#how tf are some of you this blind
Explain to me please what is the thinking of people who blame Spider for "betraying" the Sullys, but then when you point out to them that Sullys betrayed him first by abandoning him they turn around and say that "Jake and Neytiri had no obligation to care for him" and that Sullys "are not his family"?
The math isn’t mathing, buddy. How tf would you devalue characters relationships and then blame a character for not staying 10000% loyal to those who apparently don’t care about them 😐 if Sullys don’t owe Spider, then he doesn’t owe them either, it goes both ways, dumbass.
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
*smashes in like the Kool-Aid man*
I have. So many Feels. About Themst™
The complexity?? The layers?? The angst?? Hello??????
Their relationship is just So Much, because you are right, it's all tangled up in miscommunication and missed opportunities, and so many problems that can be sourced back to Uther "War Crimes" Pendragon, who wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it bit him on the ass.
If Merlin and Arthur are two sides of the same coin, then Arthur and Morgana are edges of the same blade.
Because it's the lonely childhoods, the shared grief, the friendship, the vulnerability, the fondness, the teasing, the envy, the jealousy, the almost romance, the protectiveness, the betrayal, the loss, the hurt, the refusal to let go and the desperate hanging on, and the love, the love, the love.
Indifference is the true opposite of love.
Hate is love that's gone rotten.
“If Merlin and Arthur are two sides of the same coin, then Arthur and Morgana are edges of the same blade.” oh fuck….
WAIT HOLD ON WAIT LEMME PIGGYBACK ON THAT BESTIE @0hheytherebigbadwolf (tagging you bc it will be a couple days after you sent this ask)
(Also, for anyone wanting background context on what me and bestie are bouncing off on: voilà)
we are all familiar with King Uther being the greatest (worst) dad of all time, correct? places such high expectations on his “only son and heir” whilst never officially acknowledging Morgana as his daughter until the very end?
F+ father of the year :)
he is not above sending his children into the dungeon if they disobey him as seen here:
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(Jfc he even put Morgana in chains like wtf)
also, he is not above using emotional guilt towards them when he deems it necessary (aka one of the only times he actually acknowledges them as his children)
UTHER (1x02 Valiant) I trust you will make me proud.
UTHER (1x08 The Beginning of the End) I’ve treated you like a daughter. Is this how you repay me?
UTHER (1x12 To Kill the King) You are the daughter I never had.
UTHER (2x08 Sins of the Father) You would believe a sorcerer’s lies over the word of your father?
not to mention that when Arthur or Morgana try to reason with him or argue with him since they are the only ones with the status to do so, he pulls rank
UTHER (1x12 To Kill the King) May I remind you that you are speaking to your King [...] Take care, child, or I’ll have you restrained.
UTHER (2x08 Sins of the Father) I am your king and your father. You will show me some respect!
UTHER (2x06 Beauty and the Beast) We live in dangerous times, I cannot allow you to undermine my authority.
UTHER (3x10 Queen of Hearts) You have caused this to happen, Arthur. My decision is final.
ngl i could include more but i have already spent hours searching for shit (YOUTUBE WILL DIE BY MY HAND THAT STINGY BITC—) but y’all get what i mean: Uther is an abusive fucker and it has messed up the conditions of Arthur and Morgana
now, about the double edged blade…..
as previously established, Uther is a fucking dick and wants his children to obey him but also adore him. with this behavior, the Pendragon siblings react in two ways: with anger & contempt or submission and remorse
way #1
i’m gonna start with Morgana because anger is the easiest to pick out throughout the show. in the first episode of the first season, our introduction to Morgana’s character is her lecturing Uther about executing the man Merlin witnessed upon entering Camelot (such a warm welcome for Emrys, mh?)
MORGANA I just don't think chopping someone's head off is cause for a celebration. That poor mother. UTHER It was simple justice for what he'd done. MORGANA To whom? He practiced some magic, he didn't hurt anyone. UTHER You were not around twenty years ago, you have no idea what it was like. MORGANA How long are you going to keep punishing people for what happened then?
early on, it is easy to pick up on Morgana’s resentment and anger at Uther, who she believes is blinded by his fear of magic and his need for control (which she isn’t wrong about). also, we find that she isn’t one to back off when poking the bear (Uther). she does it constantly in seasons 1 & 2
MORGANA (1x03 Mark of Nimueh) Why would she kneel on a cold stone floor morning after morning when she could make these things happen with a snap of her fingers? Like an idle king!
MORGANA (1x08 The Beginning of the End) How can this child be your enemy? He's just a boy. UTHER He is a Druid. MORGANA Is that such a crime?…What have these people done to you? Why are you so full of hate?
UTHER (2x04 Lancelot and Guinevere) How many men would you have me sacrifice to save a servant? MORGANA  As many as it takes!
to be honest, i wouldn’t be surprised if screaming, arguing and berating Uther about his morals and ethics is her way of proving that she is not weak or submissive to his actions. i mean, Morgana grew up in a household the complete opposite from her time in Camelot. Gorlois, the man whom Morgana considers to be her father and one and only family member, was said to be “just” and “kind” and someone that Uther even considered a good friend who openly kept him in check. Morgana, until the age of ten, understood parental love and empathy unlike Arthur, who spent his whole life without any good or healthy substance of it.
the culture of Camelot and Uther’s wrath is not something Morgana was ever able to fully acclimate to as Uther himself pointed out in 1x12. She “was at odds with [him] since the beginning” and could never picture herself as a Pendragon (point further proven in 4x05: she looked revolted when Queen Annis compared her to Uther) because she didn’t share in their idea of magic = evil and a king = absolute control.
ironic in terms of future plot events, isn’t it :’)
way #2
compare that to Arthur: man’s respressed af. keeps all his emotions under lock and key if they are anything but haughty and serious. y’all, Arthur even says it himself how he “[can't] disagree with Father [Uther] in public.” whenever Arthur finds himself at odds with Uther, he holds his tongue and waits until he can disobey secretly (2x05 when he leaves to rescue Gwen, 1x08 when he helps Morgana sneak out Mordred in the dark of the night, 2x08 when he sneaks out to meet Morgause for more info about his mom, etc). it is only the rare moments when Arthur feels impassioned enough to speak up without fearing any retribution does Arthur talk back at him (so satisfying 👌)
ARTHUR (1x03 Mark of Nimueh) [Morgana’s] right, Father. You hear the word magic, you no longer listen.
ARTHUR (2x08 Sins of the Father) This is what fuels your hatred for those who practice magic. Rather than blame yourself for what you did, you blame them….You hunted her kind like animals! How many hundreds have you condemned to death to ease your guilt?!….You speak of honour and nobility! You're nothing but a hypocrite and a liar!
ARTHUR (3x10 Queen of Hearts) You can't forbid my feelings any more than I can. I won't deny them any longer, I love her. I love Guinevere.
we can even compare how the two react to Uther’s violence towards them
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(ahahahahahaaaaa what a wonderful dad)
on the left, you see Arthur’s face right when Uther crushes the morteus flower needed to heal Merlin (his manservant/friend/????) and on the right, is Morgana after Uther discovers she was harboring a Druid child in her chambers and she refuses to listen to his reason.
notice how both faces are remarkably similar 👀
however, Arthur’s look of shock and dismay come from his hope that Uther would do the right thing. that he would help save Merlin’s life from dying of poison. that he wouldn’t use this as a method to teach Arthur “what it means to disobey and cross the king.” he truly did hope, just like he always does with the people he holds close. Arthur cannot help but hope and trust that those close to him will not betray him and yet so many do. hence the remorse
looking at Morgana, her shock comes from the fact that this might be the first time Uther reacted to her words and actions in a physical manner. my suspicion is that most of the time, all Morgana previously got was Uther reprimanding her and yelling at her to stop questioning his methods (bc, let’s be real, she was the favorite child.) never has he lifted a finder on her like Arthur and i have proof (cue transcript!)
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AND! and, Arthur is constantly warning Morgana about not angering Uther any further because of the consequences she might face (consequences this boy is very familiar with) when Uther deems it necessary to “teach” his children obedience.
UTHER (1x04 The Poisoned Chalice) You have to learn there's a right and a wrong way of doing things. I'll see you're let out in a week. Then you can find yourself another servant.
UTHER (3x10 Queen of Hearts) You have caused this to happen, Arthur. My decision is final [...] This is for your own good. - UTHER She will die. The enchantment will be broken. You'll see I was right.
UTHER (2x08 Sins of the Father) I am protecting you from your own foolishness!
so educational 🥰 but see, because Uther presents his punishments as lessons, Arthur himself views them as just a fucked up but meaningful way of his father’s concern because “yeah, I am the first born son and only heir to the throne. of course I need to learn not to do silly things like disobey, talk back to him, be my own person.” <- I’m paraphrasing here
Arthur does and has never seen a way out of the life thrust upon him by Uther (see 3x06). succeeding Uther as king, marrying a noblewoman of high standing for heirs and alliance strength was always expected of him. Arthur never saw a way out of this. even when he and Gwen were in their secret relationship phase, Arthur had to remind himself that this would never last. he loved her and knew she loved him, but there was always that reminder (that sounded a lot like Uther) in the back of his head telling him that it would never last so long as he was prince. he had a duty (constructed by Uther) to serve Camelot and going against his father would mean (in his eyes) that he is going against Camelot (as Uther always presented it to be).
so unlike Morgana, he did not kick and scream but stood firm because that was what he believed was stronger. if he stayed in his lane and did his part, then he would be a good king, maybe even a better one than his father, for Camelot. however, the show proves that differentiating himself from Uther actually made him the better king and more respected, but this is not the meta for that. I am getting side tracked.
OK: so we’ve established parental issues between the two siblings. now onto their very complex, complicated yet beloved dynamic
sO, as i mentioned in this post (because i am lazy and too tired to copy/paste the evidence from there), these siblings do care for one another. they just go about it in the most hilarious and repressed and in-denial way (hilarious to me 😤)
when we meet them, it’s established that these two have known each other for some time. enough for them to bicker and have banter, you know, as you do with a Pendragon. also, should add, neither character are ever aware they are blood-related until s3 (because of some weak-ass bitch named Uther), so you have that very, uh, interesting subplot in s1 that everybody forgets about until you rewatch it. (honestly, I have so many questions. number 1: why???? number 2: it’s only in s1—was it scrapped??? is it like it never existed???? what was its purpose to the plot??? bbc explain yourself—)
however, despite how much it is shown that they do care for one another, they’re relationship in s1 is still undefined and vague as if they also don’t know how to accurately define what the other means to them. it’s very similar to the whole “i really love this person so much but is what i’m feeling platonic, familial, or romantic?” because….you know, guy and girl besties who are close are typically expected to grow romantic feelings for each other, so tbh i would not be surprised if both mistook their love as romantically inclined in the beginning bc, reminder, neither of them were aware they were siblings until much later.
[and this is ALL i am saying on this subplot. i do not want to cause any negative discourse, so if anyone has a few choice words about it, either keep it to yourself or feel free to talk about it with people you know. personally? not a fan of the ship and never will be, but i am not here to post about that.]
anyway, have some featured receipts showing Arthur and Morgana slipping up and showing how much they care for each other.
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SEE!!!! LOOK AT HOW THE CARE!!!! SEE HOW THEY WORRY FOR THE OTHER AND WISH TO PROTECT THEM FROM HARM!!! (and see how even when they’re on opposite sides there is still that same love. just more warped and corrupted T^T)
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^worried/protective Morgana
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^Arthur’s face after Merlin informs him that there’s an intruder heading to Morgana’s chambers
Morgana is very aware of Arthur’s trusting nature. Arthur is very aware of Morgana’s empathy and righteous nature. they understand each other so well which is why Morgana knew just how to harm Arthur in later seasons and why Morgana’s betrayal hit Arthur so hard. it’s also why he never stopped trying to reach out to her in s4 & s5. as @merlinemrys said in this lovely post, the show’s driving force is love. love of all kinds. whatever conflict it is, love is there at the center of it all and, in Arthur and Morgana’s case, it does not save them (just like how love does not save Merlin or Arthur from what lies ahead, as the op of the post pointed out).
that is what makes their relationship/love be like a double edged sword!! that is why they are edges of the same blade!!! they protect and fight for what they believe in and for the people they love, but the same blades cut deep and twist their wounds into a lasting scar.
it is because of Arthur’s love for Morgana that he cannot help but hope and mourn the woman he once knew. it is because of Morgana’s love for Arthur that her feelings of hatred are so strong and ugly.
like honestly,
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look at them T^T compared to before
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their relationship is so tragic T^T because we knew them before it all went wrong. we knew they cared and understood each other. we knew that for some time, they only had each other to rely on for a friend, a crutch, a breather for when the royal life was too much. both of them were fighters and strive to honor their values. both of them had once leaned on the other for support, had wanted nothing but happiness for each other.
fuck, they didn’t even get the chance to really be siblings because they found out too late, and by then Morgana was on a war path and Arthur only found out at the last minute.
like fuck, man
two sides of the same blade: forged with love, yet used for blood
screencaps brought to you by me, @sourdough-morbread, and farfarawaysite
#i will spare you the gorey details of me trying to fine decent screencaps & screenshots for this fucking post or else i’ll get pissed again#(i am considering whether it is worth it to go to war with youtube)#special thanks to my bestie mor for being there for me at the gorey times and helping me find more screenshots#fucking love you bestie 💕💕💕💕#also only including s1-2 bc i am tired and they are the ones where we get pendragon siblings not trying to kill each other#forgive me for always bringing up uther and the pendragon sibs’ upbringing with him it will happen again#also after hours of rereading transcripts and rewatching clips of bbc merlin: it is so obvious that uther cared and treated Morgana like hi#own child more than Arthur. like jfc he let’s her get away with so much stuff he is way for gentle with his words towards her#when he realizes that he was too cruel or rude like bro…..where tf was that for arthur#it just adds to the complicated sibling dynamic because there is the added jealousy and resentment of knowing a parent loved another more#literally most of Morgana’s time with Uther was her at odds with him and yet he views her as his child more#well no ducking dur that Arthur ‘i-would-do-anything-to-receive-my-father’s-love-attention-and-pride’ Pendragon resents Morgana for#always being the one Uther goes easier on and finds ways to turn a blind eye for like wtf#also during my research i was reminded of how done dirty Gwen’s story was by bbc#loses her father to a king fearful of magic barely gets to mourn him bc she now has to keep up the smithy and her maid job; reunites#with her brother who’s been AWOL for some years and still they don’t get a moment to talk about their dad and mourn TOGETHER#her storyline is pushed aside by s4 bc now she’s fulfilling the role of Arthur’s love interest and oh yeah they still need to incorporate#the lanceot/guinevere scandal and then banish her for some episodes without even letting her brother be mad about it like ?????#anyway#continued saga of fluffy rereading transcripts -> uther: ‘it’s been a long time since Ygraine…since anyone’ me: ducking liar >:(#[sir leon begins the slow clap] king you dropped this 👑IT IS 1AM HELP 😂#place your bets on where my laziness for evidence came in! (I honestly don’t know lol scavenging evidence is all a blur)#spent 2 days on this post lol#me: ok i think that’s enough evidence for this argument…………ok maybe ONE more won’t hur—#me after day 2: ….am i done???? am i free????#pendragon siblings coming behind me with a steel chair: nah mate!#me: FUCK THERE’S MORE#bbc merlin#merlin meta#pendragon sibs
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emo-batboy · 8 months
Things Battinson Totally Did During His First Year of University
Using Unhinged or Odd Things I Also Did as a College Freshman :D
Note: for this list, let’s believe Bruce was living in an (admittedly expensive and swanky) dorm because it is required for first-years, especially those entering at a young age, and Alfred told him he needed to make friends. Also yes I did every single thing on this list. I never claimed to be a role model
Bruce, to his TA: I’m so sorry I’m late to class. I gave blood a few hours ago and almost fainted on the way here, but it won’t happen again.
Signs up for a class called “Age of Dinosaurs” despite it not being required whatsoever and proceeds to work his entire schedule around it
Bruce: Your mental health is super important. If you think you should see the on-campus therapist, go see them. Friend: Fine. I’ll sign up for therapy if you sign up for therapy too. Bruce: Hold on-
Finds a loophole in his housing contract that allows him to get a pet frog, calls him kermit :)
Gets a second frog because Kermit was lonely, names it Constantine after Muppets Most Wanted, then realizes that they’re gay for each other. Wonders if the rainbow-colored rocks he got them triggered anything
Swings dramatically between calling Alfred every single day and ghosting him for weeks, cries when he realizes what he did
“Accidentally” joins the student body council, doesn’t know what he’s doing, gets re-elected anyway
Molds a dragon out of Laffy Taffy instead of doing his work
Bruce: *joins Honors, gets all A’s, takes the max amount of classes, has several minors, overachieves* Also Bruce: I’m a failure.
Breaks into a building after hours to study because NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AT THE LIBRARY
Bruce: I will not get seasonal depression this year. Bruce: *gets real and seasonal depression that year*
Meticulously schedules his day with a color-coded planner because if he sits down for too long, the thoughts will consume him
Gives a presentation to his rhetoric class on how much he likes Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (it is 20 minutes long)
Successfully allocates funding from the student body council to pay for free feminine products in the dorms OUT OF SPITE because someone said it couldn't be done. fuck you, Andrew
Bruce: It is not an all-nighter if I go to sleep before my first class. Friend: It is 7:30am, the sun is in the sky, and your first class is at 12:30. Bruce: But I am getting sleep.
Refuses to go anywhere without his backpack because what if he needs three notebooks at once
Loses over 20 pounds because ✨stress✨ and scares the shit out of Alfred when he comes home for Thanksgiving
Argues with his TA over the one (1) question he got wrong on his Dinosaur exam
Bruce, calling Alfred: Hello father figure. How do I do taxes? Do I have to do them myself? Also, I think I’m having a panic attack.
