he offers his arm as a perch when you return from stretching your wings; if you turn into a dog, we will give you the best belly rubs; and if you turn into a cat, we will hold you and scratch your ears. And he’ll do it anywhere, even during a mission briefing! Also, he gets very jealous when you’re held by anyone else and will fight to the death when someone tries to take you away from him. “Lt, it’s my turn to hold him!” “Negative, Sergeant.” He then proceeds to scratch your ears as he looks Soap right in the eye.
While not an alcoholic beverage, he loves butterbeer and always loves it when you bring back a keg from the Wizarding World. After a successful mission, you brought them to the Three Broomsticks for a fresh mug of butterbeer. He knows you had to jump through a lot of hoops to get this trip approved and appreciates you arranging for this. It’s here that he realizes that not everyone in your world is like you; some uppity witch mocks you for bringing them here and leaves as she calls you a “Mudblood,” which you later explain is a derogatory term used to make people like you feel less than them. Well, Ghost being Ghost, he slips out to teach that witch that being whether your pedigree means nothing when your fingers are broken and you can’t hold a wand, you’re weaker than a Muggle since you depend on you magic for everything, leaving you vulnerable. “Ghost, where’d you go?” “Just needed to take a break.”
He loves to harass you with terrible puns as he learns more of you world. “Wanna hear a joke?” “Ghost, please don’t.” “If a wizard gets robbed by a Muggle, has he been Muggled?” “What do you call a postman who can speak to packages? A parcel tongue.” Or the worst of them, “How does the head of Gryffindor see when swimming? She uses McGonagoggles.”
After a while, he finally trusts you enough to tell you some of his darkest secrets. What really hits you the most is what happened in the US-Mexico border with Roba, and how he was buried alive with a rotten corpse and forced to dig himself out with said corpse’s jawbone. After he finished his story, you offered to use the Memory Charm to make him forget, and for a brief moment, he genuinely wanted to say yes. The thought of being able to forget that horrible memory and never dream of it was enough to bring tears to his eyes (which he thought was no longer possible), but in the end, he said he appreciated the offer, but by forgetting what happened, he’d be losing a piece of himself that made him him.
You become a part of his team, and when you do, he’ll kill and die for you, just as he would for any other member of his team. Eventually, he gives you the nickname “Merlin,” and soon everyone starts calling you that and you’re honored to have a nickname after one of the most accomplished wizards.
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While his team lost their collective minds when they first met you, Soap tripped the mightiest of balls and turned into a literal child when you demonstrated your magic. Also, the moment you tell them Hogwarts is located in Scotland, he turns very smug and brags about his homeland being the superior place on Earth. Of course, you eventually explained that there are magic schools all over the world, which broke his heart, but he quickly got over it when you explained Hogwarts’ very distinguished history.
You think I’m joking when I say everything you do amazes this man, but I’m not. After you showed up on your broomstick and gave Gaz a ride on it, he practically ripped the poor man off it and called dibs for the next ride; you show him a few Transfiguration spells, and he’ll ask you to turn everything on base into something else (Price had to step in when he had you turn his favorite hat into a goose and you two had to chase it down);you pull out a caldran and start brewing potions, he will sit and watch you every step of the way (and if you ever brew a potion of fire-breathing, he’ll beg you to let him drink it, he so wants to chase Gaz, pretending to be a dragon).
And speaking of dragons, he made a joke about dragons being fake and when he saw you not laughing, he instantly knew they were real and instantly starting begging you to take him to see one. Of course you told him that dragons are dangerous creatures and are kept far from society, he gave you the biggest put possible and of course you caved and reached out to a friend who worked at the Romanian Dragon Reserve, who was able to sneak you in. As soon as he saw the Common Welsh Green, he acted like a kid who finally got to Disney World and when you got back, he thanked you profusely and you two started hanging out every day.
This dude dedicates almost half his journal to you, writing down everything he learns about you, Hogwarts, and the Wizarding World at large. He’ll also draw picture after picture after picture; he’ll draw you, your wand, you casting spells, your house crest, etc. He also jots down his thoughts about your and your world and questions to ask you later. Ex: ask Y/N to cast Windgardium Leviosa on me while riding the mop used for latrine duty. Note to self: do it where the Captain/Lt can’t find me.
If you’re an Animagus, he absolutely loses his mind. If you turn into a cat, he thinks you’re a regular cat that wandered onto the base and is playing with you. “You want the pen? You want the pen? Go get it— Steamin’ Jesus, Y/N!” “Soap.” “Can we never—“ “Yes, we’ll never mention this again.” “Can I have my pen back?” “No, this is mine, now.” If you turn into a dog, he asks you to turn so he has a dog to pet. He strikes me as the kid whose best friend was a dog and after the dog died, a piece of him did as well, and petting you as in dog form reminds him of better days. Unfortunately, he tends to do this often, especially during mission briefings. “Johnny, Y/N needs to turn back, we’re having a serious mission briefing.” “I can brief him later, right now, he needs bell scratches.” And if you’re a bird, he asks to outfit you with a camera and has you fly over the AO and get much better intel without alerting the enemy they’re being spied on. And like Ghost, he offers his arm as a perch, but unlike the Lt, he keeps bags of popcorn in his bag and hand feeds it to you after returning to him.
Merlin help you once he discovers you can cast spells like Confringo and Bombarda. Soap will demand you cast said spells on the training field and wants to compete to see who can destroy the most targets (these contests can go on for hours and only ends when Price comes to rescue you). Of course, as much as he hates you being on the field, he asks Price to allow you to help in breaching fortified bases and destroy weapons caches and escape vehicles. He revels in the destructive power you bring to the team and loves to watch you work. “Fookin’ beautiful, Merlin!” “Johnny, we’re being shot at, eyes on the targets!”
Once this man finds out about Quidditch, there goes all your free time. Seriously, once you tell him that there’s a sport where you fly around on broomsticks and try to knock each other off by throwing balls at frightening speeds, that’s all he can think about for days. You tell him all about the history of the game, its rules, and the many famous players that have ver been on the pitch, and as you do all that, this man begins to yearn about actually watching a game.
Fortunately, he gets his wish— in an effort to garner more good publicity, Fudge extends an invitation to you and “the Muggles you’ve been assigned to” to attend the Quidditch World Cup and view it from his private box. Of course, Soap begged Price to allow them to attend and after clearing it with Laswell, all of you attended the most anticipated Quidditch event of the season. And when it was revealed that the Scottish National Quidditch Team was competing, he went flat out ape shit, shouting all sorts of Scottish chants and curses you have yet to decipher.
Of course, many in the Minister’s Box found him annoying and threatened to surge him, you were quick to Transfigure many of them into slugs when everyone was distracted whenever a team scored a point. Of course, Ghost would be the one to catch you. “Bein’ risky, are we?” “No one threatens Soap and gets away with it on my watch.” “Good boy.”
At the end of the day, he’s probably the first friend you’ll make in this scenario. While others are cautious, this man is running up to you and begging you to do magic for him every time you see one another.
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The leader of the Los Vaqueros was shocked to see a real wizard before him and had reservations about a minor being allowed in the military, but after seeing you had nothing but the best of intentions being here, he quickly put aside his fears and welcomed you with open arms. Also, Rudy saw how much fun Gaz and Soap were having and wanted to join in, and who is he to disappoint his brother?
After he described the destruction El Sin Nombre, Hassan, and Shadow Company brought to his hometown, you offered to help rebuild. To say he was touched would be an understatement and he accepted the help. He expected you to just help clean up the rubble Graves and his tank made, but when he saw you cast Repairo and the buildings started repairing themselves, he was blown away. In less than half a day, all of Las Almos looked like nothing at all happened. “Ay dios mio… The whole city… it’s been fixed…” let’s just say that after that, you became an honorary member of the Cowboys and had a place in Las Almos whenever you needed it.
He’s very interested in your demonstrations of charms. He especially liked hearing about Wendelin the Weird and how she liked being ticked by the charmed fire so much she allowed herself to be captured multiple times. “Wait, she let herself be captured how many times, hermano?” “Forty-seven times!” “That’s crazy!”
In exchange for teaching him Wizarding World slang, he teaches you to speak Spanish. As well as some very creative swears that he knows Price wouldn’t like (which is why he does it). “Who taught Y/N to say that?!” “No idea, Capitan, might want to ask Gaz. That baby face of his seems like the perfect ruse, yeah?”
He appreciates all the Wiggenweld Potions you brew for him to take back to his men. While the cartels and Shadow Company have been driven out of Los Almos, Valeria is still out there and leading what’s left of her men, trying to rebuild her empire. He’s devote every last resource he has to capturing her, which leads to many injuries. Unfortunately, he can’t always get medical supplies, so that’s where you come in. Whenever you Apparate in their base with crates full of healing potions, you’re heralded as a hero by his men.
You two also bond over music from the Wizarding World. While he loves to listen to the Weird Sisters with his men, when it’s just him, Rudy, and you, he loves to listen to Celestine Warbeck. Once, when he was drunk, he began singing You Charmed the Heart Right Out of Me and said that it reminded him of you. The morning after, you and Rudy decided to keep his little performance a secret from him, his men, and the 141, agreeing to take it to your graves.
Like the rest of the men on this list, he absolutely loses it when he sees your an Animagus. “Hermano, why did you not tell me you can do this?” He strikes me as the kid who always wanted a pet, but his parents weren’t able to afford one and there’s been a void only a pet can fill ever since. Sure, he could’ve adopted a dog after he moved out and joined the Mexican Army, but he’s been bust fighting drug lords for years, so he hasn’t had the time to. And here you come in, able to turn into a dog (of course he’d love it if you turned into a cat or bird, but what he really wants is a dog)! “Hey, hermano, do you think you can… you know?” “Of course.” Look, we all know that there’s a spot behind a dog’s ear that makes him thump his leg like crazy, but this man knows how to hit that spot on the FIRST TIME, EVERY TIME! And he does it with just right that you think your leg will never stop thumping. Rudy’s walked in on the two of you many times, and not only keeps quiet about it, but tells the rest of Los Vaqueros to not disturb their hermano. “He’s earned some time to himself.”
You also volunteer your services to help track down Valeria, which puts a smile on his face brighter than Lumos Maxima you’ve ever cast. “Time to go scorpion hunting, my brother!” While you weren’t well versed in Divination, you were able to spy on her men while in Animagus form and any that get captured are given your Veritaserum, making them spill their guts and tell you where her new base is. From there, it’s just getting the layout of the base, which you are able to provide, and that night, both 141 and Los Vaqueros raid the base that night, which ends with no casualties and Valeria’s capture. “We celebrate, my brothers! And we welcome a new member to Los Vaqueros!”
As much as he wanted you to pour the Veritaserum down her throat and make her tell him all he wanted to know, he wanted her to suffer, just a fraction of what he’s felt all these years. So, he asks you if you know any methods of torture that won’t kill her, just make her suffer a bit. So, you looked into it and gave him a boggart locked in a chest and told him about the creature’s ability to take the form of what its victim fears most. Seconds after being exposed to her greatest fear, she begged for mercy and told him everything he wanted to know. As she was being dragged away, still in shock of what she saw, he thanked you for the great service you did for Mexico and invited you to celebrate at a bar they rented out for the night.
Behind closed doors, the 141 and Los Vaqueros came this close to a fistfight because Alejandro wanted to take you back to Mexico with them, to which Price responded with a very loud “Hell no!” which resulted in a prolonged argument with everyone in the room. Finally, Laswell was able to calm them down when she told them that if they don’t “calm the fuck down,” you might be recalled and none of them will see you again. The thought of you leaving terrified them and agreed that they would share custody of you and Alejandro and his men would be allowed to visit the base and see you whenever they wanted to.
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Look, when you both first met, you were terrified of one another. You because this man was as big as Hagrid, skilled in weapons, and made the muscle mass to break you like a twig, and he was terrified of you because he thought you could turn him into a toad like many of the witches he was told about as a child. For the first week or two, you both avoided one another like a case of Dragon Pox.
Eventually, you realized that this mountain of a man was 90% social anxiety and he realized that you weren’t planning on turning anyone into a toad or eating anyone (to which you were horrified that someone would think you possible of such a thing). In fact, when you learned he suffered from constant social anxiety, you brewed him a bottle of Calming Drought and after he drank it, he felt his sense of dread vanish for the first time in years. “Thank you, maus!” And from there, he became your shadow, always close behind you. You gave him bottles of Calming Draught on a regular basis to help the poor man and he became one of your closest friends.
If you have a knack for Herbology, he takes interest in it; there’s just something about digging into the dirt and watching your magical plants grow from such tiny seeds that relaxes him, not unlike your Calming Drought. He helps with carrying large bags of fertilizer, watering your plants, repotting Mandrakes, and harvesting herbs for your potions. He also loves hearing you talk about what each plant is and what they’re used for; not only because he finds this new information interesting, but because he finds your voice very soothing.
God, the moment he discovers that you can turn into an Animagus, he instantly takes a Calming Drought because the the thought of hurting you while being so small is enough to make his anxiety hit him like a sack of bricks. At first he asks you not to be near him out of fear he crushes you, but when you curl up in his lap as a dog/cat, he freezes up and is afraid to even move. Then, he finally works up the courage to pet you and when you let out a pant/purr, he instantly forgets his fears and pets you even more. If you’re a bird, you turn his shoulder into a perch and he instantly falls in love with the idea of being your perch and starts walking around the base like that. “Konig, is that Merlin?” “Ja, Leutnant.” “And you don’t think that’s a bit inappropriate?” “Nein, Leutnant.” As he walks away, he feels Ghost glaring daggers his way, and he’s sure it’s not because of what he’s doing, but because the Lieutenant wishes to take his place.
He also loves to watch you practice your spells and broomstick riding. How you wave your wand or move through the air with such grace astounds him and wishes he could do the same.
After a while, he finds spells and potions capable of reducing one’s size and wishes for you to make him smaller. When he tells you that he’s always felt people would like him better and he would be better at his job if he wasn’t so tall. You instantly tell him that’s not true and that you have a friend whose taller than him and everyone loves him. And so, you arrange a tea time with Hagrid and bring Konig, who is blown away by the size of the half-giant. To say he was breathtaking to have to look up to someone was an odd, yet satisfying experience. The two talk about being tall and Hagrid tells him that despite his giant size, he never stops trying to be helpful. By the time tea is served, Konig feels himself more comfortable in his skin and tells you that he no longer wishes to be small.
When Hagrid goes to bring out his infamous rock cakes, you warn Konig about their tough exterior. However, when he takes a bite, he does so without problem. “I don’t understand, Maus, they’re delicious. If you don’t want yours, may I have it?”
You two leave Hagrid’s hut with the promise to bring Konig back for more tea and rock cakes and when you return, he thanks you profusely for helping him become more confident with his height. He tells you that he sees you as the best friend he’s ever had and promises to always help you whenever you need him.
You also share your stash of sweets from Honeyduke’s, which he is happy beyond words. You warn him when he picks up a box of Bertie’s Every Flavor Beans and laugh harder than you ever have before when he spits out an earwax flavored one. It eventually turns into a game of randomly picking a bean and hoping it wasn’t one of the many disgusting flavors. He quickly grew to love Fizzing Whizzbees when he found out sucking on them allowed you to float in the air. Seriously, just imagine him floating in the air and loving every moment of it, it’s hilarious.
He may not have magic, but this man will NEVER allow someone to harm you. Even if it’s another wizard or witch, he’ll pick up that poor fool and break their back over his knee with no regrets.
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linagram · 1 month
[ 𝙼𝚒𝚢𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝙰𝚔𝚒𝚘'𝚜 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝟹 𝚅𝙳] 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝-𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚕
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time to judge the prisoners let's go! the first pair is akio and aimi as always. i feel like i know what akio's trial 3 verdict is going to be but when it comes to aimi.. i'm not so sure.
Warnings for Akio's VD: descriptions of murder and violence (specifically hanging), a mention of a character throwing up.
Warnings for Akio's MV: toxic relationship themes, hanging
(sounds of footsteps)
Hinode: So.. Time to interrogate the first prisoner.
Hinode: Hopefully, I'll have enough energy to interrogate all ten of them, haha.
Miki: Well, if something happens, we can rely on Eiji-san.
Hinode: Um, Miki-san.. I'm not sure when Eiji-san will be able to join us-
Miki: But he will join us, right?
Hinode: .. Y-yeah, definitely.
Miki: So we have nothing to be worried about, right?
Miki: "I just.. hope that he will forgive me for voting Kei-san innocent."
(the door opens)
Hinode: Hello, Akio-san. I hope you're ready for your interrogation.
Hinode: How are you feeling-
Akio: I'd prefer it if we could just get started already.
Hinode: .. O-okay then.
Miki: "There's a screen on the wall.. Is Eiji-san supposed to appear on it?"
Miki: "There's probably a screen like that in every single cell then.."
(sounds of Hinode and Miki sitting down)
Miki: We'll start with a few questions that aren't related to your crime, but to your life in Milgram instead.
Miki: As we.. you know.. usually do.
Miki: What can you tell us about your condition?
Akio: .. It's fine. Definitely better than what it used to be, at least.
Akio: I can read and write again, but uh..
Akio: I still need help sometimes. My head still hurts a lot too.
Akio: .. Will I always have that scar there?
Hinode: Your injury was very serious, so I wouldn't be surprised if it did stay there for a while or even for the rest of your life.
Hinode: I'm still not sure how you got treated.. From what I've seen, that injury really was bad..
Hinode: Like.. How are you still alive?
Akio: ...
Hinode: O-oh, sorry, a weird question, I know, haha..
Akio: .. I actually don't know how much I have left.
Miki: Huh?
Akio: I mean, sure, maybe I feel better at the moment, but what if you vote me guilty again this time? 
Akio: If you punish me again, I.. 
Akio: ...
Akio: Yeah, I'll die for sure.
Hinode: Well, we can just make your punishment more psychological in nature, right? Also, let's not assume your future verdict for now. It's better if we don't make any predictions until we learn more about your crime and watch your video.
Akio: Heh, like a punishment like that would be any better.
Akio: .. Will my body still be like this if I'm able to get out?
Akio: H-how will I explain this to my parents..
Miki: "I've never thought about this actually.." 
Hinode: I'm sure that you'll be able to finally get actual help if you're able to leave. Let's be more optimistic about it.
Miki: "And we still don't know who exactly treated Miyagawa-san.."
Miki: "If this place has a doctor, shouldn't we know about them? And why didn't they help us during the second trial?"
Miki: "Oh, right."
Miki: Miyagawa-san, do you remember anything about the person who treated your injury? 
Akio: Um.. I wouldn't say I was fully conscious when it happened and I couldn't open my eyes, but I think I heard someone talking.
Akio: I think it was a man's voice. Probably around, uh..
Akio: This guy's age.
Hinode: M-my name is Hinode-
Akio: Whatever.
Miki: "So, a man in his twenties.."
Miki: "It's a shame that Miyagawa-san couldn't see what he looked like, I wonder if he's actually very attractive-"
Miki: ".. This personality trait of mine is getting annoying."
Miki: Ah, do you remember what he was talking about, Miyagawa-san?
Akio: I think he was just mostly talking to himself?.. Just rambling about stuff.
Akio: He probably assumed that I was completely unconscious, so he felt like he could talk about anything he wanted.
Akio: .. I remember him saying something about the prison guards though. 
Miki: Prison guards?..
Hinode: So.. He was talking about us, huh?..
Akio: Maybe. I have no idea, my memories are really blurry.
Akio: .. Can we talk about my murder already?
Miki: Oh, uh, s-sure, but..
Miki: .. Don't you want to talk about the other prisoners too? Like, what's your relationship with-
Akio: How is it supposed to be related to my murder? You're here to solve it, or what?
Hinode: Your current relationships can say a lot about your past, so-
Akio: Stop trying to sound smart, nobody cares. 
Hinode: O-okay.
Akio: .. My relationship with Riku is better now. That's all I'm going to say.
Miki: "He's calling him by his first name.."
Miki: "Wait, didn't he-"
Miki: ".. I should ask him about that."
Miki: Thank you for saving him, Miyagawa-san. Even though you've almost died because of what he said to you, you still saved his life. 
Miki: Hehe, you really are a good person.
Akio: Shut up.
Miki: ".. Maybe he felt guilty about his murder and that's why he tried to save someone's life?.."
Miki: What about your relationship with Hanasaki-san? Are you still close?
Akio: .. She's been acting weird lately. I do not like that.
Miki: "Weird"? What do you mean?
Akio: You know exactly what I'm talking about. I mean, she doesn't talk to anyone except you nowadays.
Akio: It's like she's obsessed with you or something.
Hinode: Just like your accomplice was obsessed with you?
Akio: !
Akio: .. So we're gonna talk about that, huh.
Akio: Okay, bring it on.
Hinode: So, if we were to tell the story of your crime..
Hinode: There were three main characters: your accomplice, Saito Arata-san, your victim, Kitami Chise-san, and well, of course, you. 
Hinode: You were in charge of all the planning when it came to the murder and you also were the one who really hated Chise-san, meanwhile Arata-san was the one who did all the dirty work. A king would never kill someone with his own hands, he needs an executioner for that, right?
Akio: .. Are you making fun of me?