Joins in on a charity arts-and-crafts project that gives kids books with matching activities made by volunteers, proceeds to commandeer the project because “it’s not color-blind friendly” and rewrites the instructions for everyone
Makes a murder wall
Goes to one (1) sports game and proceeds to leave in the first ten minutes because it’s way too loud wtf is wrong with people
Professor, addressing the lecture hall: I dare you to write an essay about these two sentences. Bruce: *writes an essay about six words, gets a 100, never even read the book*
Crawls into the ceiling for some alone time
Ghosts someone after a date because he’s too scared to tell them he didn’t know it was a date in the first place and now he feels bad
Classmate: How tf does he walk across campus that fast? I go in the same direction he does on my bike, and he’s always ahead of me. Bruce: *is gay sprinting to Dinosaur class*
Refuses to let others use his Favorite Pen TM
Constantly gets mistaken for a Grad Student because he is “so wise and mature” (bestie, that’s the autism)
Alfred: *casually mentions he got into a car accident through text* Bruce: *replies with a meme while hyperventilating because he doesn’t know what to do with that information??!*
Wears a suit to one of his finals
Regularly eats non-organic food for the first time in his life, proceeds to learn about several allergies Alfred forgot to mention he has
Writes “What is a Hot Pocket?” in calligraphy and proceeds to laugh his ass off alone in his dorm because he is so exhausted he’s reached the point of delusion
Locks himself out of his dorm right before class, frantically asks the floor group chat if someone can help, proceeds to tell the nice gay man on the floor who saved him “I love you” because his social skills have hit rock bottom
Makes a little music album display next to his desk for his favorite band (Nirvana) His friends call it a shrine, and they are technically correct
Has a blacklist of people he refuses to interact with because Reasons
Counselor: What do you want to do when you graduate? Bruce: *gestures vaguely*
Refuses to take the bus because there are people in there and he doesn’t like those
Loses one of his frogs, how tf did he do that, they’re fully aquatic, oh fuck, this is probably why they got rid of that loophole a year later because unbeknownst to Bruce, he accidentally started a frog revolution in the dorms, btw he SWEARS he did not mean to do that
Has two trash cans in his room: one for the Good Garbage, and one for the Bad Garbage. Only Bruce knows which is which
Bruce: *writes a creative piece about a ship’s final thoughts as it sinks, bringing its passengers down with it* TA: Absolutely lovely, Bruce, but are you okay?
Goes on Night Walks, keeps himself safe by maintaining a level 12 resting bitch face at all times
Earns the nickname “8th floor cryptid” after pacing the halls at 3am when it’s too cold for Night Walks (honestly tho how tf didn’t he get the nickname earlier?)
Bruce: Do you think a depressed person could do this? Bruce: *has a manic episode*
Okay that's all love you BYE
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hoshigray · 2 months
hmmmm, chosuki both "marking their territory" after one of reader's friends gets a little too touchy?
Love your work <3333333
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: when i tell you i was grinning once i saw this in my inbox, lol, finally chosuki yessss!! ty for loving my stuff ☆
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Choso + Yuki x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - threesome - oral (m! + f! receiving) - fingering (f! receiving) - anal (f! receiving) - anal fingering (f! receiving) - cowgirl 69 + missionary positions - breast fondling + nipple play + sucking - biting/marking - unprotected sex (psa: wrap it up or get tf up) - pet names (baby, cutie, honey, sweetie, sweet pea) - mild possessive behavior.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
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“Damn, Y/n, you’re so lucky to have such eye-catchers fawning over you!”
“Pfffthaha, oh, stop it! You’re drunk; stop swinging around!”
There’s one thing in this world that both Yuki and Choso don’t play about — you.
You are the sweetest and most prized treasure they cherish with their very hands. Being in a poly relationship tends to be a hard thing to manage for Yuki and Choso. The two lovers were never in luck to find the right person who didn’t match their vibe or wanted to change the dynamic they were going for. But with every dark tunnel, there’s a light on the other side. And thanks to the blonde and dark brunette’s stars, you were their saving grace.
God, they adored you very much — the best partner they could ever have. The way you’d wake up to them and give them a kiss with a soft ‘good morning,’ how you make lunch for Choso before he goes on his way to work, or texting sweet messages to Yuki to check how she’s doing or telling her about this new place that opened around the area for all three of you to explore. Blind by your smile and caring charm, Yuki and Choso live in eternal bliss and happiness, knowing you have blessed them with your presence to return home to.
Their love for you is mutual and genuine, authentic in that they wish to spend their days — no, their entire lives! — being with you. They see you as their muse, as theirs. So, it’s predictable that they’d be secretly jealous when they’d have to share their piece of heaven with others.
Especially now when all three of you had been dragged by some of your old college buddies for a night out at the pub. Figuring this would be a perfect opportunity to introduce your friends to your lovers, Yuki and Choso were invited over to enjoy the merits of this occasion. What the two partners hadn’t expected was how close you all were — albeit a little too close for their liking. 
You all sat at one big round booth table, Yuki and Choso being separated from you as your friends wanted to have you by them for just the night. Again, it made the two lovers feel uneasy. Even when a girl friend grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers with hers enthusiastically, the blonde can’t fight the twitch of her ruby eyes. The friend goes on to say, “Nah, are you kidding? I think those two are the ones who are lucky to have Y/n! They’re such an angel; anyone would feel like they’ve won a million dollars if they got with someone like them.”
Then, a guy who was visibly buzzed joined the praise fest. “You’re so right! I’d do backflips every day if I scored someone so gracious and sweet as Y/n,” the drunk man brings a hand on your shoulder and nestles his cheek to your shoulder. Choso attempts to keep a neutral expression, but caramel eyes carry a tiny hostile aura. “I’d make sure to love on them every single day, kiss their feet when they walk, wash their hair when they ask—“
“Okay, lover boy,” you stop him before your drunken friend digs his foolish grave even further, and it’s hard to hide your giggles. “I think that’s enough Crowne and tequila for one night.”
You and your friends laugh and continue to strike up a conversation to catch up on material. However, you’re so engrossed in the others’ talk that you can’t sense the tension that’s brewing from the other side where your lovers sit. The two survey the scene with silent eyes, with Choso hitting his leg to stop the bounce of his knee and Yuki tapping her fingernails on the table surface.
All they could do was watch you, their treasured partner, share your attention with those who cherish you. Although, internally, they wanted you all to themselves. Yes, it was selfish; however, you can’t blame your lovers for being a little protective of you. Specifically when it seems your friends don’t appear to respect your boundaries when in their company.
So for that, it’s no surprise they instantly pull you into the bedroom once you three return home. Hungry kisses are exchanged between three pairs of lips, lustful hands stripping you of your clothes and throwing you onto the bed, where they meet in seconds to feast upon you.
“Hahhh, fuck…Hmmm, yeah, lick right there, honey.”
“Mmmm…Mmahh!! Choso, your tongue—Ohh! Feels so good…”
The brunette man is lying down on his back with you straddling above him, his face and mouth buried into our folds, licking around your labia and sucking your essence that seeps out from the pleasurable motions. His hands knead the flesh of your inner thighs as you hum along to the touch. Simultaneously, you use your tongue and mouth to give pleasure to Yuki’s slit, the blonde releasing shaky moans as she rides on Choso’s length with her ass.
The tall woman peers down to watch you orally please her. She strokes your head with a pleasant hand and sends praises. “There you go, cutie,” she bites her lip. “Lick it real good.”
Her commands egg you on to keep going, using the motion of her hips to your advantage to predict how far in you can keep lapping her chasm. Your hands crawl to her waist to massage, using the leverage to keep your lips on her at all times. And to your effort, she is sighing happily at the gratification you give her. It has her rock her hips ever harder, taking in Choso’s long shaft with hunger.
The man below you grunts at the motion, stuffing his face more into your cunt to suck harshly. And you can’t help but jolt, muffled squeals vibrating to Yuki’s core — and she relishes the feeling.
“Look at you, baby,” Choso slowly licks your chasm, sending shivers up to your shoulders. “You’re all wet and ready for us, huh? So good for us,” He kisses your clit and places lazy licks, and you fight to lose your balance.
“Hmmm, yeah, so good for us…Although—mmahh,” Yuki throws her head back at Choso’s dick scraping her insides at the right places. “Can’t say you were good when we were…Hohhh..at the pub.” You bat your eyes towards her in confusion, yet your tongue and lips remain busy. “Letting those people touch you in front of us; what were you thinking?”
You remove your mouth from Yuki to explain, her slick connected to your bottom lip. But before you could utter a word, your body jerked to the sharp instance of pain on your inner thigh. Choso had bit you, licking the place his teeth sank in before throwing in another nibble. You shriek, turning to plead to the man to be easy; however, the woman grabs your head and brings it back to where it’s supposed to be. “Don’t forget about me, sweet pea,” she chuckles at your feverish laps on her wet folds. “Give me my attention…”
She moans to your work, satisfying her with the flick of your tongue on her delicate clit. She rocks her hips even faster, prompting Choso to groan and buck his pelvis to her puckered hole, and his mouth remains glued to your chasm. He then sneaks a finger to toy around your asshole, and a sharp gasp erupts from your figure when he inserts the digit inside. 
“—Khhaaa, oooohmy fuckin’—Gaaahh!” Flicks to your clitoris tag along with the push of his finger inside your ass, playing with the texture by scraping the walls. And when his tongue goes inside your vagina, you clamp onto him with vigor. Fuck, I’m so close…! “Yukiiii, pleaseee, can I cumm?”
“Aww, why should I let you,” her sweet tone distracted you from the sneaking bit of the man’s teeth on your thigh once more. “Do you deserve to cum? After letting other people touch you like you forgot you had your lovers present?” 
“Hahhhnn, I’m sorry; I—shit… didn’t mean to upset you both…Ooof!” Choso switches his finger with his thumb, pushing it to and fro inside your tight entrance. Your eyes screw shut, “Please forgive me, you two are the only ones I love…”
“You swear on that, honey?” A glint shines in her magenta orbs. 
You nod hurriedly before placing kisses on Yuki’s thighs and trailing them back to her vagina, “Yessss, I love you both so much, no one knows how to love me as you do…” Your hips sway involuntarily — not a problem for Choso, who sticks to you no matter what. “Mmmm, only you two know my mind and body, and I wouldn’t want it any other way…”
Blonde brows eyebrows screw together; fuck, you knew what to say to make Yuki fall for you all over again. Her cunt clenching on nothing but the love your words carry. Jesus, you were too much. Without a word, she gently withdraws your body from her body so she can lift her body off of Choso. She then flips you over; now you’re the one lying on your back, with the tall woman stationed behind to snake her hands to your breasts.
Choso’s pigtails have long been drawn down for his hair to fall to his nape, and strands of his walnut-colored hair stick to his forehead. Maneuvering to his knees, he examines your anticipated expression, shaky wails coming out your puffy lips as Yuki places soft kisses on your neck. She also places bites wherever her mouth can reach, her hands busy cupping your mounds, groping the mounds, and tweezing your nipples. With how hard she was sucking your skin, you’re sure there’d be hickeys when you wake up in the morning. The man strokes his dick at the sight before him, inching closer to be between your legs.
“Choso…” The way you said his name made him feel warm; the mark across his nose exuded streaks of his blood that threatened to fall. His ears and shoulders get pinker, and your breath hitches when he slaps the tip onto your saliva-coated slit. 
“Who do you belong to, Y/n?” He says it low to your ear, and you chew on your lip when he licks your lobe. His mouth travels down, leaving harsh sucks on your neck and clavicle along with Yuki. Two mouths on your body have you whimpering like a fool, so sensitive to their touch that you could wither away. “Hmm? Who loves you most, sweetie?” He comes down to your chest that’s occupied by Yuki’s worshipping hands, popping a nipple into his mouth to suck with care.
“Hahhh, you, Choso, my darling…” you sigh into the sense of his mouth licking diligently around your bud. Your face turns in Yuki’s direction, smiling at the golden-haired woman before claiming her lips. “And Yuki, my love…”
The two of you kiss slowly yet maintain the same passion you have for each other, noses brushing against each other and tongues swirling before smacking lips together. The brunette lifts his head from your chest, straightening his posture to insert his cockhead inside your vagina. You mewl into Yuki at the insertion, and it doesn’t stop as the woman slithers a hand to your clit to swipe. You break the kiss in a huff, making the blonde snicker. 
“Mmmph…Jesus Christ,” Choso trembles at the warm snug of your cunt as it accepts his length, pushing in for every inch of him to be swallowed in. When his base meets your southern lips, you hiss at how full you feel from his size. “You know how much we love you, right, baby?”
You nod to him, Yuki placing another hickey-worth kiss on your shoulder. “Your love makes me full, honey…Ohooo…!”
“And don’t forget that…” Choso snaps his hips, drilling his long dick into you and making precise hits to the walls of your chasm. You squeak beneath him, the tip of his cock poking your sweet spots with ease, and you’re gripping the sheets to keep you steady along with Yuki’s hold on you.
The blonde woman flickers her ruby eyes to Choso and beams, “You know you’re hot as hell when you’re all possessive, right?”
“Shut up,” he shushes her with a kiss, humming to her lips that reciprocate his feelings as lovers. The only noise that fills the room is your whines and wails from the hands fondling your body and the shaft plunging so far inside you that you can’t contain the ecstatic screams originating from your inner being. Good God, this felt so fucking good; being wanted and loved by these two is a sensation incomparable to anything. You want to drown in it, be immersed within it, have your senses be robbed of their very being until you fall deep into sleep in their embrace. This feels so worth it, so satisfying…
…Until you look at yourself in the mirror and find so many fucking hickeys all over your body, all the way from your neck to the grave of your thighs. This was not a sight to see after waking up, especially on the morning your friends from last night invited you over for brunch. 
Needless to say, you pulled your lovers aside and gave them an earful. The two nodded to your words, saying “Sorry…” throughout your rant as you tried to find an adequate outfit to conceal their markings, feeling a little bad that they got carried away with you last night.
All is good, in any case. Because now they know that you are theirs both in mind and body.
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requests/thirsts are open hehe~ 🧸
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ☆ header edit done by me + dividers by @/benkeibear.
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deadghosy · 3 months
prompt: after causing chaos in life is paradise, you accidentally clicked the wrong “alt” button.
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Oh wow- listen…I’m in my Albert phase guys…so yeah. ANYWAYSSS-
You just got done making your Roblox video as you wanted to exit out of it. You were going for the alt + 4 button only for the alt to look red and shine into your face. The light blinding your sight made you scream as you opened your eyes to see you are in a new area.
…. “Am I in hell…” you said in a high pitch voice. You panicked out a pitch scream gaining weird looks from the sinners. You still kept your human look but as you screamed, the control panel of admins show up. You stopped screaming immediately with an “oh.” And smiled evily
After wrecking most of the pride ring, you felt tired. Seeing an advertisement on tv about a hotel that redeems sinners, you thought maybe you could do some good here. So you pulled out a keyboard and type to teleport to the said hotel
You can go into the wrath, pride, and gluttony ring. It’s pretty real as you have the wrath to destroy things when pissed off. You’re prideful that you can’t be destroyed, and you have the gluttony to eat. A lot.
I can see you just having a small flamingo demon pet following you around. Literally you would make it bite and stab people. You taught it how to do the billy bounce.
The crew most definitely thought you were schizophrenic because you talk out loud as if you were talking to someone 
“I start stabbing, now that the lights are out?” “Albert/Reader, please no.” Charlie says holding your arms down. The power went out and you were craving blood.
You’re just a little gremlin :D
Imagine how chaotic it was to not fling someone out of the hotel for fun 😭 LMAO A SINNER FLINGING ACROSS THE WHOLE PENTAGRAM.
“I’m taking away their happiness in a good way!” You say smiling as you drag a resident away from Charlie who seems traumatized. You were like an alastor 0.2 but more happy actually.
I can imagine you having the same physique as the og Albert. Literally one minute you look like your animal crossing character, and the next thing they know you are some buff Florida man.
“I’m going to make them regret being born.” You said as you clicked an admin that made your skin black with red eyes. The angels came towards you as your cut their heads off.
The whole cast was in shocked seeing a human like you being so powerful with just a panel no one can touch.
“Being a baby will not prevent me from shooting you.” You said jokingly as this toddler was winning uno. The mother ran away with her child as you screamed out uno.
Angel started to rant about what he does for his job and how he basically seller his soul to this moth porn demon. After he told you things what the demon does to Angel. You snapped.
“BITCH I WILL SHOOT YOU!” Yells reader as they cocked their gun. Basically the whole crew has to hold you back as Valentino is pissing himself.
Vox didn’t even know who you were until Valentino started having nightmares and random shadows in his room. (The shadows were you lol) Vox had to look you up and try to find who tf you were. You were a YouTuber. That all it showed up on his feed as he scoffs.
Husk has no opinion on you. He only knows you as that guy with a flamingo. He would sometimes side eye you while you do crazy shit. But matter of fact you two are chill.
“We have different ways of expressing ourselves..” you say to Angel trying to comfort him. “I like this way, he can’t defend himself. And I like that.” You say shooting down a sinner while in battle. Angel dust just side eyes you as if you were actually crazy.
You’re not allowed to go into turf war with him no more.
Velvette has no legit problems with you. Dead ass you and her might be fashion partners. HAVE YOU SEEN ALBERT’S DRIP ON INSTA?! That MAN IS GOOD!
You have so much wanted posters, even you brag to others at how cool you look while destroying someone’s house. All because you were bored.
Charlie is mostly worried for your mental health while Vaggie just knows that you aren’t really the most mental stable in the group.
“STOP DOING THAT! STOP CRYING! What are you a baby?!” You say while smacking away a whole imp baby that was crying beside you on the merry-go-round
Charlie’s eyes widen at what you did. You were like a man child.
I can headcannon you deadass bombed the Vees tower out of pettiness. It was just funny seeing Vox shocked to his damn boots that his home was now gone.
Lucifer made you a duck flamingo cause of how he was trying to be nice to you. He knew you wasn’t a sinner or an angel of sorts. But you were a human that he never seen before. He probably makes you some damn pancakes if you want them.
Lucifer would probably ask if you have a flamingo demon form because you told the crew that you go by flamingo and Albert. You just stood there confused to what this short man was saying. But you just nodded trying to see if you could actually turn into a flamingo.
Headcannon on you just actually helping around by just replacing and changing furniture. You help Charlie with trust exercises as the resident are just confuse at a human being here.
“WHO needs powers, when you have a gun!” You yell excited pulling out a gun from your admin control. You shot downa sinner who was trying to fight you. Alastor just doesn’t see why how your “guns” are more powerful. They don’t even have angelic metal.
Carmilla carmine had seen how you legit shot an angel down with a simple looking gun. It was insane but amazing. She definitely called you down to her place so she can see what your bullets are made out of.
Imagine how you basically see people’s/sinner’s names as if it was a name tag aka username. You would go around saying their name out loud as they look at you scared and crazy. “Hello Hakka!” “How you know my name?!!!!” 😕
Rosie adores you, you may be man child that’s like a gremlin. But you are so sweet and helping. Alastor made you meet her and honestly, it was a great meet and greet. Honestly 10/10.
Headcannon on you and Niffty both killing bugs together. You use your ban gun as Niffty uses a sewing needle. This sweet girl made you a big crown, you better appreciate it.
Alastor had messed with your food making you pissed off. It was the end of the day and you hadn’t eat anything due to not taking care of yourself much. So your reaction was justified when you see alastor’s grins widening.
“I hope you choke on your next meal.” You say as your voice had suddenly boomed across the hotel. It was like as if your mic boosted it, but you don’t have one.
You and Alastor have like a sibling relationship as you two just want to watch people suffer. Literally it’s funny as hell when it’s that one Xbox meme.😭
“MOM SAYS ITS MY TURN TO CAUSE SUFFERING!” You say trying to get over Alastor’s tall body as he causes chaos in the pentagram city.