Hinode: But then, something went wrong between you and Arata-san. Perhaps it was some kind of argument? Maybe one of you didn't like the plan so much? Maybe one of you suddenly felt sorry for Chise-san?
Hinode: Maybe something went wrong in the middle of the murder?
Akio: ...
Hinode: Actually, Miki-san, I'm surprised you and Eiji-san never asked Akio-san about this very important part of his murder.
Miki: Huh? What are you talking about-
Hinode: I'm talking about the murder method.
Hinode: How exactly did you plan to kill him, Akio-san?
Akio: .. I'm sure you saw something like that in my videos. I mean, they're supposed to show my murder, right?
Miki: "I remember seeing something like that in his second video.. What was it.."
Miki: ".. Oh."
Miki: Miyagawa-san, this might be a weird question, but..
Miki: .. Did Kitami-san die by hanging?
Akio: !
Akio: W-wait.. Y-you really saw it?
Miki: There was a lot of.. hanging symbolism in one of your videos. 
Hinode: Fitting for someone who saw himself as a king of his class. It's a pretty popular execution method, after all.
Akio: I-I.. I didn't think you'd actually.. see it..
Hinode: There's one thing that really bothers me though.
Hinode: Akio-san, why exactly did you go with hanging as your murder method?
Akio: ...
Akio: I thought it was.. easy to do.
Akio: Like.. we just needed a rope and a stool and that's all..
Hinode: Hmm, I'm sure there must be more to it.
Hinode: You really hated Chise-san, right? So why go easy on him?
Hinode: If you do it right, hanging is supposed to be quick, right? You know, neck snaps, ouch!.. And that's it, you're dead.
Hinode: Like, that's one of the reasons why it's such a popular execution method. Like, we're killing someone, but we're doing it so quickly, they won't realize what happened to them! We're so nice!
Hinode: .. I just don't understand why a king like you would go with an execution method like that.
Akio: .. I-
Hinode: Also, there was this scene in your second video..
Hinode: Like I've said, hanging is supposed to be quick. But..
Hinode: What did Chise-san look like, Akio-san?
Akio: Huh? Why do you need to know-
Hinode: Answer the question, please. This is an interrogation, after all.
Akio: .. Blond hair, dark pink eyes. Freckles. A stupid smile of his that always looks way too wide and annoying.
Hinode: Oh, so that's who we saw in that video.
Akio: !
Akio: Wh-
Akio: What are you-
Miki: So that boy really was Kitami-san..
Hinode: Then answer me this, Akio-san.
Hinode: If hanging is supposed to be quick and painless, why could we see so many bloody marks on his neck?
Akio: .. Ah..
Akio: I.. I-it..
Miki: Are you okay, Miyagawa-san?
Akio: I-it wasn't.. 
Akio: *stands up* IT WASN'T MY FAULT, OKAY?!
Miki: P-please calm down, Miyagawa-san, you're still injured-
Akio: ..  My head hurts. *sits down*
Hinode: So, by "his fault".. You mean Arata-san, right?
Akio: .. Yes.
Hinode: What did Arata-san do? 
Akio: .. W-we didn't just kill him.  
Akio: We, uh..
Akio: W-we tortured him.
Miki: You what??
Hinode: This boy committed murder, but you draw the line at torture?
Miki: N-no, it's just-
Akio: I-it was my idea too. Arata went along with it.
Akio: It's like he looked.. excited, even.
Akio: When Chise woke up, the rope was already on his neck. He started to panic and try to get the rope off, but then Arata made the stool shake and Chise quickly stopped.
Akio: He wasn't hanging exactly, he was just standing on it, but one wrong move could cost him his life.
Akio: A-and then I..
Akio: I-I started to taunt him and.. 
Akio: H-he never was the brightest student in class, so I just continued to ask him questions and make him solve problems and told him that if he keeps giving me the wrong answers, w-we will kill him.
Miki: ...
Miki: .. You're messed up, Miyagawa-san.
Hinode: So what happened after?
Akio: .. Arata moved the stool. Chise's neck did not break.
Akio: He continued to try to get the rope off his neck. He kept trying to say something.
Akio: .. T-this went for at least five minutes-
(sounds of Akio throwing up)
Miki: Miyagawa-san!
(sounds of Miki's footsteps)
Miki: Hinode-san, do you have anything-
Hinode: Here, you can wipe it off with this.
Hinode: So.. A botched execution, huh?
Miki: Hinode-san, thanks for helping. Now shut up, please.
Akio: T-this.. This is what I meant when I said that it never was m-my fault..
Akio: H-he told me he has experience with it.. T-that it really will be quick and painless..
Miki: "Experience with it?! So Miyagawa-san ended up here, but that guy didn't?!"
Akio: T-that's why I ran away right after w-we were done.. I-I couldn't even look at him anymore after that..
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Miki: Miyagawa-san, before we extract your video, please answer one question. You can go and rest after this.
Akio: Wow, that's so nice of you, haha..
Miki: .. I noticed that you usually call everyone by their last names, but when it comes to people you're close with, you call them by their first names.
Miki: Like you called Hanasaki-san by her last name at first, but after she saved you, you started to call her by her first name.
Miki: So I just wanted to ask..
Miki: Why are you calling your victim "Chise" even though you claim you hated him?
Akio: ...
Akio: .. Isn't that for you to figure out?
Akio: You already got the murder method and my reaction to his death. You don't have to be a genius like me to put all these things together.
Miki: .. I see. Thank you.
Miki: Hinode-san- Ah, he's asleep.
Miki: Well then..
Miki: Prisoner 001, Akio, please sing your sins. 
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[ Akio's Trial 3 MV: Experiment: Failed ]
The video starts with showing us that Akio is sitting in some kind of lab and working on his computer, he's even dressed up as some kind of scientist. He is going through the files he has on his computer and suddenly notices something suspicious in one of them. But before he can open it, he gets distracted because Arata walks up to him, offers him some coffee and smiles at him. He seems to be a scientist working here too. 
"I'm the one who planned this, so trust me, it's gonna be fine
I'm the expert in this field, nothing can go wrong
This is what I tell myself every morning or otherwise I'll break down
Only your smile can keep me sane, so just stay here, it's gonna be fine"
Akio just sighs and accepts the coffee and forgets about the file. 
The video cuts to Akio explaining something to Arata and writing something on a chalkboard. Arata stands up and starts writing something on it too. Akio seems to disagree with him and starts correcting him. After a playful fight, they seem to finally agree on something and they shake their hands. 
"I'm the smart one here, the "genius child", that's what they call me
You're the strong one here, nothing scares you, that's what you've told me
Let's work together, I'll do the planning, you'll do the killing-
Oh, what did I just say? Well, whatever, it's just our secret code for.."
When they walk away, we can see the chalkboard better and we see that they've actually been playing Hangman all this time. 
Arata is now the one doing all the explaining and he seems to be very passionate about it. Akio is listening to him very intently and he can't stop staring at him. 
"I know there must be something deeply wrong with you, I can see it in your eyes
But I can't help but feel curious, let me put your messed up brain in a jar
I wasn't born to solve love problems, so let's just hope the answer isn't "Break up""
When you look closer, you can notice that one of his eyes is slowly becoming more pink, meanwhile the other one is becoming more green. But it looks like Arata has some work for Akio to do and he drops a stack of papers on his desk. 
"Solve the problem! You know the answer! Good job! I love you, love you, you can do it!
I can't concentrate with those words playing in my head!
Well, whatever, I know I'll get the best grade in loving you anyway
So keep looking at me, keep saying I'm a genius, please praise me once more"
Before Akio can say anything, Arata places his hand on his chin and looks him in the eyes. Akio blushes a bit and nods reluctantly. Right after that Arata walks away from him, not even taking a single look at him. Akio has no choice but to get to work.
On the next day, it looks like Akio spent the entire night working. He wakes up because he can hear someone talking and suddenly, Arata opens the door and Akio can see that Arata is not alone. He has brought Chise with him and the blond boy looks very excited to be here and he keeps looking around. 
For some reason, Akio looks terrified, but he tries to stay calm after Chise looks at him and gives him a smile. Chise's smile seems to be very different from Arata's and it feels more warm and sincere, meanwhile Arata's is simply more polite. 
"No, why did you do this? We're not ready yet, how am I supposed to act in this situation?
You don't know the whole truth, you don't know what happened between me and-"
Akio tries to look away from him and notices the way Arata is staring at both of them. He doesn't look pleased. Akio clenches his hands and nods and Arata looks to be happy with Akio agreeing to do something. 
"No, I can't turn back now. What's done is done, I'll do the planning, you'll do the-"
Akio continues to work on his computer meanwhile Arata seems to be testing some kind of machine on Chise and Chise doesn't mind, it actually looks like he's having fun. 
"An innocent victim? No, just a test subject, just another experiment
He's not that pure, that's what I want to believe
He'll fight back if he wants, don't let him fool you
Do whatever you want with him, I don't care at all"
Akio can't help but keep looking at them and then he remembers about the weird file and finally decides to check what's inside of it. Once he clicks on it, the computer screen suddenly goes red and the same happens to all the computers in the lab. 
"Ah, I knew this plan was a bad idea from the start
Even geniuses like me make mistakes sometimes, okay?!
I just got a bit too confident, I got lost in my pride
I beg you, don't point at me and call me an idiot"
Akio starts panicking and he runs to the machine that Arata was testing and it looks like the thing is malfunctioning. Akio tries to help Chise, but Arata puts his hand on his shoulder and once again, gives him a smile. 
"But you still tell me:
Solve the problem! You know the answer! Good job! I love you, love you, you can do it!
I can't concentrate with those words playing in my head!
Please comfort me, tell me everything's gonna be fine
I'm not going to be punished for my stupidity, right?"
Akio lets Chise's hand go and even tries to force a laugh and pretend everything is fine. 
But then, the whole "illusion" of a lab shatters and we're brought back to reality. Akio blinks and he sees that they're not in this super cool laboratory, but in a dark and creepy basement. He sees that this whole time they weren't testing a machine on Chise. They were actually trying to hang him. 
"It really was a bad idea from the start
Good boys like me aren't made for murder
Sorry for making you stain your hands like this
I'll lick all the blood off if it makes you feel better"
We can't see what happened to Chise in all the detail, but we can see his legs and his neck and there appear to be strange red marks on it. Even when most of his body can be seen, we can't make it out that well because of how dark the basement is and we can't see his face at all.
"Something went wrong, totally wrong
Something went wrong, oh so totally wrong
I admit my mistake, but don't punish me for it
It's too embarrassing for a king like me to beg for forgiveness"
Akio falls on the floor and covers his mouth with his hand and it looks like he's trying to calm himself down and pretend everything is okay again, but then he looks at Arata, hoping he can comfort him and to his horror, Arata can't stop staring at Chise's corpse and laughing. When Arata turns back to Akio, he looks way too excited for someone who just murdered an innocent person. 