Sir Pentious didn’t like you at all. Like he was actually scared at his crazy and psychotic you are at times. But when he saw how calm and laid back you actually were. He actually started to warm up close to you. 
The egg boiz follow you around asking if your pet flamingo could play with them. It was so cute as they play with your pet flamingo.
Cherri absolutely loves you and your destructive behavior. Literally you two are a deadly duo cause you would give her some of your admin powers and take it back.
You once actually set up a limb store, literally you were getting that money✨😈 you had chopped off so much limbs got your deer customers.
I can see you actually taking people’s souls lol. You just take souls for fun and not for contract which leaves some overlords confused and scared of your powers.
Heaven would be scared of you personally. Like you are such a menace, sera sent your ass back to hell. Your human appearance was still the same tho lol.
Adam and you, beef on sight. “Why do you even have that pink bird? What are you, ret@rded?” “No but your mother is.” You said back while flipping him off.
Sera doesn’t like you. Your chaotic energy and your “evil” doing are not prohibited in paradise. She might tell Big G about how a human is in hell in perfect condition.
Emily heard about your presence by sera, she wanted to meet you but then again. You are back in hell. But she hopes to meet you one day.
See, me personally you would rob a bank for fun and then give it to some homeless imps in the wrath ring. It’s just you doing random shit while bored.
I can imagine you turning someone into the hulk. You deadass have so much power that it’s concerning and crazy for the hotel crew and rest of hell. You have alot of powers and you can turn people into some green buff human?!?
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wanderingxiao · 1 year
NSFW, 18+ only Plz~
Summary: a few vendors are at Wangshu Inn hoping to sell their goods. You decide to go down and have a look. Xiao is quietly watching you atop his spot at Wangshu Inn. A foreign feeling comes to his chest seeing another man touch you. What is this feeling?
Pairing: Xiao x Female Reader
Warning: jealous/possessive Xiao, lots of lewd biting, little bit of blood, unprotected sex, and some swearing. (This is like… so much smut w/ fluff)
Word Count: 6K (again, how tf is it so long?!)
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Sharp inhuman ears could hear the sounds of your beautiful and pure laughter from afar. It put the yaksha’s stony heart at ease knowing that you were safe and sound, but it also gripped it like a vice whenever he found out that another man was the cause of your laughter. His perch on Wangshu Inn gave him a perfect view down below, where you were talking to a rather tall man about some of the items he was selling in his booth. Your smile was directed towards him, his hands coming slightly behind your back to urge you to look closer at the items he had to offer. Your smile had only faltered in the slightest, your discomfort clear from your body language. The yaksha did not take too kindly to this gesture. He began to feel a foreign feeling bubble in his chest, it was a feeling he did not appreciate and did not know how to get rid of. He teleported down to the venue area of Wangshu Inn, quickly approaching you and the vendor.
“Hey.” Xiao was quick to approach you and the mysterious man, his yellow slitted eyes glaring harshly at the hand that was on your shoulder. You turned to give a soft smile to Xiao, moving slightly in order to get the man’s hand off you.  “Oh, Xiao! I wasn’t expecting to see you down here, what a pleasant surprise. Please excuse me, sir.” You stepped out of the man’s booth and came beside your lover, your soft hands cupping his cheek to place a gentle kiss on his smooth skin. His cheeks blossomed into a light pink, averting his gaze quickly from you to the plains of Liyue, his expression clearly flustered. “What are you doing down here? I thought you didn’t like human gatherings?” You had caught on quick to his out of character behavior and shot him a slightly worried look. His cheeks only became redder as you stared at him, awaiting an answer. “D-Don’t you humans know it’s rude to stare? I’m fine.”
“If you say so… Oh! Excuse me, sir!” He watched in disappointment as you flagged the man from the booth and resumed your merry conversation with him, now a bit more cautious about his overly friendly behavior. Your smile was absolutely radiant. He thought he would go blind if he continued to look at it, not that he minded be blinded by you anyways. His honey-amber eyes gazed quietly as you picked out some nice-looking fans, the paper folded and creased with expertly ease. The paint flawless. You pulled your wallet pouch out and started counting your mora. “Oh, it’s okay darlin’, just take them. It’s on me.” Xiao didn’t miss the way he slipped that little pet name so casually. Something you usually give between lovers. Or so he had heard. “Oh, are you sure? These fans are beautiful and very well crafted. I want to pay you for your work.” The man shook his head and patted your shoulder, only furthering the adeptus’ protectiveness. “It’s the least I could do for such a kind and beautiful woman.”
“Let’s go.” Xiao demanded, glaring at you as if to tell you he had had enough your social interaction with the vendor. You turned to him holding the two fans you got from the man and then looked around at the other booths. “Oh, you can go back up without me, I was going to go look at some more booths. I promise I’ll call your name if something goes wrong.” His eyes narrowed further towards you, a silent warning telling you that he wasn’t asking you, he was telling you to go with him. You were a bit puzzled by his sudden demanding behavior, but figured something must be wrong, so you bid the man a farewell and thanked him once more before going to Xiao with a soft sigh. “Okay, let’s go.” Without another word, he wrapped a strong arm around your waist, and teleported you both to his room at the inn that he only just started using because of you. Once arrived, you stepped out of his grasp and came in front of him. “Xiao? Is something the matter? You seem a bit off…”
“That guy. He was getting too close.” His answer struck you into silence, pretty much stunning you into place at the sheer realization that Xiao had gotten a bit jealous seeing the guy being so kind to you. You stifled a small giggle in front him, quickly stopping once you saw his serious face. “What is so humorous? Did I say something wrong?” You shook your head and gave him a small smile before running a hand through his hair slightly, making a blush creep up the yaksha’s pale features. Human affection was still so foreign to him, but you made everything feel so natural and easy for him. You certainly were bad for him. He might find himself craving your touch more often than he would like to admit. “No baby, it just sounds like a certain green-eyed monster was whispering things in your ear.”
“Green-eyed monster?” Xiao looked around the room with a confused expression, coming back to land on your gentle features. You could only laugh again. He never did understand the ways of humans very well. You were probably the hardest one of all. “It’s a saying. Basically, you were just jealous.” A look of disgust and utter disbelief washed over his pale face. He should have just left you down there if you were going to insult him! “Jealousy? How absurd for you to think adepti experience such pointless human emotions such as that.” You gave a small roll of your eyes and kissed his cheek. His cheeks darkened once more, embarrassed and annoyed by your affectionate actions. “Well… whatever the reason, you have nothing to worry about. I’m yours Xiao. I see only you.” The adeptus’ eyes shifted from your face to your chest, the gentle rise and fall of your chest making his brows furrow.
“That doesn’t mean people won’t try to sway your judgement or disregard your requests. Ah, wait, that’s… not what I meant…” The almighty adeptus rubbed the back of his neck and averted his gaze away from you, nervous about somehow offending you. Your judgement and love for him was strong, he knew you would never disregard him like that. “Humans can be despicable beings. They are bound to put you in danger.” You gave your lover a smile and moved your shirt to the side a little bit to expose your shoulder. Hearing the sound of clothing moving, he brought his gaze back to you quickly, blushing at the exposure of more of your smooth skin. “If you’re so worried about someone else trying to steal me away, then you can mark me if you’d like. A symbol that I’m taken, and I belong to you.” Xiao’s eyes widened upon your suggestion, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he took a thick gulp. His face had almost turned completely red at this point. Your smooth skin, your carefree smile, the gentle tone on your voice, it was beginning to make him feel all hot and tingly. “I’m yours, Xiao.”
Xiao remained silent; his body completely rigid, nervous to make the next move. His eyelids began to become heavy, only getting heavier as he took a hesitant step towards you. You weren’t scared or nervous in the slightest of him, he was your protector after all. He would always protect you. The pads of his gloved fingers reached out to lightly glide over your exposed flesh, his breathing slowly increasing. His hand came to grasp onto your shoulder lightly, holding your clothing out of the way for his face. You replaced your hands on his back, rubbing up and down his slightly exposed skin to ease his anxiety. A shaky breath fanned over your exposed skin, his mouth getting closer to your skin until his lips lightly pressed a kiss against your shoulder. The adeptus closed his eyes before taking a rather harsh bite into your shoulder, emitting a small wince of pain from your lips.
“X-Xiao.” Your voice called his name so sweetly despite your pain, he thought he was about to lose his mind. His non-occupied hand came behind you and tugged your body towards him, his teeth sinking deeper into your smooth flesh. He could taste the irony flavor of your blood on his tongue. From this alone he knew his mark was satisfactory. His teeth were removed from your shoulder, feathery lips peppering gentle kisses on your new mark. The innocent kisses he intended to give you became laced with need. His lips traveled up your neck, biting down lightly against your pulse point under your jaw before he got to work swirling his tongue over your skin and sucked on that spot. Your hands clung to his back, the warm and comforting feeling of his bare skin stirring a heat inside you. “Xiao… mph, what’re… you doing?”
“I’m sorry… I can’t… control myself.” He bit into your shoulder again, gentler this time, his hands moving from your shoulder and back to grab ahold of your waist, holding you closer to him. You submitted underneath his possessive actions, fingers curling around his dark evergreen locks. Your fingers threaded his hair, slightly calming down his erratically racing heart. A flush of blood rushed through his cheeks, adorning a light pink appearance to coat his skin. He pulled away, only to swoop back in and press his lips against yours. An intoxicating mixture of love, lust, and desire swarmed your mouth, the irony taste of your own blood coming to your taste buds. The adeptus’ hands slid their way up your waist further, his gloved hands gliding smoothly over your breasts. He pulled away briefly, staring intently into your eyes with his glowing amber orbs. “Is… Is it okay to continue?”
“Of course, Xiao.” Your affirmation made his once tense shoulders relax at the acceptance of his actions on your body. You gave him a confident smile and pressed your palm against his cheek lovingly. “You don’t need to ask every time you know? It’s not like we haven’t done this before.” Your lover averted his gaze from you, his hands finding yours before carefully pulling you to sit on the soft cushiony bed. He looked nervous. “I-I’m sorry… all of these… mortal things are still very perplexing and strange.” He watched closely as your head tilted in confusion at his confession. A worried look crossed through your eyes. “Do you dislike kissing me and having sex? If you aren’t comfortable we don’t have to-“
“No! That’s not it!” He gave you a firm glare before his eyes softened and looked down at his lap. His previous actions were unbecoming of a stone cold yaksha. To succumb himself to petty physical human desires such as sex. It bothered him how addicted he was becoming to you, and how vulnerable he had started to become. “I-I don’t dislike it… it’s…I’m weary… of how I let my guard down too much around you. It’s… dangerous.” His amber orbs observed the way your expression turned to one of worry at his words. It was clear that you were hesitant to continue or even touch him for that matter. He gave a conflicted sigh, raising a hand to his face before he gripped his dark evergreen hair. “My karma… your mortal life span, and the dangers I could possibly bring you. I-“
“Xiao.” He was quick to shut his mouth upon your gentle voice calling out his name. His hand lowered, heart rate increasing when you placed your hand in his. Your fingers pulled his chin slowly to make him look at you, a bright and unnerved smile appearing over your shy lips. “I would battle the archons and lose… if it means being with you. Nothing in this cruel world can pull me away from you. Let me shoulder your burden with yo-“ He cut you off with a firm rejection, brows furrowing deeply at the suggestion. You gave him a sympathetic look. “Xiao… I don’t mean to let me solely deal with your duties or take on all your karmic debt… what I mean is, let me be your rock. Let me be the stone in your soul that keeps you sane, that keeps the darkness at bay. And… come home to me and let me hold you and keep you safe from the corruption of nightmares. I love you, Xiao. I want to do this for you… as you always do for me.”
The vigilant yaksha was rendered speechless. Your heartfelt confession and plea to him made a deeper blush bloom over his pale cheeks, and the rapid beating of his heart hammer harder against his ribcage. Your smile was unwavering as you leaned closer to him, initiating that you wished to kiss him. Xiao obliged to your actions, meeting you halfway to press your lips together in a lovingly passionate kiss. He resumed his advances, gloved hands coming to slowly push you down against the bed before maneuvering them down to rest against your breasts. A sigh slipped into his mouth before he swallowed your sweet noises with his tongue. His hands groped your fleshy mounds, kneading them carefully. He broke the kiss to pant against your face, a flustered and loving look in his golden eyes.
“I’m going to continue.” You nodded your head to him, raising your arms to wrap around his neck and pull him in for another kiss. He reciprocated your actions, his body carefully shifting to place himself between your legs. One hand squeezed and groped your breasts while the other trailed down to lay his palm on the underside of your thigh, slowly sliding up until his hand firmly grasped your ass. He relished in the way you gave lustful sighs of bliss into his mouth, encouraging him to do more. Your hands intertwined into his dark evergreen locks, pulling him impossibly closer to attempt to meld together with him. Xiao pushed himself further towards you in response, his groin firmly being pressed against your crotch making him shudder at the friction against his shamefully hard length. “Xiao, I love you.”
“I know.” Your heart swelled at his loving response. He was a man of few words and had difficulties expressing his emotions. His actions reflected every emotion he was thinking. Love with the way he passionately kissed you and held your body. Desire with how his rough hands squeeze your curves so eagerly yet gentle. And lust, displayed by the way his hips rocked back and forth against yours to induce friction on where you both wanted to feel it the most. The grip on your ass tightened briefly, a groan rumbling through his toned chest. He removed his hands only to grab your waist firmly, pulling your hips to grind back against him. You gave him a quiet moan in response while he let out a sigh of bliss and relief. “Can I-… Uh, I’m… going to take your clothes off.”
“Go ahead, silly adeptus.” You jokingly teased at the way his words stammered while he was trying not to repetitively ask you permission but also being more assertive. He gave you a bit of a glare and flicked your forehead lightly before he replaced his hands back on your hips. He looked up at you again, making sure you were okay. You gave him a smile and a nod. Xiao took a short breath before he slid his hands up your shirt, the feeling of his rough gloved hands making you wiggle underneath him. “Xiao… please touch me.” He stopped his movements and looked at you with a straight face. His cheeks were lightly flushed, still embarrassed to be taking more initiative in such a sinful act and intimate act such as this. “I-I am touching you. Do you not like it? Where do you want me to touch you?”
“It feels good, but I want to feel your bare hands on me, please.” Oh, the way you asked so nice and sweet for him to touch you with his heavy hands. He couldn’t help but grant your wish. He removed his hands, a bashful expression across his face as he removed his gloves, showing off the black nails he had underneath with blunt crescent curves that simulated his true form. “I wish you would let me see your true form, Xiao. I bet it’s beautiful, just like you.” You swear you’ve never seen Xiao’s face a deeper shade of red than it was right now. His face was practically as red as a chili pepper. “D-Do you mortals ever know when to keep your mouth shut!” He averted his eyes quickly before he roughly pulled your shirt off out of embarrassment. You could only give a small giggle and look up at him with a gentle smile. “Then… make me shut up, Xiao.”
Xiao flinched at your words, shameful in the way your suggestive words made his cock jump with excitement. His golden eyes lowered to gaze at your chest covered by a curvy laced bra. The swells of your fleshy mounds had his mouth practically watering at the sight. He yearned to feel the softness of them in his sinful hands. You caught his staring and slyly started to pull the straps down, making him audibly swallow the saliva beginning to pool in his mouth. “I need you, Xiao.” He loved when you called out his name like that. He leaned down and reached behind your back, patiently and easily unclipping your bra to slide it off your shoulders. The cool air erected your sensitive buds, much to his pleasure. “So gorgeous…”
A small smile with a tint of pink washed over your own face as you reached out for his strong hands, placing one firmly against your breast. He squeezed his fingers and sighed in bliss, eyelids fluttering slightly as he struggled to keep himself composed while touching you so sinfully as he’d done before. The calloused fingertips of his rough hands glided along your skin before his fingers came to grasp around one of your nipples, his hungry eyes flickering up to watch your expression twist. He relished in the way you bit your lip when he gave it a gentle pinch. Your legs attempted to squeeze together, eyelids becoming heavier while you looked down at him touching you so nicely. “Mmm, Xiao…” He continued his actions swiftly, rolling the hardened bud between his index and thumb before he lowered to your unoccupied breast, hot breath fanning over your skin. You had to look away due to the intense eye contact he insisted on making while his tongue swirled lewdly over the hardened bud. “Look at me, (Y/N).”
“Hah, mmmm, e-embarrassing… Xiao.” You looked back down to him, his eyes staring intently into yours. You could clearly see the way his tongue flicked back and forth against your nipple, all while maintaining his lewd eye contact with you. Archons, having you watch him pleasure you was such a turn on for him. The free hand he had he pressed against your clothed core. The redness of his cheeks on increased when your back arched against him, your eyes fluttering closed to moan for him. “Moan my name more, please.” The Adeptus wrapped his lips around your nipple, sucking lightly on the sensitive bud before he became rougher in his movements. The hand against your pussy was now tugging harshly on your clothing, desperately trying to get it off without taking his attention off your chest. His hips bucked lightly against yours, larger for some kind of friction. “Xiao, baby, take it off, please.”
The adeptus released an excited groan, grabbing the hem of your pants and pulling down both your bottoms completely. You were now left completely bare in front of him. Exposed for his eyes only. It must have been some blessing from Rex Lapis himself for him to gift Xiao with someone as understanding, patient, loving, and beautiful as you. Every scarred imperfection, curve or stretch mark, blemish, or freckle. Every part of you was perfect to him. Your eyes gazed at him longingly and he almost couldn’t control the way his hands grasp at your thighs, pulling them closer towards his thin frame. His mouth popped off your erected bud, his hands now leaving your chest completely to replace lower and focus on an a more sensitive area.
“Hah… I can smell how aroused you are.” The light pants that left his mouth met your skin in a breath of sinful heat. His eyes lowered to carefully watch as his fingers slid past the curls of hair outlining your nether regions to slide his digits along your slick folds. Your back arched into the adeptus’ still somewhat inexperienced touch, breathing a sigh of pure bliss at the feather light touch he gave. “It’s warm and wet… do you want my fingers?” His question made your head spin with desire, your lip catching between your teeth before you gave him a small nod. His other hand came to cup your cheek, pulling you forward to kiss him while slowly sliding his index finger inside. A whiny moan was swallowed by the adeptus, his slender digits engulfed by the searing heat of your gummy and smooth walls. “I-Is it okay for you, (Y/N)? It doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“N-No, Xiao… it feels good… you can do more.”  Your lips vibrated against his own as you voiced your need for him to continue. His golden irises shimmered in the lowly sunlit room, his eyelids heavy and droopy over the hungry gaze he laid into you. A flutter of his lashes and his lips were on yours again, warm palms sliding to run in your hair. His middle finger glided easily into your slippery core, your slickened arousal making his job much easier. His fingers curled upwards, massaging your walls while he pumped his fingers back and forth at a slow pace. A blissful arch graced your back once more as you breathed out a shaky moan. The feeling of his knuckles bumping against your core could only stimulate you more. “Xiao, hah, Xiao please, hmm…”
Not a word was released from the smooth plumpness of the adeptus’ lips. His mouth lowered to your cheek, peppering kisses along your cheek, and cascading down your jaw. The rhythm of his fingers increased; the arousal trapped within his pants pressing painfully against the breathy fabric oh his pants. His tongue came to glide along the delicate skin of your pulse point beneath your mandible, sharpened canines hungry for a taste of you again. Indulging in his selfish desires of claiming you as his own, his teeth sunk into your neck lucidly, the pace of his fingers becoming harsher and quicker. Sloppy wet sounds gushed from your nether regions and fell upon your flushed ears. Uncontrollable moans falling from your throat to grace his inhuman ears.
“Ahh! Xiao!” The tips of his slender fingers jutted against your sweet spot, curling so deliciously to the point your knees began to shake. His thumb came to search messily for your excited bundle of nerves, easily finding your stimulated clit in mere seconds. His teeth sunk deeper, tongue lewdly flicking over your skin and lapping any traces of blood that threaten to bead up on your lovely skin. Any pain or discomfort from his teeth was swallowed by the sheer overstimulated pleasure you were receiving from him. “It’s too much! It’s too much!” Your body jerked against him, legs flailing beside his hips while he struggled to maintain his claim on your neck. He finally released your neck and removed his fingers out of your aching insides. “Hah… I… want to… do it right now.”
“Xiao please… hah, claim me.” Your warm nimble fingers reached down, running your palm along the tent in his pants before forcing your hand up his tight white shirt. The feeling of his toned abdomen made your lip catch between your teeth, relishing in the sculpted tone your lover held. As impatience settled deeper into Xiao’s bones, he hurriedly removed his shirt and religious items he wore to fend off evil that dared to sink its claws deeper into him. The clambering of his dark violet boots accented in glamorous jade echoed the room as they fell to the floor. The baggy pants that normally adorned his waist now scrunched slightly below his hips. He never liked to fully undress, wanting to be prepared for any emergency that may happen during intercourse. “I’m… going to claim you and make you mine, permanently. Is… that something that you intend to take responsibility for?”
You were confused by his question but looking at the anxious gaze in his eyes you had an idea of what he meant. The pads of your fingers lifted to graze his shoulder lightly, running your fingers along the jaded markings of his illuminated beast tattoo. “Yes.” Your tone held no waver in the slightest. The plague of anxiety or uncertainty was absent, making Xiao’s heart race with anticipation of sheer admiration for you. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he took a thick gulp, leaning his face down towards yours. “Okay, I’ll try… to be gentle with you.” One of his arms came to rest beside your head to hold himself up while the other reached down to push his underwear down. The piercing gaze of his golden sunlit eyes never faltered from yours, the shaky breathing of his lungs fanning over your face once he freed his hardened length. “I’ll do it now. Is it okay to continue?”
“I told you, Xiao…” Your hands moved to hold his smooth and warm cheeks, your fingers lightly tucking some of his dark evergreen locks behind his ear. With a smile and a peck on the lips, you reassured him of your resolve once more. “You don’t have to ask if I’ll be yours… I already am, and I always will be.” The adeptus’ face twisted into an expression you’d never seen before. An expression of pure love and happiness. The smile that graced his typical frowning lips warmed your heart and caused butterflies to spread throughout your stomach. He pressed his forehead against yours, piercing eyes staring intently into yours. The nudge of his sticky cock head bumped against your folds, giving you a silent warning before he penetrated your eager insides. “Keep your eyes on me… and don’t look away.”
“Y-Yes, Xiao…” That was easier said than done. Just at the sheer touch of Xiao’s sinful heat pressed against your inviting cunt was more than enough to have your eyes rolling back in anticipation. Your breath mixed with your lovers, tingles of desire buzzing around your mind as you felt a pressure applying to your entrance. Xiao’s gaze was unwavering and lovingly intense, almost as if he was trying to practically see through you. With the last bit of pressure, he had slowly pushed the head of his cock inside. A moan slipped past your lips, eyelids drooping slightly at the blissful stretch that surrounded your nether regions. Xiao only sighed out sexily, pushing further to let his sinful length be engulfed by your gooey heat. “Xiao, hmm, I love you.”
His only response was to grab your face and smash his lips against yours in a messy kiss, his tongue invading your mouth dominantly while his pelvis pressed against yours in an eager attempt to get as deep as he could. A low groan caught in his throat, hips lolling back only to come and meet yours once again to connect your drooling sexes. Your hands came to his back, clinging to the rippled muscles on his back. The nails of your delicate fingers pierced his pale skin, forcing a painful yet satisfied grunt out of the adeptus while he continued to melt your tongue with his own. His hips rolled into yours slowly, the low and wet sounds of your sexes colliding was quiet, accompanied by the occasional creek of the mattress in his small inn room.
“Faster, please Xiao…” You parted the kiss, pleading softly to speed up the sinful rhythm of his lust. Xiao obliged by your naughty wishes; his face so close to yours while the speed of his vivid thrusts has your mind in a haze. Your back arched, nails digging deeper into his back at the new pace he chose. He could feel your hot moans against his ear, his own face heating up as he could only feel his cock get harder and twitch slightly at the feeling and sound of your pleasure filled noises. “Ngh, I-I feel good… hah, do you feel good too?” You couldn’t form a complete sentence, submitting completely under his overpowering thrusts. Xiao’s hands removed from your face, propping himself up on the bed before he scoots his knees forward. His thighs pressed against yours, pushing your legs more in the air while he practically straddled you. His hands found your waist, holding firmly before he started to thrust harder, moaning out your name. “F-Fuck, (Y/N)… I can’t… control myself, hah.”
Xiao looked absolutely breath-taking like this. His evergreen bangs were hanging loosely from the slender frame of his face. A rosy blush coated his smooth skin, the plush softness of his lips swollen from his hunger to mark up every bit of your body with him and him only. The small bit of blood smeared over his lips was almost unnoticeable. Through his heavy and sexy pants of uncontrollable bliss you could clearly see the shimmer of his white fangs, sharp and forever wanting to be embedded into your flesh. The possessive look in the adeptus’ eyes only grew heavier once he realized how intently you were starting to stare at him. Your eyes gazing up at him with lust and utter adoration making his stomach twist while his heart hammered against the strong bones of his ribcage.
Your appreciation for Xiao’s beauty was interrupted at a sudden harsh thrust into your core, hitting that heavenly spot inside that made stars appear in your vision. “Ahh! Xiao! R-Right there, it’s—oh my god, Xiao!” Xiao groaned in response to your pleas to keep hitting that generously pleasurable spot inside, his rough hands pulling your mortal body back against him as he thrust his length as deep as he could. His golden eyes narrowed gazing at your marked up skin under his teeth. Would now be a good time? No, not yet he wanted you to cum when he permanently engraved his teeth into you to place a possessive mark on your body. A low and husky growl erupted from his chest, his muscles rippling under intense emotions feeling you tighten around him. “Sh-Shit I can’t… hah, can’t hold it anymore…”
“Xiao, Xiao, I’m cumming… I’m- hmm! I’m cumming!” The harsh rhythm of his hips crescendoed into loud and lewd slaps of skin, more grotesquely wet noises coming from your sexes colliding repeatedly. The bed started to whine underneath the intense shifting of weight, the headboard smashing against the wall underneath Xiao’s erratic thrusts. The stench of sex filled the adeptus’ sharp nose, his eyes rolling back at the way you tightened around him so blissfully. Your head threw back into the sheets with a loud moan as a hot wave of bliss washed over your body. The uncomfortable knot in your abdomen snapping to release your essence all over Xiao’s cock. A gooey white ring circled Xiao’s length, your release pushing him over the edge. He lunged forward, biting the space between your neck and shoulder harshly when he came. A dark aura surrounded him, his teeth sinking deeper and deeper the more he felt his cum pump inside your warm welcoming insides. “XIAO!”
He hated the painful way you called out his name when he was marking you. He knew it hurt you, but he promised this would be the only time he would ever hurt you. The irony metallic taste of your blood touched his tongue, savoring the sweet way it tasted against his inhuman tongue. A soft cry passed your lips, whimpering in pain and pleasure. The way his tip twitched with his release made your legs start to shake, generously overstimulated by his cum filling your now sloppy insides. Finally, his cock became soft, sharp fangs removing from your neck to show the dark evergreen mist flowing around your new mark. Xiao was shamelessly pleased with his mark on you, the wound scarring almost immediately to show that you belonged to him. He was painfully selfish when it came to you. You were his happiness, and he’d be damned if anyone were to try to take you away from him.
“Xiao… T-That… really hurt.” Reality of the current situation came back to him, red blossoming over his pale cheeks immediately as he realized he had only been thinking of himself in that moment. He pulled out slowly and rose one of his rough hands to gently stroke your cheek. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. But you agreed to be mine so… I-I gave you a mark. Mortals, gods, and other adepti can… c-can tell you’re mine through this.” His voice was calm and soothing, yet also sorrow-filled at the reminder of having to inflict this pain on you. To his surprise, you only gave him an understanding smile in return, leaning up weakly to peck his lips tiredly. “I see… thank you, Xiao. I love you.”
“I… I-“ You could tell he was struggling with expressing his affections through words. Xiao was an individual who showed his affection and trust by letting you near him. His tendencies to avoid mortal or heavenly contact was obvious. He secluded himself to focus on his duties and not burden others by his presence alone. Your eyes focused on his rosy cheeks, red in embarrassment, golden irises shifting from different spots on the bed in discomfort. He wanted to say it. He wanted to say those three words that he knew you wanted to hear. To confirm to you that he did in fact have a heart and it was absolutely overflowing with love, all for you. With a thick gulp of the saliva gathering in his mouth, he opened his mouth only to be stopped by your finger against his lips. “Shh, you don’t have to force yourself to say it, Xiao. I know you love me. Just being with me is enough to show that.”
Xiao was silent for a moment, nervous eyes finally coming to meet yours. He searched your gaze for any signs of distrust, any sign that you were lying just for his sake. No traces of a lie lingered anywhere in the loving gaze you set upon him. You truly meant every word you said. A soft sigh left his swollen lips, his body shifting to come and lay his head against the soft swell of your breasts. His arms circled your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him. You smiled and began to run your fingers through his dark evergreen hair, soothing him into a relaxing state of domestic bliss. The sound of your heartbeat calmed him, and he could feel any burdens of his karmic debt vanishing from his veins in your comfort. Maybe he can start relying on you more when his burdens pile too high. He was still learning how to be better for you and give you everything you deserve. As the sunset on another day drawing to a close, the adeptus whispered to you, oh so quietly, his overwhelming feelings for you that he would one day hope to be brave enough to say aloud.
“…I love you too…”
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“I’m far from human. I can’t make much of human emotions.”
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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PAIRING > park sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis > being the amazing friend you were, you had helped your friend who desperately did not want to go on the blind date so you went as her. however, you were dumbfounded to find out that the CEO was your friend’s blind date! hopefully, he doesn’t recognise you.
GENRE > ceo au, staff!reader, fake dating au, girlboss reader because that’s how kim hari was in business proposal😌 hot CEO sunghoon (ahah but you must be asking why not secretary when there is a sunghoon in business proposal that was hot and kinky😏 well idk)
FEATURING > K from &team, yujin and wonyoung from ive, danielle from newjeans, harvey from XG and romin from e'last. of course the enhypen members too and if on occasions I may add new idols into the smau ^_^
SCHEDULE > updated whenever I can…
TAGLIST > series has officially ended. thank you for joining this whole ride🫶🏻
START: 20 October 2022 | END: 12 February 2023
NOTE: 4th SMAU WOOOO. well technically there is only ‘jam out’ here…EHEM I’ll just exit🚪I know I’ve written in my original that the reader will be sunghoon’s secretary but I ultimately decided to stick to how the original ‘business proposal’ went. BUT I may make you the secretary maybe later on in the episodes😉 oh and I aged up everyone except jungwon and ni-ki bc I like the aspect of them being sunghoon’s bodyguards even though they are high schoolers😀
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profile: CEO and his minions | cosmetic whores😛
prologue: the contrasts of friend groups
one: love hurts [written]
two: no head, no possay
three: damn😨
four: they are just friends
– placing this bc the previous read more messed up –
six: he just self inserted
seven: makeover montage😍😍
nine: who tf is harvard and one letter hyung?
ten: dave and juan🥺 [written + pictures]
eleven: tell us what you know old man👹
twelve: I wanna kick some shins😍😍
thirteen: curby
fourteen: snorting my sorrows away
fifteen: elavatoe
sixteen: plot hole once again
seventeen: sunoo finds out! [written]
eighteen: alpha female raptor
nineteen: FOR FREE???
twenty: grippers and snatchers
twenty-one: ZAYUM DADDAË
twenty-two: velociraptor speaks
twenty-three: happy birthday, here is a gift❤️
twenty-four: meeting the grandmother😵‍💫 [written]
twenty-five: the english to australian translator
twenty-six: love you too hyung🥰
twenty-seven: they’re dating…again
twenty-eight: hentai tentacles
twenty-nine: happy anniversary? [written]
thirty: she’s a fraud
thirty-one: let’s drink the night away!
thirty-two: christian minecraft server era
thirty-three: jay hyung male wife era
thirty-four: YOU KNEW HE KNEW??
thirty-five: SOUND THE ALARM
thirty-six: they flirting
thirty-seven: 3 step guide [written]
thirty-eight: the censored pic
thirty-nine: we good time👍🏻
fourty: kiss me [written]
fourty-one: post-kiss feelings??
fourty-two: paper work. what else?
fourty-three: failed secret dating
fourty-four: b-b-but :(
fourty-five: she’s a fighter [written]
fourty-six: how about…naur
fourty-seven: NO BUTS🧌 JUST GO
fourty-eight: that’s a pervert!
fourty-nine: the devil’s cha cha cha💃🏻🕺🏻
fifty: r.i.p that pus- [written]
special episodes!
baby name website
the many FaceTime sessions
youngmi and her little sibling
ask business proposal casts
author asks | business proposal cast
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nightfalltales · 2 months
allow me to distract you
parings: ceo!nanami kento x employee!gn reader
cw: SMUT - size kink + foreplay + fingering + oral sex (giving) + office sex +  rough sex + lots of praise; mentions of yelling (bullying) + satosugu are boyfriends your honor; dom!nanami + sub!gn reader; explicit
summary: some fucker believes that he can yell at you and geto just because you unintentionally bumped into him. luckily, your boyfriend, nanami, comes by to save the both of you. nanami will then show you how much that scumbag’s remarks will not mean anything to you in his dimly lit office. 
word count: 3.7k+
author’s note: i was talking to my pookie wookie & she mentioned if i ever wrote nanami so i dedicate this post to her !! i love nanami sm why tf haven’t i wrote about him yet. also this happened to me irl expect i defended myself and turns out he was drunk but thank god, i made it home safe with my friend (please be careful when going out in public)
smut below (18+) !! MINORS DON’T INTERACT !!
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it was a long day at work in the office, but you’re so glad the day has come to an end. everyone in the office is packing up and getting ready to head out for the weekend where they can relax. despite everything, you were actually happy though since you promised your loving boyfriend that you both will have a dinner date after work. 
everyone knows that you're dating the ceo of the office, but then again, people have lives and should respect one other's privacy. given the fact that many perceive him as a frightening guy, he nonetheless treats you with the same kindness and fairness that he shows to his staff. however, when you're alone, he treats you like royalty, taking care of your household duties when you're exhausted and supporting you with the work despite your insistence that you do everything solo. as long as you give him your heart and love to him, that’s all he wants. 
“ready to leave, y/n?” a voice asked behind you. it was geto, your friend. 
“yeah.” you nod your head. “i need a break. you?”
geto chuckles. “wish i could say the same.”
“how come?” 
“gojo and i promised each other a date and his idea of a date is to go to a bar..”
you chuckled. “i’m guessing your boyfriend needs to ‘unwind’, huh?”
geto playfully rolls his eyes. “you could say that..”
you both then headed to the hallway where geto would drop you off at nanami’s office so that you could go on the promised date with him. you and geto had been talking about how your days had gone and him complaining about how clingy his lover gets when he's drunk. 
however, you were carrying such a heavy bag that you were blind to the fact that it had unintentionally bumped into a man who was passing by.
you quickly realized and turned your head to the man. “i’m so sorry about that, sir.” 
“tch, you should be sorry!” the man spat at you. 
you and geto halted as the man turned his attention to you. he doesn’t look like he works here. 
“you think you can just bump into me and get away with it?”
“i apologize, sir, i didn’t mea-”
“god, just shut the hell up! i bet you bumped into me on purpose, huh?”
geto intervened right away. “sir, they just didn’t see you. they have no intention o-”
the man laughed. “oh so now they have a lousy bodyguard to protect them, i see how it is.”
you didn’t know how to act. you didn’t mean to bump into him on purpose. all you want to do is grab hold of yourself and bolt with geto to get out of this situation. and geez, what’s up with this guy making a big deal?
“listen, they bumped into me so that they could humiliate me? well i’m not having it! they’re just a waste of space, wanting to humiliate anyone and everyone.” the man continued as he pointed his finger at you. “you should be humiliated instead! you’re embarrassing to even be working here. you don’t belong here with that stickin’ fucking attitude! if i were your boss, i would fire you and get you banned from even stepping foot into this establishment!” 
you could feel tears pouring up to your eyes. you didn't mean to bump into him so that he could yell at you for being so ashamed in this place. geto notices and makes an effort to soothe the irate man, but it doesn't appear to be working as he keeps babbling about how embarrassing you are. god, you've had a long day and, particularly now, you really need a break. 
“is everything all right here?” a deep soothing voice came from behind you. you turn to see your beloved boyfriend, nanami. you wanted to sprint up to him and let it all out in his arms.
nanami glanced at the man who’s still babbling about you after noticing your tears. the man quickly noticed nanami. 
“HEY! you the boss?” he questioned. 
nanami kept his cool despite seeing you in tears. he knew the man made you upset because of his loud tone. “yes, sir. is something wrong?” 
“oh finally! fire this brat here!” he pointed at you. “they bumped into me on purpose and they shouldn’t work here. matter of fact, they shouldn’t even belong here! also while you’re at it, fire this good-for-nothing’s terrible bodyguard here!” 
you were unable to contain it at that point. you turn your head toward the wall as you weep, making an effort staying quiet. geto clenched his fist and jaw but kept his cool. he turned to you and comforted you by giving you a gentle shoulder rub. 
nanami saw and he wanted to wipe away your tears with his hands. he wanted to wipe them all. you shouldn’t shed tears over a loser who made offense at you accidentally bumping into him. he reached your face in an attempt to console you, but you covered it with your hands. he feels bad seeing you in this state. 
in his head, he wants to hurt the man who’s mistreating his employees like this, especially you. no one should treat you like this, no one should treat other human beings like garbage. it was unacceptable. 
geto swiftly explained to him what had happened. nanami became even more enraged at the idea of that man yelling at his employees, especially you, just because you accidentally bumped into him. nanami nodded at geto and then approached the man. the man took a step back, dwarfed by nanami’s intense gaze. 