"You are the problem! I know the answer! You did the job! I hate you, hate you, I can't do it!
I can't concentrate with those words playing in my head!
So let me run away from you like a coward would
Just to get obsessed with you later again"
He tries to grab Akio's hand, but Akio pushes him away and looks terrified. Akio runs away and leaves the house. It's raining outside and he keeps running until he trips and falls and sees a paper crown lying on the ground. It's in a terrible condition because of the rain and it has some dirt on it too, but Akio still reaches to grab it. It's in his hands now and Akio looks at it and smiles. It's a sad smile, but still, a smile.
"Maybe, one day, I will be noticed
Maybe, one day, I will be recognized
Maybe, one day, someone will smile at me again
Maybe, one day, I won't need anyone's praise anymore"
He continues to lie on the ground as more and more rain drops fall on the paper crown. The video ends.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
Catch and Release
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: AU where Jason doesn't die in the explosion and he and Tim end up attending the same high school months later.
Chapters: 10/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Sebastian Ives, Jack Drake, Janet Drake
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tag: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd-centric, POV Jason Todd, POV First Person, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Jason Todd is Not Robin (Anymore), Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Stalker Tim Drake, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unlikely Friends, Injury Recovery, Emotional Baggage, Rage, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating
Chapter Ten: Snow Day
I made dinner for Tim and me at the beginning of March. It was snowing out, so we skipped school that day, and Tim’s nanny bought groceries. Real food. Celery, carrots, lamb cutlets, potatoes. All the fixings for Irish stew. Tim sat in the kitchen with his laptop, offering me the occasional glance of gratitude. Tim didn’t say much that afternoon. “This isn’t a pity meal… I’m making this because it’s freezing out, and I’m going to commit fratricide if I have to eat another greasy pizza,” I half-joked. Tim grinned.
“Jason, you’ve been here for a few weeks-.” We heard the front door open.
“Tim! Tim?” Janet shouted. She sounded excited, but Tim and I were petrified. We didn’t know how his parents would react to me living in their house. Tim shut his laptop and stared at me.
I nodded. “In the kitchen, Mom!” Tim called.
“Hey, something smells good-.” Mr. Drake looked at me and then Tim.
“Jason’s making dinner, Dad,” Tim explained. Janet rushed into the room and embraced Tim. It was a while before she noticed I was there. “Mom… Hi… Jason made dinner. He’s living with us now.”
His mom’s smile faded, and she ran a hand through her hair. “Jason, is something going on at home?” Janet asked.
“My-. Bruce and I had a falling out,” I answered.
“How long have you been-? Sorry, I don’t mean to interrogate you,” Janet whispered.
“Does he know you’re here?” Mr. Drake questioned. I nodded.
“I’ve been here for a little over a month-.”
“Jason’s a great influence,” Tim commended, “He helped me raise my grades and made dinner.” Tim’s parents seemed concerned with my presence and that Bruce hadn’t asked me to come home.
They didn’t say anything else about it, though. I made everyone a bowl of stew, and Tim poured drinks. His parents had wine, and we had sparkling grape juice. We quietly ate before Janet leaned over, kissed Tim's head, and whispered something. Tim smiled. "Okay," Tim replied.
"Bruce Wayne?" Mr. Drake questioned.
I nodded. "Hey Tim, how's your part of the group project going?" Jason questioned.
"Almost done," Tim replied, "Stew's good…"
"Thanks,” I smiled.
Dinner was mostly quiet. Janet sent us upstairs afterward so she could talk to Mr. Drake. Tim could hear them arguing. “Tim, I’m sorry-.”
“It’s okay. Mom and Dad always fight like this. You just happen to be the subject of tonight’s civilized disagreement,” Tim replied.
“What are they saying?” I asked.
“It’s not like he brought home a stray puppy or kitten from the snow,” Tim mimicked his father.
“He’s having problems at home… And he’s a good influence on Tim. It’s not normal for a boy Tim’s age to spend so much time alone,” Tim replied in Janet’s voice.
“Your dad doesn’t want me here,” I mumbled.
“It doesn’t matter what Dad wants. Mom told me during dinner that you can stay as long as you want,” Tim replied, “Dad’s more worried about the legal stuff… He thinks Bruce might sue him or something for harboring a runaway.” He rolled over and bumped into me.
I playfully pushed him over, and we lay on his bedroom floor, hoping things would work out. “Come with me when I get my cast off tomorrow?” I asked. Tim nodded.
He patted me on the chest. “Hey, it’s coming around… My dad told my mom that whatever happens is on her from here on out. He’s upset, but he’ll get over it. Mom’s gonna make him come up here… Let you know you can stay here,” Tim explained, “Five… Four… Three… Two-.” Janet knocked on the door.
Tim jumped up and answered. “Mom-.”
“Your room is spotless,” Janet whispered. “Look… That’s not why I’m in here. Jason, does Mr. Wayne know you’re here?”
I nodded. “I told my-. I told Bruce I didn’t want to come home and that I was safe here with Tim,” I whispered, “He doesn’t like it, but he won’t fight you on it. As long as I’m safe and in school, he won’t bother you or Mr. Drake.” Janet pulled up a chair, sitting in front of us.
“How old are you, Jason?” Janet questioned.
“Sixteen… I’ll be seventeen in the summertime,” I answered.
“You’re sixteen… My son is fourteen… And I see how your influence on him has been nothing but positive. We’re so happy to have you here, but I still think my husband is right about one thing. We need to talk to Mr. Wayne about this,” Janet suggested, “Can you call him for me?”
“Right now?” I asked.
Janet nodded, and I pulled out my phone and reluctantly dialed his number. He answered before the first ring finished. “Jason, what’s wrong? Do you need me to come-?”
“No, I don’t need anything… I’m fine. My friend’s mother would like to speak to you about my staying here,” I explained, “You might have to speak to both his mother and father-.”
“Why can’t you come home so we can talk-?”
“Please be an adult about this, Bruce. I don’t think I should come home right now,” I replied.
“You want me to be an adult about this, but you won’t listen to anything I say. I’m the parent, Jason-.”
“And I’m tired of listening to you telling me how you’re the parent when I’m shouldering all this by myself,” I interrupted, “Now, do me a favor and talk to Janet Drake, please.”
“Fine… I’m sorry… You can hand the phone over to Mrs. Drake now,” Bruce replied.
I wanted to be kind… But I couldn’t force myself to forget. I handed the phone over to Janet. “Hello, Mr. Wayne. Can I call you Bruce?” Janet asked. “Cool… Hi, I’m Janet… The resident mom. Jason’s a wonderful kid, and it’s not a problem keeping him here. I wanna know if he can stay here until he’s ready to go home… Uh-huh… Yeah… No, I get that. I understand… No, Jason’s a sweetheart. That’s no problem.”
Tim threw a footbag at my head, and I caught it without looking. “Sick,” Tim whispered.
“You’ve gotta be a lot faster than that,” I grinned as I tossed the bag to him. I hoped Bruce would let me stay. I always wanted a brother to joke around with and laugh with, but Dick and I never had that chance. I don’t blame Dick because of how things started out.
With Tim, it was different. It felt like we’d been brothers my whole life. I almost forgot his mom was talking to Bruce. “Think we can take the stew to lunch?” Tim asked.
“Mr. Ames might let us use the microwave if I promise to check in with the counselor,” I replied. We lay on the floor next to each other, staring at the ceiling. “I kinda like the counselor.”
“Like a crush?” Tim questioned.
“No, not like that… Mr. Finney’s just-. Mr. Finney’s nice. I’ve only been there once, but I like talking to him,” I explained. Janet returned my phone.
“Bruce said okay, but only as long as you keep all your appointments and behave yourself… I don’t think that’ll be an issue. I’m leaving you alone, but don’t stay up too late. It’s a school night,” Janet warned.
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clownsalot · 7 months
uhm i come bearing milgram ocs can i come play in the sandbox with you guys 👉👈
anyways here are my silly guys!!
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(im kinda too lazy to come up with my own entire prisoner roster and Es, so i basically just plopped my guys straight into canon. also, im only throwing in stuff from trial 1 because i havent really thought out trial 2 yet beyond vague ideas)
details and stuff below the cut!!!
t1 songs of the prisoners
No, I'm too scared to—!
t1 voice trailer
Ah, my name is Takahashi Naoto. Just Naoto is fine. I'm 18, in my graduating year of highschool. Nice to meet you, Warden. I think asking me about how I feel will just sway your decision making. It's straightforward, so let's keep it simple. Just take the facts. —"—"- What the hell...what the hell? I didn't think it would...it wasn't supposed to...
t1 songs of the prisoners
This is...payback!
t1 voice trailer
Yo~ I'm Hashimoto Akane. I'm 15 years old, 3rd year middle school. That makes us a similar age, doesn't it? Let's get along! Well, I will admit that what I did definitely made some people very upset. You'll be deciding if I should be punished on their behalf, right? —"—"- You deserve this. You deserve this! You're the one who chose to go that far...!
interrogation questions
Q: Family?
015: Both my parents. An older brother, too. I don't talk to them often since I stopped living with them.
016: Myself, my mom and dad, and my younger sister. She's 14, I love her very much!!
Q: Who was your victim to you?
015: A schoolmate. Her name was Asuka. You could say we were friends.
016: She wasn't anyone important to me or anything, so don't get weird ideas. I only knew about her because of my sister.
Q: How is your experience in Milgram?
015: It's not all bad. I've never had this much free time before.
016: It's alright but I still kinda want to go home. I worry about how my sister is doing...
Q: What do you dislike?
015: Just in general? Well, it doesn't matter i guess. I don't like things that are bothersome.
016: People who mistreat others for no reason. They're terrible. Terrible!
Q: Are there things you regret?
015: I try not to think about them. Regrets don't erase your mistakes, so what's the point?
016: I did everything believing it was the right choice at the time. But I wish I'd done more sooner. It would have saved my sister a lot of suffering and I might not even be here if I had.
Q: Do you have apologetic feelings for your victim?
015: You're the one responsible for judging if I should, aren't you?
016: Who knows. But I don't regret what I did.
Q: Any prisoners you're close with?
015: I'm on good terms with everyone. Though, I like talking with Kayano. He's a bit like an older sibling.
016: I like taking care of Amane and always try to look after her, we're the youngest in the prison after all. But I don't know if she likes it...
Q: Which prisoner would you say is most like you?
015: Mr Mukuhara. There's just something about him, like if he looks at me too long he'll know what I did. That he'll know that I broke a promise too.
016: Not that sure actually...maybe Kotoko?No...Kajiyama? I don't know. But Kajiyama's actually kinda nice when you get down to it, isn't that surprising? He looks out for Haruka, like I try to do for Amane.
Q: Is there a verdict you hope for?
015: That would defeat the point. I want to be judged properly by an outside perspective. Whatever you decide must be correct, right?
016: I'd like to be forgiven, since I think I did the right thing. But I know what I did also hurt others, so I understand if you choose not to forgive me.
bonus notes!!
i was thinking that the trial results would go something like:
for naoto (015) it'd be t1 guilty t2 innocent, something like fuuta. because his mv and song would be super vague and the prevalent theory would paint him in a terrible light, kinda like shidou except without the pretty privilege, and like fuuta whether he feels bad or not is hard to tell, so he gets guiltied. then somehow his trial 2 would garner him a crap ton of sympathy again like fuuta and his vote would turn around
for akane (016) it'd be t1 innocent t2 guilty, kinda like a reverse of naoto. she might be like muu or kotoko where the trial 1 paints her as super sympathetic/heroic, leading you to root for her, but in trial 2 she gets painted in a more negative light so she gets guiltied then
funny side note is that in terms of character parallels by complete accident i accidentally gave naoto like a wild number of paralles to kazui?? like i reached the 'which prisoner would you say is most like you' question, looked at it and suddenly realized, hey isn't this guy just like kazui??? it's that 'i personally relate to kazui a staggering amount' swag ig
akane's parallels were a lot harder to think of because she paralleled a lot of characters in different ways, so the way i ended up writing her response was deliberate and it's great fun to me lol.
i actually couldn't decide if akane would like fuuta or hate his guts, so i didn't include a 'who do you get along with?' question here since i didn't know how to answer it
for their names i ended up going down the 100 most common japanese surnames list on wikipedia and choosing ones that i thought fit, then put them in combination with their given names. i think what i came up with is a little morbidly funny in relation to their crimes that i still think i was kinda clever for, but i didn't write anything about their actual crimes beyond the vague hints in the interro questions, and i havent included the actual characters for their names. idk is that interesting to you guys
so anyways i was wondering if it'd be better if i elaborated on the crimes and wrote them out as it happened in another post or..? idk what do you guys think? should i continue to just be super vague about them
i did also come up with these guys with a prisoner pair theme in mind and it's supposed to be something like 'how much of yourself would you give for your loved ones' but im a little afraid that might be too similar to shidou and mahiru's theme about love? even though their crimes are vastly different i think
anyways that's it, have a nice day!! if you were interested enough to read all the way to here thank you so much <3
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rebouks · 1 year
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Darrell: C’mon, Mik. Mikaela: We’re letting strangers into the house now? I think oughta stay n’ make sure-… Isaac: They’re mommy’s old colleagues.
Mikaela: Prove it. Joslyn: How about, we do as we’re told? Isaac: We’ll gather some evidence later, go on…
Darrell: I don’t think-… Mikaela: What’s trafficking? Darrell: Erm.. controlling the flow of traffic n’ stuff, cars, roads, whatever…
Mikaela: We shouldn’t be listening, should we? Darrell: Uh, no. Mikaela: Maybe we should do something else.
Eugene: Well, I wasn’t expecting all that… Isaac: You didn’t tell me about no home visit. Joslyn: I didn’t see the point in worrying you.
Norma: You should’ve told us. Joslyn: Maybe I should’ve, but I didn’t think it was a good idea, not with Spencer still in control. Norma: Thankfully, he’s no longer an issue.
Eugene: I’m impressed how much they managed to achieve without any help. Joslyn: Oscar’s very determined, and more than a little reckless. Norma: Clearly! Although, if you came to us; we could’ve done this properly.
Joslyn: I tried to pass it on; though it didn’t go unnoticed-.. working the Bay was as boring as it gets, I was glad to retire. Isaac: [scoffs] That’s a lie. Eugene: We want you to come and work with us again.
Norma: As we correctly assumed, Mr Finch and co. know much more than they’re letting on; I have more questions now than when we set out-.. we’re hoping they’ll help us fill the gaps, especially given what happened to his girlfriend. Joslyn: What happened to his girlfriend?
Eugene: Mr Flanagan told us she wound up in Del Sol after being kidnapped, Mr Finch spent over a month out there looking for her. Isaac: Jesus-… Joslyn: Why do you need me?
Norma: They’re not going to trust us, but based on what you’ve told us; they might trust you. Joslyn: I wouldn’t count on that. Isaac: C’mon, since when did you ever leave a case half finished?
Joslyn: [sighs] They’re good people-.. they’ve risked so much to get this far; I can’t take everything away from them now. Isaac: If they’re good folk, then they have nothing to be afraid of. Joslyn: We all know what people are capable of when they’re backed into a corner…
Eugene: This is bigger than them. Joslyn: Exactly, they deserve a little leeway. If I convince them to speak with you, I want you to promise you’ll do right by them. Norma: You have our word.
Isaac: That’s sorted then? Joslyn: I suppose. Isaac: I’ll let the inquisitors back in.
Eugene: We’re about to be interrogated, aren’t we? Joslyn: [laughs] By the very best. Norma: Aha, let’s see how it feels when the tables are turned.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 8
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Series Masterlist
Part 7 🟣 Part 9
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Mentions of blood, biting, vampire stuff, mention of needles and stitches. Tell me if I missed something.
Word count: 4.2k
A/N: I just keep hitting everybody with more info, or so it would seem... I'm glad I got this finished, because Chapter 9 is also well underway, and I hope to get that done today. Are we still good on the smut? Do we need more smut? (I genuinely think this is the longest I've gone without writing smut for a series XD)
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @summersong69 @teamfan7asy @mis-lil-red @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81
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The door to Marshall’s room slammed shut uncharacteristically loudly. The boys didn’t slam doors; their movements were far too precise, too controlled for that kind of nonsense. Same went for slumping down on a bed so suddenly that you wouldn’t be surprised if the downstairs neighbors came up to complain about it. Curiosity got the better of you, and you walked to the source of the sounds. In the back of your mind, you wondered if this was a good idea; Mike was away to feed, Sherlock and August weren’t back from work yet… Marshall hadn’t been home since yesterday. What if this wasn’t even him?
“It’s me,” he answered through the still closed door. He’d obviously heard your thoughts.
“Marshall,” you said, pushing the door open carefully, “are you okay?” An answer was completely unnecessary: Marshall was laying in bed, looking pale and exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes. Alright, paler, more exhausted, and darker circles than usual. He was a cop, after all, which appeared to be tough, even on a vampire, so a certain level of tired and grumpy was normal for him.
“No,” he said with a faint smile on his face. “You can come in, it’s fine.” His voice was hoarse, and he looked like he could fall asleep any second.
“You look exhausted.” There was a question in there somewhere, but you had enough trouble finding it yourself, so you didn’t expect Marshall to know, either. “You’re cold. Hungry?” That was impossible, he’d fed not even three weeks ago – which made it all the more surprising when he nodded.
“Starving,” he said softly.
“How?” you wondered. He was colder than any of them usually was when they needed to feed.
“Perp was one of us. Horrible chase. Horrible fight. And then they had me interrogate him for hours, going full speed on the mind-reading.”
“You’re allowed to use that?” It seemed like an unfair advantage. Then again…
“I’m licensed and everything.” You honest to God hadn’t had a clue that that was even a thing. Marshall chuckled, which told you he was listening. You had come to terms with the fact that Mike and Marshall were usually at least a little in your head, even though they weren’t necessarily in your head. Marshall had explained to you that the hearing of thoughts you weren’t planning on saying out loud part of his gift was more or less passive. He couldn’t turn it off, he could at most try to not act on what he heard. The same applied to Mike – who had stated outright that he’d be completely out of his mind to ignore it, and he’d made a point of proving that by deliberately doing so one night in bed. Or rather ‘consequently doing the exact opposite of what he felt you wanted most’, which you still felt did skew the results a fair bit. Nevertheless, you’d – more or less begrudgingly – agreed to let things go back to the way they were, even though you were still getting used to the fact that you couldn’t lie to him.
Then, according to Marshall, there was the active mind-reading, which gave him basically full access to someone’s thoughts, but it cost a lot of ‘battery’, as he’d described it. That battery seemed to be completely empty right now.
“You need to feed,” you said without thinking. “Did they just let you leave like this?”
“I’ll be fine,” he said, but something told you that wasn’t remotely true. “They gave me pretty much everything they had in reserve; it should get me through the night.”
“This is after they gave you a snack?” He laughed at the comparison.
“Yeah. Can you make me something to eat, maybe? A sandwich or something?” You were caught between a rock and a hard place; trying not to offer would be impossible, because the thought was already there, and he’d already heard it. Despite that fact, Marshall didn’t seem keen on accepting an offer you hadn’t even made yet, so you agreed to make him some food.
When you returned from the kitchen, the door to Marshall’s room was locked. Strange… Why would he do that if he needed to eat so bad?
“Just put it down, go to your room, lock the door, and stay there,” you heard from the other side of the door. What the hell? No! “I don’t want to hurt you, get away from me.”
“Walter Marshall, open this door.” It wasn’t a question, but that didn’t make him listen.
“Get. The fuck. Away from me.” Holy shit. That voice… He barely sounded human. Alright, he wasn’t human, so that may or may not have had something to do with that, but still. “Please leave.” A single tear ran down your cheek as you turned around and did what he asked you to do – and that single tear turned into two, turned into three, turned into too many to count once you turned the lock on your bedroom door. You leaned your back against it and lowered yourself until you were sitting on the floor, resting your head on your knees, and crying for God knows what silly reason. Marshall was in so much pain, and there was nothing you wanted more than to help him. Why wouldn’t he let you…
For a moment, you forgot you hadn’t actually made the offer, even though you knew he was in the loop on the fact that you had wanted to, and after a few minutes, you carefully made your way back to his room. The sandwich you’d made him – tuna salad with plenty of mayonnaise – wasn’t where you’d left it. That was good.
Over the past few weeks, you’d become well acquainted with the guys’ preferences when it came to their favorite calorie-dense snacks. For Marshall, it was hard to go wrong with anything that involved bread and mayo, August would be happy with just about any kind of pasta, Sherlock was particularly fond of inhuman amounts of cheese and – as was to be expected – Mike had a massive sweet tooth.
“Marshall?” You knocked on the door, even though you knew there was no way he hadn’t heard you. A soft grunt sounded from the other side of the door.
“Come in.” Did he sound embarrassed? He was lying on his bed, facing away from the door, curled up in a ball. You’d say ‘small ball’, but that would just seem weird when talking about a guy Marshall’s size.