“i see you’ve made a big deal out of an inadvertent bump with one of my employees.” nanami’s gaze penetrated through the man’s eyes.
“h-huh?” the man stammered, being afraid of nanami’s glare. “b-but they did it on purpo-”
“on purpose or not, you have no right to yell at my employees like that.” nanami cut him off. 
you’re done wiping your tears on your sleeves as nanami continues on, and you turn to look at the man and notice that his face is getting white. serves him right. and as you were aware, nanami is usually displeased or even furious when he interrupts someone. 
abruptly, a few well-suited security officers approached behind nanami.
“you want him away, boss?” one of them asked. you notice geto putting his phone away— guess he was the one contacting the security as he comforted you. 
nanami gestured with a nod and a finger at the man. “before you’re escorted out of my building, apologize to my employees.” 
“but-” the man remarked before backing up more as nanami got closer to him. 
“now.” nanami’s tone grew stern and demanding. “don’t squander their time and mine.” 
the man immediately fell to his knees in front of you and geto after being shaken to his very core. “i-i apologize for making a big deal out of you bumping into me! please forgive me!”
he looks so pathetic. geto gave a “tch,” but forgave him and you exhaled deeply. 
“you’re forgiven.” you folded your arms.
later, the security dragged him away as he appeared ashamed to be lectured by the company's ceo. that’s right. it’s him who ought to feel ashamed for creating such a fuss, not you.
but the grief from his comments remains. you're not sure why. perhaps those remarks still affect you since you had a difficult day. or perhaps.. he was right—you felt ashamed to work here. maybe even an embarrassment.
“suguru.” nanami turns his head at both you and geto. you both straighten yourself. 
“yes, sir?” geto asked. 
“you should head home, you deserve a break after what happened.” 
“i will. thank you, sir.” geto nods. he then patted you on the shoulder before turning to leave so both you and nanami have more privacy. nanami then glances down at you and you jump a little, his gaze can still make you feel uneasy.
you try to apologize in order to break the ice. “i’m so sorry, sir.. i didn’t mean-”
“do you think we can continue this conversation in my office?” he asked. you notice his attention shifting to the right and when you looked, some people were staring at you and nanami. crap, they must’ve seen what happened. 
you nod as both you and nanami walk down through the hallway to reach the elevator and to his office. once you both reached there, he contacted his personal assistant, ijichi, to cancel the remaining meetings for the day since he had personal matters to deal with, which is you. it was peaceful and quiet when you two entered; a dimly lit office radiates comfort. he placed his phone on his desk, helped you in setting your bag down next to it, and urged you to have a seat so you could tell your side of the story.
he listened. he’s always listening to you. he hears your sobs, how you apologize to the man and how that man didn’t take shit from your apologies. 
while you were explaining, nanami's jaw and hand tensed, something you missed to notice. how dare he yell at you and call you names just because you bumped into him? he considers those idiots to be garbage. he noticed your tears when you were explaining. were you genuinely convinced that his words were accurate?
"y/n, i'm so sorry you have to put up with that bastard." nanami sighed, wishing the man would suffer more consequences. 
“thank you for saving both geto and me..” you exhaled as you finished providing your side of the story. “and i’m sorry that i bumped into that man.”
nanami went silent for a few seconds but continued on. 
“y/n, people make common mistakes, especially bumping into someone. yes, you bumped into him by accident and you apologize, but that man made a big deal out of it. he shouldn’t yell at you and geto like that just because of that situation.”
you look up at him. “really?”
“it’s not your fault, y/n.” he nods. “please.. don’t blame yourself for it.” 
he’s right. it’s not your fault. but.. why do the man's words still haunt you? 
“you’re embarrassing to even be working here. you don’t belong here with that stickin’ fucking attitude!”
nanami is aware of your inability to go past the man's remarks. then a thought flashed into his mind. if you choose not to heed his consoling remarks, you will nonetheless be able to hear him through his words and, more importantly, by his deeds. he rose from his chair and approached you. you arched an eyebrow and gazed at him, puzzled, until all of a sudden you felt like you were being lifted off the chair and onto his desk. he moved closer to you, kicking the chair out of the way and putting his entire frame between your legs.
you swallowed without understanding what he was doing, but you could feel him kissing you, feeling his lips meeting yours, his hands reaching up to the back of your neck to intensify the kiss, the way he rubs against you swiftly and feels beneath your pants. 
“y/n..” he groans, breaking the kiss. “if you still feel guilty, allow me.. to distract you.”
“distract..?” you asked, panting heavily from the kiss. 
“yes.. will you let me touch you further?” you could feel his bulge and his firm grip intensifying, his hands now roaming your waist. 
he asks. he always asks. your comfort should come first when it comes to having sex. you nod and ask, “is your office soundproof?” 
nanami reached for the button on his desk to lock his office door. “now it should be.” 
you felt him carefully taking off each of your clothes as you drew him in closer for a kiss. he loves to savor the moment. knowing that his love is genuine, you whimpered as soon as you felt his warm touch against your skin. he gently grabbed your wrists as you attempted to take off his clothes by holding onto the blazer and pulling it out of him.
"let me do it.” he murmured, his voice growing raspier.
you moaned as he released his hold on your wrists and buried a kiss on your lower jaw. 
“don't worry about me, y/n. i’ll be concentrating on you. you don’t need to do anything right now."
with one arm, you heard him unbuckle his belt to remove his pants, and you felt him remove your top with the other, leaving you bare. nanami then catches both of your wrists, swiftly removes his silk tie from his shirt to bind them, and lowers you on his desk as you bury yourself in embarrassment, feeling your body and cheeks burn in the dark. feeling the cold glass against your skin makes you gasp, yet nanami's warm body from above soothes you. 
then, panting fervently, nanami removed his blazer and quickly unbuttoned his shirt while maintaining eye contact with you. you moaned as he took off his boxers and displayed his massive cock with loads of precum, leaving you to wonder how long he had been waiting. you looked away, preparing yourself for him, but as you felt his cock grind against you, he lowered himself to you and grabbed your chin to face him.
"nanami.." you whimpered, wanting him to fuck you already. 
“are you ready, y/n?” he asked.
you couldn’t wait anymore. you press up against him, hearing his seductive groan escape his throat.  
“yes, please..” you begged.
you thought he’s gonna take you here, but not yet. he had to get you prepared– prepared for the pleasure, prepared for him in particular. he will undoubtedly distract your mind from that man's insulting words.
he stood up and moved to kiss your thighs from below. you writhed as his wet, warm lips traveled up your thigh and onto that sensitive area of you– sensing his lips on yours. 
then without a blink, nanami then began to lick you, probing you with his tongue. you clasped your hands on your mouth to silence yourself.
the moment nanami starts to lick and suck you more quickly, your whole body trembles. his groans vibrate against you as his nose rubs against your sensitive areas. as if he were a starving guy, he’s essentially feasting on you. his name practically cried out of your muffled mouth. no matter how much you try to stop him, he will not stop until you are ready for him. it makes no difference how tightly you close your thighs. it's almost as if your legs are made of jelly from the overwhelming stimulation. 
you felt your stomach getting tighter and tighter, your body getting hotter and hotter beneath your muffled mouth, until at last you lost it. as you came, his mouth and chin were coated with your own juices. your chest heaves uncontrollably from the overstimulation as he laps at you eagerly, wanting a taste of your cum.
you can see he isn't quite content as your face flushes when you catch a glimpse of him. there's still hunger in his eyes. he is committed to capturing your attention—and yours alone.  
“i’m not done yet.” he panted in a low, grating voice.
and you're eventually here, biting your lip to contain your moans as you feel the intensity of nanami's thrusts inside you. and it appears you forgot his office is soundproof. nanami leans down to give you a kiss while your arousal is still in his lips.
"don't hide." nanami groans, feeling your warm walls squeezing him.
your voice is what nanami loves to hear the most when he makes love to you. as you felt him becoming larger, he lowered himself to gently suck your neck, your voice turning him on more and more.
"you're making me feel this way," he moans, breathing more heavily. 
“w-wha..?” you asked, feeling his warm breath on your neck. 
"allowing me to be the way i am around you. how much you turned me on, you know that?"
you squirmed, gripping his shoulders more as you became more vocal as you felt him stroking and pounding you. 
“that’s it, y/n.. let it all out. let me hear you.”
you held onto him more tightly, unable to contain yourself any longer. nanami smirked as you screamed his name and he continued to mark your chest.
"look at how fucking gorgeous you are, y/n.” nanami spoke to you in such a way that you swear you felt like you were in heaven. with your thoughts numbed, all you could do was utter his name endlessly. 
“fuck.. i never regret having you here at my building.”
 you gazed at him genuinely as his words awakened you. did he really mean that?
"nanami." you whimpered, unsure if you should embrace him or cry in his arms right now. "am i always embarrassing you at least?" you added, wanting to hear more from him.
nanami left another mark on your neck by nipping you fiercely and giving you a hard thrust inside of you. you cried out as you felt his cock almost sinking more and deeper into you.
“never y/n, no, you never make me feel embarrassed." you drew him in closer, kissing him as a thank you.
you love him because he never tells you lies—his words are always accurate—you love him because he lets you be who you are around him, and you love that he says he never regrets meeting you and that you have never made him feel embarrassed. you could feel your eyes welling up with tears. not out of pain, but comfort. nanami gave you a kiss on your tears and grinned, the kind of smile he saves for no one else—not for his friends or acquaintances—but for you right now.  
his words quickly cause you to forget what the man said. you come to the conclusion that his remarks no longer pain you and that he's just a stranger you'll never see again. nanami’s prediction that he was going to distract your thoughts came true. 
“i love you, nanami!” you blurted out as you felt your high intensifying and his words sinking in. “i love you! i love you..!”
nanami chuckles with his hoarse voice. “i love you too, y/n. never forget that.”
nanami’s thrusts and strokes became rougher as your high approached, as you clawed his back to hold on to him. guess he’s getting close too.
“fuck y/n..” he moaned. “are you close?”
“y-yes!” you moaned. “i’m close! i’m close!” 
“then go ahead and cum, y/n. i got you.”
as you descended from your high, you cried out his name while cumming onto nanami’s fingers and feeling all of his warm cum inside of you. nanami groans loudly and moans your name as he came inside you, feeling your walls tighten around him and your cum finally coating his fingers and cock. you both panted as you sank onto his desk, and you whined a little as he slowly withdrew.   
when you noticed him sucking your cum from his fingertips, your flush got even hotter. he chuckled softly as he realized. he bent down once more to plant a kiss on you, allowing you to taste yourself once again. 
gazing into one other's eyes, you both release the hold on each other. 
“you think we can still go to our promised date?” you asked.
“are you asking me after our wonderful moment?” he grinned.
“y-yeah, just asking..” 
after giving it some thought, nanami asked, "is it possible for our scheduled date to double? i want to see how geto is handling his well being in light of what transpired. if you would still like to go to our primary promised date, that is acceptable.”
you gave a hurried nod. “actually i wanna see how he’s holding up too.” 
since you were having difficulty feeling your legs, nanami assisted you in putting on your clothes, and you made an effort to assist him as well. once you're both dressed, you give geto a call to check if he's still in the bar. it was fortunate for you both that geto was still there, enjoying food with gojo and shoko. shoko was also present in the bar, where she rapidly became a third wheel for the two of them.
nanami draped your bag over his broad shoulders and carried you bridal style. you two had no trouble leaving the building because, fortunately, nobody else was present. after that, nanami contacted his driver to arrange for him to grab you both and take you to the bar where gojo, geto, and shoko were hanging out. nanami assisted you in fixing your messed-up self during that period as the car picked you both up.
nanami carried you inside the bar even after you both arrived, where you both saw gojo consuming alcohol irrationally from the front at the booth table. geto and shoko both gave him a weary expression. you snicker at what you see. 
“having fun?” you teasingly asked. both geto and shoko shook their heads to you. 
“please save us.” geto sighed, taking a swig from his glass.
“getoo, i love youu~” gojo slurred. 
“i love you too, but you’re drunk right now.” 
nanami and you each had a seat saved when shoko patted the area next to hers. nanami seats you in between him and shoko. geto was trying to talk gojo out of drinking across from you. 
“y/n, whatever your alcohol tolerance is, please don’t be as overstimulated as him.” shoko giggled. 
“i won’t.” you grinned, taking the ambience. 
after that, you all enjoyed the bar food, with nanami feeding you, shoko going about her business, gojo being a clumsy man, and geto grudgingly lending a hand. 
you forgot about the man from the previous ugly remarks and were quickly replaced by nanami and this cozy moment. you appreciated this night with free beverages and free food that is paid by both geto and nanami. nanami responded enthusiastically to your prompt kiss on his cheek with a kiss on your forehead. he may do it with people he feels comfortable with around him, and that's with them right now. you are aware of and appreciate his lack of interest in pda. 
and with that, you all enjoyed this fantastic night together as you all toast a wonderful evening. 
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greatstormcat · 6 months
I decided to invade your askbox with this one, now,--
interrogator Reader comes to help out 141, but there's a catch. they're blind. caught some shrapnel in the eyes a few years back, they say. excellent negotiator and interrogator though, it'd be a shame if their talents were to be overlooked based on the sustained injury---
so when the boys need a fresh perspective and a new brain to churn some people over to extract information from a few certain somebodies; they're the one to talk, but the boys get to do the torture part~
delicious dynamics my brain is friiiiied
Oh Berry… this has taken a while to answer just because I wanted to get this just right. I hope this works for you as I had a great time writing it!
Be My Eyes
TF 141 x gn!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, injury discussion, physical and psychological torture, blind reader
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“I really appreciate you stepping in like this,” Price says for what must be the fifth time since he escorted you from the car.
“John, stop going on,” you chuckle, squeezing his bicep where you hold onto it as he guides you through the corridors. The familiar smells and sounds bring a sense of comfort, polish, cheap washing powder, the squeak of boots on the tiled floors. “You know it’s not a bother.”
He chuckles, a rich and deep sound and you can still picture how he looks when he smiles, like a quokka, and you can’t help but smile as well.
“Yeah, well I still appreciate you coming out of retirement like this for me.”
“I wouldn’t do it for anyone else,” you agree. “I still owe you.”
There’s another soft sound of acknowledgement from the Captain and you’re guided into a room, and he places your hand on the back of a chair so you can sit yourself down.
Five years earlier Price had saved your skin during a poorly planned mission that ended with your face being burned with a chemical compound. It had left you scarred and blind in both eyes, ending your career in the Army. Up until that point you had been a Captain and someone of note, especially for your skills as an interrogator. This was why Price had reached out to you now, he wanted your help.
As you sat in his office, John ran through the current situation. He had his own Taskforce, quite the illustrious group, and they were heavy on counter terrorism. They had captured a man that they believed knew where an upcoming terrorist attack was going to happen, but he refused to give them anything.
“Soap and Gaz have been working him over, kept him awake for a couple of days… the usual…”
“But it’s not working, right?” You chip in.
“Right,” he grunted, annoyance and tiredness staining the word.
“Okay, take me down there then,” you say, standing up and holding your arm out. “Tell me everything you have so far on the way, and what the layout of the room is.”
You grip John’s bicep as he takes you through the compound to their holding cells, once inside you hear other people talking, deep voices that all sound male. They stop as you enter with Price and there’s a feel of unasked questions in the air, a smirk sneaking onto your lips which you know will only add to this.
“Gentleman,” you greet them with a nod, and you’re very aware Price isn’t rushing to fill the gaps. He still likes to tease his subordinates then. You can imagine the sight, you’re wearing a plain set of fatigues with no insignia or rank, your scarred face and unseeing eyes clear to them as the nose on their own faces.
“Sir? And this is….?” A deep, gravely voice asks. It’s slightly muffled, as though through fabric. That’ll be Ghost then, you thought.
“I’m your interrogator, Lieutenant,” you answer, and there’s a pause as they try to work out if you can actually see.
“Alright, let me explain,” John steps in, you can hear the amused smile in his voice. He explains who you are and why he has brought you in, he doesn’t go into detail about your injury, it’s not his place to.
“Just so you are aware I am blind, so you’ll be assisting me,” you tell them.
“That’s right,” Price backs you up, familiar with how you like to work, which is having total control. He has felt the sharp edge of your tongue before and knows you won’t mess around, even in your condition.
“Right, ground rules,” you said firmly, the subtle creaking of gear and rustle of fabric indicating they had all stopped milling around to listen to you. “The room is mine, I have total authority in there and you do not question anything I say or tell you to do. Yes?” Your words were met with silence. “Did you all just fucking nod at me?” You ask in an exasperated tone.
“Uh, yeah we did,” the distinctly deep and rich voice of Gaz answers amidst a chorus of awkward coughs and shuffling of feet. You hear Price mutter a curse under his breath.
“Bloody hell,” you groan, “come on get your heads in gear,” you say without any malice. “Let’s keep this simple, Captain I just want you and the Lieutenant in there. I have another job for the Sergeants.”
“Sure,” John says and he starts moving you towards the door as you explain how you’ll build on what they’ve done so far.
Once inside the interrogation room you settle onto a metal chair that is opposite the subject. If Price’s description is accurate, the man is handcuffed and sat in an identical chair about a meter in front of you, the only door to the room is directly behind you and a metal table along one wall. You had them move it from between the chairs. It’s cold, smelling of dust and damp, and the unmistakable smell of the dirty and tired man in the chair.
You listen to the subject's breathing, it’s fast but steady, no panic yet. You need to get him to that point where he panics, then he will say whatever he needs. To get out of the situation, he will need to give you verifiable intel, not just any random shit he can think up.
“Right young man, do you know who I am?” You ask him, your tone gentle, friendly. You’re a lifeline for him.
“No, should I?” He asks, sounding exhausted but without venom to his words, he is concerned if he should know you. There’s a movement to your side and you hear either Ghost or John stepping forward to rough him up for his words. You raise your hand and they stop dead in their tracks.
“No, it’s fine you haven’t met me yet so you don’t know who I am,” you say quickly, further filling in that lifeline roll by stopping the imminent beating with just a gesture. The subject mentally grabs this and starts to feed you snippets of info, just crumbs though, nothing he thinks can be used against him but he has started to crack and you hear the satisfied huff from John beside you.
“You need to give me more than this, you’re holding back, or worse you’re lying to me. I don’t like that,” you say, letting an edge creep into your tone that hasn’t been there so far. He tried to backtrack his answers now, creating inconsistencies in his story which you throw back at him.