“Are you feeling better?” You sat down on the bed and put a hand on his shoulder. If he was feeling any better, he sure as fuck didn’t look like it. The overly dramatic sigh didn’t help convince you that the answer he gave you was true.
“Liar,” you said, and you pushed against his arm. Normally, you wouldn’t be able to move him if you tried your hardest, but now, he just kinda… rolled. “You need to feed.”
“I’ll ask Mike when he gets back.” There was something very evasive about his voice, and normally your first instinct would have been not to pry, but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Marshall, what the hell was that? Just now.” Of course, he tried to avoid giving you an answer by trying to convince you it had been nothing, but you didn’t buy it. When he looked at you, you could clearly see the embarrassment on his face.
“I was just about ready to jump you,” he said. “For food, I mean.” As if you’d expected anything else…
“I have a better idea, move over.” You rolled up your sleeve and waved your arm in front of his face.
“I’d object to this idea, for Mikey’s sake,” Marshall said, “but I’m way too fucking hungry.” You noticed his fangs were down; you could see them when he spoke. It took some shifting around for the both of you to get comfortable, but you found something that worked and that didn’t feel too intimate. There was no way you were going to make him sit on the floor for this, though. He deserved to lie down for a bit.
“I’m going to ask you if you’re sure once.” There was a strange intensity to his voice, and he grabbed your arm so tight it was almost painful. Scratch that, it was painful. As soon as you told him you were sure, he bit down – hard.
“Fuck!” The word was out before you even realized, but he really hurt you when he bit you. The pain didn’t last long, though; within a few seconds, you felt like you were in a nice, warm bath.
You were beginning to construct a theory that the feeling you got varied, depending on the vampire that was feeding on you – although you’d need more experience to really say anything about it – but whether it was true or not, it still felt great. Marshall was rough, clearly starving, sucking on your arm as if his life depended on it – and maybe it did, you couldn’t be sure.
‘It’s not that dramatic.’ The voice startled you, and without thinking, you pulled away from Marshall. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quick enough to bring back his initial death-grip on your arm. His teeth tore a little further into your flesh, leaving you with two serious-looking gashes on your arm as he let you go. It made you jump more than it actually hurt.
“Ow! Fuck!”
“What the damn hell?” Mikey. Within a split-second, Marshall was nowhere to be found, and you were looking around frantically to find out where he’d gone. He was pinned against the wall by Mike, who looked just about ready to rip his throat out.
“Mikey, let go of him,” you said calmly. “Now.” Mike’s grip on Marshall’s throat relaxed, but he didn’t step away.
“I swear I wasn’t trying to hurt her, man,” Marshall said. “You know that.”
“I think you’re going to start explaining why the fuck you were feeding on her in the first place!” His voice cracked when he said it, which might have been funny if the circumstances had been different.
“Mike! Stop being so goddamn… territorial! I am not your property!” Shit, that definitely rubbed him the wrong way. His hand dropped to his side, and he stared at you, mouth hanging open and seemingly on the verge of tears. “He needed help, Mikey.” He still did. Your voice was soft, almost a whisper, and you were fairly sure that one look at Marshall would tell Mike you weren’t lying; he still looked like death warmed up.
“Look at me, man,” Marshall said. There was that familiar look in his eyes, and right now it was the only thing that made him look normal. Which was very, very concerning, because that look still weirded you out. Mike finally backed off completely.
“I’m sorry for jumping you,” he said quietly, “I heard her scream, and then the whole situation just kinda made me lose it.”
“Can we talk about what happened?” you said curiously, raising your arm for the first time since you’d pretty much tried to pull it out of Marshall’s mouth. You slowly remembered what it had been that had made you jump in the first place. “How did I hear your voice while you were feeding?”
“I’m sorry about that, I should have warned you. I didn’t think it would happen, since it was the first time,” Marshall said as he sat down next to you. Mike joined you on your other side and wrapped an arm around you. He pressed something to your arm – a washcloth – and you realized he’d made a pitstop in the bathroom on his way over to you. You hadn’t even noticed. “It’s a sort of… attunement. Common between naturals and feeding vampires, but it usually requires…”
“Attunement?” you asked almost sarcastically. Mike laughed.
“Well, yeah.” Marshall chuckled. “I’m guessing it’s because we’ve been living together for a while now, that’s really the only explanation I can think of.” That sounded plausible. It was strange how completely calm you were about these things now – especially compared to a couple of weeks ago, when you’d been screaming at Mike for not telling you he was a vampire. Which, in hindsight, was really something you should have noticed – it was something you kept beating yourself up over.
“We’ll ask Sherlock when he gets back,” Mike said. There was an edge of curiosity to his voice, and you knew he wasn’t just going to let this go.
“Ask Sherlock what when he gets back?” Sherlock suddenly asked from two feet away, startling you. “I’m sorry, darling, I didn’t mean to startle you. Can I take a look at that?” Before you could answer, he was on his knees in front of you, inspecting the wounds on your arm.
“These are going to need stitches,” he said softly. Marshall’s breath caught in his throat for a second, and you turned your head towards him. He looked absolutely mortified.
“It’s okay,” you said softly. The hand you put on his thigh seemed to calm him down a bit. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“May I inquire as to what happened?” Occasionally, Sherlock sounded like he was stuck in the Victorian era.
“I still don’t quite know, myself,” you answered. Other than ‘some kind of attunement’, no one had actually told you anything, so you turned back to Marshall and waited for your answer. Your completely comprehensible, logical, making-all-the-sense-in-the-world answer. Or so you hoped.
“Right. It was a projection of my gift. Normally, I can hear your thoughts. Because I was feeding on you, you got to hear mine.” Oh. That wasn’t half as scary as you’d thought it was, and definitely more understandable than you’d expected. And now you were going to need stitches in your arm because of something entirely un-scary.
“Shouldn’t we be getting me to a doctor?”
“Right,” Mike said. You noticed the grin on his face and squinted. What was he up to?  “Sorted.” You hadn’t moved. Neither had anyone else, as far as you could tell.
“Mike,” Sherlock warned, but there was a definite chuckle to his voice. “He’s not wrong, though. Do you need to see my degree?”
“What? You’re a doctor?”
“I am. Both M.D. and PhD. Several PhD’s, to be precise,” he said. It somehow didn’t sound like bragging – and it probably wasn’t, given the fact that he’d had nine-hundred years to get those degrees. Marshall chuckled at your thought and confirmed that a new degree every few decades wasn’t necessarily that impressive. You stuck your arm out without thinking, and Sherlock disappeared for half a second, and returned with the necessary instruments to take care of the mess that was your arm.
“That medical degree,” you asked, just to be sure, “when did you get that?”
“I got that renewed in the late nineties,” he said, “when we first had the idea to open the clinic.”
“He finished med school in, what was it?” August had made it home safely, too. “Three years?” You looked up at him. He was casually lounging against the doorframe, as usual. It did something to you, and you were fairly sure you could watch August stand there the whole day. When you first moved in, your friends had asked to see a picture of your roommates. If you had let them stare at those pictures for five seconds longer than you did, you’d have had to mop the floor, you were sure of it. And they were hot, there was just no point in trying to deny that. Mike called you out now, everytime he caught you looking. It was almost as if he was trying to illustrate that he wasn’t completely paranoid in his apprehension to a steady feeding arrangement. The past two weeks, however, it had kinda seemed he’d really been getting used to the idea. You talked about it a lot, you considered that a good sign.
“Renewed?” That was confusing, but the more you thought about it… “How old was the one before that?”
“A hundred years, give or take. I wasn’t practicing, at the time, in case you’re wondering. Though I did keep up to date on the goings on in the field. Medical school was a breeze because of that. You’re done, by the way.” You looked down at your arm, then back at Sherlock, and back down again.
“Why’d you maim her in the first place?” August asked Marshall, still not moving out of the doorway.
“It was my fault,” you said immediately, but August just laughed.
“Easy, princess, I’m just kidding,” he said. He was really making good on his promise to be less of a cunt, you’re just not quite used to that yet. Marshall explained what happened at work to the guys – the story made all three of them wince.
“It was a good thing she was home,” he said, gesturing at you, “I… I was cutting it pretty close. Can I get you anything?” Right, that. You sincerely doubted you were ever going to get used to that.
“Some tea would be nice,” you said. “Unrelated: Anyone up for a movie night?” Marshall and August were both in, Sherlock had some work to finish, but said he might join afterwards. You looked at Mike. He still seemed a little on edge about everything that’s happened.
“I’m really sorry, man,” Marshall said before he left to make you tea. Mike, Sherlock, and August got the rest of the story from you; how you had suddenly heard Marshall’s voice in your head and freaked out. It was a very on-brand thing for you to do, clumsy as you were, and the guys laughed at it once they’d made sure you were okay.
It was off to the living room for movies and snacks from there. Mike made you scream when he scooped you off the bed and rushed you to the couch.
“You lot are getting a little too comfortable just…. vampire-ing about the house. Please remember to approach me at a speed I can perceive. I’m tired of living with four walking jump scares waiting to happen.” You clutched at your chest as if it would stop your heart from breaking out.
“Well, that took you a solid couple of months,” August said. He was right; the guys had been making you jump ever since you’d been living here. Mike pointed out that nothing had changed since you’d found out – except for the fact that Sherlock moved in, which technically meant that you were now hyperventilating over one of them appearing out of nowhere more frequently. All jokes aside, they did promise to keep it in mind.
You got comfortable on the couch, with your head in Mikey’s lap, and your feet in August’s, while Marshall was compelled to set you up with drinks, snacks and a blanket. It was still awkward to practically be waited on, and you silently wondered if that was something you’d ever get used to. You know, in the event you’d actually… Anyway. Something strange caught your eye: Mike and Marshall staring at each other, saying nothing, miming a conversation as if they were speaking.
“Boys,” you said, “care to share this little… exchange?”
“Ask her, it’s not up to me,” Mike said. You had a pretty decent idea of what they were discussing, especially when Marshall continued the conversation.
“But you’re okay with that?” As Mike had just so plainly pointed out, you thought, it wasn’t up to him. You knew Marshall could hear you, even though he didn’t show any signs that he’d received your message or anything.
“You look like death warmed up. Which is ironic, because we’re vampires, and we’re literally… death warmed up,” Mike said by means of an answer as to why he was okay with whatever it was that you already knew Marshall was asking for, but hadn’t actually asked you for. “So, I guess you look even worse than that.”
“Ask me what?” There was no way you could keep the irritation out of your voice, and whatever it is that Marshall wanted to ask you, you were inclined to say ‘no’ to just because of this. “I don’t appreciate you guys talking about me like I’m not here, just so you know.”
“I wanted to ask if you would be okay if I…” He hesitated, although you really couldn’t figure out why.