“Lieutenant, he is offending me,” you snap and Ghost steps forward, the meaty sound of a punch reverberating around the room with a wet wheezing from the man. Another punch lands and another until you stop the assault with a word.
It’s at this point the door behind you opens and you hear the shuffle of heavy feet and water sloshing. Gaz and Soap have arrived with what you needed, a large plastic tote filled with ice water.
“Lieutenant, time to string him up,” you order, and hear a deep hum of agreement as the large man bears down on the subject who begins to babble in confusion and fear. You listen as he has his bound hands attached to a hook that is already in the ceiling by a short chain, and the ice water is brought forward.
“Look, you’re already tired, hungry, miserable. I want to help you get yourself out of here, so you can get some rest and food. Tell me what we need to know and I will make sure that happens,” you tell him, ignoring his fear.
Price directs Soap and Gaz to stand behind the subject with the tote and they do.
“Sargeants, douse my friend here. Make sure you get his head,” you say placidly and the crash of water and ice echoes along with the man’s shrieks. His exhausted body spasms as the ice water shocks his system, soaking into his clothes which cling to his skin and prolong the painful chill.
The cold bites into him, on top of his fear and exhaustion and pain, his pitiful whimpers and shaking is audible to you.
“Tell me the truth and I will make this stop. If not this can go on for days,” you say loudly enough to be heard over his noises. A minute later he breaks and tells you everything you want.
After everything has been written down, and the subject taken to be dried and fed, John stands in a side room with you and Ghost to go over the outcome. Cigar smoke tickles your nose and irritates your eyes, but you don’t say anything.
“That was impressive, not what we would have done,” Ghost admits, his voice close and you feel like he is sizing you up. John had warned you about the Lieutenant's past very briefly and it was interesting to see how he reacted so calmly.
“I know,” you reply with a smirk. “You’d have beaten him until he was useless.”
“Can we bring you in again?” John asked.
“Of course, anytime.”
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mundoperla · 2 years
What about… RZ Michael Myers doing something unholy, like he’s really horny, with his fem friend (also a patient) at the Smith’s Grove? Like in some corridor or smth 👀 Wall sex, whaaat???
Would be grateful and on my knees, thanks 🙏
this got me kicking my feet in the air like a schoolgirl rn
& its my favorite michael??? ofc im abt to tackle this tf😩💜
𝙍𝙕 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙡 𝙈𝙮𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙭 𝙁𝙚𝙢 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
— No matter how many cameras there are, there will always be blind spots.
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
you see the title bitties here are the warnings vv
⚠️⚠️cws;; basically public sex, wall sex ofc, michael being HORNY, p in v but i think thats kind of expected, overall that nasty shit (lighthearted)⚠️⚠️
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
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Despite his lack of communication, Michael made your stay at Smith’s Grove much more pleasant. He never acted out or caused any type of problems when you first arrived, he’d been relatively calm for quite some time now. Always alone in his room, no sound, no nothing, just him making masks in silence.
It was his creativity that sparked your initial interest in him in the first place. His walls were cover from top to bottom in the masks he’d make in his alone time, many ranging from different colors and shapes. Truthfully he never wanted to interact with you whenever you’d make a quick pass by his room to go somewhere on the other side of the hospital, there was a point in time where he found you annoying even.
Yet no matter how much time passed you’d still swing by with a quick ‘hello!’. It escalated to a point where you would linger on the other side of his door and hold up one sided conversations with him, of course him never responding to you verbally. It was alright though, body language is able to tell you enough.
You did all of the talking for the two of you, which all though he never spoke aloud, he appreciated. He hasn’t spoken in years and by the looks of it he wasn’t going to any time soon. Trust me, Dr. Loomis has tried.
You were no threat to Michael to begin with, he had no reason to dismiss you unless he had become tired of your company; which very rarely happened. He was surprisingly as patient as you were with him, perhaps this was his own way of saying ‘thank you’.
The two of you were almost like a joined pair after he had grown slightly more comfortable around you, if you went somewhere—Michael followed, if Michael went somewhere — you would follow. It was shocking to everyone that he’d show even such a small form of attachment to another living being without brutally murdering it. Of course in the early stages of your ‘friendship’ the two of you were heavily monitored before you could be permitted to be in spaces together alone with just a nurse on standby.
“ I’m gonna go ask one of the doctors if I can have another juice, you want one too ? ”
Michael won’t verbally respond, but he will turn his eyes down to the floor at your question.
“ Alright so that’s a no. Sit tight I’ll be right back. ”
He watched you sit up from the table the two of you sat at, disappearing into one of the many hallways. He had originally got up to go and follow you like he always did, but something inside him told him not to, it had told him something else.
He ever so slightly considered you as some kind of companion, but he wanted you as something else. You were very beautiful to him and some of the other patients on your side of the building, it’s normal to think someone is nice looking. Yet he’d catch himself staring a bit too hard when you would do the simplest of things such as drinking some water or even when you stretched and a sliver of your stomach would be exposed. Was it also normal to have these filthy thoughts directed towards a so-called ‘friend’?
The bulge in his pants grew ever so larger the longer he sad and pondered. He needed to ‘fix’ this before you came back and saw. Would you think he was disgusting if you did see him this way? Surely you would.
You had come back to your shared table empty handed only to see that Michael was gone, maybe he’d gone back to his room? He could be tired, nothing wrong with just a quick swing by his door and wish him goodnight.
There were quite a few cameras the closer you got to Michael’s room, just as you turn into the corridor large hands yank you from the entrance to a darker corner of the hall. You’d mentally braced yourself to be strangled by this unknown person, but familiar blonde strands of hair loomed above you, of course the orange mask eased the tension much more.
Michael silently stared down at you, you could just barely see his sky blue eyes behind the paper mask. But now left the following questions, why was he just waiting in the corner? why is he now all of a sudden making actual physical contact with you? Truthfully one could only imagine the worst in the sense of it being correlated with him of all people, but the worst never came.
You’d opened your mouth to speak but you’re immediately silenced by the feeling of his erection pressing itself into your ass. He was rubbing himself against you now, still as silent as ever, showing no sign of satisfaction.
“ Mike- Michael! There’s cameras, we can’t do this here, we could get caught.. ”
Of course he doesn’t give you a verbal response, but this time will give you a slow twirl of his finger, telling you to look around you. There weren’t any cameras that could catch you in their line of sight, and the one camera that was much closer than the rest faced the opposite direction where you had originally been grabbed.
He was telling you it was safe to continue, you were clear to unfold. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t the slightest bit aroused as him, maybe even more. Using his cold hands to slide under your shirt so he could squeeze the soft flesh of your breasts, to then slowly migrate under the fabric of your pants to rub you through your underwear. You’d began to grind back into him, trying to pull down his own pants down as well as your own so the two of you could ease this tension much quicker.
Michael had fantasized about how you would feel around his cock, the way you would squeeze him and the sounds you could make when he started to thrust, he couldn’t live with the possibility of another person pleasuring you instead of him. He needed to be the one to take you, you may not be aware but you’re in fact his and his only. Maybe he liked you alot more than what he initially thought.
Your body trembled as Michael moved your body slightly so you were now fully pressed against the wall with him standing behind you, one hand held you in place by the hip whilst the other began to align himself against your hole, knowing him there will be no auditory warning that he’d be sliding in. You’re not a pussy, you could take him, couldn’t you ?
Both of your hands rested on the white brick walls, truthfully you weren’t even sure he was going to fit inside. He’s taking his sweet time behind you. You’re really about to become his in a dark corner that surveillance could not reach, this could have been much better under different circumstances, but neither of you could chose the have sex in a different location at this time, you’ll take what you can get.
The stretch that followed after an agonizing 15 seconds of the man behind you pondering could be considered as beyond painful, your hand quickly covering your mouth to muffle your whimpers. He can feel your walls clamp around him, gushing uncontrollably by the sudden rush of pleasure. He’s not even halfway inside you yet, but you’ve got his pelvis and a small bit of the floor wet now, clearly you wanted this as much as he did.
You don’t get the luxury of Michael stopping in his tracks to let you breathe before he continues to push himself into you, however you get the honor or him bending himself over enough to cover your mouth with his own hands instead of your own. Now you just had to focus on keeping yourself steady while he takes what’s his.
You’d think he had never hear the word ‘gentle’ in his lifetime. His thrusts were fast yet also powerful, despite his hands covering your mouth small moans still escaped. He had just started yet you felt so fucked out already, your legs trembling, your juices dribbling down your thigh and back down onto the floor.
He fucks you like you’re a fleshlight, dominantly chasing his own high but still trying to get you to come undone as well. He’s intentionally trying to break you as much as possible before the two of you have to eventually wrap up, his hands shy away from your mouth, one to slither down to toy with your clit whilst the other grips onto one of your tits as he continues to pound himself into your cunt like a man possessed. He makes it impossible not to scream but you are aware to still keep your voice down as much as possible.
“ Michael.. Keep moving just like that.. I’m so- Fuck.. ”
Your voice had continued to quiver the longer he kept going, the coil in your belly was about to snap once again. Michael considered finishing inside as some kind of ‘mark’ to leave behind, but he could always wait for another time to have that visual. For right now it was your ass that he had decided on, he’d still get a satisfactory visual of himself on you.
Practically yanking himself out of you just as you had came, his warmth begins to coat your skin. You’re lightheaded and you could feel your legs about to give out as Michael let go of you. Silently admiring his ‘art’, he’d wiped a smudge of his mess off of you with his finger, bringing it up to your lips. It was sweet but also bitter, it was him. He could leave you here to clean yourself up so he could go back to his room, but based off of how you were struggling to keep yourself up, maybe he could just take you back to your own room before departing for the night.
He had taken the time to get you dressed back up as well as himself, pulling you out of the corridor down to the hallway opposite to your own room. Your hand felt so small in his, he was intimidating to many people, but you ? There was an odd sense of security from being this close to Michael. He stood with you for a brief moment after arriving to your room, with him he could have just been there to stare at you a while longer or he was silently examining you to get a clear visual that you were okay to be left on your own now. Could have just been both.
He was exhausted now, but also mildly flustered. So much had just happened and he could barely process it. He’s turned to walk back down to his own room so that you could get some sleep as well, but is quickly stopped buy the force of you clinging yourself onto one of his arms tightly.
“ Goodnight Mikey, we should definitely do that again at some point. ”
You’re hardly standing up straight yet you’ve asked him to.. again, too much to process. But he will take your request into consideration.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
apologies if the ending is messy i have no clue how to properly conclude shit i tried my best
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Thinking about disabled AK!Jason tonite with a disabled s/o
Let's be fr this man could/should be an ambulatory wheelchair user but he won't because he doesn't know that's a thing and wouldn't think he deserved it. If you're an ambulatory wheelchair user maybe one day you manage to lovingly bully him into just TRYING it and it is life changing
He uses his ambulatory energy to do Red Hood shit nbd
if he doesn't use a wheelchair he's got at least 2 braces--shoulder and knee
Baby has chronic pain, arthritis, chronic migraines from being beaten
Missing some teeth too
take this boy to your neuro or your ortho!!!! he is totally unaware he does not need to live like this. better living through chemistry
let's get him some therapy too
you WILL have to go to his drs appointments with him. mans WILL freak the fuck out for ANY medical procedure, has very serious medical abuse trauma. if he can see how your drs help you he is much more likely to go if he can see that you are benefiting from your providers and that they haven't harmed you
if you're scared of drs he will FULLY stand behind you. probably not that healthy tbh but he gets it
having a special Migraine Protocol for each of you (it's basically just a snack and a drink, blue light filter glasses, a sleep mask with headphones for that special Migraine Playlist)
make your own pain scales and talk through frequency of pain bc when you have constant or near constant pain it fucks up your ability to quantify it so making your own pain scale is helpful (he probably uses shakespeare plays or authors. like a 5 for jason is twilight, because you can see some problems but it's fun and fluffy but when you start looking closer OH NO SO MANY PROBLEMS)
pain meters on a wall near the kitchen so you can know what you're working with
CBD patches
the AK suit is basically a giant brace/mobility aid so you help him figure out how to adapt it for his red hood persona, how to make it lighter and allow for greater ROM
will remind you to do physical therapy
resistance bands ALL OVER THE HOUSE
learning bodywork techniques
AT LEAST once a week using a special oil or lotion to work into some of his bigger scars to make the tissue more mobile
giving him a back/neck/scalp/face massage
after a while obvi that's a lot of trust he's putting in you
NOT deep tissue. don't hurt him more. you can have effective therapeutic massage without hurting a person
trager work involves basically shaking a limb and letting the weight of the muscle do all the work but it feels weird the first time and he'd just start laughing at you
specially if you do his glutes
but it feels really nice so he stops laughing and it does help his lower body pain
putting magnesium lotion on each other's neck and shoulders
start to ask each other "are you angry or in pain?"
hand massages
teaching him to stop pushing through the pain
one of his knees is basically bone on bone so you always know when the weather is changing
if u both have bad knees u just don't even when the weather is changing. take some pain meds, use your topical pain reliever of choice, prop those joints up and snuggle in bed. watch a youtube series or he can read to you
heated blankets as heating pads supremacy
occasionally he'll be in pain and the kind of pain where you feel like you're going insane, so as a distraction he will go online and buy a bunch of weird pain-relieving gadgets and you'll spend a week trying them out
(sometimes his pain fog shopping spree is blind boxes, or nail polish, or statement shirts)
all of his siblings know to come to your place if they get beat tf up because your medicine cabinet is UNreal
you're about to give cass or steph a Controlled Substance Pain Reliever and you pause "this is technically drug dealing, isn't it? dOn'T teLL rEd hOOD" jason is literally patching them up right next to you
soft blankets
reminding each other it's ok to take it slow
he's constantly tearing into the other rogues for not having ADA accessible lairs (except Ivy who successfully argued that the plants make it ADA accessible which will do. FOR NOW.)
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yoru-no-seiiki · 11 months
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TW/CW: mdni, yandere themes, masturbation.
Have some headcannons while I wait for my henna to dry/watch the first season with my cousin.
I wish there were more who wrote for Canon! Eren. Like don’t get me wrong, Modern AU Eren is hot but I mean, fuckboys can be seen everywhere.
But Canon! Eren is batshit insane and that’s exactly what I love about him. I wish they at least add that to his modern counterpart instead of making him a basic bad boy but I mean if that’s what they’re into 🤷‍♂️
Anyways Exhibit A of why Eren in all eras is my fave AOT character:
Like I said, he’s batshit insane.
He has directly killed 2 people by the age of nine, and assisted in killing the third. Although this is out of self defense it still can’t be denied HOW HE TReateD THE SECOND DUDE HOLY SHIT- THE AMOUNT OF TIMES HE STABBED HIM.
Normal kids would just be terrified, maybe be even fight blinding and/or cry, probably even run tf away. But ya boi brought a knife and even deceived the person at the door.
He’d be a great yandere.
Let’s say that we age up our cast and make 18 the minimum age of enlistment (making him 21 around the attack of Trost).
Trainee Eren has the will of fucking steel. He’ll do whatever it takes to wipe out titan-kind, to make the cruel world he lived in finally know true peace.
To be with you in that new world he’ll build.
You were one of his fellow trainees. Someone who unconditionally believed and supported his desire to see the outside world. You didn’t treat him like a child as Mikasa did, and you weren’t so oddly distant when it came to his help and presence like Armin.
At first it started as a crush. An infatuation towards your looks and kind demeanor which morphed into a twisted sense of love.
You were the only one that understood him, that resonated with his wavelength.
He definitely frequently masturbated to your image. Stress was a known issue amongst trainees and soldiers alike. Many drank to rid themselves of such a problem. But to him just the thought of you two becoming one gave him relief and pleasure that any form of alcohol could never give. In the aftermath of the Trost incident, when faced with your unconscious, battered body he pulls a Shinji and jerks one off. Covering you with his release.
You think you’ll leave his mind once he gets busy with being a titan-shifter and the future of Eldia and such but nope.
Eren only has you and the new world he promised in his heart, body and soul. And that’ll never change.
Eren believes in freedom first and foremost.
So none of that kidnapping. At least in earlier years. He just wants you to be happy and safe. He’s more of the type to hurt others for your sake rather than be abusive and take away your rights.
Eren in later seasons has the capacity to keep you isolated, and that he will.
Like in other (unfortunately rare) fics of him, he keeps you in a farm land with a bunch of loyalists. If reader is afab! or has the ability to bear a child (for those with abo ocs or something idk) he’ll tell them that you are bearing his child and the future inheritor of his powers.
Otherwise he’ll come up with other excuses like having you as a tactician or war-hero they have to pay respects to.
He’ll give you as much freedom as he can provide while keeping you away from danger.
Though one might argue that his version of freedom for you is just an illusion.
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youremyheaven · 15 days
The Severity, Spirituality and Stoicism of Saturnians ✊🏼🧎‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
I will be criticizing Saturnian men throughout this post, if you don't like that, stop reading right now <3
Saturn is the planet of karma, justice, discipline, and order. In Claire's video about Saturnian men, she observed that "in Saturnian men you will find an exact duality contained here in breaking rules and doing strange stunts, pranks and having outbursts etc but also paradoxically find themselves submitting to ideologies, cults, political parties, motivational affirmations etc"
I feel like I touched upon this a bit in my first post about Saturn and in this post I'd like to go into different manifestations of this tendency along with some other things I've observed with Saturnian men.
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Timothee Chalamet, UBP Moon
Full disclosure, I've never liked him lmao,, I think the hype he gets is undeserved and 90% bc of the fact that there is a dearth of young charismatic actors in Hollywood.
But anywayyys, Timmy Tim first attracted controversy for working with Woody Allen even though he's since expressed regret for it or whatever,, then he received flak for having sex in a pool during the height of the pandemic and manyyyy blinds about him giving women chlamydia 💀💀started making the rounds and he was lowkey exposed for being a whore
Then last year he drew criticism for smoking indoors at a Beyonce concert (where smoking is prohibited) and he's literally talking to Kylie and blowing smoke ??? at the same time?? which is sooo filthy?? who tf does that??
His silence on the Armie Hammer issue and pretty much all issues lol have also been criticized. Everybody thought he'd be some woke liberal activist but he's just been dead quiet and pretty self absorbed the whole time. He loves to lap attention and give absolutely nothing in return to the community.
The thing with Saturn however is that, bad behaviour does not go unpunished. Timmy Tim has been getting A LOT of flak and the total rose tinted obsession people had with him is slowly fading (even tho he still has legions of fans). People are now starting to see his true colors.
But anyway, this is a very minor issue compared to all the other Saturnians I'm going to mention next.
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Jeffrey Epstein, UBP Moon, Anuradha Rising
I'm assuming most of you are familiar with sex offender Epstein. He has trafficked thousands of underage girls over the course of decades and to satiate numerous high profile paedophiles.
He committed suicide while in prison. One thing about Saturn is that, if you stray, are immoral, unfair, undisciplined, corrupt, foul, evil etc it WILL punish you. The truth is Saturnians know deep down that what they're doing IS wrong, they're not like Moon dominants who are completely convinced their corrupt evil idea is a "good" one. Saturnians know full well what they're doing and they do it anyway and they suffer its consequences.
Inviting Saturn's wrath upon oneself is basically how these natives find "balance", they feel like they get away with too much and they're constantly pushing their limits to see how far they can go before this wrath comes for them.
Epstein had been doing this for decades without much consequence, working with extremely high profile people including politicians and royalty. Eventually, he was caught and the truth of his immorality was exposed for all to see AND he ended his own life.
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Salvador Dali- UBP Moon
Dali was known for being an eccentric and a weirdo and you can say that the way he pushed his boundaries as an artist is a more "positive" manifestation of Saturnian individuals and their need to test limits.
However, Dali was also a pretty messed up guy
Dali admitted on several occasions to having sadomasochistic tendencies. As a child he enjoyed throwing himself down the stairs, explaining that “The pain was insignificant, the pleasure was immense”. Shockingly, he once pushed his childhood friend off of a 15-foot bridge – as his friend lay injured, Dali apparently sat calmly eating cherries.
Pleasure and pain seemed intimately entwined. Dali wanted both. One other childhood incident of note included a wounded bat. It was kept in Dali's washhouse hideaway and stayed there overnight. When Dali returned to it was being devoured by a mass of ants. He impulsively bit into the seething mass delirious with pleasure. 
I had briefly mentioned how Saturnians tend to be sadomasochistic in my previous post about Saturn and these examples just confirm it further.
When he is an adolescent a girl falls desperately in love with him. He kisses and caresses her so as to excite her as much as possible, but refuses to go further. He resolves to keep this up for five years (he calls it his ‘five-year plan’), enjoying her humiliation and the sense of power it gives him. He frequently tells her that at the end of the five years he will desert her, and when the time comes he does so.
When he first meets his future wife, Gala, he is greatly tempted to push her off a precipice. He is aware that there is something that she wants him to do to her, and after their first kiss the confession is made:
I threw back Gala's head, pulling it by the hair, and trembling with complete hysteria, I commanded: ‘Now tell me what you want me to do with you! But tell me slowly, looking me in the eye, with the crudest, the most ferociously erotic words that can make both of us feel the greatest shame!’ Then Gala, transforming the last glimmer of her expression of pleasure into the hard light of her own tyranny, answered: ‘I want you to kill me!’
He is somewhat disappointed by this demand, since it is merely what he wanted to do already. He contemplates throwing her off the bell-tower of the Cathedral of Toledo, but refrains from doing so.
George Orwell once described Dali this way:
"The two qualities that Dali unquestionably possesses are a gift for drawing and an atrocious egoism."
Art historian and critic Brian Sewell has also claimed that Dali once asked him to lie naked in front of one of his sculptures and masturbate whilst he watched.
He was also obsessed with Hitler in a perverse way.
While the vast majority of the Surrealist group professed far-Left political leanings, Dali kept curiously quiet during his early career, before being kicked out of the group for being a Nazi sympathiser, which he denied. Dali went on to make artwork addressing the Hitler, including “The Enigma of Hitler” (above) and “Hitler Masturbating”, once detailing that he “often dreamed of Hitler as a woman” and that the Nazi dictator “turned [him] on”.
He was a big old fascist who also supported the Spanish dictator Franco which made Picasso stop talking to him for the rest of his life. Orwell who fought in the Spanish civil war called Dali a "disgusting human being".
At age six, Dalí writes in his autobiography, he pre-meditated a "terrible kick" to his three-year-old sister's head "as though it had been a ball." Not simply childish not-knowing-better, this baseless cruelty continued as Dalí got older.
Here is an article that says more about his shitty behaviour.
Here is another article about his fcked up relationship with his sister
Saturn never fails to punish tho. It will let you fck up but punishment is imminent.
Dali died in his 80s, almost penniless, completely alone, as he had driven all his friends off decades prior, his wife had already passed and he was seriously ill and bedridden. He used button to call his nurse and one day that button short circuited and set him/the bed on fire. He suffered second and third degree burns all over his body. He lived for another four years in severe pain before passing away.
Just because you go a whole lifetime avoiding punishment, does not mean it isn't coming. People who suffer in old age have it the worst because you suffer 100x more
Dali was a Saturn defying narcissistic, violent, abusive person and guess what Saturn did? It saved it all up for the very end and left him without any kind of mercy. Friendless, penniless, bedridden, in excruciating pain, FOR YEARS until he finally died.
Saturn punishes you/is a harsh teacher because it wants you to uphold the Saturnian qualities of virtue, justice, fairness, doing your duty etc, you may never see the rewards of your good actions, so it may feel like a waste of time to keep being so principled but if you decide to just do whatever and disobey, you best believe Saturn will come through with that wrath. You have to keep being virtuous and morally upright even if you don't see yourself being "rewarded" for it. No one may recognise your goodness but keep being good anyway.
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Alexander Graham Bell, Venus in UBP in 2h, Saturn in Shatabhisha in 1h
He is the guy who invented the telephone but he was also a very controversial deaf educator in his time.
Bell's father was a teacher of the deaf. His method of teaching the deaf was coined "Visible Speech." Bell's mother was deaf/hearing impaired and he would often speak to her by placing his mouth close to her forehead, believing the vibrations from his voice would help her distinguish speech more clearly.
Although he married a deaf woman, a former speech pupil, Mabel Hubbard, Bell strongly opposed intermarriage among congenitally deaf people. Bell feared "contamination" of the human race by the propagation of deaf people even though most deaf people statistically are born to hearing parents.
Bell applied his study of eugenics to his goal of preventing the creation of a deaf race and presented his paper Memoir Upon the Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Race to the National Academy of Sciences in 1883.4
Bell stated, "Those who believe as I do, that the production of a defective race of human beings would be a great calamity to the world, will examine carefully the causes that will lead to the intermarriage of the deaf with the object of applying a remedy."
In this paper, he proposed to reduce the number of the deaf by discouraging deaf-mute to deaf-mute marriages, advocating speech reading and articulation training for an oral-only method of education, removing the use of deaf teachers and sign language from the classroom.
Suggestions were made to enact legislation to prevent the intermarriage of deaf-mute people or forbidding marriage between families that have more than one deaf-mute member. His preventative strategies for deaf marriage included removing barriers to communication and interaction with the hearing world.
I feel like Saturnians often have a tendency to subconsciously make things harder for themselves and for others. Getting things easy is not Saturn's style. And this can manifest in sooooo many different ways. Bell grew up with a father who taught deaf people/children, his mother was deaf, he married a deaf woman YET he believed that they did not deserve to have separate schools that used communication tools specifically designed for them to make their lives easier. He spent his entire life working with deaf people but still somehow did not want things to be easier for them???
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Steve Jobs, UBP moon
He had a pretty stellar reputation for being a major asshole. He was an extremely difficult person to work with and often terrorised his employees and was a toxic vile asshole to the women he dated.
Jobs was given up for adoption by his parents and later in life, he abandoned his girlfriend and baby after he got her pregnant.
His daughter Lisa later said that her mother felt uncomfortable leaving her with Steve alone after an incident in which he questioned and teased the then-nine-year-old Brennan-Jobs about her sexual attractions and proclivities.
Once, as Jobs groped his wife and pretended to be having sex with her, he demanded that Lisa stay in the room, calling it a "family moment."
It is well known that Steve Jobs was really good at conceptualizing things and coming up with ideas (touch screen phones, macbooks, iMacs etc) but he lacked the technical expertise to build anything. His partner, Steve Wozniak was the actual brains behind all of the creations to put it simply.
Early in his career, Jobs worked for the game developing company Atari who promised him a bonus of $5000 for developing a game called Breakout. Jobs did not have the know-how to execute this, so he made his friend Wozniak who worked at a different company stay up all night for 4 nights to design this whole ass game. He gave him $350 for it and told him he was giving him half of what the company paid him. Wozniak only found out much later that Steve basically stole his ideas, used him AND gave him a paltry sum as compensation.
Before Apple went public, Jobs refused to give any major shares to the many many developers and engineers who played a crucial role in pioneering the company. Wozniak gave those employees HIS shares so that they could make a profit when the company went public.
I'm not going to detail all the ways he tormented his employees and staff. You can google it.
Eventually, Saturn's karma started kicking in and Jobs was fired from the company he founded and for 10 years, he had to stay away from Apple. This experience humbled him a bit.
Apple really suffered in his absence and they brough him back in 1997 and we all know the kind of groundbreaking work he did in the next decade there. (hint: iphones, ipods etc)
In 2011, he found out he had terminal pancreatic cancer and resigned from his position and died 6 weeks later.
He refused to get surgery and chemo and chose "alternate treatments" until his disease had progressed so far that, there was no saving him.
He would eat a single thing and only that for weeks. Like apples. He'd eat only apples for three weeks. He was convinced that made him superior to everyone else and that it made him have no body odour, so he never showered either. This made it really hard for others to be around him.
Now back to his daughter, he was incredibly abusive to Lisa. She said she was forced to move home over 13 times before age seven as her mother struggled to pay the bills through a series of cleaning positions, while Jobs, then already a multi-millionaire, refused to help.
During one visit she innocently asked if she could be given his Porsche after learning the flashy vehicle had a scratch and needed to be replaced. His scowling response shocked Lisa, then aged seven.
“‘Absolutely not,’ he said in such a sour, biting way that I knew I’d made a mistake,” she remembers. “I understood that perhaps it wasn't true, the myth of the scratch: maybe he didn’t buy new ones. By that time I knew he was not generous with money, or food, or words; the idea of the Porsches had seemed like one glorious exception. I wished I could take it back. We pulled up to the house and he turned off the engine. Before I made a move to get out he turned to face me.
“‘You’re not getting anything,’” he said. “‘You understand? Nothing. You’re getting nothing.’ Did he mean about the car, something else, bigger? I didn’t know. His voice hurt—sharp, in my chest.” (an excerpt from her memoir 'Small Fry')
Saturn may delay punishment but it will punish and whether or not you learn from it, is up to you. Some individuals are not very malleable and they suffer the most. They make the same mistake over and over again and never learn. Steve died of any entirely preventable disease but he refused treatment. He was in excruciating pain towards his end and was completely bedridden. He expressed regret about not having gotten treatment sooner but :/
It's really scary how your karma catches up with you. Its the worst when it comes for you and leaves you with no time to remedy anything, so you just suffer agony knowing there is nothing you can do.
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Woody Allen- Anuradha stellium (Sun, Mercury & Jupiter)
He molested his step daughter Dylan Farrow and is currently married to his former step daughter from the same marriage Soon Yi.
There has been a lot of misinformation regarding him molesting Dylan as a child even though the fact that he is literally married to one of his stepdaughters should be reason enough to suspect him
 Allen had been in therapy for alleged inappropriate behavior toward Dylan with a child psychologist before the abuse allegation was presented to the authorities or made public. Mia Farrow had instructed her babysitters that Allen was never to be left alone with Dylan.
 Allen refused to take a polygraph administered by the Connecticut state police. Instead, he took one from someone hired by his legal team. The Connecticut state police refused to accept the test as evidence. The state attorney, Frank Maco, says that Mia was never asked to take a lie-detector test during the investigation.
(Here is a link to the full article)
But again, Saturn's karmic lessons come through. Numerous actors have refused to work with Allen, he has been publicly condemned, lost all his reputation during #MeToo Actors such as Greta Gerwig, Colin Firth, and Mira Sorvino have recently apologized for accepting roles in Allen’s films, while many of his most avid fans have turned against him.
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Johnny Cash, Rahu in UBP in 1h
Johnny was a drug addict and very abusive to his first wife. He creepily pursued June Carter while he was still married and despite her rejecting him MANY times, he did not give up. She was in a financially unfortunate position and he gave her the opportunity of touring with him, which she had to take up to make ends meet and finally in front of a live audience, he proposes marriage to her and basically forces her to say yes.
They remained married for 50 years and died within a year of each other so idk if they had a happy marriage or a troubled one but the Saturnian persistence was coming thru.
Cash's whole life is super Saturnian. His career came to a standstill in the 70s after a stellar decade long run in the 1960s, all throughout which he was abusing drugs.
In the early 1980s, Cash had eye surgery, broke several ribs, and damaged a kneecap, all on separate occasions, and again became addicted to pills. He was hospitalized in 1983 with internal bleeding that almost killed him. Upon regaining strength, he checked into the Betty Ford Clinic and remained clean until his death.
In 1994, after a looooong period of zero hits and chart play. He collabed with Rick Rubin (the GOAT) and then released a number of successful albums until he passed away in 2003 and from 1997 onwards he had been struggling with autonomic neuropathy and was frequently hospitalized.
Its interesting to me how between 1954 to 1973, Cash was undergoing his Saturn mahadasha and this period brought him enormous success and also made him completely addicted to substances. In 1965, he started a forest fire that burned off 500 acres of forest land and killed 49 of the refuge's 53 endangered condors. When confronted about it, he said "I don't care about your damn yellow buzzards".
From 1973-1990, he was undergoing his Mercury dasha, and this was a very low period in his career as he suffered major setbacks.
As he's sobering up at the Carter's family ranch, he's walking along a path. One of their ostriches is standing in the path. Well Cash thinks to himself "Hell if I'm moving" and tries to move it, so the bird starts trying to headbutt/peck at him, so he swings a punch at the bird, it responds by splitting his goddamn abdomen open with it's talon, from top to bottom. (he said the only thing that stopped the talon was it got stuck on his leather belt and couldn't go further). So he's laying on the ground, and grabs a branch (or an old fence post, can't remember) and starts beating it from the ground until it runs away.
Its interesting how his major highs in life were during his Saturn MD (He has Saturn in Uttarashada in 11h) and his biggest blows came during his Mercury MD (he does have Mercury in Shatabhisha in 12h 😬).
Mercury is not an inherently difficult dasha the way Saturn is. But what we sow, we shall reap. Saturn gives you 19 years to get your shit together and if you don't really learn during this period, it gets on your ass long after that. Jennie from Blackpink ended her Saturn MD in 2019 and some of her career's biggest moments have come since then but so have the controversies (she's currently in her Mercury MD) and it's as though the lingering after effects of the Saturn dasha really dictates how we experience our Mercury dasha.
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Winston Churchill, Anuradha Sun
In 1943 in Bengal, over 3 million people died due to starvation and Churchill was directly responsible for this.
Churchill deliberately ordered the diversion of food from starving Indian civilians to well-supplied British soldiers and even to top up European stockpiles, meant for yet-to-be-liberated Greeks and Yugoslavs (all of this happened during WW2 for context)
He basically said, this is none of my business. Even though millions of Indian soldiers fought for the British during WW2 and were British subjects until India gained independence in 1947. Also btw India was the biggest contributor to the Empire's GDP. they looted and plundered us and left us to starve, basically.
In the book, Churchill’s Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II, written by Madhusree Mukerjee, Churchill was quoted as blaming the famine on the fact Indians were “breeding like rabbits”, and asking how, if the shortages were so bad, Mahatma Gandhi was still alive. 😡🤬😠he was a racist imperialist pig to say the least.
Some people are Churchill defenders and genuinely believe that the Bengal famine was a necessary sacrifice to win the war, and that those who critiqued him were unfair and had little insight about WWII. Aka: the colonized are expendable in a war between essentially imperialist, genocidal and fascist states. And they can kiss my ass.
To Indians, Churchill is a Hitler-like figure and rightfully so.
"I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."
Winston Churchill to Peel commission in 1937. 
Here is a thread that elaborates the many fcked up things he did.
When I talk about how cruel, brutal and callous Saturnian men can be, this is what I mean. Saturn restricts, limits and binds. This can easily mean Saturnians subject themselves and others to unnecessary rules, restrictions and limits.
Steve Jobs thought he was superior to others bc he only ate one type of food for weeks and months. Just because someone has discipline, does not automatically mean its good to have it. Free range parents can suck because they dont protect you or shelter you but disciplinarian parents also suck. Both Jupiter and Saturn struggle to learn "balance".
An unevolved Saturnian will be stingy af, very partial, biased and ill mannered. They act like cave men.
Churchill struggled with his mental health his whole life. He referred to it his “black dog:” fits of melancholia that followed Churchill throughout his life and often left him bedridden, suicidal and unshakably depressed for months at a time. It may sound cruel to say poor mental health is "karma" for his actions. (He also suffered 7 strokes and the final one, killed him). But the ways in which we are punished are often not materially obvious??? We may see terrible people thrive but often they are really suffering on the inside. Saturn often punishes by depriving you of peace of mind :/
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Thomas Alva Edison, Anuradha Rising
In 1884, Nikola Tesla moved to New York City to meet Edison, who was famous for his low-voltage, direct-current electricity. Tesla believed the higher-voltage alternating current electricity was superior and suggested creating an AC-powered motor, but Edison claimed it was too dangerous. Instead, Edison promised the recent immigrant $50,000 (over $1 million today) if he could improve upon his DC generators, or “dynamos.”
After toiling for several months and making significant advances, he returned for his reward, only for Edison to say, “When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” Tesla quit—but the bullying didn’t stop there.
George Westinghouse had purchased Tesla’s patents and became the pioneering force behind AC power and its widespread implementation. Edison, who was ideologically and financially invested in his own DC power, began a publicity campaign against AC power. The campaign was ruthless; he wanted to prove that the high voltage of AC power was too dangerous for public use, so he and his cohorts began publicly electrocuting animals—stray dogs and cats, cattle and horses, and even, notoriously, “Topsy” the elephant. (you can hate me for pointing out how unevolved Saturnians abuse animals all you want but it will not stop it from being true<333)
The story gets worse. Edison was asked whether electrocution was a humane method of execution. In reply, he claimed that with Westinghouse’s AC power, it was indeed a humane and reliable execution. Westinghouse of course tried to prevent such an association, but Harold Brown, one of Edison’s employees, was hired by the state of New York to build the first electric chair. Obviously, he used AC power.
The execution—the first use of the electric chair—took place on August 6, 1890. AC power proved neither reliable nor humane. The first, 17-second-long charge failed to kill the man, an alleged axe murderer; after waiting for the generator to recharge and amping up the voltage, the next charge at last brought an end to the horrible, 8-minute long ordeal. Westinghouse, disgusted, reportedly said, “They would have done better with an axe.”
For his last two years, a series of ailments caused his health to decline even more until he lapsed into a coma and died at the age of 84.