“Finished dinner?” you offered. From the looks of it, Marshall was content with that suggestion, because he shrugged and nodded. “Sure, why not.” This time, he did sit in front of the couch.
“Wait, other arm, if you don’t mind.” In a fraction of a second, your head was on the other side of the couch, and the guys had all switched seats, too. “I believe I just said; move. normally.” The guys laughed and promised – again – that they’d do their best to remember.
Marshall went much easier on you this time around, meaning mostly that his bite didn’t hurt you the way it had before. After a while, something inside you became a little bit curious about the whole gift-projecting situation.
Hey, you thought – although you did feel a little silly about deliberately trying to strike up a conversation in your thoughts, do you think the projection thing works this time around? You heard Marshall hum softly, as if he was considering it, and waited for an answer. That, too, felt silly. For a moment, you felt like you’d just dreamt the whole thing up. You felt Marshall’s grip on your arm tighten, and at first you wondered why, until you heard his voice again.
Depends, if you can hear this, it does.
“Wow,” you said, and Mike and August both hummed surprised semi-questions at you. “Cool.” You decided – for Mike’s sake – to give him a taste of his own medicine for a change. Now if only he’d notice…
Don’t use me to get back at him, Marshall thought. It was so distinct from your own thoughts, you were almost surprised by it. For starters; it was Marshall’s voice, instead of your own. But there was something else. As if it was further away somehow.
You guys need to know what it feels like. You noticed your face automatically went along with the thoughts, as if you were saying them out loud. There was really no other reason for you to raise an eyebrow right now.
As do you, Marshall retorted, we’re used to it. We don’t do it on purpose. August actually mentioned that he hated how much we talked and how loud we are since you moved in.
“Really?” You turned to August, as if he was going to give you an answer.
“Why are you looking at me?” Right.
“Oh. I was just talking to… Thinking to? Eh… Having a conversation with Marshall,” you said, as if that explained everything. Which – of course – it didn’t, so August was still giving you that look.
You might want to repeat what I said, Marshall’s voice sounded in your head. Right… For the first time, you could imagine how the guys would periodically forget that you couldn’t hear them. Apparently, they’d learned not to get too pissed about that…
“Eh, he mentioned something about you being upset at how much talking and noise there’s been since I moved in,” you said apologetically.
“Convenient, huh?” Mike said with a stupid grin on his face – as if he knew any other kind. You couldn’t help but laugh and nod, though, because there was something convenient about it.
“Alright, yes,” August answered, “it’s been a while since I lived with a human. There’s… a certain form of etiquette involved in dealing with you guys.”
“Is ‘limit sudden movement’ not part of that agenda? Because it should be.” There was a sour tone to your voice, but you couldn’t help it.
“Usually, yes. Which is probably why you didn’t figure out we were vampires for a while. Which, I do feel the need to remind you, we genuinely thought you knew,” Mike said while he played with your hair. With Mike stroking your hair, August keeping your feet warm and Marshall still sucking on your arm, you were just about ready to fall asleep.
“But with all the vampire-talk recently… We figured we could be ourselves a bit more.” August added. That made you feel a bit guilty.
“I’m more than fine with that, if you don’t scare the ever-loving fuck out of me,” you said. It was one thing to watch them fetch things really quickly, or coming over like a bat out of hell when you needed one of them – actually, those things were quite convenient – but to have them just show up out of what appeared to be nowhere… That was something else entirely. The guys seemed to understand that just fine.
“Trust me, I was happy as a clam when Sherlock stitched up my arm in under a minute,” you said – and nobody had any trouble believing it.
“For someone who hates needles, you’re doing pretty well on the whole biting-front,” Mike noted, and you scowled at him. You’d never told any of the guys about your fear of needles, because you didn’t want them to make fun of you. “It’s different. Fangs aren’t needles.” Simple enough explanation, right?
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revserrayyu · 3 months
2.1 Penacony thoughts [part2]
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**Spoiler warning** Covering up until we switch to Acheron’s POV alongside Welt (not their first conversation but actually playing as her, hence the cover photo), so be kind to yourself and look away if you haven’t reached that point yet. Brace yourself once more; I’m going to ramble.
First things first, this whole shrinking down scene where we traverse through a model of Penacony was so odd. Poor Ratio had to be rolling his eyes so hard just watching a tiny Aventurine run around like that.
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I feel like we didn’t learn much about Sunday last patch, but hearing him speak about how orderly and presentable we should be at all times really fits his personality. The pretty boy certainly knows how to look good and leads me like him even more..
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But only for a moment as he then uses some Harmony trickery against Aventurine so he’s forced to answer his several questions truthfully, or at least that’s the feeling I got from watching this interrogation. Seeing this was quite interesting to me because there’s this anime call No Guns Life where a character by the name Tetsuro has an ability called “harmonie” which allows him to control other extends (robots basically) and they way the anime shows it looked very familiar with all the color.
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Moving on, Sasuke Uchiha vibes are coming in strong with our gambler being a potential sole clan survivor, not to mention Aventurine admitting his love toward his family is something he values more than himself. Also, I don’t like this bird.. sitting there, keeping an eye on everything, even during Aventurine’s chat with Sparkle later on. I know the Family has a big Nightingale theme going on but still. Big Brother (or in this case the Family) always watching hm?
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NOPE. Any small hope I had for Sunday being someone we could safely trust has flown straight out the window with this sinister smirk of his, no matter how handsomely good it makes him look here.
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I love that no matter what is going on or who he’s talking to, Ratio always manages to mildly insult others without a care in the world.
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So stuff about the Cornerstones gets revealed, how all Ten Stonehearts have one of their own and how very important said stones are to them, so what on earth was Aventurine doing with both his and Potaz Pazto Topaz’s? Also found it interesting how closely hers resembles Qlipoth’s body when she isn’t a Preservation unit like Aventurine is.
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Sunday then gives Aventurine only 17 system hours to live and he has to spend it solving Robin’s case with little to no outside help or hints on where to begin. Talk about immense pressure. Let my man gamble in peace!
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And if all that wasn’t enough to make me start feeling bad for our fancy man, we get a sad backstory featuring his sister and even learning how both their parents died! Because OF COURSE they’re setting me up to get upset about him for some reason later on in the story and now I’m so terrified because if I learned anything from anime it’s that these kinds of flashback are major red death flags.
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The feeling of joy came back to me though upon seeing Topaz show up. Despite Aventurine being around and all the mentions of the IPC, I honestly wasn’t expecting her to visit Penacony at all, but I’m very pleased to see her again! She definitely grew on me after that one quest in Belobog and even though she doesn’t have access to most places on Penacony like her coworker currently does, it’s nice she’s willing to lend a helping hand to us.
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It doesn’t settle well with me that none of the Bloodhounds know who Gallagher is. Ain’t he supposed to be top dog around here and in charge?
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Oh red text, why must you haunt me so easily? Imagine how different all of Penacony would feel if we had the option to completely turn off subtitles. People would definitely have various opinions regarding Acheron if they knew of her ominous words or not.
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I wanna chalk this up as a HI3 reference, but I can’t be sure as I’ve never played. If so, I love how they can toss in hints about Welt’s past like this.
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And hers.. I imagine bits and pieces would line up with her past one way or another too.
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A little while after that, we cut back to Black Swan and y’all, we FINALLY get some sort of Boothill interaction in the story! Only audio for now but I’ll take it!
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Hearing about bullets, him getting annoyed about Acheron being a “galaxy ranger” and the Hunt path are wonderful ways to confirm who it is and I can’t wait to eventually see him in game.
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Seems like he isn’t too thrilled with Acheron though and of course, he too knows of her Emenator status. There goes my brief hopes of them being in friendly terms and seeing them work together I suppose.
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This item that Ratio gives Aventurine before he suddenly disappears (again) and how it features one of his voicelines.. hilarious. It’s like it was spoken specifically for Aventurine and no one else.
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I may be a little stupid.. do we know who the other mute is? The one dead is clearly Robin, but surely the other can’t be Sunday right? He spoke perfectly fine. I’m thinking back to all the Penacony characters we’ve met and they all sound fine, aside from Sam but he’s robotic so naturally he would sound a bit different yea? Maybe we haven’t met this other mute yet, I dunno. The “again” part of Sparkle’s line makes me feel like we have met them at least once.
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Sweetie, how the fuck did you manage to sneak such a dangerous device into Penacony?? Even Aventurine is concerned about how the Family doesn’t know of it.
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Okay.. so the whole flashback with Aventurine being bought as a slave and used to gamble for his master is tough. I know many people speculated what the mark on his neck said, and majority did think “slave” was written, but man, the hint didin’t make this story any easier to hear. Being blessed with luck ain’t always a good thing hm? Hearing the guy say “all or nothing” and learning from Topaz about how that phrase is now Aventurine’s mantra.. oh boy.
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Siobhan is gorgeous and if she was playable I’d definitely pull for her.
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SERVAL MENTION HUZZAH! I’m aware they mentioned my girl during the livestream and how they’re both the rebellious ones in their respective families, but Siobhan actually wanting to meet her? Oohhh~
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Okay but the fact we’re encountered so many deaths, during the many story and side quests, in a short amount of time shouldn’t be normal. The way he seems so indifferent about it too.. “so what?” like sir, people are dying.
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Oh, we did indeed receive one as well. That was the invitation, wasn’t it? I thought the music box Acheron stole from Duke was something different and special for different reasons. Nevermind.
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I seriously need to check back into the creepy dream we experienced last time after Sparkle knocked us out, where we encountered that memory zone meme and listen to all the shouting we heard of this Mikhail guy. I figured he had to be someone important, but the Watchmaker and betrayer of the Family? Oh dear.
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I bet you anything it’s Misha. Working behind the scenes in the hotel this entire time would definitely be an effective strategy, and his technique outside battle literally stops time and that seems like the perfect kind of ability for someone named “Watchmaker.”
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Gallagher wondering if this certain person is real or not is another reason I think it’s Misha because apparently no one notices his presence at all. During that one scene with us, Firefly, Acheron, Misha & Clockie last past, the girlies didn’t acknowledge Misha at all. Only us and Clockie spoke to the boy. In return, Clockie is only seen by us and Misha as well. So that’s just strange.
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For a moment I wonder if Misha is actually like.. a ghost of sorts and we’re just going insane seeing visions of people and cartoon characters everywhere. But that’s all stuff I shall find out later. Hopefully. If the story decides to answer my many concerns.
(originally written on 3/28)
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popcorn-plots · 4 months
Febuwhump day 16: Came back wrong/Alt -- "I love you".