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Bo Burnham, Venus/Jupiter/Ketu in Pushya and Anuradha Rising
He does have a reputation for being a dick but I wanted to mention him because I think his sense of humour is VERY Saturnian. He has this tendency to humble his audience and its super Saturncoded to me. Like his whole shtick is serving you with a reality check in a slightly condescending way which is extremely Saturnian.
He often makes "ironically" misogynistic jokes or whatever and its laced with that Saturnian bitterness except he's slightly self aware I guess.
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Aziz Ansari, Venus & Mars in UBP and Jupiter in Anuradha
Tbh other than the fact that his stand up comedy routines are hella lame, I dont really have much dirt on him.
However, he did sexually assault a woman in 2018 and nobody has heard much from him since tbh. I guess its an example of "instant karma".
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Mads Mikkelsen, Anuradha Sun conjunct Ketu
Mads aka the man who made a career out of playing the bad guy
This isn't about Mads but about his most well known role, playing Hannibal Lecter.
Hannibal imo is very very Saturncoded
 He is highly intelligent and cultured, with refined tastes and impeccable manners. He is deeply offended by rudeness, and often kills people who exhibit bad manners; according to the novel Hannibal, he "prefers to eat the rude". Hopkins described Lecter as the "Robin Hood of killers", who kills "the terminally rude".
Saturnians are either extremely refined or very unkempt. There is no in-between. You can always tell when someone has an imbalanced Saturn influence based on how disorderly, messy and chaotic they are.
In the novel Red Dragon, the protagonist, Will Graham, says that psychologists refer to Lecter as a sociopath "because they don't know what else to call him". Graham says "he has no remorse or guilt at all", and tortured animals as a child, (👀) but he does not exhibit any of the other criteria traditionally associated with sociopathy. Asked how he himself would describe Lecter, Graham responded, "he's a monster. I think of him as one of those pitiful things that are born in hospitals from time to time. They feed it, and keep it warm, but they don't put it on the machines and it dies. Lecter is the same way in his head, but he looks normal and nobody could tell."
Hannibal embodies the disciplined, orderly conduct of an evolved Saturnian along with the cruelty and harshness of it.
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Charlie Puth, Anuradha Sun & Mars
half of this guy's discography is about how he hates women from LA. He literally has one song called "Nothing But Trouble (Instagram Models)" and it's just about how instagram models make problems. He has another song called "L.A. Girls" about how women in LA are fungible. It's like yeah maybe instagram models do suck but no one made you date them??? 
These are lyrics from the song LA Girls:
"There was Nikki, Nicole, Tiffany, and Heather But there's only room for you in my world But you say that I changed like the east coast weather How the hell did I get caught up? Messin' with these LA girls"
When I tell you the Madonna-Whore complex runs DEEP with Saturnian men. They will fool around with you and think of YOU as "cheap" for doing so and fall for the girl who never gives it up. The double standards of Saturnians are 🤮🤢
They will get frisky and frivolous with you and judge you for it :/
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Woody Harrelson, Pushya Sun, Anuradha Moon
When I think of unkempt Saturnians, I think Woody Harrelson lmao
While filming in London in 2002, Harrelson found himself at a bar when two women approached him. According to the actor, the women asked if he wanted to "take a walk on the wild side." To which Harrelson replied, "I guess I do." A third woman joined in the fun, and the foursome returned to Harrelson's accommodations and enjoyed what the outlet described as "whatever-happened-next." Unfortunately for the Rampart star, "a paparazzo was able to snap a photo that soon hit the tabloids." The worst part — his then-girlfriend and future-wife Laura Louie saw these photos in the press. This "led to a good bit of groveling on Harrelson's part," and the couple worked past the incident.
I think I have noticed about manyyyy Saturnian men is that they often have enabler wives who put up with their shit + encourage it. Steve Jobs' wife, Laurene Powell was like that. Steve was such a perfectionist that he did not even buy furniture for their house and yk what?? she was okay with that lol and they remained married until his death even though literally everybody who has ever known him describes him as an asshole.
Woody Allen's still married to Soon Yi who is also entirely defensive about him. Same goes for Harrelson's wife I guess. How on earth does someone work past a foursome??? wtf
"I used to go to bars and fight the guys I thought were bullies. I've got scars everywhere," he revealed to The Hollywood Reporter. His fighting ways continued even after becoming a famous actor. Like when he once punched a reporter and claimed he thought the photographer was a zombie. 
Saturnians never beating the abusive rumours 😩
On a different note, I've noticed how many Saturnian musicians make sad boy music with a ✨spiritual essence ✨
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Sufjan Stevens is a UBP Moon
This is from a 2015 interview:
"I still describe myself as a Christian, and my love of God and my relationship with God is fundamental, but its manifestations in my life and the practices of it are constantly changing. I find incredible freedom in my faith. Yes, the kingdom of Christianity and the Church has been one of the most destructive forces in history, and there are levels of bastardization of religious beliefs. But the unique thing about Christianity is that it is so amorphous and not reductive to culture or place or anything. It's extremely malleable."
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Tamino, UBP Moon
He said in an interview:
"We like to look at religious texts from all over the world, [and] they always share a lot of similarities. That's not because they necessarily influenced each other, it's more that our inherent experience as humans comes out through storytelling. It's awesome. So that's something that's really interesting: the story that we need to tell. And the stories that we tell will always survive longest. I think it sort of gives them a higher truth, a metaphysical truth, which makes religion quite beautiful to me. You don't have to necessarily believe in every little thing that's described in a book. I'm not a practicing believer—not in the classical sense. But I do have faith. I think a lot of people have faith without realizing [it]. Even waking up and starting your day, we all have like these little acts of fate throughout our lives without even noticing."
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Hozier- Anuradha Moon
Faith is a big theme in their work and their lives and I feel like they are some evolved Saturnian men who have embraced the stoic spirituality of Saturn and poured it into their creativity.
In one interview, Hozier described Quakerism as a doctrine which taught him during childhood “to look for the God in each person” and “the spark of the divine that’s in every individual.” In particular, Hozier seeks this spark in his lover.
Its interesting to me how all 3 of them use religious metaphors often to speak of love because the ultimate form of love is devotion and Saturnians who have transcended the grips of limitations imposed by Saturn understand this more than anybody. They know what its like to love like their life depends on it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pushya Sun
Many Saturnians love to talk about working hard and kicking ass. Arnold is one of them, although I will say his preachiness comes from his Punarvasu stellium lmao
Arnold is a good example of a man who has worked very very hard and abided by every Saturnian principle to climb the ladder to the top. Yet he cheated on his wife with his housekeeper. He however did not deny paternity of the son he fathered with her. He has also expressed his regret about cheating and how he lost his marriage.
Kim Kardashian, UBP Moon
She came under fire for her comments about "get your ass up and do the work" but honestly it's just Saturnian tough love
Kim is a good example of someone who has turned every single setback into a career opportunity. She is a true hustler. Obviously she's extremely privileged yada yada yada but she was Paris Hilton's assistant at one point and was at the bottom of the ladder. In 20 years she's built a fortune for herself and her family. Like, if it were Kourtney in Kim's place 🤡they wouldn't be where they are rn. Kim is a worker and its hard to deny that.
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Rose- UBP Moon
In her interview with Vogue Australia, she said:
“I ended up fighting for my life, training for my life. Because I couldn’t accept the fact that I’d just be cut and sent back, so I had no time to slack off. I remember I took every minute and every second to work on my craft so that I [could] make it,” 
“When I got [to Korea], I was like, ‘This is quite intense,’” she said of the early period of training. “I notice[d] that there [were] 12 other girls who had been training day and night for about five years. And I had just gotten there.” She feared that if she didn’t catch up to the other she would be cut and sent back to Australia, where she’d already told her school friends that she was dropping out to work on her music. "
“I [had] left and I didn’t want to fly back [to Australia] without having achieved anything,” she said of her worry at the time. “And I think it was a good drive. Just the fact that I had flown all the way from Australia gave me more strength [and] determination to strive.”
Hardworking Saturnians ✊🏼🙏🏼🧎‍♀️making the most of that Saturnian determination and reaping its rewards OOF
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ya-boi-haru · 2 months
Last time I made a post like this, some of you replied with some pretty good ideas, so lets try this again...
Fable smp things that I find hard to translate into a modern AU cause how tf do you do that-:
• The entire corruption arc
• The Telkin in general
• The fact that Caspian got put into Prison and got experimented on (and if it were a "he went to prison for a couple days" type of thing - wtf would he have done!?)
• Jamie's trauma of being locked into the basement (in a modern AU I feel this would be taken more seriously)
• The Major gods and their "sibling war rivalry"
• The War of the Realms
• The Skulk/Warden
• Rae being a WereWarden and having to leave for 6 months
• Epros and Kinaxis
• Hayley, Momboo and Enderiens death???
• Centross' Death and the fact that he knew about it
• Easton going blind
• Ven and Ulysses originally being from Australia 😂 (my guys, what are you doing all the way over there lol
(Feel free to add to this)
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ivysangel · 10 days
…vampire!jason thoughts… you must provide them im desperate…. -🐞
(ik you probably expected #real smut, honestly i did too but this ended up turning into a whole bunch of lore/headcanons/whatever tf. i'm so sorry bae cw: talks of consuming blood)
you ask, you shall receive. i've been thinking about jason and dick as vampires in relation to each other, so this'll be a post about both of them just for the sake of comparisons. also, in my mind, this au takes place during the 19th century because i've conflated vampirism with the victorian era, and it's also no capes in regards to vigilantism bc vampires do love a good cape.
in this victorian era, vampire au dick would be either a nobleman or straight up royalty. he's got status, money, and a pretty face, and he uses them all to his advantage when it comes to feeding. you know in the originals or itwtv when they host an event that's actually a cover for them finding their next meal? yeah, he does that. he flirts with all of the ladies, plays into his charms, and sweeps women off their feet. and at the end of the night (sometimes even mid-ball), he coaxes them upstairs and ravishes them, sometimes in more ways than one.
i think for dick feeding is something he can have fun with, knowing that he holds such a high ranking in society that when bodies of people he's been seen with show up around town, people turn a blind eye. and even when someone does try to investigate, the wayne family checking account talks enough to shut down anything beyond a questioning.
in many pieces of media surrounding vampires, there are people who know about vampires and choose to feed them their blood. there's a bunch of lore that explores the idea that a vampire bite is almost orgasmic and kind of addictive, which is why some people are more than willing to put themselves in harm's way by either being employed by vampires or by straight up just throwing themselves into a vampires line of sight with open wounds.
with that being said, i think dick grayson likes the chase. i think that even if his father (bruce, who is also a vampire in this au because vampire families are just superior) has people on his payroll to provide blood for them, he's going to go out on his own to flirt a bit, get laid, and then have his fill.
which brings me to my next point; while feeding, like sex, is an intimate act, it's far from necessary for dick to need an emotional connection with a person he feeds off of or even a physical one. sex and feeding are related but not totally synonymous, and if he needs to just feed or just get his rocks off, he can. is it preferred? maybe not. i believe he does like the mess that comes with doing both at the same time.
ok so for jason, ugh so obsessed with him as a vampire because i think it's so in line with his canon story. in a lot of vampire lore, to become a vampire, you have to consume the blood of a vampire and either die or be on the brink of death, which is just so. it's so jason dying and being revived by the lazarus pit coded. and even the way he inevitable that he will spill blood post-revival in both this vampire au and his canon storyline…it's almost prophetic.
anyway, jason's approach to vampirism is quite different. i think he struggles with it no matter how long he's been one. he can't fully grasp that he's immortal; he looks in the mirror and sees that he hasn't aged a day and he feels sick. being a vampire for him feels like a curse and he only continues living because he's scared to die (again).
he doesn't stay anywhere too long, typically hopping from town to town in the middle of the night when less people are around. he believes himself to be out of place amongst normal people and he's paranoid that people can smell the iron on his breath when he talks to them so he makes it a point to have minimal interaction with people.
it's crippling, he drives himself mad with the solitude, but i feel like another reason why he continues to stay alive is to spite his creator, whoever that may be. he's most definitely got an agenda, in true jason fashion. i just don't know what it is yet.
he feeds only when he needs to but tries not to let the hunger get too intense because i do feel like when he loses control, he's the stefan salvitore type. a ripper. but he's pretty good about it and is almost polite when he's feeding? like he finds a victim and says i'm sorry before just absolutely tearing into their jugular.
i just really think he grapples with his own mortality, or lack thereof, and how it exists at the expense of others. so he is genuinely ashamed of who he is and what he's become. so, while blood drinking is something he needs to survive, it holds a lot of weight for him, which is why i think drinking blood and sex are pretty equal for him when it comes to intimacy level.
that brings me to my MAIN point (which isn't really a main point because it's being reduced to a small paragraph at the end of this post), all of that was background for this, eek. the act of drinking blood during sex is so. big. for him, it's eye-opening, life-changing. the amount of trust required on both ends for this to happen…at that point, it's basically end game for you two. and it's so funny because that's just a normal tuesday for dick.
anyway, i do have more thoughts and more lore, but this got really long, so i'll cut it off here
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strxwberry-milku · 6 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : you knew and everyone else around you knew that there was a certain chemistry you two shared that could never be broken , but could that all change in one night ?
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 :
It was that time again where you and Jey would have a “ bestfriend day ” consisting of you guys watching movies , eating food and just vibing in general and enjoying each other’s company. “ Jey !” you shouted from the kitchen “ watchu , wanna drink ? ” you asked and grabbed two glasses from the cabinet . “ hmmm , maybe some blue gatorade please babe ” he responded while adjusting himself on the couch, “ what i told yo ass bout calling me all these pet names and shi ? we ain’t together ” you said knowing damn well all it took was a little neck kissing and you would be a soaking mess . “ shiii… i mean we could be, but u playin “ he whispered and took a sip of his drink . “ hmm watchu say ? ” you questioned and sat next to him and laid your head on his shoulders . “ nothin , don’t worry about it ” he snickered and continued watching the tv .
A couple minutes passed and the two of you sat in relaxed silence just taking in each other peace and what not . Jey suddenly had an idea “ Hey , do still have spare blue hair dye from when u was dying that crunchy ass wig ? ” he said and sat up to look at you . You know damn well he ain’t talking bout your hair like that when his hair look like string cheese from da back . “ Not to much on my wig sir , but yes i do , why ?”. Getting up he headed up to your bathroom “ cause i want you to dye my hair for me , duhhh what else ? ” he remarked and rolled his eyes . who is this nigga talking too much? cause i know it ain’t me . “ First of all , i ain’t know you wanted to dye your hair cause u barley got any to start with plus i thought u wanted it for a friend ” you shrugged as he gave you a dirty look “ You can’t be talking , don’t you have heat damage and ur edges gone ? ” Seeee , he ain’t have to go that far . “ Boi just sit you goofy ass tf down on this chair , damn making my head hurt ” he laughed “ you know i’m just playing , baby ” he hugged you and placed a light kiss on your cheek .
Rolling your eyes at him you pushed him down into the chair making sure he didn’t see the growing smile on your face and then wrapped a towel around his shoulders . Taking out the dye from the box you put on the safety gloves and began to do your shit.
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐩
It was nearing the end of the process and was time to wash out the dye from his hair . Jey bent over the bathtub and you proceeded to wash off the dye from his hair . “ Damn girl , you trynna make me go blind or sumn ? ” he said while wiping his face from the dripping water coming from his drenched hair , “ Boi ain’t nobody told you to open your eyes ” you said with attitude and continued washing the remaining residue from his hair . Finishing up you turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around Jey’s head making into a head wrap .
“ Imma need to change fr , i’m soaking wet ” He said while squeezing the excess water from his shirt into the bathtub . Looking at him you began to examine the way his clothes clung onto his skin and how you could see the way his muscles flex and contract , and his gorgeous ; stern body being exposed to you right infront of your eyes . Being caught up in day dreaming you didn’t even hear Jey talking to you “ You like what you see baby ?” he asked and leaned against your sink with a cocky smirk plastered all over his face , two can play that game you thought and smirked “ yes i might have , and what are YOU gonna do about it Mr Uso ? ” taken back from your response he stood there a bit shocked since you have never really responded to one of his sexual remarks .
Quickly regaining back his cockiness he walked over to you and whispered into your ear “then come show me ” pulling back he leaned onto the sink again this time taking off his shirt in the process , oh this nigga ready , readyyy you thought . Taking a deep breaths you realised that this is exactly what you have been urgently waiting for ever since you guys became friends, you so desperately wanted his coarse hands to run up and down your body and his lips to kiss every inch of you , and now it’s finally about to happen. Stepping forward you gently got onto your knees and unbuttoned his pants while looking up at him . He grabbed your hands for a split second and said “ You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to baby ” you chuckled a bit and said “ do you know how long i’ve wanted to fuck you baby ? to have your thick dick slide in and out of my pussy daddy ” moaning at your words he helped you pulled down his boxers .
Marvelling at the way his top oozed out cum already and pulsated at the touch , you carefully grabbed it and used some of his precum and rubbed it up and down completely coating it . You took his length into your mouth and began bobbing your head up and down at a steady pace . Leaning his head backwards he let out a moan and made a maksehsift bun with your hair in his hands “ Fuckk baby , just like that , let daddy use your throat then he can use that tight little pussy of yours afterwards ” moaning around his dick from the new information you sped up your movements and began to get sloppy with it by jacking of his dick in a fast motion . Bucking his hips he groaned loudly as he his nut was fastly approaching “ Shittt , wait baby stop , i wanna cum inside you ”. Pulling away from his dick with a pop you got up and hastily removed your clothes.
Bending over the sink you began to anticipate the feeling of his dick sliding into your creamy folds . “ Your pussy so pretty baby ” he whispered and rubbed his fingers in between your lip’s mesmerised by how wet you are . Moaning out in desperation from his teasing you replied “ you can marvel at my pussy later, please just fuck me ”. It was silent for a couple of seconds, you began to think he wasn’t there until you felt the wind get knocked out of you . “ Is this what you wanted , huh baby ? you wanted me to pound your pussy until all you think about is dick , dick , dick ? well imma give it to you since you got all that mouth ” You feverishly panted as you began to feel sweat start to form on your body .
“ Yesss Daddyyy Fuckkk “ was the only syllables you could say due to him wrecking your insides like it was his last time . “ Take this dick baby , i’m finna cum ” resting his chin on your shoulder he bottomed out into you balls deep making sure to rock his hips into you so that you could feel every inch of his pulsating cock inside you . Letting out a yelp you shook as your orgasm took over your body and you flopped over the sink . Jey soon followed behind with a guttural groan .
Both panting and sweaty Jey laughed and said “ how’s that for a besties day huh ? ”.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝
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𝐠𝐢𝐟 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 : @youtappedout
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : I know this is seriously long over due , i kind of lost the motivation to write so i took some time of . BUTTT IM BACK IN THIS BITCHHHH 💋
𝐏𝐬 : Also thank you for loving my work baby girl/boy i’m so happy you guys genuinely like my shi 💋
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