Title: Rescue
Words: 903
Summary: Stephen plays the bait in a mission to take out a group of rogue sorcerers. Wong intervenes and feelings are felt.
mmmmmmnot my favorite but it is what it is. also brain be stupid and made me not know how to write so I found the alt stuff
(@invye <3 u)
Stephen swallowed another groan as his captor punched him, yelling something unintelligible. It was a question, Stephen gathered from the way he was punched again. His face this time, warm blood leading down his face again. His nose was already broken, and had been broken for some time. The doctor side of him would have been more worried if he wasn’t completely confident that with a few well-placed healing spells, he’d be good as new. If he got out in time.
He knew where he was, of course, and so did a select few Master’s at Kamar-Taj, but they were biding their time. Stephen needed more information, and information he was getting, at the price of his well-being. Wong wasn’t happy with the plan, but Stephen convinced him to back down. Stephen would be a better target, known as the inexperienced Sorcerer Supreme, despite the years he spent honing his abilities in the Dark Dimension.
Wong let him go, but not without the strongest protection spell he knew that wouldn’t be detected and even then, all it could do was block the pain, which came with its own pros and cons. Right now, however, Stephen was grateful. His interrogator, practically a kid, used the limited amount of magic he had to toss Stephen into a cell. His hands were bound, ropes too tight and digging into his wrists. Under normal circumstances, Stephen probably would have passed out by now. If not from blood loss, then from the pain. But however nice the spell was, it would wear off soon and Stephen would have to face the music alone.
Unless… Stephen closed his eyes. Something far off sounded like a portal. But he wasn’t done yet, he just needed a few hours of sleep, some kind of nutrients, and he’d be able to glean another invaluable piece of information. The portal noise fizzed out. Stephen sighed, it was either an older Rogue with a stolen slingie, or he was hallucinating. His brain giving him false hope in a last ditch effort to save himself.
Stephen tried to get comfortable. If it was a hallucination, at least his dreams would be nice. He dreamed of nothing and everything at once and woke up to yelling.
Something about a boyfriend. He opened his eyes to a blurry image of Wong standing over him, anger and fear and something unrecognizable shining in his eyes.
Wong leaned down, whispered something Stephen didn’t understand. Mandarin, probably. Then he reverted back to English. “Get you out–” He was saying. A knife appeared and there was a pressure on his wrists and the ropes were gone.
“Come on, let’s get you–”
Stephen grabbed Wong’s wrist. “No–”
Wong could have pulled out of Stephen’s weak grip, but he stayed. He met Stephen’s eyes. “You’ve done enough. We need to get you back to-”
“No, please-” The voices and the yelling were getting louder. Stephen didn’t notice them at first, but they were definitely louder. Footsteps echoing in the hallway outside his prison. “Please, you need to leave. Is it just you?”
“No, but-”
“You need to leave. We can’t afford you being captured as well and they can’t know it’s all a ruse.” Stephen hissed.
Wong opened his mouth. “Go. Run. Please, for me….. I love you.”
Stephen pulled Wong into a kiss. It wasn’t ideal, he never wanted their first to go like this. It was short, chaste, but Wong’s lips were soft. They parted and Stephen pushed Wong away. “Go! I’ll be fine–”
The captors turned the corner. There was a blast of magic. Wong was staring at Stephen, his lips parted slightly. The last thing Stephen saw before a boot hit his head was Wong crumpling to the ground as a spell danced around his head.
Wong woke with a groan. The first thing to assault his senses was the harsh lights and a throbbing in his head. Something was holding his hand. It was pleasantly warm, he could tell he was in Kamar-Taj by the sounds around him, the muffled sounds of training outside, the hushed voices of healers.
He opened his eyes, only to see Stephen sitting next to him. Wong couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What– Wong!” Stephen started.
Wong smiled. “Usually, I am at your bedside.”
Stephen cracked a smile, then winced. Wong’s brain finally registered the bandages covering Stephen’s bare torso, wrapped in such a way that suggested broken ribs.
“Yes, well. It’s a one time thing.”
Wong couldn’t help but laugh. Stephen let out a low chuckle, squeezing Wong’s hand.
“What even happened, anyways?”
“You… came to rescue me and they knocked you out. They took you away from me, used me as a punching bag for a few more hours before reinforcements showed up.” Stephen muttered, looking away. He didn’t want to remember Wong’s screams when he woke up, if only briefly, just to see the Rogues stabbing Stephen, repeatedly. At least the healing spells fixed the damage, and the wounds themselves weren’t that deep.
Stephen nodded.
“You… you told me you loved me.”
“I….. I did.” Stephen admitted, almost embarrassed.
Wong tugged at Stephen's hand, then pushed himself up until he was in a position to pull Stephen on top of him. Stephen gasped when Wong pressed their lips together.
This time, the kiss was slow and sweet. When they parted, both were slightly out of breath. “I love you too.”
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an-evergreen-rose · 2 years
When Worlds Collide Part 5
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Kate Bishop x Female Spiderwoman reader (basically has Miles powers; invisibility, electric webs)
Summary: Fury decides your fate
Warnings: a tiny bit of angst I guess
A/N: just to let you know, I have written kates and y/n first kiss, however, I'm gonna need to fill in some gaps timeline-wise before I can give it to you... soz
You were currently in his lab as the Fury thought it best that they got to know more about you before they decided on what to do with you. So far Tony had found out your DNA  was mutated with a lot of similarities to Peters, and a few extra add ons of course, you were a total of 5 feet and 3 inches tall and you did in fact like cheeseburgers. Maybe that last part was more of Tony's curiosity than Fury's list of questions. 
Kate, unfortunately, had to answer Fury's questions also, so while she was sitting in his office, Clint by her side, you were getting stabbed by tiny needles by Tony while Natasha stood guard.
“How’d you get these powers, kid?” Tony asked whilst drawing some of your blood.
“Went somewhere I shouldn’t have,” You answered vaguely, gaining an eye roll from the redhead.
Natasha lent forward in her seat, resting her elbows on the desk she and Tony were sitting on, opposite from your chair. “You’re gonna have to tell us a bit more than that if you want to see your friend again, Y/N.”
You frowned slightly at her tone, only now realising that this questioning may be more of a friendly interrogation, considering you are a high-powered, random person to them who apparently, came out of a giant portal in the sky. The last time they dealt with portals like that, was in 2012 and the aliens were not so friendly so no wonder they were slightly on edge.
 “Sorry,” You began, making sure to stay on her good side, not too sure how well it would end for you if you didn’t. “My friends and I were out tagging this new spot in the subway-”
“-What the hell is tagging?” Natasha interrupted, clearly not happy with my story already.
“Um, like spray cans and stuff, we found the spot so we put our artwork up first so other people would know we were there.”
“So… vandalism.”
“You could say that I guess.”
Natasha let out a sigh, “Carry on.” This wasn’t what she wanted to be doing on a Thursday morning.
“So, we tagged the spot, took some pictures-”
This time, it was Tony who interrupted, “Do you have the pictures?”
“They are on my phone, which I don’t bring out when I’m on patrol. Too many cracked screens and not enough money to fix them,” you tried to lighten the mood, not liking the shift in the atmosphere ever since they separated you and Kate.
“So you have no proof?”
“I guess not, no.” God, you desperately wanted to please these people but they were making it so hard to do so.
Tony scribbled something down on a piece of paper, “Carry on.”
“When we were cleaning up our stuff I felt this sting on my hand and I saw this weird-looking spider had bitten me.”
“Weird how? Can you describe it?” Tony asked.
“It kinda glowed an ominous, mutated-looking green colour.” I watched as Tony underlined his scribbles, obviously wanting to know more.
“Then what happened?” he asked.
“I got sick. Fevers, headaches, cramps. They lasted about 3 days, I was basically bedbound and then I just slept for like 2 days straight. My roommate had to wake me up to eat and drink and stuff and then I woke up and I just felt different.”
This time, Natasha asked the question, “different how?”
“Stronger, more aware, and just like I had the power inside me,” I spoke, unconsciously using my hands to elaborate, “Eventually I figured it out, and then my roommate and I decided we could use it to help. We don’t have the avengers where I’m from, so it was kinda up to me to save the city.”
You continued to answer their questions, hoping that if you just complied, you would get to see Kate again. After about an hour, you were finally let out of the room, finding your raven-haired archer sitting on the floor outside Tony’s lab, her back resting against the wall and an incredibly bored look on her face.
“Jeeze, how many questions did you ask her?” Kate huffed whilst standing up.
“Enough to know she's not a threat,” Natasha answered, standing beside you with her arms crossed, her eyebrow raised watching the archer get up. “I’ll go speak to Fury and see what he wants to do, don’t go too far.”
“So, Miss Y/N Y/LN, 19 years old, biologically enhanced with spider-like powers along with bio-electricity and invisibility, fell from the sky and landed in our universe,” Fury began, sitting in his chair whilst you and kate sat on the other side, Clint and Natasha stood behind you. “With no way home.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at his words. In all the chaos that has happened you only now just realised the severity of it all. Everyone you left behind. Everyone you didn’t get to say goodbye to. You don’t know how you got here and you sure as hell have no idea how to get back. Kate noticed your shift in the mood but her chair was too far away for her to lend a comforting hand. Instead, she watched with a heavy heart as your eyes glassed over at Fury’s words.
“Tony has run some tests regarding last night's portal and has surprisingly accepted defeat in his ability to create another one to get you back home… I’m afraid you’re stuck with us.”
“She can stay with me,” Kate began, a hint of eagerness in her voice which didn’t go unnoticed by the red-headed assassin and her friend.
“That's very kind of Miss Bishop, however, I would like to keep a close eye on our new spider-friend, so she will be staying in the compound until I say so. I would like to understand more of her capabilities before I let her roam around the streets of New York with a rookie avenger.”
“But, Natasha said I wasn’t a threat?” You interrupted.
Fury looked at you with his good eye, and you regretted speaking immediately, “I find that actions speak louder than words, Miss Y/LN. Just because you answered some questions does not mean I trust you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir. Sorry.” Even Kate knew not to break the silence that had consumed the room, only Natasha dared to speak up.
“You will start training with Wanda and Peter tomorrow morning,” she began, walking over to Fury’s desk to stand by his chair, directing her words at you. “I will be supervising, and relaying daily reports back to Fury on your progress and abilities.”
“Once we know more about you, perhaps you could make yourself useful and join us?” Fury added, his eyebrows raised with hope.
“And if I don’t?”
Fury let out a small chuckle, “Let's just say the U.S government don’t like enhanced personnel living unsupervised.”
“You’ll be put behind bars, kid,” Clint spoke up from behind you, “If you’re not with us, you’re a potential threat to us. The big boys don’t take threats too lightly, not when it comes to the enhanced.”
You sat silently for a moment, life as an avenger, or life behind bars. Not really much to think about really.
“I guess I’ll join your band then.”
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